#i love it i love it genuinely and unironically i cannot wait to watch more ygos and expand this list
cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
god i love when yugioh is like “here is an antagonistic, mysterious group/corporation/mafia/faction/etc.” because EVERY TIME without fail you know the leadership situation is going to be absolutely bananas. You grab any bad guy organization in yugioh and the leader, the man behind the curtain, they WILL be something like:
some 16 year old who lived underground for 90% of his life and who achieves his way primarily through Ancient Egyptian mind control
some 10,000 year old Atlanean cult leader freak under the influence of an evil space rock
some 17 year old tarot girlie cult leader freak under the influence of an evil space light
some undead guy weaponizing horrifying god-monsters sealed in the Nazca Lines from Real Life
three (3) guys from the future, one of which being a child. another of which being a bike.
they’re all the same guy actually
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Episode 19 - The Judgement of Twelve
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It's so funny for them both to have plushies of their dads. It's also funny that I think Keke would genuinely sell those.
Because he's just that good-looking, popular, and awesome,
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The girls are fighting. And yes, this entire scene is just... brilliant. I love you, Joris.
I love his conviction in Kerubim. Joris is too familiar with Bashi to argue with the guy, but if he met Lou? He'd be more upset about the divorce than Kerubim. He'd be crying at her as if the poor woman is his absentee mother who left to buy milk. It'd be a nightmare.
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Even if he's still sad about the divorce, he cannot stop rizzing up women.
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Joris 7yo: "Go tell your dad about it!"
Joris 600~ years later: "Are you, monsieur, afraid of children?", "[recites poetry as Ush dies]", "No, mr-called-me-a-kid-and-asked-for-the-real-owner-of-the-shop, this Wondrous magical amulet I just dangled in front of you, is not for sale. I can sell you and your brother a hat that fixes shitty hair as a consolation prize.", "Master Adamai... If we died today, it would have actually been shameful."
Joris, just like his father, and just like his grandfather, is an evil fucking cat.
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Keke and Bashi are such good parents.
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Joris has the same vibe as the German Boy From The Weed Cave meme. I also love how enthusiastic he is about protecting Keke's Honor.
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He's so hyped up to be a hater.
I think as an adult, in Wakfu times, Joris plots Evil Schemes together with Kerubim and Atcham as a bonding activity. From "here's how we can make people spend more money in the shop" to "here's how we can Enact Revenge upon that motherfucker Pierre who opened the croissant place a block away and said Keke's baking is SHIT".
Atcham is there just because he loves being evil, Joris is there because he loves being evil and has a personal stake in Kerubim's self-esteem, and Kerubim is there because of Pride and Greed.
I think living next to them, regardless of what century it is, is actually unbearable.
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This is like if two peas in a pod started yelling at each other for being green.
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They are such good parents.
But also, unironically, I think Kerubim is probably very chill about Joris swearing.
He is already a very... relaxed parent, when it comes to both child safety and cleaning. I think Joris deserves one good thing to come of it, like being allowed to say bitch.
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I guess, considering the fact that this seems to be a thing that's not supposed to be known by normal people: Simone and Julie have a very active night-life in taverns.
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An interesting note is that, as we'll see in one of the future flashback episodes, the three evil grandmas are around the same age as Kerubim, Indie, and Lou, and had known Kerubim since they were all teens.
But, the extent of their actual involvement with Kerubim seems to be just watching him like he's The Truman Show. Which, tbh, I would do too.
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This is what people call "coping". Perhaps even "seething".
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Joris for all 600 years of his life: if i had a lame ass shitty father i would hype him so much. i would make him wait out side so i could go in first and be like get ready here comes the most specialest boy ever if you dont cheer and clap for him ill fucking blow this whole building up
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He's so confused when Kerubim isn't winning and so smug when he does. Like he fucking raised that man himself. I can't.
Of course, he'd force him and Atcham to call him dad, (besides it looking weird, if he were to call two babies "papycha" and "uncle",) — that way, he gets to sound normal when he's hyping them up.
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I need him.
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Hate wins.
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mouldremover · 1 year
My top 5’s of 2022: Books and Films/Shows
(as in stuff i read/watched in 2022, not all stuff released in 2022)
Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
i 100% loved this book, always love a novel full of toxic people doing toxic things. i love how we see the story through the perspective of an outsider sort of, and catherine earnshaw is such a gripping character. five stars.
