#i posted this on twitter first so if you see it there chances are thats also me :P
raphwshere · 1 year
this concept art has miles in a leather jacket and i must say that this is the best thing that has ever happened for punkflower nation. already planning to make something abt it. (either a fic or a comic)
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fandomfucker · 6 months
Do you think you could do one for Rhea were it’s all about how she posts about her girlfriend on social media? Like she posts about her girl and the fans just go wild for it? Can make it fluff, smut, whatever takes your fancy. Could be headcannons if you want? ❤️‍🔥🌸
YES!! I love this one cause I literally think about these things all the time. Doing headcannons so I can fit more in🫡
Lemme know if yall want a part 2!
I've said it before, I'll say it again; Rhea loves doing TikTok trends with you
Whether you're running into her and she swings you around or your eyes are inches away from her tits, she loves them and she loves the reactions ya'll get from the fans
She constantly reposts fanart of not just the two of you, but fanart of just you
There's even some of you and her dogs which she commissioned the og artists to paint on a canvas so she could put them up around the house
And edits of course
She lives for the edits people make of you
You're not super active on twitter however Rhea will always find some way to flirt with you on every single post you make, no matter what its about. A winking emoji, some heart eyes, or the filthiest implications
and the mosherz always go batshit when she does it
she also reposts ever single one of your posts to hype you up no matter what it is
She also loves to just take pictures/videos of you when you're completely unaware and just totally natural because those are the things she loves most about you
Every milestone post has a caption so long most people dont even bother to finish reading it
of course its all about how much she loves you and how proud she is of you but omg its so long
she will bully the fuck out of anyone leaving even the slightest mean comment
like to the point they delete their account
she just loves to show you off every chance she gets
because you're hers and she's yours and everyone needs to know that
every thirst pic/video she posts goes to you first so you're always the first to see them
You also get bonus content thats not posted😉
sometimes you'll be in one of her tiktoks or thirst posts from Raw (or a ppv) and the caption is always something super raunchy that makes the fans freak out for the next few weeks
or until the next post
You've been obsessed with the Harley Quinn show on Max recently so for Halloween you made Rhea dress up as the Poison Ivy to your Harley Quinn
You won best costume and there was tons of fanart made of the two of you as them
You like to do face masks and you wanted Rhea to join you but she'd only do it if you would agree to do a little photoshoot with her with them on for her insta
She also took a little polaroid of you to keep in her wallet
On that note, when you revealed that Rhea keeps one of those mini photo albums for polaroids in her carry-on (no matter where she goes) FILLED with polaroids of you, you and the dogs, or the occasional ones of the two of you, or all four of you, Twitter blew up
it was all anyone could talk about for weeks
"The cutest thing ever!!😍 Rhea loves her SO MUCH😭"
She has "Belongs to Y/F/N" in her bio on all socials
Constantly taking pictures of you because "you're just so beautiful, babe"
The fans are in love with how in love you are
Like its a fairytale and they're living for it
She constantly talks about you in interviews and always reposts those clips specifically so that just in case people didn't watch/listen to that particular instance of her gushing about you, now they have
The fans cosplay as the two of you just like they do with Rhea and Dom
you are THE it couple
Everyone wishes they were you
When you got engaged, you changed your name in your insta bio to Mrs. Ripley and the fans actually went insane
like to the point that the official WWE accounts got involved
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I am so fucking angry about Dream stans (mostly on Twitter, though they are here) being like “can you BELIEVE people are upset that a minor 😱😱😱 was messaging with an ADULT!! LMAOO wait until they get into the real world and find out that 17 year olds can be friends with 25 year olds. Next they’re gonna call Tommy messaging Schlatt dangerous!!”
It was not that she was 17 and Dream was 20. The age gap was not the issue.
It was that Dream had a position of power over her and abused it. 
He knew he had this position from the very start, as she was a fan of his and their first messages with each other was her telling him how much his content had helped her through depression.
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[Image ID: a screenshot of an Instagram direct message to Dream that reads “Hi, the chances of you seeing this are very slim, but I wanted to let you know that your content makes me sooo happy. Ive been really depressed lately, all thats going on in the world and in my life and your videos give me one more reason to stay. You know how people type “LMAO” and dont actually laugh? I actually sit in bed laughing when im watching you. That means a lot [Unclear emoji]. Love you Dream!❤️ -Amanda”. Dream replied and wrote “aw thank you for the kind words :)”. End ID]
This means that he knew full well that her wellbeing was somewhat dependant on his content. She says that his videos gave her one more reason to stay alive.
He confirmed that the Instagram messages are real. 
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[Image ID: a screenshot of Dream’s twitlonger regarding the allegations that reads “The second thread had instagram dms from me, again, having friendly normal conversation and nothing inappropriate. I believe these message are real as well. Once”. End ID]
Thusly, the Snapchat messages that haven’t been deleted are, without a doubt, real, because he tells her the name of his private Snapchat in the Instagram messages. They cannot be ignored.
It is incredibly inappropriate for Dream to message her on Snapchat knowing that she was 17 and a fan at the time and that messages can easily be erased. That on its own would be uncomfortable, but he was talking to her in a flirtatious manner.
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[Image ID: a screenshot of a Snapchat message by Dream/Clay that is a reply to a video sent by Amanda that reads “ur gorgeous as fuck”. End ID]
This is not normal, friendly behavior. Especially with a fan who is underage and has said that she is emotionally invested in his content.
This is predatory. Several girls have come forward. This proves that Dream not only has more than once, but likely will again, use his platform and power to engage in sexual relationships with underage girls.
He cannot have a platform anymore.
Please, read this post about the Snapchat messages, this post about why Tommy messaging Schlatt and other CCs was completely different, and these two threads about his response to the situation (thread one) (thread two) and how it was manipulative and more focused on his audience rather than adressing the allegations. 
This thread includes most of the information regarding the situation.
