#i might try this intuitive eating thing
can I just. shriek. over the way smoothies are marketed so strongly as for weight loss and how oh no we should not put one (1) gram of sugar in it because we MiGhT gEt FaT because I'm just. I'm here looking this stuff up as a way to trick my silly little brain into eating more. I do not need this to be any harder than it already is
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nayatarot777 · 8 months
Lilith in Taurus/2nd House
this is intuitive astrology. meaning that i’m making these notes based on what i intuitively pick up about this astrological point being merged with these signs. take it with a grain of salt and understand that you might not relate to everything that i get from your placement 🖤
Astrology Masterlist
taurus is all about the physical realm, as it’s an earth sign. taurus energy is related to your physical senses, your physical appearance in terms of aesthetics, food, personal income + money - security, basically. everything that you need on a basic level to feel secure and comfortable as a person.
therefore, the experience of having lilith in taurus is one that includes people shaming you for wanting to feel comfortable and secure. people shaming your aesthetic, shaming you for wanting to look good, for wanting to make money, for wanting to enjoy the literal basic luxuries of life - even down to the food that you eat.
people made you feel ashamed for wanting to savour things - like the meals that you had. this placement will have people not liking when you seem comfortable and content. it’s hater energy to the fullest degree, coming from people who feel like they can’t relax and enjoy the simple joys of life themselves. so why should you, right?🙄
^ you ever had a parent (or anyone else for that matter) not enjoy you sleeping, eating, lounging around, and relaxing? no matter how much you may have worked hard for that entire week or month or few months even - as soon as they see you relaxing, it’s a problem. this is why. your lilith energy is a reflection of what they feel like they don’t have for themselves. they don’t have peace so they try to disturb yours.
your peace triggers people fr. when people can tell that you’re content in a situation or with life in general, they’ll bring some bs your way to disrupt that. of course these are usually people who are always in chaotic situations or who are just chaotic people mentally + emotionally themselves. they get jealous of you being the opposite (or at least seeming that way).
lilith in taurus/2nd house can also bring shame around food. it always reminds me of secret eating habits. i have lilith in taurus and i don’t like to eat in front of people. and this is all due to the fact that my father (i call him my sperm donor 🙃) would try to make me feel like i’m being greedy when i ate anything that i enjoyed. even if it was a regular portion of something. mind you, he’d get the munchies and eat everything in the house - even food that i bought myself for me or my little sister or brother. you see how no matter what lilith placement you have, people project what they know about themselves onto you, related to the energy of that sign or house?
lilith in taurus can definitely indicate eating disorders. a cycle between not eating anywhere near enough (basically starving yourself) to eating too much in one go - also known as binge eating.
you were also shamed for wanting things. maybe even accused of being ‘spoiled’. and you’re looking at these people who accuse you of that like “spoiled where? 🤨”. it’s because these toxic ass people didn’t want us to have the basic necessities of life. especially if you have toxic parents. you needing the basics is needing “too much” for these people. this may be why you feel like you can’t ever really truly enjoy what you have now. because there’s a subconscious belief that you “shouldn’t” have whatever you have. or that you don’t deserve it or some bs like that.
^ this can definitely pertain to money too. you may want money but when you get it, you blow it all too quickly on things that you’re not entirely happy with buying. it’s because you don’t know how to handle having money and feeling like you deserve that money. so you get rid of it as quickly as possible. remember what i said about being shamed for holding onto things that you enjoyed? for savouring the fact that you have something? now you feel like you can’t even enjoy what you have, so you cycle and blow through possessions and spending money. because you don’t feel right just enjoying the feeling of having it because of this shame.
people view you as someone who already has “too much” - even if you don’t have enough. they view you as someone who has ‘too much’ money, ‘too much’ beauty (as taurus is ruled by the planet venus), ‘too much’ peace, ‘too much’ stability. ‘too much’ power with your money, beauty, and your voice.
^ a lot of people with lilith in taurus/2nd house have really nice voices. you may experience people mistaking your regular tone or your friendly tone as a flirty or seductive tone. shit’s annoying.
taurus also rules your physical body. people will be jealous of this. doesn’t matter if you don’t fit into the standard of beauty when it comes to your body type. your body is attractive no matter what size, what shape, etc. if you’re a woman especially, you may have noticed how other women’s energy switches up when you wear something that shows your shape or your body more visibly. bitches be HATING. your body, your face, your aesthetic, your voice, your hair - everything to do with your appearance is a force to be reckoned with. which leads me to my next point:
people don’t like when we make ourselves look good. this placement always gives me the energy of people accusing us of “doing too much” when we wear makeup, or when we wear certain outfits. just when we dress up. because, again, we’re already perceived as people who have “too much” beauty. if you ever meet anyone like that, then FUCK THEM. they’re wanting to shame you just because they feel like they could never reach your level of beauty, and you’re making it harder for them to compete in their imaginary competition with you (unbeknownst to you) by making yourself more beautiful??? girl…👀
men who are intimidated by your beauty will also try to say slick shit about your clothes, your hair, or something about your physical appearance. you know when insecure men feel like you’re out of their league, so they have to try to “humble” you by negging you or some shit? they assume that you’re used to people treating you like you’re the prettiest/most attractive person in the room, so they have to be the one person who tries to bring you down because they’ve ASSUMED that you usually get put up on a pedestal. a pedestal that makes you unreachable to them.
^ you’ll probably experience this from women too who are in competition with you, but when it comes from men, it’s because they’re attracted to you but they feel like you wouldn’t be attracted to them. it’s coming from that perceived rejection that insecure men can never handle correctly 😂
your ability to dress in the way that you wanted to and to have the aesthetic that you wanted was also suppressed. that may be why you’re never happy with the clothes that you have. because they don’t actually resonate with you.
lilith in this sign/house denotes a very dark aesthetic, or one that just rebels against the ‘normal’ way of dressing and doing your makeup (or lack thereof) or your hair. so when you don’t embrace that, you’re going to have an issue with the way that you look. a dissatisfaction more than anything.
^ anybody else experience being treated like you were the biggest ‘slut’ for even showing a tiny bit of skin? you could wear a crop top and people will look at you like you stepped out of the house butt naked.
lilith in taurus or the 2nd house always reminds me of sex workers too. people who use their sexuality to gain personal income. or people who use a sexual aesthetic to make money. think of certain types of instagram models, dominatrix work (especially financial dominatrixes), strippers, etc. i feel like lilith in scorpio/8th house is more of an indication of sex work that involves actually having sex with clients for money (like prostitution). whereas lilith in taurus/2nd house is moreso using the aesthetics and image of being sexual to make money. i hope that makes sense 😂
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tarot-by-e11e · 22 days
PAC: "What are you in denial about?"
After a long time of doing ask games, I finally got to sit on my procrastinating tush and try making another PAC reading.
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We all have something we struggle to accept about ourselves, things we are subconsciously in denial about. It can be a habit, a little quirk that we're lowkey embarrassed about, or anything about ourselves that we tend to struggle to openly admit.
So, I want everyone who sees this PAC to know...
"Every facet, every aspect of yourself, even the parts that you struggle to accept or find a hard time resonating with, every little thing that makes the whole you, is worth loving and accepting.
Always remember, you're never too much or not enough for the right person."
(Note: this is for entertainment purposes only. Feel free to accept the parts that resonate and leave what doesn't. Never forget that you have free will.)
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Choose the picture that you intuitively feel called to:
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(the images do not belong to me.)
(TW: Some piles mentioned heavy topics, like pain, trauma or ab-se. Don't read through this pile if you're already going through tough times.)
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Pile 1: 8 of Wands, Page of Swords, 6 of Wands
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Hi Pile 1, the first thing that you are in denial about is how cutthroat your cut-off game is~ You’re the type that doesn’t really need a lot of time to recover from any terrible/unfortunate situation in your life. You’re not the type to cry over spilled milk.
For you, the world doesn’t stop spinning regardless if you cry your heart out or eat a whole tub of ice cream under your weighted blanket, so why get stuck with what ended?
Another interpretation for the first card is your ability to make sound decisions on the spot. This applies to your career. If a certain opportunity shows up in front of you, you can make decisive actions then and there, whether you would accept it or redirect this opportunity to someone who fits their description more.
With this specific interpretation, I picked up that Pile 1 is ambitious but not greedy (which is considered as rare combo in this day and age). If you happen to encounter a chance opportunity that will greatly benefit someone else, you don’t hesitate to recommend that person instead of taking the opportunity yourself.
It would seem that this pile subconsciously knows that opportunities are everywhere and it doesn’t run out. So why take every opportunity in front of you when you know one of your peers better fits that opportunity's requirements and skillset? You’re the pile that loves to share your blessings because sharing is caring~
The last tidbit interpretation for the first card is you’re in denial about your impulsive shopping addiction, thinking of ordering something impulsively online when you’re just about to sleep. I can already sense some of you are in denial about how many items are there in your online shopping cart~
The next thing you’re in denial about is your knowledgeable, witty, and chatty side. This card actually made me feel sad because it seems that you were made to feel that you are too talkative, some of you might be bullied about being a know-it-all.
This pile was made to believe that knowing a lot doesn’t make a lot of friends. That people who know less than you have more friends, so if you really wanted to make more friends, you were told to “dumb down” to make you more “relatable”.
There’s nothing wrong with having multiple interests and wanting to talk about it. Knowing a little bit of everything makes for an amazing conversationalist. So please, don’t let yourself be pressured to be stupid just to make friends. If the people around you aren’t interested in your niche, there’s the rest of the world that would gladly hear you talk about your interests.
Finally, the last thing you’re in denial about is you don’t feel worthy of the success and victory you aspire to achieve. Pile 1, please I beg you don’t be too hard on yourself. You don’t have to suffer to deserve the abundance you’re working hard to achieve, okay?
You deserve to be celebrated. You deserve to have your hard work be recognized. You owning up to your achievements and success doesn’t make you an arrogant person. You simply know your worth, more like, you’ll soon know your worth. There’s nothing wrong with giving credit where it is due, okay?
(this concludes your reading, Pile 1. Thank you for reading the whole interpretation of your cards. I do hope you give yourself the time and space to accept yourself, your flaws, and flaunts)
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Pile 2: Queen of Swords, Hermit, Ace of Cups
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(TW: I might unintentionally call your pile out. I do this with love, but seems my words might be a bit too blunt. So... sorry in advance)
Hi Pile 2, from the first card, it seems that you are in denial about your capability to be independent. It seems that this pile might be my parentified, burnt-out eldest child, “I can’t rely on anyone but myself; yet into too tired, so I just decided to give up on trying in life” kind of group. Could also be my fellow millennial pile~ The whole, “I was robbed of my childhood” pile.
Pile 2, it seems that you’ve seen that being a reliable and mature child brought you more headaches and early signs of grey hair, due to overwhelming stress and dysregulated nervous system. You’re like, “Screw it, I’m done being reliable, so I’m gonna start not taking the lead and just hole up in my apartment and enjoy being a NEET.
