#i never tag steve bc i want peace lol
roanofarcc · 2 months
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summary: steve harrington x oc || read on Ao3
when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown.
word count. 3.1k || masterlist || ocs moodboard
warnings: cannon typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness. parts of this story were written pre-season 4 release. cannon divergence.
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a/n. season 4 here we go! the first couple of chapters (technically) act more like a prelude to the official season but that's simply bc the duffers are cowards and never brought kali back so I had to do it myself lol
TAGGED LIST. @sattlersquarry, @leptitlu
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Red and blue lights painted Sunshine Torres in an unsavory glow as they woke up a sleeping street of a sleeping neighborhood. 
Her feet smacked against the damp pavement, carrying her away from the cop cars that surrounded the house. Through a shadowy alley, she fled, quickly becoming a ghost on the scene before anyone could catch them. 
They left a man alone, lying on the ground in front of a shattered window in his once peaceful hideout, and if Sunshine was being honest with herself, she did not feel as bad about it as she should have. 
To the police, the man was nothing more than a poor electrician with little to nothing tied to his name, a fake name, but it would take them too long to figure that out. All the man wanted was to start fresh, but he didn’t run far enough. 
“Jesus Christ!” Huffed a figure stumbling a few steps behind Sunshine, trying to keep up. “We are so screwed!” 
Taking a sharp turn into another alley, Sunshine kept her focus ahead, ignoring the grumblings from the teenage boy lagging behind. 
A wall sat on the opposite end of the alley, leaving only one way in and one way out. 
A set of instructions replayed in her mind over and over. Look for the blue house with plywood nailed across the door, hide in the alley across the street, and don’t get caught. They were in the right place, much to her relief. 
Sunshine allowed herself to relax against one of the brick buildings. 
“They’re gonna find us.” 
“No,” she replied, closing her eyes with the hope of seeing something besides the dead body of a man who they only wanted to question as a part of their, not so much Sunshine’s, search for answers. “They won’t. This is where she told us to meet.” 
The slumped figure of the man was the only thing waiting for her on the inside of her eyelids, so she quickly forced them open and tried to push past the exhaustion that had a tight hold of her. 
“You trust her?” the teenage boy questioned. “For all we know, she booked it the hell out of here and is on her way to psycho-murder my father before I get the chance to talk to him.” 
Irritation pricked the corners of Sunshine’s mind, but she pressed her lips together in a thin line and hoped that he’d stop talking. 
He didn’t. 
“She could have pinned this whole thing on us and skipped town, leaving us with no way home tonight while the streets are swarmed with cops looking for whoever killed that dude! I’m too young to go to prison, Danielle. And-” 
“Shut up!” Sunshine whisper-yelled through gritted teeth. 
Her heart raced, and it was only made worse by the splitting headache the boy pacing in front of her caused. 
She lifted her hands in an attempt to wipe sweat from her brow but stopped when she caught sight of them. Dried blood crusted underneath her fingernails, and it stained her hands an ugly burgundy. Spots of blood clung to her jeans, where she tried to wipe them off, leaving her covered in evidence that pointed to her guilt.
If they were caught, there was little chance anyone would believe their story. They looked beyond guilty. They were a couple of teenagers on the run with a cause that no policeman would ever believe. 
The night had turned into a much bigger disaster than Sunshine had intended or wanted. It was painfully overwhelming, and being away from the people she cared the most for only made her feel worse. The only thing that had brought her comfort the last couple of days was the sun-shaped pendant that had adorned her neck since her first Christmas after escaping the Lab. Every time she clutched the metal between her fingers, she was reminded of all the good things and good people waiting for her return home.
However, when Sunshine reached for her necklace, all she was met with were her bare collarbones. 
“No, no, no,” she gasped, frantically reaching around her neck for any sign of the necklace that may have gotten twisted or tangled around. 
The blond stopped his pacing. “What? What’s wrong?” 
“My necklace,” Sunshine breathed out, her eyes lining with unshed tears. “It’s gone.” 
It felt like more than that, though. It was more than a missing piece of jewelry. The necklace had become a part of her, a piece of her heart that she carried outside her body. She hadn’t left her house without it on since she was gifted it; the lack of it, even for a moment, made her feel unbalanced. 
Calum Miller held no sympathy for her loss; he didn't get it. 
“Are you serious right now?” he scoffed, mouth agape in disbelief. “A man is dead, and we’re being chased or hunted or…fuck if I know, and you’re worried about some stupid necklace?” 
Her irritation bloomed and sparked brighter. She suddenly pushed herself off the wall, heart in her throat, and shoved Calum as hard as she could, catching him off guard. He stumbled backward but didn’t let his footing slip on the wet gravel under them.  
Sunshine burned and there was an unrelenting tightness in her chest that made breathing harder and harder. She focused all of her frustration on Calum because he was the closest thing to her. 
“This is your fault!” Her voice rose, threatening to give away their hiding spot but Sunshine could not find it in herself to care at the moment. If they were caught, she could escape, but she couldn’t say the same for Calum. “Why couldn’t you just stop? Why won’t you just stop ?” 
If it weren’t for the darkness of the alleyway, Calum would have seen how red her face felt, hot a seething with so much emotion that her hands trembled. Her anger was ready to boil over, but she didn’t understand why exactly.
She had always been good at keeping a level head and not letting her emotions, especially her anger, get the best of her. Sunshine knew what that did to a person, yet, every tie that held her down was either missing from around her neck or miles away back in Hawkins, completely unaware of what she had been up to for the last couple of days. 
She was untethered, free-floating in feelings she had tried to water down for years with no one to stomp out the fire. All she had was a teenage boy who fanned the flames. 
With each step she took toward him, Calum stumbled until his back hit the opposite wall. 
There was an unwavering fight in him, and Sunshine wanted to admire his drive and hard-headedness, but she couldn’t anymore. 
Sunshine always tried to look for the light, but all of her thought had become shadows, all-consuming and rolling in like a thunderstorm. 
Calum swallowed and lifted his chin to her in an attempt to seem bigger or more intimidating than the girl with unnatural abilities; it was almost laughable. “You can blame me all you want,” he said. There was a cut across his forehead from a shard of glass that had blown across the dead man’s living room along with the first bullet. It was still bleeding, rolling down the side of his face. 
“But you’re still here too. You agreed to this. You agreed to help your…what? Your sister? You made her a promise you never intended to keep. That doesn’t make me the bad guy here.” 
His words pricked her skin, digging into her. She didn’t know exactly what overcame her, but before she fully realized what she was doing, she had one hand illuminated with a dangerous glow and held it close to his cheek, but not close enough to touch his skin. 
Calum winced at the heat and tried to pull back, but he was pressed as far into the wall as he could go, and Sunshine loomed in front of him with eyes that glittered menacingly golden. 
“You told her your father’s alive,” she said, her voice low and cold. “You gave him up and sentenced him to whatever kind of revenge she has planned. All I wanted was to change her mind. I wanted her to come home with me and forget about all of this. I wanted her to get a fresh start and a home.” Despite the ice in her tone or the glow in her palm, tears gathered in her eyes once more. 
She felt too much at once; it was strangling her. 
Sunshine wanted to be done. She wanted to put a lifetime distance between herself and the Lab. She wanted the same for all of the children still left alive, but it was never-ending. 
Sunshine was tired of all of it. 
“You can’t accept the fact that your father is a bad man, and always was.” Sunshine’s hand inched closer, almost grazing his cheek. They were nose to nose. “I think you’re too scared to admit that maybe you’re meant to be just as terrible as he is.” 
Calum stilled at her words, and his fight slipped out of his reach. The skin on his cheek started to flush pink and he turned his head in a lame attempt to avoid it. 
She wanted to stop, to pull away and take a breath but something was keeping her there, a little voice in the back of her head taunting her and keeping her rooted in place. 
“Danielle…” Calum breathed out, his eyes screwed shut and cheek burning as if someone held a lighter to it. Fear laced his tensed muscles and added a tremble to his voice. 
