#i love it when he breaks the wall xD
a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
everyone settling into the hotel and figuring out the unsaid rules of cohabitation like
1 - it’s okay for Angel Dust to leave work stuff lying around IF ITS WASHED
2 - if you want a drink you ASK Husk. If you want to die you mess with his drink display
3 - TV is timeshared and if Alastor wants to use his timeslot to turn the tv OFF then no you can’t watch it just because he’s not using it
4 - Niffty can pin up the cockroach kill of the week in the lobby for everyone to wince at but it has to be on the cork board Charlie bought for her and she has to take the old ones down first each time
5 - if you break it you rebuild / replace it. You do NOT upgrade it with weapons while doing so (Sir Pentious THIS MEANS YOU) 5b - as long as it gets rebuilt / replaced no one gets to make a huge deal over something being broken or blown up again (or at Sir Pentious for doing it)
6 - don’t move around the fucking lobby furniture without moving it back afterwards 6b - if it’s in your room then you can do what you want but in all shared spaces the furniture NEEDS to be kept tidy and in proper place unless you want to hear swearing and sounds of violence as Vaggie trips over and throws her spear into a wall in frustration again, ruining the paper 6c - every third time this happens everyone has to sit through another presentation by Charlie explaining how having one eye is different when it’s not huge and in the middle of your head and you’re not basically at ground level
7 - Charlie can sing but only between 10am and 10pm unless it’s an emergency. If she tries singing outside of that whoever’s nearest is allowed to GENTLY hush her 7b - if you hush Charlie at any other time Vaggie will chase you. 7c - the above is NOT a recommended source of healthy exercise (you will have trauma)
8 - and above all have fun and FUCK yourself!
- Whoever changed “be” to “fuck”- it’s okay and you are loved <3
- Platonically. You are loved platonically, by me Charlie, who is writing this while standing next to my beautiful girlfriend.
- hey Charlie puff you alright? Sounds like she had a gun to your head while you were writin’ this XD
- It was more like her lips on my neck but yeah pretty close!
9 - Charlie and Vaggie are not allowed to be gross and cute in common areas they have a room for that sappy shit and need to keep it there thanks
- Homophobia.
- this is hell, toots
- You are literally a gay man Angel Dust
- I contain multitudes. Multitudes of d
- Bonding between friends is WONDERFUL but this is a list of rules not a chat room so let’s end things here ha ha ha ! Great job everyone!!!!
- niffty what the fuck did you write that in it wont wash off
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Forgive me but what is your WH au specifically about? And what are the other neighbors like in that AU?
I feel like I'm not the best at explaining things.. but I'll do my best <XD
Now just a heads up, this post is the RAMBLE OF ALL RAMBLES. I go into some detail for all the neighbors backstory and try to explain what my AU is, prepare yourself- <XD.....
You see, whenever I get into any kind of fandom, I kind'a make this "base" au that is basically just the main series but everything is viewed through my interpretations-
Uhhh for example- Octonauts.
My main "octonauts AU" is just the show filtered through all my interpretations and headcannons.
I haven't swapped the characters or anything or changed anyone's back stories really. But in my AU the Octopod is a different size than in canon because of the headcannons I have for it. Peso has pink feet, and orange beak and some blond feathers in my AU because I headcannon him to be a Royal penguin. Calico Jack has a the fur patterns of an actual calico because I headcannon him to be a rare male calico, etc etc,
My Welcome home AU is the same. I took the main Welcome Home series and all I knew about it, dumped all my headcannons and interpretations onto it and the result is my "welcome home AU". I call it an AU because I think its different enough from cannon to be named as such. <:D
hhhhh I hope that made senseee DDDDX>
NOW, what is my AU about? To start, the world that the puppets are in is a very real world to them. It is separate from our world, but its a real place and the neighbors are real living things. There is no welcome home show or website with hidden links and secrets, there's no fourth wall breaking.. their world is real to them. And they all live in it like normal people.
Other than that, the AU is mostly built on the different backstories for the characters. I'll list them all here-
First, Wally's house is a living entity. And he is completely unaware of this- Home's intentions with Wally are unknown.. atm what Home will do is watch Wally while he sleeps. This results in Wally feeling intense anxiety and waking up. Wally goes about his life thinking that he just has weird sleeping problems..
The things I mostly changed about Barnaby was his appearance. I made him look more like a beagle and gave him different fur patterns. He's kind'a like the fanon interpretation of sans. This big fun loving guy that seems to take nothing seriously.. but it turns out that he's really observant and is always looking out for his neighbors. If someone's missing or isn't acting like themselves, Barnaby is the first to notice. He is the main one looking out for Wally and was there to help him when he had his big breakdown..
Now Julie is kind'a wild. She grew up in the woods with her sisters as this big horrible beast that scared away anyone that saw her.. now when she was little, she would creep close to the neighborhood, despite her sisters warnings.. and would just.. watch.. The people she observed at the time were Poppy, Wally and Barnaby mostly. She wasn't sure why, but she just loved everything about these people. The little mermaid style, she loved the way they walked, they way they talked, how they dressed and what they ate, she loved and was fascinated by all of it.
As a rainbow monster, she had the ability to drastically alter her appearance if she tried hard enough. And so using the neighbors as refences, she did just that. She suppressed her multiple eyes and formed just two big eyes. She copied Poppy's eyelashes and grew 6 of her own. She suppressed her claws and made cute little hands like Wally. The only neighbor she ever saw barefoot was Barnaby, so feet paws she created! Her mane was overgrown and wild.. so she took time to alter it to flow straighter and downward.
Some of the last few big transformations she was trying to nail was her legs, tail and horns. She altered her legs to be the same shape as everyone else's, but this meant she needed to practice walking.. She figured that once she had mastered walking she could work on reducing her horns and making her tail shorter.
Unfortunately though.. while she stalking Poppy from the bushes and trying to copy how she walked... she tripped and yelped louder than she meant too.
Poppy heard a child yelp and came looking. Julie panicked, her body wasn't normal enough yet! She still needed to fix her tail and horns! Julie tried to scramble away but she got tangled up in the black berries vines nearby and couldn't escape. With Poppy coming closer and closer, she knew she was doomed. All those months of hard work trying to look like a normal girl was about to go to waste. Poppy would see this ugly monster and scream. Her dreams of being a normal neighbor were crushed.. Julie just curled up in a ball and started to cry...
To her surprise, Poppy didn't scream and run. "Oh dear, oh dear! Are you alright little one? Oh no- here let me help you," Poppy got her untangled and helped her out of the bushes. She brought her home and patched up the poor girls wounds. Also gave her some clean clothes while she was at it..
She still looked like a monster, and Poppy knew she was some kind of beast.. but all Poppy truly saw was a sweet little girl that was all alone and needed a home.. She took Julie under her wing and ended up raising her somewhat, she was probably around.... 14-18-ish?? When Poppy found her? After a few years living with Poppy she ended up moving out into her own home and finally lived out her dream of being a normal neighbor.. yeah.. normal...
Now Frank is kept somewhat the same.. ish- but a big thing I wrote for him is his and Julies friendship. Their friendship started out as a spongebob/squidward sort of deal. XD Frank was more annoyed by her than anything.. But at some point Julie got sick and didn't leave hew house for several days.. Frank would never admit it, but he was worried. The other neighbors respected Julies wishes and stayed away, but Frank was having none of that. He brought soup and medicine to her house and was ready to break the door down if he had to.
..well it turns out he almost kind'a had to- he knocked on the door and called out. He heard a crash from inside and Julie crying.. so Frank got inside and found blood sprinkled on the floor and walls with Julie locked in the backroom crying..
It turns out that when Julie gets sick or weak, she has a really hard time maintaining her "normal" form and reverts back to a monster.. She had been a monster for several days and was kind of having a mental breakdown over it. She desperately wanted to look normal and see her friends again. She thought she could force her way back to looking normal, starting by getting rid of these nasty claws.
She tried to trim her nail with scissors but with her clumsy monster hands she cut too close and cut her finger pretty good. She started to cry out of frustration.. but that's when she heard the knock at the door- now she was crying out of panic and tried to scramble away. But it was too late.
Frank ended up seeing her true monstrous form.. she was afraid that her dream life with her friends was over... but surprisingly enough, Frank accepted her the way she was. He said as far as he's concerned, no matter what she looks like. She is still Julie. And Julie is a beautiful young lady and a wonderful friend. He patched up her hand, cleaned all the blood from the floors and took care of Julie until she had recovered. Frank respected Julie by keeping her true form a secret from the other neighbors, as long as Julie promised that she wouldn't keep the truth from everyone forever..
This whole event has changed their friendship forever. Frank is now a true friend of Julies that she can tell anything to. Because Frank knows the real her and chooses to be her friend anyways. And Frank sees Julie as a true friend of his because now he really understands her more than he ever did..
Eddie's story is a little hard to explain.. he's supposed to be a human from another world. Is it our world? Was Home the one that did this? I haven't figured out all the details yet... but I do know that Eddie is supposed to be very forgetful and clumsy. So its very odd that he always delivers the mail on time 100% of the time and has never forgotten a package before.. its almost like Eddie the mailman and the Eddie off duty are.. different.. somehow.. he doesn't really remember his childhood and has a lot of hallucination and night terror type problems.. Eddie's kind of an odd ball. <:/
Sally is intended to be a real star that crashed down nearby the neighborhood for similar reasons to Julie. She was fascinated by the neighborhood and wanted to be a part of it! She ended up staying with Poppy for a few years before moving out into her own house just like Julie did. Working on her personality has been tough- but I have ideas for her biology though-
She can wear any clothes she wants year round because she isn't effected by the blistering sun or the freezing snow. If she puts on wet clothes they will dry completely within minutes. I haven't decided what happens if she jumps into a pool.. her character still needs a little work <XD
Now Howdy is.. still kind'a blank. I have ideas for his biology and different patterns he has on his skin.. I have ideas that he is super active in the summer and a real husk in the winter.. ideas for his friendships with Barnaby.. but nothing super specific yet.. <:(
Poppy is unfortunately the same. Beyond her motherly relationship with Julie and Sally, I have few ideas in mind.. <:(((
WOW this post was insanely long. I kind'a got lost there <XDD I hope this answers your question though! <:D ...
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igotanidea · 3 months
(5) Cheater: Dick Grayson x reader
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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
A/N: bit of a filler, but I promise we'll get more action in the next part, so deal with me here guys XD
„Is it done?”
„Yes. Yes, it’s fucking done. Hope you are fucking happy.”
“You don’t see the bigger picture now and-“
“Fuck the bigger picture! And fuck you! I hurt two people because of your stupid plan!”
“Be careful with how you talk to me.”
“I’m talking to you exactly the way I should!”
“You act like a moody teenager. All that rebellious attitude and for what? In the end, for obvious reasons you are going to do what I tell you.”
They both knew that was true. But it did not lessen the pain of what happened merely hours ago.
There was no way in hell Y/N was going to forgive him. Ever.
He did the unspeakable. Promised her his love and then took it away to another woman. The women he allegedly had no ties with.
So it not only made him a cheater but also a liar.
And all of that right after she had the most amazing intimate experience of her life.
The second she fled his and Sienna’s apartment and found herself in her own four walls, Y/n made a promise to herself to tear it from her mind. However, it seemed like her body had quite a different plan.
For some reason everything felt different. Her skin. Her belly, her breasts, her legs, her—.
No, no, no…
They say you always remember your first time. That it tends to haunt you and everything that follows is forever tainted with the way you’ve been treated then.
For Y/N it felt like the memory of Dick’s tender touch, gentle movements and passionate kisses would forever be overshadowed by the heartbreak that came right after.
So he made her a woman by both taking and breaking her.  
While Y/N took the easy, if not cowardly way out, Dick and Sienna were rooted to the ground watching each other in the silence that was deafening.
What now?
Who was supposed to say something first?
And say what?
What words could possibly mitigate the situation?
The truth?
He couldn’t tell Sienna that it was all fake, that he never did and still does not love her. Enough damage has been done. Besides, there was also “the plan”. The great fucking batman plan to get to that stupid villain and prevent harming people.
Dick has already sacrificed so much for “the plan”. Losing Y/N. Causing her pain. Making her believe like he didn’t care. That he just wanted to get her to bed, fuck and toss her away. It truly should have been Jason to get assigned to this mission. He would just barge inside, force information out and kill whoever needed to be killed.
Boom! Mission completed with no girls with broken hearts.
But no.
Instead it was Dick with his conscience stained. Watching the woman he loved running away with tears and the woman he was using with a blank face expression.
“Sienna…” he started with a shaky voice, taking one step forward, expecting her to start screaming or pull back and move out of his reach. But she didn’t.
“Are you done now?”
“Done?” He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You had your fun?” the woman asked and much to Dick’s shock there was not much anger in her voice.
“I—um. What? Aren’t you mad?” It was most probably idiotic to ask her that, but Sienna’s casual approach to the situation was quite disturbing and the words left his mouth before he could think them through.
‘Mad?” she looked at him with wide eyes. “No. No I’m not mad, baby. A little disappointed maybe. But not mad. I mean, you were just lonely, right?”
“Um—.” What the hell was happening here!?
“Come on. Y/N is a wonderful person, but she also seems lonely so—”
“You were wrestling with her minutes ago!” Dick exclaimed. Now it started to feel like he was functioning in a different reality. The one where everything was abstract, the sequence of events made zero sense and women were strangely  understanding when it came to sleeping with someone else. But it could also mean that in that reality he had a chance of having Y/N forgive him, because clearly logic was non-applicable.
“Sure. Can’t have her thinking like she can just barge in and take what’s mine.” Sienna stepped forward, smiling sadly “but right now, she’s the one gone and you’re here with me. So it’s what speaks volumes about who you love.”
“Yeah.” He sighed, looking down, his hands shaking, heart racing.
“I’m still hurt though… After all, you slept with another girl while thinking I was away.”
As much as he wanted to tell her to shove her hurt up her ass, he couldn’t. And this time it was not only because of the plan, but also because Sienna deserved better from him.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered earnestly. He was sorry for the entire mess up, but not sorry for taking things further with Y/N.
“I know.”
“What can I do--?”
“I don’t know. Not yet. But I do want us to work through it. Okay?” The woman smiled softly, giving him the vulnerable look that always softened him, no matter if it was a girl, child or stray cat.
“Okay…” He promised, pulling Sienna to his chest, feeling her arms wrap around him, hating his life, Nightwing, Batman and everything In between.
He stayed home that night. Purposefully putting his phone on silent mode, giving no shit about whatever Bruce might want from him and he was now probably planning next steps of putting the mission to the end.
He stayed with Sienna.
Laying on his side of the bed in the darkness with a broken heart.
His arms were around her, but Sienna knew that his heart was aching for Y/N.
She could have had him next to her, she could have him staying instead of chasing after the other, but she didn’t have his heart. It was forever out of her reach.
But that was something she could live with. Sacrificing her dignity and self-esteem as long as he was physically here. And while she was in deep emotional pain, she was going to endure.
Laying on her side of the bed in the darkness with a broken heart.
She had to.
Y/N was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Emotions clouding her judgment making her unsure whether she was the victim or the culprit. Or maybe both. She never should have believed him. She never should have done this to another girl. And to herself. 
She only had herself to blame.
Laying on her side of the bed in the darkness with a broken heart.
“Now that we made them break—”
“You are a monster, you know that?”
“Even a monster has his reasons for doing things. Or should I remind you what’s on stake here?”
“No. No you don’t have to…”
“Good. So you listen carefully, because your input is crucial in putting this thing to an end. You are going to go on a date that will be the final piece in the puzzle. Then you’ll be free.”
“Yeah… free… right after ruining everything…”
To be continued.
@miraculous-panic @fullbelieverheart @xlatinaaxx @ietss @arfrona
@gracescor3 @jaysgirlx
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kpophubb · 2 years
♡ 𝖤𝗇𝗁𝗒𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 ♡
❥єинуρєи ωнєи тнєιя ѕ/σ кιѕѕєѕ тнєιя fσяєнєα∂ αℓℓ σf α ѕυ∂∂єи
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♥︎🄶🄴🄽🅁🄴: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗄 ᰔ // 𝗼𝘁𝟳 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 // мαѕтєяℓιѕт
"𝘐 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘴."
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──
So your boyfriend heeseung was glued to his pc screen, busying himself on his precious game, totally ignoring the fact that you were asking for his cuddles.
Determined, he kept his gaze fixated on the screen, his fingers tapping the keyboard and the light from the screen illuminating his pretty boy face.
His shining forehead was peeking through the small spaces between his bangs that were covering his eyes partly, and you watched the whole view while standing infront of him and leaning against the wall for support.
You could watch him for hours. Heeseung’s beauty was matched with that of art, he was so beautiful that you were convinced he was one of god’s greatest masterpieces. But suddenly, a string of temptation pulls inside your heart and so, you make your way to go and sit on his lap.
Hee was unbothered the whole time, focused on his mission, as he spread his arms momentarily to let you in. This was a usual habit, you crawling on his lap and burying your face in the crook of his neck and dozing off as he played league of legends.
But tonight, you had different plans. You begin by kissing his cheek and brushing your nose with his soft skin, the sensation making him smile. Soon enough, you lift his bangs with your fingers and kiss his forehead the moment you see it from adoration.
He was cute. And there was no doubt about it.
