#i love love love being right and i love love love topmew loving each other for their crazy selves
akkpipitphattana · 11 months
loads of people in the tag seem upset about it for some reason but i love that mew is returning to his roots now. playing mind games with top in order to test his commitment while refusing to actually call him a boyfriend? perfect, completely in character, i am genuinely delighted by this development. mew might want top back, but his pride is still stung & he is going to make it felt. hopefully now that boeing's around for a direct comparison top will see all this for what it is & make an informed choice about loving the mean, petty bitch that top has never seemed to recognize in mew.
i’m so serious i feel SO vindicated now because for weeks we have had to deal with people claiming they love mew while totally misinterpreting his character and calling us media illiterate but now!! WE SEE MEW FOR WHO HE IS WHO HES ALWAYS BEEN!! he’s always been playing games, he’s always been manipulative!! y’all just refused to see it because you wanted to hold onto the narrative that he’s innocent for some god forsaken reason.
but yes everything you said i’m so glad he’s doing this bc i was talking to antania about this earlier and it makes perfect sense that mew doesn’t trust top because he never trusted top to begin with! he slept with top for the first time because he was scared top was gonna get bored with him, like that’s noooot trusting behavior. finding out top slept with boston only confirmed for mew exactly what he had been testing top on, so of course he’s not gonna trust him still, especially after meeting boeing who is so much like him who too DID get bored of and also who he’s been SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED WITH! like at this point, top has to earn mew’s trust from the ground up because aside from never having had it, he’s now working against the things he actually did that instilled a lack of trust. and i personally LOVED the moment of him smiling after mew pushed him in because it shows he loves mew for the crazy bitch he is and that’s the only way they’ll be able to make things work. if they accept and love each other for who they are.
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yujeong · 11 months
Ok, Ok, I think I need to lay down. Yes, SandRay floored us today. Yes, Khaotung wanted to personally kill me with his acting and First with his huge eyes filled with tears. Yes, whatever the fuck TopMew had going on this episode had me pull my hair in frustration in a good way, because Mew is a hilariously horrible person and Boeing is unhinged. BUT. Listen. BostonNick stole the episode for me. That scene. That fucking scene. Everything that happened before that scene was the perfect set up. Atom setting Boston up. Cheum and co going to his house to shame him and denounce him as their friend. Nick and Dan. Their encounter at Nick's shop. It was all delicious and perfectly executed but it could never prepare me for this. We see Boston looking sad at the distance and Nick coming to him to talk (after he saw Boston's feelings about him through the fucking phone wallpaper pls, I'm not OK). He asks him and Boston is defensive but then Nick insists and Boston, in his need to have someone comfort him FINALLY, says what happened. At first Nick responds by telling him how things are; seems legit, he says, given what you've done. Boston tells him to cut it off but not in his usual way, he's not cruel or rude, he's simply asking to not be shit on rn. Nick listens and apologizes and he means it and I love it.
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But Boston feels weird and cannot understand wtf is wrong with him and it's real and I love that he trusted Nick to ask him about it. And Nick's answer is perfect for Boston, because sure, for us, the audience it seems so obvious; of course Boston is doing fucked up shit in his desperation to be loved and accepted, but Boston doesn't know that. No one TOLD him that, no one SHOWED him that.
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Boston's answer to that is even better, because he still doesn't understand. And he needs a more valid reason than that.
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Nick's answer? Oh, my beautiful nasty little boy. He was so real for it. He needed to gather himself to say it. He needed time to utter those words. "I also did nasty shit to you, Boston" he tells him. "Maybe we belong together" What Boston said next was breathtaking. I love him for that.
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He might as well have said "I love you" here. It has the same weight as that phrase. That's why Nick breaks down. That's why he kisses him like that, crying uncontrollably and telling him he missed him too. Because we already knew about Nick's feelings towards Boston. We knew the guy had an obsession turned love towards him. But with Boston it's different. And Nick thought so too before this phrase was uttered, before Boston basically confessed he has feelings for Nick, or more precisely, that Nick is special to Boston. And he proceeds to say it AGAIN, after Nick says it. He says AGAIN how he missed him and he THANKS him for staying by his side with TEARS in his own eyes. They hug while crying together, please, I'm too weak for this. And then they make LOVE. They don't just fuck, they make sweet love to each other while staring at each other's eyes and kissing and being cute and I fucking DIED right there. BostonNick is all I ever wanted and more. I need MORE, please, I can't handle myself. This episode was SO GOOD, I can't DEAL with this.
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sandrayofsun · 1 year
I may be Team Top??
As promised in my last post, I'm making a diary entry for TopMew!
I'll start by saying that I have not been a fan of this couple throughout the show, but I did like their characters separately. Something that I felt a lot throughout the series was the lack of chemistry and awkwardness surrounding TopMew. Mind you, I've watched "A Boss and a Babe," I KNOW ForceBook has chemistry.
In saying that, episode 8 has officially changed my mind on the TopMew train hehe.
Specifically this scene
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Mew's revenge era is honestly what made me like him the most... Unpopular opinion maybe, but I found it really relatable that he is doing things he normally doesn't do and becoming someone different. Top did a really shitty thing to him. Despite him being "perfect," being a virgin, having good grades, and being respectful, Top still cheated on him. It opened his eyes to the fact that no matter how "good" he is, people are still capable of doing shitty things to him.
So why not do all the things you've never done in the name of being hurt. No matter who he is, people can hurt him no matter what, might as well go out with a bang.
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The bathroom scene was interesting because it's the first "civil" conversation they've had since the whole fight blew out. and Top is now seeing the effects of his affair with Boston reflecting on Mew. Even with Mew rubbing Ray in Top's face, he still is only worried about Mew and what is happening to him.
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It's honestly slightly refreshing that Top isn't taking the jealousy approach because he knows that at the moment he's lost that right. He can't blame Mew for running to Ray because Top set him on that path.
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Top was presented to us as a selfish character, one who is used to getting what he wants, and not having much to work for (a little bit like Boston). Him going to Cheum and voicing his concerns for Mew, even taking a little bit of heat from Cheum (you go girl), shows character development on Top's part, and honestly gives me a little bit of hope for their end game.
I want to touch on Mew for a sec, and his "relationship" with Ray.
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I think it is so intentional the way that they have framed this phrase for Mew and Ray. How Ray is someone that Mew "should" love, but obviously doesn't, because Mew loves Top and knows deep down that Ray will never fulfill that role in his life (the same way Mew can't fulfill that role in Ray's). Even hesitating to kiss him when they are alone is evidence enough that Mew is pretending.
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Curving Ray's kiss and saying they should go and have fun is ultimate "get me out of here" behavior. Mew doesn't want Ray. Simple as that.
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I also need to call out the fact that the next time we see RayMew kiss is because Mew is trying to prove a point to Top. Only then does he use Ray to make him jealous, but isn't actually willing to do it in private.
Top's face during this whole scene made me sad tbh. I really felt for him, he was manipulated by Boston and thrown under the bus by Nick. Overall, he did a shitty thing, but that doesn't mean he didn't love Mew or want to be a better person for him.
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This scene called to action the fact that Mew is still jealous over Top. Calling him and Boston out for sitting next to each other and telling them they're free to hook up again was funny but also important to TopMew's relationship.
