#miss doppler
starleska · 7 months
just finished watching Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate and i have some thoughts!! please do take this with a grain of salt as i'm just one person; i absolutely do not want to rain on anyone's parade!! if this is your favourite movie, don't worry about the gripes of some stranger on the internet 🥰
let's start with the positive!! despite what some people are saying there are things to enjoy about the film, and i think that lies in the fun of Megamind's old crew. although Behemoth looks a little phoned-in and Pierre Pressure was an easy joke, i really enjoyed the designs for Lady Doppler and Lord Nighty-Knight. the scenes they were in with Megamind were definitely the most engaging!! but that's...about where my enjoyment of the film ends. i think the film's biggest sin is the enormous amount of exposition-dumping and telling rather than showing. there were so many times where characters just...stated things about themselves, or spoke aloud why they were feeling the way they are. they're like...character notes that a writer jots down to keep track of emotional journeys. it really breaks the immersion and makes the characters feel mechanical, clunky, and a bit of a hivemind. Megamind and Roxanne in particular feel quite stripped of their original personalities, which is such a shame. then there's drastic reduction of chemistry between Megamind and Roxanne. canonically, this movie only takes place a couple of days after the events of Megamind, but the two are barely affectionate with one another to the point that it's weird. perhaps it was written as them being comfortable with one another, but at times it almost felt like there was dislike between the two of them...especially from Roxanne's side!! Megamind is hardly recognisable compared to his lovestruck counterpart from the first movie, and Roxanne's bold, caring nature seems to have evaporated. it makes it very hard to get invested in their relationship at all 💔 speaking of Roxanne, i find it such an odd choice to make Roxanne have an existential crisis about being dissatisfied with her life just a few days after the events of the previous film...you'd think she'd want to take it easy for a while! i feel this characterisation of Roxanne does her a lot of disservice, and reduces her more to plot functionality. Roxanne doesn't strike me as the kind of woman who'd be starstruck re: some kid's online following and decide she's inadequate by comparison. again, a lot of the things we love Roxanne for were just quite...absent, from this movie. you could predict what she was going to say well ahead of time, because she was just following the beats of the plot 😓 and the time-retcon...isn't it a bit weird that Megamind is a complete Internet n00b? it's one thing for him to be a bit out-of-touch with Gen Z (as he's relatable to us neurotypicals given his alien grasp on certain concepts), but he seems completely baffled by the concept of streaming and followers at all, and this movie takes place in a post-2020 timeframe. it's odd because Megamind is already established as a tech genius in the first movie, and we know he's somewhat affiliated with Internet slang by his use of LOL : ) when texting Roxanne!! perhaps this is a small nitpick that can be explained away, but it seems like a baffling choice and an excuse to write in a trendy character for the kids to relate to 😵 then, moving onto Keiko...she wasn't terrible by any means! but i wish she was more than a social media influencer to get Megamind with the times. if she's Megamind's number 1 fan, surely she would have been his fan while he was a villain...couldn't that have made for an interesting moral dilemma along with the return of the Doom Syndicate: having a child trying to follow in his previously-villainous footsteps? what about Keiko being taken under the wing of the Doom Syndicate after Megamind became a hero? 👀 those are my thoughts for now...i do hope all those talented Megamind fans will build upon these flaws in the movie and create more compelling stories from it 🙏💖
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ultimate-good-dog · 1 year
Ultimate good Dog Left Side Round 1
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Dad!Lee Minho x F!Reader TW : pregnant reader ; one child ; just fluff ; the fluffiest fluff ; Word Count : 2.3k Request : Anonny : Can we have more dad lee know 🥹 after the newest skz family ep dad lee know has taken over me A/N : Gonna make this in headcanon mode so that I can give multiple examples, I can't focus on just one. The Minho brainrot has gotten to me!
Dad Lee Know who announced your pregnancy through bubble and took an hour and half a bag of kitty treats just to line Soonie, Doongie, and Dori up around your positive pregnancy test. The only caption was “I’ve been promoted from cat dad to real dad.” 
Dad Lee Know who keeps the pregnancy tracker app on his phone because he wants you to have enough storage on your phone to take constant pictures of belly updates. He sends you a text every time a week passes letting you know what the baby is the size of. Your favorite text was probably the random “BASEBALL!!!” text, it took you a good five minutes to understand what it meant since he didn’t elaborate. 
Dad Lee Know who comes home from work every day and gives your belly kisses, telling his little baseball sized baby that he missed them dearly. He says it’s so that they get used to hearing it already and they’ll know what it means when they come out. 
Dad Lee Know who plans his entire schedule around your doctors appointments, making sure that he’s able to make it to each and every one of them. He and Chan almost got into a fight because Chan accidentally said the wrong date for practice. He even wrote the appointment dates on the staff calendar so they knew not to schedule anything for those days. 
Dad Lee Know who had playfully made a bet with the guys about the gender of his child. He said he had thought it was, and he had wanted a boy, but when it was revealed that he was having a daughter he had cried tears of joy and excitedly wrote in the group chat that he’d give the guys the money he owed them for the bet after he took you out to eat. 
Dad Lee Know who started decorating the nursery for his daughter the day after the appointment, declaring that the nursery would be fit for a princess… And then proudly stating that his daughter is a princess already. She was going to be spoiled beyond belief. 
Dad Lee Know who had bought a heart doppler just so that he could lay in bed at night beside you with his headphones on listening to the sound of his daughter's rapid heartbeat. (He had also googled on the first night if it was normal for a baby's heartbeat to be almost 170bpm in the womb… It is normal.) 
Dad Lee Know who took paternity leave 3 weeks before your due date because he had read that by that time the baby could come at any point and he didn’t want to take any chances of missing the moment. 
Dad Lee Know who put on a strong face when your water broke while you both were out shopping for more baby clothes. On the inside he was freaking out, but he was staying calm for you. 
Dad Lee Know who held your hand on the ride to the hospital, tears already pricking his eyes knowing that his baby girl would soon enter this world and he’d be able to hold her. 
Dad Lee Know who freaked out a little bit (a lot) when he saw his daughter's head crowning, he was about to faint, so he opted to stay up close to your head through the rest of the delivery because he wanted to be conscious when she fully came out. 
Dad Lee Know who told you that you were doing amazing and how proud he was of you even though you were being so mean during the delivery. He understood though, it looked like it hurted a lot. He was so proud to call you his wife. 
Dad Lee Know who’s hand was shaking as he cut the umbilical cord, his breath was held, but that was the moment that he truly felt like a dad, like a father. He finally let the breath out when the cord was cut. 
Dad Lee Know who cried harder than you when he heard his daughter’s first cries. 
Dad Lee Know who begged you to let him hold her first, and you were honestly so tired that you didn’t even have the energy to say no. 
Dad Lee Know who almost filled up his phone storage completely on his daughter's first day on earth because he couldn’t stop taking pictures of her. She was so beautiful, he had hearts in his eyes the moment he laid them on her. She was precious to him and he let the world know it. 
Dad Lee Know who sent a picture of her to the group chat with the caption “I made this! So did Y/N, but look at her! Look what we made!” In that moment he had created a team of uncles that would promise to protect her just as much as Minho would. 
Dad Lee Know who woke up every night with his daughter because he didn’t want to miss a moment with her. He also knew that you needed your sleep, you had done all of the hard work, the least he could do is let you get some rest. 
Dad Lee Know who introduced his daughter to his cats as their new sister. “She’s not old enough to play yet, so be nice. You can look, but don’t touch. Okay?” It seemed like they understood him though, they would sit around her swing and stare at her, almost like they were guarding her or watching out for her, and they would only move away when you or Minho picked her up. 
Dad Lee Know who would get slightly sad when you would breastfeed his daughter because it was one of the things he couldn’t do. He surprised you with a breast pump because he wanted her to know he could give the milk too, just… In bottle form. 
Dad Lee Know who immediately felt guilty about the breast pump because it looked painful and he didn’t want you to be sore. The only time you did it now was when you knew you were going out and you wanted to have the milk ready. 
Dad Lee Know who almost threw up the first time he changed her diaper. After he was done it looked like he had lost about 20 years which was hysterical to you. All of the guys heard about it and they clowned him for it for a good bit. 
Dad Lee Know who cried his eyes out the night before his paternity leave was over. He didn’t want to go back to work, he didn’t want to spend a single moment away from you or his daughter, the thought that he might miss something was devastating to him. 
Dad Lee Know who had attempted to sneak his daughter to work with him in the baby wrap carrier, and then crying even more when you caught him and told him he couldn’t, at least not until she was a couple months older. 
Dad Lee Know who refused to believe that his daughter was already five months old when the day came around. He was a softie and he didn’t like to think that his baby girl was growing already, he wanted her to stay little forever. 
Dad Lee Knowwho brought home a “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament when he came home from work and then proceeded to cry his eyes out because “where did the time go? Tell her to stop growing.” 
Dad Lee Know who went all out for her first birthday party which he wanted to be princess themed because, alas, she was his princess. He took pictures and videos all day, and then that night when she was fast asleep, he laid in bed beside you, choked up and sniffling as he told you that he felt like he was missing too much of her life because of his job. 
Dad Lee Know who had been the one to see her take her first steps and jokingly flaunted that you had missed it… But then quickly apologized when he saw that it upset you and pulled out his phone because he had managed to record it. The group chat also got the video, they were constantly in the loop about everything that she did. 
Dad Lee Know who demanded that you and his daughter be allowed to go on tour with him and the guys, and then giving management the ultimatum that it was the three of you, or none of you at all. That was his daughter's first plane trip. 
Dad Lee Know who death stared at anyone that even looked slightly annoyed when your daughter got a little cranky on the plane. He kept her on his lap the whole time and bounced her and sang to her so that you’d have a comfortable flight. 
Dad Lee Know who talked only about you and his daughter when he had the chance to during concerts. If fans had a problem with it, he didn’t really care. You and his baby were the most important things in his life right now, and you always would be. If the fans didn’t like hearing about it, they could leave. 
Dad Lee Know who personally wrote a song about you and his daughter, and with the help of Chan, Changbin, and Jisung, he was able to have it finished just in time for your anniversary. 
Dad Lee Know who woke up every morning to make breakfast for his daughter and pack her lunch when she was old enough to go to school. 
Dad Lee Know who was the only father crying in a sea of mothers (including you) when it was her first day of kindergarten. He didn’t want to let go of her hand, and you had to practically pry his fingers off. 
Dad Lee Know who took an entire day off work that day just so he could cuddle up with you and cry to you about how empty and quiet the house felt without her there. 
Dad Lee Know who was the first parent up at the school every single day, waiting a whole hour out on the bench in front of her classroom door with a snack and a brand new stuffed animal. That’s how her stuffed animal collection began. 
Dad Lee Know who would sit on the floor next to his daughter's bed and read her bedtime stories, acting out parts of the stories with her stuffed animals because he knew it made her smile. 
Dad Lee Know who fell asleep one night in the middle of reading the bedtime stories, his head resting on the edge of his daughters mattress, and when he woke up she was sitting on his lap and sleeping as well. He didn’t move that night and he didn’t mind the backache that came along with sleeping that way either. 
Dad Lee Know who was the loudest person in the crowd when his daughter walked across the stage for her little award for perfect grades. “THAT'S MY BABY! YES! DADDY IS SO PROUD OF YOU PRINCESS!” 
Dad Lee Know who stayed up all night to help his 6th grade daughter with her science fair project, even after she headed off to bed, he continued to work on it just to make sure she got first place. 
Dad Lee Know who about lost his shit when she got second place, you and his daughter had to usher him out of the gymnasium where everything was set up so that he wouldn’t embarrass her. 
Dad Lee Know who took you and his daughter out to dinner after the science fair mishap and told his daughter that “it doesn't matter whether you got second place or first place, you’ll always be number one to me. You’re the smartest girl I know and I’m so proud of you.” 
Dad Lee Know who would help his daughter with her homework every night, even if he spent all day practicing or recording, he was never too tired to help her. 
Dad Lee Know who would still tuck his daughter in at night and make sure her closet was shut and her night light was on when she would fall asleep no matter how old she got. 
Dad Lee Know who got choked up when his daughter graduated high school, his voice cracking when she walked across the stage and hiding his face in your shoulder so that no one would see him crying. 
Dad Lee Knowwho you had to give a speech to when his daughter said that she wanted to bring her boyfriend over to meet you and Minho. “Don’t look at him like you want to kill him, Minho.” “But what if I want to kill him? He’s trying to take my baby girl away.” “Baby, she’s 19…” “Blah blah blah I don’t want to hear it! She’s a baby!” 
Dad Lee Know who threw a massive party when his daughter got accepted into SNU. He tried to uninvite his daughter’s boyfriend, but she insisted that he come or she wouldn’t show up. 
Dad Lee Know who taught his daughter to drive. He was terrified, and she almost crashed into the curb, but he told her she was doing a great job regardless so that he didn’t break her spirits. 
Dad Lee Know who would do anything for his daughter, she is his entire life, his whole world. He loved her with his entire heart. He’s the best father in the universe, he would lay down his life for her, he would give up everything for her. She’s the greatest thing to ever happen to him, and watching her grow has been bittersweet, sad but rewarding. He wanted nothing but the best for her, and he’d make sure that no matter how old he got, or how old she got, he’d always be there for her. 
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todays-xkcd · 5 months
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The Doppler effect is a mysterious wavelength-shifting phenomenon which seems to primarily affect sirens, which is why the 🚨 emoji is red.
Doppler Effect [Explained]
[Miss Lenhart is pointing with a stick to a whiteboard with various scientific drawings and words, including but not only a graph.] Miss Lenhart: The more distant a galaxy is, the redder its light. Miss Lenhart: Why? Well, that's an interesting question.
[Zoom in on Miss Lenhart.] Miss Lenhart: Ever notice how, when a siren is approaching, it sounds like Bweeeeeeeeee...
[Zoom in on Miss Lenhart with her arms raised.] Miss Lenhart: ...but then it zooms past you and goes Nyeeeeooooowww? Miss Lenhart: And sometimes they hit a button that makes it go Pyeew! Pyeew! really loud?
[Miss Lenhart with her finger raised is standing in front of the whiteboard and holding the stick down.] Miss Lenhart: And in Europe they go Ooooeeeeooooeeee... Off-panel voice: So why are galaxies red? Miss Lenhart: Oh, no idea. Miss Lenhart: Anyway, another siren I like is...
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yourplayersaidwhat · 9 months
most of the party is fighting a monster at the edge of a chasm
Cleric: Okay, this is going to be so cool, guys.
Cleric: I scream "For Sparta!", run at the monster and leap into a flying kick to knock it off the cliff.
DM: Roll an attack?
Cleric (rolling): Hm. Well. Never mind.
Cleric misses completely, flying straight past the monster at head height. The party is treated to a dopplering cry of "SPARTAAAaaa..." as he vanishes over the edge.
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boss-poss · 10 months
See, Lethal Company's real genius is that it somehow marries two normally opposed genres, those being horror and comedy together into something greater. Mechanically it's a multiplayer looter extraction survival type game. It's designed to create stressful and scary situations by forcing you to speedrun mini randomized dungeons while monsters hunt your character to meet a certain quota (our asses are not making quota). That's not the clever part though, no, that's giving the players the ability to fuck themselves over and the hilarity that comes from it.
Anything you say into your mic is said in the game world and can be heard by certain monsters. Many items, similarly, can be used to make noise and you can bet there is little impulse control when a player finds an air horn or gets a walkie talkie. The sound of a distant honk somewhere out of nowhere is not something most players are prepared for while in a pitch black maze. Sound in this game has a doppler effect, which makes it harder to hear the further away the source is, allowing screams to fade into nothing and unintelligible yelling heard for a second before vanishing. You must rely on your senses but those are, by design, limited and regularly tricked.
Because level layouts, monster locations, and item spawns are all random, it's insanely easy to get lost or lose track of thigs, especially in the dark and especially when panicking. Seeing a bracken for the first time will almost certainly send a player running in the opposite direction and get lost, if they even see it all. No one is prepared to have a hand wrap around their face and snap their neck in an instant. It's utterly shocking and will leave you gasping in surprise to first time you experience it.