Being overly independent made a lot of people unnecessarily dump you with everybody else’s problems, which made you the community’s unofficial unpaid therapist. Being such a people pleaser, tending to everyone else’s needs led you to disregard your own well-being and sanity, to the point when you’ve had enough.
So now, you could have probably stopped trying because overachievers are forced to be people-pleasing over-givers, and you have had enough of that collective abuse of your giving and understanding nature. So you just stopped trying altogether. This led you to your current situation. Either in a dead-end job, having multiple part-time jobs that barely pay the rent at the end of the month, or unemployed. I should include a trigger warning on this pile before posting.
So with the first card alone, you’ve become hopeless and resentful of the world outside your four walls. Because when you took the initiative and did your best, instead of appreciation, you were buried with responsibilities that were never yours from the very beginning. Pile 2, you were unappreciated, that’s why you’ve reached your limit and stopped trying. But because of this self-sabotaging approach in life, you suffer due to a lack of resources, which then would further aggravate your already pessimistic outlook in life.
But here’s the thing, Pile 2. You know what you need to do to get out of your situation. You have the ability to make your life better. One way to ensure that what happened to you before won’t happen again is by establishing healthy boundaries with people around you. Yes, my chronic people-pleasing pile, I’m gonna hold your hand (in spirit) and tell this rather hard pill-to-swallow suggestion, Learn to Say NO.
I know, it sucks because it might be something you were never taught that you are allowed to do when you grew up. Either you have Pisces, Cancer, or Libra in the 4th house or you have prominent Pisces, Cancer, or Libra personal placements.
I really hate to be a bringer of bad news but in establishing healthy boundaries, you will finally learn which people in your life benefitted from your lack of boundaries previously.
Clue: they get mad that you told them No and they said that you changed in a rather condescending manner. That’s just a little clue, my Pile 2.
So from giving up on life to starting over again and owning up to your ability to be independent, it’s not an overnight change, this is a continuous journey of turning your life around for the better. So my dear Pile 2, be kind, patient and compassionate towards yourself on your path to independency.
Your whole body was so used to be in survival mode, then it went to freeze mode, so you need to work hard to regulate your nervous system to learn to be okay to put yourself out into the world again. That it’s safe to try again. That it’s okay to live your life the way you know works best for you.
Just always remember, to establish strong and healthy boundaries first, and then learn to soften a bit with selective people, every now and then. Use your discernment who deserves to have access in your life and be firm with your boundaries whenever some unsavory character tries to ruin and poison your peace.
You know what you can do, and you know what you’re capable of achieving. Regardless on how old you are right now, as long as you live, you are allowed to start over again.
Another thing you are in denial about is your natural ability for self-reflection. Some people have to learn to be self-aware enough to reflect on their actions and their impact on others, but you Pile 2 are a natural at it.
You might have experienced some sort of ostracization from your peers because you didn’t let yourself immediately conform and fit in. But you knew that doing what everyone else is doing, isn’t something that’s aligned with you. It’s like every cell in your body rejects any peer pressure that doesn’t align with your goals and belief system.
This could also be interpreted as you are in denial about being comfortable with being socially withdrawn. Being in isolation for so long, you’ve learned to be okay by yourself. This leads back to the first card about your ability to be independent. Since you can do things on your own, you don’t really rely on others, which is a jab towards people who crave constant external validation.
Your ability to be good on your own is frowned upon by a society that heavily advertises a collective, community-centric system. This ruffles a lot of feathers of those who heavily depend on others to decide everything in their lives. Basically, people with a sheep mentality won’t like you.
Which, in all honesty, it’s a great thing that people who can’t think for themselves don’t like you. Take this as a compliment, not an insult. Why would you want to conform when you know you have the ability to curate your life by your design? Why do you have to conform to look like everyone else, when you can be you for free? Think about that~
Of course, you need to take time to get to know yourself first and the process to that has a series of ups and downs, so just ride the wave with a surfer’s mindset. You’ll learn that their projections of you were never your responsibilities to begin with. Those are mere insecurities they actively decided to inflict on others. It was never your cross to bear. So why be bound by others’ fears when you have your own life to live according to your will?
The last thing you’re in denial is having opportunities to start again. This one felt rather odd to interpret because it feels more like a mindset issue. Particularly, you’re held back by your scarcity mindset, thinking you don’t have any opportunities to be abundant, when in reality, you do, it’s just that, it’s in a way that you never thought was possible. Okay, I think I’m starting to make sense of how this card is being interpreted.
So, do you about how the law of assumption works? What do you assume becomes your reality? It’s kinda like that but, it’s more of your reality unfolding to what you believe in. So let me try to break it down further with an example.
So if you assume that you don’t have a lot of going for you, then your mind will naturally find reasons/proofs around you to back up that belief. Your mind would like to reason why you don’t have a lot. Does this explanation make more sense for you? Do let me know in the comment section.
With that, the reverse is the solution. If you want to find reasons why you are having a great life, phrase your affirmations into questions. So for example, instead of saying, “The universe loves to take care of me”, rephrase it as “How is the universe showing me that it loves to take care of me?”. So when your brain hears that, it will look for signs, proofs, or shreds of evidence around you that will answer that question.
Another affirmation that you can turn into an ASK-firmation is “My life is amazing” into “Why is my life so amazing?”. Just try turning your affirmations into questions, read it first thing before you go to your phone, like any typical affirmation practice. Let me know how it goes.
(So this concludes your reading, Pile 2. I just want you to know that no matter what your age, race, socio economic class is, you have every right and opportunity to try again.)
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Pile 3: World, 7 of Wands, King of Wands
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(TW: I did not expect how unhinged the call-out is in this pile. So… like always, I’m sorry in advance)
Hi Pile 3, based on the first card, it seems that you’re in denial of your desire for belongingness. It’s giving, “I don’t care what anyone else says because I got me; then I cry myself to sleep because fck, I’m so lonely and feels so unwanted.” Yup, this pile needs a trigger warning too.
It could be that picked on you because of your uniqueness or nonconforming personal values. Another potential interpretation is being of mixed race or being in an environment that’s predominantly occupied by a different socio-economic class. There’s this heavy Uranian, almost Aquarius dominant energy in this pile.
Now, you don’t need to have the placements I’ve stated in your chart, this is just the initial vibe of this pile, the socially awkward and outcast pile. Now, as human beings, we’re social creatures, though varies depending on a person’s preference to live more introvertedly or extrovertedly. Even introverts have friends.
So with this pile, you might have been used to this prevalent shadows of alienation and ostracization by your peers/community because of the aforementioned clues above. But just because you’re used to it, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt you or affect you in a negative way.
You know that it’s impossible to be liked by everyone, but it’d be nice to have a few like-minded individuals that you resonate with on a soul level. It’d be nice if you find your own supportive community too, which is absolutely normal. So please don’t shame yourself for wanting to belong. But you also need to remind yourself that if you have to change and dim your light to be accepted, you’re serenading the wrong crowd.
There’s this really niche suggestion because, in this economy, it’s not that easy to just pack up and leave into a different city/country that you feel called to, but if you have the means and you’ve thoroughly done your research, then by all means, pack up and go where you are appreciated.
Basically, the line goes, “Don’t dwell where you’re unappreciated.” But you still need funds, so if it helps you be motivated to get out and move away, try to do as much research on that city/country while working to save up for the necessary expenses you’d likely incur in your first 6 months in that new environment. If you need to learn the language, self-study in your spare time. Slowly find little ways to integrate the culture there into your daily life while preparing to leave.
But yes, pile 3, you’re not asking too much to wanna feel like you belong. There’s nothing wrong with you. So don’t apologize for wanting this, okay?
Another thing you might be in denial about is your overly defensive responses like easily triggered knee-jerk reactions brought about by denying the existence of your unhealed trauma from childhood. Damn, I really should put a trigger warning for this pile. Pile 3, you guys okay?? Still alive, barely breathing??
Seems to me that if you chose this pile, you got a whole lot to unfold. I can’t even make silly jokes to lighten the mood a bit. So the only thing I can do for you so that whatever time of your life you’re reading this, I hope you know, at least one person in the world wants to give you a Long Distance warm hug. I might not be there physically, but I am in spirit. But if you actually feel something holding you when you’re alone, then that’s a whole different spirit that you need to deal with personally.
So, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t stand up for yourself. What I’m saying is to be unaffected in public and execute your sassy vengeance in the shadows. LOL. But if you’re the type to be patient enough to let karma do its thing, then just wait and let the sht hit the fan when karma’s ready to come swinging.
Finally, the last thing you’re probably in denial of is your ability to take charge and lead. Pile 3, it seems that you’re the type that struggles to see yourself in a positive light. With how harsh and unemotionally draining your formative years may have been, you’ve been told too many times to suppress and conform that you ended up losing a little bit of yourself after every critique and degrading insult.
I’m here to tell you Pile 3, you have every right to feel what you feel. Don’t run away from it. Don’t deny it. Don’t shove it so far down your subconscious that it becomes a self-depreciating core belief that you’d struggle to heal in the future. Owning your power, accepting your light, harnessing your capability to lead and go forward. These things are way out of your comfort zone. Yet you know that these are things you are absolutely capable of. Let’s call it “Talents in statis”.
For you to awaken such latent abilities, you need to be gentle and compassionate with yourself in this journey. Self-development is a series and cycles of explore, experiment and re-strategize. So, if one approach didn’t sit well with you, there are other ways to improve that would best fit you. Curate your life as you see fit. Don’t just focus on working on the actually work need to be done. Work on improving and mastering your skills. The more you learn how to lead yourself, the more you’ll learn to feel more confident in leading others.
Don’t view mistakes as some irreparable stain in your soul. Mistakes are lessons guised as challenges for the purpose of character development. So, like a child that still learning to walk, feel free to do it messily and clumsily. It is in these attempts would you be able to harness and fully acknowledge your capability to influence and lead with conviction.
(This concludes the end of your reading, Pile 3. You know yourself best, both strengths and weaknesses. So you know what you need and have to do in order for you to learn to acknowledge the things you’ve been in denial about.
If you struggle to figure out how to start, do your research that you feel best addresses your current state of being. As always, take it slow, show compassion towards yourself, and always remember that “It’s only cringe until you make it.”)
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Pile 4: 8 of Swords, Queen of Cups, Fool
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(TW, yet again: This pile mentioned certain terms that might be triggering. So, if you intuitively feel that this is truly your pile, pause now and then. Let yourself just sit and breathe.)
Hi, Pile 4, the first thing you’re in denial about is that you are actually in pain. This pile feels like my self-sacrificing modern-day martyrs, particularly people who are or were in an abusive relationship. Another interpretation is being in denial of your codependency towards people who are doing wrong by you. Could also being in denial of being stuck in some mental cage of scarcity and limiting beliefs.
Damnnn, I need a trigger warning in front of this reading. This is giving “I can fix them” and “They’re not actually that bad until you get to know them”. Another vibe I can feel in this pile is accepting people for their potential. Also, this pile is giving “unappreciated hero martyred at the plaza pyre” vibes. The type that doesn’t realize just how much pain endured in hopes of acquiring the idea of someone. This is giving “limerence turned discarded puppet” vibes.