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Top still being there for Mew, helping him when he was throwing up and then sitting next to each other on the floor gave me MAJOR SandRay Episode 1 parallels. But also look at Mew :(
He's asking Top why he has to be an asshole because he still loves him. He is in love with an asshole :((((( and I'd like to point out that this scene was the MOST chemistry that I have seen from these two thus far.
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Both of them are hurt, and are hurting for the other. I think deep down, Mew wants to make amends, but also he needs to do this for himself. He needs to spiral a little bit to realize where he is headed. he needs to make Top hurt a little (as sad as that may be).
Top on the other hand is hurt because he did this. He caught feelings, and then messed up the person he loves. He doesn't know how to fix what he broke, but also knows that they are meant to be.
This is what really changed my mind on them. Before it felt like both of them had masks, and didn't really see each other, but now they're both at low points, and seeing each other for the first time. But still loving each other from afar despite the turmoil they're going through.
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Top taking care of Mew after everything at the end of the night was so heartwarming. A man who probably has never been one to take care of others, spending what little time with Mew he can get.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where these two go, and huge props to ForceBook for the amazing acting job they're doing!
See you guys next week!!
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savethevamps · 1 year
Topmew: Our Favorite Lovebirds
Disclaimer: Please don’t come making backhanded comments about their relationship. If you wanna discuss them that’s fine, but it’s no reason to post blatant hate, or negativity disguised as compliments.
Topmew are the cutest couple guys, no really they are! They’re the definition of lovebirds and everyone needs to see them in action, so here’s a post just for that. This is also known as: Top and Mew sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g…
1. Their flirting. No one does cute, annoying flirting like Top and Mew! Oh you’re out to eat with them? Get ready to feel like the loneliness third wheel while these two burn a hole into eachother and get so close, you wonder if you’re intruding on something. (You are btw, never go out with them alone)
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2. Their teasing. No their flirting and teasing are not the same, if you end up in a room with them and they start teasing eachother, it’s time to run for cover. These two don’t hold back, it’s always so charged between them! Who is in control? We don’t know okay? All we know is it’s cute, it’s gross, we need to leave the room before we start seeing bare skin. I mean we would love to see it but these two don’t share so…
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3. Alright I know what everyone has been waiting for, yes their dates! We can all agree that Top is the #1 Boyfriend for all these dates he came up with like, wow man he really made a lot of people side eye their partner (I sure side eyed my exes). I can’t believe he was going all out like this and people still called him a player, this guy is a big lover boy!
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4. Their touches are always soft, they treat eachother so gently and with so much care. Their hands are always connected to some part of the other person’s body, and it’s always gentle, tender, soft, soft, soft! They treat each other’s body with care and respect, oh they’re so cute it’s disgusting
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5. They’re so enthusiastic about eachother. If one is talking, the other is on the edge of their seat listening and ready to learn more. They will fully turn their body away from everyone else just to make sure they don’t miss out on the words falling from the other’s lips. I mean they’re just eager to know about eachother it’s so, say it with me now, cute
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6. The respect they have for eachother needs to be mentioned. Listen, they will never try to force the other to change no matter what! They wish the best for each other but they’ll never push, they’ll stand aside and allow the other to make their own decisions, and still love them regardless. To them, it doesn’t matter what the other does as long as they continue to be happy and healthy; we love that for them truly
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7. The way they admire eachother. Now listen, we know they’re attracted to eachother we’re not fools, we can see. But the admiration in their eyes when they see the other doing something, or again when the other person is talking? Yes, that’s the good stuff right there. They admire the other as a person and of course they find each other attractive but man, those eyes get sparkly when they catch eachother doing something they love
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8. They do whatever they can to make the other’s life easier. Oh you can’t sleep because of trauma? Let me lay down with you silly boy. Some asshole bumped you with their bike and broke your glasses? Well I would go after them but you said no, so let me tape them up rather poorly. Whatever they can do to help, they’ll do it! They just want their lover to have an easy day, no matter what
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9. All they need is to be around each other. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they don’t have to talk; as long as they’re in each other’s company, they’re happy little campers. They get so giggly about it too, cmon guys it’s people watching you! They’re so comfortable in the other’s presence, they can relax as much as they like and let their guards down for once
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10. Speaking of being giggly, whenever they’re together they’re smiling! What’s so funny guys? We would like to know the joke too, but of course we wouldn’t get it cause it’s not a word, or a look; it’s just pure love. They just find happiness in everything the other does so it breaks across their faces and rises out of their lungs until they’re laughing and ticking the other to make them laugh too! I’m telling you, they can’t help themselves guys, they’re lucky they’re so cute or I would call them losers
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Anyway guys, that’s Topmew for you! These boys are in love and so cute it hurts. They just ooze love. No matter what way you flip it or reverse it, these two are in love. They say it with their eyes, their actions, and of course their mouths. They go the extra mile together, expecting absolutely nothing in return and it’s all because they’re in love. It really just pours out of them yknow?
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thewayuarent · 1 year
So the question I have is: Boston, why?
Like what was the point of this whole mess in the end of episode? I’m not complaining, I love mess, but I genuinely don’t understand. Especially the moment that he revealed the information about photos of Mew and Ray - to Ray. Wasn’t the smartest thing to do I would say.
So we see Boston in this episode being fine. Like he’s spending time with Nick and chilling and doing nothing dramatic. Even when Mew and Top come across - he does that bombastic side eye thing
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But ten seconds later he’s totally enjoying his time with Nick and doesn’t seem bothered at all
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We have Mew calling him with existing news TM and okay Boston is not happy there. But later he’s again totally fine with Nick, asking to stay over for the first time and it doesn’t look like he’s plotting something.
Even when he catches Sand and Ray he seems surprised but not in a bad way.
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Well, until Nick brings up the fact that it’s not the first time those two having quality time together
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And than they partying their shit out and having fun until what? What triggered Boston so hard? Nick asking SandRay about their relationship status? SandRay being clingy? Ray asking to stay over?
Like he shifted from this
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to this
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without any reason?
And okay, Jojo’s explanation here is fine - that’s how Boston is, he hates seeing people happy.
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But it’s not like Sand and Ray were that happy of a couple? I mean they were clearly wasted and enjoyed each other a lot. But so as Boston with Nick? And it’s not like SandRay have something Boston hasn’t. He literally has the same relationship with Nick - even better, because these two actually discussed their status. And while Boston doesn’t know about Nick’s obsession and him recording the car scene - from his perspective they are all great. So it’s not about jealousy. These two are way messier from his perspective
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Okay, Ray moving forward from Mew wasn’t part of his plan - but his plan already failed? So it’s not about TopMew thing. And anyway Ray wasn’t that important part of a plan in a first place.
And Boston seemed okay with Sand before, why hurting him? The whole “Sand has a right to know” topic is hmm okay but it’s not like Boston being real about his feelings towards Top with Nick so. Not about justice also.
So is it somehow about Ray? Like really Boston just doesn’t want his alcoholic suicidal friend (can I use this word or) to have some happiness in his life? That’s just cruel and also unreasonable. Or it’s just Boston being drunk and high and not controlling himself very well? Those situations can escalate quickly it’s a fact.
Can please someone explain to me what was his thought process here? Any assumptions please?
