#i love mr iskall
preyandhunter · 8 months
New Fic!
cw: slight blood and gore
here's a little silly story about the other half of Grian and Mumbo's origin story before they enter the plot >:3
these are slow to actually finish and post but we are still working on them!
we have 5 in total up on the series. Go check them out if you're interested in this au!
let us know who you'd like to read about as well! it might shift the posting order of the coming fics....
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accidentwithapen · 7 months
Could I please request an iskall? Thank you :)
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mr iskallman did you know I love you
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tang0w0tek · 7 months
Scar out of context S10 episode 2
"I'd love to kill a Mumbo."
"It's still getting me! It's still getting me hard!"
"If we're gonna get any enchanting done today, we're gonna need to do a little bit of breeding."
(TANGO) "Let me put my horse in your hole for a second" (SCAR) "That is the guest hole"
"Nooo child with scissors! Nooo–"
"I just got armed up by the Canadian Arms Dealer of the server."
"Go choke on some maple syrup"
"You've got a unique trash heap of a base and I love it."
"Thank you Mr. Canada!"
Times Scar has wronged Grian this episode–
- Enchanter
- Wheat
- Bed
Now I have to watch iskall's POV because that scene was amazing and hilarious
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dmwrites · 2 years
(I am not sorry for this btw)
I woke up to my evil stepmom, Iskall85, throwing a potion of harming onto my bed.
“y/n! Wake up! You’re going to be late for school! Were you up late watching those stupid Minecraft YouTube videos again? You’re as useless as diorite! You are why I do hard drugs!” She left the room, and I sighed. Another boring day of my boring life. But I was going to be late for school if I didn’t get ready now.
I got up and put on my cutest outfit- my black suit. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, and stopped in front of the mirror to smooth down my mustache. I sighed. I was just y/n, no one special.
My evil stepmom Iskall85 was snorting redstone off the counter when I entered the kitchen. I sighed, because they were evil and wouldn’t even share their redstone dust with me, and grabbed a banana off the counter. There was a honk from outside.
"Bye, step-Iskall. I'm off to school." I said. My stepmom just flipped me off, and I went outside, sighing some more. I ran over to my bestie’s car and hoped in.
“Good morning Scar!”
“Goodness gracious, y/n, we’re gonna be late! Good thing the swaggon goes fast!” My bestie, Goodtimeswithscar said, slamming on the gas. Scar was super nice and popular, not to mention handsome, and everyone at school loved him. I would probably always be in his shadow, but at least he had taken me in as his friend.
“Sorry, I accidentally slept in. And my evil stepmom threw a potion of harming on me. Do I look okay? I only had time to put my hair up in a messy bun. And I bet my mustache looks atrocious!” I said.
“You look so good, y/n!” Scar said, blowing through a red light. “You’re so hard on yourself, you’re like the prettiest guy in school!”
“Whatever, that’s you you’re talking about.” I replied, but blushed a little.
The swaggon came screeching into the parking lot, and me and Scar got out, running to our science class.
Science class was usually a pretty good place to fix my hair and mustache, as the science we were assigned to do was always chaotic. Ms. ZombieCleo, and her assistant JoeHills, were kept pretty busy making sure no one accidentally created a toxic gas. Today, Docm77 and Rendog had been caught doing… something in the back of the classroom, and it gave me and Scar ample time to sort out ourselves.
“As I was saying, y/n, you have to stop being so hard on yourself!” Scar said, handing me a compact mirror and a mustache comb. “You get top grades, you’re great at redstone, and you always slay that suit!”
“I don’t know, Scar.” I said. “I just feel like I’m just some guy, you know? I’ll never catch anyone’s eye, or be prom queen.”
“Don’t be silly. I know you’re gonna achieve something great in this life, y/n.” Scar said earnestly.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and in came one of the secretaries, Geminitay.
“y/n to the principal’s office.” She said. She looked kind of worried.
Goodtimeswithscar gripped my arm. “Great Jellie, y/n, are you in trouble?”
“I don’t know.” I replied. “I can’t think of anything that I could have done.” But I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and followed Geminitay out the door. Ms. ZombieCleo and JoeHills didn’t notice me leave.
“Is everything okay?” I asked Gem.
