#i love you megamind
bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
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Tell me I'm wrong.
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joshsheart · 2 years
realized that if i have a lot of thoughts on something and no one will listen to them i can put them on here!
So today I was thinking about animation. You know how people don’t respect animation as a form of entertainment or media? I wish I knew why because I feel like, if anything, animation takes a lot more effort than live action movies or TV does. Of course, that might not be true in all cases but in some it definitely is. 
I assume that some of the reason animation is not respected as much is because it is often associated with children entertainment. But this is stupid because yes, children entertainment often is animated but it’s also live action! And! wait till you here this! There are animated adult shows! Family Guy?? Family guy has a bunch of awards and is a respected show. It’s stupid but adults respect it and watch it. But the moment there’s something that’s animated (that’s not some dumb show like Family Guy (no hate to Family Guy)) these people won’t even bother watching it. 
Well then I started thinking about Super Hero movies. God. Marvel, DC, whatever, I’m so sick of it. I understand that fans of these franchises are sick of hearing this and it also doesn’t necessarily apply to every single super hero movie ever, but this genre is so played out! If you look at Marvel specifically, you have some movies that are good and fun but then you get to a point where every single movie is the same idea with big battle, we’re almost dying!, how are we going to win?, we have to use this weird ancient/alien technology to save the world! It’s boring now! 
And then you have the hero repetition. Like The Batman. Sure you can say they made that Batman movie because there was a different villain or something like that but it’s boring! I don’t mean that the movie itself is bad or boring, I saw it in theaters myself, it’s just a boring concept (same with the Marvel movies, they’re not necessarily bad, just overdone and are boring concepts at this point). Further with this, why are there three Spidermans? And do not get this twisted. I love Spiderman, Andrew Garfield’s being my favorite, but why are there three? Maybe there’s a real reason but to me it just seems like an excuse to keep profiting on the popularity of Spiderman by bringing him back several times. 
Further, I’m already finding the current era of hero movies to be (Mostly) insufferable but imagine what they will look like in the future! Years down the line what will they do? Keep making new Spiderman and Batman films (and don’t forget about the tv programs)? When will the next Superman come out? I can’t imagine.
I also want to make a point that I understand that DC and Marvel movies are based on comic books. My knowledge of how accurate the films are to the comics or how many of them are actually based on the comics is very limited. I mean was Infinity War in the comics? What about Suicide Squad? I genuinely have no idea. If they are, it really doesn’t change my argument at all. It’s still boring to have all these heroes with their stories get pushed down to be a constant retelling. Also, I’m not saying that a movie like Avengers is boring. That’s probably when it was good! But then the shit kept going! Like... That’s the repetition. It never concludes. It’s like when a show should’ve ended at like season 5 but kept going for 15. And I’m bored of it. Another point to make is that certain some new hero movies say, Black Panther, I wouldn’t necessarily fall into this category but, put the Black Panther cast into a movie with Iron Man (RIP I know), Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, Tom Holland Spiderman, Dr. Strange, and any of those other bitches in a big battle to save the universe...
Anyway, straying from the new, boring hero movies (Black Adam, Shazam, etc.), I started thinking about newer (kind of) hero movies that I thought were good and realized all three were animated. The three I came up with were Megamind, Lego Batman, and Into the Spiderverse. HEAR ME OUT! First of all, I’m not saying that Lego Batman is the best superhero movie ever made or that Megamind is better than the entire MCU or anything like that. Just listen to my thoughts here. 
So first, Megamind. Megamind will never be taken seriously by everyone and I’ve already accepted that but it is a magnificent movie. It plays with the tropes of hero and villain so well. The entire concept of a villain beating the hero, getting bored in his victory and take over, creating a new hero so that he has someone he can have someone to defeat again, and in the end defeating him as a hero is insane! Completely flipping the idea of hero and villain like that is such a refreshing and entertaining thing to see. I’m so bored of seeing the repetition of some guy is a hero and has to face this big villain, whether the villain is human or not, and has to save the world or some shit. Seeing the villain become the hero is just so much more interesting! And it’s not like a Loki or Crowley (Supernatural) situation where viewers question whether they’re truly villains or not or see them as a good guy either way; Megamind was a villain but had a real change where he realized that he had to go in another direction. 
