#i mean. dhes doesn't think so. but she is
raiiny-bay · 11 months
another outtake
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cy-cyborg · 11 months
I did the stereotypical "taking a binder full of evidence to your therapist to back up your claim that you have autism" thing today lol.
My therapist is able to diagnose autism in some circumstances, but unfortunately, due to my history, she can't diagnose me without input from other specilists (long story), which I dont have the money for. She thinks, however, a diagnosis might not be necessary for me to get the support I need due to my complex history. Basically, all my pediatric reports (neuropsyc, psychological etc) indicate the problems and support needs were present even as a little kid, A diagnosis was sought out, a lot of testing was done, it was well documented by several specilists across multiple fields, but they just never agreed on the "why" so nothing ever happened. Despite that, government agencies in the past had recognised the need for support, so dhe hopes that what I have now, even if it's not a diagnosis, might be enough to convince the NDIS I need more help than just my physical disability. My LAC also backed this up, saying that the "why" in complex cases like my own doesn't always matter to the NDIA, so long as there's documentation that tests had been done and were inconclusive. It's not an easy route, by any means, and it might be a fight, but it's possible. That's better than nothing.
At the end of the day, I don't care if my "cognitive and intellectual difficulties," sensory processing issues, executive function difficulties and all the rest come from autism, some mystery side effect of meningococcol (sep) + meningitis, a brain injury from the fever/lack of oxygen during men-sep treatment or some combination of the 3, I care that the struggles I'm experiencing are being acknowledged and I care that someone is finally taking them seriously and trying to help me get the supports I need. I'd love a clear-cut diagnosis and a reason why, if just for myself, but I'll take what I can get at this point lol.
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marchdancer · 4 months
So somehow the whole story got a bit out of hand. After I reworked Kayra a bit with Picrew(I based myself on the beautiful picture of @tired-reader-writer and changed her eyes and hair and why is her hair so difficult???a bit to make her earring stand out better. I also changed the design of this one again.) I decided to make another OC or to finally give them a face (I will probably rework them again but for now I am very happy).
The first one is Amalia. She is also a slave in Shapur's household and Kayra's best friend since childhood. She was born into slavery and knows no other life outside of slavery. She is a rather quiet person and carries out her tasks conscientiously and properly. She can become very strict if tasks are left undone or not completed immediately. Over the years she has worked her way up to the position of housekeeper (is that what you call it?) and is now basically the boss of all the slaves. She married another slave from Shapur's household and together they have a daughter.
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The next one is Nasha, Amalias daughter and nine years old. She is a complete tomboy and is always giving her mother a headache because she rarely behaves like a young girl and certainly not like a slave. She loves her mother's stories about Kayra and idolizes her (so it's no wonder she's temperamental). Even though she doesn't know Kayra personally, she is her biggest fan and hopes to be able to travel with her someday. She loves Shapur and Isfan and keeps trying to persuade them to take her hunting (after all, she made Shapur promise that she could go with her when she turns 13). She will play an important role in the story.
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The next one is Ashina (the name means the she-wolve). In my AU she is Isfans mother and for Kayra like a substitute mother after she lost her own. I tried to give her a few characteristics of Isfan, like the color of her eyes and hair. I have to say that I'm pretty happy with how Ashina turned out. I think she radiates something simple and yet beautiful and motherly, just like I imagined Isfan's mother would be. Of course, that's my idea and everyone can have their own and implement it. That's the great thing about fictional characters.
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The next one in the list is Yamin. His name means the just. Unfortunately, he will play a tragic role in the story and will encounter betrayal. Even if, from his perspective, it is justice. I don't want to give too much away here, just that he is also a slave in Shapur's household and is two years older than Kayra and was or still is in love with her. Just like Amalia, he was born into slavery and worked his way up under Shapur and now holds a high position within the household, which has also allowed him to ally himself with the Lusitanians. But as I said, I don't want to give too much away.
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The next one is Lady Ziva! Dhe is Shapurs mother and I try to make her a little bit dark and I think she has something witchy about her. She looks beautiful but I try to put a lot of jewelry on her to show that she is more the material type and I think when I look at her and then at Ashina I think they are two sides of a medal.
Both beautiful women but Ashina is more natural, she has more lightness. Ziva on the other hand has some dark aura around her something heavy. (Don’t know if this makes sense).
I am not quite sure with her eye color. For now I decided to gave her the eye color similar to Shapur.
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So the next one is Shapurs grandmother Halima. Her name means the gentle/the friendly one and that was her nature too. She was the exact opposite of her daughter-in-law and her youngest son. In my AU, Shapur inherited most of his traits from his grandmother, in addition to some of his uncle's characteristics. He also had the closest relationship with her. She was his confidante and advisor. She was the good soul of the house and was also friendly and respectful towards the slaves. She immediately took Kayra into her heart and immediately recognized that she was different from the others and made sure that she received a good education.
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And the Last one is Lord Mert and he is Shapurs and Isfans uncle and the older brother of Lord Shapurs father. He was an commander under King Osroes and also Shapurs and Kunards teacher. Sadly he died really early when Misr try to invade Pars. He was a very good and cheerful person but also very cheeky. He didn’t get the chance to meet Isfan but he loves Shapur as if it was his own son. He never married and so after his and his brothers death Shapur became the new heir of the family. Also Shapur never really got over his uncle's death, probably because he was closer to him than to his own father and his uncle took better and more loving care of him.
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scorpiwrites · 2 years
ok this bitch is supposed to do an assignment for midtest but guess what she's doing? Apparently writing something that dhe could've done like weeks ago before mid term tests. But hey, it's only a HC tho hehe, a shitty one at that.
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OKAY listen listen listen,
Yn as Lily, Theo as Severus, Harry as ( well, James).
BUT, BUT BUT instead of Theo setting his foot up his mouth, it was Harry.
"Well maybe if you were a better person perhaps your parents wouldn't have given you up"
( okay but let's realistically think, I know Harry wouldn't have say that out of nowhere, but he tends to be fucking impulsive and idk, shits happen aight?)
Chaos ensues because yn didn't cry when he said that in front of everyone in the great hall but she marched up to him and knocked him out cold with a mean uppercut.
Theo, who watched concernedly behind her, only smirks when he sees how Harry fell after she's done with him. Because he knew yn is one BAMF who doesn't need anybody to stand up for her cuz she'll do that herself.
But later when the crowd dispersed and Poppy had fixed her knuckles, Theo could see how it really bothers her when her housemates congratulates her for knocking Potter out because he was her best friend, right up until that moment he said those words. So he got up to her and whisked her away from the crowd to an empty alcove and warded the entrance because he knew that she would need some space after doing something that upsets her, and let her cry into his robes when she finally fell apart from the exhaustion.
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starlightbooklove · 9 months
Now Let's go with vigilante shit 😈 LMAO.
So Vigilante shit is the final version of Acomaf/beginning of Acowar Feyre, the version that dismantled the spring court.
"He did some bad things but i'm the worse of them"
Tamlin underestimated her in a surreal way and I don't mean because he trusted her but that he never believed her capable of being a schemer who gets shit done When he saw and was there at the trials and saw her do it So the worst thing he did, regarding himself and his court, was not to hurt her but to believe that she would not do it back.
Something to emphasize here is that although we as a fandom took the Spring Court thing as Feyre's revenge against Tamlin, it wasn't that, at least not primarily. Feyre had no personal interest (Other than avenging the damn kidnapping of her sisters) in everything she did, You never see her thinking, this is for almost killing me, or for locking me up primarily yk, (which she had every right to do), she was completely political, she was doing it for the war not to get revenge on an ex, Reason why at the end of Acomaf they say the high lady of the night court, she went with the title, with the honors, not like Feyre alone, it was a full job and mission.
