#i need to repost anything tagged with gender neutral immediately
linonyang · 5 months
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pairing: non-idol!vernon & gender-neutral!reader
genre: fluff, college au
warnings: none
word count: 0.4k words
synopsis: forget about being unnoticed, there is someone who knows you to the bone anyway.
tag list: @awooghan @cosmic-railwayxo (join the taglist here!)
note: hello... i am back again. here is my svt fic debut ig bc i've been itching to write for svt too! consider this as a preview of the vernon long fic that i've been writing bc this blog would definitely be drier than before if i leave it like this as i finish it LMAO will definitely write more svt drabbles soon!
© linonyang - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
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I know you—how easy would it be to hear that from someone with the most genuine and gentle voice?
Sometimes, even if you’ve known them for years, they still don’t know you to the bone. Even with your regular routine every day, they still wouldn’t remember and be able to predict your next move. It never stayed in their minds.
Things like that made you think about something—was it that easy for people not to be interested in you? Was there anything about you that could pull someone’s attention? Was there anything indifferent about you? 
“You’re gonna grab some coffee later, right?”
You haven’t told anyone about that. To be fair, you always buy coffee. You bet your habit is something insignificant—not worth anyone remembering. You’re more used to being the organization's coffee addict. You’re more used to that instead of hearing someone remember that you’re yet to buy coffee.
But who are you to expect? Someone like Vernon would keep that in mind. You often forget that he’ll always be there to know you so well. You don’t need to doubt that he might even know you more than you know about yourself.
You smile, all thoughts from earlier washing away. As always, you have someone you can trust who will ground you back. Someone as observant as him would be impossible to find because he’s the most attentive person you know. You don’t even need to find someone else like that.
“You know me so well.”
Vernon scratches the back of his neck and chuckles. He already noticed that you’ve been spacing out frequently in the past hour, so he immediately knew you hadn’t gotten your daily cup of iced mocha. 
He can’t help but giggle at how you acknowledge his desire to love you this way. It makes his cheeks red and his palms sweaty.
You didn’t need to know, but he always found you to be the most exciting and fascinating person he had ever met. And to this day, he often feels his cheeks getting warm whenever you reach for his hands and blabber anything. You also didn’t need to know that you’ve been giving him this effect for long.
It’s an effect that he never thought of treating anyway.
He’d rather know everything about every minuscule about you and keep you in his arms to not see any doubt. After all, he knows you’d tease him endlessly if he told you about his weakness because of you.
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spiderceo · 7 months
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− ⌗ vaudeville vows pt.2 ⊹.∿
summary; alastor shows up to ruin your evening in his own fun little way.
tags; gender-neutral reader, reader can play piano and sing, reader gets used to alastor surprisingly fast and he (definitely) doesn’t like that, sugary sweet manipulation, scopophobia (fear of being watched or stared at), alastor’s stupid mangled body
word count; 2.2k
pairing; alastor x reader
a/n; i plan to make chapters longer in the future so hopefully you enjoy that kind of thing. i also have proof-read this. as usual, reposts are greatly appreciated <3
tag list; @chewbrry @zatrinaxxx
master post | part one
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Days passed since your first encounter with Alastor. He hadn’t shown his face again in your apartment which you were extremely happy for. But even though he wasn’t there physically, there was always this awful feeling of being watched no matter where you went. It was that bad that you struggled to even go for a shower or get changed for work in the mornings.
The whole while this was happening, you couldn’t shake the idea of the demon’s proposal. The allure of fame and fortune continued to tug at your thoughts every time you passed by your piano. The instrument now served as a reminder of what you could have had. Having someone like Alastor to guide you to your full potential would mean you could have so many great things. It was a tantalising dream that seemed just out of reach.
The days turned into weeks and still you remained steadfast in your decision against accepting the deal. Life had gone back to normal and the staring had reduced in its intensity. Whenever you got home from work, you managed to sit down at your piano and get some practice in. Part of you wanted to prove you didn’t need to make a deal with a demon to achieve what you wanted.
However, fate works in mysterious ways and we don’t always get what we want.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the city was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, you found yourself lost in your music once more. The melody flowed smoothly from your fingertips, weaving a tapestry of sound that filled the room with warmth and light. You sung along quietly with a content smile on your face. This had been your calmest night by far, until an awful feeling washed over you.
A chill ran down your spine as you looked around the room. The sensation of hundreds of little eyes watching you made your skin crawl as the temperature dropped. The lights in your apartment dimmed and flickered and your hands shakily slid away from the piano keys. Your eyes landed on a dark corner of the room where a lanky shadow stood. Eyes with a familiar shade of carmine pierced your soul and you couldn’t help but keep your body completely still.
He hadn’t moved from his spot, just tilted his head as if to tell you to continue what you were doing. If he hadn’t been a scary looking creature that wanted your soul, you probably would have found this gesture cute. Alastor’s eyes carried a look of amusement in them as he waited for you to do something.
Should you continue playing? Is that what he wanted?
You carefully turned your back to him and felt your hands tremble as they went back to their positions on the piano. With uncertainty, you pressed the keys and began to play a different song from before. This one was a bit more well known despite it’s age, and had also featured a lot in your grandad’s record collection.
‘Anything Goes’ by Cole Porter.
The beginning of the tune rung out and was immediately halted by Alastor’s presence reappearing on your left. “My dear musician,” he addressed you as if you were old friends, his voice exaggerated as always. “Your playing is splendid, but I feel that something is missing.”
You tensed at his words, unsure of what he meant. Before you could respond, Alastor took a step forward with his wicked grin becoming slightly smaller — he looked less like he was straining. This was how his expression usually sat, you guessed. But smiling constantly must be painful, right? Perhaps demons didn’t feel that type of pain.
“Why don’t you sing with me, my dear?” his gaze never left yours as you could feel your heart ready to beat out of your chest. A mix of excitement and trepidation coursed through your veins at the thought of singing with Alastor. Sharing a duet with a devil wasn’t something you got to do everyday. “Sing with you?” you queried, not quite sure if he was joking or not behind that talk-show voice of his. The idea of the duet was both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. Sharing the stage with a demonic being was definitely something you could tell the grandkids one day.
“Why, of course! I wouldn’t pass up the chance to perform with a talent such as yourself, now would I?” Alastor sure knew how to sweet talk his way into getting what he wanted. You glanced at the piano, its keys beckoning you to return your hands to them. You knew you couldn’t resist this time, and decided it wouldn’t hurt to entertain Alastor just this once.
With a weary smile, you began to play once more, letting the melody of the song flow with effortless grace. And as you finished the intro, your voice began to accompany your playing. It was trembling, unlike when you were alone. Alastor’s overbearing presence was making it hard to focus on the words. It wasn’t until radio crackles filled the room and more instruments joined in. Along with them came the demon’s familiar accented voice.
Your singing quietened as you listened to the creature sing. His voice was pleasing to the ear and with the added effect of a vintage radio, it reminded you of home — listening to your grandad’s records play as you ran around his garden and he sat in his rocking chair on the porch. The pleasant memories brought a bigger smile to your face as you forgot all about the fact that who you were singing with was trying to capture your soul.
For a moment, you and Alastor were united in a devil’s duet. Your singing was more confident as the demon leaned against your piano casually. Even when he sung, his toothy smile never ceased. And as the music eventually faded back to static, you met his gaze that was just as oppressive as it had always been. A glimmer of approval appeared in them as he moved to pace behind you. You turned to watch him as his boots clicked against the floor and he twirled a cane behind his back.
“Marvellous, my dear! Simply marvellous!” he praised, coming to a stop and stretching his arms out wide with great exaggeration (You hadn’t noticed just how lanky his limbs were until now). His tone was dripping with satisfaction and you couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pride at the fact you had impressed him. Your subconscious was whispering to you that maybe taking his deal wouldn’t be so bad if these were the emotions you got out of it. It had been so long since you showed your music to anyone and his reaction was slowly pulling you towards his clutches.
As you pondered your next move, Alastor’s stare was unwavering. He had moved into a more relaxed position with his arms back behind him, still holding that cane of his. The demon’s presence was a reminder of the choice that lay before you. No matter what choice you made, there was always the certainty that Alastor would continue to be a pest in your life. If you refused his deal then there was nothing stopping him from sticking around until you finally caved or he came up with another proposition.
Exhaustion hit you like a brick wall when your eyes caught sight of the clock on the wall. It was almost two in the morning and you had work later in the day. You groaned and made a move to get up. “Leaving so soon?” the demon didn’t sound the least bit concerned about where you were going. His tone hinted at a secret plan to simply annoy you.
