#i love this gentle giant ghoul
wistful-watcher · 3 years
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Sara and Shane encounter kitty in the wild (x)
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ghoulish-fiction · 2 years
Mountain and Swiss relaxation sandwich 😩🥴
Okay, I know you are wanting the reader sandwiched between Swiss and Mountain... but... hear me out... Mountain being sandwiched? The man deserves some tender love and relaxation damn it. Also uuuhhh... this got so fucking angsty. I hope you don't hate it. 😭
Mountain/Swiss/NB Reader. Mountain has PTSD. Angst and comfort. SFW. Cut for length.
Brilliant moonlight shown down on you in the garden. You had ventured out here as soon as darkness had fallen so you could admire the moonflowers that had just begun to bloom this week. After taking a few pictures and drawing a few as well, you decided you were ready to go back home. I figured Mountain would be waiting up for you and you hated to make him wait, especially today. He had seemed... off all day. He hasn't really been himself for weeks truthfully, but he wouldn't admit to anything being wrong when you asked him about it.
When you opened the door to your apartment you could hear soft voices coming from the bedroom.
"Hello? Mountain? I'm home! Do we have company?" You shout as you hang up your things and slip out of your shoes.
"Yes." Mountain answers just barely loud enough for you to hear him.
"Hello! Its me!" Swiss calls out, "We are in the bedroom."
You make your way back to the bedroom to find Swiss standing in front of Mountain who is seated on the bed. Both ghouls were dressed in pajamas, both barefoot, and both in their natural forms.
"I'm glad you called me. I've been worried about you, big guy. Now, I'm no Aether, but let's see what we can do." Swiss says, bringing his hands to either side of Mountain's head.
"I'm sorry to interupt..." you say, making Swiss pause, "but what are you two doing?"
Swiss stands up again, letting his hands fall to his side. His tail subtly wraps around Mountain's ankle and looks sympatheticly at him. Mountain looks down at his hands in his lap before looking back up at you.
"I'm... not feeling well..."
"You're sick?"
"In a way."
"Mountain you're freaking me out. Please tell me what's wrong."
He sighs heavily, one hand pushing his hair out of his face. Swiss speaks softly to Mountain in their native tounge. Mountain nods and sighs again before looking at you.
"Many years ago... I... did a horrible thing."
"You did what you had to Mounty." Swiss says.
"Maybe so, but the memories haunt me." Mountain finally looks up at you and you are able to see the pain and sadness in his eyes that he's been concealing.
"Please don't ask what I did." He says, tears threatening to spill over, "I can't stand to see you hate me or be scared of me."
He looks down as the tears start to fall. You move towards him and Swiss steps away to make room, but he still keeps his tail wrapped around Mountain's ankle. You get down on your knees between Mountain's feet so you can look up at him. You take his face in your hands and wipe away his tears with your thumbs.
"Mounty, I could never, ever hate you or be scared of you. How could you ever say that, love?" You say softly.
"I am fearsome. I'm just a creature of the night."
"Some of the most beautiful things are only found in the night."
Mountain stares at you wide eyed and then begins to sob. You're wrapped up in Mountain's arms as he lets all of the emotion he had been holding back flow freely.
With your arms around his neck you whisper softly to him, "Its okay. I've got you, and I'm never letting you go. We all have pasts Mountain. I am never going to feel any differently about you because of yours. You're my gentle giant, yeah? You're a fierce protector of your family. You're the kindest person I've ever known. You are you. You are not your past. I love you so much Mountain. Let it all out love. I've got you."
Swiss sits down on the floor next to you and Mountain with his back against the bed. He rests his head on Mountain's leg, the one he is still holding with his tail, and rubs his hand soothingly up and down Mountain's calf.
The three of you stay like this for a long time with Mountain letting his emotions out and letting the relief wash over him, and you and Swiss comforting him through it all. Eventually Mountain lets go of you and sits up straight. He takes a deep breath and scrubs his face with his hands.
"Thank you. I love you. Both of you."
"I love you too, Mounty."
"Love you, big guy."
Mountain turns his attention to Swiss.
"Can you still...?"
"Yeah of course!" Swiss says, quickly rising to his feet.
"What exactly are you doing?" You ask as you move out of the way, "Quintessence magic, yes, but like...?"
Swiss grins, happy to have the opportunity to talk about his magic that everyone is quick to forget he has.
"First I have to get a acclimated to how Mountain is feeling right now. We have to sit together in it for a moment to get in sync and allow me to influence him. Then I'm going to put him in a trance. It helps to drive out the feelings he doesn't want and gives me a clean slate to work with. I could give him some happy emotions, which some ghouls would do, but I don't think its right to create false happiness, so instead I'm going to flood him with a sense of peace. Make him feel calm and relaxed, so, hopefully, he is able to go right to sleep and not have any nightmares tonight."
"It has worked before." Mountain says.
"Yes, but that was Aether who did it. Not me."
"You are more talented than you think." Mountain argues.
Swiss blushes a bit and says, "Thanks Mounty. Are you ready?"
Mountain nods and closes his eyes. Swiss steps forward and brings his hands to Mountain's face. You watch with fascination at such an intimate moment. You see Swiss's hands start to glow a swirling mix of black and deep blue. His face, once focused, turns sad. He looks heartbroken as he looks down at Mountain who looks like he might cry again. Swiss whispers softly in their native language again. Mountain nods and Swiss rubs his thumbs along Mountain's cheeks. Slowly, the black and blue glow turns to white. As it does Swiss is reciting something you can't understand. Mountain visibly relaxes in Swiss's hands. He holds him there for several minutes reciting the same thing again and again. Prahaps its a spell. Swiss stops reciting and smiles softly at Mountain. He is now talking to him gently. He keeps one hand on Mountain's cheek and the other comba through his hair and scratches behind his ear and horns. The glow has transformed from white to a soft pale green. Mountain melts further into Swiss's touch and looks as though he could fall asleep sitting up. The glow around Swiss's hands slowly fades out.
"There." Swiss says quietly, "Much better. Lets lay you down and go to sleep."
Mountain nods. He doesn't open his eyes as he scoots up the nest and lays down in a pile of pillows. Swiss climbs in too, and you are left unsure if you should be joining them. It was your bed too, but it felt like you were invading a very private moment. Maybe Rain would let you crash with him since Swiss was here...
Mountain opens one eye to look at you while Swiss settles in behind Mountain to be the big spoon.
"Get changed. Come to bed." Mountain instructs.
Once invited to join, you are quick to get into your pajamas and curl up against Mountain's chest. He wraps his arms around you and you drape an arm over him, reaching to touch Swiss as well. Swiss pulls a large blanked up over all three of you.
"Goodnight Mountain. Wake me up if you wake up." Swiss says with a yawn. Mountain nods.
"I love you Mountain. Thank you for trusting me." You whisper to him.
"I love you too." Mountain hums happily. "And you too." Mountain says twining his tail with Swiss's.
"I love you too big guy." Swiss says, nuzzling into Mountain's hair.
You can hear and feel both ghouls begin to purr. You pepper Mountain's skin with kisses, making him purr louder. He squeezes you tighter as Swiss squeezes him. Nothing more is said as the three of you lay comfortably sandwiched together. The smell of the moonflowers and the sound of crickets drifting in the open window on an evening breeze lull you all to sleep.
In the morning you all wake still tangled up in the blanket and eachother. The bedroom was washed in warm yellow light as opposed to the silver of the evening before, which tells you that Mountain was able to sleep through the night.
"Good morning." Mountain yawns.
