#i never knew wonderful city was based on a real show
pinkiemachine · 4 months
How would you do Batman, I'm just wondering because Batman's my favorite character
His show is called BATMAN: GOTHAM FILES, and I have the basic outline for each and every one of the seasons! There’s 9 total, plus a movie finale. Here we go!
Most of us should know basically what Bruce’s backstory is, so I’ll keep this part brief. Bruce Wayne was eight years old when his millionaire mother and father were gunned down in front of him in an alleyway in Gotham City. They never found the killer. The family’s loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth, took care of Bruce from that point onward. Bruce started taking self-defence classes in-between going to the schwanky Gotham Academy and learning how to run his father’s business, Wayne Enterprises (a massive conglomerate that was famous throughout all of America, but especially the East Coast.) The young man had hardly healed from his traumatic experience, though, and after graduating college (something he was practically forced to do by Alfred), he decided not to stay in Gotham. He hated the city. Instead, he took off in a plane… and secretly never intended to come back…
It was a welcome surprise when Bruce Wayne turned up in Gotham, seemingly in a much happier headspace and eager to finally, finally take his father’s business seriously. The Prince of Gotham had returned. Months after that, there was a new legend lurking in the streets of the city. Something called “the batman” or “the bat.” Criminals were getting caught and arrested left and right, and half of them were scared out of their minds about this spectre. The police force didn’t know what to make of it… except for one Captain Jim Gordon. He knew that the legend was true… and occasionally, he would sneak into his office and scare the living daylights out of him. He and Batman had been working together for a little while now, (we get an episode later that explores how they first met), but Gordon doesn’t know who he really is under the mask, and no one else in the force thinks that Batman is even real. But Gordon is eager to help him because the police force is falling apart. They’re completely unable to do their job and keep the streets safe, so Gordon agrees to help Batman stop crime in its tracks. He wants to make Gotham safer for his wife and daughter.
Shocking literally no one, the audience discovers that Bruce Wayne is Batman, working out of a massive secret base underneath Wayne Manor—his ancestral home. But, he must balance the life of a vigilante with the life of billionaire Bruce Wayne, which can be difficult at times. We get several episodes just laying the ground work. Who runs the company when Bruce isn’t around? Lucious Fox. Who manages Bruce’s affairs and schedule? Alfred. Who makes all the gadgets and gear that Batman uses? He does. Using plenty of materials and goods he can buy since he’s a billionaire. When did he learn how to make all this stuff? Hmmmmmm….
We meet our first few villains—Penguin, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Riddler, etc—Batman is still trying to track down who murdered his parents, and we’re having a generally good time until THE MID SEASON FINALE. You see, there’s a circus coming to town.
Haley’s Traveling Circus was famous on the East Coast, being one of the oldest circuses in the country, as well as boasting the Fabulous Flying Graysons! A family trapeze act! However, this smiling troop of clowns was actually hiding some pretty dark secrets. When they arrived in Gotham City, they were asked to help out known mob-boss Tony Zucco with some… not-so-nice things. John Grayson, head of the Flying Graysons, had been feeling conflicted about how much behind-the-scenes shady dealings the circus had been involved with over the years. So, he thought that maybe if he just let the tiniest bit of evidence leak to the police, maybe they could handle everything and the Graysons wouldn’t be caught in the cross fire. This is what brings Batman to the scene. He investigates the circus, meets the Graysons, including their son, Richard, aka Dick, and eventually goes on to solve the mysterious crime, pinning it on Tony Zucco and getting certain members of Haley’s Circus arrested. (The ones actually involved in the crime.) However, Zucco manages to avoid jail time. Not only that, but he discovers who snitched on him. That night, after the case has been solved and Bruce shows up to catch the Flying Graysons perform, everything is going great until the unthinkable happens: the lines on the trapeze snap and Mr. and Mrs. Grayson go falling to their deaths.
Dick Grayson is an orphan… and he’s angry. He’s about 11 years old, but he’s smart enough to know what’s going on. He knows why Batman was coming around asking questions, he knows who Tony Zucco is, and he knows that his father made him very unhappy. After the police have arrived, but before social services do, Dick sneaks out and climbs to the top of the building with the Bat-Signal on it (yes, by this point in the story, that’s a thing). He flashes it on and off, rain pelting down, until the caped crusader arrives. He demands to know if this was Zucco’s fault. Batman refuses to say anything, but Dick doesn’t care. He says he’s going to make Zucco pay, whether Batman helps or not, and he tries his hardest to remain true to his word. After that night, Dick runs off through Gotham several times, trying to get in touch with Zucco and attempting to enact revenge, meanwhile Batman has to keep swooping in to keep the kid from getting himself killed. He recognises the pain he’s in—he completely understands his anger—and realises that he needs a teacher—a mentor—a father figure who can lead him through all of this and keep him out of trouble. So, as Bruce Wayne, he decides to adopt Dick. At first, Dick doesn’t want anything to do with this stranger—he’d rather stay with his circus family if he’s going to stay with anyone—but then, in court one day, Bruce says something—something only Batman said to him once—and all of a sudden, it clicks in Dick’s mind. He instantly asks to be placed in Bruce’s care and not a few hours after arriving at Wayne Manor, Dick manages to discover where the Batcave entrance is. Sneaking down there, he plans to become his own kind of vigilante, just like Batman, and get revenge… until Bruce catches him and tries to knock some sense into him.
It’s here that Bruce has to confront his own past. His sense and reason are saying, “Don’t let the kid try to enact revenge!” But then, he has to ask himself, “why am I still hunting down the man who killed my parents?” He has to tell himself, “it can’t be about revenge. Only what is just and fair.” When/if he finds the killer, he will turn him over to the authorities and let him face proper punishment. Zucco… he’s too powerful. There needs to be a lot of incriminating evidence against him before the police can take action, and even then, that’s not what Dick wants. Dick wants Zucco gone. Permanently. THAT is what needs to be dealt with inside of Dick. Bruce refuses to let this boy make himself a killer. Instead, he decides to channel that anger and drive into training him. You see, when Bruce vanished for eight years, it was during that time that he met many teachers and learned many new skills. Through bettering himself and learning these skills, he felt he had grown as a person and had worked through some of his emotions. It was therapeutic. He hopes it will be the same for Dick. He also teaches him about the justice system and detective work so that they can bring down Tony Zucco WITHOUT killing him. Little by little, over the course of the next year, Dick starts to turn into the infamous side-kick Robin, following Batman on small cases and learning about fighting crime… from a distance. (Mostly.) Dick does have a knack for getting into trouble.
On the personal side of things, Dick still needs to adjust to living in Wayne Manor, going to a new school (Gotham Academy) navigating being a wealthy, famous person’s adopted son, etc etc. And then… Ra’s Al Ghul shows up. Now it’s time for Bruce’s past to be revealed. He had traveled the world, and he did have many teachers, but none quite as legendary as the Demon’s Head, leader of the League of Shadows. A secret organisation (cult, really, Bruce later realised) that had mastered martial arts, ninjutsu, and so much more. Each member was a peak specimen of the human race, with no genetic weaknesses or flaws, especially their leader, Ra’s. Bruce had been one of his top students, but then he had revealed his grande scheme for the world. Ra’s wanted to wipe out the rest of humanity (which he deemed as impure and flawed) and then the only people who would be left to inherit the Earth would be his perfect family and his perfect followers! All he was missing was a male heir to his throne. His daughter, Talia, most perfect of his children, had fallen in love with Bruce during his time in the Shadows, but before anything serious could come of it, Bruce had snuck out and left the League, meaning never to come back. Now, though, Ra’s had found him and wanted him to marry his daughter. Bruce refuses. Ra’s tries to take him by force, Robin helps save the day, it’s a big exciting grand finale to the season, and it ends with Ra’s and Talia retreating… because while Bruce was captured, they managed to steal some… “DNA”… and test tube baby Damian would be thus conceived, unbeknownst to Batman and Robin.
(Like, he’s a test tube baby from conception. Talia was never physically pregnant with him.)
Anyway, things are looking up for our main characters. They saved the city, they saved each other, they’re working on their personal growth, and everyone is excited to see Season 2 because—
I’mma make more posts, this is a long one, strap in…
I also have a sketch of Talia…
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Part 2 👇
235 notes · View notes
lorebite · 1 year
↳ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: being an anti-B.O.W agent has never been easy; and you more than anyone else know how lonely it can get in this line of living. However, what you didn't expect was to have your heart stirred when you set eyes upon one Leon Kennedy - the newest recruit. ↳ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. fem reader. cursing. 2 part smut; voyeurism, implied masturbation, handjob, switchy vibes. some sweet gentle love making, Leon cumming too quickly bc he's too fucking sensitive (i swear, i couldn't resist it 😩), age gap relationship (younger man x older woman), reader is Leon's CO, pet names used for reader: Lieutenant, miss, sweetheart, honey. very subtly implied depression, PTSD and sducidal ideations, rookie!Leon. ANGST (beware. i mean it) but also some sweet, sweet fluff. reader is a smoker. mutual pining (kinda?). idiots in love (or lust?). reader shows questionable behaviors at times. title is taken from a Metallica song by the same name. this fic is a prequel to my return to ashes fic but it can totally be read as a standalone as well. in this universe, Sherry Birkin and Jack Krauser don't exist cos i think it makes better sense for this fic that way. very inaccurate depiction of military training and whatnot. also, terribly OOC.
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In the beginning, the whispers were overbearing. Nonsensical. Rare was a time a new recruit managed to cause such a stir at the base. And this was even long before those sweet eyes became a constant presence amongst the rest.
You were vexed. Much more you cared to admit even to yourself. Leon Kennedy – this fresh-faced ex cop who witnessed the hell that was unleashed upon Raccoon City. You were certainly empathetic; having the unfortunate title of a walking hoard of scarring memories yourself, you held significant regards for the young man. And besides that, most recruits hadn’t the first clue about the horrors of your shared reality. 
However, you found it very hard to close your eyes to his bold antics. The same way every other one of his superiors – your colleagues – seemed to do. 
A real troublemaker, this boy. Not that you have ever caught him in his roguery. But you knew. That face was telling enough on its own; the permanent look of mischief in his eyes and the faint quirk of his lips that made it seem as though he was always up to no good. And of course, word was always quick to spread around the base of all the shit he liked to do. 
This boy had been caught out after the curfew one too many times; and for what goddamn reason each time, you could only wonder. You have seen him, multiple times, being dragged by the ear to someone’s office many early mornings. And you had to admit, he still had quite the mouth on him despite the number of troubles he got himself into. You were only grateful to have never been the one to deal with his shit, your patience too little to put up with such behavior.  
But it didn’t help that he was one of your combat trainees. And those times offered a glimpse into the cracks of his well-behaved façade. He always made sure to stand ahead of everyone in the training field – just within your line of sight where he could have your undivided attention. And he knew he had it. Fully and completely. It was easily impossible for you to ignore the way his clear eyes glittered in the sunlight or how his hair glowed like molten gold. And he knew all of that.
Even during partnered practices – those times when you treaded between the rows of trainees – those were when he truly shined. He would deliver his blows a little bit harder, grunt a little bit louder, or boast more self-righteously to his opponent. Just to draw your eyes to him every time you walked past him. It was as if he’d made it his days’ mission to pester you until you snapped. Because, obviously, you couldn’t punish him for just being a cocky showoff, could you? 
Now, to you, this wasn’t some peculiar behavior. You were used to becoming the currency for the attention slot of the younger men at the base. You were a hardened, experienced agent after all. An exceptionally talented yet young lieutenant with enough wins to your name to make an average man quiver in his shell just from your mere presence. The bonus factor was your incredible physic and a pretty face to go with which never failed to make heads turn. Therefore, very few and far in between were the times you were openly disrespected and many were for the recruits to seek your praise. 
However, often times, you spared no more than a few curt words of affirmation to your trainees; which you were confident they lapped up like starved puppies. It was entirely out in the open and this was also why you weren’t a stranger to being at the receiving end of your coworkers’ relentless teasing. You only imagined this to become even worse if it ever got out that you were involved with one of the recruits.     
But with Leon, it was different. With him, everything was different. He forced you to notice him even when you deliberately intended otherwise. It was too easy for him to walk up to you and gather enough courage to touch your shoulder when he threw his head back and laughed at your dry humor or palm the small of your back to guide you through a door. Almost as if he was driven by this quenchless greed to have your eyes on him at all times and envy when you didn’t. 
You could only wonder where you went wrong with him.
Because it was sorely pathetic. Truly. The stupidly large smile that would part his face into two upon the simplest words of praise out of your mouth was comical. And perhaps, on your better days, you found it endearingly entertaining. 
That was until your suspicions were proven correct. You had believed for long enough now that Leon Kennedy was nothing but a troublemaker and soon, you came to see for yourself why.
It was just another restless night for you; a regular one that fell into the damning familiarity of blood curdling nightmares, riddled with a crippling fear that trapped you within your shell and gripped your throat until it decided to let you go. The cruel souvenir of your missions and endless reminder of all you left behind and not. 
You woke soaked to skin with cold sweat, heart pounding painfully fast against your ribcage. You were still at the base in that shoebox you called your room. You were safe. You tried to remind yourself as your thoughts shifted to overdrive. Fast and unyielding. 
Moonlight filtered through the small window overhead, shedding columns of dancing shadows across the floor. You couldn’t let yourself just sit there and wallow in the darkness. You needed a distraction. So, you grabbed your lighter and a packet of cigarette and wandered out into the halls of the base in hopes of tiring yourself out enough to go back to bed for another hour of sleep. 
But you had only made it to the mess hall when you heard it.
Moaning. Giggling. They were hushed and cautioned but they were definitely there. It made your pulse leap and your hand freeze on the double doors leading into the kitchen once you turned one last corner. Your cigarette sat loosely between your lips as a trail of potent smoke flitted out into the air. This was beyond your fucking pay grade.
Hell, you didn’t believe you could recognize it but you did – the piercing tone of Leon’s voice was unmistakable. He was the loudest of the two, his small hoarse whines hitching every time his body thudded gently against the wall. Holy shit, you nearly blurted out; your eyes finally finding him in the darkness. His arms were pinned by his head, a nameless face buried in the crook of his neck and fuck if he didn’t look gorgeous like that.
You should’ve just turned around and walked away. You knew you should’ve. You should’ve resisted. But your brain failed to make that very simple command to your body. It instead flooded you with vivid thoughts of all you couldn’t see when you ducked back behind the corner of the wall, igniting a rebellious flame that quickly engulfed you whole. You stood there rooted to your spot, obtusely searching in the darkness as your ears rang with the shameless cacophony of pleasure.  
What the fuck am I doing? That remaining sliver of rationale screamed in your head, the burning heat of your cigarette creeping dangerously close to your lips. You were trembling, breaths labored, your one hand against the double doors clenched into a fist. 
It had been too fucking long. You were smothered in work and work and more work. Taking something for yourself, just for your own plain indulgence was never an option. Or rather, you never left the room for that option to grow. Now you were loitering – cowering in the dark, listening to your bratty trainee get fucked into the wall while you ached and questioned everything you once stood for. Really. What were you doing? 
You bridled at your newfound vulnerability in such a darned situation. So, you turned on your heels and hurried back to your room. Insomnia be damned. You had a throbbing need to nurse now. 
“Son of a bitch,” you muttered begrudgingly to yourself as soon as your back turned to the closed door of your room, fingers pressing ardently over your exhausted eyes. “Fuck. That was—”
But you shook your head, not allowing yourself to give anymore voice to your racing thoughts as you slipped back in your cot, twisting yourself in the thin white bedsheet and scolding your own misbehaving mind. 
But too long. It had been just too long. You’d almost forgotten you harbored all these emotions deep inside that cavity which was meant to hold your heart. Years and years of working yourself like a machine finally collapsing to bits over your head. Why did it have to take him for you to realize? Why this?
And maybe one of these days, you’d curse yourself for it. But right now, you were brimmed full with want and it didn’t take long for your fingers to slide between your thighs and seek release to the filthy thoughts of that same recruit you’d sworn yourself off of. Oh, how shameful indeed. But this was your reality now.
Weeks after that night were hellish. Purely torturous. You could no longer be around Leon and not be reminded of that mouthwatering image of his fucked-out face burned in the back of your mind and the memory of what you did with it; as much as it made a gnawing guilt rise like a choking lump up your throat. 
Leon’s goal to claim your attention was ever set in stone. And now, he intended to plant the seed of desire in you as well. Or perhaps, this was probably just you. You were almost convinced you were deluding yourself. But ignoring your newly budded suspicions offered very little resolution. Because you couldn’t ignore him. Not once did he yield his ways.
His touches had become more constant and lingering. His eyes practically two devouring maws downing you in one gulp. He only needed to open his mouth and he would dig a hole for your resolve to lie in. Yes, Lieutenant. Right away, Lieutenant. The way his tongue rolled around your title, and the way his voice swooped into a low melodious hum whenever he spoke it made your pulse race every damn time. The obedience and politeness a stark contrast to the devilish look on his face. 
It was indeed infuriating the level of power he seemed to hold over you now. It was as though your places had been swapped. You were now at his mercy – of what he found frustratingly entertaining at your expense. 
And finally, one late afternoon, his advances became much more targeted.
Mere minutes. That was all it took after your training ended for him to come barging into the changing room. You were only dressing back into your uniform when the door creaked open. You looked over your shoulder long enough to see Leon stepping in before you turned back around.
“Trainees aren’t allowed in here.” You commented flippantly. Though you didn’t believe that was enough to convince him to leave. He hardly ever sought you out privately like this so it had to be important. “And you forget how to knock?”
“I need to talk to you, Lieutenant.”
You hummed, sliding your fingers beneath the straps of your leather harness as you turned around to finally face the young man, brushing off the warm jolt of your heart upon hearing your title from his mouth again.
His eyes trailed the movement of your fingers donning your gloves. Those strong, deadly hands who were the despair of many enemies. He wondered how gently you’d take to him if you had the chance, burying such care and tenderness into his skin that could make him melt in your arms. The mere thought of it was making his knees grow weak. 
It took him a moment before he offered a hurried salute, a furious blush fanning across his cheeks. You bit your lip as it forced to twist into a playful, knowing smile.
“I think I might need some help with my—with my form.”
You arched a brow. Leon didn’t need help. He was the golden boy. Any recruit would be damn lucky to possess a shred of his prowess. But you decided to humor him nevertheless.
“But you’re acing all your trials. What’s the problem?”
And there it was. That charmed grin that broke upon his face immediately at your remark. An amused smirk finally tugged at the corner of your mouth as you waited for whatever excuse he was going to come up with, his intention growing quickly evident to you. 
“More training never hurt—right?”
Your smirk widened. “You mean you’re not sick of it, yet?”
A small smile ghosted over his lips, his eyes growing soft with fondness as he cocked his head. It made the hair bristle on the back of your neck, taken off guard by the sheer delicateness of his behavior. 
“I could never get sick of you, Miss.”
“That’s the spirit, rookie.” You sat a gentle hand on his shoulder and his eyes flickered down to where it touched him. Your crooked smile returned to your lips. “But don’t worry. I’ll push you so much you’ll be begging for it to stop. There’re still months away from your first mission.”
“You really think I can make the cut?”
“Depends how bad you want to become throwaway meat.” You snarked, scoffing a laugh.
Leon frowned and the cold pinprick of realization of your own words swept over your face. Perhaps it was too soon to start talking to an overeager recruit about the indefinite lows of being an agent. You didn’t know anything about his motivations or what he really believed he was going to get out of this decision that begged a lifelong commitment. But then again, he, of all people, had to know what the future held for him… right?
“Listen—” You breathed out a sigh, squeezing his shoulder fondly before letting go. “Let’s focus on getting you through the rest of your trials first. One step at a time, hmm?”
He gave a slow nod, fingers clasping in front of him, wringing and fidgeting. The conversation seemed to be over now but he remained there, lips flickering wordlessly as if he wanted to speak yet again.
“What is it? You wanna say something?” You prompted.
Leon began chewing his lip, immediately drawing your gaze to his mouth. You swallowed dryly as you drank in the tempting pink of his plump skin turning white under the assault of his teeth. Your mind instinctively wandered to the sweetness of his mouth upon yours, the warmth, the delicious moans he would utter against your lips. Fuck, snap out of it, you chastised yourself.
“Well—you know how none of the other trainees can keep up with me.” He started, cheeks endearingly flushed red, breath stuttering when you stepped closer to him. “You’re the best around here and I know you can take very good care of me.”
Even though he was peering down at you, that mischievous look on your face didn’t fail to make his heart stagger. As if you could see right through him. And of course, why wouldn’t you be able to? A woman of your caliber had her fair share of admirers. He for one knew what the boys in the barracks whispered about you when the lights were off. Hell, he was sure even some of your colleagues had the eyes for you. And to say that made him jealous was laughably undeserving of its true nature.
“I know one on one training with you would do me good.” He smiled. “And maybe you, too. I’m sure you’re aching to get your fists on something.” He tilted his head to the side, gaze burning deep into yours. “I’d offer myself.” 
You tossed your head back and laughed. It wasn’t cruel but sure as hell, it carried a hint of condescendence. There was a reason you refused to get on the training field with the rest of the recruits. After sweeping the legs from under one of the boys when he pestered you about ‘not enough hands on experience with a pro’, none of them dared to challenge you again. The memory of it was still fresh and yet, here Leon was making the same request to you.
“I like your ambition, rookie.” Your voice tapered into a low giggle; so seductive in tone, it woke goosebumps on his skin. “It’s adorable.”
He bit the corner of his lip before quickly letting go. It made your eyes trace back to his mouth again and he suppressed a smile. Two can play at a game, Lieutenant, he thought. All the cards were on the table. Weakness after weakness. This was a fair but draining fight, an aggressive push and pull that could only end with one side going against the currents. And it seemed as though you were both playing to make the other lose first.
“Please, Lieutenant. I really need your help. I’d do anything.”
He pleaded so longingly; it made warmth flutter dangerously low in your belly. Those round eyes and wet plump lips were your forbidden fruit. His hair looked so silky and soft; it gripped you with temptation to grab a fistful of it and pull without mercy until he was reduced to nothing but a whining, pathetic mess.
You smirked. “Then meet me after dinner at the gym. I might take you up on that.”
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Leon was the first to make it later that evening. He had leapt from his seat as soon as he ate his last spoonful to head for the cramped indoor gym just across the mess hall. Adrenaline had already begun scorching under his skin and he hadn’t even seen you, yet. 
His mind roiled with the thoughts of being in your proximity; to have your fingers touch him and your warmth caress him. To have your pinpoint focus on him and only him. Those simple thoughts excited him more than it probably should’ve and he quickly found himself adjusting the front of his pants and palming himself with a vexed heave of a grunt, desperately trying to tame the hardness growing just under the fabric. He flinched when he heard the double doors flutter open.
“Miss.” He quickly turned in your direction, fingers touching his temple in salute. “You’re early.”
Your hands were stuffed inside your pockets and a small smile adorned your face. The bitter tang of tobacco burned his nose as soon as you were close. You had just come from a fresh smoke, he could tell. Strange. He was just now starting to realize he’s actually smelt that somewhere before. Not just around the base and at the training field where he usually caught you with a cigarette between your lips but… somewhere specific.
“You know those stuff will kill ya.” He commented and you merely hummed, the sentiment not fully sinking in. He waved a hand at you. “I saw you start your second pack just earlier.”
You shrugged. “We all have our vices.”
Vices, vices. Of course. Though faded it was, the memory was slowly coming back to him; the vast darkness of the mess hall, a silence ruptured by the voice of his own desperation. And that familiar smell. Humiliation quickly reared its fanged mouth to sneer at him.
“Let me see your hands.”
Leon offered his white wrapped fingers and you took them carefully into your palm, turning them and eyeing the handiwork before unlacing the white strips to fix the looseness around his thumbs. Your attention drew to the furiously red scabs on his knuckles as they revealed themselves and you frowned.
“I better not hear you’ve been overdoing your training.”
He didn’t respond. His eyes followed your strong arms as they finished his wraps before stepping away to shoulder off your jacket and hang it over one of the machines. You turned to him with a cocked brow, gaze expectant as you rolled your white sleeves up to your forearms, leather-clad fingers shining under the ceiling lights.
“You—you were there that night, weren’t you?” Leon croaked; his throat uncomfortably dry as he swallowed.
Your eyebrows twisted into another frown. At first, you were confused but the deep red of his face was all the explanation you needed to make your pulse throb in your ears. Leon scoffed impatiently, his entire body growing visibly tense as he threw an accusatory finger at you.
“Don’t give me that look. You know what I’m talking about. That—that fucking cigarette smell.” His head trembled as if he meant to shake it but couldn’t manage enough strength to do it. “I knew I recognized it. I smelt it on that night, too.”
You opened your mouth to protest but words failed to come to your aid. You only stole your gaze from him and pinned it to the ground.
“Why didn’t you stop me then?
“It was none of my business.” You met his eyes again, your hands curling into loose fists in a futile attempt to steady yourself as your entire body began to quiver. The look Leon gave you was enough to let you know he didn’t really believe your excuse. “You’re upset I didn’t? It’s not too late. I can still write you up.”
“You were watching me.”
Your fists gripped painfully tight, the velvety leather squeaking from the pressure, teeth gritting as you felt your resolution quickly ebb.
“Is that why you kept it to yourself this whole time?”
“That’s enough.”
Leon nearly recoiled at the cutting look of pure fury in your eyes. His lips fluttered but he couldn’t find the words to speak, his face tingled with the cold wash of embarrassment. 
“Are you done running your goddamn mouth, Kennedy?”  
He bit his lip. “Yes, Miss.”
“Good. Now give me ten laps around the posts.”
He choked down the complaints burning on the tip of his tongue, defeatedly making his way to the nearest column. He could see you in his periphery as he readied himself; arms crossed tightly over your chest, the worn look on your face replaced by one of contempt. You weren’t trying to run away so that had to amount to something. This was a conversation to be had later. He was going to make sure of it.
You weren’t paying much attention to him once he began; Leon could clearly see it every time he ran past you. You stared off into the distance, only occasionally raising your head to announce the number of the laps he finished. He resented the heft of the silence that weighed down between you, the tension that seemed to be winding only tighter and tighter. The stinging in his legs were slowly fueling his frustration the longer he went on and he was nowhere near done.
“Why are you doing this?” He grunted as he circled you once again, his eyes only fleeting over the vacant look on your face. “Are you really that fucking scared to talk about it?”
