#i love you so os so much lucy so so so so very much :'>
nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Please may I have a Fairy tail request hurt to comfort fanfiction of when Juvia Lockser's male S/O who is Gray's older twin brother reassured Juvia that he still loves her no matter what when Juvia heard complaints from S/Os fangirls of how he could fall in love with a gloomy weather woman and stuff like that and it understandably greatly hurt Juvia's feelings judging by how the rain began to fall (S/O saw the situation and made the fangirls see sense that he loves Juvia and there is nothing that can change how he feels about her). S/O comforted Juvia afterwards..not caring if the rain will make him sick considering how long he spent looking for her. He still cared about Juvia..and he loves her.
(Juvia doesn't deserve any hate)
My Lovely Rain Woman
Series: Fairy Tail.
Character: Juvia and Gray.
Genre: Hurt to Comfort.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
Notes: Ahh omg just reading this request a little sad! I love Juvia with all my heart she's my favorite Fairy Tail character. It's sad to see so much hate for Juvia within the fandom. She's just a girl who's in love and who has no problem showing her love for the person she's in love with.
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Juvia was out doing some shopping in Magnolia when she overheard two girls talking. "How can a woman like that be with him? She's so gloomy!" One girl had said to the other. "I know right? There's also rain wherever she goes!
And don't get me started with all the affection she gives him. He can't get a moment to breathe without her holding onto his arm!" The other girl spoke in reply. In that moment it was as though Juvia's whole world began to collapse.
Was what they said true? Did what they say was how her S/O thinks of her? Then just as she was taking all of this I'm the girl spoke again. "Not to mention she can be so clingy and obsessive! Honestly, I do take pity on her lover."
"Clingy." "Obsessive." It rang in Juvia's head over and over overwhelming her. It wouldn't stop it's all she can think of now. It was beginning to become too much for her she started to tear up and began running home. On her way, she passed Gray who had notched how upset she was.
"Juvia!" Gray had called out to her but kept on running not stopping until she reached the comfort of her room. Gray knew something was wrong so he ran back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. As this was happening Juvia finally made it to Fairy Hills and ran straight to her room.
She immediately fell onto her bed crying about what those girls said earlier. The words felt like a knife to Juvia's heart and kept on hearing the words the spoke in her head. All of this was too much for Juvia as began crying harder from their words.
Just then Gray had finally made it back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. You were with Natsu and Lucy just talking about some jobs you should take. Gray ran up to you immediately to tell you about the state Juvia was in.
"Hey, little brother I just saw Juvia a while ago. She looked very upset I tried to call out to her to see what was wrong. But she just kept running for whatever upset her."
This was a surprise to you what happened? Where's Juvia? Is she okay? All these questions raced through your mind. But just then Gray began to speak again.
"I saw her running off in the direction of Fairy Hills. She's probably already made her way there. So I would go there first to look for her."
Gray spoke to you again and you immediately got up from your seat. You then began to race out of the Guild Hall to go see Juvia. On your way out you shouted to Gray thanking him for coming to you and telling you about Juvia. "Thank you, Gray!"
You were worried so very worried about Juvia. Nothing like this had happened before so you could only imagine how Juvia must be right now. You had finally made it to Fairy Hills now and made your way to Juvia's room as quickly as you could.
You finally reached her door and knocked gently. "Juvia? Can I come in?" No response but you can hear Juvia crying through the door. "Juvia? I'm coming in alright?" You spoke as you opened her door and entered her room.
There she was you saw her as soon as you entered the room. She was crying heavily on her bed. She didn't even look at you when you entered the room she just continued crying.
You approached and sat down on the bed next to her as you began to speak. "Juvia? What's wrong? Will you tell me what happened? I'm really worried about you."
You began to rub her back with your hand in an attempt to comfort Juvia. After a while Juvia's crying seems to have begun to slow down and she was taking deep breaths. Then after some more time, Juvia spoke to you about what was upsetting her.
"Darling, am I too clingy?" Juvia spoke and it surprised you as you didn't expect that. "What? No of course not Juvia why would you think that?" Juvia then sat up next to you.
"Juvia was out shopping earlier today and I overheard these girls taking. They said I was too clingy and obsessive over you darling." It hurts your heart to hear this but your heart hurt even more seeing how it was affecting Juvia.
You then pulled Juvia into a hug her head resting on your shoulder and your head resting on hers. "I would never think anything like that Juvia. I love you more than life itself you mean so much to mean and I care about you more than words can express. Don't listen to them Juvia what they said isn't true.
I love you just how you and nothing will ever change that." As soon as you tell her this Juvia's mood changes and you see her start to smile again. "Thank you darling I'll never doubt your love for me again. I love you so much." Juvia spoke looking at you with a smile on her face. "And I love you as well Juvia."
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Ask game can you do kyouka
Yay Kyouka!!!
Favorite thing about them: HER EXISTING. The fact that she's one (1) fleshed out female character and for one I will love her for that. I also generally really like the trope of little girls facing unimaginable horrors and defeating them, it gives me hope. The fact that she was able to get out of an abusive environment by her own forces is very inspiring, too. More Kyouka love words here.
Least favorite thing about them: I feel I'm cheating at this with always mentioning things that are really not about the character but rather about the way they fit in the story but... I'm very disappointed when the author flat out forgets about her. 55 Minutes and the whole airport arc. I've said it before but I really wish she would have intervened during the Atsushi / Akutagawa airport fight because what were she and Yosano and Lucy doing the entire time. In general, I wish we'd see her more outside of her relationship with Atsushi which I LOVE but that is starting to feel quite limiting of her right now.
Favorite line:
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Eheh. It's been this blog title since day one. It's just that crepes is one of my favourite desserts too but most of all I really appreciate the feeling of carrying on living even if it's just for the small nice things in life. I may be worthless, and with no right to breathe; but crepes still make life worth living. I appreciate the sentiment. Ss/kk should learn from her it'd spare them a lot of trouble lol
brOTP: I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER RELATIONSHIP WITH ATSUSHI. It's really one of my favourite things. I think Kyouka is about the only person Atsushi truly cares about beyond his own selfishness and it's really heartwarming. They make each other's lives better every day and comfort each other that they're good people capable of doing good. I also think Kyouka really helps Atsushi in the way she's so blunt and straightforward, she helps him overcome his insecurities and second-guessing everything; she's a reassuring presence for him because he knows she wouldn't lie to him. And Atsushi allows her to be a child, and it's so sweet!!! They need each other in a lot of ways and they're so perfect for each other. Platonic soulmates fr. I also really like her relationship with Kenji, that too is so wholesome, I'm happy she has someone her same age she can do 14 y/os things with!!! Oh and I LOVE her relationship with Lucy, they're so much fun in their low-key animosity but I like to think they truly care about each other and that Lucy fully took Kyouka on as her annoying little sister she wouldn't hesitate to die for. AND the potential of Kyouka and Yosano, AND Fukuzawa. AND Akutagawa and Kouyou (more as like, relationships to explore rather than think they'd actually get along). I think about Kyouka's relationships with other characters a lot lol.
OTP: You know I'm fully convinced I would have been a full flagged Kyouka/Kenji supporter if only they were a little older, but the way I can really only think of them as children kinda makes it hard for me to say I ship them just because personally I don't really like to imagine them in a romantic picture in general (个_个) It's a shame because again I know what I like and this kind of sun/moon coded het ship is something I would have been really into ;;
nOTP: Likely Kyouka and Kenji for the reasons mentioned above :// It's just something I noticed I'm not very into when it's brought up in ss/kk fics. That said, it's not like I have any strong feeling against it either.
Random headcanon: About that, I really like to think she and Kenji are going to be partners when they're older.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure this goes here but right now I can't think of anything else– I do think that in the early chapters of the manga there was some level of writing Kyouka like she was Atsushi's love interest. Overall I think the manga verges way less in the “siblings” direction than the “eventually couple to-be living together” direction than the fandom makes it to be (I don't think they were ever directly associated to siblings in the manga, like, ever? I don't remember Atsushi ever saying he sees Kyouka as a little sister or something in those lines). Which I personally do not like, but in my reading interpretation that's the direction the manga was going for. That's why the chapter 15 opening is extremely distasteful to me, it really feels like pushing forward the stereotype of little dainty young house wife waking up early to prepare breackfast for her husband... And the way we know she's so young makes it downright disturbing. (But again, that's only as far as my understanding of the manga goes, feel free to disagree with me on this).
