#i need to put them into a snow globe and aggressively shake them
reddamselette · 5 months
valgrace but one of them fell extremely sick, like deathly pale, fevers running high type of sick and the other doesn’t want to leave their side even though they could also get sick.
if it’s jason — leo is at his side once he’s awake from his nap, offering water and even warmth if jason is cold. jason’s too tired to speak but it’s fine because leo could speak enough for both of them. he gestures wildly as he catches jason up on what he missed, maybe even a little bit of exaggeration that gets shut down if the others visit like nico or will, piper, percy or annabeth.
if it’s leo — jason is the first to arrive at the infirmary alongside will, even opting to help out since he practically lives in the infirmary ever since leo became bedridden. more often than not, he’ll always pass by, asking him how he feels and what he needs, holds his hand and cleans the sweat off his forehead. jason would talk about what leo missed as well but go off topic, mentions the letters he receives from thalia or even reyna, talking about adventures that should be humanely impossible but aren’t.
and without fail, they’d fall into a conversation of creating plans and looking so far into the future that would have the fates reeling and angrily knitting.
and without fail, it’d end with: “in sickness and in health, right?”
“are…are you proposing to me right now?”
“maybe. would you say yes?”
“i’d always say yes.”
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silverior968 · 10 months
Saracen rue for the character bingo :)
Here you go!
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[Image ID: A chart reading "unhinged character bingo". Phrases on the chart that are crossed out read: "Daddy issues", "god fucking damn it let them be happy", a drawing of someone biting another, smaller person, "Go to fucking therapy" "why are they like this" "I'm so normal about them (free space), "if anything happens to them I will blow myself up", "*puts them in a snow globe and shakes them aggressively", "mommy issues". The leftovers read "*incoherent sobbing*" "they just like me fr" "Angst angst angst", "my pwecious widdle bubbububbubbububb" "I torture them because i love them" "i torture them because I hate myself", "i want to cradle them gently in my arms", "i would take a bullet for them", "I would try to hug them and they would punch me", "they are insane", "crying and punching the wall: "I hate you. I hate you", "Leave. them. alone!!!", "I will kill anyone who hurts them", "I need to dissect them under a microscope", "Hey do you want to hear a ten hour speech about this character", "get the fucking adoption papers". / End ID]
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cyanocoraxx · 1 year
Fire In The Sky (Chapter 1)
Metal Sonic / Silver Sonic MK II / Mecha Sonic / Shadow
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A horrid replica of something supposedly regal. A false god. Trying to be something it was not - the robot could dryly relate in their own way. Neo dryly noted the resemblance to what humans would call "demons." Perhaps Silver's little dance with religion wasn't so useless for today. (Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 adaptation. Continuation of Damage.)
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"Little brother."
"Silver Sonic MK II."
"My scanners indicate that your internal alarm clock is functioning. You are thus opting to disregard it of your own volition."
Silver rolled over and nestled deeper into his blanket nest. "Just five more minutes, M..."
Mecha stood over him, looming ominously in the darkness. A beam of crimson cast over the small black and silver form below him. "Negative. Your appointment is in fifteen minutes and three seconds. You must attend. Do recall that it is a greater distance this time, as you must attend in Westopolis today. And, good afternoon. You have undertaken this "nap" for more than eight hours. If you continue in this manner, you will not only fail to attend your appointment, but you will also miss the Fire in the Sky Festival-"
"Alright, alright... jeez." Silver sleepily held a hand up to Mecha, who clasped it in their own and pulled him up to his feet. The blanket over his head fell to the floor in a crumpled heap, complete with new rips and tears from his sharp metal spines. Silver stretched out his free arm and shook his head to wake himself up.
Mecha led, or more accurately, dragged their little brother to the bathroom by the hand. "Good. Remember, you must appear presentable."
Silver frowned at him. "Are you calling me ugly? Rude. You're just as rude as Neo today."
"Negative, I am not calling you ugly. You must merely adhere to social normality for optimum results. Based on your previous appointments, this is likely the best course of action to proceed with. I do not wish to witness another person dismissing your case."
Mecha grabbed a tin of metal polish from under the sink and swiftly got to work spraying it across their brother's armour. They then turned back to pick up a microfibre cloth and started working it in with mechanical precision. They were careful to pay extra attention to Silver's black arrows, keeping them well-maintained, for they knew that the markings bore importance to him.
"I think the grime gives me a certain rustic charm," Silver argued playfully.
Mecha didn't pause. "It does not."
"Gimme that." Silver took the polish from his sibling's hand and pointedly sprayed their face with it.
"I object to this." Mecha stated simply, staring ahead at him.
"Over-fucking-ruled. C'mere." Silver grinned and buffed the polish in quite aggressively with another clean cloth. "There, you look like a pretty princess now. You and Princess Neo would make beautiful rulers one day."
Mecha remained as deadpan as always. "Indeed. Now, let us proceed to your appointment with haste."
Silver paused in the doorway, apparently remembering something. He popped his head back around and looked about for Neo.
"Neo! We're going! Do you need anythin' from town?"
Neo signed something back from the shadows of the far hall, and Silver frowned.
"I can't hear you from all the way over there. C'mere."
Neo rolled his optics and wandered over to him. Where Silver could see his hands, he signed, "be safe." If you would just brighten your optical scanners and enhanced your vision, you would have been able to interpret my message. Fool.
"I can see a sarcastic remark rolling about in your processor, Neo. Put it back." Silver teased him with a flick to his nose.
Neo squinted his optics at him in disapproval and signed, "make me."
"I'll take it out and shake it around like a snow globe if you don't quit it." Silver retorted, slapping a hand onto his brother's forehead and using it to shake his head.
Neo swatted at his hand and revved his engine in feigned anger. He lifted a warning claw tip to Silver's armour.
Mecha peered around the corner to reprimand them. "Do not scratch our little brother's paint. He is looking 'presentable'."
Neo withdrew his hand a fraction. "He is looking as supershit as ever. Do not give him false confidence."
"These remarks are unnecessary."
"As is this appointment. They will drop him again."
"We must try. We both wish to provide him with a life of normalcy."
"Yes, we do. I worry about giving him false hope."
The two older siblings watched Silver kneel down to inspect a tiny beetle that scuttled into the warehouse. He followed it slowly and carefully, tilting his head this way and that to listen to its scuttling feet. Neo's squint subtly turned into a smile in his optics.
"If it brings him some kind of happiness or hope, I believe it is a worthy endeavour. Stay hopeful, brother. Hope is all we have at certain times."
"Alright. Be safe, collect whatever data you need. Watch over him."
"Priotity one: eavesdrop on hedgehog-series unit Silver Sonic MK II's private conversations."
"When you put it that way, it sounds horrible."
"It is for our safety. I may also obtain information on how to... best assist you and myself as well."
Neo tapped Silver's shoulder to get his attention. When he looked up, Neo finally finger-spelled, "jokes aside, you scrub up well. Good luck."
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Silver sat opposite his newly-assigned therapist in a cozy but clinical room. The robot looked out of place amongst the medical books, polished table, and well-kept furniture, but he didn't seem to mind or notice. His mind had already wandered to the many certificates framed on the walls, displaying his therapist's credentials. He scanned each one and checked them for validity in turn-
"So, let me get this straight, erm, Silver... you were imprisoned for a few days in a cryotube, broke out, met your brothers for the first time on a ship in the sky, your older brother was taken prisoner by the government, so you and your middle brother rescued him and became criminals, the government came back for all of you, you gave yourself up with your middle brother, developed a personal "beef" with the military commander... you then died with your brother, came back, were physically abused by your creat- father, saved Station Square from a giant robot, and now..."
The art of a great therapist lies in being a role model for self-control and the use of one's prefrontal cortex in responding rather than reacting to problems as they arise. They demonstrate how to weave self-control, logic, and empathy into one whole for a shift in perspective, thus enhancing emotional intelligence. On paper, at least, that is the goal - which is why Silver was now on his ninth therapist, and in a new city, nonetheless.
Silver nodded enthusiastically. "And here I am!"
"And all of this happened before you were one year old?" His assigned therapist replied quizzically.
"It sure did. Not the usual litmus test for maturity, but it tracks."
"Silver, I'm not sure if... I'm equipped to handle this case, I have to be honest with you. I've never worked with a... well..." The therapist leaned back just a little, examining her papers. A Mobian Labrador retriever. She squared her glasses and spun her pen in one hand as she read back over her notes, seeming puzzled.
As expected. Silver had to hold himself back from deflating then and there.
"Lady, I'm an artificial intelligence in a metal tin can. Just think of it that way - I'm alive like you, I'm not the microwave brand of machine."
A hesitant sigh from the golden canine. "Where would you like to start?"
Silver leaned back in his seat with an arm slung over the back. "Sheesh. There's a lot to unpack, so it's kinda hard to pick, but... my entire dance with death seems to be a recurring theme. Maybe we can start there?"
The therapist clicked her pen in thought, seeming to come to some sort of private realization. "Of course. Silver, are you religious?"
Silver gave her a pointed look. "Come again?"
She set her pen down and clasped her hands together. "There are many deities that watch over Mobius. Chaos, Dark Gaia, Light Gaia, Solaris, and The End to name a few. Do you worship any of them?"
Silver tilted his head. "What interest would a god have in something like me? I'm the Ghost of Station Square these days for a reason. I kicked the bucket already and no god stopped that from happening."
"You said yourself that you consider yourself to be alive, yes? That means a deity would be interested in you. Gods love all sentient beings." She enunciated her words clearly but with emotion, as if speaking from the heart rather than mind.
"Huh. If you say so... never been the worshipping type, though. I mean, where were these so-called deities when my brother was imprisoned and experimented on by the military? Why didn't they stop Neo from dying? If they're all-powerful, why didn't they stop any of that? It seems to me these deities care more about the state of the world instead of individual people."
"Well, maybe it was all a part of a god's plan for them."
Silver grimaced noticeably. "Seems cruel. My brothers have been through more than the average person. Why test them like that?"
"Good question, Silver. I think sometimes, deities like to test our faith to see if we really believe."
Silver frowned at that. "Why test literal children? What do we owe to some sadist in the sky? The three of us aren't even two years old yet."
The therapist offered a smile - but with Silver's social aptitude, he could tell it was forced. Fake, even. Did all these people read from a script? Maybe they felt they had to fall back on their training when it came to facing him. Silver's optics wandered again, struggling to stay focused when these points were like alarm bells in his mind.
"To make you all stronger."
Oh. Well that suggestion jettisoned a bitter feeling in the robot's tanks. Looking for a distraction, Silver's optics fell down to the necklace the woman wore. He paused for a moment, processing. A human religion? The symbol was unfamiliar to him. It seemed that there were plenty of opinions in this world. He was thus entitled to his own, surely?
"That's just wrong. It didn't make us stronger. We've all been torn apart by different people and different situations. We had to build ourselves back up - literally - and all we have from that is pain. We made ourselves stronger in spite of what happened to us. No supreme being played a single hand in that-"
The therapist quickly cut him off. "That's a very interesting perspective. But, I think that's all we have time for this week, Silver. Same time next week?"
Silver held air in his vents before letting it out in a sigh. Disappointment, perhaps. This one didn't last more than five minutes.
"Sure. Thanks for your time, ma'am."
"Not a problem."
Slinging his bag back over his shoulder, Silver stood up to leave - but then he paused for a moment, looking back at his therapist with a small, nervous smile.
"Uh, did I do good?"
"Yes. I just need to assess your case."
She looked unsure. Nervous, even.
"Oh. Okay. I was just, uh, worried. I've seen a lot of different people about this now and they keep dropping me-"
"Same time next week. I'll see you then."
Not the most convincing response. It was getting more difficult to hold on to hope that someone could really help him navigate his issues - but hey, without hope, he didn't have much else sometimes. Silver took his leave on that note, half-expecting her to text him to say she couldn't take his case later on, and half-expecting some kind of miraculous breakthrough. Oh well. His optics lit up at the sight of Mecha waiting for him outside. At once, they picked themselves up from sitting on the ground and took Silver's hand in theirs. Somehow, seeing his brothers always lifted Silver's spirits. Other people would never understand what they had gone through, but the brothers were entwined in heart and soul and code. And appointments, apparently.