“I- well- I’ll get the principal to explain it to you.” Gem said, and we walked in silence the rest of the way to the front office. I was so nervous.
“Hello, y/n.” My principal, Mr. Xisumavoid, waved me into his office when we arrived.
“Is everything okay, Mr. Void?” I asked him.
“Well, it is quite the situation.” Principal Xisumavoid said. “You see, your mom just called-”
“Step mom.” I corrected him.
“Right, step mom.” Principal Xisumavoid said. “Well, either way, she called to tell us that she has sold you to someone else so she could buy more redstone and potions.”
I gasped. “What? She sold me? To who?” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe my stepmom had sold me!
Principal Xisuma looked down at the paper in front of him. “Ah, to a person called Grian.”
“Wait, what? You mean the famous youtuber Grian from Minecraft?” I gasped.
“Yep. That’s me. Grian from Minecraft!”
I turned around to find Grian standing at the door to Principal Xisumavoid’s office. It was really him! With his waffle-looking hair and beady black eyes and red sweater, there was no mistaking him.
“y/n, when I saw that your evil stepmom put you up for sale on Facebook marketplace, I knew I had to do something! Don’t worry, y/n, I am very famous and rich. We will be best friends. And I must say, your moustache looks lovely.”
I gasped and blushed, my tears drying. Famous youtuber Grian complementing me? y/n? Suddenly, I knew my life was about to get a whole lot crazier.
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hermit-lover · 2 years
Trash Panda
Character: Hermit × Reader
Type: Moments (~1.2K)
Theme: Platonic, fluff, raccoon hybrid reader
Summary: Being invited to the Hermitcraft server is an exciting time, how will the Hermits react to your fluffiness?
TW: Teasing
A/N: I LOST THE ASK FOR THIS I AM SO SORRY!!!! Hope you can find and enjoy it! Sorry if it bad, trying to get back into writing.
Being invited to Hermitcraft was something incredibly special. The server was filled with crazy talented builders, redstoners who casually broke the server, and tons of shenanigans.
So it was surprising to have received the DM from Mr. XisumaVoid himself, extending an invitation.
You weren't the worst builder by any means, and happened to dabble in redstone when it was fun, but this was a step up. Not one you could deny.
So you took the plunge through the familiar swirly purple portal and into the new server. The air was sweet, you noticed immediately, carrying a light and uplifting vibe. Your nose twitched in interest as your eyes adjusted to the light. It was also sunny. Your pawed feet sank into lush grass, and a small cart with what appeared to be starter tools stood nearby. Tall, impressive buildings punctuated the skyline. Each possessing a unique style and colour, yet somehow worked together in perfect unison.
Hermitcraft season 9.
Your ears swiveled as the sound of rockets neared, squinting up to the green blob nearing you. Excitment rushed through you- the man- the myth- the legend- Xisuma. Seeing him nearing solidified it. You were now a Hermit.
He lands a little ways off, elytra closing majestically, and you beat him to walking. Skittering over the gap to his side.
"Mr. XisumaVoid!" You greet energetically, a toothy grin and an outstretched clawed hand. "So cool to meet you face to face- the messages don't do your height justice." It's true, he stands much taller than you. You would almost consider him scary if it weren't for his cheery and wet cat demeanor. His chuckle reverberates through his helmet. He accepts your handshake, and his grip is firm, armor smooth and chilled where it touches your sensitive pawpads.
"A pleasure to meet you as well." Xisuma choses to reply, "Your messages make you seem taller." He tacks on cheekily. You gasp over dramatically, yanking your hand from his own.
"How could you say that??! So rude! I'm going to call you out to all your loving fans- see what they say then!!" You threaten, unable to contain your grin. He raises both hands in surrender, widening his tinted eye's behind his visor.
"I didn't mean it! Dont tell them- they cant know in secretly toxic!" The genuine (faked) panic in his tone breaks your character easily and you double over laughing. Tail lashing happily behind you. Xisuma joins in, giggling to himself pleased with the introduction. When you manage to recover, stifling your laughter, he gestures out wide with his arms.
"Welcome to Hermitcraft."