Song i associate with them: Shinkai Shoujo by Yuuyu-P!!!! It's just so her, both in the girly j-pop vibes and lyrics. It literally talks about a girl sinking in the darkness but managing to find the light in the end :')
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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gayspock · 4 months
ok ep 2. i looked into it more and im confused cuz again like... i swear ive seen no advertising for any of this? it looks like it dropped in aus in NOVEMBER. now its dropped in the uk all in one go.... this past week?? and it apparently drops in the us all in one next month. so im like confused as fuck as to why they would release something like that
one thing i will say is theyre insanely good with the casting still arent they
another thing what was i to say
oh im sorry im watching this and every time i think to myself hmmm i wonder where cosima or sarah or hel- i cut myself off and i think about tatiana maslany in godawful cgi
this kid (jules as the episode title would lead me to believe) is soooo fun i love the hair
I SORT OF DONT AGREE WITH THAT OUTCOME FOR SARAH NOT TO BE A DICKHEAD I feel like its like.... squints.how do i fucking describe this. it does not feel like her to me and it feels likeughghh the word escapes me you know what i mean
can this dialogue be any
felix drag her
i love how lucy is a cunt. i do like that about her i will admit.
We were made in a printer.
NOW who the fuck is He.
sorry also to backtrack a bit im bewilderedand unsure how i feel about them bringing in the old guard at all because hello like look i said what i said i dont want them to have a show called orphan black echoes with like no reason for it to actually be related to orphan black but also what the fuck
if harry potter is still culturally relevant in 2052 i swear to god
come on charlie girl. its gonna be ok. everyone shoots someone in the head once.
beck from victorious i need you to be all in on this ok
so who the fuck is thissssssssss
he is kind of so funny . i love you beck from victorious.
im also ok going back to like this relating to people from before like... this charcterisation os kira feels so odd
"lord this place is like neolution without the tails" wow did you get that guys ! a callback
james youre tickling me
this fucking acting and general fucking reaction is also crazy to me wes im sorry youre adorable but please
okay theres just something so off putting about felxi im like help me what is going on
also i feel like kira is like sending me so much i feel like this happens all the time when kids who initially .... no offence.... lacked a lot of character ... now have to be an adult version cuz what are you going off. i dont know who this woman is but she isnt kira to me because who the fuck was kira in the first place but a kid that said ominous stuff and was a plot device for most of the show
also i think theres again something so insanely off i cant tell what it is. i think its still in that space of being so stupid high budget fo rwhat it is and yet itr feels so weird looking. the whole futuristic thing is strange to look at. like this being orphan black which ootherwise like. sci fi but still very grounded. it feels weird to now go to this
and i feel like i'd have preferred a smaller timejump. if they prove me wrong with that then fine but thus far i dont see the benefit of it being in 2052. i'd have preferred them to go less crazy with the like aesthetics cuz theyre just kinda weird and take away from everything for me.
and again i dont like the general approach to all of this. i think they needed to start slower and build stuff up more over time . everything here with jack for example like... i would have preferred if we sat with lucy and lucy alone and we didnt keep cutting to kira . like let us build this up and have it be one long continuous thing and maybe hold out this reveal a little longer. this feels like its rushing. and again the strongest part of orphan black, to me, before was like the slow build of increasingly complex fucking dire situations and being able to layer that shit
hi lucas
kira being a shit mam is so funny to me
FELIX'S ENTIRE PERFORMANCE STILL FEELS SO FUCKINH INSANE TO ME. cuz i get what youre going for but the delivery is jsut so fucking choked by the actor trying to keep it up. i swear he was not that stilted before even when he WAS putting something on. like is it trying to mask his voice age as well or something?
jules is so much more compelling to me again i think it is cuz her storyline IS the slowburn one here . and also shes got all the things i mentioned kind of lack with Lucy
like sorry i hate it when theyre like "haha. she's so spunky." (the actual chatracters are telling us this to the camera) like ok i get it i literally could have GOTTEN that watching
AND AGAIN WHY IS EVERYONE ... i dont know it feels like the exposition in the dialogue is crazy. like theyre shoehorning stuff in. you dont have to have them say everything so literallly and explicitly . help
ok im pausing for tonight hang on
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caruliaa · 2 years
hmmmmm okay it is time for me to go beddy bye methinks!!!! but beforr that i want to say that vcing with you was suchhhh a joy and highlight today as it is whenervr we get to and truly just love love loved watching the cs with you and rlly i love talking w you soooo very much!!!!! and rlly i just love knowing you so much and getting to be your friend and you are so so so wonderfully here for me and i am so so grateful bcuz i know you really care about me sm and i want you to know that i care about you too sooo very much and pls know i will always listen to anything you wanna share and will be here for you however i can and support you as best i can justlike you are so understand kind thoughtful and considerate to me!! or rather like if i can make u feel even a fraction as warm and safe as you make me feel i wld be so glad, bcuz u truly deserve it and because truly i j care about you and yeah!!! what i mean issss i love youu!!!!! (hugs you very muchly if you like !💕❤️💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️💕🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️💕💕💕🫶🏻)
!!! ;; ur so so sweet mx omg i love you so so much !! :'> i had so so much fun vcing together too i hope you know it rly rly was so so nice and fun i think to call nd watch cs together and nd j talk and spend time together yea it was rly rly nice i think just like spending time w u always is mx !!!! and ough mx im so so glad that i can let you know tht i rly care abt you bc well its true i do i really really do so so very much <3 you really do mean so so much to me mx and are just such an important part of my life and i just love you so os much and WANNA care for you so os much so im so so glad that i can mx i rly am and i hope you knoe that you do rly care for me mx nd support me and make me feel so so warm and safe mx u rly rly do and it just means so so os so so so much to me that you do and that you *want* to it rly rly does and im just so so so greatful for that and for you and just that i get to have you in my life and that i get to be ur friend it rly rly does mx and i just hope you know that and i hope you know that i love you so so much mx so so very much i rly rly truly do :'> *hugs you back if you wish so so v much* !! 💞💞💞❣❣💞💞💗💗💞💞❣❣💞💗💗💗
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Beelzebub
My first two did way better than expected, so I’m gonna continue this series with the rest of the brothers (and maybe the others as well).