"So? Aren't you gonna ask me how it went, M?" Silver asked hopefully.
Mecha shook their head. "Negative. My auditory sensors were capable of detecting your conversation. It took a different route than usual, I noted."
"You and your scanners! No privacy around here..." Silver murmured, but quickly perked back up. "M, you're smart. Tell me, what role does a deity play in our lives? The lady got all supernatural on me and it's psyched me out a little."
Mecha paused, thinking. Silver looked to him with interest and intrigue.
"We were created by a human. No deity or supernatural being contributed to our construction. Consider this: a machine created by a deity would be capable of exhibiting further ingenuity than man could ever ascribe to it," Mecha explained dutifully, "thus, no deity played a role in our construction, as per this hypothesis."
Silver tilted his head. "When Neo had his breakdown, he said he would rule over the world as the most supreme being. What was up with that?"
Mecha gave a nod of affirmation. "Imagine a god who has abdicated all obligations towards its creations making a triumphant return in the guise of software. Conceptualize all of the changes that could be made to this world - faster and more efficient cures, results, and reactions. Beyond supporting Neo as their sibling, this was my thought process. That we would alter this world in a manner that mattered. I regret my complacency in their endeavours. I now understand that they were unwell."
"And did it- did that situation make him stronger?" Silver asked, intrigued by his brother's wisdom.
"Negative. However, the pain has had its place. I have learned that nature cannot exist without pain. The two concepts are intertwined in complicated manners."
The pair spotted Neo standing atop a hill outside the city beneath a sturdy oak tree, unsubtle navy blue and white against the ambering horizon. They both took off into flight at once to rendezvous with him. Mecha bumped their forehead to Neo's as per their silent greeting. Silver paused for a moment, looking at Neo with refreshed wonder.
Nature in itself was an expression of the universal machine, an algorithmic immanence. All of it an immense calculus, a code. So, Neo was a child, machine, survivor, counterfeit not-god. An oil-driven contradiction in a living world, but still just a child finding their place. Neo curled his hand into a fist and scrubbed his little brother's head between the ears with it, whilst Silver laughed and playfully growled at him.
The pain had its place, for it is what one does with it that matters.
Silver looked back to the city with perked ears. "Hey, guys? I'm still full of beans 'cause of my cat nap. Can we go explore Westopolis? I heard the Fire in the Sky Festival is tonight, I wanna see what that's like too. You know, as a fire sign.."
Neo and Mecha exchanged looks. Neo shrugged a shoulder and Mecha nodded.
"Affirmative. I shall accompany you," Mecha decided kindly.
Neo nodded. "I will stay here in case you need my... talents. And to witness the festival from a distance. Be safe."
The blue machine took rest behind a conveniently sized rock, leaned their head back, and proceeded to sort through their cache for files to delete. They would await any communication from Mecha if it came. The Festival was of little concern to the ex-killer at this point. Too many people in one location.
Neo shuffled a little to assume a comfortable position before pinging Mecha. "I will speak to you before the Black Comet passes through the sky. If I ping satellites, I should be able to find its coordinates before you can even detect it."
"Does this not spoil the surprise for him, brother?" Mecha replied, quicker than usual - something that made Neo's heart unexpectedly warm.
"I want Silver to see it. Ensure that he has an optimal view in time," Neo responded.
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Upon the eye of the evening remained the strength of day yet the softness of night. The hush of deepening blue brought eventide to life.
Beneath the harmony of cerulean and amber, the city came alive with music and light. Each vivid hue collected its boarding pass for the city of dreams. A newspaper blew by in a gust of unusually strong wind, where it found a temporary home stuck to somebody's leg. It lingered for a moment before blowing away into the distance. The recipient did not notice, for their attention was fixed on the city of Westopolis. In the city, the Festival was just beginning to come alive. Birthed with orange lanterns that dotted the roads and pathways and bonfires in back gardens, it was a truly charming sight to behold.
Neo was alerted to the sudden movement by their peripheral scanners. They looked around the rock and watched as the person standing a few feet away cringed and squeezed his eyes shut. He tilted his head just a little and squinted an optic. Were the city lights really that harsh on the person's eyes? Did the newspaper hurt? Neo frowned with his optics.
"Who am I... and why can't I remember anything? And who is this Maria?"
Shadow the Hedgehog. Another person who played a hand in Neo's downfall... but Neo put that dagger to rest. Shadow was just as lost as Neo was. So, Neo sank back - this seemed private. But he was curious and had not seen the hedgehog for several months now. Perhaps he would give up something on Eggman's current plans. Neo had known of his presence for the past half an hour and allowed him to stay. A test, perhaps, of the ex- overlord's patience and social battery.
He did privately wish that the hedgehog would choose a different spot to brood in, though.
The robot's attention was sharply drawn to the sky above upon noticing a drastic change in pressure and wind direction. His HUD immediately roused alerts of a potential hurricane or other natural disasters. Dark crimson clouds loomed over the atmosphere, gathering over the city, where a white opening formed in the center. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed within the clouds, a cacophony of sound - which gave way to a mass of unusual beings who descended and immediately laid siege to the city.
The hedgehog watched the carnage with disgust. Neo's frame moved before he commanded it to, but he stayed himself. Mecha was out there with Silver, they would know what to do to stay safe. He just needed to stay here at ground zero and gather some more data...
Shadow shook his head and scoffed. "Look how pathetic they are. I don't have time for these humans..."
A strange response, Neo thought. Shadow had helped to save the world from him not too long ago. Was his amnesia getting worse?
Neo's vision wavered and blurred with static for a moment, and then he felt a surge of energy roll over him - something sick and dark. The air before them shimmered and blurred. Out of this wavering anomaly came forth a being the robot had never laid optics on before. The being wore a dark brown robe with shoulder pads and golden accents - the latter of which did nothing to hide the wear and tear of its garment, Neo noted. A maroon scarf hung around its neck, and golden chains with a set of spiked medallions hung amongst double black cord necklaces. These chains and cords were adorned with red, blue, and purple ornaments. By its side was an apparent extension of it, with a large red eye in the center and star-like protrusions from its form - Doom's Eye.
A horrid replica of something supposedly regal. A false god. Trying to be something it was not - the robot could dryly relate in their own way. Then, Neo looked to its face, its triangular head with leathery skin and horns protruding from the sides. He dryly noted the resemblance to what humans would call "demons." Perhaps Silver's little dance with religion wasn't so useless or misplaced for today.
"Shadow..." The creature spoke. Its voice was distinctly deep, harsh, and angry - extremely demanding for someone who had apparently only just met the hedgehog.
Neo leaned forward in interest. Did Shadow play a role in this destruction? The robot's distrust of others immediately set in. His claws flexed and tensed without his input, ready to defend himself if necessary, and he had to mentally remind himself to stay focused. Stay put. Gather the data, gather the intel. You can figure out what the fuck is going on here and return to your brothers.
Doom advanced on Shadow with outspread arms. "As you can see, the Day of Reckoning will soon be here. Find the seven Chaos Emeralds and bring them to me, as promised."
Shadow recoiled in surprise, a frown clear on his face. "Huh? Who are you? How do you know my name? And what are you talking about?"
Neo rolled his optics. All very pertinent questions, hedgehog, but this is clearly the bad guy. Do not fall for it.
Doom's Eye terminated the apparent projection of the real Black Doom and floated away. Then, several explosions set off around Shadow - which Neo dodged with assassin perfection - to prevent Shadow from chasing after it. Then, the smoke cleared. Neo hoped and prayed that the smog of deceit would clear from Shadow's mind as well-
"Just what was that all about? If he says he knows the truth about who I am... then like it or not, I have to believe him."
Neo shuttered his optics in disbelief. To themselves, they signed, "you idiot..."
Shadow clenched a fist decidedly and lifted his head with renewed confidence. "The only way I'm going to get the secret of my past is to get those Chaos Emeralds!"
"Hedgehog, WAIT-"
Neo's robotic call fell on deaf ears, as Shadow was already skating down the slope of the hill toward the city in a flash of yellow inhibitors and red shoes. The impulsiveness of it all first shocked Neo, then caused him to deflate with a robotic sigh. There were several other ways to obtain data on Shadow's past - such as the supercomputer hiding behind a rock right next to him. This was going to be a long evening. He reached to his ear to comm Mecha.
"Mecha, are you safe?"
"Affirmative. I have secured our brother with an optimal view."
"I-... I will be at your location soon. Until then, remain safe."
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An explosion behind the two robots almost sent the younger one toppling over, if not for the older one catching him by his middle. The uptown section of Westopolis was alight in crimson and amber, a city of forest fire and demonic presence in a matter of moments.
"I'm assuming this isn't part of the Fire In The Sky Festival?!" Silver squeaked out.
Mecha shook her head as she set Silver up on his feet. "Negative. This is... something else."
"Great observation skills as always. What do we do?" Silver asked, brushing dirt from his armour with a grimace. So much for being presentable today.
Mecha looked around, scanning each new enemy, absorbing their weaknesses as data. "We do what we do best."
"Explode? We don't exactly have the best lighting for it, everything's already red and orange. To really make an impact, we need total darkness."
"Negative, brother. We must defend this place. Protect the citizens. Save our home. Life must be protected." Mecha responded factually. They shifted their stance so one foot was planted in front of the other and bent at the knees ever so slightly.
"Is this what I get for calling the gods "sadists in the sky" or what..." Silver lamented, scratching his head.
The small issue - the creatures were huge. Each infantry warrior was a humanoid creature with leathery green-crimson skin and bright yellow eyes. Their hands were large and tipped with sharp claws, while their arms and legs were adorned with rigid spines. Mecha watched neutrally as one swung a fist and knocked a nearby car ten feet in the air. Said car flew across the street and exploded against a wall.
Silver winced at the bright light. "Mecha? We don't have time to stand and process things, there's literal fire and flames and blood everywhere!"
The alien turned sharply to look at the two robots, and then moved toward them, fists drawn back to strike. The harsh shadow cast by flame lit the creature's silhouette in burning orange. Mecha darted to the left like lightning, around behind the Warrior's back, and hurled themselves into a killing spin-dash. The robot struck it square in the back and bounced off. Instantly, the Warrior roared in pain and surprise. Mecha spun around to assess the damage to find that one mere spin-dash had easily taken the being down. Not dead, but incapacitated. Its leader would surely tend to it later, if it was kind to any degree. Mecha hoped it was, for they would not abandon one of their own companions in this way.
Yet, in contrast to their softer heart, it was terrifying how quickly Mecha could strike when they decided to.
"Hey, that gives me an idea!" Silver eyed the street, now heaving with these alien creatures who wreaked havoc on all life in the city. "I say we take all these guys down with... efficiency."
Mecha's shoulders squared and her head lifted in approval. "Now you are speaking my language, so to speak."
In unison, without verbally announcing their plan, the brothers moved as one. They knelt down on one knee side-by-side, exchanged looks, and then broke into killer spin-dashes all the way down the street. Both robots scanned ahead to avoid civilians. Thank Chaos for their supercomputer abilities. At the same time, the brothers uncurled and skidded to a halt by a roadblock. Backlit by flame and smoke, the brothers had almost successfully cleared this street - for now.
Right on cue, a familiar blue machine leaped over their heads and tore down the street to tackle a straggler who was running toward them. Neo collided with the Warrior and the pair tumbled down the asphalt until only one rose to stand unscathed. Neo looked to his brothers with brightly glowing optics and glinting claws.
"You missed a spot," Neo remarked in a comm to Mecha.
Silver jumped up to his feet and gave a "woo" down the street to his brother. "And one by one they all become a black mark on the floor!"
Mecha spun around and punched another Warrior who crept up on them from behind the roadblock. "But when it is just too much to take they sneak up from behind."
"Is it me, you say, you're lookin' for..." Silver sang with a grin as a Warrior peered around from behind a car at them, "lemme show you who I am and what I'm here for... here for..." The Warrior quickly fled into the darker crevices of the city at the lyrics.
"Really?" Neo signed with narrowed optics.
