#i mean we are basically vampires aren't we?
thebasementgirl · 2 years
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helpimstuckinafandom · 6 months
#CAMI AND DAVINA GONE IN ONE EPISODE??!?!!??#YOU CAN'T BE FUCKING FOR REAL#(davina perma died an episode later both they both died in one episode right before that)#also this season has been slacking on marcel and the ep post-davina's death kicked him up several notches#he said all the shit i take issue with about the always and forever family bs#he hit that shit out of the park#also camille's death being all about comforting klaus fucking pissed me off#it was until she was scared right at the end that it was more about her#and her last words COULD have beenthe immortality line. but then they had to have her bolster klaus again instead#at least we got others mourning her after#but davina????#those bitchass ancestors forced her boyfriend to kill her then nearly shredded her soul#and she could've been resurrected. but of course fucking family came first#she had to die screaming for mercy alone as the ancestors tried to carve her soul from fucking existence#(and though i'm mad at elijah and freya for it it makes sense for them to do it#(what pissed me off was them and klaus then telling marcel that they were justified and he should just suck it up and understand)#(like no take the consequences let the man mourn)#(freya claiming family to kol too like girl i don't know you. and this 'family' loves you more than it ever loved me)#(y'all only love me on my deathbed)#(if being family means we kill each other's partners [which happens time and time again] then fuck being in this family)#like i don't actually want the mikaelsons dead. but also i hope super vampire marcel kills you all#hope kol gets away from you people because you are not family to him. you aren't.#but mostly davina. poor fucking davina#her and kol are my bonnie and enzo - finally finding someone who will choose them not just use them#only for death at the hand of allies#davina clair was an abused teenager you all used and who justifiably hated y'all#and she deserved more than to die like this. die basically three fucking times over still helping in the end#truly have not seen a witch this blatantly used and mistreated since the bonnie bennet#davina claire#the originals
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ineffably-human · 1 year
We're going to scream about Nandermo all week, but right now I need to talk about Baron Afanas. Because the Baron's arc, so to speak, always felt like a big part of the series DNA for me - and oh fuck did this episode deliver on why.
I think we can agree: in the show, vampire society is fucked up, right?
Vampires on their own have plenty to deal with that can make them crazy. They have to live by killing. They lose everyone from their old lives. They have to find new reasons to keep going on, forever, so shit can get decadent really fast.
But holy shit, what that's turned into in vampire society? Where you actively put cruelty over mercy, and violence over solving your problems? Death cults and scam artists roam free, but if someone has depression the best thing to do is ignore them. Someone can get their mind wiped or be locked up for centuries, and that's just what you do to your species.
So: the Baron's arrival is the first conflict of the whole show. The joke is about an ancient powerful creature of pants-shitting terror, vs three lesser vampires who just want to live their lives and not get murdered for being too lazy to conquer humanity. There's a lot of talk about how to please him: do you keep to the old ways, or pick up some new traditions? Decorate with flayed skin, or with glitter? And the Baron says: who cares, you're all soft and useless. All that matters is getting more control over this world, until people are cattle and we have no reason to hide anymore.
But later he confesses: that shit stopped mattering ages ago. He's not even real nobility, he's literally impotent, and he talks about doing horrible things because he doesn't know what else to say. He's angry and half-crazy from boredom. And admitting that, owning those feelings, means suddenly he has three new friends and a whole new world of things to enjoy.
There's the Baron the rest of the vampire world knows, but for one night we see the ancient, unknowable terror was just a guy. Maybe he's always been just some guy.
That fun puts him in a vulnerable position, and he's killed by the most unwitting vampire slayer in fiction. But Baron Afanas is changed. He sucks dirt for a year and still comes out of it with a new lightness and joy to him. He saves the Sire, another ancient terrifying monster everyone was eager to kill or send away. They adopt the hellhound. They get cozy and give advice. They make popsicle stick houses and go on walks. They live.
And that seemed like the end of the story until last night - when the Baron suddenly felt like the butt of a joke everyone knew but him. Spurred on by someone else who feels lonely and ignored, the Baron felt vulnerable. And he snapped back to how he lived for centuries.
'What the hell are you all doing, enjoying yourselves? We're supposed to be unhappy. We're supposed to live centuries of unhappiness, bringing pain to everyone in our path, and we're definitely not supposed to cheer up our friend who's sad.'
Nobody liked the Baron before Guillermo killed him, not even other powerful vampires we meet; they saw the Baron as a crazy far beyond their own crazy. But this is also how vampire society values you. It's how they measure Nandor's worth when they think he's dead, too: how old and powerful you are, how much you've been able to conquer and kill.
Vampire pods are both cliquish and aren't expected to last in the first place. If someone dies, you literally paint them out of your lives and forget. Everything we see discourages feelings, sincerity, or even basic companionship. The only way to earn respect is to be cruel. The more cruel you are, the more powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the more feared you are - the lonelier you are, the crazier you are. It's practically designed to create the Baron, or worse.
But new vampires don't behave that way. And the vampires we follow in the show don't behave that way - because they have each other, because they've been encouraged to have each other, often by Guillermo. (Holy shit, Nadja saying maybe she'd be fine dying, and Nandor immediately asking if she's okay? Nothing changes in this house, except everything does. They're not going to almost lose one of their own ever again.)
The vampires in the heart of vampire culture never seem happy to be like this. It doesn't have to be like this.
The Baron doesn't become a tyrannical monster for long. Because he never actually was one - and because he spends two evenings and a fireball to the face, watching Nandor and Nadja fight for Guillermo. Watching them plead and cling and defy, seeing Guillermo's earnest feelings in spite of his bloodline and the mistakes he's made. Seeing Nandor's perfect trust, and then his grief, the way he insists that Guillermo was never 'just' anything. The Baron can't find real fulfillment in hurting someone (because that ship sailed ages ago). He can't deride them for caring, because he's cared for a long time now.
And when the Baron admits that's who he is, when he says it out loud, he only gains more in his life. He finds new depth in the happiness he'd felt for a while now, because he's admitted and allowed himself to be happy. And now he has the children he's always wanted. Living together, the Baron and the Sire are still ancient and powerful - and they're also family, finding real joy together in a world that was ready to dispose of them.
"I suppose with the right company, it can be beautiful, this eternal existence."
There's an inherent selfishness to being a vampire, taking from someone else in order to live. But there doesn't have to be inherent cruelty, or lack of love.
They're all ready to admit they care. The Staten vampires have all cared for Guillermo or each other in their own ways this season. And Guillermo doesn't lack for flaws, but loving his monster family has never been one of them. (When he and Nandor work their shit out, they're gonna be insufferable.)
Now they just have to let the Guide in. Because she's absolutely starved for love, and vampires get pretty fucked up when they're on their own.
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dann-art · 1 month
I know that vampire chronicles aren't meant to be historical accurate. Like you read this and you know that all this events can happen in literally any time and space. Like really. The times doesn't really matter there, there are no nuances.
Listen, I'm not a historian, by any means. It's just like a hobby, but I have millions of them so I don't even learn that much.
Also I usually don't give a shit about accuracy in media, like whatever, until it's science do what you want, whatever suits your story
But sometimes it's time to say enough is enough.
So, we need to talk about Armands origin in Kievan Rus'. Okay, that's cool, we don't really explore it, but well whatever, at least we're not messing this up, right? Right?
While I was reading I ignored it. I was reading TVA in polish translation I thought like okay, names and nuances probably got lost in translation. It's a really bad translation tho.
But out of curiosity today I opened the book in English, because this was sticking in my head.
And it appears it wasn't translators fault.
So well, it's like kinda huge mistake. Like no one really checked it? But this book constantly claims that like Kievan Rus' was then in Russia. And suprise, suprise: that's simply not true. Well the term is kinda not right and can mean anything, like back it existed as state it was huge, but (judging on the mention of Kiev itself) that it was like somewhere in that area.
So I'll spare whole history, it's not relevant. We're stop around 1480's, when Armand was born (based on my calculations). And in that time the region was called Kiev Voivodeship (hope I got it right in english), and it was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and stayed there until 1569, when it passed to the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland (when the Polish-lithuanian commonwealth was created, but both countries were in union since early XV century)
So in the book we have some lines like this
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Armand, bestie, I don't know how to break it to you, you're not russian. You never were. You've never lived in Russia (or back then I would use rather the name Moscow, but again I'm not a historian). More of a Ukrainian if so, but also not the world I would use. Most accurate would be rusyn (I think, or ruthenian???? I'm not sure how it works in English, anyway not russian).
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Then we have this, and well... Oh boy. Something went really wrong with geography here. First of all, you've never been to Russia (or better say Principality of Moscow, like it wasn't even called Russia, from what I know, but i might be wrong).
So okay, Moscow and Novgorod were in part of Moscow indeed but Cracow!?!?!?? (Known also as my absolutely favourite city in the world). Like Cracow like Never ever has been a part of Russia. Okay, I get confusion with Kiev if you really really don't care about basic research. But Cracow???
Here's the map. Unfortunately it like administrative of Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in 1619, but well you'll see my point. That doesn't make any sense
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Cracow always was polish. Like it's our second capital. And look how far from Russia it is. Even during the partitions it goes to Austria not Russia.
Last thing I want to point out is this one
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Like, man, maybe you speak russian, I do not doubt, like during travel to Moscow you could learn I guess.
I'm not entirely sure, but I guess the language there is ruthenian not russian. Like ruthenian is old language which is base for slavic languages such as Belarusian or Ukrainian. And what is also important it was not the language used in the Principality of Moscow, so it's definitely not russian.
Okay, thanks for reading if anyone is still there. I won't bore you any longer. It just was sitting in my head and I had to throw it out because we'll, basic research I guess.
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rogues-the-fanzine · 8 months
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Catie: Do you think the henchmen need to unionize?
Cato: actually….if they HAVE to, but, I don’t think they-
Ed barges into the door with a BAM and angry footsteps 
Catie and Cato: wait what?-
Edward: you’re going to explain to me why you’ve been in the Rogues! The Podcast fandom for HOW LONG and yet you NEVER talk about me even though I’m the main character!
Catie: have you like actually seen my content? I talk about you like exclusively 
Edward: (sticks his hand up to silence Catie) Oh we all know what happened to your “content” while you were in England. 
Edward: AND YOU…you’re a TRAITOR! You wear that symbol and color with SHAME!