Heeseung freezes the moment you initiate the kiss. Like man’s soul has left his body…😳😵‍💫
He pauses everything immediately and even accidentally presses the wrong key that exits his game and even maybe deletes it
But no regrets, CAUSE
Now hee’s the one who buries his face in the crook of your neck and wraps his hands around your waist tightly
“Ugh…baby >.< … 👉🏻👈🏻” he scoffs shyly but shamelessly lifts his face up again to demand ANOTHER KISS
“One more…please ☺️🙈”
And ofc you do that. You give him another big MWWWUAAAAHHH 💋 and see how he goes all giggly miggly bambi
But ayee, you have no escape cause once he stops being flushed, you’re up for being attacked by a train of his cheesy KISSESS!!! ;) <333
ꕤ 𝗝𝗔𝗬:
Jay was doing your hair like the sweet, loving boyfriend that he was 🥺
He offered to play with your hair today and try different hairstyles because he found your silky hair so pretty, he couldn’t keep his hands off them >.<
And needless to say, he was super good in it. His taste was amazing and he was talented in everything he tried so you were in awe when he showed you the ribbon hairdo he did by snapping a picture of it.
He was so proud about it and smiling boastfully and when you kept looking at the way his eyes were shining and he looked so lovable and attractive, you decided to give him a tiny reward for his excellent performance.
So you take your face closer to his, and land a kiss on his tanned and pretty forehead. 💋 as a gift for his hard work yeah 🤭
Anndddddd istg man literally MELTS. M e l t s when you do that like wtf😳
You might even have to put him in a freezer to keep him from liquifying completely lmao XD
When you look at his face later, you see his face showing an evident blush, but the shocked face soon dissolves into the brightest one with the purest smile. 🥺
“Now can I make it even?😏” He smirks, pulling you closer to him in a flirty way.
He kisses your forehead as well, while fumbling a sweet ‘i love you’ and giving you the tighest ever hug afterwards! 💕
Jakey was leaving for work again :((
Y’all spent the night being all lovey dovey but sigh..his break was over and he was leaving for recording again </3
He was there standing infront of the open door, giving you a tight squeeze and whining that he hated to leave you but has nothing he can do about it
“I’ll miss you so much princess” he says again, the same sentence he’s uttered over a thousand times by now.
You were gonna miss him a lot too! :( So what could you do to make your painful farewell a little more bearable?
To make his mood lighter, when he lets go of you from his arms, you give him a smol peck on his forehead. <3
You couldn’t help it could you? He looked like such a cute puppy all the time and you always wanted to kiss his forehead and his whole entire face because he looked like an angel. Fr.
And when you do…..
Like..he loves being kissed sm and now you just gave him such a pure and sweet kiss on his f o r e h e a d ಥ_ಥ <3
Will seriously giggle like a lovesick maniac, I’m tellin you ♡~♡
And when his prolonged giggling and smiley session is over, he’s gonna proceed to return you a kith as well
That takes everything in him, yeah
He gives 3 kisses at once on your forehead and Jake being jake, KISSES your whole entire face as well by the end
But so much for mr. sim bold jaeyun cause-
The impact blew up his heart SO BAD that he BUMPS his head into the staircase wall while heading out..😆
So you better not laugh at him and give his huge bump a forehead kiss (2) okay?🥺💞
Help just imagining jake with a red silly bump on the side of his forehead is cracking me up so bad lmao XD
It was always fun making your already shy boyfriend even more shy ✨
After all, when he teases you sm on a daily basis, you just had to find your own ways to get back at him 🙄
You saw this trend on tiktok where gfs kiss the foreheads of their bf all of a sudden to catch their reaction
But very unthankfully, your man WAS SO TALL that you could never reach him and execute this plan…:|
So while you guys were cuddling on your shared bed on a weekend night, you feel the urge to do it when you notice from closeup how handsome he is yet again.
Sunghoon’s looks were ethereal. He always looked like a Disney prince taken out straight from a fairytale.
And when your faces are a few centimetres apart and you get to drown in that mesmerising beauty….can you really hold back your desire to kiss him?
Hence you do exactly that. You lift his hair strands with your thumb and give him a prolonged kiss on his forehead.
Initially, sunghoon is in shock…😨 like he can’t process what happened. But WHEN HE DOES THO-
Man might even have a real heart attack stwap- T~T 😳💘💘
Forget about getting sth in return, he’s so shy and MOST OF ALL, so much more awkward that HE’S GONNA dive inside the blanket and refuse to come out like a hibernating bear
God bless his poor heart oh my my 🫣
Sunghoon is gonna be SO CUTE about it that he’s gonna stutter with his speech and RUN TF AWAY FROM YOU now everytime he sees you cause of his own safety 🏃‍♂️💞
Okay so is that even your fault that your boy looks like a floofy mochi all the time which makes you wanna attack him with kisses 24/7?! >~<
He’s so squishy and has such a pretty awweh face that you can’t even resist the urge to bite him sometimes !!
But yeah..today he looked extra adorable in his pink hoodie as you guys were holding hands and walking on the deserted streets. He just woke up from sleep a while ago and due to that, his face was appearing puffy. (And soft and biteable and prey-able and etc etc.😖 *~* )
You call out his name softly to make him face you in your direction.
He turns to you immediately, with a nodding smile.
But Before he can further react, you mush his cheeks together and kiss his nose !! And then…move to give his forehead a kissy!! <3
His eyes become WIDE AND BIG at the skinship and he jolts backwards in disbelief.
Cause did you just-😳
Dissolves immediately into a shy mess and covers his face with his mouth and blushes some more and tries to speak but shuts up again and what not-
Needs a solid 5 minutes time to settle down and regain his senses :p
And then he gathers his energy to return you a kiss on your forehead (+ cheek) >.<
Seriously so giddy about it that he’s gonna feel the LOUD butterflies inside his stomach even months and years later
Writes it down on his phone with exact date and time secretly to fanboy about the moment all to himself later 😉💗🥺
So you were sitting in the chair infront of your dressing table, braiding your hair for the night when your ears suddenly register the noise of the bathroom door opening behind you.
Your eyes immediately follow involuntarily and you notice how your boyfriend, jungwon, came out of the shower. His hair was drenched in water, his defined figure protruding against his thin white tshirt and earrings dangling from one ear.
Your mouth falls half open struck by his barefaced beauty, and your gaze can’t help but follow at the uncommon sight of his forehead peeking through clearly admist his attractive black, wet bangs.
It was a rare sight considering how jungwon was used to wearing his hair down most of the time. Whenever his forehead did show now, you couldn’t help but blush at how good and mature he looked.
Eyeing him mindlessly for a few minutes, you trace how he obliviously sits in the corner of his bed, drying his head with the towel, pushing his bangs upwards more in the process, revealing more of his glassy skin.
Jungwon was beautiful. To put it simply, he was handsome and at the same time, really cute. A man to set your heart on fire and a boy to make it melt simultaneously. And now that you were staring at his resting face with blind admiration, you become suddenly overcome by the urge to go to him and kiss his forehead out of your overwhelming love for him. :’)
You make your way towards him, catching his innocent attention and quickly position yourself in his lap with a sheepish smile. Cupping his cheeks with both your palms, you lean your face closer to his and land a gentle peck on his forehead, closing your eyes for a few seconds and letting your lips linger a little more on his skin than needed.
Jungwon doesn’t even have the time to process what happened until you look into his eyes later, hazily with a lot of love. That’s when he realizes what just happened and INSTANTLY TRIES TO COVER HIS FACE WITH THE TOWEL TO HIDE HIS BLUSHY REACTION! 😳
It turns into a literal TUG OF WAR because he just WON’T LET YOU LOOK at his embarrassed and hella adorable face. >.< 👉🏻👈🏻💘 (bc like you just stabbed his poor heart with an arrow unannounced like that xhdjdndjd come on y/n!!!!😤)
“Wonie!! >~< what’s the matter with you LET ME SEE YOUR FACE!” You yell, pulling the towel with all your might but failing miserably before his strength.
“Shut up….y/n..” he counter argues in a mewling voice. He’s just super shy hehe so he doesn’t know what else to say
After a minute or two, your fight comes to an end when-
You both fall down on the bed, ✨you on top of him and him under you, both your eyes locking romantically in the process. The material falls off his angel face and you see his rosy cheeks and big sparkly eyes that were filled with love and shyness.
So what do you do now?😏😉
You kiss his forehead another time, catching him off guard YET AGAIN.
But this time, you aren’t going untouched ahem ahem.🤭
Cause jungwon grabs you by the waist in a flash and pulls you close to him, draping his arms securely around you. With one hand, he tucks your loose hair strand beneath your ear and brushes your hot cheek with the back of his finger.
For a brief second, you feel like he’s gonna kiss you. But nah, he doesn’t. He just smiles and then laughs before TYING YOU DOWN TO HIM WITH HIS LEGS AND CUDDLING YOU FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT LIKE A PLUSHIE! >.< <33
But don’t worry, you know what happened when you wake up and taste a cherry lip balm on your lips the next morning. Cause yeah, that lip balm belongs to a certain✨ someone✨ and you knew exactly what he did to you while you were asleep on his bed. 🤫😳💞💋
ꕤ 𝗡𝗜 𝗞𝗜:
Niki had just gotten home from the long u.s tour and it would be less to say that you missed him :(
Cause you missed him SO MUCH that it drove you almost crazy
So the time he came back and you saw his face and tall figure the moment you opened the door.., all you wanted was to cling to him like a monkey and kiss the shit outta him >.<
But you resist yourself and all you do is hug him tight..
However when some moments pass and he’s all changed into his comfy pjs and lying on the bed next to you..you can’t resist the urge to kiss him
Today you were feeling too too innocent and you were worn out so what you do is give him a feather light kiss on his forehead. 👄
To which obviously he reacts VIOLENTLY…
Is in 300 different forms of shock..lmao
“😨😱😶😐😵😵‍💫😳😍” yeah these are his 50 shades of reactions..
He tries. I promise he TRIES to act cool and composed but from the way his ears have gone RED RED, it’s obvious that you had quite an impact. ;)
And don’t even ask him if he’s okay..cause he’s not really ✨gwenchana ✨
Ni ki is so malfunctioned that he might even hit your face with a pillow or sth
Cause who knows 😆
When he regains his senses, you better brace yourself BECAUSE he’s about to throw you on the bed and tickle the life out of you >~< <3
“Don’t think you’re going anywhere tonight y/n. It’s time for my sweet revenge ;) “ he smugly declares before proceeding to climb on top of you and tease you for the rest of the night😛
But hmmmm, let me tell you, your baby boy is definitely gonna sneak in a few kissing sessions in between the playful fight so better be prepared!🤫💋 ;))
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──
🄰/🄽: 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽!:) 𝗍𝗒𝗌𝗆 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝟤.𝟦 𝖿𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗌 <𝟥 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀/𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀/𝗮𝘀𝗸𝘀! ♡
Tagging: @boowoowho @heejakeysworld @onlyforsunghoon @cloudcutter @yjjungwon @miyoung07
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 5 months
Seven Minutes
Y/N’s crush on her boss is obvious to everyone, including his co-stars, leading the two into some sticky situations.
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader
2.4k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, nudity, flirting, praise
An: Thank you so much for the requests!! I really love the Assistant!Au and would love to continue it, specifically with Bam! I would love to see how he would mess with and push around our lovely assistant Y/N XD Anyways, keep sending those requests and let me know what you think!
Clutching your little brown clipboard, you were nearly shaking as you gazed up at the piece of paper sloppily scotch taped to the white trailer door. One would’ve thought that the first name on the billing would be treated with a little more prestige. You had no idea how you got the job, really. Horribly under qualified, virtually zero experience- a real combination for success. I mean, before today, you’d never stepped foot on a movie set, and here you were, Y/N: assistant to the stars. More than that, according to what Paramount told you, you would be an assistant to America’s favorite hot lunatic: Johnny Knoxville. You hadn’t seen a thing he was in, but from what you gathered, teenagers thought of him as the modern PT Barnum, while the churchgoing growd called him the devil incarnate, and you were going to be working under him. Timidly reaching out, you knocked a few times on the trailer to no answer. “Hey, uh- Johnny! Jeff needs you on set soon!” After maybe thirty seconds of waiting and no answer, you decided to try the handle, assuming he was too busy doing whatever movie stars do and just couldn’t hear you.
Boy, did you get an eyeful. There, standing in that silent trailer with his clothes draped over a chair, was the man himself, naked as a jaybird and without a care in the world that you saw him. He was all tanned muscle, Hollywood man meat. You, on the other hand, felt heat rush to your cheeks as your eyes swelled to the size of dinner plates. Stuttering out an apology, you turned away, “Oh! Oh my god, I am-“ Completely unphased, Johnny continued getting dressed, talking to you like he was talking about something as simple as taking out the trash. “Hold on a sec. Just gotta get some clothes on…” Does this happen often with movie stars, or only to him? It had to, you thought, based on how relaxed he was to be naked in front of a total stranger. Is he naked in front of strangers often? All you could do was face the wall of the trailer as your mind went wild, the heat flooding in from outside through the still open door doing nothing to aid the sweat you were already breaking. Your train of thought was brought to a screeching halt when you heard the metallic jingling of Johnny doing up his belt behind you, bringing to mind a flood of thoughts that you weren't exactly proud of. Still, you couldn’t help the urge to sneak another look at his half clothed body but you quickly turned back.
As sneaky as you thought you were being, Johnny noticed your little glance and, more than that, he didn’t seem to mind. Cracking a smirk at the events that were unfolding in front of him, he couldn’t help but want to tease this sweet little assistant of his a bit more. You didn’t even know he was dressed until you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around, nearly nose to nose with him while Johnny was still buttoning up his shirt with one hand, sporting that knowing, crooked smile. God, you practically fainted when he spoke, his voice barely above a murmur, “You needed somethin’?” Well yes, there was something you needed, but you weren't going to say that sort of thing out loud, much less to your boss on your first day. Too flustered to articulate yourself, you gestured for him to take a couple steps back, which he complied with, before you attempted to compose yourself, “U- uh…Jeff, he- uh, he asked me to get you for that- that Toro Totter stunt today…”
Johnny loved that you remembered his coffee order, even though that was a part of your job. Not that it was hard to remember- black coffee with two sugars. Every morning when you met up with him on set, you’d tell him good morning when you handed him the steaming hot styrofoam cup, and Johnny would take it from you with a smile that was still tired from partying the night before. He’d take a long sip and get this charmed look on his face and make some joke about how he couldn't believe that you remembered his order. As you worked with him longer and you started growing closer, he would tack on an appreciative, “Atta’ girl!” and reach out to rub your back or ruffle your hair. All the guys on set would whisper and joke about the two of you, especially Bam, who no matter how many times it was explained to him, still couldn’t get why Knoxville hadn’t ‘tapped that’. You didn’t care to admit how much you liked when Johnny treated you like that- all affectionately. Maybe you were nervous about working with a big movie star and really needed some approval to keep you going. On the other hand, you had been busting your ass for the past month making sure everything on set went as smoothly as possible, so it could also be that you felt like you needed the recognition. But most likely, you just liked hearing those words come from Johnny’s mouth.
So that’s why you went up to see him in his motel room. Well, that and he was half an hour late and Jeff wanted you to find out why the hell he hadn’t shown up on set. Carrying the well creased list of stunts for the day in your pocket, you walked through the dingy hallways of the cheap place the cast was set up at, carefully stepping over where Steve-O was passed out, drooling face down on the carpet. After finding Johnny’s door, you knocked on the cheap plywood and it swung open without resistance. Wondering what was with this guy and leaving doors open, you timidly called out into the room, “Uh, is everything alright, Joh-?“ Well, that explains why he hadn’t shown up- he wasn’t even out of bed. Shifting slightly at your noise, Johnny sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of his head as the sheets that covered his torso slid down to pool at his hips. “M’fine…god, just- just c'mere.” As he waved you over, patting the side of the bed for you to sit down, you couldn’t help but stare at him now that you were close enough to feel the heat radiating off of his body, and especially since you had more time to look him over. The cheap, frameless bed creaked under you as you sat down next to him on top of the sheets, fiddling with your hands. Johnny, who saw the paper sticking out from the front pocket of your jeans, snaked an arm past your hips nonchalantly to grab it, unfolding it with his muscular arm still around you.
He looked over the list, blinking groggily and quietly commenting about some stunts they should shuffle around to make the day run smoother or how he would change some setups. There was no way in hell you would be able to pay attention to anything that was coming out of his mouth. God, you were awful. It was like the second you got within five feet of him, your brain started slipping out of your ears. Still dazed, you were shaken out of your trance when Johnny wordlessly grabbed the coffee from your hands, bringing it to his lips and taking a drink. The corners of his eyes crinkled up when he swallowed deeply, his voice rough as he slid his arm up to squeeze your shoulder affectionately with a warm smile, “That’s my girl.”
He played you like a fiddle, goddamn it, and you were helpless to do anything about it. He just really got a kick out of messing with you, batting you around like the way a cat plays with its food before it eats it. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the cast who, although you had mostly ignored their comments and jeering, found your nervous reactions even more entertaining than Johnny did. They’d go out of their way to get you and him into situations where you would be forced to be in close proximity, but because of how often they pulled these pranks and your inexperience working on set, you couldn’t always tell the difference between when you were really needed for something or when they were trying to mess with you, so you naively complied with their requests every time. That’s how you got into situations like this.
