#i might pin this might now we will see how it gies
blossombriefs · 8 months
Noodles | A Goku OneShot
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Authors Note: I'd write something short and sweet while I'm on a creative high! Drop a like and a follow if you like what you're reading! I'm gonna be posting around 2/3 times a week! I'd also love to follow back other writers :3 Update: MY MASTERLIST IS NOW PINNED TO MY PAGE! Summary: You meet Goku for a blind date after being set up by a friend Content: Goku x reader, SFW, cute, gender neutral reader Word Count: 908 Words
You were ecstatic that your friend Android 18 had set you up on a date with one of her friends. It had honestly been a while since your last date and you loved everything you had heard about her friend Goku. You dressed yourself up in your cutest outfit as you left the house with a bounce in your step. The sun hung rather low in the sky which casted a warm glow over the city as you navigated your way through the crowded streets. You sometimes find it overwhelming with the amount of people around you but your head was preoccupied about your date, the man you were meeting and where this might then take you.
As you approached your meeting point, you spotted Goku standing with a hand firmly against his waist. You could see him looking around for you, dressed in his iconic orange gi which made him easily recognisable as you got closer. He stood tall, his stature was muscular and his head housed thick, black spikes. Once he had clocked your approach, he waved with a friendly smile which assisted a wave of nervous excitement to rush through you.
"Hi! Are you Goku?" you smile toward him sweetly, trying to hide the flutter in your stomach.
Goku's face lit up with a wide grin, "Yeah! Nice to meet you! You must be Y/N? 18 told me all about you!"
As the two of you exchanged pleasantries you took a moment to admire the man in front of you. His friendly, goofy, and easygoing nature was helping to put you right at ease. You guys had decided on dining at a local ramen shop, Goku held the door open for you as you both entered. The first thing to greet you both was the chime of a light bell followed by the savoury aroma of the fresh, simmering broth. You could've sworn Goku was ready to levitate towards the scent. Your stomach growled in anticipation of your meal.
Settling in at a corner booth, you took in the cosy and warming atmosphere. The restaurant wasn't busy but there were still a few patrons sitting around, none necessarily close to you which allowed for a bit more privacy. The walls were a warm brown, decorated with beautiful hand-painted art, and the ceilings were dotted with soft overhead lights that complemented the wooden tables and chairs. Goku eagerly gripped a menu, his eyes widening at the selection of ramen that the restaurant had to offer. The waiting staff approached the table and you could tell his curiosity was getting the better of him as he smiled, "We should try a little bit of everything!"
Your eyes sparkled looking across the table to your date as you nodded your head in agreement, "That sounds perfect to me!"
You engaged in some small talk, his bright personality really drew you in. He shared some stories of the recent adventures he'd shared with his friends and his intense training sessions. You nodded along enthusiastically as you told him about yourself too. It wasn't long until you were greeted by the first bowl, Goku's eyes gleaming in pure delight. You looked up at him from across the table, blushing embarrassingly as you attempted to pick up your chopsticks.
"I uh," you started, fumbling the sticks between your fingers. "I actually don't really know how these work. I'm so used to using a fork."
Responding with a smile and a gentle pat at the wooden bench beside him, he signaled with his head that he wanted to show you the ropes. "Let me help you out, c'mon!"
Just like Goku you were also up for a challenge. You perched yourself beside him as he gently took your hand in his, positioning the chopsticks in your hand as he moved your fingers to the right place. As you ate together you could feel yourself fumbling them but it would lead to shared giggles between the two of you. Gradually the waiters brought out the rest of your feast. Noodles upon noodles, sushi platters, dumplings and much more traditional Japanese cuisine. Each one you enjoyed together, even if Goku ate significantly more of the food than you could let yourself indulge in. Between each bite he couldn't help but look up at you with a smile, "This was such a good idea. I'm so glad we came here!"
You beamed to him in response, "I'm glad we did too Goku! It's been a lovely day so far."
The evening slowly unfolded under the shared laughter you had over the warm bowls of broth, vegetables and noodles. You could feel a genuine connection with him. You bonded over so much and the way he made you laugh was unlike anyone really had before.
When you both left the restaurant the streetlights illuminated the now darkened city and the streets were much more tame, most people had already headed home by this point in the night. Goku rubbed the back of his neck, smiling down to you, "This was really fun! I haven't had that much fun in such a long time!"
"Me too Goku! Thank you," you say with a shuffle of your feet and a blush. He sighed happily as he carefully took your hand in his, the same hand he helped your chopsticks into.
"So how can I contact you? You know... for the second date? If you're interested that is..."
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moonmeg · 8 months
What was Breena's relationship with her siblings-in-law like at the beginning? (especially with Edan, I guess it took a lot for him to trust her after knowing how she treated Neil the first time they met).
Long post incoming~
Breena (17) and Edan (20)...
...indeed had their problems at first. Breena still had her firey kinda mean attitude and Edan was still judging her for how she treated Neil at first. This ridge between them bothered Breena because she got along fairly well with everyone else.
Bree: Edan hasna a lot of good to say about me, does he?
Neil: What ya mean?
Bree: He's avoidin' me but constantly eyein' me in a warning and threatening manner. I just dinna understand why? What did I do to him?
Neil: Ah... he is just lookin' out for me- us- as in his younger siblings.
Bree: So he's bein' typical protective older brother?
Neil: Pretty much, aye.
Bree: But why? I havena even exchanged a word wi' him. What reason does he have to gi' me the cold shoulder?
Neil: Dinna like the taste of yer own medicine?
Bree: Excuse me?
Neil: Bein' unfriendly to people ye dinna ken, I mean.
Bree: If this is about our first encounter, I already told ye I'm sorry. Did I misjudge ye? Aye. Was I wrong? Aye. I was wrong and I am genuinely sorry. But it's not Edan's place to treat me like this now.
Neil: Well, he kens what ye said to me and how ye treated me when we met and is simply wary of ye. Especially as we're starting to become friends of sorts.
Bree: It's not his business who ye're friends with. It's a matter between you and me. Not him.
Neil: You... you dinna have siblings, do ya?
Bree: I don't. And even if I did, I fail to see where our friendship is of interest to Edan.
Neil: He's just looking out for me. I'm his younger brother and he doesna want me to get hurt by befriending someone who might turn out bad for me.
Bree: I'm bad for ye now?
Neil: That's not what I said. I'm just sayin' that as siblings we all dinna want one of us getting hurt and we're all lookin' out for each other. If I heard someone was yellin' at Ian, Keith or Maisie when they were just bein' nice and then that person suddenly lives with us, aye, I'd be wary too. Edan is this cold to everyone who gets closer to us. I understand it bothers ye but he has his reasons for bein' wary and protective. He'd never forgive himself if one of us got hurt by someone we liked and he kens he could've prevented it. Perhaps ye should have a heart-to-heart conversation wi' him when the situation occurs.
Bree: I dinna just open my heart to people, goldie.
Neil: And that's the first thing ye two have in common. I'm sure ye'll understand why he is that way once ye get to talk about it. And he'll understand why ye yerself were so rude to me at first if ye explain. He doesna hate ya. He's testin' ya.
(Neil turned out to be right)
Breena and Blair (18)...
...quickly got to like each other actually. They were both jealous of the other one in terms of appearance and didn't voice that at first. It did come out of them at one point and they both started endlessly complimenting each other. Blair braids Breena's hair, Breena helps Blair with dying her hair, Blair teaches Breena some crafty skills like basic sowing or embroidery. After Neil, Breena was closest to Blair.
Some years down the line
Blair (putting a pin into Breena's hair): Aaand all done! How are ye? Bree (pregnant at that time): I feel like I'm gonna throw up- Blair: Oh, dear- ye need a basin? Bree: No, no, I'm not actually going to I'm just... Blair: Nervous ye're only minutes away from standing in front of an officiator and exchanging marriage vows wi' the love of yer life? Bree: In summary, aye. Blair: I ken exactly what ye mean. I felt I was going to faint any moment before sealing the oath wi' my wife. But after it all... when the oath was taken, and we were announced as married and got to kiss each other as wives for the first time... there was not an ounce of those nerves present anymore. It's gonna be the same for ye and Neil. I'm certain. Bree: I dinna ken... What if he says no after all? Blair: If he dares say no at the officiator I will kick his arse into space. But he won't. He's deeply in love wi' ya, Bree. He's been airheaded and footed since the first day and he hasna shut up about yer engagement for months. And he's most excited about the bairn. Neil will marry ya. Nothing and no one could keep him from that. Bree: Thanks, Blair. I'm so lucky to gain ye as sister-in-law. Blair: Leave out the "in-law". Such a mouthful. Just sister.
Breena and Ian (14)...
...also learned to get along rather quickly even though she joined in on the playful bullying of Ian (he's used to it at this point). They would've been even closer than Bree is with Blair if they were just closer in age tbh.
Breena and Keith (11)...
...don't have much to do with each other but she helps him with his school work every now and then or keeps an eye on him when everyone else is busy. Breena was never really fond of children but when Keith would come up to her with his five-string or lute and ask her to listen to the tune he learned she began thinking that maybe kids aren't that bad.
Breena and Maisie (8)...
...had a similar development to the one with Keith. Maisie really liked Breena immediately and always found ways to spend time with her, asking her to help in choosing how to dress or asking her to help with the hairstyle, take her to school or pick her up again. If Keith already began to crack Breena with her perception of children, Maisie sold her on definitely wanting at least one kid sooner or later, even if things like this happened
Maisie: Breena?
Bree: Hm?
Maisie: I like ye.
Bree: Aw, I like ye too, Maisie.
Maisie: Willya marry Neil?
Bree: Oh- uh- I-I dinna ken.
Maisie: Wouldya if he asked ye to?
Bree: If Neil asked me to marry him?
Maisie: Mhm!
Bree: Well, aye, I think if he asked me, I would. But I dinna think Neil and I are ready for-
Bree: No, no, no, no, no don't-
Neil: Sure.
Bree (blushing intensely): NEIL!
This wasn't their official engagement but they kept pretending it was for Maisie.
Breena is besties with all of them now <3
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criolla-star · 6 months
Overwhelmed(Part 16 Vinny x Garmadon)
(You should check out part 1-15 if you haven't already it will give a WHOLE lotta context on this story and yea Vinny is a virgin)
Garmadon kissed Vinny deeply keeping him pinned up against the wall he heard soft little whimpers from Vinny, he was honestly just extremely confident at the moment and didn't think much of what he was doing. Garmadon slid his tongue into Vinnys' mouth and causing the smaller to try and fight for dominance but his attempt was futile due to how submissive he was. Garmadon parted from the kiss multiple times giving Vinny some time to breathe. The larger grabbed the smaller before picking him up and wrapping his legs around his waist.
The oni parted from the kiss, "Your so fucking cute when you're like this~" Garmadon whispered into his lovers' ear in this dominant way earning a submissive whimper from the smaller. "G-Garm...we can't d-do this here...someone might s-see..." Vinny embarrassingly stuttered out looking away nervously. Garmadon didn't reply instead he began biting on the smallers' neck, Vinny was already covered in hickeys from the events prior. 'F-fuck..." Vinny quietly moaned out before covering his mouth with his hands, he trusted Garmadon enough not to drop him. Noticing this Garmadon grabbed Vinnys' hands and removed them from his mouth before lifting them above his head, "I want to hear your pretty little sounds~" The larger said in a more dominant voice and wrapping his lovers' hands around his neck.
Vinny obviously having no control of the situation obeyed it's not like he was complaining about this it was just that they were in a hallway and anyone could come and see them if he was at home with no one but the two of them he wouldn't be trying to stop this. Garmadon pressed his knee against his lovers' crotch earning a soft moan from him before he held onto Garmadon tightly hiding his face in the largers' shoulder. The larger smirked seeing this before letting go of the smaller and gently making him stand up again. "Well we can finish this later after all you wouldn't want to be caught, would you~?" Garmadon said out before licking his lips, winking at the smaller and walking away with a smirk on this face, "I...-" Vinny was speechless and completely embarrassed he couldn't believe it Garmadon did that to tease him. He covered his face embarrassingly and just stood there.
Lloyd and Nya walked into the hall and saw Vinny standing there his face was covered, "Hey umm, Vinny? You alright there?" Lloyd stuttered out curiously before the two walked over to him. Vinny stared up at them and the two both let out a choked laugh seeing how bright red he was, "W-whoa, what the hell happened to you? your face is as red as my brothers' gi" Nya said holding back a laugh while Lloyd was looking away laughing out loudly. "Lloyd I am generally about to kill your father" Vinny said out his face still bright red. Lloyd looked up at him before staring at Nya, "Oh and speaking ab out my father, I feel so betrayed that you didn't tell me that he was dating Vinny" Lloyd said out dramatically.
"Oh you know about that now, sorry" Nya chuckled out, "Anyway what did Garmadon do to you that made you look like a cherry" she added, Vinny blushed harder and covered his face. Lloyd observed Vinny before his eyes noticed bite marks on Vinnys' neck his eyes widened, " Did my dad give you hickeys!?" Lloyd shouted out surprisingly. Hearing that Nya laughed out and Vinny covered his face, "N-not so loud!" Vinny replied embarrassingly. Lloyd stood there not knowing whether to feel traumatised happy or scared. "Well well well looks like someone has been getting busy", Nya chuckled out. "
The two began teasing Vinny about this for a while. Unaware that Garmadon was hiding behind a wall smirking to himself, " This is going to be quite some fun today~" Garmadon thought to himself.