Much to your joy, you look up to see that for the first time in a long time, Mountain has woken up with a sleepy smile.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
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first masterlist
falling for the same darling (Sebastian and Claude)
calling them big brother (Joker)
darling kisses rival back (Dagger, Joker, Soma)
falling in love with the same darling (Ciel&Alois)
with a demon s/o (Viscount of Druitt)
not just an act (Sebastian)
falling for the same darling (Claude and Hannah)
Soulmate AU with a ghoul (Grell)
sick s/o (Dagger, Joker, Keinz Drocell)
neko s/o (Sebastian, Finny, Undertaker, Snake, Pluto)
friends with a giant spider (Elizabeth, Claude, Hannah, Grell, Snake,)
Valentine's day date (Snake)
modern s/o who can shift between the worlds (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, all reapers)
s/o helps them after they've been transported in their world (Ciel, Alois, Sebastian, Claude)
accidentally kissing (Joker, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni, Charles Grey)
pregnant and engaged darling (Joker, Lau, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni)
it's too late (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
loving them despite being kidnapped (Ciel, Alois)
Already taken (Joker)
close your eyes for a surprise (Dagger, Ran Mao, Soma)
worshipped by a cult (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
modern s/o who sings and plays the guitar (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Ash, Grell, Ronald, Wiliam, Undertaker)
intrigued s/o asks him constantly questions (Sebastian)
fighting over the same darling (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, William)25
male s/o (Ciel)
Prompt 52 (Dagger)
s/o is Ciel's older sister (Finny, Dagger, Joker, Soma, Agni, Charles Grey)
hardworking yet lazy (William)
s/o is a human doll (Keinz Drocell)
welcome to my world (Ciel, Sebastian)
s/o has a nightmare (Finny, Grell, Undertaker, Joker, Snake, Soma, Agni, Ash)
cuddling the s/o on her period (Ciel, Alois)
too innocent (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Vincent)
Happy Death Day (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Hannah)
s/o in love with Ran Mao (Lau)
and suddenly there are three (Bardroy, Joker, Soma, Agni, Edward)
s/o is already married (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Madame Red)
monster hunter (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Grell)
s/o has ADHD (Ciel)
how embarrassing (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Edward)
sharing a darling (Finny, Mey- Rin and Bardroy)
good luck charm (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Charles Grey)
Prompt 124 (Sebastian, Ash)
mermaid s/o (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Sebastian, Ash, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
Prompt 32 (Ran Mao)
ghost s/o (Grell, Lau, Ash)
NSFW Hc's (Ash)
Why do you like me? (Sebastian, Hannah, Soma, Ash)
darling is a hybrid (Ciel, Sebastian, Claude, Grell, Ronald) 50
Prompt 26 (Ronald)
R!Ciel hc's
behind the mask (Sebastian, Alois, Claude)
fighting over the same childhood friend (O!Ciel and R!Ciel)
just like the mother (Ciel)
s/o nearly dies whilst giving birth (Sebastian)
I don't trust either of you (Sebastian & Hannah)
falling for the same darling (Angela & Ash)
Prompt 53 (Lau & Ran Mao)
Prompt 8 (Ash)
Prompt 127 (Grell)
buff strong and protective s/o (Hannah)
Can I patch it up? (Ash)
friends (Sebastian, Alois, Lau, Agni; platonic)
Prompt 72 (Claude)
Prompt 41 (Madam Red)
disguised (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Elizabeth)
asexual (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
Prompt 137 (Sebastian)
depressed darling (Sebastian)
Phantomhives eldest daughter (Lau)
bizarre doll project (Undertaker)
s/o with major trust issues (Ciel, Sebastian)
Prompt 137 (Hannah)
parents (Madam Red) 75
Prompt 123 (Frances)
trans darling (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah)
they are so beautiful (Sebastian, Claude, Snake, Ash)
NSFW Hc's (Agni)
Jealousy (Snake, Pluto)
Prompt 120 (Ronald)
Gentle and loving s/o (Grell, Madam Red, Rachel, Vincent)
s/o escapes from forced marriage (Sebastian, the triplets)
Bad sleeping habit (Ronald)
Treat you better + NSFW Hc's (Sebastian)
Secret admirer (Sebastian, Joker)
Prompt 9 (Platonic!Sebastian)
Stop controlling my life (Platonic!Lau)
Yandere Alphabet (Snake)
Prompt 102 (Sebastian) 90
Married yet falling in love again (Ciel&Elizabeth)
Ahead of their time (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Undertaker)
Holding hands (Elizabeth)
Yandere Alphabet (Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker)
s/o has Akatsuki abilities (Sebastian)
Sharing a darling (Grell&Madam Red)
Yandere Alphabet (Sebastian, Claude)
Yandere Alphabet (Grell)
Third masterlist
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
how do the papas and ghouls like to cuddle?
CUTE!! I went with Era IV ghouls, if that's ok!
Papas + Ghouls Favorite Way to Cuddle
Papa Nihil: You know this man expects nothing less than cuddling together when there's a marathon of 'The Omen' on TV! There will always be one of those handmade knitted blankets he keeps for the occasion! Nihil loves the classic way of both of you facing the TV and resting your head on each other's, OR having you rest your head on his shoulder while he rests his cheek on top of your noggin. So long as no one is blocking the TV, he is fine!
Papa I: It's not the most COMFORTABLE way to cuddle, but Papa LOVES having you in his lap while he works. He likes to do this a couple of ways, depending on what you find better. Either having you on one of his thighs with your lags across his lap OR sitting between his thighs while he works around you. There is something sensory wise that makes this so lovely for him. But he won't say not to moving to the bed or couch. After all, staying like that for too long might mean getting cramped or having his leg fall asleep!
Papa II: Is not one to want to cuddle often, so when he does it feels very special. Papa typically will lay on his back and have you tucked under his arm. He likes to keep you close to his side while he rubs your back or arm. While he typically waits for you to initiate cuddling most times, the only time he is vocal is WHERE you cuddle. If it's not on his lavish bed or chase longue he will be grumpy about it. There are some positions that just aren't comfortable and he wants this time to be relaxing.
Papa III: Prefers to cuddle in a way that allows you both to face each other! That way it's easier for the two of you to talk or gaze into one another's eyes (romantic cliches are mandatory!) Papa, however, is very sneaky when it comes to snuggle time. You will never cuddle in a way where you physically CAN'T play with his hair. Papa loves all forms of this gentle contact, but if he had to pick a favorite it would be nestled under your chin, face in your neck, and you playing with his hair.
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: Absolutely LOVES to be the little spoon, if he can! Preferably if you have your face in his hair or chin resting on his head or shoulder. Admittedly, Copia can be a bit selfish when it comes to cuddles as he wants to be the one who is spoiled. Play or kiss his hair, hold him from behind, and whisper sweet nothings to him. You will have the new Papa eating out of your hands!
Ember: Many people always assume Ember would be unwilling to admit that he loves cuddles and soft intimacy, but it couldn't be farther from the truth! The guitarist LOVES to cuddle and will take every opportunity he can to get them! Even if it means being a huge brat! Ember doesn't mind most cuddle positions so long as you are planning to play with his hair or give him horn scritches. He's like a very demanding cat that constantly needs pets!
Swiss: The King of Snuggles and Cuddles, if he were to say so himself! Like Papa III, Swiss prefers most cuddling positions where you two are facing each other. Yes, because it's easier to talk and just relax with one another. But, it's also easier to do other small intimate gestures that he likes. Swiss is all about to touch and relishes any chance he has to show you affection. He's all about caressing and cupping one of your cheeks, kissing your forehead, or even booping your nose as a joke!
Aether: Nothing makes the guitarist happier than him comfortably on his back and you laid on top of him. The weight of his bedmate on top of him relaxing has always been a huge comfort to him. Aether has jokingly referred to you as his teddy bear on more than one occasion! This is usually accompanied by his arms securely around you as you listen to his heart beat.
Cirrus: Will be big spoon EVERY time. Cirrus has just never been as comfortable being the one being held. She prefers being the one 'protecting' her lover during snuggle time. Especially during sleep. The keyboardist will usually have her arms wrapped around your middle, or one arm draped around your shoulders. What's really cute is sometimes her tail will wrap around you too, for extra protection!
Cumulus: Loves cuddling when you are propped up by some pillows, first. Cumulus prefers being between your legs when you both cuddle, so she can use you as her favorite pillow! This can be one of two ways with her. One, she has her back to your chest so she can lean back and you can both do something like watch TV. or Two, she's turned to face you so she can nuzzle into your neck or chest.
Mountain: Because of his size he's used to being the bigger spoon, so he doesn't mind if that's the default. But Mountain always appreciate when you want to cuddle in a way that you are both level with each other. Loves when you mutually have your arms wrapped around each other in a tangle of limbs. He sleeps best when you are there to hold- even if it's just bear hugging your arm or leg while he sleeps.
Rain: The absolutely cuddliest ghoul you will ever meet. He simply can't pick a favorite way to snuggle because they are ALL amazing. I think as long as you are with him he won't be disappointed. But if he absolutely had to pick one position it would definitely be the two of you koala clinging to each other. So having your arms AND legs wrapped around one another. Not practical, but Rain loves getting so close! Bonus if it's under giant fluffy blankets.
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dmsden · 3 years
How Much Prep? - Tips on campaign and encounter prep
Hullo, Gentle Readers. This week's Question from a Denizen comes from my good friend Rourkie, a veteran player of my games and DM in their own right. They ask, “Any hot tips or tricks for long-term campaign planning? There's a couple of games I'd like to run in the future but I'm absolutely rubbish at planning and pacing my adventure out ahead of time, even if I know it'll be better for being pre-planned. Lol”
Campaign prep for me is a delicate balancing act. If you prep too much, you risk your players taking things in a direction you didn't plan for, and you end up having to shelve a lot of work that you've done. If you prep too little, then you run the risk of running out of things to throw at your players during a game session. It's a challenge.
I'll start by saying that, while I don't recommend it to everyone, having a solid idea of the world I'm running the game in works well for me. I started working on the world of the Shattered Pact as soon as 4th edition D&D was announced, and I didn't start running my game for several years after 4e had been released. That gave me lots of time to create a setting I liked...one that felt to me like an old-school setting, but also one that had room for all the things I was hearing about 4e. With a solid world like that, I'm never concerned about running out of things for my players to do. I can always pull something out of my lore or the culture of the area, even if it's just to delay the PCs for the rest of the session so that I can plan for the next one.
Quite often, when I start a campaign, I have a strong opening set piece I want to run, a strong idea of how I want the campaign to conclude, and a number of ideas for things that would be fun to explore during the campaign. I then leave a lot up to player agency. For example, when I started my Swords of the Amanar campaign, I had the idea for a giant showdown at the end in a dreamworld ruled by an Elder Brain Lich. I also had an image of the players being essentially deserted by their mentors in the same town, and then a kobold attack with a mysterious force behind it that would present a mystery. Exploring that mystery would eventually lead to discovering the existence of the Elder Brain Lich, but I had a wide swath of empty space. I dangled various plot threads in front of the players, and I followed the ones they seemed interested in. If they hadn't shown any interest in the mystery behind the kobold attack, I would've put that aside for a time, and, eventually, would've dangled something else related to the Underdark, the Mind Flayers, and the Lich that was ruling them. Ultimately, if they'd shown no interest in that plot at all, I might've developed something else, but, fortunately for me, they were keen to find out why the town had been attacked, and things proceeded from there.
I find it's very helpful to check in with the players, as opposed to their characters, and see if there's any kind of plot lines they're particularly interested in. For example, in my current campaign, a number of people mentioned being interested in exploring a War storyline, so a war against the orcs popped up a number of times as a strong plot element. The PCs even spent some time as voluntary soldiers in that war, and then returned, years of game time later, to assist in its conclusion.