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simplydnp · 6 months
idk why this matters to me but in the last few months they've been acknowledging so many things I never ever thought they would. pinof and the touching. the phude multiple times. dapc slime (ok they had merch to sell for that one but still)
no but actually. phil literally said 'i thought we weren't acknowledging it' about the phude and now they just bring it up all the time.
pinof reacts... i still can't believe we're in a post pinof-reacts universe. how did that happen. i was changed permanently--like something shuffled in my dna when i got the notif for pinof reacts 1. this is not a physical reaction but a chemical one that cannot be undone. for something that was so... sacred. and integral. to their existence and history. pinof wasn't generally talked about unless it was pinof time. and even then it was 'it'll be up soon' or 'we just posted it' and then Never talked about outside of that. especially not the first one! we freak out about the We Know You Know in the newsletter but it's Always been like that with pinof 1. so to see them--new (& natural 🥺) hair for them both, in a house they bought and built together, in the first few months of giving the gaming channel a second chance--reflect on how it all began? absolutely devastating. and to lean into moments and discuss them in new ways. in territory previously not breached! the 'they're toUching'?!?!? the '11 hour fuck session'!?!? the '£9000 champagne'?!?!? like hey we're not supposed to talk about that, dan and phil might see!! shhh!! but they're the ones saying it!! absolutely wild.
in a way, it had to happen. especially with where we're at now (them literally selling merch of them holding hands). in order for them to move beyond that... mindset? i guess? that a lot of fans had, they had to defang it. i really see it as one of the biggest walls they've broken down in the way they communicate with us. the 'hey. it's okay. we've seen it. it's not a big deal. we will absolutely make fun of you for it though. but we're good.'
i'm just really curious whose idea it was. (lbr it was probably phil given dans not a react kinda guy. but i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to be in the room where it happened when they talked about actually doing it or not, and what it would mean) (big ad revenue thats for sure 🤣 get it kings)
i will never be able to get phil's 'they touched' out of my head and at this point i wouldn't want to. it's absolutely earned. and i guess it makes me a masochist to enjoy the psychic damage it inflicts on me, but such is life i suppose.
the crafts mention really surprised me! i had contemplated a few different scenarios in how they'd go about it, and i'll be honest i feel like they could've committed to the bit a little more but they're forgiven. like what about glitchy interstitials! cuts to the merch website. found footage inserted between sections! i recognize they don't want to 'scare' their usual audience wirh sudden cuts to intense/graphic content but my immersionnn. absolutely shattered by 'oh we have new merch now btw'. cmon boys you love to lie to us. say theres merch up but you dont know where it came from. just that we should buy it 👀 or idk, something clever. and i recognize i may sound like a spoilt brat bc i just got a 14 minute long masterpiece of an unexpected dapc revival, but my immersion. i mean i already bought the merch before they shilled it anyways so it didn't influence me regardless 🤣
ultimately we really are in a new era. even beyond just the revival. i think they're really finding their stride--not only in their content (evidenced by a semi-regular schedule) but also creatively, in doing what they want to do, how they want to do it, and truly not giving that much of a fuck anymore. and i'm really happy for them. phil talked a bit about this in his 'rating my icons' video, where he's kind of decided he doesn't care what people on twitter think, and how it's been good for him, and i think we're seeing that reflected in not only his content, but also the gaming channel. they play what they want. they say what they want. and it's just fun. dan going on the record to say he's really enjoying it makes me so happy to hear, because literally december 2022 he believed he'd disappear after WAD. and now, instead, he gets to play games and make stupid jokes and smile and laugh multiple times a week, and he's really happy about it. he gets to be silly and goofy and crude without having to Stress about it. i keep saying it but they're so settled now. and as someone who's followed them through big changes and turbulent times, getting to see them happy after everything... it brings a lot of hope. and i know theyre millionaires. but there's something to looking at someone you fell in love with 15 years ago the same then as you do now. but instead of it being something scary, something you have to hide, something that feels like it can consume you and everything you have--it gets to be something beautiful. and regular. and embraced. you've read this far you get to listen to me wax poetic about them.
we've been thoroughly boiled and maybe, just maybe, it's warming our hearts too.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi ☺️ you make me happy
Just read your post of Jungkook being the best boyfriend. Can you please make the same for Jimin,,,,?))
Absolutely. It would be my pleasure
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Lost diamond is talking about this post.
We can start with a moment I've never seen until 2day....
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But we already knew this yes? It's not the first time JK has said Jimin treats him the most. Even during one of the unfortunate moments when JK rated Jimin last, the latter was sure to remind him that he's the one who spends on him the most. So Jimin has always been generous with his baby since the very beginning. Which is why our next moment should come as no surprise.
-Jimin travelling across the world in 2019 for JK's birthday and then doing so again in 2023 for JK's solo debute. Anything for the love of his life it seems. #allthefeels 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
Next I just wanna bring this back real quick
(Thanks @chicknbunny13 )
It is not an underrated moment by any means whatsoever. In fact you will see this clip every few weeks on twitter on your timeline. Jikookers love this moment. But, we mostly talk about Jimin feeding JK which it's fine. Really. Its sweet and really nice to see. But all members feed eo it ain't a big deal. So what I like to talk about is what happens before Jimin feeds JK.
JK wants pizza. He stands, looks around, they've ran out so he sits back down. He glances at Jimin's one, but its whatever, pizza is finished. But here's the part I like; Jimin without even looking at JK, just knows what he wants and thats when he feeds him a bite from his own. So either a) He was watching JK on his periphery, or b) He is just that in tune with his boyfriend. I'm going with the latter coz it ain't the first time he's come through for JK even without him asking. That's what sets the moment apart from all the other times members have fed eo.
Next moment that proves how much Jimin loves JK applies to both since it also involves a whipped JK. Analysis time guys. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
This is so fun guys I highly recommend watching it
I went there for this one moment coz I'm a big fan. BTS countdown Jikookery:
JK is the king
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and other members are supposed to go appeal to him so he can choose one of them. Jimin of course is very eager
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He was adorable saying that. He is calling himself hyung but he's totally baby in that moment 🤭🤭 Suga starts singing this one song and Jimin is the loudest shout-singing how crazy he is for JK
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Wbk 💅🏾😏
He leaves all other members in the dust, in his rush to get to his JK. Eager much? 🤣🤣
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While waiting JK closed his eyes and looked so blissful. I didn't fully understand why he was in this state
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Or why editors put a heart there 😂 so I chose to read that as him praying and hoping his baby gets to him first 😌😌
Since Jimin took off before the others, of course he arrives first
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So now JK has 3 options; suga, jimin or rm
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Suga makes his case
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Jimin wants to make his case with this one thing and JK is ready and waiting
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But Jimin only gets to say one word:
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Before Suga tramples all over his pitch
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So in the end Jimin doesn't even make his case 🤭
RM then makes his case by way of poem
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And now its time for the King to pick his partner
Remember Namgi both had chances to appeal to JK and why he should choose them. While Jimin essentially said nothing. So.... the king makes his choice.
But of course 😌😌😌
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Editors with the hearts thou 🤭🤭
Jimin was really happy that JK chose him. 🥺🥺 However, anyone who really pays attention to JK during BTS games could have predicted who he would choose 🤭🤭 This is definitely a whipped JK moment seeing as Jimin won unfairly. Definitely some boyfriend privilege involved here. He he heee.