Lego Batman is one that I will need to strongly defend here I’m guessing. I know I talked about the repetition of Spiderman and Batman yet two of my good hero movies are Batman and Spiderman? Well if we compare Lego Batman to the 2022 Batman with Robert Pattinson, I would argue that one of them is a lot more interesting. The Batman was a good movie, but it’s been done before. Even if it was a slightly different storyline or had some different main characters or something, we’ve all seen the basic Batman story. So why is Lego Batman different? Lego Batman sort of plays on the overplayed Batman tropes. So Batman is his usual foreboding, dark self, but at the same time it’s kind of weird in a way that sort of pokes fun at that part of Batman. They do the same with the other characters, like Robin and the Joker. It’s still Robin and Joker but they play with their characters, making fun of their relationship with Batman. I understand it’s for comedy, but the change of classic Batman characters and tropes make it a more interesting and entertaining Batman movie. Now I’m not necessarily saying that Lego Batman is better that any other Batman movie; I’m saying that, in this era, instead of making a basic, overdone Batman movie, Lego Batman provides a new interesting take on the Batman story. 
And Into the Spiderverse. For starters it is different than the other Spidermans because it is not about Peter Parker, it’s Miles Morales. The whole concept of Into the Spiderverse makes it different than the other Spiderman movies. Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland all have great Spiderman movies (like great movies, I love them) but isn’t doing something new with Spiderman and different Spider..people? crossing universes and coming together better than if they had just made a new Spiderman movie with Donald Glover or something? And that was not a dig on Donald Glover, I am an advocate for him in a Spiderman movie, Spiderverse sequel maybe?? 
And I know you’ve been thinking it. What about Spiderman: No Way Home? It was a great movie!! In the same way Spiderverse was but in a more nostalgic and cool way. Bringing the old Spidermen together with Tom Holland was a great idea and I’m glad they did it. 10/10 much more interesting than Infinity War. 
So is this argument for animation or against hero movies? I guess I don’t know. I was just thinking about all these things and thought I’d write them down. Some closing thoughts: I am not saying that any hero movie is bad. I’m sure there are some bad ones but I am not saying that. I just think that the entire concepts and main plots of a lot of these movies are overdone and becoming boring. I’m also not saying that Megamind and Lego Batman are thee best hero movies. They’re some of my favorites but I wouldn’t say that they are undeniable better than most or anything like that. I guess my main point might be why is animation not taken seriously when some of the more interesting hero movies, which has become a draining genre, are animated? Of course that’s heavily based on my opinion but I was just thinking about it. 
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aulerean · 8 months
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Me, aimlessly scribbling
My brain, every time without fail: hey what if you drew Catra again remember when we used to draw Catra-
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ennaih · 6 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
43. Megamind (2010) -- defs more than my eighth watch
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cookierunauprompts · 6 months
I'm not a fanfic writer, so expect this to be a bit rushed and written badly in some parts 🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Tw violence, stabbing, severing limbs
Shadow Milk Cookie had been terrorizing the city you lived in for as long as you could remember, he either manipulated other Cookies to fight each other or he just made his presence known to random Cookies by playing pranks on them and spreading lies and let chaos ensue.
Sure, he’s a huge menace to society who likes to play God and tortures all Cookiekind for his own entertainment, but there was something about him that made you wonder if he was more than just a dangerously devious trickster. It was the way he interacted with you.
Ever since you two first met, before all hell broke loose, he saw you on the news announcing the latest on the new museum dedicated to the city’s hero. He was so interested in you he wanted to talk to you all day everyday, but he felt too shy to do so, yet he yearned for the day he could fearlessly walk up to you and introduce himself.
After his corruption, his love for you grew so much that it turned into an obsession, he couldn’t bear to be away from you for much longer, so the next best thing was to kidnap you every chance he got to hang out with you, until the city’s Hero eventually saves you and takes you away from him.
