#i read that as pork chops
ranposgirlboss · 1 year
second can I request uh appearance and written match up?? :3 for Bungo Stray Dogs lol
Likes: Drawing, Reading, being comfy, fashion ✨, baking cookies, sweet foods, competitive games, exploring, classical music, but also like every other genre too, and most definitely writing
Dislikes: Violence, change, Being controlled or manipulated TvT, Math, Stress, ART BLOCK AAAAAA
Sexuality: Asexual + romantically preferring men
Personality: Very competitive, and dislikes being out of control. Very nice and won't snap unless very very irritated. Easily irritated tho. Very sarcastic sense of humor. Quite friendly. Ambiverted but leaning towards Introverted. I'm quite serious and like mapping out schedules and plans for each and everything, but will not stick to it if something else comes up. Tends to overtalk and describe stuff or go on rants if very passionate about the subject. I'd say I'm quite creative as well? and I'm pretty goofy with people hehe
Also here's some art of myself hope it works <33
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and yes you can >:) (I LOVE YOUR ART SM)
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YALL ARE LITERALLY A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN!!! ENOUGH SIMILARITIES TO HAVE A GREAT TIME TOGETHER BUT NOT TO THE POINT WHERE YOU ARE IDENTICAL!! you and poe would vibe sm together omg. AND YALL WOULD BE ABLE TO RANT TO EACHOTHER ABOUT ART BLOCK (well, his is writing, but same difference). I JUTS AAAAAAAAA YES YES YES THATS ALL I GOTTA SAY. yall would just chill and listen to classical music like the chads you are
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(art by nozz177 on twt)
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whorehausen · 2 years
Oh no, I meant Yuta stays with BCC. He only pretends to join when Danny tells them what JAS is planning on doing, so Yuta and a Danny can be in the ring to ruin the JAS finals match and have Sammy win over Jericho, then they go back to BCC together laughing cause Jericho is gonna insist Sammy hand him the title and Sammy won’t so they get to watch JAS implode from the safety of the BCC. Probably a Regal plan. But we don’t tell Bryan.
OHHHH! Okay. This I do like more. I hate the idea of Sammy with the world title in any form. Please god No MJF take it from him immediately after that. Save us. but everything else here is a very nice plot to implode another one of Jericho's factions with Yuta and Danny working together instead of against each other. it's beautiful really. In this fantasy booking of yours are we the fans in the know of it being a ruse (4th wall breaking style) or have we become shocked/overjoyed when the ruse is revealed
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codtrashsammy · 2 months
oh no i'm having more soft Ghoap thoughts
okokko this is more of a little ficlet thing but it makes my lil heart happy so enjoy <3
also y'all i do not be editing these. at all. I just be throwin shit down on paper and making my brain produce dopamine.
if you all have any requests though pls feel free to drop into my ask box <3 I will gladly write whatever. I'm sure i'll come up with rules eventually, but rn I'm pretty open-minded and can't think of much I would refuse <3
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You're waltzing around your apartment, half asleep but with a tired smile on your face. Johnny comes back today, after all, and of course that means Simon will be coming too! You've been dating Johnny exclusively for a few months now. Sure, sometimes Simon will hold your hand, or pull you in for a hug. And sure, sometimes Simon sits with you in the early mornings on the balcony while you drink a warm drink, and he smokes a cigarette- looking at you with rapt attention and soft eyes, hanging onto every word you say. Okay, and maybe he calls you 'love' and 'darling' but he's British, so it's probably normal. But it's entirely platonic- you're at least 78% sure, and plus only Johnny had asked you out- so you have to stay loyal to him even if you do feel something for the bigger brute.
But! You need to get your ass into gear and make your boys- boy something to eat- knowing damn well they- he will be hungry when they- ah fuck it. You're going to cook them a good ass meal to enjoy- knowing they will enjoy it after a month of MRE's and shitty mess hall food (Johnny's words). So you do. You work away in the kitchen- though the clock reads barely past 2AM, knowing they should arrive around 3AM at this point. You've timed it perfectly, so by the time you set everything out on the kitchen island, still steaming and hot, you hear the familiar playful rapt at your door.
ba ba baba ba
With a grin you glance over the selection of food first- mashed potatoes, green beans, fried pork chops, and freshly made black tea- you make your way over to the door and open it with a grin. "'m glad you're back!" You bout out happily, sending both men a bright grin despite your slightly tired eyes along with theirs. "Missed ye, bonnie," Johnny is quick to just waltz right on in, arms wrapping around you and lifting you up slightly with one hand, his other hand occupied carrying his duffel bag.
A snort of amusement leaves your lips as you hug him back, pressing a kiss to his lips before batting at him to put you down- though he doesn't hesitate once he notices the smell in the house. "Oooh, what's this, bonnie?" Johnny hums out, dropping his bag somewhere in the living room as he makes his way to the kitchen.
A soft laugh leaves your lips at his reaction, but you don't bother to answer him as you turn your attention to Simon, whose closing the door behind him. He's wearing his usual little black medical mask- the one he wears in place of the balaclava when he's off duty.
So imagine your utter shock and dumb fuck surprise when he pulls the thing down, steps forward, places a gentle hand on your cheek and kisses you. "Missed ya, too, love," Simon quips easily, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before simply dropping his bag and just walking right into the kitchen.
Sir, I'm sorry, what the fuck was that?! It's a thought, no words leave your lips as your cheeks heat up.
Oh no, you just cheated on your boyfriend- in the same house with him- with his best friend.
Apparently, nothing but walk into the kitchen with your boys, watching as the two of them are already seated with stacked plates in front of them. You blink blankly at the scene.
You hesitate before taking a seat, sitting across from Johnny and resting your hands on the table, looking between the two of them as they converse casually.
"Take such good care o' us, bonnie, dunnae ken what I did to deserve ya," Johnny quips, looking at you with bright blue eyes and a genuinely content smile on his face between shoveling bites of food.
"Stopped bein' a bloody prick fer more than two seconds," Simon says, voice low and monotone yet somehow tinged with amusement.
You blink again. Huh "You kissed me?" You say it as a statement, but it comes out as a question as you look at Simon, ignoring their banter even though it makes you want to snort in amusement. You're too dumbfounded and bewildered right now to handle this situation. "Uh huh." Simon responds, flatly, like it's the most obvious thing in the world as he takes a bite of mashed potatoes. Johnny looks between the two of you, a slow smirk pulling at his lips, "LT, you sly dog," Johnny murmurs with clear amusement, elbowing the bigger man in the side playfully. You sputter for a moment, looking back over at Johnny, "A-and you're just- okay with that?!" You ask in utter confusion, bewildered but not exactly disappointed at the scene.
So you didn't cheat on your boyfriend with his best friend? Johnny looks at you and this time he blinks in confusion before turning his head and grabbing Simon's jaw, pulling him close and planting a kiss on Simon's lips, causing Simon to grunt in annoyance- only because he was still eating.
Johnny turns back to you with a shrug, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Even?" You stare at the scene with heated cheeks before throwing your hands up in defeat, "...Even." You relent with a huff. ....can't cheat on your boyfriend with your other boyfriend who is also your boyfriends boyfriend you suppose.
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kierahn · 7 months
Just had this Idea, yandere perverted chef with a coworker reader
Short drabble
yandere ! chef x waiter ! male reader
mention/implication of cannibalism
mention of touching w/ no consent
i'll insert some ideas to expand on this since i've thought of some the moment i read your prompt. i dont want it going to waste ^^
× yan ! chef and a waiter ! darling reader who would always have multiple customers hitting on him everyday. this makes yan ! chef simmer with rage everytime.
× there was a time when a customer touched you inappropriately, and yan ! chef was there to witness it. how dare they touch you so carelessly. he was the only one who could touch you like that.
× in that moment, all he could think of was bloody murder (and maybe a bunch of different menus he can use to cook human meat with).
× as a way to relieve himself of his burning anger, yan ! chef used his charm and exclusive position as the restaurant's head chef to lure the customer into meeting him after work hours with the excuse of cooking up a "special dish" for a "special customer".
× and that was when he striked. knocked the bugger out and dismembered him into tiny little pieces. desperate guys like him were so easy to deceive.
× "y/n," yan ! chef would call you over to the kitchen the next day, and by the time you reach him, he places a plate of cooked meat in front of you. you place the tray that you were holding down on the counter as you eyed the foreign dish.
× "what's this ? trying something new for the menu ?" you ask eagerly. the dish looked so appetizing, and it was cooked just the way you liked it. yan ! chef always knew how to make your dish to your liking. maybe the saying that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach holds some traces of truth in it.
