#i love hank so im guilty
rianafying · 9 months
was away from my phone for a day and it feels like i haven’t been on tumblr in ages.
it’s 2am rn, raining heavily, im enjoying this a lot. but i can’t help but feel overwhelmed by all the tasks that await me. just always, generally, in life. they’re not difficult to people, but they’re near impossible to me. i feel very scared very often. stability feels foreign and instability feels awful. cried a lot at the protest today, i can’t do protests they’re emotionally just too much for me. i’ve been daydreaming about falling in love. nobody in my mind, just generally, the idea of love. which is good i guess? it’s healthy to want it. i’m not as damaged as i had feared. but i really need to get a little more control over my life. drinking tea really helps with the nerves. gives me clarity. shuts down most of the chaos in my head makes it so that i can follow and complete one train of thought at a time. feels like a miracle drug but it’s just plain black tea, the cheapest most generic one i could find. crazy i know. i’ve been rewatching bridgerton. i really do love the show. and i have the fattest crush on jonathan bailey. embarrassing i know. it’s my guilty pleasure show. found some good music lately. new stuff. on repeat. added to my coming of age summer playlist. the age being 24. i can’t believe im going to be 24 soon and im so proud of myself not for anything i’ve achieved but instead for starting to let go of my obsession with achievement. there’s no good reason to torture oneself over never finding enough success under the horrible system that is capitalism. nothing is ever enough. makes me think of dc, when he said if you can, take my hand, i promise you’ll find love again, love again. very unrelated but also extremely related to my current situation. not soon though. i really hope it’s not soon. i’m enjoying my solitude. i swear the next time i do this whole love thing it’s going to be so different from anything i have ever experienced before. if there even is a next time. only time shall tell. i think time is the only thing can can be told and do the telling. i might be wrong, there might be a hundred other things. but. back to life as i know it today, i should sleep. i should shower then i should apply my medicine then i should sleep. i should also drink water. very very important. crazy how so much work is essential for the body to keep on living. and how it lets you know very aggressively when it has not had enough. food, sleep, movement, sun, medicine, and the list goes on. there’s so much stuff i need to throw out. so many people whose messages i have to reply to. i often forget because 90% of texting is just formality and roughly 10% is actual information exchange. i don’t think i’ve ever truly been missed by someone. my friends always say they miss me. i miss them dearly, but i can’t imagine being missed. like to think that they felt my absence and “missed” “me”. what a crazy world and what a lucky girl i am. at least in this regard. i wonder why hank and john have not spoken up about palestine. i wonder how anyone i have ever respected could stay silent while witnessing cruelty of this level. i’m not even a sjw or a particularly passionate activist. i don’t normally feel like everyone needs to care about something. but this? this is just. beyond. just beyond. everything. i worshipped hank and john. they taught me almost everything i know and i never thought i could ever be let down by them. yet here i am. learned my lesson about worshipping people. but what about god? god is so much worse, like asfsgshdjdkdldlflkkkl. it’s nearly 3am. i always do this. i always stay up too late the night before an important gig. it’s the over thinking that keeps me from peace. i’ll take some stevia w me to the studio so i can make my tea when im there! my brain.
i hope i don’t have to move back to bangladesh, because it is terrible over there. especially now that im seeing all the election season atrocities. i dont know what will happen in my life but i know that im trying my best. i’m always trying to prove myself, but to whom? who am i trying to answer to? pobody’s nerfect, i need to take it easy. goodnight for now.
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hankmanny · 1 year
i have an entire story behind this animatic and im going to explain it even though no one asked
so basically hank is all " you should love me not her:" (sarah)
and manny feels like guilty bc he thinks hes cheating on her??
and hanks all like " its ok she doeant have to know" angst shit like that idk im autistic
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i think twitter/reddit fandom groups tend to attract the worst of the worst. tbh the 1975 subreddit is comparable to the insane swifties on twitter. matty can’t do anything wrong in their eyes and they will block and ban you if you say anything less than the highest praise. they delete / lock almost every post. it got reaaallyyy bad when the whole kanye stuff happened and then when TTPD came out. people made a sub called /the1975neutral but tbh it inactive as hell and when it is active its a lot of the times haters/swifties. i commented “it’s crazy that macklemore is more political than matty healy.” (which i also said here lol) to which i got banned within probably 10 minutes for “uncivil conversation”
i really don’t know if he’s active on twitter, reddit or tumblr these days but i hope he sees/feels guilty when he sees people mention his silence. people are going under almost every famous persons (met gala) post with pro-palestine comments, it’s gotten so prevalent in their everyday lives that finally people like lizzo, hank green and chris olsen have spoken up in support of palestine after months of silence. im not saying bullying someone into speaking about something is the best option but maybe it things went to his way enough he would finally realize the power he has and how badly people would like for him to use it. or the scarier option to confront is that he might just not care, but i don’t see how matty “loving someone, people, love it if we made it, banned from two countries” healy couldn’t care for something like this. i mean even his friends have spoken up about it countless times. idk im just rambling at this point, but i hope he does something for the better, no good time as now. (i mean about 7 months ago would have been better but at this point i think we would take just about anything from anyone with a big platform.)
what the actual fuck. I think I know a couple of people who are mods on there. To be fair though they hate my guts so I’m not sure I’d do you any favors if I spoke to them lol. But even so, I always knew they were insane. I had no idea they’re THAT insane. This is so depressing. No wonder all that i keep seeing on there is brainless nonsense. Never anything interesting or discussion-worthy. Wowwww.
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10x16 of chicago pd
oh lovely recap
already scaring me
oh courtroom scene
this is gonna go well
(sarcasm in case you missed it)
asa chapman
wassup lady
kinda like you
oh no
this isn't gonna end well
at all
how does they jury just ‘ignore’ or ‘disregard’ a statement
keep it together chapman
please dont give away what you know
oh closing statements
keep it together
dont cry
dont cry in front of them
who is this juror?
why is he looking like that
isn't that closing statement a bit argumentative??
‘almost like you had done that before’
oh if you only knew
will she tho?
will she really hear the guilty verdict??
that juror
im worried
how is this gonna go
oh joy
this is gonna cost them the case
dont do something stupid
what'd she see??
what is it????
oh covered wind
broken glass
oh god
poor guy
what's happening
something bad is happening
this is just
god this is awful
‘shes all i have’
tell me why im crying?? god
more off the books stuff??
i can't
im done
torres undercover
we love to see it
more secrets from chapman
aw his smile
oh damn
improvisation at its best
we love
who is this guy??
i love seeing torres undercover
kev and hailey???
love it
power partners
we love it
‘im pulling up’
*slowly slides into frame*
why is that funny to me?
oh god what's happening
ph my god
this is somehow a game of hot potato 
oh damn
just tackled him
we love that
goddammit voight
use your head oh my god
oh voight’s interrogating the suspect in a house all by himself with the suspect handcuffed to the railing???
keep it together
oh there’s hailey
standing in front of the door like al used to
like that one time adam did
i dont like that parallel AT ALL
chapman’s prolly waiting
dont lie to her voight
dont fuckin
you idiot
dont do this
oh god
that's brutal
very gory
oh lovely
they're gonna kill her
after the verdict
and that's not gonna happen for a bit
oh my god
wait no nvm
i thought they were going to kidnap him
ill slap you
‘beer delivery guy’
oh wait
was that a signal???
no wait it wasnt
i love you
interrogation!hailey is so hot
dont jim
whatever you do
dont hit him
dont lose the case
hate this guy
so fuckin much
like with everything ive got
i love nina now
shes great
T E L L. H E R. 
goddammit torres
I love you
but your timing could not be worse
love it
i love torres
lovely door kick
i dont like the look of this
who is this guy?
ohmigod its his brother??
‘hes my brother’
voight’s brutal
i dont like this at all
convenient isn't it??
how it takes the others a couple more minutes
just so voight can go in alone
real convenient
how is this man wearing a pressed button down with jeans and not uncomfortable??
ive never understood how ppl go into gunfights while wearing a suit
this is scaring me
why can't they hurry this up???
goddammit voight
oh smart actually
no wait
wait yes
poor girl
she prolly dead
she most likely dead
oh shes responsive
i still dont know if shell make it
i dont have high hopes
nice bathroom
its actually really aesthetci
idk why im thinking about that
when youre giving good new
try smiling
okay but i admire him
god job
for going through with this
but still cmon voight
what's happening
there we go
he going to prisonnnnnn
for the rest of his lifeeeeee
LOVE the look on chapman’s face when he sees him get arrested
dont lie to her
this isn't gonna end well
she’ll end up hating you voight
okay but
asa chapman is very pretty
but worth nothing
dont walk away henry
dont fuckin walk away
shes right
dont think otherwise hank
she. right. 
