#i originally considered making them both alicorns
featherglum · 1 year
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Klapaucius and Trurl ponysonas. If you even care.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Is it possible for you to make a harem/poly main 6 that got infected with the Virus and they are all yandere for the Darling now? As in a general concept of how it happened and how it's going basically if you can, thank you!
This deals with a lot of characters so it will be a general overview. Sorry it isn't long... I struggle with multiple characters.
Main Story Concepts: Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity
Side Story Concepts: Cadance, Queen Chrysalis
Yandere Virus! Mane Six Concept - Patient Zero
(Short Aftermath Idea)
Pairing: Romantic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Yandere virus, Feral/Animalistic behavior, Overprotective behavior, Mind break, Dark themes, Forced relationship(s) implied.
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This concept is essentially a recap/aftermath concept.
By this time the Mane Six are infected, Rarity eventually succumbing just like the rest of them.
So now you have six overprotective/possessive ponies surrounding you wherever you go.
I imagine they originally fight with one another, assuming one is going to hurt you.
We've seen something similar in the Rainbow and Pinkie concepts.
Although... eventually they realize they all like you just as much.
They vaguely know it's due to the virus but they can barely focus on anything else right now.
The virus drives them all closer to you... so to soothe all their desperation, they agree to share.
We see this in the Cadance concept which was meant as a loose continuation.
They're like a pack, six infected ponies all animalistic in nature.
They aren't like themselves anymore.
They've neglected themselves... They're nearly feral...
By the conclusion of this curse, Ponyville is a messy wasteland.
Twilight is barely even able to comprehend what she's done... She wanted you all to herself...
This isn't your fault...
This is hers.
However... Even with her personal feelings and the virus flooding her system... She doesn't mind sharing.
If Twilight were to share her beloved with anypony, it would be the Mane Six.
They... sorta have their same hobbies.
Twilight speaks to you of spells she's reading, you silently hope she's looking for a cure but you doubt it.
Fluttershy takes you on walks through the woods, although the animals keep running from the both of you....
Applejack and Pinkie Pie both try to make you food to care for you.
Rainbow Dash acts as a bodyguard, racing around to make sure no pony gets any ideas.
All while Rarity makes you little outfits like usual.
They all love you, they all play their part...
But you don't see them as your friends anymore.
By the end of this journey you're exhausted, you've given up.
You've accepted the fact you're a Harbinger of obsession and disease.
You want to resent Twilight... But you can't hate all of them.
Twilight may have caused it... Yet you made it worse.
Perhaps this is what you deserve.
To be surrounded by destruction and the obsessive desires of your friends.
You don’t consider them friends... Or anything more.
You want this all to end but wherever you go... The curse follows.
You feel tethered to Ponyville.
After all... If you don't stay here, you'll only cause more trouble.
You tolerate it... Even though you hate it...
You want other ponies safe... So you listen and stay away from other ponies.
You stay with the Mane Six...
They'll take care of you... They care.
You're given love, affection, all of it... even if it's artificially sweet.
You accept your fate... which is why fear pools in your stomach when you see a certain pink alicorn enter Ponyville.
You try your best not to be found...
For the sake of not only you... But the rest of Equestria... You do not need to be saved.
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bobbybutterfly · 5 months
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I’m back ya’ll with more art! I had all the characters designed for a while but didn’t get around to posting them. Now I’m going through sort of an art block. I’ve got lots of ideas for stuff but everything I draw is crap. So I thought I should catch up on my other stuff. Like talking about this squirrel design for Apple Jack. Now isn’t she cute!
I really like the colours on the powered up ponies. Though I did give her a different shade of pink I thought suited her better. I also gave her a bolo because southern. These uniforms aren’t supposed to be realistic. More like something they would wear in promo images. Lastly look at the little band I put in her tail. I should do something like that with other squirrels.
I made her a squirrel because they’re farmers and Apple Jack’s personality is farm. Nah. I don’t approve Apple Jack hate. I didn’t think of her all that much, when I watched MLP as a kid. Now as an adult (it feels so weird writing that) I find her relationship with her family quite interesting. She always puts herself last. Probably because she was parentified, by having to take care of Apple Bloom and the farm. One of these days I got to write an Apple Jack / Rainbow Dash fanfic. I think she contrasts well with Rainbow Dash’s selfishness.
In the Squirrel and Hedgehog universe she would be raised very patriotic. She would often be the voice of reason. Though she would butt heads with Pinkie Pie over leaving her family and Fluttershy for not wanting to serve her country.
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I don’t know why my ramble about the first character is always so long. Anyways. One of my best designs, Rarity! Originally I wanted to make her a mouse and reserve the weasels for the alicorns. But come on. Rarity deserved all the glam only reserved for high ranking military officers.
She was born into a royal family. Given a high ranking position in military since birth. Rainbow Dash had to earn her high rank through blood sweat and tears. With both of them having quite strong personalities they would of course hate each other. Rarity likes being in the military and bossing animals around. Though she can be a bit too much sometimes, she has a soft spot for mice. She doesn’t see them as her equals, but treats them better than many weasels.
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Lastly Twilling Sparkle! My best design. It’s the bangs and eyes. I specially didn’t put any highlights in them. The idea for her came from my IRL friend. She told me Twilight Sparkle should be a lab rat. Technically she’s a lab mouse but the joke still works! Once I get over this drawing problem I might do the honorary seventh members. Sunset Shimmer (probably a fox) and Starlight Glimmer (definitely a hedgehog).
Until now I haven’t thought of how Twilight became a scientist. She probably started as a regular soldier. Then one day they needed a lab assistant. She would prove to be quite good so the scientist decided to teach her the ways.
Now I guess I should mention my idea for this MLP Squirrel and Hedgehog fanfic. Basically the mane six would crash on a deserted island. They would have to throw away all their prejudices to survive. Proving friendship is magic. I should do some research how war prisoners are transported. And some research on military ranks too. I’m not sure who is captured. I thought it would be the weasel side considering there’s a scientist amongst them. But on the other paw how would a group of ordinary soldiers manage to catch such high ranking animals?
If you got any ideas for this story, please write to me.
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caw-rky · 10 months
Dungeons and ponies
(Disclaimer : There is a lot of reading here but there is also drawings, the drawings are lower in the post so don't hesitate to jump straight to it to avoid the blabbering) Since uni is kicking my behind (well, that and a good old bad cold), I put a hiatus on Shuffled (and have been for a while already). But that's not the subject of this post ! So, Dungeons and Dragons ! The most known system of roleplay than most fan of the genre have played at least once, right ? Not me. I have only played homemade systems since before I could read. But I am a big fan of DnD redesigns and love memes so, what did I do after watching some redesigns on youtube? Well, of course, I drew the pillars ! And since I can't do anything simply, I linked them all to two classes and made a few indications for stats and an idea for a small system to represent the elements. So a few explainations then drawings ! Each pillars are linked to 2 classes (I also have ideas for the mane 6 (7?) but I haven't drawn them yet, dunno if I will) depending of their stories (in the serie and in the comics) and what I felt like doing. Each pillars are linked to a "virtue", virtues are pretty much the equivalent of the elements but there is seven of them and are made to be "usable" for both generation. The concept of virtue is : each virtue corresponds to an ability (for example : faith would rise the critical sucess rate for difficult actions). A virtue being in a party will act on all members of it, having multiple time a virtue will reinforce its effect (two faith would lower the failure rate necessary for an action to be thought as difficult for example) and different virtues would stack on the party (if you have a faith and a diligence, both effects will act on the whole party). If you have six or more of the different virtue, once by session you could use the friendship rainbow lazer. For the stats, since I'm too lazy to try and figure out what level everypony would have, searching how exp works and all, instead there are 5 level existing : low-, low, medium, high, high+. low- is you are pretty much unable to do anything using this stat. Low is lower than the average adult pony. Medium is average. High is higher than average. High+ is "hello I'm pretty much a genius in this field". The pillars have a mean to medium where the mane 6 (and Stygian) would have a mean at low. Now drawings !
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Starswirl is a wizard (pretty obvious why) and a bloodhunter ! To make a very gross summary a bloodhunter is someone who used pretty... unsavory rituals to achieve very powerful blood-related magic (generally in the goal of beating up bad guys). In this, I consider than Starswirl became one to reach stronger magics to fight against the monsters who roam during their times (that far before even meeting the alicorn sisters). I also imagine him now half regretting his choice but also being of the mind of "better me than someone else". His virtue is curiosity. (Also a thing I thought while thinking about it (I will try to keep it short) : isn't it funny than he thought than Stygian was trying to steal the power of the pillars but his last spell, when corrected, allows the caster to reach alicornhood by using the power of 5 other individuals? Imagine the twist it would have been if Starswirl had originally made the spell to become an alicorn (and so immortal) and planned to put the rest of the pillars in limbo until finding a way to make them immortal too to "protect equestria forever". Like, Stygian would have been silent and shocked cause he was in fact sent by Starswirl to make preparatory diagnostics check-up but was thrown under the bus when some of the pillars realized their missing stuff. (Funnily enough, seeing how high in society Starswirl was, even if he planned to keep Stygian, it would have been easy for him to get guards to capture him back so it would barely be annoying for him to have to let Stygian run off). Like during part of the finale, everyone thinks the problem is Stygian taking the artifacts for one thing or another and then you learn than Stygian thought he was allowed since Starswirl asked him to do it and accepted the shadows due to feeling betrayed (possibly even accepting them to escape Starswirl). And I'm beginning to spiral in possibilities soooo next character ! (also, link of the wizard reference : https://www.lolailo.co.uk/ravenloft-chapter-fourty-four-the-journey-back-to-an-illusion/ )
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Rockhoof is a paladin (of the Mighty Helm) and a barbarian ! And his dexterity is low due to a certain episode and charisma has ended up low cause it was the only thing I could lower when I realized his mean was high. His virtue is diligence ! And ref of the viking palading : https://www.deviantart.com/rathnos/art/Ziggeroy-The-Viking-Paladin-or-Vikadin-563177921 .
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Mistmane is a sorcerer (cause her magic is too important for her to not have a magic related class and I thought than wizard was better for Starswirl) and a druid (before thinking for this, I hadn't fully realized how much she is linked to plants). Her virtue is charity ! And old ponies are hard to draw x'DD
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Somnambula is a bard and a monk ! And I tried two color palets cause I wondered how she would look with Ankha's color palet. Her virtue is Faith !
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Meadowbrook is an artificer (mainly for the potion making) and ranger (partially cause Mistmane already had the bard part and also because, Meadowbrook doesn't really have the link with animals and plants I generally imagine druids having? If that makes sense?). Her virtue is Mercy !
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Flash Magnus is a fighter (I originally thought to make him a paladin before thinking than Paladin of The Mighty Helm sounded too good to pass) and a rogue (originally cause I thought it funny since his "elemental descendant" is the element of loyalty) ! His virtue is Bravery (yes, I know, imagination 10/10)
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Stygian is a Cleric (just thought it would be cool for him to have become it to help the pillars) and a Warlock (pretty obvious that one). Yes I imagine him having two patrons pretty much opposite. Just cause I think it would make for very funny interactions with Stygian and both patrons. His virtue is caution. I tried to make the post veeeeeeery quick and short so plz don't hesitate to send ask if interested in this xDD May do the mane 6 and/or young 6 one day. Or not. Idk yet? Will take a while either way so have a nice daaaay !