Certain weather patterns make levels harder, some even nearly impossible (looking at you eclipse), and sometimes your options are avoiding deadly lightning or not being able to see due to fog. High level moons have excessively valuable loot but also feature the worst foes and cost a fee to access, forcing a compromise between greed, ability, and resources.
Dying, likewise incurs a penalties. Your team is fined for dying and not bringing the bodies back but if you all die, all your collected loot goes poof. Gone. A team wipe can and will effectively end the run in an instant if you do something stupid like stick around when you hear "pop goes the weasel" or try to pick up that funny looking roomba. You can almost feel the pressure weighing down on your shoulders when you realize you're the last one left and you need to get back to the ship or miss the quota.
The monsters likewise, are engines of terror that are comically effective killing machines with no cohesive theme to help anticipate them. The already mentioned bracken is one of the scariest things I've seen in a game, and those technically aren't even that bad. They're completely manageable if you keep your head on a swivel and pay attention to your surroundings. Coilheads are these mannequins with bobble heads that will path to and kill you in a microsecond the moment you aren't looking at them, weeping angel style. There's a thing called the ghost girl that I have yet to see but is apparently one of the most terrifying critters in the menagerie. Forest giants. If you know, you know.
All these little mechanics, these choices that are made by and for the player, create a maelstrom of unpredictable chaos that, like a buxom blond transforming into an orgasming pooltoy, turns what would be strictly serious horror into a unique form of dark comedy that layers over it like jelly on peanut butter. You are scared, you are on edge, and it only gets worse when you know what these things are capable of, but the sheer hopelessness is something you all have in common. It's funny how little hope you have. You will die. A monster will wipe your team. There will eventually come a quota you can't beat. You were doomed from the start.
So why not get silly with it? Why not try to fight that bracken with shovel? Fuck him. Why not just run past a turret and try to nab that fat jar of pickles? Why not wander off from the group? You're just as likely to come back with arms loaded and the quota met as you are likely to not come back at all. You're already dead, so take the gamble, do stupid shit, repeat this hell until you can meet its horrors with grim determination and put in the effort to afford that goddamn boombox. Dance. Just press 1 and dance the fear away.
You are all united in your mortality and duty, fragile sacks of flesh working to break even at the behest of perhaps the greatest horror of all: The company you work for. You are so preposterously fucked beyond all belief from every angle there really isn't enough adjectives to describe it. And that's comedy baby, when things are so bad all you can do is laugh.
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dancingtotuyo · 3 months
epilogue. the ghosts that we knew
Woman | Joel Miller X Female Reader
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Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tags: Joel Miller X Female Reader. Age Gap (13/14 years). HBO Characters. Mostly cannon compliant for show & game. Timeline is changed.
Chapter Warnings: angst, hurt and comfort, cancer, TLOU II SPOILERS, death, grief, Major Character Death, afterlife?
Notes: So we come to the end of this beautiful journey. Thank you EVERYONE for all your lovely comments and words over these past several month. I hope you don't hate me too much.
Words: 3942
Series Masterlist | Author Masterlist | Playlist
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You walk the trail every night. Sometimes, Ellie joins you or Maria, but never Tommy. Sometimes you walk alone. You talk to Gabe still. You tell him about Carter. You tell him that you’re okay. But most often, you talk to Joel. It’s not that you loved him more, but it is different. Where Gabe drifted further away in death, you still feel Joel nearby like he’s watching over you. You wonder if Gabe saw Joel coming. Maybe he stepped back so you could have someone next to you.
You tell Joel about your day and how the kids are growing. You pull his smile, the feel of his hand in yours, out of the recesses of your mind, so close to the surface, it's almost tangible. You tell him that you miss him. It takes years, but eventually, you tell him that you’re okay. 
Ellie spends more time with you at the house. She walks with you to take Carter and Willa to school. She comes over for dinner most nights. Together, you tell your favorite Joel stories over dinner. Carter chimes in from time to time. Willa listens for every drop she can glean of the fading figure in her young mind. 
The kids are asleep when Ellie has her first panic attack. The clattering of pots falling to the floor does it. You hold her through it. Your hands aren’t able to fix this one. She sleeps next to you on Joel’s side of the bed that night. It still smells like him. 
It’s a month after Joel’s burial when Tommy comes fumbling in late to your weekly family dinners. He has a lead on the girl who did it. Tension seeps through your bones. You don’t have the same taste for revenge. The idea is bitter in your mouth. 
There’s a lot of shouting. Maria tells Tommy no. That part is clear, but you see the guilt seep through him. He knows he’s not responsible for Joel’s death, but he can’t let it go. It’s no surprise when Maria knocks on your door the next morning that Tommy is gone. Ellie and Dina ride out that morning. Jesse follows suit soon after. 
The familiar fog of grief creeps at the corners of your mind. You can’t let it overtake you this time. You have the kids. Tommy and Ellie’s absence makes it harder, but you push through. You want to do more than just survive. You can almost hear Joel cheering you on. 
You throw yourself into motherhood and training your apprentices. At night, you cry yourself to sleep. Maria and Elias spend more time at your house than theirs. You never say it out loud, but both of you start to wonder if your family unit which was once 8 has dwindled to 5. 
A weight lifts off your chest when Ellie bursts into the clinic. You pull her into a suffocating hug and then inspect her for injuries. There are many, but she’s going to be okay. Tommy’s leg is another story. It’s been too long since he sustained the injury. He’ll walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Dina’s shoulder injury is miraculously not infected, but it’s the subtle swell of her abdomen that makes you lose your breath. 
You’re able to find a strong heartbeat with the doppler. Dina and Ellie share a relieved look. You want to ask but restrain yourself. Ellie will tell you when you need to know. 
You don’t ask where Jesse is. 
Your family dinners resume. Your family table is back to 8 since Dina joined with the ever-growing promise of 9. You know Tommy is still searching for leads on Abby. You pray he never finds them. Things between him and Maria aren’t good. Ellie says she’s done seeking her out. 
Ellie spends a lot of her free time riding outside the wall. You don’t ask questions. Joel liked to wander too. Sometimes she shares about the things she saw, but oftentimes she just shares a knowing grin with Dina. There’s a twinge in your heart. You used to do the same with Joel. 
Autumn is in the air when you finally open Joel’s drawers. Maria hasn’t said anything about Joel’s clothes, but you know you need to go through them, distribute what’s wearable to people who need it. It still smells like him. Tears spring in your eyes. It’s been so long that you have started to forget it. Closing your eyes, you can feel him next to you, behind you, in front. He’s all around. His soft voice echoes deep within your brain almost like he’s whispering in your ear. The tears fall in steady streams. 
You save 2 shirts, one for Carter and one for Willa. Ellie has his watch, and you have the kids. The rest of his shirts and jeans go into the box. Then you clean out his sock drawer, checking each for holes, which most of them have. A small smirk crosses your face. You and Sarah used to do the laundry. His socks always had holes then too. Some things never change. You pull two socks apart, and something flashes in the light before hitting the floor with a soft ping. You toss the socks into the box, feeling around for the item. You find it just under the dresser. 
You hold the thin, gold band in your palm. It feels so delicate in your hands. Diamond chips encrust half of the band, shimmering in the light. Your eyes water again. It slips on with just enough resistance that it won’t slip off: a perfect fit. How long did he have this? Was he going to give it to you? 
Yes. It whispers in your bones. 
Not as a proposal, you know that, but a sign of his commitment. You slip it back off. Something doesn’t sit right about wearing it on your finger for the whole world to see. You want to keep this between you and Joel for a little while.
You open up the box on your dresser. It contains your wedding band, untouched since you placed it there years ago, a few pairs of earrings, and the gold chain your dad gave you the day you graduated nursing school. You slide the ring onto the chain. It rests underneath your shirt, near your heart.  
You give Maria the box to distribute. You don’t tell her about the ring. It stays tucked under your shirt.
The night of Joel’s birthday, you reach for the last of the coffee beans pushed in the back of the  cupboard. There’s something therapeutic about the movements- grinding the beans and boiling the water. 
When you open the cupboard, the owl mug sits at the forefront. You freeze. You don’t know how it got there. It’s stayed pushed to the back since his death, but it makes you hold your breath. You despised that thing so much, but now you reach for it, filing it with coffee.
“Make enough for two?” Ellie says.
You spin around to find her sitting at the kitchen table. You smile weakly. “I can make it stretch.”
You know her disdain for it but say nothing, filling a second mug for her. The two of you sit in silence, steaming cups of coffee in front of you until Ellie gives up trying to choke it down. She pours the remainder of her mug into yours. You chuff, smile tipping your lips. 
“I don’t know how that old man drank this shit.”
“Yeah, this isn’t great, but you know Joel.”
“Never saw him turn down a cup of coffee.”
“No, I don’t think he ever did.” You take another sip of coffee, eyes watering with unshed tears.
Ellie invites you to join her on a ride one day. You take her up on the offer. You ride side by side for most of the trek. It’s apparent she’s taking you somewhere. 
“Ever been out this way?”
“Joel used to pull me out of Jackson from time to time. We spent time in the wildflower fields. Bugged the hell out of the council.” You laugh. 
Ellie smiles. “And before?”
“I never got so far past this side of Jackson.”
“Something new to see,” Ellie says, excitedly then hesitates slightly. “Joel took me to a museum once for my birthday. They had a dinosaur and a space exhibit. He tracked down an old tape from one of the rocket launches. It was one of the best days of my life.” 
“I remember when he found the museum. He couldn’t stop talking about how excited he was to show you.” you smile at the memory. “He talked about that day a lot. It was one of his favorites.”
Ellie pulls her horse to a stop and you follow suit. “He was really good at that, making sure there were good days.”
“He was.”
“I’m not sure how many good days are left for me in Jackson.” 
Your heart skips a beat as you push down the panic rising in your chest. You can’t lose another person. “Oh?”
“Dina and I… we’ve been talking about what we want after the baby is born.” 
You try to focus on her words, not the ringing in your ears. “Is that why you brought me out here?”
“I wanted to show you.” Ellie grins, kicking her horse forward.
You furrow your brow following after her. Your questions are answered as you burst into a clearing. An old farmhouse comes into view. It appears to be in relatively good condition. A partial fence circles widely around the property. It’s new. 
You look over at Ellie who wears a look of pride and ownership over the small estate. “You did this?”
Ellie nods. “Dina and I are gonna move after the baby is born. I’ve been working to get the fence finished and the inside livable”
Tears prickle at the back of your eyes. There aren’t words for how you feel. You’re sad that Ellie won’t be across the street anymore, but you’re proud of her for carving out her own space in this world. She’s not far, you remind yourself. There’s something else about it tugging in your soul. Joel would love this place. 
“You and Carter and Willa can come visit us anytime,” Elie says as if she can read your thoughts. 
“Ellie, it’s amazing.” 
She looks relieved. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Now show me inside.”
The sun is setting as the settlement walls fade into view. You two spent too long at The Farm, you know it, but you hadn’t seen Ellie’s eyes light up like that in a long time. She is bouncing off the walls. It’s good to be out from behind the city walls. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Of course.”
“It’s just... ” Ellie bristles. “You’ve been quiet since we left.” 
“Sorry, I’ve just been thinking.”
You let it settle over the two of you for a while. “Joel always talked about finding a farm nearby. Getting out of the walls.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I did a shitty job of training other people to do my job. I didn’t feel like I could leave.”
Ellie nods. 
“I asked him what kind of farm he wanted.” You smile at the memory. “He always said-”
“Sheep.” Ellie finishes. “Because they’re quiet and do what they’re told.” 
You laugh. “Exactly.” 
You’re back within the walls of Jackson as the sun dips behind the mountains. You walk down the streets side by side in silence. Ellie turns for her house. 
“Ellie, I’m proud of you.” She stops in her tracks and turns around. Lights from the house sparkle off her eyes. “I don’t know if that means a lot coming from me-”
You’re cut off when she collides into your chest, arms squeezing you tight. You squeeze back. “Thank you.” It’s soft on her voice. 
JJ is a few months old when Ellie and Dina move out to The Farm. You go out to visit them occasionally, sometimes with the kids and sometimes not. The first time you go alone, the wildflowers are in bloom. You take a 15-minute pitstop to collect yourself when you first spot them. You leave The Farm early to walk through the same wildflowers Joel used to take you to. 
The breeze plays in your loose hair. You slip off your boots and let your toes curl into the unkempt ground. You see Joel’s smile in the Prairie Fire, hear his laugh in the Columbine. 
Here, the familiar whisper behind your ear says. 
You still wear the ring on your chain. It feels warm under your shirt. Unclasping it, you let the gold band fall into your palm. You slip the ring on your finger for the first time since you found it, and it stays there.
You pick a bouquet of wildflowers. They sit on your kitchen table for a week, and it feels like Joel hand-delivered them. Willa stares at them with her head cocked to the side, chin resting on the table. The tilt of her head reminds you of Joel. She has his soft curls that gather right at the bottom of her neck. The wonderment in her eyes reminds you of Sarah. You can’t help but kiss her head, let your fingers trail through her hair. His rings sparkles on your finger under the sun streaming through the window. You wonder if she feels the same draw toward the flowers that her dad did. 
Willa smiles up at you. “Feels nice, mommy.” His Little Wildflower. She’s growing like a weed.
Carter struggles. He doesn’t talk. He spends most of his days in his bedroom. Joel always found a way to get him to talk, to smile. He may be the spitting image of his father- but it’s clear he got your temperament- your way of handling his feelings. 
You take him to The Farm, just the two of you. He helps in the barn, rolls around with the sheep, and walks the fence line with Ellie for hours. You hear him laugh while you hold JJ on the front porch. Even though they don’t share blood with him, you see bits of Joel in both their mannerisms. They learned how to interact with the world from him. 
Carter is excited when they get back. Ellie is going to teach him how to shoot next time you visit. You swallow back tears. Joel promised to teach him once he turned 10. Carter talks your ear off the whole way home. 
Tommy still looks for leads on Abby. You pray he never finds one. Things between him and Maria are tense. Elias spends a lot of time at your house. Your worst fears are realized when Maria bangs on your front door at 6 am one morning. Tommy’s found a lead. He’s going to talk to Ellie. 
You tear into Tommy in the middle of the street when he gets back that evening. “What the fuck are you thinking!?”
He brushes you off. “I’m not discussing this with you.”
“Like hell you are! How dare you bring Ellie back into this!” You’re a mama bear, fiercely protecting her cub. “You fucking asshole! Do you know how hard she’s worked to be okay?”
“She wants justice just as bad as I do!” You’re sure the whole town is watching from their windows, but you don’t care. 
“This isn’t justice! It’s revenge!” You can’t push back the tears that come. Your family table can’t grow smaller. You can’t lose Tommy too. “Where does it fucking end? With us all in the ground? He wouldn’t have wanted this!”
“How can you say that?” Tommy gets in your face. It’s a scare tactic you’ve seen him use before. You don’t flinch. “That bitch took him from us! She made us slide that knife into his heart. She deserves it- and worse!”
“You will not drag my children into this, Tommy!”
“Did you really love him? Or was it all just-”
Your hand collides with his cheek before he can finish. “How dare you!” You’re shaking with rage. Tommy holds his cheek in his hand. “Joel would’ve wanted you here with your wife and son! He would’ve wanted us to keep having family dinners, and holidays together! He would’ve wanted us to live! Not just survive! I’m trying to live, Tommy! Because going back into survival would kill me! And it’ll do the same to Ellie!”
“If she doesn’t go, I go.” Tommy walks away. 
You ride out to The Farm the next morning. Dina looks relieved when you climb the front porch stairs. Ellie is in her drawing room. She’s added more portraits since you were here last. They’re mostly Dina and JJ, but there’s one of Carter from his last visit, Willa from behind, Joel with his guitar on the porch, playing catch with Carter, dancing with Willa. All as clear as pictures. It hits you how much she observed, took in even when she looked in from a distance. The last one steals your breath for a minute. Two silhouettes dance on a front porch.
