#i need it to happen so badly i swear i need her to come steal me away and keep me safely locked up in her room
yamikawas · 2 years
i need to say something other than Yoomtah Please Kidnap Me.but also YOOMTAH PLEASE KIDNAP ME.
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mothercetrion · 1 year
it's Johnshi time (again!). here's the OTP meme I used. brief mentions of MK1 story spoilers in answers for 3, 9, 17, and 19. enjoy!
1) who can outdrink the other? Kenshi. Johnny has had his fair share of alcohol, but Kenshi built up a tolerance for it while he was in the Yakuza. now, unless it's something incredibly strong, he can hold his own longer than Johnny can.
2) who says “I love you” more? Johnny. he's better with his words and is very vocal about how he feels. he tells Kenshi he loves him at least three times a day without fail. Kenshi loves the assurance <3
3) who has trouble sleeping alone? Johnny. he can sleep alone, but it just takes longer. it's because he was in a relationship for quite a long time before his divorce and went from sleeping with his wife every night to having an empty bed. it's an adjustment, and then it's a blessing once Kenshi starts sleeping over.
4) who swears more? JOHNNY. good god, Johnny swears constantly. Kenshi swears on occasion, but it's rarely more than something like "damn" or "ass" whereas Johnny probably says "fuck" and "shit" every single day.
5) who does more of the housework? Kenshi. Johnny generally keeps a tidy space, as does Kenshi, but Kenshi is more likely to clean up if needed. Johnny isn't lazy, just busy, so he almost always helps if he's home.
6) who forgets their anniversary? Johnny. his memory is nearly impeccable until it comes to a specific date, and then he struggles. if he's reminded, like with a calendar or a notification in his phone, then he's good.
7) who steals the duvet in their sleep? it is an intense brawl every night until Johnny invests in a massive blanket. even then, the brawl continues, and it's usually started by Kenshi. Johnny will wake up to barely any blanket and Kenshi nearly fully covered from head to toe. he calls foul!
8) who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring? Kenshi; Johnny doesn't really snore. he's not consistently snoring, but he can get pretty loud sometimes. thankfully, Johnny got used to it quickly.
9) who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them? Kenshi has never had a pet before and wants one so badly. I love the idea of Johnny growing up with cats, though he doesn't have one now, but he imagines that he will have one very soon. Kenshi always pets stray cats if he sees them when he's out somewhere. (Johnny has a parakeet according to an intro with Rain, so he lets Kenshi hang out with her a lot. Kenshi adores her <3 and she definitely seems to like him too, always chirping like crazy when he's over.)
10) who usually makes dinner? Johnny. he loves cooking and is very good at it. Kenshi doesn't know much about cooking but Johnny is always happy to teach him.
11) who plays their music out loud? Johnny. if he's working out at home or cooking, he'll play music on a Bluetooth speaker. their music tastes mostly align, so Kenshi has no problem with it.
12) who hogs the bathroom? Johnny. this man's skin routine is in-depth and lengthy. it's no wonder he looks so damn good! Kenshi's bathroom routine is usually short unless he needs to shave, then it can take some time. even then, Johnny takes longer.
13) who gives the most compliments? Johnny. again, he is a lot more vocal about how he feels, and he will gladly shower Kenshi with compliments, ranging from his abilities to his looks (heavily on the looks; Kenshi is damn sexy!). he always knows just what to say to get Kenshi to blush.
14) skipping
15) who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public? Johnny will unintentionally embarrass Kenshi with the attention he gets in public alone. Kenshi does not like the intense public attention; he's not built for the celebrity life. Johnny understands that and knows it's not for everyone, so he won't ever embarrass him on purpose, but it still happens from time to time, and he's always sorry. however, if they're not in public, Johnny will do and say anything to get Kenshi embarrassed.
16) who gives the other cringeworthy pet names? Johnny. he loves calling Kenshi something absolutely ridiculous and seeing his reaction to it. he sticks with "Ken doll" or just his name for the most part, but every now and then, he'll change it up.
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick? while they will both take care of one another, Johnny is more likely to get fussy with Kenshi. we saw in the story for MK1 that when Kenshi is vulnerable and injured, he takes on a softer voice and is a lot more gentle than I would argue he is normally. the same applies when Kenshi is feeling under the weather. he's bad to get up and wander around, and Johnny is always there to help him back to bed. he'll sit on the bed with him with a cold rag and keep him company until he falls asleep, holding his hand the entire time. Kenshi doesn't like carrying Sento around when he feels sick, so Johnny has to give him an extra hand. he's thankfully very patient and would do anything Kenshi needs him to do!
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long? Kenshi. he loves Johnny more than anyone in the world, and there's very little that Johnny could do to make him angry for too long. Johnny isn't perfect, and he does stupid things often, but Kenshi hates being mad at him. they try to be strong communicators when things go south.
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared? when Kenshi has a nightmare, often about his blinding or their brief time in Shang Tsung's laboratory, or possibly even something he went through when he was part of the Yakuza, he needs to know that Johnny is there with his own senses. he is usually panicking and frazzled, and all he wants is Johnny. he will hold him as tightly as possible until what he's feeling eases up, and even then, he refuses to let go for quite some time. Johnny would let him hold on forever.
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…) Kenshi. he's always touching Johnny in some way, whether it's hand-holding, a hand on his shoulder, or a gentle hand on his face when they're kissing. his use of touch is something he takes seriously, and it's important for him to utilize touch to bond with Johnny. Johnny absolutely loves it when Kenshi has his hands on him and will gladly let Kenshi do what he wants.
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ssailormoonn · 26 days
❛ Your Mine ❜ - Chapter 4
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yandere!Lan Wangji X Fem!Wen!Reader
| YANDERE + DARK CONTENT | this meaning, if you don't like this content, then just scroll away
WC; 1.9k + | !MDNI! | TW/CW : x fem reader, yandere x fem reader, yandere themes, another kidnapping lmao, lan wangji steals you agn
⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝒞𝐻𝒜𝒫𝒯𝐸𝑅 𝒮𝒰𝑀𝑀𝒜𝑅𝒴 :: The war has now passed and Lan Wangji is taking care of you and helping you search for your siblings. When you two found them, you requested to stay with them in Yiling, to leave Wangji. But this caused Lan Wangji's already yandere personality to rise to another level. He wants to bring her back to Gusu and marry her, but she doesn't want to, she wants to stay with Jiang Cheng, her siblings and doesn't want to follow the 3000 rules.
part 3 | part 4 | part 5 - coming soon
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You awoke, opening your eyes slowly with the raising light through the paper windows. It was full of chaos and your mind was confused at what was happening before you. Then, you were reminded of what had happened last night: the memory of being intimate with Lan Wangji. Fresh—it still was, the way his lips moved against your own, along with his possessive statements. And then you shifted a little, and there, by your bed, was Lan Wangji, looking at you with his eyes wide open. Is his face serene, or does tension come off him in waves, that type of feeling that makes you almost feel afraid and anxious for his next action?. "Lan Wangji," you murmured uncertainly with a voice so soft, yet seeming so constant you might have sighed, "I have been thinking. I want to go look for my siblings." "No," he said with a force of finality that seemed nearly on par with steel. "That is too dangerous." You sat up, meeting his eyes. But there was still evidence in you that you held fear. "I just need to know if they'll be okay. Wen Qing and Wen Ning are family to me. I can't just sit here when they're literally in danger." The face of Lan Wangji was without expression, yet a certain intensity in the air was picked up that you could deeply feel, continuing down your spine in a tremor. "Your safety is most valued," he said, low and controlled. "I cannot let you take a risk like that." "I'll have to get someone to come look after them," he bargained, anger starting to flow from him as well. "I can't be left to go with. I know it's dangerous, but I HAVE to do this." His eyes seemed to darken, the intensity he had displayed the previous night flashed back on, though he stayed speaking in a low tone. "And I can't let you go alone. You mean too much to me." You blinked at him, annoyed, worried, and feeling something else that was in no way justifiable. "Lan Wangji, I am thankful for everything that you've done for me, but I'm not a child. I can take care of myself."
"You aren;'t nobody," he whispered, his voice low yet fully firm with a touch of possessiveness. "You, I cannot afford to lose." His words sent chills down your spine, yet you reasoned with yourself. "I didn't say that you let me go by myself," you said halfway, meeting him in the middle. "I just really need to do this, so badly. Please let me go, but come with me." "If I go with you," he finally gave in; his voice brooked no argument, "then I can make sure you're safe.". You gave a very slow nod, at least relieved that the fact would be looked into. "Thanks," you breathed, full of the most sincere of voices possible. "I swear I'll be careful."
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The path that took place in order to find siblings—Wen Qing and Wen Ning—had all been very tense, and at every moment, Lan Wangji had never left your side. It almost frightened you, how he never left your side, you never had a moment of privacy. BUt, finally, after days of searching, you found them in Yiling—all hidden from the Sunshot Campaign. You hugged Wen Qing and Wen Ning, relief is inseparable from floods of tears, both of happiness and sorrow, at seeing them again. Lan Wangji had stopped a few feet from you, the gaze from his eyes never breaking from yours. Immobile, his face had been impassive and emotionless, but something in him, in the way he kept his body so ridged had seemed to speak volumes. He was watching you reunite, but something in his gaze felt dark. After a moment, you turned to Lan Wangji with a heavy heart over the decision you knew you were going to have to make. "Lan Wangji," you started, your voice trembling slightly. "I want… to stay with them." Something dangerous crossed over his features and his eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" he asked, lowering his voice to a meagre level. You drew a deep breath, trying to collect your nerves. "They need me here, Wangji. They are alone and they are in danger. I can never leave them again. I want to be in Yiling and stay with them. The silence that followed could have been said to be deafening. His eyes took on a shade of darkness and his expression contracted. "You want to leave me," he thought, unfeeling, only the tension in the tone is clear. You shook your head, now filling with tears. "It's not about leaving you. It's about my family. They need me, Lan Wangji. I cannot leave them again." His jaw tightened, and he advanced another half step, his presence oppressive for the first time. "You are supposed to be with me," he said, his voice cold and possessive. "You cannot stay here. It's too dangerous." You flinched at the almost bellowed ferocity of his tone, but you stood your ground. "They are my family, Lan Wangji. I have to make it up to them. I need to help them." 
The look in his eyes grew darker, his calm composure replaced with something far more unsettling, something that scared you to your core, it rattled your peace. "No," he replied sharply. "I will not allow it. You are coming back with me." Your heart pounded with heated sound in your chest, your eyes meeting his, and a shiver ran down your back at the cold look in his eye. "Lan Wangji, please understand. I can't, after all that, just leave them. They need me." "And I need you," he shot back, his voice rising with a rare, almost frightening intensity. "You are mine, Wen {Birthname}. You cannot stay here." "You are mine," he said again, but this time his words stunned you. The ownership of his tone. It had you at a loss. 
"Lan Wangji," you whispered, and the sound of your own voice was shaking. "This is not proper. You cannot just… have me this way." He came even closer, his hand reaching out to clutch your arm—not painfully but in a way you could not pull away. "You are not leaving me," he hissed with a menacing voice. "I will not let you." Your heart raced, and although fear and confusion swirled inside you, nowhere upon his face could you meet his eyes and see the depth of his obsessions, the intensity of his need to keep you beside him at all costs. "Lan Wangji—" you tried to reason with him, but he cut you off. "If you stay here," he warned, his voice dangerously calm, "you will be in constant danger. I cannot protect you here. You should be with me, where I can protect you." You shook your head as tears spilled down your cheeks. "But they're my family… I can't just leave them." His fist tightened slightly, his eyes burning with possession not to be disputed. "You are coming with me," he said, the words clearly implacable, with no room for argument in his voice. "I shall not lose you."
Before you even fully registered what was happening, a strong hand shook around your arm as Lan Wangji pulled you away from your siblings. YOur eyes widened at his unexpected action, you had never expected Lan Wangji, second son to the head of the Lan's to get physical with you. His grip was firm and you could already feel a bruise forming. "Lan Wangji, no!" you cried out again and tried to pull back, yet his grip did not yield. 
Because he was resolute, he wasn't going to let go of you, he wasn't even planning to do so. "You're coming with me," he repeated, low and even, a possessive edge in his tone with made you realise that he wouldn't be letting go. Your heart thudded loud in your chest, and you were panting against him, "What can I do but not leave them?" you exclaimed, your voice strangled with sadness. "They are my family—Wangji—I belong here, with them! But the words seemed to fall on deaf ears for he only paid no heed, dragging you away. "You belong with me and will come back to Gusu with me, where it is safe," his eyes gleamed with possessiveness. Now, terror surged in you full force with the realisation of what he had meant. He had not only taken you back to Gusu, but to his world, back to a life within which you were going to be shut inside between the tight rules and scrutinies of the Lan clan, a life in which you would have to follow the three thousand rules of the code of conduct that extended absolutely everywhere within the Cloud Recesses. "No!" you screamed as you dug your heels into the ground. "I won't go back! I don't want to live with those rules! I want to stay here, with my family! With Jiang Cheng!" With the mention of Jiang Cheng's name, Lan Wangji's eyes began to darken, grip on your arm tightening. A shiver went through your body since that silent, calm expression he always wore was cracking, and what truly lay beneath was one of possession. "You are mine," he said in a low, hazardous soft voice. "You belong to me—not Jiang Cheng, not anybody.". You could feel it in his gaze, the one of a heartache man, that desire just to have you by his side. "Wangji, please," you would plead, tears running down your face. "I don't want this. I don't want to be tied down with those rules. I don't want to live a life here where I can't be with my family, where I can't be free." "You'll be safe there, in Gusu," he said, the hand that gripped harder to yours tightening. "I will protect you, and we are going to be together. That's all that matters."
"No." You shook your head. "But what about what I want?" You croaked, your voice shaky with emotion. "What about my freedom? My family? The face of Lan Wangji relaxed, and you could see something like guilt or regret gleam in his eyes, though it was soon cloaked once more by that same bone-chilling determination that had driven him to this. "Your safety is more important than anything else," he said, his voice soft but firm. "Though you do not understand this now, one day you will and you will thank me for it.". With that, he pulled you closer—the grip on your arm unremitting. "We are going back to Gusu," he said; the tone of his voice allowed no room for dispute. "And once we are there, we will marry. You will be safe, and we will be together." There was a surety in his voice that sent a chill down your spine. You knew there was no escape from this, you couldn't talk him out of it. That urge of Lan Wangji toward you had reached to such a point that he didn't care for anything, not your wishes, not freedom, not family. The only thing that mattered was you were his, and nothing would stop him from doing what it takes to keep you by his side. Your heart felt a thousand times heavier with the portent of what was to come as he carried you away from your siblings. You managed to twist your head back just in time to see the forlorn expressions etched on the faces of Wen Qing and Wen Ning, their helplessness in this situation clear before your eyes. 
You wanted to scream, to fight, to do anything in order to prevent this, but Lan Wangji's hand was tight, powerfully strong, and it left you with none of your own. 
You were helpless.
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newx-menfan · 20 days
NYX #2 Review
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Sadly this is a week late- life has been getting hectic and my subscriptions on Kindle never seem to work lol (I had originally meant to write up commentary on the podcast episode before issue two dropped and still haven’t finished it 😔)… but let’s dive in!
The issue starts with Laura monologuing as she takes down some random thug.
You’ve probably ALREADY saw the sample pages of this issue (especially if you follow my tumblr lol) but the girl Laura is trying to save doesn’t want to leave with her, saying they’re “friends” and that if Laura needs help too, she just needs to go “local” (Foreshadowing….Laura’s bad taste in men possibly strikes AGAIN 😂🤣)
We see Laura hanging out at some dilapidated place in East Harlem…(what happened to Logan’s old apartment that she shared with Gabby? Did they sell it during the Krakoa era…because Logan PROBABLY had locked in rent from like the 70’s…that was a horrible decision Laura…like do you know HOW hard it is to find non-brokered housing in NY anymore??!) 
Laura is thinking about Kiden (and in goth clothes again!) as she tracks down some mysterious figure (sadly not a green telekinetic!) in Bushwick (also shout out to one of my favorite spots in NY!)…
At an underground club, we’re introduced to Local. Local is…interesting (people weren’t wrong about the Gambit comparisons lol). Laura convinces him to get her a call with Local’s boss, Mr. Smiley…but Kamala randomly pops up with Anole and Sophie in tow!
Laura gets pissed as Kamala tried to talk about the “mysterious telekinetic” (Laura doesn’t want to talk about her previous secret EX Kamala!) and calls them “Kamala’s little friends” (DON’T be MEAN to ANOLE, Laura!); telling Kamala to stay out of it and not blow her cover….
Laura has fun committing crimes with Local; obviously reminded of her time with Kiden. (If Laura had a crush on any girl…it was PROBABLY Kiden guys lol)
Local’s last challenge before she can meet “Mr. Smiley” is stealing whatever is in Orchis’s Essex building; Laura challenges him that for everything she breaks, he has to tell her some truth.
It’s a kind of sweet and interesting moment, where readers get to see how easy it would be for Laura to slide into the old ways of “X-Force” or “NYX”…
Yet Prodigy drops reality on Laura- that this isn’t who she is anymore. You can’t live in the past.
Laura meets Mr. Smiley…who is really….you guessed it! (I totally didn’t lol!)…Mojo!
Laura gets beaten…BADLY…and retreats.
(Also we get one of the LOVELIEST panels EVER!) 
The issue ends with Laura realizing that she can’t do it alone- contacting Kamala and Sophie.
I for one…kind of wish we had gotten a Laura solo issue this time around; I think it was needed and could have been akin to “Zuko Alone”, Logan’s “Patch” era, or X-Men # 182, where Rogue breaks into Shield…it’s been a while since writers really explored Laura’s psyche…
In some ways the weird pop up of Kamala drags the story a bit- this should have just been written as happening weeks before issue #1, in my opinion.
While I liked the ending…it somehow felt too soon a realization for Laura…I kind of wish they had played with the “loner” bit, dragged it on a little bit longer…
Another tiny critique- I really can’t stand Laura swearing. So many writers try to make it work…but it just doesn’t work. It just doesn’t really suit her, in my opinion. (Stop trying to make “fetch” happen lol)
Still, I think this issue is really solid. Laura is really nicely written and it’s probably the closest we’ve come to Kyle levels in a while.
Laura realizing “you can’t go back”….is something that’s really great to play with. It’s something everyone struggles with, when the “good times” pass. Laura can’t move on from her past…yet she can’t go back to it either. She can’t be the person she was.
Local also definitely plays into Laura’s nostalgia of Liu era adventuring with Gambit as well as Kiden… it makes sense why she would gravitate to him.
I actually like the addition of Local and hope he ends up being a regular (much better than Catwoman’s recent terrible love interest!) 
The Prodigy ending was a sucker punch and REALLY wonderfully done! Using David, an old NYM connection as a source of guilt (and David ALWAYS was the voice of reason!) was really excellent; even if there wasn’t much interaction between the two in the original NXM. The only thing that COULD have made it better…was if it had been Dust, Mercury, or Elixir…but that’s a nit pick.
NXM was the turning point for Laura, so it makes sense that someone from THAT time would “wake her up” a bit….
Overall, I would say it’s definitely a solid issue…I think there’s minor things they could have changed, but it’s still a better “Laura” than we have seen in a while.
Mojo is totally going to use Local to get to Laura…
Krakellion’s mission is deeper than making NYC the next Krakoa; they’re actively fighting against Mojo…
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theflashdriver · 1 year
Out of Body, Out of Mind: Chapter 1 (A Silvaze Fanfic)
"Next time you two visit, it better not be to stop another Eggman attack!" The crushing bearhug of one Amy Rose served to emphasise a point that she had already made a half dozen times today, "Or an ancient monster emerging or aliens invading... or a wizard's mind control, or evil doppelgangers, or a ghost tornado, or-
"Amy, I think they get the point. Squeeze them any longer and they won't live to leave, let alone return," Sonic piped up from somewhere out of view.
"I'm just making sure they understand, darling," A singsong tone entered the pink hedgehog's voice, "To see my blue blur turned green with envy; if you wanted a hug that badly you only had to ask."
Blaze stumbled as she was released, straightening her jacket as she steadied herself. Her companion within the hammer-wielder's vice-like grip wasn't quite so prepared, only just psychically catching himself before he could tumble to the ground. The cat couldn't help but smirk as he wobbled to right himself and land beside her; this past week had certainly been one to remember.
What had begun with her and Silver crossing space and time to fend off a surprise attack from an empowered Metal Sonic had stretched into a two week long stay with their friends. While the initial days had been focused on recuperating following the battle, soon the pair of them had been dragged into hijinks ranging from movie nights to visits to Twinkle Park and museums. From sharing Amy's pull out couch to overnight stays in hotels, these past days had brought with them a certain undeniable freedom. It'd all ended with a final campout up on Angel Island. She was glad that she'd allowed herself to relax, even if it had taken a few dozen pleading looks from the time traveller to her right.
"Hey, Knuckles! Stop letting Rouge distract you, we need to get them home before there's some sort of multidimensional fallout or something!" Sonic called as he raced past, Amy still in pursuit.
"I really don't think that's likely," Tails piped up to strike down Sonic's teasing, "As long as Blaze keeps-
"She's not distracting me; she's trying to steal the Master Emerald and none of you are helping!" The echidna roared.