Continuing with vigilante shit.
'And she looks so pretty, driving in your Benz, lately She's been dressing for revenge'
I think this serves as a narrative of what i thought seeing everything she was doing, the woman was dressing the way he wanted, acting the way he expected, being everything he wanted to see. She was dressing for revenge For the danger he put all of Prythiam, her sisters and herself in.
The freaking bridge of the song.
"Ladies always rise above, ladies know what people want, someone sweet and kind and fun..."
Literally everything she was pretending to be in front of Tamlin, completely aware of what she was doing. And then...
..." The lady simply had enough"...
The end of her entire mission when she showed her true face to Ianthe and Lucien saw what dhe had done, the "Lady" had had enough.
"While he was doing lines and crossing all of mine"
This line fits too perfectly because Tamlin seriously believed that what he had done was right, kidnapping her sisters, locking her up, not listening to her, having the temper of a 6 year old With the strength of a man, he was drawing lines around her, protecting her and doing what was best for her, in his view, when what he was actually doing was crossing all of hers.
Yes i know that in the context of the song doesn't mean that, But we have to adapt
And she took advantage of that by taking all the information she could. "Someone told his white collar crimes to the FBI"
She was in her vigilate shit and she ATE
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grigori77 · 9 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 81
Merry Critmas guys!
Another Meta Quest promo? Oh boy ... so this one will get weird again, clearly ... a magical year, really? Yeah, the editors are indeed fucking with you, Sam. XD Ah, highlights! Lovely ...
That's right, it IS Asgard, Samuel. NOT Ass-Gard ...
"Ass-Matt?" "Cominics?" Hmmm ...
Dani Carr! Hiiiiiii!!! Always so great to see you, sweetie! :3
Matt still can't quite get past their shenanigans, can he? At least they're consistent. XD
Yeah! That's right! Fearne and Ashton are full blown SUPERHEROES now!
Sam's shirt derails the game almost IMMEDIATELY ...
Oh shit, yeah ... that's a good point actually ... ARE THEY the same people now?
Well yeah, I mean Laudna does seem a lot more upbeat now, doesn't she? That's surely a good sign.
Chetney really does want to make a wish with Nana? Oh yes, good, they're doing the best they can to talk him out of it ... oh, now it's just getting surreal ... oh boy ...
Ah yes, the ill fated topiary garden ... O.O
Fearne (to Ashton): "Shall we see if we can make some lava?" Oh gods ...
Ashton is Raging, while Fearne shoots a Scorching Ray at him? Bloody hell ...
So ... they're like RIDICULOUSLY supercharged when they're together? Oh, MORE playing around? How crazy is this gonna get?
And now Ashton is IN THE GROUND ... oh, so he can just pop up anywhere he wants? Cool ...
Fearne is a Satyr version of the Human Torch? Pretty sweet ...
Ah, so he can't actually run through plant life, only stone ... that's interesting ... what, they're going to the ruin to see how deep Ashton can go? Hmmmm ...
Well no, he really SHOULDN'T be able to actually BREATHE through rock, should he?
Phasing like Kitty Pryde? Oh, that would be cool ... oh wow, that is SO AWESOME ...
Don't wipe yourself out for days, Fearne. Not right now ...
Oh yes, Fearne is FLOATING ... Wow ... that's ALSO very handy ... running and trying to set fire to the ground at the same time ... yay, scorched track marks ... I love that ...
Now we're seeing if he can use her spell along with the hammer ... okay ...
Whoa ... DOUBLE the damage? That is EXTRA sweet ... oh, and dhe is COMPLETELY IMMUNE to fire damage now? Extra cool ...
Ashton tries to shut down the effect ... uncut diamond form? Wow ... that's weird in a really striking way ...
He feels weird? Hmmm ... oh, here we go ... back to his normal physical form? Interesting ... but the idea that he's so used to the chronic pain that he's actually RELIEVED to get it back? I really don't think I like that ...
What fresh hell have you brought with THIS week's flask, Samuel?
Fearne: "We'll just have to accept our greatness." Ashton: "I'll accept YOUR greatness." Awwwww ... :3
Oh wow ... are they FLIRTING again? I don't mind that at all ...
And Fearne goes back to normal again too ... but not ENTIRELY ... which is cool ...
IS HE going to do the wish thing? Are you sure, Chet? Oh gods, he's really doing it ...
Oh that is just so creepy ...
Name the door ... oh boy ... Artax? What? Oh boy ... Push-Pull? Sir Push-Pull? Oh boy again ...
And now it's ASKING to be named Sir Push-Pull ... ye gods ... and Morri's all right with this ... wow ...
And here she is ... unsettling as ever ... hmmmm ...
Oh, so those poor buggers tried to RENEGE on their deals? That's ... interesting ... in a really horrible way ... oh, and now he's asking ...
Is this like some kind of pocket dimension for her to make deals in?
He wants to be the most famous toy maker in the whole world ... wow ... oh, what's he going to trade? Hmmmmm ... she wants a piece of the God Eater? A piece if Predathos ... that's actually not bad ...
The Golden Threads of Fate ... so cool to see that come back ... O.O
He's keeping it to himself, playing it cool ...
The Witch In the Woods ... oh yeah, like the Monkey's Paw, that's right ...
And now they're just teasing him about it. I live this so much ... Fearne is being especially cruel about it ... yup ... XD
Allura does not want to have anything to do with this foolishness and I do not blame her at all ...
Time for bed before they have to go to the Moon ...
FCG's been cooking? H'wine rolls? What the sweet fuck is this craziness ... a Hero's Yeast? Dear gods ...
Oh, so Mister and Pate can get in on this action too? That's pretty cool ...
Yeah, the Hero's Feast is always such a cool booster thing ...
Imogen's going to try that dream thing? Oh boy ... so who's going in with her? Everybody except Chetney and Fearne ... okay ...
Yet again, Travis rolls to see if Chetney DIES IN HIS SLEEP ...
Into Imogen's dream, then ... taking the Bloody Bridge, up to Ruidus ... oh, it's all very Stargate all of a sudden ...
Ruidus, then ... here we go ... and the studio lighting changes ... I really do hate that ...
Touchdown ... okay ... eye of the storm, now ... hmmmm ...
"Bring me home." Oh boy ... Imogen gives in ... it pulls her in ... oh, this is rightly terrifying already ... this is suddenly looking like a really BAD IDEA ...
Caverns? Some kind of labyrinthine tunnel network inside the Moon ... hmmmm ...
Wait ... the others wake up ... but Imogen DOESN'T?!!! Oh fuck ...
Fuck, is she trapped? What the fuck is HAPPENING?!!!
Oh thank the gods she's back ... is she okay?
Orym tries to get a read? Another big Insight roll ... LAURA gives Liam a Whispers? Crazy ...
Laudna is worried and rightly so ... this DOES NOT feel right at all. I am suddenly EXTREMELY uncomfortable about all of this. Could this come back to bite us in a really bad way later?
Brumestone? Hmmmmm ...
Oh yes, this IS going to be a problem, clearly ...
Yes, keep an eye on her while you're sleeping please, Laudna ...
Time for bed. A Long Rest ...
Orym goes to visit Nana Morri in the night? SERIOUSLY?!!!
Oh, that is disconcerting that she can sneak up on him ...
Fuck, is he REALLY going to make a deal with her too? Come on, Wee Man ...
Well he's doing this for his friends, maybe that's going to be enough to protect him in this ... but WOULD SHE actually take him up on this? Oh fuck, she really is ... Orym, come on ...
Fuck ... he's willing to offer himself up to HER service if she sees them through? Fuck ... I hate this already ... a "caretaker"? Jeez ...
