#i never really felt jealous. but anytime she tells me she had a really cute and happy time with her friends i get dizzy
tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Crush - Sanji
notes - sanji fic for the poll I did! I'm gonna be honest... I don't really like this one. But that's okay! It's cute, but idk, not my best work. nonetheless though, i hope you all like it at least! thanks for being patient and I cannot wait to do another poll!!! <3
word count - 1,449
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You weren't around Sanji often. Your job on the boat was to help anyone who needed it - like helping Usopp make new weapons or helping Franky with fixing up bits of the boat - but Sanji seemed to always know what he was doing. You could cook, but you were no where near Sanji's level, who seemed to be doing more than fine in the kitchen. So because of that, you never saw Sanji often.
When you did though, you got the usual heart eyes and special treatment, but you always thought that he liked Nami more. He would swoon over her like there was no tomorrow, acting like she was royalty or something while you sat waiting for your food.
You could admit that Nami was pretty - really pretty actually. You honestly didn't blame Sanji for thinking she was the prettiest girl on the boat.
But even so, you still found yourself getting a little jealous whenever he would call Nami "his sweet" or "darling" and you never knew why.
Maybe it was because he was charming, talented, and stupidly gorgeous, or maybe it was because he gave you attention sometimes. Either way, you couldn't get him out of your head sometimes, even with the lack of him being around you.
"You seem a little distracted today," Franky said, taking off his welding mask and setting it down. "Everything alright, kiddo?"
You looked up at Franky and smiled. "I'm fine. Just a long day, that's all."
"Tell me about it," he chuckled. "The Sunny sure took a beating. Thanks for helping out by the way. You're always a great help."
"Of course, Franky, anytime."
You and Franky got back to working for a while, but it stopped abruptly as Franky set down all of his tools and crossed his arms at you.
"What?!" you giggled, setting down your tools as well.
"You're not telling me something." he said, a slight pout to his voice. "And I wanna know what it is."
"Look, it's nothing, Franky. And if it is something it's a stupid something that y/n feels stupid about."
"Tell me?" Franky said in a high pitched voice, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Franky you're such a dumbass... but fine, since I trust you. I'm just jealous of something, that's all."
"Jealous?" Franky said, tilting his head and pulling up a stool for the both of you. "Jealous of what?"
"You know Sanji, right?" You could feel yourself blushing already just thinking about him.
"I think I know every member of our crew quite well, y/n, so yeah, I know Sanji."
"Well..." You twiddled your thumbs and sharply exhaled. "He's the 'loverboy', we all know this. I guess I kinda... I kinda fell for his ass and get jealous whenever I hear him swooning over Robin or Nami. Especially Nami."
"I see. Why don't you tell Sanji all this?"
You felt your face heat up even more somehow. "T-Tell Sanji?! No way, Franky, are you nuts?!"
"Well how are things supposed to figure themselves out if you don't put in the work?"
You hated that Franky was right. You hated it so much.
And thanks to him, you ended up in front of Sanji's door, your hands shaking.
You knocked lightly at first, but realized he wouldn't be able to hear that at all. You tried louder, and waited patiently, hearing a bit of shuffling. There was no going back now and god you hated that feeling.
The door opened slightly and Sanji stuck his head out. It looked like he had just gotten through taking a nap as his hair was a mess and he was wearing a t-shirt instead of his usual suit.
"y/n?" He tilted his head and yawned.
"Hey, Sanji... can I come in?"
His face turned a light shade of pink and he turned back to look at his room. "Uh... gimme a sec let me get some pants on." He quickly shut the door and in no time it flew back open. "Come on in, y/n! I don't have many super comfortable spots in here, but uhh..." He walked to his closet and pulled out what looked like a lawn chair, setting it up nicely in the middle of the room. "There!"
You took a seat and looked around Sanji's room. It smelt like cigarettes, but not too bad, mostly cologne, to your surprise.
"Do you want a drink or anything? I could go make us some coffee if that's something you want, y/n."
"That sounds great, actually. Thanks, Sanji." You smiled at him and his eyes turned into little hearts as he lovingly sighed, walking out of the room and to the kitchen.
This was going to be way harder than you thought.
You sat and played with each of your fingers, noticing that your hands were still shaking. What if you didn't have the courage to do this? What if you were a coward after all?
"y/n!" Sanji exclaimed in his signature lovey-dovey voice, kicking the door open with his foot. "Here's your drink, my dear! And I brought snacks as well!" The door closed behind him as he pulled his nightstand over to be a makeshift table for the time being.
"Thank you, Sanji." you said with a smile, taking a long sip of your coffee, which was better than usual.
"Anytime, y/n." He took a sip of his own coffee and quickly set it down, his eyes locking with yours. "Alright, so is there something you needed, or did you just wanna be in my presence because either way I don't mind."
You laughed at that, your cheeks turning pink. Sanji was already swooning so much that a little drop of blood came out of his nose when you laughed.
"Both actually," you admitted. "Thanks for letting me in. Sorry if I woke you."
"Oh, it's fine. I don't wanna be sleeping all day like that damn moss head."
You giggled again out of both nervousness and of Sanji.
"So what was the thing you needed?" he asked, his stupid voice gone and tone now serious. "Because I think we already got the 'in Sanji's presence thing' outta the way." he chuckled.
"Well," you moved around the cup in your hand, watching the coffee swirl. What were you supposed to say? That you hated the way he looked at Nami? That more than anything you wish that you and Sanji could be together without having to worry about any other girl getting in the way?
"Sanji, I like you... Like a lot."
You both froze.
Did you really just say that?
"You... what?" His voice was soft and you pulled your eyes away from him, looking down at the coffee in your hand.
"I," there was no turning back now. "I'm serious. I like you the way that you like every girl," you chuckled nervously. "I think you're a great guy You're talented and really damn pretty and.... I'm sick of you looking at Nami like that."
You looked up to see Sanji with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "I-I'll stop. I'll stop looking at any girl like that, y/n. I like you too and-"
"I know, Sanji." you chuckled.
"No, listen to me. y/n, I would do anything for you."
"That's too much." You fake gagged and turned to Sanji with a smile.
"Sh-Shut up." he giggled.
"This coffee is really good, Sanji. Is there something different about it?"
"Oh, it's a new creamer, that's all. Nothing super special."
"Well, I like it."
"Me too. Makes it sweeter without so much sugar."
You hummed in response and took another sip. The two of you spent the rest of the time in his room just talking about random stuff that came to mind. You liked talking to Sanji like this and honestly, it was nice to hear him talk to you like you weren't just another girl he had a crush on.
"Well, thanks for the coffee, Sanji. And for listening to me." You stood up and set down your coffee on the table. "We should hang out like this more often."
"Of course. Feel free to come in anytime." He stood up as well, not knowing what to do. A hug would be appropriate, but he wasn't sure.
But you were sure, so you pulled him in for a hug, leaning against his chest. He hugged you back, but shortly after, you pulled away.
"I'll definitely be back, Sanji." You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left him standing there with a bright red face.
"You better be." he giggled under his breath.
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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luckyqueenreign · 11 months
Hello o/ I've recently started playing litg again, I left after 4th mid-season after lame-ass Will coupled with Thabi, I haven't played the 5th season bc I've heard that it's hot garbage, could you please tell me why? I don't mind spoilers, but I haven't found any answers other than that. Thank you a lot!
Ohhhh babe settle in while I relive that dumpster fire, this is going to be a long one…
Anyone who’s played s5 will back me on this, If you were annoyed with Will leaving us for Thabi, I STRONGLY advise you to not even *think* about playing s5.
First let’s start off with MC…she was… not cute. For reference:
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And I know that after a few weeks fb gave us more options and all of our MCs either became cuter in our eyes or maybe we all just felt extremely sorry for her because of the horrible experience she was having. Let’s get into that next…
Your MC walks into the villa and immediately is greeted by none other than her super hot, narcissistic, cheating ex, Suresh. Normally I would have to tell you oh I did X route so some of my choices will defer from yours if you pick another choice, but NOPE not in s5! Because we had ZERO choice. For first recoupling whether you want to or not, you are coupled with your ex, Suresh. Then he is fawning over you IMMEDIATELY, he’s jealous, running around after you, trying everything to win you back. And you can choose every single positive interaction saying you want him back too and the game doesn’t care. It literally won’t let you get back with him until the very end. But on the other spectrum, if you don’t want to be with him, he will not leave you alone no matter how much you beg.
As for LI choices, at the start you are given TWO. (I say at the start, but to be honest you’re really only give 2 for the majority of the season) One being Alfie and the other being Dana. Now every season before this and every season after, one of the girls always asks if you are into girls and this determines whether they will have girls grafting you or not. Well your answer doesn’t matter here. You could have said I’m the straightest person on earth and Dana would still hit on you everyday and get sad whenever anyone else showed interest in you. Oh and because there were only two other girls in the villa and one being your bully, dana was also meant to be your best friend and CONSTANTLY let you know that she was. By interrupting any and all conversations you were having, even good ones! You’re about to kiss your LI? Here comes Dana! There’s a lot more to unpack on Dana but I’ll get back to her later, just remember she’s your “best friend” in the villa.
As for the bully I mentioned, every season prior to this it’s been clear that whenever someone was coming after us, it’s because they were jealous that MC was “that girl”, s5 blurred those lines and became full on bullying. First with Kat, who went into full attack mode when MC even breathed in the direction of the two boys she was after. Her first and very brief LI was Alfie, who if MC just hugs garners a feral reaction from Kat screeching at her to leave him alone. And then her second LI, Finn who comes in as the first bombshell and Kat drops everything to be with him. Throughout the season anytime she feels any sort of jealousy she takes it out on MC and MC NEVER fires back!
Then we get two new bullies bombshells, Meera and Arlo. Suresh starts heavily flirting with Arlo, which I’m sorry but wasn’t he just up our asses literally yesterday?? And legit, who wrote this season and thought this was ok?? bc even if I hated my ex it wouldn’t be nice to see him flirting with someone else. Meera comes across like a super nice girl while Arlo becomes our second bully! Yay! Again even if you don’t want to be with Suresh, Arlo acts as if you do. And after a prolonged recoupling Suresh chooses Arlo, Alfie chooses MC and Meera is sent home (more on her later) Now if you wanted to be with him you’re probably thinking wtf Suresh?? And if you don’t you’re probably thinking, finally I’m free!! But NOPE when he couples up with Arlo that’s when he decides he’s going super full on and starts going after MC even harder. He wears the shirt she bought him for an anniversary on a date, he tries/kisses MC in the bedroom (depends on your choice) and just overall is doing everything to win MC back except for being honest and dumping Arlo to be with MC. Well Kat sees the kiss/hug/rejection and still tells the entire villa that you and Suresh were kissing in bed. The whole villa erupts, Alfie/Dana rush off and are super pissed at you, they won’t even let you explain yourself. So then you try to go find Alfie/Dana and you go to the roof terrace only to find Alfie kissing Kat or Dana kissing Eddie (if you’re on her route he’s coupled with Dana but she doesn’t really like him) OH and just a reminder, you have past trauma from when your long term ex CHEATED ON YOU. Alfie/Dana knew about this the whole time and yet STILL kissed someone else. Then Suresh takes this opportunity where you’re at your lowest again to apologize for cheating and tells you have until tonight to decide if you want to be with him or not. The girls also ask that night who you want to be with and your given the choice of Alfie/Suresh and when you go to tell one of them who you want to be with….they’re gone! YUP! They’re off to casa!!
And you might be thinking, after all that drama casa might be a nice break! A few days of freedom from the mess that’s gone down. THINK AGAIN BESTIE! While you’re at casa you get a major surprise! Remember that girl Suresh cheated on you with??? Oh yea the producers decide to drop her into YOUR casa villa. So you have to come face to face with Gabby, the girl that your ex cheated with. Now this was obviously a massive departure from the irl show because they’ve never thrown a girl into the girls villa at casa amor before. And remember your bestie Dana?? Oh yea she gets SUPER hot and bothered by Gabby and decides she wants to bring her back into the villa.. now I know you’re probably thinking wait but what if your on Dana’s route?? Obviously she wouldn’t cheat on MC with Eddie and then bring back the girl that Suresh cheated with!! WELL SHE DID BB!!!
Throughout the season we’ve been given very little detail about Suresh and MCs relationship. We know he cheated, he said it was a one time thing, MC found out about it from a picture on his phone. OH how could I forget!! We also find out that MC was going to propose to Suresh!! The day before he cheated she bought a ring! Well that’s all we knew until gabby says nah we were more than just a one time thing, he had a tooth brush at my place! We dated for months!
So now casa is over and we’re going back, the game doesn’t let us go back single and we have to pick either Nicholas or Johnny to bring back to the villa. Doesn’t matter who you choose they go nuts regardless. So now Gabby is back in the main villa thanks to your “bestie” and Suresh is STRESSING. Because obviously he left out some crucial details! And you would think ok we’re immediately going to talk to him? NOPE we need a fucking girls chat with the new casa girls. Lulu, Suresh’s new girl…Meera is back with alfie and remember that nice girl? Well she’s gone and we now have a full on bitch in her place aka Bully #3. Eddie is sent packing and tells us that whichever guy you like / Dana still really likes you and thought about you the whole time during casa. Cool cool cool but will any of them tell you this?? Nah lol! So you get pulled in the middle of your slumber for a chat with Gabby and Suresh. He tells you in front of Gabby he cheated once but then mc broke up with him and he went to gabby and they dated for 5 months. Full on rebound relationship. He tells them both that he never loved Gabby and that MC is the only one he’s ever loved. Well she’s not having that! Gabby goes full on delulu and basically doesn’t accept what he’s said. Now at the time there was major upset online about Gabby not being romance-able bc in all fairness she was extremely hot. So the game now allows you to romance Gabby and you’d think they’d change SOME of the interactions but NOPE they didn’t. So basically the entire time she’s running after Suresh trying to win him back. So much so that she explodes one day and reveals to everyone that he was going to propose!! Shock and awe all around the villa while everyone looks pitifully at MC.. at this point in the gameplay I think we were all so tired at the sheer embarrassment we were enduring weekly. And then Suresh announces hey that wasn’t for you dummy it was for MC!! Buttttt remember when he found out weeks ago that MC was going to propose??? Why tf didn’t he say anything then?? BECAUSE THAT WOULD MAKE TOO MUCH SENSE. Oh and speaking of making sense… if you’re on Suresh’s route and you somehow survive the weekly torture, I kind of blacked out at the end, but he proposes and MC obviously wins because she should.
I know I left out so much bullying (Nicolas and Eddie) and so much other shit that goes down, but this was getting too long. Bestie if you’re still here, all in all just don’t play it. You’ll have severe ptsd from it. You’re better off reading all of the fanfics the amazing fandom created.
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aajjks · 11 months
you’re praying your mother didn’t hear all of that but judging from her talking about being a grandmother, you’re sure she didn’t hear anything. “mhm, suuuure~” you mother says raising her eyebrow at the two of you. “well goodbye jungkook. come back anytime!!” she says before walking back inside. you then turn your attention to your boyfriend and you’re a little sad. you were upset with him so you two didn’t really spend much time together today but you’ll make it up tomorrow.
you give him one final kiss and bid him a safe drive. “make sure you text me when you’re home” you tell him. “and i love you too”
within the next few weeks, you both were back hanging out with one another. you weren’t ignoring his calls and texts and were back to your regular awkward yet lovely self jungkook loves so much. jungkook even ate with your mother from time to time. it felt so domestic and so perfect.
“mom” you say at the dinner table after the fit of laughter the three of you had together. “what’s wrong tuts?”
“jungkook and i…we’re gonna move in together” you say with worry but your mother jumps for joy. “oh my gosh? really!! i’m so happy for the two of you”
“i didn’t say we’re getting married mom, i said-“
“i know what you said tuts and i’m not upset. i trust jungkook with you and i can tell he makes you very happy”
“so…you’re okay with having a nurse from time to time?”
“nurse, purse, i don’t care. long as i get my grandkids, i’ll be fine”
“jesus christ, mom” you say while face palming.
“did you bring baby pictures of yourself, jungkook? i’m waiting to see your adorable childhood too”
He finally sighs with relief as you tell your mother about your plan to move in together with him and it was really hard for him to convince you to move in with him even after the meeting with your mother because you just love her so much and he finally has realized that how important family relationships are.
And your mother is surprisingly takes it well, sometimes he gets jealous of how much of a great mother you have, and he had to have rich yet insensitive parents.
Jungkook doesn’t interfere in your conversation with your mother, but he keeps on focusing, with the chopsticks, in his hands, your mother is such a good cook, too. These noodles are the best noodles he’s ever had in his life.
“ wow this is really delicious. Could I get some home too please???” He Asks your mother but your mother’s question to him after she agrees to his request, he almost chokes.
“ your grandkids?” he picks up the glass filled with water and chunks down the water, try his best to not die from the choking.
“I-I did bring my baby pictures. I hope you’ll find them amusing. I hope you find me as cute as yn..” he chuckles, awkwardly, and he gives you a look.
Jungkook is starting to get worried he doesn’t want any more complications in your relationship with him and your mother is really keen on the idea of having grandchildren.
And you are not even aware of the fact that he despises the idea of how many children and how you will probably never ever have children with him, so your mother’s dream can never come true .
Looks like you have to let you know.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Life Without You
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A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this it was requested by the lovely @hdxhe
If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Never in a million did you think your life was going to end up the way that it did. Life at home was rough
. When you told your parents you wanted to join the army with your best friend Eddie they basically disowned you for reasons you will never understand.
You thought they would have been proud of you. But they weren’t those kind of people at all.
 All you had was Eddie at this point and it was hard because he had a family of his own to worry about. 
After the army you decided to move on from Texas and start a brand new life. Maybe a clean state and be able to live life on your own terms. You joined the fire academy and became a paramedic. You loved being able to work with the public and give back to people. 
After the academy you joined 118.
 Everyone there was so nice and kind and you actually started at the same time as Buck. The two of you hit it off right away and you guys were instantly best friends. 
Though you always had a crush on him and thought he was cute. But he had a girlfriend Taylor. 
You never liked her and it wasn’t because you were jealous. It was because she seemed to only care about herself. She wanted to advance her career no matter who it hurt.
You tried to tell Buck about it but he only defended her. Which wasn’t surprising because they were dating. You just didn’t want him to get hurt. 
After a year of being at the 118 you were surprised when Eddie joined. You had no idea that him and Chis were even moving to LA. 
Eddie told you that he never planned on it but he had to get out of Texas fast. He then told you how he came to LA because he knew you were here. 
When Eddie Joined the 118 everyone was surprised that he knew you. After Eddie joined it felt like the missing piece was finally here. You loved hanging out with Chris again, he had grown so big from the last time you seen him. 
Buck and Eddie and even Chris hit it off together. You all kind of formed your own friend group together.
 Anytime you guys weren’t at work you were always with each other. Mostly hanging out at Eddie’s apartment. 
You were really good with Chris becoming like a second mom to him. Always taking him to school and helping him with his homework.
It didn’t go unnoticed though. Buck was always watching and he admired you for it. It brought out some weird feelings for him. 
Like when ever he saw you Chris he would see this future and this life with you. You him and a bunch of kids running around the house. 
He always felt bad about it. Thinking of another women like that when he had a girlfriend. 
He couldn’t help it though he never had these feelings for Taylor but when it came to you it was different. He wanted this whole life with you he never thought was possible. 
It caused some problems in his relationship with Taylor though. He felt himself becoming more distant and puling away. Everyone at work even noticed it to. Buck wasn’t being his normal self anymore. 
Like for instance you all were at work now doing inventory. Buck was just looking at his clipboard and staring  into space.
 You wanted to see him smile again. So you ran over to him and hugged him from behind. 
Buck jumped in the air and you leaned over at him and whispered 
“I thought we were over you touching a clipboard again” You said laughing,
You grabbed the clipboard and ran down the stairs with Buck chasing after you and laughing. Suddenly the bells go off and you throw the clipboard down and run to the truck. 
Everyone gathered in and immediately took off. Buck was smiling in the back of the truck and everyone took notice. 
“Hey Buck what got you smiling so hard” Hen said 
“Oh me nothing I guess i’m just having a good day” Buck said 
“Mhmm sure “ Bobby said making everyone laugh. 
A few minutes later you all arrived at the scene. It was a pretty big fire and it got your heart racing from a combination of adrenaline and being scared. 
“Okaye everyone be careful in there and team up to a person watch each other’s back in there” Bobby said
“Got it Cap” Everyone yelled. 
You were paired with Buck and you both took off inside. You began clearing the hallways and rooms.  You heard noise coming out of one room and went in to double check. 
“LAFD call out now” You said. 
You went further into the room and saw a pregnant women laying on the ground. Your heart broke into a million pieces for her. Your instincts took over and you called out for help. 
“May day May day I need help room 200 on the east side” You called into radio. 
You took off your mask and placed it on her to help with her breathing. It seemed like back up took a while because the smoke filled your lungs.
 You had trouble breathing and then suddenly everything went black. 
You weren’t sure how long you were out or what happened. You started coming to and all you saw was a white light and for a moment you thought you were dead. 
“Am In in heaven” You asked not wanting to open your eyes to find out. 
“Your going to wish you were what the hell is wrong with you” Bobby asked
“What do you mean Cap” you asked 
You opened your eyes to look at him and he was giving you that worried father look. 
“You risked your life in their we almost lost you” Cap said 
 “she is a pregnant mother what on earth would of you of done different leave her in there then two people would of lost their life,they have everything to lose don’t start acting like I have anything to lose we both know my life” You said trying to justify what happened. 
Little did you know Buck and the rest of the team were outside waiting for you. Buck couldn’t handle the wait to he snuck back to see you. Him hearing that broke your heart so bad. 
Buck’s heart broke into a million pieces. Hearing you say that hurt because he couldn’t imagine a life without you. It hurts too bad just to think about it. 
Buck was about to go in when Taylor ran up to him. He had mixed emotions seeing her. One part of it was nice seeing her and the other part was disappointed seeing her. 
“Hey Taylor what are you doing here” Buck asked 
“I heard Y/N saved a pregnant women’s life that is an amazing story” Taylor said 
“Are you serious right now” Buck said getting loud 
“Why are you so surprised” Taylor said 
“Because your just using her for your own good that’s not right you didn’t even ask if she’s okay” Buck said 
“look “ Taylor began to say
“No just forget about it okay just go” Buck said 
He walked away and walked into your room. Bobby was sitting at the edge of your bed and you both looked at him when he walked in. 
“Hey Bobby do you think I could have a moment” Buck said 
“Of course” Cap said heading out. 
Buck took Caps seat and you reached out and gave his hand a squeeze. 
“Don’t ever scare me like that again” Buck said 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to  it was either me or her and” You were saying 
Buck cut you off mid sentence
“No okay I don’t wanna life a live with you ever okay your way to important so what did you mean to Bobby I heard you” Buck asked 
You looked down at your hands not want to answer. Buck lifted your head up to look at him. 
“Look okay the truth is I don’t have family my parents disowned me when I joined the military with Eddie I haven’t talked to them in years so I don’t matter that Baby and Mom Matter more” You said 
“Hey you look at me okay you matter I know what it’s like to have shitty parent’s okay but us here the 118 me you eddie and Chris were a family and I couldn’t imagine you not here okay I love you” Buck said 
You snapped your head up and look surprised and taken back.  You weren’t sure if he meant like in love or I love you as a friend. Buck was realizing what he said too. 
So you decided to test the waters. 
“I love you to you know were friends and family always will be I appreciate you saying that” You said 
Buck gave you kind of a sad look before speaking up
“I uh didn’t mean it like that I meant more of it as I am in love you type of thing” Buck said. You could tell he was nervous. 