× "no, it's a special dish just for you." yan ! chef says with a slight shrug of his shoulder as he continued to chop away in his wooden cutting board.
× you couldn't say no to an offer like that, so you dug in, and as expected, his food was phenomenal. the spices and flavors stuck to your tongue and blended with each other perfectly.
× but you noticed that the texture of the meat seemed.. off. you couldn't exactly tell what type of meat it was.
× so you peer over yan ! chef's shoulder out of sheer curiosity. the bloody sight that greeted you made your breath hitch. from the first look, you could tell that what he was slicing wasn't pork or beef or any of the meat that most people would usually consume.
× it was a human arm. you were sure of it. with the way the skin was still in tact.
× just as you were about to stop yourself from throwing up right where you stand, the sound of chopping seem to stop. your eyes met; a shiver sent down your spine.
× "did you like it, darling ?"
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maidragoste · 7 months
Chapter Two: A United Front
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The Hunger Games AU
Katniss!Jacaerys x Peeta!Reader
Chapter One Chapter Three
First of all, thank you very much for all the support that the first chapter had! It made me really happy to see every comment and reblog, it really motivated me to continue writing 🥰🥰
Please let me know again what you thought of this chapter in the comments, as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated too 💖💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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Jacaerys was irritated. Firstly, because it is evident that you had already begun to play in front of the cameras since when you two arrived at the train station you did not bother to hide your tears, you probably thought that perhaps this way you could get a sponsor or else your strategy was to show yourself weak and like an easy prey to later fight in the arena. That's what Sabitha Vypren, from District 7, had done in her games.
The second reason for his irritation was his uncle. Larys hadn't said a word to him since before the Repair or even now that they were on the train heading to the Capitol. This was supposed to be the time for them to prepare strategies together, for Larys to give them advice on surviving the arena, but his uncle seemed more focused on enjoying the pork chops and mashed potatoes. Jacaerys was also eating, he was ready to eat everything he could to gain the most muscle mass before the games started, but now and then he would stop and stare at Larys hoping that at some point his uncle would decide to speak.
“So, what do we have to do for Jacaerys to win?” you asked, breaking the silence and making him choke.
You were the first to react, you quickly got up and started hitting him on the back until he finally spit out the piece of meat. Effie looked at him with disgust.
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking at him with concern and now caressing his back. Jacaerys noticed how his uncle looked at the two of them with interest. He had no idea why, neither of you two had done anything extraordinary, he made a fool of himself by choking and you ran to save him…Well, I had to admit that your action was striking, someone else would have let him die by drowning to have one less competitor in the arena, not only that but you just said that you wanted to help him win. It didn't make sense… Unless it was another strategy to gain his trust only to then stab him in the back in the arena.
"I'm fine," Jacaerys responded, putting his hand on your arm to stop your caresses. You blushed and moved away from him as if you had been burned by his touch. “What do you mean by that you said earlier?” he asked you once you sat back down.
"You have a chance to win, Jacaerys," you declared as if it were obvious. Evidently, he couldn't hide his confusion because you continued talking "You know how to hunt and you have good aim. Every time my father buys you squirrels he says that the arrow always hits the eye, you never ruin the body" the boy felt the heat rise to his face at your words and he was sure he was blushing because suddenly you seemed to be stopping yourself from smiling. "So if either of us has a chance of winning it's you. I'll probably be one of the first to die but I think I can be of help in the interview" you said the last thing looking at Larys.
Jacaerys felt his appetite disappear. It didn't sit well with him to hear you talk as if you were already resigned to dying. "She's got a good right hook," he said, looking at his uncle. He couldn't let Larys give up on you quickly, if you lost his interest then he surely wouldn't bother trying to help you win. "Lucerys told me. She hit a boy who was bothering him and gave that idiot a black eye."
"Jacaerys, I won't be able to win just by hitting people. Besides, there are surely tributes even bigger than that boy, they will attack me before I can even land a hit on him."
For a moment he had the image of an unknown tribute mercilessly attacking you with a sword before you had the chance to defend yourself. His stomach fluttered at the image of your broken body.
"You, on the other hand, can attack from afar with your bow. If you hide well you can have an advantage" you continued and went back to eating without realizing that your companion was looking at you with a frown.
Your attitude was irritating him. You should have been trying to impress Larys by saying what other things you can do but instead, you keep talking about him. It did not make sense. It had to be a strategy or maybe you were thinking it was a lost cause to try to win the games by having him as a district partner and his uncle as his mentor. You probably believed that Larys would choose to put all the chips on him just because he was his nephew. That made him furious.
"She can lift weights. I saw her lifting sacks of flour"
You suddenly dropped the cutlery sharply on the table. "Enough, Jacaerys," the annoyance was evident on your face and in your voice. "Don't try to make me feel good just out of pity, please. I know I'm going to lose. Everyone knows that." "You made a gesture with your hand to let you continue talking when you saw him open his mouth." Do you know what my mother told me when she came to say goodbye to me? There may finally be another winner in 12. She wasn't talking about me" you said looking into his eyes.
Everyone knew that your mother was a witch but Jacaerys never imagined that she would be one with her own daughter. It was cruel to tell you that when perhaps it could be her last talk. She should have faith in you. Or at least give you the benefit of the doubt. He wanted to comfort you but he had no idea what to say. Besides, he didn't think his uncle would be happy if he saw him being nice to you. He would tell her that he was weak and that he didn't come here to make friends.
So Jace settled for looking into your eyes, hoping that you could somehow understand that he didn't want you to give up.
"Oh, darling, that's horrible," Effie said, breaking the tension between the two of you, placing a hand on her heart, she seemed genuinely moved. "I think you should try hard to win and prove your mother wrong."
You didn't say anything, you just gave a sad smile to the district escort. A moment ago Jacaerys felt bad for you but now he can't help but think that maybe you only told your last conversation with your mother to gain Effie's sympathy and get her to talk about you to her friends in the Capitol. He hated analyzing everything you did but he couldn't let his guard down with you if he wanted to go home to his brothers. He was sure that if Lucerys was with him and could see what was going on in her mind he would tell him that he was being paranoid. But maybe it wasn't wrong for him to doubt you, Jace thought when he noticed that Uncle Larys seemed to be evaluating you with his gaze.
“Let's start to see who his competitors are,” Larys finally spoke, ending the dinner.
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Jacaerys was relieved to see that your stylist had put you in an outfit just like his, at least if he ended up making a fool of himself at the parade he wouldn't be the only one. You're wearing the same shiny leather boots and the same full-length black leotard with the cloak that flutters in the wind. The only difference between the two of you was that your suit seemed closer to your body, highlighting your curves.
As you are taken to the lower level of the Renewal Center, Portia, your stylist, along with her team can't stop talking excitedly about what a sensation you two will be. Cinna, Jacaerys' stylist who came up with the idea of setting their outfits on fire, seems tired of the congratulations. Jace couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he, too, was nervous that it wouldn't work and would end with them dead. You didn't look nervous, which shouldn't surprise him considering you were probably used to fire since he worked at the bakery.
Once they arrive, they basically find a giant stable. The opening ceremony is about to begin so the stylists are having their tributes ride into carriages pulled by a group of horses. Cinna and Portia lead you and Jacaerys to their carriage, both of them carefully arranging the posture of the two of your bodies and your cloaks before stepping aside to talk something between themselves.
“What do you think of the fire?” Jacaerys asked you in a whisper. He tells himself that he's just talking to you to distract himself from his nerves.
“At least we're not naked,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders. Jacaerys grimaces as he remembers those poor tributes who had to parade naked covered in black dust. It had happened years before his uncle became a victor, the only reason why everyone knew about that incident was because whenever the games approached on television they did a recap of the best kills, the best dressed as well as the worst deaths and the worst dresses. In the latter, those poor tributes always appeared.
“Uncle Larys definitely wouldn't have let that happen. He probably would have hit them with his cane as soon as they told him that idea,” Jace said with a small smile as he imagined his uncle hitting the stylists and scolding them. You must have imagined the same thing too because you started laughing. Your laughter was contagious so he soon joined you, feeling his nerves disappear for a moment as well as the heaviness in his shoulders. Cinna and Portia will probably be upset that you two lost your posture but neither you nor Jacaerys seemed worried about it.
"If something goes wrong I promise to take out your cloak while you take out mine," you said trying to get serious again but from the corner of your lips, it was evident that you wanted to smile.
