#i only was kinda thinking abt it during the designing
chrisrin · 1 year
Is there a thought process behibd which gentrolls have horns and which don't?
i gave it to the ones that i thought needed it to complement the design, or where it felt really significant to have them included! or if i could fit it in there without it being too disruptive to the rest of the vibe.
so like, for eridan and kanaya as pearls I think it would've been a bit off on them, but for someone like vriska where aquamarine already had the little ribbon-bits, it was easy to shape that into her horns!
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adrian-sheppy · 6 months
Sorry if this is completely wrong igore if it is LMAO but I noticed you seem to have different hcs for how mind lost his eye!!! Like in Seattles Going Under it was lost in a vague fight or something, but in art w/ the resonance cascade he lost it prolly during the ambush? I was wondering if you had info to share on it/infodump abt or if its just whatever makes the art more fun!
hehe youre observant and actually right on the money. yup!  so essentially i just have different eye trauma head canons for whichever version of freemind im drawing; since he doesnt actually lose his eye in canon, its up to everyone to fil in the blanks if they wanna use the popular headcanon. i wrote .  a good chunk of stuff .  so i put it under the cut . but heres a picture to be like a . tldr
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I sorta like his eye already being gone before the resonance cascade (in a non-freemanverse scenario). he does verbally say something like "my eyes" in the series, indicating he has two, BUT . well.  its a headcanon. so we can have fun with it . my eye loss pre-rescas freemind stems from my original freemind design (before i ever started posting half-life on the internet) where he had short hair, but i needed a way to distinguish him from og gordon, so I used thr popular one eye headcanon. then I realized him losing his eye bc of the military goes perfectly with martini losing an arm. that bothered me for a while until i realized i could just have multiple freemind designs + headcanons. if theres different variations of Gordon  and martini, why can't there be some of Freemind as well? grins grins
i left it open ended in my SGU because people have their own headcanons and I thought anyone could just fill in their own. if I did every make a canon eyeloss event prequel thing, he would've lost his eye during college in some sort of either freak accident (like tripping on something and injuring himself bad; I like this one because he'll lie and say he was in a fight) or, like u said, a fight . for SGU, college was a low point in his life of him struggling with freedom from his parents for the firsr time, but them and their ideals still holding him hostage. he is simultaneously more repressed and more emotionally volatile than present!gordon. then, when his parents die, hes just given a clusterfuck of emotions. so why dont we add physical trauma? whatever the sgu canon event eye loss was, it was definitely related to substance abuse issues. whether that be he was high/drunk and got into an accident, or fought someone... not sure! yet. the only thing that i can say was that no fire or chemicals were involved, since his tearduct is (unfortunately for him) wholly in tact!
but for freemanverse!freemind, he should lose his eye during the rescas since its like thematic and stuff if (almost) every Gordon Loses Something. also, angst. whenever I draw freemanverse (even in a domestic setting) in my head, i always think of them surviving the rescas together! i have. convoluted freemanverse headcanons. the eye loss is an important freemanverae event because, like martini, it gives him a valid reason to REALLY dislike benrey (but in my au, benrey isnt the big bad, so he "redeems" himself kinda sorta) . and then it ALSO opens up freemind to be upset and vulnerable, which allows him to bond with his fellow freemen.
also I want barmey to tend to his wounds and call his scar(s) badass. im not immune to buttermind and i never was.
honorable mention: sims freemind, who has both eyes physically but only can see from one. this is due to me unable to properly texture a glasses + eyepatch combo, that and i have no experience with 3d modelling (I did try!).
i hope this is a satisfying enough infodump!! I'm sorry if it's a bit vague; a lot of my ideas tend to be fluid. i also like taking inspiration from what other people think! some of you guys are way super smart and have awesome ideas. i am not immune to well articulated essays and thought out headcanons
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kkbardd · 8 days
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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anonzentimes · 2 days
i figured i would ask u bc ur the designated nagito komaeda blogger in my mind and probably have a better handle on his character than i do. but i was talking w my gf about how like??? silly he was during the tragedy??? i havent touched ultra despair girls in a hot ass minute but like. comparatively to everyone else i feel like he was kinda like. just hanging around ?? i was wondering if u could kind of provide insight as to Why he was acting the way he was at that point?? and how he had changed from before the tragedy. ?? :3 thanks in advance and sorry if uve already spoken abt this haha
OKAY, HI!!!! So, I think there's some of this lightly touched upon in my very somewhat older post on my opinion on servant since I think he's one of the better aspects of Udg! Otherwise your question is pretty specific and I'd be happy to thoroughly answer it. :)
Nagito's pretty silly as a despair I have to agree, for the most part though his influence shouldn't be understated.
What makes Nagito different as a despair is that normally he has a limit to how far he'll go, he obviously at both points believes anything is okay for hope though. He absolutely hates Despair but views it as a NECESSARY thing for Hope to happen, this is consistent but as a despair we see he's willing to become despair himself to cause hope to happen. He's the reason Komaru is there at all since he believes she may be like his brother and have a potential talent, or hope, inside of her like her brother did. He helps the warriors of hope with Despair and brings an element that may cause Hope so the despair turns into hope in the end. He doesn't find himself worthy and, of course, as usual is doing things from the sidelines. He appears to be a "servant" but he's the most in control of things only second to Monaca. That's a reason I actually do enjoy the "servant," aspect of his appearance here.
Servant is Nagito's absolute beliefs and coping mechanism pulled to its utmost disgusting and extreme. And it's interesting because the killing game ITSELF is impacted by this leading to his worst mentally. He's disgusted by the despair later on reading the file, his classmates being terrorists, him resorting to being despair himself, he hates it. The Nagito we see in the killing game hasn't developed the love hate relationship for Junko yet and is disgusted by all of it.
