#i love griffy baby
just-call-mefr1es · 6 months
april fools day isnt going so great for tbp fandom
tw: child gr00ming, ped0ph!lia, implied+referenced s/a
(sorry if my handwriting is ass in the warning i tried😭) song is shut up (and sleep with me) by sin with sebastian!
istg if this doesnt get into a gacha life/2/club reaction video im burying myself in the 69 inch deep snow outside (yes we still have snow)
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katebishopfan · 8 months
Politely Declined (H.S)
Summary: Hailee and Y/n are secretly dating, but what happens when Griffin asks her out?
Y/n POV:
The bright neon lights of the carnival tents fill my vision as Hailee and I walk along trying to figure out our next move at the giant event. The Weston Carnival is a staple of this town and today my girlfriend and I have spent our entire day here.
"Oh my god! We should go to the petting zoo!" Hailee announces excitedly, pointing at a sign that say "Petting Zoo: Age 2-12". I frown at the age limit and turn to Hailee who's looking up at pleadingly.
"We can try but they might not let us in do the apparent fact we're not twelve." She nods and I grab her hand. "Even if you look short enough to be one." I add teasingly. Hailee gasps dramatically and slaps my arm.
"Y/n M/n L/n, how dare you!" She exclaims in mock outrage as I giggle quietly.
"Mmm, I love spending time with you." I murmur softly, connecting our pinkies softly.
"Me too baby." She hums before letting go of my pinkie softly and looking up at me.
"HAILEE!!" A voice calls loudly and we both turn around. The voice belongs to none other than Griffin Steinfeld, Hailee's older brother. He's walking towards us with a couple of his friends and Hailee smiles brightly at the sight of him. I've always loved how Griff and Hailee get along so well, they really are sibling goals.
"Griffy!!!!" Hailee squeals, jumping into his arms excitedly. I smile at how cute Hailee looks and Griffin smiles back at me.
"Hey Y/n/n, how have you been?" Griffin asks as he places Hailee down. "Pretty good, how about you?" I reply as I give him a big hug. Griffin always has the best hugs. Don't tell Hailee I said that though, her hugs will always be number one but his are a close second.
"Ehh can't complain." He turns towards his friends who are all smiling at me. Ugh, men. "These are my friends, Dean, Lucas and Jesse." Griffin explains happily and I nod at each one of them. I feel Hailee subtly move closer and I refrain from smirking at her obvious jealousy. I know she hates not being out but she's scared how her family will react, even if they're amazing and supportive on all fronts.
"It's nice to meet you." Hailee says with a fake smile and clenched jaw. Their eyes spring away from me as they glance over at Hailee and nod each one of them muttering a quiet greeting.
"We were just about to try and slip into the petting zoo, would you like to join us?" I offer politely, secretly hoping they would decline. Griffin's eyes light up and he smiles brightly at me glancing over at his friends.
"We would love to, right guys?" Griff replies shaking the three boys from their insistent staring.
"Wait what's happening?" Dean asks in a confused tone. Shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and focus on Griffin.
"We're going to the petting zoo." Hailee repeats in an unimpressed tone. I sneakily brush my pinkie finger past Hailees's trying to offer her some comfort. Her composure relaxes immediately but she doesn't look over at me.
"Yeah, yeah. Um that sounds fun." Lucas agrees along with Dean and Jesse who just nod.
"Great, let's go!" Griffin announces excitedly grabbing my hand. I subtly glance back at Hailee as I Griff pulls me along and find her eyes staring directly back at me. My hand slowly drifts out to grab hers, my body desperately wanting the connection. I hear the annoying click of the paparazzi's camera and I let my hand fall back. Her face starts to fall but she quickly catches it, plastering a fake smile back onto her face as more people start to swarm.
"Y/n, will you be in season two of Hawkeye?!"
"Over here Hailee!"
"Y/n, you're holding hands with Griffin. Does this mean you're dating?!" I drop Griffin's hand and ignore them.
"C'mon guys give us something!" I turn back at Hailee and find trapped, a circle of paparazzi bombarding her with questions. My blood boils and before I know it I'm pushing my way through the crowd. I grab Hailee's hand and then protectively wrap my arm around her waist.
"We will not be answering any questions today, sorry and have a nice day." I announce guiding Hailee out of the way while holding a hand out to shoo people away. I don't even have time to savor the feeling Hailee's body being against mine as I walk briskly over to Griffin who is looking very annoyed.
"Thank you for saving me." Hailee murmurs softly, cuddling up to me sneakily. I smile brightly as her head nestles into the crook of my neck. The moment of affection is brief because Hailee moves her head away once Griffin clears his throat.
"Well, should we try to get into the petting zoo?" He asks, mostly waiting for my reaction. I glance over at Hailee who shakes her head.
"Nah, the paps are here so I wouldn't want to get in trouble and have it make the headlines." I decide, looking around for something to do.
"How about the Ferris Wheel?" Griffin suggests. I feel my heartbeat quicken at the thought of being so high but I try to hide it with a smile.
"Sure, I don't think we've done that yet right ba-Haiz?" I barely catch myself in time but Hailee smiles at the pet name.
"Uhm, no we haven't.. Are you sure you're okay with going that high?" She asks, the tone of concern in her voice apparent. I nod and Griffin claps.
"Alright Ferris Wheel it is then, let's go!" I try to walk with Hailee but Griff grabs my hand and pulls me along. My phone buzzes and I already know who it is.
My Pretty Girl <3 Are you sure you're okay with the heights? I can fake a sudden illness and you can stay with me.
Me I'm sure I'll be fine. Let's try and get our own booth.
My Pretty Girl <3 It's two to a booth so it should be easy <3
Me Great!
Hailee POV:
I look up from my phone as Y/n looks back at me with that cute little smile she always has when she's happy. I'm a little nervous for her to go in the Ferris Wheel because it's very high and Y/n is terribly afraid of heights, but she said it would be fine. Plus I'll be there to support her if she needs me.
"Alright guys, welcome to the Ferris Wheel. We have a four seater here for the friends if the couple wants to go together." I nod and smile. Griffin smile widens and I realize he's talking about Y/n and Griff.
"Oh well, um Hailee and I could also go together if you want to go with your friends." Y/n suggests glancing back at with a mix of panic and apology.
"No it's fine Y/n I'll go with you." Griffin replies happily. I clench my jaw and walk over to the booth where Dean, Jesse and Lucas are already sitting. Y/n stares at me sympathetically and furrows her brow unhappily.
"Are you sure you don't want to go with your friends? I mean Hailee and I have always had this dream of taking a picture together at the top of a Ferris Wheel-"
"It's fine Y/n." I interrupt her. Her smiles sinks even further and I feel slightly bad for interrupting her. She nods slowly and gets into the booth a few down. Whelp, there goes my plan to comfort her.
Y/n POV:
I can already feel the panic in my system rising but I try to push it away and focus on Griffin. We're sitting beside each other which is somewhat comforting I guess, but I just want my girlfriend. Hailee always knows exactly how to calm me down and I need that right now.
"The ride is starting in." "3" "2" "1"
We slowly start to move and I take several deep breaths, somewhat trying to keep myself calm.
"So how is work going?" Griffin asks turning towards me. I barely hear him as we slowly start our ascent.