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wired-migraine · 2 years
look i know i dont vent as often on here anymore just cause im really trying to get out of this habit where i reread and rethink the same bad thought process over and over
but every time and i do mean EVERY time i bring up something my friend doesn't exactly know or i guess care about he just doesn't bother showing interest. or shits on it without going into detail why.
like today i brought up detroit become human. its whatever! not my favorite but i liked the story of Alice and Kara and also Hank and Conner. but i really LOVEd the story of sentience and coming to be. not really gameplay oriented or even really story oriented. i just brought it up and said i liked it.
my god i've heard nothing but "game didn't know what it wanted to be, the stories and characters are trash, i only liked hank cause he's the fuckin poster badass" so of course i shut up i stop talking about it cause clearly he doesn't want to talk about it. back to this fuckin streamer named destiny.
but this has happened so many times. only with things i bring up. even when i express interest in the first half (oh its not so bad i actually liked-!) it doesn't go well. we somehow always circle back to things he wants to talk about. one time i tried to talk about pokemon and he just shut that conversation down the same way, said magic was better and more strategic. fuck off i dont care about magic i want to talk about anything else for five seconds!! i'd give more direct examples but honestly i think i blocked out most of what he says and just go to the "uh huh, yeah, they did what now?" cyclical talking points
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and im not gonna lie i'm getting pretty tired of it! i made fuckin vent art of me like a pull string doll just talking away! hanging on a lil back string. thats all im good for is an echo.
but i think the worst part about any of this is how GUILTY he makes me feel about it. im fr talking puppy dog eyes but i dont actually look at his face when he does it. he just makes the sound and lip thing you know the one. its gross tbh and it SUCKS because i skip my fucking break so he won't be so whiny about it. TO TALK ABOUT THE THINGS HE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT
i hate it i really do. i know he's using me for therapy because he told me he wanted a female therapist. (also haven't talked about THAT either, i think we're only friends because i'm afab and a bit of a weirdo so that makes it like same league or something?? idk idc) he talks TOO much about sex and sexual activities to the point where regular conversations go back into lol i saw this anime... god i can't stand it i can tell im getting looks by the other people there because the room is too quiet i desperately need to leave this job.
he's also physical, mostly just by poking and prodding. he does hit me with a stack of papers as a joke but the jokes getting less funny. he's getting angry with how i respond. i know i can tell him to stop and he will but it'll just cycle back around to making me feel guilty that i should've told him sooner so he doesn't feel like an ass. like i guess yeah? but don't forget that you're the one that did this and i didn't feel safe telling you.
idk i just feel like as much as "good" friends we are he's desperate for attention and its really getting into my work. like i can tell when he looks at me and i hate it i hate having him just LOOK at me because and HE has told me that he had a dream of me naked. i hate it i hate it i want to burn off my skin it makes me feel so unbelievably small and worthless to be reduced to just my body and echos i hate this.
i really hate this and god forbid i tell ANYONE about it cause it comes on and off in passing and nothing will happen with it. i know i choose to sit in that fucking corner but what other option is there? because if i change if i so much as MOVE people will notice and they know we sit together and haha its so cute they're sitting NEXT to each other.
it honestly feels like i've been masking for three months and it only took the middle guy being fired to direct all this energy towards me and i hate it. i hate how i cant say no and can't talk about the things i like without feeling like a freak. i hate how he looks and straight up stares at me. i told him i can't look people in the eyes and talk at the same time and he took that as a challenge to stretch my comfort so thin that spider silk can't sew it shut.
thank god i still listen to music so i can at least focus on that (for the most part) but i can't even find respite in that because he keeps wanting that cyclical conversation that he knows i don't care about. i'm just playing the tape and hoping it wasn't a genuine question about my thoughts (it usually isn't)
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starfruit-baby · 2 years
Been thinking a lot about your post about Hank. Do we like Hank?
He's on the Androids' side, but he's also a cop.
And unlike Connor, he doesn't have the excuse that he literally wasn't sentient when he was obeying his cop orders long before the game even started. He used to be a decorated officer.
i ponder a lot about that too tbh, i think from my perspective, the most logical path if he survives is that he would quit his job. and not in a "just because i like him = he is unable to fuck up" way, but from his dialogue, it sounds like he starts realising the state of the world a lot more differently once he looks through these cases with Connor and he experiences empathy for things he never imagined he would, and sees how actions spread consequences. i dont know who exactly it was who said it here so im sorry if im not crediting you right now, but i saw someone recently point out (which i did notice as i played) Hank doesn't even JUST blame the human doctor for his son's death, but says 'this fucked up world where the only relief people get is from a fistful of powder'. i wonder if this is a thought he always had, or if this was one of the things he learned along the way. AND he visibly resents his job once 'the civil war' starts looming and the case is about to be handed over to the FBI because his job conflicts with what he deems is right
im gonna have to check again because i dont remember very well his timeline, but im led to believe from the game that he started cracking down on the drug trade Because of his incident (and from what i recall those were his most successful cases), and he was probably misled to think this would help with such problems, but started becoming hopeless once he realised even if you take out one trader, another will show up in his place, and people will always want more, and there was just... no winning. Hank is visibly very pessimistic and disilusioned with humanity, hes nihilistic and just trudges through his life, and when you're stuck in a rut like this you barely want to move out of your comfort (which i wouldnt say is like, morally correct, but i understand), but it's like once he hears the first hand accounts on the step by step through oppression that he starts to really get it. is it fucked up to take a systemically oppressive job as revenge? absolutely. is he late on realising his job makes him do fucked up things? yeah, but i think depending on how he moves on from his past, there's still hope for him. and obviously, its easy for me to be so forgiving on him, the game does want you to like him, but this is just what i think lol in the end, the only good cops are either dead or no longer cops. and about half of his paths end like that ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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maxfoxdbh · 3 years
Not Your Fault
Bullied!Reader x Connor
Summary: Deviant Connor visits you in college and feels guilty when he finds out that you aren’t being treated very well.
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Hurt + Comfort
Mentions of bullying
Slut shaming
Gender neutral reader
Slight Angst
He had been so ready to see you again. Even in the presence of his beloved friend Sumo, he felt as if something was missing.
He knew that it would be difficult when you decided that you’d be going to college to gain a better degree.
He knew it, and yet...
Not having your around was far more draining than he’d ever thought it would be.
Sure, he was fine, for the most part. He worked with Hank at the DPD, He’d video chat with you as much as he possibly could with both of your busy schedules, and he devoted much of his free time to talk with you, discussing your day, your life, so many hours away.
It certainly was challenging, and he held himself well, most of the time, but sometimes he just felt so trapped, like the only thing that could've made his day bright was the one thing he couldn't be around.
None of that mattered today because today, you'd be together again. If your college wasn't so far away, he’d have visited you every weekend, if not several times a week, but again, you were several states away, and the both of you were incredibly busy.
“Don’t short circuit, kid.” Hank had said gruffly as Connor bustled around the house, packing a backpack.
After saying goodbye to his little family, Connor was off to the airport.
He quite liked being on planes, sitting next to the window.
He’d watch the clouds pass by. Normally, you’d be there with him, but he was still excited being there on his own, since he was on his way to see you.
His smartphone buzzed under his palm.
One(1) new message from y/n❤️...
How are u doing, roboboy? :]
Connor smiled down at the screen, feeling his artificial heart pump in his chest. He lifted his thumbs to type a response.
I’m currently on the plane! I should be landing in an hour and twelve minutes.
Not even two minutes later, his cellphone buzzed again.
One(1) new message from y/n❤️...
Yay! Im so excited to see you 🥰 I cleaned the dorm and everything 😅
Receiving such happy messages from you made him all the more anxious to arrive at your college. With every second that passed in that plane, he become more and more ready to see you again.
You stood in your dorm, growing at your thumb nail in anticipation of Connor’s arrival.
You hadn’t told him about it, but things were rough.
You were taking a debate class just as a fun activity to add to your schedule, and while debating android related topics, you had mentioned that your boyfriend is an android.
You didn’t see the problem with that. It was the truth, and you weren’t aware that it was something you had to hide. The torment that came after was alarming, to say the least.
You wouldn’t dare tell Connor about it. You knew he’d be upset, guilty that he wasn’t there with you.
He didn’t need to know, and it would hurt him in he did, so he wasn’t going to know.
You didn’t regret talking about your relationship with Connor. The fact that he was an android was not something deterred you. You loved him no more or less than you would if he was human and he loved you in the same way.
Opening the front door for him, the five months of loneliness suddenly melted away. As you hugged him, you forgot about the many days you’d spent in a cold bed alone.
“C-Connor,” You stammered, tapping his back as he squeezed you with what seemed like all of the strength in his body.
“Sorry,” He eased up, loosening his grip slightly, “I overdid it a little bit,” He sighed, closing his eyes as you hugged him back, “I missed you...” Connor admitted. “I had this dull feeling the whole time, and I couldn’t figure out what it was.”
You smiled into his shoulder, finding comfort in the familiar noise of his heart beat and the whirring of machinery within him.
“I recognize that I’m just an android cop,” He muttered, blinking his eyes open, “but... Would it be ostentatious to wonder if you missed me too?”
“Oh, Connor,” You pulled back to look at him, “don’t be so humble...” You trailed your fingertips up to his face, “Of course, I missed you. I missed you every single day. How could I not?”
Connor smiled at the feeling of your kiss on his cheek, something he hadn’t been able to experience in a long five months.
“Come, sit down,” You smiled, pulling him in by the sleeve. You closed the door behind him.
The faint blue tint on Connor’s face was unwavering. His eyes were bright and full of life. He sat on the edge of your bed and looked around.
A garbage can full of paper, a picture of him on your desk from your date to the aquarium, many textbooks piled up on a shelf.
You sat down next to him, reaching experimentally for the hand resting on his thigh. “It’s so lonely without you.”
“I’m right here,” He said, leaning into your touch. Connor glanced at the bed on the other side of the room, “Is that where your roommate sleeps?”
“Yeah,” You smiled, “she’s a couple of rooms down the hall right now, I’ll go get her for you.”
Connor nodded, happy that you were willing to share this part of your life with him.
You stood up, “I’ll be right back, I swear. I don't wanna spend any more time away from you than I have to.”
“Don’t worry, ” He smiled, “I’ll look around until you get back.”
As you slipped out the door, Connor stood up and looked at the photo of him that sat on your desk.
It was taken without his knowledge while he was staring at the fish in one of the bigger tanks I'm the aquarium, eyes full of wonder. The blue shades in the water reflected onto his face.
He wished he had a similar secret photo of you, although he could just replay his memories anytime he liked and see you in those moments again.
Your laptop sat in the middle of your desk, plugged into the wall. You did many of your school assignments on it. Maybe Connor could help you out with some work while he was here.
There was a calendar on your wall. Today’s date was circled with red marker. Within the circle, it said, “Connor arrives <3”.
