#i love twice songs i LOVE surreal i love surreal SO BAD actually i heard the remix earlier today when my aunt drove us to the pool in the
virtuangel · 2 years
races into the room and frantically takes off shoes sorry i'm late . millsociations ... rain, juice (esp banana nectar), gift exchanges, meeting quickly before class to wish good luck on an exam, blueberries and blueberry dumplings, fake carbonara, j*nseo but like wei in general, seeing something that reminds u of a loved one and taking a picture to send them, playlists, wonjin (and also jungmo and also tomatoz), languages, twice songs, hwan, four leaf clovers, plushies that can fit in ur pocket, woobin, encouraging words, lists of ideas, surreal by ab6ix, late night talks abt anything, 'hmhm' annnnnd belovedestness 💓
MY BELOVED PENG U ARE HEREEE it's ok ure juuuust in time im patting a seat right next to me come sit here ive been waiting for u do u want some coffee some cider some water anything? truth is i actually started tearing up when i first read this so i had to wait a little before replying because like . millie calm down u know . these are literally all either so sad or so true or both it Hurts how right u are but it will never stop being so funny to me just how u r holding onto the blueberry dumplings ... nd thank u for censoring the guy n for including hwan i love hwan where is he bf come back i miss u ... ANYWAYS eri i love u so bad i am hugging u as we speak. n always
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
part 8 of the ‘hey batter batter’ series
paring: Francisco Morales (Frankie, Catfish) x reader
wordcount: 2.6k
warnings: strong language, kissing, enough fluff for a rich person chair
summary: it’s a Triple Frontier baseball AU! Trust me, you don’t need to know anything about baseball.
In this chapter, the Frankie and you appease the people who have been invested in their relationship this whole time.
Pope threw the ball straight up, and caught it.
Then he did it again – he was thinking.
Right hand, then left. Right, left. The ball was in the air less and less time, but the speed didn’t increase. Eventually he was just tossing it straight into his own palm, slowly, thoughtfully, his gaze fixed somewhere far away.
Frankie watched, not even nervous. Of all the reactions he could’ve predicted this was more or less what he expected.
“I’m proud of you,” this throw was for Catfish.
“Thanks.” He caught it.
“You’re fucking lucky,” Pope grinned.
“I know.” Frankie threw it back.
“When is the next date?” Benny plucked it out of the air, a strange look in his eyes. The rest of the team was already back in the locker rooms, but they had held Frankie back, curious. He had spent the morning practice practically glowing, playing well, but suspiciously distracted. Initially, there was an onslaught of teasing and questions and exaggerated berating, but now they had quieted, actually processing this, as friends. Will look satisfied, happy even, but Frankie kicked himself, remembering too late that Ben’s most recent romance hadn’t worked out.
“Tonight – she thinks the parties are bad news,” he said it carefully - Ironhead had been the one to start sharing their pasts with you, but it was really out there now, for you to take or leave. He moved past them towards the showers and he heard Tom snort, making an exaggerated whipping sound. The older man had listened to his abbreviated story with a stoic face, just raised eyebrows and his arms crossed. Frankie’s jaw clenched, wondering if he should retort, but he didn’t get the chance.
It was quiet, but Will added, “She’s not wrong,” in that even, reasonable tone of his. The tension fell, and then rose, sharply, a testament to the respect they all held for the first-baseman's opinion. Trudging through the hallway suddenly felt too fast, too dangerous, like the conversation should’ve stayed outside. A long moment filled only by footsteps as they all considered, before Ben spoke. 
“Can I come?” Frankie stopped walking, turning incredulously and Santi smacked the rookie on the back of his head. Benny glared, but without any real bite. “Ow, fuck you - I’d rather hang out than go to another one of those stupid parties, wouldn’t you?” He looked defiant, meeting each of their eyes and gesturing with both of his arms, goading them to answer him, to disagree.
No one did, not even Tom, who glowered, the leather of his glove folded into deep wrinkles. Will’s blue eyes met the brown of Santi’s, and his mouth hooked into a smile. Deep laughter went a long way to thawing tension when it was genuine, and it was.
“Ben, you can’t crash Fish's date, we can do something else,” Will took his own turn smacking his brother but it was a bit of a bold statement. There were days when it felt like they really couldn’t so anything else, like there wasn’t other options that felt real – but they should be able to.
Frankie dragged a hand over his face before groaning a muffled, “Wait,” and sighing. He cursed, not even aware of what language it was in, occupied by the thought of what you would say if you were here. It was ridiculous but it felt right, and it was an opportunity for him to slow down again. “Honestly she would probably love if you guys hung out.”
There was a beat, where they stared at him, before the debate began. It didn’t last long, hushing as they reached the locker room, but by the time they were clean and dried and settled, it was decided. There really wasn’t a downside to it and really, they were all figuring you out, too. The lure of your smiles and home cooked food far outweighed the temptation of loud music and sticky floors and girls too tipsy to talk with, at least this time.
In the lull between the practice and the game, Frankie tried not to jump whenever his phone made a noise. One date in, and he was already daydreaming about just driving to your house and just kissing you until one of you had somewhere better to be. But you had a job, and things to finish so you had time for his game that evening, and he was acutely aware that while you had let that incredible evening – yesterday? – happen, he would need to slow down. He had already told you, he wanted to do this right.
He confirmed the plans for the evening, smiling as you agreed to host all his friends, and then tossed his phone into his bag. Then put a jacket on top of the bag, folded twice so it balanced precariously. When it buzzed he made himself take a lap around the building, and wanted to bang his head against the wall when it was a random email.
And all evening the thought of you. The game rolled in, and he squatted bitterly, annoyed his position left his back to the crowd. It meant he couldn’t look for you, and James. Logically he knew, even if you had told him your exact seats, he wouldn’t be able to make you out unless you were close, but that didn’t stop him from wishful thinking. 
Catch, catch, walk, sit, swing, hit, run, walk, sit. Repeat. 
The game built, and tensions were high as the scores stayed close and the crowd whispered about playoffs. It was the worst time for him to be batting, the pressure too high to be on the shoulders of a catcher, but it couldn’t be helped.
He walked out, listening to the blast of an old song too familiar to recognize, and the rumble of the announcer.
Frankie looked towards the crowd, knowing you were out there and fruitlessly wishing he could see you. He stopped at the plate, shifting on the balls of his feet, feeling the dirt under his cleats and trying to imagine your eyes on him. His hands tightened, loosened, tightened again, the wrap on the handle of the bat protested the movement, and he tried to hear you whispering his name.
You were cheering for him, right?
The ball hit his bat with a satisfying crack, and he didn’t watch where it went before he ran.
James was stalling.
You were supposed to drive him home, as always, but after spending most of the game filling him in about you and Francisco, there was no convincing him to move faster.
He wanted to see the man who had kissed his granddaughter – more than once! – and look him over again. The sweet, elderly man could be quite determined, especially when it involved two of his favorite people in the whole world. It meant waiting until the crowds fled and dodging staff who would no doubt shoo you away, but the eagerness on his little, wrinkled face made him impossible to deny.
“Jimbo, you’ve already met him,” you tried again, listening to the shrieks of a fangirl. After the surprising home run, the catcher was in high demand, and it made your stomach twist.
You had woken up this morning still shy and baffled at what you were to him, what was happening. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, and you talked a lot, but not about... you, together. But James was certain, this was it, and he wanted to look Francisco in the eyes before he gave you his blessing.
His hand was in your elbow and you tugged, again, before withering under his look. He began lecturing you, about this being his job and you offered a compromise. This time, you weren’t invited, but you guided him towards the lobby where friends and family met the players, and when they let you in, you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding.
Santiago found you first, and both of you got big hugs from him and the Miller boys, as they told you animatedly about how much hell they gave Frankie for bringing you home the first date. You barely got a word in, but you grinned as James joined their indignation.
In truth, your eyes were looking for Frankie, and you chided yourself at how much you ached for him, as always.
After a few minutes, Will pushed you towards the locker room, and you shot him a grateful smile. All the other players were clear, he told you, Frankie was being a baby about facing the fans. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, confirming that he was at loathe to run into anyone but you. They kept your grandfather occupied, and you knew they were in good hands as he was insisting he was hosting game night, that night.
Ducking into the hall, you followed the tile and the gaudy decorations, and found him.
Frankie, your Francisco was freshly showered, tshirt and jeans marked with drips from his curls, fiddling with his phone like he was waiting for you to text back. When he saw you, he dropped it into his bag, and your arms and eyes were suddenly full of him.
It was a crushing hug, he was eager and almost bursting with pride. You made a noise, you know you did, when only your toes were touching the ground, but he didn’t spin you around before he set you down.
He tried to pull away, he really did, but he couldn’t help but stay close, and you could’ve sworn his cheeks were flushed as you congratulated him, telling him admiringly about how exciting his home run was.
Feeling him against you again was surreal. Mere weeks ago you had been watching him from a distance, and then burying ridiculous daydreams under the rug in your mind. And yet here he was, looking at you with the same softness as he had the night before, without regret, and like reality was better than a dream.
When he asked why and how you were here – not that he was complaining, you told him and explained about James. He only smiled, shifting closer to you again, telling you after all you put up with yesterday, he could certainly do this for you.
There was a pause, the air both clear and thick at the same time, and his head tilted, hands shifting on your hips. Thoughts of your family and friends and food slipped from your mind as his face drew closer, the tip of his nose tapping yours.
Brown eyes, searching your face, you almost felt like you could count his eye lashes. Frankie had little freckles, faint, spattered across the tan skin of his neck and face, and there were sweet little sparse patches in his beard.
“You know, we wont get any time alone, tonight.”
His tone was thoughtful, but he said it like he almost didn’t hear himself, and you could feel the edges of the words against your lips.
The hand on your hip slid up. Up and up, until it settled on the back of your head and he was pressing into you. Frankie’s kisses were deep and slow, like he couldn’t believe last night was not a figment of his imagination, and you wound your arms around him before you got lost in them. There were words in them, distant proclamations and promises and you pulled him into you, yearning to hear them clearly.
It could’ve been a minute or half an hour, between that moment and when he pulled away. With shock, you realized you had been pushed against the locker with his name on it, and his palm was cushioning your head.
There was a clatter of aluminum against the floor, and you jumped like caught teenagers. Then you were firmly planted on the ground again, and Frankie was turned around, shielding you like it was already instinct. Neither of you saw anyone, and his laughter was bashful and sweet. When he said you should probably go, and took your hand, you heard a genuine roughness in his voice.
Behind another row of lockers, Molly whispered into Tom’s neck, “Do you need to go, too? There’s that party tonight.” And he shrugged.
The environment at James' home was completely different than last time they were there. Things were less clean, there was less food, and everyone was twice as comfortable. 
It was strange, what really knowing them did - they teased you more, and breathed easier, as if they had never met someone who hadn’t minded it all. 
“Juice packets?” Will asked, confused at the drink selection, and you smiled when Santi winked at you. Tom hadn’t come but you thought it would be best to play it safe. It was important to you, that if they were choosing this over a party that it was lighthearted, sincere and simple.
“I just thought it would be fun,” you gave as your only explanation and he didn’t question it further. He did drink them three at a time, though, and when you laughed, you swore you saw his smile lines.
Benny was on your team, yelling and by far the most competitive, Santi and Will’s luck encouraging it every step of the way. They bickered like kids, bellowing laughter and rambunctious celebrations included. You made an extra rule – anyone who hit you with a pillow or playing piece had to buy you ice cream, next time the opportunity came up.
If should’ve been distracting, how James had pulled Frankie to the side to talk, but it warmed your heart. You didn’t need to swoop in and rescue him – they were talking like old friends, like Frankie was genuinely interested and invested in your beloved grandfather.
Every once in awhile, he would look up and meet your eyes, watching you with his friends with one corner of his mouth pulling higher. Once, you blew him a kiss and he scrunched his nose, like it hit him between the eyes.
Later, you scooted over to them, trying to steal him back, James leaned over and ruffled your hair before sternly, adorably telling you to let him have his turn with Frankie. When Frankie joined him, jokingly telling you to back off, you thought if it didn’t work out with him, Jimbo would adopt him. 
The night stretched beautifully late, before your grandfather lectured them on the importance of sleep and Benny spun you around in victory. There were stars in the sky, and you listened to their chatter fade as they piled into their cars, surprised at how affectionate you felt for all of them, after so little time and such unlikely circumstances. 
Frankie had stayed back, accepting goodbye hugs, and leaning against your car as you waved the other’s off. Of course, you asked, but he didn’t tell you what they talked about and he didn’t linger as long as you had hoped he would. 
His kiss was sweet and chaste, like he knew he had all the time in the world.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge
hey batter batter taglist:
@icanbeyourjedi @studyofawearymind @hnt-escape @athalien @the-witty-pen-name @daffodin @sarahjkl82-blog @pintsizemama @anaaaispunk @pjkimrn @dobbyjen @stuckontheceiling
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fbfh · 4 years
here’s to always finding each other
pairing: percy x gn child of calliope reader
wc: 1.6k
warnings: percy kisses reader following a prior agreement that they don’t remember but it’s 100% consentual, you work retail, a hell yeah, memory loss, I think that’s it
summary: You didn’t really expect to have to spend your entire eight hour shift organizing shoe wax any more than you expected your fictional crush from middle school to be real and your boyfriend. Only one of those happened (and the shoe wax was still very disorganized when you left).
song rec: this lofi mix, boba manifesto - chris flemming (mostly as a joke but it slaps)
a/n: i am wOrKiNg oN tHiNgS!!!!!! It’s going well!!! expect some fun surprises soon!!!!!!!!!
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Crouched down on the ground, rearranging an end cap of shoe wax in the men’s department wasn’t really what you thought being a grownup would be like as a kid. You can’t complain too much, the pay is pretty good and working conditions are decent - as much as they can be in retail. You stand up to check your progress (and stretch your legs) and notice that guy is still there. He’s been hovering around the athletic shirts and pants for a while, and he keeps checking his phone and looking around. You’re sure he’s probably just waiting for someone, but you’re considering asking if you can help him find anything. 
He has a vaguely familiar energy, and your stomach drops for a moment, hoping you don’t know him from school or something. God, that would be a nightmare. That’s happened to you once or twice, bumping into someone you went to school with, and it’s always as bad as you expect. 
‘You know what,’ you think, trying to see if you can fit the last few containers of wax on the shelf without making them topple over, ‘he’s probably fine. If he needs help he’ll ask for it.’ 
You go back to scanning and adjusting the prices of the clearance shoe polish - the company had changed their packaging recently, so it’s out with the old and in with the identical - but you still can’t shake the feeling of familiarity. 
He turns around, holding up an orange shirt that says ‘go for it’ in a ridiculous font, and you get a glimpse of his face. 
You crouch back down so he won’t catch you staring, and the realization dawns on you. He looks a lot like Percy Jackson from the books you read in middle school. Or was it high school? Everything between 6th grade and high school graduation is kind of blurry and confusing in your memory. Man, you should really re-read those, you heard there was a TV series in the works and you want to remember all the details for when it comes out. You’re a little surprised at how nervous that revelation makes you, like the feeling when you’re a kid going to a theme park and you can see the roller coasters as you pull into the parking lot. Weird. Anyway, it’s not the first time you’ve seen a customer who looks like a character from something. One time you saw someone who you swore looked just like Pidge from the Voltron reboot that came out a few years ago, and a coworker saw a girl who looked like an anime character she loves… Raka something? Her name sounded like gravity, but that wasn’t it. You shrug, making a mental note to ask her about it later. 
You stand up once again to take one final look before you move onto the next end cap, and see that the guy is standing next to you. You look up at him, and all those weird feelings of excitement and something close to anticipation amplify, as you get a closer look at him. He really, really looks like Percy Jackson. Like if the Viria art was a real person. 
“Uh… hi, can I help you find anything today?” You ask, snapping out of your daze and into your customer service voice. He takes a second before answering, and you’re a little unnerved by the way he’s looking at you; warm and intimately, like he’s known you for years. 
“No,” he replies, a dreamy tone to his voice, “I’ve got everything I need.” You’re pleasantly surprised and a little freaked out that he even has the accent. Seriously, if he’s not already, this guy should really get into cosplay. Also, is he flirting with you? He seems to realize what he just said, and backtracks slightly. 
“Actually, um, I was wondering if you could help me out with something over here,” he says, and you agree, in your signature chipper tone. He guides you to a table covered in various sweatpants behind a mirror. 
He glances around again, and you have to ask. 
“You know, if you’re having trouble finding someone we can-”
“Walkie customer service to have my group meet me at the front desk.” He finishes seamlessly. 
“It’s not my first time at the rodeo,” he chuckles, and you get the feeling there’s more meaning behind what he’s saying, like an inside joke you’re not a part of. 
“Oh… yeah.” you say, and he can sense your surprise, “How did you…” you trail off, and he can sense the silent question in your voice. He lets out a breathy chuckle, cheeks flushed pink.
“Like this.” 
He catches your face in his hands, and presses his lips to yours. Your eyes widen in shock, mostly at the fact that you don’t feel threatened by his presence at all. You’re shocked at how comfortable you feel around him, how you feel in your bones that you’ve known him for years when the logical side of your brain is telling you that you first saw him ten minutes ago. He pulls away, searching your eyes for… something. 
“Uh…” you glance away, brow slightly furrowed, then back up at him, “what the fuck?” 
His expression softens, and he says gently, “Give it a minute.” 
You’re about to ask him to give what a minute, when a barrage of memories, feelings, people you don’t think you’ve ever met but seemed to be best friends with knocks you off your feet. You try to take in a breath, but the air in the room seems to have taken a temporary vacation from your lungs. 
You look up at him, eyes flared in understanding and shock. He mutters something in confirmation. Someone yells nearby, and you both look over to an adolescent boy asking his mom why he can’t wear neon basketball shorts to school. Percy looks back over at you.
“Is there somewhere a little more-” the mom starts arguing back and forth with her son at a louder volume, and he continues, “private… where we could talk?”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll… I’ll get somewhere.”
A few minutes later, you’re sitting across from each other on two step stools in one of the stock rooms. You’re still surprised at how easily you had lied to your boss that your long distance boyfriend showed up a few weeks early after over a year of not being able to see each other, and you needed a moment to catch up. She had agreed readily, asking that you tell her when you’re ready to get back to your tasks. 
“I’m sorry about that,” he starts, snapping you out of your train of thought, and you look up at him, “I never would have kissed you without asking, but you made me promise last time that the next time you lose your memories I would get them back to you as fast as I can.” 
“Uh, it’s okay, I feel like I remember talking about that.” Your memories are still fuzzy, but coming back sporadically.
“It can take a few days for them to come back fully.” He adds. 
The most surreal part of this is you remember vividly what happened in the books - because you lived through it. You hold back a giddy laugh bubbling up.