"I- um, it's going well how about yours? How is the world famous NASCAR driver doing?" I ask, feeling my breath start to leave my body.
"It's….which is…." I try to listen but my body is completely focused on how close we are to the top. "I also need to….these feelings…I really like yo-…" I try to comprehend what he said and form a response but my body doesn't cooperate. I stay silent as we start to descend but I realize what he said and I turn to look at him.
I open my mouth to speak but I get cut off by his lips on mine. He retracts slowly and I stare at him in complete shock. He kisses me again and I squeal pushing him off as we reach the bottom, the ride coming to a stop. I hurriedly climb out and walk right up to Hailee pulling her by the hand to behind a building.
Hailee POV
I wait nervously for Y/n at the bottom and hope that's she doing okay. Her face as she comes down looks distant and slightly panicked which makes me worried. She turns towards Griffin and he KISSES HER?! She pulls away immediately and stares at him before her kisses her AGAIN!!!! This time she shoves him away and the booth stops right in front of me. She gets out with Griffin scrambling after her and grabs my hand pulling me behind some building.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't get out and I didn't hear him because I was too focused on how high we were then he kissed me so I froze then he did it again but I love you and I-" Her words continue spilling out but I can only focus on three of them.
"You love me?" I ask quietly, my heart bursting with joy at the admission. "Of course baby. I love you." She replies like its such an obvious thing.
"I love you too and I'm not mad at you I promise." I reply softly caressing her cheek. She blushes and her eyes glance down at my lips. I slam my lips onto her trying to take her surprise so I can keep my dominance but her tongue quickly slips into my mouth and she pushes me up against the wall. Her hand grazes my thigh innocently before lifting it up and raising it to her hip. I run my hands through her hair and tug softly on a strand causing her to release a muffled whimper.
"You can't do that love." She mumbles into my mouth her lips continuing to move against mine, our mouths slotting together so perfectly.
"Why not darling?" I ask cheekily already knowing the answer.
"Because it makes me too horny." She replies boldly all the sudden rubbing her thigh against my center. I groan at the feeling and throw my head back softly. I try to grind on her but the pressure is gone as quickly as it started. I whine and try to connect our lips again but she only softly pecks mine before letting my leg slowly drop down.
"That's no fairrrrrr." I complain as she starts to walk away. She chuckles lightly and takes my hand, spinning me into her arms.
"I'll make it up to you later." She whispers sultrily. I shiver at the feeling of her breath on my ear and nod hastily.
Y/n POV:
I walked back towards Griffin and the other boys without Hailee's hand in mine, suddenly feeling much smaller.
"Hey, c-can we talk?" Griffin asks nervously, his hand on the back of his neck. I nod my head awkwardly and glance at Hailee who gives me an encouraging smile.
"Let's go over here." I decide pointing to a bench slightly off the path. We walk over quietly and I sit down beckoning him to do the same.
"I'm sorry for kissing you." He mumbles, a deep blush covering his cheeks. I hum in acknowledgment before rolling my shoulders and beginning to speak.
"I really care about you Griffin, I do. I love you, but as a brother. Hailee's my.. Well she and I are really close, and I love you both. I'm really sorry Griff." He takes a deep breath and sighs.
"I understand, thanks for being honest with me." I nod opening up arms. He smiles moves closer letting me wrap my arms around him. After a few moments I draw back and stand up. We walk back in a more comfortable silence and I smile at Hailee who smiles back. Griffin's friends on the other hand are shaking their head at him.
"Well, Y/n and I might head back to my apartment now but we had a really lovely time with you guys." Hailee announces before grabbing my hand and pulling me away.
"Why are you in such a rush darling?" I ask as we walk off.
"Shut up I'm horny."
Make sure to check my Wattpad, I have ALL my oneshots posted there.
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elliepassmore · 4 months
We Are the Beasts review
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4/5 stars Recommended if you like: historical fiction, feminist stories, girls saving girls, real life mysteries
Big thanks to Netgalley, Delacorte, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
This book is about the harm that befalls women at the hands of their so-called protectors, but it's also about women standing up for each other and it's about community. Joséphine and Clara immediately spring to the aid of a battered six-year-old girl, and the number of people they protect only grows from there. But as the number of people they protect grows, so does the number of people stepping up to protect others, and Joséphine and Clara themselves. That being said, there's definitely a lot of telling going on re: the theme of the book. Particularly at the beginning I felt I was being hit over the head with the moral point of the story, though later on it feels developed in a more natural way. I definitely think my rating would've been stronger if it was all showing, but that first 20% or so really isn't strong in that department and brought me out of the story a little.
I enjoyed seeing the relationships develop in this book. Joséphine and Clara are already best friends teetering on the brink of something more, but their circle grows with the more people they help. Some of the friendships they develop are surprising, some are not quite friendships but alliances with surprising strength to them. The connections felt different and I liked seeing the ways they came together and grew.
This is a historical fiction book and so it has some real people mixed in with the fictional ones. That being said, I enjoyed the way certain things are set up to give nods to other 'beast' stories. For instance, one of the characters is named Belle and one of the (very obnoxious) hunters makes his entrance with a loud gunshot à la Gaston. Likewise, I also got some Little Red Riding Hood vibes at times with Joséphine especially, but I also kind of think Charlotte fits that vibe as well.
The Beast of Gévaudan was a real series of events that took place in France at the time and to this day there's speculation about what the beast roaming the French countryside actually was. National Geographic actually did an article on it in one of their recent History magazines. I wasn't sure what direction Griffis was going to go in for the beast, or if the beast was even going to be fully shown at all or just the aftermath. I was actually kind of wary to see what would happen with the beast, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked the direction Griffis took. Historically it makes a lot of sense, but it also serves very well with the theme of the novel (there's that nice showing) and I really enjoyed seeing how she connected this very real series of events to the fictional story she told in the book.
Joséphine is more than a little reckless when it comes to saving people or things she cares about. Our intro to her in the book is essentially her throwing herself over a cliffside to save one of her baby lambs that wandered off the side. While reckless, it's clear she has a big heart and is more than willing to stick her neck on the line for what she believes in and those she loves. That being said, Joséphine also carries trauma from her childhood and some of that reckless-savior-behavior comes from feeling like she needs to be more than enough to keep her loved ones around. Overcoming that and realizing that other people want to help if she'll open up and let them is one of her biggest struggles in this book. She can also be a bit blind to others at times.
Clara is a good balancing influence to Joséphine's recklessness and provides a more level head for planning. She's a healer and secret-keeper for those of the village, and knows enough of it's goings-on that she's immediately on board with Joséphine, but wants to be more strategic about things. I liked Clara's steadfastness and calmer brand of doing things.
One minor pet peeve: Joséphine says "Not today Satan" within the first two minutes of the book. Please, I am begging authors not to use modern slang and meme culture in historical fiction books, particularly not ones set in the 1760s. In France. Frankly, I don't want modern slang or meme culture in any of my fiction, even fiction set in modern day, because it 1) dates the book and 2) always feels forced to me. But especially don't include it in historical fiction.
Overall this is an entertaining book with a feminist storyline. The characters develop strong relationships with one another, sometimes in surprising places, and that is the core of the story. The 'telling' of the theme is a bit much in the beginning of the story, but it does even out later on.