You didn’t even say anything you almost tackled him and kissed him. He was surprised at first but then he kissed you back. 
The kiss was short and sweet. When it broke you looked up at Buck. 
“I love you too in no a friend way” You said laughing. 
“Please don’t scare me like that again or do anything reckless” Buck said 
“I’ll try and promise you that but who knows I like to take risk” You said laughing. 
“I’m gonna die of a heart attack I see” Buck said laughing. 
“Good thing i’m also a trained paramedic” You said laughing. 
The rest of the 118 came barreling in after that. 
“Hey Buck stop hogging her” Eddie said running over to hug you. 
“Don’t you dare do that again do you understand me” Eddie said 
“Yes sir” You said making everyone laugh. 
“Is just me or is anyone else sick of hospitals” Chim said 
“Hell yeah we are all” Hen said 
“Well this better be the last time the nurses personally know us by now” Cap said 
Everyone started laughing after he said that. Maybe Buck Was right this was the only family you needed. 
You could life with that it was all you ever wanted. Now this life was just perfect.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. xxxi - countryside orgy
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??? × reader, ateez × reader
tw : smut, (I don't wanna say this but) orgy, unprotected sex, a bunch of sexual activities that I can't even describe because what the fuck am I doing
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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a/n : buckle up, it's gon' be a long one like 5.7k-ish
After lunch, you all spent the afternoon at the beach together. Mostly running around like children and taking pictures.
When the sun sets, you all returned to the villa, tired from the activities done when the sun was still up in the sky but still wanting to do something fun.
For some reason, all nine of you ended up sitting around in a circle in the living room playing truth or dare like a bunch of high school children at a party. Not only that but whichever one of you managed to sneakily incorporate alcohol into the game should be questioned on their intention.
"Okay, okay, okay," Yunho cut off the laughter, trying to get everyone's attention to him, "I got a good one," he smirked. He took a swig from his beer before snapping his head to you, "(Y/N)," he started in a faux menacing tone, "truth or dare?" he asked.
The alcohol in your system rendered you incapable of feeling anxious on the oncoming question or dare. Without thinking twice, you made your choice, "DARE!" you exclaimed, rather too loudly which made Seonghwa, who was seated next to you, chuckle at how cute you're being.
"I dare you to tell us what in the actual fuckity fuck did that crap weasel Jung Wooyoung used to blackmail you? Like damn, you're one of the nicest girls on campus, I honestly can't think of anything bad that he'd be able to use to force you into being his fake girlfriend," he asked.
You scrunched your nose at the dare, not really expecting his intoxicated mind to be able to remember about Wooyoung blackmailing you. But then again, a dare's a dare and you don't really have anything against letting all of them in on the secret you and Wooyoung had had for a while.
"Okay," you took a swig of encouragement from your glass of beer before putting it down and preparing yourself to tell them. "The blackmail material was about someone that Wooyoung knows and it has something to do with arts and crafts," you slyly said.
All of them, except the ones who know which are you, Wooyoung, San, Mingi, and Jongho, had a look of utter confusion and dumbfoundedness that you actually burst out giggling at how they looked.
"Hey, no fair! That's cheating!" Yunho whined, throwing a cushion from the couch at you, to which you barely dodged as it bounced off of you onto the floor. Soon the others followed in on protesting at how unfair you're being.
You held your hands up in mock surrender, "okay, okay! sorry! I'll tell you," you giggled out, "Wooyoung found my binder the day I went to building F because Mingi had somehow managed to get himself lost there," "guilty," Mingi cut you off, grinning innocently. "Anywho, he snooped and San told him it's mine because he knows me from this freshman year class we took together, long story short Wooyoung told me that he'll release the content of the binder if I don't agree to help him out," you shrugged.
Seonghwa reached across to smack Wooyoung square upside the head, making the latter groan in pain at the sudden impact. "Okay, but what's the content of the binder?" Yunho whined out again, still curious. You sighed in defeat, knowing that he's not gonna drop the matter anytime soon, "It was... A collage, of some sort," "a pretty artsy one at that, might I add," San cut off, raising his beer at you in respect, "a collage of...?" Jongho urged with a smug smirk, making you shot a glare at him, "of Yeosang, okay? I used the pictures of him that I took back from the campus life photo shoot to make a pretty, emo skater-boy aesthetic collage," you grumbled.
Yeosang's eyes widened as big as they could get at your revelation. Yunho and Hongjoong were laughing while clapping their hands in pure amusement, meanwhile, Seonghwa was biting his lips tightly, trying to hold in his laughter at your expense. Wooyoung, Mingi, and Jongho on the other hand were snickering at how shocked the others were, especially Yeosang since he couldn't seem to avert his bulging eyes from you.
The whole thing made you whine in protest. San, who was seated next to you, pulled you into a comforting hug, patting your head and cooing in your ears
After a while, all nine of you were starting to feel the buzz of the alcohol in your bloodstream. It would appear that all of your inhibitions are lowered and the game had taken a dirty turn.
Jongho was stripped down to his boxers, Yeosang had somehow been dared into putting on one of your panties, Seonghwa was still regretting telling his most recent sex dream which involved you and three tubes of whipped cream and ending with the boys cleaning after his mess, Mingi was still recovering from prank calling his asshole former RA with fake sex sounds made together with Wooyoung, and Yunho is currently swaying his hips in an effort to write out his name with his butt, the sight was hilarious and Wooyoung leaving a loud and hard spank to his ass was the perfect way to end his dare. The only one seemingly unbothered was Hongjoong, he had no issue telling how he ended up being a camgirl's extra.
Now it's back to your turn. Out of randomness, you picked truth and almost immediately after you blurt the word out, Yeosang threw you a question with a smirk on his face, "How many of us have you slept with?"
As soon as he asked it, everyone snaps their heads to you, almost as if cornering you. With the help of alcohol, you simply shrugged and answer him, "literally everyone except San and Yunho," the two boys mentioned had their jaws dropped, "Wait, so out of everyone here, we are the only ones left???" San asked in disbelief.
You smirked at him, leaning your face close to his, "yeah, jealous?" it was obvious that the alcohol had made you slightly braver, and it's affecting San. His attention drops to your lips and his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip. "Depends, what are you gonna do about it?"
It would appear that the alcohol had not only affected you but also the other boys as well. Because as soon as you taunt him, San pulled you to his lap and began kissing you hungrily. You couldn't help but wind your arms around his neck to pull him closer, wanting to feel him against you whilst you both made out in front of everyone. Whilst you busied yourself with San, the others were watching you two with a look of shock, amusement, and flustered.
You detach yourself momentarily from San, making him whine as he tried chasing your lips with his. But it was futile as you grip the back of his hair and pull his head back, emitting a low groan that almost sounds like a growl from him.
"Whose turn is it?" you asked to the room, eyes not leaving San's lust-filled expression. Someone cleared their throat behind you, piping up to answer your question, "I-I think it's Jongho's turn," the voice said. You later identified the voice to be Seonghwa's.
"Okay, Jongho," you called out, breaking said man's trance to focus on you. Your hands began cupping San's face, your thumbs tugging at his bottom lip as you feel his hips starting to grind on you.
"I dare you to dare me to make San and Yunho cum," you smirked, eyes flitting towards Yunho who is two people away from you. Initially, he looked surprised, but when his eyes met yours, he smirked before beginning to crawl to where you and San are.
Sensing your plan, Jongho chuckled and obliged, "of course, (Y/N), I accept your dare of daring me to dare you to make San and Yunho cum," he said.
It was all it took before you began grinding on San back with more ferocity, hips flush against his that he was able to feel the heat from your pussy even through your underwear and shorts.
Yunho situated himself next to you, his hands pulling you towards him to connect your lips together in a messy kiss. You were trying to balance giving both boys the same attention, so as your hips work on San, your hand reach down to firmly cup Yunho through his pants.
The others were enjoying the show you put on. They too started to feel aroused, some were even thinking about if they were in either Yunho or San's positions.
You suddenly halted your movements on them to stand up. Your crotch is now in direct eye level with San, making him gulp while Yunho stared at your ass in pure fascination.
Without saying much, you unbuttoned your pants and let them drop to the floor as you throw your shirt off. You could've sworn one of the boys watching (most likely Wooyoung) gasped loudly at the sight of your body only covered in a flimsy two-piece bikini that you had put in case the boys wanted to play in the water.
"Shit that's dangerous," Jongho moaned from behind you. You felt that single comment boosted your ego through the roof. You eyed both Yunho and San momentarily, tilting your head to the side as if you were thinking. Your pointer fingers circled in the air in their direction, "take 'em off please, boys," you demanded.
Not even needing a second, both Yunho and San immediately stood up to strip nude. Both showcasing different yet equally pretty cocks, and you just know what you want with them.
Your hands found their way to push San back down to a sitting position. As he lowered himself down, you situated yourself back onto his lap, dropping your crotch directly on his bare cock, only having a thin barrier between you both. Once situated comfortably on San's lap, you began grinding on him hard again while motioning for Yunho to come closer to you. As San moaned at the feeling of your hot pussy rubbing itself on his bare cock, you grip Yunho's cock and began licking at his tip.
"Damn, she's greedy," Yeosang moaned from behind you. You couldn't see the other six boys, but from the sounds you heard, you're pretty sure they're touching themselves.
Yunho moaned loudly when you began taking him in slowly inch by inch until you can feel him at the back of your throat. But even then, there's some of him left that you couldn't fit in your mouth. As you began sucking Yunho off while simultaneously swivelling your crotch on San's, San sneakily managed to untie the knot of your bikini top and latched his lips to your chest. You gasped softly on Yunho's cock when you felt San's tongue running along your chest and around one nipple before grazing his teeth on it, making you squeal. The vibration of your voice shot straight to Yunho's dick, making him groan.
The sight of you on top of San whilst still focused on sucking him off made Yunho unconsciously buck into your mouth. You had one hand on San's shoulder for balance as the other was anchored on Yunho's hip, your fingers would ever so often graze against the underside of his cock and on his balls.
It didn't take long for both of them to feel like they're on the edge, and you knew it too. How could you not? San had tightened his grip around you with his face still buried in your chest and his hips thrusting onto you hard, the feeling of his cock brushing against your clit was amazing. Yunho had gripped onto your head as he began thrusting into your mouth, using it to chase himself over the edge.
Out of the two of them, San was the first to cum. He shuddered and bit on the skin of your boob as his cock let out streams of white cum, painting both your stomachs. You could feel San's hot cum trickling down your stomach. You detach your mouth from Yunho's cock for a bit, using your hand to pump him instead as the hand that was on San's shoulder reached down to your stomach to scoop some of the cum into your mouth before pressing your mouth to San so you both could taste him.
The visual drove Yunho over the edge as his hips stuttered and he came on the side of your neck and onto your chest. The sudden impact made you gasp and push San slightly away to see what had just happened.
Your eyes widened at Yunho's cum that's now prettily decorating your chest, along with San's cum that's starting to drop to the floor beneath.
Luckily, Yunho was quick to take the box of tissue nearby and he and San began cleaning you up from their cum.
Once cleaned up, you stood yourself up from your previous position and turn to look at the other boys. You smirked at the sight of them palming themselves whereas Wooyoung and Mingi just blatantly whip their cocks out to touch themselves.
Seeing that you're already too far in anyways, you pull your bikini top off and pouted at them, "I didn't get to cum, can someone please help me?" you said in a faux defeated tone.
Honjoong was the first to spoke up, "are you sure you can continue, baby? You had just taken two men," he said. You rolled your eyes playfully at him, "of course I can! I can take three of you at the same time," you answered.
Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho began eyeing each other. You could see the wheels in their heads turning as if devising a plan on how to take you.
The first one to move forward was Jongho. He stood up and walk towards you. His hands moved to palm your breasts and began massaging them slowly, "prove it then, take me, Seonghwa hyung, and Joong hyung at the same time," he smirked cockily. He momentarily looked back towards the two eldest and nodded his head to the side, motioning them to come and help him take care of you.
In a blink of an eye, the one pair of hands turned to three before you could realize anything. Hongjoong pulled your bikini bottoms off before throwing them on Wooyoung's lap, "go help yourself," he ordered to which Wooyoung obliged by wrapping the item around his cock before resuming to pump himself. Seonghwa carefully manoeuvred you into a kneeling position on the floor before situating himself in front of you, he cupped your face gently and peck your lips softly before positioning himself at your entrance, "you ready?" he asked sweetly.
You hadn't even realized that Jongho had situated himself behind you and Hongjoong standing at your side. Jongho sweep your hair to the side, uncovering one of your ears so he could speak directly next to it, "we don't have lube with us, so this might hurt a little, but you can always tap out, okay?" he said, leaving a peck on your cheek as he presses the head of his cock on your rim.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the impact from two out of three of them. Hongjoong knelt down next to you to connect both of your lips together. When you were distracted with Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Jongho began pushing themselves into you. You groaned at the sudden intrusion. It wasn't uncomfortable, but you weren't used to being filled like that. You grip onto Seonghwa's shoulders tightly while he caresses your hips, trying to coax you into relaxing more. Hongjoong's lips moved down to suck spots around your collarbone and chest, trying to distract you.
"Baby, damn, you're so tight here," Jongho groaned when he's fully sheathed in you from behind, his hands massaging your ass in an effort to make it feel better.
"Well gee, Ho, I don't usually do anal with any of you," you muttered, starting to get used to the feeling of having two cocks inside you. You tap on Seonghwa's cheek with your pointer finger, signalling for him to move first.
Seonghwa started to thrust up into you slowly. His cock sliding in and out of you combined with the fullness in your ass from Jongho's cock and Hongjoong's lips sucking marks along your collarbone made you sigh shakily and drop your head back onto Jongho's shoulder.
When he felt like you're relaxed enough and distracted with Seonghwa's thrusts, Jongho experimentally pulls slightly out before pushing back in once. When his hips slammed onto your ass, you felt your breath got knocked out of your lungs, but you didn't feel uncomfortable at all.
Taking your lack of protest as a good sign, Jongho began building up his own rhythm. He matched his thrusts with Seonghwa's. So when Seonghwa pulled out, he was thrusting in, making sure you're never left empty.
Both Seonghwa and Jongho were preoccupying you too much that Hongjoong had felt slightly neglected. He got onto his feet and grab his cock, poking it to your cheek with a pout on his face.
His expression made you giggle because who would've thought drunken, horny Hongjoong is whiny and needy?
Nevertheless, you open your mouth so he could slide his cock in. His cock isn't as big as Yunho and it fits rather nicely in your mouth. It didn't take long for you to start deepthroating him, occasionally letting your teeth graze against his cock that caused a low rumble from his throat.
Seeing your newfound attention, Seonghwa decided to be a little shit and tease you.
"Look at you, so pretty like this," he mockingly said. His hands that were situated on your waist moved to your chest, he caressed the underside of your boobs initially, but his fingers slowly started tweaking at your nipples, "you like having your holes filled, don't you? Having us use you however we like," he growled, fingers pinching at your nipples harshly.
The pain from your nipples shot through to your core, both Seonghwa and Jongho felt you clench at it. Your mouth hung open as a gasp escape you, Hongjoong's cock slipping out of your mouth momentarily.
The man was not pleased when your lips lost contact with his dick. He glared at Seonghwa and reach to yank at his hair, forcing Seonghwa to look at him.
"You better stop that or else you'd be the one sucking my dick," he threatened. In return, Seonghwa only chuckled mockingly, darting his tongue out to lick at his lips mockingly, "you'd like that, wouldn't you? You freak," the older teased.
Jongho leaned forward and hook his arms around yours securely, assuring that you wouldn't be able to move, "you think they'd realize if I slip you off of Hwa hyung and just fuck you myself?" he asked, making you giggle.
But your giggle was cut off when Seonghwa and Hongjoong averted their gaze towards the youngest male. They both promptly return to their tasks. After promptly shoving his dick back in your mouth, Hongjoong and Seonghwa started a new pace, much faster and much harsher than before.
You nearly toppled back onto Jongho, but thankfully he had a firm grip on you. As if not wanting to lose to the two eldest, Jongho began thrusting faster into you, making sure your ass smack against his hip bones repeatedly.
The only sounds that could be heard were words of encouragement from the boys watching, skin slapping, three moans, and one muffled one.
As the three thrust into you carelessly, using use as a mere item for them to chase their orgasm, you suddenly felt overwhelmed. With Seonghwa brushing his tip against your g spot, Jongho rubbing his sweaty skin on you and letting his thick cock fill you up beyond your imagination, and the lack of air that was caused by the blockage Hongjoong caused in your mouth, you toppled over the edge.
Your body tensed up, fingers curling on Seonghwa's shoulder to grip him tightly and your mouth gape out as a choked moan escapes you.
Instead of letting your orgasm ebb, neither one of the three stopped what they were previously doing. Moreover, they seem to be at it more than before. The rhythm of their thrusts became sloppy and uncoordinated. Your fucked out expression only egged them to cum even further, wanting to feel the ecstasy you're currently feeling. You could swear Hongjoong could see his dick bulging out from your throat and that Seonghwa and Jongho could feel each other's dicks rubbing inside you.
Jongho pulled out and came first, opting to shoot his load on your back and your ass than inside you. You groaned when feeling his hot cum on your ass and the man behind you made it his mission to make things messy as he spread his cum down to your ass and to your pussy hole so that his and Seonghwa's cum would mix together. You could actually hear Jongho snickering at the back, amused with himself.
Next thing you know, Hongjoong's hips stuttered and he came down your throat. Though still going through your own high, you swallow Hongjoong's load and keep sucking him to prolong his climax.
Seonghwa's eyes darkened even more at the sight of you so greedily swallowing Hongjoong's cum so easily.
"You're a greedy cumslut, aren't you? Made for nothing other than good dicking and taking cum, if that's what you want, then take it," he said before letting one, two, three, four more harsh thrusts before letting his head drop to your shoulder, lips pressing on his skin as he unloads inside you.
Never have you felt dirtier yet satisfied beyond anything after sex. Sure you've taken two brutes at the same time before (re : Mingi and Jongho), but apparently, three is your new limit.
Whilst the four of you were taking your breath, Jongho was smacked to the side by Mingi using the tissue box.
"You just had to make a mess, don't you?" he grumbled as he drops to his knees behind you and letting his hands carefully cleaned you off. However, you couldn't help but shudder when his hand reached between your legs to wipe the dripping cum off. Mingi smirked smugly at your reaction, "tingly down there, baby?" he teased, pressing a kiss down at the back of your neck.
"Don't tease," you whined, letting your body fell slightly backwards on Mingi's body. As the man behind you wraps his arms around your waist, you could see Wooyoung standing up from his position on the floor to walk towards you. He was stopped merely a couple steps in by Yunho who nudged his head towards Yeosang's direction, "might wanna let Yeosang go first, man looked like a ticking time bomb," he snickered. "You mean a ticking cum bomb," San retorted from the couch, hand stroking his erect cock even after cumming previously. "Damn it, it was right there," Yunho grumbled.
You flit your gaze Yeosang and true to what Yunho said, he had forgotten about his initial shyness. His cock was out in the open air, exposed by the pants that he had pushed carelessly down just enough, tip angry red and it looked so hard you think it must hurt.
Without wasting another second, you stood up and skip over to Yeosang. You drop yourself between his legs, adorning a goofy grin on your face, "can I help you with that?" you asked, eyes dropping to the problem between his legs.
Normally, he'd blush so hard if someone said that to him. But for some reason, he just found you adorable. He chuckled at you, lifting two fingers in a come-hither motion, "gimme a kiss first," he said. You squealed at his confidence but jump upwards to crash your lips with his in a playful kiss.
Lips busy, you sneakily drop your hand down to take Yeosang fully in your hand. Once your hand made contact with his cock and squeezing it softly, he gasped into your mouth.
You detached your lips so you'd be able to look down. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight before you.
"Red lace looks great on you, Sangie," you teased. Yeosang looked down and groan when he realized what you meant. He was so horny that he forgot he was wearing your panties for the dare.
"Jung fucking Yunho," he grumbled, dropping his head back onto the couch in embarrassment.
Still giggling, you lower yourself to press your chest against his hard dick. When Yeosang felt his cock pressed onto something soft, he whipped his head back up and nearly bulged his eyes out at the sight of you rubbing your chest on his dick.
"Do you think you can cum with my boobs, Sangie?" you titled your head at him. The stark difference between the innocent expression on your face and the lewd action you're doing made his dick twitch.
"Try me," he challenged.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you began squeezing your boobs around his dick and move your chest up and down on him. The skin of your chest was colder compared to his hot dick, it felt kind of nice.
Considering how hard and worked up he was, you think it wouldn't take him long to cum. So you work yourself so that Yeosang could reach his peak soon. Poor guy must've been wanting to cum so bad.
As you're preoccupied with Yeosang, Mingi took the opportunity of your ass jutting out to slip himself into your pussy in one swift thrust. Thank god you're still wet from previous ministrations.
The sudden impact halted your tit-fucking on Yeosang. You whimpered slightly when Mingi decided to stay still after waiting for him to move.
"No, no, princess, you're gonna make Yeosangie there cum with my dick in you," he said. You could hear the smugness dripping from his voice. He leaned forward to lick a stripe from the middle of your back to your neck, "so you better not move much if you don't want daddy to punish you," he growled next to your ear.
"Oh shit, Mingi's straight-up cruel, isn't he?" Wooyoung muttered to Seonghwa, who was equally shocked at the sight in front of him. Jongho piped in from the side, "nah, he just love taming (Y/N),"
Initially, you thought tit-fucking Yeosang would be an easy thing. But with the additional interruption inside you, you can't seem to focus. On one hand, you want to make Yeosang cum on your chest. But on the other hand, you think having Mingi fuck you would be amazing.
But you're determined. You tried not thinking about how Mingi's dick is filling you up nicely and to just focus on letting Yeosang's dick thrust in between your tits, having your tongue graze against his tip every time it came to view.
Slowly, Yeosang started to thrust himself onto you. You adjusted your rhythm to his, making sure that when he thrust himself up, you're pushing your boobs down on him. Soon enough you started to get used to Mingi's cock filling you and just focus on making Yeosang cum.
With increasing speed, you encouraged Yeosang to cum. Egging him to the edge. At one point, you even spat down onto his cock to make him move better as if your boobs hadn't already been covered in his precum.
Yeosang is different from the others. Whilst the others have telltale signs of them cumming through their faltering movements, Yeosang kept a steady pace. He'd increase his speed from time to time and his face would scrunch in concentration.
"Come on Sangie, I want your cum," you whimpered at him. His eyes met yours, focusing on the way you're looking at him. Eyes batted and lips pouted, proving that you're really begging for him to cum on you.
"Yeosangie, please," you moaned out. He inhaled sharply at your voice, knowing that he's just about to cum.
"F-fuck, (Y/N), w-where do you want me?" he uttered out in pants.
"Cum on my chest, Sangie, please," you begged.
As soon as his brain processed your begs, he spurted out ropes of milky white cum to your chest, some of it even splattered on your chin and neck.
You were about to compliment him when all of a sudden, Mingi pulled you flush into his lap and turned you both around so his back is rested on the couch behind him.
Wooyoung appeared before your eyes out of nowhere, hand still on his cock that's wrapped in your bikini bottom. He had a teasing smirk on his face as he pumps slowly, "our turn," he sing-songed.
Without even waiting for you to react, Mingi's arms wrapped around your waist and began thrusting himself.
"Ah!" you yelped, surprised at the suddenness. But Mingi didn't care as he only presses his forehead onto your shoulder and thrust at an animalistic speed. Your eyes focused on Wooyoung and how he's staring directly at your pussy while his hands move on his dick quickly to match Mingi's thrusting pace.
