#i love your cat so much also I realized u sent me this image a bit ago and then i forgot yo answer it SORRY ILY AVERT^_^
eebie · 1 month
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BEAUTIFUL ANIMAhi beautiful. yourr so dtupid looking …..
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [1]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.4K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Hello my loves! And welcome back to another, rather long, series! I had so many inspirations for this piece that I couldn’t wait to share with you all! Be warned, this might be a 20 part series, maybe more maybe less but we’ll see what happens! I hope you fall in love with this story as much as I do!
And shout out to this amazing artist for the art! I am literally BLOWN AWAY by this art! I can’t stop looking at it! It’s so amazingly well drawn. Just... yes, yes, yes! Please support this artist if you ever want art done! Pricey but just look at this art. So worth it! Check out the end of the chapter for the full image without text!
Also!!!! Check out my side blog if you’re curious about what fics I’m reading! You’ll find alot of j u i c y stuff and please support my friends by reading and commenting on their stories as well! Love <3
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Nothing started your morning off better than the princess screaming her head off first thing in the morning. You, along with other servants, rushed to aid the princess in her time of distress. Although, it was never something to worry about with her. It was always something minor, like her hair was styled incorrectly or she didn’t like the color of clothes her servant picked out. Of course, this time, she was making a fuss that her perfume didn’t smell right.
“Your highness, I promise you, it’s the same one,” one of the servants who aided her in the morning pleaded for her life.
“No! You must have switched it out because it smells nothing like mine!” the princess screeched. The princess was so outraged that she started throwing everything and anything that was around her. Clothes, jewelry, candles, mirrors, anything she could get her hands on, she threw it. You and the other girls that just arrived could only watch in horror as her whole room becomes a mess with her belongings, some broken some completely shattered.
You wanted to say something. But you knew you couldn’t. If you stepped out of line or even talked back to any of the royals, you were surely to be punished severely later. Yet, you wanted to say something so bad. It was on the tip of your tongue. Because you knew the reason why it may smell different to the princess. To help your fellow friend in desperate need, you were going to say it. You pray to the gods that what you were about to say was right.
“Princess, if I may,” you started. The princess stopped what she was doing, midair, to give you the coldest stare you have ever received from her. You gulped. Well, too late to back out now. You bowed down your head respectfully while extending your hand to take the perfume. You don’t know why the princess decided to trust you at that moment, but she did. She nodded her head, allowing one of the servants to retrieve the bottle and place it in the palm of your hands.
“I believe it’s because your clothes already have a different perfume on it.” you explain. You pick up a different piece of clothing, one you knew was clean and free from previous scents, and spritzed the perfume onto it. “Here, does this smell like normal?” you offer the piece of clothing to the princess. For a moment, she stares at it, not believing your words. But she forcibly takes it anyway and smells it. The look of realization hit her harder than when she smashed her mirror against the floor. She spares you a second glance before handing off her perfume to someone and faces away.
“I would like to be left alone,” the princess states. After a synchronized bow from all her servants, you left the princess’s quarters and back to your own. When you were far enough, you let out a big sigh of relief. Man, that was scary. You probably shouldn’t be doing that again any time soon. Your friend hooked arms with you, the unexpected force made you loose your balance.
“Your intuition was spot on, once again,” she stated. You could only roll your eyes.
“I was just trying to help the situation,” you explained.
“Yeah, well if only the princess could use her brain once in a while, then she would have figured it out herself,” your friend puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.
“Well maybe her highness wasn’t feeling herself this morning,” you tried to defend her. But really, there was only so much you could defend her on.
“Oh, please, (y/n). You know that’s how she acts all the time. You act more like a princess than the princess herself,” your friend finally let the cat out of the bag. You quickly slapped her hand and checked your surroundings. Phew, no one of importance was in sight.
“Oh hush now. Don’t say things like that,” you scold her, giving her a stern look.
“What? You know all us girls think that. It doesn’t help that you look almost exactly like her. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were the princess instead.”
“Good gracious! Really? How could you say that so loud? What if someone overhears you? Then both you and me could get in trouble,” you warned. You knew your friend couldn’t care less. It was always gossip coming out of these girl’s mouths. That’s how news spreads fast around here. And you didn’t mind the gossip. Actually, you participated in the gossip too. There was a lot of downtime when you weren’t attending to the princess. So what do you do instead? Gossip. But you couldn’t have this type of gossip going around. This was dangerous.
The main girl who caused the princess to get upset, finally left the room. She was visibly traumatized by the whole event. Who wouldn’t be? Dealing with the princess is something else.
You noticed that the girl was bleeding from her finger. She must have gotten it when the princess was throwing glass around the room and it some pieces cut her.
“Come with me,” you gently grabbed her by the arm and led her to a room that was filled with different plants and bottles. The aroma immediately felt welcoming to anyone who stepped in. You went to a part of the room that you knew well and pulled out a bandage.
“This should do the trick,” you say as you finish wrapping her finger up.
“Thank you. How did you…”
“Oh, I learned a few things from the royal doctor. Sort of like an apprentice?” you explained. Being a servant isn’t the only task you knew how to do. On your spare time, you would come to the royal doctor and assist him whenever needed. In return for your volunteer, he taught you everything he knew about medicine. It was still a lot to process, but at least you knew how to do basic first aid.
“Are you even allowed to do that?” the girl asked. You thought for a minute. Was it? It wasn’t stopping you now.
“Well I guess it’s our little secret,” you put your finger to your mouth and gave a small wink.
After properly getting ready, you and the girls rushed to the princess’s side for it was your job to get her ready to be sent of and wedded. And she was not getting wedded off to just any prince. It was the rumored Blood Prince. Ah, yes. You heard much about this Blood Prince. He was the most vicious out of all the princes in the kingdom. Even more so than his eldest brothers. He was rumored to have sharp teeth and eyes that could kill with a single look. He was told to have scars marked all over his body from the battlefield. An ugly being, you imagined. Big, scary, intimidating, ruthless. God, you felt sorry for the princess for marrying such a man. You couldn’t imagine yourself marrying that type of person. Hearing stories about him made your blood run cold and chills down your spine.
You entered the princess’s room where a beautiful, white wedding dress, flowy, magnificent and perfect in all the right ways, was being fitted on the princess. You watched in awe because she looked absolutely fantastical in the dress. What a dream it would to be wear that dress only once in your life. At the same time her dress was being fitted, some servants were doing her hair and putting decorative pins and head pieces on. It was very chaotic in the room, with servants running everywhere, but it was all worth it for the princess to look this way.
You were preparing water for her hands and feet to soak while some of the girls that came with you were deciding which robe that best fits with her wardrobe.
“Your highness looks so lovely,” you commented, gently soaking her hands into warm bowls of water.
“Of course! I have to look my best for a special guest this afternoon,” the princess said in a cheery voice. You tilted your head slightly in confusion. You weren’t aware that the Blood Prince was coming to the palace. You thought the princess was being sent to him instead. You looked up and came into contact with a friend and she was speaking with her eyes.
She doesn’t know. She signaled to you. You frowned.
She doesn’t know?
She does not know.
Your mouth was left slightly ajar. The princess does not know that she is off to be engaged any moment now? This was a dilemma. She thinks a guest is coming. That’s why she’s dressed so much fancier than usual. But when she finds out that she is to be engaged, she’s going to wreck havoc in the palace. Now you really didn’t dare say anything now.
After finding out that very important piece of information, you could see that all the girls in the room knew, besides the princess. The tension in the room was growing increasingly more uncomfortable as time went on. But the princess was so air headed that she couldn’t read the room.
The princess was over the moon with happiness. And it was only because she could wear her fancy and expensive gowns that she can’t wear on the daily. She was skipping down the long corridors, humming a tune to only she knows as you and other servants follow behind her.
“Isn’t this dress beautiful? I feel like I’m in a wedding dress!” the princess exclaimed. You couldn’t help but raise a brow. Well, it’s because the princess is really in a wedding dress. But the princess did look beautiful beyond compare. She almost looked ethereal dancing in front of you like that. As the princess was dancing down the corridor, she passed by one of many large windows that gave a view of the front of the palace. A carriage was waiting to take her away to her fiancé, but she didn’t know that. Or did she?
She stopped in her tracks to take a better look at the carriage outside. A frown laid upon her lips and her eyebrows rightfully furrowed.
“Is that my carriage down there?” she questions. The ladies around you looked at each other, not knowing what to say. But even if they did know what to say, who was going to say it? One of your friends cleared their throat and bowed down to respond to the princess.
“It is, your highness,” she said.
“Whatever for?” a round of gulps could be heard from everyone there.
“For…your trip to your betrothed,” the girl’s voice shook from fear that the princess was going to blow up.
“My betrothed?” the princess repeated.
“Yes, your highness.”
“As in, to marry?”
“Yes, your highness.”
It was quiet. Nothing more came out of the princess’s mouth. And that scared all of you. This was not the normal reaction you were expecting. You expected her highness to rage, cry, scream, yell, destroy everything around her. But no. She was silent, like her tongue was ripped out of her throat.
In one quick movement, the princess turns around and dashes back to her bedroom. And who does she bring along? You! Before you could comprehend anything, the princess had taken you by the hand and now you were running down the corridor with the princess. The other ladies were running after you. When you turned back to look, you even saw a couple of guards running as well. But it was too late for them. The princess got to her room first, slammed the door closed, and barricaded the door with chairs to prevent anyone from coming inside.
“Your highness,” you call, out of breath from the sudden running. The princess didn’t answer you. She started taking off her dress, sending you into complete shock.
“Your highness! What are you doing?” you panicked. She only glared at you while not stopping what she was doing.
“Enough talking. Just take off your clothes,” she ordered you. You bit your lip. You had no idea what was going on but if she demanded it, then you had no choice but to obey. So, you stripped yourself of your filthy clothes and laid them on the floor. While you stood in front of the princess naked, she was getting the remaining of her clothes off. Then, she passed you her dress.
“Quick, put it on,” she said. You hesitated at first. You? Wear something only a princess could wear? But you couldn’t stall any longer. As quickly as you could, you put on the flowy wedding dress while the princess put on your peasant clothes. Banging was coming from the other side of the door, which only made both of you panic even more. If they came in while all this was happening, you would get into so much trouble. As soon as you both got situated in your new outfits, the princess gripped your shoulders so that you were looking her right in the eyes.
“Listen to me closely. You are going to take my place. I’ll be you and you’ll be me until you come back,” she shouted at you in a whisper.
“Your highness?” you began but she shut you up because she wasn’t finished.
“Your mission is to make this prince hate you so much that he calls off this marriage. Then you’ll return and everything will go back to normal,” she continued. It looked like she wanted to say more, but your time together was cut short. The guards had already pushed their way through the door and charging their way towards you. The princess, who was now dressed as you, quickly covered your face with the veil. The veil was thick enough that no one could see your eyes or face.
“Take the princess,” one of the guards ordered. The real princess bowed her head down, faking it until the end. The guards went straight up to you, grabbing you by both of your arms and forcibly escorted you out to the carriage.
And so there you were, on your way to some unknown kingdom, about to marry some man you didn’t even know. All because the princess ordered you to. No matter how much you hated the idea, you couldn’t even voice your opinions to her. You were in no position to do so. Before you left the palace grounds, you looked back, hoping that this was all some sort of sick joke. But the princess was looking down at you from the window, giving you a nod of trust. She trusted you. You had to fulfil her request.
This is how you found yourself in the presence of the most vicious Blood Prince, Bakugou Katsuki.
A/N: Let me know if you want to be put on a tag list! And leave your thoughts below about the first chapter! What did you think so far? How do you think the story is going to go? What did you think about the art? Speaking of art, here is the full image unedited! Are you in love with it just as much as I am?
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ojoboy · 4 years
han seungwoo babyfever au
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genre: han seungwoo x reader, fluff, domestic bliss
word count: 4k
plot: Your cousin asks you to babysit his children (14 y.o. Dongpyo & 13 months old baby sister Dohye) to celebrate the anniversary with his wife. Your boyfriend volunteeringly helps you out. Oh oh looks like you two are about to catch baby fever.
a/n: I finally decided to watch Broduce during quarantine although I already knew the outcome because I was too moved by some videos of Yunseong and Jinhyuk :( Anyways when Seungwoo said that if he had a son he’d like him to be like Dongpyo, I was like: say no more! (I hope you don’t mind that I made Dongpyo younger for this)
from: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:17pm]
wanna do something later? i miss u :(
to: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:19pm]
it’s been only two days... but i miss u too :(
and i don’t know if i have time today. i’m babysitting Jaesung’s children tonight because they are celebrating their anniversary and might come back late  
from: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:19pm]
i could come by and help you out?
i’m meeting seungsik now but i definitely can come right afterwards!
to: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:20pm]
yeeess, i’d love that!
5:07pm. The streets are filled with cars rushing home and it almost looks like they are following the sun, eager to come home and finally rest. You just finished stowing away things in your small apartment that could be possibly dangerous around babies, now lazily scrolling through your Instagram feed and liking every other post. Then the doorbell finally rang and you rushed to the door to buzz them in. Almost a minute later there was a family of four standing in your living room.  
“Sorry for being late,” your cousin said as he carefully put his bag down, “traffic, you know.” “It’s fine,” you replied and crouched down and shook little Dohye’s hands, beaming at the baby in the stroller. “Well, someone’s in a good mood today, aren’t you little sunshine?” Whether she did understand you or not, the little girl simply responded with a cheerful giggle that could melt anyone’s heart.  
“She’s been energetic all day long. I hope she won’t give you a hard time,” her mother told you while undoing the buckles and taking the small child in her arms. Dongpyo was already sitting down on the couch next to the big black bag, seemingly busy on his phone.
“Everything you need for Dohye is in the bag. Diapers, baby food and even some toys to keep her entertained.” Your attention diverted back to your cousin who was going through the bag to check all items. “All right, thank you.”  
After checking the final things with you, Hyejin took your hands in hers and squeezed them tightly. “Thank you so much for doing this!” “Yes, thank you. You are the best!” Your cousin engulfed you in a hug and then walked over to his children. “Behave well and help Y/N out, okay?” he playfully ruffled Dongpyo’s hair and bent down to kiss the little girl on his lap, followed by his wife showering the two with affection. A little annoyed like most teenagers in puberty the young boy told his parents off.
Halfway through the door Hyejin turned around to say, “Call us if there are any problems!”
“Don’t worry, Seungwoo is also coming. I’m sure we’ll manage,” you reassured them while ushering them out, “Just enjoy your anniversary!” "Oh, say hello from us then, yeah?” Jaesung waved one last time before the door closed.
“Finally!” the fourteen years-old exclaimed, making you chuckle. Seeing how his sister started squirming in his lap and hitting his face, you offered to take her while Dongpyo dutifully laid out her blanket on your floor and set up a few toys. “So, your boyfriend is also coming?”
“Yup, I think you’ve only met him once. Remember when we picked you up from dance practice because your mom was in labor? He drove us to the hospital.”
“Oh yeah, but isn’t he too cool for you?”
“Hey, wouldn’t be the other way around?” You played along. “Dohye agrees with me.”
“Nah, he really looked cool driving with one hand and calming you down while you were nervous as a cat.”  
Just when you were about to retort the doorbell rang again as if your boyfriend knew you were talking about him. “Dongpyo can you get that, please?” Without further ado the boy got up from the comfy spot and buzzes Seungwoo in. A few moments later he enters, dressed in black ripped jeans and a white tee which was mainly covered by the purple The Rolling Stones hoodie (you got it for him as a birthday present and he claimed it was his favorite piece of clothing ever since).
“Hey guys, I brought some cake!” Seungwoo proudly lifts the white bag with his usual endearing smile. He fist-bumped Dongpyo and walked over to press a chaste kiss on your cheek before he set the cake down on the kitchen counter.
“You should marry him,” Dongpyo’s ogling eyes followed your boyfriend first, then his body. Eager to have some cake, his hands were already reaching out for the white bag when you stopped him. “Dongpyo stop. Let's save the cake for dessert, alright?”
With a pout, the boy looks up at the older guy in hope of him being able to convince you otherwise but the latter apologetically shook his head, “Sorry pal, you heard the boss.” He then proceeded to carefully stored the cake in your refrigerator as Dongpyo dramatically put his head between his hands.  
About half an hour into the babysitting you were sitting down on your floor, watching Dohye grabbing colorful wooden bricks and stacking them on top of each other. Sometimes she would even chuck them in your direction as if to tell you that you should do the same.
Meanwhile the two boys sat comfortably on the couch as Dongpyo showed some of his dance covers on his phone but also a few viral video clips he saw on social media, both unable to hold back their laughter. By now they have become close mentally - as well as physically. They were leaning onto each other, leaving no space between them, and Seungwoo had one of his arms draped over the boy’s narrow shoulders. It was a position you were very familiar with.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen this video of a ferret dancing? It’s soooo cute,” Dongpyo leaned down from the couch to show you his phone screen whereas Seungwoo held onto his shirt so he wouldn’t fall down. Mimicking the ferret’s movements with Dohye’s rattle in your hand, you answered, “Yes, I replayed it so, so many times and even sent it to Seungwoo.”
Enticed by the rattle, the little baby dropped the blue brick and started crawling towards you. With open arms you welcome the girl as she climbed in your lap, willingly handing the rattle over. Immediately Dohye aggressively shook the toy and filled the room not only with rhythmic rattling but also joyous laughter.  
Feeling your lower back starting to hurt from sitting on the ground, you scooted over to lean against the couch with Dohye safely pulled against your front. “Wow, this is funny haha!”  
When you craned your neck to see what Dongypo was laughing about, you realized that Seungwoo’s eyes had been set on you. It seemed like he was in a daze, the way he smiled so fondly at the sight of you holding and playing with the baby.  
The image of you and him having a baby of your own crossed his mind ever since he walked through the door today and saw you two together and truth to be told he liked it - a lot.
His hand then slowly reached out for your head and gently stroked your hair, careful not to get any strands tangled with his rings. Enjoying the calming feeling, you returned his sweet gesture with a genuine smile that made his heart flutter like the first time he met you.
This intimate moment didn’t last long, though, as Dohye suddenly began to cry. “Oh no, what’s wrong, Dohye?” You picked her tiny body up and smelled her diaper. “Well, it doesn’t seem like you need your diaper changed.”
“I bet she’s hungry, Y/N” Dongpyo said as he put his phone down. “Can you get the baby food from bag, please?” You slowly got up from your place and rocked the girl back and forth in hope of calming her down. “Shh, don’t cry. Your big brother is getting your food right.”
“I got it! It says that it needs to be heated up in the microwave for a minute to a minute and a half,” the boy read the instructions and walked over to your kitchen. However, he struggled to open the glass so Seungwoo offered to help him, “Here, let me.”