“Hey, Y/N!” Steve called to you in passing on set one day, “Can’y grab a couple’a those cowboy hats from wardrobe?” Usually you only tended to what Johnny asked you to do, but since it was a pretty innocuous request, and you had nothing to do, you didn’t give it a second thought as you made your way to the costume department. It wasn't so much of a department as it was a small closet. In the past, the guys made jokes about getting you all dressed up in some skimpy outfit to sit in the background of a stunt on the basis that they really needed some sex appeal in the new movie, so you took a few peeks in there out of curiosity. This is all to say that you knew about it. What you didn’t know, however, was that at the same time Steve was sending you off, Chris was asking the same question to Johnny. See, this was a well coordinated attack, and if there was only one thing these bumbling idiots could coordinate together to do, it was fucking with people.
As soon as you hurriedly stumbled into the dark closet, you bumped face first into something warm which you quickly realized was a person, leaving you a little dazed before the door loudly slammed shut behind you, making you jump a little. The only noise you heard was snickering, courtesy of Bam, who had hidden barely out of sight when you walked in and jammed a chair under the handle of the door. There was only one person you would end up in there with, “Oh, come on, guys!” The familiar southern drawl in his voice made your stomach jump as you recognized Johnny who, while he was trying not to make his annoyance apparent, leaned around you to knock on the door as he yelled to the guys on the other side, “I gotta be on set in five- Jeff’s gonna kill me!” Still, nothing but snickers. You began to realize exactly how close your body was to his- Johnny didn’t even seem to notice nor care that your face was nearly buried in his chest, but you were so freaked out that you could bring your mouth to move or make any noise. It wasn’t until he groaned, leaning back to sit on a costume trunk in front of you that you took a breath.
“Well, we might be here a while…” Johnny mused, and while you couldn’t see it, you definitely heard the smile in his voice as he continued, “Y’know this kinda reminds me a lot of that game- seven minutes in heaven?” Of course you knew what he was talking about, and you would be an idiot to pass this kind of thing up. Unfortunately, under these conditions, you kind of became one. “I, uh- I’ve never played that- that game before…” Well, it wasn't a lie- you really hadn’t, but you knew what he meant. Your response was a half hearted stammer, your heart pounding so hard that you half expected it to thrum out of your chest, cartoon style, and you were sure he could feel it. You were aware he was getting a kick out of your nervousness, but you weren't exactly sure how to feel about that. Johnny’s voice slipped into that low, teasing register as he met your eyes, leaning towards you. “I could always teach you.” You practically let out a squeak at his suggestion. Oh god, it’s happening. He wanted to kiss you, didn’t he? Your brain struggled to form words, but luckily Johnny broke the tension before you dropped dead from the little game he was playing with you. Flashing a playful smile, he chuckled reassuringly, “Ah, I’m just messin’ with ya.”
There was something warm, something comforting and infectious that followed Johnny around wherever he went- a product of his charisma, surely, that just put everyone at ease. Well, everyone except you, but even now that was starting to change. “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’ve gotta little crush on me, Y/N.” You thanked the darkness for giving you an excuse not to look him in the eyes, because otherwise he’d find it cute and probably do that thing they do in romance movies- where the guy tilts the girl’s chin up a little, and if he did that then you would be as good as a puddle on the ground. “O-oh, really?” Part of you was tempted to ask if it was that obvious, but you were unfortunately not that bold. “Mmhm. And lucky for me too, cause I was itchin’ to get an opportunity to ask you about gettin’ drinks sometime! Guess that makes my job a little easier, right?” Trying to be slick, Johnny put his arm on the door behind you and leaned, assuming it was still locked. However, against all assumptions, the door of the closet flew open, and as you were still startled from how he just so nonchalantly asked you out, your stiff body tumbled backward, landing flat on your behind. While you were talking, Bam apparently got bored when the ‘action’ hadn’t started, so he got up and left, taking the chair with him. Panicking and confused, the first thing Johnny did was lean down, giving you his hand, “Oh shit, Y/N! You alright?” In any other situation, the genuine concern in his voice and the feeling of his large, warm hand wrapping around yours protectively would be enough to get you weak at the knees, but your mind was elsewhere. Hell, you didn’t even care about how sore you felt as you stumbled to stand, tripping over your own words, “I’m fine, yeah! A, uh- a date! Drinks- that would be great!”
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sakuraryomen01 · 10 months
Valentino /Sukuna Ryomen x Reader/ .10
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, smut/nsfw, hook ups, sexual fantasies and masturbation
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 1.761k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: before u guys read i hope that y'all r doing well and that the beginning of this chapter isn't as traumatic as it seems (to me anyways lmao XD). my life is crazy, but i wanted to get this next chapter out asap!! i love u guys!!
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Thank you for reading this! Enjoy!
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. . .
“A-Ahh, fuck.. Shit~“
Dirty and whiny moaning, harsh slaps of skin on skin. The bed rocking hard, creating dents into the headboard, knocking against the wall. Nails dug into the skin of Sukuna’s biceps, his groaning and panting masked by the girl beneath him. Her cries louder than his ever were, the lewd mewls elicited from her throat as he continued to ram his cock deep into her cunny.
“Dammit, haa..” Sukuna’s brows pressed tighter together, his eyes glazing over as his edge neared. “Fuckk..”
The lady blushed, her gazed foggy but her cheeks flushed as she reached up to grab a hold of Sukuna’s face. Her fingers grazed the edges of his jawline as she squeezed harshly around his aching cock. He was so close.
“S-Sukuna.. I’m gonna cum again,” Her sultry voice echoed through his foggy head. The distraction he wanted to keep creating for himself wasn’t helping. Nothing was helping.
At this point, Sukuna didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Raise your damn ass, woman,” He said, his rough voice making the girl’s blush go from a slight heat to an almost feverish touch. Sukuna slipped himself from her heat– lifting her hips and flipped her onto her stomach– before slipping himself back into her warmth, beginning to feel his edge nearing, truly. “Fuck, ‘m close, girl.”
While Sukuna’s soft groans start to grow louder, even if only slightly, while the woman’s wails beneath him began to break. Her cries of pleasure and almost pain echoed with the bed’s creaking, only to be covered by the boom box downstairs and thirty other seniors and junior college students. The loud music, the booze, it was all a dangerous combo Sukuna had taken a liking to since attending this college. 
Since seeing you, and the moment he was forced to have you as a tutor.
He wasn’t so used to the common hustle and bustle, but seeing you among it. Seeing how well you were already molded into the society of the city, it disturbed him deeply. He didn’t understand, nor did he want to know why. All he knew was that it upset him, and he wanted to beat you at whatever this sad game was. This heart-to-heart shit wasn’t in the cards, neither was that “promise” he made. 
Sukuna was foolish when he was young, he didn’t want a broken heart. 
He didn’t have a broken heart.
“Call me sometime, hunny?” The drunk girl he had just destroyed giggled, slipping her pink and lacy thong over her plush thighs, a droopy smile on her face. “This was really, really fun.”
Sukuna, who was busy with his thoughts and belt, didn’t take a second glance. He just fixed his leather jacket up and grabbed his shoes, unlocking the door and leaving the room. “Not interested.”
While the woman was left frazzled and somewhat hurt, Sukuna fixed up his shirt and slipped on his shoes, glancing around the hallways before heading to the main living area. Grabbing another drink from the table, he chugged it down quickly despite the numb stink he got from the weird mixes. He crushed the plastic cup and turned away from all the grinding women and men that were swaying to the music that was playing outside, heading to the door as his mind began to fog up.
It was like an addiction, to remove all worry and annoyance from his mind.
Taking a second look around the party room, he pulled a small box from his back pocket and headed outside. Getting a lighter from his other pocket, he opened the small box, and lifted a cig from it. Bringing the stick to his lips, Sukuna lights the end of it as he climbs into his truck and starts the engine. While he said very few words on the way back to his dorm, he was lost in thought.
Thinking about the last month, seeing you near daily.
Seeing that skittish smile, and your nervous glances towards him. Even just recently, seeing you straight from the shower, it brought a small warmth to his cheeks. Although he’s seen tits before, it was shameful that he was wondering often what was hidden under that damned towel. What was covered that he didn’t want to think about after so long.
He had thought at first that you were truly the most annoying thing on the face of the planet, but a very small and dark part of him thought you had grown well. That your looks were down right gorgeous and adorable at the same time.
You looked so soft, but toned. Eyes pretty but they didn’t sparkle as bright as any attention whore he crossed paths with. You were perfectly imperfect to him.
Poetic.. Gross.
Once parked and out of the car, Sukuna walked from the parking lot to the male’s dormitory. His eyes found themselves looking towards the girl’s area, tracing each darkened or lit window they came across. Unable to spot which one probably belonged to you, he took a breath of the cold night air and a puff from his cancer stick. Wondering if your dorm was still as messy as it seemed last time. If it still smelled like cum and perfume. If your gaming system was all sorted like you used to keep your books in the Stix. 
The very thought of back then made him shiver and stiffen, pulling the now burned out end of the cigarette from his pinkish lips and pressing the lit end to a brick wall.
Tossing the bit over to the sidewalk, he stepped up to the building and headed to his dorn. Stepping passed the socks on knobs, the laughs of friends playing games in their rooms, the quiet murmurs and somewhat opened doors of people studying for their semi-finals and upcoming midterms. Sukuna passed them all to the third floor where his door sat at the very end of a quiet hallway, the silence almost too loud as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. 
Taking one step inside and feeling a sense of slight dread. A sense that something inside him wanted to stir.
Whatever it was, he was going to have to do it by hand.
Closing the door, he went to shower before going to make a breakfast burrito that he had saved from that morning. There wasn’t much on TV other than some news that didn’t interest him, so he got finished with his dinner and ended up watching some of the cartoons that he, you, and Gojo had watched prior. 
It didn’t matter if it made him kinda smile at the thought of you sitting on the floor with a blanket wrapped around your waist and thighs. It didn’t upset him to think about how cute you had grown up to be, that your features weren’t as bad as he wished they could. It was hard that he had to ignore this shitty clench of his chest and the throb in his pants.
Not a day in his life did Sukuna ever feel anything but rage or anger, but today, it was a feeling he despised. That he never wanted to feel again since his childhood, it was a stupid feeling he had squashed the second he left the Stix.
“..Fuck me,” He muttered to himself, letting his head rest back on the head of the couch. Pulling a blanket over his lap as Sukuna’s hand found its way underneath the cloth and rubbed at his crotch.
With very little effort, he could tell that he was rock hard. And even littler effort to free himself and start pumping his shaft, feeling all the pre that had collected in his pants. Sukuna lets out a groan, pressing his brows together as his mind wanders back to when he had walked in on you.
In my own room, you weirdo. At least you could’ve hung up a sock or some shit.
The cartoons continued to play, although the childish music and jokes on the screen didn’t make it to Sukuna’s ears. All he could think about was his new release, and about that damned towel. Wondering what would’ve happened if he had just snatched that rag and saw what was underneath for himself. Sukuna’s eyes lidded and his breath became ragged, thinking about what your tits felt like against his chest, wanting to grind his girth between them.
“Shit.. fuckk..”
The image of your small hips in his hands, letting him glide them over the fat or your ass until you yelped. Sukuna had wondered plenty about what your lips felt like against his, if you were a good or bad kisser. Whatever you were, he was willing to teach you. 
Returning the favor right?
Imagining the feeling of your lips between his teeth as he tugged and nibbled, wanting to watch them slightly swell from the kisses and breathless moans.
Sukuna felt his tummy and thighs clench, wanting to savor his orgasm. His hand went faster, the sounds of his fist pumping and shaking as pre slipped through his fingers became louder. Completely drowning out the sounds of the TV, Sukuna’s face scrunched up and he grabbed at the blanket.
His imagination brought him to his bed, your body under his. Your face flushed red, hands against his chest as if to attempt to push him away.
“Ryo.. It's embarrassing!”
Sukuna smirked as his fist squeezed his shaft, groaning under the intense pleasure. Wondering what your whimpers and moans sounded like, if your pussy was tight enough to make him finish early.
The thought of what lay between your thighs sent a jolt up Sukuna's spine, a sudden urge to cum overcame him.
He pulled the blanket from over his cock and glanced down at his naughty member. Seeing it become an angry looking red, it made him upset. How could you of all people make him so hard?
Why was it you? Your soft looking lips, your huggable waist and chest? Why of everyone he's fucked, everyone he's come across it was you that toppled over all?
Whatever his mind wanted, he wished he didn't.
As he released all over his pants, even kicking at his coffee table from the powerful climax, Sukuna's heart wasn't fulfilled.
He could feel a ping of guilt in his chest.
He really, really shouldn't have done that.
Worst part about it all was that he was going to be seeing you in class again, after the third time he played with his cock to thoughts of you.
“..Really.. Fuck my life.”
. . .
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a/n: finally got the chapter out guys!! I'll be quick on here since there's little to say but I hope y'all r doing good!!><
Chapter Song Theme:
— Varsity Fanclub - Zero [Lyrics] | 7Vibes Lyrics
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalflashlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @marksassybanana, @bozos-r-us , @p-3-4-c-h, @chaoticqueen33, @dxxny-loves-u, @l0tus-in-l0ve , @jiordeci, @opossum0-0, @gumisgirl, @mommasbigd, @heyitstacy
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twstfanblog · 4 months
*~Mother's Day, Damn it~*
A/N: Hello all and a happy Mother's Day! Decided to queue this up since I knew I was gonna be hyper-busy the weekend and would honestly forget to post it XD Warnings: Mentions and vague descriptions of pregnancy and childbirth Pairings: YuuxMalleusxAzulxJamil, Mentioned Silver/Sebek, Mentioned Vil/Rook, Mentioned Riddle/Floyd Word Count: 4.3K
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Yuu made sure to apologize to Malleus once the egg was out. Well, once the egg was out, they had a quick bath, and regained mental awareness after a spontaneous three-hour nap. It wasn't their intention to interrupt his birthday party with their water breaking (they really hoped the seemingly ancient as dirt carpet survived it). Yuu didn't remember much from the egg birth. Apparently, Grandmother Draconia had made one of her rare appearances, walking into the room as though Yuu wasn't screaming on their knees and slamming the ornate headboard into the wall in an act of misplaced frustration. 
Lilia said she brought them fruit-flavored ice chips, which was very sweet.
Once they woke up, everyone had kept a good few feet away as they congratulated them on a successful birth. (Malleus told them later that night that Yuu had some…vividly creative threats made in their heat of maternal agony. One of which Malleus refused to repeat, only stating it made him physically leave the castle grounds for his own safety).
But now, as Yuu relaxed in a patch of rare sunlight with their egg baby, they felt content. Luckily, their egg wasn't as massive as Malleus's was. Though it had seemed to grow to said size as the months went by. An oil-like black, the shell shined iridescent in the light. The reflective surface was broken up by thin matte black webbing that increased in numbers as time went on. Grandmother Draconia had remarked the few times she'd seen the egg that she had never seen one with such neat growth marks, the pattern almost mimicking broken glass.
Though Yuu had their concerns, (they didn't have magic and dragon eggs needed family magic to hatch) their loved ones were more than willing to pitch in. Malleus, of course, gave the egg magic daily in the form of cuddling and kissing it before and after going about his royal duties. Lilia had given a few sprinkles of his limited magic, whispering blessings and sweet dreams to the youngling inside. Sebek nearly cried himself sick when Yuu offered to let him bestow the egg with his magic, he was one of the godfathers after all (A fact that made Sebek actually cry and hug Yuu tight enough to crack their back). Silver, as the other godfather in question, was more than happy to give his niece or nephew his magic in the form of naptime cuddles.
Even Azul and Jamil had made their way to the valley. Both to visit and to give their donation of magic to the egg. Though they had busy schedules with their own post-graduation lives, Malleus had convinced them to stay a few weeks past their original departure date. If he had to set a harbor on fire to do it, that didn't mean anything.
In the present, a strong gust tiled the egg from its upright position and onto its side in the lush patch of grass. Yuu watched in mild amazement as the egg did what it normally did, wiggling on its side for a few moments before rolling itself back to its starting position. Their child had become insanely active, a fact that Malleus and Yuu took great pleasure in. Nightly, they'd sit on opposite sides of their massive bed and call out to the egg to see who it'd roll toward (Yuu was only a little bitter that they were barely winning).
“Baby. Baby~.” Yuu laughed, watching the egg wiggle around in what could only be called joy at the sound of their voice.
But, their laughter was cut off at the soft sound of something cracking.
They looked at the egg with laser focus, the egg itself had gone deathly still as though the crack had startled them as well. Soon the egg gave another powerful wiggle, a hairline crack forming against the shell.
“...” Yuu turned toward the castle, panic clear in their voice as they screamed, “MALLEUS!”
Malleus had appeared like a bolt of lightning, eyes glowing and ready to kill whoever posed a threat to his mate and child. Only to have his attention pulled to the sound of shell cracking and Yuu's panicked question of “Do I help them!?”
Soon they were back in the castle, the wiggling and cracking egg placed on the ceremonial hatching altar. Malleus held Yuu in his arms, trying to keep them calm as they fought their own need to help their child hatch. Silver, Sebek, and Lilia had appeared after hearing all the noise. While Sebek shouted encouragement to the hatching fae, Silver tried to get his husband to stop yelling at the egg. Lilia was doing his grandfatherly duty of filming everything.
