#i put together a couple of memes i reblogged here - the answers that is
museincarnate · 3 months
Why do you only seem to interact with @dragvnsovl?
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//I didn't think I'd have to explain my writing habits, or my day to day, or my relationship with Tater, but since you asked, let's get a few things straight.
First and foremost, anon... Tater and I have a relationship together. We're what we've both described as platonic soulmates, found siblings, life partners, lifelong companions, etc. Just to make it clear so it's not misinterpreted, it's not a couple. Think of two best friends that just find love and companionship in each other's company. We'll get back to this.
Secondly, since it seems like I exclusively write with her, here's how my day-to-day looks. I wake up at 3 AM, get a workout in for an hour, and get ready to go to work at 6 AM. Keep in mind, anon, I still have to eat breakfast, clean up, and focus on IRL things too. I'm only human. I work in a quota-based occupation, where my work output matters, and helps me keep this job. So I don't really put time aside for RP'ing while I'm making my living, and I'm sure other people here would understand that. I do this from 6 AM to 12 PM, and come right home immediately after. By the time I'm home, Tater has replied to our threads, which we have a routine for, in replying to our threads daily, because, as mentioned, we have our close relationship and it's just part of us.
By the time we've reached post-reply in the timeline of my day, depending on the length of our threads and depth, it'll be 1 or 2 PM. By then, I'll have been up for nearly 11 hours, and while other people may have tougher jobs, not sleep the best, have other reasons for inactivity, you asked me your question. Once I'm home, and I reply to Tater like she and I do together everyday, I may not have other replies to get to from other people I'm writing with at the time.
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In the event that I do, such as today, long-form replies like my current one with Tater takes a lot of time and focus, and I just feel like settling down for my afternoon, and doing anything else that I find beneficial. Like today, I just started my shoulder workout that I didn't do this morning, right when you sent me this ask. And since I'm a schedule oriented person, I'll be eating within an hour of finishing said workout, because I sleep at 8-9 PM, and repeat my routine just about daily, and don't really eat after 6 PM, just so we cover all these bases and you don't ask anymore questions that I'd have to take the time to answer later. Congrats, you're making someone explain their daily life because of an assumption.
Now here's the part where I voice my appreciation for other people that I am interacting with, because it's unfair that you leave them out of your observation. I have threads ongoing with, as far as memory serves and recent replies that have put the ball in my court... @dragonballnewstar, @musecheerios, @the27percent... And if I've forgotten anyone else, they know that they can bump me for it at their leisure.
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Now, do you remember that part of this response where I mentioned Tater and I having our wonderful relationship? Well, you see, with that, comes familiarity. Comfort. A bond that makes interacting seamless and natural, since a relationship, at its best, is two people putting in equal effort for each other, and while you chose to mention her in this, I too have every right to gush a little and give her my appreciation. We alternate who sends the starters, the memes, the asks, and we share what we want to write together. She has always given so much effort and care for our relationship, and I always hope I do the same for her. Gushing aside, let's continue.
In comparison to most others, I am a stranger. A man who writes with them, as his own created characters and canon fixations. I'll admit it, I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to making a first move, with new people, or initiating something. Couple that with my day-to-day schedule, and I just get so lost in relaxing after work, that I don't reblog memes for others to use to send something to me. When I do, the effort isn't given as much as you seem to expect it to be? Should it be greater?
Because I'm more often than not, too nervous to initiate something myself with anyone, so why should they feel obligated to do the same for me?
And I'm okay with that, because of all the reasons stated above! I could do better, and want to, truly! But the door is always open if others wish to start something, because I want to interact with more people, but understand that they have lives too, and might be just as nervous as I am!
TL;DR: Tater's my soulmate, partner, companion, found sibling. We love each other, we're very close. I live on a schedule of my own design, and have a demanding job. It keeps me happy, healthy, and just... Me. And I love me. I'm admittedly just a nervous guy, and want to relax after work and replying to Tater, more often than not. I still reply to others on my turn, though.
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Happy now? Even if this wasn't meant to be perceived negatively, it felt ignorant of you, anon. I'm just a guy writing with whoever wants to, and living his life on his own terms. People can send stuff, ask me to send stuff, or whatever works for them, and I'm happy to interact and literally voiced that in my last OOC post. Sorry all for the long read, but this was necessary so I could get it settled. Appreciate you all.
Except you, anon. That was a bit uncalled for. You could've spent those keystrokes sending something for me to interact with later.
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deliveryclan · 3 months
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a clowder of very advanced cats living in a pizza parlor
it makes sense, trust me
>> WORLDBUILDING ASKS: open (some things might be spoilers, though, so I might not answer them)
>> CHARACTER ASKS: closed (no asking characters for something, no roleplaying please)
>> Starting cast
>> Masterpost of all moons
>> Allegiances (they will be updated everytime cat joins, dies and changes ranks)
>> Comicfury page
>> Oat Clowder | Ferret Clowder | Mallow Clowder | Sweet Clowder
>> The Pod | The City | Coalitions | Trading Villages | ???
Major inspirations: @/circus-clangen (for cats in very not-average warrior cats setting), @/aphidclan-clangen (for cats with hairstyles), @/moons-of-dewclan / @/havenclangen (for lineless style.. sort of), @/barrenclan (for how to work with other sentient creatures, not tagging bc not clangen blog per se)
blood, gore, violence, body horror, animal and child (kit) death + harm, unsettling elements, eyestrain, parental and spousal abuse, average warrior cats issues will be touched on too (cross- and outer-clan racism, misogyny, pointless conflicts over piss lines), cults and religious abuse, transphobia, homophobia and cissexism, cheating and affairs
food horror, osha violations, unsanitary conditions, low wages, pineapple on pizza, 5-minute craft level of food hacks, innuendos, papa louie jumpscare
- Biologically impossible breeding is disabled. Couples are more likely to adopt.
- Unknown second parent and non-mate pregnancies are on.
- Cats don't retire due to serious conditions.
- Mass extinction events are tentatively on.
- Prey pile is disabled in the savefile. It's not a balanced system and I will die on this hill <3
- The general goal is to survive for 200 moons (good ending) or lose all cats (bad ending).
- Everything else will get revealed overtime.
- #delivery ooc (mostly used for character questions, sometimes paired with lore), and memes
- #delivery moon / #delivery moon bonus (for the main moons and bonus pages)
- #delivery lore / #delivery lore bonus (for Oat Clowder's history and lore related to other groups, but also character art/refs)
- #misc ooc (anything else that gets reblogged here and isn't related to this clangen)
- Mod pronouns: they/he
- Vaguely inspired by 'No Delivery', but I took so many liberties that it's separate enough.
- I'm not particularly comfortable with people under 17 interacting, but.. well I can't really stop anybody. And the clangen and WC space in particular have a lot of under 17 fans/players, but just a heads-up.
- Mod is also a lesbian and have very strong opinions. Also trans women aren't men and trans men aren't women, in case anyone is confused. And lesbian attraction doesn't include men. Put those two things together.
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Ok so this is a crazy ask, so feel free to not do it, but for the shipping meme, I'm asking questions 1-15
Get to know my shippings preferences & ships!
Oh boy! This is going to be a long one!
1. List 3 shipping tropes you love
Friends/Childhood friends-to-lovers (have you seen my OTP? It's rare that I don't ship the childhood friends getting together)
Opposites attract / The grumpy one x the sunshine one (I'm putting these two tropes together because while I love opposite attract in many forms, the main kind of ship from this trope I love is grumpy one x sunshine one. Again, just look at my OTP. Also, some of the other ships I reblog, like Ichihime, Rivetra, Kyoru)
Forced proximity (this is a trope I've come to enjoy when done in certain ways, like if two characters need to work together to survive peril, or they're forced into an arrangement that neither is necessarily comfortable with, and the two come realise they might feel similarly about their predicament and start to bond and overcome what's been forced upon them)
2. List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love
Love triangles (hate them with a burning passion!!)
Instalove or instalust (I feel it takes all the development and challenges a ship can have...but if you make it that it's instalove but they discover over the course of the story that they actually work better as friends, WELL, things get more interesting!)
Bad boy x good girl (I used to love this when I was younger, but as I've grown up and gone back to some of the media that has this trope, I realised how awful some of the bad boy characters really were when they kept mistreating the good girl. I also noticed how much the narrative of 'she can change him' was being hammered in and not feeling earned when the bad boy decided to turn his life around. I think this trope can be done well if either a) the bad boy is softened to not be as much of a jerk, b) the kind girl isn't portrayed as being naive, sheltered, or someone that people just walk all over, c) if either character screws up, they get held accountable and do the hard work to make things right and change, d) if the bad boy does do something to the kind girl, that he actually apologizes and means it by showing, and e) that the kind girl is not the bad boy's sole reason to change, that he actually takes the right steps to change, like seeking help from others, and doesn't just rely on her to change him; she can be a motivation and a support for him on his journey, but not his therapist as it were).
3. One emotional aspect of a ship that always gets you
It's all about the emotion aspect for me! If I have to pick only one thing, then it's always going to be when a couple has that one emotional stunted or stoic character and they open up to the one person they feel safe to confide in. This person is always there for them, and harbors a care for them that no one or only a few people do. It's because of this and their growing feelings for them that they decide they will go through hell and high water for this person.
Bonus points if this is a slow burn and it takes the stoic character a while to fully open up, and when they do, it's an emotional outpouring (I go absolutely nuts when this happens).
Also extra points if this moments leads to the stoic person opening up to others too.
And give the work a freakin award if the person they confided in confides in them too, showing they've been through hell as well, and the two characters support each other (ABSOLUTE HEART EYES).
4. One physical aspect of a ship that always gets you
I already answered this question here.
5. Multiship or Monoship?
I'm very open to multishipping for most characters. For instance, I ship Orihime with both Ichigo and Uryu (and once upon a time it was Ulquiorra and Grimmjow...I still have a small soft spot for these ships too). However, there are characters where it's purely a monoship, and I'm sure anyone who's been on my blog for five minutes will see Toshiro is someone I can only ever see with one person. If Kubo turned around tomorrow and said Momo was going to end up with Kira [once I got over the devastation] I think I could be open to it, but Toshiro to me only has one person he could end up with and it's only ever going to be Momo for me (hehe mono, Momo, hehe).
6. Rare pairs or Mainstream?
I think there was a time where I fell into rarepair hell, but nowadays, seem to be supporting more mainstream ships. Hitsuhina has that weird distinction of being both, where it seems to be very popular in the Japanese fandom, but not so much in the Western fandom.
7. Polyamory or Monogamy?
Monogamy, but you do you if you like polyamory!
8. If the ship is physical, reversible or not?
No sure what this question means.
9. Do you always have romantic ships for fandoms?
For most of them I do, but there's the occasional fandom where I don't, like Mob Psycho 100. Whenever I ship two people, it's usually because of their chemistry and how they can develop heir own stories or flesh out each other more. This was definitely the case for Renruki, as I saw the potential for these two to have a dynamic relationship that fleshed out both their characters, and that's basically what ended up happening in the Soul Society arc.
10. How important is the sexual part (if any) of your ship?
In most of my ships, I don't really think about the sexual side of things. For instance, I get uncomfortable with Hitsuhina fanworks that have any sexual connotations around it. Don't get me wrong, teens obviously do those things, but I personally just find it uncomfortable for my OTP (the most I can stand is a heated kiss, I feel like such a wuss! ^^; ). Maybe it's because I've always seen them as a sweet, cutesy ship that don't actually start dating until their in young adult years?
Whereas for something like Renruki or Rivetra, I'm more comfortable with considering and seeing in fanworks that aspect of their relationship. In terms of fanfic, I don't go seeking out mature or explicit fics that are 'porn without plot', I always read fics that have a plot or character exploration and just so happen to have sexual content in them.
I don't know, I think it depends on the vibe of the ship and the kind of chemistry they have together. Hitsuhina has a sweet chemistry, whereas something like Rivetra or Renruki has a more mature chemistry.
11. Opinion on platonic ships?
I COULD EASILY FILL A TOP 50 LIST WITH BROTPS! My goodness platonic relationships are awesome and just as important as romantic ships in any and all media. In fact, I wish I had more confidence to write BROTP fics, it's only something I started to delve into when I joined tumblr.
12. List 3 ships you currently love
Aside from my OTP (because I'll always love them), I'm currently in love with:
Gabiyui from Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku (*gross sobbing* OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!)
Hananene from Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun (*sobs a river* OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO TRAGIC!)
Renruki (*tears in my eyes* It's good that they're canon!)
13. List 5 OTPs from past fandoms
I only have one OTP, and I decided to cheat a little for this one by listing every ship I had in each of these fandoms:
Tokyo Ghoul: Nishikimi, Touken, Mutsurie
Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator: Damien x Dadsona, Damien x Hugo, Robert x Dadsona, Craig x Dadsona
Harry Potter: Drastoria, Helga x Salazar, Romione, Harmony, Snily, Jily
Death Note: L x Misa
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Haruhi x Tamaki, Haruhi x Hikaru, Haruhi x Kaoru
14. Opinion on the importance of marriage?
For shipping, it's not a big deal. I just love seeing the couple happy and content. I must admit though, I have had ideas for weddings and what certain ships' marriages would be like. Of course, I've wondered and even written a fic about Hitsuhina's future marriage, and even drew their wedding day a long time ago. I was happy to see Renji and Rukia get married, it just felt right for them, and an Ichihime marriage is just so cute!
15. Opinion on kids?
Again, not a big deal for me in shipping. I never go out of my way to find fics where a ships children are involved. If they're in canon, like Ichika and Kazui, then I don't mind and even love seeing some of the fanworks creators come up with the family dyamics from Ichihime and Renruki, but for the most part I just stick to canon and don't go out fo my way to find fics or fanart involving potential children from any of my ships.
Thanks for sending this in! :D
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wayward40k · 6 months
💐 - Answer all of these!
The Flowery Munday Meme Yoooooooooooou... how did I know xD
🌺 - How much do you draw on personal experiences when roleplaying?
A decent amount emotionally, I think. Writing has always been cathartic to me in some way or another.
🍀 - How much do you think you have achieved with your blog?
Not much. Then again, I'm not really out here trying to 'achieve' anything other than tell my dumb stories and throw my dumb blorbos around xD
🌼 - Do you think you could ever stop roleplaying now?
Nah. I like writing, and I like cooperative writing. And even then, my husband is also a nerd and we play TTRPGs together all the time. So... no. Can't stop won't stop.
🌻 - What do you do between replies?
I'unno, chill? Look for memes to reblog, usually. Read everyone elses' RPs as they cross my dash. Try to work up the courage to interact with folks. Go to work. Contemplate stupid choices.
🌸 - Have you ever been in a group? Would you do it again?
As in a group RP? I have, and I probably would. They're much easier on Discord/whatever other messaging program you have (I started RPing on AIM, okay?), and I find I'm less likely to forget to reply because multiple pings will tend to do that xD
🌹  - Have you met true friends through roleplaying?
Yeh, I think so. At least a couple that still chat with me~
🍄 - What’s one bad habit you know you have in writing?
Already answered, I have a lot, I know.
🍁 - How do you want to explore your muse further? Is there a wishlist?
Oh... uh... I should put a wishlist together, I guess. Probably make it easier for folks that want to interact... maybe. But there's a lot. I have an entire flow chart of the ways my characters are connected and it keeps getting worse.There's a lot.
But in general? Here's three:
I'd like Alethea to learn to be more 'human', because she's just really broken in how she views herself and her place in the universe.
Mahv needs to find a place they belong, and get some help with all their problems.
I want Tesari to yeet an Astartes at least once.
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inun4ki · 1 year
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✾ Mun
hello.!! call me taro. my pronouns are they/them, and i am 21+. i've been roleplaying off and on for many years. my waking life is busy, so i won't always be here. i have 5 pets (no cat-dog fights in this house) and a big family. i prefer writing original characters to canon characters. i live in ye olde us of a. there are two things in this world i can't live without: green tea, hot cheetos, and emotionally wrecked men. oh, and i'm nerdy as hell. if you have any questions or just wanna chat/plot, i'm always open.!!
