#i may be a fake gamer
sparklypunk · 2 days
I posted another chill video of my character, Curt E. Ous, trying to be friendly in stardew
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leopardsealz · 1 year
im so tired ive been up since 4:30 am but ive had a HELL of a day /pos
firstly saw a red deer then a red squirrel in the morning
then my dad & i went to the coast & sweet jesus the amount of action!!! there were great northern divers everywhere, most in full breeding plumage, some even calling!! there was a small group of male red-breasted mergansers displaying & then a huge flock of 350 common scoter, all packed tightly together
onto the next bay, yet more divers, mergansers & a kestrel. THEN out very far from the shore we saw a fucking MINKE WHALE surface a couple times!!!!
on a little further: dozens of rafting manx shearwaters, ive never seen them raft before!! it was flat calm so not enough wind for their liking. THEN 3 whole harbour porpoises feeding for about an hour among the shearwaters & i even saw them logging on the surface, again never seen that behaviour irl. THEN. ANOTHER FUCKING MINKE WHALE. THATS 2 WHALES IN 1 DAY
other people i know saw jumping sea bass, common dolphins & BASKING SHARKS in the bay today so HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT A DAY /POS
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🍇 Subtle Dionysus Worship 🥂
Drinking grape juice or wine; fruity drinks also work; raise a glass to him
Eating food that you love, especially comfort foods
Hosting or attending parties
Hanging out with loved ones
Celebrating your accomplishments, big or small
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Putting on grape-scented or fruit-scented perfumes/colognes
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him
Seeking community; LGBTQ+ support groups, gamer groups, fandom groups, etc.
Having a bull, leopard, goat, or cat stuffed animal
Decorating parts of your room with real or fake ivy vines
Growing a plant, especially ivy or vined plants
Wearing showy or lavish outfits; wearing outfits that make you feel good about yourself
Taking care of your mental health; finding new and healthy ways to cope with issues
Keeping a mental health journal
Keeping a picture of him in your wallet
Having leopard, bull, or big cat imagery around
Taking a hike/walk in a local forest or nature preserve
Taking a walk at night, especially on a new or full moon (only if safe in your area, please)
Dancing, especially to songs that make you feel wild, free, and expressive
Listening to energizing or expressive music
Watching/reading musicals or plays
Performing in a musical or play (including backstage and tech)
Taking your medications; setting reminders for them
Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally
Learning to accept both the "dark" and "light" parts of yourself
Being kind to those outcast by society, especially the homeless and addicts
Volunteering at a homeless shelter
Engaging in activities that bring you joy, especially those that are looked down upon
Finding ways to be rebellious, especially towards authority (don't do this if it risks your own safety)
Expressing yourself in little ways if unable to be open about it (wearing a bracelet that represents your gender identity, shoelaces that are pride flag colored, etc.)
Embracing all the unique things that make you who you are
Support LGBT, homeless shelter, environmental preservation, or humanitarian organizations
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
May add more later! This is my list of discreet ways to worship Dionysus. I hope it helps, and take care! 💜
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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i-am-baechu · 4 months
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ᡣ𐭩 Title: Mutual Understanding  
ᡣ𐭩 Paring: Rich! Playboy! Taehyung x Fortune teller daughter! Reader 
ᡣ𐭩 Summary: She wants nothing to do with love and he hates relationships. Perfect. 
ᡣ𐭩 Rating: Explicit (18+) 
ᡣ𐭩 Genre: Romance, angst, smut, slow burn, fake relationship au, and cat and mouse vibes
ᡣ𐭩 Part of the The Legendary Seven
ᡣ𐭩 Playlist - Cat & Mouse by Black Swan and Selfish by YooA
ᡣ𐭩 Authors note: I’m proud of this story and honestly my best writing so far me thinks 🥺
May 22 - I edited and added a scene that I felt like it was needed!
“One of the legendary sevens is off the market. Jeon Jungkook, the heartthrob, is going out with one of the students who was accepted through the Kim Scholarship. I heard she’s a fangirl for a gamer streamer so it will be interesting to see how their relationship goes. It’s of course noted that Jungkook’s father tried buying her house. I guess that's another way to keep your house. Until then, Pen.” 
“Your mom was right.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and rolled over in Seungkwan’s bed, “Don’t say that.”
“Y/N, she literally got every detail right. I have to give her credit.” Seungkwan tried to show his phone but she kept avoiding it, “Come on, Y/N. Can’t you just listen to your mom?” 
“Seungkwan, can you just show me that new game and forget about this?” 
“Remember what your mom said? You will find love in the next two months.”
Y/N let out a scoff and sat up in his bed, “That’s like me saying Kim Taehyung will be faithful. It will never happen.” 
Seungkwan pouted at his best friend and shook his head, “Let me dream for you.”
“Keep dreaming.” 
L/N Y/N, is one of the top students in her major (Radiologic Technology) and her best friend Boo Seungkwan is the top student of his major (Marketing) and was on the gossip site for their school. Seoul University is filled with rich people that lacked basic human kindness which is why everyone loved this website. The person behind it has never said their name but whoever it is, knows more than everyone. 
After Seungkwan’s badminton competition, Y/N went over to his house like she always did. Being friends since high school, they basically knew everything about each other. Like how Y/N’s dad left after a night out with his coworkers, she was only six. The one thing that Seungkwan was always curious about was her mother’s “power”. Her mother was a famous fortune teller who gets paid well by CEO’s and she's been doing this for years. Y/N didn’t believe anything her mother said but Seungkwan on the other hand believed every word. 
Y/N stood up from his bed and headed to the bathroom to brush her hair. Seungkwan followed her as he scrolled down his phone, “This says that Namjoon has a secret admirer.” 
She raised her eyebrow through the mirror and let out a small chuckle. “Are you surprised? Everyone has a crush on that group.” 
“Not you.”
“I have a brain, that's why.”
Seungkwan’s phone chimed and he smiled at the screen, “Vernon’s here.” 
“Is Seokmin here too?” 
“No? Why do you want him here?” 
She put her brush down and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Yes, it sucks feeling like a third wheel.” 
Seungkwan’s face turned red and pointed at her, “YO-YOU SHUT UP!”
Y/N let out a laugh and shrugged her shoulders, “It’s true. Let’s go downstairs to your boyfriend.”
“NO, I’M NOT!”
Seungkwan and Y/N glanced at the door with a nervous look. Seungkwan’s sister isn’t someone to mess with, “So-Sorry.” 
Vernon came in and they were hanging out in Seungkwan’s room. They weren’t really talking but their company made it better. It wasn’t until Seungkwan shot up from his spot making Y/N jump, “What the hell?”
“Taehyung dumped Jennie.”
Y/N scoffed at this and rolled her eyes, “They weren’t together. Just fucking.”
“So, it doesn’t matter. They're done now because Jennie just posted a picture with her ex.”
Vernon sighed and glanced at Seungkwan’s phone, “We shouldn’t care about other people's lives.” 
“Especially Taehyung’s, he’s just a piece of shit that breaks poor girls' hearts.” 
Kim Taehyung let out a puff of smoke as he glanced at Jungkook who was texting on his phone. He glared at this and gently nudged him to get his attention, “Dude, you said you wanted to hang out but you're talking to your girl.”
Jungkook glanced up at Taehyung and rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry.” He put his phone back in his pocket and gave his friend a concerned look, “I wanted to hang out because I saw Jennie’s post.” 
Taehyung hit his cigarette ash in his diamond ashtray and shrugged his shoulders, “What about it?”
“I know you guys were seeing each other-”
“Her pussy was good.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes and shook his head, “You literally saw her for four months straight and wouldn’t call your other girls. That means you liked her.” 
“Why would I like her? I’m Kim Taehyung, I don’t fall in love with basic girls.”
“Sometimes I wish a girl would slap you for your attitude.” 
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and leaned back against his leather couch, “Would love to see it happen.” 
Jungkook’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he took his phone out, “I have to go.”
“Go to your girlfriend you simp.” 
“At least someone likes me for me and not just for my money.”
Taehyung scoffed at this and continued to smoke with annoyance, “How can you stick to one pussy?”
Jungkook let out a laugh and stood up from the couch, “When you find the right person, nothing else matters.” 
“Whatever dude.” 
Jungkook went to leave and bowed to Taehyung's mother who was coming into the living room, “Ah, Kook, you're going home already?”
Jungkook bowed and gave her a sheepish smile, “My girlfriend needs me.” 
Taehyung’s mother sighed and placed a hand on her cheek as she glanced at her son with a frown, “I wish my son had a girlfriend. I need to tell him the good news.” 
“The good news?”
Taehyung’s mother nodded her head happily, “I went to see a fortune teller today, she told me that Taehyung will fall in love in two months.” 
Jungkook glanced at Taehyung and then back at his mother, “Taehyung? Your son will fall in love with someone?”
“Isn’t that exciting!? My son falling in love, what more can I want?”
“Taehyung...falling in love. I have to go, it was nice seeing you, Mrs. Kim.” 
“Bye Kook, be safe.” 
Taehyung’s mom smiled at her son and walked towards him with her heels clicking away. Taehyung quickly put his cigarette out and sat up straighter, “Mom?” 
“My Tae, I have good news.”
Taehyung raised his eyebrow at his mother, “This can’t be good, what’s the news.”
“A fortune teller told me that you would fall in love with someone in two months. Isn’t that good news?” 
“You believe in that? Mom really?”
His mom nodded her head and glanced through the living room windows, “With a son like you, I have to believe in that.” 
“What is that supposed to mean!?” 
“You know what it means.” 
“Mom, just let me live my life the way I want.”
His mom sighed and stood up with a little smirk on her lips, “Well hurry up because in six weeks grandma is coming over and I told her you had a girlfriend.” 
“You did what? Mom, you know I don’t have a girlfriend.”
She shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head, “Figure it out. Also, no more smoking, or I will have your father do something about it.” 
He swallowed his spit nervously, “Please don’t.”
“Good, let’s go have dinner.” 
He watched her leave and fell back into the couch and stared at the ceiling, “What the fuck am I going to do?” 
Kim Taehyung, is the second richest student at Seoul University. Everyone knows who he is. He had loving parents and siblings who were perfect. Being part of the legendary seven, it was a blessing and a curse. Everyone knows your business, even those who you don’t want to know. Taehyung hates relationships because what’s the point of being in one when you're in college? You're supposed to have fun and go to school. Why put love on top of the stress of school? Love is just complicated and a headache for him. It will always be like that. Always. 
Seungkwan and Y/N walked down the hallway talking to one another about random things. It wasn’t until she heard someone running towards her. She turned around to see her other friend running towards her with a wide smile, Hwang Eunbi, “Y/N! I have something to tell you!” 
She smiled at the girl and grabbed her hand with ease, “What is it?” 
“I got a note from Kevin and he told me that Yunho has a crush on you!”
Y/N rolled her eyes and dropped her hand, “Not this again. Stop trying to set me up with people.”
Eunbi frowned and glanced at Seungkwan, “Did you tell her?”
“Tell me what?”
Seungkwan let out a nervous laugh and turned towards Y/N, “You see...My aunt is having a party next week and I kinda told her...I told her that you had a boyfriend because she kept asking about you and I lied because she wouldn’t leave me alone. I’m sorry and I know you hate relationships but I panicked and she was talking bad about you-”
“Seungkwan, relax.”
Seungkwan raised his eyebrow and glanced at Eunbi, “You're not mad?” 
“I know your aunt so I know how you act around her.” 
“I’m sorry...I just hate how she talks about you. It’s not fair.”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and put her hands in her pockets, “Like I give a shit what she says. She’s already on her fourth husband so maybe she should take her own love advice.” 
Eunbi laughed at this and wrapped her arm around her neck, “But you should ask Yunho to be your fake boyfriend to show his aunt up.” 
