#i love minecraft hybrids and the concept of like
jetra4ivor · 11 days
What I love about MCSM is that it takes the meta conventions of the game and makes it textual in an Eldridge Horror style way.
What if there actually was a block that could warp and control all of reality. What would you do with that much power? Would you use it for good or selfish reasons?
What if there were portals that took you to different worlds? Would it be fun, or would it be terrifying that you’d never find a way back home?
What if you spawned on a skyblock challenge map and had no concept that the world exists below you?
What if you could die again and again and there were no repercussions? And what if in that world an authoritarian government forced you to become a gladiator?
What if you spawned in the word with the powers of an Admin and could literally reshape the world to your selfish whims?
What would the implications of a real mob grinder be?
What are the implications that exploring the world beyond your initial spawn results in updated things that you’ve never seen before? Would it be better to be an explorer or would you rather hunker down in a permanent home where everything was safe?
What if an Eldridge god literally buried the entire world in darkness forcing you to fend for yourself amid the hybrid of mobs that naturally generate in the dark?
What if someone stole your skin and wore it to pretend to be you?
Like all of these things are Minecraft things fans do. You can change your default skin. You can build mob grinders. You can use command blocks and admin controls to reshape the world. Updating versions allows for new terrain to generate. You can play in spleef and skyblock challenges. You can play on different servers with different rules to your own world.
What makes MCSM so great is that they don’t try to explain who the Piglins are, or why there are so many Zombies, or anything. They just treat Minecraft’s weird mechanics and rules as FACT, and build the story around the things we as players DO with those facts.
And they treat them completely straight and not as gimmicks. THAT is the power of MCSM. That is why this series has outlasted Legends and Dungeons. THAT is why fans like this series. Like… They don’t have to explain why a crafting table works, it just does because it’s Minecraft and that’s how crafting tables work in Minecraft!
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otherside-wanderer · 1 month
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Hybrid sorter hub and its three branches - read more about its structure, how it works, and the development process below the cut!
General Structure
For this survival world, my friends and I decided to split up our resources in three different branches, all connected by one central hub. The fourth "branch" is an access hallway (not shown) that contains minecart rail stations. As of now, only one station is built, but the hallway also contains a room where any unsorted items flow out to - this room also contains its own sorter input!
You might notice redstone bulbs in the copper pillars along each hallway - activating these will reveal both a crafting table and stonecutter at the base of the pillar for easy crafting access. Also, the three branches have their own quirks since they were each organized and completed by a different builder - see if you can spot any differences (aside from the items being sorted)!
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Redstone & Underbelly
During development, we decided that the sorter didn't need to be fully automatic like our last one - instead, we wanted a way to combine automatic and manual sorting, hence this hybrid design. Only the top rows (and about a dozen barrels in the middle and bottom rows) along each branch leverage automatic sorting - this was to simplify the sorter design and allow for better scalability. This is also why some of our most plentiful items are placed on the top row. We love Minecraft updates, but adding new blocks and items to a sorter can be tough!
Including manual sorting allows us to store unstackables as well as different kinds of items in the same barrel. Although there are some great designs out there for unstackable or multi-item sorters, we wanted this build to be our own and not have to worry about chunk alignment, minecarts, or having to construct it with build assist tools. If you're interested in the redstone for our automatic sorter modules, check out this post about our previous sorter! Our current one applies the concepts in similar ways.
Like our last sorter, @shewholistens has been doing an amazing job standardizing and decorating the Underbelly, which is still in progress. Having all of our sorter modules and hopper lines accessible (and good-looking) is such a boon, especially when doing work behind the scenes. Currently, the Underbelly is accessible via hidden doors at the end of each branch!
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Development process
This was a big project. Since building our last sorter, we learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, and decided to carry that knowledge over to this one. In our new world, we put together a document detailing things we wanted in our sorter and how they would all fit together. These included item organization, a hybrid sorting system, input and output chests, crafting access points, a player-friendly underbelly, and - of course - decoration.
This prep work was by far the most important part of the sorter building process, and it allowed us to break the project into small, manageable pieces. It reminded me a lot of the work I do as a software engineer, and it was so exciting to see the sorter get built module by module, branch by branch.
Before I forget - huge thanks to @indigoforiver for convincing me that we needed a sorter! Our chest/shulker monster was... very bad...
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leapdayowo · 5 months
Redstone and Skulk OC time :3
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Thought I’d turn my persona into a rns oc and give them a helsmet :3 I basically looked at my play style in Minecraft and took a few things from my own life and combined them to create these two! Short version about them below and a little story of their origins under that:
short version:
-Leapday_art (short version Leapday, she/he/they, the player) is afraid of losing important things in their life. He is very cautious about doing anything that could result in him dying and loosing everything in his inventory (sleeps through the night everytime to avoid monsters, barely visits the nether, strip mines, etc) +the cats next to Leapday are two of my darling kitties who unfortunately passed away irl, their names are Toby (left) and Toes (right)
-Nightfall_collections (short version Nightfall, all pronouns, the helsmet) was created from Leapday’s extreme fear of losing valuables and her grief from having lost valuables too many times. Xyr driving goal is to collect and preserve everything that xe can and to make sure there is always at least one copy
-other things about Nightfall: she is a magma cube hybrid while Leapday is a ??? hybrid player (if you read the story below this may make more sense👀). Nightfall can split into smaller duplicates which allows them to be in more places at once and thus more productive in their goal. She uses her goop-like body to write reminders on her clothes, then re-absorbs the goop later
-I think Nightfall would find himself as an organizer between lots of different parties/people in Hels due to being so dedicated to his goal + only being dedicated to this goal (his alignment is probably chaotic good because he’s loyal to his own goals and not to other people or outside rules. He does not take bribes or backstab). Also, Nightfall does not need to have possession of everything, but xe is trying to keep tabs on where everything that exist is at(this makes xem the go-to person for trying to obtain something in particular)
-I think Nightfall would become a sponsor (if that’s the right word?) for the Order of Remembrance because she greatly admires the work they do to preserve Hels’ history. She would also love Zedaph’s hall of all and definitely tries to work with private collectors to protect (and document/track) what they have (and she will keep what she knows a secret if it means protecting valuable things)
-Nightfall does not care about thieves unless they steal one of a kind things
-the doodles below were my earlier concepts, so Nightfall has green eyes before I realized it’s much more fitting for xem to have orange eyes
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okay, okay, story time (because I realized the ‘short’ version was getting very extensive):
Maybe it had started in the very first world she spawned in. A brilliant blue sky that stretched over jagged, looming cliffs with forests scattered underneath. Trickling waterfalls and bubbling lava pits here and there. The natural beauty of the world left Leapday in awe and eager to explore what other wonders lay beyond the horizon.
