#i need to go somewhere but it is 10 degrees outside
megkuna · 8 months
feeling the kind of neurotic that only comes from being cooped up inside during winter this long. should i make it worse by reading bataille
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Luck Runs Out |Epilogue|
Pairing: Mabel x Reader
Summary: When your luck runs out you unknowingly drag Mabel back into the life, she's so desperate to escape.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Epilogue
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Mabel heard her name called, she stood up, silently hoping the sleeves to her gown were covering her shaking hands, she had them bunched into fists, but it wasn’t helping much. She made sure to walk up the stage quickly but no too quickly, she had been practicing more than she cared to admit. She smiled as the man shook her hand and handed her the diploma.
She had done it; she had officially graduated. It was only an associate degree from a community college, but she had gone back to school, and she had done the work. As she made her way off the stage she smiled when her eyes landed on you in the crowd, you were standing up, clapping your hands, probably making more noise than anyone else. You told her it didn’t matter what kind of degree she got or what kind of school she went to, she should be proud of everything she accomplished because you certainly were.
“You did it!” You shouted when Mabel came outside, already waiting for her. You didn’t wait for her to get to you before you ran up, lifting her in your arms and spinning her around.
Mabel giggled at being lifted in the air. When you finally sat her down, she took off her cap and lightly slapped you on the shoulder with it. “You’re ridiculous,” she said through her laughter. She glanced around, seeing other graduates hugging and smiling with their loved ones as well.
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “You ready for your graduation party?”
She blushed ducking her head in your shoulder. “I told you I didn’t need anything like that.”
“And I told you,” you wrapped your arm around her, pulling her tighter against you. “It’s also a going away party.”
“I can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow,” she mumbled as the two of you walked to her car.
You snatched her keys from her hands before she even got the chance to unlock the car. You untangled yourself from her so you could run to the car, opening the passenger door for her. “Your chariot my lady,” you said with a bow.
“I hate you,” she said with affection.
“You love me.” You tilted your head, giving her that smirk you always gave her when you did something you knew would annoy her.
“Regretfully,” she mumbled, already leaning in to kiss you.
“Shut up,” you smiled before closing the distance.
She finally pulled away from the kiss to slip in the passenger seat. You peeked your head in to make sure her legs were in before shutting the door. She shook her head as she watched you run around the car to the driver's side. You quickly slipped in the driver's seat, started the car, then reached over taking her hand in your own. Whenever you were the one driving somewhere you always held Mabel’s hand, she learned that pretty quickly, no matter what, you always reached over to take her hand. You brought your intertwined hands to your lips, giving her fingers a soft kiss before backing out of the parking space.
“What if we just spent tonight at the apartment?” Mabel suggested, resting her head back against the headrest as she looked over at you.
You smiled at her question but never took your eyes off the road. “The guys are already waiting for us,” you reasoned.
“We could work on packing.”
You chuckled, shaking your head, she knew she wasn’t going to get out of this, but she was determined to try. “We’re already packed.” She let out a huff, crossing her arms before you let out an exaggerated sigh, she perked up, she didn’t want to get her hopes up but the idea that she might have gotten you to cave was too exciting. “How about we stay for a couple hours and if you still want to leave we can?”
Mabel nodded her head back and forth as if she was considering it. “Fine,” she grumbled.
A few minutes later you parked the car. Mabel looked out the window at the rundown bar, the same bar where she had met Charlie for the first time. She waited for you as you jumped out of the car and ran around to open her door again. You didn’t have to do it but for some reason it made you so happy and Mabel loved seeing that smile on your face. She rolled her eyes when you bowed once again, holding out your hand for her. She took your hand and allowed you to help her step out of the car and as usual you refused to let her hand go even if the two of you were just going to the door.
You pouted when she let go of your hand, but she wanted to take off her cap and gown. She tossed them in the backseat and was quick to grab your hand again, instantly making you brighten up. You led her to the door and allowed her to step in first. Mabel was greeted by cheers from the guys. It was just the two of you and the guys for the party, and were hardly the only ones in the bar but that didn’t matter, the guys had a couple tables in the corner saved which you were quick to drag her over to.
She continued to hold your hand under the table, playing with your fingers. Charlie slipped in the seat across from her, leaning over the table to whisper, “Congratulations.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” she said. Which was true, she had wanted to go back to school for some time but didn’t really consider it until she met Charlie. Charlie also took time to help her decide what to write her essay on and read it over before she submitted it.
Charlie scrunched up his face, waving her off. “Of course you could have.”
“A gift from the wife,” Costa said, setting down a large cake.
“Holy shit!” Mabel’s eyes widened, Anne-Marie went out of her way, the cake was amazing. It was pretty simple, but she had done it all by hand, she wrote Mabel’s name and congratulations across the top in gorgeous cursive and made a little cap and diploma out of icing in one corner.
“Drinks for everyone!” Nunes yelled as he and Tommy arrived with hands full of beer.
Everyone grabbed a beer while Charlie cut the cake and began passing out pieces. You let go of Mabel’s hand only to throw an arm around her waist, tugging her a bit closer to you. Mabel leaned into you, smiling as she laughed along with whatever crazy story Nunes was telling as she ate her delicious cake. If you couldn’t be holding her hand you found some other way of touching her or having your arms around her, she was never a physical touch kind of person but with you she didn’t mind, she actually missed your touch when you weren’t around.
She looked over at you while you were in a deep discussion with Costa, waving your fork around to help make your point. She was so lost in admiring you, she didn’t hear what you were saying but she was pretty sure it was about some movie or show, though you were being very serious about your discussion. You always got so serious when talking about something you were passionate about. There were times, like this moment, when she couldn’t believe that you were real, you were here, you were real, and she had been dating you for a whole year already.
So much happened over the year, after your first kiss, Mabel didn’t leave your side until the boat got back to port. At the docks they were greeted by the coastguard, she was terrified you were going to be arrested, the potential of all of you being arrested, including herself, didn’t cross her mind, she was only concerned about you. They didn’t arrest you though, the police were called in and you were brought down to the station for questioning. You somehow managed to sell the story that you weren’t on the boat with the rest of the crew when it exploded, you even admitted to your crew bringing in drugs. Mabel fully expected you to go away for life, to only have a future with you involving a glass window in between the two of you.
The drug operation your boss was running was so much bigger than she imagined, even though he was the boss here and you weren’t super involved in everything you were able to provide the authorities with enough information, location of the warehouse, how many workers there were, even some names, the type of drugs being brought in, and the amount and times you guys did runs. You provided them with everything they needed to bring down the biggest drug operation on the east coast. You were willing to pay for your wrongdoings, you had said you were hoping for a light sentence for your cooperation, but you were fully willing to accept jail time. Luckily for her and more importantly, for you, Charlie’s dad is an amazing lawyer and got you immunity.
Your ‘death’ was basically retracted and that was that. They managed to keep everything pretty hush hush so there wasn’t a target on your back. Besides your boss and crew, most people didn’t know who you were anyway, the one good thing your boss actually did was keep everything so secret. Everyone who could accurately identify you by photo, or name, and who knew exactly what you were involved with were all dead.
Mabel was by your side through it all and somehow you managed to take her on a real date. The two of you had been together since she kissed you, it was the longest relationship Mabel ever had and every day she fell in love with you even more. Sometimes you’d go out and have fun but then there were other times Mabel would have to stay in and study for a test or exams and you’d come over and silently sit next to her, reading or doing something else quietly. Mabel never knew how much she could enjoy just the presence of someone.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me with these knuckleheads,” Tommy said, bringing Mabel out of her thoughts.
You chuckled, taking a sip of your beer. “You did just fine before me,” you said.
Tommy scoffed, waving you off. “You choose,” he leaned across the table, pretending you were the only one that could hear him. “I’ll get rid of any of them.” He glanced to his side where Charlie sat. “Even him,” he nodded at his brother.
Charlie gasped, turning his full body to face his brother, his mouth wide open. Tommy ignored him, not even bothering to spare him a glance. Mabel felt your entire body shake with  laughter. “Sorry,” you gave him a sympathetic shrug.
Tommy grumbled into his beer. “You’ll have a job when you return.”
“If they return,” Nunes said, slinging an arm around Tommy. Tommy gruffly shrugged off Nunes.
Mabel chuckled along with everyone else. Despite your differences and the amount of times you antagonized the crew of the Finestkind Tommy allowed you into the crew. Your main source of income might have been from drug smuggling, but you were actually a decent fisherman. Mabel had been skeptical when you ran up to her telling her Tommy offered you a job. She kind of thought you just knew how the equipment worked, that you only did enough fishing to not raise any red flags. After your first run with the guys though she learned that you were actually very good at your job.
“I appreciate that,” you said, giving Tommy a grateful smile. “And we’ll be back,” you threw a straw wrapper at Nunes. “We just,” you turned your head and looked into Mabel’s eyes. She had her head resting on your shoulder and tilted it up so she could meet your gaze without moving. “Want to see the world first.”