Members play the game and Jikook proceed to win
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At some point JK raps and Jimin praises him immediately
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If you've ever noticed Jimin praises JK ALOT. I would say he praises JK the most. He is always telling us how good JK is, how talented, how he's good he is at everything. Even though we already know. Jimin never hesitates to praise JK and I for one love to see it. Most recent being the flying yoga episode when first thing he said was how good JK was gonna be at it
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Even though we all know he was the king of said flying yoga. Jimin seems to be extremely proud of JK's talents and prowess. Here we saw him drooling over JK bungee jumping so yeah... he definitely likes that JK is so good. Jimin has always been super proud to have JK as his boyfriend. Its a shame antis don't care to see it.
Another thing that shows how much Jimin loves JK, is always being there for him when he needs comfort
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What i love about this moment is that Jimin thought JK was puking when he ran over. And yet the first thing he does is grab JK's face to check on him. Vomit be dammed 🥺🥺🥺
Jimin is always there for the members when they need comfort. Yes. But I love love love how soft he's always been with JK. Remember during summer package when JK wrote a letter for Army and then got emotional? I love how Jimin wrote a poem for him after
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"My Jungkook" he said 😭😭😭😭😭
And we haven't even talked about how Jimin has always rubbed the back of JK's neck since time immemorial.
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When JK is in distress, when he makes a mistake, when the rest laugh at him, when he's confused, when the others talk over him and introvert JK can't get a word in. Jimin is always there to rub the back of his head to make him feel better since satellite Jikook are always next to eo.
Emotionally supportive Jimin is a huge dynamic in their rlship
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That last one brings us to our last point since I've ran out of image space; Protective Jimin that one time Suga did the thing. They were reacting to that last concert and JK who as we all know cries the most was being comforted by Jimin. Once again.
Jin is the one who pointed out that JK was crying.
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immediately Suga was like;
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Yeah... Jimin wasn't having it. He was like; bro you'd better shut tf up.
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Pointed a finger at Suga, his hyung and everything. Suga picks on Jimin all the time. It's the most popular Yoonmin dynamic. And usually Jimin doesn't care. But he drew the line at Suga picking on his bae. 🤭🤭🤭 I love this moment sm!!! He seriously wasn't having it and that was so hot of him 🥵🥵
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Look at his adorable worried face 🥺🥺 caught JK right on time too.
These moments are endless really, but i will stop here since there's no room for more imagery. But Jimin really is the best boyfriend and you can tell by JK's loyalty and how JK has always made Jimin his priority. He wouldn't do that, wouldn't be so head over heels if Jimin didn't treat him like a king.
Long live Jikook ✊🏽
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Every time I see a post lamenting how Viv used to draw weird furry erotica, or the 2012 ass "pedo bear" style comedy that was always a joke and just fandom bullshit. How Stella obviously was supposed to be fucking her brother but its been pulled back on, or how ValAngel is obviously kink shit(even if we're also taking it very seriously at the same time)
Like, everything about this show was supposed to By Freaks, For Freaks. From the character design, to the edgy humor.
But fandom culture has changed a lot from when Viv first started out in that OC's tumblrina time. Ship and let ship has almost completely died, purity culture and the normalization of second degree murder has resulted in a creative landscape thats so fucking terrified to be seen as "problematic", that art is being pushed aside and sanitized because no one has fucking basic reading comprehension.
I mean, that whole thing where people were telling Bryan Fuller that he's the reason that gay conversion camps are good and should come back full force. The amount of trans women I saw on Twitter become publicly accused of "cp". A youtuber at one point SAVED the "cp" on her computer, edited the "cp" into a cutesy thumbnail, and distributed it. So, either its not csem and she fucking knows it and wouldn't have saved it and reposted it but really wanted to to tell people to kill this one specific woman, OR this is how seriously these kinds of people take things like literal csem.
Like, is Vivziepop annoying? Yeah, kinda. Is she not necessarily the best writer in the world? No, not really. But she's not a pedophile or some serial abuser because she's a furry. I'm genuinely so baffled by people watching a Furry Show and then being like, "omfg......she drew.........furry porn?????". I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of the reason Hazbin/Helluva turned out so wonky(outside of amazon)is just, Viv didn't feel safe or comfortable actually expressing her art and telling her story. There's so many people who would jump for joy if she killed herself, because they think snakes are a good enough reason to kill someone. Not to mention, the baseless accusations about stupid and meaningless things muddies the waters of actual abuse or things that could be legitimate problems. There's a 50/50 chance the thing Viv did that was problematic will be "drew pictures" or "has bad working conditions" and both of these tend to be held to the same standard of shit we need to take her down for.
I hate how you can't critique anything anymore, because saying you're "critical of the media" is more often then not, just a fucking dog whistle for "omg pls pls give me the opportunity to harass someone for not giving in to the thought policing I PERSONALLY have made up." Instead of someone who actually likes analysis and media criticism.
I'd love to complain about Hazbin/Helluva, I think it kinda sucks!!! I'm genuinely heartbroken that something that was obviously meant for Weirdos has been appropriated by puritanical babies, like they're horny housewives ashamed of themselves because they like 50 shades or whatever.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
Im real nervous main tagging this because ive said my main peace and i dont wanna clog the tag up, but i will say after some context given i have a couple more thoughts?
tw// SA, r//pe mention, etc.
This will be a controversial statement. Me personally, i dont really honestly care? About what he said? It was eight years ago and he hasnt repeated the actions so i dont honestly and truly care what he did eight years ago, he was 19 then hes like 26 now theres honestly and truly a BIG maturity distance between 19 and 26, but also it was. Eight years ago? Thats all i have to say on that?
I Also dont really care for how it was brought to light, from what ive heard from pt speakers the expose was done by someone whos publicly anti towards the Brazilian CCs and ive heard they've dug up some dumb things about pac that werent "hot" enough to get trending i guess and definitely werent condemnable enough to get him cancelled, so it's honestly and truly in my heart something i see as being done in bad faith.
Alongside this, ive seen translation screenshots from one of the "victims" (not sure her stance on being called this so its in quotes) stating she does NOT want to be aligned with these allegations and has changed her username and profile picture because she honestly doesnt wanna be involved and doesnt want it being spread around, this is something else i view as bad faith and if anyone was affected by this then its the best thing to do as they wish, this not only affects the person being called out but also their victim negatively, especially if the victims profile is easily attached to their real life and especially when the victim is a female victim of assault or rape or anything like that, i hate to say it but as an afab person ive seen it firsthand that thats honestly the culture surrounding assault victims, and most people dont want that being brought up or put out in the public. Im a victim myself - people view you differently, it affects platonic and romantic relationships, it affects jobs, you are actively hurting the victim by spreading this if they dont want you to do so and arent prepared for that to be spread around.
