#might draw accompanying art too though
raphwshere · 1 year
this concept art has miles in a leather jacket and i must say that this is the best thing that has ever happened for punkflower nation. already planning to make something abt it. (either a fic or a comic)
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theloveliestembrace · 10 months
Let it happen. | CL
Charles Leclerc/Reader
f1 masterlist
crossposted to ao3
Summary: The five times you meet Charles Leclerc. (The four times it doesn’t work out, the one time it might,)
Warnings: Non-explicit (but definitely inappropriate) teacher-student relationship
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Reincarnation au
W/C: 2.7k
A/N: What’s good people, I’m back again. This fic was very cinematic in my head (it still is), so I hope the writing captures that. Enjoy~
The first time you meet Charles Leclerc, he’s a barista at the coffeehouse down the road from your interning job. It’s a brief stint in the industry as you wait for a university acceptance letter, so you don’t expect to stay for long. 
He’s sweet, beaming at you from over the counter nearly everyday, remembering your order before you’ve even asked for his name. 
“Charles,” he says, sweetly accented, “my name is Charles Leclerc.” 
That day, the flowing script of your name on the takeaway cup is accompanied with a ‘have dinner with me?’ and a smiley face. You picture him, eyebrows scrunched and eyes squinted in concentration, trying to write neatly on the curved surface, and smile. 
As it turns out, Charles Leclerc is also waiting for a university acceptance letter, to a prestigious place in the United Kingdom for the study of Liberal Arts. He laughs awkwardly as he confesses, “My English is not so good yet, so I am worried they won’t find me so elegant.” 
You bat it off as nonsense, pulling him in for a chaste kiss, whispering sincerely against his lips. “They’ll be foolish not to accept you, cheri.”
He’s a sweet relief from the bustle of your internship, where you’re surrounded by presumptuous old men and women who expect their coffee orders and bottles of perrier on their desk before eight. Your work in the fashion industry is not as glamorous a job as made out in the novels. The twelve centimeter heels you’re forced into daily pinch at your toes, and all your coworkers are size-zero hyenas, vying for a position. It takes all your energy to keep up. 
Just the sight of him, though, waving cheerily in the morning as you run in for coffee pickup, hands in his pockets as he waits for you to get off work, the soft kisses when he walks you home. It’s easy to get lost in this, lost in him , fingers slotted between yours and a glass of wine shared between interlocked fingers.  It’s a romance out of a metropolitan chick flick, something about finding love in the middle of modern day bustle, finding quiet in the loud city. 
Everything falls apart when you get your acceptance letter. You haven’t talked about the inexorability of the end, not really. Sometimes Charles will bring it up half-heartedly, and so will you, but the inertia to dealing with your very real future is too great, and you both end up kissing on Charles’ sofa instead of facing the truth. 
It culminates in one big fight, your fingernails pressed to draw blood, Charles bracing himself against the wall to prevent himself from losing his temper. 
And it goes like every other fight in the movies, things like i was always going to go anyway and why don’t you just fucking go then, if you have nothing to stay for , and don’t hold me back just because you don’t have the certainty of getting into your course, Charles spinning around and saying i already got in, i’m hesitating because of you and the pressure in your chest growing so large it’s all you can do to stop your tears from running. 
The movies lied to you. This is the part where Charles apologises and you hug and make up and you stay for each other. That’s the love story. 
Instead, you say, go then, if staying for me burdens you so . And he goes, your apartment door slamming behind him. 
You spend days wallowing in self-pity, avoiding the coffeehouse, running through the motions, thinking about the last ten months of your life, and make the decision when your hand reaches for a coffee cup that isn’t there. 
You’ll stay, for Charles, because you love him, even if it isn’t like the movies. Because it isn’t like the movies, and you’ll love him even when the post-credits have rolled. 
It is this that makes you run to the coffeehouse the next morning, forgoing an umbrella in your haste, soaking your blouse straight through. You yank the door open, waiting for the head of curls at the counter to look up so you can beg for a chance. Just one.
Instead, the older lady who owns the place, looks up and smiles sadly at you. “I’m sorry, kid. He flew off to the UK yesterday, he said you never called.” 
And again, this doesn’t happen in the movies. The main character doesn’t step back out into the rain alone, heels soaked against the pavement, nor do they spend the next week waiting for the love of their life to call. 
You hit reply on the acceptance email, and change your number to a local one when you land in America. 
Somewhere on another continent, a call doesn’t get connected.
On the sixteenth of October, the people of Monaco are blessed with an announcement. A prince is born, the news reports. 
Charles, they named him. Charles Leclerc. 
In another ward down the hallway, another woman gives birth to a girl. The royal family hasn’t realised it yet, but down the hallway, is their future pr manager. 
Your first day on the job is fraught with just about every roadblock you could face. 
At four in the morning, one of your neighbour’s ridiculous scented candles tips over and sets enough things on fire to trip the fire alarm. Management ushers every single person in the vicinity out of the apartment building, where you stand shivering in your bathrobe. 
A few hours later, your coffee machine breaks down before your espresso even finishes running. 
Then, five minutes after you leave the apartment to catch your Uber, your heel breaks, so you’re forced to change your shoes and foot the late arrival fee on your car. 
When you finally find the meeting room fifteen minutes after you were supposed to reach, you're very much on the verge of tears. 
You’re met with a frowning Charles Leclerc, whose expression instantly evaporates into fondness when he recognises who’s at the door. He stands to bring you into a hug, as if you’d been friends since you were children. (You had been, of course, but you didn’t forget that he was a literal prince. Hugs are not commonplace.)
It’s an odd feeling, standing in front of the boy you’d known from birth, tasked with covering up his scandals and manufacturing relationships to keep him in the public eye.
It’s even odder to fall in love with him all over again, especially while you’re both poring over staged Instagram posts of him and Monaco’s richest bachelorettes. But Charles is so— good, easy to fall in love with, like those princes from storybooks. He laughs at exactly the right moments, cracks jokes that have you gasping for breath, charms you so thoroughly it’s almost embarrassing. 
It falls into place like poetry, too many moments without supervision, secret smiles over the table, quiet mornings in the palace, hidden in his room. You pick up the closeness of your youth near flawlessly. Falling in love has never been this easy. 
(It’ll never be this easy again.)
The end comes knocking in the form of his mother. Marriage. You almost choke on the enormity of it, caught in the noose of your own stupidity. Because that is your job, isn’t it? The prince is almost thirty, you are almost thirty, and this has always been the final point, of your job, of his scripted relationships. 
You don’t even fight, which is kind of the worst part. A choice is presented to Charles, and he chooses.
It’s a special kind of cruelty, to stay. To sit with the photographers and videographers and event crew and wedding planner, poring over fabrics and angles, as if it’s your fucking honour to plan what’s set to be the greatest union in Monaco for the next decade. 
You were wrong. The worst part is standing at the fringes, in your blue dress, watching the love of your life slide a ring onto another finger and speak the vows that were meant for youyouyou . The worst part is knowing the photos will be beautiful, because you planned them yourself. 
The worst part is knowing there is no universe where he chooses you.  
Your new French Literature professor is… really fucking hot. You’re not just saying this because he’s a decade older than you, or because he’s at least three decades younger than the guy who used to teach the class. He’s just, objectively of course, a really attractive man. 
The way his accent rolls off his tongue when he says “Charles, my name is Charles Leclerc.” definitely doesn’t help. In your periphery, you see the girl seated next to you furiously typing on her phone, with caps and exclamation marks and sweating emojis. You can’t even blame her. 
And it’s almost criminally obvious, the way he looks at you, eyes darting to your open polo, the way he lingers on the syllables of your name when he calls on you to answer in class. 
It’s subtle enough to not warrant any accusations of misconduct, but not subtle enough to avoid the envious stares of the girls (and boys) in your class. You’re unbothered, of course, given that he hasn’t actually made a move, but also the fact that he wears his wedding ring all the time.
And if you start wearing tighter shirts and shorter skirts to class, just to see his breath hitch when you uncross your legs just so, well that’s nobody’s business but your own. 
It’s almost cliche, the way your little game unfolds. You make sure to book the latest possible consultation slots with him, in a cute ensemble and flawless makeup, toting a copy of Les Miserables as if you’re actually struggling with the material. 
It’s fun, to rile him up, watch his tongue slide against his lower lip as he looks at you from across the desk. You don’t typically make a habit of seducing professors, especially the married ones, but you figure it’ll probably make a great story for your grandkids, or something. He holds out much longer than you thought, so much so that the illusion of needing aid in your best subject starts to grate on you. Still, the sight of his forearms when he rolls up his sleeves, or the line of his throat when he sips water during lectures keeps you hooked. 
When he finally bends you over his desk, you’re almost disappointed that the game has ended. The imprint of his wedding ring stays on your waist for days. Your friend tuts nervously when you return back late, murmurs something about morals and regretting your decisions and something else you tune out. 
Un brin de folie egaye la vie, right? Some madness will brighten your life. You continue ignoring her.
It’s only after months of your routine that you can form the all-important question, perched on his lap in his (locked) office, “Why cheat on your wife?” And the room is instantly suffused with silence. You expect him to tell you to get out or something of the sort, but instead he hums thoughtfully, shifting you further onto his thighs. 
He’s silent for a few seconds, running fingers through your hair, “Why do we do anything?” You snort at the obvious deflection, raising an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. 
