#i love how you draw him this is incredible
miniyunart · 2 days
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My piece I did for @turtlestogetherzine !
I truly cannot explain just how much this project means to me, and how PROUD I am of every single contributor!! Everyone did so amazing, seeing all the love and passion everyone had for the TMNT series was seriously so awe inspiring.
The amount of people who supported the zine, first with preorders then with Leftovers (sold out in ONE DAY! Crazy!) and those getting the digital zine still, you all are incredible and I genuinely hope you love this project!
This piece is so special, I went in thinking I'd do something Raph focused (my technically favorite turtle) or even something Rise focused (my fav version so far) but no, I went to the drawing board wanting to represent as many iterations I could with Leo!
My history with Leonardo is such a funny one, when I watched 2003 (my first iteration) growing up, I HAAAAATED Leo LMAO! I hated how boring he was and how much of a rule stickler he was, and I grew up with just this innate dislike of him for every following iteration, till I watched ROTTMNT. I went into Rise expecting to dislike Leo, but they did a complete flip on his character, and I loved it! It was so fresh and it was so fun seeing him be a goof.
So when I went back to watch 2012 for the first time, I found myself loving Leo and his traits there, and then when I went back to watch 2003, the appreciation for Leo grew TENFOLD and I just became smitten with this character!
Mutant Mayhem wasn't out yet at the time, so I wanted to create something that celebrated Leo, the series and the passing of the torch to the newer younger Leo! (WHOM I ADORE!!)
Sorry this was so long, but this project came out better then I could have DREAMED!! So thank you to all who helped bring it to life!
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drdemonprince · 3 days
I am very very attracted to my boss and it's driving me insane. There's this amazing chemistry and tension between us and all day long we're just teasing eachother and flirting. We're always gravitating towards eachother and happy to see eachother, finding excuses to work together, etc. He is, however, a straight man twice my age who has a girlfriend and I'm a trans guy who could be completely misreading our interactions. Straight guys often banter and "flirt" with eachother so maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe he's just excited to be some sort of a mentor figure to me and he likes to be admired, and likes to see me grow and learn, and that's all there is to it. He calls me his protege which I find incredibly hot. Anyway I'm seriously contemplating whether I should confess my attraction. I'm not really anticipating him to reciprocate, but would do it more so to get rejected so I would be able to stop fantasizing about him all day long and give myself some closure. On the other hand, I don't want to humiliate myself and create a possible distance or awkwardness between us. There would be no consequences for my job so that's not an issue. I was wondering if you have any words of wisdom for me? You always have such a unique yet sobering outlook on things and I would love to hear your thoughts on this situation.
"Unique yet sobering outlook"! That's the kind of compliment I would have put in the word document alongside all my favorite feedback from English professors back in the day when I still needed that. Sincerely, thank you.
I am of several minds with regard to your question. On the one hand, I think straight people are terminally monogamous most of the time and that it would be hell on earth to get involved with this man and draw the potential ire of his girlfriend even if they weren't.
I think it's usually a self-hating maneuver to date a straight man as a trans masc (I have been there, it is terrible) but as a gay man, I support the frisson of danger that comes with seducing a heterosexual and think it would be a baller little feather in your cap to ruin this man's identity and relationship for a fling with you, even if it would be destined to end in agony.
I hear that this misadventure will not affect your job, but I don't exactly understand how that could be true. It sounds as if you work together quite closely and that his flirty banter is part of what makes the gig pleasant, and even if he doesn't have the capacity to fire you (I'm guessing) this affair could devastate the vibe enough that someone else might step in and fire you for its indirect consequences. happens sometimes.
Part of me however does believe in "fuck it we ball" and in being a bit reckless when you find yourself in a moment of raw, transfixing chemistry. chasing after fascinating moments that are destined to shatter our hearts is one of the core aspects of being alive. It keeps us growing, fills us with vigor! Who doesn't want to one day have an interesting story of a love affair like that?
One of my follow up questions would be how rare this kind of connection is for you. If it were me? Someone I truly connect with on the level you are describing is rare, and I've been willing to risk upending my life as i know it over a fleeting few weeks or months of passion before, and sometimes it's been worth it! Some mistakes are worth making, because we will become stronger and more interesting people after they happen!
But another part of me also thinks "straight men flirt with eachother sometimes" makes no sense and that what you are likely experiencing is him not seeing you as a man, or doing the thing some sensitive straight guys do of leeching attention off of queer men to feed their egos. (Which isn't evil, we all need attention sometimes, but it can be devastating.). If he lets you down because he sees you as a man and is not gay, that might relieve the pressure for you and work out fine. If he is into you because he doesn't see you as a man, you two will fuck and it will be horrible in the long term probably. But maybe hot in the short term.
I also think there are probably hotter ways to play this one (and more strategically effective ones) than a straight-up love confession, which would probably force him to bring up his girlfriend as the reason not to pursue it.
I think if you really want to SEDUCE this man you should spend time with him after work, ask him to mentor you on a labor intensive but potentially rewarding project, disclose little personal details that endear him to you, ask him lots of questions about himself, allow him to open up to you about his life... and then strike.
I think it'll be interesting if you go for it, at least. I certainly want to hear the story. But I don't want you to get fired, lose a mentorship that is important to your career, or get your ass beat by the gf.
So I will also tap my followers for their feedback.
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mononijikayu · 13 hours
toothbrush — nanami kento.
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At times, Kento thought that you should just sleep here, rest here until you had enough rest. The idea of waking up next to you, of starting his day with your presence beside him, filled him with a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. He wanted to cook you breakfast, to share a leisurely morning with you as the sun rose, painting the room in soft hues of gold and pink. The simple pleasure of a shared meal, of casual conversation over coffee, seemed incredibly precious.
GENRE: alternate universe - modern au!
WARNING/S: alternate universe - canon convergence, ceo! nanami, rated 18 and above, explicit content, strangers to lovers, one night stand, p to v sex, lirting, seduction, romance, humor, fluff, comfort/no hurt, mention of alchohol, mention of sexual euphemisms, depiction of explicit sexual content, depiction of drinking and alcoholic drinks;
LISTEN: toothbrush by dnce
NOTE: i chose the youtube lyric video of the song because that's how i imagine reader leaving nanami and the thoughts of the song is just nanami waking up to you leaving. the ending of in bed together, that's how the ending is. anyway, just one mroe and side 700 is going to be complete and i can write ashes of love again. thank you for being patient with me!!! i love you~
kayu's playlist — side 700;
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HE REALLY DIDN’T DO THIS MUCH. Nanami Kento sat at the corner of the dimly lit bar, nursing a glass of whiskey. He untied the knots of his tie, loosening it slightly as he savored the quiet moments, the noise of the world fading into the background, replaced by the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses. It was a rare evening where he allowed himself to unwind, to escape the relentless demands of being a CEO.