Nona The Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
oh my god i cried while reading this. this is the best book in the locked tomb series by far and i can’t get over it at all. you can really feel what it’s like on the planet and despite it being ten thousand years in the future it feels really real. and the epilogue oh my god the epilogue is incredible.
The Vampire Lestat - Anne Rice
the best book anne rice ever wrote, i swear to god. despite there being a lot of questionable stuff in the book, the first part of it, ‘lelio rising’ also made me cry. the first person pov feels very genuine and manages to make you sympathetic for lestat despite him being a literal bastard. i can’t explain why i like this book so much, somehow despite it being about vampires, parts of it really capture the human experience.
Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo
in february-ish this year i had a grishaverse phase and read all the books, but this one was definitely my favourite. it was exciting, had fun characters, also felt a lot easier to follow than the start of six of crows. very nice book.
Dracula - Bram Stoker
i did dracula daily this year (like everyone else did) and this book was so much better than i expected. a couple years ago i tried to read it but got bored, but this time i guess something changed and i was captivated. it’s about how the power of friendship can defeat vampires! but like in 1897. also mina and lucy were definitely in love.
Twilight (2008)
the world is full of twilight haters, but i am not one of them. this movie is semi-unironically great. the blue-green tint, the soundtrack, the pretty scenery: impeccable. there is something so cosy about this movie, and it captures the twilight vibes the best out of all the books in the series.
Emily (2022)
anyone who hasn’t watched this film is missing out. it is insanely good, like i cannot convey in words how amazing this film was. the costumes, the music, the cinematography, are all amazing and despite it not being ‘historically accurate’ i honestly think that was the intention. just watch this film. watch it. it’s cathartic.
The Social Network (2010)
never did i think a film depicting the creation of facebook would be so good. but i was wrong. as an enjoyer of dramatic stories, this was very entertaining, and i like how it clearly shows mark zuckerberg is an asshole. the music is also really good.
Glass Onion (2022)
this film was fun! i loved knives out and also loved this, and it mixes murder mystery with revenge story very well. let’s hope that what happened to miles bron happens to real elon musk. i also really liked the significance of the title of the film in the actual film. when i saw the trailer for the film i was like ehhh but the actual film is so much better.
What We Do In The Shadows (TV Show)
i watched all of wwdits this year and it is now my favourite comedy show. it’s funny, gay, has vampires, etc etc, what more could you want??? all the seasons so far are so great and i can’t wait for s5 next year. nadja is personally my favourite character.
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rakruined · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? Thanks....
Oh boy, this’ll be a bit of a long post! Alright I’ll try to keep this quick…
10. Toph Beifong: Look, what is there to say? If a young blind girl beating the shit out of ATLA’s version of Dwayne Johnson isn’t enough for Toph to be one of your faves, then you just have shit taste.
9. Power: A blood fiend with a bad attitude, Power serves as a foil to main character Denji, acting as a little sister/cat to his middle child/dog. Together, the pair make a hilarious dynamic duo, but also bring out the best and worst in each other, just like real siblings. Also Power is certified grossgirl rep.
8. Miles Morales: I wish I was more familiar with the comics, but even going off his incarnation in Spider-Verse alone, Miles has to be my favorite Spidey. He’s just so lovable and artistic and genuine, and his story is incredible. Proof that anyone can wear the mask and that you’re never facing the world alone, he’s an easy pick for my top 10.
7. Blitzo: Funny how his name sounds like blorbo, huh? Blitzo is a character that’s grown on me slowly, but the more I see of him the more interesting and entertaining he becomes, and the more I truly feel for this boss out of hell. As a later entry confirms, short angry men that shoot guns and swear a lot may just be an archetype I enjoy…
6. Jolyne Cujoh: The first (and so far only) JoJo not to be a man, Jolyne is every bit as badass as her predecessors. Her arc of personal growth is just utterly awesome, and her ultimate fate, while tragic, brings the curse upon her bloodline to an end.
5. Stolas Goetia: As a father single-handedly carrying the weight of one of the only engaging mlm relationships in animation, Stolas is a lot of fun to watch. Unabashedly horny, incompetently caring and all around dorky, this owl prince injects some much appreciated character drama into every scene he’s in.