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dollwrites · 11 months
i know you're currently focusing on what in hell is bad but i just wanted to say that i love your works with griffith so much i constantly read them over and over and they never fail to make me kick my feet and giggle like a schoolgirl 💀 LOL
Yeah, I’m doing an event for them rn just because they’re new! But griffie is still coming 💚 I have a fic for him in the works rn :3
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So stay tuned!! 💚
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bremccallum · 2 years
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For the last four years, I’ve been keeping a pretty basic bullet journal. It has been more of an outlet to create hand lettering than to actually bullet journal, but I’ve had so much fun with it! Every month, I try to make time to do a full hand-lettered spread for that month. Sometimes they're simple and sometimes they're more complex. Sometimes I don't ever finish and other times I don't even start! It's been a super fun and low-pressure way to keep drawing even when I get busy. I also love to keep track of what's going on in my life. When I was pregnant I added a section each week to talk about how I felt or how the baby was doing. Now that Griffy is here, I make a point to add a few fun new things he's doing or saying each week. I love looking back at where I was at that moment, even if it's just remembering how I felt or where I was when I drew the lettering for that month. I can't believe I've really been doing this for four years now! I'll try to take some photographs of my weekly pages to share. I've had so much fun with them! #happynewyear #bulletjournal #bulletjournallettering #bulletjournalspread #bulletjournalideas #bujobeauties #bulletjournalcommunity #bujocommunity #lettering #handlettering #handdrawntype #handdrawn #sketchbook #sketchbookart #illustration #illustrationartists #ladiesofillustration #femaleillustrators #womenwhodraw #womenofıllustration #weloveillustration #ladieswhodesign #creativewomenclub #womenwithpencils #womenoftype #letteringart #strengthinletters #typematters #goodtype (at Steamboat Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYDpi1Jmg5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theorichardspota · 2 years
            Do not let me trick you with details about her big love before I take her away. Donna is dead. That would be unfair, trust me. But follow me anyway-- to the porch of the house with the red door on top of the hill across the street from the post office. Donna is smoking Newports there that she buys by the carton and follows with mint Tic Tacs, the white ones. Her big black dog Ellie is laying at her feet. This porch and its table are where Donna pulls tarot cards to make a living. Delight: the porch and the door to the porch and how the screen would slam behind the last person to enter. Donna acts as mother to all of us. We make her into family, the same way the neighborhood kids do.
            Inside the porch door is the kitchen with periwinkle walls. Delight-- this kitchen. There's a print of an illustrated coyote in a suit drinking whiskey from a rocks glass on a bar patio that I have always assumed to be in Arizona. Donna moved here from Arizona. The coyote is wearing sunglasses. They are both smoking cigarettes. Donna’s laugh is warm and cacophonous with ragged edges from the years of cigarettes. It fills the kitchen, brimming, softening the corners of the room. Her voice is jagged and deep, which Donna insists is not from the smoking. Rather, from tearing her vocal cords to shag babbling in strange pitches at babies to get them to turn towards the camera while she was working at the Walmart Portrait Studio in her early twenties. The table at the center of the small kitchen is covered in paint from her daughter Raven’s acrylic portraits she does for our high school art class, and then draped over with a tablecloth of which bright elephants march around the edges. Here, at this table, on the way to the porch, we all eat the dinner Donna cooks for us. Our whole group in Kent. Donna, Raven, and I, and this gaggle of boys. 
            This kitchen is also where Donna dies.
            My mother does not call. She texts me on a Saturday morning to tell me Donna has died. The boy I’m fucking lets me wipe snot on his green sheets and lay, undisturbed, on the floor of his shower until the water runs cold. I leave to drive home wearing my clothes from the night before, sopping wet, face swollen. Delight is picking up Jennifer walking on the side of the road, her coral wedges swinging in one hand, the other with her thumb stuck out. 
            I have learned the most about gratitude when I needed it to survive. I do not intend to let gratitude be made simple like that. To be made secondary, reactionary. To be something we walk to in order to walk away from grief. Rather, grief and gratitude are different faces of the same object. It is not the grief that hurts. It is the rage that comes with grief. The rage only topples into me when I want, with my whole body, to change the truth, to try to be in control. That is when grief wants me to smash plates. But grief can be tender. Grief is constant and it is human. Grief didn't come here to barter or fight, grief came to talk and to be listened to. 
            I drive past Jennifer, but I think of Donna. I know Donna would have picked her up. I double back and Jennifer opens the passenger side door to my Honda Civic, steps in, thanks me profusely. I ask her where she is going, and she says Danbury. A town an hour south of where we are now, and forty minutes past Donna and Raven's house. I tell her I can drive her to Kent, where I'm going, no further. She asks me how I am; I lie. I ask her how she is; she starts crying. Then she starts apologizing. 
            I do eventually arrive at the white house with the red door. It is still on top of the hill. The post office is still across the street. I knock, Raven opens the door. Griffin, Tucker, and Ryan are already there. They are sitting in the living room, rigid in chairs and on the couch, breathing into the heavy air. Griffin was with Raven when it was decided Donna would not emerge from the coma at 3 this morning. Griffin drives the both of them home and they take Ellie for a walk to the pond in the moonlight. It is still warm enough to walk that September night. There is no way to tell Ellie what has happened. She is laying with us in a black heap on the floor. 
            (confusing jump, try past tense or don’t jump) Jennifer is crying because she has been abducted. Her ex-boyfriend dragged her from her apartment, drove her north out of the city, into Cornwall, and a mile into the woods, (be more specific) assaulted her, stolen her wallet and phone, and left her in the forest to walk until she could find the road. I tell her I can drive her all the way, and then I tell her Donna has died.  
            Donna's death is sudden. A double aneurysm. She is hardly over 40. 
            Grief has those funny children’s toys-- the jewel toned sticky stretchy hand you toss and see if it will grab anything, usually just the wall. It'll grasp at seemingly unrelated memories and they will ache. But if you listen to what it is seizing hold of, it is trying to tell you a story. Grief knows the secrets that our bodies keep from us. It's trying to show you the web. Grieving is how we heal. Radical acceptance acts as the cool balm-- listening to the want and knowing we cannot change anything, there is no control. I want to un-dead Donna, and I never will. There rests in wait the gratitude, which is tangled up in delight. Or maybe vis-versa? I was told once that gratitude feels good not because it is righteous but because it is a coming back to center. With the language we have-- doesn't that feel true? It isn't some euphoric high. It’s a simple calm, a forgiving softness. A joy. 
            Jennifer tells me sometimes she skips paying the bills so she can go sky diving. Instead of electricity this month, she will feel the rush of flinging herself through the air without consequence. This is how she is going to celebrate surviving. 
            I think great loss brings us to gratitude as a way out of the rage. A path so we may walk through it. Grief asks us to let the animal of it into the room, to take from our bodies what it came for, and then allow it to walk away. If we are to survive the tatters it leaves us in, we need to be able to speak to it. And grief speaks in gratitudes. What is loss but once having had something we loved.  
            We're scrambling to figure out what this means. Where do we put Raven's things? How do we pay for Raven's college? Are there medical bills left to Raven? Who takes Ellie? The house, the mortgage, all of Donna’s clothing. 