“Why would I care? Also, I wouldn’t do that to Yunho because if he has feelings for me then asking him to be my fake boyfriend would be morally wrong.”
Seungkwan smirked at her, “To wipe off that look she always has. You can ask someone else then.”
“That’s tempting but I don’t really care what she thinks about me. Let’s go to lunch before we have to run to class.”
Seungkwan and Eunbi watched her leave with frowns on their faces. Eunbi turned towards Seungkwan, “What are we going to do?” 
“I don’t want my aunt to harass her at the party.”  
Eunbi's eyes became brighter with an idea that was going to change everything and grabbed Seungkwan’s arm, “I have an idea.” 
“Is Y/N going to kill us?” 
“Maybe but your aunt will be defeated.”
“Let’s do it.” 
Y/N walked into the lunch court with her hands in her pocket. There was a group of girls that had a crush on her because of how cool she was. Y/N’s personality was very laid back and unlike her best friends, she didn’t care about anyone’s opinions. When she got made fun of her mom, she told people to fuck off. She didn’t see a point in fighting with people who only listen to rumors. 
She got her usual sandwich and looked at the usual table they always sat at. She dropped her backpack and Seungkwan jumped at the sound, “Why do you always do that?”
“Because it scares you.” 
“Seokmin, you can use your normal voice.”
She felt an arm around her shoulders and that laugh she came to know, “Where’s the fun in that?”  Seokmin removed his arm and sat next to Y/N, “What’s new?”
Eunbi leaned forward with a little smirk, “Do you want the tea about everything you missed?”
“You know me so well.” 
Seungkwan pulled out his phone as Y/N ate her sandwich ignoring the whole gossip talk. Seungkwan handed his phone to him with excitement, “Apparently, Taehyung is looking for a girlfriend.” 
“Kim Taehyung?” 
Eunbi took a sip of her banana milk and nodded her head, “I know right!? Out of everyone, he is the last person I would think would want a relationship.” 
“Especially since he was in love with Jennie.” 
Seokmin nodded his head and glanced at Y/N, “What do you think, Y/N.”
She placed her sandwich down and shrugged her shoulders, “Why should I care?” 
Seungkwan frowned and took the phone from Seokmin, “You're no fun.” 
“It’s not my life and I don’t really care for him so what’s the point?” 
Eunbi laughed at this and slammed her drink dramatically, “Talking shit about someone is the fundamental of being a college student. It is our duty to fulfill it.” 
“I thought our duty was getting good grades.”
“That’s second.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow and nodded her head, “Sure, Seokmin are you free next week?” 
“I have a track meeting and then I have a meeting with a CEO my dad set up.” 
Y/N frowned at this and nodded her head, “Boring. I’m going to be at this party all by myself.”
Seungkwan pouted at this and looked at Y/N, “I’m going to be there too.” 
“Trying to show off to your aunt which means I’m going to be left alone.”
“I don’t show off...”
“You do.”
“You didn’t have to answer all at the same time.” 
Taehyung sat down with annoyance and Jimin raised his eyebrow at this, “What’s wrong?” 
“My mom.”
Hoseok raised his eyebrow at this and chuckled, “Your mom is an angel.” 
“She can be but she can be a devil.” 
Namjoon rolled his eyes and took a bite of his food, “What did she do?” 
“A fortune-teller told her that I would fall in love in two months, so she told my grandma I have a girlfriend.” 
Seokjin let out a laugh and covered his mouth, “That’s unfortunate for you.”
“Shut up, at least I have a choice in my wife.”
“Someone is on their period.” 
Taehyung sighed and started playing with his rice, “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to see my grandma sad when she sees me with no girlfriend.”
“You can always have a fake girlfriend.”
Taehyung glanced at Yoongi and thought about it, “I didn’t think of that...”
Jungkook let out a laugh and leaned to his side kissing Bora on her cheek, “Watching you struggle is funny.” 
Bora hit his thigh and shook her head at her boyfriend. She glanced at Taehyung with a small smile, “There’s dating apps. You can always use that and put in a bio you need a fake girlfriend.” 
“I guess I can do that.” 
Jimin nodded his head and clapped his hands, “See it’s that easy. Bora, did you see you were an article by Pen.” 
Bora frowned at this and nodded her head, “I saw this and I made the decision to ignore it. It’s upsetting to know that people know the insides of my relationship and to make me look like a charity case but I know the truth.” 
Jungkook nodded his head and placed his hand on her thigh, “It’s just meaningless gossip.” 
“But gossip is so fun.”
Y/N walked down the hall with Eunbi getting ready for their next class. As they walked down the hall, Taehyung and Jimin were going the opposite way. Taehyung walked past Y/N and he glanced down at her. He raised his eyebrow when she didn’t even give him a second glance. He stood still while Jimin stood there in confusion, “What?” 
He stared at Y/N not knowing anything about her, “Nothing...nothing.” 
Eunbi and Seungkwan sat in Y/N’s bedroom as they set up a dating profile for their friend. Y/N went to go pick up food and they thought this was the perfect time to make it. Eunbi snatched the phone out of Seungkwan’s hand and shook her head, “God, that’s not a good picture of her. Use the one when we went to your friend's party. She had that purple dress.” 
“This isn’t real Eunbi. We’re just doing this so she can have a fake boyfriend.”
“You can at least treat it like it’s real. There’s better pictures of her and you should use them. She needs someone hot.” 
Seungkwan raised his eyebrow at this and shook his head, “Is this for her or for you?” 
Y/N entered her house, throwing the keys in the bowl. Y/N didn’t live with her mother and she thanked god for that. She couldn’t hear her mother going on and on about her future. It was annoying. She took her shoes off and went towards her cat, Socks. She walked towards her bedroom and opened the door, “I got the sandwiches.” She jumped when she heard a loud bang and raised her eyebrow when she saw Eunbi’s phone on the floor, “What the hell?” 
“We were looking at Pen’s new post and you scared us.” 
She nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders, “That’s what you get for being involved in  other people’s lives.” 
Seungkwan glanced at Eunbi and let out a nervous laugh, “Yeah...” 
Eunbi grabbed her phone and smiled when saw the profile get uploaded, “Everything always turns out good.” 
Taehyung was in his bedroom on his phone. He was scrolling through Instagram and he stopped on Seungkwan’s post. He’s met him once or twice but he was pretty cool. He zoomed in on the picture and saw the girl he saw in the hallway. He thought her name was Y/N but he wasn’t sure. There were no tags on the picture. He clicked on Seungkwan’s icon and saw multiple posts with her and he finally found one that had tags with her username. He clicked on her profile and was looking through her pictures. 
“What are you looking at?”
He jumped and looked to see Jimin with his arms crossed, “Nothing.”
“Really? I saw that smile you have when you see someone hot. Show me.”
“Get lost shorty.” 
The next day, Y/N was by herself in the library studying for an upcoming test. It wasn’t until she heard one of the chair moves. She looked up from her book and raised her eyebrow when saw Jimin sitting there with a smile on his face. She took off her headphones and tilted her head, “Can I help you?” 
“Are you Y/N?” 
Jimin shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward making her pull back, “He usually doesn’t like...I’m Jimin.”
She nodded her head and put her headphones back in, “That’s cool. Are you studying or just bothering me?” 
He let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, “Can you do something for me?” 
“Oh god...what?” 
“It’s for a friend.” 
Taehyung entered the library with a confused look. Jimin doesn’t go to the library, why does he want to meet in the library? It was weird. He continued his way through the silence but froze when he saw who Jimin was talking to, “That little fucker...” Taehyung made his way towards Jimin with haste. He knew Jimin wouldn’t leave this alone after last night, he never listened to him. 
“You like Y/N? Seungkwan’s friend? 
Taehyung rolled his eyes and stood up from his bed with annoyance. He tried snatching his phone back but somehow Jimin was faster than him, “I don’t like her. I just saw her in the hallway and thought she was cute.” 
“You want me to be Taehyung’s fake girlfriend?” 
Taehyung stopped in his tracks and his mouth dropped, “Jimin, what the hell are you doing?” 
Jimin looked over his shoulders and gave his friend a smirk, “Helping out your situation.”
Taehyung glanced at Y/N who was looking at them with an annoyed look, “I’m not saying yes but I want to hear the reasoning.” 
She was looking straight at Taehyung and he felt nervous under her stare, “I saw you on Instagram...I just thought you were cute and Jimin took that into his own hands.” 
She nodded her head and picked up her stuff, “I kinda figured. The answer is no and leave me alone.” 
Taehyung watched her leave and his mouth was wide, “Did she just reject me?” 
“Technically she rejected me.” 
“Jimin, shut up. She just rejected me, what the hell?” 
Jimin let out a laugh and leaned back in his chair, “Not everyone has to like you.” 
Y/N walked down the stairs but was stopped when she felt a tap on her shoulders. She turned around to see a panting Taehyung and she raised her eyebrow at this, “Dude, what?” 
“Please be my fake girlfriend.” 
“Huh? I just said-”
“I know you said no but I-I just need someone. Please.”
She leaned against the railing and a small smirk appeared, “What do I get?” 
“What do you want?” 
“You don’t have an offer?” 
Taehyung let out an irritated sigh and looked down at his shoes for a second. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. He looked back up and shrugged his shoulders, “Just tell me what you want?” 
“I need you to be my fake boyfriend for this party and I would also like tickets to Japan for a vacation. I deserve it after being with you.” 
“You want a vacation? Do you think being my fake girlfriend would be that-”
“Yes, because it's you.”
Taehyung tilted his head and crossed his arms over his chest, “What do you mean by that?” 
“You sleep with everyone and break girls' hearts. Do I need to draw a picture for you?” 
“You're very blunt.”
“It’s obvious you only have yes men. If you don’t want to give me that ticket to Japan and a nice hotel, bye I have to go study and stop following myself.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes and nodded his head, “Fine, I’ll give you a trip. How many tickets?” 
“Fine but starting now you're my girlfriend.” 
She cringed at the word and scoffed at this, “Don’t ever call me your girlfriend. Fake or not, I don’t want to associate that with me.” 
“Being someone’s girlfriend? Relationships are fun.”
“How do you know that? Anyways, bye.” 
She started walking away and Taehyung grabbed her wrist, “Do we have a deal?” 
“We have a deal. Now let me go.” 
He let her go and put his hands in his pockets nervously, “Sorry. Can we meet up Friday at Supernova’s?” 
He watched her leave and knew he wanted to prove something to her. He was going to prove that he could be a great boyfriend and prove her wrong about relationships. He wanted to change her view of him and he wasn’t sure why it bothered him so much that she saw him like that. It made him feel uneasy. He barely knew her. Why should he care? 
Y/N took a sip of her water and stared at Taehyung who was nervously playing with his fries. It’s been quiet for five minutes and she wasn’t going to be the first person to say anything but this was getting ridiculous. She took out her phone and went to send a text to Seungkwan but stopped when Taehyung let out a small cough, “So...girlfriend.”
“My name is Y/N, use it.” 
He nodded his head, “Sorry, Y/N. We have to act like a couple in front of people so stop looking at me like I’m the devil.” 
“It’s really hard to ignore the horns.” 
He let out a chuckle and shook his head, “Can we be friends at least? It would make it easier.” 
Last week, Y/N found herself in Seungkwan’s bedroom listening to him talking about the person in front of her. She heard everything from her best friend’s mouth. Rumors are rumors and she knew this. This was her philosophy and it would be hypocritical of her to listen to the rumors. She had no idea how to deal with the playboy but she was willing to take a chance, “Friends...Sure.” 
She watched a boxy smile appear on his face and she noted how bright his eyes looked. There was a touch of mystery behind those brown irises. It was interesting to see how bright they can be. She took a sip of her water and took her phone out, “I have to go, Eunbi needs my help.” 