The Pranksters:
The tour was excellent, but now you couldn't wait to dig your hands into a project or-
Swiveling your head at the noise, your ears strained forwards. Whispering? Followed by frantic shushing?Creeping effortlessly forwards, you found around the corner, three figures crouching. Obviously you could recognize them. The red sweater and wings; Grian, the construction vest and hat with little vex wings and a pointed tail; Scar, and lastly a bright green shirt with gadgets galore and tossed brown hair; Iskall. Now what were they doing?
Silently picking across the ground, you manage to get just behind the trio. Tail twitching in anticipation, you watch a moment before deciding to play a prank of your own.
"What are we waiting for?" You stage whisper. All three of them leap, spinning around practically mid-air. Various exclamations fill the space before you start frantically shushing yourself. No need to ruin their surprise. They quiet down surprisingly fast.
"That was terrifying!" Scar stage whispers back, eyes wide and hat askew. You grin back at him.
"Who even are you?" Grian asks, raising an eyebrow to disappear under his mop of hair. Oh- right!
"The newbie." You decide to answer, "pleased to meet you. Now who are we waiting for?"
You get your answer- a panicked very British shout, and a message in chat;
MumboJumbo was killed by falling anvil.
The doctors:
When you had gone exploring- this was the last thing you had expected to find. A hoard of white lab coats. Well- Hermits wearing lab coats rather.
Doc, Zedaph, and Cub stand in a half circle, around a device. They speak in needlessly complex terms, and look all too professional. That could be changed, of course.
Sneaking along the shadows you move into seeing range of the device. A strange redstone contraption that appears to have been hooked up to a chicken. Poor bird was clueless, pecking at the dirt on the ground. You don't envy its fate. Deciding its been enough sneaking around, you slip out of shadows-
Doc's head snaps to you instantly, goat ears twitching. He seems to assess tensely for a moment before relaxing.
"Hey guys-" His thick accent gently interrupts the other two, they look to him attentively, "newbie." He gestures with a clawed thumb.
"Spot on." You nod, stepping silently towards the trio. "A pleasure to meet you all." You offer a toothy grin.
Zedaph grins back, bouncing towards you, sending his own goat ears flopping. His hooved feet click against the stone.
"Wonderful to meet you!" He exclaims, accepting a handshake and shaking a little too hard, too many times. His energy is infectious, and so you accept his other hand to shake them both in unison.
"You as well!" You chirp back through the movement, tail starting to wiggle depending on up or down.
"Alright- I better step in before you two end up doing that all day." Cubs even tone is strangely familiar, and almost eerie, but you don't think about it too long. Releasing Zed to accept his own handshake. One firm up and down. Boring but effective. "I would say I hope today hasn't been overwhelming- but you seem to have more than enough energy to match." He jokes dryly and you laugh. He's not wrong, being a raccoon has its perks.
"Why thank you." You place a hand in your chest dramatically, posing slightly.
"I fear the moment you meet Ren." Doc's rumble jolts you slightly, head turning to look at him directly.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" You cock your head, raising an eyebrow.
"Your energy will only multiply." He answers, offering you his own fluffy paw. His paw is much larger the your own, and you have to resist the urge to squish the beans. Maybe another time.
"Well I'm looking forwards to meeting Ren." You declare, puffing your chest and tail to try and look bigger.
"Void bless the sever." He chuckles, "and whoever is unfortunate enough to be nearby."
"Rude." You stick your tongue our at him, and he immediately reciprocates.
"Oo!" Zed's exclamation makes you look to him again, tongue still out. "I have an idea- you can help us!!" Excitement sparks.
"Sure what do I have to do?"
"Well see that chicken? I was thinking maybe if we used a player instead-"
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fuckyeah-mcyt · 8 months
Scar really had a rough second episode didn't he??? Gets blown up multiple times at Grian's enchanter, dies multiple times to like 2 zombies that manage to climb up the ladders onto his train, proceeds to die multiple times in the caves as well and dies failing to get his Reaper kill on Iskall. Twice.
At least the third time was the charm.
Also, I love Etho and Doc encouraging Scar to kill Iskall. And I absolutely love the silly little phrases Scar used in reference to Etho (Canadian arms dealer of the server, Mr. Canada) and his base (Maple enchanteria).
I don't think I have had as much fun as I've been having watching Scar, Skizz and Zedaph's Hermitcraft episodes, this is absolutely fantastic.
