#i put a lot of effort into this cosplay too ugh
knifefightandchill · 2 years
Well I met the shitty side of the resi fandom at the con lmao. Like I get I'm short and round and totally not leon esque but o w dude.
Feeling real bad, gonna feel better soon though. Bounce back
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urmomsstuntdouble · 3 years
🍓 owo
ugh, there’s so many things i could say about you!! independent of everything you do in the fandom, you just have a really cool vibe in general? like you have a lot of intention behind the things you do, which is something i admire. your fashion sense is also among the best ive ever seen, and you’re really good at making cosplays. im not sure what the process for doing that is but yours look super high quality and like you put in a lot of effort to make them, and it’s just incredible. you’re also super impressive when it comes to content creation. the amount of time and effort it must take to do all the writing, art, and cosplay is super admirable, and it’s always such high quality. you also have a super distinct writing style? a lot of your prose feels really poetic, and you use really varied sentences without just flipping clauses around and i think thats sick as fuck
you feel like such a person as well. idk if that makes the most sense but you seem very defined and like you have a solid (or the base for one) identity. it can be hard to do that, especially at a young age, and i admire that about you. sorry if that’s too weird or personal but yeah you have that  sort of presence about you
also idk what you did to get shadowbanned but @ staff free lorenzo
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bandbproductions · 4 years
I’m Henry
I don’t have much time I have so much shit to do. Here! Take it! 
Summary: Uh... actions speak louder than words right?
“Gaaahhh Henry what do I do?? I put so much effort into making this, they’ve got to appreciate it right? But why would anyone want anything made by a yucky otaku like me in the first place…?”
Leviathan buried his head in his body pillow while Henry, his pet goldfish, was ever wise in his silence, swimming peacefully in his bowl.
“You’re right Henry! I, I can do this! …Probably…” Giving himself a light slap on the face, he pulled out his D.D.D.
Come to my room ASAP
‘No that’s not it… If I say it like that it makes me sound like Lucifer…’
Hey Bush, it’s Levi–
‘No shit it’s you, this is a private chat…’
Hey Bush I got something to show you so can you come over?
After a few agonizing seconds, Bush texted back,
'They’re direct even in texts huh? Ugh it makes it even harder for me to tell what they’re thinking. They’re probably thinking about how lame I am after all, I’m just a yucky shut-in who never leaves his room without a shred of natural talent, I’m nothing compared to my brothers… It’s so not fair. Even that good for nothing Mammon drew the long straw in the gene pool with his looks and Belphie who does nothing but sleep everyday gets good marks without even studying meanwhile a lame otaku like me can’t–’
He didn’t even hear the door open but Bush was already standing next to his bed tub, staring down at him and by the looks of it, they’d been standing there for a while.
“Sorry… your door was open.” They said.
It definitely was not open. He looked around for Bob but he was nowhere to be seen.
‘That thing is too op. It’s just like the monster from  I’m Kind of Hopeless As A Normal Student Because I Don’t Emote Much But This Monster Seemed To Take A Liking To Me So Now It Does Whatever I Say.’ he thought, silently cursing his luck.
“Levi, what’s this?” they asked, holding a set of clothes they found hanging behind his door.
His heart leapt to his throat, “A-Ah that is, uh, well, you know, I mean I didn’t– It’s not… Actually it’s uh… it’s a– it’s a cosplay that I, that I made… for you…”
“For…me?” they stared at the outfit, it was a perfect one to one cosplay of a well-loved character throughout the devildom but especially by the avatar of envy, “It’s Henry.”
  “Y- Yeah. I made it for you… Since you’re a lot like Henry so I just – I wanted to see you look the part as well.”
   “Oh. Ok. Thanks.”
   Then they left.
   ‘Wait they just left?!! You’ve done it now Levi… ‘I just wanted to see you look the part’ as if they can’t be like Henry without looking the part! Argh, they probably thought you were super creepy… Now they’ll never talk to you again. Come to think of it, they didn’t say they liked it either which means they probably hated it…”
 And so Levi was super dejected for the rest of the day.
   The dejection he felt followed him till the next day where he did his best to drag himself out of his bed tub, and go downstairs to have breakfast. He was rounding a corner when he heard a commotion come from the dining hall,
   “Oh honey, what are you wearing?” he heard Asmo say.
    He looked to see everyone was crowded around Bush except Beel who was munching away on his breakfast and subsequently devouring everyone else’s.
    “You’re not seriously going in that are you?” Satan asked.
    Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, “Bush, I’m not going to repeat myself. Go change. Now.”
   As he reached out to grab them, Bush dodged and came out of the circle of demons that surrounded them. They looked surprised when they saw Levi, standing at the doorway with his jaw hanging open, but then placed both hands on their hips as they turned around to face Lucifer,
   “Not Bush. I’m Henry.”
   “I don’t care who you are, you are not going to RAD wearing that outfit!”
    The eldest brother tried grabbing them again, only for Bush to run away, jumping on Bob who was ready to piggy back them away. Later at school, he saw them walking around still in cosplay with Bob hovering around them to make sure no one ruins the outfit, accidentally or otherwise.
    Once classes were over, he ran into them on the staircase,
   “Oh Bush, I mean Henry. H-hey.”
   “M’lord, hello.” They said, their tone not changing in the slightest.
    His eyes widened as he covered his face with his hand to hide his blushing, “M- M’lord? What– what did you just–”
     Bush cocked their head to the side, “I’m Henry,” they said, pointing at themselves, “and you’re the Lord of Shadow.” They pointed at him.
     “No way, no way. A, a, a yucky otaku like, like me can’t possibly be– only Henry’s true friend can be the Lord of Shadow.” He stammered, shaking his head frantically.
     Bush’s eyebrow’s furrowed ever so slightly, “Aren’t we true friends?”
     “No, I, I mean yes. Y-yes! Of course, of course we’re friends. You, you’re my true friend.”
     “Then you’re my Lord of Shadow.”
     “Y-Yeah…Though I’d like to be more than your friend…” he said, the last sentence coming out as a barely audible whisper.
      “Sorry what?”
      “N-Nothing! I didn’t say anything! Now come on, let’s go home and have a TSL marathon!”      
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05 July 2021
i did some cosplay today, for the first time in a while. lots of uraraka and a bit of villain au uraraka. posted a cute picture of instagram. a couple of things that boost my self-image, i guess, which is nice. that can get pretty negative sometimes, from my parents and my past relationships and social media, so doing things that make me feel pretty are good. i also get overly critical of myself when i cosplay too, though. about how my body looks and how my hair isn’t sitting right and my makeup isn’t perfect. but i try to remind myself that doing the best i can is okay.
i tried fake eyelashes again. this is the first time they’ve worked out. i’ll have to take them off soon though.. so that’ll be interesting too.
my birthday is in, geez, a week. i’ll be twenty. that’s kinda crazy to think about. no longer a teenager. i’ll be celebrating by myself, mostly. that kinda sucks. maybe i can see if any of my hometown friends want to hang out… but that’d be kind of pathetic, honestly. it’d feel weird asking. i hate spending holidays alone, and birthdays have got to be the worst. plays into my fear of abandonment i think. at least i can hopefully get some cool things. i got airpods, and i’m hoping to get a ukulele too. and maybe a nice wireless keyboard—a green, retro-style one, with circle keys. i’ve been doing research to find a good one. but it still sucks that i’ll be alone. i’ll try to occupy myself, but i know i’ll get upset, at least a bit.
my room has been decently clean the past few days. it’s hard to keep it clean, with my adhd or whatever. i’m putting effort into it though. it’s a bit messy right now, from cosplay stuff. but i’ll fix it up soon.
my summer classes start on july 14th. two math classes. not excited about it… ugh, that just reminded me that i keep forgetting to email a professor. i really have to do that.
i’ve been watching fruits basket lately. it’s a good show. talks a lot about life and stuff. something that resonated with me lately was when they talked about not wanting to forget memories—even bad ones. because then you can withstand anything. it was a bit more than that, but it was a good concept. definitely more mature than i have been with my feelings. sometimes i wish i could forget the shitty things that have happened to me. my parents being the way they are, being mistreated by the people i’ve fallen in love with, backstabbed by friends… it’s too much, at times. i guess i learn from it though. i’m more compassionate for others because of the pain that i’ve been through. i know more about the world because of it. i don’t know. i don’t like that those things happened, but there’s no changing that. so i might as well try my best to be happy and work hard to have the life that i want.
the fireworks are going off again, so i’ll probably start playing some music and taking off my makeup. i really hate the sound of them. it’d be easier if i had my headphones to cancel the noise. or someone to hold me while they go off, aha…. anyways. it’s not so bad sometimes, but some of them really freak me out. i’m not sure why. just a sensory sensitivity i guess. i have a lot of those: touch, light, and sound, mainly. but yeah. i got through it last night alright.
oh! last night was actually pretty great. i spent a lot of time listening to music and adding songs to my playlists. i made a new playlist for songs i’d like to learn on ukulele. i also recorded a demo of a song i wrote… i haven’t posted the lyrics on my other account though, cause it’s the first song i’ve ever written so i’m kinda shy about it. but i will eventually. i don’t think it sounded too bad. and i’ll feel better about it once i have a ukulele to play along with it. overall, it was a pretty good night. and so was today. which is good, since a lot of things have been hard lately.
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 6.5
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time as we wrapped up chapter 6’s investigation, Flashback Lights were clearly fake, Himiko was a very great mage and was probably acting kind of like Kaito on purpose, Shuichi was being the kind of hero Kaito always saw him as and unfortunately playing into Monokuma’s hands in the process, Keebo became mind-controlled again and immediately started making more sense than before, and he still lacked any remotely well-written justification for not having used his weapons sooner.
Before we start the trial, this one requires some more specific skill setup than most trials, because of a couple of parts later on which are exceedingly stupid and should not be allowed to be any harder than they absolutely have to. First off, Librarian’s Glare, which immediately silences loud voices in Mass Panic Debates without you having to do anything. Then, every single skill I have which makes Argument Armaments easier (thanks, Gonta! and also there’s a couple from the casino). This also includes one that increases my health, which was not remotely necessary for the rest of this not-blind playthrough where I wouldn’t be getting any answers wrong, but it definitely helps here. I didn’t quite have enough levels to fit everything new on so I had to drop a couple of the more general-purpose skills that I like to use, but it’ll be worth it. I kept the Psyche Taxi ones on, though, partly because I still want to make those go by as fast as possible, but also because I just want to keep using Kaito’s skill, too.
Anyway, Shuichi is out to prove that Kaede didn’t really kill Rantaro and therefore that Monokuma got a verdict wrong, which is the exact thing Kokichi and Kaito were aiming to make happen in the previous trial in the hope of “winning”/ending the killing game. If Kaito hadn’t managed to prove that there’s definitely an audience and Monokuma definitely isn’t allowed to get things wrong, Shuichi wouldn’t even know it’d be worthwhile to do this right now. Kaito’s efforts did not go to waste.
Monokuma:  “Puhuhu… So in the end, the first case has become the focal point yet again… What a twist! What an interesting twist!”
Narrative bookending! This wasn’t a planned part of his script, but Monokuma’s totally fine with Shuichi doing this for him because it’s good storytelling!
…Though, as we’re going to see later in this trial, maybe I’m giving Monokuma too much credit to assume he knows what “good storytelling” looks like.
Shuichi begins by talking about Rantaro. I’m sure there’s a part of him that just wants to immediately prove that Kaede didn’t kill anyone (because he definitely already knows how to prove that), but he’s restraining himself and taking this one step at a time.
Shuichi:  “The Monopad also contained a video Rantaro recorded for himself.”
No, it didn’t. It contained a note. The video in Rantaro’s lab was a completely different thing that Rantaro never saw before he died.
Every single English line in this trial referring to Rantaro’s Monopad note is going to insistently call it a video – and this is a localisation change, because the original Japanese calls it a note like it should do. I have no idea what kind of confusion happened during the localisation process to convince not just one but all of the localisers – because multiple characters make this mistake – that Rantaro’s Monopad note was supposed to be a video and the original somehow got it wrong. This is the most bizarrely consistent mistake in the whole localisation. It’s even actually a relevant plot point that it is just a note, because that means there was no proof Rantaro himself wrote it and it was most likely actually written by the mastermind as a trap. That would be a lot less possible if it really was a video! Come on, localisers. Kaito’s arm in the trial 5 video had to have been a genuine careless goof one way or another, but this mistake is somehow very calculated and deliberate, and that is ridiculous.
Keebo:  “But if Rantaro had a clue like that, why didn’t he come to us with it?”
Shuichi:  “I assume because he didn’t trust us. The killing game had just started, after all. What he said in his video message certainly didn’t help either. He told himself to only share this information with people he could trust.”
Yep. It’s almost like the message was actually specifically designed to make Rantaro afraid of sharing the information so that he’d get killed because it wasn’t a video and therefore could have easily been from the mastermind!
It’s also incredibly silly that Shuichi is calling it a video over a shot of Rantaro’s Survivor Perk Monopad and its very-not-a-video note. Did… did nobody playtest this and realise the characters were talking about something that doesn’t exist?
Maki:  “He didn’t have any recollection of filming this message, right? That means he must have had trouble believing it as well.”
He would have had a lot less trouble believing it if it really was a video, because it’d be hard to deny seeing himself there in the flesh. But this is from Maki’s original correct line about writing the message, in which case of course Rantaro would doubt whether it was really from himself.
(If it really canonically was a video, then this’d be the one time you’d see me being completely sure that Tsumugi was cosplaying and faking a video of one of these students, because its content is so definitely the mastermind trying to get him killed. Tsumugi faking a video rather than just writing him a note would in fact be a better way for her to do this, because Rantaro would be less likely to doubt the message if he could see himself saying it. So the fact that she didn’t make a video for his Monopad suggests that using her cosplay skills to fake videos isn’t a thing that’s likely to occur to Tsumugi as an option in general.)
Shuichi flashes back to a couple of things Rantaro said: one that hinted at the existence of his note, and one of him declaring his intent to end the killing game. These two different things were actually mentioned during two completely different conversations… and Shuichi wasn’t there for the second of them (because this is when we were playing as Kaede). Kaede also never relayed to Shuichi in detail what Rantaro said back then. The writers maaayyy have forgotten this.
Shuichi:  “The only people who knew about the hidden door at the time were Rantaro and I… I had Kaede with me and I thought I could trust her. So I told her about the hidden room… That was the difference between me and Rantaro, I suppose. I had Kaede…”
The difference was friends. Or, well, the difference was the lack of a mysterious note encouraging paranoia, plus an overly dependent personality causing Shuichi to latch onto and rely on Kaede despite a situation that discourages doing that kind of thing. But also friends. If Rantaro had had someone he could trust like that, maybe things could have been different. And if Shuichi hadn’t trusted Kaede like he did and had kept his knowledge to himself, things would have been different too.
Monokuma:  “And Kaede’s the one who killed him!”
Shuichi:  “…”
Shuichi is still sitting on the bombshell that no, she didn’t. He knows, but he’s going to clear up everything else first, probably to make it so that when he does get to that point, there’ll be no doubt about it.
(In this particular post, whenever I put an ellipsis to indicate that I’m skipping other characters’ irrelevant line(s) of dialogue, assume it’s probably the Monokubs. I am sparing you and letting you mostly forget they exist.)
Sigh. I use to like reading all the white noise and picking out fun bits to comment on, but now it’s all just the Monokubs spouting distracting nonsense. I suppose they’re doing it as an excuse to give you more white noise for endgame difficulty despite the far fewer characters left, but.
Shuichi:  “What? Ugh, keep quiet, will you? I don’t have time for your nonsense right now.”
This is Shuichi’s reaction when the cubs butt in for a Rebuttal Showdown, and, yes, Shuichi. We all feel you there.
The typography in their Rebuttal Showdown involves the words spinning around a lot and being vaguely difficult to cut just by their speed, probably representing how annoying and distracting this whole thing is.
Shuichi:  “The outline of his fingers matches how he was holding it in the picture.”
Tumblr media
I mean, not really when you look at them like that. But also one can imagine that his fingers might have splayed out in sudden shock the moment he was hit, so yeah, close enough I guess. Danganronpa has never been super careful about getting the details of its evidence exactly right.
Here’s the final proper Psyche Taxi in the game (thank god), which could also contend for the title of the stupidest one simply based on the fact that absolutely none of the questions are asking you to figure out anything new. The final question is “Who can enter the hidden room?” – and the answer is just “the mastermind”, not the actual identity of the mastermind. Because I am definitely only just figuring out now that the hidden room belonged to the mastermind, and this definitely required me to answer four obvious questions to figure out this very secret conundrum.
(At least Kaito helped me crash my way through some of the cars without slowing down to make this go by faster. Thanks, Kaito. Yes, I am still shamelessly using every possible opportunity to mention him, of course I am.)
Tsumugi:  “Oh, that’s true… In order to get to the hidden room, you need to move the bookcase, right? But Shuichi and Kaede set up those hidden cameras, so… If the mastermind was using that door, they would’ve been caught on camera.”
Tsumugi, you know full well about the intervals, we discussed them at length in trial 1. The fact that you are making such a point of trying to argue something that’s already obviously wrong is making you look quite suspicious.
(If she was arguing about how the dust on the card reader means they couldn’t have entered through the library door, then that’s one thing, since she supposedly doesn’t know about the hidden passageway. But that’s not what she’s doing.)
Shuichi:  “The mastermind was probably terrified by the idea of us picking up Rantaro’s perk.”
Monokuma:  “No, that’s wrong!”
Shuichi:  (…What?)
Monokuma:  “I wasn’t necessarily afraid… The Survivor Perk was for Rantaro’s eyes only. Sure, he could’ve shared the info with you… But that’s not the same as getting the info directly from the Monopad. Cuz then, you can’t say it was for Rantaro’s eyes only, right? So when he died, I took it back. That’s all.”
Monokuma’s excuse here does actually make a reasonable amount of sense. One general principle of this game is that anyone can make basically any claim they like, but they aren’t necessarily going to be able to prove that what they’re saying is true, and it’s up to others to decide whether or not to believe them. Monokuma is not (supposed to be, trial 5 aside) allowed to give any information that would directly prove any student’s claim to be true or false, hence the Monokuma Files sometimes omitting details. Rantaro’s Survivor Perk would also sort of fall under that idea. Rantaro was allowed to tell people about it, but that claim of his wasn’t allowed to be conclusively proven to be true.
If you’ve ever played the game Mafia/Werewolf/whatever else you might call it, it’s a lot like how you’re not allowed to show everyone else your role card/role PM/whatever it was you got from the gamemaster to tell you what your role is. That would prove certain claims to be true or false, and that’s not in the spirit of the game. Monokuma is trying to run a similar kind of game here. He did admittedly make it much harder for himself to enforce that rule by giving Rantaro extra info that was meant to be for his eyes only in a format that someone else might be able to get their hands on. Rantaro’s video in his lab was also supposed to be like this – he mentioned in it that Monokuma might try to shoo people away from him to stop him from telling anyone else about it. That sure would have been a very awkward way for Monokuma to try and enforce that.