✾ Blog
i don’t shy away from disturbing/gory/traumatic topics. i don’t see it as a moral failure to write it. however, i won’t write: minor/adult, graphic noncon, and incest outside of backstories and such. 
all triggering content will be tagged as ’____ /’, and erotic content will be tagged as ‘nsft /’. 
needless to say, this is a 18+ only blog. i will not interact with anyone under the age of 18, 21+ preferably.
the themes i will explore on this blog include suicidal ideation, murder, mass murder, multiple forms of abuse, mental health, personal growth, sacrifice, guilt, death, loss, toxic relationships, and more.
all interactions are mutuals only.
i will take my time for serious threads. it may take me a few weeks from time to time to reply to a thread or answer an ask. 
i tend towards multi-para, but will do one-liners or simpler, shorter threads. 
i regularly delete my OOC posts. 
i tend toward inbox memes, so you may see more of those than other things. it's really just because i like to write drabbles most of the time.
i’m just a little bit on the awkward & shy side and may have a hard time reaching out for plotting. what i do to mitigate this is generally interact with posts and send in icebreaker asks.
i’ll also reblog plenty of memes, post starter & inbox calls, and my interest check so that there’re always opportunities to get things going.
i love love love to talk about mashing our muses together, so even though it can be hard for me at first, i’m always down to chat
if there's an occasion i don't respond to a message, it's usually because i've fallen asleep, got hella distracted, forgot, am hyperfocused on replies, having health problems, etc. it's never deliberate. please feel free to nudge me.
i love to ship, honestly. i am always down. if you think our muses would mesh well, by all means - please come yell at me! i probably ship it already anyway.
communication but mostly chemistry are needed for romantic shipping, as kaede is a bit of a pain when it comes to this - he’s only easy sometimes, and really the only way for him to 'love' your muse would be if they're just as obsessed with him as he is them.
there are a couple of things i do not consider shipping right off the bat. flirting isn't shipping. hell, i don't even think our muses boning a couple times is shipping. i don't consider it a ship unless we talk about it, basically.
toxic ships are super welcome! 
i do not ship minor/adult, except platonically as mentor-student or family.
every ship is in its own universe, disconnected from all others, and i do not treat any one ship as more important than another.
this blog is multiverse (working on the page), though jujutsu kaisen will be the primary.
i’m happily oc, crossover, au, and canon friendly, so if you want to do things in a different verse, i’ll make one if i don’t have one already! 
so long as we talk about it before hand or it advances the thread, i don’t particularly care about godmodding or powerplaying. it just has to make sense for our plot.  
kaede is strong, but there are others who are stronger - and crueler - and i won’t ignore that if the power scale is such. your muse can overpower mine? dope, they should, actually! besides, he’s a dex build. he’ll put up a good fight, but he’ll probably lose.
i block tags/posts.
if there’s something i don’t want to see, i will simply not see it, no matter what it is, be it the news, internet beef, or things that make me feel like ass for one reason or another. i don’t engage with any of that stuff; i have a personal blog for that sorta thing.
also, i do not have any written triggers & no tumblr post is going to send me down a spiral. i’ve been through a lot, but i’m a ‘power through it’ type, so even if i do see something, it’s ultimately whatever.
this is a small disclaimer.
i’m not caught up to the manga by any means, so there may be some things i don’t know or will get wrong - please let me know if something doesn’t gel quite right. 
please note that i put him together carefully so he wouldn’t interfere much with jjk’s main plot, though i’d be happy to plot something out. 
as kaede will ever be a work in progress, his about page is subject to change. all abilities and techniques are accumulative and an attempt at originality
i will apologize in advance for kaede being a complete brat at times, as he is a bit emotionally stunted and struggles particularly hard with forming solid relationships, be they platonic or otherwise. there's a lot of fear there for him.
you’ll see mentioned in a few places something called ‘the inunaki incident’. it’s about the mid-point of kaede’s personal storyline, and is a hefty bit of mixed character development i’m saving for a later date - fair warning: i’m a big fan of tragedies. i do have a posted timeline for his life (mostly just summaries), and i will be going over parts of it in the future. ultimately, the plan is to answer the questions: do i have the strength to keep going anyway? is my sacrifice worth the consequence? was this unavoidable, or could i have done something to change it? how much guilt and responsibility can one person assume before it utterly destroys them? i have fun seeing how many different ways i can answer them. 
i like to draw, sometimes a lot - but i am notoriously horrendous with most poses, so i end up using/relying on references - which i very ardently do not claim as my own. some poses i reference belong to kate-fox on dA, however i also use personal photographic references (pictures i’ve taken myself), anime/video game screenshots, and, on occasion, porn, as i cannot draw the human body or faces from memory (combined visual processing + memory issue). where i can afford it, however, i do commission artists instead - in fact, i much prefer it. all graphics were arranged by myself; likewise, kaede’s faceclaim belongs strictly to mangaka yanase seno. i also have commissioned art of him done by @okaerin, which serves as my current dash icon! icon borders by @paletterph
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goldenornstein · 5 years
My muse in a relationship + Shipping || HCs
How far are they willing to go for the person they love?
Very far.
Ornstein does not take love lightly. He does not see it as a fleeting thing or a whim. It’s a rare and precious sentiment to him, which warrants a great deal of care for the person he loves.
That said, being loved by a powerful and utterly ruthless individual has its dark side.
While he’ll be mindful to treat his beloved one with all gentleness, his actions towards anyone who seems like a threat to them might be frankly cruel, devastating, in an often merciless and definite manner.  
There’s nothing wholesome or romantic about the awful things he’d be more than willing to do in the name of love.
What are their deal breakers?
Infidelity. Big one. Hits a nerve as it confirms his long-lived insecurity concerning being less than worthy of love and care. It’s also a betrayal of trust, which is always a problem in any kind of relationship. He will not forgive it, no second chances, simply because he’d find himself incapable of trusting that person again.
Marriage. For the most part. He swore an oath off marriage at the beginning of his service to Gwyn, as captain of his select knights, and he’s no intention of breaking it. Any relationships must be kept secret and private, or he’ll put an end to them. This does not mean Ornstein will be a lukewarm or selfish lover, though. Furthermore, he might prove to be caring, devoted, faithful and supportive far beyond the average of most proper husbands, without any need for a formal bond or external obligation.
Lack of care, respect or consideration. He doesn’t want to be coddled, at all. Actually, condescension is another big deal-breaker. But he does need to be treated with certain gentleness. He needs affection and occasional reassurance, even emotional support, given his many issues and anxiety. Nothing terribly taxing, but definitely not suited for a tactless, immature or less emotionally invested partner.
Are they a cuddler?
Yes. Ornstein is very fond of physical affection. He enjoys — needs — embraces, caresses and all kinds of tender touches. To him, it’s an important way to show and receive love.
Do they give their partners cute nicknames?
Nope. Ornstein is the kind of guy who uses proper names at all times. No short versions either. He finds the whole lot of it… lazy, in a way. Endearments, on the other hand, are common and used to convey appreciation for certain beloved characteristics or sentiments, always deliberately and heartfelt. 
Do they believe in soul mates?
As in people meant to be romantically involved due to their souls being innately connected in their origin? Absolutely no, given his knowledge on how souls actually work and the fact that there’s plenty of very much non-romantic customs associated to them. Overall, Ornstein would think it’s ignorant and juvenile to reduce souls to a saccharine cliche. If anything, he’d say a true life partnership is formed through mutual understanding, support, trust, etc. as opposed as being a gratuitous metaphysical coincidence of sorts. Nonetheless, he might refer to a particularly beloved partner as someone who’s soul has become linked to his own — granted this could be in a literal way.
Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
With a casual partner? No. He’d barely sleep, if at all. With a long-term partner? Yes. Absolutely. He’s a touch starved, cuddly disaster — there’s no other way to say it! He also struggles with insomnia and plenty of nightmares, so having someone there, someone he trust, might help with that.
do they have a type?
Ornstein tends to fall for people who are not like him, one way or another. People with qualities he doesn’t possess, or that he doesn’t think / feel he possess. Provided, he is definitely not opposed to some similarities and common interests, finding it incredibly frustrating when a partner is simply incapable of understanding and keeping up with him, or vice versa. It’s always much better and more significant to him when this compatibility generates from shared experiences over time, though.
In that sense, he doesn’t exactly have a pre-established type, but rather wishes to find a true partner in all senses and matters.
Physically, well, he isn’t fussy at all. Although, he has a reference for muscular and/or more voluptuous physiques.
are they prone to jealousy?
When it comes to committed relationships? Yes. Definitely. A jealousy born from his awful insecurity and abandonment issues. Ornstein is aware of this, though. He’s also aware that this feeling and the behavior it can trigger in him aren’t healthy, or even acceptable. So he will make a great effort to keep it under control, lest he hurts his partner.
Still, he will refrain from getting involved with people who seem prone to infidelity, or even to have many lovers at the same time / over time — even if it’s a consensual practice. Hence, poly-relationships are, for the most part, out of the question. All in the name of his own comfort and mental stability.  Exceptions might apply, but only in a limited fashion and with people he can trust enough to let go of his own anxiety.
Then, actual infidelity towards him is an automatic and irrevocable deal-breaker, with a considerable loss of respect and consideration for the people involved.
If your muse is uncomfortable in a relationship, will they address the problem or keep quiet?
Relevant to all kinds of relationships, platonic or romantic.
And… well, this is a problem. A big, ugly, pitiful, unsympathetic problem.
I’ve talked about similar issues in this post.
Now, the answer to this depends on the timeline. Knight of Gwyn Ornstein will accept an enormous amount of detrimental treatment and lack of consideration towards his person. We’re talking about intimate, deeply significant relationships here, though, otherwise he’s extremely quick to put a hard limit. He feels unlovable, almost unworthy of having someone by his side. This basic self-esteem flaw leads him to either isolate or getting involved in unbalanced relationships with people who aren't the best for him.
Then, in verses where he leaves Anor Londo (even when corrupted by the Abyss) he starts developing a visceral rejection and anger towards this situation. Reasons why Ornstein will not accept siding with Light nor Dark political factions — he’s done with being used and taken for granted, be it for power or just out of lack of love/care/respect for him.
what is your muse’s love language?
Caring for others. Fighting alongside them. Sharing their struggles, victories and defeats. Protecting and helping them. That’s definitely his main way to show love — any type of love. Ornstein cherishes the people he loves, they’re truly precious to him in a way that transcends idealism, soft things and self-serving joy. He wants them to be safe and happy, and he’ll do whatever it takes to achieve that.
Yes, he can be absolutely ruthless and just awful in the name of love.
Then, sharing personal things of his own. This is a great deal for him, so used to remain stoic and private. In a way, he does fear the vulnerability that comes with opening up to others, so he’ll only do it when feeling comfortable enough, which demands a sort of trust that can only be born from love — again, of any kind. Being dismissed, treated without care or simply taken for granted will hurt him enormously,  becoming a potential breaking point in the relationship.
how easily does your muse fall in love?
Hardcore demi-romantic, aka he doesn’t fall in love easily. Never. He needs a pretty strong emotional bond beforehand. Even then, he’s just  finicky about relationships and usually not that interested. Once he does fall in love, though, it’s extremely hard for him to let go of the sentiment.
would your muse ever get married?
No — if we think about marriage in the conventional way, that is, the whole cis heteronormative husband and wife deal. There’s a few reasons for this, but suffice to say he’s repulsed enough by the idea to swear off marriage without much hesitation or regret.
Now, ironically, Ornstein is someone who does value monogamy and commitment, to the point where infidelity is a deal-breaker. 
If we talk about an scenario where same gender / non-cis marriage is allowed, then, he’d eventually consider it for a long term committed relationship. Although, he’d still much prefer a to stay out of it, if anything to keep his vows.
does your muse usually take the lead in relationships?
Depends on what we’re talking about. He’s very reluctant to initiate a proper relationship, simply because he perceives it as a potential liability.
how long does your muse have to know someone before they decide to ask them out?
Ornstein might as well NEVER ask someone out. He’s also heavily Demi-romantic, meaning he does need a strong emotional connection before any romantic attraction happens. Reasons why plotting romance involving him is difficult.
I think it’s way easier to start with a friendship, or even with a sex-based relationship, that might (or might not) turn into a romance as time goes by and a strong bond is formed.
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destielfanfic · 3 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #176, Fanfic Edition, August 2021
The show is over, long live the fandom! The irregularly posted Unofficial Bulletin is back this month. I’ve good news and bad news for you. Let’s get this ball rolling. 
Fandom events
Destiel fic on AO3 is approaching 100,000 mark
AO3 Ship stats 2021 by @centrumlumina
Tumblr plus and You post by @transformativeworks
Author Romilly King and plagiarism of destiel fic
update about apokteino’s fic With Understanding
update about moosefeels’s fics
@whyissupernaturaltrending and @spn-season-16-chronicles
Destielfanfic stuff
Destiel and Saileen
Destiel AU, vol. 7 - Soulmates and Blind Dates
from the inbox
in the beginning there was ...
Always the best man, never the groom
Lost Fic Group Asks #189 -#192 
Fandom events
Are we there yet? Not yet, but very, very soon the all time biggest ship on AO3, destiel, will cross 100,000 fanworks mark! As I type this on August 7, 2021 the number stands at 99,882 sorry, it’s 99,887 as I hit post. Here’s some posts anticipating the big even - post 1, post 2 and post about Misha tweeting about destiel fanfic. 
tumblr user @centrumlumina has been making and analyzing AO3 Ship Stats for years, and making them easily understandable in tumblr posts. Here’s  AO3 Ship stats 2021 All Time 100 with destiel as number one, and This Year’s Top 100 with destiel as number 2.  (link to the same post on AO3). Do not be sad about the second place on This Year’s table. That is a very huge improvement over 2020 listing, when destiel was number 16. According to OP, the low increase in new works could be explained with deleted fics making a dent in total numbers. Well, something clearly changed between the last survey and this year’s stats, if destiel is back on top. I wonder what.... 
Tumblr staff scared us all with their new blog monetization feature Post Plus, which prompted huge discussions about merits and demerits of putting your fanfic behind a paywall. Here’s a Tumblr plus and You post by @transformativeworks  that takes a deeper look at the problem from AO3 perspective and OTW’s Legal Committee answers some common questions.
and now the bad and sad news
An author of some 20+ m/m erotica books on Amazon, Romilly King, has been found to plagiarize at least 2 destiel fics. All important information with regular updates in notes and reblogs can be found on this post by @unforth. If you like dark, kinky fics, please check it out and see if you can help to track down other copycat novels. There’s is a strong suspicion that the author has ripped off fics from other fandoms besides SPN.
as we already mentioned on our post from January, 2021, destiel writer apokteino deleted their AO3 profile, including their most popular fic With Understanding (our rec post). There’s some misunderstanding about the fic appearing on AO3 as an orphaned work, but we are pretty sure that the repost was not done by the author. Please see this post and its notes for more info. 
and now even sadder news. It has come to my attention that a popular destiel author moosefeels has made all their destiel fics unavailable. I feel like a broken record, but for heavens sake, guys, please comment and kudos your favorite authors and download the fics you want to cherish. You’ll never know when they will be gone. 
one more shout out to @destielficarchive and its lovely mod @unforth!  This bulletin couldn’t be made without their posts. Check out the blog and give them a follow. 
and if you want to be always on top with destiel fandom news, check out @whyissupernaturaltrending and @spn-season-16-chronicles! 
Destielfanfic stuff
To celebrate #Their Love Was Real challenge held in February, we prepared a short rec list with destiel fics that also feature saileen. - Destiel and Saileen. 
Destiel AU, vol. 7 - Soulmates and Blind Dates - everyone loves a soulmate, right? Maybe not? Find out what happens in these latest additions to our #bonded tag! 
from the inbox - a new type of post where I answer selected fic rec asks. The irony for this kind of post is not lost on me. We stopped answering asks on the blog to make modding less time consuming, and yet here I am, answering asks on the blog again because this way I can be at least sure that the answer will be seen by our followers. 
in the beginning there was ... - after Mr.Ackles caused a great chaos in fandom with his announcement of an   SPN spinoff/ prequel The Winchesters, with young Mary and John no less, this fic rec list was born. 
