#i need more scenes tomorrow
sweetestlamb · 2 years
Father of Mine
Summary: Master Lee respects Kim Doju's response to his offer.
Author's note: Yeah it's official I'm obsessed with the second older couple, I was so sad they had no scenes together today lol (Go away Park Jin don't capsize my ship!!) I can't stop imagining them as one big happy family so here I go again with more Master Lee and Kim Doju.
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He understands immediately what she's doing and while it does make his chest ache with its indirect stab he accepts the non answer to his request for courtship.
He sits at the table sipping on a fine cup of tea wondering what excuse will come out of her lovely mouth this time.
"Oh, Master Lee I did not intend to keep you waiting but unfortunately I cannot take a walk with you today. I must..." He calmly watches her eyes dart around the room as if praying that something will simply manifest and save her from entertaining him. With a sad but complacent smile he finishes the last of the jasmine infused tea, ignoring the burn on his tongue. Her rejection hurts far worst than that anyway.
"I understand."
She pauses looking guilty for only a moment before asking, "You do?"
He nods solemnly before standing to take his leave. He dips his head in a bow regardless of their positions, it was nice to feel such passion for another. He intends to remember it fondly.
"I best take my leave."
Carrying himself with grace that he does not feel inside, he walks with ease towards the door.
But quick as lightning, she's moving chasing him with panicked eyes glancing at him in question before grabbing the sleeve of his robe, her fingers tight on the smooth material.
It feels like she has pushed her hand through his chest and gripped his heart directly. It's hard to breathe.
"Wait! I- I cannot go but Jang Uk is visiting, he could keep you company so this would not have been a waste of your time."
This already the furthest thing from a waste, he was able to see her, drink her tea and feel her hands on his sleeve, it was all worth more than anything he owned.
But he does not dare utter such damning words lest he make her uncomfortable with his unwanted attention.
He contemplates his response, he had intended to return to his room and tend to his wounds but hope shines brightly in her distracting eyes and he cannot deny her anything especially this, he can admit that he enjoys spending time with the boisterous boy. He is intrigued to say the least, Uk's talent is undeniable and unlike others he does not think that power always leads to corruption. Uk is good, and he can remain this way with guidance.
The decision is easy in the end.
"If he is not previously preoccupied." He hums easily, trying and failing to ignore her hand still clutching him firmly.
His eyes widen as she jumps suddenly in glee, an adorable sound leaving her lips as she shakes her head in decline.
"He's not busy at all!"
Then he's left standing alone as she finally releases him to go retrieve her young master and in his eyes adoptive son.
They were quite the pair.
She knows that she should halt her silly trickery but how can she when Uk had come home with such evident pride and joy on his face after their fishing trip?
She had tried her hardest to be a mother figure to him, knowing she could never dare take the place of his real mother but when he had looked up at her with those huge curious eyes she knew in that moment she was a goner. Her heart belonged to him.
As a boy it was easier to hide him from his reality- showering him with all her love so he wouldn't ask about his parents but as he grew so did the questions and his self loathing. He would watch let kids with longing so clear in his eyes it made her want to hide him away from the world and its cruelties.
"Did they leave because I'm not good enough?"
She refuted his question adamantly hugging him tight as he sobbed into her arms, angry tears wetting her shoulder and shattering her heart.
He cried most nights until one day he just stopped.
Stopped caring.
Stopped crying.
Just stopped everything. And that she found, wasn't any better.
But now there had been a change in her Uk, something profound and she couldn't quite put her finger on it but he was happier, smiling more and determined- the little boy that hid behind her legs and snuck honey biscuits when he thought she wasn't looking was finally becoming a man, it was enough to make her cry tears of relief.
And she wants to keep adding to that happiness, he deserved to have his cup run over. It has been empty for so much of his life.
Master Lee was a surprise but a welcome one.
He was kind, calm, soft spoken and gentle. She had never met a man quite like him before, he made her feel....
