#i love noel
ambyisbiguous · 1 year
as much as noel is a sucker for romance i think he would hate classic romantic movies like titanic and the notebook.
mischa: *sobbing while watching the ending of titantic*
noel: stfu
mischa: *cries harder*
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if you would be so gracious to, Noel Levine
noel 💗💗💗💗💗 anyways
from what i remember pretty much nothing is said about how noel likes to dress but i could be wrong 🤔 but looking at pictures of him he seems to have a pretty clear style to me
i am not taking into account what he looked like as a kid because i don't think that was in his control
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this is his regular outfit 😊😊😊 it kinda looks like a school uniform to me but idk
something that stands out to me about a lot of his outfits are the collar of the shirts
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(he looks so handsome here btw) like even in his halloween costume he's still wearing a collar that pops up (idk how else to describe it)
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and here too (i am not 100% sure behind the context of this picture but i think it's like a school au thing)
so i think he mostly likes to wear button up shirts that have collars that pop out
+ he normally wears an accessory with the collar (either a bow or a tie)
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here is his outfit without the jacket thing
speaking of the jacket thing he normally always wears something over his shirts so maybe he gets cold easily?? or he just likes being covered up
the two jackets between his normal outfit and the school one both seem like blazers with the fancy triangle things on the side (i don't know what they're called..) and they also have buttons (noel really likes buttons)
the jacket he's wearing in his halloween costume seems to be thicker and it also has fur trim but that makes sense because halloween is in october and it's cold in october
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he also wears this outfit in the photobooth which doesn't really seem his style + i'm pretty sure he made a comment about feeling like the clothes were wearing him instead of the other way around (but it does look very nice on him)
even though it's not something he picked out it does fall within the color scheme that he typically wears which is mostly blues, whites and touches of gold (the gold makes sense because it matches his hair) but the blue isn't like a light pastel blue it's more of a deeper blue (like claire's) (both of their theme colors are blue though so that makes sense)
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he's also wearing navy blue here i think?? or black i'm not sure but yeah mostly blues
in terms of accessories he doesn't really have many except for the gold clip on his regular outfit but his halloween outfit has some accessories like the collar (but i think that's part of the costume itself) and the pretty blue flower thing
he mostly just wears accessories on like the triangle part of the jackets he wears
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there's also this (he looks so cute here but anyways) he is wearing a scarf with a blue plaid (i think that's what it's called) scarf which matches his outfit!! and also the santa hat but that's not really important
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also i just feel like i have to include this because it is one of his outfits but it's just like blue swimming shorts (however it does have a little bow like his regular outfit so that's a nice detail)
he almost dresses like a less stylistically developed claire but like masculine with the colors and the flower accessory which i think is cute
overall here is probably what i would style him with:
definitely a shirt with a popped collar, probably a white one or maybe a nice dark blue one
a bow or tie to go with it
a blazer with buttons to go over it (either blue or black)
maybe some gold clips to clip onto his blazer
for colder weather probably just a blue jacket with fur trim and some buttons along with a scarf (but he could always layer with his other jackets too)
for fancy occasions probably like a navy blue/black suit jacket blazer thing (i don't know what to call it 😭😭😭) and a pretty blue flower clip on thingy (he can match with claire 🤗)
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nowitsturbo · 3 months
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smiley boys 🥹
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7x10mickey · 3 months
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cutter-kirby · 3 months
DEVASTATING episode btw. "i failed you" and "he is my friend" and "you're a good person" and "i didn't let him win" and noel and arthur's screams and "but his ears still work" KILLED ME KILLED ME DEAD
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sekaiichi-happy · 1 month
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Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Eyecatch
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bachirasbodyguard · 1 year
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“what the fuck did he say??” a.k.a. blue lock as Clickhole celebrity quotes Part II (part I)
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bored-pavlikovsky · 3 months
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I love how Noel wasn’t even the one who said “love conquers all”
it was actually Ocean but Mischa still credits him for finding the entire meaning of his existence with one phrase like that’s so extra and gay they are so fucking cute I can’t😭
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ohnopeh · 3 days
i love the idea that ian finally understands he had been making mickey believe he wasn't loved enough for not singing the paper.
he goes to mickey showing a ring and mickey is hopeful but also wary of what is happening, then ian says it
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i love ian, but darling, you can be a bit dumb (its okay you are learning)
what could have mickey possibly thought? that ian will marry him cause gallagher keep their promises? that's all to it? is it not because he supposedly loves him and genuinely wants that?
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the look on mickey's face as he realises what ian said makes me think that it was the moment mickey fears were ''confirmed''. ian didn't love him enough, of course he wouldn't, why would he? ian bought the promise ring, yes, but he still wouldn't wear it but hang it on his neck where he can hide it, is mickey not it? and then mickey says it
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he realises mickey had been thinking ian didn’t love him and that’s it, he tried many times. by coming out, being there during the whole diagnosis, being broken up with but still thinking of him and hoping to be together, thinking he will be with him in mexico and then getting himself back to prison so that he can be with him, support him through all that. but that was it. he didn't have it in him to fight for them anymore, he had the rights to finally put himself first and say ''that's enough''. ‘you don’t love me enough now, and that’s fine, it’s cool.’
but ian fucked up. he now knows that mickey believed he wasn't enough, he wasn't the right one for ian.
it didn't even cross his mind that it could have been a possibility, cause since the diagnosis, ian had been so sure that he wasn't worth of mickey and the pain that comes by being around him, loving him.
so ian thinks : how can you ever be so sure you love me? how can you even possibly be in love with me when i have such disorder that won't make it easy for you? what do you even see in me to think i'm worth all of that?
