#i love my parents but oh my god i am trying to study and actually do well in my classes
ultravioletwinters · 2 years
the cost of living at home is being asked for a schedule and handing it over to be ignored
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libraryofgage · 5 months
Life in Miniature (One)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedediah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One (you're here!)
There will be more Jedtavius in the next parts I promise, I just thought this would be a funner introduction to the AU lmao
I just love those little guy dudes from the museum so much hfjdks and now we get two pairs of them
Also, fun fact, I took Steve's Roman name from, like, an actual king of Rome. The actual sixth king. He seemed like a chill dude.
Anyway, there's a meme at the end and as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
When Robin took this job as a night guard, she didn't think the previous guard's words about history coming to life at night was, you know, real. She thought it was a joke, a predictable and corny joke, but a joke nonetheless.
But now, after being chased by a T-Rex, getting saved by Theodore Roosevelt, and almost being taken captive by fucking Attila the Hun, Robin thinks this job definitely isn't worth $16.50 an hour. Then again, this is the best paying job she's had in a while, and she was living a nocturnal life anyway.
Robin groans, leaning against a wall in the diorama exhibit, and slides down to the floor. She lets her head fall back against the wall, her eyes slipping shut as she slides. "This is crazy. This is insane. I need to find a fucking weapon or something," she mutters.
"Pardon me," comes a voice close to her head, "but might you be the goddess Diana?"
As pick-up lines go, it's not the worst one she's heard. And, based on what she knows of Greek and Roman deities, it wouldn't be too far off. Still, she does not want to be hit on by whatever weird historical thing is trying to flirt with her.
Robin takes a deep breath, opens her eyes, and says, "Do I look like a goddess to you?"
She looks to her left where the voice came from, blinking when her gaze falls on a figurine that would barely reach her ankle. He's dressed in a toga with a chest plate, wrist guards, a sword on his waist, and a deep purple cape over his shoulders. His hair is, honestly, the most impressive thing Robin has ever seen, made only more impressive by the golden laurels resting perfectly against his temples.
He's looking at her with wide eyes, more awed than anything else. "Yes," he says. "I have heard the gods are larger than life."
Okay. Fair.
"Why Diana, man?" Robin asks.
He tilts his head, studying her for a moment, looking her up and down. "You give me the same feeling as statues of Noble Diana with her Huntresses," he explains, pausing for a moment before adding, "A feeling of kinship, perhaps?"
Oh. This...this is like ancient Roman gaydar, right? Robin snorts and turns, resting her elbow on her knee. "I'm definitely not Diana. My name is Robin. I'm the new night guard."
His eyes brighten some, his smile growing wider and certainly charming enough to make the hearts of a few girls and guys flutter. "I am Servius Tullius, Sixth King of Rome, son of Vulcan, weapons master of the gods, and adopted son of Jedediah, Cowboy King of the Wild West, and Octavius, general of the Roman army."
Robin nods, letting all of the those words process in her head before saying, "Mind if I call you Steve? You look like a Steve."
The Sixth King of Rome blinks, looking slightly confused before his eyes light up with understanding. "Ah! A nickname! Yes, I am familiar with this concept. You may call me Steve, Lady Robin, as a show of our newfound friendship."
"Yeah, don't call me Lady Robin. Just Robin is fine," she says, hesitating before offering her hand to Steve.
"As you wish, Just Robin," he says, stepping carefully onto her hand and remaining steady as she raises him higher.
Robin blinks, frowning slightly and about to correct him again when she sees his smile and realizes it's a joke. "Okay, very funny, dingus," she says, carefully poking his side.
"Is dingus another nickname? It sounds like an insult."
"It usually is, but it's affectionate when I say it."
"Oh! Yes, like when Ockie calls Jed a philistine."
"Uh, sure," Robin says, nodding once as she lets Steve move to stand on her shoulder. He quickly sits, holding onto the collar of her jacket as she carefully stands up. "Hey, you know what I'm supposed to do about the dinosaur bones?"
"Rexy? Yes, he enjoys a game of fetch."
"Fetch. Of course."
"What's going on in that head of yours, little man?"
Steve blinks, looks over at Jedediah, and raises an eyebrow at him. "I'm taller than you," he says, gesturing to the good inch he has on Jedediah.
"As long as you're my son, you're a little man."
Doing his best to not laugh, Steve nods once and points to the new diorama set up in the middle of the room. It's a circular diorama, centered on an equally circular stage divided into sections. A cacophony of noise echoes from it, clashing as each slice of the stage fights for dominance. "I'm trying to figure out what in Jupiter's name they're doing over there," he says.
"Well, most of it sounds like music," Jedediah says, "I think."
"It's not any music I've heard before," Octavius says, coming to a stop next to Jedediah and frowning at the diorama. "I would have assumed it the unholy shrieking of the damned."
"Perhaps it would be nicer if they weren't all playing at once," Steve suggests, hands on his hips as he tilts his head.
"Oh, boy, there it is," Jedediah says, his grin audible in his tone. "He's got the King Face."
"What are your intentions, my boy?" Octavius asks.
Before Steve can answer, Robin strolls into the room, grinning when she sees the raving diorama in the middle. She walks over to Steve, Jedediah, and Octavius, crouches down, and says, "Hey, guys. I see you're checking out the History of Rock display."
"History of Rock?" Steve asks.
"What in the sweet hell do rocks have to do with that mess?" Jedediah asks, gesturing to the noisy stage.
Robin rolls her eyes. "No, like, rock music. It's a genre. Anyway, it was sponsored by some musician, so it's a permanent display now."
"And they will be...playing every night?" Octavius asks.
Steve frowns a little more and nods, rolling his shoulders back. "If they are a permanent fixture in our hallowed hall, they must be welcomed. As Sixth King of Rome, this duty falls upon my shoulders. Fathers, I shall return shortly."
"Woah, woah, hold your horses there, little man," Jedediah says, moving to stand in front of Steve. "You're not going anywhere near that snake pit without some back up."
"A few centurions, at least," Octavius agrees.
"I will have Robin. What better protection is there?"
Jedediah and Octavius glance at each other before looking at Robin. She grins and offers them a two finger salute. "I'll guard him with my life," she says, "It's literally my job."
With that reassurance, Jedediah and Octavius move out of the way. Steve steps onto Robin's hand and settles on her shoulder with practiced ease, ignoring the nervous flutter in his stomach at greeting the new museum residents. He hopes they'll get along, but he also knows the might of his Roman army and the railroad workers can crush any who stand in their way.
Robin stops next to the diorama, tilting her head as she studies it. This close, Steve can see the bands playing on each slice of stage, the instruments and fashion shifting as his gaze travels around it. "Uh, excuse me," Robin says, raising her voice.
The raucous noise from the diorama screeches to a halt, the feedback making Robin and Steve grimace slightly. "Uh, hi. We're the official welcome crew for the Hall of Miniatures here. So, I'll need someone to represent your, like, whole display," Robin says, glancing over the bands until she finds one she recognizes. "Okay, I know you guys, so I'll be designating you the spokesband. Now, could the lead singer step forward?"
Steve watches as someone on the "Corroded Coffin" (what an odd name for a band) slice of the stage steps forward. Robin offers her hand to them, carefully lifting it away once they step on. "Great, uh, carry on, I guess. But, like, maybe play some of your quieter stuff for a bit," she says, her words barely out before the music starts up and the crowds start screaming once more.
She sighs and just walks over to the bench, letting off the person on her hand before letting Steve slide down her arm in a move they spent nearly three weeks practicing if only because they knew it would look cool.
When he hops onto the bench, Steve walks up to the other miniature, a man his age with long hair and odd clothes with tears that Robin once said were fashionable. His instrument is still slung over his shoulders, resting casually against his hips much like Steve's sword. Steve suddenly finds himself thinking that the man looks a little like a warrior. An odd one, to be sure, but a handsome one nonetheless.
He flashes his most charming smile, lets his shoulders relax, and says, "My friend here is Robin, Guardian of Brooklyn. I am Servius Tullius, Sixth King of Rome, son of Vulcan, weapons master of the gods, and adopted son of Jedediah, Cowboy King of the Wild West, and Octavius, general of the Roman army. You, however, may call me Steve."
As far as Eddie was concerned, nothing mattered so long as Corroded Coffin got to keep rocking in an endless concert. The energy never waned, the set list never grew boring, and the music never stopped. He was ready to inform this welcoming crew of just that and promise Hell on Earth if they tried to disrupt the music (angry concert goers are a force of nature), when the words just died in his throat.
Because the most gorgeous man he's ever seen slides down that giant lady's arm, easily and smoothly landing on the bench. Somehow, his hair is perfectly windswept, the golden laurels glinting in the lights above them. His purple cape flutters softly as he walks closer, his toned thighs on full display with the toga hem that falls to the middle of them. There's a sword on the guy's hip, a chest plate that Eddie wants to pull off, a smile he wants to taste, and a pair of freckles right next to each other on the guy's cheek he wants to drag his tongue across.
He misses most of the introduction because he's too busy staring. He gets the important bits, though: Robin, a king, son of a god, adopted son of two dads. Eddie licks his lips nervously, a grin of his own tugging at his lips as he steps forward and playfully bows. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty," he says.
It's supposed to come out joking, a little poke at the guy's authority to see if he can be riled up. It actually comes out way too genuine, and Eddie has a sudden realization that he meant it. He absolutely will accept this guy as his king, actually. He'll fall to his knees before him right now if asked, and not just because it might give him a little peek under the dude's toga.
"Please, just call me Steve. There's no need to be so formal."
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek, hoping Steve doesn't realize that the things Eddie is thinking about (the things he wants to do to and with Steve) are just about the least formal things on this earth. "Good to know," he says, relieved his voice sounds normal as he stands up straight and offers his hand. "Name's Eddie Munson, uh, lead singer of Corroded Coffin."
Steve blinks, and his smile becomes a bit more genuine as he steps closer and clasps Eddie's forearm. "A fellow leader," he says, squeezing Eddie's arm. "Welcome to our museum."
"Y-yeah," Eddie says, his arm still tingling when Steve lets go. He clears his throat, idly tugging on a few strands of hair. "So, uh, what's the deal around here? I mean, giant women...Roman kings...cowboys, it looks like."
"Our noble museum is home to Pharoah Ahkmenrah and his tablet, which brings the exhibits to life each night," Steve explains.
"There's a few rules, though," Robin says, sitting down on the bench behind Steve. "One, no getting into fights. Two, be back in your display by sunrise. Three, no leaving the museum at night."
"What? Why not?"
"We have lost good exhibits to Sol Invictus's morning rays," Steve says, frowning slightly. "So, be careful."
Eddie stares at Steve with wide eyes as he nods, amazed at the fact that Steve seems to talk like that so genuinely. And the fact that Eddie is...kinda into it. Holy shit, that's not helping with Eddie's whole "fall to his knees" thing. He wouldn't mind some good old-fashioned worship if Steve would just smile at him again.
Maybe his prayers are heard, because Steve smiles at him again. "Wonderful," he says. "Now, Eddie, could I interest you in a tour of the museum tonight?"
"Oh, you could interest me in a lot of things, sweetheart," Eddie blurts out, his mouth running faster than his brain.
He snaps his jaw shut, relieved and horrified at Steve's slightly confused expression and Robin's "I know what you are" thousand-yard stare from over his shoulder. Before he can try to backtrack, Steve snaps, understanding in his eyes. "Ah! Sweetheart is a nickname, yes? I accept your offer of friendship."
Eddie clenches his jaw, stopping himself from saying that it's more than friendships he's offering, and smiles. "Yeah. A nickname. That's all. I'm just...a nickname kinda guy. I'll probably think of more, too, Stevie. Like that."
Steve practically beams, and Eddie feels his knees go weak. "I look forward to it," he says, turning on his heel to look at Robin, who thankfully schools her expression. "Robin, this is where we leave you for the night. You have my word that Eddie will be back in place before sunrise."
"Well, you two kids have fun," she says, grinning in a way that immediately puts Eddie on edge. "I'd better not hear about any funny business, though. Absolutely no bases should be reached tonight, and you'd better not do any conquering or pillaging."
She definitely looks at Eddie when she says that last bit. Eddie stiffens, doing his best to hold back a blush when Steve glances over at his, the confusion clear on his face. "Conquering requires more planning than this, Robin. I've told you before."