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He is probably one of the more affectionate brothers (besides Asmo and Mammon). He’s quick to praise just about anything you do, even if it’s something small. As for physical affection, he is a sucker for hugs. He’ll randomly come up behind you and lift you up in a bear hug. Also, if you happen to cook, he’ll do that thing where he comes up behind you, wraps his arms around your middle, and lays his head on top of yours. Trust me, this boy does not shy away from affection, physical or verbal. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, he is the ideal best friend. You two would spend late nights sneaking into the kitchen for snacks and hoping to not run into Luci. You cheer him on at all of his games, and he’ll cheer you on if you do anything that involves competition. Being besties with him also means being besties with Belphie, so expect him to be a huge part of your life as well. You’ll often carry around snacks for him when he gets hungry. He likes to carry you around, both as a mini workout and because you’re tiny (compared to him) and he likes that he can pick you up so easily. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He totally picked up his love of cuddles from his twin. His favorite position is him laying on his back with you laying right on top of him. It doesn’t matter how big you may seem, cause your weight is virtually nothing to him. He also enjoys laying on his back or side with you laying your head on his chest while you two hold each other because that’s how him and Belphie usually end up when they share a bed. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Out of all the brothers, he is the most likely to want to settle down. He loves you so much and he wants to spend as much time with you as possible. As for household chores, he’s surprisingly good at them. He can cook decently because of his sin, and he actually doesn’t mind cleaning. He’ll do a lot of the harder chores so that you don’t have to work as much, but he still appreciates if you help him out. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He is one of the kindest demons to ever exist, so the other person would have had to been really bad for him to break up with them. He’d probably just tell them straight up that their relationship isn’t working out. It would be simple and to the point, but he’d still try and be nice so that not as any feelings are hurt.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I said, he would love to settle down with you. However, he would never push the idea much unless he’s sure you feel the same. If you don’t want to settle down, then he is more than happy to just be with you however you want. And if you do decide you want to officially settle down with him, he’d be so happy. He’d want to get married asap to ensure that you two can spend more time together. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s a big boy, and he knows it, so he always tries to be as gentle as possible. Of course, he can get a bit intense, especially when he gets excited. When he gets this excited, he’ll wrap you up in a tight hug that sometimes makes it hard to breathe. As for emotional gentleness, he’s the sweetest of the brothers, so he’s usually gentle regardless. However, he’ll sometimes get angry or aggressive when he’s hungry or someone upsets him. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He is an absolute sucker for hugs. Physical touch is his main love language, so he loves giving hugs to everyone he cares about. You and Belphie are the main victims of his hugs, but his other brothers aren’t safe either. He also has a tendency to hug his teammates after a win.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Out of all the brothers, he probably the quickest to say it. He’s very affectionate by nature, so it’s no surprise that he would say it fairly early. That isn’t to say that he’s quick to fall in love, and he was honestly shocked when he realized he had fallen in love os fast. He’d be the type to say it super casually, maybe while y’all are just hanging out in the kitchen one night. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He isn’t super jealous simply because he trusts you. He knows that you’re loyal to him and that you love him like he loves you. Of course he has his moments; other demons hitting on you is the prime example. If this ever happens, his instincts tend to kick in since demons are possessive by nature. He’d probably feel bad after, but you assure him that it’s fine. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are super soft and filled with love. To him, your lips taste better than any sweet he’s ever had, so he loves kissing them whenever he can. Bonus points if you ate something super delicious before hand. On himself, he loves being kissed on his chest and stomach. He works super hard on his body, and he loves when you notice and take the time to truly show how much you love his body. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Out of all the brothers, he’s probably the best with kinds. Not that he necessarily likes them, he’s just kinda neutral towards them for the most part. However, for some odd reason, kids seem to love him. It’s kinda like how kids just know someone’s personality without actually knowing them, kinds just know that he’s a sweetheart underneath all that muscle. So, he eventually came around to them after he realized how much kids seemed naturally drawn to him. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are usually spent with you getting woken up by him attempting to quietly get out of bed to go find food, despite the fact that he is never quiet during this time. After that, you two get ready and go down to breakfast, Most of the time, he tries to give you extra food to eat (cause that how he shows love) but you can never finish it all, so you give it to him. Then you walk to school together. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are usually spent hanging out in his room, sometimes with Belphie, but mostly without. You two spend some time together studying or just talking while accompanied by large amounts of snacks for him. You two then get into bed together and cuddle until he has to get up in the middle of the night due to hunger.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He seems pretty open on the surface, and he does trust you enough to tell you about his past fairly quickly, but there are some things he keeps hidden even after you two have been together for a while. he will eventually open up to you about everything, but it might take him a while. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is pretty patient for the most part. Really, he only gets impatient if he’s hungry, or if someone is threatening/bothering someone he cares about. Besides that, he’s the most patient and respectful demon around. He’ll help you out with whatever you need, and he’ll never yell at you or rush you if you need some time. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
This boy remembers everything you tell him. It could be the smallest of details or something you just said in passing, but he’ll still remember it. It’s honestly quite surprising how good of a memory he has. If fact, he’s probably the brother who has the best memory just in general. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is the first time you cooked for him. Not when you have cooking duty, since that’s cooking for the whole house, but when you made something specifically for him. You made him a human world cheese burger since that’s his favorite. He actually teared up a little at the sight of it. Not only was it his favorite meal, but it was made by his favorite human. Obviously, it wasn’t enough to fill his stomach, but it was more than enough to fill his heart. Ugh that was so cheesy.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is super, SUPER protective. Not just of you, but his whole family. After all, he is physically the strongest, and he knows how intimidating he is. If he finds someone bullying you or one of his brothers, he will not hesitate to eat them, demon or otherwise. Secretly though, it can get tiring being the protector of his family, which is why he appreciates when you stand up for him.  
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Honestly, he tries so hard to make everything perfect. Usually, he tries to theme dates around food, and he always tries to make you something (or get Belphie to make something) but he almost always ends up eating it, which makes him really sad because he tried so hard. However, you tell him that whatever he does is absolutely perfect, and you love him regardless of how date plans end up. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Obviously, his eating habit tend to get pretty bad, but it’s not like he can really help that. His hunger does calm down when you two get together, but it’s still very much there. He often steals your food, or forces you away from whatever you were doing in order to take you to get food. He’s currently trying to ease up, but it’s difficult for him and he needs time to learn how to control his urges better. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not very concerned with his looks in the same way Asmo and Mammon are, but he does like to take care of his body. He works very hard to maintain all that muscle, and he loves the attention it gets him. He’s not all that vain, but having people admire his body does give him a little confidence boost. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely he would. You help quell a large part of his hunger, and he could not imagine his life without you anymore. Honestly, you could leave him for two minutes to use the bathroom, and he’ll still sulk like a lost puppy the entire time. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I headcanon that he is actually the most self-conscious of all the brothers. Where Levi is more open about how much he hates himself, he usually tends to keep it all in, making it even worse. The only time he ever lets it out is in moments where he feels safe and at ease. These times are usually with you and/or Belphie. It’s kinda shocking at first when you find out just how much he hates himself, but it does make sense. He blames himself for Lilith’s death, he is constantly just watered down to food and muscles, and almost everyone is super scared of him. It’s no wonder he would start to act like Levi, even if just behind closed doors. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He despises anyone who cooks like Solomon. In general, he hates anyone who goes after the people he cares about. He also doesn’t like people who are super obnoxious or self-centered (Asmo is an exception cause he can’t really control that). 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Obviously, he has that habit of waking up at random hours of the night for food. But, when he’s actually asleep, he has a tendency to fall out of bed. He is larger than average, even for a demon, so it would make sense that his bed might not always be able to hold him. When he sleeps with someone, they can also expect to be pushed out at least once. 
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farfarawaygirl · 3 years
The Rookie 4x11 post show thoughts
Well, how are we feeling? Here are some of reactions, as usual in no particular order.
This is so weird, but have many times has Bailey appeared on screen with wet hair? Like, what is this obsession with her post shower? Make up is on, she’s dressed, but her hair is wet, and I don’t know why.
In the first Lucy/FORD (Sanford and Bradford) scene of the night, she gets talked down to, stumbles over her words, apologizes to Tim and this point in the episode my already present migraine reached new heights
Bailey is getting on my nerves
I know they are trying to portray the urgency she os feeling, but instead it comes across as bratty, and Nolan finally hits the jackpot as he has not mansplained to every woman on this show.
Why is Angela getting such little screen time?
I still love Tamara.
Me: oh, look! Tim is showing care for Lucy! But he is also somehow explaining to her how to be empathic?
Why did Eric roll his eyes at Lucy? Who decided this - was it a written direction? Eric’s choice?
Mekia looked pregnant in a few scenes - very happy for her personally.
Nyla - when is the Halloween sex scandal going to come back into play? I love Enver, but not like this…
Why did it have to be a POC homeless kid that killed Becca? Because that is a disturbing choice.
Lucy and Tamara are great together
It has been lovely to see Grey back and in action
Nolan should not have been wearing his badge off duty. By all means carrying it, but don’t wear it, that is deceitful!
I do like Thorsen - do not like his mom
Wes, hey, hi, hello, nice to see you.
I will say there were times that I felt almost like I wanted to vibe with what was happening with Chenford - there was something, but it made me miss the way they used to be.
At one point my migraine was so bad I had ice over my eyes and I was surprised with how much I disliked Jenna’s voice. 😬😬😬
Lucy/Melissa looked great in her civvies!
I liked that Lucy didn’t push Tamara but was clearly there for her
Chris/Kanoa doesn’t pull off whatever they are aiming for. Also he is short.
Did Nolan pronounce Bailey’s last name wrong?
If you sent me as ask about Tim pining/paying for it - please resend, I don’t really understand what you are saying!
I will put together some promo thoughts tomorrow, hopefully when my migraine has faded.
Night, babes. Go an tell your family you love them.
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 years
Hope you're having a good day.
I know we often send you questions about the OS arc, which shouldn't be surprising given that we love it when you get your sad-boy-stick out and there's just so much potential there, but I'm actually very eager to read about other arcs too.
I'm fairly curious about the one which will follow DT, Runaways. Seeing as you're still loosely following canon events, it's safe to assume you will tackle Lucy's past, with a good chance of a repeat Phantom Lord conflict quickly stopped by Acnologia (I'm guessing it might never evolve into a full out war). What I'm curious about, is that your title is about RunawayS, plural. So not only Lucy.