I also like to ask players if there are monsters they'd like to see in the campaign, particular magic-items they'd love their characters to find, NPC cultures they'd like to visit, and so on. That gives me things to build on. If someone wants to fight an owlbear, I would make sure to work an owlbear hunt into one of my stories, or have one lurking in a cave somewhere along the PCs' path. If they want a monster with some strong story elements, such as Drow, Mind Flayers, Dragons, etc, then that gives me a whole storyline to work with. If someone has always wanted to play a character that assembles the Rod of Seven Parts, that gives me a potential element to thread through the whole campaign!
I find it helps to have your over-arching goals, but not to plan more than a level's worth of material at a time, beyond rough ideas. That leaves the flexibility for the players to take things in a direction you weren't expecting. If you're running a campaign where they're fighting ettercaps in a swamp, and they get it in their heads that the ettercaps are serving the will of a Swamp Hag, you can then have the flexibility to create a Swamp Hag and insert her, as if you'd planned it all along. Maybe you intended them to meet an exiled priestess of Lolth instead, but this plot will still be satisfying, and, if the priestess of Lolth is important to your overall plans, maybe the Hag has a letter from the priestess that can steer the PCs back where you need them to go. And if they don't, then follow the PCs' interests. It's their story, too, and they deserve agency.
Once I have a vague idea of what a level's worth of material is likely to be about, I like to create some very sketchy encounters. I look over level-appropriate monsters, using the Challenge Ratings as a guideline, and I pick ones that I think will fit the themes of what I want to run. I rely heavily on the advice in the Dungeon Master's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Everything on XP budgets and such. I might jot these down in my notes with a few thoughts on the setting of the encounter. For example, I recently created an encounter for a group of 6 2nd level characters that were heading into a sea cave that was likely to have undead in it. I chose ghouls, because I think ghouls are pretty nifty and a scary fight, and I chose to make them “lacedons”, the aquatic version of ghouls I remembered from 1st edition D&D, by giving them a swim speed of 30 feet (which, it turns out, had already been done in the adventure Dead in Thay.) I jotted some notes about them attacking from underwater in flooded tunnels. Later, I picked a cool battlemat I had that showed flooded tunnels and noted to myself about where the lacedons would be. Ta dah! Cool and creepy fight, especially in the darkened tunnels.
Rourkie, I don't know if that helps, but I hope so! Roll them bones, my friend, and give your players a great story!
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Whenever you feel up to it, I'd love some gentle and affectionate headcanons/scenarios for an owner with a HK android (No pressure, at your own pace)
Gentle/Affectionate Headcanons with the Horned King!
- On days where you two are alone, he enjoys your company immensely. You being his first favorite person has certainly made him crack his shell.
- I solely believe that his favorite thing to do is hold your hand while you two read. The feeling of your more lively hand being entwined with his clawed hand makes him feel alive
- Sometimes, he’ll bring your hand up and rub it against his cheek. The smoothness of your hand always calms him
- If he catches you cooking with your back turned, he might give you a hug from behind, but will quickly retreat and act as if nothing happened
- Kiss him and the ghoul just might fall apart right then and there
- Will never admit it, but he does love it when you make him some tea or hot cocoa
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hailbop1701 · 3 years
The Halloween Spirit
McCoy X (GN)Reader
Keywords: Halloween, Scare, and Candy corn
Oh my gosh, a surprise phone blurb! #HalloweenEdition. This can be read as Platonic or pre relationship. Typos a plenty and well, I guess that's it. Oh and I love you all. 🥰
Leonard blinked a few times just to check to see if he was seeing things or if what was right in front of him was actually real.
The lab you most frequent-- and many just called it your anyway-- was decorated to the nines with oranges, blacks, blues, purples, and reds. Halloween swept through like a hurricane and left no surface untouched. Leonard was both mildly horrified and impressed.
"How did you get Spock to approve of this?" He asked raising his voice so it could be heard over your usual music.
You spun around wearing a cheeky grin, the decorative and ridiculous -- yet incredibly adorable -- bat headband bounced and bobbed on top of your head. "Nyota of course," you said as you turned your music down.
Leonard rolled his eyes to the ceiling in an "of course" gesture. You looked at your space with an almost sheepish expression,
"Too much?"
Leonard knew about your love for Halloween and gave you a small smile. Shaking his head he pulled you close,
"Nah, folks will get a kick out of this place," he said with a chuckle. Moving so his arm rested over your shoulders he took in more of the room. Bats, Jack O' Lanterns, witches, ghosts, and ghouls. His eyes finally came to rest upon a giant cauldron filled with candy.
"You're trying to keep me busy in sick bay aren't you?"
You snorted out a laugh and pointed to a smaller bowl on your desk. "I even have Captain-friendly treats."
Leonard squinted at the content before bursting out in laughter. Candy corn. Your grin grew as McCoy bent at the waste cackling. Plucking a chocolate treat from your pot you held it out.
Straightening still shaking from the chuckles, Leonard took the offered candy. He gave you a smile and a sigh.
"Happy Halloween Darlin' "
He gave you a gentle squeeze, and a kiss on the forehead before making his exit. You smirked wickedly,
"If he liked this he'll love what I left for him in his office," you muttered reaching for a handful of candy corns.
Everything: @lauraaan182, @chickadee-djarin, @cowenby2, @bluesclues-1234, @sayuri9908
Star Trek X Reader: @bitch-slap-dukat, @beatriceshadowmarvel2, @morriganwarrior
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thealchemystics · 3 years
I've been consuming just about any fic I could find, I'm sure there's more but here's my research notes: under the cut because I mention so 18+ stuff, vaguely but you can never be too sure
Subsection A: The Papa’s
Young Nihil: fuckboi, garbage boy stinkman, most fics I read he's uhhhhhhh not very aware of his actions and therefore does dumb shit and comes across as insensitive towards other people’s feelings, needs and wants
Old Nihil: sweet old geezer, stupid but we love him, we do not fuck this man only ask for comfort and guidance with his sons
Papa I: old man, very into magic therefore spell work and things like sexy potions are things that come to mind for him, stern but loving -- where is all his content, kids?? [citation needed]
Papa II: harem plot, chosen lover, also old but has a zest for life (and bitches), has calmed down since III became Papa but still has expensive taste in both material things and lovers
Papa III: s l u t, y’all really love this man and there's a nice balance between wanting to top him and getting RAILED into the hell dimension by him, fun at parties, respects women
Copia: ratman, socially awkward with a hidden dominant side but mostly SUBMISSIVE, vague Gomez Addams vibes which I respect, heavier religious themes than with the others? I assume this has something to do with his recent ascension to Papa
Subsection B: Ghouls
werewolves but better? heat cycles and knotting are on the table as well as prey-play 
Aether: Most on top of his shit, most human in his behavior and therefore very considerate of a human lover’s needs and physical limits, BEEF, nap on his chest, do it 
Rain: Shy is like the default setting, but secretly like a daddy dom and really wants to fuck? I’m very confused by this [citation needed] 
Mountain: Gentle giant, DONG FOR DAYS, doesn’t talk much but really doesn’t need to, (Ursula voice) don’t underestimate the importance of BODY   L A N G U A G E   HA!
Dewdrop/Fire(?) idk man y'all call him both: Goblin I relate to, craves violence, biter and marker, will fight you -- his fellow ghouls -- god himself -- anyone, needy as fuck
Swiss: Switch king, literal boyfriend material when you want him to be but feral if you let him do whatever, 10/10 would run into again in the middle of a desolated woodland
Cumulus: THICC, joined at the hip with Cirrus but I believe y’all consider her to be the gentler of the two? [citation needed] Even so, the Air Ghoulettes are not to be trifled with
Cirrus: Many fucking citations needed. 
Subsection C: Bonus
Mary Goore: a really rowdy boy, just a fun having fun-looking dirty boy, dead? alive? ghost? it’s all good times here! exhibits corvid behavior like collecting shiny’s and hanging around graveyards, blood kink
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trashytummies · 2 years
Desperate Measures (unfinished manhua G/t fic)
A/N: Wrote part of this back when I had severe Flowers in the Secret Place brainrot, but I still love Lian Ren (the 2nd lead). It’s a Chinese manhua about a girl who ends up in this other world (they’re like demons but not? The translation is ghouls, but I guess they’re like demon-reaper-ghost-like creatures that rule the afterlife?) The story is super cliche and isn’t anything special, but I have a thing for tortured dudes with 2nd lead syndrome and the art is gorgeous (plus there’s some g/t and vore…well soul vore but it’s better than nothing). There was going to be vore but never got to that point ;_; _______________
The wisp of a flame licks his back. Lian Ren’s eyes widen as Jiu Tao begin to catch up, demanding him to hand over Gu Yu. 
A torrent of flames blast at full force, blazing right past him. The onslaught of fire only makes him run faster. Foolish little brat, always turning to fighting above all else. He throws back a quick binding spell toward Jiu Tao. Locks and chains surround an orb, successfully encasing Jiu Tao; Lian Ren smirks at the younger’s furious squawks. It was just strong enough to temporarily incapacitate Jiu Tao’s efforts to go after them. Or at least he hoped. 
“Lian Ren! Tell me what you did with Gu Yu, I know that you know where she is, you deadpan bastard!” he shouted, vehemently banging on the walls of his dome-like prison. 
Bits of ember flare out of his hands, but the orb absorbs his attacks. The younger prince curses up a storm, kicking and punching at the magical cell. Lian Ren narrows his eyes as he notices the beginnings of small cracks forming at the bottom of the orb. His cocky smirk falters and he picked up his pace. He looks down at his enclosed fist, careful not to jostle it too much. He had to be mindful about his little passenger, after all.