You were scared. Very much so, in fact. Underneath the stern, hard mask you’d donned sat the trembling frame of a simple woman stewing in the barrage of her own harsh reality. You were already riddled with the shame of all that you have done in the confinement of your own privacy but Leon continued to dig at your core, persisting to exhume the emotions you tucked away behind a veil of indifference and authority. 
Your arms gripped themselves more firmly across your chest, pushing yourself to ignore the distance that was shrinking between you as he progressively tightened the circles he ran around you. Your nails hooked themselves in your flesh, teeth gritting nervously.
“I just want to talk.” His voice came from behind you this time. He spoke so gently, it gripped at your heart. “I’m not upset. I just—” You felt the warmth of his hand caress the crook of your neck, carefully urging you to turn around. “I just want closure.” 
You remained steadfast to stay very still, afraid to meet those bright eyes again, fearful of how terribly your own body might betray you. You merely offered a small glance over your shoulder.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
His fingers slipped down your arm, his body nearly pressing to your back. You could feel his all too welcoming heat embrace you like a cocoon, the gentle waft of his breaths over the shell of your ear. The closeness was enough to make you feel light on your feet. He sounded much more annoyed when he spoke again. 
“I, on the other hand, think there’s a shit ton to talk about. So, turn around and look at me when I speak to you.”
You did. You spun slowly on your heels and finally faced him. His lovely face was crumpled. He looked utterly defeated. Debilitating shame began nipping at your heart again. Had you only stayed away that night – had you resisted temptation and did the only right thing.
“I asked you a question.” He demanded with a heavy frown, his grip turning iron tight on your arm and you stifled a grimace. 
You didn’t have it in you to be honest but at the same time, you couldn’t find the will to spit a lie straight to his face. Your features distorted into a scowl to match the one on his, teeth clenched and bared through an ugly snarl. What you did next shocked even yourself.
Leon didn’t see the fist flying towards his face in time and he stumbled back before he could retaliate, releasing your arm to catch himself against the column behind him. His eyes were wide and disbelieved; a hand plastered to the rapidly blossoming flush on his cheek. 
“I’m still your superior, Kennedy.” You growled. “You fucking respect me.”
A smirk, though faint, formed at his lips as he straightened himself. “Right now, you’re nothing but a desperate little coward to me. And since you’re too damn afraid to admit it—” He cocked his head, his glittering eyes hiding in the shadow of his unkempt fringe. “I’ll say it for you. You were there that night. I know because I smelt you.”
You stalked closer to him and in that instance, Leon suddenly felt truly unnerved. You no longer looked at him as if he were just a cocky recruit trying to get under your skin. You looked at him like a predator on a prowl, claws brandished to slash. Your shoulders were stiff and straight, your heels echoing menacingly in his ears as you walked closer towards him. 
“You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you.” You said, low and deep, eyes twinkling dangerously. It made goosebumps rouse on his skin but he held his ground. 
“You’re fucking pathetic.”
He knew very well he was playing with fire. He’d never seen you look so furious. So terrified. You were visibly shaking, furrowed brows twitching above your narrowed eyes – a cornered wounded wolf. That was what you were now. You were driven by anger or impatience and both were equally petrifying; the brilliant solider had leapt forth to project unto you. 
“Did you really think you wouldn’t get caught?” A teasing laughter bubbled up his throat. “Be honest with me just this once – did you touch yourself, too?” The look on his face grew more wicked at your prolonged, struggling silence. “Mhm, I bet you did.”
“Don’t flatter yourself—rookie.” The nickname came with much more bite this time and a pang of offense began growing deep in Leon’s chest, tugging immediately at his brows. “You’re barely my type.”
That was enough to push Leon into motion. His punch shot straight for your throat. You dodged just in time for his fist to dart past your neck. Raising your leg immediately, you kicked him in the stomach and he staggered back against the column with a pained groan, clutching at his shirt as he curled into himself. 
“That’s bullshit.” He panted, struggling to straighten himself back up, lips giving in to an unseemly smile. “I’ve seen you checking me out, sweetheart. Especially, when we train – you practically eat me up with those eyes of yours.”
A sharp, angry breath escaped through your nose, fists winding tight once more. Leon chuckled darkly. Bullseye. It was so easy to draw out those unspoken reactions that told enough all on their own; the stark change in your posture and face at every turn of his words was laughable. 
He grinned slyly as he continued, “can’t say it doesn’t stroke my ego a bit. You don’t give anyone the time of day. Yet, here you are.”
Your eyes narrowed into slits, chin tilted up as you stared at the young man down your nose. He held your gaze with his unwavering smile, knowing he now had you exactly where he wanted you most. Trapped with no way out. That was bound to make you finally spill your guts. 
“So, you might be saying one thing but everything you’ve done so far, isn’t convincing me.” He finished with a nonchalant shrug, his boyish smile growing wider across his lips. “It’s okay to have favorites, Lieutenant. Just admit it that I’m yours.”
You were stuck. Leon was adamant to do you in until nothing was left of you but the toxic concoction of your emotions; until you were stripped down to nothing but the bare bone of that terrifying truth hiding just within. You were truly stuck and you could feel yourself sink rapidly into despair. The quicksand you’ve created finally starting to swallow you whole.
“I know you like the big boys better and I promise you, Miss – I’m very big. I can show you. You just have to ask.”
“Do you have any idea what you’re asking for right now?” You rasped, face stricken with one look of pure defeat. Your inhibition slowly becoming lost to the beckoning cry of desire.
He nodded. “I know that I want you. Really fucking bad. And I told you I’d do anything.” He carefully reached for your wrist and held your hand close to the front of his pants. Your eyes fell on the bulging tension of his crotch and you swallowed, breath hitching in your throat. “So, I’m asking you to touch me and see for yourself. I’ll be good for you. Promise.”
You hooked your lip between your teeth, eyeing Leon’s pleading face before letting your gaze drop again to his crotch. He squirmed ever so slightly under the weight of your probing eyes, his fingers twitching over yours as they held onto you. This was it. You could finally have him.
He moaned shakily once your palm enveloped him, head lolling back against the wall. His hand gripped your shoulder as if you were his lifeline and he would collapse if he didn’t cling to you. Heat rushed through you as his hardness poked your hand and a wry smirk curled the corner of your mouth, confidence returning to your words.
“So hard already?” You chuckled teasingly. You leaned into his ear, breathing gently against the side of his face, your voice turning deep and husky. “Who’s the pathetic one now?”
Leon whimpered incoherently and a wicked grin broke upon your lips. You began pressing a trail of wet kisses to his jaw, humming softly against his skin the more he moaned, intrigued by the generous reactions coaxed by such simple gestures. Any louder and he could be heard through the doors had someone walked by.
“Such a needy little puppy. You’ve been dying to find a way to get my hands on you. That’s why you wanted to train in private, didn’t you?” He only whined in response, writhing against your hand to seek a rougher friction in spite of your miserly touch. You giggled. “Not so cocky now, huh?” 
“Please—please, Miss. I—I—” 
His trembling fingers pressed your hand harder to himself, holding your wrist firmly just to slide your palm back and forth over his cock. You let him have it, relishing in the succession of high-pitched moans that slipped through his lips.
“If you want something from me then I need to hear it first.”
“More. I – I need more.” He rasped. “I need to feel your hand on my cock. Please.”
You smiled as you kissed the corner of his mouth, your fingers starting to fidget with his belt and undoing his pants as quickly as you could. He breathed out a quivering sigh once the fabric grew loose and began slipping down from his waist. You slid a finger under the hem of your glove but Leon stopped you immediately.
“Keep them on. I don’t mind the leather.” 
Your smile broadened, twisting into a crude crooked grin at the corner of your mouth. Leon laughed breathlessly.
“God—that look in your eyes…” He sat a hand on the side of your neck, looking up at you through his long lashes, eyes sweetly round. “You’re dangerous. You could ruin me and I’d fucking let you.”   
You shushed him and he nodded obediently, sinking your gloved hand in his boxers with teasing speed. A loud moan erupted from Leon as the cold smooth leather engulfed him entirely. He bucked unwittingly into your touch, slipping clumsily in and out of your hold once you began stroking him. 
He plastered his palm over his mouth to sheath the uncontrollable noises tumbling freely out of him. You couldn’t help but snicker and his face immediately glowed a pretty flushed pink, a window of apprehension opening through the dazed look in his eyes.  
“You’re so fucking cute—gosh.” Your mouth pressed to his ear and he shuddered as you growled, “I want to eat you up. I want to fucking eat you all up.”
Your lips slipped below his jawline to trace the span of his soft neck. He gasped at the first kiss, a tiny giggle rising in his chest as his head jerked at your ticklish touch. You gripped him more tightly and the jovial bounce in his throat waned into a loud whine. His hips twitched at the firmness, his hand lightly pushing at yours as if he was suddenly too sensitive to touch. 
“S—so rough. Mhm!” He whimpered. 
You eased your hold on him and his shoulders instantly relaxed, a content huff of breath escaping his parted lips. But soon, he began moaning a complaint. “Use me. I can take it.” He mumbled through the slow pumps of your hand. “Don’t hold back on me, honey. Please.”
No more needed to be told. Your speed upped instantaneously and so did the tone of Leon’s moans, piercing and loud, and he had to muffle them against his palm again. Your teeth latched onto the delicate skin of his neck, roving and bruising every bit of free expanse they claimed.  
His curses were strangled, his moans purely made of inaudible sobbing sounds, spitting and shrill and filtering with ease through his fingers. He was getting close and you could also tell by the way he throbbed and leaked in your hand; and by the simple way he couldn’t get a proper string of sentence out to let you know.
“I’m… I’m… I’m gonna cum. You’re gonna – you’re gonna make me cum.”
“It’s alright.” You cooed under his ear. “You can cum for me. Go on, sweetheart.”
And as though you tugged on the strings of his orgasm like a puppet master, he came apart with a sonorous and dulcet moan, pouring himself into your fist. You carefully withdrew your hand as his erratic breaths slowly turned calm and even.
Leon eyed the glistening sleek coating your gloved fingers as they went back to hang at your side again. You really did it to him. Him. That was surely the unthinkable and he couldn’t believe his stroke of luck. His lips parted with a grin; a gesture which you returned as well until your eyes sought the large clock on the wall and a faint frown pulled at your face.
“Guess you have to skip laundry day this time.” He tried to earn back your attention as you turned away from him and slid off your gloves. But it was pointless. You weren’t looking back at him anymore. Worry quickly weighed down on his eyebrows as he busied his hands with his jeans. “But what about you?”
However, you were already moving towards your jacket. He was confused. What happened?
“I have to be up in a couple hours.” You sighed, adjusting the lapels of your jacket. “I’m going on a mission. If things go according to plan, it shouldn’t take more than a day.”
It was as if he was struck by the full weight of a crushing wave at the news. He knew this was your job and soon to be his. But he hadn’t anticipated the anxiety to hit him as hard as it did now. The lines of worry etched deep between his brows. You smiled.
“Don’t look so nervous now or I’ll start thinking you actually care about me.”
He scoffed in defiance but he didn’t say anything. Of course, he cared about you. But he couldn’t bring himself to speak it. It was embarrassing and he doubted this – whatever this was – went beyond just plain entertainment. Not that he minded. But your assumption felt like a stinging stab of insult. 
“I’m only doing a short protocol run in Raccoon City. But I won’t be on my own.” You explained. As if that could help.
His eyes shot up to yours at the mention of the city and you immediately regretted ever opening your mouth, muttering a curse under your breath. He strode towards you and gripped your shoulders. 
“I’m coming with you.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re staying at the base just like the rest of the recruits.”
“None of that.” You raised your palm defensively. “My job right now is to protect you and this isn’t up for debate.”
“I’m perfectly capable. I survived an outbreak. A small protocol run is nothing. I can do it. I know I can.”
You raised your voice, your tone growing biting and authoritative. “You listen to me, Kennedy. I don’t care what your status was before you came here but right now, you’re not a soldier. So, when I say you can’t come along then you won’t. Am I clear?”
Leon turned solemn. His eyes, now hopeless and downcast, fell to the ground. You heaved a heavy sigh, sitting a gentle hand on the young man’s shoulder.
“Look, I can only imagine what you’ve been through,” you started, voice hushed and soft. “And I can tell that city means something to you. And I promise, one day, we’ll go there together. But today – try not to be a hero today.”
He nodded even though you could see how hesitantly, and you finally let your hand drop from his frame, a content smile ghosting over your lips. Leon reached for your wrist once you turned to walk away, his fingers pressing gently to your skin.
“Please be careful.”
You nodded. “Always.”
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You were gone by the time Leon woke to begin his day. Training wasn’t the same without you as the substitute soldier watching over the field only reminded him of your absence. It shouldn’t have taken more than a day. So, he awaited your return impatiently. 
But how naïve he was to believe that? Of course, you had to have been merely comforting him. One small look at that pitiful look on his face and you leapt to remedy his worry. Because now it had been more than a whole day. Days even. And yet, no sign of you or the team who had gone with you. 
He asked around the base for you, the mission, anything that could ease the deadweight of dread in his stomach. However, the unresponsiveness was driving him insane; and learning to expect the worst since not long ago, he couldn’t stop from convincing himself that something had gone terribly wrong. 
Then, at long last on the eve of the third day, your helo showed in the clear sky over the base. But the air was already heavy as it landed and the soldiers deplaned, their number significantly less than when they first left. Something had truly happened. 
Leon held his breath as he sought your face amongst the rest, his pulse quickening more and more the longer you remained missing. And finally, the helo took off back towards the sky without you ever even showing up.
He felt his stomach sink, his knees nearly giving away underneath his weight. His eyes frantically searched the perimeter filled with the returning soldiers and the crowd gathered to welcome them back, hoping he had somehow missed you walking among them. 
“Did you hear what happened to those poor fuckers?” He heard a voice pipe up beside him. “Almost found none of their remains. Makes you glad you aren’t one of them, huh?”
Another voice chimed in. “It sure makes you believe in the cross and the lord.” A muffled chorus of laughter rolled between the bunch. 
Leon didn’t wait any longer to hear the rest of conversation, rushing back inside the base to where he could get a proper fucking word from someone. (Y/N), please, please, please be okay, his mind reeled with the thoughts. Fuck, I knew I should’ve convinced her to take me with them.
Without thinking twice, he turned the corner that led down to your office. He blinked and instantly, realization dawned on him. You were always there for him whenever he sought you out – always in possession of the answers he was looking for. And now you weren’t here to quell his fear like you always did. As he neared the polished wood of your door and raised his knuckles to knock, he feared you wouldn’t be there to welcome him like you always did. He feared that the unfortunate fate of those soldiers had befallen you as well.
All of a sudden, his eyes were drawn to the passing figure just down the hallway, catching enough sight of it to quickly realize the man was one of the soldiers accompanying you into the mission. Leon called out to him, his voice lost in the commotion, chasing after him through the narrow walls.
“Sir. A moment?” The older soldier only spared a brief glance at him, not stopping to fully acknowledge him. “Where’s Lieutenant (L/N)? Did she – did she make it back?”
For a long moment, the man remained silent and Leon thought his question was going to be unanswered yet again. Then he began dreading the actual answer – if it was going to put the seal of confirmation on his worries. 
“She’s in the interrogation room.”
That was all that came through that tight-lipped mouth before the soldier hurried off. Leon’s steps slowed to a stop. He was a dizzying turmoil of emotions; relief that, finally, he had word that you were okay and the ebbing adrenaline giving way to mere confusion. What had happened that’s sent everyone into such a feral panic? 
It took him a while but eventually, he managed to find you. Or where he believed you to be. A few soldiers loitered outside a door, waiting for something. White light flared from the small window that peeked inside the room. He stalked closer, heart hammering in his chest to having had at long last found you – safe and alive – sitting behind a table. 
Across from you was a person, wound in obscene layers of chains, head completely sheathed within a thick wrap. Their shoulders were slouched, shifting erratically with every breath they drew as if they were shaking. They were very still for a few seconds until Leon noticed your lips move and they shot straight to their feet, too keen to lunge at you before they were promptly subdued by their restraints; and they slumped back in their seat. 
You were rather calm, a loose fist flexing slowly on the tabletop. But a faint frown tugged at your brows and that was enough to let Leon know you were frustrated. The conversation, whatever words being exchanged, wasn’t going too well. 
It didn’t take long for you to finally resign and walk out of the room. The soldiers outside straightened to your attention, awaiting your commands. Only then Leon noticed the sling over your shoulder and his pulse began to race once again.
“Lieutenant!��� He beckoned impatiently as soon as the door fluttered shut behind you. 
A weak smile crossed your lips, nodding at him before turning your focus to the other men in the hallway. 
“Alert the medics right away. She needs DEVIL.”
“But, ma’am—” Objected one of the soldiers and you interrupted. “We don’t have much time left. We need her compliance if we want any information out of her.”
The bunch nodded and offered their salutes before entering the room to follow your orders. That was when you slumped against the wall, a worn breath heaving in your chest. Leon came to your side immediately. 
“Jesus, (Y/N)—I was so worried.”
His lips pressed to your forehead, fingers gently cradling the back of your neck. The kiss was lingering and firm but relieved. It almost managed to wash away the exhaustion weighing on your shoulders. You smiled timidly at him once he leaned away.
“I came back a few hours ago – I’m alright.”
“You’re hurt.” He bridled, gesturing at your arm. “I should’ve been there. I should’ve — I should’ve done something.”
“Leon, I promise. I’m fine.”
“What the hell even happened out there?”
“We just ran into a nasty surprise.” You rubbed your eyes with a deep sigh, struggling to keep the wearing impact of the mission at bay. “Found a survivor. Can you believe it?”
“Her?” He motioned with his head at the window, the bound person inside the interrogation room and you nodded.
“She’s damn lucky we found her when we did. As much as she dealt us some damage.”
He waved a hand at the cast around your arm and you suddenly felt the urge to shrink away from him. The fury was pure evident in his voice when he spoke again, his voice low and gruff. “She did this?”
“Calm down.” You scolded gently. “She’s been through it. If you can’t tell, that’s not her right now.”
You started down the hallway, the same path Leon had come earlier to find you, and he trailed behind you like an orphan puppy, continuing to pummel you with his arguments.
“Which means It’s stupid to show her this level of mercy. Did no one learn from what happened?”
“Leon,” you breathed out another sharp sigh, turning your eyes to glance at the visibly annoyed look on his face. “This was a group decision. Do you trust your superiors?”
The silence he responded with grew questionably long. You stopped and he only did so a few steps ahead of you, turning his shoulder hesitantly, knowing fully well you were expecting him to say something.
“Do you trust me?”
He nodded. “I do. Yeah.”
“Okay. Then I promise you, this is for the best.”
Then it hit you; a stab of debilitating pain sending your vision churning as if you were stuck inside a blender. You braced a hand against the wall as you groaned, eyes squeezing shut. Leon looked horrified. His gaze fell on the dark splotches of blood seeping through the white bandage of your arm and he began to panic, rushing to hold under your good arm.
“I’m fine.” You croaked, willing yourself to move without his aid but the blood loss was finally taking its toll.
He frowned. “Really? You’re bleeding.”
And with that, he dragged you to the hospital wing despite your irritated objections. 
You were fine. You continued to insist and insist much to Leon’s disdain. Of course, this wasn’t anything you couldn’t recover from and you made sure that was ingrained in his brain by the time you were nearly done with your blood transfusion. And by then, he had shot down every one of your complaints with a lenient glare which did little to silence your petulance.
He kept his distance until your nurse stopped frequenting your bedside and then he crept closer to you like a scared stray. As if he was afraid to set something off and send things into a spiral. Though the look on his face told you he was still slightly irked.
“You’re insane. In case I haven’t told you, yet.”
You laughed drowsily, a bitter edge to the otherwise joyful sound. Leon’s hand slipped over yours, hesitantly at first, then he gripped them tighter, fingers threading together.
“You worry too much, rookie.” You offered a lopsided smile, taking in his face that was silhouetted against the fluorescent ceiling lights. “There are much bigger things than me here.”
“Don’t.” He choked out and your brows furrowed, initially confused by the sudden change in his voice until you noticed the glistening line of tears coating his lashes.  
“Oh, Leon—”
“Jus—st stop saying things like that.” His eyelids flickered rapidly, blinking back the impending fall of hot tears. “It’s not fair. Why does it have to be you?”
You scoffed another laugh. “Jesus. I know I don’t look like it but I’m still alive, you know.”
His lip began to quaver and he bit it into his mouth, stealing his face away from your eyes as a streak of tears streamed down his cheeks, his fingers trembling between yours.
“Leon, look at me.” You crooned sweetly, squeezing his hand. He refused, his gaze still glued to the ground. You smiled. “Come on, baby. Look at me.”
The soft tone of your voice, the pet name, captured his ears, and he finally returned his attention to you. His rigid shoulders sank as you slid your hand from his grasp to pat on the mattress. His glossy eyes locked onto yours momentarily before he sat down on the edge of your bed and helped you sit up.
You brushed away the wet trail of tears with your thumb before holding the side of his face, pulling him in just slightly before he eagerly closed the distance between you, kissing you chastely on the lips. The anxious tension thawed out almost immediately, giving its place to a swelling comfort. 
“I’ll be fine, okay?” You murmured once you let go. “I don’t want you to worry so much about me.”
Leon nodded but his eyes weren’t looking at you anymore. They were pinned down to where your fingers sat woven together on the hard mattress. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice was quiet, almost inaudible. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want anything happening to you. But he couldn’t speak those words, fearing it would turn real. That he would curse the one good thing he had going in his life for once. “I know you got this.”
“Is this – what is all this about?”
He hooked his lip between his teeth, the warmth of his hand leaving your fingers. You waited patiently for his answer – if there was going to be any. His silence was enduring and heavy and all of a sudden, you felt as though a thick wall of glass erected between you.
“It’s nothing.” He murmured.
Your lips curling into a sweet compassionate smile. As much as he fought to hide it, his fear was laid bare before you. You could tell what could be going through his mind when he was faced with the possibility of loss. Something you had to experience many times – with loved ones and otherwise. You never got used to the grief and you could easily understand him. 
“I was a bit younger than you when I first signed up,” you started. “Back then, I thought I was only running away from my old life; but I was also leaving someone very close to me behind. Someone who loved me more than anyone ever had.” Leon glimpsed at you from the corner of his eyes and at the bitter quirk of your lips as you recalled the memory. “When I left, I became a dead soldier walking in her eyes. Then that goddamn outbreak happened and… and…” You drew a shaky gasp, shaking your head lightly at yourself. Your fist folded against your chest, clasping around a pendant hiding beneath your shirt. You heaved a sigh before you continued, “when I went back to the city for the first time, this was the only thing left of her that I could find.”
The dull silver dangled over your shirt, the frail thing blackened in parts, no doubt an aftermath of the government bombings of the city; the locker’s tiny hinge was askew and its delicate carvings had almost completely melted off. A sullen huff of laughter pushed through your lips.  
“In a twisted way, I was the one who outlived her. That doesn’t seem fair, does it?”
Leon remained quiet. He didn’t know what to say. He knew this was a realistic way of seeing things, almost expecting what your next words meant to be. But he couldn’t shake the bothersome weight of cynicism laced in your tone – in everything you said. It all sounded much too bleak. 
But maybe this was what everything meant to be: bleak. Bleak and unredeemable. 
“What I’m trying to say is—” You breathed out another sigh. “You can’t keep guessing what cards you’ll be dealt. You just have to put your best one down.” 
“It’s really not that big of a deal.” He mumbled in weak protest.
Your shoulders shifted in a lazy shrug. “I really hope so.”
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They codenamed her Banshee; that strange woman who ambushed the mission team and ended up being held captive at the base. 
Leon never saw her since the morning of your return. You were strangely secretive about it unlike how often you were there to ease his mind in the past. The confidentiality was troubling him even more. What was so important about this woman? What information could be needed from her? Why was she being held like a prisoner?
All the suspicions and the questions were why he discovered those agonized shrieks himself – one night when he passed the infirmary room on his way back to the barracks a little before curfew. Or rather, snuck. Because you had refused to take him with you. Again.
The mazelike hallways leading to the infirmary was restricted for most, he soon came to realize. Guards littered the vicinage. Security cameras hung from every crevice with every corner he turned. Just what the hell were they trying to protect? Leon had to find out. He had to know what ungodly things were being done to Banshee to rouse such gut churning noises out of her. If she was treated then this was blatant torture; and that altruistic part of him couldn’t close his eyes to it. 
Of course, he wasn’t capable of much in his position. But now, your words weren’t enough to convince him anymore. For once, he was doubting you. Because he’d seen you on the very same night he snuck into the heavily guarded unit. You were definitely in on the matter, you knew the complete extent of it; yet, you refused to confide any in him, pretending things were sound and fine. Lies, lies, lies. It was driving him up the wall.
Though maybe his haste had fueled his recklessness a bit. As much as he moved calculatedly, making it on the precise minute the night guards were changing post, it was completely lost on him that a higher rank soldier could arrive at any given instance. Because that was how you caught him.
You saw the faint shape of a shadow shed onto the floor, its source evidently cowering just behind the corner of the wall. It remained completely still as you squinted with suspicion into the distance, one hand reaching slowly for the pistol in your holster and brandishing it. 
“Who’s there?” You called out, cocking your gun. “Show yourself.”
Leon looked to his side where he had just come from. The new guards were going to assume post soon and they were going to find him here if he didn’t do something quickly enough. He could hear your slow footfalls as you crept closer to where he stood in hiding. 
He raised his palms, sheepishly slithering into sight beneath the pale red ceiling lights. You breathed a relieved sigh, lowering your arm. But then, a deep look of anger struck your features.
“Somehow I knew you’d still come here.” You said through teeth. “Do I wanna know what you’re even up to?” 
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant.” He choked out.
You rolled your eyes, stepping closer to him and he grew visibly tense; straightening his neck, eyes avoidant and staring right past the top of your head. His throat shifted as he swallowed thickly. Your frown deepened, eyes turning narrowed. 
“Wrong, Kennedy. What are you doing here?” Your voice was low as if you didn’t want to be heard.
Leon fought himself to meet your eyes again. You were (Y/N). He didn’t need to fear you. But he was quickly losing faith once his gaze crossed yours again. His words were crippled by his anxiety and he merely gaped as your heated glare remained fixated on him.
A snarl twisted your lips at his helpless silence. You grabbed a firm hold of his wrist and began walking up the hallway, dragging him along with you. He trailed behind like a ragdoll, letting you force him through the winding ways and evade the incoming guards until you found a vacant room and shoved him inside.