Cato: Pink and Green are complementary colors, I have a brand to keep up with. 
Edward: That is NOT an excuse. The idea that you are that good at drawing Jonathan Crane is vile. And now…you’re going to make it up to me. 
Cato and Catie: Wait what? (Huh?) 
Edward: You are going to tell ME about the spectacular, well thought out plan YOU have CREATED. To apologize to ME for your atrocious lack of Riddler themed content
Edward: So what is it?? What’s that great master plan of yours? I’m listening and awaiting an answer. 
Cato and Catie fumble a bit as they try to speak on their behalf. This could be improvised between Catie and Cato while recording. 
Catie snaps her fingers at a probable solution.
Catie: The Zine!!! We have a zine. 
Cato: You are the main character in our upcoming Zine.
Catie: a big art collaboration featuring 36 fantastic artists, all drawing YOUR likeness. 
Cato: including an exclusive interview with-
Edward: wow! Don’t care, tell me the parts about ME. 
Cato: well… It features many illustrations, writings, and Comics from various moments from the hit ‘ROGUES! The Podcast’ 
Catie: it features mainly you, and plenty of background characters such as Jonathan Crane, Oswald Cobblepot, Laura Cameron, Query and Echo, and more! But it’s all just for highlighting your existence and greatness as The Riddler.
Edward: …. You’re just kissing my ass aren't you. This zine isn’t just about me! You’re lying! 
Catie: Actually statistically you’re featured in 25 pieces while Jonathan Crane for example is only in ____ pieces which is like a ___ difference.
Edward: Do I look like someone who doesn’t know basic arithmetic?
There are some strong knocks on the door
Cato: I’ll get it. 
Cato opens the door revealing Jonathan Crane
Jon: Well well well I knew I heard a narcissist and my favorite overreacter! Have any drawings of me yet? You know people go crazy when you draw me (Jon chuckle) 
Cato: (forced laughter) HAHAHAHA! I'm gonna go to the other room now. 
Catie: (forced laughter) HAHHAHAHAHA. You’re gonna sit down. HAHAHAHAHA
Cato: (forced laughter turns to defeat) OK OK. 
Edward: No no! They’re not drawing you! They have a lot of drawings of ME to catch up on since this little Zine project isn’t even centered around me!
Jon: Of course it’s not all about you Ed. It’s Rogues! The fanzine not Riddler! The fanzine
Catie and Cato: that's right!
Catie: it features almost everyone that appears in Rogues! the podcast!
Cato: including iconic scenes from all the seasons and special events like Lockup’s Lockdown and murder in the house of mystery
Captain Boomerang for some reason: am I in it?
Catie and Cato: NO
Edward: You know. This could be a good thing. More people would see how much better I am.
Jon: You are insufferable, you know that right?
Edward: And I’m in more zine pieces than you. That means some people find me charming.
Jon: you two. When is this zine thing out?
Catie: January 31st!
Cato: and it’s free so you don’t have to pay to see it
Edward: Ah, perfect. People don’t even have to pay to see Jon’s ugly mug
Jon: Oh you're funny. That was funny.
Cato: you know what would be funny? If you guys left right now.
Catie: yeah you interrupted Cato’s vampire Jon drawing time 
Jon: Vampire Jon?
Edward: And that is our cue to leave! You two need to feature me more! 
Catie/Cato: yes sir will do!
Jon and Edward leave
Cato: I’m killing you
Catie: WHAT DID I DO!?
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 months
Milk/ 1
Pairing- San x Named Reader
Word count- 2.6k
Includes- Sex from behind, dirty talk, squirting, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @mknae-jongho @bykeynote @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝San Masterlist
This is the San 3-4 part fic that won the poll
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"Would you stop squirming?", my best friend snaps, glaring over at me from her side of the bed
"I can't help it", I answer, trying to hide my hard on, "I'm trying to get comfortable"
It's hard while watching this sex scene
I had no idea what I was in for when she wanted to watch True Blood
She said it was about vampires
Not my thing, but she's my best friend since infanthood so I caved
She's watched things I wanted that she had no interest in either so I figured I can do this for her
So far it was interesting but I had no idea about the graphic sex scenes in it
Like Game of thrones
And I haven't fucked anyone in awhile so excuse me if I get horny and hard during what is basically a soft core porn scene
I don't want her to know I'm hard or she'll never let me live it down
It also doesn't help that she paused the show midway through one of the vampires thrusting into the girl
"Why aren't you comfortable? You've been laying in the same position for awhile and now all of a sudden you need to move?", she rolls her eyes, "What, are you hard or something?"
How the fuck does she know?
"No", I scowl at her, turning my body away from her
She stares at me for a second then a huge grin breaks on her face, "Oh my god you are!"
"No!", I say defensively
"Let me see!"
"What? No!", I yell as she tugs on my arm to try to roll me to my back, "Stop Jo!"
She's freakishly strong and she manages to pull me hard enough to get me on my back, her hands pulling away the blanket before I even have a chance to keep it covering me
"Oh shit", she giggles, the big tent in my pants glaringly obvious
"Jo, the fuck?", I whine, trying to grab the blanket
"A sex scene in a show made you hard?", she laughs, "Seriously?"
"Hey!", I snap, "I haven't fucked anyone in awhile. I'm horny!"
"What about three weeks ago-"
"I was drunk and don't remember anything. You don't either"
Yeah we fucked.....
I think
But it doesn't count because we were both shit faced from a club, our friends dumped us at my apartment and apparently we had sex
I woke up naked with her next to me, naked too, the next morning
But I can't remember anything about it
She can't either
So we both assume we had sex but we're not really sure
And since I don't remember, then I don't count it and I maintain that I haven't had sex for awhile
"Yeah ok, I see your point", she agrees
"Good. Can we drop it now?"
"I don't think you can", she jokes, glancing at my dick
"Haha, you're so funny", I snap
I'm also annoyed that my dick isn't going down
Normally this would mortify me and make any hard on disappear in seconds
But it's her, we're open about stuff like this, we're talking about it and I guess that's why I'm still hard
It'll take awhile to go down but it will when I get distracted
"Put the show back on"
She shakes her head, standing up, "I know what you can do to take care of it"
Is she really going to leave me to jerk off in her bed?
I can go to the bathroom for that
Which I tell her
"No not that", she says and I'm at a loss for what she means
She walks over to her desk and to my utter shock she wiggles down her shorts and panties
Leaning over her desk, she looks over her shoulder at me, "Come fuck me"
My mouth drops open in complete surprise
Did she just say she wants me to go fuck her?
We don't do things like this
"What? You're horny. I'm horny, we can kill two birds with one stone"
That's what she's calling it?
That's why she wants to because it's convenient?
"I uh...I don't think-", I start but stop talking when she bends over more, her small fingers pulling her pussy lips apart, letting me see her small, wet hole
Oh my fucking god, her pussy is the prettiest I've ever seen
And so fucking wet
I feel my cock throb, wanting to be buried inside her
But I'm not sure about taking this step and I'm not keen on messing up our friendship
I love her, she's my rock and I need her
"Sannie", she whines cutely, "C'mon. I wanna feel you inside me"
"You do?", I ask flabbergasted
She nods, glancing over her shoulder again, "Ever since we woke up and didn't know if we had sex, I've wondered what it'd feel like to be with you. What it's feel like to have your dick buried in my pussy, fucking me, coming on you. And the more I think about it the more I want it"
I'm in total disbelief
I mean, yes, I've thought about being with her too but I never imagined she gave it a second thought
"Don't you want to?", she asks, sounding unsure now
"Yes", I answer immediately and internally smacking myself for sounding desperate, "I'm just....I'm worried this will change us"
She shakes her head, "Oh please Sannie, it's just sex. I'm not gonna fall in love with you or anything stupid like that. It's just fucking because we're both horny. That's all"
Ok, that's good
That was the only reason I was holding back
But now that it's cleared up, I'm good
Standing up, I drop my sweatpants and boxers, kicking them off, then moving right to her
"Wow San", she says, eyeing my cock
I smirk, "Like it?"
She nods, "So big. Gonna feel so good"
"Oh yeah?", I tease, pumping my cock a few times
"Yeah", she teases, "You may not know this about me but I like having big fat cocks up my cunt. And yours fits the bill"
Ok yeah I am shocked but I'm not gonna let that show
"Always knew you were a slut", I tell her, rubbing my head against her slit, feeling her juice soak my cock
"Mmm hmmm", she whimpers, "You're slut now"
God, that's such a turn on, "Yeah tonight you're my whore"
With that I shove my cock up her cunt, splitting her on my length so pleasurably, bottoming out in one stroke
"Yes, fuck San", she cries, her pussy clamping down around my cock, throbbing so fucking nicely, her pussy lips wrapped tightly around me
"God, you're so tight", I pant, "When was the last time you were fucked?"
"You", she moans softly
Guess she's counting that night then
"You don't even know if I really fucked you", I tell her, pushing her down on the desk then pulling out, feeling her cunt suck on me, trying to hold me inside her
Fuck that feels so good
Slamming back in, her hole takes me in, clenching as soon as I'm back, sending pleasure up my spine
"You did", she murmurs as I hold her down, fucking into her over and over
Her pussy locks on my cock every time I thrust into her, like she wants to keep me in, showering my dick and lap with her creamy juice
"How do you know?", I moan, pulling her legs apart more, jackhammering my cock into her waiting cunt
She takes me absolutely perfectly even though we're a tight snug fit with no room to spare
She has got to be one of the best pussy's I've ever fucked
"Because I re... remember...bits....and pieces", she moans
I remember her telling me that but I'm not sure if she's mixing me up with someone else
Slamming into her, she cries out loudly, clenching down on my cock particularly hard
"There Sannie", she whines, "Please, fuck me there"
"You're spot?", I ask smugly
"Ok baby. I'll fuck you there"
Pounding into her, I make sure I hit that spot over and over, her pussy watering like a waterfall
I look down, moaning as I watch her cream my cock up good, the squelching sound of my cock in her cunt so loud
"Hear how loud you're cunt is for me?", I ask her
"Yes", she moans, pussy pulsing sweetly around my shaft
"Think I'm fucking you better this time around?"