(OOOOOOO so yess there will be some smut but please excuse my shit writing of them i promise there not that bad and honestly the amount of times Vinny covered his face in this chapter is a bit tooooooo much but i hope you enjoy)
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quaranmine · 1 year
a) omg someone who does GIS who is on mcytblr I love GIS & I love learning of ppl with similar interests to me who also study/do similar things!! b)… yeah. yeah. The struggle is real. GIS I love you but also god why are you like this
omg hi! i basically do GIS "recreationally" now which means it is not necessary in my job but i keep finding excuses to make maps at work because i a) like maps and b) think GIS is a neat skill that i would like to have. Currently I have no skill at GIS, so everything i do or attempt to do leads to a great amount of floundering. This is partially because I only took one semester of GIS in late 2020, and was taught QGIS in class but have to use ArcGIS Pro at work. The programs do the same operations...but they do Not work/look the same. My GIS is something. It's coming along.
Today I was mapping a list of zip codes targeted for blood lead level testing, since I had just found a list of them. Those numbers mean nothing to me. It's a list of 1,547 five digit numbers. What? How does any normal person interpret that? I have no idea where 78072 is. So I took the numbers, manually formatted them in a txt file (this took...a while because I basically had to separate them all onto one line each.) Then I threw the table into Arc Pro and did some stuff to get the points associated with actual zip code outline polygons. Now I have a map that highlights all the targeted areas, and I can click each one and get its information. This way I can visually see, for example, that most of the Houston metro area is "targeted" but not some areas north of that. Idk if we'll end up using this for anything at work, but it's mostly relevant and might be useful. Mostly I just got some practice making the map.
My long term project is to make some toggleable interactive map that has pins for every outreach activity we've done in the last 5 years, along with the type of outreach. Hopfully we will be able to easily identify which parts of our states (that my office does work in) we are reaching/not reaching. But that is a bit advanced and out of my reach so I keep running into silly little problems because the program never quite works the way I think it should.
It's like the world's most frustrating little puzzle but if you're a map and data girlie like me then you're probably drawn to it too xD
I hope to get good enough at it that I can eventually jump in on some of our environmental emergency responses with GIS help as a volunteer because I know from other people at my office that they need it. I just, uh, don't know how to do it. Yet.
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stampstamp · 2 years
Finished re-reading F*shigi Y*gi part 1 and the first and final arcs still spark joy so I'll keep my collection but volumes 9-11 were so frustrating that I'm gonna roast them a little under the cut (and be a bit critical of other aspects that don't hold up 30 years on)
Major spoilers and references to SA in the series under the cut! (And it's a super long rant!)
The dip in quality from 9 onwards was such a shame! The plot just turns into various enemies trying to rape the 15-year-old protagonist for three volumes! Not to be a pearl clutcher but Watase says the target demographic is middle school - junior high students and there's just a whole arc where:
It's implied that Nakago raped Miaka. It's later revealed he didn't manage to penetrate her and everyone is like 'oh phew! 😄' and her traumatic nightmares about her memories of him stripping her and pinning her down before she fainted just stop. 🤦
Also, in the author note alongside that part Watase comments that things are getting dark but points out that we've just learned that Yui didn't actually get raped by strangers so it's not all bad. Mate, your protagonist is being assaulted?? We can't take much solace in that revelation right now!
Then there's a bit where Amiboshi climbs on top of her while she's sleeping naked and kisses her without her consent (his parents had drugged her).
Meanwhile, Soi disguises herself as Miaka and tries to seduce Tamahome. I know it's a product of it's time but ughh the way Tamahome almost getting raped is handled so differently to scenes where Miaka is assaulted - it's awful. And there's also a 'gag' parody page where it replicates the scene where Tamahome found Miaka after she's been assaulted by Nakago but makes it look like one of the gay characters had raped Tamahome.
After his comrades have failed to take her virginity and stop her from summoning Suzaku, Tomo, who Watase confirms is gay, also tries to rape Miaka. 😑
In the last volume, Watase shares the ideas that there wasn't space for and they were so good 🥲 maybe you could have removed one of the SA scenes or one of the twenty times Miaka or Tamahome breaks it off and runs away to protect the other?
I used to like the author notes but this time they kept rubbing me the wrong way. Watase would say things like 'too bad we HAVE to spank our tiny terrier puppy to discipline it 🫤' or share racist travelogues about trips to China.
But it's kind of funny that in the author notes, Watase hinted at shipping Tamahome and Nakago 😂 never really gushed about how much she loved Tamahome/Miaka as a ship though. I quite like Keisuke/Tamahome as a ship - they got on well.
I was thinking about ranting about how Nuriko is handled but that's hard because 1. 90s 2. Another culture 3. Watase later came out as X gender so the offensive character notes were probably well intentioned and might be regretted now? 4. The translators had to do the usual thing of deciding which pronouns the character that's almost certainly trans would use, while also translating jokes that implied Nuriko is simply crossdressing for funsies and deciphering whatever the hell happened in vol 8 where Nuriko decided to be cis and in love with Miaka for a chapter or two.
I started shipping Tasuki and Nuriko this time and I was delighted to see 20 whole fics on AO3 but almost all of them misgender Nuriko. Maybe the anime subbers used different pronouns or Nuriko's backstory was different in the anime? Watase said someone did a Tasuki/Nuriko doujin and they wanted to read it. Same!
I used to think I wasn't attached to most of the Suzaku warriors beyond Tasuki because I'd re-read the first few volumes way more times than the rest but Watase really didn't give the others much to say or do! 😬 I feel sorry for the fans of Mitsukake(?) Apparently there were lots of Hotohori fans but I always found him creepy; despite his gentle actions, he never seemed to listen to Miaka's wishes. Yandere behaviour. Lucky for me he wasn't in it much (I also feel sorry for his fans lmao)
Forgot how much character death there was towards the end. It's impressive that Watase included characters from the Genbu and Byakko arcs decades before they were written IRL. I don't think I'll read those since FY suggests they ended badly? I wonder if much was retconned.
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pdfbabe · 3 years
getting a lot of Soup Traction from my soup post (ig now its the headache post) so. Pinned post ig? I'm on mobile so this will be a mess
I'm Maggie or Mags or Tag. 20. I was r2-dj til a few months ago. Any pronouns, pref. they/them or zie/hir. uhh yeah.
This is my main; polygon/podcast sideblog is @dapperdasha, supernatural sideblog is @angel-derogatory. No promises on activity there <3
Minors, blacklist #nsft. i don't post anything explicit, but. I would prefer it.
I tag oc with #maggie.txt, college/academic stuff with #maggie goes to college. My older brother ben, who is an icon, has a devoted tag: #known brother ben. You may be interested in my #soup tag, my #ibuprosting or my #pdf postin. You can filter out #ask game if im spamming it. If you ask me to i will absolutely tag a cw or tw.
omg also!! my little gay tag about my little gay girlfriend (@lesbian-sailor) is #🌻mercury tag hehe hoohoo. so there's that.
everything is ok to rb unless otherwise noted! i tend to ramble in the tags as is my god given bisexual right.
Please DNI if: terf/swerf/radfem, ace exclusionist, pro-ana/ed, inc*st shipper. I will block you if you pop up but. Don't <3
If we are mutuals please tag eyestrain and flashing gifs!! Thanks babes
Uhhh idk what this is. It is 10 pm and i am flaring up so ✌ love yall!! Also i am a friendly person i think and love 2 talk to folks so feel free to send asks or dm!
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heartdayz · 3 years
you’ve become my ceiling
summary: Peter likes to show you how strong he is. Sometimes he might get carried away.
pairing: peter parker x plus size!reader (fem)
content: nsfw, manhandling, overstimulation, praise
authors note: i wrote this because i needed it. peter parker loves plus size girls he loves fat girls he loves chunky girls. fellow fat girls this is for U. so tired of the smallness in some x reader fics we all NEED THIS . u r hot and sexy mwah
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Strength is a funny thing.
It’s so relative — what does it mean to be strong? To be able to hold yourself up, power through what the world throws at you, or to be able to lift cars, bend cast iron pans. Some people are strong through and through but can’t lift but their finger.
Peter, though, is strong in every sense of the word. He would take what the universe gave him and make it into something beautiful. He was willing to feel the heat of a thousand suns if it meant his heart was a diamond. And the physical aspect, he has it too.
You hadn’t been used to guys being able to pick you up. It just wasn’t in the cards, and that was okay. But you can’t lie and say sometimes you liked the idea of being thrown around, treated so roughly, instead of heavily and with softness.
You eat those words, now, Peter’s hands wretched on your hips like a vice, holding you stern against the rough wall of his apartment. His lips were on yours, tongue sliding so wryly against your own, and he held you there for what felt like ages. Peter liked showing you how strong he really was; how he could do anything he wanted with you, without breaking a sweat. It was a move of arrogance, to show you what nobody else had.
“Peter,” you manage to whisper, just as he runs his tongue along the swoop of your collarbone, soddening your skin under his mouth. His grip on you is still fixed, fingers digging into your thighs, your skirt pushed up because of the position.
You had always told Peter he reminded you of Apollo, and now didn’t help — seeing him swathed in the dim yellow light, arms strained, biceps pushed out in all their glory. It didn’t help that you would let him take you to the sun, take you anywhere, show you anything. In the same regard, same conversation, he had kneaded your thighs with reverence, and told you that you were just like Aphrodite — the most beautiful person he had ever seen, to ever exist.
With a grunt, he repositions you, holds you up with the wideness of his thigh so that he could put his hands on either side of your face, fold his thumbs down the softness of your cheeks. Peter smiles at you, then, so sweet it almost kills you, like the sight of your face was enough to make him come right there. “My pretty girl,” he coos, voice dripping with pure adoration, just as he kisses you chastely once, twice, three times.
“All yours,” you breathe, leaning forward to press a kiss onto his jaw. He takes it gratefully, hands moving to grab at your waist, thumbs pressing into you and holding you even closer to the wall, if that was at all possible.
“I know,” he responds. You’re not even to the bedroom yet, still pressed against the wall by the front door, as if he couldn’t bear to make it any longer without kissing you. As soon as you’d arrived, Peter pinned you right here and hadn’t let you go since.
Now, his hands move again, one holding you up by the curve of your ass, the other making it’s way up your skirt, pushing aside your underwear. Peter hums into your neck, pulls away to look at his fingers when he pulls them back, soaked and glistening under the hallway light. “All for me, baby?”
You nod with urgency, pulling your legs tighter around him. He only smiles, puts his other hand to support your back, and lifts you from the wall, just to carry you into his room. There, he tosses you onto the bed as if you weighed nothing, like maybe a shopping bag. It wasn’t long before he joined you, shirt gone, face imperviosly buried in the softness of your belly, delivering kisses wherever he could manage. You giggle at him, grabbing him by the hair and tugging.
That’s another thing about Peter — he could go from so soft to absolutely serious, so fast. It was like a flip switched.
“You teased me all fucking night,” he says it so low that it borders on a growl. “This skirt.” Peter wraps his fingers around the fabric that’s now bunched on your hips, pushed away by his hands. “It’s not fair, baby. You kill me.”
And maybe it’s been so long before Peter that you’d had someone love you this much. So unconditionally, with so much heat and so much devotion. Most nights, Peter laid you out and worshiped you like a minor god, said your name in resounding prayers, made sure you knew he wanted all of you. He took care of you when you were ill and you sewed his wounds with great care.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured against him, an apology that met your eyes. He shook his head.
“Don’t say that. I love it.”
He shows you in his own Peter Parker way, lifting your legs up and hooking them onto his shoulders, pushing down to kiss you. There’s a layer of clothes between you but you can feel him hard against your center, blocked by his jeans and your panties, face above yours with a smirk. “Just like you love having your legs up here, isn’t that right?”
You nod once more, folded against his body. He’s cool in all the places you’re warm, hard in the places you’re soft. Peter, sodden with lust and idolatry, let’s your legs fall to the bed so that he can take your hands, sit you upright, and remove your shirt with resounding ingenuity.
With your breasts open to the world, he presses you down again, mouth drawn to them immediately. You watch fondly as he takes one in, then the other, until he gets himself drunk off the sight of you alone; all hot and bothered, tits splayed on either side of you, slick on the inside of your thighs. This is how he likes you, messy and sprawled out, open for him like putty in his hands.
“You’re mine to throw around, aren’t you?” He asks it while cupping one of your breasts into his hand, rolling the nipple and pinching it so that you twitched. “Pretty girl, put you wherever I want you. You like that, don’t you?”
You don’t respond, mouth still agape. You’re so wet you think you’re leaving a puddle on his bedsheets, so full with the need for him that it’s spilling out at the seams, so you take the opportunity to rut into his knee placed so generously between your thighs.
He pulls it away with quickness, shaking his head. “Always so impatient.”
You sigh with a small smile, “why didn’t you just fuck me against the wall, hm? Not strong enough for it anymore?”
Peter looks down at you, squints his eyes and you almost think he might have closed them. But you can still see the whites as he dips his neck down closer to your face, and hovers there — hot, minty breath fanning your cheek intimately.
“I can fuck you wherever, how ever, I want. I’m the strongest person in the world, darling.”
With that, you sit up just the slightest, propping yourself on your elbows. Peter holds your eye contact, doesn’t back away, your faces mere inches apart as you grin cheekily at him, “prove it, Parker.”
You may regret those words later when you limp down the hallway, but now your heart races with the challenge you’ve just presented to him. The muscles on his abdomen tense and ripple under your fingers, hands fanning across his stomach as he calculates you, deciding what to do, where to go first.
He settles for getting off the bed and taking you by the ankles, dragging you to the edge and leaning down over you. Peter, with the lights off except a couple lamps, is lit like a dying star, something so catastrophically beautiful. It’s hard to think of anything else when he wraps his fingers around your underwear and rips them off your legs, tossing them to a spot on the floor for him to find tomorrow. He leans over you, pressing a lone finger to your center, tells you ardently, “you are so fucking perfect.”
The blush goes from your cheeks, to your ears, and all of the sudden your whole body is glowing red hot from his words, from his delicate touch the same. It feels so little, the way his hand stays and barely moves, a tiny nudge that nearly slips from your wetness and is only controlled by his countenance. Peter’s still clothed — or at least, he still has his jeans on — but you feel okay with everything bared to him like this. The vulnerability doesn’t burn when it’s him.