Basically, Nagito beforehand hates despair but thinks it's necessary for Hope so it has a valid reason to exist. Servant can wrap his head around loving despair and actively is okay serving for it himself all in the name of hope, and when that leans into the gaslit love for Junko it's so at fundamental odds with himself that he goes spiraling thinking about it. The main difference is how he's more willing to cause or assist Despair for the Hope himself and things being warped to the point where he "loves" Junko. His mind is warped into not hating Junko and he's more willing to actively love and serve Despair in the name of Hope.
Hope (hah) this helps! If you have any more questions let me know, I'm honored to be your designated Nagito Komaeda blogger and thank you for your ask!!! <3
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fleurdelait · 1 month
Hello! Your art is very beautiful. Please tell us more about your COTL AU Nomadic Faith. Seems very interesting! Are you asking for art requests? May a kind month come to you. Eat your fruits and vegetables.
HII!!! omg this is my first ask about my cotl au (and first ask in general yippee!!) you have just released a demon my friend. (and tysm :3)
OK SO! I was kinda reading the lore tablets in game and didn’t understand what the fuck was going on so I decided to make my own lore and run with it! :3 I always thought it’d be interesting if the Sheep never worshipped the Old Faith, instead I envisioned them more like Plimbo or some of the NPCs who have livelihoods that overshadow any cult like behavior. Or at least any that abided to that of the Bishops rather than their own culture.
I took inspiration from nomadic groups like the romani people and other eastern tribes in terms of clothing and style. (which i have yet to post my designs oopsie…) The idea of nomads kinda flowed into that idea of a ‘herd mentality’ sheep carry by having them travel and bond together like that. They’re very musical and are insanely talented at detailed wool cloths and textile crafting and trading herbs and spices. (Also the little earrings you see my lamb wear also speak to their wood workmanship! Each earring has a specific meaning whether it accords to age, family, etc. But by the time the lamb becomes a god.., they forget half of it :( )
Once Narinder had split off from the Old Faith and began to get more greedy with his power and start to question the Old Gods, that’s when Shamura had the vision of the prophecy and the reaping began. So The Lamb (i don’t have a name for them yet but I’ve been thinking of Ewe = Eve like from the bible), is born during the reaping, and has very much grown up with a more hurried ‘on-the-road’ lifestyle.
Most of the Sheep actually turned to Narinder’s faith (that was separate from the old faith) because they saw comfort in death being something they could believe in. Sheep are prey animals by default, so the idea was even more instilled into the herds once the reaping began.
(ALSO! Narinder is very fond of sheep in general as they made for the most loyal of followers.. plus they made him really pretty garments and wrote songs as offerings)
I’ve just realized i’ve probably talked your ear off into oblivion (big apologizes to anyone who’s reading this far 😭) but yeah I’m just very passionate abt this au of mine.
So anyways! Once the reaping gets more severe, the herds begin to break off smaller and smaller to protect one another. Usually it would’ve been 4-6 big families and family friends traveling together, but by the time The Lamb was born, they’d only travel is groups of 1-2 families. Though she did get to experience the culture of her kind up until her early adulthood when her sister was kinda… slaughtered 💀 They had been the last two sheep unknowingly, and after much running, hiding, and crying alone in the woods. The Lamb was captured, brought to slaughter, and everyone knows the rest.
Though they did buck out at the Bishops and put up a decent fight beforehand.
There is MUCH more in regards to cult life, my au version of narilamb has a lot of meat to it, but I’ll spare the yap for another day HFHSHD

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK THOUGH!!! may a kind month come to you too :3
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
for the ask meme can i get uhhhh yarrow + face, serena + motion, grimm + favorite
HI HELLO JANE!!!!! sorry this took awhile to get around to answering i wrote all the text and told myself i was gonna draw pictures for these and then i got distracted because i wanted to draw. other pictures instead :,D BUT without further ado !!
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
i don't trust my writing skills enough to write a description. their face:
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i talked a little bit abt their facial features in this ask, but yeah, the Bee Stuff is definitely what people notice first. yarrow's modification was an experimental one, so while most people are kinda used to seeing humods with fur on their faces or weird ears or maybe horns and whatnot, invertebrate features are rare and jarring. this does cause issues when you're trying to be discreet, so yarrow tries their best to wear bandanas or masks. even pre-modification they actually wear something to the effect of a bandana or surgical mask often; partially because They Are A Doctor and also because they live in a mining town that doesn't give a shit about how much dust is kicked up from the open-pit mining
pre-modification i'm not sure what people would notice first; they have a few small defining features like their dimples, yellow-gold eyes, straight teeth, patchy facial hair, and mole on their right cheek, but overall nothing out of the ordinary. i think it's less features people notice, and a general impression of openess? he's quick to smile, talkative, and expressive, so people usually feel like they can approach him
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
having trained in martial arts for most of her life, serena's very coordinated and flexible! she also has a muscular stature and she can make herself very difficult to move if she doesn't want to. she's aware of her size and generally has a slouch to her posture and walks with a bit of a trudge and lope if that makes sense? she has enough control though to where she can move almost freakishly quiet and it scares people on occasion
ofc she doesn't wear clothes, but she does have her prosthesis!