You have to swallow back the emotions before you speak. “I know Tommy was here yesterday.” 
And then she cries in your arms. You brush her hair away from her face as she does. You make out limited information. The panic attacks keep coming. She can’t make them stop. She thinks this will make them stop. Your hands, so used to healing, feel useless. 
With her head in your lap, she looks like that 14 year old girl you met years ago. “It’s not your fault, Ellie.”
She looks up at you through bloodshot eyes. “He would’ve never killed that doctor if it wasn’t for me.”
I would do it all again. It comes through so tangible. You repeat it to her. You tell her it’s not her fault. You tell her that Joel learned to live again because of her. You want the same thing for her. Don’t let vengeance overtake her. You want her to live life how it’s meant to be lived, not the violent cycle it’s turned into. Joel wants her to live. 
Ellie stays on the farm with Dina and their son. She comes to see you in Jackson more often. All three of them do. The two of you talk about the day Joel died and what she saw. She finds out what helps her get through the panic attacks. It’s not easy, but they start to come less frequently. 
Tommy goes after Abby. You feel like you lose another piece of Joel as his figure disappears into the tree line. You hold Maria as she cries. No one sees her cry but you. The roles are reversed, but you know how to give her support and comfort. You learned from the best. 
I’m still here, Darlin. You have all of me.
You hear nothing from or of Tommy for months. It turns into years. Maria blames herself. She told him to not come back. Elias is getting into trouble at school. You’re all shocked when Tommy returns two years later. He moves into Joel’s house across the street. He never found her. 
Maria and Tommy coexist. They both join family dinners. They co-parent Elias well, but they don’t reunite. 
Life isn’t always easy, but you make it through, all of you. Most importantly, you experience life. The ups and downs, the twists and the turns, and you do it together because you’re family. 
It’s the morning of Willa’s 16th birthday when you find it. A lump in your breast. Just 1 from what you can tell. You comb your mind for any other signs. None that you can recall. Maybe it’s benign. You push back the memories of your grandmother’s battle with breast cancer, but the tears still emerge. 
I’ve got you. You swear you can almost feel Joel’s arms around you. 
You don’t tell anyone. You spend more time outside the walls. You’ve trained up several people to provide medical care. Morgan can suture better than you. Sharon has steadier hands. Willa is already an expert herbalist, growing and cultivating medicinal herbs and plants. If something happens to you, Jackson will still have good medical care.
Joel seems closer than ever these days, like the veil between worlds is thinning. Sometimes you swear you see a flicker of him like a mirage in the wildflowers, or in the corner when the whole family is together. You were never sure what you thought about higher powers and the afterlife, but you’re sure there’s something there.  
You find another lump two years later. A third shows up soon after. You start to notice other changes in your body. You’re tiring easier.  
You’re more intentional about the time you spend with the kids. You make sure they know the stories they can’t remember. Carter teaches you how to shoot a bow. Willa teaches you about all the herbs in her greenhouse. You spend whole weeks at The Farm. It’s the end of summer when you know you have to start telling people. You tell Ellie while the two of you watch the sunset from the porch swing. She hugs you. There are tears, but there's peace to them. 
You faint while on a walk with Maria at the start of September. You tell her, and then you tell the kids. It’s one of the hardest things you have to do. Even at 21 year old, Carter goes to stone as Willa cries in your arms. 
You’re confined to your bed by Christmas. You sleep most of the day. Everyone comes for Christmas. Carter carries your shrinking frame to the couch. There’s laughter and jokes. You notice Maria’s hand in Tommy’s, but you don’t ask. 
Joel catches your eye from the corner. He looks younger. In his early 40s or so, you think. He smiles at you. He’s never been so clear. He’s waiting for you.
You stop eating after Christmas. Your thoughts start to feel disjointed, words scratch at your throat and you can’t push them out. Breathing takes all your energy. Willa has extracted opium from poppies. It helps. You hear their voices filter in. Willa, Carter, Ellie, Dina, Maria, JJ, and finally Tommy. They talk to you, but you can’t respond. They reminisce. It brings comfort to you as you feel their voices slipping away until you can’t hear them anymore. It’s dark and silent. 
When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by bright clear skies. The wind rustles through the wildflowers around you. A bird chirps in the distance. You stretch out your legs with the delectable sensation only available after a sun soaked nap. 
You close your eyes again, you can see Jackson. Willa and Carter are bickering about something. They walk your evening path. Willa is giving Carter a hard time about his latest romantic encounter. You can see The Farm. Dina and Ellie sit on the front porch. JJ is doing his chores. It all feels so close, but you feel separate. You can see it all happening, walk through it with just a thought, but you can’t interact with the world.
There’s a deep chuckle in your ear. You turn your head. Joel lays next to you, a smile on his face. His hair is less gray than last time you saw him. The creases around his eyes aren’t as deep. 
His hand touches yours. It’s warm. You’ve passed to the other side of the veil. Your heart leaps.
“Hey Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting for you.” 
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Tag List: @pedrotonin@amyispxnk@joeldjarin@ilovepedro@justagalwhowrites
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jensettermandu · 1 year
doppler effect - jennie kim
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pairing;student!jennie x professor g!p reader (everyone is of age)
content;praising, age gap (21, 27)
"Hi, professor!" Jennie chirped and you looked up from your laptop that was on your desk at the front of the classroom. You glanced towards the door to see the last few students piling out of the room before looking back at the girl who stood in front of your desk with a smile.
Kim Jennie, 21.
The worst student you have ever had in your classroom and this was your first semester and first-ever job as a college professor. You were young for a professor, 27 and it wasn't common for people your age to become professors this early. One thing you could brag about was how you had always been a prodigy when it came to your subject...The same couldn't be said by the girl in front of you.
You couldn't even stress how bad she was at physics. It was mind-blowing how bad she was and you were wondering why she even picked this class up in the first place since she joined mid-term.
"Yes, Miss Kim." You said, half-interested before looking back at your screen. You tried to be enthusiastic but you just found students like her annoying, but you tried not to show it. Annoying in the way that she would sit through the lessons, look like she was listening to every word you say and then hand in the most half-assed papers possible and you had caught on that she simply wasn't listening but pretending that she was. It felt like your class to her was a joke and she would honestly be better off not being in it.
It went quiet for a few seconds and you looked up to see her looking impatiently at the door where less than a handful of people were heading out. "Can you close the door?" Jennie asked, slight irritation lacing her voice as she spoke to the last guy that was about to leave. He murmured something, but still closed it as requested by the girl in front of you.
She smiled again once it was just you and her, looking back at you as you two met gazes.
"I'm failing your class." She stated as a matter of fact and you hummed, scratching your temple as you leaned back in your swivel chair, resting your elbows on the armrests. Rolling the chair back a bit to stretch out your legs, the girl watching every move.
"I know." Jennie nodded at your simple words.
"And so...I was wondering if there is anything I could do to not fail." The brunette prompted about to step closer to the desk, but ultimately stopped as you shut her down.
"Study and pay attention in class." You replied, playing with the rings on your fingers as you looked at them. Her lips parted in disbelief and she was wondering if she was maybe too discreet with her words, she was trying to go somewhere else with this. You were oblivious to it since things like that didn't cross your mind.
"Isn't there anything else that I could possibly do to pass your class...Like an exchange-." She widened her eyes as you cut her off bluntly and she sighed. "Get a tutor, they usually work. I've had some students that got help from tutors and the results were quite astonishing." You told her since you've had students struggle before as physics wasn't an easy subject. They maybe weren't as bad as Jennie, so the tutor would be up for a challenge with her, but it could possibly work. No matter how much you disliked the way she simply didn't seem to care about your class and how that annoyed you, you still had hope and wanted every one of your students to pass.
"You could ask someone in this class for help." You said and offered her a small smile before rolling the chair closer to the desk again and going back to your laptop.
The gears in Jennie's head were turning, fast.
"I don't know anyone in this class, professor...Most of my friends are on the other side of the campus studying fine arts." Jennie admitted since this was her only class on this side of the campus since she belonged on the other side too...Majoring in fine arts. Her only knowledge about physics was from high school and even then she barely passed. This only made you wonder even more what the actual fuck she was doing in your class.
"You don't have to know anyone to ask for help after classes, Miss Kim." You reassured her, your gaze staying on the screen and missing the girl who rolled her eyes at your words.
"I can't do that," Jennie said with a soft voice and you frowned, looking up at her with a confused hum.
"I am too shy to just ask a stranger for help." Jennie wasn't exactly lying, she was a very shy and introverted person, there were a few rare instances where she wasn't all too shy. You licked your lips as you thought about it, the hope rose in her eyes seeing that you were thinking about something- all the hope deflated when you opened your mouth and nothing that she wanted to hear spilled. "I could ask someone for you...Stacy has tutored before, I am sure she would be up for it." You offered, being kind and understanding of her situation.
"I won't be comfortable enough to see her after school...Social anxiety, there are only certain people that I am comfortable with like friends, family...professors." The girl continued to try and hint at what she actually meant right from the start. Watching you scratch the back of your head in thought again.
Jennie had honestly never met such an oblivious person ever in her whole life.
"I'm sorry Miss Kim, but I don't think I have anything else to offer to you that would raise your grades." You gave her an apologetic smile.
"Couldn't you...possibly take some of your time and tutor me?" She asked and bit her lower lip in anticipation.
"I don't know." You said, you only wanted to go home after being done here and not spend time tutoring one of your students who clearly didn't know anything about physics.
"Please? You could just tutor me for like an hour or so...I won't need more than an hour. You're the only one I would ever be comfortable enough with to do this." Hint after hint.
You heaved a sigh at the desperate plea coming from the girl. You looked at her, she looked somewhat miserable (miserable because of your obliviousness to all the hints.) with a small frown and eyes that were looking at you full of hope. It would really suck for you to have a student fail your class in your first year as a professor, wouldn't it? You always liked being the best and never failing- which meant not having students fail your class either because that would mean that you failed.
"Fine Miss Kim, but I can only do Thursdays and Fridays at 10 pm...if having your Fridays busy is a problem then I guess you will have to either sacrifice those or fail." You ended up offering, to use the two days you had evening classes from 5 pm to 9 pm.
"Not tomorrow though, starting this Friday." You added that Thursday was tomorrow and you had plans.
"Oh my God, yes that works. Thank you, really...You won't regret agreeing to this, I promise." You only nodded and Jennie gave you a smile before hurrying to the door that you still wondered why she needed it closed.
Jennie had hurried towards your classroom after first making it to her dorm to make sure to change into something less...modest. She felt dumb, but she only had herself to blame for joining a class she had absolutely no business joining.
You looked up at the door that closed to see your least promising student in physics, the girl turned around and beamed a smile at you as she ran her fingers through her hair that had gotten slightly dishevelled from the wind that blew through it as she was basically running through the empty halls.
"You're two minutes late...You can sit down." You redirected the girl with a gesture of your hand and instead of heading for your desk she pursed her lips and went to sit down at the first row.
It had been 30 minutes already and you had been explaining everything in detail to Jennie, simplifying everything for her, making it look like something that a kindergartener would understand. Drawing and writing on the chalkboard as Jennie "watched" and "listened" while scribbling down whatever notes that would help with getting her grades up.
This was not how she planned this going, she wasn't paying any attention, instead, she was trying to figure out a way to get closer and make it clear that she wanted to put in a different effort into getting a higher grade and not fail your class. Her clothes didn't even seem to catch a glimpse of your attention, no double take on what she had on, no slightly longer stare, no checking out. Were you asexual? Just as she was walking through the halls earlier she had an older professor push his glasses up and look at her pass by.
"This is the next assignment you will have to turn in, so I will be here now two times a week to help you with it after school." You said as you finished explaining the assignment to her and turned to look at the girl who was busy chewing on the top of her pen while staring into the abyss. Now you couldn't be sure if she had listened at all during the past 40 minutes you spent simplifying the assignment for her or not. Did you just waste your time? It was possible.
You walked up to the girl who was stuck with her gaze on the papers in front of her and as you looked down at the papers, they were filled with doodles and half-assed barely readable notes. "Kim." You said and the girl jumped in her place, hitting her knee under the table with the pen that was in her mouth dropping to the little desk with a clatter.
"Were you listening to anything I just explained to you?" You calmly asked the girl who trailed her eyes up your lanky body, lingering her gaze slightly below your waist before looking up at you through her lashes. She bit her lower lip for extra effect, blinking her eyes in innocence, but felt her self-confidence crumbling under your gaze that did not change a single bit...Had she overestimated her own looks? You were making her insecure. Or was she simply stupid for thinking that a professor would look at her in any other way?
She hummed and you hummed back, not convinced.
"So in short, what's the Doppler effect?" You asked since it was part of the assignment, she needed to know what it was to be able to do the equations for it. Jennie froze and glanced subtly over at the chalkboard with the keyword Doppler effect in her brain...She spotted it on the board. "It describes the changes in the frequency of any kind of...sound or light wave...produced by a moving source with...respect to an observer," Jennie explained while continuously glancing between you and the board and you decided to play stupid since you were well aware that she had no clue unless she would look at the board for the answer.
"That's great Miss Kim...How about we cut it short today and you use these last 15 minutes we have left to walk back to your dorm." You suggested since you had 15 minutes left.
Jennie heaved a sigh and nodded her head, she had to use her brain for something else either way. She needed to figure out how to get what she wanted because this tutoring deal she got was not it.
"Make sure to start on your assignment for the next time that we meet." You said while gathering your stuff.
Jennie had no clue what assignment you were talking about as she walked out. She would have to look into it.
Jennie did end up looking into the assignment because even if she was half listening to you last Friday, the way you were explaining it to her caught some of her interest. It also gave her the opportunity to do what she was about to do. Jennie glanced over at you to see you being occupied with your laptop for the moment while she was working on the assignment, free to ask for your help whenever she needed it.
She grabbed her phone to look at herself in it, fixing her hair before reaching for a button of the little cardigan she was wearing that wasn't covering a lot, but she made it cover a bit less. She glammed up her sex appeal before grabbing her paper and standing up and with gracious steps she made her way over to you in the short skirt she was wearing and the v-necked cardigan.
"Could you please check this out for me?" Jennie asked, her voice dripping like sweet honey from between her lips as she walked around your desk. You hummed and looked up at the girl who handed you over her paper- you almost got thrown off by the enticing scent of citrus fruits radiating from her (she had made sure to put on extra lotion and perfume before coming) and grabbed the paper from her.
Her gears were turning again because you still didn't have any reactions or anything that gave her the green light. She was honestly ready to try coming naked next time to see if you would react to that.
She quickly made herself comfortable on your desk, crossing her legs as she sat as close as possible to you without making it all too obvious- she wasn't trying to make it weird. Her gaze was on your leg slightly bouncing under the table while you read the paper...Was that a possible reaction? Was it her scent? Proximity? Clothes? Body? It was something and Jennie was going to take it as a reaction even if the case would most likely be that you bounced your knee any other time.
"Is it any good?" Jennie asked, her hands gripping the edge of the desk on each side of her thighs before leaning forward slightly. You hummed, still reading and when you glanced to look at the girl you assumed was standing in front of you on your left you were met by smooth naked thighs crossed over one another.
The enticing scent of oranges was much stronger and you quickly looked back at the paper in your hands, looking away from the thick and creamy thighs that were on your desk.
Your brain had already dismissed what you saw as you went back to the paper.
Jennie bit her lower lip after catching your gaze on her legs for what was a split second, but it was one step closer to where she wanted this to go. She reached her hand up to the cardigan and made sure to part it more around her cleavage before uncrossing her legs and leaning against the desk instead of sitting on it.
"You could explain this further." You said, using your pen to point at what you had in mind, looking up at Jennie who leaned forwards to you to look at the paper. You watched as she pushed her hair to one side so it wouldn't get in the way (of blocking the view of her cleavage) of her eyes as she looked at the paper in your hold. Now you felt unsure about what was going on. Was this normal? It felt a bit seductive. It didn't take you a lot of fighting to not look down and you looked at her side profile as she was almost leaning over you.
