#i needed it i knew id love it
shkika · 6 months
Omg ur gonna play Laika? That game ruined me mentally, I am still not okay. Amazing game 10/10
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I'm in LOVEEE with this game's art style. And aesthetic. And protagonist. I heard the story is sad and devastating so I can't wait AAAH
NO SPOILERS! I'm trying to find the time to play it!!
Also if I love this game as much as I think I will I'll probably draw an illustration for it aaaugh tooo good.
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so-very-small · 8 months
the tiny, inside the walls, hyping themself up: It’s totally fine. Everything I’ve seen from this human shows that they’re kind, level headed, and normal. There’s utterly nothing wrong with this human, and I can totally befriend them! I shouldn’t be scared at all!
the tiny: *peeks out hole in the bathroom wall, looking up at the giant before them*
the giant, in front of the bathroom sink, obliviously doing their nightly routine: *removes their dentures*
the tiny, has no concept of what dentures are, who just saw this behemoth remove all the bones and flesh from its own mouth in one swift pull, without a flinch of pain: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
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sparring-spirals · 2 months
Compromise. Im not going to actually WRITE meta but i AM going to lay out a list of things I'm thinking about broadly and thematically and would probably write meta about if i were properly caught up and informed, but is instead influenced much more by early campaign F.C.G:
**edit: no this is kind of meta again. sorry.
- F.C.G grappling with the questions of: being made. purpose. whether it matters if you find your own purpose if you were made with one in mind and you "choose" something else. Can you actually? Does it matter? Is your choice a choice at all?
- Wanting so badly to heal people and help people and the unique fear of waking up and seeing damage done by your own hands. To the same people you wanted so badly to help. You extend healing and you offer comfort or kind words but all the while, in your core is a tightness. In your core is a danger. How much good do you need to do to get the blood off your chassis? Can you, at all?
- Metal body. Metal hands. A little wheel. You were a turtle once and it felt so wondrous to breathe. You try out tongues or little wooden legs or whatnot but it always comes back to an inorganic metal body and empty insides no matter if youre filling them with liquids or secret goods to smuggle or pastries (faux warmth). Maybe everything like wooden legs dangling off a metal body. All for show.
- A coin in hand. Looking for a higher power. Thinking about choice. Deferring choices.
- You love your friends, so much. You love people being kind to each other. You love your boyfriend and their wonderful way of thinking. You love being alive. Even when you doubted you were at all. You love, truly and deeply.
- Ashton raging at F.C.G for being a martyr. For aching for a good enough reason to get himself hurt or killed or blown up. Ashton looking at F.C.G knowing they're all messed up inside and trying so hard to stop them from letting it destroy them.
- Ashton always worried about how they're always trying to find a big enough cause, a good enough reason.
And so with those things, I remembered about F.C.G:
- F.C.G looking at their friends all down. Ashton laid out unmoving.
- F.C.G with something awful in their core. Ready to spill out. The same something awful they were always worried about. They were always aware of.
- F.C.G always looking for that reason. For that bigger and better cause.
- F.C.G always feeling like they didn't understand purpose, like it was so. unattainable- finally, briefly, startlingly- sure. Finally free of doubt. Their friends down and something awful and destructive in their core and one last thing they can do to maybe make things worth it, and the ability to choose it. They were made for something. They chose what to do with it.
- F.C.G finding that reason. F.C.G making that call. F.C.G thinking it was worth it.
- I think because of him, they succeeded. They won. That is certain.
- I think. "Worth it". Is always a subjective thing.
- I think. A self sacrifice is never just one person giving everything up. A self sacrifice, unfortunately- is one person making a choice.
And everyone else caught, in the blast radius.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
2009 Reference Guide to Seb's Hair(Long post w lots of pics):
I would rate these but I love every version of him too much so I cannot pick 🤭, I'll add some commentary though. This took a horrible amount of time but it was also a great excuse to download and show off a truly terrible amnt of Seb pics(I was in tears half the time bcs of cuteness agression)
0. Testing(Jerez)(February 10th-12th):
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Honestly such perfect Seb hair, I find this soooo cute!!! His hair is honestly always so perfect at Jerez testing every season. I love the length and style, he looks so incredibly pretty <3
1. Australia(March 26th-29th):
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And now he is...bald. I actually kinda love this hair, he's my little kiwi fruit!! But I also can't help but mourn the Jerez hair. I'm just like: why did you feel the need to go bald, Seb??? It makes him look so young!