So who is/are the other runaway(s) ?
Is it a reference to how most guild members are running away from their past, some more literally than others? (Erik having run from Brain, Gajeel from slavery, I'm not sure if the Strauss siblings fall in the runaways or in the cast out category...) Or does it refer to some specific persons in particular? For instance you will probably tackle the Loke issue in this arc, but technically he never ran away, he was just exiled... Or we could also get a brand new plot, with other characters from the series running away! (... to FT or from FT ... for whatever reason(s). )
So yeah, pretty curious about the meaning behind the next arc's title. (Also curious about some other titles, but given that they are post Tenrou, it's hard to guess what they might be about because things might get pretty AU by then XD.)
Lots of love to a wonderful author!
Hey Penguin!
Lol, I get it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited for the OS arc for the same reasons. (There's a scene I've been rotating in my mind like a rotisserie for over a year now and I'm gonna love subjecting you all to it.)
Aha! Good eye! It is, indeed, plural. There's lots of little themes that add onto it, like the struggle of dealing with conflict or not dealing with those pesky repressing-feelings habits or some minor character stuff involving some aftermath of DT, but as for the main reason, you are correct. Lucy and her past (mostly dealing with her father) are a big focus, but the other one, in this case is Gajeel. Metallicana leaving aside (although Gajeel does mentally run from that one, so eh), the dude's got a track-record of, well, literally running away from a situation if he can't fight it (Minstrel, Denish, Phantom Lord) and Phantom Lord, in this case, doesn't think too kindly of it. Gajeel can't punch and ignore his way through this one, heheh...
Aaaand perhaps there's some other literal aspects in the midst, because as you might have guessed, the Phantom Lord situation—while still instigated by Jude—will go differently from the get-go due to changes. (Because PL really doesn't have a chance of a direct war with Acno around, lol.)
Haha, yeah you're right things do start veering rather significantly post-Tenrou, and it'll get to the point where things stack on each other and cause some chain reactions, plot-wise, so it'll all make sense once we get there.
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moonlight-melts · 2 years
knock knock !
yes I am Annoying. yes even at 1.30am . yes you're obviously totally free to ignore for any reason /gen /pos
so anyway,
how, and when, precisely, did i understand i was completely lost for Lucifer? right now . now that I am making a playlist on spotify for him. deserves a mention about 30 minutes ago , when i
1. finally decided to look up what i could find of the anime on yt
and 2. found out the creators had the boys sing official songs . and i completely - and I'm telling you, COMPLETELY. lost it. /pos
now I am on the Verge of hyperventilation /pos (smth that happens when I'm really really happy and lying down, dw dw) and my heart is exploding. i
i think i love him.......
anyways- please remember to drink water okay ! and have a rest ! remember that your f/os all love you to the moon and back <3 and i love you too! /p
Hi! :D
You're never annoying, no matter the time of day (... Or night, for that matter). I'm very tired but having a really bad insomnia rn so this reply might be a bit, uh... Messy. Or look dry. Whatever. I'm so sorry if that's the case, it's truly unintentional. /gen
I thiiiink the official channel has the anime episodes? I might be wrong though.
Yeah, they do have character songs! We waited so long for them, the announcement was a really good surprise. Luci's song is very nice (though my favourite is probably Belphie's), too!
Careful with your breathing, even if it's usual, though!
That's a pretty nice thought, if you ask me :)
Please don't forget to drink water either, and catch some sleep if you can. Your f/os love you too, so much! And so do I :) /p
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A Moment Apart | Caspian x Reader
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Warnings: Nothing
Time/Era: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: After Y/N gets swept to Narnia with her cousins, she meets a certain someone who piques her interest. Goodbyes are hard, but this one seems more like a “see you later.”
Request: Hi ! I just got back home and read your first Caspian one shot, and let me tell you : i LOVE your writing so much!! So im just going to request another caspian os because i love him so much ahah. Can you write something where the reader first meets him during VOTD and she has to go back on Earth then some times after he ends up in our world and meet the reader again? Take care 💕💕
A/N: Thank you so much for such a sweet compliment! If you love Caspian, saddle up because I have 4 more requests for him coming after this one. Thanks for requesting and enjoy! Please give me feedback. I was thinking of doing a part 2 for this, so tell me whatcha think about that idea! :) Also, I was listening to A Moment Apart by ODESZA when writing, so that’s sort of the vibe of this imagine~
Part 2 | masterlist | read on ao3
Being Y/N Scrubb was about as fun as it sounded. Her parents very obviously favored her little brother, Eustace, and didn’t have a care about what she did. Y/N was much older than Eustace anyway, so they weren’t exactly friends either. The only thing that was getting her through the long, boring days was the fact that two of her cousins had come to stay with them. 
Y/N’s cousins, Lucy and Edmund, were closer to Y/N’s age and much more tolerable. Instead of acting as if they were superior due to having an “immense vocabulary,” they were kind and funny. They would actually listen to Y/N and treat her like an equal. Y/N hated being treated as an inferior by an eleven-year-old. 
“How are you even related to that?” Edmund asked one afternoon. He had been the victim of Eustace’s “intellectual insults” a mere five minutes before. 
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Is the water...moving?” Y/N asked, gazing at the painting next to her cousins. Eustace comes in and sits on the bed. 
“What rubbish! That’s what happens when you read-”
“Can you shut your mouth for just five seconds, please?” Y/N turns around and glares at her brother before turning back to the painting. She continues to stare, taking in every detail of the painting. The magnificent blues and greens swirled together to depict a wonderful ocean scene. The boat was just as breathtaking; it had a huge mast adorning a brightly colored sail and what looked like a dragon carved into the bow. It didn’t take long before Edmund and Eustace started fighting. 
There was something about the painting that screams adventure. Whether that be the vivid imagery or the bright colors, Y/N didn’t know, but she wished that she could be on the boat. Maybe then she could get away from Eustace and his constant chatter. 
As if by magic, water started to drip from the corner of the painting. 
“Lu? Do you see that?” Y/N asked as the trickle turned into a constant stream. The water was getting all over the carpet; Y/N couldn’t help but imagine what her mother would say. 
“Edmund! Look!” Lucy screeched, grabbing the attention of her older brother. The painting now had water streaming from every edge of its frame and the water was starting to pool. The bedroom flooded in record time and the four were pushed under. Furniture began to float around them and they had to dodge chairs in order to not get impaled. Y/N had never been the quickest swimmer, resulting in the leg of a chair clipping her arm. 
The need for air overpowered the pain of my arm so she fought to reach the top of the water. When all four of their heads surfaced, they were no longer in the small room, but in the middle of the ocean. 
“What’s happening?!” Y/N screamed at her companions. 
“Swim!!” Was Lucy’s only response. That was when Y/N noticed the huge boat coming straight for them. “Hurry!” Y/N kicked her legs as hard as she could, but the current was strong. 
“Stop!” A hand wrapped around her ankle and pulled her back. “You’re safe now! Stop swimming!’
“Edmund, it’s Caspian!” She recognized that voice to be Lucy’s. “We’re in Narnia!”
Another voice answered her. “You’re in Narnia!”
The voice was deep and strong, laced with a thick accent. It was also slightly scratchy but in the best way. Y/N had the fleeting thought that she wanted to hear it again, and again, and again. 
Y/N was covered in a plush towel as soon as she was brought on board. The boat deck was riddled with things and creatures, most of which couldn’t care less about her presence. She scanned the deck for any sign of her cousins; Edmund and Lucy were talking animatedly with a tall gentleman. He was wet, probably one of their rescuers, and his white shirt was clinging to his torso. The stranger’s hair was also sopping wet, pushed to the side and dripping into his eyes. 
“Edmund!” She called out desperately. He looked over and the three walk over. 
“And who might this be?” The handsome stranger asks, looking down at Y/N. He was quite a bit taller than her. Y/N couldn’t bring herself to speak; his hair had fallen to either side of his face and it created a perfect frame around his eyes. His warm, chocolate brown eyes were wrinkled at the corners due to his grin. 
“This is our other cousin, Y/N,” Edmund spoke for Y/N, an amused look on his face. 
The man takes a hold of Y/N’s hand and brings it to his lips. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my beautiful Y/N. My name is Caspian.” He kissed her knuckles and released his grip. His eyes followed the line of her arm and landed on her injury. 