Always the best man, never the groom -  a wedding themed destiel fic collection with a twist - it is not their wedding. In these fics Dean and Cas meet or finally get together thanks to other people’s weddings. I’ve been nursing this rec list idea for several years and was planning to post it after SPN finale. Needless to say things didn’t go as planned in fandom and I postponed it. Well, better late than never!
Lost fics were looked for and found on following Group Asks - #189, #190, #191, #192. If you asked for lost fics in past couple of month, check them out. Or see your DM, when I knew the answer, I sent a DM. <3
@destiel-fic-rec-lists - a self promo! Since I’m very behind on all new destiel fics, it seemed a good idea to collect other people fic rec lists in one place and share them with our followers. The blog was started to preserve destiel fic rec posts by`destielmybeatingheart after they deleted their main blog, but now it is expanding. I aim for several postings per week, usually a fic rec post and a fanfic meme or writing related post. 
We are NOT accepting submitted fic recs or any kind of promos anymore, lost fic asks are posted to Group Asks. Link to previous bulletins.
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srn-clrwtr · 4 years
dating embry call,,,, kind of HAHA
i hate myself for writing this, however, it was asked of me and i have no other ideas 😐😐 pls,,, go easy on me. i’m not good at romance, or any writing, but... i need to release something HAHAHA also i hate writing in second person but i’m TRYING **pls reblog**
also this is more like??? plot based??? in the beginning anyway. it isn’t till the end where i throw some headcanons in there... my writing goes from eloquent to straight up meme sorry about it :)
pls enjoy this v v v v long request and pls excuse any errors 🙏🙏 i’m going to edit this throughout the day
***also this is after breaking dawn and the cullens r gone and resume never happens :)
your mother had called la push her childhood home. it was the place she had learned to walk and ride a bike, it was where she experienced her first love and heartbreak, and the place where she knew unconditional love and friendship.
embry’s mother had been her best friend since she could talk, the woman knew her like she had known herself. where one was, you could always find the other.
they were the same person, all before yours had moved away. the second she was able to free herself of the chilled and misty winds of the torrential northwest, she was gone.
while she was utterly in love with the life she built, she itched for something beyond the quiet comfort of gentle rain. still, she always knew that she could find solace in the waterlogged soil if she ever needed.
and so she began with college, where she rooted herself with a man just a few short years older than herself. she moved in tandem with him, where he stepped, she followed.
when she fell pregnant with you, she found herself settling down and building a home. from crumpled photos on the fridge, to the sea smoothed stone that littered the windowsill above the sink, she left subtle reminders of the home she had left behind.
your father was initially a happy man, loud and boisterous with a grin so contagious, even the moon smiled back. you suppose it was what your mother had fallen for.
as you grew, his sunny aura shifted, hidden from the dark and looming clouds of a more than stressful work week. by the time you hit middle school, you understood that even though he had loved you and your mother, his priorities were found elsewhere.
your mother understood that raising you was best alone. though her husband responsible, living with the shell of the man he once was, was pointless. he was far too rooted within the floorboards of his office to quell the brewing storm of their marriage.
by the time you were in high school, your parents had divorced, and your mother had asked you about moving back to her own home town.
while she understood that moving away from your own home could be hard, all she had to do was mention embry.
Embry Call was the highlight of your summers. Your father was always too busy for family vacations, and so your mother always took you to La Push for a few weeks during the summer or over the holiday. Her job allowed to work from the comfort of her home, so trips to visit Embry and his mother weren’t entirely uncommon.
whenever you went to visit, you were both joined at the hip. As children, your fingers were always laced as he brought you all over the reservation. From the beaches to the middle of the forrest, he made sure you always ended up caked in mud, hair tangled messy.
In middle school, you were introduced to Jake and Quil, where you graduated from mud pies and forts, onto bonfires and the dryness of jake’s workshop.
of course, you still went on the occasional hike with embry, eager for at least some alone time away from your mutual friends.
it was pretty obvious that the both of you liked each other, but you were young. it was playground love, if you could even call it that.
into high school you stopped visiting so much, your mother grew busier, and you began to focus more on your own studies... during the summer, you enjoyed time at home, with friends not so far away.
still, you both stuck to phone calls. they were generally late at night, usually with the excuse of studying and school. you had no idea that it was actually because he ran on a much later schedule due to his shift.
and so when she all but mentioned Embry Call, you agreed... apprehensively, of course. at the end of the day though, you knew that you wouldn’t exactly be alone.
and truth me told, you always kind of liked it there better... the memories you made in la push were the best you had.
when you had arrived in la push, your mother had breathed in the air with a gentle smile, eyes closed as she took in the misty air. it was then when you began to wonder how much she had actually missed her home there.
embry’s mother had come to help unpack, explaining that embry was off running a couple of errands for her. a lie of course.
you were obviously bummed, a small pout gracing your features before your mother had all but rushed you to start unpacking. embry was not forgotten, the boy still on your mind as you grumbled throughout the rest of the night.
it wasn’t until after dark, when the sky was surprisingly clear with stars, did you get to see your long time friend.
with a knock to the door, and a shout from your mother telling you to answer it, you had flown down the stairs... with a small gripe of course. she was in the dining room. why couldn’t she get it?
the attitude all but vanished from your being as you opened the door to see embry, so much more different than you had last remembered.
it took you a moment to recognize him— his chest and shoulders were broad, hair cut short compared to the long inky strands that you were used to.
it took maybe a few seconds at most to register that the boy standing before you was indeed embry, and once that small fact had clicked, you all but flung yourself into his arms.
“em, oh my god just look at you! what in the hell did you do to your hair?!” your exclamation was muddled into nothing to embry, taking a few seconds himself to respond to your embrace.
little did you know that when the door had flung open, and his eyes met yours, his mind went blank as the world stopped spinning. the only thing on his mind, was you.
with gentle hands, he pulled you close and returned your hug. he had laughed a little bit, letting go of the breath he seemed to be holding, “it’s good to see you too, y/n”
embry hadn’t expected to imprint at all, let alone on the one person he wanted it to be the most. it was the first time he had seen you since his shift, and he had all but forced himself to forget any chances with you. all until you had opened the door.
you pulled away with a grin, quick to tug him inside your home, “you okay though? looks like i lost you in space there for a second.” and in all honesty, it looked as if he still was.
“yeah yeah, no... i’m okay! promise. i just... i’ve got a lot on my mind, is all.” you chose not to pay any attention to the way his eyes looked to the ceiling when he spoke, or the way he stammered out his response.
instead, you turned to your mother, where she sat at the counter with embry’s mom, tea in hand. They were smug as you spoke, “if it’s okay, i’m going to drag embry upstairs... i can’t put my bed frame together for the life of me.”
your mother shrugged her shoulders and looked over to her friend, “i don’t care—” and before she could finish, you yelled out a quick thanks before rushing up the steps.
neither of you missed the, “keep the door open!” from embry’s mother. you laughed it off, meanwhile, embry’s skin darkened with blush as he stuttered out a complaint. to say he was horrified, was an understatement.
embry was up in the clouds. it was you. of course it was you. it has always been you. though embarrassed, he couldn’t help but admire the way you could laugh something off so easily. how you blew the constant teasing off from his mother without question. and then he thought about how you did the same with jake and quil... you accepted it. you played right back.
images of you with his pack floated through his mind like dreams, a soft smile on his face. if you could get along with quil and jake, and take their endless amounts of teasing, then there wasn’t a doubt in his mind about his other friends, his brothers.
embry hadn’t noticed that you had laced your fingers between his, or that you were talking aimlessly to him. it wasn’t until you stopped leading him down the halls of your home did he realize.
you had turned around to look at him fully, head tilted in wonder as you held eye contact with him, “i wasn’t kidding when i said i needed help, embry. but if you have too much on your mind, we can talk it out too, you know?”
his heart fluttered a bit, eyes wide as he stared down at you, “no! no. i can help. i just... i’ve missed you.” and before you could squeeze in a cheeky comment, he continued, “well i mean, i mean we all do! my mom missed you visiting... i did too! and then jacob and quil never stoped pestering me about when you were going to visit again... and... and now your here! for good...”
you giggled as he rambled on, trying to cover up his obvious mistake. rather than watch him stutter over his words, you shook your head and lead him into your bedroom, “okay embry i get it. i missed you too. now, please for the love of god help me with my bed.”
this seemed to shut him up as he gazed into your bedroom, where your bed frame lay across the floor... somewhat put together, and lopsided, “well i mean you’re half way there... i guess?” he noticed the screws and various tools scattered across the floors and smiled fondly, “don’t worry, i’m here the save the day. let’s see what we got.”
and as he began to reconstruct your bed frame, you watched on in admiration. he wasn’t aware of your silent stare as he worked. instead, he was focused on the task at hand... admittedly, also day dreaming. ever since you had opened the door, his brain had turned to mush.
“so em... are you going to tell me why you cut your hair? or how you changed so much since the last time i saw you? you never even mentioned it over the phone!”
the boy looked up at you as you questioned him, hand moving to scratch at the back of his head, “i mean... well.. i just needed a change i guess. long hair is a lot of maintenance and with school being so... busy? i guess i just wanted one less thing to worry about.” his excuse seemed rehearsed, but you payed no mind. if he didn’t want to tell you the truth, you weren’t going to make him. not now anyway.
you nodded, and let out a hum. you thought about a lot of things, such as why he seemed so stressed and up tight. or why he felt the need to lie about his hair. using the excuse of “it’s too hard to keep up with” was bs. at least to you. whenever you came to visit, you had noticed that his hair was a priority to him, just like it was for jake and some of the others on the reservation.
he kept it well, carried around hair bands for when he needed to keep it back, and even had a brush sometimes. he wouldn’t even let anybody except for his mom touch it. why did he think you were going to believe his lie so easily?
the rest of the night went on with ease. it took embry less than fifteen minutes to figure out your bed frame, insisting that he put on the mattress himself.
the rest of the time, embry had watched you unpack. you wouldn’t let him help after he put the bed frame together, so he settled for asking you about life since he last saw you. he danced around your own questions, making up excuses here and there for his appearance or tired complexion.
eventually, you took a seat next to him as you spoke. you smiled as his head fell against your shoulder, “you can rest your eyes em, i won’t mind.” he all but nodded, hair brushing against your cheek as he settled closer. he hadn’t realized how exhausted he was until you told him.
it wasn’t long before embry’s mother had come up the stairs to find embry asleep on your shoulder. she leaned against your door frame as you waved to her, “i’ll wake him up and send him down. it won’t be but two minutes.” at that, she nodded and turned around.
hand coming to rest against the skin above his knee, you ahook his leg gently, “okay emmy. you gotta wake up, your mom is waiting for you downstairs...” he stirred awake, body stretching as he hummed, “i’ll see you tomorrow? maybe?”
he nodded at your inquiry, rubbing his eyes, “yeah, i’ll see you tomorrow... just, just call me when you wake up or something. the boys will want to see you... maybe i can take you to meet some more friends of mine? a bonfire maybe?”
you agreed, and pulled him up for a hug goodbye. his body was hot against yours, another question forming at the top of your tongue. it was like he knew, and before you could mumble it out, he pulled away to ruffle your hair. with a quick ‘see you later’ he all but rushed out the door, leaving you in a comfortable silence.
embry and you only grew closer after that. he couldn’t help but cry a little inside when he saw you interact with his brothers the following night. you all sat around a fire at the beach, where you had laughed and played into friendly banter as you snuggled up into his side.
you stuck your tongue out at quil nd jake whenever they had something to say about you both together.
into the following weeks, you and embry acted as if you were already dating. he never uttered a word about the wolf thing until seth had let a comment slip past his lips, something about how, “us wolves are just like that”
and then embry told you. you had all but laughed in his face when he told you, turning to cry after he shifted. it wasn’t like you were upset, you were just... overwhelmed. he walked you home that night, where he tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead, apologies rushing from his mouth. you refused to let him leave you after that.
you pulled him beside you and buried your head in his chest and basked in the silence of your room. he let you, running his fingers through your hair as he let you think everything out. he was afraid to speak, terrified of losing you.
you were the one to break the silence, peaking up at him, your eyes red from tears, “you owe me so many answers, embry call. too many for you to even count.” embry laughed a little, letting the tears he held back fall down his cheeks, nodding as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
he did give you answers. all of them. he told you about when and how... and why. he told you that after the cullens left, he stopped shifting so much. he wasn’t as busy anymore, no longer needing to patrol the woods for roaming leeches. after they left, the trouble they brewed followed.
he calmed your worries before you even spoke of them, promising that everything was okay, and that you’d be the first to know if they weren’t. he all but promised to keep you safe.
later, when he asked you on a date, you agreed as fast as ever. you had claimed that you already thought you were together. embry sort of died a little at that, peppering little kisses over your face.
he only told you about imprinting after having an established relationship so you could get used to the wolf thing.
made sure to explain to you that he loved you before it happened.
dating embry was... simple. it was like being his best friend with the exception of intimacy.
he loved cuddling, and always found a way to pull you into his embrace when you weren’t looking.
he was literally glued to your hip. in the kitchen, he hugged you from behind.
on the couch, he preferred to pull you into his lap or against his side, arms wrapped around you.
this man would use your chest or hips/butt as a pillow, you are not getting away from that.
dating embry also means cooking. a lot. you had practically beg emily for her muffin recipe before she finally caved. she made you swear it to secrecy.
when you first made them, embry had walked into your home and nearly cried in excitement. he was not expecting the sweet smell to greet him when he opened the door.
when you’re sick, you have to shove embry out the door. while it’s nice to know that he’s worried about your well being, he’s extremely annoying. and you love him for it.
he settles for pressing kisses to your forehead when you’re sound asleep.
embry also is the kind of guy to be like, “do yOu nEed heLP?!1?!?1” :/
no sir they does not but thank u for asking
“arE yOu sURe??1??” :// dude if u don’t stop ✋
he means well but sometimes you really have to grab his face and press your forehead to his nd say, “embry. i am more than capable of doing this by myself. i need u to sit down and be quiet or do something else because i am b u s y” instantly makes him check out for a hot second tbh
he knows you’re more than capable and that you don’t need his help, but like???? he’s still?? like he wants to ask and be helpful all of the ti m e
this usually happens when you’re making dinner for him or something
he feels bad cause he feels like you do too much for him
so you usually tell him that he can help clean up HDHSJ
when you told your parents that you guys were dating, they were all like, “oh baby,,, we already knew that” they have been planning your guys’ wedding since u turned 10 and they caught u guys holding hands
maybe u join jake nd quil in teasing embry
you have to make it up with kisses
embry strikes me as a pouty type... not like, the annoying?? pouty??? but a cute pouty. one kiss to his forehead tho and he’s g o n e
anyway,, dating embry is as easy as counting. he’s loveable and sweet and he’s funny and the love of your life.
the person who requested this brought up marriage too but this is already too mfing long u feel
so maybe another day
bye bye now
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WTWT: The Sequel | Part 4/5 [Reggie Peters]
Tumblr media
pairing: reggie peters x fem!reader
word count: 6.6k
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: hey babes it’s drea :) hope you enjoy this part and get to meet mimi and my favorite ocs!!! make sure to like, comment, and reblog! also send in your memes because we adore them!
If Rose thought he was stupid then, he wondered how she would have thought of him now. Incredibly sleep deprived, clothes wrinkled, and a bouquet of flowers he most definitely sat on at one point in his hand. But none of that mattered now. He was finally here in Canada to see you, his most chaotic plan yet.
Penticton was not like Los Angeles in the slightest. Reggie felt as though he was out of place. This city was calm and small, in contrast to his loud and unpredictable life. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make the adjustment if he had to move here, but he knew he’d do anything for you.
With a shaky hand, Reggie knocked on the door. The door slowly opened to reveal an older couple, one that Reggie barely recognized. Reggie was about to apologize and leave until the woman spoke up.
“Aren’t you that horse boy?” the woman asked, narrowing her eyes. “The one that (N/N) was friends with, right? From Idaho?”