He absolutely HATES IT when they do that, how dare they take away his favorite Cookie in the world and leave him alone to rot in his lonesome?? He'd rather have that so-called Hero torn limb from limb like ripping a doll's limbs off, so he came up with the brilliant idea to write them off the story by stabbing them 37 times in the chest and leaving their body in the middle of a dark alley, where someone found it and everyone mourned the selfless Hero for days. You even made an announcement for the news about the topic, you were holding back tears, something Shadow Milk Cookie did not like to see. He hated to see you feeling sad, especially since you were sad about the Hero's death because why would you feel that way over someone so weak like them?? You were better off with a much stronger, smarter, extremely more handsome Cookie than some piece of cardboard he called the Hero, he thought to himself.
A few days later, Shadow Milk Cookie decided to disguise himself as a regular Cookie, naming himself "Blueberry Muffin Cookie". He thought that it was finally time to shoot his shot and start hanging out with you again after the whole "dead hero" thing. You first met Blueberry Muffin Cookie while you were revisiting the museum for the third time in the same week. He seemed kind and gentle with you, he didn't talk much but did make the effort to listen to you, so you didn't feel so lonely. You two started hanging out after the museum encounter, you went to an art gallery, had a few picnics in the park and you were just having a wonderful time.
You didn't realize you were in love with him until he complimented your laugh after he told you a really good joke. You always thought your laugh sounded weird, everyone pointed it out constantly and it made you feel annoyed and insecure about it. But once he told you how much he liked your laugh and how cute it was, you swore you felt something burning in your heart, your face was a bright red and your smile was so genuine it made Blueberry Muffin Cookie blush for a moment. Oh, how he loved you so much, he loved everything about you: Your beautiful face, your kind and courageous self, and that sweet laugh of yours.
After many dates, you both wanted to keep seeing each other. You were so excited for the day that you two could hang out again, you wanted to see his adorable face again, you were giggling and kicking your feet from just thinking about him! Shadow Milk Cookie, on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking about you, he had so many pictures of you, he even had a plushie of you that he made himself for cuddling and playing with. Finally, you arranged a date at a fancy restaurant for both of you and Blueberry Muffin Cookie was SO EXCITED about it that he hugged you and lifted you up in the air, spinning around with you in his arms, both of you laughing heartily. When he stopped spinning, the laughing died down and he put you down next to him, both of you looking at each other and staring into each other's gorgeous eyes. You gave him a kiss on the cheek, a soft smile and left by saying goodbye and see you tomorrow to him, which made him freeze in his place, put his hand on the cheek you kissed, turn as blue as a blueberry and smile so much that it almost made his face hurt. He was so happy to have you by his side, he felt extremely lucky to have you with him.
The next day came and Shadow Milk Cookie was preparing for the night of the restaurant date as fast as he could, when he was reday he tried his best to contain his energy because he was too impatient. He wanted the day to go faster so he could finally see you again. Finally, it was night time at the fancy restaurant, the sky looked like it was gonna rain soon, Cookies were eating and hanging out either outside or in the same restaurant you were in. Some were talking about what they did during their day, others were worried about the next Beast Cookie attack.
But none of that mattered because you were about to eat dinner with the most wonderful Cookie in the world, Blueberry Muffin Cookie. You were waiting patiently for him to show up, he came up to you all dressed up in his finest suit, while you were wearing a beautiful purple dress. You both talked the night away while enjoying the food you ordered. Everything was going great, all the Cookies talking around you ceased to exist, it was just you and your beloved. Things got even better when both of you started to lean in closer to each other, looked at each other, closed your eyes and finally shared a long, soft kiss. You wished this moment could last forever, Blueberry Muffin Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie felt the same way, but something about him was off. Turns out he was using a lot of his magic for the disguise for so long that he was running out of it faster than he thought, he was feeling exhausted from all the energy he spent on keeping the disguise, but now was not the time to think about, now was time to enjoy the rest of the night with your beloved Cookie and... wait... is it just him or did everyone start screaming and crying all of a sudden?
