#i love gwen so much its unreal
princekirijo · 1 year
Watching Spiderverse again and god Gwen's whole character arc fucks me UP someone give that girl a hug PLEASE
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I thought about your question...how could people hate the Xiao Long Rose Sisters? I think its not what Ruby and Yang are doing...its what they're not doing. They're not in conflict with each other. Sasuke and Itachi from Naruto Ben and Gwen from Ben 10 Examples of not getting along. Then there are rivalries Luffy and Ace from One Piece Then there are cases where its nothing but one sibling protecting the other and that's it. But Ruby and Yang treat each other as equals, are supportive of each other, and care for each other. They also make up after fights. So, this positive sibling energy and relationship? I don't think people are used to it. Or? I don't think people like that positive energy. I've seen too many fanfics where people are opposed to that. And people like to have this belief that siblings are supposed to hate each other, a stereotype perpetuated by media. RWBY doesn't do that stereotype.
Not to mention, when has there been a positive half-sibling relationship in media? Other than say, RWBY? Normally, those cases are conflicts as well! What are your thoughts on this?
i'll admit, while i meant it as a rhetorical question, you raise good points. a lot of people see characters with happy relationships, and/or a positive outlook, and get jealous cause they don't have that in their lives. and that's not judgement because i have and am there myself with several characters + character dynamics. combine that like you said, with the stereotypes esp around half siblings, and humans being on the more reluctant side when it comes to change/something new and yeah. there's also the thing of when a character or relationship is set up to be mainly one thing, that's what people generally expect, so when it isn't that one thing, it's a surprise and it feels like a betrayal. tbh i supposedly have a half sibling myself, and when i learned about it, it does and still feels unreal partially because half siblings are like, that thing in soap operas and dramas exclusively around which there is a lot of AngstTM and beef between the siblings in question. In a similar vein, i feel like i'm really rolling in the metaphorical gold a bunch with rwby because i love the variety of platonic and familial relationships in the show, esp because of the "unconvential" relationships. like team rwby, team jnpr, and many teams in general are canonically platonically the world to each other, but they clearly don't and feel no need to clearly label and define their relationship to each other. and qrow, taiyang, ruby and yang!!!!! I love love so much that qrow and taiyang raised ruby and yang together, without the need of something like "qrow was in love with summer/tai" "raven made qrow promise to look after yang" etc, or the need to have qrow start being called dad in canon. i could also get into how much i love yang's relationship with summer & raven, the fact that she calls them *both* their mom, because *she* gets to define her relationship to them, no one else, and in general yang's complicated relationship with raven, but that's a whole another post. there's also the schneeblings obv, which is more on topic, but there's so much to say about them and unfortunately i need to be getting to sleep soon, homophobically enough and my bad, this turned into just me gushing about platonic and familial relationships, but alas, i am but a stereotypical aroace that way
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thetypingpup · 2 years
hello its me gwen ive risen from my grave (i do it every couple months its a regular thing)
xiaojun as a phantom that can conjure himself into a human body and appears in your wet dreams 😫 but you have no idea that he's actually laying beside you while you're dreaming 😏
Gwen hello!
please the thought of him appearing in your dreams over and over is already so appealing. he looks literally unreal, far more beautiful than any man you've ever met. the smoky shadow that lines his eyes always draws you in, his elegant hand outstretched to invite you closer. night after night, you dream of those hands between your lips, those soft lips of his upon yours, his cool skin pressed against you. night after night, you're pressed against a different surface as he fucks you. sometimes it's on a plush bed, sometimes it's in the middle of a woodland landscape, sometimes it's against a column in a large building. but every time he tastes so good, his kisses rich and sweet like chocolate upon your tongue, inviting you to taste him more and more. everytime he feels so good, giving you mind numbing pleasure with no effort at all. and when he does exert more effort, when his cocky smirks give way to more fucked out expressions, when you see him getting just as ruined as you are, that's when you scream for him and your entire body rolls with waves of ecstasy.
seeing him lose himself, seeing his silver hair getting out of place and falling around his face, seeing his thick brows knit and furrow, seeing that sweet mouth saying the filthiest of things of how much he loves fucking you, how he yearns for this night after night, it's beyond appealing, easily the most erotic thing you've ever seen in your life. his cries of your name are so melodic and beautifully wanton, as if he's singing your praises, as if he's using his voice to worship and revere you as much as he's using his body. he fucks you like he's giving himself to you, rolling his hips so you feel every inch of him with each thrust, his chest hovering right above yours until you make the move and pull him flush against you. he moans in your ear, his low murmurs turning into gasping cries as he holds onto you. he fucks you until you're both cumming hard, with him filling you to the brim with his release, while your core pulses rhythmically around him, forming the tempo while your harmonizing voices create a melody of ecstasy.
he's never felt more alive in all his existence than when he met you. that's why he visits you night after night, completely drawn to you. you're the perfect prima donna in every way. the opera house has known no one better, no greater talent, no one more captivating as you. he loves being with you like this, getting to see a whole new side of you that your adoring public will never get to see. this part, the most beautiful part, is for his eyes and his alone. you love the incredible dreams he gives you, almost as much as you love being with him during waking hours. but times like this, when you can't quite make the trek to the catacombs and across the underground lake, you appreciate that he comes to you. you appreciate that he lulls you to sleep with impeccable pleasure, praising you and mingling words of lust with words of admiration, and kisses you to sleep. you feel the back of his hand caress the curve of your face, just as you feel his lips upon yours. you feel it in your dream, just as his lips press against yours while you rest in your bed.
"bonne nuit, ma chérie." he whispers every night right in your ear, letting his lips brush over the shell of your ear. he lays beside you, always careful to disappear before anyone can see him, anyone but you. but while the moon shines high in the sky, he lays next to you in bed, holding your warm body against his cooler form, letting your warmth make him feel alive for another night.
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firemandeanbuck · 2 years
what if...
(tribute to this post by father) (major character death, there will be pain btw COMIC SPOILERS)
Hob had a dream. Or was it...? A dream? Well, it sure was, or elsewhere would he find such fantastical creatures, Gods and Legends, mourning for the death of someone?
His body was flowing down a river, in a big black swan boat. The sky was the greyest Hob ever felt. It was like a shadow was casted over the entire universe by the wings of a Titan. They mourned the death of someone they knew very personally. Hob had a feeling he knew him too. He had not seen his face, but he knew him, he had not remembered his voice, yet he heard him saying goodbye one last time to his kingdom. Leaving everything and everyone behind, never to look back. This isn't a trick, or deception, or a play. No, this was real life.
No coming back from there.
Words were spoken in countless languages, unknown manners and with various level of emotions. The little girl with insane hair said nothing more than 2 words, she was clearly upset. The crow talked fondly, if a little harshly, of his boss. They went to hell together and challenged Lucifer, he said. Someone in the crowd scoffed loudly..
When the fire rose up into the sky as a phoenix, everyone was returned home. Gods and the funny creatures walked out the gate. But Hob woke up.
((1 month later))
Inside the barn, Hob sits around a fire. He is greeted by a familiar face. Familiar yet. Distinguished. He doesn't recall who she is, all he knows that she is someone he knows, or at least used to know.
She tells him about her brother, about life, about dreams and death. Hob tells her about his life, about his aspiration.
Death tells him about her idiot brother. A hollowness digs into Hob's chest, weighing him down. The final blow, while waking, comes when Death tells him Dream is no longer, he is dead. he attended the funeral. Hob needs a drink, he needs to get away, to be alone with his thoughts. No, no, this can't be true. The man with whom he met every century, the one who hears his stories about life and the ONLY perosn he had been genuinely open with, is DEAD.