Of course, note how Monokuma only says he wasn’t necessarily afraid before explaining why this was all totally within the rules of the game. The rules might be part of it, but he totally was also afraid of others seeing the Survivor Perk just because it would give them information he didn’t want them to know regardless of the rules. The hint that Rantaro has been in a previous killing game, and the possibility that him checking out the hidden door might have been a trap to get him killed, definitely weren’t things that Monokuma wanted to be known.
Shuichi:  “The Monopad clearly stated that there was a mastermind in the academy. If we knew then that a mastermind was behind everything, we would have worked together.”
Also that. Shuichi knows what’s up.
(Oh, hey, remember who was always still convinced there was a mastermind even after Kaede’s trial but just decided to never fucking tell anyone that he thought that? Yeah, he sure would have helped us out a lot more if he ever actually had, huh.)
Himiko:  “If they wanted to retrieve the Monopad, they shoulda used Monokuma to do it!”
Monokuma:  “Nope, that’s impossible. The rules state I can’t participate in a murder, which includes tampering with the crime scene.”
…Not really? The rules state, “Monokuma will never directly commit a murder”. That’s all. There’s nothing specific about Monokuma being unable to participate in more indirect ways or tamper with the crime scene, so if he wanted to do that, he totally could while claiming it wasn’t technically against the rules.
This appears to be a localisation thing, because looking at the Japanese wording of that rule, a more direct translation would be something like, “Monokuma will not participate in a murder”, which matches with this line here. You’d still think that the rules should better clarify exactly what “participation” entails in order for them to explicitly ban Monokuma from tampering with the crime scene after the fact, though.
Regardless, if one of the reasons he wanted to hide the Monopad was for the abiding-by-the-rules reason of keeping it for Rantaro’s eyes only, that definitely seems like a situation in which Monokuma would be allowed to step in even when he usually couldn’t.
…Not that he’d have wanted to anyway, because Tsumugi had to be there just in case she needed to do the murder, which Monokuma definitely wasn’t allowed to do.
(Also, in case 4 of Danganronpa 1, Monokuma very much did tamper with the crime scene while arguing that it totally didn’t count as being against the rules. Different killing games with slightly different rule technicalities, sure, but I could definitely buy him weaseling his way out of this one too if he’d wanted to.)
Shuichi tries to insist that Monokuma’s strictness about the rules means they’re being watched, and Monokuma conspicuously changes the subject.
Shuichi:  (I still don’t have the whole picture… but it seems that we’re all being watched. In that case… this plan should go well.)
You already knew you were most likely being watched! Kaito sacrificed everything to prove it! It’s honestly quite disappointing to me that the narrative doesn’t connect trials 5 and 6 together as well as it really should. It seems on the surface that the only reason this trial is happening is because Keebo went rogue after Kaito’s execution completely coincidentally happened to break his antenna. This is really a lot more connected to what happened in trial 5 than just that, because it’s also about Shuichi now knowing there’s an audience thanks to that trial. But it’s not emphasised as much as it should be, not with lines like this that gloss over the reason Shuichi began to assume they’re being watched.
Monokuma:  “In the end, Kaede killed him… There’s no shaking off that truth.”
Shuichi:  “No, that’s not the truth. I’m certain of that. It’s a lie that you made up.”
Finally, Shuichi’s getting down to business! Looks like he’s got everything else that he wanted to out of the way now. Proving that the mastermind was in the hidden room at the time of Rantaro’s death is helpful for proving who really did kill Rantaro if it wasn’t Kaede, after all.
Shuichi:  “The most important fact we discovered during the investigation is this… The shot put ball that Rantaro was killed with, was different than the one Kaede had!”
Aww, look at how he sees the fact that Kaede shouldn’t have been executed as the most important thing he found out, despite having found several other things that are also objectively preeeetty important (Flashback Lights being fake, for one).
Shuichi:  “It was wrapped in her spare vest. Her *pink* vest.”
Despite how the writing makes Shuichi refer to it, her vest was totally purple and not pink, by the way. I’m bringing this up for a more meaningful reason than just being nitpicky about my mental categorisation of colours, because Kaede’s vest was a lighter shade but almost exactly the same purple hue as Kaito’s jacket. Have I mentioned those two were so very similar and the writers knew exactly what they were doing with them, even to the point of making them visually reminiscent of each other in their colour palettes.
I am somewhat disappointed that the order in which Monokuma blows up his cubs here doesn’t match the original order they died in, in that Monodam is killed earlier than last time. He was the most tolerable one! I didn’t talk about it at all because it was still completely extraneous and unnecessary, but he actually had something vaguely resembling an interesting character arc! They could have at least kept him around for longer than his much more annoying yellow brother this time too.
Tsumugi:  “The mastermind killed Rantaro… but why?”
Shuichi:  “I believe the reason had something to do with the time limit motive.”
That’s definitely part of it – they didn’t actually want to kill everyone when the time limit ran out, so they needed a murder to happen, which they could conveniently pin on Kaede – but that’s not all of it. It’s also just because Kaede being so determined to save everyone that she was willing to kill the mastermind and yet tragically killed an innocent instead was such a good story that they didn’t want it to go to waste by pure bad luck of the shot put ball missing. Even if there hadn’t been the issue of awkwardly being obligated to kill everyone upon the time limit if Kaede’s plan failed, they’d still have done this just for the story.
Himiko:  “S-So… Kaede was executed on false charges!?”
Shuichi:  “Yes… yes, she was. She didn’t actually kill anyone. But she was executed nonetheless.”
See, the thing is… for all meaningful intents and purposes, Kaede still was a murderer. She very much meant to kill someone, and so she deliberately took actions that she believed would lead to someone’s death, that wouldn’t have done if she hadn’t taken them. And, indeed, it wouldn’t have done – because if Kaede hadn’t tried to kill someone, Tsumugi wouldn’t have stepped in and finished the job for her and Rantaro wouldn’t have died. Kaede is still just as responsible for Rantaro’s death as Tsumugi is. I’m certain that if she were still alive and aware of this truth, she’d be furious at Tsumugi for killing Rantaro when he’d had the chance to live after all, but she’d also still be blaming herself for Rantaro’s death, and she’d be right to.
Shuichi:  “And you want to tell us that this game is fair? That there are rules? That’s all bullshit! This game makes no sense at all!”
Maki:  “If Monokuma twisted the truth for this case… then he could’ve twisted it for the other cases, making this killing game unfair.”
Himiko:  “Th-Then it’s not even a killing game anymore. It’s just… killing.”
…But the rules of this game don’t give a fuck about where the moral responsibility for a murder lies. They only care about who very literally and directly carried out the act. That’s how Kokichi got away with killing Miu, even though, during the trial in which Gonta had no memory of killing her, Kokichi was more meaningfully responsible for her death than the Gonta standing in the room was.
And the death penalty is fucked up as all hell. Nobody deserves to die for killing someone, not even Kiyo – he deserved to be locked up for the rest of his life where he couldn’t hurt anyone else, but even he did not deserve to be horribly killed. The only way in which it can be seen to be even remotely, vaguely justified that any of these people got executed is because they were in a game where they knew the rules meant that if they directly killed someone and then got found out, they’d die for it, because that’s just how the game works. (This is of course still not actually justified at all, but it’s what Monokuma will insist on.) So even though Kaede did meaningfully cause a person’s death, the fact that she did not directly kill Rantaro in accordance with the game’s rules means that her death was not fair and not justifiable on any level at all. Like Himiko says, that’s not even a game, that’s just killing.
(This is the one other time in this game that Shuichi uses strong language, which feels very appropriate given the context of this moment.)
Shuichi:  “…I won’t forgive them. I’ll never forgive them for breaking the rules and killing Kaede. So cruel… I’ll never forgive them! And I *will* avenge Kaede! I swear on her kindness and her love… and her grave that I will avenge her!”
And note how Shuichi doesn’t linger for very long on the fact that Kaede technically didn’t kill Rantaro and instead focuses his passion and anger on the fact that her death was wrong. That’s the most important part, after all.
I also like to think when he talks about “her love” that he’s not really talking about specifically romantic love, even though he seemingly did happen to have romantic feelings for her. After all, Kaede was such a warm and kind person that she loved everyone here, more than she loved herself. Platonic love is equally important, and Kaede had so much of it to give.
So, I’ve seen people complain that Shuichi acts like Kaede was perfect and innocent and without fault at this point in the trial… but that’s not really what he’s actually doing here. Admittedly, he doesn’t properly acknowledge to himself that Kaede was still guilty, since that’s something I imagine he’d want to avoid thinking about too much, so he is still being a little influenced by his own personal bias of how much she meant to him. But he is also not trying to incorrectly argue, to himself or out loud, that she was ever innocent, and I think that’s important to keep in mind. All he ever says is “she didn’t actually kill anyone”, which is true on a technical level relating to her being executed for it, and that’s the context in which he said that.
(While we’re here talking about moral responsibility for deaths, let’s also talk about Maki in case 5. She very much intended to and tried to kill Kokichi, yes. She landed a lethal blow on him, which one might think would make the fact that Kaito finished the job for her be a moot point, even more so than it was with Tsumugi finishing off Rantaro in Kaede’s case. But the thing is, in Maki’s case, Kokichi was already going to die anyway. He’d already decided on his plan to have Kaito kill him that night, and Kaito said himself that he would definitely have agreed to the plan even if Maki hadn’t been a factor. The “wouldn’t have led to his death if she hadn’t taken those actions” part doesn’t fit here, because Kaito would have killed Kokichi regardless. So while Maki still tried to kill Kokichi, and that’s something she needs to acknowledge and take responsibility for, the fact that she tried to do that ultimately ended up irrelevant to his death. Kokichi did not die because Maki tried to kill him. If Kaede’s shot put ball had missed and then somebody else had come along and killed Rantaro for unrelated reasons that they’d still have had even if Kaede’s plan didn’t exist, Kaede would have been guilty of nothing but attempted murder too.)
Tsumugi:  “It’s Kaede’s younger twin sister!”
Oh boy, here we go with this.
Tsumugi:  “It seemed sorta weird to me. Junko Enoshima had a twin, too, right?”
Keebo:  “Are you saying those same circumstances apply here, as well?”
Tsumugi:  “This killing game was influenced a lot by the past one, right? So maybe the mastermind’s identity was, too.”
This argument does not make any sense at all. She’s saying the mastermind wanted to copy everything about Junko’s killing game… so she also went and… copied having a twin??? Funnily enough, that is not how twins work. Either you were born with one, or you’ll never have one. Unless Tsumugi’s saying that twins are somehow genetically predisposed to being despair-loving evil masterminds, there is no level on which she can be arguing that this would be anything more than a coincidence and therefore can even remotely be used as evidence to point to the mastermind’s identity.
The only value that the argument of “Junko was a twin, so maybe this game’s mastermind is also a twin because it’s following the same pattern” has is as a narrative argument. The writers could give the mastermind a twin after the fact to make it follow the pattern. And characters within this story should not be able to make narrative arguments. This is very, very telling.
Shuichi:  (The mastermind who snuck into the academy and is making us play this sick game… Is Kaede’s twin sister?) “…”
Shuichi’s somewhat pressured thoughtful face during his silent textbox there reads to me less like he’s worrying about Kaede being connected to this and more that he’s just thinking “but that doesn’t make any goddamn sense”.
If you happen to attempt to agree with Tsumugi’s “theory” during the following debate…
Tsumugi:  “Right? The mastermind must be Kaede's twin sister! I'm sure of this now that you agree, Shuichi!”
Shuichi:  (...What is this? Why do I feel so uncomfortable?)
…It really does read like Shuichi knows full well how bullshit this is and is wondering why he even seemed to think it might make sense for a moment. His sense of discomfort could even be because this is making him suspect that Tsumugi is deliberately trying to mislead him, and he’s still not ready to accept that she’s the mastermind.
Shuichi:  “However, the implications… aren’t good.”
Himiko:  “Wh-What an ominous way to say it… But there’s nothing to worry about! We got this far because we’re friends!”
Himiko, you are really tempting fate here. Does it not occur to you that the not-good implications Shuichi’s talking about could be that you’re actually not all friends?
During this part where you’re meant to say the mastermind is one of the participants, if you try and say it’s Kaede’s twin, Shuichi muses:
Shuichi:  (No... there's no real proof she has a twin sister in the first place.)
…which is a very valid point and supports my theory that she really actually didn’t, if the narrative is acknowledging that as an option.
Himiko:  “Th-That’s crazy! There’s no way one of us is the mastermind! Because… we’re all friends! We swore to fight together!”
Monokuma:  “Puhuhu… Then it just means that all your friendship talk was a lie, right?”
Geez, Monokuma, just because Kokichi’s dead doesn’t mean you need to fill in for him. They really are so alike. The fact that one person’s friendship talk was a lie doesn’t mean that it all was!
But man, can you imagine the field day Kokichi would be having with this if he were still here? He never used any of his “maybe you shouldn’t trust each other” spiel to try and get people to actually find the mastermind among their friends even though he knew all along that there was one – but that definitely wouldn’t stop him from now being all self-righteously “I told you so and if you’d all listened to me you’d have found the mastermind sooner!!!”
Himiko:  “Whatever! I don’t believe you! There’s no way the mastermind’s here!”
Himiko being so adamant about this is another thing that’s become very Kaito of her! Kaito definitely wouldn’t be enjoying this either if he were still with us. But, since there’s no memory loss involved, Kaito would be able to see the truth in Tsumugi’s behaviour and accept it once she starts acting more and more suspicious. If you get betrayed, it’s your fault for misjudging them, that’s all.
Monokuma:  “Puhuhu… I wonder where this discussion will lead. Will it lead to a mastermind in this very room? Or… not? Either way, we’re gonna make sure this trial stays exciting!”
Are you about to head to a commercial break or something, Monokuma? That can’t be it, since the debate starts immediately after this, but it sure sounds like it. Also way to not be even remotely subtle about this thing having an audience, yet again.
Himiko:  “I was in the Game Room in the basement. With Kaito and Gonta and Maki… Also, Tenko and Angie were there too.”
It’s odd that Himiko adds Tenko and Angie like they’re afterthoughts, when surely she’d think of them first.
Tsumugi:  “Though I did leave briefly to use the bathroom… I couldn’t have killed Rantaro!”
I appreciate how this time around Tsumugi is at least not trying to argue that the reason she couldn’t have killed Rantaro is because she couldn’t have been in disguise and that’s the only way she could possibly ever kill someone. The less said about that stupid argument, the better.
Shuichi:  (… There’s clearly something wrong here… If someone killed Rantaro… It could only be them!)
Seems like this here is the moment Shuichi finally realises exactly which of his friends was never really his friend and was putting them all through hell. To be fair to him, Kaede’s case was a couple of weeks ago and a lot has happened since then, so he may well have forgotten that Tsumugi went to the bathroom until now. First-time-me remembered this detail, but that might partly be because I binged the whole game in a very short space of time, meaning case 1 was only like two days ago for me.
Himiko:  “… Tsumugi… is this true?”
Aww, Himiko’s making one of her sad faces that we haven’t really seen much of since after Angie and Tenko died. It seems she really did consider Tsumugi a friend, and she said she didn’t want to lose any more friends!
Monotaro:  “Please! Please let us win! We don’t wanna die!”
…I actually do feel kind of sorry for the Monokubs here in their second Rebuttal Showdown. They may have been created to have incredibly irritating flat personalities… but even so, they’re still alive, and right now they’re terrified of being killed on a whim by their tyrannical father and have absolutely no control over anything.
Shuichi:  “Monokuma and the mastermind are the bad guys here. You don’t want to die? Do you know how many of my friends were sacrificed!?”
Still, Shuichi has every right to not have the energy to care about these so-called-comic-relief idiots when they’re in league with the ones who’ve been killing so many of his friends. I love the emotion he gets across here. He is so done with losing his friends.
Shuichi:  (The evidence that points to Tsumugi being the mastermind… I didn’t notice it at the time, but now I know for sure!)
It’s pretty impressive that Shuichi can remember the exact wording of that “birth” conversation to pick up on the suspicious part, given that at the time he had no reason to suspect Tsumugi in particular.
Tsumugi:  “Ah! But Keebo wasn’t there, was he!?”
Keebo:  “R-Right… Because I was fighting the Exisals.”
Tsumugi:  “Did you hear that!? Keebo didn’t try giving Motherkuma a command! So the real mastermind is—”
Tsumugi, you are just making yourself look waaaaay more guilty with your desperation to take the suspicion off yourself.
Shuichi:  “I… don’t want to believe it either. That one of our friends, the survivors… could do this. That’s why I’m begging, Tsumugi. I’m begging you to refute me. I might be wrong, I… I was wrong before, about Kaede… That’s why I need everyone’s help! I don’t care if my detective work is wrong, I want to hear your argument!”
Shuichi still hates accusing his friends of murder and still has the least faith in his detective skills out of anyone here. This is a much more notable lack of confidence in himself than he’s shown in a long time, though, which might have to do with Kaito not being there any more. While he didn’t seem to need Kaito’s direct support that much towards the end, just knowing that Kaito was there and unflinchingly believed in him made such a huge difference. Shuichi’s trying to turn to everyone else for help now like Kaito told him to, but that’s still not quite as easy as having that one person he’s completely dependent on. (Even though it’s much healthier.)
This is also just a lot harder for Shuichi to accept because there is no good excuse for this. He told himself Gonta’s consciousness had been affected, and he never doubted that Kaito had to have some selfless reason for his actions. But if Tsumugi is the mastermind, then that just means that she was never their friend and was always the one making them suffer, plain and simple, and that’s the worst thing to have to accept.
Maki:  “…What’s the matter? You can’t argue back after hearing that?”
Maki, being Maki, seems to be the first one to really accept this truth. She’s got better at having friends, but she’s still well aware that some people can just be really shitty, despite how they might appear on the surface.
(Monosuke gets blown up around about here while trying to protest that they should all just be friends. That’d have been the perfect thing to use Monodam for instead!)
Monokuma:  “See? It’s getting exciting. Shuichi is trying to reveal the mastermind… Trying to overcome despair…”
It’s really got nothing to do with overcoming despair. The fact that one of their friends was putting them through this is cause for despair, if anything. I think the phrase you’re looking for is “defeating evil”, Monokuma?
Shuichi:  (We have the mastermind cornered, why is Monokuma so calm? He should be feeling cornered as well… Forget it. We’re on the offensive here.)
Geez, Shuichi, stop doing this! The number of times he notes that something seems suspicious, and then goes “no, it’s not important now, gotta focus on the case” when it could in fact be very relevant to the case is incredible. That Ultimate Detective tunnel vision sure is powerful.
Himiko:  “Tsumugi… I don’t wanna suspect you… I wanna believe in you. I want the mastermind to be somewhere else like in the previous killing games… So… if you’re really not the mastermind then don’t give up! I’ll cheer you on!”
Aww, Himiko. I like how she’s accepted the possibility that Tsumugi is the mastermind, but she’s still trying to support the hypothetical Tsumugi who is still their friend in case that really is the Tsumugi who exists.
Monokuma:  “Hey, Shuichi. Why don’t we look over the case again?”
Shuichi:  “What?”
Monokuma:  “C’mon, that’s like, your thing. Present the truth and end this.”