"Yes", she cries
I'm so fucking hot, sweat making my shirt cling to me
Not missing a thrust, I pull my shirt off, tossing it on the ground, the cool air hitting my body feeling good
She's sweating too, her shirt wet with it, so I shove her shirt up, telling her to get up
She moves up, her hands holding her up on the desk as I get her shirt off her, then undo her bra, tossing both on the floor with my shirt
Moving closer to her, I press my body against her, the soft, smooth skin of her back right against my chest, making me actually shiver
My hands reach around her, groping and squeezing her squishy boobs, my head right next to hers, leaning on hers
"You feel so good", I moan in her ear, letting the pleasure hit me everywhere, her pussy fluttering so fucking hard around me as I push through her tightness over and over again
"You....feel good....too", she hiccups
I hear crumpling sounds and when I look down at the desk, her hands are squeezing the life from the papers on the desk
I smirk, knowing I'm giving it to her good
"You've been craving for my cock in your pussy for awhile haven't you?", I murmur in her ear, her head leaning back on my shoulder
"Yes San", she moans, my fingers now pinching her hard nipples
"Mmm I'm glad. Glad you convinced me to fuck your tight wet pussy that feels so fucking good", I moan, glancing at her
She whimpers, pleasure on her face so pretty
I'm not dumb, I know my best friend is pretty
I just never thought about her this way
Until now
"May have to keep fucking you"
She nods, groaning, "Yes. Fuck. You can fuck my pussy anytime you want"
"Oh yeah?", I tease, "Want your best friend's cock up your cunt all the time?"
"Yes", she cries, pussy spasming uncontrollably, "Wanna be your cock sleeve Sannie"
My mind explodes at her words, getting hornier and fucking into her harder
"You can, fuck. Gonna wear your pussy all the time now", I tell her, "Fuck, want you to cum for me"
Once my words are said, she moans, her body shaking against me, her pussy clenching my cock in a vice grip as she cums
Incredible pleasure slams into me from her orgasm, taking my breath away
Holy fucking shit, it's fucking amazing
"San", she moans softly, my head snapping to look at her immediately, it taking me a second to process that she's saying my name while she climaxes
Holy shit
"Sannie, fuck. San"
While I'm shocked hearing my name, I continue to fuck her through her orgasm until she finishes
Then I shove her back down on the desk, speeding up my thrusts as I plow into her cunt, watching her tiny hole split open for me, her swollen pussy lips so pretty around my cock
"Cum again", I demand, pounding her into the desk, "I need it"
It's too fucking good
Her orgasm is like a rush of ecstasy and I need to feel it again
"Fuck", she moans, her head laying on the desk, her eyes squeezes shut as her cunt swallows my cock over and over
She's making such a big fucking mess on my cock that I love seeing
Moving my arm around her, I press my fingers into her clit, rubbing it in circles harshly
"Fuck!", she shouts, her cunt squeezing my cock hard
"Yes baby", I urge her, fucking her spot and playing with her clit, "Cum for my cock. Wanna feel it again. Feels so good"
I feel like a junkie, the only thing on my mind is getting her cunt to cum so I can get a hit of that pleasure
"Sannie", she cries, getting impossibly tight around my cock
Her orgasm is gonna make me cum
I know it
I pant as I thrust into her, her scream of my name signalling her orgasm
Clear liquid pours from her cunt as she squirts around my cock, soaking me and the floor, her cunt keeping my cock in a death grip as she pulses wonderfully
The pleasure I was craving washes over me and I revel in it
"Cum San!", she cries, "Cum in my pussy! Wanna milk your cock"
Shock at her words enters through the pleasure, exciting me more
"Please baby. Wanna milk your cock so bad"
"Fuck Jo! Fuck", I yell, shoving my cock deep inside her, my cock throbbing as I cum, pure ecstasy blinding me
My entire body shakes as I empty into her, intense pleasure I've never felt before tidal waving over me
Her cunt squeezes my length again and again, milking my cock so fucking well
"Yes Sannie", she moans, "Gimme your cum baby. Fuck want all of it. Every last drop"
Her milking pussy keeps me in pleasure longer, sucking everything from my cock
"Yes fuck", she whimpers, "Love milking fat cocks like yours Sannie"
She is completely shocking me today
I found out a few things about her I've never knew
And each one is such a turn on
The pleasure leaves as I'm sucked dry, only then does her pussy loosen around me and I fall out
I lean against the desk so I don't faceplant on the floor, both of us breathing hard
That has to be one of the best sex sessions I've ever had
Hands down
She stands up, her gaze landing on mine, her cheeks pink
"Don't be shy on me now", I laugh, caressing her face softly
"I'm not", she answers, "We uh...should get cleaned up though"
I nod, "Ok"
She gathers her clothes then heads for the door, "I'll be back"
"Hold on", I call
She looks back at me, "Do you really like milking cock?"
She rolls her eyes, her sass back, "Yeah. I like clenching on dick, I like feeling cum in my pussy. And it's easier to milk fat cocks than skinny ones"
Wow, ok
I didn't think she'd really answer that but ok
"We good?", she asks
I nod wordlessly
She nods, then disappears
I assume to the bathroom
I take a second for the reality of what just happened to hit me
I fucked my best friend
And it was amazing
That is a shock within itself
And the things she said, letting me fuck her anytime...I wonder if it was true or just something said in the moment
I know I said I'd fuck her all the time and honestly I'm not sure if I meant it or not
I mean if she wanted to, I'd definitely have sex with her again
This is confusing and I need to stop
It's just sex, like she said
Nothing to worry about or over analyze
She comes back five minutes later, her eyes averted from me as I realize I'm still just standing here naked
"Bathroom is yours", she says, looking down as she makes it to her bed
"Thanks", I say, collecting my clothes then getting to the bathroom
I clean up, use the bathroom and wash my hands then get my clothes back on
Heading into her room again, I take my place next to her in her bed
Like we were sitting before we fucked
"Ready?", she asks
I nod and she unpauses the show, both of us acting like nothing happened
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fox-guardian · 2 months
okay one person said yes so here's the vampires and werewolves ramblings from my little original story with lila and redd that i still don't have a name for
the vampires and werewolves are mostly typical in their appearance, methods, and weaknesses, just to slightly different degrees. the sun won't immediately incinerate a vampire, but it will give severe burns much faster than usual that could definitely kill one, just much slower than being incinerated. werewolves develop an allergy to silver but are about as easily murdered with a silver bullet as with a regular one so in that regard, not much of a difference.
the whole faith-based weaknesses thing is much. blurrier. i hesitate to explain it away but let's call it varying on a case-by-case basis.
also humans at large do not know that werewolves and vampires are real, they're more-or-less secret/hiding in plain sight
i feel compelled to start with the social/cultural aspects that are focused on in the story.
vampirism is treated less as a disease or curse and more as a lifestyle choice by most vampires. due to the turning process involving drinking each other's blood and not solely being bitten, there's usually more consent involved in the process, so most vamps are turned by choice. we see this in the "support group" that turns out to be more of a fun club of vampires that redd attends, in which he is surprised to find that he's the only one that was turned unwillingly.
vampires who chose the lifestyle tend to come in a few different varieties: the people who are 100% down with all the vampire shit one way or another and are handling things well, the people who are mostly down but have hang-ups about certain things, and the people who Thought they were down and ended up unprepared for basically everything.
the amount of Discourse in the vamp lifestyle community is insane.
there's different ways that vamps go about obtaining blood. usually it's either via an underground blood bag market (ideally obtained from willing donors, but ofc sometimes not) or by finding live donors or "thralls" as some say. many vamps have strong opinions on other vamps' drinking preferences.
the most hardcore of vampires are either living with houses full of willing thralls, or scouring the streets for unsuspecting victims (which is deeply frowned upon in the vampire community because Come On Now Let's Not Put Up Neon Signs Saying VAMPIRES ARE HERE we're trying to be Subtle)
in any case, in order to not Die Of Thirst as a vampire, you need to be able to maintain regular connections of some kind. either with someone selling blood in bagged form (and then you need to verify the source of the blood if ethics is an issue for you) or you need to keep good relationships with any live donors (and ideally you'd have multiple to rotate through so that blood loss isn't an issue for their health) (this is difficult for redd because he can barely stand going grocery shopping much less going into a dark alley to ask someone for a blood bag or *shudders* maintaining long-terms pleasant relations with live donors he has to see regularly)
onto biology
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[ID: A sketchy digital drawing of a upper set of human teeth with larger, sharper front incisors and longer, sharper canines. end ID]
the teeth resemble that of an actual vampire bat, and the proportions of the incisors and canines vary from individual to individual, though some vamps get dental surgery to shave the incisors down and/or wear additional fang caps to achieve the classic fanged look if they aren't lucky when they turn. this tooth formation is very convenient for multiple biting styles, depending on tooth size. either the "carving" method using the front incisors to make a single angled cut, or the classic fangs puncturing two holes. either way, the blood is then licked/sucked up via usual mouth methods (no tooth straws here sorry) the wounds caused by bites must be cared for via usual means (no magic healing saliva sorry). also the teeth usually grow into their final shape within 30 days of being turned
vampires can only subsist on Human blood. animal blood will tide their hunger and fill their stomachs, but will not nourish them as they need. if a vampire goes too long without feeding on human blood, they will enter into a Feeding Frenzy
the time it takes to enter a feeding frenzy varies, but the longest most go from their last human sip to the frenzy is around 1.5 months. and that is the absolute longest with animal blood as a substitute. without anything it takes Far less time.
symptoms of a feeding frenzy start soon. extra strong cravings for blood ofc, decreased body temperature, lack of energy, shaky hands, etc. the closer you get to the frenzy the more intense the symptoms become, and more start to appear, such as decreased blood flow to the extremities (mostly fingers and toes), various aches and pains increasing in intensity, seemingly random bursts of energy, and also the irises will turn red when the subject is exposed to blood or when the frenzy is around the corner as a sort of final warning. increased sensory sensitivity and abnormal behavior such as suddenly chomping on people and/or animals is also a thing.
the frenzy isn't officially entered until the vampire transforms into a giant bat monster. it is more giant bat than it is human, in appearance. it loses almost all conscious thought, relying only on instinct to survive, and will drink the blood of any person it can get its weird little wing-hands on until satiated (which will take. a very long time. historically they never found out the limit because they were usually mobbed and killed by then) there is no known cure for a feeding frenzy, only prevention. the prevention is just drinking blood regularly like you're supposed to.