If every one of them makes it back and they see it through ... very specific terms, at least ... fuck ... at least it's very dependent on their success ... shit, snd that's it, then ...
Gods damn it, Liam O'brien, making clandestine deals with dark entities again for the sake of his friends ... how much worse than Vax is this gonna be?
Time for a break ... gods ...
Matt: "Ten years nearly, I've had to put up with you guys." XD
Morning comes ... time to go, then ...
Ah, the creepy Fey Menagerie returns ... as unsettling as ever ...
Food? Okay ... Birdie and Ollie are cooking? Well that's a relief ... a nice pleasant breakfast ... and now here's Nana ... hmmmm ...
She has something special for FCG? Hmmmm ... a weird sphere of something ... IS IT food for him? Okay, he's giving it a go ... so it's just fine silver ... and he burps ... with SCREAMS ... fucking horrifying ... LOL
Wow, so Fearne is now the hot new thing in town? That's pretty cool ...
Allura, still as creeped out by Morri as ever ... XD
So heading to meet their allies in the Hellcatch Valley ... okay, then ... so they're making the move ...
Fearne says goodbye to her parents. And they are just SO PROUD of her, aren't they? :3
Working the spell, then ... WHOOSH!!! Time all but freezes ... oh, and that was CHAOTIC ... but they're finally back in Exandria. Right on target ...
Yup, the Red Moon still dominates the sky. Lovely.
Chetney's still slow for a minute ... Laudna: "You made his voice all sexy there." XD
Wow, this is a WHOLE LOT of people who've gathered here to help fight ... and they're all pretty tense about it, too. That's just great ...
Some kind of purpose made citadel "grown" specifically for this effort? That's pretty cool ...
These all look like some pretty interesting folk ... the Council of Tal'dorei? Interesting ...
Whoa ... BIG guy ... seriously BUFF old dude ... fascinating ... the Stormlord? Interesting ...
Oh, so they've been expected? Hmmm ...
Mythtaker Qi Mandozi? Cool.
Guardian Tofor Bretoris? Okay.
"Mercenaries ... we get shit done."
Oooh ... is this some kind of fancy honour guard?
Earthbreaker Groon is clearly fascinated by Imogen and Fearne, but in a strange disapproving way, kind of? Interesting ...
Percy! Hey! And Keyleth! Yay!
Ah yes ... the timey wimey weirdness of the Fey Realm ...
Ah ... your typical war briefing, then ...
Butcher Wagons? Hmmm ... so very charming ... a nice gory diversion ...
Ten to thirty minutes to infiltrate? So ... not a MASSIVE window, then ...
Ah yeah ... the Reilora ...
Percy needs a little more time ... of course he does ... but then they do need setup time ...
No witnesses? Crap ... that is NOT a good ultimatum at all ...
So there is SOME flexibility, but still ... it's disconcerting all the same ...
Oh yeah, the Ruby Vanguard disguises ...
What are they looking for? What is the intelligence they need to gather?
Fearne questions Earthbreaker Groon ... oh, here we go ... he knows they're Ruidusborn ... oh, this is a sticky thing here? Chill out, guys ...
Oh yeah, these two witches be something special ...
Groon: "You are of the Storm, are you not?" Imogen: "I AM the Storm, baby."
Of course Keyleth still has utmost faith in them all, and Orym especially. :3
Qi likes FCG because he's funny. I like that. XD
A safe word for Imogen? In case the pull becomes too much? Probably a good idea ...
Fearne: "We're just the tip, guys. Just thd tip if the spear." Ashton: "Yeah, that's the safe word."
Laudna goes to talk to Keyleth. "You're very pretty." XD
Oh yes ... Vax. That's right ... she's covering, but yeah, that's at the core of it for her ...
His energy is being used specifically to power the bridge ... yeah ...
Keyleth: "I'm sorry." Laudna: "For what?" Keyleth: "For everything." Oh man ...
Telepathic Bond? Oh yeah ... that should be helpful ...
All right ... so it's time, then ... setting up for the distraction ...
Earthbreaker Groon wants to talk to Imogen ... oh no, THE STORMLORD wants to talk to her ... that wasn't, like, foreboding at all ...
Time to go ... everybody's ready ... and it sll hoes OFF ... the Butcher Wagons are rolling ... Allura gives the nod ... cue gibberish words as Imogen uses one of the Scrolls ...
And now they're just living clouds ... lovely ...
Coasting in over the Site now, approaching the Malleus Key ...
Crazy beasts on the attack in front of the Wagons ... oh, that's pretty slick ...
Touchdown on target ... okay ... Keyleth prepares their stormy cover ... Nice ... Voice of the Tempest indeed!
Oh yeah, Kiki you are AWESOME!!!
They put on their disguises, Fearne casts Pass Without A Trace, and FCG puts a Death Ward on Imogen.
Time to head in, then ... they make their way down and into the Storm ... Orym's leading the way ... no, Fearne ... maybe the better choice in this ...
Group Stealth Check with Advantage ... yup, BOSS rolls all round ...
Oh it is all just KICKING OFF right now ...
Aaaaaaaaaaah! Reilorans! Oh boy ...
CHAOS!!! IT'S A TOTAL MESS OUT HERE!!! And now the first Wagon bursts ...
They make their way in ... and Matt calls it a night!
Oh, visual preview of what's to come? Ooooh ... yay, Battlemap! Sweet ...
We'll see next session ... in the New Year ... roll on 2024 ...
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Periwinkle: Chp 2
His Hoodie
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It was the next day of his hair appointment at YN's Salon, it was not so busy that day so he got special treatment and a hair cut from YN herself. He had to put all his trust in her as she was still a trainee and not a professional quite yet.
It was a Friday, the busiest day for YN at the Salon. He felt guilty as he was sat on his sofa hearing the phone ring going to her, the call almost went on voicemail when she answered.
"Hey-llo!" She said.
"Hey, YN I am sorry I'm disturbing you I-"
"Harry, I am sorry can you give me a second please?" She asked to which he hummed, the call went silent for a little while, "I am sorry about that Sandy was being annoying like always. What's up?"
"It's okay, I called to ask if you're free today? We can maybe hang out?" He asked.
"Oh," she sounded very taken back, "I, I have a very busy day but I can check if I can clock out early. Is there something special today?"
"Not really, it's fine if you're not free. It's just that I can't really go back home my mum's on a vacation with my step dad, my sister left yesterday. Thought we could you know... hang out." Harry explained.
"Oh yeah, that's totally fine with me." She agreed, "I'll text you an hour before I clock out, okay?"
"Yeah, see you." He truly felt happy to end that call. He just got dressed in a black hoodie and for a change, a pair dark washed skinny jeans.
It was finally when YN had texted him that she is waiting for him at the front of his building. They both had originally planned to go to this club so he was thinking they'd take a cab or something. He noticed YN rolled the window once she saw him.
"Get in looser we're going clubbing!" She exclaimed making him laugh. He hopped into the passenger seat. "Got your ID?"
"Yup!" He nodded.
He tried to be subtle taking a look at YN's outfit. She's got a pair of black knee boots, black denim shorts with a red lacy crop top with spaghetti straps.
Wow, she really must love spaghetti, eh?
Her outfit went very well with her faded red hair a bold red lip. There was a single tattoo on her body, two green veil intertwining into a shape of DNA with tiny purple flowers along the veil, perfect etched into her skin on the right side of her right wrist. It was very pretty, at least prettier than all of his random tattoos. He opted not to as for the meaning behind it in case it's too personal.
YN had actually cancelled her plans with her friends just so she can hang out with him. She had plans to go bar hopping with her friends and had it all figured out that the girls are going to be matching in red.