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she's got both an everyday and a sport prosthesis, so while her movement isn't necessarily affected by that, she's less willing to run or do anything intense if she just has her everyday prosthesis on (that's the one i draw, i need to look more into sport prostheses for humans and adapt a design from there)
bc she's a congenital amputee, the only real adjustment she's had to do irt her leg is adapting to a new prosthesis every few years, so she has a solid sense of moving with or without it on. i've been trying to determine if she has smthin like an adapted wheelchair as well, but since dragons are quadrupeds and she's only missing part of a limb, it may not be necessary when she also has her tail and wings to help counterbalance during movement...? there's also the factor that she doesn't have a lot of money, so regardless of what she has to assist her, it's not always top-quality and she's learned to live with a certain level of discomfort and pain
speaking of wings, flying is something dragons can do, but it's a lot like running where most ppl can't do it for longer periods of time unless they train. it's not as necessary in modern society, so most dragons can fly for short bursts if needed/for fun. with the exception of a few who do things like, idk fly to work, most rely on transit bc it's easier. serena's ability to fly is Okay, she's accumulated some damage to her wings over the years (side effect of martial arts where other people have claws and horns), which makes her less aerodynamic and more easily tired out. she's got a good handle on her body and how it moves, so she's actually pretty graceful in the air and not aware of that fact at all. overall, she prefers not to fly, but still maintains a healthy habit of working out those muscles so they don't atrophy, which is a thing that happens with modern dragons.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
am i allowed to saw wrench here. i'm gonna say wrench
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saying wrench is grimm's favorite accessory is actually a stretch bc it loathes wearing it, but adores wrench as a companion but if we are purely talking abt clothing here, grimm's not the sentimental sort, so it doesn't hold on to things once they're to worn nor does it worry about wearing things out. which is the boring answer
wrench is only worn as armor a handful of times in-story and in dire circumstances (that i. have not quite figured out yet <3). grimm fucking hates wearing it, hates the way it takes them back to their past, hates the way it doesn't quite fit their body anymore and hurts if they wear it too long, hates why they even have to wear it, but it's protection and a weapon in one, and they don't have many options.
i talked abt wrench a little bit when you asked abt it here, but wrench is both an artifact of grimm's past and a dear friend. as an animal companion/robot grimm does maintain wrench to an extent and it's a good dog that doesn't age like normal animals, they have a close pet/owner bond. when it comes to "wearing" it, transforming (so to speak) doesn't cause any wear and tear on wrench itself, since that is one of the purposes it was built for, but the situations in which grimm would don wrench may result in damage and there's also an element of wanting to keep wrench safe. aside from being armor, wrench can also do stuff like jam signals for short periods of time and sense heat signatures, so it does have an interest in preserving wrench for its own work and safety as well, but it's also a pet, yknow?
post-story i'm p sure grimm and yarrow would get something equivalent to married. yarrow's the romantic and the one to suggest it ofc, but grimm's like "hell, if i'm going to symbolically tie their life to someone else's it wouldn't be anyone but yarrow" and whatever sort of wedding band/necklace/wearable symbol they choose would become grimm's favorite, esp since it represents a version of themself they like being
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maygirlsposts · 3 months
4,14,24,37,39 and 40 for Piper and Leo!
@scarareg Thank you so much for your ask!
leo x piper is kinda my self-indulgent secret ship heh, it's nice to talk about it sometimes hgjfkl;
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I think they would love watching stupid movies (romcoms or unnecessarily sentimental and cheesy) together not bc they like them but so that they could make fun of the lines/scenes together like best friends do (bc ofc they are best friends first, lovers later). leo mimicking them in his stupid way, and piper giggling and rofling about like a buffalo the way she can't before others. they are the kinda couple who would enjoy everything they watch together.
but their ultimate fav, repeat to 10000x movie list till they have memorized every line is HTTYD, cuz yeah, leo-hiccup, toothless-festus, and ig piper is a lot like astrid? AND DRAgons!!! so yeah their go-to, top-of-head movie when they are lazy to try something new
(the only thing they never watch is tristan mclean movies lmao)
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Neither, but on hectic days when they are super tired, both of them catch the sleep bug and fall asleep.
if Leo is first to wake up to find the movie is over, he'd pick up piper and carry her to their bed, taking care she doesn't wake up (watching her sleep is secretly his fav thing, yk cuz of piper's cute way of sleeping: "inhaling through the nose, exhaling with a little puff through the mouth" and "her hair looked like it had become a nest for a friendly hamster")
on the other hand, if piper is first to wake, she'd prob simply arrange some pillows for their necks and go back to sleep, snuggling into him bc no chance she is getting cold lol
which brings me to the next choice!
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
ggfhjk i love this question specifically for this ship cuz Piper is 100% the little spoon!
iirc (forgive me my knowledge of HoO is getting rusty! seriously, it's time for a full reread T_T) both piper and leo are the same height, right? maybe as adults, leo gets a late growth spurt of a couple of inches over her (which is annoying cuz leo is finally taller but secretly she likes it, cuz perfect for a side snuggle)
even otherwise, piper is always, subconsciously snuggling into his side cuz he is so hot warm. even if he hasn't used his fire, there is always some residual warmth in him all the time, which she has got used to searching out for. say, if leo gets up in the middle of the night to drink some water/got a brand new design idea in his head he just has to jot down NOW,,, by the time he returns to bed, piper is completely rolled up in his side of the bed, searching for him in her sleep (he loves this habit of hers! it also probs makes him feel better about his fire too)
iirc, his mom's warehouse caught fire in the middle of winter, right?? ig he'd slowly come to like winters better, bc of piper snuggling more into him during winters agfhjk
and iirc, he likes to sleep with a hug pillow, right? his old hug pillow has been replaced by piper!
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
on leo's side, hephaestus will be very suspicious of the daughter of aphrodite (cuz of his own experience with her) but talking to piper, he will be slightly mollified abt her… yet, his advice for Leo always will be to trust his machines more than the human specimen of his girlfriend (ofc leo won't take it seriously)
//toa spoilers/// now josephine and hemithea are his foster mothers i am sure piper would get along with them super well as well <3
on piper's side, leo has already met Tristan in Lost Hero and knows him as piper's friend, so he'd be pretty much chill with what pipes does and who she dates,, he might try to give Leo The Talk as his duty as her father, but Piper would kick her dad out before that ever happens (Leo just being the awkward bean like during the whole helicopter ride in TLH lol)
oth, leo would be mildly (understated) scared of Aphrodite. if they ever meet her (by chance) he'd keep fidgeting and tapping 'i love you' on his jeans till piper clasps his hand and taps back 'it's okay' but i think aphrodite won't be as scary as leo imagines in his head; she'd probs find him amusing and intrigued that her daughter actually prefers leo over jason.