From what ive seen, some people are condemning Forever for getting a lawyer - i dont view this as him being automatically guilty. I view this as him getting a lawyer because this person on twitter has been actively harassing not just him but all the brazilian CCs on the QSMP. This is harassment, the case against them will hold up in court and Forever has said he will speak about this more when everything is said and done
Alongside this, i will say im unhappy with Forever specifically for his statement on the situation. It wasnt handled the way we wouldve liked it, but it also wasnt handled via ukelele, it wasnt handled the worst way it could've been. Ive heard pt speakers say it was kind of formal, there was some slang in there but overall i've read the translated statement and to me it sounds more like a legal statement than anything - he mentioned having a lawyer, chances are the lawyer helped him write it. To me it doesnt sound like anything he'd fully say which is why i was so put off by it at first but this makes more sense to me honestly, i dont know if anyone would agree with this.
All in all, i think its a shitty situation but nothing to condemn Forever over. I ask people be thoughtful regarding the girl affected, and dont spread shit around with her name or profile attached to it unless she states otherwise. It was handled badly on Forever's end and blew up WAY too fast on twitter.
I've generally seen people be well behaved on here, ive seen some strong statements but otherwise i like to think we're better than twitter.
This probably wont be my last post on this as we get more on the situation over the next couple days, but this is my main thoughts right now. I'm still choosing to remain neutral, but more mixed than anything.
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murky-tannin · 6 months
a lot of the people sending you asks dont get it. yes what léas doing is for the most part beneficial. but at this point what shes also doing is sort of like pointing fingers.
another thing that is not good that shes doing is, on purpose or not, being xenophobic and being rude. bringing up richas, putting blame on those who have stayed, calling them the problem here. and then sort of getting onto quackity for speaking in spanish in his streams adressing this - when its his native tongue and he says its easier for him to phrase things in spanish. to say the right words. like to put it into perspective thats like getting mad at léa for explaining some things in french or doing this entire interview in french rather than english.
and furtherly i will say, in no way am i defending qstudios when i say this, but i can see why chayanne and tallulah and léa have been treated differently in this situation. theres a huge difference in speaking in tickets where it can be monitored and people can make sure you arent doing anything malicious (not that anyone would on the team, but you cant risk the chance of 1 rogue admin) and you also have easy access to message logs should the need ever come about (like, cough cough, in legal situations) vs speaking in private dms where none of those measures can be taken.
thats what i need people to get here.
And also Egg admins according to Léa were always allowed contact. There wasn't a rule against it in the first place? So why are you pointing fingers at them for "getting away with breaking rules" or "speaking behind the studio's back" and not the rule applied to you??
On top of this absolutely inane statement
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What do you MEAN they couldnt physically make a statement on an anonymous twitter account and then retweet it on the global account that they had prior access to already without talking to Quackity first. How in the hell is that impossible. No, it didn't need secret approval to be released It Was Literally A Twitter Post They Made Of Their Own Volition. One that apparently wasn't approved as it got immediately removed from the retweets and the person was fired.
She's convinced the world is conspiring against her and is spreading that paranoia as truth. And That Hurts People. Including Those She Claims To Stand For. That's The Issue.
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mikajihiko · 6 months
Catching up with AKIHIKO KAJI's changes in Given Bangaihen --- (10th Mix_2)
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DISCLAIMER: A forewarning that this blog contains SPOILERS, including but not limited to story plot and some panels of the latest chapter of Given Bangaihen ( Given 10th Mix_2). Proceed with caution!
On a thread on Twix (Twitter+X) Ive yapped about changes in main 4 Given after the span of 10 years. On this blog however I want to concentrate on Akihiko, which, as a synopsis I simply said:
Akihiko continuously allows Haruki to have his way with him. He's very soft, wanting to always please Haruki in any way possible, but not in a way where Haruki is allowed to step on him. The vibe is similar as pre-dating Akiharu, but added the anxiety of post-dating Akiharu.
However, I cant help but feel like I simply grazed over the topic considering Akihiko is a character who goes through constant change, in fact thats his entire thing- from changing to be a man deserving of Haru's love to having a dedicated emergence chapter. Err, My point is that that spiel isn't the only thing thats changed about him. Hence this blog and so I shall continue to yap~
Starting with his direct appearance. Our first impression of Akihiko is that he's someone who looks depressive and ragged who has a tough exterior, cool, and seemingly stone-cold which throughout the series we learn that these ragged looks are physical manifestations of actual depressive episodes stemming from the numerous abuse he receives from a past, yet continuously haunting, ex-relationship
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As the story progresses we see him gradually get back into his nature of being a constantly smiling and giddy guy with a child-like demeanor; And, that continues to be the case in this sequel! Having energy to dawn fake circle glasses and a hat to go match it (as a "disguise" / intimidation tactic for the "bugs™")
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With regards to personality, his inherent nature of being giddy and child-like never ceases, however, so does the pre-existing anxiety. Albeit not so obvious, Akihiko's past relationship has traumatized him in ways that he or a lot would not expect.
From someone who never really cared about his past partners shenanigans, when it comes to Haruki, he ultimately tries his best to continue to make up for things even after 10 years by wooing him, ergo continuously following through as per Popov-san's words; not that genuine sweet gestures seem to be a problem for him or Haruki.
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From someone who had to be coerced into doing things, when it comes to Haruki, he doesnt have a problem with anything and gives in to all of Haruki's qualms; Always aiming to please! Of course, being in a healthy relationship makes it easier to do. Besides, what's there to wear a disguised marriage ring for aesthetics just to keep the bugs™ off Akihiko 😗
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Compared to the past as well he has become more protective! In other words, became expressive in showing jealousy and possessiveness, only wanting Haruki for himself; which in itself is a drastic change as finally, he understands what it means to want someone all for himself. Considering high school Akihiko never cared for trivial things, into after-dating-HarukiAkihiko who admits to hating seeing his boyfriend play with an ex, into 7-years-later Akihiko who becomes overly defensive of Haruki's nape, into finally 10-years-later Akihiko who's against Haruki wearing the 'wedding ring for aesthetics' because he "doesnt want Haruki to look like a lonely wife". Its quite the evolution, emergence if you may, which admittedly is very cute
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But yes, as I circle back, this stemming from the trauma of being in a relationship with someone who was completely commitment-phobic. The fear of doing just one wrong thing ultimately leading to Haruki leaving (even though Haru wont) is a chance he will not take. But also then again, its not like Akihiko hates it, completely indulging with his lover like this answers the calling of his romantic side! But, something to look forward to with how things will waver when the boat gets rocked in chapters to come; I'll leave that for the future as I digress!
Ig so far thats all I have important to say~! Im looking forward to the next chapters! Im excited to see how these changes in each character would affect interactions! Similarly to how Ritsuka has let go of his SUPER idolization of Akihiko hehe I look forward to seeing other changes~!
Happy Akiharu Foreverr!!!🍁🌸
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lunarmoonheart · 3 months
hfff day one: make it sapphic
summary: basically a rewrite of the first bit of npmd. lautski with lauren!peter aka piper.