Unfortunately, it wasn't just him hearing all of that, you were hearing it as well. You opened your eyes to see what was going on, and that's when pure, unbridled shock shot through you, you had just realized what everyone was screaming about: you were kissing the monstrous Beast of Deceit, Shadow Milk Cookie! Shadow Milk Cookie opened his eyes and all he saw was true fear in your eyes, he was confused when you shoved him away from you. Your breath was heavy and your mind was rushing through so many thoughts all at once, but the one thought you couldn't shake was the fact that you were hanging out with Shadow Milk Cookie all this time!
"What? What??" He said in a confused yet concerned tone, then his face became pale after he noticed his hands were back to normal, this meant that his disguise wore off! He gasped and exclaimed in a panicked way, saying "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!" while trying to cover your face with his hands being close to his, hoping you wouldn't see him. "It's just a technical glitch! Don't look yet!" he added while trying to gather as much power as he could to change his appearance again, but every time he changed, it would be the other Cookie disguises he's used over the years. Some Cookies were able to recognize the disguises, others were shocked at the fact that he could have been right next to them and they wouldn't have noticed! He changed into a completely different Cookie who wasn't Blueberry Muffin Cookie and said "Where were we?", trying his absolute best to make things go back to normal. But you weren't having it, you quickly grabbed your cup of water and splashed him instantly, making him squirm, revealing his true self.
"Now, now hold on!"
Lighting strikes close by, it started raining a few minutes ago, luckily you were walking under roofs so you wouldn't get soggy. You walked away from the restaurant, avoiding eye contact with any other Cookies you walked past. How could you have been so stupid? It should have been obvious that Blueberry Muffin Cookie was Shadow Milk Cookie from the beginning, but it wasn't! That's how good Shadow Milk Cookie was at disguising himself as another Cookie, he changed his entire personality just to be with you... and that... actually sounds like a big commitment for a common Cookie like yo- WAIT WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! He was clearly using you for one of his evil plans, that had to be it!
Suddenly, a dark mist drifted closer and closer to you, the blue eyes in the shadows gave you a good idea of who it was. "I can explain!" said Shadow Milk Cookie as he came out of the dark mist he created, but you just turned around and growled at this pathetic attempt of redemption. Shadow Milk Cookie got slightly annoyed at this gesture, but he knew he shouldn't feel that way, after all, he's the one who lied to you about everything.
"What about everything you just said? About judging a book by its cover?!" he mentioned something you talked about in the restaurant, something about not judging a book by its cover or a Cookie from the outside. It was something he felt very relieved about because he asked you if you would still enjoy his company if he was blue and unhinged, to which you said yes, which made his heart beat faster and his face shine brighter. One thing you mentioned about the "judging a book" thing tho was... you judge Cookies based on their actions. He said that it seemed kind of petty, which made you laugh, something he enjoyed very much, but the thought of you judging him based on his actions felt like a threat to him, which didn't sit well with him. He would just have to keep the disguise forever until the end of your days (he didn't like to think about that)... until...
"Well, let's take a look at the contents then, shall we?" You started, which made Shadow Milk Cookie's eyes widen by just a bit. "You killed the Hero", you shoved him slightly by tapping his chest, making him stumble backwards, he was not proud of what the situation was turning into, especially since he was the main focus of the drama in a horrible way. "You terrorized the citizens", you shoved him again, his guilt showing on his face. "And then, you actually got me to CARE about you!", you clutched your head for a few seconds before letting go, Shadow Milk Cookie was NOT enjoying this one bit, he loved drama but this was completely different.
"Why are you so evil?? Tricking me?! What could you possibly hope to gain?" you asked and pondered about your question as you looked as Shadow Milk Cookie look down for a moment then look back up again at you with his pupils being a lot bigger than they usually are. He genuinely felt sorry about lying to you, you noticed that by staring into his eyes for a good amount of time and came to a gut-wrenching conclusion: He was in love with you.
Your eyes widened in shock, Shadow Milk Cookie noticed and raised his head with wide eyes as well, what was your final answer? "Wait a minute, oh... I don't believe this..." you began, this made his guts twist in an unpleasant way, he grabbed his full body suit (on the belly area) tightly, making it get wrinkled, he didn't want to hear the next part. "Did you really think that I would ever... be with you?" you finished, SHATTERING Shadow Milk Cookie's evil little heart, it was over, it was so over... he didn't want to let you go, but he had to, he had kept you in the dark for far too long, it would be immoral to drag you into any more problems. Finally, grabbing as much willpower as he could, he responded with "No."