He then opened the little glass on his first try and proceeded to put it in your microwave as he already knew his way around your kitchen. “Oh, I think this might be a little too hot?” Seungwoo worried after taking the glass out and rolling it between his hands.  
“Let’s stir the heat out and wait a little then... Dongpyo, is there perhaps a baby bib in the bag too?”
All of you made your way back into the living room, you sitting down on the couch with a still crying baby and joined by Seungwoo while Dongpyo looked for the baby bib. Tying it around her neck turned out to be a bit harder than expected since she started to squirm around.
After finally succeeding, you decided to switch with Seungwoo so you could feed the little girl. You carefully blew on the small spoon as Dohye watched you with big eyes and drool coating her mouth already. Ten minutes later the glass is empty and a big content smile grazed the girl’s lips.
“Wow, you eat really well, huh?” You wiped her mouth with the bib and booped her little nose. “You come after your dad, I guess.”
“Are you sure you don’t need me to help you cook?”  
“I’ll manage. Just watch the kids, honey” You couldn’t help but giggle at your own cheesy words and squeezed his muscular arm before sending him back into the living room. As soon as you calmed Dohye down, the next kid started to complain about being hungry. This whole situation made you feel like it was your little family.  
Before you could indulge further into your imagination, you diverted your attention to the ingredients in front of you to cook pasta. While the noodles were boiling, you were busy cutting onions and carrots for the sauce when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your middle. Shortly after his head hovered next to yours, “Looks good, babe.”
“There is nothing to see yet,” you playfully nudged him, yet he pulled you closer against his body. “Wasn’t talking about the food,” Seungwoo then cheekily pressed his lips against the side of your face and proceeded to steal a few slices of carrots, running back before you could stop him.
Looking over your shoulder you saw that he was sharing the stolen goods with none other than Dongpyo, both a giggling mess. In your eyes the two were like a real father-son duo and you began to wonder what it would be like if you two were to start a family. A blush bloomed on your cheeks, yet you pushed the thought back to focus on cooking again.
As soon as you served the pasta, Dongpyo came rushing and very eager to dig in. You left the TV on and put on a children’s show to entertain Dohye while the rest of you enjoyed dinner.  
“I’m so fuuuuull! Thank you for the meal, Y/N,” Dongpyo said as he lazily rubbed his tummy and closed his eyes for moment. “Too full for the cake, though?” Seungwoo asked the boy across him, raising his eyebrow. At his words, Dongpyo’s eyes opened with a twinkle in them, “Never!”
While you put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, Seungwoo was already taking out new plates and of course: the long-anticipated cake. “I hope you like cherries, Dongpyo,” your boyfriend presented three chunky pieces of cake covered in pink and white frosting with little cherries on top. “Voila, the cake is really delicious. I tried one piece with Seungsik today,” he winked at you and forked a bite-sized piece, raising it to your mouth.  
You welcomed the sweet taste as the frosting melted on your tongue, humming in agreement. Just when the three of you sat down on the couch again, the baby started crawling towards your boyfriend and grabbed his sturdy leg to pull herself up, her eyes set on the pink and white delicacy. Seungwoo quickly put his plate on the coffee table and picked the girl easily up.
“Aigoo, do you want some?” You two only laughed when she stretched her short arms towards your plate and almost lunged at it, only to be held back by your co-babysitter. You scooped a small amount of the frosting on your pinky and placed it against her plump limps which she gladly took.  
“Oh Y/N, be careful of her-”
Dongpyo’s warning came a little too late as you massaged your poor finger, while Dohye somehow managed to giggle innocently yet diabolically at the same time (in that moment she reminded you a lot of her brother).
“Do you want to see my new dance routine?”  
“Weren’t you too full to move just now?” You questioned the young boy.  
“It’s all good now. I don’t think I will throw up.”
“Well, that’s very reassuring.”
Soon your small living room turned into a stage as Dongpyo prepared several dance covers of girl groups. His little sister started to jump up and down on the couch, with Seungwoo holding her arms, to cheer him on. He even managed to persuade Seungwoo to join him who acted hesitant at first but matched the teenager’s energy once he got up.
You and Dohye clapped as soon as the little showcase ended. The two guys plumped down on the couch, slightly out of breath. Seungwoo wasted no time to strip himself off his purple hoodie, leaving him in his loose white tee. The tattoos adorning his milky skin caught the younger one’s attention, “Wow Seungwoo, you have tattoos? Y/N, your boyfriend is soooo cool!”
He then put his index finger under his chin, “I think I’m getting tattoos, too, when I’m older. They look so cool on you.” At this you two couldn’t stifle your laughter, earning a confused look from Dongpyo. But who could blame you? It was very hard to imagine such a sweet, baby-faced boy to get tattoos inked on his skin.  
“Sure thing, buddy,” Seungwoo ruffled the boy’s hair, unable to hold back his smile.
“Oh, but it hurts a lot, right? Maybe I won’t get any after all...” Dongpyo leaned back against the couch, hugging the cushion tighter.
You didn’t know how much time had passed when you took care of the mess in your kitchen but when you returned to your living room, you discovered a sleeping baby lying on top of your boyfriend’s chest. Your heart melted at this sight and the corners of your mouth immediately tugged upwards. Wanting to capture the sweet moment, you took your phone out and wasted no time to get a few shots of the two, careful not to disturb them.
Just when you crouched down next to the couch to get an up-close shot, your knee joints betrayed you. The pop seemingly woke up your boyfriend from his slumber as his eyes slowly opened and you were met with warm, brown orbs.  
Catching you red-handed, Seungwoo cracked a smile and whispered, “What are you doing, babe?”  
“You two look so adorable, I just couldn’t resist!” You smiled sheepishly and began to stroke his hair with your free hand, pushing a few strands away from his eyes.
“Mh, as much as I’m enjoying this, I think my back might kill me soon,” he softly spoke with his eyes closed again, welcoming your gentle touch. “C’mon, let’s put her in my bed.”
Seungwoo clutched the little girl closer to his chest and slowly got up without making any noise. He pushed her a little upwards so she could rest her head on his shoulder. You walked ahead, opening the two doors for him, and pulled the blanket aside to let him put Dohye down. Then you tucked her safely in and placing your stuffed bunny, which Seungwoo had won for on your first arcade date, next to her.  
The two of you sneaked out of your bedroom, leaving the door ajar just in case she woke up. Now standing in the small hallway, Seungwoo wrapped his arms around you from behind, putting just a little bit of his weight on you. “My back still hurts from your small couch; you should carry me like this,” you could basically hear his pout above your head.
“Shut up, my couch is not that small. It’s just because you are stupidly tall!” You hushed him as you wriggled in his arms to turn around and playfully pinched his cheeks. There was a shift in his eyes; usually he would retort that you were ‘stupidly small’ but this time he just gazed at you, eyes filled with adoration.
With your chests pressing against each other, you were not quite sure whether it was your heart that was racing or his. Maybe it was both of yours but it didn’t matter, anyways.  
“What are you thinking about?” You asked in a small voice, your index finger now tracing his dimple instead.
“I was just wondering, what it would be like if we had a baby,” Seungwoo confessed and smiled innocently at you. Heart skipping a beat, you were slightly flustered by his unexpected answer and felt your ears heat up.  
“You would be a great dad.” Before he could react, you got on your tiptoes and simultaneously pulled his face a little bit down to meet him with a brief, yet sweet peck on the lips.  
Once you released his face and let your hands slide down to the juncture between his shoulders and neck, you felt his arms tighten around your body and tugging you even closer to him. Being not satisfied with the peck, he leaned in for another kiss.
His warm lips melted against yours and you felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach like it was the very first time. As your lips moved against his, you could feel him smiling into the kiss. There was still a faint taste of cherries lingering on his lips adding to the sweet and addictive kiss. For a moment you forgot about everything because being in his arms just felt right.
“Wow, it’s like my parents never left,” a sudden voice exclaimed from behind you. The two of you shyly pulled away from each other and looked at the intruder. “Don’t mind me, I’m just going to use the bathroom.”
With that being said, Dongpyo quickly disappeared into your bathroom. You were slightly embarrassed by getting caught but to make you blush even more, Seungwoo then said, “I want to have a kid like him later, haha.”
Their parents came back around 9pm. Dohye was still fast asleep in your bedroom, by now cuddling with your stuffed bunny, while the three of you watched an episode of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bokjoo.
“You guys came back early! How was your dinner?”, you asked them as you let the couple in. “Oh, it was wonderful and the food was really delicious. You two should check out the restaurant sometime,” Hyejin gushed. “Anyways, we called it a night early because I missed my babies too much.”
She wasted no time to pull her son into her side and ruffle his fluffy hair, eliciting a soft whine from him.  
“Ah, I almost forgot! We’ve got you a little gift,” the woman nudged her husband who pulled out a small white box from his paper bag. “It’s from our favorite chocolatier. But it’s only a small gift so whenever you have time, come over and we will make you a nice meal to thank you properly, yeah?”
“Alright, let’s go home now. I think we’ve bothered you enough for tonight,” your cousin chimed after putting his little girl in her carrier and giving the two of you a hug.
Once you closed the door behind them, Seungwoo pulled you into his arms again. Just before he could say anything, a yawn escaped his mouth.
“Are you tired?”
“Mhm, just a little bit.”
He rested his forehead against yours, eyes lovingly gazing into yours again like earlier.
“Do you wanna stay the night?”
“Sure, I’d love to.”
Seungwoo rummaged through your closet, looking for a comfortable shirt amidst all the t-shirts that you’ve either got or stole from him. Finally, his eyes set on a grey oversized tee which you actually could wear as a dress. Stripping off his slightly sweaty shirt, he welcomed the new soft fabric that no longer smelled like his cologne but by now had picked up your sweet scent.
When he joined you in the bathroom, you were already brushing your teeth whilst scrolling through your Instagram feed. He made his way behind you, smiling at your reflection in the mirror because the pink shirt that he’s been missing for the past week just happened to be engulfing you in that moment. But how could be upset when you looked like an angel to him?
Before you could grab your hair yourself, Seungwoo gently pushed them back and held them for you so they wouldn’t get in your way until you were finished with your routine. Once he started with his routine, you sat down on the edge of your bathtub. Waiting for him, you went through your gallery and took a look at the photos from earlier again.
“What’chu shmiling at?” He asked you with a mouth full of foam, watching through the mirror.
“Just the pics of you and Dohye sleeping together. They are really cute, I think I’m gonna post one of them!” You excitedly stood up and stayed by his side, holding your phone in front of him whilst swiping and showing him your favorite snapshots.  
After he was done with his own routine, the two of you wasted no time to snuggle up in the comfort of your bed. Like every other night you rested your head on his shoulder with his arms secured round your frame as if you could easily slip away anytime. A pleasant silence fell over you, only your shallow breaths were audible.
Your eyes were fixated on a sliver of light that shone through your blinds, unable to close your eyes and succumb to the sweet promise of sleep yet. The image of Seungwoo and the kids wouldn’t leave you alone. Sure, you’ve seen him plenty times playing with his own nephew already but today felt different.
“I was just wondering, what it would be like if we had a baby.”
His words kept repeating and repeating themselves in your head.
“What’s on your mind?” Seungwoo spoke so softly, it was barely a whisper. He started gently stroke your hair as he slightly turned his head towards you, his lips now almost brushing your temple.
“Just thinking about what you said earlier...” You tilted your head, meeting his eyes in the dark. “You know, what it’d be like if we had a baby, and I can’t stop thinking about it – but in a good way!”  
If you had looked a little bit closer, you would have seen that his gaze softened even more at you rambling about how he would spoil the baby to death or you two dressing up your child like a model, making it the most fashionable baby out there.
“The thought of a baby really doesn’t scare me anymore. Especially when I have you by my side,” you confessed. Instead of teasing you for corny confession, he pushed his body off the bed and hovered above you, his head already diving in to claim your lips.
Seungwoo didn’t say a word during your ramble but he put all his feelings into the kiss and you knew – he didn’t need to say it aloud because you knew he felt the same. His right hand caressed your face, thumb going over the apple of your cheek.
“I really like the sound of that,” his lips stretched into a smile before the landed right on your temple.  
Suddenly his smile turned smug, “We could try making one right now.”
“Oh, shut up!”
The next morning you checked your notifications only to find yourself chuckling at them.
ssunhwa: oh I didn’t know I was an aunt already
pyopyoson: huh is that black mob of hair mine? anyways, I want pics with him too
seungsmile_: just get married already
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epahetero · 4 years
thank you for the tag @thisdamnfoolofalesbian ! sorry it took me so long to answer to this fghdsjfdsfl
1. what’s the colour of your hairbrush?
- two are black and one is pink
2. is there a food you never eat?
- i mean out of the foods i can choose to eat or not, its rice porridge
3. are u usually too warm or too cold?
- too warm (i get overheated really easily, so my room is always so cold that people just call it the freezer)
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
- playing guitar!
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
- snickers probaply!
6. have u ever been to a professional sporting event?
- nope
7. what was the last thing you said out loud?
- “Whats up rat” to my sister
8. favourite ice cream
- salty caramel or salmiac
9. what was the last thing you had to drink
- zero coke
10. do u like your wallet? 
- yes though i use it rarely! (its a cute small red fake leather one but i have a bad habit of using my phone case as my wallet)
11. what was the last thing u ate? 
- a sushi roll!
12. did u buy any clothes last weekend? 
- nope
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched?
- oh man i watch sports so rarely, i think it was a hockey game last winter
14. favourite flavour of popcorn?
- butter and salt (basic i know i know)
15. last person you sent a text to?
- my best friend Daniel
16. ever go camping?
- yeah, haven’t in a while though!
17. do you take vitamins?
- i try to lol
18. do you go to church on sundays
- nope (i do like to visit churches when travelling if they’re old ones but other than that i only go when i have to)
19. do you have a tan
- i literally reflect light, if i step outside in the sun without a shade i will probably turn to ash within 5 minutes
20. chinese food or pizza?
- that’s like asking which of my cats i love the most
21. do u drink pop with a straw 
- nope (i do use silly straws when drunk sometimes but only to drink wine lmao)
22. what colour socks do you usually wear
- either plain black or red ones with fried eggs shaped like hearts (this made me realize i have a whole lot of socks with food images on them???)
23. ever drive above the speed limit
- for legal reasons no officer (only when driving a moped in places with little to no other drivers)
24. what terrifies you
- driving a car, loss of loved one and spiders
25. look to your left; what do u see?
- a moomin mug (a pink one with snork maiden putting on some make up)
26. what chore do u hate?
- washing the floor and windows (i have 4 cats who love licking all floors and windows + smacking their paws on em)
27. what do u think of when you hear an australian accent?
- a cute barista girl i met when she was an exchange student here (she didnt work at a coffee store here but always had coffee with her)
28. favourite pop? 
- zero coke, cherry coke (ja muumi limppari!)
29. do u go into fast food places or hit up the drive thru
- usually in if there is one of those self order things, otherwise drive through (when you and your whole friend group is anxious to talk to restaurant workers)
30. last person u talked to 
- my sister
31. favourite cut of beef 
- rarely eat beef but i think ground beef is the one usually have
32. last song you listened to?
- Washing machine heart by mitski
33. last book u read?
- Useless magic by Florence welch
34. favourite day of the week?
- saturday
35. can u say the alphabet backwards
- i have like 3 brain cells so no
36. how do u like ur coffee
- black with bit of honey in it or one of those caramel bitches no idea what they’re called
37. favourite pair of shoes
- basic black combat boots
38. what time do u usually go to bed?
- oh man, it changes so much, either at 8pm, 3am, 6am, 12pm....
39. when do u get up?
- again, changes so much, usually around midday or midnight
40. sunrises or sunsets
- i love both but sunsets take the win
41. how many blankets are on your bed
- one blanket and two fleece blankets
42. describe your kitchen plates
- i think the only set i own myself is dark blue (i mostly own mugs since i still live home lmao)
43. go to alcoholic drink?
- white wine if im just at home, when out its either dark ice smirnoff or vodka with redbull 
44. do u play cards?
- nope, really want to real though
45. what colour is your car?
- nonexisting!
46. can you change a tire?
- no
47. favourite province?
- if out of the ones in finland probably the southern areas
48. favourite job you ever had?
- i loved and hated working at an elders home, i mostly spent time keeping company for the old ladies and shaving beards, cleaning around etc, but it also was really sad being there
49. how did you get your biggest scar?
- i don’t have any like Big big scars but i have few on my forehead from being stubborn as a kid and hitting my face on a cliff (i wanted to walk myself even tho i was a wobbly baby, ripped my hand from my mom and fell on my face, even like 15 years after that i still have few scars on my forehead and eyebrows lmao)
50. what did you do today that made someone happy?
- i joked around with my sister wich cheered her up
i’m gonna tag @yourantagonist and @viir-tanadhal @bblissfulgay because you were the first to pop up lmao
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serenzippity · 5 years
I want to request a minhyuk (mx) smut where you make a deal and if he wins a challenge u would sleep w him (their toast game from idol room and minhyuk’a smug face when he bit that toast gave me the idea) Thank you hun 💕
Hey love, so this kind of took a different turn. I’m not a huge fan of the “losing the bet = sleep with him” idea because I feel like it takes away a portion of consent. However, I tried to make it semi-smutty in the end.
Warning: slight angst if you squint and smutty
Gif is mine.
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“Absolutely not.”
“Minhyuk no.”
“Minhyuk yes.”
“I’ll hit you.”
“No you— Ow!”
Despite whacking him upside the head, his cheeky smile never left his lips. The controller in his hand was vibrating with victory as the screen flashed colors that made your stomach do turns. Normally it flashed with your name but somehow— probably due to the haze of alcohol and Minhyuk’s mere intoxicating presence— it flashed with his name.
The bet was simple: win or lose. If you won, Minhyuk would do your laundry for two months, starch and all. If Minhyuk won you would do him one favor of his choice. He argued that he didn’t know what he would want you to do at the time, but now that he won there was an inherent sense of dread. He was your best friend and you knew him better than most. That familiar knowledge of him made you fear for your future sanity.
“Hit me all you want, I am still the winner,” he said with a smug smile, stretching across the couch like the cat who got the canary. “Which means you owe me a favor.” He draped his legs over your lap, toeing at your stomach.
Usually, your heart would be fluttering at the close proximity to your best friend, but this time around it felt like it would jackhammer out of your chest. “W-what,” you stammered, trying to clear your throat and compose yourself, “What do you want me to do?”
“Don’t worry,” he giggled, poking your stomach more. “It won’t be bad. I haven’t even fully decided what I want yet.” His smile was blinding, the kind that lit up his entire face in an effervescent light. Beautiful was the only way to describe said smile.