"Don't worry about it, dingus. Just have fun. Here, I'll even call a ride for you," she says, winking at them before turning, holding her fingers to her mouth, and whistling sharply.
Steve walks over to Eddie right as the ground starts to shake, easily catching him around the waist before he can lose his balance. "The shaking does take some getting used to," he says, his tone full of sympathy and obliviousness to the crisis Eddie is experiencing.
When his brain finally catches up enough to ask what he's talking about, a dinosaur skeleton slides into the room, its body wiggling excitedly as it growls. Eddie jerks back, the arm around his waist tightening some. "What the fuck?!" he shouts.
"Worry not," Steve says, leaning closer. His voice is a little softer now, his breath fanning over Eddie's ear. "This is Rexy, our steed for the evening. He's very friendly."
"Friendly," Eddie mumbles, letting himself be dragged over to Rexy and placed on the dinosaur's head by Robin. "The dinosaur is friendly."
"Many of the exhibits are," Steve tells him, grinning brightly as Rexy begins moving after a pet on the snout from Robin.
Eddie looks at him, feeling blinded by Steve's smile once more, and completely forgets about the living dinosaur skeleton.
Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
(Also I know there are like one or two upcoming parent AUs that people have asked to be tagged in and I tried to see if this was one of them but couldn't find anyone for the life of me hfjdks so I'm sorry if you asked on another post and I missed you orz)
And, finally, a meme for you
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matchadobo · 7 months
KIDD; babysitter
wc: 3462 summary: reuniting with the kid you're babysitting after nine years certainly went the way you didn't expect it to warning/s: nsfw, fem reader, p0rnp0rnp0rn, cute little kidd, actual s3x happens proceed with caution, faces1tting, p in v, no grooming don't worry they're all wholesome when kids during adults is spicy tho 😳
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you used to babysit this little redhead when you were sixteen and he was nine. he always had this prominent scowl that contorted the serenity on his face. he had the palest skin you've ever seen, well at least back then, you haven't encountered anyone with the degree higher than that of his. he had the richest red in his hair, thick curls hanging at the sides of his chubby cheeks.
he wasn't a rowdy, loud kid. he was a mean fucking kid, but somehow, you two can get along in the long run. maybe it's because you weren't one to discipline him and just let him do his shit, only cleaning up if his parents would be close to come home.
but what pisses you off the most though is how he always comes home being the dirtiest rugrat on the neighborhood. what's weird about it is he doesn't even roll on the muddy roads nor play with other children, them children always says he was very mean to them. he always had a wrench in one hand a contraption he made in the other, it's one of the times where he voluntarily comes to you to show off the said contraption. you'd have the responsibility to clean him up in the bath afterward, begrudgingly.
it lasted only when you were eighteen, school was getting hectic and he was gradually growing up to not need a sitter. you two developed a bizarre relationship of unanimous silence and stay-in-your-business shit to have gone for two years. but what you've noticed in your second year is that he had grown distant; he avoided your eyes, he gets shy when you ask him about his 'contraption', he doesn't meet you as a rugrat no more, and he actually does the chores you mostly do. maybe he really is growing up, not really needing a sitter.
you buried those memories at the back of your head, nine years have passed and now you're on a stable business on your flower shop. the reason this surfaced from your memory is when you saw the owner of the new tattoo parlor that had been built just a week ago. he had the same rich shade of red for his curly, voluminous locks and somewhat rivaled the skin color of the kid you were babysitting. you normally don't pay him any mind, business is too busy. that is until, he visited your shop, seemingly buying something for his girlfriend.
"there any chance i could get somethin' more than a bouquet?" he raised a brow, leaning by the counter to get to your level while you count his change.
"sure, anything else you want, sir?" you smiled, returning his change. you could see the shift in the glint in his eyes when your fingers touched.
"a chance to take you out and give these to you." he gestured for the bouquet of tulips he was clutching on those monstrous biceps. you took a moment to process his statement, blushing intensely afterwards.
"i-i uh... am not really available for those." you avoided his gaze, he towered over you but he feels like he was getting closer. his metallic scent growing pungent.
he took a moment to study you, before sighing. "of course, i'm just across, yeah? stay adorable, mo ghràdh (my love)." he winked, leaving with the bouquet.
you sat down on your chair, knees failing from what just happened. an incredibly hot UNIT just asked you out?! and you were too dumb to refuse?! you had no choice but to forget about it, you weren't really one to date.
few weeks had passed and you seem to have forget about it, you try your best to not glance at the parlor each time the owner is out. you don't know why but something deep in you wants to avoid and refuse anything related to him.
"oh my god, name?!" an old woman who was still radiating despite her age greeted you from the entrance, you took a moment and furrowed your brows. only to recognize the woman who took you in as a sitter nine years ago.
it took a lot of catching up, talking about your life mostly. you two were laughing and sharing stories, until she mentioned her son that fucking owns the tattoo parlor across your shop. the reason why she's here is she wants to give a bouquet to his son, for a successful half year.
your face couldn't muster up the shock that shook you to your core. she had to ask if you were okay. later enough, she was so excited that she planned to have a dinner with her family with you to catch up. well, you were pretty close with them in those two years. it'd be pretty rude to refuse this time.
and that's why you're sitting in this affluent house with high ceilings and shiny floors, across the redhead you remembered as someone so tiny was now bigger than you. the motherfucker never took his eyes off you, eyes that meant something more than curiosity.
"he's waaayy bigger than me, it's crazy!" you replied to the mother, laughing to reduce your uneasiness.
"right?! kidd was so focused on bulking up he's bigger than all of us!" his mother joked, nudging his son.
"that's enough about me, mammy. i'm more curious about name here, mind humorin' us about yourself?" he set his utensils down, clasp his hands, elbows resting on the table, and rested his chin atop his fists as he stared you down.
"hm? you've become so assertive now, kidd. back then, you were quite shy, hm? moreso, mean. have that changed too?" you tried matching up to his forwardness, raising a brow and holding his gaze.
"wanna fuck around and find out?" he cocked a brow, eyes narrowing.
there was silence, it's as if the room dimmed and the only light that radiated was the one between the two of you as you two had a mini staring contest on who'd look away first. you can't help it either, his golden orbs were something else, it's hypnotizing.
"gosh, you two were just like this back then! always having little bickerings!" his mother laughed, shaking you both to reality that you two weren't alone. "i'll let you two catch up, i'll just clean up." you almost begged her to stay, you don't know how to survive a room alone with him.
"hey name, come to the pool with me." he stood up, sauntering across the plutocratic house. you obeyed.
"why? you're inviting me to swim?"
once you've reached the pool place, he turned around, awfully close. "why don't we recreate some memories, yeah?" a grin made its way to his tinted lips. he simultaneously walked backwards to the pool as he unbuttoned the shirt that was way too tight on him.
your heart almost stopped in your chest. you two used to swim together during his birthday, you and a few other homies of his. "kidd... we aren't kids anymore."
by the time you complained, he was already shirtless, a body of a fucking greek god. he was unbuttoning his pants, now only his boxers that highlighted something too fucking distracting saliva was stuck on your throat. "and? can't you fucking swim now?" he teased, snickering. he wasted no time in diving, some of the water splashing on you.
"now i'm all wet, thanks." you sarcastically remarked, flapping your arms to dry off. he resurfaced, hair beautifully slicked back. he ran his hand across his face to dry off some water before shaking his head a bit to dry off his hair. he laughed a little, looking up at you. "well, seems you really have to get in now."
"how is that a reason to swim?" you placed your hands on your waist.
"come here, i'll tell you." he got closer at the edge of the pool, motioning his hand to ask you to get closer.
"i know this trick, eustass! i won't fall for it!" you raised your hands in defense, backing away from the pool.
"not if i drag you here though." he got up from the pool by propelling himself with his arms. body dripping as he ran to you and scooped you up like you weigh nothing. "ain't this nostalgic? you were the one carrying me like a sack back then."
"w-what the fuck?! you're so wet let me down!" you hit his chest, wiggling in his grasp as he gets closer to the pool.
"aye." he dropped you by the pool, shortly joining you afterward.
you both resurfaced, you gasped for air as he got closer to you. "i see you became even more of an asshole." you ran your hand across your face to get rid of some water.
his canines tugged at his lip as he grinned. "and you became even more damn whiny."
you two laughed for a moment, leaning closer. you two stood closer, getting lost in each other's eyes as well as the current of the pool.
"your eyes got more... golden." you mused at him, alternating glances at his orbs. he grinned a little.
"yeah? your smile got brighter too, you know that?" you were about to mutter out an insult but you slipped at the inclined floor towards the deeper part of the pool from the sudden push of the water. if it weren't for kidd pulling you closer by your arm as his other hand fell on your waist under water to pull you faster, you would've drowned.
"f-fucking shit!" you cursed, clinging onto his chest. "g-get me out of here, fuck!" you drummed at his chest and he bursted into laughter.
he abided, walking you to the stairs. he fetched a towel for you, throwing it above your head as he wrapped one around his hips.
"just borrow mammy's clothes, bathroom's on the left." he instructed, rubbing the towel on your head vehemently.
"okay, you can stop fucking with me now, kidd." you moved away from him, cursing out his grin now that he'd ruined your hair.
you did as he said. scanning through the clothes after washing up. you threw on a summer romper and dried your hair with the towel, walking outside to get some water on the kitchen.
as you were about to close the fridge door, you saw kidd was waiting on the other side of the room. "jesus christ, i told you to stop fucking with me!" you stomped on the floor, fists clenched.
he smiled a little, walking towards you. "not my fault you're jumpy."
"no, you just like to fuck with me, that's it."
"not entirely wrong."
"what's the other half?"
"that i do want to fuck you."
you were about to laugh, only to realize the meaning behind his words. you looked at him with the reddest face and the widest eyes. "k-kidd?!"
"yeah? want me to say it again? little closer by your ear, perhaps?" he leaned down closer, scrunching his nose.
you moved away, fanning yourself. "i'm just gonna pretend i didn't hear that-"
he grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer. "hey, that's just being unfair. you heard me loud and clear, bòidheach (beautiful). your face is enough damn reason." he tapped your chin, grinning as he stared at the redness of your cheeks. "and i'm sure you know how i want this to go, hm?"
"n-no kidd, this- we're in your mother's house...!" you looked around, looking for signs of his mother.
"and? i suppose you're aware that this is my house too and i have my room upstairs. kitchen'll do though."
"n-no! what are you talking about?! how the fuck did you reach that point where you wanted to do that with me?" the irritation was evident in your voice but that bastard was enjoying the show.
"well," he placed a hand on the fridge's surface, his biceps flexing and the veins on the crook of his elbow become more prominent, you were so fucking distracted your cheeks we're quite literally on fire. "innocent lil crushes evolve to somethin' more when you put on mini fuckin' skirts and tight fuckin' dresses everyday, it's hard not to look when you're just across the damn street, aye?" he eyed you, focused on the view of your cleavage from above.
"stop gawking at me, you pervert...!" you covered your chest. "i am not sleeping with you, feels weird."
"look, name." he shifted his weight, now crossing his arms. he didn't miss the way your eyes focused on how the bulge in his muscles got tighter and bigger. "it seems that you've got the idea that i'm still the little boy that you used to take care of, yeah? lemme do somethin' about that, m'eudail (darling)." his gaze darkened, his hands brushed by your arms before it finally settled on your shoulders.
there was silence. he had that cocky smirk while you pressed your lips together, trying to contain yourself from exploding. he cleared his throat, spreading his arms in surrender. "alright, i won't pressure ya. but know that i'll be waitin' in my room, last room on the right corner of the fourth floor." he winked before leaving you, heating up like a goddamn bonfire.
you took a moment before sliding down and sitting yourself down on the floor. it seems so fucking enticing, he seems so fucking enticing. the way you always catch his golden eyes that was highlighted by that beautiful red fucking locks almost undressed you, the way his toned fucking abdomen peeked from his shirt each time he lifts his arms and you see a hint of that happy trail, and how his thighs looked so goddamn huge on his ripped jeans.
