#i love them and their hubby that starts with an L
berryliciousjam · 5 months
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Hello X-Men nation. Have a Morph aka my new comfort character(because we are Enbies fr fr)💅✨
Anyways hi yeah I'm back despite the wrong timing in my end because my finals are approaching so it will take time for me to draw n post. Not only that I have to write a Morpherine Fanfic but thats for another story. Another thing is that—I haven't drawn for many months due to academics that I recently returned to art thanks to yknow...Anyways I hope yall love it! 🫶💗
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aloesarchives · 5 months
Domestic Headcanons w/ Mama!Reader and the Fushiguros #2: New Addition to the Family!
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TW/Warnings: Domesticity, AFAB/Female Reader, Family life, Pregnancy, Mention of Creampies but not sexual, unhinged crack, JJK OC(but not main x Reader)
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Pronouns/Usage: She/Her, Mama/Mom
It was about time I finished this, been sitting in my drive for a few months. Anyway, this is a general headcanon that takes place mostly in my Modern Au as Mayumi will appear in future along with her bio. But she may appear in my "Toji Lives" au depending how I'm really feeling, I will probably age her up if I do.
If you has questions or wanna ask more about her, feel free to drop an ask in my inbox!
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Name: Mayumi (L/N) Fushiguro
Kanji Name: 万優三
Age: 2-3(Modern Au)
Given how Toji is a dog 25/8 whenever he’s given any alone time with you, Megumi is genuinely surprised he and Tsumiki don’t have at least two or more younger siblings.
It mostly comes down to you and Toji’s schedules and how having another child or having more children wouldn’t be the best choice for you two and the kids themself.
It was decided by you AND Toji that Megumi would be your last child since baby Megumi was a hassle and you two were dealing with two kids under the age of three. As time went on, raising the two was hard work but both of you two managed. Now Tsumiki and Megumi are in high school and can function, there’s no need for you and Toji to treat them like children even though they will always be your babies.
But with Tsumiki and Megumi always away at school, it’s mostly you and Toji at home. Yes, it was nice and peaceful to have your house with you and your hubby. But you start longing for the days your children were younger and small. Missing when Megumi would call you Mama and Tsumiki with Mommy. You become all sentimental especially looking through family pictures throughout the house and the family albums. You started to miss having to take care of a little one in the house.
Toji notices this change in your behavior so he asks what's on your mind. When you tell him you missed your children being children, he suggested having one more child. This shocked you considering that Toji told you himself that Megumi was your two’s last child. He didn’t want to have any more after that because Megumi was a handful. You told him if he’s not comfortable and isn’t ready for another one that he shouldn’t force himself just to make you happy. You’ll just satisfy it with old baby pictures from the past.
You didn’t want to have a child just because you wanted a baby to coddle and that’s it. All children deserve to have a parent but not every parent deserves a child. But Toji brings up the point that both you and him are more stable, both financially and mentally, and have more time to be at home. Since your two other children are teenagers who can do basic functions, you can focus on taking care of a child while taking care of teenagers.
After some time and Toji being the little devil on your shoulder, you gave the green light to have another child. Albeit being the last child you and Toji will ever have.
Toji is excited to have another kid with you and to give Tsumiki and Megumi a younger sibling. But we all know why Toji is REALLY happy to give you another child. As the man got to stepping in making you pregnant and having another kid. This man put so many creampies in you it’s insane.
But you guessed the universe wanted to make it easier the third time because, like all of your pregnancies which is only two, you got pregnant fast. It only took a month of trying to get pregnant. Just like any pregnancy, it was rough. It was your third time so you expected what’s to come, though it had been 12 years since you were last pregnant. But Toji, being your ever loving husband, took care of you and was at your beck and call(Explain in detail here). Your scary, intimidating, and grumpy dog of a husband becomes your sweet and protective puppy all over again(if Toji wasn’t fucking already lol).
You wanted to wait until a visible ultrasound was possible to tell your two children. Luckily, Megumi and Tsumiki would be home right after school ends and you would tell them the news. After dinner, you told your two children to wait a bit at the table as you got the ultrasound that’s sealed in an envelope. As you just place the envelope in front of your kids, they look at it curiously. Toji chuckles as Megumi flips the envelope on both sides before Tsumiki grabs it from her brother.
“So we opened it, Mom? What’s inside?”
“You’ll find out once you open it, my dear.”
Then Tsumiki opens the envelope and finds the picture. She takes it out and holds it so she and Megumi can look at it. It took Tsumiki a few seconds to figure out as her smile extended. Megumi is still confused when his sister says, “Are you really, mom?!”
You nodded your head as Tsumiki stood up from her chair and gave you a hug. Megumi was still trying to wrap his head around the picture. Toji chuckles at his son as he walks over to him. “Are you okay, Megumi? You’ve been staring at that picture like it was a puzzle.” “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking at. How come Tsumiki got it before I did?” Tsumiki goes to Megumi as she starts explaining the picture. Before she even finishes, your son looks at you with wide eyes as he blurts out, “You’re pregnant, Mom?!”
Toji bursts out in laughter at Megumi while you smile at your son. You were happy that your children felt the same way you did, especially seeing Megumi smile. You were worried about the age gap between your children and their youngest sibling but it seems to not be a problem to your kids. 
You loved the fact your children were happy about having another sibling.
Ever since the announcement, Megumi has been home more often. While your children have been more considerate(if they weren’t already), Megumi had this shift in behavior that made you a little worried. Once you were in your 2nd trimester, Megumi always tried to be home before sundown. He always called you after school if you needed anything from the grocery or convenience store. He was very reluctant to leave you alone. At home, he always checks up on you whether you’re in the bedroom, sitting on the couch, in your home office/personal rooms. 
As much as Megumi says he doesn’t take after his dad, you thought it was adorable and endearing how Megumi looked after you like Toji did. Because of your already fluctuating hormones, you dote and gush over Megumi way more than usual. You didn’t before because you wanted to respect Megumi’s space and independence. Always playfully pinching his cheeks, giving your mama kisses, petting and ruffling his hair, the list goes on. Megumi never pushes you away or rejects your affection because you are his mama and it makes you happy. It’s also because Megumi loves your affection as it reminds him of when he was a little boy, but since he’s older he wants to be taken more seriously and wants you and Toji to treat him as such. Yet it bit him in the ass because you respected his wishes and only gave him physical affection when he gave the green light.
Megumi, every time he’s home, is stuck at your side. You’re in the kitchen making yourself a drink, Megumi is sitting at the table already. On the couch folding a small laundry batch, Megumi’s helping you with it. Sitting in the garden underneath the tree, Megumi makes you sit on the blanket as sits beside you with his dogs laid out in the shade. The only time he isn’t is when you’re in the bathroom or sleeping in your bedroom. But Megumi sends his dogs to watch over you during your naps. Bro, Toji told Megumi to make room for him on the couch just for him to side-eyes his dad and say “no”. Then Megumi’s dogs appear next to you and lay their heads on your lap. Toji was so annoyed.
But you didn’t know how concerned Megumi was for you until you Gojo called you and said Megumi wanted to opt out of dorming his first year at Jujutsu Tech. You asked Gojo if Megumi said why and Gojo only said, “Megumi-kun only told me he just can’t, (Y/N)-sama.” By the time the call happened you were in your third trimester, meaning you were nearing your due date. You asked Toji if he knew but he had no clue either. You and your husband had a talk with Megumi about it. Megumi said he didn’t need to dorm when he’s in high school because he could just walk to school from the house. But Toji being the better interrogator, he got Megumi to spill the real reason. And so Megumi reveals he doesn't want to dorm once he goes to Jujutsu Tech because he wants to help out around the house and watch his little sibling grow up. 
“Megs, you know I’m home, right?”
Megumi looks at his father before continuing.
“As I was saying, I need to be here in my little sister’s life. I don’t want to be a stranger because she can’t remember me, Mom.”
You gave a reassuring smile to your son, placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
“I get it, Megumi. I completely understand where you’re coming from. But I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. I have your sister and papa after all to help me, especially your papa since he can cook anything we ask for. And know the school requires their first years to live on campus, so you do have to live on school grounds. You can always come back whenever you need to, this will always be your home, My Dear Megumi–Wait, little sister? You think it’ll be a girl, Megumi?”
He shrugs, causing Toji to raise his brow at him.
“Ya sure, Megs? You don’t think it’ll be a boy? Don’t you want another boy in the family?”
Megumi squints at his dad as he frowns.
“If I know this family, your genes are too strong, Dad. I’m a complete copy of you and Tsumiki only got Mom’s personality and smile. If it’s a boy, it will be another version of you and I don’t even wanna think about that. Plus, I wouldn’t mind having a baby sister around, especially if she takes after Mom.”
You were flattered and honored that Megumi felt this way while Toji was utterly offended at his own son.
Megumi is a good brother and son all over. He looks after you, he looks out for Tsumiki when he can, and has a good relationship with Toji. You’d think he’ll be an amazing older brother considering how caring and gentle he can be. He may be a little clumsy but he tries and that is what matters. 
You decided to bring Megumi and Tsumiki with you and Toji to your next ultrasound appointment. Luckily, no problems were detected for the precious Fushiguro baby. The doctor and technician also revealed that you were having a baby girl! Tsumiki is visibly happy, slightly shaking Megumi's shoulders while he had a soft smile of his own. Then you looked over at your husband to see him with a wide but genuine grin.
“What’s with the grin, Toji?”
“Nothing, Hon. Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Having another girl to spoil~.”
Your pregnancy goes as planned. Much to the dismay of Megumi, you gave birth while they were in school. As soon as Megumi and Tsumiki walk out of the school doors, they see Toji with the car waiting for them. “C’mon you two, don’t ‘cha want to meet your baby sister?” Tsumiki never saw Megumi sprinted towards the car so fast, whipping past her. Toji just laughs at Megumi’s eagerness to go see you and the baby.
Megumi is bouncing his leg in the car as they go to drive to the hospital. Once checking in, Megumi leaves his dad and sister in the dust to go find your room. Once he did, Megumi knocked gently before going inside with Toji and Tsumiki not far behind. Then the kids see the little baby bundled in your arms, sleeping away as you greet your older children. 
Megumi was right because Mayumi took after you except her eye color, which was like Megumi and Toji. But everything else, she was a carbon copy of you. You joked to Toji about being even since your third child looks like you. Toji goes along with it but he can’t help but feel warm inside knowing he has a daily reminder of his beautiful wife.
Megumi and Tsumiki get to hold their little sister. It was game over for Megumi because as soon as she was in his arms, he’d do anything for her. He was melting for his little sister and she didn’t even know it yet.
Megumi tries to spend a lot of time with her until he has to dorm at Jujutsu Tech. Megumi gets sentimental when he sees her baby pictures then and now she’s a toddler speaking full sentences. 
She loves to be held or sitting in someone’s lap. You, Toji, Tsumiki and Megumi, it doesn’t matter. She just likes to be close. It took her a long time to understand personal space but she tries her best. But she mostly likes being held by Toji since he’s tall. Plus she says Toji gives nice hugs. 
But Mayumi is picky when it comes to other people. She gets comfortable through exposure but she doesn’t like other people that much. She knows the others and is fine with them, but she’s not so much a people person. Not shy, just like a small circle.
Mayumi calls Tsumiki Miki-Nee or Tsumi Nee-san, then Mayumi calls Megumi Gumi-Nii and/or Mimi Nii-san.
Toji’s nicknames for Mayumi are Princess, Little Lady, Sweet Pea, and Snapdragon. Sometimes he does a variation of her name like Yumi or Mayu. But those don’t start coming until she’s much older.
Toji gets bummed out that Mayumi hangs out with Megumi and is her self-proclaimed favorite person. But you always remind him that she loves all of you, including him. This is true when she gets picked up by Toji at daycare or Toji comes home and she greets him. Always a smile on her face, arms out-stretched, while saying “Papa!”
Every time Toji is doing something outside, she’s either playing on the engawa, underneath the tree for shade, or running around and playing in the garden and the Koi pond nearby. She mostly likes watching the koi fishes swim around. She even deeps her feet into the crystal blue water as the fish gently nibble on her feet.
She’s also not a picky eater. Will eat anything and everything put in front of her that is seen as food. Her favorites are berries.
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Mayumi’s favorite person is definitely Megumi. Toji thought it was him but he soon found out that was not the case. All because her first words weren’t Mama or Papa, her first words were Gumi. Then she started walking because she saw Megumi sitting on the couch while you were making lunch with Toji and took her first steps because she wanted to be near him. Sometimes when she can’t sleep, has a nightmare, or wants someone to take her to the bathroom, she usually goes to Megumi because his room is the closet. Some mornings, you would find Mayumi sleeping alongside Megumi. She usually hangs out in Megumi’s room doing her own thing or playing with his dogs. Megumi doesn’t mind but only gets annoyed when he’s napping or sleeping and she wakes him up. 
But she also hangs out in Tsumiki’s room too. Trying a new hairstyle, clothes, or playing with her stuffed animals. Tsumiki makes Mayumi into a Sanrio fan and even gives some of her plushies to Mayumi because she doesn’t play with them anymore. Every morning, Mayumi goes to Tsumiki to do her hair for the day. Sometimes asking Tsumiki to put a nice hair clip or bow for her. Mayumi’s so happy once she’s done that she shows you and Toji and it’s just so sweet oml.
She loves Megumi’s dogs and shikigamis. But her favorites are his white and black doggos. She loves playing and hugging them, always so gently with them. She likes to put ribbons on them like a collar and read to them. She would nap while laying on top of the white dog’s side and the black one is guarding her feet, making a protective circle around her. Then they allow her to grab onto them to help her practice walking. It’s so cute.
Mayumi knocks on doors before she enters. You don’t know where she picked it up from until you remember knocking on the doors yourself as you hold her. You assume she picked your habit, which turns out to be useful and courteous. It’s always three short knocks, keeping this habit even as a teenanger. 
Mayumi is the apple of the family’s eye and almost everyone, even for Yuuji, Nobara, Maki, Yuuta, Toge, Panda, and fucking Hakari and Kiara. They all have a soft spot for her. The worst of them all is Satoru, proclaiming he’s her big brother to which Suguru smacks him on the hand for it. He tries to win her over but his grand gift-giving actually scares her and makes her wary of him, much to Satoru’s dismay. To which goes to my next point:
Bro, your daughter doesn’t like Satoru. It’s high-key funny. She doesn’t hate him per say. She’s more scared and unsettled by him. One time, she started crying late at night because she had a nightmare. Megumi, with Mayumi in his arms, had to knock on your bedroom door because she was inconsolable and wouldn’t tell Megumi anything. Took all three of you, and eventually Tsumiki joined in, to calm her down. She was sniffling, burying her face into your neck, gripping her little hands as tightly as she could.
“Mayumi, Honey, do you feel a little better now?”
She nods into you but still holding on to you for dear life.
“Can you tell us what’s wrong? Please, Sweetheart?”
“White monster…The white monster with blue-eyes…Scary smile with pointing teeth…”
Tsumiki and Megumi looked at each other confused, you were just trying to figure out where she got that image from, while Toji held a frown before his eyes opened a bit upon realization. He has this goofy smile as he takes Mayumi from your arms and holds her in his own. Upon feeling being inside Toji’s arms, she instantly relaxes and looks up at him with a pout.
“So there’s a monster in your bedroom, Princess? You want me and your big brother Megumi to look for any monsters?”