            I see Jennifer one more time when she appears a year later at the outfitters I spend summers working at. She’s come back to my town to pick up a friend who is hiking the Appalachian trail and will get to Kent today. She’s scoured the town looking for me, asking the coffee shop workers where to find me, and the owner of the craft gallery how to find Backcountry Outfitters. The town center is small. It takes fifteen minutes to walk from end to end, and she zigzags it to appear in front of me again. Her hair is shaved fresh down to the skin the way it was when I met her the year before. She is full of just as much magic. She has brought me a peacock feather. We go out for dinner with her friend and stay past the kitchen’s close, drinking and laughing. The owner comes to sit with us, she brings us beer. 
            The town starts a fund for Raven. Everyone knows her because the town is small, and Raven has worked waiting tables at the diner since high school and Donna delivered mail when she and Raven first moved here. The town organizes an evening to raise money. The shops donate art, books, pottery, chocolates to raffle off. We sell dinner tickets and serve food cooked by the restaurants. We take donations. At the event a woman I have never met tells the boys and I about meeting Donna: Donna has started delivering the mail. She carries a box to the front door and knocks. A tiny Raven is with her today—school hasn’t started for the year.  The woman opens the door and takes the package from Donna’s hands, thanks Donna, and Donna tells her, with awe, that the shade of eggplant she has painted her walls is astonishing. The woman rolls Donna’s choice of ‘eggplant’ around in her mouth like it is the highest compliment, like the word makes her feel seen. And I believe her, I understand. The story ends with the woman inviting Donna and Raven inside, they sit together and drink tea. The fund pays for Raven's college, the mortgage, keeps the electricity on in the house, covers the funeral costs. 
            Jennifer moves home to Guyana. She is married now, and still sends Christmas cards. Donna continues to appear in people like she did in Jennifer. She visits in Ross Gay's writing and in gentle baristas. I get to meet versions of her for coffee, or she descends in particular hawks. Blooms in certain roses. Jennifer calls me her guardian angel. I don't mean to be cliché when I say she is mine. Or when I say thank you for those I have loved and lost because I have loved them. I, without gratitude, do not know the range and depth of love. A portion waits in secret at the end. That first loss asking us to never again wait to find out. 
            We are at the kitchen table talking about weddings in barns. Then Raven says she wants her funeral to be joyful. Donna tells us she does, too. She tells us exactly what she wants it to look like. A pig roast, a keg, and for it to be in a barn like the weddings. Everyone is there, and there is live music and dancing. 
And three months later-- Raven does pull it all together. Donna's friend's band plays. A local restaurant roasts an entire pig on site. There isn't a keg. The funeral is on state park land so it can be in a barn free of charge, but they won’t let us drink. It’s okay, we will go to Tucker’s after to drink cheap beer. There are children playing tag. There is a table of white Tic Tacs. 
            A woman who has gone to high school with Donna gets up to tell us how they met. It's in a bathroom in their high school, and in the story the woman is not a woman yet and is supposed to be in algebra but she's crying from a fight with her boyfriend. She's been dumped before homecoming. Donna walks in, asks her what is wrong, listens, and pulls a bottle of Jack Daniels out of her bag to give to the woman, and says "I'll go with you to homecoming." And Donna does. 
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
Chiffin: Who asks the weird questions in the middle of the night?
You guys are getting another drabble because you asked so nicely <33
“Griffyyyy?” Charles asks with a yawn, rolling onto his right side to face his boyfriend. “You’re smart, yeah?”
Griffin groans, turning away. His white hair is already a mess, even after only an hour of sleep. “Yeah.”
“Okay! I’ve been thinking-“
“If you’re going to ask if rat poison is only toxic to rats, it’s not, and I won’t be pleased if you eat it. Goodnight.”
“Nooooo, silly, I already learned that years ago! So your ears, nose, and throat are connected, yeah?”
“Yes, kitten.”
“Yay! Okay. And you can breathe out of your nose and mouth, right?”
“Why are you asking for confirmation, baby?” Griffin rolls over, looking exhausted. “Do you mean to tell me you’ve never breathed out of your mouth?”
“No! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t have superpowers.”
“The only super you are is super hot.”
Charles giggles. “Thanks! Okay. So if you can breathe out of your nose and mouth, and your ears, nose, and throat are all connected, why can’t you breathe out of your ears?”
Griffin takes a breath, ready to launch into a long-winded explanation, but finds himself silent. His eyes widen. “Fuck. I dunno.”
“I thought you knew everything!”
“So did I! What the hell?” Griffin grabs his phone, madly googling the shit out of the question. “Okay, you can’t breathe through your ears because the eardrum is in the way, and the Eustachian tube is too narrow to allow air through.”
“You have a TUBE in your EARS??” Charlie is horrified.
“You’re gonna shit yourself when I tell you about intestines.”
“Goodnight, angel.”
“….night, Griffy.”
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sophiaisthatgirl · 7 years
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
i think the funniest concept is combining "fake dating" with "didn't realize they were dating". it only works with couples that really have that big melt into each other i think but it's SO funny.
like imagine, eiji comes running to ash like "ASH ASH I NEED HELP ibe-san means really well but i am getting so tired of him telling me that one of his clients has a gay nephew or a bisexual younger brother or this or that just bc he knows im gay and single and he did it again today and said he could get me a date for the gallery opening next week and um i may have kind of accidentally said i already had one and PLEASE go with me i don't want to have to tell him i lied!!"
and ash being ash is like "ok yeah sure lmao" bc when will he actually ever say no to eiji. yes he'll poke fun about it, but he'll go.
and eiji's like "we can pretend we just got together or something and then say we decided it was better if we stay friends in a week or two?? that would be convincing right" and ash is like "uh... i guess, yeah?" because he doesn't know shit about dating, all he knows is he likes hanging out with eiji. he doesn't stress about labels like "boyfriend". he's a simple man: he sees eiji's lap, he says It's Free Real Estate.
so they show up for the gallery and the dinner and ibe sees them holding hands and claps a hand to his forehead. "oh! of course!" he exclaims. "i should have known. ei-chan's been head over heels for you for ages, huh ash?"
of course, he completely misses the way eiji's frantically trying to gesture a STOP TALKING STOP IT RIGHT NOW at him. classic ibe.
"has he?" ash muses, and grins at eiji. "aww, thanks babe."
eiji steps on his foot on the way past him to the table.
max doesn't help. he's just like "ash, eiji! i want you to meet someone." and introduces them to his buddy jenkins by saying "this is ash, my friend griff's baby brother, and his boyfriend eiji. they're really cute. how long have you two been together again? two years?" and both ash and eiji are like WHAT.
eiji dozes off on ash's shoulder at some point and ash gives him the classic Ash Lynx Heart Eyes and griff is like "i'm glad to see you so happy. you two really are good together, and you both clearly love each other a lot. im happy you two finally talked about it." and then ash sits there looking like a tomato. he's like WELL OF COURSE I LOVE HIM GRIFF HE'S MY BEST FRIEND and also excuse you griffy what do you MEAN by all that sappy shit!!! AAAAA?????
two weeks later they're like "...do we break up now or just. what" because they didn't actually change any of their behavior around each other. they hold hands and snuggle and share clothes and they've been doing that for ages. they changed NOTHING during their """fake dating""". they're so confused and also so stupid
(resident aromantic best friend shorter wong is SO sick of their shit.)