In Hawkins, back home, her friends referred to her abilities as superpowers like the heroes in their comic books. They admired them, even if Sunshine sometimes detested them. But in that moment, Calum Miller saw her far removed from deserving the superhero title. 
Maybe both of them were meant to become the one thing they feared the most: the people they had once admired. 
The scream was explosive. 
Seven’s ears rang from the noise, and she dropped the chess piece in her hand, letting it clatter onto the board and roll off the table. The sound of it crashing against the rainbow-painted tile was silenced under the shrill scream and it drew no one's eye. 
Instead, every child left in the Rainbow Room looked to the corner where a girl a year or two older than Seven had a boy pinned to the floor. Her arm pressed against his neck and her body straddling his struggling one. 
It all happened so fast, as the girl’s battle-like scream altered the soldiers right outside. But in the short time she had, the girl managed to cause as much damage as she could.
Seven heard it before she saw it. A crack followed by a scream. The boy’s arm, which had tried to shove her away, bent backward in an unnatural way and caused him to cry out in pain. Blood leaked from the girl’s nose and her whole body trembled, but she didn’t stop. 
Even as the soldiers stormed in and readied to jab their taser into the subject’s back, the girl continued. She stared at the boy under her with cold, almost lifeless eyes, until his other arm was shattered in a similar vein. 
That was all the damage she was able to do before electricity replaced her sudden rage, crackling under the fluorescent lights. She convulsed onto the ground, freeing the double broken armed-boy who continued to sob. 
Both of them were hauled up and out of the Rainbow room as the other kids sat in stunned silence, watching as the doors shut and block them out from whatever was going to happen next.  
From across the table, a scoff pulled Seven’s attention away from the closed doors and noises that became too distant to hear. 
Eight stared at the chess board, but she wasn’t contemplating her next move. 
“What happened?” Seven whispered, referring to the outburst. 
Eight’s eyes flickered upwards and narrowed slightly when they met Seven’s. Eight’s eyes were dark but in a different way than Ivy's. While looking into Ivy’s eyes resembled staring into a black sea, filtered with little ripples of moonlight but ultimately all-consuming and easy to drown in if one looked too long, Eight’s eye reminded Seven of the night sky that she only saw in her dreams. Deep brown irises that almost looked black, fitted with lighter brown flecks that one could compare to stars when it really was just the reflection of the bright overhead lights. 
Both girls had intimating gazes, but Eight’s didn’t hold the same gentleness that Ivy’s did when she looked at Seven. Eight always looked like she knew more than everyone else, or that she saw something in the air that no one else could. 
“She broke,” Eight replied simply. 
“Broke?” Seven repeated, confused. “She…She broke his arms." 
Eight shook her head. “No.” With one finger, Eight tapped the center of her forehead. “In here, inside her head. Something…” She grabbed a crayon from the shelf behind her and held it up for a moment. Red was the color, the same color at the top of the rainbow painted across the floor, and the same color of blood that stained the tiles where the one-sided fight had just occurred.  
Eight grabbed both sides of the crayon and pushed her thumbs up against the middle of it, pressing hard enough that it broke into two pieces. 
At the snap of the crayon that echoed the snap of the boy’s arms, Seven flinched and watched as Eight let the two pieces fall onto the chess board. 
“...Snapped,” said Eight. “Do you know what I think?” Seven shook her head. 
Eight wasn’t that much older than her, a year or two at most, but she had arrived just after Seven by a couple of months. It didn’t make sense that she knew more than Seven did. Yet, Eight liked to play alone aside from the occasional game of chess and didn’t have the fierce protectiveness of Ivy looming over her every move. She saw and heard more Seven. 
“It’ll happen to all of us,” she began. “Our heads, what’s inside there, it can’t handle this forever. If we stay, we’ll snap too.” 
“We’ll hurt each other?” Seven whispered, too scared to ask the question any louder. Anyone could be listening, and she was sure conversion like that was not allowed inside the Rainbow Room. It was a matter of minutes before more soldiers would enter to shoo them all back into their bedrooms so they could clean up and control the situation that had just unfolded. 
Eight pressed her lips into a thin line for a moment, staring at Seven with a gaze that was unreadable to the younger girl. 
The other half of the broken crayon rolled in front of Seven, but she didn’t touch it. 
“I think we can hurt everyone,” Eight said with no hint of worry or remorse behind her words. It was a statement a fact, she seemed to believe in. 
Seven began to believe her too. 
Waking up in a cold sweat, Sunshine sat up in the darkness of her bedroom and clutched her chest. She felt her heart race under her fingertips and through the light fabric of her shirt. 
Bringing her hands up to her face, she tried to rub away the old visions of the Hawkins National Laboratory from her eyes. They had a habit of staining her vision and her dreams, especially as of late. 
Instead of the scattered memories intertwined with more recent events of Demogorgons and the Mind Flayer, nearly every time Sunshine closed her eyes she was met with nightmares of the Lab. She could hardly remember the last time she slept a night without at least a flicker of the horror she had experienced as a young girl. 
The more recent nightmares she had involved an old face she hadn’t thought about in quite some time. 
When the twins and El returned to Hawkins the night El closed the Gate, for the first time, they all told Sunshine about their time spent with Eight, who went by her actual name, Kali. 
Just as Sunshine recalled from the Lab, Kali was the same stoic and intense girl. She had a gang of criminals and used her abilities to not only survive but also to hunt down every person responsible for the things that happened inside the Lab. 
At first, Sunshine was taken aback by that. It wasn’t that she didn’t people those people deserved it, because they did, but the more time she spent away from the Lab, the more she wanted to distance herself from it instead of holding herself to revenge. 
However, the more dreams she had about Kali and what happened to them there, Sunshine understood it more than cared to admit. They were hurt by all of it, and it seemed like Kali was still hurting, from what the twins had told her. 
Kali hadn’t found her family, only some friends she picked up in various cities who banded together. 
Before the twins left for California along with El and the Byers bunch, they left her a number she could call to reach Kali. They said it was for emergencies, but something told her they wanted her to have it and to call her because they were too scared to face her again. They think they abandoned her, even though she could have come back to Hawkins with them. The door was always open, but Sunshine didn’t know if Kali knew that. 
With each dream, Sunshine grew more and more curious about her long-lost sister. Maybe she should have been more focused on the meaning behind the dreams and the cryptic messages and the plethora of questions they left her with, but it was all overshadowed by her desire to have a sibling close to her again and not clear across the country. 
She loved everyone in Hawkins, from her boyfriend to her gaggle of children who were entering their teenage years. But there were very few people who truly understood Sunshine. Almost all of them were on the other side of the country. It would’ve been nice to have Kali in her life, even if she still was a little cold and calculating. 
The little slip of paper with a phone number on it sat untouched in her bedside drawer, buried underneath movie ticket stubs and letters her siblings had written her about their new adventures in a new state. 
Sunshine dug around until she found it and laid it on her lap, staring at the numbers for a long moment of contemplation. 
There was a chance Kali didn’t want to speak to her or see her, but there was only one way for her to figure that out. 
She picked up the landline that lived on her bedside table and dialed the number before she could talk herself out of it. After a couple of rings, someone answered.
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sailorbuckley · 2 years
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the besties
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falcqns · 3 years
Hiiii! Long rant ahead 😅-
Can I please request a Bucky x civilian!fem!reader (Avengers au! Endgame never happened au! Bucky joined the Avengers au!) where Sam & Steve are friends with a civilian girl who Bucky starts to really like (but Bucky being Bucky, he’d be worried she would be scared of him, & he thinks he’s a monster 🥺 so he wouldn’t admit he likes her), she really likes him too, & one day when she’s spending the night at the Avengers HQ, he has another nightmare & she calms him down & goes to sleep on the floor with him & they cuddle & he kisses her 🥺 The next morning, Sam & Steve would go up to Bucky’s floor & see them cuddling on the floor of Bucky’s living room🥺 The rest of the Avengers would come up there out of curiosity & Tony would tease them so much & try to take pictures lol. Steve & Sam would be smug but also really happy for Bucky because she’d be good for him 🥺🥺🥺 Sam would annoy Bucky so much about it 😂😂💜🥰
you could never hurt me
pairing: Bucky Barnes x civilian!fem!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, soft!Bucky, almost sub!Bucky which I love and wanna write more of but im scared too bc idk if people want that, Tony being a dumb ass as usual, Sam and Steve are good friends
a/n: this got wayyy more fluffier than I planned on bc I've been diving into the little!Bucky tag on AO3 too much and he’s always such a sweetheart and I wanna write some but im too scared I’ll get hated on eep. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
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God, you adored Bucky.