It was the colour of the day, representing love, anger, and lust. All the emotions individual of her friends were going through. She felt bad, but it wasn't like her friends seem to mind at all, the girls are very understanding and she didn't lie about why she cancelled. Also, it was her turn to be the mother of the group and not drink much or nothing at all as she was going to be driving.
"Where do you want to go?" He asked.
"To this new club called Peculiar, my friend said the bibe is amazing there!" She explained, "wait, you don't do any drugs like other college kids right? 'cause I do not condone that."
"No, I don't. I rarely drink," Harry explained, he doesn't condone that either.
"It's going be fun then, I won't be drinking as I've got to drive." She said.
For sure they're going to have fun, the vibe at the club was insane. Harry was smart enough to wear a button down under his hoodie just in case and it came handy as she stripped his hoodie before they went in. It was going to be a fun night!
It wasn't a good idea!
No really, it wasn't a good idea to let alcohol take over her mind that way. He was drunk and she was drunk too. That doesn't give an excuse for them to sleep with each other last night.
Dhe blamed herself for starting it when they were both completely sober. But he played along too.
The loud music by Beyoncé, Single Ladies was booming through the speakers when they entered the club. It was Harry who had dragged her to the dance floor instead of going straight to the bar to grab him a drink.
"Don't you want anything to drink?" She asked being dragged by Harry.
"Nope, we can just enjoy sober, I don't want you to take care of my clingy and drunk ass," he leaned closer to her so she can hear him properly. It did not failed to pass chills down her spine.
"It's okay, you can if you want," she shrugged.
"Come on," he wasn't going to listen to her, was he now?
They danced away for the entire song making up their own moves and of course doing the iconic Single Ladies choreography. The songs shifts to more of Britney Spears' it was a very fun night.
Who's fault it was? Harry was the first one to rest his hands on her swaying hips, but is her wrapping her arms around his neck was any better? It wasn't that late as Harry had pulled her closer wrapping his own arms around her hips, dangerously close to her bum. Her fingers were tangled into hair on the back of his head, feeling the silkyness of the Keratin treatment he'd gotten yesterday.
"You're hair looks amazing, you're hair dresser must be a pro!" She bragged.
"Yeah, she's amazing!" He agreed making her giggling giving into her jokes and teasing throughout the night.
It was going to be too late as their mouths were mere inch apart YN had to abruptly pull away but grabbing his hand to cover up of her sudden action. She started heading towards the bar.
"I want a glass of water," she told him and he just followed her along. "Do you want to go mine we can get wasted there?" YN suggested.
"You've got a stash at yours?" Harry was surprised.
"Yeah, my Nani held a lot of those grown-up people parties there so she have these fancy wines and shit." She explained, "I was gonna go out with my friends but like it was my turn to be their mother and make sure everyone got home safely. But we kinda cancelled. I originally planned to go home and get wasted alone, it's very boring though."
"No you cancelled your plans?" He cooed feeling bad, "I'm sorry, you should have told me that!"
"It's fine," she sipped her water, "my offer still stands!"
"Fuck yeah," he agreed.
That was that. They were sat on her sofa binging random episodes Love Island on her laptop and bitching about random contestants, on their way to empty out a decently expensive looking bottles of top-shelf Vodka and Gin. Completely wasted with a rather—what Harry said— weird combination of alcohol.
"Why have I never watched it, the drama in this everything!" YN slurred on her words as she chugged down what was remaining in her glass. Lastly her laptop ran out of charge so their conversation shifted to his family. He went on and on about how amazing and cool his mum and sister are, which YN loved to hear about!
After all there was no family drama in his family unlike hers. Most of his talk she was busy taking his carefully crafted features. Most people her age habe been waiting to have their glow up, but this boy right in front of her looks like he's been carved and sculpted by God himself! Or is he a mythological god himself? Who knows, and who cares!
All she could focus was his deep, raspy and drunk voice bragging about his mum's Apple pie recipe which he promised to make her once. His mesmerising eyes were full of nothing but comfort. She had way too much alcohol in her system to make sense of her staring at him like that might not me the best move. He's just gotten out of a year long relationship. But can she resist the plus pink of his lips?
The tip of his nose bounced at the very slightest as he talked and smiled, dimples dented his cheeks pretty prominently. His mouth looked way too tempting making the urge to feel them on hers which was the first time, before she have been able to have a control over action if not her feelings. But she's borderline in love with him, would it be too much to say that? She didn't know really if you ask. She have saved herself by not asking him out and just admiring him from a distance not wanting to be someone's relationship wrecker.
She knew how it felt like to be cheated on, if for the fact Harry would have any intention to double date her keeping his girlfriend at the time a secret. He doesn't seem like that kind of guy, and she wasn't the type to come in between a completely healthy couple. Her not knowing he had a girlfriend would never be an excuse and disrespectful of the girl code she followed.
But he's broken up with her, right? She thinks he have broken up with her or why would he waste his time with her rather than be busy mending things with his girlfriend?
Was it wrong that she wanted to kiss him that bad that she didn't even notice she has been staring at his mouth the whole time?
She would never admit to anyone but she has been going through a lot after her Grandma's demise. It have taken a toll on her but since she can remember she have mastered the art of dealing with her shit on her own. Getting help for anything has never been a thing for her. Sandy— the manager at the Salon— have suggested her to join a Grief Support Groups but YN is rather a stubborn one. Talking about her loss made things worse for her, especially with strangers.
Harry is basically a stranger too. She feels rather comfortable with him than with her own friends dhe have known for over three to four years.
She was taken back when Harry just stopped talking and she felt his mouth on hers, but she pulled away. At least she have some sense of reality check!
"This is wrong Harry, you have a girlfriend." She managed to say before he kissed again. Gently his lips moved along with her. She felt the weight of his hands on either sides of her face as his thumb rubbed comforting pets on the apple of her cheeks.
"I've broken with her," he gave her the explanation but not a chance for her to say anything his lips were back on hers. Her skin warmed up under his touch, one his hand made his way down from her neck to, her shoulder to her waist to finally behind her thigh urging her get up on his lap.
There was guilt. A lot of guilt from YN's side. It was the lack of comfort in a gentle way taking control over her feelings and her actions, alcohol wasn't the only thing to blame here. Contact with him felt safe enough for her to just give in and devour the moment they have both gotten into. His hands on her butt were weirdly comfortable and so was his cologne.
In the matter of minutes Harry have drunkenly carried her to her bedroom. She was quick to follow his hands helping him unbutton his shit and throw it to the side. The amount of desperation was mutual.
"This okay?" He asked already tugging at the tie behind her back holding her top up.
"Mhmm," she nodded.
In a swift motion he pushed her back on the mattress hovering her form, his lips on her again as he managed to fot between in her thighs. His hand wandering down her bare skin of her back to her shorts tugging out the fabric of her top tucked in making her pull away giggling.
"Stop that tickles!"
He chuckled, "hey, are you really fine with this?"
"Yeah, I am," she nodded, "are you fine with this?"
"Yes I am," he assured her. In matter of minutes they both ended up in naked mess of a heap on fluff of her bedding.
"Wait, wait," he pecked her lips one last time before he pulled away, getting off from top of her he reached for his pants on the floor, he took out  silver packet from one of it's pocket.
"You came prepared?" She looked weirded out.
"I always keep one," he said, ripped the packet open with his teeth, rolling on the latex over his length.
"Wait, wait, give me a minute!" She sighed, a little nervous.
"What's the matter?" He asked, "have you, have you done this before, we don't have to if you don't want to?"
"Never slept with someone with a dick!" She exclaimed almost making him chuckle, "and you better fucking finish what you started."
"You are one interesting person Miss!" He sighed positioning himself back in between her thighs.