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Hermits as eurovision songs two (2), this time beyond the borders of Norway
i continue to be very behind but alas, eurovision, my beloved, it is her season
Keralis - Poland 2014
look me in the eyes and say keralis does not fit the infamous slutty Polish milkmaid song. mr my mama says I have a lovely face, with shake what your mama gave you, clap your hands to this music. keralis core. he's even got the braids
Iskall - Sweden 1984
This song is about wearing your nice gold boots. And what I love about iskall is he loves to sing silly little songs about things. diggiloo diggiley he's got good boots and this song won Eurovision :))
Bdubs - Iceland 2006
This troll song is iconic. Silvia Night is not real. She's an Icelandic comedian who went to Eurovision to see how many people she would wind up. This character is an icon. I love her. Bdubs could and would go to Eurovision as God's specialist little guy
Tango - Moldova 2011
this song is about playing your funky music, wearing your silly hat, riding your unicycle and having a good time. the music has the dark intensity of the decked out dungeon but the tone is as bright and funny as the dungeon master flying headfirst into a wall and making tango noises
Scar - Estonia 2011
Oh yea, that's right. This song is a Eurovision song. Always celebrate a good time. She's doing magic tricks on stage as she sings. It's so impressive and it's so fun. That city is hers to control. Scar is just so good at what he does, and he's such a showman.
Rendog - Latvia 2022
It's been said before, I'll say it again. This song is definitely about being eco friendly :)) eat your veggies, save the planet (been green is sexy as...)
Mumbo - France 2014
This came last, but I love it. It's a silly little song about having a moustache. He's a silly little guy with a moustache. They both make me happy.
Doc - Germany 2021
Sorry I'm losing my mind imaging doc with this. It's just so funny to me. I love this song (it got no televote points). People hated it so much. Get on the stage, easily angered German creeper, dance for me
Zedaph - Latvia 2014
the chilliest song about doing the most unhinged things. they've found Atlantis and reversed gravity, but now they have to bake a cake. how do you do that, again? for today's zedvancement we'll figure it out (tango irl could surely help)
Joe and Cleo - Romania 2017
Joe's on the yodelling, Cleo's on the rap (begrudging). It's got death note opening pillars. It's got meme vibes. This thing is iconic and I love it. Yodel rap is its own special genre of Eurovision and nobody else can dream of understanding it. Very beautiful. Very powerful. Joe and Cleo
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bluiex · 1 year
Hello! I’m back again up at ungodly hours going insane with ideas. Was working on who ever I forgot the last time BUT I’m not done yet!
Scar is still mayor but works part time with the scientist to help them, like a good mayor should!
Bdubs is still mayor’s right hand, but like he just owns a random coffee shop he (use to) co-owns with his maybe best friend maybe FWB(aka Etho)
I was rewatching and reading the wiki for what I should take from cannon to add and saw that Etho was a double agent that ended up siding with the MR(mycelium resistance) so like- same thing here- since he’s such close friends with Bdubs he got info from Bdubs then got caught by Bdubs, talking to Mother Spore
(imagine- “Mother! I’ve got the information you wanted” Bdubs knew that voice from anywhere, it was Etho.. but that’s strange…Etho’s mother died years ago, he was there for the funeral.
“Thank you love”(parents call their child by pet names like love, babes, little mama etc, no ship sicko😡) As Bdubs turned the corner, he saw her(him? The team still wasn’t sure) lightly touching Etho’s cheek, like a mother trying to calm her crying child. 
He must of said something out loud cause she(?) snap her head to him before running off, Etho on her back(it reminded him of the times when they were children, but it was only Etho giving him pig back rides as he wasn’t strong enough to hold him)
Bdubs did not return to work for two days, of course the mayor came to check that he had not been taken(and maybe became a therapist for those few hours he was there for) But he was heart broken and maybe one day…maybe one day, he’ll be okay.)
Joe Hills is Joe Hills and he worked at his friend Cleo’s museum before taking it over after she disappeared.
Cleo didn’t join the MR, I don’t know why but I want her to disappear and I mean she’d fit in with the MR cause you know, gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. But- idk
Beef owns the local supermarket, many of the locals believe he’s a vampire tho none can prove it.