Finally, the cracks along the egg met. From the top, a small purple-tinted dragon poked their head through the opening, fighting against the remaining shell fiercely until they were able to crawl out. They squeaked, almost trying to roar at them with their wings flared out.
Lilia cooed, making sure to capture the scale pattern on the squeaking dragon's forehead, “A little girl! She's much smaller than I-”
The egg tilted on the altar, another small dragon crawling its way from the opening their sister had left. Stepping out and looking around the room unaware of the edge to the altar. Silver had rushed forward, catching the teal-tinted infant before they hit the ground. He held the squeaking dragon in both his hands, unneeded from how small he was but wanting to grip him securely, as he placed him back on the altar, “I...twins? Can there be twins?”
The shock was barely settling in when more cracking echoed in the room. From the bottom of the egg, another head poked out. A frustrated green-tinted dragon flapping their uncoordinated wings to remove leftover yolk. This one was much more tired than his siblings, once free from the egg he had huffed and laid down on the altar.
Yuu tilted their head back, giving themselves a high five before moving out of a stunned Malleus's limp arms, “Secured the fuck out of this bloodline! Babies! Babies~!” They gathered the chirping dragon infants into their arms, each of them growing overjoyed to finally be with the voice they always knew.
June 13th, a great blessing was gifted to Briar Valley. Three healthy and powerful heirs born in record time. The country had celebrated for weeks in joy and in blessing of the three new members of the royal family. May Malgona, Malathew, and Malicent Draconia-Crewel live long and be loved.
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Yuu had fallen pregnant again not long after the triplets' first birthday and it was all Azul's fault. A successful opening weekend of his lounge had made the cecaelian's mood all too happy and frisky. Azul, in a flustered state, claimed that wanting to mate when resources were bountiful was basic biology and he wasn't going to apologize. Jamil started the argument that Azul had done such a thing on purpose to push back his and Yuu's wedding, since Malleus's wedding planning was taken over by grandmother Draconia, and Azul didn't want to marry Yuu until he had a sizable amount of money in his savings for reasons.
While the two bickered, Yuu and Malleus marveled over the ultrasound of a tiny pea-shaped blob.
Malleus would have easily housed Yuu for their pregnancy again; What better place for an expecting mother to be than waited on hand and foot in royal luxury? An idea that Azul surprisingly vetoed, bringing up the fact the triplets would not leave Yuu any time to relax as the one-year-olds had a 6th sense for when their mother was trying to so much as sit.
“They'd run her more ragged than the pregnancy would in the first place…”
While Jamil offered, they all knew Yuu would decline; Since Jamil was currently staying in the Scalding Sands, prepping with his family (and Kalim) for their now pushed-back wedding. Yuu would not last long in the desert normally, asking them to do it while pregnant was cruel and unusual punishment.
So Yuu and Azul made their way to the Sunshine Lands where he had actually inherited a sizable beachfront property from his grandmother. How and why the elder cecaelian had even got her hands on land property, she wouldn't say. But the seaside villa Azul had built on the land was perfect, having a hand in every design aspect right down to the adorable ocean-themed nursery.
And while Yuu's pregnancy tracked along nicely, Azul's sleep schedule and mental well-being had suffered.
Malleus had rarely complained of Yuu during their first pregnancy, but now that Azul was dealing with them first hand he wondered if Malleus was simply…unbothered by the absurdity that escaped Yuu's mouth. The fae had asked how Azul was dealing with Yuu's ‘strange cravings’ during a visit. Jamil had rolled his eyes and jokingly asked if Yuu wanted pickles or ice cream during their pregnancy with the triplets. And Malleus answered she had wanted to drink molten metals, gnaw on gemstones, and wanted to eat a very specific map that was made when his grandmother was a child.
Jamil, having been around more pregnant women than the average person in his life,  stated that was…normal…ish. Pregnancy cravings could tilt to the material if the body felt it was lacking nutrients. So Azul was prepared. He had supplement potions of all kinds, he's looked up the most common pregnancy cravings; he had pickles purchased by the barrel and ice cream by the freezer load on standby. Hell, he stocked up on a non-toxic clay that was safe to digest. If Yuu asked him to, he'd crush up shells and pearls into fine dust to mix into their food and drinks to satisfy their cravings.
Instead, he was awakened almost like clockwork every night to make some type of horrific food combination that Yuu insisted would be amazing.
Ground beef and banana smoothies, corn on the cob with a cherry compote and mustard dipping sauce, chocolate-covered pan-fried shrimp. One night they simply asked for a whole, raw artichoke. He watched them eat it like it was an apple and fall back asleep as though they hadn't mentally scarred him in a matter of four minutes.
Azul could put his foot down, he could deny them these hellish cravings clearly caused by some type of demon masquerading as a baby in his date-mate's womb. But whenever he did, Yuu's eyes would fill with tears; sobbing and crying that Azul didn't love them OR the baby.
So Azul would get out of bed and make them their cursed offering. His pride as a chef was strong, but he couldn't last long against his dear pearl's tears…
But, demonic cravings aside, Yuu's pregnancy was progressing as normal. Azul would spend his evenings from the lounge resting gently on his date-mate's stomach and cooing at the tiny being waiting to be born. He had theorized their little girl was in a merform that matched his own; it would explain how they were able to kick him no matter where he kissed on Yuu's stomach. With only a month to go, his child would be the perfect belated birthday present.
Then three days before said birthday, Yuu was rushed to the hospital against their will, once again. The past few weeks they had been plagued with random bouts of false contractions. Each time Azul would panic and rush his pregnant love to their chosen hospital and demand they be looked over. The doctors would humor him, he was an up-and-coming influential member of their community after all. But, Yuu quickly grew annoyed with it, to the point they'd started hiding and waiting for the contractions to stop before even telling Azul they had them.
But now they were back in the hospital, Yuu pacing their examination room as Azul gently grilled the doctor.
“I understand that they're common, but this has been happening for weeks. Is there another test we can do or a specialist we can refer to?”
“Well, Mr. Ashengrotto, as head of labor and delivery and your personally chosen doctor, probably not.”
Yuu sighed, still walking around the room with a hand over their stomach, “Azul, just drop it. I wanna go home and-”
The sound of water hitting the tile floor made them all freeze. Yuu looked down, seeing the ‘water’ had come from them and soaking into the edge of the maxi skirt they were wearing.
Hours later, Yuu was in a hospital bed and Azul was still on the phone with his mother pacing outside of the room. The mer panicking over the potential health risks of a month early birth and where he could have gone wrong in his prenatal care and how he was a failure-
Yuu spoke calmly into their phone, watching Azul pace past their window again, “Yeah, no. He’s still in the hall crying…I don’t know! The doctor hadn’t said anything was wrong the past few checkups…No, Jamil, I didn’t ingest poison…Why would he give me poison!? Why would I be craving poisons!?...Wanting to drink metal is different.”
Azul had returned to the room after a nurse talked him through his breakdown, sitting at Yuu’s bedside and helping them through the labor pains. He walked them around the room, screened calls from their worried friends and family, and even managed to magic up the fabled fruit-flavored ice chips Yuu had started to demand as the labor continued. Two days before Azul’s birthday the doctor had finally stated Yuu was dilated enough to try their preferred birthing position. With Azul’s hand vice gripped in their own, a few hours into the afternoon, they felt a pressure suddenly rush out of them. The standby nurse quickly swooped in to make sure the baby was fully out and taken to be properly weighed.
Yuu and Azul both sigh in relief at the sound of their little girl wailing her head off. Azul felt tears coming to his eyes seeing she had been birthed in merform, much bigger than any normal mer child but that was to be expected when she had a personal grotto to grow and feed in for eight months; lovingly tucked away to be pampered and protected. He took in his daughter’s form with a tender eye; pale purple skin that ombred into chubby black and speckled tentacles that wiggled around fiercely. A head of stark white hair with delicate newborn curls. Gurgled cries only stopping when the nurse placed her onto an exhausted Yuu’s chest. The infant following her instincts; curling into her mother for warmth and safety, tentacles wrapping around Yuu's arm as an anchor and finally calming.
The doctor smiled at the happy family, both parents cooing over their baby. They moved to exit the room to allow them space to bond, giving Yuu one last glance to ensure there was no ripping that needed immediate attention. The smile on their face quickly fell. At a moment of silence, they moved back to position and gave Yuu a pat on their calf, “Okay! Round two!”
“...” Yuu lifted their head from the pillow, their grip on Azul’s hand somehow getting tighter, “I'm sorry…what?” The loving light of a mother quickly faded into a focused rage.
“...The…There’s a second baby-”
“A second what!?”
Azul struggled to escape Yuu’s hold, feeling his bones trying to liquefy to slip out of what his instincts were screaming was a death trap, “Darling? My pearl? Let go, please let go of my hand-”
“No! I’m gonna eat your fucking arm! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THERE’S A SECOND-”
February 22nd, Yuu uploaded a photo welcoming Charysa and Scylar Ashengrotto-Crewel into the world. Yuu smiled in bed with two identical cecaelian infants curled against each arm, one of them blinking open a dark blue eye to stare at the camera. Azul sitting at their bedside with one of his arms in a sling and bandages wrapping his fingers together. To this day he stands firm on his twins being the best early birthday present he ever received, and all they cost him was a broken hand and a dislocated shoulder.
(Yuu happily called the Leech twins once their arms were free, telling them they could stop fighting over who the godfather was to be since they could now both be the godfather to a baby).
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Jamil and Yuu’s wedding was gorgeous.
Kalim took the fact it was a party for extended family and friends and turned his party planning skills to a whole new level, footing the bill and offering whatever venue the Asim family had at their disposal for the event. Jamil tried to deny his friend’s generous offers, but his mother shot him down so hard he physically felt the impact. He and Yuu had the final say in any decision of course, but against his mother’s cold unmoving stare and Kalim’s small suns for pupils filled with hope, Jamil crumbled often. He wanted to hate the end result, but it was honestly something out of a dream. And his favorite part was his bride.
Yuu’s lehenga was made from the finest red silk, embroidered with enchanted gold thread and precious beads that shimmered in the light. Henna was painstakingly painted on their hands and feet in ornate and fine patterns, their hair and make-up done by a personal beautician of one of the Asim wives, Finally they were coated in ruby-encrusted gold jewelry straight from the royal family's treasury that Kalim had gained permission to borrow from. Yuu was presented to him and he felt like he had found an oasis of paradise, no longer searching for a diamond in the rough as the sands had produced a perfectly cut and shining turquoise into his hands. A vision of beauty and now legally his wife.
So though it was only a month after Yuu had birthed Chrasya and Scylar, barely two weeks after their wedding night, they had learned Yuu had gotten pregnant again, much to their displeasure. Jamil’s mother was boosting at hearing the news, stating that her efforts of sneaking a yellow sapphire into their marriage bed had been the trick to such a fast pregnancy (Apparently, she claims that’s how she was blessed with Najma so soon after having Jamil). Now freshly re-impregnated, Azul and Malleus stated that Jamil should be the main one to care for Yuu as they had for their own children's respective pregnancies.
A challenge he accepted with only mild annoyance.
One of Kalim’s many wedding presents to his dear friends had been a townhouse located in a capital city of the Shaftlands. It was placed within a gated community with plenty of resident-only amenities, it was even a ten-minute walk from the downtown area. A perfect location to keep his pregnant, troublesome adventurous wife safe, yet close enough to events to keep them both entertained. One surprise meeting at the local farmer’s market later, Vil and Rook had become frequent visitors along with Azul, Malleus, and their other children to their townhouse home. However, the older Pomfiore duo had stopped visiting at the end of August as they were finally welcoming their own bundle of joy. 
A fact that Yuu quickly pointed out as a reason to visit Vil instead.
“I’m allowed to hold his baby. I’m pregnant and basically the blood sister he never wanted.”
“I’ll be honest, from how Rook’s been describing Vil's hyper possessiveness since they brought Finley home, he may actually fight you if you go over there.”
“I'm pregnant, I can do what I want.”
“Yuu, he will body slam you. Stop trying to put your shoes on.”
Once again, the pregnancy was smooth with frequent checkups and clean bills of health. Jamil remained hyper-vigilant during each clinic visit. Demanding the doctor do two or three extra ultrasounds from multiple angles, paying out of pocket for each surplus check. Only one baby was shown on the screen each pass, but Jamil never lowered his guard. Yuu had two pregnancies prior and a total of three surprise babies that managed to slip by completely undetected. Though everything pointed to one baby, that meant little to Jamil from past experience.
Even at their over-the-top baby shower, once again with Kalim as the head of the planning community, he didn’t stop his double-checking. As the triplets and the twins shoved their tiny hands into a cake to show the bright blue frosting inside, Jamil had gripped Kalim by the collar off to the side and demanded to know if the sex reveal had anything pointing to a second child. Kalim had sworn that nothing had stated there was anything out of the ordinary. Jamil had released him, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose before remarking he couldn't handle another kid. It had already taken him so long to pick Kalim as the godfather, he wasn't sure if he could pick a second person ( Kalim burst into tears at hearing Jamil had chosen him as his son's godfather. Picking Jamil clean off his feet in a hug that ended in them both falling into the pool).
Now, on New Year’s Eve, Jamil and Yuu made their way to Vil and Rook’s snowy mansion to attend their party. They had shown up a few hours early, Yuu shoving Vil out of their way once the blonde star had opened the door. Vil scowled as Yuu quickly waddled deeper into the house to coo over a four-month-old Finley, raising an eyebrow at Jamil, “And you say they're easier to handle pregnant?”
Jamil shrugged, slipping the bag of last-minute groceries Vil had asked him to bring from his shoulder and into Vil’s waiting hands, “I can placate them with food and physical affection. They sleep at least 11 hours a day and at some point running becomes a chore to them. I have half a mind to knock them up again the second this one is out.”
“They’d kill you.”
“They can’t do anything reckless or stupid when pregnant, it’s a dream come true.”
By the late evening, the party had calmed from the large soiree it started as to an intimate get-together of the original NRC group. Children were put to bed upstairs while the adults all talked and caught up with personal lives. Yuu had excused themselves to the bathroom, Kalim taking the opportunity to ask Jamil if he was doing ok.
“You’ve been bouncing your leg all night…”
Jamil sighed, leaning forward and placing his nose and mouth into his clasped hands, “...” He pulled his mouth from his hands, “Something is going to happen.”
Vil rolls his eyes, pouring himself another glass of champagne, “Honestly.”
Riddle hummed from his place under Floyd’s arm, fighting off his drunken sleepiness to soothe his former classmate's concerns, “Jamil…from what I’ve been told, Yuu’s had perfect screenings, you’ve kept them on a strict prenatal diet, and you only have two more weeks until their due date. I believe you are as they say…in the clear.”
“That means nothing when Yuu is involved and you know it.”
Malleus chuckles, stroking a hand through Jamil’s loose hair, “I don’t think there’s any need for concern. Yuu hasn’t had any strange cravings this pregnancy, nor early contractions. I agree with Riddle on you managing to conquer these dreaded ‘surprise pregnancy’ events we’ve been having.”
Rook nodded, humming as he stood from his chair to pat Jamil’s shoulder, “Worry not, monsieur multi! You’ve been so vigilant in monitoring your bébé’s status that I don’t believe the poor boy could hope to kick without you knowing about it.”
Yuu walked back into the room, a hand braced under their stomach and the other pointing behind them toward the bathroom, “Hey remember how I went to the bathroom?”
Jamil’s eyes moved from looking directly ahead of him to glancing at Yuu, “Yes…what about it?”
“So I thought, I was just actively peeing; which is why I went. Turns out, Aha…my water broke.”
Everyone had watched in a shared muted silence as Jamil picked Yuu into his arms and basically threw them into the back of their car, peeling out of the mansion’s driveway in a barely contained manic episode. They had sheepishly continued the party for an hour, midnight barely two hours away before Vil texted Jamil and Yuu, asking if they had safely reached a hospital.
Azul and Malleus crowded around the phone when Vil let out a delighted scream. Jamil had responded by sending a single photo of Yuu in a hospital bed still in their party dress, a bundle of blue blankets in their arms. While Malleus and Lilia had playfully lamented the loss of another January birthday boy, Cater had remarked how Yuu looked to be fighting back the urge to either laugh or fling the baby out of their grasp.
Jamil texted back, ‘We checked into the hospital, Yuu laid on the bed, and he just fucking came out.’
The doctor and nurses had to be called in, no one expecting Yuu to have birthed so quickly since the ink on their forms had barely dried. Luckily, the baby had no health issues, fully formed with feathery wisps of black hair and giving loud cries to show his airways were clear. Once he was placed into their arms, Yuu had jokingly asked the peaceful infant what had been so important that he needed to be born two weeks ahead of schedule in less than an hour. A joke question that the baby had seemingly answered by blinking open his little coal-colored eyes, opening his tiny mouth and burping. With that single act, he closed his eyes and nuzzled back into his mother’s embrace to sleep.
“Jamil, get this motherfucker away from me-”
Two hours before the new year, December 31st, Jamil Jr. (J.J) Viper-Crewel decided he was ready to be born.
(“I didn’t agree to that name. We had, like, twelve names picked out, why are you giving him my name?”