Side note but if somebody looked at me like Sand I would be really scared and shut up immediately
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In conclusion, Boston, go to your room and think about that behavior
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 year
Only Friends Episode 4 - Emergency Contact
Where very much needed conversations between most of the casts are done. And the water becomes murkier with even more messy connections and entangled characters. This is me again just trying to process what I saw and keeping my thoughts straight before the next episode
Mew and Ray
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Well, we learn more about Ray and why he is fixated with Mew. I feel like he has put Mew up in this pedestal of a perfect man/friend. Ray seems to have an obsessive personality and he has the need to be taken care of, which Mew has done so far as his closest friend, bar from one aspect - the one as a lover, and now with Top in the picture, he feels neglected somehow. It doesn’t help his poor self-esteem or his lonely soul.
Khaotung as usual nailed it with his opening performance of someone who was (may still be?) suicidal, using prescription pills and alcohol to numb his sorrows and loneliness. Mew being his emergency contact because he truly has nobody in his corner - no other close friends (maybe Chuem? certainly not Boston), an absent father and a dead mom (who we also learn probably don’t love him when she was alive, and Ray blaming himself for her death 🥲). And so, when Mew saved Ray that night, fiercely reminding him “I’ll always be in your corner. I love you, all our friends love you”, I don’t blame Ray for ditching Sand that night (he could have explain and handle it better but Ray as we now know is a disaster muffin 😫).
In some way, Ray is immature. He loves wholeheartedly but also selfishly, which in turn means he sometimes makes questionable decisions. Like him kissing Mew without consent? - a big 🚫🙅🏾‍♀️.
And I’m glad Mew called him out for it. It was a needed scene. Khao and Book handled the scene impeccably (both the aftermath and Ray’s subsequent sincere apology to Mew in the latter apartment). Similarly, I’m glad Mew made it clear to Ray while he will always think Ray as his dearest friend, that’s all they will ever be - yes it’s heartbreaking for Ray, but it’s a step for Ray to hopefully move forward, although I doubt he will be able to forget Mew as his first love/crush quickly, and my worry is as the episodes progresses and we see RaySand blossoming while TopMew in crisis - Mew calling Ray for help, the latter may again drop Sand (unintentionally or not) like a hot coal 🙃….
Ray and Sand
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Which brings us to my bias couple 😅….Sand was absolutely in his rights to ignore Ray’s messages after being ditch like that on the night. He has enough self-awareness about his burgeoning feelings for Ray but knows Ray is not ready for it (he may not know about Mew (yet),but Ray’s immaturity and selfish nature means Sand is wary to start anything deeper).
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But well, we all know Ray is a persistent gremlin and he is a sweet charmer when he wants to be. Paired that with his effective puppy eyes (gawd…I think we have seen it in effect 3-4 times now!!!), and Sand fold each time (I don’t blame you sir! 😂)
My favourite scenes from this episode (which I’m sure hold true for most SandRay bias) will have to be the guitar 🎸 shop and music record store scenes. The whole conversation between Sand and Ray in the guitar shop was 👌👌👌- Sand making it clear he is uncomfortable with Ray throwing money around, bluntly saying friendship and love cannot be bought and Sand advising Ray should be mindful of other people’s feelings. But we are again reminded how low Ray’s self-esteem is that he asked Sand to yell at him as a “burden to the society”, thinking it will make Sand forgive him. And when Sand does the opposite, I think there is a genuine surprise from Ray, which brought upon the soft scene of which we see Ray admits he cares about Sand feelings, wanting to make amend…
And then we penned to the music store scene where further much needed conversation between these 2 happen - that whole conversation about fav band and music was 🫶. As a metaphor of Ray being stuck and living the past, never taking the opportunity to embrace the future or open up to his present (with Sand again gently but firmly pointing it to him).
Plus the whole scene of them listening to the music record, sneaking glances at each other and their fingers gradually drifting closer while eventually intertwining 🥰🥰🥰(First killed it with his yearning and soft eyes in this episode, and Khao’s genuine smile light up his whole face - I’m a goner for these 2 🫠)
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We finished this episode with Ray now focusing all his energy in wooing Sand (do I think it means he has forgotten Mew as his first love?Not really, and I think that will be a contentious matter once Sand finds out, and I still think Ray alcoholism +/- drug habits will also rear its ugly head soon. Because as we can see, Ray has no interest at present to change or confront his trauma. For now, he is using Sand as a substitute (if I can put it this way? To run away from his problem and loneliness). But I have faith these 2 will hopefully come out relatively unscathed 🤞
Mew and Top
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Sigh…these 2 are so sweet together with Top always so attentive towards Mew. And I do feel he genuinely likes Mew. And Mew likes Top (he said it himself to Ray, Top is the first person his heart beat faster for). But urghhhh, Top’s lies are piling up. Not only did he betray Mew with Boston (and yes he regret it, but he didn’t come clean about the incident, even after finding out MewRay had done nothing more than 1 kiss TWO years ago). He also lied about Beam and his drug habits until Mew pressed it out of him. And yeah, I wasn’t a fan of the whole Top saying he wants a reward if he gave up his drug habits, suggestively indicating to Mew what he truly wanted was the sexual relationship he desired and up until recently being denied. And even when Mew said “no penetration”, he sneakily then volunteer another tidbit about his ex, trying to persuade Mew not to worry about the past.
You know, Mew’s list of what he thinks make a good partner/BF - I don’t think Top filled any of it (he doesn’t get along will ALL of Mew’s friend - Ray being the prime example and Mew knows this, he can see the tension and snide comments whenever these 2 interacts, he doesn’t respect Mew and he had lied countless of times 😩😣).
But I guess, love is blind and Mew may think he can change Top’s behaviour? (Kudos to Force and Book though, their actings were also amazing to watch! Can’t believe a sweetie like Force acting so arrogantly on screen that it made me want to throw my remote to the TV👌)
Top and Boston
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Which then comes to Top and his strenuous relationship with Boston. If anything, I’m at least glad Top expressed his regret about his lapse of judgment - having that ill-advised encounter with Boston. And I’m so glad he finally confronted Boston in the lift, putting a stop on Boston frankly disgusting behaviour (isn’t it twice now he sexually harassed Top? Once in the shower cubicle when he said No as well). No means No and Boston doesn’t seem to have learn his lesson (which frankly worries me about his other sexual conquests, are they all consensus??? And now we learn his father is into politics, so a scandal of any sorts by Boston will be a disaster; plus him taking pictures/videos without consent, like what he did with RayMew and using it to spin a web of lies on Top - yeah this guy is a massive red flag 🚩)
Boston and Nick
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Another big sigh from me. Nick is now realising how much of an asshole Boston can be, but I guess Boston has never really hid his intention. He has bluntly told Nick that he is not looking for a relationship - at most, FWB and I don’t think he promise exclusivity as well. Boston is promiscous and proud of it - his friends know it, and even Sand as an outsider has heard of his reputation.
But what I’m truly devastated for Nick is that how manipulative Boston can be. He knows how to twist words and sweet talk to placate Nick (not that Nick is trying hard to go against him because he loves Boston even if everyone of us here can agree he deserves better 😣). Boston gives false sense of hope to Nick, in order to basically have someone at his back to fulfill his sexual needs. Does that mean Boston stop his other “relationship?” I don’t think so, in fact, I won’t be surprised if he had other sexual partners (other than Nick) going on at the same time.
