#i obviously never said that out loud so she couldn’t have known lmao
fandom-fae · 1 year
feeling SO conflicted about the concept of lies. 
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
shoto and 'when i find out who is responsible for this...' IM A SUCKER FOR OVERPROTECTIVE SHO LMAO
This one was one of my faves to write, I really hope you like it!
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Damage | Todoroki/Reader
Prompt: “When I find out who is responsible for this...” Word Count: 1600 words Tags/Warnings: SFW, ye olde quirk accident trope Notes: Special thanks again to my lady love @bobawithpomegranate for beta-ing me!! Also, for anyone who hasn’t suffered a corporate job: KPIs = key performance indicators, which are a set of business metrics used to measure success in certain areas.
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The first sign that something was wrong should have been in line for security. 
Ayako—your favorite member of the Todoroki Agency security team—was waving a detector wand over your clothes when she asked casually, “How’s it going?”
Any other morning, your response was something along the lines of, “Oh, it’s going. How are you?” This morning, however, you blurted, “Good! Except that I bumped someone on the train and spent ten minutes trying to get a coffee stain out of this shirt, and I feel a little sick when I think about leading the KPIs review because Shouto’s property damage numbers are up again which doesn’t look great, so I skipped breakfast but honestly I’m super hungry right now, that was a bad choice, and—”
You cut yourself off, utterly bewildered. Ayako looked similarly nonplussed, raising a slim brow. 
“Uh, nevermind. I’ll just be going,” you said, and hared off to the rest of the security checkpoints before she could give commentary.
So you might have known that something was wrong even before you let yourself into Shouto’s manager’s office, armed with your monthly spreadsheets and performance slide decks. But you hadn’t given it more thought since then, a move which proved to be a complete mistake.
Shouto was already there, lounging in the set of chairs in front of his manager’s desk, looking less like a hero waiting for a meeting and more like some airbrushed ad for his dark turtleneck or his close-fit grey slacks. Your heart shot into your throat at the sight of him, like it usually did, and you had to remind yourself to relax.
Though he was unbearably handsome to the point of distraction, Shouto was relatively easy to get along with, something that should have made you calmer in his presence. He was straightforward, possessed of very little ego, thoughtful, and a very linear and strategic thinker—you’d worked extremely well with him the past couple of years, and Shouto, though he had less to do with the daily operations of the agency, had helped push your promotion last year to Director of Public Relations. It should have added up to an easy and uncomplicated work partnership, but his personality only made your unfortunate crush on him even worse.
He was so horribly, horribly perfect. And you were an awful little metrics gremlin, called in to roast him over the open flame of public opinion once a month. Really not something Shouto might be interested in.
“Y/N,” he said, looking up from his phone and fixing you with an intent look. Your heart stuttered under those heterochromatic eyes.
“Hi, Shouto,” you said, setting down your bag and digging out your laptop for something to take your attention off of him. “How are you?”
“I’m well,” he answered in his deep tone. “How are you?”
And that was it. The damning question that sent it all to hell.
“My heart feels like it could explode any second, and I feel kind of faint, weirdly weak, and incredibly distracted,” you answered, naming the symptoms of his very presence.
There was a beat of silence. You froze, crouched over your bag, laptop halfway out of it. Then it hit you what had just been said, and you slapped a hand over your mouth in horror. 
Shouto was up out of his chair in the blink of an eye, kneeling in front of you with cool fingers on your face, angling it towards him.
“You’re not well?” he asked, those eyes locking on you with an alarming intensity.
His attention only made things worse. “I feel like I might pass out,” you said, cringing even as the words left your mouth.
Fuck, what the hell were you saying? You were making it sound like you were some Victorian maiden, ready to swoon in the mere company of a gentleman. And why were you saying this shit? You’d worked with him for years and you’d never let slip the effect he had on you—what was wrong with you this morning?
You thought back to the coffee incident on the train this morning, the way the girl whose drink you had spilled had startled, the way she had weirdly apologized to you even as you were in the midst of your own apology.
A sense of foreboding settled over you. 
Oh fuck.
“I think I’ve been hit with a quirk,” you blabbed.
Shouto’s features shuttered, a hard look you’d never really seen before entering his eye. He went over to his manager’s desk, dialing a number on her office phone, and then he was talking in low tones, asking someone from medical to come up to her office immediately.
Then he was back at your side, easing you carefully to the floor like you actually were in danger of passing out, and not just a huge idiot with an incredibly fat crush that made you say the world’s most ridiculous things.
“When I find out who’s responsible for this,” he uttered, low and dangerous, “they might never be able to use a quirk again.”
For some reason, the threat warmed you, even as it sent a little shiver down your spine. Was it weird to find him hot when he was angry?
You clamped your mouth firmly shut, lest you tell him exactly what illness prevailed you, but your silence was all for naught.
Because when one of the medical staff made it up to the office, pressing a quirk testing strip to your skin, she pronounced, “A truth quirk.”
Shouto caught your hand before it could smack into your forehead, looking surprised that he had done so. And then even more surprised at the pronouncement.
“A truth quirk,” he echoed, looking down at you curiously. His fingers were gentle where they held your wrist.
You squirmed uncomfortably under his scrutiny.
“But then, you’re still not well,” he said. He looked up at the medical staffer. “She’s feeling faint, and having problems with her heart.”
“She’s fine,” the staffer confirmed, holding up a scanner with your vital readings. They were embarrassingly perfect—incredibly, perfectly, damnably normal.
You could have died. You literally could have died.
Shouto looked down at you with a little wrinkle on his perfect brow, obviously wondering how you could admit symptoms like that given a truth quirk, only for there to be no physical sign of them. You tried to hold down the truth, but another question from him doomed you.
“But how?” he asked, clearly concerned, cool fingers smoothing over your cheekbone.
“I have an insanely huge crush on you,” you blurted. Then you unleashed a string of colorful swears, flushing so hot you thought you might catch fire.
Those heterochromatic eyes went a little round at the edges.
The medical staffer looked like she was trying very hard not to laugh as she bade a quick farewell. She was out the door before you could catch her sleeve and hold her like a shield against Shouto’s incredibly penetrating stare.
“I’m. Um. You know, sorry and everything,” you added. “I won’t let it interfere with work. I mean, I haven’t, any of the past couple years—fuck, oh my god, I just said that—”
Shouto was watching your mouth like he couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of it.
“Say it again,” he said.
You paused, staring at him. “What?”
“Tell me how you’re feeling.”
“My heart feels like it could explode any second, and I feel kind of faint, weirdly weak, and incredibly distracted,” you answered obediently.
“Because of me,” he said, like it was a wonder.
You gave him an annoyed look. Obviously because of him, who the fuck else did he think wielded that combination of attractiveness and straightforward appeal like an S-class quirk of its own?
Shouto choked on a laugh, and you realized with some horror that you’d said all of that out loud. 
Damn the fucking truth quirk.
“I don’t know,” Shouto said, sounding amused. “I think I rather like it. When I find out who is responsible for this, I might have to thank them instead.”
This stopped you short.
He what now?
“I’m sorry, what?”
Something a little like a smirk curled the corner of Shouto’s mouth. “It is generally gratifying to know one’s feelings are returned, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I wouldn’t know—” you started, feeling annoyed with him again. Then you choked when the implication of his words sank in.
Shouto’s fingers slid down to cup your chin, and suddenly it felt like every nerve ending in your body was concentrated there, the touch magnified a thousand-fold into an all-consuming sensation. 
“Would you like me to kiss you?” he asked lightly, looking smug.
“Oh my god yes—” The answer was out of your mouth before he’d even finished the question.
Shouto laughed, and then he was leaning in. You could feel the smile still on his mouth when it met yours. Shouto’s kiss was careful and attentive, but you could sense something deeper beneath, the same kind of restrained sort of passion that underlaid his quirk. Having that kind of controlled intensity turned on you was something you could have never prepared for.
The kiss became deeper and more heated, and Shouto was just easing you backwards again, still pressed firmly to you, when the door opened and his manager blew in.
“This is a fucking office,” she said, stepping over the two of you like you were a grimy puddle in the street. “Now hurry the fuck up, we have KPIs to review. Shouto—don’t think this will derail me from your property damage numbers increasing.”
Shouto huffed into your mouth, slumping against you.
You couldn’t do anything but laugh.
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Current event masterlist in pinned!
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Off the Record | Stiles Stilinski
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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Summary: High school in Beacon Hills, as told through the eyes of one inquisitive journalist who has a knack at getting on Stiles Stilinski's nerves.
Warnings: idk there's like a couple curse words lmao. also, spoilers? if you haven't finished teen wolf I guess??
Word count: 8,227
A/N: hi hi this is my first fic I'm posting on Tumblr (not to say that this is my first fic ever...anyway)! before you start, I just wanna say that there's a couple things that might be off from the show but please just ignore them. like I think it's bs Lydia brings Stiles back and not Scott in 6b so I righted that wrong. but I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think of it! thanks for reading!!
All my life I’ve wondered why people didn’t question what happens in Beacon Hills.
It’s no secret that our town is unusual, but when odd things seemed to happen, people would just turn a blind eye and go about their business.
I, on the other hand, couldn’t let it go. I was inquisitive by nature, and my mom never knew how to answer my questions.
Why do we have so many animal attacks?
What happened to the people that disappeared in the Preserve?
Why did his eyes glow like that?
That last question almost caused my mom to get me a therapist – which probably would’ve helped me regardless – but she just continued to answer with her usual responses.
They just feel threatened by us, dear.
They’re in a better place now.
I’m sure it was nothing – you probably just saw some reflection in his eyes.
But no matter what she told me, I wasn’t satisfied. I knew there was something bigger going on, something my mom couldn’t explain, but I wasn’t sure what. As I got older, however, I realized that if I kept voicing my concerns, I’d be seen as the local crazy person – which, at the time, was the title reserved for my neighbor, Donna Romano, who always went to Town Hall meetings to complain about how some supernatural creatures were traumatizing her dogs every time she took them out at night to urinate.
Out of fear of sounding like Donna, I kept my suspicions to myself. I observed the strange actions of those around me and kept note of the bizarre events that happened in town. I found that it was something I was good at – observing. Always watching, but never voicing my opinions. Eventually, it got the best of me because I grew really quiet at school. But I didn’t mind. I liked being a wallflower.
One day in the fifth grade I saw my mom reading the Beacon Chronicle and I had an epiphany – journalists investigate weird, inexplicable events, so I should be a journalist. Reading the news became my favorite pastime, and by sixth grade I decided I would join the high school newspaper, The Daily Beacon, when I became a freshman. I figured maybe it would give me an outlet to investigate the odd occurrences in the town without looking like a lunatic.
But in sixth grade, I noticed that some of the odd things had stopped happening. There were less animal attacks and disappearances from the Preserve. Some people had even left town, including the last of the Hales, whose house had burned down that same year.
I didn’t give up hope though. I kept my head down and waited for things to get weird again. In the meantime, I wrote for enjoyment. In eighth grade I started shadowing a girl named Anna that was a part of the Daily Beacon, and I started writing articles – album reviews, movie reviews, school news.
Everything was going smoothly until my sophomore year of high school. Suddenly the weird things were happening, and I was sure that there was one person that was at the epicenter of it all – Scott McCall.
“...Angela, you’re covering the new faculty; Thomas, you’ve got the new Vegan Support Group club some juniors just created; and y/n, you’re covering lacrosse try-outs,” said Andrew, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Beacon.
I groaned slightly. “Andrew, couldn’t I write something a little bit more...my style? Like what about the one freshman class that boycotted their summer reading and is facing suspension?”
He gave me a slight look. “y/n, you know how important this lacrosse piece is. You know what that sport means to the school. You should be glad I’m giving you this opportunity,” he scolded. “Besides, Marlene is covering that class and is already interviewing their teacher.”
I nodded slowly and tried to refrain from rolling my eyes. I knew that Andrew meant well – he had been like an older brother to me ever since my freshman year – and he was right about the importance of lacrosse. I stayed quiet until he dismissed us, then mentally prepared myself to spend my afternoon watching some jocks exude machismo on a field.
When my last class was over, I walked over to the lacrosse field and found myself a spot on the top of the bleachers. It gave me an excellent vantage point – until a couple girls sat down right in front of me. The redhead I recognized to be Lydia Martin, the school’s resident popular girl. We’d been in class together all our lives, but I couldn’t remember a time she ever talked to me. I’m sure she didn’t even know I existed, just like the majority of the other people in our grade. The other girl, however, I didn’t recognize. I found out her name was Allison by overhearing their conversation. She was new and must have just moved to Beacon Hills.
The shrill sound of Coach’s whistle knocked me out of my thoughts. Tryouts started, and I watched as Scott McCall, a boy from my grade, was nearly knocked out by a lacrosse ball to the face. I winced but wrote down the event in the notebook I had out for documentation.
The next ball that went Scott’s way didn’t hit his face though. He managed to catch it in his goalie net. I couldn’t help but be a bit surprised – like Lydia, I’d known of Scott my whole life though he probably didn’t know me at all. But that meant I knew he was an asthmatic that wasn’t particularly skilled at sports.
“He’s actually pretty good,” I mumbled to myself as Scott continued to catch every ball that came his way.
I didn’t realize how loud I must’ve said it though because at my remark Allison turned around. “I was just thinking the same thing,” she said, obviously surprised. “Do you know him?”
I shook my head and quickly turned my attention to my notebook to write down the surprising turn of events. “Are you writing about this for the school newspaper?” I looked back up at Allison’s question. She was paying attention to me?
“Um, yeah, I am. I’d rather not write about sports, but here I am,” I joked lightly.
She let out a beautiful laugh at my statement. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. I’m Allison, and you are…?”
“y/n,” I answered. “Nice to meet you, Allison.” Suddenly the crowd roared, and I remembered why I was there. Allison, too, smiled and turned her attention back to the game. Lydia hadn’t said a word, but she was focused on watching Scott absolutely demolish Jackson Highmore, who, in my opinion, needed to be knocked down a few pegs anyway.
The more I watched Scott though, I got this weird feeling. He was good – too good. I tried to ignore my feelings and just focus on writing notes for the ridiculous lacrosse piece, which would include the headline: “Sophomore Scott McCall shines at lacrosse tryouts and becomes team co-captain.” But deep down I knew there was something up with him.
A few days later, I was sitting behind Stiles Stilinski, Scott’s best friend, in English class. Even though I’d had nearly all of my classes with him, we never talked. It originally was because I had a minor crush on him and was afraid I’d pass out if I spoke to him, but eventually it just morphed into me not speaking to many people and being convinced he didn’t know of my existence anyway.
But this one day, I was committed to speaking with him. I had to know what was going on, and if there was one person that knew anything about Scott’s new-found lacrosse talent, it was Stiles.
“Hey, Stiles,” I spoke up from behind him.
The brunette turned around, slightly confused but with that soft smile on his face. “Oh, hey, y/n. What’s up?”
I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. He knew my name? He knew who I was? I shook myself out of my thoughts before I went down the rabbit hole of the implications of him knowing me.
“Oh, nothing much. I’m just writing a piece about lacrosse tryouts for the school newspaper and I was just wondering if you had anything to say about it,” I explained.
He tilted his head slightly and shifted in his seat to more fully face me. “Um, yeah sure. I think it’s going to be a great season, especially since we’ve gotten some new leadership. My boy Scott’s co-captain now, so those Devenford Prep guys won’t know what hit them!”
“Speaking of Scott, when did he get so good at lacrosse? Would you say it’s natural talent?” I pressed a bit, hoping he’d say something that would give me a hint as to what was going on.
Stiles’ eyes squinted a little, and his head tilted slightly again. He seemed to be at a loss for words, which was unusual for the fast-talking, sarcastic boy, but he quickly recovered. “It’s definitely...natural...talent. He’s been working extra hard recently to hone his talent and skills so he could bring his A-game to this year’s tryouts.” When he finished speaking, he looked pleased with himself, and I could tell he had let out a small sigh of relief.
What are you hiding?
Though I didn’t know it yet, at that moment my rivalry with Stiles Stilinski began. He and Scott were hiding something, and I was going to find out what it was.
“You’re telling me that a girl is in a coma after the school winter formal and you don’t want me to write a story about it?”
Andrew leaned against the desk and crossed his arms. “It’s not that I don’t want you to write it. I just think it’s a tense time right now. The administration is receiving a lot of flack right now because of the winter formal fiasco, and Ms. Blanchard told me that we may want to avoid stirring the pot right now,” he explained. “That is not to say that we abandon our journalistic integrity and commitment to informing the student body, but we just may want to be sensitive to our environment right now.”
I trusted Ms. Blanchard, the faculty sponsor of the Daily Beacon, but not reporting on Lydia’s comatose state felt wrong. She was well-known at school, and students deserved to know the facts of her situation and how it had happened.Well, maybe I was lying to myself by saying that the real reason I wanted to pursue the story wasn’t the fact that something inexplicable had happened at the dance and I had to figure out what it was.
Andrew could sense my disappointment. “Look, maybe for now you can start collecting information and sources, and I’ll talk to Ms. Blanchard. Maybe she can advise us on how best to proceed.”
I threw my arms around Andrew in a quick hug. “Yes, thank you! I promise I’ll be sensitive when asking sources. I know how difficult this must be for the people close to her.”
“I know you will,” he said, chuckling lightly.
With a smile plastered on my face – perhaps a little inappropriately considering the topic I was excited to cover – I left the small newspaper office in search of my first source: Stiles Stilinski. He had been Lydia’s date to the dance, so surely he must know what happened to her, right? “No, I don’t know what happened,” Stiles angrily responded when I cornered him at his locker. “We were separated for a bit because she went looking for someone. When I went looking for her I–” he stopped suddenly, as if choosing his words carefully. He wouldn’t meet my eyes as he spoke.
“The next thing I know, she was at the hospital in a coma. They told me Jackson had found her out on the field when I went to check on her at the hospital,” he explained.
Something wasn’t adding up. “Ok, but where were you the rest of that time? You didn’t go looking for her when you didn’t see her for a while? What about when she had already been checked into the hospital?”
“What is this – an investigation?” Stiles shouted as he slammed his locker shut. I took a step back, eyes wide at the sudden display of aggression. Maybe I pushed too hard, I thought. Stiles rubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath. “Sorry, I….I didn’t mean it like that. There’s just a lot going on, and my dad has been up my ass about those details too. To be honest, I can’t tell you where I was. The time just flew by and all of a sudden I’d realized I hadn’t seen Lydia for a couple hours. I wish I had been there for her, but there’s nothing I can do for her now other than check up on her.”
Running a hand over his buzzed head, he shot me a forced smile and said “good luck with your article” before walking away.
I was at a loss for words, trying to put the pieces together in my head. Surely he couldn’t have had a part in Lydia’s injury? There’s no way. But his defensiveness was off-putting–
“Hey, y/n!” I was snapped out of my thoughts by Allison approaching me from behind. “What were you talking to Stiles about?”
“Huh? Oh, um, I was just asking him about…” I remembered that the funeral for Allison’s aunt was happening and didn’t want to mention the additional stress of her best friend being comatose, so I opted for a white lie. “Biology homework. I wasn’t really paying attention in class today.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you two were friends,” she said as she leant against the lockers.
I shook my head violently. “We’re not.” I’d grown too close to Allison for her to not pick up on my feelings though.
“You say that now, but–”
“I have to get to class. See you at lunch, Ally!”
Other things that year were weird, but none warranted any further investigation via newspaper article. Sure, I was wondering about Erica Reyes’ sudden transformation into the ultimate baddie, the mysterious deaths of a mechanic and Isaac Lahey’s dad, numerous paralyzations at the Jungle, and a death of someone at a secret rave, but Andrew thought it would be best for the Chronicle and Ledger to cover those bigger events. In fact, the only other unnatural event that happened that I had to cover for the newspaper was Stiles’ unbelievable winning streak at the lacrosse championship. I would have quoted him after the game, but I really didn’t want to speak to him and anyway, he had disappeared for a bit right after the team won.
I could tell that things were happening, but it was all hidden from public view. I even noticed Allison’s behavior fluctuating. The arrival of her grandfather shook things up, and while he gave me a bad feeling, I couldn’t exactly figure out why. Lydia was more troubled than usual after coming back from the hospital even though she tried to act normally. Jackson was going through something and was more angry and aggressive than usual, but I wasn’t close enough to him to ask him if he was okay.
Over the summer, I spent a surprising amount of time with Lydia. Allison spent her summer in France, but she asked me to keep an eye on Lydia to make sure she was okay, especially since Jackson had moved to London during the summer break. I was surprised how much I enjoyed spending time with the redhead, and we hung out when I wasn’t working at my internship at The Beacon Chronicle, which my mom had convinced me to apply for after she noticed how irritated I was that I couldn’t pursue some of the stories I wanted.
By the time Allison came back before the start of school, it felt like Lydia and I had been best friends for the longest time.
“So, Allison, have you talked to Scott at all this summer?” I asked when I was sitting in the backseat of Lydia’s car, Allison in the passenger seat.
She shook her head. “No, I think I still need some time. He...hides things from me and I don’t know if I can trust him.”
I nodded my head, understanding the feeling. I still couldn’t place my finger on what had happened between them or what Scott was involved in. Though I comforted her when I found out they broke up, I didn’t really know why they’d done it.
“What about you, y/n? Have you talked to Stiles at all?” Allison asked, looking back at me in the backseat.
“Why the hell would I talk to Stiles?” I questioned, confused.
She and Lydia shared a small look that I couldn’t decipher before she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, but you guys are more similar than you may think. I don’t know why you guys act like you don’t like each other though.”
The car rolled to a stop at the stop light, and all of a sudden I noticed a familiar baby blue jeep approach next to us. “Speak of the devil,” I mumbled. Lydia and Allison didn’t notice Stiles staring and waving at first, but when they did the car was filled with awkward tension.
The next events were a blur: Lydia running the red light, both cars stopping in the middle of the road, and a deer running straight towards us, nearing killing me in the gap between the front seats. We were shaken, and the boys ran towards us when they saw what happened.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asked Lydia, but he kept looking at me. I nodded slightly and he turned his full attention back to Lydia.
“What was wrong with it?” Allison asked as Scott got closer to the deer.
“It was scared,” he explained. “No, terrified.”
Things got progressively weirder after that. On the first day of school, I interviewed our new English teacher, Ms. Blake. She was nice enough, but it was unfortunate that her class was the one that a whole flock of birds decided to burst through the classroom windows. By the time the police arrived, I was already drafting up a story in my brain: Why are the animals acting weird in Beacon Hills?
I had overheard Stiles talking to Scott about the deer’s weird behavior and the number of deer-related incidents in California, so I swallowed my pride so that I could talk to him and maybe get some stats and information on the whole situation.
I walked up to him when he was sitting alone, texting on his phone. “Hey, Stiles.” “y/n? What’s wrong?” He had genuine concern written on his face.
“I overheard you and Scott talking about deer-related incidents earlier,” I noticed how he tensed up at my statement, “and I was wondering if you could help me with a piece I’m writing? It seems like you know all the stats, so maybe...you could write it with me?” It pained me to finish that sentence, but I figured it might be easier to figure out what was going on if he was helping – especially if he already had inside information.
I think for the first time in his life, the talkative boy was speechless. “I understand if you don’t want to or you’re busy–” I said quickly, trying to give him a way out.
“Yeah, sure.”
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t caught off guard by his response. “W-what?”
He smirked slightly. “Yeah, sure. I’ll help you out with your article, y/n. Collaborate with you, if you will. We can work on it at my house tomorrow afternoon if you want.”
Nodding and agreeing with the plan, I left the chaotic English classroom.
The next afternoon, I felt like I was walking into the lion’s den. Going to Stiles’ house felt foreign, but what was even stranger was seeing him in casual clothes in a comfortable environment.
He answered the door wearing some sweats and a t-shirt, looking more comfortable and confident than I’d ever seen him. “Hey, y/n. Come on in,” he greeted.
I thanked him awkwardly, and we walked to his dining room table to get set up. “Sorry, I need to go grab my notes from my room. Be back in a sec,” Stiles said before leaving me alone in his dining room.
After a moment of silence, Sheriff Stilinski walked in wearing his uniform. “Oh, y/n! What are you doing here?” He had seen me a couple weeks ago in the police station when I was requesting documents for a story for the Chronicle. Though journalists and cops don’t often have a jovial relationship, he said that he liked me because of my commitment to the truth and respectful nature.
“Hey, Sheriff. I’m writing a piece about the animals acting weird, you know, with the deer accident and bird incident, and Stiles said he’d help me since he has a bunch of statistics on deer related car accidents.”
“Stiles is helping you? Well, I’ll be damned.” When he saw the confusion on my face, he rushed to explain himself. “No, not like that. It’s just, you’re all organized and focused, and Stiles is….Stiles.”
I was laughing heartily when the boy himself walked back into the room. “What’s going on, Daddy-o?”
“Nothing, son. Just catching up with y/n here. I’ve got to get to work, but you’re welcome anytime, y/n.” He said before patting Stiles on the shoulder and heading off to work.
Stiles looked over at me oddly when he placed his notes on the table and sat next to me. “Since when are you all buddy-buddy with my dad?”
Shrugging, I said, “Ever since we started grabbing beer every Thursday night while you’re at lacrosse practice.” His jaw dropped slightly, and I laughed again. “No, idiot. We’ve just interacted a lot because of my internship. Now, can we get started on the article?”
After the article was published, my next assignment was writing about the track meet a couple weeks later. I found out Allison and Lydia were riding together to the meet, so I tagged along.
Both girls were extremely tense the whole ride, seemingly concerned about something going on in the bus. We were only a few cars behind the bus full of track runners (and lacrosse players who were forced to attend the meet), but the stand-still traffic was a force to be reckoned with.
“Do you think we’re too close?” Allison asked.
“Honey, if you were any closer I think you’d mount the bus,” Lydia said sarcastically. She got a call from Stiles and looked over at Allison. “Hey, Stiles,” she dragged out the ‘hey,’ tension obvious in her voice.
She listened to what he was saying, something clearly wrong. “What do you mean he’s not–” she stopped when she remembered I was in the car, “healing?” She finished the question quietly, probably hoping I wouldn’t hear.
Healing? Is he injured?
“Yeah, ok, just find a way to get Coach to stop. We’ll meet you there.” She hung up and told Allison to pull off at the next stop.
When we got to the rest stop, I could see everyone hurrying to get off the bus. Allison parked the car, and we quickly went to the bathroom where I saw Scott nearly passed out on the floor. “Oh my god, is he okay?”
“Yeah, y/n. He’s fine. At least, he will be,” Stiles responded. He positioned his body in front of me a little bit as if he was trying to block my view of Scott.
I gently pushed him aside so I could see and was shocked to see black blood coming from the injured boy. “What the hell is going on? Why is his blood black?” I ran forward to get closer, kneeling next to Allison.
“It’s nothing. We just need to stitch him up and he’ll be fine.”
“Stiles, don’t fucking lie to me. I can see that he’s obviously not fine.”
“He’s right,” Allison said quietly. “We need to stitch him up. I need something to stitch him together with.” She looked around before remembering something in her bag.
I shook my head. “We need to tell Coach. Take him to a hospital or something.”
“No!” All three of them yelled at me.
It was quiet for a moment, all of us deciding where to go from here. “Just…” Stiles started, “please go and make sure the bus doesn’t leave without us. We’ll handle this.” I got up and slowly made my way to the door.
As I reached for the door, a hand grabbed my wrist. “y/n,” Stiles said, “it’ll make sense someday. Just trust us for now. Trust me,” he pleaded quietly out of earshot of the girls and Scott.
“I do,” I replied quietly, not meeting his eyes, before pulling my hand from his grasp and leaving the bathroom.
That night, we all had to stay at the Motel Glen Capri because of the postponed meet. I didn’t like its energy, and neither did Lydia. “A lot can happen in one night,” she said.
Though it was supposed to be two to a room, I convinced Coach to let me room with Allison and Lydia. Admittedly, Coach didn’t need much convincing because I was saving the school money by doing so. Once we got our room key, we went up to our room on the second floor.
“I’m going to go get a snack from the machine,” I told Lydia once Allison was in the shower.
She nodded. “Sounds good. I’m going to the lobby. There must be something we can do about these towels that reek of nicotine.”
Grabbing a couple one’s from my wallet, I made my way down the hall to the vending machine where I ran into Boyd and Stiles. As I approached, I could hear Stiles trying to talk to an unresponsive Boyd, who subsequently punched a hole through the glass of the machine, grab his snack that the machine refused to give him, and walk away.
“What the hell was that?” I asked Stiles as I walked up next to him.
He shrugged. “I don’t really know, to be honest.” He reached into the machine to grab his snack and tossed one to me as well.
When I got back to my room, a shaken Allison and Lydia were hurriedly talking about something. “Oh, y/n! You’re back. You won’t believe what just happened…” Allison started
She recounted the story of Scott’s bizarre behavior in the bathroom, and Lydia filled me in on the counter that they have at the front desk. “Can you imagine having a counter for the number of suicides that take place in your hotel? Crazy,” Lydia said. Taking her phone out, she sent a quick text to Stiles telling him that we all needed to talk.
We met him in the hallway a couple minutes later. “What was the text for?” Stiles asked when he saw our little gathering.
“There’s something going on with all the…” she looked over at me before continuing, “guys. You know, Scott, Boyd, Isaac, probably Ethan too.” I tried to connect the dots between all of them, but I didn’t really know what they all had in common. Scott and Isaac were both on the lacrosse team, but from what I could tell they didn’t have a particular fondness for each other or Ethan.
“I think someone’s going to die tonight,” Lydia said decisively.
“Why do you think that?” I asked, but it seemed like I was the only one questioning her line of reason.
She shook her head slowly. “I just...have a feeling.” After a moment of silence, she told us about hearing something from the room next to ours through the vent, so we decided to investigate it. Room 217 seemed empty and locked, but all of a sudden we heard the sound of a saw from behind the door.
Stiles busted the door open, and we opened it to find Ethan turning the saw on himself. “Ethan, stop!” I yelled as we ran into the room. Stiles started wrestling him for the saw, but luckily Lydia saw where it was plugged into the wall and unplugged it.
The next thing that happened was completely unexpected to me. Ethan grew fangs and claws, his eyes blazing red. What the fu–
Allison and Lydia rushed forward, wrestling his claws away from his torso where he had been planning on slashing himself. In the struggle he fell on the space heater, which apparently brought him out of whatever state he was in. He ran out of the room soon after. When we tried to question him about what he was doing, he couldn’t answer us. He had been out of control, and it made Allison realize we were forgetting someone.
“Where’s Scott?” She asked suddenly. When no one could answer, we all decided to split up – I’d go with Allison to look for Scott while Stiles and Lydia went to find Boyd and Isaac.
Scott wasn’t in his room. Allison and I ran all over the motel, looking in every crevice. At last, we decided to check the school bus, and that’s where we saw him. Standing drenched in gasoline, a flare lit up in his hand.
“Scott…” I approached quietly, careful to not make any sudden movements.
It was then that Stiles and Lydia joined us. I watched as Stiles walked into the gasoline, my breath catching in my throat as he nearly sacrificed himself. Scott was talking, but I didn’t really understand what it meant. He said that his life was better before the bite.
Stiles eventually talked Scott down, but the flare rolled into the gasoline. Luckily, Lydia was able to make sure we had all gotten out of the way. I’d ended up next to Stiles on the ground, and though we made eye contact, no words were spoken.
We spent the night in the bus because none of us could bear the thought of spending another second in that cursed place. Coach woke us up in the morning, definitely thinking the worst about what we may have gotten ourselves into, but whatever he was thinking wouldn’t possibly compare to reality. What was reality? I couldn’t have really told you at that point. I didn’t understand what we’d just lived through.
Before the other students started loading onto the bus, Stiles slid into the empty space next to me. “y/n, you know that all of this,” he made a grand gesture to Scott and the others as well as the motel, “is off the record. You can’t tell anyone about this. About what happened.” I held eye contact with him for a moment before nodding. “I wouldn’t tell anyone. To be honest, I don’t even really know what I would tell people, but I wouldn’t.” He nodded, a sad smile on his face as he looked down and fidgeted with his hands. “But Stiles,” I said as he looked back up at me. “Please help me understand it all. You can trust me, I promise, I just want to understand. I want to help.”
With a deep sigh, Stiles nodded once more. “Okay. I’ll tell you everything.”
When Stiles said he’d fill me in on everything, I didn’t realize he meant everything. I couldn’t believe how oblivious I had been to everything that had happened in the past year. Sure, I knew something weird was going on, but how was I supposed to know it was supernatural?
Finding out that my little corner of the world, little old Beacon Hills, California, had werewolves (and a kanima, pack of alphas, and whatever the hell a Darach was) was a lot to process. It was unbelievable, but Stiles helped me believe it.
I could tell that he didn’t fully trust me though. There was something in the way he looked at me that told me he was wondering when I would be done with my source acquisition and I’d write the next big exposé: Supernatural Beacon Hills: How Werewolves Have Been Hiding In Plain Sight. I didn’t know how to assure him that I was on their side and wouldn’t expose their secrets.
As the year progressed, things simultaneously made more sense and less sense. To defeat the Darach, we had to perform a sacrifice for the parents that had abducted, and Deaton – the veterinarian that had taken care of every family pet we’d ever had – told me I had to hold Stiles down during it. He said we had some sort of connection, but I guess that’s what mutual loathing does to people.
In the end, we won. We beat the Darach, the alpha of the alphas Deucalion left, and Scott became an alpha himself. But it was still just the beginning.
The sacrifice did something to Scott, Stiles, and Allison that we didn’t fully understand. Deaton said they left a door open, which only made it harder for Stiles to trust me because he could barely trust himself.
Knowing about the supernatural didn’t preclude my other responsibilities though. I still wrote for the Daily Beacon, much to Stiles’ displeasure, but I enjoyed it. So, on the first day of school I interviewed our newest faculty member – Mr. Yukimura. He and his family had just moved from New York, and his daughter Kira was in our grade. She was nice, but shy, so I invited her to have lunch with us.
Surprisingly, Kira jumped right into the conversation at lunch by mentioning bardo, the Buddhist concept of being in an in-between state.
After lunch, I caught up with Allison to walk to our next class. “Hey, Allison, could I ask you a favor?”
“Of course! What’s up?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to ask this but...I need help learning to defend myself, I guess? It’s just that I’m going to be helping you guys now, and I actually want to be helpful, so I want to protect myself so you guys don’t have to worry about me,” I admitted.
Allison smiled softly. “I’d love to help.” I returned her smile, suddenly giddy, yet nervous. “But, I think you should know that my...aim...has been off since the sacrifice.”
I could hear the disappointment in her voice. “Nonsense, I’m sure that you’re still the best shot in this school.” She shook her head. “It’s never been this bad.”
Touching her arm lightly, I gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ll figure it out together.”
A few days later, I was surprised when I was paid a visit by both Scott and Stiles while I was sitting in the library. “To what do I owe this pleasure, boys?”
“We need your help.” I perked up at Scott’s statement. “We’re trying to solve the Tate case, you know, the one where Malia Tate disappeared all those years ago after that car accident, and we could use your help tracking her down.” He looked over at Stiles and nudged him with his elbow.
“And, you can write a piece about it. Not including all the details, if what we think happened is true, but you can still write something factual,” Stiles said, still displeased that I was writing for the newspaper.
To annoy Stiles, I acted like I was really thinking about it for a minute, but then laughed lightly. “Yeah, I’ll help you guys. Where do we start?”
