#i love thinking about it
yujeong · 2 months
For a writing prompt, how about Pete and his grandmother, post-canon? It could be Vegas/Pete + Macau + Pete's grandmother as well or any combination you want ^_^
I wonder how his grandmother would react to seeing a Pete she both knows and one who has been changed. How would Pete walk the line between the truth she deserves to know and the pain he wants to preserve her from? There are so many unique tensions between them that I'd love to see you explore <3
My beautiful friend, how kind of you to send me this prompt ❤️ Pete and his relationship with his grandma has occupied my thoughts many, many times, so this is an incredible chance to explore them. You already know this, but for the rest who will read it, the following will be part of a bigger fic I intend to write someday, which I had presented briefly here: aka, Pete will be teaching Vegas boxing post-canon, despite both of their better judgements. Here, Pete's grandmother finds out about it 😌 It's a very rough draft and very incomplete, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless 🥰 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Pete, dear, you're adding too many peppers." The pan made a sizzling sound when he added the fifth pepper into the mix, ignoring his grandma's comment. "Don't worry, grandma. It's fine. It's not too spicy," he said, adding another one just because. He heard a deep sigh coming from the laptop placed on the counter next to him. A smile appeared on his lips. "For you and me it isn't, but you know how the city boys are." "I know," Pete agreed, "I'm preparing this for them. Macau will be fine, he's taken this as a challenge." "That young man and his bravado," his grandma sighed again. "Sometimes, I worry he'll get himself into real trouble one day." "You and me both, grandma," Pete said and shook his head at the memories that resurfaced. It couldn't really be described as sadness, this feeling that overtook him. More like fondness mixed with melancholy. Macau had been through a lot this past year and Vegas' recklessness lately was making it worse. Not that Pete could exactly blame him for it.
"Pete, the temperature is too high, lower the heat a bit," his grandma suddenly said, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was fascinating how she could understand these things without being able to see the meal being prepared. Pete had placed the laptop at an angle that only showed his torso and the kitchen table behind him, his face hidden completely from view. If he did that on purpose, it simply couldn't be proven in any way. He slowly turned the dial to lower the temperature as he was told, then stretched his arm to grab a wooden spoon with which he started scraping the bottom of the pan, making sure the mix wouldn't get burned. "Hm, I think it's almost done, it only-" "Pete." He stopped talking. He knew that tone. He had made a mistake. "Show me your hands." Fuck. She saw the marks. "I'm cooking grandma, what-" "Stop what you're doing and show me your hands right now." He tried not showing his discomfort as he lowered the heat even more and presented his open palms to the screen. He could see his grandma's wrinkled face, her frown deep and concerning. This was going to be hell. Pete tried avoiding showing his knuckles, but it was impossible; she insisted on seeing every single part of Pete's hands. He always hated when she did that. "Have you started boxing again?" Pete was so thankful she couldn't see the expression on his face. He wasn't sure he would be able to hide the dread he was feeling as he heard the question. "It's just some light exercise, grandma," he said and hoped his voice wasn't betraying him. "Vegas just wanted to be more active and-" "Vegas made you start boxing again?" Another mistake. Pete shouldn't have mentioned Vegas at all, he was such an idiot. He hoped Vegas would understand, when he found out. "Vegas didn't make me do anything." It wasn't a lie. It had been Pete's choice. He had made a lot of those recently. "Pete," his grandma said again, but this time, instead of angry, she sounded sad. Concerned. "If you need money, maybe you could talk to Mr. Tankhun. He could give you your old job back or find you a new one." "I won't fight," Pete yelled, feeling his blood boil at the mention of his old boss. He checked himself before continuing to speak, making sure he sounded unbothered. "Grandma, I won't do any matches. I'm simply teaching Vegas some basic moves and that's it." "Show me your face." A pause. "What?" "I need to see your face, Pete." His heart was thumping in his ears. He didn't want to be seen right now. He almost said so, before an energetic Macau entered the room and addressed him. "P'Pete, what are you making? Oh hi, grandma!" He ran over to the counter and lowered his body to see her clearly. Pete could tell she wasn't happy she lost the chance to see Pete's face, but she hid her displeasure immediately and smiled brightly at Macau, asking him how his day had been so far and if he had any plans for the rest of it. Pete internally sighed and returned to his cooking, his hand trembling as he was scraping the bottom of the pan with a little more force than necessary.