It’s kind of remarkable when you think about it that this is Shuichi’s thing, that he just took to doing these Closing Arguments without knowing that that’s what the protagonist in a Danganronpa is supposed to do. Maybe that was also influenced by the Flashback Light that created him.
Monokuma:  “Cuz there are people who don’t know what the heck is going on until they get to this part!”
Does the audience even get the comic books? Team Danganronpa would have to prepare those pretty quickly if so. That’d also render all of my comments about things in the comics being Shuichi’s imagination incorrect, so I hope not. Actually, that notion makes it pretty certain that it really is only Shuichi’s imagination – if Team Danganronpa was responsible for the out-of-character evil grins for Kirumi and Gonta, they’d have also had no qualms about doing that for Kaede and Kaito too, but that’s not what we got.
If the audience really probably isn’t seeing the comics, then Shuichi just giving a verbal monologue of what happened can’t really be the best way for them to understand the case.
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Please enjoy these newly-non-ambiguous shots of Kaede nervously getting ready to do a murder, and also Kaede horrified upon having done a murder.
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This panel does suggest that Tsumugi specifically hit Rantaro with the shot in her hand rather than throwing it from a distance. That should really have got his blood all over her clothes… but then again, if she’d prepared a change of clothes in the hidden room, she could definitely have changed into them in approximately one second thanks to her cosplay powers. Then she could just leave the bloody clothes in the hidden room and quietly dispose of them way after the trial. (You’d think she’d have disposed of Kaede’s shot put ball at the same time as she did that, but. 
The Ambiguous Culprit Figure this time has Tsumugi’s glasses… and it really shouldn’t. The only reason it ever had visible items of clothing before was when they were relevant to the case and therefore needed to be shown. Tsumugi’s glasses do not matter.
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At least all evil grins on this Ambiguous Culprit Figure are entirely deserved and accurate.
Shuichi:  “If I’m wrong… please, refute me. Please tell us you aren’t the mastermind, Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer!”
I like this twist on the usual ending of a Closing Argument. He really wants to be wrong!
Monokuma:  “Y-Yes! What a scorching hot twist!”
The apparently plain ordinary girl with barely any notable personality traits, no character arc, and no real narrative reason to still be here if she isn’t the mastermind is the mastermind? Yeah, no, this isn’t actually that big of a deal, Monokuma, you’re overselling yourself.
Also, that one time Tsumugi made a reference to Danganronpa 2 way before the Hope’s Peak Flashback Light probably tipped the in-universe audience off ages ago, you know.
The two remaining kubs try to beg their dad not to blow them up in his excitement, but…
Monokuma:  “Basically, your story doesn’t matter! I gotta watch this exciting development!”
Geez, Monokuma, if you’re actually willing to acknowledge that their story doesn’t matter then why did it ever exist in the first place?
Himiko:  “Y-You can do it! You can do it, Tsumugi!”
Tsumugi:  “E-Even if you cheer me on… It’s not like that! I didn’t do it! It’s plain to see!”
Monokuma:  “Fight back, Tsumugi! C’mon! You can do it, you can do it!”
Pfft, Monokuma is parroting Himiko’s words to make her sound more insincere, which is again very Kokichi of him.
(Himiko’s stuttering a little. She’s starting to realise more and more that the Tsumugi she’s trying to cheer on really doesn’t exist, isn’t she.)
Tsumugi:  “In the Hope’s Peak killing game and in the Jabberwock Island killing game… Junko Enoshima didn’t participate. She controlled the game from outside. Even if it’s boring or repetitive, she’s always the mastermind, isn’t she!?”
There she goes making another narrative argument again, even if this one is a “the narrative is usually bad in this way so why can’t this be the same” argument. (Also known as the type of narrative argument that made me a lot less sure Kaito was alive in case 5.)
She’s also hinting at the existence of other Danganronpas that they’re not supposed to know about just from the Flashback Light. Twice isn’t precisely “repetitive” and enough to argue that it’ll definitely keep happening forever, is it?
Tsumugi:  “Junko Enoshima is…”
Monokuma:  “Junko Enoshima is what!? …Okay, time for a commercial break!”
…Do they seriously do these? Maybe the intermissions work for that a little bit, but otherwise, how do they get the characters doing the trial to stop talking about anything important for long enough to have one? Is that what the Monokubs’ pointless conversations have always been there for?
(Since we’re done with the retrial and are about to completely shift topics, this does however happen to be an appropriate moment for me to put a break between posts, so there’s that.)
[Next post]
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
It was the happiest moment of my life. The moment we spoke our vows, the promise of our unending love, the feeling when he slipped the ring on my finger, and that time when we kissed,…
… it was as if the universe conspired to make everything perfect for the two of us as husband and wife.
But, that was a year ago. Despite our efforts, we could not help but be crestfallen for the thing we desired the most but could not gain - offspring.
We consulted every possible expert we could think of but, it seemed that it really was impossible for me to conceive. And one day, we just,… stopped trying. I knew there was something wrong with me, and I could never deny it.
But, my husband, despite this condition of mine, stayed with me and remained patient and understanding. He never gave up on me and never once left me. He gave me all the love that he could, despite the fact that I was unworthy of it to begin with.
No, he never thought of me as unworthy. Never.
Then, one day, he gave me the most wonderful gift in the world. Gifts, in the form of three very different, yet precious, little girls who stood before me that one morning during my birthday.
He called them Galatea, Andromeda, and Cassandra. They were the three sisters of fate - The Bearer of The Past, The Protector of The Present, and The Aspect of The Future. The three loyal Muses that served him and guarded him.
Despite them not being human, and also not Demonic, in nature, they do mimic everything that normal little girls do. They play, sing, dance, they ask for bedtime stories, they yearn for love. And they were the most beautiful beings in all of existence.
They were,… perfect.
From that day onward, they have become my three darling daughters who stayed with me at all times, protecting us and making us whole and happy,…
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“Talk about a fine line between love and hate.
We’ve lost more than our direction of late.
Talk about a fine line between lovers and friends.
We’ve never been lovers now we’re not even friends.
In this invisible war, it seems we’re waging an invisible war.
Everyday I seem to lose you more in this invisible war.
Wounded deeply the scar is here to stay,
Opening up the little things I do or say.
You always want things to be as before.
So I make you angry and you bleed a little more.
In this invisible war, it seems we’re waging an invisible war.
Strained maneuvers keeping silent score in this invisible war.”
“Where is V?” You asked Nico for the third time that day.
Instead of saying that she didn’t know, the freckled woman sighed. “Is there something wrong, hon?” She inquired as she repaired one of Nero’s Breakers.
“Ah, nothing.” You let out with a dejected sigh.
“You sure?”
You nodded.
“Whatever you say,… ”
It was a really cold and cloudy day. Nero was snoring loudly on the sofa, Nico was doing some more Breakers for him to kill time, V was, indeed, nowhere to be found,…
… and you?
Ever since that strange encounter you had with him earlier, you couldn’t help but feel unnerved. It’s like a part of him drastically changed the moment he went back from his talk with Fleminger. You so wanted to ask him what’s bothering him, to comfort him and to offer a shoulder to lean on.
But, the fact that you just saw him got hurt with something unknown? It was like watchig a loved one suffer from the other side with bars separating them, making it impossible for one to reach the other. And it really took a toll on your sensitive emotions.
You just couldn’t stop thinking and worrying about him. And it awfully hurt not to see the usual V you have grown to admire and adore.
Silly, yes. But, you missed him so much,…
And the sad song on the radio was really not helping with your current situation, at all!
Nico noticed your behavior and cleared her throat, which successfully gained your undivided attention.
“If you’re just gonna grumble all day, then we might as well try out my new invention.”
“What’s your new invention?”
The Artisan at Arms proudly smiled and crossed her arms.
“Oh, you’ll see what I’m talkin’ about.” She gloated with a wink.
A few hours later, the two of you arrived at the farthest and most abandoned site in the city away from Fleminger’s mansion.
Nico dropped her huge rucksack on the ground and took out several pieces of unflattering clothing from it.
“What are these?” You curiously asked as she handed them to you.
“Those are special clothes made from a very durable and expandable fabric that absorbs extreme heat and pressure. I was developing it a week before this whole fiasco began.”
“And this is for me?”
“Of course!” Nico answered, crossing her arms and looking very proud. “You can’t burst out of your clothes every time you transform into that thing! We need to innovate! And we,… ” she took out a video camera from the rucksack, turned it on, and focused it at you. “… are going to test that right now.”
Staring at the woman, clueless, you muttered, “Ah, so I have to change now?”
“Of course, dummy! And make it quick!”
After scrambling to a secluded, hidden place to change, you came out wearing Nico’s invention looking like a huge walking fashion faux pas.
“Is this it?” You questioned, looking at the huge sleeves of the gray jumpsuit - like outfit that was several sizes too large for you.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Nico answered as she settled her video cam on a tripod. She took a peak at it and waved her arms. “Hey, uh, I need you to move farther away.”
You took a few steps away from Nico. “Like this?”
“Honey, I mean, further, further away. I don’t want to get disintegrated!”
You walked several feet away from Nico, trying to measure just how much the impact of your transformation would make, and when you faced her once more, she finally gave you a thumbs up.
“Okay! I need you to transform on the count of three!”
“Whenever you’re ready!”
“I’ am!”
“Alright, then! ONE, TWO, THREE!”
You called the entity’s name, summoning it, and when you felt its presence, it instantly took over your body, enveloping you with that blinding light and disintegrating everything within your immediate vicinity.
“Never gets old, (Y/N).” Nico said, whistling as she captured your mind - blowing transformation on camera. “Never gets old.”
The entity hovered for a moment, waiting for a command, until Nico finally gave it.
“Alright, hon! You can go back now!”
The seven - foot creature spread its arms, enveloping itself once more with light. And after a few heart - stopping moments later, you changed back to your original form,…
… butt - naked from head to foot.
And from the moment you realized how exposed you are, you gasped in fright, covered your private parts, then hustled back to that secluded place where you’ve been before to put on clothes.
A few minutes later, you were back, horrified to see Nico laughing non - stop,…
… and the camera still recording!
“Are you really my friend, or not?!” You shrieked at the woman, not caring in the least that your movements were being documented.
“Dude, chill! I need this for documentation!”
“Of your crappy invention?!”
“Hey! It’s a - HAHA - work of - HAHA - art!”
“Ugh, SHUT UP!”
Despite your complaints, you were back to where you transformed, wearing another one of Nico’s inventions but, this time - in the form of a school uniform.
“What,… IS THIS?!” You yelled at the woman, disgusted at how extremely short the skirt was.
“Uhh, never mind that!” Nico, who was fortunate that she was far away from you and, therefore, could not be seen sweating, answered nervously. “Another round!”
You sighed, shook your hands, took a deep breath, and morphed once more into the entity.
And, once more, Nico recorded it, along with how you morphed back, and how you were naked again.
“THIS IS NOT WORKING!” You shrieked like a depressed banshee as you made your way towards your hiding place to put on clothes.
“You’re almost there!” Nico reassured you a few moments later as she recorded you once more, this time with you wearing what looked like a risqué pop idol cosplay. “Don’t worry! You look hella cute!”
“Just get on with it!”
And so, you transformed once more, went back,…
“THIS IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE!” You angrily shrieked, this time not even bothering to run away to get dressed. You just strode angrily towards Nico, who was still filming you in all your naked glory. “And why do you have to film me getting myself naked? You’re planning something, aren’t you?!”
Nico laughed nervously, her sweat instantly giving her away. “What do you mean by that?! I’m so not going to let V see this!”
“UGH!” You let your frustration out as you face palmed. Of course, she’s planning to let V see all this!
However, at the mention of the poet’s name, you heard a noise coming from somewhere not far away. Nico stopped panic explaining as soon as she saw you getting your guard up.
You swore that whoever’s watching you, they would not get out of this alive. Not when you’ve exposed yourself over and over.
You took simple, wary steps to your left.
“Hey, Nico,” you began. “I think I left something at the van.”
“What’s that?” The woman played along, knowing your plan by instinct.
“V’s jacket! I remember he told me to mend it,…”
And surely enough, the two of you heard the noise once more. It sounded like,… a squawk?
Your eyes widened. You gave Nico a subtle nod and made a quick dive behind one of the boulders.
There was a struggle, a lot of noises and curses, and a few agonizing minutes later, you finally came out, dragging a blue demonic bird by its beak.
“MHMH! MHMH! MMHHMMHH!” Griffon yelled through his muffled beak.
“Ohoho, so the little chickee really wants to be cooked in a steel pot, after all!” Nico taunted, making the bird struggle even more, to no avail.
“BRING OUT THE STEEL POT!” You madly boomed, not letting go of Griffon’s beak. “I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS BIRD IS BREWING UP!”
“MMMHHHMMM! NNNYYYEEERRRHHHGGG!” The bird panicked once more but, this time, he was able to let out a weak electrical current, enough for you to let him go.
“FUCK! FUCK! FFFUUUCCCKKK! I THOUGHT I’M DONE FOR!” Griffon squawked, flying just a few inches above your head. “WHAT’S YER PROBLEM, WOMAN?! YE TRYNA KILL ME BY COVERIN’ MA NOSE?!”
“Ah,…” you stuttered but, then, remembered that you wouldn’t do such a thing to him if he didn’t start anything in the first place. “YOU CAN’T BLAME ME! You know, all you need to do is ask and I’ll definitely allow you to come along,…”
“Wait, don’t tell me Chickee here knows the secret?!” Nico exclaimed, pointing at you and Griffon.
After a minute or so of explanation on how Griffon came to know your secret, Nico nodded knowingly, finally accepting the fact that the bird was now in on all your secrets from that fateful day onward.
“So, let me get this straight, Chickee knows the secret but, V doesn’t?” Nico questioned.
“Y - yeah,… ?” The bird hesitantly answered.
“WHAT’S THAT? YOU TOLD V, DIDN’T YOU?!” You yelled at the bird as you grabbed his wings.
“He’s telling the truth.” You finally admitted as you let him go.
“WAIT!” Nico, who seemed to not let go of the issue just yet, stopped you. “If you’re here, then V is here, too!”
Griffon’s eyes widened. “Hehe, well,…”
“AHH!” You shrieked in embarrassment as you covered your parts and literally collapsed on the ground, feeling your body heat up.
Now, it was Nico’s turn to grab the demonic bird by his beak.
“Keep messin’ with us, and you’ll really have to say bye bye to your pretty little Shakespeare!”
After a few more threats to the poor bird, you three had finally managed to settle down. You, now fully dressed and officially through with Nico’s experiments, were taking a nap, leaning against the wall inside the abandoned building. The freckled woman was putting the camera back to her rucksack,…
… and Griffon? It was safe to say that the bird has started sniffing you for some unknown reason. Your friend noticed this and called his attention.
“Hey! I know that’s a chick you’re sniffin’ there but, ya just can’t do that without V’s permission. He’ll get real mad!” Nico mumbled in a whisper to avoid waking you up.
“Ah! Haha! Well, tryna sniff some bugs out,…” Griffon nervously lied, then whispered, more to himself, “That’s weird, I can’t smell anythin’!”
“I heard that!” Nico retorted as she quickly made her way towards you and him to shelter herself from the impending rain.
“Can’t ya smell anythin’ weird about her?”
“Weird? You mean bad odor, or - ?”
“Not bad odor!” Griffon shrieked.
“Oh, sorry.”
Nico raised an eyebrow as she sat next to you and wrapped her arms around her knees for added warmth. It really was getting a bit colder.
“You’ve been actin’ weird. Especially that Shakespeare dude! Where’s V, huh? And you better start tellin’ me the truth.”
“He’s,… ah,… somewhere! Yeah, somewhere,… ”
“Well, I can’t really tell ya! Just know that he’s out there but, not close here, yeah?”
“Whatever.” Nico said, rolling her eyes. She pushed the rim of her red - framed glasses closer to her nose bridge and went on interrogating the bird. “And what do ya mean by that odor?”
If birds could sweat, Griffon could probably produce buckets by now. Fortunately, it was slightly hard to see through his real emotions due to his brash nature.
After all, Nico would surely suspect something if he told her that V sent him to spy on you.
And for what reason?
V actually didn’t fully believe everything that Fleminger person told him. He said to him the exact opposite of what he truly believed in, and, confused to the core he may be, he wanted to make sure if the guy was telling the truth, or not. He just couldn’t do the spying, himself, as of the moment. It just felt wrong to do it to a lady such as you.
After all, he did come to adore you despite the really short time you’ve been together. And he’s not letting anyone ruin that.
Not now when,…
So, he wanted to make sure by first sending Griffon to you. If the demonic avian failed to produce results, then he’d be the one who will do the interrogation, himself but, only as a last resort.
He would never believe that YOU were the Dreadnought, and he’s willing to prove it so that he could slap that hard truth to Fleminger’s face. Along with Shadow’s scratches to boot.
The only problem was, he didn’t know that you were hiding secrets from him, yourself. That alone was truly suspicious, and Griffon knew all that. The Demon just opted not to tell V that, for he had also learned to love you as a friend after the Malphas event. You’ve been a really good person and a protector to him, and he, like V, hoped that Fleminger was wrong about you.
“Hey!” Nico said, snapping her fingers to get Griffon’s attention.
“The odor? I was asking about (Y/N)’s odor.”
Ah, crap, Griffon thought. Should I let this woman know?! She’s her friend! She could easily tell whether (Y/N)’s the fuckin’ Dreadnought or not!
“Well! I, uh,…”
“Speaking of which,” Nico interrupted, much to the bird’s rotten luck. Or, was it? “… Nero has been bugging me with this non - existent apple pie he’s been sniffin’ round about three days ago. I mean, I can’t even bake. But, if it’s Kyrie then - !”
“If the pimple kid’s a Demon, then that makes total sense! I - ” Griffon blurted out without even thinking, making the woman stare at him in disbelief. He gulped audibly, his nerves getting the better of him. “Ah, oops?”
Nico raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “And what does that supposed to mean?”
“Ah, what?”
“AH! AAHH! NNRRGGHH!” Griffon squawked and started flapping his wings wildly in panic.
“HEY! I’M ONLY ASKING A QUESTION!” Nico said in an effort to make the bird calm down. “Unless,… ” she stood up and pointed a tattooed finger at him. “… YOU’RE REALLY HIDING SOMETHING FROM US!”
Griffon was moving too much that he accidentally scratched your arm in accident.
“DUMBASS!” Nico grabbed the bird’s talons, taking them away from you. “LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE!”
“G - guys,… ” You muttered, finally waking up due to the noise and the sudden pain in your arm. “What’s happening?”
“It’s the chicken’s fault!” Nico shrieked, shaking the bird in annoyance.
You gave them a confused look, then glanced at the now bloody wound on your arm. You shook your head in disbelief.
“Do not be too hard on the creature. I will heal.” You tiredly responded, standing up and making your way outside despite the rain.
“Hon, it’s still raining.” Nico pleaded as she finally let Griffon go.
“It matters not.” You answered monotonously. “This body would soon perish, after all,…”
“Come again?”
It took both Nico and Griffon a few seconds to realize that your voice sounded different, the way you moved looked suspicious,…
… and your eyes seemed a different shade,…
“(Y/N), is that you?” Nico asked, wary of her own movements.