"Aww, come on Big Red, don't be like that," Blaze turned to find the bat hovering, elbows atop the great green gem as she stared down at the flustered guardian, "I just love watching you work, that's all."
"Get off, I'm trying to perform a ritual!" Knuckles insisted from his cross legged position before the Master Emerald, "If I mess this up, anything could happen; to them or us."
"If something goes wrong, we'll be able to handle it," The psychic hedgehog reached out a hand and Sonic came to a sudden halt, only to be immediately leapt upon by Amy.
"Yes, we're more than prepared to face whatever comes our way," Seizing the moment of stillness Silver's juvenile choice had induced, the cat raised her voice, "Thank you for the time you have afforded us to recuperate. I swear that when we next return it will be under less troubling circumstances."
"That's a pretty stiff way to say you'll visit sometime the world isn't ending," Sonic snorted, now swept up in Amy's arms, "But a promise is a promise; we'll take it."
"Or maybe we could visit your world instead," That idea seemed to put a sparkle in Amy's eyes, "We could have a beach day, or go sailing!"
"I will see what I can arrange," Blaze swallowed, trying not to think about the great social barrier which was her royal status.
"I'd love to visit the future sometime and see all the new technology," Tails proposed.
"Oh, um, sure, maybe at some point," Silver not so subtly floundered, plainly trying not to remind the young fox of the various apocalypses he endlessly faced in his time, "Knuckles, are you ready for us?"
"I think I am," He called down, "Come on up, push away batgirl if you can."
"Fine Knuckie, I know when I'm not wanted," The bat rolled her eyes, taking to the sky.
"Whatever," He grumped, "Have a nice flight."
"Try not to miss me too badly," She blew a kiss his way as she took off higher, "I'll be back before you know it."
The grumbling of the red echidna continued, even after she was out of view and the pair of them had scaled the altar. Despite his bashfulness, the guardian lowered his head and reached out toward the great stone with open palms. His muttering had turned from the topic of Rouge to that of prayer like chanting, calling upon the great gem's power. A green tint began to fill the cat's vision, she saw sparks crack to crease the air and felt weightlessness spread across her body. The moment was almost upon them.
"Guys! That's us going, I think!" Silver called down toward the giggling hedgehog pair and fox tinkering with his tablet, "Try to stay safe, keep an eye out for the next attack!"
Blaze elbowed the hedgehog's side, subtly really wasn't one of his strong suits, "Until we meet again, I-
"Knuckles, you need to stop!" Rouge's shout cut the cat off.
"What is it now Rouge, I'm almost-
Blaze's ears spiked high but energy had already encased her, both she and Silver were floating against their own wills. The cat tried to turn but found herself unable to do more than peer over her shoulder as Sonic, Tails and Amy began to run up the altar toward them. Blaze only managed to see what happened out of the corner of her eye. Rouge grabbed Knuckles by the shoulders and flew, forcing him away from his work just as a shadow cast over the master emerald.
The once green energy around them flared a blinding white as their transportation was interrupted. A giant metal mass, like a grasping yellow and red claw, crashed onto the massive emerald and reduced it to shards which flew straight past them. The last thing Blaze saw was an orange Eggman insignia before her vision became a blur of white and blue. The cat felt herself falling; endlessly tumbling head over tail in a swirling void like intangible foamy seawater!
She held onto her breath for fear it would be her last. Fingers desperately clawed out into the space around her, hoping to grasp onto anything! This sight wasn't uncommon, she'd been tossed like this when travelling dimensions before, but usually it lasted mere moments. This was more, how long has passed already!?
Something touched her hand; she couldn't see through this endless swirl but something had brushed her right hand! The guardian flailed out in the hope that it was her partner, reaching and stretching with all her might in an attempt to latch onto something. Fingers met her wrist and hers coiled onto another in kind. She knew that feeling, calloused fingertips and a chunky metal bracelet. It was him, she had-
No, he wasn't holding her right hand, he was holding her left. Was she just so imbalanced in this tumbling space that she'd lost track of right and left? Regardless, she had him- they had each other. This couldn't go on forever, they'd arrive somewhere, they had to land somewhere!
She tried to focus on the Sol Emeralds, tried to harness her inherent connection to them, but her head started to ache. Everything felt wrong, from her left to her right to her tongue in her mouth and the weight across her body. This was all going wrong and her lungs were burning, she had to take a breath but there was no hope of air.
As she gasped the world around her began to darken. First the white faded from amongst the sky blue it was mixed with, then that blue faded indigo. Whether it was her body now failing her or the end of their travels she had no idea; but she held tighter onto Silver as that indigo faded to black.
Then, with no more than a blink, Blaze saw white again. Her whole body felt heavy and her mouth felt dry, it took a few more moments of just lying there and blinking to recognise that the white above her was no void. It was a cloudy sky. There was grass to her back. A cool wind was blowing.
She shut her eyes, her shoulders and back were aching, had the fall agitated the wounds from the fight those weeks ago? Blaze was certain she'd fully healed, that she was ready to face whatever came next. Well, regardless of her state, they had to get back and help their friends. That surprise attack could easily have been the next calamity set to destroy their world.
Blaze clenched her left hand and did still feel that she was holding her partner's right. No matter where they both were, whether they were still in Silver's past or they had made it to her dimension, they were still together. They could get out of this. They could fix this.
Wait, no. Something was wrong. Silver's fingers weren't as slender as the set she was feeling now. There was no thick metal band at the wrist of this hand. She felt a psychic static as their palms creased over each other's but something felt different, something felt wrong. Regardless of who she was lying next to, they weren't moving. Something had to be-
Blaze rose from her lying position, sitting up and turning, only to find herself staring down at a white furred muzzle on an otherwise purple furred face. A red gemstone was centred on the form's forehead and their hair was in a tall raised ponytail. The lying figure wore a purple long coat, white tights and heeled shoes. That form was her own body; Blaze was looking down at herself.
A hand was holding hers; a hand attached to a white furred forearm, itself wearing a great golden cuff. Silver's hand. A hand she had just raised before her face, the one she was seeing out of right now, and looked to find it was attached to her body. Something had gone terribly wrong, but she had to know the full story, she had to confirm it all.
Leaning over, feeling stiffness in her shoulders, Blaze pushed a hand to the neck of her prior body and felt a pulse plainly beating. Amber eyes flickered open as she leaned over, a daze marred that form's face followed by a rather uncouth bellowing yawn. By that alone Blaze had her suspicions but she had to confirm it; it wasn't safe. Her hands came down heavy and hard against her own body's shoulders, jolting the recently unconscious form into a more awake state.
"Silver, is that you?" She barked down.
"I'm Silver, yes... but you're..." Realisation seemed to grip the individual, panic entered their eyes, "Who are you? What are you doing-
"No, that's not enough. Eggman attacked as we were leaving, I need to be certain that you are you," Anything could have happened while they were falling between dimensions, whether that was part of the doctor's plans or otherwise.
"Blaze?" The imposter blinked, perhaps putting this together as she had, "Okay, yes, I am Silver... how do I prove I'm Silver? How do you prove you're Blaze?"
"We have time together we can draw upon that no one else should recall, there would be no records of it. If we use that, then I will have every confidence that you are Silver in my body," The form beneath her still looked unsure, so Blaze opted to open, "Ask me a question from that time, one which only I would know the answer to."
This had in itself actually been a ploy, an effort to get some extra affirmation through not letting this potential imposter use her question to scramble for one in turn.
"How did you explain the Chaos Emeralds to me when we first found one?" The form beneath her asked.
"I told you they were good luck charms," That question was sufficient, a clear moment with an obvious answer... but Blaze had to be sure, "Where did I find you after we were first sent to the past, when Mephiles separated us?"
"By a dock in Soleanna, on some stairs near the water," Blunt regret entered her prior body's eyes as the tale continued, "There were boats there, I was looking out over the water. It was after I'd tried to kill Sonic for the first time. Amy had stopped me..."
Blaze slackened her grip as relief flooded through her, "I'm glad it's you in there Silver... but I don't know what we're going to do."
"Where are," His speech came to a sudden stop, his brows furrowed, "Ow..."
"What happened, are you okay?" Panic for both her partner and her body swept through Blaze as she scanned for the source of the pain.
"I'm fine, I just bit my tongue," He grumbled, "Your teeth really are sharp..."
As he raised a hand to his cheek, a flash of orange and fresh terror swept over the now hedgehog. Flames were dancing along feline fingers as a cheek was rubbed- the very power Blaze had spent so many years learning to control and hone were now in the hands of a total novice. Ever so quickly the monarch pushed the cat's hand from his face and pinned it into the grass next to him, mirroring that manoeuvre on the other side. Remembering what Silver himself had done in times before, she concentrated on the burning hand only to watch as a cyan pulse blew the flames away. Had it always been that easy for him?
"We need to get you somewhere safe," She insisted, eyes now flickering to her surroundings, "Then we can figure this out. I'm certain we can find a way to fix this."
Blaze quickly recognised just where they were; great twisting shaped topiaries were to their left and a large glass greenhouse to their right. They were in the middle of the royal gardens, they had made it to the right space... but had they made it to the right time? The only way to find that out would-
"Oi, mates, you're back!" Blaze looked over her shoulder only to get an eyeful of quill, she had to really turn to see Marine approaching, "And closer than ever I can see, not back for a moment and you're already all over each other, strewth. What, were Sonic and Amy's eyes on you the whole time? Need to make up for missed snoggin'?"
"Marine, it is imperative that you listen to me," Blaze quickly rose from atop her partner, stomping in boots that felt overly heavy, "When did we leave here last, why did we leave?"
"Oh um," The raccoon looked even smaller than usual, her current unfamiliar shadow cast over her, "About two weeks ago? To help save Sonic's world?"
"Be more specific than that, to save it from what?" The pyrokinetic turn psychokinetic insisted.
"Umm... was it the ghost tornado?" Blaze's eyes widened for a moment, "No, no, that was last time," The raccoon started to bounce her leg, deep in thought, "Don't tell me mate... Metal Sonic, it was an upgraded Metal Sonic, final answer!"
Relief swept through the guardian. They were in the right place at the right time, just in the wrong bodies. It wasn't as though they were completely-
"Um, help?!" Blaze turned to find that Silver had risen to his feet but was wobbling, struggling for balance with burning hands flailing at his sides.
Blaze raced over, zooming around behind the cat to catch him by the wrists. It was strange to look over a shoulder that was hers, let alone to find herself taller than her own body. Gently, the hedgehog allowed her psychic power to leak and sooth over his burning hands. It was a strange sensation, like water running off of her palm and into the air; yet she still felt all that the output energy touched. She was the breeze coiling around his wrists and snuffing those flames.
"Easy, take deep breaths, you can control this," Blaze whispered into his ear, gently bringing his arms to his sides as she allowed their fingers to interlock, "We need to fix this as quickly as possible..."
"Sorry, I got excited to see Marine and it just... it feels like I'm overflowing, is this really what every day is like for you?" He was hot to the touch, burning up in a way Blaze couldn't remember physically feeling while in her own body.
"What's goin' on? You two are acting real weird," The youngster rubbed her chin, "I mean, weirder than usual."
"Blaze got sick in the other dimension. It's impacting her sense of balance, which in turn is affecting her control over her pyrokinesis," Blaze said, hoping Silver's inability to lie was a personality trait rather than a physiological one, "We need to move her to the palace courtyard; that way she won't risk burning anything or anyone."
The feline in her grasp stiffened but didn't speak up, clearly trying to go along with the plan.
"Oh strewth, sounds serious," Marine panicked as the lie worked, "Well hurry up then, sweep her off her feet and cart her to safety mate. If you fly her there you'll save the roses, and have a chance to smooch among the clouds."
Right, flying. This was going to be difficult. Silver's look of recognition, worn so plainly exaggerated on her own face, confirmed that worry. Lying had seemed like the right idea, both to keep Silver safe but also to prevent panic throughout the kingdom. If word spread that the guardian and her closest ally were both out of commission then uproar or even an invasion could occur.
Releasing the feline's hands, she allowed the heavy grasp of her new body to drift across her old one. Her right arm wrapped around Silver's shoulders while her left slipped beneath his knee to lift him off the ground. As it always had, the cat's form slotted flush against the hedgehog's chest- his head was against her shoulder. Was she really this light... or was Silver stronger than she'd been giving him credit? She had been noticing this body's shoulders in her peripheral vision a lot more than she had her own...
"Wait, this... feels weird," Did she look like that when she usually blushed? She hoped she wasn't usually so beet red, let alone volcanic to hold.
"Try not to think about it, that's what I usually do," She muttered under her breath, "How do I fly?"
"Oh, um," Silver leaned up, whispering into her ear, "You want to let the energy flow over your whole body and then just sort of... think in the direction? The harder you think, the more significant the force. Try to be gentle with your thoughts, too much and things will get dangerous. Maybe try to just hover first?"
Blaze closed her eyes and felt the coolness of psychic energy wash over and encase her body. That was the easy part, she'd managed that much already. What on earth did he mean to think in a direction? Silver didn't always look where he was casting his power, so it wasn't as though he meant to focus on a point in front of them. Did he mean to imagine an arrow? She didn't think he was constantly doing that in the heat of battle. What-
Something smacked Blaze's knees and made her eyes open wide; she looked down toward the ground and very almost plummeted directly into it! With so little thought, so little effort, the new psychic found herself rocketing through the garden; battering her way through bushes at a breakneck pace and barely feeling them smash against the psychic shell around her.
She commanded her body to stop and came to a neck wrenching halt, still hovering around half a metre off the ground. A glance backwards showed that a not so insignificant portion of the garden had been torn apart in the wake of her movement; it was lucky they hadn't been facing the greenhouse. Much further though and they would have hit the palace wall...
"Maybe try to think less?" She looked down to find her own face cringing up at her, "Gentle thoughts, light thoughts, try not to push too hard."
"I understand that now," She grumbled, throwing one more glance back to a rapidly approaching Marine before looking to the top of the palace wall, "There really is no chance we'll fall, is there?"
"No," Silver shook his head, "If you start to feel tired or lightheaded we should land as quickly as possible, but I know my body, I can handle way more than what you just did," Blaze felt his arm on her back, right where she had held him so many times, "I trust you."
"I don't like hearing that in my voice," Blaze harrumphed, turning her gaze skyward, "Let's get this-
Before she could even finish that sentence they were far higher than they had any right to be. By the time they finally made it to the courtyard the new hedgehog was both lightheaded and tired. This was going to be long and arduous, but they could make it work. Couldn't they?
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currymuncherxxx0 · 9 months
Obey me demon brothers with a Chav! Mc
Okay so this hc is gonna be comedy lol. Its the obey me brothers with an mc who is such a chav. A chav is basically a very popular British girl in British schools or anywhere it doesn't have be in school lol. If you're British you'll understand lmao. #chav
As you arrived in devildom you had a very salty look on your face. Your fake lashes falling off, your face looking disgusted and your orange foundation and dark contour stands out.
Lucifer: Lucifer will obviously be very annoyed and irritated. This human causes more chaos than mammon himself. She's too loud and petty. And not to forget, the litres of Victoria's secret perfume sprayed on herself and in her room. It killed his airways. Lucifer comes to her to scold her about spraying too much perfume in the house of lamentation until she replies "Oh my god bruv, it actually bare stinks in this room yeah, you lot need to know what hygiene is." With that, Lucifer got frustrated. "MC! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU CONTINUE TO SPRAY PERFUME IN THE HOUSE??! IT WILL DAMAGE THE AIR!!" "Okay and, I don't care fam. It still smells like clapped pussios." Lucifer gets more confused now. More and more confused. He don't know a single thing about British slang. But as time went on, the MC and lucifer did have a love hate relationship. In fact, Lucifer even wanted to visit London with MC.
Mammon: Being the second born tsundere, Mammon is obviously gonna be like, "Oi, I don't like ya, MC!" and then he blushes. But when the MC is like, "Okay and? You keep staring at me like a bare madman still. You're clapped anyways." Mammon got more confused. What is clapped? As soon as he finds out what it actually means, Mammon starts sobbing into his pillows every day and night. Although Mammon was an idiot, he was never insulted by someone he loved. Since all of his brothers treated him like shit and insulted him badly. He had to cope with that trauma. A few weeks later, the MC realises how much she's hurt his feelings. "Look bruv. I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings still. It's just that I grew up having to be a salty skept. Forgive me still." With that, Mammon is a bit skeptical but forgives mc. The next time any roadman try to shank MC up, Mammon is here with her in his demon form. And if any girl tries to steal Mammon away from the MC, MC will smoke them still.
Leviathan: Now we all know that Levi is always in his room, watching some random h3nt@1 shit or playing video games. And he probably didn't shower for weeks. And because of that, MC does laugh at him. "Oi you man. What the fuck did you do with your hair, why does it look like some purple bowl? Are you Justin Bieber on crack mate? You're butters! Take a shower as well, fam." With that, Levi was just like "w-well you're obviously not gonna l-like a-an o-otaku like m-me." I swear, this guy gives pick me boy vibes. But the second that Levi takes off his shirt and his toned, outlined 6 pack and chest is showing, the MC is more confused now and also intrigued. "O-oi, MC, s-stop l-looking at me!" "Alai, you're actually so fit icl. You're leng. Since when did you have a chocolate bar shaped body when you're in that prison all day just busting shit?? You're tasty, bruv." And with that, the two of them have hate love relationships again. Levi swears to protect the MC from the opps. And MC swears to scrap anyone who even steals her bf away.
Satan: Well, Satan does has anger and daddy issues. So don't fuck with him or else you'll get smoked by him innit. "Oi, you! Yeah you, you yeah! You look like Cat Noir from poundland still." With that, Satan gets angry. "Well at least I'm smarter than you, kid." He's a bit angry. "You're calling big man a kid?? Nah. I'm a big man, pussio. I'll chef you and your dad up, wait you have daddy issues lololol" Satan has turned intona green flash and then into his demon form. "WTF DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, B***!! ILL FUCKNG BREAK YOUR NECK!!" Satan was destroying everything around him now. "Okay okay fam, calm down fam. No need to act mental and that, get a grip mate. Sorry fam. Geez, you're so sensitive blud." Throughout time, they're still enemies. Yeah.
Asmodeus: Asmo is gonna be the one that the MC hates the most. MC thinks that he's too feminine as a man. As Asmo applies a heavy amount of foundation, concealer, contour, blusher, face powder, glittery pink, orange and yellow eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, long long false lashes, highlighter, bronzer and purple lipstick, MC just looks at him, weirdly. "What the fuck are you doing, bruv? You look bare zesty." Asmo does not know a single thing about British slang so instead he says this. "Oh, sorry for stating the facts that I'm beautiful hun. You're just jealous that I can blend my contour and concealer better than you, you just look more orange than Donald trump, your crusty musty looking concealer lips." MC gets angry. "Oi, what the fuck did you just say to me, bruv?? Do you wanna scrap?? I'll smoke you fam, don't fuck with me innit." Asmo isn't scared at all. "Well try and do that, love. You won't be able to walk the next day, hun~~~ 😏" of course he's gonna be some horny ass mf.
Beelzebub: Tbh, I think MC would kind of get along with Beel. Yes, she would find it irritating that beel eats the whole fridge but still. I have a feeling tha MC would actually have a crush on Beel. "Oi, Ed Sheeran looking man! Yeah you! You're leng still! You look fit! Man eats the whole fridge and still has bare tits and biceps." And yeah, MC and beel just have a nice friendship. As time went on, Beel smoked more oops and roadmen who touched MC and MC scrapped any chav that would lay a finger on her bodybuilder bf.
Sorry I didn't add belphie, I'll try to do that in the next part 😭
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camille-lachenille · 1 year
For this ask game https://www.tumblr.com/camille-lachenille/727744831455150080
I’ll tell you about the story very creatively called ‘Elrond and Elros have a baby sister’
It starts with the third kinslaying and Maedhros finding a feral child who looks A LOT like Elwing and tries to stab him with a kitchen knife. He tosses him in a closet, locks the door and goes to find Maglor to sort the situation. When they come back, there is another child, identical to the first, trying to open the closet. Maglor immediately decides to take them in for reasons I haven’t entirely figured out yet but there’s a lot of guilt in there.
Anyways, M&M take the twins with them. Elros, keeps glaring at them and biting everyone who tries to touch him and Elrond swears like a sailor and hisses at people. They refuses anyone touch their pack even tough it looks heavy. Until the pack starts crying. Because there’s a baby inside. Elrond admits he sung his little sister, Elrodel, to sleep when the Fëanorians first entered Sirion and she slept through the kinslaying and a good chunk of the journey to the Fëanorian camp. Maglor realises this child he just kidnapped not only looks like a tiny Lúthien but he also has a LOT of power. Also, he has to find a wet nurse asap.
The kidap fam finds some sort of routine, the twins grudgingly accepting to obey Maglor for Elrodel’s sakes. They take very seriously the task of telling her about her true parents and teaching her the little songs Elwing taught them. Times goes on, Elrond’s Song becomes more and more powerful and he also starts having visions of the future. Elros too has them in some measure but his thing is reading people’s mind. Elrodel is a hellion of a baby, always making so much noise and biting people once she stars teething and generally making M&M’s lives miserable. It appears that her part-Maia thing is turning into a seagull. Maglor freaks out the first time it happens in his presence and Elros is very blasé and says something along the lines of "yeah, she does that sometimes. Mind her beak, she bites." And gull-chick Elrodel immediately proceeds to bite Maglor.