"Deal," he agreed with a small smile.
Jace's calm demeanor disappeared the moment he saw his uncle. He tensed as he watched him walk towards the carriage, ready to feel his eyes judging him and scolding him for acting like a child. His uncle was right to be angry, now the other tributes would see them as weak and stupid.
"I want you to present yourself as a united front," Larys said, surprising his nephew.
"If you want to win then you have to do everything I say" the mentor reminded them "So you will go out, hold hands, and greet the audience" In his tone of voice there was no room for discussion but Jacaerys had many questions. He couldn't do any of them because when started playing the opening music Larys headed for the exit.
"Come on, don't look so upset. It's not like I have scabies," you nudged him. If he hadn't been focused on seeing the tributes from District 1 in his glowing robes then he would have noticed how the sparkle in your eyes seemed to have dimmed.
It's not many minutes before you and Jacaerys are near the doors. As the District 11 tributes leave, Cinna appears with a torch. You and Jace don't have time to back away when the stylist turns on both of your cloaks. The three of them sigh in relief when they see that it worked.
“Remember head up and smile. Oh, don't forget the most important thing, hold hands. They're going to love you!" Cinna quickly tells them before getting out of the carriage.
Jacaerys hesitates before taking your left hand. Unlike him, you don't hesitate to intertwine your fingers with his. You give him one last smile before his carriage enters the city. The crowd seems alarmed at first when they see the fire but then they soon begin shouting both their names. Jace can't help but feel overwhelmed by the feeling of everyone's eyes on him so he focuses on staring at the screen. For a moment he is breathless, the two of you look wonderful, especially you look brilliant as you wave and blow kisses to the crowd. In the low light of twilight, the fire illuminates both of your faces and your cloaks seem to leave a trail of flames behind. Cinna got what he wanted and gave you both a chance, no one would forget about you two, you really made a sensation.
You squeeze Jacaerys's hand and remind him under your breath to “Smile.”
Then he tries his best to give his best smile and starts greeting you. Someone among all these people must have wanted to sponsor him. This was an excellent opportunity to win over the audience and he had to take advantage of it. He remembers the words of his uncle Larys, so he raises their joined hands, making the screams increase even more. When they enter the City Circle they lower their hands but neither you nor Jace try to let go. During President Snow's speech, Jacaerys is distracted by feeling you caress his skin with your thumb, he tries not to think about it too much, he tells himself that you must be nervous and you do it unconsciously. Luckily it doesn't take long for the national anthem to be heard and the carriages travel around the circle for the last time. Jacaerys notices that the screens seem to show you two more than the other tributes.
He finishes confirming that it was not his imagination once you arrive at the Training Center and get off your carriages. As Cinna and Portia remove their cloaks, you and Jacaerys notice the angry glances of the other tributes, especially Royce Baratheon, the burly boy from District 2 who volunteered, and his district partner Agatha Durrandon.
Jace notices that the two of you are still holding hands so he lets you go.
"The flames suit you well and you have a beautiful smile" you declared with a smile making him blush.
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THG taglist: @valeskafics @agqrtz @cookielovesbook-akie @klara-lily @husherstan @427120lxld @justhereiguess2 @salmonella22 @hanversace @xmagik @crazylokonugget
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nohoney · 1 year
Bakugou would listen to you rant all about work. Even though he’s the one out on the streets with more exciting stories to tell, one of his favorite things is to hear you talk about your own work. He follows and nods along with whatever work story you have for him for the day, always attentive but never telling you what you should do to handle it (as he had learned from a prior relationship).
“I can tell he fuckin’ hates me, you know?” You continue on about your current work events as you sit on the countertop and watch Bakugou cut vegetables, “He keeps on bringing up my old manager as if she has anything to do with it now. Like, no motherfucker! You answer to me now and I’m saying pay your stupid invoice!”
The vegetables for dinner are set aside while the oven is still preheating. Two pieces of pork chop are taken from the fridge and is set aside on a clean plate as Bakugou looks for spices to rub into the meat. “So what happened baby? Did he pay? Y’said you were dealing with this for almost two weeks.” He asks you, genuinely curious if your annoying client is actually complying with you. The thought in his head is wondering how you handled it.
“I have to read you this email that I wrote. I gotta say the professional ways of dissing someone in email is something I finally understand now.” You laugh as you pull up your work email on your phone. Word for word you read out your well thought out response to your difficult client, not backing down and upholding work policy as you are expected to. Bakugou had never really bothered with any type of skill of being professional through communication in his job; it’s what his team is for while he gets the really privilege to cuss as he pleases and have his team handle it for the public. “Here is how I signed off, I think it’s probably my most eloquent and business-like ‘fuck you’ I’ve written so far.”
You clear your throat first before reading aloud, “‘I hope that the explanations of how to navigate your account has cleared up any confusion you may have and that you are able to move forward in compliance with our company policy, if you have any further questions then please let me know.’ God I know he’s going to hate me as soon as he reads it!”
He chuckles, happy that you know how to stand your ground in such a manner that Bakugou knows he struggles in. “You tell him, baby.”
“I fucking did Katsuki!” You boast with a proud little smile as you hop off the countertop and go to his side as he heats oil in a pan. “Sorry, I’ve been going on about this annoying client for a while. I wanna hear about your work today Tsuki.”
Bakugou shakes his head though and urges you to talk about what else happened at your work. The meat sizzles as he presses it into the pan, crackling and sizzling in a way that’s reminiscent of his quirk but to a much lower degree. The oven beeps to indicate that preheating is finished and you move to put all the vegetables into the glass pan and stick it in for him, already setting a timer before he can even ask. “What about that other guy? The one who keeps on saying that he’s getting investors so he wants to make you wait a little longer?” He asks you when he recalls another client you complained of a few days ago.
You excitedly pop off about your work again, unknowing how you calm Bakugou down with your own work stories. Your series of responsibilities that he wouldn’t know the first clue how to handle are interesting to him to hear how you handle yourself. It’s simple compared to what he does but in no way is it easy either. To see you struggle sometimes with your own career wasn’t easy for him but you were also strong enough to handle it all the same.
And he liked to think that he made it easy for you to handle because he wanted to hear anything and everything about your job that’s so different from his. “Tell me about the parking permits, did that get solved yet?” He asks as he starts to set food on the plates.
“No! I’m on week three of dealing with it and it’s ridiculous! I sent everything in so early and they deal with it so late!!”
Bakugou listens with a happy heart to hear you talk, never wanting you to apologize over the things that frustrate you. And by the end of your rants, even he feels a little lighter as he readies to get in bed with you.
And the next day as he’s just about to enter a meeting in his agency, Bakugou gets a text from you.
[1:57 pm] omg i need to tell you what this mofo emailed me when we’re home
He looks forward to it, letting a little smile come onto his face. He can see you all cute and puffed up and mad, and he can’t wait to hear about it.
[1:58 pm] can’t wait baby. love you.
You text him back within seconds.
[1:58 pm] love you!!!
Bakugou can’t wait to be home and listen to you.
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greycaelum · 11 months
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { Salve }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Genre: fluff, small mishap in the kitchen
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.6k)—/ finger cut from a knife, caution: hot oven, discussion on cursed techniques—/
𑁍 A/N: I'm very busy with life before college starts so, here's a little piece for everyone while I'm out sorting my stuffs
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It's one of those weekends when you are ready to clean a chaotic kitchen after a good time baking some sweets with the family. A small recreational afternoon after a tiring week for everyone to unwind and just have fun as a family.
Saika seems to have inherited her father's addiction to sweet things and you are really worried for her health. After all, even if you forbid sweets in this house their Papa will always find a way to sneak some for the kids.
Kouki on the other hand would eat anything his Papa gives him. You're not sure if you should be thankful your son isn't a picky eater. It seems like his stomach would accept anything that classifies as food.
It's hard not to watch the three of them all huddled up on the counter wearing the same kitty apron. Their fluffy white manes are like those pretty cats you see in tv shows. Satoru is leaning on the counter with his hair down and sunglasses. The two munchkins are sitting on the counter wearing a chef's hat and reading the recipe.
They look so cute~ so perfec—
"2 cups of sugarrrr~"
Satoru sang and dumped 4 cups of sugar into the cookie batter.
Actually no, they're a disaster.
He looked up to you and grinned.
"Aweee c'mon Honey, it won't hurt just to be extra extra sure it's sweetttttt! Cookies are supposed to be sweet, right kids?!"
"Right!!!" The two stooges of their Papa chorused.