We can also agree Nick is not truly innocent in all of this mess - his obsessive love for Boston is spiraling out of control and bringing the worst in him. Him bugging Boston’s car? (A big 🙅🏾‍♀️), and then snooping on Boston’s phone (also not good behaviour). Plus, him listening to the sound of TopBoston going at it in his room (yeah..that’s a worrying sign 😫)…
(Again kudos to Neo and Mark, they played their roles 🫡🫡🫡 that I’m cursing everytime Boston opened his mouth and shaking my head whenever these 2 are on screen 😅)
Nick and Top
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Which brings to the scene of Nick confronting Top, asking Top to stop meeting Boston. And when Top clarified and say, it has always been Boston who did the chasing despite Top being uninterested, well…you can see Nick face fell.
And Top giving some advice on how Nick should be careful with Boston as he is truly a piece of work (well, it’s warranted but it’s like the pot calling kettle black, yeah?)
However, I think it’s truly sad (and quite ominous) when Nick calmly say he knows how nasty Boston can be, because he is nasty too (is that a foreshadow that Nick will seek revenge and destroy Boston’s future? esp now we know Boston dislikes getting his pictures taken with Nick for the fear of the scandal ruining his dad’s political aspiration??)
Top and Sand
It’s alluded in previous episodes that these 2 had a connection. And now we know, Top seduced (Is that the right word for it?) Sand’s ex. Sand is obviously still bitter about it but I’m thinking if your ex dump you for someone like Top, Sand is better off without him (just saying 💁‍♀️). But I am curious if the ex will come crawling back to Sand and cause havoc in SandRay newly blossoming relationship??? Or even to TopMew? - Esp with Top finally informing Mew about Boeing (seriously what’s with Thai’s nickname??? I snorted when Top said this out loud), an ex who gave him the plane model, which Top reassure Mew is no longer of consequence (if he is not that important, why did Top keep the plane? I might be wrong but I do think Boeing is the ex of both Sand and Ray??)
Sand and Nick
Ahhhhh, finally with all the headaches and mess from the rest of the characters, I’m glad to see some friendly, brotherhood like relationship between at least 2 of the characters 🥹🥹🥹🥹
I love their easy banter and the way they tease each other about their crushes (although said crushes are essentially disastrous in different ways). In a way, both Sand and Nick are also lonely individuals (or at the very least, we don’t see much outside of Sand/Nick working in their respective jobs and uni (presumably). So, having a genuine friendship that is not complicated - 🙌 I am super glad for them!!!
(Also, I’m still petitioning for Sand at some stage to go all protective bear on Nick and use the baseball bat that we saw in the pilot trailer to destroy Boston +/- Top’s car(s)?)
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(This episode was I think a pivotal one, where we are starting to see everyone’s motivation and character development - be it good or bad…as usual, I can’t wait for the next episode…is it Saturday yet?)
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psychdiarys · 11 months
Only Friends Ep 10: Brief Thoughts on All the Pairs
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"Sand, please understand me. Being with me requires patience."
They absolutely NAILED this episode! The way they handled the progression of Sand and Ray's scenes was so satisfying for me. I mean, I'm aware that Sand and Ray had their fair share of issues in previous episodes, but let's put all of that aside because this episode was about Sand's efforts to get Ray the help he needs.
From Sand's initial attempts to persuade Ray to go to rehab, the adorable flirting between them, to Ray testing Sand's courage (revealing his truth to his dad) without ACTUALLY making him to do it – it was all brilliantly executed.
And I couldn't help but CHEER when Ray tossed his bottles into the trashcan. LIKE THAT'S MY MAN! The entire confrontation between them after Ray discovered that his dad paid Sand to take him to rehab was SO intense. I CRIED. Like it's definitely one of, if not the best scenes, from this show.
FirstKhao's performance really touched me deeply, and Ray's emotional monologue in rehab at the end was incredibly heart-wrenching. It was a realization that Sand had been there for him all along without expecting anything in return. I must say, they executed this episode exceptionally well!
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"I'm nasty too. Don't we deserve each other?"
BostonNick has always been my favorite OF pair, hands down. Their dynamic can literally be summed up with, "Don't we deserve each other?"
Because, yes! Like people portray Nick as a pitiable victim of Boston's manipulation, who lacks self-respect, but it's FAR MORE COMPLEX. Nick isn't just a sad heartbroken loser. He's also a nasty person, as he admits.
Both of them have engaged in toxic behavior and done hurtful things, but deep down, they are just human. The reason Nick keeps returning to Boston, despite attempting to move on, is his pure love and understanding of Boston, a connection that no one else shares.
Nick has gone to great lengths, stooped really low, to attain Boston. So obviously, he cannot judge or punish Boston for the terrible things he does. Because they're equally deranged, your honour! Nick GETS Boston. And that's what moves Boston, especially because friends simply abandoned him without giving him a chance. They didn't even try to hear him out when he tried to defend himself. They all left. But Nick? Nick came back! Even after everything! Even after promising he won't!
Nick is the only one willing to give him another chance and risk it all for him! This sets Nick apart in Boston's life because Boston struggles with love & hurts people, but Nick is the one who believes Boston deserves love.
And damn, are they perfect for each other? Boston using the same method Nick originally used to seduce him in the first episode, a photo on his phone, to win Nick back? Delicious. Boston admitting that he doesn't take good care of things he owns? Nick saying that some things can't be replaced? Lovely metaphor game.
And then the rooftop scene. Obviously, both are trying to grow and become better, but it's clear that change doesn't happen overnight. Despite Nick promising he'd never show up in front of Boston again, he ends up on the rooftop with him. And Boston, who's trying to be more responsible with what he cares about, still attempts to act like he doesn't care when Nick arrives. Their personalities haven't suddenly transformed; they're simply trying to become better versions of themselves.
Boston slowly lowers his guard and decides to be vulnerable. And what actually flipped the switch for Nick is Boston admitting that he misses him, the first time Boston genuinely expresses something akin to love for Nick. And then all hell breaks loose. For the first time, they make love, not just fuck. Ugh, they stole the show.
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"You won't believe anything I say right now. But I will prove it to you."
I'm sooo sorry, but for some reason, TopMew have never resonated with me. I think it's because they've never had a truly sincere connection?
Initially, Top was interested in Mew simply to "try" being with a virgin, which is why he pursued Mew. He eventually develops real feelings for Mew, but by this point, Mew is unsure if Top's intentions are genuine. Mew tests if Top meets all his "criteria" or not. When Top finally "checks all those boxes" & Mew finally starts to trust him, Top ends up cheating on him. And now that Top is trying to win Mew back, Mew seems to be using Boeing as a way to teach him a lesson.
Their entire relationship feels like a game where each one is trying to gain the upper hand over the other. The "3-month dating rule" almost feels like a challenge. Initially, Mew plans not to sleep with Top for at least 3 months to see if Top can commit. Now, Top is attempting to prove that he can sustain a relationship for more than 3 months. Their storyline is honestly the worst for me.
I'm not suggesting that they don't have feelings for each other, but I don't find their dynamic enjoyable, and I'm not convinced they should end up together. I don't know if that'll change?
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in celebration of the finale: my top 5 moments from each only friends character so far
*top moments here means moments that had me screaming and pointing at my laptop like this guy*
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we had Top, next up: Mew
5. the dark dinner scene
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i actually liked this topmew moment, sue me. i thought it was cute he found someone who could make him smile like that, but i also like the set us up for the ep 6 reveal. like he has this daydreamy moment about top, but spends the episode getting paranoid over the other men interacting with him, they have sex so top won't get bored with mew, whose worried top doesn't feel as into the romance aspect as mew does. which i think makes the reveal next episode more heartbreaking because to mew it confirms all the things he was worried about and right after we got an episode of them just being happy together.