“So…” you begin, and he looks at you, his gaze warm, “it’s all real?” you breathe the words, almost afraid of an answer. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, looking away briefly, overwhelmed that you’re with him once again.
“The short version is, since your godly parent is Calliope, you sometimes get sent to other worlds. You kind of have to hop scotch from one place to another, like getting a goldfish used to a new bowl of water. The mist - or sometimes,” he glances up, pointedly and irritable, “other factors - usually take away a lot of your memories. They say it’s to make the transition easier, but who knows. Anyway, there are these waypoints, kind of like a time loop that you hang out in until you’re either ready to leave or one of us finds you first.”
“So this…” you motion around to the rows of cardboard boxes filled with plastic cups and paper towels. He nods and you let out a laugh of relief that you really won’t have to work here long term. 
“As soon as you’re ready we should probably head out to camp. It’s gonna be a bit of a drive.” 
“Wait, it’s all like… here? Like in this world?”
“Yeah,” he smiles again, once more sending butterflies through your chest. 
You let out a disbelieving, excited laugh.
“Alright. Yeah, okay. Let’s do it.” 
Before you can get up, he takes your hand in his. He watches his fingers skim back and forth for a minute before looking up at you. 
“You know that I’ll always find you, right?” there’s an overwhelming torrent of emotions he’s somehow managing to convey through his eyes. 
“It doesn’t matter where you go, or how long you’re gone, or if we even remember each other. I will always find you.” His hand comes up to your cheek for the second time today, and your head tilts into his embrace automatically. You somehow trust him more than anyone or anything else right now. You nod gently.
“I do.”
He glances away again, cheeks flushing red, and he sighs, kissing your forehead. 
You get up and head towards the exit together, and he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
“How about we get some bubble tea once we’re in the city?”
“Oh hell yeah!” 
You don’t remember the last time you had bubble tea, but it sounds really, really good right now. 
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uwua3 · 4 years
saw you in a dream.
🌸🎮 chigasaki itaru
summary: this was the one game itaru couldn’t win, no matter how many times he tried
warnings: car crash, hospital, major character death, simulation (existential), surrealism
author’s note: another song fic! this actually made me cry for a long time, even if it’s not as long as my other pieces. this holds a special place in my heart ♡ i am sorry
we all cope differently. whatever you do, i hope you’ll feel better ♡ this won’t be forever, you’ll see them again one day. this focuses on what happens you lose a loved one, and what being in between life and death feels like. enjoy~
word count: 3,602
music: saw you in a dream – the japanese house (i highly recommend listening while reading)
Itaru didn’t remember what happened after the incident. All he knew was it was so dark, he couldn’t hear your screams, and the wreck around him was gone. He couldn’t move, but there was no pain. It was like, this wasn’t real. Was any of this real? What made this possible? What happened?
Itaru tried to shake himself awake, but he already was. His eyes were open but he couldn’t see a thing. It was just, nothing. Everything was gone. You were right beside him before he... what did he do? Were you okay? Did something happen? It was like Itaru had no control over his own body, like he was just in a vessel. Was this his body to begin with? Maybe, it wasn’t his time anymore.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Itaru couldn’t locate where any of his limbs were, what it felt like to be connected. He knew they were still attached, but it’s like all the nerves in his body were severed. Was he still inside his body? Who was he? Itaru wasn’t breathing, but he felt fine. There was nothing, and he was becoming nothing as well. It was just black. How long had he been here? Where were you?
Then, everything came back to him at once. The blackness split into fragments, pieces of his location overwhelming his vision. First, came a distant, blurry gloved hand pulling him away from something. It wore a fireman patch. Next, the load roar of an ambulance siren parked across from him. Then, Itaru could move his neck, he looked down, his car was flipped over. It was destroyed, the engine bursting into flames as a bright light overtook his senses. Finally, a stretcher. It was white, suddenly more figures were around him. Staring. Watching. Touching.
Itaru blinked. Once. Twice. Where was he?
Itaru closed his eyes. But, life wasn’t a game.
Itaru suddenly could breathe again. Itaru woke up with a start, sitting up as the oxygen mask on his face released a muffled gasp. The room was just as white as before, but the ground didn’t feel like it was moving anymore. Itaru moved to check his inventory, he must’ve played some game too long. But, the moment he tried to shift around, Itaru winced as he felt the tug of IV needles piercing his veins.
Itaru tried to pull the mask off, struggling as his vision went blurry again. He heard the door slam open and a rush of hurried conversations. Felt something push his chest back down to lie flat against the bed. A shot to his arm. Something that sounded like an apology.
Then, nothing, again.
Itaru was back into nothing. It was black again, and he couldn’t move his body. Back to square one, maybe he reset the game on accident. Maybe, this was the loading screen. Itaru wondered how he got out of it the first time. Was he lying down? Which position was he even in? Was this just his mind?
Part of the black parted, and Itaru couldn’t do anything as he watched the black curtains reveal a pixelated screen. Without warning, Itaru was sitting in the middle of his room. He was back. His clothes were messily thrown across the room. Empty packets of chips and crushed cans of energy drinks were piled in his trashcan. Multiple game titles were scattered around him as he sat, a controller in his hand. The screen was off, now.
It was a dream? Itaru stood up, about to leave, before a light came from the TV.
The countdown on the screen reached zero as the console powered to life. Then, a fade in to a cutscene. Itaru slowly sat back down, eyes never leaving the screen as he saw your smiling face. There you were, happily talking about whatever was on your mind in the passenger side of his car. Cutscene him was holding onto the wheel, giving back answers that made you laugh even louder. On screen, the headlights illuminated the road as he turned on the corner, about to say something before a bright light consumed the room.
Itaru felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Wait!” Itaru felt himself manifesting, forming, growing back into his body. He was becoming something, he had no place in the realm of nothing anymore. Itaru reached out for the mysterious person behind him, but he was gone.
Itaru opened his eyes to a white light, just like the one on screen.
Itaru didn’t remember what happened. He stayed on schedule: doing physical therapy to get his legs back to walking (he was making a speedy recovery, apparently), eating hospital cafeteria food at the same time everyday (it was stale, he missed takeout), and staring at the white ceiling of his room, willing the light to come back.
Something happened, though. No one would tell him where you were, or why he was here in the first place. It’s been months since he last saw you... did the staff not allow visits between patients? Whenever he asked for you by name, they had no idea. It was like you input a different character name or something.
Itaru didn’t like this video game. It was too reptitive. The faces were too realistic. Everything about this simulation was breaking the fourth wall.
Characters didn’t call him Taruchi, the name he always put in when asked. They called him Chigasaki Itaru, his full name. He didn’t know why he put his entire name, he didn’t remember when he even did that. I guess anything for the immersion, right?
What day was it? What were his missions and goals? Did he have a list? Itaru glanced around his room to see if there were any options, but it was the same blank slate as always. Did you see this, too? Were you playing as well? Did you like the game?
Maybe, the purpose was to get his main character back to full health. His injuries were serious, it was lucky he could even walk again. Itaru tried to dig in his memory for the prologue, but came up with nothing. Just his dark room with a paused scene. How could he fully play the game if he didn’t understand what was going on?
That night, Itaru watched as his nurse gave him the sleeping pill again. It was like this for a while, Itaru thought maybe taking the drug would level him up or something. Itaru put the pill in his mouth and lodged it to the side, feeling accomplished when the nurse didn’t even bother checking since he always did. Maybe, he was going to advance to the next stage!
The lights switched off. Itaru closed his eyes. Then, a light flashed.
Itaru opened his eyes, seeing the same screen from months before. He was standing alone again in his room at the Mankai dorms, but it was perfectly clean and he was in the center of it all. The door was blocked off and the console was still on. Itaru stopped, looking down at his design this time. He wasn’t wearing his character’s usual hospital gown, but a familiar outfit.
Itaru didn’t press any buttons this time before the countdown began again, beeping every number until it reached zero. Itaru sat back down again to watch the cutscene before he saw a leather jacket out of the corner of the frame. Itaru compared the outfit on screen with his and proudly whispered a quick “yes!” under his breath. Him and the cutscene character had the same clothes, he was going somewhere!
Cutscene Itaru wore a leather jacket, vivid purple dress shirt, and black tie. His red eyes were somewhat focused on the empty street, and his smile was one for the ages. He looked, happy. Content. Like, this was the happiest moment of his life.
You appeared and Itaru wondered how the game producers designed the characters to look like you two so well. This time, Itaru could hear the audio from the scene as it repeated and rewinded, starting back at you talking.
“Come on, did we have to go out this late to buy some video game you could have pre-ordered?” You complained, but held a teasing smile as you jokingly punched Cutscene Itaru’s arm. He nudged you back, eyes glancing back at you with such love that Itaru didn’t know how they even managed to edit that in. It felt almost, real, in a way. Itaru had the urge to take off his jacket for a moment.
“First of all, it’s your favorite video game series. I wasn’t going to let you miss out on the experience of being the first in line for a release.” Cutscene Itaru reminded you, hearing your laugh out of frame as he tapped his fingers against the wheel. The scene changed its angle, going out to show the car driving in the dark. A subtitle appeared: 5 A.M.
“Secondly, I have an even bigger surprise waiting for you~” Cutscene Itaru teased as you smacked his arm again, impatient for whatever he was planning. Cutscene Itaru casually turned, about to come around on a corner before the scene paused at the same time it did last time.
Itaru groaned, rubbing his temples as he tried to find out what just happened. He leaned back into his beanbag, dropping the controller onto the ground with a thud as he felt a migraine coming on. It was like, he knew what was going to happen next but he didn’t know how to find out.
Itaru opened his eyes. The white light was blinding and his nurse was by his side with morning breakfast. He was back in the hospital.
“Good morning, Itaru.”
“Call me Taruchi.”
A beat of silence then the same thin–lipped smile from before never left her face. Did she always do that?
“Good morning, Itaru.”
Itaru skipped his medication again. No one suspected a thing, he was doing something right. Itaru wanted to finish this game and get the hell out. It’s been so long, Itaru forgot when he started playing. What was it even called? Why’d he buy this stupid stimulation?
Itaru was in the same position as before, against his beanbag with the controller by his side. The screen was still loading, and the place was clean like before. But, the sheets weren’t made. The bed was obviously slept in. Itaru didn’t remember taking a rest in his room, was someone else here? The door was open a crack, Itaru went up to close it.
It was difficult, adjusting to a body with impaired legs. Itaru always wondered what happened to his character and if he would genuinely recover. It’s been such a long time, Itaru missed having a functional body. How many days of work has he missed? Where was everyone else? Didn’t they wonder what happened? What was he doing?
Itaru went to go sit back down, grunting since his legs weren’t what they used to be. Picking up the controller, Itaru furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the buttons. There was only one blinking, the “A” button. Guess he couldn’t fight with what the developers wanted. Itaru pressed the button. The loading screen went away, the cutscene kept going.
You grinned, distracting him with your happiness as you rested your hand against his forearm. “A surprise?” You wondered out loud, and Cutscene Itaru nodded, mimicking closing his lips and throwing away the key. You said something about him being no fun. You leaned back into your seat, moving your hand up to his and holding it gently. Cutscene Itaru squeezed your hand back, clearly on cloud nine. He was about to open his mouth before the white light entered again.
“Shit! I can’t wake up now!” Itaru complained, shutting his eyes. But, he stayed the same. He was sitting in his bedroom before he heard a deafening crash and haunting scream from the speakers. Itaru warily opened his eyes, it looked like the scene was in reverse. Itaru saw a car flipped upside down. The engine caught on fire. The piercing cry of an ambulance siren ruined the stillness of the night. Someone was holding onto Cutscene Itaru, who was glassy–eyed and blank. He wasn’t breathing, but his hand was still in yours.
Then, Itaru saw you. You were tightly holding onto his hand even though there was so much blood. The scene was awful, but he couldn’t look away. Cutscene Itaru’s legs were bent out of shape, his skin was covered in scars. Itaru subconsciously ran his fingers across the scar around his calf, watching the same one on screen get made as Cutscene Itaru’s leg was stuck under the door.
You two were seperated, never to be seen together again. Itaru caught a glimpse of something glittering in the firefighter’s hands as he was reporting what happened to the police officer running out of his patrol car. It was... a ring. And it was that game you loved so much, he did pre–order it.
Then, everything came back all at once. He wanted to propose that night, pretend he was taking you to some video game store when he had a whole evening planned. He was going to gift you the game, surprise you and when you were about to say this evening couldn’t get any better, he was about to get down on one knee. It was going to be a night secluded on the mountains, a spot set up at the edge where you two could see the whole city. It was going to be perfect, you were going to say yes.
Itaru was going to marry you.
Before Itaru could do anything, the scene ended as an oxygen mask was shoved onto his face and his stretcher was inside the back of an ambulance.
Cutscene Itaru seemed to look directly into the camera, the same pair of eyes staring back into Itaru’s. They were the same person, that was him.
“Where are they?”
Someone sat down next to him, setting their chin on their knees as they pulled their legs up. They remained silent, looking forward at the finished cutscene. No credits, the game wasn’t done yet. Itaru couldn’t bring himself to see who it was, taking in a shaky breath before they placed their hand on his forearm. Then, his hand. He felt himself squeeze back.
“You have to end this game, Itaru.” You said.
Itaru closed his eyes, and he was back in his hospital room. The same nurse was sitting by his bedside, holding breakfast. She performed the same smile she was programmed to.
“Good morning, Itaru.”
Itaru put his hands together, wanting to feel the last of your touch. His ring finger was empty and bare. He knew what happened now.
But, Itaru blinked. Once. Twice.
He looked around, seeing an unfamilar nurse. Where was he? Where were you?
Itaru was in a video game store, this time. He was in front of a display, hundreds of games at his disposal as he rapidly looked around. It was just him, alone again. Was this the final stage? He’s been playing for so long, he already unlocked the backstory. Itaru wanted to go home.
Reading the titles, Itaru flipped through them but none of it made any sense. They were just his name with the subheading, “Day #” with numbers going all the way up to 8,395. It didn’t make any sense, what kind of faulty game was this? Itaru left the stand, searching around the store but the rest of the games were the same. Itaru was about to give up before he noticed the same screen at the front counter, the same controller’s “A” button blinking.
Itaru went over and saw a disc was popped out. It was labelled: What Could Have Been. Itaru pushed it back in, and pressed the button. He felt like it was the end, he was reaching the conclusion. The last episode. As he was about to lean forward to watch, his head dropped. He closed his eyes, and suddenly he was on a mountain. It was night time. His legs didn’t hurt that bad; he felt younger, stronger, better. Who was he this time?
You came out of no where, staring at the city lights at night on a mountain cliff. The distant city seemed so small, like you two were on top of the world and urbanization was insignificant. The wind ruined your hair, but you looked so, dreamy. Itaru was breathless, confused, mesmerized, so many emotions at once. How were you here? Did he win the game? Was this it?
“I can’t believe I let you trick me! But, I can’t be too upset when I have the best game in the world!” You exclaimed, holding the game up in the air. Itaru couldn’t move, even though he had full control this time. What did he have to say? What was he supposed to do?
You sighed, looking out to the horizon again. You were so content, so happy, so real. You smiled, like everything was okay in the universe.
“Life can’t get any better than this.”
Itaru put his hand in his jacket pocket and felt something cold. Something metallic. Something, that was calling his name. Itaru slowly pulled it out, seeing a ring gripped tightly in his shaking fingers. This was it. The game wanted him to propose, this was what his character was meant to do.
But, he was too late. Suddenly, Itaru woke up and was back in the video game store. The “A” button still blinking. The screen loading. This time, you were standing behind the counter with the same clothes you had the day of the accident.
You didn’t look happy with him.
“Itaru, what are you doing?” You asked, but your tone was so sad, so exhausted, so tired. You looked like you’ve been here forever, like you wanted to leave. Itaru didn’t understand, were you here this entire time? Why couldn’t he save you?
“How...” Itaru started but you shook your head, holding your finger up as if you couldn’t bear to hear his voice. Itaru wanted to take your hand and tell you it was okay, but it wasn’t.
“Itaru, you have to stop playing this game. Finish the scene, and you’re done.” You ordered, your existence flickering like the overhead lights. You seemed translucent, like you were here and somewhere else. Where were you?
Itaru closed his eyes again and he was on the mountain. You said your lines just like before, holding the game up in the air as you smiled, gazing out at the horizon.
“Life can’t get better than this.”
Itaru pulled the ring out, knowing this was he was meant to do. How did the game know he wanted to propose? Why did it feel so real?
Itaru was about to say your name, but he stopped himself. Itaru looked down at his clothes. He was wearing his hospital gown. He was older. He was the same person he is now. You looked at him, and you smiled even though the tears in your eyes were evident. You saw him.
This, this was enough. Itaru got down on one knee, on the verge of tears himself as he took in the sight of your face. Something told him, he’d never see you again after this.
Itaru held the ring out and you started crying, saying yes over and over again. He put it on your left ring finger and held your hand, squeezing it.
In the video game store, Itaru smiled as tears streamed down his face. This was the happiest he’s been in months. You were his partner for life. You said yes, you two were going to get married.
You watched him behind the desk, struggling to maintain your composure as you stared at the ring that appeared on your left ring finger. You knew you two couldn’t get married, at least, not in this game.
Your hand moved to the power button.
Itaru hugged you close, his arms holding you tightly as he breathed you in. This, was enough.
“I love you.” Itaru whispered, both in the scene and in the video game store. You paused, staring at the outlet and back to the love of your life.
“I love you, too.” You responded, holding his hand one last time.
You pulled the plug.
Itaru woke up. He remembered everything.
You stopped playing the game.
A long, long, time ago.
165 notes · View notes
unibrowzz · 4 years
Mod (finally) reviews all 67 winners of the Eurovision Song Contest Part IV: The 1980s
Ah yes, the 80s. One of my favourite decades for music overall, and one of the only decades in Eurovision where I wouldn’t immediately jump at the chance to change most of the songs that won, the other decade being the 2000s. 
But at least with the 80s there was more quality songs per year, whereas the 2000s was mostly drivel.
I also count the 80s as being somewhat of a turning point in the contest’s history, and by that I mean it always seemed to me like it was the decade where the UK really began to stop caring. Most people know the song that won in 1985, but nobody knows what won in 1986. Everyone knows Johnny Logan won twice, but couldn’t name his second song. Everyone knows Celine Dion competed, but can’t remember if she won or what she sang. 
That and countries also started experimenting with more modern sounds and outfits towards the end. The early 80s is just an extension of the 70s I swear. 
But that’s enough of all that, how do I find the winning songs?
1980- What’s Another Year?