Reggie’s cheeks were flushed red. “Um, Wyoming, ma’am,” he corrected politely.
The woman seemed impressed. “Manners and flowers,” she mused. “Turns out they did teach you a thing or two on that ranch of yours. Come in, I made scones.” Without letting Reggie speak, she took the flowers and shoved them into her husband’s hands. “Earl, put that in water, the poor flowers look parched.”
“Um ma’am I’m not too sure this is a good-,”
“Nonsense, you must have come all the way from California,” she waved him off, “We need to get you fed and rested up don’t we?”
Her husband nodded while finding a vase to put the flowers in. “Best take a seat, son,” he whispered. “Tamara gets a little pushy, so there’s no point in fighting her.”
Sighing, Reggie took a seat on the couch as Earl walked off to the closet.
“I’ll be right back honey,” Tamara insisted, just have to go grab something from the kitchen.
Reggie nodded and sat quietly, waiting for her to return, and when she did she was accompanied by a large plate of what Reggie had assumed to be scones. You were obsessed with them, the cafe you worked at had even started selling them at your request.
“You must be hungry from that flight, right?” she asked, removing her oven mitts. “Have some of these, they’re (N/N)’s favorite, can’t get enough of them.” Without asking for permission, she took a scone and --for lack of better word-- shoved it into Reggie’s mouth. “Taste good, honey?”
They were delicious. Only issue was that they were fresh from the oven.
“T-they’re h-ho-” Reggie tried to tell the woman.
Only Tamara didn’t listen. Instead, she took another scone, prepared to feed Reggie once again. “You’re like a stick, honey,” she scolded with a shake of her head. “I told Eloise about those weird fads in California. Stubborn girl doesn’t want to listen.” Reggie nodded, finally swallowing the scone. Not the smartest choice. “Oh, you’re finished? Have another.”
“No thank-” Reggie was cut off by the pastry filling his mouth.
Tamara tutted, seemingly not noticing the boy’s discomfort. “You know, I remember you from when you were little,” she continued to talk. “Very skinny. But short. You grew quite a bit from last time we visited, right, Earl?”
Earl came back, flowers now in a purple vase. He nodded wordlessly before turning to look at Reggie, his cheeks red and puffed out. Earl’s face showed no surprise. That was his wife, after all.
“Oh, Earl, not that vase,” Tamara sighed, giving Reggie a sneak attack by feeding him another scone. The poor boy let out a muffled groan, but didn’t say anything else. “Get the white one, it matches the flowers’ colors much better.”
“Yes dear,” Earl said, going back to the closet in the back of the house. Reggie slouched back on the couch, hopeless and in desperate need for some water. He came to Canada for you, not to be subjected to some sick twisted grandmotherly world war two-esque torture.
Tamara looked down at Reggie. “You must really like these scones, dear,” she said, visibly impressed. “Have another, there’s plenty to go around. Now I see why (N/N) likes you. You two must really love my cooking, hm? Remind me to give you the recipe for when you go back home. That is, if you want to go home.”
Earl mouthed an apology as he came back with the new vase and Reggie just looked at the old man and questioned whether this was going to be him in fifty years.
Reggie tried to say something but only crumbs flew out of his mouth, stuffed like a chipmunk.
“Hey Nana is someone out here I thought I-Flicka?!”
Reggie turned over to you, eyes wide, face full with scones and he gave you a pained smile.
“Hi Foofie,” he attempted to say with his mouth full.
Tamara pinched the bridge of her nose. “Well, looks aren’t everything,” she sighed. “Come on, boy, swallow before you speak. This is your future bride for crying out loud.”
“Nana,” you whined before rushing over to Reggie, taking a cloth napkin and wiping his face. “You look absolutely ridiculous, Flicka.”
“You lofe me,” he shot back, mouth still filled with scones.
You hummed in response. “Sometimes,” you teased. Tears began to well in your eyes. “I can’t believe you flew all the way here, and suffered Nana’s scone feeding for me.”
Eloise and Mateo walked into the room next looking at the sight before them with great confusion.
“Mom not again!” Eloise complained while her husband just let out a small chuckle, remembering the similar way he was greeted when he was getting to know Eloise. “I’m so sorry Reggie honey, but it’s really great to see you,” the middle aged woman smiled and leaned down, giving Reggie a big hug. “It’s been a while.”
“It has,” Reggie said, finally able to answer properly.
Mateo was next, helping Reggie out of his seat and welcoming him with the same kindness.
“Good to see you son,”
“You too, sir,” he nodded.
Mateo ruffled the boy’s hair before Reggie was pulled in some other direction and out the door of the house.
You sat Reggie down on the porch swing overlooking the rest of the city from where the house stood on the mountain. He could see how the mountains dipped into a valley, surrounded by bushes and trees that faded in the distance, pooling into the crystal blue lake, of which he could see more than one.
His driver had told him the large one was the Okanagan lake, and it spanned multiple cities, the middle point being the city he flew into, Kelowna, the other smaller lake that was more popular with locals was called Skaha.
“You know,” you hummed as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever come up with.” Reggie snorted, shaking his head silently. “But I’m glad you went through with it.”
“Me too, I was going to leave a few days after you left, but Rose made me pick up some shifts at her parents store so I could pay for the ticket,”
You laughed softly, taking his hand and weaving it together. “Seems like Rose,” you mused. “How are all of them? I miss them a lot, you know.”
“Yeah, we all know,” Reggie nodded. “Can I just say your grandma is a lot more intense than when we were younger. I legitimately thought she was trying to suffocate me with food,”
“Yeah, Nana does that with all the boyfriends, dad got the same treatment back in the 70s,”
“I hope I passed her test, then,” Reggie chuckled.
“You definitely did, she shoved like five scones in your mouth, I think that’s a record,”
“Pays to have the stomach of a cow,”
“Cows have six stomachs Flicka,”
“Exactly,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “And look at this, no universe, just me in charge, huh?”
“Or, is that what the universe wants you to think?”
“You know I thought you believed in God,” he fired back and you laughed.
“Same idea Flicka, just deal with it, higher power’s got your back,”
Just when Reggie opened his mouth, the door creaked open, revealing Eloise’s head poking out. “As sweet as this little reunion is,” she began sympathetically. “I think you two should get inside, now. You know, the mosquitoes are the one thing that don’t follow the ‘nice Canadian’ stereotype.”
You sighed, nodding. “Come on, Flicka. Sunburns are one thing but I’m not going to help you if you get a mosquito bite.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice, mosquitoes suck,” he said grabbing your arm and pulling you up and into the house.
As soon as you entered the room, Tamara smiled, exiting the kitchen. “There you two are,” she said. “Would you like another sco-”
“No!” both you and Reggie exclaimed in unison.
Reggie’s face turned red. “I uh mean, no ma’am,” he corrected sheepishly. “I’m full, but thank you. They’re really good, though.” Tamara, seemingly pleased with his response, nodded.
“Don’t forget, separate rooms you two,” Eloise warned.
Tamara looked at her daughter with a frown, “You act like you did sneak Mateo in here when you were teenagers. Plus he likes my scones! He’s family!”
“Yeah mom, listen to Nana I’m 22, you can relax,” you sighed.
“I promise no shenanigans,” Reggie added, “Swear it on Tamara’s scones,”
Tamara walked over to her daughter, patting her back. “Let the kids let loose,” she told her. “They’ll be fine together.”
You grinned, kissing your grandmother’s cheek gratefully. “Thank you, Nana.”
“Don’t thank me just yet, honey,” she stopped you. “I still want you to keep your door open. I approve of him, but I’m not ready to be a great grandmother just yet.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not ready to be a dad yet either,” Reggie chuckled. “One step at a time right?”
“We’ll see about that,” you chuckled mischievously earning you a scold from your father.
“Don’t tease the poor boy you’re just like your mother,”
Your mother rolled her eyes, elbowing him not so subtly. “Well, get to bed, the two of you,” she told you both. “I’m sure you have a bunch of things to show him tomorrow, so best get to bed now so you can have an early start,”
“Of course mom, love you guys,” you said, waving to your family and giving your grandfather who had been silent a kiss on the cheek.
Reggie was taken into Mateo's arms for a hug which he received warmly, your parents were like his second parents, they helped raise him, so it was only fair he looked at them that way.
Eloise was next, but along with a hug she whispered in his ear,
“I swear to sweet baby Jesus, Reginald, no funny business,”
“You have my word mama,” he chuckled and pressed a kiss to her cheek before following you out of the living room and up the small set of stairs that brought you to the rooms.
Your bedroom was small, and resembled that of a child’s. It was a bright pink with stars adorning the walls. Your twin sized bed was in the middle, pressed to the back of the wall. Reggie assumed that not much had changed in your room since you hadn’t been here for years.
“Nice room, Cookie,” he complimented as he set his bag down. “Very um, Disney princess chic.”
You shot him a look before throwing a pink throw pillow in his direction. “Shut up,” you shot back. “My grandparents haven’t really changed up the place. Hell, they still think I’m their baby granddaughter that wears princess dresses all the time.”
Reggie approached you, placing his hands on your waist. “Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a pink princess dress,” he teased. “You’d look adorable.”
“As long as you wear the animal sidekick suit. You’d look adorable,” you mocked.
“Okay, I don’t mean to be a downer, but I’m exhausted, somehow my flight had a connection in Colorado then Alberta, so I’ve been awake for hours,”
“The washroom is through that door, you can get changed and then come and rest on the Aurora bedspread,”
“Looking forward to it Cookie,”
As instructed, Reggie made his way to the washroom and got ready while you did the same in your room, turning off the lights and leaving the door open. When you climbed into the bed, Reggie had just opened the door to the washroom, he was wearing flannel pants and a very large Sunset Curve shirt.
“Did they run out of your size, Flicka?” you teased, in your pajamas, a pair of old shorts and Alex’s sweatshirt you had stolen prior. Not that Alex ever noticed you took it, though. The drummer had a lifetime supply.
Reggie scoffed playfully. “I’ll have you know, this is just my size,” he told you. “Size beautiful, duh.”
You held your arms out to him in a welcoming hold and he didn’t hesitate to fall into them, resting his head against your chest while you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Hey, how is everyone?” you asked with a quiet yawn.
“Well, that’s the million dollar question isn’t it,” he laughed. “Bobby drank Rose and Ray’s place dry when you left, Luke didn’t eat anything but Twinkies for three days and wouldn’t leave your old apartment, Alex stayed with him but he was just as bad and Rose and Ray just took time off from everything to take care of everyone.”
“Wow,” you breathed.
“But,” Reggie continued. “They’re better now, they convinced me to come back up here. I think they want to come and visit at some point,”
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled softly. “To see them all again. Maybe I’ll come back down for the wedding.”
Reggie chuckled, his fingers running through your hair. “There’s no “maybe,” Cookie. You’re going to be there, even if Rose has to drag you while in a white dress and veil. You’re her maid of honour.”
“About that,” you said, squinting your eyes. “Do you think they’re actually getting married? Like Rose didn’t say she told her parents or anything it was all very weird.”
“Oh, no, they’re definitely lying,” Reggie laughed. “But it’s fun to play along, see how long it takes for them to break or you know, break us.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Those two are crazy,” she sighed. “Definitely Rose’s idea, though.”
Reggie nodded, his eyelids slowly closing. “Yeah,” he hummed. “I always thought we’d be the first ones to get married in the group, anyway.”
You chuckled lightly and nodded, “With our track record? Really Flicka? I was expecting at least one of us to get married and divorced first, probably me to be perfectly honest and you would have gone on some self actualization trip to Borneo and then we would have found each other again and gotten married,”
“Borneo does sound nice,” he mused and laughed. “We were never one for a normal relationship.”
You agreed. “Normal’s too boring,” you said. “Where’s the drama in a normal relationship?”
“When you put it that way it makes it seem unhealthy,” Reggie poked you and you squirmed under his touch.
“It’s not unhealthy it’s just… just… spicy! That’s it, our relationship is spicy,”
“So were those dances Mrs. Leona taught us,”
“Oh Tamika! She’s such a sweetheart, I went through part of my practicum with her,”
“You’re on a first name basis with her?” Reggie asked, surprised.
“Well, I am almost a teacher now so yeah,” you nodded. “Still wouldn’t let go the whole deal with us having unparalleled chemistry,”
“Why am I not surprised,” Reggie yawned loudly.
You tilted your head upwards to see Reggie, barely staying awake. “Okay, we definitely should go to bed now,” you told him. “You look beyond exhausted.”
“I feel beyond exhausted.”
Laughing softly, you snuggled yourself closer into Reggie’s chest, his arms finding their place around your waist. “Goodnight, Flicka,” you whispered. “I’m glad the universe brought us back together.”
Reggie hummed in response. “I’m glad, too. I love you, Cookie.”
You woke up the next morning to the loud sound of banging. Sitting up abruptly, you turned to see the other side of your bed empty. You frowned to yourself. Were you just dreaming? Did Reggie not actually come to Canada?
You let out a sigh of relief. Reggie was here.
“I’m sorry!” you heard him yelp. “They look similar, so I-”
“Oh, these Brandanowitz women, worst taste in men, I tell you,” she grumbled loudly. “None of them can choose a man who knows how to cook!”
Rushing down the stairs, you poked your head around the corner to see your grandmother, father, and Reggie trying to cook. Your father seemed to have taken a major offense to your nana’s comment.
“Tamara, I’ve gotten much better, plus I did teach you how to make arepas,”
Your grandmother narrowed her eyes. “Don’t get smart with me, boy,” she snapped, snatching the pan from your father’s hands. “I still remember the cake incident back in ‘84.” Your father blushed sheepishly before stepping back to let Nana take the lead in cooking.
“Mom before you start attacking my husband you do know that dad can’t cook right? I’d say that proves you have equally bad taste in men,” your mother countered.
“Mhmm,” Earl nodded, not looking up from his newspaper and sipping his coffee. “Very bad taste ‘Mara,”
Tamara shook her head, swatting Reggie’s hand as he tried to taste the batter. “Oh, I know,” she said back. “I just hoped that after five generations of our family choosing terrible cooks, we’d get some change.”
“Reggie’s got some other talents,” Mateo came to the boy’s defence. “An amazing musician, Eloise and I went to a few of his band’s concerts,”
Tamara gave the boy a dead state. “Fiddling with banjos and drums won’t feed you, unless you plan on eating strings,” she deadpanned.
“Actually ma’am my band and I just landed a huge gig at one of the most popular theaters in LA. Our tickets sold out,”
“Are the drumsticks made of bread?” she asked.
Reggie furrowed his eyebrows. “No?”
“Are the bass strings made of spinach?”
“No, ma’am.”
Tamara made a sour face, taking the batter from the table. “Then not my problem,” she said before continuing to make the pancakes.
“Mom,” Eloise groaned, smacking her forehead. “Reggie honey just ignore her, she’s too old fashioned for her own good. We,” she said motioning to herself and Mateo. “Love you and that’s all that matters,”
“I don’t think he’s that bad either,” Earl mused from the table.
“Oh sure,” Tamara murmured to herself. “I’m too old fashioned until you come running back to me for my scones recipe.” She looked up from her bowl of pancake mix to glare at her husband. “Earl, next time you ask for coffee, you’re getting dirt and worms, you hear me?”
The older man only smiled at his wife. “Yes, dear.”
“Good morning,” you said, finally coming into the kitchen.
You went around, giving the routine kisses, saving Reggie for last and pressing a quick peck to his lips.
“Sleep well Flicka?”
“Like a log,” he nodded. “I-I was trying to help your grandma make breakfast but she seems to think I’m a bad cook,”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” you grinned. “She labels to the sugar salt and the salt sugar just to get people, you’re a fine cook Flicka,”
“Tamara!” Mateo explained, completely betrayed and flabbergasted.
The woman shrugged her shoulders, flipping a pancake on the stove. “Serves you right for thinking I’m old fashioned. I can have fun, too.”
“I-” Mateo stammered before looking at his wife in disbelief. “Eloise!”
Eloise smirked as she approached you with a cup of coffee. “You’ll need it if you’re going to tour around town today,” she told you.