You didn't think he meant that, but you didn't want to stay and find out, so you walked away. As you were getting farther away from him, all Shadow Milk Cookie could do was stare at you, he stretched his hand out to you a bit, but quickly retracted it due to the shame he was feeling. This was the first time he actually felt bad about tricking someone, that someone was you, and he couldn't forgive himself. He turned his gaze down, looking at the floor, he felt something running down his cheeks but can't tell if they're raindrops or teardrops. Either way, it didn't matter, he lost you forever, so he hugged himself to try to fill the void where his heart was, and walked away while still hugging himself, he needed to feel something other than guilt and sorrow.
Something he didn't notice, or even tried to, was you... looking back at him. Even though he lies to you about his true self, you still felt something for him. He put in a lot of effort to talk to you, no one had ever done that for you before. You were usually alone most of the time and not that many Cookies wanted to talk to you, but you felt like Shadow Milk Cookie had made a real connection with you, you never felt so loved by someone else before. He made you laugh, he made you smile, he very much enjoyed your company and you loved him just as much as he loved you. He loved you for who you are, he let you be yourself without judging you, he was all you could ever ask for...
But right now is not the best moment to think about that, so you turned your head and walked away again, straight to the apartment you live in. There, you continued to think about all that just happened and all the times you spent with the blue jester, and you couldn't explain your feelings very well. Meanwhile, Shadow Milk Cookie was sulking in his Spire, regretting lying to you and letting you go, but leaving you was the right thing to do. You two just needed some space to think about stuff, and maybe... just maybe... you two could end up on good terms again. But that depends on the choices you make, so all that can be said is... think about it.
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trincketbox · 5 months
So I've played that game with my brother were you're supposed to make a list of characters that remind you of each other and-
This is how I see him
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This is how he sees me
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What do y'all think? He's trying to insult me or make me cry out of tenderness?
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cassketti · 2 years
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Bernard balls (nerd)
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nientedal · 7 months
my only complaints about the new megamind material:
that is not a parakeet
you cannot work and cool glass like that in 15 minutes i am SORRY
everything else is gravy, chefskiss, love it. so much quiet fishalien stuff happening. megamind has a cold fusion reactor somewhere. minion/chum & roxanne seem like best bros. the former mayor makes blown/lampwork glass figurines. side characters have first and last names. megamind is a goofy little egomaniac where it's funny and down-to-earth where it counts. it is a show made for me personally and i am eating it with a spoon.
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killgrey · 4 months
kelvin doodle dump, plus fucked up spongebob and megamind pitbull mix🤞
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i love them sm🙏
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rocksanddeadflowers · 10 months
Megamind and Roxanne dynamic but it's Raphaella and Lyfrassir. Raphaella la Cognizi, the dumb-smart mad scientist, and Lyfrassir Edda, the cute reporter/journalist she's always kidnapping. Obviously they fall in love bonus points for any of the following: Marius as Minion, if you can figure out how Ivy would fit into the dynamic because this feels so so so wrong without her she's my wife I love her (maybe Bernard somehow? or just a new character placement period), and BONUS bonus points for a polycule between the four of them.
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megamindsecretlair · 16 days
Dear Miss Megamind,
If you ever had a sliver of doubt in your mind about your writing capabilities, let that shit DIE RIGHT NOW!!!!! You are a genius, I have never ever read smut that affected me the way yours does. I LOVE the way you write hood niggas and don’t even get me started on the dirty talk 😮‍💨 The tension between the reader and characters is always so thick, the anticipation just makes the smut even juicier. You have a gift and I am so grateful that you chose to share it with the horny bitches of tumblr. ❤️
Anon, 🥹 I have been speechless for the past few days wondering how to respond to this. I still don't. But this was absolutely sweet and kind of you to say 😭😭😭
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I love you, I love you. Thank you 🥹 I've talked enough about my writing journey and why I joined fanfic so I won't bore yall again, but it's been a tough fn road. I wouldn't be here without all of your kind words, encouragement, comments, pics, gifs. All of it. It all makes my day and it all pushes me to keep writing and getting better.