He can't. Hob had lost so much over the corse of 6 centuries. he can't-
But he seemed immortal. Dream did. He seemed infinitely bigger than life, he seemed unreal, like a wild imagination running around unrestricted. Oh, so mighty and great. Even gods dont question him
Yet, in his heart of hearts, he KNOWS its true. That's the funeral he attended, and he saw her there, for she was also mourning her brother. Even now, as she is talking to him, grief is crystal in her eyes. She doesn't want to tell this story, yet, she feels like she OWES her brother to. It's what's proper, what's right
Then, she asks him to take her hands.
Hob hesitates. He asks her, "How did it feel?"
"Like death. A part of me went with him and forever shall be with him. I have no control over such matters", Death answers, rubbing her hands together.
"I'm sorry", Hob place his hand on her shoulder, "My condolences to you, Death",
"Y'know, I was his sister before I was DEATH", she told. Her head hung low, the curls were curtaining her face but the tears were unmistakably there.
"I cannot imagine the pain. To think that who WOULD NOT go away actually do, in front of your eyes. But... to be the one to take him there. I'm so sorry, Death. If I could, I would've changed our places"
"Thank you", she wiped her glittery tears, "So?" Once again, she had extended her arms.
They looked so inviting. No more pain, no more struggling to hide his identity, no more problems of the world, no more lost loved ones, no more changing times taking a toll on him, no more finding new love, no more grieving for the past.
But... GWEN. She will be alone. Hob doesn't want her to feel what he did. She is good she doesn't deserve such pain.
"Will I be forgiven?"
"No one is condemned in my realm", assures Death, her gentle smile reminding Hob of summer in the open country, warm breeze bringing the sweet smell of fruits. Oh, how much he wanted to go.
From somewhere far, far away, his beloved mother was calling him into home. His little sister running back to him, showing him her collection. The sun kissed his skin. He could feel the soil and grass under his feet.
There it was. Such a strong nostalgia, the bittersweet feeling that leaves a foul taste when its over. He doesn't want it to be over
"Okay, I'll come with you"
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canadiancryptid · 1 year
Just watched Across the Spiderverse! That was amazing! Now I can stop avoiding spoilers like the plague!
Definitely gonna want to watch that again soon. There was a lot to take in, and a combination of a late show and a poor sleep schedule left me less than 100% awake, sadly. Not that I mind an excuse to see it nore than once! Gonna love that when I wake up.
Loved the combination of all the animation styles for the different universes.
Since I've had to dodge spoilers left and right, let me put more of my tired thoughts below the cut, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. They're probably not gonna be in chronological order, but whatever.
- Renaissance Vulture had such a cool animation style. Loved him. Want to see more of the DaVinci notes style animation. That's awesome.
- The Spot is just... *chef's kiss.* He's the perfect blend of goofy joke villain and genuinely terrifying. And he looks like he's a living scetch covered in ink blots, which was such a cool design.
- "Being Spider-Man is easy!" The confidence of this man is unreal. Pavitr is in for a rough time and he has no idea. He does not seem to realize how badly the universe wants to kick him in the nuts because of his new job. Once it stops collapsing like a whiney 3 year old because it didn't get to murder a cop. That's still a thing that never got fully resolved. Hope that works out at some point.
- Peter B. is such a proud dad. Mayday is adorable. Him showing baby pics to everyone with a pair of eyes and trying to get Miles to hold his little bundle of joy was the most wholesome thing. Probably shouldn't be taking your baby to somewhere like that, but she seemed happy. And adorable.
- If all these Spider-Men are just... hanging out in the Spider Society, are they just leaving their universe without its Spider-Man? How is that not causing problems? How often do they have to go home? Gwen says she's been gone for months... and clearly didn't want to go back.
- Spider-Punk was... a lot. Loved him, but honestly had a hard time keeping track of everything during his introduction. There was just a lot going on on there, so my overtired brain had trouble taking it all in. One of the reasons I want to see it again. His whole visual effect was super cool, but... again, want to take it all in when I'm more awake. Think I read somewhere that he overthrew the government? Anyways, loved his vibe, but his colage-like effects did a number on my brain. Hobie seems cool.
- Miguel seems a little... not okay. He looked like he was gonna just straight-up EAT the Vulture instead of sending him home. And he keeps blaming Miles for starting everything, as if he CHOSE to get biten by that spider. Love him, even if he's seemingly starting to lose it.
I just found out there was a post credits scene with him in the first movie when I was trying to double check everyone's names. How did I not know this? He seemed a lot more well-ajusted there. Or at least less crazy. Taking that much weight onto his shoulders must have done quite the number on him.
- Canon Events leave me with so many questions. Since her dad is still alive, Gwen clearly hasn't had the whole "police capitan dies saving a child" event yet, and if he's gonna quit... does that mean that event won't happen? Is that enough to keep him safe? Is she gonna get close to the new captain and have them die? Is her dad still gonna die? Did she just accidentally skip that Canon Event, dooming her entire universe? Or is it not that big a deal?
- How much of the damage we saw was done by Miles saving the captain and not by the Spot? It looked more like the Spot's portals than it did glitchy multiverse rules. Or did Miles just amplify what was already there? If the Spot WASN'T messing everything up, would the damage have been nearly as bad?
- Wait, if the Spot was an anomaly, then how was that a Canon Event? Was something else supposed to happen? Or does the universe just take whatever excuse it can get to force these things to happen and throw a hissy fit if something stops it from happening?
- If Earth 42 doesn't have a Spider-Man, it can't have Canon Events. How is it still in one piece? Is having a Spider-Man created by a spider from that universe enough to keep it together? Or did Miles' dad dying happen as a Canon Event dispite the lack of a Spider-Man to screw with?
- If there wasn't supposed to be two Spider-Men in his universe, and the original Peter died, why does Miles still get forced into Canon Events? I feel like most of the questions I'm asking are either answered with a simple "because that's how the plot works", or it's gonna be super relivent in the next movie. I like overthinking stuff, it helps me sleep!
- Speaking of overthinking stuff to help me sleep, I'm gonna go do that. I'll probably update this with more thoughts in the morning, but its already a miracle I'm still awake.
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
Have you seen astv yet? What was your opinion?
(assuming you mean across the spiderverse) I HAVE SEEN IT!!!!! TWICE ACTUALLY!!!!
i saw it the first time around a week after it first released it theaters with my gf, (second time was with my family but that’s not really relevant to any of this) i went into it feeling sooo cautious and wary cause the first one was so monumental. it was groundbreaking. SURELY the Industry-Defining into the spiderverse was a one-off thing, a lucky fluke, an accident, right? SURELY they couldn’t follow that up with anything other than mediocre!! i was concerned it wouldn’t live up to expectations (so i kept mine incredibly low just in case,) and i was worried about the teased romance between miles and gwen. the visuals, however, would be about equal to the first, so at least there would be that if the story wasn’t good.
it was in the intro with gwen on her drums that i immediately knew they had outdone themselves, and with each new twist and turn and reveal and character my mind was blown just as much as the entirety of itsv. it wasn’t without its flaws, to be sure,but the grandness and spectacle of it all impressed me so much, i loved all the character designs, environment, actually i could go on for SUCH a long time about how ungrounded in reality this film felt in comparison to the first, but like. in a GOOD way. like it was SO cool. dimension and physical space didn’t feel as important as more attention and focus was brought to the characters and story, and i LOVED IT. i was delighted by the heroes and villains, the spot took up such a weird little corner of my brain it’s unreal, miguel was genuinely frightening at times and i mean that as a compliment, and i ended up actually really enjoying what was going on between gwen and miles! it didn’t feel at all forced like i had feared, it felt natural and restrained in a way that was still just as refreshing as the LACK of it in the first movie.