vampires are also extra sensitive to light and have an increased sense of smell, but their hearing doesn't change much unless they have entered a feeding frenzy. also garlic won't kill them but they are allergic (to the flower also) and also regular food can be consumed but gives them the shits like you would not Believe.
once again starting with the social aspects, lycanthropy is treated more like a sickness or curse by most werewolves within the story. lycanthropy only requires either a bite or drinking the water from a pawprint to turn, so unwilling werewolves are more common (usually via the bite method obvs) (lila is an exception to this rule)
the group lila attends is a legitimate support group for people suffering with lycanthropy, and they treat it as a safe space to discuss all aspects of the disease. including the part where upon first turning, people usually turn violent in some capacity, usually due to fear and confusion, but occasionally due to rage experienced prior to turning having a fresh outlet alongside the fear and confusion (generally the story doesn't treat the killing of various victims as very serious, i'm taking more of a comedy route with that, so the support group is like "oh you killed and ate three people? i completely understand you are so valid for that")
there are also a few werewolf-made support apps to assist people throughout the lunar cycle. there's a big focus on self care and promoting Peace and Serenity around the full moon to ensure a safe transformation and minimal collateral damage. (yes it is basically a period tracking app. yes it is very gender euphoric for lila to have)
there isn't a lot that can be done to mitigate symptoms of lycanthropy, but there Are both scientist werewolves and werewolf allies working towards a cure
now for the biology
this is the part that i have less of. mostly because werewolf diets aren't that crazy i feel like. there is definitely an increased demand of meat, especially red meat, and raw meat is also now more easily/safely digestible due to a change in the makeup of the stomach acid!
werewolves transform based on the lunar cycle, but "mini" transformations can be triggered in high-stress situations as well. these include things like sudden fur growth, changes from hands/feet to more paw-like structure, and even facial changes and tail growth. however, these changes (even a full-body change) will not be as severe as when they occur under the full moon.
first transformations occur on the nearest or second-nearest full moon. like. if you get bitten the night before the full moon, you get turned the next cycle, there hasn't been enough time for it to set in yet. you have to wait at least a week. initial symptoms include increased body hair growth, extra cravings for red meat, increased aggression and territoriality, and an increased sense of smell. the first transformation is always the most painful, and usually pain decreases to what will become typical levels between the third and twelfth cycle. (there are werewolf meds/methods/life hacks/etc to help with the pain)
after the first transformation, certain permanent physical changes occur. the canines all become larger and sharper (you get four fangs) and the ears become longer and pointier, and the eyes typically experience a permanent color change as well, depending on the original shade. usually lighter eye colors like blue or gray will turn icy blue or white, while lighter browns might become more golden. darker browns and black usually remain the same. tapetum lucidum also. the whites of the eyes also turn black during transformation, but this is usually not permanent.
the big transformation itself involves a full-body change into a giant wolf-human hybrid, which can go from quadrupedal to bipedal fairly easily. speech in this form is difficult, but not impossible, mostly the voice just gets deeper and rougher. due to the energy expense of transforming, a great feast is recommended before, during, and after a full moon transformation (the biggest one during). obtaining large amounts of red meat every month gets costly and welp there's only so much the werewolves can do about that since they tend to keep things secret between them and humans. you're on your own there with obtaining it. hope you're friends with a butcher (or an experienced hunter who no longer has a need for the Large Amounts Of Meat he keeps from the deer he hunts for leather these days) (cough cough that's redd cough cough)
also, werewolf blood counts as human enough to sustain a vampire.
i thiiiink that's everything i have so far?? if anyone has questions/suggestions lemme know i'd love to brainstorm <3
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melodic-haze · 3 months
I saw this picture and now I can’t get this idea out of my mind. Robin with a lamia/naga lover. One who just adores coiling around her. And hey this can even go into the size kink since snake people would have to be rather large to move!
(Also Naga’s are male lamia’s right? I forgor.)
Oh my god before everything can I nerd about this for a second? I'm gonna nerd about this for a second LMAO I LOVE MYTHOLOGY okay the difference between lamias and nagas aren't their genders, though it DOES have some factor in it, it's acc their pantheons❗️❗️ Lamias are considered demons that come from Greek myth, while nagas are essentially a type of people from Hindu myth
Reason why you probably have this pegged (haha) as the terms being genderlocked (my bad I'm too gamepilled) is bc while nagas can usually be whatever gender, lamias are actually only female.....or intersex, which. Yk. Is really fun to play with for me 🤤 fun fact the term 'lamia' wasn't originally meant to be for demons, but rather a specific woman who was BASICALLY the first vampire (girlbossed actually)
Ok now that I've nerded, I need. I NEED to. Oh my god 😩😩 for the sake of baby's safety, reader in this case is a naga (though tbf either way's fine ☺️☺️ just don't kill the poor girl)
Just the thought of coiling around Robin and wrapping around her more than her wings ever could, and with her skill animation we KNOW her hip wings are fucking HUGE!!!! Imagine just taking a nap with her, or even like. Just cuddling with her, except it's just you wrapping your lower body all around her. She giggles as you do so or when you shift your coil a little, saying that it tickles :3
It actually becomes a way to alleviate her anxiety when the spotlight gets too much for her :((( bc with your body, you can essentially hide her from the world. She'll joke around, saying that you can easily spirit her away to somewhere where she no longer has to face the tiring scrutiny, but she takes it back easily bc that would mean giving up on her dream to make people happy (PUT YOURSELF FIRST FOR ONCE WOMAN AUGHHHHHH)
Of course, you can use your species type to your advantage 😜😜 imagine coiling around her wrists before laying her on the underside of your serpentine body as some kind of assist to keep her on your back as you do everything you can to get her to cum—use your long tongue to taste her in any way you can, pounding her with your length, just do ANYTHING and she'll go insane from both the stimulation and the Easy difference between you two
There's always yk. Fucking the halovian with your tail as well 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ get creative yk
And if you're into asphyxiation, have fun with the fact that you can hold her up in the air by the neck as you eat her out 😋 she'll be coming apart in NO time at all, her voice broken and so fucking lovely :3
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Just discovered while talking to someone in Spanish that "Adiós" is more of a permanent goodbye, something you might say to someone you expect to never meet again, like a stranger. Instead, he said I should use "nos vemos" when speaking with people I know, which makes sense. I was wondering what other goodbyes I could use that aren't permanent? Obviously there's "hasta luego" and "hasta mañana."
I wouldn't go that far necessarily, but yes adiós can be used for people you don't expect to see for a long time (possibly never again like sayonara means in Japanese)
Literally, adiós is "go with God" which would have been a lot more impactful in the time of needing to journey days/weeks/months to meet some relatives, and possibly having to deal with war, disease, wild animals etc
A lot of Western langauges have something similar, even "goodbye" is "God be with you/ye"
Some people do use it for a permanent goodbye. Others use it for an indefinite but probably long period of goodbye
And some people just say adiós as a standard goodbye with no deeper meaning other than "bye"
Note: You can also say adiosito which I wouldn't necessarily recommend outside of friendly conversation since it can sound sarcastic; it's like "toodle-oo" but it's literally a little goodbye
Note 2: If you vehemently hate someone and you hope to never see them again, you can say hasta nunca which is like "see you never" and I think that's beautiful
Today people do use adiós just as "goodbye" though it can read as "we won't see each other for a while"
The more short-term is nos vemos "we will see each other"
Another variation is a direct object version rather than reflexive. You can say te veo pronto "I'll see you soon" for example, instead of nos vemos pronto "we will see each other soon", that sort of thing
There's also hasta pronto "see you soon", hasta la próxima "see you next time"
And a lot of people have adapted certain words into Spanish like bye/bai or chau/chao for goodbyes
chau/chao in particular comes from ciao and is super common especially in South America
Another common one I say is cuídate "take care of yourself" / cuídese for polite, cuídense for plural
Depending on context you can also say ¡Suerte! "Good luck!" (or ¡Buena suerte! or ¡Que tengas mucha suerte! "Hope you have lots of luck" or te deseo mucha suerte etc)....
Another common one I say is ¡Ánimo! which means something like "Chin up!" but literally it's "energy" or "cheer"; if you're saying ánimo with someone you're essentially saying ¡Aguanta! or ¡Resiste! which is like "Hang in there!" or trying to pep someone up, where animar is "to cheer someone on" so it's all related there
Also I know you said spoken but just in case, if you're signing off on a letter/email there are some basic phrases you can use:
saludos = (a generic kind of goodbye) [lit. "salutations" or "regards"] un cordial saludo = (something like "kind regards")
atentamente = "yours truly" / "sincerely" [lit. "attentively"]
estamos en contacto / estaremos en contacto = "we'll be in touch"
And if you're writing a friendly letter you can say abrazos or besos for "hugs" and "kisses" respectively; it's very common to say something like te mando un abrazo "I'm sending you a hug" or something like that
Also, if you're at a party or something, you can say something like ya me voy or me largo or something like "I'm heading out"
I tend to say something like hora de irme "time for me to go" because in my English-speaking brain saying me largo feels awkward like I'm storming out but I know that's not what that always means
Additionally you can say debo irme "I should go", something along those lines is pretty standard
If you're being funny, I think me piro vampiro is somewhat used in Spain (but maybe not so much now)... it's just there for the rhyme. Literally "I'm out, vampire" or "I'm leaving, vampire" [pirarse is an idiomatic way of saying "to leave"]
For Latin America, more common would be chao/chau pescao which is literally "goodbye seafood/fish" since pescao is an informal spelling of pescado where the D can kind of be aspirated
You may also see/hear chao/chau bacalao "goodbye cod"
Again, all for the rhyme. The equivalent of "see you later alligator" in English. Everyone loves a rhyme
But obviously only do this among friends because it's informal and a bit childish
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pairing: vampire!kate x fem!reader
summary: are you and kate actually meant to be together? you will get the answer at ceremony, where you’ll be surrounded by many other vampires, that are not the friendliest in town.
word count: 4.3k
warnings: light slapping, smut!!!, kinda dom!kate x sub!reader, mentions of blood, some swearing, dirty talk, if anything else I’ll add it
an: i had fun writing kate, she’s so fun and i need her asap:) also i used few sayings from my language and tried to translate it, so if it doesn’t make any sense in english i sincerely apologize haha
an2: also! i was very inspired by this TikTok!