40. Who is the skilled shopper for holidays? Who always waits 'til the last minute to get all of their gifts? (Which one gets stressed out easily)?
piper! she won't--but she would use her charmspeak to bargain for the best prices in those overly expensive, money grabbing malls, something that leo always finds terrifyingly awesome lmao,, piper gets excited for holiday shopping and stuff whereas leo tags along obediently (and use his magic toolbelt to stove away the shopping bags lol)
leo always forgets all of the important days because of his adhd (extreme even by demigod standards) and piper, having known him for long, understands this and never gets mad or anything but he'd always feel guilty about this and makes up for it in a completely random surprise gift he handdesigns for her. Of course, piper loves his stupid (affectionately) and most times, completely non-functional (cuz Leo himself doesn't know what they do loool but they are always weirdly complicated) gifts so much! like say a music box that goes moo! but bake out fresh cookies lmao
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andie-cake · 1 year
ruth and richie were hilarious characters, and i am GLAD they didn't turn out to be smokescreens for different pre-established characters (...technically? not main characters anyway, but goddamn i was not expecting the paulkins cameo). poor richie, that whole scene with him being like "i'm not a loser anymore, i'm one of the guys! i love life! :)" when we know that he's about to murdered was such a hilarious gut punch, and ruth was just,,, god, diversity win, this sweaty disaster of a teenage girl who gets wedgied to death is canonically bisexual. what a legend.
will branner is INCREDIBLE, holy shit. he steals the show as max in every scene he's in. max may be my favorite villain in the hf stage trilogy, he's as hilarious as he is menacing. he's like. i dunno, jock beetlejuice? something like that. also new ship just dropped, will and jon's unnamed student characters during best of you.
speaking of best of you, god the MUSIC was so great. don't know if it quite beats out black friday for me yet, but it's damn good. literal monster wasn't my favorite like i was expecting, i'll have to give it another listen to pin that down. but still, what a score, not one skip happening once this cast album hits spotify.
pete and steph were once again Cute As Hell, it was really neat seeing their relationship play out over the course of a full show. their "i don't love you but maybe i actually do" song in beanies (forgot what it was called lol whoops) was a banger, and seeing them walk out in their cute lil homecoming outfits in the end put the dumbest smile on my face. also, that reprise of cool as i think i am in act 2 nearly made me cry, joey as pete was a phenomenal choice.
grace,,, holy shit, i love what they did with grace in this show. hearing her call god a son of a bitch before stealing the gun from one of the officers and turning back on them threw me into another goddamn dimension. dirty girl and bully the bully were hilarious songs (feel like i'm overusing that word, but how else can i describe it?), and holy shit, her having sex with max's ghost to vanquish him and then proceeding to go mad with power?? my jaw was dropped, that was incredible. i never could've predicted that in a million years and i've never been more delighted.
me like one month ago: yeah i don't think we're gonna see the lords in black in npmd since this is supposed to be a more standalone hf show than black friday :/. literally all five of the lords in black: we're about to end this dumbasses whole career. that was WILD. their song wasn't my favorite in the show (if only bc it was kinda hard to hear with the digital ticket audio), but i am ecstatic to have canon human designs for all five of them now.
god, i feel like there's more i wanna say, but there's just so much to talk about. all i can say is that after three years of delays, i'm so so happy that we're finally getting to see npmd. dunno how it stacks up against tgwdlm and black friday for me yet, but i'm just overjoyed. can't wait for the youtube version and the cast album, they're gonna be great.
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akuma-tenshi · 5 months
wait how did kolya die. im p sure it was a long time ago during one of olya's stalker missions or whatever but i dont know the details. what happened to u funni man
dissolved in the grinder. in the incident where olya lost her eye and sergei got all fucked up. it's depicted in the mill n you can see sergei's scars in that one scene in punch it, punk! and some official art. i think nikita got his neck scar there too. iirc sergei saved olya instead of kolya and nikita (kolya's brother?? i think??) was upset at him for it, which.. understandable but also that's a really fucking hard decision to make.
my thing is we never saw his exact death, and we don't know if olya, sergei, and nikita saw the moment he died either (plus trauma kinda changes memories so they may remember it differently); we only know the aftermath. meanwhile with nikita we saw him get shot and like.. heard / saw his final thoughts in message lost (very underrated song btw i sometimes just go listen to it on loop for a bit). it's extremely unlikely that kolya is alive and is probably just getting attention / spotlight bc yura is becoming more entangled with the stalker lifestyle and therefore closer to both past and present stalkers, but i think it's a funky theory and fun to speculate on. i also just rlly like kolya's design, he feels like he'd be fun to chill with (i know nothing about his personality). if he's actually well and truly dead i won't be too fussed abt it but i like theorising lmao
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lion-buddy · 2 years
Thoughts on the Tanjiro and Nezuko role swap au?
Oh i love the swap au!! I think abt it alot in my own time. Ive always wanted to like, make my own content abt it but i tend to get pretty stuck on the mechanics of everything
Like, taking the world building of kny and applying it to a swap is super interesting to me, and i like trying to work it out. But there are a lot of specifics in kny that are harder to work around in a swap au. But thats not a bad thing! If anything it leads to more interesting story telling because it ensures that the swap isnt to 1 to 1. its just, a lot of work. and would take a lot of planning. If i were to like, write out a timeline of how i think the swap au would go, id have to figure out exactly how the mechanics and all the plot reasoning first. Cuz the way i see, it once you establish the world and lore rules, you can better mold the characters around that. 