spoilers in case whoever’s reading this hasn’t seen it yet, but when i watched it i was just overall kinda bummed because probably my FAVORITE part of the first movie was the section of plot with uncle aaron/the prowler, the character just left such an impact on me with both the storytelling and THE SOUND DESIGN, aughgifhfj yeah distorted elephants are my favorite sound effect i think. and that character died, yeah? so i was a little sad about him and his cool sounds not being in the sequel, but OHOHO that ending did NOT disappoint, i’m so obsessed with characters and their fates and destinies like. in general. so you can probably imagine how stoked i was to find out that these two miles’s basically swapped stories by accident and there’s potentially Big Consequences for that.
all in all, i guess you could say i liked it. ¦]
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rosykims · 5 years
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since everybody is killing me with cuteness thru this picrew i thought i'd make some for myself uwu
ella cousland (dao) | emeraude hawke (da2) | ashara lavellan (dai)
nova parilla (fo3) | winston grier (fnv) | gwen ryker (fo4)
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heathneycanon · 4 years
reasons why phobia factor fucking slaps
ok this lowkey just turned into me rambling abt phobia factor while i rewatched it. putting it under a read more bc it’s super long lmao
like, the entire first five minutes are the campers being friendly to each other?? and vulnerable, to a degree??? you know i love that shit
courtney and trent?? talk to each other?? like. okay they’re never in the same frame together unfortunately, but they do have like, two whole back and forth conversations.
also in that campfire scene at the beginning, cody and trent are sitting next to each other and there are some. good screencaps
“exSQUEEZE me?!” like cody. ur such a dork omfg
duncan vulnerability hours
lindsay asks what a standee is and trent explains it and doesn’t mock her/isn’t annoyed with her at all, in contrast to a lot of the other campers interacting with lindsay. i love them as friends SO much u all have no idea
harold’s little scene with the ninjas. i love him sm. why does he have nunchucks with him when he goes to the bathroom??
leshawna is afraid of spiders and she runs away screaming from. chef wearing a spider suit??? like i don’t love spiders but if a man i knew wearing a spider costume was calmly walking toward me i wouldn’t react the same way as i would to a real spider. anyway i think this is hilarious.
season one heather vulnerability hours.....
i mean, i really wish they’d actually shown her talking abt her fear at the campfire, rather than just having it told by gwen in the confessional, but i get why they did that. regardless that one scene right before the sumo wrestler charges at her where she’s literally shaking.... i want to give her a hug
side note i hope the sumo wrestler is okay he hit his head quite a few times
ok so. trent accidentally leaving gwen buried underground because he’s getting chased by a mime isn’t like. a sweet gwent moment. but it is one of their interactions that i remember most vividly from tdi lmfao
what is a cute gwent moment is trent like. kneeling next to her while chris is burying her. and the face he makes at chris when he jokes abt not digging her up..... i love them sm
also gwen sounds so fucking dramatic when they close the box she’s in like. “goodbye cruel world” gwen ur being buried for 5 minutes ur not dying sdfjlafskj i love her
duncan hyping dj up before he picks up the snake is so cute?? like he’s clapping for him and he’s got what i call “adorable duncan face” which is where his eyes are full circles and he’s smiling. i can remember him making this face at courtney, dj, and alejandro throughout the series and it’s just. ugh loving soft duncan hours
“ah! it blinked” “it means she likes you” sadie where are u getting this information
okay so i googled if this was true and the result i got was “snakes can’t blink” so first of all i have no clue where sadie pulled that fact from and i have even less of an idea of where chris got that fucking. blinking snake from. is that even a snake??
when dj picks up the snake and they all hype him up?????? i love the killer bass so much it’s unreal
more cute gwent moments... gwen and trent talking on the walkie talkies.. they’re so cute
when the mime pops up behind trent and he does that little scream.... it’s loving trent hours u guys
trent is so bothered by a mime literally just. being a mime. me too trent. me too.
duncan and the celine dion music store standee.... everything abt that scene
"DUDE SHE’S MADE OF CARDBOARD” tyler i love you
courtney genuinely saying that it’s okay if he can’t do it (when she was being harsh to dj about the snake earlier..... duncney is so good in tdi u guys)
and THAT is what gives duncan the encouragement he needs to go for it?? they’re so good.
his “okay, okay” right before going for it... duncan’s voice acting is so good in this episode omfg
“duncan, you’re awesome!” and the look of shock on his face at both the fact that he did it and that courtney’s hugging him...... have i mentioned i love duncney yet?? bc i do
i can’t believe i used to dislike duncney omfg
then when courtney realizes that she’s hugging him and steps back jafksdfjlsa she’s so cute
and then the rest of the bass come over and hype duncan up more like. i love how supportive they all are in this episode!!
trent is so excited when he finally gets the mime to leave him alone fakjldjfl like he didn’t have to ROAST the dude. but he did.
chris somehow owns a remote control hail cloud?
lindsay getting excited about the “baby cloud” and calling it over?? she’s so cute omfg
trent fucking. hates geoff. gwent has geoffphobia in tdi ig
when they dig up gwen and she throws the walkie talkie at his head but he doesn’t stop smiling..... your honor i love them
owen and izzy getting out of the plane and kissing the ground together..... adorable.
cody with a fucking. watermelon on his head and covered in trash scares bridgette out of the woods. that will never not be funny to me
the only bad thing abt this ep- tyler should have gotten the fucking point. he completed the challenge. i love courtney, but realistically, she should have gone home this ep and tyler should have stayed.
bridgette hyping tyler up...... im soft they should be friends
“quit being such a girl” courtney im sorry but the only reason you’re still in the game rn is because ezekiel made sexist comments in episode one. what are u saying lmfao
tyler and heather’s reactions to their fears rly make me think. bc like. most of the other campers have a more outward, loud reaction, maybe scream and run away. a couple are just a little wigged out. gwen gets a little snippy and is clearly super freaked out as well. but tyler and heather just. completely shut down. like, curled up in a ball, nonverbal, and shaking. makes u think.
why did cody need a calculator to figure out that the score was 7/3....... cody is canon lgbt+ bc he can’t do basic math without a calculator confirmed
also regardless of how little sense that made. at least that screencap gave us commie cody
when gwen starts trying to psych courtney out and heather like. gasps and looks shocked..... i like to think that heather feels a little bad for courtney here. heathney real.
duncan and bridgette hyping courtney up..... i love the killer bass so much omfg
courtney looks so sad when she walks away from the jelly.......
and then in the confessional right after?? she’s like. crying a little bit :( and she’s beating herself up abt it like..... :( courtney no
LITERALLY she’s like “how could i be so weak” “i deserve to go home” “you’re pathetic” (to herself) and then tells herself to show some confidence and then. she just starts crying again. and then slaps herself?? GOD I FUCKING LOVE COURTNEY SHE’S SO HARD ON HERSELF
owen just. hangin out in the tub of jelly. i love u, u wild dude. fuckin sit in that green jelly. loving owen hours
the little look that courtney and tyler give each other when they’re the last two without marshmallows..... half solidarity half “i don’t want to be the one going home”. i love them sm :(
i KNOW i said this earlier but. tyler should NOT have gone home this episode!!!!!! only bad thing abt this ep
all the fuckin chicken puns are a little bit funny tho
“he won’t be flying high tonight” bridgette chickens can’t fly
when courtney goes “okay, that’s enough” like. tyler’s not even there at this point but she’s defending him. maybe it’s because she still feels she should have gone home instead? maybe it’s because of that little bit of solidarity she felt for him when they were the final two without a marshmallow? maybe i’m reading too much into this? but idk. i think it’s sweet
okay no i have another complaint. what the fuck was the whole boat ride for tyler?? like when sadie gets eliminated the surprise she gets is that katie is on the boat. when tyler is on the boat, CRYING, after literally none of his teammates came to see him off, after he LITERALLY COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE BUT DIDN’T GET CREDIT FOR IT. the fucking. CHICKENS POP OUT?????? tyler deserved better
also some of the challenges were a lot easier, or at the very least, harder to fail than others this ep. i love it but come on. lindsay and sadie vs like. gwen vs owen and izzy vs dj. there were very different time limits, actual fright level, ability to back out once they were doing the challenge.... not a fair challenge
also uhm. if we’re being technical tyler and heather had the exact same reaction to their fears, so why did heather get a point and tyler didn’t? if the chicken had run at him, would he have won? smh
i do love this episode so much but. i had a couple complaints
okay finally lindsay’s little confessional to tyler where she blows him a kiss.... they’re so adorable lyler rights!!
