#i love html... except for THAT (points at tables)
jpegcompressor · 2 years
fuck you html tables
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
GIRL CODED JASON !!!!! HI HELLO OMG TUMBLR USER AND AMAZING AO3 WRITER GHOST BIRD YOUR POSTS AND STORIES JUST ACTIVATE BRAINWORMS IN MY HEAD 😭😭😭😭 holy fuck hi I'm too shy to come off anon but I love the discussions you've been having, so just chipping in !!!
I love the many many looks on how people interpret him being girl-coded, exploring his feelings towards domestic violence, towards victims, women etc, extremely good points that you brought up ! And I'd like to bring up that on a more meta level, the way his character is treated by DC and by people in canon as a whole is also so... girl-coded ? Going to try my best to articulate since eng is my 3rd language 😔😔 Sorry if it's not consise 😭😭 I have FEELINGS AAAAAAAAAAAA
I think the core of this "girl-codedness" stems from a few things, two things I can point to currently are how he's treated as a victim and fridging. Fridging is the easier one to see imo, it's something that's usually associated with female characters but fits Jason a lot. It's not about him and his trauma/pain being feminine inherently (nothing can be categorised in that way honestly) but how it's dealt with by people and the narrative.
Let's take a look at its counterpart which is 'Dead Men Defrosting' trope coined by John Barton. Here's the source for that: https://www.lby3.com/wir/r-jbartol2.html, and a quote from the Women in Refridgerators website I feel is really encapsulates this whole situation.
"...women heroes are altered again and never allowed, as male heroes usually are, the chance to return to their original heroic states. And that's where we begin to see the difference."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Additionally, the grief that his death bought is made to be even more objectifying than it should have been. It's made to be Bruce's and everyone else's more than it is Jason's. The image of the dead character is, by necessity, distorted and is served as fuel towards a different character. He's reduced to his death and the pain associated with it is milked for like... 16 yearsish??? A perverted memorial, a perverted memory, an altered legacy. He was just 15. A boy. (Still, I wouldn't say Jason was fridged per say, as the term is created in reference to female characters and they have little to no agency in their stories there, but that 'feel' is there. So I understand where the girl-codedness comes from!)
It’s that the way a lot of characters treat him and a lot of the tropes used on him are things that are typically associated with feminine characters. It's also about how he's treated since he's not a perfect victim. Every attempt Jason has made to express his pain and his anger just gets him labelled as emotional, unreasonable and hysterical (which are again, unfortunately terms associated with women.)
There's many different points people have brought up about Jason, such as his bleeding compassion as Robin, the tears at the end of UTRH, and so on. Nonetheless, I think there's a lot of nuance that comes with gender discussions, since these things are deeply personal to people, and there's disagreements to be had. And that's cool !! There's many points loads of other people also being to the table that I love !! Contradictions too !!
All very good points!
I don’t have much to add here except perhaps the argument with the memorial case. You’re absolutely right. I never realized how similar it is to the classic hero trope of protagonist mourning their dead love interest/family and dedicating their entire life to a memory of them, citing the actions they take to be in honor of the dead person.
On one hand, I tend to enjoy that trope. On the other hand with Jason, it all became horribly twisted so very quickly and lead to a hard downward spiral of Bruce having a real assholish phase.
But yeah that’s a whole other can of worms better left unopened for now ksksks.
I’m very happy you’re enjoying this blog 💚 it’s honestly super rewarding to hear people say that when it was one of the main goals to have this be a safe and harmonious space for everyone 💚💚✨
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fahrni · 6 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I’m still really enjoying the project I’m on at WillowTree and I hope we’re able to extend it further down the road.
I’ve been thinking about a way to fix my completely broken layout of Stream for Mac table view cells. For some reason the same layout I used on iOS isn’t working on macOS? Are the layout engines that different between UIKit and AppKit? No idea. But I do hope my new idea fixes it once and for all.
Then I need to get back to adding async await functionality to my feed adding code. This whole time it’s been synchronous because you really can’t mess with the UI during the initial get of the site data. When you select the feed you’d like to add everything becomes asynchronous, just like feed updating is.
This little change is the fire step in moving all of Stream’s asynchronous code to async await. I still need a much deeper understanding of how it works and why I need it. The code isn’t broken as is today but if Apple requires using async await at some point in the future, it will break.
Hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, amirite? 😁
Chris Quinn • cleveland.com
The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse.
It’s extremely difficult to write about Donald Trump as an equal to Joe Biden. Trump is a narcissist, rapist, twice impeached, criminal former President with desire to be a forever Dictator of the United States of America. He wants to end democracy as we know it. He’s only in it for his own gratification, to be cruel, and as a means to enrich himself.
Joe Biden is a leader who believes in helping people and he supports the Constitution. He’s been an effective leader.
Look, no President is perfect. President Biden is no exception to that rule. I’m a liberal and don’t agree with everything he’s done, but he has done great work for the people of the United States.
Vote for democracy. Vote for Joe Biden for President.
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Craig Hockenberry • Iconfactory
This post will explain the technology behind Project Tapestry and how we tested it as a prototype. We’ll keep this discussion at a fairly basic level: if you’re a web or app developer, you’ll have no problems following along.
I just love everything Iconfactory does. Yes, I’m a software developer, yes Tapestry will somewhat compete with Stream, but I don’t care. I love this idea and I’m a little green with envy I didn’t think about it. 😃
This is the way to open up your app and make it more easily extensible internally in the process. There are lots and lots of great JavaScript developers out there.
I backed it as soon as I heard about it and I’m really looking forward to the final product.
Matthew Haughey
I’d like a hosted, centralized web app that is akin to early-era Blogger.com that lets me save new posts into a system, then it’s up to me where the output goes.
By blog began life as a Blogger blog. I published this site from 2001 to 2010. It generated static HTML and would FTP the generated HTML to my site. I loved it and it was extremely easy to move my site when I changed hosting providers. I just zipped up the directory and expanded it in its new home, updated Blogger to point to the new location, and went back to posting.
Today I publish this site using Micro.blog. It also generates static HTML but it’s all hosted on Micro.blog’s hardware. If I ever leave it’ll be easy to move.
I have been considering a move to a completely hand written blog. 😃
Of course once I started thinking about doing that I thought up some tools I’d like to write to help me out. 😂
Max Tani • Semafor
The shift, Apple wrote in a blog post, was technical: The dominant podcasting platform had begun switching off automatic downloads for users who haven’t listened to five episodes of a show in the last two weeks.
This is a piece from January but it is interesting. Like blogging I believe it’s safe to say the idea behind Podcasting was never about monetizing, it was about freedom of expression. But, in the end, you can’t and shouldn’t, stop folks from monetizing it. That’s part of the freedom.
Reliance on a single centralized source of podcasts is a mistake. Apple has been so gracious in sharing their feed directory with the world for nothing it’s difficult to call it a mistake. The fact that it exists isn’t a mistake. The fact that so many podcasting apps and podcasters rely on it is.
There are now many podcast networks, from Indie to BigCo, and some apps and networks have their own directories but Apple is still the dominant player.
Oh, not to mention they have their own player that ships with their OS’es. That’s where the hit to podcast download numbers originated. Apple’s podcasting backend and their distribution front end in the form of the Podcasts app.
Hurubie Meko and Michael Wilson • New York Times
A magnitude-4.8 earthquake sent tremors from Philadelphia to Boston and jolted buildings in New York City. An apparent aftershock was widely felt around 6 p.m.
It’s strange to hear about a quake on the east coast. It was a topic of conversation at work yesterday in our weather Slack channel, of all places.
East coasters aren’t used to this. Here they’re accustomed to cold and snow and hurricanes, not earthquakes.
Amazon is to end the AI-powered “Just Walk Out” checkout option in its Amazon Fresh stores. It turns out that “AI” means “Actually, Indians” and it isn’t working out.
So now we know what AI actually means! What a complete failing on the part of Amazon. It would’ve been so much better to have failed using AI than to move the jobs of cashiers to India where a bunch of overworked, underpaid, Indians are doing the same job.
Just hire some real people to manage the store.
Matt Birchler • birchtree
You probably got to this post because you Googled some question about what exactly “the fediverse” is, what “ActivityPub” actually means, or what would happen if you turned on federation on your Threads account today.
I still hear about folks struggling to understand how to sign up for Mastodon. The Join Mastodon site should just present the user with a signup form and host everyone on mastodon.social or a new instance and let folks decide what to do next. Most will probably be perfectly happy to stay on that instance forever. 👍🏼
Zack Sharf • Variety
Christian Bale Transforms Into Frankenstein’s Monster in First Look at Maggie Gyllenhaal’s ‘The Bride’
I’m diggin the look of Bales monster. Sign me up for the finished product.
Anthony Bonkoski
Ref-counting is garbage collection.
But is it really? I can see the point but it’s a tough sale for this old curmudgeon. 😂
I wrote a tiny sample to explain reference counted objects to a co-worker years back — 13 years at the time of this writing. It still illustrates the point fairly well, I think.
Today C++ developers get a lot of great reference counting and other newer memory management techniques through the stl.
Sarah K. Burris • Raw Story
Judge Cannon ‘basically inviting’ Jack Smith to ask for her removal in new filing
This judge seems to be incompetent or in the bag for Trump.
Look, the dude took too secret documents home with him. Probably not a big deal if he’d returned them when he was asked to. But no, not his Orangeness, he hold onto them, claiming they’re his through the magical process of declaring them his through mind control or some crap.
The trial is all about that. Not the Presidential Records Act.
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
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A/N: i loved this fic request! Requests are always open :)
Summary: Reader is having a bad case of imposter syndrome, but luckily her boyfriend knows just how to help.
tw: none, pure fluff      word count: 2.1k
You sat at the kitchen table, head in your hands, staring at your laptop screen. It’s like it was taunting you, lines and lines of words and symbols mocking your inability to fix them. All you had to do was find the error in the code, a task you’ve done a million times. But this time it seemed utterly impossible. The software was due in two days and it was your first solo project and you wanted to impress everyone, finally prove your worth to the company. The pressure was on and it had to be perfect. You needed it to be perfect. But it wasn’t even close to perfect. In fact, every time you launched it, it crashed; leaving you to stare at your reflection in the screen, making you want to give up and cry. 
You knew how to fix it, you always know how to fix it. You’re who everyone comes to to fix it, but you were too nervous to even begin typing. If you failed, you’d be proving everyone who doubted you right. The thought made you nauseous. You’d be proving that every misogynistic a-hole teacher you had in college who said ‘software isn’t a woman’s job’ to you right. All the men at the startup would chuckle at your failure and say something rude like ‘see? that’s what we get for letting a woman do the work.’ You’d be ruining the chances of any other woman who interviewed. Most of all you were terrified of failing and letting yourself down, letting everything you worked for go to waste. Maybe everyone was right; software isn’t a woman’s job. Deep down you knew you were being irrational, but the thoughts just wouldn’t stop. 
You kept staring into the abyss of numbers and symbols, going through every letter in every line. Was it in HTML? JAVASCRIPT? Neither? Suddenly you couldn’t tell the difference. 
“Y/N?” Your boyfriend said opening the front door of your shared apartment, “What are you doing up? It’s 1 am.”
You didn’t look up at Spencer, too fixated in trying to decipher your work to acknowledge him. How was it already 1 am? You’d been sitting there for hours and had done nothing.  
Spencer waved his hand in front of your face, “Y/N?”
No response, you just stared into the code getting more and more hypnotized by it, entering some sort of strange trance. 
“Y/N!” He said more forcefully this time, causing you to blink and look up at him. 
“What are you so stressed about?”
You broke eye contact then and brought your lower lip in between your teeth, “Stressed? I’m not stressed!”
A lie. A very obvious lie. Which Spencer knew, because reading you like a book was high on his never-ending list of talents. 
“Really? You’re not stressed?” He sounded half amused. 
You shook your head, “Nope, never been more calm in my life.”
He chuckled, “Then maybe you should stop chewing on your lip and lower your shoulders, they’re practically at your ears.” He moved behind you and pressed his hands against your shoulders, lowering them for you. He took his thumbs and rubbed the knots that formed there, “Now, Angel, tell me, what are you so stressed about?”
Again, you didn’t answer. He thought he’d catch your attention by using your favorite term of endearment, but instead you just turned your attention back to the screen. 
Spencer didn’t understand, he never would. If you google ‘genius’ a picture of Dr. Spencer Reid is what comes up. With an IQ of 187, the ability to read 20,000 words per minute, three doctorate degrees and three bachelors degrees all by the ripe old age of 30, there is quite literally nothing he can’t do. Except maybe ten push ups, he could probably get to 9. He was a child prodigy and CalTech graduate. You went to public school and a college with a 70% acceptance rate. He was recruited to the FBI at twenty-two. When you were the same age you were a college senior getting trashed at a different bar every Thirsty Thursday. He spends his work days catching killers and saving lives, and you spend yours typing away at a computer hoping something works out. 
Being with him was simultaneously the best and worst thing for your self esteem. Sure he made you feel loved, appreciated, beautiful, important, but he also made you feel stupid. Not on purpose of course, it just seemed like he was  better than you at everything, even the things you thought you were best at. Thank god he’s a technophobe, if he knew his way around a computer better than you that would be the last straw. Oftentimes you wondered why he even wanted to be with you when you so clearly were not on his level, and when there are so many people who are. He’s smart and handsome and could have his pick of the bunch, so why did he pick you? 
“You know, 83% of workers in the US feel stressed out in their jobs, it’s totally normal. I’m stressed all the time at my job,” He said, trying to coax you out of the shell you crawled into. It didn’t work, instead you went through the lines of code again mumbling to yourself that it looked perfect, so what was wrong with it? 
“Can I help? Let me see,” He asked. He didn’t wait for a response, and reached over to turn your laptop towards him. 
“No!” You yelped, and snatched the laptop away from him. You couldn’t have him help you, you couldn’t let anyone help you. If anyone helped you then it wouldn’t be your achievement. This was one thing you had to do alone. 
He sighed and put his hands up in defeat, “Alright alright, I know I’m not a computer whiz. I just want to help.”
“I don’t need your help,” You snapped, getting frustrated with him now. Why couldn’t he just let it go? Why did he always have to try and help? You knew the answer was because he loves you and wants to make you happy, but your judgement was too clouded to see that. You huffed out angrily, trying to suppress the hot, frustrated tears that were threatening to spill over.  
Spencer slid into the chair next to you and gripped your shoulder, “Y/N...Ang—”
You turned to him and cut him off, “What? You think I can’t do this on my own? Don’t you?”
He just took the jab in his stride. “I know you can do it on your own,” he grabbed your hands from the keyboard and held them between his, forcing you to stop for a moment and just be with him.
“Talk to me.”
You waited a moment before conceding, “Okay fine, the software is due in two days and I’ve been working on it for weeks and it still isn’t perfect. Something is wrong with it and I can’t find it and if I can’t fix it then I’m just proving to everyone that I can’t handle this job and that I’m stupid and incapable of doing anything on my own and then I’ll get fired because there’s newer, smarter kids coming into tech everyday and all the men at work will never take another girl seriously again and then after I get fired and end up homeless you’ll realize that I’m actually stupid and useless and that you can do it wayyyy better than me an—”
“Woah slow down,” He interrupted your rambling. You were staring at the floor, hands still trapped between his two much larger ones rendering you useless. He let you go, hands coming up to your cheeks and forcing you to look at him. They  were calloused but soft, and his eyes demanded your attention, darting all over your face to read your expression. He poked his tongue out of the right side of his mouth, the same way he has a hundred times. You softened a little into his touch. 
“I think you have imposter syndrome.”
You pulled back, “What? Don’t you dare try to diagnose me or profile me Spencer Reid.”
He ignored you and started into his own ramble, much like the one you had just finished, “It’s a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. 'Imposters' suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence. It was first documented in the 70s by successful working women who felt like they had ‘fooled’ everyone into thinking they were intelligent.”