Iskall owns the biggest architectural company(idk why but I want to make him just disappear too but I’m not.)
Hypno- Hypno just a random guy who owns a few shops(the diamond store and the trident store for fisherman) who happened to be friends with a few of the missing (XB, Jevin and TFC)
I still don’t know what to do with Wels.
(I’m still working on placing all the other hermits and a one else I want to add. They’ll all get something special, even if just one scene.)
Yesyes please keep Etho being a double agent! Then going to the resistance anyways
Wels could probably be an "arms" dealer (Idk giving both sides weapons an stuff along those lines)
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syn4k · 2 years
Joe, Wels, and/or Iskall for the bingo
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Joe: you're the friend who makes them the blorbo by proxy btw. shoutout to mr hills nobody does it like him
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Iskall: I LOVE YOUR EYE MA'AM! also i may just be stealing from keyskall but this guy can rock a fucking DRESS
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Wels: Wels
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vitamx · 5 years
when iskall went trans + nb rights i started crying HFKJHDSKFHG ON GOD???? JUST LIKE THAT?????? IS.IS THIS WHAT VALIDATION FEELS LIKE??????
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rainswings · 5 years
Iskall, everywhere i go, 3G :>>>
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Welcome to the winners circle, Mr. Iskall
Anon, you just fooled me into drawing regular iskall with a green eye thing instead of grey. You clever bastard
Art ask meme here!
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endermytez · 5 years
listening to the hermitcast while doing work is fantastic. ren and iskall calling each other out for food crimes for 22 minutes while i graph is delicious
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pomodoko · 4 years
List of Hermitcraft members and their attributes for MCYT fans who want to watch but don’t know where/who to start with
Grian: builder, cheeky attitude, bird attributes, may cause problems on purpose, great at elytra flying
Scar: builder, expert terraformer, cheery and sweet, Disney Nerd, was a wizard at one point
Mumbo: redstoner, a total dork, feral gentleman, messes up often, has zero braincell when with Grian or Iskall
Iskall: redstoner, OMEGA tree of DOOM, runs modded server Vault Hunters, has zero braincell when with Grian or Mumbo
StressMonster: builder, amazing accent, cheery and lovely, doesn't cause problems but aids them
RenDog: builder, amazing accent, just a little horny but that's fine, Star Wars nerd, amazing lore and editing, winner of MCC 9
Keralis: builder, soft voice - evil laugh, very horny for some reason, capitalist but also very kind
VintageBeef: builder, tells tall tales, the best map maker in the server, music nerd, capitalist but lowkey about it
Welsknight: builder, likes to build medieval style, writes songs for the hermits and once had a rap battle against himself
XisumaVoid: redstoner, soft and steady voice, is a little bit of a derp, the Admin of the server, extreme redstone farms
Ethoslab: redstoner, is THE Ethoslab everyone, cheeky, a bit of a prankster, builds his base only with interiors and nothing else
Zedaph: redstoner, “I focused so hard on if I could that I didn’t think about if I should”, wacky contraptions that serve very little purpose
ImpulseSV: redstoner, “I did a little grinding off camera”, Mr. Build his Giant base one block up because he thought it would look better
TangoTek: redstoner, the Iron King, makes a dungeon crawling deck building game for fun, has an evil lair
Cubfan135: redstoner/builder, “I did a little building off camera”, has a whole wall made of ancient debris, mini game master, MCC10 winner
FalseSymmetry: builder, PVP queen, digs down to bedrock for her bases, dry humor, first ever two times champion for MCC 9 and MCC 10
TinFoilChef: builder/redstoner, the grandpa of the group, slow and steady and methodical, very underrated, the true definition of a hermit
iJevin: builder, questions of the day, nice, friendly, and a little sarcastic, would tear down his base and rebuild it to suit his changing taste
Hypnotizd: builder, a little more chill and lowkey, doesn’t join group event often, also very underrated, nice voice
xBCrafted: builder, sprawling lore and landscape, methodical, doesn’t do timelapses and prefers to show viewers his thinking process, cute laugh
ZombieCleo: builder, bi as fuck, extreme dry humor but laughs to no end when hanging out with Joe Hills, armor stand magic expert
Joe Hills: builder, very into fantasy DnD build, philosophical, has an Energy You Can’t Describe, share braincells with Cleo
Docm77: redstoner, deep gravelly voice, nice accent, a bit of a mad scientist crossed with a vengeful Mafia boss, actually a sweetheart
BDoubleO100: builder, sleep king, energetic, best in the server at mixing block palette with strange blocks, built a whole mountain by hand
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fluffy-papaya · 3 years
Hermits but I decide how Gender they are (in good faith and /lh fun).