“The night is still young and I’d like another song.” Alastor requested, switching places with you. He now sat at your piano while you stood glaring at him through half-lidded eyes. “I need to get ready for bed,” you sighed, desperately trying to find words as to not offend him. Having an angry demon on your hands sounded worse than giving away your soul at the moment. “I have an early start tomorrow.” you tried to justify yourself.
Instead of a response, Alastor simply slipped away into shadows. You stared confused at the spot where he once sat. That was odd…not a single goodbye or comment. You tried not to linger on it too much and left to do your nightly routine.
The fluorescent light in your bathroom made a light buzzing sound as you turned it on. The tiles were cold on your feet as you shuffled in and grabbed your toothbrush. You knew you were alone now but that all familiar feeling of being watched remained persistent. Glancing nervously in the mirror, you half-expected to see Alastor’s sinister grin staring back at you. All that appeared, however, was your own tired visage which donned bags under its eyes.
After you finished, you left the bathroom and immediately went to change. You grabbed the first set of pyjamas out your drawers and slipped into them with haste. Crawling into bed, you made yourself comfortable and turned out the lamp on your side table. You tried to ignore the creaks of the floorboards and the uncharacteristic cold in the room but it was bothering you too much.
“Still awake there?” came Alastor’s voice from somewhere in the room. You rolled face first into one of your pillows sleepily. You knew he hadn’t left altogether. “Go away, Alastor,” your voice was muffled by fabric as you willed it not to shake. He still made you uneasy but you could manage it as long as you didn’t look him in the eye. “I just want to sleep.” you squeezed your eyes shut tighter and mentally hoped he would take the hint and go.
But Alastor was tenacious, his laughter that filled the room was accompanied by a faint laugh track. “But where’s the fun in that?” he teased, his voice coming from multiple directions at once. “Surely you wouldn’t deny me the pleasure of your company?”
You grit your teeth. Trying to ignore him was almost impossible as his voice bounced off the walls of your room. You tried to block out the sound with your pillow but even that did nothing to muffle it. No matter how hard you tried, sleep remained elusive as your new pest continued to ask you numerous questions purely for his own entertainment.
His insidious whispers penetrated your mind, you could feel them twisting and coiling like serpents, their venomous words seeping into every crevice of your consciousness. With a surge of frustration and fear, you bolted upright, your gaze fixating on the ghastly figure perched at the foot of your bed.
His form was twisted and contorted, limbs elongated and skeletal, like some grotesque parody of the human form. Antlers sprouted from his skull, their jagged points piercing through the walls and ceiling of your room. The glow of his eyes illuminated the darkness, casting an unearthly green hue that seemed to dance with malevolent intent as radio dials ticked within them.
But it was his grin that sent a shiver down your spine, a macabre smile stitched together with glowing green threads that threatened to unravel at any moment. Each stitch seemed to pulse with a sickly light, as if straining against the weight of the demon’s own malevolence.
You narrowed your eyes, your resolve hardening in the face of his unsettling presence. You craved sleep more than anything and if it meant scolding a demon to get it, then so be it. Despite the fear gnawing at the edges of your mind, you refused to cower before this twisted abomination. Your voice was filled with steely determination as you met his gaze and spoke.
“Leave me alone, Alastor.” you commanded, your tone ringing with defiance. The dead serious expression on your face was almost laughable. For a moment, Alastor’s smile faltered and his form shrunk down. A low chuckle crackled from his chest as he disappeared into the darkness, leaving your alone with only the memory of what you saw.
Now that he was gone, you let out the gasping breath you didn’t realise you were holding in. You tried to steady your racing heart as you placed a hand to your chest. With trembling hands, you reached for the lamp on your bedside table, casting a warm glow across the room that banished the shadows to the corners. But even in the soft light, you couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that clung to the air like a suffocating fog.
As you lay back against the pillows, exhaustion weighing heavy on your limbs, you couldn’t help but wonder: Was this only a temporary reprieve? The idea left a nagging sense of dread that picked away at your conscious. If he was like this now, you hated to see what he would pull later on. A demon like him was hound to have more tricks up his sleeve than just shapeshifting.
You were baffled that he even listened to you. Something told you that he was limited to what he could and couldn’t do without a contract between you both. You knew he could probably cause you physical harm given the way he could interact with your environment. So maybe it wasn’t what he could do to you, but rather how much time he had with you. You pushed the thoughts aside for the night and pulled yourself back under the covers.
Lingering fear aside, sleep eventually claimed you, dragging you down into the depths of unconsciousness where dreams and nightmares intertwined in a tangled web of darkness.
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azullumi · 1 year
can I request Scaramouche with a much taller reader? Reader would tease him a lot about the height difference but makes it up with a kiss at the end?
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details — oh god, how much he hates and loves you at the same time.
pairing — scaramouche/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship ; headcanons/scenario
words — 588
note — rather short (just like him) also this reminds me of the poem: “i hope im not killed for the crime of being small” and i couldn’t take it seriously 🧍‍♀️
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there’s a saying, or just a random declaration that he had heard from someone, that shorter people has a preference for taller ones and vice-versa. although, he couldn’t say that the same applies to him—i mean, you may be taller than him but that isn’t what made him adore you.
your height may be a prominent factor in your features, one that captured his attention at first, but that’s not the reason why he was drawn into you—however, one thing’s for sure, it’s not the teasing that made him fall in love with you.
“how’s the weather down there?” you jeer, lips forming a cocky smile as you tilt your head down to meet his gaze. a simple roll of the eye and a scoff was all you got as a response from him.
he doesn’t mind the occasional taunting you give him, even finding it amusing at some times and responding to it. when he’s not in the mood, however, he’s just silent and doesn’t respond to any of your remarks and that’s your only cue needed to not poke in any further.
banters are one thing that often happens between you and him and at this point, it’s just your love language for one another.
“you have a lot of anger for someone small, is that your way of making up for the lack of it?”
although once things start to heat up and take a turn for the worse, you know when to stop and end it—you know how bad his temper can be. you make it up to him in the end, though.
“okay, okay, i’ll stop now.” you say, hands up on both sides of your head as a sign of your surrender. it was evident that scaramouche was starting to get pissed off by now from the fact that he was starting to become less responsive to you, and right now, he is quiet. “hey, are you mad?”
silence ensued between you two which only confirmed your thoughts and so, you only have one thing left to do.
bending down for a bit, your distance between one another closing on immediately as you pressed your lips sweetly on his own—it doesn’t take much for him to kiss back. you could feel him relax as his breathing became more steady and his shoulders slumped. your hands came up to tangle in his locks and sharply tug on his hair, eliciting a groan from him before he bites your bottom lip in revenge.
god, you’re so cheeky and annoying.
although your teasings aren’t just limited to words only. sometimes, it is done through actions such as having essential or daily needs being placed much higher than usual in your home or just the simple act of tiptoeing and making yourself taller as he tries to kiss you—frustrated, he’ll end up grabbing you by your collar and pulling you down.
“why am i even with you?” a question that he asked himself, voice low and close to a whisper but you still managed to hear him. a smile tugged on the corners of your mouth and you answered, softly, “because you love me.”
right, he loves you, that was all the answer he needed. he loves you for what you are and not the features that compose your appearance but he does adore them—whether it be the birthmarks adorning your skin or the smoothness of your voice.
with you, he can be anything, and at this moment, he just wants to exist in your arms.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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iceunhie · 8 months
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» content: writing, engaging, rambles, asks, etc. the whole shebang
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➣ my writing consists of a horrendous mix of gender neutral/genderless readers, with the occasional female reader on the side that will, rest assured, be appropriately tagged as such; my work is meant for any orientation to enjoy! i also refer to my readers as either [name] or y/n.
➣ spoilers in any of my content will be marked and shown appropriately!!
➣ most of my work isn't proofread and capitalization isn't consistent, so sorry for that 😞😞
➣ my fics will occasionally feature grammatical errors and proofreading mistakes as well as dubious wording (☠️) as english is not my first language. pls bear with that T_T
➣ my readers often have a little bit of a personality in them! ill add random quirks and small details (habits, jobs and goals) about them that helps contribute with their dynamic/plot with the character. they may not be targeted to the audience most of the time, so i do hope you can still enjoy my work </3
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guys (gn) go ham in my inbox, ily /pos i apologize in advance if i end up capslocking everytime
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show-your-fangs · 1 year
HIIII! I love your work, and I’ve recently came out as genderfluid and I was wondering if you’d be open to writing a fic about reader coming out as gender-fluid to Aaron? Lots of fluff and comfort lol 😂 if not totally fine. thanks! 💖
oh i love this. thank you for requesting it baby. hope you enjoy this cuteness! (it ended up turning into coming out to the entire team idk how or why but i love them and they love you)
i do apologize for using a such a cliché situation to get the ball rolling, but i think reader needed a little push to tell him and ids are always so fucking daunting to me.