“I’m still terrified Min.” Your voice came out as a tense droll but he didn’t say anything, the smile was too tightly screwed on.
He just hit start and resumed the game, ignoring your reservations. The Super Smash Bros rolled on in the background with both of you getting back into the swing of things. However, you were still slightly off your game as the bet loomed over your head. He absolutely slaughtered you in a game that used to be your forte. Round after round he kept completely destroying all your self-confidence in your gaming skills. Granted, he was very good at video games but you usually put up a much better fight.
“C’mon babe! Make it a challenge at least!” The nickname had your thumb slipping off the joystick, completely ruining your game and sending your character flying off the edge and into its imminent death.
You just stared blankly at the controller in disbelief. It was as if your mind and body were completely at a disconnect. All you could think about was Minhyuk, his intoxicating presence, and the favor you knew you’d eventually owe him. Your head was spinning and nothing fully computed, but you somehow found yourself fleeing the living room and rushing into your bedroom. You felt too stifled, almost suffocating on the air for a reason that you couldn’t fully comprehend.
Minhyuk was your best friend and you loved him more than any other person in the world, so why was your heart speeding at hundreds of miles per minute at the simple idea of him asking you for a favor? It was as if he told you said favor was to commit capital murder. Every nerve and synapsis was firing off at very thought of owing him, especially after you recently came to terms with your feelings for him.
But you made the bet, and you didn’t think you could go back on it.
“Hey,” Minhyuk murmured, knocking on your door and standing in the threshold. He looked concerned, eyes scanning over you with thinly veiled worry. He moved quickly, racing over and taking your face in his hands. The warmth of his hands began to calm you until you realized how close he was standing. The nearness kickstarted your heart again and the room spun. However, Minhyuk was the only thing you could focus on through the vortex. “You’re shaking,” he said, and you didn’t even realize you were until he pointed it out.
“M-Min, what is the favor you want?” Your voice was a mere whisper but in the space, between you, it echoed.
The worry on his face began to melt away into one of his dazzling smiles. One hand stayed on your cheek while the other came to cradle your neck, his thumb resting on your jaw and forcing you to stare directly at his face. “Is that what you are worried about?”
“I’m serious Min,” you could feel the anger at his indifference bubble up, but you also knew that you were being irrational. You were scared and there was no complete reasoning as to why.
He laughed and his forehead came down to touch yours. The intimate gesture sent you soaring into the highest clouds, but you were still bracing yourself for a painful impact. “I just wanted to ask you something simple.” His thumb stroked your cheek as you began to feel a slight tinge of reassurance spread through your veins.
“And?” He only smiled at your question, continuing to lightly touch you but becoming invading all at once. Beaming, he leaned back to look down at you and you felt a rush of love hit you at his beautiful face. You were in so deep, and his close proximity didn’t help.
“And I was only going to ask you on a date. That was my favor.” Your eyes got wide and your jaw practically dropped to the floor. He giggled before placing a short kiss on your forehead and holding you closer to his body “Will you do me the favor of going on a date with me?”
He looked at you expectantly, hope shining in his eyes. You stared at him for a few minutes that felt like hours. They ticked by and every moment of silence drained that sparkle from his eyes. He thought you’d eventually reject him but that wasn’t the case. You didn’t give him a direct answer. It was as if some strange out of body ghost or paranormal entity possessed you. Call it a demon or call it an alien, but you acted in a way that surprised both of you.  
You grabbed Minhyuk’s collar and pulled him down, kissing him passionately.
It didn’t take long for his surprise to wear off before he was kissing you back eagerly. Everything moved at light-speed as lips clashed and hands began to wander. He released your face in favor of picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Your head was spinning and you could have cried at the heated contact, the totality of it finally hitting you. There was nothing in your mind that wasn’t focused solely on him. His touch, his kisses, his body heat, everything was honed in on your best friend and the love of your life.
He walked back and deposited you on your bed, eliciting a sharp gasp at the relatively rough drop. He attacked you again, his mouth coming to kiss and bite along the juncture of your neck. You mewled at the sensation, trying to pull him closer with locked legs and greedy hands. He ground his hips into yours, further heating up the tension between you.
It took him all of thirty seconds to rip your clothes off. With nothing but a bra and panties on you, Minhyuk leaned back to appraise you like a glimmering jewel. “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he pushed the cup of your bra down. Gentle thumbs and fingertips caressed your breasts and sent chills up and down your spine.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” His voice was a breathless whisper. Blown out pupils and flushed skin made him look ethereal. The image of him hovering over you with love and lust swirling in his eyes would be permanently seared in your mind. It made you giddy with anticipation and you felt like you were floating through a dream.
“Don’t stop,” you moaned, pulling him down into another searing kiss and pushing you further into the best night of your life.
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egg2k16 · 5 years
Ramble abt ur ocs?
I have a good grasp on alex's, I want to get a better one on yours
Damn, I also wanna have a good grasp on my own ocs vnjdfsnvkdjsk go to sleep, friend
ANYWAYS, I’m finally working on the fantroll’s dancestors, and I’ve made my life simpler by having them just be their older siblings. Their names are: Elafus Ciervo, Rubria Papilo, Buinin Vaacaa, Felipe Montis, Eyoulf Zorroz, Adersi Pardus, Wadjet Kaarme, Ulrick Lobazo, Nannus Cennet, Kotkas Raptor, Grulla Labuut, Etelan Cheval, and Sunnon Velryb, and they’re supposed to be their own sibling’s foils, or just plain opposites
Elafus is a blind merc who totally lives in the shadows unlike Nemusa, who’s been living on the fringe of society. Elafus is more confident in her person and while she doesn’t go about saying that she’s a mutantblood, it’s not something she’d lie about when asked. Since she’s an assassin for hire, she doesn’t really stay in one place, opting to travel from place to place. She’s also got a blind cat. I wanted a cool assassin oc bcus I can only respect for real heroes who actually kill, so she’s a bit of a wish fulfillment for me. If you’ve got the bad guy right in front of you, and you know they’re gonna do more harm later on, just kill them? It’s that easy
Ok, so: I love cowboys, and plan on becoming one, and I’ve recently rewatched The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and I’m reading a cowboy anthology book rn, so: Rubria, Buinin, and Felipe are all cowboys, and they’re basically the good, the bad, and the ugly
Rubria is the bad: ok so, Haidar’s entire arc has to do w the fact that he joined the mafia and his attempts at breaking free, and here w the dancestors, I wanted to explore that a little bit more. Rubria works directly for the mafia boss, he’s their right-hand man, and is sent to kill Buinin bcus she’s been a pain in the ass and a liability lately. Rubria’s an efficient killer, and he likes to mingle at clubs and saloons. Very conniving, usually always gets his way
Buinin is the ugly: I really liked that scene in TGTBATU where Tuco talks to his brother, who’s a monk, about how in their hometown, you could only get ahead in life if you became a priest or a crook, and coincidentally I had already made Itavam a religious person, so making Buinin the crook in the family was p cool. Buinin is a cow-rustler, and she’s been stealing from the mafia boss’ major storages. She’s very abrasive and heavy-handed, she’s a very focused and straight-to-the-point, no-nonsense person. She also likes to swindle people out of their money
Felipe is the good: dude I just really love Clint Eastwood. That’s basically the entire reason for him. Also me wanting to have more explicitly gay cowboys, but yeah vnfnvkjdnjsk. Ok, Felipe’s a smartass who knows he’s good looking, and uses that to his advantage whenever he’s on a job. He’s usually hired as muscle on farms, making sure bandits don’t get into the barns and all that. He also works as a guide, the reason why he moves around a lot. He gets tangled up with Buinin when he was about to shoot her for trespassing when she promised him lots of money if he helped her take out a sucker
Eyoulf, unlike their lil sib Botolf, lives at the edge of the forest, kinda prairie-like land. Think West Virginia. Eyoulf is actually more in-tune w their aspect, time, than Botolf bcus they work as the local horologist. They make clocks and watches, and is counting on their good work ethic and relationship w the townsfolk to not rat them out. They feel a bit lost, actually, bcus Botolf is so connected w the land and forest, meanwhile they’re keeping time, something that people worry about
Adersi, like Haidar, also got tangled up w the mafia, this time scaling the echelon to become their accountant. I really like the image of a very calm fellow just one day snapping, so that’s what I began with. He’s a very nervous man, a chainsmoker, trying to get his nerves under control. He keeps a gun on his person, just in case. He gets along well w the other cronies, but would rather Leave. He felt heartbroken when he heard that Haidar had also joined the gang. Kotkas, his gf, is helping him get out of this life
Wadjet is an army nurse, and the mood for her character is that beginning scene in Saving Private Ryan where Tom Hanks and the other soldiers are yelling for their medic friend, named Wade. I misunderstood his name as “Waye,” so the scene for me went, “Waye. Waye. Waye!” It was actually p funny, ok, so, Wadjet has been out in the cosmos, away from home, on the battlefield, for most of her career. She’s used to the dirt and grime, and basically only cleans her hands when dealing directly w a patient. Rat girl. She’s also a daywalker, like Euryyd, which makes her a valuable asset to the imperial army, saving fallen soldiers during the daytime. She’s a mother hen, always worried about her friends and her sister. When she enters the game, she immediately tries to find Euryyd
Ulrick is the alpha wolf of his pack. He cares and looks after the wolves, and makes sure they’re out of harm’s way. He’s kinda got blue/orange morality, but it’s bcus he’s been raised a lot longer as a feral child than Romuul, who’s had a steady exposure to other trolls and the internet. Kinda doesn’t talk, ruthless killer when need be, very gentle mountain man. He’s been surviving all this time basically by himself, w only Romuul as troll company before he left their pack. Good tracker, hunter
Nannus is not a jackass, unlike his brother Rajkaa. His being an actual kind rich person is based on every interaction I’ve had w born-rich Latinos, who’ve all actually been humble and kind and never minded getting dirty. Nannus is a very sweet boy, donates to charities all the time, and always makes sure to tip his waiters 20%. He’s also trans!
Kotkas is into politics and wants to use her status as a blueblood (high status troll, very long life) to get ahead and become an ambassador for lower-caste trolls. She also promises to bring stability w her long life. She’s based off of a very political friend of mine, who’s very passionate and aggressive. Kotkas is very soft around Adersi, but she’s fallen prey to comphet, bcus she feels that she must be w him. It’s a very heavy issue for her, bcus while she does love him, she doesn’t love him, and while she doesn’t want to use him as a pawn in her political campaigns, she’s found that it’s been of much help winning over the lowerblood vote, something that she feels very very badly for. She does want to help Adersi out. She’s a good person, she’s just tripped a few times
Grulla is a recovering addict who’s trying to get her life together, as well as Odette’s. As purplebloods, no one can really say no to them, much less deny them any goods and services. Grulla is very diligent, going to AA every week, getting support and trying to find out who she is. Odette still hasn’t realized the severity of her situation, and Grulla is trying to reach out to her
Etelan is very hedonistic and nihilistic. Since he’s never gonna become emperor, he figures that he can do w/e the fuck he wants, and no one can say anything because he’s a violetblood, you’re really gonna tell the prince what to do? No one can say no to him. He’s still also Sunnon’s bodyguard, but he doesn’t take himself seriously bcus he’s sure she can take care of herself (altho, he doesn’t stop hanging out w her). After partying way too hard one night, he lost the use of his legs and is now wheelchair-bound. This was the wake-up call he needed to stop and really think about his life and his life-choices. He was in a band, playing the electric guitar. Once he masters his aspect, space, he’ll be able to make space legs for himself
Sunnon is named for the Sun. Since she is the leader of their group, I wanted her to be the shining star for her friends, and I thought, “well, what’re the brightest stars, I can name her after one,” and I realized that. The Sun is a star. She’s very silent and precautious, she is next in line to the throne, and is anxiously waiting for the day she will ascend. Sunnon likes to dabble in the occult and wyrd, she studies legends and myths and would like to pursue them to become a witch, but bcus of her familial obligations, can’t. The game gives her the gift of her title, which is Witch of Mind. Now she can study all the magic she wants
Designs are incoming! Thank u
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you know I’m gonna hit u up with that sweet ralbert angst. song lyric to help you out? “tiLL SOMEONE GEtS huUUURRTTTTT” y’know that one belty one from world burn thanks please hurt my soul you’re so good at it—Fizz
alright, fizz, first of all, that line is from someone gets hurt, not world burn. not sure how you managed to mix that up, considering the song lyric you sent me is literally the name of the song
i actually thought about not posting this cause it has like every warning ever be careful kids
also it was further inspired by monster from frozen, bad at love by halsey, the a team by ed sheeran, and a pintrest prompt about person a saying that person b was just a drunk mistake and person b realizing person a didn’t drink all night
anyway read the warnings if anything triggers you don’t read it 
ship: ralbert i guess
word count: 4684 eek
genre: angst with no happy ending
warnings: mentions of sex/hooking up but no explicit details, mentions of past prostitution/ abusive relationships, explicit cheating, drinking, someone running away, references to smoking, house parties, mentions of a parent leaving, I think that’s everything
editing: actually yes kinda
Albert woke up to someone yanking the covers off of him. “Not now, Elmer,” he mumbled. “Five more minutes.”
“I’m not Elmer.”
Albert’s eyes flew open to see none other than Spot Conlon standing at the foot of his bed, at least, he thought it was his bed. A quick scan of the room proved that yes, he was home. But that didn’t solve the problem of what the hell was Spot freaking Conlon doing in his room? He remembered at least two guys from last night, but he was fairly certain that Spot hadn’t been one of them.
“What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in here? How do you even know where I live?” Albert say up, very glad that he had fallen asleep in his clothes from last night and wasn’t naked right now.
Spot seemed generally unbothered as he casually pulled out his switch to clean under his nails. “I know a lot of things.”
Alright. Clearly that conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere. “Well can you at least tell me why you’re here?” He turned on his phone and saw that he had two missed texts from Elmer and three from Jordan.
“Dasilva,” Spot said forcefully, and Albert’s head snapped up. If Spot was going to stab him, he wanted to be ready for it. But Spot didn’t look like he wanted to stab anyone. His eyes were hard with - was that fear? And his switch dangled from his hand unmenacingly. Instinctively, Albert scooted backwards. “You were with Higgins last night.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Higgins? Albert thought. Racetrack Higgins? What had he been doing with Race last night? He’d never even talked to him before. Had he? Race had always intrigued him, he was his long time crush, but he was sure he would remember if he worked up the nerve to talk to him. Last night was still a bit of a blur.
“I was?” Albert looked at Spot skeptically. “I think I would remember if I talked to someone like him.”
In a flash, Spot had Albert pinned to the bed. He was so close Albert could smell the cigarette smoke on his breath. “Listen, kid, you were with Race last night. You were the only one. I don’t care how hungover you are right now. I need to know what happened.”
Maybe it was the familiar smell of cigarette smoke, but suddenly images flashed across Albert’s mind. Race laughing at something he had said. Race winking mischievously. Races lips on his.
“Yeah- yeah,” he stuttered. “Yeah I was with him last night.”
Spot smiled wickedly. “Well? What happened? What did you do to him?”
“What makes you think I did anything?” Albert shot back. Spot was really starting to get on his nerves. Obviously he had done stuff with Race, but he had consented. And he hadn’t been drunk either. Neither of them had. Sure they had both had a few beers, but neither of them had been at blackout level yet.
Spots face grew dark as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a green post it. In very messy handwriting was written the words: “it’s fine until someone gets hurt.”
Albert looked at Spot skeptically. “So?”
“So,” Spot said. “This was on my car this morning. That’s Races handwriting you dumbass. You did something to him. Something bad enough to make him run away.”
Albert could barely process what he was hearing. What made Spot think he was the reason Race left? Sure, he’d make a mistake, but it wasn’t bad enough to make some leave, much less someone he barely knew. “Why do you think I have anything to do with this?”
Spot took a deep breath. “Race has…..a long history with guys….and girls….and any kind of relationship actually now that I think about it.”
Spots head snapped back to look at Albert. “Look, I’ll explain everything if you want me to. But you owe me details. You’re the reason my best friend is gone.” He made his way to the window, opened it and began to climb out. “Meet me at my house, 1 hour.” Then he shut the window.
Albert sighed, putting his face in his hands. It was far too early for this.
55 minutes later Albert was dragging Elmer down a street on the rich side of town. He had gotten a text message - which he assumed was from Spot - telling him to come here.
“So he just showed up in your room while you were sleeping?” Elmer asked for the thousandth time.
“Yeah,” Albert said, looking at the numbers on the houses 501, 503, 505…. “I thought he was going to stab me or something.”
“And why are we going to his house again?”
509, 511, 513, yes. Albert turned into the driveway of a big white house with a nice porch and an old Land Rover and a black Harley in the driveway. “Cause he apparently wants details about last night since he’s convinced I did something to make Race leave.”
“Then why are you bringing me?” Elmer asked, following Albert onto the porch. “I don’t want to die.”
“Because your my best friend and you were there too dumbass, maybe you saw something happen that could save my ass.” Albert rang the bell and waited.
Exactly 5 seconds later the door was flung open by none other than Spot himself. He gave Albert and Elmer a small nod before gesturing that they should come in. The three of them said nothing as Spot led them up two flights of stairs to an attic loft that was clearly his room.
“Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in.” On the bed in the far corner, Romeo, Spot and Races other friend, was sprawled haphazardly, throwing a ball in the air and catching it over and over.
“Ro, please be nice,” Spot said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “We want them to help us, not scare them.”
Romeo ignored him. “I thought you said there would only be one of them.”
“Elmer’s here for protection and moral support,” Albert said quickly. “Plus he was there last night too.”
“I know he was there,” Spot said with a sickenly sweet smile. “And we don’t hurt people unless we have a reason to.”
Albert shivered and next to him Elmer looked scared.
“Now you’re scaring them,” Romeo sighed, sitting up on the bed. “Look, we just want to find Race. And we think you might be able to help us. So, we’re all going to piece together what happened last night and see if we can come up with anything, okay?”
Albert nodded, still slightly skeptical of the whole ordeal as he and Elmer took seats on the floor.
“Great,” Romeo clapped his hands together. “Spot you start.”
“Why me?” Spot groaned.
“Because we have to kinda give them a backstory so that the whole thing makes sense, otherwise they may leave out important details. Plus you’re a better storyteller than me.” He said the last part very fast.
“Fine. But no questions until the end.” Spot sighed. “So yesterday after school Race and Romeo come over…..”
“Antonio. For the last time, you are not coming to the party and that is final,” Spot said, rummaging around on the top of his dresser for his hair gel.
“Why noooot,” Race whined, flopping backwards onto Spots bed.