Moving on to the end of the first age/early second age: the twins and Elrodel live at Gil-Galad’s court and Elrodel starts apprenticing with Círdan. She reminds him a lot of Eärendil, in both looks and temper (the feral part comes from Elwin and being raised by Maglor).
I kind of want to insert something about the Silmarils, with Elrodel using a loophole in the wording of the oath to try prevent M&M steal them and make the Oath void but I still haven’t figured this part out, mostly if she fails and things go as in canon or her risked plan works but M&M still end up badly because they’re too far gone. Either ways it’s be angsty.
But as Elros becomes a leader of Men and Elrond carves his place as the King’s Herald, Elrodel tries desperately to reconnect with the heritage and family she never knew and reject her Feanorian upbringing. She’s sarcastic and angry but also very sad and lost.
She spends a good part of the Second Age building a giant lighthouse on the isle of Hilming and inventing morse code to chat with Eärendil. She also works with Celebrimbor on a flying ship and calls it Nimgwael (white gull). Using both her skin changing ability and her ship, she works as a courrier between Númenor and Lindon and as an unofficial spymaster for the kings of both kingdoms until Elros’ death and only Gil-Galad afterwards. During the various wars of the Second Age, she uses the Nimgwael as an airforce with giant crossbows on her ship. It’s her was to reconcilliate her birth heritage and what she learned growing up with the Fëanorian.
At some point she marries a fellow sailor and they work on more crazy inventions and she’s Elrond’s children Cool Aunt.
And that leads me to the end of the Third Age where Elrodel pops up in Dale to ask the new King Bad if she can buy the corpse of Smaug because she needs dragon scales to repair/upgrade her flying ship as it’s the only material strong and light enough for this. Bard is suitably baffled but hd won’t refuse gold against getting rid of the dead dragon at the bottom of the lake. After that, I see Elrodel making aerial raids against Sauron’s forces during the War of the Ring with her little flying ship and she’s an asset in retaking the ships from the Umbar corsairs.
I don’t really have an ending appart that she sails West only after Arwen’s death. And in Valinor she will work hard to create a relationship with her parents she doesn’t even remember. Maybe she works shifts on Vingilot so Eärendil can spend time ashore with Elwing?
Also, maybe she finds Maglor pathetically wandering the shores and brings him home by the scruff of the neck…
And here’s my very long, very rambling post about this fic that has been living rent free in my brain for months but words seems to evaporate the second I try to write it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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soir-rouges-esprit · 4 months
xxviii.i: The Viper, “Hehe! You are … so good, you know your like … an awesome asshole right?” I giggle in return. Yeah yeah, best there ever was. “Damn straight! … ” She jolted up. “So … where do I fit into this plan to kill a Mexican Cowboy huh?” I stare at her. N-no … you can't M it- “I'm going to help … so don’t try to stop me, unless you really want this to fail … because I'm either working with you against him … or I swear to God I'll make your life a living hell if not just kill you myself. Do not … try it.” … ok … “Goodboy” … OH boy, here we go again. “Stealing that so yeah better be prepared … ” she walked up and stood between my legs while I sat, putting her torso about a couple inches from my face. “Plus! … you are my good boy.” I kind of sit there and just smile while she runs her fingers through my hair. Then Snap out of the dark magic word she had used on me. OK! Ok. I swat her away, and she sits back down next to me, smiling and laughing oh so nicely. You can help … by acting as my little home base, and with information collection, gonna need to search a few people Alzon worked with … figure a few addresses, tether leads, and build a profile on him and his general whereabouts … think you can do that for me? … … … M? … “Hmm … sounds pretty good … but I want something in return” Oh so now you're making negotiations huh? Haha ok … what? “You have to … change up a bit” change up? “Mmmhm! … no more sleeping on the couch, unless we pass out again watching a movie etc. We BOTH need to eat out less, unless it's a late-night sting operation” This isn't a spy movie “Shhh SHUT UP! … Don’t ruin my moment here. We share everything! About any updates on this, even the smallest little details, I must know it all. Aaannnd … You have to promise more special nights like this … ONCE A MONTH IF NOT MORE!!!” Calm down there slick. I laugh. Fine … sounds good, but you also have to agree to something. She responded in a mocking voice “Oh so now you're making negotiations huh?” SHUT IT!!! … Regardless of the situation, you aren't working directly with Van … I don't want her having contact with you at all, and if she tries (Which she might) you are to ignore her at Every request no matter what. And if shit does hit the fan … and something really bad does happen … you're out at the drop of a hat, no direct danger you understand? I don't want that and I'm seriously not ok with that if it happens, that'd really fuck with me badly so none of that if possible … “Ok … fine … but I'm still going to be at your side if things go bad at least to shield you if you're unable again, like house you, etc, and no matter what … even if it does put some danger on me … if you do get all jacked up again, you are to call Me! first … and you're coming home where I can take care of you, watch you and make sure everything is ok, because I!! seriously won't be ok with any other way” … Ok … fine, deal … there, happy now? I punch her in the shoulder lightly. “Y-Yeah!” She punches me back. I slap her back. Sounds *SMACK* Great! “You F-fu-” She slaps me back, I then poke her cheek, she gets up and starts to pull my ear, I pull her cheek and she covers my mouth with her hand and then pinches my nose … seeing she was trying a dirty move to win this battle … I opted … for my trump card … I reach my hands out and start to tickle her stomach, she loses it trying hard to battle my hands away, I keep pushing and pushing, she falls back laying flat against the laydown chair hysterically laughing roughly saying In between laughter “S-sToP!! … FuCKInG GOinG tO kIlL … YOU!!” I take her pleas as a sign of weakness and increase my intensity, she squirms around with tears in her eyes, I'm forced closer to her to enact my punishment further … I eventually stop, we are both left laughing as I hover over her, one arm over her right shoulder pressing hard against the chair. We were … quite close … [To Be Continued]
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luvfae · 2 years
[final chapter]
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summary: elliot's been watching you for a while, but he never dared to approach you. you were a good girl at heart and he didn’t think you'd want anything to do with him. all of that changes one friday night at a party, when both of your worlds collide.
fandom: euphoria
parings: elliot x f reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, angst, mentions of addiction, mentions of drugs
little star masterlist
note: first things first, i’m sorry in advance for this chapter, but this was always my plan for this series. i can’t believe we’re at the end. my 200 followers gift is over & now i’m 50 followers away from 1000. this is insane. i love you all & i hope you enjoyed this series as much as i did writing it 💗
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Late in the night when you were fast asleep Elliot received a call from Rue, which he answered in the bathroom. He didn't want to wake you.
Rue's phone call was somewhat of a wake up call, the push he really needed to understand the damage he had seriously done to you. He didn't mean to corrupt you, turn you into someone you weren't, but alas, it had happened.
The next morning he set up a plan, he knew if you were addicted to oxycodone that eventually you'd take one without his knowledge. So he counted the exact amount of pills he had.
Low and behold when you left for home, two pills had gone missing. Elliot rang you straight away, throwing around accusations, that you denied, but you knew they were true and so did Elliot.
You hadn't seen Elliot for 24 hours, not only because you had both came to blows over the phone, but also because your parents had been complaining about never seeing you anymore.
This 24 hours left Elliot to do some thinking. He spent hours staring at his ceiling, wondering what he was going to do to help you. He had thought of various plans, calling Rue to get her input, but she turned down every one. Rue told Elliot exactly what he needed to do to get you back to your old self.
By the time 30 hours had passed, you and Elliot made up. You apologised for stealing the pills and he accepted your apology. You facetimed for a few hours until you went to bed.
You woke up early on Sunday and walked over to Elliot's house, feeling a little shaky due to the lack of pills. You needed one badly, but you didn't want to come to blows again for stealing another. So you'd just have to convinced him to give one to you.
He was in his bedroom when you arrived. You dumped your purse on his bed, kissing him with a smile on your face.
"Hi," you said. He smiled in return, his guitar in his arms. "Got any weed?" You asked, slowly trying to ease your way into getting an oxy.
Elliot grabbed your hand, rubbing circles into your palm. "I wrote a song for you," Elliot said, clearing his throat. You grinned at his words. "Can I play it for you?" He asked.
"Of course, Elli," you said and he dropped your hand, beginning to strum on his guitar. His eyes darting from his fingers to you as he began to sing.
"Little star, feels like you feel right on my head."
At first the song made you feel warm, happy.
"Us against the world, just a couple sinners making fun of hell," He sang, looking into your eyes. "If I keep you here, i'll only be doing it for myself."
You furrowed your eyebrows, smile slowly dropping as he continued to sing and the lyrics started piecing themselves together. You just hoped you had the wrong idea of what this song truly was.
"I know this thing is broken, so i'll leave my door wide open."
You started to feel sick, the small hope you had of this not being a break up song disintegrating and you felt your entire heart shatter when he sang, "one day we'll meet again."
"I gave it all to see you shine again, I hope it was worth it in the end," by now you had tears pooling in your eyes. Your felt deflated and horrible, hoping this was just a dream. Hoping that you were painting it out to be more than it was.
His strumming stopped and you gulped, looking down at your feet. "That was beautiful, but um... It wasn't what I was expecting," you sniffled, fidgeting with your fingers.
"Y/N, I care about you, so much," Elliot began. "But what i've done to you isn't what I wanted, this isn't what I, or anyone else, wants for you."
"You've been talking to Rue, haven't you?" You asked, tears streaming down your cheeks as your eyes snapped up to him. "This is our life, not hers, Elliot. I'm happy, you're happy, why ruin this?"
"But i’m not happy, Y/N… You're the best thing that ever happened to me and the fact that I did this to you hurts me more than you can imagine," Elliot said. "Which is why I have to let you go."
Your bottom lip quivered at his words, wiping your cheeks. "I ruined myself for you, Elliot," you whispered. "Changed everything about myself so that you'd stay interested in me... I'm a fool, huh?"
Elliot sighed. "I liked you how you were, Y/N," he said. "I was interested in you months before we talked at that party."
"I love you, please don't do this to me," you begged, walking closer to him, grabbing his hands.
"I love you too..." He replied, your eyes lightning up at his words. "Which is why I have to let you go," he said, slipping his hands out of your grip. You sobbed, hands covering your eyes. "It's for the best, please understand," Elliot sighed, standing up to hug you.
"It's not!" You cried. "This is not for the best!"
"Y/N... please," Elliot said, tears in his eyes, trying his hardest to hold them back.
"Why can't we just be together?" You asked, desperation clear in your voice. The thought of not having him anymore was unbearable. Your heart was beating way to fast, losing your breath.
"This is for the best, I promise," Elliot said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Sit down, let me calm you down and then i'll take you home," he said, sitting you down on his bed, an arm wrapped around you as the both of cried.
You stayed like that for an hour, just holding each other while Elliot tried to convince you that this truly was for the best. But you didn't believe him, if it was for the best why did it hurt so much?
Eventually you stood up, looking at his bedroom for the last time. Letting him drive you home for the last time.
You didn't want to get out of his car, looking over at him with a frown.
"I'm sorry baby," he whispered. You nodded. "You'll see soon enough that this really is for the best, I promise... I love you."
"I love you too," you said, giving him a sad smile. You wished you had said it sooner so you could of heard him say it more.
Elliot reached over, cupping your cheeks, pressing one final kiss against your lips. "I'll see you around," he said, watching you get out of his car. "I'll always be here for you."
"Me too," you said, wiping your tears before you closed the door. Walking towards your front porch, turning around, giving him a small wave as he drove off and you burst into tears again. Immediately calling Lexi.
Your heartache got easier with the changing seasons, and slowly you went back to your normal self. The first few days without the oxycodone were hard, somehow you fought through it. But once the pain of that went away all you could focus on was Elliot and the aching you felt, the constant longing. Even though he was the one who hurt you he was also the only person you wanted to comfort you.
But it got easier, Lexi and Rue were by your side. You spent hours crying with them, letting them hug you and help you heal. It took you a few weeks to realise that it truly was for the best. That you and Elliot were the definition of right person, wrong time. You didn't regret a single thing about the relationship.
You blended in once again, hiding yourself behind over sized sweat shirts, a book in your hand. You focused on your grades again, picking them up, pouring your heart and soul into your schoolwork, trying to reclaim everything you had lost a few months ago.
Seeing him around school was the hardest. Running to the bathroom on the verge of tears at the mere sight of him, longing looks across the hall being shared, small smiles when you walked past each other and by the time the new school year started, you were strangers again. Two strangers with a whole lot of history.
It wasn't any easier for Elliot, his drug use only increasing without you by his side. He didn't have a reason to even attempt to get sober, so why bother? He felt at ease when you went back to your old self, the girl he gawked over for months finally returning. Once he saw you back into your old routine, smiling with Lexi, pen on paper scribbling away, was when he started to heal.
But he didn't know if he would ever fully heal and neither did you, he meant what he said in that song. One day, we'll meet again. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or even in five years time, but eventually he would weasel his way into your life again. But for now, he was quite content with watching you flourish from the sidelines and he did just that, every single day until graduation.
Elliot watched you walk on stage to graduate, you received various amounts of awards, you were even given a scholarship to your dream collage. Seeing you so happy made him happy, in this moment he knew that he really had done the right thing by ending things with you a year ago.
You were moving out of state soon to start college and although you hadn't spoken in a year, he had to say his last goodbye.
"Y/N," he said, grabbing your wrist. You looked over you shoulder, eyes softening at the sight of him. "Congratulations, you deserve this," he smiled.
You grinned up at him, turning around to face him. "Thank you," you nodded. "And thank you for breaking up with me, I don't think I would of received a single award if we had stayed together... not that I don't miss you or anything," you said.
Elliot nodded at your words, dropping your wrist. "I told you it was for the best... Good luck out there," he said.
"You too," you replied, turning away, ready to walk away, but you froze. Pursing your lips, you turned back around to face him, wrapping your arms around his torso, hugging him tightly for possibly the last time. Elliot hugged you back and your eyes fluttered shut, cheek pressed against his chest. "I just want you to know that no matter where life takes us i'll never forget you," you said.
Elliot smiled at your words. "I'll never forget you either... how could I? You're the first person I ever loved," Elliot said.
You pulled away from him, your eyes becoming glossy with tears. "You're the first person I ever loved too," you said, reaching up on your tip toes to kiss his cheek.
Elliot cupped your cheeks, smashing his lips against yours. Your eyes widened before fluttering shut, hands snaking around his neck. You had missed the familiar feeling of his lips on yours. You pulled away, staring up at him with a smile
"Maybe we should have sex," Elliot suggested, taking you by surprise.
"Just one last time won't hurt, right?" You laughed.
"My car?" He asked, as the two of you began walking.
"I have a car now, tinted windows and all," you said.
"Your car it is," Elliot smirked.
Rue and Lexi stood side by side, watching the two of you walk away together. Lexi's arms folded across her chest. Rue's eyes squinted, a hand over her forehead to stop the sun from getting in her eyes.
"This can't be good," Rue said.
"Honestly Rue, I think their soulmates," Lexi said, watching as you and Elliot disappeared into the back seat of your car. "No matter how much you try and keep them apart, they'll always make their way back to each other."
Rue hummed, looking over at the brunette girl. "Ice cream?" She asked. Lexi smiled, intertwining her arm with Rue's and walking off.
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© luvfae 2022
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
hi teach :) thought i would ask my fave blog for this- scenario where shouto saves his injured so from getting caught up in a villain fight or even kidnapped. keep up the great work but take a break when needed ❤️
Hi sweetie! First let me tell you that I'm honored to be your favorite, I can't thank you enough I swear 😍 Now let's talk about this amazing request! It inspired me and put me back on track after days of uncertainty and self doubt, and for that I am infinitely grateful.
Title : My savior
Characters : Shouto/ Fem reader
Genre : Angst/ fluff/ One shot
Summary : You are badly injured and on the verge of death at the hands of the villains you were pursuing. Will Shouto get to you on time?
Trigger warning : Bodily injuries/ emotional distress/ attempted rape
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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"What's happening?.. Is it over?.. Did we lose?.. What's this blinding pain shooting up my spine?.. Why can't I move?.."
Countless unanswered questions ran through your mind as you laid motionless in the middle of the battlefield.
Last thing you could remember was Shouto's gentle touches and soft kisses as you were both getting ready to depart on the mission.
_ "Honey just promise me you'll be safe, that's more important to me than whatever outcome we'll be facing."
Those were the words he whispered into your ear right before stealing your lips in a breathtaking kiss..
"Shouto.. Shouto where are you?"
You tried to sit up as your eyes desperately searched for him, but the agony surging throughout your body terrified you. Was that it for you? Was death awaiting?
Surely you weren't expecting to come out unscathed each time. Hell, you had even made your peace with passing away on the job one of those days. It's the downside of choosing to be a pro hero after all.
Therefore no, dying was not what terrified you. It was actually the realization that you might leave this world without seeing his face one last time, without reminding him of your feelings, without kissing him again and making sure he was safe and sound..
_ "Shouto, answer me please.." your voice came out in a whisper, laced in despair.. that was all you managed to let out. You wondered what that last explosion might have done to him. If only you were able to stand on your own two feet.
_ "Oh! Look what we have here! If it isn't our dear y/n."
You immediately recognized the obnoxious laughter coming from behind you, it belonged to one of the villains you pursued.
The shuffling feet approached you, as did your ending.
You could barely move a muscle, let alone fight back. All you could do was lay there and anticipate whatever they had planned for you.
One of the villains kneeled down before picking up a rock and bouncing it with one hand, while using the other to strangle you.
_ "Look at you! Not so tough now are you?" he was mocking you, he wasn't even squeezing your neck that hard. He knew he didn't have to use that much power to end you.
Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and your mouth hung open as you gasped for air.
Suddenly, your water gates broke, and burning tears traced your cheeks.
_"Oh.. are you crying? Is this your way of asking for mercy?" he was still mocking you.
You were crying, but never to draw their sympathy. To be honest you were miserable, heartbroken, your time was almost over and the last thing you were forced to lay your gaze upon was to be the faces of your killers.
_ "Shouto.." you mouthed the name of the person you wanted to see the most.
_ "Huh? What was that?" your offender pushed a bit harder on your neck as he lowered his face to your level.
_ "Hey hold on! You're gonna break her neck already! I wanna have some fun first, it's not everyday that we get to do this with a pro hero, imagine how famous we'll be!" his friend remarked before crouching down to snatch the rock from the other's hand and throw it away: "not yet."
You closed your eyes as you finally accepted your fate, if you were meant to be played with and killed then darkness should be your last companion.
Your tears kept flowing, and their rough disgusting hands started undressing you.
He was never harsh, never forceful, his touches were always gentle and loving. His lips had always traced your body with such softness that left you trembling in pleasure. His voice was always low and reassuring..
_ "Y/n, are you okay? Look at me honey."
Amazing, you could almost hear him..
_ "Please open your eyes! Talk to me! You can't leave me y/n! You promised to never leave me!"
What's going on? Was your mind playing tricks on you? Was it some kind of a defense mechanism that your brain managed to concoct in order to help you face your demise? Would the illusion disappear if you dared to open your eyes?
You suddenly felt warm, as if something or someone had covered your injured cold body.
A soft familiar touch wiped your tears away, and it felt too real to be just a hallucination .
You hesitantly opened your eyes to find two terrified mismatched ones staring back into yours.
_ "Shouto.. it's really you.." you wanted to reach out and caress his clenched jaws, but you had no power left in you.
_ "I'm here babe, I'm really sorry it took me too long to find you but I've got you now, you're safe." he was struggling to fight back his own tears, seeing you on the verge of dying and almost violated by a couple of lowlife villains was too much to bare.
You heard whimpering not too far from you, only to realize that it belonged to your offenders. They were beaten to a pulp, burnt, bleeding and restrained.
_ "No sweetheart don't look there, just keep your eyes on me, it's gonna be okay I promise." his smile was forced, he was scared out of his wits but tried his hardest to reassure you.
_ "I love you Shouto.." was all you could utter before drifting out of consciousness.
The continuous beeping sound coming from your heart monitor pulled you back to your senses. You felt dizzy but fairly comfortable.
You were obviously laying in a hospital bed, but how long has it been? The horrid events of that fateful day came prancing across your mind but they felt like distant memories.
You tried moving your arms but something kept you from doing so. You looked down to find Shouto sitting in a chair and grabbing onto your hand as he slept.
Your heart swelled and you were overcame with intense emotions.
_ "Shouto, wake up." you tried to keep calm but your cracking voice betrayed you.
He hummed softly and opened his eyes to find you gazing at him.
_ "Y/n you're awake! You're finally up!" he moved to sit by your side before cradling your cheeks, "how are you feeling? Are you still hurt? Can you move? I was so scared I thought I was going to lose you!"
You smiled nuzzling his hand and you could finally heave a sigh of relief.
_ "I'm okay Shouto I promise, don't worry."
You could clearly see him relaxing as your words managed to calm him down. He took your hand and brought it to his lips.
_ "You were unconscious for three days, I was terrified." he mumbled against your skin and placed gentle kisses on each of your fingers, "please don't leave me y/n."