You licked your lips at how needy Wooyoung is. So who are you to deprive the man of what he needs?
Carefully, so that you wouldn't disturb Mingi, you hook both of your legs around his longer one's, making sure that Wooyoung could get a better view of how Mingi's moving into you.
Wooyoung's eyes bulged out at the new visual. Your glistening pussy practically sucking all of Mingi so greedily, pulsing with need, pink bordering on red from the way it's been used, and still slightly leaking the cum that Seonghwa had left inside you, not to mention your chest still has what Yeosang left on you. His hands initially faltered in surprise, but when his eyes met your encouraging ones, he scooted closer to you and began pumping harder and faster. How did he not get hand cramps yet is a mystery.
Mingi seemed to notice Wooyoung moving closer to the both of you. It was then when he noticed your legs had spread wider for Wooyoung to see and you're now enjoying how he's fucking into you.
He chuckled in amusement, feeling somewhat proud. "You're a considerate little princess, aren't you?" his voice rumbled deeply next to your ear, making you blush. You hadn't even realized one of his hands snaked to between your legs until it suddenly smacks your pussy loudly.
The others who were watching jumped slightly at the sound. One of them definitely whimpered either from the sound or from how your pussy is now a shade darker.
Mingi is now determined to make you lose control. Something deep in him convinced himself that even though the others had had their way with you, HE'S the only one who knows your body best and how to control it, bend it to his will.
With the determination set, his hips set to a steady pace and his hand rub at your clit in harsh circles, the lubrication of your juice and his precum (along with Seonghwa's leftover cum that he wouldn't admit) made it easier for him to pleasure you.
You let out a loud squeal at the newfound pleasure. Your chest arching high from Mingi's and your eyes scrunching close. If it weren't for Mingi's arms anchoring you, you'd surely topple forward and smack yourself onto Wooyoung's dick, face first. Although, that wouldn't be the worst way to fall over.
Wooyoung licks his lips when he saw the outline of Mingi's cock through your stomach, thinking how you must be so tight and small for Mingi's cock to be able to do that. Not that he think it's a competition, but he's pretty confident in his own size and girth.
Currently you're a moaning mess. Hands groping onto your chest for anchor and toes curling. The pleasure had become overwhelming. You don't know if it's the buildup of multiple sexual activities or the fact that you had only cum once whereas you had managed to make six out of eight men cum in and on you.
Mid-thought, you felt something inside you snap and you let out the most pornographic moan you can muster as you squirted on the floor, Mingi's legs, and onto Wooyoung.
Other than Mingi and Wooyoung, the room felt like it had been frozen in time. Six pairs of eyes watched with disbelief at what had just happened in front of them.
"Shit, she never squirted before," Jongho choked out, making the other five pairs of eyes divert to him.
"Oh fuck, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen," Wooyoung grunted. He promptly moves himself to be directly in front of you. He let your bikini bottom drop to the floor so that his bare hand would pump himself instead.
The way you're currently being overstimulated by Mingi's ever-thrusting dick sets him off immediately.
As if synced, when Wooyoung's cum hit your stomach, Mingi also released himself in you, mixing your essence and him together whilst still thrusting to ride his orgasm off.
When Mingi finally stopped thrusting, you could feel fatigue wash over you and your legs lost all its strength. All you could do is slump against Mingi as he caresses your thighs lovingly, whispering "good job"s into your ear.
Silence washed over the room as everyone calms themselves down from the event that had just unfold. No one was regretting anything, it's more like wonder. How one second you were all playing truth or dare and suddenly they're all fucking the girl who's supposed to be Wooyoung's fake girlfriend.
You were bordering on falling asleep when you suddenly felt your body being lifted up into familiar arms.
"I'll take her up and clean her, mind cleaning up?" Mingi asked towards the rest of them as he stood up to get you to your shared room.
The last thing you heard before closing your eyes were the other seven agreeing to clean up. The smell of sex was still thick in the air, while it would've been disgusting to your normal self, right now it just set your brain to immediately sleep.
"Rest up, princess, we'll take care of you," Mingi chuckled, pulling you closer into his chest as he walked up the stairs.
You didn't know why Mingi said 'we' instead of 'I'. But it felt nice.
It felt right.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @rae-baby @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13@aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @sweetlikeh0n3y @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream
okay, @rae-baby , where are you?? Why can't I tag you anymore ??
a/n : I called this chapter countryside orgy too much to the point that I changed it to countryside orgy from the original life's a beach. y'all fucking ruined me.
572 notes · View notes
sparklysung · 4 years
© sparklysung – 2021. all rights reserved. no reposts, modifications and/or translations allowed.
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pairing – lee donghyuck x female!reader
genre – smut | non-idol!au, enemies to lovers!au
warnings – switch!donghyuck, switch!reader, lap dance, cumming in pants, grinding, dry humping, cum eating, hair pulling (giving and receiving), spanking, mirror sex, protected sex (reader’s on the pill), degradation, dirty talk, bondage (belt), possessiveness (i guess?)
word count – 6.043 words
summary – it only took a couple of words to make the blood boil in your veins and being the competitive individual you are, you had to prove lee donghyuck, your all-time enemy, wrong.
note – not my best, probably could've done better, but oh well. also this was frkng hard to write, damn, and i may have changed things a bit? BUT, i think it's better like this so… hope you enjoy! btw, i got the idea while reading this, so go check it out –it's good–.
taglist – @prvncejxon, @iwishihadabettername
another friday night wasting your time at some random classmate’s party. you were everything but happy to be there. you didn’t even want to go there in the first place, only finding yourself sitting on the kitchen counter, drink in hand and an ugly scowl adorning your face, because of your annoying best friend.
“hey, i get it, you didn’t wanna come here when you could have been peacefully sleeping in the comfort of your room, but come on, at least try to have some fun. you’re already here anyway.” eunbin –aka your annoying best friend– said, pouting her lips in a failed attempt of looking cute.
you kind of felt bad for her, you suppose it wasn’t exactly easy to deal with your lazy ass. but still, she was supposed to love you and appreciate you just the way you were.
and most of the time she did, just not in this specific situation.
“this isn’t fun at all, i just wanna go home. there’s nothing in here for me at all.”
you brought the red plastic cup to your lips, taking a sip of the bitter liquid eunbin had mixed for you. you weren’t lying, there really wasn’t anything that would make you want to stay, only a few friends of yours getting drunk somewhere in the big house you were currently in.
“come on, please, stay for me,” eunbin fake cried, and for a moment you thought she was going to give up and let you go. “in a bit the guys are gonna play something fun! we should join them, please?” as her last resort, she looked at you with puppy eyes. she was playing dirty and she knew it, you both knew you couldn’t resist them.
giving in with an exasperated sigh, you jumped off the counter to get yourself another drink from the bar in the living room. you were minding your own business until you heard him, the last person you wanted to see at the moment.
“so, i’m telling you guys, she was literally begging me to fuck her, she even moaned while sucking me off–,” donghyuck’s obnoxious voice filled your ears, making you roll your eyes. he was surrounded by a couple of other guys you didn’t know so well but were sure you had seen them before around campus hanging out with him.
“shut up already, dongdong, no one wants to hear it.” you interrupted, walking past him and towards the half empty bottle of vodka on the bar counter.
the group of boys stopped abruptly, all of them turning to look at you, ready for the scene that was going to take place in matter of minutes. donghyuck’s attention also turned to you, biting back a triumphant smirk with a raised eyebrow. he could see past you so he didn’t mind the mocking nickname you used; he could tell you were trying to irritate him enough to make him go away. but he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. he had been eyeing you all night, trying to find ways to get under your skin to catch your attention. and finally, after staying at a safe distance for a while to not spark suspicions, he got what he wanted.
“why so feisty, babe.” the cocky smirk he gave you just made your blood boil, the growing desire to punch it off his pretty face only getting stronger the more you stared at him.
“don’t you get tired of talking shit all day?” you barked, eyes trained on his body while pouring yourself a good amount of alcohol.
you were certainly going to need a lot of liquid courage to get through the night.
“you boast about girls begging for you but i think you’re just trying to hide the fact that you’re the one who has to beg to get laid.”
“i don’t beg, baby.” you rolled your eyes and muttered a ‘sure’. “also, if you’re jealous of me fucking other girls you just had to say it. i wouldn’t be against giving it to you instead.” the stupid wink he threw at you made your body shake in anger, already fed up with the conversation.
“you wish, asshole.”
“actually, i do.”
donghyuck was so fucking annoying, always teasing you and never leaving you alone. your personalities clashed constantly resulting in fights filled with screams and curses, sometimes to the extent of interrupting the class and getting the two of you kicked out of it. he enjoyed watching you struggle and suffer due to his awful pranks, so you were his favorite target. you couldn’t even have a proper date with anyone because he made sure to mess it up either by scaring the crap out of the guy or sabotaging your plans. he almost completely ruined your love life and cockblocked you forever.
you did not get along and everyone knew it.
although eunbin thought it was pure sexual tension and you just needed to get your frustrations off of you with a good fuck.
it wasn’t though.
or was it?
“let’s go hang out with the guys,” your best friend nudged your arm excitedly and you sighed, not feeling like playing anything with them. every time you decided to give in and take part in ‘something fun’ with the guys, it always ended up with you either in trouble or scarred for life.
you had a bad feeling about this all.
“ugh, fine.” she cheered and pulled you through the crowd of drunk people until you reached the basement.
the sound of laughter and screams drowned the music blasting upstairs, there were empty bottles of alcohol sprawled all over the floor and tables and a circle of people in the middle of the room. both of you joined the group with you sitting between eunbin and mark, a close friend of yours that you sadly shared with donghyuck. while you casually chatted and played around with the boy, happily laughing the night away, you could feel a pair of eyes burn holes into your skull. you didn’t have to look up to know who those eyes belonged to, as said person wasn’t even trying to dissimulate.
and by said person you meant donghyuck.
donghyuck hated the way you leaned on mark’s body, how you let his friend rest his head on top of yours and wrap his arm around your waist.
he was jealous, really jealous of your close friendship with the older boy.
mark and you had been friends for a long time now and you could even consider him your best friend, so you were comfortable around each other. you usually hugged, held hands and cuddled, he was used to you wearing his clothes –half of your closet were stolen hoodies that once belonged to him–, he even had a spare change of clothes in his room just in case you decided to drop by for an improvised sleepover. so it wasn’t surprising when sometimes when the two of you hung out on your own, people –even your friends in common– mistook you as a couple.
and the idea of you two dating made donghyuck feel sick to the stomach.
“we’re playing truth or dare, who wants to start?” seoyeon, one of your friends, spoke while looking around for someone to volunteer.
“i’ll go.” lucas raised his hand and everyone nodded, not minding.
the game went smoothly for a while and eventually, the more alcohol everybody drank, the crazier things got. mark ended up getting dared to lick whipped cream off of yuta’s chest and xiaojun had to cross-dress and dance on a table. everything was fine, you hadn’t been picked by anyone yet so you were pretty much having fun just enjoying the show.
until someone called your name.
“y/n, truth or dare?” jaehyun asked with a smirk.
he had an evil glint on his eyes making you feel suspicious. you knew you couldn’t choose truth or else everyone would make fun of you for being a pussy. and jaehyun just knew you well enough to know you weren’t going to let that happen.
you weren’t one to back down.
still, the way he stared at you made an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach.
what could he possibly have in mind?
seems like your gut feeling was right after all.
“give hyuck a lap dance,” jaehyun said immediately after the words left you mouth, making everyone in the room shake, some in excitement and some –you– in anger. donghyuck wasn’t expecting to take part in the dare, but he really wasn’t complaining either. “thank me later babe,” his shit-eating grin only adding fuel to the fire.
just as eunbin, donghyuck could sense the sexual tension. and unlike you, he acknowledged it.
but for him it wasn’t just that.
you two had known each other –or at least acknowledged each other's existence– for a few years now, since high school. he was forced to see you almost every day at school, so, naturally, fondness for you started growing slowly in his chest. but it wasn’t until you both left for college that your ‘enemies’ label was established.
and if someone thought he may possibly like you, they were damn right.
he did.
it all started during freshman year, when he tried to befriend you during one of the classes you shared. you seemed irritated by his advances and wanted him away from you, so after a few attempts of softening your heart, he resolved that the only way to stay close to you was annoying the hell out of you.
childish? yeah. he cared? not really.
“come here, babe.” donghyuck tongued the inside of his cheek, a smirk forming on his lips. as he saw the grim look on your face, he sprawled his legs, patting his toned thigh invitingly, eager to get things started.
the look jaehyun gave you had ‘you’re not backing down, are you?’ written all over.
“shit, i hate jaehyun, why did he have to do me dirty like that?” you mumbled angrily to eunbin and she just laughed, finding the situation way funnier than you.
“maybe tonight won’t be as boring as you thought? maybe you’ll end up getting laid.” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and you only scoffed, “shut up, dumbass.”
“why did you have to do me like that, huh?!” you almost screamed at the older, taking a mental note to beat him up later. he just shrugged and threw you a wink, “asshole.”
mark patted your back to help you relax, he could see you weren’t exactly happy about your dare.
“come on, which song would you like, my lady?” lucas asked, scrolling through his spotify for suiting songs.
“or nah!” yangyang answered before you could even open your mouth. just as you were about to ask for a less sexual song, cheering erupted through the room.
everyone was pumped, adrenaline running through their veins and pushing them to do stupid stuff they would probably regret the next day after waking up hungover. and things just took a rather interesting turn, so they obviously were excitedly awaiting the next series of events.
yay, more stupid memories to regret later.
on the other hand, donghyuck was as doomed as you. he knew the song well, he knew the lyrics by heart but what he didn’t know was if he could control himself with you basically dry humping him in front of a bunch of people to the rhythm of it.
he wasn’t sure it was a great idea.
as soon as you got up to complete the dare, you heard cheering and clapping. and you weren’t going to lie, you wanted to throw yourself out of a window.
breathing deeply in an attempt of relaxing to just get it over with, you made your way towards donghyuck until you were standing a few feet in front of him.
as the music started playing, you started moving. running your finger on the surface of his clothed shoulder, you walked slowly around him, like a predator circling its prey. he tried not to follow your movements, already getting anxious by your closeness and nervously waiting for your next move.
i’ma smoke this joint then i’ma break you off.
i’d be lying if i said you ain’t the one.
you pushed his legs open and settled between them. your hands rubbed his thighs teasingly, fingers drawing closer to his crotch but not quite getting there. you took your sweet time feeling him up, softly scratching his strong arms and leaving red trails behind. donghyuck was so into it, enjoying the sight of you kneeling before him so much that his pants were already starting to feel tight.
heard you not the type that you take home to mom.
is we fuckin’ when we leave the club or nah?
i ain’t spendin’ cash for nothin’ i wanna see you take it off.
and oh how he wanted to see you take it off. all night he couldn’t take his eyes off of your figure, you looked really good in the outfit eunbin had chosen for you.
so good it was almost making him drool.
you sat on his lap, hands going to caress his toned chest and stomach. it was well-known that donghyuck exercised frequently, but it still surprised you. he felt so good you had to bite your lip to prevent a sound from coming out.
when you shifted to sit closer to him, his hands flew to your hips and you could tell his intention was to move them lower to grope your ass, but you weren’t having it.
do you like the way i flick my tongue or nah?
you can ride my face until you’re drippin’ cum.
“if you try to touch me again, i’ll tie you up,” you said with a sweet smile plastered on your face, grabbing him by the wrists and harshly dropping them away from you. donghyuck let out a startled gasp at that, obviously not expecting your attitude. with his hands twitching to grasp anything, he went to grip tightly the sides of the chair.
can you lick the tip then throat the dick or nah?
can you let me stretch that pussy out or nah?
your hips ground against his crotch at such a slow pace that donghyuck was having trouble not pushing you down on him faster. he was getting embarrassingly hornier as seconds passed and wanted nothing more than to fuck you right then and there, even with his friends’ eyes on you both.
donghyuck tried so hard to restrain himself from touching you. he wasn’t one to follow orders, but he tried just for you, he really did.
i’m not the type to call you back tomorrow.
but the way you wrappin’ ‘round me is a prob.
and everything was fine until you kissed him. synchronized gasps filled the room, the sudden show of affection confusing everybody. not even your intoxicated self could understand what the hell were you doing nor who you were doing it with. his breath got stuck in his throat, heart thumping against his chest at an alarming rate. his hands almost tried to bring you closer, but he realized what he was doing on time to stop himself.
he finally broke down when your mouth sucked on his tongue, making his hips grind up against yours unconsciously as his hands grabbed you by your waist, pressing your body flush against his.
that was it.
“you asked for it,” your movements came to a stop as you took off your black leather belt, sticking to your threat of tying him up if he didn’t quit it.
pussy so good, i had to save that shit for later.
took her to the kitchen, fucked her right there on the table.
“oh shit,” donghyuck stirred under you trying to get out of the situation.
this couldn’t be happening.
“no, please,” he whimpered as you fastened the belt until it was wrapped tightly around his wrists, locking his arms behind his back. your audience was unable to hold in their surprise, some mouths falling open. he fought against the restraints to no avail, desperate to free himself, “please, let me go,” he cried out quietly, not wanting the other occupants in the room to hear him.
“stop complaining or else i’ll also gag you,” you spat harshly in his ear, done with his attitude, and he swallowed hard. as you nibbled on his lobe, you felt a strong sense of confidence. it made your chest swell in pride to see the usual big mouth jerk with a smug grin constantly attached to his face falling apart under your touch.
seems like he was the one to beg, after all.
you moved your hips to the rhythm of the music, making sure to press harder against the sensitive tip of his cock, which was already leaking precum. although you weren’t an expert, you’d given a fair share of lap dances, so you knew what you were doing.
and donghyuck could certainly tell.
don’t play with a boss, girl take it off.
take it for a real one.
you gon’ get it all.
“whose bitch are you now, huh?” donghyuck couldn’t speak properly, way too hot and bothered for his brain to come up with any smart-ass response.
you tsked disapprovingly at his lack of response.
“when i ask you a question, you answer.” your fingers tangled in his hair and with a harsh tug you forced him to look up. donghyuck was dazed, lips swollen from you biting on them, eyes glassy from arousal, and mind clouded with lust.
“yours.” he whimpered quietly, forgetting momentarily about your audience.
“good boy.”
you loved how easy it was for you to break him and leave him wanting more, to have him so putty in your hands. specially since hearing comments of other female classmates about donghyuck teasing them almost till the brim of tears was part of your day-to-day life. it felt like you were getting revenge for all of them, so you were enjoying it a lot more than anyone could imagine.
your plump lips trailed down the length of his neck, leaving wet kisses along his honey-like skin, and he threw his head back to give you more access. as you licked, sucked and bit the flesh, donghyuck could hear his heartbeat loud over the music. he usually wouldn’t let a girl suck hickeys on his skin, but the idea of you marking him while everyone watched was rather exciting.
he swore the seconds passed slower than usual. you were just halfway through the song but he didn’t know if he could survive any longer.
donghyuck felt light-headed and painfully aroused, and he wasn’t going to last long if you kept kissing him and moving your hips the way you were.
“i’ma go as far as you let me,” your movements became slower to tease him, making the poor boy want to cry in agony. his jeans felt way too tight to be comfortable and he hoped everyone could just leave you two alone to take it off.
“shit, please,” donghyuck’s eyes closed, head falling forward and hanging low as drops of sweat slid down his forehead. the room felt like an oven and he didn’t know if it was a result of the significant amount of people in such a small space, the alcohol, his choice of clothing or your body pressed closely against his.
probably the latter.
girl, is you sucking me or fucking me or nah?
can i bring another bitch? let’s have a threesome.
“keep saying you’re a freak, you gon’ prove it or nah?” you quietly sang along, pulling his face closer by his hair and grinding down on him harder.
donghyuck was going crazy, he had never expected you to be so sexy, to behave so dirtily. but he loved it, and by the prominent tent in his pants, everybody could tell he was in for the ride of his life.
you’s a ride-or-die chick, you with this shit or nah?
say you not a side bitch, you all-in or nah?
you gon’ make them eggs cheesy with them grits or nah?
you brought him in for a hot kiss that left his head spinning.
donghyuck was growing restless as his climax neared, he was so close he could almost taste it. he couldn’t remember when the last time he got so close to cumming only from some teasing was.
everything was happening so quickly he wasn’t able to stop himself before giving in to the pleasure.
“h-holy fuck,” with a shaky moan that you swallowed, donghyuck shot his load, staining the crotch of his dark jeans. you could feel the wetness seeping through the piece of clothing and dampening your bottoms. his hips gave a few more sloppy thrusts, legs shaking weakly and cock twitching from the confines of his jeans, before falling limp on the chair.
or nah.
as the song ended, he came down from his high. you freed him from the iron grip of your belt, the skin on his wrists was red and slightly swollen. you may have tightened it too much in the heat of the moment, but you weren’t apologizing after giving him probably the best orgasm of his life.
the bewildered expression on his face quickly turned grim as it hit him.
he came in his pants like a fucking teenager.
in a room full of people.
in front of his friends, yours and you.
his friends stood there, both confused and surprised to see donghyuck so affected by your touch. nobody had expected things to end the way they did.
“damn, are you okay my man?” johnny asked, laughing at his friend’s flustered state.
“shut up,” donghyuck answered bitterly. he shot up from his seat, grabbing your hand and shoving you inside the nearest bathroom in the house. he didn’t even care to cover the wet spot on his pants, walking with his chin up and a scowl plastered on his face.
and blame it on how riled up you had gotten from the feeling of his hard dick pressing against your needy pussy, but damn, he looked good.
“i wanna go next!” hendery spoke excitedly. you couldn’t tell if he was just messing with you or if he actually wanted you to give him a lap dance too. either way, it made your lips turn upwards in a smug grin.
once you both made it to the bathroom, he locked the door before pushing you against it, back pressed flush into the hard piece of wood. the ambience took a 180 turn, your confidence faltered slightly at the sight of his angry form.
“you think it’s funny, yeah?” he hummed angrily in your ear. “you think i’d let you do whatever you want and embarrass me in front of my friends just because you feel like it without payback?” the look on his eyes getting darker as the words left his mouth.
“if so, oh baby, you were so wrong.”
trying to test him, you decided to answer.
“you’re all bark and no bite, what else am i supposed to think?” you smirked devilishly when you saw him clench his jaw.
“you’re gonna regret being a brat,” his slender fingers wrapped themselves around your waist and with a harsh tug, he pulled you closer to attack your lips, biting and sucking on them, making your legs wobbly. he tasted sweet and bitter at the same time, probably from the liquor he had been drinking all night, and you couldn’t seem to get enough. his lips were soft and plush as they mingled with yours, teeth roughly clashing and tongues fighting for dominance, “am i?”
donghyuck hissed through his teeth as he unbuckled his pants, letting his cum-covered shaft spring free. he was already hard and you unconsciously rubbed your thighs together to ease some of the tension building up between them. his hand shot to your throat, tightening his grip until you couldn’t breathe properly, before forcing you on your knees.
donghyuck tapped his hard and heavy cock on your lips a couple of times before speaking. “open up, slut,” and you did as you were told, parting your lips and poking your tongue out, waiting for him to slide in.
but he didn’t.
he wanted you to lick him clean, he wanted to see you do as he said, follow his orders like a good girl without complaints.
“clean the mess you’ve done. now.”
the harsh tone of his voice sent a wave of arousal straight to your core. your hands immediately shot up to grab a hold of his length, but before you got too close he stopped you. confusion was written all over your face and for a moment you worried he had changed his mind.