A week from now you had jotted down that you’d have a test. A few days ago, you had written that you had to turn in an exam.
Connor’s head turned at the sound of something being jammed under the door.
It was a mint green piece of paper, about the size of something torn from a notepad.
He stood up and walked over to the door, wondering if you had slipped something under it for him.
When he picked up the piece of paper, his smile immediately dropped.
“Such a slut that you’re getting off with an android. You should be ashamed, y/n.”
Connor blinked, re-reading those two sentences over and over again.
How could someone say something like this to you?
He leaped to his feet and opened the door, eager to tell whoever put that note there that they had the wrong idea.
Looking out into the hallway, no one was there. Connor furrowed his eyebrows, LED a prominent yellow color.
He shut the door and turned to the small garbage can, realizing that the piece of paper he was holding was the exact same color as the paper in the bin.
He kneeled in front of the garbage can, pulling out one of the pieces of paper. It felt strange to rifle through your trash, but curiosity overtook him, and he found that he had to discern what was happening.
Unfolding the piece of paper, his emotions worsened.
“Android loving whore”
He unfolded another one.
“Do you make out with refrigerators too?”
And another.
“Get a real boyfriend already, freak. So lonely that you’re dating a machine.”
And another...
“Try dating someone who’s capable of loving you back, not that anyone would love you.”
Sooner or later, Connor was sitting on the floor, surrounded by wrinkled sheets of green paper.
It’s not true... They don’t understand, Connor tried to remind himself. They didn't really know you or him. Even so, he felt himself become upset.
He kept his head down, starting at one of the pieces of paper with a blaring Red LED as you came back in.
“Hey, so apparently my room mate left for class. Do you maybe wa- Oh.” You stopped talking, looking at him. “Shit, Connor. Listen, I wrote those.”
“No, you didn't.” He said, furrowing his eyebrows. “This is not your handwriting. Someone wrote these to you.”
“Hey, ” You sat next to him, reaching out to touch his arm, “It’s alright.”
“It’s not alright, ” He shook his head, becoming more obviously upset, “why didn't you tell me? Why are they saying these things to you?”
You sighed, pulling away, “A bunch of people found out about us, or, more specifically, that you’re an android.”
“So they like to make fun of me for it because they're assholes.” You explained, “usually, they just stick those dumb notes under my door. Sometimes they'll make me the brunt of a joke in public, but... It's usually the notes.”
Connor frowned, “Why is it funny that you date me?”
You felt your heart sink, “No, ” you reached out to hold his hand, which was still gripping one of of the crinkled pieces of paper, “no, it's not funny at all. That’s what I’m saying, Con... They think it’s funny because they're jerks who don't like androids.”
He dropped the paper, looking down, “They’re bullying you because of me...”
“Connor, ” you mumbled. What were you supposed to say? It was technically true, but you hadn't expected him to take it so personally.
“Why didn't you tell me? You should have told me, ” He tilted his head, feeling a heaviness in his chest.
“I didn’t want it to upset you, ” You explained, “I didn't want you to worry. I should've said something.”
“Don't tell anyone that I’m an android anymore, ” He looked up at you, “If it's embarrassing or if it makes you get made fun of, I don’t want that. It’s my fault.”
“Connor, no, ” You squeezed his hand, “I’m not going to hide who you are in order to stop people from making jokes about me. I’m not ashamed of you.”
“But I’m an android, ” He said, “People will bully you if you tell the truth.” He couldn't stand the thought of you being mistreated, especially when it was because you were with him.
“That’s alright.” You said, “I’d rather be proud to be with you and have them bully me than hide you away and not be bullied.”
He relaxed slightly, letting you scooch over to him until you were leaning in, against his shoulder, “I don't like the things they say about you.” He whispered as you rested in the crook of his neck, “They’re not true.”
“I know, ” You mumbled, “but it’s not your fault, and there's no one I’d rather date than you, android or otherwise.”
Connor just smiled.
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rotshop · 3 years
You’re alright! I just got a little confused so I wanted to know, I also remember you saying you have 2B as one of your favs so I didn’t know it the Deimos stuff was bothering you. (Also don’t worry about bullying Deimos, he’s my favorite which means he gets EXTRA bullying from me (especially as Dedmos)).
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2b MAY be a fav of mine but any madness combat character makes the little termites in my brain go ehehhehrepeerznebxcjekdksjejxjjejejwwiwiewu /pos
ALSO you have no idea how deranged i am abt hof so!!! i apologize in advance
Chances are you messed with him a little bit at first lol. You would appear in his line of sight for a few seconds before walking around a corner or doorway and disappearing. YES it was a little mean but like..cmon...it was..a little funny...anyway eventually you like. actually show yourself when he's alone working on the improbability drive. (you just kinda loomed over him and went 'Whats that?' right next to his ear just to see him jump)
At first he was. a little scared of you. Listen. Listen he is like. relatively tall. You are fucking Skyscraper height compared to him. Not to mention, you are a pitch black figure who's been haunting him for like a week now with no word and you have ZERO facial features and he was a little too focused on his work to have really caught your tone SO he has no clue what you might be like. needless to say he is batting zero.
He kind of. hesitantly and very nervously explains his project to you for. some reason. While you just sit and listen to him. You just kinda go 'Oh cool' and then stay there and watch. He's still a little unnerved but he just keeps quiet about it.
You both just kinda fall into that routine of you showing up late at night and watching him work for a while and he warms up to you pretty quickly. It isn't long before he's distracted from the drive because he's too busy rambling to you about some memory of his or some random thing he seen that day. He can't feel too guilty abt it though because he's a little too caught up by ur laugh,,it makes him feel warm,,,
also the first time it got cold and you passed The Fuck Out he almost cried. he thought you just dropped dead or dipped bc it was late at night and he couldn't see you very well in the dark. he prefers if you stay at his apartment or whatever when it gets cold so he can keep an eye on you (also because he's really scared of other scientists finding you and freaking out and hurting you)
For him it's probably a case of either 'oh i wonder what happened to my funny little scientist friend' or 'I GOTTA know what this guys deal is' when it comes to him.
if its the first one then you might've tried to call him Hofnarr to which he did NOT respond very well. you just tried to excuse it as best as you could. you said you'd confused him for someone else which..he doubted. like. he's fucking Deranged but he knows he doesn't look like many other people cmon. BUUUTTT on the other hand you dont seem to have eyes so. yknow.
ANYWAY he's super curious about you. thought you were the auditor first and tried to attack you but it didn't work out lmao. after that though he just kind of. stares at you a lot. and also pokes and prods at you because he's curious. ALSO tries to climb you.
whenever he climbs on you you tend to have to either just kind of. let him cling to your shoulder or just hold him. he's made a grab at your halo before but you kind of. scolded him abt it and said you didn't like it. he doesn't know why but he felt really guilty abt it and actually apologized. not a super long and heartfelt apology but still an apology nevertheless
you passed out around him once and instead of waking up to chaos like you'd expected you'd just woken up and went 'oh hey. im laying on him. cool.' he'd panicked at first bc oh shit!!! friend down :(( but he just did his best to calm down and also make you comfortable while you took ur ufcking ummm surprise nap <3. even dragged some old curtain over to act as a blanketfor you while you laid ur head on his lap or stomach
you hold him like a chihuahua while he bites at your hands (endearingly, like you know how cats give love bites or whatever?? he does that to you.)
you holding tricky: Do you have a fucking problem.
hank who's been staring for like 5 minutes now because he thinks you're the auditor and hes so fucking confused:
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being a younger Avenger and mentoring Kamala
Kamala Khan x reader
warnings: avengers game spoilers, guns
a/n: so excited about this one; i made y/n just a bit older (and gn!) so that they’re in their mid-early teens during a-day! hope thats okie doke! reader has electrokinesis. this accidentally got really detailed
prompt: anonymous: “Hey there! Would you mind writing HCs for the Avengers Game about female reader being a young Avenger (around 17) and mentoring Kamala Khan?”
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you were just a kid yourself when you joined the avengers
and you were an inspiration to kids around the world
“does SHIELD think nothing of child labor laws?” -bruce
the avengers became your family
and seeing what you could do...they knew you could handle yourself
and then a-day happened
the day started off so perfect
and the kids went ballistic over seeing you
“y/h/n! look, it’s y/h/n!”
“can i get a picture?”
“hi, guys! of course you can!”
but there was one kid who stuck out among the rest
kamala khan
“you’re the one who wrote about the sewers, right? i freaking loved it! may i just say your art is amazing?”
“oh, yeah! and the part where you had thor spin mjölnir to push water towards the sewer lizards so i could shock them? genius!”
she could not wait to tell abu about what you had just said
you obviously took a selfie with her and handed her a little pin with your own “icon” on it
but your world got turned upside down that day
the battle was one you’d never forget
and the fighting with your own teammates afterwards would haunt you for years to come
“what do you know, y/n?! you’re just a kid!” -tony
“oh yeah? im one of the only functioning members of this team!”
“everybody calm down. y/n makes a good point, but—” -nat
“thank you”
“...but there’s some stuff you should leave up to us. you really shouldn’t have to take on so much responsibility” -nat
“she’s right, y/n. this was our fault” -bruce
“are you kidding me?! i’m just as guilty as the rest of you, i’m an equal member of this team! for years we’ve dealt with this together, taken the blame together! what’s changed?”
“y/n...you saw what we did out there. that changed everything...” -bruce
you technically were an inhuman, just not terrigen-based
didnt matter to AIM, they took dr. pym for god’s sake
so you had to run, you were on your own for a while
a long while
you laid low for five years, most boring five years of your life
at least you still had your life, though. it just wasn’t what it used to be
but you got a message one day
“‘tiny dancer,’ huh? my moneys on either nat or tony. nah, tony would have chosen ‘rocket man.’”
you couldn’t be sure, maybe it was just a random shield agent...maybe hank pym? god, this was crazy
the message brought you to, uh, cap’s memorial statue
and there was a young girl arguing with a couple of boys...an inhuman!
you hopped in and saved her, she seemed scared
“hey, kid, you alright?”