He stumbled into the room as if his feet had gone lame, only slowly turning around to face you when you closed the door and flickered the lights on. Of course, you still looked furious and he hadn’t yet found the words to defend himself with. Not that he had prepared much for when he was going to be caught. 
“I’m waiting.” You said curtly, the scowl on your face never changing, slipping your gun back into its holster. 
“I—well, I—I don’t know. I just wanted to see what was going on.”
All of a sudden and without any warnings, you charged at him and Leon recoiled into the edge of the desk behind him, eyes blowing wide with shock. Your curled knuckles sat against his chest, pushing at him firmly.
“You decided to go against my order. And here I thought you trusted me.”
“I do—” He stammered, voice shrill with panic. “I do trust you.”
“This doesn’t look much like it now, does it?” 
“I can explain.”
“Then fucking explain.”
He swallowed again, eyes fluttering rapidly as they shifted around in search for an indefinite point of focus until they found yours again. Your jaw was clenched, a single furrowed brow twitching with frustration. He had to say something to remedy the damage. 
“I just think this isn’t humane.” You arched a brow and his remaining sliver of courage began to dwindle. Thinking of the words to say, he was quickly realizing how idiotic what he did truly was but he continued to speak what was truly on his mind, “it’s not right to do all these experiments on her.”
“You think that’s what’s happening here?”
“No. I—I don’t know.”
You scoffed. “Was it worth it then? Getting in trouble for this. What if someone else saw you?”
“I’m sorry.” He repeated himself timidly. 
“Jesus, this isn’t about that,” your voice rose an octave. “This is dangerous. You could’ve gotten fucking killed.”
Leon stared at you with a slack mouth, eyes wide and scared. You shook your head and stepped away from him, suddenly caving into the sharp strike of pain through your shoulder, a grimace distorting your face. Your hand instinctively rose to put pressure over the bandage dressing your wound. 
He so terribly wanted to hold you and soothe your aches, to place kisses to your hair and comfort you. He hated seeing you so hurt. He reached a hand out towards you, fingers nearly beckoning but they dropped limply back at his side again, thinking better of it.
“One word out of your mouth,” you lifted your head to say with a cutting glint in your eyes, voice almost breathless from that brief episode of pain. “One fucking word about tonight out of your mouth and I’m signing your papers myself. Am I clear?”  
He nodded. “Yes, Miss.”
A deep sigh rushed through your nose. “Does anybody else know about this?” Leon shook his head no and your lips pursed into a crooked line, something slightly akin to a smile. “At least, you were smart about that – come on.”
You gestured with your head towards the door and Leon frowned in confusion, his eyes shortly darting to the pristine white wood before returning to yours. You could easily read the unspoken question written on his face.
“I’m walking you back to the barracks. I can’t have you wandering around on your own.”
The way back to the unrestricted sector was slow yet comfortably quiet. Your focus rest upon avoiding the main hallways where soldiers stood guard and cameras roved the vicinity. He felt oddly safe despite the circumstance – safe with you. 
Leon walked alongside you, the back of your hand warm against his. His fingers begged to spread over your palm and clasp tightly around it. They traced coyly across your wrist and right then, he caught you glancing at him from the corner of your eyes and this might have been a trick of the shadows but he could swear he saw a smile form on your lips. 
Your fingers threaded through his. “I’m sorry for lashing out back there.” You whispered, squeezing his hand before raising it to see the healing scars strewn all over his knuckles. You kissed them with caution and Leon drew a gasp, shivering from the gentleness of your touch. “I was so scared for you. I kept thinking about what would’ve happened if someone else—”
He interrupted, “(Y/N), I know. You don’t have to explain.”  
The shadows cast over your face made the soft frown tugging at your brows much more twisted as you continued to stare ahead into the darkness. 
“You’re not gonna pull this shit again, are you?” Leon almost didn’t hear you with how quietly the question came. “I was serious about it being dangerous.”
An oppressing silence settled between you as he pondered your words. You tilted your head to glimpse the troubled look on his face. Of course, the curiosity wasn’t going to just vanish all on its own. And knowing him, you were quite certain it was only a matter of time until he found another way to the infirmary. You sighed. Maybe sharing some information wasn’t entirely terrible.
“Banshee’s had some interesting developments since getting her first dose.”    
Leon perked up at that. “What do you mean?”
“She’s very strong. Three men can’t hold her down when she starts throwing a fit.” You explained. “And she heals quickly. Tooquickly. The medics have a hard time keeping her IVs in. They think it has something to do with her infection.” You looked at him again. “She still has her intelligence, so combined with everything else – that’s too much power for just one person.”
“What’s she being kept for?” He asked but he had a feeling he already knew even though you refused to answer anymore.
“Just promise me that you will stay away. For your own safety. And stop asking questions for fuck’s sake.”
He stopped and the link between your hands held you back as well. You turned with a frown. Leon’s face was cloaked in the shadows but you could still see his glistening eyes. He tugged you forward and cradled you against his chest.
“And what about you? Aren’t you supposed to be safe, too?”
“I know we talked about this. I’m not doubting you. I just—” He trailed off, biting his lip before he started again, “I don’t want to lose you.”
There. He finally said it. But your silence was too telling. Then you slowly began to pull away from him. 
You were startled, the plane rawness in the confession making your skin crawl with goosebumps. This – all of this – erased any remaining shred of distance between you. Intimacy had become such a stranger to you after so long, it was difficult for you to welcome it again now. Affection lending all but true comfort, you had come to learn years ago. 
“You can’t. No.” You protested, shaken with panic, pulse racing.
Leon’s grip became tight around you, keeping you firm against himself. “It’s you who can’t. Listen to me—” He gave your shoulder a gentle jolt when your head began whipping around as if looking for a way out. “I won’t let you keep treating yourself like you’re disposable. You’re—you’re so much more than that to me.”
A fragile lump knotted in your throat as your eyes met his again, your lip quavering of its own accord. He held your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek as an adoring smile curved his mouth. You shook your head but to what question or depiction of disagreement, you couldn’t tell anymore. You only knew you were protesting the silent wailing of your heart that called out to him. 
But this felt right. He felt right. Everything about this snippet of time was perfectly that – right.
“Please, (Y/N)—let me show you. Just one chance. Just—just for tonight.”
Your eyes searched his face in the darkness, your heart beginning to hammer in your throat. He was so close to you that you could feel his cool breaths feathering over your skin, slow and even – unlike your sharp ones. His arms held you protectively as if he could shield you from yourself. And in this moment, the idea of letting go seemed all too inviting. 
At last, you nodded sheepishly. “Okay.”
Leon followed you again as you led the way to your room. He had seen your office many times before; the flourishing link between you afforded him confidence to seek you in solitude at times. However, he was never once inside your private quarters. 
The room hardly looked lived in; the bed was clean and made, the desk against the wall barren of any belongings – a room fit for a soldier prepared to depart as soon she was called upon. It all was cold and vacant except for a small pot of plant which sat on the windowsill. The leaves were young and fresh, swaying slowly in the breeze wafting in from the small crack in the window. 
You distanced yourself to shut the window before turning your eyes to the tiny plant, stroking it carefully between two fingers as a smile adorned your lips. Then you peered back at Leon who was still standing at the door, watching you silently with a warm expression, gaze soft and loving. Your heart began to flutter again.
“I’m all yours, Leon.” You admitted quietly, longingly.
He approached you slowly, arms twisting around you once again, engulfing you in his warmth. His lips were merely a breath apart from yours, caressing you ever so lightly. You could feel their tempting softness from this small distance. So sweet. So incredibly sweet. You were already growing weak in the knees.
Leon held your face and at last, his lips pressed gently upon yours. His kisses were paced and sensuous. Careful. His fingers sank in your hair to brace against the back of your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek absentmindedly. Your fist gripped loosely over his chest, the collar of his shirt crumpling between your digits and pulling him tighter to yourself.
A breathless moan escaped him as he stumbled into you from the force and he giggled against your lips, leaning away to smile down at you. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You whispered and his face became flushed, his smile growing bashful. You pushed away the hair from his eyes, letting your fingers rest within the soft locks. Leon pressed a small kiss to the heel of your palm. “Will you promise me something?”
“Anything, honey.”
“Please never cut your hair.”
An adorable, boyish grin lit up his pretty face. “I take it you like it then?”
“It makes it easier to boss you around.” You finished as your grip tightened on his roots and his eyes squeezed shut, his jaw becoming visibly clenched. A tight-lipped moan trembled on his tongue. 
“Always have to make a point to be so mean to me.”
He offered no time for you to gather a response, dropping his hands to your knee and lifting it just slightly over his own leg. “Up,” he muttered and you jumped, coiling your legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he caught you against his hips. His lips were back upon yours soon after.
His head was tilted, mouth parted and tongue flicking teasingly at your lip. Your hand flexing in his soft hair coaxed moan after moan from him before his fingers dug mercilessly into the flesh of your thighs, leading you both down on the edge of the bed. His hands slipped under your shirt, spreading wide over your back as if to claim you beneath his touch.
It was almost instinctual to begin grinding against him, shifting your hips again and again over his cock that slowly became tangibly hard under you. Leon moaned sharp and drawn out, stuttering them against your lips as his kisses grew slow and clumsy. He pulled away a mere hair’s breadth with his eyes still closed, forehead pressed to yours.
“I want to make it up to you.” His nose brushed yours, his wet lips agape and desperate to be put to something as they traced the air, blindly looking for yours again. “Can you lie down?”
You nodded and his hold tightened around your waist, helping you down gently against the hard mattress. His fingers soothed your clothed thighs as he seated himself between your legs. His smile was soft when he pressed a kiss to your knee, nodding approvingly once you began stripping your jeans.
Leon discarded the article onto the floor once it came undone, his hand then quickly returning to your legs to push them carefully apart. He moved with a certain care that made a shy smile grow on your face and a pleasant warmth in your cheeks. You bit your lip, unable to hold in the giddiness that bubbled deep in your throat.
“What?” He crooned with a soft smile of his own, fingers still caressing your legs.
“Nothing. It’s just – this is perfect.” He cocked his head, eyes bright as you spoke. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
Leon smiled again. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
The ensuing silence that formed between you was gentle and comfortable, sitting with its featherlike weight in the air as you both relished in each other’s warmth, doing nothing but merely sharing delicate touches and chaste kisses in between soft loving glances. 
It was as though time had slowed to a stop in the room; no worry or caution waiting to cast doom upon your little square of joy. The turbulence of the vast world lost under the delightful heft of peace seeded within this very moment. Nothing could steal this away from either of you.
When the quiet broke apart, it was you who had reached a hand between your thighs to hold Leon under the chin. He closed his eyes with a content smile before he tilted his head to press another small kiss to your knee, his fingers gliding slowly up the side of your leg.
“You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.” You confessed, voice low and timid. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize it soon enough.”
He shushed you softly, leaving a trail of kisses lower and lower on your thigh, carefully making his way down to the throbbing wet center awaiting the warmth of his mouth. His gaze flickered up to yours once his lips were a breath shy of your swollen clit. 
“We have the rest of our time to make up for it, honey.”
And when the sentence reached its last, Leon’s tongue sat flat against your pussy. Your chest hitched from the heated contact, breath knotting in your throat. Your core gripped with need as your clit became embraced in the wet heat of his sweet mouth and pinched playfully between his slippery teeth. 
He took to you carefully; his eyes attentive to the flitting emotions on your face and his ears to the soft noises escaping your parted lips. He took in the small movements of your hips as they circled slowly against the mattress, writhing and coaxing bigger moans from you every time you met his mouth more firmly.
Your fingers soon sought purchase in the thin white sheets below you, gripping them tightly in your grasp as Leon upped his pace. He moaned heatedly once your other hand – the same hurting one –reached for the mess of hair on top of his head and threaded through the roots gingerly, pushing his mouth tighter upon yourself.
That was what he needed to lose all sense of self and bury his face into your cunt with a low groan, mouth panting and reeling against you. He took you onto his tongue with fervent vigor, making himself more and more breathless with every flutter along your clit, spurred on only by your encouraging moans and sharp gasps.
“Mmmgod… you taste heavenly, sweetheart.” He moaned breathily, his senses whelmed by the clear flavor of your pussy and your soft smell that made him want to dig into you with the neediness of a starved man’s first supper. “Want my tongue inside you—yeah? Want me to fuck you with my tongue, baby?”
You whined softly at the twist of desperation in his voice as his tongue continued to flicker rapidly over your clit, his mouth slurping your sleek through the urgency of the question. You nodded quickly, moaning your approval right before the firm tip of his tongue slithered into your folds, making you arch your back at the assault of heat lurching deep within your core.
He slid his tongue in and out of you swiftly, moaning as he downed more of your taste, the lucid flavor sending his mind into a feverish turmoil – the focal of his attention stranded in only your pleasure alone. He returned to suck on your clit with a newfound tenacity, his breaths coming short and shallow against your fevered skin. 
“God, you’re incredible,” he muttered through a mouthful. “I need more… I need more.”
The small cot squeaked as Leon began to grind himself against it, his fingers digging crescents into the meat of your thighs, his own desire reaching a melting point as the winding heat in your body mounted the delicious borderline of collapse. Your fingers gripped tighter in his hair, your body growing tense with the anticipation of your release.
“I’m so close. I’m gonna – I’m gonna…”
But the warning came too late as your orgasm coursed through you like a storm and you came with a soft cry, pushing your head back against the mattress, the heat at last breaking loose inside your core. Leon’s lips roved your inner thighs as your high gradually ebbed, pressing slow gentle kisses to your skin. He listened to your soft gasps of breath, relishing in the gentle way your fingers continued to flex in his hair. 
You were strangely meek and sweet in a moment like this, Leon thought to himself; so vulnerable, so… human. The perfect soldier lain on a cheap hard cot, reduced to a whimpering mess at the mercy of his mouth. It made him smile adoringly as he raised his head to look at you.
“You’re still with me?” He said with a soft huff of laughter, noticing how your dazed eyes are still pinned to the ceiling as your chest rose and fell heavily, ever lost in the throes of an utter bliss.
Your head inclined in a small nod before you finally met his gaze with a lazy smile. A nearly silent chuckle slipped through your lips.
“Yeah. Still here.”
Leon lifted himself and over your body. His thumb reached for his own mouth to swipe at the smear of your arousal glistening on his kiss swollen lips. You linked an arm around his shoulders, letting the other sit comfortably down at your side, urging him closer to yourself. He met your lips with his, giving you a small kiss before parting once more. He fingered the side of your face as he looked down at you with a soft look in his eyes.
“You’re amazing.” The smile on his face was broad as he spoke, his thumb brushing over your cheek. 
You rolled your eyes with a ghost of a smile on your lips. 
“I mean it.” His eyebrows raised, giving you a stern nod. “You are amazing. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”
You sat a gentle hand against his cheek. “What are you doing to me, Kennedy?”
A cheeky, lopsided smile quirked the corner of his mouth as he leaned down and pressed the tip of his nose to yours. His fingers slipped from your face to your hair, brushing through it with care but that playful expression was ever persistent on his face.
“Right now? Probably blowing your mind.”
You rolled your eyes again but a chortle erupted in your throat, making Leon laugh with you in return. He traced his pinky finger over your lips, teasing them apart as his eyes became transfixed by them; his own mouth parted slightly as if in anticipation of another kiss. He looked back up in your eyes once more.
“I just want you so bad right now.” He whispered, his voice a low scratchy rasp, waking goosebumps down your spine. “I’m sorry. I know it’s a lot to ask for. I just—” 
You interrupted him with a kiss, holding the side of his neck to bring him even closer. His content sigh flitted against your mouth as he melted in your embrace. When you pulled away to look at him again, his bright blue eyes were half-closed and smoldering with lust. 
“I want you, too.” You smiled. 
Leon gave a quiet laugh, his cheeks bright with pink. “You do? You sure?”
You nodded and his smile widened even more. He began speaking something but the sudden spike of excitement in his voice made the words string together in a mess of incomprehensible words as he stood to his feet to rid himself of his clothes. You chuckled as you watched him discard the layers without even looking, an infectious grin carving his face in two. 
An amused smirk curved your lips as Leon climbed over you again. He blushed furiously upon noticing that devilish, teasing look in your eyes. He laughed breathlessly, running his nails over the side of his flushed cheek.
“Don’t you dare tease me about this.” 
You laughed more loudly. “I didn’t even say anything.”
He leaned down with a faint smile, his eyes flickering over your face as he squeezed your thighs tightly between his long fingers.
“I know that look, sweetheart. You don’t need words to drive me crazy.”
You raised an eyebrow, still smirking. A playfully stern look crossed his features, his fingers slowly reaching higher for the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your stomach.
“See? You’re doing it right now.” 
“Christ, Leon!” You exclaimed through another fit of laughter.
Leon’s gaze softened again, his thumbs brushing over your exposed ribs, his lips curled into a dreamy smile. “You have no idea how much I love it when you call me by my name.” 
A gentle smile turned your mouth as you drank him in – as if you were looking at him for the first time. You pressed your fingers gingerly against his face, tracing a borderless map across his smooth skin, brushing your fingertips over his lips, his nose, every line, every crevice. He smiled down at you as your touch wandered his features, making a face at you once your eyes met his again.
“I can’t believe my luck.” You whispered with an endeared smile. 
Leon nodded his head, a mischievous smirk sat in the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, me neither. I mean, let’s face it. I’m quite the catch.”
“Shut up.” You scolded gently, your voice roiling with a small chuckle. 
“Make me.” 
A wicked smile tugged at your lips as you buried your fingers in his hair and forced his lips upon yours. His small delicate moan of surprise stifled against your mouth before he gave into you with a small murmur, his fingers caressing your cheeks as he reciprocated the kiss. Then he giggled and leaned away just enough to speak again, his breath one with your own.
“Alright. Point taken.”
You gave an easy laugh, shaking your head, your fingers still threaded in his hair. Leon smiled down at you again, a much more gentle, sincere one that made your heartbeats stutter.
He slid his hand over your torso, slowly making his way up to your chest. Two of his fingers slipped beneath your sports bra, soothing over the curve of your breast before his nails grazed your nipple, drawing a soft gasp through your lips. 
A glint flashed in Leon’s eyes at the sound – a sweetly inquisitive light. His pupils were wide, like two pools of ink; but the mirth was laden there somewhere in those depths, leaping forth through the burning lust. It made his face soften once more as he peered up at you, a tender yet impish smile curling his lips. He moved his hand again, his touch picking up in confidence as he swiped his fingers over your nipple once more. 
Another small sigh of pleasure escaped your lips and all of a sudden, Leon was brimmed whole with the need to put his lips to your skin again. He pushed his mouth against your ribs, his tongue flickering out to claim a taste as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your skin. Then he remained there, his lips trailing a wet path up to the middle of your breasts before his fingers began peeling your sports bra back.
You let him unravel you even more, carefully prying the tight fabric away from your skin. He stared down at your exposed body with his mouth parted in awe. His tongue swiped over his lips before he surged forward again, driven by a need that he rendered to your breasts, taking each nipple with renewed fervor. 
Your chest arched into his touch, moaning breathlessly as he began moving towards your neck, his face practically burying itself in your skin with how hard he was pressing his mouth onto you. His kisses were much less forgiving now, fluttering from his lips with bruising intensity, as if each lustful stroke meant to strip your soul down more and more. 
Leon raised his mouth to your ear, his breath warm and uneven against your hair. “God, I need you,” he whispered hoarsely, his voice no longer bearing its previous hint of airiness, a rich beckoning of desire taking its place instead. “I need you so fucking bad.”
The breath knotted taut in your throat as you searched for words. You nodded fervently, moaning something incoherent before you rasped your agreement, weaving your fingers through his hair to push his face deeper against your neck, pulling a sharp breath from his lips. 
He thumbed your sides as he glanced down between your bodies, his temple pressed to your collarbone, he lifted his hips just enough to position his hard cock between your thighs. His tip pushed gently against your entrance and a soft groan escaped him as though he was already too sensitive. 
“Is this okay?” He paused to meet your eyes again; his face so close, his nose bumped against yours as he shifted his head. 
You nodded with a reassuring smile, coiling one arm around his shoulder as he squirmed ever so slightly, bringing him closer to yourself. A trembling breath flitted through his flushed lips once his hips thrust forward gingerly, the movement slow and cautious, yet his cock finally managed to slip through your sopping cunt.
Another heated groan rumbled in Leon’s throat once he burrowed himself deep inside you, the noise quickly morphing into a desperate, breathless moan. He had to stop for the briefest moment to gather himself, his breaths already short and labored. 
“Oh, my god,” he whined softly, readying himself to move. His face was nestled in your neck, his mouth pressed to you with every single breath flickering like a hot spark against your skin. “You feel amazing. You feel so amazing.” 
Your walls burned deliciously as they molded around his cock, the sensation rousing a satisfied noise from deep within your chest. His entire body was so incredibly warm and the weight of him pushing down onto you was nothing but pleasant; his skin was smooth beneath your gentle fingertips, a sheen of sweat glistening along his neck. He trembled like a leaf as though any moment, his threads were going to come undone.
When Leon began to move, he pushed into you with deliberate care; each thrust was slow but each sank deeply within you, drawing through your walls like a match engulfing in flames. He downed sharp gulps of breath, each exhale then leaving him in quivering wisps. He whimpered softly under your ear, his fingers pressing indents into your hips. He simply refused to pick up his speed. 
His words came rushing through his warm mouth. He kept murmuring incoherently under his breath, the sentences – if you could even hear a proper one, for that matter – twisted into high moans and shaky whimpers as soon as they toppled over his lips. He was a mess. It was pure evident that he was teetering on the brink already. And with how you kept clenching so tightly around him, his will to hold himself at bay was quickly fading.
“Oh, baby… oh, baby…” He kept chanting hoarsely in your ear, the words never finding a fruition, the sentences never fully realized. But even you could tell now: he was close.
You wound your legs around his waist, bringing him even closer to yourself; your fingers moved to his hair again, coiling tightly through the soft locks. Leon whined deliriously into your neck before he raised his mouth to press it clumsily upon yours, his breathless noises flitting against your tongue as it flicked coyly at his. 
The movement of his hips have become erratic, almost shaky, his pace only slightly faster now. His hands held your thighs in a vice grip, the skin beneath his fingertips beginning to protest the pressure but the ache only stoked the pleasure building to crescendo within your core.
“Fuck—I’m so close,” Leon groaned. “Oh, god, I can’t hold myself back anymore.” 
You pulled his face to yours again, your lips colliding roughly with his; and you whispered through the kiss, “go on then. Cum for me, baby.” To which he shook his head vigorously.
“No, no. I want you to cum with me. Please.”
He slowed his speed without waiting for your objection, returning to plowing deep thrusts inside you instead. He grunted with every effort, sweat rolling down the side of his face. You could see this was taking more out of him than he let on. He scrunched up his face, his teeth sinking into his lip. He was just so close. And it was taking every shred of will within him to not just empty his load inside you right then and there. 
“Come on, baby. What are you doing?” A soft frown curled your brows. “I want you to cum.”
You glided your fingers over his back, caressing the skin along his spine. You cooed a string of encouragements to him but he continued to shake his head at you, his body practically vibrating against yours now. You held his face, forcing him to meet your gaze. His eyes were half-lidded and shiny, his breaths leaving him in short rapid bursts.
“Leon—listen to me. You’re gonna be good for me and cum. Alright?” He didn’t respond immediately and the small frown on your face turned into a stern raise of a brow. “Are you gonna be good?” 
Leon gave a resigned whine and nodded his head at last. “Fine. Okay. Fine. I’ll be good.” He sucked in a quick breath and finally, he upped his speed once more. “I’ll be good for you. Fuck.”
“That’s it, sweetheart. I want you to let yourself go for me.”
He nodded eagerly again, his lips, once more, seeking refuge against the soft skin of your neck. He bade your ears whimper upon whimper – those sweet delicate sounds that tickled your senses, growing more and more pronounced the closer he crept on the edge. He continued to shake and you had to wonder if he was still fighting against his own body. 
“You can go faster than that. Come on. I know you can do it.” 
A groan escaped from somewhere steep in his throat and now you knew, the last of his will had finally ebbed. He began fucking into you with much less reverence, the small cot beginning to squeak beneath the both of your weights. You arched your neck as a sudden tide of pleasure broke over your body, your mouth parting for a soft moan to flee. 
“Yeah, keep going like that. You’re doing so good.”
In response to your words, another breathless whine rushed through Leon’s teeth as he kissed along your throat, his hands rising to your sides and gripping you tightly against himself. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—I’m so close again.” He moaned into your skin, his voice small and high-pitched, nearly breaking as it bounced lazily over those few words.
“I know, baby. I know. Don’t stop now. Just keep going.”
Leon groaned softly beneath your ear. His hips snapped against yours in a few short successions before his body grew suddenly still upon yours. A choked whimper rolled off his tongue, a desperate attempt to muffle himself as he prodded his face deeper into your neck again. His warm cum gushed through your folds, burying the seed within you as he continue to remain between your legs like that.
His breaths flickered sharp and heavy against your skin as he slowly came down, his grip over your body loosening ever so slightly. Once that blissful haze dissipated, his lips began tracing your neck again; but this time, the kisses were much softer, bearing a sated gentleness that made your heart swell with warmth. 
“I’m sorry,” you heard him mumble, his face refusing to lift from the crook of your shoulder. Then he finally leaned away to meet your eyes; his cheeks sweetly red, an adorable crooked grin curling the corner of his mouth. “I don’t know what came over me.”
You chuckled, your fingers dancing coyly on the back of his neck, toying with the silky wisps of hair plastered to his damp skin. 
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” you reassured him but then, a wicked smirk grew across your lips. “You’re way too cute though.”
He rolled his eyes, scoffing softly, with that ever persistent smile still adorning his face. You snickered when his blush deepened, spreading all the way to his ears; and he gave a loud embarrassed groan, hiding his face against his own arm. 
“Stop it,” he whined. 
Your laughter grew in volume as you reached for his chin, holding it gently between two fingers before you turned his face towards yours again. His eyes were glassy and bright, a translucent shade as they peered down into yours with a lingering hint of sheepishness. 
“You’re so fucking cute,” you repeated, your voice a low growl through gritted teeth as if your heart couldn’t contain all the fondness it bore for your rookie.
Leon shook his head slowly, a small giggle bursting from his lips. His eyes were twinkling when he looked at you again, his lips giving into a doting smile. 
“You’re unbelievable.”