2. Malaysia(April 2nd-5th):
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3. China(April 16th-19th):
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I think the highlight of his bald era is how much he embodies the nickname "sunshine." Like the way his hair and eylashes glow in the sun??? Literally sunshine. Also it's cute to see his hair grow more fluffy
4. Bahrain(April 23rd-26th):
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The texture differences are so interesting, I think this length looks its best when it's more fluffy like in the top right pic.
5. Spain(May 7th-10th):
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It's funny how his hairline does that point in the middle, again: looks better when he looks unkempt
6. Monaco(May 21st-24th):
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Weirdly shocked at how much his hair grew in-between Spain and Monaco??? Also I forgot that those fashion pics were from this weekend, and I was jumpscared by his mohawk look. I think he should keep away from hair product hahaha
7. Turkey(June 4th-7th):
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Lego hair looking ass. Kidding kidding, just think his hair looks best all natural
8. Silverstone(June 18th-21st):
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Lowkey kinda baffling to me how different his hair looks at different stages of the weekend. The podium hair especially is just soooo different, its very cute but yeah idk
9. Germany(July 9th-12th):
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I did not realize he cut his hair again during this season?? Seeing these was very surprising to me, I had thought he grew it out for the entire season but I guess not! But I guess if he hadn't gotten a haircut the entire season, he'd probably have his angelic curls of 2010 by the end
10. Hungary(July 23rd-26th):
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Kinda love the looks he was serving this weekend, it's just very spikey and cute(also the cunty sunglasses!!
11. Valencia(August 20th-23rd):
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12. Belgium(August 27th-30th):
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That garage lighting makes his hair look soooo much more yellow rather than his fair blond in the sunlight
13. Italy(September 10th-13th):
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This transitional growing period is not my fav, just the way his hair sweeps in is funny
14. Singapore(September 24th-27th):
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Looking particularly blond this weekend!! His hair is just very light and pretty
15. Japan(October 1st-4th):
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I think most of these are from post-quali and for good reason; I love the way it looks like he has highlights in all the bottom pics
16. Brazil(October 15th-18th):
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I love his scruffiness from this weekend!!! The scruffy stubble is sooooooo!!!
17. Abu Dhabi(October 29th-November 1st):
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Pretty cute I think but yeah like nothing can really compete with his hair length in 2010 for me so I look at these and I'm like, ooooo growing longer!!
Conclusion: I think it's fun to get to see the process of someone's hair growing out. I've noticed that a lot of men with short hair get very consistent haircuts to keep their hair generally the same length, and I think that's so boring!! I think it's great to grow out your hair for a few months time because you get to see yourself at all the different stages and experiment with all kinds of different looks! So yeah, props to Seb for serving all kinds of looks this season!!
Also it's always interesting to me how much hair length/style and facial hair can change a person's look, but particularly how old/young they look. Like when he shaved his his head, it made him look so young. But in Brazil for example, with the longer hair and scruffy facial hair, he def looks older!
And of course, let me know which you like the best :D My favorite is Jerez <3
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moxie-girl · 5 months
the world if they made the ace novels into the next op movie…
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miraculousbumbble · 4 months
God! Nico where it's your usual "everyone prays to Nico because they think he's a God" shtick but since he's dating Will, a lot of people think that "huh, will must be a God like Nico!"
Meanwhile Nico, who's trying his best to be the next Percy because of course when Percy went to College he left Nico with the stupid horn but didn't tell him "it's symbolic, like passing of the torch! Your head camper now!", and Nico has no idea. He's just happy he gets to sit with SOMEONE instead of at the Hades table all alone. Sure it's Mr.D and Chiron but it's better than being alone.
But it's funny because since Nico's doing a whole lot of stuff (even after he turns 18 and just decided to help around because let's be real. Kids should not be in charge of their other kid siblings and Nico and Will do not want anymore deaths or mishaps in camp) like he's gotta help Will with the infirmary paper work every once in a while and for some reason Nico has to do all the camp paper work every Tuesday? But ok sure, eventually someone finally told him that he's the only "main three" around and is a war vet. So yeah, he's got a lot of experience and the younger campers love him.