“y/h/n? is it really you?”
she seemed vaguely familiar
“are you tiny dancer?”
“no, i thought you might be? they sent you here, too?”
there wasn’t much time to chat, AIM was onto you
you two unfortunately got split up for a minute, but you were practically raised by the notorious clint barton and natasha romanoff, and various other spies
yes, you planted a tracker on her
and met her at the bus stop!
“you found me?”
“that i did, kamala. see, i do remember you”
“that is so cool! i mean—not almost getting killed, or the guy with the big head...”
“what guy? you need to tell me everything”
the whole busride was a bit overwhelming. kamala explained the resistance clues, her powers, her undying admiration for the avengers, you name it
but it made you feel good to know that there were people out there that didn’t hate you
“so what was it like? being the teenage avenger?”
“uh, it was...it was really cool. i felt like i was one-of-a-kind. but sometimes people didn’t take me seriously, it was kind of aggravating”
“yeah, no one takes me seriously either...”
“you know, depending on how this all goes, i might be able to give you a few pointers”
“really?! that’d be great!”
once you got to utah...you saw the chimera
it brought back some bad memories, kamala could tell
“you okay?”
“me? yeah, im good. just thinking...okay, well, do you have a plan on how to get yourself across all of this?”
“actually, i do!”
it was kind of creepy in there, but when you laid your eyes on caps shield, you kind of broke
“do you hear something, what it that?”
“...hulk. kamala, you need to get out of here, i’ll catch up to you, i swear”
she didn’t leave in time, so she got to see the greener side of bruce. you chased him back and tried to get bruce back
meanwhile, kamala found AIM troops...oops
bruce cooled off and man was he doing rough
“y/n, is that really you?”
“yeah, its me. surprise. how long have you been the big guy?”
“too long...a few years”
“jesus, im sorry. i’ll be right back, though. some kid brought me here, i gotta go get her. you kinda scared her off”
she was passed out when you got to her
but bruce is a doctor, he’d figure it out
“i could give her a little shock to wake her up, you know?”
“oh, i know. just let her rest for a minute. she needs it”
“right...well im gonna take a look around, maybe go see what i left behind. i could power the place up, but we’re missing some parts to actually get this thing running. best i can do is lights and doors”
you turned the little things on and turns out did leave a decent amount of stuff in here
your first pair of pistols that nat gave you, the gigantic stein that thor gifted you for your 13th birthday, gadgets tony needed an “extra boost” for *bzzt*, a note from cap that just said “good luck, y/n, you’re going to do great!” you cant even remember what it was he was referring to. you just missed him
kamala walked in while you were shuffling around and cleaning the place up
“hey, dr. banner wanted me to come get you. is this your room?”
“that it is, and it’s a huge mess. this is literally all my belongings ever”
bruce had his plan and you just went along, helping kamala out as you go
“baby steps, kam, don’t want you to pass out. but don’t worry, happens to the best of us” -you
“really? you pass out too?” -kamala
“oh yeah, for sure. tell her bruce, remember that time we had thor overcharge me to literally make me an EMP? and tony was busy listening to music so he wouldn’t get out of the blast radius and his armor shut down? so he was out of commission and i had just collapsed from it all? good times”
“y/n, we thought you died” -bruce
this hc is so long omg — anyways you guys ended up finding tony and it was sort of entertaining but he kinda punched bruce and then hugged you
“you got so big”
“shut up, tony”
you kinda harbored some bad feelings since none of the avengers did anything to help you once they started rounding up inhumans (but you still missed them)
getting attacked again
“okay, kamala, remember what i said about baby steps. dont overdo it. i trust you with this!”
“thank you, y/n! uh—oh my god!”
aaaanyways you went to the ant hill to see hank and pick up some supplies, boy was it great to see some familiar faces, then back the the chimera you went to fix it all up
“can you hold that right there for me, kamala? thanks. i think that just about does it. now i have a surprise for you...your own room!”
you helped kamala get it nice and tidy while talking about each other’s lives, she really did remind you of yourself when you became an avenger. excited, scared, underestimated, all of that. and she begged you to share some mission stories, so you obviously did
“you know, if you stick around for a while, you’re gonna have some cool stories, too. maybe even a kickass costume.”
“oh! a costume, ive got that sorta covered. check it out. a burkini, muslim women wear it for swimming and stuff. my mom got it for me”
“love it. soon we’ll find you a fitting name and update the suit, but seriously, this was the perfect way to go. you look great”
“you think so? i don’t know if i feel that cool. maybe i should try something else?”
“if that’s how you feel, you don’t have to stick to it. you can experiment all you want! but i really think you did awesome on this. come on, pose with me! and hey, i like your pins.”
at this point, you’d do anything for kamala, she reminded you so much of yourself. you would have killed for a mentor your age back in the day.
natasha was in fact tiny dancer...called it
“oh, god, y/n. you’re all grown up...im sorry we left you alone. but if it makes you feel better, i always kept an eye on you”
“well, i kind of took on a protégé...she’s like your grand-protégé. kam, c’mere”
after thor finally came back, everyone started fighting again and ditched, it felt so familiar. but you couldn’t leave kamala behind, you swore to yourself that you couldn’t do that.
she was so good for this team
MODOK was defeated (by kamala herself) but there was so much left to do, tons of threats to extinguish, training to accomplish
“y/n, tony won’t turn his dad rock off! he overrode the speakers in my room”
“oh, it’s on. get chastity’s fabric dye and bleach pens. we’re gonna start some trouble”
she gave you a high five one time and nearly broke your arm
sending each other tiny hand memes
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“hey, ms. m, how’re your parents? doing okay without their favorite super-daughter?”
“my abu doesn’t stop texting me actually, says my family is super proud of me. it’s a nice change of pace”
you take her on covert missions for field training, it was Educational(tm)
*elevator music playing* “so...what do you want for dinner? i was thinking we could ask thor to barbecue”
sleepovers in her room that just turn into her showing you her superhero merch, listening to music, prank lists, sneaking off to the HARM room for hand-to-hand combat training and power experiments, thinking up new costume designs
“tip: you always need backup suits, you never know what you’re gonna run into out there. one time tony pushed me into a tower of paint cans and they spilled all over me. steve yelled at him for two hours afterwards. worst mission ever, except steve said ‘motherfucker’ and i have never recovered from the emotions of that day”
“wow, i wish i could have been there for that”
“don’t worry, kami, you’ll see some crazy ‘team bonding’ along the way”
she geeks out about captain marvel sometimes
“hey, i’ve got a book carol gave to me about ‘teens taking responsibility.’ you wanna read it?”
“is it any good?”
“i don’t know, i only read the first two pages”
you ended up having a true heart-to-heart with her after one mission when she made a mistake that nearly cost you guys the mission. you told her that not every mission is going to go perfect, each avenger had slipped up in the field, and she had just started, shes not going to be perfect
“i am literally always here if you need anything. i know what it feels like to be a teenager among legends, but trust me, you’ve made it this far and you’ve proven how much of a badass you are. i know you can take anything that gets thrown at you”
kamala said she makes vegan nachos and yeah she makes vegan nachos
you guys have to hide from the rest of the team when she makes them bc they eat ALL OF THEM
gaff (the SHEILD vendor) has you test his gear, you recommend gear to kamala
you were so excited to guide kamala on her journey of heroism
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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commander-diomika · 3 years
I am Very Tipsy (okay I'm drunk so sorry about spelling but also ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but I just wanted to say that since I started reading your rqg series I have not been able to stop thinking about it! I mean the fucking development of it all just really gets to me it's incredible, don't get me wrong i like most interpretations of their relationship but there's just a soft spot for me when it comes to 'if I wasn't stuck with you we never would have gotten past how incredibly annoying you are' like every interaction they have pre-timeskip is deliberately pissing the other off and I feel like a lot of writers kinda side step it (again not a criticism) and I just love that you can feel the frustration when you write them. I mean in 'always forgive your enemies' you've got Zolf trying desperately to be like "no I've grown as a person it's been a long time he's clearly been through Some Stuff and maybe we'll be able to work together" and then Wilde says 1 sentence and zolfs immediately like "actually no fuck you I was right to not give a shot when you got tossed off a ship you're a tool" and the development of that to I don't like you but we've gotta work to whether to I don't dislike you but your friend sucks and no I'm not jealous what the fuck are you talking about to the terrified guilty rage if not being listened to but oh gods is he gonna be okay in 'experience' (along with just the utter heartbreak of Wilde almost reaching out to Zolf because yeah he does trust him now but then remembering that this is contagious and what if hes infected and what if it's HIS fault that Zolf gets sick and immediately shutting down and putting himself through a week in solitary IN THE ROOM HE SHARED WITH BOSIE SURROUNDED BY THOSE MEMORIES TOTALLY TRAPPED WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE BY THE PERSON HE TRUSTS BY HIS OWN ORDERS I MEAN FUCK DUDE and the kind of flirting except no I'm not but I mean if *you* were I wouldn't not be????? In 'the country' and 'talked about' and even then there's so many guards up and there's so much in the way - the blame the self loathing the guilt and the anger of it all AND the whole theres 2 people who had never met before we introduced them who shouldn't work are doing WHAT in quarantine (and also 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀) AND FUCK DUDE THE LATEST INSTALLMENT!? IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT SINCE YOU RELEASED IT HOLY FUCK! THE UNFAIRNESS OF THE SITUATION THE BETRAYAL OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT HUT THE ONLY THING YOU CAN BLAME IS THE CIRCUMSTANCE THE ONLY ONES YOU CAN CURSE ARE THE GODS BECAUSE THIS ISNT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO! THIS ISNT FAIR! WILDE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO MAKE THAT DECISION FOR HIMSELF ZOLF SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO FEEL TRUSTED THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO FEEL SAFE AND TRUSTED AND WHOLE AND TOGETHER AND THIS FUCKING INFECTION TOOK THAT! IT FORCED WILDE TO TALK ABOUT IT IN CIRCUMSTANCES HE COULDN'T CHOOSE! IT MADE ZOLF KNOW ABOUT BEFORE HED ACTUALLY BEEN TRUSTED WITH IT! AND IT WAS SO FUCKING UNFAIR AND DUDE IT WAS INCREDIBLE I JUST CANT ARTICULATE HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT AND THE WHOLE DISCUSSION JUST GOD IM YELLING IN MY OWN HEAD BUT NONE OF THE WORDS EXIST! I know a while ago you said you'd read something and you weren't sure about your own writing but Hank oh my fucking god please know that I've been thinking about what you wrote for the last month, I've been talking about it to my friends I'm so hyped for anything you have to write and I have no idea where you want to go with this or what points you plan to hit and everytime I get a notification I'm both excited and terrified and I just love it so fucking much your writing is incredible
Ooh my friend I have been waiting for your comment since I posted "Punish", I have come to enjoy your tipsy insights because yeah!! You get it! These fkn onion boys and their LAYERS of barriers they've both got up around intimacy (and yes I absolutely LOVED contrasting that with Barnes and Carter who in my head canon met like... 6 weeks ago? And just blew straight past any agonising over what it meant and got on with it. There's more of them in the next scene too BTW).