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solplparty · 3 years
[Official Audio] OV - Give me more than your body Ft. Griffy (Video) https://youtu.be/eMYRh4NqiQA Another Me Vol.1 OV - Give me more than your body Ft. Griffy Give me more than just your body Girl give me more than just your body She be on my mind she got me overdosed And all I wanna do is take another dose She be so freaky with that move She my plug She got me oded You got me oded Heaven sent where’s your halo All them models gotta lay low Let me love you baby real slow I won’t let you down yeah Give me more than just your body Girl give me more than just your body Hit me one time call it fling Hit me up twice call me yours We got a future so bright Baby just come and see I like that freaky eeky Apple Hip keep it lity Ain’t about no ballin but let’s kick it take it all the way up So smooth like a criminal Diana come rock with me You got it all yeah You just need my love babe Keep it tight all night with me Say you feel the same with me Don’t want nobody but you on my side Heaven sent where’s your halo All them models gotta lay low Let me love you baby real slow I won’t let you down yeah Give me more than just your body Girl give me more than just your body Heaven sent where’s your halo All them models gotta lay low Let me love you baby real slow I won’t let you down yeah Give me more than just your body Girl give me more than just your body The riddim is a killer killer killer Grab the mic make the rave dead iller The riddim is a killer killer killer Grab the mic make the rave dead iller == Composed by OV, GRIFFY Lyrics by OV, GRIFFY Arranged by OV Chorus by GRIFFY Piano by OV Synth by OV Bass by GOO SEON JEONG Drums by OV Mixed by OV Mastered by VINCENT PARK Photo by YU SU, !n!!n, YAMALIFTING Edit by YU SU Copyrights 2021 ⓒPAKTORY COMPANY Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #OV #오븨 #AnotherMeVol1 #Give_me_more_than_your_body #Griffy #PAKTORYCOMPANY #팩토리컴퍼니 PAKTORY COMPANY
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
Griffin and Faragonda about Bloom (after she was born)
This is so totally the definition of short as you’ll see for yourself. I tried to keep to the topic, though I threw a lot of other stuff in there too. I’m not sure if this went where I wanted it to or if I even knew where I was trying to take this but I hope you’ll like it anyway.
“You’ll wake her with the nervousness spilling from you,” Faragonda’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, startling not only with the suddenness but also with the words it formed themselves.
She whirled around to look at the fairy who had that look of warmth and comfort on her face again but it didn’t help calm the worry she’d put in her mind. “Is it possible?” Griffin asked, the alarm apparent in her voice but she couldn’t find it in herself to care when her attention was focused on making sure she wouldn’t disturb the baby. She turned back to look at Bloom who was still sleeping peacefully in her crib and she felt her heart melt from the reassurance that she hadn’t managed to pull the small thing from her sleep and from the sight itself too.
Bloom was so adorable with how little and soft she was, smiling at all the people gathered around her and helping them do the same with her cuteness even when their circumstances were pushing at them hard enough to shove all memories of happiness out of their heads and making it impossible for them to feel joy ever again. It was an astounding power that Griffin couldn’t comprehend but was immensely grateful for anyway. It was enough to combat the impact of her own actions.
“Well, I suppose it could be,” Faragonda said as she approached her and Griffin did her best to focus on the baby and get everything else inside and around her under control so that she wouldn’t be a threat to Bloom’s peaceful existence. “I just wanted to know what’s gotten you so on edge,” Faragonda spoke again as she placed her hand on Griffin’s shoulder, forcing her to suppress the impulse to jump at the contact. Not because it was unpleasant for her to have Faragonda touch her, but because it only fed the thoughts in her head. Just like every other show of kindness from anyone else in the palace was doing when she knew she hardly deserved it.
“I just…” she hesitated, wondering if perhaps they didn’t have to move. She didn’t want to disturb the atmosphere in Bloom’s room with the negativity pouring from her mind but she couldn’t make herself move away from the baby. That was her place now. Marion and Oritel had trusted her enough to let her not only hold their unborn daughter but also entrust her with the protection of the baby–not really officially but that was more than she could’ve ever hoped for anyway–and she would do everything in her power to make sure they hadn’t been wrong in their judgment of her. Especially after they’d taken such a risk with opening their home and their hearts to her. “I’m afraid it might be too late to save her. To save anyone,” she said, crossing her arms and clutching at her own flesh to keep herself together as well as to punish herself for her mistakes. She’d caused so much death. How could she believe she was capable of giving life a chance to thrive?
“We’ll save them all, Griffin,” Faragonda started with her naive optimism, and hope was about the last thing Griffin needed at the moment. She needed a solid dose of logic and realism. They all did. They had to think clearly if they didn’t want to end up defeated, if they didn’t want to end up in pieces. “Together,” Faragonda added as if she was reading her mind in some sort of backwards fashion where she mirrored her negativity with its opposite, pouring more positivity on her than she could handle. She was a witch, after all. Positive emotions only made her magic weaken.
Griffin chuckled, the sound scary even to her with how devoid of humor it was which only made it some paradox drained of all life and she had to shrug Faragonda’s hand off her shoulder to make sure it wouldn’t infect her more than it already had. “Sometimes I wish Marion had never given birth to her,” she said, moving her gaze away from Bloom, for it was too cruel to let the meaning she was putting in the ugly words touch the small bundle of joy, and turned to look at Faragonda, but when their eyes met, she wasn’t surprised to find there was no judgment in the blue irises. Of course there wasn’t. Faragonda was her friend. She knew when she hadn’t finished her whole thought and was poking the bear purposefully in hopes of getting her head bitten off. She’d never fall for that and hurt her, no matter how hard Griffin pushed. “When I look at her, I see only life, vast and endless,” Griffin said, her gaze turning back on the baby now that she was admitting her real feelings for her, and how deep they ran. “It makes me wish, it makes me hope that we can win this war and finally have all the happiness we deserve.” Griffin unfolded her arms and grabbed at the crib, holding on while the feelings were trying to sweep her away as they flowed aggressively, spilling from her eyes already.
She looked at the small form of Bloom that looked so fragile, and yet, was so full of life and felt the smile pulling at her face even through the tears. She couldn’t stay impartial when it came to the baby. Her very existence was tugging at her heartstrings and the fact that Marion and Oritel allowed her to touch the joy and tenderness woven in Bloom as well as the baby’s own fascination with her as she reached for her hair or held on to her finger and cried the moment she tried to pull away made her feel like she was at the right place. She wanted to be there, share their happiness and finally find peace and care for Bloom, but she couldn’t do it until she’d paid for her sins. They were all in danger she’d helped put them in and she wanted to make sure it would never touch any of them. Only then would she be able to live without regrets. And she was far too scared she’d fail for her to remain calm as she watched Bloom sleep peacefully, unsuspecting of the mess she’d created around all of them, and reach for her like she was her own personal wonder when she was the source behind all of Marion’s worries for her daughter that she’d never had to go through when she’d been pregnant with Daphne.