I’m sorry Pile 4 but the people who harmed you chose to stay for the benefit of their convenience, not out of love. They knew what they were doing to you was wrong. So please stop deluding yourself and remove those rose-colored glasses to see them for who they truly are, the master puppeteer of your demise.
Oh dear, pile 4 I really want to give you a hug! Please be brave and ask for help that you need. Report to the authorities and ask for their protection/assistance. Seek therapy. Talk to a friend. Do anything. Don’t leave yourself in a constant state of confusion because of their prolonged gaslighting had you questioning if you really being treated right or being suck dry of your energy and resources.
If you’re still confused if the amount of pain and trauma you’ve endured is normal, tell it to a trustworthy friend who can hold a safe space for you to speak your truth. Don’t leave out details. And listen to what they have to say after you’ve said your piece. You’ll know just how bad you’ve gone through with the help of their insight.
Another thing you’re in denial about pile 4 is your warm and loving nature. This could cause you to be shocked that this is something you’re in denial about because with everything you’ve gone through, you wonder, how can you still be warm and loving after all the pain you’ve gone through? But that’s the thing of pain, right? It highlights a clue as to what needs to be addressed.
When highlighting a certain issue that needs your attention, it’s expected that you subconsciously disregarded outer aspects of your life. Like, with how much pain you’ve endured, you’d question, how can someone with a broken spirit that lost hope, be considered as warm and loving.
Maybe, prior to the unfortunate series of your life, you were this warm, kind and nurturing person, that won’t hesitate to gave to someone else in need. Maybe the version of you before those pain is the version of you that’s warm and loving.
But I’m telling you right now, Pile 4, if you truly aren’t as warm and loving as you claim to be, then why didn’t inflict the pain you’ve sustain to other people? Why didn’t you pass your pain to someone else? Why do you still wish for a better and happier life? Why do you still have hope? I’ll leave this for you to answer whenever you feel like it.
Bad people wouldn’t feel bad nor wouldn’t contemplate if what they did or said could unintentionally hurt someone else. See? You’re not as bad and hopeless as you perceive yourself as. So, please pile 4, and never forget that once you get yourself out of that unfortunate situation, it’s safe for you to exist. It is safe for you to put yourself first. It is safe for you to try again.
Finally, you are in denial about your sense of wonder and innocence. It might have been because you had experienced quite a bit of betrayal from people who mistook your kindness for weakness in the past. Because of how you were played the Fool for seeing the potential in people, these manipulators used your sympathetic heart against you, making you guarded and distrustful.
You might have hated how you wanted to share your kind and giving heart when you were surrounded by a crowd of traitors. This made you resentful and closed off from the world to the point that you don’t see any reason to want to try socializing again Pile 4.
You are not at any fault for wanting to see life in a better and more positive light, Pile 4. We are living in a time where gaslighting and manipulation are the unfortunate societal norm. So being your authentic wonderful self takes courage and strength in this confusing period in time. As hard as it is to do, please don’t like the toxicity of the world corrupt your heart.
There’s nothing wrong with who you are and who you want to become. Embrace this innocence with open arms as this is actually one of your superpowers.
(This concludes the end of your reading, pile 4. Admitting to yourself that you’ve gone through pain doesn’t make you weak. Believing in the goodness of others doesn’t make you stupid. Treating people with love, compassion and respect is an unfortunate rarity in our modern world.
So let yourself feel what you’ve denied acknowledgment before. Be the safe space you want to exist in. Do take care and don’t feel bad for standing up for yourself.)
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Always remember, this is for entertainment purposes only. If you are going through stuff, seek professional help.
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tarotofhope · 25 days
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PAC: Self-Care Tips For Your Own Well Being
(Please Read My Pinned post *IMPORTANT NOTE* before selecting a Pile)
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Pick an Image by meditating and selecting the image you feel called to. You can be attracted towards more than 1 image. If you are not able to select maybe this reading isn't for you.
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Pile 1:
Cards: Father Of Wands, The Hermit And Politics- 7 Of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 1. Beware of snakes in your own garden. You need to stay away from people who are controlling, manipulating, taking advantage of you, those who are not grateful for you being there for them. It also seems like you're not able to tell good people from bad ones, because of this, you might also sometimes have a wrong judgement of certain people. Your self care tip would be to keep yourself away and safe from people who seem to be your friend/good towards you, but is actually a backbiter. Some may be rude towards you openly as well, people/friends/family who use you or talk to you only when they want something from you and then they leave you, people who always treat you as a second option or a bystander. So, the card 'Politics' which is the '7 of Swords' card in tarot fits well here because people might be playing politics with you, backstabbing you, tricking you and what not. I'm also hearing defame, so, for a few of you, it could be that you're a popular person, famous for your work, and some people whom you consider friends might actually be slandering you behind your back. One advice is, try to observe certain patterns in people's behaviour, try to observe closely and decide for yourself. See, I'm not trying to scare you. It's just what I felt from the cards.
So I wish you good luck. Love, Light, Peace and Hope to you.
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Pile 2:
Cards: 6 Of Wands, Ace Of Swords and Morality-Queen Of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 2.
You're someone who is in the process of awakening. Your intuition is at point, you're hunches are mostly correct. You're aware of your body needs, what it likes and what it doesn't, your mind and soul. People might perceive you as awkward, weird or they might also think that you're out of your mind, irrational even, but it is so because you have unique thoughts and ideas. Let them have their own perceptions. You just need to know that you don't need to fit in. Your ideas are gold, don't let others let you down. You just need to keep standing out and fight to remain there. You feel like executing a weird plan/business idea or project, do it. Fight for your passions. Your words, yes, your words have a lot of positive effect(either written or oral), speak them, write them, live them. Fight until you succeed, it's not going to be easy but it's going to be worth all the effort.
So I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 3:
Cards: Death, The Emperor and Awareness-The Chariot.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 3.
I can see 2 phases here. It's going to be different for everybody. 1st phase is, some beloved one of yours, someone very close to you might have passed away, so you feel like the world has come to eat you, you feel so small, like this is the end of the world but no my dear, let me tell you one thing, only if you allow the universe and open up your heart shall you receive something better. Remember that change is essential no matter how heart breaking or soul wrenching. You need to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Your life needs a lot more organisation, de-cluttering and changes here and there. Your body is your home, if you don't try to heal yourself, if you resist change, you'll not be able to function properly in the long term. 2nd phase is, you went through a huge glow up, you took care of your body and your mental health. Somehow, you look much better, much healthier, meaning you already went through change and put the required effort. You are much calmer and serene now. If you've gone through this phase, nobody would be able to break you.
So, that was all. I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 4:
Cards: 9 Of Wands, The Moon, Breakthrough-Justice.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 4. It seems like you've got a lot of trust issues, my dear pile 4. You've build a wall around you and you don't let people in. You might be secretive and don't like to expose yourself in the fear that people might harm you or take advantage of you. You might also be very picky and have very few people that are very close to you. This all could be due to a heartbreak for some people while others are like that by nature. Someone here is also rejecting proposals and not giving love a chance. For a few of you, I'm also hearing guilt, you might also carry a guilt within you, it could be a past mistake, a wrong decision, a fault, a lie or anything which had harmed you or anybody else. Forgiveness is necessary, for yourself and others. There is a lack of balance here but you need to know that you will be fine. Not everybody is here to hurt you, so you can open up and as far as guilt is concerned, do things which bring positivity in yours and others' lives. Help people as much as you can. Fill the void. Be that hope for somebody, a helping hand for another and so on.
So, that's all.
I wish you good luck.
Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 5:
Cards: 10 Of Cups Reverse, The Moon, Stress- 7 Of Wands.
Welcome to your reading Pile 5. You seem to want to have everything under your own control, which is not healthy either for you or others. You are either over-protective or very possessive or both. There is a lack of balance. You need to calm down a bit and let go of things because the universe has not burdened only you to take all the responsibilities of yourself and others as well. So, start surrendering things to the universe/God/ whatever power you believe in. It might be like a strong urge to do things by yourself and not taking the help of others. For some of you, this could also be a toxic habit of imposing your way of doing things on others/deciding for others unnecessarily even when not asked for. This pile especially needs to meditate a lot. Looks like you guys have strong leadership qualities which is a really good thing but using authoritative power correctly is very important. Some of you also have a habit of clinging to toxic people/your own possessions, which needs to be changed. I'm getting very maternal/nurturing energy from your pile. Remember it's an energy that I'm talking about which applies to both the genders. You're like mommy/daddy of your friend group. If this is not you then this could be your parent or your guardian. Either way, this habit needs to be controlled and balanced, even if you're the victim of such issues, you need to talk to that other person and create your own healthy boundaries.
So, this was all I got.
I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Thank you so much for being here. I post PAC readings every Tuesday and Friday. Do love and support by reblogging, liking or following.
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osamucide · 9 months
nsfw alphabet - osamu dazai . . . .ᐟ
wc: 2.1k
cw: gn!reader - no explicit anatomy mentioned, switch leaning sub!dazai, nicknames “pretty,” “honey,” and “babe” for reader, one instance of “daddy,” brief mentions of choking/spitting/slapping/marking/collaring/edging/dacryphilia, graphic mentions of cum, cum eating, CUM, degenerate!dazai my beloved
reid: no one asked for this i just be thinking uwu enjoy
. . . .ᐟ
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
it’s dazai - he’s lazy and kind of a princess. unless cleaning up is absolutely necessary (read: you both and the sheets are drenched in sweat and/or cum) he will just want to stay where you are and cuddle and be loved on
usually chatty afterward. loves to chit chat. if you’re too sleepy to hold a conversation, he’ll play with your hair and you can listen to him talk about the fall of the byzantine empire
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
dazai is aware that he has attractive hands. there isn’t a single part of himself he’s not at least a little conscious of, but he knows his hands are both pretty and skilled, so he might as well try to be proud of them!
can’t pick a favorite body part on his partner. it changes by the day. one day it’s your waist, the next it’s your hair, wednesday it’s your thighs, most fridays he prefers your hands, sometimes it’s your stomach, other days it’s your ass. . .
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i know it tastes like sulfuric acid
cums so much. like an obscene amount.
he definitely has a thing for seeing you covered in his cum - whether it’s on your chest, face, back. . .
filthy nasty when it comes to cleanup. you made a mess on his fingers? he made a mess in your hands? your hole is dripping with his cum and yours? his mouth is on it. shameless
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
less dirty and more just embarrassing for him - he usually cries after make-up sex.
if you argue and then fuck it out, tears will be rolling down his face while he cums - he loves you so much! he doesn’t want a petty argument to ever make you rethink your relationship with him
if you notice this, no you don’t. to him it’s a fucking secret okay
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
while i do think he probably hoed around toward the end of/after his mafia days, i don’t think he’s as experienced as anyone expects him to be.
liked the feeling but hated the vulnerability. it was a tradeoff he wasn’t willing to make anymore at some point. eventually realized he needs to build up a level of trust with potential sexual partners
once that trust is built up though. hooo boy
that genius brain of his isn’t just for detective work
he’s intuitive and a quick learner. absolutely knows what he’s doing.