You felt a pang in your heart hearing his last words. You wanted to touch him, to kiss him, to tell him that you would never leave his side. But you didn't know where to start.
_ "I love you Shouto." that was the only thing you were capable of, but it was enough for him.
He gently helped you sit up before moving closer to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
_ "I love you too honey." he whispered against your mouth, unwilling to break away from you.
Finally, you felt complete, and so did he.
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kkodzvken · 4 years
suit up - hawks x f. reader
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the one where keigo marries the girl of his dreams, and then takes her home and shows her just how loved she is. title cred/inspo: suit up by jonghyun
notes/warnings: smut and fluff (your teeth may rot and fall out, you’ve been warned), soft dom!keigo, praise kink, slight size kink, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex + creampie. reader and kei use the traffic light safe word system and they review it beforehand, and he checks in with her at one point but she’s green, so everything is 100% consensual. they flirt + kei says explicit things at the reception but nothing /actually/ happens in public. mentions of alcohol
wc: 5.3k
a/n: this idea’s been bouncing around my head for a while bc i wanna marry this dumbass so bad :’) my first full hawks fic!! im so happy hehe
You’re so beautiful.
Keigo’s always known, of course. He’s found you beautiful since the very first moment that he laid his eyes on you, all those years ago. He tells you that you’re beautiful every single day, no matter how much you roll your eyes or jokingly tell him to shut up.
You’re beautiful all the time, but there are certain moments that leave him especially breathless. The day that you foolishly challenged Rumi to an arm-wrestling match. The determined look in your eye as you clenched your fist, sweat dripping down your brow and arm muscles straining (you lost, of course – the rabbit hero was ridiculously jacked). The brilliant smile that graces your face whenever he brings you flowers or little souvenirs from his work trips. The very first morning after you moved into his penthouse, when he woke up next to your peaceful sleeping form, and realized that he’d have mornings like this for the rest of his life.
The day that he flew you up to the mountains for a starlit picnic. The smile on your face as you polished off your meal, and the way that your hand flew up to your mouth when he got down on one knee. Your teary-eyed look of pure love as he slipped the ring onto your finger, the diamond gleaming like one of the stars that shone down on you. The way that your eyes rolled back and your legs wrapped around his waist when he took you home and fucked you for hours.
And right now. Keigo swore that his heart damn near burst at the sight of you. The organist was playing, but he couldn’t hear the notes, couldn’t hear anything besides the blood rushing in his ears. Your hands clasped an elegant flower bouquet, and Keigo was sure that the blossoms were pretty, but he couldn’t spare even a second to glance at them. No, his entire focus was trained on you. You, with your beautiful dress that perfectly accentuated the body that he loved so much. When your eyes raised to meet his, and that perfect smile worked its way across your face… he had to bite his inner cheek to try and hold the tears back.
In a simultaneous eternity and heartbeat, you were handing off your bouquet to a bridesmaid and clasping Keigo’s large hands with your much smaller ones. The officiant was speaking, but Keigo didn’t process any of it. The sight of your eyes shining up at him, more beautiful than any of the stars in the night sky, was the only thing anchoring him to the world. He felt like he was floating through a dreamscape with only you, the happiness in his chest powerful and all-encompassing.
You’re talking to a group of your old friends from high school when a tap against your shoulder grabs your attention, and you turn to see your fiancé – no, your husband – smirking down at you. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. “Excuse me, ladies,” he says to your friends. “Mind if I steal her for a moment?” His amber eyes glint mischievously, and you swear that a whole swarm of butterflies take flight in your stomach.
Your friends giggle and nod, and then Keigo’s spinning you around so that you’re face-to-face. He’s stunning, in his black suit and red dress shirt, the shade of crimson matching his wings perfectly. “Dance with me, dove,” he says, before leaning down to press a quick kiss against your lips. You nod, and he leads you towards the center of the venue, where most of your guests are dancing to some cheesy pop song. Keigo nods at the DJ, who nods back and switches to the music. Soft synth notes travel through the speakers, before the singer’s dreamy voice floods your ears.
Your hands find their way to his broad shoulders. His wings move to wrap around you protectively. You’re not sure if he even realizes that he does it – it’s such a normal thing, now, for him to shield you, to create a little cocoon for the two of you. You frown as you feel his muscles moving underneath your fingers. “You’re too tense,” you say, fingers gently kneading at the parts of his back that you can reach. “Let me give you a massage once we get home.”
He chuckles, one of his own hands coming up to capture yours. He laces your fingers together before bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against your skin. The look he gives you is so tender, the love radiating off his body so palpable, that it makes your knees feel week. “Sweet, but I’m the one who’s going to be taking care of you tonight.” You open your mouth to protest, but he tuts, and a feather flies up to shush at your lips. “No, listen. You’re driving me crazy. Every time I turn my head, I see you looking so damn beautiful that my heart stops. Makes me wanna just pull you away and rip that pretty dress off.”
You gasp at his words, a pretty blush dusting your cheeks. “Kei! People are gonna hear you!”
He shrugs, pulling you even closer and swaying your bodies lightly to the music. “Let them,” he says nonchalantly, but the glint in his eye is pure sin. He leans down so that his lips brush against the shell of your ear. You can’t help the shudder that wracks through your body as his warm breath hits your skin. “You’re so cute when you’re blushing like that. Did I make you flustered, baby?” His fingers release yours, instead gripping your chin and forcing you to meet his eyes. “Answer me, love.”
You nod, feeling small. Only Keigo can affect you like this, can reduce you to a trembling mess with just a few words.
You love it.
He smirks at your confession, pressing a kiss against your cheek before leaning his forehead against yours. “What do you say we jump ship, babe?” Your confusion must show on your face, because he continues. “I think I might die if I have to wait much longer to get my hands on you. And judging by the way you’re acting… I’d bet good money that you’re already dripping for me.”
“Kei!” You swat at his chest before burying your face in it. He laughs, one of his real, genuine laughs that makes your heart soar, before kissing the crown of your head.
“I don’t see you denying it.”
“Shut up.”
“Aw, is my cute little wife flustered?”
Wife. The word sounds so pretty rolling off his lips that you can’t resist retreating from the safety of his chest to press your lips against his. He cups your face with one of his large, rough hands and kisses you back. His wings shift to cover you up before the hand on your waist moves down to pinch at your ass – or, at least, it tries. The layers of your dress obstruct him, and he growls in frustration.
You can’t help but whine as well. You want him all the time, of course. Years of being together haven’t changed how fucking badly you want him all the time. You’d used up all your willpower behaving for the ceremony and the reception so far. You’d been good, had kept your hands to yourself throughout dinner and the toasts. But now, the mix of his body against yours, the dirty words that he’d whispered into your ear, and the cocktails running through your bloodstream were making it very hard for you to ignore the pooling heat between your legs.
You wanted him. You wanted your husband.
“Please,” you whisper. Under normal circumstances, you’d hate how whiny and pathetic you sound, but you’re too far gone to care. “Please, let’s go, Kei. Need you.”
A few whispered words to Rumi, and a knowing smirk from her, and you were gone. It was surprisingly easy to slip out the venue. You’d expected to be stopped by some nosy family member, but it seemed that everyone was too tipsy and having too much fun to care. Nevertheless, you had to be careful once you stepped out into the fresh night air. The number two hero’s wedding was perfect paparazzi bait. You didn’t even want to think about the feeding frenzy that the media would go into if they caught sight of you now.
The night sky was like a shield, though, and it protected you from prying eyes. You’d been discreet when picking the wedding and reception venues, and even more discreet in choosing your honeymoon destination. Tomorrow morning, you and Keigo would fly up to the mountains, where he’d rented a little cabin for the two of you. By some miracle, he’d managed to get a whole week off work – a whole week where you’d have him, entirely to yourself.
But right now, you aren’t thinking about tomorrow morning, or the lovely, peaceful honeymoon that you were about to embark on. Right now, the only thing you can think about is Keigo. Keigo, with his beautifully messy hair that moved like ocean waves as you soared through the air. There’s nothing in this world that you love more than flying with him, pressed against his sturdy body with his strong arms wrapped around you. Light pollution makes it hard to see the sky from the ground, but up here, the moon and stars are breathtaking.
Almost as breathtaking as your husband, who’s eyes are prettier than any stars could ever hope to be.
He looks down and catches you staring, taking him in with your wide, wondrous eyes. You can barely hear anything through the noise-cancelling headphones that he makes you wear whenever you fly, but his words reach you, clear as day – “I love you.”
“And I love you.” Your voice comes out small, stolen away by the rushing wind. You try again, louder this time. “I love you!”
He chuckles, chest shaking as he tries to keep his laughs contained. “You trying to one-up me? I can be loud too.” He takes a deep breath, before tipping his head back and shouting an I love you up into the heavens.
His lips are soft and sweet as candy when they dip down to meet yours. “I’m just so happy,” he whispers against you. “You make me so happy.”
The moment that you set foot into the penthouse, you gasp.
“Oh, Kei,” you breathe, hand flying over your mouth.
He bounces nervously as he locks up the balcony door, not meeting your eye. “Do…do you not like it?”
You march up to him and grab his face in your hands, before standing up onto your tip-toes and planting a kiss on his forehead. “I love it, baby. Really, you’ve outdone yourself.”
He perks up at the praise, kissing your lips once before his hands move down and he picks you up, clean off the ground. You can’t hold your shrieking laugh back as he spins you around, a smile lighting up his face like a god damn Christmas tree.
The house is beautiful. Really, he did outdo himself. Back when you’d first started dating, he’d had to call off your six-month-anniversary date because of a mission. You’d assured him that it was fine, that you understood, but you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t upset. He promised that he would be back in a week at the latest. You’d spent the night with your friends, eating ice cream and watching shitty movies, and left for work the next morning. You weren’t expecting him back for a few days at least, but when you opened your door after an exhausting day at work, he was there, waiting for you. Scratches on his face and bandages on his arms, but he was there. And he’d decorated your apartment with flowers and fairy lights, centered around a haphazardly made blanket fort in the center of the living room. Little candles were placed across the room, each with a red feather standing guard, making sure that the flames didn’t accidentally get knocked over and grow. After you’d gotten over your initial shock – how the hell did you get in here, Kei – you ran into his arms and squeezed him, tight. He didn’t let go of you for the entire night – his body always pressed against yours, fingers constantly entwined, even as he made you cum so many times that you forgot your own name.
It was one of your fondest memories, one that always brought a smile to your face. You’d mentioned it offhandedly last week, while you were in the weeds with wedding planning. Honestly, you didn’t think that he’d even heard what you said, with how stressed and busy the two of you were. He was picking up extra patrols to make up for his honeymoon vacation time, and you were working your ass off to get your overbearing boss off your back.
But he had heard. He heard, and he listened, because that’s just the kind of lover – the kind of husband – that Keigo is. Attentive, sweet, and intuitive. You swear, he spoils you beyond belief. You don’t even know when he got the time to decorate the apartment today, but it’s beautiful. Even more beautiful than the decorations from your six-month-anniversary, because this time, the sight is sweetened by the knowledge that this is your shared home. This isn’t just your apartment, that your friends helped sneak him into so he could fancy it up. This is your shared space, where you’ll spend the rest of your lives together. Where you’ll wake up in his arms every morning, his wings wrapped around you protectively, fragmenting the morning light into shards of red. Where you’ll make meals together and laugh at his bad cooking, where you’ll take sanctuary from the harshness of the world. This place is your home. Keigo is your home.
He finally stops spinning, but refuses to set you down. Instead, he readjusts you so that he’s carrying you bridal style. You almost laugh at how cliché it is. It feels like something out of a cheesy rom-com, but you’re so happy that you feel like you’re in one of those rom-coms.
You do laugh out loud when you see the trail of petals leading to your bedroom. Keigo feigns disappointment, dramatically sighing. “Don’t laugh, princess, you wound me.” That just makes you laugh even more, and soon, he’s joining in, burying his face in your hair as he walks the two of you towards the bed. “C’mon, I’m trying to be romantic! Quit making me laugh!”
“I can’t help it,” you giggle as he gently places you onto the bed. Thankfully, he had the common sense to not put any petals on the actual bed, but the floor is absolutely covered. Blossoms line the walls as well, along with candles that bathe the room in their gentle glow. You take a second to admire how beautiful your husband looks in the soft light. The shadows make his wings seem that much bigger as they unfurl to their full size. He looms over you, looking like the most delicious mix of devil and angel that you’ve ever seen. There’s still a playful smile on his face, but something mischievous simmers beneath it.
“Hope you didn’t forget what you said at the reception hall, baby,” he says, eyes glinting. “What was it? Hmm, something like, need you, Kei, need you to take me home and fuck me, I’m already so wet for you.”
You groan and try to bury your face in your hands, but he’s too fast. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head, easily wrapping them with just one of his large hands. “You’re making shit up,” you pout. “I only said the first part.”
“So you admit you said it? That you need me?”
“Shut up.”
“Mm, no thanks.”
You groan again, trying to suppress your smile. There are plenty of times that you and Keigo have had “serious” sex, but you mostly find yourself like this, devolving into giggles and teasing. There’s something about him that makes you feel so safe and at ease, and you can’t help yourself from giggling at his stupid remarks. He laughs, and releases your wrists to cradle your face with both his hands. He shifts so that he’s properly on top of you, his thighs on either side of your hips, and bends down to press kisses all over your face.
“My wife,” he breathes, in between kisses. “My sweet, beautiful, amazing wife. This dress is so pretty, but let’s take it off, my love. You don’t need it anymore.”
It takes a few minutes of awkward wriggling and tugging to finally remove the lace monstrosity, but at long last, the dress ends up on the floor. Keigo’s hands are on your body in an instant, fingers trailing over the curve of your waist and snapping the waistband of your panties. “God, you’ve got such pretty little lingerie on.”
“Wanted to dress up for you,” you say, pawing at his tie and trying to loosen the knot. It makes you feel small, to be so exposed while he’s still fully dressed. Normally you love to savor in that feeling, but right now, you need to feel his bare skin against yours. “Now take your clothes off, please.”
You finally manage to loosen his tie enough to pull it over his head. After stopping for another deep kiss, your hands continue their path over his body. His suit jacket comes off next, although he has to help you gently maneuver it off his wings. His cuff links clatter to the ground as you almost viciously rip off his dress shirt, and you moan when you finally feel his warm muscles.
You’re practically grinding into each other by now. Little whines leave your lips as you shamelessly roll your hips, seeking any friction you can get. You can feel his hardness, even through his thick pants, and you chase it with vigor. He’s not much better, a light blush dusting his face as he meets your rolls with shallow thrusts of his own. “Off, off, Kei, need to feel you,” you babble, fingers desperately trying to undo this belt buckle. Breathlessly, he pushes your fingers aside and pulls his belt off, unceremoniously throwing it across the room. You half expect it to collide with a candle and set the entire building on fire, but a few feathers fly out to catch it and gently set it down.
You don’t waste a second in pulling his pants down and throwing them as well, trusting that a feather will keep it from crashing into anything. Your fingers try to pull down the waistband of his boxers, but he tuts and grabs your hand.
You look up at him with pleading eyes. “Please,” you whine.
The smile on his face is gentle beyond belief as he answers. “I told you that I was going to take care of you tonight, baby. Let me make you feel good, okay? Can I make you feel good?”
You want to protest, want to beg him to stuff your face or your cunt and fuck into you until you’re lightheaded, but Keigo’s insistent about making you cum at least twice before even thinking about his own pleasure. And you can’t deny that you’re aching for him. You’re certain that you’ve soaked through your flimsy panties by now, and your mind is hazy with want.
You nod. Keigo takes your face in his hand, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Can you give me your colors too?”
You force your mind to push through the fog, force your heavy lips to move and form words. “G-green for good, yellow for slow down, red for stop.”
“Good girl.” The praise goes straight to your core, and you whine. “Oh, baby, I know I just vowed to give you everything you could ever want, but you’re so damn needy. Be patient for me, okay? Let me touch you.”
You nod obediently, but you can’t fight the urge roll your hips and feel him again. With a soft, scolding noise, he presses one of his hands into your hipbone, effectively pinning you to the mattress. Try as you might, you can’t squirm away. He’s so ridiculously strong, his muscles toned from years of training and hero work, that you’re no match for him. But it’s not so bad. You love the dominance that oozes off his body as he moves down, his hands and tongue exploring every inch of skin that they can find. His teeth nip at the sensitive spot on your neck, the spot that always makes you melt for him. You shamelessly sigh and tilt your head to give him more access.
His right hand, the one that isn’t currently pinning you to the mattress, plays with the lacy edges of your bra. He palms you through the thin fabric, making you groan and arch your back into his touch. It’s not enough, you need more, need to feel more of him before you lose your mind. He seems to read your mind, because he doesn’t even bother to unclasp the bra, electing instead to rip it clean off your body. The snap of the straps breaking makes you gasp, but you revel in the sting of the elastic bouncing back against your skin.
“Couldn’t wait,” he says, not a hint of shame on his face. “You know how much I love to tease, but fuck, I need you now.”
He’s a bit more ceremonious when he removes your panties, choosing to use a hardened feather to slice through the fabric instead of just ripping with brute force. He fucking moans at the sight of you, wet and needy for him. It sounds like absolute heaven, but you don’t have even a second to revel in it before he’s diving into you. The sudden rush of pleasure is electrifying, and you go to instinctively slam your legs shut, but Keigo’s hand is too fast again. His tongue doesn’t falter for even a second as his fingers dig into your thighs and push you open. His lips wrap around your clit and suck, and he’s outrageously loud as he moans into your sex. It’s all so much – he’s licking at you like a man on death row, coaxing little whines and gasps from your lips.
His beautiful eyes are trained on yours, pupils blow out with love and lust. He memorizes every little expression that flits across your beautiful face as he eases a finger into you, eyes only leaving your face to admire the way that your little cunt sucks him in. But he can’t tear his gaze away from you, and the way your mouth falls open, or the way that your eyes flutter and roll back. The way that your hands ball up into fists, alternating between grabbing the bedsheets and lacing through his hair. Fuck, he loves how you pull at his hair when his fingers curl up against that spongy spot inside of you that makes you see stars. Loves the little curses and gasps of his name that spill past your lips as he scissors and thrusts his digits deeper and deeper into your perfect pussy.
“Cum for me, princess,” he groans. “Please, cum for me, need you to be a good girl and cum for me.”
And, well, you did just vow to give him everything that he could ever want.
You throw your head back and almost sob as you gush all over his face and fingers. He’s insatiable, licking and fingering you all through it, desperately trying to lap up every single drop of your juices. Your body is shaking, and you whimper, the overstimulation building until it’s too much, until you’re crying out too much, Kei, ‘s too much!
“Give me your color, baby,” he says, slowing his assault against your body.
“G-green,” you stutter out, the words as shaky as your legs. “Green, don’t stop, it’s just – ah! Kei!”
Your verbal confirmation was all he needed to dive back in, sucking at you with even more vigor than before. His fingers twist and curl against your spot, and his tongue lashes at your clit. He doesn’t stop for even a second, burying himself in your heat. It’s all you can do to maintain your grip on his hair, tugging at it just the way that he loves. You’re thrust headfirst into your second orgasm of the night, crying out his name and positively sobbing at the onslaught of sensations.
When he finally pulls away, the lower part of his face is soaked with your cum. He makes a show of licking his lips clean, not breaking eye contact with you, no matter how much you blush and squirm. He saves his fingers for you, though. A gentle tap at your lips is all it takes for you to obediently open your mouth and take in his digits. You swirl your tongue around, eyes lidded with the afterglow of your pleasure.
But you’re not finished, are nowhere near finished. You suppose that you are being needy, but how could you not, when your husband looks like an absolute fucking god? The candlelight makes your cum on his face glisten beautifully. You whine and pull him in for a kiss, mashing your lips against his and greedily swiping your tongues together. It’s sinful. You can taste yourself on him, and it makes you shudder, makes you need him that much more.
“Please, please fuck me,” you beg, wrapping your legs around his slim waist and trying to pull him closer, closer, closer. “Please, Kei, need you inside me, need my husband inside me.”
“Fuck,” he breathes, so quietly that you would’ve missed it if you didn’t feel the word formed against your lips. “Fuck, baby, okay.” His hand slides between your bodies and quickly pushes his boxers down. He uses a feather to pull them all the way off, because he can’t be bothered to focus on that, not when you’re practically drooling at the sight of his cock.
Your fingers twitch, and you aren’t able to hold back any longer. Your hand finds his cock, marveling at how heavy and perfect he feels as you wrap your fingers around him and guide him towards your sopping cunt. You pause before you slide him in, though, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Can I ride you? Please?”
He curses again under his breath, practically shivering at your words. His strong hands reposition the both of you, until you’re sitting on his thigh and he’s leaning back against the headboard. He cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “Well, then? Get to work, princess.”
You roll your eyes, trying not to laugh at his antics. “What happened to Mr. Let-Me-Take-Care-Of-You?”
“He’ll come out later. If my pretty wife wants to ride me, she gets to ride me.”
You laugh for real this time, but it quickly turns into a moan as you sink yourself down on his length. No matter how many times you take him, he always overwhelms your senses, always stretches you so deliciously. You lean your forehead against his and give yourself a second to adjust, and then you’re rolling your hips, little whines leaving your lips.