“no hands, i want you to work on it only with that dirty mouth of yours.”
with your hands gripping onto his thighs, your tongue swiped from the base to the head of his cock, eagerly licking him clean. once you had swallowed every drop of his cum, your mouth took him whole, hollowing your cheeks, one hand massaging his balls. donghyuck threw his head back as yours bobbed at a rapid pace, the tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat as you swallowed around him.
when he was about to cum, he pulled away from your mouth, making you whine at the loss. wrapping his hand once again around your throat like a beautiful necklace, he forced you up on your feet. he turned you around before pulling you closer by a rough tug. your clothed ass pressed against his dick, a mixture of his arousal and your saliva wetting the cloth. your hips ground back to both tease him, desperate to feel something, anything. his hands went to the front of your jeans, rubbing his fingers over your clothed clit and a whimper fell from your lips.
“more, i need more,” you pleaded, the barrier of clothes making the feeling less pleasurable.
he surprisingly complied without resistance, dipping the digits under the restricting cloth. a deep groan vibrated against the side of your neck when he felt the wetness that had been gathering inside your panties since your dare.
“look at you, so damn wet,” his mouth watered at the feeling of your needy heat. at this point, donghyuck knew everyone had an idea of what you two could possibly be doing, and although he would enjoy returning the favour by eating you out to his heart’s content, there wasn’t enough space nor time to do so comfortably. but he swore he would make it up to you some time.
“for who is it, baby?” the answer was obvious, but still, he wanted to hear it directly from you. he inserted one long finger until it was knuckles deep inside of you and you let out a squeak, head falling back onto his shoulder.
“for you donghyuck, all for you.”
“that’s right, slut, only i can make you that wet, only i can touch you like this. you’re mine, don’t forget that,” he inserted a second finger and pumped them deeply into you.
“yes,” you breathed out softly, too far gone to fight back with a snarky remark.
although his fingers felt good and you could possibly –with a bit of an effort– cum just from them, you still wanted more. you wanted to feel the nice stretch of his cock tearing your walls apart.
“please, donghyuck.”
“what do you want?”
donghyuck knew what you wanted. fuck, he wanted it too, so bad. he had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time and now that he could finally have it, he was going to make the best out of it.
“fuck me,” your core ached to be filled so you swallowed your pride and spoke out.
“we don’t need it, i’m on the pill,” you rushed, stomach twisting and turning in excitement, “please, just fuck me.”
donghyuck’s eyes turned darker, lust clouding both of your minds with the only desire to fuck each other stupid. he pulled down your jeans so they were pooling on your ankles and went back to pump his fingers inside you to make sure you were ready to take him. as he entered you, you had to lean on the sink in front of you to hold yourself up or else you would have faceplanted the mirror.
“you feel so good, fuck, so fucking tight,” donghyuck growled when he was balls deep in you.
whimpers fell from your lips from the delicious stretch of his thick cock. after a few seconds of you adjusting to his size, you backed your ass into his hips to let him know you wanted him to move. he gave a couple of thrusts to test the waters before picking up his pace and you gripped the sides of the sink as he pounded into you. his mouth worked on your neck while you brought one of his hands under your shirt to play with your breasts.
“such a pretty sight, don’t you think?” he tugged harshly at your hair to force you to look at your reflection on the mirror, thrusts never faltering.
your makeup was ruined; lipstick smeared messily all over your lips from the hot make-out session, neck full of bruises donghyuck left to claim you, shirt pulled above your breasts displaying your puckered nipples while one of his big hands grabbed your boob as they bounced with every hard snap of his hips.
“you have no idea how many times i had to control myself not to pounce on you,” his eyes never left your quivering reflection, completely in love with the way your frame molded with his, “every single time you couldn’t keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed and all i wanted to do was shut you up with my cock.”
“f-fuck,” his thrusts turned rougher as his free hand wrapped around your neck, tightening his grip and amplifying the mind-blowing sensations he was giving you.
your asscheeks slapped against his hips, which drilled against you at an unhuman pace, hitting the right spots with every snap and making your eyes roll to the back of your head. you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, loud moans threatening to fall from your lips so you slapped your palm over your mouth to muffle your sounds.
“don’t, i want to hear you,” he gave a particularly hard thrust to try and draw a sound out of you, “i want you to be so loud that all of our friends know what we’re doing, i want them to know how good i’m making you feel.”
specially mark.
but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
“h-hyuck,” you couldn’t hold back the broken moan that fell from your lips, pleasure overtaking your body. your hands gave in and you almost fell forward, but donghyuck reacted sooner and pulled you by your hair, holding you up.
“address me properly, brat,” he growled in your ear. you felt a hard slap on your ass, the skin of the abused area stinging from the impact.
“i’m sorry… fuck, donghyuck,” your cries went straight to his dick, urging him to fuck you harder. he kneaded the flesh soothingly before spanking it again and again until you could make out the imprint of his big hand on your asscheek.
“f-faster, please,” you pleaded in a whine and he tsked, shaking his head, “such a greedy little slut.”
“what would everyone think of you if they could see you so eagerly taking my cock, mm?” donghyuck hummed, “begging for me to fuck you until you can’t walk properly?
shocks of pleasure shot through you, his dirty talk helping you reach your release faster than you anticipated. his grip on you was so tight you were sure you were going to be sore the next day. your moans turned pornographic as you neared your release, your walls squeezed around donghyuck to the point he was unable to move, so he started drawing circles over your sensitive clit to help you get off.
“let go, baby.”
and soon, his touch threw you over the edge, causing your body to shake and a broken moan to fall from your lips, legs weak as your whole weight only relied on your arms for support. he followed shortly after, grunting as he filled you up with his warm and sticky essence.
as he pulled out, a mixture of your slick juices and his seed leaked from your abused hole, dripping down your inner thighs. his fingers slid over to gather the drops of cum and opposite to your assumption, he didn’t push it back inside of you but brought the digits to your face, waiting for you to open your mouth.
and you did, eyes locked with his through the mirror as your tongue swirled around his fingers to lick them clean.
“fuck,” donghyuck sighed, “i didn’t know you were so dirty, sweetheart.”
and the teasing comes back.
“do you want me to remind you how i made you cum in your pants back there in a room full of people?” you rolled your eyes in disbelief and he just let out a breathy laugh.
“whatever. either way, even if they didn’t have the pleasure of fucking you or at least seeing you get fucked, they surely could hear you from how loud you were screaming my name.”
“good thing mark now knows who you belong to,” the words slipped out of his mouth before he could think and both of you shared a look of pure shock.
“did you just mention mark?”
“you did! what the fuck? were you jealous of mark?” you asked, eyes wide as you remembered the disgusted look on his face when you and mark got too touchy with each other during the game.
“i am jealous of mark.”
“what? why?”
“oh my god, you’re so dense.”
“shut up, i’m not.”
“yes, you are. i like you dumbass, that’s fucking why. why wouldn’t i be jealous if you two act like you’re dating but always deny it when questioned? i can give you my hoodies, i can cuddle you and hold your hand, i can spoil you with cute stuff. i can be your boyfriend, it doesn’t have to be him.”
everything was so weird.
you were supposed to be enemies for fucks sake.
but he looked cute with pouty lips.
“well, you sure have got a damn weird way of demonstrating it.”
“shut up, okay?” donghyuck snapped, done with trying to get you to shut the fuck up. “i just didn’t know how to approach you or talk to you at all, alright?” he sighed, a scowl forming on his face. “you always seem to be angry when i’m around.” the change in his voice shocked you, it was much softer now, as if he was afraid of you hearing it.
“hey, don’t beat yourself for it, alright?” you sighed, feeling bad for being so mean to him for no reason. because you really didn’t have a reason. whenever you weren’t at each other’s throats and you got time to observe him from afar, you saw how caring he was with his friends, even if most of the time he annoyed the crap out of them.
donghyuck actually seemed like a good guy… if you ignored his teasing.
maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought.
“so, would you be my-,”
suddenly, the sound of banging on the door resonated through the room.
“are you done already? i need to pee.”
you quickly fixed your clothes, embarrassed by the presence of someone outside the door waiting for you and donghyuck to get out and momentarily forgetting about the boy’s proposal. just as you were about to open the door and get yourself the fuck out of the situation, his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer and whisper to your ear in a way you could feel your panties get damp once again.
“we’re not done yet, princess.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Competition - Bakugou Katsuki - Victorious Inspired
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff(ish), Crack, Jealous Bakugou, tatted Bakugou Cuz we love a lil spice
Summary: You were doing homework online with your friends when a needy Bakugou wanted your attention and was pouty when he didn’t get it. After Mina slipped up and said something stupid, Bakugou assumed horrible things and went over only to find out something so very comical.
You were in your second year of college and the work was killing you. Thankfully, this time around, your assignment was the slightest bit easier, as it was a group project. You, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina were currently working on the project through the computer while being on video chat. The night was still young and you still had plenty to do.
“Okay, after I type in this paragraph, what should the next section be abou-“ You were cut off by the sound of a little French bulldog barking and scampering your way. The cute little black dog jumped onto your lap and made itself comfortable, causing you to look down and smile at it before petting it’s ears.
“Awww, look at the little puppy!” Mina said.
“He’s cute, right? I’m watching him for my neighbor while he’s at his football game.” You explained.
“You live next to a football player?!” The pink girl exclaimed.
“I do,” you said with a smile.
“Figures. I live next to an old man who likes to throw lemons at me!” She ranted. The group all laughed at her before continuing the job.
You all worked and finished about 4 pages of the assignment. While in the midst of the 5th page, your boyfriend requested to join your video chat. “Oop, hold on. Suki’s asking to join.”
You added your junior high school sweetheart to the call and was met with a frustrated pout. “Hi babe!” You squealed.
The group all tried to say their greetings to their friend but he spoke before they could. “Where have you been?”
“What? At home.” You said.
“I’ve been calling you, texting you, and basically blowing up your phone, and you haven’t been answering for hours!” He whined. His friends got a small kick out of seeing their tough friend be a softie for his girlfriend and remained quiet to enjoy the show.
“Sorry. I’ve been doing homework and-“
“What is that? Why do you have that animal on you?” He interrupted and asked as he slanted his eyes towards the small canine.
“It’s my neighbor’s dog,” you said with a pitched voice as you cradled the pup closer, almost like you were defending it’s honor.
“Her neighbor, the football player.” Mina mentioned with a sly voice. You shut your eyes and released a slow sigh as you knew what was coming.
“Football player?!” Bakugou shouted.
“Why? Why would you say that?” You said to Mina with a disappointed tone. She was one of his friends, she knew what the reaction would’ve been.
“Sorry,” she genuinely said.
“Why are you doing favors for some football player and what is he doing for you?” Bakugou seethed.
“There’s nothing going on, he’s just-“
“I’m coming over there.” He blatantly said.
“No- no. You don’t need to-“ without letting you finish, Bakugou signed off and went to get ready for his leave. You sighed at your jealous boyfriend and threw shady eyes towards Mina.
Some time had passed and your group had finished the 7th page. Almost done! Thank god for this being a small little assignment. Unfortunately, your boyfriend’s little fuss put you all behind schedule a little and it didn’t help that he finally made his arrival to add a little more drama to the show.
A bang was heard at your door. “Open up Y/N!”
“Uhh, I think you’re getting robbed Y/N.” Kaminari said.
“Nah, it’s just Suki.” You said to the blonde through the screen. You then turned to your front door to speak to your boyfriend who was on the other side. “You’re being ridiculous!”
Bang! Bang! Bang! “I need to talk to you!” He said.
“Sorry, door’s locked!” You replied. Unfortunately, the door busted open and you sighed in frustration. “And now it’s not.”
“He has a key?” Kirishima asked.
“No, he has a foot.” You said and then turned to your boyfriend with a sarcastic but also genuine smile. “Hi baby.”
And now here stood your angry boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki. He was dressed in his combat boots, a pair of black jeans and a white tee. He held a dark green bomber jacket in his hands that he wore due to the slightly cold weather out in the night. With the jacket off, his fully tatted arms were exposed along with the few tattoos that adorned his neck. He had his silver chain on along with a few rings and his cross piercing on his left ear and a few other random ones on his right. To anyone else, your boyfriend looked like a ruffian especially with his motorcycle that was surely parked out front. He definitely was an attractive man. Girls wanted him, guys wanted to be him, and you felt so blessed to have him and have him want you and only you.
He looked like the typical bad boy who was mean as fuck and also happened to be good at everything he did. In reality, he was just your Suki who was a softie that can be a little tempered at times. Like right now.
“What is going on?!” He asked in frustration.
“You just kicked my door open!” You said as you pointed to the evidence.
“Put the dog down and tell me about this football asswipe who lives next door!” He demanded.
“No! I will not put the dog down!” You said, cradling the sweet baby even closer.
“Oh you’re not?!” He said in a threatening tone but you knew your boyfriend would never do any real harm.
“No! If you want to meet the football player then you can wait to talk to him when he gets back.” You said.
“Then I’ll wait for him!” He said, taking a seat a little bit behind you from your setup on the couch’s ottoman.
“Fine!” You said, turning back to your friends. After a second, you realized something and turned back to face him. “No kiss?”
He only stuck his tongue out at you to which you pouted in anger and did the same before turning around. However, you smiled once you felt him come up from behind you and place a peck on your cheek before going back to his spot on the couch.
“Awwww,” your group of friends cooed to which you and Bakugou both smiled and rolled your eyes.
Some more time passed and eventually, Mina and Kirishima both grew too tired (thanks to that college schedule) and signed off for the night. Surprisingly, Kaminari was the one who stayed up with you to continue to do the work and was more than happy to help.
“Guess it’s just you and me.” You said to the electric blonde.
“And me.” Your boyfriend said with sass in the background of your screen.
You and Kaminari continued to work until you got to the 15th and final page. Like what was previously said, very easy, very simple, very short. All you had to do was finish this last page and you’d be done! Unfortunately, the universe had different plans and an expected knock was heard at your door.
“Ouu, is that the football player?” Kaminari cooed and teased knowing Bakugou would hear.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Come in!” You kindly called.
“Yeah, COME IN!” Your boyfriend rudely said, setting himself up to sit a little straighter and look a little meaner.
To his surprise, in came a young boy who was dressed in his school representative hoodie and a pair of sweats. “Hi Y/N!”
“Hi Ryu!” You said to the young boy who took a seat next to you. “Katsuki, this is my next door neighbor, Ryu. Ryu, this is my boyfriend, Katsuki.”
“Nice to meet you mister!” The boy said with excitement as he looked towards your “scary” boyfriend in the back.
“Hello Ryu.” Your boyfriend said in a defeated tone that he hid with a smile and wave towards the little boy. You smirked at your boyfriend as you recognized his tone. The tone he usually had when you proved him wrong. Ryu being the sweet boy he is also waved towards your friend at the camera to be polite.
“What’s up little man,” Kaminari said as a greeting. Ryu turned to you to pick up his little frenchie.
“Thanks for taking care of Natsu!” He said sweetly.
“Anytime kiddo!” You said, giving him the dog. Ryu pet his pup for a second before looking back at Bakugou and whispering to you. Luckily, it was loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Your boyfriend looks really cool!” He whispered excitedly.
“I know!” You whisper-yelled back with a smile. Kaminari let out a little laugh while Bakugou had a sad face. He felt guilty for wanting to come here to beat the shit out of a football player, only for that football player to be a cool lil kid who thought he was pretty cool too.
“Well thanks again! Bye now!” Ryu said before getting up and leaving with his dog. You waved at them until the door shut, you crossed your legs and smiled as Katsuki got up with a sigh and took Ryu’s seat next to you.
“Wow Bakugou, looks like you got some competition!” Kaminari teased. Bakugou only sighed and rubbed his temples with one hand before feeling you push on his shoulder.
“You gonna say you’re sorry~” you teasingly asked.
“You didn’t tell me he was 9!” He argued.
“You didn’t give me a chance!” You laughed out. Bakugou flopped onto his back as he began bantering with you. You both went back and forth and Kaminari chuckled to himself before signing off to let the cute couple have their time in privacy.
Bakugou remained on his back until you poked his face and he grabbed you before flipping the both of you over so that you were under him. He flopped down onto your body, getting comfortable on your chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair in a successful attempt to soothe him.
“Just wanted some attention from my baby.” He muffled out with a small blush. You smiled and looked towards your screen.
“Well Kaminari signed off, Natsu’s gone, and it’s just you and me. You now have my undivided attention, Suki.” You said. Bakugou sighed in content before going up to place a kiss on your lips.
“Good.” He said before tucking his head into the crevasse of your neck. You held him close while he played the small spoon and you both cuddled up nicely. If it was attention he wanted, it was attention he’d get.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Interrogation // Bang Chan
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🍄 | genre: smut  ☁️ | pairing: Bang Chan x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 2.0k 🌸 | includes: kinda hard dom!chan, sub!reader, detective/suspect roleplay, spitting?, degradation/praise, handcuffs, oral (f!receiving), spanking, hair pulling, unprotected sex, hanjob/oral (m!receiving), cum swallowing, lil aftercare, wholesome end :)
☀️ | synopsis: You’ve been thrown in the slammer for robbing a casino, and the detective needs a testimony from you, but you won’t fess up. Guess he’ll have to get it out of you the best way he can... well, not really. This was your boyfriend’s idea to roleplay this, but he looks so hot in the detective outfit that you couldn’t turn down his cute little pout :(
🌊 | collaboration: this is part of the Summer Time Love collaboration hosted by @milkym00n​ ! here’s the full masterlist to every other work in the collab! go support the other authors that took place in this please. they’re all super talented! thank you!
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“Where’d you hide the money?!” Chris slammed his fist down on the table, standing up across from you. Your wrists were handcuffed behind the uncomfortable wooden chair you sat in. You kept shaking your head, refusing to fess up. “Tell me where the money is!”
“I’ll never tell you where the money is, pig!” You hock up a loogie and spit right in his face, never wavering your façade. He wipes the spit off of his face, rubbing his wet hand against his button-up shirt. 
“You better tell me where you’re hiding the damn money, bitch.”
“Make me.” You smirk up at Chris, lightly giggling as he catches on so you can finally get to the good part. 
This whole interrogation scene was Chris’s idea, not yours. He practically begged you to roleplay with him just this once with an admittedly cliché idea. You couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes, though. They always melted your heart. Now that the scene started, you were pleasantly surprised how good of an actor your boyfriend, or in this case, your prosecutor, is. Not to mention how hot he looked in this black button-up dress shirt, tight black dress pants, a leather belt, a slim black tie, and some shoes that you honestly didn’t care about. He looked like an absolute gentleman, although it was too bad that he wasn’t going to be fully dressed for too long.
“Oh, make you?” Chris raised his voice, walking around the table to be next to you. He looked down at you, unable to move from your seat, legs spread with a pleated skirt covering your upper thighs. “And how would I go about making you talk, pretty girl?”
“Maybe but your loud mouth to good use, hm?” You spread your legs more causing Chris’s eyes to drift downward to where you needed him most. He smiles, getting onto his knees after twisting your chair from under the table so he didn’t have to bonk his head. “Good boy~”
“You’ll regret talking down to me, princess.” Chris slides his rough hands up your thighs, grabbing your panties and pulling them down your legs. Your skirt still covers your crotch, Chris’s hands resting on your knees while he looks up at you. “Gonna talk yet?”
“Don’t know, have you make me cum yet?” You roll your hips against the chair, biting your lip as he stares at your cunt, pushing your skirt back up your body to finally reveal your pussy. He licks his lips, eager to dive in. He grabs your hips and pulls you to the edge of the chair, wrapping his arms around your thighs before finally bringing his tongue in contact with your cunt. The whine you let out is painfully lewd, but Chris eats it up.
“You taste really sweet for being such a sour bitch, you know?” Chris laughs at his own home as his tongue flutters through your folds. You ride your hips against his face, feeling his mouth explore your aching pussy. An arm of his comes off your thigh and goes to your cunt, his fingers pressing against your entrance as he sucks at your clit. “You want me to finger you, little girl?”
“P-please finger me.” You forget about the whole roleplay for a second, desperate to feel Chris stretch you out with his fingers.
“Then where’d you hide the money, baby?” Chris hums against your clit, his fingers still teasingly circling the rim of your pussy. “Only good girls get to cum on daddy’s fingers.”
Despite the countless times Chris has made you cum with nothing but his fingers, you still have the audacity to say “I d-doubt your pathetic fucking fingers could get me even close to c-cumming.” If you’re stutters didn’t make it obvious enough, the shaking of your legs gave Chris a clear signal that your words were nothing but empty. Still, he wanted to see you sob from how good he makes you feel.
Accepting your challenge, Chris dives two fingers into your dripping cunt, already making you moan like a bitch in heat. His expert fingers curl into your sweet spot while they trust in an out of you, his lips still wrapped around your sensitive clit. His other hand slaps your thigh, making you yelp in shock, not that you didn’t like it.
“You want to know where I hid the cash, pretty boy?” Chris lightly bites your clit for a second to make you whine after your sentence. If your hands were free, they would have been combing through his hair by now. Unfortunately, all you can do is curl your toes and tighten your hands into fists. “Make me cum and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Chris’s eyes are focused like you’ve never seen them before, and finally looking down at his lustful faces makes you whimper. You feel the knot in your stomach tighten as the movements of his fingers quicken, increasing in intensity. He truly knew your cunt like no other partner you’ve ever had in the past, and because of that, he always knew when you were close without you even saying a word.
“Cum on my face, princess. Give daddy what he wants.” Even in roleplay, Chris can’t help but call himself ‘daddy’ at every chance he gets. You bucks your hips into his face, your legs going limp as you cream on his fingers, whining his name loudly as you cum for him just like he asked. Your thighs tighten around his head, but he doesn’t care. He just wants to ride you through this orgasm while your hips roll against his face. “Good girl, baby. Such a good girl.”
You catch your breath as Chris stands up, scanning your face for any sign that you’ll crack and tell him what he needs. A smirk returns to your face as you close your legs and look up at him. “The money’s in the back of my car under the seat. It’s long gone by now, though.”
“Long gone? Where?”
“If my boys did what I told them to, my car’s five towns over as we speak, and they aren’t stopping anytime soon.” You wiggle in your seat, a weak attempt to escape your restraints. “If you know what’s good for ya, you’d let me out of these cuffs. I know you want to fuck me properly now, don’t ya?” 
Chris hesitates, walking around your chair to put his hands on your shoulders from behind you. “Your boys, huh?” Realizing what he was calling back to, you fear that you’ve unleashed Chris’s jealous side, something you haven’t seen since he made you see stars in a dressing room. “How many boys play with this pretty pussy?”
“That’s none of your business, pig. Now let me go.” 
“I don’t think I will, slut.” He lifts you out of your chair from under your arms, tossing you onto the table, your ass in the air as you’re bent over. “You’re gonna know what a real cock feels like tonight, little girl.” 
You hear his pants unbuckle from behind you, your legs spreading just enough for your cunt to be on full display for Chris. You can’t see, but Chris is throbbing at the sight of you ready to be ruined. He runs the tip of his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness before making any attempt to slip into your hole. 
“Dumb whore thought she could get away with this crime without any punishment, huh?” Chris laid his hand down on your ass in a spank, leaving your ass stinging after the hit. He grabbed the skin he’d just slapped before plunging his cock into you, making you feel full within seconds. The way his length stretched you out made your eyes shut tight, the pleasure pulsing through your body without giving you the chance to think or breath. “You’re so much better with my cock stuffed in you, huh?”
“Such a big cock, but you don’t know what to do with it, do ya?” You attempt to laugh at Chris, but his hand lays another swift spank across your ass. His dick is pulsing inside you, hard as a rock as it twitches against your walls. You’re purposefully tightening around him, teasing him with every flex of your lower muscles. “I bet you’re gonna cum within seconds, big boy.”
