#i may still have that notebook somewhere. hm.
rachelblairy · 10 months
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like in case you were unsure of how much my rekindling love has come
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cinnam0roll143 · 5 months
can you make a oneshot where eunhyuk has a crush on the reader but has no balls to tell them, until some guy shows up and he got jealous, so he ends up confessing his feelings 😭🙏🙏
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I’m back!!~ Finally! I’m so happy to start writing again and I hope you guys enjoy!! XOXO
Unknown Feelings
Eunhyuk POV:
Dear insert reader ,
 This may be shocking news for you but, I like you, I like you so much it’s like my heart will explode when I don’t see you for a long time. The way your hair dances with the wind, Your laugh is my favorite sound, The way your eyes glimmer like the moon, The way your skin feels so soft and delicate
I crumble the paper and throw it away in the trash can filled with many other failed attempts at writing a letter to reader, “Aish! I don’t know what to do anymore..” as I bang my fist on the table a picture of me and reader falls on my notebook I have been writing on. ”reader, why are you torturing me like this..” Next Day.. reader POV “reader, come on! We’re gonna be late!” Su-ae, my bestfriend shouts as I get ready, ”Hold on! I’m almost ready!” putting on my shoes and quickly styling my hair. ”I’m here! Let’s go!” I exclaim.
 As we arrive at school I see my friend Eunhyuk across from us, ”Enhyuk!” I shout and wave, receiving a wave ”What’s wrong with him?” Su-ae asks, ”What do you mean?”. ”He just suddenly started walking a bit faster..” Su-ae says suspiciously, ”It’s probably nothing, maybe he’s just running late.” I shrug.
In our classroom, I guess you could say it’s a bit noisy.. and messy. ”Hey! reader, I heard that a boy from another section likes you!” one of my classmates say, ”Stop saying such nonsense! I don’t even interact with any of the students!” I shout, ”Haha! Maybe, they’re admiring from afar” They continued teasing me about this guy, when I see Eunhyuk looking at me weirdly. ”Just stop it already! Do you want to die!? Don’t drag reader into your nonsense stuff!” Su-ae shouts. As Su-ae scolds the boys the bell finally rings. ”Finally! If we were stuck in that classroom for another minute I would’ve punched the boys right there!” I laugh, ”Don’t be too harsh to them Su-ae!” I continue laughing
Suddenly someone approaches us, ”Hey reader.. Can I talk to you?”, ”Hm? Who are you?” I ask. ”I’m insert name, a student from the classroom beside you.” ”Ahh, Okay..” I said as he led me to a nearby hallway. But, unbeknownst to them, another person was listening.
”So.. What do you want..?” I asked, ”Well uhm.. I just wanted to say that I like you a lot.” He says. ”Oh..” I said, shocked by the sudden confession. ”I’m sorry but I can’t reciprocate the feeling.. I don’t really know you that much and uhm.. I already like another person. Is it alright if we can still be friends?” ”Of course, that’s fine with me! I totally get it.” He reassured me. But.. Eunhyuk POV As I saw a random boy and reader go somewhere, I secretly followed them. I immediately hid behind a wall when I saw them stop and talk. ”So.. What do you want..?” reader asked, ”Well uhm.. I just wanted to say that I like you a lot.” He said. ”Oh..” was the last thing I heard reader said, when I immediately left and went back to our classroom.
While I was dozing off on my chair, I heard reader and su-ae talking. ”Did he actually confess to you? Straight up?”, ”Yeah.. But-” I stopped listening and put on my earphones while we waited for our teacher.
Should I confess?
You should! I know she likes you back
Stupid, Somebody already confessed to her, she probably likes somebody else.
You should’ve confessed earlier! If you weren’t such a shy boy, maybe you would’ve confessed first! ”Stop!” I woke up from my nap, realizing that it’s already 4:03, meaning it’s time to go home.. Confess…
Confess! I immediately grabbed my bag and started to look for.. Reader. ”reader!” I shouted,
Looks like there’s no backing out now.
reader POV “reader!” I heard someone shout my name while me and Su-ae were leaving school, ”Oh? Isn’t that Eunhyuk?” Su-ae checked behind us and turned to me, ”You should go talk to him, I’ll get going!” Su-ae suddenly exclaimed. ”O-okay?” I answered. ”Eunhyuk, is there something wrong?” I asked. ”reader, there’s something you need to know..” ”What is it Eunhyuk?” I waited patiently. ”I-”
”I like you.”
My eyes suddenly went wide and stepped back due to the sudden confession. ”Wh-what..? Eunhyuk..”. ”I know you already like someone else, and I know that it’s wrong to confess, I just couldn’t get it out of my head.”
”I like you too. Eunhyuk” Eunhyuk POV ”I like you too. Eunhyuk” I immediately felt surprised and happy at the same time. ”Really? You mean that reader?” ”Of course I do, I’ve been waiting for you..” She smiled. ”Is it okay if I.. hug you?” I asked, ”Of course..”
We hugged for a solid minute when somebody suddenly took a picture of us. ”Yah! I’m gonna cry, you two are so cute..”, We see Su-ae holding her phone on one hand and doing a fake gesture of wiping tears on her other hand. ”Well congrats to you two! Now I'm the best friend who’s single..” Su-ae fake sobs and sniffles while walking away..
I smile and look at reader
Told you she likes you, stupid!
Yay!! Finally, I can totally relate to Su-ae being the single one out of a duo.. *sobs*
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Dumb thought the friend visits Peach's place probably still during first year so kinda friends vibing not fully roommate friendship but acquainted enough to meet up and know Peach's family and accidentally sees Ash two form (don't ask me how I know ash would've sensed her but plots gotta plot maybe he sensed her as no threat and forgot idk) and she just is confused stare because obviously she has no idea it's ash or would have any inkling to know it's him and he's like *oop* staring back she's got no clue what he is and is just like huh... Probably slowly pulls out a sketchbook cause what is you I wanna capture ur look. Ash realises she's again still no threat probably wanders closer to look at what she's drawing and though she's a little startled by it she's just "don't worry I'm making sure you look handsome" in the way one talks to a pokemon just yes handsome lad, it's probably funny for him and she's just "..do I show Peach?...She'd probably be intrigued but I'm not sure what you are and the attention could potentially endanger you...hm I trust Peach but..." just musing cause huh her knowing of his existence is probably dangerous actually or so she believes and Ash just *lemme pull a pro gamer move* grabs the sketch page and BOLTS and she's just!!?!?! I've been...robbed?????? Just absolutely stunned stupid. Peach finds her like what you stood out here for and she just "i just got robbed by a pokemon I've never seen before it stole the sketch I was doing" and Peach just pat pat you got tarzan'd huh? "I diddd"
Later Ash shows Peach the sketch like did she say she saw me and probably gets a light thump on the head cause you've gotta be more careful and no she didn't describe you. Maybe he jokes like you can't hit me I'm a handsome little man XD because well friend did say he was handsome again in a pokemon way like baby talking
Later like few years on when she's let in on the secrets some more Ash and Indigo like transform back to chill for a bit and she's "??? Youuu!!!" cause you're the one who stole my sketch!! And Ash laughs like I'm sorry I know you understand why i had to. And while she does fully understand she does hope it wasn't destroyed cause ouch if so. Probably in a file somewhere. Just for the silly of Ash robbing her blind of her attempt of drawing. He probably jokingly says he'll let her admire him like I suppose you may gaze upon my perfection! *lifts leggie to dramatically put on table and pose*
Before Indigo shoves him over because lmao off balance sibling behaviour moment and she just laughs fondly as they play wrestle
Oh Ash would absolutely know who she is and the whoke deal woth her. He'd still play up the wild pokemon
"Mew? Like-"
"Ah- not like Mew then?"
He shows up as a Lucario around Peach when the friend tells her later about the strange pokemon that stole her notebook.
For some reason that Lucario has a very... Playful grin...
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iyeonjuni · 3 years
bad hair day // chapter 9: starstruck
a/n: before you start reading this..this is only proofread like once . and that i have NEVER posted a written thing so .. please keep that in mind i tried😔 oh my god im nervous lets go.
word count: 830
prev / masterlist / next
“oh shit- i’m late.” y/n mumbles to themself as they grab onto the hat that was begging to fall off their head. y/n pushes the cafe door, followed by the bell ringing, alarming the staff and is welcomed by the barista behind the counter. y/n gives them a smile before scanning around the cafe.
looking around, y/n aims to see a blue haired boy but only to be met with a not blue- but black haired yeonjun who had just finished ordering his cup of coffee right in front of them.
“wow, black hair suits him too...wait a minute- BLACK?!” y/n thought to themself, eyes burning at the back of yeonjun's head.
snapping out of their thoughts, y/n taps on yeonjun's shoulder lightly, “h-hi yeonjun! sorry i’m late, i'm y/n...your song producer?”
yeonjun turns around, and as expected he looks perfect- gorgeous even. standing tall in his fitted slacks paired with his blue button up, his new hairstyle accentuating his sharp features even more. y/n didn't even notice yeonjun's eyes squinting at them as he looked straight at y/n's face as if he has seen them somewhere. his eyes slowly widening as he suddenly pointed at y/n, his other hand covering his mouth, “you’re the one who was glaring at me!”
their admiration interrupted, y/n blinks twice and tilts their head in confusion, “i-i’m sorry?”
“at the assembly! it’s you!” yeonjun laughs at y/n’s expression as he extends his arm towards y/n, “i apologize, i’m yeonjun it’s really nice to finally meet you, as i said before taehyun and hueningkai told me a lot about you.”
suddenly y/n remembers, staring intently at what was yeonjun’s bright yellow hair a few weeks back, fascinated at how he could even dare to get such a color and how it could look so good on him. y/n didn't expect yeonjun to notice their staring back then, the thought made their ears heat up.
“i-it’s very nice to meet you yeonjun.” y/n stutters but returns the handshake.
"oh god. this is so embarrassing." y/n thought.
“so what kind of song are you going for?” y/n brings out their laptop and notebook from their backpack.
“hm...i was thinking something uplifting! maybe a disco, pop, rock...anything that could bring up the crowd!” yeonjun suggested as he leaned over to see what notes y/n was writing.
“okay, i see where you’re heading...so maybe a disco dance track? i think i may have a suitable song i made a while back. but it still needs refining.” y/n scrolls through their files trying to find the track they previously made.
yeonjun nods at their response and suddenly finds himself evading his focus from y/n's notebook to their face, slowly studying their facial features and the way y/n’s brows furrowed in concentration, lips pouting as they tapped away on their mousepad, trying to find the file they were looking for. yeonjun couldn’t help but smile, and voice his thoughts.
“cute.” yeonjun pursed his lips, eyeing y/n to see if they could hear him.
unfortunately, too focused on the task at hand y/n couldn’t catch what he just said.
“thank you so much y/n really for helping me out!” yeonjun holds the door for y/n as they exit the cafe.
its been a few hours since they met. y/n expected a lot of embarrassing and awkward exchanges between the two but it turned out a lot smoother than they thought. y/n got to know yeonjun a lot better, like how he came to love dance through his previous dance instructor and how he met his members when they were children.
“it’s no problem, i am really honored to work with TXT. luckily, since i found a song i've written previously i think the song will be done in no time. until then i’ll text you when it’s ready!” y/n turns around behind them, ready to thank yeonjun for holding the door.
“careful!” yeonjun reaches for y/n, his arms hovering around their shoulders just enough to pull them closer, their faces now looking at each other.
y/n's eyes widened at the close proximity, looking everywhere but his eyes.
yeonjun giggles at their reaction and his arms return to his sides, “sorry for that, you were about to bump into someone just now.”
yeonjun couldn’t help but blush a little at their shared moment, hoping the other wouldn’t notice.
“i’ll be waiting for your text message!” he smiles and walks away to avoid being caught, waving his hand behind him.
as yeonjun slowly disappears from y/n’s sight, y/n could slowly feel the heat rising to their cheeks, their heartbeat ringing in their ears as they felt it grow quicker and quicker.
starstruck was the only word that y/n could define what they had just felt.
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taglist [open]: @choihaiyun @atinyyylove @247byun @luvrbin @strawberryyukhei @suna-kiyoomisproperty @meowtella @jisungsquirrelhabits @enhacolor @junluvr @skypemonke @fairybinie @txtville @hoshi4k @simpforscoups @jamjam728 @berrychyuu @beomjundiaries @honeybutterchup @wkhdery @ahnneyong @99outros @rinyx @jeonkoookiee @emobeomgyu @bubblejunnies
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Ssssooooo I'm gonna keep the "only one bed" trope train and ask for it with maybe Heisenberg? I know you're obsessed with him dont even deny it uwu
*vibrates excitedly* oh BOY!!!!! Thank you Dia, you always gimme the prompts my little heart wants. Shout out to @akumaalert I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to include Karl’s powers being on the fritz due to, sensations, and that wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for your brilliance!
I’m going off the friggin rails here so,
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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There was a voice in the back of your head that sounded too much like your mother.
It kept yelling at you that this was unsavory, that this wasn’t modest of you and your teachings. Who were you to lie with a man? A man you weren’t bound to, a Lord on top of it. All those sinful talks in the big black book circled your mind like vultures.
But he had offered, no?
It was pouring out after all, a big bad storm complete with thunder and gusts of wind that would’ve blown you away probably.
The nature of this friendship? Complicated, very very complicated. You had racked your brain over it as you had buttoned up one of his shirts and climbed into his bed just as another clap of thunder sounded. It made you scurry, somewhat not as elegantly as you may have liked but nevertheless it didn’t stop him from laughing at you.
For such a large factory it only housed one bedroom which just so happened to be his own. He had every intention of sleeping somewhere else, some way, but you had insisted that it wasn’t fair. The storm wasn’t his fault or your own, the living accommodations weren’t either.
So here you were.
In bed with Karl Heisenberg.
Falling a sleep had proven quite difficult, the insistent slide of pencil on paper, the storm and its monstrous sounds. There was a distant revving of something you couldn’t quite name.
You turned to face Heisenberg with every intention of passing the time.
Or at least to help yourself to ogling him.
Your mother voice rang again.
Unsavory, so unsavory.
But he was there, shirtless, sturdy, muscle in his arms and missing those damned shades for once. Whatever he was scribbling had his undivided attention, as you snuck a glance you saw drawings instead of words.
He could draw?
Rather good too.
“What is that?” You tried to lift your gaze but a large hand fell on the page to obscure your snooping. “Nothing, just ideas” He flipped the page, the white of it begging for ink.
“My apologies… I didn’t know you could draw though” He could still see curiosity adorned in your gaze, a noticeable silence falling as your stared up at him. You wanted something, that’s all he could tell.
“…What do you want me to draw?” He huffed out, even if you excitedly sat up in bed and rested against the headboard with a big smile. “Hmm, surprise me or maybe draw me?” You chuckled but went quiet when you watched him scoot down to the end of the bed onto his side. He flipped open the note book again and squinted at you.
“How opposed are you to taking your clothes off?” He smirked and in turn you rolled your eyes.
“Depends, let’s see how well you draw me first” You shot back with every intent of dishing out what he was. Heisenberg chuckled before picking up the pen to start on the newest blank page. “You better keep your mouth shut about this, don’t want villagers lining up to get my works of art” His movements seemed almost mechanical, eyes occasionally lifting to meet you as he did. “There’s enough pictures of your mother in everyone’s homes, hm?” You watched his eyes roll again but he remained silent, he stole another glance at you, eyes roaming your chest now.
Something about that made your skin warm, a nice blush found itself onto your cheeks.
“You draw everyone woman you get into bed?” You asked rather quietly, the small pin prick of jealousy manifesting in your fingertips.
“No, much to your surprise I don’t have all the women of this village in here for sleepovers” His gaze fell to your now exposed legs and the urge to cover them increased but he was quick to tap the end of his pen on your approaching hands. “Stop moving,” He returned to the notebook with a concentrated chew on the inside of his cheeks. The strands of silvery hair fell in front of his eyes and you wished that maybe you too possessed the ability to draw and capture him.
He was handsome.
Those pesky sinful thoughts found you again and with that came the urge to do something about it.
“You better fucking like it, this is reserved for projects after all” He let the pen rest on the bed and flipped the note book towards you.
Your eyes went wide.
It was a sketch, not polished but there in the scribbly lines of black was your face and your body. The messy details perfectly representing you. Your drawn eyes stood out to you, the slight fall of his shirt on your shoulder stood out to you, the way he took more time to detail your legs stood out to you.
“Is that stunned silence? It’s shit isn’t it?” He glared at the page, eyeing up all its faults but you were quick to move and shake your head. “It’s not shit! I’m just- Karl this is beautiful, you’re talented” You observed the image again, a small crinkle at the corners of your mouth.
“I’d ask to keep it but-“ He took the notebook back, not relenting even as you pouted. “Nope, I like this, all I usually have on here is ugly inventions” And corpses, he obviously left that out. He continued to admire the drawing before he grinned, letting hazel eyes fall on you from above the notebook. “Well?” He simply asked and you knew.
“Might come back here for the nude study if you’re going to make me look this nice” You shamelessly flirted back. Heisenberg laughed, a true sound with not ill intentions. “Well I’m sure arrangements can be made” He closed the note book but his eyes soon found your own, close enough that he could smell the oils that had touched your skin this evening. With a bite to your lower lip and a steadying beat of your heart you leaned in close to him. Heisenberg’s lips pursed momentarily, the anticipation of your lips coming down on his own making something electric pulse inside of him.
But you stopped, an inch away from his lips.
His brows furrowed at being denied and that fact that you found that so endearing made you muffle a laugh between your tight lip smile.
Of course, he had to make you shudder, rub his knuckles across your cheek and dig his fingers into he back of your head. “What, pup?” His voice was barely a whisper, the sounds vibrating against your bottom lip and chin. The gentle nudge to close the distance left you breathless.
His lips were surprisingly soft, the scar noticeable against your lips but the bumpy tissue only served to make you melt against him. It was short, several gentle touches that made you shiver as you felt his nails scratch into your scalp.
Pressing your forehead to his own you sighed, want was there and he could feel it, taste it against your lips, feel it in the shiver on your flesh. A small zap hit your skin and the small yelp that escaped you only served to make him chuckle. “Did you just- was that electricity?” Your skin felt prickly suddenly, he only grinned more like a mad dog. Heisenberg wrapped an arm around your waist and yanked you beneath him, the series of shrieks you let out only making him laugh more. “You can be such a beast” They way your hands landed on his bare chest to smack him was short lived.
Some retaliation was to be had. So you scratched your nails down his body before landing on his waist. The tremble of his arms as he held himself above you made you smile. With a gentle nudge of your knee you trapped him in between your legs, pulling him down onto you by his waist. He huffed, hair falling and obscuring his heated gaze. It was instinct, to wrap your arms around him and feel his so warm and soft and strong against you. The scratchiness of his beard was felt at your neck, along with that his teeth meeting warm skin.
He sucked a bruise onto your neck with a roll of his hips.
“Do you want me?” He grumbled against your pulse, tongue soothing the bruise.
You nodded, digging your nails into his waist before dragging them up his back.
“No, no, pup” He nosed your ear, teeth finding your lobe with a gentle tug. “I need to hear it, use your words” It was almost a purr, enough to goosebump your skin and lift your hips.
“Want you, want you so much, please…” You exposed your neck more for him, felt his lips find your throat. “Good pup” His hands found the neck of the shirt and with one fluid motion you heard and felt all the buttons pop off. He pulled it apart to reveal your chest, he hummed at the sight before him. “Now I should draw this some day” His grin made your cheeks flush again, even more so when he pressed his face against your chest, a rub of his cheek scratching your soft skin.
Lips pressed, tongue drawing patterns as you muffled a whine and grabbed his hair and gave it a gentle tug. “Ka-oh god!” A particular hard bite at your ribs made you grip silver locks with more intention. He groaned at the rough handling of his hair, the strain on his neck as you tugged hard enough that he could see your pupils blown wide for him.
When Heisenberg leaned back, allowed space between both your heated skins, you ached.
Visibly ached.
You followed those talented scarred hands to the front of his trousers, watched as he unbuttoned them slowly. But you couldn’t stay away too long, fingers itched to feel him, to touch every part of him and find out what made him tick. You unrolled what was left of your his shirt and tossed it somewhere off the bed. When he saw your hands go between your legs he palmed himself at the sight of it.
“You want your hand, mhm? Or would you much rather prefer my cock?” He emphasized with a tight squeeze of his hardened length and wordless you replied by removing your hand and reaching for him once more. Ever the asshole, he gripped your hand away and raised his brows, he wanted those verbal answers.
“Your cock, please” Intertwining your fingers with his own you gently brought him back down to you for a long and sensual kiss. Against those lips you whispered, “Inside, want you inside now” just as another clap of thunder hit.
There were more clothes gone, scattered across the room unwanted and unneeded. Heisenberg had every intention of feeling you come apart around him when he entered you slowly. Each hiccuped whine shooting your arms more tightly around him, pressing him down closer to you. The heat he was already exuding was making you break out in a sweat, you felt his hands slide beneath you with a groan the further his slid into you.
He was buried to the hilt, tight heat so perfect he growl against the bruised flesh of your neck. “Fucking good little pup, taking me so good” His filthy words fell against your ear, short but pronounced thrusts making you dig your nails onto his back. “Yesss, don’t be afraid, don’t break so easily baby” Heisenberg leaned his head as far as he could to catch your gaze in all its lust blown glory. He kissed you again, more ferocity, more purpose, all tongues and teeth and demanding bites. The heels of your feet rested at his back side encouraging him deep into you with every thrust he delivered.
Being at the end of the bed doing this felt weirdly interesting, each thrust he gave you made the bed creak, lean away from the wall just a bit, it’s increasing squeak joining the chorus of the storm.
When you dragged your nails down his back, right towards his rear and gripped and moaned loud enough to have him shake, you saw something lift from the corner of your eye. You eyes squinted at the spoon suddenly mid air, you weren’t unaware of his gifts but why was he-
You train of thought was lost to you when he angled his thrusts just the right way to hit your sweetest of spots, every possible question was being tried and language had fallen at the bottom of your list of abilities. You arched into him, neck on display for his teeth to once again find, that tight hold on his rear remained and he seemed to really enjoy it by the sounds and sensations of his heated grunts. “Puppyyy, such a good pup, could stay buried in this hole all week” Oh you would let him, you wanted him in fact, why go back to the village, you’d rather put your days on this bed.
