#i originally made a cool book out of these photos
skyisclear · 1 year
With the symphony of children
We look to the sky.
In the skeleton of the Beast, trying to find God
- 2nd Impressions (3/8)
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- Sky West -
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604to647 · 4 months
Husband Material
3.1K / Detective Tim Rockford x fem!reader
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Summary: You come home drunk after a fun night out and Tim takes care of you.
This one shot is based on that Tiktok trend where girls refer to their boyfriends as their “husband” to see what their reaction will be 🤭🤭
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDNI pls) but it’s all fluff!  Maybe Tim gets a little handsy when he helps reader undress 🤷🏻‍♀️ (she’s into it). Drunk reader, consumption of Chinese food. Established relationship, petnames (Shutterbug, gorgeous, baby), soft!Tim. Reader wears a dress and heels (but they hurt her feet).
A/N: After writing Marine Attraction, I couldn’t shake the Tim brainrot so I decided to start a non-linear series of fluffy one-shots for Detective Rockford and his Shutterbug – the series will be called The Rockford Portfolio (… you know, like The Rockford Files but ‘Portfolio’ because reader takes photos 😁😁)
Photography aesthetic dividers by @saradika-graphics 😍
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Tim pushes his reading glasses up his nose as his settles in under the fluffy duvet cover, two of your matching pillows propped up comfortably behind his back, ready to dive into his book.  You’re not home yet, but Tim doesn’t mind waiting up.  Since the two of you exchanged keys six month ago, he’s probably spent more time at your place than his own – he prefers the warmth of your apartment, with the soft décor and personal touches that remind him so much of you to the cold, sparse feel of his own place.  He had originally worried that you might mind that most days he comes straight here after his long day at the precinct, but you hadn’t minded one bit. 
You didn’t mind making room in your closet for his sharp, if slightly monochromatic suits among your more colourful wardrobe.  You didn’t even mind the gun lock box that sits on the top shelf of that same closet; a safe place for Tim’s service firearm where it remains for you, out of sight, out of mind.  You certainly didn’t mind the permanent home his gun holster had found on your bed post – within arm’s reach should the mood strike you to see it frame your boyfriend’s broad shoulders.  And if the little pile of police paperwork that lives on a corner of your dining room table or any of the other little ways you’ve made room for him in your place didn’t convince him, you would tease that you’d never dare keep him from reading his way through your Agatha Christie collection.
It tickles you to no end that your big bad police detective boyfriend spends all day solving mysteries, only to choose to spend his free time reading books about detectives solving mysteries.  When you shared your amusement with Tim, he had winked at you, tapped his finger against his temple and recited, “If the little grey cells are not exercised, they grow the rust.”  So delighted at Tim quoting your favourite Christie hero you had immediately attacked his face with your lips, planting breathy butterfly kisses over every inch of his handsome face, the book he was reading consequently knocked to the ground and forgotten for the rest of the evening in lieu of decidedly less bookish activities.
He’s right in the middle of a Hercule Poirot soliloquy when he hears the front door open and then your loud, breathy giggle as you bump into the foyer table; shortly after, your keys jingle when dropped in the key bowl, clinking with his own that he had placed in the same bowl several hours earlier.  Tim listens to you struggle a bit with kicking off your shoes, realizing you must finally be free of your work heels when you let out an exaggerated sigh of relief as your tired feet touch the cool hardwood.  He emerges from the bedroom just in time to see you wobblily padding towards the kitchen and grins to himself - you’re drunk.  Tim calls your name softly and when you see your handsome boyfriend smiling at you, delicious and all at home in your apartment, wearing only a wifebeater and his boxers, your eyes open wide – you were on a way to get a snack, but he’s a snack. 
“Timmy!!!!!” you launch yourself in those strong, muscular arms that you know will feel so good around your tired body; Tim catches you easily and envelopes you in his welcoming embrace, his grin only getting wider – you only call him ‘Timmy’ when you get tipsy.  You've been so excited to go out with some old work colleagues that didn’t work at your firm anymore, finally able to arrange a get-together that worked with everyone’s busy schedules.  Evidently you had a great time tonight – Tim’s glad, he pulls you in for a soft, tender hello kiss before steering you over to the kitchen where you were undoubtedly headed to get something to eat.  Sitting you down at the breakfast counter, he fetches you a fresh glass of water and two preventative Advils, and encourages you to tell him all about your evening while he heats up a plate in the microwave.
“What’s that?  You made me food?” you exclaim, giddy.
Tim chuckles, “Nothing fancy like that, Shutterbug.  I ate dinner at the precinct and brought home my Chinese takeout leftovers.  Just plated it so I could heat it up quickly for you when you got home – figured you’d want an après bar snack.”
He’s so sweet.  And thoughtful.  And hot, you smile dopily as you thank him.
“You know, gorgeous, I could have come picked you up,” Tim looks over at you from the open microwave door.
“You’re so sweet, baby!  I know you would have, but you’ve been working so hard on the Pie case – I knew you would already be working late, and I knew we would be late too with all the picture taking.  I didn’t want you to get home and then have to go out again.  It was easy enough to share a cab.  Oh!  That reminds me – I gotta check in with the group chat.”
Your fingers are still flying over your phone keyboard as Tim places a plate of steaming hot Chinese food in front of you – you smile gratefully up at him.
Tonight’s night out had been double duty for you – in addition to seeing some friends that you haven’t seen in forever, a local food blog that features your photos regularly had put out a call for cocktail photos, so your group had gone out with the mission of trying as many different mixed drinks as possible. 
As he always does after you go out and shoot photos, Tim sits next to you and listens to you as you swipe through your camera roll and happily chirp about the pictures you took: the subjects, lens choices, angles and lighting options.  He does his best to concentrate on the pretty pictures on your screen but can’t help stealing glances at your sweet face, alight with enthusiasm and joy.
Finally putting your phone down, you start to dig into your cooled down food as you catch Tim up on the rest of your night, tipsily chatting non-stop in between bites of delicious, greasy food:
“Ok remember when I told you about Vicky’s deadbeat boyfriend who she basically carried through her internship?  He apparently tried applying for a job at her new boyfriend’s restaurant??!”
“Guess what they had on the menu, baby??  A flight of spareribs – isn’t that such a cute idea?  I thought, ohhh Tim would love this, he can never choose between crispy and bbq. Ha!”
“And she ended up getting two dogs from the shelter!  Do you ever thing about getting a dog?  I kind of wish we had a dog but we’re both so busy…”
“… should have made him clean the toilets, is what I said.”
“Ooo!  Dumplings!”
“They had that Chablis we liked so much at that wine bar in New York!  I didn’t get any because we were only getting cocktails for my photos.  But no one ever has Chablis – we need to go back!”
“So then you’ll never guess what she said: I would rather eat a lightbulb.”
Your unrestrained laughter rings throughout the kitchen, eyes twinkling in mirth, thoroughly amused by you and your friends’ antics.  You’re leaning back in your chair, your feet resting in Tim’s lap as he rubs your sore feet, the very picture of happiness that Tim imagines whenever the stress and realities of his work threaten to envelope him and he needs a little light to guide him forward.
With amazement, Tim watches as you gracefully manipulate your chopsticks and pick up cube after cube of salt and pepper fried tofu and pop them in your mouth, your elegant movements belying your state of inebriation, “Sounds like you had a great time tonight, Shutterbug.”
“Oh we did!  I miss those girls so much.  It’s hard for us to find a time to all get together but when we do it’s always soooo much fun!  We just pick up like we used to when we were all juniors at the firm, it was perfect… well except for those two guys that couldn’t take a hint.  Yeesh.”
“What guys?” Tim looks up, eyes darkening, his big, firm hands stop their caressing of your arches.
You wave your chopsticks wildly in the air, as if to dismiss his concern, “Just a couple of guys at the bar that kept sending us drinks.  We kept sending them back.”  You wiggle your feet in Tim’s grip and he catches on – immediately starting to massage them again.
“Did they give you any trouble?”
“Not really.  Too laughable to be trouble – they came over before dessert was brought out to ask why we didn’t accept their drinks?  I mean?? We told them that we were drinking for work, like my photo thing, not for fun.”
“And they got the message?”
“I mean, it took a while, but yes – they kept trying dumb lines like, Work hard, play hard!” you scrunch up your face at the ridiculous memory, “I finally had to tell them that my husband’s a cop in order for them to leave us alone!”
Husband.  Tim wills himself to keep his expression neutral, as if you hadn’t said something that piqued his interest and sent his heart racing.  Husband.
“Oh yeah?  What did they have to say to that?”
“Ugh!  One of them tried to convince me that he’d be a better husband than 'some meter maid,'” you roll your eyes as you shove black bean chicken chow mein into your mouth, “Timmy, did you splurge for extra crispy noodles?!” Your delight fills Tim with pride – he doesn’t know how you can tell after the sauce practically drowns the noodles, but you always can.
He nods, entertained by your cheery chatter, “You know, everyone has to do a rotation in Parking Enforcement – it’s a legitimate part of training.  So, what did you say?”
It takes you a beat to answer, so tickled by the image of your hulking Tim in a little cap and vest writing parking tickets, “I quoted Clueless of course: As if.  My husband is the biggest, baddest detective in the LAPD.  He’s the smartest investigator on the squad and has cleared more cases than anyone else in the precinct.   And he’s a ferocious guard dog who would rip apart any one who would dare make a woman feel uncomfortable.”
“You told them all that, Shutterbug?” Tim’s half proud and half shy at your praise, and still unable to get over that you’re calling him your husband in public.  It’s making him unspeakably happy. 
You nod vigorously, eyes wide and innocent, as if you couldn’t imagine a world in which Detective Tim Rockford and his accomplishments aren’t being praised to the sky at every given opportunity.  “I also told them that my husband is the sweetest and kindest person I’ve ever met.  And that even though he has hardened criminals scared shitless, he only ever makes me feel loved and supported, 100% appreciated and taken care of.  I love my husband!”  You look so happy you could cry, and Tim can’t help but feel his entire chest swell at how you described him to those two bozo strangers - that this is how you see him, what he means to you.  He loves you so much.