Pull yourself together, y/n. You’re a journalist. You’re supposed to report on tragedy all the time. Be objective.
I took a deep breath and wrote the first line for what would be the cover story of the next Daily Beacon issue.
Junior Allison Argent, 17, died in an unfortunate carjacking incident last fall.
Before I could write any more, I got a phone call from Stiles.
Oh, thank god. “Stiles?”
“Do you want to come with us to Mexico?” He blurted out.
I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled from my chest. “What? Mexico? Why? When–”
“Stiles, are you insane? Even if I wanted to, there’s no way my parents would ever let me go.”
“We’re all telling our parents we’re going camping, if that helps at all,” he said with what seemed like a hint of disappointment in his voice.
I was quiet for a minute, but my mind was already made up. “Why? And who exactly is going?”
“Scott, Lydia, Kira, Malia, and I have to visit some hunters and see what they know about Derek being missing.”
As soon as he mentioned Malia, my mouth started curling into a frown. It’s not that I disliked the werecoyote, it’s just that she and Stiles had been pretty full on since they hooked up at Eichen and started dating. I wasn’t jealous – though I’m sure Lydia would argue otherwise since she’s convinced I like him or something – just...weirded out by their relationship.
I sighed. “I want to help, but I really can’t tomorrow. School starts back up in a couple days, and I need to finish this elegy for Allison and come up with a bunch of assignments for the staff writers…” I trailed off, thinking about all that I had to do before the coming week.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Ms. Editor-in-chief over here has a life outside of us,” Stiles joked.
Andrew graduated at the end of last year and left his glittering empire to me, though suddenly I felt overwhelmed at the prospect of running a newspaper while being way too involved in the town’s supernatural endeavors. It didn’t bother me last semester, but after Allison…
“I’ll just see you guys when you get back, okay?” I told Stiles. He made an unintelligible noise of agreement. “And try not to let anyone get killed.” “Yes, mom,” Stiles said sarcastically. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
When the pack got back, I was surprised by the events that had taken place. “What do you mean it’s a young version of Derek?”
A few days later, I had to cover the spring lacrosse tryouts. Though I wanted to assign it to someone else, I had to do it myself because everyone was busy with the assignments I had given them.
To my surprise, a new freshman, Liam Dunbar, showed everyone up at tryouts – even Scott. I took note of how he seemed almost athletically superior to everyone, and I wondered if he was supernatural.
“He’s human, I’m sure of it,” Scott said as he came up next to where I was sitting on the bleachers, scaring me out of my mind in the process.
“Jeez, Scott. A little warning next time would be nice. But how do you know?”
He shrugged. “I can just tell. He’s just a really great athlete.”
“He’s going to be a great pain in my ass, I can tell,” Stiles said, sidling up next to Scott.
I took note of their reactions, writing down Scott’s comment – about being a great athlete, not human – to consider while writing my piece.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re writing a story about him,” Stiles groaned.
“You know I have to write one about the tryouts, and he just happens to be the star player of today,” I told him. “Sorry, Scott.”
Scott waved me off, but Stiles was still upset about the situation. “No, don’t give him the ego boost! He’s already a little shit, and an article about him would make it worse.”
Taking a break from my note-taking, I looked over at the brown-haired boy. “Stiles, have you even talked to him?”
He looked at a loss for words. “N-not really...but I can see his arrogance from a mile away!”
I rolled my eyes. “Well then, if you’d excuse me, I’m going to write up a fantastic story about a talented up-and-coming lacrosse player.”
The article became the next issue’s front page, but I almost wished I hadn’t given him as much attention when Scott turned him into his beta.
The rest of the year didn’t go as planned either, but isn’t junior year supposed to be everyone’s worst year?
As much as I liked helping out with the supernatural problems Scott and the rest of the pack were having, it was hard knowing about what was going on and not being able to write about it, especially when all of the mysterious killings started up. We eventually found out about the deadpool, but I could write about a kill list of Beacon Hills’ resident supernaturals, could I?
At the end of the year, I finally had to make the trip to Mexico with the rest of the pack. “Stiles, I’m going. You can’t stop me!” I attempted to open the passenger door of the jeep when he reached out and shut it from behind me.
“No, it’s going to be dangerous. We don’t even really know what we’re facing,” he tried reasoning with me. “I can protect myself,” I said, thinking of the training that Allison had given me. “Besides, I can’t just sit by and wait for you guys to come back. I need to try helping Scott.”
Realizing that I wasn’t going to back down, Stiles removed his hand from the side of the door and opened it for me. I nodded a quick thanks as I hopped into the vehicle.
I wasn’t expecting to fight Scott that day, but we all did in order to return him from his Berserker form. At the end of the fight, I had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing I couldn’t deal with.
As Derek drove away with Braedan, I could feel that things were changing. “I can’t write about any of this, can I?” I asked somewhat jokingly.
“Off the record,” Stiles replied from where he stood next to me.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?”
“Oh thank god, you remember me!” He said as he grabbed my hands. He’d been running down the hall frantically when I saw him.
I looked at him with concern on my face. “Yeah, of course I remember you? Why wouldn’t I–”
“y/n, it’s the Hunt. The Ghost Riders. I saw them, and now they’re coming for me.” He was breathing heavily, eyes sweeping the surroundings for signs of the Ghost Riders. His eyes locked on something to his left, but when I looked, I couldn’t see anything. “They’re here. We have to go,” he said, pulling me towards the parking lot. We got into his jeep, but he didn’t start the car. “Stiles, what are you doing?”
“It’s too late.” I could see the look of grief on his face. “No, don’t say that. It’s not–”
“It’s the truth,” he cut me off, turning to look at me. “Promise me you won’t forget.”
I shook my head. “I won’t. But Stiles, I can’t do this without you,” I could feel a tear escaping my eye and slipping down my cheek, my emotions getting the better of me.
Stiles reached forward and wiped the tear away before placing his hand on my cheek. “What do you mean? You’re one of the smartest, most inquisitive people I know. If I had to trust anyone to find a way to stop the Ghost Riders, it would be you.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his honesty. “Yeah right. Lydia will probably figure it out before me.”
He shook his head. “You can do it. I trust you.” I could tell there was more he wanted to say, but he turned to look at something through the window over his shoulder. “Can I tell you something? Off the record.”
I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my mouth. “Yes, of course. What is it?”
He took a deep breath. “I don’t hate you. I know it may seem like I’ve never trusted you or that I don’t care about you, but it’s actually the opposite. I...really really like you,” he admitted.
I was stunned. Stiles likes me? He was searching my face for any indication of feelings as I sat there silently.
“Oh, shit,” Stiles mumbled. “Ok, forget I said that. Well, you won’t need to forget when you forget me in a minute–”
I cut off his rambling by placing my lips on his. They were warm and familiar, as if they were made for mine. “I like you too,” I mumbled when I disconnected, my eyes still closed from the interaction.
But when I opened them, I was alone in the baby blue jeep.
All semester, I’d felt that something was missing, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Or who it was.
But after months of searching for it, we finally figured it out. Lydia had gone into a banshee trance to discover the word “Stiles,” and it brought back vague memories for me when I heard it. The feeling of soft flannel. A sarcastic laugh. Red string around my finger. A hefty wooden baseball bat.
The collection of memories made sense when we all finally got our memories back and remembered the person we were missing from our lives.
We traced the trail of clues to the sewers, where Scott tried to bring back Stiles because of their brotherly love for one another. I thought it would work, but the portal closed and Stiles hadn’t appeared. Come on, Stiles. Where are you?
We had to fight the Ghost Riders off, making sure they didn’t turn our beloved Beacon Hills into another ghost town. I’d run into the high school, looking for something to use as a weapon when I ran into someone in the hall. A tall, brown-haired figure wearing a flannel shirt. “Stiles?”
He turned, and smiles emerged on both of our faces. I broke into a run again, right into his arms. “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re really here.” I mumbled, the sound muffled against his shirt.
“I knew you could do it,” he said.
I pulled back slightly and looked up at his face, suddenly nervous. “That night in the jeep...did you hear what I told you before you disappeared?”
A soft smile rested on his face. “Of course I did. It was the one thing that kept me going, especially when I was stuck with Peter.”
“Peter Hale? Why the hell were you with Peter Hale?”
Stiles shook his head. “We can go over that later. For now, there’s one thing I’ve been wanting to do.” I was a little confused, but I understood once he leaned in and connected our lips.
This is what I’d been missing, and I was never going to let it go again.
I watched from afar as Stiles gave his trusty baseball bat to Mason, who didn’t seem to appreciate the hunk of wood.
“Have you told him yet?” Lydia asked as she appeared next to me.
I shook my head. “We haven’t really had time to talk about that stuff. I think he doesn’t really want to think about it just yet and what that might mean for us.”
She nudged me with her elbow, silently telling me to go over there and talk to him. Rolling my eyes, I walked towards the familiar blue jeep and familiar mess of brown hair.
Liam and Mason had already walked away, and Scott and Stiles were standing and talking at the jeep’s trunk. “Hey, y/n. I’m just heading out, but I’ll see you guys later,” Scott said as I came up and Stiles threw his arm around me.
We waved as Scott left, and Stiles pulled me closer. “Hey,” he said, looking down at me with an affectionate expression.
I pulled him over so we could sit in the open trunk. “We need to talk.” I could see the panic flare up in his eyes.
“Oh, um, okay? Is everything okay?”
Chuckling lightly, I nodded. “Yeah, we just haven’t talked about college at all,” I explained.
His head dropped. “Yeah, I know. I just don’t want it to ruin what we have here, and I don’t even know what life will be like outside of Beacon Hills, and I feel like we just got together and now–”
“Stiles,” I cut him off. “I’m going to GW too.”
His eyes widened at my confession. “You...you’re going to GW?”
I nodded, a small smile on my lips. “I committed a while ago. I’m going to study journalism there.”
I watched as a smile spread across his face. Then, it was replaced by a quick smirk. “Oh great, you’re following me there, huh? I just can’t seem to get rid of you.”
I shrugged. “What can I say? I’m going to need someone to give me the inside scoop on the FBI’s antics.”
He looked pensive for a moment. “I think what you’re describing is illegal.”
“Not if it’s in the public’s interest. But maybe it just needs to be off the record,” I admitted. Stiles laughed. “Oh, it’s definitely going to be off the record.”
241 notes · View notes
captainsimagines · 3 years
Summary: It was only one night, no strings attached, just two friends working through their grief together. Steve went to live his life with Peggy and within two weeks of returning, he peacefully passed. Unimaginable things happen everyday, jokes have negative consequences, and protection doesn’t always protect from the possibility… the possibility of carrying a child. He would have stayed if he knew, everyone agrees with this, so why is the world calling Steve Rogers a traitor?
One-Shot (with a happy ending)
Pairing(s): Avengers x Fem Reader; brief Steve Rogers x Fem Reader
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Warnings: Unexpected pregnancy; serious talks about abortion; brief mention of suicide (if you squint); mentions of Endgame deaths; strong language; minor descriptions of actual birth; ANGST but with a happy ending! This is purely fanfiction. 
Word Count: 6,600+
A/N: So, Olivia Rodrigo’s album just came out and dude, jfc every song is magical. like... wtf. This is essentially a ‘song fanfic’, but ehhhh not quite. The lyrics don’t match the fanfic lmao but the melody does??? idk this is a shit ton of angst, be warned. It was from a request I got a while back, so this is kind of a request fanfic. 
Up until the moment Steve pressed his soft lips to yours, you were certain you had never experienced such a wonderful sensation of magic. You had been witness to actual magic, to beings from other worlds, and yet Steve’s gentle touch was enough to erase any other image, to completely overpower your senses, a kind of magic that dug deep into the trenches of your heart and settled in its new home. 
No, you and Steve were not a couple. There were some flirty remarks over the years, some fantasies that lay dormant, but there was never the craving to actually act upon them. But when half the world disappeared and the remaining Avengers came up with a plan five years later, the loss of a teammate prompted the sudden push of two touch-starved individuals. The rest of the team had gone to sulk in their own corners of the compound, some hard at work at constructing the final piece to the puzzle, and you and Steve ventured off to the kitchen. Two cups of tea each, silent but heavy tears mixing in with the sugar and milk. 
You were the first to break, shoulders crumbling and knees rocking under your weight. You fell to the floor, sobs and hiccups forming into a full-blown attack, your hands scratching at your neck. Steve fell beside you, pulling you into his chest and rocking you back and forth. He cried too, the final words of his best friend ringing in his ears like a dreaded song on repeat. See you in a minute. See you in a minute. See you in a minute. 
Time was irrelevant, you had enough of counting time, estimating it, time-traveling through it. If you could sit there all night, all week, another five years huddled close to Steve Rogers, then so be it. 
‘I can’t believe she’s gone,’ you had sobbed. 
‘I can’t believe it either. I can’t,’ he had cried back. 
You had simply lifted your head and turned his face toward yours, searching his eyes for any hesitation before you had leaned in first. He had returned the intimate gesture almost immediately, gripping you tightly. Tears dripped in between your moving lips, sobs caught inside breathy moans, grips becoming tighter and tighter as each of you shared your first time together. No other partner up until that point had ever pulled such a pained but grateful cry from your throat, no other human being had ever made you feel so safe and peaceful. 
The final battle was over, you had lost yet another teammate, but the world had a chance to start over. And Steve had pulled you aside a few days before he returned the stones, letting you know that he wasn’t coming back the same man. He had been so scared of telling you, of possibly betraying you, but when your palms cupped his cheeks and you gave him a kiss on the lips with a soft whisper of ‘Be with her. Cherish her. Be happy. We’ll meet again’, his worries instantly shattered. He could only rapidly nod his head, grabbing your hands that were soaked in his tears, and kissing them until he said his final goodbyes. 
And he returned such a different man, but with a smile you had never quite seen before. Yes, he was older and you only had a few seconds to actually process that, but he was happy. He had been happy. He finally lived the life he deserved. 
Sitting in that pew two weeks later, both sad and happy tears streaming down your face, you felt at peace for the first time in a long time. You simply gripped Wanda’s hand as they carried the casket down the aisle, a sad melody drowning the church. 
The first round of sickness hit you the day of the funeral, but you obviously didn’t think much of it. It was the fits of sadness and grief, the hot coil in the middle of your stomach, you thought. It had to be. It wasn’t until your breakfast was regurgitated into your toilet only a few minutes after enjoying it that you were suddenly worried. 
You sneaked to some liquor store a subway ride away, careful of not leaving a trail. This was embarrassing, it was insane, it couldn’t possibly be real. You gave the cashier your money and ran to the stall provided, peeing on the stick the best you could before placing it on the dirty sink in the corner. You patted your hands on your thighs repeatedly, careful to not touch any other thing in a goddamn liquor store bathroom. 
‘Friday?’ your voice was so defeated, tears already stinging your eyes.
Your little bluetooth sprang to life, ‘Yes, Y/N?’
Your bottom lip was trembling wildly, hands now shaking. ‘Can you stay active with me while I read the results? I can’t… I can’t be alone right now.’
‘Yes, Y/N. Anything you need, I’m here.’ You sobbed openly, thanking her under your breath. ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to contact anybody else?’
‘I can’t face them. I can’t face them if it’s positive, Friday.’
‘Okay, it’s alright,’ her voice was so delicate, so quiet and reassuring. ‘Just keep talking to me, Y/N. I think the results should be ready now.’
You inched closer to the test. ‘I’m scared, Friday.’
‘I know,’ Friday sighed, ‘But you will get through this. No matter the result.’
Grabbing the small device from the sink, you swallowed so much saliva that it actually hurt. The plus sign was so clear, so evident in its visibility, and your ears only registered the loud cries escaping your painful lungs because Friday was practically yelling in your ear. 
‘Please, calm down Y/N! Your heart rate is too fast-” she was stuttering, an AI was stuttering. ‘I’m calling for help. You need someone to be here with you. I’m sorry.’
It took ten minutes. Ten minutes of banging outside the bathroom door from the cashier, ten minutes of blurry vision and a strep throat. Sam broke through the door as quickly as he could, eyes flying around the small bathroom until he saw you huddled in the corner, a pregnancy test clutched in your small hand. He crouched down beside you, hands extended but not exactly touching you, and eyes trying to lock with yours. 
‘Y/N, Y/N?’
Just the sound of his voice, the voice of someone who didn’t need this added pain in their lives, it was just too much. Another weight added to your shoulders. 
‘I don’t know why,’ you choked out, ‘I’m so sorry.’
Sam’s face contorted into a pained expression, eyes brimmed with salty tears. ‘What are you talking about? No one is blaming you for anything. You’re safe, I’m here.’
You shook your head violently, ‘I didn’t mean to.’
But as quickly as those words left your mouth, the pounding in your head had become too unbearable. You collapsed into Sam’s arms. 
You woke to a single doctor who was monitoring your vitals. She was just sitting beside your bed, clicking random buttons on the screen in front of her. You whimpered slightly, the bright lights temporarily blinding you. The doctor quickly stopped what she was doing and removed the tube from your nose, allowing you to breathe on your own. You ignored the weird scratch that caused, and asked her the question you needed to have answered by a true medical professional - not a liquor store device. 
She confirmed what you already knew. There were no ‘congratulations’ or even ‘I’m sorry’s’, just the fact that you were pregnant and it was very early on. There were still options for you, it was healthy so far, you were healthy so far- 
Wait, options? 
The team were all huddled outside, nerves all over the place. They didn’t know what was going on. Sam knew but it wasn’t his information to pass on. It wasn’t until Bucky’s angry demeanor actually turned violent, a hole forming through the hospital wall. You were all on a private floor, completely displaced from the reality down on other levels, so any freak-outs were only slightly justified. Slightly. 
‘Sam, you gotta tell us. I made a promise to Steve, Sam! I promised to take care of her!’
Bucky’s words gripped Sam’s heart in a metaphorical vice. ‘She’s gotta tell you guys, man. It’s not my place.’
You had curled in on yourself, the doctor’s words echoing louder and louder. 
‘Abortion is an option. At this rate, it would be quick and safe. I can promise you that. It’s your choice.’
You wanted to die. You wanted the world to swallow you up and bury you alive. You wanted to disappear. If you had died in the snap, this wouldn’t have happened. It wouldn’t have happened. 
The ride back to the compound was a quiet one, with Sam driving you and the radio on low volume. 
‘Are you going to tell them?’
You bit your lip, ‘The doctor said I had options.’
Sam’s breath hitched and he tried to mask it, but you had heard it. You felt guilty, disgusting, like you betrayed Steve and the rest of the team. They had just lost him, you had just lost him, and you were carrying his child. And if Steve would have known, he would have wanted it. He would have encouraged you to have it, he would have been so happy, he would have been such a great fa-
‘The choice is yours, Y/N.’ He glanced over at you, ‘Can you at least tell me who the father is?’
The wrecked sobs were like second nature now, choking you with their strength. ‘I’m so sorry!’
Sam pulled to the side of the road and quickly took off his seatbelt, sliding over in the connected front seats to pull you into his chest. ‘Shh, hey. We are not going to be mad at you. Everything’s going to be okay. It may not seem like it now but-’
‘Sam!’ you cried, clutching his shirt in a tight fist. ‘I swear it was an accident! Steve didn’t know! He didn’t know, I swear he didn’t know!’
Sam’s mouth dropped open, an almost embarrassing noise of surprise sounding from the depths of his soul. He ran his hands through your hair, eyes rapidly searching for a single viewpoint. But he couldn’t focus on any one thing, not when you were shuddering against him and apologizing nonstop. 
Steve didn’t know. 
The team had reacted in a similar manner. They so desperately wanted to wish you a congratulations, it was the norm for this kind of thing. Especially with such a rough few years - bringing life into this world could be considered an ultimate blessing. But this was Steve’s child, his baby, his only baby in this timeline. It was a part of him, something he had unknowingly left behind. 
The team took a few days. The pain of losing Natasha, of losing Steve, of losing Tony. The gift of life. It was just too much. 
And you found yourself in front of Wanda’s bedroom door, hands clutching your night robe closed and knees wobbly. She brought you tea, she laid underneath the covers with you, she spooned you until you stopped crying. 
‘We weren’t together.’
‘You weren’t?’
You sat up, muscles straining due to your thousandth crying session that week. ‘No, it was one time. It was a mutual thing. We just… felt safe. And we made love.’
Wanda shut her eyes briefly, only to open them for two parallel tears to slip. ‘That sounds beautiful.’
‘We used protection. It really was an accident.’
Wanda interrupted, ‘No, don’t try and justify yourself. It happened. It’s done.’
You whimpered, reaching out to grab her hands. ‘I feel so guilty for even talking to you. I don’t know how you did it. I’m so selfish to be pouring all this on you-’
‘Hey, hey,’ she whispered, ‘But I am the only one who can truly understand. I have lost more in my lifetime than anybody ever should. But I am going to help you get through this, Y/N.’
You pulled her into a hug, ‘I missed you so much. I’m so sorry, but I can’t do this.’
Wanda slowly pulled away, eyes cloudy and touch of red twinge flying in her irises. ‘Alright. I won’t leave your side. No matter what you decide.’
The chair was cold, the room was cold, no matter how inviting the hospital tried to make this room. It was decorated in the most neutral colors, so delicate in its designs, pamphlets and books scattered on every available surface. It was made to make the pregnant person feel secure, to feel comfortable in the hands of their doctor, but it just made you sick. 
And when the doctor asked if you would like an ultrasound first, that it wasn’t actually necessary for you to view it, you found yourself saying yes. You were at six weeks, it would be there. Wanda clenched her eyes shut, because even if you were strong enough to do that, she wasn’t. But she was here to hold your hand. She would hold your hand no matter what. 
It was the size of a grain of rice. That fuzzy, white figure off a little to the right of your uterus was the size of a grain. A literal grain of rice. The monitor shifted and the doctor cleared their throat, the slimy device absentmindedly being circled around your lower abdomen. 
‘Oh my god,’ you whispered, eyes locked on the place the doctor had their finger. Wanda brought her hand up to her mouth and looked away. 
That’s when you heard it. 
The steady rhythm of a strong heartbeat. 
Your chest started heaving, tears staining your cheeks as you listened to the beautiful sound. 
‘I’m so sorry,’ the doctor mumbled, ready to pull the monitor’s plug to end the live video but you gripped their arm before they could. 
‘No, no!’ you yelped, the heartbeat still sounding, so early in its actual life that this was for sure Steve’s child. 
You turned to Wanda, face contorting into one of agonizing regret. ‘I can’t do this. I can’t do this to Steve.’
Wanda gulped and took in a ragged breath, ‘Y/N, Steve’s not here.’
‘No,’ you whined, head turning back to look at the monitor. The monitor with yours and Steve’s child on it. ‘This is the only real part of him we have left, right?’
Wanda opened her mouth but shut it again, unable to formulate a proper response. 
‘This is Steve’s child,’ you stated, sucking in a breath through your sobs. ‘This is my child.’
The team was alerted of your decision the minute you walked into the common room. They had known what you left for, dread itching in their souls and morals twisting greedily, but they hadn’t stopped you. They couldn’t do that to you. 
‘Hi,’ you mumbled, placing your things on the counter. Everyone kept their heads down, lumps growing in their throats as each second passed. ‘I’m okay.’
Clint was the first one to speak. ‘Did everything go well? Did they hurt you?’
You smiled with your teeth for the first time in weeks, ‘No, they didn’t hurt me. They didn’t even touch me.’
For a few seconds, no one caught on to your words. But Bucky was the first to register them, to etch them deeply into his brain, to stand from his seat and walk to you cautiously. ‘You decided-?’
You smiled wide now, happy tears falling over your strained cheeks. ‘I’m having a baby.’
The team erupted, cries and cheers deafening you. Bucky stumbled over and hugged you close, arms wrapped over your shoulders and face buried in your neck. He had to bend his knees to keep that position. He weeped into your shoulder and thanked you repeatedly, his own body rumbling with broken sobs. You held him close, fingers digging into his shirt and the skin of his back. 
‘We promise, Y/N,’ Sam said off to the side, waiting for his turn to hug you. ‘We promise to take care of you and this baby.’
A few more long-awaited congratulations were shared. ‘Guess I’m on desk duty for the next nine months, huh?’
Bucky held you tighter. 
The first four months were certainly eventful. Wanda insisted on taking pictures of you every few weeks. She had you model with a nice tight shirt to show off your growing stomach, different props in your arms as the weeks passed on.  Flowers, sporting equipment, random Avengers inventions, signs that read the number of weeks you were at. You even did couple shoots, with your teammates posing behind you with their hands on your stomach and an equally bright smile.
She had them printed out and framed, the compound common rooms now littered with random photos of you and your growing child. It was like a timeline, a museum considering you would catch someone inspecting the photographs. This time it was Scott, casually eating his cereal and balancing it in his hand as he walked the hallway. He had this silly smile on his face the whole time, milk dripping from his bottom lip. In his photo, he was posed behind you with a giant smile, back arched and head thrown back while you were trying your best to arch your back as well. And then he saw you watching him, eyes falling from your face to your stomach, and that silly smile growing wider. 
Happy insisted on doing yoga with you every other morning, his chosen playlists actually Tony’s. Half expecting the songs to only emit the essence of rock and roll, you were surprised when the playlist only contained acoustics. Happy winked at you, ‘He was a man of taste, Y/N. He, too, had those sad driving songs.’
Peter was hesitant to visit at first. He was still mourning Tony, as you all were, and seeing everyone again was certainly a hard thing to do. But he managed, and the moment he saw you there, trying to balance a plastic bottle on your tiny stomach, he burst into a fit of giggles. 
‘Oh, oh! I almost got it!’ you encouraged yourself, stomach not yet protruded enough to quite get it. 
Peter rushed over and caught the bottle as it slipped, ‘You’ll get there. How do you feel?’
You grinned at the kid, ‘Like I’m pregnant.’
Peter chuckled, ‘I wouldn’t know, so.’
‘It’s weird,’ you admitted, turning back to your abandoned bowl of fruit. You popped a piece of pineapple in your mouth, ‘But I just remind myself that they’re gonna be an angel when they come out.’
‘All slimy and angelic.’
You swatted at Peter, ‘They’re healthy. That’s all that matters.’
Peter placed his hand on your stomach, half-expecting something to happen. ‘I can’t believe you’re having his baby.’
You bit your lip, willing yourself not to cry. Steve should be here experiencing this. ‘Me neither.’
The next month had come so quickly. Your friends - your family - made sure to keep you occupied. Whether it was to shop, to nap together, to eat together, to exercise together, anything, they were by your side. It was so overwhelming at times, but not wanting to scare anyone, you took time for yourself whenever you could. You’d settle in your room, in a nearby cafe, in Natasha’s room, and just sit and breathe. With one hand on your stomach, you couldn’t possibly fathom the luck on your side. It always tore your heart in two when you realized Steve would never meet his child, absolutely mutilated it. But the realization that this child was going to have such a massive family, your family, uncles and aunts who would die for the kid - that realization was sometimes too much. 
The thunder from outside startled everyone. The quiet night everyone was having was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a certain god, hair now cut and beard trimmed, running into the common area. He was practically hyperventilating, his quick pace halting as he scanned the room. ‘Is it true?’
‘You got my message?’ Wanda asked, shutting off the water from the sink. 
‘I’m sorry, I was away. I just got the message and-’
Thor lay his eyes on you, your obvious stomach, and he started crying softly. ‘It’s true?’
You smiled at him, opening your arms for an embrace. But Thor fell to his knees in front of you, forehead resting on your stomach. ‘This is a miracle.’
‘It really is,’ you laughed, wiping away a few stray tears. ‘The condom broke.’
Laughter sounded almost instantly. 
Thor looked up at you, eyes red and eyebrows furrowed. ‘He didn’t know?’
You shook your head, ‘No, Steve didn’t know. I promise.’
Thor nodded, believing you. He stood slowly, encasing you in a tight squeeze. He hadn’t changed much since you last saw him, but he did seem to be drinking less. ‘After so much loss, the Heaven’s send us a gift from a beloved friend.’
Bucky seemed to be the happiest. Although he shared your beliefs that Steve should be here to experience this, to cherish this, to be the father he had deserved to be, Bucky couldn’t help but feel grateful that you decided to keep the baby. He knew he needed to stop relying on Steve to fix his mind, this he had to do on his own, but the bundle of joy inside of you just added to his undying love for his best friend. This was a piece of him, a true half of Steve’s heart that would soon be breathing air and opening its eyes. 
He was currently laying beside you, just woken up from a nap and lazily drawing circles over your clothed tummy. You were still asleep, deep breaths a little ragged since you were twisted slightly to your side. You had given up trying to sleep on your back nowadays. 
‘Hey there,’ Bucky whispered, a funny smile forming on his face because he can’t believe he’s talking to your literal stomach. ‘You know you’re a miracle, right?’
There was no response, obviously. But Bucky just positioned himself to lean on his elbow, temple resting in the palm of his hand. ‘We’re going to love you so much. Steve would have loved you so much.’
He placed his metal hand on your stomach, careful not to apply so much pressure. He was hesitant though, the metal hand now from Wakanda but still something he didn’t entirely trust. Still, he rubbed smooth circles on your side. ‘I already love you so much.’
Bucky widened his eyes, a hitch in his breath. Was that real?
‘Did you just respond to me?’ Bucky asked, a little laugh escaping his lips. ‘Should I say it again?’
Nothing happened for a long while. He switched hands, rubbing a little deeper now. It was a free massage for you, anyway. 
Bucky bit his lip and looked up at your face, still peacefully dreaming. He leaned closer to your stomach and repeated his earlier confession. ‘I love you.’
Bucky shot up from his spot on the bed and covered his mouth, a loud laugh accidentally escaping and startling you awake. 
‘They kicked! They kicked!’
Bucky was shooting through the stars, because even though it was a long shot, he felt like somehow Steve was telling him he loved him back. 
Sam’s leg bounced madly as he watched the doctor slick up the generator. You repeatedly tried to calm him, tell him that it would be quick and simple, and there was nothing to be worried about. 
You were six months now. Belly now protruding to the point where you could only see the tips of your toes when you glanced downward, and the baby was positioned farther into your back. If anything, you were having a giant freaking baby. He was a product of a super soldier. 
You remembered having that scary conversation with the doctors, your whole family beside you as they heard and relayed the information. 
‘Your baby is perfectly healthy. The serum isn’t affecting it. His lungs are forming less quickly than the other organs but there’s no serious worry.’
Bucky had literally cackled at that, confusing everyone in the room. ‘Steve and his shit lungs.’
But now you were finding out the sex. Only one person was allowed in the room this time, and Sam had literally begged you with his eyes to choose him. 
‘Are you two ready?’
You each nodded at the doctor, waiting for the monitor to spring to life. After a few seconds, the heartbeat was detected. You gripped Sam’s hand in yours, a quiet ‘thank god’ passing through his lips. 
Then the giant image of a literal baby appeared on the screen. It was so surreal. It resembled a quick sketch, like one Steve would have casually drew, and you couldn’t help but imagine him drawing that very image from memory. 
‘Y/N, I-’ Sam cleared his throat, smiling at you. 
‘Would you like to know the sex of the baby?’
‘Yes, please,’ you answered, gripping Sam’s hand harder. 
The doctor moved the generator a few times more, hitting the spacebar on the computer to capture the image. ‘Congratulations, you’re having a boy.’
You shuttered a tiny laugh as Sam flew out of his seat, arms extended upward for a moment before he brought his hands down to kiss them over and over. 
‘I’ll print this out for you,’ the doctor smiled, leaving you and Sam to celebrate. 
Everyone had gathered later that night to find out the news. You had printed enough copies for everyone who wanted one. Bets were placed, a multitude of gifts already mounted in online shopping carts. 
‘Don’t keep us waiting!’ Rhodey shouted, champagne bottle at the ready and propped up on his thigh for when you made your announcement. 
Sam was standing beside you, a massive grin plastered on his face. You rolled your eyes at him and urged him on, telling him that you were fine with him saying it. Sam didn’t need to be told twice. 
‘It’s a boy!’
Pop! Drinks were poured and hugs were shared, with even Friday coming over the monitor to congratulate you. 
Even in the midst of all the excitement, you felt a little empty. But you enjoyed your pre-baby shower, happy that everything was so unbelievably working out. 
It was midnight when you alerted Friday to call Happy to your room. You needed a ride. 
Happy was slightly irritated at being woken up, but once you told him where you were heading, he obliged. The ride was silent, comfortable, with Happy glancing at you once in a while to make sure you were okay. 
You walked across the grass slowly, hands resting on your stomach and just a little waddle in your walk. You flashed your phone light over the headstones even though the headstone you were looking for was in a secluded area. Happy trailed you, keeping a respectable distance. 
You stopped in front of the small building, the fence somewhat blocking your path. But there was no security around, and even if you were caught on camera, your face let everyone know who you were and your connection to Steve. You had no worries. 
You broke the lock easily and opened the door. It was almost entirely marble, a good deal of Steve’s actual aesthetic. So simple, not overly patriotic, and secluded. He had refused to be buried in Arlington. 
You sat on the bench provided, the three names in front of you standing out like they were begging to be read out loud. So you complied. 
‘Sarah,’ you muttered, smiling as the name rolled off your tongue. ‘Thank you for sending everyone a literal angel.’
You muttered his father’s name as well, but felt no personal connection to it. You spent at least ten minutes building up the courage to utter his name, to say his name in front of him again. He was buried right underneath your feet, his name the only thing for you to see. 
‘Steve,’ you sighed and rubbed your stomach. ‘Steve.’
You sobbed silently and watched as the tears fell on top of your resting hands. ‘I don’t regret it.’
You were met with silence. ‘I don’t regret any of it. God knows why he did this. But you lived your life, and I just can’t believe I have to bring life into this world without you here.’
‘It’s a boy, Steve. A lovely little boy.’
You brought your hand up to your mouth to bite the side of it, throat clenching. ‘Everyone is so happy. I am, too. I promise you.’
You lowered your hand back to your stomach. ‘I just wish that you could feel that happiness.’
The moonlight moved slightly, shining on his name brighter now. ‘He’ll know about you, don’t worry about that.’ You laughed. 
You didn’t want to keep Happy waiting. You stood from the bench slowly, feet sore. You walked closer to him, wishing you could easily bend down and give him a kiss. But you physically couldn’t right now, so you blew him one instead. ‘Thank you.’
Somehow the rumor got out that an Avenger was pregnant. And when Wanda was seen outside without a large stomach, all fingers were pointed at you. 
The news went ballistic, most positive and raving, while others pondered just who had gotten you pregnant. You had been seen with everyone in paparazzi photos, so no actual conclusion had been made. 
Until a picture of you at Steve’s gravesite was leaked. 
It was constant bombardment, timelines were stitched together, magazines and their headlines were having a field day. Rhodey had tried to cancel these news stories, to threaten lawsuits, but to no avail. The world was now cursing Steve’s name - ‘how dare he leave her while pregnant?’, ‘how could he leave her pregnant and for another woman?’, ‘did he even know?’
The team had done everything in their power to try and clear yours and Steve’s name, but no one was having it. Steve’s love story was now tarnished, with many calling him a traitor and a deadbeat. It was no use. 
You struggled to climb the stairs, inwardly cursing the staff for not installing a ramp instead. The flashes were blinding, the lights were hot, and the various microphones placed on the stand were comical. 
Everyone hushed, looks of sympathy and pity slapping you in the face. 
‘I know what you’re all thinking and what you’ve all been saying,’ you started, eyes wandering to the far corner of the room where your team were huddled. ‘But I need to clear a few things up.’