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abiteofnat · 3 years
If you’re reading this, I’m coming back to Chicago, beetch
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The non-existent rumors are true. After a brief 10-month exit from the city to soak up the fresh air and social distance-friendly suburbs, I am now returning to Chicago as a single, slightly more anxious version of myself. While I’m still trying to kick some of the anxiety and OCD that COVID-19 pushed from “lifelong tagalongs” to “all-controlling demons”, I feel 97% ready to be back where I feel most myself, and cannot wait to welcome that change. While that 3% still makes me a little uncomfy and hesitant, I’m a believer in pushing your boundaries to allow yourself to grow, and also, I am really sick of suburbs food. 
Ha! I joke. I wouldn’t move downtown simply for access to more diverse & higher quality food... or would I? All I know is while there are plenty of gems in the North Shore, I’ve eaten take out from all of them ten times over, and I did not foster my dislike of cooking out of nowhere. My parents do not enjoy cooking, my sister pretends to enjoy cooking, and I will cook if it is 5 ingredients or less. My latest speciality is a toasted bagel with butter, hummus, and EBTB seasoning. Voila. So when it comes to dinner, we are living off of a carousel of suburban favorites, and are losing steam as we are still not comfortable with dining inside (or dining inside in the city, where the fun food is). 
All of this to say, it’s exciting to imagine what life is going to be like in a few short weeks. While I’m still extra precautionary, I can’t wait to have my own space downtown, where I can enjoy coffee on my little balcony (!!!) and dream of the days friends can come squeeze into my studio safely while I lay out an entire table of sharable spreads and snacks from Ema (Charred Eggplant Spread is the best one, don’t fight me). 
So you may ask, how did you come to this decision to move to the heart of downtown out of seemingly nowhere, you hermit? 
It starts with my mom and I having a brief, simultaneous breakdown and coming to the conclusion that we would both feel comfortable doing a staycation downtown, as long as we wore masks, sanitized always, and braved the cold to eat outside. This was big for me! As a person with real OCD, not cute TV show “I have to keep my pens straight” OCD, this would be the most exposure I’d had to a lot of uncontrollable variables since the pandemic started. If you’re thinking, “you get to spend a weekend downtown in a hotel with your mom, shut up”, know that I hear you. I am unbelievably grateful that I’ve gotten this time with my parents, and that we can do a staycation. However, having anxiety comes at a cost, and that cost is blowing everything way the fuck out of proportion instead of being able to rationalize it sometimes. Let’s! Normalize! Having! This! Discussion!
So, we went downtown in early March for a two-night stay, and oh my goodness. The realization that we got to be in a different space, and do different things, and eat different food for a weekend made it feel like a legit vacation, and not like we drove 30 minutes to get there. The view from our room was of Michigan Ave, and hearing the traffic and seeing the people out and about instantly made me feel a sense of peace I wasn’t expecting. I’ve lived downtown for 6 years, but it always shocks me how much the city feels like an extension of me once I’m in it after being away. My mom and I went out for a walk (gentle yet forceful reminder to please wear a mask), then decided to grab dinner while we were out. The plan was to bring it back to the room, but there was a warm spell, and there just happened to be a table for two at Topolobampo on Clark, and suddenly we were sitting on the patio under the lights eating masa quesadillas dipped in a spicy salsa verde. It just happened!!! 
Before getting downtown, I was tentatively looking at apartments for the spring. I was looking at Lincoln Park, Old Town, maybe Lakeview, and came across a listing in the Gold Cost that caught my eye. That one was swiped out from under me within days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the area. Then I discovered another unit that was available, and couldn’t shake it from my mind. Over mushroom tacos I discussed it with my mom, and we decided to go see it. Totally not what I had been planning for in terms of location, but why not? 
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Once we polished off breakfast the next morning (Eggs Benedict with fried eggs, extra hollandaise) we headed out to see the place. Let me say I have never seen my mom fall in love with a single apartment I’ve lived in, and she was ALL. FOR. IT. Unreal reaction on her part. Once I saw the west-facing views and the incredible natural lighting, I was 100% in as well.
We spent the rest of the weekend wandering the downtown area, enjoying another dinner outside at The Gwen and my mom’s first visit to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, which was 95% more empty than I’ve ever seen it given we went in a pandemic at 8:30PM. Shit on Starbucks all you want, but that Roastery is an incredible use of space (in non-pandemic times) and the coffee & Princi pastries are really, really good. 
When we got back home feeling refreshed and like we had actually gone on a vacation, I jumped into apartment shark mode real fast and signed as many documents as the very kind realtor could send over. One week later, whabaam, I was a Gold Coast girl. Ahem, *lady*. What better way to celebrate than going to Somerset and having the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread and Wild Mushroom Risotto? No clue. As I sat outside, yet again with my mom, I felt a wave of excitement come over me and realized, this is it. This is the sign and feeling I’ve been waiting for, telling me it’s time to move back to the city and start over. The creamy, herbacious risotto also helped solidify that. 
SO. After all of that, the news is I’m moving, and you’re probably wondering why I shared all of this on a blog about food. I meant for this post to be about everywhere I ate during my staycation, but realized quickly we ate at some very basic places - DELICIOUS, but still basic. Oops. Below are all the dishes I had and a rundown of the flavors, textures, etc., however don’t expect to find any new, revolutionary restaurants. Sorry! 
1. Topolobampo 
This Rick Bayless restaurant has been around forever, and unfortunately, you can tell by the interior. We’ve eaten here as a family a couple of times before, but never had a noteworthy experience. I can confirm that in a pinch, the patio covered in fun lights & mini piñatas, and the sharable, filling bites will do just fine. This was my first time going to a Mexican restaurant as a non-alcohol drinker, and instead of my typical mezcal margarita, I opted for a Fresh Limeaide which was refreshing and flavorful. We split the Guacamole and Chips, which if you’ve ever stopped at the Frontera in O’Hare, you know is good as fuck. It’s smooth, creamy, tangy, and topped with chopped onions and cilantro for a little crunch. It’s not the most life-changing, but it is consistently satisfying. Next, we got the Mushroom Tacos and Masa Quesadillas. The Masa Quesadillas were a fun surprise, as instead of a tortilla, the masa is what makes up the outside. They are almost like empanadas and stuffed with gooey, melty cheese, and come with a spicy salsa verde on the side. I would come back for these alone - they’re rich yet light, warm, and comforting, all the things you would want when dining outside when it’s still a little chilly. The Mushroom Tacos were quite frankly unreal, because whatever they seasoned the mushroom slices with and grilled them on made them taste unlike any mushroom I’ve had before. There was definitely some meat crossover on the grill, so don’t order those if you’re vegan, or ask them to prepare the mushroom separately. I however was LOSING MY MIND. Over mushrooms. The joys of being vegetarian! 