“Cause you don’t have a very good track record with any place that involves people that you don’t know and alcohol,” Romeo supplied from where he was staring at his reflection in the mirror on the back of Spots door. “Heyyyy, I was using that!” Romeo complained as Spot pushed him out of the way so he could style his hair.
“Well first of all,” Race reasoned, “this is a high school party, and I’m a jock, I’m going to know everyone there. Second, I don’t drink anymore and you know that. And finally, I’m a senior, this is my last year to have fun please please pleeeeeaseeee.”
“Yes, of course I know you don’t drink,” Spot rolled his eyes. He had been there when Race had sworn off alcohol, he even had a signed piece of paper somewhere saying he would never drink again, at least until he was legal. “But, parties and drunk people and you don’t seem to mix well. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.”
“Spoooooooot,” Race drawled. “I haven’t sold myself in a whole 9 months. And even if I did do that still, I wouldn’t be interested in doing it with someone I go to school with. I don’t need word of that getting around.”
Romeo looked over at Spot from where he was sprawled in Spots beanbag, scrolling through Instagram. “Just let him go, Spot. The two of us will be there. And it’s just a house party, not a club. What could possibly go wrong?”
Spot sighed. Romeo had a point. Race had been much better recently. Maybe he was ready. “Fine,” Spot agreed and Race jumped up, high fiving Romeo. “But no drinking, okay?”
“Okay,” Race agreed. “Thanks Spot!”
•••“Wait,” Albert said after Spot had finished. “What do you mean Race hasn’t sold himself in 9 months? What are you talking about?”
Spot and Romeo shared a look. The two seemed to have a silent conversation for several long moments before turning back to Elmer and Albert.
“This doesn’t leave this room,” Spot said and Albert and Elmer nodded. Spot took a deep breath. “Races mom left when he was around 13,” he began slowly. “And his dad didn’t make enough money for the two of them. So he told Race to get a job. Problem was, no one wanted to hire a 13 year old. So…..he sold himself to people. Mostly it was older men, women, anyone who wanted a play toy for a night. And he used that money to help his dad pay the bills. He doesn’t do it anymore, he got a job at the automotive shop with me when we were sophomores and stopped selling himself a few months later after his dad got a steady job.”
Albert was speechless. Beside him, Elmer spoke up. “So, Race was a prostitute?” he confirmed.
“Yeah, I guess,” Romeo said. “He never liked it when people called it that though.”
“That’s why you didn’t want him to go to the party,” Albert said. “You didn’t want him to return to his old habits.”
Spot and Romeo nodded.
Everyone was silent for a moment before Romeo spoke up. “Well, Dasilva,” he said. “It’s your turn. Tell us about the party.”
“Well, it started like any party….”
By the time Albert and Elmer got to the party, it was already in full swing.
“Remind me why we’re here again?” Elmer shouted into his ear above the music.
“First party of senior year,” Albert shouted back. “We always go to the first party of the year.”
Elmer sighed dramatically, adjusting his white beanie. “Well, if we're gonna stick around here, I’m going to get a drink, want anything?”
“Yeah sure,” Albert said, pulling out his phone. Jordan had texted him three times. He cleared them without reading what they said.
A few minutes later, Elmer walked back over, handing him a red solo cup. Albert took a grateful sip.
“Did you see who just walked in?” Elmer asked, bumping his shoulder.
“No, who?” Albert asked, craning his neck to see around the swarms of teenagers.
“Spot, Romeo and Race,” Elmer said. “Doesn’t Race usually not come to these things?”
“Why would I know that?” Albert asked. “I don’t stalk him.”
“Yeah well, you’ve dragged me to enough of these things, and you totally have a crush on him.” Elmer took a sip of his drink. “And I just don’t ever remember seeing Race here. His friends, yes, but Race, no. And I know you’re interested. Why don’t you talk to him?”
“Shhh,” Albert punched him in the arm. “Here they come.”
The two of them moved out of the way as Spot, Race and Romeo walked by, in full Mean Girls plastic formation, Spot at the point and Ro-
“Full plastic formation?” Spot shrieked unbelievably. “Do you just compare us to a teenage romance movie?”
“Well….yeah…..”  Albert mumbled.
“Never do that again,” Spot warned.
“What?” Romeo called from the bed. “I liked it.”
Spot shot him a look. “Just, skip to the part where you actually talked to Race, okay? And no more teen girl movie references.”
“Okay,” Albert opened his mouth to continue but was cut off by Romeo.
“Wait,” he said. “Who’s Jordan?”
Albert sighed and Elmer looked at the floor. “Jordan is my boyfriend,” he mumbled.
“YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU HOOKED UP WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!” Spot yelled, banging his head on his dresser.
“I'M ABOUT TO BREAK UP WITH HIM!” Albert yelled back. “It’s not an excuse, but it’s long distance and it isn’t working, and I’m doing it tomorrow when he’s coming down, so….”
In a flash Spot was pulling Albert up by his collar and breathing in his face. “Tell me the truth, did Race know about Jordan.”
“I-I don’t think so,” Albert stuttered. The only thing he could focus on right now was the fact that Spot definitely had a switch in his pocket and could use it on him.
“Not thinking so and knowing so are two different things,” Spot hissed. “Now tell me, did he know.”
Albert thought back. He and Race had only been together for an hour and a half at tops and it had all happened so fast. There was a chance that Jordan had texted him and Race could have seen it, wait-
“Yeah, yeah he knew,” Albert said. “He saw a message from him on my phone.”
Spot didn’t let go of his collar. “What. Did. It. Say.” He demanded.
“I don’t remember,” Albert admitted. “Something like ‘cant wait to see you this weekend, baby.’ But it means nothing, I’m breaking up with him tomorrow, I swear.” Albert pleaded.
“Yeah,” Spot said, dropping Albert’s collar. “I believe you, but Race didn’t know that did he?”
“No,” Albert whispered, “he didn’t.”
Spot sighed. “Alright, so we neglected to mention the fact that not only was Race a prostitute, but the relationships he has had ended badly. Cheating, abuse, all that good stuff. So, that text he saw, out of context, didn’t help you. He doesn’t usually drabble in stuff like this,” he gestured to Albert, “at least, not seriously. That’s why he always is with new people every few days. He thinks if people are with him for only a short amount of time, he won’t get hurt.”
Albert hung his head. “Well if that’s true, then this is just the beginning…..”
About an hour later, Albert bumped into Race on his way into the kitchen.
“Ooo, careful there, sweetheart,” Race smirked, placing a steadying hand on Albert’s shoulder. “Can’t have you wasted before midnight.”
Albert’s shoulder tingled where Races hand had been and he found himself staring into his deep blue eyes.
Albert laughed half heartedly. “I’m not wasted,” he corrected. “Just clumsy.”
“Ah, I see,” Race winked. “You're Albert Dasilva right? I think we have English together.”
“Yeah.” He currently had a C in English right now because all he did was stare at Race. “And you’re Racetrack Higgins, star of the football team and professional player.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a professional player,” Race said, reaching up to fix his black beanie. “I just get around, ya know? Just date everyone until you find the right person, right? That’s my motto anyway.”
“Makes sense,” Albert agreed. It didn’t actually make sense, but he just wanted to agree with Race.  
“You know,” Race said, casually leaning against the wall behind him, his solo full solo cup dangling expertly from his fingers as he held it just under the rim. “I really like you, Dasilva. You seem like a cool guy, and you’re not too bad on the eyes either.”
“I don’t look nearly as amazing as you do,” Albert said before he could stop himself, taking in Races blue quilted vans, gray purposefully too short joggers, plain white T-shirt, camo jacket and dog tag necklace. The tips of his blonde curls were also peeking out from the brim of his beanie which Albert found very very attractive.
“Nah, this?” Race gestured to himself, “this is all show. Everyone expects me to be this massive ice queen or something, but it’s all fake.”
Albert didn’t quite understand what Race meant, but he chose to ignore it. “Do you want to go dance?”
“Dance?” Race waves him off. “I can show you a much better time than just dancing, pretty boy.”
“Alright, I’m going to stop you right there. I don’t need details of your hookup with my best friend thank you very much,” Spot said as he paced back and forth in front of his bed. “As long as it was just a hookup and you didn’t pay him.”
“I didn’t pay him,” Albert promised.
“Wait,” Romeo said, rolling over to look at Albert. “Are you cute English class boy?”
“Huh?” Albert asked confusedly.
“Fuck, I think you’re right,” Spot said.
Elmer turned to Albert. “What are they talking about?” He whispered.
“Beats me,” Albert shrugged. Then, louder to Spot and Romeo, “Care to explain?”
“Well, after the first day of school, Race comes running up to us at the end of the day screaming about this cute guy in his English class. He never told us who it was, but it must be someone good considering how much he talks about them. And, since he mentioned English class to you, I’m assuming cute English boy is you.” Romeo said. He was about to continue but was cut off by the doorbell. He jumped up off the bed. “Ooo! That’s my food!” He said, running out the door.
Spot out his face in his hands. “Ro, how can you think of food at a time like this?”
“Maybe because it’s lunchtime?” Romeo called as he ran down the stairs.
Spot shook his head. “Anyway, yes you are definitely cute English boy.”
Albert felt his heart rate pick up, Race liked him? Really?
“But why does that matter?” Elmer asked.
“Because,” Spot explained. “Race doesn’t ever get crushes on people. He just dates people for the hell of it, makes out with them in his truck once or twice, and dumps them. He doesn’t want to get left behind like his dad was, so he always does the breaking up.”
“So,” Romeo said, coming back through the door with a plastic bag of take out cartons, “the fact that he not only basically told you his entire life is an act, but also hooked up with you is very very significant.” He plopped back on Spots bed and began to open his takeout, the smell of Chinese food filling the room.
“Ro, what the hell are you eating?” Spot asked incredulously.
“Sesame noodles,” Romeo said, using his chopsticks to shovel some into his mouth. “Want some?”
Spot pinched his nose, as he tried not to scream. “No, thanks.”
“Good,” Romeo reached into the bag again and pulled out another container. “Cause I got you fries. With, like, 15 packets of ketchup.”
Spot considered for a moment. “You know, now that you mention it, I am kinda hungry.” He crosses the room, accepting the fries.
Romeo turned to Albert and Elmer. “I got some pie also, you guys can have it if you want.”
“Actually, yeah, pie sounds great,” Albert said, accepting the container and digging in with Elmer.
After a few seconds, Elmer spoke up. “See, what I don’t get is, why is it unusual for Race to hook up with someone? Aren’t you guys, I don’t know, like…”
“Fuck boys?” Spot finished for him and Elmer nodded. “Well, Race was a prostitute, remember? Any kind of sex has bad memories attached to it, so if he and Albert did anything, he must have really liked him.”
“He did seem kinda hesitant,” Albert recalled. “But as soon as we got into it, I could tell he definitely had some experience.” He paused, taking another bite of his pie. “He did keep his shirt on though.”
“To hide his scars,” Romeo said, twirling a noodle around his chopsticks. “They’re mostly abuse, some self harm, he thinks they’re ugly.”
Albert’s stomach clenched. He couldn’t believe that someone who seemed as perfect and carefree as Race had such a tragic past.
“Alright,” Spot said, chomping on a fry. “Who saw Race next after the hookup?”
“Me,” Romeo said. “He came up to me in the kitchen, he seemed really happy…..”
Romeo was sipping his third beer when Race barreled into him in the kitchen.
“Rooooooo!” Race yelled, attacking his best friend in a hug and sloshing his beer on the floor in the process.
“Hey Racer,” Romeo laughed. “Having fun?”
“Ooooh yeah,” Race smirked. His beanie was no longer on his head and his blonde hair was a mess, but he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by it. “Thanks for convincing Spottie to let me come.”
“Yeah, yeah, no problem,” Romeo said. He was beginning to realize that Race was not remotely acting like himself. “Are you okay, bro?”
“I’m fantastic,” Race said. “Best I’ve ever been,ever.”
“If you say so.” Romeo took a sip of his drink. “So, where’s the person you’ve been hanging out with?”
“What makes you think I’ve been with someone?” Race asked.
“Well, the only other explanation for your behavior is that you’re drunk, and I know you swore off alcohol years ago, so….” Romeo trailed off, looking at Race expectantly.
“Yeah, yeah, there is a guy,” Race mumbled. His cheeks flushed and his blue eyes sparkled. “He has to step out for a second.” He looked at his friend. “I- I really like him Ro.”
“That’s great!” Romeo exclaimed. “Who is-”
“Oh there he is!” Race cut him off, pointing toward a throng of people. Romeo squinted, fairly certain the guy he was pointing to in the blue sweatshirt was a usual at the skatepark. “I’ll catch you later, Ro!”
Romeo shook his head and went back to his drink, if Race had found someone, he was happy for him.
“So here’s what I don’t understand,” Spot said. “How did Race go from being happy go lucky, to skipping town in a matter of hours?” He glared at Albert. “What did you do to him?”
Albert shook his head. After hearing about Race’s past there was no way he could even bring himself to tell Spot and Romeo what had happened. There was no way. They would kill him. Or he would break down crying.
“I’ll finish it,” Elmer said, placing his hand on Albert’s shoulder. “I saw the whole thing happen.”
Albert mouthed a “thank you” to his best friend.
“Alright,” Spot said. “Don’t leave anything out.”
Elmer nodded and opened his mouth. “So Albert came back inside after he got off the phone…”
“Hey Al,” Elmer said as his friend came back inside. “Who was that on the phone?”
“My boss,” Albert groaned. “He needs me to cover someone’s shift Monday.”
“Hm, that sucks.”
Then, a boy, Finch, Elmer thought, ran up to Albert.
“Yo! Al!” He said loudly, clearly drunk. “How’ve you been bro?”
“Pretty good I- mmmph” Albert was cut off by Finch's lips connecting with his aggressively. Albert flailed around for a second before giving up and kissing him back.
Elmer shook his head. Albert really didn’t have any impulse control. He politely looked the other way and caught sight of Racetrack Higgins standing about 5 feet away, looking like he’d been hit by a truck. Vaguely, he wondered if that was who Albert had been spending time with that night. It would explain the strange encounters he had had with Spot and Romeo that night.
Albert seemed to notice Race standing nearby because he shoved Finch off and approached him.
“Hey,” Albert said, reaching out to touch Races shoulder, but he sidestepped to avoid his hand. “Ready for part two?”
Elmer stared at the two of them in disbelief. Had they hooked up already? They had barely been at the party for an hour and a half.
“You know,” Race said. “People forget I’m human. They see all this,” he gestured to himself, “and don’t see that it's self defense. You could have set me free, maybe.”
Elmer cocked his head as he listened to the conversation. What Race was saying didn’t make any sense.
“Huh?” Albert said. “Let’s get out of here, okay?”
Elmer saw Race hesitate. Then Albert’s phone, which was still in his hand from the phone call lit up with a text message. The only person who could possibly be texting him right now was Jordan. For the sake of everyone involved, Elmer hoped that Albert had already broken up with him.
Races hand reached out for Albert’s phone. “What- are you-” he began, but was cut off by Albert slapping his hand away. It must have been hard because Elmer could hear the crack of skin on skin over the music.
“Don’t touch my stuff,” Albert hissed and Race took a step back, holding his hand to his chest.
“You were just a drunk mistake,” he spat. Then, quieter, to himself, “Spot was right.” Then he turned on his heel and calmly walked out of the room.
Albert walked over the Elmer. “What was that all about?” he asked.
“I guess he doesn’t want a round two,” Albert said simply.
“But hey!” Elmer said, slapping Albert on the back. “At least you got a round 1! Good job, bro!”
Albert smiled. “Yeah you’re right. I’ll talk to him on Monday. Maybe even get his number. But right now,” he grabbed Elmer’s arm. “I need another drink.”
Albert lifted his head as Elmer finished. Of course, now he understood why what he had done was wrong. Heck, he’d probably scarred Race for life.
“He called me a drunk mistake,” Albert mumbled quietly. “But he didn’t even drink anything all night.”
There was silence for several long minutes.
“Wow,” Spot said finally in a voice that was eerily calm. “You really fucked up.”
“You don’t think I don’t know that?” Albert yelled. “I didn’t know he’d been cheated on, or abused! If I had I wouldn’t have done any of that!”
“Spot please,” Romeo said, standing up and putting his hands on Spots shoulders. “It happened, there’s nothing you can do about it now.”
“You- you hit him,” Spot choked out, all of his anger evaporating. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes. “Do you know how long it look for him to recover from the last time someone hit him accidentally?” He paused and Albert shook his head. “Months,” he said. “He wouldn’t even let us touch him. He’s been through so much. And now he’s gone. He could be anywhere by now. He could even be dead. All because of you.”
Spot crossed the room and knelt down I from of Albert’s face, his teary brown eyes glaring into Albert’s soul. “I will find him. And when I do, you will apologize for what you did. And then you are not allowed to talk to him ever again.” He stood up and gestured for Albert and Elmer to leave.
“I hope you’re happy!” Spot called as Albert and Elmer walked out the door. “I hope that sex he gave you was worth all this.”
oooooof what did i just create
see kiddos this is why wou should fear the Ralbert Angst Duo™️ when we are together, nothing is illegal
there will be fluff after this to make up for all the pain this may have caused
wow i really hope i wrote this right
fizz i hope you’re happy about this
feedback is always appreciated hmu via ask to to be on the tag list
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jilyyall · 6 years
As Much As I Want You
This was a request from @l--o--u like six months ago, who asked for a sequel to this prompt and I am a terrible person who took this long to deliver. Summary: It’s been nearly a week since Lily and James had dinner and more, but Lily hasn’t seen or heard from her insanely fit neighbour and it’s beginning to really bother her. Word count: 10,535 Rating: Explicit.
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“Oh my God, ladies. Our little Lily is growing up. Had her first one-night stand and everything,” Dorcas’s voice was distant, a bit tinny, and came from Lily’s desktop computer, which she usually reserved for work except when Marlene and Emmeline came over to Skype Dorcas on the last Thursday evening of every month. “What a woman.”
“I’m just glad she’s finally getting some action,” Emmeline said and took a sizeable gulp of her whisky on the rocks because I don’t drink wine or that headache-inducing sugary shit you bitches love. “Honestly. I was starting to worry you would dry up forever like an old, forgotten prune.”
“That.” Lily paused, searched for something that wasn’t glass, found only an old lightly used napkin from their takeaway earlier, and threw it at her. It hit Emmeline in the head and bounced off her silky blond bob to land on the floor next to her. “Was uncalled-for.”
“Bitch,” Emmeline laughed, picking up the napkin and throwing it in the bin by the door.
“Hey, let’s get back to the topic at hand, which is that Lily is officially starting to slut it up with the rest of us,” Marlene said, taking a prim sip of wine and smirking at Lily over the edge of her glass. “We should all go out and pull this weekend. Oh, sorry, Dorky.”