“Stupid fucking slut doesn’t know when to shut up.” He leans forward and grabs your hair wit his fist, pulling your head back without lifting your torso off the table. He starts thrusting into you, his pace rough and deep right from the jump. The way his cock hits so deep inside you is nothing you haven’t felt before, but it’s so jarring that it can’t help but feel like a new experience every time. Drool seeps out of the side of your mouth and onto your chin as Chris easily fucks you dumb.
Chris’ other hand holds your hips tight enough to bruise, keeping you still against the table as it shakes under you. Your cunt feels so tight around him, he feels almost light headed from the pressure around his fat cock. His tip hits your cervix, your pussy aching for release sooner than expected. He knows your body too well to roleplay like this.
“You feel so good, sweetheart... I mean, bitch.” Nice one, Chris. His grip on your hair fluctuates between painfully aggressive and light as a feather. As much as he wants to cum inside you, he fights the urge to release suddenly and holds out just to prove you wrong. As much as he knows he isn’t a minute man, he doesn’t want this roleplay to turn into shaming him for cumming too soon.
Your eyes roll back as he hits your sweet spot over and over again, every stroke slamming into you better than before. The sounds echoing through the room can only be described as lewd, loud skin slapping and wet noises filling the air. The only thing more lewd than the bodily sounds are you and Chris moaning for each other, both still painfully holding onto your characters for the roleplay until it becomes too much.
“W-wanna cum...”
“What was that, baby? Say it louder.”
“I’m about to cum.”
“Louder, bitch.”
“Channie!~” Breaking character, you whine his favorite nickname loudly as you cum around his cock, the walls of your pussy tightening around him one last time before your creamy release covers his cock. You feel your wetness drip down your thighs as he continues pounding your cunt to chase his own high. “Chris- Chris-“
“Shhh, I’m almost there, angel.” The hand that was once in your hair is now petting your cheek with the back of his fingers, feeling the heat radiating from your flushed face. “Knees, now.”
“Get on your fucking knees, Y/n.”
He leans off of you, allowing you to stand up with weak legs and quickly (but purposefully) fall to your knees in front of his cock. Chris’ hand jerks himself rapidly, his red tip oozing precum right before his orgasm. You stick your tongue out and look up at him, Chris biting his lip and squinting his eyes shut as he pumps his cock with a tight fist.
You hold his wrist still at the base of his cock, Chris’s eyes immediately flying open to watch you take him into your mouth, sucking his tip just enough to make him groan and cum down your throat. Your tongue is covered in his white release as he pulls out of your mouth, the sensitivity being too much for him. He stares down at you as you swallow his load, licking your lips to secure every drop.
“You’re a really sexy criminal, you know?” He chuckles, pulling you up into his arms and pecking you on the lips as he takes the handcuffs off of you. “So, where’s the money, darling?”
“I’ll pay for takeout, how about that?” You both laugh as you take his hands and push him onto the bed to cuddle with him, soon getting up to pee and coming right back. “You want pizza?”
“Pizza would be great, but can we wait a minute before ordering? You just ate...”
“What do you m- ... Oh my god, Chris.” You shove his lightly before pulling him right back to you, his joke absolutely tickling him pink. “You think you’re so funny, huh?”
“It’s fine, I ate too.”
“God, you’re annoying.”
“Love you too!” <3
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reids-chop-stick · 4 years
Our Princess
Summary: Morgan and Reid invite Y/N over for dinner one night, and before long, things heat up between all three of them.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader x Derek Morgan
Word Count: 1,869
Warnings: Bondage, spanking, oral sex, nipple biting, and double penetration
A/N: I have been dying for a fanfic where the reader has a threesome with Reid and Morgan and I tried so hard but could not find one, so I decided to write one, and I really hope you all enjoy it:)
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You had been working for the BAU for 3 years now. You had boyfriends on and off but you always kept and eye on Derek and Spencer. They were both so attractive, both in different ways of course, Spence was cute and nerdy but you just knew he could get things done in the bedroom, and Derek was hot, plain and simple.
You never said anything to them though, your relationship was strictly professional, even if your mind did wander sometimes. That was until tonight though. Morgan had invited you and Reid to his place for some dinner and a movie. You didn’t really think too much about it but it was kind of weird that it was just going to be the three of you, sure you were friends and coworkers, but the three of you never hung out alone. You thought it was probably nothing, but again you couldn’t help but let your mind wander.
That night you arrived at Dereks around 6. When you got there Spencer was already there and they were making dinner.
“Is there anything I can help with?” You asked
“We got it, just relax and pour yourself a glass of wine babygirl” Derek said, winking at you
You grabbed the wine off the table and ended up pouring a glass for everyone. Dinner was done soon after that.
The three of you got your plates and headed to the dining room. As you ate there wasn’t a whole lot of interesting conversation, mainly just stuff about work, but all throughout dinner Reid and Morgan kept giving each other a look. You couldn’t help but notice, but you tried to just shrug it off.
After you finished the three of you sat down on the couch and relaxed. That was until Morgan sat his hand on your thigh.
“Listen babygirl, there was a reason we invited you here tonight...”
“Oh yeah?” You said almost choking on your wine
“Well we see the way you look at us sometimes, and both of us have a little thing for you. We talk about it all the time, and were hoping to maybe do a little something about that...all three of us?” Morgan said
You were speechless.
“The two of you? With me? Tonight?”
“If you want to, it’s all up to you, we don’t want to push, but we haven’t stopped thinking about it since the day we met you” Spencer piped in
Again, you were absolutely speechless.
“I- yes. I want to”
You had been dreaming about this for years and you were not gonna skip out on an opportunity like this.
“Good. Now let’s lay out some ground rules” Morgan said with a smirk
“If at anytime you feel uncomfortable let us know, our safety word will be red”
“Okay” you responded, knowing damn well you wouldn’t be saying the word red at all for the rest of the night
“You also will address us by saying yes sir and no sir, there will be consequences if you don’t” Spencer added
“Yes sir” you responded with a giant grin on your face
“Alright babygirl, you ready?”
“Yes sir” you replied
Morgan lifted you up and carried you to his bedroom, Reid following close behind. When he sat you down on the bed he and Reid started removing their clothes giving you a bit of a show, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of them. They then sat down on both sides of you and started kissing you and grabbing at you. You were already starting to get wet just from their touch. As they felt your body and continued kissing you they both slowly started removing your clothes.
Once you were fully exposed Morgan climbed on top of you and kissed down your body. While he was keeping you busy Spencer was grabbing his tie that he had ripped off earlier. He then walked up next to the bed.
“Arms. Now.” He demanded
You did as you were told and he tied your hands up to Morgan’s bed frame.
“Ahh right where I want you” Spencer said smiling down at your naked body
While Morgan had finally kissed his way down to your clit Spencer sat down next to you and began kissing your lips, while tugging at your nipples. Soon enough he began kissing his way down to your nipples and started biting at them. You moaned out in pain and pleasure. Morgan was still working his way around your clit, swirling his tongue around it, making it extra sensitive.
“Did I say you could make any noises?” Spencer asked
“No sir”
“Then I suggest you better stay quiet, or you’ll see what happens”
Part of you wanted to listen to him, but part of you also really wanted to see what happens. You also were struggling to keep quiet with the two most attractive men you had ever met kissing and biting at your body. You moaned out again.
“What did Reid tell you?” Morgan asked
“To keep quiet or see what happened” you responded
“Did you hear the word sir in that?” Reid asked looking at Morgan
“No I don’t think I did” he responded
“Guess we’ll have to give her some extra punishment” Reid responded
You struggled to contain your excitement. Did they know that you liked being punished? Probably not. But that made this ever more fun.
Reid untied your wrists and threw you over his lap.
“Do you know what’s going to happen?” Reid asked
“You’re going to spank me like the dirty little whore I am?”
“Finally, you got something right” Reid responded
He began smacking your bare ass at full force.
“Count for us babygirl” Morgan told you
You did as he said.
Every time Spencer spanked you, you counted it out. By about the 15th spank you were barely getting the words out. Your ass was red and feeling very hot and you were in lots of pain. You enjoyed it though.
“I think that’s enough, what about you Morgan?” Reid said
“You think she learned her lesson?”
“I guess we’ll find out, are you going to be a good little girl for us now Y/N?” Reid asked
“Yes sir” you responded
“Good” said Morgan
Yet again Reid grabbed his tie. This time however, he didn’t tie you to the bed, he just tied your wrists together behind your back.
“My turn to taste her” Reid said
The two men helped you sit down on top of Reids face, legs spread wide open. Spencer began licking at you and it took everything you had not to moan out his name. All while Reid was taking care of business down there Morgan began to kiss you and play with your breasts.
“You have the best tits” he said
“Thank you sir” you responded
At that moment Reid grabbed your hips and shimmied you down to his hard cock.
“You. Inside me. Now.”
You didn’t hesitate to lift yourself up for him to enter you. While you sat up Spencer guided himself inside of you and you slowly slid down his length. You couldn’t help but let out a moan.
“You like that babygirl?” Morgan asked
“Yes sir” you yelled out
You began lifting yourself up and down on his cock, moaning the whole time. You announced that you were about to cum and Spencer immediately pulled out of you. You sat there pouting while he had a giant smile on his face.
“Can’t have you orgasming that easy, now can we?” Reid said
You were still annoyed though.
Morgan reached into his nightstand and retrieved a small bottle of lube, and began rubbing it all down his dick. He knew you were soaked so you wondered why he was lubing himself up. However, you stopped wondering when Spencer pulled you up into his arms and slammed into you. You couldn’t focus on anything else, only Spencer. That was until Morgan slowly entered you from behind. You couldn’t help but scream out his name. Morgan chuckled at you screaming his name. Spencer began thrusting harder because he was a little jealous you had yet to call out his name. Before long though, you were moaning his name too.
You were begging at this point.
“Sir can I please cum?” You moaned out
“What do you think pretty boy? Should we let her?” Morgan asked Reid
“I don’t know, do you think you have earned it?” Reid asked you
“Yes” you cried out
Morgan pulled out of you and Reid sat you down on the bed.
“If you expect to cum, you’re going to make us cum first” Reid said while untying your wrists
You quickly got to work.
Rubbing your hand back and forth on Morgan’s dick while shoving Reids in your mouth. You sucked as hard as you could because you needed to cum now. You ended up switching between Reid and Morgan’s cocks a few times before they both climaxed. You took as much of their cum in your mouth as possible because they both tasted so good. What didn’t go in your mouth though, went all over your body. You had no problem with that though.
You felt very satisfied with yourself that you were able to make both of them cum in just a few minutes.
“That was pretty good babygirl” Morgan said
“She definitely earned her privilege to come” Spencer added
“Please I need it now” you begged
“Oh would you look at that we have her pleading for us” Reid said to Morgan
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, having her eating out of the palm of my hand, it feels good”
“Will you two please make me cum now, I did what you said!”
“Patience princess” Morgan said while winking at you
Morgan sat down on the bed next to you and sat you down right on top of his cock facing him. He began thrusting in and out of you, meanwhile Spencer entered you from the back and began rubbing your clit. After only a couple minutes you were screaming their names.
Morgan and Reid gave each other a look and Morgan said, “Cum for us babygirl”
You didn’t hesitate. Your whole body started shaking and you couldn’t control it. You were panting like crazy, all while continuing to moan their names.
Once you had calmed down Reid pulled out of you and Morgan picked you up and lied you back down. The two of them grabbed their boxers and ran to the bathroom to grab some towels to help clean you off. You took Morgan’s T-shirt from the floor and put it on once you were all cleaned up.
While the guys were getting things situated you cuddled up in Morgan’s bed. When they came back in they lied down on either side of you.
“You did so good tonight” Spencer told you
“Babygirl, I knew you had it in you but shit, that was amazing” Morgan added
“Guess we’ll just have to do that more often” you smirked
“Guess so” they both said
You fell asleep soon after that, all snuggled up in the arms of your two favorite people.
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
(Please Don’t) Leave Me Alone - Richie Tozier
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word count: 3142 warnings: swearing, mentions of being drugged summary: maybe richie ignoring you had more reason to it than you thought.  maybe he was just... jealous? ___
Looking back on it now, going to a party by herself was probably the worst idea (y/n’s) ever had.  Not because she disliked parties, she loved them, but she’d always gone in a group, or with a friend.  Tonight, she’d gone completely alone.
She’d thought it would be exciting, she could do whatever she wanted, and stay as late or leave as early as she pleased, not having to wait for a friend hooking up with a stranger or a ride home.  She could drink to no end and meet new people- it was a good idea, in theory.
Except now, she was trapped between a rock and a hard place.  Meaning the wall, and Steven Matson’s arm.  Earlier the attention had been welcomed, she didn’t mind being flirted with by a cute guy, it’d been a while since anyone had flirted with her, honestly, so it was very welcomed.
There was once a time where she didn’t really have to worry about that kind of attention, because she used to always get it from-
“Want me to get you another drink?” The boy in front of her asked, shaking her thoughts.
“Hm? Oh,” She nods, handing him her empt cup.  “Yeah, sure, thanks”
He grins in response before leaving.  And she doesn’t realize that she’s been holding her breath until she sighs, and slumps back against the wall.
Steven’s not that exciting, she realizes.  He’s been chatting her ear off for the past- who knows, hour, maybe? And she couldn’t recall a single thing he’d said.  It wasn’t due to the alcohol either.  He was just that simple.
He wasn’t ugly, though.
Running her hands through her hair, she wished that she had a tie to pull it back, because it was suddenly very hot in the room, and it was all she could focus on.  The smell of sweat from dancing and bustling bodies, and how much heat they generated in this small room.  She wanted to head outside for a breath of fresh air, but there was no way she could make it out and back in time to see Steven.
She made a glance towards the door, just out of curiosity, to see if she could run there and back.  But her eyes landed elsewhere.
On a tall, curly mop of haired figure that had just wandered in.
Richie’s eyes met hers, and she darted her gaze elsewhere with an inhumane speed.
Richie Tozier was her best friend, or at least he used to be.  In the past month he’d been shutting her out, until eventually he was more of a ghost than a friend at all.  She didn’t know what she did, or what happened that made him not want to hang out with her anymore, but it was no use trying to ask, because anytime she tried to talk to him, he’d vanish.
At first it was heartbreaking, because she’d known him for so long, and she thought that they were close enough to talk through any rough patch they could go through.  But as time went on and Richie pushed himself further away, (y/n) only became annoyed, and was a bit more eager to let him do whatever he wanted.
And if he wanted nothing to do with her, then fine.  She wasn’t going to beg him to stay.
Even though she really, really wanted to.
“Hope you didn’t miss me too much”
(y/n) nearly jumped when Steven appeared in front of her, one arm caging her in while he handed her a drink.  She gave him a short, weak smile, and backed herself up until the wall wouldn’t allow her to move away any further.  The flaw in this plan, however, is that Steven just followed, and the space between them was even shorter.
“Course not” She mumbled back, and was about to take a drink from her cup, before she noticed the strange fizzing at the bottom.
Great.  He spiked it with something.
She let out a soft sigh, lifting the cup to her lips and pretending to take a sip, so that he wouldn’t realize she caught on to his dumb scheme.
Tonight couldn’t have gone more terribly.
“So, whaddya say you and I go somewhere else?”
(y/n) looked up at him, eyes bored, and a eyebrow raised as if to say ‘really?’.
“Somewhere, huh?” She hums, only for her own entertainment.  “Like where?”
“Well we could go upstairs…” He suggested, leaning in closer.  It took a lot of energy for her not to shrink away.
God his breath smelled like beer.
“Or to my car out front,” He continued.  “Or honestly, we could just-”
“Alright pal,” (y/n) pushed her hand into his arm, and began to shove him away so she could leave.  “It’s not happening”
With that, she began to walk off, tossing her drugged drink to the ground carelessly.
“Wait wait wait,” Steven spun around, snatching her arm in his hand so she’d stop.  “But all night you-”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She snapped at him, yanking her arm to get it of his hold, but he was much stronger than her.  “Steven let go-”
“You’re such a fucking tease, (y/n),” He snarled, the playful and flirty voice long gone.  “Leading me on all night long, and now you’re acting like you don’t want this”
There’s a split second where she’s genuinely afraid of him, because his grip is unrelenting, and the look in his eyes suggests that he doesn’t care whether she gives in willingly or not.
And as soon as the idea of yelling for help crosses her mind, the feeling is gone.
Because she’s torn away from Steven’s hold, and there’s a secure hold around her waist.
“Why don’t you fuck off, Matson” A voice mutters.
All of the fear she’d previously felt disappeared, and it’s replaced by the surprise of having Richie right there next to her, keeping her firmly held against his side.
He’s being protective.
Steven rolls his eyes, obviously not giving a shit about Richie’s little display.  He scoffs, glancing from Richie to (y/n).
“Come on, why don’t you tell your little guard dog here that you can speak for yourself, and that he can go and fuck off now?” Steven asks.
(y/n) scoffs, staring at him with disgust, and honestly, she should spit on him.  She wants to spit on him, fuck she really wants to step forward and spit right on his face-
“Matson, I swear to fucking god, if another shitty fucking thing comes out of your mouth, I’ll break it,” Richie’s hand is tightening on her hip, and he’s pushing her behind him a bit.  “Seriously, walk away”
He’s practically growling, and even when they were friends she’d never seen him so… angry.
“Richie fucking Tozier why are you here being a buzzkill?” Steven spat out, taking a daring step forward.  “She clearly doesn’t even give a shit about you, so why don’t you just-”
The loud crack of skin on skin was a sharp echo, and anyone in a five foot radius could hear the burning sensation on Steven’s cheek.
(y/n) was panting, and she shook out her hand, because the slap stung her palm more than she thought it would.
“Fuck you” She muttered to the boy who was holding his cheek and whining like a baby.
She cast a glance towards Richie for a short moment, before shoving past him and making her way to the door.  She was done with this night, this party, she just wanted to go home and curl up into a ball under her blankets and forget all of this had happened.
Of course, she wasn’t able to leave that easy, and as soon as she walked out the door, someone hollered for her.
She looked back at Richie, before shaking her head, and continuing her trek.
“What do you want?” She muttered, leaving him no choice but to chase after her in order to catch up.
She barely even looked at him.
“Jesus, (y/n/n), give me some credit, I’m here to make sure you’re okay”
“Wow,” She rolls her eyes.  “Thanks.  Really,”
Her voice is monotone, so he knows she doesn’t mean it, and it’s annoying, but she continues before he can come up with some witty snap back remark.
She stops in her tracks, whirling around and shoving an accusatory finger into his chest.  He stumbles backward, caught off guard from the sudden action, but he catches his footing, left to watch her explode.
“Thanks for showing up, and for being there.  Wow, Richie.  Just… wow”
It’s more of a simmer than an explosion, but it feels just as bad.
(y/n) starts to walk off again, but Richie just runs up to her side again.
“For fucks sake (y/n)- will you pause for just a second-?”
“No!” She shouts, shaking her head furiously.  “No, Rich, I won’t, I’m not going to- I- I can’t wait for you anymore, I’m tired of waiting for you,” Her voice cracks, and he knows that if she starts crying right now, then he’s going to break.  “So can you please just… just go back to icing me out because it was honestly easier”
She sniffles, and turns away to walk home in peace.  It hurts to walk away but she’s just so tired of his bullshit.  Never before had her own body felt so heavy, each step making her bed more and more enticing.
Richie didn’t say anything, but he kept walking next to her.
She looked up at him, teary eyes narrowed, and her brow furrowed in a glare, but Richie just shrugged his shoulders.
“Well I’m not gonna let you walk yourself home alone at this time of night,” He said, and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.  “So you’ll just have to put up with me for the next ten minutes”
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes again, but doesn’t give him the benefit of a remark, opting instead to keep her mouth shut.
She makes it a whole minute before feeling compelled to say something.
“What were you even doing there?” She muttered out, wrapping her arms around herself tightly.  “I thought you hated parties now”
He lets out a chuckle, earning another glare from the girl.
“To come save you, obviously,” He teases, which she definitely doesn’t appreciate.  “I just thought I’d give it a shot, seeing as I had nothing else going on tonight”
She didn’t know what she wanted to hear, but that certainly wasn’t it.  And Richie could tell, because she was frowning.
“Are you mad?” He asked with a chuckle.
“You did not just fucking ask me that” She mutters back.
“(y/n), you asked, what did you want me to say?” He asks, and she just scoffs.
“I didn’t need you to swoop in like some hero and rescue me, Richie,” She told him.  “You might find this hard to believe, but I’ve actually learned to live on my own now thank you very much.  And with that means I can protect myself, I don’t need you to-”
“Alright, I get it,” He mutters.  “Your ‘standing back and doing nothing’ was your way of standing up for yourself,” He says, and before (y/n) can argue, he’s muttering again.  “My apologies, I didn’t realize you had that handled.  Which is why I came over to help your ass-”
“Alright, that’s enough-”
“-which would have been his, by the way, had I not intervened”
“Congratu-fucking-lations!” (y/n) shrieked.  “Go ahead and pat yourself on the fucking back then.  What do you want from me? Huh? Do you really think I would’ve let Steven fucking Matson have his way with me?”
“No, I don’t think that,” Richie mumbled.  “But I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.  Or grabbing you like that-”
“Wow,” (y/n) rolled her eyes.  “I honestly didn’t think you still gave a fuck”
Richie looked down at her, but she’d rendered him speechless, so he didn’t say anything.  He looked forward as they walked in silence for a little while longer.
It was silent until they got to her porch.
She looked up at him, with a sad sort of expression, like looking at him broke her heart.  And quite frankly, it did.
“Thanks for walking me home, Richie,” She said in a soft mutter.  “You can go back to forgetting about me now”
She turned to walk inside, but his hand stopped her.  It wrapped around her wrist delicately, in a hold much more gentle than Steven had her in earlier.  If she wanted, she could tug her arm away and go inside.  If she wanted.  
“For the fucking record,” Richie muttered down to her, voice so low it was almost in a growl like it had been earlier.  “I wasn’t icing you out because I wanted to.  You think I want to? For fucks sake (y/n), I couldn’t be around you anymore because I was so goddamn in love with you that it hurt being around you when you obviously didn’t feel the same way.  You don’t know how much it fucking sucks being friendzoned by you.  I thought it was going to be easier not having you around, than having you right in front of me, and out of reach,”
Her heart is pounding, and she could feel it everywhere.  From her chest to her stomach to her through to her cheek to the very tips of her fingers- she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Richie had been in love with her? It was almost too good to be true, and normally she wouldn’t believe it, but she could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice, he’d never been more serious about anything.
“I’m sorry for doing it,” He continues.  “But if I hadn’t, I would’ve lost my fucking mind”
“That’s such bullshit,” (y/n) mumbles, her breath hitching in her throat.  “You shut me out because you had feelings for me?” She asks, and Richie furrows his brows, offended by the outburst.  “Did you ever think about- I don’t know- just telling me?” She asks with a humorless laugh.  “I mean, jesus Richie, we would’ve been together this whole fucking time, but instead you make me think that you hate me and you shut me out-”
“Hold on- stop- you liked me?” Richie asks, shocked by her off-handed confession.
“Liked you?” (y/n) repeats breathlessly.  “Richie, I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, you fucking dumbass-”
She raises her hand up to shove him in the chest, but he captures it with his own before leaning over and kissing her.  It’s sudden, so sudden that she trips on nothing but the sheer surprise of his lips on hers, but Richie’s arm wraps around her waist, securing her against him.