To start, demon tanjiro is such an interesting concept on its own. I feel hes the easier of the two to establish a character for, because we have his canon series counterpart to go off of. We can pick and choose from the many traits we’re given in canon and apply them to demon tanjiro, and its really fun reinterpreting them.  Demon tanjiro basically takes the whole Im The Eldest Sibling trait to the extreme, and turning it into what giudes his reasoning now that he's stuck in a demon mindset (presumably similar to canon nezukos). Older Brother tanjiro is the best. :D  
I can still see him being that little ray of sunshine he always is and just, being stuck to nezukos side at all time, whether it be in protection, or just wanting to help her with daily tasks. Like a lost little puppy <:D. Hes just fueled by the desire to be productive and helpful because that's where he thrives, and hes just going to do what feels correct in his little demon mind. I can see him like, taking things out of nezukos hands wordlessly to carry for her because his reasoning is, “little sister shouldnt be the one carrying everything. Im the eldest sibling! I will do the heavy lifting for her!! >:[].” meanwhile nezuko just like, “brother can i pls have my bento box back pls i appreciate ur help but that's not what i need <:3!!” hes just trying to help in anyway he can, even if he doesn't fully understand why/what hes doing. 
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I feel tanjiros presence would also be very important to nezuko. Shes young, and the only one there for her is her demon brother. While hes not able to speak, nezuko would still have one sided conversations with him. And in moments wheres shes unsure of what to do, she’d just think, “what would oniichan do?” because even if he can’t offer advice now, he’s still her older brother, and she looks up to him, demon or not.
Roleswap nezuko is interesting. We already have such a well established personality for tanjiro, but nezuko can be a little tricky since we dont have a lot to go off of in canon. Theres bits and pieces we can take and interpret to the best of our abilities, and it kinda makes it more fun (for me at least) cuz we get to see how people interpret her character in so many different ways. :]
i actually came up with a design for her! nezuko is canonically good a sewing, or at least knows how to. her haori is made of up her old kimono and obi. i feel the checker pattern is important to keep because its kinda what all the kamados wear. also shorts/hand cropped uniform pants. i wanted to do pants but they didnt mesh well with her black leg wraps </3 (also pluggin my old hair timeline post bc its relevant <3)
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(i didnt design a swap tanjiro bc hed just look like ep 1 tanjiro but muzzled. but he might have an outfit change like nezuko did in ep one.)
My TLDR version of early story swap nezuko is basically: During the beginning of her journey as a official demon slayer, she is veryyyy determined to change tanjiro back to a human as fast as she can, and is essentially bee-lining it from mission to mission. People are fine, but she is not going to linger for too long if she doesnt have to. Shes got her brother! And thats all the company she needs :]. this of course changes as she meets, trains, and fights alongside other people. She learns to slow down and appreciate the people around her more and how they can help her cause too.
When trying to write out how the events of a swap au would go, i try to take nezukos character into mind ensure her experiences are different from tanjiros. Because they're different characters, different people, even if they face off against the same demon/character, they're going approach it differently, and have different takeaways from the things they experience
Now as much as i would love to write out/draw detailed scenes, that's a lot of work and planning and time that i do not really have atm. And i'd need to figure out A Lot of in world mechanics in order to create something I would be proud of. But in the meantime, i can establish a scene with nezukos' emotional beats to get a feel for her :D!
In the giyu confrontation scene in ep 1, nezukos first “emotional” arc would have a very different setup, almost opposite to tanjiros. When giyu steals the now fully demon tanjiro from nezuko, she’d be really angry at him. Shes angry someone thinks they can just take her brother away from her, dare to hurt him even, just because they think theyre stronger, just because think they know whats right (giyu ofc is just doing his best but. she doesnt know that </3). At first she’d try to retaliate, fight back immediately, in any way she physically can to get tanjiro back, but of course it wouldnt work out very gracefully. Shes no where near skilled enough to face a hashira, but she doesnt care. Her actions are blinded by her grief and rage from any rational thought. All she sees is this man stabbing her brother, threatening to kill him, and shes the only one who can save him. she has too. hes all shes got left. and this man is in threatening that. She’d tire herself out pretty quickly and fall to the ground, to tired to make another move. When giyu sees this, she’d get talked at for being too brash, running into a situation without thinking, without a plan, with only a goal in mind and no way to execute it. In a battle, you need to remember the people that youre trying to protect, not just the target youre trying to destroy. You need to remember who youre fighting for, cuz you cant fight for them if youre dead. Anyway funny axe throw scene now [insert plot things that happen that i have yet yo work out yet because the involve swap tanjiro. hes gonna be intersting] and we’re done. Even if her efforts to save her brother didnt turn out, there is potential to hone that determination into something, and giyu recognizes this. He believes that its something nezuko can effectively use if trained properly, maybe even help her find answers for her brother. After waking up, giyu would send the kamados off to urokodakis to be trained.
TLDR nezuko has really bad tunnel vision <3
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We’re told in canon that Nezuko was not afraid to stand up to an adult if they were being mean, even if she's the smaller one in the situation. This trait is exhibited through her actions in Nezuko vs Daki, and I thought it was good scene to reference for how this scene might play out. i find the situation to be similar here. While it may seem out of her gentle character archetype, weve seen time and time again how fiercely she protects the people she cares about. hell, we even see her do the same thing in this scene in ep 1 when tanjiro is passed out!! In this moment if swap, she’s in shock, having just lost her entire family. she has already broke, this is just pushing it!!
i reallly wanna write more for this post but it is already. long lol. i have a few blurbs of texts about certain topics, and hopefully i can share them someday because i!! really like thinking abt this stuff! i really want to solidify and share my interpretation of demon tanjiro and how he works. things like how nezuko approaches battle and her overall fighting style. how the kamados fight together and help each other protect those they care about. maybe one day!
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scover-va · 7 months
I need to know more about Michael's mom... Is she a cool mom?
SHE IS A VERY COOL MOM janet afton you will always be famous. to me
Im taking this as a chance to finally ramble abt her anyways so Janet's core inspo when designing her was to avoid 2 key things. Don't make her like Immortal & Th Restless's Clara (due to clara representing michael, not mrs afton, so i wanted to avoid that), and don't base her too heavily off of Ballora. I still have ties to Ballora's character (a music-based theme, blue-centric colour palette, im sure there were more basic ideas but everything else is more hc than themes to keep up) due to my hc thingy of each Funtime having ties to William's wife + kids, but yknow.