"Where?" Jennie questioned unsure and glanced up, catching your eyes with her intense ones and you quickly looked at the paper pointing where.
"This one here?" Jennie asked as she pointed where you had just pointed with the tip of your pen, you hummed, nodding your head. Getting a tiny bit jittery in your body as you spun the pen between your fingers to occupy your mind with that.
"Could you please elaborate on how I should proceed further for you?" Her tone was far from innocent and you almost flinched when her hand that was pointing at the paper fell to your knee and you couldn't decipher if that sentence held a double meaning to it or not.
You cleared your throat and pushed your chair back, rolling towards the board, the hold that was on your knee disappearing as you grabbed the piece of white chalk to get to explain.
Jennie bit down on her lower lip, eyes intense on you, trying to ignore the wet gush in her skimpy underwear. Maybe she wouldn't have to come naked to get your attention after all.
"I elaborated on what you pointed out last time, professor." Jennie happily explained as she was yet again by your desk, leaning against it as she handed over the paper to you. It seemed like she had somewhat of a more enthusiastic approach to your subject now after the first two tutoring sessions which was quite good to see.
Jennie watched you read through her paper as you played with the rings on your fingers, the girl trapping her bottom lip between her teeth as her devilish little brain was starting a fire in the pits of hell, hotter than the sun. She had to get through today because she may have found some bit of interest in your subject, but not enough to keep coming here for actual tutoring.
Crossing her legs again, she turned her body towards you and subtly used her foot brushing it against your leg. Barely touching you, not gaining your attention as you were engrossed in the paper she handed to you. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she innocently and by "accident" brushed her foot up your leg. She watched your body tense up, shaking your head the slightest, but not diverting your attention- probably to not make it weird and thinking that she did it by accident.
She honestly felt like kicking you in the shin because you were not breaking.
Once again her foot rubbed against your leg and this time it felt like it was intentional, the second you looked up with raised eyebrows, the girl knocked over your pen holder that was beside her, letting out a faux gasp. You pushed your swivel chair back to pick up the few pens that fell under the desk, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"I knocked it over so I will pick it up...I'm sorry for the mess." Jennie said with such sweetness in her mouth that honey probably couldn't compare. She pushed you back into your swivel chair as she slid off the desk, her hand running down your arm as she crouched down and got on her knees. "It's fine, accidents happen." You reassured her, your legs tensing up as her hip brushed against your left leg and you looked away since the only thing that was out was her ass that was barely covered by the short skirt- her upper body under the desk, the student on all her fours.
You watched the time tick away on the clock that was on the wall, listening to the shuffling under your desk as you tried to not think about it.
"I was thinking..." Jennie trailed off as she never picked up a single pen from the floor and instead got on her knees facing you. You hummed in confusion and looked down at the girl, this time you couldn't even try to hide anything like all the other times as your eyes widened in shock.
"I was thinking, professor that..." Jennie repeated as her hands trailed up to your knees and you were trying to think of what to do when she spread your legs. "We could maybe do an exchange instead." The girl suggested, biting her lip and looking up at you through her lashes with innocent, but suggestive eyes as her hands ran up your legs slowly.
"Miss Kim- what...come on, get up." You tried, being at a loss for words because of what was happening right now because you would never think that something like this would happen to you out of all the people in the world. You grabbed her hands to try and stop her, but she gripped onto your thighs.
"It could be a one-time thing...or more than just once as long as my grades stay up until I graduate, it doesn't matter," Jennie spoke, her voice sultry, as hot as a scorching July sun, her fingers slipping from under your hands and trailing patterns lightly on your thighs.
You should stand up right now and get her on her feet and get all of these ideas out of her head because it was wrong. It was against all your morals, but something was stopping you. "Kim, I could report you for this and have you expelled." You warned, hoping that would get her up since you couldn't get yourself to do it no matter how wrong it was.
Was it wrong to find her extremely hot? Yes? No?
"I know, but why would you if I let you lend my mouth for good grades...Could be more than just my mouth, professor. Whatever you please and are into." Jennie offered seduction radiating through her whole body and your breathing got heavier. You honestly would push away anyone else, but there was just something special about the girl who annoyed you with her ignorance in your classroom. Was it perhaps that she was the first and only student to ever pay no attention to what you were trying to teach?
"I- I- Jen- Miss Kim." You cursed yourself for stuttering and almost calling her by her first name. Jennie's eyes never left yours as her hands were running up your legs again, this time your eyes betraying you and looking down at her unbuttoned shirt. Your lungs drain off the air at her cleavage in your line of sight.
"Jennie works, babe too...I know some people are into slut, whore and bitch too, I don't mind those either since humiliation is quite arousing don't you think. I find it quite humiliating already how I am on my knees in front of you for better grades." The girl spoke, her fingers running over the bulge that was forming in your pants, her fingers dancing over your clothed dick like ghosts. The dirty words in her beautiful mouth created a knot in your stomach. She smiled brightly at you. "I do have a preference for good girl, princess, or angel since I've always been a good girl, don't you think? On my knees in front of you like a good girl." Your hips bucked the slightest into her hand when she palmed you, sitting between your legs now as if you hadn't pushed her away or said anything that clearly stated that you didn't want her to continue.
You gave the green light. You did not say no to her. You have only stated what the consequences were and she didn't care about them.
"Jen- Miss Kim, this is strictly forbidden and wrong, please get up before someone sees and we both get in trouble." You said, remembering that anyone could just walk in even if most people had already left. Just this position you two were in would get you both in a shit ton of trouble. Jennie smirked and teasingly played with the button of your black pants.
"I locked the door already and there will be no trouble as long as we keep quiet about it...I don't kiss and tell, do you?" Like the idiot that you were for letting this go so far you shook your head, practically glued to the swivel chair as the girl undid your button. "I just want to be your good girl and make you feel good for better grades prof- what would you like me to call you?" Jennie stopped herself from unzipping your pants, looking back up at you wanting to know what you wanted to be addressed as if this was going to happen.
"Mommy? Miss? Professor? Teacher? Maybe you're into daddy? Or just a first-name basis?" Jennie asked with a tilt of her head as she palmed your outline that was now prominent through your pants as just those dirty words and her rubbing on you was enough to get you going. "Y/n- just Y/n is fine or professor." You swallowed, nodding your head and a smile grew on her lips as she went back to looking at your crotch. Her nimble fingers slipped your zipper down and she tugged your pants, lifting your hips so she could get them down just enough.
You watched as she licked her bottom lip, her fingers brushing over your already hard cock. "Do you want me to put it in my mouth?" Jennie asked, looking up at you through her lashes you grabbed hold of her wrist, her fingers getting stopped from bushing over your dick so gently. Jennie pouted slightly and you pushed the swivel chair, the girl gasping as you pulled her up, manhandling her and she felt her underwear sticking to her as she got up on her feet. You stood up, towering over the girl who backed up into the desk until her ass was against it.
"Did you plan this?" You questioned and she leaned back even more as you came closer, reaching behind her and pushing everything aside. Her breath hitched as you grabbed her by her hips and easily lifted her onto the desk, Jennie squirming the slightest at the cold wood under her ass. You weren't stupid, you noticed on the first day what she was trying to do, but you did your best to ignore it since you refused to believe that it was actually happening. "Yes, professor." She answered you with an innocent glint in her eyes as she bit her lower lip again while still looking at you through her lashes and head tilted down.
You reached for her face, grabbing onto her cheeks with your fingers and making her release her lower lip, forcing her to look up at you and Jennie felt the heat course through her whole body all the way to her throbbing clit. "Then you came prepared, didn't you?" She nodded her head at your question, her legs spreading more for you to get even closer, luring you in and dooming you. She reached her hand inside her bra and took out the rectangular blue packet. "I tried my best to guess your size," Jennie mumbled, embarrassed about how she had spent her time staring at your crotch in class, trying to figure out your size before she even thought of this. The girl had always somehow gotten off to you, something about you talking and sounding so smart made her panties wet and her clit to tingle.
You took it from her with a scoff at her words as you let go of her, Jennie's breathing heavy with lust. "So that's what you do during my class?" She inhaled deeply at the question. "Yes...you're the only hot professor on campus and most guys in my classes are...well, you know." Jennie did the limp wrist and you put the pack between your lips and hummed, running your hands along her smooth thighs that felt like silk while you snaked them under her sinfully short skirt. You felt how her legs tensed up around you the slightest as you made it to her underwear, hooking your fingers around them.
Jennie's heart picked up at the thought that she would get fucked by you, her hot professor that was manhandling her on top of the desk. "So you want to be a good girl?" You mumbled with the pack between your lips and she watched as you slowly pulled the underwear down, going down and getting them off her legs, getting the skimpy and drenched underwear of her slick pussy. "I want to be your good girl, professor," Jennie replied and you put the underwear to the side, the girl leaning back onto her palms and spreading her legs for you. "Your good little stress reliever if you want that." She spoke in a humid tone as her short skirt rode up and exposed her glistening pussy, her wetness leaking down onto the wooden desk.
You looked over at her, the buttoned shirt unbuttoned halfway and messed up at the top, showing her white bra and cleavage, her eyes right on you with her legs open, awaiting you eagerly yet patiently to prove that she was a good girl. You had already gone this far so you saw no reason to stop now as you pulled your boxers down, Jennie's eyes instantly going down and looking at your hard cock that was leaking with precum. "A good girl for better grades?" You questioned as you opened the pack and took out the rubber. Jennie hummed, her tone already up an octave from her eagerness and arousal as she watched you pull the condom over your length.
"A good girl for your cock, professor...Grades can be talked about after." Jennie breathed out and reached for your shirt, pulling you to her and between her legs. She did not care about grades right now as she was feeling too needy to think about them. She just wanted to know what it would be like to get fucked by you into the desk. "You're being eager now." You warned, not liking how she pulled onto you and you grabbed her hand that was on your shirt. Jennie let out a gasp as you pushed her down, making her lay on the desk with her back.
"Please...I can take it all just fuck me." Jennie begged with need, feeling your cock against her soaked pussy as you pressed against her. Holding onto her one wrist, her other hand holding onto your shoulder. You hummed at her plea and reached between you two and grabbed hold of your cock.
"You will take it all?" You asked while running your tip between her puffy folds before finding her hole, but not pushing into her yet. "Yes, all, everything, however much you do, I will take it all...I'm a good girl." She let out desperately, making you let out a breathless chuckle at the neediness in her voice. "We will have to see if you're such a good girl then." You breathed out and her grip on your shoulder tightened as you pushed into her, a moan pushing through her lips as her head slumped back against the desk. Jennie tensed up at how you were stretching her out, pushing into her fully, leaving no space between you two.
You groaned while slowly moving in and out of her, Jennie letting out light breaths, feeling how your cock caressed her sopping and throbbing walls. You moved your hands above her head and gripped the edge of the desk, holding onto it to be able and fuck her tight cunt harder. With each thrust, you picked up your pace and went harder. "Fuck, fuck, fuck...Please fuck me harder." Jennie whined, gasping as you didn't hold back at her request, the lewd sounds her pussy was letting out travelled across the big classroom together with her gasps and cries.
"Tell me that I am a good girl...Look how good I am taking you." Jennie moaned out with cries, her back arching at how perfectly you fit into her, her pussy snug and just for you as she so badly wanted to be a good girl. You groaned as her walls squeezed around your cock, her sopping cunt being a tight fit even if she had her legs spread. She gripped onto your shirt and pulled you closer, her chest pressing into you as the desk creaked with a few things falling over from how it was shaken. "You really do take dick like a good girl, don't you." Jennie hummed with a blissful smile with her head thrown back and legs wrapping around your waist and arms around your shoulder, clinging onto you so she would stay in place.
"I want to be your good girl...for you to fuck my little pussy whenever you want to, to fill me up until it's leaking from me and I can't walk." Her breath hit your ear as her mouth was dirty, but so hot.
"You're doing so good right now, you're taking it all so well that I might as well fill you up the next time." Jennie moaned at that, already imagining how it would feel to have you shoot all your cum into her greedy pussy that wanted more.
"Please, I want it all in me, I want to take it all."
You gripped harder onto the desk, feeling how it was all building up in the pit of your stomach. The girl under you moaning with her head thrown back, legs spasming around you, arched back and eyes closed, but mouth agape. Her clit was throbbing and she felt the satisfaction from having her tight and needy cunt filled with your cock. Each stroke was filling her stomach up to her chest with heat, spreading further down to her legs as she was getting close now.
"You look so good while taking cock in your pretty pussy...Fuck you feel good." You moaned at how she clenched more around you, your head falling against her shoulder and you continued to pound her just like she wanted and begged for.
"Touch me, please...I want you to play with my pussy so I can cum." Jennie cried out, feeling so close yet unable to get there without you playing with her throbbing heat that you were pounding into. You moved up, propping yourself up with your forearm beside her head and looking down at the girl, your right hand moved down between you two and you pulled her skirt up more. "Open your mouth." You ordered and she obliged right away, parting her lips just enough for you to stick two fingers in it. Jennie coated them in her spit and you pulled them out of her mouth. Finding it between her thighs with your hand too you found the swollen bundle of nerves with your fingers covered in her spit as lube.
"Oh- oh fuck...Oh my god." Jennie gasped out a moan when you pressed onto her clit, rubbing it with enough pressure to make her legs spasm fully around you and each moan got louder and higher in pitch. You bit down on your lower lip and watched as her brows furrowed and she pushed her chest into you.
"Y/n." Jennie squealed out a moan as she reached her orgasm with heat shooting through her whole body and the way her walls constricted around you while throbbing more than they already were as she continued to whine made you moan as you filled the condom with all your semen. Her breathing was heavy as you stopped rubbing her sensitive clit, Jennie felt the aftershocks of her orgasm and you pushed yourself up with her legs unwrapping from around you.
You hummed and looked down as you pulled out of her, taking a step back and removing the condom, tying it and wrapping it in tissue after taking one out from a pack that was on the desk. Putting it on the desk in the meantime. "Was I a good enough girl?" Jennie hopefully asked as she managed to push herself up to sit, her legs still spread open in front of you as she watched you fix your pants and slump down into the swivel chair. You licked your lips, watching Jennie's gaping hole clench at that with her juices leaking out of her pink pussy.
"Think you might get an A this semester Miss Kim." Jennie grinned at that as she now had a reason to look forward to your classes...Always being up for getting pounded by her hot professor. 
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the0retically · 3 months
Wonderlust #1: One Man’s Trash:
Thoughts below! :)
- The intro is so cool I love this
- The different camera angels??? Holy shit??
- Oh god the voice Charlie is already doing, can’t wait for this character to destroy me emotionally
- This combat is insane oh my god??
- Troy’s dad?? Who is that
- Condi just on the other side is so funny to me like hi Canada man
- Charlie is just truly spitballing and has no thoughts behind it love it
- Damn poor Troy lost the big race
- One more race!
- God Troy is such a jock I love him
- “Thanks to your father” oh?? Hmmm
- He has a fountain and it has the only running water that is Very sus
- Troy has a concussion????? Also may seems sweet and Troy is just so—love him
- Love the repeated “Troy math Troy math”
- Please he’s trying so hard to be cool and prove himself
- “My dad is gonna turn you into a clock?” HUH???
- Poor bizly this npc is cool and Charlie is making him just buzz
- He’s crying :(
- May??
- He lost his sled??
- THE ART!!!!!
- The green screen change!!
- Bizly is so good at descriptions I love his style of dming
- RUNT!!!!
- Oh I love runt so much
- :((((((( the street rats :(((((( I love them
- :( a match lights the dark room I MISS RIPTIDE
- I love uncle threestrings oh my god he’s so cool
- If anything happens to him I’m going to cry
- Also…….runt…??? You’re sick, you ok?
- Runt are you my chronic pain/chronic illness Queen?
- “Use this on your knee twice a day!” UNCLE THREESTRINGS WITH KNEE PAIN !!!!!
- Also love his singing it’s so fun
- This tunnel is cool heist time
- Oof runt is getting pinched to death, girl??
- Runt took it apart!! Love her little artificer girl!