"fucking hell, kidd." you mumbled to yourself, tugging on your locks. it didn't took you long enough to finally come to terms with it. so you gave in. it's just one time, right?
you made your way to the series of floors, passing by family portraits and baby pictures. you giggled to yourself seeing lots of pictures of both of you. soon enough, you reached the tall black door that seemed too conspicous that it indeed belonged to him. you hesitated a little before knocking with shaking fists.
seconds after, he opened the door with his shirt off. you tried your best to not gawk at how built this man is. he leaned an arm on the door that was halfway open, a knowing smirk on his lips as he eyed you up and down once more.
"i know what you're going to say, but i will only agree for one. fucking. time." you gritted your teeth, getting closer and raising your index finger at him. he nodded like an asshole, smile never faltering.
he placed his hand on the upper door frame, simultaneously leaning down closer to you while holding your gaze. "sure, cupcake. let's see how long you can hold your tongue."
you narrowed your gaze and there was a little staring contest between the two of you. he moved a little when he saw you trying to squeeze yourself inside, laughing at how cute you are. once you were walking inside he spoke, "why the change of heart?" he shut the door, flicking the lock.
you took a look around his room, it was mostly dark and reds, of course. littered with band posters and a spray painted wall that seemed to be an original art by him. red led lights wrote his name at the top of his black, tufted headboard. "prove me wrong about earlier, i guess."
he got closer, arms gently prying your crossed arms off, and landing on the buttons of your dress. "right, let's get into it, yeah?"
once he unbuttoned all of it and you let him, you stood there as his hands rested on either sides of your bare waist. his hands were cold. you linked foreheads as you exchanged deep breaths from the contact. "your hands are cold." you muttered, his metallic perfume clouding your senses. "and you're fuckin' sweatin', princess." he complained at the small beads of sweat on your lower back.
his hands roamed down your cheeks, squeezing both with much fervor before giving it a smack. you flinched, hands landing on his chest. "asshole." he cocked a grin at your remark, squeezing tighter to pull your hips closer.
your hands roam the span of his chest, across his shoulders, and up to his neck. your fingers traced the edges of his face, up to his tinted lips. soon enough, he licked the tip of your fingers before biting the skin a little. "come here, give me a kiss. i know you wanna." he growled, hands traversing to where your bra clips where.
you ignored him but complied, pulling him down to your level and colliding your lips with his. boy, was it the wildest kiss you've ever experienced. he immediately slid his tongue inside, taking control of your mouth. he smiled through the kiss before biting your lower lip when he felt you hitching a breath and wrapping your arms around his neck. he swiftly carried you by your bum and wrapped your legs around his waist.
it didn't take long enough for both of all of your clothes to be on the floor and now you two are hungrily making out on his bed. you sat on top of his lap while he sat like a fucking king on his bed, leaning by the headboard as he played with your ass until it's red. he relishes on how your folds periodically rub across his length, how your tits bounced on his neck and chest, and how warm and good your body feels when he hugs it.
"sit on my face." he ordered, muttering through hot pants and wet kisses. you almost fell on his lap if it weren't for his grip on your hips.
"w-what?" your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed, as if you weren't naked with him doing unholy things.
"you heard me, lovely." his eyes darkened, smile growing. "i'll fuckin' drag you here if i have to."
so you did, you weren't sure how to position yourself, it was your first time sitting on someone. so you carried yourself a little, afraid of suffocating him.
"baby," he peeked after giving one languid lick on your crevice. "when i tell you to sit on my face, sit. fucking. down." he pulled your hips down, both hands settled on your thighs as you completely took over his face.
oh, he took his time alright. slurping, sucking, and biting while he bullies your ass. you had to get a hold of the headboard because of how this goddamn animal devours you. "s-slow d-down- fuck!" you almost squealed, pulling on his hair. you felt him smile through your lips.
you were worn out afterward, overstimulated and he haven't even used his length. he gave you kiss on the cheek before pumping his length, "i-i don't think it'll fit..."
he bursted into laughter, "you're too fuckin' adorable, come here." he pulled you closer by the neck. "i'll make sure you'll beg for it later, don't worry."
and the bastard really did make you beg for it. he's got you pinned down between his arms with you back facing him as he rams you from behind. the repeated contact of your skin resounded around the four walls of his room. your chin was buried down his black pillows that scented so much like him it made you go even more crazy, your eyes were rolling at the back of your head as you utter out slurred curse words, drunk on his dick. he was fucking prying your walls open. his length was too girthy and huge. he always makes it a mission to reach your cervix with each thrust. you fisted the sheets, going crazy with each movement of his hips.
he leaned down and bit on your shoulder before licking on your ear. "enjoying yourself a little too much? you're way too fuckin' loud there, not that i'm complainin'. just hold on a little, i'm close." he gave the top of your head a kiss before returning back to his position, raising your ass up to have a sturdy grip and a harder thrust.
"i-i'm cumming," you slurred between your moans, toes curling and thighs shivering. and not too long after, you both came in unison, panting and whining against each other as he leaned his forehead on your shoulder.
"still a little boy?"
"shut the fuck up, you came all over me."
"why don't we clean up like you used to do to me, yeah?"
"you'll fuck me again in the bath, i'd rather not."
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feeding y'all :>
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
hi, i'm not the same anon but i would like to hear more about the fyuuture kid au 👉👈 especially about riddle!!
hello new friend, you picked someone who is having a real bad time in this au (゚ω゚;)
I am going to give some general information about Yutu and then move on to some Riddle specific stuff.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, general au explanation can be found here, and the posts can be found on my masterlist under the series section.
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General Yutu Facts
"Yutu" is supposed to be a fake name fyuuture kid is using to help hide his identity, but I am open to suggestions on that. Originally he didn't remember his name and Crowley picked it out for him, but I like the idea of "Yuu two" being a nickname he had in both your world and Twisted Wonderland and picked as his alias to honor his parent. Yutu really admires Yuu, he has nothing but empathy for your situation and respect for your strength, and while he certainly fought with you from time to time (some Yutus more than others) he wants to be like you.
That desire was very much cemented when he heard about how you won against the overblot phantoms. Yutu's unique magic changes depending on who his dad is, but all Yutus have extensive experience in combat magic and have fought a lot of monsters. Including overblot phantoms, same as you. His fights didn't go as well though... he's extremely afraid of the Great Seven's phantoms and has regular nightmares about them.
Back to the names... I didn't have names picked out for every version of Yutu, but Riddle does happen to have been one of them. His real name was supposed to be March, yes like the march hare but if I'm honest I was more thinking about the saying "in like a lion out a lamb" because I thought that described Riddle's temper pretty well.
The other ones I picked out I still like are Merrin (I swear I found it on a list of mountain themed names??? But it means sea born or pearl of the sea), Laurie (yes like little women, his unique magic was supposed to something to do with painting), and Roland (I have an unironic love for French peerage ok please do not judge me).
Some of the Yutus were meant to have older siblings who stayed behind in Twisted Wonderland (Riddle! Yutu wasn't one of them), but that was very much an idea I didn't develop extensively since it was more left over from Fire Emblem Awakening. I wanted there to be a Lucina type older sibling character who was very protective of Yutu and wanting a future where he gets to stay in Twisted Wonderland and they get to be a happy family. But again I didn't cook this idea extensively so idk how to feel about keeping it as a part of the ayuu.
Anyway on to the Riddle specific stuff ¬‿¬
So that bit about Yutu's real name coming from a description from Riddle's temper: I like to leave what Yutu looks like up to the reader, but Riddle! Yutu if nothing else took two things from his father, his (lack of) height and his temper. His facial expressions when pouting and angry are eerily similar, and they both have a strong affinity for fire. Riddle! Yutu is a lot like Riddle Tsum now that I think about it? Very high energy and likes to jump around all over the place, but determined to be at least somewhat dignified.
Since traveling back in time Yutu has been "studying" with Grim to try and get his flames hot enough to burn blue to flex on his dad and to bond with the monster. He usually just ends up watching him though, the mental image he had of Grim vs what the little guy is actually like is really wild.
Back to the temper, unlike Riddle Yutu wasn't home schooled so he got into a lot of trouble for losing it on other students. He had a chip on his shoulder about not having a dad, having a parent with amnesia, and especially about being short oh god he is so spiteful about that. He got sent to detention a lot, and shamefully it made him fight with Yuu a lot too. Not that he hates Yuu, he was just very emotional and not always the easiest to deal with. His last few interactions with Yuu before they died were very strained, and he is filled with remorse for a bunch of stupid things he said.
When he gets to the point where he has to admit to Yuu who he is there is going to be a lot of crying and begging for forgiveness. He was a stupid, angry kid who just wanted to know who he was and didn't feel like he belonged lashing out at the one person who he knew wanting nothing but the best for him. He doesn't really feel the need to ask for forgiveness from his dad (yet)... by the time Yutu was isekaid into Twisted Wonderland Riddle had been corrupted by his overblot phantom and was wrecking the Queendom of Roses so he never really met the real Riddle until he traveled back in time.
He also got compared to Riddle a lot, Yutu isn't stupid by any means but because of all that time spent in detention he is a bit behind on the fundamentals. Not to mention all Riddle has done up to this point is practice magic and Yutu only just found out it was real so of course there was going to be a skill gap! But still, he's Riddle's son and Riddle was a very memorable student for Crewel, so Yutu was guaranteed to hear some comparisons. It didn't help the daddy issues though...
Speaking of Yutu's time at NRC, he did get placed into Heartslabyul by the Dark Mirror and he does know all 810 rules of the Queen's rules. He's not as obsessed with them as Riddle is but he still knows what he's supposed to do and tries to be on his best behavior. He was not interested in being dorm leader and wanted to instead focus on the things Yuu always encouraged him to do, like controlling his temper and getting good grades.
I sort of like the idea of his unique magic being the ability to grow/shrink because in the book Rule 42 of the Queen of Hearts says “All persons more than a mile high to leave the court" and I like the idea of him trying to use his spell to get out of arguments with his dad.
Riddle has no idea that Yutu hates him... at first. This is partially because Yutu is usually very polite to him and partially because he is utterly unaware of how much people are afraid of him in general, but he starts to pick up on it when he tries to interact with Yuu. He wants to have a private tea party with just Yuu? Well Yutu immediately starts acting like this is somehow scandalous and calls him out on his feelings in front of the prefect and he wants to lose it so badly- Yuu agrees anyway and Riddle immediately gets unreasonably smug while Yutu pouts. Take that sucker! He's going to study with the prefect all alone and since it's Riddle you know you really are just going to study.
I don't think Riddle really considers Yutu a rival for Yuu's romantic attention, partially because he isn't fully aware of what it is he feels for Yuu, but even if he was. Riddle knows that Yuu sees Yutu as someone under their care similar to Grim, they actually talk to him about it quite a bit and he has no issue with that. He is actually sort of grateful for Yutu's existence since it has given him an excuse to talk to Yuu more and let them know how he respects them.
Yutu's academic struggles are something that actually bring him closer to Riddle ironically enough. Riddle has created study guides for Yuu and Grim before, he has no problem doing that for Yutu and inviting himself over to give instructions.
"Did you not get a lot of help from your parents?" Riddle sounds nervous, and he should it's an invasive question to ask. Yutu wants to be angry, but when he looks at Riddle, he just feels sad. "Not that it is any of my business really but well. I just noticed you never really talk about them, even to Yuu."
"My dad wasn't really around." He forces himself to look at Riddle when he says it, but it doesn't make him feel any better. If anything it makes Yutu feel worse, he knows about as much about Riddle as Riddle knows about him now that he's forced to look at him. "And my other parent... they tried really hard. But I wasn't always willing to accept it."
"I can't say I understand what that would be like." Riddle looks like he is trying to and that should be what he wants, right? "My mother home schooled me so it's hard for me to understand that someone's parents wouldn't be a constant figure in their schooling."
"You were home schooled?"
Yutu didn't know anything about his grandmother, it didn't even really occur to him that he had one and once he learns about her... well it certainly makes things make a lot more sense. He doesn't want to meet her, but he is curious about what she thought about his parent. What would she think about him? Does he even want to know?
My last concrete thought is that Yutu doesn't really get the whole horse girl thing. He is sort of afraid of horses actually, but I can see him maybe wanting to ride with Riddle once their relationship gets a bit better just to do something with him.
I like the idea of Riddle! Yutu being very into baseball for some reason and there's no way he's going to convince his dad to do that with him ha. Well not in this timeline anyway, I can see good timeline Riddle doing a bunch of research on baseball so he can talk to his kid about it. And showing up to all his matches to scream in support of his kid instead of at the coaches. He is breaking the cycle we love to see it.