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doeblossom · 2 years
May we see your pony form, Darling? Is it Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, or other?
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click to see their full details! if you can't tell, i've always been unicorn biased. more info about them is below the cut!! but i've really had so many ponysonas, it's bonkers.
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pony prime is called "the original" since she was the first oc i ever made. i couldn't decide between being a unicorn or a pegasus, so i just picked both! i knew that having an alicorn oc was considered "cringey," but i justified it due to being native hawaiian and being related to the former bloodline (but honestly it's not as big of a deal as i thought it was then). i also liked the color turquoise at the time, and couldn't come up with a hair or eye color, so i just picked my own.
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pony number 2 was a modified version of the original. chopped off her wings, changed her hair color and made it more show-style big-poofy-curl, and added accessories. i was leaning more into liking purple along with turquoise, and started going through a FNAF phase, which brought about the bowtie. it phased out in later drawings of sketche, but i figured it deserved a spot here. another important note: i drew all of my ponies with the same body type, and was still having a hard time drawing/accepting my own, so all of the ponies up until the most recent are thin.
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here's a more literal case of FNAF phase. wisp isha was literally a ponified version of my FNAF insert, wisp the wolf. she was also the first ponysona to have a cutie mark, with a red cross symbol and wrench (she performed repairs on the other bots). originally her second name was "urufu," which was the word that google gave me for "wolf" in japanese. it's just "wolf" written out in japanese kanji. i don''t remember where i got isha from, though.
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inky emerald didn't even really have a name! i was experimenting with my ponysona, and tried a ponysona making challenge, which spit this girl out. things like species and hair length were determined by your date of birth, of course. she's called "inky emerald" because she has ink covering her legs and hooves, which you can't really see due to the frame. around this time, i had a few other place holder ponysonas, but they all culminated into inky.
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snow blossom was one of my favorites when i made her, but as her name implies, she is as pale as the snow itself. and as much as i'll joke about being "reflective" online, i'm actually not this pale haha. anyways, this is where i started leavning more towards a flowery theme and using green in my designs. i think i drew her a couple of times, but after that, she faded into the background and i stepped back from drawing ponies for a long while.
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lilac was my return to ponies after about a year and a half of not touching them. it feels like the break was longer, but it wasn't. couldn't get rid of ponies in my brain if i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. lilac willow was a direct redesign of sketche wolf. she was the second pony to have a cutie mark, which was a half-drawn flower. i aws experimenting a lot with how i wanted to draw ponies, so her design was one of the furthest from the MLP style. she looked nothing like me, though; the curls were much more relaxed, she was extremely thin, no glasses... but her design was fun. i may try incorporating her into the main blog at some point, but just in the background.
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hmmmmm, i think i recognize this one.... nope. jk. this design was made when i decided to make a blog about lumerde. i wanted to incorporate my NOW favorite colors, green, pink, and yellow, and almost accidentally made fluttershy... but i think the result was fine. she's also chubby, like i am irl! i know i talk about my weight a lot but i'm trying to be more comfortable and confident about it.
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and then, our current narrator herself! well, myself, i suppose. i really like this redesign and the new hair texture, and i hope this design communicates everything about how i look properly. i originally tried avoiding putting too many fur marks on my characters since the show rarely did that, but heck, it's barely even attached to the show anymore.
this feels like a lineage. but in a fun way!
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taptrial2 · 3 years
Is there anything about discord's design you would change or do you think he's fine as is?
OH. my god, ive been thinking about this exact thing for WEEKS
the thing about my little pony's character designs for me is that most of them are already perfect for their purpose. the mane 6 are instantly recognizable, similarly shaped so they can use the same molds for six different characters' toys, and are very, very cute. their manes, subspecies (unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, alicorn) and body language make it so their silhouettes are distinct and recognizable even without body variation. so when i try to take a stab at redesigning them, i find that i in some way or another accidentally make the design a lot WORSE, if not because they're less unique but because they'd be hard to animate.
that's a similar gripe i have with a lot of redesigns - they disregard the function that the original designs have. not only to be animated, but to make and sell toys of, to be instantly recognizable, easy(ish) to draw for children, and look good as a unified whole. when redesigned with illustration in mind, the designs become disconnected from the show in a way i personally dislike, but to each their own! i've run into the illustrator vs. animator problem a lot when approaching mlp designs specifically.
i know you asked about discord, I'M GETTING TO IT, but first, here's an example of a fluttershy redesign that i drew up a few days ago:
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in my honest opinion, the silhouette would be messy and unclear even in illustrations/paintings, and it's both too complex and unsatisfyingly simplified. plus, i admittedly don't have many original ideas for any of the mane 6; everything that's a good idea AND somewhat faithful to their original designs has already been drawn and streamlined by other illustrators/artists way before i ever got to them!
so, we come to discord. my man. my main man who i love so much. my main gripe with his design is actually his colors - he's very very washed out for a character who is supposed to be a silly, colorful guy! part of why i think he's colored that way is because the writers never initially planned for him to come back or be redeemed, so he was designed exclusively as a representation of chaos and be a shorthand for a character who is "evil". also, despite looking deceptively simple, he is INCREDIBLY complex for what the show's usual visuals try to accomplish! which is great for a two-parter where he gets defeated, but not great for trying to animate him as a recurring character, which is only compounded by his celebrity voice actor probably being both expensive and busy. so basically my main gripe is that he was designed as a one-off villain but came back for the rest of the show, but it was too late to change his design
NOT TO MENTION that with the hindsight we have now and the backfill of his past from both the comics and show, his initial episode could have set up his loneliness a lot better, but you know, hindsight 20/20
i actually HAVE taken a stab at redesigning discord to be more appealing to me:
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but a lot of the complexity problems are just compounded by the ideas i have. for instance, i like the idea of his mane flowing around in the air like eris in sinbad - almost like he's underwater! compared to celestia and luna's controlled and consistent manes moving slowly, predictably, and peacefully, his would just swish around as he moved and also whenever it felt like it. that'd be a pain in the ass to animate in any circumstance, but especially when you're working within the limitations of flash. i just think that it'd be a clear indicator of how powerful he is compared to the princesses - a moving mane signifies very, very powerful magic, and his moves even more than either of the princesses' manes do!
i just think that a lot of his design elements are really cool when you consider the lore. powerful alicorns have bigger horns - the more magic, the more horn there is, generally - it's mostly visible with the alicorn princesses. so discord having not one but TWO very large horns adds to the impression that he's very powerful within the show's lore - he has TWO HORNS!!! plus the mismatch adds to the chaos.
with his horns specifically, i wanted to lean more into the blue horn being specifically a goat horn by curling it up and turning it into more of a ram shaped horn. there's a lot of specialty goats out there with fancy horn shapes like this so i think it'd suit him. i did something similar with the deer horn, making it bigger, more twisted, and generally just adding a lot more branches to it and therefore unnecessary detail. but i think it looks pretty cool
i also wanted to take a stab at his legs, since it's pretty unclear that his goat leg IS a goat leg. and hes a DRACONequus, and his tail is generally considered a snake tail, so i wanted to change the lizard leg to a dragon leg. problem with that is, dragon legs are inconsistent! spike and the... the young six dragon girl i forgot her name, they have human-style legs, but many teenage and adult dragons have backwards knee legs like ponies. (sorry i don't know the technical names 😥) so it's generally pretty unclear what his lizard/dragon leg would be in any case. but i think adding a dew claw to his goat leg and making the cloven hoof a lot more defined would help with REALLY making it look like a goat leg
here's an admittedly pretty fuckin crappy drawing of the full design i had in mind ft. my lanky little fluttershy rework that im still working on. obviously this is all still a huge wip, the designs arent really set in stone yet
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a few other changes i made to his eyes include giving him cuttlefish pupils (to really stress the weirdness of his general self), changed his eye shape (actually inspired by one of your ocs!!!!!!!!), and gave him little eyelashes because i personally think it makes him look more appealing and androgynous. i personally think he is not in possession of any binary so i let myself give him a little androgynous swag as a treat
speaking of appeal, i gave him a little kitty/bunny triangle nose because i think it'd be cute and it adds to his appeal, especially after he's redeemed. another thing i added to improve appeal to me personally was giving him another pokey-outey fang, but honestly i think it diminishes the effect of the fang altogether by removing the asymmetry and purposefully out of place look it had. i think the original design's choice is better, but i just wanted to try something different!
oh, also bat ears because they're cute and fun. i like discord's normal ears a LOT, they're super cute and floppy, but big ears would make the expressiveness of them shine a lot better imho!
in the end, i still definitely prefer the original discord's design, just because he perfectly expresses what he's meant to express. his colors may be a little unbalanced and jank, but that just adds to his concept as the lord of chaos and disharmony, so i honestly can't complain too much about it. my man is already peak character design but i DO think he's much more fun to draw when i draw him in my own fun, gay little way
bonus off-model pic of my redesign, he has original discord's horns for some reason but i still think the drawing is cute so here
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most of my drawings of him are traditional so i don't have pics on hand! my design process is usually started on paper and then when i get more confident i move to digital :3
heres more redesign passes of the main girls. as a treat
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(pinkie, twilight, more fluttershy but with less twigs and with wings. debating on whether she'll be an earth pony or pegasus but i'm leaning toward earth pony!)
oh another thing i'm toying with in terms of redesigns/reworking lore, i like the idea of mlp unicorns looking distinctly like classical unicorns - fluffy ankles, the rope tails, and the classic beard. i was thinking about the beard perhaps being longer and more luxurious the more magical u are because i think itd be CUTE and a little funny, but then i'd have to give discord a mile long goatee/beard to signify his magical prowess just for consistency and i like his beard the way it is :(
OH, p.s. i'm aware that i called out other redesigns for being hard to animate and then proceeded to make an unnecessarily complex redesign of discord. i'm working on it :(
weird way to end the post but. yeah! i got a bit carried away, hope this uh, answers your question
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goatpaste · 4 years
What do the first element holders look like in your au?
aH took me a hot minute to get around to this but i did it >:3
the first element wielders of equestria (technically before the founding of equestria) they were known as the elements of harmony, they first elements of harmony. but also some refer to the as ‘The First gifts’
i changed a little bit of some of their lore story
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Princess Bluebelle, one of The First’s alicorn creations. Bluebelle is a kind being who had great patience and cared for all who patroned her house. She learned not just Unicorn magic but excelled in learning the biology of pegasus and earth pony magic and how to harness and further their growth as a society from helping the weather and nature and plant growth. 
Bluebelle was close with The First, often receiving visits from her. 
She also was the closest thing to a friend Equnity had (as Equnity didn’t like to make friends). 
Bluebelle was gifted Philomena by The First, the phoenix stayed by her side until the end and now lives on as Celestia’s companion. the bird that has lived since the beginning of time.
After The First no longer was around Bluebelle led the elements and took on being pseudo leader of the alicorns, often training and helping them figure out what to do with their powers and how to help out disputes within their house’s.
Bluebelle became teachers for many ponies over the centuries. She personally trained Starswirl the bearded and Gusty the great. 
She also helped guide and train Celestia and Luna alongside Starswirl. Starswirl was their main teacher but Bluebelle would step in to help from another alicorns perspective. The sisters adored Bluebelle. 
Her Elemental artifact is her wand, the first gift that was given to her by patreons that wasn’t money or food.
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Butterscotch, the element of kindness. 