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the only explaination ian can think of for someone like mickey to fight so hard for their relationship to work is that : he's either crazy or he never experienced any other type of relationship before.
cause ian has, ian has dated other people after mickey and none of them loved him. one cheated on him, gaslighting him that it was okay cause it was a chick and not a guy. the other made it a challange for ian to be attracted to him, didn't respect ian when it came to his trauma regarding monica, didn't really care about ian being off his meds, being more concerned that his mania was making him the star of the news and not what trevor really wanted. mickey had never done that, mickey had always been there for ian and he knows that— he knows that mickey is the one he loves and the one that will do anything for him. he broke up with him because he loved mickey too much and wanted him to be free.
being with those people made it impossible for ian to even pretend that mickey wasn't the one he loved and that loved him back.
but mickey? he never had a relationship other than the one with ian, so how could he know that ian is the one if he never dated anyone else? someone ‘normal’, someone that wouldn’t make him worry and watch for his mood swings?
ian is telling mickey that he has a choice to do better— he’s telling him that out there, there’s someone that won’t hurt him, that won’t make mickey think they’re not in love enough to take the big step with him. cause ian knows mickey is everything— but how could mickey know that ian is that for him too?
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i love how mickey’s expression changes as ian speaks. it's the moment it hits him that ian loves mickey enough, he loves him too much so that he questions himself just as much, deciding for both of them (once again) what mickey needs and who he shouldn't be with.
and i love that mickey finally understands everything, he understands why ian broke up with him in s5 and tried to move on and pretend mickey wasn’t what he wanted. mickey's first reaction is just to shake his head and say ''jesus christ, ian.''
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and ian looks so confused, he might be thinking : what did i say wrong? i know i am right, you know that this is true. i'm a problem, i'm not worth it, can't you see? but that's mickey’s limit, it was ian’s moment to work on his not worthy of your love shit and realise that it’s all bullshit cause mickey is all in for them. he always has been no matter what.
and mickey knows so well that he can't do anything else to prove it to ian. he straight up tells him the answer to lip's ''figure out why you don't wanna marry him.'' 'cause he doesn't believe he's worth it. but mickey has proved him enough, mickey has told him what's ian true fear is and its not mickey's love for him that will fix it. it was ian's job to work through with it (and he did!! of course he did) back when this episode came out, i was so angry and frustrated about it, i guess growing up makes you see things differently uh?
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Mickey Looking at Ian
(yet another Noel Fisher appreciation post)
No because LOOK at the way he's looking at Ian. But not just Ian, Ian's hair. Noel has made continuity with specific Mickey gestures, and that's just one of the many reasons why I adore Mickey as a character, and Noel as an actor. It's all of the subtleties of a human that make him such a raw character, fascinating to admire in terms of performance. It's becoming a broken record at this point but every time you watch a scene you just catch these little things that make him the standout character he is, thanks to Noel.
I present you three different scenes where Mickey's eyes flicker from Ian to his hair, almost like on instinct, cause this is the man of his dreams apparently. No one else does it for him like Ian. The insane amount of love and desire he has for his ginger soulmate is outstanding.
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« I like fucking carrot tops, like with the freckles and the pale skin... fucking alien looking?? »
Yeah you do Mick, yeah you do.
EDIT: Adding the scene from prison cause and someone in the tags mentioned it, it's just so cute, cause I keep thinking of Mickey nagging him to get the buzzcut again, so Ian's response to Fiona about the hair was an excuse.
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He is so grossly in love with this redhead.
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polisena-art · 7 months
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Posing practice with José and music lyrics as inspo! Panchito ver
If you like my work please consider a tip on Ko-fi ✨
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thirstyvampyr · 18 days
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Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich, king of the South Side
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iridescentis · 23 days
My RTC Production Idea
I have spent the whole of today and all of last night making these moodboards this idea is the only thing I have thought about for the past 24 hours and HERE IT IS
Disclaimer: This is not intended to be realistic I have zero knowledge of theatre or anything really and this is all coming from my imagination. Also this isn't how I imagine all of the characters when I write fics this is just how I picture them for this specific production idea :D
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I honestly have no clue if I've missed anything I've been staring at these boards for so long I'm losing my mind but I would LOVE to answer questions and talk about this I have so many thoughts :D
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blueberyboy · 16 days
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In the last one, Noel sucked his teeth or whatever while talking to Arthur but I thought he had kissed him and I got really scared and I think it’s hilarious.
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karlydraws · 9 months
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Dancing with the besties
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sleepyheadgallavich · 2 months
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Know that I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that I was your willing accomplice, honey And I watched as you fled the scene Doe-eyed as you buried me One heart broke, four hands bloody Those things I did Just so I could call you mine The things you did Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
⤷Set for @iansw0rld
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