He sighed, taking another sip of his drink, feeling the warmth spread through his chest. The bar was a sanctuary of sorts, a place where he could forget about the spreadsheets, board meetings, and the constant pressure of making decisions. Here, he could just be Kento, not Nanami Kento, the powerful executive.
You slid onto the barstool beside him, your presence drawing his attention. He glanced at you, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than usual. There was something about you that intrigued him, something that made him want to know more. Your eyes met, and a smile played on your lips as you introduced yourself.
"Hi, it’s nice to meet you," you said, extending your hand with a warm smile.
Kento looked up from his drink, his eyes locking onto yours. There was a brief moment of hesitation before he took your hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "Kento," he replied, his voice smooth and deep. "Nice to meet you."
The simple exchange seemed to spark an immediate connection, a current of electricity passing between you. His eyes lingered on yours, and you noticed the hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. You slid onto the barstool next to him, feeling an inexplicable ease in his presence.
"I haven't seen you here before," you remarked, trying to ease into the conversation. "Do you come here often?"
Kento chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, not really. Just needed a break from the usual routine. How about you?"
You nodded, swirling the drink in your glass. "It's one of my favorite spots. There's something comforting about the atmosphere here. It's a nice escape."
He nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "I can see that. Sometimes, it's good to step away from everything, find a place where you can just... breathe."
You smiled, appreciating his sentiment. "Exactly. So, what do you do when you're not finding solace in dimly lit bars?"
He leaned back slightly, a small sigh escaping his lips. "I run a company. CEO life isn't exactly a walk in the park."
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. "A CEO, huh? That's impressive. Must be pretty demanding."
"It is," he admitted, his eyes meeting yours again. "But tonight, I'm just Kento. No titles, no responsibilities. Just... me."
There was a vulnerability in his words that caught you off guard, making you see him in a new light. "Well, Kento, it's just nice to know we feel the same."
The conversation flowed effortlessly from that point, each of you peeling back layers of your lives. You talked about your passions, your dreams, and the little things that made life worth living. He listened intently, his eyes never straying from yours, as if he was genuinely interested in every word you said.
As the night wore on, the bar around you seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your own little world. The flirtation became more pronounced, the touches more lingering. When your fingers brushed against his while reaching for your glass, a spark ignited, sending a thrill down your spine.
"It's nice, drinking here beside you," Nanami confessed, his voice low and sincere. 
“It was nice to have you with me too.” You leaned in closer, your breath warm against his ear as you whispered something that made him smile—a rare and genuine smile. 
“I should say the same thing.” He smiles at you, holding the rim of his own glass. “You make me feel like something nice after a long day.”
"Oh, you have no idea how good it is, to know you.." you said, your voice a little softer, "I didn't expect to have such a good time tonight. It is…rare. To find someone interesting.”
"Neither did I." Kento replied, his gaze intense. "But I'm glad I came. Meeting you... it feels like a breath of fresh air."
The sincerity in his words touched you deeply, and you found yourself leaning closer, drawn to him in a way that felt both exciting and inevitable. "Do you want to get out of here?" you asked, your heart racing.
His eyes darkened with desire, a smile tugging at his lips. "I thought you'd never ask."
The walk to his place was filled with anticipation, your fingers brushing against each other as you navigated the quiet streets. When you finally reached his apartment, he opened the door and led you inside, the atmosphere charged with unspoken promise.
The rest of your time sober was blurred into a haze of shared stories, laughter, and fleeting touches. Eventually, he brought out some wine. And another one. And it was all tipsy from then. The decision was made in a heartbeat, a shared understanding passing between you. You wanted to experience ecstasy. You could see it in each other’s eyes, trembling with want. With relief. With desire.
You couldn’t help it, but you were a wanton little thing. It was just what Kento needed. It was the way you were pushing and pulling —- arching your back at the perfect angles, ripping his back apart with your sharp bright, colorful nails with his own flesh and blood. He wanted to drown in each harmony of pleasure from your lips. It felt like the song of heaven to him, calling out to him as he dug deeper and deeper towards the crevices of your pleasures. 
The things that followed was a whirlwind of passion and intimacy, a connection that felt both new and familiar. You let him take you to bed, one kiss pulling you harder than gravity in itself. You found yourselves lost in each other’s magnetic pull, exploring every inch of skin, every whispered word. When you finally fell asleep, it was in his arms, feeling a sense of belonging that was as unexpected as it was welcome.
The heat burned off your skin, as flesh echoed on flesh with passionate warmth. You didn’t notice it but you couldn’t help but let your heels dig into the center of his lower back, moaning against him. He liked it a lot, that you were doing all you could to pull him closer, deeper — more of him into you. It was a greedy little desire, but he couldn’t help but let his throat rumble with approval, feeling your tender hands press harshly against the depths of his own hot skin. You were such a little thing, fitting in the confines of his body’s wholeness. 
But Kento thinks it still isn't enough for him. But somehow, it was all he wanted. At times it was just right. And all at once, it's too much to bear. It was a semblance of emotions, of pleasures that he had never explored before. There was so much depth to fucking you. Layers and layers to how you suck him in, to how you take him in. To how your cunt just lets him make a home inside of you. To mold your womb to his shape. And you egg him on, over and over with your delicious incoherent pleasure–ridden screams. 
Your pretty doe eyes are dangling across the space as he switches position, pulling your legs just right up the small of his back. You yelp as he enters you deeper. He settled himself, kneeling on the bed, and leaned forward. You whimper, your eye rolling back further as you become more fucked out.  He couldn’t help but be pleased with himself. There was nothing that you can think about. Nothing else mattered, other than him and this pleasure.
The weight of him was crushing you whole, as though there was nothing but that pleasurable oblivion. He was quite a muscular man, after all. Yet you couldn’t care much, despite the fact that he was heavy on top of you. Or the fact that it feels as though he's going to spur you out of air, suffocating you with pleasure. You were a masochist in a sense. You told him that. You want him to crush you. And each moan begging him to go faster, to push deeper over and over —- it confirms it all.
Kento allows his lips to thank you with tender blossoms against your flesh. But in that moment, he buries his head against your jaw, his ragged raspy moans rapidly marking every inch of skin with his brutal, hot kisses. One after another, it was an experience. Your neck with his brutal kiss of his teeth, leaving metallic essence against his lips as you wail against him. You feel a trail of sweat pouring out with your sweet tears, his hot breath making your skin burn harder than ever before. 
