#i love my lil camera men and investigators
Marie Presley, interview for Rolling Stone Magazine, 1997, introducing her film TLC: The Presley Way
A Sarge & lil Mama blurb, 2nd generation: Marie. word count 2k, PG rating, mentions of divorce
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Marie: “You know, I’m used to being asked how it impacted me being the child with the least ‘parental involvement.’ But I really don’t get it, not even when my siblings joke that Elvis was more like Santa to me than dad, a merry-making stranger who showed up once in a blue moon to spread love and cheer before rushing back to the workshop to make more goodies the rest of the year.
“Maybe there’s some truth in that but how was I to know? I didn’t know anything differently than what I had, just like lots of kids you don’t know what else you could’ve had, just like I didn’t know anything different from being very privileged, um, just as my dad didn’t know any different from being very poor.
“But what I do know is that I was very loved, I have been my whole life, and what I have are a treasure trove of memories, extensive amounts of time spent with him at all ages. I look at it this way, we wouldn’t say someone is fatherless just because their dad is gone every day of their life from seven in the morning to six in the evening, that’s a whole lotta time to be gone.
“Whereas I had months on end where I saw Dad from sunup to sundown, slept in my parents bed, ate and played and read with them. Spent time on homework and perhaps most personally impactful, I had my own interests nurtured by them. Dad spoiled me, there’s no question about it, but it wasn’t in the way of rich men giving their kids toys and telling them to then run along, leave them alone.
“Dad engaged with me on everything and anything interesting to me, anything that interested my siblings he would spend hours on it, not even the fun part of say -photography. But the boring details, too. If there was a new camera he would get it for me and together we could figure out how to make it work, how to develop the film, how to get the perfect exposure.
“We’d pour over artists' work and do our best to mimic them. It was play but it was always constructive, and when I think back on those late Vegas afternoons that were his mornings, that he would spend tirelessly engaged with me and my siblings, only to then have to go out and perform multiple times into the night, the adult in me is exhausted and grateful that he took the time. That he did it all so cheerfully that I had no idea how worn out he was.
“The divorce years were hard, I was an eight year old and definitely attuned to the different dynamics in my family. I was very close with my sister Ella who was extremely unhappy at the time, maybe more so than most of my siblings. So her discontent rubbed off on me a little, confused me. But for the most part I didn’t notice a big change, mom and daddy really tried to keep it under wraps, multiple times they insisted there wasn’t a team to pick, and maybe that was too nuanced for the older kids but I got it, I chose not to pick teams.
And before it had lasted very long, we were all back together again.
“Daddy didn’t have a tour, what with Colonel Parker being under investigation, and he stayed home because of Danny, and Daisy and then they got remarried. It was a blip for me really. I got to live with Ella, I got to travel around with Jesse and dad, I got to visit Rosalee out at college. It seemed more like a vacation bouncing than banishment. I was really fine with it, maybe I’m just built that way, it wasn’t as devastating as it might’ve been for another child.
“I do remember my ninth birthday being the single bummer of it all. Or at least, the day started off going decidedly down hill.
“I was the baby who made it after the tragedy of them losing Jo, and you beat believe dad always made a huge deal of my birthday. He’d always tickle the Angel kisses on the back of my neck and remind everyone how Jo and Gladys sent me, mama would recount the story of my birth and my siblings would recall how they laid hands on mama’s belly and prayed I’d come out safe every day for eight months before I was born.
So after nine years of this, when I came downstairs in ‘77 to find that the earth and divorce proceedings hadn’t screeched to a stop just to celebrate me, I was pretty miffed.
I remember just feeling like the vibes were really off at the house, even though dad had come back to celebrate, it was obvious he was very upset with mom. I remember Jesse took me riding on his bike that day, we got out of the house and had fun and I remember when he put me on it, mom and dad were in a deep discussion on the porch, apparently about the fact that I was having a meltdown over not being treated special enough. I've already admitted I was very spoiled, OK folks?
“But the real big thing for me was that by the time I came back from that ride and opened my presents and we ate dinner, things seemed perfectly fine, normal and natural. That night we went through our usual routine and I climbed in the bed with mom and dad like old times. Now that I think about it, that was probably the first time in months that they slept together, and they did that for me. And they did it so naturally and it was really a happy evening, even for them, I think.
“It’s funny how professional you can get at getting along when you’ve had to endure so much like they had, one night of harmony in the middle of a divorce wasn’t a big hurdle for them. There was so much love still there and so much practice, just a lotta confusion. You can see why I wasn’t very surprised when Mama showed up with a baby and a wedding band back on her finger. It might sound bizarre to outsiders, and it’s certainly been portrayed like that by some of our closest friends, but in this film I’d like to set the record straight. It’s what I saw lived out.
Love can be very chaotic sometimes, complex and bizarre but it tries its best. It seeks the good of others. It’s the catalyst for great things and produces generous hearts. And my family certainly did just that.”
Thanks for letting me bug ya with a blurb, and slowly but surely I’m putting faces to the kids, and their stories too. So much thanks goes to my girlies who hash this out with my for hours on end in the chats. The chats are the new trenches, ok? It’s where ya make your Bestest buddies.
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Rescue me
Pairing: Loki Friggason x reader
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, kinda angsty, a lil fluffy. (We love fluffy Loki around here lmao)
AN: this is not a request but I got this idea and it wouldn’t stop nagging at me so I took it and I RAN with it, requests coming VERY soon though
Yanking on the binds around your wrists, you wince slightly as they dig into the skin once again.
“That won’t free you. They’ve held much stronger.” The man in front of you informs you, a sly smirk playing on his lips and sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m not of any use to you, I hope you’ve realized that by now.” You growl, glaring up at him with a piercing gaze.
He chuckles, the sound one of nightmares bellowing from his throat.
“On the contrary, you are the key to getting to the god of mischief.” He says, his malicious grin growing wider as you flinch at the sound of his title. “Who knew his only weakness would be so... pathetically mortal.” He says, grabbing your roughly by the chin to make you meet his eyes.
Had your legs not been tied down, you would have kicked him, whether it be in the legs or in a much more intimate place, anywhere that would have gotten the vile creature away from you.
“He won’t do it. He won’t come for me. He’d never be that stupid.” You spat, leaning towards his face to make your message clear.
He opts to ignore your comment, leaving the room without another word.
You spend what feels like ions fighting the ropes with as much force as you can muster, still feeling the toll of the drugs they’d used to take you here (wherever here was), even with a day or two having already passed since they used it. You suspected they were sending the same kind through the vents to disorient you and to keep you weak.
You knew they more than likely wouldn’t feed you or give you water but your stomach still didn’t realize this. It continued to rumble, reminding you of your need for nutrients.
Truthfully, you’d been in worse situations. Being friends with the avengers tended to do that to a person. No, it wasn’t being starved or locked up and tied to a cold metal chair that scared you. It was the fact that you now truly knew what your boyfriend Loki felt for you and that was nothing.
There hadn’t been one sign of him coming to your rescue, nor had there been any of him sending help for you.
You wanted to plead, beg even for him to come to your aid but you refused to give them the satisfaction of hearing so through whatever mics and cameras they may have planted.
Your body ached from being in this same position for so long and you tried to prepare yourself for spending the rest of your life like this but try as you might, you couldn’t. You couldn’t will yourself to drop all hopes of Loki becoming your knight.
You licked your lips, trying to refresh them from their cracking and dried state but it was not much use.
Hours later, your captor reenters the room, two of his cronies following behind on either side. You use a minimal amount of strength to look up at him, knowing he would once again force you to if you didn’t do it yourself.
“I don’t understand! We’ve had her/him/them here for days and he hasn’t so much as threatened our lives! It doesn’t make any sense.” He cries out in frustration, gesturing angrily in your direction as he speaks.
You let out a bitter guffaw, rolling your eyes slightly. “It’s obvious you’re dimwitted but I had no idea it was to this extent.” You mutter. He glares at you furiously, outraged by your sudden show of disrespect. “Loki views me as nothing more than a plaything. He sees me as a toy and clearly, he’s grown bored with me anyway. He won’t come. The sooner you realize that the sooner we can get my murder over with.” You explain coldly.
“No. No! There’s more to it than that! We wouldn’t have just taken you on the off chance he cared for you! He does! I’ve seen it!” He insists, burying himself in denial. Any person would’ve said you should be reacting the same way, perhaps even more dramatically. You disagreed.
“He sees me as a possession. He doesn’t need me, he never has. He simply wanted to have me as a trophy for the mantle.” You reword your initial statement, the sharp words slipping through your lips slicing your heart more everytime as realization hits.
You feel the lone tear falling down your face just as he looks back to meet your eyes again. His face lights up with a monstrous grin and you immediately want to move away or at least wipe the salty tear away.
The man gently caresses your face, the rough pad of his thumb wiping the tear off your cheek. Your breath hitches in fear, terrified into not moving even an inch.
“I can see why the trickster would take an interest in you. For a mortal, you are quite attractive.” He comments, his breath hot on your face. You lean as far back as the chair allows without falling, using every bit of your strength to get away.
Just before he can do anything else to frighten you, an alarm starts blaring, high pitched and loud, causing him and his guards to stand immediately at high alert.
“Take the captive someplace safe. She/he/they needs to be intact for our deal to work.” He orders, running over to the door to investigate.
Instead of leaving you to walk on your own, the two remove you from the chair, grabbing you by an arm each and dragging you to the parcade but not before they hastily jab another dose of whatever drug it was they used on you into your exposed arm. You bite back a wince, the needle stinging as they recklessly inject it.
As they shove you into the backseat and start to drive, another car collides violently with the drivers side, sending the vehicle you’re in to a sudden halt. You release the sob of fear you’d been holding since being brought there, scared for your life.
As you begin to fade in and out of consciousness from the impact of your head hitting the front seat, the world keeps spinning, making you dizzy. The door is yanked open and what you see makes you immediately think it’s nothing more than a cruel form of torture.
“Oh my love, thank norns you are alright.” The voice murmurs, cutting your seatbelt with minimal difficulty and dragging your tired body out of the car like a rag doll.
Your first thought after the torture theory is that the drugs were causing you to hallucinate. Your next was that they somehow had the powers that the god of mischief himself did.
All these theories are tossed out the window as he lifts you into his arms and you feel the familiar mix of warmth and coolness against your skin.
“You came for me. You didn’t leave me for dead.” You murmur sleepily, trying to fight the effects of the injection.
“Of course I did my darling. I could never allow harm to come to you. I will always come for you.” He promises softly, placing a kiss on your forehead as he slips the both of you through every doorway. Suddenly he comes to a halt, making your drooping eyelids burst open and brings you back to some form of alertness.
“I see you found your mortal.” A voice says. To your dismay, it’s again a voice you recognize. This one though, is the same taunting voice you’d heard for the past two days.
You feel Loki’s muscles tense against you, holding you tighter in a protective manner. You nuzzle up to him in a mix of fear and exhaustion.
“Y/n is not a part of this war between you and me. Leave her/him/them out of this.” He orders, gently placing you on the ground to lean on the wall. You whine in protest, wanting nothing more than to be protected within his grasp.
“If only I could. She/he/they is the only thing you value worth bargaining. Without that, no one has anything of interest to you.” The man says with a grin, glancing over at your weakened figure in an almost longing manner.
Loki’s jaw tenses as he steps closer to the man, clearly ready to rip him apart in one move. If there was one thing he would never bargain with, it was your life and safety.
As you fell into a drug induced sleep on the floor, your limbs relaxing around you, Loki takes another glance in your direction, alarmed as he notices one of the mans guards grab hold of you and hold a blade to your throat.
“What is it you seek, you parasite?” Loki growls as he meets the eyes of your captor.
He grins like a madman. “The tesseract for y/n’s life.” He orders. Loki’s jaw locks in anger, unsure what he could do.
“I truly didn’t believe you’d fallen in love with a mere mortal your highness. I thought those who did were insane but seeing you actually have to think about it... well that just proves them right.” He mocks, making Loki want nothing more than to kill him.
He regains his control, his whitened knuckles relaxing as he lets out a sigh of defeat. Reaching into the pocket of his armour, he hands the glowing blue cube out of his hand and into his enemies hesitantly.