It must have started with the first tree she broke, a squat little oak, one of hundreds in the forest. When the leaves of that little oak had all fallen, saplings littered the grassy floor. She should’ve been excited, feel triumphant even by taking down the tree, after all it’s how the journey had to start. Except, all that Leapday could see was the awkward gap in the canopy from the absence of the little oak. It felt like an itch unscratched, nagging and uncomfortable. Well that wouldn’t do.
They scooped up all the saplings littering the floor and planted one in the same dirt plot the little oak was uprooted from. Then they planted a few more just for good measure. The unease lingered, but planting the saplings felt good. It felt right. Now their adventure could truly begin!
In this world, Leapday’s only companions were the pigs and sheep that he passed on his journey, though he would argue, if there were someone to argue with, that the world itself brought him company enough. That the days and nights passing was a conversation between the universe and Leapday, and thus a consistent companion. And what gifts did the universe provide for him to find! Rushing rivers that fed into powerful oceans, plenty of trees to sleep in and collect, and mountains to climb with the best views of the sunset. Never a dull moment for him as there was always something new to experience and see.
However, despite all its gifts, the universe was slow to explain the finer mechanics of the world, such as health to Leapday. A week of traversing through thick forests and steep cliffs left them battered and bruised. They learned how to gauge the distance of a drop and how to place blocks to minimize the pain in their ankles from falls. A similar pain gnawed from the inside of their stomach, which they discovered was briefly satiated by devouring the apples that fell from the trees.
During one climb up a particularly harrowing cliff, Leapday learned about the unforgiving weight of sand by placing it under her feet in order to reach the next ledge. The block had crumbled in a near instant, sending her plummeting towards the ground. Instead of hitting the hard rocks below, she splashed into a stream from a nearby waterfall. When she had dragged herself onto land and her heart had steadied to a more familiar pace, she let out a fit of bewildered laughter that overwhelmed the panic from moments ago. She knew falls much shorter than this one could take days to recover from, so what kind of pain would she be in if she hadn’t gotten lucky and fallen in the stream? Something cold ran through her and sank to the pit of her stomach. Dread of what could have been, what could still be if she wasn’t more careful. She resolved to never find out what would happen. How unfortunate that her next fall would be into a pit of lava, the very one she had been camping at throughout the nights.
He was being careful, more so than he had been for the first week in this world anyways. That didn’t seem to matter because he had still slipped when placing the block before him and fallen. It was his first respawn, and it introduced him to a few new things like a punch to the face. The first revelation was the agony of burning to death, and death itself. He curled into himself, crying at the phantom feeling of the lava eating at his flesh. The intense heat and how the lava had trapped him in place and burned. It was a twisted version of the warmth of the sun, which was shining down on him and in comparison felt as cool as the air in caves. The second realization came slowly as the memory of fire ebbed. Their knuckles no longer popped and their joints no longer ached. The tightness in their muscles had vanished, leaving softer tissue on the bone and the emptiness in their stomach no longer hurt. They felt new and full of energy, ready to begin their journey again. How strange they had forgotten what this felt like. White scars from their oldest injuries and freckles from sun touched skin still littered their body. They had died, but now were in perfect health again. Leapday took in her surroundings, her face lighting up with delight at the sight of a familiar oak tree. It had grown into quite the study tree since the start of her adventure. Soon after her reunion, Leapday discovered her now empty inventory when she reached for blocks to place in order to climb the canopy. The absence of stacks of logs, dirt, and sand had her racing towards the lava pit before her mind could catch up. Panic pushed her feet to run faster and dodge every obstacle. She ignored nicks from branches in her way and the sting of sharp rocks on her bare feet. The timer was ticking down. Her items would be gone- she just had to- if she wasn’t fast enough-
She burst through the tree line and was greeted by the familiar heavy heat of the lava pit. The sight of it made her recoil out of fear of falling back in even from many blocks away. On shaky legs, she circled the perimeter and searched for her items. The timer was still ticking, but they were nowhere to be seen! She crept as close as she dared to the lava and swept her eyes across the surface of the pool. Then she darted into the surrounding trees looking high and low.
No logs. No saplings or dirt or anything!
This was their third lesson. You lose items after death, and lava destroys those items.
Don’t die, especially not in lava, and don’t lose your items.
Now they had to start over, and this time not dying proved to be harder than expected. More falls and similar accidents happened. Zombies began appearing, persistent in their pursuit of Leapday’s flesh. Then skeletons, creepers, and spiders appeared and introduced many more ways one could die. The pain from the deaths hurt, but they became mundane as weeks turned to months. Loosing items became more painful and frightening when Leapday discovered crafting. More time and resources were needed to start over after dying with crafted items, so they took to the world underground. They followed their instinct to craft pickaxes and torches, to chip away at the stone in search of more sturdy materials. They crafted their first stone pickaxe and found it to be superior to the wooden one.
Maybe it truly started with that wooden pickaxe. When she crafted the stone tools, the wooden pickaxe sat in her hotbar, still good for half a day’s work but now obsolete. It had served her well to progress her journey, a necessary step, but it felt wrong to simply set it aside. It felt like the gap in the canopy all over again, but she very well couldn’t plant the pickaxe in the ground and solve her unease. Not sure what else to do, she attached it to her hip and went on with her day. She wouldn’t destroy it or toss it, she would simply carry it with her until she found what she needed to do with it next. It became her new companion (it was her first crafted tool. It was the first and therefore the only one that would ever exist).
Now equipped with wood and stone blocks, Leapday built their base over their mine. The wooden pickaxe found its place over the doorway leading outside, marking the build as their home. It felt right, so they continued their expansions. Farms were planted along a nearby river and fences placed to corral cows and sheep. Torches were the one item they were generous with. They were thrown across their property liberally since their light would deter creepers spawning too close for comfort.