She looks up at him with her little pout, sniffles, and nods her head quietly. Clutching to Toji like a Koala. Toji gets up with a grunt along with Megumi and they go into her room to look for the “monster”. Turning both the lights on and off along with Megumi bringing his dogs out. Mayumi watches the dogs sniff out her room, under her bed, and her closet.
“No monster, Gumi-Nii?”
Megumi pats her head softly.
“Yeah, no monsters in here, Mayumi.”
She’s still pouting even though Megumi confirmed no monsters while Toji rubs her back gently.
“Well Little Lady, you’re gonna sleep with Mama and I tonight so no monsters can get you. If there are, I’ll eat them.”
Mayumi giggles as he takes her into your shared bedroom to sleep peacefully for the night. Luckily she did as she snoozed away on his chest along with you tucked into his shoulder as your head rested on top of its side.
The next day, Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, Nanami, Haibara, and Yaga came to your house to talk about something. As they were discussing in your personal office, Mayumi knocks and she comes in to be held by you. While being held by you, you feel Mayumi shifting in your arms. You look down as she looks at Satoru with wary eyes. She clutches closer to you as she whines. Satrou looks over at her and smiles, causing her to hide into you further. By then, you noticed Satoru didn’t bring his blindfold. He brought his glasses instead so you could see the glimpses of his eyes. As soon Mayumi caught a glimpse of his eyes, she started getting uncomfortable and whining. You’re worried as you try to calm her down but nothing works. Then Toji comes in with the pitcher of water you asked for and she makes grabby hands at him. Your husband takes her in his arms and she points at Satoru while sniffling, making everyone, including you curious.
“What’s wrong this time, Mayumi?”
Points at Satoru
“White monster…big blue eyes and white teeth…that’s him…”
Everyone blinks a couple of times except for Toji who has his dastardly grin. Then the silence is broken by Suguru’s cackling followed by Haibara bursting out in laughter. Now you understand why Toji wasn’t so concerned about last night because he knew what Mayumi was talking about. The monster was random, she had a nightmare about Satoru. Nanami smirks while Yaga and Shoko chuckle at this. The only ones who weren’t anything were You and Satoru. You because you’re just shaking your head at Suguru, Toji, and Haibara. While Satoru looked like a hurt puppy that was kicked. You tried to comfort your unofficial oldest child but he just stayed hurt. He let out a sigh when he and your daughter made brief eye-contact before she hid herself in Toji, causing him to bark out in laughter. His laugh joined in with the other two. 
Toji calms down a bit before comforting Mayumi.
“Princess, that’s just Gojo. He’s not a scary monster, see? He’s harmless.”
Mayumi looks at Satoru before looking at you then Toji. She shakes her head at Toji causing him to chuckle. Mayumi says bye to everyone as she leaves the room with Toji. But Suguru wouldn’t stop teasing Satoru about it and it’s an inside joke everyone is in on.
So that’s why Satoru always wears his blindfold on because he doesn’t want to make Mayumi cry. As she gets older, she gets over it and funny enough doesn’t remember this event. No matter how much anyone brings it up, she can’t fully remember any of it. But their relationship gets better later on.
Though Mayumi’s humble, she’s spoiled. By you, Toji, Tsumiki, Megumi, your family, even Suguru and Satoru, specifically Satoru. Mayumi gets an allowance of 38,948 yen(which is roughly equivalent to $250 US dollars) from Satoru every month, and that’s not including holidays and birthdays. Toji and Satoru are fighting each other on who’s better at spoiling her to which you have to calm them down because it shouldn’t be a big deal.
Mayumi gets all sad and pouty when Megumi has to live on campus but Megumi promises to call frequently or visit once a week for her. Megumi gives her his old plushies of his twin dogs, telling her to hug them when she feels like missing him. Because of that, she is overly attached to them. She sleeps with them, goes to the bathroom with them, brings them outside to the garden, goes out, they come with her everywhere she goes.
Megumi hangs a drawing she made of him and Mayumi with his dogs in his dorm room. Also has a picture frame of him and her on his desk too.
When Megumi brings Yuuji and Nobara over, they always want to play with her. Nobara dresses her up while Yuuji shadow boxes with her. When they come over to sleep over, it’s twice the fun. Yuuji and Nobara get bummed out when it’s her bedtime but they remember they see her in the morning so it’s all good.
They also help Megumi watch and babysit her when you and Toji are out on a date/outing. It’s chaotic but it’s fun.
Toji and Megumi will be irritated and annoyed when someone, other than you and Tsumiki, asks them for anything Gojo. But once Mayumi starts asking for things, they won’t even bat an eye. She is spoiled by both her grumpy older brother and menacing father. One time you came home to see your daughter gleefully smiling at you, holding her plushie tightly as she told you about what she did with Toji and Megumi. Then you look over to see your son and husband wearing bows on their heads and had sanrio stickers all over them.
Mayumi’s such a bubbly and happy child that it’s like looking straight at the sun. Of course, she takes after you mostly both in personality and physical traits. It’s not until she’s in teens when Toji’s traits start revealing themselves in her.
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
life in the fast lane // miles teller
summary: the life and times of trailblazing indycar driver y/n y/l/n, and her celebrity husband, miles teller. in the weeks leading up to the indy 500, the pair have a very special announcement that will alter lives forever.
pairing: miles teller x andretti driver! reader
author's note: its hard to write an smau about a man with no public instagram account lemme tell you that real quick-
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y/ny/l/nteller just posted!
indianapolis, indiana.
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liked by josefnewgarden, monicabarbaro, valkilmerofficial and 4,578 others
y/n/y/l/nteller indiana never felt like home to me until i had you on the open road.
indy tests start monday, and we are officially one month out from the five-hundred. let's do this, indiana!
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valkilmer you got this kiddo! we're all rooting for you!
-> ynylnteller 🥺🫶🏻 love ya Val!
kyle_kirkwood i have known your husband for four years now and he still looks awkward in every single photo that gets taken of him at the track. how does he do it?
user babe come home, the children miss you?
-> y/n/yl/nteller miles and i don't have any kids (yet)
ashleynewgarden shocked we got through that dinner without josef and miles singing beyoncé at the karaoke bar
-> josefnewgarden that happened ONCE. I wish miles had social media so he could help me defend these accusations
-> y/n/y/l/nteller take it up with the hubby, not me
user does she look like she’s out on a bit of weight?
-> user it’s probably muscle lmao she’s an athlete bud
patriciooward most photogenic couple in the paddock!
monicbarbaro booking my flights rn
-> ynylnteller girls weekend here we come!
y/ny/l/nteller just updated her story!
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ynylnteller just posted!
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liked by reesewitherspoon, coltonherta, glenpowell and 5,145 others
ynylnteller god I’m going to miss all of this
*this caption was deleted*
ynylnteller days like these 🫶🏻
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user did anyone see the original caption?!? where is my girl going!
stingrayrobb thanks for making my nieces day so special! she looks up to you so much and she spent all day talking about how awesome you were. thank you and god bless!
-> ynylnteller your niece was an angel, it was my pleasure!
coltonherta your straight line speed this morning was absolutely incredible. are we thinking an andretti 1-2 is in the cards this weekend?
-> ynylnteller absolutley! let’s get it!
glenpowell everyone is talking about straight line speed and I’m just amazed that you can balance on the tires like that-
-> ynylnteller it took five years of practice to be this good glenn
ynylnteller just posted!
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liked by monicabarbaro, katherineracing, scottdixon and 4,653 others
ynylnteller as much as it pains me to say it, the todays Indy 500 will be the end of my 2024 season. while I’m upset that this season is coming to an end prematurely, I am also beyond excited. if the pictures above didn’t give it completely away (and my husband was able to keep his mouth shut all weekend), I am beyond overjoyed to announce that miles and I are having a baby! we tried to keep it under wraps for as long as we could, but as of the next race, baby teller would be too big for me to race without hurting them or myself,
while I won’t be on the track itself for the rest of the season, I couldn’t give this place up if I tried. Instead, my car will be driven by the amazing callum_ilott and I will be joining my bestie jameshinchcliffe in the commentary box.
when I was little, I only had one dream: to be a race car driver. but as I got older that dream began to change, and I realized all of that meant nothing if I didn’t have anybody to share it with. I wanted a family.
We are so excited for this new chapter in our lives.
Lots of love,
Miles and YN Teller xx
see all comments
scottdixon I’m so happy for you, darling! that baby is going to be so loved and so cherished. please pass my congratulations on to miles as well!
-> ynylnteller none of this would have been possible without you, so you’re the real hero here!
user mother is going to be a real mother now!
valkilmer congratulations yn! if you and miles ever need anything at all, you know where to find me (or mercedes and jack)
-> ynylnteller thank you val!! ❤️
glenpowell I am going to be the best godfather this kid has ever had
-> ynylnteller first of all who said you were the godfather?
-> coltonherta yeah it’s gonna be me actually
-> ynylnteller actually it’s going to be neither of you
-> coltonherta but why? I’m already a great uncle?
-> glenpowell yeah so am I!
-> ynylnteller everybody be quiet or we’re making Val the godfather -Miles
-> coltonherta you’d pick the old man over us?!?
-> ynylnteller he *is* less annoying
ashleynewgarden so pleased for you both! this will be your next great adventure! kota is looking forward to having another little buddy to hang out with 🫶🏻
callum_ilott I promise to take good care of the car! rest up and relax over the next nine months, god knows you might never sleep again
user miles is becoming a dilf!!! miles teller is becoming a dilf!!!
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @cartierre @lorarri @diorcharles @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @userlando
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fatuismooches · 3 months
about reader and dottore having a child, i love imagining some lost agents being so terrified of our little sweetheart (bc look at him, he has the genes of a monster) but then being so shocked when he whipped up the brightest smile in all of teyvat (although if you ask him and dottore yours is brighter, like a sun compared to a star) and started happily leading them to their designated lap and segment
our little baby having some of readers birthmarks would be so cute, or like the hair is a little more like yours texture-wise, the eyes are way softer looking and has more of a spark... yk the tiniest detail only you and dottore would notice
speaking of that hehe imagining the sweetheart has the looks of your husband but the personality of you, you could get this boy to do so many things to dottore without many(- to none) questions. like idk, teasing him for yours but then you fall asleep on your hubby so your son takes over, using puppy eyes when you want attention bc double the cuteness turned out to be more effective... i have too many ideas and i almost feel bad for dottore now
but yeah just you and your precious son annoying your husband because you're both bored of sitting in bed all day
also some of the harbingers who don't really know you finding out years after your son was born is so funny to me for like no reason
like arlie not wanting a dottore segment around her children but he's also related to you so he wouldn't dare hurt any of them
a lot of agents would find out with rumors or being unlucky and put in a lap with a segment and him, then talking to the sweetheart and not being as scared (kind of)
some of the harbingers probably ended up finding out by the many things their agents "whisper" about
but childe, columbina, pantalone, the grandpa(im so sorry i cant remember his name), and then ofc pierro and her majesty Tsaritsa knew already. tsaritsa and pierro because i guess they kind of have to or they yk can tell. the rest was there while you(/something??) was pregnant for reasons. also childe (+ pantalone) is the uncle despite poor zandik trying to not let it happen, but he's good at the children thing, so he will let it slide (you threatened to not kiss him or any segment for two days, zandy would be spared dw)
i would also give you name ideas but my brain is dull and stopped working so meh
how dare you give him the illness even though it makes sense :<
-Luv ya
There are many things you can encounter in the Doctor's lab, being the place of research it is, but the most unbelievable thing is the little child that oddly resembles Lord Dottore that one can find wandering about sometimes (correction: that has somehow escaped from the watchful gaze of his parents.) Any agent that encounters this little guy always pauses in shock for a good few moments, watching the little blue-haired boy smile a smile as blinding as the sun, before whipping out the Fatui's Handbook to learn how to proceed with this matter. Needless to say, it is imperative for one to know how to deal with this situation - this is the Lord Harbinger, the Doctor, Il Dottore's child after all.
The child having Dottore's looks and your personality is the best combination you could ask for. Uncle Pantalone and Auntie Columbina have so, so much fun with your son, telling him the most ridiculous stories about his father, which your son repeats to Dottore, making the scientist want to end his two co-workers immediately. You do nothing to stop the show. Of course, you only make it worse. Needless to say, Dottore is absolutely tired of you two, but he loves you both so there's nothing he can really do other than scold you and then dispel his son's questions.
Dottore would keep the matter as private as possible, but that's kind of impossible considering how curious his kid grows to be (snuck out multiple times, landed in the House of the Hearth once, walked into one of the Captain's training sessions - he has a knack for riling things up, much like how you did a long time ago.) Despite the majority of people having... certain feelings toward the Doctor, well, at the very least they had to congratulate you. (Why would you ever raise a kid with him?) (Childe giving you the best advice ever about dealing with kids while Dottore stares daggers at him because you kicked him out...)
(I love Dadttore sm...)
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winchesterwild78 · 19 days
The Tutor
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Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: Nothing too bad yet, just a chapter to establish the story. Some language and some physical grabbing.
**Trigger Warning: Some of this chapter could be considered Domestic Violence. It’s grabbing an arm, and being controlling.**
A/N: Just a quick idea that popped in my head. A short series, maybe 2 or 3 chapters. I don’t know yet. No disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction. Jensen has children in this, but I do not use their real names. 
Reader is a teacher and is asked to tutor Jensen’s child. Things develop between Jensen and the reader. I do not condone cheating, again, this is a work of fiction.
This chapter got a little long. Sorry not sorry. 😀
Minors DNI 18+
It was about 5 am when your alarm went off. You rolled over, grumbled and turned it off. Your husband was still sleeping next to you. Crawling out of bed you went to your bathroom and jumped in the shower. 
About 15 minutes later you were dressed and ready for work. You’d been a teacher for about 10 years, and you loved every second of it. Your husband encouraged you to expand your talent and offer tutoring in the afternoons as a way to help save money for the summer months when you didn’t get paid. 
You talked to the principal of your school and she told you she’d put out feelers to see if anyone had a lead on a possible need for a tutor. 
Grabbing your coffee, lunch and bag you headed for your car. It was a chilly morning, but you welcomed the change in temperature. As you pulled in the parking lot to the school, you noticed you were one of the first ones there. 
You sighed, gathered your things and got out of your car. As you walked in the building you saw the principal was in her office already. “Hey, Y/N, hold on a second.” You walked to her office door and waited for her to get off the phone.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m glad I caught you. So I talked to a friend of mine and she said she knows a couple who is looking for a tutor for their children. They have 3 kids, an older daughter, and a set of twins, a boy and a girl. The mother is out of town, but the father wanted to come in and see you in action and then sit down with you. Is that okay with you?”
“Oh, yeah that’s fine. Is he coming in today?” “Yes, if you were okay with it he wanted to come in today. If they decided to go with you, they’d want you to start ASAP.”
“Um, okay. Yeah. That’s fine. Hopefully it doesn’t distract my kiddos, but sure. Tell him to come by whenever.” “Great! I’ll give him a call.” You nodded and walked to your classroom.
Before the kids arrived, you sent your husband a text.
You: Hey, I might have a potential tutoring gig. Ms Smith is having a dad come in today. He and his wife wanted to see me in action. I’d be tutoring their three kids. I’ll let you know how it goes. I love you, babe.