He tells you so as he kisses the top of your head, taking your empty plate to the sink and fetching another glass of water before wrapping his arm tightly around your waist and leading you to the bathroom.
From under his chin, you look up and coo, “And he’s hot too, you know?”
“Hmmmm?” Tim smiles down indulgently to find your cute, drunk face grinning at him mischievously.
“My husband.  He’s so fucking hot.  I want to climb him like a tree and sink my teeth into all his hard muscles and mark him up so everyone knows he’s mine.  Oh my god!”  You step in front of Tim, startling him with your sudden movement, the two you continuing to make your way through the bedroom.  Under Tim’s watchful eye, you walk backwards as you babble eagerly, trying desperately to make him understand, “You don’t even know how handsome he is?!?  He has the perfect nose and the deepest brown eyes.  His lips are so soft, perfect for kissing.  He is SUCH a good kisser.  OH!!! His facial hair looks sooooo good… I wonder what he would look like with a full beard.  Probably just as fucking hot as he does now.  My husband’s face is DEVASTATING!” You sigh dramatically.
Now starting to get embarrassed at your compliments, Tim turns you around gently and marches forward.  Once in the bathroom, you stop abruptly so that Tim bumps into you – giggling, you wiggle your butt into his crotch, wordlessly asking for help you don’t actually need to undress.
Tim disrobes you swiftly – wanting to help you get to bed as soon as possible, but makes sure to kiss a gentle path along the skin he reveals as he unzips the dress he watched you put on for work this morning; after he helps you step out of your dress, he dots kisses down the back of your thighs and calves that leave you shivering in pleasure.  Left in just your matching pastel floral lingerie set, you brush you teeth and start your night time skin care while Tim watches you fondly from his seat on the edge of the tub.  No matter the circumstances, you’ll never go to bed without washing your face and putting on some of the elixirs and potions that overrun your bathroom counter – Tim’s convinced they must work though - you’re radiant, stunning; if he didn’t often find himself distracted by the soft curves of your enticing body, he would never look away from your beautiful face.
“Did you know your husband has the best wife?”
You look over at him and giggle into the face towel you’re using to dry your cleansed skin, “Oh yeah?  Tell me about your wife, Detective Rockford.”
As you start to apply your creams and moisturizers, Tim comes up behind you, gently skimming his fingers up and down your bare sides, leaving little goosebumps in their wake, “My wife is gorgeous.  Prettiest woman I’ve ever met, inside and out.  She’s smart, kind, and hilarious, and I think the most considerate person on this planet.  Did you know when I first met her, she volunteered to wait and be the last to be interviewed by a grumpy detective, so that school trips and families with kids could go first?”
Your eyes crinkle at the memory of when you met Tim at the aquarium nearly a year and a half ago, “How do you know your wife wasn’t just angling to be interviewed by the hot detective?”
Tim points a finger at himself comically, arching his eyebrow at the you in the mirror reflection, Me?  Do you mean me – I was the hot detective?
You nod heartily, Of course you.
“Well, looks like my wife had my number from the start.  She’s smart like that.  Her brain is the sexiest part of her you know?  And that’s saying something because everything about her is sexy,” Tim starts kissing your neck.  His hands trail up to your breasts and he softly gropes your curves over the lacy fabric before reaching one hand between your bodies and undoes your bra clasp, his other hand ready to help you drag the bra down your arms, exposing your bare chest to the detective's lustful gaze.  Nuzzling into your ear, he whispers, “My wife is so fucking hot,” as his fondles your breasts in his big, meaty hands – rolling your nipples between his rough fingers then lightly tugging before releasing them, causing your tits to jiggle. 
You turn in Tim’s arms, your lips immediately meeting his, mouth open with an unspoken invitation he eagerly accepts.  Tim licks into your mouth hungrily and you match each stroke of his tongue with a brush of yours, every nip of his teeth with an equally playful nibble.  You sigh into Tim’s mouth as his lips press to yours over and over, mapping your soft cushiony lips and sucking them swollen to mark you as his.  He hardly allows you to take a breath, and you’re not sure anymore if your dizziness is from tonight’s alcohol, or the way Tim’s lips slot so perfectly over yours, stealing all your air.  You love it - air is nothing when you have Tim.  Moaning softly so the sound fills his mouth, you hear Tim whisper huskily, “Arms up, Shutterbug.”
“Anything you say, Detective,” you shimmy your half naked body playfully in Tim’s arms and raise your arms over your head as requested, and for a second, you can’t help but gaze adoringly at Tim’s devilishly handsome face before your vision is obstructed.
“Hey!  What th-?”  When Tim’s grinning face comes back into view, he lowers your arms to your sides and you look down at your chest.  You realize that Tim has slipped one of his oversized band t-shirts over your head to wear for sleeping.  You give him an exaggerated pout and a silly whine before pressing your now t-shirt clad body to his, your final drunk attempt at seduction.
Tim dispenses a soft kiss to your lips, nose, then forehead, “Not tonight, gorgeous.  You’re drunk.  You don’t need sex, you need water.”  He points to the glass of water he brought from the kitchen and leaves to place the drink on your bedside table so that you can finish getting ready for bed. 
Snuggling under the covers after taking three big gulps of water from your glass at Tim’s insistence, you sleepily arch you butt against Tim’s bulge, giving it a half-hearted shake, stopping only when he gives you a pinch on the bum, murmuring, “Tomorrow, Shutterbug.”  You grin at the promise and yawn, “Goodnight, Timmy,” before finally succumbing to your alcohol fueled exhaustion and passing out.
Tim wonders if you’ll remember calling him your husband tomorrow.  He wonders if you meant to say it or if it just slipped out.  He wonders what it could mean that you said it at all.  He wonders if you somehow know about the ring box that’s hidden in a pair of old sport socks he never uses at the back of his dresser drawer in the bedroom of a house that he’s hardly at anymore. 
Tim tightens his arms around you - he wonders a lot of things, but the one thing he never wonders about is how he feels about you.  Pressing one last soft kiss to your shoulder, Tim breathes in your soft scent – a mixture of perfume, lotion, home, and whispers, “Good night, Mrs. Rockford.”
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spockandawe · 1 year
Here we go! I have some smaller books to share as well, but I've been absolutely VIBRATING with excitement to share a BIG one, and I'm going to indulge myself and post that today, then figure out words for the rest. Because I bound a new cnovel. Check it out, guys, I bound jwqs/clear and muddy loss of love :D
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Let me indulge myself and backtrack a little! First, these are quarto books, so they're short. But I think these average a little under 500 pages each, and jwqs is a LONG book (my beloved), and this adds up to a total eleven inches of lesbians. More like twelve once they're in their cases. It's over a million characters in Chinese and I think the English translation comes in somewhere around 890k, it's HUGE
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Making these books was SO FUN, I hadn't read jwqs and still haven't, and will probably read on my phone when I do. I don't have any exciting photos of the typesetting, but I knew this was an imperial succession story, and that made me nervous, those stories don't always click for me. Well, the process of typesetting and adding footnotes for this beast definitely confirmed that I'm going to have a good time with this thing when I have the time to read it, but there was also so much going on that only the vaguest of spoilers sank in. I went into an absolute FRENZY of typesetting, and after I printed, cut and folded it, well. That was one afternoon of sewing. You're looking at the reason I'm scrambling to make up a few hours of missed work, hahaha
After that, I needed cases. At the very beginning of march, I received a shipment of some FASCINATING bookcloth. It's called Duo, and it's made by layering a thin gauzy fabric of one color over paper of a different color. Depending on the combos, you get a really cool range of color-shifting effects. And they've gone out of production! But I was part of a group order to get some of the goods, and hadn't yet finished a new project. Reader, I went for it.
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That purple and green is bananas!!!! It's so hard to photograph, this midnight picture of a few cases is one of my most successful attempts to capture the full range up close. Originally I'd been thinking of trying to evoke imperial gold, but I figured this was still the kind of drama and luxury suited the book, and also something something the hidden colors suited Qi Yan's character. I tied it back a little to the imperial gold with the endpapers, then titled them in silver foil, since the endpapers had silver in them.
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But once the books were made, I felt like it wanted something... more. Something like a BOX!
And me, I chase novelty. A set this large would be tricky for anything clamshell, but a slipcase for all seven would leave books tipping all over if it was wide open, but putting walls between slots would be demanding in terms of precision and would risk similarly-sized books getting stuck in the wrong slots. Then I remembered learning about slipcases where you could put in a little insert to support the weight of the text block, and the concept SNAPPED into place.
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Colors aren't going to photograph well at midnight, but I made the supports using the scraps and off-cuts from my endpapers, to tie it back into the bindings. The back of the case is lined in more of the duo, and the walls are lined with a faux leather bookcloth I like a lot, it feels buttery smooth and seemed like a good neutral material to tie the papers and bookcloth together. I listened to some of the DEEPEST layers from the nine-hour conspiracy theory iceberg video while I was working on this, haha, it was a TRIP.
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And in the end, each of the supports is sized to comfortably sit in the smallest of the volumes, and evenly spaced, so I believe it will take the books in any order with no problems. It's easy to grab the books without having to cut notches into the walls to grab them from. And even though weight is less of an issue for quarto sizing, the books in here have their weight supported no matter what angle the box is at! I'm so, so pleased with how this concept worked out and definitely plan to do more with it in the future.
So there we are! Jing Wei Qing Shang! I had such a fabulous time with this project, and I'm so excited to get to share it with all of you. The story was fun to work with, the bindings and box were fun to make, and everything here came together just as well as I could possibly have hoped. I'm so proud of this, and incredibly, incredibly excited to show it to you!
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𝐚 𝐃𝐑 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 !