You gave another chuckle in response before he rest his head down against your chest. He took in a deep content breath, his fingers falling to your waist to begin trailing aimlessly over the skin. Your heart thumped slowly beneath his ear and he couldn’t help the smile that overcame his lips. 
“Can we stay like this for a while?” He asked, his eyes slowly falling close, his voice barely a mumbled whisper. “This is… nice.”
“Of course.” You smiled when he gave you a short hum in return and you looked down at him, noticing the calm and the sweet innocence which had now replaced everything else on his face. You ran your fingers along his neck again. “You didn’t even hear me, did you?”
He was already fast asleep.  
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Something loud stirred Leon from his sleep; an obnoxious wailing of a siren that startled him awake. It took him a moment to gather his surroundings, finding himself still naked from the night before, tangled in your thin white sheets. He blinked drowsily and frowned at the realization of your absence and then panic began to set in his stomach.
“Shit, shit, shit!”
He nearly staggered to the floor in his haste to get out of the cot, clumsily reaching for his clothes that were scattered around the small room. His breaths were already short and labored as he got dressed and rushed out into the hallway, grimacing once the blaring noise embraced him whole.
The only thought on his mind was to find you.
He took off in the direction of the mess hall, his eyes widening in surprise when a group of armed soldiers hurried past him, bellowing demands over the shrieking noise. This wasn’t just a regular drill, Leon quickly realized, his cheeks tingling from the cold wash of dread. He caught up to the commanding officer whose face was red with sweat and distorted into a scowl.
“Kennedy! The hell are you doing here?” He yelled gruffly.
“What is going on?”
Leon flinched as the loud echo of gunshots rang out through the space, instinctively grasping his head between his hands. A light tremor broke over his body, his heart racing at the very possibility of something truly horrifying.
“We’re on lockdown. Get yourself to the hangar. NOW.”
He nodded fervently in response and began running again, finding another group of soldiers who were headed in the same direction and followed them out to the warm air of the early morning. The dawn was slowly breaking in the distant horizon as he made it to the hangar.
It was easy to make out your frantic voice above the agitated chatter in the room. You were yelling about something but this time, your anger was turned towards another high ranking soldier. He was a much older man. Someone he could tell to be your superior. However, that didn’t stop you from leaning close to his face to scream at him.
“Corporal, with all due respect, that’s the worst choice in this situation.” Leon heard you spit angrily as he stopped in the front of the hangar, standing just ahead of the rest of the crowd of soldiers. “We can’t use the recruits as fucking bait.”
The older soldier straightened his back, his chest puffed out, leaning forward in your space in return to your defiance; a snarl was set deep in his features, his tall domineering stature doing very little to quell your confidence. You didn’t back down. Not even slightly. You held his gaze with as much fortitude even though you had to tip your head back to keep glaring at him.
“We need all hands on deck, (L/N). My word is final. Hand out the damn guns!”
Leon walked closer to you as Corporal distanced himself. He put a careful hand on your shoulder, his heart skipping a beat when you flinched in response to his touch. Your wide eyes met his immediately, a gentleness growing amidst the feral fury within them as soon as he offered you a small but strained smile.
“You’re okay, Lieutenant?” He asked softly, leaning closer to your shoulder. “What’s going on?”
He watched quietly as you heaved an exasperated sigh and knead your eyes before you turned fully to face him.
“Banshee broke out of her restraints at some point in the night. We’re trying to take her down but—”
Leon frowned, his grip tightening slightly on your shoulder, waiting patiently for you to explain but anxiety was threading deeply through his body like thorny vines, clutching painfully at his pounding heart. You sighed again and a speck of that previous anger returned to your voice once you started speaking again.
“But we dealt some fucking casualties already. Now somebody,” you sneered begrudgingly, throwing a sharp thumb over your shoulder at Corporal, “came up with the idea to dispatch the recruits.”
His pulse throbbed in his ears as he listened to you, a soft frown weighing on his features, trepidation sinking deep in the pit of his stomach. Eventually, he let his hand fall slowly back to his side and managed another pursed smile.
“I can do this—”
“NO!” Leon cringed at the unexpected raise of your voice. You grabbed his shoulder and peered deep into his face. You looked scared. More scared than he’d ever seen you. Your eyes were blown wide and your pupils were trembling; a thin veil of glassiness coated them, making them glisten, almost as if you were tearing up. “I cannot – I will not let you. You’ll stay here.That’s an order.”
He smiled again, much more kindly this time, a warm look in his eyes. He squeezed your hand on his shoulder with his reassuringly, before raising his fingers to touch your face.
“With all due respect, if we’re going to fight then we’re fighting together. Besides,” his lips curved into a warm smile, “I’m not letting you go out there without me.”
You shook your head in disbelief as you heard your own words thrown back at you, tears welling up in your eyes. Leon fought the urge to engulf you in his arms right then and there, his chest gripping with ache at the sight of your distraught face. His thumb began brushing over your cheek.
“I can handle this, I promise. Let me come with you. I feel safer that way.”
Your fists curled tightly as you averted your eyes, gritting your teeth. You were in war with yourself, caught in the crossfire of your heart and your mind – the urge to protect Leon and the sensibility of letting him take care of himself. At last, you let a sharp exhale through your nose and gave him a defeated yet determined glance, your head dipping in a small nod. Then you, albeit hesitantly, handed him a gun.
“Stick close to me. Am I clear?”
Leon smiled, letting the gun mold comfortably in his arms. “Yes, Miss.”
“Alright.” You turned your attention towards the room. “We do this as Corporal planned. Everyone, assume your positions.” You unsheathed your own pistol and cocked it with a dirty glare. “We’re taking down the mutant.”
A deafening silence surged through the hangar as recruits sought their assigned groups, their thudding heels against the ground the only noise tearing through the thick air of uneasiness. 
Leon stood closer to you, his skin crawling with goosebumps as a new wave of anxiety crashed over him. This was really happening. The only thing soothing his nerves was your mere presence beside him, filling him with a calming sense of security even as you stood with just one good arm to go into the battle with; the pistol sat in your palm as if it could belong to you alone.
You turned to him, your face grim as you addressed him once again. “It’s on sight, Kennedy. You see Banshee, you shoot. And you don’t aim at anything but her head. Understood?”
“Yes, Lieutenant.” He nodded curtly, donning a courageous look as he cocked his own weapon. 
“Good.” You turned to the crowd once more, yelling much more authoritatively this time when you spoke again, “we’re moving out!”
Everyone moved quietly. It was as though their feet were gliding upon air as the formation of the recruits hurried outside towards the base, the first rays of the morning light shedding a blanket of pale gold over the moving bunch. 
Leon trailed close behind you the entire way, watching you make gestures with your hand once near the building, ordering the formation to dispense and cover as much ground as possible. Then you turned over your shoulder to look at him as Corporal joined your side.
“We’re going in. Stay on guard.”
You nodded once at your superior and without hesitation, he kicked the double doors open. Your small group rushed inside, enfolded once again by the shrieking siren. Disembodied demands were hurled constantly, the words faint over the thunderous noise as you led the way inside. 
Gunshots reverberated through the halls, distant agonized screams bouncing off of the white walls. Mutilated bodies littered the once pristine tiled floors. The thick stench of blood was overbearing, its sight a constant nauseating presence. 
Leon was overwhelmed. His mind kept flashing back to Raccoon City, his thoughts racing with those tainted memories that were quickly riling him up. His grip began to shake on his gun, his heart practically hammering in his throat and all of a sudden, he froze. The sight of the pile of carcass through a corridor was enough to lock him up inside his own brain.
He heard the yell too late, only coming to when another shot was fired. He recoiled as the unexpected sound ripped through the fog of his thoughts, his eyes snapping to yours. You grabbed his arm and hauled him to a safe corner as bullets hailed down upon you.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, slowly gathering his bearings again.
His eyes searched you and a frown quickly formed at his brows. You slumped to the floor with a hand clutched tightly at your stomach; blood seeped through your fingers, spreading rapidly over your shirt like ink. You were shaking, panting, and your eyes were wide with panic.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Leon dropped to his knees beside you on the ground, his voice low but frantic as he took in the dire state you were in. “Stop, stop. Calm down, sweetheart. Please.”
He pressed his hands over your wound, trying his damndest to ignore your shallow erratic breaths, the awareness of what had happened dawning on him. His broad, terrified eyes staring at the gaping void in your stomach that continued to gush with blood. 
“Shhh… shhh… please, baby. Take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. You—you’re going to be okay.” His eyes raised to yours, sweat beaded at his brow. He spoke in a hushed yell, “why the hell did you do that for?”
Your panting finally slowed when you tackled the initial bout of panic but your body continued to tremble. Leon chewed his lip as he watched you; your eyes were lidded. He could see the hard movement of your chest as you heaved every breath with difficulty. This didn’t look good. He struggled to shove down his mounting terror as he stared helplessly at you, his hands still covering your wound with pressure. Warm tears began stinging the corners of his vision.
“Leon…” You muttered weakly, reaching your bloody fingers to his face. “I’m so sorry. I…” You trailed off, never finishing that train of thought.
He leaned into your touch as your hand palmed his cheek, gritting his teeth and blinking back the downpour of tears.
“I’m – I’m dying, aren’t I?”
“Please stop talking.” He said hoarsely.
“It’s okay. I’m not scar—” You were caught off by a rattling cough, blood spitting through your lips. “I’m not scared of dying. I’m content. For once.”
Leon held your wrist and clutched your hand against his chest, his tears wetting his lashes, his nostrils pink and flaring.  
“Take care… alright? You’re my – you’re my favorite vice.”
Vices, vices. Of course. You were struggling to speak, to move, to breathe. He could see it. His heart sank when more blood trickled down your lip. He held the side of your face as your neck began to go limp, lifting your head and forcing you to meet his eyes again.
“Don’t you die on me. Please.”
You managed a small smile and gave him a weak nod of your head. “It’s gonna be okay.” A futile attempt to comfort him as you squeezed his hand with the last sliver of your strength.
His bloody fingers raked through your hair, unable to do anything else but watch the glimmer fade in your eyes. Once your grip over his hand was gone, he knew that you were, too. Yet, the revelation dropped like an anchor in his stomach. His hold tightened in your hair, moving your head from side to side as if he was trying to wake you from a deep sleep.
“(Y/N). Please, no!” His voice wavered as he spoke. “Oh. Oh, god…”
But he had no time to mourn; a hand soon found his shoulder and forced him back to his feet. His eyes broadened as he watched you get farther and farther away from him, his feet moving against his own will.
“Let’s go, rookie.” He heard Corporal whisper to him in a gentle tone – one unheard of him until then.
Leon’s eyes fleeted over the older man’s face. The wrinkles between his brows were drawn deeply, his lips pursed as if he was holding himself back from speaking anything more. But the heartbreak glistened in his dark eyes as he stared straight ahead, his hand still wrapped securely around his arm.
“We have to get her.”
“We will.” Corporal responded with a firm nod. “But first, we survive.”
And survive they did.
It was a few hours of sheer hell. Many were slain and, in the end, Banshee escaped after nearly wiping out the entire base. However, Leon stood among his remaining comrades outside in what was once the training field, taking in the ruin which has become of the base. Smoke wafted over the white roof of the building, uncoiling like a black serpentine, a taunting dance of defeat in the clear sky as the sun slowly set over the horizon.
Leon fell to his feet in exhaustion; and as he laid there on the dirt, staring at the fading skies overhead, the weight of reality finally crashed down over his head. So many great soldiers dead. So many lives felled. And you. He drew a deep, quivering breath.
The last few months of training were an uneventful blur. The surviving recruits were moved to a different base and Leon felt utterly lost. For the first time in a while, he didn’t know what to do. It was as though he had survived Raccoon City all over again. But this time around, there was no you to help him navigate, to forget. Even if only briefly. 
Alas, he managed to finish those months that seemed to drag on end. He knew that was what you would’ve wanted from him; to live on – hence why you weren’t there anymore to see him graduate. But if that was all it took to help him through day after day, he was going to hold onto it like his lifeline.
After graduation, the first place Leon visited was that same city you had promised to go with him one day, to show him around the ruins and rubbles of what once pledged a great change to him. The same place that led him down a spiral instead, a cursed shadow now hanging over his head which only seemed to grow thicker and thicker.
He wasn’t going to miss it. Not this damn city. And certainly, not your absence. As he emerged slowly on the brink of Raccoon City, returning from his visit with one of his old commanding officers, he turned to look at the demolished skyline one last time as the first winter snow began to fall, the white beads glowing shyly against the vast darkness of the night. 
The wait was over now. He could finally go out there and leave all of this behind.
His warm sigh left him in a pale cloud as he slowly turned away and towards the flaring headlights of the military truck behind him. Without looking back, he walked to the car and slid into the backseat. He met the driver’s eyes through the rearview mirror and gave him a small nod.
“I’m ready to go.”
He leaned his elbow against the car door as the engine spurred to life, his eyes momentarily flickering to his side at the box of his belongings, that fresh and young pot of plant which was once yours sat atop. 
A faint smile shadowed over his lips as he picked the plant up with one hand and held it under the passing blur of streetlights that poured inside the vehicle. He stroked one of its leaves between two fingers, his smile turning downward as he sighed again. 
It’s gonna be okay, he thought solemnly to himself.
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pedriscroquettes · 1 year
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summary. going clubbing doesn’t go as planned when your brother’s rival shows up to ruin the fun
warnings. fermín x paz!reader, f!oral, semi public s3x, fingering, & a cocky!fermín.
a/n. my brain worked overtime on this tbh. poor fran i completely slandered him in this. based off tra by bad gyal (catalan it girl)
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the strobing lights were almost strong enough to blind you and half of the real madrid b squad. the dj seemed to be going through an existential crisis since he kept going back and forth between edm and reggaeton. you’re fortunate enough that he at least plays fiebre without remixing it or pausing it to try and drop a beat.
“joder.” your brother puffs clearly done with whoever he’s texting. (fuck.)
“is it the schedule?” you ask him wondering if this seasons schedule finally came out. it always got him worked up.
“no, this season seems like a good one. it’s just-” he sets his phone down before turning his head towards you.
“el boludo de agustin…” he takes a sip of his drink. he’s always been the most dramatic out of the two of you, clearly. (augustin’s dumbass.)
“nico, you already know that i’m not interested in him like that. he’s just my friend. ” you reassure him.
“no, i know and i don’t want to be an overbearing protective brother but mom would kill me if i let one of my teammates hurt you.” he sighs.
“nico i can take care of myself. don’t worry about me you’ve got a whole career ahead of you. focus on that instead.” you smile at him.
“i’m trying- joder” he scoffs again.
“now what?” you say concerned about the way his mood changed so quickly.
“look who just came in.” he nods towards the entrance.
you try to subtlety turn around but it’s almost impossible without doing a full 180 to see who your brother was talking about. your eyes immediately spot the three guys nico hated the most on the pitch. although out of all three of them only one stood out to you, fermín. you didn’t care for your brothers’ rivalries except for the one he had with the barcelona midfielder. not only did he bother nico but he bothered you as well. every time you were in barcelona he was always there with his annoying attitude.
“well, we are in their city.” you shrug trying to ignore their presence.
“there’s like a million other clubs here and out of all of them they arrive here it can’t be a coincidence.” he scoffs as if the three of the players had been following them.
“i’m not very fond of them either but you’re being ridiculous. we’re like ten minutes away from their training grounds i think it would be a coincidence that they’re here.” you explain logically.
“yeah what- you know what i’m just very stressed out about my whole nationality process right now. i’m gonna go get a drink. do you want anything?” he asks.
“no, it’s fine. just don’t indulge too much i do not want to take care of you again like in vigo.” you bring up the northern city into the conversation.
“you promised you wouldn’t bring that up again. that shit was so embarrassing.” he whines.
“i wasn’t the one who confessed their profound love for duki in his messages. i had to delete over ten voice notes of you singing, crying, and explaining why you’re better than emilia.” you burst out laughing.
“whatever, i’ll see you later.” he walked off.
you watched as your brother walked away either to find someone to flirt with or get another drink. he was the social sibling always outgoing and making friends as soon as he joined a new team. your house would always be full of people you hardly even knew. so you were surprised when his distaste for fermín began, your brother never held grudges. but then you met the devil himself and you realized why your brother disliked him.
he was arrogant, a total egomaniac, and an asshole. you remembered how nice he was to you when he first met you outside the stadium but as soon as he realized who’s sister you were he was always taunting you. you knew how serious rivalries were but you didn’t think it was that deep.
“hope your brother enjoyed my goal from the bench.” a voice interrupted your thoughts.
you look up to find him sitting in front of you replacing your brother. you’re studying his features when the chain around his neck distracts you. a cross. yet, he was somehow the worst person you knew. meanwhile, a smirk grows on his face as time passes and he realizes you’re not in a rush to get him to leave.
“milking a friendly today, are we?” you tease him.
“a friendly your brother spent at the bench the whole night.” he smirks.
“i’m starting to think you have a crush on my brother.” you laugh at him. “which probably explains why you always stalk my story every time we’re in town.”
“what are you talking about?” he scoffs at the accusation.
“felopez03? could you make it more obvious?” you manage to embarrass the barça player.
you had lied to your brother earlier. every time the two of you ran into fermín it was never a coincidence. you had debated on telling your brother about his secret admirer but quite frankly you loved the attention. you knew he always watched your stories when you were in town so you took advantage of that. posting pictures of yourself in short dresses, bikinis, and including some where the only thing covering your breasts were your hands. he always seemed to like those anyways.
“lópez is an extremely common last name.” he simply replies.
“good night fer.” you stood up and picked up your things.
“if you’re going to go like for your brother you won’t find him. saw him leave with a girl who looked very familiar. i think-” he paused debating on whether he should say what he was thinking. “i think i must’ve slept with her as well.”
you simply roll your eyes not wanting to be the victim of his ego. you check your phone and surely enough there’s a message from your brother. you can’t believe he’s left you alone with his teammates and the egomaniac to get laid.
nico 🐣: don’t wait up on me fran will take you home.
y/n: you left me alone to get laid? i hope she bites your dick off.
you shove your phone into your bag and begin looking around for fran. you spot the defender near the bar with a few of his teammates. you’ve avoided him for almost a month and the last thing you wanted tonight was to talk to him. the barça player seems to notice that too because as soon as you start walking towards fran he steps in front of you. you try to push him out of the way but he’s too strong.
“fer-” you sigh exhausted at his antics.
it all happens in a quick blur one minute you’re trying to shove fermin out of the way and the next you’re completely drenched in vodka. you’re not even sure how it happens but the girl in front of you is currently rambling about how sorry she was. you were a bit annoyed that the top you had just bought was now ruined but you could always borrow your brother’s card again.
“it’s okay. it’s fine don’t worry.” you try to calm her down because somehow she’s more upset about the situation than you are.
as soon as she leaves you head towards the bathroom hoping to dry off your shirt. you don’t realize that fermín has followed you into the bathroom until he shuts the door.
“what are you doing here?” you scoff.
“she spilled half of her drink on me too. must’ve tripped or something.” he murmured.
“and you came to dry your shirt in the women’s restroom?” you ask dumbfounded.
“well i can’t exact leave you alone in a bar full of strangers.” he shrugs.
“i know more than half of the people here.” you complain.
“yeah and they’re not exactly looking out for you. nico asked fran to take care of you and as far as i know he hasn’t come looking for you yet.” he bites back.
you murmur a quick ‘whatever’ before focusing on your top again. it’s completely wet from top to bottom so you have no other option but to take it off. you completely forget about fermín’s presence when you start walking around the restroom with your black lace bra and mini skirt. fermín tries his best to look away, to be respectful for once but you leave him in a trance. the view you give him is all too much and he decides to do something about it.
“here. it’s almost dry anyways.” he takes his shirt off and offers it to you.
your eyes linger on his toned body for too long you practically have to force yourself to look away. the dirty blonde finds himself smirking at your reaction. he walks closer to you hoping you’ll accept his peace offering. it begins to drive him mad how beautiful you look you in your current state. if he hadn’t been such a prick to you for the last couple of years maybe it’d be him taking you home and not fran. besides fran wouldn’t know what to do with all that.
you look at him again and throw your inhibitions out the window. your brother is the one who hates him on and off the pitch but not you. maybe just on the pitch but right now you were in a club bathroom without tops on. if your brother could have fun why couldn’t you?
“fer?” you turn around to look at him directly.
“hmm?” he puts his arm down realizing you won’t take his shirt.
“do you think i’m pretty?” you bat your eyelashes innocently.
he pauses not knowing how to respond. of course you looked pretty but he couldn’t exactly say that out loud. not if he wanted to keep up with the banter the two of you had. it would ruin the dynamic.
“it’s fine you don’t have to answer i’ll just go and ask fran.” you fake being upset and head for the door before fermín steps in front of you again.
“you can’t go out like that.” he panics.
“why? don’t you like my bra?” you tease him.
“joder tía pero tú estás loca.” he sighs frustrated. (fuck, you’re crazy.)
“i mean you’re the one who’s been liking all my stories. especially the ones where i leave little to the imagination.” you reach behind your back and unclasp your bra letting it hit the floor. you’re too far gone now. “you seem to really likes the ones where my breasts are showing though.”
he bites his lips trying to avoid his eyes from wondering. he can practically feel his pants getting tighter the closer you got to him. it was as if the room got smaller and ten times hotter. he’d always been so cocky with his hookups but you somehow made him lose his confidence. but then you said someone else’s name and he suddenly gained his ego back.
“do you think if i asked fran to fuck me he’d say yes?” was the question that threw him off.
his demeanor changed in an instant and suddenly he needed you right there in that bathroom. he knew you were probably just teasing him but he wasn’t going to lose you, not to fran at least.
“he’d probably finish in his pant just by seeing your tits and you’d go home upset.” you didn’t realize how much little space was left between the two of you until you saw both his arms on the sink. you were stuck between the sink and his shirtless body. “he’ll never satisfy you.”
“and you would?” you test his patience.
his hand finds its way onto your thigh and you realize you’ve finally gotten what you wanted. as your breath hitches his hand trails up and the look on his face proved he wanted this as much as you did. he pauses once he gets to your clothed core and looks up at you. you realize he’s asking for permission. you trail your hand down your body to where his hand is and carefully move your panties to the side.
“joder.” he groans at the sight. this is definitely not how he expected his night to go.
“fer.” you whine wanting him to touch you already.
his hands creeps up your throat you can feel his fingers getting closer to your lips. you know what he wants you to do so you open your mouth taking in two of his fingers. he watches intently as you suck on them making them wet enough to enter you. he takes a mental screenshot of you not wanting to forget about this moment. when you finally stop he places his fingers on your thigh again, teasing you. he’s gotten his ego back.
“fuck, you’re so wet.” he can feel the blood rushing to his dick as you you spread your legs for him.
you want to tell him to shut up and hurry up due to how needy you are but he finally drags his fingers over your core. a wave of pleasure rings through your body as he finally touches you. he circles your clit before dragging his fingers down to where you needed him the most. he enters you with one finger first thrusting it slowly letting you adjust. the room is filled with your incoherent moans and your acrylics dig into his free hand.
“oh, fuck.” is all you can say as he enters his second finger.
his thrusts begin to gain momentum as he sees how much you’re enjoying it. the feeling of having your walls squeeze his fingers is so surreal and he can’t resist the urge of reaching up to kiss you. the first kiss is long and sweet but as soon as you start kissing him back it gets heated. soon the kisses become short and needy and you can barely breathe between them. he grabs you by the hair pulling it to get better access to your neck and the pain turns into pleasure as he curls his fingers inside of you.
fermín expects you to tell him to not leave marks but you can’t help but want him to bite down on your neck. he leaves short peppered kisses on your neck before sucking and biting making sure that tomorrow you’ll have to hide your neck from your brother. he hears you panting and knows you’re getting close to coming undone. your hands run through his hair tugging on the strands as you get closer to your high.
and then suddenly you feel empty. his fingers are no longer thrusting inside of you and he pulls away from your lips. you’re about to yell at him when he kneels down in front of you and your eyes go wide. he spreads your legs further apart placing one on each shoulder. you can feel his breathe on your core and you’re not exactly sure you’re ready for what’s to happen. one lick is enough to make your head go back and your legs tremble.
his hold on your thighs get stronger and he dived in deeper. you pull on his hair harder each time he gets closer to your hole, clearly teasing you. he sucks on your clit and that’s enough to have you screaming out of pleasure. your moans are enough to raise his confidence and he brings his fingers back and enters you once again. his tongue and fingers are too much, he’s overstimulating you. you can feel your high approaching once again. this time he doesn’t stop he keeps going. he wants to see you reach your high.
“gonna cum all over my fingers?” he teases.
“fuck, yes.” you gasp barely having the strength to speak properly.
he somehow manages to go faster and you know you’re only a couple of thrusts away from cumming. then he adds in another finger and you’re a moaning mess. your juices squirt all over his fingers and pulls them out of you. he drags your fingers back towards your lips and you grant him access again. you lick them tasting yourself before he kisses you again. it’s a slow sensual kiss and then it happens you spot something moving in the background from the corner of your eye.
“fran.” you gasp at the sight of your brother teammates standing in the back shocked at the scene he walked into.
“what?” fermín pulls away confused at the sudden burst of fran’s name. that’s when he spots fran in the mirror and instead of being ashamed he can’t help but smirk.
that is until you push him off of you and fix yourself. you grab fermín’s shirt without a second thought and fix your skirt embarrassed about being caught and by fran of all people. fran’s disappointment is visible but you really don’t care about his feelings at the moment but rather about whether or not he’ll tell your brother.
“my shirt!” fermín yells.
“you’re a man you can walk around without a shirt.” you say as you get your purse from the sink.
fran walks out not wanting to witness more of what he’s already seen. you have no choice but to follow him since he was your designated driver for the night. but once again fermín steps in front of you and stops you from leaving. he leans down and kisses you and you can’t help but kiss him back.
“next time leave the bodyguard at home.” is all he tells you before stepping aside letting you leave.
that night you fell asleep in his shirt. you’re definitely looking forward to the next game your brother has in barcelona.
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turretistrying · 1 year
Caged Bird and Chased Mouse
Part 3: The Beginning of the Never Ending Mouse Wheel
A/N: ahahahaha,,, im sorry? But at least im finally reaching the Sabzeru festival bit of this story, im sorry its been a while. The reader’s feeling about the arts is based on my own, because I’m an artist and anyone who demeans any form of art make me angry >:(. Let’s start ig (oh stars this is not gonna be good) Anyway’s send me asks if you want
Warnings: Swearing (fuck and shit)
You head hurts so bad, but at least you’re comfy (small victories).