“What if I don’t even fuck you,” he teases, letting his hand run up your thigh and ghost over your stomach, fingers pushing your skin in at your waist. It hitches your breath. “Just make you squirm here all night, since you don’t think I’m capable.”
You know his words are in vain, know the challenge is still hanging in front of his eyes, so it’s no surprise when he takes his jeans off along with his boxers, lets his length hang in between you both. With his fingers absent, you long for whatever touch he gives; take whatever he may offer.
With no warning, though, he steps forwards and pushes all the way into you, pausing when there’s none of him left, and you feel your head fall back with the pleasure that comes from it. “Look at you, taking it all,” he breathes, looks down to where you’re connected.
And maybe you had forgotten the way you’d teased him earlier, if not for the way he reached for your thighs, the way he effortlessly picked you up and turned you both around so that he was leaning against the edge of the bed, still inside of you. Maybe you’d forgotten but you remembered as he raised you, fucked you with not only his hips but in the way he bounced you, so easily as if you hadn’t weighed a thing.
“Oh my God,” you moaned, arms wrapping around his neck as he stared deeply at you, not once breaking a sweat. You bounced helplessly on top of him, clenching around him in a way that was delicious and irritating all the same, crying out for him in vile and blasphemous ways.
When you come for the first time, it’s as he’s staring at your chest, watching the way your tits move with the rhythm of the way he’s moving you, his hands pressed so harshly into your skin to hold you up. It’s too much to handle and you lose it, head thrown back as he continues to fuck you through it, then turns around and throws you back on the bed.
It isn’t long before he picks you up again, your legs on the brink of not working, and Peter bends you over the footboard until your legs don’t touch the ground, and you hear him sigh as he leans over you, slaps your ass hard enough that you moan deeply, gutturally.
You knew Peter had ruined you for other people only a week into you dating. He had fucked you against a bathroom sink, and not long after that a shower wall, and each time it occurred to you greatly — nobody could ever, ever do this as well as he could. Throw you around so cordially, with such repose as Peter has. Sometimes, silly enough, you thought maybe he had been made for you personally, sent to you especially, for a purpose that you couldn’t even fathom. Peter filled in the parts of you where there were holes and saturated with the feeling of being appreciated.
His hand gathers your hair into a ponytail and he yanks it back, your neck strained as he thrusts into you once more. You wish you could see him now, bending you to his will, arching your back so that his cock scrapes parts of you that you hadn’t known existed. You imagine home smiling to himself as you beg him to fuck you harder, faster, for him to do anything he wants.
He slaps your ass again as he pounds into you heavily, hand going back to push on the small of your back, stomach pressed against the bed. You come again as he fucks you relentlessly, continuing the thrusts even after you’re gripping the sheets tightly, until he pulls out and picks you up again, throwing you back to the center of the bed, slithering between your still-shaking thighs.
“Not strong enough to fuck you, baby? Are you serious?” Peter grins down at you, pressing into your sensitive clit, still tingling from your last orgasm underneath him. But you know Peter, he’s relentless when he’s right, when he proves you wrong.
You nearly scream when he thrusts into you again, hands going to make the effort of pushing your legs up to over his shoulders, going even deeper than the last time. You reprise his name in gentle unbecomings, so sensitive that you can feel yourself ripping apart with each time he fucks into you, each time he kneads your breast again.
“God, you’re so pretty like this,” he says through heavy breaths, biceps tensing and relaxing. You laughed when people asked if you believed in anything. Aliens, religion, the universe. It all seemed so inconsequential. You believed in Peter Parker, and that had always felt like enough.
You come for the third time around him, clenching like a vice and he screws his eyes shut, his own release hitting as soon as you tightened. He stuttered before pulling out to look at you, glistening with sweat, all fucked out underneath him. Your skirt still around your hips, eyes leaking with tears, marks from where he grabbed you to hold you up, legs vibrating with the overstimulation.
Peter leans over to kiss you, brushing your hair back. His lips are soft and pliable, already melted from the heat. He licks into your mouth playfully, collapses beside you and pulls you to face him, the wetness of your core still messy.
“Can we just lay here,” he asks. “Just for a second.”
“I just wanna look at you.” You know he’s telling the truth. You know in the way his index finger traces your cheekbone, your upper lip, the arch of your brow. Like he’s a painter. And maybe you fall asleep like that, leaning into the touch of him. And because she’s Peter Parker, he cleans you up and deposits you under the covers, lays next to you for hours to study you again, and then falls asleep to dream about it.
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intellectualfallacy · 3 years
Hi! I've been waiting for someone to do a professor!Gi Hun can udo it like he's a funny teacher type and reader is the only student who actually cared in the class. Can we have it in smut too
A/N: Thanks for the request! Hope you guys enjoy!
Rating: Mature 18+
Warning(s): Smut, Slight Dom/Sub, Mouth Covering
“There’s nothing worse than that.” Professor Seong joked, giving off his signature smile. A few chuckles and laughs came from the hall. I was one of them. I always sat in the same spot. Three rows, three seats to the left that gave me a direct view to him. I planned to sit in the back rows. I was never one to try and participate. I much would rather glide through a class than cause attention. That was until I walked in the room first day.
I saw him greeting others at the front of the class, instantly noting how handsome he was. He had to be the youngest professor I'd seen on that campus. Even today, that might be true. He dressed in sleek suits, looking almost like a businessman than a professor. Everyone seemed to like him. He had a certain charisma that was hard to pin down and his humor made it easy to speak to him. I felt my cheeks heat as I started to walk down the hall stairs. It felt rude not to introduce myself, everyone else was. I'd probably grab his attention more if I didn't. Is that a bad thing?
I swallowed my embarrassment as the student before me left, being met with a warm smile from him. "Good Morning. I'm Professor Seong, I'm glad to be your professor this semester." He said, a hand extending towards me. I grasped his hand as I said, "I'm (Y/N). I hope to learn a lot this semester." His hand grasped mine, returning his smile. As we shook hands we stared at each other. His hand felt warm, and more importantly, no rings. "That's my goal." He replied, giving my hand a small squeeze before letting go. I gulped nothing as I bowed slightly, going towards the first rows. I could have sworn that was a smirk that he gave me but I could just be taking things further than they were. As I sat, he went to his desk, glancing at me before standing to introduce himself to the small class.
He finished with the lecture as I snapped out of my flashback. That was in the beginning of the semester. Now its almost three weeks until the end which meant exams. My grade wasn't bad but could definitely be better. "Are there any other questions?" He asked as he placed a marker down. I glanced around. No one was doing anything. Many of them had already packed and were joking. Another was drawing  as some just looked down. As fun as he is, I suppose his new professor status made it easy to slack off.  I felt bad. He was genuinely interested in the work and he tried to make it fun. I wish they would appreciate him more. My cheeks flushed as I imagined how I would show my appreciation. Maybe that's why my grade is so low. I'd rather fantasize than do anything. He cleared his throat before saying, "Then you're dismissed. I'll have office hours later in the afternoon today so if you need to, please make sure to meet me then." I packed my things as people started leaving the class. Once I was ready to leave, only two or three students remained as Professor Song sat at his desk, beginning to flip through papers. As he read, he reached to his tie, loosening it as well as a button. It was hard not to stare but I did so, making my way towards the exit with the last students. It was difficult not to think of him in that way. He was everything I fantasized about and now he had an excuse to hold office hours late. If I came at the last minute, I highly doubt there'd be anyone else around. As I walked out, I glanced back, seeing him let out a loud sigh. He could use the appreciation.
I tried to slow my heartbeat as I walked back towards the lecture hall, the sun disappearing and the halls abandoned. I clutched my bag, taking deep breaths. I'm just going for essay help, that's it. If  something else happened, I wouldn't be against it. It wouldn't be too suspicious. I was wearing the same skirt and blouse as earlier, though I did add a bit more makeup. That wasn't too obvious. I hope.
Opening the door, I glanced, seeing he was sitting at his desk, alone. He looked up as I walked in. I was surprised to see him wearing glasses. He never wore them during class. His blazer and tie were gone, leaving him in a white dress shirt.  "(Y/N)." He said, putting down the pen he had in his hand. "I apologize, Professor, is it too late to come for help?" I asked, letting the door shut behind me. He shook his head. "No, it's not, you came just in time. I was planning on leaving in a few minutes." He replied. Shit, he probably has something to do. Of course he would, he's a busy man!
I felt like an idiot. "I-I could come back another day." I said nervously, beginning to feel my cheeks burn. "(Y/N), it's fine." He said, giving me a small smile. I nodded as I made my way towards him. He removed his blazer from a seat and pulled it, placing it at the end of his desk. "Thank you. I'm sure you've been busy." I said as I sat, him shifting his seat to face me. "Busy with assignments, not tutoring. You'd be surprised how little students actually take advantage of it." He said. "If only they would." I said. "What did you want me to help you with?" He asked, eyes looking into mines. “Last weeks essay.” I said as I pulled the essay out of my bag. I placed it on the table as I said, “You said I needed to polish my thesis. I’d like to know more.” He nodded. “Of course.” He said, moving his chairs closer to me. He looked down at the paper, reading over the introduction. I stared at him as he did so. I never thought I’d fall for a man years older than me. Who wouldn’t fall for him though? He looked beautiful as he read the paper, his profile and skin looking soft. He had a light stubble across his cheeks. He should let his beard grow out. He must look amazing with one. Would he kept it clean cut? He probably would. Would-
Suddenly, his head turned, looking at me. “(Y/N)?” He asked. It sounded like he was repeating it. “Excuse me?” I replied, looking away in embarrassment. Was he asking something? Ugh, I was supposed to be here for ‘tutoring’ and yet I couldn’t pay attention. He cleared his throat, looking away from me for a moment. He stayed silent as I saw his jaw clenched, looking deep in thought.“I can’t help but notice you’re constantly distracted. Are you like this in your other classes?” He said as he looked back. His gaze seemed more intense. My breath hitched as he kept eyesight. “I’m sorry.” Going against the nervous pit in my stomach, I relaxed against the chair I sat on, spreading my legs. The skirt fabric flitted between my thighs. “I get distracted.” I said, keeping my hands on the armchairs. His adams apple bobbed as he watched me, taking a deep breath before responding. “What makes you distracted?” He asked, scanning my body. I don’t know why that turned me on more. “You, Professor.” I spread my legs a bit further. “I need help with something else.” I said. He groaned as his eyes roamed my body. “How is that?” He asked, staring back at me. I never got to say it out load before. “I need you to help me cum.” I said, bringing a hand to my thigh and grazing the inside of it. I could hear him take in a deep breath.
"Was there anyone outside as you came here?" He asked. I shook my head. "Go lock the door." He said, removing his glasses. "Why?" I asked. "Do you want someone to walk in on us?" He asked. He smirked as he watched me drop my bag, rushing to the door to lock it. Locking the door, I walked back. I watched as he relaxed back in his leather chair, his arms draped on the armchair. I took a deep breath as I saw him nod to me. Taking his cue, I walked up to him, moving my legs to either side of his legs. Sitting on his lap, I moved my hands to grab onto his shoulders. Our faces were inches away from each other. I let out a shaky breath, feeling as his hands rested on my hips. "What’s next?" He asked. "You kiss me." I answered. His lips slammed into mines, moaning as he pushed our hips together. We moved against each other before he bit on my bottom lip, causing me to moan as I grinded down onto him. The skirt allowed for easy access, the thin lace underwear rubbing against his slacks. I let my mouth fall open, enjoying the way his tongue felt against mines. We both stayed like that for a few minutes. Enjoying the way each other felt and trying to take it all in. I’ve wanted this for so long and in my fantasies he’d be thinking the same. I just wanted to savor it for so long.
I groaned as my hands grasped tightly on his shoulders. My wetness grew as his cock did underneath me. I pushed against him, huffing as I said, “Hold on, Professor.” He let go, chuckling slightly. “It’s Gihun. Just call me Gihun.” He replied, a hand rubbed up and down my side. I nodded. “What did you want to say?” Gihun asked. “T-That I need more.” I replied. He gave a smirk before bringing a hand down, sliding under my skirt. My breath hitched as his fingertips grazed my slit, my panties adding more friction. "You're so wet." He groaned. He stayed there, circling my clit through them for what felt like forever. I moaned as he did so, his lips connecting to my neck. I tried to grasp at him through his shirt, moving my hips along with his motions. My moans began to rise as he moved my panties to the side, grazing them across my slit before two digits drove into me. His thumb grazed my clit as he started at a quick pace."Gihun." I moaned out, realizing that the word echoed through the room. He kept up his movements across my body. I could feel the sweet aches across my neck, him licking over them occasionally. Suddenly, he pulled out his fingers from me, bringing both up to grasped my hips, picking me up. Involuntarily, I wrapped my legs around his hips.
He sat me down on the desk, throwing off any papers into a pile on the floor. While he did so I threw off my shoes and beginning to take off my blouse. "Let me help." He said, coming back and joining my hands in removing it. He pushed me down gently, making me shiver as my back met the cold desk. He let me adjust before moving me how he wanted to. Luckily it was spacious enough that I could place my legs on top of it, Gihun placing them so I was full display. He towered over me, a dark lust in his eyes as he lifted my skirt. I let out a shaky breath as he grabbed the hem of the panties and sliding them off. He smirked as he saw the gleam of wetness at my core, placing them down. "How do you want me to make you cum?" He asked, staring down at me. "I want you to fuck me." I replied. "I'd love to." His lips crashed into mines as his clothed bulge grinded down onto me. I whimpered against his lips, my hands coming up to grasp at the arms that were on either side of me. He kept going, his tongue delving into mines. Eventually, he moved back off of me, leaving me to recover my breath as he unzipped his pants, taking them off. "I know there isn't a lot of people around," He stripped the rest of his clothes quickly, making me moan as his cock sprang free. He was larger than what I imagined. He was a bit thicker than what I've had before. He chuckled before continuing, "but keep your voice down." Reaching into a drawer, he grabbed his wallet, taking out a condom. "You just keep those lying around?" I joked, him smirking as he ripped open the wrapper. "If I didn't we wouldn't be able to do this." He replied, putting it on. I rolled my eyes, causing him to let out a small laugh. "Maybe one day we won't need to use one." I said with a smile. He stopped for a second, looking a little caught off guard. Might as well try and shoot my shot. Instead of replying, he rubbed the tip of his cock across my slit, his lips capturing mines in a passionate kiss. I fought not to moan loudly as he began to enter me, bringing my hands to grasp at his shoulders as I clenched my eyes shut. He groaned against me, a hand grabbing my thighs as the other inched up, pulling down my bra to expose my breasts. My nails dug into him as he eventually bottomed out, causing my legs to shake slightly. Maybe I was too horny or I haven’t fucked in a while but he felt.. amazing. He really did. He reached right where I needed and his was thick enough where I felt pleasantly spread.