“Ugh, I can still pull here in America, you tit.” Dorcas rolled her eyes and lifted a cup that she claimed was full of alcohol, but Lily strongly suspected was just water, given the fact that it was just past noon in Los Angeles. “In fact, I can probably pull easier here given my fucking sexy accent.”
“We all have the same accent, you loser,” Emmeline said, searching through their discarded takeaway containers for another egg roll.
“Everyone there has the same accent, Mellie,” Dorcas reminded her. “Mine stands out here, though.”
“Do the blokes really love it that much?” Marlene asked, leaning forward in her seat.
“I dunno about the blokes, but the birds sure do,” Dorcas said.
“Shit, I forgot. Sorry.” Marlene’s eyes went slightly wide, the corners of her mouth downturned in the expression she always wore when she was sincerely apologetic.
“Oh, it’s still new to me, too. Don’t worry,” Dorcas assured her.
Dorcas, who came from a very religious family, had lived her entire life in denial and had only admitted to herself that she liked girls on her twenty-first birthday. She hadn’t told anyone, even her three best friends, that she was a lesbian until she was already well and settled into her new life in America nearly four years later. Her parents didn’t talk to her anymore and, as such, Lily pretended not to know them on the rare occasion that she ran into them these days.
“I think I could pull a woman,” Emmeline said mildly.
“Okay…” Marlene drawled. “But would you let a woman pull you, is the real question.”
“Yeah, probably,” Emmeline answered, reaching for her drink again. “Who knows how to please a woman better than another woman?”
“I dunno, why don’t we ask Lily?” Dorcas suggested with a laugh. “Does your very fit neighbour know how to please a woman?”
Lily rolled her eyes, distinctly aware of the colour rising in her cheeks. She lifted a shoulder in an attempt at careless indifference. “He did all right.”
“Yeah, sex is almost always all right, but did you have an orgasm?” Emmeline demanded.
Did she ever. She was getting hot all over just thinking about it.
“Oh, my God, she definitely did,” Marlene announced with a delighted laugh. “Look at that fierce flush.”
“You’re the worst,” Lily groaned, throwing her head back dramatically, narrowly missing hitting the wall.
“At least your fit neighbour isn’t the worst in bed,” Emmeline cackled.
“What position did you do?” Dorcas asked.
“Yeah, was it something crazy for your first one-night stand?” Emmeline prompted. “Or was it more tame? Missionary? Doggy style?”
“Er – I dunno. He was standing and I was sitting on the kitchen counter,” Lily said truthfully.
“Oh, my God, you slag!” Dorcas teased.
“Hey, that’s not a bad one,” Marlene said. “Just kinky enough to be a little bit wild and tame enough not to scare you out of the real kinky shit.”
Lily realized at that moment that she didn’t tell her friends enough about her sex life. Sure, she hadn’t had sex in a while, which, in hindsight, was probably why she had been so desperate for James to get his hands on her. She was not, however, some blushing, all but virginal schoolgirl who didn’t know that sex was supposed to be fun and free and feel good.
She liked sex, loved it, even, if the bloke knew what he was doing. She had, in the past, spoken openly and comfortably about her sex life, her wants and needs, her likes and dislikes, with her partners. Apparently, though, she had never shared the same amount of information with her friends.
She loved the girls, truly, but she didn’t trust them not to share wildly inappropriate details about her sex life with people who had no right to know them. They had, after all, told her things their coworkers had shared with them and more than likely didn’t want some random stranger knowing about them.
Listening to the girls talk about their favorite sex positions, Lily felt a bit out of place. They all had had so many sexual partners, so many casual flings, and Lily had had none. She’d had a fair few relationships, all of which had been mostly sexual in nature, but not at all casual. It struck her that she didn’t want to have casual sex. At least, not at this point in her life. Not with James.
She was overcome suddenly by an awful sensation that felt a bit like regret and a lot like loneliness. She stood quietly from her chair, gathered up the empty food containers, left Emmeline and Marlene to cackle with Dorcas’s image on the computer, and made her way down the stairs to the kitchen for another glass of wine.
Trash in the bin and glass blissfully full again, she glanced out the window on the side of her house that faced his house. The lights were off, as they had been every time she had spared him a thought and a glance the past few days. Admittedly, that had happened embarrassingly often since they had slept together.
Lily frowned and sighed. She had a good life. She had a reliable job that brought in a decent amount of money – enough for her to afford a house on her own – even if her boss was a bit shit and brought her right to the edge of murderous rage at least twice a week.
She had a fair few friends who she saw regularly, and parents she spoke to on the phone every other day and had dinner with her mother every Tuesday night and with her father every Wednesday night without fail. Her sister was awful and spiteful and mean and Lily hadn’t heard from her since she had received the Christmas card Petunia had almost certainly sent her more for their mother’s benefit than for Lily’s, but Lily loved her and she would venture to say that Petunia likely loved Lily right back.
She had a car and a roof over her head and a lovely wardrobe full of beautiful, professional dresses and slacks and nice blouses and also quite a few dingy, old, beloved jumpers and sweats. She had more shoes than one person really had a right to own. She had hot water and enjoyed a leisurely soak in a bubble bath with a book and a lit candle and a full glass of red wine every Friday night.
She had wine. Lots of wine.
Her life was good, but she would be lying if she said that lately she hadn’t been feeling like something was missing.
A husband, her mother would say if Lily brought it up during dinner on Tuesday night, which she absolutely would not do.
A cat, her father would insist, clinging as desperately as ever to the idea that his younger daughter would not rush to marry the first man who offered, awful as he might be, the way his older daughter had.
A few good orgasms a week, her friends would undoubtedly suggest.
Lily had never been one to cling to a man. Even when she was a schoolgirl and had gotten her first boyfriend, she hadn’t clung to him. They went on dates on the weekends, occasionally stopped for a hug and a chat in the hallways at school, but for the most part lived separate lives. He would spend his days at school with his friends, and she with hers; they didn’t even eat lunch together. She had introduced him to her parents after a month not because she wanted him to have a greater role in her life, but because her mother and father had insisted on meeting him. Her relationships in uni had been much the same, only instead of an occasional hug and a chat in the hallways, there had been the occasional spontaneous shag in an empty, unlocked classroom. As a young professional, she didn’t have much time for relationships and while she certainly wasn’t against the idea of a one-night stand she had never felt desperate enough to actually give in and go that route.
She wouldn’t say that she felt clingy now, but this was different. She had never met a bloke and felt drawn to him the way she did with James. She hadn’t gone into his house thinking this is going to be a one-night stand, but she also hadn’t gone expecting to walk out in a relationship. She had just accepted an offer of dinner from the fit bloke she had been eyeing ever since he had moved in next door and then, as soon as she had set foot in his house, something had come over her. There was a pull there, between them. It was electric; it was magnetic. It was almost like… fate.
And that was an embarrassing and ridiculous thought because Lily was a firm believer –and had been all her life – that there was no such thing as fate, that it was your choices and your actions that shaped your future and that the course of your life was not predetermined by some unknown, unseen, undeterminable entity. And yet, she couldn’t shake the thought that fate had seen him buy the house right next to her and had her dryer break down and make her hang her clothes out on the line on a sunny day that turned into a rainy evening that led her to his house, his kitchen counter, his couch, his bed, his shower the next morning.
She hadn’t mentioned that to her friends – and likely she wouldn’t – but they had had sex several times. They had started in the kitchen, finally giving in to the irresistible, unshakeable desire after they had eaten dinner and drunk the whole bottle of wine, then James had carried her to the couch when he decided he wanted to lay her down, had finished there, the first time. After that, they had gone to bed, presumably to go to sleep for the night, but Lily had woken after a few hours, desire burning almost painfully within her, and she had kissed him awake – had wanted to stroke him awake, but hadn’t been certain how he would react since they had only just met a few hours before – and then had ridden him with a desperate abandon she had never felt before.
They had both woken ridiculously early – well before five in the morning – to a hard, heavy, thunderous rainfall and he had eventually rolled over on top of her for slow, sleepy, wonderful, half-awake morning sex before they managed to fall back asleep. It was Saturday morning and it was storming out, so he couldn’t go for his usual morning run and didn’t have plans until noon, so they had taken their time waking up for the day, had decided to shower together and gotten carried away again. He’d held her up against the wall and fucked her there in the shower until his feet had started to slip and they had laughed and moved to the spacious marble counter next to his sink to finish.
He’d made eggs for her – poached, not scrambled and dry and almost burnt like she always made them when she bothered to cook for herself – and a coffee and they had talked about normal, everyday things. It hadn’t been awkward or strained, like they were complete strangers who had just spent the past twelve hours either sleeping or fucking; it was comfortable, like they were just lovers having breakfast together after a wonderful night and chatting about their plans for the day.
He’d gotten her clothes from his dryer and carried them next door for her. They’d kissed, long and slow, on her front porch, and then he’d gone home to get ready for his day. She hadn’t seen him since.
They’d made no promises of more, hadn’t made plans for a date or exchanged phone numbers, but they lived next door to each other and it seemed a small thing to have each other’s numbers, really, when they could just walk outside their doors when they wanted a chat. Only, she hadn’t even seen his car in the drive since Sunday morning when she’d left to have brunch with Benjy. And it was Thursday night.
She’d been bothered by his sudden and unexpected disappearance all week long; she wasn’t too proud to admit that, at least to herself. But she hadn’t let herself dwell on it as much as she was tonight. It was probably because, even when he hadn’t been home Sunday night, or by the time he usually would have been home Monday afternoon, she hadn’t allowed herself to consider the possibility that this could have been a one-night stand until her friends had determined that it was.
He’d been great in bed, that was an indisputable fact, but he’d been just awkward enough during their conversation before they’d had sex, just nervous enough, that she had assumed that he didn’t pick up on women much. Men could get really good at sex by having a lot of sex with just a couple of partners just as easily as –easier than, even– having a lot of one-night stands.  He seemed like the type of guy who had had a few serious partners in his day, the relationship type. But now, Lily had to admit that she didn’t really know anything about him. For all she knew, he had never been in a relationship and was strictly a one-night stand bloke. But who in their right mind chose to have an undisclosed one-night stand with their neighbour, knowing they would see each other every day?
Except, she remembered, she hadn’t seen him since.
It was unlikely that he had moved, she reasoned. He had only bought the place a few months ago and he had already completely settled in, judging by the comfortable way he had decorated. He could have been avoiding her, but if that were the case, he was going to an awful lot of trouble to do so, completely changing around a schedule he had never even once deviated from before they had spent the night together. Besides, he had definitely had as good a time as she had, had initiated things two out of the four times they had had sex, had cooked for her and kissed her and had laughed and seemed to genuinely enjoy the conversations they’d shared afterwards as much as she had.
It wasn’t that she wanted to spend every free moment that she had with him. It was just that she didn’t not want to spend all of her free time with him. She didn’t want for their night together to be just that: their one and only night together. The sex was good – great, actually, easily the best she’d ever had – and the food was delectable. But there was more to it than that. She liked talking to him, liked watching him work, had taken great pleasure in watching his hands as he had chopped vegetables for a salad. She liked his eyes and how expressive his face was – it had seemed to her that he hid nothing – and his stubble in the morning. She couldn’t get enough of his hair, smooth and soft in her hands, messier when he woke than she had ever seen it, either from her constant tugging at it when he was inside her or from sleep. She liked his mouth, the way it moved over words and laughs and smiles, and over her body.
She couldn’t think of a single thing she didn’t like about him. She desperately wanted to find something, to see if she would still think he was wonderful and feel this pull towards him even when she found the something that annoyed her, made her want to roll her eyes or pick a fight with him. It had been her experience in the past that she didn’t have much patience for a bloke once she found that something. Lily wanted more than anything to find out if James could be the bloke that held her attention, left her wanting him even when she was annoyed with him.
If she ever saw him again.
God, she wanted to see him again.
She found herself still staring out the window at his house, turned quickly, nearly sloshed wine right out of her glass and onto her beige top. Marlene was standing on the bottom step, watching her. “Yeah?”
“Are you okay?” Marlene stepped down onto the landing and made her way, almost gliding across the room, over to Lily.
“Yeah.” Lily smiled and took a large sip of wine. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Marlene pulled a face that would have looked ridiculous on Lily: eyes rolling, one eyebrow quirking up towards her hairline, the other curling low as she half-squinted one eye at her, her mouth quirked up in a slanted smirk as she scoffed and shook her head and managed to look beautiful doing it.
“You disappeared without saying anything about five minutes ago and I found you staring out at your neighbour’s house and I can only assume he’s the one you slept with,” Marlene said, looking curiously out the window over Lily’s shoulder.
“You know what they say about assumptions,” Lily said.
“Yeah, but mine are usually right.” Marlene smirked at her. Lily tried to smile back, tried to hide how forced it felt by taking a sip of wine. Marlene, observant as she was, frowned. “What’s wrong, love?”
Lily sighed, downed the rest of her wine far too quickly, and moved around Marlene to pour another glass. When she turned to face Marlene again, she was watching Lily closely, not even bothering to hide her concern. Lily didn’t blame her; she didn’t usually act like this. Usually, Lily was calm, cool, and collected, and just as bubbly and talkative as the rest of the girls when they got together.
“One of those nights, is it?” Marlene said after a moment of silence. She sighed and drank the last of her wine, followed Lily to refill her glass as well. “Okay, I’m ready,” she said once her glass was full.
Lily rolled her eyes, but allowed Marlene to pull her over to the sturdy wood kitchen table, sat down across from her when Marlene released her.
“Talk,” Marlene commanded.
“It’s stupid,” Lily warned her. “You’ll laugh.”
“I would never laugh at something that upset you,” Marlene vowed and Lily knew that she was right. None of her friends would laugh at her for her concerns, or for wanting to see James again, and regularly.
“I didn’t think it was a one-night stand when I told you about James,” Lily admitted.
“James would be fit neighbour, I’m guessing. Well, that’s no big deal.” Marlene waved a hand as if to dismiss the problem. “We’ll just tell the girls that you’re planning to see him again, they’ll tease you that the sex was too good, and that will be that.”
“That’s the thing, though. We didn’t make plans to see each other again,” Lily said. “I just assumed since we’re neighbours that we didn’t have to make plans immediately because we would just see each other pretty much every day.”
“But… you haven’t?” Marlene guessed.
“Not since he walked me home Saturday morning!” Lily complained.
“Wait, you spent the night with him?” Marlene asked. “You made it sound like you’d just gone over there to dry your clothes, had dinner, had a bit of him, and then come home.”
“I had more than a bit of him,” Lily mumbled.
Marlene said nothing, but raised an eyebrow at her. And Lily cracked. She told her just about everything: the incredible sex, the various positions and numerous orgasms, the easy conversation, the warm, fantastic snogging, and his mysterious disappearance afterwards. By the time Lily was finished her story, she and Marlene had both finished their glasses of wine and Marlene had gotten a fresh bottle from the refrigerator and refilled both of their glasses.
“Wow,” Marlene said once Lily had finished recounting her night with James in vivid detail. “Okay. So, this guy’s a major dick if he’s avoiding you after all that.”
“Agreed,” Lily said. They clinked glasses, giggled a bit drunkenly, and each took a sip.
“However.” Marlene paused, whether for dramatic effect or to gather her thoughts, Lily didn’t know. “It is also possible that you are overreacting and that it is in large part due to the assumption Dorky, Mellie, and I made upstairs.”
“Ugh, Leney!” Lily whined.
“No, listen,” Marlene insisted. “You’ve admitted yourself that you hardly know anything about him. You don’t know what he does for a living; maybe he had to travel for work. Maybe he went home to visit his family. You didn’t exchange phone numbers, so he can’t get in touch to update you or reassure you if he even wants to and you can’t reach him to let him know that you would benefit from a bit of reassuring.”
“So, basically, all I can do is wait until he shows back up and see whether he’s an asshole or I’m overreacting,” Lily surmised miserably.
“Pretty much.” Marlene laughed and sipped her wine. “Hey, chin up, Buttercup. Bright side is, either way, you can still fuck him again.”
Lily frowned and drummed her fingers on the table. “How do you figure?”
“Well, if you’re overreacting, chances are he’s as interested in getting to know you as you are in getting to know him,” Marlene pointed out. “And if he’s an asshole, well then he’ll definitely be up for more steamy sex, no-strings-attached.”
Lily cocked her head, unable to stop herself from glancing out the window at James’s house again. Marlene had a point. The only thing was, Lily couldn’t decide which would be the worst-case scenario: never having sex with him again, or having sex with him knowing that it meant nothing to him. Probably, if she were honest with herself, never having sex with him again.
Before she could praise Marlene for her genius, Emmeline shouted down the stairs for them.
“Oi! What are you two doing? Did you fall down the stairs and die? Is there a murderer in the house? Did you just ditch us? Have you started snogging without us? … Oh, like you wouldn’t snog any one of us, Dorky. … Oh, shut up, we’re not actually sisters, it would be fine.”
Lily and Marlene looked at one another, and dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“We’d better go before Dorky disconnects on her,” Marlene said once she had gotten the giggles mostly under control.  
It wouldn’t be the first time that Emmeline had pushed Dorcas too far. Emmeline had the wildest personality of the four of them and she had the inappropriate mouth to match. Dorcas, who had been brought up far more prim and proper, often disagreed with the things that Emmeline said. They rowed often; it was part of the reason that Emmeline didn’t join them on every Skype night.
“We’re coming!” Lily shouted up the stairs.
“Oh, good! Bring the whisky when you do!” Emmeline shouted back.
“I’m bringing the wine, too,” Lily said, grabbing her glass and the bottle of wine and leaving Marlene to bring the whisky for Emmeline.
A couple hours later, after Lily and Marlene had updated Emmeline and Dorcas on the subject – though in much less detail – and the four women had long since exhausted the topic, they disconnected from Dorcas, who seemed suspiciously sober and had to go meet some friends out for drinks. Lily, Emmeline, and Marlene each had one last drink, and then Lily walked Marlene and Emmeline out to their shared Uber. They were laughing and Emmeline was stumbling and Marlene and Lily were struggling, but managed to hold her upright all the same. They didn’t usually drink so much on their Skype nights owing to the fact that they were always on Thursdays and they all had work on Friday mornings, but Lily had wanted to numb her mind and Emmeline was never one to be out-drunk and Marlene didn’t like to be the only sober one in a group and Dorcas, even in a different country, was a fucking enabler.
They managed to get her to the car at the curb and had just got the door open, still giggling like the schoolgirls they had once been together, when a set of headlights washed over them. A familiar car pulled into James’s drive. Emmeline was hanging onto Lily’s neck and stroking her hair as if she were a particularly oversized cat when James stepped out of his car. Lily froze, heart hammering, when they made eye contact. James lifted a hand in greeting, and grinned when Emmeline began peppering drunk, friendly kisses all over Lily’s face.