You open your eyes to see… your bedroom? Oh, yeah, you’re in a pseudo dream so not really, you guess.
‘Wait if im in a dream why the hell do I have a headache?’ You ponder to yourself while siting up from your bed, your body missing the familiar coziness and warmth,
You look around in hopes to see the lil green girl, Nahida she said? You’re not a hundred percent sure, considering how… hazy everything felt in the moment, including the time passage. ‘How long have I been out?’ You wonder, knowing you’ll gain no answers without Nahida. You decide to wander around your room, seeing what you could do here. You walk towards the window, which shows the outside with the bird feeder you had been meaning to refill before being sucked into a nightmare that has been this experience thus far. Grabbing the ledge on the window, you try and open it out of pure curiosity, it takes a struggle you know it didn’t need before only to see..
Black. Everywhere.
You try the door to see if it’s the same situation (it was). Just a never ending darkness stretching on seemingly forever. Deciding that most of the items in your room was useless for really anything in the moment, you walk towards your desk that housed your device for playing Genshin. The wretched thing that condemned you to a nightmare, but you knew it really couldn’t do anything to worsen your situation (God you hoped not). Booting it up just showed your lock screen, so far so good, putting in the password bring you to…
You sit there for a solid 5 minutes wondering ‘What the actual hell???’, because thats crazy, somehow more crazy then being stuck in the damn game itself. You snap out of your stupor and decide to click on the screen (which is no longer welcoming you by your email, but your ingame name. Your somewhat glad it wasn’t using your real name) waiting for the loading sequence, but it just skips to opening the giant door. You wait with just a white screen, no elemental symbols in sight. When it finishes you’re not greated by any playable character’s back, but by a spirit??
It looked like you in a sense, it was transparent with a simple robe. You took a look at the icons that the normal attack, elemental skill, and burst was usually located, only to see a button that looked like it was punching (?), one that was touching, and the final one looked like it was… well you couldn’t really tell what it was supposed to be. But you decided against trying any of them out of fear of what might occur. Looking around you realized ‘you’ were right in the middle of Sumeru City, right next to the adventurer’s guild. Walking around was a bit odd, you were very used to hearing the character’s footsteps and clothes moving but this spirit had no noise at all.
You end up at the front of “The Grand Bazaar”, an area you had been meaning to visit before falling into a coma-state. Opening the door and walking down the small hallway led to somewhere that was bustling with festivities! It was so pretty with all the flowers and decorations, you wonder what the occasion is as you continue onwards. Looking at some of the food stalls you really regret not going there, it just looks so good (you bet it smelt delicious). Not paying attention you end up walking the spirit right though someone,
“Brr! Woah, did you just feel that?”
“It was a really cold draft, how did you not feel that?”
“There’s no draft in here.”
You just stop to listen,
‘So this character is functionally a ghost? Huh’ You continue through the Grand Bazaar to another entrance, hearing a… familiar voice, one you haven’t heard in forever. Walking through the doors you see,
Lumine and Paimon.
They were talking with a strange looking man with 5 containers in front of him. But all you could think was how were they here. You remembered you left your team in Inazuma before getting sucked in because you set commissions there (you were grinding achievements), in all honesty you wonder where your team is at the moment… you hope they’re okay and don’t hate you. You walk up to the two, deciding to follow them for now, to follow a story you never got to see before getting sucked into this.
“—speaking of tradition, do you want some Yalda Candies? They're a festival staple, and I happen to have some boxes readied here. Take a look and pick whichever one you want.” The odd looking man with a mustache and flower hat offers Lumine and Paimon the mentioned candies
“Whichever one... Don't these boxes all look the same?” Paimon asks with her not at all annoying voice (you’re being totally honest!)
You muse while peering down at the containers with your character, “Yeah, they sorta do. But they do have some different colors!” You speak to yourself in the dream-room, simply speaking aloud.
“?!” Lumine suddenly started to look around them, seemingly startled
‘Wonder what Lumine’s spooked about?? Nothing seems out of place or weird…’
“Haha, this is the fun part. Each box contains a random flavor — it's up to the luck of the draw. Flavors include Lavender Melon, Harra Fruit, Sunsettia...” The flower man continues to talk, seemingly unaware of Lumine’s confusion.
Paimon, the flower man, and a regal looking lady kept talking to each other, but at this point I was focused on Lumine. ‘Maybe she can hear me with this character?’ You move the character to be closer to Lumine, “if you can hear me Lumine, uhm… Pick the 2nd container!”
Lumine immediately pointed to the 2nd container “I pick this one.”. Her sudden interruption made the three others pause.
Flower man cleared his throa, “uhm, A-atten-tion! That's unfortunately Harra Fruit. The Sunsettia candy was in the 4th one”
“Aw man! I thought you only won battles because you had good luck but i guess not” Paimon interjected
“That still sounds good! I’d assume Harra fruit tastes like dragonfruit so that seems like it’d be a good treat!” You say out-loud, then turn your voice to Lumine, “Thanks Lumine, ignore Paimon ahaha. I’m sorry I left you in Inazuma…”
Lumine seems to blush then nod to the direction of where my character was.
You follow the three throughout the day, and we finally arrive to watch the dancer Nilou’s performance. You were pretty excited, never have really seen a dance performance. While you couldn’t see it with your own two eyes in person, at least you could get as close as you could. But it seemed like there was someone yelling at Nilou.
The regal lady (that you learned her name was Dunyarzad) chimed in “I think I just saw the Akademiya's Grand Sage... Why is he here in person?”
The two Akademiya officials kept yelling at Nilou, while Dunyarzad looked like she wanted to step in and stop it. “Lumine, please stop Dunyarzad I don’t thing things will go well if she tried to intervene.” You whisper into Lumine’s ear, having become a bit worried for Dunyarzad since you discovered what she was dealing with.
Lumine listens and convinces Dunyarzad not to confront the Akademiya people. You get closer as a group to hear a bit better, and as you listen to what the Akademiya officials are toting about, it makes your blood boil.
You valued the arts before all this, buying several commissioned pieces, listening to music at any given point, and seen a musical or two. Hearing the Sages (?) demean those arts makes you want to punch them. “Not everything is about knowledge you old idiots! Art is human nature just let her dance, and besides the arts can be used to understand the past, and find more knowledge you fuckers. Be lucky I can’t physically punch you.”
You rant to yourself (maybe a lil to Lumine too, considering she can hear you) angry at what they’re saying. You move your character over to the Sage’s and spam the punch button (it satisfied you to know it was in-fact a punch button and watching the character’s transparent fists phased through the Sages made you deeply happy). While you’re enjoying your non-consequential vengeance, they leave (muttering how cold the Bazaar is) and Paimon and Dunyarzad starts to comfort Nilou while Lumine and you stay back.
Lumine and Paimon return to where they’re staying, you follow. They lay down for sleep and suddenly-
The loudest noise you’ve ever heard in your life rings throughout the dream-room, your head feels like it’s about to explode. “FUCK!” Your hands try and block the noise from your ear but it’s too late and you faint from the pain.
You head hurts so bad.
You open your eyes to see… your bedroom? Oh, yeah, you’re in a pseudo dream so not really, you guess.
‘Wait if im in a dream why the hell do I have a headac- wait this feels familar?’ You ponder to yourself while siting up from you bed.
You stand up from your bed and walk (back?) to the desk with your device, opening to the Genshin door again. You click and wonder what the hell that noise was before you fainted (?) was. When it finishes loading, you see the spirit character you remember, with the three buttons, punch, touch, and mystery. You make the character run around, hoping you’ll find Lumine and Paimon. You got lost so many times unfamiliar with the layout of the city, eventually you end up back at the candy stand you first saw Lumine and Paimon. The flower man (you really need to find out his name..) was still there with the candy containers. ‘Wait, shouldn’t he not be here since the Festival was cancelled?’ You wonder to yourself, not realizing that Lumine and Paimon started to walk up.
“Farris, the Knight of Flowers, is another Sabzeruz Festival icon, and one immensely popular with children.” After hearing the newly familiar voice Dunyarzad, you turn the character’s camera behind you to reveal the 3 approaching.
“Haha, it's all thanks to Miss Dunyarzad's sponsorship that the children can meet the Knight of Flowers.” Farris (that doesn’t seem right…) replies, “Oh, do you want some Yalda Candies? I happen to have some boxes readied here. Take a look and pick whichever one you want.”
Your eyes widen, ‘Wait, i remember this! The fourth one has the sunsettia candy, but why is this happening again?’
“Uhh, what's to pick? Don't these boxes all look the same?” Paimon says the same thing she said the first time
You move your character behind Lumine, and your finger hovers over the touch button. You click on it, your character’s hand laches onto her shoulder. “Pick the 4th one Lumine.”
“Ah, excellently chosen! Number four is indeed Sunsettia.” Farris congratulates Lumine on picking the right one.
You follow Lumine and Paimon throughout the day (again?) until you reach the Bazaar again, Nilou’s performance supposed to be underway. But the Sage’s are there and yelling at Nilou, Dunyarzad wants to stop them but Lumine stops her. The Sage’s demean the arts, you ghost punch the sages, and Dunyarzad comforts Nilou.
Lumine and Paimon return to the hotel, they get ready for sleep.
“SHIT NOT AGAIN” You scream, again, it still fucking hurt but you don’t faint this time. Your device crashed and everything around you became blurry and glitched and you felt sick. You closed your eyes for just a second, and when you opened them again, you were in bed.
‘Am I in a timeloop?’ You walk to the desk with your device, again. With the idea of a timeloop troubling you.
Genshin boots up.
Loads in as the spirit character.
Punch, touch, mystery.
Flower Knight and candy containers.
“Container 4.”
Sage’s yelling.
“Punch the Sages, Lumine”
Dunyarzad comforts Nilou.
Return to Hotel.
Headspliting noise.
Im so sorry this took so long, IM NOT A WRITER. Also do you guys want me to put this on Ao3 I have an account but i’ve never posted a fanfic on it.
Taglist: (if your name is crossed out i couldn’t tag you! :( )
Taglist: @no-name-omo @moosieman12345 @tinandabin @esthelily @d0rmiens-fact0rem @lunalily19 @meerpea @justasleepyboi @lunarianillusion @cumbermovels @allblognamesaretakenlikereally @dulleyeddreamer @ello-its-me-ya-boi @jayastronomicnova @apple-ai @campanula-rotundifolia @kokomisimpppp @the-dumber-scaramouche @aintrovertmortal @i-loveyou013 @mochicurls21 @elernity
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drawnaghht · 9 months
Yuichi Usagi is [SURNAME] [given name]
lol I've written abt it before going into more specifics & making theories, but this post is just to clear it up again as a general ref for newer fans reading old or new posts abt it and finding themself confused... edit3(15.1): rightfully so! if you've ever watched more than 5 anime or just read some manga, you might recognize that Yuichi is most commonly a given name in Japan. Even viewers familiar with japanese would have made the same assumption. But the show itself uses it as a first name, so it becomes confusing. After jan 6th we found the behind-the-scenes lore for that too.
- clearest tell in the show itself that Usagi is his first name - his auntie calls him Usagi. What auntie calls their sole nephew or close family member by their family name? ... which would have to be her own family name then too...???
Secondly. He introduces himself as Usagi the more he's in the city. First as Yuichi Usagi, but then after a few chases, he gives up and introduces himself to Kitsune as "Usagi"in the 1st episode. boy wants to be known as Usagi haha.
edit 2 (8.1.2024): as of 6.01 we have official confirmation that this is fact + a little backstory! Yuichi is the boy's surname
the whole show, all the other characters use japanese naming convention - e.g. Gen introduces himself as Murakami Gennosuke to the Bat Squadron. it seems the other younger characters call each other by given name basis because they're either all around the same age or don't feel like using family names for each other. Often characters don't have family names because they're orphans (Chizu, Kitsune, Hana). Or it's the only name they go by in general (Tetsujin, Lady Fuwa).
it's that simple! you can headcanon whatever but at least know the show itself has named him this way.
I've already written about this b4 too but Yuichi can very rarely be a family name (apparently). there might be other reasons the show crew gave him Yuichi as a family name, but if that doesn't cut it, you can always adopt my theory that he has a rare two given names.
But yeah, the show makes it clear that Usagi is his first name. It's a spinoff based on Usagi Yojimbo and some of its stories and ideas, and made by fans of the comic and Stan's work. They decided to give him this name, for whatever reasons, and it's his name used in the show. There's too much much work in the show itself for them to give him a random name either, "just because they're ignorant" or even just bc they didn't research. They clearly did or the show wouldn't have some surprising elements to it as a spinoff or as a past+future combo of japanese aesthetics.
Him and the comics' original Usagi, Miyamoto Usagi can share a first name. I know it looks confusing coming from other shows where evryone has specific names. I know it's just generally confusing as a tmnt fan... but their names and tags can co-exist as-is. maybe i don't get out enough into other shows but I've never seen a fanbase stretch themselves so into a pretzel over characters sharing their first name. also Miyamoto Usagi is based on a famous historical samurai, more precisely - Miyamoto Musashi. His movie depiction was what inspired Stan Sakai in the 80s... ppl in real life share first and last names very often so it just doesn't bother me personally that they share one name, but not their family name. So I don't get anymore why ppl are upset that his name is a combo of two first names... I believe there's also a irl children's book author named Usagi Yuichi (maybe pseudonyms being animal names is more common in japan?idk) so I wonder if the crew knew about that 🤔
clearing this up again bc every time I see someone say smth about this show and it's some misunderstanding on top of a misconception, I just wanna make a simple chart to explain things lol. but i don't know if ppl would care even. I know ppl sorta dislike this show or don't care abt it anyways. but then... why talk about it? why share info like a fan who knows or cares about it... and then it's false info... so idk, if they're not a fan, don't take them at face value, but even if they're a fan, it's easy to share info without a source and have others think it's real. Be ready for info to change or your first impressions to break. I've mostly only theorised or drawn from the show itself so far, but even things I say might change if other evidence is provided. So... lol lets all just read into this show calmly I guess.
edit (7.1.2024): lol another thing to add that I didn't think about: there's a 1000 years between the generations of Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi. so them not having the same surname would be considered quite normal (and so far, no evidence to conclusively say that M! Usagi is a grandpa... the scene between Usagi and his auntie in the evening in ep 1 also seems to allude that there are many generations between the og era and the future era and that Usagi's auntie is speaking of her own direct great grandfather and Miyamoto Usagi separately...
Anyway. That's all! Hope this is helpful to newer fans.
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ꜱɪx: Getting Sleep w/ Maggie Greene
a/n: i really let my fantasies show with this one, but hey, who wouldn't want to be girlfriends with maggie? i'm a sucker for soft!maggie, and i feel like we just don't get enough of her, so here's some alexandria pre-negan domestic gay fluff :`] credits to the gif owner on pinterest!
masterlist | comfortember masterlist | AO3
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Warmth. Silent breaths. Tangled limbs. Peace. Peace at last.
Alexandria was as if it was a gift sent from the heavens, a safe haven for you in your family, somewhere that Judith and Carl could grow up, and make friends. You and Maggie were finally able to be together, finally able to think about being a couple instead of constantly fearing for your survival.
It was strange having a house again, and running water, and especially ac. They were things that you never thought you'd see again, something you never thought you'd ever be able to have with your girlfriend. You would constantly wonder what it would have been like if you had met in the real world, been able to go out on dates, watch movies, hell, even own a cat.
You knew that you weren't thinking realistically, though, because you were visiting Virginia when the world went to shit, originally, you were based in the city. It's funny really, how different you and Maggie were.
She knew how to farm, work crops, tame horses, tend to animals, and even build things. She was quite handy, but you were crafty, something you learned as you were forced to navigate the bustling streets of the city. You know the saying, opposites attract.
It was nice to be able to wake up to her in the morning, making breakfast as she still looked like she had just woken up, standing in the kitchen in one of your stolen shirts and underwear. You loved to gaze at her then, how natural and care free she was, and the night time was even better. You were able to watch her destress, dwindle herself down to nothing as she allowed you to see a vulnerable side of her, and touch it, and care for it in a way no one has before.
She let you rest in her arms, your face buried in her bosom as you listened to her steady heart beat. The tips of her fingers dragging up and down the length of your arm stole a shiver from you, along with eyes that grew heavier by the minute, sleep threatening to take over you.
You allowed the wave to crash over you, you allowed the feeling of her soft and warm body to lull you into a peaceful slumber, but not as you felt her trailing begin to slow before coming to a full halt, you following not that long behind her.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 18 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad + updated till chap 27
FLORIDA VERSUS TOUR SHOW (meeting)(plot is plotting)
[2 attachments]
Hey, here are the tickets
I hope you'll have a great time tomorrow :)
Thank you so much<3
I'll never forget this fr
I'll repay you one day
And thank your cousin also
You can repay me by not hating me when you discover the truth…
No worries
And yeah, I'll tell her it did end up useful for someone else
I'll try to take good pics for her!
That's very nice of you, can't wait to see them if they're as good as those you take of the world
“Damn you're so adorable Lily”, Alex said as she was reading the texts above her friend's shoulder.
“Well, it's thanks to a fellow fan that we can see the triplets again, so anything for her now!”
“No but for real, that was so sweet of Matt's cousin to give them out”. Alex side hugged Lily to show appreciation. “I really can't wait to meet them again”.
“Yeah same”, Lily agreed.
Thinking back to how everything happened so quickly, Lily was glad to have been able to trust her online friend. She knew she had every right to be weary of this, but she also wanted it to be true – which she believed to be. She didn't know how she could ever repay the favour to Matt, but she was set on finding something for him one day. Maybe this is a good situation to write that letter for him, he deserved it already but now even more… Lily thought as she smiled at her idea. Although they had never talked about it, Lily suddenly wished to meet Matt. She felt like their friendship was getting to a point where they could actually enjoy each other's presence in real life – they had called a few more times since they played Fortnite together a couple months ago but had never facetimed. None of them knew what the other looked like, but them being friends was solely based on their personalities and common ground so it didn't matter much. However, Lily's wish for an eventual meeting would happen sooner than she'd ever expect thanks to someone who wasn't as impatient – and it could even be said it had already happened though none of them was aware of it.
A day later and the two best friends found themselves in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Completely off plan – they had indeed wanted to go back to Spring Hill today but fate had it otherwise, Alex and Lily were now on the Southeast Coast. The weather was lovely as the girls parked near the venue. They hadn’t gone to their hotel yet but Matt – Alex had learnt from Lily – had apparently been kind enough to book a room for them not far from where the venue was, “an apology for this last minute plan” Lily had said. Obviously, Lily had refused to let him pay so Matt had only put his card for a refundable deposit and Lily would pay for the room when she and Alex would leave the city. As it was Sunday, the girls had decided that they would stay until Tuesday at most – they had been gone for a week and although Lucas and Jade didn’t mind being alone at the café, Lily and Alex felt bad that they were leaving them for so long. They were also missing their cat a lot, but would never tell their friend that their fake child counted more.
This was now it, the final show of the Versus Tour where Alex and Lily would be once again part of the wonderful atmosphere that were the Sturniolo Triplets’ shows. They had arrived later than they did for the other shows as they didn’t have the small talk nor the group pictures included in their tickets. This didn’t bother the girls though as they were simply ecstatic at the idea of seeing Nick, Matt and Chris for the fourth time. They saw that not many people were left outside as most of them were already inside the venue for the extras that were happening before the show. When they approached the queue, Lily unlocked her phone to get the tickets ready to be scanned. This was the moment of truth: had Matt scammed her or not? Damn, I hope not because I like the kid… Lily thought as it was their turn to enter the venue. When the security guard scanned the tickets, he let out a confused face – though unnoticed by the girls with how quick he composed himself – until he confirmed the names on his list and knew that what he was seeing was not a mistake. 
      Indeed, the tickets that Matt – Laura actually – had custom made for Lily were not meant to exist because they had never sold any GA tickets with only the backstage pass as an extra. The security guard eventually let the girls enter and as he signalled to someone else to take his place to scan the next people, he quickly went inside through another door where he knew that he could find who he was looking for. Fortunately, he was able to find her rapidly enough. He called Laura who was overseeing that the group pictures were going well and told her about the two girls he had checked in a couple of minutes ago. Thanking the man before he went back outside, Laura waited until everyone had gotten their pictures taken – luckily it was almost the end – and as she walked the triplets to the stage where they would soon be on for their show, she notified them about the girls who had arrived. Hearing this, Matt let out a sigh of relief he never knew he was holding and his two brothers patted him on the back to comfort him. She’s here, Matt thought. I’m actually gonna meet her, damn… The stress started getting to him and he knew he wouldn’t be able to relax until he saw that she was here with his own eyes. When they arrived on the side of the stage, the triplets found a small space behind the curtains where they could look at the crowd without being noticed.
“Do we even know who we’re looking for?” Chris asked as he had no idea which team colour the girls were supporting today.
“Well, she’s Matt’s girl so probably blue.” Nick replied as he tried to recognize the girl with whom he had gotten along a few days prior.
“Not my girlfriend…” Matt mumbled. “And she doesn’t even know that she’s here for me so I actually can’t say who she’s rooting for today.”
“I mean– I think I had told her to come in orange last time we saw her but I guess we can each look for our team colours when we’re on stage”, Chris suggested. “We might see better with the lights above us.”
“Good idea, let’s not be too obvious though.” Nick warned. It was now time for them to go on stage and start the show so he gave the final instructions. “We’re mainly searching in the last rows because she had General Admission; a brunette with possibly animals painted on her face accompanied with a blonde girl who’s most certainly in orange as she supported Chris in my memories. And remember, BE. DIS–CREET.”
Matt and Chris nodded as they understood their task. They would never jeopardise their last show but it wouldn’t hurt to confirm that their guests were here as they were literally in front of the crowd where said guests were. Hugging each other, the triplets were now ready to go on stage for the last time of their tour. It had been such a wonderful experience for them and they had found a way to make this last show even more special thanks to the partners they had chosen. Indeed, as their family and friends were present, the triplets had invited three of them to share the stage with them and it was now time to get them on as they were being introduced after the popular vote had happened – Matt won again, what a surprise!
The three teammates were therefore the triplets’ brother Justin, their best friend Nathan – or Nate – and their friend Tril who had travelled with them for a couple of shows to sing at the end. Nick then announced that the three would each pull from a box a friendship bracelet based on one of the teams in order to decide who they were going to partner with. After they all took out a bracelet, Nick made them reveal at the same time and the result was Nathan on team blue with Matt, Tril on team orange with Chris and finally Justin on team purple with Nick.
As usual, the first game was the painting competition which Nate had won, thus granting a second point to Matt’s team blue sharks. The next game was called Saved by the Bell where the teams would answer trivia questions. From the age required to enter the Hunger Games – twelve years old – to the number of moons Mars had – two, the three teams had to answer several chaotic other questions such as the temperature at which water freezes – 0°C or 32°F for y’all weird Americans – or the number of elements in the Periodic Table – a hundred and eighteen. They were now playing the third game which was called We’re Playing Basketball and thanks to Tril, Chris’s team orange deers was now in the lead before the fourth and last game that was Jenga Showdown started. Matt and Nate were closely behind and the Jenga game that Matt had lost a handful would be decisive. Indeed, the loser would have five points removed from his score, which is why it was essential for Matt to not lose again.
Back to our two girls in the crowd, they had been enjoying every minute of this last show. Per Chris’s request, Lily had showed up with an orange tank top and deers drawn on her face by Alex, who was also wearing orange. Although Alex would be over the moon if Chris won this show and therefore the whole tour, Lily was actually awaiting his defeat as she was really curious regarding the tiebreaker that would decide the winner between Chris and Matt as Nick announced that he had a great one planned already. Only time would tell and it wouldn’t be too much waiting as the game finally began. The tension was slowly building in the venue along the Jenga tower. After what was unusually long compared to other shows, the tower eventually collapsed when it was Nate’s turn, thus making Matt’s team lose five out of his nine points. Matt’s loss thus meant Chris’s victory of not only the show but of the entire tour, which sent the crowd in a frenzy as everyone was screaming – one part was actually cheering on the youngest brother while the other was just screaming for fun as one does during a concert whenever the artist on stage does something as simple as breathing.
Now that the show was ending, each team received their medals and as the lights were on, Matt took that as an opportunity to check the crowd for a certain face. He tried to make his brain work its hardest ever and searched for a smiling brunette of whom he had a faint memory. As he stilled for a second, Matt thought he had seen her and when he tried to keep looking at the back of the venue for this particular person, he was nudged by his friend Nate who made him notice that he would end up seeming weird on stage. Nate and the two other teammates did know why Matt had spent a couple of times during the show simply watching the crowd – they had been notified along with the triplets’ parents about Matt’s chaotic plan – and so their role had been to prevent each of the triplets to creepingly stare at the fans too much. Finally, the coronation ceremony happened and Chris received the Versus Tour trophy before everyone left the stage for Tril’s last mini concert.
Unbeknownst to them, Alex and Lily were being observed by three similar-looking people who were watching the fans until they recognised those they were searching for. The show had been over for a little while and so the two girls were currently waiting in the queue leading to backstage as the tickets they had been given by Matt allowed them to meet the triplets after the show. Although they had been trusting Matt, they were still relieved to get the confirmation that they indeed had access backstage when they had first entered the venue a few hours earlier – though it was Laura who had notified the staff beforehand that those two specific girls had a “special treatment” due the ticket combo that wasn't supposed to exist.
As the girls were simply talking about the fact that Chris had won the show and therefore the tour – which Alex was over the moon about, her being a Chris girl, they didn't notice someone from security coming towards them. Exchanging a glance of uncertainty, Lily and Alex were surprised that the bodyguard was asking them to follow him somewhere else in the venue. Questions raised in the girls’ minds but they complied and went with the man. They didn’t understand at first and were just confused that they were being dragged out from the queue.
“What the fuck is happening?” Alex whispered to Lily as they were still walking in the corridors of the venue.
“I DON'T KNOW!” Lily whisper-yelled to Alex. “It's scaring me, like have we been scammed?”
“I hope not bro, they’ll probably give us an explanation.”
Lily agreed and a couple of minutes later, the two girls found themselves in a huge room with several couches and drinks on a table. They got told to stay here until someone would come back for them later. They both were so stressed and although they had snacks as well as beverages to pass the time, Lily and Alex were shitting themselves.
Half an hour later and the girls were still alone in the room. While they had been wondering about what was going to happen to them – their assumptions were being killed or abducted, the actual backstage was close to being over. Due to confusion still being present, Alex had suggested the first good idea of the evening and told Lily to text Matt.