Despite everything he had been through, he was such a sweetheart. He had a softness to him, a softness he didn’t show most people. 
You really didn’t expect to fall for him when you started running with Sam and Steve a few months prior, but you definitely weren’t complaining. However, despite the softness you saw, he seemed to hate you. 
You didn’t know why. He was never verbally rude, he’d often leave a room as soon as you’d enter it, and avoid you as much as possible. 
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You’d been over to the compound plenty of times, but you had never spent the night. Tonight was Tony’s birthday party, and you wanted to talk to Bucky about why he hated you so much, but you didn’t see him at the party, or after. According to Steve, he hated parties, and tended to lock himself in his bedroom  until the party was over, when he would venture out and eat some of the left over food.
Once the party was over, you and the rest of the avengers, except Bucky, were sat in one of the many common areas drinking a few more beers before everyone retired for the night. 
You heard Bucky’s door shut behind him, and watched as he walked into the kitchen. The team seemed to completely ignore his presence, and that stung a little bit. Did they not see the sweet and innocent Bucky that you, Sam and Steve saw? You shook the thought out of your head as Bucky trudged back to his room with some food and a drink in his hand, completely ignoring his teammates. 
You sighed internally, and decided to bring it up another time. 
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You had just settled into your bed for the night, when you heard noises from Bucky’s room, which was right beside yours. You ignored them at first, thinking they were just him moving around and getting ready for bed, just like you had moments before. But, soon you started to hear different noises. 
You stood up from the bed, and pressed your ear against the wall that separated the two rooms. It sounded like he was trying to call out for someone, and couldn't. Like he wanted to talk so badly, but his words were catching in his throat. You feared that he could be severely hurt, so you ran out of your room and knocked on his door. 
“Bucky, you okay?” You said, and the sounds only continued. As they got louder, you knocked again, but there was still no answer. You tried the door knob, but it was locked. You looked down the hallways and was tempted to knock on Steve’s door. You wanted to make sure he was okay and you were definitely not strong enough to kick the door in.  
Just as you were reaching Steve’s door, you heard a low shout, and sobs rip through the air. You ran back to the room and tried the door handle, which was still locked. You breathed deeply, as you tried to figure out what to do. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” You asked hesitantly, and she answered right away. 
“What can I assist you with Ms Y/L/N?” 
You breathed in relief. “Can you unlock Bucky’s door for me?” 
“Sergeant Barnes has restricted access to his room. The only one who was access is Captain Rogers.” You groaned. 
“I just want to make sure he’s okay. He can get mad at me all he wants for breaking into the room but he doesn't sound okay,” You reasoned.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded instantly. “I agree. His heart rate and blood pressure are rising. I will unlock the door.” A second later, a low click was heard, and this time when you tried the door, it unlocked and you stepped into Bucky’s room. 
The sight of him broke your heart. 
He had abandoned his blankets on the floor and crawled into one of the corners. His knees were pulled up to his chest, and his forehead was resting on his knees as he cried his poor heart out. You rushed over, and crouched in front of him. 
“Bucky? Are you okay?” You asked, and he shook his head, trembling slightly. You heard his teeth chattering, so you grabbed the comforter from behind you, and wrapped it around his shoulders. His cries slowed slightly, and he looked up at you.
“W-why are you helping me?” He asked, stuttering slightly. 
You furrowed your brows. “You’re obviously not doing well, and I want to help you. Why wouldn't I help you?” 
Bucky choked out a laugh. “I thought you'd be scared of me. Of what I can do. Of what I've done.” 
You sat criss cross apple sauce in front of him, and took his metal hand into your flesh one. You held it up, and intertwined your fingers with his. “I’m not scared of you.” You said simply, and Bucky nodded, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. 
He looked down at his lap. “I could hurt you.”
You scoffed and moved closer. Without letting go of his hand, you manoeuvred to your knees, and pushed his legs down flat. You straddled his lap, you free hand rising and tangling in his locks that were wet from both his shower and sweat. “You could never hurt me.” You stated, your hand in his hair sliding down to cup his jaw, your thumb rubbing against his soft and kissable cheek. 
You watched as a tear slipped from his eye, and danced like a rain drop in a carwash down his soft but still stubbly cheek and jaw. 
“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t deserve it.” He whispered, his chin trembling. You smiled sadly and wiped the tear away. 
“You are is deserving of everything sweetheart. You’re such a sweetie pie and it sucks that the rest of your team doesn't see it, because you deserve all the loves and cuddles you could get. What you did, that wasn’t you. It may have been your body, but it wasn't you. You have been treated so harshly by so many people, including those who were supposed to protect you from those who did hurt you, when all you deserve is such kindness.” You said, and smiled when Bucky practically melted into your embrace, his head burying itself in your neck. He unraveled your fingers, and wrapped his arms around your waist, his face nuzzling in your neck. 
“Thank you. No ones ever said something that nice to me,” He said, and you felt his eyes flutter closed against the skin of your neck, finally at peace. 
“You deserve it.” You said, and you pulled away slightly. He let out a whine, but then his eyes widened, almost expecting you to hurt him. Your heart melted and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“It’s okay if you’re feeling vulnerable, baby. I’m right here. I won't leave, and I won't hurt you. Let’s lay down okay?” You said, and he sniffled as he nodded and followed you groggily over to where his blankets were on the floor. You laid down, and opened your arms, inviting him in. 
He laid down in your arms, and his face found your neck again. He breathed in slightly, and sat up on his elbow suddenly. You furrowed your brow, but all the questions that were swirling in your head were answered when he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, and cupped his jaw again as your lips moved together slowly and sensually. 
The kiss broke a few moments later, and you ran a hand through Bucky’s hair, a dopy smile spreading on his face. 
You opened your arms again. “Come lay down, love.” You said, and he instantly complied, his body finding its previous position. You heard his breathing even out seconds later, and knew he was finally getting the sleep he deserved.
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The next morning, Steve and Sam went looking all over the compound for you, and couldn’t find you anywhere. They walked past Bucky’s room once more, and made eye contact. 
“You don’t think-”
“Theres no way-” They said at the same time, and decided to look.
 A smile cracked on both their faces when they saw you and Bucky, still curled up on the floor. 
A flash went off, and they turned to face Tony. “Fuckin’ finally. Been waiting for Tin Man to make a move for months.” He said, and Steve smacked him upside the head. 
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @@nerdypinupcrystal @@sohoseb @@bieberhoodforever @crazy-avengers-gal @colicovision @est19xxshit
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billyhargrovebabe · 3 years
✨Harringrove Ask Game✨
( Tags again! :D )
Thank you @lovebillyhargrove for the tag!! I love reading these about everyone🥺💞
1) Your zodiac sign? Leo ♌️
2) Favourite season/time of year? I really like spring with all the new pretty plants and colours etc but Halloween has always been my fave holiday👀🎃👻
3) Your fave time of day/night? I really like mid-evening, like when the sun sets… it’s peaceful:)
4) Your most MOST fave Billy scene? I think mine ultimately has to be his entrance scene because damn it got me hooked straight onto our bby Billy… like instantly, I was like… here’s our character with more beneath all the layers than it seems👀 Also Scorpions ‘rock you like a hurricane’ is a banger😏
5) Food your craving atm? Pizzaaaa always🤤🍕
6) Your favourite kind of alcohol? I choose not to drink nowadays… but I did used to drink my parents’ Malibu in school lol.