“Oh, my God! Is that him!” Emmeline said loudly, sensing that Lily’s attention had been diverted. Lily got the distinct impression from the proximity of Emmeline’s mouth to Lily’s ear that Emmeline thought she was whispering. “He’s fit as hell.”
“Oh, God,” Marlene muttered, setting a hand on Emmeline’s shoulder to try and lead her away from Lily and into the car all while trying to subtly get a look at James over her shoulder. “Come on, Mellie.”
The passenger door opened then and another man stepped out, impossibly handsome and lean and slightly sorter than James. Lily recognized him immediately as his smoker best friend who had spent a few weeks with James after his motorcycle accident. A third man, shorter again, and thinner, and with lighter hair than both James and the second man, stepped out from the backseat – stumbled out, really – and the handsome smoker steadied him. Lily wondered if the third man was as drunk as Emmeline, but had the impression from his haggard look that his stumble was something else entirely.
“Or was it one of them?” Emmeline shouted. “Honestly, it doesn’t matter! They’re all fit from here.”
All three men laughed at that, one sounding more like a quick, mirthful bark, another sounding rough and tired, and the last one, familiar and free, belonged to James and made Lily feel warm inside.
“Hello, ladies,” called the very fit smoker, perfectly at ease.
Lily waved awkwardly and turned to her friends, her face hot and probably very red, to try to help Marlene coax Emmeline into the car. “The car’s going to leave without you if you don’t get in, Emmeline.”
“Which one of you lives here?” Emmeline called out.
Without hesitation, both of James’s friends pointed to him at the same time as he lifted a hand.
“Mellie, let’s get in the car,” Marlene said gently as Lily tried to push the blond into the backseat.
“Was it a one-night stand or what?” Emmeline asked far too loudly, in keeping with the rest of this awful moment.
Marlene’s head whipped around to stare, wide-eyed, at Lily who was feeling both humiliated and murderous. She clenched her jaw and met Marlene’s gaze. “Get her in the fucking car.”
Giving up on gentle, they shoved a laughing, vaguely protesting Emmeline into the car. Marlene held a hand over Emmeline’s head so that she didn’t hit the doorframe or the ceiling of the car and Lily tried to force Emmeline’s long, toned legs into the car after her. Marlene turned to Lily once Emmeline was inside the car and talking loudly at their exasperated driver. Her eyes went even wider, taking in someone over Lily’s shoulder.
“It was nice to sort of meet you,” Marlene said and turned to Lily with a small, suggestive smile that quickly dissolved into giggles. She kissed Lily on the cheek and then quickly climbed in after Emmeline and shut the door. Lily could hear her bickering with Emmeline, who actually turned around to stare out the back window of the car as it drove off.
Lily turned slowly and was not surprised to find James standing there, mere inches from her. For a moment, they only looked at one another. Then, Lily laughed awkwardly. “I swear we don’t normally behave like ridiculous schoolgirls.”
James smiled, rubbed the back of his neck, and then ruffled his hair. Lily followed the movement of his hand intently, wishing that it was her hand mussing his hair again. “It’s all right. When my mates and I drink, we can sometimes get a bit rowdy and act like the idiot teenagers we once were.”
She looked over towards his house, found that his friends were no longer standing near his car, surmised that they must have gone inside to give him some privacy with her. She looked back up at him, tried to think of something to say that wasn’t I missed you even though I know I had no right to or You make me feel like a schoolgirl, honestly.
“I was away for a few days,” James said quite suddenly, freeing her from the pressure of thinking of what to say. He gestured over his shoulder in the direction of his house. “Our friend Remus fell ill and was in hospital, so Sirius and I took a last minute trip over to York to stay with him and convince him to come back to London with us.”
“Why was he in York?” Lily asked.
“Oh, his parents moved there when we were in uni here,” James said, waving a dismissive hand. “He went to visit them when they fell ill, stayed and cared for them through to the end, and just never made it back home.”
“Is he okay now?” She felt very sorry for this man she had never even met. She could only imagine how it would feel to go home for a visit and stay to watch your parents die, only to fall ill after they had passed. At least he was fortunate enough to have such good friends to look after him.
“He’s fine,” James assured her. “Anyway, Lily. My point is… I didn’t mean to disappear on you.”
“Oh. No. That’s okay,” Lily said. “I didn’t think… Emmeline’s just very drunk and… I didn’t…”
“I came over to talk to you before I left, but you weren’t home. At least, I don’t think you were. Your car was in the drive, but you didn’t answer the door,” James told her. “It was Sunday morning.”
“I wasn’t here,” Lily said, remembering. “I was at brunch with my friend Benjy.”
She had spent most of the morning regaling Benjy with tales of her exploits with James. As a very busy, very single gay man, Benjy had appreciated the detail she had gone into. The only reason she had told him that she had had sex four times in twelve hours and had experienced no less than seven full-fledged orgasms was that it had all been so new and exciting at the time, so fresh in her mind, and because she trusted Benjy to not be a twat and shout out what she had told him on her street in the middle of the night or in James’s presence.
“I left a note for you, on your door. It had my number on,” James said.
“I didn’t get it,” Lily told him. “Oh, my God. I swear I didn’t get it.”
“It wasn’t a one-night stand,” James said softly, taking her hand in his. “Not for me.”
“Me neither,” Lily whispered.
He smiled brilliantly at her, slipped his hand out of hers to slide it up her arm, fingers trailing so gently along her skin that she trembled. His other hand rested on her waist.
It was Lily who surged forward, rising to the very tips of her toes as she threw her arms around his neck and drew him down to kiss her. She sighed when their lips met, and let her hands wander up into his hair.
He tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his tongue working its way smoothly into her mouth to tangle with hers. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, nibbled at her, rolled his tongue over her lip, and then released her with a small, gentle peck.
“Is it ridiculous if I say that I missed you while I was away?” he breathed, his forehead resting against hers.
“Probably,” Lily said with a small smile, her hands still stroking through his hair. She laughed quietly when he frowned and pressed his mouth to hers again. “But it’s okay because I missed you too.”
He grinned at her and it lit his whole face up in a way that made her want to squeal with joy and grab his face and never stop kissing him.
“Will you go on a date with me?” he asked, rushing through the words as if he didn’t want to miss his chance. “We can get dinner, or we can see a film, or we can go have drinks and dance and sing out-of-tune karaoke if that’s what you’re into.”
“I will go on a date with you,” Lily said, laughing at the goofy, elated look on his face. “But only if you fuck me after.”
James gaped at her for a moment, then forcibly shut his mouth and nodded. “I can… I can do that.”
“I know you can,” Lily said with a sly smirk. “In fact, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about just how well you can.”
“Damn it. I can… we can… right now… do you want… I…” James stammered, gripping her hips tightly with both hands and eyeing her house.
“I really do want,” Lily said, sliding her hands down out of his hair to stroke along his firm chest. “But your friends…”
“Fuck ‘em.”
“I’d rather fuck you,” she said.
“Well, yeah. That’s what I meant. Forget them and fuck me.” He used his grip on her hips to pull her close so that they were flush against each other and she felt the evidence of how badly he wanted her pressing into her stomach. She buried her smile in his shoulder as he brought his mouth closer to her ear. “Now? Or later? Once we have a proper date? I can wait.”
“We’ve already waited five whole days. You want me to wait longer?” Lily said, only half-joking.
James grinned down at her and kissed her again. Lily had just tilted her head to deepen the kiss, her mouth opening for him, when she heard a loud, ear-splitting whistle. James pulled back and groaned and then there was applause. Lily frowned and looked around, spotting the culprits standing behind the low fence surrounding James’s back garden.
The one she assumed he had referred to as Sirius had both of his forearms propped up on the top of the fence, his hands dangling over the edge in a show of pseudo-polite applause while a lit cigarette dangled from one corner of his smirking mouth. The other one, the one who had been ill, Remus, was leaning against the side of the house next to him, laughing quietly and also applauding.
“Ignore them,” James said, rolling his eyes and raising his voice so that they could easily hear him. “They’re idiots and I hate them.”
“Well, that was rude,” Remus said.
“He’s only upset because we’re cockblocking,” Sirius told Remus in what was the most put-on innocent tone Lily had ever heard.
“I suppose it must not have been a one-night stand, then,” Remus said to Sirius, who shrugged.
“He’d be a bleeding idiot if it was,” Sirius said finally after making a show of looking Lily up and down.
James groaned and Lily laughed. He eyed her questioningly for a moment before sighing and leading her closer to his friends.
“Would you leave us alone?” James asked, voice strained.
“No. I’m afraid you’re really best not left to your own devices,” Remus said.
“What about leaving him to mine?” Lily postulated, smirking.
Sirius hummed thoughtfully, and reached up to pull the cigarette from his mouth after he took a long drag. He stared at Lily for a moment before stubbing his cigarette out on the top of James’s fence. Then, he smiled devilishly at her and Lily knew that, were she not infatuated with his best friend already, she would have been nearly undone by the sight.
“Yeah, I think that might be acceptable,” Sirius said.
“Just don’t hurt him; he’s very fragile,” Remus added with a solemn nod.
“Hmm, that’s not the impression I got on Friday night,” Lily said, pretending to study a scowling James thoughtfully. “Or Saturday morning.”
“This is the worst possible combination of personalities,” James complained, grabbing Lily by the hand and pulling her away. “Later, boys!”
“Be safe!” Remus called.
“If you impregnate her, you’ve got to marry her,” Sirius said mildly. “It’s what Mum always said when we were younger, remember?”
“Bloody hell, Sirius, shut up,” James whisper-shouted, wheeling around to glare at him, but Sirius and Remus were both already walking back around the side of his house to the back door, chuckling. He was red when he turned back to Lily, apologies clearly on the tip of his tongue, but she laughed and kissed him.
“It’s okay. Remember my friend not half an hour ago?” Lily said with a soft smile when he lowered his forehead to her shoulder.
“Yeah, but that was funny. She was drunk. My friends are sober; they’re just wankers,” James complained.
But he loved them, she knew, so he clearly didn’t think they were all that bad. Because he had only recently nursed a broken and bloody Sirius back to health and he had taken off work and driven five hours to sit in a hospital for days while Remus recovered from his illness and now they were both staying in his house. And he was here, standing on her front porch with her, about to ditch his mates for her.
“Maybe we should wait,” Lily said suddenly.
James, who had just started kissing her neck, pulled back to study her face.
“I’m going to kill them,” he said after a moment.
“No, not because of them,” she said, resting her palms flat against his firm chest. “It’s just I’ve got to be at the office tomorrow morning and I’ve had a bit much wine – not too much to be responsible for my own decisions, mind, just enough to need a bit more sleep than I otherwise might – and last time, well, we didn’t sleep much.”
“We really didn’t.” James grinned and leaned in to place a lingering kiss on her lips.
“Are you upset?” Lily whispered.
“Nah.” James shrugged. “It’s okay.”
“Because, honestly, I’m a bit upset,” Lily said on a sigh as she pressed her face to his shoulder. “Fucking responsibility.”
“I’ll reward you handsomely tomorrow night. Promise,” James said, and Lily didn’t know him well yet, but she knew he was grinning, and also that he would keep his word.
“I should probably get your number, though.” He was already reaching into his trouser pocket as he spoke. “In case I need to contact you before then.”
He unlocked the screen and handed it to her. She wasted no time in creating a new contact with her information and handed it back to him. He smiled, thanked her, and slid his phone back into his pocket.
She lifted her face to kiss him, her hands burying themselves one last time in his hair, stroking through the silky, messy strands as he massaged her bottom lip between his. A breathy, high-pitched sound escaped her throat when he backed her up into her door, his hips pressed firmly against hers.  
“Dinner or dancing?” James asked, tearing his mouth from hers with no small amount of effort, it seemed to her.
“As long as you fuck me after, I don’t really care what we do,” Lily said.
James groaned and rocked his hips against hers a few times. Lily moaned, hitched a leg over his hip, and he slid his hand down her waist to grip the back of her thigh just under her ass.
“I’ll pick you up at half-seven,” James panted, releasing her leg. She let it fall from his hip and James backed away from her hastily, looking for all the world like it was the last thing he had any interest in doing. He was walking backwards down her front steps, not even stumbling once, the fucker, by the time she managed to push herself off of the front door. “You should get inside, get some rest.”
With any luck, she would need her rest for tomorrow night. She bit her lip, saw his gaze trained on her mouth, and smiled as she reached for the doorknob behind her. “Goodnight.”
She managed to make herself walk inside and shut the door, but she leaned against the door for several long moments, unable to calm her heart or make her legs steady enough to carry her up the stairs. When she finally pushed herself off the door to make her ungainly way to the staircase it was only because she heard her phone chime from her bedroom. It could have been one of her friends, Marlene most likely, checking in on her to make sure James hadn’t been an asshole about everything, but the timing was too perfect for it to be anyone but him.
When she finally made it to her bedroom, she found her phone on the dresser next to her door where she had left it when Dorcas had called to say she was logging onto Skype. Sure enough, she had a text from an unknown number. Heart racing in her chest, she held her thumb over the home button to unlock it and brought up her text messages.
Unknown: I can’t wait for tomorrow night.
She smiled, pausing only to add his number in her phone as a new contact before she answered. Before she managed to come up with an appropriately sweet and sultry response, though, another message popped up.
JP: I’m going to make you scream.
Her mouth dropped open and she felt a fresh, sharp throb of desire deep within her. Her fingers moved furiously over the touch screen.
His response was immediate, came in two separate bubbles, and was not what she wanted.
JP: ;)
JP: Sleep well, lovely.
As if that were even slightly possible now. Frustrated, and more excited than she had ever been for a date, she tossed her phone onto her bed and began to undress, tossing her undergarments near the foot of her bed before she collapsed on top of the mattress.
She’d have to fucking touch herself tonight, which was her own damn fault, she knew. She’d get off, and it would be fine, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as satisfying as she knew James would be.
An idea occurred to her then, and, smirking, she picked up her phone.
LE: Don’t be alarmed if you hear me scream tonight.
He didn’t respond immediately, but she watched as three little dots popped up in the bottom left of the chat, then disappeared, reappeared, and disappeared again. She smiled, realized that he wasn’t sure how to respond, and snapped a picture of her bra and knickers pooled at her feet.
Biting her lip, she sent it to him. This time, his response was instant.
JP: Fucking hell.
JP: You’re going to kill me.
JP: Warn me if you’re going to send another picture.
JP: The boys have forced me to sit and have a drink with them and they will definitely notice if I come in my pants.
JP: Not that I ever would.
JP: I don’t do that.
JP: That would be embarrassing.
JP: Hypothetically.
JP: I regret sending all of that.
JP: It was awful.
She smiled, imagined his reaction to what she was about to do, and slid her right hand down her bare stomach, wishing it were his. She was embarrassingly wet; her fingers were slick with desire the instant she touched herself, coated them, rubbed them over her little bundle of nerves.
With her left hand, she lifted her phone, threw her head back, snapped a picture, and sent it to him.
He didn’t answer her. She was a bit disappointed, but figured he was with his friends and probably didn’t want to give them a reason to take the mickey for ignoring them in favor of texting a woman who he already knew was going to let him fuck her again.
There was a thud at her front door as if someone had fallen against it, then a frantic pounding.
Grinning, heart racing, she jumped from her bed, ran into the hallway, and raced down the stairs without even bothering to grab her dressing gown. She didn’t even check to see who was there before she opened the door, stark naked. She just knew.
He was on her immediately, his arms wrapping tight around her waist, his mouth hot and hard on hers, his body forcing her backwards into her living room as he kicked the door shut behind him.
“Your friends are going to give you such shit,” she laughed breathlessly as he wrenched his mouth away from her to push her down on her couch.
“I don’t fucking care,” he growled, dropping to his knees on the ground in front of her. “Spread your legs.”
A shock of wild desire coursed through her at the sound of him, so rough and demanding of her, and she did as he asked. He gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her flesh surely hard enough to bruise, and pulled her to the edge of the cushion. He looked up at her, into her eyes, for just a moment, judging, she thought, whether or not she was comfortable with this. He must have seen the eager compliance in her face, must have been really turned on by the look in her eyes, because he dipped his head and his mouth was hard on her, his tongue running slow and completely up the length of her slit.
He groaned against her, the sound deep and guttural in his throat, and licked her again. “So fucking good.”
She threw her head back against the back of the couch, one hand fisting in James’s hair, the other cupping her breast, and moaned when he pressed his tongue flat against her clit, massaging for a moment before he wrapped his lips around her and sucked, releasing her for a moment before flattening his tongue over her again and then sucking her into his mouth. He did this over and over again, and Lily was already breathless and moaning and half out of her mind with need by the time he slid his fingers inside her, curling and coaxing, his other hand reaching up to massage the breast she wasn’t already groping, his fingers alternating between pinching her nipple and kneading at her flesh.
It was embarrassingly fast –maybe three minutes from the time he slammed into her front door– before her thighs were trembling, tightening around his head, and he had to let go of her breast to hold onto one of her legs and keep her from smothering him. His lips clamped down on her, applying a constant, intense pressure on her clit as his fingers moved faster inside of her.
The breath sobbed out of her, both of her hands pulled at his hair in a way that had to have been painful. The contractions started, and he never let up on her as wave after wave of electric energy washed over her.
When it was over and she could see straight again, and the pressure from his mouth was starting to get painful, he stopped as if he knew that she couldn’t take any more. He slid his fingers out of her, looked her in the eye, and licked them clean. It should have been disgusting, but it wasn’t; it was arousing as hell. She slid her hands from his hair, gripped him by the shoulders and tugged.
She wasn’t strong enough, nor her grip effective enough, to physically pull him up to her, but he knew what she wanted and complied. He moved smoothly, slowly up her body, alternating between open-mouthed kisses and licking his way up her stomach and chest. When he got to her neck, he paused, gave her a brief little nibble that shot a shock of desire straight to her core, but wasn’t long or forceful enough to leave a tasteless mark.
He brought his mouth to hers, and his hands to her shoulders to turn her and push her down into the couch cushions, and climbed awkwardly on top of her. They had done this on his couch last time, but he had clearly purchased his couch with his height in mind. Hers was far too short for him to comfortably position himself atop her, but she got the feeling that he would have managed somehow had she not taken pity and gestured toward the kitchen.
“Table,” she said.
Understanding, he stood immediately, and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and he gripped her by the ass and carried her into her kitchen. She took to nibbling on his earlobe and he stopped abruptly, pressed her into the wall, nudged her head to the side, and kissed her hard on the mouth, his tongue sweeping into her mouth. She rolled her hips against his insistent erection and he groaned and turned swiftly, moving quickly through her kitchen.