“On n’aime que ce qu’on possède pas tout entier. Proust says we love only what we do not have entirely.” You giggle a little at that, “you love me because you cannot have me?” He sighs against your cheek, “something like that, yes.”
In the end, it ends much cleaner than affairs like this tend to. You graduate top of the class, watch Charles and his beautiful wife at the ceremony, and laugh a little meanly at how oblivious her smile is. How he watches you, still, as you give the valedictorian speech, the smirk on his face as you thank your professors with false fervour. 
And then, one last time for the road, in the handicap bathroom where the bustle of the hall isn’t quite muted, breaths mingling hot in the stale air. A kiss, almost chaste, and you leave. 
Your grandkids howl with laughter at the story, nearly seventy years down the road. You smile, think about green eyes and rolled up sleeves. Another life, maybe. 
You’re still not used to the wag lifestyle. It’s one thing to be recognised in Monaco, another to be Il Predestinato’s girlfriend. It’s almost obscene, the red that greets you down every hallway, the way you bite your tongue and watch the team fuck him over every weekend. The way the crowds chant his name; Charles, they scream, Charles Leclerc. 
It’s not like you haven’t earned a place in the paddock. You’ve done the work, the pr activities, the carefully curated soft launches, the jet lag, the helmet kisses and the careful, careful styling. You’ll always be silent and pretty, always smiling and skinny and happy for him, existing to prove something. 
The point is, it isn’t that you don’t love Charles anymore. It isn’t that he’s neglectful and distant (he is), or that you’re unhappy with the constant scrutiny and ever changing time zones (you are). You can swallow these things, breathe deep and let it settle. 
Mangia questa minestra o saltar questa finestra; eat the soup or jump out of the window. Accept things for what they are, don’t hurt over things that cannot be changed. 
And it really does feel like nothing will ever change, watching the man you love turn into a beating husk, consumed with his want. A championship, a victory, draped in enough red to drown you both, a hundred years of history. Nothing will change, you will always be the girlfriend, the girl in-the-pictures. You can feel the shadow of Charles’ name as heavily as he feels Ferrari’s. That will never change.    
The championship is a hollow victory, when it comes. You and Charles have devolved across the year into a state of a perpetual tense silence, intercut only with the curl of his fingers around your waist when the cameras come flashing, and drawn out, passive aggressive conversations.
You begin to fly out less and less, blame it on the job you pretend to hate for Charles’ sake. Slowly, you learn to be on your own, find your way around loneliness, spaces within yourself previously occupied with your boyfriend. You toss about the idea of him cheating on you while you miss his races, and find the thought less impossible and less painful each time. 
By the time you see him again in Abu Dhabi, the Monacan flag wrapped around his shoulders, fingers pointed to the sky, you only feel affection for the man you would’ve given everything up for a year ago. The knowledge squeezes painfully in your chest. 
You reach for him in the cooldown room, wince at how unfamiliar his hands are to you now, look him in the eyes, “It’s been over for a long time, hasn’t it, cheri?” Tears rise unbidden within you when he nods, eyes wet. You clasp his hands tighter, relish the feeling of his fingers against yours one more time, “I want you to remember the best parts of us,” you sniffle lightly, attempt a smile, “not the end. I want you to remember that I am always proud of you.”
The room is quiet. He leans against your shoulder, for a moment you are both twenty-one again, guileless. The enormity of what you are losing has settled in your bones. 
The soup is unassuming on the table. You choose the free fall from the window. 
The new doctor is cute, in a puppyish sort of way. Charles watches the way you interact with all your new coworkers, smiling and shaking hands, the way you laugh at a joke Max just made. 
You come up in front of him, and falter, tilting your head like a startled animal. “Have we met?” The deja vu hits him so hard his head spins, shaking his head at your question anyway. 
He kisses your outstretched hand, soft under his lips, revels briefly in your furious blushing. His mother likes to tell him; doctors only date other doctors. He intends to test the theory.
“My name is Charles,” he says, “Charles Leclerc.”
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contextfreepatentart · 5 months
Context-Full Patent Art
Every now and then I see people in the comments who seem to genuinely want a better idea of what one of the posted bits of art here was supposed to be patenting. Giving that context myself doesn't seem in the spirit of the blog, but I absolutely want to encourage people to do the legwork to go sniffing around for original sources.
It's something I have to do a lot in my day job, something I've learned to enjoy, and the thing that led me to start Context-Free Patent Art a dozen years ago in the first place.
Let's start with today's post, which is a perfect example of art that raises more questions than it answers.
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Almost every post on this blog has a header detailing the date of the patent or application and the number, which you can find on the top right. In this case, this image is from Patent Application # 20020022516.
Longtime Context-Free Patent Art fans might remember this image from when it was first featured here over a decade ago. I figured that a lot of the people following the blog now haven't seen some of the gems from years ago, so I'm going to be doing re-runs of some of my favorites this week. There's a bunch more I think would be good to bring back, so I'll use the vintage cfpa hashtag in the future so you know when a duplicate post is intentional (as opposed to me just forgetting I've posted a thing before, which happens a fair bit).
Back to the matter at hand though, if you're ever curious, the US Patent and Trademark Office has a super-handy patent search function. It's pretty easy to find from their main site (uspto.gov), but you can also just bookmark this link to the basic search form:
Check out the search results, click on the link for the .pdf, and you'll get the complete patent/application to peruse at your enjoyment.
In this case, you'll find the patent being applied for covers a method of "Advertising inside electronic games" and you'll learn that:
In FIG. 1, girl 10 is climbing onto a hamburger 11 like one sold at a fast food restaurant. However, in the displayed image, hamburger 11 is as large as girl 10. The person playing the game will therefore perceive hamburger 11 as fantastically large. That unusual scale will help to burnish the image of hamburger 11 in the player's memory as well as draw his attention to it while he plays the game.
Not shown in FIG. 1 are other characteristics which electronic games could apply to hamburger 11 which cannot be shown in unanimated line-drawings. Hamburger 11 will compress as girl 10 steps or pushes on it. That action will be accompanied by squishing and slurping sounds...
Yeah, the explanations are weird too, sometimes.
Sorry for all the words, I just wanted to make it as clear as possible to people that if they're ever curious about stuff they see on Context-Free Patent Art, it's usually pretty easy to find out what the deal is.
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mango-slushiezzz · 18 days
Okay, no clue how to start this post off lmao. Seeing Turbo's comeback on here is literally the LAST thing I would've expected in 2024, but it is so fucking awesome. The fanart and theories are literally everything and more. He's been my number one brain parasite since 2022, which since then he's accumulated his own mass of fanart in my sketchbooks and IbisPaint gallery. Which led to me making a version of him which is very near and dear to me, Kitsune Turbo! I have way too many art pieces of him, new and old, so I will be posting them every now and then. Also a quick sketch of him to accompany this. Just wanted to thank everyone for coming together and bringing him back though, I hope to see more in the future! :3
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(Edit: Changed the drawing that originally accompanied this post since I noticed a few mistakes with it. Might re-post it once I tweak a few things. For now, heres a Turbo sketch!!)
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kurishiri · 3 months
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14 . . . main story
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: obsessive, stalkerish, kind of controlling behavior.
The art dealer from the ‘Bernard Company’ arrived at Lord Elbert’s manor the next day.
Of course, the people here did not hold a shred of doubt that the person they welcomed in the manor was simply ‘Lord Elbert’s work partner.’
(To be honest, facing him directly now that I understood that he was a member of the ‘Bernard Company’...)
(...is really painful.)
Acting as Lord Elbert’s assistant, I was to accompany him in this deal.
When I thought of how he was a member of the organization that had tried to kill Daisy, my chest became more heavy every time I gave a superficial smile.
Lord Elbert was indifferently talking with the art dealer...
(But Lord Elbert is probably also hurting as we speak.)
The memories we had shared together the day Daisy had passed only more strongly confirmed this.
(He looks as he does any other day, but... perhaps, the reason why is because he had become too accustomed to the pain.)
Art dealer: All of the pieces before you are rare goods of top-class quality. You probably won’t be able to get them anywhere but here.
The art pieces and jewelry the dealer brought with him were lined up in a row, and clearly in high spirits, he questioned Lord Elbert.
Art dealer: Well, might there be pieces befitting that of a count?
Elbert: ......All of them.
Art dealer: Excuse me?
Elbert: Leave them all here, please.
With just a short glance at the pieces lined up before us, Lord Elbert had made his decision.
Art dealer: ...I see. I did have an inkling you’d say so based on the party and also some rumors I’d heard in passing, but goodness gracious.
The art dealer seemed to be scheming something, and his eyes narrowed like a razor beneath his silk hat.
Art dealer: It appears you are quite obsessed with beauty too, no?
Elbert: ...‘Too’?
Art dealer: Well, seeing that I do consider you a true collector, I would like to make a proposition.
The art dealer adjusted his seating and lowered his voice, almost as though he were divulging a secret.
Art dealer: Next time, the top of the Company, Gabriel Bernard,
Art dealer: will invite honored guests from outside the country to hold an auction.
(When he says ‘top’——he must mean the head of this criminal organization.)
Art dealer: The special showcase is a rare blue diamond of over 60 carats, regarded as the most beautiful in this world and beyond.
Art dealer: And I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend that auction. How about it? Is it to your fancy?
(...Which means, he’s been accepted as someone ‘invited to their domain.’)