But they have no clue that Nico and Will are not two humble gods just watching over their mortal family members. So they pray to them. A lot. And you know the drill, eventual God hood strikes.
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doodlebloo · 11 months
I’m sure I’ve said this but Penelope Scott “Feel Better” is so c!Tubbo it’s actually insane.
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raspberryzingaaa · 1 year
Listen I love "I am no man" as much as the next lady who was once a barefoot girl who ran around with a sword. But it irks me Every Time that she sneaks off to battle because Theoden and Eomer a) genuinely want to keep her from experiencing this Horror and b) maam you are third in line to the throne imagine if all three of you died. Do you have no love of country and land???
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the-wayside · 5 months
The two things that stick with me upon reflection.
Babe burying himself in Alan when he arrives. This is the person who has always cared for him and given him a home. The person he feels he needs when he can't support himself. It's a child like regression to grab onto Alan here because he's Babe's chosen father.
The second is Babe offering up Charlie's gloves at his grave site as if he was giving them to Charlie again. He's asking to keep them but proffering them like he wants Charlie to take them because they're his. It's the visual conflict of trying to say goodbye but being completely unready.
The best thing I've ever heard about grief is that grief is love with no place to go. Those gloves, that love Babe is offering can't be accepted. Charlie is gone. So Babe has to take them back. Take them home and it guts him all over again.
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Me: I still don't understand how people knew I was a butch lesbian this long before I knew
Also me: *Hears Andrea Gibson's piece "I do" for the first time at 15 years old and ugly cries so hard I start hyper ventilating and I can't figure out why*
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Shinomori is cute. Here's a post.
He is so baby-faced. He hasn't changed at all since he was 22, to when he died of "old age" at 40
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(Old age? With a face like that? 40 years old?? Gimme that kind of youth and hotness Shinomori-)
He has tiny eyebrows. Like a puppy's (rottweiler's, for example). So cute and tiny and fuffy
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He naturally frowns. Look at him and his mouth and his lil nose
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He has a thing about keeping his arms near his chest. He sits with his arms crossed, introduces himself with his hands over his torso, and even walks with his arms crossed toward Midoriya
He has such clear skin for someone who lived the rest of his life in a forest??? Why do Hikage and Yoichi have such nice skin despite living in terrible environments? (forest and vault + abandoned streets respectively)
Is easily scared
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They knew their Quirks could be used, but Shinomori got scared of it when it happened. Even though he gave Midoriya his support and access to his Quirk beforehand. Depending on the translation; "it startled me", "you scared me", "it surprised me"
I'm not going to hold running from AFO against him because he knew he was running for his life. Who wouldn't run for their life when it's in danger? Shinomori was being chased by the strongest person in the country (and likely the world)
His sense of self-preservation is probably heightened by the nature of his Quirk to keep him out of danger too. Which makes him all the more sensitive and jumpy to danger and anything that startles him, especially when he has no warning
He's actually extremely tall, but is so socially inept and jumpy it's adorable. He's taller than Bruce.
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Bruce is as tall as a vault door that the 2m AFO used.
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(Meanwhile Kudo is down there-)
He has such a bad sense of humor that it's cute (his puns off Danger Sense)
It's also adorable how Shinomori just doesn't understand social conventions sometimes. He lived in a forest, so it made sense, but also— Midoriya shows up in the void to the vestige platform for the first time. He has no mouth, no clothes—and Shinomori's first idea is to stand in front of him menacingly and go: "I shall explain. I am Shinomori Hikage." SIRRRR
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His Ability is basically like glorified anxiety. What if something is coming to hurt him? If something can hurt him? What if that tree falls while he's under it? And the ideas come so hard they hurt (although yes, it does detect ill intent and that's what sets it off)
He talks weirdly. Formal? Old-fashioned? Listening to him speak Japanese compared to others, it just sounds a bit different. (Translated subs don't show it very well, it's the voice itself methinks)
"This too, is destiny." *about Midoriya having OFA*
Kinda wise or sage-y. He did spend his life in solitude in the forests so he definitely spent a lot of time with his own thoughts. Maybe he found the meaning of life in a centipede or something one day
For someone so cute, he is also such. A fine. Specimen???
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Look at those back muscles, dang.
