#i need a rest
fillino · 3 months
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i really liked these two💕
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dd-writes · 7 months
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House Husband Kakashi being told by someone that they ‘can’t do that because they need to oeep busy’ and looking at them with the deadest expression
This man does 500+ things a day and people keep thinking his job is to do nothing
His husband does not come home to a clean house and well fed children because Kakashi is magic and can make it happen in five minutes
And that’s not even considering the extra curricular activities or his own hobbies
He’s plenty busy; he just works for himself and his family now instead of a boss that doesn’t care about him 🥰🥰🥰
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albatris · 3 months
last day of work tomorrowwwwww
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otterloreart · 6 months
The donut tutorial, new post
Don't want to keep reblogging the first post so this is a new thread.
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Here are links to the first reblog: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
I recommend following the links in case there are edits in each part.
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In Part 4 I was busy duplicating springle to make .001, .002, .003, and now .004. .004 is also bent, but less so.
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back in object mode (tab -> object mode) we're selecting all the sprinkles with left click and press m to add to a new collection
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ta da, the sprinkles are now in their own thing. woops, idk why the camera is off on one of them, although it doesnt matter for now ill turn it back on.
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okay so i hit / to see the rest of the objects, clicked the frosting so i can look at its geometry nodes again, and then left click and drag the Collection into the geometry nodes section.
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connected the collection info box to instance and checked some boxes as shown
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this is the full geometry node setup. note the arrow pointing to Density Max which will adjust how dense our sprinkles are.
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cool, now we have different size and shape of springle.
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however i decided ALL of the sprinkles are too big. so i clicked "springle" and shift+clicked "springle.004" to select them all. Then I hit / and tab -> edit mode. hit a to select all.
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turned back on the donut so i could see the size of the sprinkles while i shrank them. i just shrank them a tiny bit.
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nice, now i can turn up the density of the sprinkles without worrying about them looking too chunky.
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time to make sprinkles a color. clicked the first springle for no particular reason and hit new
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trans rights donut
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select springle, then shift select springle.004 to select all the sprinkles. "springle" is in orange and the rest are in red. ctrl + L to open link menu and hit link materials.
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now, while the springle is selected, go to shader editor
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shift + add object info node, Shift + add color ramp. Plug random -> Fac and Color -> color. In the color ramp window, switched the box next to RGB to "Constant" (default is Linear); used the + in the color ramp window to add more colors. now the sprinkles say trans rights.
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I went back and duplicated one of the sprinkles and made springle.006, which is an EVEN SMALLER sprinkle. shift + d, tab -> edit mode, left click and drag to select and g to grab and move the sprinkle so its smaller.
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shift + a to make a new cylinder
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in the add cylinder menu make the cylinder have very small amounts of vertices and extremely small. you can see the little polygons on the donut.
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hit / to only edit the polygons. Numpad 7 to straight down. Press the 3 key to go to face select. Select each face individually and press e to extrude straight out.
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selected the end rectangle and shrank it down really small
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Went to the modifier section and hit add modifier and added subdivision. changed the Levels Viewport to 2 to make it smoother later on.
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Pressed 1 key to select vertices again and shrank the middle of the star a bit
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also pressed a to select all vertices, press 1 to look at the front, and move the sprinkle up. Also made the whole thing a bit smaller.
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y to see the rest of the donut. added a new material just for the star. I could have made the stars be multiple colors but i wanted them to stand out and be the same color.
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ok select donut then select frosting. ctrl + p to parent. now we can move the whole donut together.
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i dressed up the scene a bit. the plane is now an L-shaped platform. There are three lights, the one in the back is a little farther away.
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hovering donut
im tired, ill have to come back to this later
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unpocoloxa · 1 year
Dear universe: I think I deserve 10 days in an all inclusive hotel in a Caribbean island, just saying...💃
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kindnessisstillhere · 4 months
I cursed my month,
Chose chaotic words,
And found the month insane.
Appollo struck me,
Dictated my prompts,
And shattered pieces remain.
These days have been too taxing,
Too little time for relaxing,
No time given for me to rest,
Each day becoming another test.
Don't get me wrong, it's pleasant,
Treats and experiences constant,
But where's the peace and quiet,
Those still moments we could get?
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chrisbangs · 1 year
ok anyway back to sleep for me 👋😋
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nayialovecat · 2 years
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Being a leader isn't only bad things or heavy duties...
Something cute and nice to sweeten this day.
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i-fk-everything-up · 2 years
Get out of my fucking dreams, I need a rest
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myreia · 1 year
Having brainworms about the wrong thing is really a time.
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socialnightmare1254 · 2 months
19 years old, and let's see how 2024 is going for me
Got into cleaning out the house
Financials are ok
Finally watching Bob's Burgers
Back into cooking
Meet nephew
Hate second (unborn) nephew's dad cause he's a dick for multiple uncomfortable reasons
Back into traditonal drawing
Learn my boyfriend almost got sucked into Fresh and Fit style content consumption
SIL is preggo
Existential crisis
Finally watching Supernatural
Mom dies
Reconnect with uncle
Speed clean parts of the house
Learn mom lied about the financials being fine
Back into art
Crash harder
Clean clean house is fucking nightmare
Oh shoot is that a seizure
Oh shit that's a lot of seizing.
ER after it happens 9 times.
...crunch time cleaning
I'm gonna try diarying again.
July 10 2024
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skeleton-squid-boy · 4 months
you have GOT to remember when watching the new doctor who that the question is not is this good. doctor who is only ever actually 'good' once a season at most. THE ONLY QUESTION IS is it fun, camp, and has aliens. also remember the worst doctor who showrunner is always the current doctor who showrunner. now go watch the new episodes as god intended like you're ten years old and still remember how to experience joy and whimsy.
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sapdylucky · 4 months
There is no freedom. I still have to go to school during summer ●| ̄|_
P/s: Is there a website to find words to describe sounds? (Exp: achoo🤧 blargh🤮 boom🧨)
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bluegiragi · 4 months
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muzzle stays on 'til he learns some manners.
early access + nsfw on patreon
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korwolfie · 10 months
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Sleeping Black Cat
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