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Pairing: BAU x genderfluid!Reader x Aaron Hotchner
Words: 1.7k
CW: nothing, just fluff and discussions of gender.
Tags/warnings: coming out, the team being absolutely lovely, aaron being very kind, gentle, accommodating, reader wears a binder one time.
a/n: gender is such a wild thing. if you're reading this i want you to know that i'm so proud of you. much like sexuality, it isn't linear, it's a journey and it's okay if you feel like everything, like nothing, like one or the other -- your identity is valid and so are you.
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“Make sure you go up to the eighth floor to get your new IDs before the end of the day,” Hotch told everyone before he exited the room. 
It was ten in the morning and there was no new case, so after a short briefing to catch him up on what consultations everyone was working on at the moment, the BAU Unit Chief swiftly returned to his office. 
Everyone else started to shuffle out after him, back to the bullpen and their own exhausting tasks. But that was the job, and you all loved it too much to let the boring paperwork days like this one dampen the exciting, fulfilling, and thrilling ones out on the field. 
But you didn’t move, you couldn’t move as his words echoed in your mind. 
The task was simple. And yet for you it was daunting. 
Penelope’s words still circled in your mind. She had told you a week ago when the request came through that she could easily hack into the Bureau’s database and edit the information on your badge for you. That no one would ever know, that it would just already be there when you got it. 
But you’d told her you didn’t want to get her in trouble, that you would go talk to Hotch about it, finally. But then you’d been whisked away on a case and you honestly used it as an excuse to cower and not say anything.
Everyone except Hotch knew at that point.
Penelope had been the first to figure it out since you’d changed your displayed pronouns on your private social media and being the chronically online lady she was, she clocked the change immediately. 
She’d confronted you about it the next day and you let out an incredibly long sigh of relief when she told you how proud of you she was. There was no need to confirm it, displaying something on social media was as good as telling it to her personally. 
JJ and Emily were stunned to walk into the bullpen so early to an overly excited Penelope practically squeezing the life out of you. Before you could even tell her to stop, she turned around to tell them the news when they asked what was going on. 
It was only after they had both been shocked so strongly they didn’t need a cup of coffee to wake them up, smiled brightly and given you just as much attention as Penelope just had, that you told the chipper blonde that you weren’t sure you were ready to tell everyone quite yet. She’d been apologizing profusely ever since, hence the proposal to hack into the FBI to make it up to you. 
The four of you kept that secret tightly to your chests for a few weeks. You’d been using more gender neutral language at the office regardless, so it was easy to stay true to yourself, as much as gender neutrality allowed, while also not making how you actually wanted to be addressed a big thing.  
It wasn’t until the handsome incident that you finally told Reid. You’d decided to wear a binder that day to finally wear a sweater vest you’d been obsessing over for the past few days. You felt beautiful, confident—
“Well, good morning handsome,” Emily’s voice made your cheeks flush. You couldn’t reply, couldn’t do anything other than hide away as she giggled at your reaction. No one had called you handsome before, and you feared it might’ve been too much.
You finally noticed him when you sat at your desk, your cheeks still flushed. Spencer was staring at you, brows furrowed and confusion plastered all over his face. It was as though he was noticing too many things all at once and he didn’t know how they all came together to provide the answer he was looking for. 
And so, just to spare the poor Doctor’s genius brain, you told him. It took him approximately three minutes coming up with a system. There was no reaction, no follow up questions, nothing but acceptance and call to action. 
It had taken him that long because he didn’t want to just do the gender coded pink and blue. He’d settled on black for when you were feeling more like a girl, black for when you were feeling more like a boy, and silver for when you were feeling like neither. 
The next day he presented you with dainty bow pins that you could easily clip to your clothes or even your hair if you really wanted to. You wrapped him up in a tight hug, one that he didn’t shy away from, reciprocating it for as long as you needed.
You never had to tell Morgan. You’d gotten used to the girls using gender neutral language when they spoke about you and so when Morgan started to do it, you didn’t catch onto it right away. But when you finally did, your eyes widening and the realization sinking into your bones, he simply winked at you and continued speaking.
The most daunting had been Rossi. It had been the day before and was still fresh in your mind. It was the first day you started to wear the little ribbons Spencer had made for you. Silver for your first day, you were easing into it after all. 
Everyone who was in on it knew what it meant immediately, but to Rossi unfortunately, your ribbon meant someone had died. He pointed it out in the kitchen, offering his condolences and whatever support you may need. 
It was sweet, so sweet in fact that he was suggesting taking some time off. There was no other way to explain it other than to come clean, and so you did.
You explained it all, every question that he could’ve easily googled, every perception that he had from his generation and how he grew up. You ended up talking for a while and it was nice to actually have someone so determined to understand, to make sure they weren’t being ignorant or accidentally using language absentmindedly. 
Which is why you needed to rip the bandaid now, needed to tell Hotch how you were feeling before you found another excuse to bide your time. 
You knocked on Hotch’s office door softly, almost too softly as it took him a second to look up at you. 
“Yes?” He asked then, closing the case file in front of him to show you, you had his whole attention. 
You stepped into the room then, gently closing the door behind you and he frowned in confusion for a split second. You didn’t lock the door, it wasn’t like that, and it seemed to alleviate some of the confusion he was feeling. 
“I…um…” you sat down in front of him, fiddling with your fingers. Somehow it had been easy to tell everyone else, even if it had been scary. 
But with him? You didn’t even know where to start. 
“I wanted to know if…if it was possible to have them remake my ID?” You started, hoping that you could find your voice if you talked about something physical, tangible, something that transcended you. 
“Is there a problem with the information you provided?” He asked plainly. 
“It’s not so much a problem as it is a…contradiction?” He sat back in his chair, clearly not having enough information to reply to you, so he allowed you to continue.
You straightened, looked him in the eye and pretended like you were the most confident person in the world, just enough to get you through this conversation.
“I’m not a woman, I’m not a man— I mean at least not all the time,” slowly but surely the gears started to click into place in his head. “And so I was wondering if there was a way to…reflect that on my new ID.”
He was silent for a long minute, the most anxiety inducing minute of your life. But then he leaned forward, resting his arms on the desk between the two of you. 
“I am…unbelievably sorry if I’ve been accidentally misgendering you,” he started, genuine emotion in his oftentimes stoic eyes. You immediately shook your head, your own hand reaching out to hold his without so much as a second thought.
“Hotch, you’re okay,” you squeezed, neither of you ever even flinching or finding the physical contact weird. He’d always been affectionate with you, and you…well you were affectionate with everyone so he didn’t think you had noticed. But you had, and you made sure to let him know through the smallest of gestures. 
“Is there anything we can do?” He asked and it was your turn to look confused. “Around the office, to accommodate you.”
You smiled brightly. He was so sweet, so kind and caring and gentle, always looking out for his team, for his friends, for you. 
You told him about how everyone else had been super accommodating, how your color coded system with Spencer worked, how Rossi had sent you a million screenshots of articles and stories and even asked if he could come to Pride with you.
He smiled a few times, snickered a couple and it made you heart swell each time. You didn’t know why you’d been so apprehensive about telling him, about letting him know how you were feeling.
Maybe it was because his opinion mattered so much to you, maybe it was because you were scared of the minuscule percentage of possibility that he could react badly, maybe it was because it would’ve broken your heart if he had.
But none of it mattered now. He had reacted perfectly, like you knew he would, and with his hand still in yours, he called HR to request your new badge be edited, with your permission to talk about your situation. 
You could not remember a time when you had felt so understood, so accepted, so loved. He had reminded you that there were no such things as silly requests. He’d do anything to make you feel comfortable, anything to make you feel like you could exist happy and healthy, anything to let you know that you were safe and that he’d move heaven and earth to make it so. 
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my sweet babies are so freaking cute i love them sm
tags: @canuck-eh, @ssamorganhotchner, @ssaspencerreidswife
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svnarin · 8 months
⊹˚₊‧ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒
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જ. this is a sfw blog that writes for hq, bllk, l&ds, and hsr and is not spoiler-free. this may be a sfw blog but dni with me if you are 14 and below. also, please do keep in mind that some of my works might have suggestive undertones.
જ. my works are either for fem or gender-neutral readers. i still genuinely try to cater to my readers but keep in mind that i usually write for myself with myself in mind when thinking about how “the reader” in my x reader works will think, act, or deal with the following scenarios that i use in my works. but appearance-wise, rest assured that i will not be putting anything specific such as skin color, hair color, eye color, etc.