4. kicking boston into the pool
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this moment lived rent free in my head ever since i saw it in the trailer. fucking wild
3. "on the day i've already loved you and given you everything"
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banger line i still scream when i rewatch this moment like not only do i feel betrayed, but i feel used. iconic moment.
2. bath scene
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yall already knew it. like the facial expression is everything and i dont even fuck with facial expressions that much. also a great way to allude to him drowning boston and then pushing top into the pool just fantastic revenge plotting moment. kept everyone up at night for a week after seeing it in the preview.
1. the audio reveal
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obviously, i cannot imagine a scenario where i would pick a different scene like this is everything. the set up, the execution the way he held himself together just for this moment and starts to fall apart the second it happens. he had momentary power but at what cost. i remembering watching this scene for the first time and seeing him set up the speaker and thinking "how fucking wild would it be for him to start playing the audio lmao, he wont but it would be great" and because i had that thought but didn't believe it would happen i was 4385938593x more surprised when he ACTUALLY DID IT. perfect, petty, a delight to watch 10/10.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
episode 8 stray thoughts
i can't stop cussing at mew and ray because good Lord, what the hell?
it's so ironic how mew insists he's leading a happier life without top when it's the exact opposite. it's also saddening to me how mew downgrades himself to the lowest of lows and thinks he's mighty and high and doing well emotionally when he isn't. it's just so not mew and i kind of understand that— but still, as much as it hurts top, mew is the one hurting the most in this. the jokes are on him, honestly. he's the one shattering.
and i love how top undresses mew— it's the first time he has ever done that. even when they had sex, they never undressed each other. but this moment right here kind of justifies that top sees mew beyond sex— top just really loves mew. and he's there to take care of him. he's there to exist for mew— even if he is no longer wanted. i'm going to pretend that top didn't say it was okay if he didn't get to be with mew in the end. that didn't hurt me one bit (i was choking on my own saliva because that killed me for real).
honestly, i'm so mad at ray. he... please don't make sand your second option. please don't toy with his feelings. i can't handle that, really. it's about freaking time you realise mew doesn't— and will never— love you that way. wake the f up, ray. please.
chuem, honest to God, thanks for knocking some senses in their heads. they really need this wake up call because no one is effing sober in this household but you and april. (and i kind of like this chuem/top friendship. i think she knows top's feelings for mew are genuine. i'm glad someone actually sees through top's feelings other than us the audience). if not, i'm going to bawl my eyes out because it's so obvious that top loves mew more than anything at this point...)
boston, really, are you going to be like this until the end? i wonder if something's going to happen to him? because i'm seriously rooting for nick and phi dan now... but i think atom will end up crying? does it have to do with boston? will he sleep with boston and end up being just like nick? will atom think he's special in boston's life? goodness. good luck then, atom. (and phi dan freaking ask nick to call him daddy dan. Lord. i died.)
chuem and april! i love you both. thank you so much. april, you're the best girlfriend ever. always level-headed and calm. it's so nice to see women characters not being interpreted as messy or emotional. (because ofts is where the guys are a mess of feelings and just very volatile). wonderful.
that little moment between mew and top though. "why do you have to be an asshole, top?" i just want them to talk things out because you can't convince me mew doesn't love top still. top is the only person in his head 25/8. and it breaks my heart how comfortable top and mew look together, lying on the same bed, sharing body heat. the look of contentment on mew's face as top embraced him from behind, and the fear in top's eyes because God knows if this is only for the night and not for tomorrow. i think top can't sleep at night. imagine how devastating that is. and how liberating it feels to be with someone who helps him sleep better. i'm crying.
i don't know where topmew's story is going, but i'm glad sand is just honest with his feelings. i hope that will help ray realise the person he loves is sand and not mew. i really want to see sand and ray together. sand deserves to be happy. ray too.
and please, top, don't give up on mew, okay? i know it's like going back to square one, but if you really love mew, please don't surrender too soon. mew will eventually come back— because only you can save him top. only you can save mew.
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heretherebedork · 11 months
Here we are, almost at the finish line, and for the life of me I still don't get it. They are all messed up, confused, broken people. So... Why so much Top hate? I mean, even if we considered what he did cheating, since when is cheating a high crime in bl? That have been actual crimes committed by characters in this show and that's apparently fine. So why can't Top shake whatever image people assigned to him 9 episodes ago?
I dunno. Honestly, I like Top more now than I did at the start but I'm still not super attached.
Top is interesting but I feel like a lot of that interesting is being held back for some reason?
But I will be clear that a lot of BL fans absolutely consider cheating to the be the Pinnacle of Worst Things Possible in most shows and most relationships. Cheating has long, long been a high crime in BL and is the cause of like 90% of miscommunications in shows based on misunderstandings and assumptions of cheating.
But in the context of Only Friends? Top's biggest issue for me isn't the cheating, it's that he... has this air of trying to be perfect all the time in a way that doesn't work and I don't find that interesting, honestly?
He and Mew spent the first half of the show basically trying to act out their own little romcom of a BL that didn't really fit the energy everyone else was bringing or that I was expecting from the show. And I now struggle to see how Top fits into the world and into these relationships.
Top has spent most of the series sort of... outside of everyone else and not just as in the actual friend group. He's the addict who basically claims to instantly shake his addiction, he's traumatized but in a way that doesn't seem to affect him too badly (the scene of not wanting to take the sleeping pills anymore was good but I need more than that), he's a top tier guy who doesn't do serious relationships but he only has one ex we hear about or meet and Boeing is the best trash ever but I can see why you might not wanna pursue a longterm relationship with him.
My views on Top have changed but at the core I just don't find him to be a super interesting character. He has had good scenes (all my favorite scenes of his are with Boston and Sand) and I wish we'd gotten more of him with the other characters and less of him with Mew. He plays off everyone else so well in terms of being more fully realized as a character.
I dunno. I'm not invested in TopMew as a couple because I think they were presented and then proceeded in a way that doesn't fit with the vibes of anyone else but also in a way that feels... shallow.
I could not explain to you why Top loves Mew. I couldn't explain why Mew loves Top. Because their love just feels like it was written Because They're A Branded Pair Of Actors.
I am struggling to put more words into this.
But definitely part of it is that Top is written as a kind of foil for Ray as well but in order to fulfill that role he has to be what Ray isn't while also being what Ray is (just like Boeing and Mew) and that means he has to have the addiction and the trauma but he has to have gotten past them (like Boeing has morals and understands maturity but has gotten past that and gone right into being trash but trash with morals).
There's a lot that goes into what makes people dislike characters or find them to be ones that just aren't as engaging or interesting and I think the show did Top and Mew a bit dirty in the relationship development by having them both trying from the start because they started trying before they got to know each other and then the show kind of FFed their getting to know each other bit while showing us deeper moments with the other couples.
Or at least that's how it felt to me.
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jenyifer · 1 year
The only love story in Only Friends is Boston and Nick. And I'm saying this after spending the first four episodes being completely uninterested in their arc. But all kudos to Neo and Mark for fleshing these two completely, morally dubious characters so well, particularly since they barely get any time on screen. And a special mention to the goodbye scene, I don't think anybody was dry-eyed when Nick walked away.