Finally, far enough from Jiu Tao, Lian Ren carefully unfurls his fist and a sharp pang runs through his heart when wide blue eyes stare up at him. A light pink dusts Lian Ren’s cheeks as he marvels how the tiny blonde stayed so remarkably calm. 
Gu Yu is unmoving, still as stone as she can only look up at the giant ghoul before her. Lian Ren’s head tilts to the side, his bangs sweep over his eyes as he gently presses a finger to her back, frowning slightly once he feels her racing heartbeat, rivaling that of a cornered mouse. 
She’s terrified. 
He slowly rubs the tip of his finger in small, gentle circles on her back, but Gu Yu only stiffens in response. Lian Ren sighs and pulls away; he couldn’t blame her. After all, he was the one who selfishly destroyed their relationship in the first place; being small, in the hands of her past murderer wasn’t a fate he would wish upon anyone, especially her. 
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i-am-a-punkrocker · 7 years
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trashy-caverns · 3 years
What are your headcanons on how Will processes his trauma after the deep caverns? I'm gonna write some hcs about how Eli processes his (I'll tag u)
Oh hell yeah let’s do this!
Well to tell you this it’s how tired he really is, because he was in the deep for So long he feels Angry like so much Wild emotions was loose, everytime he sees a ghoul...He feels nothing of Guilt and Pity for the poor Slug, never Fear. Because in my fanon he was cared for by A.E.G.I.S for a while, it took Will a long while to heal Physically of his wounds of the deep.
While mental trauma is a different story, when he escaped, He was mentally fucked up but he was still strong enough to stay stable for his family. They were his light and he always have a very strong determination and he Kept going until he was found by A.E.G.I.S.
He tries to deal with it by distracting himself, Watching Something, Talking to someone about a different topic, and many that doesn’t have the deep caverns topic during his first weeks of his escape. He suffered Sleep deprivation because he was afraid that if he wakes up tomorrow he’s has returned to hell again.
Everytime he has a flashback he gets in a moment that, he becomes unresponsive to Everyone as he tries his best to calm himself down (Or Violently punching furniture especially the wall)
He sleeps with a Two-Twicky (the Demigod-Hellhound, who he befriended a year before ROTE) after they reunite they tried giving him a Ursamutt (What is basically, Slugterra’s equivalent to a fucking horse that is a Giant Bear Doggo, but that’s it’s own post) but Will accepted and pretty much have two doggos to act like his Emocinal support Dogs, Who is are extremely Gentle With him and protective.
He is extremely Overprotective of his Loved ones, He will not hesitate to rip someone’s Skull if they threaten, his Son and loved ones lives.He Hugs His family and friends a lot to feel their warmth and affection, they always make him feel safe.
Eventually he gets a walking cane when he’s getting treated of his exposure dark water, lots and lots of light treatments of light water (dark water but light), Boon Docs and a metric fuckton of fandangos, and physical and Mental therapy. The cane was equipped with a Blade and blaster to defend himself, even after he completed his treatments he still uses it because he thinks it made him cool.
He’s retired, (For now) but still Helps and trains Eli, the best he told Eli everything he knows and apologizing him for leaving him and he hopes that Eli is happy for his life, he is fucking Proud of his son dammit! But unfortunately still gets nightmares of his son screaming his name, when he dragged blakk to the deep after ROTE.
Healing through his trauma is going to take a good while, before he returns back to the Public. He kinda decided to keep the hobo look for now. Even through he took a three day shower after he was rescued and burned (with Two-Ticky’s Help) all of his deep caverns clothes because how bad it smell and he doesn’t want to remind himself what he did there.
He takes some medications to Keep himself calm, watches Tv with the Shane gang to catch up with a lot of stuff, he’s always with someone to keep himself lonely when he doesn’t have his doggos. He absolutely loves company because it kept him sane during the last few years of talking to Salem (a dark bane who betrayed his Kind), a fucking spirit, and two-Ticky.
That’s what I have for now! I hope this answers your question!
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deepdisireslonging · 4 years
Lie to Me
The Reader is a travel companion of the Witcher, Geralt, and occasionally Jaskier. Over time, her relationship with Geralt grows stronger. But the life they lead is dangerous, physically and emotionally. 
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader 
Warnings/Promises: Fluff, Smut, Angst, canon injuries, canon monsters (drabbles after the monsters are dead), canon amounts of blood, drinking/alcohol, character death
Word Count: 453 + 596 + 471 = 1520
Note: I wrote this for @lancsnerd​ for their #lancsnerd1kchallenge. As it is a writing challenge, I took my prompt and wrote not one, not two, but three drabble-ish fics based on the prompt: “Lie to Me.” They are in order, kind of like how the Netflix show bounced around in time while staying chronological by character. Geralt is a new character for me, so we’ll see how this goes. All feedback is super appreciated. Enjoy!
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Drabble 1: Kikimore
“I didn’t need your help.”
You ignored him and dropped his share of the cut into his open palm. “Right.”
“I didn’t.” Geralt growled and followed you to the horses. 
The kikimore corpse was still dripping swamp gunk and who knows what. Roach was more than happy to get it off his back. Your steed, Alcippe, whinnied at the snack you’d brought her. With the earnings from the buyer, Geralt was able to buy a room for the night. You ordered a hot bath. 
“Get in.”
Geralt shot you one of his ‘like hell I will” glares.
“You stink of kikimore and swamp. And you’re hurt.”
“Hmm.” He rotated his shoulders, masking a wince. “I’m fine.”
He was never going to budge. So you took hold of his gear and dragged him closer to the tub. “Right. Because the giant gash across your back is perfectly normal, right?” You ran your fingers just under the proof of yet another close call. 
The feathery touches made Geralt hiss. “Easy, woman.” He grit his teeth. “Fine. If you hadn’t come swinging out of the trees like an Amazon when you did, that cut would have been much deeper.” There was a pause while you gently removed the leather and ruined tunic. “Thank you.” He was about to remove his pants, but you stopped him. 
“Leave those on, they need a wash too. You were mad at me for burning the last set. Now, hop in.”
Geralt hissed again as the water came in contact with the wound. You took a rag and set to cleaning it, taking extra care around the more ragged edges. He sat as still as he could. But the water sloshed when he flinched. “Tell me,” he rumbled, “how bad is it?”
You bit back a snort. “Do you want the truth, or the hard truth?”
“Lie to me.”
“Oh, no,” you moaned, “this is never going to heal!” You giggled and set to washing the mess off his back. “You’re going to bleed out and die in a most painful way. In remembrance of Geralt of Rivia, toss a coin-”
“Oh fuck off.” He tossed a handful of water over his shoulder at you. “I should have thrown Jaskier off a mountain when I had the chance.” 
You hummed. “Brilliant. Then he could haunt you and infinitely create songs for you from the afterlife.”
“Don’t even suggest that!”
In another moment, you were soaked and waist-deep in water. Geralt continued to douse you with water until you successfully pinned him to the side with your foot on his chest. It was just long enough for you to grab some soap… and for him to weave your fingers with his. 
Drabble 2: Hellhound
All around you, the villagers that had been angry at you just a few minutes ago, were now drowning their rage in wine and something Geralt called “Wives’ Tears.” You declined the cup offered to you. 
“Would you like something stronger?” Looking side to side, Geralt slipped a small vial from under his armour. “Try this instead.”
You recognized the stench. “Where in this wide world could you have ever heard that getting drunk would help you defeat a hellhound? Especially drunk on something made from ghoul blood.” Still, you accepted the flask and took a sip, gagging at the taste. “For the love of sanity, why?”
With a chuckle, Geralt took back the flask and took a long draught. “Because... hellhounds excrete a painful aura. It can be distracting. But… by being drunk, the effect is minimal, and you can kill the thing. And it makes your moves smoother.”
Memory didn’t agree with that last bit, having seen Geralt’s “smoother” movements, but the results were impressive. “Fine. It works.” Again you looked around. “And who knew a Witcher travelled with so many spirits.” A smile tugged at your lips. “There’s a pun in there somewhere.”
“Please don’t.” He groaned as Jaskier leapt to the top of a table. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Say the magic word-”
“Fair enough.”
Before the first chord was strummed, Geralt had you safely tucked away in a far room. It was one of the nicer ones. And, by how the drinking was going on outside, it wouldn’t be used tonight by its owner. The bed was large. Four-posted. Draped with furs and sheets that were soft to the touch. 
“We shouldn’t.” Your whisper was barely heard past your lips. A shiver followed under Geralt’s fingertips. “We-”
“Why not?” He tilted your face up to his. While his words slurred, the realness remained. “You’re the only one who can make me talk when I haven’t for days. You’ve said I’m the one that can quiet your mind. Two sides of a blade.”
You guided his hand to his side, away from your face. “Don’t say such things. Please. Just… we can’t- I’m nothing to you. Say it. Lie to me if you have to, but say it.”
Geralt leaned down, his breath puffing against your lips. “You’re nothing to me.” For a blissful minute, he had control of your mouth with his. “If you disappeared tomorrow, I would never think of you again.” His fingers tugged at the straps holding your clothes together. “Not for one second.”
The bed rushed up behind you. It was a firm surface to lay one while your blood electrified in all directions. “If you rode away tomorrow into forever-” You cut off at a gasp as Geralt’s callused fingers found your slick. “I would be content to live two lifetimes without seeing your face.”
“Only two lifetimes?” Geralt smirked and manoeuvred to stand between your legs. “Maybe you do like me.” He waited for you to deny it. To lie. But the silence wore on. His yellow eyes glowed with the meaning of your silence. “Say it.”