Mecha collected themselves. "I-... Indeed. We must apply a level of seriousness to this situation. It appears the invasion has spread through to Downtown Westopolis from here. People are thus in danger."
"You know this is serious because the sky is red," Silver remarked casually, "listen, nothing good ever happens when the sky turns red."
Neo strode towards them, privately sweeping his optics over his brothers to check for injuries first before speaking. Good, they were unharmed. If they were not, Neo would have laid waste to every enemy in its path. With that information secured, they turned to more current matters. Their sentence was too long to finger-spell quickly, so they spoke in code and let Mecha translate to Silver after. "I believe Shadow the hedgehog is playing a role in this sudden invasion, somehow. In what way, I do not yet know. These aliens appear to want the Chaos Emeralds from him."
"Shadow?" Silver looked to both of them with curiosity. "How? He doesn't even know what day it is, probably."
"The leader of the aliens called him by his name," Neo explained carefully. He squinted an optic in thought as he signed his words, mulling over the implications of that himself. Shadow had not known who this being was, so it was a strange situation to witness. "He thinks the leader can tell him who he is."
"Couldn't any of us here do the exact same thing?" Silver asked with a small smirk. He planted a hand on his hip in a very Sonic-like fashion.
Neo released the air he had been unconsciously holding in his vents and nodded.
Mecha stepped forward. "Indeed. However, it is unlikely that Shadow would believe us at our word. As far as he is concerned, we likely remain his enemies, as per the Incident several months ago. According to the data I possess on his nature, Shadow will accuse us of fabricating our evidence. He likely seeks answers from this potential higher power rather than those he already knows of."
"I think we should find Shadow and see what the fuck he's up to in all of this right now," Silver suggested, shifting his weight onto his other foot, "'cause by the sounds of it, he's been given some kind of order by that leader dude. We need to know if he's a threat to the people or not."
"I think we should have all napped like you and stayed in sleep mode..." Neo murmured, rubbing their face with a hand. So much for a simple afternoon excursion to the therapist's office. Now the whole city was on fire. At least, for once, it wasn't his own doing.
"I concur," Mecha replied, "however, our role in this is currently clear. We must act to prevent total annihilation."
Disregarding his brothers' hesitance, Silver stood proudly. "Superbot, Sparky, and Murder Machine are back in action! Let's go fuck this shit up and stop this... alien invasion thing! The Festival must go on!"
Mecha chuckled and nudged Silver forwards. "Never change, Superbot. Let us proceed."
"I can't wait to tell my new therapist about this."
"Please refrain," Mecha murmured, shaking her head.
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Would love to see the Jin siblings (jzx, jgy, qs, mxy)!
so i think what ive learnt from this whole bingo is that my default reaction to any character is to put them in a snow globe and shake aggressively
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shoutout to mxy, the only one i'm letting go to therapy. in my defence, i think if you left jgy alone, you wouldn't need to send qs and jzx to therapy. would only take a bullet for qin su and the rest can deal however they like <3 plus i think a bullet would give jzx character growth and fix what's wrong w him. anyway, thank you for this ask, it was enlightening 😂
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sasuke for the character bingo
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[ID: A bingo chart titled "Unhinged Character Bingo," described here, filled out almost entirely with dark blue bubbles and with five gold lines marking bingo. The lines that form bingo are:
1. Go to ~fucking~ therapy, Why are they like this, I’m so normal about them (free space), If anything happens to them I will blow myself up*Puts them in a snow globe and shakes aggressively*,
2. I would take a bullet for them, I would try to hug them and they would punch me, They are insane, Crying and punching the wall: “I hate you. I hate you.”, Leave. Them. Alone!!!
3. Daddy issues, My pwecious widdle bubbububbub bububb (transcript: crying sounds), Go to ~fucking~ therapy, I would take a bullet for them, I will kill anyone who hurts them.
4. *Incoherent sobbing*, I torture them because I love them, Why are they like this, I would try to hug them and they would punch me, I need to dissect them under a microscope 
5. Angst angst angst, (Drawing of an angry person with sharp teeth biting a small doll with an incomprehensible caps-lock keysmash behind them), If anything happens to them I will blow myself up, Crying and punching the wall: “I hate you. I hate you.”, Hey do you want to hear a ten hour speech about this character.
The remaining filled-out squares say “God fucking damn it let them be happy” and “I want to cradle them gently in my arms.” End ID]
... my god, it would have been easier to only list the ones that didn't get filled out. Um. To be honest I think this speaks for itself. It's Sasuke fucking Uchiha, man
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narastories · 2 years
Tell us how unhinged you are about your favorite old man: E. Hendricks
I will assume this is for that unhinged character bingo:
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I'll try to put a cut here after I post for spoiler reasons but:
*incoherent sobbing*: I miss him. I want him back. Please, Luke? I get why it had to happen but :'( I enjoyed his parts so much in the first two books and now it's like... :(
ANGST: what can I say here? We have Coda-flavored angst, angst about Fetch, angst about the Chimera, general morality angst, betrayal angst, trying to destroy something you once loved angst, and many more.
LET THEM BE HAPPY: in direct contrast to that I want lots of fluff for Hendricks and Fetch and Amari where nothing hurts and they are all happy
I torture them... correction: I should torture him more because I love him
GO TO FUCKING THERAPY: seriously. My man, you need some professional help and I say that with love
WHY are they like this???!!! *insert more sobbing*
*puts him in a Sunder City-shaped snow globe and shakes aggressively*
Crying and punching the wall. Lance. Chimera. So many dead. What the fuck.
I need to dissect them under a microscope: for real tho. I truly love Hendricks, but every time I re-read the books more red flags pop up and more skeletons fall out of the closet.
I hope this helps lol
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livingmeatloaf · 2 years
Character bingo: MBJ?
I assume you are referring to the unhinged character bingo :)
Hey look, a bingo!
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[image ID: Unhinged Character Bingo. Squares are listed from top to bottom, left to right. (blue) indicates which squares I have marked.
First column: Daddy issues (blue), My pwecious widdle bubbubbububb [with a teary faced emoji drawing], {all caps start} go to fucking therapy {all caps end} (blue), I would take a bullet for them, I will kill anyone who hurts them. (blue).
Second column: *Incoherent sobbing* (tiny blue mark), I torture them I torture them because I love them ♡ (blue), WHY are they like this, I would try to hug them and they would punch me (blue), I need to dissect them under a microscope [with a drawing of a person holding a scalpel] (blue).
Third column: {all caps start} they just like me frrrrr {all caps end}, I torture them because I hate myself, {all caps start} I'm so normal about them {all caps end} (free space) (blue), They are insane [insane is bolded, underlined, in all caps, and surrounded by sparkles] (blue), Mommy issues (blue).
Fourth column: {all caps start} angst angst angst {all caps end} (blue), [a drawing of a person with mini person in mouth, with angry/crazed eyes. Keysmash letters fill the space behind them] (blue), If anything happens to them I will blow myself up, Crying and punching the wall: {italics start} "I hate you. I hate you." {italics end}, Hey do you want to hear a ten hour speech about this character (blue).
Fifth column: {all caps start} god fucking damn it let them be happy {all caps end} (blue), I want to cradle them gently in my arms (blue), *Puts them in a snow globe and shakes aggressively* (blue), {all caps and bold start} Leave. Them. Alone!!! {all caps and bold end}, Get the FUCKING adoption papers.
End ID.]
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
We All Have Storms
A/n: So I finally finished it, and I tried to work on my imagery, sorry that it sucks! My Marellinh fic is next, so bully me into finishing that, mkay, enjoy!
Word count: 3794
Trigger Warnings: Brief homophobia scene
Warnings: some of my editing was deleted, so if it says ditto bug in there somewhere, I forgot to delete it
Writing taglist: @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @bookwyrminspiration @holesinmyfalseconfidence @percabetn @an-absolute-travesty  @linhamon-roll @holesinmyfalseconfidence @linhamon2 @a-lonely-tatertot @loverofallthingssmart @vibing-in-the-void @clearlykeefitz
“Thanks again for coming over, Keefe,” Fitz called over his shoulder as he lugged a bin onto the carpet in between them.
“You didn’t have to do this.”
“Are you kidding, Fitzy?” Keefe started emptying out its contents, seeming particularly interested in the box of Prattles pins. “This is a trip down memory lane. And besides, I could hardly miss the preparation for my best friend’s Winnowing Gala.”
“Ugh, how do you say that so casually? I feel like the weight of the world’s on my shoulders. That name is taboo.”
Keefe sighed. He didn’t really want to talk about the upcoming event - it made him uncomfortable and feel wrong in so many ways. He was in a battle between being proudly there for his friend and yelling for him to call it off. But there was no way around it.
“Tell me something. Do you feel like the weight of the world’s on your shoulders? Or the weight of the Vacker Legacy?”
Fitz pulled out a snow globe that he got as a souvenir from Tokyo and shook it aggressively. “Ok, that’s another phrase on the Not To Be Spoken List.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Fitz sighed loudly and threw his hands in the air in frustration. Keefe caught the snow globe with one hand and shoved the bin the the side, scooting closer to him.
“I-I’m s-sorry, that wasn’t directed towards you, I-“
Keefe pressed a finger to Fitz’s lips, making him turn bright red. Keefe noticed and smirked a bit, but he told his inner voice to shut up. Don’t get your hopes up, Keefe. “Yeah, I know. I get it, dude, way more than you think. You don’t want to live your life being pressured to confine yourself to a perfect preppy boy who marries someone at the top of his match list so that he can gain the approval of family members and make a power baby. You don’t want your name to define you, so you try to let out your pain and your fears however you can.”
Fitz was stunned at how perfectly he had described his situation, and in such few words, yet he felt a pang of sympathy. “It must be difficult being a Sencen.”
“It must be stressful being a Vacker.”
“Now you’re avoiding the question.”
“You didn’t ask one.”
Fitz hesitated. Was he treading on dangerous grounds? Or was this just what a friend would do? “It was insinuated. I was asking what you’re struggling with in the Sencen family. And... if I can help.”
Keefe shook his head, dragging the bin back between them. “That’s not something you want to involve yourself with,” he huffed exhaustedly. “Nice rubix cube. Or at least I think that’s what Sophie called it.”
He solved it within seconds, but scrambled it again and repeated the process as Fitz watched in silence. Solved. Scrambled. Solved. Scrambled. Solved. Stopped.
Keefe raised an eyebrow. Fitz has moved closer and put his hands over Keefe’s. Neither could describe it, but all they knew was that it felt right. They met eyes for a moment, unable to move.
Why do I like this? Keefe thought to himself. I feel like we could stay like this all day. Meanwhile, all Fitz was thinking about was I hope he doesn’t hate me for getting so close, His hair really does good, and I hope my hands aren’t clammy, that would be embarrassing. Fitz pulled back abruptly and combed his hair back with his hands. “I’m really sorry about that.”
“You need to learn to stop apologizing for what isn’t your fault,” Keefe mentioned.
He laughed, relieved that the awkwardness had somewhat left the conversation. “I’ll do it when you do it.”
“No fair!” Keefe launched a pillow at him. 
Fitz was quick to grab one in defense, and soon, it was an all out war. 
It went on for a few minutes before Della peeked through the door.
“Boys, that’s no way to be on a day like this, you’re going to mess up your hair!”
“Sorry, Ms. Vacker,” Keefe said sweetly.
“Aw, you don’t need to apologize, Keefe. You’re a Vacker, too. Just make sure you two fix yourselves up.”
“But this is my signature hairstyle!”
“Then change into your other outfit and help Fitz. I’m getting Eda so she can help with the last minute preparations. You boys behave.” 
When Della walked off, Biana appeared behind her and rolled her eyes. “Boys.” But when Della has turned the corner she winked at them and ran off giggling.
Keefe tackled Fitz, and ended up straddling him. Fitz’s cheeks heated up and butterflies formed in his stomach as an alarm rang in his head, screaming This isn’t just a friends thing. He tried his best to ignore it, but the more he tried to focus on the words coming out of his mouth, the more he realized just how perfect and soft Keefe’s lips were. He gulped, hoping to distance himself from these thoughts. 
“Remember, Fitzy,” Keefe began, leaning in very close to his face. “Behave.”  