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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"Baby! We´re gonna be late and your mother will kill us!" You yell, knowing damn well that the taller dark haired girl heard you.
It was a big family night for you and Kate. You were invited to family gatherings before, but today is different. Tonight you´re meeting her grand grand family members from all around the world. Most of them were against your relationship with a pure blood, but after a few stories they heard about your good impact on Kate, they realized that humans are not so bad after all.
Tonight is a big ceremony of the first humam coming to their family after almost 690 years. The only thing you have to do, to be accepted, is give a little of your blood to your mate, aka Kate. Sounds easy, right?
Well there are three scenarios that might happen. One; she will like your blood, which is the greatest option. The second situation could result in death in front of numerous vampires, and the third and worst possible outcome is that you have cursed blood. It basically means that you two aren't meant to be together, Kate explained to you weeks ago. So after hours, days of googling what blood type is the best for vampires, you actually gave up. Google didn´t give you the answer, shockingly. You just wished you would be Kate´s ideal.
"She can´t kill me, I´m immortal. Remember princess?" At the speed of a light a pair of hands wraps around you. Kate kisses your cheek, hoping it would ease your nerves.
"Oh, I completly forgot! My bad." Rolling your eyes at her wasn´t your brightest idea as a harsh slap on your ass was sent right away. "Ouch!" you yelp.
"Don´t." She spins you around so you two were facing eachtoher. Her cold hands found a way under your dress. Her blue eyes scanned your whole body, holding a little longer on your clevage that your new dress showed.
"Like what you see?" You tease her, already kwowing the answer.
"We don´t have to go there, princess. We can stay right here and-" Kate´s eyes were still on your breasts, until you cut you her off, then she met your eyes.
"Youre forgetting that I´m not immortal, Katie. And I would really appraciate not to fight any vampires today, especially not your mother." You smile at her. "Besides we can have fun later. After all the ceremony and blood testing thing, if everything will be okay and-" you ramble, but this time it´s Kate who jumps right in.
"It´s gonna be okay. I love you and you´re exactly my type." She winks at you, but your nerves are still all around the place. Her hands slips lower, gently touching the insides of your thighs.
"This distraction teqnique would work if our relatioship wouldn´t be on the line, Katie. So leave it for later, okay?" You smiled at her, wishing you could stay here and just enjoy eachother, just as much as she did.
"Fineee" Kate let out a big whine, like a kid when you take them their favorite toy. Which was exctly what´s happenening.
"The sooner we go, the sooner we will be back." You mumble.
"I like this mindset." She chuckled and then both of you went hand in hand outside, where your car with a driver was already waiting.
The car ride was comfotably silent, Kate was holding your hand the whole time, which helped you a little. After 20 minutes you´ve arrived, but you stayed in the car for another 5 minutes. Kate knew you were nervous, she could feel your nerves dancing all around your body, but mostly in your mind. She didn´t said anything, she just gave you a soft smile that made you fall for her the second you saw her. Slowly kissed your lips and then she opened the door for you. You will never get used to her super fast movements.
As always the Bishops made a big event look even bigger. Everything was so expenssive, even the dust looked like it was personaly made for Kate´s mom, Eleanor Bishop, for tonights occasion. As you get closer to the entrance you feel the nerves working again, making your stomach twirl, your hands starts to get shaky. As you approach the entrance, you're greeted by towering iron gate adorned with dark and sinister ornaments. These gates open slowly, revealing a long path leading deeper into the heart of the ceremony.
"Maybe we should get back, you know-" You quickly whisper in Kate´s ear.
"Easy, princess. You´re doing really good. Just hold my hand and I promise, everything will be okay." Kate looks at you with her cute little face. You sigh.
I´m okay, Kate says I´m doing good, so I´m doing good.
As you proceed, you notice the decorations adorning the area. Enormous candles everywhere. The flames seem to dance with a life of their own, casting flickering shadows that play tricks on your senses. It looks so magical, yet terryfying at the same time. The walls are lined with rich, dark wood paneling and huge ornate mirrors. Each table has gold cutlery and is decorated with blood-red and black roses.
Vampires don´t eat, why do they have so many tables set?
Your girlfriend see you look around with confused look on your face, she whispers. "My mom wanted it to look luxorious."
"So she spent a lot of money on... cuttlery and plates?" You chuckle a little.
"Basically, yeah." Kate shrughs and smiles with you.
"I can afford it, it would be a very sad life if after all these years I would be poor, don´t you think, (Y/N)?" As soon as you hear the voice you stop in your tracks, you don´t even dare to turn around, turn around and face Kate´s mother.
"I- I didn´t mean it as a bad thing, Mrs. Bishop." You turn around and notice that she is wearing a striking red dress that cascades to the ground, it´s fabric flowing like liquid silk, decorated with golden stripes.
"I know." Eleanor chuckles. "And to answer your question, it looks better rather than empty hall with just vampires." She looks at you and then Kate. "You two better get ready, you know how Daniella is." With that she leaves.
You turn to Kate and she´s already openning her mouth like she´s reading your mind. "My grandmother. She hates these gatherings. And I don´t blame her, she´s..." Kate stops in her words as she tries to figure out how old is her grandmother, but she just giggles, "... old."
You share a laugh with her as you two go into the backyard, where the ceremony will start.
As you walk through the lavish hallways right outside, you can't shake the feeling of being watched. The stern-faced vampires seem to follow your every move with their eyes. You can hear hushed whispers and the occasional sinister chuckle from hidden corners, making your skin crawl. When you enter the garden, your breath catches in your throat. A group of elegant vampire stands in a circle. Their conversation falls silent as they turn their attention to you, their gaze piercing through your very alive soul. You feel like a deer caught in the headlights, your nervousness intensifying with every passing second.
"Just go sit over there, I´ll come in a second." Kate nods towards the over dacorated throne with big gold crystals all around, as she lets go of your hand. You try to look confident, you try to look as you got this whole situation under control, but you´re still in a room full of vampires.
One of the vampires, a particularly tall vampire with a charming look approaches you. He extends a hand and invites you to sit on the throne. You accept, trying to hide your trembling hands as you sit down. After a few second you stop shifting in your seat as you feel finally seated, as you look up, you see all the vampires looking at you. Of course none of them is blinking so the whole situations is just more terryfing.
In the the crowd of vampires you try to find your partner, Kate. But no matter where you look, you can´t see her, your thoughts start to wonder, once more.
Oh my god.
Eleanor´s voice brought you out of your chaotic thoughts as she´s now standing next to you.
Super speed, of course.
Eleanor starts to speak with a velvet tone that sends shivers down your spine. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. The time of bonding two souls has come once again. After almost 690 years, we´re here to reaffirm our eternal bond, to celebrate our power, and to welcome a new member into our family. Tonight, in the power of moonlight, we have a rare guest among us - a human, who has willingly chosen to share in our world. A human, who´s heart is strong enough to beat for two. Let this gathering be a testament to the strength of our coven and the allure of our kind. We welcome you all, and we extend our gratitude to our honored guest. Let the ceremony begins." Eleanor takes few steps away.
Oh god. Now it´s my last second here on this planet. I didn´t write my will! Shit.
As you sit on the throne, a mix of fear and anticipation washes over you, for you have entered a world unlike any other, and tonight, you will be forever changed. The whole garden is incredibly silent, which makes your beating heart even louder.
Two vampire figures step forward, Eleanor fixes your hair and give you a warm smile, as warm as the vampires can do that. The other vampire, you could tell miles away, Kate. Your eyes meet and you both immidietly smile and suddenly, you feel safe. You feel like no matter what´s gonna happen, she is there to protect you. Always.
Eleanor speaks again. "Is everything prepared, my dear?"
"Yes, everything is ready." Kate nods with a small smile.
Your breath quivers as you feel their gaze upon you, you could cut the tension in the air. You don´t dare to look away from Kate, as you know that the rest of the vampires are watching you, like a prey. Even though that´s off the table for a long time now.
"Are you prepared for this, (Y/F/N)? Once this ceremony begins, there is no turning back." The tall vampire that helped you sit down now speaks.
You nod, your voice a shaky whisper: "Yes, I'm ready."
Kate steps closer, her eyes locking onto your neck with a hunger that sends shivers down your spine. Of course she kissed your neck before, so this wasn´t something new, but this time both of you felt that there is something in the air. You noticed her eyes, they were darker, almost like she never had a blue eyes, now they were completly black. She leans in, her lips barely grazing your skin, her voice a sultry mumble.
"Don't be afraid, princess. Let´s pretend it´s just me and you." She takes your hand in hers.
As her fangs descend, your heart races, and you close your eyes, preparing for the worst outcome. But Kate's sharp fangs pierce your tender flesh, a pain overpower your senses. It's an weird sensation, like a burning brand pressed against your skin, and your muscles tense in response. The world seems to blur, and a wave of dizziness washes over you as Kate's bite deepens.
It hurst more than you could ever imagine, but like the waves on the shore it quickly washes away. The pain begins to transform. It morphs into something else entirely, an intense, electrifying sensation that surges through your entire body. You let out a big exhale as you can feel Kate´s touch everywhere, it´s indescribable feeling that is running thorugh your whole body.
Kate has a moment of ecstasy. As your blood rushes into her mouth, it´s adicting in a sense. The taste is inexpressible as well, an intoxicating blend of sweetness and saltiness, and it fills her with an sense of power and pleasure. Every drop that she draws makes her feel more alive than she ever has, and it's as if the very essence of your being is nourishing her soul.
In this shared moment, you and Kate are connected in a way that most of her family didn´t belive. The boundaries of life and death, pain and pleasure were moved once again with your relationship. It's a dance of darkness and desire, you can feel your heartbeat come back to normal as Kate pulls away.
Her eyes are even darker and yours are too. She was right, it was always just the two of you.
The other vampires watch in awe and fascination as Kate and you share this profound moment of bonding, their expressions ranging from curiosity to envy. Most of them though you two weren´t meant to be, or at least they wished it was in that way. At the end you´re still just a human to them.
One of the vampires, closed to where you and Kate were, whispers to another one "Did you see that? It's been ages since I witnessed such a powerful bond."
"Kate truly has a unique way of choosing her companions. This human must be special indeed." The tall vampires whispers back.