‘Steve didn’t know.’
The crowd erupted, questions flying at you like fast bullets. They were silenced after a few moments. ‘We shared a moment with each other before we brought everyone back. I didn’t know I was pregnant until after his funeral.’
The crowd murmured amongst each other. ‘He told me he was planning to stay in another timeline. To live his life. I encouraged him. He did not leave me alone and pregnant. He truly didn’t know.’
You finished, they didn’t deserve a deeper explanation. You ignored their calls for questions, some even trying to crowd you at the doors. But you pushed through them, cradling your stomach with a newfound sense of pride. 
It was time. 
You sat up in your bed and quickly wiped away the hard crusts from the corners of your eyes. You sat there for a few seconds before you felt another harsh twinge. ‘A-ah!’
You didn’t know why you paused, legs now thrown over the side of the bed. They felt like menstrual cramps, it could be false labor. You let out a heavy breath and pushed yourself up, legs wobbly. But the moment you did, it was like something snapped. Your legs were wet and a tiny puddle had started forming on the floor. 
The lights in your room turned on immediately, ‘Y/N, is it time?’
You moaned at the uncomfortable cramping, ‘Yeah, I think it is.’
‘I’m waking and alerting the team right now, Y/N. Sit back down, please.’
You listened to Friday, sitting at the edge of your bed for a few moments before you realized you had to pack a bag. You shuffled across your room and grabbed the duffel bag Scott had left for you a few days ago. You packed a pair of socks, sweats, underwear, vaseline and your toothbrush, hairbrush, and phone. You zipped your bag just in time for both Bucky and Sam to throw open your door, Sam struggling to put his shoes on and Bucky slipping on a jacket inside-out. 
‘Y/N, is it really time? Are you ready? Are you okay?’
You ignored the cramping in your back and laughed at them, ‘Yes! My water broke, I’m in pain, it’s time.’
With both Sam and Bucky at your sides, they held onto you as you all stumbled down the hallway. Thor was already waiting with the elevator open, the biggest smile on his aging face. 
‘Wanda and Bruce are preparing the room. Scott already called the doctor. Clint’s in route,’ Bucky reassured. The three men huddled into the elevator with you, all instructing you to breathe and to squeeze them if you needed to. 
But even though you were in pain, albeit not as extreme as it was going to inevitably get, you were so incredibly happy. They were all so loud, so chaotic, and you were as calm as a cucumber. 
The elevator dinged. ‘Good luck, Y/N,’ you heard Friday call after you. You pinched your eyes closed, the thought that Friday was ultimately a part of Tony’s consciousness - Tony was wishing you good luck. 
The pressure in your hips was starting to build and you didn’t know how long this would actually take. Some people had quick births, some people lay in labor for hours, some for a day. But it seemed like this was going to be pretty quick, because your next scream was completely involuntarily. 
Bucky winced, leading you to the bed Wanda had just lay sheets on. ‘You’re doing great, Y/N. Absolutely perfect.’
You laughed at Bucky and gripped his hand in silent thanks before slipping into the bed and trying to get comfortable. Before you could truly feel like you made it, like the first hard step was done, you sat up quickly. 
‘Wait, wait! Nat’s sweater! I was gonna wear Nat’s sweater!’
Thor was already out the door, ‘I’ll get it! Don’t worry!’
You smiled at the ceiling, beads of sweat now rolling down your forehead. ‘Oh, this hurts!’
It was an hour. Once you shimmied into Natasha’s purple knitted sweater, you lay there trying to control your breathing. Everyone had piled into the room one right after the other. The room was big enough, spacious enough for even Bruce to roam freely. Although you were in an immense amount of pain, you still focused on your team. 
Scott was on his third cup of coffee, sipping excitedly as he conversed with the others. Bruce was constantly checking your vitals and wanting everything the doctor was saying repeated. Wanda was beside you, a hand gripping yours and the other running ice chips along your lips. Bucky was on your other bedside wearing one of Steve’s sweatshirts because it still smelled like him. His logic was that if he was wearing something of Steve’s the first moment he held your baby, then the first thing he smelled would be the remnants of his father. 
And Thor was practically speechless, silent in his own little corner and feeling like the god’s really did bless everyone in this room after such turmoil.
Clint arrived with Peter trailing behind him just when the doctor instructed you sit up - you were at ten centimeters. 
‘You gotta push, Y/N! You gotta push when the doctor says push!’
You yelled until your lungs gave out, head almost rolling back but Sam held it in his palm. ‘C’mon, Y/N! You’re doing great!’
You usually had perfect pitch when you sang, never faltering when it was time to hit a high note. But your voice was cracking at the most unusual times, throat rubbed raw as you felt your hips splinter open. 
‘He’s crowning!’
Wanda traded places with Sam real quick, deciding that she wanted to see the baby when he was finally out. Bucky had a death grip on your hand, tears flowing freely and a smile to match Thor’s. 
‘Push, Y/N! Push!’
‘I’m-I’m! I’m sorry! I can’t!’
The doctor was working her hands around the head, trying to ease the baby out easier. ‘Trust me, Y/N. One more big push and the shoulders will be out. That’s the hardest part.’
The doctor’s words were starting to drown out, and your head lolled back again. You felt tiny smacks on your cheeks, ‘C’mon, Y/N. You can do this. Everyone believes in you. You’re so goddamn strong, Y/N!’
That was Bucky’s voice. Bucky. 
You opened your eyes, delirious for a second. ‘Steve?’
Bucky whimpered and nodded, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing kisses all over. ‘He’s here. I feel him, Y/N. You can do this.’
And you could feel him. You could see your family but you could feel him. It was so light, like a gentle whisk across the cheek, a promise that this truly was a miracle. 
You screamed as you pushed under doctor’s orders, feeling numb and abused but satisfied. His shoulders slipped out and along with them came his arms and torso, legs and all ten toes. The doctor caught him quickly, lifting him up vertically to let you see him. He was already crying. 
‘He’s here!’
You sobbed and smiled widely, laughter rattling your chest as the team bombarded you with quick hugs. Sam remained at your side, his eyes motioning for Bucky to go see the baby. 
‘Who’s cutting the cord?’
You looked around the room but you knew. You answered the doctor’s question. ‘Bucky.’
Bucky was truly confused. Not because of your decision, but because he couldn’t possibly be worthy of this. His hands, those hands that had killed so many people involuntarily, had almost killed Steve, those hands were now gripping a pair of medical scissors to cut the symbolization of new life entering the world. He turned to you for permission one last time, before he gripped the cord in his hand and cut where the doctor pointed. 
His shoulders felt a million times lighter. Like he was set free all over again. 
They cleaned the baby up quickly and swaddled him. The doctor placed him in your arms, all warm and utterly safe, to look back up at you with the same blue eyes as his father. 
You sobbed happily, brushing your fingers delicately along his pink cheek. ‘Hi. Hi there.’
He was no longer crying, just staring up in pure astonishment at the various faces staring back at him. 
‘Y/N, he’s beautiful,’ Clint said, tissue already in hand. 
‘I can’t believe you’re here,’ you spoke softly. 
‘Do we have a name?’
It was like everyone said it in unison. ‘Steve.’
You snuggled into the bed and Natasha’s sweater, somewhat aware of the doctor still fixing you up down there. You would try feeding later, but for now your newborn needed to be passed around the group and be awed at. 
You carefully guided him to Bucky, holding his head gently in your palm. Bucky took him, arms instinctively curling in the correct position. Once Bucky had him in his arms, it was like everything that happened in the world was worth it. Absolutely everything. 
Bucky watched in fascination as the baby curled deeper in his chest, little fist clutching Steve’s sweatshirt. He took the sweetest little intake of air…
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Coney Island
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Hi friends! I appreciate all the love and response I’ve gotten for my writing over the past week or so. You guys sure know how to make a gal feel loved! This is another little idea that came one night when I was screaming to a good friend of mine (which is how a lot of my ideas come to me lmao) about how pre-serum 1940s Steve deserves the best. It’s not necessarily my best work, but Steve Rogers deserves some love too. I hope you guys enjoy! Also please feel free to let me know what you guys would like to see me write next :) Enjoy! xo
Pairing: Pre-Serum!Steve x Reader
Word count: 1895
Warnings: swearing and bad attempts at being funny lol
a/n: this was uploaded on mobile because I’m at work tonight so if it looks funky I apologize! I’ll try to fix it after I finish my 3 night stint lol.
As the sun began to set and the hot July air began to cool, Steve couldn’t believe the situation he’d found himself in yet again.
“Come on, pal,” Bucky chuckled as he pat his friend roughly on the shoulder, “I’ve never met someone who was this upset to meet up with a couple of beautiful ladies.”
“What? And somehow be the third wheel on a double date again?” Steve quipped back at his long time friend.
Bucky replied with a roll of his eyes and waved off his friend, turning his body toward the Coney Island parking lot to see if he could find the girls they were supposed to be meeting.
Steve regretted that he sounded so bitter, but these “double dates” that Bucky dragged him on were somewhat of a joke. It was always the same song and dance. The girl who Bucky was attempting to court would bring a friend, either for moral support or to try and set her up, and that friend would always be wholly disappointed when she saw that Steve was who she was stuck with. Steve knew that not every girl had to like him, of course, but occasionally it would be nice to be as sought after or wanted as Bucky was - or at least to not be looked through by every girl he met.
“There they are,” Bucky grinned, raising his arms above his head to signal the two, “over here!”
Steve took a deep breath and prepared himself for the inevitable look of disappointment that he had become so accustomed to. Instead, as he turned he was met with a stunning pair of eyes and a soft smile splayed across the most incredible pair of lips he’d ever laid his eyes on. Seeing you made him feel like all the air had been forced out of his lungs and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t catch his breath. The only other time he remembered experiencing the sensation was after a particularly bad time that he had gotten the living hell beat out of him in the alleyway - except this time, it was a good feeling.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Steve.” You said, your voice soft and warm - like honey.
There’s no way that could be a blush on your cheeks, right?
“Well, we already got our tickets,” Bucky’s voice brought Steve back to the present, “so what do you say we head in?”
For the first time in, well, forever, Steve actually found himself enjoying the evening. The small talk didn’t feel stiff or forced, you never recoiled at any of the accidental touches throughout the night, and you actually looked him in the eyes when you were having a conversation. If you were disappointed in being stuck with Steve, you hid it pretty well.
The unrelenting sun had finally set and the colorful lights of various rides and booths reflected off of the water. You had been on a couple rides, enjoyed some hot dogs and funnel cakes, and now the group of you had been sucked into one of those carnival game booths. Bucky was attempting, as usual, to show off for your friend by trying to win her a stuffed animal.
“Would you like to take a walk or something?” Your voice captured Steve’s attention as he turned to look at you. You grinned a little before adding, “It’s kind of sickening to stand here and watch them act like this.”
Steve was caught off guard, both at the jab directed to your friends and the fact that you would even consider being alone with him.
“I, uh, yeah, sure, we could do that,” he nodded quickly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
You smiled and started down the boardwalk.
This is too good to be true, right? He thought to himself. She’s obviously just trying to be nice.
“Steve?” your voice cut through his doubts. He hadn’t even realized that you made it several feet away from him and he was still planted in the same spot.
“Oh! Yeah, coming! Sorry!” Steve blushed as he hurried to catch up with you.
The two of you walked side by side for a few minutes, an oddly comfortable silence lingering between you.
“How are-”
“Have you-”
Steve’s eyes met yours as you both began to speak simultaneously and you shared a laugh together. Steve could feel the warmth rising in his face and he hoped to God that he wasn’t blushing like an idiot.
“You first,” he smiled softly.
“I was just going to ask how long you and James have known each other?” you asked, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
And there it was.
To anyone else the question would seem innocent, but Steve knew better. You had only drawn Steve away so you could question him about his friend - the same way every other person before you had done. There was a heat building inside Steve’s stomach. How could he be so stupid? How could he actually believe that someone like you could be interested in someone like him?
“T-the only reason I ask is,” you blurted, sounding...nervous? “well, because the two of you are so different. I mean, not in a bad way! Just like, James is so...cocky and loud and you’re...well you’re not.”
Steve stopped walking and looked at you. His thoughts were racing through his brain like a freight train. What exactly were you trying to say?
“God I'm so bad with words,” you laughed, shaking your head, “just forget I said anything at all.”
“You don’t have to feel bad for me, you know. If that’s what this is.” Steve couldn’t hold back the words, and they sounded much colder than he meant them to. He was just so tired of living in his friend’s shadow. The only time girls were ever nice to him was because they wanted to impress Bucky. He was sure that’s what you were doing too.
Once he noticed your brows furrow and a look of sadness overcome your face, he wanted nothing more than to rewind time and take his words back.
“Is that the type of person you think I am, Steve?” Your voice came out a little shaky, but Steve could still hear the hurt he had caused.
Steve sighed and rubbed his face.
“I’m sorry,” he started as his hands fell from his face and he met your gaze again, “I’m just...I’m not used to this.”
“And what exactly is this?” you asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Someone on these double dats being interested in me.”
He could tell that his words caught you off guard. You were quiet and your arms slowly fell to your side. Steve was having trouble reading your expression, but it looked somewhere between someone who saw a puppy left on the side of the road and someone who was trying to understand a foreign language.
“Just...Just forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.” Steve waved his hand, as if he was trying to dismiss the conversation.
What he didn’t expect was for your hand to intertwine with his.
Steve’s gaze lingered on your connected hands for a minute before traveling to meet your eyes.
“You’re not very good at this, Rogers.” You said with a small laugh, “Here I was, thinking I was being too obvious.”
“I-I’m afraid I don’t follow,” Steve slowly responded.
You laughed again, the sound slowly becoming one of his favorites. Before he knew what was going on, you were pressed flush against him and capturing his lips with yours.
This would make the third time Steve had felt the wind be knocked from his lungs.
The kiss was slow, soft, and unlike any other he had ever experienced. It reminded him of the time his dad told him how he knew his mom was the one.
Well, when we kissed it felt like the rest of the world melted away. At that moment in time, it was just her and I.
A shiver ran down his spine as the warmth of your lips left his. As though he was drunk or coming out of a haze, it took him a moment to open his eyes and focus his vision back on you. There was a cute pinkness to your cheeks and you had a doe-eyed expression. It took a moment for the heartbeat in his ears to fade away - the joyful screams of park patrons and whirring of machinery returning.
“I like you, Steve,” You told him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, “In fact, I've liked you for a while.”
You watched as Steve’s adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped.
“You,” Steve cleared his throat as the word came out as a squeak, “you do?”
That smile he adored returned to your lips as you nodded, “I do.”
Before he had an opportunity to respond, you were speaking again.
“I see you at school, you know, around town too. I’ve always noticed how kind you are to everyone. The way you hold the door open for the old ladies at Church. That one time you gave Johnny your lunch because his parents forgot to pack him one?” the smile on your face growing bigger as you recounted the times in which you fell for Steve Rogers, “I mean, what’s not to like.”
Steve felt an asthma attack coming on.
“James is nice and all,” you leaned in then, as if you were telling a secret, “but he’s also kind of a bastard.”
Steve couldn’t hold back the laugh that tumbled from his lips and you quickly joined him. This felt like some sort of twisted dream to him - you standing here, confessing your feelings to him. Never in a million years did he think someone as beautiful as you would even talk to him, let alone have feelings for him.
“Obviously I’m kidding, but in all honesty... you are one of the best men I’ve ever met, Steve. I’m sorry that any one has ever made you feel less than.” You squeezed his hand again.
This time it was Steve who initiated the kiss, holding your face between his hands as he moved his lips against yours. Your hands found a place on his waist and your bodies slotted against one another - like they were two puzzle pieces made to fit into one another. You tasted sweet, like funnel cake, and your lips were soft against his slightly chapped ones. Steve hadn’t kissed very many people in his lifetime, but if this were the last kiss he got to have - he could die a happy man.
The two of you separated to see your friend, holding a huge stuffed bear, and Bucky standing before you, grinning like fools.
“Are we interrupting something?” Bucky mocked the two of you, sending a wink to Steve.
“Shut it, Buck.” Steve warned, although he couldn’t help but grin back at his friend.
“Come on, lovebirds” Bucky teased, “my girl here wants to ride the ferris wheel again.”
You smoothed out your dress and smiled at Steve, lacing your fingers once again with his as the two of you followed your friends toward the ferris wheel.
For once, Steve was going to have to thank Bucky tomorrow.
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 2: Let the Game begin
summary: You had always thought you knew exactly what kind of boys Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton were - but did you actually?
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.5k
a/n: no one is asking for this but here it is anyways lmao enjoy (not canon Rafe)
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You make it back to your room and take a deep breath. Boys. You were living with boys. Not just any boys - Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton. Whatever, you thought, shaking yourself back to reality. It didn’t matter anyways. You weren’t about to let them get in the way of having the time of your life these next few months and you definitely weren’t going to let them keep your mind tied to OBX. That was a tie you desperately wanted to cut. Besides, if you knew Rafe and Topper like you thought you did, they’d be too caught up with playing both the field and the girls of Westheath before you knew it, effectively keeping them occupied and out of your way. 
You decided to go about your day as you usually would. Your Have a Great Day playlist was queued up and playing as you slipped on your favorite jeans and top. You let yourself get absentmindedly lost in your actions as you did your hair and makeup - enough to make you feel put together and regain some control after the way this morning had left you feeling vulnerable. Looking good made you feel good - and if anyone else thought you looked good too, then hey, that was just an added bonus. 
You hadn’t noticed how lost in the process of getting ready you had gotten until you looked down at your phone and saw that an hour had flown by. You were half way down the hall to the kitchen when the door of your flat flew open, bringing you face to face with two new people for the second time that day. 
“Oh my gosh hiiii!” a girl turned to you, pausing her laughter from the conversation she was having with the girl next to her. “I’m Olivia! It’s so nice to meet you!!” the bubbly girl exclaimed, immediately embracing you in a hug. The other girl laughed at her friend’s excitement and forwardness which had clearly startled you. 
“I’m Millie - you must be one of our flatmates,” the other girl smiled, introducing herself to you as well. 
“Hi, I’m Y/n,” you smiled softly. 
“Oh my gosh Mills! I knew it! I told you we’d get roomed with the Americans! Ugh this is so exciting, there’s so much I need to know I don’t even know where to start!” Olivia squealed with a little hop. 
“Alright don’t scare the poor girl, she’s gonna think they’ve stuck her with a couple of psychos,” laughed Millie, pulling her friend’s arm to lead her down the hall. “Come on Liv let’s let y/n breathe for a second while we go put our bags down,” she said, giving you an apologetic smile.
You laughed and continued on to the kitchen to get some water as you had originally set out to do. You were honestly relieved. Thank god your other two roommates were girls who weren’t remotely associated with OBX. You didn’t even mind their intensity, it was endearing really, and you’d take a couple of loud but genuine girls who seemed like they were a bunch of fun to hang out with over the bitchiness and cattiness you were used to with the girls back home at Kildare. 
“Alright Y/n, I forgot sheets and Mills didn’t bring a towel so we’re going to Primark and you’re coming with. I want to hear all the American gossip,” Olivia reappeared and then slipped back down the hallway with a wink. You laughed and went to go grab your bag, just then realizing Rafe and Topper were no longer at the flat. You wondered where they had gone, not hearing them slip out over the music you were playing earlier. Not that you cared, it was a relief to have them out of sight and out of mind for now. 
“Hmm Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, does sound rather posh,” mused Millie as you had begun providing some intel to your friends on the two flatmates they had yet to meet. 
“Two American ladies men, sign me up!” cackled Olivia. 
“Hey watch yourself missy, you’re taken,” Millie scolded. 
You had only known these girls for maybe an hour and somehow you had been comfortable enough with them to open up about your entire life’s backstory as you walked with them through the home section of Primark. It felt like they had been your friends for years, the three of you gelling together effortlessly. 
“Oo you have a boyfriend?” you asked as your eyes scanned over the shelf of fluffy blankets in front of you. You simply couldn’t leave without the light grey one, daydreaming about how cozy napping with it would be. 
“I do. His name is Jake,” Olivia beamed, “he’s kind of an idiot, but I love him.”
“And he’s got a whole squad of idiot friends too, but you’ll see for yourself,” Millie laughed. 
“Oh shit that reminds me! I invited them all over to pregame tonight before freshers,” chimed Olivia. 
“What’s freshers?” you asked, raising your brows in confusion. 
Millie and Olivia shared a quick laugh at how clueless you were to everything in their world. 
“So freshers is like this huge club event at the beginning of the school year. It’s really meant for uni freshers but since half of us are 18 and we can easily sneak in the other half it’s kind of tradition for Westheath kids to go their last year. Me and Mills went last year too though, one of the guys we knew the year above us was cousins with the bouncer,” Olivia grinned proudly. “But literally everyone is going and that means you’re coming too and- oh shit I’m such a bloody idiot aren’t I! I’m sorry Y/n I literally didn’t think at all to ask anyone from our flat if it was okay to host a pregame,” she bit her thumb with guilt-ridden eyes. 
“Looks like you and your idiot boyfriend are actually a match made in heaven,” joked Millie as Olivia gave her the finger, trying to suppress the smile tugging at her lips. 
“Oh no that’s totally fine! I’ve had like barely any human interaction these last few days and it’ll be nice to meet some more people from Westheath. It’ll be fun,” you reassured Olivia with a genuine smile. “I just uh- I’ve never been clubbing. Like what do I even wear, I don’t think I brought anything like that. And I’m not 18 for another month, would I even get in?”
“Well it’s a good thing we’re here isn’t it!” exclaimed Olivia, grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to the clothes section. “Mills this would be PERFECT don’t you think,” she said as she held up a sheer black top in front of you. 
“Oh my gosh yes. With a black bra underneath and mini skirt,” Millie grinned, nodding in excitement with Olivia. 
“Guys I don’t know if I can wear this. Like I don’t think I can pull this off,” you said meekly. 
“Oh my god shut up this would look so good on you. Your body is killer and you can 1000% pull this off,” Olivia insisted, shoving the garment toward you. “And we’ll get you in the club no problem,” she added firmly, shutting down any possibility of you talking your way out of tonight. 
“Wait shit do you think Rafe and Topper will be cool with the pregame? We haven’t even properly met them yet and I’ve already invited a bunch of strangers to our place,” groaned Olivia as the three of you headed toward the register. 
“Trust me, if there’s two things those boys definitely don’t mind it’s a party and a reason to drink,” you laughed. 
As the three of you unlocked the door to your flat you could hear Rafe and Topper’s voices from the kitchen. Ugh, back already. 
“Hellooo boys,” called Olivia with zero hesitation, walking straight into the kitchen. “Name’s Olivia, pleasure to meet you,” she smiled extending her hand. 
“Pleasure is all ours,” Rafe smiled back. It took every ounce of your will power not to roll your eyes at his smugness. 
“Indeed it is,” grinned Topper giving her a hand shake. “And you are,” Topper immediately drew his attention to Millie entering the kitchen right behind Olivia. You didn’t miss how his eyes ran her up and down. 
“Millie, your fifth and final roommate,” she smirked, not having missed his wandering eyes either. 
“So listen boys,” Olivia clapped her hands together, drawing everyone’s attention. “I may have invited my boyfriend and some of our friends over to pregame tonight before we all go out to the club. You guys are obviously welcome to join but if you’re not cool with us having people over just say the word and-“
“Done deal. What time should we be ready?” Topper cut her off
“9. See you then,” she grinned from ear to ear sauntering off to her room. 
“Alright I need to go unpack, but it was lovely to meet you boys, see you soon,” Millie smiled, eyes locking with Topper’s for a second too long before she too slipped away. You wanted nothing more than to escape to your room as well but you were starving, and since you were now living with Rafe and Topper you’d have to learn to go about your life around your new home despite their presence. You sighed as you made your way to the fridge, trying to decide what you were gonna scrap together for dinner. 
“So how long have you been here already?” asked Rafe, grabbing some Pringles and taking a seat at the table, Topper already spreading out comfortably on the couch. 
“Uh, few days,” you replied, not bothering to turn around. 
“See anything cool yet,” Topper chimed in as he scrolled on his phone. The way they were asking you questions was oddly normal. You were trying hard to detect any hint of cockiness in their voice but you couldn’t find any. You weren’t ready to let your guard down fully, not entirely trusting the pair, but you decided to soften a bit and give them a chance. 
“Yeah actually, I walked around Hyde Park the other day and the day before I watched the sunset from Millennium Bridge. It was beautiful,” you replied, finally turning toward the boys, a jar of pasta sauce in hand. 
“Crazy being in a city like this huh. Definitely not the Outer Banks,” Rafe chuckled lightly, gaze settling on the window. 
“Definitely not the Outer Banks,” you smiled. 
“What do you mean you haven’t watched Friends!?” you let out an exasperated cry as you twirled more spaghetti on your fork. 
“It’s stupid,” said Topper, making a face. 
“It’s a classic,” you retorted. 
“No. The Office though. Now that’s a classic.”
“Should’ve know you were an Office guy,” you shook your head, Rafe laughing from his seat across from you. 
“Listen, I can’t help you if you don’t know how to appreciate true comedy,” Topper shrugged. 
“Yeah okay,” you rolled your eyes, turning now to face the dirty blonde seated across from you, absent mindedly shuffling a deck of cards for no reason, the golden ring on his finer catching your eye as his hands moved in a repetitive motion. “And what about you Mr. Dealer,” you asked Rafe, eyes motioning to the cards in his hand before going back up to meet his gaze. Rafe knew how to keep good eye contact with a person, confident yet not overpowering, and as the evening progressed and you become more comfortable you welcomed the challenge of his piercing blue eyes. 
“I’m more of a How I Met Your Mother guy,” he answered nonchalantly. 
“Huh, I wouldn’t’ve pegged you as that.”
“And what would you have pegged me as, Y/n,” he asked, still holding your gaze to which you just shrugged playfully, letting him wonder. 
“Okay, forget about comedies. Game of Thrones. Hands down best thing I’ve ever watched,” Topper stated, throwing his palms down on the table. 
“I mean I do hear good things, but I don’t know, seems kind of intense,” you said before shoving another forkful of spaghetti in your mouth. 
“No no no Y/n you literally don’t know what you’re missing out on, it’s pure genius,” Topper continued passionately. 
Rafe gave you a knowing glance as you two made eye contact again, trying not to laugh, “He’s been on my ass for years to watch it.”
“And now you have no excuse! It’s senior man, classes will be light work, just give it a chance,” Topper pleaded. 
“You know what Topper, just because you’re practically jumping out of your seat right now, I’ll check it out just for you,” you laughed as Toppers face pulled into a wide grin. 
“Good enough for me,” he said victoriously. 
“Lemme one up that Topps, I’ll also give it a chance, so it better be worth it,” Rafe added, Topper’s eyes growing wide in simultaneous glee and disbelief. Topper quickly got up from his seat, puffing his chest, “woooo! Winter is coming to London baby!” he exclaimed, pumping his fist before heading down the hall to his room. 
Two hours had passed by with you hanging out in the kitchen with Rafe and Topper, and to your surprise… you were actually enjoying yourself. You guys had talked about the things you wanted to do in London, the music you all listened to, favorite movies, and tv shows of course. You almost didn’t know how to process it. How could two guys who seemed like such kook douchebags actually be - cool? You had always regarded the two at face value, but perhaps there was more to these boys than what meets the eye. 
“Oh god how is it already 8, I’m so behind,” you groaned, getting up to wash your dishes. 
“Once Topper is full speed ahead, there’s no stopping that man,” Rafe laughed. 
“Hey,” you turned your head around from the sink, soapy dish in hand. “I was actually serious about giving Game of Thrones a try. Damn Topper if he didn’t make me curious now,” you laughed, “but I was thinking, if you’re actually gonna watch too, that we should time it so we both watch on the same days. Because then if we’re on the same schedule, whenever we see each other in the kitchen or something we can discuss and we’ll be on the same episodes so no spoilers.”
“So you mean we’d both watch on our own but at the same time?” Rafe asked. 
“Yeah,” you replied, as if it was obvious. That’s what you literally just described. 
“Well if we’re gonna watch it at the same time, we might as well just watch it together Y/n,” he calmly stated, walking right up next to you to put his Pringles away. 
“Uh yeah I mean that works too,” you replied, looking up at the boy now next to you, getting slightly flustered by his presence once again. His blue eyes were piercing right through you, and this time it was a losing a battle. 
“Cool,” he smiled, turning around and walking out of the kitchen to his room. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in, the water still running in front of you as you stood their holding the sponge like an idiot. What the fuck just happened?
Part 3
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
meet me in the gardens
summary: being the widow of a decently wealthy lord and sitting on a large plot of land automatically meant that you were a candidate for the program that you couldn’t say no to; the hosting. you had to sponsor a knight and keep them in your home for an entire year, which was troublesome enough on its own. but you never expected your knight to be a woman, and you certainly didn’t expect to have a full on illegal love affair with her, either.
knight!natasha x lady!reader
sort of royalty au (there’s social hierarchy and a king and queen and knights and commoners and all that so- yeah it’s a royalty au nvm lmao)
warnings: this is fluff, angst, uh, basically everything but smut and serious angst.
word count: 2.5k, starting off short before we get into this 
part one!
also, to the very few people who look for fics up here- i promise i’m alive, sorry for being m.i.a! work and school are bodying me right now 
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A lot could change within a year.
In a year, one was expected to grow wiser and older, and for you, because you were a woman, prettier. And because you did all three of those things in one year, you were herded off like cattle from your small farm, where the old pig you would soon be forced to call “husband” had seen you in the first place, and carted away to his large estate. You were supposed to be his wife, bear his children, and love him unconditionally even though you knew nothing about him, and he was supposed to do not even half of that for you. He had chosen you purely because your father had an abundance of wheat and animals, and he thought you were nice looking. He would surely never go hungry if he had the owner of a relatively large farm’s daughter with him.
Regardless of his reasoning for wanting to make you his wife, it ended up happening. You cried yourself to sleep the night before, and when you were done consummating the horrid marriage, you cried after he fell asleep, unable to shut your own eyes. That was how you spent your first night at the female counterpart to your lord husband, and as Lady Mirellis.
The marriage was loveless. The only thing you got out of it was a nice roof over your head and some silky clothing that made you feel like you were betraying who you really were. He was a brute and a pig, and he hardly ever spoke to you other than to tell you to get on your back, your knees, or something else as equally vile. You were the lady of his large manor, considered a small castle, but that was all you were. You made friends with the staff around, and that made things just the tiniest bit better. He was still cruel and crude, still insanely aggravating, and getting more and more angry with each month that you weren’t carrying his child.
And then, all of a sudden, he grew ill. And, within a month after he fell ill, he died. And then you were a single woman who had a large estate to her name, and a growing line of suitors who wanted nothing more than to have their last names attached to the great patch of land. You were the lady of the house without a lord, still young and still capable of marriage. After a large fuss over whether or not a young woman from your background was fit to take over, you had inherited everything.
So, yes, a lot could change in a year. And you decided that the changes that took place in that year were ones that you could barely handle.
You knew exactly what the letter with the King’s Seal on it was when it was put into your hand, and you very easily guessed the contents of it.
You supposed that you should have seen it coming. Miraculously, your late husband and lord had gotten out of the Hosting, which could have been seen as treasonous or dishonorable if he had been any less careful. You grew up on a farm, and you had no idea how to go about denying or questioning royal decree, so you weren’t going to. You were going to have to Host, for the first time in your life.
Your family was never important enough to have to do it, so you had no experience with it, other than knowing that a high up lord of a small castle, or big estate, whatever one wanted to call it, was in charge of having a knight in their home while the knight completed his year long training. The training was said to come from within, and the job of the knight was to be a good, honorable guest, and to come back to the castle after their year expired as a new and improved person.
But it was rare that they truly soul searched, you had heard. Mainly because they were ninety nine percent male and thought with their penises more than their brains and hearts. The Hosting was a knight’s last stop before true knighthood, more or less a time that humbled young knights. It was a test of the true intentions of a knight, the true desires of a man who wished for glory and authority.
“For you, Milady.” You grimaced inwardly at the title, the title that you used to have to call the lady that you used to bring barrels of hay to on Sunday mornings. You nodded at the young boy, a smile on your face. He was new, and it was clear that this was his first task that involved him to speak to a “higher up” person.
You patted his head. “Thank you,” you said, and his eyes widened comically before he laughed and ran away, obviously shocked by the way you spoke to him back.
It wasn’t against the law, but it was frowned upon for nobles to speak to servants more than necessary. A noble person was not required to have manners or ask kindly for things, and when they did, it was certainly an out of the ordinary experience. You knew that well enough.
You broke the red seal and took in a deep breath, going to sit at your late husband’s desk (that you of course inherited, as you inherited everything the man had) and finding your name in perfect and Royal handwriting.
Lady Mirellis,
As you know, the time for the selection of The Hosting has come. Your house was not a host during the previous Hosting, therefore, you will be required to sponsor a knight this year. Out of respect for your late husband and all he has done for me, I will choose a knight for you, a knight that I trust. You will be safe with my choice, and the year will flow smoothly. Once again, I am sorry for your loss.
Please expect your knight within the fortnight, Lady Mirellis.
With respect, King Anthony Stark.
Two weeks later, your keep was buzzing. You hated hosting things, even if they were short dinners. And you knew that you were going to hate hosting a person for an entire year. A brand new knight who was full of himself, no less.
King Anthony had given you what he thought was going to be an easy charge for a reason. New knights were known for being rowdy, disgusting, perverted, and authoritative when they shouldn’t have been. No lady should ever have to deal with the crude words or behavior of a man—certainly not. And with you and your poor husband gone, that meant that no one was there to help you.
You appreciated the kindness, but it was obvious that every man thought that women were only an extension of their husbands. If you weren’t able to handle the loud voices and taunting shouts of men and boys, you would have melted or turned to dust by the time you were thirteen years old. If you had survived a man who carted you off and away from your family like you were cattle, you could handle a boy who was staying under your roof.
Nonetheless, your people were busy, and so were you. They were making accommodations to the largest guest room, because it was to be someone’s for an entire year. They were cleaning things that you never thought would be cleaned, washing random sheets and hanging them to dry. And you? You were making the welcoming package.
You had never made one before, but you were trying your hardest. It was more or less a care package to make the knight feel comfortable. It was a starter kit, so that they wouldn’t have to ask for much or seem unfit for knighthood, because it was all about pride. So help anyone above, you wouldn’t be dealing with a knight with a bruised ego.
“Men,” you scoffed out, rolling your eyes as you fluffed the silk pillowcase and folded the top of the woven basket over, closing in everything and tying the top with a bow. 
“Y/N,” a woman’s voice called out, and you turned to it with a gentle smile.
Of course it was Wanda. Her and her brother were always by your side, ever since you had arrived at the keep. Pietro was the messenger boy for Lord Mirellis, because he was so fast on his feet. He delivered a message meant to go hundreds of leagues away and came back within days, when it would take others weeks. You liked Pietro a lot. He was a funny man, cheeky, but he knew his boundaries with people, whether they were lowborn or highborn. He had the same amount of respect for everything, and you admired that about him.
Wanda however, was your favorite person in the castle. She was the first kind face that you saw when you walked into the keep. She was the first person to actually ask you if you wanted help being dressed or brushing your hair. She was able to see that you needed help with your corset before you even asked. There were so many trivial things that Wanda did for you that made you so loyal to the friendship you shared, but there was one thing you were sure to never forget.
She had been the one to help you out of bed after a rough consummation night. She was also the only woman who had offered you even a sliver of sympathy, and for that, she was your greatest ally, and on a deeper level, a true friend. 