Mabel leaned up, capturing your lips in a quick kiss. She quickly pulled away and went back to resting her head on your shoulder. She glanced across the table as you continued to talk to Tommy and the others, seeing Charlie swirling his beer around, his eyes completely focused on the movement. He glanced up when he felt Mabel’s eyes on him and gave her a soft smile.
Things were slightly awkward with Charlie when you and Mabel first started dating. Mabel knew he was still getting over the relationship but that didn’t stop him from trying to help you or her. Charlie was actually the one that called his dad and had him come down to the police station and be your lawyer. Mabel had been freaking out, she had no idea what to do but Charlie didn’t hesitate to step in and help the best way he could. He also vouched for you, telling Tommy you’d make a great edition to the crew. Charlie even admitted to Mabel a few months after the two of you started dating that he was wrong about you. He originally only saw you as trouble that would drag Mabel back into the world she had been desperate to escape but you ended up being exactly what she needed.
“When do you guys leave?” Costa asked, bringing Mabel back to the current conversation.
“Tomorrow morning,” you answered, smiling at Mabel.
“Bright and early,” Mabel mumbled, cuddling into your side. She felt more than heard your laughter. The two of you would be leaving in the morning but it was actually going to be closer to late morning, not right at sunrise, still earlier than Mabel usually preferred to be waking up, the things she did for you.
“Have they told you the name yet?” Charlie asked, joining in on the conversation finally.
Mabel flicked you a glare, making you try and hide your laughter by drinking more of your beer. “No,” she grumbled. The others all broke out into a laugh, making Mabel glare at all of them.
You kept your promise and only made Mabel stay at the party for a few hours. She was never going to admit it to you, but you were right it had been fun. She was glad to get to see the guys and have one last celebration before having to leave for your trip. That didn’t mean she wasn’t happy to finally leave and get a few hours of sleep. When the two of you left, the guys were still around the table, ordering more drinks.
The two of you fell into bed as soon as you got back to her apartment and slept until your alarms went off. Mabel helped you grab the bags and pack them into the car. She did a quick check of her place since it would be a while before she would be back, she was forcing Charlie to come by and check on the place at least once a week while the two of you were gone. Once she was satisfied and confirmed she had everything she needed she hopped into the passenger seat.
You smiled, taking Mabel’s hand as soon as she was in the car. Mabel silently chuckled, shaking her head, you were practically vibrating in your seat. You didn’t drive as crazily as her, but you were at the harbor before she knew it. You were out of the car and opening the door for her before she even had her seatbelt off.
The two of you walked hand in hand, passing all the other boats as you led Mabel to yours. Finally, the two of you came to your sailboat, you quickly let go of Mabel’s hand to turn around and raise your arms, gesturing with a wide smile at your sailboat. Mabel giggled, shaking her head at you. She had seen the boat plenty of times, but you still showed it off as if she was seeing it for the first time.
“Damn, she’s beautiful,” Charlie said, coming up beside Mabel.
You didn’t say anything, just nodded excitedly. You ran up to Mabel, taking her bag in your hand before taking off to board the ship. Mabel took the opportunity to hand Charlie the keys to her car. She couldn’t exactly bring her car on the boat and the two of you would be gone for a while, so she said Charlie was free to use her vehicle as long as he took care of it and checked on her apartment.
“If anything happens to my car,” Mabel said, pointing at Charlie. “I will kill you.”
“Yes ma’am,” he saluted her. She tilted her head, glaring at him. He quickly cleared his throat, standing up a little straighter. “She will be in perfect condition when you return.”
Mabel narrowed her eyes. “Good,” she smiled.
“Have fun,” Charlie whispered, pulling Mabel into a hug. “I expect lots of pictures.”
“Of course,” Mabel chuckled.
“Call whenever you get the chance.”
“Thank you,” Mabel pulled back from the hug, looking Charlie in the eyes. “For everything.”
Charlie shrugged, waving her off. “It was nothing.”
Mabel rolled her eyes; Charlie made it really difficult to give him compliments. They finished their goodbyes then Charlie ran off to meet up with Tommy. Mabel stared up at the boat, waiting for you to finish whatever you were doing, you didn’t want her stepping onto the boat until you revealed the name you came up with, the name you had been keeping secret from Mabel since you got the damn thing.
There was a part of her that couldn’t believe this was real, that this was her life now. After the charges were dropped and you were free and clear and completely healed from your wounds you finally followed your dreams and bought a sailboat. You used the bag of money that somehow managed to survive everything and you somehow managed to hold onto. You used it to buy a fixer upper sailboat and in your free time while Mabel was at work or school you worked on it tirelessly to make it into your dream boat. With the money you had left over, which was still a couple hundred grand you gave to the guys, telling them to split it amongst themselves or do whatever, saying it was a small gesture for helping save your life.
Now, you were about to set sail on your first real trip. You had taken it out a few times to make sure everything worked properly, and you wouldn’t sink before attempting a long voyage. Mabel had been out with you almost every time you took her out on the water. You gave her lessons in sailing, made her study how the boat worked and what to do. You could sail it for the most part on your own, but it was pretty big, and you’d need Mabel’s help on a few things. She was nervous about the idea at first, she had never attempted sailing before, but you knew your stuff and helped her pick up things fairly easily, you even let her sail on her own for a bit, while you stood nearby just in case something went wrong.
“Are you ready?” you shouted, holding your arms out wide.
Mabel nodded, watching as you ran across the deck to rip off the tarp you had covering the name of the boat. You had a name picked out as soon as you purchased the thing, probably knew what you’d name it before you had ever even met Mabel. For some reason you insisted on keeping it a secret from her though. She thinks it started off as a joke and after realizing how much it annoyed her not knowing you decided to just keep it a secret until your trip.
You ripped off the tarp revealing the Odessey underneath it. “Are you serious?” Mabel asked, smiling, and shaking her head at you. She couldn’t say she was surprised; it was your favorite book after all.
“I thought about Penelope,” you admitted, helping Mabel onto the boat. “And Odysseus.” You looked around the boat, admiring her beauty and all the hard work you put into her. “But The Odyssey just felt right.”
Mabel smiled as she quickly pulled you into a kiss. “We won’t have the same journey as Odysseus, right?” she abruptly pulled away from you.
“I hope not?” you shrugged. “I still think it would be cool to face a monster,” you mumbled. “No matter!” you smiled widely, stepping back from Mabel. “I have us covered.” Mabel raised an eyebrow as you slapped your pockets looking for something. “For you,” you smiled nervously when you finally found what you were looking for.
Mabel tilted her head at you holding out what appeared to be a little jewelry box. She tried to ignore the slight shake in her hands as she reached for the box. She gave you a shy smile as she flipped open the box, revealing a matching trident necklace to yours.
“I know it’s not really your thing,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck as your eyes found the deck very interesting. “But-”
Mabele grabbed you by the shirt, pulling you in for a kiss. “I love it,” she whispered against your lips.
You smiled as Mabel turned around, moving her hair out of the way so you could put the necklace on her. She looked down seeing the little trident now dangling there then looked up to see nearly the same trident hanging around your neck. You had yours most of your life but you somehow managed to find one for her that was in the same style, the only difference was yours was silver while hers was gold.
“You don’t actually believe these will protect us, right?” Mabel asked, though she had a feeling she’d know what you’d say.
“All I’m saying is I haven’t died yet,” you said, raising your hands as if that was a reasonable defense.
Mabel opened her mouth to argue but she wasn’t sure what she’d say. You survived being shot and tossed into the ocean, somehow surviving for hours until Charlie and the crew found you. Then Mabel and the guys arrived right before you were about to be executed. You fought a guy underwater and won, you helped take out the others on the boat, and then once you shot a gas can, blowing up your boss and the entire boat, and still somehow survived without any major injuries. Mabel hated herself for thinking it but maybe the sea god really was on your side, even if your hero was a dude he hated.
You got behind the wheel of the boat and began to pull out of port. Mabel wrapped her arms around your waist, ducking her head as you moved your arm to have it around her while still holding onto the wheel. “Onward to Florida,” she said, looking up at you.
“Then to Greece,” you smiled, pulling her in for a quick kiss before focusing on the ocean ahead.
Mabel smiled, resting her head on your shoulder as she stared at the horizon in front of her. The two of you had to sail down to Florida first then after a couple days of refueling and re-supplying there you’d be able to head off across the Atlantic, finally living out your dream of sailing to Greece. You and Mabel had many trips planned, the intention was to sail around the world like you always dreamed of and to travel like Mabel dreamed of. There were more convenient places to sail to first besides Greece, but Mabel knew your dream was for your first destination to be Greece.
The trip down to Florida would take almost two weeks and then crossing the Atlantic would take almost a month. You planned to spend a couple months in Greece, sightseeing and sailing to a few of the nearby islands. From there the two of you would plan your next trip. Mabel had no idea where the two of you would end up, but she was excited to go on the journey with you.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No.17
*just my opinions, only take what resonates
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-Combine your Venus and rising for something you love to do and how you do it. I like to travel somewhere new (Sagittarius Venus) and start completely fresh (Scorpio rising)
A Leo Rising, Libra venus may like to be the center of attention in a new relationship and may be inspired to create with new love; a Cancer Venus, Virgo rising may really decompress by organizing their home; etc
-How come so many comedians have sun conjunct Mercury?? I’m guessing the charisma you gain when you speak from the placement and also being able to like cleverly convey what you mean. (Also heavy Sag placements bc ofc. But also a lot of Virgo/Gemini/Scorpio placements as well)
-Aquarius suns are more competitive than Leo suns imo. I think when Aqua suns compete they often ride on their intelligence so that ups the stakes for them.