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song that makes every 50something woman in the UK and Ireland all doey-eyed and rosy cheeked as they remember back to when they were a teenager watching this on TV and drooling at the lovely looking sad Irishman singing his sorrows into the microphone.  Or that’s my experience with this song anyway. Another experience is that most vintage fans I know tend to dislike this song on the grounds of it beating out [insert song here] Everyone has their favourite from 1980 since it was honestly a pretty strong year, but even though this song isn’t my first place for that year I can still clearly see why it won. See, 1980 had a lot of pop songs, so a slow, sad song like this one was bound to stand out, whether it was popular or not. Luckily for this one, it turned out to be a popular choice. Other songs wouldn’t be so lucky… Back on track though. Like I said, this is a very sad and melancholy song with sad and melancholy lyrics, which not only made it stand out in its year, but also made it stand out amongst other Eurovision songs of its time. It’s strange to think, but at this point in the contest’s history there hadn’t been a winner with lyrics so solemn and personal. See, in modern Eurovision, every other song is the artist baring their soul about their horrible ex-boyfriend, or their depression, or past abuse, or whatever, so knowing there was a period where songs like that were so rare is just… surreal to me.
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Greece tbh, I don’t mind this one
If no, what is? Greece- Anna Vissi- “Autostop”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 23rd
1981: Making Your Mind Up
Country: United Kingdom
Artist: Bucks Fizz
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the UK winner that nobody really likes, but the BBC still forces at us anyway because they’re proud they came up with a gimmick that everybody remembers. Or maybe it’s not that well remembered, but nobody would know that because we’re reminded of it every year. This song is… alright. Just alright. The first listen of this one is always the best, because after a while it just gets kind of annoying. The singing ESPECIALLY starts to grate you for a while. Even in the studio version the two girls sound unbearably shrill and whiny, and I’m not sure if that’s their fault or the songwriter’s (since if I remember correctly only one of them was a professional singer). I’m seriously convinced there’s no way for a female vocalist to pull this off without sounding terrible.  Again, this one’s perfectly fine and serviceable, but that doesn’t mask the fact it’s still the worst UK winner and the worst winner of the 1980s too. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Carlos Paião- “Playback”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 58th
1982: Ein Bißchen Frieden
Country: West Germany
Artist: Nicole
Language: German (Translation: “A little peace”)
Thoughts: This song gives me a really warm, nostalgic feeling, and I don’t know why. I mean, I know this one did well internationally, so it’s possible I just heard it as a kid, but given how I grew up in the early 2000s, “Eurovision is a shitty freak show full of weirdos from the USSR who gang up on the UK and don't vote for us on purpose” era Britain, that’s highly unlikely. Anyways, this is such a warm, fuzzy kind of song. It has a lovely… round-the-campfire, singalong kind of vibe, like this is meant to be sung by a load of long haired hippies with flowers in their hair and CND symbols drawn on their cheeks. And it’s… … Also kind of bland. If you’ve been reading my personal winners so far, you’ll have noticed I definitely have a soft spot for old German entries, so it’s a shame I find the one song they actually won with to be so… generic. It’s like they got tired of being unique so decided to send the same saccharine fluff everyone else was sending, and guess what, it paid off majorly, because this song was a huge hit at the time. Something about that kind of bothers me, like, out of all the entries they sent, it’s the one that’s the most “Eurovision-y” that ended up winning. And there’s something depressing in that.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? United Kingdom- Bardo- “One Step Further”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 50th
1983: Si la vie est Cadeau
Country: Luxembourg
Artist: Corinne Hermés
Language: French (Translation: “If life were a gift”)
Thoughts: You want a tip on how to stand out amongst Eurovision fans? Say you like this song. Probably won’t make you very popular, but you’ll stand out at least. I will confess, I, too, was part of the hate-wagon for this song. Like most fans I knew, I’d complain about how boring and uninteresting it was and how it, ahem, “robbed” so many other entries, and how basic it was, et cetera, et cetera. But… honestly? It’s not even that bad. Sure I had other favourites from 1983 (the ones I could stand watching anyway, the host that year was so unimaginably terrible I gave up watching halfway through. I DARE you to watch the whole thing without wanting to neck yourself), but this song gets way more hate than it deserves. I honestly don’t think this song is half as bad as I made it out to be myself, or as bad as the fandom makes it out to be. It’s got a decent melody, some solid vocals, some appealingly 80s instrumental, like there’s a lot I like here. …Until you read the lyrics and realise they’re almost as half-assed and lazy as All Kinds of Everything’s, but I digress. Did I prefer other songs from that year? Of course. Am I going to complain about this one winning? Nah. It’s alright. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Sweden- Carola Häggkvist- “Främling”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 41st
1984- Diggiloo, Diggiley
Country: Sweden
Artist: Herreys
Language: Swedish
Thoughts: Whenever I was a younger fan I used to describe this song as being drunk-dad-at-a-wedding-music performed by three sentient Ken dolls, and I still stand by that statement. And I don’t really know how else to describe this one. It certainly has its charm, and it’s still a likeable song, but it also feels very… vapid. Like if this song were a person, they’d be a bit of a bimbo. And I mean, the song’s about how the singer’s oh-so-happy and prancing down the street in his brand new shoes, so that’s probably a fair description. Part of me wonders if that’s down to old Eurovision songs being vapid in general or if it’s down to the schlager genre itself requiring songs to be kinda neutered and happy-go-lucky, but even though I do like this song, it does come off as being a bit bland. A bit by-the-numbers and playing-it-safe. And I don’t mind songs like that, but I’d rather they didn’t win, y’know?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Italy- Alice & Franco- “Il Treni di Tozeur”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 15th
1985- La det Swinge
Country: Norway
Artist: Bobbysocks
Language: Norwegian
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song which finally hauled Norway into first place after years of being a regular last-placer. Maybe the UK should take some notes instead of blaming Brexit. Or Russia. Or Iraq. Or anything other than their own apathy, for that matter. But this is about La det Swinge and not the UK, so what are my thoughts on it? Well it’s… It’s the kind of song I imagine my mom and aunt would sing at a wedding if they ever attended one. It’s a very fun song, a little cheesy, sure, but it’s hard to not like a song that’s this upbeat and cheery.  And yeah I know it’s because it’s schlager and that’s generally a really cheerful genre by default, I touched on that in the review above, 
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Israel
If no, what is? Israel- Yizhar Cohen- “Olé Olé”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 14th
1986- J’aime la Vie
Country: Belgium
Artist: Sandra Kim
Language: French
Thoughts: This song is an enigma because I’m an absolute slut for 80s pop, yet, for some reason, I find this song painfully average and uninteresting. Now, I’ll get it off my chest and say that 1986 was also a painfully average and uninteresting year, and most of the time I just felt myself remembering the singer more than the song, and even then I struggle to remember what some of the acts even were. It was just such a boring blur of a year I’m surprised the juries even managed to stay awake to pick a winner. And I GUESS you could argue that this song is so upbeat and peppy that it woke them up, but that doesn’t excuse how bloody generic it is. Like, this is the most generic 80s song you can imagine, and not in a good way. It feels more like stock music than an actual publicly released pop song. Had it not won, I doubt it would’ve stood out to me at all; it would’ve just faded into the background with all the other muted, 80s-coloured mush from this year. Basically, there’s a reason the singer’s age is the only thing noteworthy about this song.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Luxembourg- Sherisse Laurence- “L’amour de ma vie”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 49th
1987- Hold me Now
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the superior Johnny Logan winner.  And I’m not sure why everyone forgets this one because Mother of Mercy this song is in another league entirely compared to the other schlock Ireland’s won with. Like this is their best winner, no competition. One of their best songs overall as well. One of the best entries from the 80s, one of the best winners of the 80s, one of the best winners… Yeah, I really like this song.  I’ll admit to sleeping on this one for too long myself, always dismissing it as some boring Irish ballad to go with all the other boring Irish ballads they somehow managed to win with (we’ll get to that later), and always agreeing with people who said XYZ country (always Yugolslavia) should have won instead.  Basically I learnt the hard way to never judge a song on its country and genre. But one day I found myself in the midst of a revisiting trip, going back to winners I didn't pay much attention to, just to see if there was anything I’d missed the first time round. And something about the lyrics in this song resonated with me a lot more than I thought they would. In a strange way, it made me feel older; like I’d grown up and was able to relate to the words in a song and appreciate it more than I could when I was younger. The line “what do you say when words are not enough?” especially hits harder than it should; as someone with autism I tend to find showing emotions difficult, even in virtual conversation where I’m not using my voice or face, because… Well, what do you say when your words aren’t enough?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67): 2nd
1988- Ne Partez pas Sans Moi
Country: Switzerland 
Artist: Céline Dion 
Language: French
Thoughts: Telling people Céline Dion won this thing is a new favourite hobby of mine, just to see the confused reaction. And that’s the most interesting thing about this song because it’s… fine, I guess? It’s a perfectly serviceable 80s power ballad, but there’s no bells and whistles to make me sit up and declare it any better than just “okay”. It’s basically the ballad equivalent of J’aime la Vie from 1986, in that it’s extremely 80s and also in French, but there’s nothing to make it that memorable aside from the singer herself. And even then this isn’t the song that made her famous anyway. Even her singing doesn't make this one stand out, partially because the song doesn't do anything special with it, and partially because she just blends in with all the other good singers of this era. And that’s kinda sad to think about.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Hmmm....
If no, what is? Greece- Afroditi Frida- “Clown”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 22nd
1989- Rock Me
Country: Yugoslavia
Artist: Riva
Language: Croatian
Thoughts: So this is another song it really took me a while to get into (there’s lots of those, trust me) and one that was very briefly in my top three overall favourites. It’s slid down a few slots since then, though I would still say it’s… Somewhere in the top 15.  I don’t really have a lot to say about this one, if I’m honest. It’s just a good, fun, solid song which stood out in a very dull and ballad-saturated year, nothing more, nothing less. The lyrics are nice too, being about a bored musician who learns to love music again by teaching himself how to play pop songs to entertain his friends. That’s a unique subject and I can imagine it resonating with a lot of people who’ve fallen out with a hobby they used to love because they took it too seriously (providing they either speak Croatian or have looked up the lyrics, of course). I mean, it resonates with me at least. All in all, I just like this song for its message more than anything else.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Da Vinci- “Conquistador”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 9th
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finally got the time to do another liveblog and what do i do? spirit phone commentary? a tally hall solo endeavor? nope i do we think we’re playing in a band. it’s a good album what can i say.
-minimall minimall minimall. love the way they're doing this to start with their voices sound wonderful together
-i've not listened to like. any of their other covers actually and barely any of their original works so i suppose this is as good an intro to their stuff as any
-i can recognize a voice or two but that doesn't mean i can say who's singing
-mixing sounds really good and i very much love how much they're playing with stereo audio, reminiscient of the 2005 ver of mmmm
-let us sing!
-oh my god they're reusing. oh i don't know if i want to spoil this now [context: cas hasn’t listened to wtwpiab yet & was watching my active liveblog process]
-that was amazing
-i recognized so many of those voice lines
-lots of question marks indeed who would i be if i didn't let some things remain unknown for a time!
-i have in fact seen the taken for a ride cover music video by skye but i'm not sure if that's the whole experience plus i have the taken for a ridextravaganza to liveblog another time
-isn't this zoe doing the intro here? man he's (skye) got a good singing voice. i shouldn't be surprised seeing as i've heard his hidden in the sand cover but he's good
-did you know his hits cover ended up on the hits website? won a competition or something? yeah good for him
-was about to say something about skye's friend and family cameos in here (i heard this one cover his sister made of a song that was then remixed by another friend of skye who did a bunch of famous movie remixes but that's a rabbit hole for another time) but then then zoe or whoever started singing some original verses and now i'm mildly shook
-honestly if pogo (the friend i mentioned) contributed to this in some way i wouldn't be surprised in the slightest this is reminiscient of their stuff
-but that can be saved for the ridextravaganza. these wonky harmonies are incredibly rad i like what they're doing with the chords here
-this is happy alright & you won't stop me from thinking it
-well now they're doing mostly the original harmonies from the base song and it sounds wonderful
-little wonders??? oh my god i forgot about that cameo, come on
-oh what am i listening to here now. is this the mind electric part ii part ii. sounds slighty weird. this is surreal. do not remember this stuff from the music video
-is it a place? i think i've seen that line used once or twice in reference to tally hall itself. the significance is nice. i just took a step off an elevator that was more of an emotional rollercoaster. on to the next song
-espinoza. i vaguely recognize that name but not too well. perhaps i've seen a cover or two of theirs on tumblr
-i'm sure i'll find the capability to say that about most people here who aren't minimall/tumblr legends/other band members
-really bending some genres with this my goodness this is like the 4th one in one minute i love it
-why am i being reminded of the fullerenes. perhaps the wonkiness
-sitting in a grassy field like this i'm likely to get mosquito bites
-oh hold the goddam phone nevermind that startled me
-what a take on the bidding. really different but in a lot of good ways. almost doesn't sound like a tally hall song but not in a bad way
-ben kling. isn't this dude like an actual musical person outside of tally hall covers? like i know what i literally just said about recognizing people who worked on this album but. idk i've been spending too much time in the archives. but even though i know i haven't got a lot i'll be sure to give you love until the day you d
-wait a minute this is be born? i'm asking that both in the sense that this sounds nothing like it and also that i don't like be born very much
-playing the bass underwater wh. nevermind
-this is wild i'm having a physical reaction to how. wonky i suppose. before i wasn't thinking i'd end up overusing that word but the way thing liveblog is going that may end up being the case
-this is now anything but a country song. everything but a country song more like
-this song's gott a lot of layers it'll take a good many relistens to get everything but. my god the weezer. say it aint so why the hell. what the hell & why the hell would you do that. i thought i knew what i could expect from this i didn't know niel was a contributor to this goddam album
-ooooooh casey shea banana man. oh i've heard a thing or two about this. i get the feeling this will bring me close to tears. like on one hand it's casey shea! hell yeah! but on the other hand. trepidation in a happy way
-sitting in the jungle i'm grooving already. is that one of those uuhh baklava (no that's pastry) thingys that was used in black rainbows? would check out
-i don't think i'm fully recovered from the blindside of say it ain't so in be born of all songs but these percussions are really damn strong
-i'm actually not too experienced with casey's individual stuff but i love how faithful he is to the original harmonies & rhythm while also going absolutely ham
-well that's one way of doing the breakdown bridge
-this is the absolute antithesis to the original song's insanity and yet it's equally as unpredictable & maddening. i love it
-hit those high notes casey woo just go and flex on us all
-what the hell is his budget that he was able to get so many damn instruments. can you stay on beat- wait a minute
-...good morning? we getting casey shea lore? casey shea dream journal section?
-oh my god. oh my god. this is the future liberals want. tally hall on every radio station
-and now he goes ham directly in my ears thank you very much mr. shea sir for making me feel emotions
-how many goddam rollercoasters am i going to be taken for a ride in this album i feel like that kid from turn the lights off
-courtney flynn. i feel like i should know her as more than "old tally hall fan who played flute in a couple shows before" but oh well. on to just apathy
-harp times. clearly reckoning back to a lady it seems. very interesting take on just apathy but considering how bowed string-heavy the 2005 ver is (this one's for you cas) i suppose it's not too far from the original
-almost unrecognizeable if i didn't know what just apathy originally was and hang on a second i need to correct something
-alright i'm back y'all won't even see what i did in the published liveblog because that's how editing stuff on the internet works but i am greatly ashamed for the terrible mistake i made /s
-she's got a good voice. such an, mmmmm, dramatic, or toned-down, or soft, version of this song gives it a very different feel. if i were alloromantic i'd probably be able to get more out of that. but in the meantime i'm just wondering what these percussions are. brush? leg slapping? stomping with slippers? can't tell. makes for good foley at least
-all of those adjectives i listed up there i feel hesitant to use because i think they could all in some way apply to the original song. another thing that easily applies to this version and the original is my sentiment that it's a damn lovely song with wonderful harmonies & composition but unfortunately the overtly romantic meaning means that i can't really connect to it which can take away from the experience i think
-that's a damn cool harp flourish & these vocals are really striking. if you take anything away from my liveblog of this cover it should be those two points
-you definitely don't notice how much of a part of the song some subtle percussion is until it's gone
-bowman. there's a name i in no way whatsoever recognize in a tally hall context. i recognize it from. a very very different context that i've yet to see an active tally hall fan also be capable of recognizing it from. but that really doesn't matter. i'm going in completely blind here and that's the important part i suppose
-right off the bat. no rain sfx. what a shame they're the best part of the original /j
-it really feels like this is taking some beatles comparisons and driving them up to the max with these vocals while the intstrumental reminds me of what people assume new wave was
-i'm liking this sound in the back that's either some sort of square/sawtooth/triangle wave synth or a wildly distorted trumpet
-once again massive beatles vibes in the vocals. or maybe it's more barbershop quartet vibes. groovy either way
-what i think i should clarify with these beatles references is that the singer's damn talented. a lot of range & a lot of strength. radical /gen
-of course any situation with spring and a storm is incomplete without the a-c#-e d-f#-a e-g#-d# d-f#-a | a-c#-e d-f#-a b-g#-e f-d-b-a. it's harder than it looks to memorize that
who? this? who is this woman?
-slapping that vibrato on your voice real hard like you're joe hawley making a song in 2005 about bananas
-correction like you're joe hawley making a song in 2012 about. uh. a forest? people in a forest? something like that.
-i think i can remember myself making up these very same variations on a melody being used here. listening to spring & a storm and humming the main melody or harmony is one thing but making up my own melody? that's the good shit.
-the percussion sounds like the exact same drumkit used in every trap song ever and that isn't always the best thing. just gave me the intense feeling the bass was about to drop
-which in spring of a storm of all things would normally be weird but considering the. incredibly bouncy direction this song just took that might not even be a bad thing. what is this song now
-it's over? it's over. well first of all that one gets a 0/10 for no rain sfx (/j) but hearing that song without the lil outro that feels designed to give you maximum whiplash when segueing into two wuv is certainly odd. wonky even
-allegra doing haiku now! and is that the literal exact same guitar from the past song? what did the contributors just have a limited selection of instruments to choose from or something? strange
-i've been slowly trying to make a quiz out of haiku for the past couple days and now hearing the song all weird like this is strongly influencing my opinion of what colors to use. hmmmmm
-listen to me please/i don't have synthestesia/i just hear a song's vibes
-alright i get i haven't heard allegra's voice that much but boy is she doing something here. something that i really wasn't expecting
-huh she put the actual correct pronounciation of forte in there. that boosts the line to 7 syllables instead of 6. interesting
-i feel like if my brain weren't being scrampled by the intense vibrato/tremolo of these instruments swirling around my brain like a whirlpool i'd be able to think of more things
-or maybe i'd just be able to say what i'm saying without being incomprehensible. there's a lot of waver on the instruments (& vocals) and i'm pretty sure they're wiggling between my headphones like a platter of jello on a speaker. it may or may not be impeding my thought process. hard to tell generally
-why has it taken me until the actual haiku part of this song for me to realize how much slower it is than the original
-is she going to sing that incredibly long drawn-out note at the end like rob? actually speaking of the original song i just realized this has been lacking all of the little on-stage interruptions of the original recording, those bits & bobs i always forget about because they're never recreated on stage ever save for "he wrote! a haiku for you"
-to answer my question yes she did. she did it while i was writing that line actually. what a fast typist i am
-whomst the heck is a hrmnzr. is that meant to be harmonizer minus vowels? just put x's in there like a real (gender neutral) man
-that's the most. feels-like-i'm-getting-booped-in-the-head-with-an-electric-pencil piano synth i've ever heard. not what i was expecting in the slightest
-let me hear the sing-along. i want the toy orchestra. blease
-wait no-one's better than whom?