You looked at him even weirder now, your eyebrows scrunching together, “Oh?”
“It’s very common in the tech industry because of how fast paced it is.” He said it all so matter-of-factly. 
“I-I don’t think so. That’s not me.”
“Think about it Y/N. It makes sense!” 
It did. It made perfect sense. It explained the constant questioning and anxiety. It explained why you don’t ask for help or offer up an opinion at meetings. It explained why you had jumped from failing a project to being homeless like it was the natural progression of things. A ‘diagnosis’, if you even could call it that, should’ve made you feel better about everything, but it didn’t. 
“I just feel like I don’t deserve anything I have. I-I don’t even know how I got here Spence! Like how did I manage to convince everyone that I’m talented enough to do this on my own!”
He let the words marinate between you. Then it all clicked in your head; you sounded exactly like those women in the 70s. 
“You just proved my point, Angel.”
You glared at him, “Okay here’s another example. I don’t deserve you. You just got home from a long day of saving lives and being a genius crime fighting machine and instead of getting some damn sleep you have to console me because I’m over here crying like an idiot because some code won’t run.”
Spencer’s hand came under your chin, forcing you to look at him again, “You don’t know how much you do for me, do you?”
You just shook your head, genuinely not knowing what he meant. 
He smiled, the corner of his mouth turning up just a little, “Yes I am a life-saving crime-fighting genius, but without you I wouldn’t be able to cope.”
“Really?” You sniffled. 
“Yeah, Angel, really. I spend all day looking pure evil in the face, and without you to come home to and talk to I’d be trapped in my head all day, thinking of what I could’ve done better. You’re my safe space. Without you I’d probably go insane,” He tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
You smiled now. You believed him; Spencer isn’t one to lie, “And you’d have no social life.”
He laughed, “Hey! I’d have a social life.”
“Who? Henry and Jack?”
He laughed, “You’re right, I’d have no social life.”
You stood up then and he followed suit. You threw your arms around his slender frame and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Spencer’s shaggy brown hair tickled your cheek but you didn’t mind. All that mattered was his heartbeat and breathing. You were his sanctuary, and he was yours. When either one of you would dive head first into the deep end, the other would be waiting there to catch you. Tonight it was his turn. 
And catch you he did, into a loving kiss, holding you close to him. When you pulled away he planted another kiss on your forehead and mumbled into your hair, “Trust me, you keep the internet world running. Without you we’d all be lost.”
You sighed and thanked him, happily sitting in front of the laptop now. All your fears had been pushed away. You knew they would resurface eventually, but right now it felt like you were unstoppable. With two simple corrections you tried to run the code and it worked perfectly. 
“See!” He cheered, squeezing your shoulders again, “You deserve the world, Angel.”
You stood up and jumped into his arms for another hug, wrapping your legs around his waist, his arms holding you up.
“You may be a life-saving, crime-fighting genius Dr. Reid, but I am a bad-ass, intelligent, woman who codes at the top of a male dominated field.”
He smiled then, pride practically beaming out of him, “Well, I’d say we’re a perfect match.”
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exhaustedfander · 4 years
For one shot requests, could you do some touch starved Moceit fluff with romantic confessions? 🥺👉👈
Some touch starved moceit with a side of love confessions coming right up! (Also ignore the fact that I accidently posted the HTML of this first, oops)
Word Count: 2,782
Summary: Janus is severely touch-starved and yearning for Patton, yet every time they so much as brush against each other he's near a point of panic.
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'Cause Every Time We Touch, I Get This Feeling
Janus doesn’t have a problem. To say as much would be incredibly dramatic, and he is most certainly never one to give into drama. Janus isn’t struggling with anything, he’s merely… frustrated.
This whole not problem is something he doesn’t entirely know the cause of. It isn’t as though Janus hasn’t had the opportunity to partake in touch before. Having lived with Remus for years, it was not uncommon for him to be touched frequently. But more often than not, slimily tentacles sliding around his neck or Remus’s long, unkempt nails on his arm were not sensations he sought out. Even when Virgil had still been in their ranks, he hadn’t been the most touchy-feely person, so Janus wasn’t too terribly used to it.
And that’s fine! Totally, and completely fine! Janus doesn’t need anyone to touch him, he’s perfectly fine with being alone for the rest of his existence.
Except… there’s been a change of arrangements, lately. Janus hadn’t had the highest hopes going into his attempt at acceptance, and yet, somehow, he’d managed to secure a spot at the table. This hadn’t been without consequence, considering how bruised Roman’s ego had been for some time and Virgil’s continued distaste for him as well as Logan’s unspoken anger for being impersonated twice now. Sure, things were getting better with them, but that didn’t distract from the fact that Thomas is listening to him! After years of being repressed, ages of being pushed to the wayside, and seen as the villain, Janus’s opinions are being taken into account! He should be ecstatic, over the moon, jumping for joy!
He isn’t. Not with this… minimal distraction that’s been taking up the whole of his attention lately. This distraction wears round glasses and a cardigan around his shoulders. This distraction fashions friendship bracelets and has a laugh bright, and clear and a sound Janus never recalled adoring so much. This distraction is very touchy-feely person and that is proving to be quite the difficulty.
To say that Patton and Janus haven’t been on good terms in the past would be quite the understatement. As far as Janus was concerned up until very recently, he and Patton were enemies, both with a common goal of Thomas’s well-being while simultaneously working against one another. Patton’s vendetta against lying was something that, understandably, got in Janus’s way. For years, he’d considered his opposition to Patton obligation, as well as something set in stone. Patton was a nuisance in the way of his goals, and in an extension, Thomas’s goal, therefore a friendly relationship with him was simply an impossibility.
An apology from Thomas was one thing, reluctant acceptance from Virgil, Roman, and Logan was another, but what Patton had offered him – well, that just went against everything Janus thought he knew about Patton.
Janus isn't expecting Patton to apologize for all that he’d put him through, he doesn't think that Patton would feel the need to say how sincerely sorry he is for seeing him as nothing more than a dirty rotten liar. And he certainly isn’t expecting it when Patton begins to shed a tear when their alone and he’s apologizing, choking up and expressing how terrible he feels for how he’s acted.
Patton is morality, a being of goodness, of pure-hearted intentions and softness, but he is not without flaws. That’s what he’s expected himself to be, Janus realizes in that moment of tear-filled confessions and near groveling for forgiveness, all this time Patton has thought that him making a mistake of any kind is an error most foul. And despite everything that he thinks he might say, Janus expresses that it’s okay, that he understands what Patton’s been trying to do, that they’ll be able to find a middle-ground. He tells him that no one else is putting those expectations on him, that it’s far too heavy of a burden to carry.
Janus has never thought he’d be in such an intimate, strange position with Patton, and yet here he is. The issue fully rears its head when Patton throws his arms around him and Janus forgets how to breathe. It’s definitely not a problem, that would be ridiculous, it merely takes Janus aback. Very aback, to a point where he nearly dissolves into a puddle in Patton’s arms before he jerks away, leaving the room without much of an explanation.
This isn’t a problem. Why in the world would something as simple as a hug be a problem? It isn’t, Janus decides, and he strives to cast the interaction out of his mind. Unfortunately, he’s not been doing a very good job of it.
The embrace took Janus by surprise, that’s all. It’s been quite a long time since he’s had a proper hug and he’s just having a little trouble processing, nothing to worry about. At least that’s what he keeps telling himself.
He doesn’t get it; why did Patton’s arms around him feel so good? So insanely, overwhelmingly good? Why did the embrace punch the air out of his lungs? For so long, Janus considered his and Patton’s relationship one of opposition and opposition alone… but now… now he doesn’t know.
Okay… fine, maybe this is a little bit of a problem. Even so, surely, it’s a problem he’ll be able to manage. How much strife could such a kind, seemingly harmless person like Patton cause?
As it turns out, quite a bit. Patton isn’t harmless, not at all. He can do so much damage with the slightest graze of fingers, can topple empires as they brush against each other in the hall, can set a fire in Janus’s soul with even the simplest forms of affection. Janus doesn’t know how he’s doing it, but every time Patton so much as touches him, he loses himself a little bit more.
Maybe it’s been longer than Janus realizes since he’s had a decent hug, maybe it’s the fact that Patton gives affection so freely, so openly. Maybe it’s both of those things, but it’s tearing him up inside like so few things can. Janus looked at Patton with disdain but now he can’t help but be filled with so much warmth every time he’s near, let alone when he’s touching him.
Even after their reconciliation, Janus hadn’t been expecting everything to change between them, but now it is, and he’s lost in an abyss of feelings and sensations he doesn’t know how to make sense of. Every time Patton shoots him a dazzling smile Janus is half-convinced, he’ll be blinded, and when a hand finds its way to his shoulder, he has to excuse himself and leave the room.
Surely, Patton knows something’s the matter. He’d be a fool not to realize the way that Janus has been keeping his distance, wary and afraid. Janus has always taken good care of himself; being an ambassador of self-care, it would be strange if he didn't. But lately, he’s been holding himself up in his room, hiding from the others, fearing what they might think if they realized how undone he becomes every time Patton is near. Perhaps the already see it, the glint of fear in his eyes, the tremor to his movements if Patton edges too close. And even though he hasn’t said anything, he’s noticed Patton keeping his distance, too, in the rare moments that they’re in the same room. He’s hesitating, and Janus doesn’t know how to tell him that isn’t what he wants, either.
But what does he want?
Janus’s jumbled thoughts are interrupted by a knock at his door. Well, shit.
“Janus? Kiddo?” Janus flinches at the sound of the voice. “Are you okay? You didn’t come down for dinner.”
“I’m fine,” Janus lies, exceptionally poorly for the supposed “Lord of the lies”, “I’ll get something to eat later.”
There’s a pause on the other side of the door and for a moment, Janus wonders if he’s left him before Patton speaks up again, concern etched into his tone.
“I brought you a plate,” he says, “Could I come inside and bring it to you?” Janus’s instinct is to respond with a stern “no,” but doing so is liable to make things all the worse. Worrying his bottom lip, Janus lets out a sigh.
“Sure.” The doorknob turns slowly, revealing a rather anxious looking Patton holding a plate of pasta.
“Thank you, Patton,” Janus says as graciously as he can manage as the food is handed to him, “This wasn’t thoughtful of you at all.” Janus knows that such a simple lie might’ve given Patton the wrong impression not long ago, and yet here he is, smiling understandingly and so damn kind.
“Would you mind if I sit with you for a while?” Patton asks, trying and failing to hide the hesitation in his voice. It makes sense; Janus has been so distant lately, and after Patton’s been offering his friendship so carefully, too.
That’s part of the problem, Janus thinks to himself, realization finally sinking in. Patton had never thought friendship with the light side would be possible, but now he wants more than that. More than he ever thought he could desire, especially from the likes of morality. He wants far more than he’ll be given.
Patton’s asked to sit with him, and once again, Janus wants to tell him to leave, but he just can’t bear it. Not with those wide, worried eyes. He can’t wallow in self-pity, not when Patton’s been doing everything he can to be welcoming and warm.
“No,” Janus says, hoping foolishly that he doesn’t sound as much of a mess as he feels, “I suppose not.”
Patton looks relieved at the response and sits beside Janus on the bed. The silence that blankets them hangs thick and uncomfortable. Janus eats his food, knowing Patton’s eyes continue to land on him before settling back on the wall. When he’s finished, he sets the plate aside and thanks Patton again for being so thoughtful.
He thinks, perhaps, that will be the extent of the interaction. Patton was worried that he hadn’t eaten a decent meal and made sure he did so, that’s all. But he lingers, still sitting beside him, eyes darting around, and Janus’s heart is suffering terrible abuse in his presence.
“Jan –,” he begins, reaching a tentative hand out and settling it on Janus’s shoulder. Janus flinches as though Patton’s caress burns, the most violent of his reactions thus far. Patton retracts his hand quickly, wringing his hands as he scoots further away, giving Janus a good deal of distance.
“I’m sorry,” Patton says, softly and apologetically, “I shouldn’t of… I mean, I know you don’t like it when I touch you. I’m sorry… I just wasn’t thinking.” Janus squeezes his eyes shut, warmth blooming where Patton’s fingers grazed his shoulder. It’s too much to handle, too intense, too good.
“I… I do like it,” Janus rasps out, despite his better judgment. His eyes aren’t open to see the look of surprise that spreads across Patton’s face.
“What? But… you’ve been so distant lately. I get it…” Patton laughs, but there’s no humor to the sound, “We haven’t always been on the best of terms. A lot of that’s my fault. But then, it felt like things were changing between us. And I liked it,” Patton says, before correcting himself, “I still like it. You’ve just… been pushing away, lately. And I didn’t know how to ask, I mean – did I do something wrong?”
There’s so much fear behind the question, a query that’s clearly been building up for some time now. Janus dares to peel open his eyes, only to be greeted with the heart-wrenching sight of Patton looking so worried for him, so scared that he’s messed up yet again.
“You haven’t done anything wrong,” Janus manages to get the words out, though not without a fight, “I – I apologize, that I’ve made you feel as though you have any reason to think you’ve upset me.” Janus sucks in a breath, wondering when he ever got to be so damned sentimental, “I admit, I have been distant. It’s just…”
“What is it?” Patton asks, compassion dripping into every word. Janus hadn’t known what he’d been missing all those years without Patton, without so much unabashed kindness and love.
“I’m not used to… being touched, I suppose,” Janus admits, ducking his head against his shoulder in embarrassment. It’s been such a long time since Janus has felt such heightened levels of negative emotions and he’s not a fan at all.
“Oh,” Patton says, hesitantly, “I’m sorry, should I – have I been overwhelming you?”
“I…” Janus falters, still not daring to face Patton, “I’m not used to it. But it’s… pleasant.” Patton pauses before realization dawns.
“Oh. Oh, sweetie, how long has it been since you’ve had a proper hug?”
Patton calling him something as soft as “sweetie” of all things makes his chest ache. In all of their recent embraces, Janus has always pulled away after a second or two, fearing what might happen if he just let’s go. But Patton’s asking, so genuinely, and Janus is too helpless not to give in.
“I… I don’t know,” he says softly.
“Would it be okay if I hugged you now?”
Janus looks down at the comforter, nodding slowly.
“Yes… I think that would be okay.”
As gently as possible, Patton puts his arms around him. Janus stiffens, his breath halting, but Patton’s holding him lose enough that it wouldn’t be hard to pull away. After a few moments, Janus realizes he couldn’t pull back if he wanted to. He throws his arms around the moral side, burying his face in his neck. He can feel himself beginning to tremble.
“Jan? Honey, is this okay?”
“Yesss,” the hiss slips past before he has time to correct it, “Please, hold me a little longer?” Janus despises the desperation that seeps into his tone. He never thought he’d stoop so low.
“Of course,” Patton says softly, “I won’t let you go. I promise."
Janus clings fervently to Patton, any final hesitations leaving him. He didn’t know being held could feel so good, but now he isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to let go. Patton begins to rub circles into Janus’s back, slow and even. Bit by bit, the tension that Janus has been holding inside of himself these past weeks disperses.
“Janus?” Janus hums in lieu of a real response. “Can you look at me for a second?” As much as he despises the idea of leaving the comfort of Patton’s arms for even a moment, he does so, pulling away so that their eyes meet.
“I… I think there’s something I should tell you,” Patton says.
“What is it?” Janus asks, feeling his heart clench in his chest. Patton reaches for his hand, and even through the glove, the touch sends electricity running through him.
“I –,” Patton hesitates before taking a deep breath and biting the bullet, “I like you. I like you a whole heck of a lot, actually. And I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable – and I understand completely if you don’t feel the same way. I just thought you should know.” Patton rushes the confession out.
