#i promise i'll post art again soon
halokarii · 9 months
///BSD Spoilers
In view of the last episode of the anime dropping tomorrow and the fact that this will likely be the finale of the DOA arc, I want to share something I have been thinking about for literal months now.
I think Fukuzawa dies in this arc and I want it to happen.
Listen, I love this man as much as the next person (I mean, one of his defining personality traits is that he adores cats - how can you not love him?!) but I still think that his death would bring many benefits to the plot of BSD going forward.
One, it would actually raise the stakes. So far Asagiri seems to be afraid of killing off his characters and at this point, seeing the tenth death bait of this arc adds nothing but some cheap shock value. Actually killing some characters that have a bigger relevance to the story (and aren't "just" antagonists whom the readers might want dead anyways) would raise the stakes for future arcs. It would show that no one is safe and make the plot armor that some characters have (*cough* Dazai *cough*) less noticeable. Plus, I think an arc as big and disruptive to the Bungou world as this one shouldn't just end with zero casualties. Like, yeah, the ADA has Yosano as their overpowered healer (by the way, where is she??) but it would just feel awfully convenient for her to just step in and undo all the stakes built up in the past several chapters.
Fukuzawa's death would end this arc on a devastating note (even if the ADA can secure a win overall) and emphasize how much this battle has shaken the very core of our cast and their support structure - the Armed Detective Agency.
Which brings me to my second major point. Fukuzawa's death would further the character development of several people. He has had a positive impact on so many characters, not only in the present like with Atsushi but also in the past with Ranpo and Yosano. All members of the ADA would be forced to grow through his loss.
Especially since many of them so far have predominantly been developed through flashbacks (eg. Ranpo, Yosano, Kunikida too if we count the first LN as a flashback).
Yosano and Ranpo would have to deal with the loss of a father figure, someone who quite literally saved both of their lives. Kunikida has been hinted as a potential successor to Fukuzawa since very early on in the manga and would regain a more active part in the story (since he has kinda been serving as Fukuchi's kidnapping victim for the current fight...). He would have to come to terms with what it means to be a leader and how he can deal with the fallout of the current situation while simultaneously handling his grief over his well-respected boss.
Tanizaki could receive some much-needed development.
Kyouka and Atsushi would have to deal with the fact that All Men Are Equal no longer assists them with controlling their abilities. They would have to re-learn how to handle them, at least partly.
Given that he survives, Dazai would face grief of a man who gave him a chance even though he knew of his past. Dazai and Fukuzawa haven't interacted much but he is the first person Dazai loses after Odasaku so this is bound to be interesting in some way.
My third point is that, let's be real, Fukuzawa's character arc peaks in this fight with Fukuchi. We know of his past with Ranpo and how he founded the ADA. We see how he went from being someone who preferred to fight alone to someone who leads a strong organization and supports others with his ability. We have learned of his past with his exes Mori and Fukuchi.
In my opinion, his story is finished, he has had his character arc. I think it would be very fitting for a character like his - a fighter in nature and yet someone who so deeply cares about others - to die in a battle to quite literally save the world.
The fourth reason is more or less speculating where the story will go next. After a long, tension and action laden arc like this, I think it would make sense for the next big story point to start with some form of "cooldown" where everything settles back into its New Normal after the recent events. As bad as this may sound, something like a grieving period for the ADA to mourn their beloved president would be perfect for that. The Agency has to build itself and its reputation back up from the ground after having been accused of terrorism. Also, I'm like 80% sure the events of the DOA arc happened in a week or two - let all of them have a breather.
Plus Asagiri needs time to build up the next big villain (given that Fyodor is defeated, which I really hope because as entertaining as I find him, I cannot bear to see him as the mastermind in another arc. It does get boring after such a long time).
A weakened ADA without its experienced leader could also potentially throw the city's balance off. Especially since Mori still has that deal with the ADA that one member will transfer over to the Port Mafia (food for thought, if Mori and Fukuzawa were the only ones who knew about the condition that Mori cannot pick Yosano but Fukuzawa dies - Can Mori just be an absolute asshole and pick her, now that no one could call him out?).