The man inspects it quickly before signalling for the minion to release you. He moves his blade and lets you go, dropping your limp body down to the floor with a harsh thud.
Loki practically seethes with anger, glaring daggers at the man as he retreats.
“You truly have become weak for this one being. How sad.” The man says, tutting his tongue as Loki reaches back over to you, his face one of worry.
“I like to believe you and your men are the weak ones for believing it is love that renders you so. You are true fools for believing I, Loki of Asgard, could ever be rendered so.” He retorts in an almost bored tone as he picks you up bridal style, cradling you in his arms as he masks his rage.
The man guffaws. “I got what I needed, you may take her/him/them and leave.” He says dismissively as he walks off into the hallways of his lair, leaving Loki alone with you.
He gently pushes strands of hair away from your face and quickly walks off to his hovercraft ship, laying you gently onto the ground, draping his emerald cloak over you. As the wind blows around you, the air helps with the effects of the drugs, making you wake up groggily.
“Loki?” You murmur, repeating yourself a moment later to overpower the wind.
“Good morning darling.” He hums, setting it to drive itself for a moment as he turns to face you. He crouches down to your level, gently but possessively kissing you on the cheek.
“How did you get us out of there?” You ask in confusion.
“With my wit and charm?” He offers jokingly. You meet his eyes, looking unimpressed. “If you must know, I had to give him the tesseract.” He admits with a huff of annoyance.
“What?! Loki, that thing is so important to you... and to the rest of the universe! Why would you do that?” You shout, your face one of concern.
“Y/n, I would have done whatever necessary to get you back. I care more for you than for anyone else in my life, except perhaps my dear mother.” He explains softly, holding your hand in his. In the palm of his godly hand, yours felt tiny.
“I’m not worth trading your most prized possession Loki. I love you for what you did but-.” You start but he places his lips against yours before you can finish.
“I thought that might be the best way to get you to stop chattering.” He says with a mischievous yet warm grin. You’d missed that more than you’d realized over the past few days.
“Anyway, you are worth all the tesseracts or magical artifacts or crowns in the world. I’d trade all of them just to keep you by my side forever my love.” He promises, kissing your knuckle as your face heats up.
“Well when you put it that way...” you say with a smile, planting your lips against his yourself.
“It also helps when you give them a fake of course.” He shrugs nonchalantly as though he hadn’t just dropped a key piece of information on you.
“You- you really deserve the title of god of mischief, you know that?” You ask in slight awe of his quick thinking.
“Of course I do but it’s nice to hear from such a lovely pair of lips.” He teases, smiling at you.
“I love you you mischievous idiot.” You giggle, grinning and squeezing his hand, still feeling groggy but a bit better being with him.
“And I love you with all my heart my darling. Always have, always will.” He whispers, holding you tight in his embrace.
He helps you to your feet, letting you regain your sense of balance as he pulls you in front of him, rested against his chest as he steers the small ship to the avengers tower, landing it gracefully.
“A bit of a show off are we?” You tease.
“My dear, it would never truly be me if I weren’t.” He teases right back, carrying you into his room.
You spend the night there, sleeping with his arms around your body.
He whispers sweet promises to protect you and guard you with his life and you take comfort in knowing that they’re all true, that you should never doubt his love and willingness to protect you at all costs. He was never going to leave you, he was your protector and rescuer, along with the love of your life, just as you were his.
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Lost Boys - EIGHT
Characters: August Walker / Captain Syverson / Walter Marshall
Word count: 1.524
Warnings: I don’t know, there’s guns?
Author’s note: Everything in this story is a figment of my imagination, with inspiration and snippets from the movies ‘Mission: Impossible - Fallout’, ‘Sand Castle’, ‘Nomis/Night Hunter’. This is pure fanfiction. If something doesn’t make sense, it’s not supposed to.
And a little inspiration from ‘Furious 7’.
I do now own any of the characters from the movies that I write about in this story. Only the OFC’s are mine.
Tag: @katerka88 @littlefreya @hell1129-blog @mitzwinchester @mary-ann84 @valkavill @sciapod @henry-cavlll @luclittlepond @iloveyouyen @trippedmetaldetector @radaofrivia @omgkatinka @gothwhopper @fcgrizi @vania-marie @alyxkbrl​ @readings-of-a-cavill-lover​ @singeramg​ @onlyhenrys​ @henrythickcavill​ @madbaddic7ed​ @palaiasaurus64​ @mis-lil-red @queenslandlover-93​ (I’m so sorry I haven’t tagged you until now, love, I think I must have run into some technical issues when I wrote your URL in my document with tags, but you’re there now to stay)
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Feedback is appreciated.
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“Don’t worry brother. I’ll save you instead.”
There was a knock on the door. August quickly closed the laptop. He moved with stealth towards the wooden entrance, silently clicking the safety off on his gun. He looked into the peephole and let out a breath of relief.
He opened the heavy door to let his tech-associate inside.
“Were you followed?” He asked as he investigated the hallway, it was empty.
“No,” Marc sounded offended. “Listen, Lark…”
“My cover has been blown, call me Smith.”
“Fine, Smith. You’re in deep shit. The bounty on your head has doubled, and now it’s definitely dead instead of DOA. You need to move away from here, go to some island and lay low for a few years.”
“Marc… I don’t have a few years.”
“Smith, you’re being hunted. Every government agency in the world is looking for you.”
“I know.”
“If you are recognized, I won’t be able to help you out of this country.”
“I know.”
“You need to keep moving.”
“I have a place in mind. But you’re not going to like it.”
“If you say that shitty cabin in Northern Thailand…”
“I won’t say it.”
“But it is that place. Fuck man! That place has no connection to the outer world! No internet. The nearest village is 10K away…” Marc took a deep breath, “But it is the safest place for you right now.”
“When can you arrange a flight?”
“Let me talk to my contacts. I’ll have a plan by tomorrow.”
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Melanie could guess from the knocking who was on the other side of the door. She smiled brightly at the grumpy face that met her.
“Good morning, Walter,” she chimed happily.
“Morning, where’s my brother?” He grunted.
“Answering a phone call. Coffee?”
“Yes, black, no sugar.”
Melanie poured the dark liquid into a mug and handed it to him. Lucas walked out of his bedroom with a grim look on his face.
“Luc, what’s wrong?”
“That was Aiden. The bounty on August’s head has doubled. It’s up to two hundred million now, and they want him dead.”
Lucas plopped down on the sofa and ran his good hand over his beard.
“Then we better get started on finding him,” Walter mumbled.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Lucas’ voice sounded hopeless.
“You can start by telling me, when and where you last saw him.”
Walter wrote down the information, Lucas was giving him in a little black notebook that looked brand new.
“My brother, Charlie, works for the FBI, he should be able to help a little with this case.”
“Should I arrange for travel plans for Iraq? That’s where you last saw him,” Melanie inquired. The two bulking men stared at her.
“Don’t think he’s back in the Middle East, Mel. He might have passed through and gone across the border to hide in another country,” Lucas explained.
“Then how are we going to find him?”
“We’d have to speak to the people that know him. His colleagues, his adopted parents, his friends, if he had any, and so forth,” Walter chimed in.
“Alright, then it seems we’re going to Virginia after we’ve talked to your FBI brother.”
Walter and Lucas swallowed their cooled down coffees, they were mimicking each other without knowing it. They held the mugs the same way, on the opposite side of the handle and chugged the black liquid. They would lean their heads back a little to catch the last drops before putting down the empty cup with a loud thud.
Melanie was amazed by the two men, who looked so much like each other, but at the same time looked so different. One with long curly hair, the other with a military styled buzz cut. They both looked intimidating as hell, and Melanie prayed she’d never get interrogated by those two brothers.
Walter led them towards his truck. The drive took almost an hour before he parked at what looked like an abandoned warehouse.
Melanie felt Lucas tensing up next to her. He made sure to walk in front of her. She knew it was to protect her, but at the same time, she was annoyed, because he knew that she knew how to bring a man to his knees, in more ways than one.
Walter opened the steel door. He motioned with his head to follow him.
Inside looked to be a normal old warehouse with an abundant number of wooden crates. The smell of the room was awful. The waft of rotting fish and mould mixed together in the worst way possible hit Melanie’s nostrils. She nearly gagged at the odious place.
A door opened across the room, lighting up the dark room.
“Good to see you out of the police station for once, little brother,” the man said with a smile. He wrapped Walter into his arms. Melanie noticed that Walter didn’t wholeheartedly return the hug. Charlie Marshall was taller than his adoptive brother, but not as broad and muscular. His blonde hair was cut short at the sides and longer at the top. His deep ocean eyes were dancing with mischief until he locked eyes with Melanie. The smile disappeared from his lips and was replaced with a more curious look.
“Charlie, this is my brother, Lucas, and his sister, Melanie,” Walter introduced them. Charlie walked around his brother and greeted Lucas with a firm handshake, while he kissed the back of Melanie’s hand.
“Pleasure to meet you both. Walt told me about you last night, come in and I’ll show you what I’ve found so far.”
Lucas was burning holes into Charlie’s skull. Having not liked him kissing his sister’s hand. Melanie was elated to be shown a little attention.
“Charlie, back off. She’s not here for you,” Walter grumbled and walked into the tiny office space. A black-haired woman was sitting in front of multiple screens, tapping on the keyboard in front of her at lightning speed.
“This is Raven, she’s a hacker and technology expert. We’re doing this behind the scenes because we want to find your lost brother as soon as possible,” Charlie explained.
Raven didn’t look up but grumbled a greeting of some sort.
“How are we going to find August?” Lucas asked.
“With this,” Raven motioned to the screens. The monitors filled out a picture of the earth moving. A picture of August sitting on the top left.
“What does it do?” Melanie asked.
“It’s using all the cell phones with cameras to find him, kinda like God’s Eye from Fast and Furious.”
“Is this legal?”
“Not at all. That’s why we’re here, hiding from the rest of the world. This is only used during emergencies, and I consider this an emergency.”
“Found him yet?” Lucas grunted. He stood behind Melanie with a rank back and stern look. Walter stood almost in the same stance next to him, except he had his arms folded across his chest.
“Last time he was seen, was in an unused airport hangar in Northern Italy last night. He could have travelled anywhere since then,” Charlie said.
“How long?” Walter muttered.
“Hours, days, weeks. I don’t know, he’s really good at hiding,” Raven threw her arms in the air.
“Then there’s nothing to do but go to Virginia. Call us, when you have something, and thank you, Raven, for helping us,” Melanie sent the pale woman a soft smile and went to walk out the tiny room. Lucas, Walter and Charlie followed her to the truck.
“Thank you, for your help so far,” Lucas told Charlie and held out his good hand.
“If I had a lost brother, I’d do anything to find him too.”
Charlie winked at Melanie and walked back into the building. Walter drove the two back to the hotel in silence. Everyone was grumbling over their own things.
“Thanks for your help, Walter,” Melanie cut through the silence when he parked.
“I’m coming with you to Virginia,” Walter told them.
“What about your daughter?” Lucas asked.
“She said, and I quote: ‘You either find your long-lost brother and bring him home, or I’ll be the worst rebellious teenager that’s ever existed in the history of police-dads.’”
“Three tickets to Virginia, coming right up,” Melanie smiled.
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The plane ride was fast and short. They landed, got their luggage, found the rented car and drove to the hotel. Another huge suite with three bedrooms. At first, Lucas wanted three separate bedrooms next to each other, but Melanie had stubbornly told him off that he needed her help with his broken arm. Walter didn’t have a say in anything as Melanie shut him up with a fiery glare.
They ventured out towards the house where the lost brother had grown up. The house looked like it needed a loving hand with the front garden, and the paint on the front door was slowly peeling off in large spots.
Walter rang the bell and knocked loudly. They heard a commotion inside before the door was opened. A short woman with greying hair stood in front of them. Her eyes widened and tears formed at the corners.
“August? Is that you?”
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malsmanor · 4 years
Thunder Mesa Canon Characters
Follow up to my previous Thunder Mesa ‘lore’ post.
Sources are: my personal experience, cast members, ‘urban/park’ legends that spread during the years, the database of the Italian website MondoDisneyland.it and Phantom Manor Legends.
Hoping I won’t forget anybody... (if I do, please let me know!) LET’S BEGIN!
