#i mean jfc
takemetodragonstone · 5 months
me collapsing onto the floor after changing the sheets on my bed and washing the dishes
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cooloddball · 7 months
Ayo boner anon again, you linked a post that was like ‘how did the spn fandom not explode after this’ and I thought it was very apt because like… I was one of those people in 2019 who saw straddlegate floating around and went ‘oh well it’s funny but probably not real’ hard cut to me five years later finally seeing that second angle and man. Forty year old jensen ackles really got a stuffy because his boy best friend straddle and choked him I need to go lie down.
It’s also made me reconsider how I view the rest of the panel tbh. Cause when it first came out I thought jensen was probably a bit too drunk and came off as quite rude but omg that man was mortified. He was up on stage trying desperately to conceal his erection his best friend is not so subtlety making a joke about it and then someone asks him a question about why he has such good chemistry with his costar. Y’know, the one responsible for said erection. Id have died on the spot.
yeah i pretty much made an analysis of the entire panel and the aftermath of it all.
the fact that jensen spent the whole panel being overly grumpy because he was trying to cool down and he literally had a hard-on for his “friend” in front of hundreds of fans present and thousands of others who have seen the video and we all just moved on like that like it wasn’t the most insane thing ever like !!!
the whole thing was insane. i mean even people who hate misha were saying how jensen got a “hate b*ner” whatever that means. it was insane and the fact that jensen went and took the ultimate cockles selfie after that was mind boggling i can’t even —
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queercontrarian · 11 months
lucien wip
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
"But if I reblog that then my mutuals might judge me! 😱😱😱"
LMAO get better fucking mutuals then.
Everyone on this hellsite has the ability to blacklist/filter/block and if people can't do that to curate their online experience that's on them.
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kdramastrix · 2 years
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Captain Lee: “Dolores is drinker than a four peckered goat.”
Dolores: “Do you have peas? Fish like peas.”
Woman: “Dolores, those are sharks, you don’t like sharks.”
Dolores: *jumps in water*
Charter guest: “I heard a splash.”
Captain Lee: “Son of a BITCH.”
Dolores, still in the water, : “Can I have some bacon?”
Now she has to babysat…yikes.
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razorsadness · 2 years
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My Faggot Blood On His Fist
the first time someone sent Homer through the internet dot dot     dot we are all falling in love while standing in line for death fuck this way we slowly adjust to suffering an ant finding her way home in the downpour lovers are weapons subjugating your heart if you smell them years after they die if you feel destroyed let us talk do not turn it off yet we dreamed our obliteration for centuries then Hollywood said This is what it will look like Or maybe this Or maybe this you think it’s everyone’s job to make you feel good which       is why we all hate you the disgraced hairdresser pours us another shot      we will figure it out my friend the ocean is never far when you feel your pulse
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notseeneveryday · 1 year
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The glee with which people want to replace human expressions of emotion and the creation of joy is gross.
Link to tweet thread
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
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Boy you gotta be real new to the blog if you're surprised by piss.
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jyndor · 2 years
Syril is a fictional character. Plenty of people love Vader, even Palpatine and they are both worse. Preference in fictional characters says absolutely nothing about what people would support in real life.
Ah good I've gotten a bunch of new followers recently, so I guess it's time to cull the herd of weirdos who think fiction doesn't influence reality <3 if you don't agree with me, just try to hear me out but if you won't, just unfollow I have no patience for fascism apologia, fictional or otherwise.
When I say stan, I am talking about a fan that defends their fave no matter what. I'm not talking about someone who just finds a character interesting. I do have Opinions about people who watch Andor and find Karn to be the most interesting of the characters because there is a trend of white fans finding the white side character more interesting than leading characters who are racialized as non-white. But to be clear I think Syril Karn is a FASCINATING character. I do. He is a well-written and acted neo-nazi in the making. I'm not talking about people who think he's a compelling character. I'm talking about those who gravitate towards him over a main character who is coded as an immigrant and as indigenous and who, coincidentally, is also sort of written as having a redemption arc of sorts and who we literally see murder an ally in his first scene in Rogue One.
I was just thinking about Vader's fandom. Of course Vader and Palpatine are worse, they're the og Imperial baddies.
I don't know a lot of fans who think Palpatine is good or redeemable though. I know George Lucas had a Stupid Idea about some girlfriend scorning him and then that's why he goes evil... lol that's dumb and I hate it but thankfully that's not canon. There's not a whole lot of people making excuses for Palpatine, or begging for a redemption arc. Why? Because we understand that he is too far gone, that he has crossed a line that he will never come back from. He has no interest in redemption, he is a true believer in his sithy shit. That doesn't mean he isn't a good character or a great villain. He is, of course he is. He's iconic for a reason.
Anakin has a sob story and his stans are annoying tbh - he's got a horrifying background, he was enslaved and his trauma is never really dealt with properly. I have empathy for him. But he is also undeniably not someone people should stan - his views on politics are not great even when he's 19. and then despite all the good he does as a Jedi and the decency he has in his heart, he goes fash and kills a bunch of kids. Commits genocide and then enforces Palpatine's will for decades.