Im entirely fn grateful that you're here, you're reading my stuff, and you decided to share that you love it. Like...goals. It's all goals to have my stories move you.
I could be here all day. So a thousand kisses to you, may you receive all the blessings coming your way, and may you find $5 on the ground in the near future.
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ghostlightfic · 2 months
hello ghostlight community. have you ever thought to yourself, gee, i sure wish i could talk to ghostlight author kitten while hit movie Megamind (2010) plays in the background! wish no longer!!! as a celebration of 8k hits on ao3 tonight is movie night babey!!! you can come talk to me or you can just sit there and watch the movie and ignore the chat entirely!!!
major ground rules are just. Be Kind. if you are mean to me i will cry and kick you out. just be respectful and we are chill 👍 also feel free to discuss ghostlight and/or ask me questions if you want i do not bite!!! i'm a little loser!!! and i'm full of love!!!
link here! we'll be starting megamind in proooobably about 10 minutes ❤❤❤ hope to see you all there!!
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opal-inna · 7 months
I was thinking of Megamind’s theme of heroes being made instead of born and the parallels between Megamind and Hal.
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You can see how Megamind is trying his best, but Metroman is more privileged, so Megamind gives up. He had always had bad luck, compared to Metroman, so he thought it was his destiny to be a villain. So when Hal seemingly has everything delivered to his doorstep, it’s destiny that wanted this to happen. Megamind believes that it’s up to forces greater than him that make heroes or villains. And Hal had all the gifts Megamind hadn’t, and he chose to use them for evil.
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But then I looked deeper into it. I compared Hal with Megamind. Both of them were social outcasts. Both of them were nerds. Both of them were in love with Roxanne. Both of them were rejected by her. And both turned to villainy when things didn’t go as they had hoped. In a dark twist of fate, one could recite the famous cliche  “we’re not so different, you and I!”.
But obviously, they are so different. So what sets them apart?
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Both of them wanted approval, but Megamind seeked acceptance from society and Hal sought to win love from another person. Both of them had a skewed idea of how human relationships work and both tried to follow in Metroman’s footsteps to get there.
But obviously, they failed. Because it’s not how it works. Again, they’re similar in this department.
And then it hit me.
Both of them tried to imitate Metroman to gain something- gain approval in their example. But you can’t just win someone’s approval, it’s up for them to decide whether they give it to you or not. And you may only get it by being genuinely good yourself. Even if both chose villainy, time and time again, Megamind proved himself to be good and Hal proved himself to be evil.
Here’s what I found so far.
Hard work
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Megamind had worked hard and it gave him no results, so he thought it was meant to be. He put a lot of effort into creating devices that were supposed to imitate Metroman’s powers. Hal had everything given to him, which made him feel entitled to everything he desired. 
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Both of them had been rejected and degraded. But Megamind had enough humility to reflect on himself. He didn’t blame Roxanne for rejecting him (albeit the scene where she tells him to apologize and Megamind misunderstands and turns it around is hilarious). Rather, he blamed his status as a villain. Though he didn’t blame his choice to become a villain, but his destiny to be one- “Villains don’t get the girl”. However, Hal had an advantage of a status of a ‘hero’- one given to him, not the one he chose. He feels entitled to her love, so when she turns him down, he blames her. He played his part of being a ‘hero’, but she didn’t play her part of being a prize. She broke the rules.
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Megamind had also reflected on what Roxanne told him. He corrected his mistakes, cleaned up the city and returned what he stole. He didn't have to, but he did it to make her happy and made an effort to be actually good.
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And Hal has been actively gaslighting and lessening her, just to protect his ego.
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Relationship with Roxanne
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Obviously, I also had to include their relationship with Roxanne, and oh boy.
I know I’ve talked about it for the entire time, but I need to go in depth, because it’s a whole thing. Bcos Hal didn’t just have had his powers handed to him. He was also privileged even when it comes to their relationship with Roxanne. Hal had lots of time to form a real connection and friendship with her, but he chose to treat her like a prize he could win if he played the game right.