She shakes her head stopping those thoughts. This wasn't about her, it was about Jang Uk. Of course no one could replace his father but it was obvious how much he admired master Lee.
It was a feeling that she truly understood.
Even know as she surreptitiously watched them sparring in the center of the manor she could see Uk, taking his shouted directions and twisting to meet his sword head on. Master Lee was.... captivating to say the least his magical powers so strong she had never seen him wield a sword until now. But his swordsmanship was evident in the deft way he moved and easily evaded her Uk. They were clearly no match, at least not yet but she had full faith that Uk would make himself one day.
She was already proud of him for refusing to let the world break him.
"Not bad. I'm impressed that you haven't given up yet. Not many people can last this long in a spar with me."
"Are you bragging right now?" Uk quips back, while grinning at the backhanded praise.
She gasps in shock at the impertinence of her young master, that was no way to speak to an elder and the urge to admonish him and twist his ear was overwhelming. But she stays hidden curious to see master Lee's reaction.
She doesn't have to wait long.
His brows raise before one side of his lip follows, humour clear on his face.
"I do not brag. Stating facts are not bragging."
Her young master looks vaguely disgusted at the reply, his tongue poking out in jest but to her shock instead of reprimanding him Master Lee only grins wider before launching himself at her master who is unprepared, knocking his sword from his hand.
Uk looks disappointed staring at his sword before starting to rise with a sigh.
Her chest squeezes as the older man extends a weathered hand to her defeated master.
"You have a long way to go."
He tugs her young master easily to his feet, moving his hand to his shoulder now.
"But you are going. You should be proud of your progress."
There it was, that smile.
She can't help but smile along with her young master, watching fondly as they walk away together.
Distantly she can hear Uk's loud childish whining.
"Why did I have to bet my biscuits? Don't you get enough biscuits from Kim Doju, why do you need mine too?"
Oh! That reminded her, she would need to pack more biscuits for Master Lee and his favorite foods.
He was doing her such a service it was only right that he was properly rewarded.
He has fun. He's been having a lot of fun since he stumbled upon the fiery young master and his loyal "maid" who he had noticed watching their spar raptly.
But he knows that he can no longer stay here, it wouldn't do to make Kim Doju uncomfortable in her own home. He would meet Jang Uk outside and hope that they could all move past this transgression.
He glides to the exit, it will be easier to go without a formal farewell. He already told her that he understood so anything more wasn't necessary.
She was a beautiful woman in far more ways than her face. He just hoped that the man who received her heart cherished it the way she deserved.
He's almost at the door when he hears rapidly approaching steps and pants filling the otherwise silent air. He knows who it is without even turning. Can already feel her immediate effect on him.
"Master Lee! Wait!"
He sighs closing his eyes for but a second, finding his calm before spinning to meet her gaze flooded with confusion.
"Where are you going? Why are you leaving without saying goodbye?" 
He struggles not to make an unsavory face, remembering how she lied and tried to escape his presence earlier. Her behavior made no sense now.
"I thought this was better."
"How is this better? Is this how you treat someone that you claim to-"
She screams slapping a hand over her mouth, her eyes wider than he's ever seen them.
He processes her words, dissecting them piece by piece before doing the same to her face.
She was blushing.
Her heart rate was abnormally fast, he could see in a vein in her throat.
Her hands were twisted in the furling material of her dress.
"You're embarrassed....and upset?"
She looks away with a huff, the first time he's seeing this infamous temper that others have warned him about. Uk's warning the loudest.
Unfortunately for him, her ire does nothing but make his heart pound even faster.
"How could I not be when you leave without any word?"
"Kim Doju, I have come to see you three days this week. You declined my offers each time. Surely, you know that I would understood what you were telling me."
She blinks slowly, mouth falling open comically before realization unfolds on her face like badly conceived origami.
"Oh. You thought...."
There's no need to finish the sentence, the rest is crystal clear.