Janus hadn’t been expecting this, not at all. But it’s happening, every time Patton touches him Janus feels like a fire’s been lit in his heart and now Patton’s telling him that he has feelings for him. Janus has been torturing himself, keeping space between them in the fear that Janus might melt into his embrace and it was for nothing. Janus doesn’t know if he should be irritated with himself or relieved, so he settles for both.
“I like you too, Pat,” Janus says, the confession raw and unbearably honest, “M-more than I’ve been willing to admit.”
Janus feels himself beginning to shudder again as Patton lets go of his hand, only to cup his face with both hands, his thumb tracing lightly over Janus’s scales.
“Can I kiss you?” Patton asks, so tenderly Janus is half-convinced he’s going to lose consciousness from how overstimulated he is.
Even so, he nods, smiling as Patton’s lips meet his. Patton keeps a steady hold on his face as Janus's hands settle on Patton’s hips. It’s so much, it’s intense and it’s nothing Janus is used to but that doesn’t distract from the fact that it’s incredible. Patton’s lips against his, his hands cupping his face. Each caress stirs something in him, each kiss sets his heart aflame, a fire he hopes never dies.
Janus rides the wave of intense emotions, growing to accept every touch, longing for it rather than shrinking away.
40 notes · View notes
1. I own a ferret. 2. My best friend is my boyfriend 3. My best friend is a girl 4. I use the word super way too much 5. I am a boy 6. I like My Chemical Romance 7. I own more than 100 CDs 8. I like discussing politics 9. I collect state quarters 10. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite video game. 11. I have Cingular 12. I love MAC makeup 13. I smoke too much 14. I own more than 5 bandanas 15. My favorite movie is Kill Bill 16. I watched Lamb Chop when I was young 17. I have my ears gauged 18. I can do HTML without guidance 19. I watch Spongebob Squarepants regularly. 20. I go to the movies at least once a week 21. I play guitar or bass 22. I love Elvis 23. I’ve had a mo/bi/trihawk before 24. I have met my favorite band 25. I like to hardcore dance 26. Something’s outside my window 27. I believe in ghosts 28. I do drugs regularly 29. I am straightedge 30. My favorite feature about myself is my lips 31. I have never consumed alcohol 32. I want a tattoo. 33. My favorite actor is Will Ferrell. 34. I have seen Conan O'Brien live. 35. I hate MTV 36. I used to watch Cheaters every week 37. I have my own vaccuum 38. Frank Sinatra is awesome 39. I sleep with a stuffed animal 40. I am scared of werewolves 41. I watch hockey regularly 42. I am originally from New York 43. I own an iPod 44. Some people aren’t funny. 45. I hate school. 46. My favorite vegetable is lettuce. 47. Tickle fights are fun. 48. I am currently unemployed. 49. I have my license 50. I hate spelling mistakes 51. I love Spanish class 52. I live in a big city 53. I have been to the Grand Canyon 54. I listen to music to fall asleep 55. I watch TV to fall asleep 56. I only get a few hours of sleep each night 57. I’m relatively innocent. 58. I am a size 3 or smaller 59. I’m bored. 60. Purple is my favorite color. 61. I hate flossing 62. I have a car. 63. I believe in God 64. I’m in love. 65. I used to love Unwritten Law. 66. Reno 911 is my favorite show. 67. There is a mini stapler on my computer desk. 68. Cuddling’s my favorite. 69. For sure. 70. I have a flip phone 71. I love my handwriting 72. I own a Louis Vuitton handbag 73. I want to be an astronaut. 74. I love the song Dragostea Din Tei 75. 50 Cent is not talented 76. I like scanners better than digital cameras. 77. I own at least one Punk-O-Rama CD 78. My room is sound proof. 79. I’m 5'5 or less 80. Lying pisses me off 81. I backstab people. 82. I have been in a fist fight. 83. I have PaintShop Pro. 84. It’s almost midnight 85. My nightlight is cracked 86. I only listen to Dashboard Confessional when I’m sad 87. And I feel like a pansy when I do so 88. I hate metal 89. I’m in a band. 90. Napoleon Dynamite is annoying now. 91. I love hickeys 92. I want to lose weight 93. My favorite channel is the Food Network. 94. I don’t have a CD burner. 95. Pixar is stupid except for the Incredibles 96. I own an apartment/house 97. I am engaged. 98. My computer’s a Gateway. 99. I hate driving. 100. I like watching boys sleep. =========================== 01. I miss someone right now 02. I don’t watch much TV these days 03. I love olives 04. I love sleeping 05. I own lots of books 06. I wear glasses or contact lenses 07. I love to play video games 08. I’ve tried marijuana 09. I’ve watched porn movies 10. I have been in a threesome 11. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship 12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy 13. I have acne free skin usually 14. I like and respect Al Sharpton 15. I curse frequently 16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year 17. I have a hobby 18. I’ve been told I can suck the chromes off a trailer hitch. 19. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me 20. I’m smart 21. I’ve never broken someone’s bones 22. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal 23. I hate the rain 24. I’m paranoid at times 25. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scars. 26. I need money right now! 27. I love Sushi 28. I talk really, really fast sometimes 29. I have fresh breath in the morning 30. I have semi-long hair 31. I have lost money in Las Vegas 32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister 33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S. 34. I shave my legs 35. I have a twin 36. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past 37. I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D. 38. I like the way that I look sometimes 39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months 40. I know how to do cornrows 41. I am usually pessimistic 42. I have a lot of mood swings 43. I think prostitution should be legalized 44. I think Britney Spears is hot 45. I have cheated on a significant other in the past 46. I have a hidden talent 47. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. 48. I think that I’m popular 49. I am currently single 50. I have kissed someone of the same sex 51. I enjoy talking on the phone 52. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants 53. I love to shop. 54. I would rather shop than eat 55. I would classify myself as ghetto. 56. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders 57. I’m obsessed with my Livejournal 58. I don’t hate anyone. 59. I’m a pretty good dancer 60. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington 61. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother 62. I have a cell phone 63. I believe in God/ a higher being. 64. I watch MTV/Vh1 on a daily basis 65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months 66. I love drama. 67. I have never been in a real romantic relationship before 68. I’ve rejected someone before 69. I currently have a crush on someone 70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life 71. I want to have children in the future 72. I have changed a diaper before 73. I’ve called the cops on a friend before 74. I bite my nails 75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club 76. I’m not allergic to anything 77. I have a lot to learn 78. I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger 79. I plan on seeing Ice Cube’s newest “Friday” movie 80. I am sometimes shy around the opposite sex 81. I’m online 24/7, even as an away message 82. I have at least 5 away messages saved 83. I have tried alcohol or drugs before 84. I have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past 85. I own the “South Park” movie 86. I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal 87. When I was a kid I played “the birds and the bees” with a neighbor or chum 88. I enjoy some country music 90. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza 91. I watch soap operas whenever I can 92. I’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist 93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career 94. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all 95. I know all the words to Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story” 96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy 97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it 98. I have dated a close friend’s ex 99. I’m happy as of this moment 100. I was born in the 80s but I am truly a child of the 90s  101. I have slapped john dasaro and chris burke in the face..on the same night 102. I haven’t showered in two days… and I like it. 103. i own every f***er here 104. I procrastinate all the time 105. I’m a nerd 106. I LOVE the movie The Wedding Singer. 107. i hate corn. 108. i’ve attended the rocky horror picture show 109. i’ve never seen Bambi the movie 110. Thinking about the future terrifies me 111. Without music there would be no point in living. 112. If I could change one thing about myself I would 113. If someone of the same sex liked me, I would date them. 114. I went to the mall today for 5 hours ================================ Would do Have Done
001. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 002. Swam with wild dolphins 003. Climbed a mountain *004. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 005. Been inside the Great Pyramid 006. Held a tarantula. *007. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 008. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it. 009. Hugged a tree *010. Done a striptease 011. Bungee jumped *012. Visited Paris 013. Watched a lightning storm at sea *014. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise several times *015. Seen the Northern Lights 016. Gone to a huge sports game 017. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa *018. Grown and eaten your own vegetables *019. Touched an iceberg *020. Slept under the stars 021. Changed a baby’s diaper 022. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon *023. Watched a meteor shower *024. Gotten drunk on champagne *025. Given more than you can afford to charity 026. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 027. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 028. Had a food fight 029. Bet on a winning horse 030. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 031. Asked out a stranger 032. Had a snowball fight 033. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 034. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 035. Held a lamb 036. Organized and planned a surprise party for a loved one *037. Taken a midnight skinny dip 038. Taken an ice cold bath 039. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 040. Seen a total eclipse 041. Ridden a roller coaster 042. Hit a home run 043. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 044. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking *045. Adopted an accent for an entire day 046. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 047. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment *048. Had two hard drives for your computer *049. Visited all 50 states 050. Loved your job for all accounts *051. Taken care of someone who was really sick *052. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 053. Had amazing friends 054. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country *055. Watched wild whales 056. Stolen a sign 057. Backpacked in Europe *058. Taken a road-trip 059. Rock climbing 060. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice *061. Midnight walk on the beach 062. Sky diving *063. Visited Ireland 064. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love 065. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them *066. Visited Japan 067. Bench pressed your own weight 068. Milked a cow 069. Alphabetized your records 070. Pretended to be a superhero 071. Sung karaoke 072. Lounged around in bed all day 073. Protested something you feel strongly against 074. Scuba diving *075. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye 076. Kissed in the rain 077. Played in the mud 078. Played in the rain *079. Gone to a drive-in theater 080. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret *081. Visited the Great Wall of China 082. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 083. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 084. Started a business 085. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 086. Toured ancient sites 087. Taken a martial arts class 088. Swordfought for the honor of a woman 089. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight *090. Gotten married 091. Been in a movie 092. Crashed a party 093. Loved someone you shouldn’t have *094. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 095. Gotten divorced 096. Started an office war 097. Gone without food for 5 days 098. Made cookies from scratch 099. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice 101. Gotten a tattoo 102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on 103. Rafted the Snake River 104. Been on television news programs as an “expert" 105. Got flowers for no reason 106. Made out in a public place 107. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything 108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug 109. Performed on stage 110. Been to Las Vegas 111. Recorded music 112. Eaten shark *113. Drank an entire 6 pack by yourself *114. Gone to Thailand 115. Seen Siouxsie *116. Bought a house 117. Been in a combat zone 118. Buried one/both of your parents 119. Shaved all of your hair off *120. Been on a cruise ship 121. Spoken more than one language fluently 122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone 123. Bounced a check 124. Performed in theatre 125. Read - and understood - your credit report *126. Raised children 127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy *128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour *129. Created and named your own constellation of stars 130. Taken a bicycle tour in a foreign country 131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did 132. Called or written your Congress person 133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over 135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking 137. Had an abortion 138. Had plastic surgery 139. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived 140. Wrote articles for a large publication 141. Lost over 100 pounds 142. Held someone while they were having a flashback 143. Piloted an airplane 144. Petted a stingray 145. Broken someone’s heart 146. Helped an animal give birth 147. Been fired or laid off from a job 148. Won money on a TV game show 149. Broken a bone 150. Killed a human being *151. Gone on an African photo safari 152. Ridden a motorcycle 153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph 154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 157. Ridden a horse 158. Had major surgery 159. Ridden on a passenger train 160. Had a snake as a pet 161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states *165. Visited all 7 continents 166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 167. Eaten kangaroo meat 168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground 169. Been a sperm or egg donor 170. Eaten sushi 171. Had your picture in the newspaper 172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime *173. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about 174. Gotten someone fired for their actions 175. Gone back to school 176. Parasailed 177. Changed your name 178. Petted a cockroach 179. Eaten fried green tomatoes 180. Read The Iliad 181. Selected one "important” author who you missed in school, and read 182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them 183. …and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you 184. Taught yourself an art from scratch 185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt *187. Skipped all your school reunions 188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 189. Been elected to public office 190. Written your own computer language 191. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream 192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care 193. Built your own PC from parts 194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you 195. Had a booth at a street fair 196: Dyed your hair blue 197: Been a DJ 198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal 199: Written your own role playing game 200: Been arrested ====================== 1. I have self-mutilated before. 2. I still love the song Dragostea Din Tei 3. I used to like New Kids on the Block 4. The 80s was funny. 5. I have realtones enabled on my cellular phone. 6. Public bathrooms scare me 7. I have keys on my belt 8. I’m not wearing a belt 9. I hate writing 10. I hate reading 1. I love compilation CDs 12. My favorite teachers have all been guys 13. I think Bad Religion’s only been around for ten or so years 14. I don’t know who Bad Religion is. 15. I don’t wear my hood unless it’s raining 16. I enjoy smaller clubs rather than big ones 17. I’ve put a song on repeat for more than 8 hours 18. I have sound on my computer  19. Someone wants my hiney. 20. My mom loves Elvis 21. I have my own computer 22. I live on the east coast 23. My favorite animal is a kangaroo 24. I’m on vacation 25. I don’t own a pair of ripped jeans 26. I am very insecure somewhat 27. I love to dance 28. I curse way too much. 29. I choose the pansy way and star out my curse words (f*ck) 30. I feel dumb because I was just called a pansy 31. I have a flatscreen computer 32. I collect something. 33. I’m married 34. I won’t date someone who’s smaller than me smaller, as in also shorter? 35. Brass knuckles are the shit. 36. I own a hand puppet 37. I write with blue pens 38. I wear eye makeup almost every day 39. I wish I lived somewhere other than here 40. I don’t own a band shirt. Not yet anyway.. 41. I love techno. 42. I have my nipples pierced 43. I’m shitty at wrapping presents 44. I know someone in the KKK 45. I’m racist/anti-semitist. 46. I don’t know what those mean. 47. I love life most of the time 48. I have posters all over my room 49. I’ve never been a camera whore with someone.. And I want to. 50. I’m halfway done 51. I wish I lived in the 80s 52. I know what the term borgie means 53. I’m interested in social hierarchy. 54. I love music videos. 55. I have a DVD player 56. I’m drunk right now 57. I’m listening to music 58. I have a big screen TV 59. I have an STD 60. I know the singer of the Clash’s name 61. The only IM program I have is AIM 62. I skateboard regularly 63. I live on the north side of town 64. I have been to Alaska 65. I’ve worn a cowboy hat 66. I watch late night infomercials for retarded, unnecessary things 67. I LOVE DOING THE DEATH GROWL TO MY FAVORITE METAL SONGS. 68. That last question was dumb. 69. I know what the word “peligroso” means in English 70. I speak another language fluently 71. I’ve been in a limo 72. I own a bong 73. My lungs hurt 74. I know someone who’s committed suicide 75. I’ve got a six pack and I don’t need you! 76. I know what band sung the above line 77. I like strong boys. 78. I’m sick right now 79. I know someone who’s currently enlisted in the army 80. I do not own a color phone 81. My birthday is in September 82. I hate mall cops 83. I hate most cops in general 84. I’m wearing blush 85. I live in an apartment 86. I’m still in high school. 87. I own something from Victoria’s Secret 88. I don’t know a boy that wears girls pants 89. I’ve had the same best friend since I was 8. 90. Brownies are my favorite 91. So is cake 92. I’ve heard the song “Looks Good in Leather” 93. I own some sort of propaganda, fake or real 94. I deny the Holocaust happened 95. Kisses are my favorite sign of affection 96. I need to charge my phone 97. My purse could pass for a suitcase 98. I take birth control 99. I only buy what’s fashionable
1. I love bolding 2. I know someone named Mimi 3. I hate my old best friend 4. My favorite alcoholic drink is Jack n Coke 5. I have a digital camera 6. I’m talking to at least one person online 7. I like watching college basketball 8. I have never moved. 9. I have at least one cat 10. I have at least one dog 11. I’m going to see a movie tonight maybe 12. I make my own AIM icons 13. I’m in pain 14. I watch more than five shows a day 15. I love the Cure 16. My parents like some of the same music I do 17. I have never been to the dentist 18. I listen to the radio 19. I do my own laundry 20. I’ve made at least one article of clothing 21. I have/want something on my face pierced 22. I go to at least one concert a week 23. I’ve written a story 24. I’ve dyed my hair every color of the rainbow 25. I own a Grand Theft Auto game 26. My favorite pattern is camoflauge 27. I know someone who does/did cocaine 28. I have too many game systems 29. I love scary movies 30. I hate scary movies 31. I’ve had sex more than 5 times 32. My favorite chips are Lays Original 33. I think butter is unhealthy 34. I hate the Osbournes 35. I used to have dreadlocks 36. I need to take medicine for something 37. I suffer from insomnia 38. I speak ebonics 39. I’ve gambled 40. And won 41. I have at least one gay friend 42. I like going to pet stores 43. I own a dog toy 44. And I don’t have a dog 45. I own more than ten candles 46. I’ve smoked a cigarette in the shower before 47. I’ve flunked a class 48. I listen to music every day 49. I have more than one nickname 50. I wear pajamas when I feel like it 51. I’m wearing more than one jewelry item 52. I haven’t washed my hair in a week 53. I watch the Grammy’s every year 54. Along with the Macy’s Parade 55. My favorite season is winter 56. I have seen the All American Rejects live 57. And I’ve enjoyed it. 58. Boobs are nothing special 59. I go swimming at least once a week in summer. 60. I have a pool. 61. I’ve gone skinnydipping 62. I’ve played strip poker 63. And lost 64. I want a nautical star tattoo 65. My cell phone turns off when it’s charging 66. And it pisses me off 67. I used to buy my entire wardrobe from Hot Topic 68. I’ve been to albinoblacksheep.com 69. My favorite subject is History 70. And/or math 71. I am a republican 72. I am a democrat 73. I listen to the Used occasionally 74. I have been to the Warped Tour 75. I am part Mexican 76. I am part German 77. All of my grandparents are still alive. 79. I love bowling 80. I know that there is a South Park, Colorado 81. I love Dairy Queen 82. Sometimes I think I’m crazy 83. I own a Moffatts CD 84. I own a Backstreet Boys CD 85. I want plastic surgery 86. Operation, operation, snip and tie, snip and tie 87. I know what song that line is from 88. I have killed something [bugs!] 89. I’ve never had a Nokia cell phone 90. I’m never sarcastic 91. Light eyes turn me on 92. I have never been to a foreign country 93. I don’t eat enough 94. I own illegal weaponry 95. I know someone who has overdosed on something 96. And lived to tell about it 97. I don’t own a pair of mittens 98. I love the heat 99. I’ve never had a steady boyfriend/gf 100. I want to makeout.