“Jamil. Look at him. This is just you, what the fuck else am I supposed to call him?”)
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
Hi! Well then, I have request!
The new bnha ending hitted me hard so I wanted to request something for Touya.
I don't know I'd you are up to date with the manga ( I sure am not, so no spoilers, don't worry) but I want to have some fluff angst so XD
Could you please write about Touya meeting his childhood friend and best friend ( an old crush maybe) again after the war, please?
Thank you!
Ashes - Dabi x f!Reader
I hope you like it, please let me know on why you think!
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he city lay in ruins, a testament to the cataclysmic battles that had torn it apart. Fires still smoldered in the wreckage, a stark reminder of the chaos that had ensued. Among the rubble and ash, survivors wandered aimlessly, their eyes reflecting the trauma and loss they had endured. Touya, better known to the world as Dabi, lurked in the shadows, his charred skin and vacant stare marking him as a relic of past horrors.
He hadn't expected to survive. After all he had done, he wasn't sure he wanted to. Yet here he was, hiding among the debris, searching for... what? Redemption? Closure? He wasn't sure anymore. The war had taken everything from him—his family, his purpose, his humanity.
Dabi crouched in the remnants of an old warehouse, the dark interior a welcome refuge from the outside world. He kept to the corners, avoiding the light that streamed through the broken windows. He knew he was being hunted. The heroes wouldn't stop until they had captured or killed him. He didn't blame them.
Suddenly, a noise outside caught his attention. Footsteps, hesitant and light, crunching over the debris. He tensed, ready to flee or fight, when a voice—a soft, familiar voice—called out, "Touya? Are you here?"
He froze. It couldn't be. He crept closer to the source of the voice, peering through a crack in the wall. There, amid the wreckage, stood Y/N. She was older, of course, her hair longer and her eyes carrying the weight of the years, but it was undeniably her.
"Y/N," he whispered to himself, his heart aching at the sight of her.
She wandered through the debris, looking lost but determined. "Touya, if you're here, please come out. I need to see you."
He wanted to run, to hide further, but something in her voice—desperation, maybe hope—compelled him to step out of the shadows. "Y/N," he said, his voice rough and unfamiliar to his own ears.
She turned sharply, her eyes widening in shock and relief. "Touya!" she cried, rushing toward him. She stopped short, inches away, her eyes scanning his scarred face, his burnt skin. "It's really you."
"It's me," he confirmed, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But I'm not the same."
She reached out, her hand hovering near his cheek, hesitant to touch the burn scars. "I know," she said softly. "But you're still here. That's what matters."
He stepped back, shaking his head. "You don't understand, Y/N. I'm not the person you knew. I've done terrible things. Hurt people. Killed people."
"And you think that means you don't deserve to be cared about? To be loved?" she asked, her voice breaking.
He looked away, unable to meet her gaze. "I don't deserve anything."
Silence stretched between them, heavy and suffocating. Finally, Y/N spoke, her voice soft but firm. "We all make mistakes, Touya. Some bigger than others. But that doesn't mean we can't try to make things right. That doesn't mean we can't be forgiven."
He laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. "Forgiven? By whom? My family? The people I've hurt? They'd rather see me dead."
"Maybe," she conceded, taking a step closer. "But I'm not them. I remember the boy who used to bring me flowers from his mother's garden. The boy who would defend his friends no matter the cost. That boy is still in there somewhere. And I forgive you. Believe it or not your family loves you, and they’re worried sick about you”
Her words broke something inside him, the dam he had built around his heart crumbling. He sank to his knees, the weight of his guilt and sorrow pressing down on him. Y/N knelt beside him, wrapping her arms around him, holding him as he wept.
For a long time, they stayed like that, two broken souls finding solace in each other's presence. When his tears finally subsided, he looked at her, really looked at her, and saw the flicker of hope in her eyes.
"Why?" he asked, his voice raw. "Why are you here?"
"Because you need someone," she said simply. "And because I care about you."
He closed his eyes, the simple truth of her words piercing through his defenses. "I don't know if I can ever be whole again," he admitted.
"Maybe not," she said softly. "But we can try. Together."
He nodded, a small, tentative smile tugging at his lips. For the first time in a long time, he felt a glimmer of something he thought he'd lost forever: hope. With Y/N by his side, maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to heal.
As they sat there, amidst the ruins of the past, a fragile new beginning took root. It wouldn't be easy, and the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. But for now, in this moment, Touya allowed himself to believe in the possibility of redemption, and the power of forgiveness.
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Hi may I request some headcannons of Piccolo with a shy s/o? Mainly shy/nervous around strangers I guess.
Piccolo x Shy. Reader Headcannons
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This was a relaxing request, especially since I've been getting double requests since I got back xD
Want more from me? Masterlist
☆*: .。. .。.:☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Mimosa Pudica  (DBS)
Warning(s): None
Piccolo was quite happy keeping you to himself, but his family had to meet you at some point...sigh...
When you saw Piccolo for the first time...
You were in awe, to say the least
During one of the most chaotic nights of your life, rain pours down on you, both literally and metaphorically
And there he is, breaking through the pressure of it all like nothing.
"Beautiful..." you whispered.
Before he could respond, you squeaked in embarrassment, hiding behind your hands. Happy he didn't hear you over the thundering rain.
Well...you thought he didn't, anyway.
There weren't any words exchanged that night...
You found yourself returning to that same spot a few days later, early in the morning
You weren't being creepy...
You just...
You were curious about such a unique being
They were unlike anyone you've seen on this planet and you liked it
You watched, stunned as he moved through the air, punching and kicking
You couldn't look away until you practically shrieked when you heard a voice next to you
You looked around, but nothing.
Until you met his eyes.
'Why are you watching me?'
'A-Are you in my head?'
That was the beginning.
Day by day, you slowly warmed up to each other.
You showed him your human ways
He showed you how to protect yourself and have mindfulness over your thoughts
You showed him what it was like to love someone deeply
And he showed you loyalty like no other
Your connection grew so deep
You didn't need physical relations to build it
Your feelings were the base
Your words the structure
Your clasped hands; the walls
And your chaste kisses completed the home
But his peace didn't last long
His family was getting curious about who Piccolo finally met
And oh dear, when you met them.
You could only peek out from behind Piccolo
"[Name] is so cute!"
And all of them being loud didn't really help, it was overwhelming to someone like you who needed a calmer approach.
It took a few times until you got comfortable enough to part from Piccolo around them.
Although Piccolo would admit internally that he actually quite liked when you looked to him for comfort.
And he somehow found it cute when you got shy about showing him or telling him things.
Or when your body gets hot from the simplest forms of skin contact.
He likes your softness, he's had a rough life, so it's refreshing.
He likes the simplicity of you in a life full of complexity.
He didn't know he needed you in his life until he had you and now...
He didn't know if he couldn't go back to a life without you in it.
You were his Mimosa Pudica.
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rhiaarrow · 6 months
Today's Ramble comes to you in the form of hundreds of hypothetical question trains that have been going through my head since Fit's lore stream.
There's no real structure to this shit since it's just been compiled in a draft over the past few days so it's a real ramble of nonsense!
TWs for; canon typical cannibalism, slightly graphic mentions of injuries (broken bones), corpses, vague suicidal thoughts, brief mentions of dissociation
Y'know the normal shit when discussing qFitMC of 2B2T! (if I missed any relevant TWs let me know 🫠)
This ramble is a longer one just because it's been compiled together but it's all qFit characterisation lore relevant so yeah! Don't worry if you get lost reading it or give up on reading it all. I did that and it's my own ramble!
Reposted because I originally published this at the fucking ass crack of dawn when no one is awake and it got drowned in the tags xD
I am a big fan of the character lore implications of Madagio's first words to qFit;
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so all of these question trains lead back to this line here! I love it so much!
(God bless the bald man's storytelling ability. This single line and his cinematic scenes have had me bouncing off the walls for days so without further ado, enjoy the needlessly long ramble.)
When Madagio knocked him into the Cavern of Corpses it took over half his health and with no food to eat he has no way to quickly regen his hearts, to heal.
In the wasteland, in early days, he ate rotten flesh to survive, would he do it again?
Would he be willing to return to the necessary savagery in order to stay alive?
Would he crawl over to the nearest corpse when the hunger got to be too much to deal with without satiation?
Would he give into his survivalist instincts just to avoid death by starvation when it got too close? Would he eat only what he had to in order to survive?
Would eat just enough for the saturation to regen, to heal his injuries from the fall?
OR would he go further, eating until he was full?
Did he miss the taste?
OR would he stop himself entirely and not touch them, remembering his boyfriend's own trauma?
Would he wonder if Pac would be reminded of Cell if Fit did what he felt he had to do?
Would he drive himself to starvation, not touching the corpses, just to prevent his boyfriend from seeing him with that same fear?
Would his newfound emotional attachments overpower his survivalist instincts?
Is he no longer able to commit such an act without thinking of the moral implications?
Did he consider the moral implications back in the early days of the wasteland when it was the only food he had to stay alive?
Is he no longer willing to go to any lengths in order to survive?
Has he truly changed that much over the past year?
Has he lost his edge?
A fall from such a height, that took so many of his hearts, could've easily broken bones.
Did he land on feet first, shattering one or both of his ankles?
Is that why he was holding his legs as he's sat in the Cavern?
Is he unable to move from the spot he landed in?
Can he only crawl across the floor towards the nearest corpse in order to regen and heal the breaks?
OR did he hit his leg on the way down, breaking his lower leg clean in half?
Did he have to set the break himself, biting down on his neckerchief to stop himself from screaming out?
Did he use his only torch as a splint?
Did he rip off strips of his cape in order to hold it in place as it slowly healed while he sat immobilised in the Cavern of Corpses?
OR did he land on his side, breaking his arm?
Was it his good arm or his prosthetic?
Did he break his good arm and have to rely only on his non-dominant (off)hand?
Would he let his arm hang limp at his side while he sat in the Cavern of Corpses?
Or would he fashion his cape into a sling, tearing off strips and using them to stabilize the break?
Did it remind him of back in the wasteland, when he carried his left arm in a similar way before he had to amputate it?
OR did his prosthetic break?
Did it occasionally shock him with its broken wiring since he had no tools to fix it?
Would he remove it entirely to stop the intermittent pain?
Or would that leave him too vulnerable?
Did he fight without his limb in the past?
Did he even use a prosthetic in the wasteland?
Is he too used to wearing it now after his time on the island?
Is he no longer able to adapt as easily to life without the ability to use one of his limbs?
Has he lost his edge?
Fit removed his hearing aids before falling asleep in the radio tower. (those were not noise cancelling headphones. Sorry streamer man your cubito is hard of hearing, I don't make the rules)
Did they get left behind in the radio tower like the rest of his belongings?
Was that why there were static sounds in the background with minimal game sounds, because his own hearing was limited without them?
Could he even hear the logs he came across or did he have to read the transcripts as they played?
Was that why Madagio was able to get the drop on him so easily?
Was he too overwhelmed with his new surroundings and all the information to listen out for the faint sound of cat paws?
He only turned around at the meow, was that all that he was able to hear clearly?
Did he sit in the Cavern where Madagio threw him, cursing himself for becoming too reliant on his mobility aids?
Did he even use hearing aids before Quesadilla Island?
Did he just adapt while in the wasteland, surviving with one of his senses dulled by years of close quarter explosions and head traumas?
Did he even know his hearing was affected?
Or was it so gradual over his years in the wasteland that he had no idea anything was wrong?
Did he have no idea that he was hard of hearing before the age of 30?
Was the world completely deafening when he was first introduced to hearing aids?
Did he adapt to the noise, relearning how to fight, to survive in his day to day when he could hear so much more?
Can he adapt to his disability now that he's without his mobility aids again on Vaccus or is he too out of practice?
He's been wearing them for a whole year on the island, is the world too silent now?
Is he unable to adjust to the sudden lack of detailed audio?
Has he lost his edge?
Fit is gonna be stuck in that Cavern of Corpses for TWO WHOLE WEEKS.
What would he do for 2 weeks alone in a cave with nothing but corpses to keep him company?
Would he just sit there, staring dissociated into the Cavern of Corpses with his arms wrapped around his knees?
Would he notice how low his health and food bars got?
Would he even notice that two weeks passed?
OR would he explore further into the Cavern, his historians curiosity getting the better of him as he analyzes the structures and corpses?
Would he spend his days cataloguing every detail, taking screenshots and storing them in his arm to document them later?
OR would he sit there, lucid and in pain, unable to move with how low his health is?
Would he consider dropping down further into the Cavern, taking fall damage in order to force himself to respawn?
Would he lie on the Cavern floor waiting for the respawn counter to count down as no one came to Res him?
But where would he respawn?
Would it be worse than where he fell?
Does he really want to know?
Would Madagio know where he went if he did respawn?
What if Madagio came back for him and Fit wasn't there?
What if he couldn't go back home to his baby boy and his Brazilian boyfriend?
OR would the solitary start to get to him?
He's been constantly around people for a year now, so much so that when he doesn't see anyone for a single day he suffers from separation anxiety. How would 2 weeks affect him?
Would he start to crack, his separation anxiety manifesting as he can't reach anyone?
Would he try to reach people on his communicator?
Would he send out message after message every single day, desperately praying to anyone that could hear him that at least one reached Quesadilla Island?
He survived for two decades as a nomad in the anarchy wasteland, why can't he survive two weeks in a Cavern?
Has he lost his edge?
I'm completely normal about my cubitos as you can clearly tell 🙃
There's obviously more shit to analyze in that stream but personal characterization lore is MY SHIT! They're just all such great complex characters with such a plethora of traumas I just wanna squish them!
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shhh-secret-time · 5 months
hello ^^, i saw your secret soulmate au about craig, i don't have the words to explain how much i giggled, twirled my hair and everything XD! well, when you have the time, could you do a craig x clyde x reader smut? of course, if you feel comfortable with it! reader can be female or gn. it's practically normal smut but just craig fucking the reader from behind and clyde from the front, so that's it! tysm for reading, i love your writing too! <33 -✨️ Anon (I'm still new to tumblr so i might get confused on some things sometimes!)
Completely understandable, I too am confused with how tumblr works and I've been on this godless site since fucking Dash Con. I'm glad you liked the way I wrote those dorks! And thank you for fueling my Clyde agenda!
Warning: NSFW, Strong-Language, Dirty Talk, Slight Sub/Dom dynamics, blow jobs, orgasm denial, threesome
Pairing: Clyde x Fem!Reader x Craig
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The sweet air of the votives swirls around the empty church. Empty except for the dim orange and red light that illuminates the book in the man's hand.
A woman at his feet, clothed in fine silks. A mix of reds and whites that twine together. Beautiful patterns of stars flow across the dress.
She dips her head in prayer alongside the man. The father of the church glides his fingers across her cheek as her mouth closes. Reciting scriptures of one's devotion for an unseen God. Everything in that moment was peaceful.
The warmth in the Father's eyes doesn't go unnoticed, the greens darken with a desire that he knows better than to have. It's difficult to hide the growing ache in his pants. More so when the woman's lips curl into a mischief smile, the warm glow of the candles makes them shine with an otherworldly glow. She looks up at him and her eyes fall deep into those pools of lust. Her hands break apart from that folded prayer and onto his black dress pants. They card up further against his thighs where they settle and clutch the material.
"Father, bless me...", a whisper that makes the Father groan.
Temptation never looked so sweet. This woman made his chest pound. Unholy thoughts flood his mind and go straight to his-
You let out a loud groan. Your forehead drops and hits the table beside your keyboard. The forgotten mug with now cold tea rattles.
Writer’s block, the very bane of any author’s existence. It's been haunting you for weeks now, making it impossible to get anything done. You've been stuck on this part of your romance novel the entire time. A part you were so excited to get to!
The buildup was perfect! You had calculated, plotted, and carefully crafted a budding romance between a witch and a holy man. A forbidden romance that took place within the walls of the church, the furthest outside the walls it went were the gardens that surrounded the area. The two fell in love after he saved her from the townsfolk claiming sanctuary.
Inspiration struck you like lightning after you fell in love with your partners. After publishing a sci-fi series, that honestly changed the name of how science fiction would be written forever, you met two fans at a book signing event. You had made a surprise appearance at a local library in some little town called South Park. Coming from the big city yourself, it was a huge surprise that anyone in the little town would actually be a fan of yours.
Apparently, you had quite a few. A man with bright red hair who had a black-haired man following alongside him. Both gushed about how the story inspired some kind of board game they played with their friends. A sweet blond woman who had the cutest southern accent you've ever heard. She gave you a piece of fan mail that had the most adorable sticker on it. Another black-haired man who dressed as Spock for some reason. He went on for a solid thirty minutes about a fanfic he wrote regarding the main character of your book and Star Trek's very own Captain Kirk.
Finally came the oddest duo you had ever met. The two were like day and night, a cat and a dog, fire and ice; the whole nine yards. A bright smile with baby brown eyes on one, and an ice-cold deadpan look with amber eyes to match on the other. At first you thought the brown-haired one was your fan and the man with the blue hat was just along for the ride.
"Haha! No way! I'm not into that..." He paused as if to stop himself from saying something he shouldn't, "...kinda stuff."
"That kind of stuff?" You repeat back at him, raising a brow.
"He means reading. He doesn't know how." The other spoke putting a hand on top of his head. With a little push he forced the brown-haired man's head down.