A pegasus who grew up in the clouds of a typical pegasus tribe who acted much to that of a military. Everyone was ready to fight and looked down on the land dwellers. Buttercotch was sweet to the bone and hated fighting and openly despised the way they let their society had become.  
Butterscotch was banished from the clouds, the other Pegasus claiming her to be too weak and that her soft spot for the land ponies would be her downfall.
Joining the other ponies on the ground she met Minty, a pegasus born on the ground. The two traveled together from then on.
Butterscotch and her companion would appear in neutral towns and spreed their word of friendship and ideals that the three races could and should work together for the better of the future. Butterscotch would make treats for the foals, play music and be the general life of the party.
Later on Butterscotch would return to the pegasus tribes, or meet with pegasus leaders on neutral ground and try many time to push for pegasus to integrate with ground pony society and vice versa. that staying in the clouds only held them back.
to simply put it, this was always met with a solid ‘not going to happen’. this put Butterscotch and Commander Hurricane at odds with one another a lot, causing many fights between the two. 
however private Pansy who worked under Hurricane couldn’t agree more with what Butterscotch said, her words growing Pansy’s animosity toward Hurricane. Pansy gave Butterscoth her scarf as a token of appreciation, for all the inspiration she brought her. That scarf became Butterscotch’s famous elemental artifact. 
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Minty, one of very few pegasus born on the ground. Nearly all pegasus at this point in time had solely stuck to the sky, only coming down to diplomatic meetings, scouting territory, and fighting.
One of Minty’s parents was a pegasus who left the tribe of pegasus, unhappy with how their society had become. fell in love with an earth pony and the two had their only daughter Minty.
At a young age she met Clover the Clever, at the time was just Clover the unicorn that Minty met. Clover, a unicorn daughter of an important unicorn diplomat, traveling with her parent for important meetings in a town far away. Minty had simply wandered too far off collecting clovers and looking for a four leafed one. 
the two met and became friends for the short time they would know each other, gifting Minty her artifact of a pressed clover. It isnt long until their parents find them and get into a fight. the event left them both children traumatized as they had to face the reality of the world they lived in and the danger minty face when she stepped outside of her village.
minty grew into a scholarly teen, she still goofed off but she adored reading and writing and learning. she formed a knack for making speeches. She often would sneak off to taverns and inn that were marked as neutral zones to give long speeches or read her poetry, often time ruffling others feathers with the things she said. this came with the stress of her parents worried that bold words might have a pony turn to violence and harm her. 
none the less she braves on, leaving home when she is old enough, setting up wherever she can on her soap box and talking her heart out until she is run out. Later meeting Butterscotch and working together, then meeting The First who is touched by their want to connect and bring ponies together. 
Minty is named the element of laughter, and was able to reunite with Clover the Clever who now trained under starswirl the bearded.
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Blossom, a mute earth pony who came from a large family who owned many acres of land full of lush greenery. fields of plants, trees of fruit and ect. Blossom lost one of her parents when she was a small baby and the other when she was older. 
She tends to all the lands by herself everyday. only making it because of her generosity. she allowed any pony to come to her land, they could eat what they needed, stay and rest as long as they wanted, all for free so long as they didn’t  start fights. this led to many ponies showing up and staying in the safety of her lands and to help pay her back many ponies would saddle up and tend to the fields along side her. 
Blossom felt she was never without family as she almost always had ponies by her side, eating dinner with her and helping her out. She was happy and everyone adored her, often referring to her as ‘aunt blossom’ or even nicknames calling her mom.
Not to mention that she didn’t put up with anyone shit, if anyone started fights on her land she sure as hell was the one to finish them and they would know not to come back on her land. and ponies lovED it, they loved knowing this older mare was able to totally kick ass.
Blossom met Cotton Candy when the filly was a young child, loving and chipper as any child could possibly be. Blossom adored her and acted as like a big sister/aunt/mother to cotton candy.
Blossom became the element of Generosity, the locket her parents left her as her artifact.
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Cotton Candy, itty bitty pony. sweet and cute as can be. 
not much is known of her unlike the other. she is the youngest element wielder in the history of the elements. She was orphaned under unknown reasons (some speculate she may have been born an earth pony while having non earth pony parents, something very rare but possible) 
She met The First very young, like a 7 year old wandering around on a trail down the country road. The First took the young pony with her, knowing just what to do with her. Bringing her to Blossom’s orchard, a safe haven for ponies with land to run through, food to eat and a roof over her head.
Blossom and Cotton Candy took to each other immediately, like to to their sides Cotton Candy stayed with Blossom for years and despite her side beginning expresses being grateful that it brought her to Blossom. 
Cotton Candy has some eating problems and the only time you will find her not within a 10 foot radius of Blossom is if she found some nice flowers to snack on.
Cotton Candy became the element of Loyalty and was the first pony to officially write down information about the elements of harmony, even watched the first transfer of its power from them the original wielders to a new generation.  all of this done at the end of her life. 
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Snuzzle, a GIANt beautiful pony. 
Sweet, kind, and polite. everyone she grew up around loved her. she had a very typical up bringing as an earth pony, helping out how she could as she was born blind. she worked to develop the first form of braille in equestria as a way for her to make and have notes for her within her own community. 
She didn’t consider herself someone who disliked the pegasus and unicorns but didn’t quite seem to grow up with an opinion on their separation of the fighting that happened. she was the type to say ‘its just how the world is’. Not changing or understanding the impact of the things happening in the land around her, until The First arrived. She traveled with two pegasus, Minty and Butterscotch who showed great kindness to the earth ponies who only acted boorish and impolite to the pegasi. listening to what they had to say and seeing how her own family and friend treated them was a wake up call.
Snuzzle chose to leave her village behind and travel with The First, she wanted to learn all she could by the wise Alicorns side. 
She spent years at her side learning so many, traveling far and wide and meeting so many ponies. she became a better person and loved the friends she made through her long years. 
Snuzzel was there when Equnity corrupted and became darkness, she was one of the few who noticed something was wrong with the foal. Poking around and finding out that Equnity was unhappy and messing in dark messy magic. Snuzzel was at the site when Equnity changed, and she was there when The First made the decision to make herself the elements, trusting that she could bring the ponies together and make a better world. 
Snuzzle misses The First and struggled to find her place in the world once again. 
she made her home the now abandoned house of seasons. she built her home and family here which would later be the mark of where ponyville layed. 
snuzzel would be visited by her friends and fellow element wielders and even by the young sisters of celestia and luna who would later make their first castle here. 
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ask-the-barkerverse · 4 years
MLP Headcanon Dump
Just realized that I never bothered to post this on here. Heads up, this is a VERY long post.
Svengallop's parents are Charity Kindheart and Bracer Britches. The two had a brief affair, but never officially dated and Sven was an accident. Charity loved her son, but passed away due to illness when he was a teenager, so Sven was sent to live with his father who never wanted him. This has a lot to do with Svengallop's attitude as an adult.
All pure blooded draconequui are able to become pregnant or impregnate a partner, regardless of gender.
Wind Rider is a womanizer and serial adulterer with several illegitimate children, including Helia, Lighting Dust and Cloudy Daze among others.
There are some ponies who eat meat, such as fish, pork and chicken (eating beef and venison would be considered immoral since bovines and deer in Equestria are sentient). It's not particularly common and is actually considered gross by the majority, not unlike humans who eat insects. Equestria also has plenty of vegan alternatives that exist in our world, such as tofu and artificial meat.
The comic arc "Siege of the Crystal Empire" was actually just a fanfic written by Mina the dragon.
Tree Hugger is a member of the Hooffield Family. She ran away from home as a teen because she was sick of the constant fighting with the McColts. After running away she ended up joining a hippie commune, which is how she became the mare she is today.
Ocellus is the daughter of Queen Chrysalis. She will be queen of Thorax's hive after he is gone.
It is a tradition in Equestria for nurses to add 'heart' to the end of their names once they graduate nursing school. For example, Nurse Redheart's birth name is Redlove and Nurse Sweetheart is Sweetcream. This is in honor of Nurse Cureheart, the nurse credited for curing Celestia's broken heart after Luna's banishment.
The baby brother Hoops mentions in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" is actually Spiral Notepad, who is now a trans filly.
Yaks speak Equestrian (aka English) so badly only because they have their own language and Equestrian is foreign to them.
The Kirin are thought to be the result of Asian unicorns interbreeding with dragons, but this has never been proven.
Derpy Hooves and Dinky Doo are mother and daughter, with Dinky having been born to Derpy when she was still in her teens. (I know it's an old headcanon, but I'll always have a soft spot for it.)
Quibble Pants is a natural blonde.
Derpy Hooves' real name is Ditzy Doo. "Derpy" was a childhood nickname that just kinda stuck.
Derpy has an eye condition called strabismus, hence the crooked eyes.
Crackle is a pseudodragon, a species of lizard that disguise themselves as dragons. Despite having twice as many limbs and gems growing out of them, they are accepted by dragons as one of their own.
Flash Sentry and Spearhead are brothers and are both descended from a pony that escaped the Crystal Empire during King Sombra's reign.
Sunset Shimmer and Sunburst are cousins.
Discord created Poison Joke.
Toe Tapper and Torch Song are the parents of Coco Pommel.
Hoity Toity is part mule, hence the long ears.
Celestia was born with an all-pink mane and tail and would have gained more shades of orange and yellow as she grew, but she instead gained hues of green and blue when she took over Luna's duty of raising the moon after Nightmare Moon's banishment.
Wind Sprint's original father died in a sports-related accident, which is why Clear Sky found comfort and common ground with Quibble Pants who was able to distract her from sports for a while. Unfortunately, as we all know from the episode, this had no effect on Wind Sprint's persistent love for sports.
Celestia was technically the first pony who managed to pull off a sonic rainboom, but it wasn't the same as Rainbow Dash's since she lacked the colors of a proper rainbow. Over time it was forgotten, but Celestia's "rainboom" was the basis of the sonic rainboom being a myth in the first place.
Pinkie Pie and Applejack's respective families are both descended from the children of Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie.
Orchard Blossom is an actual Apple family member that Big Mac was impersonating in "Brotherhooves Social".
Rainbow Blaze (the rainbow-maned stallion from "Games Ponies Play" who was confirmed is not Rainbow Dash's father) is Rainbow Dash's older brother.
The final alternate future seen in "The Cutie Remark-Part 2" where Equestria is nothing but an apocalyptic wasteland is a result of Daybreaker coming to life and burning everything to the ground into pure ash. It got so bad that it ultimately left Daybreaker with no kingdom to rule anymore. (As horrifying as it sounds, the dirt that Twilight and Starlight were standing on in that scene included the ashes of hundreds of dead ponies.)
Pear Butter and Bright Mac were killed by Timberwolves on a day trip. Sadly, Granny Smith considers herself responsible for this as she forgot to warn them about the Timberwolves that day. As a result, this is also why Applejack is so good at fighting them off.
Due to their godlike status, Celestia and Luna are the only immortal alicorns. Ordinary royalty like Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, and Flurry Heart have longer lifespans than normal ponies but can still die of old age.
Screwball is the daughter of Nurse Sweetheart and her eyes only become swirly when she's exposed to Poison Joke. The effect it has on her is that it makes her see weird stuff and she used to be addicted to it, but ended up quitting altogether as the last time she used it (around the time Discord returned) caused her to see some pretty nightmarish imagery.