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
lazy man loves to wrap one arm around your neck and play with you with his free hand while he thrusts into you from behind <3
really partial to any position that lets him bite your neck and kiss your face and groan in your ear (hopes you do the same to him)
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
can’t help the occasional one liner. he’s a natural comedian
dazai rather enjoys more playful sex where you both can laugh and talk throughout - sometimes it feels more intimate than serious, stone-faced sex
takes on a more serious air if he’s feeling jealous or insecure
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
will adhere pretty firmly to whatever your preference is!
if you have no preference, he just trims when he’s unruly - maybe once every two weeks or so
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
physically extremely sensual and aware of your body - little touches and breaths on your skin, lingering eyes, things that would get glossed over by anyone who isn’t a romantic at heart
tries (and succeeds) to swoon you verbally, too.
“need to feel you, please.”
“fuck- we fit s’ well together, don’t you think so?”
“‘m all yours, honey.”
“c’mon, pretty, fuck me like you own me.”
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
pillow humper.
he’s lazy! don’t get the idea that he’s above stroking himself because he’s not, but sometimes he just doesn’t feel like it
just imagine him in the first light of the morning waking up before his alarm with an unforgiving hard on. . .he was probably dreaming about you! and if you’re not there, what else is he supposed to do other than fold a pillow between his legs and grind on it until he cums in his boxers?
nnnnhhnmnmghshdhd pillow humper dazai <3
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
choke. this. man.
whether he’s topping bottoming subbing domming whatever he cums 10x harder when your hands are anywhere near his neck
likes fingers in his mouth uwu since he’s confident in his hands, he’s definitely into you sucking on his fingers too
pry his jaw open and spit on his tongue. he will gladly return the favor, if you wish
slap him if you’re comfortable. he’s down for it. he usually hates pain, but if it’s supplemental to pleasure?
big fan of biting and scratching too, both ways if you’ll indulge him.
likes having matching marks <3
leash and collar this man while he’s on his knees and tell him it’s where he belongs. he’ll agree!
edges the hell out of you when he doms. maybe likes to see you cry a little bit <3
on the softer side, he adores being praised - bonus points if you can mix in some subtle and tasteful degradation. loves being told how good he feels, how good he’s letting you use him, how good of a boy he is. . .
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
he prefers the privacy of your bedroom so he can completely let go of his reservations
buuuuuut also gets excited about car sex uwu something about how the windows fog up, and how desperate and feral it can feel. . .
at the end of the day, he’s never met a flat surface he couldn’t fuck on. if he wants you, he’ll find somewhere to have you
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you get intense about anything. discussing something you’re very passionate about? someone or something is visibly pissing you off? you’re road raging? dazai’s ready to drop ‘em
oh lord about to get the works cited page going. next bullet point references this post by user cqthqrtic (not tagging as to not surprise them with random nsfw content in their notifs, however if you see this, legend, and want tagged do let me know!), who pioneered my favorite degenerate!dazai and i think about him OFTEN
so with that, on a less wholesome note than the first one, i fully agree that calling him names like sicko, perv, freak, etc. gets him going like you would not fucking believe. he lives for your half-disgusted little reactions when he whispers filth in your ear in public or proposes some depraved shit like eating his own cum out of you. god forgive me
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
heavy, intense degradation. he’s already hyper-convinced that he’s a piece of shit. keep it to the classics; he likes being your dumb slut, your fucktoy, your brat, etc. and mix it up with praise. he does not like being called useless, bad, good for nothing else, etc.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
a real eater. a proud munch. so fucking smug about it too
his mouth + his hands? you’re seeing god
cannot however deny how much he loves your mouth on his cock. he’ll almost never ask for it, but he’ll also never say no to it.
might get carried away and fuck your throat a little - don’t worry, he’ll compensate you. ride his face til he can’t breathe
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
almost always wants to take his time with you! he’s got a lot of self control and he uses that to his advantage
he can’t get over how tender it feels to bury his face in your neck, wrap his arms around you, and feel your nails in his back while he’s fucking you deep and unhurriedly
he loves slow, sleepy, lazy sex where his hands can just roam every inch of your body.
don’t get it twisted - dazai will absolutely fuck you fast and rough if you just say the word
want him to go faster and harder? give his hair a good tug <3
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not his favorite methodology, last letter considered.
won’t decline if it’s to get out of work <3 bring him lunch at the office and he might just bend you over the bathroom sink
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’ll try just about anything once.
this man spent his most formative years in a front row seat to observe humanity at its filthiest - anything that happens with mutual consent and good intent between you two in the bedroom can’t be that horrible.
besides, he loves discovering new kinks of his with you <3
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
only one or two rounds, maybe three on a good day, but he manages his time well.
spends anywhere from 15-30 minutes on foreplay on the first go around
will let you rest between rounds but continue kissing on you and teasing you lightly so it all just feels like one dreamy and continuous round
with his insane self control he could easily drag a couple rounds of sex out for hours. many hours.
however, he won’t usually keep you longer than three or so hours; on the flip side, he rarely spends less than 45 minutes on you.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
not opposed to you bringing toys to the table, but no, he doesn’t own any.
he can makeshift some handcuffs out of a belt so quick - what would he need to buy them for?
not a fan of having toys used on him, but he’ll go to town on you if you want <3
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
oh brother
will hold off on cumming himself just so he can draw your orgasm out longer. sensing a theme here? when i tell you his self control is insane.
beg him all you want - he goes into it knowing exactly how long he’s going to edge you for <3
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he can hold himself back and be quiet. . .does not like to, though!
high quality triple x this-shit-rated-porn ass moans, sighs, grunts, and whines coming out of him regardless of his position. he was meant to be LOUD. he likes to let you know how good you make him feel!
cusses so much.
whatever he’s babbling gets so breathy and growly when he’s close
“thank you thank you thank you fuck thank you” while he cums <3
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
wanna make him bust on the spot? call him daddy while he’s in you <3
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
average thickness but god he’s long
we’re talkin pushing eight inches
no curve, very few veins, blushy pink tip
sticks straight up and twitches when he’s hard <3
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
contrary to popular (?) belief, i think his sex drive is average if not a little lower
mostly just up for it whenever you are! you bring it up? sure, he’s game <3
about who initiates sex: 60/40, you/him respectively.
if he’s not in the mood will say some really lame and uncomfortably silly shit like “i think mr. pinky’s asleep right now babe” 👎
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
no he wants. to. CHAT
has enough trouble sleeping at night as it is! kind of just wants to go back to snuggling and hanging out when you’re done
again if it’s bedtime and you’re sleepy, he’ll just talk softly about whatever until he hears you snoring.
might pick up a book for an hour or so before joining you in the dream world <3
always smooches you goodnight whether you’re awake or not.
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illubean · 4 months
Lmao crack request: How much/What kind of stupid shit would it take for hxh bois to divorce/kill their spouse or come close to it
Like a spouse that meets all their other requirements, But is just an absolute moron in the most mundane ways (confusing salt with sugar, forgoting their birthday/dates, cannot be trusted around open flame, will eat thing they're not supposed to if left alone, tripping in pulic and embarrassing them.)
Chrollo, Illumi, and Machi(Plus anyone else you want honestly)
What Would Make HXH Characters Kill/Divorce You
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Characters: Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Machi Komacine
IM BACK!! or am i (smirk emoji)
Warnings: killing and divorce duh
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Illumi Zoldyck
it already takes a lot for Illumi to even consider being with someone so I'd imagine it would take a lot for him to kill you
divorce is not and never will be an option for this man
its either you are married forever or he is killing you
the only way I can see him killing you is if you cheat or pose some sort of threat to the family
and even if you did cheat he's more likely to kill the other person than you...
honestly if you act up he'd probably just lock you in a basement or something
you must have some crazy redeeming qualities for this guy to be with you because why the hell are you so dumb
he probably uses your idiocy against you
as in he manipulates you..
you don't pick up on it obviously but you're generally happy so i guess it doesn't matter
ignorance is bliss i guess
Chrollo Lucilfer
poor Chrollo
he already has a whole troupe to run and has to hide from the cops and whatnot
but now he has a dumb ditzy s/o? lord help him
a part of him lwky likes that you're so stupid but the other part of him...not so much
like aww you depend on him but also Oh my god you can't be left alone.
you stress this man OUT
i don't think he could ever get to the point of considering marrying you stupid or not
his live is too busy to be tied down like that
also since he likes you in the first place I don't think he'd ever have it in him to kill you
unless you were like a serious threat or something
he lightly pokes fun at you for your lack of spatial awareness like when you walk into poles or trip over something that was easily avoidable
but it does get tiring having to yank you out of the way of oncoming traffic or trying to stop you from wandering off
Machi Komacine
Machi is very level headed so I doubt she'd kill you over anything dumb
and she has sharp intuition so I doubt she'd marry you in the first place if she felt there was room for divorce
but she's very loyal to the Troupe and Chrollo so that being said, if you pose a threat to them she might kill you
but if somehow you guys get married and she doesn't realize how stupid you are before she's definitely realizing it now
it takes a long time of little things for her to actually divorce you
like wtf do you mean you ate her wax melts because they looked like chocolate? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAVE TO CHECK EXPIRATION DATES???
she's surprised you haven't accidentally killed yourself yet
her breaking point is when you tried making instant ramen in the microwave
With no water.
You ended up setting it on fire.
she stares blankly into the flaming appliance and says flatly "I want a divorce"
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tarotbymo · 2 months
What do you need to hear right now?
Pile one
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Pile two
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Pile three
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Pile one
(High priestess rx, five of pentacles, knight of swords, the empress rx)
Your intuition is strong at this time, so use it! Tune into any religious or spiritual practises, this is the time for it. The moon is in its first quarter so this is the time for new beginnings, and stop procrastinating! Just do the thing, lol. Something that was hidden may be revealed to you, so keep an eye out for that. You need to know that life isn’t so black and white, some of you may struggle with black and white thinking, all or nothing, you have to know that there is good in the bad and bad in the good. Eat lots of fruits, salads, light things would be good for you at this time. Look for the good in all situations, the light within, the broken rays filtering through refracted shards. Remember that even though life may be a struggle, there is beauty all around us. Pile one, you need to slow down and enjoy those fruits I was talking about! You may be receiving a letter or an email, so keep an eye out for that. Lastly, enjoy the summer while it lasts, some of you are highly fertile during this time and if you don’t want to get pregnant then be careful! Remember always that you are loved!