Most of the night was blur, what she remembered was Harry initiating the kiss, her both of them verbally consenting to each other. YN felt guilty for enjoying and wanting to cherish every second. She wished it was just a dream and nothing else.
It was very early in the morning, lied in her bed without the curtains being drawn filled the room with bright morning rays of sun. The discomfort of the sun woke her up with a feeling of arm draped over her from behind. The tattoo of a naked mermaid and soreness between her thighs was a true conformation of last night not being a wet dream. Soft exhales on her bare back was the sign that she is completely naked and so was he, with nothing but a duvet keeping them covered. Her trying to move away woke him up which wasn't her intention at all.
"Hey, mornin'," he rasped holding onto her tighter, a soft peck of his lips was pressed on the back of her neck before he gave her the opportunity to roll on her back. His arm was still wrapped over her waist.
He seems pretty aware of what actually happened last night...
"Are you okay love?" He was suddenly into alert seeing the upset and distressed look of guilt on her pretty face.
"I don't know. Do you remember what happened last night?" She asked.
"Yeah, pretty obviously, isn't it?" He glanced at both of them twisted in her bedsheets. She clutched the duvet over her chest.
"Don't be so casual about it Harry, you just got out a relationship!" She exclaimed, "this is not right."
He was silent for a moment before asking, "do you regret it?"
"I don't know, did you?" She countered.
"I didn't," well, that took him even split second to answer, "I didn't regret one thing."
"This isn't right, what am I, just a fucking rebound?" She felt disgusted. In herself mostly.
"No, no, god no!" Harry rushed, "no you're not!"
"You got over your girlfriend of one year this easily?" Her questions was harsh but very important.
He haven't. He was aware that it isn't possible to move on that quickly. Now he was the one feeling guilty. He sighed sitting up straight and grabbed the nearest clothing piece, his hoodie from the floor and gave it to her. The time he got whilst she pulled the stitched fabric over her head wasn't enough.
Harry looked at for a minute as she patiently waited for her answer.
Ten seconds...
Thirty seconds...
One whole minute, there was no answer which was enough burst the dam of her patience.
"Get dressed and get the fuck out Harry," is all she said before getting off her bed and barging into her bathroom. She slammed the door behind her.
It was YN's day off which ended spending whilst curing her hang over. All she did was shower for an hour, had a ritual of skin care, napped on an empty stomach.
It was like one her many traumas after her girlfriend cheated on her. Now he said he broke up with her, which shouldn't be an excuse for him to move on that quickly. What if he changes his mind and goes back to her, he basically cheated. Plus she doesn't want to end up being a rebound given the fact that they've just because friends not that long ago but have known each other for longer.
When they both first met was when YN was helping her grandma move into the small flat next door to Harry. Her grandma did not wanted to stay in their paint house alone whilst she went back packing to Italy and France alone for about half a year. The place really held very good memories for both of them, her grandma was very a very sentimental person in a very good way. She loved her grand daughter!
Anyways, she doesn't want to be involved in a cheating scandal. She's got more on her plate to deal with behind the scenes.
She was just taking out her food she ordered for home delivery when her phone started ringing. It was of course Harry, not expected but it was not a surprise either. She just let it ring the first time trying to ignore it.
Yeah, she doesn't get to decide for him about how fast or slow it should take him to move on. But it did not made her feel any less guilty about it.
She had to pick it up the third time around as he wasn't going to give up calling her all night. He's an Aquarius after all!
"Hey YN, can we talk please?" He asked.
"Yeah," she sighed.
"Not, not on a phone call. Can we meet?" He suggested.
"Not now Harry, I've got a bad headache." She denied.
"I will leave immediately if you want, I just want to talk this out please," he requested. "I, I am headed over to yours, or we don't have to meet now if you're not okay with it."
"Okay fine," she agreed.
"Okay, okay," he rushed to end the end call before she could even say anything. Not even five minutes later he was knocking on her door, she has let him in.
For the first time Harry got to look at her place, it was massive and looked very luxurious! No doubt this is where her millionaire grandma spent her money on. The pent house was on top of s very fancy building as well. From the living room outside Harry swore he got a glimpse of a swimming pool there.
But what caught his attention was a wall of pictures frames of YN and her grandma, with a small cabinet underneath with more pictures, there were two picture frames kept face down. He opted not to lurk around and take in the beauty of the place she lived in. He's come to talk.
"What do you want to talk about exactly?" She asked taking her usual seat in front of her half eaten food but not eating anything.
"About last night," he answered, "look, I, I have answer to your questions you just did gave me enough—"
"Oh cut the bullshit, you went fucking silent I asked you that—"
"I didn't know what to say," he interrupted her earning a hard look from her for that, "I'm sorry, but I didn't wanted to hurt your feelings even more by rushing it."
"Why not? People say the truth when it's rushed," she said, "is that why you wanted you to be friends in first place?"
"No you're taking this wrong, please try to understand," Harry was sat on the edge of his seat by now, "I didn't wanted to be friends with you just so I could sleep with you. That was never my intention."
"I don't know what to say," she shrugged, "I'm, I'm sorry it's just... I don't know I'm sorry."
"No, no it's okay. I understand," it took everything in him to not reach out and grab her hand, he knows that he would want to then hug her. If he hugged her then he'd want to kiss her.
Harry has spent all his day laying in bed, thinking about what happened last night. Yeah he was drunk that doesn't give him the excuse to get to get away with this. She just wanted to be good friends, even adviced him something good. All she was doing was being nice to him. Did he took mixed signals? No, fuck no!
It was just his little infatuation with her that grew bigger after alcohol had the chance to seep into his system enough that he did not wanted to control his actions. Yeah that was that. He wouldn't say he didn't like one bit of what happened last night.
"Do you like..." He hesitated, "like regret anything about, about, about last night?"
Okay that was quick!
"You?" She asked.
"No," he repeated her answer.
"Okay," she nodded.
Silence filling up the room was very awkward yet comfortable. None of them knew what to say or what to do. Both of them as confused as the other. Harry now agrees with what YN said, they're both as stupid as each other. And it wasn't a joke.
"Look, I really don't what your intentions are. I'm just going to make this clear you can take what you want and leave the rest." She started, "I seriously don't want to be involved in cheating situation. I don't care that you broke up with your girlfriend, you might want to get back with her or not. That's none my business, I don't want to end up being a rebound. That's all."
And part of that is, she tends to catch feelings very easily and she already likes him. A lot.
"You, you are not. We were both drunk and I don't think either of us would go that far if we were not," he said and already regretted but the look on her face of acceptance was relieving to him. "You're one of the nicest people I've been friends with and I don't want this and us sleeping together last night come in the way."
"Thank you," she acknowledged his compliment. Letting out a sigh and leaving things behind she leaned back on her seat, "that doesn't mean you'll get free hair cuts, Sandy will turn into Lucifer."
He giggled, "I go to business school, I know how to keep things professional."
"Clearly," she commented, sitting down on the rug in front of the coffee table, back to eating her dinner. She was hungry okay! She skipped her breakfast and lunch trying to cure her hang over and napping all day.
"What's your plan for tomorrow?" He asked.
"Going to dye my hair Periwinkle tomorrow, it's going to take all day. And probably get some work done for school." She explained.
"Red from Periwinkle?" He asked.
"Yup!" She nodded, "what are you doing?"
"Getting a new tattoo tomorrow. Other than that I don't know, my mum is on a vacation. My sister is visiting her boyfriend's parents, all my friends are back home." He shrugged.
"You should spend this time alone you know, it's nice to have some alone time too." She suggested, "I've seen you always have people around you which is not wrong. But you know going out alone for a movie, or like a walk. Get your nails done," she pointed at his chipped painted black nails. "It's very fun."