“We’ll get through this, Griffie,” Faragonda said as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, her hand resting on her arm far more gentle than Griffin’s own grip on herself had been. “We have all the more reason to now,” Faragonda said and Griffin didn’t need to look at her to know her eyes were on Bloom, watching the baby and drawing strength from her to protect her and the people she was a princess to, and the rest of the worlds. And perhaps it was selfish to get your strength from a baby but she knew they were both motivated to do their best not only at defeating the Coven but also at putting all their efforts in taking care of Bloom and making sure she wouldn’t miss anything. It was the one sure thing Griffin knew she wanted to do with her life if they were to survive.
“I’m hoping with everything I have that you’re right,” she whispered, scared to put more of her voice in getting out the words, for they were already too loud and she was risking too much with that admission. Everything inside her would crumble if she lived to see them lose. And it would be more than fair to give her life for the cause. But she hoped, against all her instincts and against every right she had left, that she’d survive. She wanted to be there to see Bloom grow up. Helping nurse a life was the only thing that could make her own life meaningful and the baby filled her with the need to love and be loved again, filled her with the need to bring happiness and feel happy herself, breaking even through the walls of guilt she’d built around herself. She had to save that. She had to save them all. And she’d need help to do so.
Faragonda laid her head on her shoulder to ground her there and remind her she wasn’t alone. She still had friends who wanted her around and could love her. And she wanted to love them too, wanted to return to her self that was capable of that instead of paralyzed in guilt and fear, and hate, for others and for herself. She’d spent too much time suspended in that state and she had to snap out of it. For Bloom’s sake as much as for her own. She had no idea what had prompted Marion and Oritel to believe she could take care of their daughter but she would do her best to deserve that trust. That she vowed to do as she watched the calm breathing of the baby when there were no nightmares to disturb her dreams.
Send me two characters and a topic and I’ll write them having a (short) conversation about it
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
i still haven't listened to hootenanny but here's my (slightly late) lb for the amnesty liveshow!
nlg i haven't listened to hootenanny yet bc 1. i've been super busy lately helping my mom make halloween decorations (specifically a paper-mache audrey II that i’ll post pics of once it’s painted), 2. i've been doing another balance relisten and it always feels weird listening to new eps mid way only listening to this now bc i'm procrastinating starting suffering game lmao and 3. honestly, i'm still letting it sink in that amnesty is over, it was a huge part of the last two years of my life and i wanted to take some time to process my feelings about it.
that being said, i'm very excited for some barclay shenanigans! let's go!
whomst clint
oh fun, justin's playing a lady character!
is griffin playing himself?????
is trav going to be playing barclay then? oh that’s weird
as do i trav lol, i will defend target with my life
the ultimate griffin angus fusion
oh this is going to be so sweet, big bro justin
i love clint's character already
this is so good already and i am so excited
"you're doing your best tho" bless you griffy
justin is so salty and i love him
i love stephanie so much
he just sounds like just like angus this is so wild
griffin is now doing karate on his own character, i scream
barclay my boy :D
is stern in these chatrooms
"fuck off bigfoot" i’m dying
now travis is on the end of god rolls
WHY DOES BARCLAY HAVE A GUN oh pineguard probably
mama and thacker probably have a cake waiting for him at the lodge
jesus clint
justin is selling his babiest brother for $17
griffin you little weirdo i love you so much
"they think that i'm a gentleman in a suit terrorizing people" n e d
poor griffin is getting dunked on so hard
i need to google jonathan taylor thomas, i have no idea who that is
"i'm gonna end up eating you aren't i?" jesus stephanie
quickly googling when led lights were first used in cars... 1993! so technically trav could have used them here lol
good fucking pivot my man
i know literally none of these references, this is taking place in a year where i was a literal one year old
griffin is an adorable little emphatic baby
wtf is that clint? oh god no i googled it it's an "erotic drama"
griffin you sweet summer child
chekhov's booklight lmao
stop n' shop n' pump
"i would fucking die if that were true clint mcelroy" 
i love that, in fiction, this is a man humoring this small child
"the basketball magic was in you all along" i love this so much
all i can picture is the fuckin miiverse monster factory
nice! go griffin :D
aspirational basketball court
OH THAT'S WHERE THAT KID’S FROM, i vaguely remember home improvement from nick at night
... the map is going to lead to the cryptonomica isn't it
brigadoon wv
roll to see if this npc continues existing
stephanie i love you more than life
oop, its the forest fuzz
the what clint?????
i have no idea what is going on
i want to date stephanie
what is a forest gun
jesus, griffin has those good rolls
"he's got a city gun!" griffin you sweet baby
awwww, that's so cute
i desperately want to know what duck is doing during all this
chekhov's booklight!!!
oh snap that's today!!!
the bigfoot who carjacked us
awwww :'(((
me too clint, me too
once again justin is the only one doing a consistent character voice, including trav lmao
sheriff owens has their car lol
stephanie is my favorite character and i love her
griffin my babiest of boys
nm justin's just slipping into duck's voice out of habit lol
bless you trav
what the fuck is going on on this stage what the fuck
that would kill him travis
jesus this is... this has gone, so sideways
...is this baby sheriff owens
why is clint so upset i am so confused
it is baby owens!
stephanie i love you more than life
oh my god this is so good
fun fact: i used flagpole sitta to represent act three in the hamlet themed mix tape i made in high school and got an A+ for
"sure, in this world" y'know most of the time with liveshows i'm like i know this isn't technically canon but i'd like to think it is but this one? this time i agree with the boys on the not-remotely-canonical designation, i have not heard something this off the rails since taz: elementary
oh my god this is really happening
justin loosing it is so extremely good
you're gonna have to get a seven there clint
there are ten minutes left, how the fuck are they going to resolve this
mama! :D
baby griffin is the most chaotic evil creature on this earth
what on earth is going on
awww, love ya... whatever the name of clint's character was, i have forgotten already
"he does get fired" jesus fucking christ travis
e m b o o  z e l l i n g
i wanted to know what was up with duck and i got it lmao
in conclusion: what the fuck did we all just listen to
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Children, Crazy, and Fall: MY MUST LIST LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA He stars as an aeronaut on HBO's His Dark Materials, is at work on movie adaptations of Jonathan Larson's tick, tick...BOOM! and his own In the Heights, is enjoying the success of his latest Broadway undertaking, Freestyle Love Supreme, and gives us daily pep talks on Twitter. But the mega-multitasker still found time to tell EW about a few of the things he really, really loves. TV What We Do in the Shadows (FX) I just binged. It is so genius. The history of incredibly brilliant movies to TV spin-offs is alarmingly poor. They don't usually stick the landing, but I think it's because it's [director Taika Waititi] and the original team, it's just a brilliant expansion of the conceit of the movie. MOVIE Cabaret It's a master class in how to translate the essence of something from stage to screen without literally translating it. The show is really different from the movie, but no one's mad at that movie, because it's brilliant, and that's the toughest act to follow. We're golng for it with In the Heights. I'm going for it with tick, tick...B0OM! I have a lot of projects, so Cabaret is a big source material for inspiration. STAGE Octet This Off Broadway show by Dave Malloy, the com- poser of Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812, was the last thing I saw that really knocked my socks off. It's a com- pletely a cappella musical about internet addiction. My wife, who Is a tough audience when it comes to musicals, it was her favorite thing she saw all year. MUSIC Judee Sill The podcast Wonderful, by my friend Griffin McElroy, turned me on to this song- writer from the early '70s. She doesn't have a lot-it's, Wke, two albums and a posthumous album, Just Tke [rapper] Big Pun-but m devouring it because it's like this Southern Joni Mitchell voice that I've never heard. It's gorgeous. HERE BOR IT BOOK Here for It R. Eric Thomas, a Baltimore-bred writer and playwright, is one of my favorite writers. I look forward to his columns every day. His first mem- oir, Here for it [out Feb. 18, 2020], is like if David Sedarls was completely steeped In pop culture Instead of living some- where far away writing about it. It's like pop cul- ture-obsessed, Sedarls- level laugh-out-loud funny BONUS Mister Rogers Neighborhood Can I make a request from the uni- verse? I've watched my children fall In love with Mister Rogers, but I can only find it on demand once a week. It's crazy. They fell In love with it via Daniel Tiger. When they watch, they feel like they're watching Daniel origin stories. But I'd like more, please, because it makes my kids very calm and kind.-As told to Sarah Rodman PHOTOGRAPH BY ERIC RAY DAVIDSON EW COM Oh baby, @EW let me do a Must List! None of this will be a surprise to YOU, but mentions include @TaikaWaititi, @oureric, Griffy & @rachelcmcelroy’s Wonderful!, Judee Sill, Liza Minnelli, @dave_malloy, Daniel Tiger... https://t.co/4PEFEmIGuh
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 6 years
rabbit tour!