Pile two
(four of pentacles rx, five of pentacles rx, the wheel of fortune, eight of wands)
Pile two, stop consuming so much negative media! You’re trapped, enthralled in a maze and spiral of doomscrolling, lol. Stay grounded, remember your connection to the earth and everything around us, really for this pile I’m gonna say touch grass (but not in a mean way). Remember that whilst you’re climbing the ranks in society, you have to remain humble. Don’t let it all get to your head and be lulled by a false sense of grandeur. At the end of the day, we are all just humans trying to figure out this crazy and mysterious thing called life. Go for a hike, pile two! And remember to admire the beauty of nature, take in some deep breaths. Time is of the essence, really, for you, because you are working on something! It’s going to go well for you, I see. Beware of any deceitful people around you, and try not to be too cutting with your words generally. Now is a good time to get travelling if you want, if you are then know that things may be a little bumpy, but you’ll get there!
Pile 3
(six of wands, eight of pentacles, the sun, king of cups)
Pile 3, I feel that you’re really coming into your own. You’re at a point where you’re no longer phased by other people’s opinions and negativity, you’re on higher ground spiritually and you might even have gotten a raise or a promotion recently, so congrats! However, things may be a little thorny for you at present and you feel like your hands are tied in a specific situation. You can free yourself so easily if you just keep doing what you’ve been doing. Ignore the haters and keep on shining! I see your finances improving greatly, money is just stacking up. The path you’re walking is not a straight one, there are many peaks and troughs, but you will find that it will get you where you need to be. Soon you will be celebrating and celebrated, but for now don’t be afraid to dip your toes in your powerful emotions and cry, release it all if need be. Keep a tighter hold on your finances and remember to always remain positive, also fill your own cup before filling others’!
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sim0nril3y · 1 year
Omg I love this series so much 😭 you’re an amazing writer!
I was wondering how things would go down if perhaps the reader was being stalked by their ex or something like that? Please don’t feel like you have to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable or anything like that! Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day! 💚
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Firstly, thank you so much! You are so sweet, friend! Secondly, oooh, that is super interesting! Please find answer to your request below. Warnings: Stalking behavouir, slight smut (nothing too graphic just a little something), canon-typical swearing.
I think initially it might be something that the reader might try to hide from him. Like, this is embarrassing or thinking Simon might think it is too trivial or that you’re overreacting. So, maybe you don’t tell him at first, but he’s intuitive, right? He’ll start to notice that you’re using the bolt on the door in your flat more often, locking your windows which is strange because you usually have them thrown open to stop your flat smelling like art supplies, looking over your shoulder a little more when you’re walking beside him. The biggest red flag for him is when you ask if he’ll start dropping you to and from work. You have never once asked him to do that since being in a relationship. Regardless he agrees and notices that you a little more relaxed when he’s around.
It isn’t until he’s picking you up from work one night that Simon notices that you’re in conversation. He’ll frown, hands gripping the steering wheel before recognising that panicked look on your face. Stalking towards you two Simon will start to pick up small pieces of conversation. “We’re over.” You need to leave me alone.” “I’ve moved on.” It didn’t take a genius to pick up that you were familiar with this person, there was a history here. You’d both shared that awkward conversation about past relationships, maybe this was Francis. “There a problem here?” Simon steps behind you, placing a protective hand on your waist instinctually.
God, it’s fucking good to notice the way that you calm in his presence, instantly looking less tense and even stepping back towards him accepting that protective aura. “Who the fuck is this?” The man in front of him gestures to Simon who is all too happy to inform him. “I’m her fucking partner.” He bit out, hands securing tighter on his waist, moving her to his side rather than in front of him giving him the ability to intervene swiftly if this lad decides to do anything stupid. “Who the fuck wants to know?” Simon could see the disappointed on Francis’ face, he could see the anger and the betrayal.
It didn’t come to blows that night and by the time Simon took you home he had gotten all the details. You had noticed Francis had been hanging around your work a few times, mostly saying he was there drinking with friends, but you’d never noticed him with anyone. It was something you had chalked up to coincidence, but started to get more worried as you noticed him showing up when you were shopping and then even spotting him at the carpark outside your flat. It had startled you.
“Why didn’t you tell me, love?” Sat on the sofa in your flat he took your hands so gently and squeezed them. “I could’ve nipped this in the bud quickly.” “I don’t want you getting into fights for me, Simon.” Your voice was tiny and he allowed a quiet sigh to pull from him before tugging you into his strong body, rubbing your back comfortingly and replying evenly. “Nothing is too trivial.”
That night Simon spent time making you feel safe in your own home again, making you a tea, running you a bath, watching some trashy reality show you enjoyed, eating your sweet cunt on the sofa, messy and passionate, grunting at the taste and never taking his eyes off your writhing form. Then once done he put you to bed peacefully, soft kiss on the forehead. He couldn’t sleep though, not with that twat still out there. No, he needed backup on this and knew instantly who to call. Price knew someone that might be able to find some intel for him, he'd make some contacts and get back to him – that was a promise. Price knew that if Simon was asking for help, then it must have been serious, he didn’t pry and he didn’t question, simply agreed, like he knew Simon would do for him if the situation was reversed.
Keeping to his word Price gave him all the details that Simon would need for Francis including his work and home address. Not wasting any time Simon stopped by his workplace the next morning, sat in the carpark and just waiting, watching as Francis eerily felt like he was being watched, just how you had felt, that same eking paranoia eating away into the back of his mind. The torture Simon inflicted was slow and sweet, for weeks he would keep a very close eye on Francis and leaving enough evidence around his home that Francis knew someone was watching him, but never being able to catch him. All this meant that you hadn’t seen anything of Francis either, you went back to living your normal life, completely unaware of what Simon was doing all the while.
Once it was finally time to put this all to an end Simon put his mask to good use along with a dark alley that Francis had walked down. With a hard yank Simon forced him up against the brick wall. “Not nice being followed, is it?” The boy trembled in his hands. “Listen to me, boy. If I ever catch you lingering ‘round near my missus again I’ll make sure no one sees you again. Am I clear?” Simon didn’t even need to say you name aloud for Francis to understand who he was being warned away from. “Am I clear?!”
“Yes! Yes! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll… you’ll never seen me again! I swear! I swear!” Throwing him to the ground Simon swiftly left the area, stashing his trusty mask and tact gear in the car before driving to pick you up from work. This would be the end of it, Simon was sure. Now at least you could return to your regular life without needing to look over your shoulder. Honestly, dealing with a troublesome ex-boyfriend was just the tip of the iceberg of what he was willing to do for you. His main priority was you living a happy and full life and he’d be damned if you weren’t going to do that.
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Ask | Masterlist | 30-08-2023
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softomboy · 2 months
Jotaro/Kakyoin/Polnareff X Autistic Reader ★HEADCANONS★
How would the Crusaders treat you regarding your special traits?
. ݁₊ ⊹ G/N Reader ݁₊ ⊹ .SFW. ݁₊ ⊹
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Themes: Inappropriate use of stands, Touch sensitivity, Noise sensitivity, Food "pickiness", Photosensitivity, Sense of humor, Overstimulation, Burnout.
As my fellow autistic people might know, we all have different traits. I'll base these HCS based off my general experience. Also, english is my 2nd language so sorry beforehand for weird expressions, if there's any. Enjoy! <3
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Jean Pierre Polnareff
❥ I really think he would be the most understanding (alongside Avdol) and supportive, that's why I'm putting him first
❥ When you two gained a little confidence after meeting eachother, he made sudden physical contact without announcing himself (slapping your back or firmly holding your shoulder out of the blue), which he didn't know would greatly startle you, even if you didn't show it.
❥ Since you explained it to him, he became THE GENTLEST. He tries to be in front of you or at your side whenever he's about to make physical contact, in order for you to anticipate and mentally permit the action.
❥ He caresses your shoulder and back, surrounds you with his arm, occasionally hugs you.
❥ You know the crusaders are trustworthy, and great guys. So you don't feel hesitant to make physical contact with them at all, which is very valuable.
❥ He's the most touchy with you because you two get along very well.
❥ His generally cheerful attitude helps your anxious one.
❥ Not to mention that his simple humor and his goofyness are absolute gold
❥ He makes you laugh a lot with the stupidest puns, and the others can see him inflating his chest with pride from making you feel happy.
❥ Whenever you don't understand a joke, one of the crusaders will always explain it to you. But when Polnareff doesn't understand it as well, you become the clueless duo™️
❥ When you're going to eat at a hotel buffet, restaurant... He always remembers what your go-to foods are, and points them out for you.
❥ "Look, y/n-chan! They have (food) here!"
❥ If you're overstimulated, he'll give you space and tell the others to keep as quiet as possible and not disturb you. He'll literally be your guard knight for the day and remember you he'll help in any way he can.
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Kakyoin Noriaki
✦ He hasn't talked with you about the 'tism a lot, because he thinks it must be a tedious enough thing to live with and doesn't wanna pressure you into informing him about all the details.
✦ However, he'll listen attentively and try to remember everything you point out about yourself. Kakyoin cares, and shows it trough his actions.
✦ He likes to gift you emeralds he creates with Hierophant Green, because fidgeting and watching the light refract in them keeps you entertained and helps a lot with stress.
✦ Whenever he notices you peacefully playing with an emerald, he smiles to himself.
✦ Especially when you're watching the sunlight bounce inside the green gem, which is beautiful. And the emerald's pretty as well.
✦ Regardless if you're good at painting or not, he'll encourage you to paint with him in order to decompress.
✦ Mostly abstract or kindergarten level paintings, nothing serious in order to set your intuition and senses free.
✦ When you forget to put on your sunglasses while it's really bright outside, he knows you'll get gradually overstimulated and pissed off.
✦ So he remembers you to put them on, or offers you his own.
✦ Always tries to get you to eat pieces of fruit when they're available.
✦ If you like fruit he'll pick up your favorites, and if not he'll try to pick the most appetizing looking ones and convince you to try them.
✦ "These dates are amazing, they almost taste like brown sugar. Want to try one?"
✦ He'll not force you to try the ones you have tried and don't like, though.
✦ He has helped you on some occasions to regulate sensorially, simply by tying a straightjacket around you with his stand. The pressure feels like a tight hug, and it is strangely soothing, calming you down completely in a matter of minutes. You're both weirdly into it.
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Jotaro Kujo
★ There's AT LEAST one thing you have in common: You don't like small talk. So being able to sit in comfortable silence with him turns out to be a nice break for both.
★ For that reason, he always listens to you, because he knows you won't talk just for the sake of it. If you bring up something, it's most likely worthy of his attention.
★ His cold behavior makes it seem as if he doesn't care about your sensitivities. However, Star Platinum shows otherwise.
★ As much as an obedient Stand he is, he's always ready to appear against Jotaro's command in order to interact with you.
★ Star has appeared in some occasions to cover your ears with his enormous hands when you're overwhelmed by all the noise in a crowded place.
★ "Give me a break..."
Jotaro whispers, walking by your side while his stand is floating above you. He is concentrating on shielding your ears from the hubbub of the place. Jotaro lets out a sigh with his mouth closed, remotely feeling the soft texture of your hair trough his stand's hands.
★ Star also brings you little gifts. Catches bugs for you to see, picks cool rocks, steals little trinkets to give you. Everything just to make you smile, which warms him to his core.