No matter how many dangerous items kept floating about, no matter how his skin felt almost electric as he thrusted into you more feverishly, this is what you wanted.
You wanted him.
“Then do it, oh god just do it please!” He hooked his arms beneath your knees and locked you beneath him either every intention of making your moans louder than the rain. Heisenberg unceremoniously pounded you, every hit making your toes curl and your voice choke up. “Gonna fuck a mess into you, you want it? Mhm?” Dangerous dangerous dangerous!
But you did.
Whimpered a series of broken yes yes yes, at his ear. The bruising hold proved necessarily, you felt your legs shake and stiffen all at once, heard several things sort of just go pop! It dawned on you that it had been the lights but that couldn’t have been the storm-
Your orgasm snuck up on you, quite literally hit you smack in the gut with Heisenberg at his tail end as well, it must’ve been seconds apart from one another. He moaned right against your ear, hips drilling into you with every intention of making you lose your god damn mind. Several objects clattered around you, startling you and in the process making you hold onto him.
His amused chuckle came out in breathless pants, the now darkened room only having a lone candle as the source of light. He gave your hip a gentle tap, “It’s okay, just shit that happens” He sounded somewhat sheepish as you both still panted. You reached up and cupped his sweaty cheek, fingers mapping a crias crossed scar. Here in the dimly lit room he still managed to be the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.
You wanted him again.
Wanted all the madness that came with him.
You pulled him down again to show him just that as you kissed him.
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rebrandedbard · 3 years
Hi! Can I ask for 30. “It’s not what it looks like…” from the drabble list?
Oh, it’s you! Welcome back! Here for another order at McDrabble? Very well then, I am obliged to use the good serving platter for the sake of continuity:
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30: “It’s not what it looks like…”
wc: 1991 (Wow! That’s a year!)
No Modesty Among Thieves
Geralt finds Jaskier tied up in their room after returning to the inn and all their things have been stolen. He has an unexpected family reunion when he goes to find the burglar.
Kidnappers would have been easier, Geralt thought, than dealing with burglars. Had Jaskier been kidnapped, someone would have left a note and ransom. They would be waiting somewhere easy to find. A burglar did not want to be found, which meant he’d have to track them down, which meant more work. He’d had a long day and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed. The moment he’d opened the door of their room, those lovely plans of rest and relaxation had flown out the window, and he was suddenly wide awake, his heart racing, for he found Jaskier tied to the bed frame, completely bare, blindfolded, with a gag in his mouth. He gaped a moment before the smell of fear hit him, then he hurried to the bed and tugged the blindfold from Jaskier’s eyes.
Jaskier sagged with relief at the sight of him. As soon as Geralt removed the gag, the words came flooding out. “It’s not what it looks like…” he sighed, knowing very well what Geralt’s first impression must have been. He shifted uncomfortably, glad of the pillow thrown over his lap. At least the burglar had been thoughtful enough to provide that before clearing out.
“What happened?” Geralt asked. As he worked the knots above Jaskier’s head, he cast eyes about the room. It was completely empty; all of their belongings had been taken.
“Burglar caught me in the bath, blindfolded me, tied me up, and gagged me. Took all of our stuff and booked it.” He rubbed his wrists and shook them out to get the feeling into his arms again. “I’m so glad you got home when you did; my arms just about lost all feeling. I’m already sore from the fight with the gargoyle last week. The second-hand blast knocked me halfway across the room, remember? Burned the doublet right off my back! Singed my shirt, too.”
“I remember,” Geralt replied. He inspected Jaskier’s arms with care. “Are you hurt?” he asked.
“Only my pride. I thought I could tell you from the sound of your footsteps, but evidently, I was wrong. The way the fiend came striding in here, confident as anything like they belonged—well! I thought it could only be you,” he grumbled. “Anyone else would have tried to sneak up behind me instead. They strode right in! And I know, I know; I ought to have kept the door locked, but I swear, Geralt, that I had locked it. It’s a faulty lock, that’s what I think. This inn is cheap and ready to fall to pieces when the wind next blows, and that’s the truth.”
Geralt tossed the blanket over Jaskier’s shoulders for modesty’s sake. “Stay here. I’ll take care of it.” He sniffed the air and announced, “There’s only one trail; pretty strong, too. Likely another patron somewhere down the hall.”
It was an easy game, stealing from other travellers. There were plenty of rooms to hide in. All one had to do was pretend to flee out the door, hood down, pass a few witnesses, then sneak back to their room calm as anything. It was a play Geralt had encountered before.
His brow creased as he scented the room again. It smelled … familiar. He crouched, following the scent from the bed over to the bath, to the corner where he’d left their bags. Meanwhile, Jaskier stumbled out of the bed, the blanket wrapped clumsily around him. He peeked beside the bed and circled the tub. With a huff, he dropped onto the bed once more and sat grumbling.
“Might have at least left the pants, if not my trousers. Not any money in selling those. Rotten thieving bastard.”
Geralt turned to look at him. “They took your clothes?” he said.
“Not that I blame them, really. People are trying to get in my pants all the time,” Jaskier quipped. He resumed his sulking after when he considered how much they’d cost him to buy in the first place.
The smell was stronger as soon as Geralt opened the door. He groaned, the pieces clicking into place neatly. “I’ll be right back,” he growled.
The door slammed shut behind him as Geralt stalked down the hall. He followed the scent to the every end and thrust the door open. And there the prick was, sitting on the floor, Jaskier’s stupid hat on his head, flipping through Jaskier’s notebook with one hand and helping himself to one of Geralt’s dried apple slices with the other. Lambert didn’t even bother to look up as he entered, merely smiling as he popped the slice into his mouth.
“Still hiding your snacks among your potion kit,” Lambert said. “A wonder your bard hasn’t found them yet. His smell is all over your things; one would think he’s always in and out, fetching things for you.”
“Pack it up. I’m kicking you out of here as soon as you’ve helped me carry this shit back.”
Lambert ignored him, rolling over on his back as he flipped to a page closer to the front of the notebook. “Is this one about you? ‘What amorous sight I scowling see, the sweet delights he flares in me, with eyes the gods have wrought of gold, for men to weep and thus behold?’”
Geralt snatched the book from his hands, ears burning hot. “You’ve no right to be prying into others’ things,” he snarled.
“Ah, so you haven’t read his poetry, I take it.”
Lambert hovered over Geralt’s shoulder as Geralt started shoving things into Jaskier’s bag. He grabbed the hat from Lambert’s head and gathered it with the rest, careful not the bend the feather. Of course he hadn’t gone snooping. Jaskier’s notebook was private and Geralt respected privacy, unlike some who felt entitled to anything not bolted and locked.
“How did you like my present?” Lambert asked, flopping onto the bed. He raised his arms above his head in a mockery of the position he’d left Jaskier in. “Oh, what an amorous sight!” he cried, smirking. “Did you weep? I know you to be a weeper; heard enough whores gossip about the white-haired witcher crying in their arms after a tumble. Or did you not unwrap my present? He smelled pretty good for a minute there—aroused by danger, is he?”
Geralt picked up a pillow and smacked him with it. “Don’t go sniffing my bard,” he said.
For once, Lambert made no retort. He only raised one cocky brow at him and smiled.
Geralt found Jaskier’s clothes folded messily on a chair. He put them away carefully in Jaskier’s bag piece by piece. He was about to put the chemise away when Lambert plucked it from him. He flapped it in the air, gave it a light sniff and said, “Kind of smells like you, you know. You two share a bed or something?”
The speed with which Geralt snatched it back was all the answer Lambert needed. In addition, Geralt took back his bag of apple slices. He shoved them in a bag and collected the rest of their things. Last of all, he slung Jaskier’s lute over his shoulder.
Before leaving, Geralt seized Lambert’s own bag and stole from it a package of dried cod. Lambert hated cod. And Geralt knew why he had it. “Stay out of my room and away from Jaskier,” he said, “Or I’ll find your cat and shave him.” He tossed the bag back at Lambert and slammed the door in his gaping face.
The very first thing Jaskier did upon Geralt’s return was check his lute for damage, forgoing his awkward wrap in his hurry to get to it. His cry of relief filled the air and he cradled the instrument close. Geralt waited until Jaskier had put it safely away in its case before tossing his trousers at his head. Jaskier laughed and hugged them close, but rather than dress, he resumed his bath, the water warmed by courtesy of Geralt for his troubles. Geralt sat on the other side of the room, reordering their things as he told Jaskier the truth behind his unpleasant encounter.
Dinner was ordered to their room a half hour later, an apology sent along with it in the form of two baked pears. They ate it together on the floor, Jaskier in a towel, and Geralt kept his eyes on his food, trying in vain to forget the bit of poetry Lambert had sung for him.
“I’ll have to repay him one of these days and run his clothes up a pole,” Jaskier said. “If he’s ever in Oxenfurt, be prepared to spot them flapping below the university’s flag.”
“You’d get nowhere near them,” Geralt replied, cutting himself a bite of pear.
“I don’t know. He seemed eager enough to get my clothes off earlier. Should be easy to tempt him to do it again, then scoop his up while he sleeps.”
Geralt quickly abandoned his pear, apatite gone. He offered Jaskier his plate and returned to his organizing.
After eating, Jaskier stood. He stretched and dropped his hands to his hips, then swayed back to where he’d left his trousers. As he dressed, he looked around, humming to himself.
“Geralt?” he called. “Do you know what became of my undershirt?”
“Lambert doesn’t have it,” Geralt answered.
“Fuck, did he lose it? I haven’t got one spare.”
After another minute of rummaging, Geralt cleared his throat. “You can wear one of mine,” he offered. He produced a large black shirt and held it out to Jaskier at arm’s length.
Jaskier beamed and made a grab for it. “You’re a dear! I shall not wander cold and bare on the road, thanks to your generosity.” He pulled it over his head and smoothed it down. “Hm, very worn and soft. It’s quite comfortable, actually. You sure you don’t mind?”
“Can’t have you walking around half naked,” Geralt grunted.
“Quite right. It may take some time to get to a decent tailor. Be warned: by then I may be disinclined to return it to you. You know how attached I get to my clothes.”
Geralt shrugged. “I can get another,” was the only reply he offered.
Jaskier smiled and bounced happily into bed. “In that case, say your goodbyes now. I’ve never owned anything black but for my hat—it’s quite an attractive color. I’m sure I look as raffish as you! Perhaps more so for the novelty of it. What do you think?”
Whatever it was that Geralt thought, Jaskier was not to know. Geralt gave no answer the next morning, even as Jaskier pranced in front of him, fishing for a compliment. Geralt kept his opinion buried in his throat, almost as secret as his bag of dried apples. And tucked beneath them, he kept another secret folded neatly at the very bottom of his bag. He’d forgotten it in his haste to leave Lambert’s room that night. But Jaskier looked well in his shirt. So the chemise remained where it was, tucked away. After all, if Jaskier intended to keep his, it was only a fair trade.
Jaskier danced another turn in front of him and bowed, the shirt billowing at the end of his arms. He stood upright once more and posed. “Come now, Geralt. You’ve got to admit it makes for a pleasant change.” He flicked the end of one feather from his hat and winked. “What say you? I think we go perfectly together.”
Geralt looked at him, bathed in the early morning light, the very picture of radiance. He nodded, giving Jaskier a small smile. “We do,” he whispered, so soft that no human could ever hear.
“Did you say something?”
“No,” Geralt replied, a startled blink. “Nothing.”
Jaskier looked at him a moment, then shrugged, striding the path ahead. They would get there, he thought privately to himself. They had all the time in the world.
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It’s The Avengers (03x16)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 16: You Picked the Wrong Weakness
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: did someone just go and tell the otp about the otp?
Word Count: you know that feeling when you have had a bad experience on some project or assignment or homework before. And you know that thing is going to come around again next month or something like that. And you just age yourself by giving yourself anxiety by thinking everything that could go worse in that area. Yeah. So, I kinda shut that off for a few hours and wrote this.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The Interview Room The camera is recording empty seats as a pair of voices grow louder with every second. "...it's like they don't even care about what the other person wants!" "...no, why would they. These rich daddies and their rich egos think they are the only ones thinking about the world." The camera swivels a bit to watch Peter and Scott enter with a new guest following them with a Caprisun in their hand. Peter: And why did you have to go ahead and help them? Shuri: *sits between Scott and Peter* *takes a long sip of her 'sun* What. I'm not going to give up any opportunity that involves space and weird energy boxes. Peter: Why did your brother even agree to it?? Shuri: *shrugs* all your sugar daddy had to say was 'what if it was Shuri'. And my thicc-head of a brother lost it like a rhino in a mating challenge. Peter: *scrunches his nose at the example* Scott: Great *sigh* now we'll never get to see them together. With your brains, those dads are probably already in space now. Shuri: Not so fast! They don't have the codes to neutralise the pandora's box yet. Peter and Scott: *look at each other*  Shuri: So teleportation might be delayed as long as I am kept happy?  Peter: *takes out a notebook* Scott: *takes out his phone and a card labelled Avengers Black Card* The camera pans in on a smirking Shuri sipping on her Capri sun.
Inside a Spaceship: Destination Unknown You and Loki were captured by the little drone flying at the same speed as the spaceship (which clearly had seen some remodelling, thanks to your rainbow buddies). Both of you were staring at something in front of you that lids by your waist level- something the outside drone was not able to capture because of the limited view in the spaceship window. The expressions on your face were serious. So was the arms-crossed stance. "Are you sure it wasn't just a noise?" Loki now had a finger on his lips in deep thought as he heard your words. "I am pretty sure of what I heard," he acknowledged without missing a beat. "So-" your voice faded as your fingers twirled in the air with a mind of their own- "that means he has...another..." "You really can't say it?" Loki looked at you with a questioning brow going up quite smoothly. You tsked. "It's my baby," you mentioned while Javier's camera watched you point down at slumbering Lulu. "I cannot just casually say he might have another hole and I think he farted through it. I cannot hurt my baby's feelings!" Loki scoffed. "Your baby's sleeping." "He still has ears." "You think he understands what a fart means?" "What do you think I've been teaching him when you, me or Javi pass the gas?" Loki's casual demeanour suddenly changed to an offended one. "I beg your pardon?" You were quick on your feet, already walking towards the front of the ship. "So, where exactly are we heading now? Aellae's next of kin? Though I find it hard to imagine she would have left your essence with anyone other than herself." Loki came and sat next to you, still pissed at that comment in those narrowed eyes. "I am going to circle back to your words-" he inhaled while you acted all innocent- "and no. We are not looking for anyone related to that witch." "Then are we looking for another one of your exes?" "No, we are n-" Loki stopped short, his lips right in a thin line as he stared at you. "Why are you so interested my exes?" You simply shrugged and raised your brows. "On the contrary, it seems your exes are still pretty interested in you." That casual expression turned into a familiar judgment as your head turned to look at him. "Though I wonder what did they find so-" you hands moved haphazardly- "interesting about you." Loki swivelled his captain seat towards you, locking your legs between his while grounding your armrests with his hands. Clicking the control button on your armrest, he moved your chair a bit closer to him, his face in close proximity to yours. Javier's camera panned in on the gulp moving down your throat while your eyelids did a flutter at this uncalled movement. The 4K caught those goosebumps rising right where his arm barely grazed yours and in the background, Lulu played an arousing violin piece. "Something you can only dream about, darling," he whispered. The violin picked up the charge in the air within its quick clean high notes. The only noise leaving you was the escape of the air stuck in your throat, shivering on its way out. "Of c-" you cleared your throat. trying to sit back up in your seat- "of course I can only fantasize. The reality makes me want to puck. Ugh!"
Loki: Y/N thinks space is all fun and games. What she does not realise is that just like earth, this universe too has an underworld. Ten times in size and twenty times as brutal. And Aellae was just the tip of the filthy iceberg. *camera zooms in on his tensed features* looks into the distance* Wonder who else she told about her. *looks back* *blinks* I'm taking her somewhere we can lie low for now. *rolls eyes* that is if she understands what lying low means. *sighs* 
You: *eating bread like a peasant famished for days* Hm? What? No *shakes head* 'm nod nerbous. *takes another bite* debinidly nod becoz o doki. He wash jus playing wee me. *viciously bites into the bread* *growls and buries head in your lap* 
"I am still telling you to ask for their help. It's not too late," you suggested in a composed manner, sitting in the co-pilot seat. "I am not calling seven alien boys just because you have a fetish for Korean pop bands." You thwacked his leg with yours. "I do not! And don't you dare talk shit about k-pop." Loki chuckled. "Why? What are going to do?" "I won't. But you know what k-pop fans are like, don't you?" The smile on Loki's face suddenly started to flicker away as he looked at the camera. "Remember that Vegas trip?" Clearing his throat, he adjusted himself on his seat, while you shared a devilish smirk with the camera. "We're going somewhere safe. Where I have a chance of getting my powers back and hopefully a gateway back to earth." You sat up. "Why didn't we go there in the first place?" Loki blinked, not really answering. You and the camera noticed the tension in his jaw. "It's not a place I like to talk about." The asteroid belt cleared in front of the spaceship to show the part of a planet covered in grey clouds shadowing frozen blue mountains and dark valleys. "Jotunheim," you whispered to yourself, letting the gloomy yet majestic scenery of the place reflect in your eyes. “Loki,” all humour in your voice seemed to dilute as you looked back at home, “we don’t have to go there. We-uh...we could go to one of Peter’s hideouts? Or maybe we could call the Boys and ask them to direct us to one of their safe places? You know, till we find a lead on your essence.” A smirk built upon the God's lips. "Is that concern I hear in your voice?" Those worry-laden brows suddenly dispersed all emotion to make way for anger. A slap made way from your hand to his right side of the back. The thwack was loud enough to wake Lulu and force a sincere 'ow' from the God's throat. "This concern is for me and my babies you awful animal," you growled, your voice considerably higher, "you think they'll survive there?"
Jotunheim If the mountains seemed to carry an eerie aura about them, the valleys were a straight suggestion of being pits straight to hell. To add to the effects of arriving at the gates of hell, the snow falling was harsh, to say the least. As soon as the door to the ship opened to let all the passengers feel the heat, the drone travelling outside took in travellers covered in thick fur. Javier carried Lulu on his front, both of them visible just with their faces- not to mention the former's blue eyes standing out over everything else in his surroundings. Loki too embraced the thick skin, looking quite the part of a Jotun till he picked up the hood of your coat to put it over your head without saying much; only smiling when you looked like a fluffed up birb in that Viking overcoat.
Loki: *smiling sheepishly**looks at you standing next to him* Angry birb *looks back at Javier's camera* Sam taught me that one. *camera pans at you simmering under that fur*
Lulu had already picked the background music for his pack's entrance. The Viking beat had just the right amount of weight and horror of the unknown in it as this place did. Just ahead of the pass lay the structure carved in the mountain itself. It could be called a palace or a temple. But that was not what sought your attention.  Eyes. The camera caught eyes in the dark staring at the unwanted guests. Blue. Piercing. Murderous. And more than one pair. The drone panned in on that one subconscious movement of your fingers gripping the fur of the coat on Loki's back as the God walked gallantly- as if he owned the planet. But your eyes did not stop to observe the alien movement around you. "Remember-" Loki's whisper brought you out of the daze your own thumping heart was creating for you- "do not show them your fear. Show them that you are to be feared." It may have been his words or just his voice that started to melt the fear visible on your features, lasting for five seconds before a loud thump vibrated the land beneath your feet, making you all come to a stop. And when that was not enough, the audience saw the feet first, then the legs and then the whole length of a Jotun appearing before them. Some necks were really going to feel it tonight.
"Who dares enter the land of Jotunheim?" came the thundering and low growl from the Jotun that stood towering over you all. "The one who is alive and stands on this land," Loki announced, "with the blood of Laufey in my veins, I have come to claim what is mine." There was nothing but an uninviting smirk on the Jotun's face. "I am Loki, son of Laufey, son of Odin, ruler of Asgard and your King," he commanded with ice in his voice, "and you...need to bow...before your King." The dead silence proceeding his threat of a speech was enough for you nearly bury you inside your own overcoat. And when that did not seem enough, your body- on its own- moved a step closer to Loki's side. "Oooooh Gooood," you whispered with quite the shudder while your face was plastered with a no-fucks-given wave, "we're gonna die." On the contrary, the silence was followed by many Jotuns coming out of the shadows to surround your group one by one before bowing down. Even the ones who looked quite young did the same. All of them except for the one Jotun who had greeted you first. "Allir fagna konungi!" they chanted in unison. "All hail the king," Javier translated it for you. "Didn't know you were into Nords," you quipped, "the language, I mean." "Honey, I am all into Nords," he signed before looking around with a smile, finding a buff Jotun that caught his eye. He did not take another second to blink at him and leave that giant a bit confused and flustered at the same time.
Inside the Palace The throne was sculpted out of ice that seemed as old as the mountain. Alongside it had been made seating arrangements for the family, running parallel till the doors of the throne room, all greyish blue stones marked with Jotun carvings. You and Javier believed they might be names of dignitaries. Lulu thought they are just doodles by other babies and proceeded to contribute to the stone they were standing next to. A little female giant sat down and looked at Lulu's doodles with curious wide eyes. Loki stood rightfully in front of his throne, admiring it before turning to his subjects, most of them adults who were exceptionally taller and blue-er than him. The drone captured the magnificence of the throne room that had fire pits next to the seats at intervals right alongside the stone pillars and right in the middle, a few feet in front of the king. But none of them were lit. And the giants were visibly annoyed by the drone while the kids wanted to catch it and play with it. "An Asgardian announces himself as our King," the one giant growled as he stood at the steps of the throne, "why would we believe you to be our King, son of Odin." He nearly spat the last part. The drone captured that bit of concern breaking out on your composed features but Loki just smirked. Pulling his overcoat to the side- as magnificently as he believed himself to be- he sat down as if he has done it ever since he was born. The authority exuding from his presence certainly put the murmurs going around the hall to a standstill. "At ease, Helblindi," he stressed to the giant with a purr and directed the rest of the audience to take their place. "Not you." Everyone stopped short to looked at their king. And he was clearly looking at you. You pointed a finger at yourself in question. "Don't you know your place....pet?" he commanded ever so slyly, discreetly pointing his finger at the stone next to his throne.