As soon as I decided I wanted to tackle the time gap with a trans Wilde, the strip inspections were the first thing I knew I'd have to wrestle with, and I KNEW it would be brutal and unfair and un-fun but also?? Absolutely one of the draws to ZolfWilde is that they've been through some absolute shit together, and exploring how instead of turning into unhealthy trauma bonding, it grows into something unlikely yet beautiful, and the fucked-up trans reveal was just another thing on the pile that they overcome or work through.
And Zolf has the thought of "this isn't how its supposed to go" but he wouldn't even be as close Wilde if not for the fucked up circumstances. There's no "supposed to". If this hadn't happened, Zolf and Wilde would have never worked together and continued to distantly think the other one was a git if they crossed paths. So it's a parodox of a thought.
Thank you for your nice words abt my writing, as always. I'm gonna go work on the next part u legend.
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666mistyday · 3 years
My two cents on the first 3 ep
- that was a quick death, took like 5 hits and he was dead
- dick looks so good w the nightwing costume
- i fucking hated that no one was crying, bc i for sure was about to
- the whole book thing, uhm sus, jason is a bookworm and they are playing it as he was the dumbest person around
- whats up w the meth lab
- besties Alfred died???? I was shook
- bruce wayne hate account, i wanted to punch him sooooooo much
- Barbara i love u, an absolute queen when she told bruce how much he had fucked up the kids
- i legit screamed when i saw stephanie and duke
- tim??? Timmy baby? If anything happens to him im gonna cry
- uhm the whole under the red rood plot but w dick, let me think abt it
- also bruce killing the joker? Idk how to feel abt that, at least hes dead
- i love conner so much, and krypto
- is jason todd aka the red hood really this much of a psycho? (honestly i haven't read the comics, but this is a real question) uhm idk it all seems like too much
- also dick found out his identity so quickly
- i dont like hank that much but i really didn't thought he was gonna die, poor dove (and conner too bc now hes gonna feel guilty bc he couldn't do the deactivation thing much faster)
- is kory thats so raven now or what??
- (i still dont like that much how the things are going w Jason)
- also guys i was so afraid of what this season would have turned out w the red hood plot and yeah its shitty i have to admit it, am i gonna keep watching? Yes
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mattygraygubler · 4 years
new girl 1 (spencer reid fic)
hi babies. so excited for this new fic. thanks for reading <3 
find my masterlist here, send me an ask to be added to this tag list or to request something, and find my read rec account here
word count: 5.1k 
warnings: smutty smut smut
AN: you can tell pretty easily that im totally projecting what i want my life to be like onto the reader, which i have a tendency to do. anyway here's some smut, and a little introduction to the story, which im super excited for. if ONE PERSON sends me an ask saying they want another chapter ill post it. 
I was the youngest partner at my firm to pass the bar exam at the ripe age of 20 years old. My friends all made fun of me, as back then I wasn’t old enough to go out to celebrate passing the bar.
Working for Henley & Associates was a blessing I loved. Being a criminal defense lawyer was amazing. Defending criminals sounds awful, but Henley & Associates did a massive amount of pro bono work, which is what drew me to the firm. Yes, I had to represent some awful people that were clearly guilty, but I also got to represent people who needed me, who were innocent and needed an amazing defense lawyer in their corner (one they couldn’t afford). But after years with the firm, I was beginning to get tired.
It started when I was 22 and first joined the firm. As a bright newcomer, I was given easy cases others didn’t want. I didn’t care, I was just ecstatic to be working in a world-renounced firm, and getting to do pro bono cases. Getting to help people made up for the times I had to defend people I didn’t think deserved to be defended. The rich ones. The Jeffrey Epsteins and OJs of the world.
And then, after a few years, right when I made partner, things changed. I got the cases that no one wanted. The worst, and richest, criminals. I was told it was because I was the best, that they requested me, but quickly I got tired. I was no longer doing pro bono cases; I was stuck defending awful people who I felt deserved to be in jail.
So at the age of 25, I secretly completed two doctorates, one in psychology, one in criminology, and by the time I was 27, I was ready to leave Henley and Associates.
Erin Strauss was a bitch if I ever met one, but I had tremendous respect for the woman. After just one interview she told me she would be more than happy to explore placing me on any team I wanted.
And I knew exactly which one I wanted: the BAU.
“But what if she doesn’t like us??” Penelope whined as she sat on Derek’s desk.
“Baby girl stop freaking out. Hotch says if she’s a bad fit, she doesn’t have to stay.”
“I don’t know about that.” JJ said joining the conversation in the bullpen.
“What do you mean?” Spencer asked.
“They refuse to tell anyone her name, but apparently she’s kind of a big deal. Strauss offered her a position in any department she wanted, and she wants us.” JJ replied.
“So you mean even if she’s horrible and awful and terrible she’s gonna stay on the team?”
“Penelope, she isn’t going to be any of those things.” Derek replied.
“Who is this lady if Strauss is literally giving her free reign over the FBI?” Emily asked.
“I have no idea, like I said, they’ve kept things extremely confidential. Rossi let it slip that all the interviews took place at night in undisclosed locations so her current employers wouldn’t find out she was leaving.” JJ said.
“What, is she some sort of celebrity?” Pen asked.
“What kind of celebrity becomes an FBI profiler?” Spencer asked.
“God, I wish I had something, a description, a name.” Penelope said. “I hate not knowing things, especially about my team.”
“I believe you mean my team, Garcia.” Hotch said as he walked into the bullpen. “Conference room, we’ve got to wrap up the Baltimore strangler case before we leave for the weekend.”
“Ok, it’s my big night I am NOT letting myself be privy to this kind of behavior!” I said with a laugh. It was my big night, and me and my closest friends were out at our favorite bar celebrating. It was a Friday night, so it was busy and the smell of alcohol and sweat filled the air.
“You are completely going to let yourself be privy to this behavior.” Jenna said with a push on my shoulder. Our favorite waitress came over with some shots “on the house” she said, thanks to my new job.
Yes, we were in our mid-20s, but that didn’t mean we didn’t still act like kids sometimes.
“Oh my LORD, do you see him?” Isabelle asked. I turned my attention to the door, where a group of people were walking in. The one at the front of the group was tall and bald, with chocolate skin and a dazzling smile.
“Dibs.” Katie said immediately.
“Hey!” I exclaimed. “If anyone should get dibs on the hottest guy in this bar, it’s me.” “I’ll made you a deal.” Katie said with a mischievous smirk. I knew what that look meant, and I hated it.
“Alright, what’s the deal.” I asked.
“You manage to get the moody nerd he’s with to smile, and I’ll give you my dibs.”
“What moody nerd?” I asked. I was too focused on the gorgeous man we originally saw to notice the rest of his group, which I now scanned. He was accompanied by three attractive women and another man. Actually, man may not be the right word.
“Oh my god, Katie, he doesn’t even look old enough to be in this bar!” I said.
“To be fair, neither do you.” Jenna said with a smirk. She was right, I did look much younger than I am. “C’mon, Y/N/N, he’s such a cutie. You could totally boss him around.” My friends all laughed at Jenna’s quip.
“Okay, deal. I gotta wait for my opportunity, though.” I said. We resumed our drinking and laughing at our high table, but I kept my eyes on the other group across the room. None of them seemed to be aware of the world around them, they were having just as much fun as everyone else in the bar.
Except the moody nerd. He looked like I felt when I was the only woman at the gym: scared, uncomfortable, defensive, and out of my element. How the HELL am I supposed to make this weirdo smile? Finally, after who knows how long (drinking really changes time, doesn’t it?) I saw my opportunity. The tall nerd stood up from the table and starting collecting empty glasses, clearly about to go to the bar for a refill.
“Brb-“ I said suddenly and walked briskly to the bar, hoping to beat him there. We arrived at the same time, and I purposefully stood at the opposite side of the bar so if he looked across he would see me.  
“Y/N, gorgeous, what can I get you?” Hank asked with a charming grin.
“You already know, Hank.” I said and returned the smile. “And whatever the tall guy over there is having.” I replied.
“The one with the curly hair?” I nodded, and Hank replied with a chuckle. “He’s not normally the type of guy you pick up…”
“I’m aware. In order to steal dibs from Katie on the gorgeous man he came with, first I have to make that weirdo smile.” Hank just laughed and shook his head as he walked away to get the drinks.