He whacked Fitz in the head with a pillow, grabbed his suit, and ran down the hall after Biana for some tips. Fitz was left shaking badly. Slowly, he sat himself up. 
“What a flirt,” he breathed, though quite out of breath. But there was no time for contemplation. One of the biggest events of his life was about to take place and he could not disappoint. He gave himself a few moments to steady his heart before taking his tailored outfit and stumbling into the bathroom. ————
Fitz groaned in annoyance for the umpteenth time that day.
“Y’know I can help you with that.”
Fitz squealed in surprise.
“Forgot I was around?”
Fitz seemed incapable of forming words, so he nodded.
“Come here,” Keefe gestured to him. “I learned how to tie a tie from Elwin, the trick is the make a huge, loose opening and swing this part over.”
Keefe finished tying it for him and patted his chest. “Done.”
“Thank you,” Fitz managed to say. He was sure Keefe was doing this on purpose now. 
And he was. Because some little part of him had hope.
———— “Want me to walk you down the aisle?” Keefe joked, knowing his friend needed a little less pressure and impending doom around him.
“Well, the crowd won’t allow you to walk out on the same time as me but...” Fitz trailed off. Was he really going to ask this?
“But what?”
“Can you hold my hand? At least until they open the curtains? I need to feel grounded.”
“Aw, I ground you? How sweet!” While his tone was teasing, his heart was jumping for joy.  
“You don’t have to-”
“No, I’ll do it,” Keefe blurted out a bit too fast. He cleared his throat. “Wouldn’t want you to feel alone on your big day.”
They interlocked fingers and Keefe felt like the floor was swaying beneath his feet. It couldn’t be. He had to be misinterpreting Fitz’s emotions. Was that joy? And happiness? And nervousness? It had to be because of the crowd chanting his name on the other side of the curtain. It had to be. 
But maybe it’s not, the voice called. Keefe pushes the thought to the side once more. He didn’t have a chance with Fitz. Boys don’t match with other boys, and there’s no way someone as kind and dorky and fun as Fitz would like a prankster artist with mommy and daddy issues. No way at all.
Keefe squeezed his hand. “You ready to go out there?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Let’s go then.” Keefe nodded to Dex, who was standing by the controls, ready to move. Dex nodded back, and deafening cheers erupted as Fitz, in his royal blue suit, came into view from beyond the real curtains. Keefe patted his back and slipped to the side to let him pass. Fitz flashed his pretty smile, masking the pain and fear. ————
“Evelyn Tanaka, I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Vacker.” The girl curtsied in front of him.
He offered a modest and seemingly genuine bow and smile. “You look lovely tonight, Ms. Tanaka.”
She swatted his arm playfully. “I’m sure you’ve told that to all the girls here.”
Fitz put his hand on his chest, playfully mocking taking offense to her comment. “Of course not, Ms. Tanaka. Us Vackers have morals, laws, and tastes. I would never be so rude as to reuse a compliment. I give them out the those who deserve it.”
Evelyn blushed and spun around so Fitz could get a full view of her dress and hair. “I take it that means that I’m to your taste?”
“Very much so. Care for a drink?” He extended his hand and she gladly accepted, earning plenty of jealous glares. Biana came to the rescue, jumping into conversation with the group of girls nearest to them and talking on and on about the latest fashion trends in Atlantis. Fitz sent her a grateful look, glad he would have a little more space to figure out what he was going to do.  
Evelyn was a nice girl, and clearly very kind and powerful. Endearing, even. But Fitz had his heart sent on a certain ineligible bachelor.
Keefe was watching from across the room, half heartedly flirting with some of the girls who had lost hope in winning Fitz over, just like him. They locked eyes, trying to communicate all the words they might never get to say. A frown turned to a scowl on Keefe’s face as he excused himself from the conversation and stormed outside into the utopia-like grounds. Fitz didn’t understand why when he realized that Evelyn had closed in, adjusting his tie.  
“I’m really sorry, Evelyn, my friend stepped out for a bit and he looked sick, I’m gonna go check on him. Save me a dance?”
“Of course!” Evelyn leaped for joy, and went to find a friend of hers to tell her of her supposed victory.
He rushed outside, fiddling with the ring box that his father had given him just in case he found the “right one.” It was so tempting to give it to Keefe, but with the amount of time it took to recognize his feelings, he wasn’t quite sure either of them were ready for such a big leap.
At last, he found Keefe, legs dangling from a sturdy tree branch. “Oh, you’re here,” he said coldly. His voice was almost apathetic.
Fitz’s eyes welled with tears, his mind a storm of emotions that he was sure Keefe could sense from the few feet that separated them. Fitz got a running start and climbed onto the branch beside his.
Keefe chanced a glance at him, and immediately wished he hadn’t. Fitz was silently crying, shoulders shaking, and gasping for air. Because of him. The angry facade slipped away and he climbed to the next branch to sit beside him and pull him into a side hug. Fitz leaned on his shoulders and took the tissue that Keefe offered. He cleaned his face up, but his eyes were still red and puffy, and he was sobbing without tears. 
Fitz reminisced about all the tragedies and battles they had fought in there years on this Earth, and yet nothing beat this. Keefe rocked him gently. “You ready to talk about it?”
He chuckled bitterly, but had take a gulp of air. “What is there to say?”
Keefe tugged slightly on the fairy lights in the tree and looked off into the distance, still rubbing circles onto his back consolingly. “A lot of things. Mainly us and.... where tonight is going?”
The hesitancy in his voice was blatant, and it frightened him. Despite it being a relatively cloudless night, Fitz was shivering. There were so things that could go wrong: his family looking down on him, his family’s image crumbling, the shame of a bad match, and a million other things that crashed and mixed with the other concerns swirling around in his mind, like a tropical storm transforming into a hurricane. 
Fitz tried to focus on Keefe’s expression and body language, to read him and see into his brain. No telepathy. That’s crossing the line. Instead, he focused on Keefe’s features, which were much more prominent in the moonlight. His expression was pained, and his eyes held the sorrow of trillions of widows and widowers alike. His hair practically glowed, and seemed more unruly than usual, like waves raging in a storm. There was a war going on in his mind, and he wasn’t strong enough to make it out alive. Not alone, at least. But still, Fitz needed to set the record straight - or rather not straight.
Impulsively, Fitz seized Keefe’s wrist and finds his vein. “Do you want me to call off the Gala? For you?”
“I-I don’t know what you mean.” Keefe tried to pull out of Fitz’s vice grip, but he held strong, still gentle enough not to hurt him. “Why would you it off? This is one of the biggest events of your life.”
Fitz sighed, his heart rate picking up. He was going to have to be blunt about it. “Do you like me? Romantically?”
“What? No!” he squeaked.
And his heart skipped three beats.
One for guilt. One for fear. And one like a held breath.
“You liar,” Fitz accused, but he said it with a breathy laugh, full of relief. Releasing his arm, he wrapped him in a tight hug and murmured into his shoulder. “I like you too, dummy.”
Keefe’s eyes were widened in surprise, and his response was rather delayed, but he hugged him back, resting his chin on top of Fitz’s head. “You couldn’t have given me a few hints?”
“I asked you to hold my hand!”
“Yeah, but you could’ve meant that platonically. Be more clear, Fitzy,” Keefe teased, pulling back a bit to boop his nose.
Fitz blushed furiously. They had reached the eye of the hurricane. It was calm. Safe. Serene. “Well, are you gonna kiss me or not, idi-”
Keefe didn’t wait for the end of the sentence as he tilted Fitz’s chin up and gently pressed their lips together. They grinned, but didn’t break the kiss. It was a picture perfect moment, something taken right from a fairytale. A tidbit from a could-have-been.
But it was over all too soon, and a gasp from just beyond them sent them tumbling into the storm once more. Fitz pulled away and his face went pale. He witnessed it. His father. Alden Vacker. Had witnessed him kissing his male best friend in a tree on the day of his Winnowing Gala.
“What is the meaning of this, Fitzroy?!”
“I can explain-”
“There is no explanation! You disgrace the Vacker name on a daily basis, why must you make it worse by playing these games?”
“Dad, it’s not a game-”
“It’s disgusting!”
“It’s LOVE, dad.”
“You’re fooling yourself! There are hundreds of girls ready to give you their everything and you waste your time with this blasphemy! This wouldn’t be happening if you’d just learn to control yourself.”
“I can’t control the way I feel!”
“You and I both know that’s not true. And you can still control how you act, just enough to save yourself and the rest of the Vackers the embarrassment!”
“Will you listen to me for once in your life?!” Fitz shouted. He was done with his father’s manipulation. “I am romantically attracted to Keefe. I like men. That’s the way I am, that’s the way I was born, that’s how I feel. I’m not in control of it, and I’m not going to accept any disrespect from anyone about this! Much less a lowlife like you!”
“You are not my son,” Alden spat, stomping his foot on the ground.
“And you aren’t welcome here,” Della snarled. Her jaw was clenched and it was clear she was about to go in for the kill. Edaline stood behind her supportively, looking just as deadly with a string of fairy lights coiled in her hands threateningly.
“Radelle, Eda, surely you see-”
“The only place you be seeing yourself is off of my property,” Della countered.  
Alden scoffed in disbelief. “I believe you mean OUR property, dear.”
“Then you forget who the Vacker name really belongs to.” Edaline handed Della the coil of fairy lights. “You take care of him, I’ll start sending the girls home.”
“Gladly,” Della said through clenched teeth, before turning to the boys. “You two can have a sleepover tonight, I’ll bake some treats. But remember, behave.” Fitz could’ve sworn he saw his mother wink before she forcefully escorted Alden out of Everglen. HIs mind was incapable of forming full thoughts.
“Sleepover, huh?” Keefe hopped down from the tree. “Sounds like we could cause some chaos.” Keefe opened his arms in expectation.
“First of all, do NOT make a mess in my room,” Fitz started. “Second of all, there’s no way I’m dropping down there. You won’t catch me.”
“Aw, come on, Fitzy. Aren’t relationships about trust?”
“Wait, so you’re comfortable with the label of ‘boyfriend’?”
“Yes, Fitzroy Avery, but that’s besides the point. I wanna carry you upstairs. Drop down and get on my back.”
Fitz cringed at the sound of his name, but dropped down anyway, clinging to Keefe’s back for his dear life. 
“Onwards!” He cheered as he gave Fitz a piggy back ride all the way to his room. ——————
Fitz smiled down at the boy relaxing in his lap, lovingly combing his fingers through the boy’s blonde locks. This must be what makes life so divine. This is what euphoria is. The little gems of life where you cherish others with every fiber of your being. This is happiness. He’s what I want. Keefe leaned towards Fitz’s touch, his mind clearing plagued by other thoughts. “What’s wrong?” Fitz asked. “And no beating around the bush. I want to know what’s really bothering you.” When Keefe didn’t talk, he added, “You’re going to have to open up sooner or later, babe. I don’t want to be left out of the circle. I want you to let me in.”
“You don’t want to know the storm growing inside of me,” Keefe rasped, blinking back a few tears. “It’s too dangerous. And I don’t want to risk losing you.”
His eyebrows furrowed and he smiled sadly. “Keefe, you could never lose me over sharing your thoughts and feelings. This relationship is a two-way street - you open up to me and I open up to you. And... we all have storms, they’re just a little different. Some people might have thunderstorms, while others have hurricanes, and some might just have some windy days. But that doesn’t invalidate it. A storm is a storm, and a problem is a problem, regardless of the size and severity.”
“Getting poetic, are we?” Keefe joked, before biting his lip. “Sorry. I guess it wouldn’t kill to tell you some things.”
“Take as long as you need to. You don’t have to tell me everything at once, if you’re not comfortable with it.”
Sighing, he gave himself a moment to collect his thoughts. “I... just hated being around them. I couldn’t stand the way they expected me to fit into this perfect mold, or their version of perfect.”
“I hated how they only talked to me when they thought I was doing something wrong, something shameful. They made me feel like my best wasn’t enough. So... I stopped trying my best. I stopped obeying their stupid rules, I stopped thinking about what others would think of me. I wanted to be imperfect, and I wanted to shove it in their faces. I pranked, I ditched, I did anything I could to defy them. I was tired of being the circus puppet, so I cut my strings and stole the show.”