જ. english is not my first language. i personally think i am still not good with punctuation as well, so if you want to correct that or my grammar, please do so nicely!
જ. the only platform i post my works in is tumblr and tumblr only. repost, modification, and translation of my works on any platforms are strictly prohibited! you are also not allowed to use my work in any AI stuff either.
જ. i do not have a regular posting schedule so expect some inconsistency. i also ramble from time to time, so if you are bothered by that, you can just block the tag ⋆.˚ 𝐲𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠
જ. if you want to request something, please look into my request rules underneath these general rules first!
જ. blank blogs will be immediately blocked. i will need you to put some indication on your blog that you are not a bot.
જ. my ask box is always open, but please refrain from venting, trauma dumping, and sending me weird stuff, or else you will be blocked immediately.
જ. do not ask me to be your mutual. and if i soft/hard blocked you, that just simply means that you made me uncomfortable.
જ. and for the love of god, DO NOT INTERACT if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, support israel, and someone who follows the other basic dni criteria.
જ. i write fics, drabbles, headcanons, and smaus! it can be fluff, angst, or hurt/comfort! and sfw requests only! requesting nsfw content is prohibited.
જ. i only write for fem or gender-neutral readers, and if you do not specify which of the two, i will be the one to decide if i would make it fem or gender-neutral.
જ. please be polite and start the ask with some sort of greeting! ask nicely and do not demand.
જ. keep your request short and simple but do not forget to add which character you want me to write and the scenario/prompt that you want me to work with!
characters i write for atm: (hq) suna rintarou, kita shinsuke; (bllk) isagi yoichi, nagi seishiro, karasu tabito, sae itoshi, rin itoshi; (l&ds) xavier
જ. i am not comfortable or confident in writing anything that talks about death, personal problems, self-harm, and any that centers around specific mental or physical health conditions, so please do not request any of that. i also do not accept requests that include excessive gore, torture, abuse, someone's death, pregnancies, heavy angst, yandere, and character x character.
જ. some requests might take a while for me to get done, so please be patient with me! and remember, i am not obligated to write your request.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
The idea of spending low-key chill time with Capitano has been on my mind a lot recently. I struggle a lot with socialisation and I think he'd be someone who really understands and empathises and takes all the proper steps to make sure those he cares about are comfortable around him.
rambling below the cut :3
content: gender neutral reader, described as physically smaller than Capitano (because he's actually unnaturally massive in my mind), pre-established platonic relationship, general platonic fluff and some light physical affection
Capitano is almost always happy to engage in some form of low-key socialisation, he has no real expectations to meet and will just go along with whatever you like. His favourite pastimes include playing strategy-based board games (he handily trounces most people, but he might go a little easier on you if you pout enough) and poring over the war-maps sprawled out on the table in his study (complete with itty bitty figurines) while you're sitting at his desk or curled up on the couch in the corner. He also quite likes when you tag along to his morning exercises, and may teach you some of the tai-chi routines he goes through. If you ask politely, he may find a way to incorporate you into his routine, whether that be having you spot him as he lifts weights, or sit on his back as he does press-ups. He can also bench press a vast majority of people thanks to his inhuman strength - do with that information what you will.
If you need someone to listen to you rant or a shoulder to cry on, he's there. If you need someone to distract you with impressive stories, he's got about a million of them. If you just want to climb up into someone's lap and curl up there, his arms are already open and chin tilted up so you can tuck yourself up close to his chest as he wraps his big arms around you with the perfect amount of pressure.
A lot of people don't give him much of a chance because they think that he's not much good for anything outside of a fight, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He's brilliant at reading the body language of others, and secretly really enjoys being able to protect and look after people in ways that aren't explicitly violent. Behind his intimidating appearance (and somewhat gruesome history), he's really just a big mama bear. He's soft spoken and kind and always in tune to how his loved ones are feeling.
Cap can be a stickler for keeping up appearances though, and may sometimes come off as something that borders on indifferent if you're in a public setting (especially around his soldiers), but that doesn't mean he isn't subconsciously doing things to protect you, like positioning himself subtly between you and any immediate threats (or just someone you've said makes you uncomfortable), or giving death glares to anyone who seems to be irritating you in the slightest. It's like having your own personal body guard.
All in all, he really is a good guy (when he's not busy) and can be such a delight to spend time with if you're someone who needs a more low-energy kind of interaction in your day to day life.
Please don't copy, steal, repost or otherwise plagarise my work!
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thehighladywrites · 8 months
⌞ Hi, guyss! Please read this byf! ⌝
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rules .ᐟ
∿ if u don’t wanna see nsfw works, do not interact with me or my content. This is a nsfw blog and will have 18+ posts. All nsfw will be marked with a warning before
∿ if you’re gonna hate on anon, I will delete your ask immediately bc we don’t entertain losers over here :)
∿ do not, for the love of god, rush me. Please, I am a full time student and I do this as a hobby. I also work and have other things outside of tumblr. There have been some anons that rush/are straight up rude about an ask. If you’re curious and are nice, I’ll answer you ofc💗
∿ You are more than welcome to hit me up and talk about anything really, I just will not respond to gossip, trash talking etc.
∿ do not copy or repost my work elsewhere.
∿ If my reqs are closed, please do not send anything in because I’m already busy with other reqs. My inbox will be open when I’m done. But feel free to send in thirsts and links for characters👀
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what i write/ don’t write .ᐟ
∿ I don’t write: incest, scat, anything regarding pro ana/pro ed, vore, piss, heavy degradation, age play, super heavy angst with no fluffy ending, r*pe/SA, anything dead dove related basically, oh and also not for canonically evil characters like erawan, the autumn king, maeve, king of hybern, mahito’s ugly ass etc.
∿ I do write: fluff, smut, angst, some dark content such as: stalking, kidnapping, manipulation but nothing too graphic and deep.
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keep in mind .ᐟ
∿ If you think I’m ignoring your request, I promise you I’m not. I just need time to come up with a plot and then write it down and all that. It may take time, but I get it done :) also, i won’t be able to write every single req bc i sometimes don’t feel it would be written nicely by me.
∿ If i’m writing my fics, I usually write for fem reader and it will always be tagged and stated. I’m more comfortable this way and it’s easier for me. My smau’s/hc’s will generally be gender neutral unless stated otherwise
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gisellecnz · 3 months
🌷 BETTER READ RULES FIRST! Please don't skip as some rules are important.
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Hi!! If you want to be tagged in posts just ask me directly in dms
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• you are of basic dni criteria - racist, homophobic etc.
• if you like incest - INCEST is just a big NO for me. Please block me right away if you have incest as your kink/or you write incest fics. I don't want to see any of those.
• you are haters about my works - please keep your comments to yourself.
• you subpost - I don't subpost, but if I see any of you subpost about me I will block you immediately. I don't like starting arguments, but there are chances that I will most likely respond back to your subposts.
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• I am currently writing only about Jujutsu kaisen and Gojo only–I might do other characters like geto, but I'm still not used to others like nanami, ino, toji and etc. I am scared to write about a character who I am not used to yet and would put things they most likely won't do or act 😭. -> But do not worry, I can also do other fandoms too in the future and not just JJK. I currently have watched 51 animes (approximately), if you wanna see, I'll drop a link soon. And I also play genshin and love&deepspace!
• as from what was said on my pin earlier, I do not write NSFW fics and most of my works are female centered. (But I also do gender neutral reader sometimes)
-> actually maybe I can do very very slight NSFW for smau, but I just don't do pure NSFW fics or smaus
• I mainly write fluff, crack, angst.
-> I DON'T WRITE: nsfw, bimbo reader, dark content (rape, INCEST, stepcest, non/dubcon etc.)
• it feels kinda wrong to write something yk? 😭 so expect my fics to be very (not very) ✨virtuous✨ (like the character and reader would have segs only if they get married blablabla)
• my askbox is open for suggestions! (please let me know if you can't access it) I'll be happy to know about your thoughts. I can also do SMAU requests.
-> (Hello, little reminder here 😭 I'll only accept requests about gojo, and geto maybe. As from what I said earlier I'm not used to other characters yet.) (You can also try requesting about genshin. But uh, I'm actually kinda missing out on a lot, like Fontaine. So I don't really know about some new updates and I might do the new characters inaccurately.)
• please don't ask me to write for specific traits for the reader. (Anything that would change the readers appearance is not allowed, example: skin tone, hair type, etc. ) I want my fics to be open for different kinds of readers. The only thing I will accept is about height. Some of my fics show that the reader is shorter or taller than the character.