He watched her lick her lips and his eyes couldn’t leave them. The feeling that was erupting was something he never felt. It was annoying. He shook his head and nodded his head, “Since we're friends, can I have your number?” 
“I suppose since we're friends. Don’t give it out to anyone.” 
Don’t worry about that. I wouldn’t want anyone else having it, “I won’t. Trust me.” 
She showed her phone to him and he glanced at the numbers. His eyes slowly went towards her face and he noted how the sun highlighted her face. It showcased her eye color perfectly while showing off her lips. He let out a small cough and sent her a quick message. She smiled at this and put her phone away, “Since we're friends, you should come to Seungkwan’s game tomorrow.” 
She nodded her head and slid out of the booth, “Since we have to fake being together, it would make sense for you to be with me there. He is my best friend. Remember?” 
“Yes, best friend. Do you want me to pick you up?” 
She stood by the table and nodded her head, “Nothing too fancy. We don’t want girls flocking to you. I’ll see you tomorrow, Taehyung.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” 
He watched her leave the cafe and he continued to do so through the glass. He watched the plaid shirt around her waist sway with each step she took. He never noticed how good her legs looked in jeans. There was also something about the way she walked, it was filled with confidence. He cracked his neck and look down at his fries, What the fuck? 
“Eunbi, what’s wrong?” 
Y/N opened her bedroom to see Eunbi sitting there with a smile, “I have good news.” 
“I also have news but you go first.” 
Eunbi sat up with her phone in her hands. She turned the phone to show her a picture of Taehyung causing Y/N to raise her eyebrow, “What?” 
“He swiped for you. He’s interested in you.” 
Y/N let out a laugh and took the phone out of her hand, “You signed me up for a dating app?” 
“It worked! What's your good news?” 
“Taehyung is my fake boyfriend.” 
Eunbi stared at her with pure shock and her mouth dropped, “Kim Taehyung? The famous-”
“Yes, he needed a fake girlfriend so it worked out.” 
“Your mom was-”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” 
Y/N waited outside her building and she was scrolling on her phone. Taehyung said he would be coming in ten minutes and knowing he was rich (his car would be fast). She hated making people wait. She heard the gates open and she looked up to be pleasantly surprised to see a dark blue Nissan pulling up to her. The window came down to show off Taehyung wearing sunglasses and his boxy smile, “What?” 
“I wasn’t expecting a Nissan...I was expecting that BMW that everyone talks about.” 
He shrugged his shoulders, “Well not everyone knows I have a Nissan.”
“Does that make me special?” 
“You are special.”
They made eye contact and Y/N felt her chest feel lighter at the comment. Compliments come and go but this one stayed with her. It stayed with her longer than it should. She let out a small laugh and nodded her head, “All ready to see Seungkwan play?”
“Yes, I am. Let me get to the door.”
She rolled her eyes as she watched Taehyung quickly unbuckle himself and rush to open her side. She let out a small laugh and bowed to him, “Thank you for being a gentleman.”
“Anything for my lady.” 
The drive was pleasant. There wasn’t a lot of talking but it didn’t bother her too much. The jazz music played in the background as she watched nature out her window. Every now and then, Taehyung would glance at her through his mirror and would smile to himself. A smile that he didn’t even realize was on his face.
Seungkwan turned around with a smile but it quickly changed into a confused one when he saw Taehyung standing next to her, “H-Hey, thanks for coming?” 
Y/N glanced at Taehyung and chuckled at Seungkwan’s nervousness, “This is my plus one that I told you about.”
Seungkwan stared at him with shock and stuck his out to shake, “I’m Seungkwan-”
“I know who you are. No need to introduce yourself as a star badminton player.”
Y/N watched Seungkwan’s face blush and she smiled with pride, “Seungkwan is a star on the court. He needs to be reminded by others and not just his friends.” 
She heard his coach and she smiled at him, “Good luck.” 
Taehyung smiled at him and patted his back gently, “Good luck.”
“Thanks, I'll see you later.” 
Y/N watched him run off and she turned toward Taehyung with a smile, “Thank you.”
“Boosting up his confidence. He doesn’t believe me when I say it.” 
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders at this, “He’s your best friend. I’ll show him my support.”
“Well, it meant a lot to me. Thank you.” 
They walked towards the stands and Taehyung glanced down to see their fingers touching. He wanted to intertwine their fingers together but he had to stop himself. He notices all the moles along her arm and the little cuts that tell a story. A story that he wanted to know. There was something about Y/N that he wanted to know so desperately. It was like a man that needed water. He glanced up to her face and the moles decorated her face like a castle with flowers. It was a sight to be seen. She was something he has never seen before and he wanted to capture all the different expressions she has. This was a feeling he has never had before and it was making him feel sick. 
Y/N sat down with Taehyung following. She glanced at him and pulled out a bag of Skittles, “Want some?”
He glanced down at the candy and then back at her with a mischievous look, “You can get in trouble with that?” 
She tilted her head at him with a smirk, “Are you going to tell on me?” 
“Maybe I should so you can be taught a lesson.” 
She rolled her eyes and popped a red skittle in her mouth, “No fun.”
“Don’t worry I also brought some snacks. Do you like sea salt chips?” 
“I should tell you. You do know the best chips are the ones in the green bag?”
Taehyung let out a laugh and shook his head, “Of course you like spicy chips. It matches your personality.”   
“Are you saying I'm spicy? 
“It comes in waves, a person with boldness with different levels that captures the whole room. With that fiery attitude and that fire in their eyes. A spicy personality to make it known who you are. It’s admirable.” 
She let out a laugh and shook her head, “You're so weird...a good weird though.” 
“Does that mean your opinion of me has changed?” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” 
It’s been a week and every day, Y/N and Taehyung would spend time together to get to know each other. Every night, Taehyung would drive her to the river and they would just talk as the stars listened. Every morning, Y/N would make him breakfast and they would sit in the park near school listening to jazz. There were quiet moments but it didn’t feel uncomfortable if Taehyung accepted it. He didn’t get a lot of those in his normal life. Y/N relished in their quiet moments because it taught her more about Taehyung than his words could ever do. 
Today was Seungkwan's Aunt's party and it was their first event to act like a couple. She was nervous that everyone was going to know she was lying. A piece of her wanted to run away and she never wants to run away. She always faced challenges head first but this was different. Seungkwan’s aunt loved to bring up the fact that her father left her. It was known throughout the families that Y/N was basically parentless and they would throw it at her whenever they could. Her mother made her rich but she also barely took care of the girl, she had to be her own parent. When people use the past to insult you in the future, it hurts more when it isn’t your fault. 
She stared at herself with doubt. She was dressed in a light blue ballerina dress that had floral beadwork all around. When she turned the skirt would shine under the light and it made her feel seen. She put her hair up in a high bun with pearl earrings when she heard a knock at the door. She glanced at it and felt comfort knowing who it was. She carefully made her way with her heels clicking away on her floor and she opened it with a smile, “You're early.” 
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and passed her flowers, “I was too excited to get you these.” 
She glanced down at the red tulips and smiled to herself, “Red tulips? Is there a reason?” 
Taehyung shrugged and leaned against the doorframe, “It’s a secret.” 
“We’re keeping secrets now? Come in.” He walked in and his eyes drifted to the delicate fabric on her body. The dress showed off her collarbones and the way she looked so elegant. It was something he wasn’t used to from her. She set the tulips down on her coffee table and glanced at Taehyung, “What?” 
“Come here, please.” She gave him a raised eyebrow but did what he asked. He gently grabbed the hand and smiled at her, “Twirl for me.” 
She did a twirl and when came back to face him, she asked, “Do you like it?” 
“Like it, I love it.”
“You flatter me.”
“You deserve it.”
She smiled at this and glanced down at their fingers and let out a small cough. She gently removed her fingers and went to her kitchen ignoring her heart, “Do you want some water?” 
“That would be great.” 
The building was always grand. Seungkwan’s aunt always did this for him (even though he hated it). She claimed she wanted to show off her nephew's talents but in reality, it was to network. It was almost always to network for her company and she was just using Seungkwan as a cover-up. Seungkwan’s parents never noticed because they were too kind. Far too kind to be related to that witch. 
They entered the building and everyone was dressed in their nice clothing. Businessmen with their ties a little too tight and wives that had blood-red lipstick smirking at you to feel small. It was like this every year. There was something about the room that made the confidence that Y/N usually had been completely wiped away.  
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
She turned towards Taehyung and gave him a fake smile, “I’m okay...well I’m going to be. You’re good company. 
Taehyung could sense that Y/N wasn’t feeling like herself. He intertwined their fingers together and rubbed her knuckles gently, “I’ll be here for you okay.”
She quickly finds Seungkwan and Eunbi with Taehyung by her side. She gave them hugs and relief was written on her face, “You look beautiful, Y/N.”
“Thank you Seungkwan. You look good too.” 
“Well if it isn’t L/N.” 
Y/N felt that shiver and she slowly turned around to see Seungkwan’s aunt looking her up and down. Disapproval written all over her face, “Good-”
“I see you brought someone for once.” 
Y/N glanced at Taehyung and nodded her head, “I’m sorry for the late-”
“I’m shocked you can get someone as good-looking as him. Especially when you're fatherless. It's shocking.” 
Taehyung glared at the older woman and walked to be in front of Y/N with annoyance on his face, “Please don’t talk about my girlfriend like that when I am present. If you're going to insult one of us then insult me for I picked the wrong socks for the occasion.” 
Y/N stared at him with wide eyes not knowing what to say but she felt her heartbeat louder. Seungkwan’s aunt tilted her head at him and studied his face, “Kim Taehyung, from the Kim family. It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I wish I could say the same. You insulted my girlfriend and now you’re trying to kiss my feet. Do you have no shame?” 
Seungkwan’s aunt glanced down at her shoes and cleared her throat, “Is your father here? I would love to talk to him.”
“He is not but I am. The answer will be no. No matter what question you ask, it will be no. Y/N, let’s have a dance.” 
Taehyung grabbed her wrist and they quickly made their way to the middle of the dancefloor. He wrapped his arm around her waist and they started to dance with the delicate strings filling the air. Y/N was in a state of shock at what just happened and Taehyung could sense that, “No one deserves that treatment.” 
She looked at his face and shook her head, “It was said that it was my fault my father left...maybe I do deserve it.” 
“It was his fault. He is not a man but a child. You deserve the world and I won’t let an old hag destroy that.”
He brought her in closer and she couldn’t help but smile, “You're passionate.” 
“When it comes to you, yes.” 
She let out a small laugh and looked away from his brown eyes, “Don’t look at me like that.” 
“Like what?” 
She glanced back and they continued to stare, “I’m not sure but stop it.”
“I can’t help it. I’m just looking at you.” 
After two more dances, Taehyung took her out to the garden and they stood next to each other with flowers around. The moon shone in the water fountain as they sat on the white stone. Y/N’s fingertips gently touched the water and smiled, “You know this is the first time I had fun at Seungkwan's aunt’s party.” 
“Did I do it justice?” 
“You did. I actually danced usually I just stayed in the back avoiding her but tonight I actually danced. It felt nice.” 
He smiled and picked up a rose. He placed it in her lap and glanced at the stars, “I’m glad. Would you like to dance with me now?”
She glanced down at the rose and then back at him, “There’s no music. How will we dance?” 
“We don’t need music to dance. We have each other to do so.” 
She placed the rose on the stone and slowly stood up with Taehyung. He smiled at her and they slowly started dancing under the stars. His hand was on her waist as she avoided his eyes. There was something there but she couldn’t figure it out. The feeling in her chest was becoming too strong and she wanted to run away but it was as if Taehyung knew this, so he held on to her tighter. Their eyes met and he couldn’t help smiling and she returned it. It felt good to smile and it also made her sick. 