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musicallisto · 7 months
hiiiiiii if possible can i please also request a 🐚 with formula one? i am a (suffering) woman in stem (biomedical engineering) and although i can be introverted in situations w big groups i love spending time with my friends & making them laugh. i have no gender preference and i cannot wait to see what you come up with <33333
oookay lisa, it is high time i told you about this random ship/association that has been living rentfree in my mind for a while now... i can't keep quiet any longer, and i will wax poetic about you two, because clearly your one true f1 match is lewis hamilton.
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okay first of all let me get the obvious out of the way: this man is absolutely gorgeous and oh so lovely oh my god. out of all the drivers on the grid he is the one i would be RACING to introduce to my parents. my mom would never ever reprimand me for anything again if i brought a guy like lewis home.
lewis is such an attentive guy, so he would most definitely try to keep up with your studies/work the same way you do his. it's only fair, and besides, he loves it when you nerd out about engineering; the way your eyes twinkle and you trail off because you get a little self-conscious. he thinks it's the most adorable thing ever, because guess what! he is a little bit of a nerd too!
also he loves asking you for input from an engineering perspective, which you've told him time and time again that you're in biomedical, you have NO idea how his car's aerodynamism or mechanic stress work, but he still values your expertise which is, obviously, the highest of praise coming from someone who is basically The Expert himself in his domain.
and you may act humble and like the mercedes engineers' jobs are way out of your league, but you do know your stuff about thermodynamics and fuel chemistry and composite materials, and lewis is blown away every time by your off-handed commentary, as if your observations were self-evident truths. certainly to you they are, the same way he's got an almost carnal understanding of his car's behavior on the track, and that's why you make such a fierce team. you're the theory, he's the practice <3
that's probably how you would meet by the way. and they were coworkers... oh my god they were coworkers... WAIT NO what if you were lewis' RACE ENGINEER ok ok i'm backtracking!!! you DO know your racing stuff actually. ohhhh good shit
because you know lewis is a cocky bastard (honorary, he's earned it) and when he's still high off the adrenaline of the race, perhaps when he's just scored a podium, he relentlessly flirts with you over radio. tells you he never could've done without you, right, sweetheart?, in that suave voice of his. on LIVE TELEVISION??
oh the twitter girlies are eating that up. and you are fumbling over your words, trying to congratulate him in a way that doesn't give away how putty in his hands you are.
but you're the one he runs to as soon as he's off the podium and free from the clutches of journalists and cameras, without fail.
planet F1 practically implodes after saudi arabia 2021, not only from the actual race which is already a good enough reason to go crazy tbh but also because lewis hamilton, breathless after racing past the checkered flag, seemingly asks you out point blank.
"congrats, lewis! you did it! that's first in the world again!" "... i believe this means i've won my bet, and i can finally take you out?"
we won't talk about the grand prix that followed, lol. he may have lost the world championship but at least he won the girl of his dreams, or something <3
you guys are so silly together it's actually disrespectful to the whole paddock. like there are people working here, loves. doing their 9 to 5. stop giggling and taking the piss at toto wolff in hushed whispers like school children!!
but you won't, and though they may not say it... all the other drivers love you two together <3 less so when knowing you are watching seemingly gives lewis wings during shootouts, however...
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
HI i love ur writings for minho so much oh my god they keep me thriving. i was wondering if you’d be up for doing like a modern highschool au with minho where he keeps trying to ask the reader out, and she keeps saying no because she thinks it’s joke, until she confronts him and he gets all serious and tells her it’s not a joke and then there’s a little bit (a lot) of spice at the end🤭🤭
Ooo okay okay, my first AU story, this is definitely going to be a bit different.
Again, assuming fem!reader because pronouns used in the request.
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SUMMARY: See above. Fem! Studious! High-school! Reader x Popular! High-school! Minho.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, the American education system which I simply do not understand or what is taught in American classrooms, spicy content, terrible teenage flirting, kinda of insecure reader, guilty pleasure high school drama tropes, I do not condone Minho's constant questioning of the reader- no means no, guys. No Glader slang here, folks- they ain't stuck in the Maze now.
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You are not a popular person.
Not that you mind. You have your small circle of friends and staying out of the typical teenage drama really is a blessing, especially during your Senior year.
It's not like you're disliked, you're just not someone most people pay attention to, and you like it that way.
You get to focus on your studies, your family and your close friends, which is more than enough to keep you happy.
Well, it would be if you weren't kind of a hopeless romantic. No matter how many times you tell yourself you don't want a boyfriend and that you don't need one, you spend a lot of time fantasing about what it would be like to be in a relationship. Like going on dates, having cute inside jokes, meeting your partners parents, and... other things.
In typical horny teenage fashion, you do spend a lot of time thinking about the more intimate parts of your desired relationship. But, alas, you simply do not have anyone interested in you, nor do you have the time.
(You totally do have the time; you're way ahead of your classes and are passing with flying colours- but you tell yourself that.)
Except that's actually not quite right.
"Dude, I am totally fucking up this titration, are you gonna help me or not?" Gally mumbles from behind the desk of the chemistry lab. How Gally and Minho got into AP chemistry is beyond me, and the teacher, and the whole entire class.
Probably to do with them cheating on their mid-terms. But that's irrelevant.
"Minho, dude," he shoves his friend, who has been casually leaning on the desk staring off into space, as per usual.
Well, not into space exactly.
"What? Huh? Oh, right, yeah." He clears his throat. "Acid in the... tube thing and we put that in the base and bang, shit changes colour- it ain't that hard."
"It's an acid-base titration."
"So, we're seeing how much base it takes to neutralise the acid- the acid goes in the beaker!"
"What's the damn difference?"
Gally pauses.
He does not know.
"Whatever, the titrate is already in the shitty tube and now we gotta drip feed it in."
"Sounds like you know what you're doin', then." Gally frowns at the boy.
Maybe it wasn't a smart idea for them to both cheat when the only thing they have in common is being friends with Siggy (aka Frypan, the groups best, and only, cook.)
"Yanno, maybe if you didn't spend half your time staring at your nerd crush, then we might actually get past this with a C."
Minho glares at his friend. His crush on you is very much a teasing point in his friend group.
It started when he was struggling with an equation in Sophmore year. He'd just sprained his ankle after a training session with the Track-and-Sprint team and was particularly stressed about it. So, anything remotely out of his academic field was bound to make his day worse.
It's not like Minho is dumb. He's actually incredibly intelligent. He has a great memory and can understand people with little to no effort- anything scientific really isn't his thing though.
So, when you felt bad for him, watching him anxiously tap his good foot and spin his pen in his hand, you slipped him your answer sheet. He was stunned, especially since you'd never spoken before. But, when you smiled at him, giving him a reassuring nod, he never really got over it.
"Shut up, man."
"You know, actually, that's not a bad idea."
"Yo, (Y/N)!" You perk your head up, flashing a concerned look at Harriet, your lab partner, as Gally shouts you. "Could you help us out? You're like smart, right?"
"Gally! Dude-" Minho whisper-yells at the boy, ducking into himself when you respond.
"Uh, sure," you walk away from your perfect set up to the chaos of the boys'. "What's up?"
You stand with your hands behind your back, looking between them. "Minho," he nudges his friend, "tell the girl what's wrong."
Minho blinks. "Well, uh, I don't know- you're the one who said there's a problem."
Gally scoffs. "The fucking thing won't change colour- ain't it meant to go pink?"
You glance between them, suddenly feeling very small.
You're not popular, which means guys like these have often teased you or do things like this because they think it's funny. It's gotten better over time with age, but you still feel like the scared little freshman that would get teased by older boys.
"Well, did you put the phenolphthalein in the beaker?"
They both blankly look at you. So, you pick up the small, dark bottle. Shaking it at them, you open the bottle, letting the liquid fall from the dripper and into the clear acid, which immediately turns a bright fusia.
You pull your lips into a thin line as they both stare at the beaker, no thoughts behind the eyes.
"Ah." Gally says after a couple of seconds.
"Yeah." You respond.
"Uh, thanks," Minho awkwardly stands up properly from his leaning position over the lab table.
"No problem."
You turn to walk away, but as Gally makes shifty eyes at his friend, Minho finally takes the hint. He's been crushing on you forever, he might aswell do something about it.
"Uh, wait, hold on," you turn to face him as he walks around the desk. "I gotta ask you somethin'."
"I'm sure your titration's fine, just don't pour it too quick or the results will be wrong."
"No, uh, not that." Gally snorts, not at you but at Minho's awkwardness, but it still makes you feel very insecure. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out maybe, sometime?"
"Hang out?"
"Yeah," Gally laughs, covering his mouth and turning away, "Gally, shut up, bro." Minho is quick to snap at him. "Like... a date, maybe?"
You scoff, anger swelling inside of you. This isn't the first times it's happened, but probably the worst because you actually like Minho.
Sure, he hangs out with douchebags like Gally, but you thought he was cool. Say, you may even have a slight crush on him. He's handsome, funny, and, for the most part, kind.
Well, you thought he was at least.
"Real funny, asshole."
You walk away, returning to a very confused Harriet.
Minho stands in stunned silence. He's never been rejected before- nevermind like that.
Gally bursts out laughing.
"What just happened?" Minho asks no one in particular, visible confusion washing over him.
"You just got fuckin' rejected, bro! Ha!"
"No, that was weird." He's never heard of anyone being rejected like that before.
"Well, try again, then, pretty boy- it's nice to see someone knock your ego down a peg." Minho gives a sarcastic grin to Gally before shoving him. "You gonna help me with this damn titration, now, or what?"
"Dude, what was that about?" Harriet whispers as you immediately go back to your third reading.
"Minho just asked me out." You state, matter-of-factly.
"What?" She says a bit too loud, making multiple heads look at her. "What?" She repeats, quieter.
"It was a joke- Gally was laughing the whole time. I hate guys like that."
"Are you sure?" You glare at her. "I'm just sayin', I didn't think Minho was that typa guy, that's all."
"Yeah, neither did I."
You scoff before she smiles at you.
You finish up the lab session, and you're quick to leave, meeting Sonya and Aris at the door as you all share history together.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" You keep walking, ignoring Minho's voice from behind you. "Yo! Hey! Wait!"
"What?" You snap, turning around suddenly to face him, making him jump as Sonya and Aris exchange glances.
"Did I, uh, did I do something? 'Cause back there you-"
"You think you're funny, huh?" Harriet butts in, defending you. "That's a sick joke, yanno; give it up now before you become even more of a dick. C'mon." She grabs your wrist, pulling you away from him, your other friends left even more confused.
Later, in the cafeteria, Minho sits with his friends, silently picking at his food.
"Okay," Newt finally breaks the tension, "what's going on? Why are you sulking?"
"He got rejected by his long-term crush," Gally sneers, earning a glare from Minho.
"Holy shit, (Y/N)?" Teresa leans forward in her seat. "You actually asked her?"
"Yeah, and he got completely rejected."
"What? Why?" Thomas pipes up.
Minho shrugs. "She called me an asshole and walked away. Tried to talk to her after, and Harriet dragged her away."
"What?" At least three people ask.
"Yeah, so, that's three years of my romantic life wasted."
"Nah, man, you gotta ask again," Frypan says between mouthfuls of his homemade pasta, which is worlds better than the cafeteria food.
"Keep askin', you'll either get an explanation or she'll say yes."
"I don't know if I agree with that," Teresa mumbles.
"Yeah, me neither," Newt mutters, and Frypan shushes them.
"Trust me, bro, chicks dig a guy that doesn't give up- ain't that right, Gally?"
"Oh, yeah," Gally agrees, sarcasm dripping in his voice. "That'll work."
And, for some God forsaken reason, Minho actually listens to this.
So, every day, for the next two weeks, Minho asks you out.
You think it's some kind of unruly on-going inside joke, and Harriet is practically frothing at the mouth, ready to rip Minho to shreads the first chance she gets. Minho, at the point, would just like a reason.
Not that he's owed one. But, Teresa and Newt's voices of reason keep getting drowned out by the other dumb boys, so he's still going.
That is until you have literally the worst day ever.
First, your Mom's car broke down, and she normally drops you off at school on her commute to work, so you arrived at your first period late. It also means she can't pick you up, it's not like you can't drive, but you don't have your own car, and now she doesn't have a car either.