The Ravenswoods:
Henry: one of the founding fathers of Thunder Mesa, owner of the Big Thunder Mountain Mining. Co and of the beautiful Victorian Manor on Boot Hill.
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Martha: Henry’s wife. Very little is known about her beside the fact that her marriage wasn’t exactly a happy one.
Mélanie: Henry and Martha’s daughter and heiress of her father’s fortune. It is said the was one of the prettiest girls in town, had a lovely singing voice and many, unfortunate suitors.
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The Jones:
(they’re either siblings or husband and wife, unclear)
Jasper: The Ravenswood’s estate butler and man-servant.
Anna: The Ravenswood’s estate chambermaid. She was possibly one of Henry Ravenswood’s lovers.
Deceased citizens/ghosts that now reside in the Manor:
Madame Leota: a gypsy fortuneteller who offered her services to the people of Thunder Mesa. After her death she is tasked to summon other spirits and demons to the "ghostly ball" that's held in the manor.
The Phantom: A mysterious entity that torments Mélanie in the Manor. The 2019 Refurbishment of the attraction confirmed his identity as Henry Ravenswood, returned from the dead to prevent his daughter from marrying a man not worthy of her.
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Goliath: Undead dog that appears alongside the Phantom in one of the most notoriously scary scenes in the attraction. In the original script, he belonged to Henry’s brother, Arthur Ravenswood. In the current storyline Goliath is heavily implied to be Henry’s pet and his loyal companion even in death.
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Valentin the Boneless/Le Desosé: a man from Thunder Mesa whose body and spirit were crushed, either physically or metaphorically... or both.
Mary Murphy: Frank Ballard’s wife.
Frank Ballard: Mary Murphy’s husband.
Ma Ballard: Frank Ballard’s mother. Clearly didn’t approve of her son’s marriage to Mrs.Murphy. Her gravestone reads ‘over my dead body’.
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B. Arnold: his occupation is unknown. His gravestone reads ‘Cold Is My Bed - But Oh, I Love It - For Colder Are My Friends Above It.’
Leadfoot Fred: a cowboy and gunslinger, his adversary made him ‘dance’ until he was hit in the legs (at least 3 shots per leg) and finished off.
“Shorty” Smith: nothing is know about them except that they died in 1862
Red Hot Harry: probably a gunslinger like Leadfoot Fred. Like him, he wasn’t fast enough.
Dakota Dick: somebody really REALLY hard to kill. According to their tombstone, they were hanged October 17th, 1867, shot January 18th, 1868, stabbed December 18th, 1868, poisoned May 21st, 1869 and are ready to come back for more.
Jaques Shrillman: a terrible musician, ‘lynched by a bunch of music lovers‘.
Peg Leg McBrogue: an outlaw that committed robberies on riverboats. ‘Walked the plank, and sank’.
Nameless Hunter: killed by a bear. (See below.)
Pet Cemetery:
A squirrel, a cougar and a bear also rest in Boot Hill... somehow. Their graves imply that they all became the bear’s food at some point. An unfortunate Hunter also met the same fate.
Mélanie’s Suitors:
Rowan D.Falls: former captain of the ‘Mark Twain’ Steamboat and one of Mélanie's suitors, died falling off a tall waterfall. He is possibly related to Dr. Albert Falls, a member of S.E.A the Society of Explorers and Adventurers.
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Ignatus "Iggy" Knight: former owner of a dynamite manufacture and one of Mélanie's suitors.  He died in an explosion inside Big Thunder Mountain’s mine.
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Barry Claude: oil-field master and one of Mélanie's suitors. He was mauled by a bear.
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Sawyer Bottom: owner of the local sawmill. Suffered the most suspicious death of all the suitors: tied to a log and bifurcated within his own sawmill.
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The Townsfolk:
William Ketchum: current sheriff of Thunder Mesa
Artemus L. Hector (current Mayor of Thunder Mesa) and his wife: [photo from Phantom Manor Legends]
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James Collins: Photographer and inventor of the Spectral Camera.
J. Nutterville: undertaker and coffin maker, he takes care of Boot Hill and its graves. It is unclear if he’s still alive or a ghost himself but I’m placing him in this category because he appears from time to time near Phantom Manor and during special events to take the guests’ ‘measures’ and get their coffins ready.
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Diamond Lil: the owner of the Lucky Nugget Saloon.
Lavinia ???: a beautiful dancer who worked at the Lucky Nugget Saloon. Many men were in love with her and one of the locomotives of Big Thunder Mountain bears her name.
Pierre Paradis: Diamond Lil’s French fiancee.
Jebediah Rose: Thunder Mesa’s blacksmith. He was in love with the Lucky Nugget dancer Lavinia but she did not love him back.
Lavinia Rose: Jebediah’s daughter, named after his unrequited love.
Milo ‘One Eye’ Jones: a robber who made the mistake of stealing from Big Thunder Mountain Mining Co. and an even bigger one when he thought it was a good idea to hide from the law in the very manor built by the founder of the company he just robbed. It is possible that he is related to the Jones who once worked for the Ravenswoods.
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The Thunder Mesa Councilmen have... interesting names such as I.M. Chikin and I.L.B Bach.
The Caretaker: Phantom Manor’s equivalent to the Haunted Mansion’s groundskeeper.
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EXTRAS: Fan Character, deleted characters and those who may or may not be involved but it’s just fun to think they are:
Jake ‘Lockart’ Evans: Formerly the only known suitor of Mélanie. A fan favorite that, despite not having been completely de-canonized by the refurbishment, is not a physical presence in the Manor anymore. The name was never official but the fandom as a whole still calls him Jake ;)
Barnabas T. Bullion: The founder and owner of the Thunder Mountain Mining Co. according to the 2013 refurbished queue line in WDW Orlando. Assuming that we’re talking about the same company that Henry Ravenswood founded, it is possible that Bullion took over 20 years after Henry’s death and re-built the company under a new image to erase its dark history. In the Big Thunder Mountain Marvel Comics, he is depicted as a better person and father to his daughter Abigail than Ravenswood ever was to Mélanie, drawing a parallel between the two.
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Arthur Ravenswood: Henry’s younger brother in the original script for the ride.
Gabrielle Ravenswood: Arthur’s wife in the original script.
Melanie's cousin: One of the letters that could be found on a table inside Phantom Manor before the refurbishment hinted at a relationship between Mélanie and a cousin of hers. It wasn’t clear if this was an arranged marriage or a clandestine affair.
Henry's repudiated son: The same letters also introduce us to Henry’s firstborn (often nicknamed Elias or Alan by the fandom) who’s writing to his father to let him know that he is -once again- out of money.
S.E.A investigators: the in-universe explanation for the long shut down of Phantom Manor is an investigation conducted by the local authorities with the help of groups of ‘explorers and adventurers’ that came from the East. Fans speculate that these explorers may be part of S.E.A, a secret society around which Tokyo Disney SEA’s park lore is built. If one of Mélanie’s suitors is indeed a member of Dr.Albert Falls family, this could explain why the S.E.A may have an interest in Phantom Manor and the strange happenings surrounding it. S.E.A members are mostly depicted as positive characters, explorers and archeologists respectful of the land and cultures they get in contact with, but even within their ranks there are some rotten apples. A notable example is Harrison Hightower III who is rumored to be related with George Hightower, previous owner of the Haunted Mansion (both in California and Orlando) and one of Constance Hatchaway’s husbands.
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praphit · 5 years
The X-People: DP Degrees of BS
Frickin Phoenix!
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(What does that even mean? “Every hero has a DARK side?” She kills people! Are all of our heroes murderers? - but I’ll get to that later.)
I'm mad! That's right, people! I'm mad at MYSELF! Why? Well, I could have taken the kids to go see "The Secret Life of Pets 2", so we could laugh our asses off (Idk what kids I'm talkin about - just randomly picking kids up off the streets and taking them to see movies... prob best I didn't do that). 
I could have seen something cultured like "Late Night" or "THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANSISCO"; which I admit is a stupid title, but it seems like it's a good movie. But, no, people! My comic book geekiness would not allow it!
Instead I went to see this bullshit right here - “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”. 
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Don't look at me that way, Sansa! You know dag gon well this movie is some ol' bullshit!
You know! The rest of your acting squad knows, the director knows, the writers know - I knew from the first trailer! I knew from the first time they announced that they were taking another crack at a cinematic Phoenix story. Why?? Cuz we've done this before! Yep! 
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There it is! - and it was terrible! 
What’s going on with that poster? Apparently, they didn’t have any confidence in that movie either. Why is Wolverine running at me like Sonic the Hedgehog?
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I tried to find a better poster, but...
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Here they look like they’re posing in some 80′s rock video. TAKE THAT STAND:)
I was mad back then with the first trailer, because I knew that this moment would come. And I actually really liked the first two movies of these particular X-Men. It was Apocalypse that ruined everything. 
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People thought that movie was so bad, that it erased all the good that this franchised has done (even going back to the older X-Men):
The ground-breaking 1st movie (tho it prob doesn't hold up),
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(Creepy old Magneto is coming for dat ass!)
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(it's hard to imagine anyone playing him better than Hugh Jackman. And he should have won an award for how cut he got... and he was so modest. If I ever  end up looking like that, WHEW! - ladies look out:),  
I loved Patrick Stewart as Prof. X, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's intense hot & frigid bromance (though we never got our make-out seen:), Quicksilver (man, I wish we could get more of him), "Logan" (excellent comic book movie), and I'm not sure if we'd have Deadpool without them ruining that first Wolverine movie. Not to mention that they marketed the hell out of this movie franchise and made so much money! But, then this guy showed up and effed it all to hell!
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("Everything they built will FALL... ")
- you ain't lyin, jack!
And while that movie was terrible, it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Bullshit sure, but... there are different degrees of bullshit. Apocalypse was forgettable BS, sometimes there's BS that makes us laugh, or think, or cry - what type of bullshit will Dark Phoenix be? -  Let's take a look:
This movie kicks off with the X-Men in space. Yep! SPACE! Since when are the X-Men astronauts? Which movie did they get training for any of that? How did they build an X-Jet for space travel? Did they learn it on YouTube? And even if that were the case, how's the government allowing this? If a group of talented minorities built a functional space craft, do you think President Trump would allow them to come and go as they please? Shiiiiiii In the movie they don't even test it first. Xavier just says that they'll be fine, and sends the kids off.
I think that there needs to be an investigation. Prof. X is trying to kill these kids. He keeps sending them on missions that they shouldn't come back from:
X-Men: "But, professor, we don't know how to disarm a bomb!"
Xavier: "You'll be fine."
X-Men: "But, professor, the X Jet isn't built for deep sea exploration, we don't even know where we're going!"
Xavier: "Y'all will figure it out."
Then, as they come back, he's counting to see if they all made it - "Ten kids left, and coming back, I count... ten DAMMIT! But, wait, one is injured... doesn't look like he'll pull through. YES! (as he drinks some bourbon - which he does at an alarming rate in this movie... prob to block out all the kids he has killed).
While we're on the topic of him - did the movie "Split" ruin James McAvoy's take on Prof X for anybody else? This is all I kept seeing when he was on camera.
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But, as you know, cuz they did this exact plot in "X-Men: Last Stand" Jean Grey gets possessed by some space entity while they're up there, and becomes Phoenix.
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Jean (played by Sophie Turner, who actually does a good job) is found to have done something horrible. Xavier (and this is no spoiler, cuz again X-Men: Last Stand") blocks out the bad stuff she has done to try to protect her, this eventually wears off, and now we get DARK 
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...wait, sorry.
Now we get DARK PHOENIX! 
There we go!
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(”Where’s my money?!”)
Now, Jessica Chastain is in this as well seen here, experimenting with bleach,
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 who's leading a group of aliens to manipulate Jean (I'll get to them later). But, if JC is in the house, you can be sure that a women's rights message will be in there somewhere (#drinkinggame) And BOOM, there it was - "Don't let some MAN in a chair tell you what you are? - what you can and can not be! Don't let him controoool you!" 