- :(((((( she sees the stars and the moon
- The music is so cool I love this
- “Nothing else you’re just gonna open the door?” BIZLY NO RUNTS CURIOUS
- Uh oh, three loud bangs
- Oh doppler was taken, yikes I don’t think anyone but runt is getting out of this
- Please it’s not even roll initiative it’s just roll to run away
- Runt :(((((
- Tell her what? ………..if they lose people they don’t go after them? Oh god
- Interestingggggggg runt isn’t telling them about the crystal
- OH THE VIBE CHANGE??? Uncle T please there was a tragedy and you’re just playing your banjo
- God runt is just a kid
- Grizz and Bizly laughing about the big circle in the sky and being confused on who put it there please that’s so funny
- Runt isn’t allowed back up there :(
- She was just curious :( give her another chance!! :((((( runt
- oh, she can’t even go there to say hi and show stuff, runt :(((((( my sweet girl I’m so sorry
- “Dude he gets so hyped about the cups” YAY!!!!
- Yeah at least Runt didn’t shit her pants
- Aim sees the rock? Hmmm, runt didn’t you want that to be secret
- …………does this belong to Blink?
- CONDI TIME!!!!! BLINK!!!!!!!!
- I love his design so much
- Gotta love the belts, true Condi design!!!!
- The vixens??
- “She’s looking for you” “aeon’s always looking for me” OH????
- God gram-gram just stealing the box from blink, please??
- PLEASE???? She just makes him do side quests????? That’s so funny
- BIZLYS FACE BROKE ME “if I was reasonable person I would never” “but you will :D cause you’re not reasonable are you!” Just the soft smile, it’s so funny to me
- Please granny trying so hard to make blink and aeon friends again AHHHHH AEON’S HERE
- “An iron fist huh? Actually it’s leather, gets the job done” AHHHH HELLO??
- HELLO AEON! She’s so pretty!!
- “Was it the street rats?” “Shut your fucking mouth!” PLEASE
- :((((( blink doesn’t have a house
- “What do I get out of this” “a warm feeling in your heart?” This is such a cool dynamic I love this
- Oh god she punches Blink??
- The art!!!!! Troy just chasing Blink????? Oh my god??? “Don’t play hard to get with me, I’ll fucking catch you!” WHAT?
- He just sleds after him oh my god??????
- “What is your costume made out of” TROY PLEASE????
- “There’s no need to be such a freak” TROY?????
- He thinks it’s a convention??????
- “Is that like a slur?” TROY OH MY GOD?????
- Not Troy telling Blink that they need a hole to throw their trash down???? Oh my god??? That’s crazy
- “I don’t know I’m not supposed to tell you!” Troy?? What do you mean by that?
- Troy with a concussion!!!!! He’s just like me!! “I’ll protect a worse one and that’ll undo it” I—
- Troy just thinking that Blink is in character is so funny
- “Dude hey, you look stressed” Troy please??
- “No one’s chasing you, no one’s sticking with you because they may have ulterior motives!” Troy, baby boy, you’re dumb
- Ok so Troy may have already been with the vixens?? Or it’s something else I don’t know? Or it’s just him wanting to get back up
- The imagery is so clear I love it I can see these characters and where they are
- Please they just made up random ass names for themselves
- Troy my guy be better
- “I will crush 30 of these I won’t even blink…oh sorry” TROY OH MY GOD
- Environmentalist activist blink! Let’s go!
- “I’m gonna be Frank” “WHO THE FUCK IS FRANK?” Oh my god
- PLEASE TROY IS SO FUNNY???? He’s a jock that just is so incredibly dumb
- Oop Troy with daddy issues
- I—Charlie is just so lost in Troy right now
- “You know sometimes I think about guys!” TROY????
- Troy stop talking pleaseeeee
- Oh god blink just running away with troy
- Bizly is rolling so badly this session oh my god
- “A blunt arrow comes whizzing by your head” “a blunt what? I smoke it” HUH?
- How are they even doing this??
- “You definitely don’t make it 30 feet up” “well to me it feels like that!”
- “I lost this cast iron a couple years ago” TROY?????
- A NAT 1 AND A NAT 20 OH MY GOD????
- Graphite seems cool!
- Troy peak adhd boy, love him
- “You just say things don’t you?” “….Troy”
- I miss runt
- ohhhhh blink was in the apothecary before
- She’s been tailing them!!
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tasteofthedivine93 · 5 months
Things about the production of Sleep Token songs that make me happy and are *chefs kiss*:
The evil laugh and scream in Alkaline
The heartbeat and chewing in Vore
The rain in Atlantic
The voices / glitching at the end of The Night Does Not Belong to God
The jazz lounge / coffee shop background noise in Aqua Regia
The animal noises and growl in TMBTE
The beeping watch in Gods
The crying at the end of Blood Sport
The doppler heartbeat sound in Telemores
The rain in Rain
The distorted voice in The Summoning middle section (someone somewhere said they think it's a clip from Halo)
The breathe at the end of Chokehold
The glitch on "Night" in The Apparition
The glitch on "glitches" on Ascensionism
The distortion at the end of Missing Limbs
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tbgblr2 · 1 year
Jane's Birth - Part 2
Jane’s pushing contractions this time were different - coming less frequently but lasting longer. She needed to get up and move, so Jo and I helped her sit up straight.
Her supposedly half-deflated belly rested on her lap, though our surprise baby was still making it big and round. She grabbed the sides of her belly and felt around “I cannot believe there is another baby in there,”
“I’ve seen it happen before - it’s wild!” Jo said “let’s stand and get some vitals on you.”
She checks Jane’s blood pressure and temperature while Claire finds the baby’s heartbeat with her handheld Doppler. The familiar swish-swish sound of the heartbeat filled the room, and Jane notices that I suddenly relax, not sure what made me tense up so much.
Jane is stood leaning against me, gently rocking her hips side to side in an effort to get this baby down lower in her pelvis so she could push again. The next contraction came without warning and she just leans into my shoulder, moaning and rubbing her belly.
“Do you feel pushy?” Jo asked. Jane shakes her head no. Though she does say she feels a little cold. Jane works her way through this contraction as I get Jo to support her, and head off to find her comfy robe and put it around her shoulders.
“I want my baby,” she says. Claire hands over our groggy son, who is held against her exposed skin, head supported in her hand, the other hand pulling out her nipple so he could nurse. The baby instinctively faces towards where he needs to and latches on, an “ahh” sound coming from Jane when it happens.
Jane looks exhausted. Her hair is all over the place, she has streaks of blood and vernix down her legs from birthing the previous baby, and she says something about questioning if she has the strength to deliver again. I hug her close, sandwiching the baby between us which proceeds to wriggle at the unexpected confines around its body.
Jane has never really stopped moving, her hips are swaying as we cuddle. My hand reaches down to her hip and go with her flow.
She sighs to the room in general “I’m exhausted, but I don’t want this to end… I’ve felt so womanly… powerful” – she suddenly winces as the contraction picks up. Weakly she adds “but I’ll not miss those”
Claire chuckles “yeah I can’t wait… I see this happening nearly every single day of the week… I’ve seen new mums, experienced mums, shouters, screamers, moaners, silent mums, you name it… but it always makes me wonder how me and Chris will handle ourselves when it all kicks off”
Jane smiles “you’ll do fine… I’m sure your mum will keep you right.” She puffs out her cheeks at the passing of the contraction. “The breastfeeding is helping babe… things are picking up again.” She opens her stance a bit more, shuffling your feet apart.
My hand explores her body, running from her hips up to her belly, squeezing her own hand in the route. I rest momentarily on her hip again then run my hand around to her ass where I squeeze “be strong for me Janey… you’ve done so much now we’re nearly at the end”
Suddenly she gasps and lowers herself into a squat as the contraction builds “I can feel it moving down” – I follow her movements and support her. Our surprise twin puts pressure on her hips and cervix. Claire reacts, taking the baby as Jane hands it over, Jane said she needed to stand and move around with this contraction.
Jane takes in some deep breaths and just loses herself in the contraction. She’s moved over to the bed and holding on to the bedpost, bent over in a half squat breathing through the contraction. She’s humming low, rocking her hips gently.
“Mmmmmmmm …mmmmm come on baby,” she mumbles. Jo sneaks in to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. She nods with satisfaction and steps away, to allow Jane to continue with her own pace. Jane’s belly is sitting low, bulging forward. She yells something about pressure and with a loud pop, her water breaks and Baby B is pressing against her cervix.
“I have to puuuuuush,” Jane says moaning and grunting. She falls deeper into a squat instinctually and pushes but the baby doesn’t move. She wails out saying so, and complains that she thought this would be easier the second time around. Jo offers her some encouragement and explains that each birth is different, no matter how you think things should happen, nature has a way to make it unusual. She was best off just going with the flow and surrendering her body to what it wants to do, and it would be over sooner than she realised.
Claire shushes the baby, he's fussing around at all the activity which is going on in the room, but she’s obviously well practiced at doing this and soon the baby is sleeping, placed down to rest on the bed in Jane’s eyeline.
I move in behind Jane and start to rub her back as she moans through a contraction, my hands proving some positive stimulation to the point where her moan becomes much less pronounced. Jo moves to kneel down at the foot of the bed watching between Jane’s legs, seeing no sign of the head.
With Jo focusing on the new baby and Claire fussing after the previous baby, my hand cups Jane’s ass and squeezes hard as I lean in and kiss the back of her sweaty head. “Keep it up, you’re doing so well babe”
Jane’s hand flails backwards looking for something to grab. I offer her my hand and she grabs it, squeezing hard. Her eyes are squeezed tight shut and she’s vocalising loudly. Finally the contraction lets up and she opens her eyes as she looks over at Claire, looking apologetic. “Sorry I know this doesn’t exactly help seeing me struggle when you’re so close to doing this yourself…”
“It’s ok,” Claire said, though I did note a hint of nervousness in her voice.
“Jane, sometimes the cervix will close a little between birthing twins. If you’d like I can check you so you aren’t pushing against an incomplete cervix and swelling it up.” Jo said. Jane nods her agreement, and Jo moves around to get into position. Resting one hand on Jane’s knee she slides her fingers inside of her and up to the cervix.
Jane winces in discomfort as Jo feels around where she had just birthed a 10 pound baby and evidently was about to birth another. “Yeah you’re a stretchy 8-9 I’m afraid dear,” she said looking at Jane sympathetically.
“Are you serious?” Jane cried out.
“The good news is that this doesn’t usually last more than a handful of contractions.” Jo offered, encouragingly.
Claire cast an eye over to the baby, making sure he was still asleep with the noise going on in the room, but it seemed he was out like a light.
I try giving soft, reassuring kisses on Jane’s neck but I’ll admit I can feel her frustration building. “Janie, let’s take a pause and refocus and get this baby out, ok? Then we can all settle in for a long rest,” you murmur into her ear. “Let’s get in the tub.”
Claire and Jo take the hint, grabbing the baby who thankfully doesn’t stir, and leave the room to let us have some alone time. I help Jane up, throwing the robe onto the ground and leading her back into the en suite, her half empty belly hanging low as we step into the tub, the water still thankfully warm from before.
Jane Immediately gets close to me and grabs my face to pull it close, kissing me so deeply and passionately that it takes me by surprise. My response was surprisingly quick, the bulge held within my shorts pressing hard against her inner thigh, my cock pulsing as I moan with surprise pleasure.
“Janey…” I say breathlessly. “Shhhh. I need to cum.” She was straight to the point. Penetration was out of the question as her waters had broken, but the rest is all on the table.
My hands move down to hold and rub her gravid belly. “I can’t believe there’s another one in there,” I say with a hint of amusement in my voice.
“Neither can I. I can’t wait to have so many more of your babies,” she says back, her breath ragged. “I need big contractions and a big orgasm to push this one out,” she adds. Her hands move from my face to her swollen tits, where she begins to rub and pull at her nipples.
My right hand goes from her belly to her clit where I begin to rub and pinch. Jane helps by swaying her hips against my hand. Shes definitely working on getting to an intense orgasm.
“Mmmm keep going baby,” she says. Her belly begins to harden and pull up as she feels a contraction building. “Don’t stop.”
“Are you having a contraction?” I ask.
“Yes. Do not stop rubbing my clit,” she barks out a command. She leans over a little still twisting her nipples and breathes with this contraction. She moans as it builds.
“That’s it breathe baby, breathe through it.” I offer encouragement.
“Haaa haaa haaa haaa” She breathes rhythmically as the contraction grips her belly.
“Atta girl, keep going.”
“Ahhhh ahhhh come on baby ahhhhhh ahhh ahhha,” she pants again.
“Cum for me honey,” I say as I feel my cock getting even harder.
“When this passes I need it in my ass. Cum in my ass” Jane sounds almost like shes begging.
“Anything you wish baby” I say back.
Jane takes the last cleansing breath of the contraction and between us, she gets out of the bath and gets on all fours. Her legs were spread, her belly hanging low, her ass was high as she could manage. I whip off my shorts and rub my precum coated cock all over the area, starting to slowly enter her ass. She is so tight I end up letting out a loud grunt myself as I slowly slip into the waiting tunnel.
“Fuck me. Janey you are so tight.” She was hoping that the counter pressure would help open her cervix – or at least induce an orgasm powerful enough that her body would do what came naturally last time.
“I need your cum,” she begged as she pushed her ass back onto me. We started to slip back and forth, slow and deliberate movements, each fraction of an inch felt by both parties.
“You want my cum? I’m gonna give you my cum but I need you to push out my baby like a good little knocked up girl ok?” I give a command of my own. My right hand spanks Jane’s ass, knowing shes enjoyed that plenty of times in the past.
“That’s it baby, harder. I need you to have a contraction,” I say. “Rub those nipples hard Janey. I need you to push my baby out.”
She rests her weight on one hand and uses the other to pull a nipple hard to bring on another contraction.
“Is that a contraction building? Don’t push yet. I want to cum in you during your contraction,” I groan out, my own climax drawing nearer and nearer.
“Mmm hmmmm” Jane mumbles, lost in the moment.
“Again? What’s that?”
“Yes,” she manages, her eyes closed, her mouth released momentarily from biting her bottom lip.
“Good girl,”
I lean over to hold her belly to feel for a contraction. Its evident when its got her in its throes. “Be ready” is all I can say, my own voice somewhere between a pant and a growl at this stage.
“Ok!” She manages as she holds her breath to try and deal with the contraction.
“I’m gonna cum” I declare, gripping her belly tighter and pushing my cock in deeper “no pushing Jane. No pushing.”
“Come on and CUM,” she wails, unable to process anything other than the strong contraction gripping her midsection.
“I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum. Fuckkkkk” I almost chant at this stage.
“Ugh YES,” Jane exclaims, feeling the thick ropes of cum launched deep into her, my cock twitching as it spurts.
“No pushing babe. No pushing you are doing so good.” I say as my cock finishes spilling out its load.
“I’m gonna have to puuuuush” she wails. “The head won’t wait any more, it needs to come out!”
I spring up from the floor and pull on my shorts calling in the ladies. Jane is a panting mess - Jo and Claire come in and see her in that state.
“Oh love you are ready to deliver” Jo said. “Let’s get you up and to somewhere more comfortable.”
Between us, we get Jane up and dried off. “Ok Janey, we’re gonna have you try a new position so we can get this baby out in a few pushes.” Jo says. All Jane can do is nod as she’s lead back into the bedroom to see a new piece of equipment the ladies have brought in – a chair.
“Claire is going to sit here and you’ll sit facing Claire with your feet on the floor to get you in a deep, supported squat.”
Claire grabs a towel and drapes it over the front of her clothing, moving into position on the seat. for Jane to lean against. She squats down between Claire’s legs, her arms on Claire’s thighs and her head resting on Claire’s own bump.
“We are going to be behind you to catch,” Jo says.
“You ok?” Claire asks.
“I am“ Jane says, still bouncing a little on her haunches. Claire grabs her hands and holds on to them.
“Ok good let’s deliver this baby,” Claire says.