You couldn’t see straight anymore. But you didn’t care. Not even when your eyes roll back inside your head, as he pistons into you harder and harder. His grip on you gets tighter and tighter as your toes slowly curl against the small of his back. Drool falls against the side of your lips as you let Kento’s hands rest against the small of your ass, gripping as tightly as he could. Your breath gets stuck in your already dry throat. You were close again. You don’t know how many times this man has made you cum. But you know that he was too good. It was all too good.
The sensation is overwhelming, a perfect blend of pleasure and intensity that leaves you gasping for air. Every thrust, every movement pushes you closer to the edge, and you cling to him as if he's the only thing grounding you. The world outside ceases to exist; it's just you and him, lost in this moment of raw passion 
Your nails dig into his back once more, leaving traced marks that he doesn't seem to mind. In fact, the way his breath hitches over and over again and his grip tightens on you tells you he likes it, to keep doing it. He liked being marked by you. And he hopes there’s more times like this. He hopes he can keep getting marked by you like this. His rhythm never falters, each roll of his hips sending waves of pleasure through your body, making you shudder and moan his name.
"Kento," you gasp, your voice a mix of desperation and ecstasy. He responds with a low growl, his lips finding your ear, whispering words that send shivers down your spine. “‘bout to c-come…oh! oh! m-more….more! Please!”
His eyes looked at you, dark with pleasure. “Then come, honey. Let me feel you sweeten my cock like that.”
You're teetering on the brink, the intensity building until it feels like you might burst. His pace quickens, and you feel the tension coil inside you, ready to snap. With one final, powerful thrust, you come undone, your body convulsing in his arms as you cry out in pleasure.
He follows soon after, his body tensing before he collapses on top of you, both of you spent and breathless.  You could feel the heat of his cum overflow inside of you. There was too much. And he doesn’t yet pull out. And you didn’t want him to, still locking your legs against the edge of his back. For a moment, you lie there in a tangled mess of limbs, the only sound in the room your ragged breaths and the pounding of your hearts.
Finally, he lifts his head, his brown eyes meeting yours. There's a softness there, a look that tells you this was more than just a physical connection. You smiled exhaustedly, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead, and he returned the gesture, his fingers gently caressing your cheek with all the tenderness in the world.
"You're incredible." he murmurs, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. You smile against his mouth, feeling a warmth spread through your chest that has nothing to do with the heat of the moment and everything to do with the man holding you. “Truly.”
As you both drift off to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms, you know this is just the beginning of something extraordinary.
He didn’t think he’d wake up alone. The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. He groaned quietly, shifting slightly as his eyes adjusted to the bright echo of the sun against him. Nanami Kento thought it was quite a spectacle to wake up alone, with the bed beside him empty.
He sat up, the events of the night before slowly flooding back. His clothes, usually primly put away, were scattered and tattered across the room. He looked at them for a moment before sighing, his head slightly pounding from the drinks. Usually, it was Kento who left before the sun came up. When he took his pleasure, it was transactional, devoid of any emotional connection.
Last night was different. It was only one night, but he couldn’t help but feel as though he wanted more of you. The way your touch had ignited a fire in him, the way your laughter had filled the room with warmth—those memories clung to him now, in the stillness of the morning.
He ran a hand through his tousled hair, glancing around the room. The sight of your note on the nightstand caught his attention. He reached for it, his fingers trembling slightly. The simple message, " Call me up, sweetie ;) " brought a faint smile to his lips. He traced the words with his thumb, feeling a strange mix of hope and uncertainty.
Nanami wasn't used to this feeling, this longing for something more than a fleeting connection. The thought of you lingered in his mind, your touch, your smile, the way you had made him feel alive and vulnerable all at once. It was intoxicating, and he wanted more of it, more of you.
He stood up, gathering his scattered clothes, the remnants of a night that had left a profound impact on him. As he dressed, he couldn't shake the memory of your heels digging into his back, your breathless moans in his ear, the way you had looked at him with such intensity. It was imprinted on his mind, an indelible mark that he couldn't ignore.
Fully dressed, he picked up his phone, staring at your number. He hesitated, his thumb hovering over the call button. For a moment, doubt crept in. Was he foolish to think that this could be something more? But then he remembered the way you had pulled him closer, the way you had whispered his name with such need and desire.
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. For a moment, the loneliness of his existence seemed to lift. He folded the note and slipped it into his wallet, a spark of anticipation igniting within him. The day ahead seemed a little brighter, the promise of your next encounter lingering in his thoughts.
He couldn’t wait to save your phone number.
He’d have to find a way to charge his phone.
Besides, looking at the clock, he’s pretty late.
And a CEO shouldn’t be late for his own meetings.
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WHEN HE MEETS YOU AGAIN, KENTO IS ENAMOURED. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about you since that morning, the memory of your touch and the warmth of your laughter haunting him in the best way possible. The days had stretched on, filled with his usual routine, yet every moment seemed tinged with a new sense of anticipation. And now, standing here, seeing you again, he felt a surge of emotion he hadn't expected.
The bar was a cozy haven tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city, its warm, dim lighting casting a golden glow over the polished wooden surfaces and vintage decor. The air was filled with the soft hum of jazz music, creating an intimate ambiance that made it feel like a world apart from the chaos outside. The scent of aged whiskey and fresh citrus mingled in the air, adding to the inviting atmosphere.
You sat at the bar, your presence effortlessly captivating. The dress you wore was stunning—a sleek, deep emerald green that clung to your curves in all the right places, shimmering subtly under the soft lights. The neckline was modest yet alluring, and the fabric seemed to flow like liquid as you moved. Your hair frames your face perfectly, and a touch of red lipstick highlights your smile, adding a hint of classic glamor.
Kento's heart pounded in his chest as he made his way toward you, each step bringing him closer to the person who had so unexpectedly turned his world upside down. The usual confident air he carried felt slightly shaken, replaced by a nervous excitement that he hadn't felt in years. As he approached, his eyes were glued to you, everything else in the bar fading into a blur. The clinking glasses, the muted conversations, the soft jazz—all of it became mere background noise.
You spotted him, and a slight smile played on your lips. It was a smile that held both warmth and a hint of mischief, a smile that made his pulse quicken. He could barely tear his gaze away from you as he slid onto the stool next to you.
"Hi," he greeted, his voice betraying a hint of the nerves he felt.
"Hi, Kento," you replied, your eyes sparkling with recognition and something more—something that made his breath catch.
For a moment, he simply drank in the sight of you. The way you held yourself, the way the dress accentuated your figure, the way your eyes seemed to see right through him—it was all he could do to remember to breathe.