“I’m gonna need it if dad is gonna try and find a way to prove he's a good cook, I can see the gears turning,”
“You know I can cook (N/N)! I always made dinner at home,” he insisted. “Now what do you like more, my empanadas or tira de asado?”
“Ohh the tira,” you and Reggie both nodded, having tasted the delicious steak already.
Tamara turned around with a plate of pancakes, setting it on the table. “But is his cooking better than mine?” she asked, giving you a serious look.
“Well that depends,” you said, you were always honest with your grandmother, no matter what other people had said, “See Papa can beat you without a doubt on the South American dishes, but when it comes to North American comfort foods you’re the queen,”
“At least you raised her right,” Tamara grinned, pinching her granddaughter’s cheek.
The rest of breakfast went by smoothly, with Tamara only threatening to make Mateo sleep on the roof once, a new record. Regardless of the constant threats Mateo loved his mother in-law, that was a fact.
You ran back up to your bedroom to get dressed for the day, while Reggie was held back by your dad, more likely than not to help clean up the mess that they made in the kitchen with Tamara.
But downstairs, Reggie was sat down by Mateo and Earl, serious expressions on their face. Eloise and Tamara were nowhere to be found, but Reggie wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.
“What’s up?” Reggie asked to break the silence, despite the erratic beating of his heart. “I’m not in trouble, am I?”
“No, son,” Earl reassured him, sitting down across from him. Mateo sat beside him, patting Reggie’s hand reassuringly.
“We just wanted to have a chat,” Mateo said and Reggie raised his brows, looking over at the two men.
“Am I right to think this has something to do with (N/N)?” Reggie asked and the men nodded.
“You’d be right, sonny,” Earl smiled. “I don’t think we’ve ever asked you how your flight was?”
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “It wasn’t horrible,” he answered. “But honestly, all that really mattered was that I’d find my way back to Cookie.”
Mateo couldn’t help, but smile, reminiscing the days when he was falling in love with his now wife. “Cookie,” he repeated. “You and (N/N) have the silliest names for each other. I don’t remember why you call each other that.”
“It’s a long story,” Reggie laughed. “I’m pretty sure Flicka’s a horse from Wyoming and well she always did like cookies didn’t she,”
The men laughed and agreed with him. “That girl eats far too many desserts for her own good,” Earl shook his head. “You better keep your pastry stock full at all times once you’re married to her, you hear me? She’s just like Tamara, can never get enough of sweets.”
Instantly, the edges of Reggie’s lips turned up into a smile. “I guess I’ll be needing that scone recipe too,” he joked lightly.
Suddenly, the room went silent. Reggie stared down at the bracelets on his wrists, playing with the loose strings. You had made them for him when you were kids, and he swore to never take them off. And there he was, seventeen years later, upholding that promise.
“Um, sirs,” he began, immediately cringing at the titles. “I-I… you know how much I love your daughter and granddaughter,”
“More than you love Tamara’s scones?” Earl cut in with a teasing wink.
“Oh yes, much more,” Reggie laughed nervously. “More than anything in my life, to be honest. And actually,” he reached into his pocket, pulling out a velvet box and showing Mateo and Earl. “I-I really want to ask her to be my wife. I just thought maybe I could ask for your blessings first.”
Earl and Mateo fell silent once more, making Reggie stammer sheepishly. “I promise you, I’ll keep my pastry stock filled and everything,” he rushed. “I’ll buy the entire company of cookies if it meant she’d be happy. Hell I’m prepared to move here, I’d do anything for her,”
Reggie pulled out the ring from the box, fiddling with it anxiously. “I’m ready to even give up music, if I have to. Because she’s worth everything to me. I’ll take up a job here, a-and I’ll learn how to cook, too. Cookies, scones, tira de asado, whatever she wants to make her happy. I know I don’t have much, e-even my family is falling apart, but I promise I’ll make her my first and only priority, sir and...sir.”
Earl glanced over at Mateo. “If you don’t approve of this young man, I’ll marry him myself,” he said with a grin.
“Reggie, Eloise and I always had a hunch that you’d be the one for (N/N),” Mateo explained. “You’ve been like a son to us and we watched you grow up into such a fine young man, I don’t think there’s anyone more perfect to be my daughter’s partner for the rest of her life,”
Reggie nearly dropped his ring. “Wait, really?” he stumbled over his words. “Like...you’re allowing me to propose? Like marry her and-and everything?”
Mateo nodded. “So long as she says yes,” he told him.
“Which she will,” Earl chuckled. “Welcome to the family son,”
Without thinking, Reggie stood up and leaned over and wrapped his arms tightly around them. “T-thank you, sirs!”
Mateo and Earl laughed heartily. “I think Dad and Grandpa will do,” Mateo insisted, patting Reggie’s back. “Now, I think you have a girl to propose to, right?”
As if on cue, you made it to the bottom of the stairs, ready to go. “Ready, Flicka?” you beamed.
Reggie quickly tucked the ring box back into his pocket. “Always, Cookie,” he responded.
Tamara entered the dining room, wearing a large floppy hat and sunglasses. “Yes, we are,” she announced. “Where to?”
Your cheeks were flushed red. “Oh, Nana, we were-”
“I’ve got the keys,” Eloise grinned. “We can drive to Kelowna for the day!”
“I can drive,” Mateo nodded, taking the keys from his wife and sending a wink to Reggie.
A good ten minutes later the whole household was packed into a car, heading out of the small town for the hour drive up to Kelowna, the largest town along the Okanagan lake.
“Oh mom can we go to Moo Lix? I love their ice cream,” you asked your mother, leaning up from the back seat.
“I’m sure we can stop there,” Eloise nodded. “We can walk through the city park and grab something to eat by the beach,”
The drive wasn’t too long, only around an hour and when they crossed the bridge to enter the city Reggie could sense your excitement, finally being able to show you around some of the places you grew up in.
“Excited, Cookie?” he asked with a teasing grin on his face.
You turned your head from the window, beaming at Reggie. “Beyond excited,” you replied, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it tightly. “Maybe later on, you can show me around Wyoming?”
Reggie threw his head back in laughter. “I’d love to show you the ranch,” he told you.
“Good cause I’m not entirely convinced it exists,”
“Oh not with this again,” Reggie groaned and banged his head on the seats in front of you.
Mateo finally parked the car along the front of the large city park, spanning the length of the beach and lake. You were ready to drag Reggie out of the car and try to take him to some of the places you wanted him to see, but you were interrupted by your grandmother insisting you all went in the opposite direction.
“Reggie, I have to show you Ogopogo,” you told Reggie, pulling on his arm. “I need to tell you the story about it, it’s awesome! It’s this monster that’s said to inhabit the lake, you’d love it!”
Reggie chuckled as he tried to catch up with you, running down the sidewalk. “I guess there’s another monster I need to befriend in the lake,” he joked, remembering the lake back in California.
Tamara shook her head at the two, readjusting her straw hat. “Oh, no one wants to see that pile of rubble,” she told you both. “Come on, there are far better things to see.”
“But Nana,” you whined. “I wanna show him-,”
“Come on dear,” she interrupted you and you sighed.
“We’ll come another time Flicka,” you said, wrapping your arm around his and intertwining your fingers together.
“Of course Cookie, I’m yours, for whatever or whenever,”
Your grandma dragged the group of you through the park, explaining the history of certain statues and whatnots. You were paying attention, but Reggie’s focus was on you the entire time, his hand nervously fiddling with the ring in his pocket, waiting for the right time, any time to pull it out. But every time he tried to take a moment to be alone with you, either Tamara would pull you two to another site or Reggie would get too nervous.
Finally, when Reggie got a moment alone with you, it was absolutely perfect. The sun was nearly setting, and your parents had managed to drag your grandparents to the bench to rest for a moment, but Lord knows Tamara can’t sit still for long.
“This place is beautiful, isn’t it, Flicka?” you asked, looking out in the distance. You turned to face Reggie, a mischievous grin on your face. “Maybe if you go for a quick swim, you’ll see Ogopogo.”
Reggie chuckled. “Maybe.”
The two of you turned back to the scenery, taking in the small moment of silence you were finally given.
Do it. Get on one knee and do it.
“Cookie?” Reggie spoke up. You hummed in response, not tearing your eyes away from the sunset. “You talked about the universe bringing us together, no matter how many times we’ve been pulled apart.”
You laughed softly. “Higher powers always have your back, Flicka,” you said, recalling what you told him last night.
Reggie placed his hand in his pocket, about to pull out his ring and propose to you. “Well, I-”
“(N/N)! Horse Boy!”
Reggie sighed, slouching slightly. Dropping the ring box back into his pocket, he turned around to see Tamara marching over to them. Earl was close behind, mouthing an apology.
“It’s getting late,” she frowned. “We have to get going now if you want to get scones for dessert.”
You smiled giddily, kissing Reggie’s cheek before following your grandmother.
The ride on the way back was spent the majority of the time in silence, just resting. You laid your head on Reggie’s shoulder as he stared out the window, frustrated with himself for not proposing today. There were countless amounts of times where he could have asked you, but there was always something holding him back.
Once you got back to the house, you dragged yourself up the porch steps saying you were gonna go take a power nap before dinner and dessert were ready. Reggie couldn’t help, but look fondly at you while you walked up the stairs, yawning loudly. Even when you were tired you were perfect to him.
Reggie couldn’t stop replaying the day in his head. All the missed moments were taunting him. He needed help, but from who? Suddenly, it was as though something clicked in his head.
Reggie entered the home, finding your mother in the dining room with her father. “Hey, um Eloise is there a phone I could use? I’ll pay for the long distance charges,”
“Yeah of course, there's one in the studio room downstairs,”
“Thanks,” Reggie smiled and jogged down to the phone. After taking it in his hands he took a deep breath. This had to be it, what was holding him back.
Dialling the number and hitting call there was no turning back.
The phone rang for a few moment and just as he thought no one was going to pick up the phone line clicked and there was a quiet,
“Hello?” on the other end.
“Hey dad,” Reggie said quietly chewing on his lip. “C-Can you get mom I want to talk to you both about something,”
A long pause followed. “Um, sure,” he responded. “Is everything alright, Reggie?”
“Yeah,” Reggied sighed. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket. Flipping open the top, he stared down at the small jewel resting on top of the ring. “Everything’s fine.”
There was a quite shuffle on the other line along with some hushed chatter before the phone clicked again,
“Okay Reg, you’re on speaker,” he heard his father’s voice once more.
It had been almost three months since he had last seen or spoken to either of his parents aside from getting the confirmation that they were going through with the divorce.
“Um… well,” Reggie didn’t really know where to start, so that’s what he said. “Everything’s a little all over the place I’m not really sure where to start,”
“Take your time sweetheart,” Diana’s soft voice came through. “Your dad and I have time,”
Reggie took another deep breath, “A-A little while back (Y/N)’s parents… they-they lost the house,” Reggie started to explain. “The job market just wasn’t working for them in LA so they needed to move back to Canada. They’re staying with Eloise’s parents for now until they can find work and get settled.”
“Oh wow,” Darcy whispered on the other end, “W-We didn’t know. I’m sorry to hear that,”
“Yeah me too,” Reggie nodded. “A-Anyways, (Y/N) had to come up with them. To stay and I… I just-I couldn’t lose her again so...”
“Reggie,” Diana spoke up. “Are you in Canada right now?”
“Yes?” he answered, more so like a question.
Murmuring followed from Diana and Darcy’s end. “Okay, we’re not mad you went to another country without telling us,” Darcy began. “But a heads up would have been nice.”
“I-I got a job and everything to pay for the ticket. I’m not in debt or anything,” he assured. “But yeah, I guess maybe I should have said something, but you can understand why I was hesitant to call,”
“Sweetheart,” Diana said. “We’re happy you went to follow the girl you loved. So long as you’re safe.”
“We’re sorry for not being the best parents to you,” Darcy added. “But we want to be here for you now. Is there anything we can do to help you with whatever’s troubling you?”
Reggie remained silent, fiddling with the phone wire. “Dad, how did you know you were ready to propose to Mom?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“I-I’m sorry?” Darcy said back. “Son, you’re going to have to speak up, I didn’t catch that.”
Reggie took yet another deep breath. “How did you know you were ready to propose? Like...what feeling did you get? Because I know deep down I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with (Y/N), but something’s stopping me and I don’t know what.”
There was silence on the other line and Reggie cursed in his head, this wasn’t a good idea he shouldn’t have-
“I-um… I don’t really know how to describe it…” Darcy started softly. “It was almost like… like pain, in my heart. When I wasn’t with her I-I just couldn’t function. Your mom she was… she was my everything.”
Reggie could hear his dad faltering on his words, but before he could get any further he could hear his mother’s soft voice reassuring him,
“It’s okay… we just… we weren’t cut out to be married. I-... Reggie I hope you know your father and I still love each other very much. It’s just sometimes life throws you one too many curveballs. D-Do you think you would be able to get past that with (Y/N) if it were to come to it?”
“I would do anything for her,” he whispered.
“Then I think you got your answer, Reg,” Darcy told him, no doubt smiling. “Reggie, I know we haven’t said it much, but I just want you to know that we are so proud of you for growing up to be such a brilliant young man, despite all the things life has thrown at you, what we have done to you.”
Reggie sniffled, wiping away a stray tear. “You haven’t done anything, Dad,” he said, voice cracking slightly. “Life got in the way, you know? I can’t blame you two for that.”
Eloise poked her head around the corner. “Reggie, dear,” she called out. “Dinner’s ready. Do you want me to save a plate for you if you’re still on that call?”
Reggie shook his head. “No, erm I’m okay, Eloise,” he reassured her. “I’ll be up in a minute.” Eloise smiled before going back upstairs.
Turning back to the phone, Reggie sighed. “I should probably go now,” he told his parents. “But thank you for the advice. It um, means a lot.”
“Of course, Reggie,” Diana said into the phone. “We’ll always be here for you.”
Reggie nodded, gripping the phone tight. “I...I love you,” he whispered, trying to fight back the tears from falling down his face. For once things felt normal. They felt like a family.
“We love you, too, Reggie,” Darcy told him. “Remember to tell us everything, okay? How it goes, if the wedding will be in Canada…”
Reggie laughed. “I will, Dad.”
“A-And, I know you probably have a ring already,” his mother started. “But the one your father gave me is passed down in the family. I-If you want I think we’d like to give it to you.”
“I-I’d love that,” he nodded, “We can save it for the big day… if there is one,”
“I have a strong feeling there will be,” Darcy said, a smile in his voice. “Trust me on that,”
“Well, we don’t want to keep you from dinner, sweetie,” Diana told him. “Tell (Y/N) we said hi, okay?”
After saying their goodbyes, Reggie set the phone down and smiled to himself. For once in his life, everything felt right.
Reggie, not wanting to make them wait any longer, stood up from his seat to join your family for dinner. There, Earl was pouring lemonade in each glass while Eloise set up the table.
Tamara was the next to enter the kitchen with a tray of roast chicken. “There you are,” she spoke up, looking directly at Reggie. “We were wondering where you were. Afraid you’d run off and make friends with the mosquitoes.”
“Tamara’s warming up to you a little more,” Mateo teased. “She’s worries for you. That didn’t happen for me until after (Y/N) was born.”
Tamara rolled her eyes, pointing a carving knife at him. “I’ll have you know,” she began with a pointed look. “I like this boy a whole lot more than I did when I first met you. This one finishes my scones and calls me “ma’am.” You should take some notes.”
Reggie laughed, taking a seat beside you. “Well, ma’am,” he smiled. “I hope you’ll get to see me more often.”
Eloise and Mateo grinned, a knowing twinkle in their eyes as Reggie spoke. You glanced over at Reggie, quite confused. “What?” you asked.
The bassist only shook his head. “Nothing,” he told you softly. Still exhausted from the day, you simply nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes.
“I’m tired,” you whined in a hushed voice for only Reggie to hear.
Reggie tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. “Eat quickly, then you can head to bed, okay, Cookie?” You groaned, but listened to him.