Hubby: That’s great, you sure three kids won’t be too much? I love you too.
You: 3 kids? I teach 22 kids all day. I think I can handle 3.
Hubby: Yeah, you’re right. 
You finished getting things ready for the day as the kids started to arrive. “Good morning Ms Y/L/N!” The kids greeted you as they came into the room. “Good morning everyone.” 
Once the students got settled you called them to sit on the carpet to talk about today and how there might be a visitor. They were excited. You taught 5 & 6 year olds, so anytime there was a visitor it was always a big deal. 
“Now I want you all to be on your best behavior, and if we have a visitor I want you to do your best to ignore them, okay?” The kids nodded in agreement. 
A few hours later you were reading a book to your students when you heard your classroom door open. Glancing over you saw the principal and a man walk in. You kept teaching, not paying attention to the people in the room. 
When you read books, you are very animated. The kids would giggle and were completely engaged. At the end of your story you asked questions and called on some students to answer. A few minutes later you had them go back to their desks to complete the writing assignment you had given them. 
As you walked around checking their writing the principal approached you. “Ms Y/L/N, this is Mr Ackles. Mr Ackles, this is Ms. Y/L/N, our favorite Kindergarten teacher.” Your eyes went wide. Standing in your classroom was Jensen Ackles. His green eyes sparkling like emeralds under the fluorescent lights, his sandy brown hair perfectly styled, and he smelled like heaven. 
He extended his hand to shake yours. “Hello Ms Y/L/N, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” You took his hand in yours and your breath hitched. You knew who he was, you’d been a fan for years. “Nice to meet you too, Mr Ackles. I look forward to speaking with you more about the tutoring needs of your children.” 
He smiled and nodded. The two of you couldn’t tear your eyes away from each other. You unconsciously bit your lip. The sound of a little voice pulled you two out of your trance. “Ms Y/L/N, is this right?” One of your students came up with her paper for you to check. “So what should this sentence start with?” Her bright eyes looking at you and then down at her paper, “Um, oh a capital.” You smiled and nodded.
She went back to her seat and fixed her paper. “Okay guys, remember to capitalize, and illustrate your writing. Don’t forget your setting and color.”
Your principal came up to you, “We are going to head out, I’ll give Mr. Ackles your number so you two can set up a meeting.” You nodded and thanked them, then they left.
Your heart was still pounding in your chest and you felt a warmth fill your body. Girl, get it together. He’s way out of your league, both of you are married, and you might be tutoring his children. This is just a celebrity crush. Keep it professional. 
The end of the day came quickly. You were cleaning up your classroom when you heard a knock on your classroom door. Looking up you saw Jensen. Your breath caught in your throat. “Excuse me Ms Y/L/N, I hope I’m not disturbing you.” “Oh no, I’m just cleaning up before heading home. How can I help you Mr Ackles?” 
“Well I really liked what I saw today. You were engaging and gentle but you can see your students know your expectations. I’d like to offer you the tutoring job if you’d like it.” “Oh, of course. May I meet your children before I officially start? This won’t work if the kids don’t like me.” 
Jensen smiled and nodded. “I’ll text you my address and you’re welcome to come by this afternoon.” “Sure, that would be great. I can’t wait to meet them and your wife.” You smiled. “Well, she’s out of town right now, so that will have to wait.” “Okay. If you need to wait for her, that's fine. I want her to be fine with me tutoring the kids too.” “Nope, this was something we’d talked about before she left, and she knew I was going to hire someone as soon as I could.”
“Okay, great. I’ll come by this afternoon then. I’ll see you later Mr Ackles.” “Jensen, please call me Jensen.” “Jensen, then. Feel free to call me Y/N.” He smiled and so did you. When he left you pulled out your phone to text your husband.
You: Hey, heading to meet the kids I might be tutoring. The dad asked me to come by this afternoon.
Hubby: Okay, I’ll see you at home later then. Love you
You: I love you too. 
You set your phone down and finished cleaning. A few minutes later your phone went off.
Unknown: Hey, Y/N. This is Jensen. My address is 123 E Main Street. Can’t wait for the kids to meet you.
You: Hey, Jensen. I can’t wait to meet them either. I’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Just finishing up here. 
Jensen: Great! See you then.
You finished what you were doing and grabbed your stuff heading out of the school. Driving to Jensen’s house you were nervous but excited. You’d tutored before, but never for a celebrity and definitely not for someone you had been crushing on for decades. 
Pulling down the long driveway you were in awe at the spacious home that stood before you. Putting your car in park, you grabbed your bag and got out. 
Before you could knock on the door it opened and Jensen greeted you with a smile. “Hey, Y/N, glad you could make it.” “Hello, Mr. Ackles, thank you for having me.” “Please, call me Jensen.” You nodded and smiled, “Okay, Jensen.” 
He welcomed you into his spacious home and led you to the living room. “Please have a seat, and I’ll get the kids down here. Would you like anything to drink? Tea, water?” “Um, sure, I’ll have water if you don’t mind.” “Sure thing. I’ll grab it and the kids.”
You sat on the couch as Jensen left the room. You heard him calling the kids and the sound of feet on the stairs. 
Jensen and the kids came back to the room. He handed you the water. “Thank you.” He nodded and smiled. “Kids, this is Ms Y/L/N, she’s going to be your tutor. Ms Y/L/N, this is my oldest, Annie, and the twins, Jessica and Jensen Jr., we call him Jr.” “Hi guys, it’s nice to finally meet you three.” “Hello Ms Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you too.” Jensen’s son walked over and sat next to you, “Are you married? Do you have any kids?” “Yes I am married, and no I don’t have any children yet. I’m a teacher so my students are like my kids right now.” 
The five of you sat in the living room talking and getting to know each other. After the kids got tired of talking and asking you questions, they left the room. Leaving you and Jensen alone. “So, Y/N, what do you think? Think you can handle them?” You smiled and nodded, “Yes. They seem really sweet, I’d be just fine with them.” 
“Well, all that’s left is to talk about schedule, pay, and the NDA. The NDA is to protect everyone involved. You’re more than welcome to contact an attorney to look it over.” You smiled and nodded. About 45 minutes later you and Jensen had talked about your schedule, the pay and he’d given you the NDA.
“So, Y/N, do you have any additional questions for me?” “Yes, when will your wife be back, I’d love to meet her too.” “She won’t be back for a few weeks, but you’ll get to meet her when she returns.” You nodded and stood, “Well, Jensen I better leave you to it. I need to get home anyway. I have some things to do for work.” “Of course, well thank you again for coming by this evening. Let me walk you out.” 
The two of you walked towards the door. “Thank you again, Y/N for agreeing to take this job. We’ve interviewed so many people and they couldn’t get past my status to focus on the kids.” “If I’m being honest Jensen, I’ve been a fan of yours for years, but I promise that will not interfere with my job.” Jensen stepped a little closer to you, and your heart beat faster, “I’m glad. I think this is going to work out for everyone.” A blush filled your cheeks and you bit your lip. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jensen. Please tell the kids goodbye.” He nodded as you stepped out of the house.
Getting into your car, you let out the breath you’d been holding. Driving home you couldn’t focus on anything but how gorgeous Jensen looked. Stop it girl! You work for him now. If you can’t stop these thoughts there is no way you’re going to be able to work for him. Your focus should be on his children. Both of you are married, and his wife is absolutely gorgeous. 
About a half hour later you were pulling in your driveway. Your husband was already home. Walking in the house you announced you were home, “Honey I’m home.” Your husband, Jeff, came around the corner and pulled you into a hug and a kiss. 
“How was the meeting with the family?” He asked as he pulled back. “It was great. The kids are so sweet. The wife is out of town and the dad is super nice too. There is a little problem. Well, not really a problem, but something I need to tell you.” “Okay, babe, is everything okay?” “Yeah, so the dad asked me to sign an NDA.” Your husband laughed, “Why is he a secret service agent or a celebrity?” You got a serious look on your face and your husband’s laughter died down. “What? Is he really?” “He and his wife are celebrities. It’s Jensen Ackles.”
Your husband pulled away and looked at you in surprise. He knew how much you liked Jensen and how much of a fan you’d been. “Yeah, I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with you working for him.” You looked at him confused, “What? Why not?” “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you’ve had the hots for him for years.” 
“Jeff, come on, really? I have no interest in him. I love you and I’m married to you. This is a job to help bring in more income for us. Besides, the pay is incredible. I tried to negotiate because I felt it was too much, but he insisted. We’d make enough in two months to pay off our credit cards.” 
Your husband’s jaw tightened, “I don’t care. I forbid you to take this job!” “I’m sorry, what? You forbid me?!? What the hell is wrong with you?” He stepped closer to you, “You heard me. You can’t take the job.” You scoffed and walked away. Jeff grabbed your arm, “Don’t fucking walk away from me!” “Let me go Jeff!” You pulled your arm away and walked to your shared room, locking the door behind you.
You sat on your bed and cried. How could he act like this? You two had been married for years and never had you given him a reason to doubt your loyalty. He’d never grabbed you before and you would never let him do it again. 
You pulled out your phone and sent a text to your best friend.
You: Hey, can I come crash at your place for a bit. Jeff and I had a bad fight. I don’t want to be here right now.
Y/B/F: Absolutely. Are you okay? Do you need me and hubby to come over?
You: Yeah, I’m okay. No, I’ll be okay. I’ll call if I need you.
Y/B/F: Okay babes, see you soon.
You grabbed your suitcase and put some work clothes and casual clothes in it. You grabbed your toiletries and other things you needed. As you walked out into the living room Jeff was sitting on the couch. You could see he was still pissed. “Have you come to your senses, Y/N?” “Yes I have, I’m going to Y/B/F’s house until I figure things out. You will NEVER put your hands on me again!” 
He stood and your heart beat fast. As he walked closer to you, you could see the rage in his face. You had been with him for years and you had never seen him like this, you were scared. 
Jeff stepped closer to you, mere inches from your face, “That’s right, go run to her house and go be his whore.” You didn’t say anything. You grabbed your bags and left. 
Driving down the road the tears started to fall. How could he act like this over a simple job? Why was he so jealous over Jensen? Sure you liked him, but you would never act on those feelings.
Pulling into your friend’s driveway you saw her open the door before you got out of the car. She ran up to you and threw her arms around you. “Oh sweetie, what happened?” She saw your tear stained face. “I told him about the tutoring job I took and he lost it. Told me I couldn’t take it and then he grabbed my arm. When I told him I was leaving he told me to go be the dad’s whore. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” 
“Let’s get you inside, eat and I’ll open a bottle of wine. Then we can talk.” You nodded and grabbed your things. Her husband walked over and gave you a big hug, “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m gonna head out so you girls can chat. Enjoy dinner.” He placed a kiss on your head before heading out the door. 
Y/F/N and you grabbed the food, and wine and sat down in the living room. “So why would he get so pissed about a tutoring job?” “Well the dad asked me to sign an NDA, he’s a celebrity. I guess Jeff thought I’d sleep with the dad or something. I just don’t understand.” “Oooh who is it?” “I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. Maybe I can ask if I can tell you, but I want to respect his privacy.” “I get it, but Jeff still shouldn’t have gotten pissed about it. Sounds like he’s got something to hide honestly.”
You hadn’t thought about that before, but now you couldn’t get it out of your head. Maybe he was the one cheating on you and was projecting. “Well even if he is, I don’t think I can go back to him. After he put his hands on me and the way he tried to intimidate me before I left. I can’t live with that fear.” “You are welcome to stay here as long as you want. We’ve got you girl, and don’t worry he won’t get near you here.”
*Time Jump 3 months*
“Okay guys, let’s get up and stretch for a bit. We’ve been working hard. Who wants to go outside and play for a bit?” You asked the kids after spending about an hour working with them at the kitchen table. The kids jumped up and ran outside, laughing and racing each other. You smiled as you started to clean up the table. 
Jensen walked into the kitchen and smiled, “Break time, I see.” “Yeah, they needed a break and so did I. Can I get you a coffee, Jensen?” Jensen walked over to the coffee pot, “No, let me get one for you. You’ve been busy educating my children. It’s the least I can do.” 
Jensen grabbed a coffee cup and filled it up, sliding it to you at the kitchen bar. You nodded and told him thank you. He filled one up and leaned against the counter. “So, how are they doing? Are you still okay with working with all three of them?” “Oh they are amazing children. You and your wife should be very proud of them. I adore them.” 
“Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate that.” “So if you don’t mind me asking, when is Mrs. Ackles coming home? I know she’s been out of town on a trip for about a week.” “Oh, yeah she’s on a girls trip. I believe she will come back next week. Maybe she’ll be around more after she gets back.” You could see the pain in his eyes and it broke your heart. “Well I can’t wait to sit and chat with her. I enjoy talking to you, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy sitting and talking to her too.” 
There was a pregnant silence that fell between you two, you looked up and met his eyes. They had a softness to them and were full of kindness. You blushed and smiled. The silence was broken by the sounds of crying. Jensen and you jumped up and ran outside. His daughter, Jessica was sitting on the ground crying. You and Jensen ran over to her and saw her knee was bleeding. 
Jensen scooped her up and carried her in the house. He sat her on the counter and you stood next to her. “Shh, it’s okay baby girl. Your daddy is going to get the first aid kit.” You rubbed her back and wiped her tears. 
Jensen came back carrying the first aid box. You held Jessica’s hand as he cleaned up the wound. “So Jess, what do you want for dinner? I bet you can get your daddy to get you whatever you want.” “I want cheeseburgers and ice cream, she sniffled.” “Ooh that sounds yummy. Does your daddy make good burgers?” She smiled and nodded. 
“Okay baby girl, all done.” Jessica looked at Jensen, “It didn’t even hurt.” Her eyes were wide. You smiled and Jensen looked over at you and smiled. “Well I think Ms Y/N has the magic touch then.” “Yes she does. Ms Y/N, can you stay for dinner?” Jensen was shocked, “Oh honey, Ms. Y/N has to get home to her husband. She can’t stay for dinner.” 
“Well, Jessica, if it’s okay with your dad I’d love to stay for dinner.” “Yay! I’m gonna go tell Jr and Annie.” You helped her down and she took off. As you were helping Jensen clean up, he looked at you, “Thank you for keeping her calm, but you really don’t have to stay. I’m sure your husband is waiting for you.” 
You put your head down, trying to hold back the tears. Taking a deep breath, “No, he’s not. I really would like to stay if you’re okay with it.” “Yes, that would be great. Jess really wants you to stay.” “Okay, let me help you cook then.” “Oh no ma’am, you are our guest.” 
You smiled “Please, it’s the least I can do.” “I’m not going to win this argument, am I?” “Nope, you’re not.” You laughed. “Okay, fine.” He chuckled.
Thirty minutes later you and Jensen were calling the kids in to wash up for dinner. Dinner was delicious and after dinner Jensen pulled out the ice cream. Jessica was excited, because they didn’t get ice cream often. “My wife would kill me if she knew I was giving them ice cream. They tend to get a little wild.” You both laughed. 
After ice cream, the kids went to the living room to watch tv while you helped Jensen clean up the kitchen. His phone rang as you two were cleaning. He sighed before he answered and walked out of the room. 
You kept cleaning and a few minutes later he came back in. “Sorry about that. It was my wife. She wanted to talk to the kids.” “Oh it’s not a problem. That’s sweet she calls when she’s away.” “Yeah, it is.” His jaw tightened a bit. 