You had barely even seen her for more than five minutes before you woke up in bed by yourself the morning after that horrid night, crying silent tears and feeling sore between your legs. A knock sounded on the door, and instead of her turning away and apologizing for coming in on such an improper moment, she shut the door and asked you if you needed help, without any fear of being scolded. Wanda Maximoff was different. That’s why you liked her so much.
She was standing beside you as you waited, even though waiting for a knight was somewhat improper. You were supposed to wait inside and have them knock on your castle door, and you were to welcome them inside and have a warm dinner ready. That was how it was always supposed to go, but you decided not to do that.
You were standing outside, like the lady you had been forced to become. Your chin was slightly lifted and your hands were at your sides, even though you were desperate to fiddle with your thumbs. You took in a deep breath as you heard the sound of a carriage coming, horses and the chatter of men getting louder with each passing moment.
You would be a liar if you said that you weren’t scared to have a man in your house that you didn’t know. Not only would he be a man, but he would be a man that knew how to do things that most didn’t, such as how to properly wield a sword. You were a woman alone, a widow to a lord, and people had tried things with you before, ever since your husband had died. Most of the time, those things ended up with their hands being cut off as the legal and unyielding punishment for their attempted crimes.
“No one here is going to let a stupid knight hurt you, you know.” Pietro had come out of nowhere, chest puffed out as he looked to his sister for a moment, and then back at you. “Wanda is practically with you every second of every day, and I’m never too far.” It was true. There were guards around, as well, but you were still scared.
“If you don’t like it this year, you can always say no next year.” Wanda offered, but you whined under your breath when you remembered that this was no visit. The man would be living with you for an entire year. “And King Anthony said he would be giving you a man he trusted to sleep under your roof. I trust his word.” 
“As do I,” you said quickly, ringing out your hands one last time before the carriage got closer. “I’ll be fine, you two. Thank you.” And they knew just how grateful you were for them.
The carriage was being pulled by two white horses, both looking around carelessly and cluelessly as the coachman pulled them to a stop. “Lady Mirellis,” he said, looking you up and down, clearly judging you for not yielding to tradition. “It is very kind of you to meet us outside.”
“I thought it may be easier to begin the tour early,” you said, remembering at the last moment to school your voice into sounding ladylike. The stark difference between your public voice and the one that you spoke to Wanda and Pietro with always made Wanda smile a bit, and you knew that you would have laughed if you were looking at her. “I don’t want to give my new guest too large of a culture shock. I am not quite sure if he would appreciate being hoarded inside a place he hasn’t seen before.”
The coachman gave you an odd look, almost like he wasn’t understanding what you were saying. Or maybe, why you were saying it. But, he knew that because of your status, your word outweighed his, and he would do as you said. Your heart was beating nearly out of your chest as you watched him climb out of his chair and walk around, and you saw his hand wrap around the handle of the white and gold carriage.
There was a flash of brilliant red. That was all you saw at first, and then you saw shiny armor, glinting in the sun. Your eyes trailed up from the shoes that you knew were crafted specifically for knights, up to the legs and then to the breastplate, which you noticed was curved outwards. Your brows furrowed as your eyes got stuck in that place, and you willed yourself to believe that it was a trick of the eyes. There was a pinch on your arm, and you realized that you had been staring without speaking for much too long. In your embarrassment, your eyes flickered up to meet the man’s, and then, you nearly choked.
The knight was no man at all.
so this is a series! this idea has been cooking up in my head for a while now, and i figured it was finally time to go through with it! i’m really excited about this one, and i’ve already got most of it planned out. i hope you guys liked this!
also- if you would like to be tagged, you are free to ask! (bold of me to assume that any of y’all want a notif for this bye 😭) please interact with this if you liked it, it makes me so happy and motivated to hear from you guys!
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tennessoui · 3 years
Pleaseeee do 43 or 46. I love your work btw
(insert months late panicked noises about how I thought 45 was 'falling in love with best friend's partner' and so wrote hold me fast for it, but actually 43 is 'falling in love with best friend's partner' very whoops very my b)
so i did 43 again anyway, but in a modern au and where the couple is actually in love (but it is an obikin happy ending because kit did write it)
(wife is unnamed the entire time so no character bashing it could literally be anyone ive been calling her rebecca in my head lmao)
43. Falling In Love With Best Friend's Partner (2.7k.......)
Obi-Wan’s kettle goes off with a whistle right as there’s a fierce banging on the door. He almost drops his favorite mug in surprise, which puts him in a bad mood from the get-go. But for the love of Christ, who would come call at his house at nine at night? It’s more than rude; it’s downright indecent.
He stalks through the house until he can unlock the door to give the person on his porch a piece of his mind, but then he sees who it is.
It’s Anakin, and he’s crying.
If there’s anything that can make Obi-Wan quiet his temper on a normal day, it’s Anakin Skywalker. A distressed Anakin Skywalker brings out every ounce of his compassion.
“Anakin?” He asks immediately, stepping forward to touch the man on his arm gently and guide him inside. He doesn’t even have to suppress a sigh when Anakin doesn’t remember to toe off his shoes in the entry way--that’s how worried he is at Anakin’s tears and the way they only increase in frequency and sound when Obi-Wan moves his hand to his back and pushes him further into his house, all the way to the dining table where he urges him to sit down.
Anakin still hasn’t said anything resembling actual words yet, so Obi-Wan goes to the kitchen to make them both a cup of tea. It’s either that or give into the temptation to thumb the tear tracks off of his cheeks and that’s a little more revealing than Obi-Wan likes.
He’s not that brave, for one.
For another, Anakin is a married man. A man married to one of Obi-Wan’s closest friends, a previous grad student turned co-author of at least seven publications, with more on the way. He can’t risk tenderly wiping away her husband’s tears because Obi-Wan Kenobi has been at least a little in love with him since they were introduced four years ago, when he’d swanned up to him holding two champagne glasses in one hand and stuck out the other to shake. “My wife talks about you nonstop, Professor,” he’d said. “I used to be so jealous until I sat in on one of your lectures when I was still in school. Made sense then.”
Obi-Wan had not known what to do with that, but had taken the proffered champagne glass and assured this strange man he had nothing to worry about.
After all, Obi-Wan wasn’t the sort of man to chase after former students or people in marriages.
Over the next few years, however, it became quite clear to him that there was a big addendum needed in his moral code: people in marriages to former students drew his eyes apparently the way no one else has ever managed to in his life.
Or perhaps it was just Anakin. Perhaps it’s always been just Anakin.
Coming to terms with the shameful, quiet love he carried for a man who flirts like it’s second nature and always has a warm touch or word to bestow on Obi-Wan had been difficult, to say the least.
Anakin’s wife had been one of Obi-Wan’s closest friends. His inconvenient and persistent feelings for Anakin had turned her into one thing only: his wife. They could not be friends when Obi-Wan spends half his nights wondering what it would be like to sleep with his arms around her husband. They could not be friends when the last dozen times the married couple had invited him over for dinner, he had paid more attention to her husband than to the food or to the other topics of conversation or to her.
And she has to know. She has to know why their latest paper has taken eight months to write. She has to have seen the way Obi-Wan perks up so obviously when Anakin brings his wife her lunch, the way he has to turn away from their chaste kisses, the way he listens keenly to any information she gives him on her husband, the way he had excused himself from the room when he heard her tell another colleague that they were trying for children.
In academia, you learn fairly quickly that it is useless to resent someone for having what you do not. It seems that Obi-Wan has to learn this lesson all over again when it comes to people. It’s hard. It’s selfish. He hates that he loves Anakin. He hates that he loves Anakin the way he does, that it’s been four years and he still loves him, that not even his happy marriage, his love for his wife, the fact that his wife is Obi-Wan’s friend, can change it.
Anakin considers them friends now, which is so much worse and yet still more than a pathetic old man like Obi-Wan deserves. Worse, because when Obi-Wan had started rejecting dinners at the Skywalker household, Anakin had pushed back with worry. When he’d noticed that Obi-Wan’s lunch most often consisted of whatever cold cut sandwich was on sale at the gas station next to campus, he’d started bringing Obi-Wan a lunch along with his wife. When Obi-Wan had stopped responding to his texts, he showed up to drag him to a night out.
Worse, because being Anakin’s friend is nothing like being his husband, and the differences make him ache as much as the acts of kindness make him want to weep.
It’s still more than Obi-Wan deserves. He knows that intimately, the way he knows that nothing can ever happen between the two of them because Anakin loves his wife. And his wife--
“She cheated on me,” Anakin gets out between uneven breaths.
Obi-Wan promptly drops his favorite mug and watches it shatter on the floor.
“Oh!” Anakin exclaims at the loud noise, peeking around the corner, and looking like he’s about to offer to help. Obi-Wan shoos him out of the kitchen, and grabs the remaining mug of tea to follow him. The mess can wait for a later time.
“What did you say?” he asks carefully, nudging the mug over to Anakin, who wraps his hands around it.
Anakin blinks up at him wetly. “Don’t make me say it again.”
Obi-Wan drags his chair closer and dares to lay a hand over Anakin’s arm, watching his face for any negative reaction. Anakin just looks at it though, as if he can’t even comprehend it.
“Please, tell me what happened,” he entreats softly.
Anakin blinks and takes a sip of the tea. It’s chamomile, which is the only tea blend Obi-Wan knows Anakin likes.
“I, um.” Anakin clears his throat and reaches up to wipe at his eyes. Obi-Wan thinks his breath leaves his body for a second when he sees the slighter lighter ring of skin around Anakin’s fourth finger. He never thought he’d see what that sliver of skin looks like.
“I came back early from a work trip, cause. Um. Cause we’ve been having problems,” he starts with a quick side glance at Obi-Wan. “Just some fighting. Going to bed angry. I guess stuff you’re never supposed to do.”
Obi-Wan tries to arrange his face in an expression meant to convey that he definitely knows what stuff one is supposed to do in a marriage.
“So I thought I could, you know. Surprise her. But when I got in, there was someone else in the house. In our bed, Obi-Wan, she fucked someone else in our bed. I--” Anakin starts crying dropping his head into his hands and dislodging Obi-Wan’s arm completely.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan murmurs, at a loss for what to say. He settles for kneeling down next to Anakin and rubbing his knee. This is platonic.This is fine. This isn’t taking advantage of Anakin in this state.
Obi-Wan has absolutely no desire to take advantage of Anakin in this state, not when he’s so hurt and sad and in need of comfort. Obi-Wan just wants to provide him with comfort, but it feels like a grievous violation to touch Anakin like this willingly. It breaks one of his most cardinal rules.
But it turns out he’d break a lot of rules for Anakin, apparently.
Especially when Anakin responds so well to his touch, practically throwing himself out of his own chair and into Obi-Wan’s arms, tea forgotten on the table.
“How am I supposed to go back there?” He sobs into Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “I thought...we were supposed to raise kids in that house and she...she’s been...she’s been cheating on me in our bed--”
Obi-Wan tentatively strokes through his hair, adding pressure when Anakin reacts positively. He hates seeing him like this, so torn up and aching. He’d loved his wife, it’s so clear to see.
But Anakin has always struck Obi-Wan as the sort of person to put loyalty over everything else. For his wife to break his trust so suddenly and quickly must spell the death of his love for her. That must be what Obi-Wan is witnessing now, with Anakin, sans wedding ring, sobbing into his arms like this. This must be how Anakin’s love dies.
“I’m so sorry, Anakin,” he murmurs into the man’s temple, pressing his nose there at his hairline and inhaling as softly as he can. He’s disgusted with himself. He can’t help himself. He--
“She said she loved him,” Anakin sniffles, seemingly unaware of anything but his own pain. Obi-Wan gathers him closer at these words and rubs at his back, offering silent comfort. To have Anakin close like this is agony, but to be an appropriate distance away from him as he fell apart would also be agony of a different sort.
And if the last four years have proven anything, Obi-Wan will choose the agony that causes Anakin any modicum of happiness he can give him.
“She said--” here Anakin pauses and takes several deep breaths against the cotton of Obi-Wan’s now damp sleepshirt. “She said she didn’t when they started, but then I--I didn’t notice and it--she said it just happened, but--”
He breaks off and freezes in Obi-Wan’s arms quite suddenly. Obi-Wan stills his own hands in response. “But?” he asks, barely more than an exhale.
“But she said she couldn’t feel sorry about it,” Anakin whispers back, pulling away so that he can look at Obi-Wan’s face.
Obi-Wan stares at him, uncomprehending. Anakin’s wife is the unapologetic sort of woman, yes, but to be caught cheating on her husband and then refuse to apologize for the betrayal? That’s something else entirely. “What?” he stutters out in a completely unflattering way.
Anakin’s eyes glisten, but he purses his lips and flexes his jaw before he speaks again. “She said she couldn’t feel sorry about falling in love with someone else because it’s quite clear I’ve done the same thing. And--and she may have physically cheated on me first, but I’ve...I’ve been emotionally unfaithful to her for years now.”
Obi-Wan blinks quite a bit and very fast, tightening his hold on Anakin before pulling away just as quickly. “That’s absurd,” he spits out, trying to calm his rushing heartbeat. “Anakin, you’re the most loyal person I know. You would never--”
“She was right,” Anakin cuts him off, breaking eye contact with him to look over his shoulder and then down at...at his lips. “I didn’t even realize she was right until she said it, but. But I’ve been in love with someone else for three years of my five year marriage. I--I’m not who we thought I was.”
And his eyes well up with tears again and Obi-Wan isn’t strong enough this time from stopping himself from reaching out and brushing one of his tears away with the pad of his thumb.
“Anakin, you’re not…” thinking straight, serious, in your right mind, in love with anyone but your wife. “You’re hurting, Anakin,” he settles on saying. “You need to...sleep. To rest.”
You need to stop saying things that will break my heart in a few days when you realize you don’t actually mean them.
But Anakin has always been stubborn, especially when it comes to Obi-Wan’s demands. “Obi-Wan,” he insists, shoving his face forward so that their heads connect with a thump. “Obi-Wan, it’s you. It’s been you. For. For longer than I knew. For three years at least. Maybe longer. It should have been you from the beginning. When--”
“Anakin, please,” he finds himself begging, scrambling up and off the floor and away from this troublesome man. “Do not say anything you cannot take back. You are in distress, you’re not thinking clearly.”
Anakin follows him to his feet. “I need to say this,” he says, voice breaking. “Please, Obi-Wan. Let me say this.”
Obi-Wan has never known how to say no to Anakin. He closes his mouth instead.
“Before we even started dating, that’s when I sat in on your lecture. When we were seniors. I just wanted to see. Wanted to know why she liked you so much, measure up my competition. But then I liked you, more than I’ve ever liked a guy before. And it only got worse after I met you again, at that party, I don’t know if you remember, but. The days after, I drove my wife insane asking questions about you and your work and your interests and your hobbies, and I didn’t even realize I was doing it.
“You were just...you were so amazing. But I loved her so much I didn’t even notice I had any love left in my heart to give to anyone else, but then there you were. There you were and every time I saw you it was like...coming up for air. Like I was living someone else’s life and then sometimes I just got to be myself and it was only ever when you were around and--I didn’t know it was love until my wife told me tonight that she fucked another man because she couldn’t stand that I fell in love with one first, and I knew immediately who she was talking about. It was you. It’s...Obi-Wan, it’s always been you.”
Anakin closes the distance between them slowly, as if he’s giving Obi-Wan a chance to run. Obi-Wan does consider it, he won’t lie, but he stands stock still as if frozen to the ground. Anakin reaches up gently and wipes at one of his tears. Obi-Wan hadn’t even realized he started crying.
“Please don’t cry,” Anakin whispers through his tears. “I understand if you--if you don’t feel the same way, but I couldn’t be quiet about it once I realized. I don’t know how to love quietly.”
Obi-Wan does. Obi-Wan’s spent four years loving Anakin quietly, and now he doesn’t have any words left in him to love him out loud.
Anakin’s hand falls away from his face at his continued silence and he looks, if possible, more heartbroken. “I...I understand,” he murmurs. “You don’t feel the way I do. I--yes. I get it. I...deserve it.”
At this, Obi-Wan has to say something because it’s been one of the tenets of his world for years now that Anakin Skywalker deserves all the love there is in the entire universe. “No,” he says roughly, dragging the words kicking and screaming from the pit of his stomach. “It’s not that. It’s--”
Anakin looks at him with wide, wet, blue eyes.
“It’s that if you...if I say it and then...tomorrow you decide you don’t mean it...darling you have to know there would be no recovering from that, for me. I’ve been so obvious.”
Anakin blinks as the words register in his brain, and Obi-Wan can tell the exact moment they do because he inches closer and clutches tightly onto his shirt. “You’ve not been obvious at all,” he murmurs, eyes still shining, even as he directs his entire attention to his lips.
“What would I need to do?” Obi-Wan breathes, aching to wrap his arms around his waist and terrified that doing so will startle Anakin away from him. “What would I need to do for you to understand how much I...how much I’ve loved you for all these years?”
“Kiss me,” Anakin whispers, leaning down as if drawn by some magnetic pull.
Obi-Wan knows he will hate himself in the morning for giving in when Anakin is so obviously grief-stricken and looking for no-strings-attached physical comfort. And yet, he meets him halfway anyway.
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ackermanslov4r · 3 years
request :HI! I love your writing! i was wondering if you could write an enemies to lovers one where Levi and (Y/N) are roommates but they hate each other, and then something bad happens like (Y/N) her brother or sister die and she gets really sad and levi is just being mean because he doesn’t know how to comfort her and they end up having an actual conversation and get to know each other a bit more and they start catching feelings but they don’t know what to do so (Y/N) gets a boyfriend to take her mind off levi and he gets jealous and gets a girlfriend but both of them are really just trying to make each other jealous and they end up getting angry and confronting each other and finally get together? That was really specific but it would be cool. THANKS
thank you! it’s quite long,it literally took me two weeks to write it lmao,so i hope you’ll like it <3
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“I’m going to throw your shit away if you don’t clean your space.”
Standing in the middle of the room,Levi looked at your side of the room,a disgust expression on the face. It wasn’t that messy or that dirty , compared to some other room you’d seen,but it was enough to get Levi’s clean-freak-personality out.
“It’s not your space,why should you care ?”
“Because...” he stepped toward you,anger in his eyes.” First of all,that’s fucking disgusting ,and second ...” he bend,grabbing a shirt laying on the floor. “Your stuff is invading my personal space.”
In a quick move,he threw the shirt to your face. You grabbed it,groaning a bit. Levi was the worst roommate someone could have. He barely talked,and when he did ,it was usually to roast you. He wanted everything to be clean,didn’t tolerate too much sound... and the worst thing was that he barely ever slept,keeping the light on when you tried your best to rest. Bad luck wasn’t even enough to describe what happened to you when you were assigned as his roommate.
“Really sorry,sir . My dearest apologies.”
Anger flashed on Levi’s face,and he let out a “Tch” before turning his back on you. With a smirk,you threw the shirt away,back on Levi’s space.
“Y/n ? I...you should sit.”
Your ears buzzing,your brain still trying to proceed what was happening,you let yourself fall on the chair,barely noticing the tears on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry . It’s not my fault of course,but I’m sorry to be the one telling you this.”
It was as if the world had broke into pieces. Your brother... you couldn’t say it. Think about it. It was too painful,and you might be destroyed from it,from how your heart will break just by admitting that he was gone.
“I should...” you coughed,your voice rough because of the sobs you were containing. “I’m going to go ...to my room.”
“Do you need something ? Or do you want me to stay with you ?”
Your vision blurry because of your tears,you shook your head,thanked Armin for ... for what,you didn’t know,and went back to your personal space. It was a miracle that your legs were still carrying you,that you still knew how to walk. With a shaky hand,you opened the door,after many try.
“Stay silent,I’m working.”
Blinking through your tears,you glimpsed Levi,sitting at his deck. He looked calm,lazily writing on a paper,and seeing him like that,hearing his voice,when your world was falling apart ,made your blood heat into your veins.
“Why can’t you fucking leave me alone for once ?”
Levi’s angry eyes flew from what he was doing,and ,when they met yours,when he noticed your tears,his brows furrowed and he stood up a bit. He was half standing,half sitting,his arm pressed against the deck.
“What the hell happened to you ?”
Your sadness and despair turned into anger,even pure hate. It was better to feel this,better to be angry at him then falling apart.
“Stop acting like you care.”
Levi’s jaw clenched,and his grip on the deck tightened.
“You come here crying your eyes out and looking like shit, of course I...wonder what’s happening.”
A sharp laugh escaped your mouth,slowly turning into sobs. Levi stilled,throwing an awkward arm to you before letting it fall beside his leg. He took a step back,the anger in his eyes turning into what looked like worry. But,while someone else would have took you in their arms,holding you,telling you everything was okay...Levi did the opposite. He walked far way from you,his eyes scanning the room while he tried to think of what to do. He didn’t know how to comfort someone,and he disliked physical touch so much that he couldn’t bare himself to hold you,or get close to you. His whole body was screaming to him,screaming and telling him to go and help you,but he couldn’t bare himself to move.
“What’s happening is that ...” you said,your hand on your mouth,trying to contain your sobs . “It’s that my brother...died.”
The reality of it hit you like a storm,and your legs stopped working,dropping you to the floor. You were crying now,crying as if someone was taking your heart away,as if the world was burning in front of you. You felt ,more than you saw,Levi get closer to you. A few seconds,or a few minutes you didn’t know,later ,he laid his hand on your shoulder.
“I’ve known...”his voice was low,rough.” I...Many people die,and died, you know and ...”
Before he could even finish his sentence,you rose,pushing his hand away. You could barely stand,barely look ,but your ears worked perfectly ,and you didn’t want to listen to him. You didn’t want to listen to what he was going to say,because the words were obviously going to be harsh,and we’re going to hurt you even more.
“Get the fuck away from here Ackerman.”
You tried to wipe the tears from your cheeks,from your eyes,and looked at Levi. His eyes looked ancient suddenly,painful. The great,almost arrogant Levi Ackerman now looked miserable,helpless. A flash of pain appeared on his face at your words.
“Get . Out . Of . Here.” you grabbed some of his stuff and threw it to him. “I don’t want to see you,or hear you ever again. So get you damn stuff,your damn tea,your damn work,and leave me fucking alone.”
Each of your word was followed by you throwing something at him. He wasn’t even moving,didn’t flinch once,as you destroyed the room,his perfectly cleaned and arranged space.
“I said , get out !”you shouted,putting all your anger and sadness in the words. He didn’t deserve to be the one receiving it,but the thing was that he was the only one around,and that it was better for you to do that,better than turning these feelings on you.
Levi opened his mouth,and slowly closed it. He grabbed the papers he was working on when you came,and went away,leaving you standing there,in the messy room.
Weeks passed,each day more blurry than the other. You could barely get out of bed,stuck inside of it by your sadness. You didn’t have any news of Levi and didn’t see him once,but there was some signs in the room,missing papers,some stuff suddenly clean ,that showed he had been there. You felt guilty of the way you had treated him , because even if you’d never been close to each other,and weren’t even friends,he didn’t deserved to be yelled at. Maybe he really wanted to help you,but you had pushed him away,and pushed him from his own room.
Lost in your thoughts,your dirty hair falling on your forehead,you suddenly heard the door open. You grabbed the blankets,pulling them to your shoulders,trying to hid your dirty and messy body behind it. The door was supposed to be closed,so this could only be one person.Someone who had the keys.
“Levi ?” your voice was rough from not talking to anyone for weeks.
The man appeared in front of the door,a worried expression on the face. You couldn’t tell if the worry was for how miserable you looked,or if he was afraid to be yelled at again.
“I thought you were sleeping.I’ll come back later.” he paused,quickly taking a look at the room,the dirty dishes, the clothes on the floor.
“No,no,you can stay . I mean,it’s also your room. You shouldn’t ...I shouldn’t stop you from coming here.”
His eyes studied your face,for so long that your cheeks started to blush. His eyes were haunted,and his gaze so piercing that when he looked at you like that,all his focus on you,it felt like he was reading in you like you were an open book.
“I don’t mind staying away if it makes you feel better.”
A small chuckle escaped your mouth. “ I don’t really look like i’m doing good right now, i don’t think you being here will change anything.At least the room will be clean if you ...move in again.”
Levi nodded,and took a step in the room. He stood there for a few seconds,apparently waiting to see if you’ll change your mind. When he was sure that you weren’t going to ask him to go again,he went to his side of the room,and started cleaning.
« I’m sorry »you said,your voice low,after a few minutes.  « I shouldn’t have talk to you like that. You’re annoying most of the time,but i understand now. Understand that you wanted to help me. »
The man froze,his back on you,and then slowly tilted his head,meeting your eyes.
« Good. I wasn’t really being nice with you all this time,i guess i sort of deserved some of the words you said. »
As he went back to what he was doing,you understood that this was his apologies. He’s not the type of person to the « sorry » our loud,but cleaning the room,leaving you alone ,his acts were his way of apologizing.
« I didn’t know you could be nice. »
This usual sound,a « tch » escaped Levi’s mouth,and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. How much you missed talking to people,having company.
« It’s not how i prefer to act but yes ,indeed,if i try i can at least be agreeable. »
« I’d like to see this side of you. You know,since we kept fighting ,maybe if you ...force yourself to be agreeable it won’t happen again. »
Levi turned,the ghost of a smile on his face . « This place is supposed to be were i relax,you really want me to torture myself and act nice ? »
« Spending time with me can never be a torture »
With a wink,you watched Levi’s ears blush a bit as he started cleaning again. This,the conversation you just had ,was so different from the others. You talked,really talked,without insulting each other for the first time. And you had to admit that it had made you feel good,for the first time in weeks.
You suddenly realized what you looked like,with your dirty hair,the clothes you’d been wearing for weeks.What a difference between you and Levi ! He was all clean,and didn’t even have a piece of dirt on his shirt.Standing quickly,a bit ashamed,you ran to the bathroom.
Time passed,and surprisingly,you grew to enjoy Levi’s presence. His presence brought you comfort,and you had to admit that ,if you went out of this period of sadness ,it was all thank to him. Even if he never told you kind words,he kept bringing you stuff,making you tea,just being here,making you feel alive.
His words were still harsh,but there was something more in them now,more sweetness. He knew what you went through,how you were feeling,and all he wanted was to help you. And sometimes,late in the night,the two of you even had real conversation,about serious topic or just about each other.
You felt guilty of how you had treated him before,how you hated him even though you never tried to talk and know him. But now...now that you knew who he really was behind these cold features,now that you knew a bit of what he went through...You couldn’t help yourself from liking him. From having feelings for him. He had been there for you,even if you had pushed him away and treated him in the worst way ever. And now,even if you felt better,he was still there,and you had the feeling that he’ll always be.
But it felt dangerous. Liking Levi Ackerman was the most scariest thing you ever experienced. You couldn’t talk about it to anyone,because everyone around was scared of him. And you were afraid,afraid that he might not feel the same about you. He never showed how he felt,never showed any particular sign of affection toward you,and you were so afraid that ,if you told him how you felt,he’ll reject and leave you. He was too important for you.
So this is why you were now standing in front of that boy who had been crushing on you for years. You knew that what you were about to do was bad,but it felt like the only choice you had. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking of Levi,so maybe,getting a boyfriend,spending some time with someone else will help you to get ride of these feelings.
« You’re ...serious y/n ? I mean...I can’t really believe it,after everything. »
The boy’s hope,his red cheek made your heart break. He was really deeply in love with you,and you were going to use him.
« Yes. I’d love to go on a date with you. »
« Amazing ! I...I’ll give you the details during the week ! I’m so ... I’m glad ! »
He waved at you,before running god knew where,a huge smile on the face. He was a nice boy after all,and maybe,maybe you’ll start to like him.
Lost in your thoughts,focused on what you were going to do,you didn’t notice the man behind you until he spoke.
« Why the hell are you going on a date with this dumbass ? »
Levi’s brows were furrowed,and his expression looked more angry than ever. It was the first time that you saw him without his usual cold mask,and you weren’t sure to like it. He took a look over the room,making sure that no one was around,before taking a step toward you.
« He asked me ,so i said yes. I didn’t know i needed your approval. »
Something flashed in Levi’s eyes,an emotion so quick that you couldn’t really tell what it was. But it was enough to make you regret your words. You blamed Levi for not showing his feelings for you,but you were doing the same by talking to him like that.
« You don’t. I just thought you’ll settle for a bit more than an idiot. »
You turned your eyes away from Levi’s,trying to hide your disappointment. You wanted him to tell you not to go,you wanted...him. You wanted to be wanted and loved by him,as much as you wanted and loved him. But he was Levi Ackerman,and even if he felt like this,he’ll never tell you. He’ll rather die than face happiness.
« You know,i think i’ll do that too. » Levi continued,his voice lower on each words
« Do what ? »
« Go on a date. There’s this girl who’s been turning around me for a while. She’s as dumb as a fly,but if you’re going on dates too,i don’t see why i couldn’t do it. »
Your heart,or what was left of it,stopped working for a few seconds. His voice was serious,everything in his behavior was serious,but a part of you kept yelling,hoping that he was joking. You couldn’t blame him from doing what you were doing,when there was nothing between you but still...you didn’t know it’ll hurt that much.
You hardly swallowed,holding back your tears.If he saw it,saw how you felt,he kept it to himself and didn’t say anything. Maybe that was better after all. Maybe you and him had been damned from the start. If even there was a start.
« Fine. You can take her to clean with you. I’m sure she’ll enjoy being yelled at for hours because she’s not sweeping the floor in the right way. » you said,barely recognizing your voice and the coldness of it.
« And you can be mean to this dumbass you’re going on a date with. I’m sure he’ll love it. »
You turned,your face so close to Levi’s that ,if you weren’t holding yourself from killing him,you’ll just have to move a bit to kiss him. His gaze was deadly,filled with anger,and his usual cold aura was now so sharp that it almost hurt to just stand next to him.
«  Why are you talking to me like that ? »
« Why are you acting like a child ? »
You both stood there for a few seconds,looking at each other,your breathing uneven.
“Do you really want to go with this guy ?” he asked with anger,but also with something else,almost like ...like he was begging you to say no. But it was probably your imagination,your feelings for him that wanted to convince you he felt the same.
“Why do you care ?”
“Can you stop asking questions and fucking answer for once ?”
His voice,how his voice was the same as usual,how he didn’t even raised it while you were starting to yell....It made you so angry against him,and you had never wanted to punch someone so much.
“You’re doing the same ,and don’t tell me how to act.”
He snorted,and took a step back before passing his hand through his hair.
“You know what y/n ? I don’t care. I don’t even know why were arguing. Go on that date,have fun ,if it’s possible with a guy like him,and don’t come at me if he turns out to break your heart.”
Your heart,your whole body was hurting from his word. You had acted like that because you didn’t want to lose him,you didn’t want to confess and lose him,but it still had happened. You were loosing him,not because of how you felt,but because of how dumb you’d been.
“And ...And what if i don’t go ? What if i tell you i don’t want to go on a date with him ?”
Levi studied you for a few seconds,and it looked like he was thinking of what to say. He opened his mouth,close it,started a sentence,and stopped in the middle of it. The angry man was replaced by someone else,an awkward one,one who didn’t know how to deal with stuff like that.
“Then i guess you’ll break that boy’s heart.”
“But what about you Levi ?” you said,hating how your voice was breaking. You were going to loose him anyway,so you could at least try to understand him,hold into that tiny hope that he might feel the same. “What about you if i go to that boy,and tell him i changed my mind ?”
His eyes,his damned eyes were locked into yours,and you glimpsed an image of how you looked,desperate,pathetic. He remained silent,and his lack of words was enough of an answer. You nodded,and turned your back on him. Leaving him,taking a step away from him felt like the most difficult thing ever,but you couldn’t hold into someone who didn’t care about you.
As you were almost out of the room,he cleared his throat ,and finally said : “If you don’t go on this date , i guess that ...that you’ll break that boys heart,but ...but save mine.”
You froze,your heart pounding against your chest. Slowly,aware of every breath,you turned to him. His eyes were on the floor,and he looked like a boy ,a little boy who was afraid of being yelled at.
“What does it mean Levi ?”
“Oi,don’t make me say it again,you perfectly understood.”
With a small chuckle,almost a sob,you walked to him and gently grabbed his chin,moving his head so his eyes were facing yours. You felt his breathing on your hand,and you were aware of how close you were now.And by the look on his eyes,he was aware of it.
“I guess i’ll only refuse to go on this guy’s date if someone else take me on one.”
“Is this a threat ?”
“No” you said,tilting your head toward Levi’s,your mouth almost touching his. “I’m just giving you ideas.”