And now it's throwing it down.
You then dropped a whole beaker of hydrochloric acid down your leg in chemistry. Which meant you had to borrow Sonya's PE shorts because you can't wear dangerous chemicals all day.
Then you left school- forgot you were tutoring Winston for extra credit, and had to run back to school, soaked, to spend another hour there.
Unbeknownst to you, Minho has extracurricular activities being captain of the Track team- which is taking place inside the hall because of the weather.
So, when you're walking through the parking lot, dressed like a drowned-rat and Minho pulls up beside you, you've just about had enough.
"Piss off, Minho! I won't tell you again!"
He slowly drives alongside you from his beat-up, old range rover, the window rolled down but he still has to shout.
"Okay! Okay! Dude, you're drenched, wearing shorts, okay? I'll give you a lift home-"
"No way- I'll walk."
"You're gonna get sick, man- I'll shut up and just take you home, alright? I'm not letting you walk in this- I'll feel like a dick."
"You don't already feel like a dick?"
He groans, tapping on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable- I didn't mean to. But the weather's shit, and you can't play top-student if you're off 'cause you're ill."
You pause. He makes a good point. You turn to look at him, sighing. He puts the hand break on when you start to walk around the side of his car, dumping your bag at your feet as you open the door.
"What's your-"
"I'll give you directions."
The ride is mainly in silent, with some old-school songs playing on the radio. Minho taps the steering wheel to the beat of "Eye of the Tiger" to try and distract himself from the awkwardness.
Your phone buzzes; it's Harriet calling you.
"Shit," you mumble.
"You good?" Minho asks you.
"Yeah, Harriet's calling me- we're meant to be figuring out our history project tonight but I forget to tell her I was tutoring."
You swipe across, pressing the phone to your ear. "Hey, man."
"Dude, you were meant to call me half an hour ago- we gotta brainstorm."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm just on my way home, now."
"Did your Mom sort her car then? Doesn't sound like you're walking through a storm."
"No, I, uh..." You trail off. "I got offered a lift, I'm fine, I'll be home in like five minutes."
"A lift? Off who? Sonya has work so she couldn't of?" You hesitate. "Dude?"
"Uh, Minho, he caught me in the rain and offered to take me home."
"Yeah, I know-"
"You're fucking with me, right?"
"Look, it's fine, I'll call you when I get home."
"You better." You hang up the phone, taking a deep breath.
"Sounds like she doesn't like me," Minho attempts to say.
"Yeah, I wonder why."
"Do you have a problem with me, or some shit? 'Cause I thought we were cool and then you just started acting like I was a dick."
"Because you are a dick!"
"What?" He looks at you for a second before returning his eyes to the road.
"Doesn't matter; pull over, it's my house on the left."
He does as he's told. There's no car in the drive so your Mom must've managed to get someone to take care of it- which means you've got an empty house.
Thank God because you're going to need to de-stress after the day you've had.
You immediately get out of the car, slamming the door behind you. But Minho is quick to follow you.
"Hey!" He shouts as you march up your front door steps. "Hey!" He grabs you wrist and you turn around, pushing him.
"What's your problem?" You shout. "I don't get why you think this is so fucking funny! Like, sure, have your one dumb joke where you ask out the freak to make your friend laugh! But why keep going! What's the point? You don't have your little audience now, do you? What? You gonna call them after and tell them how much fun you had pissing me off on our little drive? Or is it the fact I got in your car to begin with? Is that the joke, hm?"
Minho stands there, in the rain, his brows furrowing slightly as he takes in what you've said. It's an expression you've never seen on him before, but you don't plan on sticking around to find out what it means.
You turn, fumbling with your keys to unlock your door, managing to push it open.
"Wait, what?" He stops you in the door, and for some reason, you turn around.
"You thought it was a joke?" His voice sounds sincere, almost sad.
"You and Gally were laughing at me-"
"No, Gally was laughing at me," he sighs, dropping his head. "He was laughing at me."
"What? Why would he-?"
"Because I've had a crush on you since I was fifteen. Ever since you gave me those damn notes, a-and I guess I never got over it. I just finally got the courage to say something and Gally thought it was funny- for some reason, I don't know." He takes a deep breath. "But I- shit," he throws his head back, letting the water wash over his face. "I was never joking."
You don't know what to say. It's like your body relaxes, your shoulders dropping as you shuffle forwards.
"I get it, if you don't like me- and I'll leave you alone now. Teresa gave me some lecture on how to treat girls," he lets out a soft chuckle, "Newt sounded like he was gonna rip my head off. But I was never joking, (Y/N)- I really fuckin' like you."
"I don't get it," you mumble. "Why would a guy like you like me?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're... popular. Everyone loves you- you're hot and athletic and you could get anyone you want. I don't get it."
He smirks, his shirt is starting to stick to him thanks to the rain and his hair is starting to flatten. "You think I'm hot?" You glare at him. "Right, yeah, not the point, sorry."
He takes in a deep breath. "How could I not like you? You're pretty, and funny, and passionate- and you try so hard and you help people whenever you can. You're... incredible."
"You barely know me."
He scoffs. "Maybe. But I think I've paid more attention to you than I have any of my classes. I know you're good at science, but you hate physics, even though you're good at it. But I know English is your favourite subject. I know that you became friends with Sonya and Aris because Harriet made you after you sat next to her in history. I know the only class you've ever skipped is PE, but I don't know why 'cause you'd actually be pretty decent on the girls' basketball team. And I know you're tutoring Winston after school because he doesn't shut up about it half the time."
He pauses. "I know about you- but I want to know you."
You're completely stunned. The fact that he's paid so much attention to you, and knows all of this makes your stomach flip and your heart rate speed up.
When you don't respond, Minho sighs, rubbing his forehead with his hand. "Sorry," he mumbles, "this is dumb; I'll leave you alone."
He steps away, turning around when you step forward. "Minho," you grab his wrist, making him turn around to face you fully. "I, uh, I have a crush on you, too."
He blinks. "What?"
"I thought you were cool, and I think I was only so upset that I thought it was a joke... because I actually like you, too?" It comes out as more of a question as you avoid his gaze. But when he doesn't say anything, you look at him.
He's smiling. It's a genuine and earnest expression. "Yeah, you actully-?"
"Just shut up and kiss me," you don't know where the surge of confidence came from. Maybe you can't take this sappy talk anymore, or that Minho looks too good being soaked wet through.
Stepping closer, he brings his hand to your cheek, brushing his thumb across your lips as your faces are inches apart. Finally, he leans in, closer the gap and kissing you.
Your hopeless romantic heart can't take it. Kissing the popular hot guy in the rain after what was basically a love confession? It's like something straight out of a movie.
He breaks the kiss for a second, eyes fluttering down at you before his kisses you again. This time, it's hungrier, pushing you back as you grab his shirt. Pulling him back and into your house, he slams the door behind him as you drop your bag on the floor with a heavy thump.
Almost immediately, he grabs you again, pushing you back into the wall of your hallway. You hum into his mouth, his hands coming to your waist, yanking your body closer to his. You're both damp and in uncomfortable clothes, but neither if you could care less as you drip on the floor.
Feeling more bold, you pull on his bottom lip with your teeth, making him grunt slightly before your tongues brush against one another.
Make out session is quick to become more heated as you graze your fingers over his abs through his shirt, which is sticking to him like glue. He senses your want for more, moving one of his hands to lift his shirt (struggling because wet clothes suck) before firmly pressing your hand to his mid-drift.
He breaks the kiss, his eyes flickering as you gently touch his bare skin, your eyes on his chiselled form. He sucks in a deep breath, his chest rising and falling.
It's almost like a drug. You're barely doing anything but he's never felt like this before. It's not like Minho is inexperienced due to a few hook-ups at parties. But, this is new.
He's literally getting drunk off of your touch. And you can tell.
Having Minho reduced to putty in your hands sends a flush of heat to your core. Dangerously lowering your hand, you brush against the V line poking out of his tightening trousers.
He mumbles your name, a rasp to his voice, almost like he's in some kind of pain as he speaks into your mouth. He dips towards you, but instead of kissing you, his lips come to your neck.
You exhale, the air shaking at it leaves your lungs. He moves lower, your free hand coming to back of his neck and playing with his wet hair.
When he reaches your collarbone, your phone starts buzzing again.
Harriet, again.
He pulls away, raising an eyebrow at you as you pull your phone out of the baggy pocket of the gym shorts. "Sorry," you mumble, "I gotta..."
He nods. "Yeah, go ahead."
You inwardly cringe as you pick up the phone.
"Bro, are you alive?" She says the second the line connects.
"Yeah, I'm alive, Harry- I'm home now."
"Great, well I was thinking we can do out project of the Battle of the Somme, or maybe-"
"Wait, I'm, uh, I'm a bit busy- can I call you back?" You definitely have to have that interesting conversation with her, but hopefully you don't have to do it in front of Minho.
"What? Why? Why do you sound like you've ran a marathon? What's going on with you?"
"Look, I'm fine. I'll call you back."
"Wha-" you hang up, taking a deep breath as you lean back against the wall.
Minho chuckles. "We should, uh, probably take things a bit slower."
"Yeah," you clear your throat, "you're probably right."
"So, about that date- you down?"
You smile, nodding. "Yeah, that sounds great."
"Cool. I should probably get your number, huh?"
"Yeah, that would be smart."
You exchange numbers, making some small and slightly awkward small talk when the door opens.
Your Mom, who looks like she's just had the worst day, freezes. Her eyes flickering between you and Minho.
None of you say anything for a good thirty seconds as your mother takes in the scene of her daughter and this random boy dripping in her hallway, both clearly flustered whilst Minho's shirt is still slightly raised.
And where are your pants?
"Hi, Mrs (L/N)," Minho gives an awkward wave to her.
"I can explain." You say.
"I don't want to know," she brushes past you, going further into the house, leaving you be.
Both you and Minho exchange looks before bursting out laughing.
Maybe Minho wasn't joking, but you have a feeling that this specific moment is definitely going to be in the future.
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This was actually very fun to write, and I actually got to use my actual science qualifications to use for a change. It's nice to change up things now and then.
I hope you guys enjoyed :))
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princelylove · 6 months
i am slowly getting more and more annoyed with mr zeppeli himself i ate my fingers as i read your response to my ask AJAJHSUSH. thank you so much your highness i am burning my whole house rn.
actually, which yanderes do you think would be the most ANNOYING. like, not violent or anything but just plain annoying. the kind of people that make you wanna tear your hair out or commit a slow and painful murder.
(inspired heavily by narancia because i have a feeling he would be the most annoying little shit to deal with)
-🌸 anon
What an adorable thing you are. Don’t bite too hard, it’ll hinder your ability to compliment me. 
Oh, God. Most annoying to me, personally? Not in any order in particular, I feel as if this one would change depending on my mood:
Bruno hovers too much, and he tends to both infantilize and put a lot of responsibility on his darling. He expects his darling to parent Narancia but won’t let them handle a knife by themself. I’m doing a character study on him right now, so that’s all I’ll say, but just know that he is God’s punishment for whatever you did in a past life to deserve him.
Narancia is annoying- he’s a young guy who never got taught how to deep clean, spends his free time on his pull up bar, expects you to cook for him since he’s literally never been tasked with it, whines when you try to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of your six hours minimum long cuddling session, doesn’t know how to properly take care of an entire human being so just throws junk food at you and hopes you don’t starve, the list goes on. He loves you, he really does, he just doesn’t know what he’s doing. For someone as prissy as myself, I would die the first day. He doesn’t understand why I put those rollers in my hair- he just watched me straighten it, doesn’t that cancel out??? That’s stupid, oh, and another thing, what’s the point of owning five different versions of the same color of nail polish? It’s all red! Just have one, that isn’t crazy expensive! On top of Narancia being the worst roommate ever- he’s very irritable, and doesn’t really have a problem pulling a knife on you to get what he wants. He’s not as quick to snap as people think, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. Show signs of liking something more than him and he’ll maul it. 