A sigh escapes her, one of content and safety, and she melts against him, almost becoming a puddle on her doorstep.  The hand in his is held tightly against his chest, and the other is gripping his shoulder, keeping her balanced.
He kisses her again, quickly, before she can completely pull away.  Just in case she decides to walk through her door and never look at him again.
When they part, it’s slow, and his hand flies up to cup her cheek, a quick but gentle action, and his thumb traces over her cheekbone with a featherlight touch.
Her eyes are still shut, and she blindly leans forward a bit, close enough that when she whispers, he feels it against his lips.
“Are you gonna go back to ignoring me?”
He chuckles, stealing another quick peck, before shaking his head.
She finally opens her eyes, and instantly, there’s a smile on her lips.
“I guess that depends, on if you want to go out with me tomorrow night?”
“To a party?” She asks.
“No, of course not,” Richie shakes his head.  “Anything else, literally anything else” He murmurs, and she grins even wider, nodding her head.
“Yeah, yeah anything else sounds good to me” She agrees softly.  
She’s still nodding, in a shaky sort of way, and Richie has to cup her face in both hands to get her to stop.
“Okay,” He hums.  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, then”
“Okay,” She repeats.  “I’ll see you tomorrow”
He gives her a grin, before letting go of her, and stepping back.
“Alright then” He hums.
She watches him go, a delighted smile on her face.  Her heart is still pounding in her chest, and she thinks it might never stop.
“Wait, Rich,”
She calls when he’s descended her front steps, and she’s quick to race up to him, wrap her arms around him, and lean over the few inches that she’s towered above him, and kiss him one more time.
His arms encircle her waist, holding her flush against his chest.  She’s on her tiptoes on the step, and one of her feet lifts off the ground, both from the bliss and from Richie picking her up, just a little bit.
“I just wanted one more,” She murmured, and Richie laughed, kissing her quickly once more, and then again.  “Okay, Romeo,” She sighed.  “You better go home before my parents come out and see us”
“Fine, fine,” He sighed, and backed away, reluctantly releasing her from his arms.  “Tomorrow”
“Tomorrow” She says back.
She combs her fingers through his hair for a second, before turning and actually heading inside.
With a content sigh, she leans her back against the front door, eyes falling shut as her mind wandered to the events of the night.  It was ridiculous, how quick of a turn things went.  And now, she was going to see Richie tomorrow, for a date.  She couldn't believe it.
“Who was that boy?” A voice asked, making her perk up, and realize her mother had been waiting there at the door.
“Richie,” (y/n) replied.  “He walked me home”
“Richie your friend?” Her mother replied.  “You’re friends again?”
(y/n) grinned, nodding her head.
“Well, I’m going to bed,” She said.  “G’night, mom-”
“You’re dating this boy, now?”
“Richie,” (y/n) reminded, pausing on the steps to look down at her.  “And yes, I- I think I am”
Her mother shakes her head, and lets out a small scoff.
“Really, (y/n)? Of all your options-”
“Oh, fuck off,” (y/n) laughs, trying not to listen too closely to the harsh words.  “Don’t go acting like you give a shit now”
She ascends the stairs, and forgets about her mother’s cruel idea of parenting.  It won’t matter tomorrow, though.  So she thinks about tomorrow.  Because she’s gotten Richie back, and he’s all hers now.
taglist: @thegr8kush​
xoxo ~ jordie
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Always and Forever
Summary: Bucky met the love of his life in 1942 and she lost him in 1945.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Happy. Sweet. Then sad. Sad. Sad. Sad. I also wrote this in 40 minutes so if it’s shit... well at least it’s got Bucky in it.
All Writings Masterlist
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He met her in 1942.
The dancehall was filled with men twirling their ladies on the dance floor. The air was thick with laughter and joy. She was standing alone, drinking a small glass of wine, twirling her fingers around the rim of the wine glass. And Bucky saw her and almost lost his breath, losing feelings in his knees. She was so damn gorgeous in her light purple dress that went down to her knees and the sleeves went to her elbows with pearls around her neck. Her lips were painted red and he envied when she brought the wine glass to her lips.
“Now how is it the most beautiful woman here is all alone at the bar?” Bucky asks, a crooked grin on his lips with his hands tucked into his black plants. He wore his dress greens and his hat was slightly tilted on his head.
Y/N looked over at him from under her darkened eyelashes, a smile playing on her red lips, “Maybe I’m just waiting for the right man to ask me to dance.” She replied in a soft tone, her eyes examining every feature of his face. He was very handsome, but also cute in the way he had that boyish grin on his lips. His blue eyes were hypnotizing, possibly the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.
Bucky took a step closer to her, “Well then, doll, may I have this dance?” He asks, holding his hand out for her to take. The tempo of the music changed from a quick paced song to a slow song played on a piano.
Y/N bit her bottom lip softly, her eyes flickering to his outstretched hand before back up to his eyes, “You may.” She said to him, setting her glass down on the bar and taking his hand in her’s. He lead her to the dance floor, gently placing one had on the small of her back and holding her hand against his chest. Y/N placed one hand up around the back of his neck, swaying in tune with him as she watched him closely with a small smile on her lips.
Bucky grinned down at her, a little bit in disbelief he was able to get her onto the dance floor with him. But another man’s loss was his treasure. He felt butterflies in his stomach at holding her close to him, finally finding his words, “What’s your name, doll?”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She told him in her soft voice, “And what’s your name?”
“Sergeant James Barnes.” Bucky replied with a crooked grin, “But all my friends and pretty girls call me Bucky.”
“And which category do I fall into?” Y/N asks up to him, squeezing her hand in his gently.
Bucky couldn’t help but feel breathless at the squeeze of his hand from her, “Both, I’m hoping.” The rest of their dance was silent as they stared up into each other’s eyes. Bucky could swear he could feel electricity run through him with every touch she gave him, every light squeeze of his hand. It wasn’t long until the dancehall started to close up and people started clearing out. Bucky walked her out of the dancehall, arm around her waist gently as he walked her home like a gentleman. He was joking with her, making her laugh and it was like music to his ears. When he got to her front door to her apartment, he was grinning down at her, “Can I see you again, Y/N?”
Y/N smiled at him, tilting her head slightly allowing her curls to fall to one side of her neck, “I would be offended if you didn’t.” She replied, standing on her toes in her heels to press a kiss on his cheek that left an imprint on his skin due to her red lipstick, “Goodnight, Bucky.”
“Goodnight, doll.” Bucky’s face hurt with how large of a grin sat on his lips.
With that, their magical night ended. But it didn’t take long for them to see each other again and again. They were crazy about each other, always laughing and hanging off of each other that it caused old ladies to glare at their forwardness in public affection. Anytime Bucky saw Y/N, he would pick her up in his arms and spin her around leaving kisses on her nose, cheeks, and finally to her lips. He wore her red lipstick on his face proudly, never wiping it away. He took her to fairs, buying her all the cotton candy and winning all the stuffed animals they could carry. Bucky always had to be touching her whether it was holding her hand, his arm around her waist, his hand on the small of her back, or his arm dangling over her shoulders. He had proudly introduced Y/N to his best friend Steve, who although seemed a tad bit jealous of their relationship, became quick friends with Y/N. Bucky even introduced her to his family who adored her greatly.
They sat in Bucky’s car at the drive in movie, Bucky feeding her bits of popcorn and not even paying attention to the movie on the big screen in front of them. His full attention was on her, one arm wrapped around her shoulders. Once the popcorn in his free hand was gone, he grabs her chin between his fingers and pulls her face to look him in the eyes, “Y/N…” He began, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, you know that? You drive me crazy, like literally crazy. I was wondering…” He paused, his face scanning her’s, “Will you be my girl?”
Y/N smiles over at him, chuckling a little at his question, “Sergeant Barnes, I thought I already was.” She said over to him softly, “That’s what I’ve been telling all my girlfriends anyway.”
Bucky beamed at her response, leaning towards her and kissing those red lips he loved so much. His arm around her shoulder pulled her in closer, deepening the kiss as he ran his tongue along her lower lip as if to beg to enter and when her lips parted, he didn’t waste anytime letting his tongue explore the inside of her mouth. They didn’t end up watching the rest of the movie, not that they were really paying attention in the first place. They couldn’t keep their lips off of each other, smiling at each other between kisses and giggling as well. Bucky drove her home and ended up sleeping next to her, being a perfect gentleman and not making any moves to go any further but also not letting her out of his grasp as they slept.
Y/N stared at Bucky’s orders saying he would be shipped off to England in two days. Her eyes were brimming with tears, knowing he was watching her intently. She couldn’t imagine him leaving and what scared her more is if he would come back mentally or physically broken as many men did. She sniffled a little and slowly looked up to him, “I’m so very proud of you, Bucky.” She said, her voice breaking a little as she held back her sad feelings, “I just wish you could stay here safe with me.”
Bucky sighs deeply, pulling Y/N into his arms as he did many times before. He gently kisses the top of her head, rubbing a hand up and down her back, “I know, doll… But I have to go. Gotta keep the world safe for you.” He released his grip on her to move his hands to her cheeks, making her look at him as he stroked tears away from her cheeks with his thumbs, “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, James.” Y/N replies softly, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss to his lips. She told herself she was going to spend the next few days memorizing the way his lips felt against her’s so she wouldn’t forget while he was away, “You need to tell Steve.”
Bucky sighs, nodding down to her slowly, “I know… I’ll tell him tomorrow. But tonight, it’s just me and my best girl. My only girl.” He said, smiling down at her. He spent the rest of the night making Y/N’s favorite meal and after dancing with her in the living room to the radio like the first night they met. He knew it was breaking Y/N’s heart that he would have to leave her and it was breaking his too. He looked down at her as they danced, her head rested on his chest as if she was listening to his heartbeat, “I promise I’ll make up all the lost time, doll.” He whispered down to her before leaving a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
The next day, Bucky went to tell Steve about his orders and then met up with him again at the Stark Expo. Y/N even brought a friend to try and press Steve into a double date, but he had managed to slip off with Barnes going to find him. When Bucky came back to Y/N, he told her Steve was trying to enlist again and that they had shared their goodbyes. Y/N apologized to her friend for the failed date but she didn’t seem that upset about it, going off with some other guy she had met while at the expo. Bucky spend the rest of the time on his last date with Y/N walking around the expo, kissing her and touching her any chance he could.
The next day, Y/N walked with Bucky to where his unit would be shipped off to England. Her tears had not stopped rolling down her cheeks since she had awoken. She had prayed that last night would just pause and she would have all the time in the world with him, dreading today. She bit her lip and looked up at him, “Bucky… Please come back to me.” She whispered up to him, “Please.”
Bucky did his best to smile down at her, his own eyes filled with tears but not letting them fall down his cheeks, “I promise I will, Y/N. You’re my girl, I need you.” He told her, pulling a small box out of his pocket and opening it in front of her, “Until then, do me a favor? Keep this ring on your finger to keep all the men away from my girl.”
Y/N smiled up to him, nodding, “Of course.” She said, holding out her left hand and letting him slide the ring onto her finger. Over the loud speaker a voice came on to let the soldiers know that it was the last chance to board. Y/N jumped into his arms, hugging him so tight that she was afraid to let go, “Oh Bucky, I love you. Be safe. Please. Don’t do anything stupid or reckless or be a hero. Just be my Bucky and come back to me.” She pleaded.
Bucky hugged her tightly, breathing in the scent of her perfume she always wore, “I will, doll. I will.” He whispered to her before pulling her in for a deep kiss. He wished he could stay in this moment forever, his lips against her’s but he pulled away and placed his hands on her cheeks, “I love you so much. Always and forever.”
Y/N did her best to smile although she was sure she looked like a wreck, “I love you. Always and forever.” She watched him release her and pick up his bag, heading towards the rest of his unit that was boarding. He looked back at her a few times with a smile and she tried her best to smile back at him until he was out of view.
As promised, Y/N kept the ring on her finger to deter any man from getting to close to her. There had been many letters back and forth between her and Bucky but it was never enough no matter how many pages were in the envelopes. Her heart ached for his return and it had been two long years since she had felt his touch. She spent a lot of time with Bucky’s family, more specifically his sister Rebecca.
A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts as she was baking cookies to comfort herself. She pulled off the oven mitt and opened the door, her heart dropping instantly when she saw two men dressed in military greens at her door. She brought her hand to cover her mouth, shaking her head as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing in front of her.
“Are you Miss. Y/L/N?” One of the men ask and Y/N just managed to nod slightly, feeling her knees weaken, “"I have been asked to inform you that your fiancé has been reported dead in Austria. Sergeant Barnes fell from a train on a mission with the Howling Commandos. On the behalf of the Secretary of Defense, I extend to you my deepest sympathy in your great loss.”
Y/N collapsed to the floor, tears running down her cheeks as she let out loud wails in her heartbreak, “He promised..” She sobs out, “He promised always and forever…”
Present Time
Bucky walked up to the stone grave, Y/N's name etched into the stone. It pained him every time he saw a different last name from his etched in stone but he was happy she found love again. He visited whenever he could and it always made tears well up in his eyes. He repeated the same thing he always did when he came to her grave, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I broke every promise I made to you. I did the stupid and reckless things like you told me not to do." He said, kneeling down and placing the sunflowers on the grass next to the stone before running his fingers of his flesh hand over her name, "But I still love you, doll. Always and forever. You're my best girl. My only girl."
Bucky Taglist: @buckypops @stcrryslibrary
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kurowrites · 3 years
Five Times Lan Zhan (Kind Of) Proposed to Wei Ying
Oh, so you thought they wouldn’t be a disaster until the very end? Well, you thought wrong!
Find the earlier posts here.
By the time Wei Ying woke up the next morning, Lan Zhan had predictably been awake for some time and was ready to ‘reward’ Wei Ying for his help the previous night with a delicious breakfast. How Lan Zhan managed to get all this food ready without waking Wei Ying he had no idea, but he did appreciate the gesture, nonetheless.
As he said before, Lan Zhan and delicious food was the opposite of a hardship.
Wei Ying let himself be momentarily distracted by some tasty steamed buns, but it was superficially only. He knew that Mianmian had been right when she had told him to talk to Lan Zhan. Unfortunately.
“Lan Zhan,” he spoke up once he had finished his first steamed bun. “I think you need to be a little more careful. Do you remember what happened last night?”
Lan Zhan was quiet for a long time, and elected to stare down at the steamed bun in front of him rather than at Wei Ying.
“Did I cause trouble for Wei Ying?” he asked eventually, quietly.
So contrite! Wei Ying couldn’t handle it.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying sighed. “If this is you causing trouble, then I really don’t want to know my own performance rating.”
He took a bite of a second steamed bun and chewed, thoughtful.
“Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny to see you get drunk the first few times. But now, I’m getting kind of worried, actually. It’s not like you, is what I’m thinking. Especially after that whole Jin Zixun debacle.”
He looked up and found Lan Zhan gazing at him, his eyes unreadable.
“Come on, Lan Zhan,” he wheedled. “Give me something to work with. Is this a late teenage rebellion? Do you need counselling? A fire and brimstone lecture that alcohol is bad for you? Don’t laugh! Lan Zhan, I’m trying to be serious here!”
But Lan Zhan only looked faintly amused with Wei Ying’s suggestions and didn’t reply.
Wei Ying pouted. He was trying to be helpful! Why was Lan Zhan suddenly uncooperative?
“Lan Zhaaaan,” he whined, and that brought Lan Zhan’s attention back to him, the amusement disappearing from his face.
“I am fine, Wei Ying,” he said. “I will stop attending parties if that is what you want.”
“I didn’t say you can’t come to parties!” Wei Ying exclaimed. “I just think we should keep you from getting drunk.”
He paused for one moment, considering.
“I think I just don’t like it when you do things and I have no idea what’s going on in your brain,” he eventually confessed. “It’s cute, don’t get me wrong, but –”
He fell silent, not sure how to tell Lan Zhan about the times when Lan Zhan had snuggled up to Wei Ying. Or gave him presents. Or told him he was going to marry Wei Ying before having his way with him.
“Lan Zhan, do you like me?” he asked abruptly.
Lan Zhan looked a little confused at the sudden question, but he nodded his head and hummed in agreement.
Wei Ying felt himself blush. Of course he’d known that Lan Zhan must like him a little bit, but it was very different to hear it confirmed by a Lan Zhan that was completely sober.
“I like you too, Lan Zhan, just so we’re clear,” he assured his friend. “More than Jiang Cheng, actually, but don’t tell him that. He’ll be sooo mad.”
He smiled, remembering the first time he had said the same thing to a drunk Lan Zhan.
“And you, Lan Zhan?” he teased. “Do you like me more than… rabbits?”
He didn’t ask if Lan Zhan liked him more than Lan Huan, because he wasn’t quite that hubristic.
Lan Zhan’s eyes strayed towards the little rabbit plush toy on his nightstand.
“Hn,” he eventually agreed.
“Ayooo,” Wei Ying exclaimed. “I’m above rabbits? What an honour!”
Lan Zhan nodded, opened his lips as if to say something, and then closed them again.
Wei Ying took notice of the little motion and perked up, his interest piqued.
“Lan Zhan? What is it? No taking it back! I’ve heard it with my own to ears.”
“Not taking it back,” Lan Zhan replied. “But –”
Quite uncharacteristically, he fell silent in the middle of his speech, and seemed to be searching for the right words.
Wei Ying was willing to wait him out, because Lan Zhan never said anything before he was ready to say it. But Lan Zhan didn’t speak up again. Instead, he stood in one abrupt motion, and walked over to the nightstand. He bypassed the rabbit and opened the top drawer of the nightstand. He took something out, and returned to Wei Ying’s side.
He held out a little box to Wei Ying.
“It is not meant as a commitment,” he said. “I do not wish to… trap you. But these have been my feelings for a long time.”
Wei Ying took the little box with shaky fingers. Of course he knew the shape of the box that Lan Zhan presented to him. It was a jewellery box. And jewellery meant…
He opened the little box, his heart nearly thundering out of his chest.
Inside was a beautiful ring, rather delicate, with the tiniest little ruby heart set into it.
Wei Ying gasped.
It was so small and delicate, it almost didn’t seem as if it was meant for him. And yet, it was somehow… perfect.
“Lan Zhan,” he asked with a shaky voice, “is that an engagement ring?”
“It is whatever Wei Ying wants it to be,” Lan Zhan replied, and to his credit, his voice sounded perfectly calm and steady.
But when Wei Ying peeled his eyes away from the ring box and looked up at Lan Zhan, he could clearly see how nervous Lan Zhan was. It showed all too plainly on his face.
Wei Ying had never seen him like this. He’d never seen Lan Zhan want something so openly.
Lan Zhan was a mess.
And that, more than anything else, did Wei Ying in.
His own emotions hadn’t quite caught up with him yet, but that didn’t matter. They would have ample time to catch up later. All that mattered was Lan Zhan, right now.
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying cried out, abandoning the little box and throwing himself at Lan Zhan, nearly taking down their breakfast with him. He wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan’s neck and clung to him, not planning to let go anytime soon.
“You should be more careful,” he warned once he had remembered that he was capable of speech. “When you say things like that too often, you might end up with me stuck to you for good.”
“Hn,” Lan Zhan agreed, and unless Wei Ying was completely wrong, he sounded suspiciously satisfied with the idea.
Which, honestly, suited Wei Ying just fine. If Lan Zhan was willing to put up with him, Wei Ying was going to stick to him forever. Not even Lan Zhan’s uncle would be able to peel him off.
“Oh!” He suddenly remembered, righting himself and wriggling around, until he properly sat in Lan Zhan’s lap. “Put it on, put it on! You have to put it on me!”
He eagerly fished for the abandoned box and pushed it at Lan Zhan.
“It’s an engagement ring,” he pompously decided. “I’m going to marry you and we’ll be so happy that everybody will be jealous.”
Lan Zhan didn’t say anything, but when he put the ring on Wei Ying’s finger – of course it was a perfect fit – he did so with an air of distinct satisfaction.
Later, when Wei Ying was snuggled into Lan Zhan’s bed with Lan Zhan as his cushion, he studied the ring on his finger as Lan Zhan carded his fingers through Wei Ying’s hair.
He was liar, probably. Lan Zhan had been trying to tell him something important for a while now, and Wei Ying had been too afraid to listen. Because… why, exactly? He didn’t know.
He’d just desperately clung to ignorance. Probably because he hadn’t thought this possible.
He turned his face and smiled at Lan Zhan, and Lan Zhan returned it with a small, but equally happy smile.
“I really, really like you Lan Zhan, you know that?” Wei Ying asked. “Even without the ring.”
“Hn,” Lan Zhan replied. “But I like the ring.”
“Me too,” Wei Ying confessed, and raised his hand again, to look at the ring on his finger again. “I don’t have one for you, though.”
“When we marry,” Lan Zhan said. All matter of fact.
It struck Wei Ying, then.
They were engaged. Which meant they would get married. And then have many cute babies and they would grow old together and…
“Aaaaaah,” Wei Ying cried, burying his face into Lan Zhan’s chest because he wasn’t able to bear the feeling of happiness rising in his chest.
“Graduation first,” Lan Zhan added.
“No illicit elopement?” Wei Ying asked with a grin, only the tiniest bit serious. After all, getting to boast that Lan Zhan was going to marry him was half the fun of a big wedding ceremony.
“No,” Lan Zhan decided. “When I marry Wei Ying, I will do it right.”
And that was that.
So simple.
“Hn,” Wei Ying replied, and then he laughed before he kissed Lan Zhan’s nose, wrinkled in offence.
A big wedding ceremony would be a disaster, and it would be perfect.
For them.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, Lan Zhan, but I think there should be absolutely no alcohol allowed at our wedding. Ouch, why did you bite me? I’m just looking out for you!”
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comfortwriting · 3 years
The Haunt Of Happy Couples - F.W
Masterlist, Writing Prompt Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Taglist
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Prompt 63: You blushed and shook your head, hiding behind your book.
Prompt 64: The butterflies in your stomach flew around in circles, looking across the class his gaze met with yours, he smirked and winked at you.
About: Fred and Y/N have been sharing glances, flashing smirks and giggles for months but haven’t said a word to one another - only admiring from a distance. One afternoon, Fred decides to take things to the next level, as gentlemanly as he can be. 
Warnings: mega fluff! mention of food and eating. 
“Y/N” Your friend Becky whispered over breakfast “he’s looking at you again.”
You blushed and shook your head, hiding behind your book.
By ‘he’ you know who she meant - it couldn’t be anyone other than Fred Weasley, the lad in the year above who constantly got into trouble, and was always up to no good with his twin.
At first, it started off with meeting each others gaze of breakfast, it only happened once or twice until it became an everyday occurrence.
Soon enough, the two of you shared glances everywhere you passed, Fred throwing in the knee-shaking wink once or twice when he felt extra cheeky, making you blush and giggle which made him break out into the biggest smiles you had ever seen.
The two of you maintained eye contact, sharing these winks, blushes, and giggles through the halls, over your meals across the table, high up in the stands whilst you watched him play Quidditch; so much so you were becoming each others shadows, despite never actually saying a word to each other.
“He looks at me every day, Becky” you replied, a smile creeping up on your lips, still hiding behind your book - trying to play hard to get.
“I still can’t understand why you won’t ask him out, I mean..” your friend trailed off, realising she could be potentially stepping into dangerous waters - but you couldn’t blame how she felt - Fred had to be the most gorgeous lad you ever laid eyes on, every single thing about him was nothing short of perfect.
You gave her an odd look “The guy always makes the first move, besides, even if I wanted to I’m too scared! I don’t want to scare him off!!” you huffed.