But yeah. Funky lady who played bass guitar + did backup vocals in a band during her high school and college years. Literally her and William dating can be summed up by "Seriously, what do you see in that guy?!" "He makes me laugh." bc she was and is WAY out of his goddamn league. Not just bc of the whole serial killer thing he was just an even bigger loser in college. Normal people dont develop a crush on a woman after she nearly breaks your nose and makes you bleed, William /j
But yeah uhh. I also dont like the idea of her being absent or neglectful purely because I got way too attached to her (i was originally gonna do that just to make things easy for myself but. Pretty lady,,, I am a very simple lesbian what can i say) so like. She obviously wasnt the greatest, most fantastic mom to ever exist given she was kinda maybe sorta well aware William was making some weird fucking clowns, but like. Hey. She tried. Also side note my reasoning for her being absent during the whole. Yknow. '83 event (and just evan's bday in general) is bc Evan + Elizabeth are twins and Elizabeth demanded a girls-only trip for her bday, and Janet promised Evan she'd do something just as special for him when she got back. That never happened bc he died lmao loser /j
But yeah uhh. Shes got a lot of regrets. Wishes she coulda done a lot of things better. Kinda dies with those regrets. Ive seen people say that one of fnaf's charms is that no character is 100% good and i LOVE that, and wanted to keep it up with Janet. Good mom and overall a good person, however made some bad decisions along the way and whatnot.
Im still working out specifics (ive been slowly working on a lil private fic abt her and william meeting + their early relationship) but uhhh. Minor notes that dont get their own paragraphs is that William sampled her voice for Ballora so yay easy voice claim, she had an on and off relationship with her band's lead singer (her name's Bev), her birth name is actually Janice Schmidt but if you call her Janice she'll knock at least 2 of ur teeth out, she's a runaway teen and got adopted by this older couple bc her home life kinda sucked (idk specifics yet), and also girlie has an extensive criminal record of minor angsty teen type charges. Also teen Mike dying his hair and then 2020's Michael's hairstyle are both kinda references to Janet's hair because he wnated to look less like his father. Thats all ty. No read more bc you WILL look at my mrs afton post, boy /j
Actually no theres more that im remembering as i write the tags and edit a few details. Back to her and William because god im insane about them. So for starters it. Well i was gonna say Janet was def the first to flirt but i think William definitely developed a crush first and they only kept talking bc of said crush so its kinda up for debate. Anyways yeah at first it was a HUGE sorta like "Well he's funny especially when I fluster him so this can be just a fun lil thing" but because they chatted more they def kinda like. Clicked more. William was a huge fan of listening to her music (from. a distance. he looked kinda like a creep but at least janet only misinterpreted it once) but like *specifically* janet he didnt give a fucking shit abt the rest of the band. Uhh. They had their first run-in and janet kinda. Well. Punched him in the nose before he cleared up that he is NOT a pervert or anything weird like that (bc a guy that looks older than he is staring from a distance when there is a clear crowd he could join kinda gave janet the Wrong idea), then they later bumped into each other in the hall and chatted for a bit, then they kinda just kept "accidentally" running into one another. Uhhh. Some cigaerette-themed flirting and a house party later, yay dating :] can you tell where the current cut-off of the fic is /j Also idk how to put this down properly but they are both runaways and can kinda. Get that vibe from one another. Literally Michael is like some fucked up abomination of the both of them between the troubled past + weird situationship thing + runaway stuff + a lot of minor details that arent important rn. I just. Yeah Janet means the world to me go thru her tag on my blog for some art. Not all of my janet art is posted but the non-posted stuff is all concept work/doodles or just. Shit im too embarrassed to post lmao. Anyways NOW im done ty for reading
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altschmerzes · 1 year
jamie tartt (doo doo doo doo doo doo)
character ask meme time!!!
one aspect about them i love
this is a very specific thing but watching the trajectory of not just his character development but his willingness to be.... happy? in front of people, specifically, across time? bc one thing i've noticed watching season 3 as it airs and then going back and watching the show from season 1 on through with a friend of mine who's watching it for the first time w/ me is that he barely smiled in season 1. not like.... for real. he smirked and sneered a lot but he didn't Smile, not in a real way, and now that we've seen what he actually looks like when he's smiling it's just. it's really jarring to go back and realize oh he just. never smiled, when we met him, huh. the kinda thing that drives me nuts.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
i feel like this is one area where my lack of exposure to fandom at large is gonna hamstring my ability to coherently answer one of these questions slksjv but i guess i'll just say with No specific judgement or thought towards any particular person or thing i've seen in particular, i wish people generally Understood More about trauma and what they're saying about it wrt jamie, if that makes sense.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
[points at icon] The Man Is Aromantic Gd Bless. i could go on about this forever in all the ways i see it manifest in his storyline and the way i think about him. but that's pretty much a gimme around here, given The Icon and my fic XD
so for another one, i think he would be, depending on the sort of person you are, either extremely fun or extremely obnoxious to watch movies/tv with. i feel like he's the sort of person who Talks To the tv and has very strong feelings about whatever is going on and NEEDS to share them. in order to get him to shut up during movie nights at away matches somebody needs to basically be designated to sit next to him and play with his hair because that is pretty much the only guaranteed way to get him to be quiet bc when people are like Directly Affectionate with him it turns his brain off.
one character i love seeing them interact with
well there's roy, because that dynamic is as i have described before "a rich tapestry of things that make me fully insane" and i will never tire of pondering it but there has been SO MUCH good stuff with him and sam in season 3, particularly in background moments. the trajectory of their dynamic has been very fun to watch and the way that relationship has been communicated lately, largely without dialogue, has been a very engaging game of Watching For That as episodes progress.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
i'm gonna take what could perhaps be an interesting pivot here and say rebecca. i think they are both like..... a very particular kind of Awkward in a lot of situations that i think would be very fun to watch in a situation Together. they'd bump off of each other like roombas. there's a reason i have at least one or two Rebecca And Jamie Are Left In An Interaction Together During Some Kind Of Serious Moment scenes in several of my fics. also i would just.... really like to see something made of how he was one of the bigger pieces of collateral damage in her war against rupert early on, i think there's some very fun space to like. get very interesting with that.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
this is a bit of a cheater answer since it isn't 'one' other character but i think jamie often has trouble sleeping (i could say about a million things abt this) and sometimes when he's having a particularly Bad Time with it i'll make an excuse to go find someone he knows and trusts and take a nap on their couch while they play video games or read or watch a movie or something. everybody has just sort of acclimated to this being a Thing That He Does, with a wide variance of understanding of what exactly he's doing and why.