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Megamind was doomed from the start, because he’s a villain. Yet when given a chance, he showed her his true self, became vulnerable with her and they shared each other’s nerdy passions. Though under another person’s skin, he showed her his soul and they formed a genuine bond. Megamind proved to be a better person, because he showed her true respect, valued her for her positive traits and just treated her as a person. 
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starleska · 7 months
just finished watching Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate and i have some thoughts!! please do take this with a grain of salt as i'm just one person; i absolutely do not want to rain on anyone's parade!! if this is your favourite movie, don't worry about the gripes of some stranger on the internet 🥰
let's start with the positive!! despite what some people are saying there are things to enjoy about the film, and i think that lies in the fun of Megamind's old crew. although Behemoth looks a little phoned-in and Pierre Pressure was an easy joke, i really enjoyed the designs for Lady Doppler and Lord Nighty-Knight. the scenes they were in with Megamind were definitely the most engaging!! but that's...about where my enjoyment of the film ends. i think the film's biggest sin is the enormous amount of exposition-dumping and telling rather than showing. there were so many times where characters just...stated things about themselves, or spoke aloud why they were feeling the way they are. they're like...character notes that a writer jots down to keep track of emotional journeys. it really breaks the immersion and makes the characters feel mechanical, clunky, and a bit of a hivemind. Megamind and Roxanne in particular feel quite stripped of their original personalities, which is such a shame. then there's drastic reduction of chemistry between Megamind and Roxanne. canonically, this movie only takes place a couple of days after the events of Megamind, but the two are barely affectionate with one another to the point that it's weird. perhaps it was written as them being comfortable with one another, but at times it almost felt like there was dislike between the two of them...especially from Roxanne's side!! Megamind is hardly recognisable compared to his lovestruck counterpart from the first movie, and Roxanne's bold, caring nature seems to have evaporated. it makes it very hard to get invested in their relationship at all 💔 speaking of Roxanne, i find it such an odd choice to make Roxanne have an existential crisis about being dissatisfied with her life just a few days after the events of the previous film...you'd think she'd want to take it easy for a while! i feel this characterisation of Roxanne does her a lot of disservice, and reduces her more to plot functionality. Roxanne doesn't strike me as the kind of woman who'd be starstruck re: some kid's online following and decide she's inadequate by comparison. again, a lot of the things we love Roxanne for were just quite...absent, from this movie. you could predict what she was going to say well ahead of time, because she was just following the beats of the plot 😓 and the time-retcon...isn't it a bit weird that Megamind is a complete Internet n00b? it's one thing for him to be a bit out-of-touch with Gen Z (as he's relatable to us neurotypicals given his alien grasp on certain concepts), but he seems completely baffled by the concept of streaming and followers at all, and this movie takes place in a post-2020 timeframe. it's odd because Megamind is already established as a tech genius in the first movie, and we know he's somewhat affiliated with Internet slang by his use of LOL : ) when texting Roxanne!! perhaps this is a small nitpick that can be explained away, but it seems like a baffling choice and an excuse to write in a trendy character for the kids to relate to 😵 then, moving onto Keiko...she wasn't terrible by any means! but i wish she was more than a social media influencer to get Megamind with the times. if she's Megamind's number 1 fan, surely she would have been his fan while he was a villain...couldn't that have made for an interesting moral dilemma along with the return of the Doom Syndicate: having a child trying to follow in his previously-villainous footsteps? what about Keiko being taken under the wing of the Doom Syndicate after Megamind became a hero? 👀 those are my thoughts for now...i do hope all those talented Megamind fans will build upon these flaws in the movie and create more compelling stories from it 🙏💖
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
what's one of your favourite movies?
The lego batman movie :) 🫶
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hrokkall · 2 years
You know that optical illusion of a duck/rabbit, where the ears of the rabbit look like the beak of the duck depending on how you look at it? Maybe something like that would work for the Trapper and Trader? An almost solid black creature that seems to change like a shadow puppet
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Anon you're a fucking genius
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