“Mom, why are you here?” 
Y/N was in her living room reading up for her test when there was a knock at the door. She was expecting Seungkwan or Eunbi but there she was with her mom. It’s been two weeks since the party so she expected them to come forward with some tea. Y/N sat on the couch with an annoyed look as her mother sat there with a smudged look, “Everything's coming together.” 
“What is?” 
“You're falling in love, can’t you see it.”
Y/N frowned at this and stood up, “I think it's time for you to go.” 
“Falling in love can be beautiful. Just let it happen.” 
“Are you trying to be my mother? Now? Where was this when I was younger?” 
Y/N’s mother frowned at this and stood up, “I’m trying to give you advice. Falling in love can change the world.” 
“Then why did dad leave? You give love advice to everyone but you can’t even follow it.” 
“I told your father to leave because he wanted nothing to do with me.”
Y/N frowned at this and stared at her mother in shock, “What about me? I’m his daughter. Did he not want me?” 
“I kept you-”
“You kept him away from me. Didn’t you?” The silence in the room made it clear to Y/N and she nodded her head at this, “I think it’s time for you to go.” 
“Just fall in love, Y/N.”
Y/N opened the door and she was met with those brown eyes, “Taehyung? What are you doing here?” 
“I came to visit you. I had to tell you something...” 
“Are you Kim Taehyung? I told your mother that you were going to fall in love this month. How is it going?” 
Y/N’s mother pushed past her and looked at Taehyung with a smile, “Your mother was excited to know her son was going to fall in love.” 
Taehyung glanced at her and then back at Y/N, “Y/N, who is this?” 
“This is my mother....”
Taehyung looked at her mother and then back at her, “Your mother is a fortune teller...the fortune teller that told my mother I would fall in love, and then I met you a month later...” 
Y/N scoffed at this and looked at Taehyung, “Are you saying I set this up?” 
Taehyung's eyes widened at this and shook his head, “That’s not what I’m saying. In fact the opposite.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Y/N, I’m in love with you.” 
Y/N stared at Taehyung with a shocked face and shook her head, “You can’t love a person like me...I have nothing. My mother and father both left me. What do I have to offer?” 
“You offer me so much that I can’t even put it into words.” 
“Y/N, this is love.” 
Y/N shook her head and stared at her mother with anger, “You need to go. I can’t do this.” 
“He just told you he love-”
“GO. NOW.” 
Y/N watched her mother leave and then she glanced at Taehyung with a frown as tears started to form. Taehyung stood his ground and looked at her, “Y/N...I’m in love with you. You are the stars at night that keep the moon company. You are forever on my mind. When the sun makes its way or even when the moon appears, you always appear. I crave sleep because I know I can always see you. Y/N-”
“Tae...I simply can’t”
Taehyung glanced at his shoes and then back at her, “Is it because you won’t let yourself feel love?”
 “I can’t do this right-”
“Y/N, please. Give me a chance.” 
She stared at him and a single tear fell, “Don’t do this to me.”
“Y/N, I want you. In the short amount of time that I have been with you, I have learned so much. Please Y/N. We can be scared together.” 
Y/N bit her lip and more tears came down, “Please...” 
Taehyung nodded his head and took a step back, “I’ll be waiting for you...” 
She watched him leave and quickly closed the door. She leaned against the wood and fell to the floor with tears coming down. Her mind is telling her to focus on her school but her heart wants Taehyung. It only wants him...but she is so scared to be in love. She can’t be left alone again.  
Sometimes silence can be the greatest enemy. Y/N sat on her bed as she stared outside her window. The day was beautiful, not a cloud to be seen but her heart felt clouded. The look on Taehyung’s face was sketched into her heart and it made her feel sick. Was she making the right decision? 
There was a knock at the door and she slowly got up from her bed. Not even caring to look through the peephole to see who it was, she opened the door. She let out a deep sigh and leaned against the door frame, “Mother now is not the time.”
“This is the time. You need me.” 
Y/N glanced at her shoes and shook her head, “You won’t listen to me. Come in.” 
They both sat on her couch while Y/N stared at the wall with an emotionless stare. While her mother looked at her with concern, “Y/N, the truth about your father...”
“Mom, I don’t think I want to hear it.”
Y/N looked up to see her mom’s face twist into a serious face and she nodded her head, “Okay...”
“Your father never loved me. He made that very clear. He just picked me because he knew I was the easiest to marry. When I became pregnant with you it was the happiest day of my life but he was the opposite. He wanted a son and I was afraid that he would...he would hurt you. He visited and acted like your dad until you were six, I had enough. It wasn’t fair for you. I told him to leave and never come back...and that’s what he did.”
Y/N stared at her mother with wide eyes and guilt creeping up her throat, “Why did you let me hate you for so long?”
“I felt like I deserved it. I made you think your father loved when in reality he never loved you....I’m so sorry.”
“No mom, I’m sorry.” 
Her mom stood up and sat next to her grabbing her hands. She put her hands into her lap and smiled, “When I saw that my daughter was going to fall in love, I felt so happy.” 
“I don’t think it's going to work out..” 
“Nonsense, do you see how he looked at you?” 
Y/N glanced up at her mother and shook her head, “No...I didn’t.”
“He looked at you as if you were his summer sky after a long winter. He loves you.”
“I can’t be capable of that.”
“I’m so stubborn...I put my foot down so fast that I can’t even think. I’m...I’m scared to love him. Not because he’s a bad man, the opposite really. He’s a great man. It’s rare to find that...I’m broken and I’ve been left alone for so long. Why would anyone love something broken? I couldn’t even get my own father to love me? How could I hold something so delicate?” 
Y/N’s mom frowned at this and pushed hair behind her hair from her forehead, “That’s what love is. You take that chance and the person you chose to love makes a beautiful painting. Even through the hard times, the painting gets more colors. You deserve to be loved and cherished. Don’t let fear hold you back. Be in love, Y/N.” 
Y/N looked away with a tear escaping and she let out a sour laugh, “Do you think he would want me still?” 
“I know he does?” 
“Why because you're a fortune teller?”
“No, because I’m your mother. For once in your life, do something for yourself.” 
After the conversation with her mother, Y/N ran to Eunbi’s house not caring what shoes she had on. She knocked on the door to see Eunbi and Seungkwan looking at her with curious eyes, “Are you okay, you haven’t called us?”
Y/N nodded her head, “I need help to get ready for a party...I need to tell Taehyung something important.”  
Seungkwan raised his eyebrow, “What is it?”
“That I love him...I’m still scared but I want to be scared with him. I want him...I want him so bad that I-I can’t even explain it. I need help.” 
Seungkwan smiled at this and nodded his head, “I’m so happy you finally figured it out...Let’s get you ready.” 
Eunbi opened the door wider and clapped her hands, “You need to wear lavender.” 
“Taehyung loves lavender...duh.”
Taehyung stood next to Jimin as he stared down at his shoes with an emotionless face. Jimin sighed and nudged his shoulder, “Think of the positive...you get to see your grandma.” 
“I have missed her. I wish she could’ve met Y/N.” 
Jimin rubbed his shoulders gently and gave him a soft smile, “Breakups are hard. I should know.” 
“This wasn’t even a breakup. It was me finally meeting the right person but it never goes my way.” 
The door opened and Taehyung’s mother came in with a smile, “The party is starting. Your grandma is excited to see you.” 
Taehyung nodded his head, “I’m excited to see her as well.” 
His mother frowned and walked towards him to fix his tie. She fixed his hair and smiled, “Just remember the night has just begun.”  
“Mom, she’s not coming...”
“You don’t know that to be true. So, just wait.” 
Taehyung and Jimin made their way downstairs. His grandma was talking to a small group of people and hearing her laugh made him smile. Ever since his grandpa passed away it was rare to hear that laugh. He continued to walk towards her but he stopped in his tracks when he heard a familiar voice. He ignored Jimin’s voice and made his way through the group of people. He stood there frozen when he saw her. 
Y/N turned towards him and gave him a gentle wave, “I didn’t want you to wait any longer....” 
Taehyung glanced at his grandma who gave him an approved smile, “Grandma, I’m going to take Y/N.”
“Go right ahead.” 
Taehyung’s grandma watched with a smile on her face. She turned towards her daughter and smiled, “Is she the one?”
Taehyung’s mom smiled and nodded her head, “I believe so.” 
“I hope he is happy.” 
Jimin walked towards them with a wine glass in his hand, “I know he is.” 
Taehyung grabbed her wrist and made their way to the library where no one would be. He touched his finger to her chin as the light detailed out her face. Her eyes held anticipation and her lips were the perfect shape. He was glad no one noticed them. He smiled and this smile was as wide as the Cheshire cat. 
“Taehyung...” She whispered and the softness of her voice made him want to fall to his knees.
He leaned in with their foreheads together, “Yes?” 
“I-I love you...”
He smiled at this and brought his lips to hers, the gentleness that he wanted to showcase was taken over with hunger. He kissed her with a passion that he didn’t even know he had. This wasn’t about sex, this was about love. Love in its purest form. 
“Taehyung?” Y/N gasped as he was gently pushing her down onto the sofa. He was kissing her jaw and then her neck, “Taehy-” 
He smiled to himself when he nipped her earlobe and removed himself from her to stare down at her, “Yes?” 
“I just-”
He kissed her again with the desire that was harboring in his chest. His hands went under the hem of her dress and looked back up at her, “Yes, my love?” 
“Nothing. Continue.” 
He pressed his hips against her and let the moon shine through the windows blush at the sight. He slid his hand over the soft skin of her thigh and then towards her stomach, “Don’t leave me.” 
“I would never leave you. I will stand by you from now on.” 
Taehyung smiled at this and leaned forward kissing her neck. His large hands cups her face as his thumb traced her jawline. He pressed his lips to hers as he slipped his tongue between their lips. She moaned into the kiss digging her fingers into his suit jacket. His warm lips were new but somehow they felt so familiar, “We can’t take off our clothes...someone can walk in.”
He frowned at this and kissed her forehead, “I’ll make it quick then. I’ll take you back to my apartment and show you properly.” 
“Who said I’ll go home with you?” 
He rolled his eyes and unbuckled his belt in record time. He unzipped his pants and glanced at her, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
His fingers toyed around her underwear before pulling it down to her ankles. She bucked her hips forward and he couldn’t help but smirk. He went under her dress skirt and started to place kisses around her clit, sucking it. A breathless moan left her lips as his fingers ran up and down her folds, “Taeee~.” 
“I need to make sure you're ready for me, love.” 
His fingers became coated in her arousal and she felt her body becoming tingly. He pulled away and she frowned at this. He leaned forward placing a kiss on her collarbone, “Don’t look too upset, you're going to come on my cock.” 
He dragged the red tip along her wet folds causing her to whimper at the touch. She was already so sensitive. He switched positions and had her on top making things easier. She gripped onto his shoulders, guiding him into her. “O-Oh, please Tae.” He kissed the side of her head and groaned when she sank down fully. 
The two panted heavily, relishing the moment before he started to move his hip. His mind takes over as he feels her clench at every movement. The sound of skin slapping echoed in the room that would make anyone blush. It wasn’t time to be shy. 
“Look at you, just for me and only for me.” 
He brushed soft kisses across her collarbones, thrusting in and out. His chest is pressed against hers as hands intertwine with each other. He clenched his jaw and leaned down to bring her into a passionate kiss. She pushed him gently and groaned, “Tae, can I come?”
“Yes, you can love.” 
He swiftly thrusts into her and this was it for her. She arched her back and he smirked when he felt her cum go onto his pants. He continued to thrust into her and he kissed the side of her head as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “You did so good for me.” He let out a breathy groan and he couldn’t help himself from coming in her. She moaned at the feeling and they kissed as they moaned into each other's mouths. 