The vampires exchange knowing glances, recognizing the significance of this moment. The bond between you and Kate, marks as a rare moment. As they continue to observe, Kate finally pulls away fully, wiping her mouth and then licking the few drops from her fingers as she made eye contact with you.
As both of you had your senses high you two couldn´t deny the fact that you need to be alone, asap!
"Let us welcome you, (Y/N), in our family. Now officially. Let´s raise our glasses to the special bond. To the never dying love!" Eleanor smiles at you and then turns to the vampires, that were holding their own. They all cheered to you and Kate.
You step down from the throne, feeling a sense of acceptance and belonging from the vampires around you. As you begin to walk through the garden, many of them offer congratulations, their voices low and respectful, but you don´t really pay attention as your girlfriend dissapears again.
Then, you spot Kate approaching through the dimly lit garden, her eyes finding yours in an instant. She takes your hand and, with a sense of urgency, starts saying quick goodbyes to the others.
Kate leans closer. "We need some time alone, my princess." She smirks.
"You are reading my mind, Katie." You mumbled.
The other vampires don´t mind you leaving at all, which makes it easier and quicker for you and Kate slip away from the gathering. You follow her, your heart pounding with an excitement, as you make your way back to Kate's apartment, where your journey into the night truly begins.
As soon as you step inside her aparment her hands are on you. Her fingers slowly trace over the teeth marks she left on your neck.
"Did it hurt?" She whispers as she kisses your neck.
"Uh- a little" You moan right away.
"A little?" Kate pulls away and raise her eyebrow.
"Okayyy, it hurted a lot. A lot lot, but... after a second-" You were cut off by Kate´s words.
"It felt better than anything in this word." She smiles and you simply just nod. "Go strip on the bed, I´ll be there in a second."
And if Kate means second, it is truly just a second, but this time, she made sure that you have some time to actually take off your clothes, as she wanted tonight to be special.
As you open the door you immidietly start to take off your clothes, fistly your shoes and then your dress, which takes you just few seconds. As you walk past the mirror you notice those cute little bite marks, which sends you pulse right into your pussy. You let out a moan, which makes Kate runs into the bedroom.
"It feels that good, huh?" Kate smirks as she is still wearing her black suit, her hands are behind her back as shes holding a small black velvet box.
"Gosh, I forgot that your ego is big, I didn´t want to boost it more." You playfully roll your eyes.
Kate pushes you on the bed, her hand on your neck. "And I thought I won´t punish you tonight, since you´ve been so brave, princess. Guess you won´t get your present."
"No, wait!" You whine. "Sorry, sorry, I want my present, please." You add.
Kate smiles and kisses you slowly and passionetly, pulling away, while bitting your lip, which makes you wince. She bit little too hard and your lip starts to bleed. She wants to pull away, but being on top doesn´t help her much. You´re under her and the sight of you completly naked, with blood on your mouth is just the most pretiest sight. The kissing is harsh, fast and messy, but none of you really cares.
"I want the present, pretty please." You say between breaths and Kate smiles as she pulls an inch away from you.
"Of course you want the present, sit up for me, please." She moves away from you so you can sit up. You did as you were told and Kate gives you the pretty black box, that of course was decorated by "KB".
Your fingers tremble slightly as you gently lift the lid, revealing what lies inside. Your breath catches in your throat as you behold a stunning collar made of dark, lustrous metal. The collar is adorned with a row of purple crystals. The crystals are deep and regal, like amethysts, and they sparkle with an elegance that takes your breath away. It's a piece that symbols of your newfound connection with Kate.
"Turn around." Kate says as you´re done inspecting the collar.
You turn around. "It´s abolutely beautiful, Katie. I love it, thank you."
Kate smiles at you words, as she puts the collar on you, you flinch at the sudden cold feeling, your nipples perk up. "So responsive." She kissed your neck again. "I´m glad you like it, princess." The vampire whispers in your ear.
Her hands are all over your body as you are pushed on the bed once again. Kate sits on you, pinning you down, "Tonight is about you, my pretty princess. Just lay here and enjoy your night. Will you do that for me?" She made the puppy dog eyes. Those eyes can get out of any trouble and in every bed.
"Yes, Katie." You smile and nod, already feeling impatient you buckle up your hips, earning little slap to your tits.
"Patience." She smirks, knowing she has this effect on you.
"Not todayyy!" You whine.
Kate leans close, kissing you where she bit you earlier, which makes you moan instantly. It is exactly what Kate loves to hear. She moves you higher on the bed and scoop lower, being inches from your already so wet pussy.
"Open your pretty legs for me." You did, very quickly in fact. "Gosh, look at you, so wet already and didn´t even touch you." She makes eye contact with you and smirks. "Did my biting made you that wet? Or me collaring you? Hm?" Kate kisses your inner things as her fingers trails up and down your leg.
"Both." You quietly let out.
"Both." Kate repeats with a smile on her face. "Because you were so good today, I´ll make it easy for you. Look at me, if you stop, I´ll stop. Understood, my pretty princess?" Her fingers were now incredible close to the place you needed them in.
"Yes, understood." You look in her eyes, they were still dark and you knew she was impatient as well as you are.
Her mouth came closer, you could feel her breath, against your skin and after two soft kisses on each of your inner thighs, Kate finally gave in and still very teasingly kissed your clit.
"God-" Your eyes wanted to be closed so bad, but you knew you have to keep them opened.
As Kate smirk agaist you she start to eat you out, very slowly. But after a few of your pretty loud moans, she licks you, like there is no tomorrow. Her tongue was skilled, she knew your body more than you knew it yourself. So after every flinch, every move of your muscle, she knew you are close. So close.
Her fingers are still going up and down your legs, pinching you time to time, to avoid you closing your eyes. "Eyes on me, princess." Kate mumbles into your drenched pussy.
"They... are." You whine as you bite your already bruised lip to keep your eyes open.
Kate just chuckles, which sends immidiet pleasure right into you. Both of you know you´re close, so so so close.
But after a few second you don´t feel anything, no lips, no tongue, no touch. You had to close your eyes, it was just so good, that there was no other way and like Kate promised, she stopped. Completly.
You whine, your hips instantly moved to search for anything. You need something! You eyes open wide, Kate is still between your legs. She´s watching you, and as she did before with your blood, she now wipes her mouth, messy with your juices.
"Hmm so sweet, princess." She licks her fingers.
"Kate, please-" You whine as you move your hips again, your heartbeat matching with you pulsating pussy.
"You knew the rules-" You cut her off.
"I know, but please, it was an accident!" You move yet another inch closer to her.
After a few second of watching you, Kate decided that she will give you another chance. "Close your eyes and you´re not cumming, got it?" Kate crawls on top of you and tug you by your collar. "Got it?" She tilts her head.
"Yes." You nod kissing her as you can feel your taste on her tongue.
"Tasty, right?" You nod again, as she slowly crawls back between your legs, this time she didn´t waste any second and her tongue makes contact with you right away, she was needy too. Her touch starts to be so harsh, no more soft licks or light touches, she needs you to come.
And oh my god, you are close in just a few second of her touch. Kate smirks knowing, she won once again and her ego is going straight to the space, but she will tease you about it later.
"I-" Kate smiles and nods, knowing exactly what you need.
"Tug on your collar, princess. And I´ll say the magic words." She mumbles agaist you as her fingers now entered your hole.
"Fuck- me" You moan loudly, which was like a music to Kate´s ears.
"I am fucking you, princess." Kate smirks, you can´t be bratty now, but hell she would deserve some bratty remark, but you truly need to cum. So you just obediently listen to her and your hand grab on your collar. You did as you were told once again and tug on it harshly.
It makes Kate smile, seeing you like this. Knowing she is the only person that could touch you like this, knowing only she makes you feel this good.
But you knew the same thing too, there is no one on the planet who would ease her thirst as much as you do. No one could do such a good job as you. No one.
"Can-" You open your mouth to talk but you just moan. You don´t have to say anything at all for Kate to understand.
"Go ahead, princess. Cum for me." She mumbles agaist you as her fingers move sligtly faster and her mouth try to lick all of your juices.
Your hand grips Kate´s head as you push her more into you, moving your hips like non compos mentis. "Mine." Your hand grabs her hair as you finally release, coming on her mouth and fingers after such a long time full of stress.
Kate smiles as she licks you. "Yours, princess." After a few second of you bucking your hips up and down, your breathng is steadier and you let go of Kate´s hair.
She kisses her way back up, few kissing on your thighs, her favorite tummy and slowly giving attention to your nipples. As you´re slowly coming down from your hight, you can feel Kate kissing your neck. After a moment or two, Kate comes closer to you, finally kissing your lips.
In that moment, everything fades away, and it's just the two of you, sharing a deep connection that don´t need to be said out loud. The affection in her gaze mirrors the love you feel in your heart, knowing that your love speaks louder than any words ever could.
And you are so happy, that tonights ceremony ended the way it did, because you would rather die, than live in a world, where you can´t have her.
"I didn´t knew you were that possesive, princess." Kate whispers as her eyes scan your face.
"I´m always possiseve over you." You smile.
Kate hums as she kiss your neck again, after few moments of enjoying the feeling, you understood that she wanted to do. "Katie..." You mumble.
"Baby just one more bite, please." She responds, her voice beeing so needy and you can´t deny her.
As Kate sank her teeth in you one more time, both of you knew right away that the rest of the nigh will be a long, and Kate won´t be the only one wide awake tonight.
Thank you for reading!<3
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
Omg maybe Astarion somehow being able to see a reality where he ascended and the dark urge ruled with him
his reaction could be good or bad 🧐 maybe both
BARK BARK BARK you are my first dark urge request so I am excited to write this! Also since I enjoy the idea of some angst with this I am going to say this takes place post-game with a good durge and spawn Astarion :3
Astarion x Redeemed!durge!Tav GN
Spoilers for the entire game. Also, forgive me if the details aren't perfect, I am fairly aware of what happens but for my own sanity I haven't actually seen these endings XD
Requests are still open!
You couldn't sleep, no particular reason this time either, just no matter what you did, tiredness would not take you. Honestly, you considered just taking a walk and seeing if it would tire you out although you didn't want to leave Astarion alone without telling him where you were going. It was something you realized he preferred once you started living together after everything that's happened. It was cute.