• I do not allow my works getting reposted or translated in any other platforms other than tumblr.
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• I do not like getting called by vulgar things like slut, whore, and etc.
• Please be respectful. I do not want to be involved in a fight or argument.
• please do not bring discourse to my askbox.
• Please do not spam like my posts without reblogging!
• I follow others rules, but if I somehow come up with same ideas from other authors, (like in writing a fic) it's just a coincidence. Please, I promise you guys I don't copy.
• I don't really share personal info in socmed. So please try to refrain asking my personal info 😭
• I get my pictures and headers in PINTEREST. And my dividers from accounts that share dividers. (Idk what they're called) I do not steal others dividers, and headers and their pictures.
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And lastly, I don't accept plagiarism. I don't even need to explain. (I don't know where to put this.)
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If you skipped reading the rules and only went after the masterlist only, then I don't know what to do 😭 But if you ever come interacting with me and did something that was against my rules, then don't come whining that you didn't know about it. There is a reason why I put the rules before allowing everyone to go to my masterlist immediately. But, to those who actually did read my rules, thank you so much for putting an effort on reading 💗 Here is the masterlist, happy reading! 𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤
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infranthrax · 7 months
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please take the time to read my guidelines before sending in a request. this post may change in terms of new boundaries, events, request statuses, and so on.
all first to know information can be found here.
UPDATED :: 28/3/2024
my requests are currently: open
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file contents
i will only write for my listed fandoms found in the memory bank.
for any and all requests, please allow me a maximum of five days to complete them. however, i do have jurisdiction over what i want to write versus what i dont want to write. (i have a job. that’s why i ask this.)
do not spam my inbox. this is self explanatory. if i see a repeat ask, i will automatically delete which ask is newest. this is also in regard to chain asks, such as “send this to a blog/person that x,y,z.” as an extension, please do not give me likebombs as this is known to hurt engagement over a vast majority of platforms.
if a specific gender/sex of the reader isn’t specified, i will automatically assume it to be gender neutral. this extends to headcanons as well.
i will not write oc x canon, though i can write canon x canon and reader x canon. oc x canon may be reserved for commissions only.
attaching to the previous bullet, i will not write the following topics: sh/unaliving or childbirth (general,) scat/urination fetishes, pet play, tickle play, or agere when used in a fetishized context. (smut.)
when reblogging, please do not use my personalized tags to reblog my content. to me, this is considered to be a soft repost. any attempt at reposting any of my work is prohibited! if i find it, im reporting it.
fandom files
i will write for any character listed in my memory bank, with some exceptions if i feel as though i am not ready to write out a character. these exceptions will be outlined accordingly and may change with my own learning.
infra’s trigger warnings
please respect my triggers. if i see a request that has one of them or multiple, it doesn’t matter, i will not complete the request. i don’t have a lot of them, but they are:
domestic violence
substance abuse
sh/auto unaliving
please keep these in mind when you make your requests. i do not owe anyone an explanation— any word on this matter is final.
smut files
🔞 any blog that is a default, ageless, or a minor that interacts with any post of mine— whether it be liking or reblogging, commenting or what have you, with a post that is nsfw, will be blocked immediately. 🔞
if needed, the tag to block is #infranthrax after hours.
please state the gender/sex of the reader as strictly male or female. i can easily write gender neutral work, however in this context it’s easier if i have a gender alignment for anatomical purposes. if specified i can separate it out as both male and female in sections. (headcanons only.)
it is a requirement that you state if you’re 18 or above in your ask, if you ask as an anon. If you ask for a smut request with your account name present i will give you an age check. i will reject any smut ask from a minor, an ageless ask, or from any account whose age i cannot identify.
got questions?
send any direct questions my way! i’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have about anything listed here. any other questions can be answered at my other blog.
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skellie-darlings · 3 years
Please let me know if you spot any terms that imply Reader is anything other than gender-neutral.
I want this to be an all-inclusive post for all of my Readers. ❤
Possible TRIGGER WARNINGS: Infant Death, Forced Cannibalism, Limb Severing, Cooking Live Prey, Murder, Mention of Abortion, Forced Experimentation, Kidnapping
(Let me know if I need to add more TW tags.)
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Reader Has A Child By Their Ex Skellie (Part 3, FINAL)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Skull-- Skull is very much aware of your pregnancy. He was hoping for it, excited about it even. When you finally went into labor, flailing the bloodied and bandaged stumps of your freshly severed arms and legs, Skull was so happy. Your screams were like music to his ears, proving the effort you were giving as you pushed his spawn into the world. Eventually, he finally heard the sound he'd been anticipating: the sweet sounds of a baby crying. He calmly prepared your severed limbs for a later meal, barely glancing at you as you whimpered. Skull finally turned when he heard the distinct thump of his spawn crashing into the floor. Your piercing scream when the baby's cries immediately stopped would make a moral-driven monster feel something akin to guilt. But in Skull's mind? The child's death simply means less work for him to do. He turned and immediately went to where your child met its quick end. His serrated grin widened maliciously as he realized that the child also had flesh, like you. P e r f e c t. They will make the perfect meat sauce for tonight's spaghetti dinner. Sorry, Reader, but you've been forced to bring your child into the worse situation possible. Maybe if you hadn't broken up with him... or better yet, never showed your face to him again, you wouldn't be in this situation. This is y o u r fault! So now, you must take responsibility for your actions... and you and your dead child's situation. Skull hums as he takes the child's corpse and prepares it for his brother. Don't worry, Skull will make sure you're fed too, dear Reader! Besides, you deserve a treat for literally delivering fresh veil to him. And Skull will continue to use your body to deliver him fresh meat until you finally die. Then? He will simply devour your body and move on to the next human~ It's a cruel world, and he has to keep his brother healthy some way, right? Even at the expense of his own children, Skull will make sure his brother is happy. And you, dear Reader? Will simply lay there and take all that Skull has to give. It will be a shame though... Skull has always loved the taste of your blood. It will be a shame when he and his brother finish off your meat...
Bones-- Oh, he absolutely adores how cute his child is. Bones will coo the child as you wail next to him, being cooked alive above a roasting fire. You were stuck like a pig, being turned slowly over a blazing fire. As Bones slowly turns your struggling, post-birth body, he nuzzles into the two of your child's face. Unknowing of its other parent's torturous demise, the baby will quietly coo back into its father's face. You really were perfect, giving him this bundle of joy to care for. Bones will be sure to serve your flesh with extra LOVE for tonight's meal. It is his way of showing respect to the person who blessed him so. Oh, but it will be quite the shame as well. Bones knows he shouldn't become so attached to the child. He knows that once they're your size and nicely plumped up, they will replace you over the fire~ Bones sighs as your screams finally whither off into broken gasps and chokes, before silencing completely. At least Bones' one comfort is that the child will be reunited with you very soon, dear Reader. Oh, darn! Bones meant to ask you what seasonings and sides you'd like to be served with... Well, he'll be sure not to make that mistake next time~!
Smith-- You weren't meant to be anything more than a one night stand. After a long mission that Smith couldn't be bothered to recall, he'd picked you up in a bar. Long story short, the two of you enjoyed a steamy night of passion and Smith was gone before you woke up in the morning. All you had to remember him by was his lingering scent in your sheets and a wad of cash on the nightstand. Imagine Smith (and your) surprise when he ran into you on the street, nearly two years later, carrying a babybones that looked almost exactly like him. When you realized he was there, you nervously told him that he was the father of your child. And well... Smith really couldn't deny that could he? Besides him, there was only one other skeleton in all of monster kind, and his brother was clearly not the right skeleton! Smith does take responsibility for his child, but due to his... affiliation (and enemies), he isn't able to be around as much as he wanted. This could cause issues between he and his child in the future, but Smith has a business and reputation to uphold. Cruel to say, but there are mire important things in his life other than the child. But Smith did go out of his way to set you and the kid up in an apartment. He takes care of all the bills and makes sure his enemies don't catch wind that he has a secret family. He visits when he can, and when he does, all of his attention is on the child. He makes sure to keep his relationship civil with you, being that you are the other parent of his child. Otherwise, you mean very little to him. Smith holds no romantic feelings towards you whatsoever.
Wesson-- Well, this is... awkward. Wes never thought he'd be in this situation. While the two of you weren't in an exclusive relationship, Wes was particularly fond of you. Not enough that he was ready to be a father, but he understands that accidents happen. Wes will step up, but your relationship will turn strained. He wasn't ready to be a father, but he understands what it's like to grow up without parents. He didn't want that for his child. Similar to his brother Smith, Wes will set you up in an apartment and visit you when he can. It is like an awkward supervised visitation between he and his child. He'll be more comfortable being around them when they are older. That way he can just pick them up for a day of fun while also avoiding you...