"Yes. I told you earlier, I understand. You are politely rejecting me. I've never done this before, but even a fool like me gets that much."
The shock minutely starts to melt from her face as he speaks, but it's merely transfered to him as he watches her eyes melt into something too soft and too tender.
Too much to be pointed at him.
Worse than a blade.
"You thought I was rejecting you yet you still spent time with Jang Uk today. You still trained with him and praised him and--" the rest of her words are swallowed by the sob that tears through her lips.
His body moves towards her before he even makes the conscious decision.
He had made her cry.
He wants to attack himself.
Placing both hands on her shoulders he speaks in his most soothing tone.
"Do not cry. This will not affect my relationship with your young master. I like him and enjoy spending time with him, I know it makes you happy but I also wanted to do it. So you don't need to worry."
It's not until she looks at him that he realizes how close they are standing, her face filling his vision and desires that he shouldn't have swarm him like pests.
"I....I should leave."
He lowers his hands with finality, taking one, two, three steps backwards before turning and continuing his journey- he will go stay with Heo. His pupil will be too eager to house and tend to him. He had been so offended when he had informed him that he would be staying at the Jang Manor.
His foot pauses mid step, arms frozen by his side.
Was she agreeing that he should leave? That seemed superfluous as he was already making his way.
So she must be agreeing to something else.
He retreats once more.
When he turns her eyes are on the ground but the flush on her cheek is even more blinding than before.
"Look at me Kim Doju."
She pouts, shifting nervously before following his request.
"Yes? What are you saying yes to?"
More shifting. She looks more nervous than soul shifters in front of Gwigu. It almost makes him laugh.
"To the offer you made. Before. My answer is yes."
"You want to take a walk?"
She glares at him. He stares back blankly.
"I have made you many offers recently. Most that you have already turned down. So please be specific. I do not want to get confused."
She bites her full bottom lip and he's tempted to know how it would feel if he did that to her. Or her to him.
Lord, he needed to have more tea.
"Your less gracious than I had originally thought."
He shrugs, moving closer to her. Eyes never leaving that face that haunts him.
"I just prefer clarity. I want you to clearly tell me what you want."
She gets that same glint in her eyes that he's seen on a certain troublemaker before she steps closer with thunder in her eyes.
This time he stumbles back, his face feels like it's on fire.
"Was that clear enough for you Master Lee?"
He should be scared that the smirk on her face does nothing but make him want her even more, he desperately wants this whirlwind of a woman.
"I never meant for you to think that I was rejecting you. I just... spending time with you makes my master happy and I wanted him to be happy. Seeing you together makes me.... happier than I thought I could be. His father left when he was young and I've been all he's had but now he has you too."
His heart warms as he listens to her explanation, not at all surprised that she was motivated by her love for her young master. Any anger that lingered behind disappears as he stares at her in disbelief at the implications in her words.
Too heavy for him to conceive them now.
For once he's speechless and he can only nod his understanding.
"I'm free for a walk tomorrow." She says without preamble, reaching out and tenderly squeezing his hands dangling between them clasped together.
His skin feels too thin for his body.
With a serene smile, she bends to place something at his feet before she starts to walk away.
It's only have he escapes his daze that he realizes the myriad of food at his feet, all wrapped up neatly and prettily with silk and bows.
With a fond smile, he picks it all up making his way to the room that Kim Doju had set up for him. He needed to get some rest after all, he had very important plans tomorrow. 