7) Neon lights/hustle and bustle OR the quiet of a small town/countryside? I really like the countryside, nature, forests… you name it.🌿🌲🍃 BUT I do love some night time neon light & street food vibes🌃
8) Sugar!daddy Steve OR sugar!daddy Billy? It gotta be Stevie-boy, he’s filthy rich lol💰 But Billy’s probably sitting on a nice settlement from Hawkins lab too😏
9) The place you want to be right now? Eh… somewhere warm with a nice view, a beach or a hill top or something idk🌊☀️🏔
10) Heat or cold? I like how the heat feels when it truly warms your bones (I feel like it’s good for your soul…) BUT when it’s cold, it’s so much easier to get warm than it is to cool down lol.
11) Country you would like to visit? France🥺🇫🇷 But also really want to go to California because ✨Billy vibes✨
12) Regrets or no regrets? I mean I try not to regret things but I think too much😂
13) A selfie? I’m not feeling brave enough so here’s a merge of me and Dacre (that somehow looks mostly like him lol) 😚✌️
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Whoever sees this!!! Do it bc I want to know more about y’all too! :D
PS: The Harringrove ship will never turn to stardust😏
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
i want to start posting from my ironstrange college au (remember the makeup fic i posted in like november? i’ll link it below but it’s from that verse) so! let me explain it:
reminder that this is an au and it’s my au, so i decide how this all goes!
IronStrange (duh)
Christine x Hope Van Dyne* (this gets complicated)
Eventual Pristine
Past Stony, Past Stucky
(Lowkey I’m also figuring out if Rhodey x T’challa could be a ship? they both seem too independent but i also might add it in)
Character Notes:
Tony deliberately never specifies if he prefers to go by Anthony or Tony. People call him both, or also his friends call him Ant. Stephen does not/has never called him Tony, he’s always known him as Anthony.
Happy just tends to go by H or Harry (anyone who calls him Harold receives a death glare, but as a joke Rhodey got him a T-shirt and the pattern is just name tags that say “hello my name is Harold.”)
Rhodey just goes by Rhodey bc Tony *insisted* that all their friends call him that and plus he doesn’t hate the nickname.
Natasha is part of this but she doesn’t go to school with the rest of the group. She’s Tony’s half sister and is the biological daughter of Maria Stark and her best friend. She lives in Italy with some of Tony’s extended family and her bio dad. Few people know of her existence, or they know her as Maria’s niece (for her own protection). It doesn’t rly matter that Howard has no idea who she rly is, he wasn’t with her the entire time Maria was pregnant w Natasha bc she was in Italy (and brought Tony with her)
- Tony and Rhodey are roommates, and they live two floors above the four suitemates. The four suitemates are: Christine and Pepper (who share a room) and Stephen and Wong (who share the other room) despite that, the six of them tend to move fluidly in between both spaces.
- Hela and Carol
- Val and Hope
- Thor and T’challa (Bruce spends a lot of time w them)
- Bruce, Sam, and Loki (as chaotic as it sounds btw)
- Bucky and Happy, who I’ve decided are very close. (btw nobody particularly enjoys the fact that Sam and Bucky live next door to each other, when they’re Busy their roommates can be found w Stephen and Co. or one of the other Odinson siblings).
Friend Groups (note: people overlap/belong to multiple groups, this is also not the full list bc that could go on for a long time):
- The Main Six: Tony, Rhodey, Stephen, Wong, Christine, and Pepper.
- Team Big Brain: Tony, Bruce, Stephen, Hope, Carol, Christine, and Bucky.
- Doctors: Stephen, Tony, Christine, and Bruce.
- Dumbass Protection Squad: Hela, T’Challa, Carol, Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper (usually).
- Psych Majors: Pepper, Wong, T’Challa and Loki.
- Stark Industries: Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy.
- People who Like Astrology: Loki, Bucky, Val, sometimes Christine.
Storylines (There’s no established time frame for this really, but it doesn’t follow mcu canon or any canon):
- Stephen and Tony are lifelong friends. They met on the first day of kindergarten and went to school together in NY (where both their families lived at the time) until middle school. For unspecified reasons, Stephen’s parents opted to move the Strange family to Nebraska before the start of 6th grade. Stephen and Tony were Devastated but were already inseparable at that point and stayed in touch. A business opportunity moved the Starks from NY to California. Stephen stayed in Nebraska for high school but Tony’s parents sent him to boarding school (read: Howard sent him away to avoid having to actually parent, and he thought he was lifting a burden from Maria. This was Not The Case, as she loved her son dearly and would call him everyday. Tony appreciated this more than he ever thought possible.)
- Howard and Stane viewed boarding school as a chance to groom Tony into something malleable and submissive enough to take orders from anyone. His obvious feelings for Stephen (with whom he was still incredibly close) were a Great Concern, so the executive decision was made to set Tony up with Steve Rogers, a blond athlete from his school. It was a way to keep Tony’s sexuality controlled, and Howard didn’t think Stephen was anywhere close to the level he wanted Tony to be (of course, Howard didn’t think his son lived up to his expectations anyway. It was more about control). On the surface, Steve was sweet and everything you could want in a partner, and he even charmed Maria into liking him. She genuinely believed he’d be a good match for her son, so it hurt when she found out what he was really like. Rhodey was Tony’s boarding school roommate for all four (4) years. They met and hit it off overnight, Rhodey instantly feeling brotherly love and the need to protect Tony (or “Tones” as he called him. Rhodey is usually the only one to call him that). Rhodey and Steve did Not see eye to eye on anything, least of all how Tony should be treated. Steve was terrible to him, and Rhodey’s heart broke when Tony admitted he was too scared to break up with him.
- Reenter Stephen. After a particularly bad day, Tony called Maria and Stephen sobbing, missing the two (2) people he talked to more than anyone except maybe Rhodey. It was then he confessed what kind of boyfriend Steve was, and Maria gasped before saying, “Dump him. Let me handle the rest.” That very day, Stephen left school early and traveled to see Tony. It was 2am when he finally arrived, throwing rocks at the window and then scaling the side of the building once he had Tony’s attention. Stephen and Rhodey met the next morning, when Rhodey came back from classes and found his roommate asleep him.
- “So you’re the one who climbed in through my window,” Rhodey said. “For a good reason, I assume.” Stephen confessed it was because he loved Tony and wanted to be there for him, didn’t want him to hurt. (It’s fair to say, though, that Stephen visited before/Tony went to visit him, and they’d spent secret time together over the summers). Tony, believing himself incapable of love, didn’t reject Stephen’s confession but assumed it was only love between friends. The summer before they all left for college (Rhodey, originally from Texas, was also going to school in NY with Tony and Stephen. NY was a big part of who they both were, and they both dreamed of studying there together), they finally started dating at Maria Stark’s motherly demand.
- This demand came a short time before Howard and Maria died, and it also came with admissions of guilt and lots of tears. “I was wrong about Rogers,” she said. “You don’t have to accept what I say or forgive me, but I know Stephen is the right one for you. I think I’ve always known.” (No shit, everyone knew) Knowong she was genuinely sorry, Tony forgave her not knowing that she would die a few months later.
- Most of this canon I’ve created takes place starting in their junior year of college, so everyone has gotten to know each other quite well. I’m sure the more I write from this the more I’ll flesh out relationships between certain characters, but one I want to mention is that Tony and Bucky are very close and co-presidents of the “I Dumped Steve Rogers for Peace of Mind” club. Steve goes to college in the next state/a little further north (that’s as specific as it’ll get for now) and dated Bucky the group’s freshman year. Tony didn’t know any of this until Bucky brought him over one day, and after they (Tony and Bucky) had a talk about the way Steve is as a partner, Bucky realized some things and dumped Steve. He remains angry at them both, especially Tony, from a short distance away which terrifies Tony.
- Sam and Bucky kissed for the first time at a truth or dare night Thor and T’Challa hosted in the group’s sophomore year. After they kissed (Sam initiated) they both shyly admitted feelings for each other.