★ As much as Jotaro acts pissed about his stand manifesting w/o permission, he is actually glad that at least his Stand is able to do things for you he's too embarrassed to do himself.
★ And don't ever bring this up: you've catched him smirking once or twice at his stand's actions. Specifically when he makes you smile.
★"Eat your damn food and drink your goddamn water. If not, don't be complaining about being hungry later, because I'm not letting Star bring you snacks".
★ (Like he can do something to stop him. Seriously SP is out of control ☠️)
★ At some point, you mentioned in front of him that having a bit of weight on top of you normally helps you sleep better. Next thing you know, Star Platinum's snuggling next to you in bed whenever you're struggling to fall asleep.
★ He hugs you with one of his arms and the slight pressure of its weight makes you feel secure. (He's the cutest thing ever I seriously cannot)
I was initially planning to include Avdol and Joseph in this, but I was too lazy to keep writing ☠️😭 I am truly sorry for my sins against Avdol and Joseph fans
Maybe if I get requests for them I'll make another post for them both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) idk
Please like & repost if you like this ndv crap 😳❤️
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chic-diet-inspired · 14 days
hiii! Do u eat any vitamins to prevent and help with side effects of ⭐ ving and do they actually work😭
Cuz i saw a post with a list of vitamins and now I can't find it
It said something like calcium for deteriorating teeth and bones
And some other stuff for hair loss, skin and nails
Yes there are lots of supplements you should be taking incase you are fasting or restricting loads. Your body may start falling apart if you don't. I sometimes see people on here eat like a bag of cheerio's and a pack of biscuit and say they reached their cal limit, when they have not eaten anything that was actually nutritious (and also won't help them lose weight). I remember when I first started getting those deficiency markings on my nails. I hunted everything on the internet about it. It was either calcium or zinc deficiency. I had to look into my diet.
I know that Ed is supposed to be self-destructive and some people are okay with the deteriorating health(sometimes it is their goal) but I want to be a parent in the future and therefore I make sure to take care of myself. I do not judge anyone who does not want kids or are happy with the side effect of not having periods, struggling with an Ed is hard on itself and this community should be as tight knit as possible and support each other.
Back to the topic, I take zinc and iron supplements(Zinc for good hair and skin and iron for good periods and blood flow) because I noticed that I was having a lot of hairfall. Similarly I had tried being vegan and it didn't work out for me much, hence the white marks on my nails. I need the calcium. I also use vitamin E externally for hair and skin. Also everyone in my family takes a vitamin D3 tablet once every fortnight. I try to get all my macros in for the day, eat balanced diet with protein, carbs and veggies(roughage), and then when I have completed my daily quota of healthy eating only then can eat one thing that I like. I also practice intuitive eating. But again what works for me may not work for you.
So my suggestion, see what feels right for your body. Look at the signs and what you are lacking a consume those supplements. And again supplements in themselves can be expensive as well so if possible try to change your diet first to cater to your needs. And also consuming supplements over a long period of time can cause resistance to them. This happened to my grandma. She used (and still takes, god knows why) calcium supplements but when she fractured one of the bones in her spinal cords the doctor looked it up and found out that she has calcium deficiency and none of the supplements were working for her. They had to give her calcium shots. So be careful what you put in you body.
And again look for what time each supplements needs to be taken, how it is going to work and what foods to avoid in case you are taking them. Like lesser salt consumption in case you decide to take iodine.
Here I attached some pictures that might help.
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harmoonix · 2 years
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Astrology Notes ☙
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A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul
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☙ 7th house Moon/Venus/Venus in Libra/Moon in Libra crave a really deep soul connection with their partners, they are ready to sacrifice everything for love and they are scared they will never find their perfect partners or someone to love them. I wanna tell you that at some point someone will come in your life and will love you no matter what❤️🥹 coming from Libra Moon so I'm one of you. 🫂
☙ 8th house placements will go through a lot of karmic healing in their life, they represent the Phoenix who rises up everytime, no matter how hurt they are. These people will become more stronger with every tear that runs down their cheeks 🫂
☙ 9th house placements have a deep love for astrology and spirituality sometimes they combine these 2 things into one and try to create something unique of them ❤️
☙ This can be only my opinion but recently i observed that people with Fire and Earth Moons can get hungry very fast? Like i swear those people can get hungry very fast either you see them eating all day 🍔 (Yes this is your sign to eat that cheeseburger)
☙ Taurus Mercury can have a very deep voice while talking, but they can talk in a very classy way enough to charm you with their words 🫶🏻
☙ Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries Mercuries can talk very fast and in a very angry way when they are annoyed. These people can say harsh words if they feel attacked by someone
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☙ Uranus - Neptune aspects can feel very dizzy or have a very powerful energy if you are around them, they give the vibe of "We coming out of a fairly tale"
☙ Taurus/Scorpio Mars have can have 9399449494949 kinks, and they continue because these people can make you feel very horny just with a simple word. Tho these people have a good love sign language 🔥
☙ People with Pisces/Libra/Leo/Cancer placements i just screams for pleasure and love, a very big type of love
☙ Cancer Risings/Risings at a Cancer Degree (4°,16°,28°) are good at hiding their emotions and make you to think they are fine when their heart had been destroyed
☙ Leo Placements scream "Sophisticated"
☙ Virgo/Capricorn in the 6th house might have a very strict diet with a very direct schedule because these people wanna be very organised and to keep their life very healthy, they are getting lazy fast .
☙ 8th house Moons can have big trust issues, is hard for them to trust 🥺🫂 they can feel the feelings very deep and these natives can feel when someone lies to them. Their intuition never miss and is a very strong one
☙ If you have Pluto in the 11th house, be careful what type of friends you have around because often this placement can be backstabbed by their fake friends 🥺❤️
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☙ Venus in the 5th house is one of the most creative houses for Venus to be in. Here Venus has a lot of talents are writing, painting and music relating. If you have a 5th house Stellium (More than 3 planets in the 5tu house) and Venus is aspecting them you can master a lot of talents trough your life
☙ Jupiter in 11th house can be a very lucky placement, your friends can be your biggest luck. Your social life can also help you a lot, but mostly the friendship here comes as your biggest luck because friends can help you a lot in this life time + if Jupiter is Retrogade in this house you can experience and go through a lot of friendship states
☙ Mars - Jupiter aspects can talk a lot about their sensuality and about their kinks, they can express their sensual side with a very confident energy in their personality
☙ Uranus aspecting the ascendant can give an very "electrified" energy in their aura. These people are like lighting ⚡
☙ Pisces Venus/12th house Venus, Venus at Pisces Degrees (12°,24°) is another placement that needs a very deep soul connection with their partners and they mostly met people who are not compatible emotionally with them and that hurts🫂🥺.
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☙ Ascendant in Libra Degrees (7°,19°), can make you a lover for vintage things, you might like to collect or to go in shops and watch over vintage architectures, the historical vintage things might be on your likes 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
☙ FIRE Mars 🔥 have a very very sensual walk while EARTH Mars have a very powerful walk. Earth - Fire Combinations with Mars gives a sensual/powerful walk
☙ People with Moon in the 4th house can have a mix of understanding and love with their mother or a sacrifice a lot for their families 🫂🫶🏻💞
☙ People with Neptune in the 9th house might have a very love for astrology and spirituality but in the same time for occult and witchery 🖤
☙ Venus making an aspect with 6th house lord can indicate a good appearance but also can make someone insecure about their body, these people usually tend to a lot of glow ups
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☙ Having a lot of Gemini/Sagittarius placements can indicate being very funny or having a very good humour
☙Venus in Leo/5th house can be a very flirty placement, they like to flirt a lot 🤗
☙ Can we talk about how Sagittarius Risings are so lucky?? These people are having a Scorpio Rising in the sidereal chart.... Is just too ICONIC
☙ Sagittarius Venuses might be like pop music very much or having a very big love for (ultra bass boosted versions?)
☙ Venus in the 11th house/In Aquarius or at Aquarius Degrees (11°,23°) might live the "Enemies to lovers" thing with their partners 😳
☙ Venus in the 6th house might attract a lot of co-workers or employees on them, these people kinda tend to project on them. People with Venus in the 6th house also can be very charming and can work in very good- aesthetically places 🫂
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With Love, Harmoonix ❣️
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nayatarot777 · 9 months
how does your family view you? • pick-a-card
*please remember that this is your family’s perception of you. it might not be how you perceive yourself.
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• pile one •
overall, i see a very positive and empowering perception that your family has of you.
first of all, they know that you’re intuitive af. clairvoyant specifically. you can see through situations and people clearly. aspects of things that they themselves perhaps miss. they feel like you can’t be lied to or tricked, so for a lot of you, your family doesn’t worry about you being naive within your friendships, relationships, and life in general. you’re not easily fooled.
there’s something about your anger too. they might see you rebuild yourself after experiencing destruction in your life - especially if someone has betrayed you or fucked you over. it seems as though you use that anger to rebirth yourself into a more “upgraded” version of yourself. you learn lessons quickly and seem to not make the same mistakes again. and thanks to your increase in awareness after these tower moments, these newfound experiences are added to your internal library of knowledge for your intuition to pick up on if similar people or situations are presented to you yet again.
you know your own power, so your family sees you as the person who dares to possess dreams and aspirations for yourself that not many others in your family would have the courage to put trust into achieving. and they know that your rebirths are motivated by what you see for yourself and your life in the future. they feel like you have a very good self esteem - or at least a high level of trust in yourself and your abilities. they feel as though you have a figurative crown on your head. if your parents are very successful people (whether that’s due to their career, building their lives from little to nothing - especially if they’re immigrants and worked hard to build the life that they have) then they believe that you’re someone who will continue on their legacy of success in your own way. i’m hearing that they don’t worry about where you’re gonna end up in life because the trust in yourself puts trust in them that you’ll build a legacy of your own.
they also see you as very head-strong. someone who controls and leads your life in whatever way you want to. you don’t seem to take no for an answer, nor pause your journey in the face of obstacles. there’s a lot of drive that you have when it comes to determining what your world looks like according to your vision. there’s something untameable about you. almost like you don’t listen to anyone. you trust that you know what’s best for you so you’re the ruler of your own kingdom with your clear vision.
despite all of your seemingly extravagant or unconventional dreams, your family believes that you’re extremely grounded in reality. you have a great balance of living within your internal world as well as the physical world. in stressful moments of life, you can balance out your emotions and view things practically. you have a good head on your shoulders and you listen to what comes from your heart space. what you actually feel in all of its authenticity and honesty.
your family also believes that you’re extremely body confident. whether this is because you take care of your body through exercise and eating well, or because you dress however the fuck you want to. the way that you dress could be a style that shows off your body for a lot of you. your family sees your self love and your self worth through this.
significant numbers: 12, 13, 28, 24, 15, 21
astrological placements/aspects: pisces/neptune, scorpio/pluto, aries/mars, taurus/venus
for more readings, check out my patreon!