“That is the name of our vessel.” You answered, further confirming that you were taken over by the entity in a space of only a few moments right after waking up.
“Our?” Griffon added. “What do ya mean by that, sweet pea?”
“Feeble minds would never be able to comprehend the meaning of our existence. Humans and Demons alike perceived us as one.” You glanced back at them, only for them to see that you have completely changed your appearance.
To Nico and Griffon, you now looked like a tall and slender woman with beautiful dark skin and equally dark and abundant hair. Your large, mournful eyes shone brightly and looked upon them with such enigma that none of them dared to utter a word.
“We are one. However, at the same time, we are three. I’ am the Aspect of The Future.” You, or the entity, made yourself known. “I’ am here in this crucial moment to partake of a vital information from the near future.”
“Future?” Nico bravely asked whilst Griffon remained silent. “You have a prediction for us?”
The entity, or The Aspect of The Future, bowed her regal head.
“In four days time, two hearts would be ripped open, blood shall be spilled, and emotions will clash upon uneven ground. A Prince will awaken and a King shall rise. The Pale Ones would make their move and engulf the whole world in darkness. Only then would the third and final heart, the one who would regret the most, be stabbed by their own doing.”
“That sounds,… cheerful,…” Nico added sarcastically to somehow lighten the mood. She might have poked fun at you for changing into that light being who can disintegrate your clothes but, she just couldn’t make fun of this particular entity who made unfunny prophecies.
Griffon flew towards the entity before Nico could even stop him.
“You said something before about crying and kneeling, and whatever that was.” The demonic bird questioned. “What’s up with that? Another twisted plot on a fuckin’ t.v. show?!”
“My answer remains the same.” The entity answered calmly. “At the final hours of the evening and the last radiance of the wounded moon, the past will weep, the present will kneel, and the future will die.”
“The future will die?” Nico cut in. “Is that what you mean by your body perishing soon?”
But, the entity did not answer. Instead, she went past Griffon and made her way towards the woman.
“Would you weep, human?”
“Uh, it depends,…” Nico simply answered. It’s the plain truth! Why would she cry at the prophet’s death?
“You are strong and vigilant. Remain as such until the promised hour.” The entity answered, then went back towards Griffon.
“Ahh, ya have somethin’ for me?” Griffon asked.
“Remain true to your instincts.” The entity told him. “Even in the face of true danger.”
“Okay,… WHAT?!”
The entity nodded, then faced away from them, glancing at the depressing weather outside. Nico, who was curious to know more, followed suit.
“Why are you telling us all this? Isn’t the future kind of forbidden to tell? And why show yourself now? Because the world is ending and some shit?”
“And so, you believed me?”
“Well, yeah! I believed in my friend, and her power comes from you! Of course, I believe you.”
“Such innocence,…” the entity simply stated, then released a sound that sounded strangely like a chuckle. “There was a time when I was stoned by my own people for warning them of such dangers. No one believed me, and that is my eternal curse. A curse for turning away a powerful lover. He gave me this power.”
“No one’s stoning you here.” Griffon said, joining the two. “That’s just barbaric.”
“Is there a way to prevent all this bad stuff from happening?” Nico finally asked, positively itching to know the solution. Well, there must be! “Like a plan B, or somethin’?”
“There is no alternative. Everything I told you is inevitable.”
“So, that’s it, huh? All of us will fuckin’ die?” Griffon slightly yelled at the entity for being so pessimistic.
She looked at him and gave him a meaningful glance. “There is,… an alternative.”
Griffon and Nico’s eyes widened as they looked at each other in utter surprise.
“And it all depends on one.” The entity finished.
“One what?!” Both Nico and Griffon questioned, to which they were just ignored as the entity glanced back at the weather outside.
“By then, the past shall still weep but, not for long, the present shall forever kneel but, the future,… may no longer die. That is,… a nice thought. If only,…”
“If only,… ?” Nico asked in an attempt to keep the entity talking.
However, the strange creature remained silent as she watched every single drop of the rain.
“It has been,… a long time since I watched the rain.” She quietly said, her voice as gentle and calm as possible. “It is so calm, so peaceful. A fitting start to an end.”
Nico sighed. They never truly heard something positive from her other than her proposed plan B, which was still very vague, much to their distaste.
“I’m afraid I’m keeping your friend.” The entity told them. “I must go, for her strength must be replenished.”
Both the entity and Nico looked at Griffon, surprised at what he just blurted out.
“Speak, creature of the night.”
“I, ahh,…” Griffon began, unsure how to bring up the Dreadnought issue. “I just wanna know, is,… is (Y/N) an, ah, err, an,… ah, how to say this?”
“Just spit it out, Chickee!” Nico blurted out, crossing her arms once more.
“Is (Y/N) an enemy? I just wanna know.” And just like that, the words were finally out from him like removing a thorn piercing his heart.
“I see.” The entity said. All of a sudden, her body was engulfed with light, like she was catching on fire. “It entirely depends,… on the beholder.”
And with those final words, the entity vanished, leaving behind her vessel.
Your eyes were closed shut, and when you finally opened them, you were surprised to see both Nico and Griffon staring at you with open mouths.
“Did I just do something weird?” You asked them, which made them convinced that you did not remember everything that just happened.
“No!” Nico answered with a nervous laugh.
“That’s it! I just gotta tell V that she’s not an enemy, right?!” Griffon said to himself, entirely forgetting that you and Nico could totally hear him.
“What are you talking about?” You asked him.
“Ah! Nothin’ ! Gotta go!”
And, just like that, the demonic bird flew away, his strange words and behavior making him even more suspicious.
“I will wait for as long as it takes. I only ask for one thing: don’t forget about me.”
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
It was the happiest moment of my life. The moment we spoke our vows, the promise of our unending love, the feeling when he slipped the ring on my finger, and that time when we kissed,...
... it was as if the universe conspired to make everything perfect for the two of us as husband and wife.
But, that was a year ago. Despite our efforts, we could not help but be crestfallen for the thing we desired the most but could not gain - offspring.
We consulted every possible expert we could think of but, it seemed that it really was impossible for me to conceive. And one day, we just,... stopped trying. I knew there was something wrong with me, and I could never deny it.
But, my husband, despite this condition of mine, stayed with me and remained patient and understanding. He never gave up on me and never once left me. He gave me all the love that he could, despite the fact that I was unworthy of it to begin with.
No, he never thought of me as unworthy. Never.
Then, one day, he gave me the most wonderful gift in the world. Gifts, in the form of three very different, yet precious, little girls who stood before me that one morning during my birthday.
He called them Galatea, Andromeda, and Cassandra. They were the three sisters of fate - The Bearer of The Past, The Protector of The Present, and The Aspect of The Future. The three loyal Muses that served him and guarded him.
Despite them not being human, and also not Demonic, in nature, they do mimic everything that normal little girls do. They play, sing, dance, they ask for bedtime stories, they yearn for love. And they were the most beautiful beings in all of existence.
They were,... perfect.
From that day onward, they have become my three darling daughters who stayed with me at all times, protecting us and making us whole and happy,...
"Talk about a fine line between love and hate.
We've lost more than our direction of late.
Talk about a fine line between lovers and friends.
We've never been lovers now we're not even friends.
In this invisible war, it seems we're waging an invisible war.
Everyday I seem to lose you more in this invisible war.
Wounded deeply the scar is here to stay,
Opening up the little things I do or say.
You always want things to be as before.
So I make you angry and you bleed a little more.
In this invisible war, it seems we're waging an invisible war.
Strained maneuvers keeping silent score in this invisible war."
"Where is V?" You asked Nico for the third time that day.
Instead of saying that she didn't know, the freckled woman sighed. "Is there something wrong, hon?" She inquired as she repaired one of Nero's Breakers.
"Ah, nothing." You let out with a dejected sigh.
"You sure?"
You nodded.
"Whatever you say,... "
It was a really cold and cloudy day. Nero was snoring loudly on the sofa, Nico was doing some more Breakers for him to kill time, V was, indeed, nowhere to be found,...
... and you?
Ever since that strange encounter you had with him earlier, you couldn't help but feel unnerved. It's like a part of him drastically changed the moment he went back from his talk with Fleminger. You so wanted to ask him what's bothering him, to comfort him and to offer a shoulder to lean on.
But, the fact that you just saw him got hurt with something unknown? It was like watchig a loved one suffer from the other side with bars separating them, making it impossible for one to reach the other. And it really took a toll on your sensitive emotions.
You just couldn't stop thinking and worrying about him. And it awfully hurt not to see the usual V you have grown to admire and adore.
Silly, yes. But, you missed him so much,...
And the sad song on the radio was really not helping with your current situation, at all!
Nico noticed your behavior and cleared her throat, which succesfully gained your undivided attention.
"If you're just gonna grumble all day, then we might as well try out my new invention."
"What's your new invention?"
The Artisan at Arms proudly smiled and crossed her arms.
"Oh, you'll see what I'm talkin' about." She gloated with a wink.
A few hours later, the two of you arrived at the farthest and most abandoned site in the city away from Fleminger's mansion.
Nico dropped her huge rucksack on the ground and took out several pieces of unflattering clothing from it.
"What are these?" You curiously asked as she handed them to you.
"Those are special clothes made from a very durable and expandable fabric that absorbs extreme heat and pressure. I was developing it a week before this whole fiasco began."
"And this is for me?"
"Of course!" Nico answered, crossing her arms and looking very proud. "You can't burst out of your clothes every time you transform into that thing! We need to innovate! And we,... " she took out a video camera from the rucksack, turned it on, and focused it at you. "... are going to test that right now."
Staring at the woman, clueless, you muttered, "Ah, so I have to change now?"
"Of course, dummy! And make it quick!"
After scrambling to a secluded, hidden place to change, you came out wearing Nico's invention looking like a huge walking fashion faux pas.
"Is this it?" You questioned, looking at the huge sleeves of the gray jumpsuit - like outfit that was several sizes too large for you.
"Pretty much, yeah." Nico answered as she settled her video cam on a tripod. She took a peak at it and waved her arms. "Hey, uh, I need you to move farther away."
You took a few steps away from Nico. "Like this?"
"Honey, I mean, further, further away. I don't want to get disintegrated!"
You walked several feet away from Nico, trying to measure just how much the impact of your transformation would make, and when you faced her once more, she finally gave you a thumbs up.
"Okay! I need you to transform on the count of three!"
"Whenever you're ready!"
"I' am!"
"Alright, then! ONE, TWO, THREE!"
You called the entity's name, summoning it, and when you felt its presence, it instantly took over your body, enveloping you with that blinding light and disintegrating everything within your immediate vicinity.
"Never gets old, (Y/N)." Nico said, whistling as she captured your mind - blowing transformation on camera. "Never gets old."
The entity hovered on the ground for a moment, waiting for a command, until Nico finally gave it.
"Alright, hon! You can go back now!"
The seven - foot creature spread its arms, enveloping itself once more with light. And after a few heart - stopping moments later, you changed back to your original form,...
... butt - naked from head to foot.
And from the moment you realized how exposed you are, you gasped in fright, covered your private parts, then hustled back to that secluded place where you've been before to put on clothes.
A few minutes later, you were back, horrified to see Nico laughing non - stop,...
... and the camera still recording!
"Are you really my friend, or not?!" You shrieked at the woman, not caring in the least that your movements were being documented.
"Dude, chill! I need this for documentation!"
"Of your crappy invention?!"
"Hey! It's a - HAHA - work of - HAHA - art!"
"Ugh, SHUT UP!"
Despite your complaints, you were back to where you transformed, wearing another one of Nico's inventions but, this time - in the form of a school uniform.
"What,... IS THIS?!" You yelled at the woman, disgusted at how extremely short the skirt was.
"Uhh, never mind that!" Nico, who was fortunate that she was far away from you and, therefore, could not be seen sweating, answered nervously. "Another round!"
You sighed, shook your hands, took a deep breath, and morphed once more into the entity.
And, once more, Nico recorded it, along with how you morphed back, and how you were naked again.
"THIS IS NOT WORKING!" You shrieked like a depressed banshee as you made your way towards your hiding place to put on clothes.
"You're almost there!" Nico reassured you a few moments later as she recorded you once more, this time with you wearing what looked like a risqué pop idol cosplay. "Don't worry! You look hella cute!"
"Just get on with it!"
And so, you transformed once more, went back,...
"THIS IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" You angrily shrieked, this time not even bothering to run away to get dressed. You just strode angrily towards Nico, who was still filming you in all your naked glory. "And why do you have to film me getting myself naked? You're planning something, aren't you?!"
Nico laughed nervously, her sweat instantly giving her away. "What do you mean by that?! I'm so not going to let V see this!"
"UGH!" You let your frustration out as you facepalmed. Of course, she's planning to let V see all this!
However, at the mention of the poet's name, you heard a noise coming from somewhere not far away. Nico stopped panic explaining as soon as she saw you getting your guard up.
You swore that whoever's watching you, they would not get out of this alive. Not when you've exposed yourself over and over.
You took simple, wary steps to your left.
"Hey, Nico," you began. "I think I left something at the van."
"What's that?" The woman played along, knowing your plan by instinct.
"V's jacket! I remember he told me to mend it,..."
And surely enough, the two of you heard the noise once more. It sounded like,... a squawk?
Your eyes widened. You gave Nico a subtle nod and made a quick dive behind one of the boulders.
There was a struggle, a lot of noises and curses, and a few agonizing minutes later, you finally came out, dragging a blue demonic bird by its beak.
"MHMH! MHMH! MMHHMMHH!" Griffon yelled through his muffled beak.
"Ohoho, so the little chickee really wants to be cooked in a steel pot, after all!" Nico taunted, making the bird struggle even more, to no avail.
"BRING OUT THE STEEL POT!" You madly boomed, not letting go of Griffon's beak. "I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS BIRD IS BREWING UP!"
"MMMHHHMMM! NNNYYYEEERRRHHHGGG!" The bird panicked once more but, this time, he was able to let out a weak electrical current, enough for you to let him go.
"FUCK! FUCK! FFFUUUCCCKKK! I THOUGHT I'M DONE FOR!" Griffon squawked, flying just a few inches above your head. "WHAT'S YER PROBLEM, WOMAN?! YE TRYNA KILL ME BY COVERIN' MA NOSE?!"
"Ah,..." you stuttered but, then, remembered that you wouldn't do such a thing to him if he didn't start anything in the first place. "YOU CAN'T BLAME ME! You know, all you need to do is ask and I'll definitely allow you to come along,..."
"Wait, don't tell me Chickee here knows the secret?!" Nico exclaimed, pointing at you and Griffon.
After a minute or so of explanation on how Griffon came to know your secret, Nico nodded knowingly, finally accepting the fact that the bird was now in on all your secrets from that fateful day onward.
"So, let me get this straight, Chickee knows the secret but, V doesn't?" Nico questioned.
"Y - yeah,... ?" The bird hesitantly answered.
"WHAT'S THAT? YOU TOLD V, DIDN'T YOU?!" You yelled at the bird as you grabbed his wings.
"He's telling the truth." You finally admitted as you let him go.
"WAIT!" Nico, who seemed to not let go of the issue just yet, stopped you. "If you're here, then V is here, too!"
Griffon's eyes widened. "Hehe, well,..."
"AHH!" You shrieked in embarrassment as you covered your parts and literally collapsed on the ground, feeling your body heat up.
Now, it was Nico's turn to grab the demonic bird by his beak.
"Keep messin' with us, and you'll really have to say bye bye to your pretty little Shakespeare!"
After a few more threats to the poor bird, you three had finally managed to settle down. You, now fully dressed and officially through with Nico's experiments, were taking a nap, leaning against the wall inside the abandoned building. The freckled woman was putting the camera back to her rucksack,...
... and Griffon? It was safe to say that the bird has started sniffing you for some unknown reason. Your friend noticed this and called his attention.
"Hey! I know that's a chick you're sniffin' there but, ya just can't do that without V's permission. He'll get real mad!" Nico mumbled in a whisper to avoid waking you up.
"Ah! Haha! Well, tryna sniff some bugs out,..." Griffon nervously lied, then whispered, more to himself, "That's weird, I can't smell anythin'!"
"I heard that!" Nico retorted as she quickly made her way towards you and him to shelter herself from the impending rain.
"Can't ya smell anythin' weird about her?"
"Weird? You mean bad odor, or - ?"
"Not bad odor!" Griffon shrieked.
"Oh, sorry."
Nico raised an eyebrow as she sat next to you and wrapped her arms around her knees for added warmth. It really was getting a bit colder.
"You've been actin' weird. Especially that Shakespeare dude! Where's V, huh? And you better start tellin' me the truth."
"He's,... ah,... somewhere! Yeah, somewhere,... "
"Well, I can't really tell ya! Just know that he's out there but, not close here, yeah?"
"Whatever." Nico said, rolling her eyes. She pushed the rim of her red - framed glasses closer to her nose bridge and went on interrogating the bird. "And what do ya mean by that odor?"
If birds could sweat, Griffon could probably produce buckets by now. Fortunately, it was slightly hard to see through his real emotions due to his brash nature.
After all, Nico would surely suspect something if he told her that V sent him to spy on you.
And for what reason?
V actually didn't fully believe everything that Fleminger person told him. He said to him the exact opposite of what he truly believed in, and, confused to the core he may be, he wanted to make sure if the guy was telling the truth, or not. He just couldn't do the spying, himself, as of the moment. It just felt wrong to do it to a lady such as you.
After all, he did come to adore you despite the really short time you've been together. And he's not letting anyone ruin that.
Not now when,...
So, he wanted to make sure by first sending Griffon to you. If the demonic avian failed to produce results, then he'd be the one who will do the interrogation, himself but, only as a last resort.
He would never believe that YOU were the Dreadnought, and he's willing to prove it so that he could slap that hard truth to Fleminger's face. Along with Shadow's scratches to boot.
The only problem was, he didn't know that you were hiding secrets from him, yourself. That alone was truly suspicious, and Griffon knew all that. The Demon just opted not to tell V that, for he had also learned to love you as a friend after the Malphas event. You've been a really good person and a protector to him, and he, like V, hoped that Fleminger was wrong about you.
"Hey!" Nico said, snapping her fingers to get Griffon's attention.
"The odor? I was asking about (Y/N)'s odor."
Ah, crap, Griffon thought. Should I let this woman know?! She's her friend! She could easily tell whether (Y/N)'s the fuckin' Dreadnought or not!
"Well! I, uh,..."
"Speaking of which," Nico interrupted, much to the bird's rotten luck. Or, was it? "... Nero has been bugging me with this non - existent apple pie he's been sniffin' round about three days ago. I mean, I can't even bake. But, if it's Kyrie then - !"
"If the pimple kid's a Demon, then that makes total sense! I - " Griffon blurted out without even thinking, making the woman stare at him in disbelief. He gulped audibly, his nerves getting the better of him. "Ah, oops?"
Nico raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "And what does that supposed to mean?"
"Ah, what?"
"AH! AAHH! NNRRGGHH!" Griffon squawked and started flapping his wings wildly in panic.