I whole heartedly agree. We heard from somewhere that NeoMark were cast first because originally the story was about them and TopMew were the side ship. Then SandRay were added in later. I think if you look at the story through what could have been that’s why Boston and Nick’s feels the most feelings oriented. Despite all their scenes taking me less than 30 mins to watch. NeoMark really work their asses off in that time. There is not a moment where I think about their previous characters and both characters are certainly not shallow in their motivations. Their music choices are also so incredibly pure. I assumed at first this was to show Nick’s POV but I’m tempted to say it’s both of theirs. Their vocal songs go from longing for love to acceptance that no matter what they are on the same page to being overjoyed in eachother without a label to only wanting each other to wondering if their relationship was a dream? Just fucking beautiful shit. I look forward to what ever little crumbs I get of them every week because I do feel like Boston and Nick have always irrationally loved eachother even if Boston couldn’t name it and he definitely tried to deny it.
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I love SandRay. I can see why it was added. But you are 100% right it’s not a love story. SandRay is a story of addiction. Ray is horribly selfish and depressed. He can barely see Sand despite him standing right in front of him. FirstKhaotung are incredibly popular from Eclipse and their chemistry can confuse people into thinking “yeah this is how healthy relationships go” but really it’s a fucked up tale of heart breaking reality. Ray keeps stepping over every line Sand rightfully puts up and has no regard for Sand’s emotions. As much as I love Nick I don’t particularly like him pushing SandRay because yeah Sand Loves Ray but unlike Boston Ray doesn’t truly love Sand back. Hopefully that will change.
And TopMew I hate to talk about. I’m not 100% sure if my hate for Mew isnt inspired from hate for an ex that reminds me of him. Top…. Is…. Interesting but I don’t think he really loves Mew. In my opinion they love the idea of eachother without seeing the real thing like the date in the dark. But as I said I might just hate them for personal reasons so 🤷🏻 I don’t think it’s love though.
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chickenstrangers · 9 months
2023 gifs in review tag game
tagged by @khaotunq (here!) to post my favorite/most popular gifs throughout the year. thank you!!🩵🩵🩵
I only started making gifs partway through this year, so there was a big learning curve and i still think i'm pretty newbie but it has been a lot of fun and it's nice looking back on how much i think i've improved, though i have so much left to learn next year
i am going to ramble too much because this is my post, fair warning, forgive my self indulgence
this was the very beginning, back in the photopea days before i tried photoshop (i am still quite fond of photopea, 1. because it is free and 2, for stills i think it's just as good as photoshop, but i could never figure out how to make gifs look good with its dithering system. i have seen some remarkable gifmakers using photopea tho so that's a my limited skill problem, and i'm glad i used it to dip my toes into the process!)
i only posted 1 set for abaab this month which looks not good but is still a very fun scene, but this was not actually the first thing i made (see below).
most popular: msp finale, tinn knowing all the words to gun's song <3
favorite: moonlight chicken, my first ever gifset and the reason i got into gifmaking because i wanted to capture the way moonlight chicken visually returned to locations and shots to underline its theme of loneliness being replaced by community, which is the mlc repetitions series
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most popular & favorite: kiss me again (2018) and the lovely way june say's goodby to his friends (i learned how to add text to gifs for this one, and not only that but timed text! i thought it would get like 5 notes. it's very messy and doesn't look great, but i'm proud that i learned something with it, and i think its very funny and that's all that matters to me)
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it's photoshop time now!! photoshop beloved you make such beautiful gifs and also you are So Slow and my computer cannot handle you.
most popular: only friends original trailer set
favorite: jimwen looking at each other set (the start of my most belovedest of series, the followup to the first ever meta i wrote)
most popular: part 1 of the can't i look at you edits, cool tones edition
favorite: part 2 of the can't i look at you edits, warm toned edition (i love them both but this has two of my all time favorite wen faces)
hey its my profile picture and also i find it very funny that the Os line up with his eyes, and the second gif i love how impossibly happy they look
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my busiest month in terms of gifs, in large part due to only friends
most popular: topmew and fire
favorite: alanwen poetry edit i spent soooo long learning keyframes for the heartbeat effect and then the ghosting effect was a happy accident thank you person in the background walking past at the right moment
(i also love my charn laws of attraction set because he was a surprise favorite character this year, i loved collecting the quotes for how he speaks of himself)
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most popular: only friends sandray finale parallel set (it is. very very close to 1k which is. so many).
favorite: he's coming to me edit because it was so fun to make for @dudeyuri
most popular: not me sean and black getting along super duper well!
favorite: moonlight chicken haunted house edit, accompanying this meta/creative writing thing. i loved choosing liminal feeling shots for it and i liked how the simple typography turned out
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most popular: a little jim and wen set i am very fond of
favorite: the moonlight chicken new years set i posted today. i love this little chicken diner
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hey look i managed to mention moonlight chicken almost every month (i swear, i watched so many favorite shows this year but i loved making mlc gifs so much)
and that's that! thanks for reading if anyone read til the end.
no pressure tags for some amazingly talented creators who have made some of my favorite sets this year (if you feel like talking about some of your highlights, whether monthly or not, because you all make so much incredible work and i'd love to hear about it) : @hoppipolla @sollucets @icouldhyperfixatehim @celestial-sapphicss @chinzhilla @krystaljungs @moonkhao and anyone who wants to, consider yourself tagged <3
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savagebisand · 1 year
The girls are fighting but who brawled first and Who Makes Mew 180 Next Ep? From disgust and disbelief at Rays accusations to Confronting Top...
Seen a couple theories posited that the SandRay fight is actually before the RayMew fight and at first I was like there is no way buuttt now I'm thinking about it more I can see a scenario playing out
Imagine Ray is riled up by that point and hellbent on telling Mew what he discussed with Boston earlier, they argue about Rays choice to tell Mew what he knows about Top and Ton because Sand just seems the person to go that's only gonna make it worse, Ray is refusing to listen and Sand snaps with "can't you focus on me instead" and Ray who is now Decidedly Pissed Treble because Sand is not listening and agreeing, everyone is lying to his best friend and wants him to play along aNd Sand wants to ask him to pick right now to focus on their issues instead. This is quite frankly far too much for Rays smooth pretty rich brain to problem solve at once. He tells Sand he has no business in it and what even are they to each other anyway and when Sand can't really answer the question bc isn't that Rays choice, enough is enough. Sand is in his way and he's on a mission, so an already desperate and exhausted Ray shoves Sand aside. Literally. Goes in all guns blazing to tell Mew a truth he thinks Mew deserves because how can this possibly go wrong? Ray is being good. He is looking after the person he said he would save back.
Mew, on the other hand, does not want and is not ready for this truth especially not from a rowdy Ray who has always had an issue with Top and kissed him just last week anyway. This is jealousy talking right? What else should Mew think when Ray just told Mew he hasn't moved on from him in years and still loves him. Oh the tragedy. But oh the glee. Because if this is the case and Sand follows Ray back in to battle because FFS he's infuriating but he cant leave Ray in that state and seemingly picks Ray up from his mortal kombat style finish him blow from Mew (again literally and metaphorically). There is ample room for Sand taking a hurt and shell shocked Ray home and providing that oh so sweet hurt/comfort. Perhaps we will get SandRay patching bruises up together, finally. Perhaps they can finally have that communication they blocked off last ep. That is, ya know, before Ray realises without Mew as a bluff he might actually be allowed to love Sand and that's impossible, time to push Sand away with five times the force.