"Baking needs to be measured, okay? It's not gonna come out right if you don't measure it correc—"
Satoru put a finger on your lips and shushed you making the kids giggle while you glared at your husband who winked at you and gave your pursed lips a small kiss of bribery.
"I got this. You just sit there and relax, okay?"
You're left with not so many choices but to watch the kids adjust the recipe to whatever Satoru tells them.
This isn't gonna be good... Maybe you should make a batch of your own and just let them play on whatever devil spawn of a cookie they end up making.
Satoru preheated the oven while the kids cut the cookies in shape cutters custom-made just for today's fun. It includes Panda, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Yuta, Maki, Toge, and even Todo miniature figures.
For some reason, Kouki likes hanging out with his Aoi-nii. Todo can actually be very chill with kids.
Satoru finally popped their cookie tray inside and clapped their hands while they waited.
"Why are you all crouched down there? There are seats here."
You sighed at the three cats (yes, their father is included) all crouched down side by side in front of the oven with their chins on their knees watching their cookies getting baked.
"Heyyyyy..." You pursed your lips and eventually joined the huddle, the four of you sat on the floor with the kids playing with you and Satoru to pass the time. Some thumb wrestling, tickle fights even rock, paper, scissors.
It's just like this, the simple moments of family time that you crave the most.
12 minutes passed and the 'ting' of the oven made the four of you excited (half of you dreading you'll run straight to the toilet in one bite).
Satoru carefully took out the hot tray while you were making something light for dinner. A light vegetable soup and some fried tofu and pork.
You chopped the carrots into diced and for a split second on your peripheral you saw Kouki trying to grab a cookie from the scorching tray distracting you altogether. Mother instincts leaping on action.
"Kou!" You hissed and just in time Satoru grab Kouki's hands away from the hot metal but you didn't escape the sharpness of the knife.
"Hon!" Satoru put the knife away and held your finger with a cut bleeding profusely. "Can you get the first aid kit on the toilet Kikufuku?" Satoru turned to his son who immediately ran to the toilet.
"It's fine, I'm fine. The wound is not that deep." You sighed as Satoru seriously washed your wound but the blood does not stop. "Love, I'm not gonna die from a cut." You held back the urge to chuckle at Satoru's serious face as if you were hacked by a machete.
"Right, and I'm not going let you bleed like a waterfall either." Satoru snaps and drags you to sit on the tall counter chair while he tries to apply pressure to stop the blood.
Kouki came back with the kit and Saika immediately opened it.
"Mama, I'm gonna make it go away. Sho-chan taught me how to." Saika confidently brought out gauzes and betadine.
You chuckled at the little girl who wants to push her father away so she can treat you. For some reason, she really likes hanging around Shoko and often talks about being a nurse.
"Cat, clean your hands," Kouki remembered, pulling the stool so his sister could wash her hands and hop back to you.
"Princess, can you sit and behave for a minute? Papa is trying to help Mama first, okay?" Satoru frowned at the blood and was too busy to deal with the little one.
Unlike Shoko, he can use Reverse Curse Technique only to himself. He doesn't know how to heal others. Ironic.
"Papa, it's not like that." Saika huffed. She put her hands on her hips and stared at her father.
You notice your daughter's defiance and nudge Satoru. It's not like the wound is too big to worry everyone.
"Papa, Cat can do it... I saw it." Kouki interceded and for a second you thought his eyes glimmered like Satoru's.
Satoru stopped and looked at his daughter with a stubborn look on her face. He sighed.
"Cat... Well, how would our little princess do it?" Satoru crouched down and looked at her eye to eye.
"It's very easy." Your four-year-old daughter beamed and held your wounded finger. "Imagine two opposite waterfalls..." Saika murmured, concentrating on your finger.
A chill ran down Satoru's spine. Kouki didn't take his eyes off his sister and mother's interlocked hands.
"And the calm point they meet..."
A faint glow emanated on your finger and the deep cut that was bleeding was gone and there is no mark of a scar at all.
Saika's face brightened and turned to her Papa.
"See! I told you, Papa. I can do it. Sho-chan can do better though." Saika pursed her lips but smiled anyways turning to you.
"Did I do good, Mama? Is it good?" Your bubbly daughter jumped up and down and her brother ruffled her hair praising her a lot.
"Uhuh? What does my Cat want to be when she grows up?" Satoru chuckled as he carried his daughter in his arms.
You and Satoru looked at each other. A long silence before you both snap out of it and pat Saika's head, telling her she's so good.
"Where did you learn that Cat? Did Sho-chan teach you?" Satoru asked the smiling toddler.
"No, I just watch Sho-chan. She doesn't let me inside when a patient comes in so I just watch behind the door." Saika put a finger over her lips and shushed. "Don't tell Sho-chan, okay Papa?"
"I'm gonna be like Sho-chan! I'm gonna be a doctor." Saika clapped.
"See, I told you she can do it." Kouki grinned, looking at his sister being tickled by their Papa.
You ordered takeout instead and the kids happily ate their dessert and played in the backyard while you and Satoru sat beside each other, drinking some milk tea and shortcake.
Kouki has the color of your eyes, but there are several times that when you look into his orbs, the only thing he inherited from you is the color, the rest looks exactly just like Satoru. Vast and unfathomable. There are times you wonder how vast does your son actually see?
"Y'know, I struggled with reverse cursed technique until 16, I couldn't understand it very much." Satoru started while Saika tackled her brother down.
"Mnnn, even you struggled with it... Now that's something." You hummed and sighed. Your head found rest in Satoru's shoulders as he intertwined your hands and kissed the back of your palm.
There are only a few sorcerers that can perform that advance cursed technique, much severely few are those that can heal others, like Shoko. But even Shoko cannot fully explain how the technique works.
"How much does that take a toll on the brain? Unlike curse energy that comes from the stomach, reverse curse deals with the brain, no?"
"My wife is so smart, are you seducing me? Teheehehehe~" Satoru winked at you making you roll your eyes.
"Mnnn, it depends. The reverse cursed technique is more complex than it sounds. It boggles my mind how our 4-year-old daughter could even do that without being taught properly." Satoru chuckled seeing Kouki easily pinning down his sister and tagging her back and running again.
"You saw the wound she healed. It didn't even have any speck of scar Satoru. Even Shoko cannot heal wounds that cleanly. A scab or a scar is always present over the wound." You fear the situation that arises with this kind of technique. The ability to heal any kind of wound is one matter, but repairing it with no scar at all... You know it's another story. The underlying fear of her talent being exploited lingers at the back of your mind.
There are so many out there who would want to covet such precious ability themselves.
You watch Kouki playing with the bright clear marbles with blue streaks inside with Saika who is just as enamored by the swirling curse energy inside the crystal produced by her brother.
"We'll protect them." Satoru pulled you closer and kissed your temples.
It seems like your children will never fail to keep you and Satoru surprised at every chance they try.
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General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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fanfic-wonderland · 3 months
This Is War {Fred Weasley} - Part 2
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary: After avoiding Fred for so long, (Y/N) finally has to face him again when they're paired up for a Potions assignment.
Word count: 7.8k
Read part one here.
“Are you still not going to talk to him?” Daphne asks me during lunch, the same way she has asked me every day for the past few weeks.
Ever since I told her about my little… moment with Fred, she hasn’t stopped talking about it one way or another, even when I’ve asked her plenty of times not to. She seems to have become obsessed with the idea of him and I getting together because, according to her, we’d make “an oddly cute” couple, and also “because there is nothing interesting happening in my life and I want to live through you”. I don’t know what’s gone wrong with her head; I have made it extremely clear that the kiss meant nothing to me, that it was just something that happened in the heat of the moment when I was dampened and terrified and he was the only one there giving me the slightest bit of comfort. Either she still doesn’t get that, or she just doesn’t want to. “For the last time, Daphne Greengrass,” I say through gritted teeth. “No. And It’s the last time I’ll say it.”
Daphne whines like a toddler. “But why? It’s clear that he wants to talk to you!”
The kiss happened nearly two weeks ago. After I fled the scene, Fred made numerous attempts to approach me, but I would always find a way to cut the conversation short or avoid it at all costs. He seemed to finally get the hint because It’s been a few days since his last attempt. The only one who hasn’t gotten the hint yet is the girl sitting across from me. “He has his own life to worry about. I’m pretty sure he dropped it already, and so should you.”
She pouts as I stab a piece of pork chop and chew on it. “How are you so sure if you haven’t even talked to him about it yet? Maybe he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable and he’s just waiting for you to reach out to him.”