“I just am waiting for a contraction,” I say. Jo reaches in from behind Jane and wraps her hands around her inside of Claire’s knees, grabbing both nipples. The unexpected stimulation has the desired effect as Jane lets out a yell as a contraction rapidly starts. Jo moves away to let me in.
“Ok let’s push Janey.” Jane registers my voice from behind her. She feels my hands cupping her pussy and instantly I feel her crotch begin to move as she does so.
Claire is encouraging and supportive, telling Jane to keep bearing down.
Jo slides a mirror down underneath Jane so she can see the view of my hands and her pussy as she works, staring down at the floor.
“Rub my clit,” Jane says, not caring now if the two other women hear it.
My hand slides across her wet pussy and my expert fingers press hard against her engorged clit.
“Fuuuuccckkkkk,” She moans loudly.
“Keep going, use that contraction Jane” Jo encourages.
Jane gasps, clear that the contraction has run its course. My fingers felt the outline of the babys head from between Jane’s legs as she pushed, but it retreated once she let up.
Jo and Claire both offer encouragement and tell her to push when her body tells her to. “When it comes, deep breath in and give me a good push.”
From behind Jane, I announce “I want you to let go and cum. I need you to cum on my hand and then push, ok?”
Jane nods, squeezing her hands tightly to Claire’s. “Fuck babe I’m so close,”
As the next pain began to grip Jane’s belly, she squats deeper, pressing her body harder into my hands. I feel her lips part again and the slick bulge of the head gathers in my outstretched hands.
“That’s it. Good girl.” I chant encouragement as I feel the head move further out.
“It’s stretching me so wide” Jane’s voice bellows out from between Claire’s legs.
“Let’s deliver this baby now Jane. PUSH!” Jo exclaims.
Jane takes in a deep breath and blows it out as her entire body shakes with the effort.
Jane takes in another breath to push. “Cum Jane,” I growl into her ear.
“Oh fuck!” she screams. Her nipples are now dribbling milk, her clit hardens under my hand and she feels my hot breath against the back of her neck. “Good girl. Good girl. Keep cumming.” I say.
Jane pushed like a woman possessed, shouting “COME!” really loud with each push.
“That’s it Jane you’re crowning,” Claire says, looking down at the mirror.
“Come on babe. Push. Big push.” I offer, doing my best to keep her motivated.
Jane bears down as her pussy is stretched to its limit. Suddenly she screams “COME! COME!” and the head is out, born into my waiting hands.
Two more pants and she pushes down again with the same contraction. “Good girl. Push.” I say “one more push! Push, baby push,” I exclaim excitedly.
Jane lets out a huge grunt and suddenly the surprise twin drops into my waiting hands with its accompanying splash of fluid. I pass the baby under Jane between her legs leaving it on the floor as he heaving breaths process the last few minutes. She looks down as she’s lowered to the floor.
“It’s a girl. You gave me a girl,” she says, almost giddy with joy, leaning back into me and turning her head to kiss me.
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ladylooch · 1 month
Best Thing I’ll Ever Do - Lio x Savannah (Part 5)
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A/N: All I have to say about this one is I hope you love it as much as me. It had EVERYTHING we all wanted 🥹
Welcome to the world, Gracie Meier.
ICYMI: Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4
Word Count: 4.5k
At 6 in the morning, Lio Meier watches his wife from the dark shadows of their condo hallway. Savannah is standing at the kitchen island, watching the sunrise over the East Coast. One hand rests on the bottom of her big belly and the other rests on the counter in front of her. The grey quartz helps cools her warm palm so she can bring it to her chest, placing it there to offer some grounding. 
Today is the day their daughter will enter the world, in her own time, as predicted. Savannah was scheduled to be induced tomorrow, on her due date, but his wife already knows their daughter. She predicted there was no way Gracie was going to be told when to come into the world, so she would be choosing today. 
Lio loves watching her parental instincts kick in. He can't wait for that to happen with his own.
Savannah smiles as her hands move to her belly, focusing on her breathing with big puffed out lips. Her eyebrows lower in concentration. She tilts her face down, watching her muscles tighten while she sways side to side, legs spread wide for a steady base. Lio pushes off from resting against the wall, feigning a yawn as he steps out into the living room. 
“What are you grinning at so early?” Lio asks. He squints at her across the room, one eye open the other shut tight in protest of the growing sunlight.
“She’s coming, Lee.” Savannah murmurs. Both his eyes are open now, glittering in excitement.
“Should we go?” He wonders.
“No, it’s not time yet. I will let you know.”
Lio nods, scratching at the slight beard he has growing on his cheeks. He yawns, coming behind her to cup her big bump.
“Gonna miss this.”
Savannah sighs, stroking her fingers down his forearms to rest between the spaces of his spread fingers. She sways them gently, then closes her eyes, feeling the next contraction coming. Lio holds her through it, kissing along her shoulder encouragingly. 
“You’re incredible.” He reminds her. 
“I can’t believe we are here.” She whispers to him. Her fingers crawl up his arm, going to the back of his neck to hold their heads together. 
“We made it, mama.”
“Like you knew we would.”
Savannah’s anxieties around pregnancy did not disappear after that first ultrasound. She kept waking up with night terrors, clutching her belly while sobbing that she was going to lose it. This was a trying time for them. Lio didn’t quite know what to do with his wife. On the one hand, he understood exactly why this was so hard for her. On the other, he couldn’t understand why she wasn’t leaning into the miracle this all was. The way this was their destiny, to be parents to their miracle girl.
Apprehensive about her mental health, Lio didn’t talk those things through with his wife. He talked them through with Connor and his dad. Both men listened and offered support where they could. It was Connor who really helped Lio figure out what to do for her though.
“Think about the dark days of your concussion, if there was a way that you could have known your brain was okay, that you were going to heal, you would have wanted that, right? What could that be for her in this moment?”
It took Lio a little bit of thinking, but then a brilliant idea popped into his head: A fetal doppler. He bought one online and had it at the house within a week. When Savannah had her next night terror, her and Lio listened to the baby’s heartbeat fill their room, a strong reminder that she was there and growing within mama’s womb.
The most important tool was the mental health work both him and Savannah have stayed committed to with this pregnancy. They go to therapy separately still, but did schedule a few counseling sessions together with a neutral therapist in the beginning. This was a big life change, one Lio had said countless times he didn’t want. Savannah had to be sure this new direction was truly okay with him. Their therapist helped guide their conversations to express their true feelings and emotions, bringing them closer together than ever.
Little things also started to turn Savannah’s anxieties into excitement. She kept growing, out of all the clothes she had in her closet and got to go shopping with Lucie for maternity clothes. They got to tell her parents and his parents about their surprise news! Her and Lio’s cousin, Mack, are pregnant at the same time and Savannah has loved having someone to commiserate with. Savannah and Lio bought baby books and started clearing out their spare room to begin buying baby furniture. Savannah had three different baby showers- one with the Meiers, one with her family, and one with her closest, influencer friends. Her and their baby girl have been showered with so much love, that it healed Savannah down to her core.
By the time she got into the third trimester, it was real and wonderful. Savannah and Lio connected deeply. They disappeared into their little world, waiting impatiently for the day when their daughter would arrive. The two soon to be parents became even more impatient after Mack and David welcomed their son a few weeks earlier. The clock has been ticking, all eyes on Savannah. Yesterday morning, she told Lio she felt different. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something was shifting in her. She could sense that this moment was close.
And now it is here. 
Lio inhales deeply, feeling himself getting emotional about today being the day.
“Are you ready, Lee? To be someone’s daddy?” She asks, scratching at the hairs on the back of his head. 
“Yes, baby. As ready as I’ll ever be.”
- - -
Lio wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from labor, but he knows it wasn’t this. Savannah had been progressing along well at home, but once they got into the hospital, she stalled significantly. She is currently resisting the idea of Pitocin, not wanting to have to race to the finish line or force their daughter out before she is ready. 
“In her time.” She keeps telling Lio. 
At some point, it won’t be in the baby’s time. It will be in the doctor’s.
Savannah is laying on her side, eyes closed, holding Lio’s hand as she tries to rest for a few moments. She is tired after not getting much sleep the night before. Lio is tired too, but more than anything else he is anxious. He wants this baby out. He wants her in her mama’s arms, where he can get eyes and hands on her- finally. His fingers twitch on his other hand. His leg begins to bounce up and down with jittery energy he can’t seem to expel fast enough. 
“Go take a walk.” Savannah says, releasing his hand. Her eyes remain closed. 
“Am I annoying you?” He chuckles.
“Yes.” She responds pointedly.
He knows when he isn’t wanted. This is their journey, but her birth experience. So, he trolls up and down the hallway. Every time he passes her room, he peeks in, still seeing her on her side in the dark. After his fifteenth pass down the hallway, he pulls his phone out, responding to Lucie’s text.
Send us updates when you can!
Still nothing.
Stubborn. Like her father 🙄 Do you need anything?
It runs in the family. No we are good.
Your sister is perfect? I think it’s just you, bud.
Liv wouldn’t know. She takes after the Hischiers. Lio smirks. Lucie’ll love that. He glances to the left into Savannah’s room. She is sitting up, looking uncomfortable. He shoves his phone back into his pocket, going to her side.
“How we doing?”
“Things are starting to happen, I think.” She has both hands on her belly, rubbing her sides as the monitor picks up the rapid beating of the baby’s heartbeat. “I’m hot.” She complains. Lio pulls the blanket off of her, then collects her hair back into a clip again. “Better.” She sighs, relaxing as her contraction ends.
From there, everything progresses a lot faster. Savannah starts to experience intensifying pain and wants to get her epidural. Lio holds her hands and keeps her distracted through the procedure as she anxiously rubs his knuckles. 
“Doing so good.” He whispers encouragingly. She nods, focusing in on her intentional breathing.
Savannah is an absolute warrior from this point on; It’s Lio that starts to struggle. The baby’s heartbeat keeps doing weird things as she progresses into the birth canal. Savannah knows all the questions to ask and seems assured with the answers they receive. Lio can’t help but feel like something is wrong with the baby. The care team soothes them more, assuring the new parents everything is in order. Savannah takes this with confidence but Lio grows quiet. 
“You okay?” Savannah asks him at one point. 
“Um, I’m nervous.” 
“Yeah, I know. Me too.” She assures him. 
“I want her out.” 
“Me too.” Savannah agrees, chuckling. The drugs are making her experience a lot easier than it was an hour ago. “What would help?”
“Don’t worry about me.” Lio sits up, giving her an encouraging kiss. “I’m gonna grab you some more ice chips.”
“Okay.” She smiles, knowingly. He needs to walk again. 
On his walk down to the machine, he pulls his phone out again, texting Lucie.
Can you come? Just sit in the lobby so I know you’re here?
Yes! She responds immediately. 
Twenty minutes later, as Savannah is about to start pushing, his phone buzzes on the table.
We are here for Team Meier! She says, sending a picture of her and Connor in the lobby. He smiles, showing his wife.
“I asked them to come.” He fills her in.
“Great idea... Why do I feel so much better knowing they’re here?” She asks her husband.
“Because they’ve done this twice. I don’t know that’s how I felt.” But also, he couldn’t really imagine having this moment with his two best friends close by.
The energy in the room shifts considerably when Savannah begins to push. Gone is the quiet glow of laboring and in it’s place is the determination of an entire team to get this baby Earth side. Even Lio’s nerves subside. He feels like it’s the third period, defending a lead, focused in on the end goal which is so much more than a regulation win. 
Instead, it’s the bridge to the rest of their lives: being a parent.
Lio holds Savannah’s left leg in his hand, the other gripping her hand with every push. He rubs his fingers over her wedding rings soothingly, pressing into the prongs holding her diamonds in place to keep himself centered on their love. Savannah is doing really well, getting compliments on her pushes from the nurses and doctors. 
“First time mama is rocking this!” Dr. Barnes cheers.
Lio’s curiosity has him leaning a little farther to his left with each push Savannah has.
“Oh we are so close.” Dr. Barnes grins.
Lio can’t resist. He has to look. He tilts his head around and down, gasping at the head full of hair he can clearly see. He gapes at his wife who laughs at his wide eyes.
“Oh babe! Do that again! She just came out a little more.” Lio exclaims at her laughter. “Wait is this okay?” He asks Savannah as she exhales heavily, looking away quickly.
“Yes.” She nods, determination pinching her forehead. Lio never would have envisioned this for himself. He even howled out a ‘hell no’ when Connor asked if he was going to watch. But something about this room and this experience is changing everything for Lio.
He watches every single second of his daughter’s birth from that point on. Her head comes out, filled with light brown hair, then they maneuver her little shoulders out. The rest of her flies out after that. He gazes in complete awe as they lift her over Savannah’s belly and put her on her mama’s chest. Towels go over her bare body as Lio’s eyes blur with tears.
She is here.
“Hi mom and dad!” Dr. Barnes squeals over the baby’s screaming. “I’m here! I’m really here!” 
“Oh my god.” Savannah sobs. “She’s here! Lee, she’s here! I love you, baby. So much.” 
Lio can’t speak. Everything is different. He is being reborn in this very moment where he stands in a New Jersey hospital. A strangled sob clogs his throat. He exhales heavily then gets his hands on his girls as fast as they will move. He stares at his wife, drinking in every movement of her face as she looks down at the baby they fought like hell for, not even realizing they were half the time. 
“Babe…” Lio whispers, getting her attention. She looks at him, blue eyes wild, blonde hair whisping out of her claw clip. “I…” He wishes he had the words to describe anything about what he feels in his soul right now. The love he has for her. The love he has for their daughter. How he will never, ever let anything happen to them. But it comes out only in three words: “I love you.”
“I love you.” She repeats back to him. 
Then, he turns to his daughter, who has rearranged the entire universe around herself in a nanosecond. Lio has been acting like a father since the moment he suspected Savannah may be pregnant, but now in this moment he gets to be one.
He gets to be hers.
“Hi Gracie. I love you." Lio says, rubbing his fingers along the feet that used to kick his mouth when he kissed Savannah’s belly. Having her skin against his turns Lio’s insides electric. He grins, running his hand up her little body to collect over his wife’s hand on her back. Their fingers fold together. Savannah looks up at him, a million different emotions going across her face.
All Lio can manage is to kiss her again while they hold their daughter.
As soon as Lio gets the chance to step away, he comes out to the lobby to look for his best friends. He immediately sees Lucie and Connor, leaning into each other, watching something on Connor’s phone. Lucie sees him first, eyes drifting up from the small screen. She shoots up, grinning as Lio comes closer.
“She’s here.” He sighs.
“YES!” Lucie squeals, jumping up and down. She launches into Lio’s arms, who picks her up and spins her around. “Is she perfect!? Oh Lee, she’s perfect isn’t she!?!?!” Lucie asks when he puts her back on her feet.
“Completely.” He murmurs. 
“I’m so proud of you.” Connor clasps Lio on the back as they hug tightly. “Welcome to the girl dad club, buddy.”
“It's an honor to be a member." He responds incredulously. "Thank you for coming. It helped us both.” 
“Good. We are happy to do our part. Ignore the texts we sent you about it taking too long.” Lio chuckles.
“I haven’t even checked my phone.”
“Scroll right past Connor’s comments about a grill.”
“What?” Lio asks, confused.
“The sign over there says I can’t bring in a grill. Who did that? Who brought in a fucking grill into the hospital that they had to call that out on a sign?”
“Probably weirdos like you.” She slaps his stomach. “I’m so hungry.” She mocks her husband. “That’s all I heard during Winnie’s birth. Like I hadn’t eaten in 18 hours, but sure buddy. Tell me more about your hunger pains.” Connor frowns.
“Why are you harping on me? I brought you a boat of sushi after that.”
“And ate three quarters of it. So what’s your daughter’s name?” Lucie asks, turning the conversation away from them.
“GRACIE!!!!!” Lucie squeals. “Oh my god that is so perfect.” She sighs dreamily,
“Everything about her is perfect. You should come meet her.”
They both noticeably perk up.
“Wait, are you sure? We definitely don’t expect that you’re ready for visitors.”
“Yes, we all are. Sav wants to see you.” 