When they pulled away she smiled at him, “I would like to go to your house.”
“Anything for you.” He leaned down and kissed the moles on her wrist.
Taehyung turned around and raised his eyebrow, “Jennie?” 
It was the start of a new semester and something Taehyung wasn’t looking forward to. He was in line to pick up his tea when he felt a tap on his shoulders. He was surprised to see Jennie looking at him as if she was begging him, “You never texted me back.” 
“What? That was like four months ago, I thought that would be clear.” 
Jennie frowned at this and crossed her arms over her chest, “I thought you wanted me. We could always spend time at the pool. I know you liked it there.” 
“Listen, Jennie, I-”
Jennie turned around to see Y/N smiling at Taehyung. Y/N walked past Jennie and hugged Taehyung. She kissed his cheek and turned towards Jennie with a raised eyebrow, “And you are?” 
“I’m Jennie, who are you?”
Y/N smirked at this and kissed Taehyung’s neck. When she looked back at Jennie she smirked, “I’m his girlfriend.” 
After the party for his grandmother, Taehyung asked Y/N out. It was a beautiful confession, I love you and I’m not used to love but I want to learn with you. I know you're scared of love but I am too. Let’s conquer this fear together. I love you Y/N. How could Y/N say no? Taehyung did keep his promise. He gave the tickets to Japan to her but they went together with his mother. The small vacation was enjoyable. It made Taehyung happy to know his mother loves his girlfriend.
Everyone at school was shocked about him being in a relationship. He understood why. Y/N’s friends were equally shocked because Y/N was so against relationships for the longest of times. It was clear to everyone that they were in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. 
They went to visit Y/N’s mother and he tried his best to keep the peace.
“I can see a wedding in the future and five kids.” 
Y/N rolled their eyes and intertwined her fingers with his, “Mom, no fortune telling. I’m trying to have a good lunch with you for once.” 
“I can’t help it if I see it.” Y/N’s mom leaned forward towards Taehyung and smiled, “You like the name Aria?” 
Taehyung nodded his head slowly, “Yes?” 
“I love that name for my future granddaughter.” 
Seungkwan and Eunbi stopped reading Pen’s articles after they saw Y/N’s name. It wasn’t fun anymore when someone you cared about was being talked down to. Y/N was glad they stopped reading the trash. She still didn’t understand how Pen knew some things but she wasn’t going to think too much about it. 
She smiled when she saw Jennie’s face drop when she said this. Jennie looked around her awkwardly and just left the scene. Y/N smiled at this and looked up to Taehyung, “I don’t think she likes me?” 
“Who cares? I love you.”
“And I love you. 
────°˖✧ ✧˖°────────°˖✧ ✧˖°────
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@sumzysworld @whoa-jo
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I absolutely LOVED your eroticization of radaway/rad-x post!! It brings me so much joy to know others love ghouls as much as I do! I was wondering if you had any headcannons/thoughts on john hancock? love your work!
Thank you sooo much! I wasn't expecting that post to resonate with people the way it did, honestly; it was like 70% shit post. I absolutely love ghouls, both from a sci-fi point of view and from a monster fucker point of view, and I'm overjoyed to have found a like-minded group of people to share my stuff with. I'm usually a huge sucker for fictional physiology and in-universe biology (which I'm sure you can't tell at all based on the few thousand words I've written on this blog about various ghoul body fluids, etc.) and the Fallout universe has so much potential for stuff like that.
I have two requests for Hancock headcanons in the inbox right now, so I figured I'd split the SFW/NSFW stuff between this post and a follow-up.
SFW John Hancock (FO4) Headcanons
He is excellent at mending clothes. After years of partying and fighting and fucking in his old-ass cosplay, he's gotten very handy with a needle and thread. If you need something patched, hemmed, or appliquéd, he's your guy. He's also pretty competent at stain removal, to some degree.
Something else he's surprisingly good at is cooking, but not in the traditional "roast you a chicken" (or a radroach or whatever), "bake you a cake" sort of way; more in the "your stoned roommate with all the weird stories at 3 AM working with what's about to go bad in the fridge" way. He's the master of dressing disgusting shit up to be palletable, or elevating stuff that's easy to get your hands on into something you'll actually find yourself craving, especially when you're high.
We know he loves mentats (mmm...delicious and smarty) and I like the idea of him sitting up all night with his brain buzzing for knowledge, just reading whatever he can get his hands on. He has *one of the highest INT stat of any Fallout companion (a whopping fucking 14/10, quite literally), and I like to imagine that a lot of that can be contributed to behavior like this, in addition to him also being naturally smart.
He may give off the air that he's very confident and self-assured, but a lot of it is bluster and faking it until he makes it. Don't get me wrong, he certainly has aspects about himself that he is confident in, as his talents are many, but...he'd be lying if he said he was confident in his looks. Sure, they don't really bother him, but he's not the biggest fan of looking in mirrors. It's not necessarily because he thinks he's that ugly or anything, but his face reminds him so much of all his regrets; that didn't change when he became a ghoul. The new face is just associated with new regrets.
This man was born to be a gamer and he would absolutely love to chill and play something fun. The games on the Pip Boy don't strike me as THAT fun, but hey, would he really know the difference?
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ahedderick · 1 year
So, gamers, worldbuilders, writers, and whoever else may be interested in fake maps: please note that the very finest in fake maps for your fantasy world would be:
Tumblr media
(little TA-DA noise)
Also, the map can be reversed from brown-land and white-water to brown-water and white-land. Either one is a complex and compelling world. Throw a few mountain ranges in there and a desert or two; Boom! I give you, the Isle (sea, continent, enchanted land) of Guernsey.
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jmdbjk · 2 days
Thinking too hard.
I was having a delusional episode while talking to my bestie:
Here's my wild concept for the BTS comeback MV: a Star Wars-like spoof where they are the rebel underdogs fighting the evil empire.
The song would need to have an overall "together we will overcome and save the world" theme. Or it could be a "fuck you evil bitches time to die". Either/or.
They are in those X-wing fighters and those huge land walker thingys.
Jimin can have smeraldo flower decals on his X-wing and JK can have tattoo graffiti looking decals on his. Of course both of their light sabers would be purple. Duh, right? It gets hot in those fighter space craft, they'd be shirtless of course.
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Tae can be riding one of those two-legged horse/kangaroo looking things, wind blowing in his hair. Hey, I just googled what they are called... Tauntauns... tan tans? The universe is universing here. Stick with me, I might be on to something.
Yoongi can be operating one of those land stompers. Googled what those are called (can you tell I'm not a hardcore Star Wars fan? But I did see most of the theatrical movies, except maybe one... anyway) All Terrain Armored Transport or AT-AT Walker because at one point in Yoongi's life, he worked as a motorbike delivery person. Universe, stop it! While delivering more troops and weapons to the front lines, Yoongi can crush people who look like k-media and fake media... or MHJ. For sure kpoppies. Crush 'em all, Yoongi.
I don't want to say it but its a no-brainer: Namjoon is a wise and philosophical ancient being who can slice an enemy in half using only his words. May the force be with you. Slash.
That leaves Hobi. He's the commander of course. Perfectly fitting uniform (designed by LV of course) manning the war room.
Jin, since he's the oldest and the most hardcore gamer, would volunteer to be the one to fly into the heart of the evil empire's ship/vessel/planet/egg/brain/bowels/whatever and blow it to bits before he zooms out safely, escaping obliteration. I guess that would also lend itself to having a slight astronaut touch to it wouldn't it? Kinda also ties in with military stuff.
Cue the close up of Jin winking to the camera and blowing a WWH kiss.
At the end of the MV the evil in the world is destroyed and everyone cheers. The whales in the ocean rejoice.
A bit violent but in a sci-fi fantasy way. Hybe can spend a lot of money on special effects and make it very sparkly and over the top cinematic.
At least you can’t say I don’t have a sense of humor along with this wild imagination.
Time to exit the emo angst school boi era and enter the mature hunk oppa hero era guys. Universe! Get on it!
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starstriix · 3 months
roti remix is so unbelievably cool
Actually, as a thank you to all of y'all, I've come up with a fun fact for each of the characters. Not all of their designs or concepts have been properly revealed yet, but some of these facts might hint to them/tell you outright :]
-Anne Maria was the most difficult character to wrap my head around, until I started taking inspiration from fictional characters. Her character was inspired by Rapunzel (from Tangled).
-B was originally going to be more of an intimidating tough guy, but I liked him being as chill as his canon self more. He only looks intimidating now. He's still friends with Dawn.
-Brick is one of my personal favourites because of the direction I went with his character and backstory. This bad boy can fit so much guilt in him :D
-Cameron is partly based on the fact core from Portal 2.
-Dakota's design was the one I struggled with the most, due to the nature of her character.
-Dawn was partly inspired by Shaolin monks. She still drives Scott insane (and can totally kick his ass).
-Jo’s hair was based on her actual untucked/wet hair design. Also, as opposed to canon Dawn, most animals are terrified of her. Yes, even the big mutant ones.
-Lightning was inspired by Victor Frankenstein (the aesthetics not the mental illness). He was my favourite concept when I first thought of this AU.
-Mike is a famous actor. He still has DID.
-Sam is a vintage tech nerd. I'd say he's the most chill of the cast, right next to B.
-Scott was initially going to be more neutral (as he was influenced by brick’s personality at the time) but i thought that was bland and turned him into his beta self 🔥🔥🔥
-Staci was influenced by Keeping up with the Kardashians. She's probably the one I find funniest.
-Zoey is a REAL gamer girl. Not those fake ones that play mobile games😒😒🙄🙄🙄. I also took inspiration from those 2012 'random XD' Deviantart girlies.
-They don’t have confirmed sexualities.
-Samkota and Zoke are still canon.
-Ooh, forgot to mention. The team names are the Mutant Mole Rats and the Radioactive Roaches.
-The elimination order is not the same as canon, nor are the events that happen in the narrative.
Everyone is still themselves at their core. It’s still Brick. It’s still Zoey. It's still Sam, Lightning, Jo, and whoever else, no matter how different they may look or act.
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hrts4hanniehae · 8 months
clutch || eight
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
sorry for the late chpt. I was really sick so i tried my best on this chpt. next chpt will be longer, i promise.
warnings: some level of chae-young attempting infidelity, swearing
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wonwoo came home to find yn passed out on the couch.
"you okay?" - wonwoo
"i need sleep. i've been stuck at school finishing my final project and i just finished. now i have to worry about the stupid reunion in two days. i have no dress and i look like a zombie. life is great." - yn
"go take a shower. i'll get the guys to help you. jeonghan has connections." - wonwoo
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the word shock wasn't enough to describe the look on everyone's faces when yn and wonwoo walked in through the door.
some background information: in the one week before this gathering, yn had completed her pieces for the museum, her final project for university and all her outstanding commissions. her exhibit had been very successful and she had earned quite a significant amount of money.
"yn. is that your boyfriend?" - aunt
"yes. this is jeon wonwoo, my boyfriend." - yn
"nice to meet you, my name is jeon wonwoo." - wonwoo
"yn-noona... isn't that the streamer gameboi? you're dating Korea's number 1 [game name] player?" - younger cousin
"no way..."
the whispers in the event room got louder and louder until the people she hated finally came towards her. it was evident that chae-young was gawking at wonwoo. she didn't even bother to hide her lovestruck expression from her husband.
"so this is the new guy you have, huh yn." - mother
"good morning, i'm jeon wonwoo." - wonwoo
it seemed like he had to repeat himself often today.