“Wow, Reggie,” Eloise mused, impressed. “She actually listens to you when she’s tired. (N/N) never does that.”
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a gift,” he joked.
With a mouth full of chicken and rice, you agreed. “He’s the special one,” you teased.
Reggie grinned, subconsciously patting the ring box in his pocket.
Yeah, he sure hoped he was.
general taglist: @katrina765 @glowstick-lesbian @well-hes-just-too-cute @slytherhoes @notasofti @sunsetcurving @kmsmedine @dxrling-neptune @mystic-writings @kmsmedine @acunamatata56​
will they won’t they taglist: @lil-lex1 @cookiecakeslive @ifilwtmfc​
dm us to join our taglist!
remember to like, comment, reblog, and send memes! <3
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magicofthepen · 3 years
For the character thingy, romana and leela?? ❤
ROMANA - I’m going to answer for Romana I, since I already did Romana II!
favorite thing about them: so I fell in love with Romana I instantly when I watched The Ribos Operation. I was like “wait no one told me that Romana’s basically a recent graduate who always thrived in school but has now suddenly been thrust into the Real World and is a bit of a mess” and oh my god why is she so relatable, also I love that about her. I love that she doesn’t quite know what she’s doing, and her academic brilliance doesn’t necessarily help in the situations she’s finding herself in, but she keeps trying and learning, so by the end of season 16 she’s much more confident and capable on her own than she was when she started. I just absolutely adore the premise of her character and how she develops during the key to time quest. also her banter skills are so excellent. (….this wasn’t one thing whoops. 😄)
least favorite thing about them: I feel like it’s something about how she’s portrayed in the Gallifrey audios, but I can’t quite articulate what? but I feel like somehow, some of the things I really liked about her on TV (her witty fun banter, her determination even when she’s out of her depth) aren’t represented as much when we get glimpses of Actual Romana I (not Pandora or an alternate universe version). idk if this is even fully true, it’s just….she doesn’t quite have the same vibe as the character I remember from the TV show (but this is also tricky because the Lies scene, the Matrix projection in Lies (which *isn’t* really her technically) and the remains of her consciousness in the body that Pandora’s using are the only times we get Actual Romana I - which isn’t that much time to express all the nuances of her character.)
(continuing to skip the favorite line question because it’s too hard)
brOTP: her and the Doctor!! (like I said in the Romana II ask, I used to ship them more, but lately I’ve been more into a platonic interpretation.) I just as instantly fell for their dynamic in the Ribos Operation - two people with very different personalities who don’t get along but are forced to work together and gradually become friends?? this is exactly the kind of relationship arc that I adore. Their banter and snark is So Good (I was so entertained by their interactions in Ribos Operation that my brain refused to pay attention to anything but their scenes, and I ended up having issues following the plot later oops). And I love their growing respect and care for each other - how they go from being mutually dismissive of each other to valuing each other and being a solid Team and just really genuinely liking each other! their friendship is just Very Good (…..and now I really want to rewatch season 16���.I’ve only seen it like one and a half times but I loved it very much….)
OTP: I don’t think I have any ships with Romana I that I would consider an ‘otp’? (the closest would be her and the Doctor since I have sometimes shipped them and I adore their relationship in general)
nOTP: Brax/Romana again….and tbh with Romana I it’s more of an actual nOTP (rather than ‘kinda nOTP, kinda ‘it’s complicated’’) because this is the time frame when she’s actually his student and so my discomfort with student/teacher relationships really rears its head (although there’s still one fic out there that I just think is so well-written.....but it does show the relationship as very unhealthy). 
random headcanon: .....so sorry to continue Sartia posting, but oops the first thing that popped into my head is my new maybe-unrealistic headcanon that Sartia was Romana’s first kiss. in a teenage “I’m curious and want to try this thing and you’re the only person I hang out with, but it doesn’t mean anything....or does it??” way. (.....this is so self-indulgent in such a terrible way rip.)
unpopular opinion: Armageddon Factor is my favorite Key to Time story! (I gather this is an unpopular opinion in Doctor Who Fandom At Large, it doesn’t seem to be liked as much as some of the earlier stories in the season.) technically I’ve only seen it once and it was a couple years ago, but I remember loving it as a Romana story, there were a lot of really interesting character bits for her!
song i associate with them: hmm I don’t really have one? my Romana playlist is specifically for Romana II in Big Finish so....yeah.
favorite picture of them: anything with her Ribos Operation outfit (with the full cloak), it’s iconic and beautiful! on a similar note, I love this Romana I art by @volucris-liga, it’s the first Romana fanart I ever reblogged and it’s so pretty!
more under the cut!
favorite thing about them: her resilience and her kindness. Leela goes through so much grief and pain, she has her world upended again and again, she never really finds a place where she belongs. and yet she still keeps choosing to love, choosing to keep fighting for what she believes in, choosing to rebuild again and again. and sometimes it’s really hard and she doesn’t want to go on….but she does, and she finds moments of happiness again. and that strength is really powerful. and no matter how cruel the universe (and other people) are to her, she is still relentlessly kind - she listens, she protects, she wants to help, she cares. 
least favorite thing about them: I mean, the “savage” stereotype that her character references is a racist/anti-indigenous trope (especially the whole dynamic of the Doctor trying to “civilize” her ugh). and I hate that characters keep calling her “savage” (even when they’re the Bad Guys, it’s still bringing up this trope again and again, and it’s even worse when it’s the Good Guys). why are they still doing this.
brOTP: see all characters listed under otp, every relationship that I ship is also an incredibly important friendship in Leela’s life and I love all of them <33 as far as relationships that I see as entirely non-romantic….I really love the version of Leela and Ace’s relationship that exists in my head (and in fandom) - they didn’t get to interact enough in the audios, but I absolutely think they were really close, because of their shared experiences and the ways their personalities mesh. (I feel like I should also say the Doctor here, but tbh I don’t remember her TV stories that well, so I don’t really have a solid memory of what their relationship was like.) and of course, Leela’s parental relationship with Rayo is very important to me!
OTP: once again, ot3 my beloved <33 and Leela/Romana first and foremost (I already rambled about them here, so I’m just going to second everything I said earlier). 
and I also ship Leela/Narvin, although I’m not quite as invested in that pairing? (due to a combination of ‘Romana is my favorite character and so I’m just more interested in her relationships with other characters,’ ‘I joined the fandom when things were pretty much all Leela/Narvin all the time (I say with great respect and affection for the artists and writers putting out amazing content for that ship) so I was motivated to write fic primarily for R/L and N/R to balance out the ot3 content,’ ‘apparently I have a contrary streak with Gallifrey and the more the writers push a romantic interpretation of a relationship, the less interested I am in actually shipping it,’ and ‘I’m not really into Leela/Narvin as a pairing on its own - although I do love a lot of fic that portrays them that way bc it’s just very well-written.’) But just. how they form a grudging alliance for Romana’s sake and then develop genuine respect for each other and then build this really solid foundation of teamwork and fondness and care and really relax and feel comfortable around each other….the way they become ride-or-die for each other and just trust and love each other so much….it’s Very Good!! (And I did love writing scenes with the two of them in Call It Home - I might not focus on them, but I do genuinely love their relationship.) 
And of course Leela/Veega <33….I debated if they even interacted enough in the actual audios for me to consider it an otp, but I love the idea of their relationship and the story of them in my head so much?? going to link to this post because it really captures my feelings about them - they’ve both been through so much grief and pain by the time they meet, they’ve both lost people they love before, so the idea of them choosing to love each other and build something together against the odds is just. very powerful. plus I have a whole playlist for the family they’ve built together, which is a strong indication that I really love this ship. 😊
nOTP: Leela/Andred. last time I answered an ask meme about Leela, I had this complicated response about how I hated Leela/Andred when I watched Invasion of Time (bc it’s so abrupt and arbitrary), and then Louise Jameson’s voice acting Convinced Me To Care because oh she really did love him....alas i am a Leela/Andred detractor at heart, and I have been nudged back to my default state by re-listening….I simply hate how he treats Leela in Gallifrey.
random headcanon: I really like the idea of Leela being more politically involved in her own right after they all return from the Axis. She’s just spent a lot of time leading a group of people who don’t have a voice in the government, fighting for their rights against the established injustices of Gallifreyan society. I don’t think she’d easily slip back into only being Romana’s bodyguard after experiencing more political autonomy on the other Gallifrey. What exactly this looks like in practice I’m not sure about - in my one fic ‘verse, I wrote about her being more directly involved with the Academy as a political liaison and guest tutor, and also advocating to Romana for policies that would benefit those who live outside the city on their home Gallifrey. but there’s probably a lot of options to explore here!
unpopular opinion: hmm I don’t think this is necessarily unpopular but idk and I want to talk about it: even though Leela identifies so strongly as a warrior, a “happy ending” for her would, I think, need to involve getting away from fighting. too often she throws herself into a fight to try to avoid thinking about how much she’s hurting, and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t stop the pain. and in the Time War, she’s tied her identity so strongly to war (it’s inevitable, inescapable, and she will Fight and Defend because that’s all she has left). there’s a difference between “I am a warrior” and “all I am is a warrior,” and Leela’s slid too far into the second one, and she needs to untangle her own identity from war to heal. 
song i associate with them: Freedom by Karmina (it’s a song about going on defiantly in the face of heartbreak -  “Tearing my room apart, I’m starting over” / “Take my pride I can still survive I’ve got my freedom” / “Hunt me down you’ll never find me now that I’ve got my freedom”)
favorite picture of them: the first one that came to mind is this gorgeous art by @laurelhach (which I didn’t realize was based on a picture until I stumbled across the original picture and was like oh my god!! it looks exactly like the art!!)
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breadoffoxy · 3 years
💌 Check in Tag
1. why did you choose your url?
I thought I was being clever changing up my main url and following Coleson -> son of Cole pattern. And the fics I read are scrumptious like bread. I am the fox that devours them, yum.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them?
This is a side blog, FoxyBread is my main. Originally made it to keep track of blogs I liked.
3. how long have you’ve been on tumblr?
4 years about
4. do you have a queue tag?
I used to queue everything on my likes but then I stared liking too much so I just reblog when I like it now. I got the reposts I am putting up set up on a queue right now, but that’s it.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I made this blog to start reblogging fics I like. I was a ghost reader for a long time and took forever to build up courage to dm writers to tell them I love their work. I saw posts that reblogs help authors out so awhile after building up more courage I made this blog to share what I love reading. Honestly I’ve been so happy to make the plunge into this blog because I love seeing other people so happy when I tell them I love their work. If anyone is a ghost reader, I feel y’all, do your best to send bloggers some love. It can feel intimidating but once you get used to it super easy! this is an invitation to come say hi!
6. why did you choose your icon?
Because I’m weak for Chef Dude and he looks absolutely adorable. It was soon after I sent the meme to a friend “confused but in Australian”. I wanted my blog to display multiple groups too and not just BTS.
7. why did you choose your header?
My mobile header I photoshopped together myself. I wanted to display all the members in their beautiful glory. I think the style of thinly cut pictures put together is an interesting aesthetic too. My web main page header I wanted it to feel classy with some black and white pics of my favorite idols. The header on all other pages, I just love Sehun and Chanyeol and their attitude.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Heart on Fire (when I typed this in a note at least...magic hands was close)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
45 (I counted from both blogs and I tried not to double dip mutuals so i think this is accurate but maybe not 100%)
10. how many followers do you have?
This blog - 578, my main - 92
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
When I’m posting I think everything is shit, but not really
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Way too much, don’t want to know.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nope, no fights. I don’t want to get mixed up in any drama please. If someone is mean to a friend though I do step up though.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I took this as reblog creator works and not like reblog this or bad/good things happen oops. I never pay attention to those. For the reblog creator posts,I’m tired of seeing them but they are obviously here because a large number people aren’t reblogging. Just imagine if people reblogged more, then we wouldn’t need those posts anymore.
16. do you like tag games?
I do!! Please send me fun ones!!
17. do you like ask games?
I do!! But only a couple awesome people answer them so I feel kinda dejected and don’t do them much even though I want to. Bless those who interact with asks, y’all are awesome.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I’d say the biggest writers I am mutuals with (on both blogs too, wow!) are @btssavedmylifeblr (sci-fi is amazing), @johobi (gaming writer wooo!), @xjoonchildx (fills the gangster hole in my heart and gets my random Zelda things)
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
I love all my mutuals, let me fangirl to y’all about every single one. I get crushes that come and go so easy so it’s hard to say, but if any of y’all are looking for a nice lady...😉
Tagging (only if y’all want to!!) @btssavedmylifeblr , @xjoonchildx , @johobi , @yoongsgguktae , @chelsea-chee , @bangtanloverboys , @crazy4myself
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summertime sadness .6.
Tumblr media
Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral, masturbation)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: Your new duties start to mount.
Note: Thanks once again for all the support on this series :) We’re going to go well over six parts if that isn’t obvious. Estimate is 10 but no promises. Things are heating up though and I can’t wait to continue. That being said, I got some rl work to do so might be a delay in parts. Thank you!💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
You watched glumly as the desks emptied out one by one. Stacey was always one of the last to go. She gave a cheery farewell as she grabbed her bubblegum pink purse and headed out the door. You waved at her and swallowed down your fear. Those still at their desks took her departure as a cue. They left soon after.
The office was eerie without the sound of keyboards and hushed chatter, the odd giggle or buzz of a phone. You sensed the change behind you and swiveled back to the face the ominous doorway. He was there. It was as if he knew. You were all alone know. No buffer, no witnesses.
“You almost caught up, darling?” He crossed his arms.
“I… Yeah.” You answered weakly. You knew he didn’t care about your work.
“Good,” He stood straight and stepped outside his office. “Why don’t you come here and we can go over your… work?”
You nodded and pushed yourself to your feet. Your legs felt like jello. You could still feel his hand on your thigh, on your pussy. It never quite went away but it wasn’t like Steve or Bucky. It was a touch that left you worn out and repulsed. You stepped around your desk and he turned his palm out.
“Ah,” He pointed to the floor. “Crawl to me, darling.”
Your heart dropped and you looked down at your feet. You unsteadily lowered yourself to your knees and pulled your skirt from under your knees. You bent forward and planted your hands on the floor. You took a deep breath and lifted your head. He watched you with his usual boastful smirk.
What were you doing? You cringed as you started across the floor. You were on all floors like a baby; an animal. And for what? Because you were stupid enough to fuck your professor. You imagined how he’d laughed if he found out you were also messing with your best friend’s father. Oh, he’d surely get a kick out of that.
As you neared him, he hummed in approval. He stepped around you and bent to slap your ass. “Go on,” He urged.
You crawled into his office and he followed. As you stopped inside, he closed the door with his foot. You were shocked as he tugged your skirt up and exposed your ass. You sat back as you tried to hide your bare flesh. He laughed and rounded you. He squatted and looked you in the eye as you sat back on your heels.
“I want you to tell me what you did that day.” He said.
“What do you--”
“After the bookshop. I know you fucked him.” He reached out and touched your cheek before he stood. “Stay like that and tell me how.”
“I-I can’t--” You stuttered.
“Start with where.” He sat in his chair and it squeaked as he leaned back.
“Uh, we went to my apartment and--” You looked down as your eyes burned. “I don’t know.”
“Sure you do. Tell me.” His zipper softly descended in as he spoke. “Were you on top?”
“I-- It was against my desk. I was sitting on it,” You said quietly. “I had my legs around him as he...entered me and I hugged him to me. It was fast. Hard.”
“Mmhmm,” He purred. “And… did you cum?”
“Yes.” You answered softly.
“Were you loud?” He asked.
“And that was the only time that night?”
“No. About an hour later, we fucked on the bed.” You confessed. 
“How?” He groaned.
“From behind. He likes it like that.” You sucked in your breath as your head swam. “Please…”
“Come here.” He said. “Stay down there.”
You dropped back onto your hands and crawled around his desk. He was stroking himself as you approached. You stopped and stared up at him. You tried not to see his hand moving up and down at the bottom of your vision.
“Get undressed.” He ordered. 