You: *look around to make sure no one's looking at you* *anger about to explode through your eyes* *whispering* Pet?? PET?? I swear gonna just *gestures to grab the air* grab his throat and *punches the said air repeatedly in her palm*  *camera pans out to focus on three baby giants looking at you in pure horror before their mother carries them away murmuring something* *camera swivels to show Javier looking disappointed* Javier: *signs* she said 'stay away from the crazy human'. *sighs* *shakes his head*
“Come-“ Loki’s fingers gestured at you to come over to that stone couch of a thing next to him- “sit.” Taking a breath to compose your usual embers of rage at that comment, you smiled and walked up the stairs to stand next to him. The camera recorded the little gracious bow you gave the God but not before your back was to the spectators and you signalled an insult with your middle towards him, nearly making him chuckle. And with one heavy inhale, you sat down next to him, clearly not at the same level as him. “Is this what Lulu feels like?” “I would’ve made Lulu sit in my lap,” Loki acknowledged with a smirk. “You’re welcome to join me anytime but for now-“ he adjusted himself on his seat and raised his voice to address the court- “let us have a feast tonight and raise our mugs in union of the Jotun king and his subjects.” Helblindi scoffed and spat on the floor. Loki did not look but he was surely observing his every move. “In union of an excuse of a giant who does not even resemble-“ “I would like you to stop there my brother-“ Loki announced as he got up, letting the whole room take one united gasp at the scene- “before you start regretting your own words.” You blinked at the reactions to turn and look at Loki. Now the lights from the ceiling did a stupendous job of catching the widening of your eyes while your pupils were dilated in an emotion only known to you when you witnessed- for the first time in your life- Loki's skin change its shade and features. The flawless paleness gave way to a blue so deep over those arms he rarely displayed in public. The colour ran up his neck as well, covering him all the way. And along with this shade came ridges on his skin which apparently every Jotun had; running up his face and down his limbs. Those smaragdines and whites around them were now replaced with red. “This Jotun-“ his voice was low, but with enough weight that it echoed to the last corner of the room- “has seen enough lives to know what is hatred and what is fear. So next time you try to question my right, Helblindi, know that I have no qualms in exploiting them in a way which seems necessary for me.” Helbindi did not seem to stand his ground much now. Not after a few Jotuns who stood up to speak against the giant who had been torturing them for a while with his reckless and greed-ridden laws. Javier's camera was stuck on your reaction in the middle of this mild chaos. Your parted lips, wide eyes, stare lingering all over the God's body, your throat feeling the urge to swallow the dryness; it really was a sight, an emotion that many fanfiction artists would want to take inspiration from. Loki- who was smirking at the warm welcome he was receiving through the roar against his brother- turned around to look at you. His smirk disappeared and his usually focused gaze was interrupted with those unsure blinks at your features. Before he could explain himself, one giantess blocked his way to you with a bow. "We have prepared the Bath for you and your companions, your grace," she announced, still with her head held low. His gaze was running between you and her. To make it easier for him, you got up from your seat and walked down to the giantess who wanted to show you, Javier and Lulu to the Bath. "Nandi," Loki finally looked at the giantess. "Yes, your grace." "I need you to choose four of your most loyal companions to guard them." "They are all ready to escort your companions where you please." Loki smiled at Nandi. "I owe it to your mother to protect you, your Grace, like she protected me and my children." "My mother had a loyal friend in you," the God appreciated before walking down the throne and away from the crowd. The drone followed him.  The graceful composure of the God crumbled like a dry sand castle as soon as the doors closed behind him and he was alone in the icy corridors. His pace got faster by the second, his eyes searching everywhere. "This isn't fair, you know." Loki stopped at the echo of your voice. The pause of one breath, and he knew where to turn to find you standing in the shadows. Javier stood by the pillar next to you two with his camera, capturing this strange tick on Loki's features. You stepped out of the shadows, your gaze uninterrupted, looking right at those red eyes. "Do you know the amount of chaos it would create on earth if people knew that you look like..." "Like what? A monster?" Loki's voice was heavy. "Nah don't say i-dammit! Now I cannot stop imagining the term monsterfuckers." Loki blinked. His brows furrowed at you ever so slightly. "I mean-" you sighed with frustration- "was it not enough that you looked like a literal God in a human form that you had to now go and reveal that you are one buffed up alien? Look at you? You are one breath away from starting a cult of monsterfuckers! Do you realise that? Look at-" you grabbed that one barely naked blue arm and tried to squeeze it- "this firm, cold, arm that is people are going think about in-" you tried to breathe, your gaze still stuck on his shoulder- "their bed at night. God, why do have to be so-" you pointed at all of him with a frustration-filled, longing look of...disgust- "you." By now Loki was raising his brows in question and shifting his gaze between himself and you, clearly confused by your reaction. It even seemed he was a bit flustered at one point. You winced, looking at his body again. Your eyes followed the ridges on his face to his neck, plunging down his v neck t-shirt. With a frown you turned hastily, flinging your body involuntarily in the direction of the bath. "I bet they go all the way down," you whispered to yourself in between your sobs and walked away.
Loki: *still stands there* *blinks* *looks at the camera* what...*looks in her direction* *looks back* *does this two more times* what just happened?
The Resting Chambers: Next Day One of Javier's drones followed you from the balcony you were standing in to witness the first light of the nearest star in this frozen land. The snow-clad mountains were a majestic sight in their own stature. Even the smile emanating under the warmth of the star could not deny that. The giggles coming from inside the room broke the sweet hum of sync you were having with the weather, walking back in to find Skandi and Kolga, Nandi's daughters setting up the table with Jotunheim's specialities- snowberries, Kruweed- fresh seaweed from the frozen lake- and Lulu's favourite, spiked abalones. "What are you girls snickering about?" Lulu was already jumping on the table to sniff everything placed for his liking. Once he had inspected every single item, he went over to his bowl of abalones.
"Nothing," Skandi cooed, "just discussing how Loki-" Kolga elbowed her sister to correct herself- "how his Grace, keeps looking at you." Your hands paused for a fraction of a second near your mouth before the snowberry found its way in your mouth. "Look at me how?" "He looks at you as if you might vanish any second if he does not keep his eye on you," Kolga added, sitting down next to you. Her face had gentle tones all over it. Her eyes seemed to sparkle whenever she talked to you. "Are you being punished for something?" It took you some time to realise she was genuinely curious. "What. No. Why would you think that?" "Because his grace keeps you under guard. I thought pets were kept in cages in Midgard." Skandi turned to Kolga with a gasp. "He caged her last night then?!" The camera captured your furrowed brows sitting there confused in between the sisters. You opened your mouth to speak but lost to Kolga. "You mean when he told off Helbindi that she will be sleeping in his quarters." Skandi nodded vigorously. "He could not have kept her in a real cage." "Maybe he chained her to the bed." "Ah. So he could keep an eye on her at night." "Is that what happened, y/n?" You hid your face behind the mug of tea that did not seem to leave your lips while your free hand seemed to check your cheeks for their temperature. "This tea is good," your burned throat appreciated the drink. "He seems quite...what is the word... possessive of her," Skandi commented. You shared a look with the drone- your face devoid of any emotions. Kolga hummed in agreement, popping a snowberry in her mouth. "I thought Kruge would die last night by his hands." Now that seemed to catch your attention. "Kruge who?" "Helbindi's guard. The one who nearly pushed you into the wall last night." "When you went inside," Kolga continued, "his Grace took Kruge's staff and struck him in his limbs and threatened him to never touch you again if he wanted to stay alive." "Kruge should be glad he did not use his powers on him lest he would be a part of the dark pit's icicles by now." Kolga and Skandi stopped talked to watch you lost in deep thought while your hands scratched Lulu's back on their own, making the floof purr quite loud. "Is she making this little creature vibrate?" Skandi asked her sister in a whisper. "It looks like it," her sister whispered back in awe.
You: *whispering at Javier* What? No, it's okay. We can record here. No one can say anything. *sits on the stone seat in the gallery that seems empty to the camera* *adjusts hair* is it recording? Of course. It's always recording. *clears throat* *at normal tone* So, clearly...*inhales* *raises brows* things are barely standing still right now. And it is clearly not helping that Loki is having sudden urges to pick a fight with whoever bullies me. *Javier's drone catches him discreetly signing at you to lower your voice a bit* You: *irritated* I mean does he want me to get bullied more? Bullies are always going to pick on the weak one in the group for fuck's sake! And evidently, I am the weaker sex. *the camera catches a movement behind you, turning to focus on the source* You: and his highness does not seem to realise that it will be too easy for these giants to torture his weaknesses out of me. Does he not see that? *squints at Javier* what? The drone is recording Javier aggressively telling you to cut it out while looking pale as his gaze goes far behind you. You turn to look where his gaze is going. Javier's camera automatically focuses on Kruge standing next to the last pillar, throwing daggers in your direction through his bloody eyes for a moment before disappearing somewhere. You: *turn around with a shade lighter yourself* *the camera is panning over your face now as you look at it* *whispers* Fuck!
Five Minutes Later One of the drones buzzed against the ice that separated the balcony and the bedroom, tapping itself repeatedly on the transparent frost till the door to the room opened. It turned around to record you and Javier rush inside- the latter placing his camera in his bag and packing his stuff. "Okay, relax, relax!" you stressed to the hyperventilating boy. "We need to get out of here," he signed. "Javi, take three deep breaths? Yes? One? Two? Good. Three. Now think about it. As long as we are with Loki, no one will dare harm us. Okay? Not to mention he has allotted us our personal security team." Javier was on the verge of sobbing. "What about when Loki is not around. What will we do then?" "Javi, don't think like that," you nearly fumed at him. "Loki is in the throne room right now. You take the guards with you and go to him and when you find a window let him know what happened, okay?" Javier was still taking deep breaths while sweating through his fur coat. He nodded. "What about you?" "I...have Lulu." You pointed at the floof sleeping with his belly bared and his paws out. "I won't leave the room, don't worry." Once convinced you'll be fine, Javier hurried outside, leaving you in a silence only filled by light snores of your baby. The drone recorded you biting your lip and tying your hair up in a bun. "Okay," you whispered to yourself, "now we wait." It also recorded the sudden change in the shade of one section of the wall opposite to your back. With the focus still on you, the section of the wall appeared to open out, revealing the pitch blackness lit by a pair of red eyes. The next thing you knew, the drone was lying on the floor, its barely working lens recording your muffled screams and boots struggling to find the ground as a pair of blue feet walked past the lens before it went black.
One Hour Later The camera sat on the stone seat, recording the periodic tapping of Javier's foot from outside the frame. Loki still had audience. The Jotuns discussed every aspect of Jotunheim with the king. Loki sat patiently, listening to every word before advising them necessary steps. The majority was satisfied with the King's suggestions. Many were even in awe. There were a few who were dissatisfied no matter what the God mentioned. "Well-" Loki sat straight, addressing the whole court- "this concludes our day then." "Your grace," one giant bowed at the steps, "there are a few more issues that need your kind attention." Loki sighed, his hand resting on the armrest, his fingers running over his lips in thought. Not sure about Loki, but the camera recorded the patient that ran out of Javier. He got up from his seat, immediately catching the God's eye, who was quick to raise his fingers just for the boy to stop taking any further steps towards him.  "You have stalled me enough," the God acknowledged, catching the giant off guard. "Helbindi should know it better than anyone that a coup against me would be a futile attempt." Loki did not budge where he sat, just his finger drumming on the arm rest. "And I am in no mood for a mutiny."
The one drone who had been playing with the Jotun kids picked up the damage to a drone in the resting chambers. It buzzed through the halls, trying to pick up your trail, finding corridors and corners to fly through, walking down dark pathways with no windows and steep stairs spiraling deep into the mountains. On its way it found Lulu howling and meowing in a frantic daze, walking down the same path where he found your scent. And it seemed like he found you through the same dark pathway that ultimately reached an opening.  There was nothing but ice all around and in every form. A section of the mountain that opened to the outside with a catch. There were cells cut into this ice for prisoners. Shackles of cold metal rested in every cell. Each of them had metals bars to keep the captives in and an opening in the ice to keep any grain of warmth out. And to add to it all, this entire prison cell rested on a frost chunk hanging at the edge of the mountain. "Stop, please, you cannot do this!" Your voice and footsteps could be heard echoing through this section. The drone buzzed and landed on the wall to record the Kruge stripping you of your fur coat with a maniacal grin on his face. "Hey! HEY!! Give me back my coat!" Kruge stopped you from going for your coat by his hand coming for your throat. His grip made it hard for you to breathe as you struggled to get out of the hold, your nails trying their best to dig into that stubborn cold skin of his. Lulu ran and growled at the giant, scratching at his ankles till the latter kicked him away. "What do you want?" you barely managed to get out of your mouth. "We want Loki out of Jotunheim," he growled in your face, smacking your back in the ice wall behind you before letting go of your throat. You fell down with a thud and a groan, taking in as much air as your windpipe allowed. "Okay," you wheezed, "okay. You let me talk to Loki and I will convince him to leave Jotunheim. I promise. I pinky promise." You even raised your pinky. But Kruge was already closing the bars on you. Lulu ran and jumped through the bars to stop by your side, sniffing and crying, wanting to make sure you were okay. "No no no no," you crawled to the bars, trying to wrap your fingers around them but failing once your skin felt the vicious cold personally, "please don't do this. You have to stop. Now." "You said you know Loki's weakness," a voice boomed from the shadows where you had been dragged from. A very familiar and ominous voice. The drone turned to capture Helbindi stepping into the ice prison with a stature fit for kings. "His essence is lost. It is a secret no more, you quim." You looked at Lulu in confused defeat. "Why does it feel like he called me a whore?" you whispered. Lulu threw his own curses at the giant. "Listen, sir, Mr Helbindi," you began, "you want the throne, right? And I want to get out of here alive. How about I take Loki with me? You get back your kingly rights, I get my friends back and we go our separate ways. Everybody wins!" Helbindi came down on his knees in front of you. A smile rested on those cracked lips of his. His hand went past the bars- to your surprise- and landed on your cheeks. Your gaze kept shifting between his eyes and his hand while your body tried to move away from his hold. But he was one stubborn bastard. "He must have kept you alive for a reason." Helbindi was talking to himself now. His thumb rubbed against your skin, something that was visibly making you uncomfortable. "Ah...he keeps you to satisfy his nightly needs." You pushed yourself away from Helbindi, only to be forced into the bars by his hold around your skull; his chuckle resonating through the prison. "Do not worry my little whore," he whispered right in your ear while his icy breath ran over your skin, "you will be my pet soon. And unlike Loki-" he licked your cheek with his tongue, driving you mad with disgust- "I prefer violence even in my chambers." Your breaths were shallow. A single tear falling from your eyes as you did you best to maintain your features. "You are making a grave mistake," you whispered through your teeth. Lulu tried to claw at Helbindi too but Kruge was already kicking him away, earning a death stare from you. The giant struck his nail in your throat, driving it deep till there was blood. "The only mistake that was made was by you coming into my land. And you all will pay for it." Dropping you back into the snow, Helbindi got up and walked back into the darkness.
Loki watched the doors open to let Helbindi in, his gait ever so dominating as he walked past the judgmental eyes of every other giant in the court with his own little battalion following him, carrying weapons of all sorts. "A king with no powers has no right to sit on the throne, Laufeyson," Helbindi roared, ground his staff a few feet away from the stairs to the throne, creating a crack in the ground. "And a Jotun with Asgard in his blood has no right to stay alive in Jotunheim." Weapons were drawn at anyone who was not on Helbindi's side. Javier was already on his feet, running by Loki's side with his camera. Loki still had his mouth covered with his hand, as if in a tired trance. "Everybody out," he commanded ever so smoothly to his audience- who was hesitant at first, but left as soon as the God's eyes pierced through every last one of them. Left alone with his brother's radical followers, he sighed out loud, his fingers still drumming. Javier felt a buzz in his pocket, making him take out the little tablet he used to control his cameras. "Your actions with every passing moment make me more sure of your inability to rule over the subjects, brother mine," the God simply commented. The seriousness on Javier's face was turning into a field of fear. "Oh, I am not asking, brother mine," Helbindi snared at Loki, "I am taking what is mine." "And why would I give you anything you want." "Ask your little plaything," Helbindi smirked. The drumming of those pale fingers stopped. Silence eroded in the throne room. And slowly a shallow panting was audible from the God's side. The camera suddenly lost its balance and fell down on the armrest before toppling on the throne behind Loki, his back still in the frame. Light reflected through Javier's eyes, more precisely through his tears, as he moved the tablet towards Loki. "Stop, please, you cannot do this!" your voice echoed through the tablet, and all the lines on Loki's face disappeared. His body got up from the throne, his eyes still stuck on the device, looking at the aftermath of Helbindi's actions. There was no emotion on the God's face while he witnessed everything recorded on the drone. He did not even budge till the recording finished. Once the screen blacked out, he swerved the tablet for Javier to take back. His gaze was apparently still stuck on the black stones on the floor, his jaw threateningly sharp in whatever light coming from the nearest star. "If you want to see her alive again, go back to your ship before the star drops fro-," "You touched her." His voice was just a decibel higher than a whisper; his shoulders stiff. The silver bracelets were visible on his wrists, more so with the light reflecting from them. His pale fingers now turned into fists. "You hurt her."  Nothing but the resonating crack of a metal reverberated through the hall and everything went black.
The drone sat over the bars, recording the visible shivering breaths coming out of you while your skin turned pale, your fingers blue and your hairs were already collecting frost over them, despite moving your legs as close as you possibly could to your body. "P-plea-hease," your voice shuddered, "s-s-stop hi-im. T-there is-s-s st-i-ill time." "Your master is quite possibly begging on his knees by now," Kruge cackled, gulping down the mead and pouring more from the barrel next to him. Lulu was trying his best to keep your warm with his little body, wrapping himself around your neck while whimpering for you. Kruge was about to finish another mug when his ears caught a snicker that slowly turned into a weak laughter. The drone recorded you chuckling through the pain of the blight. "What is so comedic," Kruge snarled at you. "You thought I was telling you to stop for Loki's sake?" you laughed a little more, making the Jotun simmer with building rage. "I was telling you to stop your master before it's too late, you sewage rat's tick." The lens panned in on your features, all those helpless tears replaced by a smirk that could put the devil to shame. "You master thinks I am Loki's weakness." Your eyes glistened with a tint of some hidden darkness inside them in contrast to all the white around you. "Because I made him think that, you buffoon." "He is nothing without his essen-" "Count your peaceful breaths, you son of a bitch," you stressed, never batting your eyelids, "because you are not going to die an easy death today." You smiled turned into a chuckle before your eyes turned heavy and you fell down. The drone- in its last few minutes- went dark, but not before recording Lulu's cried, mewls, howls that slowly turned into a blood curdling roar echoing till the end.
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saphirered · 3 years
Could you write another fic for Kingsley? I absolutely adored The Lovers and there’s so little content for the pirate tiefling, it leaves me so sad. I was thinking something where the reader and him have been flirting for awhile but he’s still doubtful of wether they like him as Kingsley or they just see him as Molly. (The reader doesn’t, and they end up comforting him, just overall some of that good Hurt/Comfort)
Don't know why writing is taking so long for me but I blame the double shifts. Sorry this took so long to write. I hope it was worth the wait 😘
Some things are doomed to repeat themselves. Mollymauk had always been a huge flirt regardless of actual interests in people he knew exactly what to do and say to make someone blush. That’s not something lost in the resurrections. Kingsley is no different. Flirting comes like a second nature to the lavender tiefling.
Molly’s goal had been to make you blush a task difficult to achieve so when you quipped back each and every time the flirtations escalated to what some might consider inappropriate to be spoken in certain social circles. This little back and forth turned into a bit of a competition to see who could make the other blush or gasp the most because you did manage to get those responses of each other.
It was your game and when Kingsley began with endearing pet names you automatically felt yourself falling back into that habit. You don’t really know when you got back to the point where you’d be outright flirting but the gradual escalation happened before you caught on and since neither you nor Kingsley seemed to mind or made any efforts to stop your little game you continued to play.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and you were both in full force with the flirtations where you might make others around you blush. Even those used to your comments. That’s something both you and Kingsley took pride in. Despite your words you’re always mindful of each others’ hardline boundaries. There’s a mutual respect. You always know when to stop and not take it too far. Though that doesn’t prevent you from walking that boundary like a tightrope.
Currently you’re standing on the bow of the ship looking over the ocean when an all too familiar voice calls for your attention. You look over your shoulder fully prepared in case you have to quip right back.
“Would you mind moving that pretty behind of yours somewhere else, love?” You watch Kingsley standing spyglass at the ready to take a closer look at the islands up ahead.
“If you wanted a closer look you could have just ask.” You wink and blow him a kiss as you move away from the bow to let Kingsley take your place and take a look as he does you catch him glance at you for just a moment. Of course you can do nothing but put on your best seductive face.
“If you’re offering, the lighting in my cabin will be perfect for the occasion.” Kingsley returns with a half smirk lowering the spyglass. Leaning on the wooden border you make sure to arc your back just a little crossing your ankles as you look over your shoulder thoughtfully.
“Hm. Any suggestions for a specific spot? Lighting can be quite tricky. Maybe you should show me every corner of the room just to make sure the view is perfect?” You tease. The Tiefling’s smirk widens, task forgotten, he wraps an arm around you pulling you close to him.
Kingsley leans in and for a second you think he’s going to kiss you. Not that you would stop him. You’d grown to like him but since he’s new to the world you didn’t want to push him into the deep end before having had a chance to discover and figure things out for himself. Your hands slowly snaking up his arms to his shoulders you wait for him to quip back.
“Don’t make offers you have no intention to make good on.” Kingsley breathes removing his arms from you and taking a step back. You’re confused. Mixed signals? Not at all. Not to you. You know he’s a tease and so are you but this is not a quip back. This is a statement. Why? The flirty demeanour drops so you’ll reply with a statement of your own.
“Who says I don’t intend to make good on it?” You gage Kingsley’s reaction but come up blank. Nothing that gives away the sudden mood change. He excuses himself and goes back to work so you do the same; replaying the events of the day to figure out what may have lead to this shift. Still nothing.
Next day comes around and every attempt at flirting is shot down. You know how to take a hint and at first just assume Kingsley just isn’t in the mood or headspace to play the game. You’ll leave him be for a few days to sort out whatever he needs to sort out. No more flirting for a while until he initiates it. Your conversations are more cordial and less warm than they used to be but Kingsley doesn’t avoid you so you at least take comfort in that.
After two weeks you’ve had enough. Another day of work gone by, sun setting slowly you find yourself standing in front of the lavender tiefling’s door. Rapping your knuckles against the wooden door you feel confident the knocks are audible. There’s no response so you knock again but again nothing. A little frustrated you try the handle and the door opens. You don’t fully open it just yet.