-nevermind i've just been literally blown away by the uh. beat drop? not sure what you'd call it when about 4 more instruments all of the same volume enter at once. time to turn down the volume if you don't mind. sounds rad though
-genuinely sounds like a trap song now though. the vocoding's not helping
-could not be further from a sing-along band at this point. i can literally think of nothing more unlike a sing-along band than trap music. which isn't a bad thing i want to make clear but. goodness if this isn't mildly surreal. wonky in all the best ways
-james leblanc. this guy i've heard a cover or two from. so of all the dudes to do ruler of everything he's not a bad choice i'd say. i think he did one or two hawaii part ii covers too and- wait a minute
-tracks 1-10 here are all from marvin's marvelous mechanical museum. tracks 11-18 are all from good & evil. 19 is unreleased in any of the true tally hall albums. and track 20 is completely and utterly unaffiliated with a single published tally hall release ever. wow.
-and of course nothing from hawaii part ii. i suppose that'll wait until 2 years from now eh?
-oh thank god 13's in here i hate it when it's excluded from things. doing it rock-style like the live performances but then bringing in the same- glockenspiel? bells? music box? thingy that's used in the official ruler of everything. i'm liking where this song is going and i'm barely a few seconds in
-that voice distortion sounds very different on someone other than red. and now we've got like the same synth piano from the 2005 version which means no calliope
-the way the voice distorter is used seems pretty good. always put front & center like that.
-i think this is like the most faithful cover yet, excluding good day maybe. nothing's crazy in the harmonies most instruments are decently close to the original version. hm
-perhaps it's because there are so many similarities that i didn't have as much to say. i've also heard a decent amount of james leblanc before. he's a fine singer i suppose and is good at what he does
-you & me. strange to start off the g&e part of the album with that when the mmmm part was started with good day you might think. well if you're thinking that then i'll say you & me was the first full finished single from the album released before g&e's official release, and given that nobody covered never meant to know it's very much as good a starter as any
-don't know who molly lewis is though. sorry
-foiling?? madam you from boston?? or- no. were you trying to make recalling into recoiling but still wanting to rhyme it with falling? that's. interesting.
-certainly a simplistic cover. i like it. ruler of everything's plenty complex this is nice in contrast
-reminds me of this one post i put in the queue a lil while ago that was a beautifully in-depth analysis of you & me that got into like everything about tally hall's writing and composition skills ever. can't wait for it to be released because i love music analysis. and i am thinking of a lot of analysis for this cover right here which should tell you more than anything that i like it
-greyson mannella sounds like yet another name i vaguely recognize (probably from another cover!) but can't really place anywhere. wahoo
-cannibal at least is said to be one of tally hall's best songs so i'm certain this one's going to be good
-mx. greyson your voice has the exact level of androgyny i'd like to achieve with my entire physical being
-beyond that though this is pretty groovy. way more acoustic than the original. oh is that what's going to happen in this album? all the relatively more acoustic mmmm songs get synthesized and the relatively more synthy g&e songs get acousticized. that'd be rad
-you're a good whistler! if we can learn anything from bora it's that it takes good skill to do well
-wait a goddam second i wasn't paying attention but greyson's been singing shes for the cannibal right? lesbian momence??? hell yeah
-gently echoing fadeout for this song. like some 80's stuff up in here. good stuff
-dictionary attack sounds like the name of an actual entire band so surely this is going to be something. hm actually now is as good a time as any for me to admit i forgot who you are was a song in g&e and so when i saw the who you are demo from incomplete demos reccomended to me on yt i was like huh what's this song i've never heard of i guess it's one of those ones from incomplete demos that never got published anywhere else and only a good while later did i remember it actually exists. good times
-i can't tell if that's an accordion or a synth in the background here and has there been a time signature change here? i need to count this out
-this right here is in 3/4. which seems like how the original song but like i said i wouldn't know and this seems different somehow. maybe that first verse there was different
-i like the small changes made to the melody. it's the subtler changes that catch my attention & affection
-this vague rockification going on here is quite distinct. i'm not sure how else to describe it but wonky. maybe i should start using fabloo huh. because this is an incredibly fabloo album in general
-the reason i call zoe playfulpunch as such despite her name being right there for me to call her by isn't just so that people know what blog i'm talking about it's because that's how she of all people is credited here. like i get that most of the other people with blogs here are also real musician people & don't need to be credited by their blogs but. zoe (playfulpunch). that's who she is.
-oh and i'm aware i'm not putting the correct accent thingy over the e but my keyboard can't do that sort of jazz & i'm incapable of copy-pasting it currently
-have i ever mentioned how much i love hymn for a scarecrow? i really love hymn for a scarecrow and the elaborate mv i constructed for it is only part of that. maybe it's the catalyst but it's also not the only reason i love hymn for a scarecrow. long story short i'm hyped
-piano. always a good place to start. sounding weirdly cheerful though for such a relatively somber & dramatic song. and now we're grooving. what a wonderful genre shift
-never heard zoe playfulpunch's voice before. i don't know what i was expecting. i say that of all things because i never form any expectations of things ever so i can't say i'm surprised by something i had no way of predicting or getting an idea of beforehand.
-the moderately upbeat tilt to this cover is absolutely making me register this as a completely different song which i'm sure is the point. but also i'm slightly grumpy because this doesn't fit with my amv!! /j
-i think this would be considered punk rock if it was. yknow. fabloo.
-i am grooving though who would i be if i pretended otherwise
-considering i think she was like. a teenager when this came out zoe playfulpunch seems to be doing a hella good job with everything
-oh my god it's breakdown time i'm hyped
-obviously it's not the same without an entire band but it is very impressive all the same. in a different way of course!
-i bet based on this individual song's sampling of her voice i could place what region of the us she's from. new england at the least
-marcy nabors. another member of minimall let's go lesbians
-alright i think my prediction of g&e songs being less synth-heavy is proving incorrect but oh my god this slaps
-the only thing that seems remotely the same (apart from vocals) is that one synth riff and i'm in love to say the least, this is extremely groovy
-equal amounts of groove but this one's lemon cream flavor instead of chocolate sprinkle. that's the best & only way to communicate the wonkiness of a song with food metaphons
-man damn oh boy are these vocals absolutely getting my goat
-is this that one uh. bastille? song? the one that's in a nintendo switch commercial. i only remember it because said commercial’s used in one of the best ytps i've ever seen but now my comparison's getting out of hand & it's not even a fair one
-wait a minute is to get one's goat a good or a bad thing? i mean it in a really good way
-ghosts? stranded lullabye ghost? y'all the lady's fukcin dead
-sing it marhal. you're giving my goosebumps. maybe that's just the cold though. wind + cold + damn good singing will do that to ya
-two of those are from the song btw i'm not liveblogging from outside in the dark of late fall
-if i were this next song would've been relevant about an hour ago. matt martin's one of the names i have no familiarity with whatsoever so it's time for me to have just as few expactations i'd have as if i did
-alrighty. immediately giving this an extremely different vibe. makes those fnaf amvs seem justified /j
-nah but this sounds reminiscient of a child's wonky birthday party more than a child's haunted closet than anything for some reason. beautifully fabloo
-the way this song plays in my headphones is really something but boy is the percussion powerful. amazing that such big percussion energy can be achieved without the presence of one ross federman
-who's this strange person in my left headphone? what are you doing there?
-oh i know what this song reminds me of it's the rock cds my parents would play in long car trips. so stuff from the like late 70 & 80s or whatever. fresh aire maybe. yeah. good stuff
-of all the places to put a slowdown i sure wasn't expecting right here but like. it is the end of the song. wait singer where are you going
-oh my god i think he just woke from a nightmare & out of bed into an abandoned mineshaft. matt martin, in memoriam
-ayyy it's time for a performance from that one dude from jukebox the ghost! i watched boralogue xii today in specific preparation for this one let's go
-(i didn’t actually listen to it for this that’s just a conincidince. a cool one though)
-listen to that acoustic guitar. i'm so glad andrew's solo songs got into this album he's such a good songwriter
-maybe i should listen to jukebox the ghost now. maybe
-of all the times for the drums & electric guitar to kick up the bit with all the pauses is a lovely choice. wonderfully wonky
-this is the song that makes me go :)
-how considerate of andy & tommy to make a song just for me. even putting in this whole part where you're meant to hum along. all for me. maybe even for you too
-don't think i didn't miss that calliope by the way that gets a hell yeah from me
-this next one's from gary patterson! a name i completely and utterly do not recognize! almost like it was chosen that way! and all of my friends? i wonder why that one and not i'm gonna win, which was out by now? perhaps it was chosen to refer to a specific group of friends! perhaps indeed!
-strong metal rock too. how wonderful. how utterly wonderful
-(listen i've not yet listened to cojum dip because most of the trademarks of metal- feedback screeching, wild trills/arpeggios, etc -don't really appeal to me. but this is nice)
-wonderful little rolled rs there mr. gary sir. very good work
-but all! all of my friends! help me go! and all! all of my friends! let me know! that it's all in my head! there's no room to be blue (you've gotta be orange instead!) everything will be fine! i'll be making it through!
-goodness if gary isn't an incredible singer. he should start a band or something. i might even listen to it
-i'm exhilarated. i suppose that's the appeal of metal. but also, it's time for the final song. night & light by merced of minimall. here we go
-oh that's- that's gno. how the hell's it spelled. gnosseine no 1? something like that. the joerilla music! my god what a choice for an intro
-oh i'll be damned if that isn't the cleverest segue i've heard in weeks. oh wow.
-why do i get the feeling there's a story behind these male voices in the intro here? well no i recognize that one. andrew laurich, my good man, i don't think i'm lost right now, i have the moonlight to guide me, don't i?
-how many boralogue/this/misc bit lines are going to be in here? because i may simply die from the sheer euphoria & heartache of it all. and maybe the incredible singing as well. my goodness that's a good voice you've got there merced
-and there's the acoustic guitar! was wondering if it might make a prominant appearance alongside this lovely piano
-marimba? hell yeah
-i only recently started gaining a decent respect for night & light if i'll be honest. for a good while i hadn't even listened to the full song, only the first minute or so, because i was kinda bored. which isn't fair, the song picks up a bunch later on and it's not even that boring. i'm glad i love it quite a bit more, and i'm glad i'm able to love it without having to dissect the whole thing like what happened to labyrinth.
-the gentle chorus in the background & piano is faintly reminiscient of fate of the stars- well nevermind there's a synth trumpet of some kind now. i was going to wonder if it's intentional but i don't think i need to. it's just groovy
-i'm so glad all the good high harmonies are being kept they're truly beautiful. and the powerful chorus, not what you'd expect from any kind of rock band huh? truly wonky. and that's the end- wonky to the end.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Lambchop — TRIP (Merge)
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Photo by New Formalists
TRIP by Lambchop
It is the season of the cover, and who knows why? Perhaps it’s the pandemic driving us to seek solace in songs from better days. It might be the lockdown preventing us from gathering the life experiences that are necessary in creating new art. It could be a growing sense that people are not paying attention the way they used to, so why blow good material on an audience that’s running around with its hair on fire? For whatever reason, there are lots of covers floating around, but few as good or as interesting as the ones collected on this LP from Lambchop.
Kurt Wagner usually writes and/or chooses all the material for Lambchop albums, and he typically takes the lead role in arranging and recording these songs. But late last year, looking for material to record, he decided to try something different. He asked all six members of his band to pick out a song for Lambchop to cover. Band members would then lead recording sessions for their chosen song, one per day for six days. At the end, they did a couple of shows. This was December, so shortly after, the world fell apart and that was the last time Lambchop gathered as a band. Yet while live music became a thing of the past, Lambchop at least had this document of its members’ varied interests, its musically proficient yet soulful way of attacking a melody and its restless search for personal meaning in songs that other people have written.
Take “Reservations,” which at 13 minutes runs nearly twice as long as the Wilco original. The opening four minutes strip down Tweedy’s ruminations to bare truth, framing Wagner’s deep voice with piano and scattered, distant sounds. There’s a choral swell in the refrain, which turns indie confessionalism into a revival meeting. Still for the most part, this is an aesethic that is simple on the surface but filled with shifting, glittering subcurrents: a jangle of bells, a distant thread of saxophone, voices, hums and roars and overtones. And that’s just the song part. A long piano outro takes up roughly half the song’s duration. It’s just a slow shifting between chords, implying the melody but not articulating it, electronic sounds subtly weaving through the tone and drums pattering through. It is that and only that for seven minutes, and whether you think it is transporting and revelatory or kind of a snooze depends entirely on your sense of how much has to happen within a given space of time. Which may have changed since the pandemic. Or maybe not.
You might expect a Lambchop covers album to be mostly old country tunes, but there’s actually only one. That’s “Where the Grass Won’t Grow,” written by Earl “Peanut” Montgomery, but made famous by George Jones. It’s the song that steel guitar hero Paul Niehaus picked out, which makes sense. His unearthly twang wreathes the cut in a sun dappled surreality. Otherwise, the production is warm and clear and reassuring, the plunk of acoustic bass, the shuffle of drums, the splay of piano chords all precisely articulated and given space to breathe. The Lambchop version of this song runs a bit slower and more ruminatively than the George Jones one; it eschews the vibrato-touched, female harmonies that Jones used to build out his choruses. Yet more fundamentally, the Jones cover sounds unsentimental and matter of fact about the harshness of rural life. In 1969, when it was released, most people still had relatives on farms and knew how hard it was. Now, a very different world, Lambchop infuses rural imagery with mysticism, emphasizing the beauty of a lost world, the flowers growing up out of a grave. I spoke with Wagner a few weeks ago about how the meaning of songs change depending on context, and this is a song where I feel that very strongly.
Other cuts are less what you’d expect. There’s a dreamy re-imagining of Stevie Wonder’s “Golden Lady,” with a choral drift where the bounce and funk used to live and a loose, slightly goofy take on the Supremes’ “Love Is Here and Now You’re Gone.” There are two songs you probably never heard before, the Cleveland garage rarity “Shirley” from the Mirrors and an unreleased cut from James McNew. In all of them, the band sounds like Lambchop, though sometimes dressed in unexpected clothing. They make an effort not to sound exactly like the original—except perhaps in the Mirrors cut which hews very close to the 1977 version—and to find something that speaks to them in the material.
In short, they pay the best kind of respect to material they love, finding a way to live inside it and change it and make it breathe. The two bad things you can do with a cover are not understanding the raw material and not giving people a reason to listen to the new version. Lambchop avoids both pitfalls and creates something that is not quite new, but reshaped and revitalized.  
Jennifer Kelly
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toothyblowjob · 5 years
fuck it, cats recap
i saw cats with my boyfriend a few days ago. i wanted to make one of these after but thought i couldn't possibly add anything to the heaps of commentary already available on tumblr. unfortunately, cats has a certain staying power, and i think the only way to forget what i've seen is to write it down (aided by a list of songs to remind me which scenes came in which order). so here we go
the opening scene was such a bizarre combination of unsettling and kinda boring. there was so much unnecessary tension.
the set actually looked really pretty! shame about everything it had to witness.
almost all the words in the movie are unintelligible. it's probably for the best.
victoria, the audience surrogate cat, was initially in a big burlap sack which was thrown into an alley. the jellicle cats approach and dramatically paw at the sack. you can tell this was a bit of choreography meant for the stage and not a movie.
some of the cats crawl on their hands and knees, and it's just the most uncomfortable thing you can imagine.
when victoria actually emerges, all the cats hiss and disappear, then reappear to sing a song that mainly consists of asking victoria if she has certain "cat" traits like... being blind at birth???
"would you look at a king? would you sit on his throne?"
in the same song there's a sequence of cats just listing adjectives for themselves. i looked up the lyrics and apparently at one point they say "rabbinical cats." what the fuck is a rabbinical cat?
the big gray cat (afaict he isn't named in the film, but the credits list him as "munkustrap," which is one of the worst names for anything i've ever heard) asks victoria for her name, and is perplexed that it's something normal. look buddy, you don't get to name yourself munkustrap and then complain about anyone else's name.
apparently cats have three names: one that their family calls them, one super fucked up one that they decide themselves (like munkustrap), and a secret name they don't tell anyone else. the third name never becomes relevant, so i honestly don't see why they mentioned it.
if you ever see a cat in "profound meditation" they're just thinking about their name. aight.
sorry, good omens fandom, cats forever ruined the word "ineffable."
i think it's somewhere around here that macavity first appears??? i am ashamed to admit that for a brief moment he looked kind of attractive. it's idris elba, okay?
there's a song where they introduce the idea of the jellicle ball. it's really creepy, which is fitting, because apparently the jellicle ball is when their cat president decides who gets to die and go to "the heaviside layer." tbh if i were in this reality i would be begging for death too.
every moment where the cats are whisper-singing is deeply unpleasant. why.
apparently the cat president decides who deserves to die by having them each sing a song about their name. i'd previously heard the musical summarized as "cats introduce themselves one by one until one of them gets the right to die" and honestly that's pretty accurate.
munkustrap leads victoria to a human kitchen, where rebel wilson's character jennyanydots (really) is lounging around being generally useless. there is an extended shot of her scratching her crotch. i am so tired of rebel wilson playing funny fat characters.
i had already heard that jennyanydots unzipped her fursuit at some point during her song. i couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what the fuck people meant by that. what they meant is, jennyanydots unzips her fucking skin to reveal a sparkly costume AND ANOTHER LAYER OF SKIN underneath. is this part of the musical? please tell me.
i knew about the cockroach vore too, but that didn't make it any less upsetting. it happens twice. there are crunching noises.
the cockroaches are... they all have human faces. they look like aliens from a kid's movie made in 2005.
rum tum tugger's song is, i regret to inform you, a bop. i looked the song up afterwards, and the stage version is actually more upsetting. a lot of crotch action.
that being said, there is a horrifically sexual part during the movie version where cats are guzzling milk and it kinda looks like bukkake drawn by someone who had never seen cum before.
also the cgi for the milk was inexplicably bad. like, it looked like some shit out of a spy kids movie.
towards the end of the song, rum tum tugger pulls victoria's foot towards his mouth. i felt time slow, and i started muttering to myself "no no no no no." fortunately, he did not suck victoria's toes. i hate that i have to write that.
i believe it's at this point that macavity shows up and thanos-snaps jennyanydots. this is the first time magic is shown to exist, which made for a really surreal effect. i kinda thought i was having a stroke.
grizabella is just furry fantine. she used to be a super glamorous cat, and now she's wearing garbage and singing about how sad she is. jennifer hudson really gave it her all though.
bustopher jones, who looks like he's just james corden's fursona, shows up and sings a song about how fat he is and how much he loves to eat. my fat ass was not amused. at the end of the song he too gets taken by macavity. i guess he has a thing for chubby cats.
mungojerrie and rumpleteazer are just awful names. i hate them so much. why would you name yourself mungojerrie.
they really seem like they're trying to convince victoria to have a threesome with them. at the end of the song she's laying in a bed between them. it's bad.
i am so grateful the dog that they run away from is never shown. i can't even imagine how awful that would be.
the past two mornings i've woken up with old deuteronomy's song stuck in my head. i don't know why. it's not that interesting.
the cats all flock to old deuteronomy and nuzzle her. it's awful.
judy dench and ian mckellan were taking this so fucking seriously. i had to see ian mckellan, without a trace of irony, saying "meow meow meow" and drinking milk out of a dish. it was one of the most upsetting moments for me.