i just made a “shelf” so all my stuffed animals weren’t crowded on the windowsill and i used this as an opportunity to take pictures of all the ones i have with me so here we go!
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this is artemis, a majestic and powerful silver rabbit with a very dramatic backstory
basically i was 5 hours away from home on a work trip and i saw her in the window of a shop BUT it hadn’t opened yet so i had to walk away not knowing if I would have time to get back to the shop before it closed, if someone else would buy the rabbit, or if i even had enough money to buy the rabbit in the first place 
the most I was willing to spend was $20, not because I don’t think this rabbit is a priceless artifact of beauty, but bc im a peasant and my job was technically volunteer work and paid less than minimum wage but ANYWAY i go on and on about this fucking rabbit to anyone who will listen, my coworkers are plotting ways to murder me that will look like an accident, but we get back to the store and the rabbits still there AND ITS ExACTLY $20 SO I IMMEDIATELY BUY IT WITH NO REGRETS BEST PURCHASE OF MY LIFE 
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here are some little baby babies i have clipped to my backpack (can you tell i like rabbits???), the yellow one on top is bun might for obvious reasons
 the one in the middle is technically unnamed but i call him sergeant pez bc hes a pez dispenser and he was in one of my dads old military trunks for like a million years until he was cleaning them out and gave him to me 
the light green one is the newest addition, her name is mochi and shes so fucking soft you guys its like petting a delicate cloud 
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these arent rabbits but theyre still valid so shut up, the black cat is named agugu (short for akutagawa) bc i was into bung/ou s/tray d/ogs at the time 
the panda in the middle was a gift from my roommate and her name is monochrome because i have another panda back home thats purple and her name is. purple. so i wanted to stick with the theme here
the white tiger is named at2shi after atsushi (from b/ungou st/ray d/ogs again) who can turn into a white tiger but also i already had ANOTHER non-white tiger that was named atsushi so this one is at2shi 
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more wild thangs that arent rabbits!
the elephant is слон or “sloane”, слон means elephant in russian and it’s kind of pronounced like the name sloane so it’s a very deep complex and intellectual name, clearly. слон is a puppet that shrieks like the souls of the damned when you squeeze him and he was a gift from my high school russian teacher because i would be Blessed with the duty of making слон scream at students who were speaking english in class, he’s a good comrade 
the tiger is atsushi, im sure you can figure out his deal based on at2shi, i got him at the zoo and hes lovely
the red panda with the minnie ears might have had another name at some point but during my regrettable b/s/d phase i started calling him chuuya and it stuck, also now i put my minnie ears on him bc his head’s the perfect size so im more or less using him as a hat rack which is very on brand for chuuya actually
the purple sloth staring into the camera (and your soul) is gasloth leroux and i won him at dave and busters after re-reading phantom of the opera
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(last batch of non-rabbits)
the bear in the snazzy tunic is radar, he was originally my mom’s as a baby and she gave him to me as a baby and since i dont intend on spawning im hoarding him forever #life hack 
yall better know who fucking kermit is 
aannnd we already went over слон in the last picture so! back to the rabbits!
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welcome to the purple corner, friends!
the little all purple one in the back is sukie, and she is just baby, only little creacher, nothing can change that, she was a gift for easter i think two years ago now 
the purple and white rabbit with the pink nose laying next to the cardboard shapes is named violet and her fur is very soft and lovely but she has some kind of hard panel inside (she moves, maybe? idk) so not exactly optimized for cuddling, still shes a good girl
the hulking googly eyed purple yarn monstrosity is roundy blumbo and he was handmade by my terrible but talented sister @rattypants​
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most of these are new arrivals because walgreens has easter rabbits out and some of them were literally only three dollars so yeah but anyway
the grey one with the pink bow is named toshi after all might (i got him about the same time as bun might so b/nha heavily owned my ass at the time) and hes absolutely perfect for cuddling, very soft and long
the blue one is named bluebell the second or “twobell”, when I was younger I had a really tiny blue stuffed rabbit named bluebell that i would take everywhere but one day i dropped it somewhere in or around a ymca and lost it forever and i literally did not stop crying for two whole days because of it, bluebell the second is a spiritual successor who hopefully wont get lost 
the one that looks just like bluebell the second but not blue is marshmallow, bluebell the seconds identical twin brother who was also 3 dollars because literally, THREE DOLLARS
the one with light brown fur and orange ears is named gingersnap carrot cake because I liked both names and couldnt decide and since i bought him around the same time as bluebell the second and marshmallow, he’s their mischievous older brother and together i guess that makes them the rabbit mcelroys 
now the round rabbit next to toshi with the floppy ears and a smaller rabbit with a green dress on its back is rose and bunnia, the larger one is rose, the mother, and bunnia is her daughter, they have a very close relationship as you can see
the small white and brown rabbit next to rose and bunnia is spenser, named after edmund spenser, creator of the spenserian sonnet, bc i bought her at a renn faire and thought she should have an old timey name, shes a literary icon 
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now we’re getting into the old guard! all the rabbits in this picture (aside from carrot cake gingersnap whomst is a SLUT FOR ATTENTION) are all ones i got between the ages of 6-10, so theyre my day ones uwu
the brown rabbit with floppy ears is mocha, she was a christmas present when i was 9 years old and shes probably the most rabbit-shaped rabbit i have 
the rabbit with the bright pink scarf is beatrice (i dont have favorites except actually i do and its beatrice), I got her when i was 7 years old from goodwill and one of her arms was kind of loosely connected and started falling off which Horrified me and i tried to “take care of her” by using a bit of ribbon as a sling, eventually my grandma sewed her arm back on so then i used the ribbon as a scarf and ever since then beatrice has had a scarf of some kind  
the rabbit next to beatrice with the black button eye is wrinkly pinkly, who lost her eye in the warTM (it fell off years later but she claims to have lost it in the war anyway and shes old so everyone just goes along with it), shes very loose and as the name implies, VERY wrinkly which makes her fun to wiggle around 
the bright pink rabbit with the wide head is anna, beatrice’s mom and wrinkly pinkly’s sister, her husband griffy is back home so i dont have a picture of him but their story is very enemies-to-lovers (they were on opposite sides of The War) and shes a very ambitious and powerful figure in rabbitopia despite having hundreds of kids to raise #feminist icon 
the light pink rabbit with the yarn dress is madison, ironically named long before i even remotely knew that madison, wisconsin was a place that exists, and shes beatrice’s younger sister and shes very active and athletic but she also likes being pretty which is why i made her the yarn dress