"what's your net worth?" a disrespectful question right off the bat was expected and both yn and wonwoo had prepared for it.
without missing a beat, wonwoo simply smiled and said, "14 million. I am sure that I have enough to take care of yn for the rest of our lives."
the jealousy that clouded chae-young's face was the best thing that yn had ever seen.
sitting at the table was very awkward because they were surrounded by whispers and glances.
“so wonwoo. what do you work as?” chae-young’s husband was actually a very nice man. he was always kind to yn and her brother and was the complete opposite of his distasteful wife.
“i’m a gamer. i’m currently in talks of joining [fictional korea no.1 pro gamer team]. that deal closes before june,” - wonwoo
“ah i see. what about you, yn? what are you working as now?” this question was on everyone’s mind. some with ulterior motives.
“up until thursday, i was a museum part-timer and finishing university. but i recently managed to sell many of my art pieces and have made quite a name for myself in the past three days. in case you all didn’t know, almost every artwork in this building was made by me over the last 4 years.” - yn
the room was silent. you could hear a pin drop and wonwoo couldn’t help but smile to himself.
let’s walk through the real train of events.
after the “fake-dating” agreement, wonwoo, minghao, mingyu and dokyeom had helped yn move every piece of her artworks over the years to minghao’s studio to sort through them. it took them almost 30 hours to categorise. by monday, they had organised the auction within the museum, an exhibition for her other works and an online bidding website for exclusive works. from tuesday to thursday, the auctions and exhibitions opened.
every one of yn’s artworks sold for incredibly high prices. this particular hotel that the family reunion was, had purchased a significant amount of said artworks.
“you mean you painted that painting of a phoenix?” - uncle
“i did that 2 years ago.” - yn
“and that ceramic heart? that was you?” - aunt
“yes.” - yn
wonwoo could not help but smile at yn’s nonchalent bragging. just then, a hand reached across to tap his.
“so~ wonwoo-oppa~ how did you and yn meet?" chae-young began to blatantly flirt with wonwoo while her HUSBAND sat helplessly beside her.
“i commissioned an art piece from her and fell in love at first sight.” wonwoo forcefully took back his hand before leaning closer to yn, earning a scowl from chae-young.
yn was’t exaggerating when she described all of chae-young’s antics.
here’s a list of the things she tried but failed to do. seduce wonwoo, yn’s “boyfriend”, spill water on yn, pretend that yn stepped on her foot on purpose, claim yn slapped her.
how embarrassing.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae @hyuckxtagram
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twst-hottest-takes · 20 days
I’m just going to open this by admitting that I will absolutely come off as kind of elitist saying this.
But, it genuinely annoys me when people who clearly don’t play video games or know anything about the video game sphere write about Idia and playing video games. Sometimes in the “he would not play that” way, and sometimes in the “it takes me out of the story” way.
To clarify, I’m not talking about game genre or if the game’s popular. With comments Idia has made across the main story, events, homescreen dialogue, ect. we can reasonably say Idia plays RPGs, MMORPGs, MMOs, first person shooters and visual novels. He clearly plays a little bit of everything, and I’m sure popular games have been included too.
The best way I can describe what I’m talking about is by calling it very surface-level. It feels fake when certain writers write about Idia playing games. It just doesn’t feel like the way someone with Idia’s implied gaming experience and his preferences would play/pick his games.
I guess you could say some writers don't have the XP to accurately write certain elements of a character, eh?
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Since this seems to be in reference to fan-made content, I don't have a whole lot to say other than that. I am not a super hardcore gamer myself, nor do I take time to read many fanworks, so I can't say if I would pick up on some of the same "inaccuracies."
It may read as elitist to some, but I think it's fair to have those moments if you feel you have more experience in or a better understanding of a certain hobby sphere. I think it makes it all the better when you manage to find a fic that handles Idia's hobbies in a way that tracks with what we know, yeah?
This is probably relateable to a lot of people, just in reference to other specific elements of other characters.
Thank you for the ask!
Also I apologize, but it's impossible for me to not say, "It takes one to know one" in reference to this particular ask because Idia can be quite the elitist himself when it comes to his interests and I just found that funny. Please know I mean no offense by it.
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blush-bblushing · 3 months
Blush blush guys headcanons pt 2
Guys: anon, garret, Dimitri, ichiban, William, and myx
Cws: none
Hc's under the cut!
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Everyone knows Anon despises being touched. At least 99% of the time he does. During the rare 1% where he likes it, there's one thing he loves doing. That would be linking pinkies. Something so small, almost childish, and it brings him joy. If he trusts someone enough he'll do it. Mainly for pinkie promises and walks. It's fun for both parties involved. He also doesn't have to tolerate too much skin contact! So it's a win/win in his book.
He can deny it all he wants. He could make fake posts about hating it. And he could even hide the game from his library- none of that could disprove the fact that Anon loves stardew valley. It's a cute game! It's the feeling of living a life outside of norms. No "real" job, no stress(unless he's speedrunning), and especially no sun to fry him. He can simulate going outside! I'm not saying Anon doesn't go outside often. But like any gamer he prefers his air conditioned bedroom
In game he already has freckles. It came free with being a red head. If one were to somehow convince him to be outside longer than 4 minutes, they'd get to see them multiply. Freckles will scatter among his arms and face. As a kid he used to be embarrassed about this. No matter how often his grandmother called them angelkisses/stars. With enough effort, he can one day grow to like them.
(Fun fact: this is the last headcanon I'm writing for this post :]) Anon canonically can hack just about anything. Who's to say he doesn't hack marshmallows devices for wholesome pranks. A virus that just reminds them to take a break from being online. Their social media bios being changed ro some copypasta. Or something else more ridiculous than that. The possibilities are endless for him
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As much as some people may clown on him, I believe he's actually quite intelligent. The problem is that English isn't his native language. What this language is could be German or another language with an accent similar to his. If marshmallow/mc spoke that language, they could see how much he truly knows. And to be frank- I like to believe that over time his English gets better.
Speaking of his intelligence: garret is smart in the nontraditional sense. He's great with outdoor skills, basic medicine (mainly human, a bit of animal car too), cooking, among other things. That doesn't mean he cannot read or so math! He's at an average level with most people. His heart is simply set on knowledge that, according to him, can help people. And the way he met marshmallow proves that. Had he not been a bull, then I'm certain that cat would've went right into his arms ♡
This is kind of self indulgent- he sleeps with weighted blankets. Garret's quite strong. He's probably used to everything being light for him. On nights where the blankets don't cover him enough, he'll grab the weighted alternative. And I don't mean the smaller ones that are 5lbs or 2.26kg. I'm talking 25lbs or 11.33kg. Something that takes a bit more effort to move. Yet it still comfortably holds him down.
As a kid he was shy. This is primarily due to him feeling more comfortable with animals. They're calmer, quieter, and a lot easier to get along with. It felt like he could show his intentions a lot easier. Once the game begins he's just barely beginning to socialize more. Which also explains his oddly forward/awkward dialog. Aside from the language barrier.
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This might be a bit too deep for the game. But underneath his romantic front I think Dimitri is pretty vulnerable. It isn't like he's pretending to be someone else. It's moreso he needs to grow into his skin. Appreciate his less suave side. Not everyone can be perfect all the time. Marshmallows a good influence on him. Behind closed doors he's relaxed. There's a lot of ways this can be seen. The biggest is when he lets his hair down. Letting mc touch it, even braid it of he's in the mood. Dimitri's vulnerable side isn't extremely different. If he were to get comfortable and slip up around the guys, it may not be noticeable. For him however: it means everything. To be able to feel authentic.
On a lighter note he has multiple favorite flowers. Roses are obvious. Their association with love is the main reason he enjoys them. Another favorite of his azaleas. A flower which represents platonic/familial love. They remind him of his sister. (Who happens to be his closest friend). When he finds someone particularly enjoyable, he'll associate a flower with them. Marshmallow could honestly apply to any flower depending on how the player views them. So I'll leave that up to interpretation.
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(I forgot if this is seen in any of his sprites) Dimitri adores getting his nails done. He mostly has them shaped & polished. Though occasionally he'll paint them to match an outfit such as the masquerade suit. Masculinity for him is having the confidence to take care of himself. He's actually a regular at the local spa! Sometimes, he takes his sister with him if she's stressed.
Warning: youtuber inspired characters like ichiban, myx, and sven are a bit difficult for me. As not only are they inspired by real people, but they personally don't have much to them in my opinion. Please pardon how bare bones these (& other) headcanons may feel.
His hair wasn't always that colorful. At the start of his career ichibans hair was only dyed green at the ends. Videos from this era are considered lost media. He posts so much that the oldest hairstyle you can find is when he dyed it with 3 colors for the first time. The video he made about it changed his career forever. It's still one of his most watched videos to this day.
Some fans theorize he wears a wig. Surely his hair must be FRIED by now. Or if it isn't, he's been wearing a wig since the aforementioned video. Pretending to have multicolored hair so he can keep his hair healthy. There's fan videos supposedly finding "wig caps" or "odd hair" placements. Most have been either deleted, proven false, or ignored.
Lastly, his fan base got pretty torn about the whole tiger thing. Some claimed it made them love him more. Others claimed it turned them off. This uncertainty of opinion can be overwhelming. Luckily marshmallow was there to assure him when things got stressful.
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One HUGE headcanon I have is that Williams' parents were into animal care. Regardless of if it was their job or not. From a young age they taught him the importance of animal life. From the cutest kitten to the worst rat. He doesn't view any animal as more/less loceable than any other. Because of this, he's cared for animals that most vets refuse to care for. Personally, I think he's researched animals outside of his profession. You never know when you'll be nursing a lion.
(Might draw this in the future), but at one point his hair was longer. Before his career William had long dreadlocks. He took pride in how well he took care of his hair. Obviously, he still nurtures that hair now. He's just kept it short for work. Maybe one day he'll begin growing his hair out. Possibly if marshmallow reassures him he'd be able to work just fine. Considering it's been years since he first began working
I just know he has multiple playlists. At least one for every occasion. He's a man with good taste. And in my opinion I don't think he's one to box himself up. He may be dead set on his career, but he still appreciates fluidity. This also applies to his clothes. You'll never know what you'll get from him. Despite how often his style shifts, one thing is consistent: his personality. It'll shine through anything. It doesn't matter what he does. Something will scream "William".
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In slight relation to the previous headcanon: part of his love language is gift giving. To fulfill this language he'll study his partner. Minor examples are what foods they eat the most and what songs they play the most. He collects a list of the little things. Until the occasion arises for him to spoil his partner. If you've ever seen those posts where someone has overly elaborate gift boxes, you'd know what Williams gifts look like.
I don't see this talked about enough: his crochet/knitting hobby. Myx absolutely can make clothes and plushes. He probably even made some for marshmallow. (Or the other guys if you go with the whole shared house thing) Each item he makes with his yarn is catered to whoever he makes it for. I personally think he's collected multiple yarn types for different people. Have sensory issues with things that are too soft/too rough? He's got yarn for that. So.much.yarn. half his closet is yarn.
His "why wolf" costume was made last minute. His clever explanation was done on the spot. Man has been making content for yeeeeaaars. You can't tell me he doesn't know how to improv by now. Man forgot to dress up so he threw on his highschool jacket, drew a black nose, and called it a day. This costume ended up inspiring a Halloween special on his channel! Ended up becoming a hit. Mainly due to how silly it felt.
A man who cares that much about his hair is bound to have a complex night routine. After a long shower he has at least a 4 step skin care routine. Then a hair routine, stretch routine, and goodness knows what else. He also sleeps with a night mask and fluffy robe. He just loves to pamper himself <3
And done! Please do tell me of I should make more of these. I only have a few left of the main cast before I go into dlcs. That is if my memory is correct
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awmancreeper · 2 years
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ミ★Just Say You Love Me</3
★ Kai’s friends roast him for not being in a relationship since he was 12. While Y/n tries to avoid getting into a relationship every week. One day Kai spots a familiar girl hiding in a tree finding out she was hiding from her 2nd confession that week. After hearing the university’s IT girl struggles Hyuka comes up with a plan.