“Okay.” Lucie says, clutching her throat. “Oh my god, I’m already crying.” She hiccups as they start to walk down the hallway. Lio throws his arm over her shoulders. Lucie squeezes herself into his side. Connor trails behind, allowing them their moment of celebration together. 
Lio and Lucie get to the doorway of the room, where Lio breaks away to check that Savannah is ready. Then he comes back around the curtain, pushing it back so they can enter. Lucie gasps at the baby bundled up in the hospital blanket.
“Hi! Oh my god.” She sobs losing it completely as she comes to hug Savannah. “How are you? Look at this perfect little peach you made! I’m sorry we don’t have flowers or balloons or anything. We didn’t think we would see you. It’s all at home.”
“Don’t worry about it. We are so glad you’re here. Say hi to Auntie Luc, Gracie.” 
“An aunt twice in under a month. You and Mack are killing me.” Lucie sighs, collecting Gracie from Savannah’s hands after washing hers. She curls the baby into her chest, looking down at the best new addition. Lio watches with Connor from across the room, smiling with pride as his ride or die holds onto his whole world. 
“This is the best thing you have ever done for me.” Lucie sniffs to her cousin.
“Makes you want another huh?” Connor asks.
“No, shut up.” Lucie snaps. Savannah laughs. 
“You were right. This shit is hard.”
“I know, but haven’t you already kind of forgotten?” Lucie smirks at her.
‘“Yeah… what is that?”
“Hormones. Get ready for the ride of your life girl.” Lucie shakes her head. “But honestly, it’s so amazing. This time goes so fast. Soak it all in. Every little noise and movement and new milestone. Everyone will tell you this and you have to know it goes even faster than they say.” Lucie murmurs as she strokes the peach fuzz on Gracie's face. “Wow, Sav, I don’t think you have anything on this baby. She looks like Livy!” 
Lio grins across the room when Lucie says that because he thought the same thing when he saw her.
“Your parents are gonna die when they see her.” 
Lio calls his parents later that night to introduce them to Gracie, then requests for them to come to the hospital the following day to meet her in person. Connor and Lucie were enough visitors for the first day. After ending the call with his parents, he rotates through his siblings and his cousins, including Mack and David who put her barely older cousin on the screen so he can say hi too. He sleeps through the whole thing. But it's nice that Lio and Mack finally have something to bond over.
The rest of the night is filled with diaper changes, feedings, burping, and learning how to take care of a newborn for both Lio and Savannah. Everything that happens, they try to do as a team. It’s surprisingly fun to be figuring it out together. 
The next morning, Savannah takes another shower and puts on some make up to feel a little more human. She sheds the weird billowing hospital gown and slides into soft, forgiving pajamas that Lucie had recommended. Lio steps out to grab some coffee for the two of them, then comes back with a few pastries for Savannah to choose from. They eat together, staring down at Gracie nursing while falling back asleep.
Lio’s phone buzzing on the tray have them both startling out of their baby trance.
“Oh maybe your parents are here?”
“I think so.” He says, looking at his phone to see his mom’s text. “I'm going to go grab them from the lobby.” He responds. He kisses her- long and proud- then does the same to Gracie’s dark hair. “I love you.” He tells both his girls. Then he heads out of the room.
He rushes a hand through his hair, blinking away the grit he feels in his blue eyes. Since they arrived here, everything has been a total blur. His feet practically float along the bright tile of the hospital as he follows the signs to the lobby. He stretches his shoulders and neck, then pushes through the doors. The lobby is relatively quiet for a Monday, but it spreads across both sides of the walkway. He looks left, not seeing them.
“Lee! Baby!” He hears his mom to his right. He turns, seeing her launch out of her chair. Her hand is still tightly gripping his dad’s as he stands too. 
“I have a daughter.” He says with a relieved sigh and smile. Last time he saw them, he didn’t have a daughter. They had weeks to go and no name for her yet.
“Yay!” Emma cheers, tears building in her brown eyes. She opens her arms, collecting her first baby into her arms. Lio breathes in the scent of her flower perfume beneath his nose. “Congratulations, Lio.” Her hand falls to the back of his head. He feels his dad’s hand press into the middle of his shoulders so both his parents are hugging him. Lio’s hands tighten around his mom, feeling extremely emotional. Hot tears leak from his lashes as they stay there, huddled together in a bundle of love. 
“We are so proud of you.” Timo murmurs, rubbing Lio’s back over his shirt.
“Thank you. But it was all her.” He says, speaking of his wife.
“How is she?”
“Good. She did so good, mama. Soooo good. Like she was made for that moment.” He says, pulling away from the hug. He moves to his dad, hugging him just as tightly as he did his mom. He is so grateful his parents are here.
“Love you.” He sighs to his dad, letting his face fall to his shoulder for a moment. 
“I love you so much, Lio. I’m so happy you get to know what this feels like.” The older Meier tells him.
“I get it.” He pulls away. He grabs his mom’s hand so she is part of this too. “ I completely understand what it feels like now to want to do anything in your power to protect your kid. I’ve known her less than a day, but I’d die for her. Everything is about her. I get it.”
Timo wraps an arm around his wife, who tangles her fingers in his hanging off her shoulder. There were so many moments Lio’s parents worried about their missteps with him. He was the first, a total surprise when they were nowhere near ready. They certainly stumbled while raising him, but looking at the man he is now, despite those things, has both of them feeling an immense amount of pride for their boy.
“That’s all you need to know about being a father. You learned it all in a day.” Timo jokes.
“No, I have a lot to learn. Hopefully you can teach me some things.” Lio says. “Wanna learn from the best.”
“You better call Uncle Neeks.” Timo smiles, slightly teary at the compliment. 
“We all see how Lucie turned out…” Lio chuckles. “Don’t tell her I said that.” He says immediately. “Do you want to meet your granddaughter?”
Both his parents nod excitedly. Together they walk back to Savannah’s room. She looks up happily when the three of them walk in. 
“Hi honey!” Emma exclaims to Savannah. She completely ignores the baby, checking in only with mama right away. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good. Drunk on the craziest love I’ve ever felt.” Emma grins.
“Bless the hormones that make you forget.” Emma shakes her head. “Congratulations, sweetheart. We love you so much and are so proud of you. You have handled this really hard journey with such grace.” Emma winks.
“Thank you.” Savannah smiles. “She was so worth it all.” Lio comes around to the other side of the bed from his mom so he can sit with his wife. 
“So this is Livia Meier 2.0.” Lio chuckles as Gracie is transferred to his mom’s arms from Savannah. “Watch her head.”
“Lio.” Emma laughs heartily. “I have four of these, baby. I know what I’m doing.” Emma’s eye’s drift down. “Oh wow, Livy through and through.” Emma murmurs, stroking her granddaughter’s cheek. “Hi baby. You are incredibly loved.” 
Timo comes to sit next to his wife on the bed. He glides a hand under her arm to hold their granddaughter together. It isn’t long before eyes are misting all over the room. 
The happiness Gracie is bringing to their family is already blossoming into a garden of joy they want to lay in forever. 
- - - 
Two days later, Lio jogs out of the hospital, scanning the attached parking lot for his car. Where did he park it? It’s all fuzzy from when he dropped Savannah off. He shields his eyes from the sun, walking to the left. He is pretty sure he came in from this direction. Eventually, he finds the SUV sitting alone towards the back of the parking lot. Things were a lot busier here during the weekend. 
He climbs into the back seat, then pulls the car around to stop in front of Savannah in a wheelchair. A nurse sits with her and Gracie who is already strapped into her car seat. Savannah stands up as Lio hustles out of the car. 
“Have a safe ride home!” The nurse cheers, then heads back into the sliding glass doors. 
“Home.” Savannah grins. They are both so excited to bring Gracie home and leave the hospital life behind. Sure, they both got a little freaked out earlier this morning, but then seconds dragged on until the staff came in with her and Gracie’s discharge paperwork. By the time they were signing everything, Lio was already pulling his keys out of his pocket to grab the car.
“You ready, baby?��� He asks Gracie. She’s passed out, little lips puffed in a pout as she sleeps. “Yeah you are.” He answers for her.
Lio carefully locks Gracie’s car seat in place, double checking the straps on her chest a tenth time. Savannah slides into the other side of the backseat. She reaches for Lio’s hand on the straps. He pauses, seeing the tears on her cheeks. He smiles, leaning across their daughter to kiss his wife. 
“Let’s go home with our girl.” He mumbles into their kiss. 
Lio’s black Mercedes crawls down the New Jersey interstate the few miles back to their building. He has one hand on the wheel, the other on Savannah’s calf in the back seat. 
Savannah can’t see him clearly, but she suspects and confirms when the car stops: Lio cried the whole way home.
Sometimes Lio wishes he could go back to that devastated morning waking up in Switzerland after losing everything over a false alarm pregnancy. He wants to be able to tell himself it is all going to work out, that him and Savannah will find a way back to each other and create a perfect life, more fulfilling than he was even capable of dreaming about then.
But as he watches his wife adjust their daughter’s hat on her soft head, Lio knows it would be pointless.
Nothing about their current chapter would have been comprehendible to him then. 
He had to live it all to believe it.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Outer My Mind // Rhett Abbott
Prologue: (Mrs Forgettable) Losing a child is always, always a hard challenge to overcome. But what’s worst than losing a child you never thought you wanted? Losing your best friend to a girl you seriously couldn’t stand. And what’s worse than that you ask? Knowing it was always going to happen.
Warnings: Miscarriage. Rhett Abbott x F!reader. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Friends to lovers. Misguided Feelings.
Word Count: 3.6k
Author Note: Prologue Set Two months before the events of Outer Range.
Outer My Mind Masterlist
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“I’m sorry, Miss Y/l/n—“ For what it was worth, you weren’t even sure if you were ready to be a mother. The reality had kind of been thrust upon you in a whirlwind of uncertainty and unapologetic anger at the prospect that such a life changing, monumental commitment could come from the simple fact you’d fucked up. “I can’t detect a heartbeat.” 
Rhett Abbott had never been good with his emotions. It was something everyone knew about the younger Abbott boy. He didn’t know how to express his feelings besides that of anger and rage. Those two things came to Rhett like the tide went with the cycle of the moon. Forever coming and going, flowing through his veins easier than the adrenaline he chased every time he got on the back of a bull. 
But when five words escaped from your mouth as you looked at the empty ultrasound, listening to nothing but the Doppler loop that should have been your baby’s heartbeat, Rhett turned his head to look at you. He saw your pain as clear as day as you tried to remain as calm and as brave as ever. But for a brief moment Rhett felt something so profound inside him, so deep that his heart ached and his stomach hurt. He begun to mourn someone he never even got the chance to know. He felt for once something other than anger and rage and if he was perfectly honest? Rhett Abbott thought his life had just ended. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no I don’t think you did anything wrong.” Doctor Miller smiled softly as she tried to convey her deepest condolences and sympathies, telling expecting mothers and fathers that they were no longer bringing life into this world was the worst past of her job. “But what I think we should do, after you’ve given yourself some time to recover and grieve your loss together, I think we should schedule you in for some tests.” Doctor Miller explained as she wiped the cool gel from your stomach. “To make sure if you’d like to try again, that you’ll know what to expect and if there’s any extra steps you’ll need to take to give yourself and bubs a better chance.” 
You’d lost your baby. Rhett’s baby. The baby you’d made together one stupid night after a few too many drinks. The baby you weren’t planning or even thought you were ready for. The baby that had consumed your world for the past twelve weeks. The baby that had made Rhett’s heart beat with a little more purpose. 
You’d lost that baby, Rhett’s baby. And you hated yourself for that. 
“Oh, I don’t think I’ll be trying again anytime soon Doctor Miller but thank you for the recommendation.” You took a deep breath as you pushed your shirt down to cover your stomach and sat up on the exam table. “I’ll uh, I’ll call to book those tests in a few weeks.” You faked a painful smile as Rhett placed his hand on the small of your back. A small gesture, but one you accepted. “Thanks for your time Doctor Miller.” You faked another smile, and stood from your place on the extant table, or bed—whatever the hell it was. 
“I’ll take you home.” Rhett mumbled softly out of the corner of his mouth as he walked with you out of the old Amilia County hospital. You’d called Rhett in a fit in the late hours of the afternoon when you’d woken up from a nap with blood between your legs that stained deep into your mattress. “C’mon Rebel, let’s get you home.” 
You were usually so composed and so level headed. But the second Rhett came bursting through the front door after he’d heard you crying out in uttered heartbreak and pain on the other end of the phone, you collapsed into a state of in between. You tumbled into a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. The Greek God Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown. He never intended for humans to fall inside, yet here you were. 
Free falling. 
“Yeah—yeah let’s get me home.” You took it upon yourself to wrap your arm around Rhett’s torso as he kissed the top of your head gently. He’d fill out whatever paperwork needed to be filled out and filed and he’d listen to the nurse explain what pain relief you had to take in order to help things pass. “I just wanna go home.” 
Rhett didn’t know how or what to say to console you, hell he didn’t know what to say to you on a regular day to day basis. You somehow always had him stumbling over his worlds, chasing his tail trying to catch up with your quick witty self. Rhett Abbott was your other half, your best friend, your so it would seem—almost baby daddy. But his heart had always belonged to someone else, that fact had been well known by the entire town of Wabang since you were both sixteen years old. 
But you were little Y/n Rebel Y/l/n, from the Ranch on the boarding south west paddock of the Abbott Ranch. Wherever you went Rhett wasn’t far behind and wherever Rhett wondered off? There was a fairly good chance that you were with him. 
Until Maria. 
“I uh—I’d like to just keep this between us.” You picked at your cuticles as Rhett drove you back to Drovers Run. “Seems pointless to put such a burden on others when all they’re gonna do is look at me with pity and sympathy.” Rhett turned to look at you as you slumped in his passenger seat. You were too busy looking out the window at the passing paddocks that all looked the same to notice Rhett looking at you like you hung all the stars in the sky just for him and then some. “No one needs to know right?” 
You and Rhett had both been waiting for the right moment to tell your uncle and Rhett’s family that you were pregnant. You were both trying to wrap your heads around the fact for two people who weren’t even dating, you were about to be parents, you were about to bring a whole other life into this world. A life you’d drunkenly created one night when you stammered back to Rhett’s bedroom in the early hours of the morning just as Royal had been stirring. 
That moment never did come. 
“If you don’t wanna tell anyone I won’t say a word.” Rhett agreed. “But uh, listen—I just want you to know that I don’t think this is your fault.” 
“I’m glad someone thinks so—“ You mumbled to yourself. How could you lose your baby? Was it because you thought you wouldn’t be a good mother? Was it because you weren’t sure if you wanted to be a mother? Was there something wrong with you? 
“I—“ Rhett cleared his throat as he reached out to rest his free hand on your sweatpant clad knee. “I’m uh, I’m here for you, I am, whatever you need.” 
“I just need you to be you, Rhett.” You sighed as you held back tears that threatened to spill from your waterline. Resting your head back against the headrest as you turned to look over at Rhett. You were exhausted and overwhelmed with so many emotions, that was clear to anyone. “I just need you to be you so I can be myself and we can get over this mess.” 
“If you ever need to just talk about it, I’m always here.” 
“Same—“ You sighed. “Same, but I don’t wanna talk about it, ever.” Rhett accepted your answer and pressed his lips together in a firm line. Silence filled the cab as he drove out past his family’s Ranch and carried on over to Drovers Run. Your dads property. “But I’ll tell you what, I need a stiff fucking drink.” 
“I think we should just get you home and into bed don’t you think?” Rhett smiled for a brief moment as you chuckled softly. Drinking right now would be a bad idea and you both knew it. 
“Yeah, yeah alright—but you can just drop me off at the main gate Rhett, I’m fine, really.”
“Yeah totally.” You lied. You lied straight through your teeth. “I mean, us? As parents? That was never gonna end well was it?” You had begun to think maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad after all, what you didn’t know was that Rhett had started to feel the same. He even went out and found a ‘what to expect when you're expecting’ type book at the public library. Guess he was gonna have to return that now. 