It's interesting that in the original trilogy we don't see him actually doing a whole lot of fascist shit - he holds Leia back from Tarkin as Tarkin commands Alderaan be destroyed, but he's more or less meh on the whole death star thing. He's a fascist because he's an Imperial, but he is focused primarily on Luke most of the trilogy. His arc is not so much about the Empire in the ot is about connecting with a past he thought he lost, connecting with Anakin Skywalker as well as Luke. A father's love for his son, that self-sacrificing love parents should have for their children. The redemption works because Anakin hates what he has become and recognizes that he was the reason he never got to have the family connection he wanted his whole life - he experiences self-awareness and growth, and that is what allows him to break free of the Emperor's control and save Luke - and ultimately save the galaxy. But Anakin's redemption is also only in Luke's eyes. To the rest of the galaxy Darth Vader is a war criminal. He would never be allowed to live in the New Republic. He would have to atone for his crimes. So Anakin has to die on the Death Star, he isn't allowed to just go join up with the Alliance and finish off the Imperial Remnant.
Darth Vader is less overtly in control of the Empire - even in ANH it's fairly obvious that he's not the top dog. It's like, Tarkin is a fabulous character but no one would want him redeemed LOL.
And of course there are people who have faves that are bad people. But I've seen this film before - the Kylo Ren stans come to mind most notably, but yes Anakin stans are weird too. In TFA Kylo Ren was not sympathetic - he had literal royalty for family and a privileged upbringing because of his parentage. He was a mess - violent, angry, cruel and a mess. He was actually a compelling villain at first because he was intended to be a villain - he wasn't some woobified romantic antihero bullshit that he became thanks to R*ylos, Rian Johnson and then ofc JJ Abrams. Kylo Ren was a metaphor for a neo-nazi, even if Disney shied away from precise politics in the sequels.
Redeeming him was ridiculous because the cause for him was the point, not the consequence like it was with Vader. Kylo Ren was a true believer who wanted to finish what Vader started - blah blah comics blah blah books I'm sorry, the movies showed us what they showed us and everything else was damage control to make him more sympathetic.
I don't care what Luke did in TLJ, I don't think it's in character for the guy who thought Vader had good in him, but let's say it's totally in character and makes sense and was wrong. Okay but trauma does not excuse genocide. Trauma does not excuse mass murder. This should be obvious - and of course since you can divorce fiction from reality, anon, I'm sure you wouldn't excuse Kylo Ren's actions.
There is no moment when Kylo Ren, whose whole thing IS the cause, seems to understand that he was wrong to believe in the cause of the Empire and the Dark Side, there is no real redemption. He just thinks Palpatine's granddaughter is hot ig and saves her.
I am not against redemption arcs. I love a good redemption arc WHEN IT WORKS. Zuko in ATLA works because he realizes that he is wrong, he condemns the system he supported as a child and actively works to repair the harms done by him and his ancestors. Vader's works because he kills the Emperor and dies after making amends with Luke (and only with Luke, which again is why Anakin's redemption is a personal one but not a political one).
So why is Anakin's redemption more believable than what someone like Karn's might be? Well for one, we have NO evidence that Karn is even capable of redemption. There is nothing in his actions that signifies a change of belief or conflicting feelings about ideology. He seems to understand that he is in over his head on Ferrix, but this is a man who shows instead all signs of DOUBLING DOWN. Even the ISB officer who shuts Pre-Mor down points out that Karn is PROUD. This is a man who lines up nicely with most of Umberto Eco's 14 characteristics of fascism, which I am planning on writing further about.
What is there to sympathize with? A mom who he has a complicated relationship with? So does Cassian. And yet, people are literally justifying Karn's belief in corporate rule because some cops fucked around and found out. They are writing the very copaganda that the show is actually trying to combat.
Not for nothing it doesn't escape me that the Star Wars fandom has a bit of a problem with fascism, and unfortunately I think that is due to a number of things:
poor media literacy
poor critical thinking skills
poor understanding of history
aesthetic over substance
It has real-world consequences. These people have harassed POC in star wars viciously. They have made fan spaces unsafe for marginalized people. I'm not saying that Karn fans are like the Geeks and Gamers level shit, because I doubt those idiots are even watching Andor.
Fiction impacts real life. I can list the studies that show Black children playing with white dolls and internalizing that Black people are uglier, or stories about how Law and Order: SVU literally has had victims of SA go to police and be re-traumatized when the cops did not support them. I will also never forget that American History X, which is explicitly ANTI FASCIST, has a massive neo-nazi fan base because the fascists look cool. They didn't get the memo because they didn't want to.
Of course it doesn't mean everyone who likes Karn is a neo-nazi, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of white fans of his who can see themselves more closely in Syril Karn than they can Cassian, and that is concerning given who he is and what he represents, and what he has NO evidence to suggest he ever WILL represent.
Anyway. Fuck Syril Karn stans.
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muutosarchive · 1 year
Every John wick movie has the exact same club scene
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letsdothedamnthings · 2 years
I probably shouldn’t be sharing on this platform but… I WANT kisses!
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The number of blank blogs I have blocked lately is ridiculous.
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solarcandydrops · 2 years
For a few hours my account was terminated and man I was heated and sad. Mostly sad. I've put years into this blog and all my rp blogs.
Glad it's back.
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cognitiveinequality · 11 months
So... a bunch of NFT grifters threw a party in Hong Kong this weekend and reportedly a bunch of attendees are now at risk of permanent eyesight damage because the promoters used unsafe lighting, and people are going to the ER...
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shitnerdsinspace · 9 months
We don't have insurance this month because of a recent job change, so I asked the pharmacy if I could purchase my prescriptions out of pocket. Turns out my phentermine is $11 but my birth control is $70???
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