So instead of taking a walk you just stared out the window from your shared bedroom of the house you had made your own. The sun was starting to rise already which means that your 'night' was just starting. Converting to a nocturnal schedule was something Astarion actually refused to let you do at first, but considering that if you didn't you would basically never spend any time together he eventually relented. Oddly enough it wasn't a hard switch either you actually preferred to be awake at night then the day. You figured this might have been an old habit from your past life.
Astarion had decided to turn in early for the night, the both of you had a rowdy night of mischief-making and partying and well people congratulating you for saving the entire city basically. It was frankly exhausting and you couldn't blame the vampire for needing an early night. He had been in a trance for a while at this point but when you turned to check on him you noticed his brow was furrowed.
It was such a small thing that almost anyone would miss it but not you, you had a keen eye for the microexpressions his face made when he was having complicated emotions. You didn't always understand what they meant or what was going on in his head but you knew something was off with the man. So you crawled back into bed and debated for a moment about waking him up but decided unless he seemed to be in a panic it was best not to wake him. So instead you just put a gentle hand on his arm and then one in his hair stroking it gently.
After a bit of that he seemed to relax again. Before you noticed his eyes half open gazing at you.
"Oh did I wake you?" you asked him.
"No...well yes but don't apologize....I'm glad you did" turning to face you better he gently took the hand that had been on his shoulder and placed it on his face. The gesture surprised you a little. It's not something you had thought he would do.
"Is something wrong, love?" words sincere, he doesn't speak, at least not until he gathers his thoughts a bit.
"I had a dream, no it was more like a vision." he starts "It was about us...but it wasn't 'us' if that makes sense?" he asked, staring at you with one of his classic wet and pathetic cat looks he was prone to making in moments of vulnerability.
"I think I understand like you saw a version of us from another reality?" He nodded in response to your attempt at describing what he saw. "And what was different about this version of us?"
"Well, I'm not sure what entirely to make of it...it was almost like we were the worst versions of ourselves....we seemed happy but also miserable..." His voice trailed off a bit but he continued speaking before you could say anything in response "You had claimed the Crown for Bhaal, but I was ruling by your side...and I think I went through with the ritual" he seemed confused and shocked by own words but also terrified.
"O-oh" was the only thing you could say in response. Suddenly his want for comfort made utter sense and you couldn't help but comply running your thumb across his cheek. He melted into the touch relaxing a bit more.
The two of you stayed like that more a while. The information was quite a shock to both of your systems, but the both of you were thinking about it just unsure of what to say about such a thing. Then you finally spoke up.
"What did you think of this version of us?"
He sat with your question for a bit.
"I'm...I'm not sure....I know I didn't like it, it felt wrong" He sighs, "What do you think about this version of us?" flipping your own question back on yourself, you take a moment to think about how to answer before speaking.
"Considering that Bhaal wanted me to take the crown for himself and rule the world I can assume he...owned me" as hard as it was to admit you fully knew what taking that crown for yourself meant as it would have never been something you choose on your own. "You said you had ascended in the vision as well?"
He nodded "It was awful, it was as though I was looking as someone possessing my body, there was no ‘me’ anymore just a husk of who I thought I was supposed to be..." tearing up a bit "I was exactly like Cazador" he choked out the words sounding disgusted with himself.
"Hey look at me, that's not you though, that's not either of us" you pressed your forehead to his.
"And it never will be, I won't let it be"
His arms wrapped around you pulling you into him, as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck finding comfort in it as you held him. A hand coming up to gently play with the curls in his hair as he lets himself calm down in your embrace, although you also felt his hand stroke up and down your back in a soothing motion you weren't sure if it was for you or for himself but it was a nice gesture either way.
The two of you stayed like that for a while.
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volturiprincess · 8 days
could you do headcanons on the volturi having a mate who sings in the shower? like they don’t realize the vampires can hear them yk
Slow and steady wins the race right? I'm starting to work more on request, i know I been lacking but school really does keep me occupied. I hope this makes up for it. Enjoy💙
Singing In The Shower
Warnings: none that I am aware of
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The song choice “Toxic” by Britney Spears 
For some reason whenever you heard that song you just thought of him, so of course you added that to your playlist that you listen to when you shower 
So currently you find yourself belting this song with all your might without a single care in the world 
You don't even realize that everyone in the castle can hear you
Every. Single. Vampire. Can. Hear. You. 
Everyone was scattered around the castle but they stopped as you started singing this song
Everyone basically gravitated toward Felix
“Is that your mate?”
“Is she okay?”
“Why is she singing that song”
“Will someone stop that”
Felix loves to hear you sing, he thinks you sound like an angel but he does get slightly flustered when people bring up your singing 
When he does confront you, he’s a bit smug about it 
Clearly he knows that song is dedicated to him so he will respond with a “Well well, aren't we feeling scandalous today?”
When he tells you that the others can hear you singing, obviously you're embarrassed but at the end of the day when Demetri tells you that when you sing, Felix gets flustered
It's worth it without a doubt
You will keep singing and Felix won't stop you because he enjoys hearing you sing, even if your song choices get a bit….explicit (he’s into that anyways)
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Song choice “Brooklyn Baby” by Lana Del Rey 
This vampire would join in if this was the case 
To the cheesiest of pop songs, to the most explicit rap song to a simple ballad that hits you in the soul, he will sing them with you (language is of no concern for him, he does after all know multiple languages)
He will tend to add songs into your “Shower playlist” that he would want to hear you sing or ones where you and him can duet 
He really does not care if others can hear you, he actually thinks of it as a mini concert in the bathroom. 
He even manage to add color changing bulbs to create that feeling of a rock concert 
Felix might tease you guys but those mini shower concerts are one of the many things you and Demetri bond over 
So yea the kings might have a talk with him about being able to hear “such vulgar” songs (mostly Caius thinking, Aro is intrigue while Marcus is whatever)
But that just makes him want to let you do you, he would never want to stop you in doing something you love 
What he likes the most about you singing in the shower is how you manage to outshine him during a rap song
He is shock how you manage to say all of the words without missing a beat
When you first found out the others can hear you (after many showers later), you were absolutely mortified at the realization
What do you mean they can hear me Demetri?” You guys have super hearing????
After many reassurance he tells you it's no problem  and that you singing in the shower is one of the highlights of his day (he likes that quirk of yours)
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“Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter (before anyone comes out for me, I thought of this song for Alec because I was thinking about that one-shot I wrote for him called ‘Better than a Cup of Coffee’ plus this song wont leave my mind, i'm always ‘now he’s thinking bout me every night, isn't that sweet?’)
It started off as any other lovely day, you were getting ready to take your well needed shower, but couldn't start it until you got your music set 
As soon as the song above goes on you start grooving to it and singing it, not really thinking twice about it 
It was even your first time ever singing in the shower in the castle so again you didn't think twice 
But before you can even get to the last verse of the song, Alec appears on the other side of the shower door staring at you
(A little jump scare to be honest) while his face holds no emotion or reaction 
He informs you he could hear you all the way from the throne room
Instantly your heart drops and the color to your skin starts to loose its normal color at his words 
Your his shy, introverted, and calm mate yet here you are here acting the total opposite, everyone knows how you are so they don't try to push you out of your comfort zone but hearing you sing such a pump up song leaves them shook 
At that moment you want to want the earth to just swallow you from the pure embarrassment that you were facing
Alec being the darling he is, was comforting you and telling you “i thought you had such a sweet voice cara, i could get used to it”
His words touch your heart but you still feel worried of when you have to face the others
“I will be there for you, if they say something I'll use my gift, hmm?”
So much for thinking about coffee in the shower 
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“Mi Niña Traviesa” by Luis Coronel 
She’s the one mortified here 
Not that your singing is bad to her (sure your voice might of cracked slightly but she secretly thought it was cute) it's just the others started to tease her
She’s very protective of you, so hearing others making fun of you awakens her right away 
She won't hesitate to use her gift on others 
As for you side, your not even aware of what is happening to her or that others can hear you
For a while she does not confront you about your singing in the shower because she knows it would embarrass you 
Until two certain vamps who like to joke around and spend hours with you when Jane is away on a mission spilled the news 
They said it casually, they asked you what that song (from above) you were singing called
You felt your soul leave your body, they heard me!?
You sat there as you felt yourself slowly shutting down from embarrassment and while Felix and Demetri just kept on talking about it, unaware of your state 
You eventually left them and went off to your shared room 
You have never felt such embarrassment in your life
About to curl up a sharp yet soft voice stopped you
“Who made you cry?”
You didn’t even realize that you had small tears coming down until Jane pointed it out 
She was by your side immediately and it is when you tell her
She freezes for a moment thinking she might as well reveal the truth 
When you hear her say this you felt even worse but she mentioned you sounded like an angel
She didn't tell you because she knew you would stop 
With her saying she likes your singing you promised her you would sing for her sometimes if she joins you in the shower 
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randomfandomss · 3 months
I really don't think that we aren't getting the scene where Armand turns Daniel.
We got Louis, Claudia and Madeleine's turning. We are going to get Lestat's and probably Armand's turning as well. So, what? You think they are gonna leave out Daniel specifically? Why?
Also regarding Rolin's comments about the Dubai set etc. if it's true, it just means that Armand didn't turn Daniel in Dubai. It happened at a later point.
And if it happened later, I refuse to believe Armand turned him out of spite.
Like I simply don't think Armand wouldn't turn Daniel when he is at the peak of his rage but do so later and out of spite?? Nuh huh, that's not gonna happen.
Basically, if it happened in Dubai, there is a chance it might have been out of rage. And if it didn't happen in Dubai then there was definitely some other reason why Daniel was made a vampire.
Assad said right now the question is what happened in Dubai? And of course after watching the episode we all have assumed that Daniel was turned in Dubai. What if the reveal is that it actually didn't happen there???
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Is it just me or are the Ellimist/Crayak weirdly *not* a religious metaphor? Idk how to describe it but they don’t feel like a commentary on religion in the way that I’d expect them to be
My read is that the metaphysics of Animorphs aren't a comment on existing religions, no, because the deities are so dang original. A lot of western SF leads us to expect use or reinvention of an existing religion, but that's not what Animorphs is doing.