I was honestly a little bit disappointed after seeing Fukuzawa alive and well in the teaser. But the visuals as well as the title of the episode - Twilight Farewell - could potentially hint at the fact that both Fukuchi and him might die in the episode. And I could live with that just fine.
Anyways, thanks for sitting through this way too long post.
(And if anyone got scared reading this, don't worry, so far all of the predictions and theories I have made about BSD have always been 100% wrong. So writing this might just save Fukuzawa's life lmao.)
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
This one goes out to all the slow burn enjoyers, the dense Y/Ns, and the soft robo jesters that suffer in silence!
Inspired by @bamsara's “Solar Lunacy” fic.
If you feel like reading my ramblings and want to experience more heartbreak for fictional jester blorbos, check under the cut where I detail all the planning behind the frames!
so i heard this song for the first time in a while and the opening lyrics immediately made me think of moon, so i was daydreaming some scenes and then i decided to thumbnail some ideas:
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and it all went downhill from there as everything became a metaphor and a parallel to each other, which i will now go into detail on!
you thought the animatic itself was sad?
*writing muse laughs maniacally* IT'S ALL A METAPHOR
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Frame 1. "turn down the lights" We start with a back view on Moon. The lights are out, the Moon is out, but we do not see his face. The music and the greyscale atmosphere are enough to establish the weight of the moment and the weight on Moon’s mind.
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Frame 2. "turn down the bed" We cut to a shot of Moon's body, kneeling on the ground of the daycare, like a padded cell. Moon’s hands are twitching with the effects of the glitch, with purple sparks coming from his hands. We still do not see his face.
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Frame 3. "turn down these voices inside my head" Cut to an extreme close up on the dark half of Moon’s face. Now we see his face, but only a portion of it. His left eye is wide open, red and glitching out. The voices in his head can refer to the glitch but also his repressed feelings. Or maybe it could be Sun's voice in their shared headspace.
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Frame 4. "lay down with me" Y/N's hand enters the frame from the upper right corner, lowering down to meet Moon where he kneels on the ground. Only a corner of Moon's face appears on the bottom left corner of the frame, his starry nightcap beginning to cover his glitched left eye.
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Frame 5. "tell me no lies" An full shot of Moon on the floor and Y/N standing in front of him with their hand stretched towards him. A light spills out from behind Y/N, creating a boundary between them.
Now we see more of Moon. It is only when Y/N enters the frame—enters his world—that Moon’s body is shown in its entirely. When Y/N is here, he is no longer fragmented. He is whole.
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Frame 6. "just hold me close" pspspspsps Playfully, Moon extends his own hand, beckoning Y/N to come closer, to join him. His right hand crossed over his body as he uses the playful gesture to hide his true feelings—to put distance between him and Y/N. His hat continues to cover his glitching left eye. He doesn’t want to worry Y/N.
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Frame 7. "don't patronize" In response, Y/N’s hand pats Moon on the head, returning his playfulness. Moon looks surprised by the action. Moon, notably, does not lower his hand—perhaps he has forgotten it or perhaps his invitation is still open.
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Frames 8-9. "don't patronize me" Moon rotates his faceplate so Y/N’s hand is touching the side of his faceplate, a more intimate gesture than a head pat. However, his hat is in the way. At this angle, his starry nightcap fully covers his glitchy eye and the dark side of his face, hiding his defect and acting as a veil between him and Y/N. A self-imposed boundary. So close, yet thinly separated. It's better this way. It's safer this way.
The lyrics are broken up by Y/N's arm, both to illustrate how the song is sung ("patronize" is drawn out and "me" is briefly added in before the chorus starts) but also to show how Y/N interrupts Moon's resolve, highlighting the irony between the visuals and the lyrics. Demanding not to be patronized, yet Moon happily accepts this play at intimacy. Don't patronize me, I am weak for it.