You giggled at that. The protests coming from the poor man was comical. You almost felt sorry for him, watching him struggle to move the taller man's hand off.
"Then I take it I'm signing this book out to you?" With a click of your pen, you look up at him.
The NASA jacket on the bright blue sleeves of his jacket should have given it away honestly. There's was a small tinge of a blush on his tan cheeks, almost hidden under the skin tone but you were able to make it out under the light. He looked away for a moment before nodding at you.
"His name is Craig! He's a huge fan of yours by the way! So, if you could write something sweet for him that'd be awesome!" His friend chirped at you as he broke free from Craig's grip.
Craig's face twisted, those piercing eyes of his narrowed down. Before he could reach and grab him, the brown-haired man slid behind your chair. Putting his hand on your chair, he bent down to your level and tapped the blank white page.
"As you can see my big guy has a baaaaaad case of resting bitch face."
"Clyde..." the warning that slipped out of Craig's mouth made a shiver roll down your spine. It was even directed at you, and you felt threatened.
"So, you gotta imagine my surprise when he came home smiling! I was shocked! He didn't even smile when we started going out!" Clyde ignored him, an attest to his bravery. Or foolishness. Either way he continued, leaning down next to your ear. "Your book made him so happy, so it makes me happy. Think you could do that for me? Because he'll never ask you to do it for him."
You look up at him for a while, not even bothered that he had gotten closer to your face as he spoke. The browns in his eyes flickered with mischief but there were layers of love behind them. Chocolate that seemed to melt into tiny hearts when he spoke about Craig. It was honestly sweet, even if he was trying to tease his partner.
"How can I say no to that? I'd love to." You smiled at him and began writing on the empty page.
Yeah, who would have thought that fate would tie you to those two like that. Falling in love with Craig and Clyde was nothing like what they wrote in books or movies. It was a tornado of events that landed you in the eye of it all.
Despite their polar opposite personalities and looks, the two worked off each other well. Then when you got thrown in the middle, you filled in a little spot they desperately needed.
Clyde was social enough for the three of you. He was the one who reminded you and Craig that you needed to get out of the house. When you lock yourself away in your office, he would drag you out with a fun date idea. Movie nights, football games, arcade dates, and his favorite late-night walks. Doing the same to Craig who always seemed buried in work.
Craig gave off such scary dog privilege that you and Clyde never felt threatened. You could take those late-night walks with Clyde because you knew nothing would touch you with Craig following close behind.
That was nice sure, but under that scary looking shell was a soft teddy bear of a man. While he wasn't vocal with affection like Clyde, he was observant. Craig remembered everything, everything about you and Clyde's interests. If he saw something you mentioned in passing it was yours. Clyde needed new shoelaces because the ones on his favorite pair of red shoes were tearing? There was a new pack waiting for him on the table. You complained about the shift key on your keyboard sticking too much? An adorable keyboard that looked like a typewriter was found on your desk the next morning.
Then there was you. You have no idea how these two survived this long without you. Truth be told they don't either. Craig and Clyde couldn't cook to save their lives. Their diet consisted of diner food and Chinese takeout. While their house was clean enough, laundry was never put away or folded. Clyde was horrible at putting his dirty laundry in the bin and Craig was too tired most nights to even make it to bed. The final straw was when you took a shower, and their only soap was 3 in 1.
Absolutely not.
So, when you moved in things changed. When Craig was at work, you would take Clyde grocery shopping. Slowly you started him on simple dishes, working with him until he was comfortable in the kitchen. What was surprising was that he took to it quickly. He was a natural and before you knew it, he was cooking things you had never heard of. He had gone as far as looking up Peruvian dishes, practicing with spices and techniques that had your mouth watering. When you asked how he learned to do all of this, he gave you the biggest grin and told you it was YouTube.
When Craig came home that night to Chupe de Camarones it was the closest to crying you've ever seen from him.
Clyde really stepped up after that, feeling a sense of pride in taking care of you two. Seeing as you worked just as hard as Craig did. Clyde proclaimed something about being more than happy to be a malewife.
In return Craig started taking better care of himself, actually starting to care about his health. He stopped staying up so late and made use of the giant bed. Clean sheets and blankets that felt good on his skin. Even better that you and Clyde would be in it waiting for him. Clyde long passed out on your chest, a bit of drool sliding down the side of his face and onto your shirt. Not that you seemed to care as you just continued to read next to the little bedside lamp. Only pausing when you felt Craig's presence in the doorway.
Craig's smiles were rare, little treats from the universe to you. Ones like these where he smiles with love in his eyes. Where he kicks off his shoes and strips down to his boxers, crawling into bed next to you. Arms wrapping around Clyde and with a hand settling on your hips. A silent squeeze lets you know it's time to put the book down and join him.
How can you say no to a smile like that?
Of course, not every day was perfect. Your relationship took time to hash out. It was different being with two individuals at the same time, but you made it work. The three of you were committed to one another.
Now if only you could commit to this fucking scene.
Your head’s little meet and greet with the table must have been louder than you thought because whatever Clyde was yelling about in the living room stopped. It was one of the rare weekends where Craig was home and off work. Choosing to spend it watching some show with Clyde, listening to the man ramble on about something.
So wrapped up in your thoughts, you let out a scream when you finally lift your head and Clyde is right there beside you. His body bent over just like the day you met him. With his hand on the back of your chair and his face next to yours. Except instead of using, you as a shield from Craig, he's reading your computer screen.
While he doesn't understand what it takes to be an author, he sees the effect it has on you. Days like this where you take on the posture of a shrimp, forgetting to come out to eat.
His lips start pursed, but as he continues to scan over the screen they break out into a smirk. He covers his mouth in a fake surprise, a gasp with widened eyes.
"Babe! This is...scandalous! Spicy, naughty even! What are you doing writing something like this?" His dramatic act continues, forming some feign surprise.
"What are you doing using words with more than one syllable?" You shoot back with a little smirk.
It takes everything in your power not to laugh at the actual pout on his face. Try as you might, the giggles escape your lips, and it makes him smirk. He leans down and nuzzles his nose into your cheek.
"Maybe you're starting to rub off on me babe! I'm getting smarterer with you around!" You know he said that word wrong on purpose, just to get under your skin.
But he kisses you quiet before you can say anything. Holds your face in his hands so you can't pull away. You can taste the cherry chapstick on his lips, and the growing smile along with it.
"So, what's got you bashing your head into your desk baby? Craig and I heard a thump and got worried." He moves the kisses towards your forehead.
"Was it that loud?"
"Heard it over the tv." Craig's voice almost makes you leap out of your skin.
You bite your lip, looking down at the keyboard with a distant stare. The faded green and blue, spots where your fingers had smudged away the paint from typing so much.
"I'm just having trouble with this scene. I've been stuck on it for weeks now." You exhale softly.
Craig raises a brow and leans down on the other side of you. Both Clyde and Craig bent over to take a look at your screen. You're not sure why the fact both men reading your unfinished work makes you feel nervous, but it does. Or maybe it's the fact this is your first time writing a spicy scene like this.
"It's good. Never would have thought you'd go the Priest kink route." Craig says it so matter of fact, there's never hesitation in his voice. You can count on one hand the number of times you've seen him flustered, and even then, his tone is flat.
"I-I’m not into it! I just- you guys are only reading a snippet of my book! There's been a romance blossoming between the two the whole time!" You try to defend yourself, but it only makes Clyde's lips tug into a smirk.
The temptation to tease you was too great, it was being handed to him on a silver platter. Clyde leans up and walks next to Craig, leaning into his chest. The man wraps his arms around himself and lets out a dramatic sigh.
"A forbidden love! A tale as old as time! But what I wanna know babe-" Clyde stops and lets the tension build. It makes you glare at him as you turn in your office chair. "-is why the witch's descriptions are reaaaally close to mine."
"That's a woman Clyde! She's got short brown hair because it was cut off when she was running from the townsfolk! Brown eyes are common and beautiful! There's not enough representation for them!"
"Aaaaaand her dimples?" He points to his, the little spots in his cheeks that sink in when he smiles. "Plus, my eyes are totally beautiful."
"It's not you!"
"Oh, and the Father isn't Craig. Tan skin, black hair? You gave the Father green eyes but other than that, it fits Craig to a T." Craig actually nods along with what Clyde is saying. He's got his eyes closed as if this is some kind of philosophical debate.
"Are you serious right now Clyde?! This is why you two aren't allowed in my study!" Your face was burning now, hot and flushed from his teasing.
"What did I do?" Craig breaks the little fight with a simple question.
"Nodding your head along! You know what he's doing and you're encouraging it!"
"So, you took inspiration from your partners in your romance story. It's cute." He responds with a shrug. He looks down at Clyde who's still smugly leaning against his chest.
Your mouth falls open, you go to respond but nothing makes its way out. Your brows furrow. Arms crossed under your chest in a pout.
Had you unintentionally based your characters off your partners? Is that why the romance novel was easy to write up until this point?
Whatever the case may be here, you didn't like being called out. So, you do what you always do when they get like this, you turn in your chair and ignore them.
Usually this works, let's them know that you're not in the mood for their games. That you'd rather be left alone than entertain another minute of their shenanigans. But this time Clyde wasn't going to let you go. He grabs the back of your seat and wheels you back towards him and Craig.
"Baaaaabe don't pout. Look I'm sorry~." No, he's not. "But hey I've got an idea."
You let out a little huff, enough to where he knows you're not actually mad at him. If you were you would have picked your chair up and walked it back to your desk. Instead, you sit there and wait for him to continue.
"You're stuck on that scene, but I think you need a break. Sitting here and bashing your head against the table isn't going to fix that. Soooo..." He trails off, moving to stand in front of you.
His fingers glide across the side of your face, cupping your cheek so gently. Clyde guides your face up to look at him, behind that cocky smile of his he's got such love for you in his eyes. The way his thumb brushes across your cheek, making your heart flutter so slightly.
"What do you say Craig and I help you out a little babe?" Clyde guides your face up towards him. He presses his thumb against your lips just as his voice dips into that playful whisper.
You raise a brow at him in response. It's not until Craig puts his hand on your shoulders, that you piece together this wasn't just his idea. Thumbs pressed into your muscles working out the knots and tension. For such a hard worker, somehow Craig's hands always stay so soft. The worn-out oversized t-shirt you stole does little against his hands. The material is thin from how often it's been washed and worn.
His hands pull a soft moan from you, it feels too good to keep yourself silent. Clyde pushes his thumb past your lips and into your mouth, the digit presses down on your soft pink tongue. He all but purrs when watches you wrap your lips around it.
"See...let's work out some of that tension. We'll make you feel real good and give you a little inspiration." Clyde hums as he pulls his thumb out, smearing the saliva across your lips.
When he doesn't continue, you realize he's waiting for your confirmation. Waiting for you to agree to their little plan. But that doesn't stop Craig from bending down and placing a kiss on your cheek. He trails the kisses down to your jawline, using his nose to nudge your head to the side. Lulling your head to the side, you gave into the feeling. Craig's lips move to capture the exposed skin. You can feel just how eager he is from the way the kisses turn to nips then to full on bites. His teeth sinking into the soft parts of your flesh pulling another sharp gasp from you.
"Come on honey. Let us take care of you." After he's done leaving small love bites on your neck, Craig moves to your ear nipping the shell.
"Y-yeah that sounds...that sounds good." You move your hands up towards Craig, running your fingers through his hair. One of the rare moments he's not sporting his blue hat. "I could use a little break..."
"That's our girl." Clyde's praise goes straight to your core. He lifts you up from your office chair, hands cupping the back of your thighs for support. They give your thighs a little squeeze, digging his fingertips into your flesh.
Craig moves out of his way and goes to push your office chair back towards your desk. Clyde chuckles softly seeing the confused look on your face. Instead of protesting you wrap your arms around the brunette lazily throwing your arms around his neck.
"We're supposed to be relaxing, we're gonna get nice and comfy on the couch." He drops you down on the couch, making you bounce a bit. He laughs when you let out a gasp of surprise.
"You ass." Your grumbles fall on deaf ears. Clyde just runs his fingers through your hair and gives it a harsh tug. It makes you cry out, craning your neck up towards him.
"Sweetheart, that's not very nice. You're being a brat right now." He tuts, feigning disappointment.
"You dropped me on the-" You suck in another cry when he tugs your head to the side, that firm grip on your roots sending a shiver down your spine.
"Hm? You were saying something? I did what?"
Clyde's smug little smirk made your blood boil. But his fingers in your hair felt too good to protest further. Especially when he switched between tugging and massaging his fingertips into your scalp. You watched his eyes flicker from yours to behind you. Before you could turn around to get a glimpse of what he was staring at, Craig's hands slid down your back.
Gently, much more than Clyde, he pushes you down towards Clyde. His other hand comes down to grab your ankle, pulling your leg back towards him. Once your knee is tucked against the couch, he does the same to the other leg.
If your face wasn't burning up before it certainly is now. Just as you go to hold yourself up with your hands, Clyde removes his hand from your hair and takes you by the wrist. Guiding you up towards him, he places them on the hems of his sweatpants. The grey university sweatpants do little to hide his hardening cock, you watch it twitch against the fabric.
"This is about where you left off right? She was about to take the Father's cock out of his pants?" Clyde says watching as you slowly pull his sweatpants down. He lets out a low chuckle that turns into a moan when you slip your fingers around his cock. "That's it, now keep your eyes on me baby."
There's a moment of hesitation as you bring the tip closer to your mouth. The bright red tip glides across your plump lips begging for you to open. His hand returns to your hair, smoothing down your locks from his earlier manhandling.
The gentle touch makes you look up towards him, just like he requested. There really was something so intimate about those chocolate brown eyes of his. Past that smirk and layers of darkened lust, there was devotion. The feeling of your hands on him alone made him weak in the knees. You put that to the test, pressing just a little kiss on the tip. Dabbing your tongue against his leaking member. Just from that alone he's letting out the prettiest moans.
"Sh-shit, c’mon don't tease me." That cocky attitude of his melts. You almost laugh at how easy it is to break him down. He was puddy in your hands.
With a little hum you move your hand up and down his shaft, creating enough friction to make him buck his hips towards you. He nudges his cock further into your mouth, pushing past your lips. The underside of his cock glides down against your tongue, smearing the pre-cum along with it.
So caught up in your little game, you almost forgot about Craig behind you. Almost. It's hard to forget him when he's got his hands all over you. Large palms cupping any exposed skin. Craig takes his time exploring every curve he can get ahold of. His nose nuzzled into the back of your head. His breath tickling the shell of your ear. Just the sight of your mouth around Clyde's member alone is enough to make him growl.
Neither men are patient when it comes to you. Craig shoves whatever is left of your pajamas down and off you, he doesn't bother with your shirt as it'll pull you away from your lover. Instead, he decides it'll make the perfect handle. He bunches it up until it collects at the collar. His hands grip the shirt and tug it backwards, making your hips rock back into him.
Somewhere along the way he stripped away his pants. The barrier between the both of you was the thin material of your underwear and his dark blue boxers. While Craig wasn't as vocal as Clyde was, with his teasing and little whimpers, he could be just as unfair if not more.
Grinding against your cunt slowly, grabbing and groping at your ass the entire time. He digs his nails into your skin, leaving little crescent moons. Craig rewards good behavior not with sweet words, but by giving you what you so desperately want.
He waits until you've got all of Clyde's cock in your mouth before he finally shoves your underwear down. It makes it to your knees before he just decides to leave them there. Too many times he got impatient and just ripped them off, and too many times you scolded him for it.
The hand in your hair pulls you back from his cock. Clyde moves your head back just enough to where only the tip remains, then slowly he brings you back down. Pushing you all the way down his length until your nose hits his stomach. You watch as his muscles flex under his skin like he's trying to resist letting his head lull back. He needs so badly to keep his eyes on yours, loving the attention you're giving him.
"Your mouth feels so good." He whines when he reaches the back of your throat. You gag around him, and it pulls another whimper from him.
Your hand slides down his thighs, using it to hold you up. The other hand is still being held by Clyde's grip. His hand wrapped around your wrist, holding it up near his shoulder. Craig waits until Clyde rocks you back again, using the momentum to slip inside your wet folds. A pleased hum rumbles from his chest. You can feel it from how he's pressing his entire body against yours.
Just as slowly as Clyde moves your head, Craig pushes further into your cunt. The two find a slow and steady rhythm with one another. When Craig snaps his hips against you, it pushes Clyde's cock further down your throat. Your moans vibrating around him causing him to moan loudly in return. Clyde's whimpers and whines get louder when you dig your nails into his thighs. In return the grip on your hair is tightened. Creating this delicious cycle of pleasure.
"Baby, please. I wanna fuck your throat. You gonna let me? I need it so bad, please." Clyde's begging spurs something in you. Gives you the feeling of control even if you’re physically stuck between the two. From the beads of sweat that trail down his body and the way his body is shaking, you know he's at his limit.
You're able to pull back just enough, his cock springs up with a little bounce. Craig slows down just enough to let you talk, but you can tell he's not happy about it. The way his grip on your shirt tightens, you're sure he'll rip it soon.
"If I snap my fingers, you stop, okay?" You say giving him the okay. He caresses your face and presses a kiss onto your face, letting you know he understands the boundaries you've set.