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katshelluvacritic · 6 months
wait fuck i just sent you something that was kinda strongly worded and right after i saw that you're only 15
while i still think that taking away their entire clown/jester persona aswell as the eel thing kinda separates them too much from their og purpose in the story (ya know, cheap replacements of fizz) i think that at fifteen you have a different perspective and should be allowed a bit more leeway in terms of redesign.
your idea for the clothes wasn't bad tbf, but maybe in the story that would make more sense as a post!competition outfit? in the sense that they got famous after the whole thing blew up and can now afford that kinda stuff?
again, sorry if i was too harsh at first, your drawing style really is cute even if i don't agree with how you reinterpret the characters
I do understand where you’re coming from! The reason why I kinda thought of giving them the bratz look was because I thought the clown thing was outta place for them, given that even their designs didn’t really give clown vibes either, but I do see why the clown part is necessary. (Despite neither fizz or glitz and glam are clowns but rather jesters but I digress.)
I did saw your og ask Abt the redesigns and I do see how like yeah that wouldn’t really make sense with their outfits looking like that during the events of the mammon ep, I might plan to make a design that has them with the clown themes so it could make sense but it might take me a bit because of school.
Thank you for sending me this ask! Even though not everyone will like my ideas, it always means the world to me by giving your input on how I could improve so I do appreciate it a lot.
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avikola · 2 years
(Still selective) Genshin characters and what kind of hs students I think they would be pt. 2
part uno
notey-chan: I’m sorry for the 4 month wait. I’ve put this off for too long. I have no regrets writing this. Fuck genshin impact I wanted Yae die Ayato. Kazuha rerun pls. Unfortunately this may have less spirit since I’m not writing this whilst I’m shifting my brains out.
warnings: cursing / nsfw / drugs / infrequent hcs / spelling errors?/ hs topics / favoritism (esp on Kokomi’s part sorry not sorry) / gay gay gay lesbian homo ppl
Ei/ Yae
-Ei is a language arts teacher and Yae is the hot librarian
-I have a feeling Ei wanted to b a history teacher but Zhongli was ready to fight for that spot (boomer thingz)
-So she settled for language arts
-I also think that she’d teach fencing for some fancy defined art like that as a side gig
-Now, hear me out: Ei runs a book club with Yae
-Ei and Yae are childhood best friends
-Yae supervises the student council and they all confide in her a lot
-Kaeya and Childe have definitely hit on Yae or Ei more than a couple of times
-Ei’s legit 🤏 this close to suspending them
-Yae def knows abt Kazuha’s drug business. But she’s chill about it
-She probably helped him name it (some poetry shit (love that pot 🍃))
-Ei forgets her umbrella a lot and Yae always brings an extra for her
-They give each other chocolates during Valentine’s Day (tell the students “it’s a formality” but we all know that isn’t true)
-Yae prides herself on keeping her library clean and pretty
- all of the staff are scared of her
-Ei unironiclly stops Venti in the hallways while school alr started bc she thinks he’s a student
-Yeah, Ei and Yae both hate Venti
Arataki Numero Uno Itto
-Sets camp in the detention room
-He probs has a designated desk w a name plate for him IN GOLD bc “silver isn’t manly”
-He’s tried to make a “fighting” club but the school wouldn’t allow it so he settled on Judo
-Probably tries to learn a new language if he finds out a foreign exchange student will be transferring
-Puts his feet on his desk
-Notorious virgin. Like even if a student was desperate they’d stay a good 37 feet away from him
-He has a gang, but he doesn’t beat people up
-Worse thing they’ve done was accidentally break a classroom window while trying to decide who can throw the biggest rocks
-Anytime a teacher assigns a project he tries to convince them if he can make it into a video to show the class
-Sara is contemplating a transfer
-IK she has a fan club. Half of the student body is in it. Literally no shame
-She’d slay in karaoke
-Would unintentionally start trends too like??? First week of school everyone dyed their hair pink and blue
-She prefers manga over anime. Reads TBHK and AOT
-Cuts her hair shoulder length frequently but her hair grows back so fast
-Marine science specialist. Also an advocate for all sea animals. Makes PowerPoints and everything
-She has like whales, starfishes, and whatever charms on her school bag
-Has a wide food pallet. Like she is able to properly judge food with an extensive review
-She has taken some self defense classes, but gorou refuses to let her walk alone at night.