“Feels so good, Kei.” You throw your head back, your fingers digging into the strong muscles of his back to anchor yourself. “You always feel so good.”
His eyes are half-lidded and dark as he takes you in. He’s memorizing every inch of your body, every detail and movement that he absolutely fucking adores. “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world,” he whispers, seemingly more to himself than you. “So beautiful. I’m so lucky.”
Your thighs burn, but you force yourself to ignore the pain. You’d rather die than stop right now. His strong arms encircle your waist, and his wings surround your bodies, ruffling with every one of your movements.
You want to ignore your exhaustion, but your husband is perceptive as ever. His hips raise up to meet you, and it sends a fresh wave of pleasure through your body. You’re shaky, though, and you’re getting sloppy.
Before you can even process what’s happening, you’re being spun over and pinned to the mattress. A gasp leaves your lips, and you whine as his cock slips out of you. Your hand reaches out and paws around wildly, searching for him through your haze. Keigo’s quick to kiss you and shush your protests, entwining his rough fingers in your searching hand and stroking his thumb against your palm.
“Relax, angel. Let me take care of it.”
He slides into you again, making you both moan. Your pussy sucks him in greedily, clenching and fluttering around him. He pauses once he bottoms out. His face buries into the crook of your neck, and he presses sweet kisses all over your skin.
You wrap your legs around his waist and squeeze, trying desperately to make him move. “Keigo, baby, please,” you whine, fingers digging into the strong muscles of his back.
He coos, cupping your face and kissing you before he readjusts himself. “Of course, pretty girl.”
His thrusts are deep and hard, so hard that they make the entire bed shake. Your eyes flutter shut, but he grips your jaw and begs you to keep them open – please, baby, look at me, need to see my pretty wife fall apart.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he moans, teeth nipping at your lips. “So perfect, and all mine.”
“All yours,” you agree. You’re practically babbling by this point, unable to stop the noises slipping past your lips. You’re floating on a cloud, soaring through the sky, anchored only by his body against yours. “You’re so deep in me, Kei, can feel you so deep in me. Please, ‘m so close, just a lil’ bit more, Kei.”
He coos again, hand slipping down to toy with your clit. You wail, sinking your teeth into his shoulder as the coil in your stomach snaps and you gush uncontrollably. You can’t do anything but cry out for him, can’t do anything but cling onto him and shake and twitch. The feeling of you clenching around him is too much, and with a broken fuck and a cry of your name, he spills inside of you. He fucks you through it, the obscene sounds of your combined release making you feel lightheaded and weak.
He holds you for a few minutes, just like that, bodies entwined. You both pant and try to catch your breath. The weight of his body on top of yours is comforting, so you protest when he finally pulls out and sits back to admire the way that his seed drips out of you.
“Come back,” you complain. “What kind of husband doesn’t give cuddles to his wife?”
“The kind of husband who needs to clean her up,” he says with a chuckle. “C’mon, let’s go take a bath.
Your body feels boneless with exhaustion and the hazy afterglow of your three orgasms, so you’re grateful when he scoops you into his arms. You tuck your face into his neck and hum contentedly, unable to stop the giddy smile that blooms across your face.
“I love you, Kei,” you say, planting little kisses over his neck and jaw.
“I love you too, princess,” he says, grinning and poking your nose. He laughs when you scrunch it up and scowl at him. But, with how cute he looks, you just can’t hold the scowl for long. Soon, you’re giggling too.
You look up at him with so much love that it makes his heart ache. His eyes grow a bit more serious, and he dips his head to kiss at your swollen lips. “I mean it, baby. I’m so happy to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Chapter 6 - Realization
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Book: The Royal Romance AU
Synopsis- Since childhood, Liam has held a terrible secret that even he doesn't know about. As the years go by, he suspects more and more that there is something wrong with him. Can he put his life together and find happiness?
A/N- The first 4 chapters will have the feel of a one-shot, as each one is a glimpse into Liam’s past. But as the story goes on, they will all tie together. 
A/N 2- This story is a bit different than what I usually write.. Ok a LOT different. Some terrible things have happened during Liam's life.. But the story isn’t without humor or joy. I swear it’s not all bad! The characters are still canon in the sense of their whole overall personalities, but of course there are several changes to fit the story.
Series Warnings- oh so many: language, drinking, violence, sexual assault, abuse, murder, homophobia, bullying, mentions of suicide.. Also there will be some lemons in later chapters. 
Word count- 2,400
18+ only
Catch up here.
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Chapter 6 - Realization
Once the police finished taking statements and extensively questioning everyone, Liam relaxed slightly.. But only slightly. The man had broken into Bertrand’s study through the window, attempting to steal a large amount of cash and obviously whatever else he could find. The man was armed and honestly could have killed all of them if he wanted to. Liam had apparently beaten the intruder so badly, several bones in his face were fractured. But the man was alive.. Thanks to Maxwell.
Liam was absolutely horrified by what happened, but the police were calling him a hero. They said he saved his friends lives from a dangerous criminal. Maybe that was true, but all Liam could think of was that he finally received the confirmation he had been dreading for the past twenty years. 
Hana and Grace went home, and Riley went upstairs attempting to relax with her go-to feel better movie, Legally Blonde. Bertrand was busy rummaging through his study, checking if anything was missing, and Liam, Drake, and Maxwell were in the kitchen sitting around the table. 
Drake and Maxwell were badly shaken up, but it was nothing compared to the turmoil that Liam was experiencing. He nearly killed a man. He came-to in the process of beating him to death. He was a murderer.. The thought was all too much and Liam stood abruptly, needing to get out of there quickly to be alone and think.. Or maybe to vomit.
“Where are you going?” Max asked.
Liam paused, not looking back at either of them. “I need to be alone.”
“But.. don’t you want to talk about it?” Maxwell asked sadly.
That was the absolute last thing Liam wanted to do. He didn’t want people to find out what was wrong with him. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Li, I know that you’re shaken up by this, but it’s not going to go away just by ignoring it.” Drake was being surprisingly insightful.
“You have no idea..” Liam blew out a breath. “Nevermind.. You wouldn’t understand.”
“What?” Drake asked as they stood up making their way over to Liam, who continued walking away. “What wouldn't we understand?”
“There are things you just don't know about me.” 
Drake was taken aback. He and Liam had always told each other everything. “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve known you for forever!”
Liam laughed humorlessly, “Nobody knows me.. Hell, I don't even know myself.” Max and Drake gaped at him, as Liam stormed out the front door. 
He was glad they didn’t try to follow him. He needed to be alone. Liam’s heart sank as he realized he would always be alone. He couldn't trust himself around anyone. He was a monster.
Liam stayed outside alone on a bench in the garden for hours until the sun shone high in the sky. He was hollow inside. Empty. Broken. 
Eventually he heard footsteps coming up behind him and he considered running.
“Liam..” Maxwell put a hesitant hand on his shoulder. “Can we.. talk now?”
Liam tensed then dropped his elbows to his thighs, putting his head in his hands. He couldn't look at him. Liam sighed deeply. “What’s there to talk about?”
Drake scoffed. “The fact that you overpowered a man who had a gun and possibly saved all of our lives.”
“Don’t say that like it’s a good thing.”
Max and Drake frowned at each other in confusion. Maxwell sat next to Liam, putting an arm around him. “Liam, I’ve never seen you like this. We’re friends. You can tell us anything.. Whatever is on your mind.”
Liam turned to Maxwell with tears in his eyes. “Max.. tell me what you saw. From start to finish. Every detail.”
“Why?” Max frowned sadly. “You want to relive it again?”
Max nodded. “Ok.”
4:10 a.m.
Maxwell awoke to a loud crash coming from the back of the house. His blood ran cold as he glanced around. What the hell was that? He nudged Liam, who had fallen asleep next to him on the couch during the movie. “Liam!” He whispered loudly. “Wake up, I think someone’s in the house! I heard a noise!”
Liam groaned and rolled over onto his side, and Max shook him. “Liam.. we need to call the cops! I seriously think someone broke in!”
Liam shot up from the couch and began making his way to the back of the house following the sound of another loud crash. Max called out after him quietly, “Liam, what the hell? Don’t go in there.. we need to call the cops!”
Liam was on a mission as he made his way toward Bertrand’s study. Maxwell ran after him, trying to keep quiet, terrified to see what he was planning to do. Liam threw the door open and a man was standing before him wearing a ski mask, one hand holding a gun, and the other stuffing cash into an open duffel bag on the desk. 
Maxwell felt his heart drop as the man pointed a gun at Liam. Liam charged at the man full-force, knocking him down to the floor with a crash. The burglar tried to fight Liam, but Liam was unhinged, repeatedly punching him in the face. Maxwell screamed for Liam to stop, certain that the mad was dead. When Liam raised his fist to deliver the final blow, Maxwell once again screamed for him to stop. Liam’s whole body jerked and he gasped as he seemed to come back to himself.
The next thing Maxwell knew, Liam was crawling backwards away from the man, as if he didn’t even know what he had done. 
Liam nodded, emotionless and hollow as a puppet as Max finished telling him the details of what happened. “That’s it then. I’m a murderer.”
“Liam.. don’t say that.” Drake sat next to him, his forehead wrinkling with worry. 
“Drake. You don't know that half of it.” Liam closed his eyes in pain. “The reason I asked Max for details is.. because I don't remember a single thing.”
“Maybe you just blocked it out because it was traumatizing.” Max said softly.
“If only that was it.” Liam shook his head. “But, this isn't the first time this has happened.”
Drake and Maxwell exchanged a worried glance and Liam debated whether or not to tell them. It was a terrible burden that he didn't want to unload onto anyone. But they were his best friends.. Maybe they would understand. And he was so, so tired of keeping this secret to himself. 
Liam swallowed hard, his chest tightening. “This is the fifth time this has happened.. that I know of.” God, he hadn't even thought of that before. What if this had happened several times and he only knew about those few because he woke up in a strange place? File that crisis away for later, he told himself. One thing at a time. Liam took a deep breath and told them everything. 
Liam watched their faces go from disbelief to horror. Drake stood up pacing, and Maxwell was frozen in place sitting next to Liam. 
“What-” Drake started, but paused. “How-” He sighed and shook his head. “I don't understand.”
“Welcome to my life.” Liam shrugged. 
“Why didn't you tell us sooner?” Drake asked. “Like.. maybe the first time you suspected.”
“Are you kidding?! How do you tell someone something like that?” Liam wasn’t trying to get defensive, but couldn’t help it. “Hey remember that random person who treated us like crap? Oh, well I murdered them.. But get this! I don't remember any of it!”
“Right.” Drake nodded sadly. “You’re right. Sorry.”
Liam glanced at Maxwell out of the corner of his eye. He was expressionless, staring at the ground. 
“Max? You haven't said anything.” Liam couldn't hide the hurt in his voice. “If you want me to leave and never talk to you again.. I will. I promise.” Liam tried to swallow down the lump in his throat as he choked up. “And.. I totally understand if that’s your choice. That goes for both of you.” Liam glanced over to Drake, as tears filled his eyes. 
Maxwell sighed sadly and slid an arm around Liams waist, resting his head against his shoulder. “Don’t ever say that again.”
“Max.. I deserve to be in prison.”
“No you don’t.”
“I’ve killed people! Four that I know of!”
Liam closed his eyes tightly, as tears threatened to fall. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a sob. Finally admitting to himself and to his two best friends what he had done, had left him emotionally and physically drained. He couldn't have spoken if he wanted to. What more was there to say at this point? 
Max pulled Liam closer to him, so that his face was pushed into Maxwell’s chest, letting Liam soak his shirt in his tears. Liam barely felt a few different hands on his back, rubbing soothingly as he continued to sob. After a few moments, Liam pulled back, wiping his hands down his face. He was a hysterical mess. 
Liam felt arms wrap around him from behind and a soft kiss was placed to his cheek. “Liam, I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this” He froze as he realized it was Riley. Shit, she had heard everything. Now three people knew about the atrocious things he had done.
Liam stared at the ground, an occasional sniffle the only sound he could make. Max spoke softly to Drake and Riley. “Could you guys give us a minute?” 
Drake nodded and Riley patted Maxwell’s back as they made their way toward the house. Once they were out of sight, Maxwell touched Liam’s cheek, turning his head to face him. 
“Liam. Please look at me.”
Liam pushed out a long breath before turning slightly to face Maxwell.
Max gave him the saddest, most beautiful smile he had ever seen and it made Liam’s eyes well up with tears all over again. Liam sniffed, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. “I.. don't..”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just listen, ok?”
Liam nodded, biting his cheek.
“I don't know exactly what is going on. But, I know that we're going to fix it.”
“You can’t-” Liam started to speak but Max held up a hand, cutting him off.
“Just listen.” Max smiled sadly. “We’re going to figure out what is going on.. and we are going to fix it. Me, Drake, and Riley. We're all on your side. We love you, Liam.”
Liam bit his bottom lip and looked away again. How could Maxwell even say that to him after knowing the things he had done?
Max blinked in surprise. “Why what?”
“Why do you all love me? I don’t deserve it.”
Maxwell brushed Liam’s hair from his forehead tenderly. “You are amazing, Liam. You’re kind, and generous, and sweet, and fun to be around. Whatever has happened, isn't you. It isn't Liam.”
Liam choked out another sob. He hadn't cried this much in his entire life. Maxwell gently placed a hand on either side of Liam’s face, looking into his eyes. His thumbs tenderly swiped the fresh tears from his cheeks and Max smiled. Liam’s heart fluttered as he stared into the deep blue eyes that always left him feeling safe and comforted.. They felt like home. Before he knew what he was doing, Liam leaned forward, eyes sliding shut as he reached a hand up to cradle the back of Maxwell’s head, threading his fingers through his soft brown hair at the nape of his neck. Max moved forward, meeting him halfway and it was like sparks of electricity flew as their lips touched. Liam was suddenly fifteen years old again, bashful and excited to kiss the boy with the freckles and crooked smile. 
After a momentary soft kiss, the two pulled back with a satisfied sigh. Liam couldn't believe how right it felt to kiss Maxwell again after all those years, and he already felt empty without his lips nearby. Liam surged forward, causing Maxwell to let out a small whimper as the two moved their lips insistently together, unable to get close enough. Hands were everywhere as the two moaned into each other’s mouth, savoring one anothers taste. Liam had never had a kiss that felt like this before and it caused his heart to ache. He knew he didn't deserve it.. He didn't deserve affection and happiness.
Maxwell was breathing heavily as he looked at him in amazement. “Liam.” He spoke softly, like he was afraid Liam would run away once he realized this had actually happened. 
Liam licked his lips, savoring the taste of Maxwell for a moment longer. “I should..” Liam looked down sadly, trying to catch his breath. “Maybe I should go.”
“Don’t.” Max grabbed his hand gently. “Please don’t.” Liam stared down at Maxwell’s hand resting in his own. He traced his fingertips over the rings Max wore. How were his hands so beautiful? Liam wondered if this gorgeous man knew that he was the only thing keeping him tethered to Earth at this moment.. The only thing keeping him from collapsing into himself. Liam brought Maxwell’s hand up to his lips, kissing him softly on his knuckles.
Max smiled sweetly and pulled Liam to his feet. “Come on. Let’s go inside and figure this out.”
“How?” Liam asked.
“We’re going to scour the internet. We can go to the library and research. We’ll be proper detectives!” Max winked. “I have a cute little fedora I can put on, like Dick Tracy.”
Liam let out a small chuckle. “That does sound cute.”
Max rubbed his thumb over Liam's knuckles and gave him a sad smile, while Liam continued. “It’s just that I’ve been dreading this my whole life. I never looked into it because.. I don't think I can-” Liam choked up. “I don’t think I can take knowing.”
Max leaned forward hugging him tightly. “You won't be alone. Whatever it is.. We’ll deal with it together, yeah?”
Liam sighed heavily. “Ok.”
Liam and Maxwell slowly made their way back into the Beaumont’s estate side by side. Once Max opened the doors, Riley ran out into the foyer to meet them, wide eyed. “You guys have got to come in here! I think we’ve already figured it out!”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hi can I request the boys reactions to coming back and seeing that MC has snucked into their beds
The Brothers Find the MC Asleep in Their Bed
This is that other bed request. Back to my fluffy content! Huzzah!! I was a fidgeting mess on that last one… If it wasn't in second person I probably would have never gotten through it… 🤦‍♀️😅 Amazing how distancing the pronoun "you" can be when you're writing: "Oh no, this ain't happening to me, it's gonna happen to you. I dunno what to tell ya." 🤷‍♀️ I give my props for this to one to my favorite jazz singers, Nicki Parrot, and her rendition of I Won't Last a Day Without You.
If you're missing someone and, presumably, you have a fairly intimate relationship then something you can do is stay in their bed. Sure, your loved one’s body may not be next to yours but the familiarity can help soothe that aching heart… So when the brothers were away from the House for a few days, it wasn't totally unreasonable for the MC to sneak a night or two in their favorite demon's bed.
If only they had known said demon would come home early… 
It was a looong trip for him. Lucifer only goes up to the human world for business reasons and usually he has to bring Mammon to keep an eye on him, which he also swears ages him by a century each time he does… 
When he retired to his room that night he wasn't really looking to talk or interact with anyone, not his brothers and not even the MC. He just wanted to go to sleep…
He wasn't expecting to find his human curled up under his sheets, though. And without him there no less.
Had it been another day, he might have just woken them up and sent them away or slept somewhere else but that night, after the trip he had, he felt so… loved all of sudden...
His brothers never miss him when he leaves. They give him the usual welcoming rigmarole when he gets back, "Good to see you, how was the trip?" that kind of thing, but he can tell they're all disappointed that he's back to discipline them again…
But here was the MC, apparently wanting him back so much that they'd risk breaking into his room just to feel close to him again… It's honestly good he was the only conscious soul in the room because if anyone else had seen the look on his face, he'd have to start erasing some memories again.
He changed clothes quietly before getting into the bed himself, careful not to jostle them too much. Only once he was settled in, did he give them a tender kiss to their forehead and finally got a good night's sleep...
Look, he never asks to be dragged along with Lucifer on his business trips! It's a pain in the ass for everyone involved so he was more than happy to be home...
So happy in fact, that he didn't think to check his bed before he went sailing into it face first…
When he didn't feel the cushion of his mattress below him, but what felt like muscle and bone, he screamed. Which caused the MC to shoot up from under his covers and scream right back at him.
The two dummies screamed at each other for about five seconds straight before it clicked that neither even knew what they were screaming about… 🙄
"MC?!? The hell are ya doin'?! This is my bed, ya know??"
Oh was he tickled pink when they told him they came there just 'cause they missed him so much… Of course they'd miss the Great Mammon! Anybody who got to spend that much time in his presence would eventually! And he had been missing them so much he could hardly see straight anyway...
"Geez, is that all? Well fine! You can stay the night, but only for tonight! … I mean, unless ya want to stay longer or somethin' crazy like that….. You want to, doncha?"
And that's how the MC ended up spending the next week in the arms of their first man… and getting a pretty good bruise on their shoulder too from Mammon's thick skull slamming into it.
He was coming back from a three-day convention and boy was he tired… There's only so much excitement an introvert can withstand for that long without shutting down completely...
His first clue that something was a little off was his door. It was unlocked. Since he was positive he locked it before he left, he was already on edge... Mammon was in there stealing his stuff again, wasn’t he??
He had his demon form already out when he threw the door open, expecting to have to chase out a thief, but instead he found the MC's arm sticking out of his bathtub-bed.
Cue an incredibly flustered Levi. Did the MC really want to sleep with him? A yucky otaku?? Did they miss him that much?? For a brief moment, he hit cloud nine and beyond.
Levi was frozen in his doorway for a good five minutes, too afraid to walk in and possibly disturb them, before he finally tiptoed to have a look in the tub.
…. He may or may not have snapped a picture when he saw them snuggled against his Ruri-chan body pillow… So what if that's a little creepy??? You're creepy!!
There wasn't really a good way for him to squeeze in with them so he settled for pulling his computer chair over and taking their outstretched hand in his own...
He stayed like that all night until the MC woke up to find him passed out next to them, head rolled back in the chair but still holding their hand with laced fingers...
He hates going to the human world with Lucifer, even though he acknowledges that he's better behaved than the others for it. That doesn't change the fact that he'd much rather be back in his room with a good book...
He just wasn't expecting the MC to share his sentiments so… identically?
After his trip to Paris with Lucifer, Satan dragged his bags back into his room and expected to at least get another hour of reading in before his mind finally caught up with his body… But to his surprise, his bed was already occupied.
The MC was half-under his covers with their head wedged into the corner of the wall above his pillows, sound asleep… A stray book sat by their hand, one of his favorites too judging by the cover.
He felt the warmth of a chuckle escape his chest… How many times had he woken up in that exact same position? It was almost like they missed him so badly they tried to be him for a while... It was all too cute for words…
He put aside getting some sleep just long enough to take care of his MC, gently moving their body back under the covers and setting the book onto one of the endless stacks that surrounded his bed.
Only once he had them placed into a more comfortable position did he change his clothes and take the spot in the bed next to them…
The MC woke up very much not how they fell asleep… but trading out a good book in their hand for a warm bookworm against their body wasn't a bad deal now, was it?
He was on one of those long self-care retreats and though, yes, it was a good time he really needed a good nap after such a long trip… He was even considering shortening his nightly routine for once.