"jellicle cats are black and white," according to a bunch of cats that are neither black nor white.
victoria needs a moment to go outside and chill during the jellicle ball. i can relate.
grizabella is there again, singing a weirdly beautiful song about when she was younger and happier. i decide jennifer hudson is this movie's saving grace.
victoria sings another weirdly beautiful song about how she was abandoned in an alley (which i guess is how she ended up among the jellicle cats).
"all that i wanted,,,, was to be wanted,,," heartbreaking. relatable. loved it.
ian mckellan, whose cat is apparently named gus (short for asparagus), sings a song about how he used to be a great... actor? magician? i wasn't really clear. ian mckellan continues to do his very best to make this weird senile cat seem real, and i fully expect him to drop dead of old age halfway through the song. alas, no cat can die unless old deuteronomy wills it. i thiiiink he got taken by macavity at the end?
it turns out jennyanydots and bustopher james (and gus, i guess) are NOT dead (sigh), but have been transported to a barge in the middle of the thames. honestly i think i just dissociated too hard to remember this scene very well.
another bop from skimbleshanks the railway cat. the slow motion tap dancing was a bit much, but the song at least was fun. at the end he gets disappeared by macavity, oops!
taylor swift's whole bit is... it's just hard to sit through. yknow how everyone made fun of that bit in "look what you made me do" where she went like, "sorry, the old taylor can't come to the phone right now. why? oh, cause she's dead!" her whole song had that energy. the fake english accent made me want to die.
she pours catnip on all the cats, which makes them moan and writhe a lot. i think this was supposed to be the orgy scene? i don't know.
macavity has "broken every human law," which i assume includes treason and gay sex. i really love the possibilities here.
actually yknow what just occurred to me? would macavity get in trouble for bestiality if he fucked a human? or would it have to be, like, a cockroach or something else that's "lower" than him?
macavity thanos snaps old deuteronomy because she refuses to let him die. everyone is super sad until victoria goes "oh hey, mr. mistoffelees can do magic! :D"
unfortunately, i really liked mr. mistoffelees' song. i've been singing it multiple times a day. his face may be upsetting but his overall vibe is kinda adorable.
mr. mistoffelees is named after the demon mephistopheles btw. i feel like that needs to be said.
old deuteronomy is returned to the jellicle ball, and victoria convinces grizabella to sing for everyone. the song, again, is beautiful and heart-wrenching. everyone loves it, and grizabella is chosen to die.
grizabella is put in a hot air balloon. i think the heaviside layer is fake, the jellicle cats are a death cult, and she's just going to suffocate to death. this is supported by the fact that the heaviside layer is a real name for a part of our atmosphere.
old deuteronomy ADDRESSES THE AUDIENCE DIRECTLY at the very end. i hate it.
she says triumphantly, "a cat is not a dog!" this is important enough that the entire cast repeats it. my boyfriend is more upset by this than i am.
there are some horny facial expressions, i think, and the camera pans back to the hot air balloon. the movie ends.
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toddbeeson · 4 years
Ghost Busting
The spirit appears and works in mysterious ways.  Last Tuesday, I revisited my collection of writings to find something I had written in November of 2006 and had posted to my MySpace account.
I found a list of 20 things that I written about, made some slight edits and added another item to the list!
See if you can detect what song was the subject of 19-21.
Read below to find out!
Connecting thru music!
More musical gifts Current mood:  awake
I can’t sleep…I feel like a detective possessed by solving a mystery…kind of like they do in the movies…the person has no real home life, they just have to solve the mystery.  Ever since the Rick Allen incident, I have been followed by Def Leppard music. Lately it has turned itself up a notch…the songs come flying at me instantly. Check out these recent events involving Def Leppard and a few companions…I will type this up in a chronological form.
1) Oct 9th, 2006.  While  I was driving back home to LA from El Capitan Canyon, north of Santa Barbara, I pondered on a Jack FM concert that I saw in August.  Before that concert, I had told my brother that I would only go if I could go as a VIP.  Well...that never happened...until the actual day of the show my good buddy Jason had an extra couple of tickets--  he won VIP tickets.  It featured Def Leppard as the headliner.  I thought about that band a bit on my drive.  As I was driving I had to pull over to go to the can at a gas station near Calabassas…and somehow met the Def Leppard drummer, Rick Allen (i wrote a song called “Whistle on the Pot” inspired by the story.  Long story short– we were in line for the bathroom…however he didn’t even end up going to the bathroom– so it seems he was there just because I thought of him– it was very surreal.)
2) I started hearing Def Leppard songs everywhere…I wish I had written them down…but you’ll see how they showed up in November.
3) Fast Forward to Friday, Nov 3. I had a date that night…on my drive to her place, my choice of car music was the U2 album “Unforgettable Fire.”
4) Saturday, Nov 4. Oops…I find out I left a mark on my date’s neck.  It was embarrassing, frankly.
5) Sunday, Nov 5. The very next morning while walking in Trader Joe’s I heard “Love Bites” by Def Leppard– Laughed out loud…now that is funny!
6) Monday, Nov 6. My radio alarm clock wakes me up to “Foolin’” by Def Leppard.  True! Not foolin ya!
7) Just before bed time, I sent an email to that same woman I am dating w/ the song “Sugar” in it by Dan Wilson and express that it was beautiful when she mentioned the word “Surrender” to me a few weeks previously.
8) Tuesday, Nov 7. The next morning, I woke to a song called “Bad” by U2 from their “Unforgettable Fire” record... just before Bono sings the line “Surrender.” Amazing...
9) Later that evening, I entered my studio w/ my Itunes on random playing the song, “Pour Some Sugar On Me” by Def Leppard…thousands of songs and it happened to be a DL song w/ the word “Sugar” in it.  Wowza...
10) Wed, Nov 8. My date called to say she heard a song at yoga class and wanted to know what it was…she sang a few lyrics, I knew it to be “Landslide” by Stevie Nicks/Lindsey Buckingham. I told her that Lindsey Buckingham is actually playing The Wiltern Theater and that I would mail her an mp3 of “Landslide.” I found “Landslide” on “The Dance” album of Fleetwood Mac. Also on it, an amazing version of Lindsey playing and singing “Big Love” acoustically and forwarded that song as well.
11) Thurs, Nov 9. I taught the song “Blackbird"  to a guitar student. Later, I did an IM (Instant Message) with a friend who just happened to be emailing with the songwriter, Paul McCartney, at that moment.
12) I visited my friend’s place and told him that I am reading the book "Living, Loving, and Learning” by Leo Bascaglia…he then pointed to a bunch of furniture in his home that used to belong to Leo.
13) I made arrangements to attend the Lindsey Buckingham concert…which I gracefully got to attend for free.
14) Friday, Nov 10. I attended the LB show…walked into it late…but perfectly about 10 minutes before LB plays “Big Love.” He performed it intensely and the crowd erupted…I sat and then stood in wonder.
15) Sat, Nov 11. Upon returning home from the health club in my car, I listened to a radio station that was going to play a song by a band called Wired All Wrong…I turned the station because I thought that the name choice is not very ultimate (My band, The Lift, had a song called Wired- -which is about being connected to peeps) and turned it to a station that happened to be playing “You Can Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac, sung by Lindsey Buckingham…and performed by him the night before…now that was the station for me! The next song, “Pour Some Sugar On Me.” Okay…I am starting to go thru the roof with this…thankfully, I was driving my bro’s convertible!
16) Sun, Nov 12. I told a few friends all these stories…including my bud, Braden.
17) Mon, Nov 13. I got in my car to go teach elementary schooI and  turned on the radio to find a re-broadcast of the in-studio appearance w/ Lindsey Buckingham– within a minute he is playing “Big Love” live…I called Braden to tell him…he happened to be listening to “Landslide” at the time. HOLY FREEKIN $#*t!!!
18) I emailed a few peeps about #17- including my brother, Brett.
19) While emailing my brother during a school break, a student came back into class during recess..and mentioned that her “uncle” had written and recorded a popular movie soundtrack song from the mid 80’s– I told her that I happened to know him and that his wife was my modeling agent.
20) Ten minutes later, I called my brother to get his reaction from 1-18…he then said, “I don’t know what to think about it, though I did hear a song twice today, and I had not heard that song in years.” That song happened to be the song in #19.  He had no idea of #19 when I called him...
21) Tuesday, October 13, 2020, I read this writing for the first time in years…and I had just one guitar lesson for that day…and guess what…my student asked to play the song that was the subject of #’s 19 & 20.
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AJR/Fletcher/3OH!3 @ ISU’s Braden Auditorium
A different take to the blog this post. I went to a show alone up in the Blono area. For those of you who are reading this and aren’t local, it’s Bloomington-Normal which is the home of the Illinois State University Redbirds. Pretty campus, nice majors, etc. Definitely worth checking into if you’re in the market for college. I have a lot of friends who go here / have went here. The parties are dope, the bar scene is hype, and it’s a great little place overall to spend 2-4 years if you have that kind of time and money.
This was my first concert at Braden Auditorium and I am going to give it about a 7.5/10 rating for the venue, 8/10 for the vibe, and artists individually will get reviews/ratings later on in the blog. The venue was actually really well ventilated and it stayed cool inside despite the fact that it was packed as fuck and everyone was flailing around like an octopus at a rave. Parking was big and spacious, I conveniently parked closest to the doors not even knowing where I was going. Shout out to Brady for getting me where I needed to go via Snap since I was clueless. It was more or less just following the masses. (Doesn’t that lead to mass murder or cults?) The merchandise was right inside the doors and everything was front and center. AJR was the only artist that had merchandise out so I bought their short sleeved tie dye shirt (I’m a slut for tie dye) and their dusty rose hoodie with “100 BAD DAYS 100 GOOD STORIES” on the back because obviously. That’s my favorite song off Neotheater. I think it was reasonably priced. $35 T-shirt and $65 hoodie. Lucky for me, I brought exactly $100. Amazing on me.
I’m really not a fan of “assigned seating venues” so that was a bummer at first but the chair was super convenient when I wasn’t feeling it for the middle set. The facility is super nice, the security/assistants were super nice, the vibe was super nice. Overall super nice. The box office workers were SO kind helping me get my ticket (obviously I needed a physical ticket for the collection) and pointing me in the right direction to my seat. The people I sat around were kind as well. I had a group of girlfriends to my right, a couple to my left at first, and friend groups ahead and behind. As the Fletcher set went on and I was sitting, I had a weird guy come up and sit in the empty seat to my left. He got creepy after a few minutes and, GOD BLESS, the two girls that were together behind me saved the day and pulled me up to the next row back with them. After a while he tried talking to the group of girlfriends that were to my right originally and after talking with them I found out they were 17!!! So I told them I’d walk them out to their car after the show and they were so appreciative. Girls helping girls is what this future needs to become. Aside from that little stutter, the seating was not the best but wasn’t the worst. Neutral rating there, but for future reference I am gonna try to avoid assigned seating venues. Dat shit lame.
The thing I like the most about this experience for myself was that I was able to let myself feel. I have an issue with bottling up my emotions and I don’t ever process them, I just shove them to the back of my mind and wait until the shelf is too full and one falls off and I deal with it when the glass breaks. So being able to sit here, reflect on my emotions, feel things for what they are at their own face value, it was really nice. I heard all of my feelings loud and clear, I cried tears of happiness, sadness, confusion, excitement. There was so much going on in my brain that I couldn’t hold any of it in. Music is one of the only things that allows me to feel freely and deeply, so this experience helped me sort through what I’ve been holding onto. Some days I wonder why I hold on. I think this is a good habit to get into: going to a concert alone once a month, maybe twice. Not just for me, but for anyone who has a deep connection with music, artists, albums, etc. Overall, a pleasant experience for what I dubbed “Solo Sunday”.
3OH!3 - The first artist up on stage was 3OH!3 and I am honestly so emo over that itself. I’ve been into them since I was in middle school so that was a dope experience. I didn’t think I would see them in concert in my entire life let alone be a few feet from them so that was super surreal and I felt so starstrukk (puns, lol). Honestly, they’re so hype and their humor is very plain, but it’s still funny. I loved their set, recorded half of it on my phone, and will probably blare them on the hour long drive home. It was seriously such a great moment for me, my 13-year-old self was LIVING HER BEST LIFE and I can’t say 22-year-old me could’ve complained either. (10/10)
Fletcher - Fletcher was the second artist out of the trio. Let me start by saying her voice is AMAZING and she is TALENTED. But it’s too loud and strong for the mic and that needs to be adjusted so it doesn’t sound so blaring and shitty. I wasn’t really feeling her set so obviously I sat and started this blog. You could barely understand half the words she was singing when she got quiet, you could only hear her when she was loud. Aside from the sound, her lyrics were spot on for any girl going through literally anything. “Wish I could get a little undrunk so I could uncall you, at 5 in the morning I would unfuck you”. Bruh. My CHEST. Who said she could come for my life like that? This is wack as FUCK, I got called out hard on the whole set. There’s just something about the emotion in her voice that make the lyrics hurt 10x more and I think that is what makes a good artist. I think she talks too much midset and between songs, but maybe she will learn as she tours more that not every song needs an explanation for why she wrote it or when she wrote it or where. Overall I think her lyrics were good, the sound was okay, but the set was mediocre at best. Maybe an artist better on recording compared to live, will definitely give her a listen and fair chance. (7.5/10)
AJR - First off, let me just say that AJR was/is/always will be a (not so) subtle obsession. Neotheater (album review post coming soon) got me in my feelies so fucking hard that I couldn’t breathe. It was a cheap rib shot and it made me want to reevaluate everything I’ve ever said or done in my entire life. Seeing them live, being in the same building as them, it had my feelings on a whole different level. This album has been my rock for the last few weeks on repeat and helping me through this rough patch of my life. Being at the NEOTHEATER WORLD TOUR was unreal. They bring so much hype and playful banter to the stage, seeing them interact with one another (they’re brothers slash the “they were roommates” vine) was so wholesome. The gig was INCREDIBLE. I recorded most of the set to have for the bad days and the sad days. They are fun, upbeat, and quirky in the best way. I cried for the first 4-5 songs because it was so surreal to me and I was just in awe of the fact that the music that I listen to so I can make it through the day sounds 10x better in person. The vibrations in your chest and the pounding headache you find yourself not minding, the amazing crowd that feels the same or similar to the way you do, and the hype that everyone in the place felt. It was all amazing and I will never miss another AJR show again. I really just sat there and soaked in my tears the whole set. It was satisfying in a weird way to connect with something so simple so deeply. (10/10)
The drive home was hype while I sat in the lot trying to leave all the way up until I got out of Blono. It began as a light jam session of “I’m Not Famous” and “Burn The House Down” in the lot, transitioned to 3OH!3 on shuffle (skipping for all the high tempo bops), and then winded down with a play through of Neotheater in its entirety. From the moment I hit the highway from the last exit taking me home, I started the album from the beginning. I let the words sink it, the emotions connect, and I was a bawling mess. I sang, I cried, I bobbed my head along time the heartbreaking truths the lyrics were throwing at me. I revisited painful things from my life, I planned out new future plans. I took my present life into consideration and started working on a plan to get it back together. By the time I got home, my face was covered in teary mascara streaks and my eyes were bloodshot and burning. My cheeks were red and I felt so exhausted. Letting my emotions get out in their own way made me feel like a new person. The months upon months of bottled up feelings are gone and it’s time to start over with new ones.
I enjoyed myself. That’s a phrase that will rarely come out of my mouth. But hey, it’s true. The experience was one of a kind, it was extraordinary, it was everything I wanted it to be. $50 to see a life altering show (dramatic, yes, but not entirely wrong either) was a steal. I would recommend an AJR headliner any day regardless of the openers. 3OH!3 as a headliner would slide if they had good openers. Fletcher as a headliner would be cool if you like that kind of thing. Don’t go to concerts alone unless you are adequately prepared to be alone. Help those around you, enjoy the moment, live for the now. Let those around you enjoy things in their own way. Be kind, be compassionate, be supportive. Enjoy the time you have because your days are numbered, regardless of the total amount. And when you think you shouldn’t do something because you don’t wanna go alone, do it anyway. It will be good for you and it will bring a new meaning to self care. I feel weightless and so wholesome. I am ready to tackle another week, month, and year.
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winnipegpatty · 6 years
to all the boys i’ve loved before [pt ii.] | s.m.
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a/n: tumblr hates me, and deleted pt. ii. so here i am reposting. apparently this is just a thing that’s gonna happen with all my writing. cool. anyway, enjoy if you haven’t already read. reblog, like it, come talk to me about it. pls. i need validation. 
part i. part iii. 
I should probably consider going to a therapist. I must be insane. I had to be. This is only a thing a crazy person would do. Not only had I considered Shawn’s proposal over the last twenty four hours, I entertained the thought. A lot. If Gen was sure to be jealous of their relationship, maybe Josh would be too. And not that I wanted to date Josh or anything, it would be kind of nice to see him jealous over someone else liking me. And well, maybe fake dating Shawn wouldn’t be so bad. He was cute after all, and popular. He might teach me a thing or two about dating, of which I knew exactly...zero things. So really it didn’t seem so bad. It couldn’t really hurt, could it?
But considering Shawn’s idea and actually accepting it were two different games.
In my own land where I control the outcome of each of my decisions, can know exactly what everyone thinks or does around me, well this idea sounds amazing. But in the real world. The world where Gen hated me, and I had exactly one friend, and my eleven year old sister had a better social life than me. Well, that was different.