Your world exploded in colors when your lips met his.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
(3)—and so they’ve never really had convo’s unless they get invited to hang out w/ their mutual friends. so maybe it makes them think if they’ve done anything wrong to her, but in reality it’s just her way of coping when she starts to genuinely like someone? so if she avoids them, she thinks it will get rid of her crush on them? it’s your choice if it’s the reader or the guy that’ll confess! ☺️ anyways, god bless and i hope you have a good day xx
on avoiding your crush with oikawa, kuroo, akaashi, and terushima
a/n: ngl this one is kinda long that’s why it took a while to post, but i like spoiling you guys so enjoy :))
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— o. tooru
you were never really the type to confess your feelings to someone as not doing anything about your feelings and forgetting them is much easier that having to suffer the consequences of rejection or heartbreak
this was especially prevalent when the boy you’re literally head over heels for is in fact none other than the golden boy of seijoh himself, oikawa tooru
homeboy has a literal entourage of girls following around all the time
they literally give him sweet little gifts like baked goods and cute little knickknacks, not to mention a lot of them are super pretty and attractive
like how the hell could you compete with that many girls ??
not to mention you had always come to believe that oikawa was into more outspoken and lively girls granted his own personality
that dynamic of you being the quiet one in the relationship with him being the loud one was something you thought oikawa wasn’t looking for,, it honestly made you want to give up your feelings for him completely
mind you, you literally CANNOT escape this man
not only was he talked about a lot among your classmates, but by some form of sheer luck and faith, you two were both in the same friend group
you honestly had no idea how the hell you were part of it in the first place, but during first year you just magically became part of this friend group composed of oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsukawa, and a couple of other girls from your year
anyone that attended seijoh with half a brain cell would know that the friend group you were in was definitely the popular crowd
you couldn’t help but feel some sort of impostor syndrome as you weren’t exactly the most popular, if anything people only knew you as the quiet girl in oikawa’s group
that definitely didn’t mean that anyone in your circle was rude to you in any way
everyone in your friend group would literally die for you as you’re genuinely the sweetest person they have ever met
like if they hear anyone talk shit about you, they’re immediately #protecty/n2020 !!
yet despite being in the same circle of friends, you and oikawa rarely talk. hell, you guys are barely considered acquaintances let alone friends
you liked to stick around the girls of the group more as the only guy you actually talked to in your circle was iwaizumi and that was it
this obviously led oikawa to believe that he had done something to you that made you avoid him at all costs
the thing is, he always had this problem with since the start of your first year together, but recently it had been affecting him more than he had thought considering he would’ve been used to it by now in his third year
perhaps it was the way he would watch you giggle at something matsukawa whispered in your ear, or the fact that you literally had a secret handshake with iwaizumi, or often shared some of the snacks you bought with your girl friend but did absolutely nothing with him
it irked him to his very core that the one he had always was the most found with in his group of friends was someone who avoided him at all costs
he would spend his breaks during practice to exasperatedly vent to iwaizumi about how adorable your laugh was and how envious he was that he couldn’t make you laugh
or how whenever you would sometimes greet iwaizumi with a hug but completely pass by him would literally make him chase after you
“Y/N!! where’s my hug??” 
yeah he’s that type of guy, but in a good way tho lmao
and in the midst of oikawa telling his best friend how much he just wanted to be your friend made iwaizumi roll his eyes
“the way you talk about (y/n) makes it sound like you like her,” he would mutter nonchalantly as he sipped at his water bottle
iwaizumi would flicker his gaze towards oikawa to see the capillaries in his cheeks literally burst, tinting his cheeks all pink 
he had to stop himself from snorting out a laugh as iwa may or may not have known about your crush on seijoh’s golden boy himself
the way he had find out was pretty simple considering you and iwa were walking side by side near the back of the group as they were walking towards somewhere to eat
the girls and mattsun in the front were too busy teasing oikawa, that they weren’t really paying attention to you and iwa lagging behind
“you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but why do you avoid him?” iwaizumi asked gently. as he was the only guy in the group that you trusted, he didn’t want to ruin it by forcing an answer out of you knowing how you were
immediately, your cheeks heated you lowered your voice down into a mere whisper. “promise me you won’t tell anyone,” iwa nodded before bringing his ear down so you could whisper in his ear. “i really like oikawa and...” you paused, almost hesitating and you don’t exactly know why
but fortunately, iwa was super patient with you like he’s literally a homie
“i’ve liked him since our first year and i figured avoiding him would make me lose feelings. but the thing is, it’s been three years and i still like that idiot.” you sighed, and yet for once you didn’t expect the worst as you knew you could trust iwa with valuable information like that
he nods, pinching his pointer finger and his thumb together before pretending to lock his lips. “you’re secret safe with me, (y/n).”
so here iwa was now, attempting to provoke something in oikawa 
it was then the coach had blown the whistle, signalling that break time was over and they had to get back on court for their last practice game
oikawa cleared his throat as they stood up, flickering a look towards his best friend as he suddenly remembered the times he felt envious of him. “what if i do like (y/n)?”
iwaizumi feigned a smirk on his lips, “then confess to her before i do.” (he wasn’t actually going to lol)
and lemme tell you sumn, even though this was just a practice game, oikawa played as if his life depended on it
as if having you depended on it
and per usual, oikawa’s team won in the end and every day after volleyball practice, you and the rest of the girls would walk in and wait for the rest of the boys to get ready so you can all get food
there you were in all your glory, you hair blew gently behind you due to the air conditioned gym. you were waiting patiently and you definitely didn’t mind waiting as the boys had to clean up after themselves, but you swore you had never seen oikawa clean up faster in his life
once the vb team finished and your circle of friends were on your way out of school, oikawa purposely lagged behind the group as he stood next to you to your surprise
he was usually leading the group, but for once he was at the end with you. giving you a smile, to which you quickly avoided, oikawa quickly rested his hand around you
“hey (y/n)?” he says as you try your best to hide the sudden onset of heat rising to your cheeks
“hm?” you hummed, attempting to not give much of a reaction. maybe then he would leave you alone and your feelings for him would finally disappear
oikawa brought his lips to your ear, “do you know how long i’ve liked you?”
and immediately you froze, forcing oikawa to stop walking too and making the gap between you and the rest of the group to widen. you shake the thought out of your head, he’s probably playing around, you thought before continuing down the road
“shut it, oikawa.” you pulled yourself out of his grasp only to be pulled back in by him
“i’m serious, (y/n). i’ve liked you for a while now and it’s been absolute torture seeing you be closer to iwa and mattsun rather than me.” muttered oikawa, almost feeling embarrassed himself despite experiencing many confessions himself
perhaps maybe this time he was the one confessing and not the other way around
— k. tetsurou
where do i even start with this man
there was something always so compelling about kuroo, that you really couldn’t resist his good looks and to how kind he treated you
granted, you were the manager for nekoma’s volleyball team so maybe it was a given, but there is no denying the fact that you were irrevocably head over heels for the captain
your feelings for him initially formed in the middle of your first year at nekoma and the volleyball team’s manager was already in their last yer and preparing to leave so they needed a replacement
at first you said no, but kuroo, who was also a first year and in the same class as you literally begged for you to join. he mentioned how fun it would be, especially with him around
from the way your heart bounded in place within the confines of your ribs, to the way your cheeks often heated up whenever you were around him, even kenma (who you didn’t even meet until your second year) had already seen through you
fortunately, kenma was always the kind to mind his own business and stay in his lane. in fact, he had actually been a big help in you vying for kuroo’s attention but you both eventually got tired of how daft the captain had been
instead, you aimed to just avoid kuroo as much as possible for the time being, perhaps your feelings for him from the past three years would finally disappear and you can finally move on with your life
but it was safe to say you were not anticipating how hard it was going to be
not only were the nekoma’s volleyball manager and had to interact with the captain, you and kenma were also close friends. and when it comes to being friends with kenma, kuroo is more or less with him as well which made it inevitably more difficult
momma didn’t raise no bitch tho, so you powered through and avoided kuroo as best as you could and only talked to him if it involved school or volleyball
this was technically the worst form of silent treatment where it wasn’t full on ignoring (which honestly isn’t that bad cause you tended to forget about the person anyway) but this kind of silent treatment where you are constantly reminded of it because you had to talk once in a while was literally killing kuroo slowly
he was always a social person and usually respected and didn’t mind those who wanted to distance themselves from him, but once it came from you, it was literally game over
he believed that you were the second closest person to him besides kenma (and excluding the rest of the vb team) and the fact that you don’t even like making eye contact with him makes him feel dejected
especially when your actions really came abrupt as one day you were laughing and hanging out with him to giving him the cold shoulder and only talking to kenma
kuroo genuinely thought he had done something to you 
eventually, after volleyball practice where everyone had to clean up, he would deliberately slowed down and waited until you and him were the last ones in the gymnasium
“(y/n),” he called out to you as you finished putting all the stray balls into it’s respective basket
your eyes widened into saucers as your pulse suddenly increased, turning around to face the tall captain, you had to force a mellow look upon your face
he held the net in his hands, “could you help me with this?”
you didn’t even mutter a response as you only nodded. you hated how you had to act so cold to him, but it was what you had to do in order to leave your feelings for him behind
your train of thought went like this: it was only a couple months before your third year ended anyway, might as well forget about him
walking past the captain, you bent down and grabbed the other end of the net and you two began folding it in quietly
kuroo was going to spark a conversation, but he surprisingly found that silence blanketing you two to be comforting. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you each and every time the net had gotten shorter and shorter
eventually you two met in the middle, your eyes were directly looking at his broad chest you had hesitantly flickering a glance up at him
“stop ignoring me,” kuroo said in almost a harsh whisper
your cheeks flared red as you looked away shyly, pulling the net along with you and out of his hands. “i’m not ignoring you.”
“yes, you are.” he presses, “we were fine before, but now you don’t even talk to me anymore... did i do something wrong?”
you couldn’t help but notice that slight hurt in his serious tone that made you look back to him. your eyebrows furrow as suddenly your throat felt incredibly dry
“you didn’t do anything wrong,” you answered while kuroo approached you closer
“then what is it?” he scoffs dejectedly, placing his hands on his hips as he searched your expression for any answer. it was then his eyes widened larger than ever as he felt the rhythm of his heart quicken, “holy shit,” he sighed, “did you find out?”
confusion melted over your visage as you looked up at him, “find out what?”
“lev and yaku probably told you didn’t they?”
you were still not following, “told me what?”
“that i like you!” he exclaimed, his sudden confess echoing throughout the empty gym as everything went silent. the only sound surrounding you two was the air conditioning circulating around you two as you were completely frozen in place
you mouth ran slightly agape and undeniably speechless at the mere fact that that just happened. you certainly weren’t expecting it as your cheeks heated up for the umpteenth time, you swore they were never going to be given a break anytime soon.
meanwhile, whilst you were in a state of utter shock, the worst was spiraling inside kuroo psyche. with how long the silence fell upon you two, he couldn’t help but to feel that you were just thinking of a nice way to reject him
“look (y/n), i--” he was immediately cut off by you throwing a light punch to his chest, your eyes had fallen to the floor to hide the burning red sensation tinting your ears and cheeks
“i like you too, idiot.” you mutter, almost feeling a shiver down your spine as kuroo held your hand that was on his chest. “why do you think i was avoiding you for so long?”
— a. keiji
as i’ve mentioned in previous headcanons, homeboy is BLUNT
and he would definitely call you out on your shit with avoiding him and all
despite being on the quieter side, he does like conversing with other people with his amiable witticisms and classical one-liners whenever he would pop into a conversation
usually people (specifically ones he’s not entirely close to) would get annoyed by this, which is why he’s quiet in the first place. but when he first met you, you played off of his words. for once, akaashi was surprised by this and was immediately compelled by you
meanwhile, you were good friends with bokuto, which was the only reason why you had gotten to know the setter in the first place. you were well aware that he was bo’s best friend and was genuinely surprised how nuanced the pair was
eventually, you had come to take a liking for the boy as he was always quiet and a bit mysterious, yet whenever he talked it would always make you laugh or melt a smirk on your face
you were a year older and in the same year as bokuto, so to you it always seemed a bit weird to date someone younger than you. you always pined yourself as someone who would rather date older guys or someone around your age, but this was definitely an exception
however, you definitely didn’t like the idea of perhaps confessing to akaashi and then leaving in a couple months for college. it honestly seemed like a waste of time to get into a relationship especially in this time of the school year, so had decided to do something you had always done:
avoid your feelings until they disappear into oblivion
it would make things easier on both of your parts anyway, you were in your last year of high school and on your way to college while akaashi had the possibility of taking over the captain spot next year and had to focus on his final year
besides, despite knowing him for a good two years, you could never tell whether or not he liked you (even as a friend)
so here you were, acting suspiciously cold and avoiding your underclassman who, for once, is vying for you attention and you aren’t even noticing
whenever you were around bokuto, akaashi would purposely try to be in the conversation more and maybe even try to stand closer to you than before. he would often ignore the slight aching jealousy in his gut whenever you and bokuto messed around during lunch
honestly, homie doesn’t even know he has feelings for you and just simply thinks he did something wrong that you don’t want to interact with him anymore
he eventually went to bokuto about it, “does (y/n) hate me?”
and perhaps his best friend had to feign laughing right in akaashi’s face at this, “why would you think that?”
“well, she’s avoiding me and i don’t like it.”
one of bokuto’s eyebrows lift as he gave akaashi a look, “why don’t you ask her yourself?”
the setter sighs, “but she’s an upper--”
“since when were you scared of third years?” the alabaster haired boy chuckles, “c’mon akaashi, you’re a big boy now. deal with that yourself.”
the second year grumbles as he pushing himself off his chair, “fine.” he mutters as he made his way out of bo’s classroom and towards the courtyard where you sometimes hung out during lunch
he immediately spotted your figure talking among other third year girls, eyes never leaving you as he made his way over.
“excuse me, can i borrow (y/n) for a minute?” he asked, his height looming over you and the others as they gave you a look.
a sigh left your lips as you excused yourself and went with akaashi. you didn’t bother speaking to him as you simply just followed him into an empty hallway
“do you know how rude it is to ignore people, senpai?” he starts, provocation lacing his words as you gave him a look. he was well aware of the fact that you lowkey didn’t like being called senpai, so he was definitely saying just to get you riled up
“eh,” you shrug, trying to act nonchalant as possible. “it depends on who and why you’re ignoring them.”
“why are you ignoring me then?” he interrogates you.
and you weren’t entirely sure if it was his height towering over you or the way his words were leaving your mouth that made your heart skip a beat, you had almost forgot his was your kouhai
akaashi peered his eyes at how sus you were being, “because??”
you sigh, ripping your eyes away from him as you thought to yourself briefly. you definitely couldn’t continue looking at him as each beat that passes you felt the rhythm of your heart quicken. was he really affecting you this much?
you considered this: you were in the your last and final year with the possibility of not seeing akaashi ever again once you graduate. despite it being a bit bittersweet, telling him your feelings would possibly lift some weight off your shoulders and you didn’t have to worry about it anymore
looking back at him, you swallowed your pride. fuck it
“because i have feelings for you and i’m trying to forget them,” you confess quickly as your arms braided over each other, watching as akaashi’s expression morphed into surprise and almost a mere confusion
“y-you like me?” he asks for a confirmation to which to nod and watch his cheeks and his ears burst into shades of pink and red blush
perhaps you found yourself blushing too with how adorable he was as he cleared his throat to regain his composure
“why were you trying to forget them?” there was a hint of hesitance in his voice as he asked, almost to afraid to know the reason.
bittersweetness suddenly coursed through your veins as you sigh, “i’m going to graduate in a few months, akaashi... i’m going to go away for college while you’re still going to be here and i’m not sure if we’re actually going to see each other again.”
“we can if we tried,” he mutters quietly as there was still an inch of hope within him. “we can still make it work.”
“you think so?”
“i know so.”
— t. yuuji
you had now idea how the hell you had come to like someone like terushima yuuji
not only was he incredibly loud and a bit childish in nature, he was an absolute fuckboy
it should’ve been a big enough turn off, but perhaps you somehow liked how he would remember the little things whenever he would annoy the shit out of you everyday
like how you always got melon buns for lunch, he would always buy you one before you even had the chance. or how he knew your favorite subject was math, despite you never mentioning to him. or how he knew that there was always a kick in your step whenever you were in a good mood.
despite his persistent nature is more likely to come off as arrogant and annoying, sometimes his assertiveness comes to be beneficial at times
like that one time you were walking home during the night and a pair of creepy older dudes kept asking you for your number, terushima (who was also going home after volleyball practice) had come to help you
his persistence in making sure the guys left you alone had worked and perhaps the way he wrapped his arm around you protectively had your heart pumping faster than you anticipated
that was when you had finally come to the conclusion that you had feelings for some fuckboy name terushima yuuji, who literally annoyed you to your core
knowing damn well that terushima wasn’t going anywhere, you figured that if you avoided him enough, that your feelings for him would eventually go away
you supposed it was because of his usual nature, constantly flirting around with other girls before eventually getting bored of them. it then rang into your head, wondering when terushima would eventually get bored of you
perhaps there was an aching his your heart when you thought about it, but in your brain you wished for him to forget about you. if anything, it would’ve made loosing your feelings for the blond boy to go away easier
your avoidance and lack of interaction with terushima definitely did not unnoticed by him. if anything, it made him want to talk to you more
he would literally shower you with melon buns and snacks during lunch, to which you would politely decline and walk away from him. he would greet you everyday in the mornings, to which you would simply flicker him a look before brushing past him
for once, terushima felt challenged when it came it you and only fueled his yearning to get back to that stage of comfortably throwing his arm over your shoulder
it even got to the point of you ignoring him enough that you started talking to another guy in your class, with how comfortable you are with the new dude as you were playfully handsy and giggled loudly at his jokes
perhaps he felt a bit jealous that someone else was making you act like. terushima wanted that to be him
it was like a wave of emotions had tumbled over him as he saw you and the boy walking with a group of others in front of him. he swiftly caught up and pulled you away from the group fast enough that they didn’t notice
“terushima?” you said breathlessly
“i like you, (y/n).” he went straight to the point. there was no reason to beat around the bush any longer as you and him were finally alone together and he didn’t know whether he would have this chance ever again, “i like you a lot, so stop ignoring me.”
“y-you like me?” you repeat, you eyebrows suddenly furrowing. “is this a joke?”
homie couldn’t help but notice the slight worry lacing your voice, as if he wasn’t serious and just playing you. he was well away of his reputation and certainly did not want it to get in the way of you and him. 
“i’m serious.” he reassures, “there’s a reason why you’re the only one i haven’t gotten bored of.”
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yknow while this hellsite continues on the whole religion discussion thing, i’d like to jump in on it with my experience particularly with leaving catholic school.
like aside from my angsty pop-punk/emo etc teen phase (which’ll obvs be weaved into story later on) that led me to have different views from the church and aside from the whole sexism thing that i endured over my year 10 formal/junior prom in 2010 and 2011 from staff there….. i found it within myself incredibly hard to leave there… mostly because i’d known literally 1/3 of my year group at catholic school since kindy/kindergarten or some other point in primary school.
this affected my choice to leave and it was quite tumultuous inwardly. knowing the safety and predictably of the people i was with for all those years was a comfort to me. i knew their parents due to parent mixer bbqs that we’d have after mother’s day and father’s day liturgies- although i hated the mother’s day ones mostly, due to personal reasons. but to leave that comfortable place for overly loyal, kinda sorta shy (although everyone who knew me at that school wouldn’t’ve described me as shy bc i was a very loud show off because of drama class 😅) and by year 10, very lonely, highly socially anxious and depressed, teen me was terrifying. it meant losing her friends and stability and she obvs hated that thought. it meant leaving the one one place she ever felt good at something, drama class.
obviously, after she did leave for public school, she visited the catholic school on a few separate occasions, to try and keep the connection “alive” or whatever the fuck she wrote in a fake deep status on her fb (that i now get in my fb memories every year lmao). but it all ended pretty badly, when everyone from that school stopped talking to her once high school finished. no one invited her out. or if people did try to invite her out, like a couple of people did, it always fell through…. and it made her feel like she was just a bad luck charm or whatever other low self esteem talk she was telling herself. there was quite a few moody statuses around that too lmao.
but yeah. leaving catholic school was a massive thing for me back then, because even though i hadn’t gone to church on sunday for literal Y E A R S at that point; i still had a strong pull to that school because i’d known SO MANY kids at that school from primary/elementary/grade etc school, regardless of their year group level. because if there’s one thing catholic school was good at, it was networking 😂. you knew everyone, and everyone knew you. it was safe, it was sound, so i didn’t want to leave.
but once you leave, you lose your friends and what almost felt like an extended family (although they obvs weren’t). but at the same time, i’d grown to hate the safety and almost insularity of the school, because as i mentioned earlier, you felt like you could predict how people would react or behave in class/events etc.
i felt the above distinctly, because as i’ve mentioned plenty on here, from years 7-10 i was a very emotionally demonstrative kid. in some classes (mostly religion and PE when i was bothered to participate) i’d end up in shouting matches with the teacher or other students…. or y’know just have a casual meltdown in the middle of class, which many people saw as “attention seeking” behaviour. i felt watched, i felt ready to snap, and to quote the ever present All Time Low i felt like the bridge lyrics from “therapy” (which was/is quite obviously somewhat partially about the price of fame and hollywood imo- but that went over teen me’s head at the time lmao):
“arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to, they’re better off without you (better off without you). arrogant boy, cause a scene like you’re supposed to, they’ll fall asleep without you; you’re lucky if your memory remains”
like yes. i’ll admit those bridge lyrics being applied to this time is rather overdramatic, in hindsight, but hey. that was teen me for ya lmao. and don’t even get me started on applying ATL’s song “sick little games” to this at the time as well 😂😅. anyway. from all the “lms and i’ll tell you what i like about you” trend statuses that people were doing back then on fb, i’d gained the tag of “cool/chill girl”, my crush rich boy, once called me “outrageous” because of how loud i was and how willing in years 7-9 to scream out stupid song lyrics like “i want to fuck dog in the ass” by blink 182, fight song by marilyn manson and then idek probably my humps by black eyed peas at the top my lungs through the very few halls that that school had 😂😅. i was being purposely and annoyingly offensive most of the time.
but eventually, once it came to things like one of the girls in my group wanting to run for vice school captain and the other girls in my group A L W A Y S being given leadership positions (LPs)….. while i always had to apparently “repent” my behaviour by being made (in theory from my teachers) to sit alone at lunch because of my “embarrassing” and “unseemly” behaviour at the so-called “training”/ “retreat” days we had for things like being peer support leaders for the new cohort of year 7s etc etc. i felt like everyone was just waiting for me to leave…. and that they couldn’t stand my “embarrassing” presence and that i’d ruin my friends chances of being selected as co-captain or whatever other bullshit LPs they wanted to run for. but still. i felt like i couldn’t leave. just. how do you leave a bunch of people that you’ve known for so long???
and even when my teachers were nice enough to give me a chance in a leadership position once; in that dastardly bullshit internet safety workshop thing that they should’ve literally just hired a professional workshop co. to do….. but to save money they used students in my year group instead. so, instead of being marked by my teachers on this program; i was marked by the catholic education office. they had a lady come in from the ceo to judge/mark us while presenting…… and this lady went off at teen me for “not being professional, responsible and respectful” or whatever the fuck the woman told 15/16yo me…. which teen me then fired back with “i don’t have to be fucking professional and responsible!!!! IM FUCKING 15!!!!”.. so from then on i was never given an LP or any other type of “peer support” role against my friends who were littered with offers for them. mind you, i did call a whole room of 14 year olds “a bunch of cunts” or the like and then stormed out thinking that i’d made a solid point, so the CEO woman had a good reason 😂😅….. again in hindsight.
of course there was also the bitterness of teen me being angry at the english dept for not giving her a spot in the top class of english in her half of the year. but as i’ve said previously on other posts, i’ve forgiven this because i did essentially fail one shakespeare in class assessment in year 8 or year 9 😂. but i strongly felt this during my time at catholic school bc my friends believed that i should’ve been in the top english class too lmao.
but aside from those troubles and foibles, i still found it incredibly hard to leave. to leave the perceived closeness of that group of girls, who would sometimes walk me down to the office and sit with me in “purple room” while i waited for the teacher that had to act as my therapist almost lmao. even though i always told my friends to leave me be and go back to class bc i felt bad about dragging them out of class for so long.
but yeah. with all the above behaviour, the song lyrics to me at the time made sense bc teen me just felt so pressured to fit into the whole “funny, cool, outrageous girl” bs box that people had put her in…. but at the same time she wanted to escape it bc she was just *flyleaf voice* SO SICK of being laughed at instead of laughed with (atl weightless reference here kids) just because… like she DESERVED to be taken seriously for fucks sake, and not a be a “monkey do funny dance” person… she obvs felt this the most in drama class. where in the shakespeare unit, she picked a medley of romeo and juliet and taming of the shrew monologues to do for her monologue. although she nearly did lady macbeth throwing herself off the tower, to be hella edgy…. but she opted not to do that in the end. but she picked serious pieces bc she was sick and tired of being classed as the one trick pony go-to funny person.
okay. this really went off topic. but y’all get the point??? the decision of leaving catholic school was a hell of a ride for little 14-16yo me. it was confusing, terrifying and tied up in years of being overly judged and feeling like people wanted me to leave bc they were sick of me. it was tied up in years of mid-class meltdowns that had become kind of routine for me to have, and that people were just brushing me off as “attention seeking”…. but also ironically waiting for me to snap at any second for another wild shouting match or walkout; which would then make me look like i was “unruly” or “untameable/unmanageable” or whatever the fuck….. but i couldn’t take that anymore, for the final senior years. i HAD to leave it.
again it was hard to leave for loyal little teen me, despite how lonely and isolated she felt. why leave your friends when you’re comfortable??? but also: why stay in this toxic environment where people are just waiting for you to either shut the fuck up and put up with it or just blow up and absolutely lose your shit??? that’s just unhealthy asf. and the only unruly thing that’s happening here is the complete lack of mental health help or management in the aussie education system; but most especially in religious schools.
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shirophic · 3 years
birthdays, what intricate things, no? | fuyuhiko kuzuryu x peko pekoyama
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here’s another drabble/fic i’ve worked on, lmao here. tw: mentions of blood, sword, mentions of death, angst
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“Happy Birthday!”
It was Kuzuryu’s birthday, a special day for sure. After all, the young looking but bold yakuza was turning 23.
Everyone had celebrated with him, throwing a huge party at a nightclub. Party decorations were hung up everywhere, laser lights were dancing across the room, and the past contestants of the second (and hopefully last) killing game had fun, letting go of all of their worries.
Owari and Nidai were dancing together and bumping into everyone laughing loudly. Mioda was performing “I Squeezed Out The Baby And I Don’t Know Who The Father Is.” Saionji and Koizumi were hyping Mioda up while Tsumiki looked uncomfortable but tried to smile with the loud music. Tanaka and Soda were glaring at each other across the room while Nevermind was dancing to Mioda’s singing. Togami was at the corner of the room watching everyone while Hanamura was serving food out to the crowd of adults. Hinata, Komaeda and Nanami were talking with each other.
While Kuzuryu pretended on the outside as if he didn’t care, he really did. After the killing game, he has softened up to his classmates, occasionally letting his guard down.
He had nightmares about the game, although he looked like he didn’t care about the killings - he actually did. Yakuza dealt with gangs and mobs all the time, he was taught this very early on in his life. Whereas it was a yakuza’s duty to be on guard and kill when needed, he was in shock about the game.
Forcing literal children in a killing game? Kuzuryu had killed before, he had a lot of blood on his hands. But he never remorsed about it, afterall it was his duty as a yakuza.
Shaking away his depressing and remorseful thoughts, he looked over to the love of his life, Peko Pekoyama.
Peko was always there for him, always. She refers to herself as a “tool”, but Kuzuryu thought her more than that. Sure, he had grown up with Peko and she was always there like a knight in shining armour in case he got hurt but, in reality - he never wanted that. 
He had only wanted her.
Looking at the ground, he slyly took Pekoyama’s hand, a blush forming on his cheeks. Pekoyama turned around from watching Mioda sing and smiled at his antics. She took her other hand and put it on top of his, giving it a firm grip.
Kuzuryu slowly looked up at Pekoyama, locking eyes with her. She was stunning, as always. Her silver hair flowing on her shoulders (for once), her black and white checkered patterned kimono clashing with her light grey coat with her bamboo sword. And most of all - her bright, red eyes.
People were intimidated by Pekoyama at first glance, despite her cute name. But when you’ve known her for literally your whole life - you’d know better than that.
She’s sad that because of her fierce appearance and sword, she can’t pet fluffy animals. She doesn’t like senseless killing, even if she is the ultimate swordswoman. And lastly, she doesn’t know how to smile, after years of not smiling.
Kuzuryu and Hinata had tried to help her smile, it lasted a week. Pekoyama struggled while Hinata and Kuzuryu were her cheerleaders, hyping her up every step of the way. And when Pekoyama finally got her smile right, Kuzuryu’s heart stopped. It was the cutest smile he’d seen, especially coming from the woman you’d sell your soul to.
Coming out of his haze, Kuzuryu had tears forming in his eyes.
“I love you, Peko.”
Pekoyama smiled, tears forming at the ends of her eyes,
“I love you too, Fuyu.”
- - -
After a while, it was time to cut the cake. Everyone gathered at a circle table in the middle of the bar, excited.
“Woohoo! Baby gangsta turning 23 today! Can you believe it?” Owari yelled.
“Hey! I told you not to call me that anymore..” scowled Kuzuryu.
“I’m sure she means only good, Fuyu.” Pekoyama reassured.
Kuzuryu sighed, smiling up at Peko. He always melted when she used that nickname.
“Can we cut the cake yet? I’m starving.” Owari complained, getting nods of agreement from the other ex-students.
Kuzuryu stopped and then chuckled a bit, enough so that only Pekoyama could hear. He loves the fact that no one had changed, due to all of them going through so much together.
“Alright! Time to cut cake everyone!” Nanami smiled.
“Hey, why don’t you and Peko cut it together? Koizumi suggested.
Pekoyama looked over at Kuzuryu, smiling. “Shall we?”
Pekoyama unsheathed her sword, holding it and offering Kuzuryu to hold it as well.
“It’s your 23rd birthday, we must make it memorable.”
Kuzuryu silently agreed and took the sword with Pekoyama, getting closer to the cake.
Together, they slice the cake with Pekoyama’s sword.
But Kuzuryu paused. The cake was hard to slice, why? A cake should be made with flour, sugar, milk and eggs right? Why should it be hard?
“Hey why the pause? I’ve been waiting for this moment!” Souda said, clearly impatient.
Kuzuryu shook it off and continued to slice it, until it made a certain sound.
A cake shouldn’t make that sound either, what was happening?
Komaeda appeared beside his side, which Kuzuryu was confused about since he was sure he saw Komaeda across the table.
“Fuyuhiko, look at Peko.”
Chills running through his spine, he turned around to see Peko.
Pekoyama was there, hunched back, as the very bamboo sword she held cut through her stomach, blood flowing everywhere.
“Fuyu..? What did you… do?”
Kuzuryu stood in shock, not knowing what to do, he did the very best thing that came at the top of his mind. 
He screamed.
- - -
Kuzuryu woke up, startled from his dream.
It was 4 a.m, August 17th, a day after his birthday.
Kuzuryu sweatdropped, then getting up from his bed and going to his kitchen, hoping to make a coffee in peace.
And there his roommates were, Tanaka, Soda and Hinata, drinking coffee while talking together.
Kuzuryu sighed, and went further into the kitchen to make his own coffee.
“Hey Fuyuhiko, what’s wrong?” Hinata questioned.
“Agreed, what is pestering your mind?” Tanaka said shortly after.
“It’s.. It’s nothing, go back to whatever you guys were doing.” Fuyukiho said, obviously tired.
“Eh, you heard the guy,” said a nonchalant Soda.
Hinata and Tanaka both glared at him and focused their attention on Kuzuryu.
“No seriously, what's wrong.” Hinata questioned again, but with more of a firm tone.
Kuzuryu ignored him and made his coffee, pretending as if he didn’t have time for them.
Tanaka appeared at his side, a hand on his shoulder, “You do know, that you can confide in us, yes?
Kuzuryu sighed annoyedly, “It’s not that big of a deal! Just leave me alone.”
The room went silent. 
“You’ve had a nightmare again, haven’t you?” Hinata asked.
Kuzuryu went silent to that, glancing at Hinata, he nodded slightly.
The other three didn’t know what to do but give him space, so they let Kuzuryu finish making his coffee and watched as he headed towards his room, slamming the door.
Kuzuryu sat down on the side of his bed, sipping his coffee.
He didn’t know what to do at this point of life.
He was the Ultimate Yakuza, sure. But he had nothing to do anymore. He had graduated from Hope's Peak and now lived in an apartment with some of his ex-classmates.
The entirety of his life was dedicated to his yakuza duties. And now it’s gone. He only had memories of what his life had been of the past, all of which had Peko.
The mere thought of Peko brought tears to his eyes. He hadn’t - no couldn’t accept she was going to die, and had sobbed his heart out in front of everyone, not caring.
Peko was his life, his world. He had never wanted her to think she was just a tool for his benefit. He had never thought of her that way. She was a human being, just like him.
Kuzuryu started to sob quietly, remorsing Peko for what felt like the thousandth time.
“I-I miss you so m-much.. Peko..” Kuzuryu hiccuped. “w-why’d you have t-to leave me so e.. early..?”
Maybe it was a blessing just to have spoken to Peko.
Maybe it was a curse, he’ll never know.
Kuzuryu sobbed in what felt like an eternity, slowly falling back to sleep - and eventually, he met his lover again.
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aomineavenue · 4 years
Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
Genre: fluff (OH WOW?)
Summary: meeting each other for the first time.
Word Count: 3k+
@luvelyxp @paripedia @bokukiyoom @sunnyatsumu @centuress @doggonudez @newfriendjen @kodzukrn @anjvxmmv @keijikunn @maramalademadara @chaelysian @haikyuuwithadashofart @rogueofbullshit @bokuakadaily @kac-chowsballs @sakomi-kun @giyuwu-san​ @quirklessidiot​
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mia speaks: 
just a little piece for my little baby bo to make up for the angst one i made of him lmao and bcoz BIRTHDAY BOY
if it isn’t too much, please leave a little COMMENT on this piece or REBLOG if you like it! Thanky! 
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“No, ah—ah, it’s okay!” you interrupt him through giggles, dropping your hands down to your sides as you let your laugher slip through your lips at how such a well-built man turned into an adorable spluttering mess. He surely was different from the typical men that you had encountered throughout your modeling career.
It was like a breath of fresh air.
And you wanted more.
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You were all smiles today with the girls as you all excitedly entered backstage to get ready. The show was going to start in a few minutes and honestly, despite the waves of anxiety rocking you back and forth, you were still very much excited for today’s show. After all, it’s the big event that the majority of the world waited to see.
Runway shows have never been a problem for you, that’s for sure. You were confident with your walk, but unfortunately, when it came to the Victoria Secret Fashion Shows, you were completely, utterly, nervous. Not only were you walking down a runway with people watching, but other people would be able to view it at home once it’s edited and polished. People from around the world would be able to watch your performance and you knew the VS Fashion Show was the talk of the world when it was that time of the year. 
Flashing a cheeky grin towards Candice, she gives you one of her own with a wink as you both sat down on your respective prep chairs that had your names on it and waited patiently for your assigned makeup artists to get started. 
“You ready?” Candice asked from her seat next to you. All you could give her was a nod and an excited squeal, causing her to laugh. “Have you invited anyone today?" 
"Oh, yeah. I’ve invited my best friends from high school since we’re around their area but that doesn’t matter since none of them responded to me so they’re probably too busy,” you said with a frown. 
Candice reaches out towards you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Well then your best friends are obviously missing out." 
You couldn’t blame your friends for not being able to attend your shows, no matter how vocal they are when it came to supporting you through scheduled video calls. They were all equally busy with their lives unlike during high school where they could find the time and support the other whether it may be your small local fashion shows or their volleyball matches. 
You wouldn’t have been able to make your dreams fully come true without their help and support. You had always dreamed of becoming a model. You were good, everyone adored your signature catwalk more than anything. Though, for the first few years when you just began, it was a little tough and a lot of competition from other aspiring models. You started off in social media, showing off your looks and your best friends were the first ones to promote it, especially Shoyo, who even ran around the halls of Karasuno High School, waving his phone in front of the faces of students to show you off. And you even had Tsukki sharing your posts though, as usual, he acted as if he was being forced. Eventually, despite still being in high school, you were recruited by a small modeling agency and from there, everything changed. All thanks to your best friends, of course. 
They never stopped supporting you, always finding the time to support your shows and even having them as your own team and because of their hard work and your own, slowly but surely, as you reached your junior year in senior high, you eventually got a name for yourself after a while, but projects didn’t come as easy or often. 
Though, that changed as soon as you approached your senior year during an after party for one of your shows. As usual, you had your team (aka your group of best friends) present with you and all their praises towards your performance during the show gained a lot of attention from various popular brands that were present as well. If anything, you were completely embarrassed by their excessiveness as brand owners began approaching you, but you were more than grateful for that night, for them, because after that night, projects started pouring in.
It was all thanks to Shoyo’s contagious energy, bouncing from one guest to the other, asking them what they thought of you. Kageyema’s persistent pestering, telling brands that they would miss out if they didn’t give you a chance, and he didn’t give them a chance to decline, not that they could anyway with how determined he looked. Then there was Yamaguchi, dragging Tsukki along to talk to different brands regarding your work, the usual tag team when it came to helping you, it almost seemed like a bad cop and good cop scenario, the receiving end not being able to escape until the two were satisfied. Even Yachi had some connections due to her mother, and had introduced you to the people she knew. 
And since then, everything took off and after becoming a well-known model in Japan, you eventually gained the attention of a huge brand that offered projects around the world, and who were you to decline such an opportunity? So as your modeling career skyrocketed, you found yourself exploring the world right after you graduated from Karasuno.