"HEY! I'M ONLY ASKING A QUESTION!" Nico said in an effort to make the bird calm down. "Unless,... " she stood up and pointed a tattooed finger at him. "... YOU'RE REALLY HIDING SOMETHING FROM US!"
Griffon was moving too much that he accidentally scratched your arm in accident.
"DUMBASS!" Nico grabbed the bird's talons, taking them away from you. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
"G - guys,... " You muttered, finally waking up due to the noise and the sudden pain in your arm. "What's happening?"
"It's the chicken's fault!" Nico shrieked, shaking the bird in annoyance.
You gave them a confused look, then glanced at the now bloody wound on your arm. You shook your head in disbelief.
"Do not be too hard on the creature. I will heal." You tiredly responded, standing up and making your way outside despite the rain.
"Hon, it's still raining." Nico pleaded as she finally let Griffon go.
"It matters not." You answered monotonously. "This body would soon perish, after all,..."
"Come again?"
It took both Nico and Griffon a few seconds to realize that your voice sounded different, the way you moved looked suspicious,...
... and your eyes seemed a different shade,...
"(Y/N), is that you?" Nico asked, wary of her own movements.
"That is the name of our vessel." You answered, further confirming that you were taken over by the entity in a space of only a few moments right after waking up.
"Our?" Griffon added. "What do ya mean by that, sweet pea?"
"Feeble minds would never be able to comprehend the meaning of our existence. Humans and Demons alike perceived us as one." You glanced back at them, only for them to see that you have completely changed your appearance.
To Nico and Griffon, you now looked like a tall and slender woman with beautiful dark skin and equally dark and abundant hair. Your large, mournful eyes shone brightly and looked upon them with such enigma that none of them dared to utter a word.
"We are one. However, at the same time, we are three. I' am the Aspect of The Future." You, or the entity, made yourself known. "I' am here in this crucial moment to partake of a vital information from the near future."
"Future?" Nico bravely asked whilst Griffon remained silent. "You have a prediction for us?"
The entity, or The Aspect of The Future, bowed her regal head.
"In four days time, two hearts would be ripped open, blood shall be spilled, and emotions will clash upon uneven ground. A Prince will awaken and a King shall rise. The Pale Ones would make their move and engulf the whole world in darkness. Only then would the third and final heart, the one who would regret the most, be stabbed by their own doing."
"That sounds,... cheerful,..." Nico added sarcastically to somehow lighten the mood. She might have poked fun at you for changing into that light being who can disintegrate your clothes but, she just couldn't make fun of this particular entity who made unfunny prophecies.
Griffon flew towards the entity before Nico could even stop him.
"You said something before about crying and kneeling, and whatever that was." The demonic bird questioned. "What's up with that? Another twisted plot on a fuckin' t.v. show?!"
"My answer remains the same." The entity answered calmly. "At the final hours of the evening and the last radiance of the wounded moon, the past will weep, the present will kneel, and the future will die."
"The future will die?" Nico cut in. "Is that what you mean by your body perishing soon?"
But, the entity did not answer. Instead, she went past Griffon and made her way towards the woman.
"Would you weep, human?"
"Uh, it depends,..." Nico said matter - of - factly. It's the plain truth! Why would she cry at the prophet's death?
"You are strong and vigilant. Remain as such until the promised hour." The entity answered, then went back towards Griffon.
"Ahh, ya have somethin' for me?" Griffon asked.
"Remain true to your instincts." The entity told him. "Even in the face of true danger."
"Okay,... WHAT?!"
The entity nodded, then faced away from them, glancing at the depressing weather outside. Nico, who was curious to know more, followed suit.
"Why are you telling us all this? Isn't the future kind of forbidden to tell? And why show yourself now? Because the world is ending and some shit?"
"And so, you believed me?"
"Well, yeah! I believed in my friend, and her power comes from you! Of course, I believe you."
"Such innocence,..." the entity simply stated, then released a sound that sounded strangely like a chuckle. "There was a time when I was stoned by my own people for warning them of such dangers. No one believed me, and that is my eternal curse. A curse for turning away a powerful lover. He gave me this power."
"No one's stoning you here." Griffon said, joining the two. "That's just barbaric."
"Is there a way to prevent all this bad stuff from happening?" Nico finally asked, positively itching to know the solution. Well, there must be! "Like a plan B, or somethin'?"
"There is no alternative. Everything I told you is inevitable."
"So, that's it, huh? All of us will fuckin' die?" Griffon slightly yelled at the entity for being so pessimistic.
She looked at him and gave him a meaningful glance. "There is,... an alternative."
Griffon and Nico's eyes widened as they looked at each other in utter surprise.
"And it all depends on one." The entity finished.
"One what?!" Both Nico and Griffon questioned, to which they were just ignored as the entity glanced back at the weather outside.
"By then, the past shall still weep but, not for long, the present shall forever kneel but, the future,... may no longer die. That is,... a nice thought. If only,..."
"If only,... ?" Nico asked in an attempt to keep the entity talking.
However, the strange creature remained silent as she watched every single drop of the rain.
"It has been,... a long time since I watched the rain." She quietly said, her voice as gentle and calm as possible. "It is so calm, so peaceful. A fitting start to an end."
Nico sighed. They never truly heard something positive from her other than her proposed plan B, which was still very vague, much to their distaste.
"I'm afraid I'm keeping your friend." The entity told them. "I must go, for her strength must be replenished."
Both the entity and Nico looked at Griffon, surprised at what he just blurted out.
"Speak, creature of the night."
"I, ahh,..." Griffon began, unsure how to bring up the Dreadnought issue. "I just wanna know, is,... is (Y/N) an, ah, err, an,... ah, how to say this?"
"Just spit it out, Chickee!" Nico blurted out, crossing her arms once more.
"Is (Y/N) an enemy? I just wanna know." And just like that, the words were finally out from him like removing a thorn piercing his heart.
"I see." The entity said. All of a sudden, her body was engulfed with light, like she was catching on fire. "It entirely depends,... on the beholder."
And with those final words, the entity vanished, leaving behind her vessel.
Your eyes were closed shut, and when you finally opened them, you were surprised to see both Nico and Griffon staring at you with open mouths.
"Did I just do something weird?" You asked them, which made them convinced that you did not remember everything that just happened.
"No!" Nico answered with a nervous laugh.
"That's it! I just gotta tell V that she's not an enemy, right?!" Griffon said to himself, entirely forgetting that you and Nico could totally hear him.
"What are you talking about?" You asked him.
"Ah! Nothin' ! Gotta go!"
And, just like that, the demonic bird flew away, his strange words and behavior making him even more suspicious.
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein heavy rain means lost videos and Apocalypse. 🖤
~ Tagging @heaven-on-a-landslide , @lessy86 , @boundbysoul , @simmy-ships , @ehrzeth , @ceruleanworld , @gxthghoulfriend , and @diabeticsugarush . Thank you for all your support.
"I will wait for as long as it takes. I only ask for one thing: don't forget about me."
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aubretia23 · 6 years
BoruSara: cameras and photographs
@kairi-chan The vast difference in the original idea at this prompt and the final product continues to astound me. I hope this is up to your tastes. Inspired by an actual BoruSara cosplay, that poster of Boruto in a tuxedo by SP and Boruto SD. Post-Mujina arc but pre-Ao arc.
“Alright, so tell me again. Why were all three of us hired?” Sarada’s gruntled voice came from behind the doors of one of the vanity rooms in the clothes’ trailer.
“Ah, the designer for this clothing line saw you and Boruto arguing in front of Thunder Burger and immediately picked up on your natural chemistry together. He wanted models for his new clothing line for teenagers and decided that the two of you together would be perfect to showcase his work. I and Sensei, I believe, on the other hand, were hired to prevent the two of you from murdering each other.” Mitsuki explained calmly from his seat outside the door.
The former Land of Whirlpools, now a part of the Land of Fire, was quite a well known tourist spot and it’s beaches were iconic. A paid work trip to this place was a blessing, particularly after the stinging probation imposed on Boruto.
A good thing too. In Konohamaru-Sensei’s opinion, Boruto really needed to get out of Konoha, for at least a little while, where he was simultaneously either being insulted quite audibly for cheating or being drooled and fawned over for being a hero who was instrumental in rescuing the Seventh Hokage. The Chunin Exams was a sobering experience for the entire team, showing them that records and reputations in the shinobi world are as fickle as hell, and this trip was a blessing no matter how one looks at it.
“I know that! And he and I have no chemistry. Ugh…Boruto is going to make fun of me again.” Sarada groaned.
“I don’t think he will. You look quite pleasant in anything you wear.” Mitsuki pointed out.
“He will! I just know it! He told me that cute clothes don’t suit me at all just a few weeks ago!” Sarada’s face flushed up in anger as the memory of the humiliating incident flashed before her eyes.
“Well, considering the clothes you are supposed to showcase are rather……risqué than cute, I sincerely doubt it.” Mitsuki smiled in plain amusement.
“Hey guys! What do you think?”
The doors of a vanity room down the trailer opened up to reveal a grinning Boruto. Dressed sharply in a mahogany tuxedo, Boruto’s beautiful blue eyes sparkled in contrast to his baby pink shirt and strawberry pink tie. His messy golden hair stood up handsomely. The white leather belt and black leather shoes complimented the entire attire beautifully. Boruto looked boyishly handsome.
“You look good.” Mitsuki smiles appreciatively.
“Good?!” Boruto grinned cheekily as he appraised himself in a nearby floor length mirror. “I look great!”
Mitsuki chokes back a snicker at Boruto’s enthusiasm. It is good to see him enjoying himself for the first time in a while. But now he had work to do. If he didn’t, Boruto is going to die single and childless in all probability.
“So, I heard you told Sarada that cute clothes don’t suit her.” Mitsuki said, dropping his voice to a low volume and moving away from near Sarada’s vanity room, lest she hears them through the door.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” Boruto, sweating and grinning in chagrin, put up his hands in defence. “That one with it’s frills and bows looked something out of Hima’s wardrobe. That’s not really Sarada’s style. She usually wears preppy and schoolgirl.”
“And risqué as well.” Mitsuki pointed out, appreciating Boruto’s fashion awareness.
“Umm…yeah. That too.” Boruto’s cheeks coloured up a bit. “Her clothes tend to be a bit…tomboyish, that aside. I was just caught off guard that day.”
“I think Sarada would look very good in cute clothes.” Mitsuki complimented his female teammate sincerely.
“I am not saying she won’t-”
“Guys! What do you think?”
The doors of Sarada’s vanity room threw open to reveal their female teammate. An audible gasp left Boruto’s jaw wide open while Mitsuki’s eyes lit up in appreciation. Her long legs were gracefully tipped with black low heeled ballerina shoes. The glossy black leather mini skirt had a black spaghetti top and a black lace overshirt tucked into it. A golden necklace with a crystal pendant hung around her neck while her lips were stained a glossy red. Sarada looked like a picture of allure and innocence simultaneously.
“You look very good.” Mitsuki assured Sarada. “She does, doesn’t she, Boruto?” Mitsuki turned to his ‘sun’, hoping silently that he doesn’t screw up this time. The last time Sarada put in an effort in her appearance, he bluntly told her, on being asked by her whether she looked good, that she looked the same and that girls took a lot of time dressing up. Not that Boruto was wrong. Sarada looked pretty, which she did everyday, but it was clear as day that Sarada had expected a compliment for her extra effort.
But it seemed as though he need not worry. Boruto’s hanging jaw, speechlessness, blushing cheeks, piercing look and sparkling wide eyes seemed to have sent Sarada into a blushing fit. She returned his appreciative glances, appraising him up and down, which in turn sent the boy into a blushing fit of his own.
“You two get along really well.”
“No! We don’t!” Two indignant voices replied back to their teammate simultaneously.
“We should get to the shoot if you two are done.”
“Umm.. yes!”
“Y-Yeah, s-sure!”
“Is that a teen fashion magazine?” Shikamaru raised his eyebrow at Sai.
The group of four - Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru - were taking a rare lunch break at Ichiraku, waiting for their orders to arrive.
“Yes. Our children were quite all over this thing after their Ino-Shika-Cho training today, so I tried to be a little more fun teacher by asking them about what had actually interested them in the magazine. Turns out that there is quite an interesting photoshoot in it. Chocho was generous enough to lend it to me.” Sai answered back with restrained amusement.
“And what would that be?” Sasuke looked frankly unimpressed. Being dragged into a lunch outing with the idiot, his replacement and an old classmate was not his idea of fun. But if this actually gave him some idea about what kids liked these days, it might help him bond with Sarada besides just training. Maybe he could buy her some clothes.
“Ah! Here it is!” Sai flipped to his intended page and slid the magazine towards a curious Naruto. An undignified howl left the Seventh Hokage’s mouth within moments while his eyes threatened to fall out. A curious Sasuke and Shikamaru lent forward to look at the magazine’s contents.
Boruto and Sarada were locked in an intimate spooning at an expensive looking beach resort. Boruto had his arms around Sarada who had her back to Boruto’s chest while gently clutching onto his hands. The couple had their eyes locked into each other’s. The hint of blush on both of their cheeks could be made out even in the pictures. It was not the only picture though. There were others. One had Boruto with his head on Sarada’s lap while sharing an eyelock with her on a beach. Another had Sarada sitting on one of Boruto’s legs and turned inwards towards him while they shared a smile at a restaurant. Another had Sarada happily embracing Boruto from behind in shallow sea waters.
The table had suddenly gone quiet. “Well.” A nervous Shikamaru tried to salvage the situation. “This was their mission, so it can’t be helped.” A chill ran down his spine as he felt the temperature of the air around Sasuke drop inversely proportional to the increasing darkening aura around him.
“Yeah?” A glazy eyed Naruto looked up towards his best friend.
“I need you to give me a training mission with your son for a few weeks. Preferably to a potentially hazardous dimension.”
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katiebug445 · 6 years
Katie says goodbye to the Supernatural cons.
Alright, so, I’ve been putting off writing this post for a couple days, because exhaustion hit me like a freight train and I’ve been feeling icky and sickly for awhile, so bleh. But okay. Time to get emo on main. 
So about five years ago, around this time of year, actually, i finally got the chance to go to my first ever convention. me and some friends at the time were all planning on going to the Salute to Supernatural convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota in August of 2015. I was so excited to finally get to do this, because I’d been wanting to go to a con since 2011. This was my chance to finally go, and see Richard Speight Jr, and make a dumb dream that kept me alive for a long time come true. And it was, without a doubt, the most magical, and important experience of my life to date. 
Around this time, I was beginning to come up in the fandom. i had a really good following, my fics were getting a lot of attention, i was in with a group that was insanely popular, and life was actually really good. The show was the most important thing in my life, and i had countdowns going until it came back on in the fall. i was in very deep in the fandom, and it was my main source of happiness, so going to this con was going to be fucking HUGE for me.
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^^ freshly turned 20 year old Katie out there living the best life she could at the time. she was trying her best. 
So we get to Minneapolis on that Thursday, and we’re walking around, and it hadn’t exactly sunk in yet that I was there. Like, I knew I was going, and I knew what was all going to happen, but I hadn’t been like “oh god this is happening” as of then. 
I remember the moment that it did sink in, though. We were sitting in our seats, Richard and Rob were up on stage doing the rules and regulations, and I kind of came back into my body and realized that i was shaking a LOT, and i just remember looking around the auditorium, and then back up to the stage, and hearing Richard’s voice. I thought to myself “You did it. You made it here. You stayed alive for this moment right here. You fucking did it.” and that’s when everything sunk in completely for me. 
i remember crying a lot after that. 
The con was everything I imagined it would be. I laughed a TON, i got to spend time with some - at the time - really good friends, and I was very swept up in the magic of the whole weekend, and I never wanted that feeling to go away. 
Then on Sunday, I got to meet Richard in person. 
I won’t go into details, and I’ll spare the sob story that lead up to all of it, but I will summarize and say that Sunday at Minncon 2015 remains one of the most important days of my entire life. there was so much personal feelings wrapped up in all of that, and I still have no clue how i managed not to break down crying as soon as i saw him. 
I love that man more than just about anything else, even to this day. richard is still a driving force to me to keep on going with life no matte what happens, and i owe him so much for that. 
anyways, i loved the con. I loved the show, the cast, the whole experience. I walked away from that with some of the best memories that i will keep with me forever. I’ve said this a thousand times before over the last several years, but Richard Speight makes those conventions an incredible experience. The effort he puts into them, the way he treats his fans, all of it makes the cons so special for me. I thank him so much for being such a wonderful person, and making me want to go back again and again and again. 
And i wanted so badly to do just that. I wanted to see Richard again. I wanted to do the cons, and hang out with friends more, and just do the whole fucking thing. Because that was peak happiness for me. it still is, in some ways. 
Between the ending of 2015 and the beginning of 2017, i had a bad falling out with the people i went to Minncon with. i lost a lot of my popularity, i backed way off of all of the corners of the fandom that I’d made a name for myself in, and i kept my head down. I did and said some really stupid stuff that I’m not exactly proud of, and I paid the price for it. As a result, i started backing off. 
But I still loved Richard, and i wanted to see him again. 
So I saved. And saved. And saved even more. And in February of 2017, I got the chance to do it all again. I got to meet and hang out with a BUNCH of friends on that trip, and I got to spend a lot of time with two people who have become so important to me, and who I love dearly. 
i owe that to Nashville. 
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^^ 21 year old Katie, had experienced a lot of bullshit and was living a her goodest life, but not her best. Still trying to get through some shit and attempting to grab life by the balls once more. 
Nashville was... an experience.
the company that puts on the cons ended up doing a mega price raise, and everything went up by a lot of dollars (i’m too tired to math now, but it was a fucking LOT of money and even more stress by the time i got to buy tickets). I was really mad about it, and decided that nashville would be my second and last con. 
i decided to go ahead and go all out with it since nobody would ever see me again. 
I got to see richard right out of the gate again on that Friday, and actually got the chance to talk to him for a moment (i use that term very loosely, seeing as my “talking” is just me stuttering out two or three words and running away)  and by some fucking miracle, richard actually fucking remembered my dumb face, and that made my entire life up to that point worth living (still kinda does tbh). I hurried out of the autograph line with my buddies, found the nearest chair i could plop down into where he wouldn’t see me, and i cried. i cried real ass tears (thanks for putting up with me, that day, christy!)
I actually got called up to do karaoke this time with one of my absolute best friends and favorite people, and we fucking rocked it. for four minutes, we were rockstars and it was fucking great. we got to act like idiots and get yelled at by Matt Cohen (KAZOO KREW FOR LIFE!) and ugh. it was just incredible.
Saturday was good. tt’s kind of a blur of ups and downs and photo ops, but overall, it was a good day. Same with Sunday. I know a lot more tears were shed by a lot of people in our group. And christy and brandi screamed at misha collins. That was fucking hilarious. 
Nashville was a fucking great con, and despite all the crap that happened during and after, i wouldn’t trade it or change a single thing about it. I loved that con, and the people i got to go to it with. we all had an incredible time. 
And part of me still, despite everything i told myself, wanted to go again. 