The two of you reached for a bowl at the same time and your hands brushed against each other. A chill went through your body. You two looked at each other and you bit your lip, he swallowed hard. 
“Sorry,” you said as you pulled your hand back. “It’s okay.” Jensen cleared his throat, “Well it’s getting late. I’m sure your husband is worried about you.” You took a deep breath, “No, we um, actually split up a little over 3 months ago.” Jensen placed his hand on yours, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. That has to be hard.” “Yeah, it has been. Things just got really bad, so I left. I’ve been living with my best friend and her husband since.” 
“Well, if it gets too crazy there we have a guesthouse you’re welcome to stay in. I know the kids would love to have you around more.” You smiled, “That’s a generous offer, but I think I’m okay where I am right now. Besides, that’s a decision I think your wife should be included in.” “I understand, the offer stands though. She’d be fine with it. She’s always willing to help people.” “Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ll keep it in mind.” 
About an hour later the kids were in bed and you were getting ready to head home. “Well, thank you for dinner and a wonderful evening. I will see you on Monday.” Jensen stood to walk you to the door. His hand brushed lightly on the small of your back and a shiver went through you. “Good night, Jensen. Thank you again for dinner and the conversation.” “Good night, Y/N, and you’re welcome.” Jensen reached out and pulled you into a hug. You took a deep breath and breathed him in. God he smelt amazing, and he was so warm. 
When you two pulled away he lightly ran his thumb over your cheek. You instinctively leaned into his touch. Your breath hitched, “I should go.” You whispered. “Yeah, you probably should.” 
Jensen stepped closer, you bit your lip. His thumb ran over your chin, pulling your lip out of your teeth. Your breathing grew more rapid and your heart beat wildly. His lips were inches from yours, your breath mingling with his. He licked his lips and leaned even closer. You felt his lips ghosting over yours. “Jensen..” “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” You looked at him, your voice caught in your throat. “Y/N, do you want me to stop?” “No,” was all you said. 
Jensen’s lips crashed into yours. Soft but forceful and full of passion and need. Your mind swirling, your heart pounding as his tongue licked your lips asking for entrance. You parted your swollen lips and his tongue took dominance in your mouth. Jensen’s hands went into your hair and pulled you closer to him. Your hands wrapped around his neck. 
The kiss seemed to last for hours, the need for air causing your lungs to scream for oxygen, but in that moment Jensen was the only thing you needed to live. When the need for air became too much, you both pulled away, panting with swollen lips. 
You were blushing and Jensen was smiling. “I’ve been dying to do that for a really long time.” You smiled and bit your lip. His hand brushing against your cheek, “So beautiful”. You took a deep breath, “Good night Jensen.” He placed a soft peck on your lips before you walked out of the house. 
Driving home all you could think of was the kiss. You’d dreamed of kissing him for years, but he’s married. What did the kiss mean to him, to your job? Would he want to do it again, would you? Your mind was racing with thoughts of the kiss and how you could still feel his lips on yours. The sound of your phone pulling you out of your head.
Jensen: So I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I swear I didn’t plan that. 
You: You didn’t make me uncomfortable. I liked it. Honestly, a little too much. 
Jensen: I liked it too. I’d like to do it again if you want.
You: I like that more than you know, but you’re married and my boss. I’m not sure it’s a great idea.
What the hell are you doing!? Jensen Ackles is telling you he wants to kiss you again and you’re shooting him down. Ugh!
Jensen: I understand. Please don’t think this changes anything or affects your job. It doesn’t. You’re amazing with my kids and I wouldn’t want to mess that up.
You: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. Good night, and I’ll see you Monday.
Jensen: Good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams and see you Monday.
As you crawled into bed that night all you could think about was the kiss and how wonderful his hands felt on you. A small pang of guilt crept into your head when you thought about his wife. You still couldn’t believe you told him you didn’t think kissing him again would be a good idea. His lips were so soft and damn was he a good kisser. 
Could you really still work for him after this, or would the pull to kiss him become too much?
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Spencer and the gang are called in for a case. Morgan and J.J are the last to enter Garcia’s office.
“Brief us baby girl” Morgan said as he sat down beside Reid.
“Right well, this girl was held at gunpoint” Penelope put up the girl's picture on the screen. “But then someone tried to defuse the situation when the gunman, now a kidnapper, took her, no reason as to why, and the reason we’re involved is because the kidnapper is our unsub,” Penelope finished.
“She’s pretty,” Morgan said. “Spencer what do you think” Morgan nugged Spence. Today Spencer was deep in thought; he was thinking of multiple different ideas permitting from one single thought.
How would I go about this
“Mmhm su-” He raised his head and looked at the screen and all colour drained from his face. Spencer took out his phone and started to dial. ”Something you’d like to share with the class Spencer?” Morgan asked but Spencer ignored him. The phone went off to voicemail.
“Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit” Spencer dialled again yet was only greeted with the same voicemail.
Hey its y/n i might be a little busy so either leave a message or call back later alright
The gang was stunned. Spencer never swore.
“Spencer, Spencer finally looked at Morgan, his eyes wide.
“That is my, that’s y/n she’s my girlfriend, I-” Spencer started to speak an entirely different language.
“Spencer we’ll find her” Hotch said, he’d never seen Reid like this.
Spencer’s phone starts ringing and it’s y/n. He immediately answers it and puts it on speaker. He sets it down on the table as he tries to calm himself down.
“Y/-” But he’s cut off by a man’s voice.
“SHUT UP I’M TALKING TO SOMEONE WHO MIGHT SAVE YOUR BITCH ASS LIFE” there’s a loud smack and someone shouts.
“UNTIE ME ASSHOLE AND LET’S SEE WHO'S THE BITCH HE-” Y/n is cut off by her kidnapper stuffing cloth in her mouth.
The team was shocked at what y/n said because most people would be a mess if they were kidnapped by y/n seemed not only agitated but in the right state of mind.
“Who is this?” Spencer demands his voice so sharp that Derek has to do a double take. “And what did you just do”
“Someone who has your wife at gunpoint” Morgan glances at Hotch. Wife? ”What I did to her, I just shut her up”
“What do you want” Spencer sounded calm but to his teammates, his erratic eye movement, how he keeps clenching and unclenching his fingers and how he briefly pulls his hair before going back to clenching his fingers.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this you know” the kidnapper completely ignored Spencer’s question. “It was a simple robbery, all she had to do was gimme her wallet, but nooo this little bitch had something to say” the kidnapper pulls y/n hair making her scream into the gag.
“AND I STILL HAVE SOMET-” another smack could be heard.
“Stop hitting her” Spencer could feel his self control slipping
“Oh don’t worry hubby she’s out cold, now I’m going to make her pay for her rudeness”
“Why did you call me,”
“To know if the contact name Hubby served what i think it does”
“And what do you think it serves”
“The person who’s going to bury this bitch” the kidnapper hangs up and Spencer all but reaches for his phone to toss it.
“What’s our game plan?” Penelope asks.
“Well,” Morgan starts. “I think Spence should start,”
Spencer looks at them, he sighs before he speaks.
“Y/n L/n is my girlfriend but technically by Las Vegas laws we're married”
Derek starts. “You had a girlfriend-wife and you never told us” Spencer keeps his eyes on the phone in front of him.
“I was going to tell you guys”
“When I got her to say yes” Spencer’s shoulders drooped.
“You were gonna re-propose?”
“Yes,” Spencer took out a black box from his coat pocket. “Tonight, I had everything planned”
“Spencer '' Morgan clasps Spencer’s shoulder. “We will find her, that’s what we do,”
They team except for Garcia go to the scene of the crime. It’s a fast food restaurant.
“She loves their burgers,” Spencer chuckles before looking at the building opposite.
“We’ll never know what she bought till we find her,”
“That’s where we start,” Aaron says as he points over to the tiny camera on its ceiling. Spencer and Derek go in as JJ calls Emily and Rossi over from interrogating a customer. Derek and Spencer meet a burly 30 something man.
“No I ayn’t geeving ya my CCTV, gyet lawst,”
“Derek, could you wait outside for a second,” Derek without question steps out. Hotch and the rest later notice.
“Why are you out here?”
“Spencer,” Derek shrugs.
The door opens and Spencer is holding a tape.
“What did you do?”
“I asked him for it,” Spencer hands the tape to Derek. Derek looks at him skeptically, “I promise I didn’t hurt him,”
Find CCtv footage of the car y/n was kidnapped in
Track it down to somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Find it in front of a house
*They surround the house and get inside but the kidnapper dude already has y/n is his hands with a gun to her head.
Spencer comes from behind and shoots him in the hand holding the gun his shot being through and through
*Y/n tries to strangle the dude but Spencer grabs her from behind and pulls her away *
"LET ME GO, LET ME AT HIM," y/n yells as Reid holds her in. "LET. ME. AT. HIM."
"Calm down sunshine," Reid whispers in your ear. “He’s down,” he says as he rests hims face in your hair.
"Reid!? Reid,'' He spins you in his arms and hugs you bringing you close; he doesn't kiss you because you are surrounded by an audience.
"I thought I might have lost you" you nestle into his neck.
"You will never lose me Spence not if I have anything to say about it" You let go. “Can I atleast land one hit, I promise just one,” Spencer for the first time during this 3 day period, smiles.
"Spencer,” JJ called. "How about you do take care of this one, yeah"
Spencer nodded and took you home. Some of his clothes were at your place, so he didn’t bother stopping at his place.
He filled up your tub and undressed you. He wanted to let you be but you didn't let him. He slipped in behind you and he held you. For a long time.
"Tell me what you remember, sunshine, come on, let it out don't be all strong and brave, be weak and fragile, right here, right now,"
You leaned into him and before you knew it you were crying.
You never felt so helpless. You told him what happened. How it felt being held at gunpoint for the first time. How it felt being shoved into the car. The turns, right, left, left again.
The car stopping and him getting out and tossing her on the ground. Blacking out. Waking up in a wooden chair, tied down. Him slapping you twice for talking back at him.
Taking your phone.
Calling Spencer
His voice woke her up.
She wanted to cry then.
"Hey baby come on let it all out, studies show that the more you cry the more likely you'll recover from violent otherwise traumatic events an-"
"Yeah sunshine"
"I love you okay"
"I love you more" Spencer takes the loofa and scrubs your feet, “If you want to stop we can”
“I- you- you need to know right?” I sob. “Your job”
“I don’t need to put down everything sometimes” Spencer stops what he’s doing and he comes back to you, “This is one of those times, okay?”
“O-okay” I sniff and sob. “I’m a mess,”
“I like everything about you about you even your mess”
“It’s sta-statistically proven th-that woman who show a sign of distress or a misery in a relationship tend to end up breaking the r-”
“Baby that’s rubbish, if you read that off a site it needs to be taken down” Spencer holds your head in his arms. “That’s a lie right there, this will never break, it’s actually the opposite see-” He stops when he notices the smile on my face.
“Yes sunshine”
“I’m joking” he rolls his eyes at you but you can see the smile tugging at his lips
He takes you out and cleans you before cleaning himself. He changes you into matching pyjamas. “Now as your doctor, I suggest bed rest with your boyfriend” you giggle.
“I like that treatment plan”
“So does your boyfriend”
Spencer stays by your side the entire night. The proposal can wait another day.
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rhizogenes · 3 months
ᡣ𐭩Toji as your husband ,domestic, lil touchy ᡣ𐭩
Since his promotion , Toji started coming home late due to loads of meetings with the higher ups.
“Sweetheart?” he grumbled, walking in the house after a long day." I'm home". No response. "Sugar?" He then heard noises of utensils clanking .
He walks up behind you, gently holding your hips and pulling you close to his chest, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “I missed you, sweetheart.” You flinched for a second but after taking in his natural scent which you ever so loved, you put your head back into his shoulders and smiled contently. "How was work love?"
“Boring.” he mumbled, running his hands along your curves. He was clearly in need for attention, his touch was greedy . He gently kissed at your neck, his hands slowly moving lower and lower to your lower belly." L-Love..not now..I'm baking strawberry cookies". He chuckled, gently nibbling your ear “Just a minute babe..” His hands slowly move down to your thighs, moving under your clothes to feel your bare skin.
"Mmmmm~" He smirked, his hands slowly creeping up along your inner thighs and under your clothes now, his touch almost teasing. He moved his head to rest on your shoulder, nibbling your neck while his hands explored.“Mmm... pretty girl... all for me, huh?” .
"Yes Toji~ all for youuu~" . “Mm... I like the sound of that~”
He moved, trapping you against the counter, his hands massaging your hips and thighs, gently and slowly trailing along your skin.“So soft baby...”, Please kiss me more Toji...been missing you so much". You pleaded with your doe eyes . “Mmm, since you asked so nicely~”
He moved one hand to your chin, forcing you to look back at him before planting a harsh kiss on your lips, his tongue wasting no time in forcing it’s way into your mouth. His other hand slowly crept to the waistband of your bottoms, playing with the edge and pulling them down to mid thigh.
He carried you to the bedroom to continue your heated session. "Wait..what's that noise?" you spoke suddenly .He paused, gently pulling away to turn his head.
“Huh? What noise?”
"From the kitchen babe....did you close the door while you were coming in?" you whispered. " Uhmm...maybe...I guess?" You were scared and started trembling in his hold. "Don't worry love, I will check it out. You just stay right here..don't move a muscle" Toji whispered.
You had decided to sneakily follow him and both of you couldn't believe what you saw...
"You better leave some cookies for me Sugu...or I'll turn feral " ... " Well, it's not my fault that it's super tasty". Satoru and Suguru were squabbling around in the kitchen , each grabbing a handful of your strawberry cookies.
"What in the world are you fools doing in my house?! " Toji bellowed. He ran straight towards them and yelled , " I should've tasted them first....hubby privilege ! Now...hand it over before I- "
Satoru and Suguru looked at each other and screamed , "Run for your livessess!! " while Toji chased them through the neighbourhood . You just stood next to the doorframe, and admired their childish quarrels.