Accepting the invitation would unmistakably be a crucial development to the mission given by Her Majesty.)
Elbert: ......Alright, I accept.
Art dealer: Ahh, I’m glad! I will send the invitation to you at a later date.
Art dealer: Well then, please sign here for the payment.
When the negotiations were finished, Jeffrey, who had been waiting next to us, approached and led the art dealer out of the lobby.
The moment he was out of the room, suddenly, I casually looked toward him.
Jeffrey: ...
Our eyes met for a mere moment, I felt something lingering.
(He probably doesn’t take to me well. In fact, it’s natural for him to think that way...)
This morning, I visited Lord Elbert early.
I didn’t want him to go through what he did yesterday while changing clothes.
(At the very least, while I’m here, I don’t want Lord Elbert to go through things that caused him pain.)
If it was for that, I didn’t mind being the object of someone’s hate.
Elbert: The world’s most beautiful jewel, he said...
E: ...What is that, I wonder.
Those few words seemed to spill out in a murmur, drawing my attention back to Lord Elbert.
Kate: I... can’t help but be curious about it, too. But it’s surely something very pretty, I would think.
Elbert: ...If you say so, then it might be the case.
His golden locks of hair covered the edge of his eyes, which themselves seemed like jewels, as he looked up, as if imagining what such a gem could look like.
(Something like a 60-carat diamond... is beyond my imagination.)
It could be something so beautiful that it would make everything I ever laid my eyes upon so far seem like a blurry haze.
(If Lord Elbert saw something like that... he might end up not wanting me anymore.)
He might think that his thoughts of me being beautiful, of wanting me, might have been a misunderstanding.
(But, if it would help relieve Lord Elbert’s pain, then maybe that would be for the best...)
(...but, still, I would be lonely, if it really turned out that way.)
I shook my head at the words whispering from the back of my mind.
(What am I thinking?)
(I want Lord Elbert to feel that ‘it’s okay to not have to collect beautiful things anymore.’)
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Elbert: ...Kate.
Kate: ! Yes!?
Elbert: ... [surprised]
My voice had come out more loud than I intended, and Lord Elbert widened his eyes in surprise.
Elbert: You had gone quiet, shaking your head, and I thought you might feel unwell...
E: ...Is something the matter?
Even after he had said that he ‘wanted to have me,’ as if I were some object in his eyes,
he had extended that consideration I always knew he had within him to me, as if it were the most normal thing to do... and it hurt my heart.
Kate: Thank you for your concern. I was just thinking about some things.
Elbert: Is that so... then that’s good.
E: ...
E: ...Were you thinking of something, other than me?
Kate: Eh!? Umm... it... does have something with you, too, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: ......I see.
Lord Elbert seemed to accept my answer as it was, and his expression softened a little.
Elbert: We have no more business here in the manor... so let’s return to the castle today.
(I see... it must be because he had grasped the chance to infiltrate into the Bernard Company.)
(So, there is no reason to be here in the manor.)
Kate: Okay, I’ll start preparing then!
If it meant we could get out of here sooner, I had no complaints.
(If it’s Crown Castle, then Lord Elbert will be safe there, and... we probably won’t be together, just the two of us, as often.)
(If so, then I’ll have more time to think a little more calmly about a way to end this cycle of atonement.)
Kate: Well then, if you’ll excuse me. I’ll meet you in a bit.
Elbert: Alright.
Alfons: ......
—— Neutral POV ——
When the door closed behind Kate’s retreating figure, and the sound of her footsteps grew more distant,
Alfons, who had posed as a spectator during the negotiation, opened his mouth to speak.
Alfons: ...What a sore miscalculation on my part.
Elbert: ...What do you mean?
Alfons: I’ve told you time and time again that Kate is not beautiful.
A: So, why did you say something like you wanted to have her again?
Alfons asked out of simple curiosity, and in response, Elbert turned toward the door from which Kate had left.
Elbert: ...I don’t know.
E: Just that... I thought she was, beautiful—
E: —so, I must have her.
Those eyes become clouded over by a dark, heavy obsession.
Alfons: ...Is that so.
Alfons, as if having given up on something, let out a resigned sigh.
Alfons: Well then, shall I prepare something like a glass casket for you?
As if he were looking on at a play while knowing its ending, his chin rested on his hand, his elbow on the armrest of his chair.
—— Kate’s POV ——
We departed from the manor before twilight, and we returned to Crown Castle the next morning.
Victor: My dear Elbert, Alfons, and Kate! How are you enjoying your first breakfast at the castle in a loooong time?
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V: Hm... oh? What’s this I see now?
(Ahh... I feel like I know where this is going...)
V: If my eyes do not deceive me, it seems Elbert has become completely smitten with Kate.
Harrison: I’m not sure I’d call that ‘smitten’... It’s more like...
Alfons: Why, of course, Lord Elbie is trying to win her heart over.
(Um, I mean you’re not wrong, but you’re not right either...!)
While retorting in my mind, I glanced beside me.
(This morning, when I finished my routine and left my room, Lord Elbert was there waiting for me,)
(and he invited me to breakfast, together with him...)
And so now, I was sitting next to him, with his eyes on me, as I ate breakfast.
Elbert: ......
(It’s not like this is the first time I’ve felt Lord Elbert’s eyes on me...)
(but it’s the first time he’s looked at me for such a long time... maybe...)
Kate: Um... do I... have a bed head or something...?
Elbert: No... you don’t. You look very pretty.
Kate: T-thank you. Then, can I ask why you are, um...
‘looking right at me,’ is what I wanted to ask, but my words got stuck.
Elbert: ...Because, I want you to think about me as much as possible.
E: ...So that you can’t think about anyone else.
Kate: Ah, uh... I, see...
Elbert: Mn...
All of a sudden, the flavor of the food seemed to dull.
(I know that everything he does is to ‘have me’. I know that...)
(...but, if someone I liked told me this...)
(I would be so happy... I wouldn’t need to hear any reason...)
Trying to hide my reddening cheeks, I cast my eyes down, pretending to be absorbed in cutting the asparagus, but...
Alfons: That’s the spirit, Lord Elbert. The countdown before Kate breaks down is starting.
Kate: !? Alfons...?
He seemed to be egging on Lord Elbert with those words, and I couldn’t help but look up at him.
Where in the world did the Alfons who warned me to stay away from Lord Elbert go?
He was sitting across from Lord Elbert, and he smiled at me as if seeing through me feeling shaken.
Alfons: Unfortunately, it appears you are already beyond the point of no return...
A: So I thought, why not have you entertain me, then, as a spectator, now that it’s come to this?
(...I see, so it’s like that.)
(He means that he won’t warn me, nor will he try to stop Lord Elbert anymore...)
(I ended up ignoring his warnings, even after three times, so I can’t blame him for turning the other way, but this was such a sudden change of attitude that I couldn’t help but feel baffled.)
Elbert: ...Kate. Look here.
Kate: Uh...?
I could hardly say anything before Lord Elbert cupped my cheeks with both his hands, turning my face toward him.
Elbert: ...You, looked at Al longer than you have at me.
Kate: ...That’s not it...
Elbert: It is...
I couldn’t take the power his peerless beauty had on me in close proximity, and so I closed my eyes shut.
Elbert: Why are you closing your eyes... open them, please.
Kate: I-if you step away from me, I will...
Elbert: ...You won’t look at Al?
Kate: I won’t, I won’t anymore, so...
I felt his hands withdraw from my cheek, and I opened my eyes again.
I tried to calm my very quick heartbeat, and when I looked back at those blue eyes,
Elbert: ......
A satisfied smile played on Lord Elbert’s lips, and I thought my breath was going to stop.
(To think I could have time to calmly think if we weren’t together... how naïve that was of me.)
Being sought after like this by Lord Elbert... there was no way I could be calm.
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Victor: I have to say, I’m kiiinda getting a little jealous of them. Don’t you agree, Harrison!
Harrison: Hey, don’t grab onto my shoulders. I’m trying to eat here.
The playful exchange from beside me brought me back to my senses.
(The subject... let’s change the subject...!)
Kate: C-come to think of it, are you not going to eat, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: ...? Eat what?
Alfons: That is a bit of a tasteless answer, Elbie. Of course, whatever else could she be referring to but herself?
Kate: No, I meant breakfast.
Elbert: ...Now that you mention it... I had forgotten.
After looking at the breakfast before him for a while,
he pierced an apple slice with his fork, and brought it up to his lips in a graceful motion.
(An apple...)
Kate: Lord Elbert, do the apples today taste good too?
I remembered the day we went out to eat lunch together, and I asked him before I could think.
Elbert: ...Yes. ...It’s delicious.
With just that word alone, all of my nervousness and unease disappeared like the waves pulling back to the waters,
leaving my heart filled only with a warm happiness.
(It’s not as though I understand what’s in his heart from those words alone...)
Like that day, he had said the apple was delicious, and I was so happy that a broad smile formed on my lips.
Kate: ...I’m glad.
Elbert: ...
(I got so distracted by him seeking me out, that I almost lost sight of what was important.)
(I... wanted Lord Elbert to smile.)
I reminded myself to not get distracted, and continued eating. When I did, Lord Elbert started to eat as well, little by little, next to me.
Kate: This asparagus is really good. It’s really sweet.
Elbert: ...Mn.
And then, around the time breakfast was going to end peacefully, Victor spoke to me.
Victor: Oh, yes, Kate. Once you’re done eating, could I borrow a bit of your time?