“You are nothing to me-” 
You screamed as Geralt filled you. Over and over. The hunt faded away. The danger. The fear. You couldn’t hear or feel anything except for Geralt under your tight grip on his shoulders. Nothing but his grunting and moans in your ear. Your own broken sounds as he drove you to peak after peak. 
It took most of the night, but eventually, you were both sated enough to fall asleep. 
Drabble 3: Wyvern 
“Stay with me.”
“Y/N, can you hear me?”
“It’s dead. Now come on, we need to get out of here.”
You whimpered when he tried to move you. “Wait, Geralt, wait.” Clenching your jaw, you focused on breathing through the fire in your belly. “I- I can’t-”
His face wavered into view. “Yes, you can. We just killed a wyvern. A rabid one. There’s quite a reward waitin’ on us in the village.” He squeezed your hand. When you didn’t squeeze back, his brow creased. “Y/N. Keep your eyes open. Can you do that for me?”
It was hard. Everything hurt, your blood was on fire, and he wanted you to keep your eyes open?
“Fine, let them close. That’s- okay.” He eased up your armour and tunic for a look. 
The wyvern had come out of nowhere. It’s annoying when the thing you’re hunting arrives before schedule. The hunted isn’t supposed to become the predator. Its tail swung out and caught you in the stomach, sending you flying. Pain had been instant. Hot enough to make your fingertips winter-blue. 
“Take it easy-”
“Geralt,” you said harder. “How bad is it?” He wouldn’t look at you. And that scared you more than anything. 
He swallowed. “Do you want the truth…” He pulled your tunic down over the sight of the poison coursing through your veins. “-or the hard truth?”
If it wouldn’t have hurt to laugh, you would have. Instead, you settled for a weak smile. “Lie to me.”
Geralt’s hands were cold against your fevered skin. He cupped your face, trailing his thumbs across your cheeks. Maybe it was your blinking vision, but his eyes seemed blurry. “This is nothing. You’ll be back on your feet in no time.” One of his thumbs brushed something off your cheek. Something wet. 
“Thank you for being so gentle, Healer.” You heaved a breath. “Glad to hear it.”
He hummed lightly. “Don’t call me healer. I’m just a man who makes things bleed for a living. A monster.”
“You stopped lying.”
Both of you laughed. 
His smile dropped when you ended on a cough.  “Y/N, open your eyes for me. Please? Look at me.” When you finally managed it, his white hair was plastered to his face as if he had the fever. “I’m going to check my bags on Roach. There’s gotta be something in there that I can use. I’ll be right back.”
Before he could turn away, you whimpered, “take care of Alcippe for me.”
“Y/N? Y/N-”
    At the edge of the world
Fight the mighty horde
That bashes and breaks you
And bring you the morn, oh
      Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, valley of plenty
Oh, valley of plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, valley of plenty
Forever Tags: @blondekel77​ @brianaraydean​ @chwehansol98​   @fireflyfunhousetrash​   @laochbaineann​ @ramblingsofabourbondrinker​ @savmontreal​ @shieldgirl18 @tinyelfperson​ @writtingrose​ @xladyxfatex​ @gold--gucciempress​ 
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Papa IV in all caps is: PIV
That is all.
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cartoonus-maximus · 4 years
I updated my Tendershipping ideas masterlist!
This is the new one (as of September 2020). If you want to see the old one, which has most of the same things, go here [link].
      Tendershipping: (or could be Gemshipping, depending on your preference)
Ryou sits around his apartment all day, designing rpgs, watching tv, reading bizarre books, and sucking down ramen. Bakura is going stir crazy, and he refuses to let his host keep him trapped another day in this ungodly routine!
AU with Demon!Bakura and Angel!Ryou ; both creatures are meant to be pure, one pure good and the other pure evil, and their jobs are simply to destroy one another. But, when your enemy is that pretty and charismatic, it becomes harder and harder to avoid these developing feelings.
Bakura calling Ryou any myriad of nicknames, from 'Khonsu' to 'moonbeam' to 'bunny' to 'silly rabbit' to 'Ry-chan' to 'bunnicula' to 'host' to 'little landlord' to a number of things.
Ryou calling Bakura any myriad of nicknames, from 'Kura' to 'dream eater' to 'tapir' to 'baka-kura' to 'ring worm' to 'spirit' to 'stupid tenant' to a number of things.
AU with both Ryou and Bakura being ghouls (from “Tokyo Ghoul”) and participating in some consensual cannibalism foreplay.
AU where Ryou has given up on seeking relationships with the living. Instead, he learns necromancy and goes to seek romance in a graveyard. He brings Bakura back as a zombie, and the undead Bakura is all too eager to pull Ryou down into his grave with him, seducing Ryou with sweet words and kisses all while dirt showers over them and bugs crawl around them.
AU with Ryou encountering a Fae!Bakura.
In Ancient Egypt, Bakura raids the tomb of a recently deceased noble and finds a live slave trapped inside. Deciding he likes the slave (Ryou), Bakura takes him back to his hideout with him. (This plotline is old and often used, but I still enjoy it. ^^)
AU where Bakura is a death god and Ryou is an occultist who is obsessed with the concepts of death/dying. Bakura is a little perplexed by the human at first, but then becomes amused. Despite his dark interests, Ryou is still a very kind, polite, friendly, and overall cheery individual, and becomes a strangely bright spot in Bakura's otherwise dark and dull existence.
AU where Ryou is a merman and Bakura is a sailor ; Ryou is injured and washes up on a beach, and is found and nursed back to health by Bakura.
AU where Ryou is a siren and Bakura is a sailor ; Bakura is out on his boat when he hears singing in the water. He follows the sound to find the most beautiful man creature he's ever seen. The lovely fish man introduces himself as Ryou, and continues to sing, beckoning Bakura to follow him under the water. Unable to stop himself, Bakura finally abandons his boat, jumping into the dark, dangerous waters, chasing after the beautiful man with the beautiful voice.
AU where Ryou is a bored, sexually frustrated college kid who accidentally summons Bakura the incubus. The sexy demon is more than happy to show Ryou a good night, working hard to fulfill his every kinky desire.
AU where Bakura is a spider monster of some sort, who builds giant webs alongside forest paths, catching and eating anything he can... even humans! But, when Ryou, an eager young man who studies monsters in his spare time, comes along and gets caught in Bakura's webs, and when all Ryou can do is be fascinated and even delighted by Bakura's web building and scary appearance and venomous fangs, even while the monster is actively cocooning him... well, Bakura might just decide to let this human stay alive awhile longer. Besides, it can get kind of lonely up on the mountain...
AU where Bakura is a young man who works at a zoo, caring for exotic snakes. One of his favorites is a shimmering white snake he calls 'Ryou;' the snake is very large and powerful, and can easily wrap around a human's body, but has a gentle, docile personality. One day, when Bakura goes to tend to the snake, he finds Ryou in a different form, having changed into an almost human looking creature. Ryou is actually a naga, and he explains that his kind stay in snake form until they are ready to mate; looking at Bakura with hungry eyes, Ryou says that he's ready to mate now, and eagerly takes his favorite caretaker down into his burrow. Although taken aback, Bakura soon decides that his fate could be worse than having love made to him by a beautiful snake man.
AU with fem!Ryou ; I really love the fics where Bakura is this big scary dude and Ryou is this shy gal who happens to be the only person in the world Bakura is at all gentle with.
AU with fem!Bakura ; I like the idea of Bakura being this awful mean gal who carries knives and hates everyone aside from Ryou, who is her kind hearted and artistic boyfriend. Bakura is an absolute nightmare towards Atem and the others, but she also gets this cute little smile whenever Ryou calls her 'pretty' or recites poetry to her.
AU with fem!Ryou and fem!Bakura ; lesbian ghost shenanigans ensue!
AU where dragon!Bakura kidnaps human prince Ryou ; the prince has silver hair and golden flecked brown eyes and ivory skin and ruby lips... he'll make a perfect addition to Bakura's treasure hoard! For his part, Ryou is delighted to get out of the palace and to avoid his princely duties.
AU where Bakura is a pirate and Ryou is the son of a merchant
AU where Ryou and Yugi die in a car accident ; the two wayward souls are taken in by the demon Bakura and the angel Atem (could be tendershipping and puzzleshipping, could be heartshipping and casteshipping, or could be trapshipping)
AU where their positions are switched ; Bakura is a teenager in Japan whose father is a historian who is always traveling abroad, leaving his trouble making pickpocketing son to take care of himself. Annoyed by his father's absence, Bakura steals an Egyptian artifact from among the treasures at his father's museum; it isn't until later that Bakura learns that a spirit called Ryou, an embittered orphan from Ancient Egypt who robbed graves and made deals with demons, is housed within the artifact.
same AU, but Bakura lives in modern day Egypt, and both Ryou and the artifact he possesses come from Japan; Ryou's entire farm village was slaughtered and torched by samurai, and Ryou dedicated his life to avenging his people.
AU where Bakura is a young man in the modern world who visits occult shops for his own amusement, not believing in the supernatural but enjoying the eerie aesthetics of it all. He gets a book on demon summing, treating it like pleasure reading, but then accidentally summons Ryou the incubus. The pretty little demon refuses to leave until he sleeps with Bakura, but Bakura refuses to sleep with a nonhuman creature who he just met (and who shouldn't exist in the first place, thank you very much!). And since Bakura won't sleep with him and Ryou refuses to leave, Bakura becomes the very unwitting roommate to a fluffy demon who keeps teasing him about his lack of a sex life.