Desert-- He will immediately fear for you and the child's life. He'll ask you to move into his house. There are guards, protection and safety. No one is stupid enough to attack you at a Mob Boss' house. Especially if that mob boss is also one of the most powerful Boss Monsters. Desert hopes you're fine with never leaving the house again, because that's just what's going to happen. If you refuse or try to keep him from his child, Desert will simply end your life. He may not be around often, but he still loves his child. More than he will ever love you. You were nothing to him two years ago, and he's only putting up with your presence now because of the kid. Watch yourself and know your place, Reader. Desert has no patience for you or your shenanigans.
Eagle-- You were Eagle's favorite hooker. He'd often find you after a particularly rough day, and the two of you would fuck in an alley in the back of his car. The day he'd realized you disappeared, he'd marked it up to a loss. Figuring you had either run from your pimp or was killed by a John, Eagle moved on rather quickly, despite you being his favorite. His attention was quickly diverted when he was introduced to a new hooker. When the two of you finally reunited, he nearly killed you immediately. You ended up finding Eagle in the same alley he'd always take you to. You knocked on his window and scared him so bad, he'd accidentally killed the hooker he was fucking. He was infuriated when he got out the car, only to freeze as he saw you there... holding a babybones that was an exact replica of Eagle as a babybones. Needless to say, after he cleaned up the dead hooker's body, he directed you and his child into the car. The drive to your home was quiet and very, very awkward. After an even more awkward conversation, you (understandably) decided that Eagle would not be a good person to keep in the kid's life. He offered to take care of any bills at the place you're staying, which you happily accepted. You both knew, though, that Eagle had a lot to work on before he'd be able to enter his child's life... and he'll need to start with his... strange efficiency with murder. Unbeknownst to you, that wake up call in the alley gave him just the push he needed. Eagle wants to be in his kid's life, and he'll do whatever you want in order to make that possible.
G-- Oh, he already knew about your pregnancy. That was the reason the two of you broke up. He told you multiple times he didn't want children at the moment and insisted on you getting an abortion. He promised that you two can try again in a few years, when he might be a bit more receptive to the idea. He is frustrated when you refuse. Whether it is because of personal beliefs, religion or believing G would change his mind, you were adamant about keeping your child. When you continued to refuse G and allowed the pregnancy to go on past the maximum limit to preform an abortion, G left you. He feels as if you'd trapped him, and he makes it clear he wants nothing to do with you or the child. He'll go ahead and pay child support, but everything else? That's on you. Stay the hell away from him. He feels as if you betrayed his trust, and to think... Nah, fuck this. He will return the ring he bought tomorrow. Don't expect him to forgive this. G refuses to be a father for a child he never wanted, that he wasn't ready for. And he refuses to marry and SOUL bond with a person that won't take other's feelings into account. You've cracked his SOUL and left him with a financial burden than he didn't ask for. You are a selfish, inconsiderate person and G is done with you. Goodbye, Reader, and good riddance.
Aster-- You haven't been able to get a hold of him since the breakup. You can't tell if he's avoiding you or if you just had bad luck at catching him out and about. Eventually, you manage to run into his brother, G, and tell him the news. When the message is finally relayed, you get a knock at your door a few days later. You go to unlock the door only to have it immediately slammed open, forcing you back. Aster walks in and tells you that you made the biggest mistake of your life. Next thing you know, you found yourself suspended in a vat of some kind as Aster studies the anomaly of human-monster offspring. To your horror, the two of you's child floats, unconscious, in a similar vat next to yours. Aster looks upon the child, not as a father with affection for his offspring, but as a scientist observing an interesting new specimen. You feel FEAR crawl up your spine as you watch your child's unconscious body float. You really should have kept your mouth shut...
Ink-- Error always told Ink that his bullshit would catch up with him one day. He went to visit one of his favorite AUs, the one you were living in. Ink often popped in when he was bored, and you were naive enough to let him do whatever he wanted to you. Such a stupid human. But this time, the joke was on Ink. After spending nearly two years (your time) away, Ink finally was able to return to you. Only to promptly port back to the doodle-sphere when he noticed a rainbow-freckled and multiple-shaped eyelight babybones playing with their toys in front of you. He looked through the portal into your AU, your apartment, and noticed the rainbow child squeal towards where Ink previously stood. Luckily, your back was turned, so when you looked back to see what the child was pointing at, all you saw was Ink's rainbow magic slowly evaporating away. You called his name curiously, and Ink immediately shut down the viewing portal and turned away from it. NOPE! Nope, nope, nope. He's not even going to think about it. Ink is not and will never be father material. You will never see him again, and eventually the babybones will forget about him completely. That's exactly what Ink prefers, and with that, he lets you slip from his mind as he goes in search of his next conquest. But, god, he hopes Error doesn't find out. Ink would never hear the end of it... Yeah, you're on your own. You, dear Reader, will live the rest of your days not knowing whether Ink is alive or dead. Little do you know, he's in the next AU over. Slowly sweet-talking his way into his next victim's bed...
Part 3 of 3 is complete! I am now accepting requests and asks. (Anonymous asks, minor and no-age accounts will be ignored.)
If you are an 18+ account and want to be anonymous, please message me and I'll still accept your ask and respect your privacy.
SFW and NSFW are allowed, but I still only want to interact with 18+, even if you only want SFW. Thank you. ❤
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twstdreams · 4 years
Werewolves Hide Behind the Moon
Request: Yay requests are open again! If it’s not much trouble could I please request gender neutral headcannons for yandere! Werewolf scarabia boys with either a red riding hood or huntsman inspired reader? I love both of these ideas but I can’t choose so I’ll leave that up to you if you don’t mind. You don’t have to answer my request if you don’t like it. Have a happy halloween!
Happy Halloween! I chose one of each. Reposting because I liked this and I want the tags to work!
Warning: yandere, pressing boundaries, manipulation
Kalim Al Asim
You know that as a hunter, it’s your responsibility to protect the people and hunt the dangers of the forest so regular citizens can traverse it freely
Lately, you’ve heard reports of a white wolf getting a little too friendly with humans. It’s never attacked anyone yet but it certainly gave several people quite the fright
So when you meet Kalim, closer to a puppy than a wolf, for the first time you’re conflicted. You told him to stay still, weapon in hand and murder intent clear, yet he just listened obediently. He morphs into a human beastmen then throws a compliment about how cute you look to top it off! Doesn’t he understand what kind of position he’s in?
You’re hesitant to hurt him, because honestly Kalim hasn’t done anything wrong yet. At most, people got an unexpected fright because Kalim is a little too domestic? Can you even have a domestic wolf?
You’ve heard pet dogs have a more ferocious growl than Kalim. Somehow, you’re always chiding Kalim to stay off the road, leave people alone, so they don’t get antsy. Some citizens are questioning why you let the werewolf live, but they haven’t seen the innocence in his gaze, how much he loves it when you scratch behind his ears, and how unbearably friendly he is
Kalim always pouts and says he’s too lonely to stay away, you guess it’s his nature as a pack animal. But the inquiries are becoming less and less gentle and the looks you’re getting aren’t as friendly. How could someone so adorable be getting you in so much trouble?
So you make a little promise. If Kalim doesn’t venture to the main path, he can come visit your house that’s on the outskirts of the village. You don’t have any neighbours so no one can question if they see a fuzzy tail near your house or not
Except Kalim doesn’t visit once a week, maybe once a month, no Kalim visits every day. Is it better than him roaming on the main roads? Yes, but barely. At first he’d sneak in through the back door or patiently wait on your welcome mat. He never means any harm but the one time you had a visitor come over, complaining of bears nearby, you nearly had a heart attack because Kalim was outside your door. You barely scrambled fast enough to kick him back into the forest and for once, you think you actually heard him growl? When you ask, he just says it was a whine because your precious time with him was cut off
You’re seriously considering investing in stronger locks because the amount of time you’ve come home to Kalim just lounging in your house is one too many. You couldn’t believe how proud he was of himself when he explained that this way no one could tell he hung around your house if he was in it!
At this rate, you’ve given up. If you sit on the couch and read a book, Kalim is bound to lay on your legs or stomach and curl up, soothed only by pets.