This is also the only instance where the red light of Moon's eyes glow and tint the surfaces around it. Visually, it makes it look like Moon is blushing (heavily inspired by @restinsodaroni's art). But also, in this moment of honesty, Moon's intrinsic light spills out, colouring the greyscale world. In this brief moment of honesty, Moon touches the world with his own colours, his own light.
(and this is also where i forgot to clean up the shading on Y/N's arm, but it's okay it doesn't need to be perfect it simply needs to be. And Moon will still love Y/N even if they are a continuity error.)
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Frame 10. "'cause I can't make you love me if you don't" A parallel to a frame 4, Y/N retrieves their hand away and immediately Moon is reduced to the corner of his faceplate in the frame. Only now his glitched eye is fully covered by his hat.
The lyrics here (and in the next frame) in particular grow lighter to emphasize Moon's diminishing resolve and agency.
From here on out, the lyrics here are broken up, carrying on this theme of fragmentation. Y/N is pulling away, Moon is breaking up, the words are breaking up. Everything is coming apart.
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Frame 11. "you can't make your heart feel something it won't" Y/N turns to leave. The lyrics, broken up as before, highlight the irony of the situation. Y/N, a human, can’t feel something they simply don’t feel. Whereas, Moon, the machine, feels something his code never intended him to feel.
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Frame 12. "here in the dark in these final hours" Another full shot that parallels frame 5, as Y/N steps towards the light and Moon leans forward into the space Y/N once occupied. Y/N is leaving—that which makes him whole is leaving. And he is only capable of making it to the boundary where the light cuts into the darkness. The "final hours" suggest it might be the end of Y/N’s shift, or perhaps this scene takes place right before the glitch takes over—the final hours that Y/N has with the true Moon. Either way, time is running out—and only Moon knows it.
There is a contrasting display of body language here. Moon is on the floor leaning towards Y/N with his hand still left out. Whereas Y/N is turned away, walking away, and has already slipped their hand away and into their pocket. Y/N is closed off while Moon is limply open. Y/N is actively moving while Moon is on the floor, waiting, hoping, for that which he lacks the agency to reach for himself.
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Frame 13. "I will lay down my heart" A close up on Moon’s hand, rising up again, perhaps to beckon Y/N back once more. This is a slight parallel to Y/N's hand reaching out to Moon. While Y/N can freely reach out and touch Moon, Moon cannot. He can't enter the light and more importantly he can't risk potentially harming his relationship with Y/N—be it through the glitch or by his feelings. He can only lay down his heart—put aside his feelings or hope that someone will pick up his pieces and make him whole.
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Frame 14. "and I'll feel the power" Still on a close up on Moon’s hand, now clenched in slightly. This initially was going to have the glitch effects. However, I felt it more meaningful for it to be left without. Leave it up for interpretation why Moon pauses his hand. What is the power that he alone feels and stays his hand?
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Frame 15. "but you won't, no, you won't" A parallel to frame 1, a view of on Moon's back with his hand stretched out towards the light, and Y/N walking into the light spilling through the open daycare door.
The placement of the lyrics suggest two different “you won’t”—Y/N who won’t realize Moon’s feelings, and Moon who won’t dare speak them into reality.
Another note on the parallel to frame 1, this time we also see Y/N's back, but it is notably different from our view of Moon's back. With Moon, we literally see inside him through the hole for his loop. However, Y/N is shrouded in shadow, just a solid, obscure silhouette against the bright light of a world Moon—and Sun for that matter—are closed off from. We don’t see into Y/N, just as the Daycare Attendant doesn't have any vantage point of Y/N's life beyond their time at the PizzaPlex. (The unfortunate reality of a being a character made for the purpose of being a vessel for the reader.)
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Frame 16. "'cause I can't make you love me" We finally cut to face Moon head-on, frozen in place with his hand stretched out, unable to cross the boundary into the light. His eyes have gone dark. Where we began by seeing bits and parts of Moon, and never seeing his full face—now we, the viewer, see the full Moon, open and vulnerable—unbeknownst to Y/N.