Bdubs: unhinged ferret is a valid gender. How does he do That with his voice, that is so unbelievably unfair. +2 Gender Points for the bleached mohawk. 10/10 gender.
Cubfan135: lab coats are good. I don’t know if he’s bald or has a shaved head but either way it makes for a nice combo with the beard. 7/10 gender. Eboy (beloved? beloathed? befuddled). 8/10 gender.
DocM77: evil scientist furry???? Sign Me The Fuck Up. If I don’t look human do I have to have a Gender? I thought not. Also- once again, voice?? Points added for crocs. 9/10 gender.
Etho: Impeccable Gender Vibes. Mask, white hair, ‘what the Fuck is interaction’ combined makes for one hell of a vibe middle school me would’ve loved. Smart, and yet without a brain cell, like all the cool gender kids. 11/10 gender.
False: bruh. Sword??? Sword and steampunk goggles??? I have those things in my closet right now. There is something about the jacket that makes my gender vibes tingle. please tell me I’m not the only one. 8/10 gender.
Gem: cottagecore gal! The overalls and flower crown make me smile. She gives off a gender but not The Gender, y’know? 6/10 gender.
Grian: trash man. stinky little gremlin. Mischief is a gender and he has proved it, right after proving Shenanigan and Trouble. I gotta vibe with the sweater, but he refuses to change his hair :( 5/10 gender.
Hypno: trench coat and possible crop top. hell to the fuck to the yeah. 9/10 gender.
Impulse: I did not think dad vibes were a gender until him. Cargo shorts are valid and a respectable gender pant choice. Drummer. He could probably make an afk gender farm. 9/10 gender.
Iskall: :] 10/10 gender.
Jevin: Amorphous blob in a hoodie was yet another seventh grade gender goal tbh, so I think I gotta give points for that. 7/10 gender.
Joe Hills: I do not need to explain this one. 11/10 gender.
Keralis: not a gender :( eyes scary :( but he has assigned me ASAV (assigned sweetface at video) so I gotta give him a little credit. 2/10 gender.
MumboJumbo: Y’know, if the suit look wasn’t already hella gender, the utter buffoonery that is the jumbo man would make it. No one with a Gender has a single brain cell, so thank you Mr. Jumbo for the accurate rep. 7/10 gender.
Pearl: black hoodie and shorts, highlighted hair- no joke, this is the actual middle school Gender I did have, so thank you Ms. Moon for making it 3/3. Also the name is very gender of her. 9/10 gender.
Rendog: Ladies, gentleman, everyone in between, please rise for the most Gender Man on the server, Ren-Diggity-Dog! We got a ponytail! We got suspenders! We got ripped jeans! We got a furry! 100/10 gender.
Scar: Listen. Listen. I know it is meant to be a vest but I keep looking at Scar’s skin and thinking it’s a corset. Do you see my dilemma. Do you see my problem. Half-naked wizard and cowboy are also pretty awesome genders. I respect his refusal to put on a shirt. 10/10 gender.
Stress: Like she is with all things, Stress is a pro at gender. The pink cardigan and occasional bits of murderous rage really sell the show. 8/10 gender.
Tango: …do I need to say anything? Man has gender to a T (heh), but I gotta take points off for the bug eyes. 9/10 gender.
TFC: no gender vibes, only pickaxe. Maybe branch mining does count as a gender? 3/10 gender
Beef: big, buff, bloody. I’m swooning over the gender this man has. Also another voice with extreme Gender moments, don’t sleep on this man hermitblr! 8/10 gender.
Wels: who needs an assigned gender when you can have: full body armor! I wish I could banish my evil gender clone to hell with a rap battle. 7/10 gender.
xB: the casual outfit is pretty slick, I gotta admit. I respect the gender that comes with isolation as well. Plus! APAK (assigned princess by Keralis) adds some points for him. 6/10 gender.