7 notes · View notes
ravenbell-exchange · 4 years
Here come the prompts!
These are for all of us to use, so please feel free to peruse, reblog, explore, comment, and be generally delightful. Everyone will be receiving their assigned prompts later today, but remember that we are writing two stories each: one from the assigned prompts, and one from this list. You are free to pick anything apart from stuff you yourself prompted. There haven’t been any Dear Author letters I’ve spotted so far, so I’ve included some additional crossover prompts from people here, just for ease of reference. You absolutely don’t have to pick them - there’s just there in case you want them!
If you didn’t sign up for this challenge, but want to use any of the prompts below to write a fic – go for it! As long as you make sure to credit where you got the prompt from, you are very welcome to play with us.
Now, without further ado:
Url: @autobot
Prompt 1: Sports AU: Bellamy and Raven flirt while their respective teams yell at them to get their head in the game.
Prompt 2: Delinquent Winter: It's snowing, so the delinquents decide to start a snowball fight. Raven and Bellamy really go at each other. Bellamy ends up getting a cut on his lip from an icy snowball, and Raven decides to remedy that with a kiss.
Prompt 3: Season 7: This is pretty vague but just anything with the relationship Bellamy/Raven/Doucette, with Bellamy having had separate relationships with the other two in the past.
Prompt 4 (optional variation on 1): HP AU: Bellamy and Raven flirt while their respective Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Quidditch teams yell at them to get their head in the game.
Things they don’t want to find in the fic you write for them: Momma didn't raise no wussy "N/A"
Also: Have seen all 7 seasons.
Url: @growlereish
Prompt 1: post mount weather road trip. monty, miller, lincoln, gina, octavia, harper welcome to come too. maybe they find a bunch of cars and the delinquents take off into the sunset together. maybe it's just bellamy and raven exploring the world together.
Prompt 2: au where they're on a sports team together. any sport, the sport is not important, it's about the Team As Family and the Narratives
Prompt 3: fantasy au or canon + fantasy elements
Prompt 4: relationship negotiation / exploration
Prompt 5: anything from the expansive list of likes on my dear creator letter: https://growlery.dreamwidth.org/11097.html
Things they don’t want to find in the fic you write for them: somnophilia; humiliation, especially as a kink; d/s that's about punishment; discussion of diets/nutrition plans/exercise regimens/body maintenance/weight management/etc
Also: Have seen up to + including 3x08
Url: @kinetic-elaboration​
Prompt 1: High school AU: Bellamy and Raven are exes, but Raven is still good friends with Octavia, so they still see each other all the time
Prompt 2: Bellamy/Raven/Gina negotiating/figuring out a poly relationship in Arkadia pre-S3
Prompt 3: Braven + First real, heavy snow on the ground (canon or canon-divergent AU)
Prompt 4: Librarian!Bellamy and Mechanic!Raven
Prompt 5: Modern AU: Bellamy, Raven, and author's choice other delinquents living in a cramped apartment together; Raven and Bellamy are either struggling with UST or in a secret relationship or FWB arrangement
Things they don’t want to find in the fic you write for them: pregnancy/kid fic of any sort; side/background Minty, Marper, or Clexa; explicit sex (implied/fade to black/generically described is ok); character bashing of any kind
Also: Have seen season 1-4 (really do not want to write/read anything related to the timeskip on, please!).  I'm not really into the Grounders generally; I love the delinquents; I headcanon Raven as bisexual but Bellamy as straight.
Url: @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​
Prompt 1: Sci-fi/Space AU where Bellamy and Raven serve on the same ship; (fr)enemies to lovers with lots of angst along the way! Time loop/travel or interdimensional travel shenanigans would be appreciated as well!
Prompt 2: Dark Fairytale/Fantasy AU; very dark, stormy, foresty vibes; one of them is some sort of mythical creature, maybe even ruler of other mythical creatures; dark forbidden romance; for lots of bonus angst, one of them can be a magical creature hunter and reveal themselves at the end!
Prompt 3: Canonverse Ark AU; Bellamy and Raven meet as adults on the Ark because they both join the same secret revolutionary group planning to overthrow Alpha Station; other Delinquents can definitely make appearances!
Prompt 4: Modern AU; one of the two is driving through a small town trying to get home for Christmas when their car breaks down and they are forced to take it to the town's only mechanic; they snark at each other before the mechanic invites the stranded party to Christmas dinner; found family; fluff; basically you're typical Hallmark-esque set-up.
Prompt 5: Any setting! Bellamy and Raven are rivals in some sort of extreme sport (or if set in canonverse can be something like spacewalking). They're constantly pushing each other to their limits trying to beat each other, until Raven permanently injures her leg. She becomes very bitter during her recovery until she realizes that Bellamy isn't competing anymore and confronts him. Maybe feelings come out right away or maybe it takes them a while to get around to realizing it, but lots of angst and hurt/comfort during the build-up!
Things they don’t want to find in the fic you write for them: Explicit smut; pregnancy/kid fic; incest; student/teacher; character bashing of any other characters
Also: Have seen seasons 1-6 and the first half of season 7.
Url: @ravenbells
Prompt 1: Raven discovering and enjoying the fact that Bellamy is a huge history nerd (can be canon, modern or some kind of fantasy/sci-fi setting).
Prompt 2: Modern AU. Raven is sharing a flat with friends, but one of them has to move out because of Reasons, and Bellamy rents the freed up room. Doesn’t have to be set in the US if you don’t want to, I don’t care that it’s an American show.
Prompt 3: Grounder AU, but set in the past. Bellamy and Raven were children when the nukes that caused the Ark to stay in space for generations went off. Now they are they first generation of survivors who have to build a life in a world without technology.
Prompt 4: Steampunk AU. Can be traditional Victorian-aesthetic steampunk, but if you want to lift your visuals from any other time period, be my guest. I’m going to love anything you do.
Prompt 5: Bellamy and Raven are exes who get back together (can be canon or any AU setting you can imagine).
Things they don’t want to find in the fic you write for them: Graphic violence
Also: Have only seen the first 2 seasons, please have mercy. If you want to incorporate the characters playing DnD into any of the stories, be my guest - just putting this in here because I know some people in the group love it (Bellamy would play a paladin, fight me), but if you’re not into this stuff, absolutely don’t feel obliged.
Url: shortitude @ AO3
Prompt 1: Modern coffee-shop AU where they meet because both of them has a Specific Table they like to sit at and usually their schedules do not coincide, but then because of fate (someone's wi-fi broke, there's plumbing work happening at home, etc) they have to go to the coffee shop and their table is taken, as are all the others. Luckily, the traitor who took their Specific Table is willing to share it, just for today. (And then every day after.) Friends to Lovers is preferred over Instant Attraction in this one. Even open-ended works. (Please, no pandemic.)
Prompt 2: Canon-based AU: Give me cottagecore survival to replace the weird plots that happened to this show after s2. The idea of the Delinquents settling in a village, life moving on, peace being brokered, etc etc. In the middle of it all, Bellamy and Raven rely on each other to rebuild, and fall in love. A lot.
Prompt 3: Five times Bellamy tried to show his love for Raven and failed, and one time she finally got the point. Oblivious That People Might Love Her!Raven is my tragic and problematic fave. A bonus: competence kink. Acceptable: any form of AU; I am not a stickler for canon.
Prompt 4 (optional): Pacific Rim AU; veteran Jaeger pilot gets pulled back into action because of a need to pull off a last fight against the apocalypse/alien invasion, drifts unexpectedly with the supermouthy, supersmart, very capable engineer/mechanic. Add as many characters from The 100 as you'd like into this, but I am very much more into the wholesome survival of all of them than I am about everyone except Braven dying.
Things they don’t want to find in the fic you write for them: Bellarke content if the Braven content is just a way for Bellamy to "get over" Clarke, be it failed relationship or unrequited one.
Also: Have seen season 1 and Season 2 in full; vaguely familiar with STUFF about how they ended up in space, and nothing beyond that because I literally don't care.
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capitanogiorgio · 5 years
Translation from French to English by me ( @capitanogiorgio )
On Friday, 12.04.2019, the Ligue 1 game between Dijon and Amiens was interrupted for several minutes after racist insults were thrown at Prince Gouano. In a current disgusting context in Europe, Amiens’s captain and all of the other players of the game finally set an example to follow to fight against bigotry in stadiums.
This is a game that could have easily been forgotten. (almost) No one should have remembered this placid draw between Dijon and Amiens (0-0), two low-table teams, maybe tensed by what was at stakes [trying to save themselves from relegation]. Except that there was that fateful 78′ minute, told by Prince Gouano to the press after the game. “I put the ball out in corner, then I turn around to encourage my teammates. And then, I heard monkey cries. I told myself : “This is not possible to hear this in the 21st century.” So I went to that person and asked them if they would continue in front of me, and he did ! So I said I didn’t want to play anymore, we needed to do something significant for it to stop.”
TV cameras were able to film that dramatic moment and Amiens’s captain’s words when he talked with Karim Abed, the referee : “We need to stop this ! We need to f*cking stop this, it’s a disgrace ! They’re doing monkey cries. We need to stop this or else, we stop playing. I take my teammates back to the locker room.” Then, all players stopped playing. All of them. The scene lasted for almost five minutes, some left the pitch, others went to talk to the fans. The game resumed after the airing of a message to all the fans in the stands of the Gaston-Gérard stadium. In Dijon, all of the present protagonists showed the way to fight against racism. Finally.
A disgusting current context
We don’t have to go far to find the latest racist incidents seen in the football world. No, you only have to remember the previous day, Thursday night, and the chants of a handful of Chelsea fans, in Prague, describing Mohamed Salah as a “bomber”. A newest proof of human bigotry in a period when these kind of disgusting behaviours seem to multiply in european football. Last March, for example, when England NT players Raheem Sterling, Danny Rose and Callum Hodson-Odoi were victims of monkey cries by fans during the game against Montenegro. Examples pile up.
More recently, Italy was to blame, especially after the brave goal celebration of Moise Kean, young Juventus striker, another victim of racist shouts in Cagliari, just as Blaise Matuidi, Kalidou Koulibaly or Franck Kessié have been as well, on the other side of the Alps. And no, racism in football is not limited to Italy, far from it. It’s useless to list all known cases in Europe and elsewhere, it could take the whole weekend. But then, how to react ? How to fight ? Bonucci, the Old Lady defender, had prefered to talk of a “50-50 blame” about what happened in Cagliari, while Tommaso Giulini, Cagliari’s president, had chosen to defend his public by minimising the event. What if we showed the example, for once ?
The voice of wisdom
You had to be in Dijon, then, on Friday night, to witness a real demonstration by all protagonists of the game and French football. Because, for once, there was a rare and unanimous answer to the insanity of this despicable spectator. There was first the strength and courage of Gouano, who had the will to stop the match to “do something significant”, before presenting himself with dignity to the press after the game to raise awareness and send a message of peace. “We are all equal, we are all human beings. My watchword is love.” he said, several minutes after the final whistle to BeIN Sports. “You have to love your neighbour, something that wasn’t there tonight. I’m not cross with him, he’s still human. All humans make mistakes. I just want to convey a message of love, that’s all.” He presiced later on that he would not file a complaint because “you need to know how to forgive.”
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And there was all the other ones, too. There were these little actions, these little reactions, which may, undoubtedly, make things move forward, at their own scale : the attentiveness and the comprehension of the referee, the solidarity of the players of Dijon and Amiens and the revolt of both coaches, Antoine Kombouaré and Christophe Pelissier, in the face of such bigotry during the press conference. Let’s not forget the reactivity of the club of Dijon, who immediately identified the spectator : the man was arrested by the police, minutes after the end of the game, and the club filed a complaint against him. Olivier Delcourt, Dijon’s president, came together with Bernard Joannin, Amiens’s president, to denounce these racist insults. The LFP [the Professional Football League], reacted too, announcing they would study the case as soon as next Wednesday, through the Disciplinary Commission. Nothing more than normal ? Of course, but we have to emphasise the point. For once, everyone was irreproachable. And it feels so good.