“Kingsley? Are you there?” You speak softly in case he’s asleep. You hear a muffled grumble and decide to step inside. There you see the tiefling sprawled out across the bed on his back, pillow over his face held in place by one hand. He doesn’t move but you see the rise and fall of his chest; enough to give away he is breathing and in fact awake.
You close the door behind you taking a look around the room. As expected there’s very few personal artefacts; a spare shirt thrown over a chair, a coin pouch on the table, coins spilled, blue book, a pair of fine boots, an empty bottle and a half full one as well as a half eaten plate of food presumably for dinner. The light of the setting sun bleeds through the paned window providing just enough lighting to make out the finer details of the room. It’s well kept and actually surprisingly tidy. The bed’s made and the pillows neatly placed, the shoes next to the side table and a chest at the foot of the bed. Not a speck of dust or grime to be found.
“Kingsley? Are you alright?” You ask sitting down at the edge of the bed hesitantly. You’re not really sure how to approach him. You don’t even remember your plan you had before you got here. There’s a hum in agreement as the pillow is lowered from his face.
“Yes. Yes, I’m totally fine.” Kingsley sighs staring at the ceiling as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world. He rubs his eyes and sits up facing you. He looks a bit tired but what did you expect after a busy day of work. You don’t look any different.
“Are you sure? You’ve been a bit out of it the past few weeks. I miss my flirty tiefling.” He snorts at the latter. Does he know something you don’t? Why the attitude? You’ll have to get to the bottom of this because you fear your- whatever it is you have with Kingsley depends on it.
“Fine then. I’m worried about you. One second we’re doing our thing and the next you push me away distancing yourself from me and giving me the cold shoulder. If my words upset you you should have just told me like you’ve always done. Why the sudden change? If you wanted me to stop or if I made you uncomfortable you should have said so.” You twiddle your thumbs awaiting a response fearful his shift behaviour was because of you because what else could it be?
Kingsley doesn’t answer just yet. A single glance at you and your stupid pretty face has him melting like chocolate on a hot day. He’s filled with regret because you’re right. He should have said something. Anything. You deserve that much but no, he had to be stupid and avoid the topic in the hopes it would go away. Problems don’t disappear into thin air. It requires communication.
A hand hesitantly grasps your twiddling fingers. You cease the motions looking at the man. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the look on his face is guilt and pity as he finds the words.
“This is not on you. This is on me being an idiot instead of just talking to you.” There’s a brief moment of silence as he silently begs the gods will be kind and you won’t hate him for bring this up. Then again, you’ve been nothing but understanding and patient in the past.
“No matter how much I love our flirtations I think they should end. If not for your sake, then for mine. It’s not… healthy.” You see him glance at the blue notebook on the table. So he’s read it. That explains the sudden shift. You’re mentally preparing yourself for whatever comes next fearing that what he might have read about you and your past has driven him to push you away. It’s his choice and his right but that wouldn’t make it less painful.
“I know now you had this thing with Mollymauk and now you’re continuing that with me. It snowballed into what we have-had but it can’t keep going. You’re holding onto a thread of the past and I feel like I’m trying to fill the spot he left just because I like you. It’s not healthy for either of us.” You give him a sad smile, your fears have been pushed down and you’re happy it’s not what you thought was going to happen but how wrong he is; it’s almost painful.
Kingsley is conflicted because he really does like you and wants to be what Molly used to be but he also knows he can never fill the spot of a ghost. Nor can he compete with it. He won’t force himself to be someone he’s not or fight to live up to the expectations even if he really wanted to because that’s not what a relationship of any kind is about.
“Kingsley… You fool… You really are a shit communicator.” You laugh. Taken aback he doesn’t know wether he should be confused or offended.
“If you’d only just asked… You’ll never be Molly and I do not ever want you to be so never try to. I like you because of who you are and yes we might have fallen into a habit he and I once shared but that ended and what we have is not the same. Never pretend to be someone you’re not.”
“Well, not unless you’re conning someone.” Kingsley quips. The relief your words are honest washes over him. It’s like he can breathe again or was holding a breath he didn’t know he was. He had been so afraid that facing you with his conclusions would drive you away forever. Maybe he really needs to work on his communication skills to you?
“There’s the Kingsley I know. Never pretend to be someone you’re not for me because you feel like you have to. That’s not healthy. Just be you. If you’re gonna make me fall in love with you, you don’t need anything but your own charm and that grin of yours.” You can see him fight that very grin from crawling up his face but it does anyway.
“I think you got me pegged, love.” You raise an eyebrow suggestively and smirk as he swats at you but you catch his hands. You’re about to comment but he breaks your grasp and pushes his hand over your mouth to quiet you down. You fight against him so determined to make your comment to the point you’re on your back held down by the tiefling, giggles muffled.
“When I remove my hand, you promise to say literally anything but the thing you’re thinking?” You nod and hum in agreement. Kingsley gives you a threatening look before slowly removing his hand to reveal your grin mischievously. Still looming over you awaiting any kind of comeback.
“You know, when you said the lighting in this room was lovely you weren’t lying.” You pat his cheek and trace the peacock feathers curling up his neck and side of the face as you bask in the final rays of sunlight illuminating the room in a deep orange glow.
“The view definitely has improved.” His gaze is on you not at all paying attention to the horizon. You laugh. So cheesy and he knows it. You become more aware of your current position. Some people might think it inappropriate but neither you not Kingsley give a single flying fuck. As long as you’re comfortable be damned the opinions of others.
“You know, when I suggested you showing me the corners of the room I had hoped you’d be more creative than starting with the bed.” You obviously feign disappointment. Kingsley accepts your challenge as you weave your fingers in the hair at the back of the neck pulling lightly to tease him.
“Oh shush you. Your words might come back to haunt you.”
“Is that a promise?” You bat your eyelashes but the grin on your face remains. Of course it’s a promise. You’re counting on it and Kingsley tends to keep his promises. Maybe this miscommunication is exactly what you needed because it lead to where you are now and wherever it might take you. The possibilities are endless and unpredictable. Just the way you like it.
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dhwty-writes · 3 years
A Touchy One
Is this incredibly self-indulgent? Yes. Am I posting this anyways? Also yes! I dug this up somewhere in my WIP folder and decided this deserves to be finished.
This is the first thing I've posted in forever, and I know (and am sorry) that it's no OWBABH update (that will come, too, I promise), but take this in the meantime. I am finally feeling like writing again, so here's to hoping I won't take as long next time. Have fun reading!
Summary:  The bard is a touchy one, which is an odd travel companion to have, especially for a witcher. It isn't that Geralt minds so much as that he startled terribly the first time it happened.
Or: how two people, who do not like being touched learn to enjoy each other's closeness, featuring a sex-repulsed Jaskier and our resident grumpy witcher.
Warnings: none, as far as I’m aware
Read on AO3
The bard is a touchy one, which is an odd travel companion to have, especially for a witcher. It isn't that Geralt minds so much as that he startled terribly the first time it happened.
It has been scarcely more than a brush of his fingertips across his forearm, but still Geralt did jump and scoot away as if burned. He even faintly remembers growling quietly, although he's not quite sure if that was a later addition of his mind. He distinctly remembers the surprised, and slightly hurt expression on Jaskier's face, though.
After that, there has been no touching for quite some time. Until one night, when Geralt returned from a contract too tired to rid himself of his armour and simply flopped face down onto the bed in the inn they were staying at. Jaskier drew close, hesitantly hovering at his side, one hand extended. "May I?" he asked quietly.
The bard patiently waited for his grunt of approval, before hauling him upright, deftly unbuckling his armour and putting it away. Geralt was half asleep during the whole process, leaning his forehead against Jaskier's shoulder, while fighting the urge to pull him close.
The bard is a touchy one, and although that seemed odd and startled Geralt in the beginning, it now is the most natural thing in the world. Because the thing is, the bard isn't necessarily a touchy one. He is a spacey one. Comes with the profession, he guesses.
Wherever Jaskier goes, he brings a stage with him, announcing his presence with loud songs and colours as well as grand gestures, uncaring for other people's opinions. It is only natural, that with every other spread of his arms he brushes against someone. And it's also mostly natural that, as his travelling companion, those touches mostly reach Geralt.
Just as natural as touching him in return. In fact, it is the most natural thing in the world. There is seldom a moment when the bard isn't touching him, be it a hand on his forearm, an elbow nudging his side, or his dirty feet in his lap. And it isn't as if the bard is the only one to initiate that kind of intimacy. Geralt delights in throwing an arm around his friend's shoulder, steadying him with a reassuring hand on his back after he had too much to drink, or wrestling him into a river. He especially delights in waking up cuddled close to his bard, their limbs and scents intertwining, both of them too lazy to start the day.
He can't remember when that had started, if he's quite honest. He thinks it was maybe five years after they first met, that they arrived at an inn tired and battered, as well as soaking wet from the thunderstorm outside only to discover that there was only one bed left.
After tucking the witcher into bed, the bard threatened to slip from his grasp. "Jaskier," Geralt slurred after a failed attempt to grab his wrist.
"Yes, dear witcher?"
"C'me 'ere." Geralt doesn't quite remember the motion accompanied by his words, too much asleep for that already, but according to Jaskier he made 'grabby hands'. Despite that embarrassing escapade, the bard beamed and indulged him, slipping into the single bed next to him and cradling him tight to his chest. Geralt never slept so soundly in his entire life.
 He thought that he would mind, if he is honest. He never liked anyone invading his space before, and Jaskier is nothing if not invading. It took them a bit to establish some boundaries, to find out what made the other snarl and pull back or vanish come morning. Geralt doesn't like his potions to be messed with and Jaskier is very protective of his notebook. Geralt prefers to be cuddled instead of doing the cuddling part and Jaskier allows no hands from his hips to his knees, although he doesn't mind waking up with Geralt draped over him from chest to toe.
Other taboos soon soften until they are abandoned completely. Like the bag-sharing ban, for example, or clothes. In the first few months of cuddles and touches, Jaskier enacted his strict shirts-and-pants-required-policy with vigour, only to be the one to ultimately forego it. Geralt still smiles at the memory.
It was an especially hot summer, maybe a decade into their acquaintance and Geralt just wrestled the bard into a clear creek. They were sodding wet, Jaskier huffing indignantly, in nothing but their smallclothes, too lazy to dry off if the sun was about to do the work anyways. Seeing him standing there, shaking his wet hair, his hands on his hips, did something funny to Geralt's stomach. As if it dropped and lifted at the same time.
Before knew what he was doing, he tossed Jaskier his clothes. "Get dressed," he ordered gruffly and spread his arms, "and come here."
Jaskier looked at the garments in his hands and sneered. "Oh, fuck no," he spat out. "You want a hug, Geralt of Rivia?" He threw the dirty clothes back at him and spread his arms. "Come and get it."
Geralt let them hit him. Although that also might have been the shock of Jaskier so readily abolishing his most adamant requirement. "You sure?"
"Yes, I'm bloody sure, you daft witcher. Now come here before I dry and start melting again."
Geralt has never been so quick to comply to a request. He lunged to tackle Jaskier to the ground, happily sprawling across him until they were both sweaty again. He was shoved off unceremoniously and then coerced into another bath in the river.
That night they didn't bother to get dressed either. Not when setting up their camp next to the creek, not when Jaskier got out his lute, not when Geralt started cooking their dinner. Certainly not when going to sleep.
Maybe it ought to feel weird. It's a weird thing to embrace your friend like a lover, is it not? It didn't, though. It doesn't. In fact, it feels like most natural thing in the world.
The bard is a touchy one. But that is not the reason why he is odd. The reason why he is odd, is his reaction to being touched in turn. He often startles and pulls away, just like Geralt has.
They are lying in bed one evening, entangled like they always are, Jaskier on Geralt's chest (the bard insisted they swap for once), Geralt carding his fingers through his bard's hair. There was a performance, earlier that day, and Jaskier made the acquaintance of a nice-looking gentleman. Geralt resigned himself already to the fact that he would go to bed alone that night.
But then, the man reached out to place a hand on Jaskier's knee. The bard froze up and a moment later he was plastered against his witcher's side, insisting they go to bed. It is a strange behaviour, although not the first time he has seen Jaskier react that way. The question burns on his tongue and, of course, Jaskier notices.
"What is it?"
Geralt tenses beneath him. Fifteen years and still not brave enough to ask. "Hm."
"Don't be daft," the bard chides, "we both know something's on your mind. Out with it."
There's no evading a determined bard, Geralt discovered that a long time ago. "You... don't like to be touched," he notices. Which is an odd thing to say to the half-naked man sprawled across his chest, with his ankles hooked around his calves. But they are odd people and an odd pair, so that's neither here nor there.
He is quiet for a long time. Such a long time, in fact, that Geralt feels the need to check with a quiet "Jaskier?" if he hasn't fallen asleep.
"Hm," the bard replies quietly. "That's not strictly true."
"Not strictly untrue either."
Jaskier sighs with a resignation of a man who knows he cannot hide, but doesn't particularly want too either. Still, it takes him a long time to reply: "I don't mind the touching. I... am not a great fan of what comes after."
Geralt freezes, his fingers tangled in Jaskier's hair, trying and failing to decipher that statement. "What comes after?"
"Oh, you know..." Jaskier makes a very illustrative gesture.
"Ah." Yes, he knows what comes after. He is, in fact, a great fan of what comes after. "You mean you don't like men?"
"Oh no, don't get me wrong. I like men and women well enough, just... not in my bed."
He frowns and looks down again at the man sprawled across his chest who must surely notice his heart beating rapidly. "Jaskier..."
"I'm in your bed."
"Yes, I know, but that's different. I don't like them naked in my bed."
"Jaskier," he says again, glancing down at their almost naked bodies pressed together.
"Oh, shut up, you great oaf," he hisses and grins. "You know what I mean. And you're... different."
"Hm. Why?"
"I don't know." Jaskier sighs and pushes his hair out of his face. "You just are. Never tried to shove your dick into me, for starters. Or tried to coax me to shove my dick into you."
He shrugs. "Never thought you'd be interested."
"I'm not. Are you?"
He shrugs again. "Does it matter, if you aren't?"
"I guess it doesn't. Still, are you?"
"Jaskier," he chides softly and does his best not to squirm under his inquisitive gaze. But the bard is unrelenting. Geralt sighs and raises his eyebrows as he answers. "You... are a very attractive man. I would gladly suck your cock, or let you suck mine, if you were so inclined. Seeing as you aren't... I would rather refrain from it, if it's all the same to you." He smiled and splayed his fingers over Jaskier's shoulder. "I assure you, not the most proficient cocksucking in the world could grant me greater bliss than I am in right now. There is nothing in the world that could persuade me to give up what we have, especially not something as insignificant as a roll in the hay."
"Oh." Jaskier's shoulders sag and for a moment Geralt fears he's said something wrong. But then a bright smile spreads on his bard's face that is mirrored by his own a moment later. "That's a relief. And thank you. I guess."
Geralt snorts, amused. "You're welcome." After a moment of silence, he adds: "Jaskier? You're different for me, too."
"I am?" The bard beams at him. "How so?"
He has to be exhausted. Or drunk. Or both. There is no other explanation for the next words that leave his mouth. "Because I love you," he hears himself say, to his own mortification.
But Jaskier just smiles and closes his eyes. "Oh," he breathes and languidly squirms closer, like a cat basking in the sun. Then, after a mortifying moment that feels like an eternity, with Geralt's heart thundering in his chest, he replies: "I love you, too, Geralt of Rivia."
He breathes out, relieved, and opts for holding his bard tighter. That's always a good option. It just feels right to share their space and share their silence. Natural. 
He's not sure how long the quiet lasts before, for once, he's the one to break it: "Are we lovers?" Geralt asks suddenly, the question that has been occupying his mind for the past few minutes.
Jaskier sleepily blinks up at him. "Do you want us to be? I'm sure you could find a person better—"
"No, I don't think so," he interrupts him without hesitating.
Jaskier smiles again and it's a sweet expression, one that makes his heart speed up and his face go soft. "If we were lovers, Geralt...," he says after a while, "what would that mean for us?"
"You mean, what would change?"
"Hm." He gives him a long glance. "You said you are averse to naked people in your bed."
"I am," Jaskier confirms. 
"Are you also averse to clothed people kissing you?"
Geralt feels stupid while asking it. Apparently, it is very stupid, for Jaskier immediately starts laughing. "No, my dear," he replies after having calmed down, "I am not averse to clothed people kissing me."
"In that case, I would like to kiss you from time to time."
"Like when?" Jaskier props himself up on an elbow and his lips curl into a different smile, one that's more teasing, more flirtatious than the soft expression before.
"Like now," he says before he can change his mind. 
Jaskier hums and reaches out slowly, so that he cups Geralt's face with his hand, tracing his cheekbone with his thumb. Then, he leans in, just as slowly, and presses his lips to the witcher's in a sweet kiss. 
"Good?" Geralt asks when he pulls away.
"Good," Jaskier confirms. 
"Good." He allows himself to smile as well, bright and unguarded like his bard taught him, and pulls him against his chest again. Once they're settled, he says, feeling a little silly: "I suppose I would also like a love poem or two, master poet."
"Oh, Geralt." Jaskier smooths a hand down his side and feels around until he finds Geralt's hand and can interlace their fingers. "Are you so daft as not to realise that each and every one of my poems for you's a love poem?" he mumbles and presses a kiss to his knuckles.
Warmth spreads in his chest again and he smiles. "I had hoped," he replies and returns the gesture, "but I did not dare to presume." After a moment he adds: "Thank you."
"Always, love," Jaskier replies. "Now go to sleep. I'm knackered."
Feeling relieved and relaxed, holding his bard—his lover!— close, Geralt does.
The bard is a touchy one. And an odd one, although not for his relationship to touches. He's an odd one for loving a witcher. But said witcher is an odd and touchy one as well, so it's alright. In fact, it is the most natural thing in the world.
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4aloysius-porteu · 4 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | 1 | 2 | chapter 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed.
genre: fanfiction, fluff
wc: 2.6k
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She has met the tall, blonde, and bespectacled male yet again.
"Oh, the midget stalker is here."
"You again?! Seriously, I think it's you who's following me!"
"Hah, what do I get from following an extremely short person like you?" He said, borrowing her words from yesterday.
(Y/N)'s eyebrows creased further in irritation. "Why do you keep mentioning my height?!"
"It was you who started it. Anyways, can you shut up? Do you know that you're in a library?"
She didn't retort back and simply sat on the chair with her arms crossed. It was a fine day then —BOOM— this giant decided to appear out of nowhere. She was trying to forget this person who's associated with some of her embarrassing moments but those just got smashed back to her mind. (Y/N) sighed and pulled a book at the bottom of the stack to start reading, but noticed that the blondie is still standing near the edge of the table, hesitating to sit down while glancing somewhere and back to her.
"What?" (Y/N) frowned.
"Why am I unnecessarily stuck with you on this table?" He sighed, pulling out the chair.
"Because all of the tables here are taken? If you're worried about your glasses being knocked off, don't worry, I won't do anything reckless anymore."
"That's a nice reassurance," He settled down and brought out his studying materials.
Both of them shared the table in the crowded library. Ignoring the people, between them was a silent atmosphere. No one was talking as they both minded their own studies; he was reading quietly and turning pages of a huge book while (Y/N) wrote key points from the printed work and highlighting her notes. Sometimes, the other would leave to return books to their shelves and came back with new stacks. This went on for a few hours until her pen ran out of ink. She scribbled at the back of her notebook in hopes that the ink just got stuck, to no avail. She sighed, resting her head on the notebook. But she really needed to take down notes for her upcoming entrance exam.
"Hey." (Y/N) reluctantly said.
The blonde male looked at her, confirming if he's being called, "What?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your business but... do you have a spare pen?"
He stared at her with a straight face and placed his chin on the top of his knuckles, implying his refusal to lend one.
(Y/N)'s mentally gritted her teeth. I'm just going to borrow a pen and he's making it hard for me?!
Swallowing her pride, she said, "Look, I need to finish my notes. I'll return it to you right away when I'm done. I promise. Please?"
He scoffed as brought out a pen, "An inkless pen is all it takes for you to become a less lively puppy? You better keep your promise."
A puppy?! "You didn't need to compare me to a puppy but, thanks."
She continued her work but her focus was a bit shaken. This happens whenever she's interrupted or took a break away from writing. Soon, her focus vanished and boredom took over. She tried to read a book to review ideas but her brain won't cooperate. She groaned, her head and arms fell to the table again. The blonde saw but chose to ignore her.
She closed her eyes for a second, however, her gaze fell to the blank paper in front of her face. Her hands are itching to do something other than reviewing and writing, so she put down the pen she borrowed and took a pencil out of her pocket. She placed a pile of books near her notebook so that the male won't notice what she's doing. There, she started to sketch the base of the figure.
She would observe the four-eyed guy who's busy reading some sort of article while taking notes. He has a calm expression on his face rather than an irritated scowl or a mocking grin he usually has. He wears a long blazer and probably a long-sleeved shirt inside. His blonde hair is short yet the edges are a bit curly and his upper eyelashes are prominently long. This was the first time she stared at the jerk's face who she kept bumping into random places that irked the hell out of her, but for some reason, she felt that she had seen this person before the accident in the park, albeit she doesn't know where. (Y/N) came to a conclusion; he was a little good-looking.
The girl looked back to her drawing and shook her head at her own ideas. I can't believe I actually thought that this guy is handsome. How can such a mean creature be blessed with such looks?! Ugh, don't mind, (Y/N). I'm only drawing him because he seems like a great canvas subject, it's not like I haven't done this to other people before...
She went on drawing and drew details to the sketch similar to the boy in front of her. To make the drawing more accurate, she stole small glances at him. She kept things low key because it'll be another embarrassing event if he found out what she's doing. She made the lines smoother in one swift move. The hair and clothes' folds are already well-drawn while she focuses on the detail of his eyes and glasses. She was about to shade when the male finally caught her.
"What is it?" He questioned, closing his book with a low voice and creased eyebrows.
(Y/N) froze on the spot. As much as she doesn't like it, she maintained eye contact with him, thinking of the best alibi that he couldn't argue with. Then, she remembered that she doesn't know his name.
"Uhm... nothing. I was just wondering if you have a name." While talking, her finger subtly moved to grab the nearest object it could get to cover her drawing.