You shivered and pushed your blazer back on your shoulders. You tossed it aside and pulled your blouse over your head. Then you unzipped your skirt and kicked off your wedged shoes. Your hands were clumsy as you unhooked your bra and you couldn’t look at anything but the floor.
“I can’t blame him,” He said. “You’ve got that innocent school girl thing going on. But you’re not so innocent, are you?”
“No,” You forced out.
“I want you to use your mouth, my dear.” He rasped. 
You sniffed and nodded as you gathered your wits. You lifted your head and got up on your knees. You neared him as he spread his legs and you touched his thighs. His cock was pale and long. Not as thick as Steve or Bucky but nothing close to small. He withdrew his hand and you replaced it with yours.
“I said your mouth,” He warned. “Hands…” He grabbed your hands and put them palm down on his thighs. “Down.”
You pressed your hands down to assure him of your obedience. He grabbed his dick and angled it towards your mouth. You parted your lips and slipped them over his tip. He moaned as you pushed your tongue along his flesh. You took as much as you could and more. You struggled not to gag as you forced him down your throat.
“You are gifted indeed,” He snarled. “Fuck.”
His hands held your head as he began to guide you up and down. The sloppy sounds of your sucking bounced off the walls and filled your ears. He shuddered as he urged you faster. You choked and he pulled you off him all at once.
“Closer.” He grabbed your shoulder and rolled his chair forward. He took your hands and pushed them to your tits. “Like that.”
You held your tits together and he pushed his cock between them. His tip poked out above your cleavage as he slid to the edge of his chair. He rocked the chair as he fucked your tits and your stomach churned.
“Lick it.” He ordered.
As his tip came up, you bent your head and stuck out your tongue to flick across it. He inhaled sharply and continued on, each time you did so, he delighted in it. He gave you no warning before he came. His cum shot up across your face as he gripped your shoulders. It dripped down your nose and lips and along your chin. When he finished, he released you and sat back on his chair.
“Whew,” He breathed as he looked at you. “Clean yourself up, darling.”
You stood and reached for the box of kleenex on his desk. He caught your wrist and pulled you back. “No, not like that. Like you did at lunch.”
You scowled as he let you go. You slowly wiped his cum away from your nose and lips and shoved it in your mouth. You almost wretched as you licked up the salty, sticky mess. Then you scooped up that along your chin and forced yourself to swallow. He watched and his own tongue poked out between his teeth.
“My dear, you do impress me,” He said. “Go on. Get dressed. Go home.” He made no move to put his cock away, instead carelessly playing with it as it grew flaccid. “Rest up for tomorrow.”
Tuesday and Wednesday ended much the same. You hid at your desk until the office emptied out and then Loki called you to his office. He stood in his doorway until you crossed to him; the usual taunting words. And you left with the taste of his cum in your mouth and the stickiness across your chest. The stain had seeped into your soul.
Thursday was different. Something had changed. Something was amiss. You saw Loki twice; at the morning meeting and again after lunch as he stormed out of his office. He strode out with his briefcase in one hand and his phone to his ear. His voice was angry as he passed you. You caught only a snippet of his ire as his eyes flicked briefly to meet your curious gaze.
“No, no. I’m leaving work now-- Thor. This is the last time.” He sighed as he swept past and you watched him go.
For the rest of the day, you were as distracted by absence you had been his presence. There were titters around the office of what had riled him so. It was well known the editor had a rocky relationship with his brother, Thor. Their father was a CEO in London and had raised two sons with ambitions as great as his own; though it was barely a secret that he preferred one over the other.
As the hour rolled around, you hesitated to pack up. Surely if he meant to return, he would’ve by now. You shut down your computer and slid your notebook into your bag. Your phone vibrated on your desk before you could grab it and you flipped it over. A message from a private number.
‘Zelda’s, 7pm. Wear a dress. No panties.’
It wasn’t hard to guess its source. Your stomach sank and you touched your hot neck. He wanted to meet you outside work. Whatever had kept him so long, certainly couldn’t have improved his mood either. You typed up your confirmation and your phone buzzed again. Another text from Steve. You dropped it in your bag and rolled your chair against your desk.
You stared at your closet for an hour before you found the strength to change. After a Google search, you felt entirely unprepared for the upscale bar. More so for the man who waited for you there. You chose the black dress you’d bought for a night out with Kylie. Tight but not revealing. It was the only piece you had that wasn’t too girlish for the venue. 
Your uber was quick. You cursed the unusual expediency of New York traffic. You stepped out and stared up at the tall tinted windows of Zelda’s. You suspected a single cocktail would be worth at least a couple hours’ work. You fixed your purse on your shoulder and entered.
You spotted Loki along the bar. His green eyes were quick to find you. The din stifled the ringing in your ears as you crossed to him. He patted the stool next to his and waited for you to climb up.
“Hmm,” His fingers walked along your knee. “You haven’t anything shorter?”
You shook your head as he gestured to the bartender. He pushed his glass across the bar and glanced at you. “She’ll have a class of blanc,” He said coolly, “Top shelf.”
Your drinks appeared quickly and you frowned as he slid the wine glass over to you. “I’m still underage.” You whispered.
“I suspect that’s not stopped you before, darling,” He smirked. “Trust me, the wine is much preferable than any of that swill you chug at those frat house keggers.”
You took the glass and sipped. He watched, his green eyes swirled with menace. His jaw ticked, a remnant of his anger lingered in his posture.
“I did regret having to leave so early today but… I would not let such an inconvenience ruin my plans.” He rested his hand on your knee, just below your skirt. “Our plans.”
You nearly choked and made to set down your glass. He pressed his palm to the bottom of the stem and stopped you. You froze and blinked at him as he shoved your skirt up just an inch.
“I suggest you finish that,” He said. “And another might be in order. My dear, you look ready to faint.”
You inhaled sharply and drained the glass. This time he let you set it on the bar and he motioned for a refill. The bartender was just as diligent. Loki’s hand slipped but only to drag yours up to your knee. He squeezed your hand beneath his and leaned in. 
“It’s your turn.” He breathed. “I had my fun in that little bistro.” He pushed your hand down between your legs and your skirt rode up higher. “We’re not leaving until you cum.”
“I can’t--”
“Don’t make a fuss and no one will even know,” He purred as he leaned in. “People come here to drink. To forget. Not to worry about others.”
You sat straight, stunned. Your hand shook between your legs as he drew away. He leaned one arm on the bar and took a drink of the dark liquor on ice. The clink sent a shiver down your spine and you braced yourself as you slowly moved your fingers along your thigh. As he requested, rather ordered, you’d left your panties at home.
You brushed along your cunt and stopped. Your eyes widened and he tilted his head as he stared at your lap, your skirt bunched around your wrist. He took your wine glass and offered it. You took it with your free hand and gulped until it was half gone. He replaced it on the bar and nodded.
“Mr. Laufeyson…” You pleaded.
“Sir,” He corrected.
“Please… sir.”
“The sooner you start, the sooner you… finish.” He said. “You’re already wet, aren’t you?”
You winced. He knew that your core started burning the moment he’d touched you. That even though you didn’t want it, he riled you. That though you resisted, your body surrendered.
You took another deep breath and pushed your fingers between your folds. You circled your clit until that familiar tickle began to mount. You bit your lip and pressed firmly against your bud. Your hand moved without thought. Every flick, every swirl was instinctual. 
Your mind hazed as the voices and strangers around you formed a fog. The man who sat before you changed to. For a second, a single second, his hair lightened to gold and his eyes flowed blue like the sea. And then he darkened, a thick brown beard and square jaw. 
But as you came, your vision cleared and it was Loki again. Victorious. Boastful. Your body twitched as you sucked in your lip and swallowed back the moan. You lowered your head and your hand slipped down your leg. He snickered.
He reached for your hand and lifted it so that your fingers glistened in the low light of the bar. He brought them to his lips and sucked on them. You whimpered and he set your hand down in your lap.
“Finish your wine, darling,” He purred. “Our night has just begun.”
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blurry-fics · 4 years
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: Little bit of angst/embarrassment 
Word Count: 929
Request: Can you do one that’s tumblr themed and y/n has a secret tumblr with a crush tag and the boy sees the tumblr and sees them talking about him. Very embarrassed🤭
Author’s Note: Sorry about my absence, but here’s a fic to make up for it! I hope you enjoy this one :) (picture credit)
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You stifled a giggle as you scrolled through your Tumblr account, looking at the things you had reblogged over the past few months. It was mostly memes of various TV shows and games that you liked, but there was an occasional personal post thrown in to update your handful of followers about your life. Most of them were about your “mysterious crush” that you made vague posts about, just to make sure that his identity wasn’t immediately obvious to anyone reading.
Because the #jd tag made it so difficult to figure out.
“What are you looking at?” Josh asked when another laugh escaped your lips.
“Tumblr, as per usual,” you answered, smiling at him.
“I want to see what’s so funny.”
Josh started to scoot closer to you, already trying to peer over your shoulder. You pulled your phone to your chest to hide it from sight, making sure to lock it as an additional security measure. His attempts to get a look at your Tumblr account had been a longstanding joke in your friendship.
“Sorry, Josh, you know the rule.”
“Please,” he said, sticking out his lower lip. Your stomach flipped a couple times at his adorable expression, and for a brief moment you even considered handing over your phone. Flustered, you pulled your eyes away and reminded yourself of all the posts about him you didn’t want to be seen.
“No, it’s too personal,” you said, “But if I find something funny, I’ll text it to you.”
“Fine, we have a deal.”
Josh gave you one final longing look - which you answered with a giggle and a shake of your head - before returning to the other side of the couch, far away from you. You continued to scroll, though it was harder now that you were distracted by the mental image of Josh pouting. Was that worthy of a vague post?
“Josh, you have to see this,” you said, forgetting all about his expression as you hit the share button on a meme that someone had created about the band. You tried to limit the number of posts that you reblogged about the boys - mostly out of fear of people connecting Josh’s identity to the tag on your crush posts - but occasionally something was so funny that you couldn’t resist. This was one of those posts.
“I’m ready,” Josh said, holding his phone up in front of his face. “Is it coming?”
“Yeah, it just takes a second.”
A moment later, Josh was tapping on his phone and laughing as he read the post. The sound of it made butterflies form in your stomach.
“What account is this from? I want to see what else they’ve posted.”
“I don’t remember, click on the name at the top.”
The butterflies in your stomach disappeared instantly, replaced with a feeling of pure dread. You had been so distracted by sending Josh the post that you had totally forgotten that you had been looking through your own account, meaning that was what he had just gotten a direct link to.
“Don’t look at that,” you said quickly.
Josh turned to you, a teasing smirk on his face. “Why not?”
“Josh, please.”
“Is there something on here you don’t want me to see?”
You decided to go for it and lunged at Josh, reaching for his phone, but it only ended with his hand getting further from you and your chest pressed to his.
“Let’s see what we have here… this looks like a post you wrote. ‘I can’t get enough of his smile. It’s like liquid sunshine.’ Oh, and there’s some more text at the bottom. JD. Hey, those are my initials,” he smiled.
You were still on top of Josh, too scared, embarrassed, and curious to do anything. Was he going to put it together?
“I want to find more posts you wrote,” he said, starting to scroll faster. “Here’s one: ‘Sometimes he puts his arm around me when we walk and my heart melts.’ It has the same letters as the other one. I put my arm around you when we walk sometimes.”
His smile slowly faded and morphed into recognition. Your hands started to shake. You could see the pieces coming together in his head.
“‘Sometimes I want to tell him how I feel but then I think about losing him and that hurts so much more than never telling him.’ Y/N, are these about me?”
“I’m so sorry,” you said. Your body finally moved and you started to pull away from Josh. “I should have never made that public. It was stupid. I should have just told you like an adult.”
Josh caught your arm and gently pulled you back towards him, “I think it’s sweet.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I write stuff like that in my notes about people I like all the time.”
“Right,” you said, forcing a smile even though you could feel your stomach sinking.
“And I have hundreds about you.”
You turned to him, eyes wide. “About me?”
“There’s something satisfying about writing your feelings down somewhere, isn’t there?”
“Agreed,” you smiled. It was real this time.
Josh stared at you for a moment before finally leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours. You rested a hand on the side of his face and held him close.
“Does this mean I get to look at your Tumblr now?” he whispered when he finally pulled away.
“Maybe,” you laughed. “It depends how many other embarrassing things are on there.”
Josh smiled and gave you another quick kiss, “Deal.”
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kimium · 4 years
(Ship Meme) 4, 13, 14, 18
(From this ask meme HERE.)
Thank you for the ask!!!
4. What is/are your favourite tropes(s)?
My favourite tropes for shipping are:
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS: (honestly, that is self explanatory)
Supernatural creature Infatuated with -their- human: I’m so in love with this! Whether it’s very cute and wholesome or if it’s the human a bit off put by this but the creature is sassy/maybe a bit possessive it’s ALL good.
Chaotic Dumbass/Chaotic Dumbass: I just love the dynamic two people who are on the same wave length for the shit they pull. Or on the same coin the two people who are just Morons but they’re Morons in Love, Your Honour.
Already act like a married couple/are at complete ease with one another: I don’t just mean this in the light bickering. I also mean this in characters who intimately know the other/understand unspoken things/subtle gestures. I think that sort of soft intimacy is Perfection.
Confident one with/the shy one: I’m honestly just thinking of Mirio/Tamaki from BNHA here. There is no real deep meaning to this one.
The flirty one/the flustered one: I love this dynamic so much! I like it because I think it’s super cute to see someone slightly flustered by the attention given to them.
The ship that EVERYONE thinks they are together except for the dumbasses involved in said ship: I think the humour out of this is Outstanding. I eat it up all the time.
The OT3: I’m a MASSIVE sucker for OT3s. I love them but especially love them when two of the characters are already together and are both trying to flirt/get closer to the third party who isn’t aware that they COULD be added.
Honourable trope mention goes to Only One Bed: because Reasons.
13. Is there anything you ship but refuse to interact with the community for?
If you mean interact by “talk to the community” then I ship KomaHina and BakuDeku but besides reblogging fanart, writing fics/ reading said fics I don’t really want to talk to the community about these ships. I think it’s too Dangerous for Me.
14. Has a fanbase ever made you ship or not ship something? Why?
Fandom got me to ship Xanlow. I hadn’t really thought of the ship before hand but once I was introduced to it I started to ship it. I think it’s super cute and the whole “liege and his retainer” are a good dynamic.
As for getting me to stop shipping something I don’t really think fandom has gotten me to not ship something. Rather, I simply grew up and my tastes in ships changed as I got older.
18. What is your favourite unpopular ship?
My favourite unpopular ship is the Awakening Trio and Anankos. If you’ve read my FE Fates fics you’ll know that I think it’s a fun dynamic to explore. It also scratches my “supernatural creature infatuated with -their- human(s)” dynamic I talked about in my first answer (since that’s how I write it).
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makeste · 4 years
Hiya! I saw you were also into KHR back in the days. Where you by any chance a Gokudera fan? Or rather, is foul-mouthed explosions guys a type? :)
omgggg. yes. Gokudera is still one of my favorite characters of all time. I have a plush of him sitting on my dresser chilling with Bakugou and Deku (Deku is sitting between them to play peacemaker). I have my tag for him here with various reblogs, KHR chapter recaps featuring endless screaming about him, and various other posts such as my ill-fated attempt at a 30 days character meme. I have my ao3 works here, roughly 70% of which feature him in some way, including my big post-series fic which I wrote a couple years back because I wasn’t satisfied with the lackluster canon resolution to his whole family situation. I still have to write the damn epilogue to that fic. I had it outlined and had the dialogue for the key scenes all written up, but I suddenly got writer’s block like you wouldn’t believe on actually putting the whole thing together, and while I was still in the process of recovering from that, I made the foolish decision to start reading a little shounen series called BnHA which immediately became a hyperfixation and pretty much screwed me over on the ficwriting sob.
anyways but yeah, so to answer your question, foul-mouthed explosion guys absolutely is a type. I knew within .06 seconds of seeing Bakugou for the first time that he was 100% going to be my new favorite lol. I vibe so strongly with this type that I will sometimes purposely avoid reading or watching other series if I think there’s a chance there will be a new tsundere disaster child to love, just because I’m afraid of the hyperfixation detaching itself from the current one to latch onto the new one. it has happened way too many times. it’s important to be aware of your own weaknesses sob.