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antimatterz · 1 year
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boyfriend/dating headcanons
ft. dan heng, gepard (my fav hubbies yesyes)
they might be ooc since i'm still getting into hsr and still trying to get to know them. might rewrite this when i am at that point and maybe i'll expand it with various other characters, i'll see lol
content under the cut | masterlist
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— dan heng
here's the thing with dan heng
he's quite reserved but also unintentionally blunt and bold sometimes
i mean, he literally was about to perform cpr when he found you unconscious? boy going for that kiss after meeting you a minute ago
the proverb "still waters run deep" perfectly applies to him. he appears placid and that's something you really have to get used to in the beginning
he doesn't say much, nor does he seem to react much to what happens around him
which is a little weird to you at first. is he even happy with you? is he even affected by your presence and your actions? it doesn't seem that way... it confuses you
but really, once you get to know him, you learn to read him very well and you start to see things
his eyes, the corners of his mouth, the faint blush on his cheeks, the secret glances, the way he seems less indifferent around you
the light touches when he thinks no one is watching; his hand on the small of your back as you walk through the corridors of the space station, his fingertips grazing yours as he ponders whether or not to just take your hand even though you're in public..
eventually he grows more confident and open, and though he's still not a big fan of pda, he just can't resist showering you with subtle hints of affection
like playing with your hair during trailblazer meetings as you sit against him (the corners of his mouth would curl up ever so slightly that it's barely even noticable)
oh as i said before, he tends to be quite blunt sometimes, as he often speaks his honest thoughts. okay, he isn't the type to just blurt out things so he knows what he's saying but he also knows how it never fails to make you blush as his remarks leave you flustered
he's not the most cuddly person, you might have to help him get into a little. maybe you have to initiate acts of affection 9 out of 10 times but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you !! it's just how he is
you'd be surprised, though, as the longer the two of you are together, the more he makes the first move when it comes to showing love and affection
still though, i feel like he's more the type to verbally tell you how much you mean to him than through affection
and yeah, he'll leave you flustered as heck because he likes you a lot and he bluntly tells you so because why hide it?
you often tease him about the cpr thing and all the teasing will eventually lead to your first kiss (c'mon, you literally challenged him with all your teasing and who would not indulge if their s/o is literally asking for it?)
well, dan heng takes the chance
as blunt as he is with words, he is way more shy with next-level physical affection so his kisses are shy shy shy and careful which is really cute especially since he becomes so blushy afterwards in the beginning
and seeing the always so collected dan heng being flustered is a rarity and it's just super adorable
— gepard landau
this guy has a reputation
that of being a tough guy, stern and with a strong sense of justice, strong-willed and to some maybe even as cold as the ice of the eternal freeze that covered jarilo-vi
however, that was merely a facade, one that was pretty much mandatory as the captain of the silvermane guards and part of the royal family of belobog
it was only his public image, one that he showed to the people of belobog. you fell for it at first, being quite intimidated by the reputation that preceded him far and wide
but oh, then he developed a soft spot for you and it's so so so obvious that even the people of belobog notice it lol
yes they might notice it but they will never actually get to see the softie he is around you and he r e a l l y is soft for you
will go to his sister serval for advice in the beginning because as tough as he may seem he is actually quite insecure regarding this matter and just wants to do it well
and he is such a sweetheart??
special little smiles only for you, watching him utter out compliments and sweet nothings while he's trying to hide how very flustered he is even more so when you are the one calling him cute names and stuff
not afraid to show you off when the two of you are walking around belobog during his free time, always holding your hand and all
gets beet red every time serval teases him and that happens a lot – which is super adorable; seeing such a tall and tough guy all blushy, you can't help but coo at it which makes it even worse for the poor male
i wouldn't necessarily say he's super cuddly, he's more casual when it comes to that? like he loves it when you snuggle up against him and he won't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and hold you close but going all tiny and cuddly? that's just not him ig but he loves it when you get all clingy around him and he'll reward you with the cutest smile
but really, he has his own ways of showing that he's super into you. for instance, the fact that he's gepard around you instead of captain landau
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ye4gerism · 1 year
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Bachelorette season is starting up again! Y/N L/N is the new stunning face of the Bachelorette and so far the viewers feel that she’s favorable.
Of course, the honeymoon phase of the show will decrease episode by episode and someone is bound to crack really soon.
INTO THE LIVES OF THE BOYS: exclusive interviews with the eight remaining contestants
“What are you looking for in a partner?”
COLT GRICE: i’m honestly looking for someone who is willing to go through the ups and downs of life with me. i know that sounds basic but trust me, i know what it’s like to watch a marriage fall apart because one person wasn’t committed enough.
EREN YEAGER: you know, when i think of a partner, i think of someone i can jump out of a plane with. my partner and i should be able to feel the “breeze” of marriage and overcome everything together
“Do you have any past relationships?”
OYANKOPON: who hasn’t? i hope this isn’t some sort of trick question. there was a person i thought i’d marry but an unforeseen event helped me understand that they weren’t for me.
JEAN KIRSTEIN: oh yeah…too many. i was kind of a player in high school and i screwed around a lot in college but as i’ve gotten older, i realized that i want a family and a future.
“Eren you and Zeke look oddly alike. Why is that?”
EREN YEAGER: really? that blonde mop? i don’t really see it.
“What is your guilty pleasure?”
ARMIN ARLERT: i’m sort of into conspiracy theories. sometimes i feel bad because as bizarre as some are, they’re kind of believable.
PORCO GALLIARD: i won’t lie; i love ordering in. i eat healthy and everything yes but, boy, don’t i love sitting on my couch on a friday night and eating my favorite that just got delivered to me.
“How do you like to spend your free time?
CONNIE SPRINGER: i personally love spending time with my two younger siblings. i love living life through them.
REINER BRAUN: my niece is the funniest person i know. since the moment she was born, she’s brought a smile to my face. i love spending my free time with her!
A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME…: dirt on the cast
“Rumor has it one of the contestants has a wife.”
We wouldn’t be surprised. 10 handsome men enter the show and none of them are married? That’s a little suspicious don’t you think? Colt and Reiner are definitely hubby material.
“Eren is passed around like a football 😞”
With those green eyes, the ladies are probably all over him…and he’s probably all over them too. You didn’t hear it from us though.”
“Jean and Eren don‘t get along”
An insider told us the two were throwing looks at each other. It probably has something to do with Eren stealing Jean’s girlfriend in highschool.
“I heard that jean and eren went to high school tg and that eren stole jean’s long term gf”
What did we say?
“Zeke has a crush on Y/N”
we have a crush on y/n too!
“Zeke has daddy kink”
“I heard y/n f*cked zeke to get on the show”
Are we talking about the right Zeke?
“yn is just gonna be playing all the guys, she's there for vibes”
We love a good feminist! Why be on a show for marriage when you can be a show to play men? We love it.
That’s all for now! Tune in next week for more juicy details!
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i didn’t hit all questions but i will use them next week’s post! some of these answers made me laugh lmao😭 imagine zeke falling for you (UNLESS👁️). i’ll definitely incorporate some of these rumors into the story :). i also forgot to introduce hitch and pieck, so i’ll try and integrate them into the next few chapters!
if you would like to vote again, press here. you don’t have to answer the written answer questions if you have already! just let me know that you’ve already answered! i’ll probably close the poll tmrw so i can finish up the chapter :)
tysm again for reading the bachelorette!
taglist: @katestrophes @taylarxse @invisible-mori @tanakaslastbraincell @mrsharuchiyo @parkerluvsu @conniesbbymama @444ctrl @gabbadabbad00 @cvberidiot @maliagurl @greeniegreengreen @teanica @illgrrl @asymetricstar @llovesero @haitainiwhore3 @durag_tanaka
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el-ly-sha-give-no-f · 2 years
hellooo could you make a picture on Hakim Ziyech that he is wife! reader have an age gap (she is 24 years old) except that it never shocked their family apart from the girl fans of hakim who are jealous so he tries to find n Doesn't matter if she has a pretext to give the reader a bad image of her
Hakim Ziyech x Wife!reader
WORDS : 1689
TW: nothing other than age gap relationship and fluff
Author note: Since many of you have been spaming my inbox for Hakim's fic, here I give you, Istg If you guys didn't read this, I'll hunt you guys one by one, and for anon, thank you for the ideas! I actually didn't read your request till the end so there's gonna be slight difference with your request, sorry ;(
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You woke up earlier before Hakim; as usual, it's Saturday today, so that means hakim and you are free. Hakim has no training today, and you don't have any class, so you plan to make a simple breakfast for both of you.
You gently remove his hand from your waist, so you can get up from the bed without waking him up; he told you about how tired he was for this couple of days, so you let him rest for a little bit.
As you succeed in getting up from the bed, you tip-toed till you reach the door room, slowly to avoid making noise. Once you get out of the room, you start making your way to your house kitchen and start making breakfast. Just a simple omelette is enough. Due to Hakim's restricted diet, you can't do a lot with that,
After making the omelette, you go upstairs to your bedroom to check if he is still sleeping or already waking up from his sleep. Surprisingly, he is still sleeping like a baby. He really is tired, and he's not kidding about that. He is not even moving slightly; Hakim sleeps like when you left him earlier, so you go to him to wake him up.
"Hakim, wake up baby" you put your hand on his back as he is sleeping on his stomach, and his head turns sideways. You get close to his ear and start to whisper. "wake up, love; I made us breakfast."
To hakim, your voice is like a melody in his ears.
He started to stir from his sleep. He turns his head to your side and turn to lie on his back, You see him opening his eyes slowly due to the light coming into the room from the window.
"Morning wifey", you heard him, his morning voice always going to be your favourite thing; it's so attractive to you.
"Morning Hubby", you reply. "I make both of us omelette" You let him know. He nods and says thank you to you; Hakim asks you to wait for him because he wants to shower first before breakfast—typical Hakim.
While you wait for him to finish his shower, you sit on the living room couch downstairs and open your Instagram app on your phone.
You scroll through your feed until you find one headline posting enough to make your heart shattered. Picture of you and Hakim that you didn't quite remember when. But it's a picture of you holding his hand, walking around London.
"Hakim Ziyech married a 24 years old girl?" you read the headline title and continue to read the whole paragraph about both of you.
"The Chelsea footballer from Morocco is believed to be married to a girl that far different from his age. We also discovered her name and where she's studying.
Her name is Y/n Y/l/n, and she studies at Royal Holloway College in engineering courses. But that's not the actual point. We're going to talk about the age gap between the two of them, does Hakim's family okay with this? Do you think having an age gap in a relationship is okay? Let us know in the comment," You don't have to wait; the comment buttons on the screen make your hand itchy to tap it.
"Bro, what? You can do better Hakim."
"Hakim, what the heck is this? Can you see that she's not enough for you?"
"They are both adults; they can think by themself; stop hating on innocent couple just because you guys are jealous!"
"There's nothing wrong with the age gap; at least they're happy and married, not like you; you guys that hate on him are disgusting af!"
"no thought, just weird."
"Hakim can pull every girl he want, but he choose the wrong one."
You don't even realise that your eyes start pooling with tears, but at least some of them are okay with this whole dilemma. You are so occupied reading the comment because it's so addictive to read.
You don't even realise Hakim is already downstairs, just finishing dressing himself up with a white t-shirt and sweatpants. How fast.
You feel a light tap on your shoulder, so you quickly turn off your phone before you turn around. Only to greet by Hakim face portrayed an unpleasant expression.
"Oh, hi you" you try to make everything look fine, but as soon as your tears come out, you know you have messed up.
"Don't. Hi me, why are you crying? What's a wrong sweetheart?" he asks you worriedly.
"Nothing Hakim I'm not crying, I'm yawning" you quickly wiped your tears. This time he proceeded to sit next to you.
"No, I'm not dumb, Y/n, you're crying, don't lie to me, tell me what's wrong?" he asks again, becoming more serious this time.
You just shook your head no; as soon as you wanted to leave the conversation, he grabbed your hand before you could leave the living room.
"Sit down; we talk about this", Hakim instruct. You try to get away from his grip and look at him again, but this time he gives you a stern look. "sit down". You do what he said, and you sit where you sat earlier. But your eyes are looking at the floor.
"Hey, look at me, angel, please" you ignore his call because you don't want him to see you in a state that you're currently trying so hard not to break down in front of him.
Until you feel Hakim hold your chin softly, so he can turn your sight and attention to him. "don't cry, I hate it when I see my wife cry", He tells you. Hakim brings you into hug. You can hear his soft heartbeat on your ears.
"shh, it's okay love, let it all out" you feel his hand rubbing your back smoothly. He waits until you calm down.
Once you stop crying, Hakim suddenly asks.
"can you give me your phone?" you look at him with confusion
"just give it, baby, I want to know what makes my wife upset", he said
You no longer want to insist, so you just give him your phone. He takes your phone from your hand, and as you give him, Hakim opens the phone, and your lock screen pops up
A picture of him and you hugging each other while him kissing your crown, and you smile to the camera, you both took the pic when you both visit Dubai for you both Honeymoon
He inserts your password; of course, he knows your password; you're his wife, after all. After he inserts your phone password, the screen displays an Instagram comment section; you see him undo it to see what the posting is about. You saw him read for a while, open the comment section back, and scroll through it.
Unbelieve expression on his face, he turns his head to look at you.
"you know it's all not true, right?" you give him a silent reply and shrug.
"Y/n, please, don't let their words win; please, I'm begging you."
"But what they said is all correct," you said to him while your voice started to crack.
"okay show me, which one on the comment is correct? show me" he gives the phone back to you;
you cover your face with both hands and can't hold back your tears anymore. So you broke down once again.
"come here, Schatje" he opens his arm so you can hug him
"y/n, none of them is true; if only they knew how genuine you are, let's say the words are true; I don't think we will be married and living in the same house right now."
"Yes the age gap may be the problem, but not for us, for them, cause they don't know anything about our love life; it's not a problem for our family and friends. Did you see Ummi mad at me because Im married a beautiful young girl? no right? she even adore you and encourage me to keep you safe, what about your parents, do they mad at you for marrying a guy that older than you? no right?" he feels you nod on his chest so he continue
"There's no problem with us; the media are the ones who bring a problem. Please don't let them ruin our relationship; no please, I don't want that; you also don't want that to happen, right?"
You nod once again.
"Exactly baby, don't stress about it, just know that everything is alright, you're beautiful just the way you are; I don't care what people going to say about me, because I just know that I don't make any mistake in choosing, I fallen in love with a right person, she's a loyal and kind person, her love is unbeatable, her looks, well, her looks are a bonus thing for me, you're beautiful after all."
His words make you want to marry him for a second time.
You look up from his chest to look at him; then he turns his head to look down at you and give you a gentle smile.
"Do you mean all of it?" you ask him
"Of course my love"
"Thank you, Hakim, I'm sorry for being emotional this early in the morning", he wipes your tears with his soft hand.
"my pleasure and you have nothing to be sorry for; it's not your fault", He reassured and kissed you on your forehead.
"I'm hungry", you blurted out of nowhere; he laughed at what you just said and let you go of the hug.
"Okay, let's go; I want to eat my wife's food" He looks at you with a tease.
"It's just omelette Hakim," you tell him.
"But still!" He stands up, pulls you to him, and you both get ready for breakfast and start your day.
Indeed, the feeling unexplainable to become someone's wife, not to mention that your guy is a famous football player that playing with a big team. Very glad that you found Hakim; that's how you know Hakim is going to stick with you for the rest of your life.
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Like by Achraf Hakimi, Ben Chilwell, Zakaria Aboukhlal, Jaoa Felix and 970,478 more
Hziyech: I've seen some posting and comments about my wife. I didn't happy with it at all. I just want to say that never in my life that I thought I made a wrong decision. I made a very right decision on marrying her, We don't care about the age gap or have no problem with it as long as we both love each other and our family and friends are pleased about our marriage, so I'm hoping you guys will give us some privacy. Thank you.
-Hakim Ziyech
Zakaria Aboukhlal: Till Jannah
Ben Chilwell: beautiful marriage
Mason Mount: send my regards to y/n!
Achraf Hakimi: wishing you both the best!
Yourbff: May god ease everything
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photogirl894 · 6 months
"Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire"
Chapter 31
"The Koriena Way"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Here we go again with another chapter! We're taking a break from a lot of the angst I've dealt out recently and having a bit more fun with this one 😊 And I say that sincerely! Love you all and I hope you enjoy!