4. Denji: Chainsaw Man’s titular titty-obsessed protagonist may not be your standard Shonen hero, but that’s what makes him so great. His simple but relatable desires keep his story grounded even as all the weirdness and horror ramp up. As if that weren’t enough, his fighting style is just the goriest, most brutal thing ever and I cannot get enough.
3. Bruno Bucciarati: Bucci Gang Rise Up! The adoptive mother figure of Vento Aureo, Bruno is one of those characters who would tech you valuable life lessons before asking if you want to help him commit some crime together, ie. the best kind of character. Not only that, but his stand, Sticky Fingers, is my absolute favorite stand with a unique and fun ability.
2. Angel Dust: Another Italian gangster with an open-breast white suit, it’s Angel Dust himself! From drag shows to mob violence to doing acid behind the Denny’s at 3 AM, Angel brings a lot to the table as a character. While his canon content may be lacking, his music video has me hooked waiting to see how his character will develop and very excited to see more of him. But as for my absolute favorite…
1. Rocket Raccoon: The GotG have been my favorite superhero team since I first started watching the MCU and the sheer novelty of a talking space raccoon with a gun as long as he is tall was enough for him to stick with me. However, his character arc of opening up to his new found family after years of trauma and loneliness, combined with his wholesome relationship with Groot, his best friend turned adopted son, elevated him from an ironic pick to my unironic favorite of all time. My one hope for GotG vol. 3? Rocket gets an actual happy ending for once. He deserves it.
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karasuno-writings · 5 years
(2/3)I also love math and sciences and want to work in those fields in the future. I actually in love with music and the way it makes u feel I know how to play the piano and can sing. I listen to aesthetically pleasing and punk songs on a daily basis. I am also a fairly good painter and love to draw and Paint in my free time. I painted all my friends calculators so yea. I committed to my aesthetics and try to make my fashion portray it aswell .I am naturally tan.Brown short hair & eyed . 5'4.
(1/3)Hey can I ask for a haikyuu matchup. I am an infj whose a ravenclawish huffelpuff . I am REALLY loyal with my friends but if they need there head to be straightened i wont hesitate to do so. i dont put up with anyone’s bullshit either if some ones offence i will call em out but other wise I am really kind and caring to the people around me . I am quite easy going and free spirited but if I feel like an odd one out I get really insecure.
(3/3) I m usually passive unless assertiveness is needed and thrive on independence.ILOVE little things that make me happy like watching a good tv show ,having a really good conversatio with some one.LOVE TEA AND HOT CHOCOLATE WITH ALL MY HEART(unironically drink horlicks)rainy days are the best.I really enjoy a day out with my good friends but i also really value my time alone to focus on myself.HUGS ARE MY THINGB OK CUDDLES I AM THERE.Iam big ass crackhead am not afraid to show people who I am
Hi!!! I’ll answer on this ask so you can get the notification!!! I really do hope you like who I matched you with bc it was all so clear to me and also he is one of my top two favorite characters (I’ll leave ya for a wild guess on the first ;D ) BUT I hope you like it and I hope you like him and you like this!!!! (Ishmel let me use the name and I have consent to do so so there’s that!) 
I ship you with: Yamaguchi Tadashi!
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Yamaguchi was paying attention to math class, writing down the tasks that had to be done in teams and ready to pair up with Tsukki, when the teacher handed out the pairs that were to work together. He felt a small jolt down his spine, already hoping that whoever he was to work with he got along with, or that at least they were not judgemental. As he was deep in thoughts you approached him; “Hi, I’m Ishmel I think we are supposed to be working together”. He blushed, as you had caught him off guard, Tadashi shook your hand and smiled, accentuating his already red cheeks, “Yamaguchi Tadashi, nice to meet you”. He scoot over so that you could sit besides me. Yamaguchi is not a good conversation starter, so for the beginning he just made kind remarks and handed out ideas for the math work; silently admiring the art scribbled on your notebook and how cute your clothing was, specially how cute you looked on it…wait what? He blushed shaking the thought away. He really hit it of with you as a partner, he was grateful to have someone so kind and nice with him, so he had no problem opening up. While he was working he noticed you took his calculator, and started to absentmindedly draw on it. When you noticed him looking you quickly handed it back, apologising for the intrusion as it was almost a custom of you to draw on your friend’s material. Yamaguchi shook his head and handed it back “No please continue! It looks amazing and you are just getting started, I actually like it!”. Smiling you complied and the two of you kept on working.