During a thunderstorm that had picked up abruptly one morning, Leapday poked around at their communicator. It was a lightweight device that had been attached to their forearm since first spawning into the world and never disappeared after dying. After lots of fiddling with the different menus and buttons on the screen, they came across YouCraft. It was an archive of videos made by other players scattered across the universe, documenting their own worlds and progress! With the storm still crashing down around Leapday’s base, they curled up in bed and began watching the first video that caught their eye. It turned out that he had lots more to learn about the universe! After waiting out the storm, and then the night, by watching these videos, he learned about other biomes and blocks still left to discover as well as potions, enchanting, and other dimensions! A dragon was where this journey led for most players, though some took their time getting to it. Above all, he realized he needed diamonds. Diamonds were what every player sought due to their strength, but they were rare and dangerous to collect being so deep underground. They were needed to further Leapday’s journey however, so collecting them became his top goal. Quickly he learned how impossible achieving this goal would be. Well, it seemed impossible after spending days underground chipping at the cold stone and coming up empty. Strange echoes rang through the tunnels and more than a few times paranoia of something (or someone. He had heard the legends of Herobrine) sneaking up on him was enough to make him hole up for hours. Grey, grey stone that went on for miles. Grey cobblestone trailed behind him when his inventory filled. Leapday found other minerals, but the sparkling teal of diamonds still lay buried elsewhere. He mined for so long he began to doubt that the rare mineral even generated in this world. That only grey existed. That was until he broke away the next layer of stone before him and found himself staring uncomprehending at the bits of teal poking through stone. Uncontainable joy broke through his shock like sunlight through parting storm clouds. They were real! Diamonds were real and right in front of him! Invigorated with new energy, Leapday got to work extracting the diamonds just as they had seen others do. The amount paled in comparison to the stacks other players had, but in that moment he didn’t care. It was enough to have found them and confirm they even existed in this world. That weeks of sore arms digging at indifferent stone and unsteady gravel caches falling finally amounted to their new prized possession.
By the time he arrived back at his base, the novelty of finding diamonds began to wear off. He had to admit it was a measly amount. Just barely enough for a diamond pickaxe. What good would a stronger pickaxe be with no enchantments or replacements for when it broke? It had taken so long to find just a few diamonds what were the chances of finding more? No, they wouldn’t craft anything with the rare mineral until they had enough for spares and back ups. So back to the mines they went, and excruciatingly slow they found more, and continued to reason that crafting them was a poor decision. What if an accident happened and they couldn’t get back to their stuff? If they were swallowed by a pit of lava? So much time would be spent only to be wasted. Almost like their thoughts and fears had manifested it, a freak lava incident happened not long after. Leapday had been feeling good that day, so good because their most recent mining trip had yielded 13 diamonds and another cluster just across a lava lake. As they bridged across the lake, plans of finally crafting their collection of diamonds began to form making them giddy. It was the type of giddy that made any obstacle feel like child’s play and beyond consequence. That they finally could start progressing on their journey once more. It was enough to distract Leapday from the crunch of gravel under their feet and for their pickaxe to swing off its mark into the unsteady floor. The ground gave way and sent her tumbling into the lava.
She woke up screaming in her bed. Screaming from agony of ghostly flames that ate flesh, and then from loss and frustration. It wasn’t fair! Her luck had just turned up for the best and now all of it was gone! Every plan to use the diamonds tossed out the window and into a burning pit of despair. How stupid of her to not notice the gravel! All that time for nothing! She should have called it a day and come up 13 diamonds richer with plenty of levels for enchanting. All her gear and tools and items from mineshafts would still be intact, but no. Her head was too far in the clouds and now it was gone. She hadn’t even had the foresight to mark the cave to return to, so sure of her victory. There would be no hope navigating the twisting and sprawling tunnels below, and even if she tried to go back, the sight of lava would probably be enough to make her hurl. Fat tears began dripping down her face as she cursed and wallowed. They blurred his vision, so with a few steadying breaths and a final gross sniffle, he wiped at his eyes. Then he went to swing his legs over the bed to pick up the pieces of his day and froze. On his hand, both hands actually, were thick black smudges of… of something. What was that? He reached up to his face and traced the wet tear tracks with a clean finger. It too came away covered in the strange goop. An incredulous laugh burst from him, which evolved into hysterical crying. More tears fell from his eyes and he let them. The tangled web of grief in his chest unraveling as he did so, and he felt the last of his energy drain away until-
Sunlight trickled through the curtains and roused Leapday from their sleep. Birds were chirping and the familiar sounds of the animals grazing and leaves rustling cradled their mind while the events of the previous day trickled back to them. They felt heavy and gross. Their eyes crusty and mouth dry as a desert were a sure sign of their emotional distress. Disappointment felt like stones being dropped on them when they pulled up their empty inventory. It really was all gone. They let their head flop back onto their pillow and took a steadying breath, trying to recount the reasons they should get out of bed. Maybe they would stick to the joys of the world above ground for a month or two. Take up weaving or painting. They had plenty of resources to finally build a barn and an expansion to the house. Maybe they would go with a grassy roof.
Yeah. That could be alright. With one final sigh, Leapday pushed themself up off their bed and dragged themself over to their cauldron to clean up. They could see from their reflection that only a few faint smudges remained on their face, which they gently wiped away. Crying black goop was probably not normal now that their mind was more stable to think it over. Or maybe it was normal? It had never happened before, but the players on YouCraft all had their own quirks that Lepaday lacked, so maybe it was normal for them?
It turned out the inky tears were a new normal. From that incident onward, whenever they experienced a great sense of loss the strange tears formed and sank into the ground. They appeared when Leapday lost their first wolf companion and when they accidentally deleted a creative world full of builds of an ambitious project.
in another world…
In Hels, black goop bubbled to the surface of a sea of lava. From a distance, the surface seemed its usual hungry self, shifting and popping as it patiently waited for Hels and its inhabitants to finally crumble in. The goop was not consumed by its hunger however. It stretched towards the netherrack shore like a snake in water. Once it had gathered all of itself onto more solid ground, it sat and waited for more of itself to arrive, bouncing and bubbling over the terrain in the meantime. They could only wait so long however, after all, there was much to collect and preserve and too little time to do so.