When he came into his room, he was ready to just faceplant into his pillows until he spied MC's head poking out from under his covers…
He squealed, but not out of anger or fright. No, no. He felt nothing but Pure. Joy. His heart was soaring and he could have sang, he was just that happy!
His human missed him so much that they just needed to wrap themselves up under his covers?? Well, of course they would wouldn't they? There's no good substitute for Asmo and he knows it.
His literal shriek made the MC shoot out of his bed and try to apologize but he just tackled them back down, wrapping his arms around them in a vice grip of adoration. He was not letting them back down now. It was cuddle time!
In truth, their sudden appearance shocked Asmo awake for about another hour, which he spent snuggled up to his MC and babbling about his trip. He did eventually lose steam though, falling asleep soundly with his head snuggled into the crook of their neck.
The lovey mood was dampened slightly when he woke up and realized he hadn't done any of his routine the night before, but since the MC was still resting in his arms he decided that, just this once, he didn't need to rush it...
Beel's team had just come back from a long tournament trip and, for the first time ever, he could say that he was more tired than he was hungry…
Belphie was really happy to have his twin back, but this time he was kind of ignoring his brother's excitement as his mind zoned in on his bed… He almost didn't notice the MC was even in there until he pulled back the covers to climb in himself. 
His poor sleep-deprived mind had to take a minute to catch up… This was his bed wasn't it...? 😰
"Beel? Is that MC?" "... I think so?" "Why are they in your bed?" "I don't know… Maybe they just wanted to sleep here?" "... Uh-huh. Hey, Beel, I know you're tired. How about you just take my bed instead since it's free? I'll take yours tonight."
Since he was so exhausted, Beel almost considered the offer until he noticed the resentful pout on Belphie's face... Oh. Right. The MC probably wanted to sleep with him. That meant they must have missed him… That thought alone gave Beel a warm, fuzzy feeling like he'd just taken a giant gulp of hot cocoa and he just couldn't help his groggy smile.
"No… This is fine." "But-" "I don't mind, Belphie. Goodnight."
He didn't give his jealous twin any more room to argue before he climbed into bed next to the MC, nestling them close to his chest as if he was welcoming them home instead. And in his last moments of consciousness, Beel promised himself that they'd wake up just like this too…
Belphie tends to hate trips about as much as Levi, especially ones where Beel or the MC can't come along... Too much hassle and all his brothers make so much noise…
When he finally got back from the trip Lucifer dragged him into, he only had one thing on his mind. Sleep. His bed was calling to him, that's where he needed to be… and the MC too, apparently?
He was honestly a little caught off guard to find the MC in his bed... The attic bed? Sure. That was their cuddle space and it was practically sacred ground at that point. But the bed in the room he shared with Beel...? They didn't stay there very often…
Which meant they weren't in his bed just because they wanted to sleep. They wanted him… Had they been awake he might have had something smug to say, but without any audience to save face to he just felt somewhat honored…
There wasn't a day that went by where Belphie didn't regret the things he'd done to them, even during the quiet moments where they assured him that they'd forgiven him for it... Seeing them there in his actual bed proved something, they chose him. No one else. 
He didn't think twice about crawling under there next to them, he even got into his usual position by their side on instinct. But this time, for a minute or two, he just watched their sleeping form peacefully and counted himself lucky to even be there…
When the MC woke up to Belphegor wrapped around them, an adoring smile nuzzled into their neck, and they just had to wonder if the mere act of sleeping alone was all they’d ever need to summon their demon home...
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Bells and Smoke
Summary: The youngest Shelby has to be send away to a convent, but you have no intention of conforming to their rules, even if you’ll die in the process
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(Gif by @harmon-jane-black​) A/N: Requested by anon: Could I request a Shelby sister where she is sent off to a boarding school and is getting badly bullied by teachers and pupils for being what they think is Birmingham poor scum. Maybe she comes home or gets visited and is losing her Birmingham accent and is a little thin and tired. V Polly and tommy nun scene vibes. Only if you aren't busy ❣️ x This has gotten really long, but this request gave me SO many ideas! Warning for abuse and neglect though. And I hope you like it!
Words: 6020 *** You couldn’t remember how it had all happened. One minute everything seemed to be fine and the next, life as you knew it had ended. Maybe it was Tommy’s idea, to give you the opportunities the others never had. But he never cared much about his siblings’ education. Maybe it was Arthur’s idea, thinking you’d finally become too wild. But he was too busy fighting his own demons. Maybe it was Aunt Pol’s idea, making a woman of style and class out of you. But she’d never abandon you like this. 
All you knew was that one morning you had been in bed. As usual, you’d woken up with the workers as the factory whistles sounded, but there was no need for you to get up at five. So you’d turned around and tried to sleep on. But then Finn had come in and he roughly shook you awake. “Aunt Pol says you have to get up,” he had said, his voice filled with urgency. But you hadn’t been awake fully yet, “What… Why? It’s so early!” “You have to pack.” “For what? Where are we going?” Your brother had refused to meet your eye, “Not me. Just you.” And before you knew it, Aunt Polly had taken you and your small bag into the car and you were speeding out of Birmingham. At least Finn had come along, though Polly had forbidden him to go, but he had been adamant. “Where are we going?” you had whispered to him in the back. He had hardly replied to any of your question, but gave evasive answers like, “Away. Pol says it won’t be forever.” You remembered the all-encompassing feeling of loneliness that had washed over you in that moment. Was it something you had done? Were you being punished? Was the family giving you up? You were only fifteen, you’d never been away from Small Heath without any of your siblings by your side, and the separation had been too abrupt, too cruel. Suddenly, Aunt Polly had swerved to the right and stopped abruptly in front of the train station. “Get you bag,” she’d ordered you. Anger had flared inside of you, “No! You tell me where I’m going first!” “Y/N Shelby, I am your aunt and you will do as I say. Remember who you’re talking to and don’t think for one second that you will win this fight. Grab your bag and get out of the car.” Petrified at your aunt’s tone of voice, you’d gotten out of the car. And like a zombie, you’d walked over to the train. On the side it said Oxford. “Where do I get off?” You’d asked no one in particular. “Oxford,” your brother had never left your side, “Just sit tight until the end.” “You know what’s going on.” “I can’t change it, Y/N,” his eyes had been pleading for your forgiveness in that one moment, “I tried, I swear to God I did, but I can’t change it…” Not really understanding, you had only been able to nod, “Will you explain it to me?” “I’ll write.” Suddenly, tears had begun to fall from your eyes. The great unknown hadn’t even scared you that much, but the sudden realisation that everything had been altered had. “Here,” Finn had nudged you, as you’d hoisted your bag on board, “I nicked this for you,” and he’d handed you a hipflask, “might get you as far as Oxford. After that, you’re on your own.” His words had hit you hard, so there’d been nothing left to do but take a swig from the whiskey he offered. “What did I do wrong?” you’d asked him, uncertain. “Nothing. Don’t let the bastards tell you otherwise. You did nothing.” His voice had been so strong then. “Finn?” “Yeah?” “You can’t fucking write.” He’d burst out laughing and you couldn’t help yourself but join him. Then the train had started to depart and you’d taken one last look at the car with Aunt Pol’s silhouette inside. You’d turned to Finn and it’d been like you would never see him again. “Finn?” “Yeah?” “I bloody love you, you know?” He’d smirked, “I fucking love you too.” Eyes still locked, the train had started to move and just before it was too late, he’d added, “I’ll make sure you’re coming back home.” You’d clung to those words *** At five in the morning, the whistles sounded. Waking up this early was now your habit, as it was the habit of all the girls here. Like robots, you all climbed out of your sober beds, to put on your drab grey dresses and to stand neatly next to year beds. The dormitory looked like a prison cell and the girls’ faces were ashen. Shivering in the cold, you waited for inspection. “Adams!” “Yes, sister.” “Lee!” “Yes, sister.” “Williams!” “Yes, sister.” The first voice rang through the room like the bells of hell and the girls answered in meek tones. This was your morning ritual and there was no comfort to be found in it. Silently, you waited, while a part of you still dreamed of the horses you once loved and rode. Remember the freedom you felt, you told yourself. Remember the wind in your hair? The people who cared? The place called home? Remember Finn running alongside you? “Shelby!” You suddenly looked up, “Yes, sister,” and faced the nun who’d stopped by your bed. “What’s this?” she asked her rhetorical question. “My bed,” you weren’t supposed to answer, but it had escaped you before you could stop yourself. The middle-aged woman crouched down and tore up the neat bedding you’d just finished tucking in perfectly. Locking eyes with you, she gloated, “Look, it isn’t made properly.” “It was,” you replied through gritted teeth, “you just went and fucked it up again.” Without a warning, she struck you across the face hard. Then she flipped over the bed in one smooth motion and said, without any emotion, “Do it again.” Seething with rage, you counted to ten in your head. In your mind, you went back to Small Heath. You could feel the warmth of the fire in your kitchen, hear the men counting the money and could smell Aunt Polly’s cooking. This and only this was how you managed not to explode. “Ankins!” she continued her list. “Yes, sister.” “Elliot!” She was new here and you looked at her without turning your head, a skill you’d mastered in recent weeks. Some of the girls said she’d gotten pregnant, but she’d lost the baby before coming here. No one really knew what had happened to her. You only thought she looked too young, too fragile, like a little bird that could be squashed with a single movement of the hand. “Yes…” she mumbled, practically inaudibly. “Speak up, girl!” She hardly increased her volume, but repeated, “Yes, sister.” Just as you’d promised yourself you’d try to look out for her, evil incarnate turned around to face you again and snapped, “Shelby. You’ll report to my office after you’ve finished making your bed, properlythis time.” Great, you thought. After she’d left, you looked at your hands in resignation. Faint white lines betrayed the cane that had been on them. They’d only just healed. *** A few months earlier, Tommy was meeting a man dressed in black in an alleyway. As the rain was pouring down on Small Heath, they spoke in urgent whispers. “What did she do this time?” the concerned brother said with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. “Theft, mainly,” the other replied, “And she was seen at the races, leaving the scene of the murder.” Tommy knew his sister hadn’t been responsible for the death that day, but none of it mattered now, “How much do they know?” “Enough.” Tommy took another drag of his cigarette and paused for a second, “Well, what do they want?” “Nothing. Leverage.” “Fuck…” “Thomas,” the informant urged, “Get her out. Out of Small Heath, and do it fast.” “Where the fuck is she supposed to go?” He shrugged, “Don’t you have family some place else?” “Can’t protect our Y/N when she’s away from here,” Tommy said coldly, not betraying the emotions he felt. “Then send her somewhere she will be protected.” Tommy sighed deeply, “I’ll ask Pol, eh? She’ll know what to do.” The man looked at Thomas Shelby: gangster, businessman, brother. His face was impossible to read and his feelings remained hidden. So he said, “Do it tonight, Thomas, if you can. He said she’d hang for it. Get her out.” ***
The first time you had tried to escape you didn’t think about it. You hadn’t even planned it and had just decided to run. With two nuns hot on your heels, you’d raced through the corridors. Pretty soon, you ran into your first locked door. You knew all was lost there and then. “Shelby…” the mother superior had mused as you stood in her office, “I knew it would be you.” “And how the fuck would you know that?” you’d replied quick as a flash. “You watch your tone, filthy rat,” she’d shouted, but added calmly, “We know of your kind, child.” Through gritted teeth, you’d questioned, “And what kind would that be?” “Gypsy scum,” she’d spat, before beating you senseless for the first time. The second time you tried to escape, you’d thought it through more. In the middle of the night, you’d crept out of bed and tiptoed across the dormitory. “Get back in bed!” one of the girls had whispered, “Remember last time?” “Yeah, I fucking remember, that’s why I need to leave!” you’d whispered back, voice filled with urgency.
Two hairpins. The day you’d found those were the day you’d planned your second escape attempt. Because if growing up in Small Heath had taught you one thing, it was how to steal and lie and cheat. And, coincidentally, how to pry open any lock. The first locked door was conquered quickly, but the second one had proven to be more troublesome. The large black doors that were said to protect you from the outside world did their job of keeping you all caged inside. The hairpins were too small to reach all the tumblers. Cursing under your breath, you’d soon realised that you disappearance had been noticed. In a panic, you’d grabbed a chandelier from the chapel and broken a window. Ignoring the shards you’d climbed through, while they tore at your skin and blood stained your nightgown. Once outside, the fresh air had an intoxicating effect on you. But you’d never gotten far. Again, you were brought to the mother superior, who stood waiting eagerly this time, cane in hand. “Go on,” you’d urged, full of defiance, “Beat me and get it over with.” “No…” she’d said suddenly, “you will tell me what your plan was first.” “To fucking get out.” “Why would you want to leave this place?” she’d questioned innocently, “Why would you want to leave the house of the Lord, where we only want to offer you safety and education? Where you can atone for your sins and regain your place in heaven?” “I’m not an animal,” you’d replied, “I need to be free.” And with that, the nun had smirked at you, “Free. You want to be free. Well, maybe this will finally break your spirit.” They’d locked you up in the cellars for three weeks. Darkness had enveloped you, only broken when she came in to beat you or feed you. You could never be sure. After every beating, she’d say, “Now, I’ll pray to God for you and ask him for his forgiveness.” “I’ll do it myself,” came your steady answer each time, “I’ll deal with him on my own.” And in the dark you’d cling onto the black Madonna around your neck, the only mother you still had left in this Godforsaken place. Now, some girls would be broken by now, but not you. If anything, you’d been more determined than ever to get out. But you had to be smart about it. Maybe Aunt Pol wouldn’t take you back and maybe you’d shame Tommy, but Finn would look out for you. Running hadn’t worked so far, so a new plan had started to form in your mind: a new plan that involved the boy that delivered the bread. Because as the days droned on after you were being released, you started paying attention to the delivery boy for the first time. You knew he’d always had a thing for you, but you weren’t interested. As a way out, you were now extremely interested. “Hi,” you greeted when it was your turn to help him unload. He was so startled by your talking all of a sudden, all he could manage was, “Bread…” “Yeah,” you smiled your prettiest smile, “Bread. That’s what you’re here for, right?” “I am.” “Good,” and you continued to unload the crates, sending him a few glances over your shoulder. He was still rooted to the spot, so you decided a bit more effort was required in this case, “You only come here for the bread?” you asked with humour in your voice. “Well, that’s my job…” he almost stuttered, but when you made eye contact, he finally relaxed a little, “What else would I come here for?” “Me?” you asked innocently. You could tell his confidence was growing, “Well, maybe a little. I mean, you are the prettiest girl in the school.” That was easy, you thought. So you flirted on and chatted him up and soon he was all yours, “Your name’s Billy, right?” “Yeah.” “Well, Billy. I need a favour…” This plan was a lot more complicated but it had a higher chance of success. And it would’ve worked too, if it hadn’t been for the younger nun who’d spotted you talking to Billy. Before the third attempt had even taken place, you found yourself back at the office. This time, the mother superior didn’t even speak. As soon as you were marched in, she’d grabbed you by your hair and attacked you with a pair of scissors. “Get off me, you crazy bitch!” you screeched, as strands of your hair fell down left and right of you. But the old nun remained completely calm in her tone, while becoming increasingly vicious in her attack, “Do you know what we do here?” You clenched your jaw for the pain, because this was no longer just about cutting your hair, but also hurting you as much as possible in the process. You had about a thousand replies to her question, but quickly weighed your options and decided not to piss off an angry old nun with a deadly weapon in her hands. So she continued, “We offer you the gift of education. Through hard labour, lots of prayer and penance the girls can find their way back to Jesus Christ. By humbling yourself, denying yourself rest, food and drink even, and working beyond human endurance one may come closer to our Lord. Save yourself from eternal damnation.” “No, thanks,” you replied inaudibly. When your hair had been cut, she crowed, “Your arrogance has been defeated and your vanity has been lifted. You will do well here now.” The fuck you would.
*** “Aunt Pol?” “What?” the woman snapped. He faltered, “Is this a bad time?” “It’s never a good time. Speak up, Finn.” “Fine,” and he took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself, “When’s Y/N coming home?” Aunt Polly turned around abruptly and said, “For fuck’s sake, Finn.” “It’s been months!” “And we haven’t heard from her,” with a large gesture, Aunt Polly threw some more wood onto the fire, “If something was wrong, she would’ve written.” “Well, no…” her nephew started protesting. “Yes,” his aunt interrupted him, “She’s fine. It’s Y/N. She can take care of herself.” “She can’t now, can she!” Finn suddenly erupted, “Yousend her away and for fucking what?! She didn’t do anythingwrong!” Polly held up a menacing hand, “You mind your fucking tone or I’ll slap you back to where you came from.” “I’m sixteen, Aunt Pol, same age as Y/N. Remember, we’re twins?” He’d only gotten more heated, “Something’s wrong. I can feel it, alright? And she wouldn’t write to you anyways, because you’re the one that send her away! Why would she write to someone who doesn’t even fuckingwant her?” Polly paused for a moment and seemed to calm down, “What do you mean you feel it?” “I just know, Aunt Pol, like when we were little and she fell in the Cut and I couldn’t breathe? It’s like that, only… longer.” She put down her black cigarette, “You’ve been dreaming, haven’t you?” “I dream about her, but I can never see her,” he nodded, “And sometimes…”
“What?” “It’s stupid…” “Finn, you tell me, right now!” everything about her was focused on the urgency of the situation now. But he didn’t understand, “Seagulls, alright? I keep dreaming about seagulls.” “Fuck,” his aunt whispered to herself, “I need to talk to Tommy.”
“Aunt Pol, you’re missing the fucking point!” he was seething again, “I was trying to talk to you about Y/N! I just want to know why you send her away and whenshe’s coming back!” “I didn’t send her away. Tommy said we didn’t have a choice,” she grabbed her coat and continued talking to herself, “I thought she’d be safe there…” “Isn’t she?” Finn asked, panicking as a result of his aunt’s strange behaviour. “Seagulls, Finn, fucking seagulls!” *** You couldn’t understand why they hated you so much. At first it had just been the nuns, and you had a vague notion of them calling you ‘gypsy scum’ had something to do with it. From the start, they’d commented on your accent, reminded you of where you came from and told you that you were nothing compared to the others girls here. And in a way this made sense: on the one hand this school had the outward appearance of being an institution of learning for young ladies, but the reality was very different. Parents who no longer wanted to deal with them or who had ‘shamed’ their families often dumped girls here. Others were orphans. Either way, the nuns collected the large amount of money paid for each girl and treated all of you badly. And you weren’t a complete idiot and you knew you were partially to blame for the situation as it was now. You knew you hadn’t made a great entrance when you walked into the school, but even from the start they had disliked you. But your resistance had made it worse, much worse. All the girls were treated harshly, had to work and were kept in line, but you were being treated like a slave held captive. There was zero intention on your part to come into the school to make friends. From the moment you’d stepped off that train, you’d decided you were done with people. All you wanted was your brother, and the rest of the family if they still wanted you. But after a few weeks, you had started craving some connections and you had tried to make friends with the other girls. But it soon became clear that you had very little in common with them. This however, wasn’t the main problem: they feared you. Your defiance made them anxious to be around you and receive similar punishments to yours. They kept away. “Elliot!” you whispered to the new girl, who was crying in the dark. You rolled onto your other side in bed to face her and tried to ask her gently, “What’s your name, your first name I mean?” After a few residual sobs, she said softly, “Anna.” “I had a cousin called Anna,” you smiled at her, “Why are you crying? Who do you miss?” “It’s not who I miss, it’s about who doesn’t miss me…” “How do you know…” you started, but you were interrupted. “Don’t talk to her!” another girl called out and Anna turned around to look at her. The girl continued, “Yeah, I’m talking to you. Don’t talk to Y/N. She’ll get you in trouble. Just… stay away from her.” Anna looked at you for a few seconds, eyes filled with fear and then she turned onto her other side. You couldn’t even blame her really. She was new. But slowly, it only got worse. All the girls crossed the halls when you passed and not only did they begin to shun you, but they started taking your things, stealing your food at times and made you an outcast in every sense of the word. And you suddenly understood: if they made you stand out even more, all the attention would be drawn to you. The nuns would leave them alone. You were the easy scapegoat, because you’d been the most likely choice from the start. And as the months wore on, you started to wither away. Jealous or full of hatred, you couldn’t tell, but the other girls tried to hurt you as much as the nuns did. You were cold at night because they’d taken your blankets. You didn’t eat because you were being punished. You didn’t sleep because you were locked up downstairs and the beatings kept you awake. And so you fell ill, heavily. After you recovered, you stopped eating, sleeping, fighting. Not because you no longer could, but because the loneliness had finally caught up with you: you no longer wanted to. *** Tommy watched his aunt as she strode over towards him. He’d known the woman for years and usually he would be annoyed by her interrupting his meeting, but by the way she walked, he knew she wouldn’t wait for anyone right now. “Get out,” she told the man Tommy had been talking too. He left at once. “It’s Y/N,” she said as soon as he’d gone, “We need to get her out.” “She’s at the school, the one you recommended, Pol. You told me she’d get a good education there.” “We were wrong, Thomas, wrong to send her away.” “What’s all this, eh?” he frowned, “We had no choice and she alright where she is. We took care of it.” With a wave of her hand, Polly referred to Finn, “He feels she’s in danger.” And Tommy turned to his youngest brother, raising his eyebrows sarcastically, “Is that right?” “I have a bad feeling, Tom…” Finn said uncertainly. “He’s been dreaming of seagulls,” Polly emphasized, locking eyes with her nephew. “Fucking seagulls…” he rubbed his head, “More gypsy witchcraft?” Swiftly, she slapped Tommy across the face, “You’ve forgotten where you’re from.” Quickly, Tommy’s face went through a range of emotions. First there was anger and the urge to strike back. Then there was the reaction of wanting to hide, like he was being chastised just like when he was little. The hurt over her comment came next, swiftly followed by a sense of shame, because she was right. His face settled on worry over his youngest sister. “What do we do?” “What will happen if we get her back to Small Heath?”