*Now here’s where things get a little dicey. I started this au with Christine and Hope together for no particular reason, maybe they were on a club sports team together and started dating from there? But Pepper fell in love w Christine at first sight, and it got worse and worse the more they got to know each other. Much like Stephen and Tony, they’re the kind of people who meet each other and just click, even if the eventual path to Pristine involves lots of tears and jealousy for Pepper that Stephen never really experienced. He didn’t feel jealous of Tony and Steve’s relationship, because he wasn’t at boarding school with Tony and there wasn’t much he could do. But as a supportive and concerned (and honest but kind) friend, he was always encouraging and there to listen to Tony. Is Pepper going to be as good of a friend to Christine as Stephen was to Tony while Christine gets ready to marry Hope after undergrad??? that’s the question my forthcoming college au fic will answer.
Also mentioned in my forthcoming fic (which I’m still writing rn)
- post undergrad Wong works as a museum director/curator (havent decided yet, maybe he works his way up the ranks) and double majored in psych and history.
- Stephen, Tony, Happy, Rhodey, and Wong all live together and the rest of the group lives around NYC.
- Stephen, Christine, and Bruce (The Doctor friend group) are all pursuing medical degrees while the SI friend group is transforming the company completely.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk! Congrats on reading all the way to the end lmao. I second guessed posting this a lot but then i remembered that it’s mine and I’m just sharing pre-fic thoughts lol. Thanks for reading/for your support of my work y’all!
Read the makeup fic (it doesn’t have a title) here.
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prosopopeya · 4 years
For the ask: 11, 16, 18, 20!
11. Which episode do you wish we had gotten (ex. beach episode, body swap episode, human!impala episode, etc)?
a body swap could’ve been fun! or like maybe one of those ones where for some reason dean’s riding along in cas’s body or vice versa, one of those episodes where they can only communicate with each other. (maybe i am thinking of what has eight tentacles and isn’t allowed to eat pie?) but that would mean dean and cas can only hang out together for an episode, and dean has to tag along with cas on a Day in the Life of Cas for once.
WAIT TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT ALL BACK. musical episode. like actual musical episode. full on buffy style where they are compelled to sing their inner feelings. dean gets an angsty solo. cas subtly sings about how much he loves dean while supposedly helping someone else with something. in the big number later on they have some significant verses that go over the heads of other people in the room (except charlie). at the end of the episode they kiss. still under the magic or not?? idk!! but that’s what it should’ve been.
16. Which fanfic trope would you force onto Dean and Cas in a canon episode? 
i feel like i don’t really read a lot of these fics? but maybe a nice fake dating, where dean’s weird about it at first, and eventually they do start bickering like they’re married and sam’s like lol really committing to the bit, huh? insert here bedsharing. i also love a good huddling for warmth so add that in too somehow. you can really pack ‘em all in here.
18. Ideally, what season would have Dean and Cas gotten together?
this is so hard bc i’m only as far as s12, but listen. i like the tragedy of dean and cas both realizing over the course of s7-8 that they have Feelings for one another and then once cas becomes human, he fully gets it. and i just perpetually want to change s9-10 into something better than they were. so maybe then. imagine it: dean can’t let human!cas stay at the bunker so he boots him, but then in the steve episode, they DO wind up getting together and then part of dean’s drama is hiding himself and cas from sam while hiding gadreel from sam and cas.
then you still get the (dumb) tragedy of the mark of cain, and if it’s still a new and fragile thing, then cas can still be like, tagging along with hannah, and he EXPLICITLY has to choose his human lover (but maybe not? they haven’t talked in a while?) over his place in heaven.
and soon after that is the rest of the mark and cain (I GUESS) and then during the amara thing, dean’s struggling with wanting to be with cas, but then cas goes and becomes lucifer’s vessel, and it makes their goodbye at the end of s11 and subsequent reunion hug in s12 even more emotional for me, personally.
20. What is THE destiel song?
GOD i have so many feelings about this but usually i ascribe a song too heavily to one person’s pov that it doesn’t feel exactly destiel you know. like right now The Dean Song for me is i know the end by phoebe bridgers. i have so many cas songs depending on the flavor of cas. s6? hoax. s7? evermore. s8? coney island. s9? the 1. seasons after that: strawberry blond.
maybe a song that i feel like encapsulates dean and cas as a whole thing could be peace. would it be enough if i could never give you peace? i’m also currently vibing hard with papa was a rodeo!
ask meme!
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matchstickwords · 5 years
Self rec fic tag
rules: Post your fics you are most proud of! No limit on how many, just the ones you look at and just feel so pleased that you wrote something so great! Tag as many people as you like to get them to share their own fics! 2k19 is the year we love our own fics babes!
Nobody tagged me but this looked like fun.
Harringrove edition (Not particularly ordered in any way)
🔵 One day you'll reach the stars. established relationship I wrote this because I cried a lot for the Mars rover that didn't even die.
🔵 I love summer (and summer is an euphemism). The thirst on these bois 👌 Steve wearing a crop top my god. Also has one of my faves comments by granpappy-winchester. if we made an award thing sara would run in the categories -best comment and -writing in the tags lol
🔵 Harder (I wish I could keep you). Billy having some alone time 😏 I wrote this bc I couldn't stop thinking about a fic and really struggled with the idea of posting it since I never asked permission lol but nobody died and then I could finally live in peace. Shout out to the-copperkid who didn't had to read it but did it anyway u.u 💕
🔵 A harvest. I liked the idea I went with and also for some reason I'm obsessed with doing anything under the rain.
🔵 Holiday filth. I don't care for holiday fics I truly lack the festive mood so I just wrote couch porn which is the only porn I ever think about... apparently lol
🔵 You. I felt poetry-ish and wanted some Billy angst and a happy Californian ending.
Kudos to the fics I'm writing that may never see the light and that one fic I have been writing forever *hunger games salute *
@eternalgoldfish @highon85 @the-copperkid @flippyspoon @hoppnhorn @lucybrown45 @granpappy-winchester @tracy7307 @sarahstarkiller @roseaque @ihni @spacebabehargrove @brawlite @pizzacast @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @benalras @sparkleeye @blahblahblaharringrove @harrygroves @trashcangimmick @desert-dino @celoica @thingsalexwrites @gothyringwald @lymricks @midgemaisell @missroserose @introvertia @imperiohs @straight-outta-hobbiton @ohmybgosh @imneithernor @twobrokenwyngs @laveracevia
I tried my best tagging but most def forgot people, anyone is welcome to do this and tag me because I really wanna know! (Also on ao3 pls add your blog. I love spilling my feels at authors)
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plush-anon · 5 years
you have seen 4 and half minutes of random low quality clips from a three hour movie. The Russo's are 3 for 3, and all test audiences have been raving about what they've seen from Endgame. You need to calm down until you actually see the film lol.
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guess you missed that part huh friend
(also one of my tags literally read ‘plush rants’, that doesn’t necessarily mean calm and collected response. this is a post i made to vent about possible outcomes for Endgame based off of my own concerns and opinions about what came out in the Clips. literally a ‘Dead Dove Do Not Eat’ kind of post)
On the Russo’s being 3 for 3, I’m gonna have to disagree there friend just bc... lord knows there are a LOT of issues with poor writing, plot contrivances, and plot holes with both Civil War and Infinity War that came directly out of their creative choices and views on the characters they are responsible for portraying.
For example, in Civil War:
When Ross was grilling the Avengers over what happened with New York, how is it that no one mentioned that the government outright TRIED TO NUKE NEW YORK CITY? There was a portion of the movie with Tony Stark flying the nuclear missile sent to destroy everything and everyone in one fell swoop - literal millions of innocent civilians - into the alien wormhole. How is it that no one tries to argue this on Team Cap’s team?
Who the heck hired Crossbones in Civil War to fcuk up the shit in Lagos? Was he still working for some fragment of HYDRA? What was his purpose there, what was his plan? He wanted revenge on Cap, but what was his plan to achieve that? Did Zemo hire him?