And it’s finished! Whew, I don’t typically write, so this was a lot to work on amidst all my finals projects (totally worth it tho! It was great practice). I wasn’t planning on writing so much about leapday, but then I realized the interesting potential of writing about players when they’re new to the world. If they are akin to gods, they still enter the world with a lot to learn. The goop at the end is Nightfall, who then went on to travel Hels and collect as many blocks and items as xe could before xe came across the city Evil X established. At first they were incredibly overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to preserve in the city and mostly stuck to collecting free scraps and garbage. It probably did something to gain the attention of a member of the Order of Remembrance, who taught Nightfall about their goals and a few things about how society/Hels worked. From there, Nightfall set off to establish a massive collection and documentation of anything and everything, working with people in the process but also quite an eccentric personality that can be quite a hermit when buried in paperwork (not many people are willing to do paperwork as diligently as Nightfall)
Also, YouCraft is YouTube in the Minecraft world :P I felt I needed to separate it from our version of mcyt because in this universe the characters are real and making videos about their lives rather than people playing a video game (at least that’s how I’m headcanoning it)
thank you @silverskye13 for providing some more lore about Hels and the Order of Remembrance (as well as Redstone and Skulk as a whole <3) as well as inspiring me to keep trying to improve my writing and thank you to @/yayforocs for inspiring me to finally make my own rns OCs and this post :3
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genopaint · 5 months
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Week 16 of the Daily Dragon Challenge is here! Apologies on the delay for posting this... I was lazy. BUT!! We're finally in the 100's!!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #105 - Garchomp
Figured it'd be the perfect time to draw this fella since I just beat Platinum for the first time yesterday! Sadly I didn't end up getting one on my team but they're SUCH a cool dragon all the same
Daily Dragon #106 - Rex
One of the cutest Mario dragons! There's just something so charming about this little guy
+ 2 variants
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While drawing this it really dawned on me how interesting this enemy is. It's one of the many Mario enemies that only appeared in 1 main series entry, but unlike a lot of other similar enemies it just will randomly appear in spinoff content a lot. Not even just as cameos, but like actual tangible enemy appearances. It's been an enemy in 3 games post SMW, 4 if you count the Minecraft Mario thing. That actually puts it over a LOT of random Mario enemies, but it still doesn't appear enough to be a Mario staple enemy. idk just kind of interesting to me lol
Daily Dragon #107 - Shelly Draws
A kobold with a passion (and a horde) for Trading Cards! She loves trying out new ones, and dreams of one day making her very own. Her favorite food are hamburgers.
This is a redesign of an old kobold girl from a Monster Girl design challenge thing I did back in 2016! Sadly I don't remember her name, but I do remember that I gave her a passion for trading cards. Which is more important than a name anyway, so I gave her a new card-pun name
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Daily Dragon #108 - Koibito
My friend Sox's super cool Piranha Dragon! This design is super cool and I love Dragon hybrids of any kind! Thank you for letting me include them in this challenge!!
Daily Dragon #109 - Neonagon
Strange 2D creatures that appear on walls in cities. Be careful when using regular weapons on them, because their appearance doesn't make the walls any more malleable!
Another redraw! This was from a prompt request I made in 2020! I think it's a neat concept and it was a simple to do and I kinda didn't have huge drawing energy today lol
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Daily Dragon #110 - Field Dragon
These incredibly tiny dragons are just slightly larger than berries. They use their spikes to collect various pieces of food while out and about, as well as breaking open seeds and nuts to eat!
Daily Dragon #111 - Fumedradon
Odd fume spewing dragons that are always found laughing and moving oddly as their nests are filled with the strange smoke the billow out. If you're going to deal with one, wear a gas mask
is... is this the first holiday dragon so far??? of course i ended up only doing that on THIS holiday and not any other.... Also 4/20 landed on day 111 isn't that neat :)
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starrzies · 3 months
★Art Fight 2024!!★
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WOW!! It's already time for my 5th Art Fight?? This is awesome!! I will try my best to do as much art as possible this fight! I look forward to drawing so many cool characters! I am taking summer college courses as well as getting a job so my time will be limited! I will be livestreaming all my attacks on Twitch tho!!
Types of characters I have:
★ Human, Feral, Anthro, Mech, Monster, Hybrids! ★ I have Character Based Characters on my profile! ★ I have characters from these Fandoms; Transformers, Lego Monkie Kid, Genshin Impact, Minecraft, My Little Pony!
★ If you Attack me it means I am guaranteed to revenge you! ★ I am open to revenge chains! (Just LMK if you want to do one!) ★ I am open to friendly fires!! ★ I tend to draw characters from my current fandoms and those which interest me! (COUGHS Transformers COUGHS) ★ I love doing scenery pieces and gore as well!
You not have to do any of these concepts by any means! But, if you're looking for what I'm interested in this year then this is the place to be!
★★ Any art of Roddy! ★★★ Roddy OC Interaction! (Ask About Shipping!) ★ Roddy in a Space Themed Scene (Bonus Points if the Lost Light is included!) ★ Any Art of Starrzies in Beast Form! ★★★ Starrzies OC Interaction! (Shipping is Okay!) ★ Art of Fen and (Lego Monkie Kid Canon Character) Wukong! ★★ Oc Interactions with Fen! (Shipping is Okay!) ★ Negative Interaction/Fighting between Ash and Fen! ★★★ Interactions between Celeste, Barricade, and Blackout! ★★ Parallax and Rodimus (MTMTE/LL IDW1 Canon Character) Interaction Art! ★★★ Parallax OC Interactions! (Shipping is Okay!)
Quick Reminder!!  I DO NOT allow people to reupload, repost, claim, trace, reference or use my art without my Permission! If my art is posted anywhere else other than my accounts it’s not mine! If you like my work, consider following me or commissioning me!! (This does not count if the art was made for you! Please remember to credit me though!!)
Art Trades are Open! Commissions are Open!! Do NOT ask me about Requests!! Do NOT; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜
You can Dm me Questions or Concerns! Like my work? Check out my Carrd for where else you can find me!
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oceanera12 · 3 months
I was going to watch this week���s Imp & Skizz podcast this morning but it took me 3 hours to get through the chapter and its lunch time. I genuinely couldn’t tell you if I read slowly or the chapter was just that long but oh my gods it was sooooo worth it. How do you write so well and so much??
Also, since it’s fresh, how about a director’s cut for Impulse?
- @nightmare761
... This is dating my inbox backdating (Hi Nix, my bad),
So, ummmm... IMPULSE!
(here's the chapter if you'd like a recap-- I know I needed one)
Director's cut underneath!
So a few things about what I needed to figure out before I wrote this chapter.
First of all, Impulse had already shown up in the Tango chapter. So a lot of character decisions had already been made, such as Impulse having the ability to shapeshift and the fact that he was a demon. However, I had no idea how that actually translated into demon world-building, so I had to figure that out at this point.
Second issue: Skizz. You can see this in the author's note of the previous chapter but I was debating if I should include Skizz at all (this was before Skizz was announced to be joining Hermitcraft). And I knew I wanted him to have the angel wings because I loved the symmetry of Skizz as an angel and Impulse as a demon.
Problem: I didn't have plans for angels to be a thing and honestly? I didn't think it fit the world building to include them.
Also, someone had left a comment in the past about how they knew Impulse (the CC, not the character) didn't like being portrayed with horns and a tail. And so, I had to figure out what a demon actually entailed in this world.
After a few ideas, I decided that the term "demon" was not the correct term-- just a term that was decided upon by human players who came across them due to their inherent magic and different looks.
The three different types of demon kind was decided because I needed one who shape-shifted, one with wings, and then I decided I needed a third type because three seemed like a better number than two.
The names of the types of demons were taken from types of demons I pulled from other media. Imps, Hellions, and Incubi.