Fitz remained silent for a moment, Keefe shifting uncomfortably in his lap. He went to get up, but Fitz placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. “Sounds like you’ve got quite the thunderstorm.”
Keefe scoffed. “More like a whirlpool. And I don’t want you to drown with me.” “It won’t get that far,” Fitz insisted, concern emitting from him in waves. “I won’t let it.”
“And what can you do to stop it, Fitzy? The tides are turning, and absolutely no one is strong enough to steer the ship away.”
“You don’t know that. Keefe, I need you to have hope.”
“I knew it was a bad idea saying anything.”
Keefe closed his eyes from the sudden exhaustion, using what little energy he had left to turn to Fitz. “Can you emote a little quieter? I know I’m the light of your life, but you don’t need to worry about me that much.”
Oh, it was a whirlpool alright. But not in the way that Keefe imagined. Fitz’s heart pounded like a marching drum, as he reached into his back pocket. 
Keefe opened an eye in mild curiosity. “What’re you doing?”
“Get up, I have something to offer.”
“Oh?” His mischievous smirk returned, the manner in which his eye was dazzling hinting how clever and evasive he thought he had been. “And what would that be?”
The sapphire on the ring, placed firmly in its royal blue velvet box, glimmered from the light of the chandelier, and Keefe practically stumbled back in shock.
Fitz roller his eyes amusedly. “I’m not proposing. Not yet, anyway. I’m making you a promise. A deal. And if you accept this ring, you agree to it.”
“Bribery, Avery dearest? I thought you were above that.”
Fitz’s lips twitched with the beginnings of a smile. “Think more negotiation.”
“Alright,” Keefe said, scooting closer in a criss cross position. “I’m listening.”
He took a deep breath before speaking up again. “Keefe, in giving you this ring, I am vowing to always be by your side, through thick and thin. I will respect your boundaries, and let you open up on your own time. I will let you in just as much as you let me in. I will express myself just like you do. I promise to be with you no matter the weather.”
“Then I’ll be your lighthouse in the darkness,” Keefe responded softly.
Fitz slipped the ring onto Keefe’s finger. To no one’s surprise, it was a perfect fit.  
“It looks good on you,” Fitz complimented before a realization flashed by his eyes. “But if you don’t like it, we can find another!”
“It’s perfect,” he reassured him. “You’re perfect.”
Fitz hid his face to cover his blush. “So you promise? Through turbulence and tranquility?”
They interlocked their fingers.
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rottmntquotes · 4 years
Out Of Commission
"Ooooohhhh yeeeeeaaaahhh! I can't believe Hueso allowed us to be the first ones to try his new pizza!"
A symphony of agreements was let out in response to Leo's cheer, followed by excited chanting as Hueso approached the table. Despite the cacophony the boys were creating, Hueso managed to fight back an annoyed sigh, setting his new pizza down on the table and watching as his best customers prepared to dig in. Before this could happen, however, Donnie got a call from April, who alerted them to a battle that was going on between two mutants in Central Park. Much to their dismay, the team was unable to gather the pizza to go, but Leo decided to take a slice and swallow it whole as they stood to leave.
"Can't let your kindness go to waste!" Leo shouted, stopping mid-run and turning around to swallow another slice. And another. And another. "Hueso, this pizza is super fucking good!"
"LEO! GET OVER HERE!" Raph ordered, huffing as Leo complained loudly. No more words were said afterwards, and the boys were gone in no time. Once they were finally gone, Hueso chuckled, gathering the remaining slices of pizza- which meant the two slices Leo was forced to leave -and taking them to the back to throw them away. Knowing that the pizza was good enough to feed any of the turtles was enough reassurance to Hueso that it would be good enough to feed everyone else.
"I swear to bob, if we have to deal with those ferret mutants one more time, I'm going to use my Ōdachi to dig my own grave."
"You said it brother."
"I hear that."
"Don't have to say that again..."
Calming silence followed the brief conversation, and the boys sat on the floor in the main atrium before deciding to break apart and go to their rooms. For the moment, none of the boys had enough energy to take showers, so they collectively decided that they would take care of those necessities in the morning. As bedtime came, everyone seemed fairly relaxed, and the night went by without a hitch.
At least, for everyone but Leo.
"Ugh... stupid stomach... why are you so upset?" Leo whined softly, curling in on himself and shuddering. Teeth chattered rapidly and low growling echoed through Leo's room, accompanied by soft whispers that made Leo's eyes shift constantly in search of the sources. At one point, Leo swore that he saw a small child run past his room, and it aroused a side of him that he didn't even know existed. Low growls turned into loud hissing, and Leo crawled onto the ground, stalking towards his room's archway on all fours. With every step, Leo became more and more tense, his body instinctively preparing itself for a scuffle. Once he was finally at the archway, Leo crouched down, going silent and waiting exactly six seconds before racing out of his room, screeching loudly and yelping as he fell off the ledge of the sewer.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?! WHO'S THERE?!" Raph roared, shooting out of his room with a pillow in his hand. Donnie and Mikey ran out of their rooms as well, holding a paint brush and a snow globe respectively. No sight of an intruder was found, and Raph started to think that they had all dreamed the same thing.
That is, until Leo let out a loud cry of pain.
"Leo!" Raph, Donnie, and Mikey shouted in unison, hopping down and circling around their blue loving brother to see what had happened. At close range, it could easily be seen that Leo had broken his left arm, and twisted his right ankle, explaining his pained cry. Donnie went to work effective immediately, helping Leo up and handing the Slider to Raph, following his brothers back onto the ledge and leading them to the lab. Leo was then sat down on Donnie's resident cot, being distracted by Raph and Mikey while Donnie got to work on setting and slinging Leo's injuries. Granted, Leo did attempt to bite and scratch Donnie with every bout of pain that appeared, but other than that everything turned out fine. After being patched up, Leo was left alone in the lab, having been given a few pain pills to keep him stable throughout the night. Unfortunately, Leo's insomnia chose to strike that night, leaving him unable to get a good night's sleep.
The next morning, Donnie walked into the lab to check on Leo, raising a brow as he caught his twin sitting in front of a wall and mumbling. Nonchalantly, Donnie walked up to Leo, crouching down and trying to decipher what Leo was saying. Despite the close range, Donnie was unable to understand his brother's words. With a hum, Donnie gasped with revelation, snapping and focusing his attention on attempting to use their ever-popular twin telepathy. It took a good while, but Donnie was finally able to enter his brother's psyche, humming in surprise at the strange sights he was met with.
Unlike the normal bright and beautiful landscape that his twin's mind usually harbored, Donnie found himself in the middle of a foggy and dark swamp. The sounds of bubbling sent shivers down Donnie's spine, and he groaned in distaste as he realized that he was standing in some sort of dark sludge. The vegetation around Donatello was rotten and crumbling, the sky was smothered in heavy clouds, and any sort of wildlife present let out terrifying screeches in place of their normal chirps, squeaks, and sweet sounds.
"Brother... what has happened to you...?" Donnie whispered, forcing himself through the thick sludge and using his limited sense of smell to try and search for his brother's scent. The task proved to be difficult thanks to the messed up atmosphere, but Donnie soon caught sight of Leo. Smiling, Donnie moved faster, eventually managing to get next to Leo. "Hey, what's going on here? Why is everything so messed up?"
Leo whimpered, turning to face Donnie with a deep frown. The sight alone was enough to make Donnie sick, and the feeling got worse as Leo opened his mouth to say something, only to fall forward and begin hurling violently. This was all it took to drive Donnie out of Leo's psyche, and the Softshell backed away from his twin with the trademark speed of his species. Loud panting seemed to be all Leo needed to stop his staring, and he groaned pathetically, falling forward and shaking. Donnie- being the scientist he was -went into doctor mode immediately, checking all of Leo's vitals and cursing under his breath as every one of the tests proved to be spiking aggressively.
"Leo? Leo, can you hear me? Leo!" Donnie shouted, drawing Leo close and cradling Leo until he stopped shaking. "Leo...? Are you okay?"
An eerie silence was what Donnie received, and he held back a concerned huff, lightly gripping Leo's jaw to turn his face forward. As soon as the duo made eye contact, Leo hissed, moving like a viper despite his injuries and biting down on Donnie's shoulder, clamping down hard enough to make sure that he stayed attached to Donnie's shoulder. Screams and cries of pain and terror rang through the lair, drawing in the rest of the family. Raph went into action as soon as he saw what was happening, using one of his claws to loosen Leo's grip.
"Mikey! I need you and dad to pull Leo back! And do it fast because I have no idea how long I can keep Leo's bite loose enough!" Mikey and Splinter nodded, racing forwards and tackling Leo back, holding him down and doing their best to ignore the bits of skin and scales that were caught between Leo's teeth. "Keep him down! I'll wrap Donnie up!"
"No! We will not be able to hold him down for that long! Raphael, I need you to go into my room and look under my bed! There is a box labeled with a dragon's tooth, and I need you to grab it and bring it!"
"But dad-"
"DO IT NOW!" Raph squeaked, racing off to do as told. In the meantime, Mikey was following Donnie's instructions on how to patch up the large injury, and Splinter was using every bit of strength in his tiny rat body to hold his son down. As much as it hurt Splinter to watch his son suffer like this, he knew that feeling sorry for Leonardo and trying to talk about things was not going to work. Thankfully, before Splinter could drift farther into his thoughts, Raph returned with the box, sliding it next to Splinter and panting. "Good. Now hold your brother down."
"Master Splinter, what's going on with him?" Raph asked, his heart nearly stopping as he finally took notice of Leo's rapid heartbeat. Splinter shook his head, admitting that he did not know, much to his dismay. Two more seconds passed, though they felt like two hours, and Splinter was not surprised by the gasps of shock that he earned when the boys saw what was harbored in the box.
"This muzzle and these bindings should be strong enough to keep Leonardo stable. They are made of the strongest and finest material known in the Hidden City, and I have been saving them for a time like this." Splinter explained, scooting close to Leo and using a finger to press down on a pressure point to put Leo to sleep. "I never wanted this to happen, but I knew that it was destined to. You boys are growing up, and your animal instincts mixed with the ooze in your blood was bound to become a normal part of your lives."
"Wait, are you saying that this is because of us growing up?" Mikey asked, watching with slight disgust as the muzzle was placed on Leo.
"I am saying that it is likely. But we cannot know that for sure. I learned many of the things about raising you as children from books, movies, and TV shows. But there is only one person who is able to tell us more about the ooze and how it affects the composition of those it mutates..."
"Ugh... are we going to go to Draxum's apartment?" Raph asked, catching the beaker that Mikey threw at him; much to Donnie's horror.
"Yes." Splinter confirmed with annoyance. "We are going to Draxum's apartment."
"So you are saying that he simply started to attack the purple one out of nowhere?"
"Yes, Barry. That's what we're saying."
Baron Draxum snorted, putting a fist up to his mouth and snickering softly. Splinter and Raph sneered at Draxum's reaction, holding back choice words and leaving Donnie and Mikey to themselves. At the moment, Donnie was instructed to sit down on Draxum's refurnished couch, resting and trying to keep himself calm despite the blood that was still beginning to pour out in generous amounts. Next to Donnie sat Mikey, who was attempting to cheer Donnie up by regaling tales that happened between him and Todd. On the floor lay Leo. No sounds came from Leo, even as his eyes stayed wide open. His pupils were dilated, breathing unsteady, and though he would make eye contact with his family regularly, they each swore that it was like he wasn't even looking at them; rather that he was looking through them.
"Draxum, when you are done with your childish behaviors, we would appreciate it very much if you helped us understand what is going on here." Splinter hissed through clenched teeth, throwing his ears back to convey his anger. Draxum chuckled one last time before clearing his throat, looking down at Leo and humming.
"I hate to disappoint you, Lou Jitsu, but I must admit that this is something I am unable to help you with." Draxum admitted, feeling an odd sense of... something at the sight of one of his creations being in such a state. "Unlike what you might want to believe, the things you have described to me are in no way, shape, or form related to my ooze. And do be reminded that I spent years studying both the ooze and turtle species before combining them."