“Oh, you’re bleeding,” His eyes burned into Y/N’s skin. 
She squirmed under his gaze. “Oh, uh, yeah. A chair hit me.”
“A chair? Hit you?” He crossed his arms and put his weight on one leg. This made his hip jut out slightly and his coat flair. 
The conversation Y/N and Caspian were having seemed to really amuse Lucy and Edmund. They kept sharing knowing glances at each other. Y/N wished she knew what they were thinking. 
“No matter, come with me. I’ll patch you up. We can’t have you bleeding all over my deck, now can we?” He turns on his heel and begins to walk towards the flight of stairs behind him. Y/N looks to Lucy for help. 
“Follow him,” She mouths, a grin taking up her entire face. Y/N bites the inside of her cheek and follows. 
Caspian led the Y/N into a large bedroom that was lit by a wall of windows. There were various different paintings on the walls, a full-sized wardrobe, a desk, and a door leading to a balcony. Y/N came to the conclusion that this was Caspian’s living quarters. Caspian pulled the wooden chair from the desk out and twisted it around. 
“Here, sit,” He motioned his hand towards it. Y/N laid her towel down on the seat and sat down. Her wound had left a large trail of blood down her arm and she fought the urge to wipe it with her hand. Caspian opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out disinfectant and a bandage. 
“Give me your arm,” He said, the words tumbling out of his mouth as he kneeled in front of the chair. He delicately cradled her arm in her hands and examined her cut. The skin of his hand was soft and gentle as it handled Y/N’s forearm. Taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, he tenderly cleaned the blood from her wound. 
“You are very pretty,” He almost purred. Y/N’s stomach burst into butterflies. 
“O-oh, thank you.” She stuttered in response, making him chuckle under his breath. 
He sprayed the disinfectant and Y/N’s body reacted naturally. 
“Ow! That hurt,” Y/N shrieked, pulling her arm back and almost out of his grip. 
“I know, I apologize. But it is necessary, you don’t want an infection.” Caspian pulled Y/N’s arm closer towards him and covered it in a bandage. 
“There you go, as good as new.” His hands trailed down her arm and grasped hers, bringing it to his mouth again. He kissed her knuckles twice then stood up. 
In the following months, Y/N and Caspian got very close. He taught her everything about Narnia and all about her cousin’s accomplishments. It was hard to believe at first, but once she saw Caspian and Edmund spar, she believed it. She loved watching Caspian spar; his face always scrunched as he focused and some of the sounds he makes. Mercy, the sounds he makes. 
“I guess this is it, then.” Y/N says, looking up into the eyes of the man she had become to love. 
“I will find you again, my love.” He said, taking a step closer to Y/N. 
“How? Cas, I probably won’t be able to come to Narnia again,” She sniffled. 
“I’ll find a way, I promise.”
Caspian leaned down and pressed a lasting kiss on Y/N’s lips. 
“Goodbye, Y/N. Until I see you again.”
Life was boring outside of Narnia. About a month passed since the crew had arrived back home, and none of them have really left the house. Y/N spent most of her time people watching from the window. 
“I wonder what Caspian is doing right now,” Y/N thinks out loud, talking to no one in particular. 
“Probably fighting someone or eating or something. That’s pretty much all he does,” Edmund responds. 
“That is not all he does!” 
“Oh right, he kisses you too. But you’re not there so that isn’t really an option for him.” Edmund grins wickedly and turns back to his book. 
“Ed! That’s not funny!” Y/N frowned. She hated thinking about her favorite boy being sad. Especially because of her.
“I thought it was funny,” He responded. Asshole. 
“Luce, can I go to the store with you? I can’t stand being in this house a moment longer.” Y/N stood up and looked down at the street. It was full of people going about their business. An old man sat upon a bench eating a banana. 
“I’m not sure you would really want to. You might see that boy.” That was another thing Y/N hated about being at home. The last time she went to the market with Lucy, this boy wouldn’t stop hitting on her. He was tall, blonde, and had bright blue glasses. He was conventionally attractive, but there was only one boy on Y/N’s mind. 
“Ack, you’re right. Never mind.” Looking back down at the city below, she saw a strange figure walking down the road. He was wearing a long poofy shirt and black trousers. He looked sort of like a pirate. The fact that he had long hair only added to the pirate look, as did his long boots. He reminded her of Caspian. She sighed and turned her head towards Edmund. 
“Eddie, come look at this guy. He looks exactly like Caspian.”
Edmund groaned and stood up, his only intention was to entertain his cousin. He knew that she was just trying to get over the guy, no matter how annoying it was. He looked down at the stranger and had to do a double-take. 
“Um, Y/N, don’t freak out, but I think that is Caspian.”
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Hello, Angel! 😊
I hope you and your f/os have been doing alright, as much as possible, and that you are taking care of yourself and staying safe.
I have been wanting to say that it is really cool and nice to see that L.ady N.agant has become your new mother f/o!! If you do not mind, may I please ask a few questions regarding your relationship with her? I am just very curious and interested (of course, you do not have to answer anything you are not comfortable with or if you simply do not feel like it).
I wonder, what is she like as a mom? I figure that she is probably very protective of you (but not in a patronizing way) and that she cares about your safety very dearly. I imagine being her daughter must feel safe considering just how strong, powerful, intelligent, shrewd and skilled of a fighter she is. What activities do the two of you do together that help you bond and/or relax? Does she like physical affection?
I apologize if my questions are too much in any way, as I said, you do not have to respond to anything you do not want to. I am just always really glad to learn anything and everything new about your f/os. 💗
I wish you and all of your beloveds a nice day ^w^
Hi Lucy! Thank you so much! I hope you're doing well! :)
I'd love to talk about L.ady N.agant! Especially since she's a huge comfort for me!
You got her being protective right! She does everything she can to make sure that I feel safe and happy, and understands that I still need my spafe sometimes. Honestly, it's super comforting knowing that she always has my back no matter what!
For activities she loves getting to know my interests! I love playing a whole bunch of different video games, so she'll either watch me play or join in if it's multi-player! It's always super fun and always ends up with us laughing together. We also like to have movie nights where we order food and/or get a bunch of snacks and watch movies together! Also, we like to go out for walks whether it's down some forest trail or through the town! If we don't really feel up to anything, we can also sit around for hours just relaxing and talking about anything.
She does like to give physical affection! If I need comforting or she just feels like it she'll give me a big hug (her hugs are very tight like a squeaze but still very nice!) Whenever she walks past me, she likes to give a pat on the head or back with a smile, almost like she's saying "hello", "I'm here for you", and/or "you got this!" Without actually saying anything. Even if it's a quick gesture it still means so much to me!
Anyways, I love her so much and she's the best mother I could ever ask for! I could probably go on and on about her,but I don't want to make this too long haha!
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borisbubbles · 3 years
ESC2021 Preshow: 20. Estonia
Uku Suviste - “The lucky one”
Semi 2, #02
Going through the motions of 2021′s shitty NF season, it was a given that the critical mass of the “2020 returnees” competing the selections in these would win them hands down. 
So given how much i DISLIKED the offensively boring abomination “What love is”, and how PAINFULLY inevitable Uku’s victory in a decent Eesti Laul (um spoiler for NF corner?) seemed to be, It’s actually a shock I ended up liking Uku? But I do, lol and I’m not apologizing, sorry boos. 
In fact, I was rooting for Uku to win EL as soon as I saw his performance in the semi. “The lucky one”, which suffered from Aggressive Autotune + Forgettable Melody (we need a name for this. I propose Roxen Syndrome?), is legit good live and harps back to the (admittedly better) “Pretty Little Liar”, and that’s good enough for me. 
Of course, I am aware of the obvious ~*SOULLESS HIMBOT FROM THE DREAM FACTORY*~ label attached to this this entry (written by Uku and something called “Sharon Vaughn” are we certain this person isn’t just Kontopoulos in drag?), don’t worry. I rank him twentieth, not seventh. 