Impulse had to be an imp for obvious reasons, and so imps became the shapeshifters.
The Hellion pictures I looked at had wings so Skizz was designated to Hellion.
As for Incubi, I decided the third kind would be strong in magic and look the most like what we might picture a demon to be (aka, this is what BadBoyHalo is).
I have no plans to do anything with the Hels dimension in Built Family so Hels became the demons home world/dimension. I thought it was funny to just make Hels look like the nether except it was somehow worse.
Slavery is a very... sensitive subject. But I knew I wanted to explore the idea of how hybrid-trading is still a thing in a more modern setting. Thus, Impulse and Skizz's "Master" (*gags*) became a vile man who uses "inclusivity" as social points among his peers.
Impulse was actually summoned into Hermitcraft and he has an animation that opens his first episode ever. I used that as the basis as to who was involved in the summoning and location.
I absolutely loved the concept of a Demon Circle. The idea stemmed from a summoning circle and ended up branching into a pack-like-bond, just with magic.
I think that's all the thoughts I can put to paper for now, but I absolutely love demon culture and would love to explore it more if I get the opportunity to.
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stewpid-soup · 11 months
okay so maybe this is just a me thing and not searching up the right terms - but if anyone here has ever read a fic in which techno or someone else is a piglin hybrid, often times you’ll hear the term “sounder” and “protector.” I really, really like this concept and I’ve been itching to make a character with this idea in mind! I’ll link some fics for examples, but if anyone knows where this comes from I’d love to learn!! :3
Fics are below the cut!!
thesw are the only two i can think off at the moment since its 2 am, but ywah lmao
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comet--cove · 1 year
rambling and random facts about my mcsm au because I'm hyperfixated on it!
disclaimer: none of this is canon to the mcsm universe and is only my au. this is going to be long.. so if you get bored of reading easy, whoops!
the general premise of this au is that the command block was alive (in the same way that skulk is, in a way?), and the witherstorm was actually a giant parasite. yes, I can hear some of you going "oh, man, here we go towards some generic zombie apocalypse au".. but I promise you this is different. I won't bore you with cliche love stories or that ONE character being like "omigosh, I'm immune!" and you knew it would happen because they're the main protagonist. I also won't explain too much of the actual au details because it's complicated and long (unless some of you want to hear about it.. wink wink).. so I'll simply tell you this: some of the cast-- including our beloved main character-- is mutated. think about hybrid creatures, or perhaps what the warden (deep dark warden, not the sunshine institute warden) would look like if it was more humanoid. yeah, that's them. with that out of the way, however.. here are some of my rambles and facts.
my favorite jesse skin is gsj (green suspender jesse), so my entire jesse design was initially meant to be paired with that skin. this also means that the canon jesse of this au is technically male (gsj). (I like to use they/them pronouns for canon jess-- yes, my nickname for them is 'jess'-- because the player can go male or female, but when I speak of this au I'll use he/they because I'm referring mostly to this canonically (in terms of this au at least) male-presenting character.) however, due to the changes I've made to the actual character.. he kind of stands along as his own skin now.
I've seen a lot of fanart of enderbeings and witherbeings in the minecraft community, so I made his design to kind of fit in with those-- not in the sense that i lacked ideas, but rather to have him fit into the fanon and have people at least somewhat recognize what he is. however, I have many unique designs elements that I saw from the actual game.
I make it sound like our protagonist has an official design... but in reality, I'm only in my first stage of designing him! he only has one concept design as of right now.. despite me having many ideas of how exactly he looks. that's just on the part of my art skills and me not exactly being good at drawing mcsm characters yet... my skill is pretty limited.
most of the armor choices in the au (for jesse, at least) are still the same! however, when we are speaking of jesse as a character, his favorite armors are slightly modified versions of 'ender defender' and 'dragonsbane'. he-- along with most of the cast-- agreed that these two armors fit with his color palette the best, due to his new color palette having a lot of blue and pink. YES, this jesse is very aware of fashion and what looks good on him.
in this universe, wither-sickness is called wither-infection.. since, y'know.. it's basically a wither-zombie apocalypse.
lukas and ivor co-wrote a journal! using ivor's studies of the wither-infection and lukas' journaling skills (along with his art skills, because he's somewhat of an artist in this au), they made a complete study of the stages and types of infection. they also have a part in the journal where they have brewing recipes for what specific potions help to slow the effects of wither-infection or at least make a person more comfortable if they're too far gone.
like canon mcsm, when the storm was vanquished, the people who were sick got better. however, in this au, the process was gradual (as the infection lost connection to what really kept it alive, and therefore slowly died). the mutants stayed as they were, since the infection caused physical changes to their bodies that couldn't be undone by natural means.
yes, ivor was the creator of the storm.. and yes, in a twist of fate and cruel irony.. he was, in fact, mutated. however, he had no idea that the command block was alive and would create an infection instead of simply a wither that he could control. due to this, when he saw both jesse and petra get mutated as well, he felt immense guilt and often has sleepless nights where he works tirelessly in his lab in an attempt to have some sort of cure for the mutation. these attempts have all been futile, and no cure has been made. all he can do is keep the others comfortable until their bodies get used to the additional changes that the storm brought upon them.
jesse was the last person to ever be infected.. and his actually came from when he was inside of the storm. instead of destroying the command block as what happened in canon.. the block actually fused with him in a last-ditch effort to save itself. so, naturally, he got very sick. wither-sick. this worried the absolute hell out of his friends, since "the storm is gone, he should be getting better and not worse!" I'll keep the story of his sickness short (unless someone wants to hear about it... wink wink v2), but the basic jist of it is that everyone thought he was gonna die, he got so sick he went into a coma for a few days.. and then he disappeared from the makeshift infirmary that they kept him in. when they found him again, he went from being a very, very sick human to not being as sick, but having undergone the mutation and looking completely different. that scared the everloving fuck out of everyone.. but then two days later, he woke up with no sickness whatsoever as if nothing happened. THAT part is still a mystery to ivor.
everyone who has been mutated experiences some pain for a while, since their bodies need to get used to the changes (as previously stated). a lot of the time, they also need to relearn some things-- walking, talking, coordination, etc.-- depending on what the mutation did to them.
aaaagh anyway.. I feel like I've made this just a bit too long, so if you want to hear more about this au, just put it in my asks and shoot out whatever questions you have. if you do so, please make sure to specify that you're asking me about this specifically by either blatantly stating it or saying something like "(wau) question", etc.
("wau" is short for wither au.. that's my very unoriginal placeholder name until I get a better one.)
anyway, sayonara for now! hope that those of you who decided to read all of this-- or even just some of this-- enjoyed the silly rambling from me.