He moved back from me as he began a steady pace, pulling back slightly with deliberate strokes. His hands went down to grasp my hips, mines going to grab at his wrists. I opened my eyes after a moment. His eyes never left my body as he began, mouth agape as he let out soft groans. I did my best to keep quiet every time he hit my sweet spot, moaning softly as he began to quicken his pace. “Shit.” He cursed, hips meeting mines and giving an obscene noise. His hands left my hips, one coming up to grab my breast as the other went down to circle my clit. “Gihun.” I yelled out, both sensations becoming too much. I yelped as I felt the hand on my breast come to cover my mouth. He didn’t stop his movements as I grabbed his forearm. I didn’t push him off, though. “I said not to get loud.” He said between his teeth, struggling to keep his grunts quiet. I nodded, involuntarily squeezing around him as his hand tightened slightly. He bit his lip as his eyebrows scrunched, the items on the desk starting to shake more the harder he thrust. I couldn’t do much but take him, enjoying the way I felt as if I was giving over to him. I began to whimper against his hand as I felt my orgasm coming on. His thrusts moved me roughly against the surface, enjoying the way it felt after a while. The mix of sensations became too much and before I could warn him, I came. My eyes rolled back in pleasure as his hand kept its place, muffling the moan that escaped me. My body tensed as I did, causing him to curse as his fast pace become sporadic. He let out a loud groan as he came, hands stilling my hips as he thrust slowly through his orgasm.
He slowly pulled out, moving back as I let my legs fall off the desk. I laid there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling of the lecture hall as I heard him fall into his chair. Both of us stayed silent for a moment, trying to catch our breaths. After a while, I sat up. He sat there, watching me in contemplation. He must have thrown the condom away while I laid. “Are you alright?” I asked, fixing my bra as my skirt fell back into place. He stared for a moment before asking, “Do you want to go home with me?” My eyes widened in surprise. “Really?” I asked. He gave a sly smile. “You did say there’d be a next time and I don’t want to wait the next time you get one of these ideas.” He said as he stood up, placing himself in front of me once again. He brought a hand up to my chin. “Is that alright?” He asked. “Yes.”
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simplyahoe · 3 years
Kinktober Day 6 : Nipple Play
Dedicated to a lovely @cakepop-tatertot
Also here are the prompts again
TW : time travel, slight dub con, threesome, Light Bondage, overstim
Character : Akaza/Hakuji, Koyuki
Male Reader
You laid on the tatami, a bit stunned from falling into a portal while sparring with Akaza and dropping into a house.
Across the room is a couple.
A very familiar looking male, around 18, with black hair and pink eyelashes. His eyes are a beautiful light blue. He is in a martial arts gi, criminal tattoos around his arms.
The girl on the other hand, doesn’t look familiar at all. Black hair held up with a snowflake pin. A very familiar snowflake. Pink to light blue kimono with a snow pattern. Pink eyes with white flower irises.
“Who are you?” Akaza’s voice came from the guy
“I’m a demon slayer…..” you stared at the two “you?
“I’m Hakuji and this is my Fiancé, Koyuki.” Hakuji’s brows furrowed
You thought about it
“Could any of you tell me what time period it is?”
“Of course, Edo.” Hakuji answered
“Time travel.”
You huffed. It isn’t a demon blood art. You two were sparring in the safety of Akaza’s small safe haven.
“Anyone here made a wish of sorts?”
Slowly Koyuki raised her hand
“Eh?!” Hakuji looked a bit shocked
“I kind of made a wish on a star.” She hid her face behind her sleeves “I wanted to know what will make you feel good for our wedding night.”
His face became red. In fact, his blush went down his neck and to his ears. Just like a specific demon you know. It then clicked in your mind, Akaza looked really similar to Hakuji. They looked like twins. It means that Akaza and Hakuji are one in the same. What could have happened to make him turn into a demon?
“I think I have a vague Idea, but don’t kill me if I’m right.” You pointed at Hakuji “I am currently involved with a demon named Akaza.”
“So?” I guess being a brat has always been in his blood
“And he looks an awful lot like you. So something bad might happen to cause you to become a demon.”
“I’m not done.” You gave a pointed look “to put it simply, Akaza and I fuck. We live in Taisho, so Koyuki-San must have passed somewhere along the line.”
That gave them a shock
“And if I’m correct, I’m supposed to be here to teach her the ways of fucking you.”
You ended the statement there to give them time to process what was just said. It took a few minutes but Koyuki was pretty quick about it.
“Please teach me!” She grabbed your hand “If I don’t have time left, I want to make the most of it!”
“Wait.” Hakuji’s voice wavered
“This means the three of us fuck then.” You grinned
“Do I get a choice?”
“Nope, if you want to send me home, we fucking tonight.”
You two didn’t listen, pushing him to the bedroom. Koyuki pulled out a futon while you held Hakuji in place. When she nodded, you threw him onto the bedding, sliding behind him and holding his thighs slightly open with your legs.
He yelped when you slide his gi off his shoulders, catching his elbow before it can hit your face. Wrestling his arms behind his back, you held both his wrists with one hand, using the belt to tie his hands back. He struggled, but it held.
“Lady Koyuki come here”
You wave her over, pulling her hands to his chest
“His neck and ears are his weak points, but these are what get him going.”
You pinch a nipple, gaining a squeak from the shy, squirming Hakuji. He bites his lip in an attempt to keep quiet.
You lick the shell of his ear before nibbling on it, gaining some quiet sounds from the Soryu fighter.
“Try it.”
She watches as her fiancé wriggles in your grasp before nodding in determination and pressing his other nipple. His gasp is music.
“Good boy.” You murmured into his ear
Koyuki noticed and took a mental note. She mimicked your movements as he started to fight his bonds. Licking his ears and kissing down his neck, remembering your words.
It’s odd seeing black hair with blue eyes, but it's nothing too much of a shock. His mannerisms are still pretty similar, just less shy about his body.
His nipples are now hard, the one that you played with is slightly pinker. Mainly from your rougher treatment.
“How about you try sucking and gently biting them?”
Slightly pleasure dazed, Hakuji didn’t really catch your words. He only watched his future wife get closer to his chest, till she latched on. He threw his head back, resting against your shoulder, as a moan fell past his lips.
“Ple- please st- stop.”
“Feels we-weird. Please.”
“Oh is that so?”
You worked off his pants and fundoshi. Hakuji barely managed to move his head to look at what you are doing. His dick in hand, you motioned for Koyuki to sit back and watch, grinding the tip of your thumb into his slit.
He grit his teeth as he came. Eyes rolled back as tears fell from his eyes. Head thrown against your shoulder his entire body tensed. He unknowingly pushed his whole body against you. As he fell from his high, he drooped into your hold.
“It tastes a bit weird, but do you want to try?”
White painted knuckles pressed against her tongue as she licked some of his release off. Her face scrunched at the taste. Shrugging, you licked your hand clean.
“Ple…. Please…. Enough….” Hakuji huffed
“If that was enough, why am I still here?” You kissed his tempel “don’t worry, I think after the next thing I’ll be gone.”
“Please….” His eyes closed, “Take care…. of me……”
“I will.”
You laid him down, untying him and spreading his legs. Motioning Koyuki closer, you showed her the lube piece.
“That dissolves in saliva, do you want me to dissolve it?”
She nodded
“I will be teaching you how to fuck his ass. So I will put the lube in your hand ok?”
She nodded once again. You stuck it in your mouth, waiting until it fully liquefied. Pulling her hand to your mouth, you allowed the lube to drip from your mouth. Once it was all out, you guided her hand.
“Slow at first.”
You muttered to her, as her middle finger slipped into his ass. Once her first finger fully entered you motioned to her how to move her hand.
“Now I think he is loose enough for a second finger.”
Her ring finger started to slip in. She worked through the motions taught, quickly gaining some soft, weak cries.
“Now, find the prostate. It will make him feel the best.”
You put Hakuji’s head onto your lap, allowing her to fully explore on her own. His hands weakly grasped onto your uniform. Tears falling faster as more noises slip from his lips.
Quiet praises fell from Koyuki’s lips as she explored. Until his thighs came together accompanied with a loud yelp.
“You found it! Now that place will make any man feel good, but I learned that he likes it rough.”
You played with his short hair, brushing tears away every so often. Hands traveled down to play with his chest.
“Got it!” She quickly started moving again, drawing cries and moans from his lips.
This is getting you hot, pants feeling uncomfortable and tight. You moved your pants down enough to pull out your dick.
“May I?”
You looked at Koyuki
“Go ahead. You become someone important to him.”
Hakuji didn’t give a second thought, he allowed you to enter his mouth. You muffled his sounds with your dick, the vibrations becoming pleasant. He is sloppy, saliva dripped from the corners of his lips as he tries to suck you off.
He squealed through his second orgasm, noise only muffled by your cock. The vibrations shocked through you, causing you to cum down his throat.
Hakuji slowly came down. Hips rutting against nothing. Koyuki wiped her hand off with a pre-prepared towel, a satisfied smile on her face.
You pulled out. He gasped for air, trying to slow his breathing. Saliva and white dribbled down his face
“Gonna….. Die….” With his last thought said, he slipped into unconsciousness
“You did good, Lady Koyuki.” You fix your clothes as you started to fade, “ But there is nothing else I can teach.”
“Thank you” she chirped, way too happy having finger fucked her fiancé into oblivion
“See you on the other side.”
“Oi… OIIIII!” Akaza flooded your senses
“You disappeared for an hour and returned asleep.”
You laid on your back, head in his lap. He leaned over you, hands in your hair, gently massaging your scalp. His little vest covers you like a very tiny blanket.
“Let’s just say, you were cute as a human.” You smiled up at him
“I hope you remember that I don’t remember anything about being a human >.<“ he has such a cute pout
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froggie-recs-fics · 3 years
Fic Roundup (up to 9/26/21)
I'm gonna start collecting fics I've read recently to recommend them, because making trope lists takes too long and many fics fall by the wayside. Let me know if you like this new format!
The fandoms in this list are as follows: Marvel (SamBucky, HTP, SpideyPool, WinterHawk, WinterIron, Stony, Stucky, SpiderShield), DCU (Bane/Blake), Inception (Arthur/Eames), Teen Wolf (Sterek).
A * signifies a particular favorite (though I love all these fics)
double back by flowermasters (E, 12K, Post-Endgame, Time Loop, Time Travel)
Sam gets stuck in a time loop. In 1943.
Things could be worse, but they could certainly be better.
Companion piece here: quick time
I'll explain everything to the geese by napricot (Post-Endgame, E, 50K, Sam can talk to birds)
Bucky is so competent that it hurts my feelings is not a rational complaint to have about a person, and yet, after a year of being Captain America and partnering up with Bucky for the new and improved, post-Blip Avengers, that’s kinda how Sam’s feeling.
It’s not great. It maybe leads to Sam making some rash, ill-advised decisions like claiming he has a previously undisclosed superpower, and then getting caught in a web of lies when he ends up actually developing that surprisingly inconvenient superpower. Talking to birds had seemed like a harmless superpower, but it turns out that birds have a lot of opinions, and they don’t hesitate to tell Sam about them, especially when it comes to his supposedly subpar courting skills. Which is ridiculous, because Sam isn’t courting Bucky. Right?
**blueprints for a better world series by itallstartedwithdefenestration @astralhux (CATWS, Post-CATWS, Noncon, E, 115K, Dark Main Character)
When Pierce discovers the asset is no longer capable of getting himself hard during recreational use, he tells Rumlow to figure out what the problem is, and to fix it. The solution turns out to be more complicated than anyone expected.
I can't recommend this series enough
*Dead Men Walking series by doctorestranged @lazystrawberrymilkshakes (E, 235K, Identity Porn, Slow Burn)
When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
All About Chemistry by TwiceBakedPotato @sedatedkoala (No Powers AU, M, CNTW, 74K, Teacher-Student Relationship, Slow Build)
After serving his 20 years in the Marine Corps, Wade Wilson is cashing in his GI Bill and going back to college. He feels like the old man on campus, but that doesn't matter. He likes his classes. He likes learning. And he especially likes his Chemistry professor with the messy brown hair.
Making Me A Habit by Kangofu_CB @kangofu-cb (No Powers AU, T, 20K, Pet Store, Slow Burn, Pining, Misunderstandings)
Bucky is a disabled vet struggling with reintegrating into civilian life. He has a routine and a rhythm, and he doesn't like to let anything - big or small - disrupt it. That all changes the day Bucky finds himself inside CATastrophe, the local pet rescue, recovering from a panic attack in the back room of the shop.
He’s used to walking by the place, not visiting, but the next thing Bucky knows, he’s hanging signs and being used as a climbing tree for a bunch of freshly-acquired kittens. And he just...keeps going back. First for the kittens, then for the disaster shop owner who rescues actual kittens from actual trees and teaches archery as a side-gig, and eventually because he’s hopelessly in love.
(Clint was in love before Bucky ever walked in the door.)