The bartender approached, breaking the spell momentarily as Kento ordered a drink. But even as he spoke, his attention never wavered from you. He couldn't help but notice the way the bar's golden light played on your skin, giving you an almost ethereal glow.
"You look incredible," he said, the words slipping out before he could stop them.
"Thank you," you replied, a pleased flush coloring your cheeks. "You clean up pretty well yourself."
The conversation flowed as easily as it had the first night, but there was an added layer of familiarity now, a deeper connection that had been forged in the time since. The flirtation was more pronounced, the touches more deliberate. When your fingers brushed against his, he felt a jolt of electricity, the same spark that had ignited between you before.
Kento couldn't focus on anything but you. The way you laughed, the way you tilted your head when you were thinking, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about something you were passionate about—it was all mesmerizing. He found himself hanging on to every word, every gesture, completely lost in
"Kento," you greeted him warmly, your eyes sparkling with a mix of surprise and delight. "I was hoping you'd call."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you,if I’m being honest." he admitted, his voice softer than usual. "I just had to see you again."
You smiled, and the sight of it sent a rush of warmth through him. "I'm glad you did."
As you talked, the conversation flowed effortlessly, just as it had that first night. There was a connection between you that felt almost tangible, an invisible thread drawing you closer with every word. Kento found himself captivated by the way you spoke, the way you laughed, the way your eyes lit up when you shared stories about your life. He felt a deep sense of admiration and curiosity, wanting to know everything about you.
The evening passed in a blur of conversation and laughter, the bar around you fading into the background as you became lost in each other. Kento couldn't remember the last time he had felt so at ease, so completely himself. With you, there were no pretenses, no need for the carefully constructed walls he usually kept up. You saw him for who he truly was, and that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
When the night began to wind down, he found himself reluctant to say goodbye. The thought of returning to his empty apartment, to the solitude that had once been his comfort, now felt unbearably lonely. As if sensing his hesitation, you reached out, your hand gently brushing against his.
"Would you like to come over for a drink?" you asked, your voice filled with a hopeful note.
He nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "I'd like that."
The walk to your place was filled with a comfortable silence, the kind that speaks volumes without needing words. Once inside, you poured two glasses of wine, and the conversation continued, growing deeper and more intimate as the night went on. Kento found himself sharing things he had never told anyone, opening up in a way that felt both terrifying and liberating.
As the night turned into early morning, he realized just how much he had fallen for you. It was more than just physical attraction; it was a genuine connection, a bond that felt rare and precious. You had seen past the façade he presented to the world and embraced the man underneath, flaws and all.
When it was finally time to say goodnight, you stood close to him, your eyes searching for him. "Kento," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity, "I'm really glad you called."
As the conversation continued, the air between you grew charged with anticipation, a palpable energy that seemed to crackle with every passing moment. Kento found himself drawn to you like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull you exerted over him.
Leaning in closer, he could feel the heat radiating from your body, the warmth of your presence enveloping him in a comforting embrace. His heart raced in his chest as he closed the distance between you, his lips brushing against yours in a tender, almost hesitant kiss.
There was a softness to the touch, a delicate intimacy that spoke volumes without a single word being uttered. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the world around them fading into insignificance as they became lost in each other.
The kiss was gentle yet charged with an underlying passion, a silent acknowledgment of the undeniable connection that had blossomed between them. And as Kento pulled back, a faint smile gracing his lips, he knew that this was only the beginning of something extraordinary. And seeing your face, how wonderstruck you were — he knew you knew it too.
 "So am I." he murmured against your mouth, feeling a sense of contentment he hadn't known he was missing.
You smiled, blush echoing across your face. “You’re a good kisser, you know that?”
Your compliment sent a warm flush creeping up Kento's neck, a rare display of bashfulness from the typically composed CEO. He chuckled softly, the sound tinged with genuine appreciation as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to regain his composure.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of self-consciousness. "I suppose practice makes perfect."
There was a hint of amusement in his tone, a subtle acknowledgment of the unexpected turn their conversation had taken. Despite his usually reserved demeanor, he found himself enjoying the playful banter, relishing in the easy rapport that had developed between them.
“I’ll see you soon, then. I, uh…..have to go home.”
“Have a safe trip home, lover.”
As he walked home, the memory of your kiss lingering on his lips, he knew that this was just the beginning. Meeting you again had changed something within him, opened up a part of his heart he had long kept locked away. Kento was enamored, and for the first time in a long while, he felt truly hopeful about the future.
He dreams of you all through the night.
Your smiles are ever so warm only for him.
And your bright eyes are full of love for him.
When he woke up, he realized what it meant.
Nanami Kento was truly captured by you.
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THE NEXT TIME, YOU STAY WITH HIM IN HIS BED TILL MORNING. He didn't want you to leave just yet, didn't want you to rush and slip away from his fingers before sunlight. You had finished a fiery session of lovemaking, one of the many rounds of passionate obsession with each other. The intensity of your connection was almost overwhelming, each encounter leaving both of you breathless and yearning for more. You had done this over and over, whenever you saw each other — and more regularly these past few weeks.
As you lay there, bodies entwined and hearts beating in sync, Kento's thoughts wandered. He watched you as you drifted off to sleep, your face serene and content. There was something profoundly beautiful about these quiet moments, a sense of peace that contrasted sharply with the fervent passion of the night. He gently brushed a strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering on your cheek.
At times, Kento thought that you should just sleep here, rest here until you had enough rest. The idea of waking up next to you, of starting his day with your presence beside him, filled him with a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. He wanted to cook you breakfast, to share a leisurely morning with you as the sun rose, painting the room in soft hues of gold and pink. The simple pleasure of a shared meal, of casual conversation over coffee, seemed incredibly precious.
Kento's mind drifted to the little things that signify a deeper connection, a merging of lives. He imagined you leaving a toothbrush here, a small but significant symbol of permanence. It was a step towards belonging, towards fitting into each other's lives in a tangible way. He pictured you having a drawer in his apartment, a space carved out for you in his world. These thoughts were filled with longing, a desire for something more profound and enduring.
He wanted that with you. He wanted you to start leaving your things here, to make his place feel like a shared home rather than just a temporary haven. The idea of your belongings scattered around his apartment — a hairbrush on the vanity, your favorite mug in the kitchen, your scent lingering in the air — filled him with a deep sense of contentment. It was more than just physical intimacy; it was about creating a life together, about building something that went beyond the confines of the bedroom.
As he lay there, holding you close, Kento realized how much he wanted to make you his. He wanted to be the person you came home to, the one who shared your joys and your sorrows, your everyday moments and your grand adventures. He wanted to be the anchor in your life, just as you had become in his. The thought of you being a permanent part of his world was both exhilarating and terrifying, but it was a risk he was willing to take.