He brought me mine and I began to move the straw around in a circle. I was aware of everything happening around me, but I pretended to be engrossed in my drink. I felt a man come up behind me and I silently thanked God. This was exactly what I needed.
“Hey sexy, how are you doing tonight?” The man slurred. I turned to him and smiled, leaning in and portraying positive body language that indicated that I was interested in this new suitor. I could feel the other man’s eyes on me, no doubt Hank had just given him the drink I paid for and pointed me out.
Only for this frat man to come up and speak to me. Once I knew the cute nerd was watching me, I changed my body language. This new guy was clearly a retired frat boy who was way too drunk to make any sense. He started to move closer and I didn’t have to pretend I was uncomfortable.
Hank came over and accidentally spilled on the guy, causing him to get angry and huff away. I thanked him, going back to my drink when I felt a new presence beside me.
“Uhm…” The person said and cleared their voice. “Th-thank you for the drink, I really appreciate it.” I looked up at him and smiled.
From afar, he does seem to be a bit of a moody, skinny nerd. But up close, I couldn’t deny how attractive he was. He was at least 6’ tall, and at 5’4” I was immediately turned on by his slightly dominating presence. He was well dressed, had a jawline that could cut me, and hair messy but in a purposeful way. It was curly and framed his face and I felt myself imagine running my fingers through it.
Maybe I had too much to drink.
“I’m Y/N,” I said and smiled.
“Spencer.” He replied with a nod.
“Do you like to dance, Spencer?” I asked. I think I already knew the answer.
“Uhm, actually, I’m not all that--“ I laughed, cutting him off.
“I guess I should’ve phrased that differently.” I said. “Dance with me, Spencer.” I pulled him onto the dance floor and could tell he was mortified. I took his hands in mine and placed them on my hips and I started to move back and forth in time to the music. I saw him look at his feet, but pretty soon he was loosening up and moving more easily.
“So, uhm, what do you do?” He asked, trying to keep the conversation going despite the loud music. I moved my body closer to him, pressing myself against him and leaning up to whisper in his ear, a trick I know turned on nearly every guy on the planet.
“You don’t care what I do, and I don’t care what you do. In fact, I don’t even want to know your last name.” He froze and stopped moving, but I moved my hand to the back of his neck, getting more leverage.
“You wanna know what I do know, Spencer?” I saw him gulp and nod and I moved closer so he could still feel my hot breath on his neck.
“I know that you’ve been trying to hide the fact that I turn you on. I know that the second I pulled you onto this dance floor you noticed I wasn’t wearing panties. And I know the second I walk out of this bar, you’re gonna follow me, and we’re gonna have an unforgettable night.” I pulled away and looked at the stunned look on his face.
I grinned and turned around, walking back to my table, leaving him standing alone on the dance floor, surrounded by sweaty, writhing bodies.
“You can keep your dibs, Katie.” I said when I got back to my table. My friends laughed and whooped as I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked to the door. “See you guys tomorrow!”
Spencer quickly dodged and weaved his way through the crowd.
“Uhm, Morgan, can I talk to you?” He asked quickly. Morgan realized something was wrong and stood up as Spencer pulled him to the side. “A beautiful woman asked me to go home with her.” He said. Derek just laughed, realizing that nothing was actually wrong with Spencer.
“Alright, good for you kid!” He said and punched Spencer on the shoulder.
“I think I’m gonna go with her.” Reid responded.
“Good!” Morgan said. Spencer saw Y/N pass their table and was relieved that Garcia, Emily, and JJ didn’t notice her.
“There she goes now.” Spencer said and watched as Y/N approached the door. Derek turned, but was only able to see her hips sway as she walked.
“Damn.” He said. “If her front is at hot as her back, I’ll fight you for her.” He said with a laugh. Spencer just looked terrified. “Reid, I’m kidding. Go get her!”  
I began to walk down the DC street when I heard footsteps jog to catch up to me. I knew I must’ve been drunker than I realized, as it was hard to walk in a straight line and I wasn’t cold in the October breeze.
Spencer fell into step and walked next to me.
“I live right up here,” I said, pointing to the apartment building on the corner. It truly was a blessing living a block away from such a great bar. He nodded, and I could tell he was nervous as he kept fidgeting.
We approached my building and it wasn’t long before I was unlocking the door and tossing my keys on the counter.
“Alexa, weekend night lights on please.” Immediately the LED lights that were strung around my apartment turned on, on a low, soft orange color. “Make yourself at home.” I said and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses.
I came back to the living room to find Spencer squatting/kneeling next to my record player, picking an old Al Green album and putting it on.
“Good choice,” I replied as I poured the wine. He came over and I handed him a glass. Without my heels, our height difference was even more noticeable.
“Drink up,” I said with a wink. “You are much more sober than I am, and clearly that needs to change.”
“Is that so?” Spencer replied as he took a sip. “And why are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Alcohol raises the levels of GABA, which is a chemical neurotransmitter in our brain. It’s obvious I make you nervous, the more you drink, the more your blood pressure and heart rate come down and dopamine levels go up, physically making you less nervous.” I said.
My eyes widened the second I realized I had just had what my friends referred to as an “Y/N moment”.
“Sorry, I just… Can we forget I didn’t just ruin the mood with some stupid science facts.” I said, my hands shaking a bit. I was used to guys being intimidated by my intelligence, and this guy was cute. I didn’t wanna lose what could be a great night.
Immediately the dynamic between us changed. I was used to being the dominant one, but now that I was embarrassed, I no longer had the upper hand. My rambling seemed to cause a change in Spencer. He seemed to stand up straighter, his hands weren’t shaking, and his jawline was hard and sexy.
“So tell me this then.” Spencer said and took a step closer, lowering the distance between us. “Since you’re drinking too, should I assume that I make you nervous as well?”
This man was completely different than the one I had met in the bar. His voice was lowered and raspy, his eyes staring into mine, not bothering to break eye contact. I was shocked at the difference. Already turned on by him before, this change just made things even hotter.
“Uhm…” I said, putting down my wine glass to avoid looking at or answering him.
He took my chin in his hands, forcing my head up to look at him. “I do make you nervous, don’t I, Y/N?” He asked in that low, sexy voice.
“Uhm-“ “Uhm isn’t an answer.” He said forcefully. “What do you want?” He asked.
“Y/N, look at me.” He said, moving his body as close as he could without pressing it against me and putting his large hands on the side of my waist.
He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “What do you want?” I looked up at him, eyes wide.
“You.” I breathed out, barely a whisper. That was all it took. Spencer quickly moved his hands from my waist to behind my thighs, picking me up and slamming my back against the wall. He connected our lips, moving in a quick dance. I felt like I was inhaling him, his scent, the way his mouth tasted, the way his hands moved on my body.
He moved to kiss my neck, sucking and biting and making his way toward my chest as I gasped. “Bedroom,” I said. “Please.” Pleading was apparently a turn on for Spencer, as he continued to pick me up, holding my body against him as he found his way into the bedroom.
He tossed me onto the bed, and I grabbed the remote for the LED lights, turning them onto a dark red. Spencer climbed on top of me, connecting our lips once more. He started to push my dress up and I could tell immediately what he wanted. I tried to pull his shirt off, but couldn’t focus enough to get it off. I whimpered and my head fell back as he ran a hand from my knee up my thigh, stopping right before he got where I wanted him.
“Please,” I breathed, tugged on his shirt. He got up from on top of me to kneel and pulled his shirt off in one quick, sexy motion. He pulled my dress up further over my head and I was acutely aware of the fact that I was completely naked and Spencer was staring at my body.
“Holy fuck,” he said under his breath, staring at me like a starving man stares at a delicious meal. I wanted him to ravish me, and I could tell that’s exactly what he wanted.
“Spencer,” I whined as his hands started to move slowly up and down my thighs. “Please,” I begged. His eyes were dark, and we didn’t break eye contact as he shifted positions so his face was right in front of my dripping pussy. I could feel his hot breath and I squirmed, grabbing at any part of him I could reach, trying to get him to touch me in any way.
“Someone’s eager,” he said. He finally broke eye contact, now staring at my pussy. He moved closer and slowly put his tongue on me, moving slowly up and down my slit, barely touching me. It was enough for me to whine again, and close my eyes instinctively.
I grabbed his hair, trying to pull his face closer to me. I squirmed, but he continued to tease me, barely letting his tongue touch me.
“Please Spencer please,” I begged and pulled his hair harder. He kept his tongue barely touching me, but grabbed my wrists with his strong hands. He placed them on the bed beside me, allowing me to grab onto the sheets beneath us.
He spread my legs and knees so I was fully exposed to him. He was no longer teasing me with his tongue, but staring at my pussy again.
“If you move your hands or your legs, I’m gonna stop and start over. Understood?” He said. I nodded.
“I can’t hear you.” He said.
“Yes, I understand.” I breathed out. He gave me a smirk and didn’t break eye contact as he connected his tongue with my throbbing pussy. Immediately I moaned and couldn’t help but move one of my hands, grabbing out for him.
He pulled away. I whimpered once again.
“What did I tell you?” Spencer growled and put my hand back. “Don’t. Move.” He went back to eating me out, starting slow and focusing on swirling and sucking on my clit. I started breathing heavily, in total bliss. Never did I expect this man to have such an amazing tongue. He started to go faster and my legs started to snap shut.
Spencer stopped again, fixed my legs, and started from the beginning, slowly licking my pussy. I squirmed and bucked my hips, doing anything I could to get more connection from him on me.
He continued this pattern, edging me with just his tongue, starting over every time I moved too much.
“Please, Spencer, please.” I said. “More.” I felt him grin against my pussy.
“What was that?” he asked, pulling away slightly.
“More, Spencer, I need more, please.” He continued to eat me out, faster and faster, my head falling back onto the pillow. I got closer and closer to the edge when I felt him slowly insert one long finger into me, sliding it slowly in and out as he continued to eat me out. I gasped and couldn’t help but reach out for him.