The episode "Yakety Sax" was just a bad fever dream Pinkie Pie had after eating too much Yak cuisine one day.
All the changelings in Thorax's hive are siblings born from the same queen. Changelings do not interbreed with members of their own hive, though they may form family units with their siblings and adopt grubs to raise, hence the family of changelings Ocellus was seen with in "Hearths Warming Club".
Whoa Nelly's real name is Jelly Nelly Bean. Her large size is the result of a very rare pituitary disorder.
Fluttershy's human world counterpart is a vegan.
Aunt and Uncle Orange are both parental figures to Babs Seed. Whether they're her biological or adoptive parents in still unknown.
The hippocampus (aka the seaponies from the 2017 movie) once existed as a separate race, but are believed to have been driven to extinction because of the Sirens, who destroyed their homes, depleted their food sources, and even directly preyed on them. This was of course before Queen Novo fled into the sea and formed the seaponies we know from the 2017 movie.
Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood had Scootaloo later in life as they didn't really plan to have a foal, hence why they're such thoughtless parents.
Mane Allgood is actually a cousin of Daring Do.
Bulk Biceps is Featherweight's biological father. He was formerly married to an abusive, neglectful, and alcoholic wife, resulting in a divorce and Bulk and Featherweight moving to Ponyville and leaving her for good.
Cheese Sandwich is the younger brother of Marine Sandwich. The real reason he ran away from home and stumbled into Ponyville by chance is because he wanted to get away from his psychotic older sister. (Based off of this.)
Cheese Sandwich and Mudbriar are cousins.
Limestone Pie's talent is mixing drinks.
Burnt Oak is the father of the pony versions of Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy.
Rumble is a trans colt.
Granny Smith's real name is Maria Ann Smith, or "Annie Smith" for short.
Fluttershy is the oldest of the Man Six, while Pinkie Pie is the youngest.
Trixie's full name is actually Bellatrix Lulamoon. She prefers to go by Trixie as it's easier to remember.
Tempest Shadow didn't receive her cutie mark until she was an adult, AFTER the events of the MLP movie where she started using her horn to make fireworks.
The draconequus were once a race of creatures that went to war against ponykind after their prince (aka Discord) was turned to stone. The war resulted in many of them being wiped out and it's currently unknown if any besides Discord still exist today.
Kirin shed and regrow their horns once a year, similar to deer antlers. Shed kirin horns make a powerful ingredient in potions.
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nyapologies · 4 years
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I DID IT I DIPPED MY FEET IN THE MLP NEXT GEN POOL.....idk how this happened i just got suddenly struck with the need to do so a few days ago and I havent been able to stop since.
the pics have captions if u click on them, but i wrote a more in depth explanation for all of them under the cut! and by more in depth i mean i thought about this way too hard and already have storylines written out in my head oops. click the read more if you dare, it is super long under there im not kidding.
1 and 2: Sunset eventually returns home to Equestria, saying goodbye to her human friends (although she visits often) Twilight offers to let her stay with her and the two naturally become very close. Considering how instrumental Twilight was in helping Sunset become a better person, and how much they have in common, what with being magical unicorns (or alicorn in twilights case) and former pupils of celestia, it only makes sense that they eventually become a couple. twilights original idea was to adopt a child in need of a home, kind of like what she did with spike (and that might still happen ;3), but one day twilight and sunset decide to cast some strange super old spell they find in some forbidden book and....Whoops! Baby! Silver Lining is immediately adored by her two mothers tho, and she grows up to be not only a powerful magic user but also a very kind and sweet pony.
3 and 4: Pinkie encouraging her son, Orange Cream Soda, to overcome his fear over his first day at school. Pinkie and Fluttershy briefly dated for a while! Pinkie loved helping Fluttershy get out of her shell. Although they both had fun and enjoyed each others company, neither really took the relationship very seriously. It isn’t until Pinkie turns up pregnant that the two of them have an actual conversation about what they want in the relationship. Together they decide that the relationship isn’t quite working, and they agree to just stay friends and take turns parenting their soon to be son. Orange Cream grows to be a very friendly colt, but also a very shy and secluded one. He has Fluttershy’s timid nature, on top of the feelings of awkwardness he has about having two parents who love him very much, but aren’t together. Eventually, he moves in permanently with the apple family when Fluttershy marries Applejack.
5, 6, and 7: Applejack and Fluttershy! This was the first ship I planned out because I am just so weak for them together. Flutters doesn’t feel the need to step out of her comfort zone too much when shes with AJ, and the two of them together excel at providing a warm and loving home for all creatures. After a long time together, and lots of serious talks making sure they’re on the same page, they decide to have kids! Their first being Pink Lady, whose personality and special talent is the very embodiment of the kindness and hospitality that AJ and Fluttershy’s relationship provides. She’s quickly followed by Sun Crisp AKA Sunny, Dandelion, and Red Angus. Plus Orange Cream, who’s immediately accepted as the new big brother of the family.
8: Pinkie and Luna.....That’s right bitches I’m shipping an alicorn princess with the fucking 4th wall breaking cupcake addict, my brain is huge. Pinkie, although ultimately happier with her separation with Fluttershy, is still a bit dejected with her life for a bit. As shown in the show, Pinkie gets pretty depressed when she feels her friends don’t like her. And although she knows for a fact that she has plenty of friends, all of whom love her, she begins to worry for a bit that she’s not mature enough to raise her son by herself, not to mention not being mature enough for a serious relationship after her one with Flutters fell apart. During one of her famous parties, she notices Luna step out for a bit and decides to follow her. They talk for a bit, and they both realize they have more in common than previously thought. Turns out that being considered obnoxious, hyper, and childish gives the same feeling as being considered terrifying, strange, and out of touch; that of feeling like an outcast. Over time they bond, reassure each other of their inherent worth, and eventually fall in love!
9 and 10: Luna and Pinkie’s kids, Sugar Moon and Laughing Gas! Sugar Moon is a natural born alicorn, and certainly looks the part. but you don’t get to be the daughter of the princess of the night and a sugar addicted party animal and have a regular sleep schedule. she has constant bags under her eyes, chugs coffee mixed with nyquil, and literally never knows what day it is. she is the least composed pony in existence, but she remains chill despite this. who cares if she hasnt slept in over 42 hours. shes got a discount on the nearby donut shop and some snazzy heart sunglasses, she’ll be fine. Laughing Gas is a bit more well adjusted, but god knows they aren’t safe from the insanity of being luna and pinkies child. they’re a dentist, which means they have the unenviable task of dealing with pinkies cavity filled mouth on a constant basis. that and their auntie celestia’s too. celestia already had a sweet tooth, and it only got worse when pinkie moved in and enabled it. Laughing Gas isn’t an alicorn like their sister, but they’re just fine being a regular old unicorn. Despite being the dentist child of the element of laughter and a literal god-like being, they’re happy living a relatively normal life. Or as normal a life you can have when you’re full name is Nitrous Laughing Gas Oxide and your job involves sedating other ponies so you can poke at their teeth. Dentists are fucking weird, man.
congrats, you read everything. i am genuinely sorry for you.
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tirimsil · 5 years
“Alicorns” are dumb
Please see “How fantasy works: Symbolic magic / thematic magic” for context.
In Friendship is Magic, there are four basic pony races, defined here as cartoon horses who normally have cutie marks:
Earth pony, look like normal cartoon horse, much stronk, good w/ plants
Pegasus, have wings, can stand on clouds, fly, generate wind currents
Unicorn, have horns, can do telekinesis & other magic stuff
Stronk + wings + horn, eventually called “alicorn”
When the show was first conceived, the only “yeah I’ll take everything” ponies were Celestia & Luna, the mysterious Princesses of Equestria. There was no special term; both were considered unicorns in early promo material.
Lauren Faust made them like that to symbolize that they were unbiased representatives of all three pony races.
Because they were all three races at once, and so far as anyone knew at that time they always had been, and they were the only two around, they could not be racist in favor of their own race.
... of course, due to Half-Elf Syndrome, this would not completely stop racists from hating them for being two-thirds another race... but it’s a big help.
Now let’s get into the nomenclature of “alicorns”...
The word “alicorn” originally referred to the material composing a unicorn horn, or to an entire horn intact. In ancient times, swindlers would pass off various animal body parts as alicorn, claiming that alchemical mixtures containing it would promote health and long life. The most popular actor to play alicorn was the spiraled tusk of the narwhal, and today unicorns are almost exclusively depicted with very similar spiraling horns.
Sometime around 1984, fantasy author Piers Anthony re-appropriated “Alicorn” as the personal name of a specific winged unicorn; he apparently saw it used in reference to a statuette of a winged unicorn in an ad, and had never heard of the word before then.
Anthony was a prolific enough author for this errant usage to quickly spread into the fantasy vocabulary of several languages - as in, several besides English, the only language where the word already meant something. Like “Pegasus”, it quickly changed from the name of an individual to the name of a species.
"Alicorn” eventually found its way into the brony fandom, where it became one of those words used obsessively to make sure everyone knows you know the word exists, even though Celestia and Luna are all three races and not only the two covered by the term, and the show lifted it from there.
Oh, right, let’s talk about that.
We’re all aware that Twilight, originally a unicorn, later became an “alicorn” (with the first in-show use of the term uttered by Rarity) thanks to a Deus Ex Machina. “Here’s a song, have some wings, OK bye”.
I got childishly butthurt about that like everybody else, but I realized in hindsight that it should have been very predictable: The most popular MLP toys were always the most princess-y ones, and Twilight was the main character and easily the most popular of the six both with little girls and with poonhounds, so of course they’d make her a Princess (at least in form) so they could release a whole second toy to make, to use the industry term, “a buttload of money”.
Twilight transforming into an “alicorn” was only mildly a problem unto itself:
It questioned the viewers’ natural presumption that “alicorns” were always that way and not a transformation to begin with.
It threw off the balance of two to a race the main characters had.
It worsened the narrative underuse of Rarity’s unicorn magic by making her even more obsolete in favor of Super Twilight.
It was a very clumsy end to a very clumsy season.
Still, it opened the door for further alterations to the “alicorn” concept.
What walked in the door was Cadance. She ruined everything.
Faust originally designed Princess Cadance (supposedly a royal family member) as a normal unicorn, the same way that Prince Blueblood (supposedly a royal family member) was a normal unicorn. I distinctly recall Faust’s immediate reaction to first seeing Cadance with a horn and wings was grumpy drunk-Tweeting, but don’t take my word for that.
The spinoff novel Twilight Sparkle & the Crystal Heart Spell, which was obviously written to send back in time to a little girl from the mid-1800s, clarifies that Cadance was born as a pegasus. She just kinda worldspawned in the woods like Minecraft. She beat an evil witch with the witch’s own magic that Cadance turned into love magic despite not being a unicorn and then Celestia showed up out of nowhere like Gandalf to just POOF make her “an alicorn” because apparently Celestia can just do that.
Also Cadance is adopted.
The adopted pegasus is an “alicorn” whereas the actual blood relative of the “alicorns” is just a unicorn. No wonder Blueblood has nothing but contempt for all living things.
The malafest pit of corruption that is Cadance’s uterus had to make her kid (Flurry Heart) “an alicorn” right at birth.
Celestia and Luna said they’d never heard of a pony being born as an “alicorn”, which means Celestia and Luna weren’t born that way either.