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I'm all for girl power, buuuuuut she HAS been on a bit of a carnage streak, and she has been killing people, annnnnnd isn't Jessica Chastain also trying to control her? But, imma let all that go... what do I know?? :)
I gotta be honest, I was digging the first half of this movie. They were capturing everything I love about the X-Men: social issues, political issues, teen struggles. They have lots of real drama going on amongst themselves. There are times when you'll cheer the X-Men on and times when you'll agree with some of the humans that THEY GOTZ TO GO! I love the flaws of the X-Men; it makes them relatable. I even love the struggle with having so much power, and yet having to try to walk a line of morality - which they suck at btw.
The professor sucks at it the most, which made me kinda sad, actually. BUT, to be fair, he has the power to control people's minds... would any of us with that power be able to consistently resist certain temptations?? Def not giving him a pass though. He does a lot of messed up stuff (some things they draw attention to, and others that they don't). Some things that made me cringe, even though MOST of what he was doing was out of love. I can't depend on none of my fave leaders anymore - not even the fictional ones.
We were getting into some deep stuff! BUT, then it was as if some big shot walked on the set and reminded them that they have a "Blow shit up" quota to meet, and that the plot points were slowing them down. Soooooooo, they burn the script and start blowing things up. Some people might say "Praphit, this is a comic book movie, how much script can you expect?" If this were 20 years ago, I'd agree.
Plus, it's more the fact that nothing makes any sense at this point.
Magneto (who's always the voice of reality in these movies, in my opinion) wants to kill Jean (for very good reasons), but he knows that he can't take Phoenix by himself, so why is he trying? He's a smart dude; why not come up with a better plan? Prof X wants to talk to Jean, to reason with her... the problem with that is that they just tried that a few days ago, and that couldn't have gone any more terribly than it did. The aliens in this movie (which lack all personality btw), who's objective is to control Jean, also know that they can't really do that or take her out (which was plan B), so... what the hell are we doing? The aliens are supposed to be the smart ones!
Prof X should have just controlled everyone's minds, and played a big game of immoral chess to take Jean out - that would have been a cool movie. But, this (though the effects are VERY COOL:) simply became a shoot-out! Not to mention, that right before all of this awesome, but confusing damage takes place, they have a big speech about restraint and not doing harm. Literally, a minute later, the X-Men are blowing buses up!
But, all of that is not even what makes this movie bullshit (grade: D+ btw). What makes this movie bullshit is the fact that it's the last one before Disney takes over.
You'd think that they would have given it their best, so that they can go out making us miss them! But, it felt like half way through the movie the team was told that this is all over, and that Mickey Mouse is coming to collect, but instead of going out with their best, they said to themselves "bleep it" and mailed-it-in.
The way that the final battle scene ends doesn't make any sense. It's one of those scenarios where "If you could do that... why didn't you do that earlier and save more destruction?" and a lil bit of "Well, if you had THAT much power, then none of these other altercations should have even been close."
The way it ends after that too! Man! It's like they just fast forwarded through the parts they didn't feel like acting out. This is the last one, people! Just lazy!
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Yeah you!
I've got a spoiler, sooooo if you don't want it, skip through the text after Patrick Stewart - and start reading again when you see his handsome face again:)
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(this is back when I learned to love this man)
So, Jean is... gone (possibly dead), and the X-Men name the school after her "Institute of Jean Grey" or something like that. Also, Prof X steps down (maybe due to guilt of his misatkes with Jean, who knows for sure, cuz they didn't act it out), and leaves Beast in charge in with the other teen X-Men to instruct the 'young kids at the school. "Other TEEN X-Men" Did they just make these kids professors? And what qualifies Beast (at this stage in his life) to run the school? Plus, Jean Grey was kind of a murderer wasn't she (and this wasn't a secret from the rest of the world)? Come on,kids, let me sign you up for "Ted Bundy's School for gifted youngsters" Would you be onboard for that? Hell no!
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(Here’s PS fresh off a bender. “I promise, Timmy, I’ll try to think about never touching the sauce again, but this hair says that I will.”)
So... I'd say, entertaining bullshit. The effects (especially) at the end are great! But, the rest... and to go out like this... ugh.
There's a cool quote in here from Mystique (played by J.Law) who clearly didn't want to be there. It was a quote about how the women in the X-Men seem to be sticking their necks out and saving the day way more than the men, and that  maybe Xavier should change their name to “The X-Women”. I thought that was not only funny, but a damned good point. I say do it!
I'd love it if you had a a big strong manly man of the team go ahead of the action and stand up to the enemy, and when asked "Who are you?" he replies
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"We're the X-Women."
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Eff You, Mr. Eff - Part 1
The familiar sound of the front door quickly scanning and then allowing patrons to enter alerted Tenn to come from the security footage room upstairs. She had already set up the screens to broadcast each street from earlier yesterday into the current day at that exact time.
She waved from the top of the stairwell.
“Good to see that you all made it here safe. Brother Squee, Brother-in-Law Pep, and TAK are all on their way here. But in the meantime we can get started.”
She met them halfway down the stairs, she was in strategic soldier mode, her arms clasped behind her back and her head held high.
She gave small professional smiles to the two tall men and the red tentacled, dog-like creature.
“Everything is already set up for review.” She went on to list all of the streets up on the screen as she opened the door for them to come inside the security room.
“You can take your pick on which you’d like to station yourself to.”
“Down the line- There’s Grave Road, Maple Street, Obilivia Lane, Brighton Circle, Badger Road, Windhurst Lane, Aegis Street, Aligheri Street, and the Downtown area goes through a rapid cycle of certain areas, so that may become a bit disorienting, so just a warning in advance if you wish to take post there.”
Jhonen looked over the map. “Honestly I’ll go downtown. The city is there, and if Prince is like my Nny- most of his walks are through the city,” he said, looking over at the different stores and buildings in the area.
A beep at the door heralded the arrival of Tak.  “So what’s the set up?”  She paused.  “Actually, Squee and Pep are right behind me.  Wait a moment, would you?”
The duo came in, weary and cold.  
“Thanks for waiting, TAK.  Not like you could have held the door open.”
“She really couldn’t have - there’s bio-scans for each key card swipe.”
Pep grumbled.  He didn’t have to like it.  
“So what did we miss?”
Edgar continued, uninterrupted by the appearances. “I’ll take Grave Road, I trust that Jhonen and Tenn haven’t seen Nny personally, but Nny is fast and I’m sure things have been busy in their house anyway,” He stood in front of the screen where familiar houses stood in a row. Few cars went by.
Lil’ Shit shook their head.  
“Nᴏᴛ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ.  Gʀᴀᴠᴇ Rᴏᴀᴅ ɪsɴ'ᴛ ᴀ ᴄᴏɪɴᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ, ᴡʜᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄɪᴛʏ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛ.  I'ʟʟ ᴘᴜᴛ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ᴏɴ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀᴛ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ - I ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ғᴇᴇʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ʟᴇᴀᴠɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ.“
“You misunderstand, Little Shit, was it? Edgar won’t be physically going anywhere. We’re just going to watch the screens.”
“No one will be going anywhere without a plan, okay?” She called over her shoulder as she went back to the top of the stairwell to wave the rest of the group in.
“We are up here,” she walked down to the middle of the stairs again, same militaristic stance as before, “TAK, Brother Pep, Brother Squee. Come with me.”
“Father Vee’s already surveying Downtown cameras, Edgar took Grave, and I still haven’t heard confirmation from Little Shit where they will be looking.”
“Maple, Oblivia,Brighton, Badger, Windhurst, Aegis, and Aligheri. Take your pick.”
“Let me know if you see anyone who looks like Nny. Sometimes cameras can skew appearances. Even if you see Nny at an earlier point of time, we still will benefit from that, retracing steps is important in this case.”
Jhonen nodded, concentrated on the screens. So far- he didn’t really see Nny….just a bunch of people walking around…he payed attention to each person who managed to pop up on the screen.
“I’ll take Maple.  It’s a major road, so the odds are high he’s gone down it at least the once, especially to leave the apartments.”
“We’ll take Aegis, Aligheri, and Windhurst - the amount of obfuscation that’s on those streets - it’s irrational to assign anyone else to them.”  
Squee nodded.  “Windhurst is the only street that ISN’T warped, but it rounds out the quadrant.”
Edgar had felt incredibly touched by Lil Shit’s offer of companionship. Although misguided, the fact that the service pet had even spoken up made him smile, “It’s alright, Lil Shit. I’ll be right here with you. Before any of us go anywhere we’ve gotta find Nny.”
Lil’ Shit looks to Edgar, still worried, but it dawns on them that A NEW PERSON, TENN, can hear them!  Despite the solemnity of the situation, their tail wags.
“Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴍᴇ?”
No.  Bad Lil Shit.  Concetrate.  Think about the options.  “…Bʀɪɢʜᴛᴏɴ Cɪʀᴄʟᴇ ɪs ǫᴜɪᴛᴇ ʟᴀʀɢᴇ.  I'ᴍ sᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴜʟᴛɪᴘʟᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴀs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴄᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴʟʏ ʙᴇɴᴇғɪᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴍʏ INFINITE EYES.  I'ʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ Bʀɪɢʜᴛᴏɴ.”
Tenn loves dogs, of course being around five at once nearly twenty-four/ seven, so she smiles at Lil Shit wagging his tail.
She nods, albeit being a bit confused, it shows on her face, “Well a talking service pet doesn’t exactly faze me as much as any random person. I mean, you’re no stranger to my family and friends.”
“Good choices to you all. I wish you luck, I’ll be keeping an eye on the current monitors. I’ve set up an algorithm that should alert me should Nny appear in any current shot.”
Jhonen kept an eye out, Nny didn’t seem anywhere! However, what he noticed might have some clues of Prince’s whereabouts. In the camera feed, he noticed a pattern; a slight decrease in people. He saw people zoom by and then end up on the floor, knowing that Johnny was out there; the people on the floor were most likely dead. However, it’s tricky to catch, unless you really pay attention. So, Jhonen kept a watchful eye, hoping that the killer would pop out of the shadows.
Tak’s eyes widened, and she nearly moved her head to glance back at her adopted sister - but she restrained the impulse, never looking from her screen.
“Tenn, I couldn’t understand what Lil’ Shit said.  Never have been able to.  Squee, Pep, Dads, Todd, Edgar, Prince?  Yeah, they can.  I can’t.  Dib can’t -”  She cut off her trail of thought.  So how can YOU?
“Guys, I caught him going northwest from the apartments.”
Squee’s eyes widened in alarm, briefly glancing away from Windhurst to Tenn, then right back.  “Tenn- Tak- do you think it’s because of that THING that Tenn can hear them?  Also, still nothing on my end.”
“Nothing on mine.”
Edgar had barely ever interacted with Vasquez and Co., finding that seeing another Nny who was distinctly different from his Prince and also had been a source of much unintentional heartbreak wasn’t worth any get-togethers. He certainly hadn’t learned much about Jhonen’s alien daughter, Tenn, aside from when he gushed about her or Tak had mentioned something.
He was alarmed and quite frankly wary now that he knew Tenn could understand Lil Shit. It was just his nerves.
Instantly his attention was brought to the screen where he saw Nny come on screen, walking down the street. Edgar called for everyone’s attention. He watched as Nny seemed to pause near the old 777 and then… walk almost in a daze into the dilapidated shack.
He blinked almost non believing.
“He went into 777.”
Lil Shit was discomfited by the fact that Tenn could in fact hear them.  The rules regarding who COULD were pretty clear by now.  “I ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴀᴅᴍɪᴛ, ɪᴛ’s sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴍᴇ.  Yᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ FEEL ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ sʏsᴛᴇᴍ… ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ DO ғᴇᴇʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ.  Sᴏʀᴛ ᴏғ.”
It dawned on them what Edgar had said. “Wᴀɪᴛ - ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴡ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ? Aᴛ- Aᴛ 777?”  Lil Shit shifted nervously.  “Oʜ ᴛʜɪs ɪsɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅ - ᴛʜɪs ɪsɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴛ ALL.”
Tenn didn’t have enough time to continue entertaining Lil Shit’s observation. She bolted over to Edgar’s station.
“That was recorded earlier today. Experience tells me that any Nny going to a 777 and not coming back out is not a good sign.”
Jhonen heard the commotion and went over to investigate. His eyes widened, he didn’t know Prince that well- but any Nny going into 777 was NOT good.
“Oh fuck.”