Between February and May of 2017, i underwent a huge change in my life: I somehow got talked into watching anime with a - at the time - good friend of mine, and realized “wow. this is actually a lot better than what spn has done for a long time.” and it kinda pissed me off because WOW THIS IS WHAT SHOWS COULD BE LIKE WITH WELL WRITTEN FEMALE CHARACTERS THAT DON’T DIE!!!!! (thank you, fma for helping me see that light!). i was mad, but i was still devoted to spn, and yadda yadda yadda. 
in May of 2017, i watched the finale of season 12 at my friend Cas’s place, and the finale left such a bad taste in my mouth, that i decided that was it. i was angry, i was hurt, i was completely done. i stepped completely out of the fandom, i muted all the fan accounts i followed on twitter, i spent that whole summer getting farther into the weeb side of life, and farther away from my spn roots. 
and i’ve never fucking regretted it since. 
I started looking into conventions for anime around my hometown, and ended up finding one that looked fun. And Ohayo was a fucking BLAST - but that’s a post that’s been sitting in my drafts since january that i haven’t written up yet. I’ll finish writing that eventually...
but i was so done with spn by that point that i wasn’t even upset that nashville was the last con for me. 
and then... then they took him away from me again. for nothing more than shock value. 
and then i said nope fuck this im out im done fuck you all i’m going full ass weeb. FUCK IT ALL. i doubled down on my belief that i was doing no more cons, no more anything. 
And then the fuckers announced that there would be a convention in cleveland, OH. Which I had been single-handedly campaigning for a con here for YEARS. When I finally get out of the fandom, they give us one. Absolute bastards! 
So, with a defeated sigh, i decided “one more. one more and then it’s over for real.” 
besides, i really, really, really, REALLY wanted to see richard again. 
So i decided, why not get the remaining members of the gang back together, and go out with a fucking blast? that kinda worked. i got one member of the gang to come with me, and the other was there in spirit. 
Richard cancelled about a week and a half before, which meant that my main reason for going was gone. and then misha cancelled until sunday, which meant my other reason for going was gone. but i still wanted to go and say goodbye to the cons and what little bit of the cast was there.
so we get there on friday, knowing full well friday is the only day we’re going, we didn’t buy tickets, we didn’t do anything to give creation our money, and we went in AOT cosplay because we’re cringy cool like that. and it was... surprisingly freeing.
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^^ 23 year old Katie, who at this point has seen so much shit it doesn’t phase her anymore. Living an even better life than 2015!Katie. much more confident in herself, and a lot happier in general. Still trying her best. 
the con itself was a shitshow. it was an absolute shitshow. but i had every bit as much fun hanging in the lobby with my friend as i did actually doing the panels and stuff. i knew this was my goodbye, and having the con be so higuhgieh actually made it a little easier to say goodbye to it. karaoke was a fucking blast, and i shouted and danced the entire night, and my poor voice suffered. 
you’d think i just saw my best friend get eaten by a titan right in front of my eyes by how gone my voice was by the end of the night. -cough-
on the way back to the hotel is when it hit me that it was officially over. i cried the whole 20 minute drive back, knowing that this was the final time i’d ever see any of it. my last karaoke. my last chance to see everyone. my last spn con.  it was so bittersweet, because i had such a blast, but it was done. it was all done.
and i didn’t even get to say bye to the man that i owe everything to. that’s what hurt the most about the whole thing. 
i wouldn’t trade the cons for anything. i spent some of the best (and worst) years of my life doing them. the experiences and memories i have from these conventions are ones i wouldn’t give up, even if i could spare myself some heartache or stress. i am so grateful for these opportunities to meet these incredibly talented people, and get to see my friends there, and just have the time of my life. there isn’t one thing about any of those cons that i regret. 
i am so sad to be giving them up, but i know it’s for the best. the prices keep going up, and it would take even longer to afford them, and i just can’t keep doing it to myself. the stress is crazy enough as it is, and there’s a lot i’ve missed out on trying to afford these things. 
Not only that, but I’ve grown and evolved so much from that 19 year old doing everything she could to save back for her first con - and out of state trip. i’m not anywhere near who i was back then. i’ve gained much more confidence in myself, i’ve gained much more self worth, learned to control my anxiety/depression, and learned what i will and will not put up with from people. i’m a MUCH happier person than i was back then, and i’ve gained a lot of life experience and a lot of new interests over the last few years. so much has happened so fast, and almost everything has turned on its head. 
but one thing that hasn’t changed for me is my love for Richard Speight Jr. I have said it in this post alone several fucking times, but i adore Richard. He is without a doubt one of the funniest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and he makes these cons so special for a lot of people - myself included. he’s the reason I kept wanting to go back, the reason that i kept pushing through the bad times, he’s been my reason to “Always Keep Fighting”. I am so blessed to have so many memories with him, and they’re the ones i talk about more than anything when talking about the cons. He will always have a huge and special place in my heart, and he will still continue being one of the big reasons why I keep pushing, and keep going, even when i don’t want to. he has absolutely no idea how important him just existing has been for this dumbass, and i really wish that he did. i hope that he knows the impact he’s had on my life, and that he’s always been my favorite since the trickster first announced that he had more ass than a toilet seat. richard has been one of the biggest inspirations to me for the last 6 years, and i literally owe the man my life. i’m so happy that he exists. it makes things a little easier knowing that he does. 
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I’m going to miss him so much that it hurts, and I hate that I didn’t get to see him or get to hug him one more time. that’s the hardest part for me about saying goodbye to the cons. 
it’s so bittersweet going forward now, because there’s this huge part of my life that’s over, and i don’t know how to fully express all of it, but im so glad that i got to be on the ride as long as i did. 
hopefully in the future, things will continue to be as fun as the last four and a half years have been. i can’t wait to see what future conventions hold for me and my friends. 
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osakaso5 · 7 years
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Riku Nanase Birthday Photobook Rabbit Chat Part 5: All Their Gratitude. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Iori: It's midnight. 
Tamaki: Hbd, Rikkun
Mitsuki: Riku! Congrats!!! 
Yamato: Congrats. We're going to spoil our center again this month. 
Nagi: Congratulations, Riku!!! Now that you have graciously accepted the baton from me, you will surely have a HAPPY birthday. 
Sogo: Happy birthday, Riku-kun. I hope you have a great day. 
Riku: Wow!!! Thank you, everyone!! I'm so happy!! 
Tsumugi: Congratulations again from me, as well! I hope you have a lovely day..! 
Riku: Hey, manager! Everyone's dressed up as Tenn-nii! lol
Tsumugi: Kujo-san!? 
Iori: We weren't sure of what to do at first, but if there's anything Nanase-san loves, it's Kujo-san... 
Mitsuki: Some of us   put in no effort. 
Tamaki: Tenten doesn't wear glasses, Yama-san. 
Yamato: Don't rob me of my identity. 
Sogo: I can't let TRIGGER see me like this... 
Nagi: I just took a great picture of you. Shall I send it to Kujo-shi? 
Sogo: Don't!!! 
Riku: I'm sure it'll make Tenn-nii laugh, Sogo-san! 
Sogo: I feel like Kujo-san will just make fun of me... 
Mitsuki: At least you sorta look like him, I think it suits you. 
Yamato: Why did you type that while looking at me, Mitsu? 
Iori: Wasn't there anything we could've done about Nikaido-san's low quality cosplay? 
Yamato: My face looks nothing like his to begin with. 
Riku: Oh yeah! Since you're all dressed up as Tenn-nii, you should try acting like him! 
Nagi: What!? 
Iori: Ah... The patron demon of unreasonable requests rears his head once again. 
Tsumugi: I'd like to see you all impersonate him! lol
Tamaki: Ask Ban-chan. He's good at that stuff. 
Riku: Please just do what I say! lol
Sogo: Right, this is Riku-kun's birthday, after all... We should at least try. If it'll make  you happy, then I'll do my best. 
Yamato: Sou's getting as shaky as the pictures Tsunashi-san always takes. 
Riku: Now, start by saying: "Do you want to become a fallen angel with me?"
Mitsuki: Say what!?  lololololol
Nagi: Spoken like a true middle schooler. 
Riku: Hurry up! 
Iori: Good grief, let's just get this over and done with! 
Tsumugi: I'm so excited..! 
Riku: I'm evaluating their performances... 
Riku: Hmmm
Riku: Now I'm picking the best one... 
Riku: The winner is... 
Tsumugi: The winner is!? 
Riku: Sogo-san!! Congratulations! 
Tamaki: Huuuuh, why So-chan? 
Riku: Because he looks the most like Tenn-nii!!! 
Mitsuki: lololololol What was the point of making us act like him then, lolololololol
Iori: You really are a demon. 
Riku: What the heck, Iori!? I'll make you say the line again! 
Iori: Ugh... 
Yamato: What are you doing, Sou? 
Sogo: Nagi-kun  appears to have filmed  our impersonations so  he could send them to Kujo-san, so I'm deleting the data. 
Nagi: NOOOOOOO!! My precious data!! 
Tamaki: So-chan just protected the world from chaos
Mitsuki: Oh yeah, Iori started looking at the clock every five minutes about three hours before this, lol
Tamaki: Why? Was he measuring time? 
Nagi: He must have been anticipating Riku's birthday. 
Riku: Really!? 
Iori: You're imagining things. I was just counting the tiles on the wall. 
Yamato: What a lame excuse (lol)
Iori: You're the one who kept fixing his wig constantly, Nikaido-san! 
Mitsuki: Old man, lololol
Yamato: But Mitsu and Sou were fussing around asking people if they needed more tea, too (lol)
Tamaki: Lmao @ Mikki & So-chan Was I the only one who kept his cool? 
Sogo: Didn't you sleep with Riku-kun in his room last night, Tamaki-kun? 
Riku: I thought it was because you had a bad dream and were feeling lonely, but was  it actually because of  my birthday!? 
Nagi: How cute, Tamaki. The two of you  remind me of an afterschool afterschool special. 
Tamaki: You came over to sleep in Rikkun's room later, too!!! 
Nagi: *evil grin*
Tsumugi: All of you couldn't help looking forward to Riku-san's birthday, then! 
Riku: I'm so happy, you guys..! 
Iori: While I am glad all this has made you happy, continuing this conversation while all of us are still dressed up as Kujo-san feels awfully surreal, so I'd like to get changed already... 
Mitsuki: True, lolol And we've prepared a lot of other stuff for you, too! 
Nagi: It is about time to show you what we are made of. 
Riku: What is it!? I'm pretty satisfied with just seeing you all cosplay  Tenn-nii, though! lol
Yamato: That would be too anticlimactic (lol)
Sogo: We've got a present for you. 
Riku: Don't tell me it's tabasco!? 
Sogo: Huh!? No, it's something that'll make you happy. 
Tamaki: At least you realize that tabasco wouldn't make Rikkun happy. 
Tsumugi: Now, Riku-san, it's about time you get ready! 
Riku: Ah, you mean for the usual!! 
1. I'm sure that costume will suit you!
Riku: Really!? I'm a little worried! 
2. Are you ready, Riku-san?
Riku: To tell you the truth, my heart's racing, but I'm okay! lol
3. Time to get changed!
Riku: I was really excited to see what kind of glasses I'd get! 
Tsumugi: Everyone, are you finished with the preparations? 
Mitsuki: We're good! Looks like Riku's gonna have the glasses propped up on top of his head! 
Riku: Let me act cool just this once! 
Yamato: What's so cool about wearing glasses on top of your head? 
Riku: I thought it'd make me look like Yaotome-san..! 
Iori: Are you trying to become Yaotome-san? 
Riku: He's such an adult man, I think he's cool! 
Sogo: I know what you mean, Riku-kun. Few men would look as good with a pair of sunglasses and some champagne as he does. 
Mitsuki: As much as I'd love to keep talking about him, let's bring out the cake before this becomes all about Yaotome! 
Tamaki: I'll help
Nagi: Behold, the cake that I, Mitsuki, and Tamaki have made. 
Yamato: All you did was taste test it, Nagi. 
Nagi: That is an important task X-P
Iori: And all Yotsuba-san did was put the candles on top. 
Sogo: But they have been set up very artistically. 
Iori: Artistically..? 
Mitsuki: Ta-dah! Here's your special cake! 
Riku: Wow! It's huge! There's so many fruits! 
Riku: Let's all eat it together! 
Nagi: It is best for us to do everything as a group. 
Riku: So let's do exactly that, Nagi! 
Nagi: Yes. 
Tsumugi: How wonderful..! 
Riku: Ehehe! 
Riku: Speaking of wonderful, please do that thing now! 
Riku: Where you tell me you love me! 
Iori: I thought you wouldn't remember that... 
Riku: Of course I do! You have to be especially sincere, Iori! 
Yamato: Our birthday boy's cocky as usual (lol)
Mitsuki: Iori, show him you're a man! 
Tamaki: Fight. 
Iori: Arent you all going to be saying it too!? 
Tsumugi: Everyone, please tell Riku-san you love him! 
Riku: Pretty please! 
Mitsuki: Alright, time to man up! 
Nagi: YES!
Sogo: Here we go
Riku: !!!!!! 
Riku: I really love you guys, too!!! 
Riku: And Iori, your face is all red!! Like a tomato, lol
Tsumugi: You finally got to hear it, Riku-san! 
Riku: Yeah! 
Riku: Even Iori said it properly, so I'm all satisfied now! lol
Iori: I won't do that again. 
Tsumugi: I'm glad you had a fun time today. Please let us celebrate you again next year! 
Yamato: Riku's trying to get Ichi to feed him strawberries right now (lol) 
Tsumugi: Huh!? lol
Sogo: Riku-kun and Iori-kun really are good friends. 
Nagi: I think MEZZO" is on par with them, though? 
Sogo: R-really..? 
Riku: I got to see Iori looking all embarrassed, so this was a great birthday! lol
Mitsuki: The things people do for birthdays... 
Tsumugi: Well then, it's about time for your  birthday messages to Riku-san! 
Nagi: I shall begin. I am grateful to be able to celebrate your birth with everyone once again. Please, let me stay by your side and watch as your smile grants happiness to the people of the world. 
Mitsuki: Happy birthday, Riku! We can only be ourselves because you're pushing us forward as the center! Keep showing us just how incredibly cool you can be, Riku Nanase! 
Yamato: Congrats, Riku. Even when I can't help doting on you, it surprises me how mature you can act. You've been really cool lately. 
Tamaki: 'Grats, Rikkun! Let's keep playing games and hanging out. Sometimes it's like you're my little bro,  but sometimes you act like the older one. Let's stay healthy. 
Sogo: Happy birthday, Riku-kun. Reading the Riku Photobook made me remember how charming you are. We're so proud of how  kind and strong you are.  I hope to keep working  with you. 
Iori: Nanase-san, happy birthday. I wasn't sure if I should tell you this when you're acting so cocky, but I'll do it anyways. 
Iori: Just by standing at our forefront, you've taken us so far. While you usually act spoiled, on stage you are more brilliant, strong, and dignified than anyone else. Please, continue to show us your strength. 
Yamato: Ah, Riku's about to cry
Tamaki: You made him cry again, Iorin
Iori: How is this my fault!? 
Sogo: Riku-kun, do you have a hankerchief? 
Nagi: "I, I dooooon't", he says. 
Tsumugi: Riku-san, are you alright!? ><
Riku: I'm fine
Riku: It's been rough sometimes
Riku: I've thought about quitting, too
Riku: But you guys were right behind me, giving me support and strength with your voices. Letting me know that I belong here.
Riku: I'm glad I became an idol
Iori: We couldn't do this without you. 
Yamato: You were pretty much born to be an idol, Riku. 
Mitsuki: Wow! Even the old man's getting sentimental. 
Nagi: Even the old man is getting sentimental. 
Yamato: S-shut up... 
Sogo: Yamato-san's face is turning just as red as Iori-kun's was earlier. 
Tamaki: Tomato: glasses edition 
Tsumugi: Riku-san, you're also being celebrated on social media..! I was wondering if you could say a few words for them ><
Riku: Yes!! 
Riku: This is the second time you've all celebrated me. I'm very happy to spend this day with the members that I've fought with, cried with, and laughed with! 
Riku: The last time, I thought I might be the happiest person on Earth, but now I think I might be the happiest person in the universe. I want to share this feeling with you, even if it's just a little fragment of it. 
Riku: Usually it's embarrassing when people tell me they love me, but now I can say this! I really love all of you, too!! I'm really glad I got to meet you! 
Translator’s notes..? 
next up: banri’s birthday rabbit tvs! 