He gently kissed your forehead, his heart swelling with affection. More than you probably could ever know, he wanted you to be his, to share a future together. As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, he held you a little tighter, hoping that this moment would be the start of something lasting and beautiful.
In the quiet stillness of the morning, with you nestled in his arms, Kento felt a profound sense of hope. For the first time in a long while, the future seemed bright and full of promise. And he knew that, whatever happened, he wanted you by his side.
Kento held you close, savoring the warmth of your body against his. He had never felt this kind of connection before, this blend of deep affection and raw desire. As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, he made a silent promise to himself: he would make sure you knew how much you meant to him, how deeply he cared for you.
Kento's gaze softened as he watched you stir from your slumber, the gentle rise and fall of your chest accompanied by the faintest flutter of your eyelashes. It was a moment of quiet intimacy, one that he cherished more than he dared to admit.
As your eyes fluttered open, a sleepy smile graced your lips, and Kento felt his heart swell with affection. There was a warmth in your gaze, a softness that melted away the lingering traces of the night's passion, leaving behind a sense of tranquility and contentment.
Returning your smile, Kento reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face, his touch gentle against your skin. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the hazy glow of morning light, he felt a profound connection to you, a bond that transcended the physical realm and delved into the depths of his soul.
"You're beautiful," he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper. It was a simple statement, spoken from the heart, yet it held a world of meaning behind it. In your eyes, he found solace, a refuge from the chaos of the outside world, and he knew that he never wanted to let you go.
With a tender smile, you leaned into his touch, your eyes locking with his in a silent exchange of love and understanding. In that moment, Kento realized that he had found something truly special in you, something worth holding onto for a lifetime. And as he gazed into your eyes, he knew that he was ready to embark on this journey with you, wherever it may lead.
"Good morning," he whispered, brushing a gentle kiss against your lips. 
"Good morning," you replied, your voice soft and warm. 
As the warmth of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, bathing the room in a soft golden glow, the two of you remained entwined in a cocoon of shared affection. Each breath seemed to synchronize, a silent symphony of contentment that enveloped you both in its comforting embrace.
Reluctantly, Kento stirred from the languid embrace, his movements slow and deliberate as if he were hesitant to break the spell of intimacy that hung between you. With a soft sigh, he shifted his weight, gently extricating himself from your embrace and sitting up, his muscles protesting the sudden movement after the night's passionate exertions.
Stretching his arms above his head, Kento let out a low groan of satisfaction, the tension of the previous night's activities melting away with each satisfying stretch. Despite the physical exertion, there was a sense of peace that settled over him, a tranquility that he hadn't felt in far too long.
Glancing back at you, still nestled in the rumpled sheets, Kento felt a surge of affection wash over him. Your tousled hair frames your face like a halo, and the soft curve of your lips tugged at his heartstrings in a way that he couldn't quite explain. It was moments like these, when the world seemed to stand still, that he felt truly alive.
"I could stay like this forever," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. There was a tenderness in his touch, a silent promise of his unwavering devotion, as he allowed himself to be drawn back into your embrace, savoring every precious moment that the morning had to offer.
You smiled at him with the most beautiful smiles he’d ever seen. It was that sort of smile that had the power to light up the darkest corners of his soul, to chase away the shadows of doubt and insecurity that had plagued him for so long. It was a smile that spoke volumes without uttering a single word, conveying warmth, understanding, and an unspoken connection that transcended mere words.
As you gazed at him with those radiant eyes, filled with a mixture of tenderness and affection, Kento felt a sense of wonder wash over him. In that moment, everything seemed to fall into place, as if the universe had conspired to bring the two of you together in perfect harmony.
Your smile was like a beacon of hope, guiding him through the labyrinth of his own emotions and leading him towards a future filled with promise and possibility. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos of life, there existed moments of pure joy and unadulterated happiness, waiting to be embraced and cherished.
Unable to resist the pull of your magnetic presence, Kento found himself drawn closer to you, his heart swelling with a sense of gratitude for the serendipitous twist of fate that had brought you into his life. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of your smile, he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.
"Me too." you whisper back to him, causing his heart to beat as he listened to your words reverberate in the morning quiet. "Being here with you? it's nice."
Kento's soul felt tender at those words, it was like he could live forever in that moment. He could feel that warmth spreading through his chest as he soaked in the sweetness of your sentiment. It was a simple statement, yet it held a profound meaning, resonating deeply within him.
"I'm glad you feel that way," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Being with you... it feels different, in the best possible way."
There was a sincerity in his tone, a raw honesty that he seldom allowed himself to reveal to others. But with you, it felt natural, effortless even, to let down his guard and bare his soul.
As you lay there together, basking in the quiet intimacy of the moment, Kento felt a sense of contentment wash over him. In your presence, he found solace, a refuge from the stormy seas of life, where he could simply be himself without fear of judgment or expectation.
With a soft smile, he reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your face, his touch light and tender against your skin. "Thank you for being here," he whispered, his gaze locked with yours, silently conveying a depth of emotion that words alone could not express. “Truly.”
"Of course," you replied, a smile gracing your lips as you looked up at him. "You make it easy."
His eyes softened at your words, a warmth spreading through him. "I was thinking," he began, glancing back at you, "how about I make us some breakfast? We can take our time, enjoy the morning."
Your smile widened at the suggestion, a spark of anticipation in your eyes. "That sounds perfect," you said, nodding in agreement. "I'd love that."
Kento felt a surge of happiness as he got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. He prepared breakfast with care, wanting everything to be perfect. As he worked, he thought about the future, about the possibility of you becoming a permanent part of his life. 
When the meal was ready, he brought it to the table, where you were already seated, wrapped in one of his shirts. The sight of you in his clothes filled him with a possessive satisfaction, a sense of rightness.
"Here you go," he said, setting the plates down. "I hope you like it."
You took a bite, your eyes lighting up. "It's delicious, Kento. Thank you."
He sat down across from you, watching as you ate. The conversation flowed easily, punctuated by laughter and shared smiles. It was a glimpse of what life could be like if you were together, a tantalizing promise of happiness.
After breakfast, you both lounged on the couch, talking about everything and nothing. Kento felt a sense of peace he hadn't experienced in a long time. He wanted this, all of it. The mundane, the extraordinary, the quiet moments and the passionate ones.
As the morning wore on, Kento's thoughts kept returning to the idea of you leaving your things at his place. He wanted to ask you, but he didn't want to rush anything. Instead, he decided to show you how he felt through his actions.
"You know," he said casually, "I was thinking maybe you could leave a few things here. A toothbrush, some clothes. It might make things easier, you know, since you're here so often."