"I have, but why would I mention it to you?" He cooly replied.
"It's alright. I'm not asking you to. Unless you want to be referred to as he/him or the tall, blonde glasses guy all the time?" (Y/N) countered.
He silently turned a page before answering, "Well, it's not like we'll meet every day."
"Oh," was her only reply. Looks like he will stay a nameless guy in her head for a long time. She was about to get back to her business when he spoke.
"Tsukishima Kei."
(Y/N) looked at him in surprise. "I'm not going to repeat it." He added.
She smiled, having clearly heard it right away. "Can you tell me how it is written?"
He looked at her to check for ill intentions but found nothing in her eyes. He hesitantly wrote the characters of his name on a piece of paper.
"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you again, Tsukishima-san." She'd like to initiate a handshake for peacemaking, but she knows how he'd only decline it. She wrote her name for him to see as well.
Tsukishima Kei. She repeated in her mind. What a nice name.
With a notebook covering the upper portion of the paper where she had drawn his portrait, she wrote his name at the bottom. She proceeded to the shading and background features. Backgrounds are one of the things she hates in art because it takes too long to draw one compared to the subject itself. Luckily it's only a sketch so she won't have to suffer. Although she doesn't know if Tsukishima had seen whatever she's doing so she's still cautious. She peered at him for the nth time so she could distract his peripheral vision. Maybe to test the social initiative skills she hasn't used for a long time too.
"Uhh, can I ask something?" She started.
"Hm?" He responded without taking his eyes off the page.
"What school are you from?"
"Amemaru Middle School."
(Y/N) hummed, thinking of another question, "Then, what school are you enrolling to? It must be an upper class one since you had to read those large books and all."
"Not really," Tsukishima closed the book, "I plan to go to Karasuno High School. They may not have a difficult entrance exam, but these readings are for decent grades and some stock knowledge."
"Decent grades, huh... you look like you could achieve more though. I'm pretty sure you'll ace it." She answered, "I was from Kitagawa Dai Ichi. I'm taking an exam in Shiratorizawa soon."
"You're going to that high-class academy? I see, I failed to notice that because you don't look like one. Have fun clashing with other elites there."
"Elites? What are you talking about, you still believe there's such a hierarchy?" (Y/N) chuckled.
"There is though. A gap between them and mere humans in terms of skills and power."
"In the end, they're still humans though. Be it numbers, hard work, or some unique strategy, those 'mere humans' you say will always struggle to step on equal levels with those on the highest rank."
Tsukishima only hummed and stared down at her, "Perhaps I was wrong on assuming you're an elite. You're clearly not."
"Are you underestimating me?" She challenged.
"No, I was just saying. Can I ask something though?"
"Why are you suddenly talkative?"
She was caught off guard but tried not to stutter, "Me? Talkative? I'm always like this."
"Really?" He raised his brows, totally not buying it.
"Ugh, fine! I'm tired of studying!" She sighed, "I was scribbling some doodles on my notebook because I'm bored so I thought it wouldn't hurt to talk to Mr. Beanpole in front of me. Forgive me and my awkward social skills."
"Your social skills are not bad. I'm just thankful you aren't using the precious ink of my pen for drawing." He said, stacking the books he used.
She gasped, panicked inside, "You aren't looking at my drawing, are you?"
He got up to return the books,"Don't worry, it's none of my business."
She exhaled in relief, spared from another memory of embarrassment. Her eyes followed his walking figure and watched his movements. She looked at her drawing to compare and used her fingers to define lighting. When Tsukishima got back and placed new reviewers on the table, (Y/N) asked him once more.
"Do you ever get tired of studying?"
"Sometimes I take a break, but I can only do that if I have finished everything."
"What a diligent student you are."
"I hardly see any benefit in being dumb and slacking off all the time."
"Eh, I hardly see any benefit in studying Algebra and Calculus. I have a lot of questions. Do you use derivatives in counting money or salary? Do you use trigonometry in dividing pizzas or corn chips? Why do I need to find the limit of a function if numbers are infinite? Why do I need to get the formula of a certain point in each line or curve I draw on the graphing paper? What is the correct answer for?" (Y/N) complained.
Tsukishima looked at her blankly, doubting her chances of passing the Shiratorizawa's board exam. "I couldn't argue with that, I'd rather read a book composed of words than formulas, but you don't have a choice. Although, if you plan to be an engineer or something, that'll be a different perspective."
"No, thanks, I won't eat math books for breakfast. Other subjects are interesting enough to keep me awake in class, but numbers don't really entertain me."
"Then, what do you do?" He asked, writing on his notes.
"Not much. I just draw, paint, listen to music, and watch anime."
He let out an amused hum, "How about you? What do you do other than to study?" (Y/N) asked.
"I play volleyball, listen to music, and read narrative books."
"Volleyball? So that's what your height is for! I thought it's just for cleaning and reaching high places."
"That's rude."
"If I am, what do you call yourself? Besides, I don't want to make wrong assumptions."
"You just did."
"...right. I'm sorry."
The sense of familiarity took over (Y/N)'s brain, telling her that she definitely had met this Tsukishima guy before. Her face scrunched a little, trying to search her memories and connect the dots. Her eyes found his face again.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" His eyes narrowed, his annoyance towards the girl slowly rising.
"I HAD met you somewhere... before that accident, where did I see you?"
He was about to say something when (Y/N) stopped him, "Shh, I'm thinking."
He crossed his arms and frowned at her. Volleyball, Amemaru MS... She was about to say it but Tsukishima spoke first.
"Were you one of the audience who watched the middle school volleyball inter-high a year ago?"
"I was! Wait, you remember?"
"That was the only place where I could find someone from Kitagawa Dai Ichi." He confirmed.
"Correct. I was a part of the school paper where I was assigned in the sports category. I took a picture of you when my senior was interviewing you! You were the tallest middle blocker in the games! How could I forget that! So that's why whenever you irk me, it was familiar!"
"How am I annoying you? Aren't you the one who kept on talking right now?"
"I've figured out that there's no kind bone in you. And the way you keep on stuffing the spikes from the opposite team. It was never-ending that they didn't have a chance to score properly." She pouted.
"What do you expect from a middle blocker? It was my job to block spikes."
"You could've gone easy on them."
"The game would lose it's sense if that's the case."
"Fine. You're not wrong." Their conversation was cut short after she ceased talking. At least she found out where she first met Tsukishima. She finished the portrait sketch. Grinning, she believed that she captured his features accurately in her drawing. She'd like to hold it near him and compare to make sure though. Satisfied with her work, she went back on turning pages.
"So, you've finally decided to continue to study?" Tsukishima prodded.
She smiled, "I guess. Thank you for talking to me. That was a great stop."
Both of them worked quietly, but now, the irritation they felt towards each other lessened. After some time, a person in the speaker announced that the library will be closing before 6 pm. Tsukishima returned all the books he borrowed and packed his things.
"You're going home?"
"I don't want to come home late. You aren't finished with your notes yet?"
"Yeah, maybe I'll leave five minutes before six."
"Alright. I'll get going now." He swung his bag over his shoulder.
"Hey, wait! Your pen!" (Y/N) abruptly remembered seconds after.
"I don't need it anymore. It was useful, apart from its close on running out of ink."
"But it's yours and you told me to keep my promise!"
"Whatever. Keep it or throw it." He walked out and wore his headphones, having no intention to listen to anyone.
She sighed and checked the ink. More than half of it is gone, but she can use it again if she wishes. (Y/N) placed her fist to her cheek while writing.
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Random Tsukishima Kei facts:
In the second prototype chapter (unserialized, one shot, the first idea of the author on how haikyuu will go) Tsukishima was a second-year, which was changed in the serialized version where he's a first-year. His initial height in the prototype chapter is 184cm, a little shorter than his official height (190.1cm). In an extra sketch, Furudate commented, "Tsukki and Tanaka being in the same year would spell chaos!
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law. 
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bisexual-inuyasha · 3 years
The Hook
Chapter 2: Getting to Know You
Prompt: “I shouldn’t be here.” “Well you are. Don’t even think about leaving.”
The next morning, Ling woke up alone. Ed had reminded him Al expected him back. And besides, Ling was all talk. He could kiss Edward Elric but anything more would have to wait until he dealt with his suitor situation. It wasn’t cheating, he knew. But that didn’t mean it was right.
Was he a suitor when he never bothered to ask? Ling’s eyes were itchy with lack of sleep. His cheek tingled from where he’d slept on it. God, mornings sucked. Especially early mornings after a late night.
Even still… he smiled. Last night had not been a total waste. He wrapped his fingers around something warm and smooth, something that had rested against his curled stomach through the night.
“Young Lord, I’ve brought you a snack before your meeting. You barely ate yesterday, so I brought extra.” Lan Fan’s voice carried through the doorway, especially loud. “Do you need anything to drink?”
“He’s gone, Lan Fan.” Ling sighed, sitting up. He was decidedly less dressed than when he’d gone to his rooms. By the time Ed left he was too tired to shrug into his sleep clothes. He’d been missing a shirt and his pants had already been half off. He’d just stripped into his undies and fallen asleep under a mountain of blankets.
“What’s that?” Lan Fan sat across from him, her legs crossed and posture careful. “A gift?”
“You could say that.”
It was only a small cat figure, crudely carved from a soft wood Ling had never gotten around to figuring out on his own.
“It’s. Um, cute?”
It wasn’t. It looked awful. Edward wasn’t artistically inclined in that way. Ling couldn’t care less. “Thank you.”
“Speaking of gifts, you’ve got another. It arrived this morning.” Lan Fan took a bite of Ling’s food. “You should eat.”
“What was the gift?” Ling scooped up a mouthful of rice. “Who was it from?”
“Not Edward Elric.” Lan Fan spoke around her food. “The other man you’re supposed to be involved with.”
Ling’s throat felt dry. He coughed. “We’ve certainly not been meant to be involved yet, Lan Fan. That won’t happen for another month. You know there’s quite a long engagement process in Xing.”
“Yes, Sire. I’m aware.” She closed her eyes. He watched as she considered for a moment. “When you are ready for my opinion I will be sure to give it.”
Irritation flared through Ling but he let it pass. Lan Fan was always free to give her opinion. The only thing putting him off was that he knew what her opinion was. And that she was right. He took a deep breath and pushed a smile onto his face. “I await the day.”
Today was not like the last two. He had so much to do. It was not like his engagement meant the kingdom stopped running. And his hands-on approach to ruling meant he couldn’t shove many duties onto his advisors and court. He was entangled in all of the decisions, from clan relations to trade negotiations. He had all the details and all the paperwork.
So he dragged himself up, splashing cool water on his face. Lan Fan raised an eyebrow at his undress.
“It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before.”
“No, that’s true. I used to kick your ass when you’d wake up half naked after getting mugged in the Hua clans.”
“I wish you wouldn’t remind me of starving days.” Ling put on a pouty face. “Don’t you know you’re supposed to respect me now, Lan Fan? I’m working hard as emperor.”
“I have the utmost respect for you, Sire.” She smiled at him, and it was genuine. She wasn’t too angry at him, then. “I just want you to be careful. You are walking in a thin place. The thin places are difficult to keep you safe in.”
“You don’t have to protect me from everything, Lan Fan.” He gathered up his robes. With a celebration came the expectation of finery. “Though if you want to help me into this ridiculous outfit, I’d appreciate it.”
She did, and by the time his first round of consultation was to start, he was fully dressed. His hair was pulled back today, in the proper style. He arranged his expression into an indifferent coolness.
“Don’t forget, Sire. You’ve got the matter of the gift to deal with.”
His stomach clenched. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget it.”
When she wasn’t looking, Ling snuck the little cat into his pocket.
The mysterious suitor’s gift was on his mind through the whole morning. As his constituents asked about the borders of their fields and the negotiation, he ran his thumb over the figurine in his pocket and tried not to look towards the table where the gift waited for him.
A maze of questions and conflicts and negotiations later, he was being led to the gift. A no stuck in his throat. Refusal built like a physical pressure in his chest. The urge to leave was so strong his hands shook with it.
His advisors were clueless. And of all the days, Lan Fan was busy with other affairs. She wasn’t even in the palace. For the first time since he was inaugurated, a clammy sweat broke over his forehead.
He stood at the box. He didn’t care what was in it. It wouldn’t change his mind, whatever it was.
But accepting the gift was a furthering. For every step into Xingese tradition he took, the expectation he would follow through grew. Maybe this is why he just stood, staring at the box, for several minutes.
The longer he took, the heavier the silence around him grew.
Low rumbling started in the back of the crowd. A few people grumbled and a couple shouted as someone aggressively, and rudely, shoved their way through.
Ed pushed his way near the front, a notebook in his hand, his metal fingers clasped around a pen. Ling heard him shout over the thin wall of people ahead of him. “Well, get on with it. How else are any of us supposed to know what’s in it?”
Ling laughed. He pulled the fabric wrapping from the box. It was a nice enough fabric. From far away, the cloth had just looked like a boring eggwhite, but up close he could see damasked swirls twisting around the corners. The box was equally almost boring--cream, slightly darker, with a line of gold around the opening. His expectations were low.
And good thing.
The gift was a simple, expensive shaving set. Ling felt like this was something Fu would have enjoyed. However, he, with his lack of facial hair and attachment to his other bodily hair, had no use for it. He quirked a brow, put the nice, ivory handled blade back into the oversized box beside the crystal container of what he could only assume was cologne. Maybe?
A single boom of laughter sounded from the general vicinity of Ed, but no one else seemed to think anything of the gift. And then, to his horror, one of his advisors cleared their throat.
“For when he is here, Sire. To shave your husband.”
Ling carefully closed the box. He was trying, and failing, to look nonchalant.
“Sire, should we respond with a gift in kind?”
Ling ground his teeth. “I will be in my room, crafting a response for my… suitor.”
He’d chosen the word specifically for its connotation of uncertainty. A suitor has not been accepted yet. The advisors all glared, and a few of the crowd closest to him gasped. He could feel the burning in his cheeks. Anger, embarrassment, and maybe a smidge of disappointment flooded his thoughts. He needed to be out of here.
Murmuring grew behind him, growing to a small roar as the heavy doors to the court closed behind him.
It was hard to stomp through all his layers but he did his best.
The kitchens were busy when he arrived. Lan Fan was elbow deep in a bowl of dumpling filling. She took one look at his face and picked up the bowl to move towards him.
“We should go, Sire,” she finished kneading the ingredients together and dumped the bowl into the arms of another kitchenhand. “Your face may frighten the staff.”
He shuttered his expression, pushing the emotions and thoughts deep inside until he could be somewhere private. It was not easy, and from Lan Fan’s face he could tell he was not fully successful. He tried, though, and that was the best he could do.
“It was bad?” Lan Fan spoke under her breath while she washed her hands.
He couldn’t speak on it. It was insulting, actually. The kind of gift given to a stranger. But worse so, because it was a gift truly meant for the gifter--a gift of expectation. A note that said one day, he expected Ling to serve him.
He did not become Emperor to serve over-confident old men.
The thought made him bristle. His face contorted into a sneer, despite his best efforts to keep a neutral expression. He turned away, so that only Lan Fan could see him. “It is best discussed somewhere else.”
She didn’t respond, only dried her hands and hurried from the room. Ling followed, though he could only go so fast without tripping over the length of his robes. The hindrance was especially frustrating, and even more so because he wanted to move. To push himself, quicken his steps and his body until he couldn’t hardly breathe.
He already didn’t want to do this.
He had a growing list of reasons to refuse.
Except there was a reason he accepted in the first place.
It was enough to fuel the fire inside him higher, until he was nearly bursting at the seams in his shuffling pace.
Finally, they were in an empty room. A quick glance around told him it was an empty washroom, and if not for Lan Fan’s very blatant disinterest in men, they may have been in trouble. As it was, she only slammed the door closed (a cathartic sound, though it did nothing for his thrumming body.) When she turned towards him, there was only concern. He hadn’t realized he’d expected anything less. But now, some tightness around his lungs loosened.
He’d been expecting a reprimand.
“What was the gift?” She started pulling his robes off of him.
Briefly, he wondered if this was unusual. The thought left his mind as soon as it crossed. He shifted his shoulders to help her remove the uppermost layer. “It was a shaving set.”
“Hm?” She moved to his front, untying a sash. “But you don’t have any facial hair.”
“It wasn’t for me to use myself.” Ling’s hands shook again. “Hua explained. It was for me to use, on him.”
Lan Fan’s fingers fumbled on the sash. “That doesn’t make sense, Sire.”
“It was meant as exactly what it was.” Ling stepped back and finished undoing the sash to his underrobe himself. “A notification of expectation. A signal that he wants me to be a doting husband.”
“I can see how in some twisted way that makes sense.” Lan Fan frowned. “Though he must be aware it doesn’t give a good impression.”
“He doesn’t think he has to care. He offered his hand in marriage without knowing me, Lan Fan. He wasn’t taking me into account at all. He wants Xing.”
“No.” She sat on an empty countertop. Her expression bothered him. “Not just Xing. He wants you, too. Sire.”
His skin felt raw. Only a few days ago, that may have been a relief. Now it was an irritation digging its way into his blood. “What makes you say that?”
“He’s been keeping tabs on you through the advisors. He has asked specifically after your health and happiness. The reports have been mixed, but he’s asked more than once.”
For a moment, Ling went cold. “Have any of them mentioned--”
“No. No mention of him. But the Amestrian does seem interested in you, specifically, Sire.” She frowned. “Though, I can say from your reaction to the gift that it’s a hopeless cause on his part.”
“What do I do?” He sat on the floor. At least a dozen tailors would be scandalized at his treatment of his clothing, but what did he care? Those same tailors complained every time he wore an outfit a second time.
“I cannot answer you, Ling. I’m sorry.” She smiled. “You should go to breakfast.”
“I’m not hungry.” He was too angry to feel hungry.
“Ed will be there. Surely, he will calm you down.” Lan Fan smiled. “Besides, you should at least try.”
Ling closed his eyes. “I’m not putting the robes back on.”
“You’ll scandalize us all, Sire.” But she was still smiling when she said it. “Please, at least keep your head around the boy.”
Ling blushed. He left, tired and still irritated.
He ignored the stares of the others. Admittedly, his under robe and darkest, loosest pants were not the usual outfit for an emperor. It would take until tomorrow for the rumors to reach outside the kingdom. And when they did, he’d solidify them with his announcement of withdrawal from the marriage.
What had Ed called it?
A soft rebellion.
He sat, heavily, in his seat at the top of the table. Ed and Al sat near him, like they had the night before. Soon, this would become noticeable. Soon, he’d have to deal with all of the fallout from there. Right now though…
“I like your new look.” Ed tapped his fingers on his glass, taking a deep drink. He stared Ling down, questioning. “It’s certainly to stir up some talk around here. Especially with how you stormed out earlier.”
“Surprised you noticed over all your laughter.” Ling stretched in his seat. The dining hall was chilly as the flame of his anger started to wane. “Al, you wouldn’t believe how loud your asshole of a brother laughed at me in my own court.”
“I’m sure he didn’t laugh half as loud as he snored.” Al contemplated, rubbing their chin. “Though I guess he didn’t do much snoring in your room last night.”
Ed and Ling both squawked a protest but Al just snorted.
“I gotta say, though. Your kitchen knows how to make a roast quail that just melts.” Al took a bite, a nibble really, and savored it.
“Al’s a bit of a foodie. In fact, I don’t think they’ve ever enjoyed a place we’ve visited as much. They go on and on about the food here in the room. Do you know how much I had to hear about the sugared sweet potatoes? That was a half hour rant at least.”
“They were good! And one of the cooks said she’d share her recipe with me.” Al’s eyes narrowed, a slow and innocent smile spreading across their face. “Besides, it’s not like I haven’t had to hear--”
“Ha! An-any way.” Ed waved his arm, the shine glinting with the bright lights of the room.
Ling caught the metal fingers in his, and Ed’s face lit up like a cherry sparkler. “Did you polish this?”
“Uh…” Ed’s mouth fell open as Ling openly observed the newly cleaned screws and gleaming plates. “Well, yeah. I mean, if I’m going to be modelling for an emperor, I figured it best be up to emperor’s standards.”
“Silly Edward.” Ling pulled the hand towards his face, checking the wear and tarnish. The scuff was still noticeable at the thumb, bits of unreachable fade peeking out from beneath overlapping metal. “I like your hands either way.”
Al coughed. “People are going to notice if you guys keep all that up.”
Ling dropped Ed’s hand and turned to his food. “So you say the quail is good?”
His appetite did return. He ate steadily through baked quail, quail egg dotted rice, taro starch candies, fried squash blossoms, sweet tomato filled dumplings. Occasionally Al would ask about a dish and he’d explain whatever he knew--not usually very much--and they’d write down a few notes to ask about later. And occasionally, he’d glance over to see Ed, a wide grin on his face, eyes alight, cheeks still tinged pink, and his heart would stutter.
This was the feeling he’d dreamed of as a kid. This excitement buzzing through him whenever he looked at Ed. The easy comradery between himself and the two brothers.
Ling leaned over, keeping his voice quiet and his body language inconspicuous. Al didn’t even look up.
“Let’s meet up where we met the first time, tonight.”
Ed nodded, and they continued through their meal until Ling had to excuse himself.
If Ed’s face turned a deeper shade of red, Al didn’t mention it.
As much as Ling was enjoying his scandalous outfit, he couldn’t justify doing any more official work in it. He changed into a simpler, less heavy version of the outfit he wore that morning. He hadn’t seen Lan Fan at breakfast. He assumed she had a good reason for wherever she was. Still. He wanted to tell her he’d made up his mind.
He toured through the city, overseeing repair projects and brokering deals between bickering businesses. The people weren’t quite sure what to do with him. And he was still learning exactly how to be what they expected of him. His advisors had tried to shepherd him into similes of past emperors. He chafed under their pressures as they tried to fill a shell they’d formed for him. The worst times were when they could cite legitimate reasons for their herding.
For example, he was exposed and in danger while out in the towns. So therefore, they must be able to have him well guarded. This very logical set of observations was followed with therefore every step he made had to be very meticulously timed and prescreened. Theoretically, he would spend only a small allotted time at each job, and no more.
One thing was always true, no matter how meticulously planned his outings. Each job multiplied. If he showed up to discuss the demarcation of a farming plot, the result would mean that already grown crops would have to be divided. Inevitably, a dispute would have to be settled. Then, as is only polite when you’ve just told at least one person they’ve less crops than they thought they did, he’d sit for a tea.