But what happens when y/n isn't the girl everyone made her out to be?
PAIRING: Huening Kai X Fem.Reader
Fic Type: Social Media AU + Written Parts(kinda long)
Genre: University AU, Fluff, Some!Angst, “strangers” to lovers, FAKE!DATING, SLOW BURN!!, mutual!Pinning!, opposites attract? Unrequited Love?
⚠︎︎Warning: swearing,suggestive parts mention of sex but nothing explicit, Drinking alcohol(being drunk), mention of mental health/mental illnesses, mention of cheating, mention of food!. The following jokes will be used: kys, ur mom, deez nuts, abandonment , virgin
Featuring: the rest of TXT, yeji (itzy), Sunoo & Ni-Ki (Enhypen, the other member are briefly mentioned), Wonyoung (IVE), PopUs: Straykids, rest of IVE
Started: Feb 2023
Ended: May 2023
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Pretty Faces / Psych Ward Escapees
1. Taking Ankles
☙1.5 like a Baka
2. Virgin 🫵🏻
3. Hunting Wabbits
4. Mint Choco Latte
5. Got The Whole GC Laughin’
6. ✨Pretend Boyfriend✨
7. Something New
8. Into the Trenches
9. Sorry Moms
10. Two of Us
11. Piss, Shit, Cum
12. McKidding Me
13. Hot Moms
14. Best Kicks
15. New Best friend
☙15.5 FELL for Him
16. Sugar Plum has entered the chat
17. For the Plot
18. Rich Rich
19. Get in Loser
20. T as in Troy
21. BIG Balls
22. His Sky
23. Charlie Charlie
❦ 23.5 Fight em’
24. New Friends
25. Delulu Era
26. Chronically Awkward
27. Somebody’s Someone
❦ 27.5 Hit List
28. Ridiculously BIG
29. Aw Shit Here We Go Again
❦ 29.5 PRETY
30. SnapBacks
31. Never Love You
32. M.I.A
33. Angel
34. I Quit
❦34.5 The Homies
35. End of the World
36. Gamer Sweat
37. Raid Shadow Legends
38: POV: you have no friends
39. peachy.rei
40. (An Empath)
41. Oopsie Poopsie
42. Snot Bubbles
❦42.5 But A Trim
43. I Know I Love You
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pienhime · 11 months
10 female vtubers who are popular with ryousangata and jirai girls!
Two important things to know before you read any further: I am NOT alleging any of these vtubers to be jirai kei. That'd be incredibly inappropriate for me to do, as I don't know any of them well enough to know if they are a part of the jirai kei subculture. I am simply listing vtubers who seem to be the most popular within the ryousanjirai crowd, that is those whose female fanbase seems to have a higher proportion of ryousanjirai girls than most.
The other thing I'd like to get out of the way is that some vtubers on this list are known for using "menhera" as an insult. Sadly, thats grown popular in the vtuber scene and online spaces in japan. For vtuber fans reading this who think that's a weird thing to say, the word "menhera" has been around since 2001 and was the name given to an internet subculture revolving around mental health safe spaces, awareness, and vent art. Even tho it was literally created to help erase the "mental illness makes you dangerous" thing, the stigma took over once the term went mainstream, so its often used to mean "yandere psycho". The subculture still exists if you know where to look, but barely ever uses the name it gave itself anymore because it attracts trolls, edgelords, and fetishists.
One last thing- a few of these girls fit the "loli" archetype, and consider it a part of their appeal, but no minors will be featured on this list.
absolutely zero past-life discussion
I'll do my best to summarize what the vtuber is known for and the reasons i think are likely why their female fanbase has a larger proportion of ryousanjirai girls.
1. Sakamata Chloe (Hololive HoloX)
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Given that she recently got a new outfit that looks a lot like a dark girly kei coord, you've probably seen Chloe on your feed recently. Despite her yamikawaii punk-ish look, she's so cute and probably couldn't survive in the wild if she were a real orca. The "pon" is unreal. Her original songs talk about her own inner pain in a way that may be relatable to jirai girls, and she's covered a lot of songs popular with us too (such as Cute Loving and Devil Janai Mon). Between her cutesiness, choice in fashion, and her songs, it's easy to see why she's loved by jirai kei girls.
2. Minato Aqua (Hololive Gen. 2)
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You probably know about Aqua if you follow me, since I just posted a link to one of her more recent song covers. It's one about a ryousangata girl falling in love with a host, and knowing his affection is fake but wanting it anyway. She covers a lot of songs about topics that are familiar to ryousan and jirai girls, like kyuukurarin, darling dance, goodbye declaration, and internet overdose to name a few. Her original songs are also hits with the ryousangata crowd, with "aqua iro palette" being the choice of song in so many tiktoks and reels of ryousan wotas showing off their lavish birthday celebrations for their oshis. She's also a cosplayer, frequently wearing maid outfits, making her relatable to a lot of girls who work at concept cafes. She also did a duet with Shion, a cover of "menhera janai mon", which is a song i often see misinterpreted outside of japan because of the need for cultural context on jirai kei, ryousangata, and menhera both as a subculture and insult. Should I do a post explaining the lyrics and overall themes?
3. Makaino Ririmu (Nijisanji Gamers Generation 3)
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Listen. If you're in the jirai kei subculture, I guarantee you've seen Ririmu. This girl's fanart is probably on every jirai kei blog known to man. If you don't recognize this model, you'd recognize the maid outfit with bondage elements thats paired with a coat that looks suspiciously like REFLEM's bunny ears coat (the one that took yamikawa lovers by storm a while back). Ririmu's popularity with jirai kei girls isn't just because she likes similar fashions to most of us. Ririmu has been open about her past suffering with agorophobia, suicidal ideation, and being a NEET. She's shared bits and pieces of her recovery with her fans! Of course, she also does yandere bit that might be more than a bit, and covers a lot of songs popular with ryousan and jirai girls, like more kyun, chuupuri, and vampire.
4. Mikeneko (Indie)
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Mikeneko isn't new to the scene at all, but has recently come out of a partly mental health related hiatus to a much larger following than before. Mikeneko collects models like they're pokemon cards, going thru four in total now, two of which have been in one year. She wears tons of yamikawa fashions, and plays up her chuunibyou for streams. Aside from her on-and-off NEETdom, Mikeneko is open about a lot of her health issues, including bipolar, and about her medication and trips to the psychiatric hospital. She calls herself menhera, often in the secondary meaning, but she's also rumored to have been a part of the actual subculture for a long time. Her original songs, drop and you&me ring really true for a lot of jirai and menhera girls such as myself.
5. Meloco Kyoran (Nijisanji EN Generation 7)
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Meloco is the only vtuber on this list to be a part of an company's EN (english-speaking) branch. She's included on the list because she's also big in japan- because she's japanese. She's almost fluent in english and was accepted for the english branch, but frequently slips into japanese and appeals to her japanese fans. Her outfit is gothic lolita inspired with bondage elements and plenty of edge, to fit her overall spooky exorcist theming. Her creepy-cute nature and cool alternative onee-san demeanor have attracted her many jirai kei fans, and inspired a lot of ryousan girls' oshi nails.
6. Sukoya Kana (Nijisanji Tulip-gumi Unit)
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Admittedly, Kana's probably got more menhera (as in the subculture) fans than jirai or ryousan, but she still has enough that I wanted to include her. Her nurse theming isn't just a gimmick, her actual "day job" is as a nurse. As in, when she's not streaming, she works in a hospital as staff after passing her qualifying exams in 2022! She must be super busy! Her morbid interests and fetishes, as well as her medical themed design, have no doubt appealed to many jirai girls too. Besides that, she's covered a lot of songs, including quite a few beloved by landmines such as lavie, nainai girls pride, and godish.
7. Natori Sana (Indie)
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Listen, I just know you've seen her figures by now. Every menhera, yamikawaii, and "cutecore" account in the west has at least one of this nurse girl's figures. She's ultra cute, with a sickeningly sweet smile and design. Her lore is interesting- she claims to work at a sanitarium, but has hinted very heavily many times that she is in fact not a nurse, but a patient in denial. Whether this is just lore for fun and appeal or is a dramatized reflection of Sana's own feelings and mental health is up for speculation.
8. La+ (Laplus) Darkness (HoloX)
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Remember that disclaimer regarding using menhera derogatorily earlier? Yeah that's 90% because of Laplus's inclusion on the list. It feels like she accuses someone of being menhera (derogatory) like every other VOD. Apart from that, Laplus is a grade A kusogaki, complete with constant angry outburst when things don't go her way. She's a demon whos intelligence was... "sealed away"... sure. Her gothic appearance and explosive personality seem to be what's gained her such a large jirai kei following.
9. Houshou Marine (Hololive Gen. 3)
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Dear god. Alright, so you've definitely heard at least two of her songs if you're on japanese jirai kei SNS at all. This cosplaying pirate is so horny that it's literally considered her catchphrase. Her original songs about wanting to be seen as desirable and be... pleasured seem to be especially popular with landmine girls (which is maybe related to how many jirai girls are in a certain profession). She enjoys gothic lolita fashion, girls love/yuri, and enough fetishes to lose track of if you're counting.
10. Shigure Ui (Indie)
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Did you really think I could make this list without including hololive star Oozora Subaru's mom and voice of the song that's plaguing japanese social media, ESPECIALLY landmine social media rn? Sure, it's everywhere, but go check every insta kaiwai dedicated to jirai subculture and see how many of their reels have this song. Even though she's just now broken out to this degree of fame, she's been around a while, and is the "mama" (artist) to several other vtubers. She often collabs with hololive members! She loves taboo fiction, which is also especially popular amongst jirai girls.
Last but not least, I want to add three honorable mentions from Hololive that are also popular with ryousanjirai girls. Tokoyami Towa is a super popular choice of cosplay amongst jirai girls specifically. She has a cute-but-cool look, and lots of her outfits definitely have subcultural influences from japanese ゴスパンク (gothic x punk) and general "egirl"-type styles. Murasaki Shion is a very popular choice of profile pic for ryousanjirai girls, and it's easy to see why. Her "kusogaki" appeal and lolita outfits, as well as her "Menhera Janai Mon" duet with Aqua all appeal to that demographic. Finally, last honorable mention is Amane Kanata, purely because of how popular she is with lovers of Tenshi Kaiwai, which has a lot of overlap with the jirai subculture. She basically predicted the trend before the magazine that popularized it even existed. Mizuiro x white cybercore outfits, a nurse cosplay, and angel theming make her a spot-on icon in that scene.
That's it! Now I have to stop procrastinating on the pien kei characters post...
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starset21 · 1 month
2016: On the right Track
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Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower. This is all fake. It does not reflect real people, real events or their actual actions or relationships.
A/N: Welcome to my latest work of fiction! I'm gonna be so real this is the first time I'm really writing about real people and not just fictional characters from books or movies.
Summery: She didn't think going to a race in 2016 and bumping into a world champion would change the trajectory of her life forever but it does.
word count: 2k
Looking for more? Find the Masterlist Here!
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Spain, May 2016       
One minute Kimi was walking out of the Ferrari garage as the mechanics worked to prepare the car for the race and the next thing he knew he was catching a young woman? Girl? who had tripped over something, due to his fast reflexes. “Are you alright?” he asked. “I’msosorryIwasn’tlookingwhereIwasgoing,” she rushes out nervously, taking several steps back from him. Kimi simply stared at the young girl, silently waiting for her to repeat herself. She cleared her throat, realizing what he was waiting for. “I apologize, I should have been paying more attention to where I was going,” she tells him, much slower this time. “It’s fine, just look out, the paddock is a busy place,” he tells her before turning and starting to walk away with his trainer. Realizing she might never get a chance to offer the things she noticed to a driver she calls out to him. “Turn tighter in turn 4 to save a few seconds overall and go for the two stop strategy, I think that’s your best shot for a podium.” Kimi completely dismissed her words because what would a young, probably 16 year old girl know about actual racing? 