This destroys the entire reason “alicorns” were ever conceived.
If Celestia and Luna were once any of the normal three races (presumably unicorns), then they are no longer race-neutral; racists will still treat them like the race they started as, and the public can accuse them of bias in favor of their original race, all the same as if they were never “alicorns” at all.
Of course, Twilight (unicorn) and Cadance (pegasus) would suffer the same obstacle, with a mild advantage to Cadance in that what her original race is may not be public knowledge since that happened off in the magic fairy forests of horse-Germany and only Celestia, Princess of Trolling, is a credible witness.
Only Flurry Heart, 15+ years down the line, could reasonably claim to be race-neutral... but who’s going to believe her? That’s never happened before. The greatest living minds and oldest memories of Equestria, Celestia and Luna themselves, said they’d never heard of such a thing. The public will much more likely forget any proof they ever had of Flurry Heart’s birth and presume that, like every other “alicorn”, she wasn’t originally one and that she’s trying to hide “what she really is”.
After all, racism is founded on delusion; it doesn’t matter what race Flurry really is, merely what parody of race she can be plausibly dubbed as.
Race-neutrality was the only reason to have any “alicorns” at all and none of them can fulfill that purpose; not even the one who’s actually race-neutral.
Here’s what we got in exchange for that blunder:
Absolutely nothing
"Alicorns” gained no consistent lore or mechanics for how they occur, nor any clarification of how or even whether they differ from unicorns in magic or from pegasooses in flight.
There is no clear meta-reason why the writers even need them, other than as bland children of destiny, drivers of toy sales, and general fanservice.
None of the events centering around the game of Who’s The Next Alicorn adds anything particularly profound or even consequential, and none of the characters seem to really give a damn about “alicorns” in general. Nobody is even all that surprised to see Twilight’s transformation; they just go “Wow cool!” and roll with it. The only strong reaction is the characters’ horror when they see Flurry Heart’s wings and realize the show officially doesn’t give a shit anymore about making sense or having cohesive themes.
It doesn’t even benefit the people who make bad Mary Sue OCs on DeviantArt, because they were already making “alicorn” OCs when it was only Celestia & Luna. That’s where the show got the term from, after all.
What a complete waste of potential.
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taiblogcomics · 5 years
The Short Stint of the Suicide Substitute Squad
Hey there, cultural exchanges. It's Thanksgiving! The one holiday you can guarantee will fall on an update day, because that's how Thursdays work. Seems like it was Halloween only a few updates ago, doesn't it? Well, let's give you something to be thankful for and not continue that "Sink Atlantis" storyline we were doing in Suicide Squad. Yeah, turns out the next thing in my stack is an annual issue, and it looks like a lot of fun~
Here's the cover:
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Don't have to draw a background if you draw a huge character who takes up the background, am I right? Also, guys, "Drain the Swamp" was several story arcs ago. Either way, I'm loving the girl group of Suicide Squad members here. We'll get into their identities in the review proper, but honestly they look more interesting than our regular cast, which is always sad~
So we open in Belle Reve, where some medical procedure is going on. Very unexpectedly, the corpse they're dissecting suddenly gets up and begins killing everyone. Her name is Cadence Laramie, and she appears to have some power to manipulate a bunch of shadowy creatures. She picks up the corpse of her partner and fellow dissectee and wanders off. With the main Squad off doing their thing in Atlantis (which apparently needs a two-page spread to remind us of instead of just a caption), Amanda Waller puts together another emergency team to retrieve her walking corpses.
And what a team it is! We have Merlyn, an archer and common Green Arrow rival. Here's Ragdoll, the contortionist from Secret Six. Shimmer here is a matter transmuter and a frequent Teen Titans foe. And the others I don't have previous familiarity with! The goth lady here is Scream Queen, and she's a vampire. The stereotypical Chinese lady is Tao Jones, martial artist. The stripey green fellow is Skorpio, and his power is listed only as "blades". And the tiny lady in glasses dressed like Shirley Temple is not Baby Doll from Batman: The Animated Series. No, this is our original character Baby Boom. She's like Baby Doll except she explodes~
Waller explains the backstory: Cadence Laramie and her friend Dennis Gaines (the corpse she's travelling with) suddenly appeared one day, conjoined at the waist. They're two whole torsos sharing one pair of hips and legs. That must make toilet time awfully awkward. Being conjoined by unknown forces so has driven them quite mad, and they choose to go on a rampage over it. They were apprehended and Dennis died in custody. And that's where we are now! This makeshift group has to go and retrieve the corpse-and-a-half before Laramie herself expires too. Merlyn feels Waller isn't telling them everything, and of course she isn't, she's Amanda Waller. Nonetheless, off they go~
Cadence Laramie (who I've chosen to refer to as Laramie, lest I get her confused with a pink alicorn princess) continues to run and finds herself in a swamp. Fortunately, the huge green person she runs into here isn't Shrek, but is instead Swamp Thing. Given Laramie's obvious distress and mutilation, Swamp Thing suddenly takes pity on her. Suddenly the pair are attacked--not by the Substitute Squad, but by the shadowy creatures that killed the medical staff earlier. Swamp Thing defends himself, and Laramie runs off, just as frightened of the shadowy things as anyone else. Perhaps she's not the one controlling them.
Ragdoll and Merlyn turn up and quickly manage to apprehend Laramie, under threat of sharp impalement. Merlyn radios in that they're successful when suddenly the shadow creatures show up again, now looking a lot more defined. No longer are they black formless things, but green ghostly corpses. Merlyn notes that all the goony green ghosts have noticable surgery scars, and regardless of whether she's controlling them, they're connected to her in some way. Laramie runs off again, while the ghosts tear Ragdoll apart.
Shimmer and Scream Queen receive a radio for backup and Shimmer confirms a reply, though Scream Queen seems more interested in... shall we say, intimate activities with Shimmer. Tao Jones suddenly appears in front of Laramie, asking her to stop running. Skorpio also shows up, saying he's not going to kill her because the boss wants her back alive, but he's not hesitant in being the scariest thing in the swamp that night. That's when Swamp Thing turns up, and he and Skorpio get in a fight. Tao Jones attempts to reason with Swampy, but then the ghosts catch up with them again.
Skorpio and Tao Jones are both killed while Merlyn films it, sending the video to Waller. Waller decides that the mission is worth changing given the new player on the field. She now wants them to apprehend Swamp Thing as well. Surprisingly, the ghosts dissipate instead of attacking Swamp Thing. Laramie explains that the ghosts are the victims of the people her other half, Dennis, has killed. Now that he's dead, they've taken physical form. Waller gives the order, and the rest of the Substitute Squad leap into action, tearing into Swamp Thing to try and reduce him.
As the ghosts start to appear again, Merlyn considers putting Laramie down before the rest of the team is killed. Waller, of course, forbids him from doing so. Baby Boom, who has barely appeared until now, is killed, followed by Shimmer. The loss of Shimmer causes Scream Queen to snap, and she attempts to strangle Laramie to death. Both Merlyn and Swamp Thing try to stop her, but she off-handedly tears open Laramie's throat. The ghosts disappear, and she dies, glad to be free of them. Swamp Thing cradles her body and tells them to get the hell out of his swamp. Oh, he was Shrek the whole time~
Scream Queen and Merlyn report to Waller, who is pretty displeased they've come back with neither of their targets. Scream Queen gets mouthy with how pissed she is at Waller for Shimmer's death, and Waller finally does something she's been threatening Suicide Squad members with for years: she activates her brain bomb and blows her head up. Merlyn has no further comments, personally. That's when Waller's salad suddenly comes to life and Swamp Thing emerges from it. He tells her he doesn't like her, and wants her to keep her business out of his swamp. She retorts that the swamp is government property, and that he can't be everywhere. He can't watch her constantly. And he replies that this is true, but someone will. And we see the ghosts one more time, with Cadence Laramie herself now among their number.
Well, that was a lot less fun than I thought it’d be, honestly. I get that they’re called the Suicide Squad, but I still don’t expect them to have an 85% mortality rate. Especially when you’re killing established characters like Ragdoll and Shimmer. Honestly, you can probably skip this story and lose nothing. I’m relatively certain that nothing comes of the ghosts or Swamp Thing’s threat. The series ends in five issues, after all~
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earthnashes · 6 years
Okie dokie so in the midst of outlining the main plot of the Fluffy!AU I was hit by some headcanons (that incidentally have nothin’ to do with said AU) and I’d figure I’d share them. :3
-Might come to a surprise for others, but Twi’s a big time gamer. Not originally; before coming to Ponyville her only exposure to video games were because of Spike and while she enjoyed the games he played to some extent, she never attempted playing them. It’s Dash and Pinkie Pie who got her into it with Assassin’s Creed. She got hooked with the story first, fascinated with how surprisingly accurate the game got with its history despite placing its own spins to it for the sake of the plot, then she got hooked onto the gameplay, and the rest is history.
She loves strategic games and (surprisingly) horror games the most, but she’ll give just about anything a try.
-In the same vein as the first headcanon, Rarity likes watching video games (especially if it’s Twilight playing). She herself can’t get into actually playing any of the games, but she’s always down to sit, do some sewing and watch all the while. She’s especially invested in horrors; something about sitting on the couch and experiencing the terror with the player is... well, fun for her. It’s also kinda funny, seeing Twi or Spike or Rainbow startle at jumpscares: they don’t get her as badly as it does them.
-Scootaloo can’t fly and she never will. I think I’ve spoke about this before, but Scootaloo has a development issue with her wings: she was born with it. They are smaller than what they should be and while they are strong enough to allow her to hover and glide (thanks to tons of physical therapy and exercises) she can’t actually fly with them. This was quite the sore spot for her for years, but she has since grown to accept it and have even used this to her advantage. Scootaloo, when she grows older, will make history in being known as the best freestyle scooterist and skateboarder, inventing new extreme tricks and innovating existing ones. She will also be known as a pioneer of scooter sports, helping it launch into popularity in Equestria.
I also like the idea that she becomes good at skydiving and wingsuiting, but instead of a suit she can just use her wings to glide long distances.
-Continuing with Scootaloo, I’ve since scrapped the idea that she’s an orphan. Instead, she lives with her aunt Lofty and her wife Holiday. Due to neglect at home with her birth parents (both kept leaving her alone to go one vacation after vacation without her), Lofty stepped in to take little Scoots in. Despite recognizing their abandonment of her, Scootaloo still can’t help but miss her parents sometimes. That said, she wouldn’t trade her home with her aunts for the world; they love her and she loves them.
-I keep hinting at it in my AUs but I have the headcanon that Dash is very artistic. She loves to paint, draw, write, but her favorites is especially painting and writing. Her paintings are often very vibrant and always seem to be moving, and while she can work with brushes she much prefers to finger paint. Her work is so good she could feasibly pursue a career in art if she so chose to, but her heart lies in the skies. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if she took commissions and freelance work every now and again. As for writing, she writes fanfics in her spare time, especially for Daring Do. She and Twilight discuss their loves and dislikes of the series and Dash once went as far as to “correct” a plot point in the book’s canon she didn’t like. Twi happened upon it and was... well, admittedly very impressed, and suggested she posted her stuff online on a fanfic website (you bet your ass Twi reads fanfics, c’mon). Her pen name could possibly be ColorfullyDaring or somethin’ like that. xD
-The Apple Family doesn’t own just one dog... they own ten. Winona is the leader of this pack, but they half a vast assortment of doggos who the family use as not only working dogs, but companions and hunting dogs. They’re all good doggies and love the family lots (and the family loves them just as much), but each member of the family has their near constant companion. AJ has Winona, Granny has the old family hound Chief (oldest dog of the bunch; she’s been around since Bright Mac was a foal), Big Mac has the cute little beagle Spot, and Apple Bloom is often tailed by their biggest dog, Bear.