Today he didn’t get to lunch. Or back for another round of celebrations. And this was the way it always went, for any of his days he spent out with the people.
It was his favorite part of the job.
By the time he returned to the palace he was exhausted deep in his very bones. The robes, lighter he’d thought than the earlier ones, weighed him down. And still, he had dinner to go through. And the aftermath of this morning to handle. He wanted to sleep.
Then, he remembered.
He had a meeting. After dinner.
His steps still dragged, but a little less.
He made his way to his room and collapsed in his bed.
Only to jump up a moment later, shouting. “What the hell?”
A body wiggled under his covers. Fighting his way from a mountain of plush blankets, Ed’s head popped up. “Oh, you’re back. You were supposed to be back hours ago.”
A soft smile lit his face despite the heaviness of his limbs. “I can’t half ass a job with the people. They’d never forget and the bitching wouldn’t end for years. Probably until I died.”
“Even during your engagement?”
Ling scoffed. “Don’t play with me. You and I both know that’s a sham.”
“You sure?” Ed hugged the covers to his chest. Ling thought it was awfully cheeky that the Amestrian could sleep in his bed, wake up, and immediately start asking prying questions. Maybe he should have been bothered. Instead he was mildly impressed.
“Am I sure that the supposed suitor of mine who I’ve never met, who has no reason to have any interest in a decades younger new emperor in a country with an assassin problem, is nothing more than a sham of political leverage?” Ling slid his top off. He’d put it back on before dinner. But now, he needed to be lighter.
“Leverage? And what does that mean, for you?”
This conversation was a heavy one. Heavier than the exhaustion in his bones. Heavier than the robe he’d allowed to slide onto the floor. Heavier still than the thoughts that had been running through his head all day. “Do you know how I became Emperor?”
Ed frowned. “You fought your way through the other heirs, made alliances, made deals. That’s how every Xingese emperor ascends, right?”
“No. I’d have never been able to fight my way through 43 heirs.” Ling rubbed his eyes. “Promises. I made promises to those I didn’t need to fight my way through. Promises that their clan wouldn’t starve. Promises that I wouldn’t mercilessly kill those clans whose heirs I did have to fight through.”
“Sounds better.” Ed smiled. Ling didn’t.
“If I promised you, right now, that I would fix Amestris for you. That utilizing my marriage to your ruler, I would root out and destroy the corruption that causes Amestris to spread into neighboring countries like a virus. How would you feel?”
Ed’s face shifted, first to anger then to thoughtfulness, before finally landing on doubt. “How could you, even if you did marry him? Amestrians aren’t trusting. They’ve been in war after war--”
“Exactly. And yet, with the resources of Xing, the possibility arises that I could. And this is the possibility I’m faced with. Right now, I’m new, and my rule is based on promises that are thin until I fulfill them. And some of them will only be fulfilled when I die and haven’t killed off the opposing clans. When people aren’t used to honesty, believing in good things will become impossible.” Ling sat on the bed, pushed aside the covers. Ed was still dressed in this morning's clothes. As any normal person would be, Ling decided. “Having a strong military force behind my decrees would go a long way to making people take me seriously.”
“Sounds cowardly to me.” Ed crossed his arms. Ling was going to have to reign this conversation in, or he’d get no sleep before dinner.
“Yes, cowardly,” Ling wrapped his arms around Ed’s waist. “I’m certainly cowardly enough, but maybe not enough for this.”
Ed fought back his grin, but to no avail. “Well, I can’t believe I was lured all the way to the palace under false pretenses.”
“You mean you don’t want to become my mistress?” Ling placed a kiss against Ed’s throat. He wouldn’t usually be so forward, but he had found Ed in his bed.
“Don’t think I’ve got the legs.”
“I wouldn’t ask you to anyway.” And then Ling pulled Ed down, curled around the small statured boy, and fell asleep.
This way, exactly, was how Lan Fan found them. Ed, lying awake in Ling’s arms, and Ling, deep asleep.
“He seems relaxed.” Lan Fan shut the door quietly behind her. “This is good. I wanted to talk to you privately anyway.”
Ed sputtered. “He’s right here, it’s not like we’re alone.”
Lan Fan gave him a deadpan stare. Then she opened her mouth, talking loudly. “Ling! Oh, Ling, it’s an emergency, Ed is cutting off my leg with his automail arm. He’s going to kill me Ling, watch out!”
Ed gaped, waving his free hand in her direction. “Stop it stop it stop it! What are you doing?”
But Ling didn’t wake up. He only snuggled deeper into Ed’s chest, wrapped his arms tighter around Ed’s waist, and hummed contentedly.
“So, as I was saying.” Lan Fan on Ling’s desk, glancing through some of his pictures. “You came here before he got back. Before lunch. You must be hungry.”
“Starving, actually.”
“Careful, he’s got to be starving too.” She rested her chin on her hand, staring him down. “He’s been known to nibble in his sleep.”
“You two are close, yeah?”
“What are your intentions with the Emperor of Xing?” She uncrossed her leg, hopping down from the work desk. “How can I trust you?”
“We had an interesting conversation about trust earlier.” Ed looked up to the ceiling. “I don’t have any intentions, to be honest. I barely know him.”
Lan Fan was at the edge of the bed now. He could feel her cool touch on his leg, a threat more than a comfort. “That’s not a very comforting answer, considering what’s on the line.”
“You couldn’t very well trust me if I lied to you, could you?” Ed swallowed. “I like him. I have since I saw him half-passed out in the garden. He was so far gone he couldn’t stand, and he thought the flowers were stars.”
“It’s hard to understand why you went out after him.” Lan Fan’s grip on his leg tightened. “I had assumed he wanted to be alone. Why didn’t you?”
“I--” Ed hesitated. How much did he want to tell her? “I’ve had that look on my face before. The one he had when he went outside. I hadn’t wanted to be alone, then.”
“So you just took a chance? Followed a hunch?” She sat on the bed. Ling shifted beside him. “And then stayed out there with him, until we found you.”
“He doesn’t remember that part, I think.” Ed spread his fingers over Ling’s arm. “He asked me to lay with him. I didn’t want to disappoint him.”
“You really don’t want anything from him, do you?”
“Just a chance.” Ed turned his face into Ling’s hair. “A chance to get to know him.”
“He wants you to.” Lan Fan sighed. “It’s time to get ready for dinner, now.”
“Right.” Ed ran his fingers through Ling’s hair, careful to keep the metal from tangling. “I should probably go. You probably wanted to talk to him, yeah?”
“I think it would be best.” Lan Fan didn’t move. “After all, it wouldn’t do for you two to arrive at dinner together, again.”
Ed moved carefully, lifting Ling’s arm and sliding out from beneath him. “He sleeps like a log.”
“Only after his visits to the people. It drains him but he loves it. He doesn’t do well sitting still.” She stood before Ed could reach the door, hand outstretched. “I think you’ll love him, before too long. I wish you good luck, Edward Elric. It is no easy task loving Ling Yao.”
He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t get me wrong. It’s worth it, every step.” Her hand hung in the air, waiting. “But he is emperor. And he doesn’t understand how important he is.”
“I make no promises.” He shook her hand and left, feeling somehow that he had made a vow, despite his claims.
Maybe he was already a lot deeper in than he thought.
They didn’t sit together at dinner this time. Ling was dressed in the robe he’d worn to town, only slightly rumpled, and smiling at everyone. A few people had attempted to ask him about his show over the gift this morning. He waved off their questions easily and changed the subject.
He’d even had one of the waiters sneak a baked taro bun over to Al, who had greedily devoured the whole thing. But he didn’t look at Ed.
Lan Fan stuck to his side, slyly moving him away from the less pleasant visitors. Ling pretended not to notice, but at one point he grew frustrated with a conversation, grabbed her around the waist, and did a circle around the room with her, ignoring any woh tried to talk to him. She laughed at him, and he ended up laughing with her. It was only a single round but it was enough to stir up the murmuring all over again.
The abrupt change had successfully signaled a change, however. The groups of people chattering needlessly started to break up into smaller groups, and music began playing. Ling watched as people stopped paying attention to him, concerning themselves with their own conversations.
He took a deep breath and sat down, rubbing his hands over his face. “God, that was becoming insufferable. I receive one shaving set and everyone has jokes and questions.”
“I think it’s more than that, Sire.” Lan Fan stretched. “Are you keeping your appointment?”
“A good emperor always does, right Lan Fan?” He grinned at her.
She squeezed his hand. “Just guard yourself, sire. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
He stuck his tongue out. “You’re always so serious. Never want to just have fun.”
“I have all sorts of fun when I’m with you, Sire.”
They both burst into giggles. He stood, brushing at the wrinkles on his top. “I’ve best get going. Ed disappeared quite a few minutes ago. He’ll be worried if I don’t show up soon.”
“Sire?” She tugged on his sleeve. “You do deserve to be happy. Don’t let any of us make you doubt that.”
A lump rose in his throat. “And is that your official opinion, Lan Fan?”
“That is always my opinion, Sire.”
He was still riding the high of knowing he’d be able to rely on Lan Fan, even if he made the selfish decision, even if he allowed his pride to rule just this once, when he made his way to the archway. Ed sat beneath, staring up at the tiny white flowers that dotted overhead.
“They do kind of look like stars, if you cross your eyes a bit.” Ed thumped back, stretching his arms above him.
“You’ll never reach them. They are the stars, after all.” Ling sat down and matched Ed’s pose.
“Do you remember asking to watch the stars with me?”
Ling shook his head. “No, I don’t. But I’d like to get the chance to try for real.”
“Well, that’s all up to you. I could always be your mistress.”
“You wouldn’t, you’re far too moral for that.” Ling hummed. “No, I’m going to call off the engagement. I can’t follow through with it.”
“Is this because of me? Don’t make a decision like that because of me. We just met, after all. What if we like different music or something?”
“Don’t worry. I’d probably have made this decision even if I hadn’t met you.” Probably. Maybe. Ling hoped he would have. “I’ve given up a lot to be Emperor. But I feel like this would be giving up more than I could actually bear.”
“I won’t argue with you.” Ed turned on his side. “I can’t say I wasn’t hoping.”
Ling opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a hand grabbing his arm. Lan Fan was here, and she’d obviously hurried.
“Lord, there’s been a development. We’ve just received word.”
Ling frowned, his brow pulling together. “What is it? Is everything ok?”
Lan Fan looked towards Ed, and then back to him. “Your fiance is heading here, to meet. He cites a misunderstanding as the cause, but I fear he may have learned of,” she made a vague gesture towards Ed. “Your extracurriculars.”
Ed’s face turned red again, a sight that would have usually sent Ling into cheery, warm feelings. But now his stomach felt it was digging its way into the dirt.
He would be meeting his suitor after all.
Ed grabbed his hand, already sitting up. "I shouldn't be here. People are bound to start showing up soon to congratulate you."
Ling didn't let go of Ed's hand as he moved to leave. "Well, you are. Don't even think about leaving me here."
Ed stopped, looking to Ling uncertain. "But--"
And so Ed stayed, waiting for Ling as advisors came to tell him he only had two days before the King of Amestris arrived.
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the drug, the dark, the light, the flame, Ch.XIV
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A brand new chapter of my work for this year’s @geraskierbigbang in collaboration with my favourite @gen-syz-art as my artist 💕
For as long as Geralt could remember, spending four days in bed had always sounded unthinkable.
Even in Kaer Morhen, during the long winters of the Blue Mountains, he could never even consider staying in bed for that long, only getting out to take a bath and change the sheets.
It had always seemed like an unnecessary luxury, a waste of time that could’ve been better spent.
But, like quite a few times before, he finds himself proven wrong by Jaskier.  
They stay in bed for half a week, talking, sleeping and doing just about anything they can think of to each other.
Jaskier ends up with countless marks of different colour and size all over his neck, chest and thighs, and Geralt has his back scratched raw, and it’s more than perfect.
They take longs baths together, unable to break away from each other for as much as a few minutes, and though Jaskier tries to keep Geralt’s hands away from the mark on his back, the witcher inevitably finds his way to it, making Jaskier gasp and arch his back at every touch.
He’s desperate to find out just how far he could take it before it gets too much but he waits patiently for the right moment.
Whenever Arthur or one of the housekeepers knocks on the door to bring them breakfast or dinner - or yet another pot of the neverending sweet tea - Jaskier makes them both hide under the covers, only eyes and noses left above them, and giggles when Geralt reaches out to get a grip on his bare thigh when no-one can see. In Jaskier’s words, he’s protecting their modesty but they both know that he’s just having fun.
That’s not to say that Geralt isn’t having his own kind of fun, of course.
Over the four days that they spend in bed together, neither of them gets dressed once, and the witcher uses that to his full advantage, mapping out Jaskier’s body with his hands and lips at every opportunity that he gets.
And when they do finally decide that it’s time to get out, he’s even more hopelessly in love than before.
“You just can’t keep your hands off me, can you, Witcher?” Jaskier murmurs, looking at him through the mirror as he does up the laces on his shirt and Geralt leaves his place on the bed to come closer and wrap his arms around him from the back.
He smells of dried herbs, vanilla and pomegranate. He also smells of pleasure, sex and Geralt.
It’s an intoxicating combination.
“You can always tell me to stop,” Geralt grins, nosing at the bard’s neck and pressing a kiss to one of the fresh marks.
He’s still completely naked while Jaskier is almost fully dressed, and the soft silk of his shirt feels nice against Geralt’s skin. Not as good as Jaskier’s warmth but he’s not complaining.
Jaskier responds with a soft pleased rumble from somewhere deep in his chest, and throws his head back, resting it on the witcher’s shoulder.
“We look good together,” he says after Geralt steals a kiss from his lips. “Especially like this.”
And Geralt can’t deny that they do.
He loves the contrast between them, loves the way Jaskier’s slender frame looks against his own, the way his perfect skin compares to the witcher’s scars. Loves the way Jaskier’s chestnut hair stands out against Geralt’s silver.
Jaskier turns around in his arms, running a gentle hand down Geralt’s cheek, and his eyes look so soft that it makes the witcher’s heart ache in his chest.
“You know,” he says, adjusting the lacing on Jaskier’s shirt. “The winter had only just begun but I could stay with you through all of it. If you’ll have me.”
He can feel Jaskier’s heart skip a beat.
“You don’t want to go home?” he asks, barely above a whisper.
Geralt hums and leaves the lacing alone, tipping Jaskier’s chin up to look at him.
“I want to be with you,” he says. “I miss my family but this winter, I want to be with you. And next year, we can go to Kaer Morhen together, hm?”
Jaskier averts his eyes, worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
“I’ll get you out of here by next winter,” the witcher says, cutting him off before Jaskier can remind him of the curse, and brushing a lock of hair out of his face. “I promise, Jask. we’ll find a way to break the curse, and we’ll be free to go anywhere we want.”
“Anywhere?” Jaskier echoes quietly, still hiding his eyes.
Geralt pulls him closer and leans in, leaving a warm, chaste kiss on the bard’s forehead.
“Anywhere,” he nods. “What about Toussaint, hm? How do you like wine and pretentious banquets?”
Jaskier laughs, though Geralt can still feel that familiar undertone of sadness in his scent, and catches the witcher’s lips in a quick kiss.
“Wine and pretentious banquets,” he smiles, leaning into Geralt’s touch with his entire body. “Sounds wonderful.”
It takes Geralt a little while to write a letter home.
He spends a few days thinking it over, looking for the right words, and when he finally sits down to put them on paper, he writes and then burns two letters before finally finding himself happy with what he’d written.
In the letter, he says that he won’t be coming home this year and that they shouldn’t be worried about him because he’s in a safe place. He says that Jaskier had forgiven him for leaving, and that if they want to know more about it, they should ask Eskel because he’s not going to spend the entire winter composing letters to Lambert just to satisfy his curiosity.
That part of the letter is easy.
But then he writes about the curse, asking for help with breaking it, and that is when it gets much harder. He tries to give as many details as he can while also trying to keep out the ones that he feels Jaskier wouldn’t want anyone else to know. It would’ve been easier to ask him but Geralt doesn’t want to bring the subject up when he can avoid it.
He’d seen enough of his tears.
After the first letter is folded and sealed, Geralt stays behind the desk, fidgeting with his medallion until he finally takes another piece of parchment and writes a second one, addressed only to Vesemir.
In that letter, he does go into more details, including the way Jaskier’s magic feels, and mentions, though briefly, that it’s so strong that it might not be as dependent on the curse as Jaskier thinks. It’s only a theory, of course, and maybe he’s just seeing what he wants to see, but it’s better if Veserim knows as much as Geralt can tell him. And there’s one more thing that he’s missing.
He sneaks a look at Jaskier who’s too busy with a new poem to notice, and his chest gets tight with just how much it makes him feel - seeing the bard so comfortable around him.
Geralt signs and folds the letter, putting it to the side to send out in the morning, and gets up from his place, crossing the room over to Jaskier where he’s half-lying on the settee, an open notebook in his lap.
“Can I ask you something?” Geralt says, sitting down on the floor next to him.
Jaskier looks up from his notes, and the witcher sighs affectionately at the smear of ink on his lower lip. As he reaches out to wipe it off, Jaskier dips his head, leaving a smudged kiss on the back of his hand, eyes shining with something that Geralt can only hope is a reflection of his own feelings.
“What is it, darling?”
Geralt chews on his lower lip for a moment, thinking about the best way to ask the question he’d been thinking about for the last five months.
And, well, there aren’t too many options.
“There’s a town a few hours away from here,” he finally says. “I stop there for the night whenever I’m making my way from the south. And when I was there back in summer, the innkeeper told me something that I’ve been meaning to ask you about.”
Jaskier cocks a brow at him, intrigued. Geralt takes a deep breath.
“The innkeeper told me that-- you’re a prince.”
The bard’s blue eyes widen in surprise and he parts his lips to say something but then decides against it, breaking into laughter.
The heat on Geralt’s chest quickly makes its way up to his face, and he averts his eyes, refusing to acknowledge the blush on his cheeks.
“And do you believe everything that innkeepers tell you?” Jaskier finally manages, reaching out to brush a silver lock out of Geralt’s face. “And what am I a prince of, if I may ask?”
“Redania,” Geralt mutters, still hiding his eyes even as Jaskier leans down to touch his lips to his cheekbone. “And it’s not just the innkeeper. The entire town thinks so. But clearly, they don’t know what they’re talking about.”
Jaskier tilts his head to one side, biting on his lower lip and runs his gaze over Geralt’s frame like he’s testing his limits.
“Did I say that they don’t?”
And that… gods, that just confuses Geralt even more.
He’d spent the last five months assured that Jaskier really is a prince of Redania, and even after learning that the mansion and everything inside is created by magic, that he’s trapped here because he’s cursed and not because he needs to be kept out of the public focus, it was the way Jaskier acted, dressed, talked that still made Geralt believe that he’s of royal blood.
“You won’t give a definitive answer, will you?” Geralt sighs, finally looking up at the bard.
Jaskier shakes his head with a conspiratory smile.
“I’m afraid I cannot, my love,” he murmurs, and the endearment makes Geralt’s heart skip a beat. “Stability of the kingdom might be at stake.”
Geralt rolls his eyes and, before Jaskier can protest, pulls him down from his settee and onto the floor, pinning him under his body. The bard gasps but his eyes snap up to meet Geralt’s immediately, holding his gaze.
“And what if I am what they say I am?” he grins, wrapping both arms around Geralt’s neck to keep him close. “Would it change anything - knowing that you’re sleeping with a prince?”
Geralt doesn’t tell him that that’s exactly what he thinks this relationship is, simply because Jaskier is already self-assured enough and he doesn’t want to give him that pleasure. Instead, he dips his head down to nip at the bard’s lower lip and then breaks away before Jaskier can pull him into a proper kiss.
“You’re not asking the right question,” he says, mirroring the bard’s grin. “Haven’t you been warned what witchers can do to fragile little princes?”
Jaskier’s eyes light up with mischievous interest.
“My memory must be failing me,” he says, slipping his fingers into Geralt’s hair and hooking a leg over the small of his back in a move that he’d had more than enough time to practice over the last week. “But I'm dying to know.”
Without allowing Jaskier to pull him into a kiss, Geralt finds his way to his neck, leaving an open-mouthed, possessive kiss right under the sharp of the bard’s jaw, and he barely even notices as he undoes the laces on the front of his shirt.
“Well,” he murmurs, a soft rumble to his voice as he intercepts both Jaskier’s wrists and pins them above his head. “Then let me show you.”
It’s much, much later that they get to their bed and finally settle in for the night.
Sated and content, Jaskier makes himself comfortable on Geralt’s chest, tracing slow circles onto it, and it’s just about everything that the witcher needs to feel like he’s where he’s supposed to be.
He leans down, touching a soft kiss to the top of Jaskier’s head, and smiles at the pleased little sound he gets in return.
The dogs are long asleep on the far end of the bed, and the room is pleasantly quiet, the silence disturbed only by the soft crackling of the wood in the fireplace and the wind outside. Winter in this part of Redania takes its hold fast, and behind the windows, everything is covered in a blanket of fresh snow.
It’s peaceful, even more so than in Kaer Morhen.
The keep always has something happening within it, be it endless repairs or even more endless trainings, there are chores and duties to wake up to every morning, and it can sometimes get obnoxiously loud; but here, in the mansion, Geralt can just… rest.
He can wake up every morning with Jaskier’s familiar warmth close to him, and then spend the entire day just stealing kisses from him on every occasion he gets only to then fall asleep at night with the bard’s weight against his chest.
It’s a little selfish, of course, and Geralt had never thought that he’d be happy like this, that this kind of life was ever meant for a witcher but gods, he loved him so much.
It almost hurt, just how hopelessly gone he was.
“You know,” Jaskier murmurs, brushing his thumb over a thin scar on Geralt’s chest and then lifting his medallion with his magic, making it hum violently. “There are times when I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
Geralt takes the medallion away from him and instead laces their fingers together, the soft tingle of magic sending a shiver down his back.
“Maybe you have,” he hums, bringing their linked hands up to his lips to touch a kiss to Jaskier’s knuckles and let him go. “Do you believe in past lives?”
Jaskier turns to rest his chin upon Geralt's chest, looking up at him from under his lashes. They’re both completely naked, and his warm skin feels perfect against the witcher’s as he settles right on top.
“I suppose,” he says after a pause. “Do you?”
Geralt isn’t sure if he believes in past lives. He’d never really thought about it but then again, he’d never thought he’d be in love with a man who - and now he’s even more sure of it - is a prince of Redania.