“Forget it, Daphne, there’s nothing to talk about,” I state firmly. “I made a stupid little mistake, that’s all. It’s not like I’m going to go ahead and do it again.”
“I bet you want to, though,” she mutters as she drinks from her cup. 
Her voice is low, and she thinks she’s sneaky, but I hear her. I refrain from saying anything else about it, though. It’s no use trying to convince her otherwise.
Fortunately, Daphne does not bring him up for the remainder of our lunch, nor does she bring him up while we learn how to turn vinegar into wine during Charms, or when we’re fighting not to fall asleep during History of Magic. I begin to think that maybe she’s finally gotten the hint until we arrive at the Potions classroom.
Professor Snape places a small bubbling cauldron on top of his desk as we all walk in—Gryffindors on one side of the room and Slytherins on the other. Through the corner of my eye, I spot the unmistakable pair of redheaded twins, sitting two tables to my right, and I fight the urge to turn and see if one of them is looking. “Settle down, all of you,” Professor Snape says in his usual dull voice. “Today, aside from your usual class, you will be placed in pairs for a special project. You will have to work with another student and brew the most powerful Truth Serum to ever exist—the Veritaserum. While it is very easy to sneak it into someone’s pumpkin juice, the brewing process is long and complex. That is why you’ll be working with a partner to make this potion. The longer its effect, the higher your grade.”
A Gryffindor boy raises an arm and Snape turns to him with a sneer. “Does that mean we have to work on it through Spring break?”
“Unless you want to fail, then yes, you should start on the first day of Spring break.”
Nearly every student in the classroom, including Daphne and I, groans in protest. Snape’s lips curl up into a nasty smirk. “That’s quite enough, I do not need to hear your whining. Get it done, or else you fail my class.”
As students begin to look around for their desired partners, I link my arm with Daphne’s. “It shouldn’t be too hard once we combine our geniuses.”
Daphne laughs and agrees. Professor Snape’s eyes fall on us for a quick second before he adds, “I forgot to mention that this is not a friendship project. This time, I’ll be assigning the pairings.”
The class groans even louder than the first time. “Enough,” Snape holds a hand up and we quiet down. “Perhaps when you learn to behave in my class I’ll give you the privilege of choosing your partner, but right now you'll work with what I give you. Now…”
Snape taps the cauldron with the tip of his wand twice and two small pieces of paper fly out of the cauldron. He catches them mid-air and begins to read aloud. “Johnson, Angelina and Warrington, Cassius.”
And then he does the same thing with the rest of the students. Daphne and I frown at each other once we hear her name being called alongside Alicia Spinnet but I guess it was expected that we’d be separated for this assignment from the beginning. The problem is, I realize as I scan the room, that there’s no one else I’d like to work with, and the people who would be fairly tolerable are already paired up with someone else. This assignment is looking to be the worst of the year so far. 
“Weasley, Fred and (Y/L/N), (Y/N).”
The absolute worst.
Daphne gasps quietly once she hears the names, her eyes on the brink of popping out. “Did he just…”
“Uh-huh,” I can’t construct a proper reaction. It feels like someone has just slapped me.
I make the mistake of looking over at Fred only to find that he’s already staring at me. He shrugs innocently but he’s clearly trying to hold back a smile while George is dying from laughter behind him. I glare at them and turn away. It can’t be a coincidence that we ended up working together. I refuse to believe that life is this cruel. “I don’t get it,” I protest as we walk out of the classroom. “How in the bloody hell do I get paired up with the person I wanted to avoid the most?”
“Hey, look on the bright side,” Daphne suggests, like there actually is a bright side. “At least you’re not working with Crabbe or Goyle.”
“You know, I think at this point I’d rather be working with either of them. At least they’re tame.”
“Yeah, and they’ll probably be more concerned with trying to eat your lunch or something.”
I laugh at her words but it is still not enough to distract me entirely from the situation. Because at the end of the day, I’m still paired up with Fred Weasley for an assignment I could do independently. “What have I possibly done to deserve something like this? There’s no way that life would just pull something like this out of nowhere.”
Daphne places a hand on my shoulder. “I did tell you to clear things out with him.”
I sigh. “You did. Do you think I’m being punished for avoiding the situation?”
“I totally do,” She nods. “Well that, or maybe it was just that Felix Felicis I drank in the morning taking effect,”
“True,” I agree… and then I halt my steps. “Wait, what did you just say?”
She stops walking as well, blinking cluelessly. “Oh, remember that Felix Felicis I brewed months ago? Well, I drank some of it today to help me with the Transfiguration test and I guess I did a great job brewing it because I seem to keep getting good luck everywhere I go. Neat, right?”
“And you’ve also been crying about Fred and I not talking for weeks,” I grab her by the collar of her shirt and she shrieks. People passing by shoot us odd looks but I’m too busy throwing daggers at her. “You were wishing for something like this to happen and of course, as soon as you drink a bit of Liquid Luck, it happens.”
“Well…” She tries to think of something before she gives up. “Okay yeah, so maybe it was kind of my fault, but you know what? You’ll thank me soon enough.”
“Right now I want to murder you,” I push her back and start walking away.
“Oh, hush, It’s not that big of a deal,” Daphne catches up. “So what if you have to work with him on a potion that takes too long to brew? So what if you have you spend your free time with him and—”
“Stop, stop, stop,” I cover my ears. “I do not want to hear it!”
Daphne leans closer and lowers her voice. “Well, you better do something about that because I think he’s waiting to talk to you.”
I follow her eyes and turn to look at Fred, who is usually walking alongside George and Lee Jordan but now is on his own leaning against a wall, hands buried in his pockets. He doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s staring at me and I have to turn away. “I guess I do have to talk to him at some point. There’s no way out of this…”
She shakes her head slowly and I sigh. It takes every bit of me to turn back around and start walking towards him, but I do it. For the first time in what feels like so long I’m standing face-to-face with him; the two of us just stare at each other for a few moments. “Hi,” Fred breaks the silence.
“Hi,” I say flatly.
There’s a slight flirtatious glint in his eyes all of a sudden. “So… we’re all coupled up now, eh?”
I blink. “Can you not phrase it like that? Anyway, as you already know we have to work on this potion during our Spring break.”
Fred nods slowly. “Right…?”
“So, that means that we’ll have to meet outside of Hogwarts.”
“You want me to come over to your house, then?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
I tense up. I could never consider asking him to come over to my house, not even jokingly. That place is cold and empty, and my family is not the most welcoming with families like Fred’s. Even if I’m not fond of Fred, I would never want to put him through something like that. “Your house sounds like the better option, if you don't mind.” I say.
Fred raises an eyebrow. “You sure?”
“Yes, why?”
He shrugs. “I just think that maybe my house won’t be to your taste, that’s all.”
I roll my eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. As long as your family doesn’t mind, I can stop by.”
“They won’t. Here—” Fred takes out a folded parchment paper and hands it to me. “Here’s my address. I’ll see you, then?”
“Yeah. Until then.”
We walk away from each other and I’m feeling nauseous all of a sudden. 
Bloody hell, I have no idea how I’ll survive this…
The first day of Spring break arrives in the blink of an eye. Part of me is glad that I don’t have to spend my day at the manor because I’d rather be anywhere else, even Fred Weasley’s house. The other good thing is that, since I can finally use magic outside of school, I can simply apparate anywhere whenever I want. We decide to meet close to sunset, so around five thirty I gather everything I need and I get ready to disapparate from my house without the need to remind my parents where I’ll be. I’m not even sure if they’re still around (or if they even care) but I don’t think of them as the horrible sensation of apparating begins. Everything twists and turns around me, including myself, until finally, I stand amid sunshine, peace, and fresh air. I take it all in once I regain my composure. The place is a beautiful meadow and in it, a few yards away from me, stands a very peculiar, very lopsided house. It’s several stories high, with about four or five chimneys perched on top of its red roof, and a nice open yard at the entrance. I look around to make sure that there are no other houses around. This has to be it.
I walk toward it, careful not to bother the chickens wandering around the yard. There’s a sign near the entrance that reads THE BURROW and that’s how I’m certain that I’m in the right place. Fred specifically wrote that name down on the instructions. 