You looked at him, surprise and something else flickering in your eyes. "You want me to leave things here?"
He nodded, trying to keep his tone light. "Yeah. I like having you around. It feels... right."
You smiled, and Kento felt his heart swell with hope. "I'd like that too, Kento."
From that moment on, things began to change. You started leaving little things at his place: a toothbrush, a hairbrush, a few clothes. Each item was a small but significant step towards building a life together.
Kento cherished every moment with you, every sign that you were becoming a part of his world. He cooked for you, took care of you, and made sure you knew how much he valued you. And as the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, he realized that his feelings for you had only grown stronger.
One night, as you lay in his arms, Kento looked at you, his heart full of love. "I want you to know," he said softly, "that you mean everything to me. I want you in my life, permanently. Will you stay with me, not just for tonight, but for always?"
You looked up at him, your eyes shining with emotion. "Yes, Kento. I want that too."
At that moment, Kento knew that he had found something truly special. With you by his side, the future was bright and full of promise. And he was ready to face it, hand in hand with the person he loved.
A few days later, he sees that bright purple toothbrush.
Right next to his blue–green that had been lonesome.
He couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them together.
It looks like you won’t be rushing out his door anymore.
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juletheghoul · 3 days
Titles (a New Beginnings snippet)
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a/n: I missed Joel, I can't even lie about it so for my 4k celebration thingy, I decided to write up snippets and glimpses into the worlds I've already created / written about. first one is for New Beginnings Joel. It's short, and fluffy and it made me happy, hope it does the same for you. It's unbeta'd and I won't tag anyone, if you see it you see it. Love y'all
Warnings; none - fluff
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
reblogs are appreciated
His hand, usually so solid and warm, squeezes just a bit too tightly, drawing your attention away from the vivid green of the foliage lining the street. 
“Sorry,” He mumbles at the way you hiss, he softens his grip to match the soft look in his eyes, pressing your hand to his lips in apology, “You okay?”
“Yes, are you okay? We don’t have to hold hands if it makes you uncomfortable–”
“No, I want to, I don’t really know why I’m so nervous.” He frowns, and you can’t help but smile. “This isn’t somethin’ I’m used to, I feel like I’m back in highschool or somethin’ but I want to, really.” He sets his shoulders, like someone gearing up for a hard trek and you laugh, full throated. 
“You look like you’re going off to battle, instead of taking a walk with your, um–well.. Me.” The laughter dies and is replaced with a confused frown of your own. This whole thing with Joel is fun, it’s cured the loneliness that seems to be ingrained within every aspect of the current state of the world. Even with the community in Jackson, everyone is still on constant high alert, and how could they not be with just how ugly things have gotten. With him though, in your bed and in your life, things weren’t too bad. Problem was you hadn’t really discussed labels. 
“Girlfriend sounds a little juvenile right?” 
“Does it? I don’t know, I’ve never been anyone’s girlfriend.” There was no sadness or longing in your voice, it was just a fact. 
“I feel too old to be anyone’s boyfriend.” He scoffed, but it wasn’t with malice, more so disbelief. The thought of it made you giddy though, this strong, incredibly handsome, older man, being your boyfriend. You pressed yourself a little closer, smiling up at him with your lip caught between your teeth and something mischievous came over his face. “You like it though hm?”
“Oh yes, very much.” 
“Well okay then, I’m your boyfriend, and you’re my girlfriend.” He shook his head, rolling his eyes at the toothy grin you flashed at him. You couldn’t help but float alongside him after that, hearts in your eyes as you made your way towards the mess hall. 
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cheddaryouthanme · 3 days
My MattDrai Fic Recs, in honor of the upcoming MattDrai SCF
what does daylight look like 
By notthequiettype
" "Matthew," Draisaitl says, and shifts on to his elbow so he can look up at Matthew. "Don't-- please don't say this was nothing to you."
There's an expression on Draisaitl's face that Matthew's never seen before, a carved wrinkle between his brows, the corners of his mouth turned down. He looks sad, worried, and Matthew's struck by how much he doesn't look like a stranger, a guy across the ice, a target for Matthew's agitation. Matthew feels an almost tilting sense of vertigo for a second. "It wasn't nothing." "
As close to fluff as I can stomach, but that extra bit of sweetness makes this one so enjoyable to read and re-read. This is a "people in the NHL are gay and the world is fine with it" fic where the biggest obstacle to their relationship is playing for divisional rivals in the same Province. However, this suspension of disbelief is rarely taken too far, or done at the expense of having Matthew and Leon feel like real, layered people. Because of this, the story's earnestness feels earned, rather than saccharine.
(come on, come on, come on) get through it
By anonymous
"Matthew really doesn’t know where Leon’s head is at, on the rare occasion that he pulls stuff like that. He wants Matthew to himself; he doesn’t care if Matthew fucks other people. He wants Matthew to fuck other people so he can want Matthew to himself."
This story does not get the love it deserves. Who are you, anonymous, so I can give you the flowers that you so deeply deserve? This fic only receiving 208 kudos on AO3 is one of the greatest injustices of our time. If I had to guess, I'd say it has something to do with the angsty nature and (spoiler!) ambiguous-but-seemingly-not-optimistic ending. But the angst is worth it, friends! It's so incredibly well-written that by the end, you're left with so many lingering emotions that you just have to re-read it to process it further. The prose - particularly in the sex scenes, which carry hefty emotional weight because of the fuck-buddies-with-baggage nature of Matthew and Leon's relationship - is phenomenal, and would put most published hockey Booktok writers to shame. More people need to read this fic.
Edmonton 10
By Helenish
" “Well?” Leon said coolly. Leon wasn’t just an Edmonton 10, Matthew reminded himself, which was really a 6 but it was dark and you were horny, but an actual anywhere in the world smokeshow. All he had to do was shut up and play along.
“Okay,” he said. Leon’s smile turned smug. Great dick, Matthew chanted to himself in his head, world-class dick, really, big and uncut, a little curved to the left, from a guy who was freshly showered and smelled like pine trees, who’d like it too much and get up in his head about it after—
“Thought so,” Leon said, sounding almost bored. Matthew dutifully pictured his entire body filling up with cool, purple liquid, because the shrink had said they could pick any color they wanted, but it didn’t stop him from leaning forward and looping one hand around the back of Leon’s neck to draw him closer. Leon let him, his smile starting to falter, and Matthew slipped his hand up to cradle the back of Leon’s head and kissed him, an easy, tender brush of his lips. He pulled back enough to look into Leon’s eyes, holding his gaze. Leon blinked. Matthew smiled."