The project was finished in about a week, a week in which the both of you got to know each other pretty well. Yamaguchi was slowly falling for you; he found your personality amazing, he loved how kind you were but how you knew how to stand your ground and call people out when needed. He also loved how open you were with what you loved, Yamaguchi loves science and talking to you about it was always so amazing, like you just got each other so well, and bonding over shared interests the two of you became close friends. He admired your skills, he loved to see your drawings and if you showed one to him he would tell you that you are really talented. He fell in love with your free spirit and honestly all about you but poor Yams did not think you would like him back, he was so smitten. 
Yamaguchi had been teased by Tsukki non-stop on how he had not told anything to you yet. Naturally you had gotten pretty close with the tall blonde too, even if you had to stand your ground against him sometimes. Tsukki knew you would say yes if Tadashi asked you out, and was frankly annoyed at him for not doing so, so he called him out. Yamaguchi decided that he would try, he was going to ask you out. 
Yamaguchi approached you, his face redder than ever, his hands shaking like crazy. He sucked in a big breath and handed out some beautiful markers with a little heart note attached. “Ishi…would, would you want to come with me? Like…on a date?” he spurted out, already tasting defeated even before you answered. However he  was taken aback when you hugged him “Of course Dashi, I was hoping you’d ask”. He was such a gentleman, he passed for you to your house and took you to your favorite tea shop, he was beyond happy with how it turned out.
You two are goals together, your relationship is like a powered up friendship but with all the perks of being out like kisses and unlimited cuddles. This boy loves cuddles, at first he was shy but after a while prepare bc he is a cuddle-bug. He respects your alone time and likes that you respect his too, he appreciates that you do call him out if he ever does something wrong. He loves how genuine you are and when you are a little sillier he finds it hilarious and sooo endearing. He is very proud of you overall and is your number one supporter.
He loves to listen to you play the piano and sing, he actually has a very sweet voice so he likes to join you.
He loves to see you draw like he cannot get enough of it, he loves everything you do 
He will slowly grow more confident and he is very honest with you, he would never hurt you but he is good when giving feedback.
You and him like to trade music, he likes the punk songs you listen to and hopes you like his taste in music
He is very detailed oriented and will make small things just to make you smile, he loves your smile
Your conversations always flow, they are never superficial, silence is never uncomfortable
Rainy days always consist of being cuddled in the couch, drinking tea and chocolate while watching your favorite shows and movies
Pls go to his matches to show him support, if he pinch serves and sees you cheering on him (bonus points if you draw him a cardboard) he will melt and he will give it his all. 
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polikszena · 2 years
Just finished the second episode of The Canterville Ghost, some random thoughts under the cut in case anyone (still) wants to watch it.
To be honest, this episode was a tiny bit better than the previous one
Although I don’t think I can ever forgive the horrendous CGI black moon with the CGI rooster weathervane thingy.
I genuinely laughed at that bit when Lucy Otis wrote to the ghost to please kindly haunt the house before 11 pm because the kids need their sleep.
Also, giving bath bombs to a ghost is quite silly, but on the other hand, I’d have loved to watch a scene when he actually gives them a try. (And then the twins would make him special bath bombs that contains paint so the ghost would come out of the tub dirtier than before the bath)
Speaking of paint, what happened to painting the bloodstain back over and over again? This was mentioned several times in the book and I think it was funny. (Might come up later though)
Realised that the posh lady (Haydn Gwynne) was in Absolute Power (she played Charles’ lawyer in one of the episodes) and in the live action version of Beauty and the Beast (she was Clothilde who happened to be Cogsworth’s wife)
I sort of got used to Hiram’s ridiculous outfits (actually, those half-tucked in, unironed shirts and horrendous jumpers perfecly represent that subtle chaos that he is), but there is one thing I cannot understand: what’s the point of a fedora-like hat with fur on the inside of the brim in the summer? Seriously (It was worn by the posh lady, but still)
St John of Canterville, during the cricket practice: Does anyone have any questions?
Me: What are those yellow bermuda shorts?