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Frame 17. "if you don't" But in the dark, behind closed doors, there is no one to perceive him—no one to receive him. The light dwindles as the daycare doors are closed. Moon stays frozen where he kneels. It is no longer the glitch that plagues him, but a far deeper dread.
But a lone streak of light peaks through the gap in the daycare doors. Perhaps that is just enough. A silver lining. A frail hope. A single, ethereal thread out of darkness and into light.
Thanks for reading and watching!
We'll be back to our regularly scheduled fun and games shortly!
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flametongues · 3 months
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various isat doodles just dumped into one post :)
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kirumiri · 5 months
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you're telling me it's already BEEN A YEAR since I became obsessed with this family? BD fandom how we feeling
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kaelidascope · 2 months
Small Update:
next MM chapter might be a couple more weeks cus I'm in BG3 hell and I picked up some overtime to help prepare for the coming move in July. It's not dead I've just got limited free time for the time being sorryyyy
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ferny-bread · 1 year
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friskafriskito · 8 months
I have not made a vent post on this blog in ages and I'm very sorry to break that streak. This is very much about what's happening in Palestine so if you would rather not read, I understand.
There will be mention of war, discrimination and genocide, and the general uncertainty and hopelessness that comes with being in a nearby country.
In a sense it's not just a vent post but also wanting to let friends know how it's been like here in Egypt.
...also this is very long and rambly, so apologies there. I don't really have the usual tl;dr for this either.
I've tried to write something over and over, tried to voice my opinion on what's going on in Palestine.
I've erased it, over and over, for many different reasons, some because it got too rambly, some because I got scared, and some because it felt like it didn't sound sincere enough
the truth is I don't want to be a spokesperson for my ethnicity nor my faith when all I want to do is help where I can and mourn.
I don't want to have to find an impenetrable rebuttal for every single "what if" or "what about" that would come my way for simply saying "genocide and apartheid is wrong" or "I was thinking of donating to so and so"
yes, I know. There were terrorist attacks. People have been hurt on both sides. People are using this to justify antisemitism and hateful, even dangerous actions. That is horrible. and I know the attempts at mediating have gone nowhere.
but I would like to be able to be upset at the news of hospitals, schools, cultural centers, places of worship (and not just Muslim ones) and families being destroyed and not have someone go "well actually, they all deserved it" when I express sadness
I would like to be able to express my fear of our future and at the possibility that we're next, without being called paranoid or a coward, because we're right next door. because they have already attacked an Egyptian post in Sinai by accident, and because we're being pressured to give Sinai to Palestine, and if Hamas attacks from there, then our peace treaty with Israel essentially goes out the window. And I'll just be among another set of people waved away as "they deserved it".
but also I'm mad at myself for being scared because what if that ends up being the only 'available 'acceptable' solution?
And what right do I have to be scared, when I'm sitting at home in the comfort of my room, surrounded by my family and my hobbies?
I don't know. the background sound, all day, wherever you go is the news and the new death toll. bodies shown on TV in cafes. Angry talk show hosts yelling about the same thing over and over. Discussions on how to help are sobered by the fact that most of the aid being sent are being slowed down, or aren't arriving at all. Frustration that we aren't doing more to help, or so and so country isn't doing enough. We have been watching this happen for decades on the news. Decades worth of seeing people killed and punished in their own country that they can't even call their own. You would think we've gotten used to it by now and in a sick sense, we kind of did.
but every now and then something like this happens.
everything is so uncertain. No one is in the mood to do much. Birthday parties, events, and even weddings have been postponed because no one is in the mood to celebrate anything while our neighbors are being wiped out.
And I don't know what's worse: that it might not calm down, or that it does, and people forget about those left to pick up the pieces.
the only thing I'm grateful for is the unexpected amount of support I've been seeing. It's difficult posting as an Arab, and a Muslim to boot; because "of course you would support Palestine, you're one of them." people automatically assume you support terrorism and antisemitism. At best they assume you're naive and ignorant. You get used to the fact that no one wants to acknowledge that the people dying aren't just numbers and sad photos.
but I've seen people use their platforms here despite being neither Arab nor Muslim in far braver ways than I ever could. I've seen people speak out against their own government for Palestine's sake. So thank you for helping us raise awareness.