*Nameless by AvaKelly (Post-CATWS, M, 101K, Time Travel, Time Loop, Slow Burn)
A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs.
"Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends.
The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?"
"I put it there."
Glitter, G-Strings and Other Mission Hazards by flawedamythyst @flawedamythyst (T, 16K, Undercover, Stripper Clint)
“Which is why you need me to shake my booty for cash,” said Clint.
“Precisely,” said Coulson. “You’re the only agent we have who wouldn’t need additional training in the skills of an exotic dancer to take on the mission, and we want to get someone in there as soon as possible.”
Clint nodded, shutting the file. “Okay, awesome. I’ll dig out my sequined g-string.”
“You’ll have full access to requisition any costumes you might need,” said Coulson.
A mission requires Bucky to be Clint's back-up as he goes undercover as a stripper, which gets more difficult with every new costume he comes out in.
Paternal Error by EVVS @skylarkevanson (Post-CATWS, T, 33K, Kid Fic, Established Relationship)
Bucky has never once thought of being a parent. Not since the Winter Solider happened.
Until he falls in love with Clint Barton. And that idiot just keeps collecting children for his flock.
Now Bucky has to pretend like he's good at parenting.
Forms of Love by bear_bell (Post-CACW, E, 33K, Split Personalities)
Months after the Avengers' dispute in Germany, the team returns to the US and moves back into the tower. As always, everyone pretends that nothing happened. Tony is just fine with this. He's used to pretending, and he'll be damned if he lets any of them see him flinch.
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
While You Were Sleeping by betheflame @betheflame (No Powers AU, M, 65K, While You Were Sleeping AU)
It's been years since Steve Grant Rogers Drysdale has spoken to his twin, Ransom. So it was quite a shock when he was summoned to a hospital and found out that Ransom was in a coma.
Even more shocking? That Ransom is engaged. To Tony Stark.
The Road Goes Ever On And On by PipGraham (Omegaverse AU, M, Noncon, Graphic Violence, 20K, Road Trip, Pre-Serum Steve, Past Domestic Violence)
When Brock's continued domestic abuse puts not only Steve's life in danger, but also that of his unborn pup, he flees into the night with just a small backpack of clothes and almost no money to his name.
Steve quickly runs into trouble as he tries to embark on a 3-day cross-country bus journey back home to New York City.
He meets a kind veteran when he most needs a helping hand.
Just Words by LadyRazzle (crimegimp) @ladyrazzle (Pre-CATFA, Soulmate AU, T, 2K, Fluff)
Inspired by that now legendary post: "soulmate AU where you wake up on your 18th birthday with the first words your soulmate will say to you tattooed on your body so you’ll know them when you meet them." Well what if they appear the moment you turn 18, rather than just the day? And what if by the time you turn 18, you'd already fallen in love?
Bucky wasn’t eager to discover what the words said. He already knew what he wanted them to say. He always had.
Forgetting It's There by spinstitcher (stygian) (NR, 8K, Crack, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Porn)
“You’re Captain America,” he blurts out.
“What?” says Captain America, looking a little wide-eyed. He casts a nervous glance at the girl at the counter – he has nothing to worry about there, she’s rocking out to her iPod and could care less what they’re talking about – and says, “No, uh, Steve, it’s just, I’m Steve.”
“Right,” says Peter, and then because his brain-to-mouth filter had apparently been completely destroyed in the fight on Oscorp Tower: “Hey, your butt really is as tight as it looks on TV.”
7 Deadly Ass(as)sins by teacuphuman @teacuphuman09 (AU, E, 23K, BDSM)
Bane and Barsad own a sex shop and John needs a job.
Straws by Menirva (Bane/Blake/Barsad, AU, E, 38K, BDSM)
John works in a smoothie shop.
He has a knack, a second sense if you will, for being able to look at a person and know what they're going to order. It's not the most spectacular gift in the world but he likes being able to figure people out and he's never wrong.
Except for this scruffy asshole who is clearly just ordering the wrong thing to fuck with him.
How is he even finishing an extra-large?
Rough Trade by Whisky (whiskyrunner) @whiskyrunner (AU, E, 23K, Internalized Homophobia)
Arthur is an investment banker. He is professional and efficient. He's a halfway decent cook. He's totally independent and has been since the age of eighteen. Maybe he's tired all the time because he works about ninety hours a week which is twice what normal people do, but he's rich and he's competent at his job. He's almost thirty, and already a success.
And there are some things Arthur is not. For instance: Arthur is not gay.
Lucky by earlgreytea68 @earlgreytea68 (M, 37K, Kid fic)
Arthur finds a baby.
Teen Wolf
Cut to the Bone by standinginanicedress (Omegaverse AU, E, 112K, Secret Relationship, Enemies to Lovers kinda)
“Not that it’s any of your god damn business, but my name is Stiles. Do you need something?”
The alpha grins. All teeth, shiny white, straight as an arrow. He’s got this sculpted perfection to him that Stiles is sure has worked on all the omegas he’s ever encountered before, but Stiles stands his ground and narrows his eyes. “A date.”
Stiles looks him up and down, slowly, from the black shoes on his feet, to his uniform khakis and blazer littered with pins, to his face. He frowns, makes a face, and says, “pass.”
Cornerstone by Vendelin (Human AU, E, 83K, Marine Derek, Blind Stiles, Friends to Lovers)
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach (AU, Graphic Violence, E, 76K, Captivity, Feral Derek)
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
The Payoff Pitch by Leslie_Knope (Sports AU, E, 83K, Coming Out, Friends to Lovers)
Derek is on the cusp of his second season with the LA Dodgers, and as the reigning runner-up Rookie of the Year, the pressure’s on him to become the team’s star pitcher and lead them to the playoffs for the first time in five years. He’s trying to deal with the burden of expectations and really has zero desire to spend any extra time or energy on anything that isn’t baseball.
But then he meets Stiles.
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
little things
Prompts: Hugs and Crying
Word Count: 3,251
Characters: Lloyd and Kai
Timeline: Immediately after episode 18 (Child's Play)
Trigger Warnings: Trauma, Brief panic attacks
Summary: "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
-Kurt Vonnegut
Lloyd’s tired of being left behind. How is he meant to be the green ninja when he always has to work harder, train better, and wait longer to go on missions with his team? He wants nothing more than to be their equal.
At least, that’s what he thought he wanted.
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The trip back to the Destiny’s Bounty that night was thick with tension. No one spoke, but Lloyd could feel Kai’s gaze boring into him.
He wished the fire ninja would look at something else. He didn’t want to think about what he was looking at.
It had been Lloyd’s choice, and he knew it. Not that his range of options had exactly been wide when a huge, ninja-eating monster had been looming over them, but he had made the choice nonetheless.
He just hadn’t expected it to be like this.
He had thought that not being a little boy anymore meant he got to become stronger, fight better, and, of course, accompany the ninja on their missions.
But he hadn’t thought about the way his legs would become so much longer suddenly, forcing him to concentrate so he wouldn’t trip. Or how his hair would dangle too-long in his face, or how the green gi, on which the sleeves and pant legs had been rolled up a ridiculous amount of times, now fit perfectly. Reminding him too much of who he was and what he was meant to do.
Most of all, though, he hadn’t expected the gaping ache in his chest, like someone had ripped out his heart. He didn’t understand where it came from or what it meant, only that the sparkling display racks in the windows of Doomsday Comix had never felt more distant than they did now.
Their arrival at the monastery couldn’t come soon enough, and Lloyd began to dart down the hall, anxious to get away from the prying eyes of the others. Before he could get far, however, a hand snatched his wrist, and he looked back to see Kai staring at him apprehensively.
“Hey, bud. We’re here for you. You don’t need to go running off on your own.”
Lloyd shook his head. “I’m not. I just wanna go take a shower.” The voice that came from his throat wasn’t his, it was too deep. He didn’t even recognize himself anymore.
Lloyd repressed a shiver of dread, realizing Kai was still looking at him expectantly. “I got… there was a lot of rubble and dust when the Grundle caved in the roof, I just wanna get clean. I’m fine.”
Kai stared at him for a long moment, and for once Lloyd couldn’t read the expression in his eyes. Relenting, he let out his breath, dropping Lloyd’s wrist. “You’re not. But whatever.”
Lloyd merely nodded, realizing that wasn’t the most reassuring answer he could give, but being reluctant to hear his own voice again.
Forcing himself to turn away, he headed down the hallway, passing the ninja’s cabin and heading towards his room a little way down.
Uncle Wu had cleared out the small storage room for him that first night he had stayed on the Bounty, and it had been his ever since. He had appreciated the gesture, to have his own space away from the others, and it had always been a comforting little place for him.
But now, as he gazed around at it, the room itself wasn’t the only thing that was small anymore. The bed in the corner was no longer large enough for him, the mirror mounted on the wall was too low down, the Starfarer comics piled on the nightstand were too juvenile and suddenly much less interesting.
Lloyd sighed, rubbing his hands over his eyes. There was no point lingering here. He might as well go take a shower like he had promised Kai.
But when he pulled open the drawer on his dresser, he paused, gazing down at the clothes.
Everything was too small. Of course it was.
Lloyd took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair as he tried to push down the bubbling panic in his chest.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Letting out his breath again, he grabbed a pair of old, baggy pajama shorts that had always been too big on him anyway, and an undershirt from his gi.
Slipping through the halls, he made it to the bathroom at the end of the ship and quietly pulled the door shut behind him.
As he undressed, all he could focus on was his body, how it was bigger and older and different now. He forcibly shoved the thoughts out of his head before he had a breakdown and stepped into the shower.
Lloyd turned the shower as hot as it would go, barely even noticing as the water scalded his skin. He didn’t know how long he stood there, only that the water kept getting colder and colder until his teeth were chattering. Not even bothering to wash his hair, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a bath towel, pressing his face into it.
He couldn’t do this. He had thought he could handle it, but he couldn’t. Lloyd was barely clutching on to the last threads of his sanity, and he needed to get out of here.
Quickly changing into the shorts and undershirt, he walked over to the window and carefully pushed it open. Stars twinkled at him from the dark sky, and he glanced down. The bathroom was at the top of the ship, just behind the bridge, so it was about a twenty-foot drop to the ground- easily enough to break a leg.
Biting his lip, he grabbed onto the window frame and pulled himself out, gripping onto the side of the ship as his feet found purchase on the windowsill. As he slowly stood, he accidentally caught sight of his face in the reflection in the window and nearly slipped, gasping sharply as he just barely caught himself from falling.
Get yourself together, Lloyd. You’re still yourself, just a little older. Stop being such a crybaby.
Reaching up for the edge of the roof of the bridge, he hauled himself up and crawled back from the edge a bit. Staring out over the trees, the soft glow of the city in the distance, he glanced down at his hands. Fingers too long, palms too rough.
He hadn’t known it was going to be like this. All he had done was age up a few years. It was a small sacrifice to make, seeing as the Grundle would’ve killed them all otherwise. It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal. Lloyd shouldn’t have been acting so selfishly.
He wrapped his arms around his legs, curling up into a ball.
For the first time that night, Lloyd let himself cry.
Kai paced back and forth across the hallway. “Ugh! Why do I let him leave? I know he always locks himself in his room and never comes back to talk to me!”
Zane frowned. “I know this is difficult and confusing for you, Kai- it is for all of us. But Lloyd’s always been much less straightforward than you. Perhaps we should try a less direct approach.”
“You’re saying I should just let him sulk alone for the rest of the night?”
“What I’m saying is that maybe we should just give him a little time to himself, time to process, before we all go barging in to speak to him.”
“Just because Lloyd thinks he wants to be alone doesn’t mean he should be. Isolation isn’t going to solve anything.”
“Kai,” Cole sighed, “that’s not what we’re saying at all. This is just a sensitive situation for Lloyd, and we don’t want to provoke him the wrong way.”
“A sensitive situation?” Kai barked. “Don’t you think I know that? But I’m telling you, he needs someone! Don’t you see? That’s what he does! He tells us he’s fine, but he’s not! Of course he’s not! And- and I want to help him, but I can’t. When he needs me most, I have no idea what to do. Augh, why did I let him come with us? I knew it was too dangerous!”
“Kai,” Zane put a cool hand on his shoulder. “Calm down. There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
“Nothing I could’ve done?” Kai blinked up at him through watery eyes. “I was supposed to protect him.”
Nya squeezed his hand. “You can’t blame yourself for this, Kai. You can’t.”
“I’m not trying to. It’s just… hard. This isn’t some small little mishap we can go back and fix. This is big.”
“I know, but he’s strong. He’s going to get through it. I think Zane’s right, we should tread lightly. Although,” she paused, her brow furrowing, “I am starting to get pretty worried about him. He’s been in there a long time.”
“Wait,” Jay frowned. “In his room?”
“No, the bathroom.”
Kai’s head snapped towards her. “Wait, what? Did he go in there again?”
Nya shook her head. “I’ve been watching the door. He never left after he went in the first time.”
Cole glanced between them. “How long has he been in there?”
Kai’s gaze darted anxiously towards the bathroom door. “He went in there to take a shower nearly an hour ago.”
Cole’s eyes darkened. “Yeah, that’s too long. Let’s go.”
They hurried over to the bathroom door and the others hovered anxiously behind as Cole rapped his knuckles on the wood, leaning his ear against it. “Lloyd, you okay in there?”
There was no answer.
Cole knocked harder, and Kai could feel the anxiety building. “Lloyd? Bud? We just wanna talk.”
“Okay,” Nya breathed after a moment, “Lloyd’s as stubborn as a mule, but he doesn’t purposely worry us like this. Something’s wrong.”
“Zane,” Cole said, the struggle to keep calm evident in his voice. “Can you pick up anything?”
Zane stilled for a moment. “My sensors don’t detect any sign of movement.”
Kai’s heart skipped a beat. “Get me in.” Shoving past the others, he lunged for the door handle, yanking on it- but it didn’t budge. “He locked it! Why would he lock it?”