Also, thanks to @l-lend for her help with some ideas in the beginning of this chapter as well as a little credit to my hubby, as well 😉😊
Lastly, if you play Baldur's Gate 3, there is a minor BG3 reference in here...if you're familiar with Minthara at all 😜
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @cole-kenxbi , @tech-aficionado , @ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettrose9901 , @thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink , @l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49 , @avathebestx , @idoubleswearimawriter , @techs-stitches , @fantasyproductions , @sverdgeir , @totallyunidentified
《 Chapter 30
》 Chapter 32
All chapters (Part 2) (Part 1)
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Explanation: The Bad Batch are off to Raxus for a mission while Omega and Kimber stay behind on Ord Mantell and end up spending a day with the Koriena Force.
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“How's the Mantell Mix, kid?” Wrecker asked Omega, whom he was carrying on his shoulder. 
“Better than ever,” she declared, dropping a piece of the sweet treat into his open mouth. 
“Yeah, it is!” he agreed after chewing it up. 
The Bad Batch had returned to Ord Mantell after a few days and were making their way back to Cid's parlor. Hunter's chest wound had fully healed, luckily, but Kimber's leg wasn't quite at a hundred percent. The damage done to her muscles as well as part of her bones were more severe than they’d realized. She was walking better, but still had a limp and needed support. She wasn't using her rifle as a crutch and instead had her arm looped through Hunter's and was using him to lean on as they maneuvered through the streets. They had also seen the Aurora still docked in the hangar, which meant the Koriena Force were still planetside. If the girls weren't at the parlor, then the Bad Batch would go back and see them at their ship after giving their report to Cid.
“So when's our next mission?” Omega asked the others eagerly. 
Tech answered, “With two bounty hunters after you, it'd be wise to keep a low profile.”
Just as they reached the entrance to Cid's, Hunter added, “Tech's right. There's too much heat on us right now.” 
He turned back and helped Omega down from Wrecker's shoulder to the ground. As he did so, Kimber sidestepped out of the way and Tech quickly moved forward to catch her arm just before using his other hand to steady Omega. 
While Hunter quietly made some comments to Wrecker, who claimed having too much heat on them never stopped them before, Omega asked the other three, holding up her box of Mantell Mix, “You guys wanna try some?”
Tech simply held up a hand and shook his head, Kimber said “no, thank you” and Echo took a handful and started sniffing it cautiously, but then he ultimately declined, putting it back.
Afterwards, they saw Hunter walking past them towards the stairway leading to Cid's and knew it was time to follow. Tech kept his arm strong and steady for Kimber as they descended the stairs. 
“You all right?” he asked her.
“I am. It twinges a little still going up and down stairs, but it's nothing too bad,” she told him. 
“Hopefully another day with some bacta treatment and your leg will be back to normal,” commented Echo. 
The doors to the parlor opened and they walked inside, hearing the familiar music of the jukebox overpowering the silence of the bar. 
Or at least…it was silent until they heard an angry woman's voice yell out, “Sarge!”
All eyes looked in the direction the voice had come from and they saw Rina practically on top of one of the back tables with Kida, Irys and Lex sitting there with her, all of them with drinks on the table. Rina, for some reason, looked less than pleased to see them, to say the least. Namely Hunter.
Then she called out to him, “You. Me. Out back. Right now!”
“Rina, calm down,” said Lex. 
The Clones and Kimber all exchanged bewildered glances, mostly directed at Hunter. What in the world was going on?
Rina climbed over the table to the other side and dropped to the ground. “I mean it. Let's go,” she challenged. 
Still confused, Hunter finally asked, “What are you talking about?”
As she started moving forward, she said back, “You know what you did.”
The other three girls were scrambling out from behind their table and both Irys and Lex put their hands on Rina's shoulders to help keep her back, looks of almost worry on their faces. 
“I really don't. Are you okay?” Hunter asked, genuinely concerned. 
“Oh that's it!” Rina snapped and suddenly became enraged, shoving Lex and Irys away and charging full speed at Hunter, angry blades in her eyes.
Everyone instinctively took a step back in astonishment. With how quickly she was moving, it was almost as if she hadn't gotten badly injured just a few days prior. 
“Whoa, there, Rina!”
Though, just as she was about to reach Hunter, Wrecker jumped between them and proceeded to grab her by the arms and lifted her up in front of him like a small child. She growled in frustration for a split second, but once he planted a big kiss on her lips and she found herself looking into the face of her favorite guy, all of her anger just dissipated almost immediately.
“Oh…h--hi, Wrecker,” she stammered, words suddenly failing her. 
“Boy, you've definitely got your fire back,” he observed, impressed. 
Kida groaned and put a hand to her forehead. “I swear, she's been like a ticking bomb waiting to explode,” she grumbled. 
Wrecker chuckled in amusement and stated in reply, “Well, good thing I'm a demolitions expert.” Then he unceremoniously tucked Rina under his arm, who still looked dumbstruck, and announced, “Time to diffuse my favorite explosive. I saved your hide this time, boss.”
“I owe you one,” Hunter replied quietly.
“Be right back!” Without waiting for a response, Wrecker turned on his heel and just walked right out the door.
As the door shut, Echo looked at Hunter, still perplexed, and asked him, “What did you do?”
“What makes you think I know?” Hunter asked back.
Still flabbergasted at what they just witnessed, Omega commented aloud, “That was…bizarre.” 
“What in the blazes is going on with her?” Kimber demanded, turning to the girls.
With a loud sigh, Lex explained, “A few days ago, she went off about feeling a disturbance in the Force and then suddenly, she just got irate and said, ‘I'm gonna kill him. He made her cry’.”
Then Irys came forward and inquired, “Did uh…something else happen on Bracca?”
Hunter and Kimber turned to each other and their expressions shifted to awkwardness. They began to realize that Rina must've somehow sensed the harsh disagreement they'd all had on Bracca. Then they recalled that she had warned Hunter that if ever he made Kimber cry or he broke her heart that he would answer to Rina. Now, her unexpected outburst made sense somewhat. 
“Well…yes,” Kimber answered Irys. “We had some setbacks on Bracca that led to some contention between us. Things were said and done on both sides that were hurtful, but we all managed to work through it. I can give you all more details later, but I promise everything’s fine.”
“I just hope Wrecker explains things well enough to calm her down,” said Lex, who had moved over beside Echo and was holding his hand.
“I’m sure he will. Wrecker knows how to handle her pretty well by now,” Echo replied to her before kissing her temple. 
Kida went on to tell them, “We had no idea Rina would be able to sense any of that through the Force. It was so unexpected.”
“Just goes to show how much we really don’t understand about the Force,” said Kimber. 
“There are many aspects about the Force that are certainly even beyond my own comprehension,” stated Tech. “Any science behind any of it seems to defy all logical and pragmatic thought.”
“On that, we can agree,” said Irys. “To be able to feel something clear on another side of the galaxy and know what is happening…it shouldn’t be possible…and yet, we just witnessed it for ourselves and I have no sensible explanation for it.”
“Needless to say…she’s been ready to put you in the ground for days, Hunter,” said Kida, flashing him a look that said “you got lucky this time”.
With a timid half-grin, he replied, “I could tell.”
“But we’re glad you’re all back,” said Lex, hugging Echo’s arm while looking at everyone else. 
“It’s good to be back…though I get the feeling it won’t be for long if Cid has another job for us,” Kimber supposed. 
Right then, they heard a familiar, nasally female voice call out from the back, “I’ve got another mission for you guys!”
As everyone rolled their eyes, Echo remarked to Kimber, “You had to say something, Kim.”
As Cid came into the room, she waved her arms at the girls and cried, “Get outta here, broads! Don’t you have somewhere better to be?” 
“You know, a little politeness and the word ‘please’ can go a long way, Cid,” Lex retorted.
Rolling her eyes, Cid fired back, “Yeah, yeah, tell it to someone who cares, Spike. Now, get a move on and take Goldie and Bluey with you.”
Kimber took a threatening step forward, but Hunter placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She already couldn’t stand hearing Cid back-talk her boys, but she drew the line when it came to the girls. They didn’t deserve to be treated like that. That and it annoyed her hearing the new condescending nicknames Cid now had for Lex and Irys. She’d heard Kida’s before and it was still no less irritating to hear it again now.
However, the girls seemingly just brushed Cid off and started walking out of the parlor. “Stop by the Aurora before you all head out,” Kida told the Bad Batch as they walked out.
After the ladies left, Cid went on to explain the Bad Batch’s next mission to them: an extraction mission on Raxus, which Tech explained was the former center of the Separatist government...which meant the mission meant helping a Separatist. It seemed both Hunter and Kimber were on the same page when Cid tried giving them the datadisk with all the details.
“Help a Separatist? Not gonna happen,” Hunter refused, giving the datadisk back.
“You seem to have forgotten who we are and what we did during the Clone Wars,” added Kimber. “We fought the Separatists and we’re certainly not going to start helping them now.”
“I don’t care what you did before, Dollface,” Cid snidely remarked. “You’re working for me and that’s what you’re doing now.”
Kimber’s fists clenched at her sides as she glared at the Trandoshan. “One shot…one shot is all it would take…,” she thought to herself. 
Then Cid stated to Hunter, “Your debt’s still not paid, remember? A job’s a job.”
Hunter then pulled Cid over to the other side of the parlor to speak privately, leaving everyone else by the bar.
After the two of them moved away, Kimber turned to Echo and grumbled quietly, “Just say the word and I’ll put an end to that miserable lizard. We’d be praised as heroes.”
“Easy, Kim,” Echo urged her, putting his hand on her shoulder. 
“She may not be amiable, but eliminating her would make us no different from the Separatists we once fought against,” added Tech.
She groaned through gritted teeth. “I hate when you’re right. I’m just tired of all the abuse she throws at us and the girls and yet she still expects us to do her bidding. She doesn’t deserve our help.”
“I know, but this is what we’re going to have to do for now,” said Echo, albeit begrudgingly. 
Just then, they heard Cid exclaim to Hunter as she walked away from him, “Yeah, yeah, Bandana. Just get outta here, will ya?” With that, she just sauntered by the rest of the group towards the back in the direction of her office, ignoring the less-than-pleased glances the rest of the Batch cast her way. 
Omega was strapping on her belt with her bow as Hunter came over to her. “Ready when you are, Sergeant,” she said, saluting him.
He knelt down to her level and said back, looking a bit down, “Not this time, Omega. You’re staying with Cid.”
Kimber’s eyebrows shot up, astonished.
“But th--the mission! I’m part of the squad, too,” Omega tried to argue.
Resting his hand on her shoulder like he always did, Hunter said back, “Then following orders shouldn't be a problem. Stay close to Cid and don't leave this parlor. Got it, soldier?”
She still wasn’t happy with that decision, but Omega just rolled her eyes, groaned and answered, “Yes, sir.” Afterwards, she walked back to the bar and sulked on one of the barstools.
Kimber didn’t like Hunter’s choice anymore than Omega did and she quickly stepped in, saying quietly to Hunter, “Are you crazy? We can’t leave Omega with Cid. I wouldn’t trust that dragon alone with her for even a minute.”
“I don’t trust Cid either, but I’m not taking Omega to a Separatist planet. She’d be safer here,” Hunter replied.
“Then leave her with the Koriena Force, not Cid. They’re still here and even if they’re given another mission, Omega can assist them,” she implored. “She’s fully capable of doing so.”
“They’ve already got one child to look after,” he said. 
With a scoff, she replied back, “Oh come on, Rina will be just fine.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m talking about the baby.”
“Yeah…and like I said, Rina will be fine.”
“I meant Kori, Kimber,” said Hunter, shaking his head.
She snickered, highly amused at her joke even though he didn't seem to be. Then she became sincere again by saying, “Seriously, though, leave her with the girls…and if it'll help ease your concerns any more, then I'll stay behind with her, too.”
He reared back slightly at that suggestion. “Why would you stay? We need you.”
She mustered up a small smile. “I appreciate you saying that, my love,” she said back, “but let's face it: my leg still isn't fully healed and I’m still limping. I can’t move around properly for a mission and would only hold you guys back. Besides…after what I did on Bracca, I don't feel like I've earned back my place fighting at your side.”
“Sweetheart, we talked about this,” he said. “I forgave you and so did the rest of the lads.”
“I know…but I haven't forgiven myself,” she replied. “I just…need a little time. Even still, my first point still stands: I can't actively help in the mission when my leg isn't back to a hundred percent. I would only cause problems for you. It's better if I stay anyway.”
Hunter sighed heavily. “I guess you're right. If that's your choice, then I'll respect it.”
She gave him a grateful nod in return. “Good luck and be safe, okay?”
“Of course. I have to come back to you, don't I?” he asked, touching her cheek lightly. 
He kissed her cheek and turned away, signaling for the others to follow him out the door. Hunter walked out, but Echo and Tech hung back by the door for a moment, unbeknownst to Kimber and Omega. 
As Kimber went over to talk to Omega, Cid cried out, “Hey, tiny, I got a mission for you. Now get scrubbing.” Then she threw a cleaning brush at the kid. 
Kimber reached out and caught the brush one-handed in midair before it reached Omega. “Change of plans, Cid. She's coming with me,” she told the Trandoshan, a smug smirk on her face at not letting Cid have her way. 
“Seriously?” Cid questioned. 
“You got a problem with that?” Kimber challenged back with a raise of her eyebrows as she carelessly tossed the brush over her shoulder and behind the bar.
Frowning, Cid snapped, “Yeah, you're taking away my free labor.”
That one short sentence made Kimber's blood boil. If Omega hadn't been next to her, she would've screamed and ripped Cid a new one for sure, but decided to be more calm about it for Omega’s sake. 
Instead, with a no less icy tone, she spat in Huttese, “E chu ta!”
Cid frowned even more. “What did you say to me?” she demanded.
Then Kimber heard Tech answer behind her, “You don't want to know.”
She grinned to herself. Only Tech would've known what she'd really said and it amused her even more that he was going to leave Cid in the dark just as much as she was. It's what the old lizard deserved. 
Then she gave Omega a light pat on the arm and said, “Come on, dear. I'm taking you somewhere else.”
The kid gave no objections, slipped off her barstool and started heading for the door where Echo and Tech were waiting. Kimber cast one last distasteful glance at Cid before whipping around and following Omega, still limping slightly.
As they went through the door and it shut behind them, Echo inquired, “What did you say to her?”
“Words I shouldn't repeat in Basic with a child present,” Kimber answered. “And that was me being calm.”
That made Echo chuckle as he offered her an arm to help her up the steps.
“Will you be all right without us?” Tech asked her.
She scoffed and replied, “Don't you worry about us. We'll stay with the girls until you get back.” As they reached the top of the steps in the alleyway, she looked down at Omega and stated with a smile, hoping to lift the girl’s spirits a little about being left behind, “We’ll have some fun on our own, won’t we, Omega?”
The blonde girl looked up at her and couldn’t help but grin at seeing Kimber’s encouraging smile. “Yeah, we will,” she agreed. 
“Well, we’ll head to the Aurora before we leave since Kida told us to stop by first,” said Echo. 
“I would also assume Wrecker is still there with Rina,” added Tech.
“Don’t let me hold you back. I’ll be a bit behind you because of my leg,” said Kimber, giving them a dismissive way. “You lads get going. Be safe on Raxus.”
They both gave her and Omega affirming nods before jogging off in the direction of the hangar.
“You can go with them, Omega. I’ll catch up,” Kimber urged the young Clone.
However, Omega shook her head and replied, “I’m not gonna leave you alone. I’ll walk with you.”
Kimber certainly wasn’t going to say “no” to that.
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“What did I tell you, Kimber?” Irys chastised her.