• pile two •
your family views you as someone who has already undergone or who is undergoing some type of powerful personal growth within yourself. this could be related to listening to yourself and your own intuition. your family may feel like you feel as though you can’t trust them, despite trying to for so long. but for some of you, they can tell that you’ve finally decided to listen to yourself and see them for who they truly are. they can see sadness in your eyes or in your face whenever they look at you. there’s a feeling of betrayal here - from them towards you - that they recognise.
they view you as someone who feels detached from them. they could try to show you love but they can tell that you feel uncomfortable whenever they do. they’d describe the familial “love” between you and them as strange or unfamiliar to you. this “love” could’ve come after they realised that you were growing more distant from them as a last attempt at keeping you close to them. but again, they know that you know the truth about them and so the feeling of awkwardness during these attempts at trying to show affection towards you is mutually felt. they feel like you don’t want their love. like you’d rather just be left alone by them. these family members may be very energetically draining and this is how you protect your energy from them. and there’s also a feeling of this love being forced. not genuine. it’s fake or forced out of them for a lot of you and you can see that.
they might also be aware of some body image issues that you have. or this might just be their perception of you - especially if you have any body modifications like tattoos and piercings that they don’t approve of. they view this as “mutilation” of your body. i’m also seeing them view you as someone who’s very protective over your body with the clothing that you wear. based on the way that you completely cover up or your oversized clothing. so if you do have any body image issues, they might’ve picked up on them based on that observation. at least you dress like this around them. you might be uncomfortable wearing certain things around your family because they always have some comments to make about your body. but i am sensing some shame about your body for some of you. i’m seeing that for a lot of you, your family feels like you don’t treat your body like a temple. if these are the same people who’d make negative, nitpicking comments about your body then idk wtf they expect. that might’ve been their goal tbh (for those of you with malignant ass, jealous ass family members who want you to feel like shit about the way that you look).
for others of you, it’s the opposite and your family feels like you dress “too revealingly” in public or maybe online in your social media posts. for a minority of you, your family knows about your online sex work (or this is an assumption that they’ve made about you). but for some of you, there’s something about your family feeling like you’re too naked in the public eye. this could also be metaphorical, meaning that your family may feel like you’re well-known by people but i don’t get a good energy from this (from their perspective anyway). they may feel like you’re known for something that’s not a positive thing to be known for. or like you’re just vulnerable in the public eye.
they view you as someone who takes the time to take steps forward in your life. and they may feel like you’re waiting on divine timing to make moves in your life. but some of your family members view this as you just being lost and “behind” in life in some way. like your head is just up in the clouds and like you don’t really know where you’re headed in life. they don’t understand moving forward when you feel like you should be moving.
they know that you have a lot of childhood trauma to unpack. and they feel like your heart is blocked or locked because of it. for some of you, your family would like to figure out how to unlock it but i feel like they feel as though there’s not much that they can do. you may have been a very angry child, and i feel like you’re not necessarily an angry person now but your family can tell that you’re suppressing a lot. and that in order to unlock your heart (your feelings), you’re going to have to let out a lot of anger and resentment first.
significant numbers: 41, 27, 2, 18, 24, 35
astrological placements/aspects: chiron, venus in scorpio/8th house, venus conjunct chiron (particularly in the 4th house/conjunct the ic), taurus, lilith in taurus/2nd house, aquarius/uranus, lilith in 11th house/aquarius, pisces/neptune, mercury in pisces, chiron in 4th house, chiron in 5th house, aries/mars in 5th house, sun in aries, pluto in 1st house, scorpio rising, chiron in aries, chiron aspect mars (mainly conjunct)
for more readings, check out my patreon!
• pile three •
your family view you as someone who prefers to be alone. even if you know that there are people around you who love and care for you, you still prefer to be by yourself. and some of them can tell that it’s because you only feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with yourself.
they also might view you as quite messy too, whether this is your bedroom or your home in general. but there’s a lack of energy that they witness you having that’s the root cause of this.
despite all of this, they view you as someone who’s very accepting of your solitude that you use for the sake of finding peace. you could be very meditative or very peaceful by yourself within your own energy. and they feel as though, whenever they bother you in your alone time, you become very defensive and repel them. some of you may struggle with depression, but it’s not depression that you want help with. not from them at least.
this energy is vastly different to how they viewed you before. maybe compared to when you were a child. because there was some type of sudden shift in your energy towards them that resulted in you being very isolated and repellent towards them.
they either feel like they don’t know you after this shift or they feel like you don’t really know yourself. someone in your family in particular feels like you’re forgetting who you are who where you came from. maybe even who you came from. they feel like you wear a mask around them. as if there’s always a detachment between you and them. kind of similar to pile two.
i’m getting a lot of “black sheep” energy from you guys. like your family just doesn’t understand you but they know that you’re not really interested in being involved with family gatherings or interactions. if you believe that they do know that you know who you are very well, they view you as someone who hides who you truly are from them. and if you’ve always been singled out or you’ve just always felt different to everyone around you then it makes sense.
they view you as someone who’s at peace with yourself though. just not at peace when being around them. this could make them deeply sad and upset as there’s an energy of them not being able to quite pinpoint why this is the way it is. unlike in pile two. pile two’s family we’re outwardly toxic. but for you guys, i feel like your family just don’t understand you. maybe they never really tried to make an effort to. but whatever the culprit of the reasons behind your familial connections, there are a lot of unknown things that your family feels like they don’t know or understand about you.
significant numbers: 17, 9, 17, 6, 22, 10 - look up the angel number 1717 for an extra message
astrological placements/aspects: pisces, leo, pluto in 5th house, (heavy) scorpio, lilith in 4th house, pluto in 4th house, strong sun-pluto aspects, connection between cancer + scorpio/pluto placements
for more readings, check out my patreon!
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
Hi Sarah, I'm going to visit Chicago in a couple of weeks and when I think of Chicago I think of you. What would you recommend I visit/do?
Unfortunately, Chicago is not its best self for a couple months---while I maintain that the city is for all seasons, summer is undoubtedly when it's most alive. However, there are a couple things I will definitely recommend for the unseasonably warm spring traveler:
(1) Eat some food
A friendly word of warning: do not be tricked into eating Giordano's or Lou Malnotti's. Perhaps your companions might try to win you over with promises of Chicago-style hotdogs---do not be swayed! You must manfully resist! (Harold's Chicken is that good though, and if you're close to the one in Hyde Park, feel free to devour the three piece dinner of your choice. Cheap bottle of the too-sweet wine I preferred as an undergrad optional.)
A much better option is to find a place that serves whatever food you love, but does it really really well.
Do you like sophisticated twists on a brewpub menu? Try Moody Tongue in the South Loop
Or are you really more of a tapas person? Highly recommend mfk in Lincoln Park
Would you prefer something a little....meatier? My favorite steakhouse in Chicago is Tango Sur (though I would argue their empanadas are really the showstopper)
There's nowhere in the city that does Hong Kong-style barbecue like Sun Wah in Uptown---I just stopped by after the parade for the Lunar New Year, the duck is to die for.
Are you on the West Side? First of all, do not go to Big Star. I mean, it's fine, but....come on. I'd pick Forbidden Root instead, or head over to Pilsen for Rubi's if you can't survive without tacos.
There are so, so many different bars I would recommend. Chicago was the home of bootleggers for a reason, goddamn it. Still, if you can't get to Wang's (look, I like Violet Hour too, but sometimes you don't want to drink in near-darkness), Koval (the rare distillery in Chicago), or any of the many, many craft breweries we have in the city right now, you probably can stop by one of the many, many, many bars we have in Chicago, and get a drink anyway.
There are more---of course there are more!---but we don't have all day. So instead I will leave you with this bit of wisdom: don't eat at Navy Pier or anywhere too close to Lincoln Park Zoo. If you are at a bar, don't settle for a burger when sometimes, the chicken tenders are actually better. And if you absolutely must go somewhere for pizza, choose Pequod's.
(2) See a thing
Chicago has many things in it! So many things! A hundred thousand things! Unfortunately, I don't know what you're into, so I will just talk about them in general.
MUSEUMS: I am a devoted museum-goer, and Chicago has blessed me with an endless feast. There are the big ones, of course---the Field Museum of Natural History, the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd Aquarium, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Art Institute of Chicago. However, my favorites are smaller, more unique: the International Museum of Surgical Sciences, Intuit (though it's temporarily closed, more's the pity), the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures at UChicago, the Lincoln Park Conservatory. That's not even all the museums in Chicago! That's not even all the museums that I've been to. It's amazing.
EVENTS: I once joked that I was a person who needed to schedule her enrichment like a blue-haired senior, but the joke was on me---I am that person! Fortunately, Chicago supports me in this endeavor by publishing many, many different calendars of "what to do this week or weekend". Do you want to see something onstage? Well, here you go. How about some classical music? I have a trusty guide. What about non-classical music? Always go to the Chicago Reader for that. Are you thinking of catching a game? Well, we're still in spring training for the Cubs and Sox, but the Bulls are doing okay even if the Blackhawks aren't, and we've got soccer (male and female) now too!
(Unfortunately, the Chicago Sky aren't playing right now, they're my favorites.)
OTHER: Unless you are extremely efficient, coming here and eating good food, doing one other thing, is more than enough. I promise it is! However, if you have more time, I definitely recommend just---wandering around. The Loop in particular is great for this, because it's reasonably small and everyone there is busy doing things. Going places, talking on phones, getting into or out of ubers, protesting outside of the Daley center, etc. etc. It's amazing to watch, and the buildings are pretty neat too.
Or you could wait a couple months, and take the Chicago Architecture Boat Tour, which I think should be a requirement for all Chicagoans. Maybe even everyone alive in the world. Just saying.
(3) Walk along the lakeshore
Chicago offers many delights, but I really do believe that Lake Michigan and its vast expanse of water, sky and space, is a unique gift to the city. It is beautiful in winter, in spring, in storms, in sun. It is free. You can sit in the grass or the sand or amble along its broad paths for miles, looking at unexpected art installations and waving grasses and the way the beaches slope to the water; you can talk to a friend or watch bikers and joggers pass you by. In the summer, there are a dozen different stands offering warm elote or cold soda, and cheerful men on jingling bike carts that will sell you neon orange push pops. In the winter, there are still bikers and joggers but also Canada geese, and you can stare mournfully at the slate grey water and ponder existence.
It is the heart of Chicago. Nelson Algren called us an "October city, even in summer"; Carl Sandburg described us as a shirtless dude who gives great oral. Personally, I think of Montrose Beach in the setting sun of winter, the sand almost too cold to touch---and beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
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esotericpluto · 1 year
how will your summer go
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
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pile 1
I see the sun shining bright on your skin, I hear the sounds of many people talking in the back mixing in with the sounds of the waves meeting the sand. I see many colorful cocktails, beach bar tables, smoothies, karaoke nights and a lot of laughter.
I feel like this means you will have a nice summer close to the beach or a pool, especially ones with bars, mostly around friends and making possible new acquaitances as well. If you don't live next to the beach, then you will just go to summer themed bars or will have a vacation at the beach. I feel like you will make a lot of great friends, some of which will be long term friends. For some of you, I'm hearing you should be careful with a blond(e) you might meet under these circumstances above as they are not trustworthy, I feel like they will either be an earth or fire sign.