Despite being busy with your career and the time differences, you made sure to keep in contact with the people who helped you reach your dreams and they did the same, none of you drifted apart, always updating the other when needed. Invitations to your shows were always sent to the group, always expressing one day that they would be able to attend your shows. Especially since you had been recruited to become an Angel two years prior, but with everyone’s busy schedule and not having the ability to afford plane tickets to wherever the VS Fashion was being hosted, you and your friends found the time when the show would be aired and face timed each other to watch. And of course, the overwhelming love and support spilled from their mouths. 
Still, a part of you wished they would be able to attend your show today since it’s being hosted in Tokyo. You wished they would be able to see your growth in person. 
A loud squeal breaks you from your train of thought. You glanced over to one of the new girls that have been casted to run this year’s walk. "Wonder what’s that about…” you heard Candice beside you. You simply shrugged. 
“There are some really hot guys!” she squealed excitedly, clapping along. “I was taking a peek outside and saw them! They’re seated front row! Those seats are usually for our personal guests, someone tell me right now whose guests are those and please introduce me at the after party!" 
You and Candice turned to look at each other and burst into a fit of giggles. 
It wasn’t uncommon for the new girls to look around the guests to drool over celebrities that were invited, like a predator looking for its prey. You weren’t going to deny, but you were one of those girls too during your first year as an Angel, and had shamelessly flirted with one of your favorite celebrities during the after party. Thinking about it now, maybe you’ll have some fun later and find your own person to flirt with later but for now, you’re just silently praying that you don’t trip on the runway.
"Okay, can I just say that I’m really nervous right now?” you squeaked, a shaky breath escaping your lips. Your makeup artist patting the liquid shiny highlighter along your cheekbones with her fingers as Candice laughs beside you. 
She counters, flashing you a reassuring smile through the reflection of the vanity mirror in front of you, “You’ll be fine. Just relax." 
"Thank you, Shelly.” you said to your makeup artist before she gives you a nod and walks off. You let out a whine and throw your head back, your eyelids fluttering shut. “Easy for you to say, I’m opening the show this year.”
Candice extends her arm out to reach for your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, hoping to calm your nerves. “You’ll do good.” You could always count on Candice to soothe you. That’s what best friends were for. 
“Y/N! Hurry up over here, you need to get changed!" 
You snapped back to reality and immediately jumped off of your seat and headed over to wardrobe. The last thing you heard from Candice was a yell of ‘good luck!’ before everyone begins fussing over your outfit. 
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Music now blaring, excitement all over the atmosphere as the crew prepares the cue to signal you in. You were opening the show this year. The first set, which was called 'Snow Angels’ and you had been given one of the privileges of having huge fluffy white angel wings. It was heavy but nothing you couldn’t manage due to your rigorous training to maintain your model physique. They were huge and even had a trail that led down to your feet, you were able to grasp on it, to make it flow and follow you along every step. You had decided to hold onto them as you walked, an idea popping into your head. Along with the wings, you were dressed in white lace lingerie that fit perfectly and gave some accent to your well toned body. The lingerie had been adorned beautifully with gems that gave them a boost, making it sparkle when lights shine towards your direction. Plus, the silver heels were to die for. You really did look like an angel.
Bobbing your head to the music, dancing along to calm your nerves. You keep your gaze locked up ahead, a small smile playing on your lips. This is what you enjoyed the most, despite the nervous feeling you felt, you loved the adrenaline that coursed through your body. The adrenaline that pumped through your veins whenever you walked, you enjoyed the catwalks the most in your line of work. 
Hearing your entrance nearing since there was a rehearsal beforehand, you already knew when to start walking despite being given the signal from the crew members that stood around you. Giving them your signature cheeky grin, they give you their thumbs up of good luck with a smile plastered on their faces.
Following the beat of the music blaring through the place, your feet carried you through it, going exactly at the pace of the beat. As you reached the middle of the stage, you started with your signature catwalk entrance that your fans adored, you had your back facing the crowd for a second before you heard your cue to spin around from the music. You flashed the crowd with a smile and this only caused them to erupt into cheers. You began your walk, your feet taking you along in sync with the beat, your hips swaying to the rhythm. Letting your wings go for a second, you encouraged the crowd to go louder with your hands as you walked along the path, the smile still on your face. 
In an instant, your eyes catch a glimpse of a familiar mop of bright orange hair and your eyes widen ever so slightly, not expecting to see your group of friends standing up clapping happily at the sight of you with the biggest smiles on their faces. Time seemed to slow down but you were able to see them clearly. 
Yachi waved happily towards you with tears in her eyes, Yamaguchi giving you a thumbs up and a wide smile while Tsukki just looked at you with that irritating smirk but he looked proud, nonetheless. Kageyama waving a little flag with your face printed, his usual sheepish smile that you were accustomed to nowhere to be found, replaced with a wide smile that could compete with Shoyo’s. Speaking of the ball of sunshine, there was Shoyo, gaining the attention of the camera crew, jumping around excitedly with one hand in the air and his phone in the other, most likely capturing your walk, all the while, shouting your name. 
However, that wasn’t what just had caught your eye but the familiar looking person next to Shoyo who was equally as energetic as he was and you couldn’t help but let the warmth rush to your cheeks at the way he was looking at you in awe. A sudden surge of happiness bubbles in your chest at the sight of the duo excitedly chanting your name over the loud music, you were sure that the editing team would use the footage for when the show airs all over the world.
Despite not fully recognizing who the person next to Shoyo was, you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies burst in your stomach as you caught his eye. You were used to this kind of energy being best friends with Shoyo but something about his whole aura wanted to make your heart burst from the excitement. Summoning the courage, you send a flying kiss and a wave towards his direction. A grin makes its way to your lips at his unexpected reaction. It was like the one in cliche romantic movies where the guy captures the flying kiss with his hand and presses it to his heart before sending one back. You were hooked.
As you reach the end, you give the crowd, especially looking at the camera, your signature pose before gripping onto the wings once more, swaying yourself to create a flow as your eyes focus on the camera capturing your movements as if to seduce your viewers. Breaking out into a breathtaking grin, you spun around to walk back. As your feet carried you, you couldn’t help but glance back at where your friends were seated, your grin never wavering at the sight of Shoyo waving like a maniac, pointing towards your direction as he began telling the people surrounding him that he was your best friend. 
Your eyes caught golden ones once more and your heart skips a beat at the evident adoration mixed in his orbs. You felt breathless and giddy, slightly flustered at the thought of this mysterious man that was seated next to your best friend. You mentally note to yourself to ask Shoyo about him later and silently hope you would see him at the after party before disappearing to the backstage to prepare for your next set.
You had 3 sets for the year, the first one with the 'Snow Angels’ and then a set during the middle of the show and then the last set for the evening. The second set involved you wearing a sort of witch costume. You wore deep purple lingerie with a tiny hat that was pinned comfortably at the side of your head. The purple heels weren’t just a finishing touch, but the witch broom too. And the final set you wore, black lingerie. It was more of a corset but the texture was wonderful, lace, with some parts see through. You felt confident, so beautiful. A skirt was paired up with it, a small trail following you at the back. 
And every single time you walked down that runway, you would glance over at your best friends and him, winking playfully or sending kisses, Shoyo thinking it was directed at him but little did he know that it was for the energetic man with spiky white-grey hair with black streaks that resembled a horned owl that was on the receiving end of your playful gestures. And the man himself knew it too, playfully sending it back that made your heart beat rapidly in its confinement. Your friends, well aside for Shoyo, probably noticed that everything was directed to him, but you couldn’t find yourself to care as your confidence was at full percentage with how sexy you were feeling wearing lingerie.
As the show ended and you stood there happily in a line with the rest of the girls, your bubbly self began to show as you began dancing along to the beat of the music. It was another successful year. 
Now, it was time for the after party. 
You barely had the time to search for your friends as you were always pulled by either your co-angels or people you had wanted to work with. It was so difficult to reach them as they were situated from across the room, having their own little party and not really wanting to leave each other’s side, but you really wanted to join them at the realization that the man that was seated next to Shoyo earlier at the show, who you had been practically flirting throughout your walk, was a part of their group and it wasn’t just a coincidence of them seating next to each other. Then again, something in the back of your head was nagging you that you knew him, something about his aura completely familiar. 
After what seemed like forever, you were finally able to slip away from the people who wanted your attention, having the chance to see your friends after so long. However, before you could approach them you were pulled back by your forearm and as you were about to reprimand the intruder, your plan of actions were put to a halt as your eyes met his golden orbs. 
“Hey, hey, hey?” he starts sheepishly, a small smile playing on his lips as he releases his grip. 
A giggle slips past your lips as your shoulders relax. “Hey, hey, hey,” you repeat his words teasingly with a playful grin, “And what can I help you with?” 
“This may seem really weird since we don’t know each other but can I ask you a question?” he asks, shifting his tone to a more serious one but with one look into his eyes, you can see them twinkling with playfulness and you couldn’t help but nod your head to his request. “Did it hurt?” 
Brows knitting together in confusion, you tilt your head to the side at his question. “Did what hurt?” 
In a second, his features shift from the serious one that he had to one where his lips twitched to a grin, “When you fell from heaven.”
You suppress the heat that wanted to rush up to your cheeks from his cheesy pick up line, completely flustered. You were used to guys flirting with you but how was he able to surprise you and made you want to squeal like a high school girl? However, despite being flustered by his flirting, you weren’t one to back down so easily. Blinking a couple of times, trying your best to not look fazed by his words. “Are you implying that I’m Satan?” you ask, folding your arms across your chest as you arch a brow at him. 
He doesn’t expect your answer and turns into a spluttering mess before you. “No, I—I just,” he stutters, brows furrowing in frustration thinking he had failed to woo you with his pick up line, he was going to reprimand Atsumu who had told him it would work. “You—you’re an angel, ah you know, a Victoria’s Secret Angel, and I—” 
You interrupt him through giggles, dropping your hands down to your sides as you let your laugher slip through your lips at how such a well-built man turned into an adorable spluttering mess. He surely was different from the typical men that you had encountered throughout your modeling career. 
It was like a breath of fresh air. 
And you wanted more. 
Just as he wanted more of you when he stops his explaining at the sight of you bursting into a fit of giggles and he couldn’t even find himself to be embarrassed anymore at the sight of in your bubble of happiness, the way your face were scrunched up from laughing or how the sound of your laughter was like music to his ears, a smile making its way to his lips as he watches you in amusement. Ah yes, you truly were an angel to him. 
“No, ah—ah, it’s okay!” you gasp out through your giggles, shaking your head slightly as you try to regain your composure by holding onto your sides, “I didn’t mean to ruin your attempt at flirting.” 
He tilts his head to the side, the smile on his lips widening. “Oya? Why’s that?”
“Well...” you trail off, a smile matching his as you relax from your outburst, “I wouldn’t oppose to such, if it’s from you, that is.” 
He’d have to thank Shoyo for bringing him along. Your mere smile from afar was already breathtaking but now that he was close, he wanted to see it every single day of his life. Extending his arm, he holds his hand out for you to shake, “The name’s Bokuto Koutarou.” 
Taking his hand in yours, your eyes widen slightly as his name slips out of his mouth, “The Bokuto? The one that Shoyo’s been gushing about during freshmen year? I knew you looked familiar!” 
“The one and only,” he chuckles as he shakes your hand, listening intently as you introduce yourself, not wanting to let go of your hand just yet. He lets your name roll off his tongue experimentally and you mentally note to yourself that you loved the way that it did. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” A Happy Birthday indeed.
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captainsimagines · 3 years
To Topple A Giant || Chapter Five
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 5 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
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Warnings: This story contains mature themes and discussions such as extreme canon violence, strong language, emotional angst, mentions of Endgame deaths and recoveries, sexual situations, and emotional/physical abuse. All trigger warnings will be listed before the chapter. This is purely fanfiction.
Warnings in this Chapter: mentions of male masturbation and boners (lol); strong language; references to suicide, murder, and drug smuggling; abusive parental relationship; mentions of child death in a second flashback; dry humping (smut); 18+ only please!
Word Count: 16,500+
A/N: damn that chapter warning list was a trip to write down lmao
Westview, 2023, 1:32 pm
     An uncomfortable silence spread throughout the parked vehicle, daring either of you to take the first step. No one commented on the glares boring into your soul as you drove through the town or how heavily the three of you got patted down by the authorities right outside the state line. You figured it was completely justified - still a little insulting to a bunch of Avengers who literally saved the world three weeks ago. 
With a loud gulp, Bucky was the first to kick open his door and get out of the car. You glanced at Steve from the driver’s seat, biting your lip with a slight quiver as you went over the speech you practiced earlier today. Simple enough, and not too damning. 
Steve’s leg bounced rapidly a few more times before he too kicked open his door, leaving you in silence. You pulled the car keys from the ignition and took in a deep breath. Your legs were numb, the anxiety washing over you in uneven cycles. It was now or never. 
“Wanda, it’s us…”
Her grief seemed to emit from every crack in the sidewalk, every weak beg escaping the townspeople’s throats, every sound from the inanimate objects her powers had continued to turn from gray to red… to green… back to gray. She was crouched on the property, weeds brushing against her black pants and leaving their mark, mascara smudged with each new wet streak. 
Bucky unzipped his jacket, eyes wandering over the deserted plot of land as Wanda tried to control her sobs. She had already caused enough damage, both physical and psychological, the possibility of more government involvement looming over your heads. He carefully walked toward her and wrapped his jacket over her shoulders, all be damned as he held her and began to tear up himself.
“Wanda, you’re okay. You’re safe. We’ll get through this,” Steve sighed, still keeping a respectable distance from her in case she were to run. But you knew her better - she was all out of fight. One fight after another and yet she still lost her love. 
“I did something really bad,” she sobbed, eyes locked on the spot where Vision had just disappeared. Again.
“No, you didn’t know what you were doing,” Steve declared, shocked by the unexpected scoff from Bucky. 
“Save it, Steve. She may not have known in the beginning but she does now. She still did it.”
No one dared correct Bucky or argue with that logic because if anyone knew about causing harm with absolutely no intention, it was obviously him. Taking responsibility - that was the best course of action. 
Once you heard of a radioactive disturbance in a small town just outside the state, the team almost retired completely. So soon after defeating Thanos, so soon after Tony’s death, so soon after Natasha’s death - the team left it up to the proper authorities this time around. 
But the second you watched the broadcast of Wanda’s fantasies, the sitcom her powers were conjuring, her giving birth to her children… all you could do was wait until she opened the barrier. 
“I still did it,” Wanda said, her upper body beginning to rock back and forth as her fingertips brightened with red tendrils of magical grief. 
You shut your eyes and willed yourself not to cry. You had done so much crying these past few years and you were oh, so tired. You couldn’t possibly take another beating. 
“Hey, hey. Look at me,” Bucky spoke, gently turning Wanda’s face and placing both his hands on her cheeks, mindful of the metal appendage he had forgotten to cover with his glove. “You already did it. It can’t be undone. But you can come with us and grieve properly.”
Wanda reached up and placed her hands over his, tears spilling from her eyes faster now. 
“Let us help you grieve.”
This wasn’t an unexpected goodbye. Wanda knew that. She had just voluntarily given up her husband and children - anyone would crumble from that sort of devastation. But now she had been given a proper goodbye, a somewhat proper closure, and the chance to accept it. “Okay.”
You and Steve remained frozen in place even after Bucky helped Wanda stand. Almost as quickly as you thought it, your feet had a mind of their own. You stood next to Steve, taking in the weed infested, rectangular plot of land - the remnants of Wanda’s fantasy still fresh and creating a tiny, refreshing tingle in the middle of your chest. You looked over at Steve and smiled sadly when you saw him inspecting the area as well. 
“They would have had a beautiful life together.”
Steve’s breath hitched as you finished your declaration, looking over at you and nodding slightly. 
“If I had the chance, I would have wanted a nice house with some decent air conditioning. Some weird, front yard garden where I could plant random flowers. A dog that dug them up and acted like it didn’t do it.”
You giggled, thumbnail between your incisors to try and disguise the wider grin forming. Steve kept speaking. 
“Maybe a kid or two. Never actually checked if I could even have kids after the serum.”
You dropped your hand from your face, your attention completely on him now. 
Steve sighed and kicked a rock over to the other side of the property. “I would have wanted a giant, king-sized bed. With ‘his’ and ‘hers’ towels. And every once in a while we would accidentally use the other one’s toothbrush, a secret we would take to the grave.”
Steve wasn’t even looking over at you as he said this. It was like a one-sided confession, rhetorical, not needing an immediate response or expression in return. And you couldn’t believe he was just saying this in front of you - you of all people - the same person who rolled their eyes whenever Steve struggled to comprehend a modern topic or argued with him when he was in one of his moods. He had been distant the last few weeks after returning the stones, only ever noticing you when other people were around to carry a conversation. 
The tingles in your chest were starting to disappear as the plot of land gave its last few magical rumbles. 
Steve bowed his head, hands in his pockets and breath steady. “Yes, they would have been very happy together.”
You stared at the back of his head as he slowly walked back to the car.  
Present Day, 2025, 8:10 am
     The amount of times you reminded yourself to wake up early as you were drifting off to sleep last night was perhaps more than the number of sheep you had ever counted in your life. A quick reminder here and there as your mind got clogged with pointless information, the number eight behind your eyelids all throughout the night. 
And you did it. In the early hours of the morning, knowing Steve would wake naturally in about twenty minutes, you tip-toed out of bed to use the bathroom. Acting completely normal in case he did in fact hear you before your grand plan - an easy escape route if he decided to repeat his horrible morning ritual on you. But he was such an old man, getting older, losing that serum’s boost. This Steve, Steve who refused to call any movie made after 1945 ‘old’ because he literally didn’t get the chance to see them premiere - yeah, this Steve, was passed out like he had been hit by a truck. 
Bladder empty and teeth brushed, you quietly opened the bathroom door and peeked through. He still lay there on his back, wrapped tightly in his blanket, breathing steadily, and face completely unprotected. 
Could you die? Probably. Would this payback be absolutely satisfying? Hell yeah. 
You grabbed the biggest of your pillows and fisted the corner tightly, twisting it a couple times for a better grip. You signed the cross quickly before lifting the pillow above your head and bringing it down to Steve’s face. 
Steve’s eyes snapped open and he immediately sat up, “WHAT?”
His eyes flew around the room rapidly until they landed on you, angry and challenging.
“Payback!” you yelled, lifting the pillow high again for a second hit. But he reacted quicker, grabbing a pillow himself and swinging it toward you. It slammed you in the torso and practically sent you flying. You landed at the edge of your bed, mouth open in shock and racks of laughter bubbling deep within your chest. You stood quickly and hit him repeatedly, trying your best to also block his counterattack. 
He reached for your hip and pulled you in his bed, rolling the two of you over so he was straddling your hips. He brought the pillow down several more times before accepting your plea of surrender. 
You threw the pillow back to your bed and pouted, “Not a fair fight!”
Steve scoffed, “You caught me off guard! You had all the advantages!”
You shuffled beneath him and froze, hips stuck in a lifted position as you were too embarrassed to move them back down. “Jesus, Steve! How do you even sleep on your stomach with that thing?”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he inspected your face and body, looking down at the two of you before he noticed the way he was pressing into your inner thigh. He scrambled off you, a blush spreading from his cheeks and all the way down his chest. He cupped himself and turned away, quickly shuffling for his suitcase and pulling whatever clothes his flustered hands grabbed. He was also repeatedly apologizing. 
“Steve, it’s okay. It just… startled me, is all.”
Steve cleared his throat a couple times before pacing around the room in search of his toiletries. 
You just sat back on your elbows, watching him scurry like a chicken with its head cut off. It was rather amusing. 
“I’m gonna - gonna, take a shower. Uh, I’m sorry again.”
You smirked at the super soldier, “Steve, I’m not mad. It isn’t like I’m new to that kind of thing.”
Steve blushed harder, “But I didn’t mean for it to happen.”
You shrugged your shoulders and dipped lower into his sheets, grabbing and lifting them higher. You snuggled deeper, “Still.”
Steve could feel the speed at which the world rotated and he shut the bathroom door behind him. He leaned against it, breathing deeply until he had all his inhibitions back. 
He didn’t know what was more embarrassing - reacting the way he did or you seeing him react the way he did. It wasn’t like the two of you hadn’t seen each other in awkward situations, some borderline lewd. There were plenty of missions that involved heavy flirting with the targets, undercover work in depraved settings, missions where nasty magic was involved and concocted a multitude of inappropriate visions. Hell, everyone had already seen each other naked. It was completely normal, a trustworthy environment, and sometimes necessary. 
As much as he wanted to give into the feeling and award himself some proper alone time, he refused to act upon it. He would regret it later once the stress pushed down harder than usual, but it just wasn’t appropriate in his right mind to masturbate with you in the other room. 
Why did he have to be such a good and honorable man?
He busied himself with washing his hair and scrubbing away any evidence of sleep from his face. Steve liked sleeping on his stomach, face smooshed in the pillows and arms extended to his sides. It allowed for more comfortable movement, more ways to stretch his hips, just overall comfort for his massive shoulders. Less pressure on the lungs, too. And unlike the enthusiastic yet almost mean accusation that he couldn’t possibly enjoy that position because of his… well, his dick, Steve would choose that position over sleeping on his back any day. But that morning, his body had decided to betray him in more ways than one. One, he was open to attack because he was on his back. And two, whatever dream he was having caused his morning wood to seem larger this morning.
He had washed up quickly, more time spent out of the shower where he fixed his hair and combed his beard. He thought about shaving it for the rehearsal dinner or wedding, but it gave him a more rugged look - like he was all tough and no funny business. As ridiculous as it sounded, the beard allowed him to lean into the criminal act easier, build a fake personality that already had your father eating out of his hand. 
Opening the bathroom door and having to face the music, Steve was almost certain you would continue to tease him. But you were already munching on the breakfast you had ordered, shoveling hash browns in your mouth as you swiped the mouse through pages and pages of intel. You didn’t even look up as he crossed the room to grab a pair of pants he had forgotten to pick up during his quick escape. That settled his nerves almost instantly and he was dressed and settled next to you soon after.
You worked in silent cooperation for a long while, handing each other files and passing phone calls like you had during every other mission before. Except now it was more comfortable, pleasant, and kind - the soft sounds from the television in the corner, the humming of the desktop, the soft hums of recognition whenever you two showed each other something. You didn’t even bother with what happened in the morning, if it really was anything at all, because you honestly found it normal. You were more focused on the conversation you had last night. 
Steve had offered to kill your father if you seriously couldn’t. Just thinking about his offer caused your stomach to turn. Because yes, you wanted him dead. You wanted to snap his neck in ten different places and feed him to scavengers. You wanted to steal his business from under him and tear it apart, bit by bit, and keep him alive long enough to see you do it. You wanted to see the look in his eyes when you revealed that you double-crossed him. And as the day inched closer, the overwhelming feeling of shame pushed down on your shoulders and swallowed your mind. Once your father was dead, you and Steve would never find true peace. His men would always follow you, probably take you down at the local coffee shop you and Peter frequented. 
The thought of dying in front of Peter caused a lump to form in your throat. No, you wouldn’t do that to your friends. You couldn’t do this to Steve. 
But you had to. Because even though your life will never be yours after this mission, you had to save the countless others your father was sure to touch and ruin. 
But was your life ever truly yours?
Steve’s voice pulled you from your clouded mind. 
“I asked if you wanted the last piece of fruit.” 
You looked at Steve then at the small piece of watermelon in the bowl, then back at Steve. He had a pen in between his teeth, one eyebrow cocked, and slightly puffy eyes due to the beer heavy sleep he had last night. You looked away as quickly as you could and stared back at the fruit, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. 
Ridiculous, you thought. Just looking at Steve had flustered you, squeezing your stomach in pleasurable pulses you hadn’t felt since high school. “No, no. You can have it,” you said, hoping your voice wouldn’t crack. 
Steve watched you with a funny smile but he took your word and scooped up the last piece for himself. 
No, you thought again, this man will not give me freaking butterflies. 
It wasn’t like it was odd. Steve had you flustered countless times before, but it was never quite as tingly as it was now. You suddenly wanted to facetime Wanda and rant about these weird feelings; you wanted to curl in on yourself and squeal; you wanted to -
    “He’s what?”
You sat on your knees and leaned over the back of the couch, chin resting on your folded arms as you watched Steve pace around the common room. He was tugging at his dress shirt repeatedly, desperately trying to attach cufflinks without additional help. Sam sat right beside you, in the same position, snickering each time Steve cursed under his breath. 
“He’s nervous,” Bucky smirked, arm holding out Steve’s tie for the past five minutes. Steve had paced beside him various times already, completely oblivious. 
Steve groaned and readjusted his collar, snapping his head toward the three of you. “I’m not nervous.”
“You’re sweating buckets, man,” Sam pointed out, one of his hands discreetly opening up his camera and switching to video. 
“What if she doesn’t like me?” 
Bucky threw his head back and cackled, choosing to grab Steve and steady him to finally put that damn tie around his neck. “Same old, Steve. Can’t accept that a dame would ever possibly like you back.”
“Hey, Steve don’t worry about it,” you started, shooting Steve a sympathetic look. Steve glanced back at you, expression swiftly changing due to your kind tone. “... when I was in high school,-”
Steve released a loud grunt, rolling his eyes and stepping away from Bucky’s hands. 
Sam rolled over and clutched his stomach as he laughed, pulling you into him. The two of you shook from your laughs together. 
“Guys,” Bucky warned, reaching for Steve in a ‘grabby’ motion. “Give him a break.”
Steve reluctantly stood beside Bucky again, head tilted upward as he tried wrapping the tie back around his neck. 
None of you heard the entrance of Thor and his brother, too busy with bullying, laughter, or moderating. 
“Did we miss all the fun?”
You shot up from the ground, kicking Sam away as you rushed across the floor and stumbled over the rug. “Thor!”
You rushed into his arms and he gripped you tightly, swinging you around and loud laughter matching yours. 
“Now, why wasn’t I greeted in a similar manner?” Loki questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You pulled your face from Thor’s shoulder, “Oh, you want this too?”
You jumped back onto the floor and were about to jump into Loki’s arms, but he held his own out, stopping you. “It’s too late. It’s not the same.”
“Piss baby,” you quipped, rushing behind Thor for protection when Loki’s mouth dropped in surprise. 
“Can everyone stop what they’re doing real quick and tell Steve his date is going to go well tonight?”
You rolled your eyes at Bucky’s favor, but he just raised his eyebrows, challenging you to disobey the order. 
“The Captain has a date? Are they okay?”
Loki and you shared a comical gasp. 
Steve gaped, “Now, what in the world does that mean, Thor?”
Thor raised his hands in defense, “I’m just asking if she truly knows what she’s getting herself into! Don’t try and tell me she has no idea who you are.”
Steve was back to groaning nonstop. Bucky threw his hands up in the air, “I ask one thing of you guys. One thing.”
You stomped over to Steve and ripped the half-tied tie from his neck and smoothed down his collar. You patted down his shoulders and the front of his shirt, and gripped his shoulders to straighten his back. 
“Now,” you smiled up at him. The breath caught in your throat for a second, the blue of his eyes shining under the ceiling lights and the pink of his cheeks spreading slowly. You let out a tiny sigh, heart fluttering faintly from the small grin he was giving you. He looked so innocent, a renaissance subject created from light oils, signs of true aging showing in his forehead. “Whatever date you got planned, she’s gonna love it.”
Steve relished in the feeling of your palms pressed against his chest for a few moments before he nodded at your declaration. He stepped back and smoothed down his shirt. “Wish me luck?”
A chorus of ‘good luck’s sounded as Steve found his keys and shared a goodnight hug with Sam and Bucky. They both jokingly reminded him to use protection. 
You watched Steve leave, a newfound bounce in his step as he walked away. Your words had been so simple, so cliche, and yet he had dropped any visible nerves as he walked out the door. You weren’t the best motivational speaker, that was for sure, but the proof of at least an ounce of motivation was there. Maybe your words held a hidden meaning. Maybe.
You thought about him picking up this random woman, wine and dining her, kissing her cheek as he said his goodbyes at the end of the night. It was somewhat adorable to think about, but also weird.
Before you could dive more into the strange feeling, Thor’s voice sounded. 
“Should we order pizza or chinese?”
It’s like that snapped you from your trance, because next thing you knew you were back to your playful self, sprinting across the room and into Loki’s arms. 
     You cherished the slight, pleasant churn of your stomach as you watched him happily munch on the fruit. 
Okay, it was normal to have a tiny crush on your mission partner. God knows how many times you wanted to jump Thor’s bones whenever you were undercover together. A crush was normal, completely natural and expected. 
Except you had never gotten so much sane joy from a simple question of whether you wanted the last piece of fruit. 
You blinked a few times and shook off any trace of overthinking devils, grabbing at random files to occupy your mind for a while. After about fifteen more minutes of comfortable silence, you spoke.
“So, we think Ramirez is gonna get straight up murdered?”
Steve snorted, filing through a pile of papers Torres had delivered this morning. “I wouldn’t put it like that, but sure.”
“But it’s just a theory at this point. We can’t just go in guns blazing without enough proof.”
“And if there is proof? Do we protect him? The original mission was to arrest all four men.”
You groaned, “I don’t know. He’s never done me wrong.”
“Personal feelings aside, Y/N.”
“Ugh, fine. But I’m not gonna be happy about it.”
Steve squinted at you with a playful smile. “You’d rather just arrest the bad ones, huh?”
“Obviously what Ramirez is doing is illegal and it’s horrific to think of what might be happening behind the scenes on his side, but either he’s serious or he’s been putting on this good guy act for his whole life.”
“Leaning towards the first option?”
Shrugging, you leaned toward your computer screen and scrolled through the massive list of emails. “It’s what my gut tells me, but ehh.”
There was one random email from Maribel, but random only meant coded. Reading it over a couple times, humming to yourself in concentration, you finally cracked the code she was trying to send. 
“Maribel says Ramirez acquired some land in Mexico… lots of it.”
Steve looked up from the files, “Any significance?”
“It’s probably for growing the products.”
Steve quickly typed key words that would alert him of any new transactions in the past few months.  “Who’s on the title?”
“Just him. And his oldest daughter. My father must know, right?”
Steve leaned back in his chair, releasing a heavy sigh as he thought about what this could mean. “Ramirez acquiring more land means more of Ramirez’s product. A three-way partnership would be split unevenly if he utilizes the land.”
“Make sure Bucky alerts us of any business my father might have with realtors authorized to work in that area.”
It functioned like this for another hour, the two of you sharing bits of information every ten minutes or so. 
“Torres sent us an update on White.”
You rubbed at your strained eyes, “What does he say?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, “That he’s been in the country for much longer than his passport says.”
You stood from your seat and rushed to look at the same screen Steve was reading from. “He traveling under a fake name?”
“Customs says he returned to Germany,” Steve stated, highlighting a paragraph on the screen for you to easily read. “Four weeks ago.”
It was your turn to snort out a laugh, “Oh, he’s so setting up an alibi.”
Steve nodded in agreement, “Looks like it.”
You slapped his shoulder lightly, voice raising an octave. “Look at us! Piecing together the puzzle!”
“We still got a few more pieces to attach before you go getting all cocky.”
You chuckled and decided to take a break. You speed walked over to your bed and plopped down, the mountain of pillows already relieving your tense muscles. “Hey, has my sister’s plane landed yet?”
Steve glanced at you quickly before pulling up Bucky’s morning emails. “Uh, landed about an hour ago.”
“She at the estate?”
He shrugged, “Torres hasn’t sent an update. Just her profile, hold up.”
You waved him off, a nonverbal way of telling him you seriously couldn’t care less. “I haven’t spoken to her since I joined you guys. You don’t gotta give me her origin story.”
“That long?” Steve questioned. 
You placed a pillow beneath your head, body horizontal and facing Steve. “We were never that close. I’ve got tons of half-siblings. Most of them were adults when I was born, anyway.”
With just a few words exchanged, Steve realized he had just stepped through your metaphorical door of reminiscing. So he stood to lay in his own bed, the simple action of giving you attention enough to keep you talking, he hoped. “Were you alone a lot? Growing up, I mean.”
You watched as Steve also placed a pillow beneath his head, “There were always kids around. Kids of the maids, cousins, neighbors.”
“A full house, sounds like.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, a small smile forming as you thought about old friends. “I remember this one time, we all ran into Ramirez when we were trying to get to one of the playrooms. But he grabbed me quickly and told me to not go in there.”
“Was it a threat?”
You grinned at his protective tone, “No, it was a warning. There were some really bad men in the other room. It was me and a few other girls. He told us to run back to my room and lock the door until he came to get us.”
Steve couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation as to why Ramirez joined the drug game. Sure, the function and presence of cartels had changed drastically over the last forty years, but it didn’t explain why he remained involved. In the eighties, the drug game was highly televised and spoken about, but the cartel violence was not as strong. Nowadays, and not even you could give a proper explanation, the violence was astronomical and basically advertised as something to expect when visiting certain countries. This was the mob game now, freaking Al Capone or the goddamn Godfather, absolutely meant to frighten whoever dare join or leave. For Ramirez to still be one of the big players even with that many internal changes, to be a good person in the middle of such hell, didn’t make any sense. 
“He protected you.”
You clutched the pillow closer to your chest, the memory a good one even if it was weird. “Oh, yeah. Those guys he was warning us about were no angels.”
Steve gave an awkward smile, “I feel like I know more about your childhood than you know mine.”
“I’m all ears if you wanna tell me about little, asthmatic Steve Rogers.”
He raised his index finger at you, “Hey, I was more than just my asthma.”
“Oh, excuse me. I totally forgot about your scoliosis.” 
The pillow under his head was now flying across the small distance to your face. You shrieked and sent it back. 
“Stop bullying!” Steve laughed.
You shielded your face in case he decided to continue the pillow war. “What? I’ve got my health problems, too! I just don’t have the serum to help me out.”
But he didn’t throw it again. He repositioned himself on his back and placed both hands beneath his head, gracing the ceiling with a grin. “I remember this one time, Bucky and I were around eleven-years old, and I had this really bad asthma attack. Bucky just freaked out. I was choking and he was just holding me, screaming for help -”
You blinked, “This is really depressing, what are you-”
“-and! Bucky threw himself into a full-blown panic attack. So we were both choking on air, but I was starting to laugh at him freaking out, which only made him choke harder. We ended up throwing up.”
You were silent at the end of his short story, mouth open in a wide smile. “I don’t know what else to say other than that was one of the greatest stories I’ve ever heard.”
Steve rolled over, a literal twinkle in his eye. “See? Don’t interrupt me before I get to the good parts.”
This simple moment catapulted the realization that Steve hasn’t spoken to you this much in two years, to the front of your mind. In these past four days, you had spoken like you had never stopped, like it was never awkward, like you two seriously didn’t need another person in the room to simply converse about what you wanted for breakfast. Yet here you were, more words exchanged in the past four days than you ever thought possible. 
After the fallout, you didn’t say one full sentence to him for seven months. Seven months. He hadn’t attempted a conversation with you either, but you actively avoided him like he was infected. Hell, he even moved out of the compound and into his own apartment to get away from you for most of the day. After your forced reconciliation, the awkward apologies, you still didn’t force any open conversation. But it was easier, lighter, and most conversations involved mission information. 
Talking this much now was so easy, so simple, like you didn’t need to force the comfort - there was already full comfort, a sense of community with this man. 
He was so different from when he insulted you while you were packing, annoyed by the fact that you pried too much. And now you were prying into his childhood and him yours without a lick of annoyance on either side. 
“We both had eventful childhoods, didn’t we?”
“What, with both of us in the middle of a war?” Steve asked, a genuine look on his face.
“Guess our wars never really left us, huh?”