(( what happened last night in my new Weasley reality ))
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hello loves !
something unexpected happened with my weasley reality when I shifted last night, and I thought I would update this blog about it!
when I began my shifting attempt, I ended up having this crazy dream where I was still living at the Burrow and everything was the same as my original Weasley reality, except I was a siren.
sirens and the sea have been my hyperfixation since I was a little child, so I have no idea why I didn't think to make myself one in the beginning! especially in a magical desired reality WHAT A COOL IDEA!!
I woke up in the middle of the night and immediately knew that I had to try and shift to a reality like that. I didn't really think about the logistics (as the Weasleys aren't sirens and I didn't know how to relate that??) but I knew I had to experience it once in my life!!
so, I tried to shift again while filled with motivation for this completely random DR. I feel like only shifters will understand that sentiment—— just being completely obsessed with a random idea and knowing you have to shift there
I tried a new subliminal (by slade.) AND OH MY GOODNESS I SHIFTED SO FAST. usually it takes me two hours to successfully shift, but I think I got to my new siren/weasley reality in 20 minutes! i've never found something so powerful for me and i am obsessed!!
anyway, I woke up in my bedroom in the Burrow and was kind of disoriented because I didn't script ANYTHING about this reality (as I usually do to help me organize thoughts) but I noticed some new things in my room?
there were a lot of different bottles of perfumes and oils, which I later learned were important to sirens in the wizarding world. i also had a sea altar, and there was a line of sea shells along the windowsill.
I stared at everything for so long, and I was filled with these memories of living at Shell Cottage when I was younger and the weasley children helping me pick all of the shells.
I also looked at my photo book, and it was completely different from my original Weasley reality. there were a lot of photos of shell cottage, but there was also a photo of young me being held by Molly. I flipped further and found a photo of my mum from this reality.
I'll skip all the emotional stuff, but I found out that she was a full siren that married Arthur Weasley's brother, making me a half siren and the cousin to the Weasley children. apparently my siren mum, Jina, also was mysteriously taken by deatheaters and my other dad, William Weasley was sent into a panic trying to find her.
piecing together everything, I was taken in by the Weasleys when I was around five (I think??) and raised as one of their own. I also had memories of visiting my siren mum's home with the other sirens and it was so idyllic being next to the sea and all.
so yeah! that is what happened in my shift last night!
I ended up liking it so much that I stayed until school started (which was still a week away). everything was the same—— all of the relationships, the memories, everything !
IM SO IMPULSIVE and I can't pick a reality for the life of me-- so I hope this isn't too confusing for anyone who is following my blog :,)
I am probably going to make this my main Hogwarts reality, so I think siren daphne is here to stayyy
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((thank you for reading if you've made it this far!))
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artsyfartsypaige · 3 months
Guess who saw the A.R.T production of Gatsby the other night?!?!?! It was truly an amazing show (I legit cried during it) and I would love to bring up some of the highlights. In a few scenes, my only thought was “the tumblr is gonna love this”. It was a phone free show so I don’t have photos of the stage or actors but I’m happy with discuss.
1) The stage was made of metal car parts, glittery string curtain and two black marble staircases. It was kinda split between Gatsby’s world and the Valley of Ashes.
2) The actor for Nick, Ben Levi Ross, was probably the funniest actor in the show. He had great line delivery. He was also super short and literally everyone towered over him.
3) on everyone’s costumes, there was a coating of dirt/rust at the bottom. It was such a cool little detail.
4) Nick has a small panic attack when fireworks go off at the party and this is how him and Gatsby meet. They sit together on the bottom of the stairs and it legit felt like a rom com meet cute.
5) yes, Nick makes out with McKee. He spends every party scene from that point on flirting with some guy or making out with a member of the ensemble.
6) I’m not totally sure if Gatsby is still a bootlegger in this version but they show him killing a man so he’s definitely involved in some sketchy business.
7) Wolfsheim signs a song called “Look like heaven but feel like hell” which was my favorite. It’s him explaining Gatsby’s fake origins to Nick. Gatsby gets to do a full dance number and quick change into his pink suit.
8) They added some backstory to Myrtle and Wilson that they lost a daughter in the Spanish flu. It was a sad but sweet detail as to why they’re the way they are.
9) In the tea party scene, Nick pushes Gatsby back onto stage after he runs out in a panic.
10) Gatsby doesn’t die in the pool, Wilson shoots him on the staircase.
11) Gatsby’s father is indigenous which is LOVED! I’ve always imagined Gatsby to be indigenous and so seeing that others had the interpretation was amazing.
12) overall beautiful music. A lot of raw emotion and a wide range. Wolfsheim’s song and “The Damage you do” by Tom and Daisy were my favorites.
Let me know if have any questions about anything!!! I really want to discuss the show!! Here’s the book I brought signed by the cast!!!
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snek-panini · 19 days
At long last, it is Post Stuff I Made Time again. The last time I had a book to show off was in May and that's just too long. Not a fic (this time. I have them, they're coming) but a journal:
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I made this as a dnd journal for my husband, and it was originally supposed to be a Christmas present, then a birthday present (in March), and finally it has reached its true potential as a Labor Day Week present. But it's gorgeous, he loves it and I'm proud of it. The cover is Allure book cloth (the color's called skylight), with the strip at the bottom in chiyogami (from ChibiJay; I got it in one of their assorted strip packs), and the flower is gold foil htv. The campaign is pirate/high seas themed, and his character's background has a distinct Fantasy Japan element, so a lot of the design choices followed from that.
More photos under the cut!
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Close up on the cover. I thought I had a close up of the flower icon but I must not have taken it. Love how close the color match is between the blue in the waves and the book cloth. The gold htv came out a bit less smooth than I'd have liked, but it has a kind of gold leaf look to it that we both ended up really liking.
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He requested a Coptic bind so it would lay flat when opened, and I did Coptic end bands for stability and because they look cool, especially with the exposed link stitches. I find the link stitches also add a bit of stability when you've got fewer Coptic stitches. I special ordered the pink thread (again, his choice) from Hollander's, and it was expensive and totally not worth the hassle. The only way to get this color was pre-waxed and there is SO MUCH WAX on it, it's ludicrous. I scraped a lot of it off on a blade and it was still too waxy, like handling a candle. It's also very stiff and thicker than I'm used to, to the extent that it was hard to thread the needle with it. I've ordered their unwaxed thread before and would do it again, but this is the last time I buy the waxed stuff. Embroidery floss is cheaper, easier to work with, and comes in more colors.
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Please ignore the blurriness in the second photo; I have never claimed to be a photographer and didn't notice it till now. This is the doublure on the inside of the front cover, and it's more chiyogami from Chibijay. The wave pattern wraps around from the front to finish up under this paste-down; I wanted to do the same in the back but didn't have enough of the wave print, so the back is plain.
I thought I'd taken a photo of the pages but I guess I didn't because I can't find it now. Being a journal there was no typeset for this. I actually bought a pre-cut and pre-folded unsewn book block from Hollander's for this. They come in a couple of colors and you can get them blank, with lines, or with graph print for drawing, and Husband chose the graph paper for ease of drawing and making charts.
As a rule I don't normally make journals; books only become interesting to me after there is something in them. So I just skipped the part of the "learning to make books" process where most people make a bunch of sketchbooks. This is actually the first one I've ever made. I'm pleased with how it turned out, and Husband loves it, but I can't see them becoming a regular part of my output unless it's requests like this. However, I've got six finished fic binds to post, so stay tuned for those.
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theunderestimator-2 · 16 days
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Hector Penalosa as captured by Melanie Nissen back in 1977 while performing at Larchmont Hall, Los Angeles, with The Zeros, a band of high school teenagers from Chula Vista, CA, who helped create the first wave of punk rock in Southern California (photo included in the photographer's 2002 "Hard and Fast " book with photos previously published in Slash Magazine as well as some never seen before).
cheunderground.site/ : "The Zeros, often referred to affectionately as the “Mexican Ramones,” cannot only justifiably lay claim to being San Diego’s first “punk” rock group but also can brag about being one of the first punk groups in the US. In a brief but brilliant career highlighted by some classic recordings as well as shows with the Clash and Devo, the Zeros played the first big punk shows in both Los Angeles and in San Diego as early as 1977, when they were still high-school students (…) at a time when greater San Diego was both indifferent to and unimpressed by counterculture movements of any kind. Zeros guitarist and lead vocalist Javier Escovedo hails from a musical family… His brother Alejandro founded San Francisco punk band the Nuns, whose pinnacle was opening for the Sex Pistols in their legendary final concert in 1978 at the Winterland, and, was the family member with the most influence upon his musical tastes. Zeros guitarist Robert Lopez and his cousin, Zeros drummer Baba Chenelle grew up together listening to music and learning to play the guitar and drums, respectively. Baba and Hector met in PE class at Chula Vista Junior High School on April 4, 1975, the Monday after KISS made its first appearance on Burt Sugarman’s “Midnight Special.” “I told this kid I had seen this band on TV with a bunch of makeup and platforms,” Hector remembers. “Baba said, ‘Yeah, man, they’re cool. I have three of their records, so I’ll bring ‘em tomorrow, and you can check ‘em out.’ Baba turned me on to a lot of cool music like Aerosmith, the Modern Lovers and the Velvets, and we became friends,” says Hector. Hector decided to switch to bass so that he could eliminate his competition. He began teaching himself to play bass using three albums as guides: “The New York Dolls”; the Dolls’ “Too Much, Too Soon”; and John Lennon’s “Rock and Roll.” During this time, Javier and Robert, who were students at Chula Vista High School, were playing in a band called the Main Street Brats, covering Standells, Seeds, and Velvet Underground songs, alongside Javier’s originals like “Main Street Brat,” “Siamese Tease,” “Wimp” and “Don’t Push Me Around.” They recruited Baba to be the group’s drummer, and later that year, when they needed a bass player, Hector was invited to audition at Javier’s house in Chula Vista. “I didn’t hear from them for a long time afterwards,” Hector remembers. “I finally asked Baba about it, and he told me that they weren’t sure because they thought if I joined there would be too many Mexicans in the band! They were looking for a blonde guy.” The band had now become the Zeros, a nod to a line by Lester Bangs Javier had read in Creem magazine: “I don’t wanna be a hero, I just wanna be a zero.” Founding members of the band Robert Lopez & Hector Penalosa reunited to form The Zeros ’77 and will be performing on a mini So-Sal tour on 17 Sept. in LA, 21 Sept. in San Diego & 22 Sept. in Long Beach. (from 'Getting Nowhere Fas't, a book on the '76-'86 San Diego scene by Ray Brandes of The Tale-Tell Hearts)
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rubyglasses · 1 month
Fancasting The Secret History
sharing my vision of who could play these classics students
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i tried to be as realistic as possible, considering their book descriptions and casting actors close in age to each other and their characters. after seeing so many of the same names in these fancasts, i wanted to throw some new ones in the mix!