I can't speak for all Arabs and/or Muslims, but I know a lot of us are just tired.
We shouldn't have to produce an MLA style list of sources justifying our grief.
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tei-to-tei · 1 year
Sorry to take up space on your dashboard, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy you're here, even if I don't know you at all.
I haven't been feeling very well mentally lately, and it made me think of everyone else out there who's probably going through similar struggles. So this message is for all of you, just in case.
Thanks for being here ♥️ (on earth in general, not just on this blog)
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ink--theory · 1 month
wrist pain starting to go down to a more manageable level as the week goes by
ultimately decided to not participate in this upcoming eggstra work as to not agitate my wrist any further ^^
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artofapeach · 2 years
hi ! could you would you maybe please talk more about blitzfizz bc i am also a big shipper and i love your blog in general and your shipping takes on them so- if you have any hcs abt them or idk. my eyes are wide open.
My brain is FRIED from writing for Nano and other things, so gushing about THE top-tier ship seems like a good break :3c
God I don't even know where to START with my headcanons on them, I have so many, I literally think about them all day
I like thinking their romantic relationship started while they were teens, 'cause they deserve that awkward teen first love, I think. Not first crush, 'cause I do think they would have a little experience before going with each other, but them being the first to be in love with, ya know???
I have an intense headcanon/theory that Fizz is aspec, demi in particular, and I love the idea that most of the time people flirt with him and he's just like "no thank you", but Blitz comes in and he goes "oh yes please!!"
Barbie Wire affectionately calls them both her brothers! This does lead to some confusion for anybody who doesn't know them, and Barbie (maybe purposefully) does not go out of her way to explain, much to Blitz and Fizz's chagrin.
Blitz growing up in Blitz's shadow and feeling so insecure :( He constantly feels like he has to prove his worth for Fizz :( Fizz keeps telling him he doesn't but that does little to help with insecurities
These guys are so mushy gushy gross. They are WORSE than M&M. They are in LOVE and they're NOT afraid to show it!!!
They may be a little codependent...and by a little I mean a lotle....
Barbie Wire: Have you guys ever spent more than 24 hours away from each other?
Fizz: I don't think we've spent more than 12 hours away from each other
Baby Fizz was jealous of baby Stolas! Even if Blitz only went there the one time, Fizz gets worried like "What was it like over there? Did you like him? Did you like him more than you like me?"
Blitz.....curling his tail around Fizz....pulling him close to snuggle.......
Tilla was their number one fan! She loved seeing her boy and his best friend-now boyfriend happy!
Cash on the other hand felt like Blitz got in the way of Fizz's career :/
Blitz playing the piano......Fizz singing along.......
Fizz being scared of horror movies, but also having a morbid curiosity for them, and Blitz always watching them with him to cuddle and make him feel safe~
Barbie Wire was pissed the fuck off when Blitz told her they broke up because like??? It's one thing if it was just some nobody he was dating for a year, but they've been best friends???? Their whole life????? and super in love???????? What the hell happened?????????
Blitz, being himself, refuses to give detail :)
I personally like thinking that, after working for Mammon, Mammon also realized that Blitz is in the way of Fizz's career, so he forces Blitz to break up with him to boost Fizz in his career, painting Blitz ultimately as the "bad guy" Fizz seems to treat him in the show
But I betcha Blitz wasn't the only one to blame! Fizz being the gifted child and Blitz supporting him all the time, I bet Fizz could get selfish sometimes and actually forget to put Blitz first. Evidence of this is in the Circus when Blitz kinda failed at his horse joke and Fizz showed him up. I doubt he had any malicious intent with it; just trying to give the audience a good time; but I BET you that overtime, Blitz's ego took some heavy hits
Oh also before Mammon forced them to break up, Blitz may or may not have gotten into shenanigans to steal an engagement ring :)
Engagement ring for sale, never worn
Fizz is the big spoon. Period. This is true in all of his relationships. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
Uhhhhhhhh I'm sure I have more but I'm coming up empty now wwwww
I'm trying to get in the habit of writing more of my headcanons down as kind of...writing sketches? I used to never write fanfic because I was worried about it not being good enough, and if I was going to do quality writing, I'd rather put it in my original work.
so uh if youre into that thing here https://archiveofourown.org/users/PeachyArtist
Very much hoping that as I write more fanfic of them...others will also write it so that I have something to read :3c
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monty-glasses-roxy · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking whats your AO3 account called cause I wanna read your fanfics?