-I adore the idea that Jackpot (Trixie’s dad) and Big Bucks are married, soooooo that means Trixie has two dads! :3 When she was a foal, she’d always called Jackpot “Mommy” and Big Bucks “Daddy”. At first Jackpot tried to correct her, but no matter what he did she still referred to him as “mom”. It was always a spot for teasing from Big Bucks too, who encouraged their kid with things like “go ask mama” or “tell mommy you love him!” Eventually though, Jackpot found himself endeared to it, so much so that he actually kinda misses being called mom, now that Trixie has stopped and has been calling him dad.
-I’ve denied it for years in the past but it’s time that I go ahead and embrace the idea that Celestia and Luna are... possibly demigods. In the literal form of the term, so they are half-god half-mortal (gods and goddesses do exist in my headcanon, yes). So, how did they come to be? A very powerful god fell in love with a mortal: an alicorn mare, and they had Celestia, Luna, and Cosmos (the Sisters’ scrapped brother; I’ve made him “canon” in my headcanon) together. This headcanon is actually a bit too long to put here, so I’ll explain it later in a separate post. I’m also toying with the idea that the siblings are half siblings instead, but I haven’t decided on that yet o3o
-Speaking of Cosmos! Here’s a copy/paste of the headcanon I made up for him:
He’s the middle brother to Celestia and Luna and the Prince of Harmony. He's short and sturdy and warm and inviting, this alicorn's power resides within maintaining balance, harmony, and his very being is tethered to the world Gaia (like how Celly and Luna's beings are tethered to the sun and moon respectively). I haven't fully figured out all of his abilities, but I'd say his magic is closely tied to the earth and as his sisters are the living embodiment of their celestial bodies, Cosmos is the living embodiment of harmony. He is also the origin of the Elements of Harmony, of which came about around the time Discord showed up: Cosmos' exact opposite.
Even with the combined strength of all three siblings, Discord was simply too powerful to be stopped in his quest to spread excessive chaos (upsetting the world's balance), so in order to put a stop to the Dawn of Chaos, Cosmos sacrifices himself and used his magic and entire life essence into forming the Tree of Harmony. From this came the Elements of Harmony, purified and concentrated magic in the form of crystal gems that represent the aspects of harmony: Honestly, Generosity, Laughter, Kindess, Loyalty, and Friendship (otherwise known as Magic). No longer restricted by the physical limitations of a flesh and blood body, the power of Harmony for the first time could be fully utilized by Celestia and Luna to defeat Discord and imprison him in stone: a fitting parallel, considering the fate of their brother. The sisters vowed use the Elements of Harmony only when absolutely necessary, and until then the Elements would remain within their encasing of the Tree of Harmony, safe and tucked away until it is needed.... and maybe, somehow, find a way to revive their brother?? All of this came about from the idea that the Elements of Harmony hold some level of sentience, in which not just anyone could use the Elements... they had to be chosen by the Elements. This is why Luna, when she became corrupted and turned into Nightmare Moon, could not use her half of the elements: the Elements no longer deemed her worthy of wielding them, and as such rejected her. So, why not have the Elements' consciousness... or semi-consciousness come from the unused concept of their long lost brother? C:
Aaaaaaaand that’s all for right now! Might add more to this post later, but ye. Just wanted to share some of my thoughts uwu
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somethingfoe · 6 years
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You’re SPECIAL (FO4): Tacticians
This took some time as well, didn't it? Considerably longer than my Medics one, considering that I had that scheduled for release but got pulled back as a result of me moving out. Why? Well, Fallout 76 was as much of a fucking disasterpiece as I feared. It's barely even wearing the skin of the Fallout franchise as it tries to be some rust clone 3 to 5 years late on that bandwagon, with rehashed out assets from Fallout 4 with all kinds of dialogue interaction skimmed out for audiologs spitting out diatribes. It seems to me that Bethesda have rested on their laurels way too long to give Fallout the kind of treatment it deserves, and don't give me this bullshit that it's just merely a 'side' project and won't have any effect on future titles. Fallout 4 was basically them testing the waters of the settlement crafting system and attempting to skim down the dialogue options prevalent in previous titles, if Fallout 76 would've succeeded off it's own laziness, guaranteed that Elder Scrolls 6 would've had the same treatment as well as other future titles. Considering that not barely a month into release and Fallout 76 has been knicked off half it's retail price is probably a tell tale sign that Bethesda have fucked far beyond just making their typically buggy games, and that they seriously need to reevaluate their ethical decisions for the long run, because at this point, the fucking fans are making better games than they are. Fallout New California, a 6 year old mod based off of the working parts of Fallout New Vegas, just came out and is indefinitely superior in what Fallout is conventionally known for, save for the isometric view and turn-based combat. As a result of this disappointment, I found it really hard for me to continue on this You're SPECIAL series considering that that was primarily why I even wanted to make a 'FO4' version of it, but alas, I must continue with the ones I made prior. With that side note out of the way, here is the tacticians of the respective FOE and PH lores! I figure that I first cover the Main protagonist's companions across all boards before doing the side entries like Malevolent Relics and Main Antagonists, which means that the Odd One Outs (or Pets) will be the next entry on that. I'm not sure if I intend to slash their base SPECIAL attributes Like I did previous, maybe just lower their level cap a hair and see where I can skew some of the attributes too. With the nods in mind, the Xenith art was by :DevClutterCluster: and the Lacunae art was by :DevInLucidReverie:, and boy was the Lacunae art fucking hard to make work in this format, what with the huge flowing mane that I had to cut out but not too much to make it obvious. As with Saboteurs and Medics, This is taking into account a build that is at Level 65, with 12 perk points put into the actual Attributes themselves, pitting it at 40. If you're curious how I decided the Attributes, like with the others, the link for the original is right here https://www.deviantart.com/somethingguy912/art/You-re-SPECIAL-Xenith-VS-Lacunae-525076774 since I'm going to have to explain why I chose what perks. With that, here is the technical mumbo jumbo, as always.
Strong Back <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Seeing that Xenith lived all her life as a slaver, I'd imagine that her being forced to lug around huge items was a day to day part of her life. Not to mention how Xenith was capable of carrying Littlepip unconscious on her back after Littlepip's attempt to save both of them from captivity of Red Eye is a impressive feat on it's own. Armorer <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Seeing that Lacunae is not keen on either fiddling with guns or armorer, we are merely talking about the hypothetical armorer work in that Lacunae can project a 'bubble' around herself as a means of protection, what with being a Alicorn under manipulation by The Master of Maripony. Iron Fist <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Xenith is the master of Fallen Caesar, a sort of close quarters combat brought down through the generations even beyond the apocalypses attempt to eradicate it, and with Xenith being a hard boiled gladiator for the mere spectacle of the other raiders, Xenith is not one to be tussled with in close proximity.
Refractor <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Borne of a weird radioactive experiment and being artificially made into a Alicorn, it only makes sense that being so attune with magic can make nearly resistant to any sort of plasma or energy weapons to the point that they might as well bounce off of her! The aforementioned protective bubble also helps to confirm this notion. Night Person <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Being thrown in a dark, dingy cage outside of having to fight in a dark, bloody arena would make one a bit more perceptive of the goings on during the night, so it makes sense that Xenith would have superior eyesight during those times. <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - While Lacunae does sport some of that same ability as well, not to mention by her being previously a trained assassin post-apocalypse, Lacunae's innate ability to project light out from her horn in times of darkness gives her less of a edge when it comes to matters of the night. Still, having a weird connection to other Alicorns across the globe helps too. Demo Expert <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Lacunae is a big guns babe, and she likes all things big, from Miniguns to heavy grenade launchers, so Lacunae does sport some fascination with the big and loud and brutal, even if it makes her a sort of open target for ongoing attacks. Awareness <u>Xenith & Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Both these lasses sport the same skill in awareness, with Xenith's more isolated nature helping to observe things around her, and Lacunae being a agent of misery for the Master's worst parts. You need the Nuka World DLC to get a 2 star in awareness, so if you don't have it, Xenith would get a one star in Pickpocket, whereas Lacunae would get Three stars in Demo Expert.
Adamantium Skeleton <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - Being irradiated with pure magic makes it quite difficult to knock down someone, and Lacunae has that in spades. Barely able to even get hurt, save for the perchance of getting a train dropped on you, Lacunae is completely numb to the idea of having limbs damaged. Rad Resistant <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Almost in comparison to resistance as Steelhooves is, perhaps being doused in radiation makes you almost nearly immune to it, to the point that it might beef you up too! Who'd funk that! maybe everyone should just dump in radiation...oh wait, it doesn't quite work THAT way! Chem Resistant <u>Lacunae & Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Again, both lasses are pretty resistant to chems, even if both don't really use it that much. Probably Xenith for Med-X what with her battle scars and slight trauma, and Lacunae's inherently somber nature needing some version of AntiDepressants? Lifegiver <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Being a large body Alicorn would tend to give you a bit more resilence, even if Lacunae doesn't really need the help. Her protective bubble, and her slightly regenerative radiation also gives her a bit more longevity than most. Lead Belly <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Both hated as a Zebra and a outcast, Xenith has had to take the worst from others in order to survive, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's been able to tolerate some otherwise dirty water to keep going. Toughness <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: - Being beaten, bruised, raped, tortured, and splayed as a exotic attraction for the arena, Xenith can take the worst that anyone can bring upon her, assuming that it's not to the expense of her lost daughter. <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Lacunae can similarly take some beatings, but not nearly as much as Xenith has. Lacunae does have to endure with all of the negative feelings that the Master pumps into her, but not much more beyond that.
Lone Wanderer <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Lacunae is absolutely isolated from everyone else, despite being tied with Unity and the other alicorns. Treated merely as the ugly duckling of the pack, and vilified on sight by anyone else, Lacunae is the very definition of a lone wolf. this requires the Far Harbor DLC, so if you don't have it, Lacunae will get a additional point into Cap Collector. <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Xenith is almost equally in measure to being isolated from everyone else, but unlike Lacunae, being a Alicorn, Xenith is not immediately killed on sight, so I guess she does get 'some' interaction, even if it is almost entirely abusive. Xenith could be considered a 'Haphephobe', which is being afraid of being touched by others, a trauma that Littlepip had to learn once she got to know her better. Lady Killer <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - I know this might seem strange, given Lacunae's demured nature, but Lacunae does catch some eyes, like with Paladin Stronghoof, in spite of her Alicorn nature and personality. You could also say that Lacunae's more quiet nature does give her a bit of a allure to others as well. Cap Collector <u>Lacunae</u> :star: - In the most basic means, Lacunae can collect caps, if merely as a half measure. More interested in trying to lead Blackjack to the goddess more than anything, I merely put this in on account of Lacunae's desire to keep her black dress in check so others don't immediately recognize her as Alicorn.