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oliviastan17 · 5 years
Just a dream (5/7)
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Warnings: 18+, all the fluff in the world, language, smut
Length: 3.6k
A/N: I am a nurse so this is way more medically accurate than what is needed for the story. I just started typing and all this nurse stuff came out (#nurselife) and I took a lot out but sorry if it’s too much. There’s nothing graphic though. I put a lot of gifs in because I don’t feel like I can accurately describe what I dreamt. I own none of them. DO NOT POST ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Please reblog and I love reading comments!
It took 2 months but today was the day. It was packing day. Your brother needed to drop Harper off because she had a fever and couldn’t stay at daycare. She seemed to be feeling okay after some ibuprofen and was playing with some toys with Sebastian (or so you thought) while you worked on packing.
You walked into your bathroom to find Sebastian sitting on the floor facing away from you and Harper brushing something on his face. Wait, is that my makeup brush?
“When did you guys come in here?”
“He’s almost ready,” Harper informed you.
“Ready for what?”
“The party. Auntie, you sit there,” Harper commanded.
“Okay then,” you said sitting on the edge of your bathtub. Harper had been really into makeup lately so you exactly what she was doing and couldn’t wait to see her masterpiece.
As Sebastian turned around you gasped, “Oh, Harper! He is so beautiful! You did such a good job!”
He had red lipstick covering his mouth and part of the stubble on his chin. There was charcoal grey sparkly eye shadow all the way above his eye brows and his cheeks were a bright pink. Sebastian just looked at you and smiled as he held up his hands.
“Oh, you did his nails too? They look amazing!”
“It’s your turn!” she exclaimed.
Just then your brother walked through your door effectively saving you from a makeover.
“I hear your daddy,” you said and then Harper ran out to see him.
 You and Sebastian followed and as your brother took in the sight of Sebastian and laughed.
“Hey kiddo! You feeling better?” he asked as she ran up to him.
“She had motrin at 4:30,” you informed him.
“Thanks Y/n,” he said looking around at all the boxes. “Man, it’s weird to see this place packed up. Am I seeing you before you leave?”
“Probably not. Did Mom call you to have you help move what I don’t take into storage?”
“Yeah, we’re coming on Saturday. Well drive safe. Call me when you get there.” He offered a handshake to Sebastian and said, “Sorry about all that,” he said referring to the makeup.
Sebastian shook his hand, “It’s no problem.”
Harper gave Sebastian a hug and then you knelt down to hug her. You didn’t want to let her go. “I love you forever.”
“Love you!” She said laughing while you kissed her cheek and then blew a raspberry making her laugh. You had tried your best to prepare her for not seeing you as often but you weren’t sure how much she actually understood.
Your brother came over to give you a hug.
“Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” he said as he hugged you.
“Love you. Have Noah FaceTime me later okay?”
“I will,” he said as he turned and he and Harper walked out of your house. You closed the door behind him and Sebastian wrapped you in a hug. He was trying to say comforting things but as you looked up at him you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
“I can’t take you seriously when you look like that,” you said laughing. “There’s makeup wipes in my bathroom.”
“No, I think this is a good look. Get used to the new me,” he said leaning in to kiss you but you playfully dodged it. He had too good of a grip on your waist so you ended up with lipstick all over your face.
“You want to order in? I’m not taking you anywhere looking like that and you just ruined what little makeup I had on.”
“Sure. Whatever you want,” he said.
As he walked away you took a look around at all the boxes around the house. You were definitely sad to be leaving but you were also excited about your future. It was scary but it would be an adventure. Everything with him was an adventure. Even something as boring as packing was fun with him.
After one more day of packing, you did it. You packed up your car and drove (well Sebastian drove) to New York. The drive up went as smoothly as it could. Between his carpool karaoke and the games you created on the way it really was fun.
On the second day of the road trip your brother called you to inform you that Harper was put on antibiotics for strep throat and that she also came down with bronchitis. Great you thought as you remembered her coughing directly in your face.
Three days later and you were at the doctor for the same thing. Nothing was able to stop you from coughing so the doctor gave you some cough medicine. The good kind with codeine.
Sebastian was doing a great job taking care of you and went to three different stores to find apricot nectar because that’s what your mom would give you when you were sick. When he got home the first thing he heard you say was, “Oh my god, Chris! Watch out!”
Why is Chris here? He rounded the corner and found you on the couch watching Civil War stoned out of your mind.
“What are you doing?”
“That’s not your ass,” you said pointing at the screen.
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He just laughed, handed you your nectar and went into his office.
His office was very close to the living room so he could hear every comment you made even though you were hoarse and could not stop laughing.
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“Oh, that was so hot!”
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“It’s not Bucky’s fault Tony!”
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“Back the fuck off T’Challa!”
He finally gave up and walked out of the office and over to the couch. He lifted your legs up, sat down and laid your legs across his lap.
“I thought you didn’t want to watch?”
“I want to hear your commentary.”
“Hey, can you introduce me to him?”
“No, Tom. Cause if I was 10 years younger…”
“Get out,” he said pointing at the door.
You laughed and grabbed his shirt to pull him closer for a kiss but then you stopped yourself.
“No, I don’t want to get you sick,” you said as he kept moving closer to you.
“I’ll take my chances,” he said before he kissed you. You fell asleep soon after.
Living together came easy. Everything was going great. You had found work doing some consulting for a production company and could mostly work from home. He had a few months until he started a new project so he was home. When you finished work you two would go explore the city. Some mornings you would go for a run, some you would stay in bed and just be together.
You hadn’t felt up to running the last couple of weeks. You just felt so tired but now you felt like you were gaining some weight because you spent the last 2 weeks being lazy around the apartment and eating crappy food. Today when Seb got home from his run and you were still laying in bed curled up he got a little worried.
“It’s probably just a stomach bug. I’m fine. I just need to rest,” you reassured him.
The next day you weren’t much better but you still got up and did some work in his office. Then the following day Sebastian wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Alright, that’s it. We’re going.”
“No, I’m fine Seb. Really. I promise I’m…” your sentence was cut off by you taking in a sharp breath as you grabbed your stomach in pain.
“No, you’re not. It’s been 2 days Y/n. Let’s go,” he said as he reached for your hand to help you up.
After a short cab ride you arrived at the hospital and were in with the triage nurse.
“Any chance of pregnancy? Last menstrual period?”
“I’m on birth control. They are really light if I even have one at all. I don’t really remember.”
After a ton of other questions and taking your vitals she brought you back into a room.
“Just change into this gown and the doctor will be right in.”
You rolled your eyes at the gown.
“Just put it on. Humor me,” Sebastian said.
“This is stupid. I’m fine,” you said but you had your hand resting on your stomach.
“Stop being so stubborn, babe. Just do what they tell you to.”
 “Hi, are you Y/n?” a nurse asked walking into the room.
“Yes,” you said as you sat on the bed. You weren’t going to put the gown on unless they absolutely made you.
“And your birthday?” she asked looking at your hospital bracelet.
“Okay, I’m Caryn and I’m going to get a blood sample and put an IV in. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the absolute worst, what would you rate your pain at?”
“Maybe a 6.”
“Is it constant or does it come and go?” she asked while getting the supplies out of the locked drawers.
“Comes and goes.”
You answered all of her questions. It’s been 2 days of intermittent cramping, no bleeding. You were tired and felt kind of bloated and were sure this was just a stomach bug.
The nurse drew your blood and put the IV in then walked out of the room. Sebastian stood up and leaned over to kiss your forehead. He started walking around the room snooping in the cabinets and drawers.  He pulled the otoscope down from the wall and turned the light on.
“What do they do with this?”
“Have you ever seen a doctor? That’s what they use to look in your ears.”
His mouth pulled up into a frown as he nodded his head. He put it back and then started to pull the covers for the otoscope out of the dispenser and placed them on his fingers.
“It’s like those me me’s of Chris with the fingernails.”
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“God, my boyfriend is a 12 year old. And it’s meme. Not me me.” You knew he was just trying to distract you and it was kind of working because he was so adorable.
The doctor then came in the room and introduced herself.
“Okay, so we got the results of your tests back and it seems you are pregnant.”
“I’m sorry…I’m what?”
“Your blood tests came back positive for pregnancy. I’m guessing you didn’t know?”
You and Sebastian looked at each other in shock.
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“No, I’m on birth control.”
“Birth control is only 99% effective so becoming pregnant when taking it is rare but not unheard of. Have you been on any antibiotics recently?”
“Yeah, like 2 months ago.”
“That could definitely be a factor as well. Some antibiotics lessen the effectiveness of birth control. Now you have had no bleeding so that is a good sign but I’m going to do an ultrasound to check on everything okay?”
Frozen in disbelief you didn’t answer so Sebastian did.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
You had stopped listening and weren’t sure when exactly when she left. Sebastian brought you out of your haze. Sitting on the bed he grabbed your hand and said, “Hey, look at me.”
“This can’t be happening. How did I not know?” you asked. As you looked at his face he seemed so unbelievably calm.
“Whatever happens, we’re going to get through it. We are going to be okay. I’ve got you, okay?”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” you agreed.
“Come on,” he said as he pulled you into his arms. He lifted your head up to kiss you.
“I love you.”
“Love you.”
The doctor came in bringing in an ultrasound machine and you laid on your back. Sebastian was sitting in his chair next to your bed and was holding your hand between his and resting them under his chin.
As you turned your head and looked at him he smiled and said, “I’ve got you.”
You forced a smile. The room was quiet with the lights turned down and you were holding your breath for what seemed like an hour while the doctor started the ultrasound. You were too scared to look at the screen so you just stared at Sebastian.
“Okay, so based on the measurements I would say you are about 7-8 weeks along. If you look here, this is the amniotic sac and this is the baby right here,” the doctor said pointing at the screen. You turned and looked at what she was pointing at. “And this flickering here is your baby’s heartbeat.”
You stared at the little moving black and white form on the screen and you brought your free hand up to your mouth while Sebastian let out a breath and kissed the hand he was holding.
“Is the baby okay?” Sebastian asked the doctor.
“I would say so, yes. The heart beat is strong. You’re still going to want to go see an obstetrician as soon as you can but I think everything looks great here. Some women experience pain in the beginning of pregnancy because their body is preparing for the growing uterus so your pain is not unusual.”
You were ugly crying at this point but you didn’t care. You had gone from being in pain to being a mom not knowing if her child was okay or not to being the happiest you have ever been.
“I’m going to print some pictures for you and I’ll get you started on some prenatal vitamins. You can take tylenol for the pain. The nurse will be in shortly to take out your IV. Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” you said as she walked out of the room. You looked at Sebastian and started to say something but were cut off by him crashing his lips against yours.
“You have no idea how happy you just made me,” he said hugging you, then kissing you, then hugging, and kissing and all over again. You had never seen him this happy before. He looked like pure joy wrapped in bliss and covered with all the love in the world.
“Oh my god…Oh god. What if I’m not ready? Oh my god, I’m not ready!“ you started freaking out and panicking.
“Are you kidding? You’re going to be the best mom. I’ve seen you with Noah and Harper. You always know what to do and they love you so much. You’re going to be amazing. I have no doubts.”
“I have doubts! Me! I have doubts!”
“Y/n,” he said holding your face and looking deep in your eyes. “Let’s go home and I’ll tell you 1000 reasons I know you are going to be a good mom. And I’m going to tell you over and over until you believe me.”
His eyes always had a way of hypnotizing you and calmed you down.
“Ok,” you said as you wrapped your arms around him and he held you tight.
“I love you so much,” he said.
“I love you too. You better be right or I’m going to be so mad at you.”
It took him 2 days but he eventually convinced you. Then it was his turn to freak out. It was so nice of you two to take turns. He had been so busy keeping you calm and convincing you that you would be a good mom that he didn’t even think about what this made him.
“You know how I know you are going to be a good dad? You don’t give up when things get hard. You let Harper put makeup on you. You fixed her toy that she broke. You love me so you are obviously smart. You are so wonderfully caring and considerate. And your mom raised you right. You’ll know what to do by just being her son. I have no doubts.”
“I have zero doubts,” you repeated as you put your arms up around his neck and kissed him. He had his arms low and around your waist. “We have 7 months to prepare. We are going to be fine.”
“You better be right or I’m going to be so mad at you,” he repeated your words back to you. Even when he is scared he is still trying to make you laugh.
With both of you finally done with your freak outs you decided to keep the news between just the two of you for a little while. It was sort of fun keeping a secret. You had both known for about a month so you were now 12 weeks pregnant and definitely starting to show.
You and Sebastian FaceTimed with your family and told them to which your mom cried happy tears. You and Sebastian went to dinner with his mom and stepdad and told them. They were thrilled of course. His mom told you, “Good luck with finding a name. Nothing goes with Stan!” You told a couple of your close friends back in Atlanta and they were sworn to secrecy as were Seb’s close friends.
They all had the same follow up question to the news: when’s the wedding? You never really gave Sebastian a chance to say anything because your response was, “I have bigger priorities right now.”
Everyone asked. Everyone except Chris. God bless him.
“Not drinking Y/n? Are you pregnant or something?” he asked jokingly when he met you and Sebastian for dinner while doing press in NYC.
When you said nothing and Sebastian just smiled Chris turned into a child on Christmas morning.
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“No way! Seriously? I’m so happy for you! This is so great!” He stood up and hugged you and then Sebastian. “So I’m like the godfather right? I mean I’m the reason this is happening at all.”
“Yes, Chris you will be the one doing all the hard work,” you sarcastically responded.
“Well, Chris…it’s a great name. Something to think about,” Chris offered.
“Yeah, not happening. Sorry man,” Sebastian said
Dinner was spent catching up. You hadn’t seen Chris in at least 5 months and probably only talked a few times. Sebastian talks to him more. You and Chris were weird. You could work together every day for months and then not see or talk for months but you always picked up right where you left off.
After telling Chris 3 more times that he would not be naming his child Chris, Sebastian looked at you and asked, “You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go. Chris…thanks for dinner.”
“I’m so happy for you guys,” he said giving you a huge hug and then one to Sebastian. “Hey, I’m back in New York in a few months so if I don’t see you before then just do me a favor. Promise me you’ll think about the name. Middle name would work!”
“Quick. Just walk away,” you said grabbing Sebastian’s hand and walking away.
Once home you went straight into the shower while he returned a call to his manager. You were in there for maybe 5 minutes when Seb walked into the bathroom on the way to the closet. As he walked in he saw you through the steam and the glass doors. Your hands were running through your wet hair and your stomach was beautifully plumped out with his baby.
When you noticed him standing there you simply opened the door and asked “Are you coming in or not?”
He immediately undid his belt and zipper and walked out of his pants while taking his shirt off. Stepping in to join you he walked you backwards until your back hit the wall. Despite it being a hot shower the wall was cold and you took in a deep breath as the temperature change shocked you. His lips were on yours while his hands were massaging your breasts as he leaned against you. You brought your hand down to stroke his cock and he sighed into your mouth.
He slowly moved his hands down your sides stopping at your hips and tightening his grip to pull you even closer. One hand continued to trail down your side to cup your ass and the other reached up to move your stroking arm up around his neck so you would have something to hold on to. With both hands on your ass now he lifted you off the ground and your legs were hooked around his waist.
Wasting no time he lined you up perfectly and with one thrust he was in. He gently moved his hips so he was moving in and out while his mouth was on yours. You broke the kiss when he began to speed up his rhythm and he buried his face in your neck. Your grip on his shoulders was getting tighter and he knew you were close so he didn’t hold back. Giving you all he had he felt you tighten around him as your back arched and his name passed your lips. He loved hearing you say his name and it took only a few more thrusts for him to come.
You brought your hands up to cup his face and kissed him as he set you back on your feet. He told you he loved you as his hands rested on your stomach. 
“I love you too. I’d love you even more if you went out and got me a cheesecake.”
“Whatever you want,” he said with a loving smile.
Next Chapter
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