If I had to recommend one MattDrai fic to a new reader, it would be this one. It's just perfect. It's funny, it's sexy, it's grounded, it's surprisingly emotional, but above all else it's so, so, so well-written. All of the things that, in my mind, exemplify what makes MattDrai fanfiction so great.
(mild spoiler!) Without giving too much away, the �� part at the end made me gasp the first time I read it because of how well it hit the bulls-eye for me as a character beat and emotional climax. Impeccable storytelling.
let me look at you by isozyme
"Leon feels awkward and unsettled until they get home and he has Matthew naked in his bed, where he’s able to put his hand around Matthew’s ankle and let out the air that’s been stuck in the bottom of his lungs. Matthew looks awful — pale, battered, and end-of-season skinny. He’s scruffy and still has acne in his beard at almost thirty years old and Leon has no idea why he wants to fuck this guy so bad. And worse — wants to kiss him and protect him from the shitty parts of his family and show off to Connor how hot it is when they're in bed together."
This one is McMattDrai (Tkachuk/Draisaitl/McDavid) in case that's a dealbreaker for anyone. It shouldn't be, though! Because this story is incredible, and I waited eagerly for each new chapter to be published when it was put on AO3 last summer. Funny, blunt, unexpected, raunchy, tender at times, and a bit kinky. This story never failed to surprise me by going exactly where I hoped it would go one moment then veering hard right in another direction the next. You're not going to find a lot of 10 chapter fics this rich, descriptive, committed, and unique throughout.
head above water by yourblues
"He gives Matthew a cocky little smirk about it, like it’s supposed to be impressive that he didn’t need instructions to find them. Awful, Matthew thinks. He’s awful, and yet all Matthew wants is to get his hands or his mouth or literally anything on him. There’s been something hooked behind his breastbone all week, pulling him toward this with a single-mindedness that Matthew usually only feels with hockey. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to think straight until they’re done here."
This whole work is great, but for me the story reaches untouchable heights in the 5th chapter that very few other fics have ever been able to reach for me. I find myself re-reading it as soon as I'm done every time. Take my word for it, even if you only read the 5th chapter (read the whole thing though, because the build-up is worth the payoff, trust me).
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enden-agolor · 2 days
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
Jeez. Wow, I hardly know what to say. Like literally I've been sitting on this ask for a day thinking of how to respond.
It's pretty dang rare to hear I'm someones favorite artist, so I was shocked to see this when I woke up yesterday. I just want you to know that means the world to me, and it's a huge honor. Thank you so much. As well as the praise towards my writing, it means so much to me to hear positive feedback about it. To know my silly art and writing has had a positive impact on you is incredible. I love that, thank you so much. <:D 🩵
As for how I make my au designs? Gosh I really am not sure. It really is just me pulling up a blank canvas and drawing the characters then adding clothes and armor that I feel fits them. I actually had someone recently ask me on discord how I came up with FD Jesse's design and what the process was, but that one art of them I did with Lukas and Jesse standing side by side (I'll link it at the end) was the first time I drew their designs for this au. Wasn't even sure if I'd stick with the Jesse design but then a bunch of people started making fanart of him and I am SOOOO unbelievably grateful for that but then I knew the design was a success and he grew on me a ton, so I don't see myself changing it. I don't usually use references when doing my character designs, I kind of just work with what I know how to draw already and try to get the image in my head out into the drawing. For the royal au Jesse, I had Link (LoZ) in mind 🥰
I hope your day is great as well!!! : D
And here's the post I was talking about:
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commsroom · 1 month
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the u.s.s. horrible unending nightmare 💥 (once again from the incredible @hehearse)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Bonus 7: Time moves sideways
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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tainebot01 · 6 days
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Considering that they both attended Themis Legal Academy around the same time, there is a greater than zero chance this happened at some point.
[Image ID: A digital redraw of the ‘Father in emergency room with son due to arrow injury’ meme, with Sebastian Debeste and Hugh O’ Connor from Ace Attorney. Both of them are sitting in an emergency waiting room. Sebastian has an arrow in his upper right torso, and Hugh is holding a Kyūdō archery bag. Sebastian has his arms crossed with his baton resting in his right hand, while Hugh is nervously gripping his archery bag with his left hand. Sebastian has a relatively calm or slightly amused facial expression despite the situation, while Hugh looks rightly concerned. End Description]
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moeblob · 2 months
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Lil warm up doodle because I'd been playing some Thropes and then watched some dubbed DunMeshi and am a Damien Haas enjoyer so. Enjoy a Shez.
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months
I would like you to please give me a moment of your time. 👍
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For anyone who needs to hear this, I sincerely mean it. You are awesome. You are amazing. And you, are very very VERY talented. Thank you for your time 🫶
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ms-all-sunday · 5 months
pjs posting every single character what they wear to bed lets go
luffy - the exact same thing he wears everyday no changes. everybody wants to kill him for this and they eventually get him out of the sleep jeans post TS but it takes an unreasonable amount of time
zoro - very little or nothing at all. naked completely. (sensory issues) nami buys him a robe so they dont have to see him naked in the middle of the night and its a compromise.
nami - she has a LOT of pjs for every occasion and when she wears her own it radically depends on what the circumstances are. keyword there is when she wears her own. chronic stealer of clothes (in general) but also especially to sleep in because people arent usually wearing their own clothes anyway. the only clothes she hasnt stolen temporarily to sleep in is luffys sleep jeans and sanjis suits and frankys sleep-speedo. everything else is fair game. she will also do this directly from the laundry pile and will never admit that to anybody. (she thinks its gross and like depending on the item of clothing yeah it is. its never TOO gross though she has standards)
usopp - normal about it. he has his own pjs and when its hot he sleeps in only his underwear and uh because of sleeping arrangements yeah its hot a lot of the time.
sanji - objectively not normal about it. sleeps in his SUITS. hes convinced out of them easier than luffy is the sleep jeans but he needs fabric covering every part of his body at all times because he has sensory issues. (nami buys him pjs but they go shopping together he slowly gets more and more extra with his pj preferences over time but they always have to cover every inch of them unless in very specific circumstances.) hes also similar to nami in the sense that he'll wear other peoples shit to bed but he's less indiscriminate and more secretive about it.
chopper - he has a small pair of pjs for when he gets cold which isn't often and it's only pants as opposed to his shorts (which are made out of pj fabric anyways)
robin - VICTORIAN NIGHTGOWN. not all of them are white, some of them are other colours. black. purple. one of them is blue and its quite pretty. post TS she gets nightgown colours matching all her family/expands out of the historical nightgowns but still wears nightgowns. (she morbidly loves the red one she bought matching luffy because it makes her look like even more of a murdered ghost than before) it's also because of sensory issues similar to zoros and the opposite of sanjis but she just opts for loose fitting clothing instead of no clothing at all. the thriller bark outfit was actually pjs. robin loved being in wano similar to zoro because the clothes there fit her sensory issues better than most regions.