"Will try that. I just don't like to be alone," he sighed.
"Understandable," she nodded.
"What do you think I should do? What do you usually do?" He asked now curious wanting to spend his day alone like she suggested.
"I usually stay home, bake, or try out a new hair cut technique on my Ginnie pig maniquins." She chucked at her last sentence, "or I go swim in the pool or just nap all day."
"Baking sounds fun," he commented.
"It is!" She nodded stuffing her fave with food.
Harry sat there on his claimed place not wanting to leave. He absolutely hates being alone and didn't quite understand why.
For a year he contemplated getting a pet, a fog seemed to much work, an indoor cat seemed perfect. He did find one and adopted one, but he ended up sending her home with his mum as he couldn't seem to give the cat much of attention and care with his busy schedule and work load.
"What tattoo are you getting?" YN enquired.
"Oh, just a G and A on my shoulders for my sister and mum," he explained, "G for Gemma and A for Anne, my mum."
"Aw that's sweet!" She cooed, "you've got a load of tattoos how the fuck do you sit through them?"
"For most of these I was drunk," he looked down at his left arm.
"Are you kidding me? You're not supposed to drink before getting tattoos, how did tthe tattoo artist gave you tattoo like that?" She was shocked.
"Got most of these done when I was probably fifteen- sixteen, by those ally way tattoo artist." He smiled sheepishly sinking more into his seat, "my mum was mad but she got over it."
"Of course she would be," She rolled her eyes, "my grandma was mad too when I got mine, I surprised her on her 78th birthday with it." She put down the take out container and pulled up the sleeve of the hoodie to show him the tattoo he's already seen last night.
"It's very pretty," he commented, "what does it mean?"
"It's Nani and I's birthday flower, we share the same birthday by the way," she smiled, but it was very obvious that it made her sad, "but it grew on her and she got a small flower herself on her wrist to match and surprised me." She chuckled.
"That's sweet!" He chuckled, "I didn't know she was 78 though!"
"I know right, she always got that. People would say she looks to be in her early fifties." She explained, "she took pride in that!"
"As she should," he nodded, "she was really sweet, always invited me over for meals or gave little things she made. Especially sweets and snacks!"
"Yeah, she used to tell me about it." YN nodded, "she loved to cook!"
Harry noticed she was wearing the hoodie he left at her since morning— it was a present from Gemma with his name hand embroidered by herself on the left side in the front. She got awkward and pulled the sleeve back down where as he couldn't help the little smirk daring to put itself on display. For some twisted reason he liked the idea seeing her wear something that belonged to him, none of the people he have dated before have done that.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" She mumbled, "I'll return it to you tomorrow, washed."
"It's okay," he assured her.
"I, I, I have a similar one and I, uhhh— thought it was mine." She made a horrible half excuse. Well, she didn't felt like going through her closet with a blaring headache so she had put the hoodie back on. It was kind of an gross idea but when you have a massive hang over nothing seems gross.
"You have a hoodie with my name embroidered on it?" He smirked.
"It's a plain black hoodie, I didn't saw this!" She groaned defending herself.
"Sure," he nodded trying hold back his chuckle. "You look really cute in it."
She cleared her throat awkwardly, feeling her skin heat up. She picked up the empty take out container and rushed to the kitchen.
Harry regretted taking his paid vacation from work, at least he'd have something to do and pass his time but that was really no longer a regret after he made good friends with YN.
The upcoming semester would be the last one before he graduates with his master's and back to full-time desk job again.
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devinoxart · 2 years
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Cross-posted From: Buzzly.art
Date Originally Published: March 8 2022
I haven't seen the show myself - I mostly consume it through second hand means such as critique videos, sin counters, and misc clips, and so far I don't think it deserves most of the hate it gets but it does deserve all of the critisms. I also think the story has some potential, and I think that's why so many people are upset about it and critiquing it so much. The characters don't even have the worst designs, they're simply not handled all that great and their story arcs aren't given any individual attention.
But I still thought it'd be fun to put my own twists on them. I also designed them with a different story in mind. I decided to get rid of the magical school since that sort of setting doesn't really fit in the world of DnD and went with idea of a guild instead.
From left to right:
Rosemary: I ended up changing her the most since I feel like they could've done more with her given that this story is supposed to be inspired by DnD. I tightened up the armor, got rid of the dress shirt and skirt combo she wore under it, moved her bow to her hair (apparently she originally had hair bows anyway before they redesigned her for the anime, and gave her some leathers for no particular reason other than to look cool. I also gave her pants since they seem much easier to move around in.
Oh yeah, and I made her an half-orc x) I keep seeing redrawings where people use green to break up the pink and this is how my mind chose to interpret that. Her father's an orc sad her mother, the legendary, MIA warrior, is human. Also, her brother? Yeah he died around the time Lavender went MIA. Rumors say losing her son drove her mad and that's why she never came home. But who's to say 😏
Instead of going to study being a Guardian at an Academy, Rosemary spends most of her time helping out her father, and her village with fighting monsters and protecting livestock and crops. But lately their monster problem is getting worse and with their letters and pleas to the famous High Guardian Guild going unanswered, Rosemary makes the decision to go in person to "drag their uppity asses back and help them".
Sage: Her design isn't the worst thing in the world, it's just very monochromatic. I took inspiration from the cottagecore fashion to break up the blues while still leaving the feeling of a country bumpkin who's never left her hometown before. Her and Rosemary are still childhood friends (I just forgot mention it until now) and while Rose is protecting her town from the local monsters, Sage and her family work at the local apothecary to create beneficial potions and protective wards, but lately those wards don't seem to be working as well as they should.
Old magic seems to be weakening and Sage sets out with Rosemary to find out why.
Parsley: I actually like her design! She's a cute round friend and is generally well liked, it's just unfortunate she's mainly used for exposition and doesn't go through any character development or growth through the show. I still decided to give her an alternative outfit since I think she's supposed to be accociated with orange. I also gave her some stubble since female dwarves also have facial hair but it's tidbit if lore that's hardly ever used. She still helps run her family's forge, 12 brothers and all, but what she really wants to do is get an apprenticeship with the High Guardian Guild's artificer to study under him instead.
She meets Rose and Sage when they come to the capital (where she lives and works) when they bring in the locket that was broke during their journey to the capital. They get to talking and one things leads to another.
Thyme: I also really like her design and kind of do regret giving her braids, especially without a reference because I couldn't find one that I liked, even if they are more practical. But that leather top piece and belt dhe's wearing? Yeah they're meant to keep clothing in place and conformed to the body, so it's kind of ironic they decided to style these pieces with loose fabrics. I swapped out her tunic dress for a tunic and a pair of leather pants and gave her some boots to match her gauntlets. (I also wanna give her she/they pronouns but don't know if I should).
She's still an angsty elf who comes to the capital with her mother seeking answers and also to plead her case with the High Guardian Guild. She meets Sage and Rose when she comes to their aid during a scuffle with a monster and the three sort of head the same way. Though I imagine she also goes to the blacksmith for some arrows or something.
I have other thoughts like:
- Rose and Sage still staying with Sage's cousin, Anise, and her wife, Aloe, until they find a more permanent arrangement.
- Mandrake and Olive being introduced early on because •°•Secret Mission•°• Also, they're a friend duo and actually look out for eachother.
- Amaryllis and Sage are rivals who have differentiating opinions and views on old magic vs new magic. She's still the chaotic rich and powerful brat who's apart of the High Guardian Spice Guild and thinks herself one of the best mages the guild has.
- Snapdragon, instead of being Transgender, is just a guy who just happens to also like some traditionally femine things. I also like the idea of him being gender fluid, but I don't like the idea of him being m2f in the context the show gives him (that because he's a guy who like feminine things that he must be transgendered; the transgender identity doesn'texist to reinforce gender roles).