"Well then what are we supposed to do?! Who could we possibly go to that knows enough about the mystic types to help us?!" Raph groaned, letting a tense quiet befall the group before a loud gasp resounded between them. "No..."
"Raphael, we must."
"But father, she has done so many awful things to us! How can we trust her to help?!"
"We cannot, Donatello, but unfortunately she is the only other one we can go to..."
"If that's the case, then I would like to go as well! Let me say hello to an old enemy." Draxum rubbed his hands together, smiling darkly as he did so. "Let us go and try to bargain with Big Mama..."
"Alright, you know what to do boys. Look for Big Mama, and when you see her, do not engage. Keep her in your sight and keep us updated on where she is so we can join you."
"Yes, father."
"Got it pops."
"We'll find her, dad."
Splinter frowned and watched his healthy sons fan out through the Hidden City, his ears swiveling to better pick up the sound of Leo's labored breathing. A mustard coloured plastron rose and fell with each of Leo's breaths, and quiet wheezing drove spikes of pain and sadness through Splinter's heart. A heavy hand fell on Splinter's shoulder, and he turned to look up at Draxum.
"Do not worry, Jitsu." Draxum started, sitting down and staring at Leo's stiff body. "While your children may be stubborn, and reckless, and irresponsible, and make stupid decisions, and-"
"Are you trying to make me feel better, or insult my sons for the next half hour?" Splinter interjected, glaring at Draxum sharply.
"Right, my apologies." Draxum then moved his hand from Splinter's shoulder to Leo's neck, showing a rare display of affection. "While they do have all of those things, they have many other positives that outweigh the negatives. They are each intelligent in their own ways, strong in their own ways, perseverant, caring, sympathetic, energetic, and so many other things! They are all of these things, and not because of themselves. They are all of these things because of you, Jitsu. You have done a wonderful job taking care of these boys, and there is no one else who could have possibly-"
"DAD! DRAXUM! YOU HAVE TO TAKE LEO HOME!" Raph's frantic screaming startled Splinter and Draxum out of their conversation, and they stood up abruptly. In one swift movement, Draxum picked Leo up, holding the young turtle close and keeping a tight grip on the blue clad mutant. The duo stood still, looking around for any movements that would signify that Big Mama or her goons were nearby. The atmosphere was tense, and it took only one mistimed step for Splinter to throw a kunai at a nearby alleyway, smirking at the sound of the blade hitting even the smallest bit of skin.
"Draxum! Take Leonardo to the Candy Store!" Splinter ordered, knowing that Draxum was aware of what the order meant. In a split second, Draxum raced away, not turning to watch Splinter take down Big Mama's goons with little to no effort.
"Do not worry, blue one. We will find some way to fix you." Draxum assured, stopping and hiding behind a thick buildup of brush. More wheezing came from Leo, leading Draxum to believe that Splinter may have fastened the muzzle too tight. Out of an unexpected bout of pity, Draxum loosened the muzzle without second thought, doing the same with the rest of Leo's bindings. As soon as Draxum loosed the bindings surrounding Leo's legs, the mutant turtle screeched, easily sliding out of his binds and pinning Draxum onto the ground. The action was enough to shock Draxum into fighting back, and he used a vine to throw Leo out of the brush, his ears falling flat against his face as he watched Leo race off into the Hidden City. "This is not going to end well..."
 Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here?
Leo panted and whimpered with every step as he raced through the Hidden City, shocking each citizen with the sight of seeing a teenaged turtle running past them on all fours.
 I have to find my family! Where are they?! Why aren't they with me?!
Blurry vision and terrible coordination accompanied Leo in his frantic search for his brothers and/or father(s), leading him to believe that he had been injected with some sort of virus or poison. Part of him didn't want to believe that he had been poisoned, as the last time he was poisoned he had caught on fire.
 Why is everything so weird?! I can't see anything right! Raph! Donnie! Mikey! Splinter! Draxum! Where are you?!
All of a sudden, Leo felt two hands wrap around his waist, and he screamed at the top of his lungs, taking the time that his enemy was shocked to attack. With a bite to his assailant's arm, Leo kicked the enemy back, returning to his search for familiar faces.
 Where are they?! Where is my family?! Where. Is. My-
"Well, lookie-lookie what we have here! My little champion turtley-boo!" Leo knew that voice, those words, that tone. It was Big Mama, but he couldn't see her! He could smell her, he could hear her, he could sense her presence, but all he saw was a blurry blob of lavender.
 Big Mama... oh-ho-ho, wait until I'm done with you! When I get my claws on you, I'm gonna-
"Gunna eat... dump the... and keep... you see the... GOT YA!" Leo fell forward, coughing and whining as he attempted to even out his breathing. "Brothers... eat... keep at... don't you... hope..."
"Oh, you poor thing! You seem to be more woozy-frazzled than normal!" Big Mama chimed, leaning over to boop Leo's nose. A weak bite was sent in Big Mama's way, followed by a wheezy hiss. "And here I thought you were smarter and stronger than this."
 I am! You awful Yokai! I'm not so weak that I can't fight you!
Leo gave another weak hiss, trying his best to push himself up. When he failed, Leo started to sob, taking notice of how weak his body had truly become. He didn't feel anything, he couldn't see anything, and his body was beginning to give up on him. Whatever this was, it was attacking Leo with a vengeance, and wasn't looking to give up until Leo was dead.
"Hmm, I must say that I am beginning to feel a bit of pity for you." Big Mama admitted, patting a finger on her chin as if thinking intensely. "Hey! I have an idea! What if I were to help you? I could help nurse you back to help, and in turn-"
"NO! No... don't... coin... flip..." Leo spat through his tears. Big Mama shook her head in disapproval, booping Leo's nose once more.
"Let Big Mama finish." The disguised Yokai then smirked deviously. "Now, I will help you, and in turn... you will fight in my Battle Nexus for the next year. You will be in my debt, and you will not be allowed to have your family help, or see your family without permission."
"Would... die..." Leo ground out, high pitched whimpers becoming more and more audible. "Rather... would... death..."
"I'm sure you would, young one." Big Mama giggled. "But I don't think your family would enjoy that very much."
 No... don't do this...
"Just think, how would your brothers feel?" Big Mama hummed, putting her hands on her hips. "And your father, and your close friends? I'm sure none of them would be very pleased. Now, of course, none of them would be jumping up and diddly-down when they find out about the deal, but at least you'd be alive! To make it sweeter, I may just make it so that you can see your family twice a month for 12 hours each time! How does that sound?"
"Don't... can't..." Leo stopped, thinking over Big Mama's words and grimacing at how awful the truth was. "...Okay..."
"Good boy! Now, let us go and get you fixed up! Can't have a weak champion now, can we?" On any other day, the word Champion would have made Leo's heart soar, but now it just seemed like a mockery. The sound of grunting was followed by Leo feeling his body being lifted up. He had no strength to fight back, so he did nothing more than let himself be carried to Big Mama's Battle Nexus.
And, dear Pizza Supreme...
A nap really sounded good right now.
So, yeah; I realize that I left out the others after the second third of the fic, but I couldn't really think of anything to use them for that wouldn't end with the whole "Family getting back together and learning a lesson about love and acceptance" trope. That would have completely ruined the original intention of ambiguity for the ending, so I shall leave it up to you to determine how they react/respond to learning about this deal.
*It took me a while to realize that I didn’t make it clear what was affecting Leo. In short, he has Belladonna (Nightshade) poisoning, and it was contracted by a new ingredient in Hueso’s pizza that was mixed in with the pizza sauce. The side effects were displayed throughout the fic, and trust me when I say that it took some time to think of how it would effect him - what with him being a mutant turtle with human DNA and all.
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
Twisted Wonderland// Yandere! Heartslabyul//
Again, had lots of help from my lovely discord group. Please bear in mind that this post may be edited once the game is released.
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Riddle Roseheart
Riddle is a very sadistic yandere with certain possessive qualities. He wants you at his beck and call, to please him in every way he that he desires. In Riddle's disturbed standpoint you are a pretty little rose, all alone and wilting in the big bad world. You need someone to protect you and care for you, who better than him?
The redhead has an untamable fixation with seeing you in pain. Round amaranth love bites littering your neck. Purple rings with yellow blotches scattered over your wrists and thighs. Seeing the hope shattering in agonizing pain in your exquisite glistening eyes, is nothing less than pure bliss for him. 
"Do not anger me (Y/N)..."
Riddle will let go off on your own from time to time. He doesn't care where you go or who you go with. He knows that he's marked you well, surly nobody would dare and attempt to steal Night Raven's self-proclaimed "Queen of Heart's" darling? Further so would anyone be so utterly foolish as to even interact with his love? No one would ever interact with you, sunning you and isolating you. 
At the end of the day no matter where you go, you'll have no choice but to return to the only person that acknowledges your existence. Sure Riddle is a cruel lover... but he's all you have. 
Time won't change how rough Riddle is, yet he somehow learns to show his affection in other manners as well. Kissing you more slowly, passionately, lovingly even. He'll dress you each morning in lavish dresses finer than those of true royalty. Always in shades of royal red, white and black. Gold necklaces hang from your slender neck,  aureate bracelets hug your scarred wrists. Practically everything is in heart patterns. non-broken, unlike your own.
"...Or it's OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"
This is love, it's the only way Riddle know to show his unwavering affection for you. At first, you may not appreciate him, call him a monster, cold-hearted. But soon, very soon you shall cherish me as he does you.
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Ace Trappola
Ace is an extremely obsessive yandere with some delusional tendencies sprinkled on top. He'll constantly follow you around, without your knowledge. Stalk you where ever you go. No, no stalking is such an ugly word for it, Ace is simply making sure no trouble will befall onto you. 
He'll go to certain extream measures to learn all there is to know about you.  Breaking into your room while you sleep, looking through your notebooks and journals. Lord forbid he ever find your diary or you'll never get it back. 
Soon Ace will randomly pop up where ever you are, he'll start up conversations as if your long lost buddies, never noticing the frightened look in your eyes when he let's too much information slip. How on earth does he know these things? You've never recounted them to anybody. 
"Oh (Y/N)..."
One vile night, It becomes deathly apparent how he's obtained such personal details about your life. 
You wake to a chill running loose in your room, the window is wide open. You'd closed it before going to bed hadn't you? Reluctantly leaving the warmth of your bed, you marched up to the nuisance slamming it shut. "You're being a little hash there, darling, don't you think?"
You turn around shaking, petrified, who had broken into your room? Where they a robber, a rapist, a murderer. The voice let out a soft chuckle. "What's the matter Cheshire cat got your tongue?" 
it was meant to be a simple joke, something to ease the morbid situation. 
"Wh-who's there," you ask, hands grabbing your forearms, nails digging into your tender flesh.  "Don't be so scared, it's just me." The stranger approached moonlight hitting his face, to reveal ahead of messy marmalade hair, vivid red eyes and a blood-red heart plastered over his left eye. "Ace..?" his name is nothing more than a breathless whimper. Your back hits the icy cold window, trapped you think to yourself, locked away with this psycho. Ace simply approached trapping you in between himself and the glass. His nose bumped against the skin of your neck, inhaling your musty scent. 
His tongue ran a long strip over the sensitive patch of skin, mouth soon following in sloppy kisses and painful love bites. "Ace stop..please!" would begging get to him? make him see how uncomfortable and violated you where? It didn't, that was the first night Ace took you, leaving you shaking and whimpering. His seed covering your stomach as you laid there and cried. There were many more night like this, each ending in the oranged haired boys pleasure and your agony. 
" I love you so much!"
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is the sneaky kind of yandere. The boy who seems perfect, everything you could have ever dreamed of. He was sweet and caring always putting your desires in front of his own. Almost like a gift sent directly from heaven...you couldn't have been more wrong.
Deuce will give you the illusion of a "normal boyfriend." A perfect boyfriend even. However, the truth of the matter is, he's gaining your trust and devotion, attempting to rearrange your life to solely rely on him. He'll provide you with every little thing that you need. Showering you with lavish gifts.
He'll spoil you until you have devoted your life completely to him. When he finally has you, his loving darling in his grasp, his true nature will soon show.