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chaiandsage · 2 years
K so regarding the general fandom that is the minecraft smp universe, while I understand that au fics have the potential to be literal masterpieces and I totally get why people enjoy reading them, is it weird that unless I get one recommended to me by someone else I will literally almost never touch them otherwise? Is it normal that I can only choose a fic to read on my own if it takes place in-universe and is cannon-divergence or something that’s just not an au? Cause Ik I can’t be the only one who has these specific preferences, but it sure feels like thats the case
When I started getting into Hermitcraft, Empires, and the minecraft smp fandoms in general, I didn’t just obsess over the characters, I obsessed over the world as well. I freaking love the idea that these funky little block guys can just open their inventories in their minds and set their spawn at will and craft things with a table and the waving of their hands and heal their bodies with food. I love how pretty much everyone’s accepted the concept of hybrids and semi-humans within this world to be a normality. Same with gods, demi-gods, other dieties, and just characters born with god-like abilities or superpowers. It’s all just so damn cool to me and I love it. I could talk about my thoughts on the world-building of the minecraft universe for hours
Am I the only one who feels this way?
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eli-elien · 2 years
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I've decided to redesign my c techno design since it's been a long time
I'd say this techno is pogtopia arc to retirement. I'm gonna do several other designs after his execution and doomsday
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Some concept sketches!
I've been really loving those designs of him being very bulky/fat and I really wanted to lean more to trevor esp with his face shape and cape
He's quite a big big lad like c Wilbur looks like a toothpick compared to techno
The eyes I came up with myself due to being indecisive and coming up that he's a human/piglin hybrid who takes his blue eyes from his human parent and red/gold from his piglin parent :]
made a whole fic abt that actually
As much as this is pretty old to me I really do love this esp it being my first fic ever and something I wrote after not writing for at least two years give it a read if you like em duo and like hcs abt technos past!
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pitruli · 2 years
Hi! uh, i just wanted to pop in and say, um, your minecraft worldbuilding headcanons?? INCREDIBLE!!!
actually, i was wondering if it'd be alright for me to base the worldbuilding in a fanfic of my own on your headcanons? I don't even know if i'd ever post the fic online, but i wanted to know, just in case.
also! i was wondering if it might be possible for an Ender Dragon based Angel to exist? or would that have to just be a hybrid or anthro, with wings that cant be used for flying?
also also!! can different subspecies interbreed? and if so, would the offspring take after one parent, or by kinda a mix of both? actually, what with all the magic/Code involved, does subspecies even have to do with genetics at all?
heck, can players even BE born, or do they just spawn the way mobs do?
uh,,, sorry for so many question, i hope it's okay! I just, uh, REALLY love your headcanons!!
Thanks a lot !! And of course you can, i don't mind at all ^^ I really like to see what people can do with my work and very honoured i can inspire others !
And oh oh oh, i'll be able to talk about a bunch of things i never mention there hehe
Dragon angels: I do think they can exist ! they're probably a rare variant of the species and bound to have their duties in the End and stuff. Dragon anthros/hybrid are probably way more rare or impossible honestly, as the ender dragon is a kind of deity, i can imagine the player who inherit of her features would probably be confined to the angel species ^^
For interbreeding: I needed to think about genetics a few times and to be honest, it's a bit messed up ^^'' Basically, a player's species is given randomly depending on their parents' species
I would need to make all of this properly, but some species are more dominant than others in genes: angels need both parents to be angels themselves; humanoid species are all on the same levels and kids have a 50/50 chance to have one parent's species or another; hybrids and anthro are dominants over humanoids, and cryptids over hybrids/anthro (so a couple made of a humanoids and a cryptid will more than likely have cryptids kids etc); hostile mob derived players (like enderians and creepers) can't breed with other species than their own, and some species like blobs and inorganic can't breed at all.
And finally, yes players can be born... and spawned haha; Most players have families, bloodline and genetics like us irl. But sometimes they just... spawn out of nowhere. There's a concept i need to explain when i'll talk about death and dead worlds, a metaphorical entity that creates new worlds and sometimes spawns players in random worlds. Spawned players have the body and mind of 7-10 yo kids and can grow and learn from there, that's how new bloodlines and sometimes new species are created. Blobs actually are exclusively spawned players, they're a sort of glitched spawn ^^
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hopalongfairywren · 2 years
Phantom In The Deep Dark- The Essempi's
@mango7188 @cr0wseye I hope you like it, here's a smidgen of worldbuilding lol.
The world of Minecraft or ᒲ╎リᒷᓵ ∷ᔑ ⎓ℸ ̣ in Enderian tongues, is an expansive world of many biomes, three documented dimensions, and countless servers. The world is so vast, so endless that not even the eldest living players have seen the world in it's entirety. Although that hasn't stopped anyone from speculating, what might be out there, beyond the endless stretches of wilderness. Nobody has ever seen the Farlands-- despite how heavily mythologized those broken lands may be. They remain just another part of Player folktales. Perhaps that is for the best, as one can only imagine a place that marks the edge of the world holds untold horrors-- ones that would make the bravest go mad. But the concept of the Farlands are all hypothetical. The Farlands Don't. Exist. It's better not to think about it anyways. Many skilled players have wasted away trying to seek out what shouldn't be sought.
[Nether and End dimension will get it's own page.]
Villagers, and pillagers do not exist as seperate mobs in PitDD. villagers are, well, players (a stand in word for humans, or the minecraft blockmen you know and love). Illagers refer to rogue or 'criminal' players. Those who go against most agreed upon rules, and are more than happy to cause chaos and destruction. It is important to note that their is no one illager ideology. Illager merely refers to any player that serves a threat to servers. Speaking of which, an essempi is a plot of land. That's it. A server is the group of people who make up said plot of land. (Think continents). Multiple countries can be on one server, however it is usually ruled by the dominate country, which tends to be established alongside the server itself.
The Dimensions: The Overworld
Their are three widely known dimensions accessible to a player. The Overworld (Terron) The Nether (Malsupro) , and more controversially, The End. (ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ∷ᒷᔑ ꖎᒲ 𝙹⎓ ᒷリ↸ᒷ∷⎓𝙹ꖎꖌ in it's native tongue) The over-world holds the largest population of players, and player hybrids. It is also one of the more heavily settled dimensions, with vast plots of claimed land, especially near it's home spawn area. It is the only known dimension where water is created naturally.