Tak bolted up, worry all over her face and demeanor.  “Edgar- He LEFT 777 for a REASON- the ghosts- they’re still there- aren’t they?”  Her eyes have nothing but fear in them - but not fear of Prince- fear FOR Prince.
“Fuck- Eff lead him there- and I hope I’m not right as to WHY - I’d rather the murders to what I fear.”
Pepito’s eyes widen.  “So for one: there are GHOSTS there. Two, they caused Prince to LEAVE 777, presumably for his safety.  And THREE: HE WENT BACK?” He gets out of his seat.
Squee nods. “Pep has a point - Prince is clearly in danger on two fronts.”
“Nny had told me when he was in the throes of the worst days of his life there were two doughboy entities. Obviously we know it’s the work of one. But there’s two different ones… one that he told me wanted to be alive and do things outside of Nny’s control and one that just wanted to end Nny and be set free of a physical presence. To serve a master. To serve whoever had a hold on Lil Shit… Judging by the circumstances.. that would make it be that it’s the former one… Mr. Eff. And I don’t think it’s fair to saw that he just went back. Obviously he was under some type of trance. We need a plan before we jump the gun, we have to expect the strangest and prepare for the worst.”
Tak shifted uncomfortably.  “I’m well aware of the… stranger things.  I saw the house when Lil Shit was a barely-uncontrollable BIG Shit.  …I’ve seen… some of the current situation, as well.”  She pauses, unsure of how much to say.  She glances to Jhonen.
“I’ll just say that I’ve seen an unmanageable Eff before.  We were lucky that the situation was what it was - both Jhonen and Nny.  It- we all would have died.” She goes silent.  “I’m scared.  I don’t think the way things went before will work again- not when Eff has the upper hand with territorial knowledge.”
“If you look in Prince’s post, there’s still parts of him there. He’s not entirely gone which can be used to our advantage. Obviously we all know Nny is incredibly strong and has only gotten stronger, despite the contrary being said by Eff. He’s holding on for us and he’s asking for help. However, I too fear that what TAK has done before might not be so effective.”
She looks to Jhonen, having only heard what happened with Nny and seeing the aftermath in the form of a scar, of course that was the work of Psychodoughboy and not Eff, but still, it was worrying to say the least. Tenn also knew some things, but just like Tak, she didn’t know what was in the open and what wasn’t.
Jhonen looked back at his daughter, and then spoke up.
“We should all be very cautious nevertheless, the last thing i’m sure we want is for Prince to cause harm to himself or others. We need a strategy, and a plan, so that we can approach the situation without getting too hysteric or too cruel. If we get out of line, it could get way more serious.”
Squee spoke up. “…Has nobody been looking at the newest post from Prince? ‘Into the house Johnny, It’s time to finish painting that wall.’ Lil’ Shit’s not IN the wall.  This seems like Eff’s getting revenge - or attempting to open a new cell that will never be created.”
“What does he have to gain then,” Edgar glanced in confusion to Squee.
“Just revenge? If a cell can’t be created… and there’s no master there… what is this thing’s end game? Could it really be that vengeful where it would just want Nny to kill for the sole purpose of… killing? He still kills.”
His brow furrows. “Unless.. Eff just wants us gone so that Nny is left with no-one… or even worse. Trap him in that house- isolate him until he’s right back where he started… In any case, Jhonen is right, we need to eradicate as many risks… and eliminate as much harm as possible.”
Lil Shit curls up.  This doesn’t sit right.  “Uɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ - ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s… ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s ᴀ D-Bᴏʏ’s ᴍᴏᴅᴜs ᴏᴘᴇʀᴀɴᴅɪ.”
“Doughboys are predictable, that’s about the only thing we can expect from them. Is that they want one thing and that’s to have control over something, whether it’s to destroy or self-destruct.”
Tenn taps her chin. “We still don’t have a plan…I don’t know if fighting is the right way to go, but knowing the doughboys… how they work… how things like them can make people into someone they’re not-“ She gives another much shorter glance to Jhonen, “We might have to. But if anyone has any other ideas say it right now. We need to hurry though… whatever we come up with, we need to implement it soon.”
Jhonen doubted there was another solution to all this. Unfortunately, it seems the thing infecting prince wasn’t just gonna let go if you fucking asked! He stayed silent, unable to come up with any alternative solutions.
Tak stood up.  “I’ll go.”
“I went in when THAT happened.  I went in when Lil Shit wasn’t so little and was quite nearly unmanageable.  I- I need to.  I can fight him off, use the PAK legs to get him restrained, then use my implant.”  And pray it works.
“For me, failure is not an option.”
Squee could only bite his lip.  He’d go, if only in hopes that it would take Prince’s guard down to see ANY Squee there - but he knew that if things got BAD - it would be back to step 1 with his recovery.
“I can’t go.  But I’ll keep an eye on the monitors?” he said, ending it as a question.
Pepito looked to his side.  Of course - if it came down to blows and the worst situation came to pass - no.  He couldn’t let that happen, couldn’t let his Squee see that.  “I can see about boarding 777 off from the rest of the world for an hour or so - even then, that might be pushing what I can do,” he admitted.
“I’ll go too. I shouldn’t have let this go on so long and I should have been there in the first place. I need to see he’s at least a little okay and I want to be there for him when he… I want to be there for him,” Edgar finishes with a sigh.
Lil Shit manifests several tendrils ending in various sharp objects.  
“I ᴀʟsᴏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴛɪғʏ ᴛʜɪs.  I ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ I ᴀᴛᴇ ʜɪᴍ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜɪs ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.  I ᴍᴜsᴛɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴅɪɢᴇsᴛᴇᴅ ʜɪᴍ ᴀs ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴀs I ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ.”
Tenn gave a grim smile to the determined group, nodding.
“I would like to tag along, but only if I am needed. If there’s nothing I can do, or if you believe you have it covered then I won’t. I just want to help the best way I can.”
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 2 FINALE
THIS IS LONGER THAN WOLF!WONWOO BY 5 WORDS IM SCREAMING THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY LONGEST SCENARIO EVER!!!! bc i tagged her in part 1, im tagging @cheollies again bc she was one of the reasons why i was motivated ljdsfljdfl <3333 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL FEEDBACK IM SO SORRY ITS LATE!!! THIS IS A WILD RIDE AGAIN!! ENJOY THE FINALE MY CHILDREN!!!! <333333
warnings: some violence, references to part 1, my tears and anguish from completing this
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Two months.
That’s how long it had been since you had contacted him
You sighed as you stirred your coffee
Yep, you guessed it, in the same cafe that all the workers know you on a first name basis
Why do I keep coming back here? You glumly chided yourself, your cheek resting on your palm
You check your phone for the twentieth time that hour, wishing to have at least some notification about his whereabouts
Even if it’s something like “hey i’m safe and don’t look for me”
Bc all you need is just some validation that he’s okay,,,, but nothing. No texts, no calls, no “accidental” video calls, no “hey loser where are you” to check in where you are,,,, all you get is a black screen
Even though you practically have your lockscreen ingrained in your head from the amount of times you’ve seen it, you still can’t help but choke up a little
A blurry candid of seungcheol holding out his hand about to smear you with his ice cream mockingly stares back at you
You shake your head and get up your seat as you pack your things
You’re done. You’re done waiting. You gave him two whole freaking months, an entire 60 days. Sulking around waiting for someone to come back to you isn’t your forte.
And that will end today, you resolutely nod to yourself and start heading out the door.
“You what?!”
He sighs and holds his hand up, “Please. Don’t yell. It’s early.” He reaches his hand out for a biscuit
“How can you even nonchalantly eat breakfast right now??! Do you even understand what you’ve done?!” Joshua smacks his hand, dropping the biscuit
“Um hEY--”
“You made it this far without him suspecting anything, which is a major surprise and accomplishment. But it will bite you in the butt sooner or later, Cheols.” He briefly flinches at the name but Joshua is just prESSING the issue
“He’s gonna kill you. Not only you but probably her too. This is way too dangerous!”
“jOSHUA! Please! I know what I did, and I absolutely have no regrets.” He shakes his head, a faraway gaze in his eyes. “I’ve killed many people before, but I at least knew the gist of why I was. But she,,,, she’s just a pawn in my dad’s game,,, completely useless”
Joshua leans back in his chair and blinks slowly
“You love her. Don’t you,” he says more as a statement than an inquiry
He takes his silence as a definite answer and rubs his forehead. “Seungcheol…”
“Look, he’s been giving me regular jobs to do, you know the usual. He hasn’t caught on… yet… And he has much bigger things to worry about.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s not keeping tabs!”
He sighs, ready to cut off the conversation. “We’re done here--”
And there he sees
He freezes, the only thing moving is his eyes on someone’s figure
You walk down the street taking in the bustling city view
Your eyes flicker to a table outside a store a few blocks ahead
You stop and squint your eyes. That wasn’t… was it?
You rub your eyes but by then the two people sitting there disappeared
You shake your head and continue walking, completely convinced you’re getting delirious by the second
You finally disappear out of sight and only then does seungcheol let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
“Dude,,,, you have to tell her at some point”
“I know… I know.”
You barge and storm in the office with your arms folded
“I need to find someone.”
Your father looks up from his paperwork, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
“Y/N… can this wait?”
“I have been for two months and I’m sick of it. I need you to hire someone to help me find them”
“Sweetie, I’m really busy--”
“Dad….. Dad please. I have to. I need to.”
“....fine. I’ll have my assistant deal with it”
And you’re like yES OMG ILY THANKS POPS
He tells you to go to his assistant’s office a little ways down the hall where you’re greeted by the typical warm person
“Hello, Ms. Y/N, I haven’t seen you in a while!”
“Hi jeonghan!!! Look I really need you to find someone asap”
“Ah, yes, your father just notified me about that just now,,,, well I’ll do my best to search for someone in our team. Give me until the end of the day today?”
And you’re like oh my god he’s willing to put this fIRST :’)))))
“Omg that’s actually really fast,,, don’t you have more important things to do? I can wait a few days if that’s the case,,,,”
“No no! Ahah it’s fine you just hang on tight, I will definitely get back to you shortly!”
You’re like oH MY GOD YAY JEONGHAN U ARE SO NICE AND THE BEST NO ONE CAN COMPARE and you promptly hug him before leaving
“Yeah,,,, nice,,, that’s all I’ll ever be,” he wistfully smiles and lets out a small sigh
You come back to the office later that night and Jeonghan is like i found one of our best investigators/hackers!!!!
You’re like omg aju nICE
You and the woman walk to her “headquarters,” is what she calls them when it's just the room she works in lmao
The moment you both get settled you make it crystal clear
“Choi Seungcheol.”
And obviously you tell her a little more about him lmao
All you can see is her fingers flying over the keyboard and tons of files filling the screen
She spends a few more minutes digging but she’s like sorry babe none of them fit your description
And you’re like that can’t be right,,,,,
“Can you check the surveillance cameras? On streets and stuff?”
You tell her the date, time, and location of when you last saw him and she dives into another search party
“hmmm -- i foUND SOMETHING”
You see when he kisses you and you have to shield your eyes away from the impact,,,, your chest suddenly feels heavier
She senses this and gently places her hand on top of yours
“,,,,I’m sorry. We’ll find him”
She follows the cameras once he heads home and she’s like ok well looks like he’s staying in this beat up motel
She reviews cams even up to present day and still sees him leaving and entering the building and you’re like ok i’m sold and start to get up
She puts a hand on your arm and is like uh wait honey you aren’t going alone
“Well who else is gonna go??”
“Me. I was physically trained sufficiently enough for a bodyguard position, so don’t sweat”
She stands up and starts rummaging through her makeshift closet to pull out 2 bulletproof vests
You look at her stunned before breaking out in a grin
“I’m game.”
“You went back on my orders? Do you know what position you’re in?!” He barks
Seungcheol trains his eyes on the floor and numbly responds, “I didn’t think there was a reason to kill an innocent person who has no involvement in this business. It’s her father, no?”
His dad sighs and rubs his temples. “Son, you follow. I command. I guess you’ll just have to face the consequences for not obeying me, your own father… Tsk,” he distastefully clucks his tongue. “You actually thought I didn’t know this entire time. I knew you didn’t kill her that night of your romantic doings”
“I know,,, It just happened,,,, I had to do it to get her to trust me” stop lying to urself cheols smh we and mr choi all know ur whipped
“Just please leave her alone.”