During this summer, definitely focus on having fun, listening good music and eating healthily, as I am hearing your body will be so thankful for that. Definitely eat fruits and even try out some new fruits you haven't ever tried before if you're given the opportunity, you might find your new favorite fruit.
I feel like some of you will also get a summer part time job for at least one month or two. I don't think this will be the most ideal job for most of you and I do feel like some of your higher ups won't respect you and even try to exploit you. Definitely stand up against it and quit if needed, as you are definitely being guided to respecting yourself and honoring your body. Because of this, I am feeling like your guides will be urging you to start your own business or side hustle and I see most of you having a lot of success being independent workers like this.
I am also getting things related to books, especially in the end of summer, like early september. This might be some of you already going to school/university or studying in order to apply to some program or course. For some of you, your independent business could revolve around books or you might even start working as a library assistant soon. You could also be urged to start reading more as you might find your new hobby and your new favorite book with it.
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pile 2
I see a lot of green and children playing in playgrounds. Your summer might be around nature and possibly around children or simply in a place that will give you a lot of fun to the point you will feel like a child at a playground. I feel like you might be in this green area with your family, so the children, for some of you, could be family members. This feels like some type of camping place with trailers or tends and I even see a small pool in this camping park. I feel like it will be like a great fun time for you, especially if you have siblings or cousins your age.
I am also seeing some type of road trip, but I feel like this would be something you are most likely to do with friends or a significant other if you have one. I see you two doing this road trip to another city and staying there at least a weekend, exploring it and getting to know the place. You will get a lot of knowledge and will fall in love with the city. If you are the one driving, I'm hearing to be careful with your car lights and make sure they are properly working at all times. If is someone else driving, be extremely careful with animals crossing the road.
If you do have a significant other, I see this summer is going to have a lot of romance and you two will manage to spend a lot of time together. For some of you, you two might even involved sexually with each other for the first time. For those of you who are single, I'm seeing you guys will find a crush and I see this crush being a future partner and someone you will learn a lot from.
I also see some of you will get a scholarship or even an offer to study abroad for university or a summer course. I am hearing you should 100% take this offer if it is presented to you.
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pile 3
For those who picked this pile, I feel like there will be a change very significant in your life. For some, I feel like you will be moving homes, possibly even to another country or city, possibly because of a job offer to your family or you or moving away from college at the end of summer. For others, I'm seeing this change being a breakup, which could be a relationship breakup or friendship breakup or even potentially changing schools or jobs in general.
I do see a feeling of sadness in the air for this pile during summer, a feeling of loss. This feeling, however, will pass and you will end up coming to terms to everything happening during this moment. I see you will take a lot of refuge in entertainment like netflix and youtube and staying at home to recover. Your guides think this is understandable and won't judge you for it, but they advise you to also focus on hobbies like drawing or learning about topics of your interest as it will greatly benefit you and help you distract your mind.
Your guides are also recommending you to drink a lot of water this summer and to start a skin care routine or keep your current one more consistently. I am hearing that you have to be kinder and more loving towards yourself this summer, as working on your self-love will be a great focus.
Other than this, I see you getting ice cream and possibly going to a carnival/fun fair. Enjoy that time and be in the moment! I sense your luck will increase in the end of summer and many blessings will come to you! You will also make some new friends around this time with this new chapter in your life.
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bellestarot · 20 days
How NCT's 127 feels towards Taeil's SA allegations
August 31, 2024
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General feelings
They're trying to move forward after everything that happened. It's like they're starting a new chapter as a group without that person, and they're doing their best to keep their careers on track. They're worried this might have affected not just NCT's name but also how people see the members.
They're also anxious about how fans are viewing them now. Some of them fear that after all this, maybe fans won't support the group anymore.
Do they think the company made the right call? They just want real justice to be served.
Because the remaining members are sticking together, supporting each other. They feel like a family in their own way.
Taeyong feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He admired him a lot, really thought he was an incredible artist with so much potential, but now he just feels really disappointed in him.
It’s like he’s accepted that this person is a lost cause.
He also always found it a bit tough to have serious conversations with him. He kind of sensed that something was off, like there was something being hidden. He had a certain intuition about him.
He used to see him as a good friend, someone fun to be around. And now, seeing someone he liked being around facing such serious accusations makes him really rethink the people he considers friends.
I think Taeil used to spend a lot of money on material things, and some of their conversations were about that. He also had this habit of making jokes that would annoy others, something he only realizes now.
And there’s a possibility that Taeil might’ve tried to reach out to him before the accusations went public.
Johnny feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He’s trying not to condemn him.
In fact, he’s hoping that it’s not true, that he can prove his innocence.
It’s like he doesn’t want to face the reality that this person might actually be capable of this because he was a close friend he loved and respected. He still loves him, especially as someone who was there during tough times.
He’s really hoping it’s not true, that it’s not real.
But even though it’s hard, he’s moving forward with the group. He believes the group shouldn’t stop because of this; they can keep going.
Even with the evidence and the victim speaking out, he’s still trying not to see it because he can’t believe this person would ever do something like that.
Especially since they kind of grew up together, but right now, he’s focusing on the work.
Yuta feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He’s doing his best to focus on his work and the future of the group because, even though this person was a friend he really cared about, he feels like now isn’t the time to be sensitive. Instead, he needs to stay focused on his work and handle his responsibilities.
And I see that the group is working hard right now. He’s getting support from a lot of people he cares about to make this happen.
Doyoung feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
Like Taeyong, he feels deeply disappointed in this person. He’s been having trouble sleeping and eating recently, but he’s putting on a strong front of seriousness and responsibility because he knows the group will have to step up now.
It’s extremely hard for him.
But he’s doing everything he can to not let this situation bring him down or stop him from doing his job, even though he still feels very conflicted because this person was close to him—a friend.
But he’s very sympathetic toward the victim. I can say that for sure. He’s been offering all his support to make sure justice is served and that the victim gets the psychological help they need.
He still feels really hurt by the fact that someone so young had to go through this. It’s something that’s been on his mind a lot.
Jaehyun feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He’s very concerned for women and deeply sympathizes with the victim.
He’s had to be extremely vigilant. He’s been very critical of what Taeil's did—the accusation.
He thinks that he didn’t just ruin his own life but may have also damaged the group.
But he’s not entirely surprised by the person who did this. He’s really worried about whether the fans will continue to support them.
He also wants to reach out to SA survivors because he’s been feeling a strong sense of solidarity with these women. And he feels that doing this could be a way of healing for him.
He’s going to keep giving his best in the work environment, but he’s been deeply affected by what’s happened to the group too. However, he also believes that some things happen for a reason, and maybe if this member left, it’s because they weren’t the right person to be there.
Jungwoo feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He’s not really sure about everything. He’s trying to focus on the group and his work. I don’t see him taking a side, whether in defense or accusation, because he’s not really expressing how hurt he is.
Maybe he even saw Taeil recently.
But he’s very concerned about his career in the group.
Honestly, he’s not too bothered by the rest of it.
He’s more focused on himself, on how his career will be, and where he’ll stand after all this.
He doesn’t seem too invested in the situation.
Mark feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He feels very betrayed by Taeil. He never expected him to be capable of doing something so cruel.
He might have had recent conversations with his boss about this because he feels really lost and unsure about the group’s direction. He’s feeling very hopeless.
He’s been seeking more freedom.
He’s been giving his best at work, attending meetings, and having discussions about what they should do next.
Maybe he’s traveling soon or even traveling right now to a specific place for that purpose.
His intention is to talk to these people and be honest about how he’s feeling because of all this.
He feels like this is a time for him to rethink a lot of things and go after what he really wants to achieve right now.
He sees this as a chance for him to grow and mature even more.
Haechan feelings towards Taeil's SA Allegations
He’s hoping it’s not real, that it’s not true because Taeil is a very important friend to him. He’s been struggling to accept that the accusations might be valid and that if he was expelled from the group, it was for a reason. He’s been really afraid to express his opinions.
He’s worried about being attacked or judged.
He doesn’t agree with some of the opinions people have been sharing about Taeil online or in Korea.
I see them growing very distant. I think he’s going to talk more with another group member about this, and that conversation might help change his perspective.
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bobtheacorn · 1 year
I think the thing that’s most compelling for me about the live action iteration of Luffy is that they’ve stripped away all the expectations of the Shonen Protagonist.
Right away they let him have some character growth and vulnerability that we didn’t get from the manga until several dozen or hundred chapter in! He’s allowed to be indecisive and to make the wrong call and to NOT know what to do and to get comfort and reassurance and advice from his friends!!!
Everything goes to shit - Zoro is mortally wounded by Mihawk - and after they drag Zoro’s bleeding body into the galley, Usopp is running around looking for the first aid kit and Nami is trying to staunch the bleeding and Luffy completely detaches himself from the moment because it’s more than he can process! He never for a moment thought Zoro would lose and here are the consequences. Nami has to call his name several times before he can even answer her! And even when he runs into the Baratie’s kitchen, he’s so flustered and upset that he’s nearly incoherent and the pathetic way he says “My friend is dying” is absolutely heartbreaking!
It’s such an interesting take to see so early on, because the few instances in the manga where Luffy has lost a fight or not know what to do or royally fucked up have been because he didn’t understand the situation or he wasn’t properly motivated, etc. His authority as captain and the whole “playing at pirates” thing isn’t even something that gets called into question until WATER 7, and it’s Zoro who calls him out because he’s so ready to forgive Usopp.
To do it NOW? During the East Blue arc???
To have it be Nami who tells him he’s shit at his job and that he Needs to take it more seriously because Zoro is DYING??
I’m frothing at the mouth about it tbh because Luffy takes that shit to heart - because it’s after this confrontation that Nami LEAVES. Luffy says it himself when he’s talking to Zoro while he’s unconscious. HE lost the grand line map, HE lost Nami, and HE feels responsible bc he might lose Zoro too!
All those failures - all that guilt - bothers the hell out of him and we get to SEE that!
Part of Manga Luffy’s charm apart from his emotional intuition is that he’s a lil fuckin bulldozer and he’s so arrogant and selfish and that head is empty zero thoughts 98 percent of the time - to soften those harder (arguably less palatable) traits and make live action Luffy just so fucking earnest and thoughtful and intelligent is such an incredible take I’m just obsessed with it! I’m eating it up!!! Bc he’s still LUFFY at his core!
He’s goofy and smiley and charming and fun and happy and easygoing and he’s dumb as hell and he’s constantly hungry and he loves to fight and he’s KIND and he sticks up for other people and he believes in himself!
He believes in other people’s dreams!
He doesn’t think you should let anything or anyone stand in your way!
He cares so much about his friends and he LOVES them and he’d die for them in a heartbeat!
But he’s also allowed to have a fucking panic attack when his friend is literally bleeding to death and oh boy do I love to see it!
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