He set her down on the edge of the sturdy wood table and their tongues slid along each other as she began to fumble with the hem of his black long-sleeved shirt. He lifted his arms immediately and she quickly pulled the material up and over his head, flinging it off to the side where it landed in the clean sink basin. Her hands moved to his tan trousers, unbuckling his belt hastily before moving on to the button and fly.
When she pushed his trousers and briefs down his thighs, he stepped out of them, kicked them to the side. She noticed then that he wasn’t wearing shoes or socks, had left his house barefoot, ditched his mates, sprinted across both of their gardens and into her house. She was too desperate for him to laugh about it now, but she made a mental note to tease him over it later. There was a wild look in his eye that told her that he was feeling as desperate to be inside her as she was to be filled by him; it sent a shock straight to her core.
Once he had kicked his trousers and briefs into a pile next to him, he moved closer to her, took his place between her legs again, and kissed her. He had meant to slide right into her, she thought, start fucking her immediately, but she wrapped her hand around him and slid from leaking tip to base. His jaw went slack, his head dropped to her shoulder, and he breathed hot obscenities against her neck.
Very suddenly, he nudged her hand aside and dropped to the ground in front of her. For one wild, bewildered, excited moment, she thought he was going to go down on her again. Instead, he started rummaging through his trousers, eventually coming up with his wallet.
“Do you have a… fuck, I don’t have a condom,” James said, fumbling with his wallet.
“It’s okay; I’m on the pill,” she told him.
He looked at her, the wild look in his eyes still strong, but a bit more cautious. “Are you sure?” he asked slowly.
She laughed, gripped his hair tightly, and pulled his face down to hers. “James, I don’t fancy having a baby any time soon, either. We’re good.”
He dipped his head and kissed her, long and probing and arousing and she heard a thud as he dropped his wallet carelessly to the floor. He only pulled back long enough to look her in the eye as he pushed into her in one slow, deep thrust that brought their hips flush together.
“Oh, my God,” she moaned as he filled her more completely than anyone before him.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his voice soft and tender. Then he started moving, and there was nothing gentle about him for several long, sweaty, wonderful moments.
Until she screamed. Honest to God screamed when she came. A real, genuine, honest-to-God back arching, toes curling, head rearing, fingers digging into his back, screaming orgasm. She’d been vocal during sex with past lovers, had muttered the empty, ego-stroking more, yes, harder, so good, had moaned when she hadn’t felt the true urge, had faked an orgasm here and there just to get it over with quicker.
This was none of that. When she came down, she was trembling, and he was staring at her, eyes dark and intense and beautiful, and he was still moving inside of her, but not as rough as before.
“So beautiful,” he said again, and kissed her, one of his hands trailing down her stomach and coming to rest on her hip, the other laid flat on the surface of the table to support his weight.
His hips never stopped moving, but instead of the almost painfully frantic thrusting from before, this was more rhythmic, a slow stroke, his cock almost massaging her. After a few moments during which the only sound was their ragged breathing, James slid his hand from her hip to circle his thumb over her clit.
It was slower, more gradual this time, equally as pleasurable, but softer, gentler. Instead of a scream, this time it was a low, long moan as his thumb circled her and his cock stroked her from within.
Not long after, his thrusts lost some of his previous rhythm. He was a bit jerkier, a bit rougher, his thrusts a bit sharper and deeper. He dropped his forehead to the table next to her head, his face turned towards her, his short, quick breath bursting hot against her neck. When he groaned, one loud, low, almost-tortured sound in her ear, he stilled, his hips flush against hers, and she felt him pulsing inside of her, trembling around her.
She’d never thought the male orgasm could be beautiful, but she had also never let a bloke come inside her without a condom, much less persuaded him to. He lifted his head and looked her in the eyes, and the expression on his face was so tender that it seemed almost impossible that they could have only known each other for less than a week; it felt like they’d been doing this their entire lives. She stroked a hand through his hair and he kissed her.
“Should I go so you can get some sleep?” James asked sweetly, his forehead touching hers. Her heart was still racing from her last orgasm, and he was still inside her.
She shook her head. “Only if you want to.”
“I really don’t,” he whispered, and kissed her slowly.
He pulled back, slid out of her, and stood up. She studied him, standing there naked in her kitchen, all lean muscles and long limbs and messy hair and crooked glasses and looking for all the world as if he belonged there, and wondered happily how the hell her life had come to this point.
“You want a towel or something?” he asked.
She closed her eyes sleepily and lifted a limp hand to gesture over to the sink. “Second drawer,” she told him.
The drawer slid open and closed a second later, and she heard water running, and a moment later, he pressed a warm, damp washcloth into her hand. When she opened her eyes and sat up to wipe herself clean, he was wearing the shirt she vaguely remembered throwing into the sink. He crouched down to grab his briefs, pulled them on, searched the floor for his wallet, and shoved it back into his trouser pocket so that he didn’t have to search for it in the morning, she assumed.
He looked up from folding his trousers neatly when she threw the soiled washcloth, which landed in the basket of clothes to be washed on top of her washing machine.
“How’s the dryer?” he asked.
“Still a traitorous piece of shit,” she told him.
“Well, now you’ve got my number, you can come over and use mine whenever you want,” he offered.
“So kind, sir,” she murmured, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him closer.
He read her intentions and ducked his head to make it easier for her to kiss him, really more of a lazy rubbing together of their lips at first. Then she flicked her tongue out, licked his bottom lip, tilted her head, and kissed him in earnest. When her fingers slipped under the bottom of his shirt, he sighed contentedly.
“You are actively trying to kill me, aren’t you?” James mumbled against her lips.
“No.” Lily pulled back to smirk up at him. “The sex is too good.”
“Potentially my only saving grace,” James said with a self-satisfied smile.
“You’re also an excellent cook,” Lily assured him.
“Ah, yes, the Aubergine Parmigiana.”
“And you have lovely hands,” Lily said, wrapping one of his hands in hers and lifting it to her face.
“My hands? Really?” He laughed, bemused, when she pressed her lips to the back of his hand.
“And you’re insanely fit,” Lily told him.
“You’re very good for my ego, you know.” James lifted his free hand to the back of her head, shifted the one she was still clutching to caress her cheek before he kissed her softly.
“Does your ego need a little stroking?” she asked. “There are plenty of things I like about you so far.”
“Well, it’s a bit too soon for any other kind of stroking, so go on,” James said with a cheeky grin.
Lily laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. When he slid his arms around her waist, the warmth of the embrace reminded her that she was incredibly naked and alone in her nudity.  She shivered.
“Let’s get you to bed,” James suggested.
When he would have lifted her off the table, carried her up the stairs, she jumped down herself and evaded his grasp.
“I can walk, thank you very much,” she said primly, and sashayed her way to the stairs, acutely aware of his presence right behind her, his gaze hot on her.
She turned at the top of the stairs, caught him staring at her ass, and laughed. “You perv.”
“You wanted me to look,” he said confidently.
He was right, so she said nothing. She took his hand and led him to her bedroom, where her shirt and jeans were still pooled on the floor and her knickers and bra lying at the foot of her bed from her earlier solo exploits. She swept the undergarments to rest on the floor and then collapsed onto her bed.
“You should take your shirt off,” Lily told him, because she wanted as lovely a sight as she could fall asleep to, and wake up to.
James raised an eyebrow at her, but did as she asked. He didn’t drop his shirt on the floor, but folded it and set it atop her dresser. She wondered if this was going to be the something that turned him off of her. She wasn’t messy by any means, but she had a tendency to leave the small things – clothes, for instance – to tidy up later. She remembered how neat his house had been when she’d been there, noticed that he hadn’t left anything of his lying around here to pick up in the morning. He’d even made sure to wash the dishes when she’d been over at his house before giving in to the urge to fuck her.
He didn’t seem to mind at the moment, however, as he slid into the bed next to her in nothing but his briefs, turned to face her, slid his arm around her waist to pull her closer, so she chose not to worry over it. She placed her hand on his wrist, slid it slowly, smoothly up his arm to the back of his neck, where she played with the choppy ends of his messy black hair. He smiled and reached for the covers, pulled them up to cover them.
“It’s getting late,” he said.
He was right; the clock next to her bed said it was almost midnight. She had to be up at seven now that she definitely needed to take a shower before work, earlier even if they were going to shower together, which they probably would.
“What time do you have to be up?” she asked him.
“No time in particular.” He shrugged, then smiled when she quirked a brow at him. She knew his schedule, figured that he probably knew hers since they were so similar, and assumed that he would have to wake up around the same time as her for work. “I took off tomorrow. Didn’t know if I’d be back yet.”
She nodded her understanding, felt her eyelids drooping, her limbs growing heavier. She could fall asleep easily, but she wanted to keep talking, needed to get to know him. “What do you do?”
He shushed her gently, smoothed her hair back from her face. “We’ll get to know each other tomorrow,” he whispered. “But now, sleep.”
She was asleep before she knew it. 
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freedom-shamrock · 7 years
Homesick 4 You
Also on AO3. This Hugdrien story is a sequel to “ All the Cats Out of Bags,” though it can stand on its own.  It’s probably not quite as direct a follow up as I’d implied in my reblog (timing and set up needed alteration). It is also @miraculousfluffmonth‘s Aug 21 prompt, distance.
Marinette's computer blipped at her, notifying her of an incoming Discord message.  "Oh, hey Alya, Adrien's online," she spoke quickly into her phone.  They had started out doing homework, but had moved on to the ethical considerations of keeping sensitive information confidential.  Alya was writing a paper on it, and the all her research and reading made her rethink a few things about her goals with the Ladyblog.  "I know he's super lonely in Milan, so is it okay if chat with him a bit?"
Alya laughed.  "Yeah.  You've heard all this before, anyway."
Marinette met Tikki's eyes and smiled.  "True, but for what it's worth, I agree with you.  And I think your change in policy or whatever it could be called, is a mature and socially responsible perspective."
"Thanks, cupcake, I'll see you tomorrow," Alya said.
Marinette jiggled her mouse and signed in to her computer.  Her chat with Adrien popped up.
Hugdrien : Do you have any idea how hug deprived I am right now?
Princess : I do, actually.  I've been logging your hug activity for the last several months.  You are going to require intensive cuddling when you return.
Hugdrien : Should I schedule an appointment now?
Princess : No need.  I've set aside my entire schedule for your treatment.
Hugdrien : Oh good.
Princess : How was today's shoot?
Hugdrien : Terrible.  Pretty much everything that could go wrong, did.
Princess : Oh, no!  I am so sorry. That's awful.
Hugdrien : Camile asked my father why you weren't with me.  She claims you're some sort of good luck charm.
Hugdrien : She'd be far more right than she realizes.
Princess : Really?!
Hugdrien . Obvsly.  Have you not noticed how well my shoots go when you're there?
Princess : I just figured I hadn't hit a bad one yet.
Hugdrien : Yeah.  Well you are the personification of good luck, too, and it counters my shit luck, so…
Princess : It's so unfair that you have bad luck.  You don't deserve that.
Hugdrien : If it means I get to be your Kitty, it's worth it.
Princess : Awwwwwwwww
Hugdrien : I'm supposed to be getting ready for dinner, but I wanted to check and see if you could Skype tomorrow?  Not as nice as actually hugging you, but seeing you and talking to you would be really nice.
Princess : Yeah.  What time?
Hugdrien : Is 21:30 too late?
Princess : Pffft.  I have patrols that start later.
Hugdrien : True.  But since I've been gone for two weeks. Two god-awful long weeks, that is, I'm not sure where you are in your sleep status.
Princess : Pretty well rested.
Princess : 21:30 it is.  I put it in my calendar.
Hugdrien : Ooh.  It's… like a date and everything.
Princess : Skype date?
Hugdrien : It's a real thing.
Hugdrien : Anyway, see you tomorrow.  Sleep well my bug.
"I just e-mailed you today's homework," Marinette said, smiling at the real-time image of Adrien on her monitor.  "I eagerly await your… impression on the physics reading."
Adrien laughed, leaning back in his chair, the pale pink walls of his hotel room behind him.  "Do you, then.  Should we do another Skype date tomorrow to go over it?"
"Oooh.  Study date," she said, giggling.  She wasn't sure if he was intentionally using the word 'date' to make a point or if it was a hint, or if it was just a coincidence.  Though their relationship hadn't really changed since her parents caught him sleeping in her bed, she'd felt tension that hadn't been there before.  It was like she had a need to define what they were.
"Nino swears by it," he said, shrugging.
Marinette snorted.  "I don't think they get much studying done.   And I'm pretty sure they don't do it over Skype."
He sighed.  "Yeah.  Hard to cuddle from another country."
"Digital cuddle date?" she asked.
"That is definitely not a thing," he said, pouting.
"It would be missing a crucial component, yeah."  She nodded in agreement.  It was nice to be able to see him, but it almost made her miss him more.  When she watched his hand slide through his freshly washed hair, pushing it back, she felt a pang of jealousy.  She wanted to be the one to tangle her fingers in that soft mess.
"I really miss you," he said, his voice softer all of a sudden.  "It's… always hard to be away from Paris, but it's extra hard this time."
"Why do you suppose that is?" she asked, trying not to let any of her hopes form into full ideas.
"You," he said simply.
She straightened up, one hand coming up to tap the center of her chest.  "Me?  How?"
He tilted his head and gazed at his fingers, tracing patterns on the table in front of him.  "Both sides of you have been important to me since we met, but now, you're just this constant wonderful presence in my life.  And I don't think I can go an hour without finding something I want to share with you, or a pun I want to tell you."  A small uncertain smile settled on his face.  "I used to miss Ladybug when I had to go away, of course.  But that was… shallower in a way.  Now it's like being homesick, only for a person rather than a place."
"Oh," she whispered, finding it strangely difficult to breathe.  She reached out and touched his cheek on the screen.  It was hard and warm, nothing like his face in real life.  "I miss you a lot, too.  I don't think I really have the words to explain it."
"Can I tell you something?" he asked, more uncertain than she'd ever heard him. 
"You can tell me anything, Kitty," she insisted.
"It's… um… intense.  Very personal and potentially embarrassing.  I don't want you to feel pressured in any way."  His hand ran from his forehead, through his hair, to finally rest on the back of his neck.  "You don't have to have a response to it.  I just… I feel like I'm lying by not telling you."
"It's okay," she promised.  "I am very familiar with personal and embarrassing.  You've met my parents, remember?"  She snickered.  "You know, those people who give you bread baking lessons and sex advice at the same time."  She felt her cheeks heat up.
He nodded and took a breath.  "Okay.  Uhm… this is harder than I expected."  His eyes flicked down to his hands than seemed to consciously come back up to meet hers.  "I really like you Mari."
Oh.  That was definitely okay.  "I like you, too."
"It's… quite a bit stronger than friend kind of like," he explained.  Oh god, he was blushing and it was adorable.  "Uhm.  A lot stronger.  And different.  I'd noticed it before.  I mean, I was definitely crushing on you when you took the zip line.  And then you hugged me, which was just soperfect.  It was a little moment of heaven.  I thought hanging out with you and getting hugs once in a while would be enough, you know?"
She nodded, but he continued before she could speak.
"And it was .  But then I found out you're my partner, and it was like a door opened up and I could see you so much better."  He was talking quickly, rushing to get his thoughts out.  "There were no more secrets or barriers.  I knew you, and you knew me."  
This part of his rambling monologue resonated with her.  Learning he was Chat Noir, her secret best friend, had dramatically changed her understanding of him.  She nodded, but didn't try to interrupt.
"But about a month ago… a month before I left, I mean, when we were watching movies, I looked at you and I realized it."  He was waving his hands around at this point.
"Realized what?" she prompted.
"I just looked at you and I thought, oh.  I love her."  He froze for a moment, his mouth hanging open as he stared at her through the monitor.  "And thinking it, it just felt right.  There was this calm that sort of washed over me.  It was natural and comfortable, like finding where you belong."
"Oh.  Wow."  Her fingers had wrapped themselves in the front of her shirt, clinging desperately.
"And you absolutely don't have to do anything with this information," he held out both hands and shook his head.  "You don't have to feel the same way for me.  I just… I know that when Chat flirted with Ladybug, it was easy to brush it off.  It was fun, but lacked depth, and… I was actually in love with you then, as Ladybug, but I never really made that clear.  And I wanted to be clear this time around."  He let out a heavy breath.  "So… yeah.  Uhm."  He glanced around his room.  "I should probably let you get to sleep, so…"
"Would you go out with me?" she blurted.  She hadn't meant to ask like that, rushed and crazy.  She wanted to give him some beautiful words, but her brain was not cooperating at the moment.
"Uhm… what?"  He looked so hopeful.
"When you get back to Paris," she said.  "Would you go out to dinner with me?"
"Like a date?" he asked.
Smiling, she nodded eagerly.  "Not like a date, but an actual date."
"Yes," he said, beaming and nodding.  "Yes, I would love to do that."
She nodded, wondering if he was almost overwhelmed by happiness like she was.  "Okay.  I'll plan something."
Marinette's phone chimed.  Figuring it was Alya, she ignored it and focused on her history homework.  The phone chimed again.
"Ooh.  Marinette," Tikki said, swiping her paws over the screen.  "It's Adrien."
"Oh!"  She straightened up so abruptly, she nearly tipped over her chair.  "Oops."
Kitty : I miss U!
Kitty : Want to see U!
Smiling, she texted back.  "I miss U 2!"  She followed up with, "Wanna Skype 2night?"
Kitty : Can't. <sad kitty emoji>  There are reservations.  And plans.
He'd be home in a few more days, and she'd planned out a nice date for them that allowed for cuddling while hitting a couple of their favorite places in both forms.  "Don't be sad," she sent back.  "It's Friday.  You can text me even if it's late when you get done."
She heard footsteps on the stairs, heavier than Mama, but swifter than Papa.  She turned just in time to see Adrien burst into the room.  His cheeks were pink, maybe from the wind, and he was holding a bouquet of red roses.  "Hi."  His steps faltered.  "I got off early for good behavior."
She got out of her chair so fast it fell over, and she didn't care.  She rushed toward him, throwing her arms around him.  "You need so many hugs."  To be fair, she wanted a whole lot of hugs, too.
The bunch of flowers settled in the center of her back as he returned her eager embrace.  "My father is still in Milan, will be for the whole next week."
"Excellent.  You can stay the whole time."  She burrowed her face in the front of his shirt, breathing in his scent.  Next time he had to travel, she was making him leave a shirt.  "Did you bring clothes?"
"Did he bring clothes?" Plagg's slightly nasal voice piped up.  "He's ready to move in, Princess."