Also, it’s kind of odd that after setting the school’s gym on fire, whenever the twins enter Hiram’s workshop to ask for supplies, he’s always like: “Help yourselves.” (”Oh, wait, where are you going with that flamethrower?”)
“This isn’t about winning. This isn’t even about playing the game. This is about losing with as much dignity as possible.” - I’m pretty sure this is something Ted Lasso has also said somewhere during his coaching career.
I also liked the bit with the troubles around Hiram’s enterprise. Honestly, I thought that there must have been something else behind their sudden move to a foreign country other than “let’s spend more time together as a family with a ghost and a talking rat”-thing
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dye-ann · 7 years
Twin Peaks 3x17: a Heartfelt Non-Analysis of the “reunion scene”
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So, I’ve been meaning to write something about the reunion scene from episode 17 for quite some time now, and here I am. That scene stayed with me ever since I’ve watched the finale, and I’m really not over it yet.
I wrote this before doing any actual rewatching, and it ended up being a sort of reconstruction, and as it is, it is partly inaccurate. But it seemed to me that it was still valid, because it showed what kind of feelings I was experiencing at the time, so even if this isn’t really coherent analytically speaking, I still wanted to share it. Rationalization isn’t everything. So of course this is very subjective and not really plot-oriented, I just try to examine the reasons why I was so moved by the device Lynch used, namely the superposition of Cooper’s face to the entire sequence images. It’s probably not very original, nor groundbreaking, but it’s very heartfelt and I hope no one else gets hurt in the process, because my poor soul sure was (it’s also quite long, so I put it under the cut).
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I think this type of superposition is something I have seen before, but it was never used as radically, and never to the same purpose. I’ve wondered why Lynch would choose to film it like this, and here’s what came to me.
On the surface, it seems to give us what we have been expecting for so long (for 25 years, perhaps, and it still gives me chills to think about that, to think about the people who waited, about my mother, who was my age and pregnant when the old series came out, and who has been waiting to know for, basically, my entire life). 
It gives us agent Cooper, whose face we have been looking for ever since episode 1, trying to recapture that light in Dougie’s far-off eyes, in Mr C.’s black holes. I will not bother you with unnecessary philosophical references, but the Face (yes I know but that’s how it is usually translated) is actually an important concept for a whole part of ethics and ontology, especially the face-to-face, as a way to both meet the Other (bear with me) and experience his otherness. So we are, as an audience, finally facing Cooper, and there’s a sense of vulnerability that comes out of the encounter. He has aged, we can see it, but for the briefest moment, we are allowed to think things haven’t changed that much. Those eyes are the same eyes we saw on a tiny TV screen in the early 90’s, because time was always kind to eyes.
And in the shots/countershots, he is also face to face with the other characters, as if superimposing these images was the only way to truly show that a reunion was taking place, to truly show them looking at each other, acknowledging each other presence. They are all in the same room, on the same layer of reality, and it is a beautiful and precious picture to keep.
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But a face to face also is an experience of distance, and that’s what is taking place here too, simultaneously. I think the reason I have so many feels about this scene is that Lynch effectively superimpose meanings by superimposing images, and that’s absolutely brilliant.
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Have a good look at this particular face. The warmth is here somewhere and the gaze is so intense I might never forget it, but as the same time, Cooper’s expression is quite static, as if it was physically and emotionally difficult to come out of Dougie’s body, to reintegrate his old self after 25 years of isolation. And we hadn’t had time to see this before, because he basically sprang out of coma like a Jack-in-the-box, and rushed out to Twin Peaks, so it’s important that the moment he pauses also is the moment when he might be emotionally overwhelmed and crushed by memories. 
This is the face of a man who’s stuck. This is the face of trauma, a mirror of Naido’s sewed eyes. To me, this is also a love story, but I won’t elaborate. For, while we cry “at last!”, it’s really too early for him to confront all this. The audience and the character are at odds when it should be a perfect moment of synchronization and identification. A reunion. Already we’re no longer are on the same timeline as Cooper, and this is such a clever way to illustrate it.
If I try to be a bit more technical (and a bit more wrong, probably) showing the character face all along the scene is a strong device, because it is a new take on what a subjective camera is. If anything, what we have here might be considered an “intersubjective” camera, and how beautiful is that. I think this is why the emotion are so strong: showing all the faces at once means concentrating the emotions on a single take, and as an audience we can be either Cooper or the other characters, or that link between them that is so powerfully conveyed.