- Caraway is still f2m transgender but instead of having to take a potion monthly and suggesting his transition is not permanent and he can go back to being a girl at any time, it is permanent and the suggestion of using transition magic is not brought up immediately to someone still figuring themselves out (Snapdragon). Obviously he's a veteran member of the guild who has worked with Lavender in the past.
I might go into this a bot more, a may not. Honestly I don't even know why I'm so fascinated with a show that I haven't even watched and don't think I would even like with how immature the writing is and the constant waste of potential for deeper plot points. ESPECIALLY FOR THE CHARACTERS.
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Sometimes I like to sit down and think what would've happened if Narusaku had become canon but in the exact same way that the canon pairings came to be, and I genuinely think that more than half the people that blindly defend the canon pairings would absolutely hate it, and this fandom would be even worst than already is.
Tsunade dies and three panels later Sakura holds Naruto's hand and either of them starts thinking about the others hand while Tsunade's death body is shown to be at their feet.
Minato still asks if Sakura is Naruto's girlfriend but she says that she's actually Sasuke's girlfriend/has feelings for him.
While fighting Kaguya Naruto decides to completely disregards Sakura's safety and keeps telling Sasuke that the only people that matter are the both of them, but on the other hand Sasuke is shown to actually worry about both Sakura and Kakashi.
Believing that Sasuke is back with them after the Kaguya fight, Naruto decides that is moment to confess his feelings for Sakura, he starts to talk, but then Sasuke says that he wants revolution and all of that part.
Naruto decides to knock her out so she doesn't interfere in his and Sasuke's fight, it doesn't matter how he knocks her out, one thing is for sure is that it hurt.
When she wakes up, she remembered what Sai said about Naruto's feelings for her and she realizes that Naruto was about to confess before, Kakashi then calls her out on what she's done, about the fake confession, and then tells her that Naruto loves her so much and he's hurting because of it, he says that Naruto's feelings have matured, and then Sakura answers him by saying that she has no reasons to love him nor to be loved by him, she also finishes by saying that he has never understand her, and sometimes she thinks that he enjoys to see her fail, just like she said back in chapter 3.
Then after Sasuke apologize she decides to apologize to Naruto, so she says sorry, and Naruto asks him for what, and she says for everything and that's all, nothing else, just that.
We're shown one panel of them together in front of Tsunade's grave.
Then Sakura kisses his forehead and tells him thank you.
We have some time skip things, and we regress in their development, even though some novels have told us that they've been hanging out a lot, we're shown that Naruto can't bring himself to ask Sakura out because he's scare she will continue to reject him.
We're also shown that the reason why Naruto had a crush on Sakura was because she once stood up against some bullies, because she also stood up for Naruto the bullies destroy this random scarf and Naruto decided to keep it, but because the scarf was destroyed for standing up for Naruto she decides to be mean and that's why she acts that way towards him at the begging. May I remind you that this was never talked before, nor was acknowledged by neither Sakura or Naruto even though it was something that's suppose to be really important for them, and is also important for the development of their relationship either it was platonic, romantic, etc.
Naruto decides to give her a scarf but when he sees she has a new one he thinks that it means she's with someone else so dhe gets sad even though he doesn't ask her, and she could've easily bought one
Sasuke now is really interested in others people romantic life and thinks he is the best one to be giving romantic advice, same with Sai. Everytime they talk to Naruto they tell him about how amazing he is, how his feelings are so pure, meanwhile everytime they talk with Sakura they tell her how dumb she is, how she doesn't deserve Naruto's pure feelings, or how she's too dense to comprehend them.
Then Sakura's parents get kidnapped, because this alien prince wants to have kids with her, why you may asked, because the byakugo seal resembles the karma and he needs it to later repopulate the earth, and after Tsunade's death she's the only one to have it, why did he kidnapped her parents? Because he needed her to go to the moon so her and her team would have less advantage due to the place they were fighting, and they were easier to kidnapped than Sakura because she was always with Naruto, Sasuke or both. Makes sense idk, was talked before, no, will any of this be bring back after, who knows but by the looks of it, not at all.
So Kakashi decides to send a team form by Sasuke, Sai, Shikamaru, Naruto and Sakura, even though by sending Sakura he's giving the alien exactly what he wants.
Naruto decides to take the scarf with him, because why not, and he spends a lot of time thinking about it and Sakura more than he thinks about her parents.
Then they have little moments here and there where they completely forget they're actually in a rescue mission because some relative were kidnapped.
They all get in genjutsu, where for some reason Sakura is shown all the nice and cute things Naruto has done for her, and this other memory of Naruto talking with Sasuke and Sai, and them telling him how Sakura is really really dense and she doesn't understand the difference between loving things and loving people.
When they wake up she talks with Naruto but he rejects her because he now thinks there are more important things to be worrying about.
She then gets all depress and gets told than Sasuke was the one who woke them up and has zero reaction even though he might have drown a lot of his Chakra in order to do that.
She goes and talks to him and he tells her that she never had feelings for him, that her crush was just her not wanting to loose against Ino so she had to force herself into having feelings for him, he also tells her that she has always had feelings for Naruto that are real she just never wanted to let them out, and she says nothing, in complete silence she doesn't agree nor disagree she says nothing.
She turns herself in because she wants to give the alien what he wants so he leaves everyone alone, but she doesn't have any other plan or anything, even though she knows they will go after her even if she doesn't want to, but you know damsel in distress.
Naruto then blames himself for rejecting her earlier and also gets depress and thinks that is not worth going after her because maybe that's what she wants, and Shikamaru is the one that has to snap him out of it. But don't worry this doesn't go against the characterization of the person that would go against the world for a friend.
Then you know moon things happen, they win, and Sakura confesses to Naruto saying how is her reaponsabilty as a woman to love him because she was oblivious of how pure his feelings were for so long, they kiss.
Last episodes are totally dedicating to a wedding.
Next we have Sakura and Naruto kids, Naruto is knocked out by one of them and misses his ceremony.
But later on we're told that Naruto is barely in his home, he spends way to much time working even though he has like a lot of ways to help himself do he's work faster, Sakura is a housewife, but their children feel completely alone and misunderstood.
One of them resents Naruto because he's never home, not even for their birthdays, so he spends a lot of times planning pranks and disrespecting Naruto, and Sakura does nothing to help him understand the situation or tells Naruto about what's going on.
There's this other child than Kishimoto decided to give Sasuke's feature with Sakura colors, but let's say that the features they have that resemble Sasuke actually come from Minato, because he also had some kinda sharp features.
So Kishimoto decides to create this story about how this child doubts about Naruto's paternity and instead thinks Sasuke is their father.
When they ask about it Sakura destroys their home.
Even though Naruto was so busy he couldn't go home, as soon as Sasuke contacts him he decides to go and visit him, the child follows and when they sit down and talk Naruto can't really tell them the information they're asking.
Sakura gets to where they are and gets kidnapped, Naruto doesn't really have a reaction, he just sys she's not weak, and when looking for her he asks Sasuke to use his sensory habilites in order to look for her even though they both have them in the same level.
Before leaving a DNA test is perform, and has match with Sasuke's, but don't worry the reality was that he decided to keep Naruto and Sakura's child's umbilical cord, for some unexplained reason.
When they arrive the child is able to make a rasengan and because apparently this jutsus that you're suppose to learn and train for are genetically now, that confirms that is actually Naruto's child.
Both Sakura and Naruto say the prove that they're together is that they have children.
Back in Konoha they have a dinner where they don't seem extremely comfortable.