Fortunately, Uku is a mandroid from the SAME sweatshop that gave us Lucie Jones a few years back - in other words omfg he’s barely functional. 😍 Droning robot turned incompetent DRAMA KING <333333 The amount of EFFORT that needs to be thrown in to keep a ~pretence of competence~ is the most tangible in the backing vocals, which trail Uku’s like a shadow and STILL his voicecracks come through at key intervals <3
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The pathos of Uku throwing in high votes he cannot sing and then his voice breaking over the strain each time, gets me, okay? He doesn’t need a crystal ball to show me, baby it’s clear that you don’t know him :SOB:.  So dramatic, so inept, so unintetionally comedic, so Uku <3 
In other news, this lockdown had better end soon because with each passing day I feel like I’m turning further into a cat lady. 
ps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYXNeYXUmEQ&loop=0  😍😍😍
NF Corner - Eesti Laul 2021
Finally a decent Eesti Laul, lol. I wish I could say it was good, but it had one of the weirdest semi split’s I’ve ever seen. EL’s first Semi was without exaggeration the WORST show in the entire season, and the second was a contender for the BEST one across all NFs???? I suppose EXTREME Evil and EXTREME Good balance each other out in blistering adequacy? 
Anyway, I’ll now proceed to ignore Koit and Egert and Karl Killing and Hans and all the other bad (non-Linna/non-Kéa) entries from semi 1, and proceed to an NF Corner composed ENTIRELY of semi 2 songs :-)
Jüri Pootsmann - “Magus Melanhoolia”
It was between Sissi and Jüri for the Token Superfinalist Contender slot on this list, and Jüri is infinitely more notable. Sorry, Sis ur time (to win Eesti Laul?) will come once you figure out to write good music :(
Anyway, what can I even say about Jüri because lmfao what a baffling entry. Registered BARITONE JÜRI POOTSMANN coming back with a an experimental lounge jazz song that is song almost entirely in falsetto. 😍 The camera angles <3 the fact that this already INCREDEBLY short song includes 10 seconds of Jüri standing on the stage looking bored <3 what a fucking baffling entry, I have no opinions, only exclamations of surprise. 
REDEL - “Tarttu”
I HAAAATED “Tarttu” on first listen. 😂😂😂😂 but seriously though, this is downright epic. The UNPLUGGED Meiekündimees MADNESS of it all, now condenced into a equally nonsensical song that is basically like “X is a wooden town but NONE OF THEM ARE AS WOODEN TOWNY AS TARTTU. *incoherent kazoo noises*” 😍😍😍 Once got the chorus stuck in my head at the zoo as I was watching the penguins getting fed and it was one of the most bizarre synesthesic experiences I’ve ever had lmfao <3
Gram-of-Fun - “Lost in a dance”
If you’re wondering what the sort of music I listen to Eurovision is like - this is it. INCREDIBLY good and addictive and EMOTIONALLY tangible 80s New Wave is my fucking jam, can we have entries like this in EVERY selection from here on out? WELL DONE Kristel... on composing this wonderful song, less so on the Kazka-esque vocals that caused it to tragically NQ in the semi. 🙄 Still, BRING THEM BACK (and restrict Kristel to a songwriter only role, plz.)
Gram-of-Fun were my fave, but because they NQ’d somebody else had to fill their shoes in the finale. I’ll now reveal who it was
Kadri Voorand - “Energy”
IT WAS HARD DECIDING BETWEEN SUURED TÜDRÜKUD AND KADRI THOUGH. But given that Charlotte Perelli is guaranteed to appear in Sweden’s NF corner (um is she? :counts on fingers: Clara, Evas, Dotter... ehh sure I’m committed now I guess), it would be best NOT to post Dagmar & Kaire as they fucking clown her lol <3 But their song WAS pretty antiquated schlager...
Kadri otoh... absolutely breaks all records for me by delivering a unicorn: an entertaining stripped-down piano ballad. For the most part because she has incredible emotional delivery that serves personality on a fucking pyrotechnical level, like onn-stop “Loudmouthed Oaf Energy” in the form of a introspective jazz ballad <3 Can you imagine Estonia actually picking this? They could have come left-handside. 
But will Uku do well? :o
Predicted Journey - Estonia
He won’t come top 10, if that’s what you mean by “well”.😂 If you mean “qualify for the Grand Final” then... potentially? Semi 2 is less of a crapshoot than the first semifinal however. At this stage, it’s pretty much “okay, so these twelve acts can qualify... but which ten will?”.
Fortunately for Uku, he is one of aforementionned twelve possible qualifiers. (the others are: san marino, czech rep, greece, moldova, iceland, serbia, albania, bulgaria, finland, switzerland and denmark). UNfortunately for Uku, he’s one of the candidates for the two NQ slots inside that group of twelve.
The problem with Estonia is that their entry is a televote-friendly ballad, stuck in a really televote-UNfriendly slot (#02), in a semi where the jury vote will very likely put them outside the top 10. If we add in a dark stage and Uku’s shaky vocals, they don’t look particularly secure. 
However, I also think Estonia can qualify relatively easily because “televote-friendly ballad” is a unique niche inside that semi; the other ballads (Switzerland is NOT a ballad), won’t be getting many votes and Uku’s appeal as a handsome man with a dramatic song will make him stand out in spite of his spot in the running order, as LONG AS his vocal delivery (or that of the prerecorded backing vocals) remains adequate enough. If not, he’ll be swiftly forgotten and NQ.
Another thing that can cause Uku to qualify is if at least two others of the twelve underwhelm (my money for that would be on Albania, Denmark, San Marino and/or Czech Rep), making Uku the lucky one as he’ll ascend in the ensuing powercreep.
At any rate, it’s really difficult to gauge how well Uku would do since I haven’t really thought about the other BL qualifiers’ odds enough. His televote should be strong enough to avoid bottom 3, I think, and I think it’s safe to say he won’t come top five. Between those values, pffffew, who can possibly tell? I’m not burning my fingers on that. 
Projected placements > Qualifier Tier: Borderline > Semifinal: 6th-14th (out of 17) > Grand Final: 17th-22nd (out of 26)
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01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ESTONIA - Uku Suviste - “The lucky one” 21. FINLAND - Blind Channel - “Dark side” 22. AZERBAIJAN - Efendi - “Mata Hari” 23. the NETHERLANDS - Jeangu Macrooy - “Birth of a new age” 24. CZECH REPUBLIC - Benny Christo - “Omaga” 25. DENMARK - Fyr og Flamme - “Øve os på hinanden” 26. SLOVENIA - Ana Soklič - “Amen” 27. SWITZERLAND - Gjon’s Tears - “Tout l’Univers” 28. ROMANIA - Roxen - “Amnesia” 29. SERBIA - Huricane - “Loco loco” 30. POLAND - Rafał - “The ride” 31. ISRAEL - Eden Alene - “Set me free” 32. GEORGIA - Tornike Kipiani - “You” 33. PORTUGAL - The Black Mamba - “Love is on my side” 34. SPAIN - Blas Cantó - “Voy a quedarme” 35. NORWAY - Tix - “Fallen Angel” 36. CYPRUS - Elena Tsagrinou - “El Diablo” 37. AUSTRIA - Vincent Bueno - “Amen” 38. NORTH MACEDONIA - Vasil - “Here I stand” 39. GERMANY - Jendrik - “I don’t feel hate”
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caruliaa · 2 years
ok fun fact as i type this the lyric “love grows where my rosemary goes” is stuck in my head. which i think is very thematic and relevant …. /p … ANYWAY what i am wanting to say before i go to sleeby sleep is that ohmggggf youre such an amazing friend jules!!!!!!!! you are sosoosooo good to me and in general so good and youre so lovely and loving and caring and kind and also even more than just being an good friend youre an amazing creator and an incredibly loveable person and you just make me so so happy everyday!!!! and you make me feel so understood and ur so thoughtful and considerate to me and you just make me feel so safe and loved and ur so supportive and i just!!!! love you and wanna support u and be here for you just like u rlly r for me sm so!!!! yeah i love youuuuuu (hugs you maybe if u like!!!!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕)
I AM ALSO LISTENING 2 THT SONG RNN !!! maybe bc i put it on while answering this ask but it is also on the playlist i listen to the most so !!! DFGDFGDF anyway oogh u r so so so sweet my love i love you so so so muchh ;; !!! im so so so so glad tht i can b a good friend to you nd care for u mx i rly rly am so v much bc i rly rly want to my bleoved !! bc ur such an incredible kind sweet caring thoughtfull friend to me nd more than tht bc u deserve it so so so so much my beloved u rly rly rly do !!! ;; and just ough ur so so sweet 2 me and i hope u know tht u think ur just such a wonderful incredible talented lovely endearing fun funny and just amazing person my beloved and YOU make ME so so happy everyday too and make me feel so so safe and loved too and im so so so so so so so so happy that i can do tht for u to to nd b supportive to you and i hope u know that u are so supportive to me to u rly are and i just appreciate it so so so much and love you so os much mx i rly rly rly do :'> *hugs you back if u wish so so so v much beloved * !! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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cozyships · 3 years
Hello, Jade. :)
I just wanted to drop in and tell you this very important secret...