At first, he's careful when he pushes his cock back into your mouth. You reward him with a swirl of your tongue, rubbing against the veins that are popping out.
"He's so needy." Craig huffs as he leans back up. The assault on your neck stops, but he's left it covered in bright red and purple marks. No amount of makeup will cover up what he's done.
You don't need to see him to know that he's smirking at it. Taking pride in the fact that he's marked you up. Or the pride making Clyde blush from his comment.  Craig's hips snap back into you, the force much sharper than his previous lazy thrusts. They're calculated, each time he pushes deep inside you he hits that spot that has you seeing stars. Clyde's hips take up the same pace, shoving his cock into the back of your throat.
Tears begin to well up in your eyes, trickling down your cheeks. Moans turn to muffled cries, yet everything feels too good to stop. They're rough paced fucking brings your mind to a haze. All you can focus on is feeling good and making them feel good.
Craig's close, you can tell from the way he starts to lose rhythm. He's having a harder time controlling those grunts and growls. A hard time not leaving bruises on your skin from how rough he's holding onto you. He's long since let your shirt go, instead grabbing onto the back of the couch. But he waits until he feels that familiar clench around his cock. The way your walls clamp down around him as you cum. The only warning being the high-pitched muffled moan that gets swallowed by Clyde.
His hips slam into you one more time before he pulls out. Grabbing the base of his cock, he shoots that hot thick load onto your back. Heavy amounts of cum drip down your spine making you whine and shiver. Clyde can't take his eyes off the way his partner paints your backside. It makes a trail of drool slip down his chin.
The poor man can't do it anymore, he can't stop his eyes from rolling up to the back of his head. Not when your moans vibrate up him and your throat tightens from choking on him. He needs this release.
"I'm gonna cum baby. Please, let me cum. Let me cum in your mouth." Clyde all but cries in between panting. His begging dissolves into your name and the word please over and over again.
His flickering eyes catch yours again. It's when you give him a little wink and a hum, his cock violently twitches and cum spills from his tip. His cum is sweeter than normal, it makes it easier to swallow.
Slowly he pulls out of your mouth with one final whimper. It isn't until Craig swipes his thumb over his cheek that you realize he had tears streaming down them. Clyde presses his cheek into Craig's hand and lets out a pleased sigh. Once he knows Clyde is okay, Craig stands up and goes to get a towel to help clean your back. He does the same to your face, swiping away the left-over tears.
"Feeling better?" Clyde asks as he helps pull your underwear up. "Nice and relaxed?"
You nod and rest your head against his chest. "You've got good ideas sometimes."
"I've got wrinkles on my brain." He smirks to himself, taking your little praise miles.
Craig comes back after tossing the towel in the dirty laundry with a large blanket. He throws it over both of you before climbing in next to you. He lays his head down on Clyde's and grabs the tv remote.
"Kitchen Nightmare or Hell’s Kitchen?"
"Kitchen Nightmares! I need some petty British accents after my orgasm denial!"
You scrunch up your nose at Clyde’s comment. Almost wanting to pull back. "Smooth brain behavior."
"Smooth brain behavior." Craig chimes in.
The three of you relax into the couch, almost ready for the group nap that comes with the afterglow of love making. That is until inspiration strikes you again. Your eyes light up and you go to wiggle out of their hold. But Craig's arms are faster, they keep you firm against his chest. Clyde's hands come down a moment later, cupping your hips.
"Nope. You're staying right here."
"Guys! No! I just figured out how I'm gonna get that chapter finished! You gotta let me go! I gotta do it!" Your pleads are wasted, like they're not even heard.
"No. You're warm and I'm tired."
"That's not my fault or my problem."
"I'm making it your problem. Sit still."
"You know Tucker bear isn't going to let go. You're fighting a losing battle babe." Craig at least has the decency to let Clyde finish before pinching him. You know Clyde's nickname for him makes him grumpy. His little yelp makes you giggle.
"Fine....at least until you fall asleep."
"Look if you think you can get out of his hold, then be my guest. You earned it at that point." Clyde's smirk returns. He throws his leg over yours and tucks it in between Craig's knees.
"Fuck you." Your eyes narrow up at him. He's not as slick as he thinks he is, trying to cage you in with a sleepy Craig.
"Again? So soon. You're insatiable babe. Let us recover first." Clyde presses a kiss into the top of your head, pulling back before you can headbutt him.
His hand guides your head back down onto his chest and he just chuckles. It doesn't take long before Craig is passed out with his head nuzzled into the curve of your waist. Holding you like a teddy bear against his chest. Clyde's smile grows when he sees you trying to fight off sleep. But it eventually takes you and you lose the battle. He turns the tv down just a bit, deciding to join the both of you.
That chapter can wait another day.
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wings-of-a-storm · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how far Wille and Simon have come during these two seasons of Young Royals. It makes you want to re-watch all those little moments that began it all between them, right? Especially since Wille had to work so hard to break through Simon’s guard in the battleground of their school and earn his trust that he wasn’t just another one of the a-holes about to humiliate him at any second.
One of my most treasured, subtle moments that I always look forward to seeing in S1 is when you see the process of Wille actually becoming a sanctuary for Simon at school despite the walls Simon built around himself.
That feeling is shown so cleverly and heartwarmingly in the scene where Wille joins the rowing ream for their early morning fitness sessions (albeit late XD) and Simon’s whole demeanour visibly brightens the moment he sees Wille has joined them. IT GETS ME EMOSH EVERY TIME.
Before Wille joins them, we get to watch with him out his window at the team gathering, and it is there that we witness the perfect snapshot of the utter hell Simon goes through every day at that school. You see all the boys collectively ignoring Simon and ostracising him (from first years to seniors). And what rankles is that you can see it isn’t from Simon’s lack of trying -- he actively tries to engage with them and join the circle of bodies but they treat him like he is invisible.
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It would be so humiliating and so deeply lonely to be put in that situation time and time again -- and this is just one morning of many! At the end of this new humiliation, you can see the resigned look on Simon’s face as he has to once again choke it all down and bring his armour out to emotionally survive another day of his school peers signalling to him that he is worthless -- not worth saying hello to, not worth talking to, not worth even acknowledging.
And here is the awful truth -- that shit is traumatising, no matter how strong you think you are being in the face of it! Simon is an incredibly strong, grounded, independent boy with a good support network at home, but he has to endure this bullying every day alone amongst the boys. He may be able to scoff at their behaviour in his head because he is far more emotionally intelligent, but the fact of the matter is that when you have to endure constant slights every day like that, it can absolutely erode your self-confidence and slowly condition your subconscious into reconsidering that maybe there is something fundamentally unlikable about you after all. Repetition is a powerful force.
Simon has only been in that environment at Hillerska for a month or two, but it would still be affecting him on some level because how could it not? The only real safe space for him at school is with his sister (and probably choir and the music room).
Until he meets Wille.
And this is why I love this scene so much! Because you truly get to witness how much Wille’s presence  starts to give Simon peace even at this early stage of their friendship. Because there Simon is, jogging in a group that doesn’t want him there, exerting mental energy into keeping his armour up so he doesn’t have to feel how shit it makes him feel, when out of nowhere he hears a cheerful “Hi!” from beside him and it is Wille.
The way Simon’s whole face lights up when he realises he is no longer alone in the group because Wille is there (insert all the crush feelings), gets me evvvvvvvery time. Simon’s face is actual sunshine!
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(^ Apologies to Prince Wilhelm for these unflattering screenshots of him, but the smile he brings out of Simon is the real flattering thing here, sir!)
You can totally understand why Simon’s face turns into sunshine at the sight and sound of Wille being there though -- Wille is the first person that morning to acknowledge his existence, and above that, sound genuinely happy for the chance to hang out with him during training. Talk about suddenly feeling like a human being again! And feeling much safer in the presence of a known ally. (And then of course add in that Simon is already crushing on Wille by this point). No wonder Simon can’t stop smiling.
Then of course, the training continues on and we get to see all of Simon’s surreptitious stares at Wille who no doubt looks so cute to him in Struggletown (coz even princes can’t do planking exercises without sweating and groaning like a muppet). You can see how much Simon is enjoying just being around Wille during training. He looks like he is actually having fun at school for one of the very rare occasions outside of choir practice. And since Wille is right there opposite him in the grind, you can tell that Wille has spent every chance he had to claim his space beside Simon, and gosh that must feel so awesome for Simon considering he started the morning with no one acknowledging his existence or wanting him there.
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We are witnessing such pure friendship here, and it hurts from how good it feeeeeeels.
Having this new friendship/sanctuary at school for the times when he is away from his sister must have made getting off the bus at school so much more bearable for Simon, you know? It’s no wonder Simon was crushing on Wille so hard by episode two. And I reallllllly, really love that about their dynamic -- how from the beginning they found a bit of peace in each other in a school that they struggle emotionally to be at. And it just keeps on growing from there. T_T <3
Okay, my emotions have been satisfactorily spilled. Thank you for the indulgence. XD
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dotterelly · 7 months
I finished it. Time to scream.
God, for once I wish there was someone there that qPhilza would let down all his walls with and just let himself be weak and let them help and protect him! He's been letting down his walls with the kids but there's still an underlying thing of he has to be the one protecting them and he feels so guilty about leaning on them at all, and honestly he's based to feel that way, he put way too much on them. It's sounding like his reasoning for not relying on the other adults is a combination of not wanting them to think of him as weak or unreliable and a desire for them not to become known weaknesses of his like his kids are already in case his enemy uses them against him. You could argue the Enderking *has* been using his kids against him already by using his desire to provide for them and his love for them to disguise the manipulation of his behavior.
I really really wish Missa was about. In fact I deeply hope Missa is recovered enough from his sickness to log in at least once this week so the kids can at least talk to him about what's happened. The most ideal would be if he got online on Friday.
It is going to be Philza's birthday on Friday. That means either he's going to come back fine and be able to have a birthday party with everyone, and have a reprieve before the Enderking finds some other way to come after him. Or he's not going to come online at all and it's going to be longer before we see him again. Our maybe he'll come on as the Enderking and use his birthday to traumatize all his friends and their eggs XD.
The kids break my heart. Chayanne is constantly getting between Tallulah and qPhilza to protect her if necessary, and he's direct about wanting promises and time frames from his dad for now long he'll be away and when he'll come back. And then there's Tallulah. Where to even begin. This is her papa. The most constant parent she's had through everything she's been through. Not always the best at helping with the problems she has but always trying and always a safe and steady presence in her life. And now she's seeing glowing purple creep down his back as his behavior changes, and I'm sure she can't help remembering someone else with black creeping over their body until it consumed them entirely and they hurt her and her siblings, shot them with a gun. And then he yells at her. The first openly aggressive behavior he's ever shown towards her, and her fears are validated. No wonder she keeps her distance. No wonder she can't trust him. And then he takes them somewhere isolated to deal with the problem and I'm sure as she hesitated getting into that boat that she was remembering the last time she and her siblings were led somewhere. But that was her brother, already in the boat, determined to help his dad any way he could. And that was her papa. She didn't want to lose him either even though he might be already gone. So she gets in anyways. And they go, and her papa tells her and her brother to keep their swords out and be ready to defend themselves. And then she has to be the one to get between him and Chayanne when it's really like her papa is gone and something else is taken control. And oh god the emotion in his voice when he wrestled back that control and tells Tallulah to go to her brother and flee. And to them, it must have seemed like they might not see him again at that point. But he comes back to the house, sounding more like himself again but seemingly there only to day goodbye, telling her he's going to leave her. And Tallulah, still unable to trust this, still crouched in the corner on the bed watching him carefully, realises this could be the last time they ever get to talk. Because no matter how much he might promise to come back, her papa can't hide in his voice that he might not be able to. So she summons all of her courage to make sure she's told him the things she would regret not telling him if he never returned. To hug him one last time at his request even though she's terrified of coming close to him right now. My heart is broken into a million tiny pieces and then ground into a fine powder.
Back to qPhilza. I really love this trait he has where the minute he has an entity to directly confront, even if it is unkillable, he will fight tooth and claw. Seriously, if the Enderking had stuck to being creepy and vague and surrounding qPhilza with blocks and hallucinations, he might still have ground our crowman down. His biggest mistake was trying to taunt qPhilza directly. Because now he has a voice, he has become something qPhilza can fight. I've said it before that qPhilza, even knowing it was a fight he could not win, would punch a creative mode enemy until his knuckles bled and then keep punching if it meant defending his precious family and friends. I honestly don't think the Enderking can win this one. Which worries me, because the next logical step would be for him to go after the kids and use them as a bargaining chip. Or another thing that did cross my mind is that the Enderking may try to use one of the other islanders as his vessel for now, maybe that was one reason that qPhilza is so anxious that none of the others involve themselves in such a dangerous situation. Ugh, I just want him to be coddled like a baby for once, and to let it happen and *feel safe* and not have to hold onto everything so tightly.
I'm gonna leave this here because it's already far too long and I'm beginning to just ramble. If you read this far, I am impressed. I myself have now bled off enough adrenaline to be eepy. I will reblog some stuff and be back to theorize some more tomorrow. Much love <3
See under the cut for my play by play live blog notes.
This little shit. "This will be a short stream I think, I'm a bit eepy." All men do is lie.
OK, so we start with some nice subtle waving corruption behavior in front of friends who don't appear to pick up on it much, and then the thing with getting no saturation which is cool, and now we're dissing on twilight? Not sure how we got here but I'm living for it.
Weird effects to get from a dungeon, aaaaaaand now the enderking is leading him by the nose by highlighting mobs for him to see. I mean, it might have been a coincidence but i chose to believe it was not. XD 
Weird noise in the orc camp. And now his shoulders glow. I was a bit in and out of focus listening to this at work, I wasn't paying attention at this point and only came back to check when he got back home.
Yeah, kiddos already talking to each other about what's going on, but pretending everything is fine to dad for now. Early cookie time. *stare*
Of course Chayanne's got all the food already. And now there's crying obsidian all over, but this is fine, it's going to be fine. It's in the house now but just get rid of it, it's going to be fine.
The way the kids stare at him. Oh God it's so awkward. Their behavior is so off, but he's not noticing. They aren't jumping around nearly as much as they usually do. It's such a stark contrast with the wholesome family banter and falling asleep cuddled up together from last stream.
Now he's getting irritable and monologing about how the money is pointless and he just wants blocks. And now he's digging straight down. And saying he's not going to give all the zinc to Bad like he promised. At least he fell into a gay cave and not something more dangerous.
Fit and Bagi are here! Pac too! The kids definitely brought them. Intervention time let's go. Ok they're asking all the careful questions, and look to be muttering amongst themselves too a bit if I'm any judge. They went to talk while Ramon and Empanada chatted with Phil. Now Fit is back to confront him and has sent the kids away. Philza trying to deflect awkwardly and Fit not falling for it at all. 
The line that Tallulah mentioned someone protecting them and he's activated lore mode this is bad. He's taking Tallulah to have a private talk. He doesn't want people asking questions. He's twitching and yelling. Oh sweet crowfather where art thou.
Tallulah is so brave fr fr. The last time someone got corrupt and angry they pointed a gun at her and her siblings and shot at them.
Oh god our Dadza is so soft for his kids, not even the sneaky corruption lies can break that. The moment he realised Tallulah was scared it entirely broke the trap in his mind. Tallulah keeping her distance is all it took for him to come back.
(Haha, Bagi trying not to intrude but probably also wanting to make sure Tallulah is safe. I really want to see all this from her perspective next XD)
He's back, but Tallulah is still keeping her distance. Chayanne came and immediately crouched protectively on front of Tallulah. That's our boy right there. Philza is talking normal again now, he's going to get the backpack off. We have actual communication again, no secrets promise finally being at least somewhat honored.
RICHAAAAAAS! (He thinks Phil has scoliosis XD Tallulah the angst queen was not happy with him interrupting their serious rp moment XD)
Wings! The wings are safe, it's just his back that got stuff all over. But he's taking the kids away somewhere isolated to deal with this. God I wish he'd let other adults help him. He really seems to be trying hard to look like he can handle everything himself. God I wish he had someone who he could be weak around. Where's Missa!
Telling the kids to keep their swords out, attempt one goes about as well as you might expect. He jumps in the fire to rescue the backpack. Second attempt, Chayanne got the thing and ran. Philza is being scary. Poor Tallulah. Chayanne blows the horn and he has a moment of clarity and tells her to go to him. The realization of what he just did to his kids is setting in now.
Roses, and the dawn. The night is over. But the trauma remains. And as he rejects the need for stuff, the Enderking speaks. Our Enderpookie has a voice! This is what Philza needed. The creeping about was making him anxious, but give him something or someone solid to fight against and he'll fight by any means necessary. In this case, a battle of words and philosophies. It is very cathartic to hear him call the creeping horror a lonely little shit. Interesting that the line is that he's going to keep his wings out and not hide them. He's going to prove himself, he's determined.
But first he's going to make sure his kids know what's going on. Oh god, the two of them huddled on the bed. And Tallulah just stays there in the corner nearly the whole time, she can't trust him, that hurts. He's going to go away until he's better so that they feel safer, but Chayanne insists on having a definite day set for when he'll come back by. The little "papa" and "I still love you regardless" my heart. "Please come back dad i need you" Oh God. The intrinsic understanding that this might not work. That it might be the last goodbye. I'm near certain Tallulah is remembering the time they argued and she went to bed in a huff and then that was the last conversation she had with him face to face before they disappeared. She's making sure to say the things to not have regrets even though she's scared and can't trust him rn. And he's barely holding it together. And then he tells Chayanne not to come looking for him.