It's Detectives_Heart! There's nothing particularly new on there so it doesn't adhere to some of what I talk about now (like the new timeline and what not), and most of it is locked to registered users only still because of the AI stuff that's got me paranoid. I'm thinking of unlocking them, but I'm still not sure whether to do it or not and also I keep forgetting anyway so...
Here's the link to my Ao3 if you want it.
t's mostly Pupcakes/Roxica content for the moment and while that one Gatorbun fic has a cool setting, I wouldn't recommend it. First FNaF fic and all. I would do it way differently now, believe me.
If you do/can read anything of mine, I hope you enjoy it!
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
Lol I said I'd be working on art but my siblings have just been dragging me into playing video games with them for the past few days.
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Yknow not to get too heavy on main but I'm starting to remember just why I hate being sick so much, too much time by myself and being physically unable to distract myself from that due to it making my constant exhaustion even worse to the point that i can do basically nothing. Shit sucks man, shit suuuuucks.
Oh yeah and the whole immunocompromised thing, but thats a can of worms for a different bowl of noodles
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snekdood · 22 days
personally, i dont see the fundamental difference between deleting your account and making a new one and deleting all your old posts, if we're talking about "running from ones past", then what are you tryna hide there, bud?
#mood#vent#the evidence of your past is gone regardless either way sooooooooooo#how is it so different and how do you keep convincing yourself you're morally superior?#i mean- this is me pretending I agree that that's true to play devils advocate a lil here#bc i know the only reason i deleted any account of mine was bc i just like fresh starts sometimes#and tbh i struggle to find a username i like and some website require me to delete & remake in order to change it#what-- is the problem that you struggle to hold on to me and keep track of me?#bc i promise as soon as i start posting my ocs people Will know who I am regardless of if I recreate-#at least yall and your kiwifarms stalking-ass followers will recognize it and immediately report back to their cult leader#so whats your issue here EXACTLY?#you're already documenting everything I do. so whats your issue?#i mean. is it bc other people wont 'know who I am' and what YOU think i'm like? even though other people- strangers-#already dont know who I am?#bc if thats your argument- I could say the same for you! how are people supposed to 'know who you are' when you delete all your posts?#there was only 1 time I actually deleted my acct out of fear of how ppl would treat me- and it was bc I was dating you!#you made me feel like I had to be Perfect. so quite frankly#blame yourself you bum#what can I say- ig i learned how to cover my tracks from you.#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time#and now I regret deleting it bc the only reason I did was to impress you with how Good I Am. 🤮#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me#even though what was on that blog PALES in comparison to the kind of shit you've done and posted.#ok ignoring you now and focusing on me again- there was so much art on that blog thats just lost forever and it makes me sad.#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist#plus there was a gif of hoody dancing to the thrill by wiz khalifa (i think that was the song I made the gif to) that i'll never get back 😔#i honestly have an issue with deleting my art in general- stuff that isnt problematic so dont start w me bitch- but- for some reason#I just used to get these urges to delete shit like out of shame. I think its bc of being trans and trying to stuff that down and feeling#ashamed that I even wanted to be the guy I wanted to be so I would just get rid of it all and .-.#theres a lil chunk of my comic art that's just gone forever and i wish ik everything I drew. at least I remember one of the ocs i deleted
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svissalan · 2 years
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In case anyone was wondering, this is the kind of stuff I do for fun when I'm not doing any art (or when I'm burnt out of art, but it's usually bc I've had a Category 7 Autistic Event and it consumes my entire being for a couple of weeks before I go back to normal). Luckily enough, this will get used in my writing and my worldbuilding since I've made linguistics really important in the lore, particularly when it comes to the politics of what names you use for places/people. I have a big atlas I am working on as an excuse to learn how to do vector programs too, someday I'll upload part of it when I feel more satisfied with the way the coastlines and the heightmap looks.