-Leo suns have a very like specific approach you gotta take if you’re gonna critique them though. They’re sensitive and they are not going to take criticism from just anyone. They get sensitive about personal experiences over general competition compared to Aquarius suns imo.
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-I think out of all the signs either Aquarius or Scorpio suns are the most proud of their sign. (My mom used to compete with me to name Aquarius characters and celebrities and throw Capricorns she didn’t like in my face. When I was like 8. It was too much lol)
-I think Leo suns pride typically themselves on pop culture knowledge to some degree (like keeping up with critically acclaimed films and shows)(I think this applies to Leo Asc and moon as well)
-Wherever Pisces is can highlight where you need to take care of your mental health.Pisces moon can indicate being very emotionally affected by your family and general environment. Pisces Venus can indicate being affected by your relationships and friendships. In general Pisces/Neptune means a detachment but also being vulnerable to illusions and energies other than your own.
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-Capricorn can show where you need to find the strength to stand up for yourself. Capricorn moons have to defend their emotionality. Capricorn suns have to defend their sense of self. Capricorn Mercury may find themselves in several debates over things they believe in.
-Sagittarius can show where you are attractive to foreigners* (meaning people you travel to/that are outside of your culture) Sag Asc/Sun/Venus or Sun/Venus in the 9th house could point to being charismatic and attracting friends when you travel.
-Chiron hard aspects (conjunct, square, opposition) to moon can make you a very private person
-Saturn in Cancer could indicate trouble with an emotionally unstable father or father figure
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-Virgo placements (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, Mars) don’t just like to complain, they need to complain to blow off steam by highlighting all the little inefficiencies of life. Sometimes it’s worse to offer a solution to their complaints (I’ve definitely done this before lol)
-I think Aquarius suns like having unpopular opinions on popular things. Aquarius moons will go for more obscure/underground stuff. Gemini/3rd house moons or 3rd house Jupiter or like Gemini/Virgo mars can go super deep on those topics. (Ex. My Aquarius moon dad showed me indie movies when I was younger but when I showed him and my siblings Everything Everywhere All At Once and called it artsy and didn’t understand it lol, but like my ex was a Virgo mars and we would watch 10 movies from an obscure surrealist 60s Japanese director just for kicks.)
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snek-in-a-hat · 2 months
Day 3 @augusnippets
3: Thunderstorm / Blizzard / Heat Wave
'Should I get out and push?'
Leader glared at Right Hand's question as they pressed on the accelerator for the third time to no avail.
Cetus I - 77 was not a temperate planet, but was rich in rare minerals and deemed worth attempting to set up a base camp for future mining operations. It's surface was typically about 250 degrees Fahrenheit, reaching 300 in some places at the peak of the solar day. It's atmosphere was not quite breathable, nor were the gaseous particle storms non-hazardous, but all in all, it would not be the most difficult planet the human systems union had attempted to tame, even if only temporarily.
Unfortunately they would be no closer to setting up the base camp at the location Scientist had proposed if their climber kept getting stuck in the fine sands that covered a majority of the planet.
'They need to start sending us equipment that works,' growled Leader as they made to secure their suit and exit the vehicle.
'You'd hate it. It would make the job too easy.'
Leader couldn't stop the little chuckle from escaping.
'Stay here,' they warned as Right Hand began to unbuckle themselves from the co-pilot seat. At their confused look, they added, 'Someone needs to keep an eye on the weather patterns and the radio.'
Right Hand slouched back in their seat with a huff.
'Be right back,' Leader called, grabbing one of the folding field shovels.
The chamber depressurized and it was like the opening of an oven. Leader cursed at the brightness overwhelming them and the heat that immediately began to put their suit systems to work.
They ignored the blaring of the heat alarm and trekked to the back of the climber. Thankfully nothing looked broken, but it seemed that the wheels might need to be dug out of the sand.
Leader felt the sweat pouring down their back and temples before they'd even started.
Too easy, they scoffed to themselves and began digging at the back left wheel.
It felt like they were moving in slow motion. It seemed that every shovelful was almost replaced by the wind blowing more sand back into the hole. Leader cursed again at the heat and themselves for not thinking to drink some water before sealing the suit and going outside.
A pounding headache was making itself known right behind their eyes and the arm holding the shovel began to shake.
Slowly leader moved their way over to the other wheel and began digging it out. They tried to go quickly to avoid the wind undoing their work. They had only intended to be outside for about 5-10 minutes, but they had no idea how long it had been. Somewhere in the back of their mind, they recognized that probably was not a good thing. As leader bent down to get another shovelful, a sudden wave of dizziness overtook them and they crashed to their knees.
They reached a shaking hand to their communicator and called for Right Hand. Something was definitely wrong.
Hearing no answer, they tried again, but the last thing they heard was static before darkness took them.
Right Hand kept glancing at the clock while keeping an eye on the radar. A storm would likely head in their direction, but probably not for another 30 minutes. As it was Leader had already been gone for 10 minutes, but Right Hand didn't dare bother then when they were pissed at the climber. It was a recipe for disaster. Besides, the proximity sensors were showing that Leader was working on the back left wheel.
Another 5 minutes passed and Right Hand was beginning to get worried. That storm was definitely going to hit.
'Hey, Leader. Sorry to bother you, but I think that storm is coming our way. I think we've got another 15 minutes. Do you need some help?'
There was nothing but static. It wasn't necessarily surprising. Leader often didn't answer Right Hand, especially if they offered help. They checked the sensors again. Leader was now by the right back wheel.
Another 5 minutes passed and Right Hand made up their mind. Angry or not, Leader would need their help to finish up and get them out of the storm's path. Besides they had already exceeded the recommended time for being out on Cetus' surface.
Right Hand affixed their suit and depressurized the chamber. The sudden wave hit them and their stomach clenched. It was HOT.
They worked their way to the back of the climber, but noticed a distinct lack of noise. No shovel scraping sand, no clangs from Leader hitting the vehicle, or muffled curses.
As they rounded the corner, Right Hand gasped. Leader was face down in the sand and slowly being buried as the wind blew more and more on top of their body.
'Shit. Shit. Shit!'
They rushed to Leader's side and began tapping on their helmet. Right Hand cursed at the lack of response. They looked to the horizon and saw the storm was now visible and growing closer. They needed to get inside the climber now.
Right Hand stooped and pulled Leader into a fireman's carry. They would have to ride out the storm inside the vehicle and hope that the seals didn't come loose.
As carefully as they could, they placed Leader on the floor and repressurized the chamber. Right Hand ripped their helmet off and then Leader's.
Right Hand felt for a pulse and let out a small sigh. It was strong, but way too fast. Further inspection revealed skin that was far too hot and dry. Not to mention the fact that Leader was out like a light.
An examination of Leader's suit showed that the cooling systems were broken and probably had been for some time. The communicator was fried and the seals were worn. But at least the heat alarm works, Right Hand thought wryly.
The climber shuddered as the storm finally hit and the emergency lighting switched to red. Holding their breath until they were sure the seals would hold, Right Hand resolved to go get some cool towels and water. If they were lucky, the secondary transmitter was still functioning and they could get a distress call back to the ship.
'They definitely need to start sending us equipment that works.'
Apologies, I know this one is probably double the max recommended length, but I didn't feel like I could cut it down! Please let me know if I missed any CW tags. Day 3 done!
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neptunedivine · 2 years
my 2023 solar return observations
(tw: possible eating disorder mentions)
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I was looking over my solar return chart yesterday and it made me very nervous. When I get nervous I feel better writing everything out. So that’s what I’m going to do :)
✨natal north node year✨ ✧ I turn my north node degree this year! My NN is Gemini 11H at 21° and in combination with everything else going on in my solar return, it does amp up the anxiety for me. I feel like I’m gonna be shoved into my destiny because I’ve been stalling for so long (well not stalling as avoiding, but not taking the leap(s) I need to out of fear).
8H stellium ✧ tbh I just wanted to address the obvious in all its glory before I tried to dissect it any further. Transformations feel like they’ll be a focal point this year, like heavily. But then again looking at the planets that make up this stellium (aside from Chiron), it doesn’t seem too bad? We’ll see.
Virgo rising at 3° + mercury as the chart ruler in Pisces 8H @ 29° ✧ I taste a lot of criticism in the air (mainly from myself but we’ll see). Some of this energy looks familiar because natally I have my mercury in Pisces in the 8H but @ 10°. Virgo is on my 3H cusp natally as well. Naturally knowing myself I feel like writing is going to be the focus for the year. Since my natal NN is also ruled by my chart ruler this year, I think I’m going to be pushed to really start making music this year. Especially since mercury is conjunct with my sun too. I think putting more time and dedication into it will change my life? (I’ve been viewing a lot of readings lately telling me that my passions and creativity will grant me great abundance so this could be in association) There could be an emphasis on me speaking my truth as well. Possible recognition as well with it being at 29°? It feels intense not only because it’s a fame degree but it’s the fate degree and conjunct with the Aries point.