Kate: ...? Yes, sure.
Elbert: ......
—— Time skip ——
Kate: A ‘midterm report’...?
Victor: Yes, that’s right. It seems you’ve been writing a lot of memos as the Fairytale Keeper, so I thought it was about time, you see.
Kate: Alright then. I’ll turn in a formal report.
(...Hm? Wait a minute. The things I can report on...)
After I said yes, I realized that the only topic I could really report on was Lord Elbert.
Kate: Um... actually, I’m sorry, but I don’t really know anyone else aside from Lord Elbert that well...
K: I barely know Alfons as things stand now...
Victor: Yes, that’s fine. You can just write about Lord Elbert then.
V: Also, there is no need to rush, so take things at your own pace. Anyway, that’s all I had to say. Sorry for calling you in so suddenly.
(As Fairytale Keeper, my job to record the ‘sins of the Cursed as was determined by their fates’...)
(...That was the condition for me to return to my normal life.)
‘The Cursed are fated to meet a tragic end’——
I remember hearing that before.
(And, if I remember right, Alfons had said Lord Elbert’s Curse was...)
(‘The Greedy Queen.’)
With a bow, I was about to leave the room, but then I turned back toward Victor.
Victor: What is it?
Kate: ...I’m, a little curious.
Kate: About what Lord Elbert’s tragic fate is, based on the Curse of the Greedy Queen.
Jet black eyes had me apprehended.
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For a moment, as if being covered by a veil of night, the room grew silent.
Victor: ‘Never feeling satisfied or fulfilled, he will end up with nothing.’ That is his Cursed fate.
(Never feeling satisfied or fulfilled... he will, end up with nothing...)
Kate: Thank you... for that.
As if swallowing a stone down, my heart grew heavier.
His Cursed fate was like a verdict, that I could do nothing to bring Lord Elbert out of his deep, dark sadness.
Elbert: ...Kate.
When I left the lounge, Lord Elbert was waiting for me, leaning against the windowsill.
Kate: Lord Elbert...! What’s wrong?
Elbert: I was waiting for you. ...Because, I want to spend as much time with you, as possible.
It was as though that was the most natural response in the world, and I felt my heart throb sweetly again.
(This is, to steal my heart... in order to have me.)
(That’s... how it should be... and yet...)
The love I had tried to keep a secret in my heart whispered in my ear, and I couldn’t help but to feel there was more meaning to his words than that.
Elbert: What were you talking about? With Victor.
Kate: About my job as Fairytale Keeper. He wants me to turn in a midterm report.
Elbert: I see......
Kate: What about you, Lord Elbert? What are your plans for today?
Elbert: Nothing, in particular. ...Until the auction, like you, I have a little bit of paperwork to do.
(If I said ‘then let us do our jobs,’ then I would be able to get some time to think alone.)
(We had just returned from the mansion, so I... don’t want to leave Lord Elbert on his own.)
Kate: Then, let’s relax together today. Is there anywhere you’d like to go?
Elbert: ...If I can be with you, then I’d be happy going anywhere.
E: But, it would be nice if we could go... to a place where no other person can come between us.
Lord Elbert stared intently at the lounge door.
(...Is he, seriously worried about me being called by Victor...?)
I could feel something similar to envy in his gaze, and I felt a little excited.
(How nice it would be, if this was a simple jealousy though...)
I put a lid over such thoughts, and instead I thought about what I was going to do from here.
Kate: So, maybe we shouldn’t go out in the city.
K: If possible, I’d like you to be able to have fun, but...
K: ...what do you enjoy doing, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: ...Enjoy...?
He made a face as though he had never even thought about it, and seeing that hurt my heart.
His own happiness, and his own enjoyment——just how much had this person before me deprived himself of those things?
(I would like to spend time somewhere warm, and bright...)
(...to the point there was no room for sadness to slip through the cracks.)
Kate: ...How about, a picnic? I know of a wonderful flower field with very few people.
Elbert: ...A flower field... with very few people...
E: I feel that would make me... want to carry you away, and have you to myself...
E: But, if that’s alright with you, then——let’s go.
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🏷️: @magicalkoo (leave a comment, send an ask, or dm me saying you want to be added to the tag list if you want to be tagged!)
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A Splash of Color
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(art by @amyhayanora)
After having been restored to her own body, it was time for Naminé to find a permanent home. Somewhere she belonged. Somewhere she felt safe and wanted. There was a place like this and a person very eager to see her again.
Rating: General
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Disney/Square Enix.
This story has been written as part of the Rokunami zine in 2022 ❤
Thank you so much to the zine mods, the project was a pleasure to take part in and it was absolutely worth it! ❤ 10/10 would do it again
Another big thank you goes to @amyhayanora who I was lucky to collaborate with and who ended up drawing the beautiful banner to this story ❤
The Leftover sales are open for another week! Please check it out at http://rokunamizine.bigcartel.com !!
Please enjoy!
To say that Naminé was nervous was an understatement. Her heart pounded, her lip trembled and her stomach fluttered when she finally came to a stop in front of the Old Mansion. The place she might be calling home from now on.
"What are you afraid of?"
Ansem the Wise, who was accompanying her on her way, looked at her inquiringly, but Naminé just shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know," she murmured, but she knew very well. Rejection . What if they had changed their minds about letting her live with them? 
“They are very happy to welcome you to their home,” Ansem the Wise tried reassuring her, and despite her mostly negative experience with the man, she felt touched by the recent kindness he’d shown her. "Any friend of Sora's can't help but be open to other hearts. And I know Roxas especially is very eager to see you again."
Color rose into Naminé's cheeks, and she tried to hide it behind her braid that rested over her right shoulder, very well aware of the amused smile that had appeared on Ansem the Wise’s face.
"I hope so."
"Well then, are you ready?"
No . "Yes," she said anyway, and Ansem the Wise stepped forward to ring the doorbell. 
Even though it took merely a minute or two for the doors to open, to Naminé, it felt like hours. She clutched the small potted plant in her arms harder against her chest as she dug her white sneakers into the dirt path.
Maybe nobody was home? Maybe they decided they didn't want her to live with them after all? Maybe—?
And then, finally , the double doors opened and revealed the blond-haired boy Naminé had been longing to meet again the most. 
"Axel, if you forgot your keys again , I swear I'll—" he started grumbling, but as his gaze wandered from her light denim overall skirt and white shirt up to her face, recognition kicked in, and his expression turned from surprised to flustered.
“Hello, Roxas,” Naminé replied and allowed herself a small, relieved smile. Time seemed to stand still as the two of them gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Hello, Roxas,” Ansem the Wise greeted Roxas as well, who Roxas acknowledged with a nod before turning back to Naminé.
“I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow.”
“Is it a bad time?”
“No no no, not at all!" Roxas frantically waved his arms around. "It’s just that I would’ve come to the train station to meet you.” He took a step back and looked up at Ansem the Wise. “Please, come in.”
Ansem the Wise shook his head and waved Roxas off. “I simply came to see Naminé off. I hope you’ll all get along well together. Good luck.” He turned to leave, but Naminé stopped him.
“Lord Ansem? Thank you. For everything.”
"You're very welcome, my dear. Take care. You’re always welcome to visit Radiant Garden. All of you are."
He walked off in the direction of the woods, arms behind his back, and Naminé followed Roxas inside, past the heavy doors into the big foyer. There, Roxas seemed a little lost for a second, and Naminé took the opportunity to examine him more closely. Even though Roxas ran a hand through his hair and smoothed down a couple of strands, they sprang back up into their signature windswept look immediately. He looked healthy, too—the dark bags underneath his eyes that Naminé saw in his memories before were completely gone, and it seemed like he’d grown a few inches since the last time she’d seen him.
All in all, he looked happy with that slight grin on his lips as his ocean blue eyes met hers.
Naminé's cheeks grew warm.
"Sorry about that!" he told her sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "I was a little taken off guard for a second there. Can I take your backpack?"
"It's okay, it's not heavy at all. But you can take this." Naminé handed him the plant and added, "This is a gift, for all of you, for letting me move in. It’s a Calathea, and it symbolizes a new beginning.”
"That's perfect for us,” Roxas replied with a smile. “Isa and Axel aren't really into that stuff, but Xion will love it. Thank you."
“Speaking of which, are they home?”
"Isa and Axel are at work. I know, I know! Who would’ve thought Axel had it in him, right? And Olette invited Xion over so she can share some of her old clothes with her for the time being.” Naminé saw him bite his lip. “How’s your situation?”
“I’m good. I’m smaller than Kairi, so she offered me a ton of clothes she can’t fit into anymore.”
“Is she okay?”
“She tries to be.”
Roxas nodded, and Naminé was very glad that he didn’t push the topic further.
"Let me give you a little tour of the house,” he said. “As you can see, we turned the foyer into our living room. The couches are secondhand, but we cleaned them all up and they're really comfortable." He wriggled his way through the couches and coffee table to a small, inconspicuous side table near the garden doors. 
"And look, we just found the perfect spot for our little Calendula!"
"Calathea!" With her hand covering her lower face, Naminé started to giggle at Roxas’s disarming grin as he just shrugged at her correction before leading her through the rest of the house. At the end, there were only two rooms left for Naminé to see.
"And this is my room." He reached past her to turn the doorknob and push the door open. “Sorry, it’s still a little messy, I just finished painting the walls.” 