Now that I know that I’m at Fred Weasley’s house, I start getting a tad bit nervous. “Come on, (Y/N), you got this. You’re just here to work on a school project, It’s no big deal.” After taking a few deep breaths, I finally find the courage to knock on the door. For the first few seconds, nothing happens, but soon I begin to hear faded footsteps coming from inside. They start sounding closer, and soon enough someone is opening the door. It’s an older woman with lovely red hair, slightly shorter than me. I instantly know that I am staring down at Fred’s mother. “Hello, dear. You must be (Y/N),” She greets me warmly and I nod with a courteous smile. “Oh, good, how wonderful that you’ve made it! Fred has talked so much about you these past few days.”
“Has he?”
“Oh, yes—come in, come in!” Mrs. Weasley steps aside so I can cross the threshold. “And he wanted everything to look good before you arrived. It usually takes a lot to get him to do his chores, but this time he started on them without me even asking him, so I bet you’re quite a special girl. Anyway, you set your stuff over there on the sofa, make yourself comfortable, and I’ll fetch him. Dinner’s almost ready so I hope you’re hungry.”
She gives me one final smile before she walks up the stairs while calling Fred’s name, but my mind can only spiral around the things she was saying a moment ago. My face feels like It’s boiling, and it shouldn’t be, but the fact that his mom thinks that I’m a ‘special girl’ to him makes me…
Nope. No. No. You need to snap out of it, girl.
I focus my attention back on my surroundings. Everything is so different from my house… and yet, somehow, It’s so much better. The living room is welcoming and cozy and homey. The smell of roast beef and potatoes fills the air, making my stomach grumble. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was earlier. I sit down on the sofa and wait patiently for Mrs. Weasley to come back. I’m staring at the family clock, watching the golden hand with Fred’s face on it pointing at the word HOME, until I hear quick footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn to look at Fred’s real face this time. “I see you were able to get here without getting lost on the way,” He says.
I pry my attention away from the fact that his hair is dripping wet and sticking to his forehead like he just got out of the shower. “I did not doubt myself for a moment. Shall we start working on the potion so we can get it over with?”
“Wow, you really don’t want to be here, do you?” Fred chuckles. “We’re not even going to wait for dinner first?”
I sigh. “I just don’t think It’s a good idea for me to stay too long.”
“Because you kissed me.” He doesn’t say it like a question.
“Can you not say that so loud?” I shush him, making sure his mom is still out of sight, but his grin does not falter. I don’t even want to imagine how red my face is. “But… yes, kind of.”
“Well, I’m willing to look past it if you want me to,” He says. “Unless there’s another reason you don’t want to stay?”
I furrow my eyebrows. “What other reason could there be?”
“I guess I thought that maybe you’d think my house isn’t as nice as yours…”
I stare at him in disbelief. “You really have to stop assuming that I have some sort of superiority complex over you. And for your information, I think your house is lovely.”
Fred looks surprised for a moment. “Really?”
“Yeah,” I confirm. “I probably like it a lot more than mine.”
He stares at me for a second but before either of us can say anything else, Mrs. Weasley comes back to the room. “Fred, why don’t you show (Y/N) around the rest of the house? I’ll call you all back here once the food is ready.”
Fred turns to me. “You want to?”
I cannot bring myself to say no in front of his mother. “Sure,”
He starts his little house tour from the top floor, which happens to be where his younger brother, Ron, and his best friend, Harry Potter, stay. There are five floors in total but there’s not much to see. It's mostly just the bedrooms, but the house is still larger than what I had envisioned. The family is much larger as well. “This is the second floor, and our last stop,” Fred says once we take the last step. There are two bedroom doors on this floor level. “And this is mine and George’s room. I’ll let you get a sneak peek of our latest invention if you behave.”
I roll my eyes as he opens the door. “Gee, what an honor.”
Fred and George’s bedroom is somehow almost exactly as I had imagined it—not that I’ve been spending time imagining what their room looks like. It’s a simple room: it has two identical beds, each with a bedside table, a large wardrobe, some posters pasted around the walls, and a desk holding stuff… lots of different stuff. There is a particular lingering smell of gunpowder around and I cannot even begin to imagine the things that happen inside this walls. I step inside and glance at the mess on the desk. Amongst everything else, I see a briefcase with the words Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes engraved on the side sticking out from the rest of the things. I point toward it with a questioning look. “Ah,” He clasps his hands together. “I see you’ve already spotted our products.”
“Your products?”
“George and I invent joke products,” Fred explains. “We’ve actually started testing them out at Hogwarts recently.”
“Really, at Hogwarts? And you don’t get in trouble for it?”
“Well, I didn’t say that,” Fred wags his finger practically on my face. He walks to the case and opens it; a bunch of bottles, vials, and boxes of all kinds jump out all at once and set themselves in front of us like a magic exhibition. “But anyway, we mostly just want feedback. We’re planning to open our own joke shop after we graduate and we want everything to be right.”
“Huh,” I never would’ve guessed. When he mentioned their “inventions” I instantly assumed he was talking about crafts or something. I know Fred and George love to get under people’s skin with their little pranks, but I never thought that they loved pranking so much they wanted to build a living around it. But then again, we’ve never been close, so all I know about them is what I've seen back at the castle, which I also tend to avoid.  
As I go over the products in silence, my eyes get drawn to the sight of a small brown box. It doesn’t have a label or a logo or any eye-catching design, but it has COMB-A-CHAMELEON handwritten on it and that’s enough to get me intrigued. I look back at him, asking for his permission, and when he motions for me to go on with his hand, I grab it. Inside I can only find an ordinary-looking hairbrush, which throws me off because I was expecting something more, I don’t know, magical? I guess my confusion is clear because Fred laughs lightly while I just keep staring. “Would you like to try it out?” He asks.
I look up at him warily, looking for any signs of malice, but all I can find is a redheaded boy who seems excited by the idea of me using one of his products. “I don’t know if I should…”
“I can promise you that It’s nothing too bad.”
“You don’t strike me as trustworthy when it comes to these things.”
“Okay, fair enough,” Fred admits. “But I’m telling the truth this time, I promise. Go ahead, try it.”
I almost back down from it but I can’t help feeling bad just thinking about it. Fred looks like a kid who attempted to make breakfast by himself and is waiting for his mom to eat it. So I grab the brush and, hesitantly, I start combing my hair. A few brushes are enough to do the trick. Soon enough, I feel some tugging happening around my head. The process lasts a few seconds and then I feel the weight of my hair go down, but it feels lighter. Fred rubs his chin while he stares at me. I have no idea how I look but he nods in approval. “Alright,” He motions toward the mirror hanging from the door. “Go ahead and take a look.”
When I turn to look, I gasp. I expect my hair, which I had let fall down my back in curls earlier, to look like a bird’s nest by the time I’m done, but much to my surprise it is now pulled back into a nice long braid. “Fred,” I run my fingers through it.  “This is very impressive! And you guys came up with this from scratch?”
“Yup. Every single one of them.” He sounds proud of himself and his brother. And he should be.
“What else do you have?”
“Oh, tons of stuff,” He reaches and grabs another box, the same color but slightly bigger. This one says SKIVING SNACKBOX in big bold letters and when he opens it there's a ton of what looks like individually wrapped pieces of candy. Fred takes a single piece and removes the wrapping. One side is an orange color while the other one is purple. “This is our most tested product so far. When you eat the orange half of the candy you start to feel ill—nothing too bad, just enough to get you out of class—and then once you’re finally out, you take the purple half and you feel better again, ready to enjoy your free time. Brilliant, I know.”
“And you’re aware that this leaves a horrible example for younger generations, right?”
“Yeah, we hope so,” He rubs his palms together and it reminds me of a cheesy villainous moment. Then, he offers me the open candy in his hand. “Wanna try it out?”
I roll my eyes and push his hand away. “I can’t believe that you and your brother are throwing your talent away by making… these.”
“Wait, did I just hear a compliment in between all of that?” Fred leans close with a hand behind his ear, pretending to be bad at hearing.
My eyes roll for a second time because this boy just loves to make my eyes… nevermind. “All I’m saying is that maybe you should focus your attention on creating something more… useful?”
Fred pretends to look offended. “This is useful! Why spend so many hours in class when you can be using the time to do more important things, like playing games or sleeping?”
“Of course,” I say sarcastically. “It’s not like we need education or anything,” I then spot a bigger box, this one a bright pink color, and point to it. “What’s that?”
When he sees what I’m pointing at, he smirks at me. “Those are our WonderWitch products. They come in a variety; we have things like pimple vanishers to love potions.”
I quirk a brow. “Love potions?”
“The best love potions around,” He says, a hint of a smirk on his lips as he leans against his desk. “Although I don’t think you really need one.”
I nearly gape at him. “What do you mean?”