*whispers in your ear*
Thorin is very much in love with you!!! He cannot believe you feel that way about him and all the lovely things you think and say about him make him super flustered (even though he tries to deny it), but he too is completely head over heels for you!
I hope you are doing great and remember you are deeply loved by all of your f/os. <3
Lucy my friend, hello!! ♡ you are so incredibly sweet to have sent this?? I'm 🥺🥺🥺 tysm... I just like that guy lots and I'm glad he knows it!
I hope you're doing well, and that you remember that Tamaki loves you dearly and is elated that you feel the same way about him as he does about you! You two are adorable! ^-^
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pricefieldchaos · 4 years
Matthew x Lucie: “The curves of your lips rewrite history”
I wrote and posted this on AO3, as my Fairondale heart ached because of the lack of content, and this is how it turned out. By the way, I'll leave my AO3 profile here, if you want to check out my other OS and stay tuned for new ones! thelastwriter. Enjoy and maybe let me know what you think, I appreciate it a lot!
It was a beautiful spring Sunday and Lucie Herondale was in the London Institute’s backyard, sitting on the grass and enjoying the warm sunlight while writing a new chapter for her latest story. The air smelled like fresh flowers and the birds were singing and flying from one tree to another. Lucie was feeling super relaxed and incredibly inspired, it was the perfect day to add some new action to her novel. The warm breeze caressed her soft uncovered skin on her arms and shoulders, where the brown waves of her loose hair slightly tickled her.
Matthew Fairchild was laying right beside her, his gaze fixed on the clear sky. It was not unusual to see him hanging around the Institute, since the Fairchilds and the Herondales were great friends and Matthew was often there to train with his parabatai, James Herondale, and to spend some time with him and his sister, Lucie. Earlier that morning, he had spotted her getting ready to go outside and had immediately asked if he could join; Lucie had been surprised by him wanting to spend some time alone with her, she had always thought the reason why he enjoyed being with her was because her brother was there, too. She had been happy to see that, maybe, she had been wrong all this time.
Matthew turned around to look at the young girl on his right: she was wearing a lovely light blue dress, and a ribbon of the same colour adorned her hair. She had taken off her white lace gloves – she found it way easier to write without them on – and Matthew was watching her delicate hands move swiftly along the paper. He was glad she was so focused on her papers, because that way she wouldn’t notice the smitten look that was all over his face. His heart had jumped into his chest when she had agreed to let him go with her, he had been dying to get the chance to be alone with her for so long.
“What scene are you writing now?” he asked. Lucie was slightly startled by that sudden question – she had been so focused on her work that she had almost forgotten that he was there with her. She turned to look at him, his blonde locks were sprawled on the grass and his dark green eyes were now looking directly into her blue ones. The buttons of his white shirt were half-done under his golden vest, and his blue necktie was loose. His warm smile made her cheeks flush, and for a moment there she almost forgot about his question.
“Oh, right” she sighed. “So, princess Lucinda just figured out her feelings for prince Martin, but she won’t go tell him already because, despite his latest declaration of love, she is still afraid of getting her heart broken.”
“I think it is quite foolish” he answered. “Why is she afraid, if you said that he returns her feelings?”
“Sometimes, reciprocating the other’s feelings is not enough” she explained, letting out a sigh. “Countless things can come between a potential love story and make it so that it never sees the light.”
“How dramatic” he laughed.
“It is true, Math!” she scolded him, throwing an elbow at him playfully. “Also” she continued “she is afraid of giving in to perilous… temptations. The young man in question is quite the charmer.”
He smirked. “I thought that, by now, you too had learnt that the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.”
“You will never grow weary of quoting your beloved Oscar Wilde, will you?” Lucie giggled. “And by the way, it would be very improper of her! It could ruin her reputation.”
“I am sure I will not, my dear” he grinned. “As for your story, I still think it is foolish of her not to act on her feelings. Most importantly, it is your story – you are the one who gets to decide whether something is improper or not. And, as far as I am concerned, reputation is an overrated concept, and people should spend way less time worrying over it.” He winked at her.
Lucie let out another sigh. “Well, I guess that is not the only reason I am reluctant to let her go to him. If she does, I will need to write a memorable scene – I am talking about a grand gesture and the finest romantic speeches, and then it will be inevitable for them… to kiss.”
Matthew widened his eyes, agreeing. “They most certainly need to do it!”
“Yeah… that kind of is the real problem” said Lucie, shyly.
“Why would it be?” he asked.
“I… okay, I will tell you. The thing is, my kissing scenes are dreadful! I cannot write them properly, I cannot even get them right by reading them in other books. And, of course, I cannot take my personal experience as an example.” She looked down, too embarrassed to look at her childhood friend in the eyes while discussing such matters with him, especially since they were alone out there, unchaperoned and all that.
“Are you telling me the beautiful, sweet Lu has not been kissed yet?” Matthew said, lifting himself up from the ground so that he could sit in front of her. He knew he had started playing with fire by asking that uneasy question, but he also knew he wouldn’t care if he got burnt.
Lucie’s cheeks turned completely red, but she answered, still not looking at him in the eyes, “I-I did not get the chance – no fine young man has courted me, yet.”
“That is a pity” Matthew said, “and such a waste” he added. "But perhaps I could still help you with that kissing scene?” He moved closer to her, so that their knees were almost touching. At this point, he was so nervous he had started sweating and slightly trembling. What if he had pushed too far? What if she thought that he was being inappropriate, and that would ruin their friendship? These thoughts were interrupted by her asking him another question.
“And, tell me, how would you do that?” Lucie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I could kiss you” he said, blatantly. “That is, of course, if you will allow me.” By daring to suggest that, he had definitely reached the point of no return.
If possible, Lucie blushed even more, and Matthew noticed, and a slight smirk appeared on his face.
“You are an indecent scoundrel” Lucie laughed. “Suggesting we engage ourselves in such a scandalous activity here, out in the open, where any member of my family could catch us any minute.” Her playful tone made him breathe a sigh of relief, she didn’t seem offended or anything – instead she had started teasing him in turn.
“You are not turning down the offer, though” Matthew grinned, then his expression turned serious. He couldn’t let her think this was just a game to him. “But I understand if you will. You must want your first kiss to be perfect.”
“I actually do.” Lucie remained silent for a couple seconds; then she spoke again. “Do you think that you can live up to my expectations?” she teased him again.
“There is only one way we can know” it was his only answer. Lucie gently tossed her papers and pen on the grass beside her, then looked at Matthew, meeting his gaze. She felt her skin burn from the anticipation. Was she really going to finally have her first kiss?
Matthew’s heart started beating so fast he almost thought it was going to burst anytime. He looked into Lucie’s beautiful blue eyes, who were staring at him, both questioning and excited.  Neither of them said another word, as Matthew moved his face closer to hers, until they were just a few inches apart, and then he lightly brushed his lips against hers. “You may want to close your eyes” he whispered. She giggled, and then did so, and he finally locked lips with her, firmly, and placed an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She quietly gasped as she run her fingers through his soft hair.
Matthew began to wonder if he was dreaming – he was kissing her, at last. He couldn’t remember the first time he had thought about how much he wanted to do that, it was too long ago. But this was no dream: Lucie’s lips felt so real and soft and warm against his, her delicate scent and sweet taste were intoxicating him, it was better than anything Matthew had ever tasted in his whole life. He started moving his mouth on hers, getting the shivers every time that she let out a soft moan against his lips. Lucie took him by surprise when she bit his lower lip, but she could definitely tell that he had liked it a lot, because he deepened the kiss and then gently pushed her onto her back and leaned down, never letting go of her.
He moved his lips to her neck and then lower onto the neckline of her dress, but quickly returned to her mouth before he could no longer be able to stop. He prayed the Angel to forgive him for the thoughts that had taken over his mind. He wondered what she was thinking.
Lucie was completely lost in Matthew’s touch, kisses, sighs. She would have never imagined her first kiss to be this… incredible. That probably was the right word to describe what she was feeling, at least partly – she actually was, for the first time, unable to put something into words.