“Uh uh uh,” he said and shook his head. “Do you like being a bad girl? Do you like being teased?” He asked. He was no longer eating me out, but I felt his finger slowly curl inside me, eliciting a moan from my mouth.
“Please Spencer,” I said quietly. “I’m so close to the edge, please, can I please cum?” He gave me another devilish grin. He slid another finger into me, which I guess was his answer.
His tongue was still swirling on my clit as his two fingers began to curl inside me. I tried to keep my legs and arms where he wanted them, but I could feel my entire body shaking from the orgasm I was about to have.
Right as I was about to tumble over the edge, I gasped as Spencer pulled out his fingers and backed his face away. I whimpered once again.
“Baby,” I said and pulled him up to me so I could kiss him. “That’s not fair.” I whined with a smirk.
He was still wearing his pants, and I could see his erection pushing again the fabric. “You like teasing me?” I asked and kissed his neck. He groaned in response, turning me on even more.
“I could’ve made you cum ten times by now,” he growled in my ear.
“Then why didn’t you?” I asked between kisses down his jawline.
“I think you already know the answer.” He said with a smirk, his brown curls falling into his face.
“Spencer,” I whispered in his ear. “Flip us over.”
Spencer obviously didn’t need to be told twice. Immediately his arms were around me and flipped us over so he was on his back and I was lying on top of him.
I knelt on the bed and drunkenly fumbled with the belt buckle on his pants. I could feel his chest shake with quiet laughter as I struggled with his belt.
“You’re not as dominant as you pretend you are,” Spencer commented and grabbed my hands and pulled me up to kiss him. I ran my hands down his chest back to the pants that were now gone. I pulled off his boxers, revealed an erection I was not expecting.
Spencer was hung.
He saw my eyes widen and I felt him chuckle again.
“See something you like?” He asked me. I slowly squinted at him, a playful smirk on my lips.
“Maybe…” I said. I grabbed his dick in one hand, wiping the precum down his shaft and putting just the tip in my mouth. I began to swirl my tongue, not moving my hands.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Spencer said and started to pull my hair. I whimpered and started to suck harder, my hand and mouth moving on their own.
I’ve given head plenty of times before, but watching Spencer’s naked frame get so much pleasure from something I was doing… He looked like a Greek statue, so chiseled and pristine, but powerful. Powerful was not what I thought when I first met him.
I continued to stare at him every chance I got, sucking and moving my tongue trying to find what brought him the most pleasure. A string of cusses left his mouth and his grip on my hair tightened.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna cum,” he said. I slowed down my movements, eventually ending the way I started, sucking and swirling on the tip, teasing him the way he teased me.
“Did you… Did you just edge me?” Spencer asked, his eyes staring into mine. I smirked, my eyes glinting as I winked at him.
“You pushed me to the edge nearly seven times. I felt like I needed to return the favor.” “Get over here,” he said and sat up, pulling me on him so I was straddling him. “Ride me, baby girl.” I began to kiss his neck as his teased me by rubbing his cock up and down my folds. I bit his neck right as he put his dick all the way in, bucking up his hips to meet me. I gasped, moaning in pleasure.
“Oh fuck Spence,” I said, not even realizing I had called him by a nickname. He played with my nipples in his fingers as he kissed me, my hands looped around his neck to give me leverage as I moved up and down.
Because of the edging, it didn’t take long for us to reach the edge, thankfully together.
“FUCK, Spencer, right there, please, please,” I said as his dick repeatedly hit my g-spot, making me cum. My juices dripped down his cock as he continued to slam into me. My entire body was shaking with pleasure as Spencer fucked me through my orgasm, his occurring almost immediately after as my pussy tightened around him from my orgasm.
He continued to thrust slowly as we came down, eventually collapsing beside one another, out of breath and tingling from the massive orgasms.
It was just a few minutes when I got up from my bed. I wasn’t ashamed of being naked. I found Spencer’s clothes on the floor and tossed them to him. He was sitting on my bed naked, leaning against the headboard with his hands interlaced behind his head, his muscles flexing ever so slightly and accidentally.
I wanted to ride him again, but I knew it was late and I had to be up early on Saturdays.
“I’m going in the shower.” I said curtly, not bothering to look at him as I walked to the bathroom. When I got to the doorway, I turned back to look at him.
“When I get out, you better be gone. Don’t leave any personal contact info, I’ll burn it. Oh, and there are cameras hidden all over the apartment so don’t even try to rob me.” I shut the bathroom door, loud enough to make a point, but not a slam.
What kind of person has cameras all over her apartment? Spencer asked himself.
As he pulled on his clothes, he looked around at the bedroom, taking into stock the different possessions, still ever the profiler, even intoxicated. He was finding it hard to focus, he normally barely drank, but somehow this bubbling, impulsive, beautiful girl had not only managed to get him drunk, she managed to get him into bed, which was a massively impressive feat.
Spencer heard the shower turning off, muttered ‘shit’ under his breath and began to walk to the door, making sure he had his wallet, keys, and phone.
The second he got outside, he called an uber (as the metro was no longer operating it was so late). Once he got in the car, he dialed up Derek, knowing that he was probably just finished with a similar night, aka his regular Friday routine.
“Morgan,” Reid said, still out of breath.
“Woah kid, what’d you do, run a marathon?” “Morgan, this girl… She’s amazing.” “Amazing? Damn you really haven’t gotten laid in a while.”
“No, Derek, I’m serious.” Spencer said. “She had a worn out copy of ‘Brave New World’ on her bedside table—”
“Reid, talk slower.” Derek said. “You’re still drunk and I can’t understand you.”
“Sorry,” Spencer said.
“So when are you seeing her again?” Derek asked.
“I’m not.” “You’re NOT?” Derek said, raising his voice.
“She didn’t want to. She didn’t tell me her last name, her age, what she did for a living. All I got was a first name.” “Which is?” Derek asked.
“I kinda wanna keep it a secret. Tonight was amazing and… I don’t want to tamper with the memory by sharing all the details. Does that even make sense?” Spencer asked. Derek laughed, confirming he understood.
“Reid, you’re a profiler. You were in this girls apartment, and in this girl, for hours.” Spencer coughed when he heard the ‘inside this girl’ quip, but Derek just continued. “You must’ve seen something that could help you find her.” “I kinda don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“Tonight, she just seemed like… The perfect woman. I know that sounds stupid but that’s how it felt. Maybe it’s just me not getting laid in a while, like you said.” “Well, good job on your first one night stand, pretty boy!” “Hey!” Spencer said. “How’d you know it was my first one night stand?” “I’m a profiler, too, kid. I’m going to bed, see you Monday.”
“See you.” Spencer said and hung up the phone right as the uber pulled in front of his apartment building.
He took off his clothes once more, collapsing on his bed in just his boxers. It was rare that the team got a full weekend off, and Spencer wanted to take advantage of it.
He spent all of Saturday in bed, reading, using his eidetic memory of Friday night’s events as he pleasured himself. His thoughts came back to the girl over and over, the way her body felt, her soft skin, the way her hair tickled him as she kissed his neck.
And when he had finished, his memory brought up other tiny details he didn’t think he remembered. Spencer’s unconscious mind had managed to soak up more information than he thought, and he spent Saturday night dreaming not only of the girl’s body, but of everything else he learned about her as well.
Every time he closed his eyes he saw her smiling face from the bar, the first time she smiled at him.
Sunday morning Spencer was sober enough to put together more details. He remembered the bottle of wine they drank, and remembered the movies in her cabinet. One French filmed piqued his interest as he was hurriedly leaving, it was a movie he hadn’t seen before.
He rented it, spending a lazy Sunday alone on his couch, snacking and watching every movie from her shelf that he hadn’t seen.
Monday morning came too fast for the team. They had a whole weekend off, of course they took full advantage of it, walking into the conference room like zombies holding coffee.
“She’s coming today,” Garcia said, reminding everyone. Of course they already remembered.
“Baby girl, relax, I’m sure she’s great.” Derek responded, holding her hand comfortingly.
“Look alive, people,” Hotch said as he walked in the room. “We’ve got our new member joining us today, JJ, what’ve we got?” JJ began to explain the new case, and immediately thoughts of the new girl left the minds of the team. Until there was a curt knock on the door.
“Come in,” Hotch said. Strauss opened the door, stepping inside.
“BAU,” Strauss said. “Meet your new member, Y/N Y/L/N.”
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dksartz · 4 years
616 warrior cats au thoughts stuff under the readmore
I decided the 616 au should kind of be different from the mcu au. Idk, just, Tony finds Steve in 616. But I wanted them to be friends first/for Steve to be the reason Tony joins the clan. But then it doesnt work, bc who is gonna vouch for Tony joining?
Why did Steve and bucky cat actually disappear, like what happened in the cat au that leads to them not returning/disappearing??? I dont know! And Tony is supposed to be friends with Jan and thor and hank etc before they find Steve, okay, I can still do that...
Tony came to the clan because he didnt have a home anymore and because he needed to at least try to find out what happened to Steve. They want him to leave at first but he explains why hes there, asks them about Steve cat, they dont know, he might be dead.
He says that he doesnt have a home anymore and Steve cat kept trying to convince him to join the clan so he knows about the code and starclan and he wants to be a part of their clan. They take him to the clan and he explains and they're divided but since they're down 2 cats and dont have a lot of cats, they accept him as an apprentice.
Tony is grieving Steve cat, but part of him doesn't believe hes dead, somehow. He ends up befriending the others his age etc fairly quickly... Uhh it's much later that they find Steve after star clan gets involved in Tony cat's dreams, and the leader/med cat as well, decide to send a small group to investigate what the dream was pointing towards, and its Jan, thor, Tony, and hank.