“For what it's worth I was ready.” Rhett nodded softly to himself as he choked back a few tears. “I was ready to do whatever you wanted me to do, if you wanted me involved or not or—whatever you needed I was ready.” 
“I know.” You replied softly in the silence of Rhett’s cab. “So was I.” You just needed some time though, you both did. “Thanks for driving me home.” You politely got out of Rhett’s truck and walked around to his window, he watched you every step of the way. When you got around to the open window that was when Rhett saw the tears on your cheeks for the first time. He hadn’t even noticed you’d been crying. 
“I’m sorry I lost our baby Rhett, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be yeah?” 
“You don’t ever have to apologise for something that wasn’t your fault.” Rhett kissed your forehead as he pulled you closer by the back of your head and held you close. “I’m sorry it wasn’t meant to be though.” 
“Seeya round Rhett.” You sighed as you stepped away, watching as Rhett pulled into reverse and turned his truck around. You watched for a while till the sight of his tailgate disappeared into the distance and only then did you turn around to start the journey up the long gravel driveway. Allowing yourself to break in the peace and quiet that was your home. Your safe place where no one ever saw you falter. 
Heidi Fye had never saw the right hook you swung at her coming her way. By the time she had a chance to process what had happened? She was already on the ground. You’d decided after a few hours of crying on the bathroom floor that you really did need that stiff drink after all, and one drink had led to another. And another and another and another and soon enough you were hearing colours and seeing sound. 
“You wanna say that again?” Perry knew better than to interfere with a bar brawl and as he watched Heidi stammer to her feet? He had every reason to believe you knew what you were doing. He’d come out for a few beers to deal with his own grief of Rebecca still being gone without a trace. 
“C’mon bitch, say it again.” You taunted Heidi as you swayed on your feet. Stumbling around as you tried to lock eyes with the blonde bimbo barbie who definitely didn’t look good in the particular shade of red her blood was. “I dare you—“
“I said the little orphan girl is drinking herself into a stupa fellas.” Heidi sneard as she took a swing at you, connecting her fist with your jaw. Perry swore he heard a crack as you twirled and stumbled into his lap as he sat up at the bar. He caught you as you fell and stood to help you up. 
“Jesus Rebel, let’s get you home huh?” Perry chuckled to himself as blood dripped down your chin. It felt good to feel something, anything. You felt like you’d been floating out of this world all afternoon since your world was flipped upside down and on its head. You’d lost your baby. 
“Hi Perry.” You cooed. “I didn’t even see ya there.” All Perry did was look at you as you tapped his chest three times and fixed his collar. “How you been?” You asked casually like you hadn’t just had your shit rocked. Like you hadn’t started miscarrying earlier that same day. You still were, apparently it can take anywhere up to a few days to pass. You didn’t know that. Not until Doctor Miller had told you to take it easy for a few days. 
“I think it’s time I take you home.” Perry groaned as he helped you stand on your two left feet. “C’mon.” He sighed, finishing his beer. “Get in the truck kid.” You did as you were told and walked with Perry as he guided you out with a hand pressed to the small of your back. But you paused, always needing the final say. Turning over your shoulder as you smirked and spat blood. 
“Hey Heidi! Just for the record my parents may be dead but at least when my mum was alive? she didn’t fuck half the town!” The bar cheered and whistled at your insult, but it wasn’t long before they were cheering and whistling against you. 
“What, you mean like Rhett Abbott has?” Everyone and their mother knew what you were to Rhett Abbott. You were the backup plan. The girl he kept just close enough to have yet far enough away to not get your hopes up. Your best friend, your neighbour, your forever love, your almost baby daddy, So when Heidi Fye insulted Rhett you saw nothing but red and Perry knew. He damn well knew if he didn’t hold you down you’d attack Heidi and rip her flesh from her bones. 
“Perry let me go so I can put her in the ground!” 
“Nope—I ain’t letting you get the shit kicked out of you because Rhett doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants.” You softened against Perry as he carried you out of the bar. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your head into the crook of his neck when he crouched to pick you up—wrapping your legs around his torso. Holding you tight. 
“He’s pretty though, isn’t he.” You mumbled. “He has a real pretty smile Perry.” 
“Oh my god how much have you had to drink?” Perry chuckled to himself, he knew how you felt about his brother. He knew how Rhett felt about you, but he knew that Rhett was always gonna put you in second place. Second Place to Maria Olivares. You let a few tears fall free down your cheek as you held onto Perry as tight as you could, just needing a hug and being carried out of the bar by Perry Abbott, older brother extraordinaire, would just have to do. 
“For the day I’ve had Per, not nearly enough.” 
Perry drove you up to the main entrance of your property, you had told him through a slur of mumbled words that he could have dropped you off at the main gate—but he ignored your incoherent explanation and drove you right on up. Truck to front door service. 
“Thanks again Perry.” You groaned as you slipped out of the truck. 
“You got your keys?” He asked as he shut the passenger side door. 
“Nah, dad usually leaves the front door unlocked, I’ll be fine.” In the mists of your drunken state you’d forgotten your dad had passed three months prior. Perry didn’t respond, he just watched you stammer up the stairs onto the front porch. “Seeya Perry.” 
When your hand wrapped around the locked front door you just let your forehead rest against the old wooden door that had white paint peeling from the exposure to the elements. Your dad was dead and you’d just lost your baby.
“Fuck—“ You sighed. “Damnit.” 
“You got a way in?” Perry shouted from the truck as he watched you nod. 
“Yeah, yeah I’ll figure it out.” You were gonna have to bust a window in. “Go home Perry, I’m a big girl now.” 
“I know, just making sure you’re alright.” You stumbled around on the front porch as you looked around for something big enough and heavy enough to throw through the window near the front door. When you front the little fisher frog statue of your dads you knew that would be enough. Bending over, Perry watched as you lugged it through the window, flinching at the sound of smashing glass and the old broken window pane.
You just turned with slumped shoulders, gave him a soft smile and said three simple words that were so hard to believe it made Perry wonder if you were really doing okay or not. But he didn’t stick around to question you, he took your word for it knowing that if you needed help you’d reach out. 
“Never been better.” 
When your alarm clock rang out through your bedroom you gasped as it startled you awake. Ringing constantly in your head as you rolled over onto your back and sat up. Looking around to see you hadn’t even made it onto your bed. The floor must have looked a little more enticing last night, although your lower back seemed to disagree. 
“Alright alright I’m getting there Jesus Christ.” You hissed as you staggered your way over to your bedside table, smacking your obnoxiously loud alarm off. “Fucker—“ It was only when you turned your head you saw the blood still staining your sheet. “Oh—“
That’s right, even drunk you knew there was a reason against sleeping in your own bed. Hungover you was still catching up and sober you had mentally checked out the second she left the hospital with Rhett. 
It was something you would have to take care of at another time because right now you had to get yourself showered, eat, make a coffee with enough caffeine in it to kill a horse and get out to the boundary line to fix the fences that had come down in the storm that had ripped through two days ago. 
So with a heavy heart and even emptier soul, you trudged yourself down the hall to the bathroom, showered, ran down stairs as you fixed your belt and tucked your shirt in, made your coffee and ate your toast all the while still knowing you were still bleeding. 
You didn’t have time to put your life on pause to grieve. So you put a pad on and prayed it would be enough for now until you could make it back for lunch. 
“Ahh.” Perry smirked as he caught the sight of you heading up towards the boundary fence. “There she is.” He chuckled, Rhett just raised a brow his brother's way as you held a finger up, flipping Perry off. “How’d you pull up this morning Rebel, how’s the head?” 
“I’ve never had any complaints.” You shot back, hoping down from Chester as you led him over to one of the watering troughs. You audibly heard Royal groan as Rhett and Perry laughed softly to themselves. Rhett, albeit still mourning a loss his family would never know about, found a little joy in the way you so effortlessly made him smile. “I’m just kidding Royal.” You made sure to correct yourself. “Head’s throbbing a bit but I’m fine, Heidi’s just lucky I was having an off night.” 
“Rhett here had an off night too.” Royal sighed as he shook his head. “Drank all my damn beers and fell asleep at the bottom of the stairs—“ Rhett tried to hide his embarrassment as you crossed your arms over your chest on the other side of the broken wire fence. Watching as he tightened the line he’d been working on. 
“Don’t forget to mention he was mumbling that Maria girl's name over and over.” Perry added and your heart sank. You and Rhett both shared a loss so profound that it was gonna take its toll one way or another—but you thought for a little while Rhett would stick around. 
But he wasn’t tethered to you by a technicality anymore that had been created on the basis of a one night stand. A stupid decision you’d both made. He wasn’t yours and that was a hard pill to swallow considering you've been in love with Rhett Abbott your entire life. 
“Maria huh?” You chuckled as you looked over your shoulder for a brief moment at the expanse of the damage done to the fence. You were gonna be out here all day. Good thing you were wearing dark jeans. “You’ve been in love with that girl since we were sixteen years old.” 
Rhett just looked up at you, he didn’t know what to say in response. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you, because he did. He just always found himself hung up on Maria and you didn’t deserve that, to feel like a second thought. He needed time to get the idea out of his mind that he was going to be the father of your child. The child you’d created together only to lose a few weeks later. 
“Guess so—“ Was all he mumbled and you just scoffed, knowing there was nothing else left to say. Be there for you, your ass you thought. Damn, always the bridesmaid, never the bride. There had been a hundred times when you hadn’t recognised any part of Rhett that loved you. You tried to memorise and identify the moments when you thought perhaps you’d be something more, the night you’d created a whole new life was just the tip of the iceberg. It hadn’t been the first time you’d slept together, and it hadn’t been the first time you’d done the walk of shame. But it was the last, you were sure of it—because it all gotten so foggy. So fucking messy: 
Forever and always Mrs Forgettable.
Tags: 🏷️ @bradshawseresinbabe @valhallaas @lewmagoo @delopsia
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funkygroovejam · 3 months
Tumblr media
Steths, bp cuff, ultrasound machine with cardiac probe (I also have an abdominal and linear probe), and doppler. The steth I use for recording is missing here, as is the steth I transformed into a mechanics steth. My pulse oximeter is also not present. Maybe I like stethoscopes. Maybe I have some sort of fetish.
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artisticlegshake · 3 months
Mini Judge's Pick Awards that didn't make top 10 (I might be missing a few sorry!):
Mia Cao - HONEY JP!
Samantha Luffi - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
Angelica Andrade - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
Arianna Cloud - WEST FLORIDA JP!
Eliana Bellant- WEST FORIDA JP!
Tatiana Maynoldi - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
Aysiah Boulware - WEST FLORIDA JP!
Everleigh Morris - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT JP!
Sutton Burner - SPOTLITE JP!
Stella Brogan - WEST FLORIDA JP!
Grace Merenda - ART & SOUL JP!
Lola Bryant - WEST FLORIDA JP!
Charlee Bartholetti - SPOTLITE JP! Brooklyn Morgan - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT JP!
Capri Barrett - AVANTI JP!
Victoria DeRose - ART & SOUL JP!
Bentley Doppler - SPOTLITE JP!
Charlotte Brayman - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT JP!
Kelly Segurola - LEGACY JP!
Charlotte Watters - SPOTLITE JP! Savannah Millar - SPOTLITE JP!
Alyssa Knight - LEGACY JP!
Ashley Calzadilla - STARS JP!
Zoey Martinez - STARS JP!
Deanna Tierno - EVOLVE JP!
Olivia Elle Woo - VLAD’S JP!
Mila DiFelice - VLAD’S JP!
Ryan Blackbrun - CDC JP!
Mackenzie Presswood - VLAD’S JP!
Alyssa Riccio - VLAD’S JP!
Adelia Eliseo - EVOLVE JP!
Lyric Simmons - SOUTH TULSA JP!
Elliana Macioce - XTREME JP!
Leighton White - SOUTH TULSA JP!
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gmanwhore · 11 days
I made. An au based off a personal story concept I have! The basic gist of the story itself is that after a catastrophic global event (basically the Cold War ending because someone exploded a nuclear warhead in the ocean which terrified everyone and caused an intense amount of radiation poisoning) some people started being born with odd growths on their brains. These growths cause a disorder called Michelle's Disease or Songkindism. The disorder itself means that everyone effected is tied to a song (the song doesn't have to exist yet, don't have lore for that so just bear with me) and thus they have a defect based on said song. The defect can by physical (something on your body changes, you have weird things inside your body), internal (usually magic adjacent) or both. Songkindism usually manifests around age 11, no one is quite sure why but it's theorized it's tied to puberty. In this world every child must get screened for Songkindism, and if they are found to have it they are sent to a facility to be studied.
In this au, a few things change. The inciting incident instead happens in World War 2, and the odd extra part of the brain was found way earlier. The inciting incident is also tied to the creation of the Doppler, who are theorized to all be attached to one song which is a VERY rare occurrence. Your neighbors are songbound who were allowed to leave their facility to experiment on how Doppler react to other snowbound in their environment, and also just to see if they can live normal lives. Below is each character and their song and defect. If people like this I may do more with it!
Roman: Song: Starman (David Bowie) Defect: Made of stardust, if you breathe it in it causes a surge of hope in you. 
Lois: Song: Killer Queen (Queen) Defect: High charisma, can levitate anything dangerous/that can be made dangerous 
Albertsky:  Song: Burn It Down (The Cog is Dead)  Defect: Can burn things with hands, exceptional strength. 
Robertsky:  Song: Ragtime Punk (Abney Park) Defect: Able to see the past with perfect clarity. 
Angus: Song: Mind Brand (MARETU) Defect: Knows everyone's secrets by just looking at them. 
Selenne: Song: Mowgli's Road (MARINA) Defect: Made of plants/covered in plants, is constantly in a state of desperation though she is unsure why. 
Elenois: Song: Hermit the Frog (MARINA) Defect: Made of glass (can see organs), is constantly in a state of rage, but she’s not sure why.
Gloria: Song: Cara Mia Addio (Portal) Defect: Eyes glow, she can calm anyone down by being in the room, though nobody can pinpoint it’s her. 
Arnold: Song: 100 Years (Or3o) Defect: If he likes/is crushing/is in love with someone and they are songbound, the lyrics of their song appear on his body. 
Izaack: Song: Touch Tone Telephone (Lemon Demon) Defect: He can stick pins into himself, and when it has information attached to it he can permanently perfectly recall that information. 
Margarette:  Song: Dream Sweet in Sea Major (Miracle Musical) Defect: Moon eyes, can “wash away” things but you have to work with her.
Nacha: Song: Decepticon (La Tigre) Defect: She’s made of metal and can explode herself at will. Exploding herself has no negative consequences on her. 
Anastacha: Song: Brass Goggles (Steam Powered Giraffe) Defect: She is a robot. Like that’s it she’s a robot. 
Dr. Afton: Song: Browser History Defect: ???? (Defect hides itself)
Mia: Song: Whose Eye is it Anyways??? (Jhariah) Defect: Gave her eye for knowledge. She can see through any facade and always know the truth, but she is still missing an eye. 
Francis: Song: There's No Love in February (The Orion Experience) Defect: The sadder he is, the more he freezes over. 
Steven: Song: Toes (Glass Animals) Defect: Can steal people's aggression/anger and give it to himself. 
Mclooy:  Song: The Boys are Back in Town (To Kill You) (Jerryterry) Defect: Goes crazy when he smells blood, like a shark.
Alf:  Song: The Haunted Phonograph (Thoushaltnot) Defect: Record effect over his voice, and can steal your soul and put it on the record in his stomach area.
Rafttellyn:  Song: Girl With One Eye (Florence+ The Machine) Defect: Rotting from the inside once someone steals her eye. Stealing her eye usually requires her making a mistake and it becoming loose from her guilt. She currently only has one eye. 
Arcade Clown/Mono: Song: Devil’s Train (The Lab Rats) Defect: Can just kinda. Summon a ghost train. Hands out tickets instead of papers.
Mask Ghost/Julia: Song: A Crow’s Trial (Vane Lily) Defect: More bird-like (feathered arms, bird like hands and feet, wing-like appendages), and her mask looks too tight and like it hurts. Like an iron maiden.
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