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2. The Gwen
On a happening Saturday night in Chicago, Upstairs at The Gwen is sure to be a packed scene. Located in River North, this hotel bar/restaurant offers a somehow cozy rooftop filled with loungey couches, fire pits, and ambient lighting, even though you’re surrounded by apartments and skyscrapers and there is nothing “cozy” about River North. Every table was filled, yet since you’re outside and it’s fairy spread apart, it still felt safe. I got my new classic, a Lemonade, and we got the Burrata to start. With sourdough, roasted beets, squash, pomegranate, pistachio, & arugula, this plate was nothing short of mouth-watering. It has textures! It has flavors! It has pomegranate seeds, the TikTok must have of the moment! The bread was 10/10, the burrata was 8/10, and all of the toppings made for a very find bite of salad on their own. For my main I got the Lobster Fettucine, a beautiful bowl of “charcoal fettuccine with saffron-tomato sauce, lobster, calabrian chili butter, and basil-brioche crumbs” as listed on their website. Take any of those ingredients and it’s going to be delicious, but all of them TOGETHER? INCREDIBLE. The chunks of lobster were huge, absolutely making the dish worth its price tag, and the sauce was flavorful, unique, and unlike any sauce I’ve tasted in the last few years. It’s typical to do a squid ink pasta with seafood and tomato sauce, but the saffron added a new element I very much appreciated. 
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3. The Starbucks Roastery 
I KNOW. THIS IS A TOURIST DESTINATION. All I am saying is if there’s no line, go get an iced latte with two packets of sugar in the raw. That’s all. It’s really good after something like, I don’t know, Lobster Fettucine. 
4. The Penninsula 
You cannot go wrong with hitting up The Penninsula for breakfast or brunch, especially if you are staying there and have the option to do room service. Typically we would go to Pierrot Gourmet, the cafe in the ground floor of The Penninsula, however it has been closed temporarily. If there’s one thing to order with your breakfast, it’s the smashed fingerling potatoes. Delish. 
5. Somerset 
Somerset is becoming a quick go-to of mine for an impromptu dinner downtown, given it’s in the heart of Gold Coast and is cute if you’re sitting indoors or outdoors. The food is nothing too innovative, but it is done well, which is the most important part with “cuter” restaurants that may focus on the Instagram appeal over the food sometimes. Each time I’ve gone I’ve gotten the seasonal flatbread and a pasta or risotto, usually something with mushrooms, and it’s always been plate-licking good. To drink, I got -you guessed it- a Lemonade! For dinner I went with the Wild Mushroom Risotto which was everything you could hope for in a risotto, topped with olive oil, herbs, and local parmesan. We split the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread which was as it sounds, flatbread covered in rapini, garlic, and ricotta, which added a nice crunch and had enough rapini to feel like it was replacing a boring vegetable side dish or salad. The patio vibes were wonderful, the judgemental girls in the greenhouses looked like they were having a good time, and our waiter couldn’t have been sweeter. I will be going back to try the Fontina Arancini, which I just noticed on the menu. FRICK. 
So there you have it, a very long-winded explanation of the last few weeks of my life and where you can find me on a staycation in Chicago. Hopefully once I move back to the city I’ll have endless new spots to try and won’t be basic anymore! 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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aspiring-wildfire · 5 years
Okay not to be Merlin on main in 2019 BUT i think what kills me the most about this stupid show and keeps me coming back to it is that it had so much potential and it was so underutilized
Like seriously every character arc had the potential to be so incredible and so many of them fell so flat- and don’t get me wrong, i love the show, i love how fun and funny it was, and there are definitely some really good moments that have the epic legendary feeling to them (Arthur pulling the sword out of the stone, Merlin fighting Nimueh, Merlin killing Agravaine, the coronations, some of camlann, etc) but like. There’s so much more they could have done, both plot/legend-wise and character-wise
Merlin deserved to actually have his powers explored (if Cornelius Sigan could make the tides roll back MERLIN CERTAINLY COULD- he’s the most powerful sorcerer ever and he can do magic just by instinct and the most they have him do the whole fucking show is blast some lightning, and only twice!! This boy was supposed to be made of magic and able to harness the LIFEFORCE OF THE EARTH come ON there were SO MANY FUCKING CHANCES TO HAVE HIM BE SERIOUSLY POWERFUL and they diDNT USE ANY OF THEM)
Arthur deserved to have a consistent fucking characterization (and yes, i get that he’s noble and good AND a prat and that those aren’t mutually exclusive but they yo-yo his relationships w people around SO MUCH, especially his relationship w Merlin- I think the most glaring example is the scene in season 5 where Arthur Merlin and mordred take Gwen to the ‘sorceress’ to cure her and Merlin disappears to go, y’know, become the sorceress, and Arthur’s so clearly worried and protective but then as soon as they get Gwen back he like??? Just forgets about Merlin??? And that’s not the only time but they flip between them having this really meaningful relationship and it just being played for comic relief like ‘oh haha Arthur doesn’t care abt merlin’ and it makes me so uPSET also he should have had so many more ‘Once and Future King’ moments)
Morgana deserved a FUCKING REDEMPTION ARC (or at least part of one i mean fucking come on she’s not even the ultimate villain in a solid chunk of Arthurian legend and she was such an interesting and complex character and idk this is less a writing thing and more just an ‘i love morgana and desperately wish we got to see more of her and Arthur as siblings ESPECIALLY w how toxic Uther’s parenting was’ thing)
Gwen deserved not to have her character flattened in season 5 (i love her she’s my girl and I’ll defend her to my dying breath but once she became queen it became so much less about her and her symbolic importance as representing the people of Camelot and so much more abt how she affected Arthur and it makes me mad- she lost a lot of the endearing awkwardness and level-headed moral compass that made her so wonderful in the first place)
And i could go on!! Mordred deserved to be able to choose good, Arthur should have found out abt Merlin’s magic WAY earlier (personally I’m a fan of the ‘Arthur’s always known bc Merlin SUCKS at subtlety’ route but that’s just me), Gwen and Arthur should have had a better developed relationship (they were cute and all but there was no real substance to it? Like idk they just... didn’t really understand each other as much as like, Gwen and Lancelot did or Merlin and Arthur), Aithusa should have been so much more important to the story (and so should Kilgarrah tbh), we should have seen SO MUCH MORE of the knights, we shouldn’t have just skipped over the golden age come ON, Lancelot shouldn’t have died so soon and definitely shouldn’t have been brought back as a shade to romance Gwen like wtf, morgana shouldn’t have turned on Gwen (her dearest friend) in a split second over a vision of her as queen, the magic=gay analogy should have been explored further (just TRY to tell me its not a metaphor), and Arthur (and Morgana imo) should have healed all the hatred and pain that Uther caused and been a better person than him
Idk yall im just sad and frustrated about how much potential went unrealized
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in-a-cave-with · 5 years
can you make a list of every mavel comic you've ever read (good and bad) i just finished iron man (1998) and i thoroughly loved it with all its best and weird bits
iron man stuff:
tales of suspense (1963) – a classic. 100/10. would read several times
iron man vol 1 (1968) – i’m on, like, issue 20 out of 300 something but it’s also very very good! the drama..the action……..wig
iron man vol 3 (1998) – obv i know youve read this one anon but for anyone out there starting comics this one’s SUPER good, and also Love Is Stored In The Tonyru
iron man vol 4 (2005) – listen this comic. so great, so iconic. maya hansen! epic fights! director stark! good art except for, like, the 6 issues of execute program but execute program is such a good story arc that you wont even notice! 