Ryou creates his own avatar for the Memory World game, entering it of his own accord (because screw you, Shadi!). Inside the game, he encounters Bakura as the thief. The pair is taken aback by the realization that they can truly interact with one another in this manner, and sparks begin to fly, much to their own chagrin.
AU where Ryou is studying Ancient Egypt and starts learning about a man called 'the Thief King.' Becoming infatuated, Ryou sets about to bring the stranger back from the dead, if only to steal a kiss from the handsome thief that has stolen his heart from beyond the grave.
AU where Bakura is an FBI investigator and Ryou is the serial killer he's hounding. No one who meets Ryou suspects him – how could someone so kind and polite and gentle be a killer? - but Bakura has his suspicions. Ryou is going to have fun toying with the handsome detective! >:D
AU where Ryou is a bunnyman and Bakura is a naga ; snakes and bunnies are natural enemies, but there's nothing natural about the relationship between these two.
AU where Bakura is a thief who steals a holy artifact from the temple of the moon god, upsetting the cult who worship there. The moon god himself (Ryou) descends from the heavens to find the man responsible, but, meeting Bakura, changes his mind and decides to take the mortal for a lover.
AU with tall, buff, intimidating Bakura and short, cute Ryou
AU with tall, whip sharp Ryou and short, scrawny Bakura
AU where they meet in juvie; Bakura's there for theft, but Ryou stabbed a guy
AU with mute!Ryou
AU with partially blind Bakura ; after receiving a knife to the face, rending one eye completely dead, Bakura's vision just isn't what it should be
AU with Alpha Bakura and Omega Ryou
AU with Alpha Ryou and Omega Bakura
AU with archaeologist Ryou and undead mummy Bakura
Ryou has a nightmare and wakes up in the middle of the night. Bakura talks to him and calms him until he goes back to sleep. It's not until he wakes up the next morning that Ryou remembers that the Ring and the spirit inside have both been gone for several years now!
AU where Bakura is a vampire who stalks the mortal Ryou
AU where Bakura is a modern man who goes to rob a mausoleum, but accidentally awakens the vampire Ryou, who was trapped inside. Ryou takes Bakura as a servant, a source of fresh blood, and maybe something more. (This one is partially inspired by the 'Dark Shadows' TV series.)
AU where Ryou play around with a ouija board and Bakura is a random annoying spirit who comes to haunt him as a result.
AU where they're both werecats, with Bakura being a wild lynx and Ryou being a small white Persian housecat.
AU where Bakura is a human/bat hybrid creature with black wings and covered in dark fur. He is captured from the wild and kept as a pet by Pegasus, who keeps a strange menagerie of monsters. Bakura quickly tires of his enclosure, and plots to escape. That is, until Pegasus adds another one of his kind to the enclosure – a smaller albino version, with white wings and white fur and shiny pink eyes. The albino is Ryou, who was born and raised in captivity and has never seen the outside world. Bakura now has a new choice presented to him: stay in captivity with Ryou, or escape with Ryou to freedom?
AU where Bakura is a birdlike creature, with bright red and gold and purple plumes, and a nest decorated with many shiny things he's stolen over the years. With all these colors and glittering trophies, he attracts the attention of many females, none of whom interest him. It's not until he meets Ryou, a male of their species with bright blue and green and silver feathers that gleam in the light that Bakura decides to take a mate; Ryou is very shiny, and he looks like the living embodiment of treasure, and, like Bakura, he is also often surrounded by female admirers that he's not interested in. Bakura decides to make the pretty male his!
AU with fem!Thief, who finds Ryou quite alluring, and quietly plans out many elaborate ways to kidnap him and steal his heart. Ryou is aware of her intentions, and secretly enjoys the attention.
AU where Bakura and Ryou are both cupids; Bakura personifies sex appeal and shoots arrows of lust, while Ryou personifies puppy love and shoots arrows of adoration. Despite their vastly different natures, the two cupids are together and are very much in love. (Their job this week to play a little matchmaker and try to get the humans Yugi and Atem together.)
When Mani, under the influence of the Ring, sends Ryou away during DSOD, Ryou actually dies and goes to the afterlife. He is greeted by Atem, who assures him that he'll be alright. The pair talk for a bit, giving Ryou time to relax and decompress, before Atem brings someone in to meet Ryou. It turns out to be the Thief, who Atem says has a lot to explain and to apologize to Ryou for. Ryou is immediately on edge, remembering how terrible the Spirit of the Ring could be, but, under Atem's goading, allows his mind to meet with the Thief's, and they share memories and thoughts and emotions. The pair reach an understanding with one another and part on amicable terms when Atem takes Ryou's soul back to the land of the living.
AU where Bakura is a dark god, whose name and worship have almost fallen into obscurity. He has no body of his own, and can only interact with the mortal plane by inhabiting the body of a human, and his current body is getting old and feeble. Despite these setbacks, Bakura is fervently worshiped and adored by his acolyte Ryou, who is ready and willing to help give new life to his dying god. Luring another young man into his god's sanctum, Ryou performs a ritual, removing the man's spirit from his body, allowing the god Bakura to enter into the mortal's body to make it his own. The young man's spirit is put into the body that Bakura discarded, and he is quickly killed. Bakura is pleased with Ryou's actions, and takes the acolyte to bed for a reward.
AU where Ryou is a pizza delivery boy, and Bakura is the jerk who orders pizza from all the way across town, ensuring that he'll get the pizza for only the half the price. He doesn't even tip! This means war, Bakura!
AU where Bakura is an online gamer who makes his living by yelling at computer games and doing ridiculous stuff. Ryou is also an online personality, making art tutorials and selling his own artworks online. The two are very, very different, and don't seem like they would know one another in real life or like they would have very much in common but, unknown to their fanbases, they are secretly dating. (Bakura's fanbase heavily ship him with Marik, Atem, and other online gamers he hangs out with, and Ryou loves finding the worst shipfics he can find to embarrass his boyfriend with at home!)
Ryou thinks Bakura must be lonely, and keeps dabbling in arcane arts, trying to summon another spirit for Bakura to hang out with. Bakura has very different ideas and keeps trying to romance Ryou instead.
AU where Ryou and Bakura are the merperson and the prince from “the Little Mermaid”
AU where Ryou and Bakura are the cursed prince and the beautiful stranger from “Beauty and the Beast”
AU where Ryou and Bakura are the thief and the child of the sultan from “Aladdin”
AU where Ryou, Bakura, Yugi, and Atem are characters in a version of “Aladdin” ; Ryou and Yugi are thieves, and Ryou finds a magic lamp, accidentally releasing the genie Bakura from his imprisonment inside. In return, Bakura offers Ryou three wishes, and Yugi convinces Ryou to use the wishes to make them rich and get them close to the prince, a handsome man named Atem. Although Yugi tries to push Ryou into marrying the prince, Ryou falls for Bakura the genie instead; in a similar turn of events, Atem has fallen for Yugi.
AU where Amane lives, and she watches her brother fail at dating over and over again. One day, while her older brother is out, Amane goes snooping through his old occult stuff that he thinks she doesn't know about, and she accidentally summons the incubus Bakura. She tries to hide him for several days in her room, not knowing how to send him back. (Ryou knows she messed with his stuff, and he knows she's hiding something, but he doesn't know quite what.) After Bakura finally admits that, as an incubus, he can't leave after being summons unless he has sex with someone, Amane decides to offer up her lonely, sexually frustrated brother as tribute.
AU where Amane is much younger than Ryou, and she keeps sneaking into her brother's room to sleep with him during the night. She insists that there's a scary monster under her bed, and she's too afraid to face him alone. Finally having enough, Ryou takes her back to her room one night to prove to her that this monster doesn't exist – only to find that there is a monster, his name is Bakura, and, unfortunately, he's rather attractive. (Bakura is open to a trade, and soon Amane is sleeping soundly in her own room, while Bakura becomes the monster under Ryou's bed.)
AU where Ryou and Bakura are both ancient vampires who have been married for thousands of years
AU where Ryou and Bakura are both ancient vampires who have been the respective heads of warring clans for thousands of years (enemies to lovers).
AU where Ryou is a witch and Bakura is his demon familiar. Bakura is frustrated because his dark powers are used by Ryou to do good things, like making healing potions and helping crops flourish. Why in all the circles of Hell did Bakura get stuck with a good witch?!
AU where Bakura is a shark based merman whose got his eyes set on the merman Ryou.
AU where Bakura is an anglerfish like merman who lives in the deep dark of the ocean. Ryou, an angelfish like merman, goes exploring too deep, and finds himself drawn to Bakura's pretty lights.
AU where Ryou goes scuba diving and encounters the flirty shark merman Bakura.
AU where Ryou goes scuba diving and encounters an octopus (or squid) merman Bakura.
AU where Bakura falls into Wonderland (as in 'Alice in …') and ends up following Ryou the White Rabbit around.
AU where Ryou falls into Wonderland and tries to get directions from Bakura the Cheshire Cat.
AU where Ryou and Bakura are the main pair from “Good Omens,” with Ryou being Aziraphale (angel, polite, kind, loves food, fluffy hair, reads occult books) and Bakura being Crowley (demon, rude, likes music, snake eyes, yells a lot).
AU where Bakura is a supervillain in a world of heroes. He takes an interest in Ryou, a superhero sidekick in training, and begins seducing the other to the dark side.
AU where they're both werewolves (especially if they're experiencing a specialized mating season that drives them wild!)
AU inspired by the game “I Saw Her Standing There... But Then She Was a Zombie” ; Ryou and Bakura used to date, but Bakura has been turned into a zombie. Unable to turn his back on his love, Ryou keeps catching Bakura and keeping him hidden in a cage, safe from both hunters and other zombies. One day, Bakura breaks out of his cage, attacking cornering Ryou. But instead of eating Ryou, Bakura turns Ryou into a zombie, so he doesn't have to worry about accidentally hurting Ryou anymore.