Sidenote: It is very interesting to observe that Nick is there as well. Now Sand did not shock me after all he's the bar singer and that is the bar, he may not be there for Mew but this is where we find Sand anyway when Ray isn't with him. But Nick? Nick has never entered that bar space before, in a way it hasn't tainted him the way it has all the others. It's another thing he hasn't been exposed to that sets him apart. But suddenly Nick is there in this world with the core four once again seeing different sides of them. Arguably, he has no business being there, he's not friends with them really and Boston has never made a point of showing him off before unless it benefits Ton to do so (e.g. the pool party where Nick was in charge of a specific job). He could be there for Sand which, again, is interesting.
Even more intriguingly, we can see Title's character in the background of the RayMew fight scene. Evidently, this character is significant somehow, enough to be in the opening credits. I'm very much side eyeing what his role is here and now of all moments. I do think there's a strong chance after Nick witnesses RayMews showdown, he takes it upon himself to confirm what Ray claims to Mew. I don't see Mew believing anyone else but someone seemingly inconsequential, with no reason to lie other than Nick. And we do have the TopMew fight in this ep as well so evidently Mew starts believing Rays talk at some point.
The only other possibility I could see right now is feral protective Sand trying to back Ray up, pissed as hell that Rays pretty face looks so beat up and devastated, by throwing an off hand comment out that makes Mew double take and realise Ray is telling the truth because again he approves of Sand, thinks Sand is lovely and doesn't see why he'd lie. Sand knows as much as Nick does so either of them have the potential to be candidates Mew would rather hear the hard truth from.
Then again, sometimes this show blindsides us into thinking there will be more drama than there really is. It's quite possible Mew only starts to believe what Ray claims because one of Tops ex flings crops up and gives mew some sort of vague warning that seems to corroborate things mew had already noticed and ignored and what Ray was accusing Top of. I'd rather it be Nick personally cause I love that crazy gone girl. But I do agree with others who have pointed out Mew and Ton have another confrontation later which is more likely to be about the cheating, in which case it makes sense for Nick to bite his tongue for now esp since Boston is currently where Nick wants and being more "coupley" toward him and if Mew and Top have relationship drama, it may only push Ton toward Top more again.
That does lead me to wonder if Sand being the one to back Ray up in this RayMew showdown and make Mew doubt Top where Ray couldn't is what prompts Nick and Sands fight where Nick claims Sand has embarrassed him and hurt his feelings and Sand argues why should you care, he's an asshole. I could see why Nick would be hurt and annoyed if Sand telling Mew causes issues for Nick and Ton because ya know Boston's in a pissy since Mew is off with him, Tops giving him shit since clearly Boston gave shit away and perhaps Sand even lets something slip like "just ask Nick" which is why HE personally is embarrassed cause now Ton is also onto him. Also Sand stands with the most to gain. It pushes Ray into his arms more to be there for him when everyone else is dismissing him, esp Mew and Sand doesn't like Top in the first place and knows Top has a habit of carelessly fucking other people and putting his feelings first.
But this is only friends, maybe in reality the argument RayMew have isn't even about Top anymore by the end of it, maybe what Ray tells Boston he knows which clearly makes Boston nervous has nothing to do with BostonTop at all. From the small snippets we have we truly have barely any context but these are some scenarios I'd like for the timeline of things.
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forcebookish · 1 year
i was hoping this ep would finally get people to see topmew for what they are but instead i'm baffled by all the "top and mew were both playing eachother but then caught feelings along the way" takes i'm seeing. based on what? top calling mew interesting and saying he wanted to date him all the way back in ep 2? and don't get me started on people acting like mew was doing something sinister by simply wanting to get to know top before sleeping with him. THATS LITERALLY CALLED DATING!!! like omg i know im beating a dead horse here but i am genuinely so confused by how they are perceived as a couple. is it because they take boston (the #1 manipulator and liar) at face value?? like what is going on here
NOT EVEN EPISODE TWO, ANON, IT'S EPISODE ONE!!!!! he says he wants to date him in episode ONE, asks him out in EPISODE ONE. he calls him interesting three times, and cites it as the reason he wants to date him TWICE.
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top and mew even say they like each other!!!!!
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literally any character, but especially top and mew, will just express a feeling and there are people in this fandom that will really be like, hmmm but what did he mean by that hmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔
and the amount of weird shit i've seen people say that just... straight up didn't happen? mind-boggling. i once saw someone say that mew "rolled his eyes without rolling his eyes." like, fam, i don't know how to break this to you... but he didn't roll his eyes lmao the other day i saw someone say they thought top and boston were going to sleep with each other again because they 'remembered seeing top open a door and kiss him' in the trailer - this clip does not exist. i saw someone tweet that the fight in episode 6 was the first time that top knew what he did was wrong and people actually retweeted it!! hello!?!????
if i respond directly at all, lately i've taken to asking, "why do you think that?" and then i watch as they scramble to explain it and their whole "theory" just crumbles as they cite stuff that either didn't happen or they deliberately misinterpreted. not that they change their minds when i point that out 🤡 (are they the clown or am i the clown?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
it's like a mass hallucination. i really need these people to either stop watching or go back and rewatch it from the start without any of their weird expectations about what they think the drama "should" be about, but to just watch it with their eyeballs and read the god damn subtitles, and not believe a word boston says lmao
for some reason they took "realistic group of gay friends" and made it "the last season of game of thrones but BL." what the drama actually is is good, whatever the hell drama they're watching sounds like it's really poorly written lol almost like a bunch of chronically online BL-brainrotten weirdos made up a bunch of shit in their heads and vomited it onto the screen.....
i mean, what game are topmew playing exactly? what's the goal? like you said, they're literally dating... "caught feelings" is especially funny in this context like, oh, you mean... the point of dating? lol if there were some kind of agenda we would have known what it is by now.
look, i get that i'm at a level of obsession that few people can achieve and maintain. i am the epitome of that community quote: "i am not a fan, i am not a groupie, i am an academic." but... come on... make it make sense!!!! i can't imagine that casual viewers who aren't involved in fandom and never saw the trailer would ever, ever come up with these bizarre interpretations, which should clue you in right away that it's all bullshit.
at least we have the silver lining that they finally realize that topmew are in love (an episode late lmao), teeny tiny though it may be. thanks for dropping by, anon, and for being as frustrated as i am 🫰😭🫰
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idleorbitals · 1 year
only friends ep 3 watch through (part 1/2)
!! the mess is here. the mess is here and so am I
we open on nick catching even more feelings over bostonnick sex montage. oh this is painful to watch. lmao @ the of directors being the ones to give nick the tweet replies he doesn't want to hear though
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I have to say I am such a sucker for the kind of aw noise boston makes at 2:26 it would get me too. but right after this he sits up and says the most manipulative shit about ~we might become something more~ nick baby. get out of there
raysand softest wake up together scene. this is very tender for a one night stand situation. my expectations for what we're supposed to want for them keep getting overturned. what I want for them has remained consistent but not bc of anything rational just bc I'm a simp
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moment of silence for first kanaphan special acting ability where he manages to look like he's gazing softly up at khaotung's character while towering over him
moment of silence for sand who is already gone for ray and realizing it a little
moment of silence for ray who is still flirting having fun and feeling fancy free. oh boy when you torpedo this everyone will suffer you included
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The Friends (tm) are eating and planning a pool party. they are having a fun chat about all the crazy things the cctv they want to put in is going to pick up. you know when you create all these opportunities for the narrative to screw with you it will babes.