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henry's a big guy, dark-haired, square-jawed, bespectacled — he basically looks like clark kent/superman. so my thought process went to henry cavill look-alike, jamie flatters (b. 2000). coincidentally, my old fancast was david corenswet, so i guess it all checks out. i only know jamie from avatar: the way of water, but based on his music videos, i think he's got the acting chops to capture henry's more unhinged side that he lets slip idk
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to me, bunny is the most american out of the group because of his family background, it's even described as "an upbringing vitally present in Bunny in every respect, from the way he shook your hand to the way he told a joke." saw this rudy pankow (b. 1998) casting suggestion on mycast and it just made total sense to me. having watched him as jj maybank in outer banks, i know he can capture how obnoxious bunny can be, and he'll do well trying to annoy every character and pushing their buttons.
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admittedly, this was a hard one because i originally had tom glynn-carney in mind but i wanted someone younger, so i didn't go too far and went with ty tennant (b. 2002) who's played the younger version of his characters twice now. i mean if you think about it, aegon ii targaryen and charles have a couple things in common: both are alcoholics and have an incestuous relationship with their sister 😭 since charles and camilla look androgynous and described as angels, i figured ty looks the part. i also believe in ty's acting skills to portray charles' complexity as the story goes on.
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i thought of young actresses who resembled ty and went with thomasin mckenzie (b. 2000), who i loved in jojo rabbit and last night in soho. i know thomasin would look good as a blonde, but more importantly, she's got the face for period dramas. camilla is enigmatic, but i think richard just saw her as like an ingénue, so i figured thomasin can do that layered performance.
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thought and long hard for who to cast as francis because i'm so tired of seeing the same redhead actors or some random redhead model 😭 thank goodness luther ford (b. 1999/2000) has been discovered. his portrayal in the crown sold me because it was very francis of him to just sit around drinking booze and smoking while dressed in modern princely clothing.
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another inspired casting suggestion i saw on mycast — physically, i think dominic sessa (b. 2002) truly fits the bill; i like that he's not your conventionally good-looking guy too. acting-wise, he was incredible in the holdovers. and i believe he could put so much more personality to richard papen's character.
might make a part 2 for other characters like julian morrow and judy poovey :> thanks for checking this out and let me know if you see the vision!
p.s. it's never gonna happen but it'd be interesting to just see this set of actors get together because they seem like a bunch of introverts 😭 they might bond over taking film photos of each other though so that's cool
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Macaque in the "Century Stone Egg au";
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Basically XD
LBD accidentally gets the whiff of Sun Wukong being back + "having a future heir", and gives this information to the imprisioned Macaque to enrage him into working for her.
The second Macaque is revived, he still yeets the Skeleton Key far away as in canon, and books it towards FFM to see Wukong.
He doesn't even know *why* he's so insistent on seeing Wukong right now. His mind is running on fumes atm. Who is the heir? Why was Wukong apparently "gone" for so long? Hey, who are these people hanging around the island?
Macaque likely skulks around the island at first for a few days to scope out the situation. What monkey could measure up to his former mate to be an heir? Macaque makes a loud gulp as the figure of his King (somehow more beautiful than he remembered) turns to see him.
Wukong: *confused "hm?"* Macaque: *still a mess from his revival. Eyes fixated on both Wukong and... Wukong's swollen stomach* Wukong: *too shocked too speak. Eye start watering with a mix of joy and fear* Macaque: "Is... how?" Wukong, voice croaking with emotion: "After I lost you, it seemed like the right idea." Macaque: "Was it with someone or-" *eyes widen* "You made a Stone Egg didn't you?" Wukong: *nods with a mix of smug pride* Macaque, lets out a relieved gasp: "Peaches if I wasn't so mad at being killed right now, I'd grab you and hold you and kiss you." Wukong, laughing with tears: "Don't worry. Your jiějie will do it in my stead." Macaque: "Huh? what do you mean-" PIF, slams in to Mac at mach speed: "LIU'ER MIHOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" *hugs him in chokehold* "I've been alone for almost 500 years making sure no one bothered Wukong or my future niece!" Wukong: "Tieshan, I told you, there's no way to know for certain what they'll identity as." *turns to Mac* "Sorry Plums. She insisted I get an ultrasound to check on the baby. I have photos if you want to see them?" Macaque: *can't breath cus tightness of PIF's hold/has no idea what an ultrasound is, but tail thumps with delight* The rest of the gang: *mouths agape in shock* Σ(゚口゚;)//
Macaque openly cries when he sees/understands the ultrasound photos. (Sound that allows you to hear the shape/condition of the baby? Super cool!) He's sobbing at how beautiful his mate is, and how perfect *their* cub is already!! It's hard to remind Mac that Wukong is technically the Egg's only parent, but the gang let him have this fatherly pride. He's a little peeved that Wukong went through with the Stone Egg process despite the warnings from Gibbon and Baboon, but upon learning "Thats what the immortalities were for", he starts crying/realising so much all at once.
The subjects of the island all have a massive party to welcome Macaque back, something the Warrior honestly didn't expect. He didn't know that even for what he'd done, their people still missed their Kings' mate. And now he's back!!
In the Century Egg au, Macaque likely isn't carrying the Eclipse twins... or they're underdeveloped to the point that Mac is stuck incubating them for about a few years (like 10+) more until they're ready to pop out. He'd only find out about them out of his own curiousity at the ultrasound tech - Sandy has to catch Mac mid-faint at the news.
With his mate (tenative but healing relationship) by his side Wukong finally births his egg. Newborn "Xiaotian" has double the amount of parents (much more the amount of family) Wukong had originally planned for!
Macaque isn't jealous of the baby. Far from it. This is the infant his mate wanted so badly to have, that he risked the wraths of Heaven and Diyu to create and be there for. Xiaotian is Mac and Wukong's joy personified. Macaque's stone monkey instincts kick in and he's running around like super-dad; tending to the baby and/or Wukong whenever the King needs.
Macaque is also secretly really touched that Wukong kept loyal to him even centuries after his death. Still wonders why tf he died tho (S5 related probably).
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mangledscrimp · 3 months
I know not everyone will like them, but I like them and that’s really all that matters tbh. !!
First with Hershel!
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Writing out the bullet points so it’s easier to read!
•She isn’t that interested in archeology but her dad encourages it since he has a fond for it as well! Roland loved to adventure in his prime and he wants Hershel to experience something like that as well.
•She has pcos. Ok guys, listen to me okay…she’s..she’s literally me..okay..?,,,I gave her pcos because I wanna feel a better about myself okay..okay…and that I think it would add more to her character okay bye
•Fond of puzzles because of her father and friends. Randall is quite the encourager when it comes to puzzles, especially with Hershel. Hershel has grown to like solving puzzles the more she bonds with her dad and Randall.
•Going to the library with Randall. Hershel enjoys when Randall brings her along for library trips and shows her the cool archeological text books. Though she still finds it a bit strange since Angela and Alphonse tend to find it weird how Randall usually just wants to hang out more with her instead of them. But, she tends to overlook that and continue to have fun with Randall! Even when it’s just reading a book or two!
•Going by the Sapphic label. She has the need to feel like she should be attracted to men as well at her age, but she doesn’t really have that wired very well in her brain. Her mother suggests she should allow herself to be open to roughly anything that comes her way.
not in the picture but, Hershel’s nationality is Barbadian/Bajan and puerto rican lolllll bc I felt like it tehe (though, Hershel would call herself Barbadian because she doesn’t live in Barbados)
,, Also not in the picture but she is 17years old!!
-Her design changed a lot through development, at first I wanted her hair to be how it is normally, a small but long poofy hair, but I think the hair as a small fro is a good call back to Hersh teen original design
-Another example would be me trying to figure out what color her vest should be, eventually I got it down to be blue vest with a red tie, but in the beginning I was debating on keeping the original color pallet
Now with Randall!!
I feel like u guys might hate me for this one but..ehhhhh,,,i don’t really give a fart…
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yeahg this ref is like. huge huge. okay. be nice…
As always, writing out bullet points and explaining some,
•Her glass lenses are fake, she tries to look like her dad most of the time since he’s a very known archeologist in this au. Though he was lost very long ago, when Randall was about 5 years old. He was also with Angela’s brother but, that’s another story!
•The two “mom makes her shave” bullets. Rosa, Randall’s mother, is quite the horrible woman. Randall started to develop facial hair that looked similar to her father when puberty hit, so she made her shave so Randall wouldn’t look like the man that left their family for his archeological studies. Even though that wasn’t his choice. Randall quite likes her facial hair but when her mom nags her about it, she’ll feel self conscious. This is why she wears her bandana! Though, as it says in the photo, Her mom lets her keep her hair sometimes if it’s not as noticeable.
•Randall is Mexican!! I really like the mexican hispanic randall headcanon, it’s my favorite, so I wanted to give it to Randyyy in this au!!
•Purses archeology to be more like her dad. Randall does this mostly in secret with Hershel in the library. Her mother wouldn’t want her taking the same path as her father so she does it with Hershel because she know Hershel wouldn’t disclose that to her mother.