It’s hard to set Cioccolata and Secco away from each other, they’re basically inseparable, but Cioccolata is capable of using logic, and Secco is not. If you’re on the ground in pain, obviously you’re going to have a hard time answering the little puppy’s questions. Secco doesn’t understand why you won’t play with him- he’s shoving his toy right in front of you, are you blind?? Play! With! Him! Throw it, play tug of war, SOMETHING, COME ON. There’s an interesting dynamic depending on who exactly you’re intended for- Cioccolata, Secco, or both. Let’s just talk about Secco alone, since Cioccolata isn’t annoying, he’s just a bit too affectionate sometimes. Secco’s forgetful, rude, jumps to conclusions, and you don’t even know what he looks like since he’s always wearing that bitch suit-esque thing. He nudges you to throw his toy- he probably thinks of you as human rather than another dog, and doesn’t understand why you aren’t behaving like Cioccolata does. If you were Cioccolata’s darling alone, or a shared darling, he’d probably think of you as another dog. But he was here first, so he’s got dibs on the good dog bed, AND cioccolata’s lap. As if you’d want that. Secco begs and begs and begs for you to give him as much attention as you possibly can- and somehow, you’re never doing it right. It’s like talking to a child who has surpassed the ‘Why?’ stage and has moved on to greater conquests- annoying you so badly that you ask Cioccolata if it’s fine to have a sip of his ‘not for dogs’ drink. Or two. Or three. Or the entire bottle. 
Rohan doesn’t ever shut the fuck up. He quite literally always has something to say, despite wanting to “observe.” He read an article this morning, let’s go visit the place it mentioned even though it’s a three hour train ride and supposed to rain for the rest of the week. He always wants to go explore- even when he promised that you could both stay home today and do something you want to do. It doesn’t make sense to Rohan- why wouldn’t you want to go see what the world has to offer? Probably because this is the fourth temple he’s wanted to visit this week and you don’t feel like going up two hundred stairs. (If his darling cannot walk, he makes sure it’s accessible beforehand. You’re not getting out of coming with him.) Rohan’s big on healthy living, and he feels a sense of superiority for eating right, and working out very consistently. He wants his darling to be perfectly well as well- how can he push you to your limits if you’re not at your best? You’d probably sleep better if he stopped talking for three hours past his initial ‘goodnight.’ 
Hazamada… is… he’s certainly a character! The literal only reason why he isn’t forcing himself upon his darling is because he’s too much of a coward- and that’s not my interpretation, that’s canon. His hobbies include bullying kittens and small animals, not showering, collecting manga, stalking idols, and tennis! Isn’t that nice, he does sports, he’s only a basement dweller half of the time. It isn’t even somewhat attractive when he tries to get it on with his darling, he’s like a dog humping your leg. He’s the type to call you a stupid bitch because you politely suggested he should wear deodorant before he hits on you. He’s canonically an exhibitionist- imagine sitting in class and looking over to check the clock and he’s just staring back at you while adjusting his pants. I’d switch schools. 
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toubledrouble · 6 months
More quick pjo/hoo headcanons
(most of these are cabin 6) (also, if I accidentally stole your headcanon, definitely let me know so I can either delete it or credit you)
Listen, I'm tired of Athena kids being only the architecture/math kids. Give me Athena kids who excel in humanities. Athena kids who know everything about their latest hyperfixation, that's it. Athena kids who are craftsmen or artists of any sort to the extent where you could mistake them for Hephaestus or Apollo kids
Generally just. Different cabins discussing someone's godly parent, because really, if you take a closer look, many gods have common traits. Like Apollo being the God of logic, music and poetry while Athena is the goddess of wisdom and art/craftsmanship. Plus Hephaestus being a blacksmith - also a craft. Dionysius, Athena, Hermes and Apollo are all associated with theatre. Hades and Hecate are both associated with magic. Is it a Demeter kid, or an Athena kid that really likes botany? You may never know. It's like Frank thinking he was a son of Apollo only to discover he is actually a son of Mars - you can have a tip and there is quite the chance you will be proven wrong.
Also. The deal with Athena kids and chess. Listen, I love you, but as a strategy lover with adhd, I have to tell you that I keep losing because I just can't focus on it. Just. Nope. Not working.
Similar goes for word games - do you think a bunch of dyslexic kids is going to love them? Maybe if it was in Greek, lmao.
I cannot get over this one: Athena kids playing instruments. Obviously, not with such an ease as many Apollo kids, but Athena kids are still pretty decent at it. Also, Athena is after all the creator of the flute. That's right. Musical talent runs in the family xd
I am once again here with my sacred animals headcanon. Gods sending their sacred animals to check on their kids. Kids being able to talk to those animals, or just being surrounded by them. Cabins having them as pets (yes, give me a cabin with a whole damn lion on a gigant dog bed)
All of the art god kids™ team up and try to convince Cheiron to let them see different musicals. So far, they have succeeded only with Hamilton, but that doesn't mean they'll give up.
Tyche, Nike and Hermes kids have bets that get out of hand very often, but they're unstoppable. Also, along with Athena and Ares kids, they take competitions to a next level, none of them willing to lose
Actually, genuenly: I'm cancelling the blond Athena kids thing. I'm moving it over to the Apollo cabin and establishing that if anything like this should work there, it should be with brunettes, because Athena herself is most commonly depicted as a brunette. Case closed.
You know that paint that basically turns everything you paint it with into a chalkboard? Or those gigantic stripes of blackboard that you can stick on your wall, mostly made for little kids to draw on? The Athena cabin has that.
Or you know what? Had. It had to be removed and replaced with whiteboards because the cabin was filled with chalk dust, which covers everything and also isn't very comfortable to breathe in.
The cabin smells like lemon and peppermint, both of which repel spiders
It also has automatic floor heating because everyone knows that the floor is the most comfortable place to study
Oh, and there is a ton of creative projects in various stages of progress
The Athena cabin sends out a messenger (animal or a person) to bring a literal olive branch when they seriously want to settle things - it's both a clever reference and a symbol of Athena. Ares cabin is the only exception because last time, they set it on fire.
You've heard all about the language headcanons, but what about Demeter kids understanding the language of flowers?
Apollo kids are either extremely afraid of snakes (because of Python) or they love them (like Asclepius), no in-between. I'm convinced that at one point, a kid determined to get their siblings to love snakes as well got one and named it William Snakespeare. That is officially the only snake liked by every cabin 7 resident
Apollo kids actually love their godly sibling, Aristaeus - God of shepherds, beekeeping, cheesemaking, stuff related to that, medicinal herbs, olive growing, oil milling and the winds that provide respite from the heat of midsummer, aka the chillest guy I've ever heard of. I'm convinced he visits the camp once in a while and brings them the good stuff. Asclepius probably visits sometimes too, but as the God od medicine, he's a busy guy. He still loves helping his sibling when it comes to his area of expertise.
All Athena kids have a gift directly received from their mother (and most of the time, it's sending a mixed message)
A cool gift concept - a weapon in the style of Jason's, except it turns into a weapon the user needs the most at the moment. It's also great because Athena kids easily adapt to any weapon with little to no training and obviously, this is a very strategic weapon to have. I also think that unlike Riptide, it could be lost very easily - Athena would definitely want to teach her kids a lesson about keeping an eye on their stuff.
You aren't allowed to ask the Athena cabin about their favourite philosophers because it always turns into a fight
Since Athena only needs a mental connection of sort to have children, there are definitely Athena kids with mortal moms or infertile parents
One time, an actual child of Minerva shows up to Camp Jupiter. Needless to say, the Romans aren't taking it well. Children of Athena are probably called to explain the circumstances of their birth, which results in a discussion uncomfortable for both sides
Since Apollo stays basically the same in Roman mythology, it can be kind of hard to tell if his kid is roman or greek. I think many children would be relieved to know that both options exist and they aren't just weird
Have I talked about how different regions worshipped gods a bit differently? Yeah. I want that to be a thing noticeable in demigods. I think I mentioned this in some of my earlier posts.
Poseidon kids instinctively know the international code of signals (a flag code used for communication between ships)
Hera's (goddess of family) and Hestia's (goddess of home) cabins can be used by unclaimed demigods
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turtlesocksv2 · 4 months
Liveblogging DFF episode 9
last time we checked in, Non was having just the Worst Time Possible, everyone was trying to cover their asses and Phi was entering into Murder/Detective Mode.
i know i've said it before but god the opening credits are SO GOOD. i don't think we appreciate them enough.
We're back in the present day! it's been so long! Tan is fucking brave to fight Fluke for the gun.
IT'S WHITE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TRIPOD! BAH GOD THAT MAN HAD A FAMILY! love you white you're doing amazing sweetie.
...there was just a water bottle there at the shrine? and it looked opened? are you actually going to drink that? at least you smelled it first??? Ahhhh but notice Phi doesn't drink it! he lets Jin drink it but doesn't do it himself! my sus king.
"Why are you being so nice to me" i mean, dude is at least nominally your friend and you dislocated your shoulder or whatever and there's a killer out there after you guys? i think that'd be cause enough for Phi to be nice lmao. I get it though, Jin, i get it.
Aha, so we've got some timeline stuff. PhiJin absolutely happened POST PhiNon, which i had seen some intriguing theories that maybe PhiJin was actually first but this is confirmation otherwise. also that Jin very much had feelings for Phi but Phi was the one pushing the friends agenda, which we mostly knew.
Jin on that "you like Tan!" shit again, no wonder Phi didn't want to be in a relationship with your insecure self lmao. Tan is just his Bestie who helps with his Plucky Girl Detectiving, no big deal.
Once again, Jin sees things that Phi doesn't. shortly after the water. Hallucinogen maybe? guilty conscience definitely.
well that's one way to snap him out of the panic
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slight detour inspired by the blood splatter everywhere in this shrine is that if the Janta Cult isn't real/doesn't play a part in this somehow, I'm going to be so upset. why bring up perfectly good murder cults if you're not going to give us the payoff? BOC? Dr Sammon I just have questions! (that said, the theory that the mafia is using the cult rumors as a front for a body dumping ground is intriguing.)
Oh ho, Phi's gonna confess everything to Jin! but will it really be everything? 👀
poor Phi is so conflicted. he's hurt, but he loves Non but he doesn't want to see him but he doesn't want to end up like his divorced parents, he can't stop thinking about it, he regrets what he said, but he still so hurt.
Non's dad got transferred. interesting.
Ooooh Phi found the picture! and the real script!
Non's mom knows Phi. I wonder if she knew they were boyfriends of if she thought they were just friends. lmao at her Ring The Doorbell You Shady Shit, Were You Raised In A Barn?
New contacting Phi as the news breaks...the drama. i love it.
Tan is New confirmed!
OOOF. major oof. "aren't you sad i'm going to England?" "Whether you're here or not doesn't make a difference" just ouch.
He may have been a Not Great brother in your life, Non, but in your death New/Tan is going to Get Answers and Get Justice! giving up a scholarship in England, lying to his parents about it...Tan is going to Fuck Shit Up.
Jin, get your 'there's a cute boy around!!!!" face under control.
Tan just dives right in to asking questions and these bitches are so fucking sus from the word 'go'. yeah, they clearly have something to do with Non disappearing.
lmao Jin does not stand a fucking chance against Phi's seduction.
i am dying at Tan's "You didn't study, dumbass" on his ankle. Top's face is Too Funny.
Aww, White waiting for Tee after school and the group roasting them is really cute.
Phi how dare you take Jin to your and Non's spot! so rude! can't trust men at all, the second you disappear he's taking another man to the place you became boyfriends.😂 Jin awkwardly trying to figure out of this means Phi likes him back is cute.
Why Jin, how bold! asking Phi to stay the night!
oh damn this is full on full on, okay. Ta's ass just out there bare. "don't worry, i won't be too harsh i don't want to dislocate your shoulder" "who fucks so hard they dislocate a shoulder?" somewhere else in Bangkok VegasPete's ears are burning. Anyway, Phi was like 'don't test me, i'm being gentle for YOUR sake.' and that's the Minor Family Theerapanyakul in Ta. i was absolutely waiting for that astronaut dog figurine to fall lmao.
Tan going for the kill with that Did You Cheat On My Brother. Tan i'm sorry but not only is your brother most likely dead but Phi and Non are actually very broken upright now, no matter how much Phi wishes neither of those were true. Phi is in the clear here re: Cheating. He is not in the clear for manipulating Jin into sleeping with him, but like, Jin's into it so whatever for now.