All server's, regardless of status, whether they be elusive private communities of a dozen or so powerful players, one bold player looking to start a new life, or many players hoping to make do with the unclaimed pristine wilderness, share the same dimension. The closer to spawn, the richer and more established a server is. Hermitcraft, a server which has been populated for thousands of years, sits at the heart of the world itself. Most technolgical, scientific, and cultural innovations can trace their routes back to the bustling cities of Hermicraft. (at least that is what any citizen of it and it's empire's will claim. ) The area surrounding world spawn, which includes Hermitcraft, but also several other servers both private and public, is dubbed "Mojang" After the first players to set up camp in the area. However, most players seem to associate Mojang with the powerful group of elites at the center of the world. A group of people so secretive, not even most admins know their true identity. All that is known is that no matter how wealthy and powerful even the largest essempi's are, and how influential a server Admin may be, they all heed to Mojang. Yet another part of life obscured by myths and shrouded in tales.
The official claimed lands of the Bear Essempi sit in a southeasterly direction to the claimed lands of the Dream Essempi. To the north, one of the most prominent servers, Earth Essempi, dominates trade and commerce, holding many strategic ports and rivers. Over that mountain range and even further north, you will see Hypixel. Not quite a server- but not quite unclaimed land either. It is a place high up in the mountains, where the air is thin and the wind is cold, that players can test their skills. However it is most famously known for hosting MCC. (Mine Craft Championship) also known as Emsisi. It is here that all players, regardless of background, server, or trade, can compete and socialize in a neutral and friendly environment.
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
I’m bored 👍
I see you write for DSMP and EGOS? Those are the two things I’m really into
So maybe MineCraft Hybrid Egos x [any faction :)] gardener y/n? Take your time
I-I love this idea, but I have no idea how to give it the justice it deserves ;-;
But! I have some ideas.
Dark is an Ender hybrid. Just feels right. IDK, maybe I’m biased because of Ranboo, but Enderman being two in one is a concept that is just- familiar to me? Like, being more than just what they appear. But do let me know if you have any suggestions.
Henrik really strikes me as a bird. Of some kind. He’s just- really neat and tidy.
Robbie is, of course, a zombie, but I wanna mix it up a little. He’s a zombified mob hybrid. No, no Piglins, as much as I love them, no. Too obvious and not creative enough.
Google is- I’m not sure? Maybe an Allay? I mean, Google was meant to be a servant to humankind. Just like how the Allay fetches stuff.
Anti is a FUCKING CAT. Has to be. Gives off the prickly vibes.
Damien would’ve been a dog hybrid, and Celine would’ve been a cat.
Actor is just a piece of shit. He’s just some sort of eldritch nightmare. Originally, I’m inclined to say he was probably a lion. Prideful and all, plus it makes sense for the hero of the story to be a brave, magnificent lion. He still retains traits from his lion heritage even now, decades after the party and being changed by the eldritch powers he now has.
Think of him kinda like Dream XD. XD can turn into a smaller, more comprehensible form for mortals. But in truth, he’s this big conglomerate of divinity and creation. The Actor is similar. In his normal form, he just looks like a lion. But in his true form, he becomes extremely eldritch, with some lion aspects.
Yancy is a golden retriever. No way he’s not. Goldies have that certain smile and that certain eye twinkle. Yancy’s too happy and earnest to be any other breed.
Chase is some sort of Drowned, I think. I think it’d be a neat correlation to how his alcohol problems have kept him from his kids. What do you think?
JJ…. Geez, I’m not sure. What’s a silent mob…? It has to be cute too, or at least endearing. Y’know what? A Strider. He’s a Strider hybrid. I just think they’re oddly cute. That fits him.
Jackie… I would say some sort of dragon, but that would be too OP. Maybe a Ghast? IDK. OOO OO! OR A PHANTOM!!
Marvin strikes me as a Vex for some reason. IDKW.
Wilford, the one I’ve been avoiding this entire time… because WHAT DO I MAKE HIM?!? Um… he kinda strikes me as a Stray?
So many Egos…. Bim is… he gives me snake vibes.
The Host… hmmm.. he kinda reminds me of the Warden..
Why does Mark have so many goddamn Egos…
The Jims strike me as like, a pair of monkeys that hang above you to get gossip, and cause chaos all the time.
But yes, I do love this idea. Sorry for not being able to really deliver on it.🥲
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silverskye13 · 3 years
Hi there!! Its Wolfy again! :D
I have a question regarding your werewolf Ren. Do you have any sort of backstory for him? Like who he was before Hermitcraft, where he came from, etc? We got the little sketch of babey werewolf Ren (which I love to pieces holy heck), but I dunno if that's canon.
Welcome back Wolfy! :D
My backstory for him has evolved because of your asks tbh! My first thought was he was just a dude who lived off in the middle of nowhere minding his own business and werewolfism just sort of Happened to him one day [I really, really like the concept of the world of Minecraft rubbing off on people, and that's why so many hybrids and things exist. My current headcanon for Doc is he used to be a creeper, but enough time around players magically osmosis'd him until he was also a player. Its a neat little headcanon that also fits in with things like Mumbo's "You are what you eat" arc, and iJevin turning into a green slime this season].
After the puppy! werewolf ask though, I feel like Ren was a kid who stumbled into the wilderness, was taken in by a pack of wolves, and werewolfism happened via proximity to wolves while he was growing up. As far back as he can remember, he's been a werewolf, and as he's grown he's gotten more and more wolfy features. Maybe if he stayed strictly around the hermits he would lose those traits slowly over time, but he likes to visit his pack and rough house with his old litter mates - and does visit them at least once a month, preferably on the full moon when he fits in a bit more and is easier to recognize.
I as of yet don't know when, how or why he met the hermits, outside of probably he stumbled upon one of them building first, and then was probably known as "the weird wolf dude in the woods" for awhile until he managed to make friends with them. Maybe his first real step into the group was helping someone in a time of need? I kinda like the idea of one of the hermits getting lost in the woods during a particularly harsh winter, or snowstorm, looking up at this massive beast of a werewolf, and having that right-before-passing-out thought of "Oh shit, I'm about to be eaten by a giant monster. Well that sucks."
Before waking up hours later in a warm den in a cuddle pile of wolves, while Ren tends a fire with some food cooking and grinning at them, "Welcome back to the land of the living my dude. Maybe be a little careful in the snow next time, huh?"