•Randall is a closeted lesbian. Ohhhh she’s like. Deep in a glass closet, all of her friends know but they don’t want to tell her that they know. Her mom doesn’t know since Randall is so afraid to tell her mom about what she and Hershel do and she’s afraid to invite Hershel over to her home because she fears that Hershel would tell her mother the things that they do together (archeology reading time in the library)
•She’s quite awkward since Hershel arrived in stansbury and started attending school. Angela and Alphonse noticed it pretty quickly. Randall would usually have her jacket on with the buttons up, with only two left off of course, but that really started to change the more she got comfortable with Hershel around.
•She also has. pcos. OKAY HEAR ME OUT IN THIS ONE OKAY GUYS :< ,, she has pcos and a condition that can come with pcos called Hirsutism !! Hirsutism is excessive hair growth in certain areas like the chest, arms, legs and face! Randall has hair a lot in those places, she doesn’t shave anywhere but her face. She just doesn’t find the appeal to it!
•Yes..Jade Harley is an inspiration to..her..don’t ask me why..I don’t even homestuck, it’s just for hair anyways lolsss
not in the picture,, Randall is 17 years old tehe
Here’s some outfit stuff for toggles and other things lallaaaaaa, also! The stripe on her shirt would go around fully, not just the front.
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ALSO!! Oh my god when making Randy ref and finishing someone,,, definitely not any spherical wizard of sorts,, said that it looked like Randall’s wall that he put all his ideas and stuff on with all the doodles on Randall’s ref page and I was just. Wow. entirely correct. So I did this;
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i’m going to DIEEEE after posting this oh my god
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i was laughibggghhh my ass off making that. I’m fully convinced that Randall would draw in that yuri art style and still not think she’s a lesbian.
Angela so real for that honestly like how are they not. Also alphonse shirt..happy puppy…Henry don’t gaf.
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pureforestspirits · 1 year
featuring! tsireya, lo’ak, neteyam, kiri, ao’nung, rotxo!
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just for fun. i couldn’t decide if i wanted to make this a human au, or keep them na’vi… so it’s a mix of both!
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TSIREYA - @reefprincessreya 𓇼
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she has the most beautiful, aesthetically-pleasing layout you’ll ever see.
username: “reef” because she loves the sea (duh), and “princess” because it’s really pretty + feminine, and she literally is a reef princess after all. finally, her cute nickname “reya”, where the alliteration makes her url extra catchy !
her bio would totally have some beautiful quote.. like, “the way of water has no beginning and no end.” ;)
tsireya does it alllllll. she has her personal tags that she puts on every post to keep organized, and she’ll spend hours on her new themes.
╭ @reefprincessreya
┆sooo happy! our brothers and sisters have
┆returned today, and i finally saw my spirit sister
┆again! she is healthy and well <3
╰ #reya’s life ˚୨୧⋆。
unlike the rest, who prefer the more private feel of their blog, tsireya shared hers with all her friends who all consistently use tumblr together!
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LO'AK - @yooooitsloak
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username: he just typed in the first thing that came to mind. 
lo’ak literally made a tumblr account just because of tsireya. 
it’s almost a ghost blog, but he at least took the time to add a pfp (which is a photo of his fav pair of sneakers). 
lo’ak likes every single one of tsireya’s posts. even if there’s only 1 note; it’s lo’ak. 
(we love a supportive boyfriend)
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NETEYAM - @burntouteclipse ✰
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neteyam is the ultimate aesthetic, educated and sophisticated king for liking tumblr by himself ✊🏻 (no shade to lolo though). like ‘reya, he also has a clean, aesthetically-pleasing layout, but it’s more masculine.
username: just sounds cool, y’know? he also works his ass off and is “burnt out” after all (perfection and golden-childism ain’t easy), and eclipse is just a time of day neteyam really enjoys where he gets to relax and spend time for himself. 
neteyam doesn’t complain much in real life, or let out a lot of his feelings. tumblr is like his peaceful, personal, private corner where he can speak his mind, which he really appreciates. 
i can see him reblogging and following fashion accounts that he likes, as well as occasionally posting a little ramble. ‘teyam’s page is scattered with some little thoughts and feelings here and there between reblogs of cool streetwear clothing and artistic photos/photography (for human neteyam). 
you’ll see him and tsireya interact with each other on occasion! 
╭ @burntouteclipse
┆ accidentally hit my knee earlier today,
╰  and now i can barely run properly. shit
⠀ ╭ @reefprincessreya
⠀ ┆ oh no! i’m sorry to hear. hope you
⠀ ╰ ➤ will feel better soon, ma ‘eylan! ♥︎
⠀ ╭ @burntouteclipse ☆ Original Poster
⠀ ╰ ➤ thank you tsireya
if there’s a girl he likes, neteyam’ll try and see if she has a tumblr. he’ll eventually find it, and enjoys scrolling through her posts + loves reading her little rambles. but he does it from a distance, and doesn’t interact (you’d never know. he’s the epitome of secret admirer). . .
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KIRI - @atokirina333 ❀
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username: kiri’s a spiritual gal, what can i say? not to mention, she was named after the atokirina, so it’s perfect. there’s also angel numbers!! ofc!!! ps: this url was taken at first, but she tracked down the person and convinced them to give it to her. somehow. 
unlike neteyam who writes ‘n posts small things sometimes… kiri can rant here. don’t get me wrong, she’s not posting paragraphs, but she definitely lets loose when she wants to.
human kiri posts her plants, her crystals, her music vinyls, the desserts she likes baking, her books and posters, literally anything and everything you’d find in her room because it’s all pretty.
what else would you see on her page? poetry. reblogs of quotes and aesthetic photos, and especially pretty photos of nature (kiri and ‘reya’s tumblrs are similar in this sense)!
she and tsireya reblog each other very often! 
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"what's tumblr?"
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ROTXO - @justrotxo
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username: he’s just rotxo! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ though when he first joined, his @ was originally “reefboyrotxo”, but he (jokingly) got called out for copying tsireya, so he changed it.
hm, tbh, i don’t really see him as an avid tumblr user!
i have a headcanon that human rotxo'd be a surfer though, so i feel like he’d probably have 1-2 posts of a beautiful sunset + his surfboard, and like one post of a random thought he had. that’s it. his theme would also be blue/teal. 
i feel like he would’ve gotten tumblr because of his friends, and goes on just to see all of their posts. 
he interacts with/likes the posts of everyone in his circle! :) 
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. . .
AO'NUNG (continued)
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“what’s tumblr?”
it’s a social media app. your sister likes using it.
“oh, ok. whatever.”
neteyam sully uses it too. oh, and his brother lo’ak.
ao’nung is already intrigued at neteyam, but when he hears lo’ak is on there? oh boy.
he immediately signs up, and then gets all of his friends to as well.
soon, lo’ak is flabbergasted at the sudden flood of random anonymous troll asks he receives on his empty blog. 
ao’nung was going to anonymously send something to ‘teyam as well (obviously not to lo’ak’s extent), but after finding and looking through it… he actually secretly likes neteyam’s blog.
after everyone find out it’s him, he still eventually just keeps his tumblr to continue messing with the sullys, and his sister. popping in with a “DELETE THIS 🔥🔥🔥” to show he’s indeed still there, once every few eclipses. 
╭ @reefprincessreya
╰ ➤ ao’nung. rä’ä.
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the end!
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╭ @pureforestspirits
┆heyy! thanks so much for reading <3  
┆fun fact: i started writing this in my notes
┆app one day at like 4am. the sleep
┆deprivation was worth it, i think.
┆it was really fun to make LMAO
┆all interactions are muuuch appreciated,
┆since i’m still pretty new to posting. thank u!
╰#✺ ࿐ ۫ 
  6 notes  wink wink
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© 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒔.
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mirai-e-jump · 3 months
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Murakami Erica Photobook: Admiring Erica (select pages and translation below)
Publication: May 29, 2024
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Erica's Story
An ordinary high school student who was suddenly scouted one day in Harajuku, won the Grand Prix of an audition, and quickly became a "ViVi" model. After that, she also expanded her activities as an actor, and by taking on the challenge of the Super Sentai series, Erica became the nation's "princess" loved by people of all ages and genders. Including stories about her beloved family and work, this is the beginning of Erica's true story, which can only be told in a photobook.
"Congratulations on the release of your photobook 💛. What were your thoughts when you heard about it?"
Somehow, I always thought about wanting to publish a style book or a book related to beauty someday, but I never considered a photobook at all! I was surprised at first, and I couldn't imagine how it would turn out, but I knew that if I teamed up with ViVi, it would definitely be stylish, so I was really looking forward to it!
"How did it feel to actually shoot?"
The moment we started shooting, I was so excited because the photos were so stylish and had an atmosphere that only ViVi can create!!! The clothes were cute and had alittle bit of an emotional vibe to them but with the lighting that's so ViVi, ViVi is the best~ 💛.
Family Stories
-Talkative and mischievous. I'm a lively girl who grew up carefree in Fukushima-
"Erica is loved by her family, fellow models, staff and co stars. What kind of child were you during your childhood?"
I did things at my own pace from the moment I was born. I wouldn't shout, and was the kind of baby who would look around at the new world with wonder. I've been talkative and mischievous since I was young. I was a lively child, running around at the front while dragging my younger sister, younger brother, and the neighborhood children along with me. I grew up carefree in the rich nature of my hometown, Fukushima, so of course I was good with bugs. I loved to play pranks, and would catch grasshoppers and cicadas and release them at home, where my mother would often become furious with me. In elementary school, I did swimming, karuta, and piano……Since I had plenty of energy, I was able to learn a bunch of different things. From middle school, I started to dress up alittle more, and became interested in fashion and cosmetics. I'd wear the magnetic earrings I bought at the general store, and borrow and try out my mother's eyeliner without permission. In middle school, I joined the Soft Tennis Club, and while leading a club centered life, I became addicted to "Detective Conan." Mori Ran-chan was so cool, that I even tried karate for a brief time (laughs). I fell in love with the scientific field because Haibara Ai-chan was so cool, and she made me aspire to become a science researcher. From that time on, I had an otaku mind set, and would always get completely into whatever I liked.
"You must've been an actively curious child."