“Damn, we should've thought about that earlier. I hope bro has a good explanation!”
Hey Matt, please can you tell me what's going on bc Alex and I have been waiting for so long. We don't know what's happening and it's kinda scary so if you could text me back and explain wtf your cousin was supposed to do at the show, that would be nice
Lily was hoping that although Matt wasn't the one initially going to the show, he could still give her an explanation as to what was going to happen to them. However, as soon as Lily hit ‘send’ on her text, she and Alex heard a notification sound in the same room. This clearly raised more confusion in the girls’ minds. They thought it was a coincidence but were still suspicious of the fact that someone's phone received a message right as Lily had sent hers. As if it couldn’t get worse, the door suddenly opened and three people casually walked in.
“Honestly, it's such a Matt thing to forget his phone on the other side of the venue.” The voice of a man could be heard. “Don't think we needed to immediately bring it to him though.”
“You have to understand him sweetie,” a woman replied to him. “He's really nervous about today even though we spent a while reassuring him before the show. And he might need it to text his friend. I don't know, it might be useful.”
A second man agreed with the woman while Alex and Lily were watching the scene with widened eyes. They couldn't believe what they were seeing: the triplets’ parents, Mary Lou and Jimmy, as well as their brother Justin were currently standing in front of them. As the woman noticed the girls, she stopped talking and nudged her husband then her oldest son to make them notice.
“Hi there!” Mary Lou said with the nicest tone. “You must be my son's friends, right?”
“Wha–” Lily was the first to reply as she had no idea what was going on.
Seeing their confusion, Justin quickly understood that the timing had been completely off.
“Mum, I think we might be early…”
“Oh god!” Mary Lou exclaimed in surprise. “He told us he would notify you before we arrived.”
“I'm sorry, but…” Alex took Lily's place in wanting to know the truth as the brunette was now lost. “Who was supposed to notify us of what?”
“OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?” The voice of a young man yelled as he ran into the room and started rambling. “Dad came to get me. Damn, I leave you guys for an hour and you can't wait ten more minutes. Fuck, sorry I shouldn't curse at you and I know I said that thing about my phone but I was about to come get it and now–”
Matt stopped talking as he turned to face the two confused girls still sitting on the couch. His dad, Jimmy, had left his wife and first son to try finding Matt before the situation would get more chaotic than it already was. He had stumbled upon Matt, Nick and Chris who were coming back from backstage as the show was definitely over, which led to the middle triplet running to the room his dad was coming from as he started panicking as soon as Jimmy had explained what was happening a few corridors away.
“Hey,” Matt said to the girls with a soft voice to not frighten them. His gaze was mostly on Lily before he spotted his phone and unlocked it. “Oh, you texted. Sorry for the confusion, I swear I can explain everything.”
What the actual– the fuck he means? Lily wondered. I texted? Like– I'm so fucking lost… She tore her eyes away from Matt as she saw Chris, Nick and Jimmy entering the room then going to stand next to Matt who was trying to calm down.
“Ok so… I know you must both be very sceptical about everything but please listen to me.” Matt almost pleaded as he was scared of how Alex and Lily would react. “Hmm, well… Hi, I'm Matt.”
As he said his last sentence with a small wave, the girls were still not understanding.
“Yeah, we know that”. Lily replied with a nervous laugh. “That's why we came to see y'all I guess.”
“No yeah, sorry. I mean like– Matt, your Matt?” He sounded almost unsure as he saw that Lily was still not completely getting it. He then had an idea and went to his conversation with Lily to show her what he meant. “Wait a second…”
Matt quickly typed a message and sent it to Lily, which made her phone's screen light up.
Hey, please don't hate me
Both Lily and Alex looked down to read the message, the latter almost having a light bulb appearing above her head.
“Oh fuck I should've known! I knew it!” Alex semi-shouted.
It's true that the blonde had had suspicions a couple of times when Lily had told her that she was texting a guy named Matt who liked Pokemon, Fortnite and had several brothers. They were probably a thousand guys on Earth like that but at that time, it had been the only Matt she could think about.
“Oh…” Lily finally knew what he meant. “Oh… I was absolutely not expecting that.”
“Yeah…” Matt was still afraid of what would happen next. “If that's ok, I just want to properly do introductions?”
Lily nodded as she and Matt were still holding eye contact for the past several minutes. When the girls both stood up and approached the Sturniolo family, Matt got even more nervous and Nick took that as his cue to take charge of the situation.
“Hey, Nicolas here but call me Nick! So we have Matt obviously and Chris who you both know, I mean we all met but let's reset everything. Then it should've been later but improv I guess so I want you guys to meet our mum Mary Lou, our dad Jimmy and our brother Justin.”
“Hi, I'm Alex.” The blonde said as she could feel her best friend was in a sort of shocked state. “This is Lily, my best friend and Matt's friend then?”
Everyone nodded and as an awkward silence was almost forming, Mary Lou let her bubbly personality shine to brighten the mood.
“Okay boys, why don't we just relax and enjoy the snack while getting to know those lovely ladies? Matt darling, go talk with your brothers as I take your nice friend with me. You guys will have all the time in the world later on.”
Mary Lou walked towards Lily and gently grabbed her arm to then go sit on another couch in the room, further away from everyone else. The rest of them scattered in the room as Chris decided to join Alex – they had gotten along well the few times they had seen each other – while the other brothers stood with their dad and chose to pour themselves some drinks.
While Alex was talking with Chris and reminiscing about their victory together, Lily found herself in a conversation with Mary Lou whom she thought was the sweetest woman ever. After Matt, well Nick in all honesty, had introduced her to his mum – a bold move from him to have her meet him AND his whole family at the same time, Mary Lou immediately shooed her son away as she wanted to properly get to know his new friend. This is why Matt was currently with his brothers Justin and Nick. The two oldest were discussing what they could do the next day around the city, which Matt was half listening to as he was stressed regarding what his mum and friend – friend? Acquaintance? More than that? Less? Yeah, friend is good – were talking about. However, as he dared to glance in their direction, Matt found Lily's eyes already on him. She quickly diverted her gaze back to Mary Lou but as she still felt observed, Lily looked back to Matt. They then shared a soft smile across the room and as if it was magic, both were suddenly feeling at ease and fell back to their respective conversation. They'd only had a two second interaction as the Matt and Lily they both knew, but it was like they were turning back into their usual selves when they would text each other.
“You do know you guys are kinda obvious, right?” Justin asked his younger brother.
“Wha– what do you mean?” Matt was confused, although he somehow already knew what this was about.
“Matt come on”, Nick sighed as he dragged out his brother's name's vowel. “I'm pretty sure you didn't listen to what we've been saying because you're only thinking about her.”
“And looking at her like a lost puppy”, Justin added. “She should be the one panicking, yet here you are.”
“I don't look at Lily like a lost puppy…” Matt mumbled. “Just making sure Mum isn't overwhelming her. Can't believe she gets to talk to her before me, she's my friend!”
“A friend who probably made her live the most stressful experience ever,” Nick retorted. “I think today was confusing for everyone so let her breathe for a minute and you can go talk to her after.”
Matt and Justin agreed with the blonde, then tried to trust their mum to make Lily feel better.
Speaking of the devil, the girl was actually enjoying her conversation with Mary Lou, who was telling her about Boston life.
“It sounds great, I hope to go there one day.”
“Maybe if my son keeps you in his life – which I would be glad about, you'll have the opportunity to travel there”. Mary Lou said as she put on her kindest smile.
“Yeah, I hope he does too.” Lily replied with some awkwardness in her voice. “It's still weird to me that he was the one I was texting this whole time, but I really want us to become friends in person now. Not that I want to take advantage of him simply because I know who he actually is of course, please don't think bad of me! But, I–”
“No worries my dear, if Matt trusted you enough to reveal himself to you, then I trust you as well”. The woman reassured the girl sitting next to her. “He's a good boy, so please take care of him.”
“I– yeah I will, I'll do my best to make this friendship work”.
The two exchanged a smile and kept talking about their respective lives: Mary Lou telling Lily about her and Jimmy while Lily told Mary Lou about the café she was working at with Alex.
They had been talking for a good dozen of minutes until Matt – who had been motivated by his brothers – finally decided to join them.
“Hi”, he waved again at Lily – seems like it was his current go-to move when feeling nervous. “Mum, I'm gonna steal her from you – if that's ok with you Lily obviously – because we need to talk now.”
Mary Lou kindly agreed and nudged Lily to stand up. As the girl was expecting the conversation to start now, she was actually surprised when Matt asked her to follow him outside. They both left the room under everyone’s curious stare and Matt took her elsewhere in the venue in order to be far enough for anyone who could walk by. When he found what seemed like a good spot, Matt looked back at Lily to silently ask her if it was ok. As she nodded, he opened the door and they were now on a balcony that was overlooking the parking lot behind the venue.
“Sorry, it looks kinda sketchy but I'll feel better with some fresh air.”
“No yeah, I get it.” Lily agreed with Matt. “I think I needed it too.”
“So…” Matt started as he was fidgeting while leaning on the railing.
“Yep…” Lily whispered as she was doing the same awkward movements.
None of them felt like holding eye contact as they were both extremely nervous. Knowing that he was responsible for all of this, Matt eventually started talking:
“Ok first, I have to apologise for everything. I put you in a very uncomfortable situation and it was a shit move.”
“It's okay… Well it was not completely ok but I understand where you come from so I can forgive you.” Lily smiled at Matt as she was feeling less awkward now that they were actually talking about it. “Never forgive you for not liking sushi though.”
“Damn,” Matt let out a laugh at that. “Can't believe you still hold that against me.”
“Yep, always I guess…” Lily chuckled too and let a now semi-comfortable silence start until she interrupted it with the most important question. “How long have you known?”
“Since when have you known it was me like– I was me?”
“Oh, well… when you posted those pictures,” Matt explained. “I was ninety-nine percent sure of you coming to our shows and the last percent was when I texted you.”
“Ok ok,” Lily nodded. “And your first reflex was to make me come to another one?”
“It seems weird but yeah actually,” Matt confirmed as he was actually surprised of himself being so honest. “I was a bit in denial at first because it felt crazy that the person I'm texting is literally a fan – although you are my friend first and foremost – but when I talked about it to Nick and Chris, the first thing that popped into my brain when we agreed that you were Lily was that I needed to meet you again, but properly this time.”
“I'm glad you thought that because I wanted us to eventually meet and I'm happy it's you.”
“Yeah?” Matt asked as he felt relieved that Lily wasn't hating him.
“Yeah, it's just sooner than expected but in a good way. I'm grateful for our friendship Matt.”
“I'm grateful for that too Lily.” Matt had a soft smile on his face. “You wanna meet my other friends/come see everyone else now?”
“Hmm,” Lily hesitated. “Can we stay here a bit longer? Just the two of us…?”
“Yeah, okay.” He agreed. “We can do that, fine by me.”
Basking in the silence, the two newly acquainted friends were enjoying this moment of peace. It would be the first one of many, but for now, it felt like a necessity to take their time as they were now slowly starting to navigate their friendship.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
stray heart | hughie campbell x fem!reader | one shot
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Pairing: hughie campbell x fem!reader
Summary: After the mission is accomplished, the whole group allows themselves an evening of relaxation and celebration. In the course of it, you find out that too long-hidden feelings and wine are not a good combination.
The one shot is also avaliable on Ao3
5 226 words
Songs which I used here: Green Day - Stray Heart and Ed Sheeran - Tenerife Sea
hughie campbell masterlist | general masterlist
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"I can't believe we managed to kill that asshole!" you shouted as you entered the house. For weeks the whole team had been hunting one of the supes, and today you finally managed to get rid of him.
"Let's not forget that he almost killed you too." Hughie sighed, extinguishing your enthusiasm.
"If it weren't for Kimiko you would have been lying dead a long time ago!"
"If it hadn't been for her distracting that cunt, we never would have caught him." interjected Butcher.
"You acted like a real badass!" Kimiko added, handing you the phone on which she had written the message.
"We... deserved a reward!" exclaimed Frenchie. "I will prepare the most wonderful supper, feel invited!"
"And I have to risk being poisoned?" M.M. laughed.
"That was a blow straight to my poor heart, bastard!" shouted Frenchie putting his hands to his chest. "Still, in two hours I invite you, dress up as if you were going on a date with the president or receiving an Oscar. This evening belongs to us!" After these words, you all dispersed to separate rooms to freshen up a bit and change clothes. From the moment you discovered that Neuman also had superpowers you knew that you had to be more careful, so a change of residence seemed to make sense. Together with Kimiko and Frenchie, you moved into a small house on the outskirts of New York City that you had inherited from your grandmother. Hughie, Butcher and Marvin had their own apartments, but you still spent most of your time at your place. It was a base of sorts, since no one knew of its existence. At least that's what you hoped.
After taking a shower, you started looking through your clothes. You didn't have a lot of them with you, but there were a few summer dresses. You liked the idea of Frenchie. After days of hunting supes, running and playing with death, you really deserved one evening of pleasure. You looked at the mirror standing against the wall. The reflection in the mirror showed you a person you couldn't recognize. Scuffed up eyes, bruises and cuts almost all over your body, scars that will probably never disappear again. A wreck of a person stood before you. You never thought of yourself as someone who could be called beautiful. Now you knew that you were far from beautiful. Especially when Annie appeared nearby. She was your friend, no doubt, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't stop the feeling of jealousy. She had everything, a beautiful face, hair and a perfect figure. Something that, in your mind, you would never be able to match. When you were alone it didn't bother you so much, you had long accepted the fact that you wouldn't be like her. However, the green monster in you was awakened every time you saw how Hughie could not take his eyes off her. Every time you looked in his direction, his eyes were on her. For months you defended yourself against the thought that you felt something more for him. However, it was all stronger. Every night you lay staring at the ceiling wondering what to do so that he would finally give you the attention you so desperately craved. You prayed that for once he would look at you the way you looked at him. Every night before you went to sleep, you made up fake scenarios in which he would finally see something more in you. For a long time now, you no longer had the strength to hold back the storm of emotions that was inside you when he stayed intimately close to you. The warmth that filled you from the inside whenever you saw his smile, or heard his laugh. The chills that ran through your body every time you accidentally touched each other. Even a gentle flick of his hand was enough, nothing more. The way you are always there for each other and no matter how messed up the situation becomes you never leave each other. Every time one of you nearly died in the middle of the action, afterwards you threw yourselves into each other's arms feeling grateful that you made it. When you were still living in the basement under the pawn shop, every time you were haunted by nightmares and couldn't manage to sleep he always let you sleep with him. He told you silly stories just to occupy your thoughts with something and let you fall asleep peacefully. Even if at first you fell asleep with your backs to each other, in the morning you woke up in his embrace every time. You missed it so damn much. Along with the nostalgia, you also felt pain each time you were reminded that he would always see you as a friend. You sent your reflection a sad smile and began to change into a dress, and later decided to put on some makeup, hoping that maybe without the visible bruises and the cut wound on your forehead, Hughie would see at least some beauty in you. In the meantime, you heard a quiet knock on the door.
"Come in!" you shouted and saw Kimiko enter the room uncertainly. You grinned at the sight of her. The two of you had grown very close over the past few weeks.
"I need help." she signed. When you moved in together you began to teach her how to write and use the phone, and in return she taught you and Frenchie her language. So far you only knew basic phrases, so she communicated with you over the phone most of the time.
"Is something wrong?" you asked worriedly, and she shook her head negatively.
"Frenchie told us to look nice, and I don't know how to do it." she handed you a device.
"Let me just finish my makeup quickly and take care of you, 'kay?" you grinned. She answered you with the same. "In the meantime you can look through my clothes, maybe you'll find something you like."
Excitedly, she ran over to the clothes and started browsing. Every now and then she changed the idea by showing you more and more strange combinations, and when it was time for makeup she couldn't sit still as the brushes tickled her skin. When you were finished, you both stood in front of the mirror.
"You look beautiful." you said. She was wearing a slightly oversized red dress with open shoulders. It perfectly matched the red lips. At first she didn't want to agree, but you persisted and after a moment, she agreed. You could see little happy sparks in her eyes. She momentarily infected you with all the positive emotions that were from her.
"You too." she replied. You were dressed in a cream-colored floral dress with a large neckline, and a silver necklace sparkled around your neck. Kimiko insisted that since she had painted her lips such a conspicuous color you must too so you decided on a strong, bright pink. For the first time in a long time you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw someone you didn't want to look away from right away. Satisfied, you left the room. It turned out that everyone was just waiting for you.
"Ah! belles femmes!" shouted Frenchie. He was dressed in black pants and a shirt over which he wore a gold jacket. "Do you see, you yahoos? The girls understood the assignment! They look like a million dollars!" he excitedly grabbed both of you by the hands and pulled you towards the table. "y/n" he kissed your hand and pushed back the chair. When you sat down he squatted you back down. "mon cœur" He did the same with Kimiko. "I knew I could count on you. As punishment, the rest of you should only get a piece of dry bread and a glass of water, the feast should be for those who can appreciate the situation." He rolled his eyes. You were amused by this. In fact, Hughie, M.M and Butcher were sitting at the table in jeans and T-shirts.
"I think this one time we can forgive them," you laughed looking ahead.
"Frenchie is right, you do look beautiful." Hughie commented looking straight into your eyes. You felt a strange nervousness. You can't remember the last time you received eye contact.
"Ha, a homeless person would dress better than you!" Frenchie continued his dramatic performance pretending to be offended. However, at some point you zooned out completely focusing on the person sitting in front of you. Even in a simple T-shirt, he looked good. He didn't need a suit to impress you. He might as well have been sitting there now in a stretched out tracksuit, and you could still admire him for hours.
"Do I have something on my face?" his voice snapped you out of your reverie.
"Oh! N-no..." you choked out. You felt your cheeks burning from the embarrassment of being caught staring at him. You quickly got up from the table and went to the kitchen with the intention of helping to bring down the food. Once everything was set up on the table you turned on the music in the background and got busy eating. You were so hungry that no one even tried to talk. Only when your stomachs were finally full did Frenchie get up from his seat.
"I propose a toast, to a successful mission!" he grabbed a bottle of red wine and poured for everyone. After the first few sips, you felt your muscles gently relax. You sat like this recalling the course of the last mission. The wine was pouring at an amazingly fast tempo, thanks to which even Butcher seemed to be relaxed and joked with you like never before. The mask of the tough guy was put away for a while, you could even tell that he was enjoying sitting with you at that moment. At one point, a familiar tune reached your ears.
I lost my way, oh baby, this stray heart
Went to another
Can you recover, baby?
Oh, you're the only one that I'm dreamin' of
Your precious heart
Was torn apart by me
"I love this song!" Kimiko signed.
"Then let's dance," Frenchie pulled her by the hand to the middle of the living room where they began to move and jump to the rhythm of the music. "Petit Hughie! Invite y/n to dance!" he shouted. "Be a gentleman!"
And you, you're not alone, oh-oh
And now I'm where I belong
We're not alone, oh-oh
I'll hold your heart and never let go
The boy looked at you with uncertain eyes, and you responded with a slight smile. He drunk up the rest of his wine and extended his hand toward you sending you the most charming smile you had ever seen. It's a good thing you were still sitting at the time because you were sure your knees would have bent momentarily. Joining "the dance floor," you got close enough to smell his cologne. You had a feeling that your head was spinning, you didn't know if it was because of his presence and that smell or because of the wine. At that moment it was all the same to you, all that mattered was Hughie all the time smiling broadly at you as you moved to the rhythm of the music.
Everything that I want, I want from you
But I just can't have you
Everything that I need, I need from you
But I just can't have you
"I never thought I would dance to Green Day songs." he laughed, moving closer to you.
"I didn't either. But tonight we can do whatever we like!" you laughed feeling happy. He grabbed your hand and turned you around a few times.
"Everything?" he asked having his lips right next to your ear.
"No limits," you answered on the inhale. 
I said a thousand times, and now a thousand one
We'll never part
I'll never stray again from you
This dog is destined for a home to your heart
We'll never part
I'll never stray again from you
Not wanting to interrupt the touch, you placed your other hand on his shoulder and he placed his own on your waist. A familiar shiver ran through your body, but you hoped he didn't notice.
You're not alone, oh-oh
And now I'm where I belong
We're not alone, oh-oh
I'll hold your heart and never let go
It's been a long time since you were as close to each other as you are now. Again you could feel the warmth that you so badly missed. The closer you got to the source, the more all the rest seemed distant to you. Suddenly everyone who was with you in the living room dissolved into nothingness leaving you alone.
Everything that I want, I want from you
But I just can't have you
Everything that I need, I need from you
But I just can't have you
"Everything that I want, I want from you..." you sang softly. You lifted your gaze meeting his bright eyes. Soft wrinkles appeared at their corners when he once again smiled. Then it occurred to you that despite the countless times you had cuddled and slept in the same bed, your faces had never been as close together as they were now. With your gaze you wandered over his face until you finally stopped at his lips. 
Everything that I want, I want from you
But I just can't have you
The words of the song rumbled in your head as you decided to close the minimal gap that was between you. His lips were exactly as you had imagined. Warm and soft. The kind you might never have pulled away from again. However, a shocked Hughie violently drew in air and put his hands on your shoulders gently moving away. The confusion on his face terrified you and before he could say anything you panickedly ran out of the house.
"What the hell just happened?" he asked looking around the room.
"I'll ask it another way, what the hell are you still doing here?" asked M.M. Kimiko aggressively signed to him, telling him he was an idiot and ran off after you. "You've been playing cat and mouse for months. You stare at each other as if you were the eighth wonder of the world, but only when the other one isn't looking, like in some damn kindergarten, Hughie."
"We can feel your hearts getting off the hook, Petit Hughie." interjected Frenchie.
"After all, we're just friends!" he said sitting down on the couch wiping his sweaty palms in his pants.
"And you want to be just friends?"
"No...but that would ruin the whole relationship between us. W-what if it doesn't work out between us?" he combed his hand through his hair.
"I've never seen anyone look at someone with so much love in their eyes as she does at you! With that kiss she gives you her heart on a tray, and you threw it on the floor and trampled it!" At the sound of these words, he felt a strange pain in his chest. And the thought you feeling rejected only intensified it. He remembered the moment when he first felt that you meant much more to him than he would have expected.
A quiet knock on the door rang through the room. Puzzled, he looked at his watch, which showed three o'clock in the morning.
"Yeah?" he asked loudly and turned on the lamp. The door opened and there stood you with a far too large t-shirt and fabric shorts that revealed your bruised legs. When he shifted his gaze to your face he noticed swollen and glazed eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked worriedly, sitting up straight.
"I can't sleep... I don't even know why I came here... These nightmares don't let me rest, I can't handle them alone." The sound of your breaking voice awakened in him the desire to protect you from all the evil of the world. He never wanted to hear it again. Without thinking, he quickly jumped out of bed and took you in his arms. You stood like that for a long moment, until he felt you shivering.
"Shit, are you cold? Come on, cover yourself." He pulled you to the bed, where you sat with your legs crossed, which he immediately covered with a quilt, then he went to close the door and when he returned, he sat down opposite you. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked quietly.
"I don't know... every time I close my eyes I see blood. Blood everywhere. Blood, guts and limbs scattered all over the room. And then I'm in a completely different place, tied to a chair when Homelander makes me choose who to kill first. There you all are M.M, Kimiko, Frenchie, and Butcher. He makes me watch as he slowly kills each of you. Every night I'm afraid to go to sleep because I know I'll have to relive it all over again like I'm in some kind of cursed hell loop!" tears began to run down your cheeks. The sight of you at that moment was breaking his heart, he couldn't explain why, but he couldn't stand it and felt an incredibly great need to hug you and take from you all the pain you were feeling.
"Y/n, listen to me please." he began, grabbing your hands. "I'm here, okay?" he started moving closer. "We're all okay, I think even Butcher, who is rambling God knows where, is okay. After all, a bad things never dies." A quiet giggle came out of your mouth hearing the last sentence. However, his touch also made the fear slowly begin to retreat. "Everything will be fine, I promise. You're not alone in all this, you know. You're always welcome here, even in the middle of the night." he assured. Unexpectedly, you took your hands from his and shifted so that you could hug him. A pleasant warmth spread over his body, and a smile crept onto his lips.
"Thank you." you whispered.
"You're welcome, that's what ... friends are for." the last words didn't want to pass his lips. Until now he had no problem calling you his friend, but now he wasn't quite sure if what he felt for you at that moment could be described as a purely friendly reaction. He wanted to kiss every tear from your face ending with your lips. He quickly shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts. Unfortunately, feeling his sudden movement, you moved away, and the warmth in which he could have drowned just a moment ago was replaced by a cold longing.
"I should go back, I'm sorry I woke you up." You said getting out of bed.
"No!" his mouth was faster than his brain. "I mean..." he grunted. "You can stay here if you want, I haven't been sleeping very well lately either." He scratched his neck nervously while watching your reaction. He was relieved to see the corners of your mouth lift up and you were next to him again. "Maybe in company we can get over it." Without a word you both lay down with your backs touching.
"I can't stop thinking about it, Hughie..." you whispered.
"Maybe you want to listen to music?" he suggested, remembering how he always played his favorite playlist during sleepless nights and focused only on it.
"Will you pick something for me?" you asked uncertainly. You had several songs in your head that you could listen to, but you felt that you wanted him to choose one. Something special, something just for you. After a while, a quiet melody reached your ears.
"Just don't make fun of me!" he laughed. He didn't care if you laughed at him. At that moment, all he cared about was driving all the bad thoughts away from you and putting you to sleep. "And um- try not to think too much, okay? Just focus on the song." he instructed.
You closed your eyes focusing on the pleasant sounds of the guitar and Sheeran's soothing voice. You smiled to yourself, wondering if the choice of singer was intentional. You had mentioned several times in the past how much you liked him. There was a veritable storm going on in Campbell's head. He wondered if he had not exaggerated, if the choice of just this song was too obvious and if it would scare you off. What he didn't know was that you would never in your life be able to believe that he could dedicate any love song to you under any circumstances. Focusing only and only on the song, just as he told you to, you fell asleep with the conviction that he had chosen it only because it was peaceful and soothing. One that allowed you to feel safe enough to fall asleep. Nothing more.
Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need
I'm so in love
So in love...