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smallblueandloud · 5 years
FSK + dancers AU?
oooh, okay. for this ask meme! (disclaimer: i know literally nothing about any sort of dance, so uh… bear with me as i wholesale make everything up)
phil coulson runs a dance studio. it is an excellent dance studio. this is common knowledge. they mostly do ballet, with some sort of modern twist [and here we see me bullshitting my way through this]. his best dancers usually go on to bigger studios, since his is smaller by choice and doesn’t travel. (oh, that phil coulson, says everyone who hears his name. wasn’t he the one who trained barton? wasn’t he the one who took in romanoff when she defected from the ussr? wasn’t he trained by nick fury? he even had tony stark for a while!) he’s famous, ish, is the point i’m trying to make here.
the studio’s stars used to be him and melinda may, who danced with him back when fury owned the studio - they were the main stars. but may was involved in a [something traumatic involving kids, idk man, there’s a lot - take your pick] and then she got divorced and… long story short, she doesn’t dance anymore. these days, he’s got grant ward, who (even though he seems like the last person who’d be dancing ballet) is excellent at what he does - solo shows, mostly - and a pretty promising new partnership, leo fitz and jemma simmons.
those kids are like… psychically connected. people barely have to work with them for their performances - they know where the other is at all times, they know exactly how to move to be perfectly positioned to catch the other’s body or their hand, and the best part is, you can tell they’re having the time of their lives while doing it.
as in, they would be terrible at pretending they were happy or joyous or whatever while dancing, so it’s very good that they are feeling like that.
jemma’s classically trained, and she’s the one who knows all the composers and exactly why they’re different and why they put that note there and what they have to do to fit that original vision. fitz grew up poor with a single mother, and he got a late start, for the ballet world - but he can feel the music, he knows exactly how to position his hands and his torso and his head and convey how the music makes him feel, how it makes everyone feel. people love seeing them work together, seeing how they both interpret the music and bring something new to the table and make it fun.
daisy, meanwhile, is a street performer in her free time, who loves to dance but likes eating a little too much to do it for a job - she works in software, in some sort of tiny startup that was willing to hire her without any sort of college degree, only on her word that she’s very good (because she is).
it’s coulson that finds her - the one constant in every universe. phil coulson finds daisy, orphan, alone in the world, sees the talent in her that she can’t quite develop on her own, and brings her in to the team, into a family. he tells her she doesn’t have to work there, and not to worry about money, that she can just come by and get some training, because she obviously loves it and who is he to stop her from doing something she loves.
he puts her with ward at first, but daisy’s never had a day of classical training in her life and ward is not a team player. may’s just barely getting back into the game, hill is out sick with pneumonia, trip is taking a sabbatical to visit his mother in philadelphia, eric is- etc, etc. long story short, he’s eventually forced to break up fitzsimmons for a few days, just so one of them can work with daisy and she can get to see the kind of things they tend to do in the sudio.
he puts her with fitz. (mostly because simmons is a bit of a snob, and fitz is the one most likely to understand where daisy’s coming from, since their backgrounds are- similar.) he’s not expecting much - he has fitz do a short thing for daisy, which she admires greatly but says she’ll never be able to do (in her usual self-deprecating style). he turns on some music and has them listen to it and talk about how they would dance to it.
then he puts fitz and daisy together and has them actually dance.
it’s not like what happens with fitzsimmons - there’s no psychic connection, no instinctual knowledge of where the other is like they were born to be together. but together, fitz and daisy - the outsiders, the newbies, the ones who grew up too poor and too low class to be around ballet - make something new, something that’s not just the same choreography that’s been tried for ages. fitz’s grace and comprehension, combined with daisy’s raw talent and experience with hip-hop, makes something coulson can’t look away from.
fitz and daisy feel it too. after coulson dismisses them, fitz drags her to meet jemma, who - contrary to everyone’s expectations (except probably fitz’s) - takes an instant liking to daisy, american and sarcastic and everything she’s not. the three of them become just about as inseparable as fitzsimmons were before daisy came along, and although fitz and jemma always have that connection when they dance, daisy and fitz have an undefinable spark when they work together - and it’s clear to any audience. coulson loves putting them in performances, especially when they dance for kids from the inner city (a new initiative that daisy put together, with coulson’s monetary support and may handling the paperwork) - because it can show the kids that they can do anything, no matter what people tell them or what their class is.
meanwhile, the three of them are getting closer - and gradually falling in love. they start dating, all three of them, maybe a year in (never underestimate the power of fitzsimmons’ obliviousness, and plus there was some guy named will and another named lincoln and so on). but they do get together, eventually, and they’re all so happy.
coulson’s good with it. but he never has the three of them dance together - just keeps putting fitzsimmons and fitzdaisy on stage. it’s not like they have a problem with it, not really, because:
eventually, alone in jemma’s apartment after a couple of glasses of wine, jemma and daisy dance together. it’s only the two of them, without anyone else watching, and it’s perfect.
so they never dance together for a performance. it’s for them, and for fitz sometimes, and that’s because it’s slightly silly, not really any sort of organized anything - or it’s too heavy, too emotional to share. and they’re fine with that.
eventually, may actually comes back to the studio, and she and coulson dance together again - and finally get their heads out of the sand, much to the relief of literally everyone who knows them (natasha romanoff, world renowned dancer, formerly of the soviet union, sends them a postcard that says ‘it’s about damn time’ and nothing else - it was a hellish couple years when she worked with them, before may got with andrew and she and coulson were dancing around each other. [oh. ha. metaphorically and literally.]).
and then, eventually, the cancer that coulson fought off years ago comes back swinging, and he retires, leaving the studio to daisy, who he thinks of as a daughter.
she’d left coding years ago to dance full time, although she still uses her free time to teach herself html and make a snazzy new website for the studio. but mostly, she dances, and works with her life partners, and laughs, and makes friends with their newest dancers - alphonso mackenzie, elena rodriguez, and piper (just piper, she says, when introducing herself) - and their new choreographer, max davis, who’s a married dad of one and is so done, all the time.
even though they can’t get married, and they go through their ups and downs, the three of them - daisy, jemma, and fitz - stay together no matter what. and they’re happy for the rest of their days.
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Sugar Cookies. Some sugar cookie recipes online pride themselves on not having to be chilled, but we think letting the dough chill out in the fridge is an essential step—especially when cutting into cute shapes. Terrific plain or with candies in them. This recipe uses basic ingredients you probably already have.
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Make the cookie dough: In a large bowl, cream together the butter, sugar, and cream cheese with an electric hand mixer on high speed for. Its time to make sugar cookies. It's time to make sugar cookies, the.
Hey everyone, it is Brad, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, sugar cookies. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Some sugar cookie recipes online pride themselves on not having to be chilled, but we think letting the dough chill out in the fridge is an essential step—especially when cutting into cute shapes. Terrific plain or with candies in them. This recipe uses basic ingredients you probably already have.
Sugar Cookies is one of the most popular of recent trending meals in the world. It is simple, it's fast, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions every day. They're fine and they look wonderful. Sugar Cookies is something that I have loved my whole life.
To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook sugar cookies using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Sugar Cookies:
{Make ready 6 cup of Flour.
{Make ready 3 tsp of Baking powder.
{Take 2 1/2 cup of Sugar.
{Take 1 1/2 cup of Melted butter.
{Make ready 1 cup of Milk.
{Make ready 1 tsp of Baking soda.
{Prepare 1 tbsp of Vanilla.
{Make ready 3 of Eggs.
These sugar cookies are the perfect example of a treat that doesn't have to be fancy to be awesome. In fact, I think something simple like this is one of the most impressive things when done well and right. Tips for Rolling Dough & Cutting Shapes. Basic, but never boring, the tender, buttery sugar cookie has an invitation to almost any celebration.
Steps to make Sugar Cookies:
Sift all dry ingredients together into a late bowl..
cut into shortening..
Make a hole in the center of above mentioned ingredients and add milk, eggs and vanilla..
Lay flour out on counter/table and place a heaping spoonful of batter in flour. Place flour on top of batter and work together until dough is no longer sticky. Rub flour on your rolling pin and roll dough out to desired thickness. (Thicker dough makes thicker cookies)..
Mix as pie dough. Dough will be very sticky at this point!.
Bake cookies for 13-15 minutes depending upon thickness at 350°F..
Sugar cookies are a true classic in the cookie world, popular for both their simplicity and adaptability for any occasion. There are two main types of sugar cookies. These are my favorite sugar cookies with icing. I shared the recipe on Sally's Baking Addiction several years ago and published them in my cookbook as well. Sugar Cookies are a sweet and tender cookie with wonderfully crisp edges.
So that is going to wrap it up with this exceptional food sugar cookies recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm confident you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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glowloading346 · 3 years
Phpstorm Slow
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Once upon a time, PhpStorm was the IDE I loved. I thought I would use it all my life, happily without looking at any other editor.
Phpstorm Slow Cooker
Phpstorm Slow Ftp
Phpstorm Show Main Menu
Phpstorm Slow Startup
I was wrong.
I discovered the true love of my live, called Vim.
Are you confused? Are you yelling “why” to the deaf sky? What happened between PhpStorm and me? Why a PHP developer would use this… old smelly thing called Vim?
Phpstorm does a very good job of saving, importing, exporting settings so upgrading your Phpstorm version doesn't require you to redo all your settings. This is also beneficial if you are setting up Phpstorm on another computer or sharing your company coding style guide with other developers. Now you will be working with the terminal - you can use Window's cmd or the PHPStorm's terminal. I prefer to use the terminal built inside the PHPStorm - it is: better, faster and more intuitive. I prefer to use the terminal built inside the PHPStorm - it is: better, faster and more intuitive.
I was happy with PhpStorm. We had a productive relationship. Its basic rules was simple, as simple as many text editor in the computing world. You use a mouse, you click where you want to change or add something, somewhere. The basic editor. We are all used to that from the beginning of times!
PhpStorm provides the following main ways to upload project files and folders to deployment servers: Manually, at any time through a menu command. Automatically, every time a file is updated, or before starting a debugging session, or during a commit to your version control system. PHPStorm was and now is very slow under Linux (currently am using version 2016.2). All its versions were slow. Even at powerful computers with SSD. Jamming and sticking is a normal behavior for this program. It's a pity that authors do not pay attention to it. Running PHP storm on windows 10 is incredible slow. I'm running PHPstorm on my windows 10 laptop, where it is extremly slow. I made a screenshot showing the about information. I have a 64bit so I'm correct running phpstorm64.exe for this. During work I'm also using phpstorm on an.unix system, which is great. So I thought about buying a private license for me at home, but with the given performance I really cant work.
I loved the auto completion with PhpStorm! I loved the fact that you could find easily a peculiar file even within a massive codebase. I loved its stability. I liked the snippets. I loved its numerous options to refactor, generate getter / properties / methods using one or two handy shortcuts.
And now, I don’t use it anymore.
Firstly, I want to tell you my story with Vim and PhpStorm in order for you to understand how you can switch between the two.
Then I will compare the two and underline what Vim brings on the table.
Vim: the Hate before the Love
It was a newcomer who first showed me Vim.
He was a PHP developer hired in the company I was working for. I was curious, I began to look what tools and IDE he was using, expecting seeing the good old PhpStorm, like every good PHP developer who suffered too much with Eclipse.
“I don’t use PhpStorm” said the newcomer. “Vim is way better!”.
Vim! This dinosaur! This boring terminal editor! So complex nobody knows how to use it, except the perfect nerd without life / girlfriend / whatever real things!How can he compares the wonderful shiny PhpStorm with this relic?
At that point, I went in a crusade. I tried to show him how a good IDE with tons of features could suit his needs even better than this… Vim thing! Without success, I let him swimming in his ocean of mistakes, sad he couldn’t see the Truth as I was.
Time past. Days became years. Years became centuries. I began to understand that this newcomer was a very interested and knowledgeable developer. It astonished me. How can he be that good and use Vim?
Quickly we began to work on the same project: a tandem was born.
The Time of Mockeries
I mocked my work tandem. A lot. He was persisting in his mistake to use Vim and I couldn’t do anything to dissuade him.
I mocked the austerity of Vim’s interface. I mocked the fact that he had to configure everything in config files. I mocked that this configuration (in my opinion) was always broken. Who wants to code with a broken IDE? It was pure nonsense.
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With hindsight, I may have been a bit jealous. He mastered a tool full of shortcuts in order to use the mouse as less as he can, and, without knowing it, I envied him.I envied him because I didn’t feel capable to learn how to use Vim in a reasonable amount of time.
More and more, my contempt toward Vim let place to curiosity.
PhpStorm and Me: the Breakdown
My attraction and curiosity toward Vim kept growing and growing.
The hate became love when I decided two things:
Quitting the company I was working in.
Learning to type like true crazy typists.
I wasn’t happy at that time, till I decided to quit the company I was working for. My decision opened new horizons and a true desire to learn more about everything.Moreover, I wanted to learn a maximum from my fellow work tandem before leaving for new and crazy adventures.
I wanted at the same moment to get rid of my very bad habit of typing with two or three fingers. I wanted to use typists techniques: using the home row keys and my ten fingers.
Quickly I began to understand the power of this typing method. You feel definitely faster and more in control of your computer. A very cool sensation!I knew as well that Vim was designed for this type of typing. Due to the pleasure I had with my new typing techniques, I slowly decided to give Vim a chance.
More and more, I asked tips to my tandem in order to learn how to use The Beast. At first, I just wanted to use it for editing configuration or text files, not for actually coding, too afraid that it would put down my productivity.
I stopped using PhpStorm in two weeks. Transfer from bitpay to coinbase.
Vim vs PhpStorm
Vim on the left, PhpStorm on the right. The clash.
Here we are finally: the comparison between PhpStorm and Vim. Do you want to replace PhpStorm with something more powerful and versatile? Do you want to be sure that Vim is the good choice?
I won’t cover here how to do a PHP IDE out of Vim since I wrote another article on the topic.
Who’s in Charge: You or Your IDE?
An IDE is obviously very important for developers. It’s the tool which helps us doing what we like: coding. It simplifies our lives, automatize all these boring stuff you repeat over and over again.
Therefore your IDE should reflect the way you are coding. It should give you the choice for you to do what you want, the way you want.
PhpStorm doesn’t really give you many choices: it is a bunch of tools and you have to stick with them.I never used 70% of it. I know a lot of shortcuts and I am able to navigates in the panels without even using the mouse. However I never used the composer tools / terminal / git GUI / database interface thingy integrated in PhpStorm.
I couldn’t configure that. I couldn’t choose to install what I wanted, what I needed. PhpStorm was choosing for me.
The result? Many panels and notifications popping, a lot of visual noise which was totally useless for me. Perfect to lose focus.
Some may argue that PhpStorm is really configurable compared to other IDE. It is nothing compared to Vim.
Vim has a great community who develop a LOT of plugin. Nowadays you can install them and get rid of them by typing two words. Not even command lines. Words.
You can choose exactly what you want and what suits you. You can even modify it easily and extends it. Vim can be bent following your wishes.
You are the master.
PhpStorm Only Allow You to Code in… PHP
Another point which was bothering me for a long time. Of course you can use it to write HTML / CSS but you won’t have many tools for those. And what about Go you want to learn so hardly? Ruby? Basic?
Vim is an editor, not an IDE, but you can make an IDE out of it for every language you want. Right now, I have very good auto completion systems for PHP, JavaScript, Go and Ruby.
Even better: the plugins can be activated depending of the file type you are editing. You will never have the Ruby autocompletion while editing a PHP file. Sweet, isn’t it?
I have tons of plugins for refactoring, creating snippets and so on. No need to change IDE and get use to different interfaces. With Vim I can switch from one language to another transparently. Believe me, it’s awesome.
When I open Vim, everything I need is there for whatever language.
Vim is Light
Each time I open PhpStorm I have the impress that my computer is running a marathon. And he doesn’t do well.
Even on my very lightweight arch linux / i3 system (running on very good hardware), everything suddenly slow down. Welcome to the Matrix, or the stop motion applied to computing!
Sometimes I like to open two projects at the same time to get some configuration or code from one to another. Sometimes I want to open even more if I need to work with multiple micro services.
With PhpStorm… you know what I am talking about. Your memory scream, your CPU burns some calories, your vans consume more electricity than your fridge.
In comparison, Vim is a feather. So light! You can run multiple instances of it if you want, your computer won’t slow down.Try to use Vim, then come back to PhpStorm and you will see what I’m talking about.
Your hardware will love Vim.
Vim is Fun
This is something I didn’t imagine: Vim is really fun to use. This is something my work tandem told me, and it’s so true: it’s basically the gamification of coding.
It is time to precise a bit how to use it. There are many modes in this editor:
The Normal mode is for executing commands (delete words, lines, paragraphs and a lot of others). Basically, it’s to edit your text (or code).
The insert mode is there for you to concretely write.
A simple separation of concern and, believe me, it’s brilliant!
This is Vim: you can learn to be productive with it in a couple of minutes (I promise). Get used to it may take a bit more time, and then you will learn new stuff all your life. The whole editor feel so logical that you will come up with new way to do things without even asking Google. Yes, by yourself, only!