Now on the Aurora, after the Bad Batch had left for Raxus, Kimber had just relayed to the Koriena Force the details of everything that had gone down on Bracca after Kida and Rina had departed and Omega had also informed them of what had happened to her during her brief capture.
Irys kept going, “Did I not warn you of what could happen if you continued to keep in contact with Crosshair?”
“You did,” Kimber admitted.
“Yet you didn’t heed that warning and brought him to you and your squad anyway,” said Irys.
Then Kida spoke up, “Oh, lay off, Irys. It wasn't her fault. Crosshair took advantage of her feelings. That was his choice, not hers. She thought there was hope and took a chance. I’m sure anyone would’ve done the same.”
“Not when the other person still has a chip in their head that’s keeping them under the Empire’s control,” Irys rebuttled. 
“Okay, unnecessary,” commented Lex, who was lounging on the couch and flourishing her vibroblade. “She's already gotten enough from the boys and they've forgiven her. No need to throw it back at her.”
Irys simply groaned, irritated. 
Then Kida looked over at Omega and declared, “And you, Omega: what a brave young girl you are to have escaped from a bounty hunter all on your own!”
“Yeah, you definitely got brains as well as guts, kid,” Rina added. 
“Thanks,” said Omega, looking pleased with their approval.
“I’ve definitely heard things about Cad Bane. He’s a nasty one. You’re real smart if you managed to outwit him,” stated Lex.
“As well as the gal we dealt with on Pantora,” said Rina. “She does not play around.”
“We're all just glad you're safe,” said Irys. 
Omega nodded. “Me too. Though, I don't like being left behind now because I got taken.”
Kimber came up beside her and laid a hand on her shoulder. “The boys just want to protect you. I'm sure it'll only be this one time. I'll make sure of it.”
Then Rina spoke up, “In the meantime, us ladies have a quick job to run for Old Dragon Lady. You two wanna come with?”
Omega's eyes lit up at the prospect of another mission. “Yes! Where are we going?”
“Don't get too excited,” Irys warned her as she took out a datapad and started typing on it. “It's only here in the city. We're not going off-planet.”
Then the girl groaned in disappointment and her smile faded.
Lex, however, added, “Well, only if the target chooses not to run and escape on a ship…which is highly unlikely because people always run.”
“I know, why is that?” Kida asked, putting a hand on her hip. 
Irys answered, not even looking up from the datapad, “Guilt, fear, basic human instinct, fight or flight response.”
“That was rhetorical, Goldie,” Kida responded, rolling her eyes.
That made Irys’s head snap up, her bright pink eyes flashing with contempt as she threatened, “Call me by Cid's ridiculous nickname again and I'm shoving this datapad down your throat.”
Kida lifted her eyebrows up and down as she replied, “Mmm, don't threaten me with a good time.”
As Irys huffed in annoyance, Kimber commented, smirking, “You know, you walked right into that one.” Then she turned to Omega. “You still wanna go?”
With a shrug, she said back, “Well, it's better than sitting around doing nothing.  Besides, I'd like to see how the Koriena Force does things.”
Giving a final twirl of her vibroblade, Lex responded with an amused grin, “Now, you're talking, kid. We're gonna show you how we do things the Koriena Way.”
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A burly man with dark skin and covered in tattoos, now winded from running so much, found himself cuffed and shoved into a chair in a small, empty warehouse in another part of Ord Mantell with several blasters, a vibroblade and an energy bow all pointed at him. 
“It’s just like I said: they always run,” Lex commented, giving a spin of her blade. 
“I’m not scared of a bunch of girls and a kid!” the man snarled at them with a deep voice.
Cracking her knuckles in front of him, Rina responded, “Maybe not now…but you will be.”
Kida stepped up in the middle of them, a devious expression on her face as she faced their target. “You’re Jido Berym, are you not?” she asked him.
“Yeah…what about it?” he questioned, trying to appear stoic.
“You owe our employer, Cid, a hefty sum of credits…and have failed multiple times to deliver. Which is why we have come to collect it on her behalf,” Kida informed him. 
Then Kimber chimed in, “I’m guessing he still doesn’t have the money, seeing how he ran from us.”
“Either that or he’s hoarding all the money for himself and just playing dumb, acting like he don’t got it to get out of paying,” Rina put in. 
“Start talking,” Omega ordered the man, stepping closer with her bow. 
Jido’s eyes darted back and forth frantically and the ladies could all tell they were on to him. He was still trying to appear like he didn’t care or know anything, but his poker face was terrible. 
“Look, I told Cid I’d give her the money when I have it,” he tried to argue.
However, Irys spoke up and refuted, “Oh, you have the money.” She held up her datapad, which was showing a list of transactions on it. “You’ve made quite the killing selling weapons on the black market. I even see people listed on here, too, so you’re dealing in slavery and human trafficking, as well.”
At hearing those words mentioned, Kimber’s grip on her two blasters tightened and her teeth clenched so tightly, she thought her jaw would crack.
“That’s a lie!” Jido cried out.
“It isn’t. I have all your financial records right here,” Irys said back.
Rina had sensed Kimber’s anger immediately and tried to divert the conversation by saying, “You’ve got some dark marks in your ledger, Berym, and refusing to pay your debts will only add another against you. How about you save us the headache and yourself a great deal of pain by just paying up? I’d really hate to mess up your face over something that could be solved pretty easily.”
There was an audible gulp that sounded from his throat, but he still held firm to his act and responded, “I don’t have the money. Tell Cid she’s still gotta wait.”
Kida bent over in front of him and said in a calm tone that still had some bite to it, “Listen, Jido…I’ve got a sleeping baby to get back to whose due to wake up anytime now, so if you could just speed things up already and give us the money, that would be much appreciated, okay?”
He scoffed, unamused. “What makes you think I’d care?”
“Well, it’s one parent appealing to another, seeing as how you have a son, too,” said Irys, who now had an image of Jido and a young brown-haired boy on her datapad.
Jido’s eyes widened in horror.
“Though, since you don’t seem to care or have the money for Cid and you’re involved in human trafficking, perhaps you could simply sell your boy to get the money you need,” Irys suggested nonchalantly.
“Irys…! Read the room, for Force sake!” Rina chided her through gritted teeth. 
When Irys turned her head, all of the ladies except for Kimber were giving her looks that said “Are you serious?” Then Lex motioned subtly with her head to Kimber, whose eyes were tightly closed and hands were briefly shaking, her face writ with intense discomfort. Irys realized her faux pas in the moment and regret overcame her. 
However, before she could say anything, Jido exclaimed, “Don't you lay a finger on my son! I don't have the money, I swear!”
“He's really holding onto that act, isn't he?” Lex asked.
“So what do we do?” Omega asked, looking up at the other ladies while still holding her bow at the ready.
“Boss Lady…you good?” Rina questioned Kimber, concerned. 
Kimber inhaled deeply and released her breath, remembering to breathe to avoid having a panic attack at the mention of slavery. Just like she and Echo had always done. It took a few seconds for her heart rate to slow down and for her to feel herself again. Once she did, her eyes opened and her usual look of determination returned. 
“Yeah, I'm fine,” she answered. 
Just then, a device on Kida's wrist beeped and they then heard the sound of a child's cries coming from it…Kori's cries.
She sighed, irritated, as she silenced the device. “All right, time's up for you,” she stated, looking at Jido. “I've got a baby to feed, so we need to wrap this up. Lex, you know what to do.”
Needing no further instructions, Lex proceeded to pull an explosive from her belt, toss it onto Jido's lap, activate it with a remote and state, “Ten seconds.”
Jido yelped in a panic at the now beeping explosive. 
Kimber and Omega exchanged astounded looks. Were they really just going to blow this guy up? 
Quickly, Rina said, “Give us the money.”
“I can't!” he cried. 
“You're running out of time,” she warned him. 
“Five seconds,” said Lex.
“Now, Jido!” yelled Kida.
He let out a frightened cry as the beeping sped up rapidly and then shouted hastily, “Six-one-five-two-one! That's my account code! Take the money! Please don't kill me!”
The beeping got faster before the bomb went off…releasing a cloud of smoke right up into his face and making him  momentarily choke on it. 
“See? That wasn't so hard, was it?” Kida asked mockingly with a pleased grin as she knocked the smoke bomb off his leg and onto the floor. 
“We smoked you out, scumbag…literally,” Rina added.
Once again, Kimber and Omega shared surprised yet impressed glances. That had been a clever plan that they didn't anticipate. 
Then Irys stated, “For the record, I figured out the code to your account two and a half minutes ago just after I accessed your financial records and already transferred the credits.”
Flabbergasted, Jido yelled, “Then what was the point of the bomb?”
Lex flashed a cocky grin and replied, “We wanted to hear the information from you directly…and just to see you squirm.” Then she went over and sliced off the cuffs on his wrist with her knife. 
“Thanks for that, Jido. I'm sure you'll be hearing from Cid very soon,” Kimber spoke up as Jido stood up from the chair, rubbing his wrists. “It would be wise for you to not get on her bad side again.”
“Y--yes, ma'am. Thanks for not killing me,” he replied. 
“You won't be so lucky if we get sent after you again,” said Rina, crossing her arms and glaring at him threateningly. “Now, scram.”
Without any more encouragement, Jido took off running out of the warehouse, still whimpering in fear. 
“And that's how you handle a job the Koriena Way: quickly and efficiently,” Kida declared with pride. 
“Wow! That was amazing,” Omega replied in awe.
“Glad you're impressed, dear,” Kida told her, ruffling the girl's hair. 
Holstering her blasters, Kimber commented, “You know, I forget sometimes how scary you girls can be.”
Giving her a light shove in the shoulder, Lex responded, “Then you need to hang around with us more, princess.”
“Would if I could, Lex. You know that,” Kimber said back. “Though, if you're with Echo now and Rina’s with Wrecker, we'll be seeing you plenty, I'm sure.”
“You better believe it, boss lady,” agreed Rina.
They then heard Kida, who had gone over to the door of the warehouse without them really noticing, call out, “Hey, I wasn't kidding when I said I have a baby to feed! Move it or lose it, ladies!”
“Well, you heard Mom. Let's go,” said Rina, already running with the rest moving after her. 
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They decided they would report to Cid after things with Kori were taken care of first. The baby's needs came before the grouchy Trando's needs, according to Kida, which everyone else agreed with. While she was in her room on the Aurora feeding the baby, Rina had gone into the kitchen to make a quick bite to eat for everyone and Omega had gone with her to help. Lex  was lounging on the couch with a datapad along with Kimber and Irys had gone into the cockpit where she liked to be. 
A few minutes later, though, Kimber heard Irys's voice say over the ship's speakers, “Kimber, can you come to the cockpit for a moment?”
She figured she'd oblige, got up from the couch and made her way to the cockpit of the ship, where she found Irys working on the main computers.
“What is it?” Kimber asked her as she walked in. 
Irys turned in her chair, looking uneasy. “Listen…I wanted to apologize,” she said.
Taking a seat in the chair next to her, Kimber questioned, “Apologize for what?”
“For my comments earlier to Jido…about selling his son for money,” Irys admitted, wringing her hands together nervously, which was very unlike her. 
Then Kimber remembered what she was referring to and gave a small nod in understanding. 
The gold Togruta went on, “It was insensitive of me to say such a thing around you. I was caught up in the moment and temporarily forgot your past as a slave, which I know is no excuse. I nearly caused you to have a panic attack back there. I was in the wrong and I'm sorry.”
“You're forgiven, Irys. I know you didn't mean anything by it towards me,” Kimber told her calmly. “I pulled through and I'm getting better at handling those things.”
Irys seemed a bit surprised that Kimber had forgiven her so quickly, but she smiled gratefully nonetheless. 
“It's a pity Tech isn't here. He'd be shocked to hear you actually apologize for something,” Kimber then teased her. 
That made Irys snicker. “Well…thank you for not thinking badly of me.”
Kimber smiled back. “I could never.”
Just then, Omega came running in and informed them, “Rina says the food's ready.”
Both Kimber and Irys stood up, gave each other one last friendly grin and then Irys went ahead and left the cockpit. Kimber stayed behind for a moment, looking down at Omega. 
“Did you have fun with the ladies today?” she asked.
Omega nodded gladly. “I did! They're great. They definitely do things differently than we do, but that's what makes them a lot of fun.”
“You know, I was their leader at one point in time,” Kimber told her. “I could still be leading them now, if I wanted to.”
“Why aren't you? What changed?” Omega asked.
Kimber knelt down to her level. “Your brothers,” she said with a bright smile. “These girls helped me get them out of a tight situation once. Rina convinced me to lead the Koriena Force since it was my squad we were going after, as well as some other Clones that were involved, too. They all wanted me to stay with them, but…I couldn't leave the boys.”
“Especially Hunter,” Omega commented with a smirk.
With a chuckle, Kimber remarked, “You're not wrong there. The girls understood my position…but I know I always have a place with them, too. They're my family just as much as you and the boys are.”
“I really like them, Kimber, and I'm glad they came here for us,” said Omega. “I'm glad they're your friends because now they're all our friends.”
Kimber chuckled again. “Well…some are definitely more than friends with our squad.” 
Omega giggled, putting a hand over her mouth. “I know. They're all so cute. Rina and Wrecker, Echo and Lex, Rex and Kida…even Tech and Irys, even though they're not a couple, but their bickering is entertaining.”
“Trust me, we all feel the same way,” said Kimber. 
“The girls make our squad happy…and that makes me happy. That's what matters to me,” Omega said sweetly. 
Smoothing Omega’s hair a little, Kimber replied, “You and me both, dear. Now, come on. Let's get some food. I'm starving.”
“I can't wait for you to try what Rina and I made!” Omega responded eagerly as they walked.
Kimber grinned and stated, “I'm looking forward to it.”
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jaeyuniee · 1 year
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so adorable look like at him `(*>﹏<*)′
Just imagine Jun as your sweet husband o:
No one could resist this handsome-looking man fr
imagine him just taking you on a cute dinner date with you family
both of your parents wouldn't stop asking for a little grandchild >_<
You both have actually been trying since your honeymoon
You never told them yet cause you felt embarrassed
your parents asked how life was going for both of you since you guys are newlyweds :D
Everyone had a glass of champagne to finish off that wonderful dinner date
junhui pays for the bill o:
Junhui drove you back home after you all where done eating
Juniee insisted on you take to a bath first, ladies first 😉
You called Junhui to get your panties cause you forgot them L
he grabbed the one that caught his eyes
white panties with a cute pastel pink bow
it was the one he gifted you :')
you kinda felt embarrassed when he gave it to you but this guy was smirking behind the door
after you came out he went in the bathroom to take a shower
god did he look hot when he came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist
man you wished that those where your arms :'(
you just layed on the bed using your phone taking sneaky pics of him while he dried his hair
you put your phone down to realization that he was putting on his clothes infront of you nakedly WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Man you just stared at his naked body
His cock was omg
you wondered if it would fit inside of you cause your so tiny T_T
gotta cry like a baby yk
he asked if you where okay
you said "yeah, sorry" no that was a lie you werent okay and you werent sorry
he got into bed on his side and put and hands on his chest
wondering if you really care about him
"you sleeping yet? Can I cuddle with you, It's so quiet." he spoke softly
duh you said sure
you both kinda grew friction between your private parts O:
you felt something hard against your ass
you couldnt help it
damn bro
he really knew what he was doing to you
such a pervert only for his beloved wife wink hehehe
such lewd thoughts entering your heads
couldnt wait but to just grab your hips and pull of your shorts that show your cute ass
he didnt leave you in your panties
Junhui took of his aswell
he grabbed himself and starting stroking him and then….
without wasting a second he put himself inside of you T_T
god that felt so sensual for both of you
chest pressed against your back
gotta go deeper to fill you up till the brim
Junieee just wants to fuck his babies into you
Even you want it
cockwarming then goes to soft sloppy thrusts
gotta make his wifey feel good
Soft whines and moans filled up the room
couldnt resist but to turn back and kiss him on his lips
Husband Juniee needs love aswell
gotta feel everything and be loved
You felt all of your insecurities disappear all of a sudden
its like he had done something to you
made you feel so real and that moment real
his thrusts became faster as you moaned
"ah j-juniee to-o fu-ll! hmp!" "G-gonna fi-ll y-you up to t-the br-rim j-agiya!" as you both moaned his hot sweet cum filled you up nice and full
you came with him at the same time :D
gonna make his wife feel how much you mean to him
"c-cockwar-ming? pwease-?"
youre sweet baby state was something your hubby couldnt resist
obviously that night ended with cockwarming
"love you my wifey Y/N" he whispered into your ear
"love you too juniee"
gonna make his love him forever
Youre his everything/world
You mean everything to him
love you baby!