Becky put her hands up in defence “I wasn’t going to make a move! Everyone knows you’re practically his girl”
You felt your cheeks heat up, Fred elevated in his seat, trying to catch glances of you whilst you were hiding away, his heart fluttering watching them flush red, he put his head down, pretending to focus on the boring Daily Prophet, listening in on your conversation.
“you wouldn’t scare him off either” she sighed, sipping the last few drops of her pumpkin juice “he wouldn’t flinch if Snape yelled at him”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, Becky was right, you wouldn’t scare Fred off at all, even if you had two heads. “But Snape doesn’t yell” you laughed, rolling your eyes, lowering your book down as you started to cool off.
The sound of your laughter was music to Fred’s ears, his heart fluttering even more, like butterflies being freed from their cocoons.
You and Becky left the table, setting off to your first class, you usually waited outside the great hall for Fred and suddenly pretend to bump into him - Fred knew you waited there on purpose and he thought it was the cutest thing in the world.
“You going to ask her then, Freddie?” George asked, watching you walk out.
Fred smiled to himself and folded up the newspaper on the table, placing it down on the table “you know what George” Fred replied, “I think I will.”
Fred stood up tall and waltzed out of the great hall, his brother following behind. Replaying the word he would say over and over in his head and going through the plan if you were to say yes, Valentines Day coming around the corner.
Finding you stood in the same place every morning like clockwork, his eyes searched your gorgeous Y/E/C ones, he walked towards you, your heart racing.
Oh my god, he’s walking over, he’s actually getting closer, he’s not doing this by accident. Play it cool, don’t be too excited but don’t be too moody, don’t overthink things, don’t underthink just breathe--
“Hello love” Fred smiled, now standing beside you.
This is the closest he had ever been, you could now count the individual freckles on his face, you could study his brown eyes, his eyelashes and soft lips, you could see the fabric of his clothing, you could smell his unbelievable, sweet and comforting scent.
“H-Hi Fred” you smiled back, your voice slightly shaking.
Becky stood there awkwardly, already feeling like a third wheel, slightly jealous but so excited that the ball was finally rolling.
“Uh,” Becky interrupted “I’ll see you in class, Y/N.” smiling and walking away, waving goodbye.
“I was wondering” Fred pursed his lips, feeling more nervous than he ever had in his life “if you uh, wanted to go out on a date in Hogsmeade, with Valentine’s Day coming up and that.”
Your heart sped up so fast you started to get dizzy, the world around you spinning uncontrollably like you were travelling through a portkey, your thoughts of excitement and pure shock drowning out the other students passing by.
He wants to go on a date... with me... with me... no other girl, just me.
Fred couldn’t help but feel relieved and fall even more in love with you because of your facial expression, although no words had escaped your mouth, you were smiling widely and your cheeks were as hot as usual, your eyes full of stars.
“Yeah of course I would love to” you babbled, starting to stumble over your words, the heat from your cheeks spreading across the rest of your face.
Fred couldn’t help but laugh at how cute you were, he brushed his golden hair out of his face, licking his lips.
“Saturday, I’ll wait for you here and we’ll go to Hogsmeade for the day” he smiled “don’t bring any money, everything is on me.”
The two of you stared at one another awkwardly, suddenly realising the number of students who were pushing past to get to their classes, you smiled sweetly and adjusted your bag on your shoulder.
“Well, I’ll see you Saturday” you blushed.
“Bright and early!” Fred replied, nodding, winking you goodbye and reuniting with his twin.
You were ecstatic, delirious even - you were going on a date with Fred Weasley, the lad that all the girls swooned over and talked about, you of all people. You rarely felt good about yourself, but this... this made you feel more alive than ever, finally catching up to other girls in the race, and beating them as you inched closer to the finish line.
Throughout Divination, you messed with Becky, refusing to tell her what happened whilst she got a head start to the worlds most boring lesson. All you could do was smirk, blush, laugh and smirk again, you were on cloud nine and couldn’t see yourself coming off it anytime soon.
“Please!” She begged, groaning at the tea leaves in the bottom of her cup “I’m desperate.”
You grabbed her cup and looked at her tea leaves, reading them “looks as if you’ve got an angry snake” you replied, pretending to cower in fear as Trelawney passed by.
“Oh come off it!” Becky complained, leaning back in her chair “I wasn’t on about that-”
“I know, I know, alright” you cut her off, giving in “He asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him on Saturday.”
Becky’s jaw dropped and an excited grin splashed across her face, she leaned in so fast on her chair she nearly sent her cup and saucer flying across the room.
“Oh that’s absolutely brilliant, Y/N!” she beamed, clapping her hands together and rubbing them “so, where is he taking you?”
“I’m not sure” you shrugged “somewhere in Hogsmeade!” you replied, beaming back at her, feeling the excitement sprout and bloom all over again in your tummy.
“Valentine’s Day too!” she squealed “oh how romantic, you and Fred, wow!”
“I know!” you giggled, looking over your cup and pretending to read your tea leaves, the two of you going quiet as Trelawney walked past again “I’m really excited” you whispered.
“What's the plan then, Freddie?” George asked, walking off the Quidditch pitch, mud and dirt covering his knees, arms, and chest.
“Well” sighed Fred, his muscles hurting slightly, “I’m going to take her to that tea shop, Madam Puddifoot’s, is it?”
“Oh yeah” grinned George, walking into the changing rooms, sitting down on the bench “ tacky, frilly, and cramped?”
Fred flipped his brother off and started to get undressed, thinking about what he would wear and how he would woo you.
“I’m quite nervous” he admitted “she’s the only girl I’ve ever really fancied” Fred pulled off his shirt, grabbing his towel to go for a shower.
George pulled his shoes off in synch with his brother, groaning from his backache “makes you go all tingly does she?” he teased.
“Oh bugger off” Fred yelled behind him, walking into the showers and stepping underneath the warm, running water.
George laughed “I’m only bloody joking, she’s so tiny compared to you, I think she’s proper cute” he grabbed a towel of his own and went for a shower too.
You counted down the days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and now finally Friday.
Unfortunately, no matter how nervous or excited you were, your last class of the day was dragging like no other; you were perched on your stool in Snape’s gloomy and cold dungeon, following the same sentence in your potions book - over and over and over, none of it making any sense. You were so drunk on the excitement of tomorrows date you thought you could hear Fred’s voice from behind you, you were going mad, surely, until -
“Y/N” Becky whispered daringly “look behind you”
Turning around and looking over your shoulder, Fred stood in the large, arched doorway, the butterflies in your stomach flew around in circles, looking across the class his gaze met with yours, he smirked and winked at you.
“What is so important, Mr Weasley?” Snape droned on, looking up from his projector.
Fred unfolded his arms “I’ve got a note that excuses me from next weeks detention” he spoke up.
You felt tempted to ‘ooo’ him but you knew Snape wouldn’t stand for it - detention with him alone scared you.
Snape sour expression became more exaggerated and his greasy hair fell in front of his face “do you have a note?”
“Yeah” Fred replied, digging in his pocket and pulling it out, handing it to Snape “there”
Snape looked over it for a second and appeared to be most displeased, almost clenching his teeth “Your head of house will be notified when I have chosen a day to reschedule, now get out.”
Snape faced the back of the class and continued to teach, Fred winked at you and mouth “I’ll see you tomorrow, love.”
You turned around and covered your mouth with your hand, if tomorrow didn’t come soon enough you felt as if you could explode. Luckily, after Snape’s class, the rest of your day flew by, but as you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, you couldn’t fall asleep - no matter how hard you tried.
You kept going over and over everything you would say, the questions you might ask, how you were going to laugh and smile, if you would hold his hand if he reached out for it, you were running through everything that would happen naturally and so did Fred.
He couldn’t sleep either, he stared at his clothes, the hand-me-down trousers from Bill, the boots from Charlie and the beautifully knitted jumper from his mother, Molly, the massive ‘F’ staring back at him, encouraging him to get some sleep.
Taking a deep breath, you left the common room after giving Becky a tight hug, Fred also on his way, gave George a thumbs up, both of you getting closer and closer.
You could make out the massive green ‘F’ on Fred’s brown jumper as he inched closer and closer, his maroon trousers and black boots making him look as if he were some sort of model or band member. Your heart pounded and you could feel yourself forget everything you went over one hundred times over the night before.
Play it cool, play it cool, it’s just a date - holy shit he’s so beautiful.
Fred fell head over heels at the sight of you out of your robes and in the long-sleeved yellow frilly dress, your daffodil necklace twinkling when the sun beamed down upon it, your adorable denim teddy bear Mary Jane buckle shoes made Fred want to run over and lift you up into his arms.
“Fancy seeing you here” he joked, pushing stray hairs behind his ears.
You nodded and laughed lightly “what a coincidence!”
Your walk to Hogsmeade couldn’t have gone any better, the two of you had plenty to talk about, and plenty more to laugh and smirk about, you were so interested in his dad’s career, along with his brothers Bill and Charlie. Fred couldn’t help but tease you for your perfect clean record, zero detentions and only scoring high grades.
When sharing things about yourself with Fred, he focused hard listened, remembering little details and making mental notes on your interests, what you did and didn’t like to do at the weekend, read about or even wear.
Entering Hogsmeade, the breeze blew your hair back and sent shivers down your spine, the hairs standing up on the back of your neck and on your arms, you shivered, wishing you had brought a coat or jumper out with you.
Fred noticed and thanked the weather for giving him this chance, a move he had planned thoroughly. Pulling off his jumper and making sure it wasn’t inside out, he handed it to you “Put this on if you’re cold, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped beats and the flowers of excitement that bloomed inside of you grew in size, the petals expanding, the pollen strengthening, calling out for bees.
You accepted his gentlemanly gesture “thank you” you smiled, pulling his jumper over you, your hands sliding down the long sleeves.
Fred’s cheeks went red, the sight of you drowning in his jumper made you stand out to him even more - no other girl could pull off his clothing as good as you, you had it all, you had everything that every other girl lacked, you were the one, you had to be.
Finally reaching Madam Puddifoot’s, Fred opened the door for you and followed you inside, he found the table he reserved for you and pulled out your chair before getting himself sat down.
You couldn’t believe your eyes, the entire tea shop decorated just for one day felt truly special, you couldn’t believe this was real life, wearing Fred’s jumper, on a date in a teashop celebrating such a small holiday. This realisation gave you the confidence you needed, after all, you were here, no other girls, just you.
You were amazed at the frills, bows, the lacy napkins and china sugar bowls that sat on the table, the golden cherubs throwing pink confetti in Fred’s hair.
You giggled at the sight, Fred went red and tried to brush the confetti out of his golden hair, muttering under his breath at the cherubs.
“You should leave it in” you giggled “you look so cute with pink confetti in your hair.”
Fred smirked and shook his head “I’m flattered, Y/N” he replied, “but pink isn’t my colour.”
“Well, I disagree” you beamed “the next time a jumper of my own stretches in the wash you’ll have to try it on” you teased, pulling on the sleeves of his jumper “Thank you for the jumper” you blushed, remembering it was his “it’s lovely and warm.” you nuzzled into it, the scent of cinnamon engulfing you.
“Keep it” Fred smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth.
After running through the menu together and more pink confetti landing in Fred’s hair, the two of you ordered your drinks which were served incredibly fast despite how many couples had arrived within twenty minutes of being sat down and flirting successfully with Fred.
The two of you continued to laugh, joke, flirt and learn more about each other over your drinks which had warmed your tummies in preparation for bracing the cold as you left the teashop, still having enough to talk about and having moments of silence that weren’t awkward.
Walking towards Honey Dukes hoping you could buy Fred some sweets as he paid for your drink, your hand brushed against his, and like Fred did when you shivered, you took your chance and took hold of his hand.
Fred looked down at his large hand in your small one, he let go for a moment, making you worry, until he snatched your hand in his, his thumb tracing circles over fingers, you felt relieved but also floating higher in the sky on cloud nine.
Fred stopped outside Honey Dukes, the end of your nose pink from the cold air, he admired every detail of your face and squeezed your hand gently, you admired his face too, counting those freckles you loved so much, the two of you so close you could feel his breath warm up your cold skin.
Fred closed his eyes and leaned in, knowing what was about to happen, you closed your eyes and tilted your head, leaning in too. Your lips brushed against his soft ones and finally joined up, the two of you kissing softly whilst his other hand snaked around your waist pulling you closer to him.
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @horrorxweasley @alwaysnforeverfangirl @inglourious-imagines @reeophidian @sebby-staan @onlyfreds @escapingrealitybyreading @a-castle-of--glass @pandaxnienke @xmalfoyweasleyx
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hockeywhhores · 4 years
just friends?- m. tkachuk
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Matthew Tkachuk x f!Reader
summary~ Matthew is your best friend, but you both want to be more. 
warnings~ friends to lovers, swearing, alcohol consumption, fight, implied sex 
genre~ friends to lovers, fluff with some angst 
word count~ 3.3K 
Growing up next in the house next to the Tkacuk’s meant there were never any dull moments. You have been playing with Matthew, Brady, and Taryn since you could talk. Matthew was the one who taught you how to ice skate, Brady taught you how to understand American football, and you ended up teaching Taryn how to put on makeup.
Matthew was even there when your first date had stood you up. When he came you were so embarrassed about being stood up and wanted to leave, but he made you stay and ‘fixed’ your date. Really he just bought you some dinner, and then you guys went back to his house and watched a movie with his siblings. At night when you started overthinking about why your date had stood you up; he held you in his arms, and let you cry on his shoulder. Matthew made sure you knew it wasn’t because you were ugly, which you insisted that it was, by telling you how beautiful you looked. You wrote him off, because that’s what your best friend is supposed to say.
When Matthew was drafted, he insisted that you applied to colleges in Calgary. Just to ease his mind you applied to all different colleges around Calgary, and even got in. Matthew offered to share his apartment, but you decided to live in the dorms. You both knew that wasn’t really going to happen, and were right. You spent more time in his apartment than in your dorm. Your toothbrush was in his bathroom and your shampoo and conditioner were in his shower. You slept in the guest room, and whenever his family came to Canada you slept in his bed, with him. His parents would take the guest room.
You were just friends. You were reminded of that when girls would flirt with him in bars, and he would let them. You always pushed away every jealous thought. Matthew wasn’t yours, so that makes whoever is flirting with him not your problem. The team had no problem making little chirps at the two of you being in love, but at least they only did so when you were alone. Some random guy ended up on the stool next to you. He ordered a beer and started watching one of the TVs. “Come here often?” He asked you, as he looked back towards you.
“Do you ask every girl that?” you questioned him with a small chuckle.
“Only the pretty one’s,” He smirked at you, “My name’s Asher.” he said, extending his hand.
“y/n” you smiled at him and shook his hand. As corny as his introduction was, you couldn’t help but think he was cute. His blue eyes stood out, they weren’t like Matthew’s ,light blue eyes, they are a deep blue. His ashy brunette hair looked super soft, and fell slightly across his forehead. Asher looked tired, but interested in you.
“Well what do you do, Miss. y/n?” he asked you, his voice sounding deep.
“I’m a college student by day, and a mysterious girl that hangs out in bars by night.” You say so casually, wanting to mess with him a little bit. Purposely not telling him you were here with the few Flames’ players that were around.
“Well I think you're doing great at being the mysterious girl that hangs out in bars very well.” Asher's voice was smooth like honey. “I’m an editor for CalgarySun.” you could listen to him talk for hours.
“Wow, and I caught your eye?” you playfully asked him.
“How could you not have?” He asked you sounding serious. “Do you want another drink?” he noticed your drink was getting low.
“If you don’t mind. I would love another drink.” you smiled. You felt like an idiot with all the smiling you were doing. Asher ended up buying you two more drinks before you got a text that Matthew ordered himself an Uber and you could share with him if you wanted to. Deciding to save the money, and take a ride with him. You said goodbye to your new friend, Asher. Numbers were exchanged and with that you left.
When you got outside you found Matthew walking the girl to her Uber, but he didn’t get in with her. The girl’s Uber left with her in it, and Matthew turned around to find you watching him. He gestures for you to come stand by him, and you did.
“Why didn’t you go with her?” You were the first one to speak.
“She obviously only liked me, because she recognized me. Fucking groupie was what she was.” You heard the frustration in his voice. It struck you as odd, about how he never took girls back to his apartment. You always told him you would go back to your dorms for the night, but he refused. Those moments made you feel bad for being there all the time.
A red car pulled up to the curb, and Matthew seemed to recognize it. You heard the driver ask if he was Matthew, and when he got a ‘yes’, he unlocked the doors. Matthew opened the door for you, and you slightly crawled inside the backseat. Thankfully you were wearing jeans, so you didn’t flash anyone. The ride back was just like any other. Matthew and you would talk about little things, and when it got quiet you listened to the radio that was lightly playing in the background. It only got quiet in between new topics. But like a blink of an eye the ride was over, and you were in front of his apartment.
Matthew opened the door for you, and you both went your separate ways. You went to the bathroom to take off your makeup and he went to his bedroom to change his clothes. After you were both done you switched, and he went to the bathroom while you changed. Walking into the room you now occupy in his apartment, the first thing you noticed was the mess you had made while getting ready for a night out. You signed and started straightening up before you gave up, and just put on your pajamas, which was an old shirt Matthew gave to you and some sweatpants. You heard the TV turn on and knew Matthew wasn’t going to be going to bed anytimes soon. You decided to join him.
Matthew was watching some Avengers movie, and you just signed and laid on the couch. He let you put your legs on top of his; letting you lay down on the couch. You phone vibrated on the coffee table. The light makes it hard to ignore. It went off again, so you just got up to answer it. You smiled when you noticed that Asher had texted you. Matthew tried to pay you no mind, and continued to watch the movie he picked out, but he couldn’t stop thinking about who would be texting you at midnight on a Saturday.
Matthew knew he should make his feelings known, but there was so much going against how could you two ever work out? He got labeled a borderline dirty player, a fuckboy, and was told he didn’t know how to manage his anger, and he was okay with it. He didn’t let it bother him. But if he ever lost you, because of his stupid feelings, he would never forgive himself. You were too precious to lose, and he could never risk it, so he hid his feelings.
After the movie was over Matthew looked over and saw that you had fallen asleep with your phone next to you. He gently moved your legs, trying his hardest to not wake you up. When he successfully got up, without disturbing you, he picked you up and carried you bridal style. He quietly tucked you into your bed, and went back to the living room to grab your phone. All he was going to do was plug it in for you, but couldn't help himself when he saw that some guy named Asher had been the one texting you. Matthew felt jealous boil up inside him, but he just plugged your phone in and left. You weren’t his, and oh how he wanted that to change.
Both of you didn’t wake up until late into the afternoon, and by that time lunch was more socially acceptable than breakfast. Matthew ordered some chinese take out, to help with both your hangovers. They weren’t bad, but Chinese take could cure anything. You came out looking a slight mess, but Matthew thought you gorgeous anyway. Your hair was all knotted, your clothes were wrinkled, and you had no makeup on. If Matthew was being honest he would pick this version of you over any supermodel that DMed him.
“Good mornin’.”your raspy, just-woke-up voice rang out across the apartment. You smiled at him, and looked confused when he did answer you. All he could think of was, who was ‘Asher’ and why was he texting you last night?
“Morning. I ordered some take out.” Matthew said back to you when he came to his sinuses.
“You are my savior!” you giggled out. Before things could get too awkward there was a knock on the door.
“That’s probably it right now.” he stated as he walked to the door. It was in fact the food, and you went to grab some silverware, and plates to help out. You also made both of you water bottles. You heard Matthew say a quick ‘thank you’ before the door closed, and he held up the big paper bag of food out as a way of showing you. You giggled and took the silverware, plates, and water bottles to the coffee table. Matthew followed behind you with the food.  
“When is your next game?” you questioned him. You needed to know what night you weren’t really going to be sleeping.
“Tomorrow, we get to stay home for the next four game, I think.” Matthew got out between taking bites of the noodles he put on his plate. “What do you want to watch?” he questioned you back.
“Umm...want to watch ‘The Good Doctor’?” you threw out between your bites of chicken.
“Sounds good to me.” he smiled at you. You knew liking your best friend was cliche, but if you pretended there wasn’t anything there; there was nothing there, right?
After eating and watching hulu, you decided it would be a good idea to get some of the homework you didn’t want to actually do, done. Matthew kepting talking to you while you sat at the really dining room table, that you never actually used, typing away on your laptop. Then he would go back and continue on doing whatever he was doing. While he was sitting on the couch in the living room, you got a great view of his face. You looked at him, you mean you really looked at him. Your heart started beating a little bit faster and your cheeks got hot. When he smiled at his show, you felt yourself wanting to smile. You never realized how domesticated this really was. You never realized how you could live with him, like this, forever. You just noticed how much you were going to miss his soft singing when he was in the shower, and his little mannerisms that made your heart beat faster. How he held every door he could open for you.
You thought back to when you were stood up. You thought about how he wouldn't let you go home. How he made you stay so he could give you a ‘proper date’. How he insisted that it wasn’t because you were ugly, and you were actually the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Did he just say that because that was what best friends said? Did he feel the same feelings towards the other, like you did?  No. There was no way he felt the same.
The lazy day ended and you both had to go back to your normal lives. Monday was upon you, and Matthew had a game, and you had class. You were dressed in black jeans, and a flames crewneck tha Matthew gave you to wear around Calgary so people knew you were on the right side of the ‘Battle of Alberta’. Matthew was gone before you had your coffee made. You saw the note he left stating that he was going to go do some laps, and hang out with the team. After your coffee was done you locked up his apartment, and left for class.
Class was boring, but you and Matthew texted so that made things better. Your plans for the night are to now attend his game, that was getting played against the Canucks. No complaints were going to be heard from you. You loved going to watch his games.
The night came quicker than expected, and you were rushing around his apartment trying to find your jersey, that of course had his last name on it, but it was nowhere to be seen. Looking at your watch you decided that if you didn’t leave now then you were never going to make it before puck drop. Last minute decision was made, and you just grabbed one of the many jerseys he had in his closet. The jersey was several sizes too big, but you didn’t mind.
Luck was on your side, because you were somehow able to make it to your seat in time before the game started. You only have to wait a minute before the lineup is being called. Matthew looked to where you always sat, with most of the wags, and smiled bigger when he saw you sitting there in his jersey. You smiled and gave him a slight wave. The game was brutal to say the least. Whenever the Flames were able to score, the Canucks scored right after them. Nevermind all the chirping going on between the two teams, especially Matthew and Jake Virtanen. They were going after each other, and no one was able to keep them apart long enough. You thought everything was going to blow over, but then the gloves were dropped. You stood up in shock, and you were also trying to get a better view. Whenever Matthew got in fights your blood ran cold, and your hands got sweaty.
The referees got everything sorted out, and they both got pentilites. The game stayed close, 3-3, and it was now going into overtime. You could tell how frustrated Matthew was. Overtime came and went, and then shootout time was up. After two misses, it was Matthew’s turn. Your hands got even more sweaty. Then in a blink-and-you’ll-miss it type of moment, Matthew scored for the Flames. You had to sit through the Canucks last shot, but thankfully Markstrom gloved it before it could go in. You could feel the energy that was put back into Saddledome.
As everyone leaves the stadium you stay in your seat, waiting for everything to clear out a little bit. When it looked clear enough you headed to the hallway where most of the wags were already there. You kept to yourself, and quietly waited for Matthew. When the team came out everyone was congratulating them. When Matthew saw you we went straight to you. You saw him a second before he was in front of you, and jumped forward engulfing Matthew in the biggest hug.
“Oh my god. You were amazing.” You smiled, so wide your cheeks hut, but he was smiling just as big. He was holding you from under your thighs, and you had your arms around his neck.