How is it that the Winter Soldier found the one place on an abandoned road where there was a convenient security camera showing him killing Tony’s parents in a way that there was no doubt those were the two people he was killing in the 80s/90s? did HYDRA put it there to watch it like a sports game, and if so, how did they tell Bucky that so he knew where to pull over, and how did they know the Starks’ travel plans to the point they could predict exactly where to run them off the road to that specific camera?
What was the point about the Five Winter Soldiers subplot, except to get Steve, Tony, and Bucky in one room together to watch the video tape of the Starks’ brutal murder? If the whole point was to turn the Avengers on each other, why not first split them apart, frame Steve as protecting a man who blew up the UN (even if it wasn’t him, the gen public still thinks this), then publicly release/show the video verifying that yes, this is a dangerous criminal and Cap is protecting him?
Does Zemo have a Crystal Ball to tell him everything that’s happening, in order to predict how everything fell perfectly into place? He orchestrated the UN bombing to frame Bucky, but how on earth did he account for the Lagos incident with Scarlet Witch, or the Sokovia Accords’ creation, or Black Panther’s involvement? How did he perfectly predict the fall of the Avengers and the stressors needed to force a split, to where Tony, Steve, and Bucky would be in place for him to bring them to the Tape of Dismay?
What was the point of including Ant-Man apart from the fight scene? Scott Lang’s entry into the MCU focused entirely on him trying to prove that he’s not a criminal and wants to do the best possible by his family and the world around him... only to throw it all away to break the law, fight with Captain America, and immediately get thrown in jail for it.
Maybe he didn’t fully understand what he was getting into, but what about Hawkeye, who has a wife and three kids? At the end of AOU, he was hoping to retire and live a peaceful life with his family, which was the whole reason Quicksilver died. Now his kids have no dad bc... why, exactly? He got bored? He wasn’t involved in anything leading up to the Accords like the Lagos explosion, why would he come back now? He knew full well what he was getting into when he joined Steve, and got arrested for it.What was the point except to flatten out the roster?
Why did Howard Stark decide to transport the Super Soldier Serum without any form of bodyguards nearby, ESPECIALLY with his wife in the car? Was the plan to transport it as quietly as possible while a heavily armored decoy distracted whoever was after it? If so, 1.) what danger/risk was there that required this method? 2.) did no one think to put a tracker on the Starks’ personal car while they were doing this, to ensure no bumps or hiccups? 3.) if there was a suspected leak at SHIELD, why would Howard endanger his wife needlessly under the guise of a normal drive out? (short answer: he’s a dick, but I digress) 4.) Who the heck were they trying to fool by driving around on back roads in the middle of nowhere? Where was their destination? (This branch of questioning I do recognize as not having enough time to flesh out, but the whole scenario raises a shitton of questions in general).
During all of this, where was Maria Hill? She was a higher up with SHIELD, and she was still free and alive. Fury was still presumed dead at large, I’m assuming, but wouldn’t she have tried to speak up, or was she keeping her head down?
And now, for Infinity War:
Why is it that when Thanos showed up, Loki didn’t use the Tesseract to open up a Portal to help all of the Asgardian refugees escape directly to Midgard, or even a nearby planet? Thor and Loki used it to transport back to Asgard at the end of Avengers: Assemble, and Thanos used it to teleport between planets effortlessly; while it cannot open massive wormholes on its own, it could still be used to transport people in between space, which Loki is known to excel at.
Why is it that, as Thanos was leaving the ship with Thor still alive, that Loki decided to call out to him, calling attention back to himself when they could have reconvened and sought out the Avengers to make a plan, all to try to stab him with a tiny knife?
Why didn’t Hulk show up before when Thanos was destroying/slaughtering the entire ship of Asgardian Refugees until Thor was captured and Heimdall was killed - why did he wait?
How did Bruce know to warn about Thanos, when he’s never shown any sign of being able to recall knowledge he learned as Hulk or memories during his time as the Hulk before now?
What the heck happened to Nova when Thanos went to retrieve the Power Stone? Wouldn’t the Guardians have been alerted when Nova attacked, given both their experience with the Stone and Gamora’s past with Thanos? How about the fact that StarLord can actually wield the stone somewhat? Wouldn’t they be a strong contender to stop Thanos, based on power and knowledge of him?
How about Rhodey suddenly deciding to turn his back on everything he fought for in Civil War without any sort of precursor than ‘he looks annoyed at Ross’ when Cap walks in?
What the heck are the logistics of Red Skull being the Ghost of Infinity Stone Past protecting an Infinity Stone he never encountered? Did the Tesseract transport him there as a protector, and if so, why doesn’t Thanos use the Tesseract to travel instantly to where the other stones are located? Why did the Tesseract transport the spirit of Red Skull to protect/conveniently explain the terms & conditions of the Soul Stone to anyone who came looking for it?
What was the point of killing half of all life to “preserve resources” or bc there weren’t “enough resources” for the populations when you kill half of all plants and animals in the universe as well? Did none of this occur to him as he was making the plan?
Doctor Strange said in Thor 3 that he keeps a watchlist on potential threats to Earth, which is how he knows about Loki - so why doesn’t he know about the Mad Titan with massive armies seeking the Infinity Stones at the beginning of IW?
For that matter, why didn’t Doctor Strange trap Thanos in a time loop like he did with Dormammu? Without the Time Stone, Thanos couldn’t escape, so why didn’t that come into play?
Also, what about Doctor Strange’s portal creating sling rings? If he had an issue with Tony Stark or Peter Parker being on the space ship, why not sling them back to Earth (or do they only work on Earth)?
For that matter, why not cut off Thanos’ hand with the Gauntlet USING these portals once they have him pinned? Could Thanos control his hand even as it was severed from his body?
Where the fcuk did the whole Wanda/Vision relationship bloom from, when they were on very opposite sides in Civil War, and Vision contributed to keeping her under house arrest? Where did romance even pop up there?
The Infinity Stones are supposed to be indestructible, as outlined in both GOTG and Thor TDW - how is it then that Wanda can destroy one now? Was it weakened by Shuri’s removal process (which was never aimed at destroying the Stone, only separating it from Vision without killing him)?
Vision was willing to sacrifice himself to destroy the Stone in his head and keep Thanos from winning, yet Steve goes ‘We don’t trade lives’, even when that wouldn’t be his decision to make - it’s Vision’s and he’s willing. Then they go to Wakanda to have the stone removed, and potentially hundreds of soldiers die bc that’s where Thanos’ armies landed down. They all knew that Thanos could track Vision (given that Steve and Natasha come to rescue him from the Black Hand at that subway station), so why risk the lives of thousands in Wakanda on the chance that he survives having it removed, only to have to destroy him anyways AFTER gods know how many have already died?
How was the Black Hand powerful enough to kill/maim/capture a host of Asgardians (who have been proven to have much higher durablity in regards to injuries in general) along with Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Hulk, and presumably Valkyrie, all of whom (save Hulk), have literal CENTURIES of fighting experience under their belts - and yet struggle and lose to mildly superpowered humans with far less durability to injuries than Asgardians (who live on average for 5000 years at a time, and have accelerated healing, as seen in both Avengers Assemble and the Agents of SHIELD tv series, which does share a level of canon to the main MCU)?
How could Thor withstand the full blast of a DYING STAR and be up again by holding his axe summoning the Bifrost’s power to heal him (????), yet not be capable of breaking out of Ebony Maw’s iron bars holding him in place in the first ten minutes of the movie?
How did Thor know exactly where to beam in via his Bifrost-wielding axe to Wakanda? Did the axe come with a GPS on finding ‘big ass battles’ to join in, or can it track Infinity Stones? If he stopped somewhere else to find out where to go, where did he go to and who told him? The Avengers didn’t exactly publicize the Infinity Stones or Thanos’ arrival, or leave too many people behind that Thor could easily touch base with.