Curious, Naminé stepped closer to the door and looked inside. Indeed, a few buckets and cans of paint were still standing next to one of the surprisingly dark blue walls, but the color worked well with the black furniture and light sheets and curtains. 
“It’s cozy,” she reassured him when her eyes caught an empty stand next to a beanbag in the corner of the room. “You have a guitar?”
“Not yet,” Roxas explained as he rubbed his neck. “I found this stand in the library, I assume it was a violin stand beforehand. Either way, I want to buy one, one day. I hate admitting it, but I was always kind of jealous of Demyx's sitar.”
“That sounds nice. Having a dream to look forward to.”
Naminé smiled sadly. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, what she looked forward to. As of now, she seemed to live aimlessly, just watching the days go by.
"You can find one, too. You just need some time and a place to think about it. Which reminds me—" he pulled his door closed and turned around, to the door opposite his.
"This is your room."
"It’s the White Room." 
Not waiting for a reply, Naminé walked past him and opened the door herself. As always, the evening sun's rays filtered in through the delicate white curtain as it danced in the wind. 
“Is this okay?” Roxas asked. “I know you might not have the best memories of this room.”
“This room wasn't so bad, you know?” Naminé replied, and after dropping off her backpack next to the bed, she walked across the room to the wide windows to peer through the curtains. “I’ve always liked the view from here. I loved drawing the animals in the woods in my free time.”
She turned back to Roxas. “And it was in this room that we finally got to talk for a few minutes. Even if it was mostly through a hologram of me.”
“This is where you told me the truth,” Roxas remembered now and Naminé nodded. “You promised we would meet again.”
“And we did.”
Naminé smiled and looked around the room before sighing.
“What’s the matter?”
“The room wasn’t so bad, but it always felt cold with its white walls and white furniture. With my pale skin, blond hair and white skirt, I blended right in. Like I didn’t exist. And I didn’t.”
“But now you do,” Roxas emphasized, “and with a little bit of color, the room will soon feel much more inviting. Gimme a sec!”
Naminé cocked her head, but before she could ask Roxas what he meant, he had sprinted out of the room and returned just as quickly, this time with some paint, a paint roller and paintbrush in hand.
“How about a splash of color on your walls?” he asked her as he opened the bucket of white paint, then a can of dark blue paint. “We could paint one or two of your walls in any shade of blue you want. We don’t have any other colors at home currently—”
“Blue is fine! I really like pastel blue.”
Roxas grinned and handed Naminé the can. Together, they mixed the right shade and after taping off the floor and side walls, they started to paint. It didn’t take long for Naminé to hum happily as she was painting and soon, Roxas joined in. They grinned and smiled at each other as they attacked the white of the wall.
“Oh no,” Naminé murmured as she looked down at a small dresser closest to the wall they were painting. She tried to remove the paint with her finger, but it only spread over the white surface.
“What’s wrong?”
“The paint splashed on the dresser.”
Roxas climbed down the ladder he had propped up against the wall and looked at the dresser, then at Naminé, then back at the dresser before taking his wet paint roll and rolling it over the top of the dresser.
“You wanted more color in your life, so why don't we paint more than just your wall?” 
Before Naminé was able to react, Roxas scooped up some paint from the paint roller and bopped her nose. She stared at him speechless, trying to process what had just happened, and it seemed like Roxas had also just now realized what he’d done.
"Naminé? I—I'm sorry, I didn't think—"
Neither did Naminé, apparently, because this time, she was the one who dipped her finger into the paint bucket and quickly drew a line across Roxas's cheek, leaving him dumbfounded and her giggling.
"Oh, it is on ," he teased and chased her around as she tried to escape his wet paintbrush with a squeak.
At the end of the day, Naminé and Roxas flopped down on her bed, covered in splashes of blue, muscles sore from laughing and giggling, but proud of having finished painting the wall, her dresser and a few side stools for plants.
“I’ll be right back,” Roxas promised after a few minutes and dashed outside while Naminé sat up and looked over her room. She couldn’t help but smile—it really felt a lot more homey with this little change, and she got to make a new memory with Roxas while doing this.
Naminé pressed her hands against her warm cheeks when Roxas returned.
"I lied when I said we've been living off of pizza. We've also been living off of these ."
“Sea-salt ice cream?” Naminé asked him with a grin as she took the bar he offered her and inspected it closely.
“Yep! Our fridge is filled to the brim with these. House rule.”
Naminé giggled and under the watchful eyes of Roxas, she took her first bite of the ice cream bar.
“So?” He bounced up and down on the bed like an excited puppy, and it was at that moment that Naminé decided to play a little prank on him. “What do you think?”
“It’s salty. And sweet.”
“It’s disgusting.”
Color drained from Roxas’s face and he gasped, completely in shock. “What?”
“I’m just kidding! It’s delicious, thank you.”
Roxas puffed his cheeks out and nudged her playfully. “You gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry!” Naminé giggled and soon, Roxas chimed in until enough of his ice cream bar melted that it dripped on his pants, which only resulted in the both of them giggling harder.
In the end, they calmed down, and with her heart pounding out of her chest, Naminé leaned her head against Roxas’s shoulder. He stiffened under her touch and she considered sitting up straight again, but then she felt him rest his head on her own and she suddenly felt warm all over.
“Roxas? Thank you for making me feel at home.”
“You’re more than welcome.”
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dmagedgoods · 6 months
15 and 18 for all your boys~
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Rowley: Rowley doesn’t speak in lofty and sophisticated terms or only ironically, but he is witty, expressive, and creative - with his vocabulary too -, and has a very dark sense of humor. Usually, he finds the right words fast and without thinking about them much, and with the right words I mean the most terrible thing to say in any situation he’s in. People’s reactions to it are highly endearing to him. It amuses him and he shamelessly provokes. He may have saved someone’s life a second before, but you can be sure he’ll make them forget about it right away by offending them in unexpected ways or by painting himself in the most horrible light and even worse than he actually is. Usually, he doesn’t show emotions when he speaks. It’s mocking or teasing or factual or just some idle chatting. With him, it needs a certain level of friendship or other forms of closeness (like romantic relationships) to reach a point where he starts to let you see his feelings with words and in general. Once it happens, his way of talking becomes softer, even a touch warmer, and he provides insights that make you realize he listens and observes much more closely than one might suspect. He uses profanity a lot. Sometimes with a hint of irony to it, sometimes to insult or provoke, sometimes just a few swear words on the way when something goes wrong or casually interwoven in his speech patterns. He will make up new things on the spot, never-heard combinations and unique creations, funny in his better moments, utter nonsense in his worst.
~ Eneas: Eneas is eloquent and well-spoken; in most cases, he shows sophisticated, polished manners and his choice of vocabulary reflects it. Words are his strongest weapon aside from his magic, he uses them to charm and to captivate, to draw in and paint pictures. Furthermore, he loves to spontaneously recite poems or to quote from famous literature. He is a musician but also a storyteller and lives to entertain and to use words with utmost effect and accompanied by a dramatic flair. He rarely shows his true feelings, still his way of talking or telling little tales never lacks the needed emotion. His words often have a theatric element. While he most often has a clear direction in mind and plans his roles and performances and even his words to a degree, he only truly rehearses when it’s of utmost importance (or an actual stage play ahead of him). As long as he moves within the idea of what he’s representing at the given moment, he is capable of improvising the details. He can make his words simple but he rarely wants to. Speaking has the potential to become a form of art in itself after all. Usually, he still makes sure his sentences aren’t too complicated or confusing, he wants his audience to follow him after all, but it happens that his structures serve to hide a second meaning or a well-placed little lie. In other cases, he just enjoys some theatrics, the drama of his own statements, or obscures in the name of storytelling. Eneas almost never uses profanity and if so with a touch of irony to it. He doesn’t mind profanity used by others (or at least rarely does), but he himself refrains from all too rude expressions in most cases. Of course, when he plays certain roles, profanity might be part of it. Usually, though, he much prefers to insult in more subtle ways coming with a sharper sting. ~ Salvadore: Salvadore is very eloquent with strong rhetoric skills, educated, trained in diplomacy, and even studied speech patterns since he has a natural interest in and talent for words. He loves to talk to people, to convince them of his views, or to hold impactful speeches in front of an audience. While strongly passionate about his goals and for those he cares for, Salvadore rarely gives away many emotions in front of people. It needs a deep bond with someone for him to show his warmer and even surprisingly playful side or his possessive tendencies. (All of this even publicly to a degree with someone he loves romantically.) He makes his sentence structure only as complex as needed to convey an idea. After all, he wants to reach people with his words not to confuse them. His choice of words is sophisticated but he speaks clearly and not in obscuring, long-winded, or highly scientific terms. Sometimes he utters very short and strict orders or shuts something down with a well-aimed remark. Salvadore rehearses his speeches and prepares his arguments for important meetings and consultations or discussions, he likes to be prepared, but he also leaves room for spontaneous reactions. It’s more the whole plan for how things are supposed to go which he studies ahead (and sometimes intensely so) than every word he intends to use. He can easily improvise in his fields of expertise, and his confidence and eloquence usually help him when he’s out of his element. There may be audiences where stronger words are needed and he doesn’t mind going there, but in his usual speech patterns, he mostly refrains from profanity. If he uses it, then the rough, harsh sort. In sexual contexts and roleplays, he enjoys profanity here and there – though it depends on the words in question. If he means to insult, he will hit the mark in different and deeper ways (humiliating his target in eloquent manners) than by making up creative swear words.