Nuclear Physicist
<u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - while Lacunae is not one to delve in using specifically energy weapons, Her innate alicorn abilities more than compensate for that and factor into her ability to use a multitude of abilities to either fire projectiles out of magic, or cast shields for herself and allies. Robotics Expert <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - Seeing that Lacunae can master levitation with relative ease, she can inadvertently use enemy robots on her side by merely directing them towards another target for her own purpose. She can even use her own magic to literally shred robots to pieces, from the inside no less if need be! Chemist <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Supporting the stereotype that Zebras tend to delve in the alchemical, Xenith is one such, being able to brew unusual potions that help with wounds or other ailments if need be, even if it's a rare thing for her to do. Science! <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - Again, while Lacunae is not keen on using technology to win the battle, her intense knowledge stemming from her connection to the other Alicorns around her, and her fascination with heavier weapons gives her some desire to amp them up from their initial build. <u>Xenith</u> :star: - Another stereotype of Zebras is that they are technophobes, which I guess requires some idea as to how weapons and technology works to be afraid of them, so I guess Xenith gets merely a one for her paranoia of it. Scrapper <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - with the aforementioned technophobia, Xenith doesn't tend to let those weird do-hickys stay functional, vying to scrap them or strictly warn others of using them. Basically she is the bane of the philosophy behind the BoS. Gun Nut <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - While Lacunae isn't quite the aficionado when it comes to all things gunpowder, Lacunae still enjoys using the otherwise unwieldy weapons to great effect, like with the Anti-Material Rifle for example. Medic <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Xenith does surprisingly sport some knowledge of healing ailments, what with her being somewhat capable of deterring Killing Joke as well as her ability to use healing powder during her time as a slave to heal some grievous wounds. <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: - While Lacunae can indeed 'heal', so to speak, she really only can do it for herself. Other with her being able to levitate friends out of trouble, or give them a protective bubble, Lacunae cannot gift her friends her healing ability.
Blitz <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Xenith is almost entirely melee based, so it makes sense that her prowess in Fallen Caeaser would require that she needs to close the distance with her enemies, thus giving her maxed out in Blitz. Ninja <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Xenith is quite a sneaky zebra if you give her the ability to get out of her cage, metaphorically or no. A lot of Zebras have a good knowledge of what amounts to Sun Tzu's the Art of War; covert attacks. Seeing that Xenith is equally melee based as Rampage is, it only makes sense that Xenith would want to quickly make that distance. Moving Target <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: - Continuing to be agile and fit as she is, Xenith got her recognition as a deadly fighter in the arena, being nearly untouchable as a result of her nimble ways. Action Boy <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: - Xenith has to keep moving, goddammit! she's moving to avoid enemies, moving to close the distance, and moving to stay out of sight, she's got to have as much action points in order to win! Sneak <u>Xenith</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: - Xenith would more than likely prefer to hide than be seen by a crowd to be mocked at until she drove their face in the dirt. This also confirms the suspicions that Zebras adopted Sun Tzu's tactics of hit and run and subdue the enemy psychologically then moreso. Commando <u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: - Lacunae is a star when it comes to all weapons two handed, and seeing that Miniguns, Launchers and .50 Cal Sniper Rifles are ostensibly two handed, it only makes sense that Lacunae would have a fondness for them.
Mysterious Stranger <u>Xenith</u> :star: - this might be a strange inclusion for me to put on here, but Xenith does have the help of her lost daughter later on to get the slight upper hand, as both are very good at sneaking and attacking when necessary. Bloody Mess<u>Lacunae</u> :star: :star: :star: - Lacunae can tend to get a little out of hand with her excitement of heavy weapons, often times literally making paste out of her enemies once Unity starts to control her moreso than other times.And that is it with the Tacticians! I have a photo run planned to do sometime tomorrow, as I have only one day off and I figure that I do one considering how long it's been since my last proper one! enjoy this for now!
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glapplebloom · 3 years
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TL:DR, no. They don’t dream of Magic Sheep.
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Princess Luna is having a Nightmare. One seemingly made by this smokey thing called the Tantabus. It makes her into Nightmare Moon and she has to face the Mane Six in their Rainbow Forms (so I was wrong about saying only one more appearance after Tirek). But with it creating a hole and her dream ending happily, she knows something is wrong.
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The next day, the Mane Six are tired because they had nightmares. One that has the same element: a smoky creature being the one responsible for it. Seeing this as no coincidence, they decide to write to Luna about this. Luna instantly arrives because she suspected this would happen and told them the deal. Simply put, if the Tantabus gets strong, it’ll escape the Dream Realm and infect reality, making it a waking nightmare.
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With Luna’s Magic, she connects to their dreams so when the Tantabus shows up in one, she’ll get there ASAP. Some are pretty simple and I like Rainbow Dash’s Dream and Nightmare the best. But there’s one dream that’s important to this story’s: Pinkie Pie. The Tantabus made cake attack her. And since she can’t control her dream, it manages to escape Luna. After Luna leaves, Pinkie Pie dreams of everyone in Ponyville.
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So by the time Luna warns them about dreaming of other ponies, its too late. Yes, Luna failed to capture the Tantabus and also did not inform them about not dreaming of other ponies. So now all of Ponyville is a hiding grounds for it. But thanks to Twilight, she suggest letting everyone share a dream so it’ll be easier to corner and capture the Tantabus. Luna worries but she tries. So now its up to the Mane Six to stop it.
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Before I continue, I know its called being joined by the hip but this is ridiculous. Yet considering they both have this same dream and are cool with it, it really does highlight their friendship is more than just friendship. We’ll see later that these two will be married, so they’re be figuratively joined at the hip.
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They tried their best but the Tantabus is still too much for them. So they convinced the Rest of Ponyville to help out since this is a dream. We got Alicorn Princess Big Mac, Giant Muffins with Knight Spike, Filthy Rich fighting the problem with money and Scootaloo with Giant Wings. I won’t spoil the Mane Six’s stuff but I do wish we got more dreams from the others.
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They’re doing very well against it until Luna began to blame herself more. As soon as she did, it grew. That’s when we discover this is Luna’s own doing, to punish herself so she’ll never be Nightmare Moon again, only to create something worse. And since its feeding off her guilt, its growing. But after a short speech from Twilight, she forgives herself and the Tantabus is defeated.
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It ends with the Tantabus going back into Luna, everyone awake and happy except Luna, who gets to finally dream peacefully. Overall, it was a fun episode. You get to see so many different dreams and cameos of ponies in their different forms. You even see the idea of inspiration with Fluttershy turning a nightmare into something positive.
But the one downside is how Luna is portrayed. Basically, despite showing how much she helps with the Cutie Mark Dream Trilogy, she’s been doing this to herself since who knows how long. Its like Luna hears the criticisms about Starlight and applied it to herself. Ironically, I think the Equestria Games teach this lesson better: despite how others would want to help, only you can be responsible for how you feel.
Click here to see the original review. Click here to see the GLAB Comic Adaptation of this story.
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kittykatanimelove22 · 6 years
Sonic/Equestria Girls Au Information and Lore
It's finally time to show you all something that I've had in my head for years and I promised myself that this year I would introduce it, AND TODAY IS THAT DAY. This crossover isn't like any other story where "sonic and his friends travel to the world of equestria girls because eggman messed up the timeline or mephiles miraculously came back and sent them there on a magic portal thingie for revenge" Nope, this is vastly different. Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that this takes place in a hybrid universe where the IDW/archie comics/games take place. I love the archie characters too much to NOT let them be a part of it. Basically, it's the IDW/game verse but with archie characters in them, along with a few events that happened and some cities that are in the old comics (i.e Knothole, Meropis etc.). Another note is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians.
Here's a list of the Archie characters: Sally Acorn and her family (Elias, Max etc.) Uncle Chuck (I'm a bit unsure if I want to add Sonic's parents since I'm still figuring things out) Scourge the hedgehog Fiona Fox The Freedom Fighters (Bunnie, Nicole, Antoine etc.) Mina Mongoose Shard the Metal Sonic Razor The Shark Coral the Betta Pearly the Manta Ray Honey the Cat Nack and his gang Hope Kintobor Rob O' the Hedge Some of the Echidna clan (which is honestly a huge maybe because I want Knuckles to have at least SOME of his people alive) Snively Robotnik (Also a huge maybe) ..and that's it so far! I'll update the list if I forgot a character. Some of the character's backstories are a mix of what Archie had and what the post-genesis wave had for them. For example, during the war with Eggman, King Max sent his wife Alicia and their son Elias to Angel Island to escape to safety when Sally was a baby. When they crash landed, and were presumed dead, Max groomed Sally to be the next heir for the Acorn kingdom until her father was banished in The Special Zone years later, he came back though. Alicia and Elias came back the same way they did in the Archie comics. Another thing to know is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians, they coexist with the equestrians. My OC's that exist in this au Isis Minorel Pacifica Catrine Jackson Somber and a few more that I haven't introduced yet! Jack and Isis are not energy vampires in this au but they still have their powers. NOW ONTO THE PLOT!! ~__________________________~ Basic Information: In this au, the Mane 7 are all sisters and Celestia is their mother, Isis is their adopted sister and Derpy is their first cousin, making her Luna's daughter. Celestia is queen of the equestrian humans, while Luna and Cadence are her royal advisors. Jack's father, Fredrick Somber is the monarch for all of the Novian species, he has a good friendship with Celestia. They reside in the kingdom of Equestria on Mobius, while the Seaquestrians live in the deep blue ocean not too far from where the kingdoms reside. They aren't from Mobius originally, they come from their own separate planet but it became uninhabitable. The equestrians are on peaceful terms with most of the species on the planet, especially the Mobians, and do whatever they can to help. Equestrian Human Species Info: Equestrian humans look the same in the original EG movie but the difference is that they have abilities based on their pony counterparts. Pegasi-based Equestrian humans can summon their wings at will, just like how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did in the first movie and so on. Magic-based (AKA unicorns) Equestrian humans can use their magical abilities to lift things or use them as a weapon for self defense, they DO NOT have horns. Earth-based Equestrian humans are just like regular humans but with a slight enhance of strength. Alicorn-based is just magic and pegasi mixed together. The Mane 7 and the Elements of Harmony: The Elements of Harmony were assigned to the 7 princesses at birth, much different to how the elements were assigned to their previous users. There are seven elements: Honesty Kindness Magic Laughter Loyalty Generosity Forgiveness There used to be six, but their late father had unleashed the element because of his forgiving nature and heart. Isis doesn't have an element but is still considered very powerful. ALL of the Mane 7's abilities in this au are the same powers they have in the fourth movie and mini series, the only difference is that they don’t transform unless they use their elements. They do have different transformation designs throughout the story, like how Sailor Moon does. I wanted Sunset's element to be forgiveness because she started out as an arrogant and cruel person when she was introduced. After her defeat, she had worked so hard to not only become a better person, but to also receive forgiveness from the people around her, including herself. Sunset is the literal reason why this au exists and I love her for that. An important fact about Sunset is that she has pyrokinetic powers in this au, which she inherited from her mother. It is dubbed, The Royal Flame. Pyrokinetic Abilities - Can control ANY kind of fire - Can breathe in fire - Can control her body temperature in cold weather - Her fire won't burn people she trusts, unless she commands it too - If she gets wet her powers won't work for a little while - When angry or frustrated, her body gets super hot - If she becomes emotionally unstable, she turns into her she-demon form, it happened once Mane 7 Ages and Birthdays (From oldest to youngest) (These birthdays are not canon to MLP, I made them up)