For that matter, Thor arrived on Midgard before Thanos - with his Bifrost-powered axe, why not go to Titan where the rest of the Guardians are? He’s already with Rocket and Groot, so being able to track them down should be relatively simple to do on their end - why not meet up with them again? Why go to Midgard when he could have gone to face off against Thanos BEFORE HE GOT ALL 6 STONES?!? In fact, wouldn’t it make MORE sense to meet up with the rest of the Guardians than Midgard? They know about Thanos, they planned AFTER MEETING THOR to retrieve the Reality Stone - why wouldn’t Thor go back to them on this one?
And that’s just off the top of my head. Go looking in any Infinity War Critical tag, and you will find a thousand more.
If you mean 3 for 3 in terms of profit, definitely. Their upcoming movie outright crashed ticket ordering webpages for hours on end, to the point that to order tickets online, you had to wait your turn. As far as strong writing though? I would argue against that, based off of everything listed above and then some.
Fans on all sides have issues with pretty much every character’s portrayals, actions, and reactions, along with how the plot ultimately progressed. Steve Stans, Tony Stans, Thor Stans, Loki Stans, T’Challa Stans, Scarlet Witch Stans, Guardian Stans, Spider-Stans, Strange Stans, Hulk Stans - a lot of people looked at this film and found it lacking for all of these characters and their arcs, portrayals, their inconsistent capabilities after literally 20 films showing us everything they can do.
So while the Russos have done well financially for the MCU (and admittedly, made Civil War much less of a mess than it ever was in the comics - which is saying something about how absolutely fucked up the comics were), in terms of delivering satisfying conclusions for these characters, they’ve been found lacking again and again. Their idea of groundbreaking character work is to destroy or take away everything they love in absolutes, or to kill off characters to fuel Emotional Pain.
Thor didn’t have to lose everything to have an arc - neither did the Guardians. And while death will inevitably be a part of any Infinity War story, it’s extremely telling that the only deaths that left an impact are two of three that were NOT a result of being dusted - the ones we Know can’t be reversed so easily: Gamora and Loki. Characters that have suffered endlessly and received no happy ending with the people they cherish, after having lost so much already. The only characters dusted that people feel viscerally upset about that I’ve seen was Groot and Shuri, and the latter was only revealed recently in the Twitter campaign posters (and is also complete bullshit to pull on the audience - "randomly” kill off half the world, my ass, you killed off how many people in Wakanda and then some?!? No).
No one else’s death has left as much an impact in a story where half the world dies - and when the primary ending of your tragedy, having been built up to over a goddamn decade of films, leaves mostly a ‘meh’ feeling? You have failed to make people care, and failed as storytellers.
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In General
Do you take requests? My guy, without requests, this blog will go dry very quickly. We are high maintenance and require a lot of attention.
Will you write all requests that you receive? We reserve the right not to write a request if we don’t vibe with it. We will explain why we won’t, and whining won’t change our minds. Otherwise we will do our absolute best to see that all requests get written.
What if I don’t like something in your fics? If you see something wrong in our fics, feel free to let us know politely. If you are rude, we will make a note of what annoyed you and we will feature it prominently in our following fics until you (or someone nicer than you) asks nicely for us to change it. If it is a trigger we won’t do that, obviously, but we will do our best to tag so that doesn’t happen. Don’t read things if they have a trigger warning for something that triggers you. I shouldn’t have to say it, yet here we are. If you dislike the characterization, we can open up a dialogue and maybe we’ll write you one with a characterization that you prefer. Or maybe we’ll tell you to shove it. Depends on how things go. If you dislike the things we write about (e.g. Death Eaters from Harry Potter), then don’t f***ing read that fic. Blacklist it, whatever. We know why and how they are problematic, we just dgaf. It’s for fun.
Why don’t you have a masterlist/other Tumblr things? We are new to this whole writing thing, Midnight to Tumblr in general, and Serpentine has never written her own post before, so be patient. We are learning this whole thing as we go, and it was meant as more of an experiment than a job anyway. We will do our best to make a masterlist and make the blog easy to search, but it has a learning curve, so don’t be surprised if we don’t manage right away (or ever)
Do you have a tag list? We could try?
How often do you update? Depends on how much love and attention we get. If we get a lot of requests, we’ll be doing a lot of writing, Real Life™ allowing.
Can I reblog? If you make sure our names are still on it, you do what you like, my guy.
Can I tag you in things? Can I give you an internet hug? Ofc. Remember what I said about attention?
Can I message you? If it is for requests, we’d prefer you keep it in the asks, but if you wanna say something, then sure. Keep it PG for Serpentine’s virgin eyes tho. (Serpentine can deal with it, don’t be a wuss - Midnight) (You’re a wanker - Serpentine)
What don’t you write? Incest, non-con, A/B/O (bc Midnight will die), m-preg, underage anything ever, etc. Just keep it level guys. Don’t make it weird.
What happens with any original fiction that you post? I won’t post much of it, and it won’t be anything that I ever have intentions on making into A Thing™ so it’s basically just like our fanfics, go ahead and reblog if you feel just keep our names attached. Also, try not to write anything based off of it or anything like that, but if it sparks something, you do you. We’re reasonably chill until you’re a dick. (Then we’re chillier than a frost giant’s cold shoulder - Midnight)
What happens if I want to be a prick about your writing while on anon? Come at me, bro.
What types of requests do you take? We’re going to try to have a prompts list, or borrow some from fellow writing accounts that are okay with others using their lists, but prompts that you come up with are definitely great! Imagines, multi-chap fics, one-shots, drabbles, headcanons, it’s all fair game.
Name/Nickname: Serpentine, Holly, Andy
Age: 18
Pronouns: she/her/My Lady
How would you describe yourself: I would not
Are requests open: Yes
What do you like writing most: Fluff. I love it when everyone is peaceful.
What do you like writing least: Character bashing. Sometimes I have to for the sake of the plot, but it hurts.
Who do you write for: Marvel - Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Loki, Thor, Dr. Strange, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff (he didn’t die hmmm nope), Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal only), Brock Rumlow (don’t say anything Midnight, I know he’s a dick, leave me alone), Anatoly Ranskahov, Vladimir Ranskahov. Harry Potter - Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Charlie Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov, Thorfinn Rowle, Rodolphus Lestrange (although I characterize him as fatherly more than anything), Rabastan Lestrange (although don’t expect mental stability), Fenrir Greyback, Corban Yaxley, Evan Rosier, Lucius Malfoy (if we go AU), Lucissa (Narcissa Black nee Malfoy + Lucius Malfoy), Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Regulus Black, Jily (James + Lily), Sily (which is my take on Sirius + Lily, though mostly they are platonic sometimes I think hmm). I have a lot of my own personal headcanons for nearly all of these characters because I have spent many years of my life ‘living’ in the Wizarding World when I should have been doing my homework, so if something doesn’t vibe for you, I apologise, but I am very specific about my Harry Potter. 
POV & Other Characters: These can be OC or reader, platonic and romantic or unpaired accepted. For Harry Potter, I can also write them as Hermione Granger (like most HP fics are tbh). As for other characters, it’s all negotiable, but with Harry Potter fandom Slytherin characters are much more likely to get the OK bc I’m House biased (Go Snakes). The ones marked as couples are only written as couples, so don’t try to make me pair dear James Potter with anyone other than his Lily.
How long does it take to write a request: If I’m inspired, maybe an hour or two. Now when I post it...
Open to ask memes: Absolutely the hell yes. I love talking about myself.
Special Rules: I do not write smut (yet, bc I am innocent in the ways of the flesh), but I will yeet those to Midnight and I’ll do my best to take any other requests and if y’all wanna drop nasty imagines into the ask box or something, we’re all ears (eyes?). I will write poly ships, though again I reserve the right to decide how (e.g. M/M or nah) and there will be no sin.