franky - the same swimsuit and it didnt last long. complaints were lodged (robin doesnt mind swimsuit material normally under the light of the sun and god but uh in the case of sleeping absolutely not. chopper complained too because he likes to curl up on frankys lap and he doesnt like the swimsuit material either) he took them in and adjusted. he now has normal fabric underwear that looks like a speedo. (hand crafted by himself)
he also made modifications to his front so he'd be a better texture/softness for cuddling at literally everybodys request. he was so very happy about this honestly even though he realized the challenge of remaining indestructible but still cuddle-able he was up for it if it meant his family wanted to hug him more. (he made these changes before ts but really considered them post ts and made even better modifications then. EVERYBODY approved.)
brook - he likes historical pjs like robin does but goes for masc and fem versions hes like similar amount of normal to usopp. BUT he does have to pad his pjs with some kind of fluffy material so they're a little thicker than they would be for a normal person (nobody likes sleeping with an overly boney skeleton. and he sows them in himself) and he doesnt have to worry about getting hot because he has no body heat. (this is also why he manages to layer so many clothing items on eachother despite it being generally pretty hot) he is a robe person but not by force like Zoro is and robin will take it (sometimes they share pjs and it's an agreed upon thing unlike their younger crewmates whom of which two of them are just immature thieves.)
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ellalily · 1 year
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@tunastime a gift for you:D
Reference under cut<3
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reksink · 3 months
for the ask thingy, how bout 4 or 7?
4 - Favorite iterator? MOON. NO CONTEST. She's wonderful, sweet, beautiful, and I love her so dearly I do have to say I am a bit bias because I already really love 'Summoned by tragedy but this chooses to be kind' type characters, but Moon takes everyhting I love about them and expresses them tenfold She was already nice to begin with, that's why she named herself Big Sis Moon after all, and even after all the pain she's gone through, if you're kind to her, she'll be kind to you right back. Which I find so very sweet Especially with her conflict with Pebbles. Even after all the hurt he's caused, even when it's in her right to completely cut contact with him forever, she still chooses to care for her brother. And together, while they're both still doomed, they have each other now. They're still family after all is said and done and I love that so much And I just love how sweet she is the slugcats. I did a pearl-quest on my Survivor run, and while getting all the pearl was incredibly diffcult, the pilgrimage to Moon made it all worth it, hehe. Her dialouge is so charming and is such a treat to read, and they way she talks back to the scug while reading every so often melts my heart. And the way she starts calling them little archaeologist after enough pearl reads is perfect ALSO IN GOURMAND CAMPAIGN WHERE SHE SAID 'My last vistor was even sick' I CAUGHT TEAR. SHE CARES ABOUT THE SCUG, SHE TAKES SO MUCH Also another thing I like it how she's responsive to how you treat her. Again, she's kind if you're kind to her, but if you've hurt her/if you're rude she response to that. That just makes her more grounded to me, that she's a person that's already gone though enough and she won't tolerate rudeness especially in her weakened state A run-up for a favoite iterator would be No Significant Harrasment. I will admit I haven't read all of the brodcasts yet, so I could be missing important information about him, but for now to me he's a silly goofball. A goofball that truly loves and cherishes his friends deeply and is willing to do anything to make sure they're okay I think about his Garbage Wastes brodcast a lot. How he sounds so deseprate and broken hoping for Moon to say something. For her to be okay. I also really like he's talks with Red Sev, they feel like such good friends and they're great comforts for each other during Spear's campaign. Also I have a running joke in my head that he's 'Green Zacharie from OFF'. It makes no else laugh but me, and I've expected this 7 - Favorite in-game creature? SCAVENGERS. I LOVE SCAVS SO MUCH!! Again, very bias pick because I absolutely love observing intelligent life without human (or in this case Ancients) interfence BUT LOOK AT THEM!! Scavs are such smart creatures and their animations and gestures truly reflect that these are intelligent creature worth understanding and loving They have personality, moment to moment goals, fun interacts, and I could wish them for hours OMGA I also feel to special when a scavenger/a groups of scavengers starts following me around. I feel like I'm part of a family, that the scavengers are geniunely interested in my slugcat and want just be around me or protect me Sadly my love for scavengers is the reason why I can never play Artificer's campaign. I can't bring myself to hurt scavenger, when I do it on accident I reset the game pfffff. I can't imagine the heartbreak I'd go through knowing I can't even look at a scavenger without being ready to kill it If I ever finally sit down to do it, I'd love to analysis the art around each Scavenger Toll/Territory. My goal would be to pick apart their artwork and camp layouts to see that it means about the region's cultures. Like what they vaule in their art, what patterns certain patterns could mean, what's similar what's different, the works!! I love scavenger so very much, they're so precious to me, and if we ever get offical merch for them I'd buy like 10, hehe
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
People really never talk about katase like i genuinely feel bad for her😭 would love to see a katase centered fic abt her thoughts on minedai or smthing like that or just more of her would be so nice. I know you have some fan arts and thank you for that they’re wonderful!!!
everyone got that niche rgg npc they fixate on and katase is my best friend ever i love her so much idc if most of her character lives in my brain she's perfect to me
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roobylavender · 2 months
i’m sure you’ve talked about it before but you expand more on your thoughts about talia & jason and how their relationship would be? what are some positives and negatives their interactions would bring? (your talia metas are everything)
thank you! on talia's end i think a lot of it would come down to balance and restraint. because there are a lot of unpredictable factors at play and on top of it her tutelage of jason coincides with her last years under her father's thumb so there's parts of herself that she's beginning to close off out of self preservation and exhaustion. that's why i like the placement of under the hood right after the close of lexcorp era even if it obv wasn't intended because it puts her in a place comparatively to take all of the risks after a year of complete physical and emotional isolation. and even then i feel like there would still be a lot of restraint because of the guilt over her part in jason's various massacres. i could see her reprimanding him but in a very cautious and empathetic way so as not to set him off the way bruce would if he was the one lecturing him. so like.. not quite in the realm of mothering but maybe teetering on the edge of it. and i do think talia would try to maintain some distance out of respect for his history. which may or may not fuck with jason emotionally because as possessive as he is of his own grief i do think he'd long for even the smallest semblance of what he thinks he could get. like guarded as he is he would certainly soften to her over time and abide by her guidance even if he didn't necessarily verbalize the fact. i don't really know that i'd see any negatives between them like at worst it would be awkward and strained because he wouldn't be sure of how to place her in his life and she wouldn't want to overstep
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