I was always active! I was always willing to try anything without hesitating, and even now I'm still the type of person who's curious and quick to act on whatever I want to do.
"Your father is originally from Canada. Did you go to Canada often?"
My grandfather and grandmother lived there, so I used to go there often when I was younger. When I was in middle school, me and my younger sister would spend our Summer vacations in Canada. I'd speak English together with my father, so I was able to speak it when I was a child, but I regret that I gradually became less interested in English. Now, I think I want to study English again.
"Being blunt, were you popular?"
Eh, not really (laughs). The only story I can tell you that made me alittle bit excited was when I was in high school, a friend told me that a boy from another school wanted to know my contact info. Unfortunately, I don't have that many stories of bittersweet love 💛, as I tend to become friends with the opposite sex pretty quickly.
"What kind of girl were you in high school?"
I decided to seriously pursue a career in science when I was in my first year of high school, so I went to cram school and studied hard in order to focus on entrance exams. I was involved in club activities, such as baking sweets in the laid back Family Life Club. If I got a job, I'd probably return to my hometown, so I wanted to go somewhere where I could do what I loved while being a college student, I even though, "Maybe I can study abroad!" So, I guess leaving Fukushima was the image I had in mind for my life plans. Rather than saying, "I definitely want to go to Tokyo!" I just felt like college in a city would be more exciting. I hoped that in the future I'd be able to work for a company involved in the development and research of cosmetics.
-I can be my most relaxed self when I spend time with my siblings 💛-
"Are you close with your siblings?"
My younger sister is 1 year, and younger brother is 5 years apart from me, and the three of us used to play together when we were in elementary school. When I started to enjoy fashion in high school, I lent and borrowed clothes with my sister. Since moving to the capital, I've been spending more time with my sister and brother whenever they come to Tokyo, and we often play together. It's probably because I'm the eldest daughter, but I have a strong desire to do things for my younger sister and brother. I lived with my sister when I was in college, so we were together alot. My brother's a spoiled brat and would call me to say, "I'm going to Chiba tomorrow, let's go to Disney together!" or "I want to eat sushi," and so I'll go with him. My brother has been in Tokyo since April, so I'm planning to take him to lots of places. I can be my most relaxed self when I'm spending time with my siblings.
"Do you ever fight with your siblings?"
When I lived with my sister, she often scolded me about not doing housework. My sister got angry with me when I was too busy and put off doing the laundry or dishes (laughs). Even now, I feel really bad about that. My sister was the kindest, cooking dinner for me when I worked late at night and prepping my bath. When I complained about how tired I was from work, she just let it slide in a nice way. I appreciated that as well. She knows how to treat me. Of course, when I was really having a hard time, she'd be there for me and listen to me seriously at dinner. She's my younger sister, but she's become like an older sister to me and supports me emotionally. My sister is the one who gives me the most objective opinion. She's the only one who'll say, "Onee-san, you don't look good in that outfit."
-I'm working hard at my job to show my family good things!-
"Erica loves her family."
I think my family is really close. I didn't have much of a rebellious phase, but when I was in middle school, I would pretend to be abit cool and listen to music by myself with earphones. My parents were the type to let me do what I wanted, so I was free to do whatever. On Friday nights, when my father came home alittle early, I'd fill a big bowl with my favorite snack, order pizza, and watch a movie together. My grandmother and grandfather took care of me when I was a child because both my parents worked, so I'm also very close with my grandparents. Even now, if I have two or three days off, I go back to my parents house and tell my family everything about work. I feel refreshed when I have conversations with them because I can talk with them while organizing my thoughts. They're so positive about everything I do, so if I feel like I'm lacking energy, or my self esteem is alittle low, I'll just video call them. No matter which one I call, they always come up on the screen, they're both adorable parents, always wanting to talk to me before anyone else (laughs). Once I've reached the point where I can put a pause on work, I'd like to take a family trip while my grandfather and grandmother are still healthy. The world is changing rapidly, even in just one year, so I'd like to give back alot while I can.
"What does family mean to Erica?"
It's healing. Part of me works hard because I want to show my family good things. Because I grew up in a close family, I long for marriage and want to start a family myself. I hear that many people don't want to get married these days, but I really do! (laughs), I feel like, "If you want to get married, come to my house." If there's anyone out there who's a good person, I'd like them to come and join my family.
Beauty Stories
-My private time is devoted entirely to beauty. "Erica's method" is to make a plan and keep at it for a long time-
"What's the number one thing you're interested in right now?"
It's beauty! I actually really love beauty. I love skin care and cosmetics, but I'm also interested in pilates, moxibustion, acupuncture, nutrition, diet, and anything related to health in general. I love it so much, that I now spend most of my private time on beauty.
"How long have you been into beauty?"
When I was in high school, my father had an opportunity to reevaluate his diet, and since I also had a weak stomach, we started together. The first thing I took care of was my eating habits. I started eating less additives and prioritized the vegetables from my grandparents garden. From there, I became interested in intestinal health, and since I like to do research, I got more and more into it. Since then, food and health have always been on my mind. I think that my family created the base for my healthy diet. When I was in college, I cooked for myself with vegetables from Fukushima that were sent to me, and even now I still cook for myself. Just recently, during the filming of "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger," I brought my own bento to keep myself healthy, including onigiri for breakfast and fruit for a snack. Food is important to maintain my figure, especially during busy times. But, when I go out to eat together with everyone, I don't worry about it and put priority on having a good time. I do care about it when I eat alone, so I like to find the right balance. Instead of making everything perfect, I try to be more flexible and make the best of what I have. The important thing is the long term, so I think it's those small steps and accumulations that have led me to where I am today.
-Occasional treats are OK! If I eat, I'll cover for it the next day with adjustments and exercise-
"How do you stay in shape?"
Honestly, when I first started modeling, I thought that if I gained weight, I wouldn't get any work. Currently I don't think it's enough to be thin, and I know that it's not everything, but when I was 18 or 19 years old, I was absolutely convinced that, "I should never be fat!" The idea of exercising never came up when I thought about eating less. I went without meals for about two days for my first swimsuit shoot, which was a complete disaster as I got heat stroke and felt sick. I learned to reflect on why I needed to be thin even though I was ruining my physical condition. Now, I think it's more beautiful to have abs rather than just being thin, and I've started to take up pilates not just to keep thin, but to improve my posture. I like pilates because it builds more flexible muscles than weight training. Exercise makes you more positive, and it's good for your mental health. When I have time, I sometimes go swimming. Now, I go to do pilates 2-3 times a week, and have incorporated walking. I love walking, so I wear comfortable shoes and try to walk around as much as possible when I can.
"What are you conscious of in your daily diet?"
I eat three well balanced and proper meals. If I don't take in enough nutritions, my complexion will be ruined. Now, because of the action in King-Ohger's stage play, I have to use alot of energy, so I eat sweets every time I take a break. So, I make sure to bring dried sweet potatoes, chocolate with at least 70% cacao, and fruit for snacking. I think it's important to know what to eat, not to refrain from eating. When I occasionally receive sweets as gifts, I enjoy them and try to move my body as much as possible. In my refrigerator is natto, mozuku, mekabu, and also dried wakame and koya dofu. The freezer is always stocked with burdock and beans. When taking meals on location, I just put bonito flakes and miso in a soup jar, add hot water, and I'm good to go. Miso soup is truly great. Speaking of, the miso by my grandmother is homemade. I heard that bacteria is important, so for awhile, I'd mix my grandmother's homemade amazake with yogurt.
"What's important in maintaining your figure?"
Of course, I don't always follow a stoic diet, if there's something I'm concerned about, I eat it, but I try not to do it continuously. People don't gain that much weight if they overeat for a day or two, but if you reward yourself every day and continue to do so for a week or more, it becomes a habit and will absolutely affect your figure. Swelling is a habit after all, so I'll take care of it on that day. Of course, not eating is also stressful, so when I eat, I try to exercise as much as I can. I used to worry about swelling, but now I don't. I'm more concerned about what kind of condition I want to be in on a regular basis. Rather than cramming everything together and doing alot of different things, I'd rather be in a state where I can make consistent progress every day and not have to do anything special. That's what motivates me, and when I want to have fun, I enjoy myself to the fullest and then make adjustments the next day. I guess that's the most like me.
-Always checking beauty care info while taking a long bath!-
"Tell us your at home beauty routine!"
At home, I use a foam roller to stretch and loosen up my muscles. I also use an easy to apply sticker type of moxibustion to warm up pressure points on my feet and improve blood circulation. When I'm tired, I love to use "Kyusoku Jikan Pressure Point Stimulating Gel Sheets" and going to bed because it makes my legs feel lighter 💛 also, it's important to take a long bath. I add bath salts like epsom salt and himalayan salt, and while soaking in the tub for 40 to 50 minutes, I'll search for beauty care info. When I want to warm myself up, I sometimes add sake. When I sleep, sometimes I'll wear medical compression socks. Also, I heard that it's good to sleep with a warm body, so until Winter ends, I put disposable hand warmers on my futon and wear "Nightmin Warming Earplugs" when I sleep. Recently, I bought a Zojirushi humidifier and it works great! It's good for my health and makes my skin feel soft.
"Do you take supplements?"
Honestly, I don't think anything can compete with food, but for this photobook, I also took extra of my favorite supplements. Recently, I've been taking Lypo-C in the morning and Lypo-CC+D at night. When I was alittle concerned about the condition of my skin, I got a prescription for coix seed from my hospital. I started taking it to treat water warts, but at the time, I got compliments on my skin, so I only take it before important events. Plus, I take Vitamin B for skin and fatigue, and glutathione for when I'm drinking alcohol. I heard that glutathione improves liver metabolism, and since I also like to drink, I always keep some handy. I'm currently interested in collagen supplements. As I get older, my problems will also change, so I'm always exchanging information with hair and makeup artists and beauty authors, and I actively try out new things that interest me. By the way, if I'm really busy, I can also rely on nutritional supplements. I use Chocola BB and Alinamin, and also the Orthomol that I bought from Korea, as they give me energy.