Xisuma: shapeshifting doomguy is not exactly a gender I thought I would ever see but goddamn do I see it. The bee and axolotl skins are both on the gender spectrum but at opposite ends. Points taken off for reasons unrelated to gender, I just really hate that he likes egg on his pizza. 6/10 gender.
Zedaph: …okay, if I gathered up 100 people with Gender and asked them ‘hey would you like macaroni for hair’ I know for a fact at least 5 of them would say yes. Obligatory maid dress mention. Obligatory Create Mod skin mention. Gender lies with the unethical experiments of a socially awkward scientist. 8/10 gender.
ZombieCleo: [smacks zombie] wait that’s a terrible idea [lightly taps zombie] this gal can fit so much Gender in her. Being undead just really adds to the point pool here, guys! Sarcasm is a valid Gender Language that I gladly respect, right beside ‘flower crown’ and ‘striped socks’. 9/10 gender.
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riacte · 4 years
Lurking Reddit and found a post with a lot of cool comments talking about Hermitcraft lore, which also helps to explain why Hermitcraft has outlasted practically every era of MCYT, including Mindcrack, 2b2t, factions, bedwars, even the current speedrunning trend and the massive popularity of some other servers.
The Redditors talked about how Hermitcraft lore is distributed between different hermits, each with their own “thing” (eg. Scar and Cub with Convex, Ren with his log shop). Seasonal “major” plot is also distributed between multiple hermits (eg. Area 77). So that the “lore” doesn’t rely on a handful of hermits. Let’s say, if Grian and Doc (who started a good portion of S6 plot) somehow take a break from Hermitcraft, we’ll definitely still have other hermits to drive the plot. That’s why Hermitcraft is sustainable, lore-wise. A lot of them (most of them) take part in creating plot instead of having a few people “script everything”.
There’s been some discussion on how Hermitcraft is or isn’t scripted, and I feel a lot of it is just spontaneous. Grian wanted to mess with Scar. Stress fell down the MR base. Even the S6 Civil War just escalated kinda naturally to the point the hermits were like “well shit I guess we’re having a war and I don’t even know who my allies are”. Of course they do plan and coordinate stuff, but I think they just start stuff. Then they see the results of their actions and build it up accordingly.
Take Turf War for example. Grian wanted to mess with Scar so he added mycelium. Scar thought Grian’s prank was really fun so he added HEP. Etho butted in with his spy thing. Ren wanted justice for his mooshroom so he also joined MR. People joined individually because they thought it would be fun. Slowly but surely, teams started to form. Then the MR made a fake base. And another. Scar built a manmade island, which probably inspired Grian to build HIS manmade island. MR built a really bad vault. Mumbo “I love vaults” Jumbo, who was “the leader of the MR” (according to false info set up by Grian), got really upset with MR and joined HEP. Because he wanted to, and he does love vaults, so it’ll make sense, yeah? One thing led to another. Something a hermit did affected what another hermit would do.
Also the build up for S6 Prank War. Mumbo got pranked by Iskall and Grian, Mumbo pranked Iskall with a diorite gift, so Iskall pranked False, Cleo pranked Ren by saying Ren was the one who pranked False, so False and Grian pranked Ren, then Ren and False pranked Iskall, and it kept on escalating because the hermits kept on adding to it.
Honestly I feel like HC lore is a cycle of people inspiring each other to create more and more stuff, so plot progresses naturally. Hermits can choose to join or not join if they want.
And it’s really cool how they’re just,,,, vibing in their world. Doing their own thing. Unaffected by mainstream trends. Which is exactly why they’re steadily growing in popularity and survived the different turbulent eras of MCYT. Each season is different, and yet it’s the same in the way that they’re just,,,, having fun. And making sustainable content that isn’t reliant on clout or trends or popularity. And that’s why I’m confident HC will outlast current popular SMPs like they always do.
I have no idea if this makes sense. Read the comments in the Reddit post lmao they put it more eloquently.
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gemisgreat · 3 years
I love when people refer to the hermits as Mr./Ms. <part of their username>. Like
Mr. GoodTimes
Miss Symmetry
Mr. Void
Mr. Slab
I even just saw someone call Iskall Mr. 85
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