~ Cian: Despite his affinity for bringing himself into the spotlight here and there and to present a small performance, Cian slightly prefers using the written word over using the spoken word. He has more control over ink on paper and time to think through any deep aspect of it before presenting it to an audience. He is not too fond of improvising completely freely and in important moments, he rather overprepares his words or repeats them in his mind before saying them out loud to make sure they’ll have the planned effect. Speaking is immediate and correcting mistakes or wrong impressions almost impossible once they are made. Still, he knows how to sell what he wants to make people believe in most cases, is a smooth talker, and quite eloquent, especially in his areas of interest and if he had time to prepare. He hates being caught not knowing something he is supposed to know (in his opinion or even worse: in the opinion of those around him) and struggles to keep his superior demeanor when embarrassed in this way. As soon as he's relaxed and actually feels confident instead of playing it, he will show a witty and teasing side that comes naturally and he doesn't need to rehearse. Cian tries to appear controlled and either charming or distant while speaking without giving away many emotions. This works well for him unless he is in a state where his feelings overwhelm him too much, then it becomes impossible for him to hide them. His sentence structure shows that he’s sophisticated and educated but he speaks clearly and not overly confusing. Nonetheless,  his way of talking has something slightly theatrical sometimes. He uses profanity here and there, mostly when relaxed and comfortable. – Rarely ever to insult, he has more effective means for that, but just to express strong approval or disapproval, for example. 18. What embarrasses them? This one is here. 💕
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arwenkenobi48 · 6 months
I’ve decided to make my own rewrite of alternate Gabriel and put him in a new original story, in light of recent events
[Warning: long post]
Basically, Gabe (as he is now called) is the subject of a painting created by an artist who unknowingly has the power to bring his artwork to life. Gabe loved it when his creator called him the most beautiful thing he’d seen and when the artist moved on to other projects, the painted angel basically went mad with jealousy.
Breaking free from his canvas, Gabe began corrupting the artist’s other paintings, turning them into twisted, monstrous images. When the horrified artist saw what was happening, he decried Gabe as a monster. Heartbroken and furious that his creator rejected him, Gabe killed the man and used his blood to create a new painting; a portrait identical to his dead creator, one that would be eternally loyal to him.
Gabe’s second in command, simply known as Edward (an expy of Six/the Intruder), still retains the skills of an artist and the mysterious powers he possessed before his murder. He creates more disturbing minions for his master, all while passing them off as ‘horror art’.
The vast majority of these art pieces fall into the hands of an eccentric rich man named Zekiel Thomson, who adds them to his vast collection. This guy’s so rich he has his own private art gallery that he shows off to all his wealthy socialite friends. After installing the ‘horror art’, however, things begin to take a turn for the worse.
First, mysterious music is heard in the night; the sickly sweet sound of a harp and the operatic voice of an angel. The last person to awaken to its sound is found dead the next day, mutilated and - most disturbingly - with a significant amount of blood missing.
As more and more of these mysterious murders unfold, Zekiel is plagued by nightmares in which Gabe’s demonic underlings are tormenting him. He resorts to hiring a detective named Vincent Truman, who’s something of a theology/occult enthusiast.
The main framing sequence of the story is told through Vincent’s notes on the case, as he goes from being sceptical of Zekiel’s credibility to finding himself in a tangled web of mass murder and blood magic, to standing face to face with the devil himself, The Painted Angel, Gabe.
I haven’t yet decided on a title for this story, but I quite like the sound of The Painted Angel. The Peculiar Case of Zekiel Thomson is another potential title, although it is a little wordy.
Also I decided to set the whole thing in England bc that’s a pretty good place for haunted paintings and unexplained phenomena. Adds a gothic feel to the whole thing too.
Kinda toying with the idea of frequently switching between different POVs between chapters but I don’t want it to get confusing. I guess that once I have the entire story mapped out it should be fine.
There’s going to be recurring themes of facing one’s inner demons, unprocessed trauma and self worth. Elements of the horror game Layers of Fear, an old Victorian story titled The New Mother, Skinamarink and Motion Picture Soundtrack by Radiohead are also going to be worked into the project.
I haven’t yet decided if this is going to be a straight up novel or a comic yet. My ability to draw is…inconsistent at best. I feel like the story might work better with some accompanying visuals, though.
But yeah that’s my thoughts so far. I have had bits and pieces of this project in my drafts for a while but I had no idea what to do with it. I think this could probably tie it all together.
Now I need to get some sleep bc I am exhausted. Lmk what you think of this idea and feel free to suggest any potential titles.
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
Let's go to the beach beach! ... Ninki Minjaj
HI TUNAAAA!! Congrats on 800!! Keep up the good and honest hard work my g >:))
WHO: As for the event, Nemo will be coming in to make waves! She's gonna drag in poor Sebek with her as her plus one.
HOW: How did the jester convince Sebek? Let's just say that he didn't want to accompany her at first, but he realized the mayhem she might cause if it was Silver who supervised her instead. Better that it was him yelling at the top of his lungs over a sleepyhead letting her run loose.
Below are the silly fits I came up with for them ✨ the messy concept is all I got for now sobs
Feel free to adjust Sebek's if you wanna >:))
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Here's the link for the more polished ver.
FAVE COLOR: Nemo obviously likes green, the most creative color of the rainbow! (not really).
WHAT: As for what she likes doing during summer, she loves to relax and just unwind in the sun! Thus, it's no-brainer what she's going to do at the party: sunbathing, but with a twist!
TWIST?: She's going to bury herself in the sand with only her head sticking out. The jester claims that this odd practice has therapeutic effects.
One would hope this isn't one of her silly tricks, but that's just wishful thinking...
Anyway, thank you for hosting this Tuna!! Do lmk if you need anything clarified or if I missed anything svdkdj Best of luck to you w/ this event!! 🙏
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--- Nemo's schemes had already effected many of the beach goers, but to be fair those involved did have warning. The most popular of their attractions being their sand cakes, a gamble on whether you receive and actual cake or some beach sand. Even Tuna took chance on the idea, though their reasoning might have been a bit different.
Having picked a bucket for themself, Tuna began eating a lightbulb switching on as they remembered Nemo mentioning being buried in the sand. "Say, want to start a head garden with me?" It took a second for Nemo to understand, but a wicked smirk grew "I would ever be honored~" Tuna continued to crunch on their 'cake' as the two began to clean up and find a suitable spot. They used sticks to draw a border in the sand and make faux paths and used palm leaves to provide some shade. Once the base was done it was time to dig. Long flat beds were dug out and ready to be lied in, it quite a while, but they managed to get 3 done. Now it was time find their first customer and unfortunately for Sebek, he seemed to be the first to pass by.
Nemo and Tuna were quick to team up on him, Tuna holding him from behind and Nemo began leading the way. Nemo became the perfect spokesman "Please right this way dear customer! Our garden is perfect for relaxation and clearing the mind~ Surely you can only be at your best if your mind is at its best as well!" Sebek squirmed, digging his heels into the sand to no avail and he yelled "I WILL NOT! UNHAND ME!" It was no use, with both Nemo and Tuna combined, they managed to pin him tot he bed and began to bury him thoroughly. At some point Sebek gave up, deciding it wouldn't hurt to try and feel the 'therapeutic' process. However, once he saw Tuna and Nemo drawing silly notes he knew he was pranked, "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A FRUIT?!" ---
LOLOLOL Poor Sebek~ I seem to keep writing him getting the butt end of the stick XD AND AAAA first nemo interaction yey!!! (if its not im so sorry i have a horrible memory-) >V< It was so fun to doodle this out! The art you made was so cute too!!! AAAA I love the hat and sand buckets!!!! Thank you so much for participating !!! I hope you can enjoy this!!!
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kh-oc-askblog · 12 days
// Information Centre — Original Character Ask/ Roleplay Blog
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Extended information:
About this blog:
Both an askblog (where I will try to write/ draw replies to asks in character) and a roleplay where I will reply to other muses in any of my characters. I play my own Original Characters that I've written in a fix that's set in the Kingdom Hearts Universe. I mainly want to rp with KH centric blogs (including other OCs), but I'm also open to other fandoms if I know them well enough, I just might be a bit slow with replies.
About the writer:
My name is Noah, I go by he/it, I'm 25 years old and I'm currently studying with the goal of gaining a bachelors in creative writing. I write fanfiction as a hobby as well, including a Kingdom Hearts fic that expands on the current lore using new characters. I guess you could think of it as a sort of side story or fun addition to accompany the canon.
You can also find me here: @royalberryriku , and read my fanfic/ find my art here: @royalberryarts
About the muses:
I have seven main characters that I will write for this blog; Zorya, Yoru Taiyo, Noir, Glaucia, Lunaria and Nuaia. I may also include side characters from both the canon games and fanfic when answering asks, but rps will centre on the main seven.
These seven characters are all friends who work together to uncover mysteries within the various worlds, while also holding their own motives, dreams and allegiances. However, they all have found a home in Radiant Garden, acting as apprentices of sorts to an ex-royal guard turned detective; Lorena.
Under her guidance, the seven friends have found a place to work together, feel at home and slowly but surely piece together the puzzle that had brought them all together to begin with.
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Age: I am okay with whatever age, but I would prefer adults (18 or over at least). I won't dismiss or turn away writers or potential asks because of age though.