-I love acupuncture 💛 I also incorporate beauty clinics for skin care-
"Tell us what beauty places Erica goes to!"
I've been going for acupuncture once a month for about 3 years. I started going to improve my poor circulation, sensitivity to cold, and stiff shoulders, and I became addicted to how good I felt when waking up the next day. It seems to have a detoxifying effect that makes my body feel refreshed. The doctor is very knowledgeable about beauty and taught me some basics, like because I have a weak stomach, eating too many raw vegetables isn't good for my digestion, and that I should avoid coffee as the first thing I have in the morning.
"Do you go to beauty clinics?"
I go! Basically, my main focus is skin care, as I had rough skin around the time I moved to Tokyo, so I started looking for a beauty clinic to fix it, and then I started going to different ones. Laser toning treatments had visible results, and that's how I became hooked. Currently, I use a proper amount of both aesthetic and beauty clinics. I regularly go to "Aesthetic Salon CIEL" for facial contouring, where even sensitive skin can be managed. I don't do strong procedures that require downtime, but when I want to feel the power of medical treatments, such as toning or making acne scars less visible, I sometimes turn to cosmetic medicine. Recently, I heard that titanium lifting is a good thing, so I immediately made an appointment. I'm also interested in skin boosters. The idea is to not just slim down facial lines, but to have skin that looks healthy and tight.
-Beauty is my hobby. I always want to improve myself-
"What skincare regimen are you into lately?"
Since the beauty clinic will be thorough, my skin care regimen is basically protective. Currently, I love carbonated beauty. I like carbonated face washes, and use things like suisai's "Beauty Clear Fizzy Powder Wash," which I think as a side effect feels like it refreshes the area around my face! For a period of time, I was so addicted to it, that I used to make carbonated water with a "Soda Stream" and wash my face with it. I'll often use foam carbonation packs on my scalp. I also like fermented ingredients and will try out various kinds.
"What is Erica's goal with beauty?"
Smooth and soft skin! And above all else, health. Rather than wanting to be like someone else, I always want to better my image. Beauty for me is a hobby. It lifts my spirits and helps me "reset." It's my precious time 💛.
Work Stories
-I want to try something new! I dove into this world out of curiosity 💛-
"Now then, let's look back at Erica's work. When was the turning point?"
I participated in "High School Quiz" when I was in my second year of high school. I won the competition and was going on to compete in the national level, and while I was walking around Harajuku, excited to be in Tokyo for the first time, I was scouted by my current agency. I had previously been scouted in my hometown, but I turned them all down because I was preparing for exams. However, they asked for my contact info since I wasn't affiliated with an agency, and so we exchanged info. About six months later, I was recommended to audition for ViVi by the agency, and thankfully, I won the Grand Prix and became a ViVi model.
"Why did you decide to audition?"
I'm not swayed by trends, I'm just an ordinary girl. I had read ViVi before, but I was just a high school student who thought that the entertainment industry was a world I had no connection to, and that I'd just go on to higher education and find a job. Still, I like to try new things, and I thought it'd be simple and interesting, so I dove into this world out of curiosity.
"You auditioned as part of the experience and it changed your life."
I had a simple feeling about the audition, thinking, "I get to go to Tokyo, it's like a trip, it's going to be fun 💛." That's why I was really surprised when I passed. More than anything, my mother was happy. My mother's a huge fan of Hasegawa Jun-san, so when I told her about the ViVi audition, she was excited and said, "I think Erica will definitely become a ViVi model!" and I think she was more excited than I was when I passed. I was also happy to win the Grand Prix, but it was memorable to see how the many people around me, including my family and grandparents, were happy for me.
"Was there ever a moment during an audition when you thought you'd be accepted?"
Not at all. For the second round of selection, we were allowed to wear casual clothes, but I was told by my agency to "wear a white T shirt and shorts!" and I went to the venue as instructed, but everyone there was very fashionable. I thought, "Ah, I look completely out of place. This is the end." But, on the other hand, I think I stood out (laughs). Until the end, it never once crossed my mind that, "Maybe I'll be accepted?!" I felt like I'd just be lucky if I made it to the final round.
"The final selection was on the runway at the "Girls Award." Were you nervous about walking in front of an audience?"
To be honest, at the time I had no idea how enormous the "Girls Award" was. I was nervous, but I didn't really feel like I was standing on a big stage. It felt like, "There are so many famous people here!" If I failed here, I wouldn't have been able to study for entrance exams, and I wouldn't know what to do about going on to college.
"Tell us how you felt when you passed!"
Simply put, I was shocked. I received a bouquet of flowers from Yamashita Tomohisa-san and thought, "Ah, so this is Tokyo. I'm standing in the same place as a celebrity." I think I was rather calm.
"When did you finally realize that you had become a model?"
I commuted from Fukushima during high school, but at first I didn't get much work, and I guess I didn't really feel like a model. During my first year in college, I was so focused on my schoolwork to earn credits that I had very few jobs outside of ViVi. Toward the end of my first year, the amount of work gradually expanded, and I felt that my modeling work was becoming more and more fulfilling.
-Balancing schoolwork and being a ViVi model. My friends were there to help me get through it-
"Did you decide not to apply for college after being accepted as a ViVi model?"
I had always wanted to go to college, and I thought it'd be more fun to try different things and absorb different things than to follow one path. Since I suddenly became a model, I think I had the sense that college was my base, and I just happened to be lucky enough to be able to model. Since the path of modeling is a narrow one, I was determined to try to find a job if I were to stop modeling. I went on to study business administration at a science college, and what I studied has led me to where I am today, and as a result, many things have turned out well. The biggest change since becoming a ViVi model is that it's become easier to try new things. I think I've become more willing to try anything and everything without being afraid.
"Was it difficult to balance college with your career?"
In my first and second year, I prioritized my studies, and I didn't feel like I was doing that much work, so it wasn't hard. I was also living on my own for the first time and enjoying college life. In fact, I even talked to my agency about wanting to work more. But, it wasn't easy getting work, so I was prepared to do my best for when the opportunity arose. Around the beginning of my second year, I started taking more online classes due to the covid pandemic, which led to more jobs outside of ViVi, so I started to enjoy modeling more. Since that time, I've been trying my hand at acting during long vacations. The end of my fourth year (second semester) was honestly a tough time for me because I was balancing modeling, acting, and schoolwork. However, I think I was able to overcome these challenges due to having friendly competition with my college friends.
"What inspired you to start acting?"
It all started when I was asked if I wanted to audition for the drama "Black Cinderella." Everything was new to me, so I didn't know right from left, and it all happened so fast~. I did the best I could everyday, and afterwards I'd feel like I was burnt out. My first acting job was a bigger role than I expected, and the pressure was also intense. I had to memorize my lines and act. I started it casually, wanting to take on a new challenge, but it was harder than I imagined. I felt so tense for so long, that when the drama ended and I went to a ViVi photo shoot, I couldn't help but cry because I felt so relieved. I think I was able to overcome a large part of it because I was blessed with the right people. I'm still good friends with the Black Cinderella members, and my connection with its staff led me to my current job with King-Ohger. I'd like to help others someday myself, but I can't afford to do so yet. I'd like to return the favor someday.
"Did Black Cinderella inspire you to become an actor?"
Honestly, I felt I had to work harder because I couldn't do anything. I didn't have anything in mind for my next project, but I started attending private lessons that I found on my own, preparing for the day that would someday come.
-If I'm going to do the same thing for a year, I want to spend a year different from the one before. With this in mind, I challenged myself to Super Sentai-
"Erica's popularity has grown dramatically with King-Ohger, but how did it feel to take on the challenge of joining Super Sentai?"
When I was in my fourth year of college, I was asked to audition. But, to be honest, I wasn't sure if I'd accept the role at first. It isn't often you get approached for an offer for Super Sentai, so I think it was fate that I was asked. However, I talked to my parents about what to do since it was too different from the career I had been doing up to that point. At that time, my parents told me that I had once said, "If I'm going to do the same thing for a year, I want to spend a year different from the one before." I had forgotten those words, but when I heard them, I thought that was the way I wanted to live my life, so I made the decision to take it.
"What worried you the most?"
Honestly, Super Sentai has a tighter schedule than regular dramas, and you have to focus on your role for a year and a half, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to work as a model. I thought that if I left for a year and a half, alot of new kids would come in during that time, and that once I went, I might not be able to come back. As you can imagine, I was hardly able to shoot for ViVi when filming for Super Sentai began. The number of projects decreased all at once, and there were months where I had no shoots at all, which made me feel very lonely. I couldn't wait to appear in ViVi.
"That was the most difficult time for you to balance both."
When the number of projects decreased, I wondered if ViVi no longer needed me. I wanted to spend more time modeling, but I also had to make sure I was doing my acting work, so I was really stressed out. I wanted to make ViVi my top priority in the past and still do. But, I didn't want to give up the acting career that I've secured. I was conflicted and thought, "I want to do both!" Moreover, I also had to give up modeling to take on Super Sentai, but my acting wasn't perfect, and it was really hard to keep up with everyone. I was also writing my college thesis at that time, so I was full of energy both physically and mentally. In my spare time between filming, I communicated with my professor and worked with all my might to finish my thesis.
"If you had to give yourself a score as an actor, what would it be?"
It'd still be a minus. However, I think it's a huge plus in my life. My values ​​have changed in alot of ways. At first, I thought I was a model and not suited for acting, but recently, I've come around to where I think acting might be kind of fun.
"What did you gain from working hard in modeling, schoolwork, and acting?"
It all comes down to experience and time, doesn't it? In both modeling and acting, you learn by doing things over and over again, so in that sense, I think the past year and a half has been really important. I tried to pick up everything I could, and absorbed lots of different things. Also, by trying to do many things and working hard, I don't focus too much on one thing, so I don't have to think about unnecessary things. Besides, people I've worked with in the past say they want to work with me again. In the entertainment world, you don't have a job unless someone needs you, so I feel like I'm able to work thanks to people like that. All of my work comes about through fortunate connections, so I want to cherish each and every one of those connections.