"Good."  She felt giddy.  Without letting go, she leaned back to look up at him.  There were shadows under his eyes, things they'd had to hide with makeup that told her he needed rest, but he looked happy.  "Welcome home Kitty."
He leaned in a little, brushing her nose lightly with his.  "May I kiss you?  I really want to kiss you."
Giggling, she tilted her chin up to him.  "I'd like that."  Her initial impression was warm and soft.  It was slightly reminiscent of the kiss she'd given him during an unfortunate valentine related akuma.  There was no rush of desire or fireworks, it was more of a sense of peace settling over her, as if she'd been tightly tense since their last Skype chat, and his kiss melted it all away.
At the end of the kiss, he didn't pull away immediately.  His eyes were still closed as his slow breath brushed over her face.  "Hmm."  His eyes fluttered open.  "I think I'm kiss deficient."
"Oh no."  She moved one hand to his cheek as she attempted to role play dismay.  She was too happy.  "We'll have to fix that, too."
He kissed her cheek and stepped back.  "I'm taking you to dinner.  If you're willing to accompany me, that is."
"But I have a date all planned for Wednesday," she protested.  "I made reservations, and everything."
He grinned.  "Is there a rule that says you can't take me out Wednesday if I take you out now?"
She'd wanted to be responsible for the first date, but it wasn't worth getting bent out of shape over.  She shook her head.
He let out an exaggerated sigh.  "Good.  Because I think we're date deficient, too, and we'll have to work hard to address that."
Next in series > Furrever Home
There will be one more story in the Hugdrien series for Fluffgust.
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briteboy · 7 years
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WHO is Santi and WHERE is his face?
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i am LIVING for your warm & colorful posts right now!! your editing is so amazing and it brightens my day everytime i see a new post of yours *.*
THANK YOU!!!! <3 i am so happy/relieved to be using warm colors once more, i feel like myself again. don’t get me wrong, i do like evoking different moods, but sometimes (a lot of the time, especially with santi) too much is too much. today’s posts were HOPEfully my last emo edits..............for now
LOL I actually made a comment about Fiona naming a cat/dog (once Pets comes out) Rodrigo. I'll go back underground now haha (still a great story, cant wait to read more) -Runaway NONY
OH I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THAT wtf. either tumblr ate it or i accidentally scrolled past it i’m sorry. i always enjoy seeing messages from anons who return to my inbox! but lmAO that’s a good idea. i actually met the most perfect dog today and now i know the breed and name of dog santi needs immediately
Hii! If you dont mind me askin, how do you edit your darker screenshots? I always end up making them too light or too dark to see a thing :( Thank you!
hmmm idk what to tell you about making them too light or too dark, because that’s a very specific thing that really depends on the picture. BUT i know that the dodge tool is my bff for brightening up dark pictures while still retaining some of the darker elements you want in them (aversely, the burn tool will help darken parts), messing with the exposure can also really help, coloring can also help too, selective color is my bff especially with blue shadows and orangey skin...this is kind of a broad answer, i’m sorry, but if you needed help with something specific, let me know!
I remember you answered an ask and said you drew tears when you edit right? Is there a reason you don't use CC tears?
i answered this like two weeks ago but i can’t find it so whateveR i’ve used cc tears a few times but there’s only like three of those in existence and my characters have cried a LOT. i feel like it would be kinda weird if they had the same tears every time. also there are just some variations that i like to customize myself by drawing, like sometimes they’ll be full on sobbing, sometimes just one single tear...it just depends on the situation, that’s why i draw ‘em.
Santi is my favorite Harvest Moon character.
idk shit about harvest moon so idk how to respond to this :[ here’s a small picture of michael cera with a cactus
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Would you recommend buying a macbook for playing sims?
if a macbook is what you already have, then yeah, i’d say it suffices without many problems. if you’re specifically going out and buying a computer with the knowledge that you’ll be playing sims on it, then mmmmmm i’d probably say no...but it also depends on if you’re like gonna get REALLY into storytelling and cc n shit or if it’s just casual gameplay with a mods folder that’s like 5 gb or less...if it’s the latter i think it should also be fine. but yeah it just depends on what kind of gaming you’re planning on doing.
How can I read your story from the beginning? Is there a link or something? I keep seeing it on my feet and it looks so great!
thank you! there’s a button at the top of my page that says “story directory” but if you’re on mobile you can just go here or copy this link: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono
I've talked to u like once before and I'm to shy to talk to u again... Why am I like fish?
we are all like fish if you really think about it lmao but really just reach out my dude! if we talked once then y’know you already broke the ice so just go for it!! i am here and ready to talk about all the things under the sun
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Do you use Topaz Clean?
hi hello so maybe I am just a blind bean but may I ask how in god's name do you get your images to be so crisp? I have everything set up, but it seems as if when I do my thing in Photoshop, everything turns out lookin like a blobfish. I'm not sure if you use another person's topaz settings or if you have your own. Thank you so much if you do respond bc I was too much of a wuss to message you *cries in Spanish*
OMG well it’s mostly just resizing, smart sharpening, and most importantly topaz clean (see above) that makes them so crisp. i also use the sharpen tool on sims’ faces, and the smudge tool when something is particularly pixelated or whatever. everything i do is listed in here! UR NOT A WUSS *hugs you in spanish*
youre my inspiration to be a better writer. I know i'm good and giving characters depth and backgrounds and coming up with a rough story idea. but i rush things and i'm not great at putting it into a good story so ya. My story on simblr started out as casual gameplay but i wanted it to be more and i'm trying to get better @ everything
OMG ;_________; it sounds like you are a good writer already, and it’s awesome that you recognize your strengths while also acknowledging that you need to work on some things as well. i try to do the same and i think that’s what keeps me level headed. it sounds like you just need to dedicate some time to planning, that way you start to realize all the nuances of your story that come together to flesh out that initial rough idea. you seem to have a positive attitude, so that’s great!! you’re already getting better and better, i know it <3
now Santi's song is Post Malone - Congratulations
OMF LMAO u sent this when santi finally got to mexico and it’s fitting
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sos i was listening to the song fight song by rachel platten when i saw the photoset of santi making it to mexico and now i can't stop ugly crying please make it stop
This is so random but like, can I just say that you're so amazing like?? Why?? You're so sweet and funny and I love you very much ok
AKJSKJDFKJS THANK YOU THIS IS SO NICEEEE ;-; i try but a lot of the time i feel like a sarcastic asshole lmao thank u for thinking otherwise <3
Am I the only one who's like... really mad about pets being NPCs? I just feel like being able to control them was the best part. I don't really feel like the EP is worth it without them. Like, don't get me wrong, I understand that the team worked really hard on it, but I feel like they didn't do it as well as they could have.
hmm i’m kind of meh on that front because like on one hand i did like controlling pets and the novelty of the fact that you could just see their different interactions firsthand, but ultimately i think i’m okay with not controlling them because it makes it more realistic for me and honestly they’re probably more likely to take care of themselves a little bit more if they’re automated, because i’m just thinking about ts3 pets and how i literally had to make them go pee outside otherwise they’d pee in the house...even if they were well trained and stuff lmao. plus there might be a cheat or mod that lets you control them, like there was in ts2? so don’t lose hope yet.
hey your blog is AWESOME, i read through your stories in a day and am obsessed (kind of in love with gianni) ❤ what are some of your favorite ts4 blogs? i'm trying to find more awesome blogs to read through during my miserable journey of trying to get the game to work on my computer lol
heyo here’s some! thank you btw, and i hope your miserable journey ends soon :{
(I really need to get this off my chest) ok so my aunt is currently in a critical condition after having a kidney failure and she's in desperate need for a new one and I'm the only one in my family that's a match (so far) but I'm not allowed to donate bc I myself have severe health issues affecting my day to day life that would make it extremely dangerous for me to remove a kidney. I'm so fucking frustrated you don't understand like I just want to cry most of the time
first off i’m so sorry that this is even happening to you ;__; and you’re an amazing person for being willing to help out your aunt like that, so just know it isn’t your fault that you’re unable to. don’t guilt yourself for it okay? is there any other possible donor at all? i wanna know how this situation ends up. i really hope your aunt will be okay. just stay close to your family for support and don’t blame yourself.
how did you get photoshop for free? I'm trying to find a link that won't give me a virus, but I had no luck yet
the pirate bay is ur friend
Ok I gotta rant. GoT does NOT deserve the hype/amazing ratings. Like, sure the cinematography is pretty great and they have ok actors but the freaking script is so mediocre I actually think I could write a better one. Me. A 16 y/o tiny child. There are so much better shows out there! Hell, even Supernatural has a better script than GoT
whenever ppl agree with me about how much GoT sucks i grow stronger and stronger even the actors are iffy at this point. watching daenerys act is painful, jon snow is wooden as hell, it’s just bad. ur 16 yr old self has more potential than these writers tbh. it’s just completely mediocre; it started out as something great because it followed the same layered storytelling pattern as the books, but it’s diverged from that completely because the writers got too caught up in the hype. and you’re right, it doesn’t deserve that hype! omfdkjsgkj i’ve never watched supernatural but i haven’t heard good things. that’s a low bar
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miserelysia · 7 years
So I watched the Netflix Death Note adaptation...
And I did a liveblog because that’s how I cope with bad adaptations of things I love. It’s pretty long but so was the movie. Also swearing.
- Setting: Seattle. I'd say you already failed, Netflix, but I was prepared for this. And alright, so we have a re-imagining of Deathnote. - Our hero creepily hangs out right behind cheerleader practice and does homework, awesome - also he a nerd who does other people's homework and judges them - cool - chick who smokes and gives him eyes is Mia - and Light doesn't know how to smile - well it really does seem like Ryuk CHOSE him in this version instead of just randomly throwing his Death Note down to earth - why are we all afraid of rain we're in SEATTLE - super awkward, tortured troubled nerdy white boy, gotcha - ...light are you not reading the other rules. that's kind of important. THERE ARE RULES FOR A REASON. - oh shit it's time for willem dafoe's big debue - HI FRIENDDDD - LMAO LIGHT'S SCREAM - I MEAN, RELATABLE BUT - RIDICULOUS - why didn't they just name him Larry ffs "Light" just sounds weird for an American kid - I'm gonna call him Larry - okay let's jump right to DECAPITATION LOL DAMN SON - DAAAMMMMNNNN SON - THAT IS NOT THE KIND OF HORROR I WAS LOOKING FOR IN THIS MOVIE - OMG LARRY U KILLED KENNY - way to trash the classroom Ryuk - what happened to my friendly bored shinigami - he got Americanized(TM) - LARRY YOU GOTTA READ THE WHOLE TERMS & CONDITIONS ON SOMETHING LIKE THIS FFS BOY - i mean granted we don't have the whole terms & conditions because they weren't all written out in the manga - or were they?  i never read them - bUT THEN I WASN'T THE ONE WITH THE POWER TO FUCKING DECAPITATE PEOPLE BY WRITING THEIR NAME DOWN - thank you Ryuk for giving the correct pronunciation of your name - so either Ryuk is lying about the rules of the Death Note, saying it HAS to belong to a human, orrrrrr this is another Adaptation Thing - okay well Larry definitely isn't any Light Yagami but his character is.... pretty realistic for a Troubled White Boy(TM) - just wondering how the heck Larry is gonna be smart enough to avoid detection - also is he going to take a chip and eat it - lol damn how'd you know Antony was at a dinner party, Larry? - AWWWWWW HIS DAD LOVES HIM YAY - okay Ryuk's design is..... okay - LARRY WHY R U BRINGIN IT TO SCHOOL - AND WHY ARE YOU SITTING IN THE BLEACHERS DURING GYM??? - or are you creeping on cheerleaders again boy wtf - "you saw a guy decapitated? damn that's hot" mia what's wrong with u - LMAO YEAH SURE SHOW HER THE DEATH NOTE????? - OKAY - ugggghhhh come on, anyone who TOUCHES the death note can see Ryuk not just the keeper. why change that rule???? you could have so many more amazing "HOLY SHIT AN 8 FOOT TALL DEMON?!?!?!??" scenes - "i have a death god" well i'm glad they're not trying to make everyone say "shinigami" the whole time - "you of all people want to see this" HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT CAN YOU TELL SHE'S A SOCIOPA--okay granted, she did talk about wanting to see Kenny's decapitation - "you snot-nosed little douchebag" that is.... such a tame insult for a guy who's holding a gun to a lady??? - um why was that rogue SWAT truck just driving through at top speed you can't control other people i thought??? - also why did he just fuckin EXPLODE when it hit him like a damn garbage bag damn Netflix - holy shit Mia what's your damage why are you so hype about this - lmaoooo nerdy virgin boyyyyy - no longer a virgin boyyyy - having weird sociopathic sexytimes with his weird sociopathic girlfriendddd - white boy saviour complex is go - AYYYY GOD COMPLEX IS GO - time to get busyyyyyyy KILLING PEOPLE - um did you really target EVERYONE IN A NIGHTCLUB WTF BOI SOME OF THEM WEREN'T EVIL - or are they just saying someone shot up the whole place BUT YOUR VICTIM'S ACTIONS CAN'T RESULT IN SOMEONE ELSE'S DEATH I THOUGHT??? - i do like that L is a black man - why is Watari kinda creepy - AWWWWW GOOD THEY KEPT THE CANDY OBSESSION - "you'd kill him? you'd kill him for me???" omg mia seriously WHAT IS UR DAMAGE - my precious boy L and his rainbow candies - this is all i wanted. quirky L dealing with the police - HE'S PRECIOUSSS - OOOOOHHHHHH BURNNNNNNN"CHILD WEILDING POWER HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND" - "now i'm rooting for this guy" THANK YOU RYUK, ME TOO - i'm in love i love L I'm rooting for him too - u gonna kill ur dad larry? - "i think you can tell when you're sitting across froma killer like kira" he says to his CLEARLY SOCIOPATHIC SON - mia U HAVE ISSUES WHYYYYYYYYY - r u serious - relationship issues now too - da fuq - how is mia EVEN WORSE OF A PERSON THAN LARRY - HOLY SHIT GIRL - THE ENTIRE DAMN TEAAAMMMMMM - omg larry it was MIA not ryuk - seriously are you serious are you saying it's ryuk are u FUCKING SHITTING ME NO - "just making sure you hadn't died" lmao thanks L for ur concern - "light turner is kira" okay then L, i mean i guess we had to make the conflict go fast but okay - "i don't do check, only checkmate" nice - "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MEEEEE" lmao larry you aren't light - "you're the one who flew into the sun, I'm just here to make sure you actually burn" I LOVE U, L - U NEED HIS FULL FUCKING NAME NOT JUST WATARI. FUCK YOU DID THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THIS NOT READ THE DAMN MANGA - I'M SO ANGRY THIS IS SO POINTLESS - L IS SO SAD -MY BOY - BBY - HIS FRIEND IS GONE - lmao this got overdramatic real friggin fast - r u serious MIA IS A MUCH BETTER LIGHT THAN LARRY IS - LIKE THE ORPHANAGE WOULD JUST LEAVE THEIR INFO LYING AROUND???? - AND WHY HAS L NOT REALIZED WHERE LARRY WOULD SENT WATARI IT'S SO OBVIOUS - DA FUQ IS WRONG WITH THESE CHARACTERS - why is there cell reception in that place - why did that guy kill him THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS??? - WHY DID KNOWING WATARI'S FUCKIN NOT EVEN REAL NAME WORK - AND IT WAS POINTLESS - POINTLESS LOW QUALITY BADLY RESEARCHED WRITING - Larry u fuckin idiot you don't deserve to be Light and I need the plot twist to be that the death note was actually mia's all along - "you don't get to feel superior for being a pussy" omg mia - hot damn she killed everyone - HOLY SHIT SHE GONNA KILL HIMMMMMMM - HOLY SHIT - MIA - HOLY SHIT - HOLY SHIT - "now go get my goddamn book" HOLY SHIT - I LOVE THISSSSSSS IT'S WHAT I WANTED ALL ALONG - BADASS GIRL IS A BETTER LIGHT THAN LARRY FOR REAL - L MY PRECIOUS BABY I'M SORRY - ummmmmmm larry you could just burn the page urself u know??? - car chase & foot chase nice added unnecessary drama - Y U HIT L IN THE HEAD RANDOM MAN THAT'S NOT NICE - "NOW GIVE ME MY FUCKING BOOK OKAY" HOLY SHIT MIA - LMAO HE PUT HER NAME IN - LMAO TAKIN DOWN THE WHOLE FUCKIN FERRIS WHEEL - "I TAKE IT BACK" LMAO LARRY U CAN'T - RYUK WHAT THE FUQ - LMAO AND HIS HEART IS GONNA STOP AT MIDNIGHT WHILE HE'S HOLDING HER RIGHT - SUCKS FOR YOU MIA - oh oop no she falls instead - SHE REALLY LIKED THAT BOOK I GUESS??? - BYE KIDS - oh nice image with the flowers exploding - "innocence destroyed~" or w/e guys please she was already a crazy sociopathic monster - R U SERIOUS THE ONE PAGE - THE ONE PAGE WITH HIS NAME - FALLS PERFECTLY INTO THE FLAMES - FOR REAL - WHO IS MYSTERIOUS MAN????? - great yeah just put the death note on his chest and then the nurse can find it - why'd he magically wake up from a coma - why is no one responding to his increased vitals - YEAH U KILLED UR GIRLFRIEND WAY TO GO - i mean she sorta killed herself but - oh wait nope he actually killed her - wow - so that last bit of plotting almost earned you the right to be called Light, Larry - but not quite - anD WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF ENDING IS THAT??!?!?! - I HATE OPEN ENDINGS - LARRY IS ABOUT TO DIE RIGHT - I DECIDED IT. LARRY DIES. - EXCEPT THAT MAKES L A KILLER - BUT L'S CHARACTER HAS ALREADY CHANGED DRASTICALLY SO... - YEAH, LARRY DIES - i mean the other option is that his dad's like "wtf" and locks him up forever - but then American Ryuk just gives the Death Note to someone else and now that Kira is a thing they'll think it's up to them or something??? - who knows - whatever - i'm done with this weird ass convoluted mess. - well the beginning of the credits was cute at least, with the bloopers and the fun times
Okay this wasn't a complete waste of time but they absolutely lost me as an adaptation at the point where Larry was able to control Watari wITHOUT KNOWING HIS FULL DAMN NAME I MEAN COME ON THAT'S WHY HE'S CALLED WATARI. Also constantly screaming "THERE ARE SO MANY RULES" like hey maybe you should take the time to read them Larry wtf is wrong with you. L losing it was interesting but man I miss the calm, 5-steps-ahead-of-each-other cat and mouse of the actual Death Note. I think I'm gonna go watch that now.
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