And with that, he's gone into isolation. Fuck, what a ride.
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thedragonqueen1998 · 5 months
Today at work i got insanly inspired to write and once i got off work, i immidiently went on my phone to type it out. XD I just finished a 3 hour long writing ses(had a 15 minute food break in the middle). ^^ Probably just gonna forever gonna be a wip thing, but it was fun and i'm kinda proud of it. Despite it being rough in some parts, mostly because i wanted to rush to the 2nd half and i didn't wanna get stuck, i'm happy to share it. ^^
It's a kinda long, so i'm gonna add a Read more line to not fill your dash with text. Also, first time trying formatting out! XD
So, originally this post was just gonna be a "i actually wrote something! Look!" thing, just showing of some work i did, but after writing the reason why i wrote a line a certain way, it went into something very sad and kinda dark, so if you don't wanna read about death, a light mention of suicidal thought and grief... just stop after What even is my life.
Idk why i wrote it, but it took alot of effort and it feels... important to me, i guess. Part of processing and such. So, yeah. Read at your discretion. Thank you for your time. 💜
Ezio had many regrets in his long life. Not being there when his father and brothers were arrested. Of not being there more for his sister and mother. Of not trying to be together with Cristina. Not being able to save her. Or being able to save Uncle Mario and Monteriggioni. But biggest of all, not having spent more time with his family before the execution.
He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted. But unlike so many others, Ezio could take those regrets and change them. Thanks to Desmond.
When he walked into the Library, he thought he might get an answer or two in return for many more. He truly didn't expect that calling out Desmonds name while the Apple bathed the walls in gold would result in it being answered by the being himself.
The being looked like a man, clad in a white light, eminating from a strange device under his right arm. His face looked like an exact replica of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's face, though his build was closer to his. Broad shoulders hidden underneath a strange hooded white doublet and long legs wearing strange tight fitted pants made from a material he did not recognise. Even the scar was the same as his! Was Ezio made in the image of the one he was the Prophet for? Was Altaïr the herald? All questions Ezio wondered, but not knowing if Desmond was like Minerva or not, he dared not waste any questions if the beings patient was thin.
But first: "Are you Desmond?" He had to know, have it confirmed, even if the being appeared after the name was called.
"Ezio? Is this the Library? Am i seriously bleeding while dying!?" Desmond was looking around at the empty tomb, before his eyes returned upon Ezio.
"Yes, this is Altaïr's library. You are bleeding? I do not see any blood and you are dying!? Is there anything i can do to help you? Please, my lord. Tell me what i need to do to save you." Ezio was desperate to know his purpose and if all his life lead to this moment, where he could save Desmonds life, he would fulfill it.
"There's nothing you can do. I am dying semi willingly and even if this is some Animus infused death hallucination, it is nice having my last moments with you, even if your not really here. I am so sorry i couldn't answer any of your questions or try to save you from losing everything. You never deserved any of it. In the end it didn't really even matter. I am sorry you wasted your time chasing riddles and ghosts." He looked so grieve struck while saying it and the look Desmond had while gazing down onto Ezio could only be described as lovingly.
"What do you mean? Could you have saved my uncle!? My father and brothers!? Why didn't you if you do not think i deserved it! I have served the Brotherhood almost my entire life, sacrificed so much trying to find out what Minerva meant and now your telling me that it was all for nothing!? If you think i wasted my time then give it back!"
Desmonds eye's widen before softly smiling and saying: "Your right, you wasted your time and sacrificed too much for nothing. Let's change that."
Before Ezio knew it, the world went white and he knew nothing more.
When Ezio awoke, it was to a bed he hadn't seen in almost 40 years. His childhood bed and his room. He couldn't believe it. He was given a second chance. To live his life. To right wrongs. To save his family! To think going to the Library would result in this!
At the thought of the Library, Ezio suddenly remembered Sofia. To have forgotten her and even abandoned her without a second thought left Ezio feeling guilty. Would she wait outside the Library before realising he would never come back? Or because he is now in the past, a past where he intends to change the future, would she never meet him? Never exist? The thought of her hurt, but like so many others, Ezio knew that him being in her life would have risked hers. Even if she knew and accepted it, it is still better if she never got the chance to know him and inevitibly suffer because of it. Same with Cristina. Though he could now choose her, he knew that despite the many mistakes in his life, the Brotherhood was not one of them and his refusal to properly let her go killed her. Letting that life affect her once again was too cruel. It was for the better to just let her go.
Federico nudged him with his elbow. "Brother, what has you thinking so hard you look like you bit into something bitter?"
"Nothing much, just wondering what i should get." Ezio smiled and laughed. He was currently out with his family on a trip the market. The last time around, he had decided to sneak off to spend some time with a girl he didn't even remember the name of anymore instead of spending time with his loved ones, to his great shame and regret. This was the last thing his family had done together outside of dinners before the execution in 3 days. That he missed out on it was one of his biggest regrets, but Desmond let him change it.
That Ezio might never truly understand or know what or who Desmond is, how he watched him in the Vault or even what Minerva's people and the Pieces of Eden truly were will forever haunt him, but the trade to see his family again and to even be able to save them is a fair trade. He can go his life wondering these questions and maybe try to find them now that he will have more time, thanks to already knowing the Templars plans and who will be an enemy or ally.
He felt a finger poke him inbetween his eyebrows.
"There you go again Brother. Thinking too hard! Be careful or you might hurt yourself." Federico teased before yelping and then laughing when Ezio pushed him.
"Please don't start fighting now sons." Their father said before turning back to the stall owner to continue discussing what wares to buy and the prices.
"Sorry Father!" Ezio said before giving his brother a teasing look that promised this was not over.
Ezio remembered this day well enough. Not to remember the woman he decided to chase, but enough to know that when his family had been at the market a horse had run wild there and according to Claudia, nearly trampled her down in the confusion.
He was a bit sceptical to believe it was as close as she had made it out to be, but he knew horses much better now than he did before. After years of riding them to and from places in the chase for his targets, he knew that having one running towards you in a blind panic could scare anyone. Even though he knew to be wary of them and treat them with respecy during his original childhood, he didn't truly get how these gentle beings could be as scary as his sister had made the poor creature out to be.
According to his family, it had been a war horse, bloodied, running around in a blind panic, probably scared from a skirmish. Being chased by guards hadn't helped and eventually the guards got a good shot at it and put it down.
Ezio wanted to save his sister years of fearing horses, so he kept an eye and a ear out for any signs that the animal was on it's way.
There. A scream. Everyone stopped and looked around for the source. The source was still hidden by the crowds, but in the distance you could start seeing people moving away from something coming this way and the screams were getting closer.
Ezio breathed and slipped into his Second Sight, the Eagle Vision, as he now knew Altaïr had called it. Or more accuratly, Eagle Sense. With the years, his constant use and need for it had changed his Sight. It had become much stronger, letting him see farther, expanded his hearing, to let him hear his enemies heartbeat and even know what moves they were going to make. Even let him know where his enemies was going to go on a patrol route.
It truly was a gift and now he would use it to try and predict where the animal would go, as to lead his sister and family away from the danger. Then he saw it. The shine of something important. Something that glowed as strongly as the Apple of Eden had. The horse.
There was much about his Gift he could not explain. He had tried, but it is much like explaining sight to a blind person. Why things he didn't even know about could glow gold and lead him to the answer. Why allies glowed blue and enemies red, nor how he could tell friend from foe and now. His Sight told him, with the same intuition as telling friend from foe, that this horse was Desmond.
How is Desmond here? Why? Did he lie about dying? Or was certain death only a large chance that Desmond beat? Ezio supposed it did not matter. If he lets events play as they had before, Desmond would be struck down by an arrow within minutes. Oh, maybe Desmond had tried to prevent his father and brothers demise, but was struck down in the attempt? Though, why choose to do it as a rampaging horse? Either way, Desmond was clearly panicking, almost upon him now. If Ezio could not calm him down, his death was guaranteed.
But how? Ezio has just seconds now to plan a way to stop him before he is trampled down.
Then, he finally realises, that among the bright gold he shines, he also glowes blue. Such a deep colour which he has only seen in the greatest friends or closest family and he knows, Desmond would never harm him. The look of pure love on Desmonds face made more sense now.
So Ezio decides to not move and simple raise up his hands, as if to pet the horse.
Desmond was in pain. He knew that Juno lied about his death being quick and painless, but god, why did it have to hurt so much!? During his hallucination, it wasn't nearly so bad! And can't forget the weird nightmare he's having ontop of it. He's a goddamned horse on some battlefield. He was rearing up when the nightmare started, neighing as his rider was shot and killed by an arrow.
There's so much blood. The smell strikes fear in his heart. There's so much red. He slips into Eagle Vision and there's even more red. Not a spec of blue. A sword slides against the armor he is wearing and the screech of metal is too much. He bolts.
He needs to run. Away from the monsters with sharp sticks. Away from the smell of blood and death. Away from the shadows hiding hunters. They follow him. They chase him for a long time.
He is getting so tired.
He needs to get back to the barn. His owner would make everything alright. He would croon soft noises he did not understand, but the tone was soft and gentle. He would give him a treat while brushing him down after a hard days work.
He did ride him into scary battles he did not understand, but afterwards he would wash and groom him extra thoroughly, while feeding him the best apples, crooning more sounds in a happy tone. He would repeat one of the few sounds he understood, which meant "him" and "pay attention to me".
But he wasn't on his back anymore and he didn't hear his voice. Just the loud, scary noises of more men in the shiny hard thing. They had the pointy sticks too and tried to take the things dangling from his mouth. Only his owner can touch that! Only he is to be trusted with them.
Running is getting harder, there is large, straight hills in the way and the path is narrower with many strangers in it.
There is still so much red. He can still smell the blood, feel it clotting his fur. Too much red!
Suddenly there's blue in front of him. He knows blue means ally. Though why and how this person is blue confuses him. But he is Blue and running him over is not good, but why is he standing there!? Does he not see the red!? Smell it!? Does he not understand we need to run!?
That single word pierces the fog of fear and wild panic that has flooded Desmonds mind. Ezio is in front of him, hand already gripping the reigns while the other rests on his muzzle.
"There we go Desmond, everything is alright."
Desmond still feels phantom threads of fear, but with Ezio's calming blue glow and his voice saying gentle reassurances, it feels far away.
Now with his mind fully human and not driven by horse instincts or memories, the question becomes: How and why the fuck is he a horse in 15th century Italy with Ezio!?
What even is his life.
So, a couple parts i'm stupidly happy about is the "He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted." part. This, as you can probably tell was inspired by the famous quote "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it."
I believe Ezio didn't fully understand liberty until he tried to live a peaceful life with Sofia and realised he would always fear Templars taking revenge on his family and time, because the knowledge that he would never see his children grow up to adults had never been a concern before he met Sofia. He probably thought he wouldn't have a family at all.
But love. Love he would understand what he missed. He would understand it just days after he lost his father and brothers. Those moments you missed out on. Of opportunities to spend time that you squandered away. Time you will never get back, because in real life we don't have time travel.
And now i understand it. Before the end of the last year, i was like Ezio before the loss. Before i lost my grandparents only a few weeks apart.
Those opportunities to spend time was rare and thankfully i took most of them, but i still squandered it away by not actually spending time with them. I just visited and hid away in my room, wasting the time by sitting on the phone.
I will forever regret that because ny memory is shit and besides a few childhood ones, i have no memories of them. I still remember their voices, they were pretty distinct thankfully, but how long until i forget that.
It hurts and as someone who is afraid of death and it's finality, such a reminder that time and love is finite is soulcrushing. It is only recently that i have truly started to think of my grandparents and i guess try to process the fact they are gone forever.
When we first got the news that my grandpa had died, i was even more glued to my phone, not wanting to acknowledge what was happening. I also didn't wanna sleep and only got some when i passed out from exhaustion. We even went to the doctor to get time of work and some sleep medication i didn't dare end up taking.
I even had thoughts of just taking all the pills and just sleeping, to get away from the pain forever. But i'm thankfully too much of a coward, so it just stayed thoughts. I'm doing much better now and as i mentioned, i think i'm starting to process the fact that they are gone.
So, yeah. This post went in a direction i didn't expect. But it feels important and maybe in a few years i can look back at this post and see a snapshot of who i was and reflect on who i am now. So, here's to the future me and anyone else who needs to hear it:
I hope things are going well and if they're not... well, things get better. They always do. You're loved and even if your loved ones are gone, they live on in you. You will carry that love with you, for the rest of your life. 💜
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melkyt · 3 days
Oil Rig Doctor Law with Luffy as an eldritch creature somebody unleashed through a ritual on this poor unsuspecting boi xd
Alot of horror-games like this have vibes of the non-human eldritch being pick one guy and be like
'I like that one, I am going to put it through unimaginable horrors but in like a flirty way, and at the end we're gonna kiss'
So yeah Law, those weird eyes and hands reaching out as you're running about terrified trying to survive are just flirting, when he breaks down crying and screaming at the top of the oil rig as he realises that there is no way out. Despreate, scared.
Luffy feels a little bad and shows up in the approximation of the human form, still some uncanny valley to him, picks Law up and carries him to the beach.
Law passes out and doesn't remember how he escaped, just remembers it felt warm
This would be the second game/book, where this once respected doctor goes off the deepend as far as his friends and colleagues are concerned as he looks for the creature.
Taking a boat out to sea or some uninhabited island that worshiped Luffy/Nika, and slowly uncovers the truth.
Luffy at this point has been watching and probably on his crew. Nobody knows who he or where he came from so they assume Law hired him, and the kid is fun and excitable but kinda gives the seasoned sailors and professionals the creeps but they know enough that anything that creeps you out on the ocean needs to be respected or risk death.
Luffy laughing the entire time he watches Law fumble with trying to find out his lore, and sometimes just being thinking so much about the mortal, his power effects Law with weird hallucinations that feel like thoae intricate hidden object and puzzle games point and click horror gamez love xd
Law is kinda having alot of fun even if he is just a little unnerved everythingnis happening and questions if he is loosing his mind
Eventually the two of them meet in the depths of the mansion/world that Nika Luf's power creates. And it just tells him thats its a bored god and its not that deep, and that it likes him.
It could ask normally, like 'lets date for your short human life' but thats not its vibe
Luffy Nika leaning in, brushing his fingers over Law's jaw, so small and fragile. He could break the human with ease.
Its not words, its more a feeling that Law translates to 'Do you wish to feed my insatiable desires in eternity'
Law nods, he didnt come this far to back up from making out with a concept beyond his understanding.
They kiss
Luffy is just 'score, tottally knew this would work on the rig'
Law blinks and hss to come to terms that his love language is actually terrifying, and it will be something to get used to. And he will now that he is not losing his mind xd.
Others going to his office might not share the same chill attitude about the eyes staring from the ceiling or the walls that move sometimes. Nor the doctor's boyfriend whose eyes are a little to wide, and teeth a little to sharp.
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the-raindeer-king · 2 months
Original Soap Anon, cause I will take every excuse to babble about my bestest boy ever
King, in the future when I send asks I'll make sure to tell you 'share your thoughts' this is your blog my guy, say the things you wanna say <3
✨ Share those thoughts ✨
Say you're dating Johnny. Johnny, not Soap. Soap is his name when he's geared up and ready to break bones and skulls. Johnny is the one that's gonna sneak up on you at home, grab you from behind, hike you up and spin you around to make you laugh. Johnny is the one that's gonna kick his leg like a dog when you play with the hair of his Mohawk, a bit theatric, and if he's feeling cheeky enough 'ruff' in a low huff to imitate in a way that has you laughing. Johnny is the one that's gonna 'accidentally' toss flower at you when you're baking together, start a food fight, and then offer to help clean up after, with some flirtations in between.
It's Soap that's gonna raise hell for you, though. And you'll never know that unless something happens. You'll never know what he'd do, how far he'd go unless someone was stupid enough to corner you both, to do anything to threaten you and next thing either of you know, it's Soap who's got this person by the collar, slammed into a wall- twice for good measure, the back of their head no doubt busted even just a bit by the force while Soap in all of his malicious intensity swears towards them in the most chilling teeth barred snarling growl of what he'll do to them if they don't take off then and there.
And the individual leaves. And it's Soap that guides you home, but it's Johnny that gives you a cuddle afterwards, crooning so sweetly about how you're perfectly safe in his arms.
I'm having feelings and I'm stuck at work I'm sorry if I'm bombarding your inbox.
Tumblr was no longer safe from me when asks had no word cap anymore XD
DON'T APOLOGIZE THIS WAS SO GOOD!!! I'm at work too rn lol so this is a welcomed distraction while I'm on break.
But yes!!! I love expanding on how different they are during work vs at home because the job is so intense, they'd have to be different people. And could you imagine being Johnny's so and finally meeting Soap?
I'd probably be a little scared. Imagine your sweet, playful boyfriend beating the crap out of of someone for trying to mug y'all. It'd be a light bulb moment of "Oh shit, yeah. This is what he does for a living."
He's still got blood on his knuckles, when he gingerly leads you away, promising you that you're safe. That you'll always be safe as long as he's here.
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