iron man legacy (2010) – i enjoyed this one a lot! i’m kind of confused as to, like, what’s going on but it’s fun
iron man season one (2013) – ok so this is, like, a modern remake of tony’s origin story and it’s..kind of average imo but thats ok! bc you can just look at the very very pretty pictures
iron man fatal frontier (2013) – tony becomes governor of the moon and fights doom! also he takes down an ai with weaponized fanfiction somewhere in there. read this one with a .cbr reader
invincible iron man vol 2 (2015) – gonna maybe fuck around and rec bendis’ entire iron man run bc . the art is gorgeous and the story isn’t the strongest but tony’s characterization is v good 
international iron man (2016) – ok i dont remember what happens in this one but alex maleev’s art is literally god 
invincible iron man vol 3 (2016) – RIRI WILLIAMS!!!! AND ALSO AI TONY STARK (MY SON MY BOY WHOM I LOVE)!!!!
other stuff:
new avengers vol 1 (2005) – as i have said before. new avengers GOT the sauce. stevetony and caroljess on one team was too powerful so marvel had to break em up with civil war . also stop reading this comic when you get to civil war
civil war: casualties of war (2007) and civil war: the confession (2007) – these are both oneshot comics and also the Only Civil War Content You Need To Subject Yourself To
spider-man noir (2010) – a break from the avengers stuff to tell you that this comic is very brutal and also very good
secret invasion (2010) – ok avengers emh did it better™ but this is still very neat! also it’s pretty trippy so its got that going for it too
siege (2010) – i dont understand what’s going on but the art is very good. also the avengers get to beat up norman osborn’s bitch ass
avengers prime (2011) – apparently this is the “stevetony bible” and …honestly there isn’t anything i can say in objection to that
avengers vol 4 (2010) – this comic is SUPER fun. after the fear itself tie ins the art and story get pretty eugh though so be careful
fear itself (2012) – BEST BEST BEST!!! my favorite crossover event in comics, with cool art and a badass storyline
captain marvel vol 4 (2012) – can we get a yeehaw for CAROL DANVERS . hell yeah. this is her first run with the name captain marvel and it’s Very Good
avengers: the enemy within (2014) – captain marvel vol 4 ends on a cliffhanger and the storyline’s capped off here
avengers vol 5 (2013) – ok so *clown noises* i haven’t exactly finished it but…this is the One Was Life The Other Was Death comic and it’s super good from what ive read so far
hawkeye (2013) – matt fraction’s run! everyone and their dog wants you to read it and you absolutely should if you have not. not too sure abt the volume numbering but heres a link to download in TPBs, it’s volumes 1-4
captain marvel vol 5 (2014) – this is the volume featuring chewie (!!) and carol in outer space with the guardians of the galaxy (!!!). super fun in general, would read again
ms marvel (2014) – again i am VERY confused as to what the official issue/volume numbering is, but here’s a list of TPBs that collect pretty much every kamala khan comic pre 2019 (im gonna rec all of them bc kamala is a treasure)
doctor strange vol 3 (2015) – literally everything i want from a comic tbh, also chris bachalo’s art is amazing
marvel 1872 (2015) – no one actually calls this Stevetony Bible 2 but lbr it’s basically Stevetony Bible 2
the unbelievable gwenpool (2016) – oh god oh fuck it’s miss GWEN POOLE . this comic is super funny and also surprisingly heartfelt, plus the art is . mmm.
champions (2016) – the gen z superhero team, i love all of them so much. i can almost forgive marvel for ending anad avengers
hunt for wolverine: adamantium agenda (2018) – so this is, after 11 goddamn years, closure for the first civil war regarding tony and the new avengers that sided with steve. amazing.
the life of captain marvel (2018) – the carol origin retcon is…eh. but it’s still very good! think of it as carol’s international iron man
avengers: back to basics (2018) – kamala goes back in time and accidentally reveals tony’s secret identity and it’s the funniest fucking thing
captain marvel (2019) – the first issue is everyone bullying tony which sucks but DONT LET THAT GET YOU DOWN bc it’s, like, actually good and also tony appears more in later issues without getting bullied
war of realms (2019) – i guess it’s a marvel rule that all crossover comics having to do with asgard are Top Notch? anyway
loki (2019) – AMAZING loki shenanigans and also the REAL reason you needed to read war of realms tbh
ironheart (2019) – gosh i love riri williams so much she’s so GREAT and you should DEFINITELY READ THIS
invincible iron man vol 1 (2008) – matt fraction’s iron man run…it’s ..ok story wise? however the characterization is a lil off at times and the art is HORRIBLE
iron man vol 5 (2013) – ok so this comic is super weird ? because it’s nice that tony spends time out in space but also it confirms that he’s a furry apparently. pretty much the only truly average iron man comic
avengers vol 8 (2018) – okay so i really like the art and the story’s okay but there’s a bit where tony flirts w carol and it’s the most ooc thing ive ever seen and that’s enough to land it in the questionable category
tony stark: iron man (2018) – i debated over whether to put this here or in the Bad™ category BUT valerio schiti’s art is too beautiful and the rhodeytony content fuels me. also issues 12 and 13 (war of realms) written by gail simone are pretty good. unfortunately dan slott wrote the rest and it AINT IT CHIEF
gwenpool strikes back (2019) – it starts off strong in the first issue but goes downhill from there and tbh it’s not really respectful of the previous gwenpool run
magnificent ms marvel (2019) – ok listen i love kamala a lot but if theres gonna be a romance plot between her and bruno it’s the electric chair
iron man vol 2 (1996) – just. don’t touch this. it’s a hot mess
civil war (2006) – i hate this. so much. it’s unreal. all you need to know is that steve was real close to killing tony in the end but surrendered when he saw that he no longer had the moral high ground. and also steve got assassinated right before he was going to be put on trial
mighty avengers (2007) – this comic had the potential to be SO good. unfortunately the artists for the actual avengers issues don’t respect women at all
superior iron man (2015) – they made tony evil and i could not be more angry with it. who even fucking wants to read this theres not even any emotional payoff for any of this
civil war ii (2016) – i would hit this stupid comic in the knees if i could. there is not a single c*vil w*r with rights. all you need to know is that carol put tony into a coma and it’s super ooc
iron man 2020 (2020) – listen i know this comic hasn’t come out yet but it has all the ingredients to be EVEN WORSE than superior iron man which is saying a lot.
this took way too much effort
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wardley10 · 5 years
Yasss the stars aligned and I was able to see A Midsummer Night's Dream last night!! Had a few cocktails next door at The Ivy to calm my nerves lol. Saw Tobias Menzies (Edmure Tully in GOT) at the Bridge Theatre bar standing with an actress who plays Arthur's wife in Peaky Blinders 👀👀 Met Emma Thompson ❤ on the stairs going in and she's soo friendly (i was touching her arm oml) and said she liked my top and was holding my arm 😁 Tobias ended up standing next to me in the pits area where I was but I didnt speak to him. All I could think of was seeing Gwen lol. The play was incredible. All the actors were amazing. Oliver Chris's Oberon and Gwen's Titania character looked so much like Jaime and Brienne together it was unreal esp when in the wedding scene or when Oberon and Titania were holding hands and looking into each other's eyes etc ❤ Gwen hurried out just at the end and I went straight to the stage door where there was only a couple of people in front of me. I needed to dash for my train if she was late out and I might've missed her coming out (there wouldve been tears lol) but luckily she kinda came straight out. OMG shes soo lovely, kind, beautiful, all the superlatives! I lost the power of speech just as I was meeting her, but was eventually able to say she was amazing in the play but omg *i CRINGE at this* for some reason I said, 'can i hold your hand' 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 and she said 'of course' and smiled and I swear she's got the smoothest hands (i was thinking Jaime Lannister has touched these fingers 😭 🥰) and she was asking have you got anything to sign and she signed my Jaime and Brienne pic and I thought sod it so I asked her if she'd write 'i love Jaime Lannister' at the bottom and she said she couldnt as there was a queue which is fair enough. I meant to congratulate her on the Emmy nom, and to say I hope her and Nik work together again and stay great friends too but I lost all rational thought while meeting her 😭❤ We got a cute pic of her together which she took. Literally she's so gracious it's unreal. When she talks to you, it's like you're so important to her ❤ Then me and friend had to bolt it to the train station. Well worth the hella long journey just for one day but its what you've gotta do for a knight of the seven kingdoms ❤🥰❤🥰
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Tribal Council #1 - Heroes
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Ellie: Are there any alliances forming so far, or is it too early? Can you trust an alliance made this early?