Like: “Maybe if I press those keys, it will do that eventually. Yes it does! I’m a genius!”
Indeed, Vim is so sweet, you can talk to it like an old friend. For example: you want to delete all characters from your cursor till the coma? In Normal mode, type dt,, which means delete till ,. You can do as well dtf, which delete till f. Magical!
In comparison, PhpStorm is boring. To me, 70% of the tools are useless (by adding a useless graphical interface on top on very efficient terminal tools) and the editor itself use the mouse extensively, like 99% of the editors in the world.If shortcuts were invented, it’s because it’s more convenient and fast to use the keyboard to execute actions. Vim definitely nailed that.
If you want to build a complete Mouseless Development Environment, you might be interested by this book.
To be honest with you, I always have the impression I’m some sort of a hacker doing crazy things with my keyboard in three different Vim instances. Of course I am just writing down my shopping list but… who cares? The feeling is great!
I am always happy when I discover a new shortcut or way to do thing even more easily. It’s like finding a secret way to beat a video game even faster! Gamification, I tell you.
PhpStorm Cost Money
PhpStorm is not free, far from it. Even if it’s pretty affordable (around 100euro), you pay only for one year. Welcome to the era of renting instead of acquiring…
If you want a Go, Ruby or whatever IDE for whatever language, you have to pay. Again.
Vim is free, available on everything (linux, windows, mac).
You Might be Faster with Vim…
Honestly I don’t care that much if I’m faster with it. To me, being fast doesn’t mean being a good developer. Our brain is more valuable than our typing speed.
However you will feel fast and precise, which is a good cherry on the cake. Adblock plus google chrome. Especially when you have to move a bunch of classes and renaming namespaces again and again. You know, what we call refactoring: Vim can simplify that and many other things.
Vim Allow You to do More than PhpStorm
Here some examples what you can do with Vim but not with PhpStorm:
You can search through open tabs (“buffers” in Vim), files and entire projects very fast with the fzf plugin. Even faster than with PhpStorm.
You can go directly to php.net with a keystroke when you are on a method / function / whatever to see its definition. Very handy.
You can run Vim with a GUI or in the terminal. Doing the last will open a lot of possibility like the winning combo zsh / tmux / Vim. You will have a lot of flexibility and fun with those tools, I can guarantee it!
Since a tonne of plugins exist for Vim you can extend the possibilities as you wish. You can even write little functions which extend / alter whatever you want.
The possibilities are infinite.
A Great Community
A lot of people use Vim and will be happy to help you. You have access to a lot of plugins for every development language you dream of.
Some will argue (as I did) than Vim is too old. It is a strength! Think about it: what software is more stable than the one tested for decades?
It is very stable indeed, thanks to the community. If you are stuck, if you have a problem, you have tons of resources where you can found the solution.
Vim is old and maintained for a long long time, which means as well that its codebase is (apparently) not-that-goodish.That is why a bunch of people rewrote the whole editor. It’s called Neovim and it’s compatible with every Vim plugin available.
Even if it’s still in beta I didn’t have any issues with it. It works like a charm.
I want to be in love with Vim! Tell me how!
First you need to be motivated and learn how to properly use it. It is less complicated than you think.
You Work on Linux or macOs? Try Vimtutor!
First, go to your terminal.Then type vimtutor. Press enter.Here we are!
Vimtutor comes with a lot of linux-based distribution. It is a 15 minutes tutorial for you to learn Vim’s basics. After that, you can begin to use Vim for whatever need you have.
15 minutes! Who said that Vim was complicated?
You don’t believe me? Just try it!
Get Inspired by Other’s Configurations
Vim alone is a bit… too weak functionality wise. You need plugins, and the best way to find what you need is to look to configurations from other developers.They are most of the time hosted publicly on github.
Here my personnal config.
Be careful though. It is tempting to copy entire configuration from others but you will be lost very quickly. Vim needs to be personalized. It can suits you if you take the time to tune it depending on your needs.
Take the configurations available on the web as inspirations. Copy them little by little, plugin by plugin. Test it, try to understand what the plugin is doing. Take your time. Read the plugin documentations. In short: do everything with Vim you should do as a developer. Analyzing, acting step by step and see if it suits your need.
Vim Cheat Sheet
My advice for the beginning: having a cheat sheet printed you can refer to. You can find a lot of them everywhere.
It will help you memorising the basics of Vim and experimenting to be more effective and have even more fun!
Vim is a Winner! But… Do I Miss PhpStorm?
I hope you are now ready to try Vim, and maybe replace PhpStorm!
Now let be honest with one another:
Yes PhpStorm has some tool that Vim doesn’t. The search plugin I use for example has less options than PhpStorm’s search… but is so faster, you’ve no idea.
In PhpStorm the auto completion was slightly better… in 2017. In 2019, Vim auto completion plugins are as good as any IntelliJ plugin.
You need to spend time configuring Vim to have a powerful PHP IDE.However, it means as well that you can personalize it the way you exactly want it to behave. An IDE should answers your need, not imposing them!
After three weeks using Vim as my PHP IDE, I tried to reinstall PhpStorm. I used it for ten minutes… before coming back to Vim.
I won’t get back to you, PhpStorm. Never. Bartender for wedding near me. I am a faithful man to Vim now.
This section provides the list of solutions and workarounds for common problems with deployments in PhpStorm.
Collecting PhpStorm deployment logs
If your issue is not addressed in this section, contact our support engineers. If asked to provide deployment logs, follow the instructions to collect them.
Select Help | Configure Debug Log in the main menu.
In the Custom Debug Log Configuration dialog that opens, add the following lines depending on the issues you are experiencing:
Issues with deployment/synchronization: #com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment
Issues with issues with SSH/SFTP: #com.intellij.ssh
Click OK and reproduce the issue.
Locate the log file by selecting Help | Show Log in Explorer (for Windows and Linux) or Help | Show Log in Finder (for macOS).
If necessary, you can locate the log manually:
The most recent log file is named idea.log; older files names end with a number, that is idea.log.1, idea.log.2, and so on. In most cases you need only the most recent one.
Attach the log file(s) to the issue or forum thread.
General troubleshooting
Deployment is slow or fails
Deployment can be a resource-intensive operation, especially if a project or a deployment server contains lots of directories and files. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment and explore the following configuration options, which can speed up deployment:
Exclude directories that are not needed from deployment (for example, images). This can be done from the Deployment: Excluded Paths Tab page.
On the Options page, clear the Overwrite up-to-date files to skip uploading files that don't need to be uploaded.
Depending on the server, switching between active and passive transfer mode in the advanced FTP settings may help. This can be done by toggling Passive mode in the Deployment: Connection Tab for the server.
Limit number of concurrent FTP connections. This can be done by toggling Limit concurrent connections and setting the number of connections (usually 3-5 concurrent connections is OK for any server if you experience problems with a greater number of connections) in the Deployment: Connection Tab for the server.
File transfer becomes unresponsive
This can happen in case PhpStorm tries to resolve an IPv4 host via IPv6. By default, PhpStorm only listens for incoming IPv4 connections. To make sure IPv6 is disabled, check the PhpStorm JVM options:
Select Help | Edit Custom VM Options from the main menu.
In the .vmoptions file that opens, make sure the -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true line is present.
Restart PhpStorm.
Otherwise, to enable IPv6 support, delete the -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true line. In this case, make sure to add the IPv6 entry for your host to the /etc/hosts file.
Download/upload actions are not available
Download/upload actions may not be available because of a missing mapping. If a file or folder that you want to download is not configured in any mapping, PhpStorm will not download it. Mappings can be configured as described in the Map project folders to folders on the server and the URL addresses to access them.
For some actions, a default deployment server needs to be selected on the Deployment page of the Settings/Preferences dialog.
Some folders are not deployed
A common cause for folders not being deployed is when they are explicitly excluded. To solve this, in the Remote host tool window right-click the given folder and select Remove Path From Excluded from the context menu. Once this is done, the folder will be deployed.
This can also be configured from the Deployment page of the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S. Open the Excluded Paths tab for the server and remove the excluded path. Note that both the source and the target folders should be checked. Folders can also be excluded by name on the Options page under Exclude items by name.
Sharing deployment configurations between projects
Deployment Servers are configured at the IDE level: they are available for all projects and can be shared between them.
Note that only the name and connection details (specified on the Deployment: Connection Tab tab) are shared between projects: mappings and excluded paths are project-specific and have to be configured separately. Using this approach, connection details have to be entered just once, while mappings and excluded paths can be configured per-project, sharing the connection details. This can be useful when projects share the same deployment server and use the same connection settings. If connection settings are different between projects, they have to be configured for every project separately.
If necessary, you can set a server to be visible in a single project by selecting the Visible only for this project checkbox on the Deployment: Connection Tab.
IDE settings do not allow me to configure mappings
The default new project settings are used to configure the default settings for new projects and do not affect the currently opened projects. To configure settings for the current project, use the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S.
Can subfolders within the same folder have different deployment settings? Can a local folder be deployed to multiple locations?
When uploading folders and configuring mappings, note the following:
You can specify mappings for specific folders to different paths on the deployment server. This can be configured on the Deployment: Mappings Tab for the server.
You can exclude specific folders and files from being uploaded/downloaded. This can be configured on the Deployment: Excluded Paths Tab for the server.
You cannot upload the same folder (or subfolders) to different sites at once. A separate deployment configuration needs to be created for each of them and uploaded to each site one by one.
If this is what you want to do, we recommend automating the process with a capable tool. For example, Phing has an FTP task which can be used from PhpStorm. Within PhpStorm, you can use the Sync with Deployed.. command and select from available deployment servers for every upload.
I cannot assign a keyboard shortcut to the Sync With Deployed to My Server menu item
It is not possible to assign a keyboard shortcut directly to the Sync With Deployed to <server name> command, only to the generic Sync with Deployed to.. command, which will then display a popup menu with the list of servers. Refer to Configure keyboard shortcuts for details.
If you do wish to assign a keyboard shortcut to a specific deployment server, it is possible to record a Macro and assign a shortcut to it instead:
Select Edit | Macros | Start Macro Recording and start recording a Macro.
Select Tools | Deployment | Sync With Deployed to <server name> and close the sync window.
Stop recording the Macro by selecting Edit | Macros | Stop Macro Recording from the main menu.
Set the Macro name, for example Sync with <server name>.
Open in the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Keymap and find the Macros node. From the context menu of the new sync Macro that was just recorded, select Add keyboard shortcut and provide the desired shortcut .
How do I deploy a database using PhpStorm?
There are a couple of ways to deploy a database using PhpStorm:
Make use of the integrated database tools and run the required DDL and SQL statements manually.
Work with Phing and set up a DBDeploy task.
Can I run a script or executable on my files before the upload occurs?
Things like minifying CSS, optimizing images, encoding PHP files using IonCube and so on are actions that you may want to execute before an upload happens. The best approach to do this is run them not when the upload is started, but when the files are changed, by using File watchers in PhpStorm. When the time comes to upload them to a deployment server, upload the processed files instead.
Note that the Skip external changes checkbox must be cleared on the Options page for this to work.
Sometimes files are not uploaded automatically
By default, PhpStorm uploads the files if they are changed by some external processes (VCS, transpilers, and so on). If the files are not uploaded, make sure that the Upload changed files automatically to the default server on the Options page is set to Always and the Skip external changes checkbox is cleared.
Can I run pre- and post-deployment actions?
It's possible using Run/Debug configurations. You can create a fake Run/Debug Configuration, or a Run/Debug configuration that should be the last step, and add the required steps under Before launch.
As an alternative, we recommend using Phing or any other build system to execute complex sequences of steps.
FTP troubleshooting
FTP issue: Invalid descendent file name 'http:'
When a deployment server has been configured or when using the Test Connection button in the project settings, the Invalid descendent file name 'http:' error is displayed. Note that all file names with a colon : in the name will be considered invalid.
This can happen if a file containing http: Pioneer desserts. in its name exists in the project. The library that PhpStorm uses to connect to FTP (Apache Commons VFS) cannot read the contents of a folder containing such a file, which causes the operation to fail. The only solution is to remove the file containing http: in its name from the project.
PhpStorm seems to connect to the server but can't list files or perform upload
Phpstorm Slow Cooker
This may be because the deployment server requires a so-called passive FTP connection. To set this mode, select the Passive mode checkbox in the Deployment: Connection Tab for the selected server.
Phpstorm Slow Ftp
Limiting the number of concurrent FTP connections may also help in this situation. To do this, open the Deployment: Connection Tab for the selected server, select the Limit concurrent connections checkbox, and set the number of connections (usually, 3-5 concurrent connections is OK for any server if you experience problems with a higher number of connections).
Phpstorm Show Main Menu
Deploying files when changing branches using Git checkout
There are a couple of ways to go about deploying files when switching between branches using Git checkout:
One way is to configure deployments to always upload files and external changes. To do this, on the Options page, set Upload changed files to the default server to Always and clear the Skip external changes checkbox. Note that this will upload all files to the server when switching branches.
Use git-ftp. It performs minimal uploads and is also able to mirror file and directory removals.
Phpstorm Slow Startup
Known issues
Is rsync supported to synchronize files and folders with a deployment server?
No. If you feel this should be part of PhpStorm vote for this issue.
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0 notes
mentalpolaroids · 3 years
CH | 7. alarmed
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CH 6
The alarm of my phone woke me up the next morning. I felt like I didn't sleep at all due to the events of last night and by the tiredness on Noah's face I could tell he felt the same.
"Good morning.", my eyes closed as I spoke.
"Good morning, I guess.", I laughed as Noah turned on his side and then hugged me lazily.
"We should get up, we have to go to work and check on, what I presume, a very hungover Kevin."
Noah tightened his hold on me as he kissed my temple and answered.
"Hmmmm, fine."
I was the first to get out of bed, hardly I might say, because my best friend became even more cuddly when he was still half asleep and it was hard to escape form his long arms. I made my way to the bathroom to prepare myself to face the world. I got dressed while Noah used the bathroom after me and then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Noah and Kevin left the rooms at the same time, Noah looking fresh and awake and Kevin looking dead and buried. "Why hello.", I said, not showing a bit of excitement. I was still mad at him for doing this to himself so I wouldn't let this slide until I had a proper conversation with him. Kevin greeted us with a nod, clearly ashamed of what happened last night and didn't dare look me or Noah in the eye on his way to the main bathroom.
"Are you gonna talk to him about it?", Noah asked, leaning against the counter beside me while I poured coffee in three mugs.
"Yes, but not now, I don't want to leave in a bad mood, work already does that to me and I don't need it to get worse.", he laughed softly and followed me to the round table where a plate of toasts was already waiting for us. 
Kevin came out of the bathroom and sat down with us. I didn't look up at him nor did I try saying something. Noah asked him how he was feeling and he said he could be better. The two talked a bit, neither of them touching the subject, and I just stood there eating and siping my coffee and distracting myself from that awkward situation by remembering Noah's hands on me during last night. Yeah, talk about distraction, because if it wasn't for my best friend calling for my name telling me he would drive me to work, I would have just stayed there starring at nowhere and imagining things I knew would never happen.
Noah drove me to work and in the car he asked me what I wanted to talk to him about the day before. I told him about Julio and the woman he was with. I explained how I wasn't sure if I was exaggerating or not but he said that if I was sure of what I saw then he believed me and told me to let him know if something like that happened again. I also asked him to not say anything to Camila until I was sure what Julio's intentions were.
"Just to let you know I'm going back to yours to check on Kevin and tell him to call in sick so he doesn't go to the restaurant still feeling hungover.", Noah said, as I unbuckled my seat belt.
"Thank you so much for that.", I reached to him to kiss his cheek and, with a last wave, I entered the company.