1. Name/Nickname: Midnight, Kai, (Barnes)
2. Age: 19
3. Pronouns: she/her/Soldat
4. How would you describe yourself: I... am basically a less intimidating Winter Soldier (memory problems, depression, anxiety) and an MCU genderbent Loki because I can be a sneaky little shit
5. Are requests open: YEET
6. What do you like writing most: Fluff. Any time I get to make scary assassins do domestic things... I am there for that
7. What do you like writing least: Death. Why y’all gotta do me dirty like that? There’s more than enough in the MCU alone guys. Can’t we just pretend we live in the Everybody Lives AU?
8. Who do you write for: Marvel - Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Doctor Stephen Strange, Bucky Barnes, Peter Quill, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, T’Challa, Peter Parker (aged up), Pietro Maximoff, Wade Wilson (Deadpool), Gamora DC - Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, Clark Kent, Connor Kent, Dick Grayson, Steve Trevor, Tim Drake, Wally West, Barry Allen, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Damian Wayne (aged up), Kaldur’ahm, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen (aged up), Roy Harper (if you want YJ’s Red Arrow, please specify, otherwise my default is Arsenal), Hal Jordan Assassin’s Creed - Altair, Ezio
9. POV & other characters: I prefer reader inserts, however, if you would like an OC I would recommend naming the OC with a nickname so it makes it nicer for other readers to enjoy it. I will do specific ships if I ship them or I know enough about the ship. (eg WonderTrevor, SuperWonder, Stony, Stucky, IronStrange etc) I am also pretty okay with writing smut, but I may not be able to for specific characters/ships due to lack of experience in writing the sin, lol. (and yes, I will take your smut requests for Serpentine’s characters, and work with her to achieve the correct characterization, so long as time permits us to work on it in a timely fashion)
10. How long does it take to write a request: Depends on how busy I am, the alignment of the stars, the weather… jk, in truth, I can be very busy and also have to manage my own health so it can be from a half hour (if I’m really inspired) to up to a week or two. (I will try my best to turn out work in a decent time though, and if I have to ask Serpentine for help I will)
11. Special Rules: Already covered, I guess? Just bear with me on getting things out on time.
Please note; most of this was written by Serpentine at 3 am, I (Midnight), only wrote my own FAQs, also at 3 am. If none of this makes sense, that would be why. Serpentine rarely makes sense without supervision, so feel free to ask for clarification if the wording is awkward.
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11 Questions Meme
Tagged by @theprinceofprinces. Boy, I hope you know I don’t back down from a challenge lol.
Some answers are long, so I’m gonna put it under the cut.
1. Apples or bananas? Apples (specifically granny smith or gala).
2. Favorite season and why. Autumn. I love the crunchy leaves, the pretty colors, sweater weather, hot apple cider, late thunderstorms, Halloween... basically, the aesthetic of fall is The Best and I really like pumpkin spice and pecan pie, both of which are hard to find outside of the season.
3. TV or movies? Hmm... I like how short tv episodes are but I also really enjoy cinemaphotography... So both?
4. Would you rather eat one thing for the rest of your life or be able to drink whatever you wanted? Drink what ever I wanted. I would get so bored of eating the same thing by like day four I’d regret everything.
5. Favorite song(s) and why. My dude, why. Okay here goes (in no particular order):
- “Waltz of the Flowers”, Tchaikovsky. It’s just really peaceful and relaxing for me, and I like to imagine dancing to it in a pretty ball gown with the love of my life (who I have to find...). It also makes me think of peaceful nature walks.
- “Wait For It”, Hamilton: An American Musical. Idk the lyrics just really hit home for me. Like, “I’m not falling behind or running late/ I’m not standing still/ I’m lying in wait” just helps me calm my anxiety that I’m not doing enough with my life. I really identify with Burr, honestly, for a greater part of the story. (But I’m opinionated af.)
- “Stars” from Les Mis, Collabro. Chills. Everytime. I love it so much.
- “Carol of the Bells”/”Wizards in Winter”, Trans Siberian Orchestra. My Christmas/winter holiday jams, and therefore I am lumping them.
- “No Place Like Home”, Todrick Hall. The beat, the tempo, the lyrics... and the message is rebellious and I love it.
- “Expensive”, Todrick Hall. It makes me feel badass and hot af.
- “Shape of You”, Ed Sheeran. I can’t not dance to it. An impossible task.
I could go on, but I’ma cut myself off here.
6. Soup or salad? Salad.
7. Art or sport? Art. All of them. I’ve never been very athletic and I don’t really watch sports, but I have loved music and writing and art and theater since I was a kid.
8. Song or dance? Hmm... I like to sing and I like to dance, but given the choice between to two... I can’t pick. I’m not very good at this either or thing...
9. Favorite name(s) and why. W H Y would you ask this of me. Why. I put so much time into picking character names, I know so many...
- William. Idk I just really like the name William. It sounds kinda regal, but also common.
- Stevie. Considering it as my chosen name bc nicknames have gotten Out of Control with my college friends and I’ve never really liked my birth name. Long story short, we each have Avenger/Marvel nicknames (Save our dear Indy, for Indiana Jones) and I’m Steve. Cue gender dysphoria and never liking my name anyway, and suddenly I’m JaysaSteve and considering calling myself Stevie bc it’s gender neutral. Whoops.
- Anastasia. It is just a really pretty name imo. It also means ‘resurection’ which is pretty neat.
- Charlie. It’s neutral -- is it short for Charolotte? Charles? Who knows!
- Basically any name that’s unusual or not common. There’s a lot of names I like because they sound pretty to me. Others I like because of their meaning.
10. Tell me a story. *screams for an hour* 
Okay, story time. Every fall, the ladies in my family (and before I went to college me as well) go up to Warrens, WI, aka Cranberry Country, for Cranberry Fest. My first year was when I was in fifth grade. We got to the fest at about 7 am and started wandering through the rows upon rows upon rows of vendors’ tents. We came across one (that I now know is there every year) that sold shawls and covers and the like. I found a sheer black shawl with orange jack-o-lanterns on it. Since Halloween was approaching and is my favorite holiday, I thought about buying it. It cost $15 or $20, I think. But, since I had maybe $100 for the day and it was only about 8 am, my mom said I should wait, just in case I found something I wanted more later in the day. We could always come back.
So I decided to wait, and we left the tent. We fought down the rest of the aisle that was packed with people, but before we reached the end, an elderly lady got our attention and stopped us. She had a plastic bag in her hand.
I don’t remember exactly what she said, or really even what she looked like, but I’ve never forgotten her. 
She said she had seen me looking at the shawl in the tent, and that I really liked it, but then I walked away. She had hurriedly bought the very shawl I had been looking at, then rushed to catch up with my mom and I before we got lost in the crowd.
In the bag was the shawl. She gave it to me, a gift simply from the kindness in her heart. She expected nothing in return, just that someday I’d pass the kindness on to someone else.
When we caught up to my aunt and grandma at the end of the aisle, my mom had to tell them what had happened because I was crying.
People can be cruel, and that sticks with us, sure. But this lady did something kind simply because she could, and thought that I should have this pretty shawl that I had looked at with slight longing.
(Oh jeez, I’m crying now, almost 10 years later.)
11. Do you like where you currently are in life? No. I’m impatient to get to were I want to be (not living with my parents, a job I like, successful as a writer, an urban apartment, maybe not living in the US, living life as the nonbinary person I am and hanging out with friends...) and I’m just frustrated. I feel a little trapped, and I can’t express my gender at home because my family doesn’t understand nor do they really try to. I know I’m meant for bigger things but I just can’t get there *clentches fist*.
Tagging.... @theprinceofprinces! Big surprise, I know. Much shock, very startled.
1. What’s your stance on pineapple of pizza? 2.  If you could choose a superpower, what would you chose? 3. What color are your bedroom walls? 4. Do you like to cook? If so, what’s your favorite thing to make? 5. Kringle or danish? 6. Is there a song that you hate? 7. What’s your preferred method of transportation? 8. Eye color? 9. What motivates you? 10. Water park or amusement park? 11. Riddle me this: Everyday I stalk you all day long, with every move you make, I never make one wrong. I vanish twice a day witht he sun’s height and fall. I will follow you everywhere, even the bathroom stall. What am I?
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