“I couldn’t have done it without you being here.” Matthew whispered in your ear. Neither of you want to let go, but you knew the guys wanted to go celebrate at some bar. So you pulled back, and you swear you saw Matthew frown, as he put you back on the ground.
Apparently the bar everyone wanted to go to was, where you went not even three days ago. Matthew bought you a shot, and you did one with him. Then he bought you one of your regular drinks. That was when you saw Asher sitting on one of the bar stools drinking a beer.
“We have got to stop meeting at this bar.” You stated when you were close enough he would be able to hear you.
“I am not going to disagree with you.” Asher tipped his beer at you and you slightly tripped your drink back at him. “Did you come in with the hockey team?” he questioned you sounding disgusted.
“Yeah. I did. Is that a problem?” you softly asked him
“I bet you’re just some groupie, who likes men that have money and a title.” He accused you. His words were slurred, and you knew he was drunk.
“What did you just say to her?” Matthew angrily spit out. ‘Oh shit’ was the only thing going through your head.
“Oh you both heard me. I saw her get into an Uber with your Saturday night. Right after she was done flirting with me and using me for drinks.” Asher spit out just as angrily but way more intoxicated.
“Both of you stop it!” you yelled out, “Well fuck. Matthew meet Asher, Asher meet Matthew, my friend.” you tried to get everything to settle down, but after you called Matthew your friend, you saw him get even more angry, if that was even possible.
“I don’t care what your relationship is to him. Why the hell did you leave flirting with a guy to get in some other guy’s Uber.” Asher was trying to dominate over you by standing tall and looking down at you. You hated this. You wish you and Matthew just went home instead of go to this stupid bar.
“Back the fuck up, Buddy.” Matthew spits out, “y/n come on. We are going home.” Matthew grabbed your arm and dragged you to his car. It wasn’t really a drag as you were willingly leaving with him, he was just holding your arm.
The car ride was completely silent, the radio not even playing, and no one wanted to speak. When you got back to his apartment was when all hell broke loose.
“So that was Asher? What an outstanding guy.” Matthew was enraged and couldn’t help with throwing out that comment.
“How the hell did you know about Asher?” you asked confused.
“I saw your phone, when I plugged it in for you, and made sure you were tucked into bed. Like a friend would do.” Matthew wrinkled his nose at you.
“Why do you care about the guys I’m texting! You can literally get any girl you want!” you protested.
“I care because I love you! Have you ever seen me take any of those girls back here? No, that's because I was trying to show you I’m not some asshole. I love you dammit.” Matthew professed everything in that one response. Everything was said, and neither of you could take it back. The pause that followed put both of you on edge.
“I love you too.” you whispered out. “I only want to be next to you, and when I’m in class I can’t wait to see you when we grab lunch together or when you hold my legs in your lap when we are watching movies. I love you. I love you so much.” your eyes were watering with all of the emotions coming out of you.  Matthew ran up and pulled up into his arms, holding you like he was at the stadium. Then he leaned in and kissed you. It felt like time stopped, everything was still, except for you and him. You couldn’t get enough of him, and he couldn’t get enough of you.
You woke up for the first time in his bed with no clothes on. Matthew was already up and was watching. His grip was firm like if he let you go, he would never see you again. Nothing felt better at that moment.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
hi!! i rly liked your first writing it was so cute and you described jisung so well too! can i request a friends to lovers with han? kinda slow burn like they're really good friends but jisung gets jealous of her close friend and reader secretly likes him too but she doesnt wanna ruin the things between them so... one day they get into a fight and they end up making out😳 bc shes like "wtf we're friends" smut is ok but just a make out would be fine too the details r up to u💗
why yes you can! Thank you for requesting hehe you are my first ask ever  ♡ I hope that you like it, here’s some best friend ‘sungie for ya :)   
all yours | reader x jisung |
Paring: self-insert, female reader x han jisung
Genre: fluff ‘n a lil bit of smut & angst  
Tags: student!reader, bestfriend!jisung, lab partner!felix (haha), friends to lovers, mutual pining, best friend au, college au, jealousy, slow-ish burn, mentions of exams, some yelling, reader is secretly whipped for jisung (and jisung for the reader), explicit language, marking, that good good makin’ out
Word count: 2.4k
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The little ball of paper that you had crinkled up bounced off Jisung’s arm with a soft pat.
“What happened to studying together? You said that you were gonna quiz me.”
Jisung’s eyes popped up from his phone screen looking a little bewildered. “Sorry, I just...got a little distracted.
“Distracted? Looking at what?”
“Oh, nothing.” He placed his phone down, clicking it off.
“Is “nothing” code for some girl’s Instagram?” You dished him out a teasing smirk. “I think you forget that I know you better than you know yourself sometimes.”
Jisung shuffled the papers in front of him pretending like he had something to do. “Psh. I was not.”
“--Does she go to school here?”
“I told you, I said no.” He furrowed his brow trying to look as serious as possible, but that was nearly impossible for someone as naturally adorable as him. “Why are you drilling me? Aren’t you supposed to be doing some work right now?”
“~So are you~” You teasingly sang back to him, giving him a kick under the table just for good measure.
Jisung threw your balled up paper ball back to you. “Let’s just get back to what we were doing so we can leave. I don’t wanna end up like him.”
He nodded over to the end of your table where a student had fallen asleep mid-chapter. His nose twitched and he snorted a little bit. You knew exactly what Jisung meant, you didn’t want to be at the library at 11pm on a Tuesday either; it was your better judgement that told you.
“Can we get food after this?” Jisung asked after approximately five minutes of “working.”
“Sounds good to me.” You quipped, barely allowing your eyes to leave your computer screen. You found that you always had to try you best to let him not distract you. He was really good at that.
You slid a stack of index cards in front of him. “Ask me these? I’m having a hard time getting the Latin names down...if you’re not busy?”
“Nope!” He piped, and shoved his notebook away.
“Okay!” He said with determination and a little bounce. He fixed his oversized hoodie before starting, looking adorably lost in the fabric.
He asked you the first question, but it barely met your ears. There you were, getting distracted by him again.
screw you Han Jisung, you thought to yourself.
“I just don’t understand how you make sense of all that crap, I could never be a science major like you are.”
“--And I could never understand production like you do.”
“And this is why we work.” Jisung grinned with smiling eyes while he opened the library door for you. “I’m starving, I can’t stop thinking about--”
“--Y/n??” A voice called from behind the two of you.
The two of you whipped your heads back to see a loveable looking blonde and freckled boy bounding to catch up with you. It was Felix, your lab partner from zoology. The two of you were nothing more than classroom friends, but his friendly kindness was always something that brightened up your terrible 9 am lab.
“Felix!” You beamed, holding the door so it wouldn’t close on him. “Are you here studying for the exam as well?”
“Oh yeah, I just...my brain couldn’t take it any more,” He sarcastically mimed his head pains, “I just need to get some sleep now.”
“I just don’t get how they expect us to know all of those phyla like its nothing.”
“I know right?’ He chuckled.
Next to you, Jisung silently poked at the elevator button to go down.
“Is it alright if I head down with you guys?”
“Of course!” You motioned him in.
Once the doors had closed, the three of you found a different corner of the small box to plant yourselves in.
“shit-sorry, Felix, I didn’t introduce you, this is Jisung.”
“Hi!” Felix shone, and Jisung gave him a curt nod back.
Felix waved to two of you goodbye, leaving you in the nighttime snow. You noticed that as Felix walked away he had a little bounce to his step; and you couldn’t help but crack a little smile.
“Our usual?” Jisung asked you with a little edge to his voice.
You linked your arm around his, letting out a little shrill sound when the fabric of your two coat sleeves met. “Sounds good to me!” You nuzzled up into him while both of your bodies’ heat intermingled.
The two of you walked on under the streetlights which illuminated the falling flakes in streams of light. You never loosened your grip, as had become your habit lately when the two of you walked around. Jisung never seemed to mind; the two of you had been mistaken for a couple more than enough times thanks to it. When it did happen, it didn’t phase you at all. Being close to Jisung was like second nature to you.
The whole walk over Jisung never uttered a word, which was uncharacteristic of his usual boisterous self.
“Is everything okay?”
He sniffled, “Yeah, I think I just got kinda tired out of nowhere.”
“Ah.” You mouthed, and squeezed his arm a little harder.
After a moment’s silence, he somberly announced, “If you’re in the same class as him, maybe you should study with him.”
“Huh.” You tsked. “Yeah, I mean I never thought about that before...I guess that could do me some good.”
You looked slightly up to him: a product of him being slightly taller than you. His brown eyes remained stoic, and you couldn’t figure out why. You hated it when he wouldn’t tell you what was wrong, but he was also stubborn at letting up.
“But thank you for helping me tonight! You know that I reeealy appreciate it.” You turned your tone as cutesy as you could--Jisung hated it, but you knew that it could bring a smile to his face.
His gaze softened a bit. “Anytime. You’d do the same for me.”
Jisung rested his head on your shoulder on the bus ride home with his phone weakly held in his hand. One more bump in the road and you knew that it would go flying so you carefully took it into your own lap where it would be safe. You wouldn’t dare moving an inch because you had a feeling that he had closed his eyes. Time had slipped past 1am, and you had to keep fighting yawns yourself. The bus driver had been blasting the heat, so it wasn’t hard at all for you to feel cozy.
You glanced down at his open hand in his lap. It looked exactly like he was beckoning for you to scoop it up in your own. You wondered what what happen if you did. What would he think of it? Would he think anything of it? You had held hands before, but every time you had it had been under purely platonic pretenses. If you just grabbed it now, what would the pretenses be then? The two of you cozied up on a bus: that was something that couples did.
You shut your eyes closed tightly and tried your best to banish all the thoughts clouding your head.
Jisung’s hand twitched, looking even more inviting.
screw you Han Jisung.
jisung: you want to come over? Changbin is cooking and i don’t wanna eat whatever he’s making alone
me: sorry, I’m studying with Felix at the library, I think that we are gonna be here late. It’s all the Latin, I’m drowning in the Latin, Sung.
I’m sorry.
see you Friday once I’m out of this hell?
jisung: see you friday.
You pounded on the door to Jisung’s apartment with your phone in hand, the white screen showing you the number that you had worked so hard for.
“Open the door!” You called giddily. “Jisung! I know that you’re in here, we need to celebrate! ~I can treat youuu~”
Just as you were about to knock again, the door swung open, revealing a wet haired Jisung in his grey sweats and tee. His brown strands of hair were scattered around his head while he rubbed at them with a towel.
“Shit! Can’t I shower?” He jested.
It took all your will power not to ogle him more. He looked devastatingly handsome, but you swallowed down how utterly flustered he had made you.
You cleared your throat, “Uh...sorry...” then remembered your phone in your hand. “I got a 96! Can you believe it! I’m even surprised too, when I was taking the test I just got so nervous...”
“All that studying paid off huh?” He cockily rose an eyebrow. “You can go ahead and thank me now, without my help...” He shrugged with a grin.
You invited yourself in and threw your bag down at the door like you usually did.
“Thank youuu” You sung. “Oh! And studying with Felix really paid off too.” You took off your shoes, thinking of how nice it had been to finally study with someone who knew your class topics. Not that Jisung wasn’t helpful, but you and Felix were on the same page. “He knew it all way more than I did, so he was super helpful. I forgot to text him--”
Jisung closed the door behind you with a slam that made you jump. He moved away from you, not meeting your eyes. The air around the two of you suddenly became thick with something that did not feel as excited as you just were.
“...do you wanna maybe watch a movie?” You moved closer. “Or we could get some deliv--”
“--Why even bother coming over here?” Jisung suddenly huffed.
Jisung’s words flew out of his mouth sharply, “If he was so helpful? What are you doing here, huh?”
“Jisung, I don’t understand...” Your heartbeat quickened in your chest and you felt anxiety swell there as well. Jisung never spoke to you like this. He never sounded like this.
He growled out a little sound in frustration. “I-I just...can’t believe you--”
“--Me? Jisung, what did I do?” You threw your arms up, genuinely confused.
He ran his fingertips over his temples and let out a deep exhale. “Y/n, don’t pretend like you don’t know what you’re doing.”
Your temper started to become seething and you felt your ears get hot. “Tell me Jisung. Tell me what I did. And while you’re at it, what has been up with you these past few days? Being short with me, and distant, yeah-I’ve noticed...what are you doing??”
Jisung heaved breaths in and out of his chest, then ran a hand through his hair. He still couldn’t meet your eyes.
For a moment, a flash of panic surged in your head, making your heart ache with an unexpected pain. You truly didn’t know what he had meant, and if you had made a mistake, you knew it could mean loosing him. God, that was the last thing in the world you wanted. It always was.
“If I did something wrong tell me because clearly I don’t know!!” You yelled back at him, straining your throat.
He walked up to you, then grabbed your shoulders with a firm grip. Finally, you saw his eyes, brown and soft, holding a type of pain that you hadn’t seen in him before.
screw you, Han Jisung.
“Jisung, I--”
You were shoved by the shoulders in milliseconds to the door behind you, the impact nearly knocking the wind out of you. You gasped in your surprise, but your mouth was immediately shut by Jisung ramming his lips into yours. His hands needily took your face into his palms with his mouth blazing with hunger for you.
It took you a moment to realize what had just happened and steady yourself after being so startled. His lips were so soft and warm, your brain had a hard time recognizing that he was really doing this. His haste made no indication of stopping so you let yourself do what you had wanted to do for years: you kissed him back with everything that you had.
As soon as you did so, he let out little desperate moans between your lips in response. You let your arms wrap around his back and he fell into them just right. Naturally you took one of your hands to the back of his head and tangled up your fingers in his hair. God, it all felt so good. Jisung snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you into him with force, crashing your hips together.
The two of you clumsily made your way to the couch where he threw you down and crawled over top of you just as fast. He moved to your neck then traversed around your skin, sending shivers all through your body. Your hands eagerly found his back where you dug into him, wanting to be impossibly close. To your side, he carefully took your hand in his, weaving all of your fingers together.
Jisung pressed down into you and began to suck at your neck without holding himself back. It was such an intense feeling that couldn’t help but moan out something you didn’t know you could. You felt his mouth turn into a grin on your skin while he continued. It stung a little when he removed his lips, but he gently kissed each mark as if he was soothing it once he was done. He stopped to admire the little array of purple bruises he had made.  
“I want you all to myself.”  Jisung’s voice was hoarse, but still honey-covered in desire.
“What are we doing?” You asked him in breathless disbelief.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” He whispered, and appeared to calm his breaths. “I don’t care.”
"You don’t?”
“Why should I?” He cocked his head and used his free hand to caress your face.
“--That this could change things between us?”
“You don’t want it too?” He looked a little confused.
You felt a warmth rush to your cheeks.  “--No! I do, I do...trust me.”
“Then can I kiss you some more?” Jisung grinned down at you as loving as he always had, but this time it meant something slightly different.
He lowered back onto you, connecting your lips once more. Jisung’s tongue languidly smoothed onto yours and you already felt intoxicated by the feeling. You tightened your fingers around his.
I’ve always been yours.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Omega Oikawa
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Of course I love Omega Oikawa
Omega!Oikawa x Alpha!Reader
warnings: ABO things, jealousy, swearing  that's all I think
word count: 2,000 (about) 
summary: Oikawa loves you so much it’s a shame there are so many obsicales in the way of him actually being with you. 
Oikawa really hated his fangirls sometimes. Sure the attention was nice, the presntes they gave him were alright too. What he really couldn’t stand was the way the girls would baby him. 
“you’re such a cutie Oikawa you should wear pastels more often,” one of them cooed pinching his cheek oikawa bit back a grimace already deciding never to wear this sweater again. 
He knew he was an omega, but he was still a six foot man, not a child. The real issue is that if you were the one touching him and telling him he looked good in pastels. He had worn this new sweater to get your attention in the first place but he never seemed to catch the attention of Alphas all of his fangirls were either betas or Omegas. Maybe you just didn’t like pretty boys like him. 
“Oikawa do you want to walk home with me after practice?” one of them asked. He smiled polietly,
“Not tonight I promised Iwa I’d walk with him tonight,” he lied. “Speaking of Iwa I should probably get to practice, watch me okay?” he asked teasingly. the girls swooned slightly cheering for him as he jogged away. If only he could make you swoon that same way. You didn’t even come to the practices.
Or at least you normally didn’t go to practices but the second he entered the gym he was over whelmed by the smell of molasses and cinnamon. He whipped around to face the stands and sure enough there you were, leaning on the railing looking about ready to nodd off. 
His nostrils flaired as he breathed in the unmistakably alpha scent. He doubted anyone else on the team picked up on the intrusive smell, but he had become so intune with every minute detail about you it would be impossible for him to miss it. 
You felt his eyes on you and turned to him. If he wasn’t frozen before he was now, even with all the distance between the two of you your eyes were magntizing he couldn’t move. a sleepy smile spread across your face and you waved at him. Oikawa’s heart hammered in his chest. you were so beautiful He couldn't belive he was being graced by your smile. 
There was deafing boom as the volleyballconnected with the back of his head. Normally he was able to dodge Iwa’s spikes but he was so distracted by you that he didn’t even see him winding up. 
“Get your ass in gear Shittykawa!” Iwazumi barked. Oikawa sprung back to his feet and glared at his friend. How was he supposed to impress you and make himself look good if Iwa was bullying him. He’s just have to try extra hard today to make up for it. 
“Kunimi is just so cute don’t you think?” your friend asked with a giggle. 
“the cutest,” you agreed earning you a sharp jab to the side from her elbow. you shot awake and glared at her “what was that for?”
“You were falling asleep, don’t tell me Kunimi is cute if you aren’t even going to look at him!” she whined. you glanced down at the court, more for her benefit then yours. 
“like you said, he’s cute,” you agreed before closing your eyes again. Normally you went straight home and took a quick nap to recharge from school and you were really starting to miss said nap at this moment. 
“Come on (y/n) don’t be like that Isn’t there someone on the team you think is cute?” she prodded. you opened your eyes and looked down at the court again, this time actually looking at the game going on. Oikawa was mid-jump, his graceful fingers meeting the ball mid-air pushing it up in a wide arc for Iwazumi to spike back down. 
Oikawa was in your class, He had such a presence it was hard to ignore him. If you were being honest, you liked him a lot. But his horde of fangirls were har dot ignore as well. He could have any Alpha he wanted there was no way he was interested in you. 
“i don’t know Matsukawa is kind of cute,” you said with a shrug. He was cute, just not your type. 
“Matsukawa really? I thought you were more into Oikawa,” she said making you jump.
“What? why would you think that? I don’t want anything to do with Oikawa,” you shouted your cheeks heating with embaresment.  
“that’s the most awake I’ve seen you all day,” she laughed before leaning in and whispering in your ear. “Although I think you were a bit loud,” 
your heart sank in your chest, and as you looked around you saw okiawa fans glaring at you. in horror you looked down at where the team was. Oikawa’s ears and cheeks were burning red. It was clear he’s heard you. shit. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to appoligise to Oikawa, what would you even say anyway? “sorry I didn’t really mean it but I just couldn’t let my friend know that I’m crazy in love with you.” 
Whatever. It just meant his bruised ego could be soothed by one of his fanatics. Your inner wolf growled with jealousy, but you could hardly be his place of comfort when you hurt him in the first place. You just hoped it wouln’t be a huge deal tomorrow when you saw him in class.
“Will you stop moping?” Iwa snapped oikawa continued to mope. “Come on man it’s just Alpha whose not into you, you’ll get over it,”
“It’s not just any Alpha it was (y/n)! and they sounded so upset by it!” He whinned. He would have hoped that if he over heard you talking about him you would be singing his praises, not admitly denying that you’d ever have feelings for him. His heart was utterly broken. 
“welll I mean you’re annoying as fuck it was bound to happen eventually that someone didn’t like you,” Iwa snorted. That sentiment didn’t make Oikawa feel any better.
“maybe if they just knew me better they would like me more don’t you think?” Oikawa asked hopefully. Iwazumi didn’t look confident. 
“I think it might be better if they knew less about you actually,”
“That settles it, I’ll figure out a way to spend more time them and they’ll have to fall in love with me!”
The next day you were on edge, tapping your foot rapidly in your desk. you weren’t ready to face Oikawa, you spent half the night up worried about it. 
“uhm (y/n)?” you blinked and looked up seeing an omega boy who was also in class
“yes?” you asked. You weren’t what the boy wanted, for the life of you, you couldn’t remember his name. This had to be one of the first times you’d spoken to him.
“well uhm I just wanted to tell you you looked pretty today,” he stammered that shocked you. you knew for a fact that you looked like a wreak 
“oh uhm thank you?” you said almost hesitantly 
“I- I uhm I was wondering if you’d want to go out with-” suddenly he was cut off
“good morning (y/n)!” Oikawa greeted cheerily, shoving the other boy to the side and placing his palms flat on your desk. You were surprised to see him, but you were grateful for him saving you. 
“oh good morning Oikawa,” two omega’s accosting you, what a weird day. You opened your mouth to appoligise to him for yesterday but before you could cut you off.
“The teacher told me to talk to you, I need some help with this unit do you think I could study with you this weekend?” he asked his overly sweet voice sent a shiver down your spine it was clear he was pissed. Still you couldn’t pass up an opportunity to spend more time with him, your wolf wouldn’t alow it.
“sure,” you decided. Even though he was an Omega, you felt so weak in comparison to him, it was an odd feeling to say the least. He smiled his brilliant smile at you and took your hand quickly scrawling his number on your palm. 
“text me and we’ll work out the details okay?” you agreed and he went back to his desk. It was only then that you noticed that the other boy had slunk away back to his own desk hunched in on himself. You felt bad for him, but you would have had to reject him anyway, even if you knew it could never happen, you’re heart belonged to Oikawa. 
“hey Ibuki can I talk to you for a second,” Oikawa said to the Omega who’d tried to ask you out earlier. He tried to sound nice but the anger seeped through. The smaller omega glared at him. 
“What do you want?” Ibuki snapped, clearly still upset that Oikawa had interrupted his little love confession. He had felt his blood boil just watching it unfold. Oikawa wasn’t going to let some other omega steal you away before he had the chance to woo you properly. 
“Stay away from (y/n) I’ve got dibbs,” oikawa growled. He’d never felt so heated before, he knew one warning wouldn’t be enough, He would have to win you over sooner rather than latter. 
Studding with Oikawa was surprisingly difficult. when he was this close his scent was dizzying. It was also because Oikawa seemed to know the material better than you did. 
“You’re pretty smart Oikawa, I don’t know why you asked for my help,” you said accusingly. Oikawa flushed and fidgeted nervously. 
“what? you’re just a good teacher,” He said dismissively. 
“I’m being serious Omegal don’t lie to me,” you ordered, and he was helpless, incapable of ignoring your Alpha voice. 
“Honestly I just got jealous seeing you talk to other omegas and I just wanted to spend more time with you. I paniced and asked you to help me study,” He admitted shyly. He looked up at you with his warm brown eyes
“I really like you Alpha,” he whispered. In a blur of movement, you knocked him of his chair landing on top of him pinning oikawa to the floor. 
“You should be careful saying things like that Omega, you’re alone with an alpha and if you say things like that I might not be able to control myself,” You growled lightly. his scent was intoxicating this close. his face turned a cute shade of pink and he started stuttering not saying anything coherent. 
“Is that what you want, Torou? for me to have my way with you?” you teased and his face turned a darker shade of red. He tired a few times to speak against before giving up and just nodding. 
“say it,” you said grazing your lips against his neck making him shudder.
“A-Alpha please do whatever you want with me,” he whinned making you smirk. You weren’t going to let go of him anytime soon, not now that he was finally yours. 
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