There's your Lord of the Rings approach, where you both name new gods and concepts but also have basically-Christian theology and a ton of Christian symbolism. There's your Harry Potter or The Power approach, where there are no confirmed gods, but characters still receive prophecy from... somewhere, and the prophecy always comes true. (Harry Potter and Dresden Files also have animism-like spirits that develop out of objects, but I digress.) There's your Chronicles of Narnia and Percy Jackson approach, where you have the characters go on an adventure alongside existing gods. There's your Buffy and Twilight asking questions about how vampires relate to existing religions, and offering no answers. There's DC and Supernatural declaring that all gods are real, including lots of existing ones and some made up just for those stories.
And then there's the tack Animorphs takes. Where we see the gods' perspective, we understand how they became gods, and we know them as flawed individuals. They have goals that are as orthogonal to the main characters' as those of a man who tramples a chessboard while escaping a wild boar. The gods are people, not good or evil, just well-meaning but imperfect forces doing their best to help. The only other series I know that offers origin stories and character development for its gods is Mistborn. I get why it's so rare — it's wildly ambitious, and easy to get wrong — but I'd love to read more series that do the same.
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Jacob Black x fem reader
Bella grabs your arm and pulls you inside the Cullen home. Alice smiles widely as she sees you. "Oh! Bella, you brought my favorite person ever!" Alice pulls you into a tight hug. You hug her back and laugh.
Bella makes her way towards Edward. "Well, we have lots to do! The wolves are working with us to get rid of this newborn army." She rolls her eyes. You have yet to meet any of the wolves. You know very little of them, but they tell you they're not good people. "Oh, goodness. What is the plan?" You ask while smiling.
These vampires have been after Bella, but they found you too when they saw her hanging out with you. One of the newborns really took a liking to you. You've been around the Cullens often to stay safe.
"Jacob and Embry agreed to carry you guys through the woods while we go the opposite direction with each of your shirts." Jasper cuts in. Carlisle looks at you to see if you agree. "You mean the wolves?" You ask, confused. "They are helping us to protect you." Carlisle interjects. "Honestly, anything at this point." You cross your arms.
The next day, you, Bella, and the Cullens stand in the woods, waiting for the two wolves. "They're coming." Edward shakes his head and turns to Bella. "I don't want to do this." He makes a gross face.
Jacob has been head over heels for Bella. Honestly, the tea. You want to know what he looks like!
Two shirtless, fit, and tan dudes come running out. They have a tribal tattoo on their arm. One of them smiles at you and holds out their hand, "Embry.'' He greets. "Y/n." You smile and shake his hand.
Okay, so they aren't bad at all! Dramatic vampires...
"Who's she?" The guy you figure is Jacob motions to you. "She's y/n." Esme answers. Jacob nods and goes to say something, but your eyes lock.
You get a tingling feeling in your chest. It's like your heart is fluttering away to meet his. He gasps a bit and holds your eyes.
"Really?" Alice makes you guys jump out of it. "What?" Jacob spits. Alice walks to your side, grabbing your arm.
Tf is happening?
Jacob steps up to you and pulls you into his side. "Don't. Make. Me. Mad." He grits his teeth at her. "Uh." You begin to say something. "I'm not going to hurt her, mutt." She replies.
He breathes hard before looking down at you and then calms down. He turns to Embry. "Get Bella." He says.
Jacob puts one arm on your back and the other under your legs. You guys begin to walk. Embry goes one way, you and Jacob go the other, making sure to not cross paths with the cullens.
He doesn't speak and you keep your arms around his neck, awkwardly. "I think you smell good, not like a dog." You randomly giggle. He smiles widely and chuckles. "Thank you. I have to talk to you about something." He says while sucking in a breath.
"If it's about what you and Alice were going on about, please do."
"There's this thing that we wolves do. It's called imprinting. Basically, the universe chooses our soulmates. They can either be a lover, a friend, whatever you want. But our duty is to protect and love that person no matter what." He looks down at you.
You're staring at him with wide eyes. "Is that what I felt?''
"Yup." He pops the p. "I got a glimpse of our future. You are allowed to deny the imprint. If you except, we can be anything you want. But just know, if we are away from each other, it physically and mentally hurts both of us." He warns.
His beauty and the way he talks just draws you in. How could you deny?
"I accept." You lean your head on his collarbone.
"How about a date?" He beams.
"Where ya thinkin'?" You ask.
"You like the beach?" He asks. "Oh, more than definitely!" You hype. "Okay! Then I have an idea." He smirks.
You guys meet up with Embry, Bella, and the Cullens. They begin to chat about what's next. Bella steps towards you. "Well, I guess you're Jacob's now?" She giggles. "Yeah, I think so. Did you know about imprinting?" You ask her. She shakes her head. "Embry explained it to me. But, I'm happy for you!" She says with her sort of excitement.
You step off of his bike and take off the helmet he gave you, trying not to mess up your hair. "Thank you." You smile. He engulfs you in a hug. He's so warm!!! You wrap your arms around his waist and breathe in his scent. You can feel the love he has for you. His heart is racing.
He pulls away and interlocks your fingers, guiding you to the sand.
You see a blanket with a basket on it. Even wine! But to make things funny, three shirtless dudes quickly run away from the blanket when they see you two.
You laugh quietly and look at Jake. "The boys helped? This is perfect." You sit down on the blanket.
He follows along and laughs. "Yeah. They're my pack buddies." He digs through the basket.
After eating and drinking a couple of glasses of wine, you're sitting in between his legs leaning back on him. "I'm falling for you." You whisper to him.
Later that night
He holds your face, rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. You stare into his brown eyes and slowly lean in. He kisses you softly, slowly pushing your body down onto his bed. His room is small but you'll make due. It smells like him, and it's amazing!
His kisses are soft and slow. He's obviously not trying to get into your pants yet. You sit on the bed and he stands above you, in between your legs. "I never thought I'd find you." He kisses your forehead.
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klonnieshippersclub · 9 months
Love Awaits
Happy New Year! This is my post for Day 3. Yes, I know it's a bit late and I'm very sorry for that. It's also not set in 1910 but in Marcel's youth. We have a bit of a "found family" coming together in this AU. This is a little longer than usual to make up for the delay.
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Randall was her responsibility. It was only a few years ago he was kicked out of their home. Randall was a Bennett and the Bennetts valued family but Randall was a boy and he didn't quite fit. Bonnie took on the responsibility of caring for him and abandoned the only home she knew. He was only a small child, but their bastard father saw Randall as useless. It was early in the year when they had lost their mother from magical overload in defeating a pack of rogue wolves that were terrorizing a nearby town.  Grief turned their father cruel. Bonnie and Randall left their small town Louisiana for the city. She was essentially a single mother at just fifteen with a five year old to take care of. It was hard but they made it work.
Years passed and they were happy. All they had was each other but that was enough. Randall even referred to Bonnie as his mother. At the age of 10, Randall found a slightly older boy unconscious by a pond. With his magic, he was able to send a message to his older sister. Luckily, she was not too far away and could provide medical aid to the unnamed boy with the knowledge she had from working as a nurse. Upon waking, the boy introduced himself as Marcel. Despite Marcel's insistence that he could walk home on the other side of the city, Bonnie and Randall brought him to their small home.
Hours passed and the boys lost time playing games (nothing too strenuous in consideration for Marcel's condition). Bonnie was making dinner when a belligerent knocking started at their door. When seeing the vampire snarling at her, Bonnie immediately sent him an aneurysm with her powers. She only stopped at Marcel crying out that this was his father. A vampire daddy was unheard of, but Bonnie believed the boy. With Marcel explaining the situation to his father (he was jumped by a rival to his father), the tension in the room disappeared. Bonnie made the sudden decision to invite the vampire inside if he provided his name. Klaus Mikaelson. From this point on, the families were close and the boys were basically inseparable.
It was a summer morning months later when Marcel dragged his father to the Bennett home. Klaus entered ready to greet Bonnie and Randall ran by with only one shoe to play outside with Marcel. Klaus called out to him, “Randall, get back here. You can't run off without your other shoe.”
The boy ran back inside the house to retrieve the shoe with Marcel following him. “I've been looking for it everywhere,” Randall said. Thanks, Pa.”
Bonnie appeared from the kitchen hearing their exchange with her hands on her hips. She voiced her confusion towards Randall. “Pa? He's not your father.”
“But Marcel said-”
“Shhhh,” interrupted Marcel while glaring at the younger boy.
Klaus raised a brow at his son and asked, “Marcellus, what did you tell him?”
“I only said it would be nice if we were a family.”
Randall continued, “And he said that mothers and fathers belong together.”
Bonnie could sense one of their childish arguments brewing. The arguments were never over anything serious but they tended to work out their problems physically and she didn't want them wrestling in the house. The last time they did so, they broke a vase of flowers. “Boys, we aren't together,” the Bennett witch remarked.
Marcel rolled his eyes at Bonnie's denial. “Are you sure?” he asked.
“Of course.”
“Then why is Pa so nice to you when he's mean to all the other ladies in covens?” Randall wondered aloud.
“He's not your Pa, Randall,” corrected his older sister/maternal figure.
Klaus and Bonnie were close but it wasn’t a relationship. “I respect Bonnie more than the arrogant witches of the city,” the Original justified.
Marcel joined in the questioning, “if you aren't together, why do you two always spend time together?”
Bonnie was surprised by the sudden interrogation and felt a bit defensive. The boys were together like glue. It shouldn't be so shocking that their guardians knew each other well. “We don't spend that much time together alone. You both are always with us.”
Randall was tired of their ridiculous excuses when he knew the truth. “Why did I see Klaus laying in bed with you?” he accused. “You were kissing!”
“Randall, what have I told you about spying?”
Instead of listening to the lecture he knew was coming, Randall took off with both shoes on his feet at lightning speed. He did not want to deal with his sister's wrath at him for violating her privacy. It didn't seem like a big deal to him anyway. He left immediately when he saw their lips touch. Marcel laughed as he went to catch Randall.
Klaus couldn’t help but to observe Bonnie and admire her beauty, even in her anger. “They think we’re in love,” Klaus said with a laugh.
Bonnie sighed, “it sounds silly and imaginative.” As much as her body desired his touch, they couldn't ever be romantically involved.
“We couldn’t ever be in love.” Feelings would complicate things. It would be a mistake for them to create a family together. Mortality would always separate them. As witches, they could never find happiness as vampires. Marcel could choose to turn when he got older, but Klaus could not expect that of Bonnie and Randall. “That’s a boundary that shouldn’t be crossed.”
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