His icy chuckle sends shivers down Seungcheol’s spine for the first time
“Ohoho,,, you thought you were the one in trouble?”
Seungcheol looks up at him with his eyes narrowed in confusion
And then they narrow in fury
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would.” does anyone get the reference lmao #tb to part 1
“What did you dO TO HER”
“Guess you’ll both find out. Shall we?”
“This,,,, is where he’s staying at?”
You look at the paint peeling off the sign “Stay Inn”
The hinges of the battered doors are about to come off
Two streetlamps flicker lazily, yellow light pathetically illuminating the parking lot
“The footage doesn’t lie,” she says as she takes a look around. “Room 114, let’s go”
You and her cautiously creep up in front of the door and then kick it wide open
“....No one’s here.” And you can’t help but feel a lil disappointed :((
Both of you are looking around his room for any sort of clues but it looks like any (less than) average hotel room with clothes scattered everywhere and plastic plates littered around the table
Eventually you both ditch the place and you’re about to call it a day when she abruptly stops you
“Wait. i heard something over there,” she subtly looks over at the other side of the street
You hold your breath as she discreetly scans around the area and then
“geT DOWN!” She pulls your arm down as she drops to the ground
Your ears are ringing from the gunshots from the one right next to you and the one on the other side
“We have to leave now!” She scrambles up and tries hiding behind parked vehicles on the curb as she pushes you to move
You’re able to run down only a couple of blocks when you see another group of men coming at you in the same direction
You look to your right and there’s also another group
She curses under her breath before pulling you to another direction, “this way!”
You have to weave through miscellaneous objects through alleys and garbage cans
You’re pushing your legs as fast as you can despite the growing burning sensation LOL I LOVE THAT ALBUM STAN TALENT STAN SF9
You’re about to collapse when someone tACKLES YOU FROM BEHIND
“Mmfdffmlfj!!!!” Your cries are muffled behind their hand
The last thing you remember is her voice calling your name
“Try again.” You can barely make out the words before the frigid water hits your face
You cough violently and open your eyes
“Ah, you’re finally awake.”
In the dimly lit room your eyes try to adjust to the dark shapes and what seems to be in some sort of empty abandoned building
The man gestures to someone to brighten up the place and only then do you take a good look at who’s in front of you
The infamous Mr. Choi staring back at you, the very man your father has talked about countless of times
“Bring him out,” he orders as he keeps his eyes locked with yours
You hear the heavy grunt of the metal door opening and you instantly hear a voice that you’ve spent this entire time searching for
“Let.. me… go!” He spits out as he attempts to wriggle out of the men’s grips
He looks up and it’s all that takes him to still again
Your disheveled wet hair sticking to the edges of your face, the top you bought in the mall that one day now drenched in water, the dismay in your eyes
His breath gets caught in his throat before he angrily turns to his father and fumes, “Why is she here? Why did you bring me?”
He chuckles and strides to you with every menacing step
“Didn’t I say you would both find out?” He traces your jaw and you have to use every fiber of your body to not vomit on his polished Prada leather dress shoes
Seungcheol grits his teeth and violently thrashes around in their grip around him
Your breathing gets heavier as his hand drifts down to your neck
“Would be a shame to end things here… wouldn’t it?” He laughs before whipping out a gun from his pocket
“But let’s just cut out the games. You were meant to die on that night, but my idiot of a son couldn’t do it.” He points the head right in front of you
“So i’ll do it in his stead. Any last words you wanna exchange?” He gestures to you and his son
You look around to find any way out but all the entrances are utterly blocked by his guards
You slowly turn around to the rustling noise
“Stop it, Seungcheol…. Don’t act like you care.”
He looks at you in bewilderment and scoffs, “Act? You think I’m acting? I nearly risked my life to save yours! And this is just,,,, acting?”
“You were supposed to kill me that night. And you didn’t. That was your biggest mistake. You should have just ended things, not like the pathetic way you did over the phone,” your voice slightly faltered.
“It wasn’t a mistake! I wanted you to get away from this, to get away from me! Why can’t you understand that?” He was in disbelief; he practically saved you!
“You’re right. It was a bigger mistake on my end that I believed I mattered for once in my life.” He softens his facial expressions when you look up at him with a dead stare. “Y/N….”
You numbly turn back at the gun pointed in front of you
“So? Aren’t you gonna do it?”
He laughs at your provocation and merely shrugs
“If you say so”
You hear him loading the gun and just when you anticipate a bullet firing, you hear one but from behind you
The entire building is in chaos and smoke and dirt fill your vision
“Seungcheol!” Joshua and Junhui along with a whole team invade the space
He only points towards you and yells over the noise to have them focus on your safety
They nod and send the team over to help you get out of the guards’ grip
Joshua, Junhui, and 2 others are staying back to help Seungcheol as the rest of the group rushes to your side
As he’s ducking with his arms over his head, he pulls out his gun and manages to skim Minghao’s arm
He curses and holds his wound together while shouting something to another member
Soonyoung kicks the gun out of Mr. Choi’s hands as Jihoon and Seungkwan lock his arms with handcuffs
Two people who quickly introduce themselves as Wonwoo and Mingyu are on both of your sides with their arms wrapped around your shoulders
They’re talking so quickly that all the coherent words you can hear are “get” “you” “safety” “right now”
“Seungcheol??” You look at both of them, but neither are meeting your gaze
“He told us to get you first. He’ll be fine,,, he has the rest of the guys there”
“But what if he’s hurt?!”
Wonwoo quickly looks back at his shoulder and sees a few of the guards running after them
“There’s no time! We have to go right now!”
You finally burst out into the open chilly night air and make a beeline for the waiting van parked outside
They push you in first and once Mingyu slides in he immediately slams the door shut. “fLOOR IT!!!”
Vernon slams on the gas pedal and you’re off
The entire car ride is silent save for the heavy breathing from the adrenaline pumping through everyone
Wonwoo, the closest one next to you, puts his hand reassuringly on your knee
“We’re taking you to our headquarters, which is essentially our hideout,,, you’ll be safe there, I promise”
Still staring out the window, you numbly nod as he slowly removes his hand
When you arrive there, you do what they told you to: cleanse, get dressed, and hold on tight as they find a way to contact her father
After a somewhat relaxing shower, you emerge from the bathroom wearing a baggy shirt underneath a hoodie up to mid-thigh and sweats that were left outside of the door when someone named Chan knocked on it earlier
You walk to the living room where everyone is gathered around a circle talking about different methods of communication with everyone
“Oh, Y/N,” Wonwoo gets up and jogs to you. “Feel free to get something from the kitchen to eat. You can hang around the front or the back, but it’s really dark and cold, so we don’t want anything more bad to happen”
You flicker your eyes from his face to the other 3 on the couches
They slightly wave to you with a small smile and continue their discussion
You nod and thank him before heading to the kitchen
You grab an ice cream bar and a bottle of water before heading out to the front
You sit on a bench and look up at the starry night sky
Just earlier this morning, you were resolute to find him
And now fast forward to the end of the day, you were with his coworkers at their hideout
As you finish up your dessert, you brush yourself off and take a look around the area
You go around to the back and see a picnic table with folding chairs all over the yard
As you approach the table, you see a few polaroids that seem to be too familiar
“Wait… this was when we went to the cafe….”
You flip over each picture and see scribbles of writing on them
“The ice cream wasn’t as sweet as her”
You flip over each picture and see more writing similar to the caption before and realize all of the pictures are of you
The last one you flip over is the last night you saw him
He took a picture of you talking to your cousin,,,, you slowly turn over the picture
“This could have been me…”
“There you go again.”
You quickly put down the picture and slowly turn towards the voice
Seungcheol, all battered and bruised, is standing just 10 feet away
Cuts and scrapes are all over his face and arms, his clothes ripped and dirtied
He slowly walks towards you and you can’t help but to lean against the table for support
“Do… what?”
He stops in front of you, his face only inches away from yours
“Being irresistible. We’re not even together yet and you’re already wearing my clothes?”
“What makes you think we’re going to get together? Do you always want to kill your potential girlfriends?”
He gently places his hand on your chin and turns your head to face him
“No. Do you always go on a spontaneous hunt for a guy and end up almost dying?”
“That’s not fair; I didn’t know you were caught up in this shady stuff!”
“....Are you gonna walk away from it? From me?” He looks at you, a hint of desperation and anxiety in his eyes. “That’s exactly why I told you to forget about me”
You place both of your hands on his face, caressing his cheeks. “If we’re gonna make this relationship work, we’re gonna have to go over some rules about secrets”
He lights up at the word “relationship” and you can’t help but smile at his childlike grin
“You gotta stop that too”
He’s like ??? what do you mean
“Being vulnerable.” And you both seal your promises with a lingering kiss that tastes like coffee ice cream
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chezzkaa · 7 years
Cinders - Chapter 33/36
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A/N: Get excited. 34 and 35 are gonna fuck you up.
All Chapters
SUMMARY: Lets Heist
WC: 2109
Warm sunlight seeps into your skin, rousing your from a deep sleep. Though your eyes remain closed each of your breaths draws in the morning and expels the aches of the past few days into the sheets. You let yourself enjoy the normality of the moment, Ryan’s soft breathing shifting through your hair and tangling in his own as it brushes across your cheek. Lying on your front with an arm tucked under your chest you legs splay out, Ryan’s strong arm wound around your waist; comforting and familiar.
It comes as a surprise that your mind is clear for the first time in weeks, despite your throat being thick and raw from the tears the night before. Your ravaged heart is lighter, shoulders moving with ease as her face swims past. No longer does the sight burn, instead leaving a mild sting without the Cheshire rearing her head – nowhere to be found. A pleasant sigh ruffles against your skin, arm tightening for a moment as a light groan escapes the slumbering man’s lips. Eyes squeezing shut to block the delicate sun dusting his eyelids. You shuffle closer, fingers running across his cheek and eyes mesmerised by the calm radiating from him, “morning dear.” His voice is husky and clogged with sleep, still it courses through your veins like wildfire, tugging against the corners of your lips as he places a kiss against your forehead; “hey there, sweetie.” “Sup?”
The second voice has you shooting up from the bed to see Ray occupying your couch and digging into a large bowl of your cereal. Legs crossed and face content despite the bruises circling his eyes. You narrow your eyes before rubbing them, hands falling into your lap with a gentle thud; “the fuck are you doing here?” Ray offers you a shrug and a wide smile around another mouthful, “eatin.” “Wait, but how?” “...with a spoon.” “Y/N please, it’s too early for murder” mumbles Ryan into the pillows, stretching out his limbs and wiggling his toes. You reach back to him, fingers finding his and moulding together. “Well,” you return your attention to Ray, “did you at least save us some cereal?” The man chews slowly, guilt stretching across his face as you narrow your eyes. Quickly he shovels the rest of the cereal into his mouth, forcing an incoherent apology through, “you’re a lil bitch, Ray.”
Ryan moves to sit up in bed, smiling at the man as he shuffles his back against the headboard. Instinctively you curl into his side, unable to deny the happiness swelling in your chest. Even though Ray always seemed to eat you out of house and home, you couldn’t help but enjoy the company of your two favourite people. 
It doesn’t take long for the past few days to begin nagging at your peace, Jon surfacing within your mind and bobbing uncomfortably for your attention. Your heart lets of a painful pang, concern for your brother quickly working its way into your content moment and tainting it like a poisonous undercurrent.
“Stop looking so fucking depressed,” Ray teases, jabbing his spoon in your direction while Ryan presses a light kiss to your shoulder, humming; “Trevor and Matt are working on decoding the final few lines of data, then we should have a complete location to work with.” Not trusting your voice you simply nod, Ryan’s fingers tracing soothing circles against your hip. “Thanks,” he smiles to Ray, of who returns the sentiment with a thumbs up and a raise of his now empty bowl; standing to put it away. “No problem,” he replies while closing the dishwasher and pulling the milk from the fridge, finishing off the tea he had started for the three of you whilst you were sleeping, “we should know what’s up in a couple of hours.” He balances the mugs between his two hands, shuffling towards the coffee table and managing to place them down without spillage. “Until then,” he snatches the remove off the couch, plonking into the cushions with a wide grin, “wanna play a game?”