Fred shrugs. “I think Malfoy may already have the hots for you. I see the way he looks at you.”
“Excuse me?!” In what world does Draco Malfoy like me? And in what world would I ever reciprocate those same feelings?
“I’m joking,” Fred chuckles at my mortified expression. “But I’m sure there are guys at the school who are head over heels for you.”
I scoff. “I doubt it.”
He stares down at me, and I swear we’re standing closer to each other than before. “I wouldn’t.”
I blink a few times. I want to say something back but I do not know what. What do you even say to that? Luckily, Mrs. Weasley’s voice coming from downstairs, announcing that dinner is ready, fills in the blank space and I take the opportunity to close the subject. “We should go.”
We exit the twins’ bedroom but before we can head down the stairs, I halt my steps. “Wait,” I point to the other door. “You never told me whose room that is.”
Fred turns to look at it. “Oh,” Something flashes across his expression and I’m unsure what it is. “No one’s. Come on, Mom’s waiting.”
He keeps walking and, although I find his reaction odd, I follow him without saying anything else.
I have never been close to my family. Due to our differing ideals, my parents and I always end every single conversation with an argument, so we try to speak to each other as little as possible. My brother is kind of walking along the same path, unfortunately, and although he’s a bit more tolerable, a lot of times it still feels like I’m talking to a wall. Dinner, specifically, has always been a horrible time, because I get to sit there and listen to them complain about muggle-borns, support the Ministry and its lies, praise my brother for following their footsteps, and criticize me for never wanting to be like them.
With the Weasleys, it feels completely different. It feels nice and comfortable, and the topic of blood status is not brought up once. Their dynamic feels so natural and like how a true family should be. Mrs. Weasley scolds her children every five minutes but you can tell that she loves them more than anything else. She also likes to insist on me grabbing more servings, and if my stomach was bottomless I’d probably eat every single thing on the table. Mr. Weasley is fascinated by my knowledge of the muggle world and how it functions, although It’s mostly just things I’ve learned from Muggle Studies. Contrary to what I’ve always thought of her, Ginny is pretty cool. She and I share similar tastes and her impressions are hilarious and spot on. Ron is a bit awkward and is mostly just eating and talking to Harry Potter, who happens to be staying over for spring break, but now and then he asks me a question if he’s interested enough in what I’m saying. The twins get in trouble several times, one of them being when they decided to sneak a fake spider into Ron’s plate, which made him nearly faint. And although I’ve been acting like a total bitch to him for so long, Fred makes sure that I don’t feel left out, often trying to include me in the conversation or playfully teasing me in a way. But I find that I don’t mind it; It’s the most fun I’ve had in a while.
After we’re done with dinner, I am forced to decline Ginny’s offer to go flying for a bit because we still have to work on the potion, which I had almost forgotten about by the time Mrs. Weasley brought in dessert, but I tell her that we can try and get together another time to do so. Fred and I head directly back to his room so we can get it over with. I'm surprised to discover that Fred works really well as a team when he actually commits to it. “Can I ask you a question?” I ask him while I add and stir Powdered Moonstone into the cauldron.
He thinks about it but not for long. “Only if I can ask one back.”
Of course, there’s always a catch with him. “Okay, whatever,” I say defeatedly. “Whose room is the one across from yours?”
Fred sighs as his usual playful demeanor suddenly drops for a moment, but he tries to hide the fact that the question has any effect on him as he helps me slice Adder's Fork. “It’s Percy’s, my older brother,” He finally answers. “He kind of doesn’t live here anymore.”
“Did something happen?” I ask without thinking. And then I realize how nosy I sounded. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, It’s none of my business—”
“No, I don’t mind,” He shakes his head. He’s being genuine. “You know about the whole thing happening with Harry and the Ministry of Magic, right?”
“About You-Know-Who coming back and the Ministry feeding lies to everyone because they’re cowards?”
Fred nods. “Pretty much. Well, Percy is siding with the Ministry because he's a git, and he and Dad had a very bad argument about it a few weeks ago. Then he just left and we haven’t heard from him since.”
“Oh, wow,” I say with wide eyes. “That must’ve been hard for all of you.”
“Especially for mom. She’s cried every single day after he left.” 
There’s a hint of sadness in his tone that I’ve never heard from him before and I can’t shake away the uncomfortable feeling I get from it. I guess I’ve never thought of Fred Weasley as someone who gets sad now and then, who maybe even cries when he’s upset, but at the end of the day, he’s still human just like me. “I’m so sorry.” I can’t help but say.
“You don’t have to be,” Fred says, giving me a reassuring smile. “But anyway, now It’s my turn,” His tone changes drastically back to its typical self. “Why didn’t you want me to visit your house? Because I saw how tense you got when I mentioned it.”
“Simple,” I slightly raise the heat on the cauldron after Fred drops the Adder’s Fork into the mixture. “My family is not very pleasant to be around with.”
“I guess I kind of figured. Are they…?”
“Blood supremacists? Yes,” I answer. “The worst kind possible. That’s why as soon as I graduate I want to find my own place and cut all ties with them immediately. They know I want to, and they don’t care, either.”
Fred remains silent for a moment while he adds the Jobberknoll Feathers. “I didn't know that.”
I shrug. “I guess I've grown used to it. I've had to put up with them my whole life, but I'm glad I'll soon have the chance to go my own way.”
“Another question,” He says, almost like he’s asking permission to do so, but he doesn’t wait for me to answer. “Are your parents Death Eaters?”
The question stings, and I consider lying for a quick moment, but I slowly nod.
Fred’s eyes grow big. “Bloody hell.”
“Yup,” I say. It’s a conversation I don’t want to have with anyone but he would’ve found out eventually. It’s a shock he didn't know about it already. “That's why people tend to have a bad image of me once they find out. It's bad enough that I'm in Slytherin, people already think I'm a delinquent just by that alone. And that’s why I rather just not talk about my family.”
The room goes quiet for a second while I stir the potion clockwise. Then, Fred says, “Well, congrats. You’ve actually made me feel bad.”
“What for?”
“Before getting to know you better, I didn't like you for the mere fact that I thought you were an uptight Slytherin, just because you seemed to dislike mine and George’s pranks,” He explains.
I chuckle, reminiscing about the ongoing war between both of our Houses and all the times Fred and George managed to piss us off. “Hey, I don’t hold it against you. You’re not the only one. Besides, I  didn’t like you either, so we’re even.”
Fred smirks. “Didn’t?”
“I guess you’re not… as bad as I thought,” I confess, avoiding his eyes.
“Huh,” He says. “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said about me.”
When I leave the Burrow, there’s a hollow feeling in my chest. As soon as I’m greeted by the cold presence of my parents back at the manor, I realize how long I’ve always longed for something like what I experienced tonight. In a single day the Weasleys made me feel like I'd been a part of their family forever, something my own family has yet to accomplish. 
The Easter break goes by way too slowly, and for me that’s not necessarily a good thing. I spend a lot of alone time at the manor, although sometimes I meet up with Daphne, and on the second to last day, I go back to the Burrow one more time because there is still one important step to complete in the brewing process, which is to get the potion to absorb moonlight on the night of the full moon. But we manage to do it without trouble, although, by the time I'm back at the manor, there is something deep down still troubling me. 
When we’re finally back at Hogwarts, Fred finds me to test out the potion the day before we have to show it in class, and we go all the way up to the Astronomy Tower. “Okay,” Fred says as soon as we are all settled in. “You got the good stuff?”
I grab my bag and take out the the vial of colorless liquid. It might as well be water, exactly as it should be. The two of us observe the Veritaserum with pride. I reach into the bag again and take out a glass dropper I’d borrowed from Daphne while he opens the vial. “So, who goes first?” Fred asks.
I purse my lips in thought. “What if we drink it at the same time and then we just take turns asking each other a question?”
“Nice. Rock paper scissors to see who gets to ask first?”
We tie for two rounds straight before he beats me with rock. I hand him the dropper and he squeezes some of the liquid into it. “Remember, three drops should be enough for it to work,” I remind him.
He nods. He passes the dropper back to me when he’s done and I take the three drops. There’s no smell and no taste, either, which is better than it being disgusting. I wait for something to happen, any indication that the serum has started taking effect, but I don’t feel any different. Fred seems to feel the same. “So… how do we know if It’s working?”
“I don’t know,” I say. “Ask me a question, I guess.”
“Uhh… what’s your favorite color?”
“Seriously?” Fred holds his hands up in defense and I sigh and answer anyway. “Yellow.”