Yet somehow, sanity had gone out the window, and I found myself somewhere I never thought I would ever go. The school music hall. The place where Shawn practiced for theatre and choir ensemble pretty much every day. And yes, I realize that choir kids, aren’t usually that cool, right? It’s usually the jocks, right? Well this school was different. Or well, maybe Shawn was just different. He had a way about him. A commanding presence that made everyone look twice when he walked down the hall. So yes, he was the most popular senior in the school, despite only being a choir kid.
But what was I doing in the music hall exactly? Well that was a good question. I’ll be sure to let you know the answer when I figure out.
“Hey Mendes,” I heard myself shout over a particularly loud guitar riff he was showing off to his friends.
His fingers slipped to a stop. “What?” He asked as he looked towards me where I was walking up the stage steps.
I came face to face with Shawn Mendes yet again (this was quite possibly the most I’d ever seen of him in such a short period of time). “I’m in.” I said my voice surprisingly steady despite my pounding heart rate. Was I really getting into this with Shawn Fucking Mendes?
A slow smile crept onto Shawn’s face as he gently placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me. Yes, he kissed me. It was my second kiss with Shawn Mendes in less than twenty four hours.
What the fuck was this life?
When he finally pulled away, I took a small step back. I’m sure I looked shocked because honestly, you’re lying to yourself if you think you wouldn’t.
“Well, uh, I’m gonna go to Spanish now.”
I slowly backed away, fleeing the scene of the crime.
And that, my friends, was the beginning of a beautiful fake relationship.
“Okay, first things first, we need rules.”
Shawn rolled his eyes from his place as the picnic table.
“You really know how to suck the fun out of a situation don’t you?”
“This is serious Shawn, we need to know where we stand on certain issues.”
Shawn tugged on the string of the pink hoodie he was currently wearing. “Okay, like what issues?”
“Well, for example. I don’t want to kiss you again.”
Shawn balked, thinking I couldn’t be serious. I was. “Who is going to believe that we are a couple if I can’t even kiss my girlfriend?”
I rolled my eyes, “Relationships are more than physical intimacy, Mendes.”
“Okay, but you kissed me first! And now you’re going to say you don’t want to kiss at all?”
He had a point, but that didn’t mean the request was any less valid. I wasn’t caving. “It’s not negotiable.” I set him with a stern looking, hoping it was clear that I meant business.
“Fine, but something else needs to happen then. People won’t buy it if I’m not allowed to touch you.” Shawn shrugged as if that were a no brainer.
“I see your point. How about this? You can...stick your hand in my back pocket?”
“My hand in your back pocket, what the hell is that, Y/N?”
“Sixteen Candles?”
Shawn rolled his neck to look at me, completely unimpressed with a blank face.
“It’s the opening image?” Nothing. This boy was giving me nothing. “It’s a couples thing!”
“Maybe in the 70s.”
“Sixteen Candles was the 80s!”
Shawn’s utter lack of knowledge of classical rom com literature was horrific. “Okay well first off, sixteen candles is going on the list because it’s a classic. I refuse to date someone so uncultured. Second, we can’t tell anyone about this relationship.”
“Duh, first rule of fight club,” Shawn rolled his eyes.
“Are you serious?” Shawn leaned in to look closely at me, “You’ve never seen fight club?”
I shook my head before he responded, “Oh my god okay, write it down. Double feature. The Candles movie and then fight club.”
“Okay, fight club, sixteen candles, no snitching. Anything else?” See Shawn thought this idea was stupid, making rules and all, but clearly this was the important bedrock on which the entire fake relationship would sit upon. A solid foundation was important.
“I could,” Shawn’s face suddenly appeared calm, contemplative, “I could, um, write you songs, maybe? Like little lyrics?”
Songs? Lyrics? Shawn would write songs for his girlfriend? I’m not even sure I knew he wrote his own songs. Could this be more surreal? “You’d do that?” I asked softly, not wanting to get any thoughts in my head.
“Yeah, I mean, Gen was always begging me to do it. And I never did. So if I did that for you, it’d drive her crazy.”
Right. Gen, of course. “How romantic,” I cooed, dripping with sarcasm.
“Also, you have to come to all my concerts and performances and the parties.”
“Then you’ll have to pick up my sister and I and drive us to school everyday.” So that I don’t die.
“Okay, but you’re coming with me on the annual ski trip.”
The Ski Trip. That was the infamous overnight event where more couples were rumored to lose their virginity than Senior Week and Prom, combined. Any couple that meant anything in high school would be there together. I have never been. Obviously.
“Shawn, that’s like three months away. You really expect us to last that long?”
“Let’s just call it a contingency.” Shawn smirked, “Look no one in their right mind, would let their boyfriend go on that trip alone. It’d be social suicide. So, if we are still doing this by then, you have to go with me. No ifs ands or buts.”
I’m absolutely certain, that by the time the ski trip comes around in three months, Shawn Mendes will just be a page in the book of my own history book. And that is the only reason I say, “Okay. Deal.”
“Come on, Sof, we’re gonna be late. Hurry up.”
It was October already. I’m not sure how it happened, but it had. And today was the day Shawn and I were going to put the contract into motion. Fake relationship-ing commences today.
“I’m so tired of taking the bus,” Sof complained as she ran down the stairs, “Can’t you just drive us again? This time without hitting people?”
“Actually.” The two of you slipped out the door, just as you heard Shawn honk the horn of his Jeep.
“Hey, y’all ready?” Shawn stuck his head out the window.
The shock on Sofia’s face was priceless. I stepped into the passenger side seat and Sofia stumbled into the back seat.
“Hey, little Y/N” Shawn turned towards Sofia, “What is that?” He motioned to her cup.
“This is horchata,” She said as if he were utterly helpless. Which to her defense, he basically is. “And my name is Sofia, my friends call me Sof. But you can call me Sofia.”
“Okay..” Shawn said turning to me, “She’s feisty.”
“So, how exactly do you know my sister again?” Sof asked.
Shawn laughed, “Well, I guess, I’m her boyfriend.” He sent a smile to me, and I rolled my eyes. “Can I have some of that?” He gestured again to the horchata.
“Sure,” Sofia responded, handing her cup over to Shawn. Shawn took a drink of the horchata and smiled.
“Oh, wow that is so good. What do I have to do, to get you to bring me one of these tomorrow?”
“You’re driving us again?”
Shawn nodded, “Yeah of course. It’s the boyfriend duty, I’ve been told.” Shawn winked at me, and I shrunk further into my seat.
“Okay!” Sof bounced, “You can call me Sof.”
Shawn leaned into my shoulder and whispered to me, “Progress.”
And this is what it was like to be dating Shawn Mendes apparently.
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the--blackdahlia · 6 years
The Day the Music Died Chapter 9
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Title: The Day the Music Died Chapter 9
Summary:  In 1959, a plane crash tragically took the lives of three musicians and their pilot. But the mysterious circumstances send the Winchester brothers on an adventure. Now they have a mystery to solve…before one of them joins the other three.
Warnings: None that I can think of
It was a demon. A demon had sent Sam back in time somehow. Dean didn’t even know that demons had that kind of power. Unless it was a very old and very pissed off demon, and Dean knew the perfect one for that. Well, he knew several, but most, if not all of them were dead. Except for one.
He was sure that the self proclaimed King of Hell would be petty enough to hold on to the spirit of a teenage boy who was a victim of circumstance. The only thing he didn’t know was why he would do that. There was more to the story than he knew and he needed to get to the bottom of it. And he needed Cas to answer his freakin’ calls already!
There were all kinds of things that Dean was looking into. Could Ritchie have made a demon deal? Could he have pissed off the wrong demon? Wrong place at wrong time? Considering that Ritchie was only 17 when he died, Dean found it hard to believe that the demon deal was the right path, considering that most of them were 10 year deals and Crowley wasn’t that much of a heartless bastard.
“God, where is Sam when I need him?” Dean asked, looking over at the chair Sam would have been sitting in. It’s not that Dean minded doing the research, it’s just Sam loved doing it and he would much rather Sam be there.
“Dean.” A voice said behind him. Dean jumped up, ready to shoot, when he saw Cas standing there.
“Son of a bitch.” He growled, laying his gun on the table. “Where the hell have you been?”
“I’ve been busy.” Cas explained. Dean rolled his eyes.
“Yeah well I think we’ve got things that are a little more important right now.” Dean said. Cas looked around the room.
“Where’s Sam?” He asked. Dean laughed.
“Sam is in the 1950’s because of a demon that is holding a ghost hostage.” Dean explained, making Cas look at him like he was crazy. “And I’ve been calling you so you could go back there and get him, because he’s going to die in a plane crash.”
“How do you know that?” Cas asked. Dean turned the laptop around to show the news article, listening Sam as one of the dead. “Oh.”
“Oh? That’s all you have to say?” Dean asked. “Go back there and get him!” Cas closed his eyes, trying to hone in on Sam’s soul so he could pull him out, but everytime he thought he got close, he was pushed away. “Why are you still here?”
“I can’t get to him.” Cas said.
“Can’t? Or won’t?” Dean asked.
“I can’t.” Cas said again. “I’m trying, but it’s like something is blocking me from getting to him.”
“How can something be blocking you?” Dean asked. Cas just shrugged. “Oh for the love of god…”
“You said it was a demon, right?” Cas asked. Dean nodded. “Well, maybe that’s what’s blocking me.”
“Can you sense if it’s Crowley?” Dean asked. Cas closed his eyes and tried to focus. But he wasn’t getting any readings on Crowley. He could get snippets of a demon lurking around, but he couldn’t find him. And it sure wasn’t Crowley. Crowley loved to show off.
“It’s not him.” Cas said. “Whoever it is, they’re old. And powerful.” Dean nodded, ready to just get sent back to the 1950’s when there was a knock on the door. Dean slowly made his way over, gun at the ready. Cas had his blade if he needed it. Dean slowly opened the door and relaxed, opening the door.
“Dean.” Maria said, standing there. “You’d be a hard man to track down if Sam hadn’t told me where you’d be.” Cas stared at her as she walked in. Maria looked over at him. “Sam didn’t talk about him though.”
“He’s a friend of ours. His name is Cas.” Maria nodded.
“He might have mentioned the name once or twice. I think I heard it...when he was...praying?” She shook her head. “Anyway, I’ve been carrying this around with me since 1959, and now that I’ve finally found you, I thought it was time to give it to you.” She handed Dean a worn out, yellowed envelope. Dean saw his name scrawled on the front in Sam’s all too familiar handwriting.
“You’ve had this since 1959?” He asked, looking up at her. She nodded.
“I’m glad that living in 2013 didn’t dull his letter writing skills any.” She joked. “Well, I guess I should be going now.”
“Thank you Maria.” Dean said. Maria nodded and turned to leave. Cas closed the door behind her then looked at Dean, who was already sitting on the bed, just staring at the envelope. He slowly opened it, seeing a letter and a couple photographs inside. There was one of Sam standing with Buddy, The Big Bopper, Ritchie, and a few other people he didn’t really recognize. He flipped it over and saw all the names listed, including Waylon Jennings, which surprised Dean a little. The other pictures, two of them, were almost the same, just different people. Dean laid them to the side and started to read the letter.
If you’re reading this, I probably didn’t make it back. I gave this letter to Maria Holly. Hopefully you’ll get it at a decent time. And if you got this, I’m sure that you got some of the details from Maria. I tried to get back, but nothing worked. I would love to be able to come home. I’d love to be able to save Buddy and all of them, but I know I can’t do that. Ritchie is actually a really nice kid in real life. I wish you could’ve met him before he was a ghost. I think you would love all of them.
I work for Buddy, so I’ll be going on tour with him. Which means I will be there first hand to see him die. After it happens, I’m going to go back to hunting with Waylon. He’s very old school, but he’s cool. And he knows what he’s talking about. Maybe I can teach him about some of the new things that we face around our time.
I wish I knew what sent me back. Maybe you’re having more luck than me. I’ve tried calling to Cas, hoping that some version of him would hear me, but no luck. So I guess I’m going to get to live through the 60’s and 70’s. Maybe I’ll hit up all those concerts that you would love to go to and buy you some shirts. Somehow get them to Bobby or something.
I’ll see you around.
Dean looked up at Cas. Cas could see the determination and heartbreak in Dean’s eyes. The letter wasn’t long, but it was enough.
“Find out what it blocking you so I can shoot it.” He growled. “Sammy’s coming home. I’m not letting him die. Not again.”
Christmas came and went, and Buddy and Maria treated Sam to a wonderful holiday. Buddy’s family was so welcoming of him too, having heard lots of good things about him from their son over his stay there. It had felt like years since him and Dean had set down and shared a Christmas together. Honestly, it was probably before Dean went to hell. But January came quickly and Sam knew Buddy’s time was drawing to an end.
“Come on Sam. We’re going to be late.” Buddy said as he waited for Sam. They were meeting up with Waylon at the little studio just outside of Lubbock.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Sam called out to him, rushing down the stairs as he slipped his leather jacket on. “This hair stuff is more trouble than it is worth.”
“You know, I have a friend who is a barber…” Buddy suggested, a smile spreading on his face. Sam glared at him.
“I am not cutting my hair.” He said. Buddy just laughed. He loved teasing Sam about his hair. “I thought you said we were going to be late.” Buddy opened the door and motioned for Sam to follow him out to the car. The drive to the studio wasn’t that long and Buddy really just liked to give Sam a hard time.
Sam had learned to play the drums on a few songs, allowing for Carl Bunch to have a few moments to relax. Buddy was making plans to start a band with Sam and Waylon once this dumb tour was over. The Winter Dance Party tour. They would be on the road less than a month but would have 24 shows. Sam wasn’t looking forward to it, and honestly, neither was Buddy. He knew he needed to perform to get money, but something about this tour just seemed off to him. He could tell Maria didn’t want him to go. It was the first time they would be apart for a long time since they had gotten married. He was sure that was it.
The studio had a full parking lot of cars. Sam spied Waylon standing outside of his, smoking. He tossed the butt down and crushed it with his foot when he saw Sam and Buddy pulling in. Buddy parked the car and Sam got out, stretching some as he did. He was used to going long miles in the Impala, because it was like home to him. Buddy’s car wasn’t bad, and it was one of the newer models for the time, but it wasn’t Baby. And it killed his back.
“You guys ready?” Waylon asked, joining the pair as they headed toward the studio. “There’s a lot of energy in here.”
“We’re going to have to meet them sometime.” Buddy said, opening the main front doors. “It’s either now or right when start the tour and are having to share a bus with them.” Sam, Buddy, and Waylon made their way inside. Making their way down the hall, they made their way to the room where their party was waiting for them.
“Well, there you are!” Tommy Allsup saisd, standing from his chair. “Always late.”
“Yeah, but I know how to make an entrance.” Buddy smirked. Tommy and Carl had already met Sam and of course they knew Waylon. Carl was helping Buddy teach Sam some beats, while Tommy pouted that he was upset he didn’t have a backup guitarist.
“It’s nice to meet you finally.” A man said, coming forward to shake his hand. “I’m JP Richardson, but everyone calls me the Big Bopper.” Sam stared with wide eyes as the two musicians shook hands. Another man, one that Sam knew from his own time, came over. He wasn’t as ghostly looking this time though.
“I’m Ritchie.” He said, shaking Buddy’s hand just like JP had. All three of these musicians together was a little surreal. Especially because Sam knew that in about a month, those three would be dead. Sam wanted to save them. He wanted to convince them all to stay on the bus, to not go anywhere near the plane that day. But he knew the consequences of his actions. Maria knew it too. That’s why she had been acting so weird since January hit. It was just a waiting game now.
“Sam.” Waylon said, elbowing the hunter in the side. “You spaced out on me. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just a big of a headache.” Sam smiled at him. “Was someone talking to me?”
“That’d be me.” JP laughed. A hearty, deep laugh. “Are you going on tour with us? Carl here has been telling us how good of a drummer you are.”
“I’m not that good.” Sam chuckled, a blush started to appear on his checks.
“Sammy here is just modest.” Buddy laughed. “He’s actually pretty good. A few more years of practice and he might be one of the greats. I can’t believe how fast he picked it up.”
“My mama said it was no time before I was just learning instruments. I would pick one up and ‘bam!’, I could master it in about a month.” Ritchie explained.
“How old are you kid?” JP asked, looking Ritchie up and down.
“Seventeen man. The sweet age, as my brother says.” Ritchie explained.
“Dear god, you guys just keep getting younger and younger.” He joked.
“I’m twenty-nine, if that makes you feel any better.” Sam told him. JP smiled.
“Actually, yes it does.” JP smirked. “AT least I’m not the oldest in the room.” Sam just shook his head. “Well, I was under the impression that we were going to play for each other and not just make small talk.
“Wait!” Ritchie said. “I have to get a picture to show my mama.” There was a bit of light teasing, but soon, a Kodak was coming out and the group was all getting together. Sam stood off to the side. “Sam, what are you doing?” Ritchie asked as he got the camera set up.
“Waiting for you guys to get done.” Sam said. JP shook his head.
“Come on, get over here.” He said.
“But…” Sam started to argue.
“Sam, you’re as much apart of this as everyone else.” Buddy said. “Now get over here.” Waylon reached out and grabbed Sam’s hand, pulling him into the group. Once they were settled, Ritchie started the timer and ran to join the group. Once the flash cube went off, he pocketed the camera. He wanted to get it developed before the tour so he could have a fresh roll for the tour, and he could get some pictures sent out to his mom.
“Okay, are we gonna play or not?” JP asked.
“Yeah, yeah, we can play now.” Ritchie laughed. “Who wants to go first?”
“How about the old man goes first?” Buddy teased, since he wasn’t much older than Ritchie. JP glared him down. “What? Afraid you might break a hip?”
“I’ll show you breaking a hip.” JP grumbled as he got set up, ready to play “Chantilly Lace”. Sam set back with Buddy and Ritchie, ready to watch the performance at hand.
Forever Tags: @imboredsueme @aiaranradnay @theas-bedtime-stories @af112992 @dekahg @cutie1365 @marvel-af @bandobsession98 @nanie5 @sammat97 @dslocum89 @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @newtospnfandom @xxwarhawk @luciathewinchestergirl @tina8009
Supernatural Tags: @essie1876 @smoothdogsgirl @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @sabigmart @jadepc @winchestergeekfreak @winchesterslibrary @atc74 @anathewierdo
The Day the Music Died Tags: @leximus98
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edsmysterygirl · 6 years
Ed Sheeran - Part 3
Wembley, June 15 & Amsterdam, June 28
As many of you know, I was fortunate enough to see Ed twice during this Divide World Tour. Read Part 3 down below.
Click here for Part 1. Click here for Part 2.