“Maybe,” he says finally, shrugging with one shoulder. “And if they are real, then maybe we knew each other in a life before this one.”
Jaskier smiles, seemingly pleased with the thought, and his magic gets stronger, snaking around his fingers in shifting colours of blue and purple, slithering up Geralt’s skin like painless flames, making him shiver.  
“I like the sound of that,” Jaskier murmurs, tilting his head to the side as his magic gets to Geralt’s hair, runs through it, making the witcher’s breath stutter. “A different life, but still with you.”
It feels almost the same way that it does when Jaskier runs his fingers through his hair but the magic gets right under his skin, brushes over his every nerve, and there’s nothing Geralt can do to suppress another shiver.
“A different life, but still with me,” he echoes, catching and holding Jaskier’s gaze. “Would you want that?”
Jaskier smiles.
“A different life?”
“A life with me.”
Geralt can feel his heart beating hard and fast in his chest. It’s just four words but they just might’ve required more courage from him than any hunt he’d ever been on.
Jaskier shifts, moving closer, and cups Geralt’s cheek with one hand, looking into his eyes before leaning in even more and kissing him, slowly and softly.
“I would,” he smiles as he breaks away, resting his forehead against Geralt’s, his hand still resting on the sharp of his jaw. “I would, darling.”
Geralt’s heart starts beating even faster, almost painfully, as he thinks over the words that he’d been meaning to say for weeks now. It’s absolutely horrifying, the thought alone, but if he’s being brave with his words, he might as well go all the way.
“Jask?--” he calls softly, keeping his eyes closed and catching the bard’s lips in one more kiss before finally letting go. “I love you.”
Jaskier’s breath catches, his heart skipping a beat in his chest, and he pulls back, looking Geralt in the eye for an endlessly long moment, searching for something, until finally his lips curl up into a smile and he surges forward, pulling Geralt into a heated, messy kiss.
“Gods, Geralt--” he whispers, their lips still touching, and kisses him again. “The things you do to me--”
Geralt can barely breathe as the bard finds his hand and brings it up to his chest, pressing it over his heart, breathing like a bird in a cage.
“Oh, my darling,” Jaskier runs his hands over Geralt’s face, catching his lips with his own again. “I love you more.”
A weight falls off Geralt’s chest, and the lightness that takes its place makes him feel lightheaded for a moment or two.
“Not possible,” he grins, wrapping his arms around Jaskier’s back and pulling him so close that he knows there are going to be bruises in the morning.
Jaskier gasps at the pressure on his ribs but then just laughs, finding Geralt’s lips without looking and rolling over to flip them both around, throwing his arms around Geralt’s neck, the smile never leaving his lips.
It’s a strange, new feeling for Geralt but he can’t deny how good it feels. How fast it makes his heart beat - knowing that Jaskier feels the same way.
“I wanted to tell you sooner,” he whispers in-between kisses, propping himself up on one elbow and running his free hand down Jaskier’s side. “I knew-- for a long time.”
Jaskier laughs, and the fire in the hearth flares up with his magic.
“For how long?” he asks.
Geralt breaks away from his lips and moves lower, to Jaskier’s collarbones, covered in his marks.
“Since that night you took me out into the gardens to see the stars,” he says. “But I only realised it after I talked to my brother in Novigrad. He was the first one to say it out loud, and once he did, everything just… fell into place.”
Rolling around on the bed, they wake up the dogs, and once they see the smile on Jaskier’s face, both Asra and Lucio take it as their cue to crawl closer and lick at his face, making the bard laugh and let go of Geralt, shielding himself with his arms.
Geralt doesn’t even think about helping him, just turns to fall onto his back beside Jaskier, and scrunches his nose when Asra picks him as her new target, getting drool all over him.
And this… makes him feel like he belongs.
Like for the first time in his life, he belongs somewhere other than Kaer Morhen. 
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megahwn · 4 years
Silver Galaxy
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x female reader
Genre: childhood friends to lovers
Word Count: 1,404
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language; talk of masturbation; ass grabbing; protected vaginal intercourse in public; squirting
Summary: You and Taehyung reminisce on your first meeting.
A/N: Written for Fics with Luv’s Bulletproof Bingo.
“Do you remember when we met?”
“Yeah, we were six and you pushed me against the fence in this park and you laughed.”
You can’t help but giggle. You had met Taehyung when he and his family moved into the house next to yours many years ago, when you were both too young to care about anything other than yourselves. You’ve grown a lot since then, you think.
“You laughed too!” you try to retort through your chuckles.
“Only because I had a crush on you,” Taehyung says easily.
You’re a little shocked by the composure with which Taehyung speaks about his feelings for you, even if they were in the past. At least, you think they were. He’s never mentioned having feelings, past or present, for you at any point throughout your friendship.
“We had only just met!” you say, mentally cursing yourself for sounding as surprised as you feel. Taehyung either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care.
“Yeah, well, you had an effect on me,” he says instead of acknowledging your surprise.
An effect? You suddenly find yourself wanting to know every detail of his crush on you back then. For some reason, though, you find yourself asking, “And now?”
You hear Taehyung sigh out before he speaks. “You still affect me. It might be more than a crush now.”
This is insane. “More?”
“Yeah. A lot more.”
You look down to the ground, where your shoe digs into the dirt below you. “How come you never said anything?”
“I didn’t want to end up losing you if you didn’t feel the same way.”
“You could never lose me,” you say sincerely. It’s true.
“But you don’t feel the same way.” You notice his voice has taken on a somber tone.
“I didn’t say that,” you assert.
“Then what are you saying?” Now his voice sounds just shy of hopeful.
“That sometimes I think about you when I’m... alone.”
You hear feet shuffling. “When you’re alone. Meaning...” Taehyung trails off.
You clear your throat and finish, “When I, uh... when I’m about to come.”
You feel the blush burning your cheeks from your admission. Before, that was something you had promised yourself you would take to your grave. But it’s out in the open now. You wonder how Taehyung will respond.
His voice sounds almost strangled when he says, “So you think I’m attractive. Is that all it is?”
You’re quick to reply, “No, that’s not all it is. You... affect me too. I think I might love you.”
“Come here,” his deep voice says from somewhere to your left, sounding urgent. You slowly come to a stop on your swing and hop off of it, then make your way through the dark to where Taehyung sits on the slide. You stand in front of him apprehensively, unsure of what he’ll do next. Then you feel his hands in yours, and you see his eyes shining up at you.
“Do you really love me?” he says, voice low.
“Yes,” you breathe out.
Taehyung swallows. You feel him squeeze your hands a little tighter. “I love you too.”
He stands up from the slide and takes half a step forward. It’s all he needs to take for his body to be flush with yours. He lets go of your hands to bring his around your back, keeping you close. Then he kisses you.
The kiss starts out tentative, sweet. Taehyung’s lips are soft the way velvet is soft. Soon enough, though, it becomes needier, hungrier. Your lips open and your tongues meet in the middle. You snake your hands around his neck to try to pull him even closer. You wouldn’t mind if he melted into you.
Taehyung’s hands dip lower and he begins to palm at your ass, letting out a low groan of appreciation in the process. He pushes your center to his, and you can already feel his rapidly hardening length against you. You kiss him harder, incredibly turned on by how responsive he is to you.
As you begin to mouth at Taehyung’s jaw and neck, he continues to move his hands over your ass indignantly, as though this may be the only time he’ll ever get to do so. You move your hands from behind his neck to his strong shoulders, down his arms, and then into his shirt so you can feel some part of him properly. The skin of his belly is taut but not overly muscular, and it’s extremely warm. You sigh into his neck as you feel him with your hands, and he tightens his hold on your ass in response.
“Hey,” Taehyung says as you continue to languidly kiss his neck.
“Hm?” you murmur back.
“Um... do you want to?”
You pause your ministrations at his question. You do want to, you think.
“Here?” you ask, even though your mind is already made up.
“Yeah, if that’s okay with you. I don’t think I can wait for you any longer.”
You smile and nod. “Okay.”
With a beaming smile, Taehyung begins moving to turn you both around where you stand. Once your positions have switched, he gently pushes you backward until your legs hit the slide. He continues, laying you down onto the thing as you giggle. You’ve never seen him be so tender with anyone before. He must really love you.
You both proceed to pull down your own bottoms while never breaking eye contact. It’s like that scene from The Notebook, you think with an internal chuckle. Before you know it, you’re both half-naked and Taehyung has pulled a condom from somewhere and is rolling it onto himself. He then kneels down in front of you, positions himself between your thighs, and thrusts into you.
All you can feel in this moment is Taehyung – cock inside you, hands holding your thighs open, mouth kissing your stomach through your shirt. You’re moaning wantonly beneath him, making grabby hands in his general direction, trying to find something to hold onto. You can hear how wet you are every time he thrusts. It’s lewd, but not embarrassing.
“God, you sound so good,” Taehyung manages to get out through his panting. “Wanna make you sound like this all the time.”
“Fuck!” you draw out, infinitely turned on by Taehyung’s words. You reach one of your hands down between your own legs to play with your swollen clit, and you practically cry out from sensitivity when you first touch it. Taehyung’s eyes are glued to you, watching as you pleasure yourself. He begins to thrust into you faster.
“Jesus, that’s so hot.” He sounds almost pained as he speaks, disbelieving that this is really happening to him.
“Oh God, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop!” you beg, feeling yourself careening towards the edge. Taehyung only fucks into you faster, silently acquiescing to your wishes. It turns you on even more.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cry out in rapid succession as you come undone around Taehyung’s cock. You can feel yourself clenching around him, and every time you do you release a hot liquid onto his cock, his shirt, his thighs, the ground around you.
“Holy fuck,” you vaguely hear Taehyung call out as you continue to cum, mind too hazy to focus on much other than your own release.
Just as you begin to come down from your high, you can feel Taehyung speed up yet again. You’re overstimulated but you let him ride it out until he comes into the condom, hot and heavy.
You’re both breathing heavily, completely fucked out from your orgasms, when he finally pulls out of you. He removes the condom with a grin and tosses it into a nearby trashcan, then redresses himself and helps you up to do the same.
“Do you see how wet I am?” he laughs as he gestures to his soaked clothes.
You cringe, finally aware of what you had done. “Sorry, I should have warned you, huh?”
“Are you kidding? That was the hottest surprise ever. Do you always do that?”
“Only when I think about you.” You admit shyly.
“Wow,” Taehyung says with a dropped jaw. “Guess I better get used to it then.”
“Yeah, you better. I don’t want to go home yet. Want to watch the stars?” you ask with a blush.
Taehyung’s face takes on a cheesy smile as he says, “Only if I get to look at you.”
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punksarahreese · 4 years
hmmm 31. “Wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy.. We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?” maybe restart? idk but just think resident Sarah super nervous and fellow Ava like hm sure why not- it can be other au tho but this prompt 31 is too good not to be used at all
Sorry this took me way longer to write than expected ahsjsk
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a descending aorta in such a state,” Ava mused, bumping Connor’s shoulder with her own as she reached him at the nurse’s station, “Absolutely shredded.”
“Welcome to Chicago,” Doctor Zanetti replied as she came around the corner, “I’m glad one of us is enjoying gunshot trauma.”
“You’re a trauma surgeon, Sam,” Connor reminded her, “How was the surgery, anyway?”
“Doctor Zanetti is an excellent assist,” the other woman said with a nod to her friend, “I think I have a new favourite trauma surgeon.”
“Coincidentally I may have a new favourite CT surgeon.”
Since Ava had moved to Chicago, she had become rather close with Connor’s trauma surgery colleague. The three of them did butt heads pretty often, too much ego in one room according to Ethan, but they had gotten better in recent months. Ava was glad to have friends in the new city, despite Connor’s insolence on most days and the way Doctor Downey’s favouritism of him still irked her. Work drama aside, Connor was a good surgeon and a decent friend when he wanted to be. Sam helped even things out, not afraid to help Ava knock Connor down a peg. Ava was also 100 percent comfortable with pointing out when both of the trauma surgeons needed to get their heads out of their asses, their god complexes together could be a bit much after all.
Despite the clash of attitudes, the three surgeons had realized they had more in common than originally thought. They all enjoyed sports and Ava was quickly integrated into Connor and Sam’s game nights whenever a sporting event was on. She hadn’t expected to make friends, didn't even want to originally, but it was nice to have people to talk to outside of work. It gave her something to look forward to on the weekends, besides curling up on her couch alone with some whiskey and a cardiology journal. Sam did say she needed to get out more, “become more personable”, and Ava supposed this friendship was a decent first step.
“Rude,” Connor rolled his eyes, “You’re both traitors, actually.”
“Aw, Connor,” Sam came around the counter to fling an arm around his shoulder, “You’re still our favourite pain in the ass.”
Ava laughed at their bickering, leaning across the nurse’s station to put her charting tablet down on the charger. She zoned out a bit, barely hearing as her friends switched to discussing the GSW repair that she and Sam just did. A fairly loud group of medical students were walking through the CT floor, which Ava quickly realized it was her group of loud med students. She sighed, ready to call out and chastise them for being a disturbance, but someone at the back of the group distracted her.
Sarah Reese was walking alone, as she often did, and she seemed nervous. This wasn’t unlike her at all, Ava had told her many times that she needed to work on her confidence, but she assumed that was just the student’s resting state. Still, Sarah had gotten better in the past couple weeks and that showed in how she broke off from the group completely, walking over to the three surgeons.
“Ava, can-,” she stopped herself and Ava couldn’t help but smile as her cheeks flushed when Connor and Sam glanced at her, “Um, Doctor Bekker? Can I... talk to you?”
Ignoring the amused looks she got from her friends out of the corner of her eye, she nodded, “Of course, Miss Reese.”
She led Sarah away from the nurse’s station, across the hall where she knew the other surgeons couldn’t hear them. She was aware of their gaze tracking them though and Sarah seemed to be too, evident in her posture and anxious fidgeting.
“Miss Reese?” Ava couldn’t help but laugh at the incredulous look Sarah gave her, aware that the student hated how that sounded. It had taken her about a week to break Ava from the habit, insisting that her first name was just fine. Ava only agreed to calling her that when it was just the two of them, which was good enough for her at that point. The two had gotten friendlier since their first encounter, somewhere in between Ava’s cheeky remarks and Sarah’s insistence on treating her mentor to coffee often. It was only fair, she argued, because Ava had stayed late with her in the skills lab practicing on more than one occasion. A feat that was reserved only for her, the student knew that, but she prayed no one else noticed out of fear of them getting in trouble for favouritism.
Not that she thought she was Ava’s favourite but, if the shoe fits and all.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bug you when you were with your… friends…”
Ava smiled at her and shook her head, “We just finished a surgery and I promise you didn’t interrupt anything,” she resisted the urge to give Sarah’s hand a reassuring squeeze, “What did you need?”
“Oh, um-” Sarah looked downright adorable with the way her forehead furrowed slightly, “I was wondering if you wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy... We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”
They were both clearly taken aback by the question, not expecting Sarah to make a move like that. Usually she would just shyly bring Ava a cup of black coffee and, if they had time, they might take a walk around the hospital grounds together. It wasn’t ever a date, they had never even discussed that kind of relationship; they were just friends. At least, that’s what Ava had been trying to persuade herself in hopes that she wouldn’t unearth any feelings. Sarah was cute, sure, but she was also a student; her student. Even if she was a legal adult and a fourth year medical student, Ava was still her senior and the last thing she wanted was to get the other woman in trouble with the board.
So she tried to suppress her own hopefulness as she chuckled a bit, trying to ease Sarah’s anxiety, “Why so nervous, Sarah? Lunch would be nice, today?”
“I- um… yeah! If you have time, that is.”
“I can make time for you,” Ava replied smoothly, ignoring the nagging thought in her head saying she needed to write her post-op notes. Maybe if she was lucky Sam would do it for her, or at least not mention it when she didn’t finish them until later that evening. It wasn’t every day Ava got to spend lunch with someone and as much as she liked being with Sam and Connor in the CT lounge on break, Sarah’s hopeful eyes were on the verge of making her melt and she had already made up her mind.
“Really?” Sarah tried to hide her excitement quickly, “Okay, meet you in the cafeteria, then?”
“Give me fifteen minutes, I’ll be there.”
Sarah nodded, glancing back at Ava’s friends before regaining her composure, “Thank you, Doctor Bekker.”
With that the medical student was off down the hallway, her classmates long gone but her attitude had changed immensely. Ava had to laugh a little at how she had a little confidence in her step, wondering why Sarah Reese had such a softening effect on her. This woman was bad for her reputation, in any sense, but Ava couldn’t find it in her to care at that moment.
She tried to evade Sam’s curious eyes when she walked back over but the other surgeon wasn’t having it, “Was that the cute med student you’ve spoken so highly of lately?”
“Yeah, the same one you bullied in the ED a few weeks ago, Zanetti,” Connor reminded her, “Sarah Reese.”
“Shut up, Connor, this isn’t about me.”
Ava had been quietly gathering her white coat and stethoscope from their resting place over a desk chair, hoping she could escape without further questioning. No such luck, though, because now Sam was even more interested.
“Why’s a newbie calling you by your name, Ava?” she raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t even let me call you that until a month ago.”
“She prefers a first name basis,” Ava mumbled, which wasn’t untrue, “Makes her less anxious.”
“Well, she still seemed fairly nervous if you ask me. What did she want?”
“Nothing,” she sighed, “Just questions about our skills lab assessment later this week.”
“Mhm,” Sam clearly didn’t believe her and, judging by the look they shared, Connor didn’t either. The last thing Ava wanted was to be late to lunch because of her friends’ nosiness but she figured they would just press her for answers later at Connor’s place. Of course it was a game night and they would know something was up if she suddenly cancelled, so Ava was silently preparing to accept her fate. Not that there was really anything to admit, not what they expected anyway, but being friends with a med student she was mentoring was bad enough.
“I have to go,” she said as she swung her braid over her shoulder, “I will… see you later.”
Ava was very aware of their amused staring as she walked away, clearly not heading to go do post-ops as she was walking in the complete opposite direction of the ward. She was a bit anxious, for no real reason, but it felt like them knowing was the end of the world. That was dramatic of course and she knew they would probably just tease her about being soft but Ava still kept having a nagging feeling that it would end with the worst case scenario. She tried to ignore that thought, though, and it thankfully left her mind the second she walked into the cafeteria.
Sarah was sitting at a table that was a bit secluded, writing away in her notebook. She had her glasses perched on her nose, which were admittedly very cute on her; not that Ava would ever say that out loud. The student must have heard her approach because she looked up before Ava had reached the table, smiling widely at her in a way that had her forgetting why she was even anxious.
She would just have to tell Sam and Connor to stuff it, she decided; it wasn’t their business anyway. Besides, they always said she needed to make more friends, be more personable and all that. Really, Ava was just doing as she was told and being a good mentor by connecting with her students. At least that’s what she told herself as she greeted Sarah softly, watching patiently as she dug her wallet out so they could go get lunch together.
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starshine583 · 4 years
Le Paon Part 10
(Hello all! This is part 10, two weeks later, but I have to admit it’s slightly shorter than usual. The next chapter will be the same. I hope you enjoy reading nonetheless!)
Part 1 / Part 9 / Part 11
Allegra couldn’t help the ear-piercing squeal that escaped her lips as she stared at Marinette’s picture of Le Paon. Finally! After weeks of chasing that man’s tail around the city, they finally got a good- no, not just good, a great picture! This was incredible! She felt like bouncing around the room from pure joy, which she did, along with singing a happy little ‘victory tune’. It wasn’t appropriate for the school classroom, but dash it all if she cared what her teacher might think. They were on their routine break between classes anyway.
“I can’t believe you got this!” She exclaimed after a good few moments of staring at it. She wanted to memorize every detail. “I mean, how did you get it? The picture seems so close! It’s like he’s standing right next to you!”
Allegra was too excited to notice Marinette shifting uncomfortably next to her.
“W-Well, I was out on the balcony and.. and I saw him on one of the rooftops across the street. My phone just happened to have a good focusing feature.” The ravenette explained. 
Allegra’s features twisted into a scowl, though it wasn’t necessarily directed towards Marinette. “I wish I could get that lucky. You’d think after months of waiting, he might show up on my doorstep every-”
Her miniature rant was cut off by the vibration of Marinette’s phone. Someone had texted her, and from the pop-up notification at the top of the screen, it appeared to be.. Felix? Since when did he get her number? Since when did they text?
~My Father’s at home today, so you should be able to visit this afternoon after school hours. Does that work for you?~
Allegra squinted at the text. He was inviting her over to his house? 
“That’s scroundal.” She muttered. 
Allegra snapped back to reality at Marinette’s voice. “Hm? Oh, nothing.”
She handed Marinette’s phone back, subtly checking the time as she did. It was important that no one- especially Felix -interrupt. “Do you like greenhouses?”
Marinette blinked. “Greenhouses?”
“Yeah! Claude and the rest of us are going to visit a greenhouse tomorrow, and I was wondering if you’d like to join us.” She requested, making sure to keep a light and sweet tone. Hopefully, Marinette wouldn’t remember the last time she asked her to go somewhere, not that the girl seemed to mind running into Felix so often.
Marinette hummed. “I think that should work. I don’t remember having anything else to do tomorrow besides school.”
Allegra clapped her hands together as the bell rang above them. “Wonderful! I’ll tell the boys.”
Marinette nodded and gave a quick goodbye as she left to go back to class. Conveniently, Felix walked in right after her exit.
“Felix!” Allegra nearly cooed. “How do you feel about greenhouses?”
Felix paused at his desk and rose a brow at her. “I’d say that I liked them until you asked that question.”
Allegra only smiled. “Why don’t you join us this fine Thursday on our trip to the greenhouse?”
Felix sat down, pulling his bag onto his lap to rummage through it. “As fun as that sounds, I’ll have to refuse.” 
She let out a long, wistful sigh as she sat down next to him. Claude wouldn’t mind sharing his seat with her for a minute. “What a shame. I’ll tell Marinette you couldn’t come then.”
Felix twitched next to her, and she felt her smile widen. Checkmate. 
Unfortunately, she had to go back to her seat after that, but Allegra still counted it as a success. Felix didn’t agree to go with them out loud, but somehow, she knew he would be there. 
Marinette clutched her sketchbook to her chest as she stared up at the large, metal gates of the Agreste Mansion. Despite it being the middle of the day, she couldn’t help finding the sight a bit eerie. Normally, one would find gates like this outside an abandoned house on the outskirts of town, not in the middle of Paris as if it were as natural as a mailbox.