“We need a lock pick!” Jay yelped. “Nya, do you have a bobby pin?”
“I can get one, I’ll be right back!”
“Lloyd!” Cole yelled, banging on the door. “Open the door! Don’t do anything dumb!”
“Talk to us, bud!” Kai cried. “Please!”
“I’m back,” Nya huffed, skidding across the floor and holding out the pin. Jay snatched it from her hand and jiggled it in the lock, gritting his teeth. The others waited apprehensively as the seconds ticked by.
Jay pulled back with a sigh. “It’s not working.”
“Lloyd,” Kai moaned, “Open up!”
Cole glanced at them. “Should I break the door?”
Zane hesitated, then nodded. “Do it. We can always replace it later. Lloyd is more important.”
Everyone except for Cole stepped away from the door. The earth ninja held up his fists, and they glowed amber, the light spreading down his forearms.
“Stand back, Lloyd! I’m coming in!” Cole lunged forward, punching in the door and sending splinters of wood flying.
Kai darted to his side and stared into the bathroom, his breath caught in his throat.
Jay stepped around them, pulling back the shower curtain. Empty.
Just like the rest of the room.
“He’s not here?” Cole asked. “I just destroyed the door for nothing?”
“That’s impossible!” Nya yelped. “I saw him go in, and he never left! I’m positive.”
Kai’s eyes lingered on the far wall. “I know where he went.”
The others followed his gaze towards the open window, and Jay’s eyes widened. “He went out the window? That fall could seriously injure him!”
Kai shook his head. “He didn’t go down, he went up.” Glancing back at the others, he added, “Perhaps Zane had a point about the whole subtlety thing. Let me go talk to him first.”
The others exchanged reluctant glances, but stepped back.
Kai pulled himself out the window, balancing carefully as his fingers found the edge of the roof’s shingles. A chilly breeze hit him in the face, but he ignored it, hauling himself the rest of the way up with a soft grunt.
Lloyd was sitting a few feet away, curled in on himself as he stared off into the distance. Kai slowly eased his way over to him and the two sat in silence for a while.
Kai forced himself to look at the boy and felt a tug on his heartstrings. The way he sat there, so quiet and still, was as unlike Lloyd as his new appearance.
Kai shook his head. He couldn’t allow himself to think like that. No doubt Lloyd already had enough of those thoughts going through his head. This was still the same person. He was still Lloyd. He was still his little brother.
Kai leaned closer, allowing his shoulder to lightly bump against Lloyd’s. The green ninja gasped suddenly, as if just realizing he was there, and quickly scrubbed at his eyes. The action made him seem more like the young child that had been left behind. That, and the fact that he was shivering.
“Dude, you’re freezing!” He glanced down to see Lloyd was only wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a light tank top. “Why aren’t you wearing any proper clothes?”
Lloyd’s cheeks flushed, and he dipped his head, muttering under his breath.
“I don’t have any proper clothes, okay?” More quietly, he added, “Nothing fits me anymore.”
Oh, Lloyd. “Hey, why didn’t you come to me? Y’know I’ve got way more clothes than I’ll ever wear, me and the guys would be more than willing to share stuff with you. And we’ll take you shopping, too, so you can pick out some stuff of your own. How does that sound?”
Lloyd sniffed, wiping an arm across his face. “Yeah, that sounds… that sounds good.”
“Here.” Kai slipped his sweatshirt off and draped it over Lloyd’s shoulders. “It’s not exactly warm out. Don’t make yourself sick.”
“Thanks.” Lloyd pulled the sweatshirt tighter around his shoulders, and Kai felt a small swell of relief as he noticed it was still a little big on him. So his little brother hadn’t grown up completely yet.
“Bud,” he said gently, “it’s fine if you come up here, but tell us before you do next time, okay? We were worried about you.”
Lloyd looked down, still refusing to meet his gaze. “Sorry. I just… didn’t really want anyone to follow me.”
“I know, but you can’t be alone forever. It’s not going to fix anything.”
“Being together isn’t going to fix this, either.”
Kai winced. “Not physically, no. But we’ll be here for you emotionally. We’ll help you heal.”
“But I can’t-” Lloyd stopped, sighing. “Sorry. I’m being selfish.”
“Selfish? How is any of this selfish?”
“Because! You guys were risking your lives, and I made the decision that saved you, yet I’m regretting I did!” “First of all, you’re not regretting you saved us, you’re regretting the other consequences that came out of the choice. Second, it wasn’t much of a choice at all. The Grundle backed you into a corner- literally- and that was the only logical solution at the time. It’s not fair. It shouldn’t have been you. You shouldn’t have been there. You shouldn’t have been forced to make a decision like that. But you were. So you have every right to be upset, every right to complain. That is not selfish.”
Lloyd finally turned to look at him, a helpless, floundering expression on his face.
Kai took pity on him, putting an arm around him. “Lloyd, I’m here. Whether you wanna talk, or scream, or cry, or just need someone to lean on, I’m here.”
“I… I don’t know what to do, Kai. I don’t feel like myself anymore.”
“You are. You’re still the same Lloyd, still our friend, our little brother, our charge. This changes nothing between us. We’re gonna take care of you, okay?”
Lloyd sniffed, putting his hands over his face, and Kai elbowed him gently. “It’s okay to cry, y’know. No one’s gonna judge you for it.”
“But I… I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“So? Everyone cries! It’s natural, and it doesn’t matter how old you are! I’ve cried, I’ve seen Cole cry, Jay cry, I’ve definitely seen Nya cry, and Zane- well, actually, I haven’t seen Zane cry. But that’s only because he’s a nindroid and physically can’t cry. He still gets upset sometimes, though.”
“I know, but… I just feel like I should be able to handle things better.”
“Are you crazy? I’d go insane if I suddenly just aged several years in the span of seconds. Compared to me, you’re handling it like a champ.”
Lloyd didn’t look at him. “Not really. I feel like a wreck right now.” His last words caught on a sob, and Kai glanced over at him, apprehension budding in his chest.
“Are you okay?”
Lloyd blinked rapidly, trying and failing to stop the tears spilling from his eyes. “Not really.”
“Can I hug you?”
Lloyd hesitated but nodded, and Kai wasted no time in wrapping his arms around Lloyd’s shoulders, pulling him close.
Kai didn’t know how long they sat there, but it was a while before Lloyd broke the silence. “Do you think the Final Battle is coming sooner, now that I’m older?”
“I don’t know. But whenever it is, I’m gonna be there. Even if that means I have to kick Garmadon’s ass for you.” He bit his lip, grinning sheepishly. “Shoot, I didn’t mean to say that in front of you.”
Lloyd snorted. “I already know that word.”
“Wait, who taught you that? Was it Nya? I bet it was Nya.” “It wasn’t any of you. I grew up at Darkley’s, what do you expect? That isn’t the only choice word I know.”
Kai’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare tell Zane, he’ll have a fit.”
A brief smile flickered across Lloyd’s face, the first once Kai had seen all night.
“Hey, if I’m grown up now, I should at least get to use some bad words once in a while.”
“Not happenin’, bro,” Kai grinned. “You’re not that grown up yet.”
“I could be fifty and you’d still say that.”
“What can I say, you’ve got a baby face,” Kai smirked, putting his hands on either side of Lloyd’s head.
“Stop that,” Lloyd grumbled, pushing him away. “‘M not a baby.”
“You are, and no dumb tea can change that.”
Lloyd bit his lip, trying to look away, but Kai forced his head to turn, looking him in the eye.
“Lloyd. It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend like it’s all fine. Let it out.”
Lloyd gasped, half falling into his lap, and Kai gripped him tight. It’s gonna be okay, he told himself. He’s going to be okay. We all are.
Lloyd’s path had been difficult from the beginning. It wasn’t fair that all this had been thrown on him- he was just a kid, even now. But it had been, and Kai had an awful feeling that this wouldn’t be the worst hardship his youngest teammate would have to endure.
But next time he would do better. He was one of the four elemental masters of the elements of creation. It was his job to protect Lloyd, to keep him safe.
It made his heart break to see Lloyd, usually so spunky, so unshakable, like this, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure it didn’t happen again.
But for now, he just hugged the green ninja.
He hoped, with time, it would be enough to heal him.
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justnerdthings · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch.6
female reader x Liu Kang/Kung Lao (Might end up being both)
You're gonna kill Kung Lao, but not today.
________ You were amazed with how much energy you had. Kung Lao tried to pass it off as finally eating right, but you were sure it had more to do with your mind at ease about not having heart disease. Your anxieties weren't gone completely however. Your withdrawal was in full swing now. You felt like shit. You had tremors all morning and another blue ribbon of a headache. Your body hurt too, but you weren't sure if that was the training or withdrawal.
You dropped a dumpling as your hand shook. With a frustrated sigh you slammed your chopsticks on the table. "Fucking meds," you mumbled blame.
Lui reached over with his chopsticks and picked up the dumpling that'd fallen on the table. He placed it back on your plate. "It will pass."
"I know, I know." You growled and ruffed up your hair. Your knee bounced under the table. You took a deep breath and picked up your chopsticks again. Your hand was still. Oh thank God, a break, you thought and lifted the dumpling. Just as it touched your lips, your hand shook and the dumpling tumbled down your chest and to the floor. You growled again, contemplating just ripping your arm off and beating it against a wall. You just wanted to eat!
You looked up to see Lao, arm out, reaching for your chopsticks. You handed them over, suspicious of his intent. He then promptly stabbed them into one of the dumplings still on your plate. He held it up, like a lollipop, offering it to you.
Now why couldn't you have thought of that? You took it and even with a shaking hand, managed to get the dumpling in your mouth. Oh, thank you. You munched and stabbed the next dumpling.
Lao grinned and went back to his meal. Liu smiled behind his tea. "Perhaps we should try wearing you out tonight. Might get you to stop shaking," Liu suggested.
“You wouldn’t know the first thing about wearing her out,” Lao quipped.
Liu’s eyes went big at the notion. It took you a moment, but it clicked and you stared at Lao. Lao looked to you and gave you a wink. You then threw a handful of rice at him. “You’re disgusting,” you told him and looked back to your plate, fighting the heat building up on your face.
“Ouch.” Lao raised his brows and brushed the rice out of his hair.
“Honestly, Lao…” Lui breathed. He was fighting his own embarrassment.
But Lao noticed. He’d noticed before, but now he was sure. He chuckled. “Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it, Liu.”
Liu almost choked on his tea. “Lao!” He hissed.
You dragged in a deep breath. You were sure your cheeks were as red as Liu’s sash. Was it true? Had Liu thought about you that way? Or was Lao just being an asshole?... Both?
Lao was laughing again. You glanced up at him. “Why don’t you just ask her, Liu?”
“Lao, stop talking,” Liu said.
“What? She might like it!”
“Stop. Talking.”
“You deserve to be happy, brother,” Lao tried to reason with that smirk of his.
“Don’t let the monks tell you that you shouldn’t.”
“Lao,” Liu warned.
“Why don’t you ask me,” You spoke up, looking right at Kung Lao.
He stopped talking and stared at you in mild shock.
“You obviously have something for me if you’re trying to deflect it onto Liu.” You could have been wrong. Maybe Liu really did have something for you. Maybe Lao wasn’t deflecting. But, you could see his jaw stiffen, as if he was trying to think of a comeback.
You raised your brows expectantly, and curiously. Maybe you were right. Maybe Lao was deflecting.
Lao forced a small laugh and turned his eyes away from you.
Was… Was that embarrassment you saw on his face? Oh. Oh. He was definitely deflecting. A small victory, but you would take it. With a prideful smirk you looked back to your food. “That’s right, you damn eunuch.” Yeah, you said it. He didn’t have the balls to say what he really wanted.
But the air had gotten stiff. You could feel the rising anger coming from Lao. You’d always had a mouth.
“I’m not a eunuch,” Lao spat.
“Then you’re just too small,” you mumbled. Oops. There was that mouth again.
You could feel Lao glaring at you, seething in his embarassment.
“Lao, no,” Liu warned, trying to defuse the situation.
“You want to see just how big it is?!” Lao shouted at you.
“Will I need a magnifying glass?”
“Lao! Y/N!”
Lao stood from the table and you rose, fists shaking, but ready. If he wanted to fight, so be it. Lao opened his mouth to shout again—
You and Lao both jumped, then looked down to see Liu’s hand on the table, a very displeased and impatient look on his face. “Sit. Down,” He told you both with surprising control.
You and Lao looked back to each other as if daring the other to move first. After a moment, you relented. Lao sat down after you. Your eyes stayed locked on each other. Shots had been fired. Liu picked his hand up and let out a slow breath. Just that breath alone was enough to plant a seed of guilt in you. You heard Liu mumble, but couldn’t make out what it was. You went back to eating.
Lao mocked your shaking hand as he watched you like a hawk.
“Enough,” Liu warned, his voice taking a higher volume.
“I didn’t say anything,” Lao tried.
“Cause you don’t have the balls for it,” You commented.
Liu sighed. His efforts weren’t working at all. Fine. “Okay. You two want to fight? Then go.” You and Lao looked to him. Liu looked absolutely done with the both of you. “Go. Go fight.” Liu pointed to the door.
You and Lao stood on opposite sides of the arena. Of course Lao would bring you to the one with the ledge. You could feel your nerves creeping up, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. You had no real training. You were going to lose this fight. He’d beat you within a second. Hell, he already had you beat.
“You really think you stand a chance against me?” Lao teased. “You?”
“Of course not. But I’m not going to back down either,” you answered honestly.
Lao nodded as he slipped his hat off and set it aside before walking towards you. “I’ll take it easy on you.” He smirked.
You mocked his grin. “Asshole.”
He closed the distance between you two. You had to tilt your head back to look up at him. His dark eyes searched you for a second as his smirk grew. “I’m not sure if you’re brave or just stupid.”