And then it was time for Ed!!! At Wembley we used my boyfriend’s phone for pictures and videos, but since I didn’t have that phone in Amsterdam I wasn’t able to take any good pictures and the videos are of much lesser quality. Also, as I already mentioned in Part 2, Castle on the Hill is fine but during Bloodstream and Photograph you can hear me really well, and I am a horrible singer, I’m so sorry. 🙈 I did want to share the videos with you guys, though. Just keep in mind that if you don’t like it when people sing through videos, these videos may not be for you.
Castle on the Hill:
© edsmysterygirl/dailymotion
© edsmysterygirl/dailymotion  
© edsmysterygirl/dailymotion
I’m not going to talk about every individual song again like I did for Wembley, since my opinion about the songs live hasn’t really changed. But it was just as amazing, if not more amazing. Some of the speeches were different and particularly catered towards us. Before he played The A Team he talked about being on tour with Passenger at some point and going #1 in the Netherlands for the first time. And after I See Fire he talked about how he loves playing that song over here, since it wasn’t meant for radio play and then someone did put it on the radio and it got super popular over here. And for the encore he came out in a Dutch football shirt, of course.
And now I’d like to talk about the moment that you guys have probably already heard all about...
So what happened was, he basically played the same setlist, except he left I’m A Mess out. I didn’t notice this at the time since I hadn’t really remembered the setlist order or anything. Anyway, after Perfect he said he was going to bring out this keyboard player. And I got all excited and said to my friend, he hasn’t changed his setlist in ages and now he’s bringing out this keyboard player, I think he’s going to play this song that he hasn’t played in a while, this is so special! What I thought was going to happen was that he was going to play How Would You Feel. Except he didn’t... AND ROBBIE FUCKING WILLIAMS CAME OUT. IN ED’S MERCH!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had travelled all the way to Wembley, kind of expecting a special guest because Elton John appeared in 2015 of course. And then I got one out of the two shows (out of four) that didn’t have a special guest... And now Robbie Williams was here IN AMSTERDAM?! Who would have thought?! Certainly not me. I didn’t film it, my friend filmed it but she’s having some problems with her camera. Of course I don’t want to leave this moment out of my post, though. Here is one of the better YouTube videos I could find of them singing Angels. So this is not my video. All credit to the original poster:
© Elise/YouTube
Like the Wembley show, I’ll add Zak’s pics at the end to finish this post off:
Tumblr media
© zakarywalters/Instagram
Tumblr media
© zakarywalters/Instagram
Again, I am in there somewhere!!!
Which show did I prefer? That’s a very hard question. Audience wise, I think Wembley was the better audience. Everyone got up as soon as Ed came out and no one ever sat down again. In Amsterdam, on the other hand, there were plenty of people sitting down throughout most if not all of the show, not singing or dancing at all. Even around me. That didn’t stop me from having fun, though!
Sound wise I preferred Amsterdam. I read some reviews for the Amsterdam show and all of them complain about the sound quality and the bad echoing, except to me this was worse in Wembley. I feel like the mixing (so basically the volume of the different loop station feeds, already recorded vs. being recorded, etc.) was way more balanced in Amsterdam. So to me it’s weird that everyone is complaining about Amsterdam whereas I’ve heard no complaints about Wembley.
I also preferred the screens in Amsterdam. Apart from that we actually got the complete stage, I feel like the camera work and effects came out better. Not sure if that was because of the extra circle screens or if that’s just in my head.
Overall, I think I prefer Amsterdam. And not even because of Robbie. Maybe it’s because it wasn’t the first time so I had more time to take it all in and enjoy it more. Or maybe it was the little things, like seeing Anne-Marie and Ed drink from Spa bottles (a Belgian water bottle brand that’s really popular in the Netherlands). That sounds weird but it was so surreal to see that, lol. 
Either way, I loved both shows and I would do it all over again. Worth every penny/cent! 
Thank you for reading if you’re still reading at this point!
Click here for Part 1. Click here for Part 2.
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eirist · 6 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 7
Disclaimer:  One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning:  OOC possible. One shot. Song fic.
Rating: T
Note: Scenes are not necessarily happening while the lyrics are playing. My suggestion is to keep the song on a loop until you finish reading or you can just totally ignore it and just read the fic. TDs stands for tone dials. Italicized words are song lyrics.
Summary: The swordsman and the navigator share a moment with no pretenses.
I found a love for me Darling just dive right in And follow my lead…
It was Brook who brought the blasted tone dials on the Thousand Sunny after attending a music festival in a jovial island, where the Straw Hats momentarily docked to replenish their supply and stretch their legs.
Almost everyone was excited with their musician’s newest acquisition. Brook may have been a rock star during the crew’s separation but had overlooked (or deliberately overlooked) to bring any of his tone dials on board for the others to enjoy.
After a boisterous debate between the loud members of the crew, it was eventually decided to place the TDs inside the aquarium bar. And when said dials started playing, a hush fell over the rambunctious crew and even their high-spirited captain paused momentarily to listen to the melody.
 Brook was thrilled with his friends’ reactions right down to the bones (since he IS only bones after all). He had personally picked the songs recorded on the dials from the artists and musicians who were at the festival and thought his nakama might like it.
And like they did.
For the next days the door of the aquarium bar stayed open as the tone dials played all day long, filling every corner of the Thousand Sunny with different melodies.
Well I found a girl Beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me…
Zoro’s ears grew accustomed to the sounds that were playing. He did not participate in the crew’s current fascination with the music. Each Mugiwara had his or her own favorite and depending on what is playing, the swordsman can distinguish who’s got their hands on the TDs.
That one particularly bouncy song playing all morning ‘til noon would be Luffy’s. Said captain got hooked on it so much that he played it over and over again, subjecting the crew to a humming marathon of that particular ditty as they go about their daily tasks.
Except him, of course.
Not more than once his ever attentive ears caught Usopp or Chopper humming theirs. Twice he heard Franky singing under his breath during dinner. Even that pathetic excuse of a cook was not excluded from the madness; crooning as he prepared their meals, his feet tapping in time with the music.
Though it seemed like Robin did not get caught up in the music craze, he stand to be corrected when he heard the dark-haired woman humming while tending to her flower bed as he secretly tried to nap under Nami’s mikan trees.
And the navigator was just as bad as the rest of them. When the Sunny was anchored for the night and everyone is asleep, he would hear the tone dials playing Nami’s favorite song.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was
For three consecutive nights, he kept seeing the navigator stealthily crossing the lawn deck to head to the aquarium bar. Her long, orange hair glinting under the moonlight that it easily caught his eye.
And for three consecutive nights, he would silently follow her to check what in the world she’s up to.
A brief glance at the porthole and he would find the same scene as the previous nights: the navigator sitting on the floor with an open bottle of wine, a glass on her hand, eyes closed, singing softly.
She was totally immersed with the melody that he decided not to bother her and simply chose to walk away, letting her be alone with her wine and her song.
I will not give you up this time
Before the week ended, Zoro—who thought he was resistant to any influences—succumbed unconsciously and found himself humming that certain song, much to his horror.
And it didn’t help that he can actually hear it as he made his way up the ladder of the crow’s nest to relieve Nami of her watch duty.
He wisely shut his mouth to refrain himself from humming again. If she finds out about it, he’ll never hear the end of it.
He approached the open trap door and peered inside. It was the same scene as with the aquarium bar. He noted the tone dials turntable lying on the crow’s nest’s floor along with a bottle of wine and one, unperturbed navigator.
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes you're holding mine
Nami acknowledged his presence with a soft ‘hmmm’ and a slight tip of her head as she sipped her wine.
“That thing had been used too much,” he drawled as he made his way inside. Nami angled her head towards him, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips.
“It’s a wonder it hasn’t snapped in two,” Zoro continued. “Luffy’s already abused it a lot these past few days.”
“Debts and threats did the trick.” The orange-haired girl replied flippantly.
“And scheduled uses?”
Nami’s lips quirked a little at that. “Yep. Or Luffy will hog it all day.” He raised an eyebrow at her. Lately he noticed that her mood seemed to improve whenever she hears that song or whenever she hums it.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
“Well time to hit the sack, witch. It’s my shift now.”
“Just a few more minutes.”
“It’s already an hour past midnight. Don’t you need your beauty sleep or something?”
Nami laughed at that. “Gee, thanks for your concern. But I think I want to listen to this a little more.”
“You know me, always keeping an eye out after your well-being.”
That made the navigator laugh more. “Pun unintended?” She winked at him, half-teasingly and half acknowledging his scarred eye. “Of course I know Zoro,” she stated, tilting her head so she can stare at his face and see his reaction. “You always look out for me. It’s a nasty habit of yours.”
He smirked at her in agreement.
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
“Now run along swordsman,” she inclined her head towards the trap door; her soft, orange curls swaying with the movement. “I’m still good here, give me a few more minutes.” She switched the TDs on and her song started playing again.
Sighing, he decided to settle himself on the floor just inches away from where she was sitting. It would actually be nice to fall asleep near her surrounded with scents and sounds he can only associate with the navigator.
Placing his hands behind his head, “Just wake me up when you’re going down.” He muttered before closing his eye.
“Sure you don’t want some first?” Nami slid the wine bottle towards him. Zoro muttered a ‘no’ and mumbled something about ‘sake’ that she didn’t quite catch, before drifting off.
When you said you looked a mess,
Nami stole a glance at him, her pretty face lighting up in amusement when she saw what he was doing. It wasn’t really that surprising to her. Zoro must have heard the song a dozen times already, mostly from sticking his nose in her nightly business (of course she’s aware that he’s following and peeking), that it’s bound to affect him sooner or later.
He may not admit it. But apparently the usually stoic man got ensnared too by the crew’s current obsession, rather unconsciously. Because there he was, lips moving on his own accord in what one can classify as singing, albeit silently, hoping she wouldn’t notice.
But she did. She always does. Especially when it comes to him.
I whispered underneath my breath
She brought her knees to her chest and closed her eyes, breathing the salty sea air deeply. Resting her head on her knees, she basked in this rare moment where she has her music, her wine and her swordsman in one place as the Thousand Sunny bobbed lightly on the ocean.
But you heard it, Darling, you look perfect tonight
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
A light breeze blew softly playing with the docked ships’ flags as they swayed back and forth in a steady rhythm. The night was still and the port silent as Zoro finally made his way towards where the Sunny was anchored.
The other Mugiwaras were still at the town’s pub drinking and eating to their hearts’ content. It was the perfect opportunity for the swordsman to catch some sleep without his rowdy crew mates to disturb him.
He left amidst Luffy, Usopp and Chopper dancing on the top of the table, chopsticks jammed in their nostrils as the whole bar drunkenly cheered them on.
With a bottle of sake in one hand Zoro ambled towards the ship, looking forward to some time alone with his drink and nap.
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets To carry love, to carry children of our own
There was that song again, randomly playing inside his head. He winced a little knowing that he will not be able to stop himself from humming that blasted ditty.
He blames Nami for this. He thought, taking a swig from his bottle before nonchalantly making his way up the ladder leading to the deck.
We are still kids, but we're so in love Fighting against all odds
He stilled for a moment before hoisting himself up on the deck. So that wasn’t all in his head. Halfway up the ship he realized the reason why he suddenly had the urge to hum it.
The song was playing from the Sunny.
Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Nami in the bar earlier after dinner.
When he finally reached the railing, he stopped short to take in the scene before him.
Moonlight bathed the lawn deck of the Thousand Sunny, making the grass glimmer every now and then. The aquarium bar door was open and from inside, the tone dials were playing the one song that’s been plaguing him day and night. Everything was kind of surreal. Like inside a dream. In the midst of the deck, there was their orange-haired navigator. Her eyes were closed and a serene smile was on her face as she languidly twirled in circles in some sort of dance, her bare feet grazing the grass.
I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand
Zoro leaned back against the railing and watched her with concealed amazement, sake momentarily forgotten and absently placed atop the railing.
It might be that to others the scene he was witnessing was kind of crazy…
But not to him.
This was Nami in her unimpeded; no walls up, no hindrances, free from the restrictions she imposed upon herself.
Nami just being the real Nami and not just the money loving cat thief.
This is her most open, her most vulnerable.
Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes
This is what she would’ve been if the pirate’s life did not manage to grasp her at such an early age. If she had grew up to led a normal life and enjoyed living it.
Maybe that’s the reason why she was so attached to the song. It brings back the lost childhood desires of the girl who grew up too quickly to survive the world.
Without a second thought, he pushed himself away from the railing to join her in one moment of openness.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
She didn’t flinched when he suddenly enclosed her in his arms and he realized that she had been aware that he was watching her for some time.
Instead, she tilted her head to look at him and let out girlish laugh. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing slightly. And his hold tightened around her waist.
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
It wasn’t like he was intruding with her privacy by being there.
More so, if anyone should see this openness she rarely show, it should be him. The one who had understood who she really is right from the start.
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
The skirt of her yellow dress brushed against his legs as they moved. He had forfeited his yukata in favor of a white t-shirt and was distinctly aware of Nami’s hands leisurely sliding up and down his shoulders and arms in a soothing gesture before entwining themselves around his neck again.
His eye studied her face carefully. She was always beautiful.
Even more so under the silvery moonlight that seemed to make her glow.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
He rested his forehead against hers and her eyes closed to bask in this rare moment with him.
They swayed languorously in a sort of dance but not quite so. The soft ocean breeze blew, playing with the long orange strands of her hair, unfurling the intoxicating citrusy smell in them…
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
Zoro lifted a hand to tuck an errant lock behind her ear, letting it linger beside her cheek in the softest of caresses, the arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. A contented smile spread across the navigator’s lips as their eyes met.
No words where needed to confirm what they both know right from the start.
I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person
She tilted her face so that her cheek was resting against his. He breathed deeply, taking in her scent as he turned his head to let his lips touch her face in lightest of kisses.
And she looks perfect
The world around them cease to exist. There was only them, the song and this extraordinary moment of tranquility where they both wore their hearts out in their sleeves.
I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight
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alisayamin · 7 years
Somebody To Love (Sheith Secret Santa - Pinch Hit)
Ashie!! I’m your pinch hitter for the Sheith Secret Santa! I hope you like this pre-Kerberos fanfic! ^3^
Read on AO3
Shiro never thought it was physically possible to wake up because Matt started playing that awful song again but he did.
“Caaaaaaaaaan…. Anybodyyy? Find meeee, somebody tooo loooooovee~”
The worst part was? Matt was actually studying at the dining table and would alternate between pausing and playing the song according to what Shiro was doing.
He was just standing up from where he had accidentally slept on the couch when the song continued, “Ooh, each morning I get up I die a little… Can barely stand on my feet!”
As he went inside the bathroom to wash his face, he could hear the continuation, “(Take a look at yourself) Take a look in the mirror and cry (and cry), lord what you're doing to me?”
By the time he was preparing his daily bowl of cereal, that horrible line was repeating again, “Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody). Can anyyybodyyy find meee somebody to love?”
“I work hard (he works hard) every day of my life” Shiro twisted his neck to the side until it made a popping sound that made Matt look over at him and grimace deeply, “I work till I ache in my bones- I work till I ache my bones- I work till I ache my bones- I work till I ache my bones-“
Shiro gave Matt his most unimpressed face (which Matt challenged with his own poker face) but Matt was still rewinding that one single line again and again and again, until finally, Shiro relented.
He happily buried his face in his crossed arms as he admitted defeat, “FINE. You win. I’ll take the weekend off.”
Matt got up from his seat with the most triumphant smile and began singing to his favourite Queens song. Honestly, sometimes Shiro wasn’t sure who the commanding officer in the room was anymore.
When Shiro first met Matt, it was when they found out they were roommates. Although they were in different programs, Matt was always there for Shiro. He was like the annoying brother Shiro never thought he’d meet. Even after Shiro became an instructor at the Garrison, he refused to move out from their shared quarters. Pros: Matt cared for Shiro and would make sure he ate and slept accordingly. Cons: Matt cared for Shiro and would force Shiro to take some time off from Garrison by giving him tickets to watch illegal races.
Shiro was walking to the secret track while simultaneously talking to Matt on his communicator that dual-functioned as a wristwatch as well, “Remind me again why you even had this pass. Do you really expect me to believe it was because of some racer?”
“Hey, Keith is awesome!  Make sure you bet him for me. He’s usually the one in red, number 23. And c’mon Shiro, loosen up!” Matt shrugged with a smug grin.
Shiro was already starting to regret his decision, “I’m a certified Garrison pilot who’s about to watch ILLEGAL racing-“
Matt’s expression suddenly became serious as he cut Shiro off, “Yeah but you gotta watch him. You’ll understand. Trust me.”
And that sealed the deal. Because if anything, Matt was the only Shiro truly trusted at the Garrison.
Shiro stared at Matt through his communicator before giving a curt nod, “I’m reaching the vicinity. Call you later.”
“Have fun!” Matt waved happily before he disconnected.  
When Shiro reached the marked building on his digital map, he went inside. It was a typical abandoned establishment in an abandoned city. He traveled quite far to watch this particular race so he hoped it was worth it. Following Matt’s instruction, Shiro walked to the ‘white ring’ and laid the ticket backside up on his palm. Abruptly, a red light scanned Shiro’s body and the ticket from the ceiling above him before it dispersed as suddenly as it appeared. Shiro felt a rumbling at his feet before the ‘white ring’ started descending underground.
It was a quiet ride that slowly grew louder as the walls opened up to a huge stadium. Shiro’s eyes grew wide with awe at the massive size of the underground track. From his still descending platform, Shiro had a clear semi-aerial view of the whole place. He saw that the rocky track was uneven and looked natural rather than man-made.
Blinding lights streamed from above. Reflective surfaces were used to direct the beams towards the race track, creating an incredible stage lighting effect.
When the platform finally reached the bottom, Shiro found himself lost in the crowds. Matt assured him that as long as he found his seat, he’d be able to bet and watch the race safely. The crowds were basically those that couldn’t get the passes but still wanted to watch the race. Shiro wondered how they found their way inside since the place was so deep underground.
It took longer than he thought to navigate through the masses but he was lucky to be on the right side of the stadium where his seat was located. The LED lights illuminating Shiro’s seat changed from red to green after he scanned his pass again at the small scanner located on the edge of the left armrest. Instantly, a rectangular touch-sensitive virtual display appeared in front of him; the betting screen.
The racers were labeled by colour and numbers. Names seemed to be optional since not many racers had placed their names in that particular section. Shiro scrolled for ‘Keith’ and made sure that it was also labeled ‘red’ and ‘23’. Matt betted a hefty sum for this ‘Keith’, enough for Shiro to pitch in his own units. Once the units were transferred, Shiro confirmed his bets. The display shrunk to a smaller screen on top of the right armrest.