A compartment opened to her right, and Marinette jumped back with a slight squeal when a silver bulb shot out at her. Something red in the middle of the bulb seemed to shrink and expand a few times as it circled her. A camera, she realized. It had to be one of those built-in cameras that she’d heard about.
Marinette faltered at the sharp tone. “Ah, u-um..”
The camera inched closer, somehow appearing to glare at her. ~Name?~
She swallowed. “M-Marinette.”
A pause. 
~You are not on our schedule for-~
~Oh, cut it out, will you?~
Marinette blinked. Was that Felix?
~Apologies, Marinette. Our secretary’s not that bright.~
A click emitted from the metal gates, and they swung open, allowing her to enter. Marinette spared the camera one last glance as it retreated to its compartment in the wall before starting forward. 
Felix greeted her at the entrance. “Sorry about the camera. Father can get a bit carried away when it comes to security. ‘Overprotective’, if you will.”
Marinette gave a tight smile. This whole situation didn’t sit well with her. She didn’t remember the security being this overbearing last time she visited for her and Adrien’s history report. Paris had some criminal activity, yes, but surely cameras and two-story sized walls weren’t necessary. Who was M. Agreste trying to keep out?
Or keep in? She thought, her gaze flicking to Felix as he closed the front door behind them. He mentioned a few weeks ago the lengths that M. Agreste would go to keep them at home. Marinette can understand wanting to keep one’s children close, but this is a little.. excessive, especially considering the fact that she’s barely seen their father around the house as it is.
Felix showed her to his father’s office, and Marinette briefly noticed a woman sitting at a desk not too far away, the barest hint of a scowl adorning her lips as she typed away on her computer. That, Marinette assumed, must be the secretary that had talked to her over the camera earlier. 
Her attention was turned back to Felix when he pushed open the office door. It wasn’t until they were inside that Marinette realized she was holding her breath. This was M. Agreste, after all. He was known world wide for his fashion achievements, and his company was one to be coveted. Honestly, she could only ever dream of reaching his level of success, and here she was, about to meet him face to face for the first time. 
“Father, this is Marinette, the one I told you about.” Felix introduced. 
A slight blush brushed Marinette’s cheeks at the thought of Felix talking about her, but she tried to push the feeling aside. Right now, she needed to focus on making a good first impression. 
Gabriel’s gaze flicked to her briefly, but he kept his main focus on his screen. “Ah, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. Of course.”
Marinette rose a brow. “Of course”? That’s it? She didn’t expect any sort of special treatment, but she liked to have some common courtesy. He could have at least put a light note into his tone instead of sounding as enthusiastic as a rock. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, M. Agreste.” She finally said, an equally cold tone of her own. Two could play at this game.
She caught Felix giving her a surprised look out of the corner of her eye, which was understandable. Marinette didn’t tend to hold a sharp tongue, but sometimes, exceptions needed to be made.
Gabriel looked up at her as well, and that’s when she stiffened. In hindsight, this was his mansion that she was standing in. If anyone had a right to practically ignore her, it would be him. Nevertheless, Marinette had already made her position clear, and she wasn’t going to back down now. 
Her shoulders straightened as M. Agreste’s hollow, grey eyes assessed her. “You’re from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, correct?”
Marinette forced a neutral expression. How did he know that? She supposed her last name made it obvious, but still. “Y-Yes, sir.”
He nodded. “Your designs are impressive, albeit a bit rough. With guidance and practice, I’m sure you can inspire a new era of fashion. Have you anything else to show me?”
Marinette took a step forward, offering him her notebook. The tense silence that followed had her fidgeting with her hands as he flips through her designs. His expression didn’t even change while he studied the pages. What kind of robot of a man was he, anyway? Or were her designs just not good enough?
Finally, Gabriel nodded again and handed the notebook back to her. “Splendid. I appreciate the visit.” 
Something about his tone- or lack thereof- made her more irritated than pleased about the compliment. They’d barely said two words to each other. Was this his way of blowing her off? She simply couldn’t tell. 
Felix, obviously used to this behavior, nodded as well and lightly grabbed her arm for them to leave.
“Felix, next time you intend to bring someone new to my mansion, I’d prefer to look into it myself first.” Gabriel remarked as they reached the door.
“Of course, Father.” Felix said, opening the door for them to make a quiet exit. 
Marinette, however, didn’t move. She couldn’t. She was too bewildered to do anything other than stare at Gabriel with a quizzical expression. “Look into it myself first”? “My mansion”? She could explain away his need to look into visitors, controlling as that may be, but for him to act like he alone owned everything here was outrageous. Whether he bought the place himself or not, Felix and Adrien were his sons, and this was their home too. Let’s not even mention that she was not, in fact, “new to his mansion”.
Actually, no. Marinette thought. Let’s mention that.
She turned away from Felix, ignoring his panicked expression, and smiled a nice, sweet, sugary smile. “With all due respect, M. Agreste, I’ve visited this mansion before. Adrien and I worked on a history project together.”
Gabriel rose a brow. “What history project?”
Marinette barely held back a scoff, though her smile remained. “You didn’t know about your own son’s history project?”
Admittedly, her tone was harsher than she had meant it to be, but that didn’t mean she regretted what she said. Her parents knew her entire schedule, all of her interests, and they certainly knew about her visit to the Agreste’s to work on their group history project.
Gabriel, however, narrowed his eyes at the confrontation. “I have Nathalie and Gorilla to keep track of that for me.”
It took every ounce of self control she had not to snap at him right then.
“I don’t mean to argue,” She began calmly, “But is it really wise to hire someone to care for your own children?”
Gabriel shot her a full-fledged glare. “Felix and Adrien are my children. I am their father, and I will decide what’s best for them.”
Marinette huffed. She tried being polite, tried helping him see reason. The boys may not be her responsibility, but she wasn’t going to stand back and watch them be mistreated like this. “A father doesn’t lock his children up in a mansion and leave employees to care for them.”
“They have everything they need here!” He yelled.
“Except a loving parent who cares for them!” Marinette spat back. “The only way you haven’t abandoned them is by physically leaving. But you’re practically there by holding yourself up in your office all day.”
Gabriel scoffed. “You best mind your tone, Mademoiselle. I don’t have to explain myself to you nor anyone else. Now take your leave before my patience runs dry.”
Marinette’s fists clenched at her sides. How could someone be so stubborn and so arrogant? Why did this man even decide to have kids in the first place?
A light touch on her wrist brought her gaze back to Felix. He didn’t say anything, and his expression didn’t change, but she could see the pleading in his eyes. 
A sigh passed her lips, and she shot one last look at Gabriel before marching through the office doors. 
Another time. She promised herself as Felix trailed behind her. Another time.
Felix quietly closed the office door behind him, not wanting to disturb Father any more than they already had.
"Well, that didn't go as planned." He muttered to himself. Inviting Marinette over was supposed to impress his Father, not twist his candy-cane tie into a knot. Though, in all honesty, Felix couldn't say he was disappointed. He'd never seen Marinette so utterly enraged before. That girl had turned to ice faster than he could blink, and Felix would be lying if he said he wasn't just a tad love-struck. For someone who usually stumbled over a simple "hello", her tonguelashing towards his Father could be considered quite a feat. Truly magnificent. 
Felix turned around to tell her this himself, but stopped short when he saw her. She was standing in front of him, a dazed look in her eyes as she clutched her shirt, almost like she was trying to hold her own heart. 
Cautiously, he stepped forward. “Marinette? Are you alright?” 
No response.
“Marinette?” He tried again, starting to get worried.
“I yelled at him.”
Finally, she looked at him, and he immediately wished that she hadn’t. Her beautiful blue eyes were hollow, haunted. It made his blood run cold. 
“I yelled at him.” She repeated. “I yelled at your Father. What was I thinking? What if he calls security? I’ll never be allowed to talk to you again. My fashion dream is probably ruined-”
“Woah, hey, hey-” Felix tried to sooth, taking her by the shoulders. (Gently, of course) “It’s fine. Everything’s fine. Father’s not going to call security.”
Marinette dug her hands through her hair. “But what if he does? What if I just got you into huge trouble? What if he pulls you and Adrien out of school?”
He pulled her hands out of her hair. “Can I hug you?”
“I- what?” 
“Can I hug you?” Felix said slowly.
She stared at him for a minute, a little confused, but nodded. 
Felix sighed and pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her back. “Just take a deep breath. I promise you that everything’s going to be okay.”
She buried her face into his shirt and sniffled, and he reached up to gently stroke her hair as he felt the wetness of her tears sink into his shoulders. 
“I actually wanted to thank you.” 
Her head jerked back a bit from shock. “Thank me? For what?”
“For sticking up for me and Adrien. Not many people have the courage to stand up to my Father like that, but I’m glad you did.”
Marinette sniffed again and wiped away a stray tear. “I’d do it again if you asked.”
Felix smiled, pulling her back into another hug. He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but he did know one thing: he loved Marinette, and he would do everything he could to keep her from crying like this again.
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Lost/Found chapter two
chapter one || chapter three || chapter four || chapter five complete fic on ao3
The inn is warm but Jaskier hasn't eaten all day and his body refuses to retain any of the heat. He has the bread tucked away from earlier, but he still feels nauseous so he sits and shivers and pretends not to be hungry when Eskel offers. Still, the Witcher orders more food than one person could hope to eat and Jaskier's stomach turns uncomfortably. He's just being kind, he realizes, but Jaskier's never been shown this much kindness in his life, by a perfect stranger, no less. A stranger who is probably best friends with the man who no longer wants him. Fuck.
He shuts his eyes and rubs his hands on his thighs, trying to hide the chill. He should know better than to try and keep something from a Witcher, but he does it nonetheless. And, of course, it doesn't work.
"You're cold," Eskel says. "I can hear your teeth chattering."
"I'm alright."
"Hm." Eskel pushes himself up from his seat and strides across the room. Jaskier watches after him. He's gone for some time and when he returns he has warm drinks. He slides one across the table and Jaskier takes the mug between his hands, pulling it into him. He's glad for the heat, but still not sure why Eskel is being so kind to him. He doesn't deserve it. He's done nothing his whole life but become a burden.
"I arranged for a bath," Eskel says and Jaskier lifts his head at that, staring across the table questioningly. Under regular circumstances, he would probably jump at the chance to bathe with him. But these aren't regular circumstances and Jaskier doesn't feel like doing much of anything.
"For you," he clarifies. "To warm you up."
"Why?" Jaskier blurts.
"Because someone hurt you badly and no one deserves that kind of pain."
"Oh." Shit, Witcher. But if he can- If Eskel can tell how he feels, that means Geralt could too. The second those words left his mouth, Geralt knew exactly what he'd done and he didn't stop. He didn't take them back and he didn't try to go after him. Jaskier shuts his eyes and tries to force the thoughts out of his head, but they're stuck.
He doesn't realize Eskel has gotten up until a hand rests on his shoulder soft, tentative. He guides Jaskier to his feet and once Jaskier has gathered his things, Eskel takes him upstairs to his room. There's a large bath tucked into the corner next to the fire and he leaves Jaskier alone with it.
Once Eskel has left, Jaskier rids himself of his clothes, piling them neatly on the table beside the bath. He shivers even in front of the fire, but he knows it has nothing to do with the heat. He wants this to be over, to wake up and find out the whole thing was a terrible nightmare and Geralt is still there- But how could he? After he said those things, why does he still want him? He's been broken up with by everyone he's ever been with, so why does this, the end of a non-existent friendship hurt so much more?
He steps into the bath cautiously, testing the water before sinking in completely. It feels good and it's been a long time since he could really enjoy a bath. Most inns with Geralt were in and out with time just enough to eat and sleep and clean the grime from their bodies. Fleetingly, Jaskier wonders why Eskel isn't in a rush to leave. And he wonders again, why he's doing all of this. There's no good reason for a perfect stranger to offer him food and drink and a warm bath.
Going off his limited knowledge of Witchers, he's not in any immediate danger. Not, at least, of anything but being abandoned again when Eskel decides it's time to move on. Which is fine, Jaskier's not attached.
When he's finished in the bath, he changes into his last pair of clean clothes, frowning. It may be a long time before he can have them laundered, and he hates washing his own clothes in the river. Not that that ever bothered Geralt. He stops the thought before it can go any further, shoving his dirty clothes into his pack and gathering his things together again. He heads downstairs to find Eskel and let him know he can have his room back, but he finds himself turned back around and marched back upstairs. He's not in any mood to argue about a warm bed, so he keeps quiet.
Eskel sleeps on the floor - "still better than having a root in your back," he says - and gives Jaskier the bed. It's a kind gesture, but the bed feels too big without someone in it with him. The last time he stayed at an inn they had to share and Jaskeir found he slept much better with a warm body pressed against his back. Not that Geralt had realized, nor had Jaskier ever mentioned it. He tucks the blankets around himself now to feel less exposed and shuts his eyes to try and sleep.
He worries too much to relax. Everything that's happened tonight has thrown his entire relationship with Geralt into question. Are Witchers just like that? Do they just share their food and bed with the first person who comes along and isn't terrified of them? He doubts it, but the thought won't allow him any peace.
Eskel is already asleep, breathing steadily beneath him and the sound of his breath is what eventually lulls Jaskier to sleep.
In the morning, Eskel is still there. He's moving around the room when Jaskier rises, readying himself to leave. Jaskier watches him for a moment before Eskel turns his attention on him with a faint smile. He takes a plate from the shelf in front of him and sets it on the edge of the bed.
"Help yourself," he says.
Jaskier inspects the assortment of pastries before picking one off the plate and biting into it tentatively. He still hasn't eaten in a full day and he suspects his stomach won't be pleased to be fed sweets first thing.
"Why are you being so kind to me?" he asks and Eskel doesn't even stop what he's doing.
"You were miserable, I couldn't just leave you on the side of the road. Especially after I almost ran you over."
"Thank you," Jaskier says quietly, considering the roll in his hands.
"Where are you off to from here?"
"I... don't know, actually. I don't have anywhere to be. I could stop in at Cintra, I suppose, I haven't been in a while."
"How do you feel about Redania?"
Jaskier gives him a suspicious look. "That's where I was born, why?"
"Because that's where I'm headed next and it's been a long time since I've had someone to travel with."
Jaskier likes travelling with Eskel and after a couple of weeks, he even relaxes around him. And it's much easier to look forward to the future when you have someone who helps to keep you from thinking about the past. Eskel is never any less warm and thoughtful than he was the first night - at least not with him. Jaskier learns in a hurry that he's not a man to be messed with under any circumstances, and that includes the goat.
She's more stubborn than Roach, which is saying something, but Jaskier loves her despite their first interaction. And the fact that she tries to headbutt him often. She likes fruits though, and Jaskier takes great care to make sure the pieces he feeds her are small enough that she doesn’t choke. He suspects his closeness with the goat is part of the reason Eskel comes to trust him the way he does. Jaskier once saw him threaten a man's life when Lil' Bleater was mistakenly penned with a herd of farm goats and it had been the first time he'd really smiled since leaving that mountaintop - watching a Witcher threaten an aging farmer over a goat. But Eskel loves that damn goat and Jaskier knows something of loyalty to those you love.
He doesn't think so often about Geralt anymore, and when he does it's usually by accident or in a dream. He hates those nights because he wakes up breathless and unable to relax again. Most times, it wakes Eskel up and Jaskier hates that he's already being a nuisance again, even if Eskel assures him that he's not. Jaskier doesn't tell him about the dreams and Eskel doesn't ask. He understands that there are things Jaskier wants to keep to himself and he doesn't press. Though, there are nights when Jaskier finds he would rather talk about it than continue to hold it in.
Somewhere along the way, Jaskier starts performing again. It's not a conscious decision, but it feels right. He needs something to do while Eskel is off killing things, after all. The only thing he refuses is to sing about Geralt. Luckily, those songs are well known enough that other bards play them now and they're not requested nearly as often as they once were.
They're at an inn in Hamm, heading north from visiting Cintra, when it finally happens. Jaskier's struck with the idea for a song and he digs out his notebook from his pack, setting it on the table in front of him. They've been here for two days while Eskel hunts a pack of werewolves that seems to have dispersed within the forest. Jaskier plays at the inn in the evenings and he's killing time until then. The perfect time for inspiration to hit. Only when he opens his notebook, his whole body grows cold. The last thing written was a love song - or, it was supposed to be.
He frowns at the lyrics, scratching out a few lines and re-writing them below. A few of them, he only changes the words, but it still seems wrong. He can't hear it. And so, with a sigh, Jaskier packs up his things and goes outside to sit in the grass and try to work out the tune of the song.
It's cold when the wind blows, but it's better suited to the song than the warmth of the inn and Jaskier shuts his eyes. His fingers move smoothly against the strings of his lute, picking out the tune he'd had in mind before the song had been forgotten. It's what he was working on when Borch first showed up and he wonders bitterly if he had just told the old man to leave right then if things could have been different. Though they could also have been worse if Geralt had come back to find his things stolen and Jaskier still sitting there.
It doesn't matter anymore, he tells himself. But a small voice reminds him that if it really didn't matter, he wouldn't have let himself be sidetracked by this song.
He ignores the voice and carries on, humming along at first until he finds a tune that he likes. His voice shakes the first time he sings it out loud, but it feels better to get it out and as he sings the words for the first time, he's surprised to find how accurate they are.
He stays outside until it gets dark and he needs to go inside and ready himself. There's a woman sitting close to him who keeps looking up and smiling and for the first time, Jaskier considers taking her to bed with him. It's been a long time and he's not as miserable as he used to be, maybe it's time to start. Except three songs in she pipes up and asks him to play the song he was singing earlier and he can feel the blood drain from his face. But he never turns down a request, and maybe it's time for another first as well.
Eskel walks through the doors, bloody and stinking of something awful, just as Jaskier starts. And he catches his eye just for a brief moment, leaning against the door frame to listen. Somehow, with him standing there, it feels harder and Jaskier has to restart the song after catching his breath.
"The fairer sex they often call it, but her love's as unfair as a crook…"
He makes it through the song unscathed, but when he finishes, there's murmuring amongst the guests. A few of them come up to him and start chattering at him and Jaskier smiles politely, but he can't think over the sound of blood rushing in his ears. This was a mistake. He thanks them all, again and again, avoiding questions regarding who the song is about and he manages to slip out of the crowd and up to their room without too much trouble.
He shuts the door and leans against it for a moment, catching his breath. What if Eskel figures it out? He's not stupid and it's widely known that Jaskier used to travel with Geralt, it's right there in the songs. He feels guilty for lying and stupid for thinking Eskel would never figure it out. It's not as though he's said bad things about Geralt, but he hasn't been pleasant about him either and he knows the two Witchers know each other. He's seen Eskel's medallion, they're from the same school.
Jaskier never lies to his friends and this is exactly why. It makes things messy and when your life isn't in danger, there's no reason not to be honest; even Geralt forgave him for the stupid things he did. So why did he lie to Eskel? They hadn't been travelling together at the time, there was no reason for him not to tell him about Geralt. He told him his name was Julian, which he isn't in a habit of doing, but that was to protect himself had things gone badly.
Well, there's nothing for it now; he's going to have to tell Eskel the truth before he figures it out or someone else brings it up. The last thing he wants is to lose another friend over something so trivial.
Jaskier takes his lute and puts it away, gently arranging the contents of its case and sets it against the wall next to the bed. The thought of losing Eskel burns in his chest and he goes over what he's going to say to him, repeating the words over and over in his head until a knock on the door pulls him back to the present. The door pushes open a moment later and Eskel looks in at him.
"Is everything alright? You left in a hurry."
"Fine," Jaskier grins, another lie. "I'm going to turn in early tonight, I'm tired."
"I was thinking the same. We should get an early start." Eskel comes into the room, turning the door and locking it behind him. Jaskier watches as he readies himself for bed, silently begging himself to say something but he can't find the words.
Something clicks then, that he hadn't realized before. Jaskier likes having a travelling companion, he doesn't like being alone and lately, he hasn't wanted to seek out that companionship. And Eskel has been there, so he didn't think anything about it. But it is different, he realizes. He likes having Eskel around, but maybe it's more than that. As he sits quietly on the bed, watching the Witcher undress, he realizes having him around might not be all he wants. And maybe that’s what makes telling him about Geralt so difficult.
He pushes those thoughts firmly out of his head. He doesn't want to make that mistake again.
Because it would be so easy to fall in love with Eskel, but Eskel doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve the love of someone who is still so desperately in love with someone else. Jaskier shuts his eyes and lays back against the pillows. He doesn't want to think about Geralt anymore, but it doesn't stop him and having another Witcher at his side doesn't exactly deter memories.
Eskel is much more open about his, well, everything, but it's hard not to be more open than Geralt. He's softer though - at least when they're alone - than Geralt ever was and he's openly kind to Jaskier even when he doesn't deserve it. They haven't been travelling together long, but Jaskier isn't looking forward to the inevitable separation.
But he shouldn't compare the two. That's not fair to either of them. He settles into the pillows, shutting his eyes even as the candle is blown out. He was going to offer the bed to Eskel tonight and he feels bad for not remembering it earlier, but he'll make it up to him some other way.
It's been quiet for some time and he's not even totally sure Eskel is still awake, when he blurts out, "it's about my friend."
"What is?" Eskel asks simply.
"The song. The one I played tonight, it's about my friend."
"Tell me?" Eskel offers and Jaskier breathes evenly.
"For a long time, I travelled with someone. A man. A friend, I thought. I loved him, but my feelings were never- he didn't feel the same. Which was fine," he adds in a hurry. "That's not his fault, I still loved him. But he apparently had had enough of me. Two nights before I met you, he told me to leave.
"He was-" he stammers, "you would-" His name was Geralt. It's such a simple thing and yet he can't make his voice work.
"Julian," Eskel breathes, "you don't have to tell me more than you're comfortable with."
Jaskier doesn't realize he's crying until Eskel climbs up onto the bed next to him. He runs his thumb over his cheek and Jaskier looks anywhere but at him.
"He found someone else. Just like everyone," he mumbles and Eskel leans up over him.
"What do you mean, like everyone?"
"Everyone always finds someone else. Even him."
"I'm here," Eskel offers, sliding an arm around Jaskier's chest. Neither of them says anything more, but Jaskier curls into the embrace and lets himself fall asleep to the heat of Eskel's body against him and the huff of his breath in his hair.
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