Tommy lit a cigarette and thought out loud, “Connor wants her dead. He has high influence in the police and he’s using her as leverage, after having seen her at the races.” “Y/N didn’t kill that soldier!” Finn called out, full of indignation. “Yes, we know…” Tommy said in a low voice, “But that doesn’t fucking matter because no one’s going to believe our word for it against his.” “Who else knows?” Polly continued. “My guess is no one does yet…” “JOHN!” Polly howled suddenly and for a second Tommy could only blink. Then he continued, “If anyone else knew, we’d heard by now. I’m guessing he intends to save the information for when he can use it.” Aunt Polly bend down and started unlacing one of her boots. That’s when John walked in and he immediately paused when he felt the tension hang in the air. “Take this,” she ordered him and handed him the small revolver that she kept hidden in her boots, “Shoot Connor.” “Fucking what?” he nearly spit out his toothpick. John looked at Tommy for an explanation, but it didn’t come. Instead Tommy asked Polly, “Then what?” “We go to Oxford.” Tommy nodded slowly, “John, go on. Shoot the man. Get Arthur out of bed when you’ve done it.” Shrugging like it was just another small task he had to fulfil without much enthusiasm, John walked off with the gun in hand. But Finn said carefully, “What if I was wrong?” “Have you ever been wrong about your sister?” Aunt Polly asked, “Apart from that time you thought she was in love with that Jewish boy…” “No.” “Trust your gut, Finn,” Tommy confirmed, “Pol’s right.” Aunt Polly smiled at him with an almost motherly warmth, “Let’s bring Y/N home.” *** Eventually you were moved to the hospital wing of the school. The neglect and lack of food had caused your body to shut down and you could no longer force yourself to get up each morning. At first, you were branded lazy and got punished for it. Finally, even the nuns acknowledged this was serious and the last thing they needed was another girl dying at their school. You’d lost all feeling for days, drifting in and out of sleep. One nun took care of you and she was different from the others. During your hazy periods, she tried to persuade you to eat, but with the last strength you did have, you refused. If you were to die, it’d be your own choice. “Y/N…” someone whispered to you gently. You tried to open your eyes, but it felt like lifting bricks with muscles you did not have. “Y/N,” the voice said again, and you realised this wasn’t the nun. Slowly you opened your eyes and saw Anna, sitting by the side of your bed. “What do you want?” you croaked. She looked down and said, “I came to see you.” “Why?” “Because I’ve made a mistake.”
You didn’t care for her feelings. You knew she despised you just like the others did and you didn’t need another girl gloating by your bed. So you decided to just wait and not answer her. “The girls told me you were scum,” she continued, “that you didn’t belong here. They said that’s why you always got into trouble, because you’re just Birmingham working-class trash.” Great, you thought, and how is this supposed to help? “When they told me to not talk to you, I listened. I thought it would help, that I would fit in more and the nuns wouldn’t beat me like I saw them do with others. But I was wrong.” “The nuns don’t need a reason,” you replied before you could stop yourself, “Reasons help, but they will find a way to vent their cruelty, no matter what.” “That night,” Anna said, “you talked to me and asked me who I missed. You were the only one that asked me why I was crying.” “I didn’t want you to feel too alone…” Anna nodded, “I know. That’s why I’m here.” But you didn’t understand, “Why are you here?” “Y/N. You’re not alone. Tell me, who do you miss?” Much to your own annoyance, tears welled up in your eyes. For last couple of months you had tried so hard not to think of Finn, Arthur, John and Ada. And you tried to ban Polly and Tommy especially from your mind, always wondering why they didn’t want you. Your heart can be cruel like that: those who don’t want you, you miss the most. Anna took your hand in hers and for the first time you felt another human being without pain. And so you started telling her of your brothers, of your aunt, of the horses and factories and of the streets of Small Heath. Anna didn’t say a word, but she listened intensely. After you’d cried all your tears and there were no more stories left to tell, all she said was, “Please. Eat.” When she offered you soup, you ate. *** It was a sight to behold: Polly Gray walking through the city of academia with four brothers practically having to run after her to keep up. When she arrived at the front doors of the convent, she didn’t ask to come in, but simply walked on into the halls. “Aunt Pol,” John ventured, “What do we do?”
“Keep up,” she said simply. Arthur looked around nervously. He didn’t like nuns and convents. But Tommy and Finn scanned every room and corner for you. Left and right, girls looked up in surprise as the strange family invaded their home. “Who’s that?” they whispered. But the nuns urged them away and said, “No one. Don’t look at them. They don’t belong here.” Tommy frown deepened as he noticed the faces of the girls. These weren’t what he expected. Of course, he wasn’t familiar with schools like this one, but he knew education played a part. These girls all looked tired, downtrodden and most of them were cleaning or scrubbing the floors. He shared a look with Aunt Polly and she nodded in understanding. “How are we going to find her?” Finn asked. “Oi!” Arthur called out to one of the girls, who jumped up at his voice, “Y/N, you know her?” “No, sir…” she shook. “Listen to my voice,” John added, “What about a girl who sounds like me?” And then one other girl stepped forward and she tilted her chin up high as a sign of arrogance, “She’s not here.” “And whyis she not here?” Polly asked pointedly. The girl got nervous, but tried to keep composure, “Because she’s filth and this is a decent school.” Again, Tommy looked around at the skinny girls, all dressed in the same drab depressing dressed, “Decent, eh?” His low menacing voice knocked all the attitude out of her, so she changed her mind, “She was taken to the hospital ward a few weeks ago.” “Where,” Arthur demanded. “North wing,” she gulped.
Aunt Polly marched through the halls like a woman on a mission. Her face bore a gritty look of determination and none of the bells, smoke and threats of a holy place could make her quiver. In fact, God shook as she walked passed.
Still, one nun tried to stop her, but before she could open her mouth in protest, Aunt Polly had pushed her aside and casually commented, “Better get out of the way, sister, you certainly won’t be the first woman of God I’ve knocked down.” When they entered the hospital wing, they walked into another depressing space filled with beds in lines. Most of them were empty, but one nun stood up and walked over to Polly. Her first instinct was to actually knock down this one, but when she saw her soft face, she paused. “Y/N Shelby,” she demanded, “We’ve come to take her home.”
“You’re her aunt?” the nun asked, “She’s asked for you.” “Is she alright?” Finn stepped forward, “What was wrong with her?” “We thought she might not make it. She stopped eating, you see,” the nun explained. John frowned and protested, “That’s not Y/N. She would never refuse food, unless…” Tommy didn’t need to hear the ‘unless’; worry was already eating him alive inside. So he walked around in search for his sister. He found her in a bed, with another girl sitting next to her. His sister was asleep. “Who are you?” Polly demanded harshly. But the brothers couldn’t speak when they saw their sisters. You were too skinny, eyes sunken deep and bruises were still visible on your face. The long black hair was gone. In many ways, it wasn’t their sister anymore, just a shell. The nun answered when the other girl was too afraid to, “This is Y/N’s friend. She came to visit her every day, even though she wasn’t allowed to.” Polly lifted one eyebrow, “Then why did you allow it?” “Anna got Y/N to eat again. She’s the reason she’s alive.”
Anna. Polly walked over to her and carefully took her hand, “You watched over my niece.” “I didn’t want her to feel alone. She felt abandoned, she said…” Anna said in a soft voice. Polly shook her head in an effort to banish the emotions, “Thank you, Anna. You’re a good friend and a guardian angel.” “What did they do to her?” John asked her through gritted teeth. “She was isolated, singled out for being… different.” Anna explained without meeting their eyes, “She tried to fight them from the start, but never won. She kept trying to run away. They beat her, kept her locked up in the cellar, but when the other girls turned on her and she thought she would never leave this place, she just… gave up.” Slowly, Finn had walked over to the other side of the bed. Clumsy but lovingly, he started stroking the hair out of your face. Seagulls, he thought. “Who’s in charge here?” Tommy suddenly spoke. “The mother superior has an office down the hall,” the nun said, “Anna can take you there.” “No,” Anna gasped, “I can’t…” Fear was written all over her face.
“What’s wrong with the office?” Tommy asked her with unusual kindness. “It’s where she…” And in an instant they all understood. So Tommy demanded, “Tell that woman to come here.” “She won’t like it, sir…” “You fuckingtell her to come here,” Tommy spat filled with venom, “Or I will burn this entire place down to the ground, and don’t think for a second I won’t fucking do it.” So the nun with the gentle face nodded and walked off. Somehow, Tommy’s explosion had triggered some old memories in you. Before you were properly awake, you dreamed of being back in your bed in Small Heath. The smell of the factories penetrated your nose and you could hear your family arguing. But when you opened your eyes, they were actually there. You looked at them one by one and stopped at Finn, “You said you’d explain.” “And I will,” he said, “when we get home.” “Am I allowed to go home?” you questioned in disbelieve. Aunt Polly shook her head, “You should’ve never been anywhere else.” “Can’t protect you if you’re not at home…” Tommy added with a slight hint of guilt in his voice. “It’s safe now,” John said, “I’ve dealt with it.” And just the way he said it made you smile a little. “Arthur, John,” Tommy started ordering them in his usual business-like manner, “Take Y/N out of here.” And Arthur lifted you out of the bed into his arms like it was nothing. “Finn, you go with them. Make sure you get her things.” At that, John pulled a gun and Finn nodded solemnly. “What about Anna?” you asked, looking at your friend, “I won’t leave her here.” “Pol and I are going to have a word with the mother superior,” Tommy stated matter-of-factly. You sighed in relief, but Anna still had a look of confusion on her face, “What will that do? She won’t listen to anyone.” “She’ll listen to us, love,” Polly said to her with a reassuring smile that left very little room for arguments, “We’ll make sure of it.” You smiled at Anna too, “This convent will be closed by tomorrow. Trust me.” “We’ll see you at home, Y/N,” Tommy said, “And then we’ll talk.” Just before Arthur walked out of the door with you in your arms, Aunt Polly ran over to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead, “Safe journey, sweetheart.” Then there was just Tommy and Polly left, clearing their faces of all sentiment and hardening their features. Arms crossed, they waited and knew what had to be done, and nothing would stop them from doing it.
“Mr. Shelby, Mrs. Gray?” the hospital nun had reappeared, “The mother superior will see you now.”
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astonmartinii · 3 years
lemonade and star-crossed lovers, p1 (JJ Maybank)
Warnings: none yet, swearing? all core characters are aged up to 18, Rafe is 21. 
JJ Maybank x kook!reader (super super slow burn) (this will hopefully be a series) 
WC: 4.0k 
Growing up, Y/N always heard jokes about how the eldest daughter was just the mum in a different font. She never used to believe it, but that was when she had present and dedicated parents. Now, it just seemed that with every addition to the Miller family, the less interested Kevin and Julie Miller became. 
So here Y/N was, practically a mother to her three younger siblings. 
Dylan is only a year younger than Y/N but is no less of a hassle, especially when his useless friends decide to crash at their place. But considering they had the most hectic house of Dylan’s friendship group, the Miller household was usually the last option. 
Then there’s Anderson, he’s in his rebellious phase currently, getting to that point where he’s figured out that acting out could maybe get the attention of his parents. Though Y/N wasn’t sure how well his plans were working out. 
Peach is the youngest and practically attached to Y/N’s hip. To an untrained eye, Y/N often looked like a teen mum as she took Peach with her to the grocery shopping. In fact, Y/N was sure that if the kooks in Figure Eight didn’t know her family, they’d sneer at her with the same ignorance that clouded their entire lives. 
Y/N woke up glad - it’s the last day of school. Summer break looms. The idea of boneyard keggers and hot (but equally clueless) tourons, excited the girl. But she knew her summer reality would be looking after Peach, bailing Anderson out of jail and swatting away the affections of Dylan’s stupid friends. 
Dylan is already awake when Y/N comes knocking, taking extra close care to his hair. 
“Oh, you’re up,” Y/N said, moving to ruffle his hair and grab the empty plate on his bedside cabinet. 
“Jesus, fuck Y/N, was that really necessary?” 
“Hey maybe if you spent more time on assignments than your hair you wouldn’t have to take so many summer classes - oh yeah, mum might not remember, but I do, and you will be going.” 
“But it’s summer, surely it’s a violation to my human rights to go to school.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive, and maybe when you finally pass this year, you’ll thank me. Breakfast in 10.” 
Dylan just flips his sister off, going back to admiring himself in the mirror. 
Y/N next goes to Peach’s room to find her awake and rummaging through her draws. 
“Hey, princess, what are you thinking for the last day? Third grade finished already, you’ll be my age soon, wheeling me into the retirement home.” 
Peach erupts into giggles, pulling out a little pink summer dress and grabbing her pink sandals to complete the ensemble. 
“All pink, we love. Breakfast in 10, alright, don’t want you to be late for the last day.” 
Anderson’s room is last, Y/N doesn’t bother knocking on her parent’s door. Kevin is probably already down on Judy - his beloved boat. The room is typical of a 14 year old boy, it stunk, his weed paraphernalia was badly hidden and there was a lump of pillows under the cover instead of a boy. 
Shrugging, Y/N picked up the dirty mugs in his room and moved downstairs. She’d been awake nearly an hour now but was still unsure of what to make for breakfast. Opening the fridge gave her the only possible answer, leftover pizza from the previous night and maybe a porridge pot, though considering there were only two siblings to account for, it would do. 
Dylan and Peach joined her in the kitchen shortly after, each taking a slice or two of pizza. 
“No Anderson and pizza for breakfast? Watch out, we'll be calling CPS as soon as we’re outside.“ 
“You don’t know where the bug is? Why does that boy insist on giving me early onset cardiac issues?” 
“Don’t take it too to heart, I’m sure he’ll turn up by the second period.” 
“Okay, go to school now. Dylan, are you okay to drop Peach off, I’ll pick her up.” 
Dylan nods and ushers the youngest out of the door and to his car. Y/N lets out a sigh when she sees them leave the driveway and makes her way to the back door. Through the sliding door she can see her dad, Kevin on Judy instructing John B, the kid who worked on the boat, what to do. Y/N puts two slices of pizza on a plate and grabs an apple and ventures out to the dock. 
“Morning Y/N.” 
“Morning, John B, can I interest you in an apple? It’s all we have I’m afraid.” 
“No worries, any breakfast is breakfast when you’re a pogue.”
“Oh John B, you know I don’t believe in all that sub-par class warfare bullshit.” 
“Of course you don’t, but that’s very easy to say when you’re on the other side.” 
Y/N doesn’t say anymore, but moves to give her dad his breakfast. She liked John B and hoped he didn’t see her like the other kooks. Sure Rafe Cameron frequented her house, but she’s nothing like him. 
“Thanks, squirt.” 
Despite the nickname, Kevin was absent as ever, not moving to look at her. 
“You’re children are off to school, don’t worry.” 
“Oh thank you Y/N, I really don’t know what we’d do without you! You’re such a gem, you’re really unappreciated and we don’t deserve you! Thanks dad, I really needed to hear that. Are you coming later?”
“Where?” Kevin grunted, with pizza in his mouth. 
“My graduation? Did you forget that was today?” 
The awkward silence was enough of an answer for Y/N. 
“Sorry squirt, I promised to go to the mainland to pick something up for your mother.” 
With that, Y/N stormed off Judy, towards the house and into her room. When she sat down on her bed she could think about what just happened. She knew her parents didn’t care about her, but missing their first child’s graduation for a small errand to the mainland? 
Now that the house was quiet again, she could get ready - she was graduating today and as valedictorian she wants to look her best. Julie, her mum, is in Washington on some mysterious job venture, Y/N wasn’t told until she came down in the morning a few days ago and saw Julie with her suitcases. She guessed that one positive of her parents’ absenteeism is her ability to steal Julie’s expensive jewelry to wear. 
Y/N looked in the mirror, she did clean up nice when she wanted to. Her lengthy hair is in a half-up, half-down style, with minimal makeup and a red knee-length dress. The dress hugged her figure and complemented her graduation gown perfectly. Too bad none of her family would be there to see it. She knew deep down that Peach and Dylan would’ve attended if possible, and Anderson would maybe even make an appearance, especially if there was food involved. 
Y/N put her matching red heels on and grabbed her cap from her closet. After one final look in the mirror and putting her printed speech into her bag, the young girl made her way down the stairs. 
To her surprise, none other than John B sat in her kitchen drinking a glass of water. 
“You clean up nice kook,” said John B, a smug smirk on his face. 
“Thank you, John. Don’t you have graduation today?” 
 “Eh, yeah. I’m just going for the food though, school isn’t really my thing…” John B looked closer at her cap. “I’m practically the opposite to you Miss Valedictorian”. 
“Hmm, well at least someone in this house noticed, thank you John B. I’m going now, I didn’t notice your van out front, you need a lift to yours?” 
“Is that really on your way, wouldn’t want Miss Valedictorian to be late to her own event, you got a speech ready?” 
“I do as a matter of fact, but I want to be just on time, minimise the time people have to ask about the whereabouts of my parents. So, do you want a lift or not?” 
“Sure thing, Miss Valedictorian.” 
Y/N doesn’t acknowledge the nickname, but secretly loved it, it was a joke, but at least someone was appreciating her achievements. Peach would, she knows, but she’s not really at the point of understanding what it means and the others really are wildcards.
She led John B out to her small car, a baby blue Beetle. The boy smiled at her choice in car, 
“I’m sure that a kook like you could afford better than this.”
“Don’t insult Shelby in her presence, weren’t you ever taught manners? Now get it and give me directions.” 
The drive was fun, not that John B would tell Y/N that. He enjoyed her music choice, Mac Miller blasting from her speakers and the windows were fully rolled down, damned be her hair. 
Y/N neared the chateau and came to a stop. There were a few people sitting on the porch, looking over in confusion. 
“Yo, what’s with the kook-mobile, John B?” The blonde yelled from his seat on the beaten-up couch. 
When John B only turned to Y/N to say thank you, the interest peaked on the porch. The little gang of pogues moved towards the car. 
“John B, I didn’t realise your job came with a taxi service, why did I have to drop you off this morning?” The blonde, once again. 
“Lay off JJ, this is Y/N Miller, she’s the daughter of Kevin, the guy whose boat I work on. She’s on her way to her graduation and offered me a lift.” 
“Since when are kook graduations on the Cut?” The other boy interjected. 
Y/N decided to speak up, “if I knew an act of kindness would cause so much strife, I’ll just let you walk home next time. Now, I do have somewhere to be, so it was nice to see you, John B. I'm sure I’ll see you again this week.” 
“Bye Miss Valedictorian, good luck with your speech,” John B said, getting out of Shelby. 
“You’re the valedictorian?” Kiara finally spoke, face shocked. 
“Yeah, surprising what happens when you show up for school right?” Y/N snapped, angrier than she intended. 
“Oh yeah, sorry. I guess I thought that maybe Sarah would get it, especially if Ward has anything to do with it.” Kiara grimaced, she didn’t mean to offend the Miller girl. 
“You can’t buy the valedictorian title, well I’m sure you could, but not to flex, but my grades were miles better. If we’re being really ironic though, Ward technically does pay for the valedictorian,” Y/N said with a smile, not meaning to brandish her academic success in their faces. 
A chorus of “huhs?” from the pogues surrounding her car told Y/N that they weren’t catching her drift. 
“I’m Ward Cameron’s assistant. Sorry, I didn’t make that very clear.” 
“You have a job, but you’re a kook?” the blonde, JJ, said. 
“Yes, blondie, some of us do have to look out for ourselves, didn’t your parents tell you not to judge a book by its cover. I’ll see you around. Bye John B.” 
Y/N backed out of the road, heading back to Figure Eight, with her graduation starting in 10 minutes, she had massively overstayed her welcome at John B’s. If she weren’t so busy, Y/N always thought she’d like to be friends with John B and his crew, they had an unmistakable family bond that Y/N craved. She loves her siblings but they are still grappling with the idea of give and take, mainly fixating on the taking aspect. 
Y/N pulled up to school, and took out her phone, dropping a text to Anderson pleading with him to at least make it to two classes today. Even with her phone safely away in her bag, Y/N couldn’t quite bring herself to get out of the car. Happy families surrounded her everywhere she looked, she couldn’t handle the stares when she walks in alone. Well, it’s now or never she says to herself. 
Walking isn’t as bad as she suspects, Mr Morgan, her English teacher, meets her at the door and takes her to her seat, explaining the mechanisms of the ceremony and when she’ll make her speech.  
The hall, however, is the reminder that Y/N was dreading. The two seats she had booked for her parents sat empty, standing out like a sore thumb in the packed hall. She made her way to the student section with her head down. However, before Y/N could sit she was apprehended by an excitable Sarah Cameron. 