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thekumama · 7 years
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"Please, Belle," Belle could not help but stop though Gaston had no firm hold on her, his calloused hands were hardly touching her at all. No, it was his voice and his eyes, both of them were quiet and soft and there was a silent pleading. "Some of us have changed." His voice was low as if he dare not raise his voice in the quiet corner of the village for fear she would pull away comepletely. Belle did not know what to say, words dying on her lips as she stared up at Gaston's worried expression. Was it possible for someone to change so much? Something I probably won't finish. I used another photo (not of Emma or Luke, though there were lots of references used) as a base to start this, judge me all you will. Oh GEEZE. Disney! C'mon. Don't do this to me, UGH! 2017 Beauty and the Beast: I didn't have high hopes for this film, and while I don't hate it or love it, I am just SADDENED by it for 2 reasons. 1. The costumes for Belle. 2. The script/director. The movie itself had so much potential, oh my word, this could have been REALLY good. Like, good, ya know? But this movie suffers from one big flaw- they sat in the middle. They could have done the movie as a complete frame by frame recreation of the 1991 movie and okay, that would have been alright. Or they could have made their own story, added new elements and turns, and that would have been memorable. The biggest problem? They took both ideas and mushed it together and it tears this movie to pieces. I look at this and I just feel SAD for all that could have been! There was a lot of effort put into this and it's always sad to see that someones vision was hindered. The main cast (I feel) was casted correctly, the reason some of their performances seem awkward of bland seems to be due to the checklist of things that this movie was trying to check off. Belle needs to stand out- make her look like a cosplay character. Which, okay, fine! Do that, BUT DO THAT WITH ALL THE CHARACTERS- Emma would have seemed even more spunky and brave if they had MADE HER LOOK like she actually BELONGED in the world, not the VILLAGE, THE WORLD, I get that she is an outcast but not even giving her some sort of head covering when EVERY OTHER WOMAN/CHILD has something is just...dumb! Like, if you hate it so much she could have lost it halfway through with that wolf scuffle or something, which by losing that it would have also removed another barrier between her and Beast like he can finally -see- her differently instead of a peasant girl, and that it is also showing her "shedding" her connection to the village and being more herself. BAM! And okay, fine, don't give her a hat at all but AT THE END OF THE MOVIE she is now ROYALTY and EVERYONE is wearing a WIG- Adam too! But her? OH, NOPE. GAAAAAAAH! The Beast was meh, like...there isn't to much you can do with him? I feel like they should have had more moments of connections with him and Belle- And I don't mean that whole 'Paris' 'Magic Book' stuff or whatnot, I mean like SHOW them having actual dialog that FITS with that era. His character checklist consisted of two things; 1. He's mean 2. He's well animated! ...Whoopdee do. I like Maurice. I like Belle's interactions with him. I don't get why the mom thing was a big deal, my sister and I were just like...but why? Why have this? What does this further? Belle and her dad already have a really good relationship, we see that probably better than any other in the movie. This isn't something the Beast and Belle even need to bond over, they like each other because they realize they underestimated the other and yadda yadda. And how do they show that Belle is SMART? She makes a washing machine? Like? What? Why? That's not...she could have made small things like her dad. She is NEVER seen MAKING anything other then that ONE TIME with that HUGE INVENTION because how else will kids know that she's SMART? Ugh. Make her make small things, and do it consistently, you don't have to spotlight one BIG thing to make your point. How do they show Belle is independant? She argues with the Beast! The arguing is fine but the fact that she has NO fear? Like...girl are you human? I don't feel like this was Emma's acting (maybe?) I feel like it was because, you know how all these re-do Disney movies are, girl power and yadda yadda. Being able to stand up to someone WHILE YOU ARE PETRIFIED is BRAVERY, being un-afraid in a situation that would scare everyone out of there wits is just stupid! It teaches people that if you are afraid when confronting people that you're weak. Gaston, GASTON! Nobody makes me SAD like Gaston~! WHY?! Why Disney, oh WHY?! Why would you develope this man into an ACTUAL PERSON that I feel deserves all the help he can get and then KILL him in the same way like I'm supposed to be HAPPY that he died? NO. N-O. This is HANS ALL OVER AGAIN, why does their HAVE to be a villian? You could have had him scramble away from Beast and just...live. Why does he have to die? I get that he's stubborn but that stupid gun could have very well fell into an abyss and he'd have no choice but to give up. URGH!!! This is due to that whole issue where this movie feels like two scripts torn up and thrown together. They wanted to do new things but because they're Disney they have to make Belle's choice in a guy easier by making one over the top evil! AND HE'S NOT EVEN EVIL! Gosh DANGIT. This man has PTSD! He was TRYING so HARD to keep that part of himself away but he was pushed (Maurice and Belle) and pushed (the sudden introduction of MAGIC into his world and a scary monster who could probably kill all of the villagers and probably enchanted Belle as well, heck, MAGIC EXISTS ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE NOW) so he snapped back into War Gaston mode and there was nothing there to snap him back- he saw inanimate objects come alive and beat the crap out of people! He probably thought he was back IN the war. So, obviously, who gets the short end of the stick through this whole movie? Gaston. Look. He was no angel, I'm not saying he was. All I'm saying is, if you want to have a character that has mental scars like this...let that effect your others characters as well. If you want me to treat him like a villian then why did you turn him into this? You spent more time building up Gaston's character that BEAST'S! Like, UGH! DISNEY! C'MON! What if Gaston's mom or sibling worked at the castle or something and they have NO ONE to greet when the villagers finally remember them? Everyone else has a happy ending, seriously. Everyone else may have suffered for a little bit but in the end? Gaston. Gaston gets nothing just because there was not proper care for him. ANYWAYS! TL;DR, I LIKED movie Gaston, I feel like given time Belle would have seen that he (JUST LIKE BEAST IN THE MOVIE) had another side to him and that they probably could have got along just fine. Heck, this Gaston would probably READ to her if asked, look at him in the movie, he's smitten with the woman! *sigh* This is just me, you have your own opinions. Maybe I have Boromir glasses on, or even just sweet Bard glasses, I can't help it. Sorry for the huge rant.
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tokupedia · 7 years
Japan World Heroes: Closing Day Part 1:  The Panels
Made it in time for the Kaiju Kingdom panel to end. (LA timezones still mess with my biological clock). I witnessed a trailer for an indie documentary on tokusatsu kaiju filmmaking coming in 2018.
After some browsing and a little money left, a trio of cheap Legend Rider Astroswitches became mine for only $10 and a pair of art prints were bought to cheer up an artist who was having a rough weekend because of the toy vendors  overshadowing his stand. (For those curious, I got Stronger, 1, and 2)
The Viewing Room’s selection was decent, Kamen Rider Heisei Generations, the Gokaiger and Zyuohger 2,000th Super Sentai Episode special, the latest episode of Kyuranger and.... *ugh* Kamen Rider Taisen.
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I then witnessed the first episode of Mystic Cosmic Patrol at its panel, surprisingly hosted by Internet personality Andre the Black Nerd as well as the crew and cast of the production. They were there to promote it and answer questions. I asked if the staff were going to take a potshot at Masked Rider in the parody and they said yes. 
Upon seeing the episode, it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea, as some of its cruder humor was not my thing. But I remain optimistic and want to support this independent group’s project.
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Next up was Mr. Kaneko’s Panel. He spoke of his time on Gaoranger, including a funny story about shooting an episode with a dog in the middle of winter. He delivered a shock to Rider fans as he revealed he almost became Kamen Riders Kuuga, Agito or G3 but failed to pass the final rounds of audition. We all participated in a group Gaoranger transformation pose after Mr. Kaneko did a demonstration. He thanked US fans for supporting Super Sentai and loved his time in the US as it is opposite to conventions in Japan. In Japan, it is just a cheap mandatory gig and the events just drain him, but being in a new location and seeing so many fans giving him so much love supercharged his energy so much that the excitement of meeting them all kept him up at night.
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At Mr. Fukuzawa’s Panel, he discussed his time as the legendary monster Gamera in Gamera 3: The Revenge of Iris.
He and his buddy Michi Yamato talked about the business of being a suit actor. I asked during the Q&A what the most uncomfortable role as a Red Ranger was for him (His favorite of course was Shinken Red due to his samurai sword action training being put to good use). He answered that he disliked playing Go-On Red as Sosuke’s hyperactive personality was difficult for a more reserved person like him to emulate. Even if the director said he got it right, Hirofumi would always feel he didn’t put enough energy into the role or did it properly as he and Yasuhisa Furuhara had differing personalities and to him, it showed on camera.  
He also discussed Power Rangers with Michi and then Hirofumi did several poses at the request of fans such as Gosei Blue, Shinken Red, Gokai Red, and AbaRed and thanked everyone for their support before leaving.
The panels ran a bit off so some were compressed or moved so time became more rushed. The cosplay workshop 101 panel was dropped and the next guest was Dore Kraus from Ultraman Towards the Future, who not only gave insight into the difficult conditions of the troubled show but some good life and acting advice to the younger generations. Great guy, he had a booth for autographs and displayed not-for-sale merchandise from his show. His time there was brief as he had to head back home as his entry into JWH was last minute.
Fujiyama Ichiban I skipped mostly due to the fact my legs were falling asleep from sitting too long.
After stirring up some circulation and interacting with a cute 6 mo. old St. Bernard puppy, I noticed a lot of parents who were attending a Lego Convention upstairs. Most of them were weirded out at the acts unfolding below as they escorted their children to restrooms and decided to politely encourage their kids to stay away from the vendor toys.  *sigh* Some of the Normals are not yet ready for us...
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At the final Panel, the scene was winding down as the cosplayers had all gone home and the vendors were ready to pack it in. The TokuNet Crew discussed the heroes outside of Toei’s Super Hero Time and Tsuburaya’s Ultraman. Garo came up and the group was obviously drained from a long weekend of doing panels. When the mention of Garo’s US release came up I reminded them that the home video discs for Season 1 would be complete around the holidays, which people who had never heard of the series showed interest in.
Before I packed it in and prepared for a freebie day of fun tomorrow, I summoned my courage and shut off my social anxiety for about 5 minutes to thank Marzgurl and by proxy the TokuNet team for coming to support the event and introduced myself as an admin for RangerWiki. She thanked everyone who participates on there for their efforts to keep RangerWiki as a credible source and then I said farewell to her and a silent one to the dying magic of the Con.
I know not when this event will rise again, or even if this was just a fluke and will never come to pass for another time. But for one magical weekend, my brothers and sisters of fandom heeded the call and assembled in a little city outside of LA to celebrate what they love. And to all who made it possible, I thank each and every one of you.
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"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw." ( I LOVE HEATHERS I COULDN'T RESIST )
(Heathers Starter Meme for @daturida ;3C )
 “Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw…..!”
                 That little phrase certainlyoozed Senran’s mood at the current moment. For the first time in the shitty andtragic Mobius strip of her life, she found someone she could relate to…inalmost every single way…and they rejected her. Not to say she was terriblysurprised about it all, no, truthfully she expected it to be this way. And whata fucking load of chuckles it was that another person who she cared aboutselflessly was at risk of being taken away from her in a very different way. Itwas almost comical, and the sort of humor a man about to fry in the electricchair would give a final giggle and a shit over due to the sheer unfortunateirony of it all. It was all too terribly unfair really…and while she had toadmit, her dear Kichi-sama had done some bad things, who the fuck hadn’t?  Her dainty fingers raked through her verylong purple hair that had done as much growing as the rest of her body hadsince her little ‘operation’.
Kanou might have been a depravedsick fuck, but he had given her what she always had wanted ever since shebecame a teenager and had still been forced to ride out the emotional aspectsof puberty in the body of a brat. Now she finally had a ‘normal’ body. Ofcourse vanity’s sake wasn’t the only reason she wanted to change herself. Whileshe admitted she personally liked herself a lot better now that she looked heractual age, being the size of an adult had its advantages. You could protectsomeone important a little better….
And yet if circumstances and abunch of hypocrites would have had it, they’d take away two of her mostcherished people. All for some bullshit idealism that Furuta was achieving in whatshe felt, was a more realistic way. No rational person could have possiblyexpected all ghouls and humans to join hand in hand and fucking sing Kumbayanow did they?! How?! The CCG had made a very successful and bloody venture ofkilling ghouls…and ghouls of course, had no choice but to treat a human beingas livestock at least once every so often to satiate a hunger a hamburger steakcouldn’t.  Donato was so damn right, theworld was positively brimming with hypocrites and the scene in Tokyo was socomical it could honestly have put Gaki No Tsukai out of business.
She had no quarrel with anyone whowanted to see ‘peace’, but really, what the fuck was peace? Wasn’t peace forone side likely to mean the other side would suffer? Like sure, the Goats couldget their little hero’s ending but it was as if they didn’t really care as longas they put a halt to Kichi-sama’s plans. She laughed to herself a little asshe tugged some of her hair that her fingers had a grip on as she ignoredanother headache. Making sure Kichimura was safe wasn’t easy but definitelydoable as she was just too plain stubborn and relentless in her efforts to doeverything she personally could do to keep him safe. Ahhhh how many times had peopleshe known asked why she was ‘defending that bastard’….
‘Fuck I cannot even remember now…how many times did Kaneki or Uta alone askme?…fuck it. Who cares?!  What’s it tothem? My reasons for protecting him are none of their fucking business! My feelings are mine and nobody can changed them! Who thefuck do those shitheads who have a problem with Furuta think they are?! MotherTeresa?! Haaaaaaaah, gag me with a fucking dick! OH PLEEEEEASE!’
She mused to herself in the privacyof her thoughts as she hung around the roof of a reasonably sized apartment buildingthat was located niiiice and close to the main office where she knew Furutaworked. Hmm…how strange…if she thought back long and hard, teehee, Kichi-samadid say she was his favorite fan. Of course, one of his more vocal detractorstold her she was a moron for believing him. That he was just using her for somekind of amusement and that when he got bored of her being around him, he wouldsurely get rid of her like he did to the Ami girl. Ahhh how many times didKaneki dearest tell her all about that one? Tch. What did it matter to Senran,really? It’s not like she was expecting marriage out of him like that stupidass Ami did. Senran truthfully almost felt insulted people thought she even expectedanything out of Kichimura personally.
Like what, did sex guarantee a fucking weddingnow all of a sudden!?!  Who was this naïvestill? Didn’t Ami ever get taught by her mom not to give it up to the firstpretty man who made her feel like she was prettier than Vanna White or someshit? Or at least not till he fucking put a ring on it like Beyonce said?  Ugh how fucking stupid some of these humanswere….At least they got the advantage of doing something like that with someonewho they cared about, a far cry from her own experiences mostly.
“Sorry, but I really had to wake you;See, I decided I must ride you till I break you.‘Cause Heather says I gots to go;You’re my last meal on death row.Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!Come on!Tonight I’m yours,I’m a dead girl walking!”
Sen sang a song to herself as shedanced on the rounded metal safety railing, spinning slowly and skipping withthe sort of daredevil’s grace that would have probably had her dearly departedTatara screaming at her in angry panic for her to stop. She giggled and as shehad her fun, kept a watch and didn’t notice any unusual activity for a whileand eventually came down when she finished. She easily found her way down andwithout any harm or foul, stepping her way to a bench where people could sit and wait for the bus but as usual, shewouldn’t be waiting for a bus. Now she was at ground level and able to makesure no one who wanted to take the only person, who said they saw themselves inher, out of the game. Kichimura was too important to her to let some dickweedwith a Cloud Strife complex take him away.  She blew some of her hair out of her face,revealing the beauty mark underneath her right eye, only to be taken bysurprise by loud squealing. Oh dear…the fucking Kichi-sama Fangirls again…SHIT.And soon she was surrounded by a group of pain in the ass highschool girls, incosplay or wearing fake moles. Wielding their fans with his perfect facepainted on them, they began interrogating why a ‘bimbo’ like her was doing nearthe CCG, and that she looked kinda slutty to be one of their members.
‘’LOOK! She didn’t even draw hermole in the right spot!’’–Said one of them who wore the most low qualitywig she had ever seen. Senran was annoyed just looking at her and hearing herand the rest of those schoolgirls. Ohhhh but then Wig Girl just had to reach outand try to ‘smear the mole off’.
It happened before she evenrealized what she had done.  Senran hadseen red and then as if having a fucking out of body experience, watched as herfist launched forward like a rocket fueled by every repressed emotionaldisturbance she had been feeling lately, and along with her aversion to beingtouched by strangers. She watched it go smashing into the fangirl’s nose withenough force to knock her backwards and cause her to flip backwards, ass overteakettle into a nearby garbage can filled with glass bottles. The other girlsran away screaming about ‘some crazy bitch in ero-lolita clothes and a badattitude that TOTALLY murdered their friend.
               To beFAIR, while she had indeed WRECKED THE SHIT out of this girl’s face,she wasstill alive. Teens were so dramatic, honestly. She could hear angry voicesshouting and saw a police officer approaching and sighed. ‘Well here we fuckinggo again!’
‘’Fuck me gently with a chainsaw indeed…” –She huffed as she ran, her heelstapping wildly against the pavement and turning a corner and had been gratefulfor the traffic coming along with the MOST perfect timing to allow her toRECKLESSLY weave in and out and be lost to the police pursuing her as sherounded a corner of the fence surrounding the CCG, pausing a moment to catchher breath. These boots were made for WALKING, not fleeing the law. That wasfor sure. But at least no one had seen that embarrassing debacle back thereright?
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thedarcydichotomy · 7 years
creme brûlée, cinnamon bun, chocolate chip cookie. (both mun and muse)
creme brûlée: describe your style
Mun: Um, clothing wise? Comfortable. I pretty much never wear makeup or do anything special with my hair because ugh effort. I’m very fond of wearing geeky clothes or ‘everyday cosplay’ too, though (I just bought a yellow bear ear Fedora because I saw a Winnie the Pooh Disneybound yesterday and WANT it, so I’m putting that outfit together), and have BB-8 and R2-D2 dresses, and lightsaber chopsticks for my hair, and I wear an Awesome Mix Vol 1 and Deadpool necklace daily.  So overall, make it comfortable, but if it can be nerdy too then that’s even better.
Muse: Layers, knitted stuff (it’s warm and comfortable ok?), usually darker colours. Knitted accessories, wear those a lot. I guess people would say I’m an Autumn ‘cause of the colouring? I just like soft, warm stuff that’s y’know, practical.
cinnamon bun: favorite salty snack?
Mun: BUTTERED POPCORN OMG GIVE IT TO ME. But seriously, I love movie popcorn - in Australia we don’t actually put liquid butter on it (well, if you’re at home you can do that), but the way it gets cooked, the butter infuses and it’s so so so good. I’m pretty sure you northern hemisphere people have that too, just maybe not at the movies? IDK.
Muse: Pork rinds. So good. And crunchy. And people give you the dirtiest looks when you won’t share. It’s awesome on a lot of levels. Mostly on my tongue though.
chocolate chip cookie: how has your life changed over the past year?
Mun: Um, I don’t think it really has? I mean, I secured a permanent position at my workplace, so they can’t just say ‘thanks for your time, we won’t be renewing your contract’ now, which is a relief, but otherwise things aren’t different. Biggest change is probably the very new addition of a second roleplay blog. And my writing blog, although it kinda flounders with no new posts for weeks at a time because I don’t write fic often enough.
Muse: Well the biggest thing is pretty obvious, being able to control my shift and actually have some kind of…relationship with that part of me. One that doesn’t feel abusive at least. And the circle of people who know about all that and accept it is getting bigger. That feels like a good thing, but y’know, wait and see.
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myaekingheart · 7 years
Rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by @alittlenarnian! Thank youuu ^_^
I’m just gonna do everyone a favor here and put this all under the cut because I thought way too deeply into pretty much every single one of these questions and I’m not gonna subject everyone to scrolling past all my nonsense.
1. Coke or Pepsi: I don't know, probably coke? I don't drink a lot of soda but I've always been a big fan of orange soda, myself. Or that one kind in the Coke place in Epcot c:
2. Disney or Dreamworks: I love both but I'm gonna have to go with Disney. It's had more influence over me, and I feel like most of the movies have way more than heart than a lot of what Dreamworks puts out (aside from HTTYD and Rise of the Guardians and the original 2D stuff like Spirit).
3. Coffee or Tea: Tea. Coffee makes me sick.
4. Books or Movies: This is hard because I love both so much but I'm gonna have to go with books. I love the visual beauty of movies but on the other hand, nothing compares to the feeling of pages between your fingers and that high you get from looking at words when you read a book, and the way you can imagine everything exactly as you want and no two personal renderings are ever exactly the same. That's cool. I like that.
5. Windows or Mac: Windows.
6. DC or Marvel: I've never been huge into the superhero scene but I'm gonna have to go with Marvel (though if it was a choice, I'd definitely pick The Incredibles universe).
7. X-Box or Playstation: Tough call but I'm gonna have to go with X-Box.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age.
9. Night Owl or Early Riser: DEFINITELY night owl. I can't get up early for the life of me and when I do, I'm in a constant fog.
10. Cards or Chess: Cards because they're more flexible. You can play tons of different games with cards-- Go Fish, Solitaire, Old Maid, Blackjack. Chess is just chess. It's not as portable as a deck of cards, either.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
12. Vans or Converse: Converse.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: No idea what any of that is tbqh
14. Fluff or Angst: Little bit of both never hurt anyone. All about balance, amirite?
15. Beach or Forest: Tough call but I kind of have to go with forest, actually??? Like don't get me wrong I adore the beach, it's gorgeous as all hell, but at the same time, it's like every time I go to the beach it's always super windy and crowded and you're either freezing cold or scorching hot and then you get sand in weird places. I kind of like the close-knit spaces of the forest and how close to nature I feel when I'm there, like on nature trails and stuff. I like all the trees looming over me-- they make me feel safe-- and the different flowers and creatures all around and all the different pathways you can take. It always feels like an adventure.