(ive never posted a fic before so if anything is weird thats why)
title: take a chance on me ship: lautski prompt: make it sapphic
Stephanie lauter did not like highschool in fact some days she felt like it was killing her. So when she walked into her first class and found out they had a pop quiz she was pissed. She didn't study of course because why the hell would she. Besides she was very invested in a twitter argument about that dog from the kennel that bit her dad. She was of course on the dog's side. Whatever she has to start this goddamn test.
“What the hell is this shit?” Stephanie mutters under her breath. She does not remember learning this. Though she does skip this class a lot so she probably missed it. While frantically trying to come up with some way to pass she remembers that weird nerd sits behind her.
“Hey nerd listen up.” she mutters as she turns to the nerd. God what was her name piper or something?
“Yes you. Piper right?”
“Uh yeah wh-”
“Hi Piper, we've been in class together for a little while now, right?”
“Since first grade.” oh fuck how the hell do i not remember this really cute nerd?
“Well I'm just realizing I haven't introduced myself. Im stephanie.”
“Lauter, the mayor's daughter, I know.” god why did everyone know her as the mayor's daughter couldn't she just be steph.
“Well my friends call me steph. We’re friends aren't we piper?” please for the love of god say yes you fucking nerd.
“I don't know, are we?”
“Well uh i wouldn't advertise it to the whole school or anything but uh there's an unspoken bond between us. We are nighthawks aren't we? And nighthawks don't leave anyone behind.”
“I got left behind this morning. The bus driver is a fucking asshole.” How is this nerd so funny but also such a geek?
“Well we succeed together and fail together. So to be honest I'm gonna fail this test piper… unless you help me cheat.”
“Yeah just finish your exam pass it to me then i'll put my name on it. Then you can take the test again. Isn't that fun?”
“Well yeah. But won't we get in trouble?”
“Please piper. Help a girl out won't you?” ok she looks convinced. Wait shit is that grace chastity shit shit not her damn it shes gonna ruin this.
“Cheaters!” god fuckin dammit.
“Butt out chastity!”
“Grace, just be cool” Piper stuttered out. Why the hell is that cute?
“Never” god this girl is a bitch.
“Miss Mulberry, they're cheating!” im so fuckin dead.
Well great here I am waiting outside the principal's office with this damn nerd. God my dads gonna kill me or worse take my phone. 
“Oh god im so dead im so fucking dead.”
“Girl chill it's fine. This your first detention or something?”
“No, I'm worried about him. If he sees me talking to STEPHANIE LAUTER I'm dead.”
“Relax nerd, we'll be fine.”
“NO you'll be fine cause your stephanie lauter i won't be fine because im piper spankoffski.”
Spankoffski that's a weird last name. Wait oh my god.
“Are you the kid that got lured into the gym last year and-”
“Yeah that's me can we just not talk about that.” 
“But you're a literal legend!”
“Please stop, I hate talking about it.”
“Ok ok fine.”
Well detention sucked. And my dad stole my goddamn phone so now I have to actually study so I can get it back. What the hell am i supposed to do though study with stacy and brenda. No, they are almost doing as bad as me. Kyle and Jason are a definite no. Oh god I gotta call that nerd don't i.
“Come on nerd pick up” stephanie whispers outside pasqualli’s in the small phone booth. Why this thing is still around she has no idea but she's glad at this moment. As the phone keeps ringing steph thinks back to her conversation with piper. If one could call it that. But besides that she seemed nice and she's actually pretty cute. For a nerd cute for a nerd.
“Hello?” Steph perks up when she hears the confused hello of Piper spankoffski.
“Hey piper?”
“Yeah who is this?”
“Its steph from school.”
“Oh steph uh hi whats up?”
“I need your help. My dad stole my phone and I need to get my grades up to get it back so could you help me out?”
“I don't know i mean-” steph hears some weird noises through then a voice speaks up
“She's on her way!”
“Uh who the hell is this?”
“Ruth and Richie pipers only friends. she's on her way.”
“Ok uh tell her to be at pasqualli’s. Thats where im at.” steph hears some more weird noises and a muffled “pasqualli’s! Piper that's-” before the person presumably Ruth is cut off by piper.
“Sorry about them. I'll be there in 10.” Steph just smiles before hanging up and going inside. As promised ten minutes later piper spankoffski walks inside looking flushed and frustrated until she sees steph. She walks over and sit across from steph setting a heavy looking backpack next to her.
“So what did you want to go over? I brought some of my books because I wasn't sure what you wanted to do." That's actually pretty sweet of her.
“I need help with my math. I am failing that class. I mean my other grades aren't great but I'm really failing math.”
“Ok cool, we're in the same class so I should be able to help. I brought some flashcards you could take home with you if you don't want to that's fine, I know they dont work for everyone.” 
They work for about an hour before steph sighs tiredly causing piper to look up from the paper. They look at each other for a moment before piper looks back at the paper. Ok steph can work with this. Steph put her hand on Piper's arm.
“So Piper, I think I'm done studying for tonight. Wanna get out of here?”
“Where would we go? It's getting kinda late. I'm not sure anything is still open.”
“We could go to my place. My dads at some dumb charity ball all night so we could do whatever." Piper blushes at this and again for some reason Steph thinks it's cute.
“Uh ok sure.” perfect.
“Alright let's go nerd.” Steph grabs Piper's hand and drags her out of pasquallis. She already paid for their drinks so she drags Piper out to her car and drives to her house. When they arrive she leads Piper to the living room and turns on some random trashy Christmas movie. They sit in silence before Piper speaks up.
“Why'd you invite me to your house steph?”
“What do you mean why?”
“I mean i'm a nerd and your the stephanie lauter. The most popular girl in hatchetfield high. You're not supposed to want to hang out with people like me.”
“Eh, I can hang out with whoever I want. I dont give a shit what anyone may say about me hanging out with you. You're smart, funny, nice, and you're kinda cute” they both stay silent not sure what to say next. Piper yawns and accidentally leans her head on stephs shoulder. Steph blushes and turns to look at piper.
“You tired pie?” Steph isn't exactly sure where that nickname came from but she doesn't really care. Piper blushes and looks up at steph.
“A little. Do you mind if i?”
“Not at all. Hey, I kinda enjoyed tonight. I know we were studying but your good company. So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out again? I was thinking maybe dinner at Miss retros or something.”
“Do you mean like a date?”
“I guess so yeah. So what do you say?”
“Sounds nice.”