You shoved at his chest. But you thrusted yourself back more than he budged back.
“Oh? Did I hit a nerve?” He stepped forward, closing the distance again. “Good.”
You shoved him again, failing just as before. He closed the distance again. He was pushing you without even touching you. You were pushing yourself. Flustered, face red, you swung a fist. He caught it. His hand covered yours easily and he held it as you tried to pull it back.
“What’s the matter? I thought you wanted to fight?” He asked.
You huffed and ripped your hand from his, then made to kick. His leg blocked yours. You tried to kick with your other leg. He caught it with his hand and shoved you, letting you fall back in the sand. He stood over you and faked a yawn.
“You think you’re so tough…” You hissed as you pushed yourself back up and brushed the sand off of yourself.
He was on you before you could finish dusting yourself. You punched in reflex, but he deflected it and moved in, causing you to back up. “I’ll give you credit. You haven’t given up yet.”
“And I won't!” You swung for his stupid face. He caught your arm and the next thing you knew, you were on your back in the sand. With your fist pinned down and his other hand on your chest, he held you down as he stooped over you. You tried to push him off, but he didn’t budge an inch. Your legs kicked at the air as you struggled.
“Fight!” Lao demanded.
A frustrated grunt escaped you as you gripped his arm with your free hand. You squeezed and struggled, desperately trying to push him off.
“Harder!” He shouted.
“Get. Off. Me!” You shouted between struggles.
He leaned further down, his face a mere inch from yours. “Make me!”
You growled. You threw your head forward and slammed it right into his with a harsh clap. A grunt escaped him and he pulled off you. In a daze, you quickly scrambled back and to your feet.
Lao rubbed his forehead and looked at you. He smirked. “Not bad.”
“Fucking prick!” You screamed.
“You got a lot of rage.” He started walking to the side, you moved the opposite way. You began circling each other. “I like that. But why are you so set on fighting me? It can’t just be for Liu’s honor.” He chuckled.
“I’ve fought for less.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“Shut up.”
“What? Nothing to tell?”
“You’re just a bully.”
“Bully? What is this? Grade school?”
You glared at him.
“What have you fought for?”
“Not good enough.”
“Who?” He pressed.
“Anyone? Do you fight for Shang Tsung?”
“Then who?!”
“Those who can’t do it for themselves!”
Your fists were shaking.
“What do you fight?!” He shouted.
“What do you fight?!” he repeated, reminiscent of your first meditation lesson.
“Death!” Your nerves fired back up. Oh no.
“You can’t fight death!”
“Yes, I can!”
“By saving people!”
“You? Save people? You get scared of trees!”
“I’ve saved people!”
“I thought you worked at a boring office? Who needs to be saved there?”
“It was a fire.”
“Oh? Who was it?”
“A guy who went into cardiac arrest!”
“How did you save him?”
“I performed CPR.”
“In a fire?”
“I wasn’t going to let him die!”
“You saved him?”
“What was his name?”
You hesitated.
“You don’t know?”
“It doesn’t matter!”
“You fought for someone you didn’t even know?”
“Of course I did!”
“You could have died.”
“So what?!” Tears were in your eyes.
Lao grinned and stopped. You stopped. He walked towards you and you tensed up. “Would you fight for me?”
“Fuck you!” You hissed.
He reached out and took a fist full of your gi, pulling you to his face. “Would you fight for me?!”
“No?” He almost looked hurt.
“You’re an asshole.”
He grinned and turned, hand still gripped tight to your gi. He practically dragged you… right to the edge of the cliff. Your eyes grew wide in sudden fear. Your heart flip-flopped. You tried to back up, but he moved behind you and held you there, overlooking the ravine. “Look at it.”
You clenched your eyes tight.
“Look at it!” He shouted in your ear.
You peeked through tight lids.
“You see it?”
You were quiet as you stared at certain death, heart beating like kick drum.
“If I fell from here, would you try and save me?”
“...What?” You turned your head to look back at him. What the hell was he talking about? What kind of question—
He swung you around, putting himself between you and the edge. You looked up at him as he let you go with a small shove. You backed up a couple paces and watched him back up, his heels almost over the edge. “Would you try and save me if I fell?” he asked again. “You could die if you did.”
“That’s not funny, Lao. Stop it.” Your heart was racing, watching him, watching his feet.
“No. It’s not. I wonder if I’ll die before I hit the bottom. Maybe break my back while I tumble to the bottom.”
“Lao, stop it.” There was a rising panic in your voice now. “Please. Come here.”
Lao bounced on his toes a bit. You felt your heart skip several beats and you took a step closer. “I’m betting I’d split my skull on a rock on the way down,” He teased.
“Lao…” Your voice shook.
He bounced again. “My blood just splattered everywhere.”
“Lao!” You shouted, pleading.
He chuckled.
His feet slipped. His face changed to panic of his own as he fell. You lunged for him.
You caught his wrist. Half of you was hanging over the ledge. You tightened your grip as much as possible as Lao dangled over the ravine. Lao’s own heart was racing as he looked down at the jagged walls. Looking up, he saw you fighting to keep hold of him and your balance. With his free hand he reached up and grabbed hold of your arm. “Pull!” He shouted.
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing, you moron,” You hissed as you struggled to lift him.
“Harder!” He ordered.
You shouted as you strained. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins. Sliding back on the ledge, you slowly got to your knees.
Teeth clenching, you managed to pull him up enough to where he could grab hold of the edge. It took some of the weight off you.
Finally you pull him right up and you both fell into the sand.
You laid there, chest aching with how hard your heart was beating. Every breath felt like a sacred gift. You covered your face as you tried to compose yourself.
Hearing Lao’s own heavy breath, you rolled over to face him, then promptly slapped him right across the face, leaving a nice red hand print on his cheek. “You fucking idiot!”
He began laughing breathlessly.
“That wasn’t funny!” You pushed your exhausted self up and kicked at him.
He blocked weakly and kept laughing. “I knew you had it in you.”
Your brows knotted. What did he just— Did he just do that on purpose?! You kicked him right in the ribs.
He shouted through a laugh and turned over to push himself up.
“You fucking idiot!” You screamed and swung at him as he got up.
He grinned and dodged. You swung again. He dodged and turned away, walking off to pick up his hat.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you!” You shouted as you followed him.
“Oh? Have to catch me first.” He looked over his shoulder and gave you a smirk before taking off. You ran after him. You chased him through the halls, dodging monks and furniture. He was fast, but you kept up enough to be able to see which ways he was going. You were going to kill him.
You followed him to the other arena. Liu was meditating in the sand and Lao slid to a stop behind him, causing Liu to open his eyes and see you running right for him. He rose in concern and realized Lao was behind him with a grin a mile long on his face and laughing.
Liu caught you carefully as you reached them and held you back. He stood between you two. He then looked to Lao for an explanation.
“She faced her fear!” Lao announced.
Liu held you firm as you tried to jerk from his hold. “What are you talking about?” He asked Lao.
You answered before Lao could, “He tricked me into hanging off the ledge so I could catch his stupid ass!” You shouted. Liu looked at you with confusion. “He balanced on the edge and teased me, then purposely slipped and fell off,” you growled.
Liu’s face immediately filled with dread. He turned to look at Lao. “Are you crazy? You could have killed yourself. You could have killed her! What if she didn’t catch you?”
Lao gestured to himself grandly. “But she did!”
Liu stared at him for a moment before realization hit him. You had caught him. He looked back to you, his face a mix of amazement and pride for you. You looked between them. You suddenly felt ganged up on, as if Liu had just switched sides. “No,” You said. You pointed out to Lao accusingly but looked to Liu. “No! He does not get out of this!”
Lao laughed again. Liu’s lips pulled into a small smile. Frustrated, you turned away and grabbed a sword off a weapon’s rack, then turned back and started towards Lao. “I’m gonna fucking kill you,” you threatened.
Lao skipped back in his joy, but it quickly melted as Liu moved out of your way, letting you go after him. As you chased Lao with the sword, Liu watched with a hopeful grin.
@ancientowlgirl @miss-nori85
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1tsnoya · 4 years
HEY I STUMBLED UPON YOUR BLOG AND SNDJJDHDJ i’m in love 😔🔫 soo um can u like write for kuroo where the reader (female) is like shorter than him (but not too short though) and kuroo likes to tease her about it. so one day kuroo asked ‘how’s the weather down there’ and the reader’s like ‘well, it’s kinda hot here’ while grabbig his DISCK.. najsjsnjd you can decide how it ends ;)) thanks i love u
✧・゚“how’s the weather down there?” ✧・゚ hc scenario
a/n: awh anon ily too babey <3 hope u like it!
↦ pairings: kuroo x fem!reader
↦ warnings: suggestive
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Tumblr media
→ [1:46 PM] bby kuroo: baby!
→ [1:46 PM] bby kuroo: come to the mall with me and the boys? pleaseeee i’ll buy you a pretzel :p
→ [1:47 PM] bby kuroo: make that three pretzels. plssssss
→ [1:48 PM] y/n: omg babe it’s fine i’ll go with you
→ yeah there was absolutely no way you could say no to this boy
→ he was basically the mother to the nekoma vbc and you became the team’s second mom
→ so kuroo picked you up after school and you met everyone at the mall
→ everyone was already waiting for the two of you and kept texting the nekoma gc
→ he gave you a quick peck before leaving the car, “ready to deal with those toddlers?”
→ “you know it”
→ so you walked hand in hand to the foodcourt
→ lev: “kuroo! why are you late? >:(( is it becau- AAAAH MOM!!!”
→ and then kenma looked up from his phone - kenma: “(y/n)?”
→ yaku: “MOOOOM”
→ yamamoto: “ohmygaw mom just wait until i tell you about this gi-”
→ kei: “hii (y/n) !”
→ kuroo: “i feel the love, thanks guys :’)”
→ yaku: “shush we’re talking to (y/n)”
→ so you all started walking around, kuroo bought you a pretzel and lev got an icecream cone
→ kuroo was still holding your free hand, swinging it, when lev skipped up to you guys and said —
→ lev: “i know yaku’s short, but you’re pretty short too, (y/n)!!” and he patted the top of your head while licking his icecream
→ yaku was straight up pissed and pushed the cone into lev’s face yes there was strawberry icecream all over him
→ cue kuroo’s stupid but lowkey cute laugh
→ kuroo: “yeah (y/n)” he looked at you and his eyes were staring into yours in an intense/flirty way, “how’s the weather down there?”
→ bruh u were just trying to eat your pretzel, not get flamed for your height :’))
→ so while the other boys of the vbc were like “OHHH” and hyping up kuroo (except kenma, he was just -_-) you did the first thing you could think of ;)
→ you let go of your boyfriend’s hand, swung your body towards him, and took your hand to grab his dick
→ “i don’t know tetsu, i’d say it’s pretty hot down here”
→ kenma looked like the surprised pikachu face meme
→ yamamoto: “yo. YO DID SHE JUST”
→ lev: >:OOOO
→ yaku: 👁👄👁
→ kei: “eye-”
→ listen. kuroo is usually more... “in charge” so seeing you take initiative made him a little too happy if yk yk?
→ his face was red and his whole body went warm and he might have gotten a boner tbh the world will never know-
→ so he gave kenma a little side eye and as much as he didn’t want to do it....
→ kenma: “ugh. guys there’s a new game in the arcade. let’s go check it out i guess”
→ so everyone ran like middle schoolers to the other side of the mall while kenma trailed behind them
→ and kuroo grabbed your hand to pull you towards the exit of the mall
→ “babe! i thought we were gonna go with kenma..?”
→ kuroo: “did you really-?” he snickered a bit, “after that little stunt, there’s no way baby”
→ “but...w-what about the new game?”
→ kuroo: “there is no game dummy...but there will be when we get home”
→ on the drive home, his hand was just on your thigh, rubbing it and gripping it sometimes
→ definitley just made you more nervous of what was to come
→ OOP as soon as you walked through the front door, he dragged you over to his room
→ “you wanted to be so slick at the mall right? try it now, kitten” he whispered into your ear while pinning your hands above your head on the bed
→ teased and edged you all night to teach you a lesson ;)
→ the nekoma vbc was ?? clueless ?? when u guys dipped lol
→ you had so hide SO. MANY. hickeys from them the next time you hung out
→ poor innocent lev saw a slight bite mark on your collarbone and it was. game. over
→ lev: (y/n)? did you get bitten by a bug or like an animal or something?”
→ nekoma vbc: 😳😳😳😳
→ cue the side eye from kuroo again...
→ taught you another “lesson” later that night for it 👉🏼👈🏼😳💗💕✨
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veinsandknuckles · 4 years
Lessons, pt 2
Johnny Lawrence/f!Reader So I finished the fic but it got even longer and I’m too impatient to wait so... here’s pt 2 out of 3. I’ll clean it up tomorrow Content warnings: mild teacher/student dynamic, foreplay. Rated mature, explicit by the next chapter Johnny had you down on the mat in seconds with a grunt as his gut landed on your hip. Your head was spinning, you were out of breath and uncomfortably hot, especially around your cheeks and temples as the blush crept back across your features. He didn’t even bother to grip your wrists or snake his arm around your throat this time and that was heartbreaking. “God damn it,” he sighed. “You’re not even trying anymore.”
Every moment since you’d bowed to each other had been a blur of his heat against you, his breath tickling your neck and his cologne sticking to your clothes. His arms were as strong as they looked, you could tell as much even though he held almost everything back. You felt his critical stare rake across your body and his broad hands gripping, nudging, forcing you to move the way he wanted you to and his instructions, advice and even his increasing accusations of wasting his time were barely intelligible through the rush in your ears.
Why the hell hadn’t you planned for the next step? When you’d thought ahead about this evening, you’d mostly just pictured swelling music, him guessing what you were really after and one thing leading to another without any effort on your part. Or if not that, that you’d at least manage to convincingly play along while your mind was still stuck in the gutter.