They went on kissing for another handful of minutes, giggling every now and then and enjoying the taste of each other's lips, and the feeling of their intertwined fingers and light caresses. Eventually, he broke the kiss, breathless, and helped her sit up again. He gently stroked her cheek with his hand. He was unsure whether his lack of breath was due to the kiss or to her unmeasurable beauty. Probably both, he thought. “Woah…” he mumbled, smiling.
Lucie adjusted her hair, retying her ribbon while she regained her breath. “So, how did you like it?” she bluntly asked.
Matthew laughed, and just said, “The curves of your lips rewrite history, my Lu” quoting Oscar Wilde again and receiving an eye roll from Lucie as an answer. “Did you like it?” he asked in turn.
“It was wonderful!” she exclaimed. “Now I totally know how to write a kissing scene! Thank you, Math” she said cheerfully. That most likely was not the only reason why she was so happy about what had just happened, but in that moment she was too eager to write every single detail down in her notebook to think about it. She placed a kiss on Matthew’s cheek, then quickly retrieved her pen and papers from the ground and went back into her own world, frantically writing down notes in order not to forget anything.
This time, Matthew was the one to blush.
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sennamybeloved · 3 years
kilig and serendipity for the ask game?
this is late but i am answering now because it is a late and i am tired and bored
Kilig (n.) the feeling of butterflies in one’s stomach. Can you remember the first time your f/o gave you butterflies?
ohhohhoh yeah. may 25th 2020 is the day i “fell in love” with luci and sen. my feelings had actually been present since senna’s release, but on that day i had accidentally thought about them a little too much and it triggered a chain reaction /srs
i remember laying in bed that evening, staring at the ceiling as i tried to calm my thoughts, but they were all i could think about; their pretty faces, their voices, their unique mannerisms, their flawless chemistry. i was just trying to go to sleep but my mind was fucking racing—i hadn’t felt like that in ages.
that was the first time they gave me butterflies and i look back on it quite fondly.
Serendipity (n.) Finding something good without looking for it. Which of your f/os did you fall for without meaning to? Were any of them a surprise to you?
lucian lol. while i hadn’t expected riot to just pull senna out of their ass and hurl her at me, she was a very pretty lady; it was only reasonable that i would fall for her. but lucian was a weird case?? i remember thinking about him from time to time, but i didn’t know too much about him until i accidentally read his lore page on may 25th 2020 and it changed me forever. there was never i doubt in my mind for either of them.. they both fit so well in my heart, but i just hadn’t expected lucian to. at least not as well as senna, anyway.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
May 3, 1944
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“Orson Welles Almanac” aka “The Orson Welles Wonder Show” (1944) is a CBS Radio series directed and hosted by Orson Welles. Broadcast live in California and Arizona via CBS West Coast studios, the 30-minute program was heard Wednesdays at 9:30pm beginning January 26, 1944. Its last broadcast was July 19, 1944. Orson Welles Almanac presented readings from classic works, drama, music, sketch comedy, magic, mindreading, and personal commentary by Welles. Many of the shows originated from US Army camps where Welles entertained the troops. Welles had an ongoing battle with the program’s sponsor, Mobil Oil, which shortened the life of the series. Twenty six broadcasts were produced; all but four shows have survived.
This is the 15th episode of the series, aired on May 3, 1944. Previous guests were Groucho Marx, Lionel Barrymore, Ann Sothern, Robert Benchley, Hedda Hopper, and Victor Moore.  Lucille Ball previously guest-starred on the series on March 3, 1944. 
Lucille Ball (Guest Star) was then filming Ziegfeld Follies for release in 1945. Her films Best Foot Forward and Thousands Cheer (both released in 1943) were still in local cinemas. Ball was in her fourth year of a rocky marriage to Desi Arnaz, who she would divorce in September 1944, although the papers were never officially filed. Two days earlier, she had be heard in “A Night To Remember” for radio’s “Screen Guild Players.” 
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Orson Welles (aka ‘Wonder Boy’) arrived in Hollywood in 1939 when Ball was a contract player at RKO Studios. To squelch rumors that he was a homosexual, the studio sent Lucy to escort him to a premiere to be photographed. He later recalled,
“We went to see the opening of some movie or other—I simply picked her up at her house and we went to the movie and got photographed and came home and I said ‘Good night,’ and that was the end of that. That was the end of that romance, but it was the beginning of a long friendship.”
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A veteran of the theatre, in 1941 the actor / director completed his magnum opus film Citizen Kane. In the 1950s he was under contract to Desilu to film a pilot for an anthology series called “The Fountain of Youth,” which wasn’t aired until 1958 and did not result in a series. Despite that, it won a Peabody Award, the only pilot to ever do so.
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On February 5, 1956 Lucy and Desi appeared with Welles on Ed Sullivan’s “Toast of the Town.” They were there to promote their film Forever Darling. Welles was there to promote his revival of his King Lear at New York’s City Center, which he initially performed in a wheelchair due to injuries to both ankles. By the time he performed it on “Toast of the Town” (aka “The Ed Sullivan Show”) Welles was using a crutch.
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When the Oscar-winning actor and director was down on his luck he was invited to stay in the Arnaz guest cottage. Notorious for his drinking and rude behavior, Lucy had to find a way to politely get rid of her guest so she decided to have an episode of “I Love Lucy” written for him so she could pay him a salary. With that in mind, Desilu paid him the exorbitant sum of $15,000!  Ball’s memories of Welles were mixed. “I had a real love-hate relationship with Orson,” she said towards the end of her life. “His mind was awesome…but he was also a pain in the ass.”
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At the time of this broadcast (March 8, 1944) Welles’ film Jane Eyre was playing in cinemas.
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Aurora Miranda (Musical Guest) was a Brazilian singer and actress. She began her career at the age of 18 in 1933. Miranda appeared in several films, including The Three Caballeros, where she danced with Donald Duck and José Carioca, singing the song, "Os Quindins de Yayá". Her sisters were Carmen Miranda and Cecilia Miranda.
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The All-Star Jazz Group: Mutt Carey (trumpet), Kid Ory (trombone), Barney Bigard (clarinet), Buster Wilson (piano), Bud Scott (guitar), Ed Garland (bass), and Zutty Singleton (drums).
John McIntire (Announcer)
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This episode was broadcast from the Naval Air Station at Terminal Island, San Pedro, California, at the time, the fastest ship-building station in the world.  
ORSON: “All the way out I had to sit on Lucille Ball’s lap!”
The sailors in the audience respond very vocally to Lucille.  
Orson and Ball enact a scenario depicting Lucille Ball pulling over to pick up a prudish sailor who is hitchhiking. The sailor says he’s headed to the Museum of Natural History, and maybe the Aquarium. They drive off, the sailor uncharacteristically staving off Lucille’s advances. He admires her car - a 1941 Cadillac.
ORSON: “You get much pick-up?” LUCILLE: “You’re the third today!” 
She takes him on a ‘short-cut’ and they run out of gas. She wants to stay and cuddle...but he is afraid.  Afraid that the museum will be closed!  
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Welles introduces Aurora Miranda to Lucille Ball. He has to ‘translate’ her heavy accent. She sings "No Tabuleiro da Baiana", with Welles joining her briefly in duet.
Lucille asks Orson if she can do a love scene with one of the sailors.  He recruits someone from the audience - George.  Although he claims no acting experience, he knows he can kiss!  Orson sets the scene: a boy comes home from college to meet his sweetheart for the first time in a long while. Orson acts as a director. 
ORSON: “Woah!  Slow down!  What’s the rush?” GEORGE: “I’m expecting a transfer any minute.”
Although the scene calls for hand-holding the sailor puts his arm around her. Lucy senses that Orson is deliberately intervening to prevent him from kissing her, but finally he does.  
ORSON: “Cut!  That’s it!  This isn’t commando tactics!  She’s an actress, not an obstacle course!” 
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Orson introduces the All-Star Jazz Band playing “Savoy Blues.” The piece was first recorded by Louis Armstrong in 1927 and was composed by Kid Ory, who plays trombone here.  
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Orson Welles reads the honor speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V on the subject of honor.
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In 1965, Welles made a film called Chimes at Midnight (aka Falstaff) which incorporated monologues from several of Shakespeare’s “Henry” plays, including Henry V. 
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