Listening to the words of the song himself, he wondered if what he was feeling now could be called falling in love? Tonight he felt as if these feelings fell on him suddenly and powerfully. But he didn't want to defend himself against them. There was something about you that made him want to go further. Unfortunately, he didn't know how. Nor did he know how to find out if you would feel the same. So he decided that for the foreseeable future he would act as if nothing had ever changed. Good old friend Hughie. Except for tonight. Making sure you were definitely asleep he gently put his arm around you pulling you closer. "Fuck it." he thought and dipped his nose into your hair sniffing it. Intoxicated by the fruity scent, he couldn't stop the thought that he wanted to be like this forever. Cursing himself in his soul for his selfish attitude, he prayed that the nightmares would haunt you more often, if that was the only way to spend the night with you by his side. 
"Jesus Hughie, quit being a pussy and run for her you moron! I'm not going to buy you chocolate ice cream for a broken heart later!" Said Butcher while topping up his wine. "Go before it's too late."
"But what should I tell her?" he asked panicked.
"The truth!" the loud voice of M.M brought him down to earth a bit. Without waiting any longer he went out in front of the house to look for you.
You were sitting on a bench looking up at the sky. Kimiko silently sat next to you holding your hand. The makeup you had put so much effort into was already smudged by tears. You felt ugly again. In the simplest sense of the word. Simply ugly. You knew that when you got home and looked in the mirror you would feel bad.
"He's a douche." Kimiko signed.
"Nice, you say, but it's not true." you said sending her a sad smile. "We can't blame him for not feeling the same way I do."
"But..." sadness and sympathy were painted on her face.
"It's okay." interrupted her by grabbing both her hands. "I've made peace with it, you know? I'll never be beautiful enough or my character equal to Annie's." She sent you a questioning look.
"Every time I look at him, his gaze is on her. I am not surprised at all, probably for him she is a walking ideal. You don't even know how much I would give to have him look at me like that even once..." You sighed, returning your gaze to the stars.
"You don't even know how many times I looked at you with such admiration that it hurt." you heard a voice say. Kimiko immediately stood up and walked towards it. "Kimiko, please let me talk to her." he said. Under the influence of his voice, you became still. You didn't dare turn around. After a moment, however, out of the corner of your eye you saw him sit down next to you.
"You don't have to be here Hughie, I can handle it." you said quietly.
"But I want to. I want to be by your side." he grabbed your hand. Feeling his touch, you felt another wave of tears come to your eyes. "Do you know why you keep catching me staring at Annie?" He continued. "Because you are always next to her. And when I see that your sight wanders in my direction I panic and stare at her. It's not that I don't like your eyes! No, I love your eyes and could stare into them for hours! Sometimes I feel like you hide all the stars in the sky in them, especially when you talk about something you like, they get so glassy and shiny then." he laughed nervously.
"Hughie, you don't have to lie, you know that?" the words struggled to pass through your throat.
"What are you talking about? I'm just trying to tell you that I love you, and you think I'm lying?" you could sense the irritation in his voice, but that's not what you focused on. His confession completely caught you off guard.
"Y-you love me?" you howled.
"Yes!" he exclaimed. "From the moment you first came to my bed in the middle of the night in that damn basement! Wasn't it obvious? The song I played?"
"I... I thought you only played it because it was peaceful and was able to put me to sleep," you said.
"From that night I started to create a special playlist that I could play to you every time you came to see me again." he confessed.
"Why didn't you ever play it?" you asked disappointedly.
"I was panicking. Every time I wanted to do it I thought that if you guessed that I felt something more you would run away from me and never come back. That's why I preferred to tell you silly stories not at all related to my feelings." you answered nothing. You still couldn't believe that everything he said was true, and then, as if reading your mind, he went on. "Why is it so hard for you to believe that I can love you y/n? I know I didn't show it. I was a coward. I always waited for the right moment to tell you, but it never came. But I'm here now and I have to finally get it off my chest because I can't take it anymore! You did something today that I should have done months ago. Something I've dreamed of every time I've seen you!" He squated in front of you forcing you to look at him. "Now I know what a big mistake I made keeping it a secret all this time. You deserve the truth, y/n. You deserve to know that you are the most beautiful in the world and about how I feel about you."
"But... I'm not like Annie. I will never be. I don't have a perfect figure, most of my body is bruises and scars that I won't get rid of too soon because I'm not one of the supes and I don't have the ability to heal myself." you let out a torrent of words. " For the rest of your life looking at my face you will see this nasty scar." you said pointing with your hand to your forehead.
"They make you even more beautiful." he commented without thinking.
"What are you talking about?"
"Every scar makes you more beautiful. And this one here?" he said putting your hair behind your ear. "It will always remind me how without hesitation you threw yourself at one psycho with superpowers just to save me and M.M from being sawed through by a laser in that asshole's eyes. If you hadn't distracted him then we would have been long gone. This is a reminder that in addition to your beautiful appearance, you also have a beautiful inside. And about not messing with you, because if you weren't scared at that time, that means you could easily kick my ass."
"I was terrified Hughie..." you said.
"I am so sorry for my reaction. I shouldn't have pulled away from you, but I was in complete shock."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
"No, I'm glad you did. Now I have confidence that you feel the same." A familiar charming smile appeared on his face. The one that always made your heart melt irrevocably. The one that always infected you and made you smile too. "I love this view."
"What?" you asked.
"Your smile. I sometimes feel that it's your superpower. All you have to do is smile and everything bad disappears."
"Stop it, I probably look awful," you jokingly regarded him in the shoulder. "With that smeared makeup? As if some psycho clown escaped from the circus."
"As for me, even with smeared makeup you look awfully beautiful." Feeling the atmosphere between the two of you improving, he stood up and pulled you behind him. You were now standing facing each other. With a gentle flick of his hand, he rubbed your cheeks wanting to get rid of the mascara marks. "Damn. I think I smeared it even more." he laughed. He heard your giggle in response. You stood there with your head facing up and watched him. In the moonlight, he looked as if he wasn't real. He looked fairy-tale, almost mystical. As if it was just another dream starring him. "Still beautiful." he whispered while hugging you close. Both of you wanted to stop time in that moment. Your hearts, after a moment, synced up beating just as hard as if they wanted to tear your ribs apart and merge into one.
"If this is a dream, I never want to wake up again." you muttered into his chest.
"Y/n." he said quietly. "This is not a dream, please believe me that everything I said is true. If you don't believe me I will never forgive myself for how I lost the greatest person in the world through my own cowardice."
"I believe you, Hughie." you replied touched. Was that really it? Was this really the evening in which your dreams came true? You thought back to all the fake scenarios you created in your head with him in the lead role. None of them could match the beauty of that moment. Nothing could.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked even more quietly. You nodded, and as he slowly began to lean toward you, unable to wait you stood on tiptoe connecting your lips. This time no one pushed anyone away. On the contrary, you desperately tried to be as close to each other as possible.
"Everything that I want, I want from you," you sang softly pulling away from his lips.
"And you can have me. You have all of me." He assured again finding your lips with a smile.
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141simonriley141 · 19 days
Chapter: 2-“The nightmare has begun…”
Lewd jokes 
Thoughts of suicide 
Panic attacks 
other worldly being 
Y/N is a little emotional
“It’s been three months since the undead have started to take over the world, and no sign of my team has come about… I’m starting to loose hope, I’m hoping… praying, that one day my team will show up completely unharmed… but now I believe that day will never come. I’m on the brink of insanity. I contemplate suicide every. Single. Day. It’s always in my mind, it will be an easy way out of this hellhole! I can’t continue living all alone! The smell of the undead is getting unbearable! I feel like vomiting every second of every day! I’m starting to run low on food and water… I’ve fought off a few undead but I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt because I know these were real live human beings once, with feelings, and families… I think tomorrow I’m going to go out and try to get more food and water.”
After I was done writing in my journal, I close the book, put it away, and get some supplies for going out to get some much needed recourses. I grab a very heavy and thick jacket that ghost used to train the military dog, Riley. I put it on so the walkers can’t bite my arms, neck, or waist. Next I put on a few layers of cargo pants. and then I put on thick combat boots with steel toes. I then grab a hand gun, ammo, and a combat knife for protection. I knew I was going to be extremely hot, but I knew it would be worth it for protection. I told myself that I would rather be hot, than a walker. I then step foot out of base for the first time in over three months. The smell of the undead was putrid. I started to gag but I quickly snapped out of it knowing I had a mission to fulfill if I wanted to survive… but half of me just wanted to stay locked up in my room and rot away. But I pushed those thoughts aside as I grabbed a large backpack. I put my knife and gun in the bag so that way I have free hands to grab different and useful items. 
You stumbled upon a large container of military food rations. You knew it wasn’t the best tasting thing in the world but you knew it was easy to make, just add hot water and eat. But you also knew you had to save as much room in your bag as you possibly can…you decided to take the food. You grabbed the food rations and put them in your bag. You now have 75% of your bag space remaining… you wonder farther into the city, you come across a horde of hungry walkers. You decided to fight the zombies. You opened your bag and grabbed your hand gun. You start to fire at the undead. And after a few minutes they were all dead. When you came closer to inspect the zombies you saw one of them was holding a lot of ammo. You decided to take the ammo for your hand gun. You now have 70% of storage left in your bag.
You then heard footsteps coming from behind you. You turn around to see a very tall man, but he wasn’t facing you. He looked very familiar, then suddenly he turned around and you saw a man with an army vest on, the Task Force 141 logo, a helmet with night vision goggles, and… the iconic skull mask. You realized it was your lieutenant. When ghost saw you he ran to you. “C/N!!” He yells with relief and worry. You were so shocked at his outburst and at how worried Ghost was since he was always so withdrawn and cold towards you and the rest of the team. You then do something that you didn’t think about, you lunged to ghost and hugged him tightly as you started to sob into his chest.
“I was so lonely! I thought you all were dead! You guys were gone for months and I was going insane! I was about to commit suicide if i couldn’t find any resources when I went out scavenging today. I-I-I thought.. I-.. I-..” your words trailed into sobs as you clung to ghost tighter. ghost then said softly “I managed to get away from the undead unharmed… but I can’t say the same for the rest of the team. I had to shoot price and soap.” he said as his voice shook from the hard decision he had to make, he knew that soap was like a brother to me and price was like a dad to me. I screamed out in pure emotional agony and despair as I realized I would never see my family again. I buried my face in his chest as I sobbed hard. Ghost then did something that shocked you.
 He hugged you back. He wrapped his large arms around your smaller form, he hugged and he squeezed his eyes shut. Then you felt it… his tears hitting the top of your head. You never saw Ghost cry… you never saw ghost laugh, he’s always been so stern and emotionless… but after the first tear hit your head he composed himself. He continued to hold you for a few long minutes before he said “we need to get back to base before the walkers find us.” You nod and follow him, but on the way you found a small store that you didn’t see before. You ran to the store quietly so you don’t attract the undead. You then realized you stumbled upon a goldmine. You saw a lot of canned food and bottled water. You then grab fifteen cans of food, and  twenty bottles of water. Your bag is now 150% full… and overflowing. You then fill all your pockets with more army food rations, and some very filling, energy rich protein bars that’s meant for people who work out at the gym for hours, and that’s just what you need to survive an apocalypse. So you dump all of the bars into all your pockets and into some pockets in your bag. And after a few minutes you joined back with ghost, you then saw ghost had his own recourses with him, he had thirty bottles of water and somehow stuffed eighty high in protein army rations in his own backpack that you just now realized he was wearing. You both then walked back to base while he filled you in on his mission. He told you that he finally captured Makarov, but before Makarov was shot he released this deadly virus and that’s how the apocalypse started. He said that Makarov wanted to let out one last attack on the world before he was killed. You looked at ghost with pure rage and agony in your eyes knowing that you and your team’s biggest enemy released the virus and took your family away from you. “No, no… it can’t be… that- that bastard!!! He deserves to burn in hell!!” You cry out in rage and pain knowing he was the cause of all the innocent lives being taken… from the only family you’ve ever known and loved… being taken from you. Your biological mom and dad threw you into the ocean when you were  just a newborn baby. A man jumped into the ocean and saved you, you were given to the orphanage but no one wanted to adopt you because you never had that adorable sparkle or shine in your eyes that kids normally do, so you were thrown around from home to home until the people just stopped wanting to adopt you, so your only home was the orphanage. You were forced to leave the orphanage at eighteen years old. And the only family who ever truly loved you and took you in… was task force 141. And now the only person that was left was Ghost. The coldest man of them all. But suddenly you remembered what happened… ghost cried, he never cried. Not even when he had to shoot his team that were turned into zombies. 
Then you hear it… the little voice inside your head that tries to ruin your life, that tries to make you go absolutely insane. Typically you can mute the voice, but you can’t now. You’re to emotionally exhausted and drained… so now you have no choice but to listen. “Wait.. somethings different. This isn’t the same cold soldier you’ve fought beside. No. He’s changed. He’s gone soft. What have you done?” The voice says in a very deep and raspy way. His tone held mock and cruel intentions. You started to breath heavily. You can’t move, your frozen standing up. You can’t move, talk, think, or feel anything other than your other self, it’s like you’re trapped in a black endless void. And you can’t see anything… other than the little voice… they look like a shadowy figure, they have glowing red, fire like eyes, and a large sharp toothed grin.. they look like a horror character. “Who the hell are you?!” You screamed in fear. “Hello Y/N it’s me…. Demonio!!!” the being screamed in a loud, deep, and raspy was that sounded like nails in a chalkboard. You had to cover your ears from how loud he yelled his name. The being laughs in a strange, sadistic, mocking, and cruel way when he saw you so afraid.
(Here is a couple reference photos for Demonio.)
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And the laugh, well… it sent shivers down your spine what was so intense you almost fell to the floor. Then you put it together, Demonio… it’s him, that voice in your head that likes to mock you, that likes to kill you from the inside out, likes to make you turn on yourself. He’s the very same one who ground suicide in your mind when you wrote in your journal this morning. That very same being walks up to you… and wraps his hands around your throat. His long black claws dug into your neck, it felt like your throat was on fire as you stared into his fiery eyes, your own eyes wide with pure fear and terror. You can’t breathe… you physically can’t take a breath. Your starting to choke as he gripped your throat tighter. Blood starts to drip down your neck and he just laughs. From an outside perspective it looks like you’re choking on nothing, looking at nothing with fear in your eyes. yet only you could see the blood running down your neck, or the claw marks on your neck. Let alone see the very thing doing it to you. Alarms are blaring in your mind to take a goddamn breath! But you physically can’t! Demonio laughs hysterically in a very evil and sadistic way. Then suddenly you hear the voice cutting through the darkness. “C/N? C/N?! Y/N!!! Snap out of it!!!” He says as he manages to pull you from the grips of an anxiety/panic attack. You try to catch your breath knowing you could have had the worst panic/anxiety attack of your life. “Are you alright C/N?” He asked in a concerned way. You swallow thickly as you nod your head quickly. “I’m, I’m fine sir… just got lost in thought…” you say softly, your voice was breaking slightly. “It’s fine C/N. It happens to the best of us.” He says in a calm, yet soothing way. He then leads you back to base. You both were chatting as you tried to calm yourself down from your encounter with the voice in your head. You knew it was never this bad, just a few bad thoughts here and there, but for your inner thoughts to choke you… that’s new, and you were terrified it would happen again.
 You knew what he did to make you choke, you knew he didn’t suffocate you, he just made your throat start to close on you like people with asthma when they run a long while without their inhaler. 
You then look up and see your back at base. Once you both disarm all the alarms and locks, the gate opens up to let you in. You both dump your resources on the table so you can organize them. After a few long minutes of organizing everything was put away neatly and orderly. “Well… we will need more water, but the food should last us a few weeks.” He says calmly. You nodded “all right, we can go back out tomorrow. You say as you started to take off all of your makeshift armor against the zombies. “Jeez… that stuff is hot!” You say as you put everything away. You then tell ghost your going to shower. “Okay. Don’t take too long though.” He says as he gently pats your back. “Hah, why? You wanna shower too?” You asked with a smirk “maybe, maybe not.” He says with a smile that you can hear in his voice. “Wanna shower with me?” You ask with a playful grin. “Hah!!! In your dreams rookie.” He says with a playful jab to my shoulder with his elbow. You just laughed and made your way to the bathroom.
 You turn the shower on and start to undress. After a few minutes you turned on some of your favorite music and hopped into the shower. You then let the warm water run down my face and back. As the water runs down your back it felt like it was washing away todays horrors and troubles. You then put some soap on my hands, you ran your soapy hands through your (H/L) (H/C) hair. After a few minutes of lathering my hair up I then washed my (S/C) skin. Once I was done I then rinsed my hair and body. 
(Optional!!): after I was done rinsing my body and hair I put conditioner in my (H/L) (H/C) hair, I let the conditioner set for a few minutes while i started to shave my body. Once I was done shaving I rinsed out my conditioner. Soon my hair was extremely soft.
 You squeezed the water out of your hair and dried off. You then walked to my room with the towel wrapped around your body. Once you were in your room you took the towel off, revealing your clean soft skin to yourself in the mirror. You then pick out a pair of short grey shorts and a white tank top. You walk out of your room and started to talk to ghost when suddenly you noticed the little skin he was showing, (the eye holds in his skull mask) was turning pale. You started to get nervous and asked. “Ghost? Are you alright?” He looks at you confused and said “yea, I am. Why do you ask?” You just shook your head trying to shake away the thoughts you were having. “Nothing, never mind. Forget what I said.” You say with a quiet mumble. As you walked away ghost had a confused look in his sad, dead, emotionless eyes.
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kootiepatra · 1 year
#FFxivWrite 2023 - Day 9: Fair
[slides this in just under the deadline like Indiana Jones under that big stone door]
Keimwyda stood nervously on the platform, with three very important documents on her person: two missives—one to be delivered to Limsa Lominsa, and the other to Ul’dah—and a pass that would allow her to board the vessel that was currently docked in front of her.
Her whole life, she had seen airships occasionally fly overhead, and they would be of Ixali make as often as Eorzean. She had never been close enough to one to touch it before, let alone to get on board. Logic told her that of course the things could reliably fly; else they wouldn’t be relied upon by the city-states like they were. Her instincts protested that the vessel sure looked too heavy to get airborne, and the balloons too flimsy to stay there besides. And the rarely-issued pass in her hands reminded her that such travel was only done by necessity, since a stray Garlean patrol would not hesitate to try to bring it down.
She wondered how long it might take to reach Limsa Lominsa by road and then by sea, and if she might not make a case for traveling along those more conventional means.
She had half-forgotten that Miounne had accompanied her to see her off, so she jumped when the woman put a hand on her shoulder. “Nervous?” Miounne asked with a warm smile.
“Oh, no,” Keimwyda replied quickly—less out of pride than sheer reflex, the impulse to convince everyone, including herself, that she would be fine. “I mean. Well. A bit, I confess.”
Miounne chuckled softly and gave Keimwyda’s shoulder a squeeze. “I should not blame you if you were. But believe me that neither would I sign off on this trip if I thought you in any real peril.”
Keimwyda smiled unevenly in an effort to look reassured. She turned her eyes back to the crew who were bustling around, lashing down anything that could move, and performing final checks. They looked bored enough that she could believe they were not worried. 
She tried pulling her mind away from the vehicle, instead fixing upon the destination. She could ever so vaguely remember a brief trip beyond the borders of the Black Shroud, just once, when she was yet a young girl. It was just to the outer edges of Coerthas, back when the terrain was still somewhat hospitable. Otherwise, her entire life had been spent in the forests she knew as home. 
Her father had been based in Limsa Lominsa before he and her mother settled in the Shroud. She remembered how he would talk about the city when she asked: sometimes with fondness and sometimes with chagrin. In any case, he had decided against moving back there after his wife passed away. It was not somewhere he wanted to raise his little girl.
But now as a woman grown, Keimwyda had entertained the idea of one day visiting. She had loose plans to do so at some point after she got established in Gridania and put a few gil away. Her father may have had mixed feelings about the place, but it was a part of his history. She thought of it as something of a pilgrimage, a way to remember the man who had also been taken from her life so long ago—perhaps even a way to gain some closure about his ship’s disappearance. At least it would be an opportunity to try and learn more about what his life was like before she had entered it.
She had definitely planned to go by boat, though.
And she had definitely not planned to be traveling under the auspices of the Elder Seedseer.
The past few weeks felt immensely surreal.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” shouted the captain from the deck of the ship. “Your attention, if you will. The Falcon’s Flight is now made ready for departure. A fair wind blows from the east, and in ten minutes we make for Vylbrand. Pray board promptly and have your pass ready to show to the crew at the gangway.”
Miounne squeezed her shoulder once more. “Good luck, envoy. Make us proud.”
Keimwyda’s smile was less forced at that remark. Miounne had been kind to her, and she was grateful for her guidance. She took a deep breath to settle her nerves, and she boarded.
Her stomach lurched as the vessel took to the sky. She gripped the railing with whitened knuckles. She had never thought herself much bothered by heights before, but then again, she had never experienced them while not being somehow anchored to the ground. The velocity of the ship forward, or the rate at which it climbed, would each be dizzying on their own, but together… Twelve preserve.
Yet as they gained proper altitude and soared away from the Roost, she could not but forget her worry as the land unfolded before her. Within minutes, she could see the edges of Thanalan’s desert far to the south. Not long after, she could see the glimmer of the ocean on the horizon—her first time seeing it with her own eyes. The forest beneath her still consumed most of the landscape, but for the first time in decades, she bore witness to its edges.
The Shroud’s ancient, majestic trees still dominated the ground below, but for the first time, she could really marvel at the way their canopies shied away from each other in an organic, puzzle-like pattern. She could see the paths that the rivers carved through them, as if the drawings of maps she had seen all her life had leapt off of the page and gained life. Flocks of cloudkin swirled in formation below them—below them! Imagine!
The fragments of Dalamud, scars from the Calamity, were tragically and starkly visible from up here. But she could also see the way the forest was beginning to close around them, bounding back from the beating it had endured. The birdsong, the rustling of the trees, the roaring of the waterfalls—all sounds which she loved, to be sure—did not reach this elevation, and were lost under the whooshing roar of the skies through which they now flew.
The world at once felt far bigger and far smaller than it had ever seemed when she was on the ground. The horizon felt closer, more alluring, more exciting.
She could hardly believe she was actually contemplating it, but… she could get used to this.
See you soon, Papa, she whispered, too quietly for anyone to hear, as that fair wind carried them towards the sea.
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monstrousvoice · 1 year
You ever think about how, as commander of the Night's Cavalry, Morgott really is sending knights out in full funeral horse drapes and black armor and for what. The drama? I bet its for the drama.
"it's to be imposing"
For. the. drama.
Supporting evidence: he didn't NEED to make that dramatic speech outside Stormveil, or everywhere else you run into Margit. He could literally have just attacked. Outside universe, sure, it's for a dramatic reveal. But in universe i feel like it's also for the drama of it-- putting on a show of force, or menace, or just to make a point about Tarnished being unwelcome.
People tend to point at Mohg for the dramatic presentation and sure, he's ostentatious about it. Flaming palace covered in blood and lush tapestry-- sure, makes a statement. To the whole handful of people who ever make it there alive, or not meant to be a sacrifice of some kind. He's leaning into it, sure. But Morgott is very much doing it in a way that word will spread about him doing it. He WANTS you to die, come back at a grace and then go tell other tarnished how bad he beat your ass and just what his name was. Which is the same as 'to be imposing' but "An omen kicked my ass" would have worked just as well as "Margit the Fell kicked my ass".
Tertiary evidence: His speech at the thrones.
I just think there's an underlying theater to how Morgott conducts himself that is probably tied to his youth, but is just a delightfully silly thing to think about in isolation.
This is a man that started doing dramatic voices and monologues with Mohg in the sewers while they played pretend and just never stopped. His persona while he's Margit is an act, his role as Morgott the Veiled Monarch is an act, and if you got a chance to just speak to him on a personal level, i think that would be an act too-- for a while.
In a scenario where a tarnished gets close enough to glimpse the real Morgott they're going to see the man who is silently devoted to the Erd Tree. A man with such strong faith that his lack of grace doesn't impede his use of holy incantation. A man with such a capacity to love that he gives his whole heart to protecting the very thing he had been scorned by, whether he should or not. To defending a city that would revile him if they knew he was an omen.
Aaaand i rambled, but the point is he's dramatic and that's great.
Oh Anon you are so right and you should say it.
I've discussed with a personal friend the idea of a Modern Au to write sometime, and Morgott (and Mohg too ofc) would def be the theater kids in high school and growing up.
Both of them have drama and flair but in their own special ways and we love them for it 💖
Your mention of Morgott loving things honestly reminded me of this post, which I've discussed with that earlier mentioned friend before and how it applies to Morgott in my own opinion.
For those unaware, the post in question talks about Gomez Addams from the Addams family loving everything about life, being in love with life, and how it makes him so wonderful as a character and attracted Morticia to him.
I believe, despite all that has happened to him, Morgott genuinely and whole-heartedly is in love with life and what it has too offer. He's jaded, coarse, and unfriendly, but that's all an act to keep himself safe and protected, especially considering just how much of the world's responsibility is resting on his shoulders. But he loves everything about being alive so much that he carries that burden with no complaints.
He guides and leads an entire city that left him and his dear twin forgotten and rotting in the sewers, in literal shit. A city that would tie him down and slit him open crotch to throat at the base of the Erdtree itself for the treason he has committed of being Omen born and ruling as King.
And yet he takes the risk of being found out because he loves the city. He loves the Erdtree. He loves the "message" the Golden Order was trying to spread to the rest of the world. (We as the audience know this "message" was mostly horrible and exclusive and racist and all those bad things, but from Morgott was raised to genuinely believe the Golden Order was good, so that's a whole ass other can of worms.)
He is a man who falls so whole-heartedly in love that nothing will stop him from serving and protecting what he deems worthy, whether that's people, ideals, or objects and what they represent. In another world where he was raised properly and in a good home, I truly believe he would have grown to be a very warm, comforting, and loving presence. One that everyone who knew him would say they were better off having met him and had him as a part of their lives.
It's a shame we don't get to see it ourselves.
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heliads · 2 years
Waking, Dreaming
Based on this request: "Newt x fem reader. The characters are high school students. Y/N and her parents move because her father got a new job. She joins Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally, Alby, Teresa, and Brenda’s friend group. Thomas and Minho are on the boys’ basketball team. Sonya and Harriet are on the girls’ soccer team. Thomas is the valedictorian."
ok so this ended up taking a far more surreal twist than i really intended. have you ever wanted a modern au in which newt was semi aware of the fact that he was in a modern au? here you go!