“Y/N! Hi! I heard you’re valedictorian, well done! I don’t know how you managed, with all the work and your siblings, you really are amazing.” 
“Thanks, Sarah.” 
The words sting, despite their pure intentions. She’s a kook, she shouldn’t have to work, and she should have parents who care for her and her siblings, but some things just aren’t meant to be, clearly. Y/N sat in her assigned seat and willed the ceremony to go fast, though she wasn’t looking too forward to her speech. The diversion to the chateau meant that Y/N had no time to look over it again. 
The ceremony started and the hall quietened down. Principal Stoney started her opening speech, basking in the spotlight when the hall door bursts open and interrupts. In the doorway stands Anderson. His hair is disheveled and the clothes are torn, probably from the nightly activities with the skateboard he held in his hand. The boy scanned the hall, eyes falling on the empty seats with the name Miller and then Y/N herself. He gives her a small wave and pushes past the Figure Eights families to the seats. 
Principal Stoney just restarts, a slight bewildered look on her face. 
When it was time for her speech, Y/N didn’t even feel real, like she floated to the stage and was possessed. Her speech went well from what she could gather, Mr Morgan gave her a thumbs up and Anderson hollered, much to the dismay of the families around him. But he was even worse when she received her diploma. 
As families spilled onto the field for fancy food and photo opportunities, Y/N wrangled Anderson to the side before he could raid the food stalls. 
“Anderson, what the fuck? First you didn't come home last night and then crash my graduation?” 
“Hey, I’m sorry about last night, me and the boys got carried away skating and I crashed on Oscar’s couch. I’m sorry, I should’ve called. And as for now, you think I’m going to let my smart-ass VALEDICTORIAN sister graduate without anyone being here to holler? You’re dead wrong.” 
The sentiment fills Y/N’s heart with joy and tears threaten to spill. Anderson’s never been good with feelings, it was nice to know that he did care. 
“Mum and dad can go fuck themselves, if they don’t see how great you are then they’re blind.” 
“Thanks, bug. It means a lot. Now don’t eat too much, people are probably already annoyed that you’re here.” 
Anderson shrugs, he couldn’t care less what they thought, he was here to eat and show off his sister. 
“Congratulations Y/N!” 
The voice of Y/N’s boss, Ward Cameron, was easily identifiable. Y/N puts on her confident face and turns to see the whole Cameron brigade, minus Wheezie. 
“Thank you, Mr Cameron.”
“You know, I just don’t know how you get it done, working for us and dealing with your siblings…” Rose says, the last part fading out as she watches Anderson walk back to his sister with his arms piled high with fancy horderves. 
“It’s tough, yeah, but what wouldn’t you do for your family?” 
“Of course, of course, sorry for any implications, where is the old man, I know Julie is off on business, but Kevin has to be proud, I didn’t see him in the hall?” Ward’s voice feigned sincerity, but the Miller siblings saw right through it. Before Anderson could respond, Y/N replied. 
“Dad is also doing business on the mainland, at the last minute. He’s devastated, really,” it's not convincing, even to her. Y/N can tell she hasn’t convinced the Camerons either. Sarah gives her a sad look, Rose attempts to mirror her step-daughter but fails, Ward looks slightly smug, like he’s trying to hide it but Rafe doesn’t even try to hide it like his dad, a massive smirk on his face. 
“What are your plans for the summer Miller?” Y/N is surprised when it’s Rafe who asks the question. 
“Well, I’ll be working for your dad, if he’ll have me, I still have my volleyball coaching in the tourist season and there’s never a dull moment with these around,” Y/N puts her arm around Anderson. 
Looking for a quick exit, she looks at her watch. 
“Oh, if we go now, you can still catch your last two periods. Kids, am I right?” She gestures at Rose and Ward, “we’ll be off now, I’ll see you next week?” 
The Camerons nod as Y/N pulls Anderson away and towards the car park. But before they can fully escape, they’re stopped by Mr Morgan. 
“You think you can leave without a photo and a proper goodbye, I didn’t think you were that kind of girl, Miller.” 
“Of course not, Mr Morgan, here,” she hands Anderson her phone, “take a picture please.” 
Anderson does so, taking about 50 at once. 
“Okay, okay, let's get one of you two, you can’t not have a proper graduation picture, especially not when you’re valedictorian.” 
Mr Morgan takes the phone and smiles at the siblings. When the impromptu photoshoot ends, Y/N is glad, despite it pushing back her escape. 
“Y/N, on a serious note, you are always welcome in my classroom, you’ve been a pleasure, and don’t tell anyone, but you were my favourite. And you, I hope you’ll be just as good next year sir,” he says turning to Anderson, “although considering you’re here and not in class doesn’t bode well.” 
“Thank you, sir, really. But you are completely right, and that’s why we’re bouncing now, so he can get two at least two periods.” 
Mr Morgan smiles at the two when they start to run to the car. He’s always felt sad for the eldest Miller, and her parents absence did not go unnoticed. 
“I’ll see you later, I know you guys will probably crash a kegger, but at least come home before you go?” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay, who knows maybe I’ll see you there?” 
Anderson laughs and gets out of the car, he knows his sister won’t especially when Peach will be home. Y/N watches him go into the building and stays a couple minutes to make sure he doesn’t sneak back out when he thinks she’s gone. 
But Y/N barely gets time to breathe, as she’s down to the elementary school to pick up Peach. The girl in all pink is waiting with a gaggle of friends and shrieks when she sees the blue car. 
“Y/N! Y/N! I got the “most improved” in drama!” 
Y/N opens the door and picks up Peach, spinning her round and congratulating her. 
“Well done, bubs. This calls for a celebration, it’s the first day of summer and the boys won’t be out for another couple of hours - what do you want to do?”
Peach doesn’t even need a second to think. 
“Lemonade stand!” 
Huh? Y/N was prepared for an answer closer to maybe a princess party or surfing lessons, but a lemonade stand? 
“Are you sure?” 
“You said we could do whatever I want!” 
“Okay, okay, let’s go then we’ve got a lot to do.” 
Satisfied with getting her way, Peach got in the car and demanded that the next stop was the craft store. 
The next 90 minutes were gruelling. Peach spared no expense, Y/N was lucky that she still had the credit card Julie gave her. But she knew it would all be worth it. And it was. 
Peach chose a spot right in the middle of the beach and the stall was already making a profit. Y/N knew kooks just couldn’t resist the temptation to look good and what was better than giving a generous tip to a child’s lemonade stand? 
But with a successful kook-trap came the kook assholes. Namely Rafe, Topper and Kelce. 
“Three lemonades please. Apricot, right?” Rafe said with a smirk. 
“You know it’s Peach asshole.” 
“That’s a bad word, Y/N,” Peach mumbled, clearly upset about being called apricot of all things.
“Yeah that’s a bad word, Miller, you should listen to Apricot a little more.” 
“Maybe, you should listen to your college professors, oh wait, you dropped out, my bad, must be a bit of an open wound judging by the look on your face. I bet daddy wasn’t impressed.” 
“Excuse me, you bitch, how dare you talk to me like that.” 
“Run along, lap dog, we don’t need your money.” 
Rafe goes to say something but Topper and Kelce hold him back. 
“Bro, don’t get it shit with your pops over a fucking lemonade,” Topper warned. 
With a final “fuck off”, Rafe Cameron stalked away to his car, his gang of cowards following, but not without Topper placing a crisp $20 bill in the tip jar. Peach mumbled and thank you and Y/N just nodded to Topper, too tired to say anything more. 
And if her afternoon couldn’t get any worse, the prickly blonde from this morning strolled over to the stand. 
“I’ll have four lemonades please.” 
Peach gasped and accepted his money right away, getting to work on the drinks. 
“I’ve seen many a kook-trap in my time, Miller, but not many operated by Kooks themselves. Impressive ingenuity.” 
“Thanks - JJ, was it? Peach here won “most improved” in her drama class and this is what she wanted to do in celebration” 
“Cute, Miller, didn’t take you as a softy earlier.” 
Peach announces that she’s finished with the pogue’s drinks, he puts another $5 in the tip jar and grabs the drinks. 
“Miller, there’s a kegger at the boneyard tonight, wanna come? I’m sure at least one of your brothers will crash.” 
“Sorry JJ, someone’s gotta look after the little one, maybe another time, if you can stand being around a kook for that long.” 
“I think I can make an exception, especially if they look like you Miller,” he winks, “boneyard tonight, if you change your mind.” 
Y/N blushed, but she knew she couldn’t, she couldn’t leave a nine year old at home, even if Kevin was there, there was no guarantee that Peach would be fed and given adequate attention. 
“He’s pretty, you should go.” 
“Peach, honey, you know I can’t, I can’t leave you at home.” 
“But I could go to Jenny’s, she’s having a sleepover tonight, I forgot to ask earlier, I got too excited about the lemonade stand.” 
“Okay, you can go to Jenny’s, but promise not too much candy?”
“Only if you promise to go with him tonight.” 
Peach was proving to be just as mischievous as her brothers. 
“Okay fine.” 
“Go tell him then.”
“I won’t believe you unless you go tell him now that you'll be there!”
 Y/N groans, but gets up to follow the blonde. As she nears, she shouts, 
“Hey JJ! I’ll be there tonight, at the boneyard, I’ll be there.” 
“Didn’t take too long for you to change your mind then, am I just that irresistible?” 
“No? What? Of course not! It’s just Peach - she’s a master manipulator, and she’s only nine!”
“Sure, Miller, if that’s what you want me to believe, I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”
Y/N turned, she should cringe, but she finds herself blushing as she walks back to Peach. 
“Don’t say anything, missy, you’ve done enough, let’s pack up and get you ready for Jenny’s. You young ones are such troublemakers, damn.”  
A/N: I am not American, so I hope that the graduation stuff makes sense, from someone who has no real clue what happens there lol  
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P2] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
A/N : This is really different from my usual writing style but I am experimenting. Please tell me your thoughts and don’t hesitate to ask to be added to the tag list :) AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/31877203?view_full_work=true
In the last chapter --  «-Enough playing now, you're going to sleep. -B-but ! This wasn't what I asked for....You're really a coward after all...You virgin... » He carried you to his room, putting you on the bed and sitting next to you. «-I'd love to prove you wrong. However, it would be better if you were in a state where you'd be able to recall how good I am. If you want me to fuck you this badly then maybe ask me when you're sober.
Part I - Part II
Part II  -Yeah yeah...Pff..You're no fun Sabo. Things were finally getting interesting ! »
He smiled seeing that you were now calmer. You started to yawn and bury your face in his pillow. He loved to see you getting so comfortable in his room. He really needed a cold shower after your little show.  -Goodnight (Y/N). I'll sleep on the couch. You can get comfortable. -Are you crazyy ? You gonna leave me alone like this ? Let's sleep together~ -Come on (Y/N), you're a big girl. You could sleep alone for one night, would you ? Translation : I don't want to spend the whole night with a semi. And you're dangerously flirty, and I have wanted you for years and now I have to abstain.
-Pleaaaase. You said looking at him with puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes placing a hand in his hair. God.damn.it.
You won again. Like every time. * * *  You opened your eyes hardly next day, feeling something hard against your thigh. You looked at the ceiling
Oh...I am not in my room...Where the fuck am I ?
you turn around only to discover the embodiment of Adonis to your side. A light beam was lighting up Sabo's face. He looked like an angel as his beauty couldn't be that of a human.
Was he always this handsome ?
You didn't know, in fact, you have never had the occasion to wake up in his bed. Wait, in his bed ? This realization came slowly as your head was still foggy from yesterday's consumption.
You looked down, the thing that was pressing against your leg was indeed :
his thing.
You frowned, blushed, pulled away, put a hand on your lips repressing an internal scream, all of this in around three seconds. You then tried to calm down, telling yourself that it was very normal for a man to experience this kind of morning unconviniences, and that Sabo was a man, after all. Even if  you have always seen him as a bestfriend, he was still a man that is capable of physical attraction.
Now that this internal monologue was done with, you felt a bit calmer, but that didn't answer your question. You got out of bed, trying to recall what happened after going in the bar. And it came back. All of it. Without any mercy for your feelings.
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Your only wish was to disappear which meant : calling Nami. You headed out of the house, not even having the courage to face your bestfriend.
« Namiiiii -Uh ? What's the matter ? -I fucked up. I fucked up really bad. -Oh yeah ? Tell me about it. -Wait, why do you seem excited ? -O-oh I'm not excited. Come on tell me. What else could you have possibly done ? -I asked Sabo to fuck me. -Wait what ? You could hear Vivi ask Nami about what happened and her answering « She asked Sabo to fuck her ». -Nami ! Don't go on telling everyone about this. I'm on my way. -For starters, Vivi isn't « everyone », she's my girlfriend. And I'm here waiting for you to tell me what happened. -Wait, I'll come at your place. This can't be discussed over the phone. »
You hung up on her. Ten minutes later, you were at her place. Extremely confused. Nami was painting her nails bright red on the bed while Vivi was sitting comfortably on a chair. You let your whole body weight fall on a lounge pug, tourmented.  «-So tell me how you and Sabo ended up fucking. She emphasized the last word in a way that made you almost choke on air.  -We didn't actually. Nami and Vivi both sighed in a synchronized « Ah » of disappointment. -So hmm...I don't remember clearly. I was really drunk-- well that you're aware of and...And Sabo didn't want to leave me alone so we went to his place. Ace was at Thatch's so we were alone. We hugged and he comforted me. Then I started teasing him, and I don't know what I was thinking, but I kissed him, and then I asked him to fuck me. -Wow that escalated quickly. Said Nami as she continued painting her nails.
-Well, I was heartbroken, I needed something, someone, and he was there, and you know Sabo, he's a good guy ! I don't know what's worse, the fact that I asked him to fuck me or the fact that he said no.
-Oh god I'm so so sorry
- Nami please don't make things worse for me.
-No offense, but you're so dense. Sabo has always been into you. Do you want him, or do you not ? I know that going right into a relationship after a breakup is a bad idea. But honestly it's worth giving it a shot. He's a really good guy. Try dating someone nice for once.
-I don't know, he has something unsettling about him. Like « almost too good to be true » you know ? Added Vivi.
-Ohhh~ I see. Honestly, I always thought that he was a bit prude and hella vanilla. I mean, yes, he's my best friend. But he has never talked about girls to me or about sexual stuff. So I just assumed that. I never thought that he'd be packin' like that. You said as you popped a lollipop in your mouth.
-Ah ? Was it really that impressive ? asked Nami, genuinely curious.
-Yeah. On a scale from 0 to doflamingo he's a solid eight point seventy five. (*)
-Oh gosh. I understand why you're so worked up now.
-That's really...precise. Added Vivi, a bit horrified.
(*) [ The dear reader might need this clarification ; Doflamingo was Law's uncle, he sometimes came to pick him up after uni with his luxurious lamborghini. He wore extremely tight pants that left little to the imagination. And he was most known among your clique for having a nine incher. It was a running joke wether to know if Law got his uncle's genes. Needless to say that this joke wasn't to Law's taste. Now back to our adorable Y/N. ]
-So. I really don't know what to do. I am still heartbroken. -And horny. Added the ginger. -Yeah, that too. I'm afraid of ruining our friendship. -Listen dear, said Nami as she was closing the nail polish bottle, if you're not going for it, someone else would. And trust me, that girl Koala is upping her game. She's going to steal him right in front of your eyes, just like this - and she snapped her fingers. -Oh, and then, you can forget about being « best friends ». Said Vivi adding fuel to the fire. -Yeah, once he's gonna start dating, he won't have too much time for you-- and then, that Koala girl, my god, she seems extremely possessive ! -No way, your voice was detached, trying to act is if you weren't worried, Sabo has never dated any girl before.- -Yes but he seems to get along with that girl. And to be honest, she's kinda cute.
-Nami ! Vivi pinched her forearm playfully, pretending to be jealous.
-That hurt ! And don't be jealous, you know that you're my only one~
-Hmm...I prefer that. Vivi laughed. You started caughing reclaiming for their attention.
-Attention please ! We're discussing my dick-appointment here.
-Jesus you're really annoying, (Y/N), just go for it already.
-How much did he pay you to tell me this huh ?
-What ? He didn't pay me ! You're just always getting your heart broken. I'm just trying to be a good friend.
-Say that you are trying to get rid of her~ Jokes Vivi.
-Vivi, don't expose me like this- Nami plays along while laughing.
-I hate you girls ! You say as you throw a pillow on Nami. The ginger starts complaining that you messed her Nail polish, and the whole scene metamorphosed into a pillow fight.
* * *
You spent the whole day with the girls, chit-chatting about boys and girls and playing stupid games. You felt way more comfortable now, less ashamed. However, you were surprised because you didn't get a message from your bestfriend. You wondered wether he was mad at you, it wasn't in his habits.
You decided to message Ace [click for conversation] [ (Y/N) : Heyy amigo is Sabo ok ? Did he tell u smth abt yesterday ? Ace : Ouch, your hurting my feelings, </3 Only talking to me to ask about my brother~ Yea hes okay why tho ? (Y/N) : Ooo kay. He's home ? Ace : He is. Why don't u directly text him ? (Y/N) : Don't tell him I asked. Btw I didn't forget about those 10 bucks you « borrowed » from me. Give it back.] He didn't answer. You sighed and decided to go see Sabo to settle things down. It was the first time that you were embarrassed to see your best friend. You dressed up in a black skirt and t shirt. You didn't usually pay attention to your looks when you went to hang out at Sabo's, but you were really stressed out and what the girls have said about Koala made you scared of losing him. After all, you had some abandonment issues. You had to settle this down once and forever. You arrived at the guy's place, it was an apartment not so far from your own student flat. You knocked on the door and Ace opened : -Ohhh, (Y/N), he whistles, lookin' like a girl today huh ? -What are you implying you dumbass ? Where's Sabo ? -He's in his room with Koala.- -Wait what ? Koala ? What is she doing here ? Ace raised an eyebrow then said amused ; -I don't know, go ask him yourself. -You're useless as usual. -Always so sweet. You on your period or something ? -I didn't forget about my twenty bucks by the way. -I said I'm goin' to pay you back alright ? Now go talk to Sabo. You and Ace were always teasing each other in a brotherly way, but in reality, he really cared for you, it was just your usual way of communication. But it was true that knowing that Koala was in Sabo's room put you in a bad mood. You knocked on the door with a knot in your stomach. Did they start dating ? Was Sabo interested in her ? These ideas were torturing you. But why did you care anyways ? It was none of your business. He could date whoever he wants. You opened the door but there was only Sabo relaxing on his bed, still fully clothed. « - Sabo ?-Oh, (Y/N), what brings you here ? -Why ? Do I need a reason to see my best friend ? He sits on bed looking at you. He doesn't fail to notice your cute outfit, it was different from your usual sweatpants and hoodies, the way it complemented your figure was almost too much for him. Just that sight was driving him insane, but his face didn't betray his emotions, like always, he acted friendly, not an ounce of lust in his dark ebony eyes. You took place next to him. He smelled good, you thought. The same fresh minty smell as last time. Did he always smell this good ? -(Y/N) ?Huh ? Is everything okay ? His voice seemed concerned.He cared for you. And you had those stupid immature and posessive thoughts. Get a grip of yourself, (Y/N), you thought. -Oh yea-- wasn't Koala here ? Ace told me you were with her.
You tried so hard to act like you didn't care, but he knew you like the back of his hand. But still, he played along. -Hmm..Yes. She just left. I was going out as well. He says with a sweet smile, looking at his watch. You couldn't help but make a disappointed face. -But Sabo I wanted to - I'm really sorry (Y/N), let's talk later. He ruffles your hair and you close your eyes as he does so. You felt stressed out. What happened exactly ? You felt intimidated in his presence for the first time. You wanted him to stay and talk this out. It was a bit awkward for you now. You never thought too much. As he was going out of the room you held the fabric of his coat tight in your hand ; -Sabo- -Hum ? Need me to drop you somewhere ? -N-no. You let his sleeve go, realizing what you have just done, I'll stay a bit then go back home. Don't worry about me. -Alright then. See you later ? -Yeah. See ya. ]
You looked at Sabo go away and you followed him shortly after. Meanwhile Ace was sitting on the couch and watching some movies. You went back home and was quite tormented. It wasn't the right time to worry as you had your assignments and studies to deal with. On one hand, you didn't even have the time to think of your ex boyfriend and his cheating but on the other, you felt like you were let down by Sabo. But why ? He didn't do anything. He just found himself a new friend and a potential new girlfriend.
He didn't even talk about her, but why where you so upset by him meeting her ? After all, he had the right to date just like you always did.
A few days have passed and you didn't get the chance to talk to Sabo. Your exams were getting closer and closer and you didn't feel ready.
Usually, Sabo would help you with your assignments but you were too scared to ask. You realized how much you relied on him and how he has been always there for you.
Who were you exactly to him ?
Maybe you took him for granted.
As you were on your bed looking at the ceiling and trying to collect every drop of motivation in your system to study, you heard your phone ring. It was Sabo's ringtone ! ----- Tag list : @vemuabhi @chloe-abbacchio @mwls-garden @soanywaysistartedsimping If you wanna get tagged just ask for it :)
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