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#i dont think shinomori was part of the resistance considering the resistance fought the society AFO was making#and shinomori wanted to avoid society and thus hid away#but i do think bruce knew shinomori because he gave him ofa before he went to fight AFO and die#and afo doesnt seem to know hikage. if he did he wouldve found and killed him. but hikage is never in afos memories#yknow what shinomori needs some appreciation too#vestiges need more attention#also i always put shinomori dealing with bruces remnants in my fics so he needs some appreciation for that#like the kids dumped on him#shinomori received OFA at 22 years old. he was around bruces age methinks#hes not some kid the resistance took in. the resistance didnt take in kids anyway#or at least we dont see them#well fic stuff banjo has the time of his life with en wrangling kid hermits that dont know what electricity is#mha#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#spoilers#hikage shinomori#ofa#one for all#ANYWAY hikage is ADORABLE and needs attention#just LOOK AT HIM#id have put this post out sooner but getting the pictures is always hard cuz popups or videos not working#i like shinomoris english voice actor. i dont stick around to hear anyone elses because i died when midoriya turned into a kid in the dub#i could probably make a list like this and bruces for the rest of the vestiges#yoichis small waist lovely skin and that he probably knows how to wrap kudo and bruce around his finger?#his “my heroes” and smiling as he goes “now now you two..”? kudos low voice and nice arms and SHORTNESS?#en going “senpai” and sitting on his chair like that? looking like he exudes gremlin energy? did he get carried around by banjo and nana?#it looks like he wouldve CMONN#i didnt include it in here cuz image limit but shinomori has big hands and feet (tag limit)
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handsomegentlebutch · 2 months
My 3 little cousins were baptized today. "Triggered" is kind of a strong word but being in a catholic church again... I'm a little fragile rn ngl.
#butch speaks#it was hard not to shake as i held J over the basin to have the water poured on his head#when he was cleansed of sin. as if a little kid could ever knowly or intentionally offend a so-called loving god#the words came naturally to me#but they meant nothing#i remember when they used to mean something. when i begged gods forgiveness for my sin (being a lesbian) and tried to pray the gay away#i remember how much i wanted to die bc i could never truly embrace the sacred#i STILL deal with the complex of catholic guilt. its a very real thing. its hard to shake#i cant help but wonder if the catholicism ingrained in my brain is why i have a hard time with casual dating n sex#fun fact: there was a point when i was a teen that i got REALLY catholic#i prayed everyday. i talked to my patrin saint (st agnes) every day. i wantsd to become a nun#the thought of marrying a man mad me more sad than feeling like an alien did. so id marry the church as a nun.#not the way to hide being a dyke when ur fam is catholic btw LMAO#the first priest i knew was father joe. i loved that guy. he was so kind. friendly. briming with love.#he was one of my biggest references for what a good person was like#he talked about gods love a lot. how its for everyone. no one is exluded. ever.#he used to look right at me when he said stuff like that. a few other kids too. all of whom grew up to be queer#then father joe passed away. our church merged with another church. father jeff was the priest there.#he was kind but not as kind. he talked about hell and sin more. he looked at the same kids father joe did.#but the kindness in his eyes wasnt there.#that wasnt for us.#my family wasnt even THAT catholic#i went to church every sunday i did vacation bible school and catechism classes and youth group#i was an altar servant and in the choir#i even used to speak/understand a little latin#imagine how much worse id have been if my mom could have afforded catholic school lmao#grateful to have grown up poor in that regard#hm. actually... reading my own tags. mayne we were pretty catholic actually.#fucking hell.#i need to have lesbian sex in a church before god and everyone. mayeb that would fix me.
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needylittlegirl · 3 months
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
is it normal that i want to watch the terror because of you? i dont even know what it is about 😭😭
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do it haha i mean what could go wrong right come on give me your hand come here come here dont be scared its alright you dont have to fight it anymore its gonna be just fine you just have to trust me just trust me okay its alright its gonna be alri
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comradekatara · 2 years
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ok smth that's always bothered me abt this scene is that if zuko had the time to do all that katara had the time to run out of the way. he simply had to take the most impulsive, dramatic route as per usual
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toxiccaves · 4 months
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Sworgrader Chapter 3 is out! I think we'll be looking at one chapter every 3 months.. but personally I'm a little more enticed after this chapter!
I was very surprised at the new guest we'll meet next time!
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