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But this reunion, as it happens, is very much a filtered reunion: there is something screening the characters from each others, screening Cooper from himself. He’s watching his Hollywood kiss with Diane from afar – even if his face is barely visible during the kiss, it’s still there, as if even physical contact, what is supposed to be “real” by excellence, wasn’t enough to close the gap. He’s watching himself, as we are, greeting the whole Sheriff station and the FBI crew, only minutes after some random British superhero destroyed evil with gardening gloves.
So, here’s the thing about a subjective camera: it can be doubted. It underlines both emotion and distance, because we are made aware of the fact the images we are seeing are seen through the eyes of a human being, and are we so sure that we still know that particular human being so well? 
As I was saying, we’re out of sync with Cooper now. The bond he had in the old series with the audience has been damaged by the time gap and the whole season 3 directing. This moment, that we have been waiting for so long, I’d say we’re almost tempted to put it into question. Does this really happen? Why is it so fleeting? We implicitly trusted an objective camera, but now that we are looking at things through Cooper’s eyes, how can we know we are not looking at something he wishes happened. He dreams happened. 
How real are the images on a screen, you ask? As real as you feel they are, is probably a respectful answer, at least it is one I like.
And, historically, Cooper has been one of those characters who can see things in different planes: here he witnesses Naido’s transformation into Diane in the Red Room, and he’s also able to see his own face. This inspires me two remarks. 
First, the insistent idea that Cooper is looking directly at us. I know, this barely deserves the name of idea, because it’s pretty obvious, but when you think about what’s to come, all that traveling through old images, losing himself between different Lynch movies, the breaking of the fourth wall is quite powerful indeed. Is he saying goodbye? I don’t know. I think I don’t want to know.
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Secondly, it also feels like this subjective yet omnipotent gaze might really be the director’s gaze. And here is Lynch, having a last long look at his characters, at his audience, just before staging the death of his own work (I think “staging” is an important word here, because to me, the last episode only shows that it is impossible to rewrite, or reshoot the past). Before pretending (again, important word) to erase the murder of Laura Palmer. 
Once again, this face to face image allows him to show how fragile everything is, and what it feels like to have been waiting for the miracle to come. Only adding to this feeling is the reunion of ex-partners and lovers Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern, which seems very deliberate on Lynch’s part, since they worked (and met? I don’t know, maybe you will) under his direction. This might sound a bit megalomaniac, but I’m more committed to the idea that Lynch is taking a retrospective look on his production, after a filming that must have, inevitably with so many deaths in the cast, confronted him with his own age. If this isn’t meant as a testamentary work, I don’t know what is.
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In the end, I think a good part of what I’ve been trying to ask is: can we still believe in genuine happiness and happy reunions after watching the entirety of season 3? I’m really not sure. And it’s not that David Lynch doesn’t believe in those unmitigated, plain emotions; he has proven how important they were to him on innumerable occasions in the old series, but to me the whole point of this third season is how hard it has become to appreciate everything that happens unironically.
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There are still silver linings of course, peaceful islands of love, we still have the Lucys and Andys of this world to lick our wounds. But when Norma suddenly throws her business plan away to marry Eddy on the spot, I believe it and yet I question it; because his eyes were closed, because of this elevating movement of the camera, because the music is so loud. 
In the first series, music was everywhere to be heard, and it only made you feel things more strongly. Here, it has become quite rare, except when it’s directly on stage. So when it finally appears, and in such mellow tones, I suspect it, I cannot help it. I’m not saying it wasn’t already a trait of the old series; but I find it more frequent in the new season, and it’s part of the reason why it was so heartbreaking for me. 
Of course I don’t pretend that this is the universal reaction, and if things still feel as genuine to you as before, I respect that and I also envy you. It is possible, in fact, that I underestimate the detachment at work in the old series, because I was born when it was first aired, and I might be projecting something of a lost origin image on it.
But that’s the whole point, isn’t it? Watching these scenes, I feel I have lost something, but I cannot quite remember what it was. It doesn’t really matter. Something or someone is still here, looking at us in the face, not caring what time it really is.