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bikenesmith · 1 year
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one thing abt si spurrier he's not afraid to write charles as the sopping wet miserable meow meow he is + for that i salute him
(also thinking abt WHY charles treats his direct fam as inherently untrustworthy + dangerous to the point of self-sabotage/self-fulfilling prophecy 😬) lets get in2 it
[transferring over this long ass analysis thread from twitter]
charles' familial exp is an emotionally absent dad that died in his youth (that he later found out was experimenting on him), an abusive stepfather, an abused + alcoholic mother, and an abusive stepbrother that actively hates him + tried to break into his house to kill him 😭
charles is scared of david not just bc of his (past) erratic behavior or destructive potential but bc he is just generally scared of his direct family, w whom he has a uniquely maladaptive attachment. he instead fills his need for family w ppl he chose + has authority over
w david tho… since their meeting charles has on + off avoided him, shunted him off to other ppls care, + seemed unable to emotionally connect w him. he has a fatalist outlook towards david's entire existence + their relationship but is also unable to abandon him + does love him
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charles has a track record of this - we can see it in his relationship with cain
david is nothing like cain - nearly all the pain davids caused charles is bc of other parties manipulating him + taking advantage of his disabilities - but cain is useful to examinine how charles understands "difficult" family members in general.
in childhood he spent a lots of time trying to be friends w/ cain like bro wasn't hitting him + throwing flammable science chemicals at him at like 11. he's overly concerned w hurting cain while he breaks his things and attacks him
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he did not cut ties (or rather, start ignoring him) until cain got them into a horrible car accident he nearly died in 😭
("win his friendship" r u crazy this mf wants you to DIE)
not to mention he chased after cain to stop him from deserting like that was even his problem
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so charles is scared af when cain shows up to kill his ass (as one would be).
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despite this cain + charles continue to reunite over time, + charles keeps trying to give cain a (frankly abnormal) amount of second chances despite cain being a very consistently violent person
a good distillation of their adult relationship is in xmen legacy where charles tests out reasoning w cain by secretly putting him in a telepathic simulation. cain confirms charles' fears when he kills him in the simulation. he's smarter abt it now but why try in the first place?
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(traumabonding for one, but thats a diff post/essay)
something interesting spurrier does is make charles explicitly very nervous + emotionally volatile around david, which i think coincides very well with his behavior around cain , + shows the link between them
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so how charles thinks is, his family is dangerous + hates him + that will never change, but he can't abandon them. he's used to his familial role as the placater + the only way to successfully fulfill that is through contingency plans + manipulation + fawning.
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but therein lies the issue:
david haller is NOT like brian, cain, kurt, or sharon!!!! he is heavily traumatized, neurodivergent, and neglected. david needs charles to treat him like his SON and not the ticking time bomb charles is predisposed to assume he is!!!
charles' relationship with his x-men is different bc he's in control as the person who brought them together + the patriarch. he's taught them, shaped them after himself.
david, in contrast, is unpredictable. david, as his bio child, cements him in the "traditional" family structure he found no security in. kurt + brian become contemporaries.
when he is forced to acknowledge david, he is most obviously that terrible father he wished not to become
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so of course, when he's wrong, when his view of his life is complicated, when he hurts his child who just wants his love + companionship + understanding, he cuts and runs back to the safest thing he knows. the things that make sense
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(more on some of the things i mentioned here in my essay on immortal xmen 10 which ive made a pact w myself that i will finish this week. viewing telepathy + related powers as a kind of curse-responsibility is a big part of it too)
addendums from replies:
i forgot to even mention cassandra - suffice it to say he has PLENTY of past traumas reinforcing his very misguided fear of david
i want to see more of charles' relationship with xandra explored on page. i think the biggest difference, beyond the lack of negative history, is that xandra + him are ridiculously similar in everything from personality to levels of responsibility
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absolutebitchgetter · 9 months
The problems of CS. Combined in one.
Since the CS ninjas are onto me, i shant give up. You will forever hear the tunes of the rumours of ABG'S unbanning.
Heres all the CS posts i can find:
All of this might share the same topic, and thats a feature of how Comic Studio doesnt - or probably will never - fix its problems. Insane. I know. However, why am i not giving up if we cant fix it?
To save people's sanity.
Im trying to get unbanned so i can prove i am trying to become a better person, and save people's mental health by pointing out thr flaws in:
Its honestly pretty scary how kids are exposed to Jayst- i mean the toxicity of comic studio, and also how the experienced CS users are saying its worse than fucking Twitter.
Where can i begin with the fucking moderation? Where were they when i was getting banned? One is treated like an angel after the fucking outrageous calls he does. How long was i banned? 8 months? Yes. 8 Fucking Months. Above Half a year. One has literally made DOXXING JOKES TO ME and made me fear for my life. One in the cs discord takes someone elses side when i ask for a spoiler for Binding of Isaac (a pretty scary game). One is just fucking horrible at moderation. And one is probably biased after i did a few too many pings in a server. A server i owned btw, no one stopped me. You know who you are. :)
To name a few very shit studios,
-Probably fucking most of them
Probably 10% of the studios get used.
And a lot of them are just fucking shit.
We have a fucking NICK JR studio for like 2 YEAR OLDS.
When is there a fucking Despicable Me comic studio?
To name types of people:
Suspected pedophiles
probably pedophiles
anti semetic
Jokes aside tho there are lot of people i named that are actually one of the things above. There are also lots of fucking toxic people.
To my next point
popular beats all apparently
If your popular, dont fear of being banned! You fucking wont be!
I can name, a shit ton of people that should be banned but wouldnt because they have a shit ton of followers and that would get a lot of people to quit the site.
-Puffyy (Should i say more?)
-Jaystar (☠️)
-Onion_Rabbit (Threw about users like hell, faked harassment, legit got people to witchhunt me (December 2022), was toxic to me before i got banned (unfairly) (July 2023)
-Deathzy (A fucking mpreg and sex comic untagged, did the same as Onion_Rabbit July 2023, has known cases of being cocky as fuck when they get their way)
-SarahKomik (Has threw about users under the bus pretending to victimise themselves over the slightest of out of context things. The current situation with Oka is one.)
-Zappy (The same as above.)
Theres a lot more! Holy fuck
This community has a complete fucking hivemind too.
When popular users say "this person has done something bad (slightly or horrible) target them guys" and when they say "dont harass this person pls" they're praying that the mods dont fucking mob them. Oh wait.
Its like a lot of people have pointed out popular beats all!
Also, this is how people say "fuck the rules" (e.g, Oka and me)
If you have any problems, comment it, You probably shouldnt have but if your a snowflake, combat me.
Oh yeah i also forgot Tammy got knocked about like the school thot at summer time with the football team. They need apologising yall. This is the reason why people quit, my point above. Tammy quitting is one of the worst things to happen to CS.