There was a knock at the door. You weren’t expecting Torres again today. Steve muttered ‘room service, maybe’ under his breath as you went to open it. You were startled to find Scott standing outside, two massive suitcases in his hand. 
“Oh my god, I forgot you were arriving today!”
Scott scoffed, “Am I not as important as your other friends?”
You laughed and helped him inside, “Stop! You’re one of my favorite bugs!”
“Ha ha. Very funny. I’ll leave right now if you two decide to pile on me instead of each other.” Scott placed one of the suitcases near the door but the other at the edge of your bed. 
“We’ll be nice,” Steve promised, standing to greet Scott with a hug. 
“You better. Catch me up, please?” 
The suitcase contained your outfits for the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. Whoever was in charge of costumes definitely went all out, hoping their work would make the big fight the most fashionable. Steve was given a perfectly tailored suit, navy blue and velvet. It was lined with vibranium, inside pockets covered with it. That would certainly be handy if you were forced to walk through metal detectors - vibranium couldn’t be detected. His suit for the rehearsal dinner was a lot simpler, the custom black and white aesthetic, but still protected with vibranium. 
Your clothes were certainly not styled to match Steve’s, giving you a sense of individuality. It was perfect really - it would allow you to leave Steve’s side, if necessary, when the mission called for you to split up. Your rehearsal dinner outfit was two parts: a black, velvet long-sleeved shirt, slight turtleneck, and gold cuffs. It was joined by a long gold skirt, high-waisted, the front shorter than the back and sides more curled than ruffled. You would have to wear tights underneath, but it was beautiful. Vibranium was also stitched in for added protection. Your dress for the actual wedding, however, was a total knockout. Red, spaghetti strap, tight on top but loose once it reached your hips, a long slit on the left side. They were even kind enough to give you a pair of heels to match. 
Yeah, Steve was Captain America and his appearance will shock the guests, but your attire will definitely be the second topic in gossip. 
Scott was filing through the same papers you and Steve had reviewed earlier, a bowl of potato chips at his side. And it was peaceful - you and Steve even had the chance to nap. 
“So, you’re gonna see Jackeline at the rehearsal dinner?”
You wiped the remnants of your nap from your face and groaned as you stretched, “She’ll probably be busy tomorrow when we go for breakfast, so yeah.”
Scott shifted uncomfortably in his seat, eyes practically attached to the computer screen. “And… she’s the one getting married?”
His tone started to worry Steve, “Yes, Scott. You good?”
Scott piled a handful of potato chips in his mouth, finger clicking the mouse every few seconds. His eyes were now wide, blinks forgotten. “Jackeline Vega. Jackeline.”
Steve ignored him now, “Hey, why isn’t your last name Vega?”
As much as you wanted to share about how and why you changed your last name, Scott’s demeanor interested you more. “Changed it when I became an American citizen - Scott, what’s up?”
He let out a tiny squeak, swallowing his snack quickly. “And she’s your father’s favorite?”
You rolled your eyes, “Mmm.”
Scott released a huge huff of air, shoulders falling as he raised his voice and turned the monitor to face you. “Think he knows anything about this?”
The photograph was blurry because it was enhanced, but you could still make out the face of a sister you hadn’t seen in years. Older, still with teenage features obviously, and tossed on what looked like a church alter-
Steve's eyes widened, “Is she…?”
Scott finished his sentence for him, “Fucking a priest?”
You covered your mouth in shock, “Oh my god, she’s fucking a priest!”
Bent on the literal church altar, skirt bunched around her hips, head thrown back in ecstasy and face in full view. And the damned priest, in between her legs and under the eyes of god. 
“That’s why I asked!”
Steve clutched at his chest, head thrown back as he howled, “I think you were wrong about your sister.”
Now your eyes were glued to the screen, “Oh, I was fuck all from correct!”
Scott cleared his throat, “Is the priest… her fiance?”
Steve came down from his laugh attack, “I highly doubt that, Scott.”
“This is actually really damning evidence.”
You grinned at Scott, “For what? Painting her out to look like the most sinful whore? I might just congratulate her.”
Steve stared at you, judging almost. “For fucking a priest?”
“For proving me wrong. She’s not so innocent after all,” you responded, cheeks strained from how wide you were smiling. 
“Clearly. This is… actually badass,” Scott admitted, turning the monitor back to him.
You teased, singing your next words. “Don’t let the Lord and Savior hear that.”
Steve glared, “Y/N.”
You leaned away from him, “What? Anyway, that’s gotta be one the worst sins to commit, right?”
Steve’s expression contorted from annoyance to disbelief. “We’ve literally killed people.”
“Pfft, but we’re not fucking priests. Right?”
Scott answered, nodding quicker than he needed to. “Right.”
“You’re literally asking that?”
You pressed your lips into a fine line and tilted your head at Steve. “Steve?”
He glared at you for a long moment before slowly shaking his head. “I’m not fucking any priests.”
Your response was immediate, “Alright! I gotta hand it to her, though. Who took the photo?”
Scott went back to fishing through the emails. “Some sleazy magazine that never got around to actually printing these out.”
“Someone paid them off. Or killed them.”
“I wonder who,” you replied sarcastically. 
Steve continued, “You honestly think he would support her doing that?”
You shrugged and scurried back over to your unmade bed. “Not my problem.”
Scott interjected, “Okay, okay. How’s tomorrow gonna work?”
Steve answered first, “Well, we’re driving out around eight.”
You hummed in agreement, reaching over to unplug your phone from the charger. “Scott, you’ll just ride on one of our backs as we walk through the estate.”
“I kind of want to ride Y/N’s back this time.”
You snorted, “Now that doesn’t sound sexual at all.”
He hid his face in his hands, “You know, I heard it once I said it.”
“Course you did.”
Steve jumped back into the conversation, Scott’s embarrassment seeming to grow under the weird tension. “Then you’ll hop off and plant the bugs wherever you feel like they’re needed.”
“Easy peasy!” you cheered. 
“Bucky and Sam gonna meet us Friday night?”
Steve nodded, “That’s what they said.” He looked over at you, scrolling through your phone and already smiling at something you found funny. He cleared his throat to get your attention. “You know they can be out here in under an hour if we seriously need them.”
You glanced over at Steve, his sincerity greatly appreciated. “I know. But all my faith is in Scott here.”
Scott moaned quietly, “Oh… no, let’s not put all the faith in me because I can’t handle that responsibility.”
You propped yourself up onto your elbows, “You saying I can’t trust you?”
“No, no! That’s not what I’m saying at all-!”
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at the man, a sheen of nervous sweat starting to form on his forehead. “Scott.” 
Scott lowered his hands from his chest, “O-oh. She’s messing with me, huh?”
You chuckled and laid back down. “You’re so easy.”
The easygoing atmosphere for the next few hours almost had you believing you were on vacation, away from the bad guys and space aliens for just a moment. Almost like you weren’t in the middle of a drug war, a mob business, the literal daughter of a king. Scott had that effect, his personality such a sweet refresher and such a contrast to every soul in the compound. 
Thor and Peter were also sweethearts and fun was always expected when they were around, but Scott had this different vibe. Maybe it was because he was relatively new, or that he had a child, or that he hadn’t suffered the same five years as everyone else did. Like he wasn’t yet tainted.  
“You guys mind if I run a job inside a job?”
Your head snapped up at Scott’s crazy question, “You stealing something?”
To run a job inside a job was risky. There was no exact plan to keep both missions balanced, to somehow rank the other more important. You prayed it wasn’t something insane. 
Scott chuckled under his breath, already grabbing his jacket and suitcase by the door. “No, I’m not stealing something. Hank needs me to speak to some guy he’s doing negotiations with about a space for a new lab headquarters.”
Steve tilted his head, “In Northern California?”
“Nah, the dude is vacationing out here for the time being. The lab will be in San Francisco again.”
You squinted at him, still cautious. “Where you meeting him?”
“Some nice Italian restaurant an hour out.”
Steve spoke before you did, similar thoughts running through his mind. “You check with Torres? We don’t know who might randomly show up there.”
Scott tried his best to reassure you, “Yeah, he said they’re following every car that leaves the premises and travels more than thirty minutes away. None of Ernesto’s men have been spotted further up north.”
You sighed. You didn’t want another member of your team to venture out in this area, let alone this goddamn state, without your eyes on them. You were protective, the proximity of your outside world with the one you had spent ten years building too suffocating of a reality. 
Still, you told Scott goodbye with a steady voice. “Then enjoy your dinner, Scott.”
His voice picked up again, that childish and upbeat feeling wrapping you around his finger. “You guys wanna come with? I’m sure you’re sick of icky hotel food.”
Steve waved him off, “It’s actually not that bad-”
“Breadsticks. Garlic pasta. More breadsticks.”
You laughed, “That sounds nice, Scott but we can stay here-”
“Three-cheese pastas.”
“Scott, you can try all you want but-”
“Unlimited breadsticks.”
You shared a look at Steve, puckering your lips at the suggestion. 
“.... We’ll sit far away from your table, okay?”
Scott opened the hotel door and started sprinting down the hallway. “I knew I could persuade you with that! C’mon!”
     California at night was a death trap. Potholes on every stretch of asphalt, construction halted for who knows how long, random opossums lingering in the shadows just waiting to get hit by tires. It was prettier during the day - less of a ‘lead me into this forest, yes, kill me’ vibe. 
You chilled in the backseat while Scott drove you guys to the restaurant. You had texted Bucky where you were planning to go, the message activating the group text chain. 
Peter: it’s Wednesday! Who died?
Wanda: she’s literally texting us
Peter: Y/N, you won???
Bucky: fuck do I owe the fucking spider money?
Peter: pay up dude
Y/N: tf Bucky? You bet against me?
      “You sure you two are good?”
The restaurant looked quiet considering it was a Wednesday night, but it was still crowded. There was a short line extending out the door and a… bouncer. You sucked in a breath and smacked Scott in the chest once you were out of the car. 
“Thought you said this was a restaurant?”
Scott rubbed his chest, a look of disbelief spreading across his face. “Restaurant slash bar!”
“We eating with the Italian mob now? I can only handle one mob at a time, Scott.”
You nodded rapidly, pointing at Steve. “I agree with him!”
“Not every place has bad guys!”
You groaned and reluctantly stood at the back of line, pulling Steve’s hat lower on his forehead. It wasn’t like people couldn’t take one long, hard look at him and not know who he was, anyway. 
“Can you guys just… enjoy a night out?”
“While on a mission?”
“While living your long lives. God, Y/N, you getting old already?”
Your mouth dropped, “I’m twenty-six and I’m not complaining about a nice dinner, Scott.” You pointed at the bouncer. “I’m worried about the fact that our ID’s are gonna be checked.”
Scott’s mouth formed an ‘O’. “Yeah, that.”
You shot Steve a worried look but handed the bouncer your driver’s license. He just looked at the date of birth and moved you along. “Next.”
Scott handed him his, doing his best to smile proudly while the bouncer scanned him up and down. “Next.”
“See? Wasn’t so hard,” Scott joked, standing next to you in the far corner of the entrance. 
You rolled your eyes, “Wait.”
The bouncer took one look at Steve’s ID and gasped. Steve looked anywhere but the bouncer’s eyes, his bottom lip suffering the abuse of his incisors. 
Steve gave a sheepish grin, lowering his cap further. “Uh, yeah.”
“Enjoying your day?”
You pinched your nose. 
“Would like it a lot more if you could lead us to a table with as much privacy as you can offer.”
You had to hand it to Steve for taking advantage of situations like this. 
The bouncer agreed immediately, speaking with the manager and promising discretion. The manager said it was no problem, that it was the least he could do for you guys after you brought his son back to him after those rough five years. 
The restaurant offered a somewhat real Italian setting, awarding their guests with as much real scenery and architecture it could. You could only compare it to the Venetian in Vegas as you had never actually been to Italy, but the live band and garlic smell was enough to transport you. 
The lights were low, older couples enjoying the food and wine, and there was a small bar near the back of the restaurant. It wasn’t really a place for some shady business, but years of experience let you know that wasn’t always the case. It was second nature to eye women reaching into their purses, only to pull out a pack of gum. Second nature to wince at the sound of a loud laugh cutting through the quiet atmosphere. 
As promised, you were led to a more private area of the restaurant, closer to the bar than to the band. 
“Go run the job, Scott. We’ll just be enjoying our unlimited breadsticks,” you said, letting out a heavy and relaxed sigh as you settled into the private booth. 
“That hat isn't really hiding those broad shoulders, Cap,” Scott laughed, slapping Steve on the back.
Steve slid into the same booth, ignoring the completely empty seat across from you. “Thanks, Scott. I’m aware.”
You tried to hide your blush as you squeezed deeper in your seat. Scott noticed though, side eyeing Steve who was none the wiser. “You know, I told him that he should have used those facial changing things SHIELD used to have.”
Steve grabbed the offered utensils and started unwrapping them from their napkins. 
“What are we if not superheroes who think a baseball cap and glasses hide our identities?” you teased, shooting Scott a quick wink. 
Steve answered almost triumphantly, “Uh, Superman?”
You giggled and grabbed the napkin he had unwrapped for you. “I’d argue Thor is more like Superman, but okay.”
“How am I not more like Superman? What-”
“Uh, guys? I see the dude so I’m gonna go. You two enjoy your meal,” Scott interrupted, running off to a booth located toward the middle of the restaurant. 
You sat for a few awkward moments before you squinted and looked at Steve, who was sitting to your left and way too close. “Are we annoying?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like,” you spoke with your hands, “you and I bicker a lot because we love to annoy each other but you think it gets on other people’s nerves?”
Steve chuckled, rubbing his shoulder with yours. “Do you really care if it does?”
That blush of yours was starting to feel warmer. “No, just wondering if you felt that way.”
He shrugged, “I quite like our relationship.”
“Oh,” you smiled, looking down at your lap.  “I quite liked it more a few years back but you know.” 
He immediately tensed, body leaning away from you as if you were burning him. You shut your eyes and shook your head. “Sorry, that was low.”
He sighed deeply, “No, I deserve it. I’ll always deserve it.”
You took a risk and reached for his hand, squeezing gently. The kind gesture seemed to calm him, and he looked back at you. “I still shouldn’t have said it.”
He accepted that, and handed you the menu. 
The hotel food was grand, it did its job of filling you up and providing the necessary nutrients, but there was just something about the carbs in pasta and bread. It ignited the food critic inside you, because now you were cursing the hotel chef and dreading having to order breakfast in the morning. No, dinner. You were having breakfast with your father tomorrow. 
Scott was busy conducting his own business, bluetooth turned off but still glancing over his shoulder once in a while to check on you guys. Each time he did, he felt butterflies flutter in his breadstick-filled stomach. It was the first time he had seen the two of you so carefree, let alone with each other, and it was the most refreshing thing in the world. 
Steve was in the middle of telling another childhood story, his main plate already finished and practically licked clean. But the unlimited breadsticks were coming out by the pound, a new stick in each of your hands every five minutes. 
“I swear, she loved Bucky more than me!”
You covered your mouth and chewed, careful to not let anything through because of your giggle fit. “Steve! Your mother did not!”
Steve wiped at his under eye, clutching his chest as he continued explaining. “Bucky was always around and my mom would just linger every second she wasn’t working!”
“Bet she loved him.”
“No, I mean she must have loved him like her own! Bucky was your best friend, your only friend. She probably thought of him like an angel sent from God!” you clarified. 
Steve smiled wider at your cheesy explanation. They were happy memories, joyful ones that he would often think about while writing or drawing. 
He continued with a soft confession. “I really wish I could see her again.”
You leaned your temple on your palm, “From everything you’ve shared with me, she sounds lovely.”
“She would have loved you.” The blush was back, and so was Steve’s, almost like those words were supposed to be kept in the back of his head. He cleared his throat. “God, she was so destroyed when Bucky first got his orders.”
“Was Bucky scared?”
“Scared? Absolutely fucking terrified. We talked about running away and changing our names so he didn’t have to go.”
The draft was such a horrible practice. The fact that men still had to enlist and hope no ‘necessary’ war was upon them. It was quite reassuring to know most of those men wouldn’t have to see battle today, they were given a choice, and there were agencies that managed people who could, like the Avengers. 
Steve just hummed softly, “Life in the forties, am I right?
Your voice also got quieter. “Why didn’t you run away?”
Steve huffed out a laugh, swallowing the last of his bread. “We tried. Got all the way to the edge of town before Bucky’s dad wrung us both back to kick our asses.”
Almost out of instinct, you gripped his hand again. You rubbed soothing circles into his knuckles, knuckles that hadn’t seen hand-to-hand combat in so long. There wasn’t much danger in the world nowadays, just small missions here and there. It wasn’t like the team was itching for another alien invasion. But these periods of well needed rest were odd, periods where bruises completely healed up and little pockets of weight were gained. Steve’s knuckles were soft, only having seen the ends of paintbrushes for a long while. 
 “...Where’s your mother?”
His voice snapped you from your thoughts, and you had to repeat the question in your own head a couple times. 
“It’s not a happy story.”
There wasn’t much of a story anyway. 
“But is it a story you need to get off your chest?”
Steve didn’t want to push too hard. The long pause in your relationship definitely didn’t soften this blow, and it only added to the strings of resistance. If you decided not to tell Steve about this, Steve would have to accept it. If anything, this was one of the toughest questions to ask someone when all you’ve been doing is ignoring them for two years. 
“Not really much to get rid of.”
He nodded, only a slight hint of disappointment laced within his words. “You don’t have to tell me.”
Natasha was the only one with any knowledge of your mom. There was never an actual moment in which you freely spoke of her - inserting her likeness, her person, back into some alternate and fucked-up reality - you kept her legacy dead. It was obvious she hadn’t enjoyed this part of her life, no doubt it absolutely killed her to leave you trapped in it, so keeping her dead, even in conversation, was a favor. 
But one drunken night and you were showing Natasha the one photo you had of her, stuffed deep in your wallet and crinkled beyond repair. Her black hair to her shoulders, lip liner a darker shade than her lipstick, hands intertwined behind her back as she arched forward in a playful tilt, shooting the camera a smile that was stuck around the word she was saying as the candid was taken. There was no recorded voice but you had a record of her movement, frozen in time.     
Steve’s sincerity grasped you by the literal roots of your hair, because next thing you knew you were spilling the first thought you had. 
“She was twenty-three. Working as a real estate agent, very beautiful, and she was engaged. To an American.”
Steve chuckled around his champagne glass, “Was that bad?”
You grinned at that, like he was already fully and deeply invested in your story. “Not necessarily. But everyone knew she was taken.”
“And your father?”
“He wanted to buy some houses. Saw her, wanted her, tried persuading her into going on a date. Nothing really worked, she didn’t accept his money or gifts.”
Steve fumbled over his next words. “Did she eventually?”
“No, but her brother did. My father didn’t know it was her brother, so he thought she was accepting them. Got mad when she still refused his advances.”
He was digesting this little by little. Steve had heard horror stories of girls he grew up with, forced to marry at a young age when they were caught in a passionate moment with a man, or when they ended up pregnant. Bucky and his mother had always instructed him to treat women with respect, to never intentionally or accidentally ruin their reputation, to protect and use his voice to stand up for them. And although women weren’t getting frisky with him when he was all but ninety pounds at the ripe age of twenty, that didn’t stop Steve from exchanging a few words and punches with men who had no right.  “How did they end up together?”
You shrugged, reaching over for another breadstick. “No one knows. He invited her to a party one day and she didn’t come back for a whole week. Next thing her family knows she’s engaged to my father and no longer with the love of her life.”
“That’s awful.”
“Yeah, her family had no choice but to accept that. Her poor fiance, though.” 
“Where is he now?”
Steve had this weird hope that the fiance may still be alive somewhere, waiting for your mother to find him. But that was just the hopeless romantic emerging. 
You sighed deeply, “My father told my mother he killed him. My mother believed him.”
“So, he’s still alive? He didn’t hurt him?”
“Apparently he’s still kicking, yeah. But my mom became severely depressed from that lie.”
The restaurant felt colder and the air became thinner. Steve didn’t want his next thought to be true. “She didn’t...?”
You shook your head quickly, “No, she found out he was alive.” Even if you weren’t witness to it, you could still imagine your mother charting the areas she would have to run and swim through to get away. Wasn’t like it was a heartfelt thought, but the mere fact that she had that much determination to risk her life for love, it was somewhat therapeutic to think about. Like it was genuinely satisfying to imagine her defying your father. Still, your face drooped as you gave Steve the sad conclusion. “She didn’t even make it across the border before he had her killed for betraying him.”
His face fell in time with yours, “Fuck.”
“She left me with Maribel’s mother. But my father found me and told me she had an accident. Didn’t find out the truth until I was thirteen.”
“I’m so sorry.”
You shoved his shoulder with yours, a light chuckle cutting through the sad moment. “Not like you had a hand in this, Steve. It’s just my life.”
You were used to Steve’s generosity, his ability to make any person feel a part of his family - you had been on the receiving end of his sincerity for the past week now. But as you held his gaze, his body seemingly towering over yours, your chest flushed with such warmness, a tranquil promise of safety. He leaned forward, breath hitting your cheeks, hand still gripping yours. 
“Not anymore. We’ll end this, Y/N. I promise you, we’ll end this.”
You took a risk and rested your forehead on his, his continuous promise still causing your stomach to twist pleasurably. “How’d we get so sad all of a sudden?” You pushed away and threw your arms in the air. “We need more breadsticks!”
Steve laughed loudly, the private booth still providing somewhat of a thin curtain to the other diners. “No, we need mints!”
Rolling your eyes, you blew your breath at Steve teasingly. “Weak.”
Steve groaned, “You and Scott are not getting into the car without chewing on a mint.”
“You got a thing against bad breath?”
“Take the mint.”
“I’m gonna fight you if you force the mint on me.”
He was reaching into his jacket and pulling the small case out. He winked at you. “I’ll win.”
He popped open the cap and held it out to you. He didn’t tip it though, as if he was waiting for you to extend your palm. Everything was silent for a minute, eyes challenging one another. 
He could easily lean in. He could easily just tilt his head a little to his left and capture your lips with his. Every damn molecule in his body was telling him to do it, every bubble from that champagne somehow giving him some extra courage. 
Your breath hitched slightly, and he leaned away. I’m such a coward, he thought.
You reacted swiftly, disguising the awkwardness. “You’re right, give me the mint. You should swallow like three.”
Steve snickered, “You ruined the moment.”
But you didn’t ruin the moment. And he just blamed you for it. Like he had already established - he was a coward. 
You grabbed the mints he offered and popped them into your mouth. “What moment? I didn’t see any moment.”
Okay, he could just lean in right now and hope the mint freshness in your mouth would mask the garlic in his. Yeah, he could just lean in and do what he’s been thinking of doing for the last day and a half-
“Hey, you guys finished? Getting dessert?”
Steve almost shot from his seat, “Jesus fucking christ, Scott!”
Scott slid into the seat across from you. “You scare easily. Let’s get dessert!” 
You were too flustered. Fine, okay. You’ll play along. If the gods want to reward you with this fun Steve, the Steve you were closest to years ago, then so be it. You’ll bite. And if he wants to resort back to his bitchy self, his hermit behavior, then you’ll fight him then. 
Scott ordered so much dessert. 
So much. 
The little moment you had with Steve was still fresh, you could sense he was thinking about it too, but you opted to simply enjoy the night out. You were here with two friends, protection was just a phone call away, and you were safe. 
Perhaps Scott had the same effect on Steve that he had on you. Absolutely demolished his ‘Captain’ self and released the guy who simply wanted to enjoy a mini road trip with his friends. 
     You were barely fifteen minutes into your ride home when Scott lowered the windows and turned the radio up high. 
You screamed over the loud roar of the wind, “Scott, it’s fucking freezing!”
Scott yelled back, “We just had three desserts each! Your blood should be running warm!”
You blinked away the dryness, “Dude!”
Steve, surprisingly, agreed with Scott. “Enjoy it!”
Your mouth dropped open and you followed Steve’s movements as he turned the radio higher. 
The music blared and you were about to protest again, the air literally nipping at your sensitive cheeks, but the song that started was a non-skip. 
You would indulge in this childishness once. 
You reached around the passenger seat and gripped Steve’s shoulders, shaking him in place. “Ah, California radio giving us the classics!”
Scott leaned over and turned it up higher. 
You swayed in your seat and sang along with Scott. “Bidi bidi bom bom!”
Scott pointed at you and recited the lyrics, “Bidi, bidi!”
Both of you sang, “Bom!”
Even with his eyes on the road, Scott was nailing some good dance moves in his seat. You both sang each lyric with your heart and soul, laughs escaping during the guitar breaks. 
Steve just enjoyed the show. He didn’t know the song, the melody a foreign one for him, but it must have been popular for both you and Scott to know it. He watched you sway in your seat, hands dancing and voice matching the volume of the radio. Just the other night, you had mentioned how you never sang anymore.
But here you were, singing through the most beautiful smile Steve had ever seen. 
He missed the sound of it. He missed hearing you sing in your room, no doubt you were dancing too since he usually heard your feet shuffling against your carpet. He missed the innocence you would casually portray, an invitation for anyone to befriend you. He missed teasing you lightly, and he regretted the roughness of his voice years later. He missed just walking into the common area and finding you there, cooking for yourself and anyone who wanted a plate - that plate usually for him. He missed you. 
You were right here, voice hitting those octaves Steve didn’t think he would ever hear again. You were right here, and he missed you. 
      Scott was staying in a separate room. The dessert and alcohol had run right through him, and he bid you goodnight after he threatened to plop down in your bed if you invited him in. 
The sound of Scott’s retreating footsteps seemed to suck all the air from the vents at once, whispering its song lovingly in your ear. It was both refreshing and terrifying to be left alone because now here you were, standing outside your hotel door with the super soldier you had gone to Hell and back with. 
You inwardly cringed, the tightness in your chest sending your childish ass back to sophomore year of college. A first date, the lost promise of another - a proper teenage reaction to a crush. But this man in front of you wouldn’t let you delete his number from your phone; he wouldn’t avoid eye contact in the dining hall; he wouldn’t sit at the back of the lecture hall just to keep a necessary distance. 
Granted, Elijah - poor, frightened Elijah - had seen you literally kidnap someone off the street under your father’s orders. This being before you went straight and moral, before you had met Fury, before SHIELD training. You were to blame for that sprouting relationship going south pretty quickly. So you avoided him, too - praying Ernesto or Seda could never track him. 
But Steve, beautiful Steve who reloaded your guns when you couldn’t, who jumped in front of stray bullets for you and those he loved, Steve who very quietly asked you for various salsa recipes when he was in the mood to cook. Here he was, eyes also watching Scott walk away, no doubt experiencing the same tight coil within his chest. He hadn’t run, he had worked and fought with and against you, and he wasn’t running away. 
No, Steve Rogers never ran. 
The low beep from the hotel lock snapped you from your thoughts. You sensed his hesitance because when your history was truly reviewed with the most unbiased of minds, there was absolutely no reason to overthink. Hell, when you ran through the halls of Thor’s Asgardian palace with Rocket tailing you, the first joke out your mouth was how Steve would probably instruct you to respect a place like that and speed walk. Your first thought when starting the pilot episode of a new show is to wait for Bucky… and Steve, who would pop the kernels over the stove and add real salt and butter. 
His first thought as he helped load people onto the planes in Sokovia was that your whiny ass better be on one of them. Or when Steve regrouped in the support circle, his first thought before he continued the discussion was that he really hoped you would walk through those doors and join - until one day you did. 
Whether the two of you recognized the severity of your unspoken feelings, they were there. Silent and at a gradual increase. Never rushed, not entirely obvious because of the temporary roadblocks of unnecessary separation. 
Steve was here in front of you, like he always was, and he was wearing the smallest nervous smile you had ever seen.  
And you were here in front of him, like you always were, and he could not entirely read the mixed emotions on your delicate face. 
You shuffled alongside your bed, stopping to shrug out of the heavy jacket you had on. “We should turn in early so we can be well-rested, in case we gotta fight tomorrow.”
Steve nodded in agreement but remained silent, hovering near the coffee table and monitors. Your back was facing him and he just watched you fumble with your boots and belt. It was like your back was on fire, bursting with fueled flames as you could literally feel his gaze boring into you. The overwhelming urge to simply snap and ask him what the hell he was looking at was strong, so in character, but you refrained. It was too intimate, too quiet, but before you could even ask him if he wanted the shower first, the warmth of his chest was near, inches away and calling. 
Your breath hitched, shoulders rising slightly and exactly what Steve needed to witness. It was awkward for him to just stand behind you with no actual intention of touching you first - no, he needed a proper signal. So Steve waited those few precious seconds more until you turned, sun-kissed by the California sun and hair no longer in tight curls, before he glanced down at your glossy lips. You followed his eyesight, all knowing in his intentions, and you glanced at his lips as well. 
A gesture of approval. 
Steve pulled you in, both hands settling on your cheeks, thumbs exploring the corners of your mouth. He watched them dance and how your mouth parted slightly in response. He looked back up, studying the small crease forming in between your eyebrows and the pinch of water filling the inside corners of your eyes.
His thumbs felt like a gentle sigh, a promise of a sweet caress in both the daytime and dead of night. Although all his focus was on you, his own features reacted to the moment. His lips were also parted, sweet breath with the scent of those classic tiramisu’s he had devoured, touching the tip of your nose and equally trembling lips. 
So goddamn intimate that you found yourself internally cursing those sitcoms Wanda had forced you to binge watch. Because the two love interests, albeit they had several months or years of growing tension, rushed into their first kiss for the sake of limited airtime. They didn’t prepare you for practically a ten-year build-up, a relationship that was both heavily work and friend related, the slowness of such a moment fans would most certainly be jumping out of their seats for. No, nothing could have prepared you for the warmth of Steve Rogers. 
Your Captain. 
You registered the soft feeling of his lips as they pressed against yours, overlapped only slightly. Eyes now fully closed in surprise and pleasure, you leaned into it more, hands placed on Steve’s rising chest. The squeeze of his hands cupping your cheeks caused your lips to pucker more, but you were relaxed in his desperate touch. He tilted his head a little to the left, your lips sliding against each other’s and noses bumping. Steve frowned in concentration, pouring whatever emotions he had felt throughout the last few years into this one kiss, and he knew he couldn’t possibly fully portray them. And almost as quickly as you thought about how sweet and innocent of a kiss this was, Steve’s tongue slowly peaked out from behind his teeth and greeted your bottom lip. 
His tongue traced over your bottom lip warmly, welcomed by yours as you followed his lead. God, you would always follow his lead. 
You tried to move in closer, but your elbows were already bent fully against him and his hips were only a few inches from your greedy ones. One tiny step forward and you would be completely flushed against him - but you chose to respect the distance Steve created. 
You let out a quiet whine, body shuddering as Steve applied more pressure. It was as if Steve had never heard such a sound - completely unexpected and causing him to pause momentarily. He leaned away a little, lips still barely kissing yours. He opened his eyes, gaze wandering from your flushed cheeks still squeezed between his palms and to your fluttering eyelids. The crease between his eyebrows deepened as he debated leaning forward again, to be selfish for once and to pass forth the trophy for ‘waiting too long’. But as you opened your eyes, no trace of regret or hate swimming inside your irises, Steve froze. 
You were his friend. His friend who teased him about the paint streaks across his forehead, who followed his lead no matter how ridiculous the order. 
He didn’t want you to inspect him further as well, so he shut his eyes and rested his forehead against yours. It was only then that he felt you settle back down from your tippy-toes. 
You gulped loudly, throat dry and lips instantly craving him again. “Steve…”
Steve let go of your face and dragged his hands lightly down your neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He turned his head slightly, his breath now kissing your cheek. Although your cheeks were red, the absence of Steve’s palms made them cold. 
He took a small step back, hands straining to stay on your skin as he reluctantly pulled them away. The absence of any warmth finally woke you from that intense daze and you frowned at Steve as he pulled away altogether. The instinct to reach out was there, and you cursed yourself for being so clingy. 
“Steve?” you called again, voice hoarse but light enough to pinch at Steve’s fast beating heart. 
He looked up and locked eyes with your confused ones. Oh, you’re gonna hate him for this. 
He gave you a small and kind smile, one you had seen plenty of times when he was actually enjoying your company. He backed up to the door, gaze never leaving yours even as he reached for the handle and key card. 
And he wanted to bring his hands back to your face to rub away that wrinkle between your furrowing eyebrows. But he simply opened the door and left you standing near the edge of your bed, flushed with a deep sense of longing and growing confusion. 
Steve already knew the amount of heat he would receive from the moment gossip of the kiss spread. Whether he was first to tell or you were. Bucky’s going to kick his ass, for sure, no doubt about it. No matter his bond with Bucky, it could never excuse leaving you alone to unravel this situation. You had this hold over Bucky, a soft mutual understanding of mental torture, so this inevitable ass kicking would be justified. Plus, after years of being rejected over and over, mostly in the forties, Bucky might just kick his ass for simply being a dumbass. 
But Steve felt calm, an added relaxation due to the whiskey cooling in his hand. If there was anything Steve was an expert in, it was overthinking. You two had that in common - were you overthinking while absentmindedly watching TV? Overthinking while rubbing shampoo into your scalp? Overthinking while angrily stomping your way down to the hotel bar to hand his ass back over to him?
He let out a sigh of relief when he didn’t see you burst through the doors. 
      “Anyone wanna start?”
Steve glanced around the circle of familiar and new faces. The group varied each week. Some people would try, share their anecdotes about lost loved ones, only to never show up for another session. Others often attended and never spoke, but they kept returning. Steve didn’t judge their choices - he couldn’t. No matter how many mornings he wanted to crawl back under the sheets and binge eat packaged foods, he never could. He had been at this job for two years. There was both pain and satisfaction in what he did. Sam would be doing this if he were here. 
And he had to do this for Sam. 
“My divorce was finalized yesterday.”
Steve looked over at the man who spoke first, a long-time member of this particular support group, and grimaced at his confession. The man couldn’t have been more than thirty, no wrinkles or gray hair, and he was ending a two-year marriage. 
“I’m sorry, Michael.”
The man, Michael, shrugged sadly, “We still love each other, man. But seeing your newborn disintegrate in your arms does something to your soul that’s just… we both knew we needed to move on. Even if it was from each other.”
Steve squeezed the small, red stress ball in his hand and tried to offer more condolences and a kind smile, but it came out rather painful. He opted to stay silent in case Michael wanted to continue. Instead, another member decided to comment. 
It went like this for almost an hour with Steve adding in his empathetic words of wisdom whenever he saw appropriate. It was good for everyone to share so openly, to carry the conversation with minimal involvement from Steve. Steve had shared snippets of his story with the group awhile back, careful to not mention the gruesome specifics. He had let out as much as he was able, not as much as he would have liked, but his main job was to facilitate. Besides, Steve went to confession every month to talk to someone - anyone - even if he wasn’t necessarily Catholic. But that’s just the thing - no one knew who they were anymore. 
The sound of a scraping chair leg caught everyone’s attention, and they all turned to the entrance in search of the disruption. You paused in your movements, face scrunched in embarrassment. Opening one eye, you mouthed a quick apology and rushed to carry the chair to the circle. 
“I’m sorry I’m late. Subway was a bitch,” you muttered, your embarrassed smile growing wider. 
For over a year, Steve had subtly urged you to attend one of these meetings. He was witness to your nightmares, your destructive solo missions that even Friday had no records of, and your sudden breakdown last week. You were casually jogging around the outdoor track when you suddenly stopped and fell to your knees, broken sobs seeming to shake the trees around you. You were crouched for a good minute before Steve had seen you wipe your eyes and continue your jog. As if nothing happened. 