Pisces sun 8H @ 28° ✧ I’m used to the placement but not in the 8H. With it being conjunct with my mercury I feel like this could be related to me shedding a bad mindset or patterns in my habits this year? (I feel like this pairs well with my Saturn placement which I’ll talk about later). As well as finding a trusted source to have deep conversations with (possibly a therapist) seems very likely for this year.
Aquarius Moon 6H @ 19° ✧ I think I will be very analytical and regulatory with my emotions and my feelings this year. Instead of feeling everything and questioning everything and feeling lost, especially with the possibility of a therapist, being able to dissect the reason for why I feel certain ways may happen. I also spiraled a lot in the past year so there could be a sense of grounding brought into the year.
Taurus Venus 9H @ 2° + + NN @ 4°+ Uranus @ 16° ✧ I don’t see myself traveling really? I could travel to somewhere beautiful, but since my natal venus is in 9H too this would be a continuation of my love for other cultures. A possible love interest from a different country or uni could be possible, but my guides know for sure that I’m not looking for that right now…right? Idk I’ve been very career driven for a few years now and I don’t see that changing. But who knows since my SR Uranus and NN are in the same house lol. Speaking of Uranus here, please for the love of God let this not play with my degree. I'm supposed to graduate next spring.
✧ I’m just now noticing how many feminine degrees there are that inspire creativity (Taurus (2°,14°,26°), Libra (7°,19°), and Cancer (4°, 16°,28°). Pretty cool. ✧
Gemini Mars 10H @ 26° ✧ Pairing drive (Mars) with curiosity (Gemini), this could relate to my passion and writing outside of the box of what is expected from me, or who I'd expect. (I have a list of talent that I really want to write for and I think about them when I write songs sometimes so that could be relevant). Or I could be just collaborating more? I’m not sure with the 8H stellium though. Oh! A drive to learn new things maybe? I’ve always wanted to get into production but with it being so white cis-male dominant it felt gatekeepy. But miraculously I have I think enough tools to figure out a good part of it independently.
Aries Jupiter 8H @ 16° ✧ I keep reading good things about this placement and I’m very excited about it. I could be receiving a large sum(s) of money this year (scholarships?). Also, this placement is not only conjunct with my natal venus but MC as well, so this energy could be amplified since having Venus/Jupiter in the 8H are very strong wealth indicators, but I could be gaining monetary abundance or just abundance in general towards my career somehow.
Pisces Saturn 6H @ 1° (tw: possible eating disorder mentions) ✧ I was watching a tiktok a few weeks ago about Saturn going into Pisces and what that could mean. They mentioned an end to things that relate to escapism, which makes sense since in modern astrology Pisces is ruled by Neptune, like overeating and procrastination. I feel like both of those topics would be covered in my life this year since the 6H rules over the physical body and health, but also the daily and routines. There could be a theme of cutting the bs and getting in control of my life in these areas. My Chiron natally is in the 6H so this has been a struggle I’ve been dealing with for a while. I don’t know if the "problem of Chiron” will be resolved but I think significant improvements could be made.
Pisces Neptune 7H @ 25° ✧ I don’t have the energy to be delusional in love this year please abeg. I have Neptune in the 7H but in Aquarius, so there’s an element of this that I’m used to. I could be continuing to manifest my dream partner? Because I do that every day when I listen to love songs and I really enjoy it. But a real person? In the flesh? Right now? Absolutely not, pass.
Capricorn Pluto 5H @ 29° ✧ I have my natal pluto in sag at 17° so I’m used to some of the energy but I think with it being Capricorn which rules over hard work and discipline rather than the freedom sag grants, I will take my passions seriously enough to make moves. Personally, I stress so much about making music and my skills and being really talented and getting everything right but I don’t do anything. I just sit in my charged obsessive energy. But hopefully, I’ll make the right moves this year. Recognition worthy? Possibly with how much 29° is popping up in my chart.
Taurus MC @ 29° ✧ The idea of getting recognition for my passion and my work feels very daunting for me because I don’t feel ready at all. I'm very perfectionistic with my passion. I'm so adamant about making it my career and being very well-known for it. I get very nervous about f*cking up. Regardless I don't think this year cares I might be shoved into the position to be seen, maybe not at its height because I glanced at my SR for the next two years and they feel like extensions of this year, like in acts.
that's all for now. see you later! :)
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mellowwhumps · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 17: Dangerously high fever | “We have to get that number down somehow.”
OCs: Elowen, Naeri, Frances (same AU as day 10, continued from day 14)
CW: errr child sickness
That was, by far, the worst phone call in her life. She went for the job interview, was in the office and promptly got told to come home immediately. She would have been mad, if not for the panicked undertone in his voice he failed to conceal from her. He does it decently well, on any normal day.
The house door slams open. She doesn’t even bother taking off her coat or shoes, already by his side in a second. The child lying on the bed isn’t even moving, a stark contrast from the day before; the room itself feels hot and just as uncomfortable as the sight before her. 
She can already take a good guess as to why he didn’t call her earlier.
“Thirty-nine degrees,” he states, dipping a cloth in water and squeezing it dry. She watches the water drip down into the pail, eyes following the movement, not quite knowing what to do. “I tried everything already, including medicine, and it’s still climbing. Think we might need to head to the...” His words trails off.
It’s not hard to guess what he wants to say. He doesn’t show a single sign of panic, but she knew what trying to stay strong was like. None of them had any identification to their names, long since erased from every part of the internet, as clean as if it never existed in the first place. They nearly lost her once before, in that cursed place. 
It doesn’t need to happen again. But how, then? Submitting forged documents was certainly out of the option, even if they had those. “We have to get that number down somehow. If this isn’t working then we have to go. I’ll leave first and call a taxi, you prepare. There’s no choice.”
Moments pass. The taxi skids to a halt in front of the both of them; the door is opened and slammed closed just as quickly. Time passes too slowly and too quickly. She looks out the car window, listening to the rush of cars outside instead of anything else.
Market stores pass by, and even while separated from that noise, she can hear it clearly. The sound of stall owners bartering their goods, a cacophony of voices nothing less than music to her ears. The sea, waves licking and crashing upon the rocks, high tides and low tides etched upon a stormy mind. There is no sea here. The car ride is quiet.
They bid the taxi off at their destination moments before a voice breaks through their silence. 
“Wherer’…we…?” Naeri asks, just barely conscious, lifting their head ever so slightly to look around. They squint. Even in their delirium and with unfocused eyes, it’s not hard to recognize the similarity of the corridors. Frances hears the child’s breaths get heavier, wheezing and heavy, even though she was the one running to call someone, anyone.
Elowen pulls Naeri closer in, trying to shield their eyes from their surroundings as they try their best to get away. They’re safe, he whispers, they’re safe. They close their eyes again, still resisting but too tired to argue otherwise. A nurse approaches and takes them from Elowen’s arms, gesturing to the already packed seats beside them. 
He doesn’t even react, blank eyes no doubt staring somewhere else; Frances leads him a short distance outside for a breather. No use being in a crowd. Before she registers it, there’s an ice-cold palm on her forehead, its weight trembling. She takes his hand and gently lowers it, mustering a strained smile. But a smile, nonetheless. 
“I’m okay. And they will be, too.” At least one of them had to pretend to believe it.
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Despite their whole cold theme, Shiver absolutely loves warmth. We’re talking about hot chocolate, lots of weighted blankets, close cuddles with Frye.
Also cuddle headcanon that Shiver doesn’t like to make it too obvious that they wanna cuddle. They’d like,,, sit down next to Frye and tug on her clothes, nudge her, put their head on her shoulder, pretty much anything to try and subtly get Frye’s attention and signal cuddle session time. One time while Frye was lying on the couch Shiver just,,, scooted in between her arms without saying anything and they just laid there cuddling for a while - CH anon (I’m on a Shye brainrot my bad)
no cause ur right shiver likes warm things <3 if they're actually cold blooded that would mean they need to find other sources of heat to be warm and in the winter they fuckin hate being outside - winter is for staying inside by the fireplace, two throws and a weighted blanket on them, hot cocoa in one hand and frye in the other. they are not moving. do not ask them to do anything at all, they will not.
also i LOVE that cuddle idea bc i think shiver doesn't know how to explain their emotions very well (see: "i think frye poisoned me" post) and when they want something its hard to express it the right way. so just trying to get frye's attention so she will initiate the cuddling first, but sometimes shiver will just full on lay down on frye with no warning, and frye has to accept it bc they will not move. i think shiver is like a cat in the way that if they are sitting somewhere they like you will have a terrible time trying to move them from that place LOL
shye has a dynamic of knowing each other very well and i think after years of knowing each other (going off my childhood friends hc) frye knows what shiver wants and when they want it by their body language. other people might think frye is a mind reader bc they would never be able to guess that shiver slouching 10 degrees off of their normal posture is indicative of them needing an arm around their shoulder and pulled in to cuddle. only frye knows that shit, i commend her for that.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Hi - isolated anon again.