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litcrazh · 2 years
mlb if there was tiktok would basically be:
the usernames
@ chatnoirfanpage- chat
@ ladybugoffical- lb
@ adrienagreste- adriens main acc
@ dj.nino- ninos main acc
@ theladyblog- lasyblog acx
@ alyalb- alya main acc
@ maridc- mari main account
@ lbmarryme- adrien secret
@ childishgamnino- nino secret acc- guys i’m really proud of that one
@ lbmarryme2- alya secret
@ maribread- marinette
there’s more but pretty self explanatory
this is post reveal pre relationship
*edit of chat being hot*
1.4 mil likes
@ chatnoirfanpage : omg wow he’s so hot @ ladybugoffical you should definitely see this and marry him and have his kids
|—- @ ladybugoffical : omg chat get off your phone your late for patrol
@ maridc: GAWD DAYUM
|— @ maridc: shit wrong acc
|— @ maribae129: SHE HAS ANOTHER ONE
@ maribread: GAWDDDD DAYYUMM
|- @ marrymelb: offer still stands
|- @ maribread: who are you🤨
|- @ marrymelb: ur future bf ;)
*adrien posts a thirst trap*
1.2 mil likes
@ maridc: hi agresty zesty😉😉😉😉
|_@ adrienagreste: hi marbar 😏😏😏😏
|-@ adrienettelover: PROOF
@ childishgamnino: hot sexy hmu bbg😍
|- @ marrymelb: made it just for u bbg 😘
@ alyalb: cringe
|- @ adrienagreste: i do not like you.
|-@ maribread: sorry my keys slipped
|-@ maribread: HANDS DIPPED
|-@ maribread: FUCK HANDS SLIPPED
|—- @ lbmarryme2: girl…
|—-@ childishgamnino: girl…
|- @ lbmarryme: dipped to where😏😏😏
|- @ lbmarryme2: dawg…
|- @ childishgamnino: dawg…
*mari posts a thirst trap*
@ adrienagreste: oh
|- @ adrienagreste: im
|- @lbmarryme: wait
|- @ lbmarryme: holy
|- @childishgamnino: DAWG HAD TO GRAB A WHOLE NEW ACCOUNT😭😭
@ chatnoirfanpage: hi marinette dupain cheng im a superhero
|- @ adrienagreste: hi marinette dupain cheng IM a famous model
|- @ chatnoirfanpage: shut up ur ugly and ur hair is fake
|- @ alyalb: BAHA
@ lukacouffine: you look pretty marinette!!
|- @ chatnoirfanpage: shut up blueberry
|- @ adrienagreste: #ihatelukacouffine
|- @lbmarryme: shut up i bring a guitar to a party, sound pretty farty, your hair is fake blue, looks like poo, fake earring in one ear, puke whenever i’m near
|- @ childishgamnino: DUDE WAS SO MAD HE STARTED RHYMING 😭😭
|- @ marrymelb2: SUNNY WAS DROPPING BARS 🔥🔥
|- @ lukacouffine: 1) I HAVE A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND 2)AT LEAST I SAID SOMETHING PUSSY 3) chat noir ur fr a bitch🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
|-@ chatnoirfanpage: who’s chat noir 🤨🤨
@ alyalb: @dj.nino im leaving u for mari❤️
|- @ dj.nino: not if i leave first babe❤️❤️
|- @ alyalb: u love me too much to leave me ❤️
|- @ dj.nino: ugh u caught me 👐
|- @ adrienagreste: @ maridc how do they make everything into flirting
|- @ maridc: couldnt tell ya!
quick little switch to twitter
#ihatelukacouffine is trending on twitter
@ adrienagreste: guys i don’t hate @lukacouffine and yes my father did make me say this and yes me and luka are now married
|- @lukacouffine: it’s ok babe 😘
|- @ adrienagreste: thanks blue blue bear 💙💙
|- @ dj.nino: did i just become the other women?????
|- @ alyalb: @ maridc @ kagamifence HELLO???
|- @ kagamifence: I do not comprehend nor understand this joke of “bromance”. Luka is still my boyfriend, yes?
|- @ lukacouffine: yes my muse
@ maridc: adrien babe what is this
|— @ adrienagreste: public statement bug🫡
|—- @ lukacouffine: u hate me cause u ain’t me 🤘
|- @ maridc: LUKA BAHAHA
ok back to tik tok
*lila posts a sad attempt of a thirst trap but it doesn’t work bc she’s ugly and she tags adrien* 204k likes
@ marrymelb: no chance adrien wanted to be tagged
|—- @ xoxolilarossi: your literally a private acc with 8 followers. you’re just jealous of me and adriens relationship
|- @ marrymelb: nah wtf is this shit
@ alyalb: love thé confidence girly!!
|- @ marrymelb: confidence nah that’s crazy😭
|- @ xoxolilarossi: thanks als💕💕🥹🥹 you know ever since i got both my eyes removed and plugged back in i’ve been so insecure about my face
|—@ tomfoolery: why did u get ur eyes out
|- @ lbmarryme2: if i looked like u i would be insecure too babe
sunny: ALYA
als: BAHHA
als: NO WAY
jay z: wait what happened?? i was in the studio
sunny: look at l***a’s post
jay z: EW
sunny: we aren’t mean we are just mean to l***a!! 😁
sunny: can mari respond
sunny: my lady
sunny: tikki spots on
als: did u think that would summon her💀
sunny: …
sunny: no
jay z: he def did
bugapoo: hi wtf did l***a post
sunny: her ugly ass
sunny: *ss of the comments from his priv acc*
bugapoo: NAHHN😭😭
sunny: mari come over
bugapoo: ok
jay z: no booty calls in the group chat❌❌
als: adrien shut up that’s so funny
sunny: I KNOW
jay z: marinette can u send hw answers btw
jay z: mari
jay z: marriiii PLS HELP A BROTHA OUT
sunny: i left it at home
als: adrien what??
sunny: *photo of mari and adrien in his room, both sporting goofy lovesick burns and thumbs up*
jay z: 😭😭
als: BAHAH
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aromanticgarbage · 2 months
If Joji decides to retire this year, do you think your obsession with him will end? Or would you still follow all his old stuff and that will keep you going?
He retired from social media already, youtube as well and he won't be coming back to any of that, let's be honest. All is left is his music, and I personally feel like he's over it. Not only the tiring/ repetitive touring, but the set path of the music industry where you don't just create stuff for fun but it's expected of you every few years> tour > rinse and repeat.
Just trying to have a convo, we like to hear your opinions :)
First of all, I don't think that he is going to retire any time soon? The man has been making music nonstop (comedic or not) since he was a preteen AND at this point in his life its his main source of income. He has talked in several interviews in 2018 and then again in 2020 about having philanthropic goals, wanting to help in the medical field and stuff but not having the funds for it yet (x). Assuming that he still has those goals and he hasnt suddenly gotten bored of music (a thing he has loved since he was a kid) i just cant see him suddenly retiring. There's a chance that maybe he wont keep up with his "new album every two years" pattern but i personally wouldn't be mad about that. I know that people love to complain about him not dropping music often enough but from my perspective, two years isn't a long time to wait for a new album. I listen to Fiona Apple too and she drops new music once every eight years. I listen to bands who broke up decades ago and bands whose main vocalists committed suicide before i was even born. Waiting doesn't mean anything to me. Also im so late to the party, i have a literal decade of his old and more recent content to get through (music, comedy, all of it).