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ray remembers he knows a hot musician and volunteers to take care of the djing in a way that is so sus that the rest of the friends get comic whiplash sound effects and an eagle scream about it
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topmew date time. sorry legitimately the only thing I can think about in this scene is how if everyone is dancing to different music everyone will look foolish as heck. forcebook really selling it here
I lied I have another thought and it's that these lyrics they are singing make me feel like the narrative is slapping me in the face
everyone regards me as a bad guy / I'm a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually / in the end, he's the one who has your love / I want to be a hero, but villain is my role
ok calm down top
if some of that's not metaphorical tho...yikes yikes
*begin vid section [2/4]*
an old familiar hookup comes to flirt with top in front of mew. can't totally read this dynamic. mew is clearly a little jealous but doesn't really have the standing to say anything. much like top's encounter with boston in the shower last week he's pushing away just a little but not putting his arm into it. top what is your game here?
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nick getting boston to help him move lmao. that's right use him babe
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sand is connecting dots. about bostonnick and about the hostel. ding ding ding baby you're all tangled up in this thankless situation. I wish I could have hope about sand and nick being good for each other bc they seem like the two most sympathetic characters this storyline currently has to offer but unfortunately my guess is they will both be too hung up on other people to be any real help to one another. and/or nick's going darkside idk you guys I'm starting to wonder. more on that coming up
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ray wants to hire sand for ~party fun times~ so he goes to his work mom yo to clear it with her first. she says /why are you trying to get me wrapped up in your mess I'm a pure character/ and ray, about his intentions toward sand, rasps out "nothing is suspicious" while clearing his throat and shaking his head very quickly to indicate that nothing is suspicious.
yo's bf arrives on the scene to act as another character pointing out ray's day drinking. sorry ray the narrative agrees it's problematic to hang out at a bar all day when you're not sleeping with someone on staff. yo and bf have a cute moment and ray goes sweet and starry eyed about it.
ray: "can I get one like that?" p'yo: "here comes sand"
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sorry I legitimately cannot continue without taking a moment for sparkly princess ray here. wtf. this look is, of course, aimed at sand but honestly that's not even what's important to me right now
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cut to sand doing some of the most inefficient chopping work known to man while ray stands around flirting prettily with him and asking for favors.
trailer teasing us yet again on their dynamic. ray is the first one to say "you think I want you as my boyfriend? of course not!" while sand takes a long sip of his water and stares into the middle distance. oh sand.
sand calls him an asshole (affectionate)* again and gets up to go. ray grabs him by the arm and asks with feeling if he is really okay with this, which is the narrative reminding us that we are still allowed to sympathize with him even when he's being a little shit bc he understands consent. they have a nice little ~what are we~ conversation which, like—even though we know it's not actually going to work out ok for either of them even over the course this episode—is some pretty healthy communication, especially stacked right up against everything we've had from boston and nick this week. I'm honestly consistently surprised ray is being allowed to be a decent person but I'm not complaining
*nearly every time the subs say "dickhead" "asshole" etc what the characters are actually calling each other is สัตว์ "animal". I get that this is a more commonly used insult in thai but I think it almost holds up as a direct translation in terms of relative weight and I sort of wish it was glossed more consistently somehow. idk someone come tell me more tho
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back at the pool nick meets top, who he recognizes from the photo booth pictures he found at boston's. they get a set of villain zooms, one each top and nick. nick baby don't do anything sand wouldn't do ok?
back to one of nick's online-in-a-dark-room moments. he's stalking top and finding boston comments all over his ig. the camera is not looking kindly on him here. something something the toxicity of jealousy and obsession. nick has real feelings involved so he's already at a disadvantage in his dynamic with boston, but suddenly I get the sense that boston is not necessarily safe, even if he's not going to catch feelings
how is sandray of the messy unrequited friend thing the only safe dynamic of the Big Three
(part 2) (all ofts watch throughs)
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hughungrybear · 11 months
Me watching Only Friends Ep 11:
1. B*tch, this show has no right to make me cry in the first 5 minutes of this episode so early in the morning. ��😭😭 I feel so much for Yo. At least Yo and Plug are back into each other's arms.
2. Again, Mew irritates me. He decided to give his relationship with Top another shot, but the way that he is acting shows that he has already checked out of this relationship. Why even bother with second chances? For revenge? Why waste your time??? Just cut Top loose and move on.
3. I'm not saying Top deserves another chance (imo, he doesn't) but I'm with him in this one. Again, it was Mew who decided to give their relationship a go. He could have walked away and cut all ties with Top. But nooooo. He wants to prolong this sh*tty love story, for what? For the angst???
4. I hope Nick can still have his dream job after he eventually comes clean (and breaks Daddy Dan's heart) 😔
5. Oh, is Sand finally blocking Ray? Looks like it. 🧐 <after five minutes> Nooooo. Gods dammit. This the second time I'm crying and its just the first part of Episode 11. WTH.
6. Finally. Some healthy communication between Ray and Sand 😭😭😭
7. So, after failing to cause significant havoc on TopMew's life (because let's face it, those two don't need another reason to be toxic to each other), Boeing would try to wreck Sand's life? The fvck.
8. Nick and Boston. As I said in the previous episode, no matter what they decided their relationship is going to be (open, poly, etc), it looks like is going to be healthy as they are both accepting of each other's faults at this point. Also, Nick helping Boston with his Atom problem is 🤌
9. Boston and Nick truly said to Atom: "This is my villain origin story" 😅😅😅
10. Boston to Atom: "How can you love me when we only slept together once? Just because I'm the first guy you slept with?"
Yeah! That's my question too! Seriously, Atom's got (mental) problems and Boston ain't one of them 😂
11. "But you turned me into gay!" Atom, b*tch, you did not go there. Being queer is not contagious. Don't make me slap you. 🤬
12. TopMew. I am exhausted just looking at you, two. 😑
I did not see any ForceBook series in GMMTV's Up & Above trailer party. I think I might need to re-watch A Boss and A Babe after this series just to remind me of sickeningly sweet (without ulterior motives) ForceBook moments 😭😭😭
13. It is clear - only the lesbians have a semblance of healthy, thriving relationship all through out this series (CheumApril and Mew's mums) 😅
14. Let's just say, Ray's confidence is giving me life 😂
15. It's a good thing Cheum's relationship with April is solid. Otherwise, the girl is an idiot. She has known Boston for a long time. Granted, it was her little brother doing the slandering but the least she could have done is give Boston the benefit of a doubt.
16. Boston committing to a monogamous relationship? Really? But I get Nick. Nick's fear was essentially the same as Yo's fear.
17. It's a given that Boeing is trash, but can't he at least be trash somewhere else? 😂 Leave Sand alone. Sand being a magnet of trashmen is just 😔 At least, Ray is working on improving himself for Sand.
18. Ray's offence is the best defence is, again, giving me life 😂 It's the battle of the trashmen 😂😂
With that preview, looks like Boston will cross paths with Boeing too. Now, I don't know how to feel about things LOL. Let's hope the final episode will give us a good conclusion. I'm not even sure if I would want a season 2. This series is stressing me out 😭😭😭😭
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