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betweenlands · 3 years
pinned post 4. tokyo drift
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(series link | banner source)
(ID: A banner with a desaturated yellow/magenta/indigo gradient background and text reading “CCs can interact but only after watching Inro’s Hardcore Season 3: Secret Rivals (it’s very important I promise)” /End ID)
hiya! we’re the Solar system, or just Solar! we’re a group of several nerds in one meat mech that have loved Minecraft and various MCYTers for roughly around a full decade at this point.
spam liking/reblogging our posts is totally okay by us. so is randomly popping into our inbox to tell us about stuff, we don’t bite. (also -- the banner is not fully serious, but gets the “CCs please be aware we are a variety MCYT blog and no matter who you are, you will hear us talking about some people you have literally never heard of in your life, buckle up” vibe across pretty well)
we do our best to keep this blog discourse-free, but occasionally some stuff -- either important or extremely petty -- slips through the cracks. all posts of that nature will be tagged as #salt.
we have a ko.fi if you enjoy our writing and want to send us a tip.
now, as for what we write, below the cut are some brief summaries of our writing! you can also find all of these, and some other gems, on our AO3. our fic/longform analysis tag on this blog is #solar scrawls and our tag for all our writing/talking about our writing is #solar scraps.
Our current longform WIP is black sheep, come home -- it's a multichapter crossover between Legundo's 100 Days Multiverse series and VikingPilot's Dominion SMP series. It's cowritten alongside @fluffy-papaya, is currently on a temporary hiatus, and is expected to run for a while.
Other than that, we’ve written a few more fics for Dominion SMP, all of which are sort of loose character studies of VikingPilot! marginalia is a lite eldritch horror story covering everyone’s favorite phantom’s least favorite book and how he might have gotten into the whole noncoporeal mess, prior literature is a fic with slightly odd formatting focusing around the core concept of “if Viking was a plural system, what might that look like?” and looking down i could say heaven sent me is a fic about Viking having nowhere to go but down!
We’ve also written two AU stories for Dominion, both focused around versions of Legundo and Viking -- one is called the captain’s dead! and is a vague pirate-based au featuring boat facts and implied ghost lore; the other is called arctic oscillation and is an ongoing multichapter revolving around a Legundo from another universe having been swapped into Dominion!
The 77-2 AU is a loosely New Weird series based around the Area 77 arc, which happened during Hermitcraft Season 6. It features a large cast of Hermits and often plays around with format stylization to add extra layers of narrative depth, switching between script and prose format. It’s cowritten alongside @the-stronghold, and the final installment hasn’t come out yet.
dog at the door is a stand-alone work that bridges the gap between 3rd Life and the beginning of Ren and Doc’s first Hermitcraft Season 8 episodes. It’s pretty heavily hurt-comfort and packs a lot of symbolism inside of it, maybe more than intended. It was cowritten alongside @fluffy-papaya, and at some point there may be a sequel.
fixed and dilated is a story about Horse Head Farms, the HCS8 duo consisting of xBCrafted and Hypnotizd. It’s about them kind of dealing with each other being... weird -- specifically, Hypno’s got weird shadow powers, and xB says he’s a guardian hybrid but doesn’t seem to actually think of himself as one.
We’ve written three separate script-style fics about Helsknight, each focusing on a different interpretation of him: so below, rabble rouser, and crisis actors.
helsknight’s five-step guide on clawing your way out of nonexistence is another fic about Helsknight -- slightly format-weird, and immediately after Season 7′s Nether reset.
We have three stand-alone short fics that were published in roughly the span of a month: stormwatching the sandbox is an entirely Zedaph-focused fic about his meeting with an old friend, y’all are outgunned is a fic about xBCrafted in 3rd/Last/Double/Whatever Life, and third sun is a fic about Empires S2 Pixlriffs using some of our original worldbuilding.
The Alex Compendium is a collection of fics in varying styles about a minesona of ours, Alex “sol_ARG” Flynn, who has varying iterations of themself scattered throughout the multiverse.
The Fallen London AU is mainly manned by @redstone-sun, but we help with worldbuilding and occasionally write oneshots for it! It’s a large crossover that spans a good deal of MCYTers and reimagines them in the strange environment of the Neath.
When it comes to community AUs we used to write for: the whole rest contains all our fics focusing around Scattered AU Impulse, and a good portion of the stand-alone fics we wrote for the Shadow People AU -- specifically those focusing around Joe’s shadow Killjoy -- can be found here.
and that’s about it! thank you for reading to the end of this post -- be gay, do Minecraft, you are not immune to swampaganda, watch Secret Rivals, Dominion SMP, and Kakujo! :>
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sorcererinthestars · 2 years
OK, I've had this idea bounce around in my head.
Achievement hunter where everyone are witches, and their familiars? Are what their hybrid au counterparts are.
ooooh i love this??? Everyone being witches is first off, great, because they're the most goddamn wild/insufferable coven. Everyone thinks covens should get along great and for the most part they do, but at first look they are an un-unified, bickering disaster. and we love them for it. had lots of help from the beloved @shadeofazmeinya on discord while doing this lol
but like - its been a while since the hybrid au so we're due for some modifications i think. bare (bear teehee) with me.
Michael - cat, of course. no words need to be said. Jack - lion, which always tries to be friends with Michael's housecat and the size difference is fuckin hysterical Matt - I know you said koala but listen. *listen*. Raccoon. Tiny hands trash panda. Gavin - we've always just sorta said bird, but i'm thinking a falcon. A bird who is small and cunning and built to kill, if it wants. I love the idea of Gavin having a small sharp-eyed bird on his shoulder. Jeremy - wolf. I have stolen this from supernatural au but I just love the idea of wolf Jeremy and in this, a full witch doing wild magic with a wolf baring its teeth next to him? *chef's kiss* perfection Geoff - ram is always the old one and i do still love it. stubborn and strong, this thing is ready to comfort with its wool but beat the everliving shit out of you if you do something wrong Trevor - another birb boy, this time a raven or a crow. some really keen-eyed, SMART bird. like treh, it can solve pretty complex puzzles and has a brain that will never stop - but can still be fuckin' dumb as a post Alfredo - fox! For fredo, I would think an artic fox. a white fluffy animal who looks cute but is also cunning, like treh's crow. always scheming together. Lindsay - listen if we are going to have witches, we are going to have phoenix lindsay because they are a chaotic goddess and they deserve the bird with the fire and power Ky - tiger. i love the image of all the big cats sleeping together. she's been given tiger based off of her minecraft skin which i love, but also panther too - another big cat for sure. Small Ky surrounded by a big cat of the night baring its teeth??? sooo good BK - a rabbit. another prey animal, yes, but quickwitted and fast, capable of burrowing and knowing exactly when to be sneaky. Joe - capuchin monkey. listen, hear me out. those little shits are adorable but also aggressive, they are smart and know what they want and how to get it. i just love the idea of Joe with a cool monkey on his arm.
this is a fun idea. i pitched some hybrid concepts for the new folks so feel free to send some different ideas if you'd like. but they wouldn't be able to live in the penthouse this au, they'd have to fuckin' own a zoo lollll
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