16. Dogs or cats: I love both but I lean a little bit more towards dogs just because I've grown up with them all my life. I like how you can rough-house with dogs (big dogs, anyways) and they'll just flop over and love on you. Cats never liked me but now that I've spent more time around them, they've really started growing on me more.
17. Clear skies or rain: Rain. Definitely rain. Nothing makes me happier than those days when you can just curl up on the couch in your pajamas with a bowl of soup and a movie marathon and the sky is all dark and there's a steady rain beating on the roof, maybe a little thunder and lightning, and you just snuggle close on the couch in a giant blanket and just ugh it's the absolute best and I adore it.
18. Cooking or eating out: I can't really cook for the life of me but if I had to choose, I'd pick cooking over eating out just because making food is better than putting on pants to go out someplace and eat. I don't always feel comfortable eating out anyways, for whatever reason. And at least when you (attempt) to cook something, not only do you get food but you also feel the accomplishment of having made something that tastes good (hopefully) and has a purpose.
19. Spicy food or mild food: I never used to be like this but spicy food has grown on me so I'm gonna pick that. I can only handle so much kick but I definitely enjoy how flavorful spicy food is over blander stuff.
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: UGH THIS IS SO HARD BUT I'M GONNA HAVE TO GO WITH CHRISTMAS. I adore Halloween just because it gives me an excuse to dress up where I'm not considered a geek, but then again I dress up year-round and kind of stopped giving a fuck what people think about it. Christmas is great, though. You get good food and lots of presents and can spend time with people you love and there's lights and happiness everywhere and great excuses to snuggle up on the couch with bae. Fills me so much warmth <3
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold because at least that way I could always put on cozy socks or snuggle up in a blanket. If I'm too hot, there's only so much I can do and a finite number of clothes I can shed before I'm passed out on the tile ass naked with the refrigerator open.
22. If you could have any superpower, what would it be: Invisibility. I answered that really, really quickly but hey, it's not a sin to know what you want. So yes. Either invisibility or forcefields. Or both. Both is good. Invisibility would be great so I could sneak around or bypass awkward confrontations but at the same time, I'm very much a wallflower so it's kind of like I'm invisible already. Forcefields, on the other hand, could be really beneficial because I like my personal space and if anyone's coming too close, I can just be like *boop* nope-ity nope nope. I think the biggest benefit from forcefields, though, would be blocking myself from the wind. There is nothing I hate more than wind and if I could find any way to barricade myself from it so it wouldn't have to inconvenience me from doing what I need to do, that would be stupendous.
23. Animation or live action: Ugh this is a hard one and I don't know if I have a really definite answer for this one. It honestly just depends. Animation is a beautiful medium that I adore but some things are far more suited for live action. I guess if I had to choose, though, I'd go with animation since I feel like live action, at least in big budget fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, and action movies, are all animated to a degree anyways (I seriously miss the days when special effects makeup was still a big thing instead of the way everything's been these days, where everything is just computer generated. Not that CG isn't beautiful but I just miss the tangibility of special effects and prefer it over the painterly and sweeping CGI, though I mean there is a time and a place for both I suppose).
24. Paragon or Renegade: Again, no idea what that is.
25. Baths or showers: Showers. I'm too antsy to take baths anymore. Plus you can't take books in there unless you're deliberately trying to ruin them.
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Cap.
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Fantasy
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they: "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not" - Kurt Cobain (This was actually my senior quote in high school, too :D) "It'll all be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end" (I honestly which I had a credit for this) "You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" -AA Milne "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" -AA Milne (again) Basically all of AA Milne's quotes, even if I haven't heard them yet, I instantly love, okay?
29. Netflix or youtube: Tough call but youtube mainly because I don't have Netflix and youtube does not cost me money. Sure, you can't get full episodes most of the time but oh well.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: I've honestly never really been into either? My GSP class did a Greek mythology unit and we had to read The Lightning Thief and I just could not get into it whatsoever. If I had to choose, I guess I'd say Harry Potter solely because even though the Harry Potter series itself never really interested me all that much (I've only read and seen the first three but I could never get past the puke scene in the second one without nearly vomiting myself), I have to admit that Fantastic Beasts looks incredible and really captured my interest.
31. When you feel accomplished: When I get shit done, pretty much. I procrastine a lot but when I finally crack down on myself and make myself write that paper or that next chapter or get those supplies for that one cosplay or anything like that, I instantly feel prouder of myself for actually doing things rather than dreaming of them.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Again, I never really got into either but I'd have to go with Star Wars just because I know more about it and because Harrison Ford reminds me of my dad and that makes me happy.
33. Paperback or Hardback: Hardback. Paperbacks are great and all but there's something special about hardback books. They feel classic.
34. Horror or rom-com: Rom-com. Horror is good in small doses but gooey, sticky-sweet rom-com is like those strawberry candies you find at your grandma's house that you could always stand to have more of.
35. TV shows or movies: Ugh that's a tough call, too. On one hand, a lot of time and effort goes into movies but then TV shows are a little more digestible sometimes just because they're shorter increments but you get more out of it because it spans a much longer period of time and you can really expand on a story more in a show than you can in a two hour film. So I guess maybe both??? Can I do that? Can I pick both? Because I know if I try to bargain with myself to make a dead-set decision here, we're gonna be sitting here all night watching me go back and forth about this.
36. Spotify or Pandora: I don't use either so I don't really have a preference. I just like using the music I've downloaded onto my phone.
37. Zootopia or Inside Out: Zootopia because police.
38. Favourite book: The Chronicles of Narnia books by CS Lewis, hands down. I've read a lot of great books but no matter what, I always find myself coming back to Narnia. It's like a permanent part of my soul that just breaks down the door whenever I forget about it and forces itself back into my life.
39. Favourite flower: I really love red roses because they're just so romantic and red is my favorite color.
40. What field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): I'm working towards getting a bachelor's in creative writing so I guess you could say my field of study is English? I wanna write shit.
41. Song lyric you really love: Oh god, I have a lot but okay, here goes. "I am a princess on the way to my throne destined to reign, destined to rule"- Can't Take It In by Imogen Heap (off the LWW soundtrack) "If you wanna break these walls down, you're gonna get bruised"- Castle by Halsey "If your stomach feels weak, then my work here is done" The Words Best Friend Become Redefined by Chiodos "Another cog in the murder machine"- Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
42. What’s your MBTI type: ISFP
43. What is your zodiac sign: Taurus
44. Where is your favourite place to go: My boyfriend's place because anywhere where he is is home and I love spending time with him no matter where we are or what we're doing.
45. Favourite stuffed animal as a kid: Okay, so this doesn't really constitute as a "stuffed animal", so to speak, but when I was a kid, I was incredibly attached to this baby doll my mom's mom had bought for me when I was born. I named her Baby Doll (real creative, I know) and took her everywhere with me, and slept with her every night for way longer than I'd like to admit. I loved her to pieces and still do, actually, but in a different way now than I did back then. When I was little, I was in love with her the same way I imagine a mother loves her child because to me, she was like my kid. Nowadays it's more like I love her because of all the joy she brought me as a kid and all the memories I made with her. I actually still have her and she hasn't fallen apart (completely) yet. Her painted facial features on her plastic head have started to fade a little bit and her the stuffing in her plushie body has already gone kind of limp and flat and her little outfit has turned gray (I think I tried burying her in the backyard once and she never recovered??? I accidentally dropped her in a river over the edge of a boat once, too. The kid's been through some shit, alright?) but I still look at her and see the same doll I was so grossly in love with and attached to when I was a little girl and I love that a lot.
46. Favourite icecream flavour: It's a toss-up between mint chocolate chip, which was my first ever favorite ice cream flavor, and chocolate chip cookie dough. Neopolitan is pretty great, too, for when I want the classics but can't decide on just one.
47. Chanel or Gucci: I could honestly care less about either but if I had to choose, Chanel just because Coco Chanel was pretty cool.
48. What’s your hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
49. Who’s your celebrity crush: Oh damn, here we go. Here's opening a can of worms you don't want to get me started on. I have a couple but the biggest and longest running is without a doubt William Moseley and there's a long and funny story behind this. Okay, so when I was in second grade, we read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe as a class and did project assignments on it and shit (one of which I distinctly remember was that we had to draw a scene from the book so I chose the White Witch on her sleigh but for some reason the word "sledge" made me instantly think of "ledge" so it was basically a really shitty drawing of the White Witch flying through the sky on one of those construction beams??? It was really freaking weird, man). We watched the BBC version in class and I remember as the credits were rolling, my teacher shut off the TV screen and announced to us that Disney was releasing it's own version of the movie that Christmas so when the time came around, I had my mom go take me to see it because I liked the book enough to buy an entire boxed set at the next book fair and have always been a Disney freak so I was like "Let's fucking do it." So we went to the theater and I was having a good time enjoying myself and whatnot and then the battle scene came and I was honestly so thrown for a loop. Here I was, little eight year old me, terrified of how intense it was. I was shaking and horrified and I dragged my mom out of the theater. It was awful. I almost didn't go back to see it again but I felt unsatisfied having not seen the rest of the movie so I had her take me back, determined to sit through the entire thing this time. I still ended up covering my face during the battle scenes but when I finally did peek through my fingers, there on the huge silver screen was none other than Peter freaking Pevensie slaying a bunch of poor unfortunate souls and looking like a sexy mofo in the process. Instant heart eyes. And so the madness began. I kept it a secret for a little while before one day, my parents and I were at one of the Disney resorts (it was either the Beach Club or the Boardwalk Hotel, I don't remember which-- it was whichever one that has Cape May Cafe because I think we ate in there for dinner or something). At the front desk, they had those Disney Adventures mini magazines and so I got a free one and guess who was on the cover for that month? William freaking Moseley. There was an interview on the inside, too, that I thought must've been fate because it was smack dab in the middle and there was a cardstock ad right between the two pages so you could easily flip to the thing. The whole thing about my crush got out among my friends at school pretty quickly (when I told them, for a second they thought I had a crush on a kid in one of the other classes named Peter) and the Narnia thing just kind of took off. It waxed and waned over the years but the biggest comeback wasn't until eighth grade. I was on Thanksgiving break and my parents were flipping through the channels when they found Prince Caspian on TV. By then, I had kind of forgotten about Narnia and was like "Oh yeah, I remember this movie! I loved these movies!" and so I sat down and watched the rest of it and that's when everything came flooding back. I spiraled into a pit of insanity and quickly gained a reputation as "that Narnia girl." My freshman year binder was a Narnia shrine with William Moseley pictures pasted all over it. I followed him on social media (which wasn't as big a thing before) and dreamed about him constantly and thought any and all little coincidences were proof that we were meant to be together (even if he is ten years older than me). But I mean, I was a kid. What the hell do I know? Things actually ended up getting a little too far, though. When I found out William Moseley had started dating his Run costar Kelsey Chow, I was 110% heartbroken. Like, I was watching Prince Caspian the one night and just broke down in hysterical tears during the end credits because oh my god we would never be together now and I was so jealous that she was dating him and not me. It was honestly probably getting a little unhealthy so that's when I decided to end the entire Narnia thing once and for all because I had spiraled far too deep and needed to separate myself from the concept. I took a few long years away from the thing before cautiously getting sucked back in about a year and a half ago, I guess it was. I didn't want to get back into Narnia, initially, because I knew that would mean reacquainting myself with the whole William Moseley thing and I didn't want to spiral back into that pit again. I felt like a recovering alcoholic getting invited to a bar. I wanted to go, but I didn't want to relapse. I guess in a way I sort of did for a short period of time there? This time I was more cautious to separate the character from the actor, though, and so far it's been doing pretty well. The only time I almost slipped was when I was this close to being an extra in The Little Mermaid and meeting him, but it didn't work out because school got in the way of my traveling to Savannah for the filming. My heart still hurts a little bit seeing that carnival scene and knowing I could've been one of the faces in that crowd. But anyways, yeah. I think it's safe to say William Moseley was definitely my biggest and probably my most detrimental celebrity crush??? It's all water under the bridge now, pretty much. I still have the Narnia fanfics but I'm not as overwhelmingly gaga for him as I once was now that I have my own boyfriend and life is great. I realize now that this explanation was probably way longer than it needed to be but oh well. Whatever. It was worth typing all out.
50. The Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings: The Chronicles of Narnia. Lord of the Rings is good and all but I kept zoning out during the movies and never dared to read the books (TOLKIEN, YOU SPEND LIKE FIFTEEN PAGES DESCRIBING ONE TREE. COOL IT, BRO). I think the above explanation shows how pretty obvious the Narnia bias is here, though.
51. In the car, radio or phone playlist: Phone. I never get the aux cord but when I do, it's a lot of alternative rock. I have lots of playlists for different moods or themes, though, like one of all songs that remind me of my boyfriend in some way, calming songs, "fuck yes" songs that make me wanna headbang and break a window, shit like that. Plus, phone playlists are portable so that's nice.
52. Favorite Disney Princess? Rapunzel! She was the first princess I really felt a strong connection to and I honestly wish I would've had her in my life as a little girl. I will forever be a massive Tangled nut, though, and literally nothing feels better than being able to run around dressed as my favorite princess and living out my dreams. I feel so free and overwhelmingly happy when I cosplay Rapunzel. She's like my happy place and a lot of the time, I find myself having to pry myself away from her sometimes so I can give attention to my other cosplays. Like a super strong magnet, though, I always gravitate straight back to Rapunzel. I will never not love my beautiful little sunshine princess <3 <3 <3
Tagging: no one because this was way too long and I sure as hell am not tagging 52 people. Do it if you want to but I'm not recruiting half a hundred people to fill out these questions that I thought way too much about.
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ventandraging · 7 years
Worried about someone
I have a friend. She is kinda unpredictable but the most amazing person. I can give you a detailed back story but I'm not sure that would be useful. We are different. She's pan and I'm straight. She wants to be a guy, (I don't want to be anything but since that's not possible,) I'm A-OK with being a girl, she believes in a God but that's it, I believe in God and the trinity and that He cares and talks to us. Her art style is even different than mine.. but we've been friends for years despite that. Partly cause our pasts crossed enough in the beginning and then we decided to purposely hang out after bonding over the same drama that bit us both in the butt 1 after the other. There are a lot of things we do have in common... like animes and shows, music takes for the most part, we love art and animation, cosplay, ...depression, hopelessness and anxiety too. Granted things like depression and anxiety look different for each person but if u have struggled with it or are struggling then u know it's something up wouldn't wish on ur worst enemy.(at least that what I think) we have become close over the years and I've treasured her friendship the way you would your very best friend and out of my friends she has been the very best friend I've ever met. For the last few years our paths didn't naturally cross but we saw each other regularly cause we both made an effort. We didn't have to do anything together or talk or message but we did cause we wanted to. Neither of us like people pressuring us to be, do or act a certain way but we do see reason in acting or being certain ways and no one likes being put in a box so we gave each other free will so to speak. (This is going somewhere I promis..) so the last 8 months or so (idk exactly ) we've grown distant... it sucks.. and it hurts.. I take friendships seriously and I care deeply.. it's just how I'm wired (which also sucks most the time) as a result I also have a very hard time letting go... On the 1 side I see this; she's not putting even half as much effort into talking to me or hanging out as normal, she's hanging out with other people and specifically a girl who screwed us both over way back but is now back in my friends good graces even though for me, I've forgiven her but I haven't been given any reason to trust her again yet. She has stopped telling me about random stuff in her life(though it's apparent she does tell others instead) there are times when she and her friends not only interrupt and cut me off midsentance but also ignore the fact that I'm there at all.. and other times when it's just chill. All of these point to the fact that for whatever reason I'm getting pushed further and further away..possibly on purpose by her... if that's the case then sticking with the free will bases of our friendship.. I should gracefully bow out and ..let go. It hurts like hell but when u cage and force something like friendship or love then you kill it... out of respect for the beautiful friendship we have had I do not want to kill it.. which means I have to let it go..set it free. On the other hand I see this; it's a new phase of life for both of us and for any friendship to survive through this kind of change, it has to be intentional and you have to put a lot of effort in... as someone with depression, you don't always have that effort and energy to put in and even more so if ur in a new stage of life and shit gets real, you can't always see past ur own turmoil and stress. So putting your foot forward, going the extra mile and putting intentional effort into a friendship when ur soo overwhelmed with changes and emotions and inner turmoil and anxiety of various kinds and stuff is super hard and is impossible to do all the time. Ik for me if I had put more effort and thought and time into this like 7+ months ago then maybe I would of done a better job but I didn't realize and got so caught up and distracted dealing with myself and new things. ..so that being said... what if she also had a similar experience, where it's just overwhelming and too much... if that's the case then it's doesn't mean that I have to let go. In fact.. it would mean I need to cling tighter and stick around, even if it's hard because why should I let emotional crap destroy a perfectly good and rather rare kind of friendship... Here's where the real worry and concern comes in though. I thoroughly thought about this and eventually tried to address it with her and ask (in what I think in retrospect was wayyy too many words) why are you pushing me away? Why aren't u wanting to talk to me anymore? Basically her response made me think it has to be the second option. She's exhausted and tired of life and tired of trying. She run herself down, and personally I don't think she gets enough sleep either which always makes things worse. She doesn't want people to help her cause in all honesty they cant, she has to help herself and she can't because she is too worn out. ... So my response was genuine but not thought out.. I've been stressed about it and anxious about the friendship for so long that I was so freaking relieved that she wasn't trying to push me out that I was unconsciously riding and emotional high so I told her that I'm sticking around and that she's amazing (told her more details than just saying she's amazing) and how she makes my life better but I ended up stupidly and unintentionally bringing it back to how she makes me feel better and back to me.. stupid stupid stupidity. It was left at that because it was late at night. Heres the part that worried and concerns me most through. The next day I get a text saying that she needs to take a break from social life and sort some shit out basically..... I said ok and after several hours of wanting to say something and stressing I just said don't get too lonely.. which is the stupidest thing ever...of all time. I don't even know what to do. I think in some ways she's right and making a wise move in taking some time and sorting things out but I also think the biggest thing she needs is emotional and mental rest which is hard to attain... also I could always be wrong about what she needs.. for me the only way I have ever found real emotional and mental rest is in God's pressance but ik that that's not the same for everyone (though given how many testimonies there are I'd bet it's more common than it seems) but I don't think or know if she's in a place where she's open to hearing that, never mind trying it. I'm so freaking worried that I want to just text her and her family asking how she's doing but I know that won't do any good. I don't think there's anything I can really do for her which makes me feel helpless but most of all.... i don't, cant.. I DON'T WANT HER TO GIVE UP. No matter what the outcome, I don't want her to quit. She is too precious and unique, the world NEEDS more people like her. She is a treasure. Oh God please don't let this world crush her. I need to stop stressing and worrying about her cause it's hindering me from doing my jobs properly even though it's only been like 2 days... In the back of my mind I also worry about my past repeating itself in a different situation, like what if it's all of her and her friends conspiring to get me out of their life, what if I really am unwanted and they don't have the guts to tell me. It's scary. .. do I let go.. do I stay.. Ugh an the end of the day, I'm sticking around until she tells me to my face to fuck off.. come what may. If they are conspiring then I guess this is going to hurt.. alot.. call me a sucker for pain or crazy or whatever but I've decided.. besides I told her I would stick around, so I better stick to my word.
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