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astrobiscuits · 9 months
Astro observations part 8
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[LONG EDITION] - taken from my phone's notes (also, i was too lazy to edit it so here's a nice chunk of info)
🍂 Sun conjunct Saturn individuals inherit mindsets from the father, grandparents or great-grandparents. They might never fully act like their Sun sign (aka "shine"), since they've been conditioned from a young age to listen to parents, teachers, and later on bosses. They are the type to never divorce, no matter how toxic their marriage is. If these peeps deal well with their Saturn Return, they might become "THE BOSS" (aka the person everyone looks up to due to how accomplished, disciplined and rich they are, they've literally got their shit together and deserve a round of applause, "it wasn't easy to get to the top, but it was worth it" - you might hear them say this). They are also more prone to ingrain stoic principles in their lifestyle
🍂 Mars square Neptune gives off major cult leader vibes. They're the type to fool you with false promises until you sign up for their "camp" but then you realize it's actually an evil cult where all they wanna do is put you to work (and maybe later even kill you lol). These individuals become very scary when angry (you don't wanna see them angry, trust me). If they ever commit suicide, it'll be by drowning, alcohol or drugs
🍂 Mars trine Neptune is one of the best aspects for those who make a living off their talents. The talent depends on the element the trine is in:
If it's in Earth signs - ideal for those who work in the "money handling sector" in advertising, becoming an entrepeneur, holistic care (if Virgo is involved), cooks, those who work in interior design, seamstresses, embroidery/lace makers, models, event planners If it's in Air signs - ideal for those who work in sales (their negotiation skills are ✨chef's kiss👌🏻✨), becoming a spiritual/religious teacher or an art/music/any other creative pursuit teacher (lmao, i can't even speak💀💀), writers, musicians, magicians and astrologers (for the last two - if Aquarius is involved) If it's in Fire signs - ideal for dancers, theater/movie actors, hairstylists, circus performers, photographers (only if Leo is involved) If it's in Water signs - ideal for make-up artists, painters, tarot readers
🍂 Moon sextile Uranus individuals have got the ability to create a positive parasocial relationship with their followers. Since these people often use their devices to validate their emotions, i wouldn't be surprised if most of y'all also have atleast one active profile where you post quite frequently
PRO TIP: Whenever Transit Jupiter is trining/conjuncting your Natal Uranus (to a less extent also the sextile), you'll get a sudden boost in your followers count
🍂 This is a theory of mine that i've come up with and i'd love to hear your thoughts on it. When it comes to intergenerational astrology, i do believe that we inherit all of our personal planets placements from our parents and ancestors. But then you might say "But i don't act like my mother at all! This is bullshit!". I'm not saying we're all carbon copies of our family members. What makes us unique and distinguishes us from our parents and grandparents (or even great-grandparents) are the way the planets aspect each other in our birth charts and the planetary configurations between them. Basically we start from the same ground, but we all use our traits differently, whether for the better or the worst expression of them. Let's not forget that we also tend to go through different life experiences than our parents and grandparents; we might be blessed with different opportunities that might enhance our best traits and help us achieve what our ancestors always wanted to but weren't able to
Hope you enjoyed today's post, loves!💗💗💗 I've been wanting to post for a while now but my inspiration has been wandering alone in the Sahara Desert I can't promise that i'll start posting again more frequently (the new uni year is starting soon for me + i enrolled in a local astrology school 2 weeks ago🥳🥳 ya girl can't wait to officially become an astrologer) but my inbox will be open again for further questions! I must also thank you for helping me hit 500 followers!!! I'm probably gonna do another ask game once i hit 600 followers, as i'm too busy right now. As always, don't forget to drink water and take care of yourselves! Hope to see you soon! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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