What you said about cults really surprised me, but I realized that it did apply to some degree. I've always felt a lot of relatability to cult survivors, even though I never considered myself to be one and I never understood why.
I spent a while on the internet last night and learned about something called narcassitic family dysfuntion, which is when the family dysfuntion works like a cult around the narcassitic person, typically the parent.
Like it's not a cult in the traditional sense, but the same effects of a cult happen - the isolation, manipulation, self worth issues, the world revolving around the narcassit who can do no wrong, etc.
^ here's an article I found that summarizes pretty much what all the others did really well. I'd never heard of this type of abuse before and I was really surprising.
You are right that Im an adult, 19, and for as long as I can remember my mom always says something like "oh it's not safe out there" when I ask to go somewhere by myself, or "I would feel more comfortable if I knew where you were going/ if you didn't go" and Im not allowed to go out at night, as, being female, Im apparently going to get kidnapped/assaulted. (Even though we live somewhere really safe) (and, honestly, getting kidnapped seems like a relief). Because all the isolation was framed for my safety, I never questioned it until I got older and I really started to feel the pull of wanting to Leave. My mom still uses that same excuse. That it's for safety that she needs to know where I am all the time and I have to text her any time I go somewhere to let her know I made it/when Im going home.
I tried to talk to my therapist about the isolation and how much it bothered me, but they just told me to push harder against my mom and like. That's not how this works. I cannot win one of these arguments. Like I never have. ever. It's so hard to describe just how all consuming this is. My mom always pulls out the guilt treatment when I want to go out and I feel like Rapunzel. I know it's not normal and I hate it. But it feels like the most mild thing that's going on at home. And to be clear, I can go outside onto the property, in the backyard, whenever, but that's kind of it. Also I didn't realize that being able to go anywhere whenever is a human right. That's.... Ah.
I apologize for this word vomit, I guess I'm just trying to process this in your ask box.
I guess I was also wondering if soon, if it's okay, you'd be willing to make a post about enmeshed families? I would find that really helpful.
Also - was it you who made the post about how to identify if you're being held captive by your parents, or was that someone else, I can't remember.
Thank you for answering my ask. It was really helpful. I do really sincerly hope you have a good day, but thank you for being willing to talk with us about abuse today. I always really appreciate your thoughts.
"and, honestly, getting kidnapped seems like a relief" THAT is relatable but also a red flag, so many kids feel this, being kidnapped would be something that is provable and generally accepted as a 'very bad thing to happen to you', and it would be a huge relief just to be able to point out the cause of your suffering, opposed to the abuse you're going thru right now, that feels invisible, unprovable.
Abusive parents love acting like letting their children out of the house is 'unsafe', but what it does is simply keep children imprisoned (or even adults, in your case). The way we keep protected in this world is not by staying in forever, because that's not a decent human life, and it's inhumane. We deal with this by teaching the kids how to recognize, identify and deal with the danger. Being female in public is not a problem if you are surrounded with a community of your own, if you have a network of people that you can, at anytime, ask for help, who can get you out of sticky situations, who can watch out for your back.
Generally what most people do is just make sure that their kids can recognize and sus out dangerous people, there are guidelines and rules set in place; you don't go alone in an alley with a person you don't know, if someone gives you a bad vibe, you go and hang around your friends where you are safe, you go home before it's late and people get drunk/violent, if necessary and if you visit very unsafe places, you could even be taught to use a weapon or self-defence, in order to keep safe.
And these rules are usually only necessary at night, at locations where predators are more likely to be, at bars, places people generally get drunk or try to get you drunk. You are hardly in danger going to the convenience store, to the bank, to the beach, to a tourist attraction, to any public place in general. You are unlikely to be kidnapped unless someone would have a great financial incentive to kidnap you at this point (if your parents were so rich they could give out a ransom), and if you're taught to recognize the signs of human trafficking and just be reasonably and rightfully wary of strangers and not give them your information or details, you'd generally be safe.
I've never been in anywhere close as much danger in public as I was at home. People are seen in public and they cannot do the illegal and criminal shit they can do behind closed doors, in their own houses. People in public have to watch out, they can't abuse you as easily, and often even won't recognize you as a target unless you seem inebriated and oblivious.
I can relate a little to the 'outside is dangerous' because one of my family members kept saying that to try and stop me from doing activities outside, but this family member had the least amount of influence, and it didn't stop me. I understand when a family member who has the most amount of influence does this to you, it's a completely different story, and you're effectively trapped. But what they're doing is lying to you. You're not being kept inside in order to be safe. You're not being taught how to spot and avoid danger, and that in itself, is more dangerous. It is, in fact, exactly like Rapunzel, and you're I think, the third person I know of, who recognized themselves in that situation.
I'd love to write more about enmeshed families, but the thing is, this is not an experience I had, and I cannot possibly understand or describe how it feels. I think Jenette McCurdy, in her book 'I'm glad my mom died', describes this way better than I possibly could, so i recommend that you read the book (contact me privately if you want me to send the book to you).
And I agree with you about your therapist not understanding the situation - going against the abuser, without the means to protect yourself, will inevitably end in them realizing they're losing control over you, and they will do something insane, drastic and extremely painful to put you back in order, but you already know that, because it's likely you've already been traumatized in this way and know what to expect. Your therapist doesn't seem to understand how dangerous it is to push against the abusers without any safety (ability to get away from them before they can retaliate).
I did make that post about recognizing if you're held captive, yeah! I'm glad it was helpful. And of course I'm here to talk about abuse. If something written here can help one person clear their mind and recognize their situation, that is huge for me.
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: The Office Job
So we're doing a parody of The Office (US). I'll admit im not what I'd call a fan of the office, but i've watched it at other peoples places when i got nothing better to do. A respectable cultural institution, just not one i'll spend merch-money on any time soon or go out of my way to watch.
Elliot and Hardison fighting over a sandwich, (respect peoples meals y'all.) Filmcrew that leans somewhere between avant-garde pretention and a nature documentary.
Parker being absolutely done with the idea of "happy" giftcards, the team stuck code-speaking badly to try and ensure that the filmcrew doesnt realise the company that claims its in financial downturn is in fact making money to a ridiculous degree. (congrats on the writers for succesfully coming up with an appropriate crime, allowing them to keep the industry adjacent to the show they're parodying. Its a nice touch that they kept the industries similar.)
oh god, the person working HR at the company is trying to fix Sophie and Nate's relationship. ("reverse favouritism", basically "i know i have a favourite, but as a leader i should be unbiased and I over-correct as a result". That sounds like it might actually be a real psychological term.)
Nate has gone so deep into their improvised codetalking that he now believes the sandwich is code for something Elliot and Hardison found about the mark.
"would you describe yourself as having any kind of life outside of work?" -"Excuse me?" 8.5/10. "but he implied it might have something to do with age...-ism" rounding it up to a 10/10, perfect delivery.
Question: Can i buy the "Fuck This" Bunny Card somewhere? I want it. Its rare that there's a prop i want a copy of but the Fuck This bunnycard is hilarious and i need it.
Their growing frustration at the filmcrew, the documentarian getting jealous of Hardisons microcamera. Using the microcam to sneak a peak at Parker. (i really like Parkers caterpillar get well soon card also.)
"im not saying anything until i get a lawyer". Good on you Parker, good on you.
Parker stealing the documentarian's creditcard.
Sophie telling the frankly quite dumb owner what has been happening and getting really annoyed when Nate needs to translate it into Handegg References to get him to understand.
Ah Nate got Sophie a card. And yes, he did eat the sandwich.
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slowroadtosantiago · 1 year
Day 32 - Foncebadon to Molinaseca
Well, we’re in Molinaseca and all in one piece. It wasn’t as bad as was made out but still a bit dodgy in places. Jane was careful though stormed ahead of me at times, and we’ve got to here in one piece.
We set off very early this morning, up at 6 and out by half past. I had read that the sunrises were fabulous on the first part of the stretch and we wanted to see one. Unfortunately we walked up through the village in the thick mist. And it was blinking cold, down to 1 degree last night. It’s the first time we’ve had our gloves on (and I still managed to lose one on the way).
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Once we got above the village and looked back we did get some lovely skies starting to glow but that was in between the clouds rolling in. We were looking back on the flat plains down to Leon.
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After a couple of kms we arrived at the Cruz de Ferro. It’s an iconic part of the route and the highest point on the Camino. Traditionally you leave a stone to remember loved ones, so we paid our respects and Jane put her stone down for Stu, and then we carried on.
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The stones on the path were very shale like and you had to be careful to follow a pre-worn route. The lavender was out in bloom by the side of the path and we were still hearing cuckoos despite the cloudy conditions. We stayed high for a couple of miles, dipping down at one point to a curious Albergue which the notice said was closed for renovations, not surprised by the state of it!