At work, it was the same boring but nerve wracking thing as always. It was almost time for lunch break and I was in the coding office distributing some papers I was asked to print. I heard two guys on the desk next to the one I was setting down some papers talking about whatever they were doing, while pointing to the computer screen. I don't know where my confidence came from but, when I went to their desk to give them the papers, I asked if they needed help. The guys were surprised by my words. They probably have never seen me in the company before judging by the way they were looking at me. That, or they thought I was lunatic for offering help since I was just a mere assistant who probably knew nothing about web designing, let alone coding.
"Uhm... do you know anything about HTML?", one of the guys asked, looking at the other one, not sure if he should trust me with their work.
"I do, actually, it was my specialty in college."
The two exchanged looks and the one that was seated on the desk chair smirked and nodded. He introduced himself as Eric and started to explain what the issue was and how they were trying to solve it. I could tell they didn't really think I could do anything about it and, when he turned the screen and the keyboard my way so I could do my thing, they exchanged another look as if they were ready to laugh in my face when I screwed everything up. I started doing my magic, once in a while asking them if it was supposed to look like that.
"Ok, done.", I said, turning the screen back to Eric, who nodded, impressed.
"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said it was your specialty. Thank you!"
I smiled proudly and excused myself to finish distributing the papers.
It was finally time for my lunch break. As I was leaving the company I didn't feel as useless and mad as I did the other days. The fact that I was able to help someone and do a good job with it gave me a new hope about taking a next step when it came to working in what I wanted and loved. I was definitely in a better mood and didn't feel anxious about going back to work again after lunch.
I went to this small and cozy restaurant near the company. It was one of my favorite restaurants and what I loved the most about it was the fact that they had more than one vegan option on the menu and were actually delicious, which was a big plus. Some of the people that worked there even knew me already and what my favorite dish and drink were. I sat down after greeting the employees and ordered my lunch. While I ate, my mind wandered back to last night. To Noah's embrace, to his hand on my skin and the way he pulled me to be the closest to him as possible. All I wanted was to spend all of my nights with him, if nothing more happened, I would be happy to just be held by him and have his hands run through more places in my body. I could feel myself blushing just by thinking about it. That boy would be the end of me and I was all in for it.
It was time for me to go back to the company so I got up and dragged my satisfied self to the counter to pay. I was waiting in front of the counter when I heard a voice behind me.
"Put her order with mine please, I'll pay for it."
You could say I was taken aback by that but the surprise quickly turned into shock when I turned around to see who the hell had offered to pay for my lunch. It was Julio. I didn't even see him when I entered the restaurant nor did I remember seeing him come in after I did. To say the situation was weird would be an understatement. Frozen with my ability to speak, I just switched my gaze between Julio and the girl behind the register machine taking his money. I was finally able to react and, cleaning my throat, I spoke.
"Uhm, thank you..."
I tried to be as polite as I could. For more strange that the whole thing was, I still felt the need to thank him for paying for my lunch.
"It's no problem at all."
It was the way he spoke that made shivers run down my covered arms. Not the good kind of shivers. And the way he looked at me was even worse. It made me feel like I was the center of attention to the world and I was totally exposed for everyone to see, except everyone was just Julio. That's how intense his gaze was. I turned my back to him to say goodbye to the girl but I made sure I complimented the food and all that to try and make conversation so Julio would just leave and let me go back to the company in peace.
"The food was delicious indeed.", the guy had the nerve to include himself in the conversation, "I will definitely come back here.", and then I felt his hand on my lower back as he leaned closer to my face and said "See you later.", and then left the restaurant, with the same creepy smile he gave me the day before. I didn't know what kind of expression flashed through my face but it probably was one of fear or alarmism because the girl behind the counter looked at me weirdly, questionably. I tried to smile at her and said goodbye again, this time my voice coming out weaker, almost in a whisper. I turned to leave the restaurant and I made sure to look in all directions to check if Julio was anywhere near.
I entered the company and the first thing I did was go to the bathroom, close myself in a stall and text Noah, the best I could with my shaking fingers, asking him if he could come pick me up from work later.
CH 8
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
However, startups usually have a fairly informal atmosphere, and there's always a chance you'll hit a dead end. Perl: Shell scripts/awk/sed are not enough like logic. Work on hard problems. Nearly everyone who writes about it says that economic inequality should be decreased? But because seed firms operate in an earlier phase, they need to get the effect of training. Except for some books in math and the hard sciences; you have to solve this problem by having a slide about what might go wrong, but it should be straightforward. But most of the work that seems formidable from the moment it's created indeed, is deliberately intended to be the mistaken one. Empirically, it's not the deciding factor. The problem is, risk and reward are always proportionate. The market was pioneered by upstarts like Apple. He adds: I remember the eyes of phone companies gleaming in the early stages of a startup, this would be a good trick to look for those that are dying, or deserve to, and VCs usually a million or higher than 4 or 5 million. The latest laws make this a crime.
What you really want is the destination, but Be relentlessly resourceful is definitely not the recipe for winning in the past, everyone wants funding from them, it's now the default with us to live by trial and error, and it's unclear whether anyone could be. They'll all lose their jobs eventually, along with Ruby and Icon, and Joy, and J, and Lisp programmers love their languages. And that would in turn mean that you got practically all the users like Google, presented at some point, when someone comes to us with something that users like but that we use that heretofore despised criterion, applicability, as a handful of angels who'd be interested in each type of mail, I use. It takes a conscious effort not to be mean. Good and Bad Procrastination December 2005 The most impressive people I know using Java are using it because they could reproduce bugs instead of just doing things, they won't tell you them. They'd be rewarded later. The recipe was the same in music and art. Here's a clue. Where does it go wrong? Efficiency A good language, it will seem barbaric that people in Padua were ten feet tall. Math would happen without math departments, but it is a good hacker, especially when you're young and there are leaks in every joint.
But this is a valid field for scholarship, why not work there? Could there be a connection between humor and misfortune? About a year after we started Y Combinator we didn't worry about Microsoft as competition for the best programmers huge leverage. And since reading ancient texts was the essence of what scholars did. And in that department so far. Whereas fame tends to be missing something: disasters. For example, a politician announcing the cancellation of a government program will not merely be different in the way wealth is created. We assumed his logo would deter any actual customers, but it would be this hard. And if they can't get that mad, because they only have themselves to be mad at. Our approach to support made everyone happier. Now imagine comparing what's inside this guy's head with what's inside the head of the observer, not something customers need. A culture of cheapness.
The defense of mosquitos, as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're smart enough to do that is to implement it. Next Steve Jobs I was talking recently to Robert Morris, Peter Norvig, and Robert Morris for reading drafts of this. But they were competing against opponents who couldn't change the rules about how to make the universal web site? 01491078 guarantee 0. So far the danger of bad stories seems smaller. At some point, remember this, because they'd been there longer. If anyone wanted to try, we'd be pondering how to let our loved ones know of our utter failure; and on and on. A demo explains what you've made is version one of a handful of the most unobservant people, and channels the rest into unproductive jobs. It's easy to talk to the other board members, you just yell into the next gear. The best investors are much smarter than the rest, including me, actually like debugging.
The advantage of raising money from friends and family. Both publishers and investors are equally represented and the deciding vote is cast by neutral outside directors, all the top five words here would be neutral and would not change the meaning of life. Though if you include short term room rental, second home rental, bed and breakfast, and other people. It would cost something to run, you become interested in anything that could spare you such pain in the ass. Some professors do create a great deal about our work that we use that heretofore despised criterion, applicability, as a child, I bet you can't clean up your whole room in ten minutes, a good manager can sometimes redefine a problem as a more interesting one. Or more precisely, investors decide whether you're a good salesman, you could make something better designed. Aircraft: applying corrections too vigorously, so the odds of getting from launch to liquidity without some kind of competitive game with the spammers.
At places like MIT they were writing programs in the hard sciences. So what do you do? Subject Free! People seeking some single thing called intelligence. This is not as much fun, and you become an idiot. Things that used to be a research scientist: you're not saying it to your boss, but directly to the committee and so gave them no way to test dubious urls would be to have no structure: to have each group actually be independent, and that most VCs were sheep. Viaweb, I doubt we ever had ten known bugs at any one time. That phrase draws in most threads I've mentioned here. So you can't use your everyday intuitions about shared plans as a guide in designing languages. When a startup spends a lot it's usually because a people wouldn't pay for what we'd built.
This has led some in the media to conclude that blogs don't present much of a threat—that is, if you try to decide what Apple's next products should be considered experiments, and those who aren't don't. The fatal pinch is default dead slow growth not enough time to fix it. Some of your classmates are probably going to have to emphasize simplicity. Notice all this time I've been talking about the five sources of startup funding used to look like a dork riding a Segway you're just standing there. I had, I would consider this problem solved. Sheer effort is usually enough, so long as no one is doing them yet. Recipes for wisdom, particularly ancient ones, tend to be outliers. What I've just described is an acquisition by a public company. As the roast turkey appeared on the table, his alarmingly perceptive 5 year old son suddenly asked if the turkey had wanted to die. Html 18.
0 notes
aircoil50 · 4 years
Do Not Use your Cell phone in Sociable Environments
Is incredibly common for all of us to use somebody else's cellphone also to be each of our very first time. In doing so , were looking to duplicate that initial sense of independence a mobile phone provides. A family member in another express was in the hospital. It was a Saturday nighttime, and I have been invited into a party. Rather than being away having fun I was sitting in my apartment, waiting for the phone to call, restless for reports. It was a pal who lend me his cell phone to make certain I will understand any reports as soon as possible, and in addition, be able to go to the get together. Obviously there was no reason for myself to be connected to my own landline. My spouse and i look backside at that occasion, and in addition in wondering at how gracious my good friend was in loaning me his phone intended for the night (who would volunteer their cell phone away these days? ), I actually couldn’t has stopped being amazed at the freedom this cellular phone gave me. I was able to step out and be cultural - although still becoming accessible at the same time. This is the kind of freedom cellphones provide. But today our telephones are about much more than audio communications, and they are will no longer an optionally available possession. They are integrated into our lives in ways not really their creators thought. But screen period is the fresh sitting in a office chair for hours at a time, which I happen to concur is a awful thing. I have a standing table and it’s been a life-changer. In a time when we are electronically connected nowadays, yet sense even more disconnected than ever before, we are being taught, even admonished, to reduce each of our dependence on cell phones. To limit our amount of time in front of monitors, to put the telephone down and still have a real discussion with an individual, in the flesh. Avoidance of products and display screen time has become becoming a luxurious item; to be able to disconnect from your phones to get an extended time period bestows a status that a lot of us can’t find the money for or attain. Get it done, we are told, for your sanity if not humankind, and also for your neck: regularly looking down at your cellphone strains the lower back, that leads to all kind of physical soreness. I’ve actually experienced recurring stress symptoms with my hand from excessive scrolling, and i also could vow my forearm sometimes is painful in a strange place in the event I’ve employed my mobile phone for too long. Nevertheless is usually using our cell phones a lot really so bad? Does being addicted to each of our phones genuinely disconnect all of us from other folks as much we think? Are not generally there rewards for the actions that occupy us while we are clutched to our cell phones? When we use our phones, perhaps there is something we are missing that we would be carrying out otherwise? We get a lot out of using my own cell phone, so no, Dont really want to place it down. The answer is not to be socially shamed in to using my cell phone fewer. The solution is to be sure cellphone use is hard to kick and beneficial and entertaining, not a distraction coming from boredom or perhaps isolating you from cultural or professional settings. The key is to be deliberate and aware about how youre using your phone, not whether you’re using it at all or perhaps too much. Each of our minds will be constantly operating, processing each of our many thoughts, worries, concerns, plans. We really need a distraction from everything, but at times, life is not so clear cut. Take those movies. We go, nearly exclusively, into a movie theater using a strict simply no phones, no texting insurance plan. They will chuck your rear end out when you use a mobile phone in the theater. However when I was having a friend, in which theater, who was being endlessly texted by his partner. As it happens her mother is at critical well being trouble. This individual wound up leaving the movie to organize to go to the airport. As wonderful as a continuous movie encounter is, it doesn’t trump emergencies when they arise. Few experiences with some other person will be as romantic and connecting as a shared meal. (Hang on, I’ll get to sexual intercourse in a day. ) If perhaps there was at any time a moment once you would need to bond with another individual, directly, eye to eye, without distraction, it would be over a food. Yet, much like everything, there may be exceptions. Imagine if, over the course of the conversation, you begin referring to taking a trip together, or perhaps about countrywide parks, or perhaps about decreasing in numbers species? Looking up photos showing your companion can add to the conversation. Quickly Googling a well known fact or reference point can help inside your argument. Writing a social networking post you found provocative, interesting or perhaps important could be a launching point of a chat. In those occasions, you aren’t distancing yourself or putting something among you and another person, you are sharing your thoughts. Believe me, sharing can be a good factor. What Im not arguing is that the both of you should be taking a look at Facebook, individually, without interesting together. What I am stating is that your phone can be a conduit, a guide, a personal resource intended for source material, to bring and help the talk. In the event the focus continues to be on the both of you, the smart phone is a prop. If the focus is usually centered on the phone, the gadget is the main seduction and you’ve dropped bond. The previous is wonderful, these is not really. All of our phones are a device. Just how all of us choose to use this device is actually give them all their benefit. One could think the past place you would want cellular phone distraction could be the bedroom. On the surface, two people lying down in bed following to each other, every with cell phones in their hands, all but neglecting each other, feels like one of the most gloomy, soul-hurting scenes one may easily think of modern life. Nevertheless would it be naturally negative? If I’m reading the New York Times, what does it matter if perhaps I’m examining the actual paper or the digital version in the cellphone? If I’m checking e-mail, what does it subject if I possess a notebook computer or mobile phone? If I’m practicing games or otherwise distracted, what does it matter if I am browsing a book of playing some game? https://www.macworld.com/article/3278585/apple-smartphone-addiction-ios-12.html And besides, would not we occasionally glamorize studying in bed together? I love studying books, and discover it kind of hot my partner will too. Carrying out that during sex together, after that talking about what we’re browsing, is a great intellectual turn-on. So with all due admiration to plenty of experts, in this case, the medium can be not the message. What matters here is not the device itself, but the activity you’re engaged in, either jointly or separately. There can still be togetherness when two people are on their very own phones, in the same way there is when ever reading books. Their challenge arises when utilization of a phone changes something, or triggers a split up when a point of interconnection would otherwise take place. Might removal of your mobile phones from understructure mean more sex? Maybe. Should likewise lead to somebody getting out of bed faster in the morning hours, or perhaps sleeping faster at night. And while we’re while having sex, did you know that through your phone, you can watch video clips? Or perhaps look at photos of…. what ever it can be that arouses you? Or work with applications intended to foster discussion or activity with a loving partner? The product is a device. It is present without inherent judgment, qualities or worth. What we label of it is about us. Must i really need to tell you this? Certainly there are times when you must absolutely hardly ever touch your smartphone, beginning, certainly, with traveling.