Sunset Shimmer: Age: 19 D.O.B: June 16th Species: Alicorn-based (yes she has wings sHHH-
Applejack: Age: 19 D.O.B: November 29th Species: Earth-based
(Isis would be here)
Rarity: Age: 18 D.O.B: February 14th Species: Magic-based
Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash: Age: Both 17 D.O.B: March 4th Species: Pegasai-based
Pinkie Pie: Age: 16 D.O.B: April 1st Species: Earth-based
Twilight Sparkle: Age: 15 D.O.B: December 3rd Species: Magic-based
((Before you ask, equestrian humans reproduce fast and the gestation period is at least 6-7 months)) Relationships this is what happens when the creator is a huge shipper-
Sunset Shimmer x Shadow the hedgehog (ShadowShimmer)
Sonic x Isis (Sonisis)
Pacifica x Jet the Hawk (Jetcifica)
Jack x Blaze the Cat (Jackaze)
Applejack x Elias Acorn (EliJack)
Rarity x Knuckles the Echidna (Knuxity)
Fluttershy x beret-wearing jackal from the Jackal Squad (Crimshy) 
((Crimson is my headcanon name for him))
Rainbow Dash x Gadget the Wolf (GadgetDash)
Pinkie Pie x Espio the Chameleon (EspioPie)
Twilight Sparkle x Silver the Hedgehog (SilverSparkle)
Celestia x Infinite (Celestifinte)
Derpy Hooves x Scourge the Hedgehog (Derpourge)
Princess Skystar x Razor the Shark (Skyzor) ((I haven't seen the movie yet so please no spoilers))
Zecora x Uncle Chuck?? and many more I have yet to introduce~ ~~~~~~~~~ History: Before they arrived on Mobius, the Equestrian humans weren't just one of Mobius' "inhabitants" and Equestria wasn't just a series of kingdoms. Oh no, it was once an entire planet bursting with life. The Equestrian race and the other inhabitants of the planet, Novians, coexisted together in peaceful tranquility. Throughout the years the two species would adapt and expand, turning villages into towns, towns to cities, cities to kingdoms. With the Novians vast knowledge of elements  and alternative fuel, and the Equestrians intelligent and superb skills in magic, it seemed that it would be perfect... but like all harmonious times, the destructive flames of war will soon come when unexpected and burn it all to the ground. There was another species among the Equestrians, Novians and Seaquestrians. They were the Centaurs. The Centaur race currently has a very rocky relationship with most of the other races from Equestria, the reason why is because of one single Centaur, Tirek. Many years ago, when he was just an organizer at a scroll store, Tirek had a huge dislike towards the Equestrian race, he hated them because the Centaurs didn't have much land nor much help at all. He thought they were selfish and greedy, hogging all the land for themselves and not leaving any for his people. He studied the arts of Dark Magic along with his brother Scorpan who also shared the same disdain for them as he did,  Once Tirek mastered it he had a battle to the death with the Centauran leader with him being the victor, after he disposed of him he took it upon himself to become the new leader of the Centaurs and wage war on the Equestrians and every other race that dared go against him. The Centaur War was the most brutal war ever, countless soldiers were killed, innocents were slaughtered, and kingdoms had fallen.Scorpan, now seeing the consequences of all of this tried reasoning with him. Feeling betrayed, Tirek murdered him out of anger and continued with his plans. For many, many years the Equestrians and Novians had fought long and hard but it seemed that they had reached a stalemate, they started to lose hope. It wasn''t until Galactus Centauri, a vigilante from the Crystal Empire had stepped in to help. Without knowing it, his kind heart and forgiving nature had revealed the lost element of harmony, Forgiveness. With the power of the 7th element, Galactus, Celestia and the other elements of Harmony had forced the Centaurs into submission. Most of them gave up and surrendered to the Equestrians, but not Tirek. Tirek, along with his minions and followers had disappeared. After they left for the time being, Galactus and Celestia married and had seven beautiful girls which would later on be eight when they adopt a 5 year old Novian orphan named Isis. Things seem to slowly get better for the Equestrians.....until Zecora had a horrifying vision. She had quickly told the king and queen that the planet was slowly dying and forming dangerous volcano's everywhere, the reason being all of the magic Tirek took during the war. She stated that in approximately 7 months the planet would become nothing more than a volcanic wasteland. With no time to lose they informed every citizen and species on Equestria that they will be evacuating the planet. Every spaceship was filled with Equestrians, Novians, the animals that were saved, and even some Centaurs. Galactus thought it would be okay, that they would finally be free from the war, and Tirek. Until he heard that his daughters Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were kidnapped by the centaur warlord. Galactus and a few soldiers went on a rescue mission to save them, unbeknownst to them that the volcano's were coming toward to where they were. In the end, Galactus, Sunset and Pinkie were the only ones who escaped Tirek. When they had reached their home castle the ships had already left because it turns out that planet's core was ready to burst early. After confronting, and defeating, Tirek once again in the castle, the three had reached to a magic teleportation chamber. There was another chamber on the ship that could teleport them back, but it required a lot of magic to do so. Galactus was heavily injured from his battle with Tirek, he didn't have time to heal because a volcano had formed under the castle and would burst any second. He had to act quick, he only had enough magic to teleport two people. So with every last bit of his magic and energy he teleported a heartbroken Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie back on the ship, leaving him to die as soon as they were gone. Equestria had mourned for it's lost king and their lost home, but soon they would find a new home, with new allies and new foes as well. They would rebuild, adapt, expand and help those in need, just like they did all those years ago.... ANNNND THAT'S MY AU FOLKS!! I HOPE TO DRAW IT REAL SOON! I didn't go into full detail on the history part because I want to keep some things secret for now ;3 I really hope you love it as much as I do!! I poured my heart and soul into this au, it's one of the best creations I've ever made ;v; it felt so good to pour out all of this after keeping it to myself for so many years, especially the ships TwT Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think! ^O^/
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Parcly Taxel: Tatami (畳) is a very common flooring in Japanese restaurants and homes. Its prevalence in the latter is declining, in part because of the younger population moving into more internationally oriented apartments; these contain wooden or marble floors like those found in Canterlot Castle. Nevertheless, it remains an important cultural asset and rooms rented out to foreigners often have one or two tatami rooms.
Versatility is one of their advantages. They can serve as a base for futons, which we would sleep on throughout our trip, or support a short table for eating meals of the sort we enjoyed in Kinosaki.
For me, the most interesting thing about these mats is their combinatorics: the standard shape of one mat is a domino (with half-size squares allowed when needed to exactly cover a rectangle) and convention is to arrange those mats so that no four mats meet at a point. Counting the number of such tilings is a problem of research interest.
Spindle: Shaking off the shenanigans of the previous day, we cleaned up the place, unfolding every blanket and bedsheet flat. Regarding the waste we had generated, recycling is much more extensive in Japan than it is in some other places, so we sorted out the paper and cans and threw them in their respective bins. For the mare on the Clopham omnibus, the amount of waste that remains after this sorting is dwindling.
Airing on NHK Educational TV (Eテレ) was – to my surprise – a programming programme, explained with live characters acting out commands in video games made from a pedagogical language, Scratch. Both Parcly and I recalled happy memories of using it, me teaching a class for younger windigos and she hacking up a full reverse Polish notation calculator. My species is always aware of the need to enable other sentient beings to harness technology rather than be enslaved by it. I warmed the surrounding air, seeing that this message was being transmitted outwards.
Parcly: Our next destination was Osaka, the heart of the Keihanshin and the second-most populous city in Japan. The two-day pass for Kyoto having now expired, we bought single tickets for each leg of our journey: subway to Kyoto Central followed by JR to Sakuranomiya (桜ノ宮), transiting at Osaka Central. The last three stops in particular were on the Osaka Loop, a very heavily used ring railway which would be important for our future explorations.
Our lodging lay just under the Loop. When I arrived, the original tenant was still preparing it with his two female assistants, strewn objects lying here and there. The ceilings were a little too low for an alicorn like me, while empty areas engaged in a staring contest. Dilapidated as it was, I already knew why.
Remember the cooks? They work in cramped, sweaty conditions against hordes of patrons. Osaka is the food bowl of the nation.
Spindle: As in Kyoto, the nearest subway station of Miyakojima (都島) was an extended walk away, passing by the city's general hospital. We hopped one stop for lunch, which was udon with raw egg (the base) paired with croquette and tempura (add-ons). Unlike our stripped-down apartment, a television sat in one corner of the shop.
Parcly: A stroll down the shopping street of Tenjinbashi (天神橋) revealed a lot about local demographics and lifestyles. The ponies are generally older and more sociable, relaxed in their gait and contemplative in mind. Pachinko parlours popped up at regular intervals, some without the frosted exterior glass normally included for privacy.
Time started to skid in my working memory, causing me to turn back. I couldn't make head or tail of where I was, the ends crowded out by shifting shoppers. A wave of excitement pulsed through me; I could feel myself stretching with muscles and thinner bones, my hindlegs melting together and tickling with flaky scales… until I had transformed into a lamia, my hexagon-patterned snake tail exceeding four metres.
Considering how much distance was left till the other end, I slithered along in erratic waves, grabbing any and all food I wanted to devour. Lamias love eating things, after all! Finally, I re-entered open sky and twisted back to see my suspicions verified: Tenjinbashi is the longest shopping street in all Japan at 2.6 kilometres, cut into six segments by intersecting roads.
Needing to regain my bearings, I lunged towards the nearest subway station of Minami-morimachi (南森町), my panting warped into hisses. There I regrew my hindlegs and fuzzy tail so that closing train doors wouldn't squish me paper-thin.
Spindle: Transferring to the next stop towards Miyakojima, Higashi-Umeda (東梅田), we got swamped. Peak hours were in full swing. Shopping centres like Daimaru drove us in the right and then the wrong direction, across resonating bridges and isolated lifts. When we could see stars again, we were in a city in a city. Osaka Station City.
Dwarfing Kyoto Central when neighbouring buildings (North Gate, South Gate, Yodobashi, etc.) are included, I filtered the fresh night air through myself and we worked out where to have dinner. Ending up at Ichiran (一蘭), a booth-based ramen restaurant, Parcly seemed confused at what steps to take.
Parcly: My "shift" started out with a vending machine where I selected my meal, receiving an order ticket alongside a pad where I could fine-tune how my meal would taste. Not being a picky pony at all, I opted for a standard ramen-and-pork bowl with extra noodles and was led to one of several one-mare cubicles by a bevy of flashing occupancy lights, where my order was processed and I slurped away.
The extra noodles were at first an empty tray with their description printed. To materialise it, I placed it on a sensor plate and one of the waiters took it, giving me back one extra lump of noodles as expected. I was so happy levitating those chopsticks that only after the last strand and drop was exhausted did I feel something in my hind legs.
Tempest Shadow: I was feeling something much more serious, so I unlocked the partition to my right. Parcly had reverted to a lamia and was coiling around me!
Parcly: As soon as I became aware, I relaxed all my constricting muscles and Tempest made a small smile. "Thanks for the surprise," she commented.
Tempest: Still, she loves transforming into strange hybrids like this, and couldn't bring herself to transform back because she was naturally tsundere. I guided her via the Loop to Sakuranomiya, full and voracious like she imagined Osaka ponies would be, where she pointed out the inconvenient ceilings.
"It'd be better with a broken horn like me, you know."
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