"Fuck him however much you want but don't fall in love. He's with those assholes so he's also an asshole" i mean! He's not wrong! Jin is a good looking nice boy he could absolutely find other friends. the fact that he stays with these fuckheads......
poor Non's parents.
these teenage boys have better skincare routines than I do and I'm
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Jin just pass Phi a note in class: Do U Like Me Check Yes Or No
Ah, Jin has such bad timing. Everything about this is brutal. but lol this makes the 2nd boy in a row that Jin likes that doesn't like him back.
Tan doing chemistry shit. he's gonna be drugging everyone i just know it. also, never ever have your cellphone out in a lab and never answer it with your gloves on! Lab Safety 101!!!!
damn, Tan, you could have at least made up a part time job in england or something so that your parents didn't have to sell their house. this entire family's been ripped apart by all this shit.
and now Tan is alone. all he has is his investigation into Non and Phi his sort of brother-in-law.
oh shit, was it Tan's cigarette smoke that was causing hallucinations???! or are they the antidote to whatever Tan drugged the others with or both?
confirmation that Tan was drugging everyone!
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lol Tan's face at he very end as he takes in the chaos
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mikailys · 14 days
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F: Am I disturbing you, by any chance?
i see this goddamn man and i lose it istg i want to punch him so bad.
i was trying to catch up with hsl on my other acc where i'm following nath's route and i saw the devil. i just hoped to never see him again in-game and yet here we are.
and oh my. wasn't i lucky enough to meet him again not once, but twice in the same episode, in the span of 5 minutes.
i'll just do a rant about this part of the episode because it's unbelivable that this is the only part i got covered before my ap brutally finished i only wanted the illus :(
also sorry if i'm being inaccurate in certain parts but i got back into the game recently and probably forgot some background info/context.
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F: Nathaniel has always wanted to study Engineering at University.
N: *not very amused by it – comprehensibly*
i had no idea that during hsl ep40 he would attend the graduation ceremony – or maybe he did and nvm i don't remember it i mean it's been 5 years since i've last played it – and he had the guts to still impose himself and talk about nath like that. after everything that happened and with all the parents, kids and professors around?
god. like haven't you learned anything, have you, dumb fuck?
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N: I have to stop by my parents' house because I need to take some stuff. But seeing how the wind is blowing, I don't really want to go there alone.
another thing i wouldn't have imagined is that we would actually go back to this old house. i can only predict where this is heading.
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N: This house holds only bad memories.
C: Don't worry. I'm with you.
N: Yeah, thanks God. *cutely smiles*
bambolottino che sei ti abbraccio patatino cucciolino :(
and then we enter into his house and meet – again, unfortunately – that amazing person his dad is, who is never, ever satisfied and he can kindly go fuck off for as far as i'm concerned.
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F: What was that foolish act you delight us with during the ceremony? (...) You understood very well. I'm talking about your speech. We have come to expect the best from you.
C: (Nathaniel takes a deep breath, to handle his increasing anger)
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F: I wonder if you have anything left of what we taught you to make such a scene.
N: Dad, you really want to talk about what you taught me?
exactly f-word, do we wanna talk about what you and your lovely wife taught him? to always achieve perfection? to be scared to walk through the front door and spend the evening at the dining table with his family? cause, believe me, i wouldn't be so proud.
i guess we have different ideas about these so-called "teachings" you two gave him then.
anyway we leave with nath and then the most incredible thing happens. our soon-to-be father-in-law – omg bless candy's soul – calls us thieves. lol.
it's pure comedy at this point.
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F: Don't play the innocent. I caught you in the act, you're peeking around. It's a hobby, right? For you to just stick your nose where you shouldn't.
well first i'm pissed you're thinking i'm a thief and second, i'm even more pissed because you're kinda right, snooping in people's business is actually candy's job so can't really argue on that.
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C: I wonder what could I even stole in this house.
F: I don't know. You tell me. *damn chill bro*
C: Maybe your house is very big, but it lacks of the most important things.
anyway it's so funny that in italian - the language i'm playing the game in - he just keeps using the formal pronouns and i say it's funny because it seems like that behind his serious tone he's constantly trying to mock us in a kinda patronizing way.
but we're the bigger person and, even if i'm seething we can't be too unpolite to him, so we just tell him that his house sucks because there's no love within its walls.
politest person ever.
but spoiler he doesn't take it very well.
anyway to sum it up, he just says candy is responsible for nath's sudden change and for making himself look ridiculous in front of the whole school.
obviously we don't support any nathaniel's slander, for now, and we are ready to take over this insane situation by praising our bf who was right down the hallway, listening to this all madness.
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N: None of this will make me look better in my father's eyes.
damn. that kinda hit close to my home too
after this argument we leave since we're good to go. but on the doorstep we're blocked by the best of wives and best of women (derogatory) who, unexpectedly, wants us to stop by and celebrate the graduation with the family – oh my.
okay i'm not gonna lie but for a millisecond i felt bad for adelaide. only a millisecond 'cause then i quickly regained consciousness.
i appreciate she's understanding the situation and that she still cares about her son wellbeing – in some twisted way – but i cannot excuse she was an accomplice to her husband's mistreating and beating and the fact she wouldn't report any of it if it wasn't for candy it's gutwrenching.
regardless, nath doesn't want to spend another minute in that house – understandably. when they're about to leave, adelaide takes candy by her arm and tells her to please keep an eye on his son and we, taken by an unusual kindness, accept, encouraging her to pay him a visit.
how sweet candy is.
just like a candy i'm so sorry but it was served on a silver plate
and after that we're done. nath takes us back to our home and asks us if the day after we want to go to his place, since we have never been there before – which it takes me by surprise cause i can't believe you two have been together for almost 14 episodes and you have never found a moment to go to his house before.
candy tells him that first she has to ask to his parents – but we already know she will go cause they have to do the deed – and that's all cause i finished my ap right after this dialogue :|
this ep with the new – not very new now but for me it still is – ap mechanic is exhausting. 550 ap just to fight with nath's parents really did the thing and i still couldn't finish the ep.
to think i still have to continue university life and start love life haha...
anyway to conclude: fuck nath's parents 🖕🏻
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Homies I understand that Enid and Wednesday having potential male love interests sucks but don’t y’all understand how much angst potential this gives us. If you’ve never heard a wlw cover of ‘wish you were gay’ by Billie Eilish I suggest you get on that because oh my GOD we have been slleeeepppiingg on this gold mine of potential Wenclair slowburn heartache.
“I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay
I just kinda wish you were gay”
Can you imagine Enid looking across the room, seeing Wednesday caught up between her bland as shit love interests and thinking to herself, “Of course they want her, who wouldn’t? She’s just so... so.... fuck.” A quiet, heavy sigh fills the air as Enid studies that painter’s muse of a side profile that is Wednesday’s jaw. “Even if those dumbasses weren’t around, I never stood a chance anyways….”. Your honor, Enid “I just kinda wish you were gay” Sinclair is my VISION. Just hear me out.
“To spare my pride
To give your lack of interest, an explanation
Just say I'm not your type
Don’t say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation”
The sheer pining at wholeheartedly believing she made the Classic Sapphic Mistake™️ of falling fer a straight girlie and Enid just being so full of longing for Wednesday. Miss “I ate alone at seven, you were six minutes away” telling herself to just forget about it and try to be ‘normal’ (yes internalized homophobia moment). If she can’t transform, she should at least find a suitable mate because her parents keep pressuring her to do such and this leads to her agreeing to walk outta here with Ajax (I think that’s who the show is tryna pair her up with?) when he approached her with an offer of hanging out together. Can you imagine Enid looking over her shoulder one last time in a fleeting glance at Wednesday across the courtyard talking to one of her male love interests before turning back around and walking off with Ajax?
“How am I supposed to make you feel okay
When all you do is walk the other way?
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay-“
Okay, but here’s the thing, here’s the thing homies- as Enid is walking away imagine Wednesday looking away from her conversation with Soggy Bread Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum to catch a peek at Enid’s back. She sees her roommate and Ajax walking away together kinda close together, and, oh, how her blackened heart secretly longs. “Of course he would be drawn to her,” she thinks darkly to herself, “Like a moth to a flame, and I can’t even blame the idiot.” When Enid and Ajax turn the corner and are finally out of her field of vision, Wednesday turns back to Bland Boy Number 2. It’s clear he’s vying for her affections (they both are, actually), and normally she would have his head on a pike for such audacity, but unfortunately for her Mister Musty Dusty McCrusty has a role to play in her investigation. Speaking of her investigation, she can’t have any distractions. Wednesday tries to rebury her accursed feelings towards the radiant werewolf, really, she does try. If the world ended in a fiery explosion right then and there, let it be known that Wednesday Addams tried. But, as Wednesday hears the faintest echo of Enid’s laugh from down the hall, a laugh Ajax himself surely caused….
“-I just kinda wish you were gay”
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Claude Frollo Out of Context Sentence Starters || Part I/?
I have a divine mission to spread the Our Claude > Canon Frollo propaganda. What better way to do so than by making various quotes of his a sentence meme?
 “What the FUCK is Bible Study & Chill?!”
 “Do you lot think the Booberry ghost is blue because he died by strangulation???
“I was absolutely high as shit last night. The Warwick Davis leprechaun himself could have started playing knick knack on my lung & I likely would not have noticed.”
 “...Why do you smell like Nesquik Strawberry Milk?” 
“The asshole you are trying to reach is not available. Please disconnect the call & do not try again.”
“Also the day you catch me living in a shack is the day to lock me up because that would mean I finally went clinical, pal."
“Quit talking about shoving things in my ass, you perverted old man/woman!” 
 “Well. You are BORING me right now. I cannot relate to your poor person problems.”
“If I could physically meet myself I would beat the shit out of him.” 
“…I am not sweet, __. Slander me again & I will take legal action.” 
“Her vagina could probably host a fucking bounce house for all of them.”
“Na fam. Delete it right now.”
“Nearly every single time you speak you bring this family great dishonour.”
 “There is only so much suffering I can endure.”
 “You would end up being spilt worse than my firewood.
“You cannot do coke, that is illegal!
 “Down to fucking kill myself.”
 “If you are so insistent on sucking my cock this often you ought get some knee pads.”
“I like snow. It is a good way to hit your enemies with glass shards before they realise what is happening.”
 “Do you want bullshit or the truth?”
 “I am seconds away from a brain aneurysm, son.”
 “You would be a wonderful addition to someone’s mantle. In an urn!”
 “Shut the fuck up, old man!”
 “I do not use Faebook. Faebook is for losers & old people.”
 *sarcastically* “I went out to the woods. Pretended to be a forest nymph for a few hours.”
“That is… Not my problem.”
 “Did the vibrating make it better or worse, son?”
“New Jersey’s state fruit is blueberry, you fucking crackhead.”
“No no. Continue squabbling, bottoms.”
“Like what the fuck like I can say hoe if I want to! I am a hoe, I have the pass!” 
“I want no part in your cockles, __.”
“That is too many babies, Miss/Mister.”
“Ugh no.”
“Pull up then, Fuckboy.”
“Actually I was thinking about that one medieval meme about the leggings.” 
“You cannot cancel me. I am a bad bitch.” 
Being Fucking For Real
“… Unless… Oh fuck… I must be having another psychotic break.
“Would not be the first goddamn time I had a hallucination…”
“Those were the last words I ever said to my own son’s face… Then I never saw him again.”
“... Tell me you love me again? Please?”
“What the hell was I supposed to say to you that would not sound fucking weird & desperate?”
“You know, wills to read & a little brother to parent…”
“… It was always you but… You deserve someone normal.”
“I will be perfectly fine alone, the way I always am.”
*wryly* “Ah yes, because everyone keeps their promises, __.”
“I am going to beat his ass. The next time. I see him.”
“God, I know I do not deserve it but I love you so fucking much.”
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puppy-coded · 2 years
Best Friends!{N.L.}
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: Light swearing
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: Platonic!Neville x reader
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼: 1950 words
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“Neville, I don’t get it.” You sighed loudly, draping yourself over Neville’s lap.
“What don’t you get?” He asked, moving you enough to still write down what he was seeing.
“Why are you friends with me?” You asked dramatically, even putting a hand to your forehead after turning onto your back.
“Because I like you...?” He said, confused.
“But why?” You asked, dragging out the “y” and sliding onto the ground similarly to slime.
“I don’t understand the question.” Neville deadpanned, leaning forward to get a better look at his plant.