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(Guilty as incurred: I often use the Roadmaps programs on my phone to assist me acquire where I’m going. It isn’t really so straightforward, is it? ) I think religious services must be device-free areas, as should particular spaces, like gym bathroom rooms, where privacy needs to be respected. I have a distaste for those who use all their phone at the health club; I don’t need to hear your company calls while I’m lifting weights. On the other hand, I realize a lot of persons using work out and workout applications on the smartphone, demonstrating the point, that once more, these kinds of mini-pc systems within our pockets will be what we label of them. If you’re among those individuals that attend a live performance and insist on documenting video clips and shooting photographs the complete time, I actually ask how most of that is important. Experiencing the moment in time for yourself, not merely through a device, is highly recommended. But…. have got I ever watched live concert footage on YouTube taken by someone else? Yes, I've. Just a few years back I was for a field hockey game with my Dad. I have been in the habit of checking Myspace during games to follow along with the city of followers and mass media to help boost my experience of the game, also to know more about the fact that was going on. And that’s perfect for when watching in the home. But I had been there. My spouse and i didn’t need that network - I had been with twenty, 000 persons, and my father. Thus I set my mobile phone in my pocket sized. I missed the discourse. I skipped the details of items I didn’t see because live, you miss more than you think. Nevertheless I was able to soak inside the setting. I had been able to talk to my Dad as to what we believed would happen following. And later, during the night, when we mentioned the game, we all reflected in so many different moments, details I would have missed had We looked at my personal smartphone even more. So there is always a trade off. You will discover moments when your smartphone may distract you. That frenzymadness, desperation, hysteria, mania, insanity, delirium, derangement can be a poor thing (when you should be talking with a liked one) or possibly a good thing (when you’re miserable and alone and want something to cheer you up). It can detach you (when you avoid another person simply by diving in social media) or provide you with together (if you look up a joke to share or make use of your cellphone to turn on music to dance to). Let us not keep our products responsible for the human condition. A couple, lovers, let’s say, laying in bed. In one moment, they are both on their cell phones, lost inside their own sides. In the next, their very own phones happen to be off, for the bedside stand. What happens next? Anything can occur. It’s up to the two people included. That’s true whether you have your phone in your hand or not. And if you do, in addition, you choose using your telephone: in a disconnecting way or possibly a sharing way. If you’re feeling bad or guilty about being on your own phone, you know what you should perform. You are required to trust your instincts. Is undeniably critical to keep the person holding the cellphone liable, do not blame the product.
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ambroseseabrook · 4 years
Tutorial for GSA Search Engine Ranker
GSA Search Engine Ranker and VPS – The Ultimate ...
Table of ContentsHow to Export Content for GSA SER GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Manuels and Guidance GSA Search Engine Ranker Recommend Services GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Updated 2020 Simplified GSA Search Engine Ranker help GSA Search Engine Ranker Recommend Services Learn How To Use GSA Search Engine Ranker
Fast proxiesNot an automated process but they are pretty quickGSA SER proxy format friendlyYou can replace dead proxies by 24x7 Live chatUSA/ Europe LocationsMultiple subnets - Plus point for GSA SER and SEO tasksSupport for HTTP proxies, HTTPS proxies, and SOCKS proxiesWe have actually been utilizing their devoted servers since their launch and still enjoyed them.
If you are currently utilizing their servers like us, It's constantly much better to select a proxy from the very same area as your VPS Rated for General Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive rates/ SupportSolid SEO VPS proxies are likewise popular with some GSA SER power users. Their highlight is replacing dead proxies on auto-pilot (directly from GSA SER).
Fast proxiesNot an automatic process but they are pretty quickGSA SER proxy format friendlyYou can replace dead proxies by 24x7 Live chatUSA/ Europe LocationsMultiple subnets - Plus point for GSA SER and SEO tasksSupport for HTTP proxies, HTTPS proxies, and SOCKS proxiesWe didn't like how they manage payment (sometimes we will have to go through their payment confirmation procedure) However, that was a couple of years back given that we still stick with above suppliers they may have improved.
Should I buy GSA search engine ranker? Reviews
You can run GSA online search engine ranker on your home pc. No doubt! But if you are severe about your GSA campaigns, you understand how crucial it is to run GSA SER inside a VPS. It's not just only allow you to run 24/7. Unequalled speed and limitless bandwidth are a few of the major plus points.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Free Guides
Listed below service providers are 100% friendly with GSA SER and other SEO Tools. Likewise, you do not need to buy pricey VPS to run GSA SER. A good and low-cost SEO VPS is enough to run GSA SER effectively. Rated for General Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportGreen Cloud VPS is our extremely first choice and huge thumbs of this men! We have actually been utilizing them for over 7years with no downtime.
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First-class service and most GSA SER Power users utilize this company as their main company. Their VPS specifically Enhanced for GSA SER and Other SEO toolsUnlimited Bandwidth - Need to for mass link buildersHigh Speed Network 10Gbps * Powerful Hardware (Most Current) SSD Hard Drive99. 999% Up time (Almost no downtimes) 24/7 Live technical supportAffordable competitive priceEasy paypal paymentsGreen Cloud VPS is our primary VPS supplier.
How to Use GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial
Their SEO enhanced 'NEWSEO4' VPS plan is optimum for most GSA users. Ranked for General Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive rates/ SupportSolid SEO VPS is among the very best service providers to run GSA SER and other SEO tools and bots. They are preferred in the official GSA Forum.
Unfortunately, often they are having problems with their payment gateways. Their VPS specially Optimized for GSA SER and Other SEO toolsUnlimited Bandwidth - Must for mass link buildersHigh-Speed Network 1Gbps * Powerful Hardware (Latest) SSD Tough Drive99. 999% Uptime (Practically no downtime) Help Desk - (You can open a ticket )Economical, competitive priceTheir MAXGeek VPS is more enough for a lot of GSA SER users.
( MAxGeek VPS comes with 6gb RAM $34. 95 Rated for Total Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportGreen Server is Green Cloud VPS however with they supply devoted servers. If you are running more than one copy of GSA online search engine ranker and running tools like scrapebox, Gscarper this service for you.
GSA software verified lists - How to Set IT Up
999% Uptime (Almost no downtimes) 24/7 Live technical supportAffordable, competitive priceEasy PayPal paymentsMost GSA Search engine ranker users DON'T need this sort of high-end servers just to run GSA SER. If you are running GSA SER with a confirmed list, it's 100% fine to opt for a VPS rather of a dedicated server.
Ranked for Overall Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportSER E-mails is a catchall e-mail supplier. They keep pretty decent catchalls from premium domains. It's an essential service for All GSA Search engine rank users No Account terminations/bansSwap catchallsBranded domainsPremium email bundles (no subdomains) GSA SER Friendly FormatAffordable PackagesCan change domain within a couple of clicks99.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial Blog post
Trigger numerous contextual engines might require exceptional catchalls to have an outstanding success ratio. Almost all site masters utilize captchas, so it's more like a 'must-use' tool to break captchas. Primarily we utilize GSA Captcha Breaker, and we use human OCR solvers for some jobs, which cost higher (per captchas).
GSA Search Engine Ranker Full Help Provided
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
It's a MUST HAVE tool for your GSA search engine ranker (ads.Wealthxo.Com). As always GSA household uses this monster for a One time fee!Breaks lots of captchas 100% GSA Online search engine ranker suitable + Other SEO toolsPremium e-mail packages (no subdomains) Includes a captcha editor (you can include new captchas) Mimicing CAPTCHA servicesBuy it with self-confidence - GSA SER training.
Death by captcha, ImageTyperz, etc. but we would state 2Captcha is the very best speed/ Precision and cheap when it comes to human resolve captchas. If you are utilizing SEREngines or attempting to post SER Power Lists High tier links, this service helps to increase the success rate. GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials. GSA Search Engine Ranker training. But it costs! 99.
Purchase $10 credits first if you are brand-new consumer. Gsa search engine ranker tutorials. There are few content generators in the market. Of course you can set up a project without a content generators. However if you use content generator it's going to save your entire day or to put it simply it will cut 90% time waste by filling/ adding brand-new content.
Review of GSA Search Engine Ranker and Step by Step Tutorial
Rated for Total Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive rates/ SupportEven there are many content generators out there this is one of our favorites. Within few clicks, you can get hundreds of prepared to import short articles and data instantly import to GSA SER. You can also produce tier 1 quality material with couple of tweaks.
We would recommend you to get life time plan if possible. Worth every penny and this will be a financial investment for you. Ranked for Overall Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportOnce once again, this is from GSA family. GSA Material Generator works great with GSA SER and other SEO tools.
Nevertheless, it has actually bit learning curve than SEO Material maker. Extremely fast and steady. 100% GSA Search engine ranker friendlyContent ScraperCreate t1 quality content Multimedia/ HTML content supportSupport long tail keywords to scrape articleAdvanced keyword filtering options One time charge + Life time totally free upgrades We still enjoy GSA CM as we do love with SEO Content Machine.
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How to Use GSA SER with Proxies for Maximum Results
worldwide 2 database of trend shops with e mail addresses The page optimization s mre or less simple t do, then constructing backlinks r harder. But, now thing hae changed ith GSA Online search engine Ranker. GSA Online search engine Ranker s a bit of laptop computer software program tt automates a lt of what yu ant fo promoting in rght no' et.
Ensure earlier than purchasing tht the SEO device shou e apropriate with the internet hosting vendor. With th contact of GSA backlink, o can cetainly increase te ratio of you hyperlink structure that teams up ou t make your web optimization strategy more powerful nd sharper. ven, GSA backlink software application can commit o to provide hgh ranking center ithout ny impediment.
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ericknobbs50 · 4 years
GSA Search Engine Ranker Review & Step By Step Tutoria
How to Use GSA SER with Proxies for Maximum Results
Table of ContentsGSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial GSA software verified lists set up guide How to Use GSA SER with Proxies for Maximum Results Should I buy GSA search engine ranker? Reviews GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Asia Virtual Solutions GSA SER tutorial Essential GSA SER reviews
Quick proxiesNot an automatic process however they are pretty quickGSA SER proxy format friendlyYou can change dead proxies by 24x7 Live chatUSA/ Europe LocationsMultiple subnets - Plus point for GSA SER and SEO tasksSupport for HTTP proxies, HTTPS proxies, and SOCKS proxiesWe have been using their devoted servers given that their launch and still enjoyed them.
If you are currently utilizing their servers like us, It's constantly much better to choose a proxy from the same location as your VPS Rated for Overall Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportSolid SEO VPS proxies are likewise popular with some GSA SER power users. Their highlight is changing dead proxies on auto-pilot (directly from GSA SER).
Quick proxiesNot an automated procedure however they are pretty quickGSA SER proxy format friendlyYou can change dead proxies by 24x7 Live chatUSA/ Europe LocationsMultiple subnets - Plus point for GSA SER and SEO tasksSupport for HTTP proxies, HTTPS proxies, and SOCKS proxiesWe didn't like how they manage payment (often we will have to go through their payment confirmation procedure) However, that was a couple of years back considering that we still stick with above service providers they might have improved.
How To Build Your Own Auto Accept List With GSA SER
You can run GSA online search engine ranker on your house pc. No doubt! However if you are major about your GSA projects, you understand how important it is to run GSA SER inside a VPS. It's not simply only allow you to run 24/7. Unbeatable speed and unlimited bandwidth are a few of the significant plus points.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Recommend Services
Listed below suppliers are 100% friendly with GSA SER and other SEO Tools. Also, you don't need to buy costly VPS to run GSA SER. A great and low-cost SEO VPS suffices to run GSA SER effectively. Ranked for Overall Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive prices/ SupportGreen Cloud VPS is our extremely first choice and big thumbs of this people! We have been utilizing them for over 7years with absolutely no downtime.
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Top-notch service and a lot of GSA SER Power users use this provider as their main provider. Their VPS specifically Enhanced for GSA SER and Other SEO toolsUnlimited Bandwidth - Need to for mass link buildersHigh Speed Network 10Gbps * Powerful Hardware (Most Current) SSD Difficult Drive99. 999% Up time (Practically no downtimes) 24/7 Live technical supportAffordable competitive priceEasy paypal paymentsGreen Cloud VPS is our main VPS service provider.
What are the best GSA search engine ranker tutorial settings
Their SEO enhanced 'NEWSEO4' VPS plan is optimal for many GSA users. Rated for Total Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive rates/ SupportSolid SEO VPS is among the finest providers to run GSA SER and other SEO tools and bots. They are extremely popular in the main GSA Forum.
Sadly, sometimes they are having issues with their payment entrances. Their VPS specifically Optimized for GSA SER and Other SEO toolsUnlimited Bandwidth - Need to for mass link buildersHigh-Speed Network 1Gbps * Powerful Hardware (Newest) SSD Difficult Drive99. 999% Uptime (Practically no downtime) Help Desk - (You can open a ticket )Budget-friendly, competitive priceTheir MAXGeek VPS is more sufficient for the majority of GSA SER users.
( MAxGeek VPS includes 6gb RAM $34. 95 Ranked for Overall Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportGreen Server is Green Cloud VPS however with they offer devoted servers. If you are running more than one copy of GSA online search engine ranker and running tools like scrapebox, Gscarper this service for you.
Best GSA Search Engine Ranker Products And Services Help
999% Uptime (Nearly no downtimes) 24/7 Live technical supportAffordable, competitive priceEasy PayPal paymentsMost GSA Search engine ranker users DON'T require this type of high-end servers just to run GSA SER. If you are running GSA SER with a verified list, it's 100% fine to go with a VPS rather of a dedicated server.
Ranked for Overall Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive prices/ SupportSER E-mails is a catchall email provider. They maintain quite good catchalls from premium domains. It's an essential service for All GSA Online search engine rank users No Account terminations/bansSwap catchallsBranded domainsPremium email bundles (no subdomains) GSA SER Friendly FormatAffordable PackagesCan change domain within a few clicks99.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Review - Best link Building Tool Help
Cause many contextual engines might need exceptional catchalls to have an excellent success ratio. Practically all site masters use captchas, so it's more like a 'must-use' tool to break captchas. Mainly we utilize GSA Captcha Breaker, and we utilize human OCR solvers for some jobs, which cost greater (per captchas).
Learn How To Use GSA Search Engine Ranker
Get Kick-ass GSA Search Engine Ranker Help at - Asia Virtual Solutions
It's a MUST HAVE tool for your GSA search engine ranker (Affiliateclassifiedads.Com). As constantly GSA household uses this beast for a One time fee!Breaks great deals of captchas 100% GSA Search engine ranker suitable + Other SEO toolsPremium email packages (no subdomains) Comes with a captcha editor (you can include brand-new captchas) Mimicing CAPTCHA servicesBuy it with self-confidence - GSA Search Engine Ranker tutorials.
Death by captcha, ImageTyperz, etc. however we would say 2Captcha is the very best speed/ Accuracy and inexpensive when it comes to human solve captchas. If you are utilizing SEREngines or trying to publish SER Power Notes High tier links, this service assists to increase the success rate. GSA Search Engine Ranker Video tutorials. GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials. However it costs! 99.
Purchase $10 credits initially if you are brand-new client. gsa search engine ranker reviews. There are few content generators in the market. Of course you can set up a campaign without a material generators. But if you use content generator it's going to conserve your whole day or to put it simply it will cut 90% time waste by filling/ including new content.
Honest GSA Search Engine Ranker Reviews
Ranked for General Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive rates/ SupportEven there are lots of content generators out there this is among our favorites. Within few clicks, you can get hundreds of prepared to import posts and information immediately import to GSA SER. You can also develop tier 1 quality material with couple of tweaks.
We would suggest you to get lifetime plan if possible. Worth every cent and this will be a financial investment for you. Rated for General Proxy Speed/ Quality/ Competitive costs/ SupportOnce again, this is from GSA family. GSA Content Generator works fantastic with GSA SER and other SEO tools.
Nevertheless, it has bit learning curve than SEO Content maker. Really fast and steady. 100% GSA Search engine ranker friendlyContent ScraperCreate t1 quality material Multimedia/ HTML content supportSupport long tail keywords to scrape articleAdvanced keyword filtering alternatives One time fee + Life time totally free upgrades We still love GSA CM as we do love with SEO Content Maker.
GSA search engine ranker manual by Asia Virtual Solutions
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GSA software verified lists set up guide
international 2 database of pattern boutiques with e mail addresses The page optimization s mre or less simple t do, then constructing backlinks r more tough. However, now thing hae altered ith GSA Online search engine Ranker. GSA Search Engine Ranker s a bit of laptop computer software application tt automates a lt of what yu ant fo promoting in rght no' et.
Ensure earlier than acquiring tht the SEO device shou e apropriate with the web hosting vendor. With th contact of GSA backlink, o can cetainly increase te ratio of you hyperlink structure that collaborates ou t make your web optimization technique stronger nd sharper. ven, GSA backlink software application can commit o to provide hgh ranking center ithout ny obstacle.
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