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We also passed by lots of cows with bells on their necks clanging away on the hillside.
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So finally we started the descent. It was similar to what we had experienced on Welsh mountains, we had our poles and we took our time letting anyone faster go past. There was one Korean lad who was obviously faster so we let him by, then he would stop to take photos, fall behind then come up behind us again to overtake. I got well and truly peeved after he did it for the third or fourth time.
While I remember, Koreans are in the highest number doing the Camino. They are a very catholic country and it’s seen as a rite of passage and good on your CV to walk the route.
Just before 10 we arrived at El Acebo for our breakfast, with a rainbow marking the village. It’s a quaint place, very alpine in its looks. We were starving by then so had empanadas (like a flat pasty) with coffee, but that wasn’t enough so had pain au chocolat and another coffee as well.
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Stuffed we carried on our journey downwards. Just outside Acebo we met Laura from Germany who we hadn’t seen for a while and it was lovely walking with her to the next village where she was staying for the night. It had started raining a bit so our orange ponchos came out and we saw another huge vivid rainbow.
Leaving Laura behind we carried on downwards yet again for another 3 miles to finally get to Molinaseca. It’s a lovely place with narrow streets and overhanging balconies.
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We’re staying in a bit of luxury tonight, in that it’s only a small place and there’s only one bunk bed in our room. Jane, despite her ankle, has elected to take the top bunk (I get up too many times in the night and disturb her). The bathroom is lovely with shower gel and shampoo provided, and we have been able to get our clothes washed for free. The Albergue seems to be run as a family affair and has only recently been converted.
We pottered in the Albergue then went out for a wander. There was nothing open at 4:30 but we managed to find a very local bar full of men playing card games. We knew the wine was a bit suspect when it made our mouths go red and was somewhat cloudy when you held it up to the light. The glass was none too new either.
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A couple of drinks later we wandered around to the chemist as Jane needed some Paracetemol. I could hear some music so we followed that to see if it was somewhere serving food before 7 and we struck lucky. It was a kiosk set in funky grounds serving burgers and crepes.
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We had the nicest burgers we have ever tasted - beef with with fried cecina (dried meat), strong local blue cheese and caramelised onions. Superb! Followed by a crepe of course.
Back at the Albergue we’re chilling and will hopefully get a good night’s sleep. We’ve ordered breakfast here too before a flat 13.7 mile day tomorrow.
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
9, 13, 24… and, you know what, 20 bc I’m curious 😂
9. What is your favorite summer activity?
trying not to melt from the heat! although this week has been balmy in the low twenties with rain on/off, today it is 17 degrees and raining and I'm not complaining. I made myself hot chocolate.
other than that, sitting outside in the evenings in good company and enjoying the long nights! haven't got to do that in a while and tbr it works better somewhere that isn't the south of England (by which I mean Denmark at the very least but ideally like Finland or Iceland) because the light lasts longer there.
13. What fandom do you consume the most content for?
at the moment?? I think I'm between fandoms?? I'm sort of poking at things here and there and just reading whatever I feel like across a wide variety of fandoms. Historically though, that would be HP, SPN and MCU, and also because of the sheer number of fics available in these which means there's always something there to find...
24. Current hyperfixation?
the caterpillars in my tiny herb garden. no for real, I have a caterpillar problem so this past ten days or so, every 30 minutes (when home and not in the office or otherwise out of the house) I go check for caterpillars so I can pluck them off. (haven't found any in 48 hours so maybe I am Free.)
I think the only other thing that comes close to a hyperfixation at the moment is my bookbinding spreadsheets, I have been re-organising my stuff and cleaning up spreadsheets to keep track of everything and now I'm at a point where there are no more spreadsheets that can feasibly be made. I mean, I probably could just invent some, but like, I am capable of reason.
20. What are the fanfics you’ve ever read?
...I don't know how to answer this question :''D what does this even mean :'''''D
you know what FUCK IT let's have the 5 most recently read fics from my AO3 history no cheating
so. we spacemen in geardagum by indigostohelit (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42430848) a Star Trek fic in old English (there's a modern English backtranslation in chapter 2). actually considering binding this one with the two texts side by side and ALSO transliterating it into futhorc. somebody stop me
Cas + Dean 4Ever by Tuesday (https://archiveofourown.org/works/66459) a classic! I actually bound this one the other day, just haven't posted any photos because it's a simple paperback experiment and I'm going to do a group post when I've got a few more bindings like that
Miss by mistr3ssquickly (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48372088) this is smutty Ballister Boldheart/Ambrosius Goldenloin fic
The Music Room by CinnamonAndPancakes (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38755788) this is smutty Metal Lords (Hunter/Clay) fic
Treasures by yeaka (https://archiveofourown.org/works/849107) this is smutty Kirk/Spock fic
the reason we're stopping here and not doing 10 most recently read is because the next 5 fics are just smutty Finn/Poe fic and look I don't need to air ALL my dirty laundry. if you ask nicely I'll link you the one with Poe in a gold bikini
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loopy777 · 8 months
So seems your predictions from a few years ago that dianey would be able to get the law changed to extend copyright law indefinitly was quite a bit off the mark XD
But to illustrate exactly HOW badly they are doing right and fallen down since then, Peltz coalition controls 10% of all disney stocks... That is to say that his stocks combined value adds up to somewhere between 2-3 Billion Dollars. That is 10% of ALL disney stocks. Which means that at best, all of Disney's current stock is worth significly less than what Elon bought twitter for. And disney+ is still years away from becoming profitable, as the streaming hype ia dying down btw.
But with that in mind, the actual question. Do you think Disney will be able to re-right the ship and actually turn a profit again, will they continue on until they finally go bankrupt like they almost did during the Dark Age before the 90's renneissance, or will they just be bought up by a billionair like twitter was or just be aquired by a bigger, richer company like amazon, microsoft or whatever?
Personally i think the last one is the most likely, but i really hope for bankrupcy and for the company to be divided and it's properties sold off piece by piece like they deserve.
I maintain my position that anyone without at least a Masters degree in Business Administration and/or a fortune made by stock-trading should not be evaluating the future of any given business by cherry-picked stocks. That includes myself; I work at an investment-management company, but there's a reason I stick to the technology side. But if you just want my personal, uneducated opinion, I think Disney is still a prime candidate to be the corporate government that covers most of what used to be the United States of America back when we still had nations.
(As someone who does keep some track of the tech industry, though, I do want to point out that Elon was absolutely swindled for Twitter, and that's why a court had to force him to go through with the purchase, making it a poor measure. Also, Disney+ ain't never going to be profitable.)
I am much more interested in why I was wrong about Mickey going public domain. XD My assessment is that I overestimated what "Mickey is public domain" means and underestimated what Disney needs to do to maintain absolute control of the character. Disney can still block anyone from giving Mickey red shorts, or doing anything beyond what was in the original Steamboat Willie short. That's not enough to properly steal Mickey from them; even the serious attempts to make use of the character within those guidelines ends up looking like a parody. (I'm enjoying that comic, though. It's good even outside its gimmick.) And Disney has seen success in the past by simply ignoring any lawsuit-bait that would hurt them by having a higher profile. Letting people have Steamboat Willie is probably less damaging to them than having the copyright law changed at this point in time.
They can keep the killer-drones in the maintenance bay for now.
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primalspice · 7 months
blue eyeshadow beauty 👕 3, 10, 11 📦 3, 6, 14 🍽️ 2, 10 🌤️ 1, 12, 19 🤝 5, 12, 15 💓 3, 12, 🎲 2, 5, 15
👕3.) Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
not particularly but she Is trans gender so its a wip/anything is possible. she's pretty happy as is tho currently <3
👕10.) If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be?
idk i feel like shes the type of person to own 10 variations on the same outfit so maybe itd be something outside of that. a nice formal dress or pants suit perhaps. serving hillary clinton swag.
👕11.) Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Maybe :3
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📦3.) What type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
Lab equipment or really any new technology. not particularly a tech nerd or anything, but amazed by the beautiful technological advancements of the 2000s
📦6.) What is something your character is proud to own?
Multiple degrees from University of California Berkeley <3 she's not very materialistic in that way tho idk. a House?
📦14.) Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
whatever lab equipment her bpd man Also wants because she has to be the voice of reason here. phht no... i dont think that science supplies magazine is cool AT ALL.... im not thinking of buying everything in it with your american express platinum... leave me alone.....
🍽️2.) Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
Baking maybe? but yknow what i think she could make some crazy mixed drinks.
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🍽️10.) What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
Idk what was popular with white ppl in the 70s. casserole…..cake…jello….
🌤️1.) What would your character do if they were suddenly caught in the rain?
seems like the type of person to carry a travel umbrella in her purse. BUT if that's not an option then she'd be running to somewhere dry annoyedly.
🌤️12.) Could your character survive in the wilderness on their own for a week or more?
If she was allowed to pack food/water probably, but she wouldnt enjoy it. If she couldnt pack food/water it'd be a lot more questionable but she wouldnt just lay down and die about it. She'd get a kick out of observing flora and fauna and geography for like an hour and say hmm interesting then want to go home immediately. MUCH happier indoors, not a fan of the elements or weather or foraging.