“I’m pretty loud and make bad jokes and tease you all the time. You’re the complete opposite,” You explained.
“Are not! I can be... loud?” Neville said, unsure of himself.
“You’re studying a plant for fun right now,” You said, unamused.
“So?” He asked. “It’s relaxing.”
“You’re a plant parent! I can’t even hold a plant without killing it.” You complained, still laying on the ground.
“What does that have to do with anything?” He asked, finally giving his full attention to you.
“It doesn’t, I just want to know why we’re friends,” You shrugged.
Neville chuckled and shook his head before going back to his plant.
. . .
“You LOooOoooOoOvVvvVeE her don’t you?” You asked with your hands clasped together and holding them to your face. “Ah, true love.”
“Stop, I don’t LooOoOoOvVvVVvvEe her.” Neville said, copying you’re movements as he said the word ‘love’. “She’s just a friend. She will always be a friend.”
“We’re just friends Nev,” You pointed out.
“Yeah but we’re a different type of friends,” He said, trying to come up with something.
“How so?” You asked with your arms crossed.
“We’re best friends.” He told you.
“Aww!” You ran to him and gave him a hug. “I love you!”
“Love you too (Y/N),” He said as he returned the hug.
. . .
You had been pacing quietly in the common room for a good two hours before you just about broke down.
“I don’t what I’m gonna do after Hogwarts!” You said, gripping your scalp.
“I thought you were going to be a magizoologist?” Neville replied, almost sounding bored.
It would make sense if he was bored, he had been staring at you pacing for the past couple of hours.
You groaned and flopped down next to Neville on the couch, covering your face. “I meant my living situation. The second term ends I can’t go back home. Either that or my parents were joking with me.” You told him, nervously stretching your face by pulling your hands back.
Neville awkwardly patted your shoulder. “You can live with me and Gran, sure she won’t mind,” He shrugged.
“Oh yeah... Thanks, glad I can count on you.” You said, lowering your voice.
“What are friends for?” He smiled.
. . . 
You and Neville, due to lack of room at the Longbottom residence, were sharing a bed. Not that either of you minded. 
Neville minded.
It was because you kept stealing his blankets to make yourself into a “blanket burrito”.
“You still love me right?” You asked, poking Neville.
“It’s 4 am, go back to sleep.” Neville complained, still half-asleep.
“But do you still love me?” You asked, laying on top of Neville.
“Yes. Now go back to bed.” Neville said, pushing you off of him.
. . .
“Good morning!” You chirpped as he entered the kitchen, cup of coffee in hand.
You have been up since 4 in the morning because you couldn’t go back to bed so, being the best house guest you could be, made breakfast.
“How are you alive?” Neville asked, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m... I don’t know actually,” You realized.
“Something weird happened this morning,” Neville said. He was staring into your eyes. Into your soul.
“Oh no.”
“You asked if I still loved you,” He informed you.
“Oh god.”
“What was that about?” He finally asked.
“I had a bad dream.” You said, avoiding eye contact with your friend.
“About what?” 
“Everyone I’ve ever loved leaving me.” You quietly admitted, wringing your fingers.
“Oh...” Was all Neville could get out. “I’m... sorry.”
“Yeah... It sucked so I was just checking.” You said with an awkward smile.
“I’m never leaving, we’re a package deal. Everyone knows that.” He told you, opening his arms for a hug.
“Thanks Nev.” You said, returning the hug. “Come on, let’s get ready for our day together!”
. . .
You two had walked around London, doing this and buying that every so often. Eventually you got to your favorite place filled with memories.
You ran to the slushie counter, got two slushies, and brought one back to Neville.
“My favorite childhood memory.” You said, taking a sip and closing your eyes.
“Colored ice?” Neville asked, looking at the cup.
You nodded. “It’s called a slushie but sure.”
“I knew your parents were muggles and you grew up with muggle things but what is the point of this?” He asked, stabbing the top of the drink with a straw.
“It tastes good!” You defended.
“Uh-huh...” He said, still staring blankly at the cup.
“Ah fuck. Brain freeze!” You exclaimed, pressing a hand to your temple, trying to dig it into your skull.
“Yeah, right, I’m done temporarily being a muggle.” Neville said, giving you his drink that he took one sip out of. “I love you but no.”
“Yeah fair enough.” You responded, finally recovering from your brain freeze. You took Neville’s drink happily and took another sip.
“(Y/N), the bar was on the ground,” Neville told you.
“Yep,” You agreed.
“You dug a hole and went under it,” He said.
“Okay, being a muggle isn’t that bad. I just accidentally showed you something underwhelming,” You shrugged.
He made a face at you being so nonchalant about everything. “Being raised by muggles must have been weird.”
“It was,” You nodded again.
“It’s my turn next time.”
. . .
𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽: @scandalous-chaos
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hils79 · 10 months
Hils Watches My School President - Ep 12 (Part 1)
Can't believe we're at the end already. Please don't expect me to be normal about Tiw and Por because I won't be.
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I love how they set her up to be the villain of the story but actually she just wants her son to be happy.
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And I love that Tinn's parents actually have a really healthy relationship (I mean apart from the time they told Tinn about all the sex they were going to have while he was away studying)
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Got to get in one last printer product placement before the end
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Tinn is so smooth for someone who is such a nerd (affectionate)
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He is 100% correct and should say it
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Of course we have to have a dramatic being outed plot to finish things off
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My sweet son Por was literally the only member of the band who hadn't figured out Tinn and Gun were together. I love him.
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Haha! Phat knew about Tinn and Gun but did not know about Win and Sound. Everyone's worlds getting shook today
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Por is really going to be shook when he finds out that Tinn was helping because he likes Gun, and Tiw was helping because he likes Por
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I thought Jorn was going to be homophobic but actually he's just mad that music club was getting preferential treatment because Tinn liked Gun. And, you know, he kind of has a point.
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Character development
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I love that we've now reversed roles and Gun is trying to protect Tinn, even though Tinn very much does not want to be protected
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Am I just old or is this a drama thing? So many BL dramas seem to have girls taking photos of boys and posting about how they ship them on social media. It's kind of creepy.
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Baby just found out what the name order in a ship means. Everyone getting their minds blown in this episode
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I'm pretty sure it's TinnGun, actually
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Some punch the shitty homophobic teacher
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No, really, someone punch him
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FUCK ME! Jorn punched him! Good for you, sweetie!
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You had better fire that homophobic teacher, ma'am
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Oh no I'm crying again
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I love that some dramas just squeeze in redemption arcs for characters who don't deserve it. Then you have Jorn who hates unfairness to the point of punching a homophobic teacher. I love him.
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Aww look at Sound kissing his boyfriend on stage in front of everyone. Good for them.
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God they are so stinking cute
GDI I've hit the image limit and there's still another 30 minutes to go so I guess once final part 2
Part 2
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prestonmonterey · 2 months
(gods im so tired...)
@vincentaureliuslin @tatsumisheep3
no photos today so heres my cat :P
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OPENING NIGHT!!! it went super well!!!!! (i think)
it was PA night so the understudys were percy and annabeth and they killed it!!!!!! :DDDD
also my director gave me a compliment today so im in a good mood (it was somethin along the lines of "you finally did a good job as cerberus" but ill take what i can get...) (i still have beef with him but.. whatever....)
its crazy how fast this show is going and that itll all be over after sunday,, but also i am SO tired bc we literally spend more time at school than at home this week :(
also getting a lotta acne bc im not used to wearing this much make up every day :P
but hey at least ill get to rest a teeny bit on the weekend (just in the morning TwT bc we have matinees)
also my parents and some of my friends are comin tomorrow so they BETTER FUCKIN BUY ME CANDY (i really really really want candygrams... one of the stage managers got like 4 boxes of candy i am so jealous...)
also also also we did the legacy robe last night before preview night and my friend (and mother /ij) got it :DDDD very happy for her
um um um i felt like i had more to say but idk this is already a lot and i cant remember things im kinda tired :P
oh i finally got my camper necklace!!! the beads were missing for like a week but they were just on the table in the costuming room... anyway my friend made it for me during tech class bc shes so so sooo sweet <3 (while i was in math trying to force my friend to study... *stares at neeks* /aff) i got four beads that kinda almost make the ace flag!! (black for tech, silver for the fall play, light blue for this show, and purple for my grade)
idk if i explained it before but all of our necklaces represent how much theater we've done,,, bc its kinda like how long we've been at camp. theres a bead for each grade based on our class colors, and the tlt bead, so everyone gets at least 2. theres also beads for each of the past musicals and plays at school, and a black bead if youve done tech, and a white bead if youve done leadership :D some of the seniors have like most of their necklace filled because of how many shows theyve done
heres another cat pic to keep you engaged and reading this /hj
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also also also many many thanks to my wonderful actor and tech friends i would not survive without them (especially thanks to tech bc they have to put up with us actors... /hj) its poseidon's actors first show i think and they have a LOT of quick changes so their section of the rack is,,, kind of a mess. also the lamp for the oracle scene has broken multiple times i think already... and i already left my make up bag out yesterday and my watch in the cubbies today TwT we are a hot mess
my graphic design teacher was acting today :D (the farmer in drive is a teacher role, and they switch out every night) and i love him being so absolutely perplexed by the energy circle before show :333
also i remembered to put setting powder on for the first time,,, and... i forgot that my mom is SO much paler than me TwT (i was very washed out...) so ill probably stick to spray for the rest of the week :P
sorry i really am rambling tonight...
ok i will probably hopefully do at least one more update after strike on sunday!! (depending on how tired i am,, i might just curl up on the floor and sleep after the sunday show actually...) unless something goes horribly wrong,,, then ill probably post about it too
good night!! i need to collapse in bed and try to save up enough energy for tomorrows show :3
have a wonderful day/night and remember to hydrate! (or you'll die straight...)
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welcometololaland · 1 year
All Austin Everything???
I didn't see it yet and I'm really curious about how they would be connected ^^
This ask is from...February 19th. I'm so sorry. I have no excuses. Literally my inbox is a mess of stuff from ages ago that I never got around to answering and I apologise profusely for my crimes.
I think this was an ask about the RWRB/LS crossover that has been LANGUISHING in my Google Docs for months now. Actually, a lot of fics have been languishing at the expense of ALTA which fights me and my sanity constantly. Every second day someone has to convince me not to set fire to it. But anyway, that is not the point.
I have thoughts about 911 Lone Star and RWRB and none of them are coherent but let me set them out for you:
I think a lot of people take a look at the characters in RWRB and Lone Star and think: Alex Claremont Diaz is to TK Strand what Henry FMCW (sorry Henry i'm not typing your full name) is to Carlos Reyes. Certainly, I see similarities there. Alex and TK both have personalities that are a little chaos demon (and are children of divorced parents), whereas Henry and Carlos are more cautious, considered and have a love of their life that is also somewhat the bane of their existence.
So this fic was always intended to be a bit of a fun character study more than anything. I can kind of see Carlos getting a little like ??? over a real life prince and I can see TK and Alex running off into the sunset and doing something unhinged like bringing home several lizards for their beloveds (on second thoughts, maybe not Alex - he was scared of those turkeys). ANYWAY.
The real point of the character study was to actually look at the alternative interactions, because I think if we scratch the surface a little deeper, more similarities appear.
Alex and Carlos have obvious similarities - in that they're both Mexican-American, born and raised in Austin and can cook. But they're similar in other ways too. They're both a little perfectionistic, overachieving types with a fear of failure. They're also both a little anxious and can bury themselves in a task to prevent confronting their emotions.
Henry and TK...oh my god. Do NOT get me started. Let's go with the obvious first: they were both very close with a parent that died young. They've both suffered from poor mental health and either experienced or been very close to someone experiencing difficulties with substances. They both historically believed themselves to be undeserving of the love that someone else was trying to give them and have both run away from expressions of that love when things got too real. They both (at some point) felt trapped in an identity that felt pre-determined (I see this for TK as his career as a firefighter given that his father is one and he had serious questions about it in s 1 and then obviously changed in s 2).
ANYWAY I think I had better points once upon a time and it's very late and I'm sleepy so sorry this is the best you're getting out of me tonight.
One day this fic will get finished, but in the meantime let's all just pray that ALTA writes itself and I am freed to stop stressing about a 110k piece of writing that just refuses to co-operate.
Thanks for the ask!
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