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Newt wakes from a dream, and he doesn’t know that he’s ever been so happy to see his familiar ceiling stretching out in front of him. It almost doesn’t feel real for a second, that perfect plain white paint, uncracked and unbroken and utterly without care. If he keeps his eyes trained on only this impersonal bit of wall, Newt can pretend that none of this is actually his, that the whole place is just on lend from some other kid lucky enough to be born in a time when he was completely safe.
This makes no sense, of course. This is Newt’s room, this is Newt’s life, this is Newt’s happiness. Perhaps it’s the nightmare getting to him. The vision he’d had just before forcing himself awake had been a terrible one. He’d been trapped in a city burning to the ground, and as Newt lay on his back, staring up at the smoke and stars, he knew with unsettling certainty that it would be the last time he’d ever see such a sight again. Or any sight, for that matter.
Newt woke up, of course, so clearly his dream-based paranoia is just that, the stuff of nightmares and nothing more. Newt is here, and everything is alright. He has always been here. He will never be anywhere else.
After all, when would Newt have a chance to see any other scenery? Newt grew up in this town, he’s been here for as long as he can remember. His friends are just down the street, probably waking up to a myriad of alarm clocks and shouted warnings about missed school buses. This is their home. No other place would ever make sense as much as this does.
Newt shakes himself and starts getting ready for the day. That’s the problem with dreams, after all, they get you thinking about what life would be like if you weren’t here, in the same place as always. Maybe somewhere out there another Newt is looking up at the stars and wondering why he tastes copper on his tongue, but this Newt, the one in his body and thinking these very thoughts, is safe. He doesn’t know why, but he gets the feeling that safety is pretty rare, and thus something he should treasure instead of find reasons to deny.
Newt heads down to the bus stop, early as always. He likes to get there before anyone else so they can only get the view of him leaning casually against a nearby tree, not the visual of Newt’s walk over. Despite all this time spent around the same friends, Newt is still wary to show off the fact that he isn’t quite like the others. He can’t walk the same way they can, and any difference from the norm makes Newt’s teeth stand on edge.
It’s all because of an injury, one Newt sustained when he was just a kid. Hypothetically, it happened when he was in preschool or something, but Newt has no recollection of the actual incident itself. You’d think he would remember something like that, a pivotal moment leading to a pivotal injury, but no, it’s all been smoothed over in his head.
Sometimes, Newt has different dreams, nightmares in which he’s falling and only regrets it halfway through the plunge. He bolts upright to find his leg throbbing like it had been freshly broken, even though everyone tells him the injury is older than anything. Still, the facts don’t lie. Newt can’t walk properly because of the limp. The actual source of it shouldn’t matter, especially not since his friends all seem to avoid bringing it up.
The rest of his merry group arrives soon enough. Alby first, Alby always first. He’s the oldest of them, the leader. Newt doesn’t remember when they all decided that Alby would take up that role, it just makes sense. Minho is next, then Gally, Thomas, and Teresa. A girl named Brenda who used to go to another school. She started hanging out with them a while ago and long since fit in like another piece to their grand puzzle. Y/N, too, newly moved here from a different city. She changes everything for the better, Newt thinks, like they’ve all been put on this earth for the sole purpose of being there to see her.
They all have their own roles to play within the friend group. Thomas and Minho are on the school basketball team. It feels like they’re out at practice every day, spending hours in that gym just to be able to score a little better and build a better championship team inch by inch. It always surprises Newt that they’d choose basketball of all sports. Not that they’d be athletes, of course, that goes without saying. The guys are full of restless energy, always eyeing the doors to a crowded room like they’ve already plotted twelve different ways to get out and are just deciding which would be the fastest.
No, Newt is mainly surprised that they’d choose that sport in particular. During the first few months of freshman year, Newt was constantly switching up what sport they did. He knew they told him they were on the basketball team about a thousand times, but he could swear that he’d seen them doing something else, something involving running. Maybe cross country or track, that would explain why Newt keeps seeing snippets in his head of the two of them sprinting side by side, half out of their minds from exhaustion but full of the urge to keep pushing, keep fighting until the very end.
Once, Newt almost convinced himself that he might have been out there too. Thomas hadn’t been there, for some reason, only Minho. He can still feel the desperate gasping of air in his lungs as Newt hurled himself forward towards something he can’t remember. The dreams, the false memories, they’ve been going on for a while. Newt can’t explain it. Neither can his doctor, Ava Paige, although she just shakes her head and hands him some new medicine to try whenever he brings it up in his annual physicals.
Still, it’s not like they’re hurting anyone. No one knows, just Newt. He distracts himself by trying to commit the details of everyday life to memory. Maybe if he does it better this time around, he won’t have issues like this, problems where he can’t quite tell which memories are real and which are just figments of his slightly confused imagination.
When he gets confused, he goes to his friends, and they welcome him with open arms every time. Alby has always been a good listener. Gally’s biting sarcasm is welcome, it cleans Newt’s wounds like a cauterizing flame. Teresa always knows the right thing to say. Y/N has a way of distracting himself from the bewilderment of his own thoughts every time.
Y/N. She only moved here a few weeks ago, but she’s already quickly made her way into Newt’s heart. He swore he knew from the first time he saw her that Y/N would be someone to watch, and what do you know, he was right. Newt spends the most time with her out of anyone from his friend group. He hadn’t intended on it, it just works. They spend long hours talking, and if there’s anyone who can straighten out Newt’s head, it’s her. Everything makes sense when Y/N is nearby, like she’s rewriting the tangled mess of words and sentences in his head whenever she’s around.
That’s how things go around here. Slowly, surely, Newt makes it all work. He leans into his friends, both the old and the new. His little sister, Sonya, is a freshman at their high school this year. Newt can’t deny that he’s already tried to be the overprotective older brother to the max, but it’s not like she needs it. Sonya’s a firecracker, same with her friends.
The girls have come over to hang out with Newt’s group on more than a few occasions now. Sonya and Harriet both play on the girls soccer team at their high school. Their fierce spirits remind Newt of Thomas and Minho, but somehow slightly different. They’ve been shaped by different events, their rivers running through different turns. Newt can’t entirely decide who had it worse, not that it’s a contest.
The comparisons are interesting, though. They all seem to be the same sort of person at their core, all of them, the boys and girls alike. Newt wishes that Sonya wasn’t quite so much younger than him. She and her friends are freshmen, after all, and Newt’s group are seniors. They’re graduating in a matter of weeks, and then that’s that, all over. Newt wishes he could have had more time to get to know the second group of friends. He wishes he had more time for far more things, too, but that’s beside the point.
In truth, Newt doesn’t know where his life will lead. He did his college applications, of course, same as anyone else, and he’s got a place to go once he gets his diploma, but that’s not what really matters. Somewhere out there, a world waits for Newt to discover. There are thousands of cities that call his name, a million roads to travel down.
If he was just going off of his memories, Newt would say that it’s too good to be true. It feels like he spends more time looking back than looking forward. Some secret part of him always assumed that his life would end here, on the precipice of moving forward. His friends all have their eyes towards the sun and what will become of them, but not Newt.
No, he’s still stuck in the past, caught between deciphering what all the fragments of his history could mean and the relentless surge forward of time. Try as he might, Newt cannot stay the same forever. Something will always come to pluck him out of his normal life and bring him to his fate. No one can fight time forever, not even Newt. Not anyone.
Graduation comes soon enough, and Newt has the pleasure of watching his friends don their caps and gowns. They’re laughing, the lot of them, all out in the parking lot outside the building before the ceremony starts. Newt’s next to Y/N, watching his friends talk in excited, loud voices about the end of all things they’ve ever known.
Thomas and Teresa are trying to shout across to each other from opposite sides of the tight bundle of friends, but they’re not having much luck in getting their voices over to each other. Minho watches the proceedings with an ill concealed grin. The dark-haired boy has been swearing to Newt for months now that he’s going to lose his mind if Thomas and Teresa don’t manage to confess their feelings before graduation. Looks like insanity is a promise he’ll just have to keep.
Deep inside, Newt thinks that Thomas and Teresa are a hopeless case. They might get along better than anyone else, and Newt is certain that the two of them have about a thousand inside jokes that no one could even hope to understand, but that’s all they’re ever going to be. A million secrets, too many kept, not enough spoken aloud until it was too late. That’s not a strong enough foundation for a proper relationship, even if their feelings seem worth the fall.
Thomas is distracted by Brenda at his side, asking him a question. Thomas’ smile is easier now; he never has to try so hard when he’s around Brenda, Newt wonders if the other boy has ever realized it. Teresa shakes her head with a laugh and joins Newt soon enough, filing into the building where graduation will be held once the teachers start calling for everyone to head inside.
Newt dutifully takes his seat in the long rows of chairs. Alby on his left, Teresa on his right, Newt feels safe in this impossibly large gathering of people. This is where it all changes, then. This is where his old life ends and something else begins.
Thomas takes to the stage. He’d been named valedictorian to the delight of everyone in the group. It makes perfect sense to Newt, of course. Thomas has been a braniac for about as long as Newt has known him; always one to come up with the perfect answer, the capable solution. Combine that with his athletics and natural leadership abilities, and you couldn’t make a better valedictorian if you crafted one in a lab.
Thomas is the survivor, Newt thinks. He wonders why that would occur to him, but it feels right somehow. Thomas up there on that stage, separated impossibly from Newt and Alby and Teresa and the rest of them, it makes sense. Thomas did it, he took all the challenges of school and the future and life and made them work out for him. When the sun sets, Thomas will be there, ready for the dawn to come. Newt doesn’t think he could say that about everyone here.
Someone turns in the row in front of him. Newt glances to the side to see Y/N looking at him. She smiles at him, and it’s a happy sort of look, carrying with it a thousand unspoken messages. They’re alright, then. They’re going to be okay. This is only where one story ends, but a thousand more begins. When the doors open up and the newly graduated kids get to run out into the bright sunlight of a new day, Newt and Y/N will be among them. That’s how it ends, a perfect resolution. Newt couldn’t ask for anything else.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
tmr tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @thatfangirl42, @hiya-its-amber, @gods-fools-heroes, @hope92100, @23victoria, @w1shes43
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breakerwhiskey · 1 year
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey. As a patron, you will also receive each week's episodes as one longer episode every Monday.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
Week 5 - Breaker Whiskey
[click, static]
Breaker, breaker, this is WAR1974 calling out for Birdie.
I’m making my way South now, for real this time—first stop, Memphis. I wonder if I could sneak into Graceland. I just—I can’t imagine living in a house like that. And I’m assuming....well, if Elvis and his family were still living there, surely they would have figure out how to get some kind of word out to...someone. They have, you know, private jet planes and everything.
[click, static]
It’s weird to think about someone like Elvis just...vanishing, or whatever it is that happened to everybody. It feels like something that wouldn’t happen to famous people somehow. Like the privileged few would be privileged enough to skirt doomsday.
[click, static]
I can’t say that I’m too sorry that Dick Nixon seems to be out of the White House. It’s not that I don’t want anyone in charge, but I sure as hell didn’t want him in charge.
[click, static]
Oh man, I just realized that there’s a good chance you’re someone in the government—it would explain why you’re transmitting a signal strong enough to be caught on my shitty CB. Unless I really am just damn lucky and picking you up on skip.
[click, static]
If you have been listening to each of my transmissions, then you can probably guess that I’m...pretty much the opposite of a government worker. Though, that wasn’t always true—when I was eighteen, I worked in the post office for a few years. I’d hoped to pay my way through college, but I never did get around to going. Spent the money getting to New York City where I fell into what became my real profession.
Maybe I’ll drive into the city on my way back—I can’t imagine what the city is like right now. All...empty. Sometimes I’d get overwhelmed by the crush, but I’d do anything to stand in the middle of the Village again and let thousands of people pass me by.
I said New York was the closest to a home base I ever got and that’s true. I didn’t really have, you know, an apartment or anything, but I knew enough people to have a place to crash and sometimes I could find a sublet for a few months.
I guess that’s why I didn’t think twice about packing my shit into this car and getting on the road. I’ve lived out of one duffel since I was fifteen.
I could have my pick of New York City apartments now though. Live in the Plaza, get a penthouse on Park Avenue.
I don’t know, the fun of New York is the people. It wouldn’t be the same.
[click, static]
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theadventurerslog · 1 year
Sam & Max Hit the Road | Part 1
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The Adventurer’s Log
Release Date: 1993
I wanted to get on some LucasArts games here, and because making decisions is hard I put the games I currently have in my backlog to the vote and Sam & Max won, so here we go. I am familiar with the series; I've read some of the comic years ago, although I don't remember much, and I've watched the TellTale games. This game, however, is completely new to me.
There shall be chaos. There shall also be me getting stuck because early '90s LucasArts adventure game. I remember my first times with Monkey Island and Grim Fandango (remastered in Grim Fandango's case, but still applies). The Steam copy did come with the manual and hint book, so that hint book may or may not get some use. It depends on how stubborn I'm feeling.
While I got the game off Steam, I'm running it through my instance of ScummVM, rather than what it came with, so all my settings are in place. Theoretically. I still mucked up the graphics settings and wound up with things way too smoothed out and smeary because of it. So there is going to be a graphical shift from the first few images to the rest of them. Sorry about that.
Also, it's voice acted! Which I knew before playing, but not before the game was decided on. I only found out from checking on some other stuff. It's taking me a bit of getting used to because I'm used to their TellTale game voices, but it's settling in pretty well already.
Anyway, let's get this show on the road. Opening with:
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this guy mad at a woman for not wanting to go out with him and who can blame her with that attitude. In a mad scientist sort of lab. And going directly to threats.
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Yeah, he's a real charmer.
But Sam and Max, Freelance Police, and their Desoto to the rescue! And for me, the very rare time of me remembering what model a car is.
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They had some back and forth before Sam sicced Max on the guy while he poked at the woman's ropes and didn't appear to make any progress while the fight went on.
Max came up victorious. But it turned out the guy was a robot all along.
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And worse, the head was actually a time bomb! So they skedaddle with it leaving the woman still tied up, though she pretty unfazed by it and said she would never forget them--or maybe that was a threat...
Then a credits sequence, a 'pleasantly understated' one according to Sam, before the game fully starts in their office. And they remember they still have that ticking time bomb and wonder what to do with it.
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Max with the solution: just chuck it out the window. Which they do. Problem solved. A bus may or may not have been hit.
And Max is a prime example of why I needed to get my graphics sorted: he's practically lost an eye! And I don't know what's going on with this mouth.
Anyway, then the phone went off with the next mission from the Commissioner!
"Due to the arbitrarily sensitive nature of the mission", according to Sam, they have to meet a bonded city courier out on the street.
But first I had to poke around the office and learn the UI.
In the bottom left corner is a box which acts as inventory and verb selection. However there is a more efficient way to use verbs and that's cycling through them with a right click. The verbs are: Look at, Pick up, Talk to, Use and Walk. Each one has two icons: the base action and an alternate that tells you the action won't work.
I didn't have any inventory yet aside from Max himself because you can use him like an item.
I also talked to Max and learned the conversation system. Rather than text options you get icons that mean different things, so what will actually be said is a surprise.
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From left to right:
Question Mark - Question Exclamation Mark - Declaration Rubber Duck - Non-sequitur Paw wave - Stop Then the next four slots are situational, so here I can ask Max something related to himself.
There were some things to toy with in the office but nothing to get, so I popped out and found another office next to theirs: Flint Papers, a private detective. There was a fight going on and some thug got thrown out. A little conversation around him but otherwise carry on. Just another day. We had a courier to meet.
The street outside is pretty rough. Just ignoring Max poking at the blood. Or, hey, maybe it's tomato juice. Who can really say?
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And that's one messed up cat, who turned out to be the courier. Unfortunately, due the secrecy of the Commissioner's orders, he swallowed the message and had a hard time coughing it up. I looked around the area to find Bosco's store (I know that name from the other games!), but there wasn't anything I could do with it, and a place labelled Bad Food, but I couldn't get to it. I did briefly consider getting bad food to get the courier to, um, vomit up the message, but thankfully that wasn't the answer. I tried using the car which took me out to the map where there were some other locations, but I figured, it's the start of the game; my solution is going to be on that street and I have zero reason to leave. So back I went and realized I could use Max on him. So, Max got right in there and got it out. Courier cat seemed fine, but blech.
The Commissioner's orders were to investigate some trouble at the carnival, so it was back to the Desoto for real this time!
Onward to the carnival were I ran into two men leaving. It seemed they were looking for someone and they had no time for my pair. And I don't trust 'em anyway.
A fire-eater wouldn't let me enter anywhere until proving I was here for a reason; the Commissioner's orders sufficed. Then I went into the Hall of Oddities where I met Shep Kushman and his conjoined(?) brother Burl.
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(Burl's voiced by Danny Delk! I encounter him once again. I'm up to three known times with Murray from Monkey Island, King Otar from King's Quest VII and now here. I forgot! The Special Editions of Monkey Island 1 and 2 too. Just my little yay moment. Back to business.)
I learned from the brothers that their main attraction, Bruno the Bigfoot who had been on ice escaped. And that's not at all. He also kidnapped their second main attraction, Trixie the giraffe-necked girl from Scranton.
I also found out the pair I ran into were the internationally renowned recording star, Conroy Bumpus, and his assistant Lee-Harvey. Bumpus is apparently an insane country-western singer, or maybe insane because of the country-western singing, or because he wanted to buy Bruno and Trixie from them. Or all of the above really. He wasn't happy to find out they were gone. So... interesting to keep in mind.
It was time to look around the carnival for some information starting with scooping some left over Bigfoot hair off the floor. I also found, and of course took, a jar with Jesse James' severed hand as you do. Then I found Trixie's trailer, but it was locked and it didn't seem like there was anything I could do there. Right nearby though was a mini-game, Wak-A-Rat!
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I played it and won a battery-less lightless (I misremembered) flashlight.
I also found a Lost and Found tent that was apparently run by someone very grotesque and I couldn't see inside when entering, just got dialogue.
I carried on to find the Cone of Tragedy which is a ride surely everyone would want to partake in. Of course I sent the pair onto it.
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What a swell time.
Asking the guy running it about Bruno gave me some info that there was a rumour that one of Bruno's buddies hangs out in there.
So I did find the Tunnel of Love... But when I checked my inventory I discovered everything was gone. I didn't want to keep going without any of my stuff so I went to the Lost and Found tent but I needed a claim ticket, so it was back to the Cone of Tragedy, where I figured my stuff was lost after all that whirling, where I was able to get a ticket. I got all my stuff back plus extra! I got a magnet with a fish on one side of which read "World of Fish". That actually opened a new location on the map--World of Fish, naturally.
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And then I left the carnival. Yeah, I, uh, managed to already completely forget to go back to the Tunnel of Love. Easily distracted? A little brain-fried? Just that excited by fish? (never).
Before I went to check out World of Fish, there were three burger spots that all turned out to be gas station/convenience stores, Snuckey's. They each have a different mascot outside and their clerks have slightly different appearance details like a mustache or glasses; otherwise they're all identical. Oh, I think the guy eating ice cream at the counter has a different colour shirt from store to store too. I notice these details, but forbid I remember going back to the Tunnel of Love.
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I found out the mystery of those horse rides. "This is what they do to merry-go-round horses who won't stay with the pack". A mystery of life I didn't know I needed solved. I also scooped up an empty paper cup. One man's trash is another dog's treasure or something.
I learned the clerks are all trained at Snuckey's U. One skill of use to us was the ability to open any jar and I was able to get him to open the jar with Jesse James' severed hand. Now why I want that freed is beyond me, but if the option's there, take it! Max also needed the bathroom and was given a key and left and everything. I feel like there may be something to do in that window of time, but I have no idea what what this time.
I also tried grabbing a few things and walking out... The clerk caught me and I had to put it all back. Add money to the list of needed things. Or some way to do without. I genuinely don't know whether to expect to find money, or find out some way to commit theft.
After touring the stores I went to the World of Fish.
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I got some fish here, but I also saw some fish stolen by a whole helicopter.
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Just scooped 'em right up.
I talked to the fisherman, who's actually allergic to fish, but a job's a job I guess and it's not being made any easier by the pilfering helicopter. Turns out it's been taking them to the Ball of Twine Diner in Central Dis, Minnesota. That opened the location on my map.
Giant Ball of Twine time! There are some giant balls of twine in the US, aren't there? I mean, not like giant diner sized balls, but big.
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Twiney. Giant even.
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Fish thief!!
I took a cable car up to the top of the restaurant. There was a scene showing a dangling thread and they comment about wanting to pull it. I don't know how to go about doing that yet, nor do I know how to get to the chef if it's even possible. Twine pulling would be good, but for now I entered .
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There was a guy bending metal tools. I had him bend one for me because more inventory is always good. I also offered Max.
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"He already looks pretty twisted." Well, he's not wrong.
There were also some loose electrical wires. I was able to connect them to a set of viewing binoculars so I could control their direction and speed. I didn't see anything of particular interest, so maybe something for later or maybe just something for touristy fun!
I didn't find anything more to do inside so I went back out and called it there.
I'll do one last sweep of this twine ball area. Given they comment on it, I'll definitely have to pull that loose thread. My current theory is that pulling it will wreck the whole thing which would certainly put a stop to the fish theft. And with this pair? In a comedic adventure game? Wanton chaos and destruction to solve the problem seems entirely likely.
I was going to go on about how if I couldn't do anything more with the twine ball restaurant I would try going back home and then to the carnival, except while double checking an earlier detail, I was reminded that I completely forgot to ever go back to the Tunnel of Love to actually explore it. So that will be my next step. See, I remembered eventually.
Also, I had thought I got a screencap of the map early on, but I never did! So here it is in its current state.
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Time: 1:05
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ofmythsandfables · 1 year
Brenna / W.itcher OC
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starter call | open starters | aesthetics | headcanons | photos
Though Brenna is an OC, she is based in the world of N.etflix’s The W.itcher (not watching beyond season 3 folks, sorry). Her lore has been gathered by what I’ve read online and based around her being a Griffin, but she is set within the world on the show. I am currently reading the books and I have played W.itcher 3: W.ild Hunt but I don’t have extensive knowledge from the books themselves. Anything to do W.itcher wise will be mainly show and game based for now.
A child was born out of wedlock between a queen and a guard and left in the woods to die in the frigid elements. It was then a Witcher, Keldar, found the baby in the brush and took it with him back to his keep: Kaer Seren, where he cared for the baby as best he could and as if she were his own. He gave her the name Brenna, and though his fellow Witchers weren’t fond of the idea of having a baby within the keep, Keldar was respected highly among them and they trusted him. Soon, they all became a family to her, raising Brenna the only way they knew how. That was until she was seven. She, along with other young children, went through a series of experiments that were torturous and for some, deadly. Brenna and two others survived the experiments and went on to train as Witchers within the School of the Griffin. As years went on, she became one of the top Witchers and was given her Griffin medallion. Brenna flourished within Kaer Seren’s walls. She mastered alchemy and magic, enjoyed reading and learning from the many books in their famed library, and training under Keldar’s watchful eye. She then was old enough to venture out on her own, slaying monsters and beasts and defeating spectrals. It was no easy task, having to do it all on her own, but over time she became unstoppable and thrived. She often wondered who her real family was, but she never questioned Keldar about it since he and their brethren were the only family she ever knew.  Unfortunately, years later, mages grew jealous of the school’s extensive knowledge on magic and caused an avalanche to destroy Kaer Seren. All the Griffins, save for Keldar, Brenna and Coen (who was not there during the attack and instead on the Path), had died and Kaer Seren fell into ruin. Despite the attack on the fortress, Keldar and Brenna still call it home, having repaired some of the fortress to make it livable again. Though Keldar chooses to guard the keep, Brenna still goes out to do what she does best: kill monsters.
Brenna is a master at magic. She enhanced the power of the Witcher signs with her extensive knowledge on magic, as well as magic not usually known to a Witcher and only mages. Her go-to sign is Aard, though she does favor a few other magical elements that are not Witcher based. She is also very well versed with a sword and tactical skills. To help with constantly refreshing her knowledge on magic, the bestiary and alchemy products needed for a Witcher, Brenna carries a book with everything she needs to know to keep her memory sharp and intact. When she’s not battling a monster or spectral, Brenna enjoys a good ale at a nearby tavern and a leisurely swim. When on her travels, when coming across a beach, she’ll collect a few seashells and bring them back to Kaer Seren as a keepsake.
The Way of the Griffin - Main verse
Brenna is traveling through the Continent, ridding the lands of monsters as she was trained to do. Being one of the only Griffins left, Brenna takes her job more seriously than ever before and doesn’t have time for distractions as she travels on the Path.
Monster Hunter - Modern
Brenna is a highly skilled supernatural hunter, owning her own business that aides those in need of purging their homes and cities of the monster kind.
0 notes
Turn Right at Machu Picchu
Week 19 blog
Pages read: 95-190
Summary: I left off where an "explorer" met a man named John who didn't speak a word of English so they had to communicate with nods and hand signals. John told Andrew that he would take him to the Incas and he went through with it. They ended up at Huanacacalle, a city near the Incas. After days and days of traveling, they made it to Vilcabamba (a peruvian rain forest), the Kolpacasa pass crossing, vista Alegre, Concevidayoc, Espiritu Pampa (The plain of Ghosts), then finally, Machu Picchu. after getting caught up in lots of trouble with gangs, other visitors, and just overall curious people wondering where John is taking Andrew, they made it to Machu Picchu. Although they made it to their final destination, they still hadn't made it to where they wanted to be for Andrews research. Andrew wanted to go all the way up to the top of the mountain of Machu Picchu, which means, more traveling. Andrew spent close to $400 just taking the bus, train, the fees, etc. Now, Andrew didn't know exactly what he was looking for when he got to Machu Picchu, he just knew that he had to get there.
Critical Analysis: In the book, the author included "When I mentioned the stranger with the bad eyes to Justo later, after we'd suffered some serious bad luck, he was amazed that I hadn't recognized bad Omen when it stared at me in the face. "The eyes, senior Mark," he said, shaking his head. "The eyes never lie". When he said this, it made me think that even when you think you know someone, you truly don't. They knew this man, who wasn't named in the book, for almost throughout the whole book, up until Andrew took him to meet John and John didn't think this man had good intentions. This showed loyalty and curiousness.
Personal Response: Just reading the name of the next chapter in this book, which is "The Big Picture: High Above Machu Picchu", I know i'm going to learn more because this is what Andrew went there for, to get research on Machu Picchu. But now, I'm liking the book so far because since this book is based on a true event, there's even real pictures in the book from when Andrew went, I'm learning both about Machu Picchu and I'm learning about what he went through to get there.
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