-He’ll probably go to war for her (even tho he alr has)
-Kokomi definitely has great comebacks. no one picks fights w her
-really nothing negative to say about her except her hyperfixation on sea animals
-brings the game frfr
-he wants nothing to do w 80% of the students there. but SOMEHOW he attracts them all (kinda like komi’s brother or Saiki)
-he reads nerdy shit like the periodic table for f-fun 🤢
-yeah a chemistry nerd
-the only time he ever involved himself with school activities is when it has to do w science. And he’d always bring up some crazy theory that makes sense
-victim of TikTok challenges
-Kaeya definitely stopped him in the middle of the hallway, put his phone up to his mouth and asked him what song he was listening too
-only kid with actual academic potential. he could graduate early if he wanted to
-always does unauthorized experiments in the school laboratory (with sucrose or someone bc he doesn’t want to get in trouble alone)
-if the school ever held like a fitness/sports event he’d do extremely well in track or fencing. Like he’s innately athletic
-agreed to become class treasurer and head of the chemistry club after constant begging from many of the students
-brings an extra large coffee to school and ACTUALLY finishes it
-his style is a whole vibe tbh
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flutteringfable · 10 months
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new vs old kento design
if i can dig up the original drawing of this guy i’ll rb this with it, but i’m too eepy to go digging through old sketchbooks, so you get a couple-of-months-old heroforge version of him to compare to the new design 😭 his original design was pretty boring, tbh.
i used to just draw him in a white hoodie and jeans and that was it. idk what the deal was, he had no defining features unless he was using his quirk and had his ears and tails showing jcjskdnfjsnd. also not a huge fan of the old hair, when drawn in my style it’s really similar to kiyoshi’s and also it was kinda lame of me to not try anything new for the style (it really shows in the og drawing, you’ll get to see it once i find it lmao).
but anyway, blurb time!!! i think kento has the most interesting story out of all my bnha ocs, and i’m glad i get to fix it up a little and give him a slightly better life and just a better written backstory in general ^^
kento was originally quirkless; he gained his quirk after he was lured into a facility that was testing quirks and how they affect humans, and was given the quirk artificially. he was neglected and used only for testing his limits for almost a year.
his quirk is VERRRY unstable at first. he doesn’t get much actual training with it until he’s brought to UA, so whenever he transforms it hurts him a lot, and his emotions heavily affect his quirk.
he’s rescued by a group of pro heroes when the league breaks in to steal subjects to use as nomus. the police help find his mother again, and he gets to return home.
for weeks, kento thinks about the lab and the people still trapped there. he wants to help them, he doesn’t want anyone else to go through what he did. he’s never considered being a hero, but the thought of being able to help people still stuck in the experiments makes the career incredibly appealing. he takes another couple of months or so to study up and ease his mind before he talks to his mom about it.
of course, she’s skeptical. it’s understandable; kento had disappeared for so long, and she didn’t want to lose him again. but kento explains his motivations, and they eventually come to an agreement. the UA entrance exam is coming up, and kento needs to practice using his quirk so he has some chance of passing the practical portion (now that i’m writing this, this part is really similar to izuku’s story ncjskfjksf)
i kinda wanna skip to stuff abt him and his bfs, so i’m gonna keep this short. obvs he just barely makes it in, and ends up in class 1-A.
aside from izuku, kirishima is one of the first friends he makes. they like to talk about training together, and later on in the year, they train together in their free time. kento usually brings snacks to share afterwards, and it isn’t long before kiri’s moms and kento’s mom are well acquainted from them constantly visiting each other for training and just to hang out.
kento and bakugou’s start, however, is pretty rocky, mostly because of bakugou’s attitude during the first semester. the only reason they hang out at first is because of kirishima. as time goes on, however, they slowly realize they have a lot in common, and come to an understanding. the thing that really brings them close, however, is bakugou’s headphones breaking. kento offers to share, and baku reluctantly agrees, and realizes he and kento have pretty similar music taste! obvs he’s not gonna soften up massively about this, but he finds that he likes kento a lot more than he initially thought.
for a year, all three of them are basically attached at the hip. one is barely ever seen without the others, and they spend a lot of time outside of class together.
kirishima confesses first, during the training camp arc after they rescue bakugou. kento managed to slip through the portal and follow the league while staying invisible with his quirk, so both he and bakugou disappeared for quite some time. kiri was so worried about losing them again, he confessed as soon as they were all safe. cue kento’s and bakugou’s, followed by a group hug and a few awkward but earnest first kisses.
nowadays, they’re closer than ever, and have gotten in trouble a lot more often for falling asleep in each other’s dorms (and occasionally the common room) after long study sessions.
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spinobsessed · 2 months
TTG Rant
tbh I don’t have many major issues with Teen Titans Go, like yeah it’d be cool if there were actual stories told rather than stuff that’s canon one episode then thrown away the next; kinda like what Adventure Time did at the beginning. But the only thing I really don’t like is how they don’t rlly seem to be friends in the show. They’re teammates who play and sing and dance and party and fight together, but they just don’t really seem like friends
There no banter it’s genuine insults and there’s hardly any serious moments where we can be like “yeah they like each other” (Ik it’s not a serious show but you can have a shitposting type show while having actual character moments) other than Cyborg and Beast Boy playing video games. This isn’t hate on the writers but imo it’d be more watchable if the characters had chemistry. I’ve tried to watch the series and I can’t get past the episodes I remember airing from when I was like 4-7 bc so much of the humor involves hurting someone in a way that feels genuine or just childish jokes (more the former)
There’s gonna be ppl who hate it bc it’s not the og show, but I just dislike it bc there’s nothing serious abt the show. The only things rlly set in stone are their designs, the setting, and their powers but everything else is free to change when the plot calls for it as if they’re puppets that kids are using. I’ve had more in depth roleplays in “Wolves Life” on Roblox when I was 8; glowing dragon wings, boombox, truth or dare, and all
p.s. this was inspired by a ttg fan comic I’m reading on deviantart where Beast Boy was doing bad during training and when Cyborg and Robin were talking abt it, Cyborg suggested he asks what’s wrong and Robin said BB told him he was fine but if he doesn’t get himself together he’ll have to find a replacement. That got me thinking on the difference between Teen Titans Robin and Beast Boy and Teen Titans Go’s version. In both shows BB being on the team was a conflict, but in TT Robin was still trying to help BB remember what happened so he wouldn’t have to for the safety of the team; while TTG Robin was similar to the comic. In one example you can tell Robin actually likes Beast Boy and wants him to stay while in the other he sees him as replaceable, you don’t see your FRIEND as replaceable
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