cottontail (he doesnt actually have a tail) is the town drunk and a constant nuisance, his wife left him so now he’s always hoeing around and causing trouble for everyone (which is also what he did Before his wife left him), one of his legs is more filled than the other so he walks with a limp. his wife took most of the children except
darnell (the long pink rabbit lying down), who inherited her dad’s troublemaking tendencies and loves playing pranks and talking shit 
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(last one, for all the zero people who are still reading at this point)
next to cottontail we have aminta in the green dress, i bought her at the airport and shes a very beautiful and distinguished young rabbit who madison is ABSOLUTELY gay for, she’s very proper and is being brought up by
hera nova (the white rabbit with the pink nose and floppy ears in the back) who is the oldest rabbit i have (Ive had her since i was at least 5, though she didn’t get a name until i was in my greek mythology phase a few years later), shes sort of a grandma to all the other rabbits and could absolutely destroy them all if she wanted to 
karoline (yes with a k, i didnt know the kardashians were a Thing back then) is the yellow rabbit with the basket, she works at rabbitopia’s most popular restaurant, the spinning carrot, and she is one of the three main chefs along with her sister 
bonnie, the pink rabbit with only one ear, she got torn up pretty badly over the years but shes still alive and still spinning those carrots!! (there was a third rabbit that worked with them named fritz who was white and holding an easter egg but i don’t remember what happened to her) 
so there we go! rabbits! lots of them! 
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bremccallum · 2 years
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For the last four years, I’ve been keeping a pretty basic bullet journal. It has been more of an outlet to create hand lettering than to actually bullet journal, but I’ve had so much fun with it! Every month, I try to make time to do a full hand-lettered spread for that month. Sometimes they're simple and sometimes they're more complex. Sometimes I don't ever finish and other times I don't even start! It's been a super fun and low-pressure way to keep drawing even when I get busy. I also love to keep track of what's going on in my life. When I was pregnant I added a section each week to talk about how I felt or how the baby was doing. Now that Griffy is here, I make a point to add a few fun new things he's doing or saying each week. I love looking back at where I was at that moment, even if it's just remembering how I felt or where I was when I drew the lettering for that month. I can't believe I've really been doing this for four years now! I'll try to take some photographs of my weekly pages to share. I've had so much fun with them! #happynewyear #bulletjournal #bulletjournallettering #bulletjournalspread #bulletjournalideas #bujobeauties #bulletjournalcommunity #bujocommunity #lettering #handlettering #handdrawntype #handdrawn #sketchbook #sketchbookart #illustration #illustrationartists #ladiesofillustration #femaleillustrators #womenwhodraw #womenofıllustration #weloveillustration #ladieswhodesign #creativewomenclub #womenwithpencils #womenoftype #letteringart #strengthinletters #typematters #goodtype (at Steamboat Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYDpi1Jmg5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Touch of Light
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Griff (Evil Gene) x Spouse!Reader
You hum softly as you juggle the grocery bags you were carrying. You bite your lip as you struggle to close the door. You finally just roll your eyes and set them on the ground before closing the door.
It’s as you’re locking the door that the alarm on your phone goes off. You frown softly and quickly step past the groceries. Even the frozen food can wait. You hadn’t realized what time it was!
You take your phone out of your pocket and turn off the alarm. You make your way through the house quietly. You rush to your room and into the master bathroom, opening the medicine cabinet.
You snatch up Griff's pill bottles and start to get out the proper doses. You've only had your husband back a few months now but you quickly adjusted to giving him his meds.
You worked hard to get Griff back. 
After he took that job at that prison, he suddenly stopped calling home. It took you mouths to discover what happened to your husband. What you discovered changed your life forever.
Through a great deal of effort and phone calls, you finally found Griff. He had been taken to some mental health research facility. The woman in charge hadn’t even checked to see if he was married.
You ended up suing her for multiple reasons. You got yourself certified as Griff’s legal guardian. Apparently, those that were considered “criminally insane” with the Evil Gene needed a legal guardian if they were to live free and on medication. You were happy to sign whatever they wanted in order for you to get your husband back.
It was an added bonus that you got to punch that awful woman in the face afterwards.
You sigh softly in frustration at the memory as you make your way the living room. Your heart breaks as you see your sweet Griff curled up on the couch. He’s disheveled and there’s a sheen of sweat on his skin and hair.
“Hey, Baby.” You whisper tenderly as you near the couch. Those exhausted golden eyes slip open and his gaze shifts to you. He whimpers and doesn’t move, just shuts his eyes to block the world out desperately.
“Shh.... I got you, Sweetheart.” You tell him reassuringly as you sit on the edge of the couch, free hand running through his sweaty hair. Your heart breaks more with each touch.
“Here, Baby, take these.” You beg gently as you stroke under his bottom lip with a finger on the hand holding his pills. You keep stroking through his hair to sooth him. You need to keep him grounded.
The good thing about Griff is that he loves taking his medication. Griff wants to be better, wants to feel safe. He’s always ready to take his medication.
You know he’s scared of what he sees so you don’t force him to open his eyes. You simply praise him when he opens his mouth. You giggle softly as it tickles when he gingerly mouths the pills out of your hand.
“That’s great, Sweetheart. Here. Have a drink.” You guide him gently as you raise a glass of water to Griff’s lips and helped him drink. Luckily he had one on the floor beside the couch so you didn’t have to get up. You hated leaving him like this.
You lovingly dab his mouth with your shirt to dry the spilled water. It was a small price to pay for him drinking water with his pills. It always terrified you how he always ate his pills dry. You were scared he’d choke.
“There, Griffy, isn’t that better?” You ask softly as you put the glass down. You lean down and kiss your husband. He smiles tiredly and returns it with gentle force.
You don’t care what those doctors and scientists say, your husband is not a monster. You swear that he’s become about three times as affectionate as before.
Griff’s eyes were open now, glazed but there were full of love and adoration. Your own eyes sparkle with happiness as you rest your forehead to his. You love it when he focuses on you rather than the horrors that plague his mind.
“I love you.” He whispers as he kisses your throat, arms tightly around you.
“Not as much as I love you.” You reply softly, kissing hair. You don’t care that he’s sweaty, all that matters is that he’s feeling better.
You sigh happily as you lay there in his arms. People pity you because of your husband’s condition but you couldn’t be happier. Sure, Griff has issues but he loves you more than anything and you love him just the same.
That’s what keeps you both strong for each other, an undying love.
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