🌤️19.) What animal would your character say best represents them?
Maybe a cat. I think she'd be pretty correct about it too. fursona confirmed.
🤝5.) Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
911 and the best hospital in the area (she'd done her RESEARCH on these things she KNOWS where's best)
🤝12.) How would your character react to being put in a position of leadership?
She's kinda an explosive control freak so SHE'D enjoy it for a little while but nobody else would. Would eventually give up after having a IF I WANT IT DONE RIGHT THEN I JUST HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF -__- moment and let someone else be the leader.
🤝15.) Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
Not really becuase i think she's overly confident in her own ability but she might throw her labmate in there as a sacrifice.
💓3.) Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
She'd say 'fight' but she backs down pretty easily. just because you flee angrily does not mean you arent fleeing <3
💓12.) Is your character more likely to give advice or seek it?
Give. and in fact she actively avoids the advice of others. she can figure shit out for herself/no one else has a right to tell her what they think she should do with her life GRRRRR
🎲2.) Does your character have a secret hobby?
I don't think she keeps any of it a secret but i could see her being really into some cringe soap operas. i could see her being a crazy cat lady.
🎲5.) Which does your character try to prioritize more, work or hobbies?
Work definitely, and she has kinda few hobbies to really compare the time spent against. Reading and researching kinda counts as a hobby tho because she enjoys it for personal enrichment, but its also important to her field of work.
🎲15.) How good is your character at following through on projects?
If it's urgent or for work and she has others relying on her then she's great and incredibly Efficient. otherwise bad <3 girl where is your whimsy
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dandylion240 · 2 years
And all of them for any of them for Maja, as I need to learn more about her
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1.Would you hug a stranger? How close someone has to be to get a hug?
No I would not. I would have to know someone really well before I go around hugging them.
2. Have you tried some exotic/weird food? How was it? Would you eat it again?
It depends on what you call exotic. To me pizza is exotic. It's not something I've ever had up until recently I had almost steady diet of fish and kelp.
3. If you had to give up one sense, which one would it be?
Oh that's a difficult choice but I'm a musician so I need to hear, to see and to touch. So maybe smell? I mean I can still play and sing and not be able to smell.
4. How good are you at remembering dates? What about numbers in general?
I keep close tabs on my calendar so that I don't miss any gigs and I'm more into musical notes and scores than facts and figures.
5. Do you like cold or hot weather more? Why?
I'm used to the cold and I feel like I'm wilting if I'm outside too long in the summer time.
6. Would you rather spend a date night somewhere quiet or in a more crowded place (e.g. club, festival, amusement park, etc.)
I love going out to clubs or concerts. Any place where there's music.
7. What shows your emotions more, your words or your actions?
My songs. I can put my feelings into music more than words or actions.
8. Is curiosity good or bad thing in your opinion? What makes you curious?
You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. That being said curiosity led me here so it can't be all that bad.
9. Balloons or confetti?
Neither really. You wouldn't like them either if you've seen what balloons and confetti do to the environment.
10. Have you ever had an animal to eat from your hand? Do animals usually like you?
There's nothing like feeding a dolphin. I love all kinds of animals and they just know I mean them no harm.
11. Would you rather be stranded in a huge deserted field or locked alone in a room, for following two weeks?
Both sound absolutely horrid. I could probably do a huge deserted field if that field had a lake or something.
12. Do you prefer to sleep with socks or without them? Do you usually even wear socks?
I don't wear socks until recently I didn't even wear shoes.
13. Do you tend to get sick easily? If so, what do you do to prevent that? If not, what’s your secret to strong immune system?
I don't think I've ever been sick. I think I'm immune to most human illnesses.
14. What is your first language? How many languages can you speak?
I know quite a few languages. Mer, Simlish, Dolphin, etc.
15. Do you like drawing/painting? What’s your preferred art tool?
Music. That's the only art form I need.
16. Are you more organised or disorganised person? Or maybe you like to plan only certain aspects of your life?
I'm very organised and I plan everything out before I do anything. I have to know what I'm doing before I start. Of course you can't plan for everything but I'm seldom caught off guard.
17. Would you choose a dream car or a dream house?
Dream car I guess. That way I can travel between gigs. I don't know what I'd do with a house.
18. Are you the type of the person that would laugh when someone else falls? Or would you rush to help? Maybe you would just walk by without reaction?
I suppose I'd stop and help if they looked like they needed it but if it looked like someone was already assisting them and I was in a hurry than I'd probably just keep on going.
19. How often do you travel? What you like the most about it?
I haven't done too much traveling yet but I can see myself doing a lot of it once I have my music degree.
20. Do like stargazing? Do you believe in shooting star wishes?
There's nothing like a sky full of stars. I don't honestly know if I've ever made a wish upon a star but if I did I know what I'd wish for.
Thank you for asking!
@wannabecatwriter correct me if I got anything wrong. I'm still learning her personality.
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fleurcareil · 1 year
East & South Labrador
Drove this day another 406km through the boreal forest from Happy Valley - Goose Bay to the tiny hamlet of Port Hope Simpson, which brought me back to the coast, this time the eastern Labrador shore! Apart from Labrador being the "Big Land" of forests, it's also the big land of flies, which is a bit of a shock to the system after not having had any yet in my travels so far (mosquitos yes but flies are worse). There's the huge flies that sound like a bomb is ready to go off when circling your head 😳 and the tiny ones that are barely noticeable but swarm you in their hundreds. Like a woman told me earlier this week; "they all bite and they're hungry!" 🥺. I had managed to dodge the large flies as they're rather slow but impossible to escape the midgets, however generally there's much less of anything on the coast so that's good news!
I won't bore you with more pictures of ugly trees, but instead here are two from Port Hope Simpson, where - you'll guess it - the first stop was at the gas bar (although I'm back now into safe territory with more gas pumps) and then checked in before 2pm already, even including an extra 30 minute Newfoundland time change, which happens somewhere obscure on the road (doesn't really matter where, as there's nothing anyway 😅). Walked a bit around the harbour and then spent à few lovely hours along the water reading a book - A History of Time by Stephen Hawking that my sister gave me 20 years ago and which is interesting but needs to be read piecemeal, it's been a while since I brushed up on my physics! 😝
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In the morning, the weather had done a 180, and changed from a sunny 28 degrees to a foggy & rainy 10 degrees😢. For the next few days, I was bundled up in my thermal underwear, woollen socks (thanks Tara for knitting them!), 3 layers of sweaters, winter coat, hat & gloves, whereas record heat temperatures were broken around the world...
I arrived early at the Mary's Harbour ferry dock so that I could still do a short hike up & down the hill to Gin Cove, which is not too special but still pretty enough and got me warmed up before boarding the little boat to Battle Harbour Historic site where I'm staying the night on the island. Despite the poor weather, I preferred to stay outside to watch for icebergs & whales (none) but I do see a puffin! 😊 With me are two elderly couples from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland who I find out are hyperactive, still scuba diving, skiing and planning a 3-week ATV road trip on their 70th, something to aspire!
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Battle Harbour used to be the unofficial capital of Labrador in its heyday when it was the largest cod fishing village on the east coast and had amongst others the first hospital and Marconi wireless station. Some fishermen would stay all year, but most would travel from Newfoundland for the summer. It started declining when the school was relocated to Mary's Harbour but still operated until the cod fishing moratorium was imposed in 1992. The village is now restored and run by a historic trust, which provides visitors an opportunity to stay through all-inclusive packages. Seeing slowly the buildings come out of the clouds as the boat approaches made it even more mystical!
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I'm staying in the bunkhouse all by myself (which I had already been counting on 😁) which was the original cookhouse built in the 1770's. After delicious lunch, we were given an elaborate tour of the buildings, which was really interesting as it was led by a 6th generation islander, who had lots of personal stories of how she helped salt the cod. Similarly, the handyman on the boat was one of the 10-year old boys who found a plane wreck the day after it had crashed in the fog  (and which I saw myself also in the fog), so that truly connects the history to the present...unsurprisingly, they're still bitter about what happened with the fishery as it destroyed their community, and some of the blame was given to the sharply increasing seal population since the hunt was forbidden in the 80's, which likely has a grain of truth (though most of the blame went to the federal government)... Despite the pouring rain, I decide to take a little hike around the island in the hope to spot icebergs (as there were 3 the day before) but all I got were beautiful landscapes and getting fully soaked. 😜
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Over the communal dinner table, I got to know the rest of the guests; an (apparently famous) painter from Newfoundland - Jean-Claude Roy who shares the same first name as my father & comes from the same French region, his somewhat eccentric wife and a guy from North Carolina who is shooting a documentary about JCs relationship with Battle Harbour where he's been painting for over 10 years. The other group consisted of 5 Swedish sailors who toured the world on a yacht, showing breathtaking pics of Antarctica and leaving the next morning for Greenland.... Needless to say that the evening, including a black-white 1930's movie about an Artic exploration followed by beers in the pub, provided lots of interesting conversations! Compared to this lot, my road trip is really not that special😁.