Shiro perked up when he heard the familiar rumbling of a well-tuned aircraft. He looked upwards just in time to see a distinct red hovercraft swooping over his head. Shiro felt as though time slowed in that split second. It was surreal to watch the underbelly of a real flying (probably illegal) aircraft so close to his face. The resulting wind that slammed him into his seat was exhilarating. Shiro secretly wished he could ride his own hovercraft at that moment. Instantaneously, twelve other hovercrafts flew towards the track from all corners of the stadium. The crowds’ cheers drowned the revving engines as the racers took their position.
There was a commentator riling up the crowds and announcing odds of the possible winner. Shiro would have paid attention if he wasn’t so focused on the racers themselves. He noticed that there was definitely a major difference between the size (and age) of the other racers and this… ‘Keith’. Compared to the others, ‘Keith’ was practically a child! Shiro imagined Matt hitting his head for mocking someone’s height. Okay, Shiro conceded, ‘Keith’ was at least a young adult. A teenager. In an illegal race track. Racing illegally.
All sorts of alarms started ringing in Shiro’s head. Before he could properly organize his thoughts, a loud bang resounded throughout the stadium, signifying the start of the race.
Shiro literally forgot all about ‘Keith’ and that person’s age when he saw the smooth maneuvers that red aircraft was pulling off. The track was somewhat inconsistent, divided between a smoother pathway and a rocky one. The red aircraft, number 23, young adult ‘Keith’, was the only one in that rocky part of the track. And it was…
It was breathtaking.
Shiro himself had only ever did half those stunts strictly in simulators. Yet, here was a kid doing it with twice the risk and twice the skill Shiro could ever hope for. The control was flawless and the skill was.. Shiro couldn’t describe it as anything but ‘instinctual’. ‘Keith’ piloted that aircraft as though they were one. Matt had said before “You could take your eyes off him but you WON’T.” Shiro had scoffed back then. Yet, there he was, eyes figuratively glued to the red aircraft with a striking ‘23’ painted on the right wing.
By the time that red aircraft made it through the finish line first, Shiro was on his feet, clapping enthusiastically. He even cheered along with the crowds. The pilot of the winning aircraft came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the stadium and took off his helmet.
And Shiro received confirmation that ‘Keith’ was in fact, a teenager. His body was small and was of average height, probably 17, black hair styled into a mullet and he had a strong posture. Even from afar, Shiro could tell that despite his size and age, ‘Keith’ was not a child. ‘Keith’ walked to the podiums where the commentator was excitedly announcing all the amazing stunts ‘Keith’ had pulled.
As the commentator raised the winning pilot’s fist, Shiro was hit with an epiphany. Matt never did anything without a reason. And Shiro just realized what Matt wanted him to do and what he was already planning on doing the moment ‘Keith’ navigated his aircraft through a small curved cave that shouldn’t have been possible.
Shiro was going to recruit ‘Keith’ into the Garrison space pilot program.
Keith politely shook hands with the other racers that approached him. He was only going to stay till he received his units and not a minute longer. Unfortunately, he could feel eyes on him. Someone from the stands was watching him too intensely for his liking. By the end of the race, people would usually rush to reap their rewards from their bets at the collection counters. No one would stay behind to watch the racers or anything.
So when that uneasy feeling remained, Keith kept his guard up. The underground stadium was one of the more secure race tracks, so for it to be compromised would be very bad news indeed.
Keith started to undress from his racing garment, allowing him access for his dagger and other accessories in his utility belt to help with escape if he needed it. He would do anything to escape the system. Keith had just put on his red jacket when he heard incoming footsteps.
“Hi there.” Someone spoke from behind Keith.
As a reflex, Keith pressed the panic button on his wristband and withdrew his dagger, pointing it towards the suspicious intruder. Alerted by the panic button, everyone within a 100-meter radius withdrew their own weapons; guns, knives and other melee weapons, towards the person that was deemed a threat by Keith.
Said person simply raised his hands in a placating gesture. His eyes were wide and genuinely frightened but Keith didn’t take any chances.
“Scan him.” Keith commanded.
One of the other racers did so using a minipad and then announced, “Status, Garrison personnel. Pass holder, Matt Holt.”
Keith’s eyes narrowed at the stranger, “You’re not Matt.”
“N-no but I am Garrison personnel.” The stranger gulped audibly as he continued, “I came in Matt’s place. He’s my roommate.”  
Keith felt something loosen inside him as he remembered Matt telling him all about his ‘workaholic roommate’. The stranger definitely fitted Matt’s description of the hair and body type. Keith reluctantly lowered his dagger, “Shiro?”
The intruder looked taken aback, “Yeah.. How did you-“
Shiro seemed to forget all about the hostility around him as Keith heard Shiro mumbling to himself about how he was going to kill Matt six ways from Sunday.
“What do you want with Keith?” one of the racers asked with his gun still pointing in Shiro’s direction.
Without looking at the asker, Shiro stared straight at Keith and gave his answer, “I want to recruit Keith into the Garrison space pilot program.”
Then, it was time for Keith and everyone else to be surprised instead. The tense atmosphere broke with laughter. Keith would’ve laughed too if Shiro didn’t have so much conviction in his voice and if he wasn’t looking at Keith with such.. sincerity.
The others soon picked up on the seriousness of Shiro’s confession and the laughter died off.
“You’re serious.” The commentator deadpanned.
Shiro nodded, “Absolutely. If he comes under my recommendation, all he has to do is pass the entrance exam. I can help with that and so can Matt.”
All weapons were lowered and all eyes were on Keith. The teenager looked conflicted as he frowned at Shiro. Keith couldn’t comprehend Shiro’s desire to recruit him so he voiced out a soft but incredulous, “…why?”
The smile Shiro gave him was honest and warm, “Because if we had pilots with even half your skill, we’d be visiting Kerberos annually.”
Those words struck a familiar chord inside Keith. He allowed a small smile towards Shiro, “Matt said the exact same thing.”
“I’m not surprised.” Shiro rolled his eyes, “So? What do you say?”
Matt had once told Keith that his background wouldn’t be a problem if a Garrison personnel (especially someone like Shiro who was the Garrison golden boy) recommended him. He had lived the past few years as a runaway orphan, reading books from the public libraries, travelling with various mechanics to earn his keep, building his own aircraft and winning units through racing. Maybe it’d be nice to settle in one place to learn properly for once.
And if Matt and Shiro were a symbol of the Garrison, that place shouldn’t be too bad.
“I’m in.”
“You’re FIFTEEN?” Shiro gaped at Keith.
They couldn’t bring Keith’s (very illegal) hovercraft so Shiro opted to leave it in a secluded outpost somewhere in the desert. They were currently lounging on the porch together, watching the stars above.  
“I thought we established that already.” Keith sat at the porch steps while Shiro was leaning on the pillar to Keith’s left.
“NO. We established greetings and names, not YOUR AGE.”
Keith crossed his arms, “Drop it.”
Upon receiving the learning texts required to pass the entrance exam from Matt (through Shiro), Keith politely returned them to Shiro, saying that he had read them before. Shiro called bullshit and began quizzing Keith, only to eat his own words later when Keith answered every question correctly.
Keith caught Shiro sighing blissfully while staring at the stars. There was something about Shiro’s love of space that made Keith want to feel it too.
“I wanna explore all that one day…” Shiro whispered wistfully, “Just.. go wherever the stars trail to.”
Shiro turned to Keith, “Wanna come with?”
Keith played along, “Only if you’re leading the mission.”
“Ho? Why’s that?”
Keith didn’t answer but he’d figured that someone who loved space as much as Shiro did would always make it out alive somehow.
Rumours flew around the Garrison about Shiro adopting a stray. If that stray was an increasingly infuriating brat called Keith, Shiro would readily admit that rumour. Not one month since his enrollment and Keith was already beating every single one of Shiro’s records. Truthfully, that was all he was striving to do. Keith lived to watch Shiro’s face when he found out that Keith had beat his score.
Keith did well enough in class but he lacked participation and did not get along with his classmates. Shiro knew Keith was not used to regular human interaction and it took a long time to get those stories out about Keith’s past. But once it was out, Shiro tried making up for all the social interaction Keith needed to learn normalcy. Animosity among teenagers was something Shiro wished he never had to deal with but Keith was someone Shiro never wanted to see hurt.
Every time Keith excelled and gained fame for his piloting skills, many interpreted it as Keith being arrogant and a ‘show-off’. Shiro knew about all the ‘lessons’ some cadets would make Keith learn for being favoured by Shiro and the other instructors. Matt could wash away all the bloody cloths he used to help Keith but nothing could ever remove the black bruises from Keith’s body before Shiro found out. And Keith, being the stubborn brat he was, would never admit who exactly held him down while other people kicked the shit out of him.
Keith fought back of course, but never more than he needed to get away. Although Shiro never said it, Keith understood that as ‘Shiro’s recommended’, everything Keith did would reflect on Shiro too.
Shiro’s solution to the ‘secret beatings’? Secret self-defense lesson. Unfortunately, Keith could disarm and throw Shiro to the ground in no time. That was when Shiro realized that Keith didn’t use his full strength against his classmates. They were lucky too. Shiro and Keith had matching bruises soon.
Matt’s solution to the ‘secret beatings’? A vine account. A Garrison vine account. Where he used every blackmail material possible and posted incredibly embarrassing moments of almost every cadet in the academy.
It definitely distracted everyone from Keith, especially since no one knew who was behind the account (because of course Shiro, Matt and Keith would post stupid shit about each other as well).
Matt posted a vine of Shiro sleeping during a class after he had handed out quizzes.
Shiro posted a vine of Keith being smashed with a pie (from Matt) on his face for his birthday.
Keith posted a vine of Shiro constantly squeezing shampoo onto a panicking Matt who was shouting because no matter how badly he washed, the shampoo was still there.
Once a month, Keith and Shiro spent the weekend at the outpost in the desert. Shiro taught Keith about the constellations while they're both on their back, lying on the cool night sands.
In the mornings, Keith would give Shiro mini heart attacks by flying his hovercraft at full speed with Shiro as the passenger.
Keith enjoyed Shiro's panicked rants and shouts but not as much as Shiro enjoyed Keith's rare laugh and the way Keith looked with the wind against his smiling face.
Shiro was chosen to be part of the Kerberos mission. So was Matt.
Keith promised to take over the vine account and continue their legacy.
Shiro hugged Keith for the first time the night before he left. Keith didn’t know why he felt like crying when he was Shiro’s arms. It wasn’t goodbye but Shiro’s strong grip was misleading.
After Shiro let Keith go, he gently tilted Keith’s chin up and kissed him softly on the lips.
The rumours of Shiro and Matt being the owner of the Garrison vine account became null because the account was still running even after they left.
For 6 months, the vine account posted daily videos of the variety of students in Garrison. Those that pick their nose in secret, those that sang in the showers, those that were caught dancing with very risqué moves through the dorm windows, those that slept in class, and those that simply had funny things to say.
The Garrison vine account died the day the Kerberos mission was announced to have failed due to a pilot error.
Keith couldn’t stay.
He couldn’t stay and be ridiculed and lied to by people who said Shiro and Matt were dead.
Shiro was not dead.
Someone who loved space as much as Shiro did would not just die. And Shiro would not let anything happen to Matt. Besides, they promised to explore the stars together.
Shiro was not dead.
Keith ditched everything and left the academy. He went to the outpost in the desert to retrieve his hovercraft. Some of his and Shiro’s clothes were still there from when they would stayover so that Keith could tune his hovercraft.
Shiro was not dead.
Keith let himself wander with his hovercraft. Two weeks later, he realized that he was flying circles around a certain spot. A month of exploration later, Keith found the markings of ‘Voltron’. Few weeks later, he had all the markings on paper. He calculated the dates from the data he found using the formula he learned to derive from Matt. Something was going to happen soon.
Shiro was not dead.
There was a crash on the night Keith predicted something would happen. Although he believed that Shiro wasn’t dead, it was different to actually see and touch Shiro for real. He used his hovercraft to get Shiro (and the extra baggage) to safety.
Shiro was not dead.
When Shiro woke up on the bed they shared many times in the outpost, Keith didn’t hesitate to hug him. They stayed in each other’s arms for a long time. Keith wanted to ask about Matt, about the mission, about the past year and Shiro’s whereabouts but at that moment, he wished time would stop. Shiro’s grip was as tight as the night he hugged Keith before his mission.
Keith felt the urge to cry again but he didn’t stop it this time. He would let himself break just this one time, to embrace the fact that Shiro was not dead. When Shiro pulled Keith in for a kiss, Keith didn’t question it. He responded as desperately as Shiro was giving it to him. They never spoke about it, whatever that was happening between them but Keith was fine with it. He’d give Shiro anything he needed. Matt once said (sang) to Keith that Shiro needed somebody to love, someone to lead him home when he lost his way in space.
As Shiro’s hands began tentatively mapping Keith’s back, and his lips began trailing soft kisses down Keith’s neck, Keith thought to himself that he had already become Shiro’s beacon. Keith promised to himself that day that he’d always bring Shiro home no matter how many times it takes.
Author’s Note:
Everyone needs somebody to love. They remind you why you still need to live and breathe. I hope all of y'all have someone to love.
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rkxluda · 6 years
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mgas season 4: Interview + Extra Skills + Improv Skill | song/dance: 1:59-2:59
As slowly as time had passed until it was finally time for her to sing, as quickly everything after happened. Luda had to rush to another room, where the natural make-up she'd put on in the morning was refreshed and she thanked the person with a bow. After all the effort she'd put into singing, the girl had almost forgotten that there was more to the audition than just that.
She'd only had a few minutes to recollect herself and straighten her thoughts that were all but chaotic after the first audition. Before she knew what was happening, the girl was already sat in front of the camera and the questions started.
“Please introduce yourself.”
“Hello! My name is Lee Luda and I am 21 years old.”, the girl bowed again and smiled just as brightly as before, even though she started to feel a little tired now. The adrenaline must have rushed strongly through her back then, but now ebbed away fast and the lack of sleep didn't help either. But she knew she couldn't let that show and successfully suppressed a yawn.
“Let's see... why did you choose to audition?”
Luda listened carefully and the question worried her a little. Really, she'd decided on a whim. After finding her interest in singing, when she was feeling the lowest and being surprised by her own passion about it, she just went for it. “Hmm...” the girl started. “I love singing and I want to show the world what I can do. I want to show everyone what I am capable of – including myself.”
The person asking smiled politely, but after finishing, she was sure that had to have been one of the most used reasons they've heard. Luda bit the inside of her lip, hoping it wouldn't be visible on camera and scolded herself, for not thinking of something more interesting.
“Then what made you decide that you want to be an idol?”
This time, Luda allowed herself a bit more time to think first, then talk. “I love singing”, she stated, glancing to the side, in thought. “And I want the world to hear my voice, because... because in difficult times music always helped me stay strong and persevere. I don't easily give up, but even when it's difficult to talk to someone, music is always there to comfort you and it doesn't ask questions. It's like a shoulder to lean on and I want to be that shoulder to lean on, even if I can't physically be with whoever might need it.” Her smile was still there, but after she finished, she had to chuckle a little. Where she'd been too cliché at first, she was now worried of having gone too cheesy and into too much detail.
“Finally, who are your inspirations and which company are you the most interested in?”
“Definitely KT! I've always loved SNSD and SHINee!” she exclaimed and continued. “I'm also inspired by other artists like Lee Junghyun, Sia and Ailee.”
“Very well. Now please show us an extra skill you've prepared, we saw you speak multiple languages?”
Now this was something she'd also spent a lot of time on. At first she'd had no idea what she could do – there weren't really too many special skills she could show off right there and then. It would probably be impossible to organise a kitchen space for her to bake a fancy cake and frankly, how was that important for an idol? Exactly, not so much. Even more so, was she happy as they asked for a specific skill.
Luda nodded, smiling that now she didn't have to worry quite as much.
“Of course!” she replied after scooting backwards a little and doing the fitting sign for the words. “Let's see... what shall I say?” she asked, though it wasn't really a question. “Aside from singing, I'm very interested in dancing”, she said in English, almost no accent audible, deciding that maybe telling them more about herself couldn't hurt and then the girl repeated the same words in Korean, again signing what she said.
She continued talking in different languages, skipping to and from seemingly without problem. It wasn't really all that easy though and she definitely couldn't sign to everything as she had only basic skills in KSL – similar to her French – though she was especially proud of her Japanese that had gotten a lot better during the time she'd spent in Japan.
“And – if I can say so myself – I'm not too bad with words, I like to write poems sometimes and have tried my hand at writing the lyrics for a song before. I've grown up in a disciplined environment, but also with much creativity, especially in baking. But most importantly, I learned to never give up and continue, no matter what live throws at me.” Luda continued on, talking about the one or other details of her life that would qualify her to participate in a show like this. Worried that she was babbling too much and talking about unnecessary things, she always ended a topic before it could get boring, though she also made it sound like she was better at the one or other skill, than she actually was.
She was glad when those two parts were also over and when she was told she would have 20 minutes to rest. She decided to go for coffee and light food rather than sleeping, in fear she wouldn't wake up, or be even more tired than she started out as.
Short before the break was over, she changed into other clothes that she'd brought with her – having expected them to ask for another skill. Back in the practise room she'd been brought to earlier, she couldn't believe that everything was almost over, but she didn't let herself get distracted and prepared for what was about to come. Her second choice had been dance, even though she had even less experience in it than in singing. But the girl had asked a good friend of hers to teach her at least a couple of basics some time ago, and so she at least wasn't completely useless – or skill-less.
Luda had decided to stick with a song that she'd been learning for a while, rather than trying something new, so she could get as close to a perfect performance as possible. Luda wasn't too confident in her singing yet, but even less confident in her dancing, so sticking to something more familiar seemed like the best option.
She didn't have the urge to surpass herself yet and in this case thought it was better to play it safe. She wanted to show them the best she could after all and knew that with her current skill, surpassing her own abilities wouldn't have been possible in the short time she'd had to prepare.
“I will be dancing to Twice's 'Like Ooh Ahh'!” she announced to the judges after introducing herself again and then bowed. Again she didn't start from the beginning. As the song wasn't too fast, she'd decided to include the part farther towards the end that did speed up a little.
Her face wasn't as relaxed as it should've been and her whole body was tense. Luda did the best to not make any mistakes – or to at least work with them. Her nerves didn't calm down this time and she made a few more mistakes than in her singing performance earlier, though not many.
Luckily, after around half the song, her smile was able to fight through, and at least her expression brightened and seemed less tense. Additionally, she was surprised that she was able to look at the judges and not stare on the ground or above them.
For her, the dance went pretty smoothly, even if she did make mistakes. The girl wasn't able to smile as usual after finishing. She could barely believe that she had in fact just danced for them, as the time had passed by so quickly that it seemed surreal. At the end, Luda jumped according to the choreography. She bowed once more and stepped back again. Yet the girl couldn't hide the small smile of relief after she calmed down slowly.
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