Themes: I will try to keep this blog user friendly and open for all ages, but I will delve into the same themes of Kingdom Hearts which can become quite dark, especially in regards to the in-between games. As such, I may write about subjects like: abuse, child grooming, manipulation, death, grief, mental health issues, childhood trauma and child soldiers/ exploitation of children. While I'll mostly just allude to these in the same way Kingdom Hearts does, I still want to remind people to take care of themselves and mute certain topics if they are triggering.
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-> Lastly, an introduction to each character will be attached below, so please refer to this if need be. Though, of course, I do plan to introduce my characters in-rp and through asks anyway, so don't worry too much about reading all the introductory stuff.
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wewerebornsextuplets · 3 months
So...how do your OCs feel about the Riceballs?
this ones been sitting in my ask box for a little bit now, mostly because i wanted to try drawing some accompanying art for it but for some reason it just Was Not Happening. so im very sorry about the delay! but getting to it now!
under a readmore because this will probably be annoying to scroll past later
since kiru visits the matsuno house most frequently [+ passes by it on her way to and from work every day], she is, by far, the one who has interacted with the riceballs the most of the three. i think she would be mildly amused by them at first because she thinks the concept of an AI trying to become a comedian is a little funny in a strangely ironic sense, but would probably be a little offput by them and some of the questions they might have for her. the idea of a robot smoking a cigarette is also morbidly fascinating to her because of her own family history wrt smoking, but like. theyre robots. nothings gonna happen to them. so she cant really say shit.
i dont think the riceballs have much of an opinion on her since she didnt know them when they were more to service the matsuno family, and thus she didnt have any weird or strange demands for them. she just kind of occupies the space of "my roommate's friend who visits sometimes" in their mind. and to her they are just kind of confusing in a strangely fascinating way. but neither party is super interested in the other
being an artist, keiko gravely misunderstood what Kind of AI the riceballs are at first and was very sketched out about meeting them. but after finding out they were just robots, she was like Ohhh okay this is fine then. she hasnt interacted with them much but i think her temper may be a bit too short for them, haha... shes not quite as explosive as totoko, but after enough seemingly trivial questioning and nitpicking about how she sorts things/her art/etc, she would just kind of storm off and not want to talk to them for a little while. shes quite sensitive to high, squeaky noises as well, so i think their voices may just be a bit too shrill for her. nothing thats exactly Their fault so much as their programming, but just not very compatible. though keiko had some biases of her own going in
as for ippei, hes been to the matsuno household... maybe three times? and two of those times were probably just awkwardly standing around while kiru or keiko picked something up they forgot there. so he hasnt actually met the riceballs. but i think he would try to help their comedy routines by spicing things up with his more current, in-vogue teen humor, only for the material to fly over the primarily middle-aged audience they were actually catering to
and it goes without saying that none of the parents have met or Could conceivably meet the riceballs either, so for your sake and mine i wont entertain the notion
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daily-rayless · 11 months
Oooo, that's a good one! Sabin's a character I never thought much about when I was younger, but I've come to appreciate him. I think it helps I've come across a lot of great fan art of him, so he's become a surprisingly big presence in my reblogs.
Favorite thing about him:
Just as a surface thing, he seems like such a good guy -- down to earth, passionate, ready and willing to fight for his loved ones. I love his big beefy design. He has some seriousness in his backstory that's there for exploring, but there's also this very fun silliness to him -- holding up the corner of a burning house, diving into a river after Ultros, and of course suplexing the train. I think if I have to cite one favorite thing, it's the potential for humor, how he can do these very extreme off-the-wall things which seem to feel perfectly normal to him.
Least favorite thing about him:
He feels underutilized in the story, especially given he's one of your core party members in the second half of the game. It feels like, character-wise, he has less going on than Celes, Edgar, or Setzer.
Favorite line:
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but his laughing graphic is really cute.
The contrast between him and Edgar is enjoyable. Honestly, I feel like Sabin's bluff straightforwardness could play well with a lot of the party members; someone could write an interesting story about him and, say, Setzer on a mission/heist together, and have no end of fun contrasting them. But I'm going to go with Celes -- she's cold and stern, he's warm and cuddly, but I think they could meet in the middle and have some great character moments -- especially given how they both abandoned the lives other people had planned for them.
I don't have one for Sabin. I think, at least at this point in his life, he's not looking for anything big, so if he did get with someone it would be pretty casual. Like with the previous answer, I think he has a lot of potential for fun and humor in any pairing, especially with a strongly contrasting personality, but there's also enough seriousness in his backstory to allow for some deeper, more emotional moments. I've seen some people float the idea of SabinTerra, and that definitely has possibilities -- Terra has very little concept of human love on any level, and Sabin would be able to relate to her as both a friend and a love interest. Plus, you just know he gives good hugs.
None that's a very interesting hot take -- I wouldn't go with Edgar? -- like I said, I haven't put too much thought into Sabin's love life. Even though Sabin's very warm and friendly, I think it might be difficult to write him in some pairings, at least believably.
Random Headcanon:
Oh, I'll have to think of something right now. Okay. Sometimes he misses the ghost that accompanied him on the ghost train. They didn't talk much, but he liked the ghost.
Unpopular Opinion:
Do people have polarizing opinions on Sabin? Hm. I think it's equally valid to draw him with a scruffy beard or without. How's that for controversy?
Song I associate with them:
I thought about this, and I came up with "I'm on My Way" by the Proclaimers. It's very upbeat, a little goofy and bouncy, a little forceful but in a jocular way. I can imagine Sabin singing this under his breath as he mountain climbs (or furiously paddles down the river after Ultros).
Favorite picture of them:
The first one that popped into my brain was this gem:
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There he is, covered in who knows what, hauling a whatever-that-is over his shoulder, in the floofiest yellow pants he could buy. He looks absolutely feral, but at the same time, you can see the resemblance to Edgar. I also really like his expression -- gazing off into the distance, something gentle and happy about the set of his mouth. His life isn't for everyone, but it's right for him.
Thank you for the ask!
Meme taken from here.
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ahiddenpath · 6 months
Writing News
You might have noticed that I launched a new fic recently called Infinite Possibilities! I think it's really interesting, and not the sort of fic I see often. It's (what I hope is) a realistic look at the difficulties of digimon living on earth as more people find their digimon partners and have access to the Digital World via their digivices, from several perspectives (Chosen, partner digimon, non-Chosen, non-partner digimon, the Bureau, Yggdrasil, Homeostatis, etc). The setting is canon in the Adventure world, but of course my thoughts on the topic are speculative/head canon. The fic opens before the events of Kizuna, so most of the Chosen are college age.
That's the big thing, but I have a lot more details and thoughts about the future of my fics beneath the cut.
I've been talking lately about being unsure of sharing my work, due to various threats (AI, stolen content, book binding of fanworks, etc) accompanied by a general decrease in engagement across social media in general, and especially in old fandoms like digimon specifically.
I still feel that way, frankly. But I have also noticed that if I don't share my fandom work, I tweak it forever. I can only grow as writer if I practice producing finished works; fussily editing a few chapters indefinitely won't teach me a damned thing.
So, I will be sharing Infinite Possibilities, and probably trying to complete my other open fics, too. There may be some changes, though. For example, I will not be drawing art routinely for IP (it may happen sometimes if I get the urge, but it won't be a chapter expectation). I will also shift to using screen grabs from Tri to promote Tri: Integrity Lens when I post for that, and only drawing if I really want to, rather than using the art as a mandatory promotional tool.
Future fics
Currently, my plan is to not launch any more longfics. I can't say at this time if that means forever or until I complete one or two longfics. It will likely take me a few years to knock out my open longfics, so it's better not to speculate that far out.
I may, however, launch the occasional oneshot or short fic. I actually have a short fic (about 3-5 chapters) in the works right now. It's an explicit sex story, and it's a bit chaotic. It explores various sexualities and lifestyles in a safe, accepting, patient environment. I'd have to say that it's... definitely the most, just, blatantly sexy thing I've written.
Here is the status of my current open fics and my plans for them:
Puits d'Amour
I've been struggling for months with the next art for Puits d'Amour, and I don't want art struggles to hold me back from completing my writing. I will eventually share the next chapter of PdA, and the half chapter that exists after that (I am unsure if I will add more to it or just post a shorter chapter). After that, there is no more existing content, so there will be a pause as I figure out my next steps.
Tri: Integrity Lens
I am going to cut down on artwork and utilize more screenshots. There are currently about three chapters written that could be published without too much intensive effort, so I imagine you will see these after I post the remaining PdA chapters. They're quite good/exciting/interesting, too!
After those are shared, I will need to sit down and figure out what gets worked on next.
Four Years
There is no material waiting in the wings for this one. I still need to sit down and plan how I will handle the rest of the story. I would also like to get back into editing the old chapters, and hopefully book binding the edited version.
I've never done art for this fic, and it's going to stay that way, with wiggle room for an occasional "I must draw this!".
Infinite Possibilities
Currently has about 10 written chapters waiting, but I do need to add in scenes, so they aren't "ready to go." Most upcoming updates will be for this fic until I get through the existing material. I will be using the commissioned cover art when I announce new chapters, so art won't slow me down, although I may draw on occasion if I really want to show you something.
This is the current title for my sexy fic, but I am hoping to come up with something better. I could start sharing it soon, but I'd like to finish the whole piece and use that to cover about two months' worth of updates, while I work on other fics. No art for this one, except maybe a cover piece.