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BTS Jin x black reader as we all know he has gone for his mandatory military service and I want pregnant fiance seeing him off trying to keep her emotions together nobody knows about you besides the members and all those who just needs to know so when you stop about that car with him everybody shocked I want teeth rotting sweetness Romance
I did go off script a little but I hope you like it!
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You breaking the internet and the world by seeing Jin off to his military duties includes:
-The Hybe managers trying firstly to persuade you to not be present on that special day, but you, BTS and Jin’s parents putting them back in check by saying that you have EVERY right to be there because you’re his future wife and are carrying your first child together. That they should put the opinions of army aside because you have a tough and challenging time ahead
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-Hybe stepping the fuck back and apologizing to you
-You and Jin enjoying your final days together, making sure that the other members also have a chance to spend some time with your future hubby
-Jin promising you that he’ll call you every day and talk to your baby through your stomach so that they baby won’t forget its father’s voice
-The two of you doing a quick but cute maternity shoot before Jin’s beautiful hair is chopped off
-The dreadful day finally coming and you and everyone knowing the plan: first BTS gets to say goodbye along with the family members before you drive in and get a full ten minutes to say goodbye
-The other members trying to use humor as a coping mechanism but all of them having tears brim their eyes, especially Jungkook because Jin is older brother, his Hyung. They share a special bond and knowing that the next two years will be spent apart is breaking his heart
-You finally arrive at the destination, holding back the tears and comforting yourself and your baby who is kicking anxiously around in your belly because you’re very sad
-The paparazzi and army completely losing their shit when your car door opens and your bodyguard helping you step out before getting through the crowd before finally getting to your fiance
-The two of you look at each other before breaking out in tears, hugging and kissing each other gently while whispering encouraging words to one another
-Jin holding your beautiful face and promising that he will come back and be the best father and husband to you and your unborn child, vowing that he will make up for the fact that you’ll have to go through the pregnancy and birth alone
-Him then weakly apologizing that you will have to face those major changes on your own
-”Hush, the pregnancy wasn’t planned. I am still happy and honored to carry your child” is what you whisper to him, holding tight onto his shoulders
-The other members and family members joining in the hug, the final tears being shed while army goes crazy a few dozen feet away
-All of you tuning out the noise because the moment itself is already very emotionally draining and sad
-Jin then leaving, turning around and giving you a sad wink and smile before mouthing “saranghae” (I love you) then leaving
-Namjoon and Min Yoongi comforting you as you start to sob, reassuring you that everything will be alright, while the remaining members and family protect you by forming a circle around you as they don’t want the press to capture your vulnerable moment and use it as a reason to shame you to ground the following days
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclubub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l l @harleycativy  l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86  l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace  l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath  l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu l  @queenoftheworldisdead l @briannab1234l @miyaeadys-blog l @thenamelesscorpse2185 l @hihellogoodbyebruh l @nackrosor l @nerdgurl1985 l @2darkskinbeauty l @bugngiz l @african-melanin-goddess l @barnes-wilson-love l @ktiz90 l @let-the-love-in l @forlornfortitude l @robinredboob l @hopefuloperaangelnerd l @kola95 l @partypoison00 l @alwaysadreamingoptimist l @reniescarlett l @g0thicdream l @mayasopinions l @captaintightpants58 l @leillee l @celi-xxmoon
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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minigirl87 · 1 year
Rosemary & Time with Jake Lockley
Jake Lockley & FReader
So, this idea popped into my head after seeing my google timeline. I love London and have many happy memories from there. The tube thing did happen last year as it was so hot! I hope I've done Jake justice. I based the innuendo on my hubby, and he can speak Spanish as well, lol. Anyway, I love LOVE Jake. Enjoy! Please feel free to leave feedback and reblog ❤️
You and Jake send a Sunday afternoon in Kensington. Fun and sweetness ensue. Jake is cheeky in a fun way, sexual innuendo. Mentions of Marc & Steven. Jake thinks badly of himself, but the reader fixes that. Anxious reader in crowded spaces.
NSFW, sexual innuendo, mentioned anxiety.
Word count: 969
Spanish translation at bottom *
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The London underground isn’t the nicest place to spend a summer afternoon. Crammed in a stuffy, smelly, and especially loud carriage, the only fresh air came through when the doors opened and closed at the various stations on your route. Although you weren’t complaining about your position, pressed up against Jake’s broad, toned chest. One arm around your waist gently but firmly supporting you, the other gripping onto an overhead handle, and your wicker basket hanging over his wrist.
Sensing your anxiousness, as a man with shopping accidentally bumps into you as he moves behind in the carriage. Jake scowls at him as your arms unconsciously tighten around his waist. Leans down and kisses the top of your head, smelling your lavender shampoo (the boys' favourite comfort smell). “it’s ok, bebita, not long now”.
Nuzzling closer into him, your senses calmed by his scent of grapefruit and guaiac wood. also the hint of coffee you both shared before leaving the flat. The monotone voice calls through the background of chatter and movement, calling “ This is High Street Kensington”
You both wait as everyone gets off, and then Jake goes before you take your hand. The carriage speeds away quickly, leaving metallic screeching’s in its memory, the created breeze easily lifting your favourite dress in its wake.
leaving the dull underground station behind, the sun shines bright in your eyes “oh sugar” you said as you put your back on your back. I’m going to nip into Accessorize sweetheart, I’ve left sunglasses back at the flat” Jake smiled an “ok bebita” shaking his head at your usual forgetfulness.
When you leave the shop, you expect that Jake will still be in the same spot. Looking around you, you feel a hand on your waist and an excited voice say “Mi Vida, I’ve had an idea”. Taking you across from the station, you see bicycle’s stationed together. You arch your eyebrow looking from them to Jake “Didn’t we have enough exercise this morning?, Love”.
Jake laughs so hard that his sunglasses fall from his head. “ aw bebita, of course. But this is a different type of ride than then. Getting flustered now, and also what people think. “Lockley we’re in public” You laugh with the emphasis on the L. “what you started it” mumbling “not my fault you have a dirty mind” replied Jake.
So what should have been a 7-minute bike ride to Kensington Palace for lunch? It took an hour there and back. Feeding the wildlife and just being carefree for a while with one of the loves of your life.
After getting your breath back and taking Jake’s hand, you both walk into the bustling Sunday Farmers Market. Freshness of everything dancing with staleness of a big city and filling the senses and enticing the imagination.
Standing in front of a fruit and veg stall, Jake perks up when you're weighing two melons “I prefer yours bebita” he says with a wink. “Jake’ you laugh. Jake wanders away laughing.
Turning back to the stall, you pick up a few other things orange’s, leeks, and garlic. “Oh do you have any rosemary?” You ask nearly forgetting, “ of course” the owner smiles, putting it in your basket. After paying, you’re behind Jake and gently pinch his sides “I know it’s you, mi amour” Jake says without turning. You look to see what’s got his interest.
Watches, vintage watches, and one in particular. It has a black cracked leather strap and a silvery black face with a gold dial. He turns to you, smiling, and takes your basket you're clearly struggling with.
You know he won’t buy himself the watch, as he often says he doesn’t deserve nice things with what he is. That thought hurts, especially as He turns to you, smiling and taking your basket you're clearly struggling with.
“love can you go get me something to drink, please” he puts the basket down, kisses the top of your head, and disappears from view. Just as you're putting the watch box in your backpack, Jake appears next to you like he never left.
Picking up the basket, Jake “announces “Steven says, " We need fish food, and Marc wants some snacks” After finishing shopping, it’s time to head home.
The sun still shines despite the time, so when passing the bikes again “will we cycle back to the flat? We can text the company to pick the bikes up afterwards.”
“Why not, it’ll be better than the tube mi amour” Jake says as he secures the basket to the bike “you got rosemary mi amour” the excitement clear in his voice as he turns to you standing with the biggest smile for him while handing him a yellow and white paper bag “I couldn’t wait my love, I hope you like it.”
Curious with furrowed brows, he takes the box out of the small bag, and his eyes go huge as he see’s the watch. “mi Vida, you shou” knowing what he was going to say. You cut him off with a gentle but passionate kiss finishing with. “You deserve this and so much more, my love. I love you so much, Jake.”
“what did I do to deserve you? You are whole being, mi Vida” Jake puts the watch on, and you get a photo of him. He rolls his eyes playfully.
“come on, mi Vida. The Romero Chimichurri won’t make itself.” His favourite condiment. He knows he’s loved, and it makes him want to be the best he can be, but to you he’s already that.
There's no place I'd rather be, starting to play from a passing phone. Which you think is very appropriate, as there is no place you would rather be than with Jake right now!
* Spanish to English *
Bebita- Baby girl
Mi Vida- My Life
Romero- rosemary
@melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @jake-g-lockley @steven-grants-world @romanarose @campingwiththecharmings @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @welcometostayingawake @novanitee @micheleamidalajedi @annautumnsoul
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Back again for my hubby Harvey 😙
J, L, and P pleeaasee
<3 <3 <3
Snail’s directory
SFW Alphabet
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Harvey does get a little jealous from time to time. It’s nothing extreme, he’s not going to start a fight or anything but he might mention it. Mostly he’ll just seek extra reassurance and move on–he trusts his partner.
See also: Jealous Bachelors
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Harvey became a doctor because he’s a nurturing person. He loves kids, although he’s awkward with them. Prime dorky dad material, jokes and all. He’s terrified of having kids but excited about the prospect nonetheless. He’d be a good dad.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This man has endless patience until you keep getting wrecked in the mines. Genuinely, aside from his nerves, I think that’s the only time he’d really let you have it. He isn’t angry per se, just very worried and upset that you don’t seem to care enough about your well being.
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benevolentcannibal · 1 year
give us more yo-yo headcanons pls i’m begging!!! those SMILES in that last artwork??!! how did they get there after the arrangement?!!!
lol I see you've caught the yo-yo sickness 😏 
That image is probably in year three or four of their marriage 
They basically got used to each other  and Yorin  gave the Onion some attention. 
Most of their relationship has been influenced by the rp's but one time  about a year after their marriage Yonji returned to Germa badily injured after a mission went wrong and Yorin was more shocked than anything because that never happens. They were very frustrated because no one bothered to tell them anything =/  let alone what was wrong. she stayed by his bedside till he woke up and BOI howdy he was shook. No one's ever there  when they wake up from surgery. Onion was so confused, surely his wife had better places to be.
Yorin freets over him a lil, annoyed he's shocked she's here at all and tells him he's not indestructible and that's ok even if he's suppose to be the strong one 
Another cute thing that's happened early on is that Yonji's impossible to sleep next to because he's tossing and turning, taking the covers, sliding off the bed etc. At her wits end with his foolishness she convinces him to cuddle  and like magic he sleeps soudly for the first time. Onion’s all confused cause WTF is that, he's not a child doesn't need to hold onto wife like a needy kid 😐 
Yorin's freaky in bed and after a few months they finally get this large package from home that has their huge collection of sex toys. Hubby walks in on them organizing it and he's curious but also pretty vanilla. She's got dildo's, whips, rope, nipple clamps, sounding rods, the works. Yonji's put off by all this stuff cause it's a lot to take in but Yorin teases him with some rope offering to tie him up (:  knows hubby's nipples are sensitive so was going to give him one of those nipple agitating harness and assures him no one would know. Plus if he didn't like it could just come back and she'd untie him 
Another time when they were going to get kinky Yorin could tell Yonji was getting angsty and overwhelmed and told him all the things she'd do to him she's had done to her and knows how to tie the knots, how hard to hit and assured him if he didn't like anything she'd stop with their safe word. Actually talking about consent on Germa is unheard of.
Their relationship slowly just started to change, Yorin verbally checking in to make sure Yonji was comfortable with things  and giving him a sense of agency. wasn't like she planned to be mean to him but  when they are alone he's way more chill. Yorin speaks to him like she's seen her mother talk to her father and Yonji being more or less honest to a fault just starts to click. Yorin's also a little older so she's more patient and very stern. Onion needs the reinforcement otherwise he’d run circles around em. Being the youngest, no one's ever really cared about Yonji's opinion so it's a change of pace for sure. They really just were around each other 🥺  Yonji even wanting to be around wife instead of bothering with his brother's after a mission. Tired, wife is soft.
I also like to think that Yorin doesn't like when Ichiji or Niji just yell at him. He doesn't care,  he's used to it so wife telling his other brothers not to talk to him like that is ??? confusing.
Yo-Yo don't really butt heads. Yonji may try to avoid answering but the longer they're around each other the easier it becomes for Yorin to read him. (happens to Ichiji too and he doesn't like it) 
All this is happening before the dark saga sets in after the kids get older. We plan on them being born pretty tough and strong already.  Yorin has explained to them that dad's different from them and doesn't experience most emotions. The kids still love their dad and want to play with him when he's around which Yonji indulges. 
I was thinking of this one time after burning this island to the ground, Yonji and the oldest are on the beach like in that one yatsuba comic. The baby is collecting rocks with him and having a nice lil time. even finds some burned bone fragments (: dark but ya know.  The kids KNOW Germa is in the war business, Yorin saw no point in hiding it from them because it's literally all around them. But when the kids really start showing their strength and damage resistance Judge gets to thinking 🤔 knows in the contract he can't experiment on the kids but .... what's a few tests. Can't hurt to take some blood and see. Tells Yonji  to bring them down to the labs and babies are scared cause they've never been to this part but dad's there and he seems fine with it.
The kids get stronger as they age and Judge wants to start giving them implants, Yonji hearing this doesn't know why but he doesn't like the idea and tries to put it off cause once something's replaced it's gone forever.
Yorin ends up finding out about these experiments and leaves, no outburst, no letter, she's just gone.
Slowly Yonji begins to realize something's missing. The kids aren't there to greet him from a mission. His room is quiet and his bed is empty. Surely he can't miss his wife and kids =/ that's dumb. 
That's about the gist of what's happened and what's planned.
This is leaving out all of yorin's interactions with the others because ooooweee she's not as nice to those freaks. 
Reiju and Yorin do have girl time tho (:
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