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luimagines · 1 month
Pinky the one with the Lynel Farm has a question for you. If you could, would you like to be isekai'ed in the Linked Universe?
I wouldn't know, if I'd like that because as soon as Twilight sees me he will see me as his pup, I'm sure of it. Because of these reasons. My hair colour is from dirty blond to brunette, if I could I would split my hair so I look like Shoto Todoroki just with dirty blond and brunette. I have blue green eyes and 160 cm height. I have a goddamn accent from my native language and animals love me and follow me around, I'm sure I would start a Lynel farm. I probably smell like cats and dogs as these are my pets and I can ride a horse.
I don't know why but my gut is telling me that if I land in their crazy spirit family, that I have Twilight acting like a father and Time like a grandfather. I wouldn't have a problem with it. If it wasn't for the fact that I am extremely curious and would stray so often that they put me on a leash as I have no sense of orientation but that's the fun part for me as I always find something new that way. So The Chain has practically two Wilds and two Hyrules. Yeah, Twilight will have fun. And if my best friend is coming with me too, Legend is going to have a breakdown as he looks like a 180 cm male version of Marin!
My heart says yes, but my mind (and everything else) says hell no!
You kidding!? I've got zero survival skills. XD
Not only would I inadvertently become a burden, but I would probably be shot just from getting in the way of the monsters with my innate lack or direction.
I, for a fact, know that I'm better off here in the real world than I would ever be in Hyrule.
I would love to go though. Hypothetically.
In the same way I would love to go to Narnia. Is it a childhood dream? Yes. Would I survive long term? Nope. Surviving short term is a question as well.
And that's not even taking into account my non-existent athletic ability. I'm be in the back with Sky because we get worn out quickly.
But I'm glad you have faith in your abilities to keep up with this group!
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aww, this sounds cute
When I was like 8?? My cousin and I climbed the tree outside my aunt's house, we collected about 5 or so snails from the tree, placing them on our arm to climb down, then we lined them up on the table on the outside patio, created a start and finish line, and raced them
character : barty
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oh ym god i love aquatic ruin zone
everyone look at my aquatic ruin zone guardian
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look at her shes so. shes so guardian. shes such an aquatic ruin. zone.
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spirkbitch · 11 months
every time i watch tos i just love thinking about some random gays in 1967 just going absolutely feral over it and having no idea how to act about it
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sioboi · 7 months
they are my problematic faves
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joanna-lannister · 15 days
we could have had Cersei holding her baby 😭😭
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lakesparkles · 10 months
can't help thinking bojack would want to use maxs powerss to rewind ...probably all the way back to 1994 to tell angela to screw off
And it would be totally deserved! I'm still so pissed at Angela. But it would be better for Bojack to not know Max's powers. The only way I can imagine a story with him coming back on time is things still going wrong in different ways no matter how much he tries to change them for the better. It'll only make him even more frustrated
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Does anyone know those animated music videos where it's just little guys dancing to whatever song it is. That but it's temeraire characters
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Schmitty: [rambling about something stupid]
Contestant, aside: Haha, is he single?
Sandy: Yes, actually. He just recently experienced his fiancée leave him at the alter.
Contestant: I am SO sorry for his loss-
Sandy: Don't be. I was the fiancée.
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salveticn · 2 years
;; ancients wearing winter coats...
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oncorhynchus-nerka · 3 months
VERY IMPORTANT a dam in the Netherlands, the weerdsluis lock, is directly on a migratory path for spawning fish. They have a worker stationed there to open the door for the fish, but they can take a while to open it. So to keep the fish from getting preyed on by birds they installed a doorbell. Only, the fish don't have hands to ring the doorbell. If you go to their website, they have a LIVE CAMERA AND A DOORBELL that YOU RING FOR THE FISH when they're waiting, and then the dam worker opens the door for them! I can't express how obsessed I am with this. look at this shit. oh my god.
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Please check on the fish doorbell once in a while :)
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evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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inkedberries · 6 months
after patrolling, unwinding in a diner somewhere ...
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throw the man a bone batman geez
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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