Second of all, my obsession with him will fade away eventually either way !!! Ive been obsessed with many things (media, shows, musicals, music artists etcetera etcetera) over the years, i know how this works. Last year i was listening to the 2006 cast recording of company the musical starring Raúl Esparza everyday Non Stop. At some point i moved on to other things. Doesn't mean that i don't still smile whenever a song from this musical makes its way onto my spotify queue, or whenever a new photo of Raúl gets posted online. Unless something bad happens that sours the experience for me (most notable example: harry p*tter) i always think fondly of my past hyperfixations. Plus I genuinely love Joji's music. Im not in it just for his cute face !!! I will probably always have a soft spot for these songs even if (emphasis on if) he drops off the face of the earth and never releases anything ever again.
When it comes to his retirement from social media (permanent or temporary) all i honestly have to say about it is this: GOOD for him. Instagram is hell. Twitter is a fucking cesspool that has given me a headache every single one of the five (5) times ive dared to try and use it. If you use twitter routinely, my trust on your character automatically lessens, sorry. And since i only ever unfollow artists on insta for uploading TOO often I don't really have an issue with his inactivity. I wasn't a fan of his when he was still active on his socials, I don't have the experience necessary to miss this. I'm enjoying his old posts and that's good enough for me.
When it comes to youtube, he is definitely never going back to filthy frank that one is a fact and people who act like he would even want to are delusional. Sorry. Nonetheless, Plummcorp is a thing that has been going on for a while now, and even tho personally i haven't really gotten into it, Joji's involvement in it is undeniable. We will probably never know how involved in it he actually is and he will most definitely never show his face on that channel. Still, he is back on youtube in a way and thats also a fact. Even if he's keeping things lowkey (as is his right).
And to go back to the music !!! The tours he is probably really tired of, that one i feel like it's true. A lot of artists probably are, travelling around for months on end can't be easy. I remember Mitski being particularly open about how shitty they made her feel. There was also this old interview where he explicitly said that he is not cut out for the tour life, ("i like to sleep and i like to be alone a lot" x ). That was very early in his career (2017). And taking the fact that he had to cancel some of his shows last year for medical reasons, its important to take into account the fact that his health problems don't make any of this easier for him. I have no way of knowing what his opinion is on the music industry but hes been working on music for years now (even before he really started his solo career) and it was his literal childhood dream to work in this industry. He probably knew how it works before he got into it fulltime.
Tldr: joji can do whatever he wants forever. Im okay either way.
Anyway those have been my two cents !!! Thank you for your questions, they were very interesting.
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angeldiaries777 · 5 months
I want to make a post formally saying goodbye to my followers on here. It's been a long time coming. If you follow me you know that this blog is basically my diary in a lot of ways and I've been through a lot on here but I think its time to say goodbye to this era of my life. I can't post on here casually. I've mellowed out and grown up a lot since janurary of 2023 and this blog witnessed a lot of that. I would write a lot of my thoughts out on here some from other people's perspectives some with hidden truths but a lot of it was just purely my reality and perspective at the time. as you may already know i have a lot of weird habits with how i use this site for starters i rarely tag any of my posts or post original photos i don't know why thats just how my brain works. anyway i know that not a lot of people will see this its mainly just closure for myself i don't wanna just dissapear from what has been my life forever. i grew up on the internet as an escape from my real life. ive tried to leave multiple times but i always come back to either reblog something or just scroll and its just not healthy. its better than it used to be i don't crave the validation from it anymore and im not blaming my past self for wanting that cuz its perfectly normal thing to want especially when ur dperived of that in your real life. i went insane for a while. having to basically parent yourself because your parents are inadequate is difficult. i would be lying if i said i didnt regret how certain things in my life went or certain "choices" i made (i do not believe you can make decsions when you are as sick as i was at the time) i don't know what to say theres so much i could talk about as the topic of life is never ending but i just i wanna say this because chances are if you know my account exists or have found my account that you also use the internet as an escape in some way. and just know that it never ends well. it doesnt matter how much u showcase or minimize your pain. no one can help you until you decide you're sick of yourself. and this will happen multiple times as it literally mirrors withdrawl and addiction for some of us. theres no conclusion to draw here. nothing is ending in my actual life. infact the opposite is happening im trying to live life for the first time and set less limits on everything if anything my narrow view of thinking is expanding and will continue to as i reach young adulthood. which is crazyy to say cuz i feel like i was 14 being a loser on twitter like it was yesterday. anyway another thing i wanna say is don't let people shame you for your past or things that you're working on changing. you're already aware something wasn't working for you. life does not have to be cookie cutter. im glad mine is not. Im done with this chapter of my life. i do have another private blog but thats just for me. if you wish to say anything to me or about my blog before i leave for good then just dm me or send an anon. I'm not playing the saviour role anymore. I'm done with self desctruction and degeneracy. I'm done with things that damage my soul.
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miutonium · 1 year
I already mentioned this on my twitter before but thought I just wanna add it here lol so if any of you guys followed my art ig, you might notice that I closed off all of my replies, comments and dms and that's because I keep getting unwarranted dms but more importantly there is this one person on insta that i think is a bit....odd.
So there's this person that keeps following and then unfollowing me either hours or days later. Normally I won't notice this because I don't check on people's profile but the reason I remember this is because this person tried reaching to me before. Basically they said they were glad they found someone that likes professor and starts dumping to me about how they likes him ever since they were a kid and then they're married to Utonium.
First of all, yes, I am totally fine with sharing. But you have to agree with me that saying "Oh you like the fictional character that I liked? Thats so cool omg btw we are married before you know him" as if you are claiming that character first is weird. And second, I barely talk about my selfship, I only post my art. At least if you want to talk to me, don't open with something like "I'm Utonium's wife." Like ???? That is weird are you trying to assert dominance on me???
Anyway I didn't bother to reply to them and for the next few weeks they reply to my stories occassionally just to try and see if I will reply but of course I didn't reply so their last reply were "Hello?" And I don't get any dms from them anymore.
After that I keep seeing their acc following and unfollowing me and usually I will block immediately because it's always safe than sorry but whenever I want to do so their acc just gone so I didn't manage to do that so now the only way for me to keep myself safe is to just shut down all means of communication.
Anyway I am still okay with sharing just that I wish people have manners and try to talk to me normally instead of immediately trying to assert your ship to me lol I swear I am fine and if I'm nice enough I will literally draw the shared f/o and you for free because I want to but like if you creep me out, chances are I wont talk to you and probably block you lol
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