Kimi Räikkönen would eat his thoughts later that day when he took second place, doing exactly what the girl had suggested he do, in the 2016 Spanish Grand Prix. Granted the team is the one who ultimately decided the final course of action. After the podium and other media duties Kimi was walking back to Ferrari’s motorhome with his press officer. “Stefania, can you find out who the girl was that was wearing an ISR jacket? She was a guest of one of the teams, Mercedes I believe. I talked to her earlier and I’d like to talk to her again. Maybe invite her to another race.” Stefania raised a brow but nodded as she made a note on her clipboard. 
Austria, July 2016
Being one of the world’s top sim racers was already something she couldn’t believe after having been told practically all her life that she would get nowhere in real racing or virtual racing. She kept a relatively low profile, never showing her face on streams, and only an occasional voice appearance, going only by her gamer tag, WintersRacing8. The fact that sim racing was really gaining more and more popularity was unbelievable, but when she had started getting invited to races by teams in several different series, NASCAR, INDY Car, WEC, etc, she felt like she was really and truly dreaming. In May she had been invited by Mercedes and the ISR to experience the F1 race weekend and do some media stuff for them, and now she was invited by Ferrari to join them in Austria. Scanning the badge they had sent her to enter the Paddock on Thursday she was met with one of Ferrari’s press officers. She led her to the Ferrari hospitality where she was left to her own devices after being told that someone would collect her in 30 minutes to meet the drivers.
It had been about 20 minutes when she heard someone call out, “Speedy?” Her eyes darted around before landing on the familiar face of Charles Leclerc. “Charlie?” She stood up and Charles grinned, moving to wrap her into a tight hug. “I can not believe it's you! What are you doing here? How have you been?” he asks her. “I’m here as a guest for work, but I’ve been good,” she laughs as she pulls away from him. “And you, you’re racing GP3 and you’ve been signed with the Ferrari driver academy, I’m proud of you,” she tells him. They talk a little more before the press officer comes and grabs her for the garage tour and meeting the drivers. 
She met Sebastian during the tour, as he had been talking to one of the engineers and she had to keep herself from fangirling as she was introduced to Seb, as she had been a fan of him during his red bull days. They talked in German but switched to English when Kimi arrived. Seb introduced her to him before asking how she got into motorsport and if she had ever raced herself. “I watched it a lot with my grandfather growing up, my dad loves American muscle cars and NASCAR but my grandfather loved watching formula cars. My dad put me in karting when I continued to show an interest in it. I actually won a championship, but I had to stop like 3 years ago because I couldn't afford it anymore,” she tells them with a shrug. “So now you just sim race?” Kimi asks. She nods, “I sim race and since I graduated early I’ve been taking some engineering courses.” Unfortunately both of the driver’s were soon called away to do something so she bid them goodbye and decided to set out and explore the track and paddock. 
 The weekend flew by, she did some promotional stuff, tried out a few different sim rigs they had, and the race was fun to watch. Hamilton was in pole position. Kvyat retired at the end of lap two, after having started from the pitlane, and practically having got a new car built overnight. She had cheered when Seb had moved up into third place, right behind Kimi. Kimi briefly led the race but made a pit stop, only to come out behind both Red Bull drivers. Vettel retired on lap 27, who was in the lead at that point, when he crashed into the barriers after his rear right tyre had exploded. This incident sent the safety car out. Rosberg led the field at the flying restart, quickly pulling out a two-second advantage over Hamilton. Pérez moved up three places into 11th and moved up another position several laps later. A mistake by Rosberg saw Hamilton close back up to him, allowing him to use the DRS to attempt an overtake maneuver. On lap 58, Kimi overtook Ricciardo for fourth place, while Verstappen was staying in the lead. He lost the lead to Rosberg however on lap 61, with Hamilton getting past him as well soon after. As the Mercedes duo battled for the race win, several drivers retired in the closing stages of the race, including Hülkenberg and Massa. On the last lap, Hamilton attempted to overtake Rosberg into turn two, but Rosberg turned into the corner late on the inside and impacted Hamilton's car, damaging Rosberg's front wing and pushing Hamilton off the track. They almost touched again as Hamilton rejoined the track but Hamilton eventually got ahead into turn three as Rosberg nursed his damaged car to the finish line. Both Verstappen and Kimi moved past him over the course of the lap, making it a Hamilton, Verstappen and Räikkönen podium. 
After everything, spending more time with her throughout the weekend, something about her and her passion had intrigued Kimi enough that he decided he needed to see her on a track for himself before he could truly make a decision. He approached her in the Ferrari hospitality and asked her if she’d like to go karting with him, Seb, and a few of the other drivers. Of course she excitedly and immediately agreed (who’s gonna turn down an opportunity to race with world champions and other f1 drivers). He set it up to happen during the summer break in Monaco, where she would be flown out to meet them. 
Monaco, August 2016
Kimi and Seb had together convinced Nico, Fernando, Daniel (who convinced Max), and Max to join them on one of Monaco’s karting tracks. “No offense but why are we here on summer break?” Max asks, crossing his arms.  “We’re here for some fun, a few no pressure races,” Seb explained to the others just as a woman came running up to them. Recognition flared in a few of their eyes. “Sorry I’m late, the uber took forever,” she apologized. “It's alright, we were just about to get ready. Guys, this is-” Seb starts to introduce. “Casey Winters,” Max finishes for him. “The 2013 World Karting Champion, raced under the American flag, you practically dropped off the face of motorsport though.” Casey nodded, looking down at her shoes.
“Max!” Daniel smacks Max’s arm, giving him a look that said he was being insensitive. “What, I kept tabs on others in my age range,” he huffs. “No, no, it's fine,” she tells them, “I uh- I couldn’t continue, I had to move back home, I didn’t have many sponsors since I’m a girl, and then my mom got sick. Our money went to her treatment and I couldn’t progress any further without it. But I picked up sim racing to practice and threw myself into learning, graduated early and here I am.” Almost all of the drivers present had troubled frowns on their faces but Casey just shrugs before clapping her hands together. “Alright, who's ready to race!”  
They suited up and drew straws to determine the starting order; Fernando last, then Daniel, Seb, Nico, Kimi, Casey, and in pole position Max. As they lined up, the familiar excitement of racing filled her. Once racing is in your blood, you never really get it out. “Ready?” The flagger’s voice cut through the sounds of the karts, the words barely audible over the engine roars. With a nod from all 7 drivers the flag dropped. With a burst of speed, the karts shot forward. The track exploded into motion, a blur of colors and shapes. She plunged into the first corner behind Max, the two came out of it neck and neck, their engines roaring defiantly. Casey’s kart surged ahead, slipping past the apex of the corner with a controlled drift that sent a spray of loose asphalt behind them. The straightaway was a chance to catch their breath before the track curved into a series of rapid turns, each one a potential opportunity for victory or disaster.
She had no clue where exactly the other’s were behind them but she could see Max was on her tail with her peripherals. She focused on the next turn, braking just before the apex and then accelerating through it. The kart's tires gripped the asphalt, and she could feel the G-forces pressing her into the seat as she whipped through the corners. She could see the finish line in the distance. One more turn and it was the final straight away. She put her foot to the floor and didn’t let up till she passed the checkered flag. Panting and exhilarated, Casey slowed to a stop and climbed out, laughing as the others did the same. “I still got it!” she cheered. “Good race.” Max offered his hand for her to shake. “No shaking off the rust for you,” Daniel laughs as he walks over to her.
The others congratulate her and clap her on the back. They even debriefed it a little, pointing out little mistakes each of them had made and laughed, enjoying the time spent together before they set back out on the track for a few more races. They did a few longer ones, maybe 10 laps or so, and a few short one lap ones. Nico, Seb, and Daniel each won one of the races, with Casey and Max winning two of them, though in all honesty it really depended on which straw you drew and your starting position, unless you messed up and spun out or something (Daniel in race 2).
It was beginning to get darker out so they called it a night, wishing each other a good rest of the break and Casey had gotten both Red bull driver’s number’s to keep in touch. “Thanks Kimi,” she says quietly. They were the only two left as they sat at a table and watched the sunset. “For what kid?” he asks. “Everything. Bringing me here, allowing me to race, even if it’s just karts and for fun,” she says, looking at him. Kimi waved her off. “You’ve got passion and instinct. I want to see where it goes. Do you still want to race?” he asks her. “More than anything.” Kimi smiles. “Then I’m going to help you race,” he tells her simply. 
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mercerislandbooks · 4 months
Section Revival: Manga
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Some of you may have noticed a lower shelf tucked away near the mysteries; many of you haven’t. Walk past the fiction, take a left at the games, and get low to browse an assortment of books read from right to left, with the cover on the "back" and the description on the "front". This is our little collection of Japanese graphic novels, known as manga. Reviving and curating this section has been high on my personal project list for two years now, and I’ve finally been able to tackle it. With the Netflix release of the live-action One Piece (a kid who wants to become King of the Pirates assembles a ragtag crew), an adaptation of one of the biggest and longest-running manga and anime (Japanese animation) series in existence, we’ve had countless kids (and their parents) beginning their journey into the world of manga.
I stumbled upon manga and anime when I was in high school with Fruits Basket. Here was an animated show, based on a beloved manga, that told of a quiet girl without much confidence who found her place in an odd and rambunctious family that just so happened to turn into the animals of the Zodiac when hugged by the opposite gender. A wild premise? Maybe. But it was also so engaging and sweet and entertaining. Fruits Basket was something my sister and I could share, and we began to find other manga that we could read together and discuss. This was our introduction to an abundance of stories that had been previously unknown to us.
The great thing about manga is that there's something for everyone. It covers a range of genres, from sweet slice-of-life series like Insomniacs After School (two high schoolers with insomnia restart their school's defunct astronomy club in order to have something to occupy their sleepless nights) to postapocalyptic worlds like Heart Gear (a young girl is raised by a robot after humanity has been wiped out).
There are the One Piece-level classics:
Naruto (a troublemaking kid wants to become a ninja)
Fullmetal Alchemist (two brothers pay the price in an alchemical ritual gone wrong and become state alchemists in their quest for the Philosopher's Stone)
If you like reading about people learning to use magic, try:
Witch Hat Atelier (a young girl learns the secret to being a witch)
If you prefer short vignettes, consider:
The Way of the House Husband (a retired gangster takes over the household chores and goes grocery shopping)
Mr. Villain's Day Off (a member of the Evil League of Villains just really loves pandas)
Or try current customer favorites, which are popular for a reason:
Spy x Family (a spy, an assassin, a telepath, and a dog that can see the future must form a fake family to prevent war)
Cat + Gamer (a woman who loves video games adopts a cat)
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For many of the same reasons that Western graphic novels are so popular today, manga lets us enjoy amazing storylines with impressive art but with a different culture's perspective. I’ve long enjoyed the many ways people find to share stories and bring others together, and it’s been so rewarding to see a new generation and new readers discover a medium that means so much to me. If you want to try something new, we can point you in the right direction of our little (but hopefully not for long) shelf of manga. 
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
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Woe, Nugget upon ye. Do you think my cat is a good gamer? She only plays Neko Atsume.
[ID: a white and tabby cat laying on a pink blanket with a small iphone in-between its paws. The game Neko Atsume is loaded on the screen. /End]
some may call her a fake gamer but i think if she's enjoying herself that's all that really matters.
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