“God DAMN IT Ray!” cries Ryan mournfully, watching the bullet shoot through his character from beside you; ray and Jeremy sandwiching you in an overflow of blankets from the other side. “One fucking time, just let us win one fucking time!” “Can stop a Hispanic with a cause!” he cheers, kicking his legs about and getting them caught in the blankets, struggling to break free. Seeing his moment to strike Jeremy abandons his controller, pointing to Ray as he quickly begins trapping himself, “GET HIM!”
Ryan launches across you, scrambling from the blankets to get to Ray past Jeremy, wrestling for the controller. With a jolt they slip from the couch and to the floor, hollering and kicking indiscriminately. “No, NO! It was all a rouse!” “Fuck yeah!” Your victorious exclamation rings out as you kill the final or your friends, pulling your legs up to avoid the scuffling men at your feet. Amidst the giggles and yelling a knock at the door has you standing, leaping over the flailing limbs to greet the visitor. Standing outside is Trevor, his hair swept back and so blond it almost shone white, mouth opening and ready to act professional. At the sound of the fighting inside the apartment he stops, eyebrows furrowing as he peers past to watch the pile; face bewildered.
“What’s up, lovely?” you ask, leaning against the frame as he continues to watch the sight before him; absolutely enthralled. Shaking his head he stammers for a minutes, a flurry of ‘I, errs’ tumbling from his lips. You wait patiently, eyes trained on your family – Jeremy trying to crawl over Ryan to reach the couch but the man wrestling him back down. “I erm, well, we’re in.”
The heist room is yet again cluttered with bodies huddling into the space, tension rippling through the air like wind over water. Your eyes are watching Gavin across the table while he works into a tiny mirror, hand flicking the golden eyeliner across his lid in a smooth motion. Absentmindedly your fingers touch your cheek, pulling away to watch the shimmer of colour glow across the tips – the Golden Boy having passed you his compact to splash gold across your eyes; the Cheshire materialising in front of the crew and picking at their nerves. Beside you Ryan clutches his skull mask, staring at Geoff creating ruts in the floor from his pacing. Ray is on your other side, completely at ease while he plays with his hot pink sniper rifle. A white masquerade mask perched against his forehead.
You manage to draw your gaze away from Gavin and the rest of the crew, coming to settle on Geoff while he fidgets, Jack having stopped his movements while whispering frantically to him. With a shaking breath he calms down and expels his worries, Jack quickly pecking the side of his temple with a kiss before disappearing into the crowd of bodies. He clears his throat a moment later, the noise harsh in the silence draped over the room. Still he has everyone’s attention instantly, all eyes trained on his and listening like their lives depended on it.
“The shipyard,” he starts, turning to pin the photograph up on the notice board, containers littering the space, “Matt tells me that there’s no way he could be hiding somewhere else, too much traffic to this area.” Matt nods from your right, continuing “the coding showed that the visits are incredibly frequent and for long periods of time.” “We investigated a little further,” pipes in Trevor, leaning an elbow on the table, “and found that the whole yard is being rented by a Mr. Gareth Benson.” “Had a drone fly over, the place is crawling with his men, small number of cops out of uniform. It’s armed to the fucking teeth,” concludes Matt, impatiently pushing his hair out of the way.
Geoff taps his notepad with the end of his pen once, “good work guys. So,” he turns back to the board to place an accompanying aerial shot next to the entrance, “here’s how it’s going to work. We hit it tonight, in teams. In and out, kill everyone we can.” Everyone is nodding, sharing glances at potential team mates along with murmurs of agreement. Your eyes are still trained on Geoff, tracing the frizz of his moustache and the creases on his forehead. He waits until the room quietens again, sweeping a hand towards Trevor, Lindsay, Meg and Matt. “We’ve got our eyes sorted, each of you are going to be watching one group and passing along intel when needed. Matt, you can hack into the security cameras, right?” a small nod from the man, a confirmation. “Good. Get drones out there too, as well as body cameras. We’ll need everything we can get.”
Moving on Geoff then jabs the pen towards Gavin and Michael, the two men a stark contrast against each other – gunpowder and gold. “You two are taking the outer perimeter. We need as many explosives as possible, cause a distraction and pool everyone inside. No one gets out alive. Think you can handle it?” Grins meet his raised eyebrow, Michael’s face splitting into a wild beam while Gavin nods eagerly. “Put on a show,” he squeaks, kicking his feet up on the table, “I think we can do that.” Michael swipes at them, knocking them off and back to the floor with a glare, “not on the fucking table, jack ass. Jeez.”
“Ray,” Geoff addresses the man beside you, his attention drawn away from his sniper for a moment, “you’re our sniper.” “Fucking surprise, surprise.” Geoff ignores him, motioning to the aerial view and marking out 4 small points, “these are the best places for you. Feel free to move between them as needed, you’re the only one I trust to shoot a bullet over my head.” “You really shouldn’t.” “You don’t make things easy, do you?” “Nah.” Despite his jokes Ray takes the job seriously, clambering through the crowd to the map and jotting down the points he could use, indicating a few more that might also be beneficial. Trusting him, Geoff gives him the go ahead to add a few more before he returns to your side.
Finally the leader turns to you, regarding your group and Jeremy sitting on the floor, bouncing his leg. “What’s your fucking name again?” “Cheshire,” says Ray, sounding genuinely surprised Geoff had forgotten. However the small hum shakes Geoff’s moustache, and you shrug. “I don’t think the three of us have a team name.” “Sure we do!” pipes in Jeremy from the floor, looking up at you with a smile, “I’ve thought of everything.” “Well?” Geoff’s foot taps impatiently, his anger hanging in the air, “what is it then?” “Get this,” Jeremy holds out his hands, presenting his idea “Crazy Short Temper.” You stare at him while Ryan chuckles, ruffling the man’s purple hair, “how are you so good at this?” “It’s a gift.”
Forging forward Geoff begins to rule off his orders, stealing your full attention. “Crazy Short Temper, you guys are going to be our main point of attack. You’ll be in the thick of it, fighting towards the centre,” the pen scribbles across a red container in the middle of the yard, stacked at least 6 high, “and towards the shithead.”  You give a sharp nod, feeling your body straighten and grow cold, “Jack and I will be giving you air support. Each of us in a jet and doing what we can to cause as much destruction as humanly possible.”
Leaning across the table Geoff’s face grows serious, eyes flashing menacingly as he addresses the rest of his family, “This is gonna be a shit storm.” Everyone hangs on his words, shuffling in place under the intense gaze he was offering, “I don’t want anyone to die here. I get that we can generally go running around without a care in the world, but remember; we don’t know if there are any negative repercussions to immortal deaths. We do know that if you lose a part of your body and it’s destroyed, you’re fucked. So, no stupid deaths and for god sakes stick together.” He stands again, this time looking at you sitting ramrod straight in your seat, Cheshire seeping into your veins. “First person to have eyes on the fucker needs to blow his brains out. We’ll deal with the organ thing later. And if you find Jon,” his eyes go to the rest of the room.
“I don’t care what you’re doing; just get him the fuck out.”
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ramblingshit · 5 years
The Woman in Black - 1989 - 3/10
looks like the 1980s but with somewhat older-style outfits; exposition mutherfuckerrrrrr;
very slow, fluffy script; oh got the cut is just forward and back as they speak, now we’re close flipping forward and back when its their turn to speak i’m dying. exposition, telling other characters what the audience has already heard; each of these scenes are far too long with so much fluff, Jesus Christ the cuts just throw us into a completely different place with no transition its so abrupt and the jump cuts are infinitely worse fuck half of these are like .5 seconds long, they’re so basic its crazy. some j cuts all of the sudden and some decent direction all of the sudden on this indoors scene wtf lol. then back to awful cuts, apparently just outside and between scenes.
i can’t even focus on the story because there’s so much nonsense filming, writing and acting and jfc.
the 2012 version is only 5 minutes less but this one reaaaaally feels like its length while the 2012 one does not.
the house is just a grey house in a simple marsh, unassuming, boring to look at, the birds chirp, there’s a half-sunken cemetery nearby, the woman in blacks just standing there in broad daylight with a lil hat on her head, her skin like yellow tinted with red around her eyes kinda lookin like the wicked witch of the west, just staring casually at him they giving her a mid-shot and a close-shot and all, got some crooked shaped eyebrows, i think she’s angry? I’d be angry too with that ugly ass velvet donut on my head; she slowly sorta makes her way a few steps toward him, he sprints off and locks the door then turns on all the electrical lights in the house and seems alright; the rooms are tiny and clean cause she only just died (woman in black’s sister) - it’s really not scary - all white and beige with floral designs, boring frames with dark protraits; reminds me of the rooms at the thornton’s house and other old bedrooms i stayed in as a kid; fuck he’s really turning every single light on. he’s drinking again. we’re half an hour in and he’s messing around with some sort of recorder whistling into it and shit - omfg i thought that was leading up to a scare but no. telling the clues of the mystery in these weird cylinder recordings instead of the 2012 letters? he’s drinking again. WHOA hey we got an establishing shot and its a red-bricked house three stories tall with a big ass entrance way and pointed roofs and lots of windows am i missing something wait what happened to the grey house. there’s no scary music, its all light, there’s no suspense its like well here we are, now we’re here, now the marsh is water, there’s fog and horses and he’s nervous and there’s horses and women and children screaming yikesss ol mate looks mildly nervous, they must have hired him for his scared running and dramatic turns, NOW THE HOUSE HAS GREEN VINES ALL OVER IT. i mean he seems passionate about his role he’s tryin his hardest thats for sure. half of its filmed like a stage show - where’d the dog go. continuity needs to like actually be a thing. why do these candles have hats they’re on beautiful candelabras and now there’s more alcohol. for epople who have a butler and a maid on stand-by their tablecloth looks like a crumpled sheet and the lampshades look like they were picked up from the tip and they’re fkn crooked for godssake. we’re 46 minutes in and theres been maybe 25 minutes of actual story. he ran because he was afraid and that sits wrong with him so he wants to go back - now he’s ‘brave but not brave enough’. stubborn muthafucker. his rational friend is like lol you’re a moron, take my dog as companion he’s called spider for some reason. jesus fuck the cuts they get me everytime they’re scarier than anything else i’ve seen. unsurprised i could see the shadow of the camera. oh okay the grey house is the generator room out back that makes more sense. locked doors, ring of many keys but no key will turn. completely wasted mirror angles that were making me actually kinda anxious waiting to see something in them like damn son wasted opportunity. thrilling to watch this guy go through wads of paper not really looking at anything just pushing them around the great lawyer he is conveniently only finding and looking at plot-relevant things. kid crying mummy mummy while the lady just screams horribly - OMG NOW HES telling the recording exactly what we just heard and saw fuck sakee i love this movie its so dumb spoon feeding everyone - naw spider in his beeeeddd 10/10 best actor. nothing scary has actually happened other than weird lady staring constipatedly at him. he out here gon break his shoulder - sprint sprint sprint PACE PACE PACE – THE DOOR IS OPENNNNN ooohhwuuuhohhh and now he has an axe. he’s a fuck load more of a scardey cat than my main man harry potter and its the nursery - A BALLLLLLLL fell from the SKYYYYY and he doesn’t seem too fazed lmao. spiders just chillin on a chair like yep you’re in trouble. creepy old dolls. a kid just said 'hello’ and laughed, like friendly. 'hello?’  and put a toy in his hand. this is actually interesting. whoops the lights have gone out - PROBS CAUSE HE TURNS THEM ALL ON. nothing even scary happened, the kid said hi and clearly wanted to play then he sprinted away and now is panicking trying to find a torch where is he going its not even that dark back at the generator. cause god forbid- - OMG HE:S LITERALLY GO TTHE WHOLE HOUSE LIT UP mate why do you think it all went out omg im crying he’s freaking out about spider running off oh nah nevermind he’s fine lololol he was freakingggg outttt and then just chills immediately and goes back inside. i love this guy he’s trying so hard. the 70s lampshades are swinging from the roof. would be more eerie if it were actually dark and nah gonna just move over that back to him telling the recording exactly what we just saw. every fucking light. every FUCKING LIGHT. he’s lucky he doesn’t have to pay for electricity. this is the third time we’ve heard this crash and the kid and the lady screaming and he’s going angry about it cause its very noisy and he’s lost his mate’s dog whoops. lol whoops his mate found his own dog half drowned in the marsh and is just chill with it. wait this has all happened in a day?? this fuckin guy. ol mates got him rugged up and getting him outta there cause he collapsed in fright from finding the nursery trashed. that’s it. like yeah its spooky but come on man. is this the climax of the movie??? we an 1hr12min in. think they’re only breifly and vaguely mentioning that to see her means a kid will die and has died - how the fuck are you supposed to make her fearsome if you declaw her and take away that which threatens people: the fact she’s out there causing kids to die. floral bed covers. are they seriously not even going to show the dead kid. they’re just chatting. and again wa– holy fuck these people shes like neeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrhhh with a hogwarts cloak on and short curly hair with that yellow face and crooked brows, and he’s got his arms over his face, eyes shut just lying on his bed screaming - fuckin close ass shots i can see up their noses. now he’s taken ill poor mate. also he’s in a different bed?? and now he’s awake and talking some whack shit. has anyone called his wife yet lol. an awesome shot of just him sleeping. and another one. who’s this lady? oh its his wife. what’s she doing here i guess they did call her ahahaha. everything is so bright and blue and white where is the deeeeeath how is any of this scary its just so much chilling out and chatting and lol bye hope you get better have fun talking men. what. the house burned down? what. ol mate seems suss. HE’S SUSS. ol mate definitely burned that shit to the ground. who knows why he didn’t really seem sold on the whole thing but ya know. now they’re wearing like any old clothes they can find. and there’s a soldier too. and they’re training off into the sunset. that woman is not old enough to be this guy’s mother. what. we have cake time. pointless pointless scenes. ooooooooooooooooooooooo he got the ptsd from the horse clackity clack. no woman with hair that perfect sleeps without it in rolls or covered, not back then lol. where’s the deatttttthhh. oooohweeerrroooooo. whats in the box in the box whats in the box todayyy. acting is always 10/10 with this guy, especially the angst and strong emotions. he really doesn’t care for actually investigating these many papers he’s got in these boxes. um. he was in his office. and then the next scene was him entering his office and hanging up his jacket in his office????? wot. THE PAPERS AREN’T IN THE FIREPLACE MATE THEY’RE OUTSIDE OF IT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD HES MAD HES SETTING THE OFFICE ON FIRE HOLY FUCKKKKKKKKK MATE. dude you are so fired. fireman is like yeah i found this jerry can of parrafin you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you. omg omg he’s attacking his boss this is so exciting. i think he’s fired lol. can’t believe he’s not been arrested. what do you tell your wife lmao. how do you get references for another job in this career. her hair is so perfect. she wants to talk, he silences her with a kiss, conversation moves on, he silences her with another kiss - typical. now they’re boating. there’s 3 minutes left. are they gonna drown. omg the jumpcuts. SHES STANDING ON WATER. SHES JESUS. ahahhahahahahAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA DEATH BY TREEEEEEEEEE and i think they did drown omg ahahah my guy, wife kid and baby. that’s fuckin dark. last literally 1 minute of the movie just kill everyone off. what a shit fest i love it.