-Modeling and acting, I want to do it all. That's because I love it all!-
Please give a message for those who are struggling to balance multiple things they want to do!
If you have alot of things you want to do right now, I think it's okay to try doing both. Of course, there'll be hardships, but sometimes you'll find help from places you least expect. It's important to have goals in life, as it'd be a waste to spend time doing nothing. In my case, both modeling and my acting jobs have had a big impact on my private life. I feel that we can learn alot about how to live from our work.
"From now on, you'll work hard to balance being both a model and an actor."
Currently, I really enjoy working as a model as I did before. It's like I'm back 💛. I've had very little time off this year, but it's been so fulfilling that I don't find it tiring at all. I think it's best to have a job while you still can. Some models focus on acting, but I want to keep being a model and actor at the same time because I love it all. I love ViVi, and I'd like to increase what I can do based on that, and give back to ViVi what I've gained in other fields. Some people leave a group or graduate from a magazine to take the next step, but I think it's good to try a variety of things while staying in the same place, and I think studying and trying different things at the same time, rather than just one thing, fits my way of life.
"Since overcoming the challenges of balancing studies and a job, has your attitude toward work changed?"
In the past, I used to think that I had to be cool or be nice to get a job, but now I think I've become able to prioritize being myself. Even with ViVi, I used to follow the backs of my seniors, but before I knew it, I became a senior myself, and I felt I had to stand tall. Sometimes I think I need to be more firm with my juniors and show them that I'm good at what I do. However, I think it'd be better to be friendly and expose my faults, because then people would talk to me openly. Of course I do it when I need to, but I think that maybe it's more like me not to try too hard. I can't "graduate" when I haven't done anything yet. I feel like I want to be spoiled even more.
"What kind of place is ViVi to Erica?"
ViVi has a very strong sense of camaraderie, and I feel like we all look out for each other and help each other improve. ViVi is my home, my family, and a place that inspires me. Modeling is also where my roots are, so I'd like to challenge myself to various things without losing sight of my role as a model.
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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pt I the wedding dress: an actual update
For the uninitiated, my current hyperfixation (one of them) is designing a wedding dress for Crowley because I heard the song Book of Love by Peter Gabriel from their Heavenly Playlist. Here's how far I've got with the concept:
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Okay, where do I start? There's so much happening and I've only got as far as the shirt, cufflinks and jacket. Let's go with the overview/jacket:
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[Disclaimer: I'm a design student, but not in fashion design. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun, and I hope that's what matters]
JACKET: So the first photo above was the jacket idea I had when I first decided to start this, because the season 1 waiter blazer suits Crowley, from the cropped nature to the sharp notched lapels (if you're not sure what that is, like I was at first, it's not very clear in the white but you see that lightning bolt style collar in my sketch? that's the notched lapels).
But it met too high on the chest (notice where it cuts the tie) to be soft enough for a wedding dress, so I made the two halves meet lower down in the sketch. I also made it single-breasted (which basically means a coat or blazer that has a single row of buttons, in this case, just one button).
I haven't worked out more about the jacket, oh and also if someone could tell me the material of the original costume that would be very cool. I'll probably spend an unreasonable amount of time designing the button, too. As for colour, it would be black with a garnet or currant red lining.
OVERVIEW: So like the sketch shows, there's a shirt, that's held in place by a corset over it, and the jacket covers both. The corset would probably be under bust and back-laced for more support, with hints of scarlet on snakeskin leather? I'm not entirely sure, I need to research corsets.
The cummerbund (oops misspelt it in the sketch) is a broad waist sash, you can see it in the waiter costume, too. In the wedding dress, it would overlap the shirt slightly under the corset, and I was thinking of black satin with embroidery of stars/constellations.
I was originally going to draw star charts of a significant month for them (maybe April, because that's when nightingales, which are migratory birds, usually return to England for mating season to sing). Perhaps star charts as visible from Earth versus Alpha Centauri? But that could get complicated and on the bafta livestream chat someone sent coats that have Zodiac patterns on them in gold, so I'm debating that too.
Besides, there'll already be a nightingale pin on the lapel, gold with a sapphire eye for Aziraphale.
The lower part of the wedding dress involves a train and trousers and split skirt, we won't go into that. I think this post already got too long so I'll make another one for the shirt and the cufflinks :")
Have a lovely day my maggots you're amazing and I love you. Look at you, you're gorgeous.
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m00nsbaby · 1 year
Marc Spector x F!Reader.
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This is literally just a post from reddit that I saw and made me think of jealous Marc lol.
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It all started when we watched "Kingsman: The golden circle." I was interested for the plot and Colin Firth but she found Whiskey to be so much better than Harry Hart. Yes, the traitor cowboy was hotter to her than the badass Kingsman Agent Harry Hart. She said girls always found villains hotter than heroes, I was making a huge fuss over it. Okay, true but it's Colin Firth for God's sake! Days later, I catch her watching "Kingsman: The golden circle." again and says she really wasn't paying attention to the plot and wanted to understand it better. The "plot" to her was Pedro Pascal and his "seductive voice." I didn't get the big appeal when Firth was right there, but whatever, you do you. We usually watch movies when she comes over and she insists on picking the movie one day, I say "Fine, as long as is not Kingsman" thinking her obsession was only caused because of that movie. She puts on this action movie called "Triple frontier." Cool, I love action movies and then PEDRO PASCAL SHOWS UP. I'm sensing a pattern but I quietly observe her reactions when he's on screen. She's giggling, blushing, kicking her feet, the whole shebang whenever he appears and she absolutely loses it during that scene when he speaks spanish and she repeats over and over "I would have folded" NO SHAME. Like, hello? Your boyfriend is right HERE! It takes me a minute to notice she's REPEATING the scene and squealing like a school girl. Her whole face is red by this point and she's just rolling on the bed giggling excitedly, it doesn't end there, though. She starts watching Narcos JUST for Pedro Pascal. It's one thing to watch a movie for an actor but a 3 season show is downright INSANE. She soon forgets I exist and replaces the photo widgets she had of me with Pedro Pascal. That's when she crossed a line. Simping over Pascal I understand but he DOESN'T get to REPLACE ME on her phone like that. Then The Last of Us comes out and never hear the end of it. My girlfriend is a books/movies person and she's never had any interest in videogames but now that "her man", as she's been referring to him for the past week is starring in this NINE EPISODE series about a fungus pandemic, she just HAS to see it. She says it's a good way to catch up on the videogame but we all know the real reason. But fine, we see it and she's so excited the entire time. Seriously, I've never seen him so happy before. So now I'm an idiot who's indulged his girlfriend's obsession with Pedro Pascal for too long and now I'm second to him. But it doesn't end there because WHY WOULD IT END THERE why did nobody warn me about the amount of thirst traps in this series?? Her jaw drop seeing him get aggresive, the words are on the tip of her tongue, I can practically hear her say how much she wants him, so I lean over and whisper in the pettiest tone I could muster "Just fuck him." She gets embarrased and starts giggling nervously while hitting my arm softly saying "Babe, no! What? No" but by her tone it was SO OBVIOUS she was saying "I would if I could." Anyway, we all know Colin Firth is better so count your days Pedro Pascal.
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sorry for tagging you in this lol
Mk's tag list :)@ninebluehearts @icreatedthisat317am @onefinnedwonder-fm @shousha133
I couldn't find the original post but here's where I saw it lol <3! https://www.tiktok.com/@requestedreads/video/7279590034729291054?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7179670435260827141
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jedimandalorian · 5 months
Dear Church of Ezrabine,
Today I will add a few more pebbles to the mountain of evidence for our beloved ship. I present to you: Rebel Adventures.
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This children’s book from 2017 is actually a reprint collection of three books originally published in 2014-2015: Meet the Rebels, Rebel Power, and Darth Vader, Rebel Hunter.
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The second book in the collection, Rebel Power, has a two-page spread called “Ezra’s Album,” a collection of his favorite photographs of his new family.
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First there is a picture of Ezra in his Imperial Stormtrooper Cadet uniform. He has captioned this picture with “I look pretty good in my uniform.” From this we might speculate upon the following:
1. Ezra is probably aware of the fact that he is a handsome lad. ✨
2. Ezra has probably heard the galaxy’s equivalent of the saying “Women love a man in uniform.” 😘
3. Ezra has probably worn stolen or salvaged second-hand clothing since he was a little boy, so even if he hates the Empire, he’s proud of the fact that he’s a Loth-rat that “cleans up nicely.” He probably thinks he looks cool. 😎
With those thoughts going through his mind, what two photos does he display next? I’ll give you a hint. Both pictures have something to do with the girl he has a crush on: Sabine Wren.
First is a photo of the mural that Sabine painted of him and Zeb when their bunk collapsed due to Chopper’s naughty little prank. Sabine painted this to commemorate this hilarious, embarrassing incident. Ezra captioned the photo of the painting as follows: “Check out this graffiti in my room. Sabine made it just for me.”
From this caption we know the following:
1. Ezra wants whoever sees his album to know that Sabine has been in his room. That’s probably a big deal to him because it hasn’t ever happened before.
2. Whether or not his assumption is true, Ezra thinks that Sabine made this art just for him. After all, he always did want to be her inspiration. Even if the painting was intended to gently make fun of him and Zeb, Ezra is touched that she has finally painted his likeness and is probably wondering if she will do it again.
The next photo is a close-up of the artist herself, Sabine, with a somewhat awkward but cute smile. Ezra doesn’t comment on Sabine’s picture because anything he would write would probably reveal too much about his hidden feelings for her. Note that Ezra made comments under all of the other photos of the Ghost Crew. Also notice that Sabine’s photo is positioned closest to his, perhaps because, even though we know he loves Kanan, Zeb, Hera, and Chopper, he loves Sabine the most. He can’t put that in writing where anyone might see it!
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Anyway, I thought this was a cute addition to all of the other “sacred” texts that I have studied.
Don’t stop shipping, Sabezraites.
I have spoken.
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