I try another hike in the morning but the fog is even worse, so I give up quickly and instead play a patience card game in front of the wood stove, much better! The way back on the boat is quite rough but all is forgotten when the captain steers us along an iceberg!!💖 I had already seen quite a few in 2010 in Newfoundland but very happy I saw one again! Back on the road, the fog was really bad but when I turned the corner onto the south shore, it suddenly disappeared and I see not one but 3 white blobs on the sea! 😊 Iceberg Alley made its name true and in the next two days I saw a total of 41 icebergs; anything from little "bergy bits" to tabular, drydock, dome & pinnacle shapes, very very cool & unique in the world! Most were farther away and could only be properly seen with the binoculars, but a few were close to shore.               
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The Red Bay world heritage site has an interesting history of Basque whaling and a ferry ride to Saddle Island for an interpretative hike, but there's basically nothing left (or it was reburied for preservation) so there's a lot of imagination needed to gather what was there 😂.
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After a late lunch I was ready to crash in the hotel being hangover from the night before, but decided to at least drive to the start of the Tracy Hill trail, which is notorious for its 689 steps. The trail builders included corny inspirational quotes to keep you walking, and I must confess that the first one did get me to actually start: "One day or Day one?".  Apart from pretty scenery, every step seemed to show more icebergs; 22 from the top, which was a perfect way to close the day!
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The next morning, I woke up again in fog (getting fed up with it now!) so at the lighthouse at L'Anse Amour, I first drank my cup of tea in the car while checking out icebergs and birds. It's the tallest lighthouse in Atlantic Canada which my legs definitely felt when walking up the steps to the Fresnel lens & active light at the top. The Strait of Belle Isle provides a 200km shorter route to Europe than around Newfoundland, but has strong currents, up to 200km/hr winds & often ice, so it has had its fair share of shipwrecks & heroic tales of rescue.
Nearby, a 9,000-year-old burial mound of a Maritime Archaic Indian child was found, representing the oldest known human remains in North America but there's now nothing to see apart from pretty dunes. In L'Anse au Clair I stop at the lovely visitor centre in an old church and do a small hike to an abandoned fishing village called the Jersey Room, after the families that settled here from Jersey island near France.
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When I cross into Quebec, it's suddenly 1.5 hours earlier! The entire Atlantic and Newfoundland time zones are undone in a split second, which confuses me in my day-planning and makes it a very loooong day. Checking in at the ferry terminal (more on that later), doing groceries and lunch kept me busy for a bit and then I was off to a viewpoint where I was told you could see one of North America's largest puffin colonies... which are on that island far away in the picture below... I could definitely see with my binoculars it was full of birds but whether they were puffins or gulls?!? 😂 Nearby were again lots of Eider duck so don't think they're that special after all... they seem to do well!
Driving west to the end of the road, there were some more pretty viewpoints and a waterfall, until I reached the Salmon Bay Farm, which is actually a scallops farm located in Salmon Bay. I've toured an oyster farm when I was little in the Netherlands and didn't realize there were also scallop farms until now. After a tour of the on-land facilities and explanation how they're cultivated (interesting titbits; scallop shells grow year rings just like trees so you can count how old they are, and they have up to 200 eyes along the edge of the shell), I chose the left scallop to taste raw (both the muscle and the roe, which were very tender) and also tasted two steamed scallops, which included also the roe as well as the baleen-like frill which is used to filter the water for nutrients. All accompanied with a glass of wine & finished with local jam biscuits, great experience!
Only 15 minutes more to the west, I reach the end of the road, thereby finishing my tour of Labrador of close to 2,000km! It was a long drive of, as someone put it; "trees and rocks, then rocks and trees, and after that trees and rocks again" 🤣 but very happy to have done it and seen this part of Canada! 🍁💖
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The only way to complete my loop back to Baie-Comeau is by a 2-day boat trip west until I reach the village of Kegaska where the road starts anew. There's no ferry but instead a cargo boat, so my car needs to be shipped into a container to make the voyage, a first for me! 😃 I was supposed to report this morning at 5:30am but when I dropped by yesterday, I was told that the boat got terribly delayed...likely until 10pm - midnight tonight. Good news is that I could sleep in this morning (although wide awake at 3:45 due to the time difference) and that I have an extra day here - going for a hike once this is posted, but on the flip side, I might now stay two nights onboard sleeping in a chair instead of a hotel, plus may need to cancel an excursion I had already booked for after my arrival. Mother nature is in control so hoping there won't be much more delays! 🤞
As a side note, it's shocking to realize that the time is here the same as it is in Thunder Bay, over 3,000 km to the west! No wonder that it's light so early here...
PS. the boat's departure time has just been updated to 9am tomorrow morning so I can luckily stay another night at the hotel here but will need to adjust my plans forward. It's going to be an interesting few days ahead...
Distance driven this week: 1,954km
Icebergs: 1 from Battle Harbour boat, 6 from the road, 22 from Tracy Hill, 3 from L'Anse Amour, 4 from L'anse au Clair, 6 from Blanc-Sablon
Wildlife: 1 puffin (Battle Harbour boat), 17 female Eider ducks (Red Bay) and 50+ male Eider ducks (Blanc-Sablon), 1 osprey & 50+ Merganser ducks (L'Anse Amour), 1 mink whale & 1 seal (L'Anse au Clair)
SUPs: none
Hikes: one at Mary's Harbour, one at Battle Harbour, two at Red Bay, one at L'Anse au Clair
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sys128 · 2 years
Midwestern Weather in a nutshell
There is a thing we say up here in town in the midwest: you can not predict 100% what the weather will be like about a week from now. That is usually true; sometimes, the forecasts are just wrong enough to not be accurate to what actually happened that day. Not even winter is safe. The month of December is, a lot of the time, more predictable than the other months, but there have been times when it just goes off the rails. For reference, usually during this month, it goes back and forth between rain and snow, with these intervals lasting about a week or so. But we usually start seeing the snow as early as November. Last year, we had an untimely heat wave, resulting in a 100% green Christmas. That Christmas Eve, it was 60 degrees outside, a lot hotter than we have ever seen at that time of year. Imagine my surprise when I found that it started to snow two days later and was in the 20-degree range. It felt like a final “fuck you” by mother nature after almost an entire month of rain and spring temperatures.
And then there was January 2019, the Great Polar Vortex as I like to call it. That was an agonizing couple of days when the temperatures were so cold, you could be frostbitten in as little as 10 minutes. It was in the best interest of everyone in the midwest to stay inside their houses and pray their water pipes still worked. Here in Wisconsin, we got wind chill ratings as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit! Northern Illinois also saw some lower -40 wind chill and the same with Indiana. Arguably, two states had it worse than us: North Dakota and Minnesota. They saw the wind chill go as low as -65! Our Canadian neighbors also shared the same pain as us because they were also caught pretty majorly by the polar vortex.
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After December, once the snow sticks, it sticks for a WHILE, though it is not so easy telling when it will finally melt, bringing us the spring. There have been years when spring came at a normal time, between late March and early April. But I remember a couple of years where the snow had stuck around for so long that while the east coast was enjoying the sun, we were still chilling with a couple inches of snow, somewhere in May. During this time, we can also see some other really wacky things happening. Last year, we were hit by an EF1 tornado. Thankfully, our house was not hit, but our power was knocked out for a good 7 hours or so. It had been downpouring essentially the whole night otherwise. But since the temperature dropped at just the right time, I woke up to a fresh blanket of December-looking snow.
Even when we finally see the snow melt after so long, because of the length of winter, our spring usually isn’t that long. Say that we get another May snow year. That only lasts over a month before it gets unbelievably hot in the summer. Speaking of hot, we don’t just see freezing up here. We also see melting. We are no strangers to days when it is 102 degrees outside. We are a region of the United States where we are able to adapt to both extremes. But the thing I, personally, am not so much used to is consistency, which is why I tend to get annoyed when the sun is out for more than a week without it raining a drop. At least the clouds in the sky could collect more raindrops or something! Some states can have almost constant hot or cold all year, and I will not know how they go through it just fine. Show me your ways, Australia! It does seem that Texas feels the same way about how we handle the cold because, in February 2021, they got a wave of cold weather, which led to the first snow in a long time in some areas. Since they are more used to hot weather, their cooling system becomes a detriment because they usually have little need for heating. What they had was not enough for them because some 200 people got killed by freezing to death during the cold wave, which is honestly kind of scary.
There is one more example I want to mention, and that would be the number of times I have been given flash flood warnings on my phone. Usually, after the snow has melted and we are experiencing the long summer that is June to September, a week cannot go by without my phone telling me that somewhere in town is probably going to flood!! Thankfully, around parts I have lived, that never happens. But I am willing to bet that it happens somewhere, near some of the creeks, ponds, and rivers. After a while, I stopped paying attention to those warnings.
The weather in the midwest is probably some of the most unpredictable things I can think of. It is like a game of chance whether you are going to be at risk of getting snowed in or melted to death, but it seems we have good enough air conditioning to not die from it in both of those situations. Those are people to thank!
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