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emalynde · 7 years
Dwin’orrel & the Dinner Date 13
((See the prior entry for any necessary context)). ��Thalandril notices the slight smirk toying at the lips of the redheaded priestess.  He was not aware that he had been the target of a spell, but would probably not take well to that fact.  Emalynde had attempted to sway him so previously, and the response had been one of displeasure, to say the least  As his dining companion moves to smooth her gown into place, the blonde mimics the gesture, making sure everything lined up nice and proper.  Golden orbs glance upwards, catching the rolling of her eyes. "Do not be so upset that I do not give up as would an individual of a… lesser station."
The agent allowed a slight laugh at the comment regarding his handsome face, and the general populace’s inability to place it.  As Thalandril was about to reply, he stopped; pausing, he realized that the word 'love' had quite a bit more inflection in it, taking notice of the ever-so-brief slip.  Interesting.  Thalandril knew that it was normal for the courtesan to use pet names in such a manner, however, usually they were just that, and this seemed different somehow.  "There are still those who know me, and for them, I must keep up the reputation of a master of will!  Not easily swayed by the swaying of hips."  He allowed her fingers to brush his jawline, smirking in acceptance of her compliment.
A shocked expression flits across Thalandril’s face at the mere mention of an entire exhibition dedicated to such debauchery.  As confident as the rogue was, he was still at his core an introverted person--and the idea of being watched by paying customers did not appeal to him whatsoever.  Not unironically, he did indeed enjoy privacy more than the average elf.  The look was gone a moment later as the intelligence operative composed himself for a reply to the obviously teasing comment.  "I will keep that in mind when the end of the year budget rolls around; however, that sounds like a steep price for observation.  Our poor waiter might be unable to attend, and I couldn't have that," Thalandril teased back.  The blonde knew she would win this contest of pushing boundaries.  This was her job and what she did.  He was not the exhibitionist type, however, he did enjoy as much more than the stiff humans or the backwards dwarves even.
Thalandril bit hook, line, and sinker into her jibe, even knowing full well what she was attempting.  He couldn't let her out maneuver him like this.  "Pish posh, I am not too tired.  I was simply thinking of your health.  If you must know, my place is currently undergoing redecoration, and it is simply unfit for company" ((34 deceit))  The agent would attempt to move this rendezvous back to her place, knowing that he could indeed go for a good time this evening.  Regardless, he was not going to give in this easily.  Let their games begin. ***
Emalynde laughs appreciatively at the apt reference to her wiles.  "It only depends on whose hips, my dear."  She holds his gaze knowingly--if the rogue would allow--obviously indicating that her hips were those that he could make an exception for.  Not only because he might be in love with her, but that her reputation was also in play here.  If the intelligence operative was to yield to anyone's appeal--it would be most honorable to succumb to the redhead's.  She was, in fact, exceptional in her talents.  At the blonde's smirking acceptance of her compliment, a more genuine curl of her lips manifests--its edges laced with endearment and the slight semblance of adoration.
The freckled elf giggles bemusedly at the look of shock that crosses her lover's face.  She well knew Thalandril was not one for exhibitionism and her offer of group entertainment had been more to call him out on that notion than anything.  But his momentary discomfort tickled her so.  She grins fondly as the agent attempts to play off his reaction by mentioning the young waiter's inability to attend such an event.  Her affections stirred more than she would have liked at the display, having to resist the urge to rise from her seat and kiss the operative affectionately.  Or otherwise display her fondness for him.  What was wrong with her.  This whole Chelyse business couldn't have suddenly caused such endearment.  But she was familiar with the feeling, although trepidatious of its presence.    
"Then I have no need for your key, then," she immediately retorts, believing Thalandril, but putting him back on his heels.  A coy smirk hovers against the fiery-tressed elf's lips, ever-pleased with their games.  He wanted her to work for this, and yet HE was the one who wished for her to frequent his residence.  "Especially if I am the sort of company you cannot invite over without your home being in perfect repair."  Now that was a much lower blow, one aimed at the depth of their relationship.  The freckled elf positively simpers, continuing to work slowly at the meal placed before her.
*** A shower of mist beset the table, gentle as ever, as the rogue agent held Emalynde's golden gaze.  This was her specialty, making others feel this way.  Yet, he knew this to be different.  He knew that these feelings had been present, albeit dormant, and he was just unaware that he could allow them.  It was pleasant to be able to play their game back and forth, enjoying each other’s company.  This is all he had wanted.  Thalandril replies with a smirk and a gentle laugh, the sound filled with amusement and enjoyment.