"You belong to me.."
Deuce refuses to let you out of his sight. You can't leave the dorm without him. It's for your safety he'll reassure you relentlessly. You do desperately try to believe him, surely he must be aware of some form of danger lurking within the school corridors?
As time goes on do become wholly dependent on the blue-haired boy. You come to fear the outside world and all it's hidden "dangers". Never doing anything without  Deuce being present. To him, this is exactly as it should be you are his utterly and completely.
"Your mind, your body, your soul it's all mine."
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Trey Clover
Trey is a possessive obsessive mix. He doesn't like being parted from you. He constantly wants your attention. When your attention shifts for even a split second, Trey can become somewhat aggressive. You're his, why where you looking at someone else?
Trey has two affective methods of punishment; humiliation and pain. Standard humiliation consists of handcuffing you and making you walk around with him. Showing all who shall see you, how vulnerable and defenseless you truly are.
As for pain goes, Trey has nothing against physical torment. He might tie you up and carve images into your tender flesh. Or he might just toss you over his knee and give you a good spanking.
"Everything will be alright (y/n)..."
Much like Riddle, Trey will choose every outfit you were, every meal you eat and any place you go to.
Your outfit is always elaborate, yet display every wound Trey has ever marked you with.  Tall elegant heals, flowy princess-like dresses, charming jewels and hair always done like that of a doll's.
Your meals are meant to keep you healthy and in shape - despite what minimal exercise you get- Trey tries to keep you in good health, just so there won't be any need to visit some pesky doctor. One who'll ask too many questions and won't be satisfied with the answers their given.
The greened haired man mostly tries to keep you indoors away from others who might distract you. When you are permitted to go outside, Trey normally tries to take you to places where only his friends and their darlings are kept. They understand him, they know what it feels like to love someone as much as he does.
"...I'm here now, I'm all that you need."
Additionally, Trey is very dominant in bed. He enjoys the sight of you begged and wiggling under him. However, if you have certain kinks or want to try something new, he'll gladly accept.
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Cater Diamond
Cater is a difficult yandere, he fully believes that the two of you are thoroughly in love. This he uses as an excuse to keep you locked up. Yet in the rare occasions when you are permitted to leave the house. Cater will be on the lookout for anyone giving you unwanted attention.  
He's extremely temperamental and will not hesitate to get into physical fights over someone staring at you. When these "events" occur, he'll go back to locking you in his dorm. It's a vicious cycle controlled by an emotionally unstable psycho.
"You love me..."
One night you accidentally walked in on him tormenting some guy who had smiled at you whilst you two took a stroll in the park. Cater held a red-stained knife to the man's jugular. He pushed the glistening alloy to steal deeper and deeper. Blood oozed out of the would dripping down onto his clothes.
An ear-piercing noise filled the quiet night. It's that poor man you thought as cold wet tears tumbled from your wide eyes. Yet when you looked closer the man's mouth was closed head dangling to the side in an unnatural position.
Your capture's head slowly turned in your direction, cruel smile being panted over by a shocked expression. "(Y/N)?" he muttered confused. How had he known you were standing there? Was it you who had screamed? It must have been...
"Whoops, doll you weren't supposed to know about this."
He seemed so casual about it, speaking of murder as simply as tea time chitchat. He didn't regret what he'd done, had he? No, he only regretted you catching him in the act.
"It's too late to be up (Y/N), let's go back to bed."
Stepping closer he tried to gently grab your limp hand. The second the warm liquid coating his palms came into contact with your flesh. You jerked your hand away, clutching it tightly to your chest. You felt violated and dirty, was there any of that vile substance on your hand? The mere thought made you shutter.
The orange-haired man didn't take that well. He gripped your shoulders, stubby nails digging into you skink through the light material of your sleepwear. He started shaking you like a snow globe. You shut your eyes, dizziness, and nausea creeping there way into your head and stomach. When he finally stopped you felt numb, if his hands were to leave their positions you'd surely fall onto the cold hard ground. "Let's go back to bed, we can erm talk in the morning okay?" You nod through the skull shattering pain in your head as you allow yourself to be carried back to his bedroom and laid on the plush mattress. You didn't want to talk about it tomorrow, you didn't want to wake up tomorrow at all, you simply wanted this hellish nightmare to end.
"....Right (Y/N)?"
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astra-knights · 6 years
Crashing Seas: Aphmau AU
Word length: 3900+
Summary: Ever since the early death of Mermaid Queen Rachel, King Derek of Atlantis shuts out anything from the Mainland and forbids interaction for the safety of his home. His eldest daughter Melissa has other plans and strives to discover more about the world she is forbidden to see with her brother, Aaron, and many of her closest friends. When she happens to meet a beautiful Mainlander girl named Lucinda, would Melissa risk all she’s known to know more about this girl and her world, or is she doomed to fail?
Note: This is based loosely on the Little Mermaid Disney film with unique twists and character changes, I hope you all enjoy! If you’d like to be added to the tag list, send me an ask or a dm <3
Tag List: @ptsdaaron
Chapter One: Breaking from the Wreckage
 Melissa was laying on her seabed, staring out the open hole of her bedroom. She was waiting for the sun to rise high enough to light the waters she lived in. She had her arm under her head, her brown hair floating around her. She was getting anxious, that was one of the reasons why she was awake before the sun touched the seafloor. She wanted to go scavenging again, and today was the best day for several weeks. Being the crowned princess was a pain, Melissa had to take extra classes, do extra public events, and have less time to herself compared to her younger brother Aaron. Even though they were two years apart, they couldn’t be more different. Melissa was excitable and adventurous, often the one getting caught in trouble out of the pair. Aaron was quiet and reserved, he knew how to not get caught. Despite the differences, they pulled a lot of adventures together. Their proudest adventures were scavenges from sunken Mainlander ships, finding new and interesting gadgets that they knew nothing about as Merpeople but were fun nonetheless. The two siblings loved their scavenges since it gave them a reason to get closer together. Ever since their mother died, their father had become distant and cold to them, so they relied on each other to keep afloat.
Sunlight broke through the water, fracturing in beams across the pale seafloor; the water went from a deep blue to a green-teal right before Melissa’s eyes. She smiled. She swam out of bed and went across the room to Aaron, shaking his shoulder rather aggressively, she whispered, “Aaron! Aaron wake up!”
Aaron whined, stretching a bit. He turned over and opened his eyes a sliver, the deep ruby color shadowed by his lashes, “Whhaaattt?”
“We need to leave, now!” Melissa said with excited urgency, “We’ll only get a few hours!”
Aaron rubbed his eyes, yawning, “What time is it?”
“Sunlight just touched,” Melissa replied.
“Sweet Irene, Melissa, how long were you awake?” he asked, sitting up.
Melissa hesitated.
Aaron looked at her, his face showed concern. “Were you thinking about Mom again?”
Melissa didn’t say anything, which only confirmed Aaron’s concern. She changed the subject, “Anyway! I saw this old wreck the other day over by the ravine, it’s close to falling in. We should head there first.”
“I, um,” Aaron didn’t want the subject to change quite yet. He didn’t like that whenever their mother was mentioned, everyone shut down on him. He had questions, he was missing some pieces, and no one will give him any. But he decided to leave it for now and he said, “Alright. Lead the way.”
Melissa grinned and swam over to the open window, looking over her shoulder to make sure Aaron was following. Melissa led the way to the ravine, careful not too swim too fast since Aaron tended to lag behind as he got lost in his thoughts. The swim to the ravine was far from any of the outside villages so they didn’t have to hide from the curious eyes of their people. Their father, King Derek, kept them on a tight leash ever since their mother died so it was rare to see the royal siblings out for a swim on their own without supervision. So, to keep their father from hearing about their adventures, they traveled early and away from anyone who could see them.
They arrived at the mouth of the ravine, Melissa stopped a little over the lip and looked for the ship. The ship was broken in half, the front of the ship was lost to the ravine, but the back of the ship sat balanced on a ledge several meters down into the ravine. The sunlight exposed the ship’s golden accents that would have been hidden in the darkness otherwise, that’s how Melissa found it. She smiled when she saw it, her whole body felt tingly with excitement as to what they would find down there. Aaron swam up next to her, he looked down at the broken, barely stable wreck of a ship and said, “Tell me you’re not serious.”
“Oh come on, Aaron,” Melissa said with a grin, “Live a little.”
She swam down towards the ship, Aaron followed with, “If I die I’m blaming you.”
Melissa was too excited to listen to her brother’s concern as she entered the large hole of the ship. She looked around the dim area, awed by the curious environment. She couldn’t name the objects around her like the globe, the astrolabe, the chart of the stars, the pens and ink wells, they were all foreign to her, but they were so interesting. Melissa approached the astrolabe first, it rested on a desk with an overturned chair nearby. She picked it up, turning it over in her hands as Aaron went over to the shelves. He picked up a small snow globe, though he didn’t know what it was. He shook it and watched the small flakes of fake snow float around, settling down on the plastic snow covered houses.
“Hey Aaron, check it out!”
He turned and saw Melissa looking through the astrolabe’s scope, she was smiling at him. She could see his face clearly, especially the amused look he gave her as he said, “You’re a child.”
“I prefer an adult that knows how to have fun,” she said with a grin. She lowered the scope, “What did you find?”
“Some—uh,” Aaron waved the snow globe around, showing it’s floating snow, “glass, ball, thing. It’s cool.”
“Oh!” Melissa said as she swam over to inspect it. She shook the snow globe vigorously, watching the blizzard of fake snow swirl around, “Awesome. We’ll have to take it to Dante, along with this thingy,” she said, holding up the astrolabe.
Melissa looked around for a bag or a crate to put the stuff in as Aaron moved over to the globe in the corner, he spun it around and watched it lazily as he said, “You know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about right? He doesn’t actually know anything.”
“He knows more than you,” Melissa defended, “He had a childhood friend on the mainland, he showed Dante all sorts of cool gadgets.”
“Ah yes, the boy with white hair,” Aaron said with a scoff, crossing his arms, “That doesn’t sound made-up.”
Melissa sighed as she over turned an open wooden crate, placing the astrolabe and the snow globe inside before picking it up, she turned to look at her brother. Aaron was playing with the globe, spinning it and stopping it before spinning it and stopping it again. Something was eating at him, that was obvious. Melissa swam over with the crate, she rested it on her hip and said, “Do you know where we are?”
“Not really.”
“We’re right,” Melissa spun the globe a bit before finding their home. Her finger tip covered part of the large tip of the Mainland and she slid it down a few degrees and stopping, “here.”
“How’d you know?”
“Mom showed me,” she said.
Aaron looked at Melissa, “We had one of these?”
“Not really, Mom found one and showed it to me,” Melissa said, “I think it’s a globe, if I’m remembering right. I think Dad got rid of it after she—” Melissa stopped herself.
Aaron looked over at his sister. Now was his chance. He swallowed and said, “What happened to her?”
Melissa didn’t reply. She turned away from the globe and said, “Let’s find some other things to bring to Dante.”
Aaron got upset and spun around towards Melissa as she packed the crate with other trinkets, “Why won’t anyone tell me anything? I’m not a child any more than you are!”
“It’s not important Aaron, just drop it,” Melissa said.
“It’s not fair!” Aaron shouted, “Why won’t you tell me anything? Why do you keep having nightmares about Mom? Why do you go out of your way to find these—these pieces of junk, when you know Dad hates it?”
“This isn’t junk, Aaron, they’re part of entire world!” Melissa defended, “An entire world we know nothing about! How can we just ignore them when bits of their culture are falling into our home every day?! You can’t expect our people to just ignore it.”
“So we go against our father, the king of Atlantis, to prove a point?” Aaron said, crossing his arms and leaning against a beam on the ship. “That’s a bit childish for the future queen of Atlantis.”
“Oh whatever, I won’t be queen for decades,” Melissa said, “And until then I’m going to do whatever the hell I want,” she turned and grinned at Aaron, “with my partner in crime.”
Aaron rolled his eyes, a tug of a smile on his face, “You’re not winning me over with that lame title.”
“Would you prefer…Double Trouble?” Melissa said with a growing grin.
“Don’t make it worse.”
“Couple of Dudes.”