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fujoreads · 8 months
Memories of Emanon // Review
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Yesterday was my birthday, and I decided to read Emanon: Memories of Emanon—a manga adaptation of Shinji Kajio's novel of the same title.
I remember when I found this title. I was at an anime con, looking at new translated releases when I found it. I had never even heard of it before and so I got curious. To be honest, I partially bought it because I felt pressured by the seller, but the art was so pretty that it wasn't a difficult purchase.
The whole art and vibe of the manga reminded me of my parents when they were young—in their case, it was more during the 80s rather than the 60s.
As someone who reads a lot of manga, it’s nice to find new manga I don’t know anything about, so this was an exciting purchase. It did take me almost an entire year to read it though, given I bought it almost in June.
When I searched for this work online, I found multiple volumes, so I wasn’t sure if this was a standalone or a series. I got worried, thinking I’d get invested and then not have the whole story with me.
Turns out this is pretty much its own story, and the following volumes are a little extra for those looking for more. I might check those out.
I can’t describe my experience reading this, but it was like I was just vibing the whole time… It felt peaceful, reflective, and mysterious.
I’ve been getting more and more into literary fiction and “plotless fiction” (a story where nothing big really happens) as of recent, and this certainly satisfies my urges. In an unexpected way too.
By the way, this does have a plot, just a very vague one.
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What would you do if you had a three billion year old memory?
In the winter of 1967, a 20-year-old man returns home from his travels aboard a ferry, where a chance encounter forever alters his perception of the world around him. While relaxing in the cabin, he is approached by a beautiful yet enigmatic girl who introduces herself as Emanon; later that evening, the pair accompany each other to dinner. After seeing the man read a science fiction novel, Emanon offers to tell him her life story, saying that he doesn't have to believe it unless he wants to. And much to the man's surprise, she proceeds to inform him that her memory dates back over three billion years, to the very moment when life first appeared on Earth.
You know about those stories where a stranger tells you an abusrd tale that makes you stand there thinking? I see it happen a lot, especially in Japanese media.
I find this form really beautiful, though I don’t really understand why. Maybe it’s the way casual conversation with humans can be so interesting, even if a lot of them don’t appear that way.
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One of the main factors for this purchase, as I previously mentioned. Emanon’s art is enchanting, somehow seducing me into reading it without knowing anything about its plot—literally.
The way Tsuruta draws Emanon is so charming. Her clothing reminds me a lot of my parents own outfits, so I’d say it fits with the whole setting.
I find this artstyle a breath of fresh air, even if I too love the moe side of manga and anime.
This story technically has three characters, though it mostly follows Emanon and our protagonist.
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Emanon, as her name implies (if you reverse her name, you’ll get ”No Name”), is a mysterious girl. She does have her own personality, but it makes you wonder what or who she really is. Though in the end, she’s more of an idea than a character. I’m pretty sure she’ll be better developed in the extra volumes, but since this is an isolated story adaptation, I’ll be judging according to this alone.
Our protagonist doesn’t have much going for him as well: he’s mostly our eyes and POV. He loves reading science fiction, and that’s what makes Emanon tell him her story. Besides that, though, he’s very average—which isn’t bad, especially for these kinds of stories.
This was a very much direct adaptation from the original written story. You’ll notice in the first pages that there are 1:1 sentences from the original work. That said, I enjoyed it. It’s casual but captivating, and does a great job showing Emanon’s character.
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The story is set in the real world, Japan.
However, the writing gives us context of what has been happening in these past years (the 60s).
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What is time? What do memories make us as individuals—and most of all, can one random encounter change your entire life?
This is a story that will stuck with you for a while, especially when it comes to these topics and themes.
The way the author approached this felt very ethereal and even divine, like this girl wasn’t even human.
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This was a shorter review, but I truly enjoyed my time with this read. It got me in the mood to read more of this girl’s life, so I might just do that in the future!
If you enjoy sci-fi concepts like reencarnation through memories, you’ll like this! I’d say to give it a try either way, as it’s so short!
Overall, I’ll give this a 7/10 or 4 stars!
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Thank you for reading it all to the end! Hey, kind stranger! Would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
First of all CONGRATULATIONS! ❤️😌
Then, I'd like to join the matcup event please!
I prefer males
I'm an ambivert, Pisces, XSFP
My love language is Words Of Affirmation, thennn Physical Touch/Quality Time, it's a tie, they both come in second place.
So um, I'm friendly, optimistic, considerate and polite, funny, a gentlewoman~. Even tho I avoid conflict with all of my being, I'm not afraid of breaking stupid rules or openly going against silly norms.
I'm wise and mature, but also I slip into little-space frequently so I need to mention it. I get a bit clingy in that headspace and like to draw cute little things in any paper I can find, I prefer it if it's someone else's notebook or something 😂 I ask for permission ofc, but I like to leave them as little gifts or to test the limits as to see "how important am I to YOU? will you let me draw a little cow and his flower friend on this very important paper or not??" Lol
About my hobbies, sometimes I like to cook and bake. I'm an artsy person in nature but I don't always create art.
and I like researching out-of-body experiences so I've been experimenting with them for a couple of years now, that's what I'm passionate about at the moment.
Now the negative-ish traits, I'm sensitive, can't handle harsh behavior OR anything horror. I've been spoiled my whole life now I don't know what responsibility is x0 I need my free time and get anxious if I have a busy schedule. (I have anxiety in general)
I rarely get angry, almost never. If I'm upset or jealous I tend to sulk ^^"
A good thing about me in a romantic relationship would be that since I'm very mature and understanding, no silly drama will happen. It will be a peaceful flow but I have high expectations and standards too.
A red flag would be that because of my anxiety I can be a bit dependent on the people around me to accompany me through certain things. Like going with me to certain places 👉👈 also I'm scared of commitment so I tend to keep my walls up when it comes to serious romance and I get shy af about it. I'm a playful flirt-er but when it comes to actual ROMANCE- I get defensive and deep down embarrassed. So I guess it takes a patient person who's willing to push a little.
Few random things that I LOVE are: picnics! Watching the stars, swinging (yk, playground swings), swimming, pastel pink color, making new friends, and going to amusement parks🥰
That should be enough. Thank youuuu
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Sorry for the late reply and thankss <3
I'd ship you with Jeaaan!!! Ok, I recently mentioned Jean a lot but when I read your ask for the first time Jean flashed into my mind.A gentleman for a gentlewoman let's say.
First things first he'd literally be the handbag boyfriend, you can drag him to anywhere,he'd be quite clingy himself anyways.He might occasionally nag, but he'd find it cute anyways.
He's that one loud 'EXCUSE ME!! SHE WANTS TO ORDER FRİES!!!' bf xD
As a hopeless romantic,he's not the shy type and definitely he'd be the more assertive one that can initiate relationship steps.And this guy waited for Mikasa for how many years?Like pls, HE İS PATİENCE.
Also drawing little things to a paper is so... :') That's lovely and Jean would return such tiny acts so enthusiastically.He loves drawing too!
Jean is someone quite responsible and aware,he can keep you more grounded and safe with your responsibilities without overwhelming you.
And someone really needs to tell him how well he's been doing :') Words Of Affirmation is so needed for Jean because you know...he often feels incompetent and he needs someone to encourage him.
On the other hand he can really use someone energetic,bright and romantic like you.His tsundere-ish energy was made for you XD Even though he's a gentleman he surely has a tough-guy act that makes everything better :D
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captainkawaii666 · 1 year
Updated list of projects
A couple weeks or so ago I posted a list of fan projects I want to post about on here, but it was incomplete, so I’m gonna finish it now in a more official-looking format. Keep in mind that I will likely never be able to make some of these, especially the ones intended to be shows, considering I have a few projects that are more important to me that I’d prefer to focus on. But anyway, continue reading for the list! I hope one or more of these spark your interest. (For the projects I’ve already started posting about I might restart posts about those from the beginning to make them more polished btw)
-Mega Man: Reprogrammed, a Mega Man AU comic/show that originated as me redesigning Robot Masters and grew into a full AU
-A Godzilla AU show featuring various kaiju and humans from across the franchise and a universe that actually makes sense
-A Spider-Man AU project of some kind, I don’t really have much in mind for it but I need to build a world for my spidersona
-A Binding of Isaac AU comic, which is basically just me being like “hey what if these guys all lived together in this complex labyrinth instead of just being figments of a dying 5-year-old’s imagination (though they still might be that too)
-Nuclear Throne: Wasteland Wars, a Nuclear Throne AU comic with a concrete story and lots of goofy character interactions (and Tall Bandit…)
-Meta Knight and Dedede: Star Warriors, a Kirby prequel (haven’t decided between game, comic, and show) about Meta Knight and King Dedede’s adventures before Kirby showed up in Dream Land
-A Mario prequel (once again, haven’t decided what to make it) about the battles between Princess Peach’s father King Toadstool and Bowser’s father Morton Koopa (as well as other events in the Mushroom Kingdom’s past)
-A FNaF AU show that aims to, unlike the original games, tell a comprehensible and well-thought-out story (no offense to the original story but it is anything but those two things)
I hope people are interested in these ideas, and if I ever get good enough at art to draw for them or get a job so I can commission artists, I may even be able to provide art to accompany them! I might also do some asks for the characters once it’s been long enough that people care about them.
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