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19 Times Celebrities Went Totally Off the Rails in the Public Eye
Being a personality is hard-handed. Not that we’re luminaries( at least , not according to anyone but ourselves ), but it’s pretty easy to imagine that being a fame is hard-bitten, considering how often they tend to lose it. The constant investigation, the demanding hours, the paparazzi always in your aspect — all that stres could make any acceptable person snap. Advertisement div > Honestly, it’s amazing that some personalities have even conserved the apparition of normalcy div > We don’t blame them, but we’ll likewise never tire of watching their epic meltdowns. If “youve been” find yourself wishing to be in the public eye, these 19 celebs are now to remind you that being prominent is not all parties and private jets. Advertisement div > div > Charlie Sheen ranted on aura, but likewise gave us one of the best catchphrases of its first year div > In a completely fantastic interrogation with ABC in February of 2011, Charlie detonated Two and a Half Men inventor Chuck Lorre, claimed “hes having” vampire blood, and peddled a new pharmaceutical called Charlie Sheen that promises to soften your face off. Charlie likewise proclaimed that he was ” not bipolar but’ bi-winning.'” After that, we were all #winning. Advertisement div > div > Alec Baldwin get kicked off a flight because he wasn’t finished with his recreation, and we are capable of honestly relevant div > In December 2011, an intense Words With Friends match went Alec Baldwin booted off an American Airlines flight when he refused to quit playing at departure. We’re not sure if Alec is accepting new adversaries at this time, but we really increase his commitment to the game. Advertisement div > div > Chris Brown lost his shirt and also his damn mind div > On Good Morning America in March of 2011, Chris Brown was asked about the 2009 abuse of his then-girlfriend Rihanna, and to say he was triggered would be an understatement. The singer stormed off theatre, ripped off his shirt, and propelled a chair out his dressing room window. That’s one way to say, “No comment.” Advertisement div > div > Mariah Carey queried Carson Daly for rainbows, ice cream, and some therapy div > While promoting her devastating movie Glitter on TRL in 2001, Mariah Carey brought along an ice cream truck and a striptease, as well as one of the more memorable interviews in TRL history. Mimi ended up in a hospice weeks later for” extreme tired ,” where we’re hoping she got the disruption from the stardom she necessary( and maybe even the chance to learn to razz a bicycle like she missed ). Speaking of botched performances… Advertisement div > div > Kanye West interrupted his own concert three songs in to give a 17 -minute-long rant div > During his Life of Pablo expedition in November of 2016, Kanye West handed his fans an surprising( and unwanted) amaze when he ranted about everyone from Jay-Z, to Beyonce, to Mark Zuckerberg, to onetime President Barack Obama, claiming that “theyre all” “fake.” We’re going to let you finish, Kanye, but that was probably the most difficult concert recital of all time. Advertisement div > div > Tom Cruise rushed on Oprah’s couch and eternally granted Scientology a bad name div > While guest-starring on The Oprah Winfrey Show in May of 2005, Tom Cruise outraged the unflappable Oprah by hopping up on her couch and affirming his love for his then-girlfriend Katie Holmes( who now, unsurprisingly, is his ex-wife ). As far as dreamy gesticulates become, we’d prefer something that doesn’t piss off Oprah. Advertisement div > div > Lamar Odom made a crowbar to a paparazzo’s vehicle, and Khloe Kardashian evaded a bullet div > When requested information about chiselling rumors by a photographer in July of 2013, Khloe Kardashian’s then-husband Lamar Odom threw the photographer’s paraphernalium into the street and then proceeded to take a crowbar to the photographer’s car. Once again , not the best way to allege, “No comment.” Advertisement div > div > Lindsay Lohan pocketed more than $100,000 -worth of watches and sunglasses and officially grew uninvited from all of our future parties div > In August of 2012, the Los Angeles Police Department suspected Lindsay Lohan of leaving an all-night gathering in the Hollywood Hills with more than $100,000 -worth of the party host’s belongings in tow, the fourth burglary thought for LiLo in four years. If at first, you don’t supplant, then you probably shouldn’t try three more times. Advertisement div > div > Justin Bieber’s supporters wouldn’t make him mop up the stage, so he left it div > During a concert in Oslo, Norway in October of 2015, Justin Bieber got fed up with grabby devotees who encroached when he tried to clean liquid off the stage, and he stormed off, deserting the concert after playing exactly one song. Never mind, Kanye — we repute Biebs dethroned you for the worst concert of all time. Now you are able to never expect this next personality to lose her cool. Advertisement div > div > Reese Witherspoon was arrested for disorderly conduct and a lack of Southern cordiality div > In April of 2013, Reese Witherspoon and her husband, Jim Toth, were pulled over for suspicion of intoxicated driving, and Reese was not afraid to let her dislike be known. ” Do you know who I am ?” she requested the policeman.” You’re about to find out who I am .” Reese may be an Oscar-winner, but her’ dispassionate’ impersonation involves work. Advertisement div > div > David Hasselhoff had a struggle with a burger and exposed his real struggle with alcohol div > In May of 2007, a videotape circulated of an inebriated David Hasselhoff, on the flooring and drape merely blue jeans while clumsily eating a hamburger. His daughters had captivated the moment by seeking to get their papa back on the wagon, but it simply pointed up proving a pissed Hoff is no match for a hamburger. Advertisement div > div > A cameraman bumped into Lil Wayne, and Weezy shaped sure that somebody would live to regret it div > While materializing at DirecTV’s annual Celebrity Beach Bowl flag football match in February of 2013, Lil Wayne was accidentally bumped into by cameraman during the post-game trophy presentation, and Lil Wayne gave’ em have it. Two teammates accommodated Lil Wayne back as he criticized the cameraman with epithets, expecting apology. Being Weezy ain’t easy( but apparently, neither is being a cameraman in Weezy’s lane ). Advertisement div > div > Vanilla Ice destroyed an MTV set with a baseball bat, which is probably a very close he’s ever come to earning street cred div > While on the deep-seated of” The MTV Lame 25″ in April of 1999, Vanilla Ice’s” Ice Ice Baby” music video was dubbed the ninth bad of all time, and Vanilla Ice didn’t take the bulletin well. The ” rapper ” attacked the list with a baseball bat, startling( and maybe scarring) the emcees in the process. Who would have anticipated Vanilla Ice would so easily lose his cool? Advertisement div > div > Christian Bale had his eyeline blocked on pitch, and he didn’t furnish any probability of saving div > While filming “Terminator Salvation” in July of 2008, the film’s head of photography accidentally accompanied into Christian Bale’s eyeline during a shot, leading to an expletive-laden tirade from the actor. Forget Batman and American Psycho em >— angry Christian Bale is the person we should really fear. We know celebs have a complicated affair with cameras, but this next one certainly makes the cake. Advertisement div > div > Bjork coaches reporters an important exercise: don’t photo Bjork at international airports div > At New Zealand’s Auckland International Airport in January of 2008, Bjork affected a photographer by rending his shirt from behind after the photographer snagged a few photographs of her. A similar happen happened in Bangkok’s airport in 1996, when Bjork secreted her delirium on another reporter with repeated slaps to the face. Swans may look cute, but recollect, they attack when photographed. Advertisement div > div > Britney Spears shaved her honcho and attacked a automobile with an umbrella, throwing the internet food for nearly forever div > In February of 2007, Britney Spears infamously took her umbrella to a photographer’s car while sporting a reduced psyche, an accident that she subsequently claimed was ” method acting .” On her website, Britney wrote,” I was cooking my courage for a role in a movie where the spouse never plays his part, so they swap places accidentally .” Seems legit. Advertisement div > div > Amanda Bynes played with shoot and scorched any lurking indecisions we had about her wellbeing div > In July of 2013, after a fibre of comical action, Amanda Bynes started a fervour with a canister of gasoline in the driveway of an older stranger, an accident that led to burned gasps, a gasoline-soaked Pomeranian, and a psychiatric hold. We’re pretty sure this case is too strange for even Judge Trudy to handle. Advertisement div > div > Bill O’Reilly completely lost with his staff off-air, returning us another catchphrase for the ages div > While working at Inside Edition , Bill O’Reilly experienced technical impediments with the teleprompter before going on aura, and to describe his reaction as displeased would be a egregious understatement. The video that circulated after the facts of the case registers Bill’s rant against his personnel, as well as his eventual decision to just” make love live .” You do you, Billy. Advertisement div > div > Anne Heche paid a see to strangers in Fresno and claimed to be God div > Shortly after announcing her separation from Ellen DeGeneres in August of 2000, Anne Heche strayed to a agricultural residence near Fresno — wearing precisely a bra, short-changes, and shoes — and announced that she God and would take everyone up to sky in her spaceship. Breakups are hard, but has become a fame might just be harder. Now extend share this with the biggest divas you know! Advertisement Read more: http :// twentytwowords.com/ times-celebrities-went-totally-off-the-rails-in-the-public-eye / http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/07/05/19-times-celebrities-went-totally-off-the-rails-in-the-public-eye/
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