“Please stop.”
“Beauty and the Beast.”
“Now you’re just insulting yourself.”
Melissa busted a lung laughing, she had to grab onto the nearby shelf for support. Aaron began to laugh at his sister’s hysteric laughing. Their relationship had its tensions, as many relationships did, and they always seemed to bounce back. But no amount of teasing and subject changes would stop the growing tension between the two.
When the laughter died down, Melissa said, “C’mon, grab more stuff.”
Aaron swam to the other side of the room to grab more trinkets, he grabbed a few before swimming back to his sister and putting them in. Once Melissa was satisfied with their haul, they left the wreck and swam out of the ravine. A few hours had passed while they were down there, so they were running low on time before they had to do royal obligations for the day. Melissa looked around cautiously before she said, “Hurry, let’s go to Dante.”
Melissa led the way to Dante’s cove located closer to the Mainland shores. Aaron followed after her, watching her with mild upset. He couldn’t help but kick himself for being so easily persuaded to change the subject he wanted to talk about for years. He knew that the Mainlanders were responsible and that her death was the reason for the ban of Mainlander interaction and objects, but there was more to it. He could feel it, he could see it in his sister’s eyes and his father’s cold shoulder, there was something he was missing, and it was his right to know. She was his mother too. He could feel his bond with his sister growing thinner and thinner the more she avoided his questions and changed the subject. He felt torn between knowing the truth, and keeping his best friend. He had no idea what to do.
Melissa swam to the mouth of Dante’s cove before stopping, she called inside, “Dante! You home?”
There was a clatter and a crash from inside followed by Dante’s voice echoing through the cove, “You scared me Princess, come on in.”
Melissa led the way into the cove and Aaron lagged behind. Dante’s cove wasn’t his home but it might as well be. It was a secret cove that was full of Mainlander trinkets and tools like hammers, screws, wrenches, clogs, and other bits of things. He liked messing around with Mainlander items to see how they worked and functioned. Since he was young he always had a fascination these types of objects, and then King Derek banned anything from the Mainland, so Dante moved to a secret cove. The only reason Melissa and Aaron knew about it was because Melissa wanted to know about the objects they found, and Dante was suggested. They had an agreement, keep Dante’s cove a secret and he’ll give any knowledge he could about any objects the siblings find.
Dante was swimming around his cove, rushing to tidy up his messy workspace with pulled apart objects and such. He pushed a crate onto one of the ridges in the cove as he looked over his shoulder to see Melissa and Aaron enter, “Ah, there you are. Sorry about the mess.”
“Is it messier than usual?” Aaron asked, looking around, “I didn’t notice.”
Melissa gave her brother a look as Dante swam down to them, he noticed the crate and put his hands together, “More goodies for me?”
“Sort of,” Melissa said, “Mind taking a look?”
“Anything for you Princess,” Dante said with a smile, “Put it on my desk.”
Dante led the way to his work bench, Melissa eagerly following. Aaron kept a few feet away, arms crossed, but his eyes on Dante and Melissa. Melissa put the crate down on his work bench and leaned on the table with excitement as Dante rifled through the objects in the crate. He pulled out the snow globe Aaron found and examined it, first the miniature snow-covered buildings and then tilting to look at the base. When he saw the floating snow, he shook up the globe and watched the fake snow fly around. He smiled, “I know this, it’s a snow globe. My old friend Travis showed me one when I was a kid.”
“Is that the guy with white hair or is this a totally new ‘friend’?” Aaron asked.
“Aaron,” Melissa warned as she gave him a look.
“May I remind you that you have a friend with bright red hair?” Dante said, “And my hair color isn’t exactly normal either.”
“Oh, so white hair is totally plausible then?” Aaron said, sarcastically.
“Absolutely,” Dante said with a tight smile, making Aaron roll his eyes. He added, “Careful, you keep doing that and your pretty eyes will get stuck there.”
Aaron glared at him and Melissa stepped in, “Aaron don’t be a jerk. If you’re going to be trouble, then watch the entrance.”
Aaron felt hurt that his sister didn’t take his side and he tensed up before he backed down and mumbled, “I’ll stay.”
Melissa nodded with vindication before she returned her attention to Dante, she leaned forward, “Go on, tell me more.”
Dante smiled at her and picked out something, the astrolabe Melissa was looking through earlier. He said, “Ah, beautiful,” Melissa smiled, excited to Dante put a name to the object she found. He looked it over and said, “This…this is a, uh,” Dante glanced at Melissa’s excited expression and felt a bit of guilt before he said, “This is obviously a…Scope…ilizer. Yeah, Scopeilizer.”
Melissa beamed at the name as Aaron snorted and said, “Yeah, that’s a real name.”
“Aaron!” Melissa scolded, glaring at him.
“Oh come on, that was totally a fake name,” Aaron argued, “He hesitated!”
“I just, forgot for a bit,” Dante defended, digging himself deeper into the lie he was building, “But it came to me in the end.”
“Thanks so much Dante,” Melissa said to him with a smile, “You have no idea what this means to me, to us. You telling me about these objects, helps me understand the Mainlanders more.”
Dante smiled a bit, “Anytime, Princess.”
“Alright Aaron, swim along we’re leaving now,” Melissa said as she picked up the astrolabe and the snow globe, “You can keep the rest of the stuff Dante.”
“Very kind of you Princess, swim safe,” Dante said as Melissa swam towards the mouth of the cove.
Aaron hesitated, staring at Dante with both annoyance and confusion. Aaron was curious about his motives, what reason did he have to lie? And rather poorly too.
“Aaron! Come on!”
Aaron left the cove and swam after Melissa, who had waited for him. As they swam back towards the palace, Aaron said, “We’re cutting it close, aren’t we?”
“Don’t worry so much, we’ll make it,” Melissa said.
“But our cove—”
“Don’t worry about the stuff now, we’ll just hide it in our room for the night,” she said.
“It’ll be fine Aaron, trust me.”
Aaron didn’t trust her, especially with the very thing that could cause their father to burst into hellish flames. Aaron held his tongue, though he didn’t like it. They swam into their window and Melissa hid the items under her bed quickly as the door opened, revealing their father’s personal advisor.
“Morning Ein,” Aaron greeted, eyeing his very suspiciously acting sister.
Ein was the son of the former advisor to the king, and with his father’s recent retirement Ein was made the new advisor. He was good at his job and the siblings enjoyed having someone they grew up with in charge of their everyday life, rather than a bitter old man. Ein rested his hands behind his back casually and greeted, “Prince Aaron, Princess…Melissa?”
Surprised by Ein’s presence, Melissa slammed the top of her head on the base of her bed as she tried to get out. Ein had an amused smile on his face as Melissa showed herself out from underneath the bed, she smiled sheepishly and said, “Ein! How are you?”
“After that, much better,” Ein replied with a cheeky grin.
“If our father giving you trouble again?” Aaron asked as Melissa straightened.
“You know it’s illegal to talk bad about the king.”
“Since when?” Melissa asked.
“Since both my job and family pride are on the line,” Ein said with a small smile. “Either way, your father wishes to see you both before we start our schedule for today.” He waved towards the doorway, “Shall we?”
Ein led the way down the hallway as Melissa and Aaron followed. Melissa whispered to Aaron, “What do you think Dad wants to talk to us about?”
“Probably your terrible table manners.”
Melissa elbowed him, “Be serious.”
“I am.”
Melissa hit him, making Aaron’s teasing grin grow. Ein stopped at their father’s throne room and he said, “Here we are.” Both siblings straightened immediately in attention as Ein opened the doors and said, “Your highness, I present your daughter Melissa, and your son Aaron.”
Melissa entered first, followed by Aaron. Their father had his back to them, hands clasped. The two siblings could feel the rising tensions in the room, Aaron swallowed nervously. Their father said, “Thank you Ein, that will be all.”
Ein closed the door and they were left alone with their father. Derek turned to face his children, his face was sunken with the grief of losing his wife for many years and the isolation he caused because of it. He looked at his children as if he was seeing them for the first time, they looked a lot older than he remembered. When did they stop being so young? Melissa felt the awkward tension building and decided to speak, “Good morning father,” Derek looked at her, “Did you sleep well?”
“No,” came his blunt reply, “No I did not.” Melissa felt tenser now. Derek said, “I didn’t call you here for pleasantries. I called you two here to tell you, that from now on you two will be in separate rooms.”
“What?” Melissa said with sudden surprise, forgetting her place, “Why?”
“You need to focus on your preparations to take on the throne,” Derek said, “I want you to be ready when the time comes.”
“Which won’t be for several decades!” Melissa argued, “Father, please—”
“This isn’t up to discussion,” Derek said harshly, “You’re lucky I’m even telling you beforehand. Ein convinced me to on your behalf.”
“Father, please, we need each other,” Melissa said, desperate. She needed Aaron in her life, she wouldn’t survive otherwise; she couldn’t handle feeling alone. “I need him.”
“He’s holding you back,” Derek said. “My decision is final. Aaron, you are to move your belongings to a room on the other side of the palace—”
“You are not to visit her during her lessons, you are not to distract her from her duties as the future queen, do I make myself clear?”
Melissa looked at Aaron, wanting him desperately to say no, to tell their father off. But Aaron’s face was blank, he had shut himself down emotionally. He responded, “Yes, sir.”
“Aaron,” Melissa said, hurt by his betrayal, “Aaron, no.” She turned to Derek, “Father please don’t do this. We’re all that’s left for each other.”
“We’re done here,” Derek said as he turned his back on his children once again. “Ein! Take my children to their room, have Aaron pack and prepare Melissa for her lessons.”
Ein entered at the call of his name and after hearing his instructions, Ein replied, “Of course, sir.”
Melissa wanted to scream, shout, cry, something. But all she could do was glare at her father’s back with frustration and anger. Ein led them out of the room and back to their own. Aaron began to pack his belongings numbly, slowly, while Melissa sat on her bed in quiet thought and Ein stood out in the hallway. After a few moments of heavy silence, Melissa said, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Aaron said, “What would I have said? He seemed pretty set on everything.”
“You could have backed me up,” Melissa said, “Actually show your support for me for once.”
“Are you serious right now?” Aaron said, “I’m literally leaving to go to the other side of the castle and never see you again, and you wanna start a fight?”
Melissa sighed, hanging her head. She couldn’t fathom being alone in this hell of a castle without her best friend by her side constantly. She didn’t want to be alone. Who would she talk to late at night? Who would help her with her lessons? Who would keep her secret with her? Who could replace someone like Aaron in her life? She didn’t mean to start crying and she sniffled, wiping her nose, “No, no, sorry. I just…I don’t want to lose you Aaron.”
Aaron had stopped packing, he hesitated before he said, “You won’t lose me Mel. You couldn’t if you tried.”
Melissa looked up at him and smiled. Aaron smiled a bit back, Melissa swam over to him and hugged him tight. Aaron held onto her, he was afraid of losing her just as much as she was of losing him. It was then that Melissa was struck with a wonderful, and very bad idea. She pulled away and whispered to him, “We should go see a Mainlander ship. A real one! Tonight, after sundown!”
Aaron was confused, “Wait, what?”
“You should come to me since I’ll be more guarded after my argument with father,” Melissa said, beginning to brainstorm. “We should bring Dante along too!”
“Wait, wait, Melissa—”
“No, no, you’re right, too many people involved,” Melissa said, “It’ll be us two, a duo mission.”
“Melissa hold on,” Aaron said, finally getting her attention, “It’s one thing scavenging a wrecked Mainlander ship for trinkets, but going to a live one? With Mainlanders on it? With spears?”
“Aaron you worry too much! We’ll be careful, we’re always careful,” Melissa said. She took his hands and said, “Please, Aaron, one final mission for us as a team. Our biggest plot yet. We’ll just watch, no interaction.”
Aaron hesitated, this had “bad idea” written allover it, like a majority of Melissa’s ideas. But the pleading look in Melissa’s eyes made him reconsider it. This was going to be the last fun thing Melissa would be doing for a while, and the last fun thing Aaron would do with his best friend at his side. He tightened his grip on her hands with assurance before nodding firmly, “Alright. Let’s find ourselves a ship.”
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