When you leave, to go out, work, meet with friends, sometimes Kalim will nip at you, nuzzling into your neck while complaining about how it’s not as fun without you. He starts bringing you an assortment of trinkets, some jewels you’re not sure how he got but he always brushes away your questions with remarks about how you must like these gifts so you don’t need to work or visit anyone else! You always decline but somehow Kalim’s hearing doesn’t work when you do
You ask if he has any family or friends and Kalim mentions how you should join his pack and meet them, but you immediately shut down that idea. There’s been talk of another wolf and you need to protect the town.
But the next day when you’re in town to get more information, the wolf has been found dead by the road. Except, if you didn’t kill it, who did? You don’t know who but it makes Kalim more insistent on spending time with you. See, isn’t everything okay? Isn’t it better with him?
Jamil Viper
Everyone warns you how dangerous werewolves are but no one told you how attractive they are! Or how active during the day they were!
You were going to visit your grandma. She could still make short walks around the house but the treck to the village was a bit too much for her. You were walking on the main road you’d traversed a million times, when suddenly a clawed hand latched onto your arm and pulled you behind a bush!
A screech nearly burst from your throat, but another hand muffled any of your screams. “Be quiet for your own sake,” a low voice whispered. When you looked at its owner, you’re surprised to see a handsome werewolf, in beastmen form, with shiny black hair and celestite eyes that are a little too easy to lose yourself in
You follow his eyes and notice a pack of wolves in the middle of the road, blood stained teeth and noses sniffing for their next prey. The werewolf beside you tugs your hand, you’re unsure where but if he saved you from that pack, maybe he’s not all bad?
He takes you on an untread path, passing by unfamiliar trees and fauna you’ve never seen before, but the werewolf doesn’t hesitate for a second. Before you know it, you’re in your Grandma’s backyard. The werewolf lets go of your hand
“Wait! Will they still be there later?” You might need to warn Grandma or stay with her! He stays quiet for a bit but then says, “It’s not safe. You never know when they might come back. I’ll guide you later.”
Before he leaves, to where you don’t know, you discover his name is Jamil. Wait, how did he know where Grandma’s house is?
These walks with Jamil become more and more often. He’s always so nice to you, telling you about how he’s not like other werewolves, he doesn’t want to eat other humans. The running joke between you two is that curry tastes better anyway
And yes, maybe going on little adventures and straying from the path to have lunch with a werewolf isn’t advised, but Jamil is always kind to you. He’s so meticulous, has you at grandma’s place or your own home on time, remembers your favourite flowers, so yeah maybe you have a little crush
Sometimes it feels one-sided though, Jamil never tells you much about himself but also never fails to escort you, so he must care right? He says the hierarchy in werewolf packs are severe so you avoid the sore subject.
Besides it always feel so much better when you bring a smile to his face, whether it’s giving him an extra cookie from the basket or brushing through his hair to undo any tangles
And you can’t help the way your heart flutters when he gifts you a necklace, a chic fabric chocker to be exact, and you make sure to wear it whenever you can
But one time when Jamil says he’s going to be busy, family obligations and all, and you say that you can head to Grandma’s by yourself, his vehement denial makes you stop.
A flurry of reasons spill from his lips, it’s not safe, there’s going to be a hunt soon, and lectures about how you can’t possibly take care of yourself leave you speechless. Yes, maybe you were a little indulgent and dependent on Jamil, but you’ve always kept pace with him and made it to Grandma’s on your own before.
Still, there’s no reason Jamil would lie to you, right? So why does your necklace suddenly feel so much like a collar?
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dexpairs-blog · 4 years
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★About me★
To prevent post+
Nsfw sideblog: @ilculodidonambrogio (minors dni with this one i beg u)
Request rules
DNI: Sebaciel shippers, proshippers, superstraights, animesexuals, homophobes, racists, conservatives, Trump supporters, Luke simps, panphobes, ableists and transphobes.
SLOTS (1/5) atm i only can take this much bc personal reasons.
I will write
Slight nsfw but it depends (see the "i will not write")
Slight angst (but not too much)
Mental disorders, as in ND reader. But you need to be specific and i'll only write for what i'm comfortable with.
Gender neutral/male readers/fem readers
Character x character (but depends on the ship.)
I won't write
Nsfw, slight nsfw is fine but only for 16/17+ characters but depends! (Ex: making out and hickeys are a ok but anything further than that is a huge no no from me)
Anything i'm not comfortable with
Minor x adult (if it's a one year age gap like 17x18 it's fine though, anything other than that no.)
Write for ocs
I'll write both in English and Italian si feel free to request something in those lenguages!
I will write for a max of 3 characters per request, don't request more characters plz.
For characters like Luke(obey me swd) or Ciel Phantomhive (black butler) or any character who's not a teen i will ONLY write platonic headcanons.
Please be as specific as possible, if you send me something like "(insert character) x reader fluff please" i'm just going to ignore it cause i can't write something if you don't tell me WHAT to write.
If you have more requests please DO NOT send them immediately after i finish one. It overwhelms me.
Fandoms i write for
Deltarune (i'll mainly write for Kris though)
Pokémon (only bw and swsh)
Obey me
Danganronpa (V3 only and i won't write for Kaito. I hate him sorry. I also won't write for a lot of them bc i idk how to write them)
Black Butler (i won't write for Claude, i hate him lmao- and i'm still catching up with the manga don't send spoilers)
Twisted Wonderland
WIP = ★
~Obey me~
Mammon comforting an insecure MC
Asmo with a chubby MC
Mammon, Levi and Beel with a selective MC
★| Lucifer, Satan, Belphie and Asmo with a selective MC
★| Simeon, Luke and Solomon with a selective MC (platonic only for Luke!)
★| Diavolo and Barbatos with a selective MC
RAD school divisions and demon teens
Levi and MC singing sea shanties
Cleaning Satan's room
Mammon, Belphie and Levi with a chubby and tall MC
Big brother Mammon and little sibling teen mc headcanons
Obey me cast meeting Bayonetta (Bayonetta x obey me au)
★| MC who stims
The fantastic three's shenanigans
Luke and MC playing togheter
~twisted wonderland~
Twst Grim headcanons
More Grim headcanons
Che liceo farebbero i dorm leaders?
Dorm leaders with an italian mc(incomplete!)
Italian Ace masterlist
Epel x reader self indulgent headcanons
Oc masterlist
Ariel (platonic au)
Oc tag: ocAriel
Ariel x Ciel (meme/art)
Ariel stuff
Ciel (platonic au)
Oc tag: ocCiel
(A/N: yes, this oc is self insert lol)
Twst!Ciel + another character sheet lol
Ciel + brothers and (un)dateables random hcs
Ciel and dolphins
More info about my twst MC/Yuu
How my MC manifested their unique magic
Obey me x pokemon
~will be q soon~
Oc tag: ocRyo
~will be updated soon~
Akuji (platonic au)
Oc tag: ocAkuji
~will be updated soon~
~will be updated soon~
Yuu Kageyama (twst x mob psycho 100 au)
Elementary, middle and highschool design
~will be updated soon~
Evangeline Addi
Shopping shenanigans
Evangeline's birth
~will be updated soon~
"don't go" Riddle x Yuumi angst
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dynamightsdaydream · 2 years
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this blog is mostly sfw
Everything I write will be sfw content though some of it may be suggestive.
But I may engage with nsfw content, but it will always be tagged.
Feel free to block the nsfw tag if reading or seeing nsfw content makes you feel uncomfortable.
I created a tag key that can be used to search for recs, asks, or other various content on my blog.
Please note that this blog might contain manga spoilers.
This blog is like 80% Bakugou.
Please do not interact if you're homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, hateful, sexist, or a bigot. Do not interact if you're a shit starter, support problematic creators, or are against aging up characters. I want this to be a safe space for myself and others 🥰
If you disagree with any of my rules for whatever reason block or unfollow. I won't tolerate anyones shit.
I may write mostly for kat, dabi, izuku, or shouto. As well as gojou, sukuna/yuuji, megumi, and geto.
Suggestions, thirsts, and or requests are always welcome!
As of now I only write for: Boku No Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, and Haikyuu.
What I will happily write; character x reader (fem, male or gender neutral), oc x character, poly relationships, yandere, fluff, very little angst (I'm sensitive sorry guys), comfort, suggestive, one-shots, drabbles, head canons, self-insert, hybrid AU, Fantasu AU, Etc.
What I will NOT write; smut, very extreme kinks, oc x oc, character x character (unless it is poly relationship x reader), minor x adult, gore, and anything incredibly fucking horrible.
When you request, please understand that it won't be completed immediately as I have work and school. So, I kindly ask for your patience 🤍
Please do not repost or plagiarize or translate my work on any platform.
Feel free to hop into my inbox or dm anytime! I love meeting others. Interactions are very much appreciated!