"No need?  Well then, you forfeit the game already?"  Thalandril gave her a knowing look, hoping to goad her into continuing.  He moved his hands through his hair, pulling it back into a bun on the back of his head to get it out of his eyes, fingers moving deft and quick, as practiced a thousand times.  "We must wait for it to be in perfect repair.  That way you get the full enjoyment out of tweaking every little thing as you go through."  He jested, knowing she loved to toy with his neat-compelled nature, always moving things just slightly to get just a hint of irritation out of him.
*** The redhead's gaze narrows in reply to Thalandril's mention of forfeiture, her body language relaying that she took issue with surrendering so easily.  A huff solidifies that sentiment, the freckled elf acquiescing to the bait dangled before her.  Emalynde watches her companion tie back his hair absent-mindedly, not worrying with the fact that she was staring.  It was not as if she was ashamed in any way, nor was the rogue immune to such proclivities himself; the fiery-tressed elf had caught him observing her rather intently on more than one occasions.  It always gave the courtesan a sense of power and pride, that someone as lofty as Thalandril would be enamored with her--who she truly was.  Not the show she put on for others.  The thought softens her smirk, reaching out a hand to touch the operative in some manner--his hand, if it was on the table, or simply indicating that she wished to hold his own by extending hers.
A light laugh parts her lips as the blonde spoke of her penchant for little, rebellious acts against his OCD tendencies.  "Then I shall respectfully await your permission as to when company is permissible."  They finished their respective meals in relative silence, simply enjoying the other's presence.  It was comfortable and warm, the atmosphere between them, as if they did not need words to fill that space.  Eventually, the young man appears once more, peeking  'round the corner so as to ascertain if he needed to conduct himself inconspicuously.  Finding the pair perfectly normal, he straightens, slightly embarrassed that he had scouted the scene before approaching.  The courtier smiles beatifically nonetheless, thanking the youth for the removal of their mostly-finished plates.  Turning to appraise Thalandril, Emalynde arches a single brow inquisitively, "Do you wish for something sweet?"
*** He gives the fiery-tressed elf an acknowledging glance followed by a wink, letting her know that he had heard her--and that there was still more to this than he was letting on.  She still had to find his home; having a key was only useful should she ascertain the location of the lock.  However, the more Thalandril thought about the two of them, the more the entire night--and set of feelings associated--made sense to his calculating mind.  Emalynde was the girl, now woman, that he had frequented the company of for decades and never realized just how intrinsically normal she made him feel.  Even though he had complete control over her well being, occupation, and social life, she still enjoyed his company for who he was.  It wasn't a political game to her.  It was simply enjoyment, and he could tell.  As the agent thinks through these things, a casual chuckle comes forth.  "I do think I wish something sweet."  He directed at the courtesan an openly desirous look, smirking somewhat deviously.  "However, I think I would like it to-go." *** As Thalandril gives the redhead a visible once over--in front of the serving boy no less--Emalynde laughs, amused at how brashly her companion was behaving.  On cue, the poor waiter took on a reddish hue to his cheeks, mumbling presumably about the bill before making as polite a break for it as was manageable--as if he thought the intelligence agent might take his dessert right then and there.  The freckled elf ‘tsks’ in reprimand, unable to keep the bemused grin from her lips while she shakes her head, crimson curls dancing with the movement.  Reaching into the clasp carried discretely with her at all times, the fiery-tressed elf procures the appropriate amount of payment, leaving the youth a sizable tip for the trouble.  Emalynde stands in a fluid motion, reaching down once upright to pluck the champagne glass from atop the table, downing the remainder of her third glass.  She smacks her lips in playful satisfaction as the emptied container is replaced, extending a hand to Thalandril once he's similarly situated.   "Now, about that favor..." the smirk that spanned her mouth was the embodiment of mischief, clearly intending to make good use of whatever inn had been previously mentioned by the operative.  Emalynde enjoyed her dalliances with the blonde; he was handsome, fit, and was not inconsiderate of her pleasures.  He had been her partner of choice for a century.  Typically, lust governed their joinings, and at times volatilely so.  The courtesan presumed this evening as just one of those occasions, choosing the inn rather than her own home so if Thalandril broke anything, it was not of her possession.
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