AU where Ryou is Little Red Riding Hood and Bakura is the Big Bad Wolf
AU where Bakura is a god of cold and death, and he meets Ryou, a god of warmth and joy ; Bakura's heart of ice might just be melting.
AU where Bakura and Marik go exploring in the woods when they're children, finding many good rocks and snakes and bugs. They meet another little boy named Ryou, but Ryou is a little naga, with snake eyes and snake tail. Years later, Bakura still remembers meeting Ryou and insists that he's real, while Marik believes that day to be nothing more than their childish imaginations. They go back into the woods to prove one another wrong, and they run into Ryou again, as well as his brother Malik. (can be tendershipping and bronzeshipping, or can be conspireshipping)
AU inspired by the “Beetlejuice” movie ; Ryou, his father, and his stepmother Ms Chono, move into an older house. The house is haunted by an angry ghost named... well, he can't say his name. And he stinks at charades. He's attached to an intricate diorama left up in the attic, and Ryou is quick to befriend the nameless ghost, simply addressing him as 'Spirit.'
The Spirit of the Ring doesn't want to be trapped in the Ring forever; getting help from the Spirit of the Puzzle, Bakura corners a classmate girl named Miho, trapping her soul in a doll and hijacking her body for himself. Now as Miho, the Spirit of the Ring quickly and easily becomes Ryou's new friend... and maybe girlfriend?
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wingedquill · 4 years
starlight and seasalt, chapter 1
Title: Starlight and Seasalt
Ships: Geralt/Jaskier
Prompt: Day 6, Monster
Medium: Netflix
Warnings: Chronic pain for this chapter. For the whole fic, mutilation and manipulation of a child.
Word count: 2642
Summary: Ever since the trials, Geralt's legs have hurt. An ache that never quite leaves him, an ache that flares into a blistering pain on bad days. Ever since the trials, the smell of saltwater has made Geralt want to scream, and sob, and go back home .Ever since the trials, Geralt has felt wrong in a way he can't explain.  (Geralt wasn't quite human, before the trials. He's just been made to forget that.)
Author’s note: This is chapter one of the mer!geralt fic that I’ll be posting over on my AO3. Enjoy!
Geralt can’t really remember a time in his life that he wasn’t in pain. He must have been free of it once, before the trials, when he was still a child playing knights with his mother. But those memories are distant, faded as an old dream, replaced by the crush of his real life and a persistent throbbing in his legs.
Other witchers don’t feel the same kind of pain. He asks Eskel about it, only to be met with a confused and sympathetic smile. He asks Vesemir about it, only to be met with a shuddering sigh and a shaken head.
“Probably a side-effect of the extra mutations,” he says. “I—I’m sorry, Geralt, we can try giving you some herbs for the pain?”
The herbs never really work. The sharp, stabbing pain in his legs accompanies him all through his training, and will continue to accompany him for years yet. Some days it fades down to a dull throb, but other days it feels like he’s on fire, like someone has jabbed a thousand needles into his kneecaps.
He learns to ignore it. He has to. If he dwells on it, if he falters and winces every time it flares up, it could very easily be the end of him. Just one lucky shot from a monster would be enough. Just one second.
When he becomes a witcher, his Path meanders closer and closer to the ocean. He’s always wanted to see it after all, has heard plenty of older witchers talk about its endless horizons and glimmering waves and soft, warm beaches. His heart tugs when he hears those stories, an ache building and burning in his chest. A yearning.
And now that he’s free and directionless, he figures he might as well head there. So he takes contracts as he heads towards the sea, easy monsters for a young witcher, ghouls and drowners and the odd wraith. Maybe his first big fight will be against a kraken of some sort, that would be interesting.
He could slay some giant ship-eater, earn a big sack of coin, and travel down the coast. Charter a boat and make his way to the islands. Do whatever he wants.
He nudges his horse into a gallop as soon as the sharp scent of salt fills the air, excitement mounting in his chest as he flies up a hill and towards the faint sound of crashing waves. It sounds like soft thunder rolling through the air after a summer storm. It sounds like destiny.
The hill reaches its peak and he sees the ocean.
It spreads out and out and out in all directions, a wide green blanket broken only by tiny bursts of white seafoam. Gulls scream in the sky overhead, wheeling down towards the water and snatching up fish from the surface. Wind whips against Geralt’s face, peeling his hair away from his sweaty neck.
It’s beautiful. It’s awe-inspiring, it’s everything the older witchers said it would be, and—
And his heart hurts. It aches like someone he loves has died, like something important has been taken from him, like a childhood dream has crumbled into ash. A sob breaks out of his throat and he claps a hand over his mouth. Witchers don’t show their emotions. They can’t show their emotions. Remember that.
But there are no humans around to judge him so he lets himself slide from Roach’s back, hitting the ground with a yelp as his legs flare with pain. He staggers over to a scraggly, twisting tree growing out of the sandy soil and slumps down against it, breathing heavy. Tears burn in his eyes, clog up his nose. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to be.
Why is he so upset—he doesn’t—he doesn’t understand—
He feels like he’s missing something, something important, something that would explain why he’s crying like a child at the mere sight of the ocean. But as soon as he has that thought, as soon as he tries to grab on to it and think, it slips out of his mind, leaving him confused and shuddering as the sobs roll over him like waves.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths in and out. Control yourself.
He picks himself up and stumbles back over to Roach, each step feeling like he’s treading on shattered glass. He doesn’t let himself turn to look at the ocean again, no matter how much it tugs at him. Just swings Roach’s head back around and heads inland again. Riding away from the ache.
He doesn’t come back to the sea for another seventy years.
He tells Jaskier about the pain a few years into their friendship and a few months into their relationship, when he wakes up one morning and can’t move his legs. Every little shift sends a wave of fire up his body, and he has to bite into the pillow to stop himself from screaming.
“Geralt?” Jaskier asks, stirring beside him. Even the faint movement of the mattress has  Geralt biting down harder. Jaskier’s voice is thick with sleep but rapidly clearing, worry threading through his words. “Geralt, hey, what’s wrong? ‘S the kikimora bite acting up?”
He shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Legs,” he groans.
“Your legs are hurt?” Jaskier says, and the worry is bleeding through his voice now, infecting every part of his being.
“Mmhmm,” he says, and his lungs are getting tighter and tighter, seizing with the pain.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Jaskier gasps and he’s up with a flash, yanking back the covers from Geralt’s bare legs. He shivers as the air hits his skin. It feels wrong in a way he can’t articulate.
“Did the kikimora land on you funny?” he asks, running his hands down Geralt’s legs as he feels for contusions, broken bones, misaligned tendons. Geralt shudders at the feeling of his too-warm, too rough fingers, burying his head further in the pillow. Normally Jaskier’s touch is soothing in situations like this, but now it just compounds the burning.
“Stop,” he grunts, and Jaskier’s snatches his fingers back instantly.
“Not the kikimora,” he manages to say, dragging the air through his aching lungs. “Just—legs get like this sometimes.”
Jaskier makes a soft sympathetic sound.
“What can I do to help then?” he asks. “Potion, herbs, anything?”
Geralt shakes his head.
“Doesn’t work. Just keep the blankets off. Pressure makes it worse.”
“Okay. Alright” The bed shifts as Jaskier crawls back up and settles next to Geralt’s head. His fingers find their way into Geralt’s hair, soft and hesitant, gently stroking over the crown of his head.
“Is this alright?” Jaskier asks and, loathe though Geralt is to admit it, the external stimuli does drag his mind away from the pain, if only a little.
“Good. Just—focus on me and try and go back to sleep, if you can.”
“M’kay.” Gods, he sounds like a child.
Jaskier starts humming under his breath and Geralt focuses all his attention on him, on the sound of the melody, on the gentle, consistent strokes running through his hair. The pain still burns through him but his legs feel like distant, unimportant parts of himself.
Lovolulu, genevoga.
“Rest, Geralt,” Jaskier murmurs. “I’ve got you.”
Jaskier is always ready to help him after that, to take his mind off the pain with gentle words and touches, to let Geralt lean on his shoulders sometimes, when they’re walking back into town after particularly difficult hunts. He even stops protesting when Geralt doesn’t let him take turns on Roach, seemingly understanding that Geralt’s insistence on riding her isn’t born from possessiveness.
Geralt is grateful to him, in an aching, nameless way. No one in his life has taken his pain seriously. Even Vesemir gave up on helping him, when the herbs didn’t work. He was left to stumble through it alone, to gnash his teeth together and keep walking when his knees were full of needles, to sob silently into pillows in shitty inns when the pain kept him from sleeping.
“My sister had a bad arm, growing up,” Jaskier tells Geralt once, as they sit quietly together in an inn, eating their fill after a contract. The pain is building in Geralt’s calves, cramping his muscles and making his skin feel like tightened leather. “Twisted it wrong in a fall and it never quite worked the same again. She always said warm water helped. Didn’t make the pain go away entirely, but it lessened it, somewhat. Loosened up her muscles a bit. Do you think—?”
“I’m willing to try,” Geralt says with a shrug. He’s willing to try practically anything.
They finish their meal and Jaskier slips out of the room, heading downstairs to order a bath. Geralt hobbles over to the bed and sinks into it, staring up at the ceiling and feeling, for a reason that he can’t put his finger on, that it’s wrong somehow. That he shouldn’t be here.
He shakes the feeling away. Too much time camping recently, if he thinks being indoors is wrong.