Bruce is med cat maybe so idk if he should come. Also rhodey, let's throw him in? Anyway they go on an Adventure and they do find Steve...idk what happened to him or bucky, why he didnt return, what happened at all, why he and bucky left/what they were doing.
Did they get caught by twolegs? Did they get attacked by the equivalent of bloodclan? Why were they near the twolegplace? Investigating something??? Maybe star clan meddling again, dreams, idk. Or, Bucky (younger than Steve like in 616 canon, Steve cat has just recently been made a warrior, bucky has only been an apprentice for a few moons) had tracked Steve bc his friend kept disappearing on him, on the way back from visiting Tony, bucky, who is following Steve, gets atta led by a cat or dog, Steve leaps to his defense, they have to flee, but get turned around/lost in twolegplace.
Maybe they find another cat in need and try to protect them and then get separated by accident. Steve cant find bucky, hes not sure how to get out of the maze of thunderpaths and twoleg paths and fenced in yards, etc. And he gets grabbed by some twolegs.
Meanwhile bucky has been captured by the bloodclan equivalent and forced to join them, he's afraid. hes afraid to disobey or try to run because he doesnt know how to get out of fhe twolegplace, he doesnt know what happened to Steve and he cant fight them and hes not ready to die all on his own, this is not a battle he can win. But he will hate himself later. I guess. Cats dont really have brainwashing. Maybe he hits his head and forgets things, or maybe he was only just made apprentice and is manipulated. Idk.
Anyway so Steve is caught by twolegs and ends up in a shelter? He was caught for tnr lol but then hes scared theyll kill him if he fights so he acts friendly, so they think hes adoptable maybe, and theres a mix up with paperwork so they think he was fixed but he wasnt actually. But hes not friendly enough to adopt out, but acts friendly towards the people who work there sort of, so hes just trapped in the shelter for months??
Long enough for Tony cat to get his warrior name. Maybe Steve cat does get adopted, and that's how he is found. He's not sure how long it's been since he was captured and he still has no idea what happened to bucky cat, and he feels guilty.
The twolegs who adopted him have a yard but they dont let him out into it, they have a screened in porch where he spends his time staring out at the forest over the fence. And then one day a group of cats leap over the fence into the yard away from yipping dogs one yard over, and Steve cat scrambles to his paws. The scent... could it be?
He isnt sure, he doesnt recognize them (they've changed and so has he!) And they dont quite recognize him at first, but as they approach theres recognition. Its Steve cat! And Steve realizes its Tony catches hes actually a warrior! Hes birdclan now! And those are Steve cat's classmates! That is birdclan scent! They're separated by the screen but they greet each other joyfully and have a million questions.
They work out a plan to get Steve out of the screened in porch (he was feeling too depressed/unhappy/guilty to try, before, and it is a strong material) and it works eventually. They do the cat equivalent of hugging and then get a move on. They got help from a kittypet on how to get out or maybe Tony knows because he found his way out to the forest and this is his area of the twolegplace (more residential area than the area where Steve and bucky were separated)
anyway so they make their way out of the twolegplace, though Steve has been trying to look for bucky the whole time and becomes more and more disheartened as they go. Those cats were vicious, moreso than their battles with snakeclan usually, and Steve cat fears bucky cat is lost to them.... and uhh.
Anyway so they go back to the clan together and things are good and fairly peaceful and they do fight snakeclan for or over territory, etc normal warriors stuff. (But their little group of warriors becomes known as the avengers). Some normal cross clan romance drama in the background probably. And uh Steve and Tony are falling in love and pining for each other. That's a major thing!
They're dumbos for all the usual reasons basically. They probably eventually become mates and later adopt orphaned kits or something. They definitely both mentor apprentices. Steve eventually becomes leader and Tony his deputy of course.
Uhh at some pt Steve falls into a sinkhole during a battle and everyone thinks he died and Tony doesmt believe it and wont go to get 9 lives but he does make Carol his temporary deputy and act as stand in leader. Some of the clan who never liked him think he's behind what happened to Steve this time.
Eventually Steve claws his way back out and is like im not dead! And also dont blame Tony it was that redclaw, he tried to kill him and then Steve fell. snakeclan need to do something about that cat. Idk. Stuff!! Drama!! Okay!!
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was watching earlier - george of the jungle at least parts of - may b more inane than usual if thats possible  - could b wurse like 3 stooges no iggy but maybe mott the hoople  - they hadda song i used to sing the words wrong  - violins violins - the only thing that makes any sense - it wuz violence tho if u lissen u can undastand the reason - if there wuz a topic we r so far off it but imma roll w it like a muddy water tumbling - u ever all night and party every day my brother loved kiss for a while i like detroit rock city tho dr the movie wuz kinda lame despite dan akroyd -  we did the pome bout the kitty awready right and its nowhere near midnight patsy - the moon i see soon i hope 
imma better - muchly  - headfonz however on life support - not up to going out to replace - today at least - like a bad dub mix random what imma hear - interesting for a while then wtf - they insured i told them im hedfone death and they $ - cheep throw away onez dying also 
a little more than fuck all done but not enough to crow about tho a fed a couple i did indeed 
kitty a bit under weather also - tummy - on the mend - she an angel 
wish i wuz playing  - vita wuz available tonight and maybe liam  - was tempted but new better  -will face relentless reality and the music if im forced to - sometimes - kava tues maybe - channeled my inner cowboy to come w an arrangement of im so lonesome hank sr if u please - believe it or dont it aint coming out a blues dirge   ( give it time t    give it time  - im laffing)  - i even memorize the words i think but wat happen onstage another matter - now laffing harder - duz riting drivel count as something - an accomplish or a time suck waste i wonder but not too often 
wanna heer a guilty pleasure  ( besides kiss )
when imma sick - unable to do much but lay down and try sleep - i putz on action/adventure / explosions  - bond will do fer instance - awready know the thin plot so no need to pay attention - volume down 
ok that tuckered me plain out 
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hello i am a fellow cowboy mlm and i’ve been listening to some old country music and i think i found the ultimate sad cowboy mlm song it’s called “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” by Hank Williams! anyways love ur blog i hope u have a yee and a haw today
I know that song! Very soulful, very hearty. my guilty pleasure mlm country song (it's so cliche and honestly not even that good of a song) is all american boy by steve grand. there needs to be more gay country music but alas im too bad at playing guitar to make it myself. have a rootin' tootin' day cowboy!!
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01010010-posts · 6 years
yo! how would the android/human boyes react to their s/o being SUPER homesick. like its dampening their entire mood, where theyre from exactly doesnt matter but like, theyre not from detroit or any city like it! maybe theyre from the countyside and they just miss it a lot
hey babby! i actually have a request about a non native english speaker reader so im sure they’ll get homesick too! also, honestly, im from the countryside and i get really melancholic when im in the city and it’s time to sleephumanconnor is a bit annoyed, not at you ofc, but at the whole ordeal, ugh, he doesnt want you sad!! you’re his happy ray of sunshine!! he’d be super awkward but he’d do whatever he can to help you! you like chocolate? he’s going to buy you the nicest chocolate he can find. you like flowers? flowers it is then! you like movies? he’ll take you! you just want cuddles? he’ll get the day off and cuddle you until you’re okay.60 is sad as well. he’s really empathetic. (yeah, he cries when watching weird telenovelas) he mopes at work and only wants to come home to you and cuddle and eat your fav take-out and maybe sex if you want really you could ask him for the moon in that moment and he’ll give it to you.RK900 is the only one who can *think* and actually takes you to someplace similar to your home. god thank for this man. he’s messy but he’s trying his best. cuddle with him when you feel better because honestly he’s SO NERVOUS the whole time he’s sure he’s going to make a mistake and you’ll hate him for the rest of your life. which is not nice at all.androidconnor is?? confused? LIKE he gets in theory the concept of a home, of a family, of belonging to a place but he has never felt quite the real thing and he’s a bit afraid of not being able to console you properly. ofc he asks hank. he tries to distract you but ends up too curious and now it’s 3AM and you’re both searching for your home on google maps street view and look, the photos are so old, i remember when my family still had that car. you spend the night telling all about your memories and he feels guilty af because that’s the least thing he should have done but it’s okay, it’s bittersweet but you know what, it helped you venting!60 is distraught, not even the jokes he carefully downloaded are cheering you up!!! what the fuck!!!!! he doesnt understand AT ALL what you’re going thru he can’t keep up with these feelings, they’re probably too complicated for him. but he really loves you. really does. he plans the nicest date in the world and if you’re from another country he’ll search for a cute little area with people from your same place so you can teach him everything you know and relax for a bit!! feel free to stop speaking english!! if you’re just from the countryside he’ll gently put you in the car, still sleeping, and drive until you’re into this big open field and you can have a picnic there, pet some cows and visit a tiny farm!!! maybe eat some freshly made honey or jams! ahahaha watch out for ticks.RK900 ponders about it sm. he doesn’t know what to do because maybe taking you somewhere similar to your birthplace might make the situation a lot worse or hell, you might decide that detroit is not your thing anymore and want to move. that would really scare him. he’s used to his routine, the DPD, hank, connor, 60, everything. but he loves you so much he would never say no. that’s a big problem. but at the same time not doing anything and just cuddling you and hoping it will pass might be even worse??? he’s this close to having a nervous breakdown. and he feels guilty about that too!!! he’s supposed to help you not to feel shitty!!! he just,,,, prepares you a big warm dinner, something hot to drink, LOTS of cuddles, like you’ll have to beg him to stop. but the thought wont leave him alone so the following days he gathers tons of info about where you were born/living and starts decorating your home with typical things because if you can’t be where you want perhaps where you want might be with you! and maybe if you’re a countryside baby you can have a little garden where to grown tomatoes and flowers and herbs!!! he’ll personally help you with it!! android boy blushing blue with a messy face bc of the dirt!
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