“I’m sorry, sensei.”
Johnny’s eyes narrowed before he pulled himself up off the floor. He didn’t offer you a hand up this time.
“It’s just hard without being able to see what I’m supposed to do.”
“So, watch the mirrors.”
No thanks. You got up and brushed yourself off. “They’ll only show what I’m doing wrong.”
He snorted. “Not a bad place to start. I get that it’d be easier if you could watch a ‘demonstration’ or whatever, but I’d have to get someone else in here for that so... until then you could try to pay attention to what I’m saying.”
Johnny had been true to his word - he hadn’t broken character even once. It said something, and probably something pretty bad, that you didn’t want him to. Then you recalled the many times you’d seen Miguel returning from practice with a black eye or a limp and for the umpteenth time this evening, swallowed hard and relished the thought of heading for trouble.
“Yes, sensei.” You kept your voice meek but made sure to watch him in the mirror for a reaction. He did clear his throat, but if he liked hearing the honorific coming from you he kept a tight lid on it.
It really wasn’t fair that you couldn’t get him back when he made you weak with just a look.
“Right. Now, I’m gonna come up from behind again and try to grab you. Fight me off and get away, or you’re getting thrown onto the floor again.”
A smarter teacher wouldn’t reward failure. Either Johnny was as dumb as he looked or he really thought that you were...
“It’d be so much easier if we started with you in front of me.”
“Tell that to the guy who’s trying to jump you.” Your pleading look did nothing to change his mind - if anything, he looked as if he relished it. “Anyway, if I came at you from the front, your best move would be to kick me in the balls and I’m not doing that. Now. Are you ready?”
“Yes, sensei.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”
He moved slowly this time and you waited until he snuck his arm around your front and gripped your wrist in his free hand. Even then, he still managed easily to hold you fast when you tried to slip away.
“Come on,” he growled. His lips were right by your ear and, predictably, what little strength you had left instantly drained from your limbs. If he hadn’t been able to see your reflection, you would have let your eyes roll back and just basked in the moment but somehow you managed to contain yourself with just a quickening breath. “I’m not even choking you, you’ve got both legs and one arm free. Hit me, stomp on my feet, get me off balance.”
You squirmed and landed a few elbows to his ribs, tried to get a foot behind one of his and all he did was sigh, move out of your way and replant his stance even firmer. “I don’t want to hurt you by accident,” you complained when he started to become impatient all over again.
“Yeah? How the fuck are you gonna hurt me by accident when you can’t even hurt me on purpose?” Your time must have been up because he forced one of your knees out, swept your other leg and sent you once more onto your back with a thud and no effort.
Before you could react, he had you pinned again with his legs over yours, his weight on your thighs and your hands above your head. And it happened - even after all this practice, this time when you let out a sound from the impact, you failed completely at hiding what you felt. You could have moaned like that if he was balls deep and still felt ashamed at how wanton it sounded.
It took a split second and all the self control you could muster not to shut your eyes, squirm or do anything else to express your embarrassment - your stomach might be sinking and your face might be burning but the only possible way to salvage this was to pretend nothing had happened and pray Johnny had gone temporarily deaf.
The only change to his features was a twitch at the corner of his mouth. All of this in the span of two heartbeats.
Maybe it had only sounded that bad to you because you knew what it meant. Pain, pleasure - it was all the same in the end, right?
“You don’t wanna end up here, do you?” he asked and sounded for all the world as though his mind was firmly on the lesson. You couldn’t look him in the eye. “If we’re down on the ground, you want to at least make sure you’re on top.” Debatable. “So, take control. It’s your move.”
Oh yeah, there had been instructions for this part. Your blank look betrayed you before you even had a chance to make up excuses, which was good since you couldn’t trust yourself to speak.
Johnny sat back and put his palms to his eyes. “Jesus.” After a moment’s consideration, instead of standing up, got off of you and lay down on his back. “I’m gonna give you one last chance to work with me. This time, you try and pin me down, I’ll pretend you have muscles and I’ll show you how to get loose.”
He lay sprawled with his wrists above his head, waiting for you to straddle him, hold him still and have him at your supposed mercy. His gi was disarrayed with all this tumbling around and one half of it was pulled aside, showing enough of his chest to make you more impatient than ever to see it bared completely. You would have to leave yourself exposed too, in more ways than one, just to reach across his body and when you glanced over into his eyes there was a spark there and a twisting of his lips that meant... well, at the very least an open challenge. You could meet it or you could lose your nerve and walk away.
“Well?” he asked. Johnny was grinning now and there wasn’t a doubt left in your mind - he’d heard you moan and wasn’t fooled. “Let me have it, I’m making it so easy for you.”
You swallowed. So, he knew. But how long had he known? Had he been playing dumb almost an entire hour, just to watch you squirm? The thought made you so annoyed it won out over your shyness.
“Right.” You got onto your knees. “You’re on, asshole.”
“Oh yeah, I’m in deep trouble.” His voice came out low and cracked, betraying some sincerity in his words. Johnny tried to compensate for it with a smile but the mood in the room was changed, the tension was too strong now and could only be dispelled one way.
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howlingday · 4 years
Jaune: So, I told him, I- (Yang shoves Jaune's friend out of the way)
Yang: Why, hello there. You look like a very attractive, young man. Allow me to take you out on the hottest of dates. I see you have a lot of other word lady suitresses. Allow me to make my case.
Harriet spins a football on the tip of her finger, then juggles it a few times before stepping on and giving Jaune an eyebrow wag.
This girl plays football, but I once won the whole superbowl myself~!
Yang shows a clearly photoshopped and edited video of herself throwing a basketball like a baseball to herself, where she bowls over pins and canned audience roars.
Elm is working the 100lb. barbells, then looks up at Jaune and gives a smooching gesture to him.
This gal is a weightlifter, but I can bench an entire condimental shelf~.
Yang shows a video of herself lifting a shelf of a of assorted condiments, looking at the camera while licking the spout of the mayonnaise bottle.
Winter nods towards Jaune while holding her military dress cap in her dress uniform, and holds out her business card, which has a lipstick stain on it and a set of numbers written on there.
This woman is a general, but I already brought the world everlasting peace~!
Yang shows a video of her punching "Salem," who is just Weiss in a gaudy black dress.
And if that's not enough, let me ask: When was the last time one these bitches killed a motherfucking mythical beast~?!
Oh, yeah, I will rock your world; 'cause I'm a Dragonslayer Girl~!
Yang rips off the midriff of her shirt, showcasing her gloriously soft six-pack. She then turns around and smacks her own butt.
I shall now show off my abs! Don't act like you don't want this ass.
Yang slips Jaune a letter, titled, "For the cute blonde. Inside is a boob pic. No nipple, just cleavage from above, with a little bit of her sports bra showing in the corners. She then hands Jaune a crudely drawn picture book, titled, "Yang Xiao Long: Dragonslayer."
How hard did I just seal the deal, with my dragonslayer steel? Do you feel all my sexy appeal, and my story which is so very totally real~?
The first page of Yang's book features a crayon drawing of her on a Bullhead (or maybe that's a shark), going up a mountain with a sign that reads, "90 MIL HUNDRED 50,000 HUNDRED FT." The second page is Yang fighting Ursa with karate gis and headbands on. The third page was split in two with the top left featuring Yang fighting a green dragon, and the bottom right featuring Blake looking sad at a lonely candlelight dinner. The last page just had the word "BOOM!" written on it.
I flew up to mountaintop, it was ninety million hundred fifty thousand feet in the air~.
'Til I found the dragon's cave, and I fought through her army of awesome karate bears~!
Dragon's breath was a blast from Hell, and we fought so hard, I missed a long-standing appointment with boo~!
Then I swung my Bullhead like a club, and it caused a sonic boom that ruptured space, and then exploded the moon~!
Oh yeah, now you want to fuck, 'til you dragonslayer nut~!
Yang flexes her hands, then shows a photo of her and the rest of Puns and Roses.
I killed a demon with these hands! Did I say I'm also in a band~?
In case, you might need more proof, I brought the dragon right to you~!
Yang throws down a smoke bomb that doesn't go off, and Emerald lazily steps out.
It's the one that I slew, to attest that my story is totally true~!
Dragon Dance~!
Yang tries dancing with Emerald, but she's just standing there pouting. Ruby awkwardly dances with them. Yang nudges Emerald, who sighs.
Boy, let's go back to my place! Nothing fancy, just a huge mansion in space~!
Yang shows a video of Schnee Manor photoshopped into a starlight sky. Yang hands Jaune a letter, which he opens, and inside is a pair of black, lacy panties. Yang finger-guns him.
Can you guess what coming next? Here's a hint: I'm talking about sex~!
This is the best day of your life! I'll be your dragonslayer bride~!
Yang shows off a wedding photo with their faces glued on the original couple's faces, before she turns around to face the other women and shuts her eyes.
Now it's time to decide, which lucky one of us will be your lover tonight~!
Yang: (Opens her eyes, Sees Harriet is gone) ...Oh, I see you have chosen the football player. (Turns around, Sees Jaune's arms being cuddled by Harriet and Winter) ...And the general. (Elm walks behind them and drapes herself over Jaune's shoulders) ...And apparently the weight lifter as well. (Emerald walks past her, Grabs Jaune's ass) ...And the dragon. (Ruby runs up to them, Shoots Yang an "I'm sorry!" look) ...And my sister, Ruby. (The Summer Maiden pushes Yang out of the way before walking behind the harem) ...And the Summer Maiden?! She hasn't even been revealed yet!
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mx-julien · 3 years
how do the ninja repair their suits after they get damaged?
they get into so many fights that usually don't show in their clothing (S2 and Hunted are the exceptions I can think of) and we know that they wash their uniforms (see: The Pink Ninja of S1), so i don't see why they wouldn't know how to sew. however, it'd take a lot of time out of their day, so they might have a person they could go to for repairs.
their outfit changes from season to season, though, can be for a Plot Reason (ex. Rebooted, Posessed, and I'm not counting Prime Empire b/c that's not real clothing it's just computer code), or will sometimes remain unexplained
*cue soft jazz music and link to Ao3*
Afternoon sun comes through the shop window. Each aluminum pin Suni places shines and dances little lights across the wall. The AC unit to her left moves the gray fabric so it shimmers, making the folds in the shoulder of the gi ripple. It's about quarter 'til closing time, so she's indulging herself and took out her latest project. A bit rushed, maybe, but she rarely gets customers at this hour.
The bell rings. Of course it does.
"Good Evening, Ms. Anup," Mr. Jones hesitates on the threshold before walking up to the counter, "I've come to pick up my suits. Very sorry for the late hour, my husband and I returned from abroad a bit later than expected."
"No harm done," Suni straightens up, "I'll go grab your things - they're in the back."
Suni turns on her heel and heads to the back room. It smells mustier than she cares for, but she can only clean so often when she's the only employee. Her grandmom would've helped, but she wasn't around long enough to know that most of the city was being regularly repaired, anyways. It isn't a good excuse, but her shop's still standing, so business is fine.
The cabinets were designed by her brother, and she had put them up herself. Mr. Jones' garments were on the highest bar. She gets them down and smooths her hand over the lapels of his freshly pressed blazer. He had brought three pairs of pants and four shirts in for tailoring, as well. Something about a "kind-of promotion" meant that he was running around more, so he needed them brought in a bit. Don't ask her why he couldn't just switch out of a suit. Some people were just particular and that was what kept her lights on.
The recent attacks had been knocking everything out of wack. Even punctual Mr. Jones, who walks in with an apology and leaves with some of the most expensive pieces in the shop.
Speaking of which, she realizes, she'd just left her project with him in the front room. Hopefully, since only one part was out there, it probably isn't even that notable. Probably.
Walking to the front, Suni lets the gears turn in her head turn as she rationalizes her bad decision.
She's definitely be wrong about the whole "it's more normal" justification because Mr. Jones quickly turns his head away from her dress form as she comes back to the counter. At about 6 feet tall, she doesn't need to crane her neck down to look at him, which she appreciates right now since seconds ago she barely avoided a collision with the doorframe and also she might need to confront him if he tries to say anything about the garment. It's a reflex every time someone's left alone with it, since she made that mistake once and will probably never hear the end of it.
Six cuckoos bring in the new hour as she hands over the clothes on their hangers. Mr. Jones starts telling her an amusing story about a bus and some knockoff D&D game that he ran into while he was away.
When he's done, she notices that her cheeks hurt from laughter as she clicks the register drawer back into place. She has his change in her hand and turns to him, only only to see him staring at the project. Well, the innocuous top half of it.
"Here you go, Mr. Jones."
His head jerks back to her, "Can I ask what this is?" cocking his head in the direction of the dress form.
He accepts the change as Suni fixes her gaze on him. He's standing like a tin soldier, anticipating her response and planning his own. I guess you just get like that in government work. Again, thank goodness it only slightly resembles armor at the moment. She doesn't want to wake up to agents banging on her door, or a warrant of sorts.
"It's to do with this one group of modern dance students. They're all in college and commission me to do their costumes."
"College students?" His eyebrows don't seem to believe her.
"They have some specific tastes." His eyes trace the outline of the half-pinned gi with light blue embroidery and protection symbols.
"Yeah," she rearranges some recipts, "but they pay well and don't give me a ton of instructions usually, so I don't mind." She's attempting to keep get tone nonchalant.
He's looking at her kind of like how you might at a kid whose trying to sneak up on their parent in the grocery store: amused and not going to say anything.
"Those are some lucky kids." He steps towards the door, his polished shoes reflecting more light than her window, when he opens the door and turns halfway back to her. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. Eventually, he pulls himself together, "Have a good afternoon, Ms. Anup."
"You too, Mr. Jones."
She waits until his car pulls out of the strip mall before pulling out her Borg phone and dialing the only contact with a wave emoji in the name. While she waits for the phone to dial, she grumbles, "Nya, I swear to the First Master, you owe me so much coffee after this."
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