I think that of course there are gonna be people that you’re immediately drawn to and want to work with, idk if you can always call that an alliance or not but of course bonds and relationships form and there’s some people you just gel with more than others. Sometimes alliance formed later in the game work out better than alliances formed in the start and sometimes alliances formed in the start work out better than alliances formed later, I don’t think that when the alliance is formed necessarily guarantees success or not, I definitely think it’s the people.
Estee: What did you think about the challenge? Do you think challenge participation will play a part in deciding who goes home?
If anything, this challenge has bonded us as a tribe! I had so much fun and we all have such wonderful tribe spirit. The energy over here in Sankari is unreal!  Of course, I’m very bummed about our loss. Yet, we are still united! Challenge participation will probably not play a part in the decision…at least for me. Right now, I am thinking about who I connect with and can trust.
Tim: How do you feel about your tribe so far? Are there any visible tribe lines forming?
I literally made a confessional earlier today about how this is literally my favorite tribe ever in the history of all the orgs I’ve played. Losing tonight is truly devastating Jay and Zoe. I truly love each and every person here and the bonds I’ve began forming with them. Also, no I don’t think tribal lines are forming. I think everyone here has gotten the chance to talk to everyone and see the wholesomeness and reason why we’re all heroes.
Steven: Has there been any idol talk? Is it possible someone has already found one?
I haven’t talked to anyone about idols but I think it would be ignorant for me to think that people haven’t been looking. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has an idol already. There is enough of us playing that the chance of someone getting one is pretty good so congrats to them.
Gwen: Besides the challenge, what other aspects of the game decide who goes home? Do you think you're in trouble?
I mean, I think everyone is nervous for the first vote. Challenge performance does have some impact, but I think at this point in the game, people will want to play with people that they like on a personal level.
Zabbey: Is it too early to begin trusting people in the game? Or do you think trust is always essential?
I dont think its too early, you need to have at least a little trust or you're gonna be first boot. Trust is absolutely essential, and trust can grow and diminish it isnt always 100%.
Dylan: How well do you think you know these people? Does friendship extend into the game?
I mean, I know some people better than others because I’ve played with them before. And friendship absolutely extends into the game, it’s just a question of how much and in what way it impacts relationships.
Sam: Who, if anyone, deserves to go home? Why?
I still stand by my tribe and think that we had the better video, so one of the villains should go home!
If anybody has played a hidden immunity idol, this is the time that would be announced.
Nobody has played an idol.
I’ll read the votes. Once the votes are read, the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
First Vote: Gwen
this sucks im sorry
Second Vote: Dylan
This is the only name I’ve heard
Third Vote: Gwen
I’m so sorry girl, this is the first time I can truly say that during a first vote I don’t want ANYONE to go, I love this tribe so much and we’re all gonna miss you!!
Fourth Vote: Dylan
I hate having to vote someone out first, but as long as it ain't me, we good.
That’s two votes Gwen, two votes Dylan, four votes left.
Fifth Vote: Gwen
Sorry to do this but someone has to go tonight 
Sixth Vote: Gwen
Seventh Vote: Gwen
first vote is always the hardest 
Eighth Vote, and the first person voted out of Heroes vs. Villains: Gwen
sorry girl, maybe i have it wrong, but this is just based on the information i've heard from others today
0 notes
Oblivion (a Nevermore novel) by Kelly Craigh
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Book: Oblivion (a Nevermore novel)
Author: Kelly Craigh
Publisher:   Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Release Date:   July 28th, 2015
Format: Hardcover
Pages:  448
Started Reading: March 29, 2019
Finished Reading: April 1, 2019
Summary (supplied from GoodReads):   This electrifying conclusion to the Nevermore trilogy takes one last trip to the dream world of Edgar Allan Poe to reveal the intertwined fates of Isobel and Varen. The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? —Edgar Allan Poe The fine line between life and death blurred long ago for Isobel Lanley. After a deadly confrontation with Varen in the dreamworld, she’s terrified to return to that desolate and dangerous place. But when her nightmares resume, bleeding into reality, she is left with no choice. Varen’s darkness is catching up to her. To everything. Threatening to devour it all. Isobel fears for her world. For her sanity and Varen’s—especially after a fresh and devastating loss. To make matters worse, the ghostly demon Lilith wants Varen for her own, and she will do anything to keep him in her grasp—anything. Can Isobel ever find her happy ending? Worlds collide and fates are sealed in this breathtaking finale to the Nevermore trilogy.
My Thoughts: Could this story melt whatever heard and soul I have more? This book...is right up there with Nevermore on the same pedistal. So beautiful it was.
That Pinfeathers think I mentioned in the last book review? Yeah...I had an emotional connection to him by this book. I see why he went the way he did, but I kind of wished we saw him a bit longer in the book. But, then again if he was still hanging around Varen wouldn’t have come to his senses the way that he did. 
Varen...oh you were the one that melted my soul the most. Even though we didn’t read through your perspective and through Isobel’s...oh how it was heartbreakign to see that you still thought se was dead...Why am I listening the Marianas Trench while reading this book and reviewing it?! First time I’ve heard this album by the band...and I’m on the Ghost song...oh good lord and lady (*coughs* sorry the Wiccan in me) this song goes so well with him...it makes me upset now....And I though Rhythm of Your Heart did...What is my life anymore?!
I wish that we saw more Gwen and Danny, but again I understand why we didn’t. In a way I think this book was making up for the last one in regards to giving us more time with Varen, and also with Isobel being so close to reaching him since it is the last novel of the trilogy. 
I still think the best scene in this one was when Varen finally realized that she wasn’t a dream, though he still though she was dead and he morphed the surroundings to like that beach scene that resembled the Poe Poem...
I actually liked seeing Varen interacting more with the Dream world, and not just him in his gloom state. Especially when he did want to get out of there and out of Lilith’s grasp on his mind. 
Speaking of Lilith...I feel like through out the story now that I think about it....as much as she terrified me...we could have been spending more time on her lore, and the like. But, then again we were probably only told what we as the audience needed to hear. I don’t it was just a thought regarding the world building...
Reynolds....Kelly I have to say it...as much as I love Isobel, Varen, Gwen, and Danny....I honestly think Reynolds was the best character in the whole story. The twists you put us through involving him were unreal. He’s the Snape of this series. Like you want to dislike him...truly dislike him at times...but then by the end of the book you truly love him... Though I do wish that were was a bit more time to explore him. But, again its probably that we the audience didn’t have to know. After all we were only told what Isobel was told, and even she by the end of the story was still a little puzzled. 
The end of the book.....a very love/hate relationship with the end of the book. I found it bittersweet...Its almost like the story wasn’t COMPLETELY ended. Especially with the epilogue. I mean we’re told a bit of why Varen had initially gone into his own mentality the way that he did. I’m feeling from all of the hints that his mother was the catalyst for this...he went to meet her 2 years after all this stuff happened....and yet...he couldn’t bring himself to approach her. I mean I get it...this happens in real life more often than not...but considering the paranormal/horror stuff that the series revolved around....I would have kind of liked to know why his mother left Mr. Nethers, but most of all leaving Varen too...Like did she know some of this stuff? She was just hinted at so much...like Varen’s attachment was a core element to the story lore...but there was nothing at the end...