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stevenrogered · 5 months
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Alaqua Cox & Charlie Cox as Maya Lopez/Echo & Matt Murdock/Daredevil ECHO, 1x01 “Chafa”
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tomboyyyaoi · 8 months
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todayisafridaynight · 10 days
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#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#ryu ga gotoku 3#yakuza series#yakuza 3#yoshitaka mine#snap sketches#i was thinking about all the weird mine variants that exist and theres more than i thought there was#i JUST wanted to do suit variants tho none of the extra okinawa and new year rggo cards. and a bare variant#because i can ...... also cause i needed to exercise the knowledge that his plushie's undies are white SOMEHOW#funny enough the only time i like properly assembled mines colors was on my kirin mine sheet so yay for a semiproper color sheet#anyway. the grey suit's inspo'd from the date scene in y3- that shot with him and kanda#i chose a brown tie to act as an in-between transition from blue tie to gold tie#the rggo cards are forever funny to me but while i was drawing these i remembered that for some reason#with the newest card mine's sleeve is. white ???????? its white .#i only realized this after posting these to twitter so if you saw this there first and are like 'girl his sleeve changed color'#Thats Why <- literally no one is thinking that#ok i have nothing else to say probably im gonna eat one more bowl of pasta then go to bed#i keep mentioning kirin mine so maybe ill doodle one of my things with that tomorrow ..#if not i have stuff i wanna draw tomorrow so if im not tired after grocery shopping Theres That To Look To#ok bye its pasta time <- has decided to make pasta my personality for june#oh my god wait its june now jesus christ. yeah happy pride month ive finally drawn mine again#ok bye bye pasta's calling my name
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dracallyart · 3 months
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Was in the mood to do some MGR screenshot redraws, mainly to get a better feeling on how to draw the other WoD's and study! (Sundowners next hehe)
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lizardthelizard · 2 months
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listen...LISTEN!!!!!!! I don't CARE that Lister's lines are only here for the sake of the gag! I don't CARE that they're actively making fun of him! Rimmer having at least two friends (or, at the very least, two people he kind-of-gets-along-with-well-enough) that he meets with every Thursday is SO important to me.
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lilliancdoodles · 1 month
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Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down by @tastytoastz (Click for better quality, master post of all my art for this fic)
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wutheringmights · 4 months
oh my god i am leaving so much to write until tomorrow (yikes)
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doodlebug-aboo · 2 years
This is a Steddie confession scene I wrote and then changed the one-shot I was writing it for so much that it doesn’t fit anymore. Rather than scrap it entirely, I thought I’d post it here. Enjoy!
“No,” Steve says. “I just… I had a realization tonight that didn’t help the other situation, I don’t think.” Eddie slowly nods, leaning more towards Steve, but only slightly. “What kind of realization?” Steve feels a pit open up in the bottom of his stomach, and he wishes it would get big enough to swallow him from the inside out. “That maybe I don’t mind getting hit on by guys. That maybe I like it.” He intends to stop there, but apparently Steve’s mouth has other plans, and suddenly he’s spilling out words he so desperately wants to keep under wraps. “That maybe I want to take them out, see their bands play at shitty gigs, listen to them talk about Lord of the Rings and D&D, watch them hang out with the kids and be the good cop to my bad cop.” Steve puts his head on the steering wheel again. “Maybe I want that, Eds, and maybe that scares the shit out of me.” The car goes silent once again and Steve wishes for nothing more than for Eddie to just get out of the car so Steve can drive away and forget this all happened. He can feel the all-too-familiar feeling of hurt and rejection in his chest. It feels like heartburn, and his chest feels tight. “Steve.” Eddie says finally. Steve doesn’t move. He can’t move.
“Stevie, look at me.”
Steve can’t avoid this forever. He lifts his head up slightly and turns to look at Eddie. He just wants this to be over with. Maybe he’ll just let him down gently and then they’ll never see each other again. That thought alone, though, causes another kind of hurt to soar through Steve’s chest. He shouldn’t have said anything, he doesn’t want to lose Eddie. Eddie, surprisingly however, cups Steve’s face in his hands and forces him into a proper sitting position once again. “I’m gonna need more than a maybe, Steve.”