To see you here, whether to share or to listen, prompted the proud and erratic beating of Steve’s heart. 
“It’s completely fine. Time’s almost up but we still got time for you.”
You sent Steve a funny smile, amused by his professional tone. “Uh, yeah! A friend convinced me to come. He was pretty persuasive.”
Steve blushed, head tilting downward. 
You introduced yourself and let the group know you were also an Avenger. No one seemed shocked and you were suddenly grateful for this mixture of people. 
Steve sat and listened, his nerves settling. 
“I’m gonna be honest with you all,” you started, thumbs dancing in your lap. “And I’m not sure how you’ll react.”
Steve sat up straight, eyebrows scrunching as he listened intently. 
You sighed, wetting your lips briefly. “The day before the snap, I was supposed to die.”
You wanted to avoid Steve’s gaze until the right moment. You continued, “I went on a mission to Mexico. Alone, which was completely against protocol but hey, we broke a lot more rules than that.”
Steve cleared his throat which earned a chorus of chuckles from the group. 
“And I was technically on house arrest but I found out a way to temporarily disable that ankle monitor,” you added, grinning from the laughs you were receiving. 
“Anyway, all my potential backup was nonexistent. I had friends on the run,” you paused, glancing at Steve with a somber expression. “And other friends literally fighting another battle on their home planet somewhere in space. So, I went alone.”
“While I was bleeding out from a bullet my own father ordered, Tony was already up in space. Loki was already dead.”
You hoped no one commented on Loki’s role in your life. He wasn’t exactly a nice figure to suddenly name drop in New York, but he was important in your grief. 
It was slightly unnerving to be on display here, but you weren’t exactly planning on returning. You just needed to rant. 
“I stitched myself up the best I could in that quinjet - which I almost crashed,” you muttered, smirking at Steve. “Sorry, Cap.”
“This is the first time I've heard you flew. You’re not even authorized to fly,” Steve declared, face scrunched in confusion and astonishment. 
“That’s not important,” you teased. “But the stitches were messy work. Horrible criss-crosses.”
Steve was in a tiny state of shock. He had known what happened to you, but to hear you talk so casually about the day before the world went to shit - it just made it more real. 
You had mentioned before that you never dreamed about the snap, but about everything leading up to it. 
“I woke up, betrayed yet again by my own blood, and Steve was suddenly there after two years. We were gonna fight an outside threat.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed lightly, “I was still healing but I was on the battlefield. Stayed close to Nat most of the time.”
The group was heavily invested in your retelling. “I couldn’t fight him, obviously. But I did see him. I saw how he ripped that stone from my friend’s head.”
A few winces sounded around the circle. 
“I guess I feel immense guilt. Like, I could have done something more even though realistically, I couldn’t. Kinda feels like I sat back and watched my friend’s die.”
No one spoke, but it was obvious everyone had survivor’s guilt. 
“And now, I’m living with the pain of having all three of my best friends stripped from me while also celebrating the fact that the snap took my father.”
Shrugging, you gave your last sad smile to the group. “I feel guilty for what happened while also being grateful it took someone who deserved it.”
After a few seconds of silence, Steve spoke. “You’re here today to tell your story. No one has to agree or disagree with you. It’s your story. Tell it like it is.”
You chuckled, “I could easily bother Steve with this at the compound.” You smiled at the teenager clutching what looked like a stuffed animal in his lap. “But I had nothing else to do tonight. My only friends are gone.”
“You and Steve aren’t friends?”
This time it was Michael that spoke, his eyes bouncing from you to Steve. You turned to Steve for some kind of answer. Was it a yes? Were you more like coworkers than true friends? 
Steve’s eyes softened and his kind smile was back. 
You answered, “I guess. I did come here for him.”
Steve rolled his eyes and kept his light-hearted tone, “I’m really glad you did.” 
Steve backtracked, clearing his throat as he addressed the circle. “I’m really glad all of you did. Same time next week.”
You busied yourself with stacking the chairs and dusting off your pants. Once most of the group had left, Steve gathered his things and walked over to you. “You take the subway?”
Your head shot up at the sound of his voice, and you stacked the final chair high. “I did. You drive?”
Steve hummed in response, “Want a lift?”
You raised an eyebrow at him, “You’re not staying at your place tonight?”
“Nah, I haven’t seen Nat in a week. I should pay her a visit.”
He curled his jacket around your shoulders as you exited the building. You held it tightly, relishing in the comfort. The walk back to the car was quiet but not awkward. After such a heavy night, silence was most definitely needed. And just the comfort of being around someone you trusted added to the relaxation aspect of it all. 
Steve kicked a loose piece of gravel to the street. You watched him for a few seconds before you spoke, voice light and a puff of cold air escaping your lips. 
He turned to you and waited for you to continue speaking. 
“You know Sam would be so proud of you doing this, right?”
Steve watched the cold air leave his own lungs as well. He felt the weight of that statement pressing down on his shoulders as he looked up at the dark sky. “I know.”
     Steve knew he was utterly fucked, so fucked that any line that had been established was stepped over and kicked a thousand yards back. His mind was made up, he would not run, he would not succumb to some former mindset 2016 Steve would have fallen victim to. He was a new person, a completely different person than he was out of the ice and after the snap. He deserved to cross the line, he deserved whatever happiness was afforded to him - he deserved comfort in the arms of another after years of denying himself. 
He downed the rest of his drink with a loud gulp, mind made up, and headed back to your room. 
    It was best to just pretend it never happened… no? But did you want to pretend it never did? So many moments over the years where this could have happened, where either of you could have literally just said ‘fuck it’. As overthinking was a specialty, quite a useless skill, you thought about the countless fights you had. 
Red in the face, hands clenched until nails imprinted little crescents, absolutely seething at the mouth. Some of the things you would yell were vile, none at all honest but with the intent to cause pain for only a moment, and mumbled apologies later. You were literally enemies for these past two, long years. Enemies who had to be seated and scolded, tricked into accepting defeat and living as teammates once more. 
Perhaps one of those arguments could have been remedied by simply leaning in like you had tonight, by throwing each other against the wall, by pulling the roots of your hair as he tugged-
No matter how much tension you were now realizing you had for this man, tension that could literally be fucked out, wasn’t it too late to act on it? You couldn’t pinpoint the chance you maybe had and missed. 
Steve walked through the door in the middle of your rapid brainstorming. He just grinned sweetly and slipped into the bathroom. 
As simple as that. 
Now you couldn’t discern between the feelings of wanting to fight him or fuck him. Not being able to differentiate between them ignited a sour mood, and once he stepped out from the shower, you basically pushed him to the side to lock yourself in. 
Even the warm water hitting your body couldn’t alleviate the pressure of overthinking. You disregarded your hair tonight and instead just washed your body. As quick as you could jump back out and go to bed, the better.  
Sucking in a deep breath, you opened the door and shut off the bathroom light. Your eyes landed on Steve’s torso, shirtless and the only thing not covered by the white blanket. He hadn’t shaved his beard either, the length evident when he kissed you earlier. It felt wrong and right at the same time, a battle that you seriously did not want to deal with. To get involved with your mission partner was dangerous - not because Steve himself was dangerous, but because it was a giant distraction. A distraction that you couldn’t afford. 
But as he put down his book and lay it in his lap, looking up to look at you through hooded eyes, sleepy but alert, the ‘danger’ was nothing but enticing. 
You cleared your throat and padded down your pajama shorts absentmindedly, slinging your hair over one shoulder and focusing on plugging your charger into your phone. It was so silent besides your pitter-patter, and god, did Steve find that sound so relaxing, until you climbed into bed. Once your shuffling was done, the slight buzzing of Steve’s desk lamp drowned out all your other senses. And the longer it was heard, the more it sounded like a ticking clock. 
Steve shut the lamp off, the only light now illuminating your figure from outside. He studied your breathing, watching how every so often you would bring your hand up to scratch your cheek or move a stray hair. You looked so gentle, so inviting, so small. 
You were turned away from him and facing the wall, eyes shut as you listened to his movements. There was a small part of you that wanted to stay up all night talking, to lean on his shoulder and simply feel his warmth, to feel that beard against your cheek one more time. As quickly as those thoughts flashed through your mind did you scold yourself, that this was inappropriate and wrong and so dangerous. 
You felt a dip in your bed, heavy and unsure, a lift of your blankets, and it happened so quickly that you could have sworn you dreamt it. Steve wrapped his arm around you, his broad chest pressed tightly against your back and his lips attacked the skin just below your earlobe. Your breath hitched, eyes shot open, and your hands reached up to grip his wrist. Steve stilled. 
“Tell me to stop,” he breathed, lips hovering over your blushing skin and breath practically blistering. You could feel him now, hard and pulsing against your ass and ready to move. You felt dizzy, overcome with such a rush of desire that you couldn’t help but stiffen in his tight grasp. 
“Don’t,” you choked out, feeling his body become rigid and his breath begin to quicken. 
“I’m sorry I-” he began to move away from you, voice no longer a whisper and tainted with panic. 
“No,” you pulled back, tilting your head up to lock eyes with him. You brought your arm up to grasp the back of his head, and you tugged it back to your neck. “Don’t stop.”
Yeah, he was utterly fucked. “Fuck,” he groaned, continuing the attack on your neck. But he gained momentum now, arm squeezing you against him tighter, and voice cracking as he moaned your name. 
“Steve, please do something.”
Your hands found their way back to his arm, gripping it tightly as he fumbled with the waistband of your shorts. He played with it, teasing in his actions, almost as punishment for the years you tormented him with your attitude. His lips pressed harder now, finding each patch of available skin on your neck and flushed cheek, and Steve has never felt so aroused in his life. He wasn’t even inside you, but the quick gasps he heard from you did plenty in aiding the rush of blood from his head to his stiffening cock. 
“Tell me what you want. Please, tell me and I’ll give it to you,” he moaned, the slightest experimental role of the hips causing you to whimper. 
“Touch me,” you practically sobbed, rolling your hips back against him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt all of him.  
And just like that, he gave you what you asked for. He gripped your hip and shoved you closer to him, hot and ready and pressed firmly against you. He rolled his hips into you, little whimpers of his own touching your sensitive ear. He quickened his pace and he found it hard to think straight when the scrunch of pleasure all over your face, making you look so willing, was all he was focused on. He focused on the way you bit your lip, a bite and then a gasp, and then you were back to biting as if you were trying to restrain any higher moan. And even with only the moonlight illuminating the room, he could see the sun-kissed color of your skin and the bruising he was causing. He kept his mouth on you as he rocked himself against you, indulging in a few more selfish seconds of pleasure before becoming his generous self. 
He dipped his hand into your shorts and found the sweet nub that so desperately needed attention. His brain almost short circuited, the feeling of his fingers finally sliding into your wet lips making his throat dry. He drew little but skilled circles, each twirl of his index and middle finger in unison with the grind of his hips. Your mouth fell open by such pleasure, and you braced yourself by placing your left palm on the mattress and pressed down, nails scratching the cotton fabric and alerting Steve of your excitement. You pushed back against him, timed and in perfect harmony. 
You knew the room wasn’t on fire, but even if it was you didn’t think to check. 
“Keep talking to me, Y/N. Keep talking to me,” Steve begged, each rotation of his hips gaining pressure. His eagerness prompted you to reach back up and grab him by the hair, yanking his head to your tilted one and smashing his lips against yours. Steve gasped at the pleasant sting, somewhat surprised with himself that he liked that form of roughness. But who was he to judge his kinks when the tip of your nose was turning redder, the blush in your cheeks mixed with barely visible silver droplets of sweat, and a purple outline was beginning to form on your plump upper lip? 
The kiss was sloppy, uncoordinated, but still beneficial in getting Steve to rut against you even harder. 
He could so easily pull your shorts down and enter you, and if he was anything like he felt, then you knew it would sting. But you craved that sting and stretch, the thought of him inside you causing another gush of desire to leak from you. Steve dipped his finger deeper into you only to accumulate your juices and spread them higher. He went back to rubbing expertly, actions gaining speed to match your whimpers. 
“Fuck, Steve,” you moaned louder, and you swore you felt tears forming in the corner of your eyes. You pressed back harder, his hand rubbing and pressing down on your stomach simultaneously. Your head felt cloudy, the pleasure coursing through your veins and to the very tips of your toes. “Oh, my fuck.”
Steve paused his fingers to trail his hand back up your stomach and to your breasts, pulling your tank top down to spill them. The sounds leaving your throat set him on fire, desire pulsing everywhere - his head, his heart, his aching cock that was pressed so closely against you that he could feel you vibrating. He pinched your nipple and rolled it, closing his eyes in response to your dirty purrs. “Let me make you come, doll.”
“Wasn’t that the point?” you quipped, ass tilting at an angle that caused Steve to choke. He growled from the attitude he couldn’t believe you still fucking had during a moment like this and kissed you roughly, both your broken moans molding into one. His hand returned to your shorts. 
“Do that again,” he begged, hitching his leg up to rest on yours. The angle allowed him to drive his hips even harder. You maneuvered to provide the same tilt, grinning at the pleasurable cries that left your Captain’s mouth. 
“I think I’m gonna make you come first,” you chuckled and took his bottom lip between your teeth. You pulled lightly, concentration still in the circle of your hips. He looked back down at you, determination and undeniable lust in his eyes. He thrust his aching cock against you, sliding himself over your ass. He did it hard but slow, the pressure applied giving the head of his cock such a sweet squeeze as he bumped it against the curve of your lumbar spine. 
The heavy duvet was abandoned now, cold air from the hotel air conditioner failing in cooling you down at all. You both had a thin sheet of sweat on your clothed bodies, goosebumps standing proudly, and lips all plump and red from your harsh kissing. 
Steve held you so close, so tight, and his fingers were drawing such rushed and tiny circles that you swore his wrist had to be cramping up. But the sound of both your whimpers started to mesh together, alerting you of such a sweet climax up ahead. 
“Steve, fuck, fuck, ohh,” you mewled, voice now high pitched and yes, it turned Steve on incredibly but it also fueled you. Your pornographic moans ignited an even deeper desire within you, just the true fact that Steve was touching you, Steve was getting you to make these sounds, Steve is actually hearing these sounds, Steve is making the same exact sounds. 
 “I-, please, come for me,” Steve pleaded, cock twitching with each thrust as he neared his end. “Make me come.”
His begging, his equally high voice, his skilled fingers rubbing rapidly and the slight pain from that, his breath burning your neck, were all too powerful, their combinations causing the fire in your core to explode and make you see white in a flash, black dots later clouding your vision. Your nails dug into his moving arm, crescents branded into him. You clenched around nothing, walls fluttering and thighs shaking as they pressed around his hand and fingers. 
The inappropriate squelching sound of your juices spreading as your thighs clenched around his cramping fingers, the slide so sensual and dirty, had Steve rutting against you one, two, three more times before he came in hard but long spurts. His mouth hung open, breath still fanning your neck, and his eyes were so tightly shut that the force was enough to strain them. 
“Oh, fuuuck, yes, yes!” Steve groaned, his body taking longer than usual to recover. His orgasm was powerful, more powerful than when he got himself off in the shower or in the comfort of his bed at night, and he knew it was because you clouded his senses. Of course, there was an added benefit to getting off with someone else, aiding that person in the same endeavor, but because it was you, it made the climax even more forceful, more intense. The whole situation was both unexpected and calculated, gentle and rough, and Steve’s heart was beating so fast by the thought of what just occurred that he found himself wanting to spill into you all night long, and to apologize for overstepping an unspoken boundary. 
You could feel the wetness of both your own release and Steve’s, head still cloudy from such a sharp orgasm. You hummed in satisfaction, reaching your arm over once again to lift his head up by his hair. He hissed at the pull now, his body all fucked out and satisfied. “You good?”
Steve gave you a lazy smile, chest heaving in unison with yours. “I’m okay. You?”
“I’m good.”
Steve scanned your face for any regret just in case your words held other meaning, but all he could see was your satisfied expression, cheeks still flushed pink, hair tangled, and pupils dilated. He hesitated for a second before he leaned down and connected your lips, molding his with yours slowly and chastely. You both sighed at the feeling, highs now lowering and the coldness from the air conditioner causing a different set of goosebumps to appear. Steve pulled away, giving you one last peck as if testing the waters, and rested his forehead against yours. You both relished your post-orgasm bliss for a few silent minutes before cleaning up. 
You shared playful shoves as you cleaned up. It was almost innocent, a huge contrast to the sinful activities you two had just committed, but there was a genuine feeling of understanding in the room. Your heart clenched at the simple sight of Steve washing his hands, eyes meeting his in the mirror, a soft look in his that startled you. 
You gave him a smile so as to not alert him of your reaction, and exited the bathroom to climb back into bed. You drew the heavy duvet back over your body and cuddled in it deeply, chin hidden underneath and back facing Steve’s bed. It was a few more minutes before Steve came back into the room, shutting the light off, and looking at your resting form. He wanted to climb back in with you and hold you innocently, to have the feeling of your warm back against his broad chest, gentle exhales tickling the arm that would wrap around you. But he just looked back and forth from your bed and his, and he decided to not push the boundary further. He hesitated with this decision, but climbed into his own bed, the feeling of his cold sheets making him immediately regret it. He shuffled silently, his body facing yours. 
You wanted to lay beside him too. But whether you were making a smart decision or an absurd, cowardly one, one thing was certain: you could no longer ignore the stacking of such emotions you had for this man. 
It almost angered you, how much you denied yourself of even a simple crush for literally ten years, and it made you mad at Steve, too. Because if he hadn’t pushed you away, then maybe you could have accepted this sooner. 
TAGLIST: @dumb-ass-writer @justab-eautifulmess @supraveng @mycosmicparadise @missnighttigress​
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maliby · 4 years
Blankets and Horror Movies | pjm
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↬ Pairing: Jimin x F. Reader
↬ Story Genre: fluff
↬ Warnings: death in the movie they’re watching
↬ Word count: 1.6K
↬ Summary:  It’s movie night at your house and your annoying roommate Jungkook decides you should all watch a horror movie. You couldn’t bear to watch horror movies but it all became much more tolerable when you found out you were going to share a couch and a blanket with your crush - Park Jimin.
a/n: guys, if you’re reading my stuff for the first time this isn’t me lmao. I usually only write dirty ass smut, but I don’t know what came over me today that I felt like writing a tooth roting fluffy ass drabble (is this a known side effect of corona? did I catch it?). anyways...enjoy <3
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“You know what we should do? We should totally watch a horror movie!” Said your annoying roommate Jungkook, knowing damn well you couldn’t bear to watch those movies.
“Oh my god yes!” His friend Taehyung answered, much to your despair. “I’ll go make popcorn!” Before you could protest he was already running to your kitchen like a little kid.
“Jungkook, what are you doing?” You pulled your roommate aside and whispered to him in an angry tone. “You know damn well I can’t watch scary movies!”
“Why? Are you scared you’re gonna have nightmares?” His mocking tone made you want to punch him right in the stomach.
“Hey Y/N, you like horror movies right? Which one do you want to watch?” The sweet voice of Jimin - Jungkook’s friend who you had a crush on for about a year - asked you while he was browsing for something to watch.
Jimin’s question really made you second guess all your life choices. On one hand, you really couldn’t watch scary movies, you had tried it before and it didn’t work out well for you. On the other hand, you didn’t want Jimin to think you were a wuss so, in an attempt to look brave and cool you lied to him. “Oh yeah, I love them!”
“Hyung, put on the House of Wax, she loves that one!”
Jungkook knew you had a crush on his friend and he was taking every single opportunity to torture you. That brat. You’d soooo get back at him for this later.
“Oh good one!” Jimin quickly turned to Jungkook’s laptop and typed the name of the movie, sealing in your doom.
You looked at your roommate with killer eyes and quietly plotted your revenge as he gave you a stupid grin.
“The popcorn is done!” Said Taehyung, emerging back in the living room with two bowls filled with popcorn. 
“I call dibs on the bean bag!” Jungkook shouted as he quickly ran to the bean bag placed right in front of the couch.
“Me too!” Taehyung soon followed to the bean bag on the left, almost spilling all the popcorn as he threw himself to the bean bag.
Quickly doing the math in your head you realized that meant that you would have to sit on the sofa with Jimin - just the two of you. Obviously he would be your first choice - you wanting nothing more than to sit next to him - but the just the thought of it made you nervous.
“Come on, Y/N.” After pressing play, Jimin turned off the lights and picked up a blanket so he could sit on the couch. “Looks like we’ll be popcorn buddies!” He smiled at you and, for a moment, you almost forgot all about the movie, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading across your chest. 
Making your way to your crush, you passed by Taehyung and picked up your bowl of popcorn. You then joined Jimin under the blanket and took a deep breath, the smell of his cologne filling up your nostrils.
“Are you scared?” Jimin whispered so the other two couldn’t hear. He knew you and Jungkook bickered a lot so he probably figured if he asked it out loud Jungkook would come at you.
You were getting ready to deny it all but your crush saw right through you. “Don’t worry, if you feel scared you can hold onto me okay?”
You shyly nodded and turned your head to the TV.
It was hard paying attention to the movie. Firstly because you were too scared, but second because you could feel the heat radiating off of Jimin’s body. You weren’t glued to each other, but you were close enough that you could make contact at any minute, and that made your heart beat.
You reached your hand to get some popcorn but failed to notice that your crush was also reaching for the bowl, resulting in your hands touching. You both smiled at each other in a small gesture of apology, the crescent moons his eyes formed making you look back at the TV to hide the blush on your cheeks. 
As you looked back at the TV the first creepy scenes showed up - somebody was videotaping the main characters sleeping in their tents out in the woods. It wasn’t anything that serious, but the tension was so big that all of your muscles immediately tightened up. Jimin noticed this and placed his hand on your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Everything alright?” He whispered once more.
“Yeah, it’s just...creepy.” Your whole body shivered with the creepy feeling making Jimin laugh.
“Come on, don’t go out by yourself!” Jungkook commented as the main girl left her tent alone to check the noise she had just heard.
“She’s so gonna die,” added Taehyung.
You instinctively grabbed the blanket covering you and Jimin and brought it up to your face, leaving your head exposed from the eyes up. The music was building up, and so was the tension in your body. Then, the main girl slowly turned around to reveal her worried boyfriend with a loud shrieky sound.
You jumped up at the sound and immediately recoiled next to Jimin, your head unconsciously nuzzling on your crush’s chest.
Jungkook laughed at your reaction. “You are such a baby.”
“Leave her alone Jungkook, it was a tense moment,” Jimin reasoned trying and succeeding on making you feel better. But once you realized his voice was coming right from above you and that you were practically on top of him you quickly backed away, feeling embarrassed.
“Mhm…” He teased and you kicked him off the bean bag, making Jimin and Taehyung laugh.
“Shut up and watch the movie, Jeon Jungkook,” you said, feeling victorious.
He scoffed and plonked himself back on the bean bag, everybody’s attention being back on the movie. Everybody’s but yours, for you couldn’t help but think about the contact you just had with Jimin. Now that you had tasted his embrace for a brief moment you found yourself missing it.
As the movie progressed and the events got more macabre you found yourself getting closer and closer to Jimin, now being completely nuzzled under his arm. The smell of his cologne and the softness of his hoodie bringing you some comfort.
At some point, as one of the characters was about to be killed Jimin covered your eyes and whispered to your hair: “Don’t look now.”
You started to shake as you heard the character scream and Jimin kept on trying to calm you down, placing kisses on top of your head. “Shhh, I’m here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” You didn’t know if he was saying that just because of the movie, but something about the tone of his voice told you it was something else.
When the movie was over, you had your arms around Jimin and your head hidden on his chest. You were holding him so tight you wondered if he was having trouble breathing.
“It’s over now baby, you can look,” he whispered into your hair as his fingers drew soothing circles on your back.
“Oh my god look at Y/N!” Jungkook mocked you, making you boil in anger. “You’re such a chicken.”
“Wanna see who’s a chicken? Say that to me again, I dare you Jeon!” You started to pull back your sleeves but Jimin held you back.
“Come on guys, break it off. Don’t ruin movie night!”
“Fine…” You and your roommate both answered with a pouty face.
“Wanna watch another movie?” Taehyung asked as he grabbed the remaining popcorn with his hand and filled his whole mouth with it.
“Alright, but let’s watch something lighter this time.” Your request made Jungkook turn back around to tease you once more, but the look Jimin gave him made him keep quiet.
You didn’t know how many movies you watched. You didn’t even know which movies you watched, you were so focused on Jimin’s light touches that you barely could even think straight. 
Eventually, the four of you had fallen asleep but you woke up startled from a nightmare, waking Jimin up in the process. When you came to it, you noticed you had been sleeping right on top of him and you immediately backed away.
“Y/N is everything alright?” You could tell by the frown on his eyebrows that he was worried about you.
“Yeah...sorry I woke you. I just...had a nightmare about the movie.”
“Oh...come here.” He didn’t even wait for you to act, he simply took your hand and pulled you back to him, your arms wrapping around him as in instinct. “Wanna tell me what happened?”
“I-The bad guys from the movie had caught you and…” You started to cry, feeling the terrors of the vivid nightmare as you recalled the event.
“Shh-shh, it’s okay. I’m here, see?” He pulled your chin up so you could look him in the eyes. “Feel my heart.” He grabbed your hand and placed it right on his chest just on top of his heart - it was beating fast. “I’m alive. I would never leave you.”
Suddenly the mood changed. Your heart was beating fast but the nightmare wasn’t the motive anymore - it was Jimin. You looked him straight in the eyes and felt nothing but warmth, nothing but love.
His eyes danced between your own eyes and your lips and soon enough he was leaning in, moulding his plush lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet and tender, everything you saw Jimin as. His palms were pressed against your cheeks and his fingers were caressing your skin, drying up your tears in the process. 
When you broke apart both of you were breathless, just silently looking at each other and enjoying the moment.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he confessed as he leaned his forehead on yours, still rubbing circles on your cheek.
“Me too,” you smiled, the terrifying feeling of the nightmare being long gone and the feeling of Jimin’s lips being the only thing you could think of.
© maliby, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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b-rainlet · 3 years
I promised to answer this in a seperate post so here it goes!
(Sorry this took forever but...I think the length explains why ajsnsns)
For @honestmrdual who asked for Alice +/vs/or Jervis!
Slight warning??? For the discussion of kidnapping since I mention Alice and Jervis within my Rotten AU
Also Murder. And Suicide.
Also Incest. Duh.
Jervis vs. Alice
That's...a hard one but also super simple? Like, I don't think either of them would want to fight the other, you know?
Of course Jervis doesn't wanna hurt his love but Alice also would rather avoid a confrontation with her brother.
But since as long as one of them is alive, they're gonna play an eternal game of cat and mouse, it would've come down to a fight eventually.
And even though in canon Alice dies, I think she would win.
Because canon seems more like an accident than a strategic suicide (even though Gordon words it like it's one).
But if it came down to a one on one fight?
I mean, Alice is shown to be willing to shoot Jervis whereas Jervis never truly threatens her.
Like yeah, she's tied up but he doesn't threaten her with a gun (like he does at the Lee/Valerie/Jim tea party for example) and when they meet on the roof he's mostly super happy to see her, he doesn't even think about defending himself??
He just stands there, arms up and obviously wanting to touch/hug Alice.
(Which…I think about often ansnsnsn)
So if they didn't need Jervis around for longer, Alice would've definitely killed him.
Shot him. Stabbed him. Lit him on fire. Whatever she could think of at that moment.
And Jervis probably would be super surprised because?? Alice??? His dear sister?? Why would you hurt him like this if he only wants to keep you safe???
Also I have made a post before about how he never once tries to hypnotize her - possibly because she's immune but that's never outright stated so maybe he also just...wouldn't do that to her. And I lose my mind every time I think about that for more than two seconds).
Also also, if I am already rambling - when am I not - the way it would've given Alice way more agency if she would've chosen to die the way Jim seems to imply she did.
Since he goes 'She would've rather been dead than spend any more time with you' or something like that and you could argue that yeah, she does pull away from Jervis but I think that was more 'I need to get away' and less 'I'm actively choosing to get impaled now'.
Just imagine!!
Jervis once again pressing Alice to his chest, watching Jim and Harvey fight tweedle dee and tweedle dum, when suddenly Alice pushes away, frees herself and stumbles into the room.
And everyone freezes for a moment because she's yelling at them to stop and Jim's telling her to go hide somewhere while Jervis is trying to reach for her without getting shot but she's having none of it.
She's sick of running, sick of hiding, she doesn't wanna live the rest of her life like this, always looking over her shoulder, always ready to vanish again, never truly able to build herself a life, to make any friends, to do more than survive.
Mostly, she wants to be able to wash all the blood from her hands, wants to stop being responsible for people getting hurt, the ones close to her and the ones unfortunate enough to be in her brother's way.
It's her fault Jervis is in Gotham, it's her fault Jim nearly died, it's her fault Jervis manipulated and maimed and murdered his way to her.
Not to mention she's a killer too! It's in her blood just as much as it is in Jervis' and she's tired of it, of all of it.
And it seems for a second she's gonna go to Jervis willingly and stay with him (which is an option she knows, but it wouldn't stop the running and the hiding, wouldn't stop the detectives from coming after them) but no.
Instead she picks up Jervis' gun (that I think he discarded in that scene? If not, he did now ajsjsjs) and she shoots herself.
And everyone would yell at her not to do it, voices shouting and people running toward her before there's this loud bang and then there's silence.
For a very long time.
Anyway, since Alice made it very clear she chose to die, it would be harder for Jervis to delude himself into thinking Jim somehow forced her or tore her away from him (although he would probably still manage, it's Jervis after all) so maybe, they'd actually get to arrest him (because I can see him just...falling to his knees and not moving after Alice is dead. Maybe cradling her in his arms. There's no real reason to go on now after all).
But even if he gets dragged away like in canon, this minor change would've made Alice' death a lot more driven in my opinion.
(And if we still need her impaled then imagine her speech and then she lets herself fall backwards with her eyes closed and her arms outstretched and she still ends up on the pole).
(Plus, because I like multiple endings, two possibilities I would also consider very sexy but wouldn't make sense in canon since they need Jervis around:
Jervis kills himself after seeing Alice die - much like Victor Fries tried to do, because what kind of life is this if the one person worth living for is dead?
 Alice pretends she's willingly going with Jervis but she used the time she had while she was monologuing to acquire a weapon (maybe one of the needles Jervis used to draw her blood) and once she's close enough she goes for a hug and ends up stabbing him in the neck multiple times until he's falling down in front of her, slowly bleeding out, murmuring her name with his eyes open in shock.
Just....some musings you know akjssksm).
Jervis + Alice
Do I even need to answer this? xD
They're on my top ship list, they're right up there next to Jecco and Jerelina, but they also have scenes within canon that make my mind go !!! like Jerome/Lee and Jervis/Ecco do.
They're just....good. Very good.
I have...a lot of thoughts and AUs for them but I think I shared them all already because I can't stop blabbering about them lmao.
Although I gotta say I've been thinking about them within my Jeremiah/Ecco/Jerome AU (aka the Rotten Fic)
Specifically about Jervis being Alice' legal guardian since she was about 10 or even younger (since their parents died very early in her life) and Alice isn't exactly being held captive but everytime she tried to run away while she was growing up, the police simply brought her back to her brother.
Because she was a minor and he was her 'loving and worried' big brother - who also could be very persuasive and knew how to manipulate people in his favour - and soon she was known as a 'notorious runaway' and the people she tried to plead for help only smiled at her in that condescending way people do when they pity you.
'Ah there she is, the little Tetch Girl, poor thing, lost her parents so soon. Now she's a troubled kid, running away, telling lies. She can be thankful her brother is so patient and loving with her.'
And surely all the tales she likes to spin about her brother crawling into bed with her or giving her 'special baths' are simply a sign for her overactive imagination, a hurt child making up all sorts of morbid things to get some attention.
And now she's around 20 and she knows she's old enough, an adult now, they would have to at least listen now.
Or she could simply try and get away, out of town, the police can't escort her back to her house anymore, they can't stop her at the train station and tell her she's a bad girl for worrying her brother like that.
But she also knows Jervis would never let her, he would come after her and he would kill everyone she would dare to care about besides him.
He would find her no matter where she hides.
It's safer when she stays, for her and for all the people out there she will never get to meet.
I simply like the idea of Alice basically being in a kidnapping situation but no one realizes. She's the sweet girl living with her brother, she belongs at home with her brother, what is she talking about being 'at her brother's mercy'.
And it's gotten to a point where he put her out of school with the promises of 'homeschooling' to 'help her anxiety' and oh, isn't he such a sweet and caring brother?
Taking it upon himself to teach her at home, what a big sacrifice it must be for him to completely focus on his little sister like that, to make sure she doesn't get left behind!
(And of course, since Jervis can be...persuasive, no one questions whether he actually has a teaching degree or anything of the like, no, Alice is shoved into his arms with smiles and waves).
And as Alice grew up, got to a point where her words couldn't be brushed aside as child's talk anymore, she learned to play her part. Made some…mistakes, said the wrong thing to the wrong person and had to live with the consequences.
(Consequences the other person can't live with anymore).
So if some newer neighbours notice that Alice is never seen outside? Well, she's a shy girl, no need to be worried!
Her brother is such a gentleman and he does make it a point to introduce the both of them to everyone who moves into their street, did the same when they first moved to Gotham, going from door to door with little Alice on his hand to prevent any rumours from spreading to make a good first impression!
And even if someone does worry, they only need to wait until Jervis is gone for the day to ring the doorbell. Alice will open and invite them inside, will play nice and portray the little sister Jervis told her to be.
The neighbour will come back home thinking 'Oh well, the girl is a shut-in, nothing too out of the ordinary. It's a dangerous city after all' and Alice will remain in her room and fight back the panic inside her, knowing that if she didn't do her job right and they get suspicious....accidents happen all the time.
Of course this routine is gonna get disturbed once Ecco enters the scene but let's not get ahead of ourselves👀👀👀
(Anyways the inherent horror of being kidnapped and used by strangers - aka Ecco and the twins - vs. Being permanently kept in a glass cage that no one else can see except you and no one can ever hear you scream for help - aka Alice and Jervis)
Jervis or Alice
Okay that's a hard one! Like, harder than choosing between Ecco and Jervis because Jervis and Alice are kinda on the same level here.
I love Jervis. You know if you've seen even just a fraction of my blog lmao.
But Alice.....so much potential. Such a good fucking storyline.
(Jervis and Alice as two sides of the same coin? I'd even say they have a big 'star-crossed lovers, one can't truly exist without the other' vibe. I mean, you could even compare them to 'B*tjokes in a way - only the who hunts who down is flipped).
Also Alice is very pretty and I have an obvious preference for girls in pretty much any piece of media I consume.
But then you have Jervis, who isn't only involved in the Alice storyline but is also part of the J Squad.....you have the legendary Jerome/Jonathan/Jervis team up and all three of them being horribly into each other....Jonathan and Jervis basically being an old married couple....the way Jervis looks at Jerome which still has me losing my mind....also you have the Ace Chemicals Episode which single-handedly saved the 5th season......the superb Ecco/Jervis interaction......fuck, this is hard.
I love Alice and I need to talk about her more often but I think Jervis wins simply by having more interactions with other characters (and oh to have Alice around for longer.....have her face off against Jervis on the regular.....Bruce deserves a little ragtag team of protoheroes in my opinion so why not add Alice...).
...But I am getting off track :D
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