And when Naruto is leaving to his office he asks Sakura for a kiss and she decides to not give it to him because she's so quirky and doesn't like to show affection in public or with children present.
Then for some reason the children start to be more co parented by Naruto and Sasuke.
Sakura isn't aware of anything in her household, even though she spends all her time there. Naruto adopts a child that treats better than their own, then that child leaves and she doesn't notice, her other children start taking pills that could kill them and has no idea, Naruto starts talking about how he would be willing to kill his children in case something happen with the alien inside them, and she either doesn't know about or says nothing.
But hey! Narusaku canon I guess, none of you could talk bad about it, because is canon.
But don't you think is out place to use the death of a character to start a romantic interaction? Who cares, is canon deal with it, you wanted a better resolution for this character well my ship is way more important. But still almost at the end of the manga she says that she has no reasons to love him isn't it weird, that ten chapters later she had feelings for him all along? You were clearly not reading the manga she always loved him she just wasn't ready to accept him. I don't like how she used this symbol without really knowing what it was about; deal with it, they use it now that symbol is theirs. But don't you believe that all the progress they made before was kinda thrown away for the moon and alien story to happen? No because it's canon now so who cares about how consistent their development was. But doesn't that backstory they added kinda contradicts the original story? No, it's added now, who cares about that either way, you clearly don't understand how the backstory works. Isn't it weird how everyone belittles her for not showing the same feelings towards him? No, he's feelings were pure so he deserves to be reciprocated, and everyone knew better than her. But I don't like how that genjutsu almost felt like a brainwash; well she just needed to see how pure he was so she could love him. Doesn't it feel weird how her feelings for someone are invalidated by that same person by saying that she actually never felt them, even though there are times that is shown how they might've been real and valid? No, because she never felt them, didn't you see they were not just childish but also fake, either way the author confirm that they were a red herring to confuse the audience. Isn't it weird how he's never home even though he could? Well he just can't because he can't; but he could go after Sasuke? Well who cares they have children together. But aren't the children like really unhappy and neither of them do nothing? No they're not they're just little brats who can't see how much their parents love each other. Look I respect women being housewife, but why couldn't she continue the job she worked so hard for, is not about the character is more about the choice the author made? Because then who would've taken care of the children, also in this databook they said that she continued it even though we're never actually shown. Why did Kishimoto gave that children this other person's looks? Because he likes to troll; and why he made a story about that child doubting about their parents? To deny the allegations that they weren't; but wasn't the DNA a match? But it was because they use their umbilical cord without knowing; yeah but why did that other person had their umbilical cord isn't that something that is done only between parents and their children? Who cares, they did their parent jutsu that means they are their child; but jutsus are not something that is pass down in that way? They said that they were proof of their bond; yeah but the words are still really open to interpretation, and that doesn't change the fact that despite the children needing validation that their parents truly have said bond and them knowing it, they still decided to not give it them by not being more concrete or showing some form of expression of love; they're just shy but don't worry they actually have sex every night and can't take their hands off of each other. One last one, why is the mother not involve in the MC life and decisions, she sometimes feels like doesn't know what's going or just doesn't care? No, she knows we're just never shown because there's more important things to worry about; well I think is weird, considering how she's directly involve by not just being the MC's mom but also because they created a whole side story to relate her with this one. Who cares Narusaku canon, I'm waiting for this new generation red haired Uzumaki.
(Okay this came waaay longer than I expected, so sorry, but I was having like a lot of fun so I didn't realize it. So mod I think you should post it under read more, or something like that because I think will be like really long, and either way I don't think a lot of people will read it, or be interested in it, let alone agree with me.)
Remember when I said there was a confession so long I couldn't post it within the 10 "picture limit"?
Well, here it is.
btw, for those of you outside of this blog who have never seen it or don't care for it, usually I post the confession as text on a coloured background. That way ship and character names won't show up "mistagged" (because if you mention a character/ship name it shows up in the search). Unfortunately tumblr has a 10 picture limit per post and this confession was too big to add it in like normal. So I'm just posting it as it is.
So I apologise if it shows up on your "tags" because it mentions certain ships and characters, but there's nothing I can do about that. So I don't want to read any "what the fuck this doing in my ship/character tag?". This post isn't tagged at all.
That said, feel free to comment. But please be civil.
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Yes, YES I know I keep insisting in my HC posts that Penelope the 1st/Petunia raised Penelope the 2nd and Pandora alone, that she never got married and took "mrs" out of shame and that the father who ditched her after one night is Speed Racer YET in a season 3 animatic Penelope has a flashback where she has a dad
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BUT I had my own excuse HC/theory to make it work with my own continuity !
And it's so simple some of you will think it's stupid but I don't care lmao : it is a fake memory her mind just made up
That flashbacks asks her if she had a Christmas trauma, but that felt quite manipulative from Santa. Like some abusive crook therapists that convince you of fake memories and traumas. Because Penelope ALWAYS loved Christmas and had 0 problems and his one reproach was just he didn't like how she acted and danced, and came to convince her, keeping saying no which was bad already to her from Santa Claus, by "rhetorically" asking her if she had bad Christmas memories implying her one reason to suck at his play was that she had a trauma and she comes to believe it herself, face suddenly looking hurt at the idea of Christmas while it always was joyful before
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My determination to save my HC consistancy aside, I comfort myself with little proofs/explanations/justifications :
There is no Pandora, the memory feels very "only-child like on Christmas" like. I know Pandora was neglected but still, dhe could have been in the same room or something
As well as seeming only to be an only child, the family looks generic, one random deadbeat/lazy/Homer-kike dad named Harold and one angry overprotective mom reproaching him. With a generic childhood trauma : gifts forgotten and parents fighting
The mom not only doesn't sound like Petunia at all (yes I know temp animatic voices) but doesn't feel like her. She was way too effeminate/obsessed with her look and traditional feminity to wear a t-shirt and pants and strikes me as the skirt and dress type only when she was younger and not racing, and given how she was toxic to her daughters she probably wouldn't get angry if there was no gift or at least pretend to be so but not go that far as an argument since not sincere
The parents' clothes and the house all seem humble, the house looking traditional with the shape of the fireplace and nothing looks that rich. While in a flashback of the twins's childhood in another episode the very few we see looks very design (the fireplace would contrast too much) and the Pitstops are known for being rich and liking luxury a snobbish way even if benevolent, so the parents, Petunia or bot, would not be dressed like random middle class people but show their status at home most likely
As if in her fake memory Penelope despite creating herself a fake trauma also created herself on the same occasion something to cope with her real troubles : a normal (normal meaning like those on TV, suburb middle class non-rich people to her) 2 parents family she always wanted for herself (hence no Pandora), the mom was another much better not pressuring her and the dad who doesn't exist in real life is the one cause of the toxicity of her childhood because he doesn't truely exist and so those she knows can't be blamed and she can lie to herself about having had a good mom looking sounding and acting differently (THE PITSTOPS AND OTHER RACERS ARE FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD :') )
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Just because Remy can't remember anything from dhat night doesn't mean he lost dho, he's pretty sure of dhat! He's fine t' just talk t' cards. He didn't try making phone calls... or at least nobody let him maybe. I think it was from dhat night on dhat everyone started taking away Kurt's phone before partying. *sees a few fairy circles and heads there with Eliza* He has a hard time remembering numbers so even if he reached dhe public phoneline at dhe bar, he wouldn't know who to call. _Gambit
He remembers my number *she sighed deeply* always calls to check on the kids and ask me to join him. I could easily outdrink him amd stay pretty mich sober, but I'm a Jotun and I have kids to watch and take care of. *she frowned, pulling at her now frozen shirt collar* damnit, cotton always freezes and shrinks on me when wet... *she seemed to gag from the collar just touching her neck*
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