If any of you for any means need someone to talk to or maybe someone to listen, please dm me. I will always do my best to be there for you.
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lexiene · 2 years
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═ ═ ═ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕤 : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ═ ═ ═
"Connecting the dots clicks the connection of a flow even more, so I can spark with you."
ー Lexi
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[ ✧ Requesting ✧ ]
As much as possible please make the request exact, specific and understandable
Though don't send super long request as if you've written your wanted request into fanfic already lols
Note that my grammar are not that good and English is not my first, I am still learning to improve and explore my writing skills that I want to develop besides drawing
Request will only have maximum of 10 request (if the request is closed it will be deleted )
Don't send request in comments
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[ ✧ Tagging ✧ ]
I'm new in tagging system, so I'll try
Only 10 tagged people in every each fic I post
Whoever place their name in ask/comment on that specific post will be listed immediately, after reaching 10 tags is closed, so try another time
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[ ✧ Format ✧ ]
My writing tend not to proofread bc I review the words while working on it but times I don't, just to keep the flow smooth
I only write Fem and Gender Neutral
Sometimes I don't specify gender or body but the word itself so I want every human beings welcome while reading my fics if you don't agree, feel free to turn off, block do whatever you want to not see me from your existence : )
Reader & Characters are aged-up ( 19/20+ )
Writing on my own pace with the help of researching the facts and don'ts, it easiest way for me
I won't base everything in CANON (series or not), it DEPENDS and if NECESSARY
(For New Stars) I'll be writing the new stars (new characters) according/base on good media (as well the official story, sources and etc) and the good side of it like being able to enjoy life and etc and good flow of it, that's all
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[ ✧ Importance ✧ ]
Please if your requesting something please do have some language control (even though I put little swearing in my works it depends) but still control it
My Nsfw are limited based on the characters I like/love writing, if the idea is working then yes, when it's not definitely no, no matter what popularity or whatsoever still no. So yup that's how it is
Reading my soft/nsfw please READ at YOUR OWN RISK MINORS it's your RESPONSIBILITY on your media consumption not mine
Reblogs would be lovely, Repost in other social media PLEASE NO
I write fanfics for fun and stress relief, not for life advice
Lastly, please don't expect me to rush anything bc ya know my work will end up dead to read and no essence at all so pls, I need rest too and ongoing real life situation
And that is all, please always keep that in mind the rules and importance! Take your time to read it Im begging you
I tend to forget things easily so yah (2)
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[ ✧ What I write ✧ ]
Fluffs / Slightly Angsty ( angsty depends )
Domestic ( mostly I write )
ABO Verses ( depends on my mood, still learning )
Alternative Universe ( depends on my mood & ideas )
Soft NSFW & Slight Spicy ( depends on my mood )
Hybrid Reader ( specific hybrid only, still learning )
Other requests that is comfortable to work with :3
[ ✧ What I don't write ✧ ]
Explicit NSFW ( anything that is mentioned explicit )
Violence / Yandere / Gore ( disturbing )
Not my type / forte kind of fic
Uncomfortable requests >: (
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© Do not repost, refrain modifying any Lexiene works to any other soical media/platforms.
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renhoeku1 · 3 years
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Requests: Open [ ✨ ] Closed [ ] (0/10)
Writing for: My Hero Academia + Demon Slayer
Last updated; 02/25/2022
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I. It is my choice on the content I write, I’ll write anything from sfw to nsfw to dark content depending on my mood. If you don’t wish to see certain things on this blog, block the tags or don’t follow me.
II. If you are not 18 or older, get the fuck off my lawn before I beat you with a cane. Do not interact with me OR my work on this blog. If you really wanna read my stuff you can access my SFW account (will add when I make one, I won't promise I'll post on there consistently though) where I’ll also be posting my tame content. If I see you on this account I will block you and you won’t have access to my side accounts so if you wanna read my stuff badly enough, is interacting here worth the risk?
III. For my own sanity, I’ll be limiting my requests to 10, however there are no limits to thirsts I’ll accept.
IV. On this account I write male anime character x reader, someday I’ll expand my reach into female characters but as of now I don’t write for them. Down below I’ve listed what I will, probably will, and won’t (hard no) write. I’ve also listed who I will definitely and definitely won’t write for. Don’t see the character you want? Ask and see if I write for them! I also write character x my oc, this is purely self indulgent so if you don’t wanna read that make sure you block the tags accordingly.
IV.V All characters canonly below the age of 18 are aged up to adulthood and always set in a future setting. I WILL NOT write them as if they are still in Highschool, the least I will do is them as a College Freshman. 95% of anime's are set in a highschool setting or in that age group, so for the sake of my sanity and the fact they are FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, I age them up. Any shit that comes into my asks calling me something I am not will be blocked and deleted.
V. Do not under any circumstances share or repost my work on any other site, especially Wattpad and TikTok. The last thing I want is my work stolen and minors being shown the things I create. If you see something that looks like my work, notify me immediately.
VI. When making requests, please state specifically if you want the reader to be female or gender neutral, what you want to happen, what prompt you’d like to be used, any specific kinks, etc. Just be as detailed as possible or else it’ll be left for me to interpret and do as I please. I mean, I’ll do what I want with it regardless but in order for me to fulfill your request, I need details!
VII. I do not condone any drama, bigotry, or slander of any kind, please leave that shit at the door. Any and all hate anons sent to me will be deleted and ignored so don’t bother trying to start shit with me. If you dislike certain content I post or reblog, feel free to block tags or even block me. That being said, if you run across something of mine that you feel needs certain tags, tell me! Sometimes I can’t think of every triggering thing so it helps a lot of you point things out to me and I’d be very grateful!
VIII. Remember, I have the right to deny/ignore any requests sent to me for any reason, i.e. I’m busy, disinterested, or uncomfortable. Do not try to guilt trip me into writing something for you! I’m an adult, I work and take care of my mother, my life outside of tumblr is more important than whose dick you wanna read about.
IX. You are certainly welcome to share tiktoks, nsfw & sfw twitter links, and hentai with me! (secret password: set your dicks ablaze) Make sure when you send these asks that you put proper warnings and such. My pms are also always open! If I don’t answer you right away please don’t be discouraged!
X. Personally, I do not like ships. I dislike the toxicity of that part of fandoms and how it can be fetishized and want nothing to do with it, so please do not send me ship related content. I have nothing against people who enjoy ships, I just don't want it in my space.
XI. I have adhd and dyslexia, if you find mistakes in my work please be nice about it if you’re gonna point it out. Nothing is more embarrassing to me than proofreading something ten times only for someone to rudely point out mistakes I missed.
XII. I have no update schedule for fics unless stated otherwise, please no not rush me! I also have a mania disorder so things will sometimes take me a long time to finish. Please know I’m doing the best I can!
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❀ Wanna be tagged in my work? Click here.
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Things I will write; (bolded stuff is my favorite to write)
Breeding kink/creampie, degradation, choking, cock warming, cum eating, snowballing, impact play, s & m, size kink, knife play, gun play, blood play, soft/hard doms, daddy kink, pregnancy, child birth, miscarriage, lactation (also kink version), female bodied + female reader, gender neutral reader, dilf, milf, mommy kink (not dominant), switch reader, power play, fantasy aus, soul mate aus, monsterfucking, gore/intense gore, horror, character/reader death, manga spoilers, somnophilia, dacryphilia, dubcon, noncon, con-noncon, hybrid character/reader, yandere, cheating character/reader, professor & student (college), enemies to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, roommates to lovers, strangers to lovers, biker aus, dark aus, kidnapping, single dad/mom aus, age gap (adult), branding, bdsm, drunk sex, boss x employee, Panty stealing, spitting, cam girl/boy au, sacrilegious themes, will add more as I go!
Things I will maybe write;
Watersports, pet play, a/b/o, step/pseudo incest, anal, foot fetish, chubby reader, eating disorder (for plot purpose), vore/cannibalism (BIG MAYBE, I like gore and horror so like—), add more as I go!
Things I will not write;
Emergency requests, self harm & suicide (except for plot porposes), fisting, scat, male reader, trans reader, skin specific reader, bestiality, pedophilia, highschool aus, blood related incest, feederism, necrophilia, animal related nicknames such as puppy (exceptions are dove & firefly), will add more as I go!
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Characters I will write;
My Hero Academia; Izuku, Katsuki, Eijirou, Shinsou, Shouto, Aizawa, Tokoyami, Dabi, Shigaraki, Denki, ask and see!
Demon Slayer; Kyojuro, Giyuu, Tanjirou, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Tengen, Sanemi, Akaza, ask and see!
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