Verdict: A very bitter sweet ending to this wonderful trilogy. You really do need to have patience with it. But, if you can supply that patience you will greatly be rewarded with this enriching story. Take note though that you should listen to Rythm of Your Heart when reading the scene of the Grim Facade in Nevermore, and Ghost while reading this book. Both songs are by Marianas Trench. 
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writingsofadumbass · 7 years
Be Careful Ch 1 (Medieval!Yoongi)
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Admin: both lol (Sadie makes it pretty for me cuz i’m trash)
Words: 1,508
Genre: Fluff, Angst, (future smut), Medieval!Yoongi
Description: You’re a new handmaiden to the queen, and it’s not an easy task. Especially when you’re continually tripping up stairs, poking yourself with various needles, and running into things. Thankfully the sarcastic castle healer is there to patch you up after your painful little encounters.
“Shit.” You hold your head in pain as a large bump in the road throws you from your seat, straight towards the window of the carriage. Hard. You can already feel the bruise starting to form.
”Didn’t I tell you it would be a rough ride, love?” The coachman chuckles from the front, his voice gruff.
 You straighten up in the carefully crafted wooden seat, keeping a hand on your head and hissing a few curses under your breath. Gently, you prod at the forming bruise and sigh dramatically before staring out the window at the passing green hills.
 After all that training at Count Bratilda’s School for Proper Young Ladies (or as everyone who ever attended that school calls it: Count Bitchula’s School for Proper Young Ladies), it was finally happening. You were finally to become a lady in waiting for the Queen. The fucking Queen.
 It had always been your dream to wait on the Queen. To dress her, to advise her, accompany her everywhere, it was almost unreal to even think of the thought. But here you are, in a carriage to the castle to wait upon her majesty. 
You suppose to most people, going to the castle is an opportunity to obtain many riches, to marry a handsome and wealthy lord or a beautiful lady. The castle is seen as a tall, powerful building with golden toilets or something like that. To you, that doesn’t really matter as much as one thing.
“I’m finally away from my parents!” You yell out the the window. “Fuck yeah!” You hear a hearty guffaw from the coachman and sit back in your seat with a smug smile on your face, crossing you arms over your chest. The coach from the front yells back to you of how the castle is just up ahead. This gets your attention.
You swiftly turn to your left and unlatch the window. You pull it down and stick your head out to see the castle up ahead. The castle is an absolute work of art, you must admit. 
“This is gonna be amazing...” you say quietly to yourself. 
You arrive at the castle only to be met with two young women looking to be in their late twenties. They run up to meet you, their long satin dresses rustling and their neatly done hair staying in place.
“Welcome, honey! We’re going to be going to be your fellow Ladies in Waiting I’m Isabella and this is Gwenith, but you can just call us Izzy and Gwen,we’re really excited to meet you!” The beautiful Women greet you
“oh Nice to meet you I’m Y/n” you politely greet them back you quickly step out of the carriage and walk over to the women kindly smiling.
 “Okay hon time to give you a tour and get you accustomed to this crazy life we live” Izzy tells you laughing as she wraps an arm around your shoulders guiding you inside.
We walk inside to a beautifully decorated Great room. “This is The Entrance hall it’s damn big isn’t it? The other day I caught two of the maids making out under the stairs ah young love’ Gwen tells you while quietly snickering
 “That door over there leads to the Kitchen and dining hall” Izzy starts “Everyone who works in there is a Doll besides the head of decor he’s kinda a prick always swearing and yelling at his poor helpers” She finishes and you smile softly as they lead you to various areas around the castle.
“So this hon is when you’ll be meeting her majesty herself” Gwen announces. You look up.
The Queen's chambers are something that is so intricately designed, that they say the King himself asked over 30 carpenters to aid in it's design. The door itself is a masterpiece on its own. It gracefully arches on either side, meeting in the middle with gold plated torches on either side.
 The wood of the door is a strong oak, carved with intricate designs of roses and vines crawling up the wood. Each rose has a beautiful red gem embedded in the middle of the flower, and the leaves on the vines have emeralds placed gently on the tips. The handles to the door are gold and in immaculate shape. In all, it is absolutely stunning to look at.
Izzy and Gwen lead you to the entrance of the beautiful door gently pushing you inside following along you spot a beautiful women looking at two beautiful necklaces one with beautiful, dazzling diamonds and one with Mysterious black as coal Onyx. She seems to be trying to decide which would look best with her Royal Blue Gown.
You walk up quietly besides the women “Excuse me your majesty I believe the diamond necklace would go best with your beautiful gown” You tell her as she turns around quickly to look at you
 “Who are you?” she begins to question before realization appears on her face along with an endearing boxy smile “you must be the new lady in waiting!” she says gently taking your hands holding them in excitement “no on told me you were so young and beautiful” she compliments as a blush appears on your face
“oh thank you your majesty, but i’m nothing compared to you” you truthfully tell her seeing you were nothing special “oh nonsense darling I’ve been so excited to meet you also I also think the diamond would look better thank you dear!” she tells you before grabbing the necklace and handing it to you to put on.
 you take the necklace and unlatch it gently placing it around the queen’s neck before securing it. She leads us out the door and begins telling us about her son Taehyung whom even Gwen and Izzy told me was the nicest person in the castle besides the queen herself and maybe the Chief Hunter.
She leads us into a large room filled with shining chandeliers and in the center was a large group of maids and younger ladies in waiting dancing around the room while a rather tall, handsome, kind looking man sang them a song with a huge boxy grin on his face.
 “That most be Taehyung” You think to yourself. As soon as he saw his mother he stopped singing, giving the job to another tall male with dimpled cheeks and a book in his hand.He runs over excitingly“Mother!” he yells as he nears us
“Mother I was teaching some of the girls to dance don’t they look lovely?” he asked his mother. The queen nods smiling back at him. He then turns and notices you with a questioning look in his eyes.
“Mother who is this?” he asks curiously looking at his mother “Oh Tae this is my new Lady in waiting y/n” she explains smiling at you “It’s very nice to meet you Prince Taehyung” You say curtseying
 “Oh just call me Tae It’s very nice to meet you I hope we can be friends!” he happily greets you.Just then a small group of young knights walk in laughing and lightly swinging their swords, but suddenly one of their slashes goes a bit too far striking the rope in the far end of the room connected to the chandelier.
 The Chandelier begins falling as you notice a small girl underneath. Before you can think about it you move past Tae running and pushing the girl out of the way. The last thing you see before hitting your head is Tae and the Queen’s shocked faces.
You awaken to a white ceiling in an unknown bed. You freak out and quickly sit up before doubling foreward in pain from your head whichyou notice has a bandage around it.
“Nasty bump you got there Sweetheart” You hear a mischievous voice say. You turn your body with your head in your hands to see the most handsome man you’ve ever seen.
He's stunningly beautiful, you must admit. With his fluffy black hair, graceful eyes with a lazy glint to them, and long fingers, he's absolutely breathtaking. He's got his relaxed look to him, almost lazy, but there's a spark in his eyes that you take note of. Back at your village, there was never really anyone you could truly call "attractive." But here, at the castle, here is someone who is absolutely, irrevocably gorgeous. He stares at you quizzically.
“Name’s Min Yoongi I’m the Royal healer are you gonna introduce yourself or keep checking me out sweetheart” he says cockily. You harden your eyes
“My name’s Y/n and the last thing I would be checking out is your cocky face” You shoot back
He stares at you curiously before returning to his cocky smile.
“Looks like we got a feisty one” he says grinning
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