Steve furrows his eyebrows. “What do you mean?” Eddie’s face stays serious. “Do you maybe want this? Or do you actually want this? I need more than a maybe.” Steve’s eyes widen a little as he takes everything in and processes it. Eddie’s cupping his face, he doesn’t seem upset about the fact that Steve basically confessed his feelings for him. If anything, Eddie looks maybe… hopeful? Steve stares into Eddie’s eyes for a moment and he thinks. He really thinks. Is this something he wants with Eddie? Does he want to keep Eddie by his side? Does he want to get out of Hawkins with Eddie someday, start a life somewhere else? Does he want to still have him when everyone else has left? Does he really, really want to kiss him right now? The answer comes easy. “I want this, Eddie. I want… you.”
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miodiodavinci · 4 months
collapses to the ground like a deflated balloon
#my god#stage one is finally complete . . . . . . . .#if you can recall that poll i reblogged about passing out#that important contact i received was mr. seto of the vocaloid team#who messaged me asking about a collaboration and quite literally nearly caused me to pass out#i read the message preview on my phone#stood up#saw stars#and collapsed onto my bed and had to lay down for like. 10 minutes before my body would stop feeling distant and weak w#i similarly felt ready to pass out today when i sent a message to ask when the announcement tweet would be#and they tweeted it. immediately after w#no joke rice and i were scrambling behind the scenes to get our act together and figure out what we wanted to say KHGJGSJKFHGKJ#all the while screaming because yamaha said they'd be posting it on valentine's day and we thought they meant our timezone w#because the whole point of this collab was to get the zolas more well known in the english-speaking sphere w#EITHER WAY#i am. so so tired and now i need to pass out so i can get enough sleep before more internship tomorrow w#which is heating up because my seminar professor wants a detailed plan of my final project goals This Friday#but my mentor won't know anything about where to fit that in until Thursday at the earliest#and my supervisor just hounded me over email to coordinate with the two other people at my station and choose an activity to lead#but that requires. planning. that our mentors won't have until thursday........#perishing . . . . . .
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gentlethorns · 17 days
holy fuck. i'm on my last scene
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burning-academia-if · 8 months
This prologue is the MC having the worst day of their life fr tho
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sulfies · 2 months
have you done your thesis
No :'0 its due tomorrow so im crunching lolol. I study animation so im making a whole shortfilm, plz keep me in ur prayers
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seokjinite · 4 months
i cannot fucking wait for uther to die
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anhonestdaysworkcomic · 2 months
i've done so much research on medieval farming and all it's gotten me is more questions
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sexynetra · 5 months
• how many characters are in your current wip?
• current fave fic?
• share a line from you fic that contains: year, open, flower, or tell :)
• what would your current wip get cancelled on twitter for?
here are the questions about your wips too because i need to know <3
Hi Gi welcome to the rawnsyf q&a section because I am legally banned from working on other stories until this chapter is posted <33
1. Oh gosh uh… 10 so far with speaking roles I think, 17 I believe, including people mentioned who don’t speak? That’s what you get when a work gets that long I guess 😭
2. That I’ve read or written? That’s honestly such a hard one I’ve read so many incredible amazing fics. I am currently in my @aqpippin obsession era and sleeping with strangers actively changed my entire life by being so good, you already know that the as of yet unpublished halldoll hanahaki WILL be on this list as soon as you finish it and let me see it 👀 and then of course I have to include the fic that inspired me to start writing and publishing my own drag race fanfic, no different from anywhere else (lovingly called bodyguard au by me). As for my own fic? I’m very proud of my newest one :) and I have a few things im working on in my brain that I’m excited to get onto paper
Year- “oh my god, what are you, four years old? They’re olives, Anetra. Who hurt you? What kind of person doesn’t like olives?”
Open- Anetra seemed uncomfortable, looking around the room — at the posters in the wall, out the open window, anywhere but Marcia.
Flower- “There’s pepperoni on there, you delicate flower. Just pick off the olives before you eat it and you have your boring pepperoni pizza right there,” Marcia remarked.
Tell- “And for the record, you initiated everything. Every time. I have never pushed you to do anything you didn’t want to do, that you didn’t literally tell me you were sure you wanted to do.”
4. Homophobic main character for sure :)
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