Jaskier comes in with a few servants, lugging a tub and several buckets of hot water, and Geralt sits up and does his best to look like his legs aren’t on fire. Based on the concerned looks Jaskier keeps shooting him, he doesn’t think he’s succeeding.
The tub is filled and the servants thanked in a matter of minutes, and then Jaskier is offering him an arm.
“Come on,” he says, his brow pinched. “Lean on my shoulder, there you go, dear heart.”
Geralt leans against him and breathes. The air is hot and dry and wrong.They stumble over to the tub, and each step feels like a mile.
“You’re doing so well,” Jaskier says, brushing his fingers over Geralt’s arm. “So good.”
The praise would send a bolt of heat rushing through him in any other context, but right now Jaskier just sounds worried, and the pain building and rolling through him makes it difficult to think of other things.
“Sit down, yeah on the edge of the tub, just like that.”
Jaskier’s hands flutter over him, tugging off Geralt’s shirt, boots. When he starts working at Geralt’s pants, Geralt turns his head away, biting his lip to stop himself from cursing. The feeling of the fabric moving and scraping against him sends jolts of lightning racing up his spine.
“Just a moment, darling,” Jaskier says, pressing a kiss to Geralt’s jaw as he works. “Just a moment, can you lift your hips for me?”
Geralt lifts his hips. Stars explode behind his eyes.
Jaskier pulls his trousers and smalls down, and then rests a hand against Geralt’s heaving back.
“Into the tub now, that’s it, there you go.”
Jaskier guides him down, settles him in the warm water. Geralt closes his eyes. For a moment, the pain recedes, pulling back like a retreating wave. Gods, Jaskier is a genius.
And then.
Like a tidal wave.
The pain slams back into him, worse than he’s ever felt in his life. His legs are on fire, blistering and burning and surely they must be dissolving, had the servants put something in the water? Some kind of potion to melt away his flesh? Surely that’s the only explanation for the agony.
He screams.
Jaskier’s hands are on him, and his voice is in his ear, high and strained, but Geralt can’t pick out the individual words. He doesn’t—he doesn’t speak—
“La mevoga lu!” he hollers, thrashing frantically in the water. “La mevoga lu, la—la zebevoga!”
There are hands on him, hoisting and grabbing and twisting, tearing him in half, tugging his tail apart.
Lovolu looks frantically down at where they’re tugging at him and sees smooth skin and feet and—
He screams again.
Everything is floating around him. He’s drifting on his back in a calm bay, watching the stars, flicking his fins back and forth to keep him afloat. This is his first time seeing the surface, and he can hardly breathe for how beautiful the sky is.
Geralt’s head pounds like he’s been chugging Cat all night, and he buries his head deeper into the pillow, letting out a groan that sounds pathetic even to himself.
“Geralt, love, please wake up.”
Jaskier. His voice is all raspy and watery, like he’s been crying for a long, long time. Geralt’s eyes flick open immediately, and his hands press down on the mattress, trying to heave himself into a seated position. What happened? What’s wrong with Jaskier?
His arms tremble and give out immediately, sending him crashing back down into the mattress. A jolt of pain shoots through him, from his fingers to his toes, and he gasps, trying to curl in on himself.
What’s wrong with him?
“Don’t try to move,” Jaskier says, and he’s still crying, Geralt can tell from the hitch in his voice. He ignores Jaskier’s order to roll onto his side, twisting his neck so that he can see him. He looks dreadful, all red eyes and dark circles, hair sticking up in a dozen different directions.
“Hey,” he croaks. Gods, his throat is as dry as a desert and as prickly as a thornbush.
“Hey,” Jaskier replies with a watery laugh. He reaches down and runs his fingers through Geralt’s hair, smoothing it back ever-so-gently. “You gave me quite a scare.”
“What happened?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
“Hmm we were. Eating. Dinner, right? After that contract for the ghouls?”
Jaskier’s fingers spasm against his skin, but he doesn’t pause in his stroking. A purr rumbles in Geralt’s chest, and a smile cracks over Jaskier’s face when he hears it.
“Yes, we were,” he says. “But then—your legs were flaring up, do you remember that?”
“A bit. Were just a bit achy.”
“Just—” Jaskier rubs at his face. “Right. It—it got worse. Quite a bit worse, you couldn’t really walk all that well. So I suggested putting you in a bath, do you remember that?”
Geralt shakes his head.
“Okay. That’s—that’s probably for the best, you—you started seizing, almost as soon as you were in the water. Or—that’s what it looked like at least, you were thrashing around a lot. And screaming.”
That would certainly explain the pain in his throat. But it doesn’t explain why he doesn’t remember a lick of it. Unease creeps over his neck. He doesn’t like the idea of losing time like that.
Jaskier bites his lip.
“You were shouting something,” he says. “In—do you speak another language, Geralt?”
“Bit of Nilfgaardian,” he mumbles, testing out his arms again. This time they hold, and he carefully levers himself into a seated position. “For when I need to take contracts down south.”
But why the fuck would he be screaming in Nilfgaardian?”
“Right, yeah, that makes sense. But um—you weren’t speaking Nilfgaardian. Or Common. Or Elder. I don’t know what it was, but it definitely wasn’t any of those.”
The unease swells into dread.
“I was speaking a language I don’t even know?”
Jaskier nods. He reaches down and takes Geralt’s hand. Geralt squeezes back, as tight as he can with his still trembly muscles.
“I—I’d like to bring you to a mage,” Jaskier says. “See if we can figure out what’s going on, okay? With your memory and—and maybe with your pain as well. Alright?”
He’s never visited a mage, in all these years. Not after being told by the mages at Kaer Morhen that there was nothing that they could do for him.
But speaking an unknown language…that scares him. Losing time scares him.
Scaring Jaskier scares him.
“Alright,” he says. He brings Jaskier’s hand up to his lips, brushing a kiss across the skin. “Alright. We’ll go to a mage.”
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jafndaegur · 3 years
Out Fox
Thunderbolt Fantasy - Lin Xue Ya
a/n: so this is actually a suuuuuuper late birthday present for @ghoul--chan who wanted a Lin fic;;; My whole drive for this was "What if Shang put Lin in timeout for being sketchy and Lin ran into someone sketchier than he"...and then this happened 🤣 Happy Birthday!
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Lin Xue Ya wandered the streets, eyes appreciatively taking note of the wares on display. It would be so easy to just pluck the odd bobble off their shelf. But two reasons prevented him from even trying to pinch any artisan items—one, these were simple craftsmen who were just doing their best for a living. Not fun and not fair to steal from them. Reason number two, if he so much as glanced the wrong way at these goods, he was most certainly sure that Shang Bu Huan would tear him a new one.
Not that he feared Shang.
The man was a gentle giant at worse. All bark and no bite unless it truly actually mattered, and defending a normal person's livelihood seemed like the perfect excuse to try and take a stab at Lin. Because even though said-swordsman wasn't there at the moment with him, somehow he would know. Ever since the problem with Mie Tian Hai, Shang seemed to consider him a very one-trick pony. And while Lin would love to disagree, his friend always seemed to know when he had ruffled the feathers of a target or tried some unsavory slight of hand.
So he passed through the town without much event.
Or so he thought.
Building camp underneath a tree, Lin settled down for the evening, his hand going to the shelter of his robe for his pipe. Much to his alarm he realized said item was missing. This was utterly unacceptable.
Rushing back along the path where he came from he realized that the town from earlier was missing. His brow quirked and he slowed his pace. Had he been imagining things? Surely not. He analyzed his surroundings carefully, taking note of his path and the trees that lined the road. His crimson gaze narrowed and he sauntered along the side. The dirt was really. The leaves were real. All of this was real. And after all was he not a master of deception? If Lin knew anything it was the distinct and luring trace of an illusion.
A woman's laughter drew his attention and he lifted a brow to meet her bemused gaze. She hid behind a fox mask, her hair dark black, the faintest shimmers of blue when the light caught it just right. Many robes adorned her,  their unique shape unfamiliar to Dong Li style, but perhaps maybe remnant of Xi You. But that was not something Lin particularly cared about, since she twirled his pipe carelessly in her grasp.
"Ma'am," his voice was even and cool, hardly any note if interest to it. "It seems you may have pilfered something, unaware of who the owner maybe. I'd ask you return my pipe."
If Shang ever complained about Lin being a weasel, Lin would like to point to this instance and say he is but a gentleman first above all else.
The woman laughed, the tinkling sound muffled by the mask. "Well Enigmatic Gale, it certainly was easy to borrow from you. At least moreso than I expected."
"Oho, so you stole that knowing who I was?" His fine brow twitched, and as much as he'd like to strangle her—he had to begrudgingly admit she'd been daring (and successfully so) to try something like this in broad daylight.
"All fun things must come to an end though," and she gracefully flicked the pipe in her hand and offered it to him. "Just a test to see how things panned out."
Lin smiled coyly and took the tool back. "It's best not to toy with things that have unpredictable reactions."
"It all worked out well in the end," she purred, taking a slow step back. "After all, you couldn't even tell where the dream began and where it ended."
"Dream?" He demanded.
And then someone was snapping in his face.
He stared in disbelief at the offending hand. It was one of the merchants from earlier, the one whose tickets he'd briefly considered stealing from before remembering Shang would gut him if he did anything shady. But he had already left the village, and he'd already settled for the night. But as he turned on his heels and took in his surroundings it seemed he had never left the marketplace. In fact it seemed as though it was still late afternoon, and peak merchant hours at that.
It seemed the dream, or whatever the strange woman in the fox mask called it, was truly over.
Lin stared at the merchant, who was asking if he were okay, and waved at them before walking away. He smiled to himself and figured he would take a minor detour on his return to his companions.
Lin Xue Ya had a fox to out-fox.
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