He raises a brow, eyeing me carefully. “Is that true?”
“It is.”
“Okay, then maybe It’s working! Now you ask me something.”
I try to think of something else, something that a guy like him usually lies about. “Did you do your homework during Spring break?”
“Absolutely not.”
“What were you doing in the meantime?”
“George and I were busy perfecting some of our products,” Fred answers. I don’t even have to question if It’s true. “Speaking of, who do you think is the cuter twin?”
“You, of course,” I say, and then I cover my mouth, but It’s too late. That’s far from what I wanted to say but I guess the serum really is working now. Fred is grinning from ear to ear without a care in the world, and he’s clearly enjoying this. Before he can say anything, I ask the first thing that comes to mind. “What do you really think about me?”
He blinks at me, taken aback, but he answers without stuttering. “Well, at first, I thought you were just another annoying, hateful Slytherin—cute, but hateful. But then I realized that you're probably the coolest girl I've ever met.”
Fred looks like he just got out of a trance and he doesn’t remember anything about the last few seconds. I smile in satisfaction. He thinks he has an advantage on this little “game” but he seems to forget that we’re both in it. I can pull a secret from him just as easily. “Interesting,” I comment. “You didn't mention thinking I was cute earlier.”
“Are you trying to start something here?” He asks.
I shake my head. “I think you started it a long time ago.”
“Okay, then,” He folds his arms across his chest. “Do you regret kissing me that night?”
I try to stop myself from talking but It’s useless. Don’t answer him. “No. I don’t think I ever did.”
Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up shut up!
“I knew it,” Fred says, stepping closer. My back makes contact with the nearest wall but neither of us pulls away. “I knew that wasn’t for nothing.”
I ignore the way his eyes move down to my lips. “Did you like it when I kissed you?”
“Yes. I still think about it to this day,” He confesses shamelessly. “If you don’t regret kissing me, does that mean that you have feelings for me?”
I have gotten to know more about Fred Weasley than I had ever imagined. I’ve been to his house, I’ve met his family, I’ve seen how he is outside of school… “I do,” I tell him, locking my gaze with his. “I like you.”
There’s a brief moment of silence in which the two of us just stare at each other, indulging in what I just said. Maybe I wasn’t thinking of confessing my feelings today but It’s out now. I could Obliviate him so he forgets any of this ever happened but I… I don’t want to. And I don’t think he wants either with the way he wraps an arm around my waist and connects his lips with mine.
With his free hand, Fred brings me as close to him as humanly possible and tangles it in my hair. This kiss feels so different than the first one; I was cold, wet, terrified, and not in a good state of mind when we kissed that night, and he was not expecting me to do that. But this time we’re both warm, needy, and desperate, and I’m tired of fighting it. I’m tired of fighting him. I want him. “Good,” Fred pulls away, his voice breathless, and my heart jumps. “Because I like you, too.”
I grab him by the tie and kiss him again, and he responds right away. He holds me like I’m the most precious thing to him, like he needs me more than anything, and it makes me want him even more. I tug at his hair and he groans softly, coaxing his tongue with mine as soon as I have access. We get so caught up in each other that I begin to forget where we are; my vision and all of my senses are invaded by a tall ginger boy who just couldn’t leave me alone in the first place. And I’m so glad he didn’t.
I pull away and Fred moves to kiss my cheek and then my jawline. My heart flutters in the best way. “How long have you liked me?” I ask him while I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I think I’ve been attracted to you for a long time but when you really had me in a chokehold was when you nearly succeeded in taking the Cup from us,” Fred says. There’s a small smirk tugging at his lips. “I was so impressed by you, and then when you kissed me…” He makes a gesture as if he’s been shot through the heart. I fail to hold back my laughter. “I’ve been hooked ever since.”
I bite my lip, playing with a strand of my hair. “Anything else you want to tell me?”
“Yes, actually, there is,” I initially expect a joke or a silly comment, but once again Fred Weasley manages to take me by surprise. “If you ever need a place to stay after you graduate, do not hesitate to tell me because I’m sure mom would love to have you staying over.”
My eyebrows raise and my eyes go wide. “What?”
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “I was just—you were talking about it the other day and I-I wanted you to have the option, you know, just in case…”
“Fred Weasley, are you messing with me?” I raise my fist, ready to hit his arm.
Fred grabs my wrist gently and lowers it out of sight. He’s still smiling down at me like he’s amused. “I swear that I will talk to my mom about it if you ever need me to. You can use Percy’s room or mine and George’s room if we move out.”
That’s the nicest thing anyone could ever do for me. I never thought anyone would; aside from Fred, Daphne is the only person who shows any concern over me. I know she would have no problem with me staying with her after graduation but I also know she’s leaving immediately after to live in Paris. My eyes well up with tears but I fight to keep them in. “That would be nice,” My voice is slightly shaky, but steady. “Thank you,”
A single tear escapes but Fred gently wipes it away. “You’re very welcome.”
He leans down to peck my lips. I grin in content. “Do you want to go get dinner?”
“Oh, you’re inviting me out to eat?” He wiggles his eyebrows and I hit his arm playfully. I fight back a smile.
We gather our things and head down to the Great Hall. Fred holds my hand the entire way. I must admit that it feels nice to not fight back my feelings and just enjoy my alone times with Fred, even if It's something as simple as moving from one place to another. When we're approaching the large doors, I feel Fred’s fingers abandoning mine. I look up at him and, once I see the look on his face, I realize why he does it: he thinks I don’t want to be seen with him. And, yes, maybe if Fred Weasley went to grab my hand a few weeks ago I would probably bite it off but if he doesn’t hold it now I will most definitely cry. When he’s about to turn his head, I reach to grab his hand, seeing and feeling him jump under my touch. He stares at our linked hands like he cannot believe what he’s seeing and—is that a blush tinting his cheeks? I crane my neck up and smile at him. After allowing myself to know him a little better, I’ve discovered that I love catching him off guard more than anything. It shows a whole different side of him, and It’s very attractive.
We open the giant doors to the Great Hall after Fred recovers and we walk in. A few heads turn in our direction; some of them don’t think anything interesting is going on so they go back to their plates, while others stare curiously. A few Gryffindors whisper while George and Lee Jordan smirk our way. The Slytherin table cannot help but be a bit more obvious, murmuring stuff to each other that I’m sure is nothing good and sneering at the both of us as Fred leans in close. “I think you’re getting banned from Slytherin, but don’t worry, I’m sure Gryffindor could take you in.”
I chuckle as I roll my eyes. “They’ll get over it. Anyway, I don’t care what they say. Talk to you later?”
“Of course,” Fred says.
I go to walk away but he grabs my chin and before I can ask him what he’s doing he leans down to plant a quick kiss on my lips. He walks away, leaving me standing there frozen for a moment, and before he reaches his spot on the Gryffindor table he turns his head and winks at me.  That bastard, I think as I shake my head. He did that on purpose!
When I finally reach my table I feel the daggers that my housemates are throwing at me piercing through my skull, but I focus on the beaming girl sitting across from me. I sigh as I grab my empty plate and begin serving myself. “Go on. Say whatever you have to say.”
“I told you!” She bursts. “I told you there was something there, and I told you that he liked you, and I certainly knew that you were just acting stupid. You liked him, too! You stupid, stupid bitch—”
“No insults, please.”
“But you are a stupid bitch, are you or are you not?”
“I can't say I'm not.”
“Staining the name of Slytherin yet again, (L/N)?” Draco calls from the other side of the table. “You shouldn’t even be carrying your family’s last name. It’s too big of an honor for a blood traitor like you.”
A few Slytherin laugh in agreement.  “Should she even be allowed to sit with us? I bet Weasley germs are spreading around our table already.” Pansy Parkinson grimaces.
“Well, the Parkinson germs have been spreading for years, haven’t they?” I snap back at her.
“Yeah, and no one’s said anything about it,” Daphne adds, shrugging innocently.
Pansy glares at the both of us but does not say anything else. When she turns back to her group, Daphne rolls her eyes. “The only con about all of this is that you have to put up with stuff like that.”
“That’s true,” I agree. “But I honestly don’t care.”
I turn to look at the Gryffindor table, and automatically my eyes find Fred’s figure. He’s already looking in my direction and when our eyes meet we smile. Okay, yes, I do like him. I like him a lot.
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adnauseum11 · 2 months
Officer in Charge
John recuperates with your help.
2.1k words
cw: 18+ for swearing, sex (MDNI)
feedback welcome
I wrote this chapter twice, the first time it was a ridiculous length and parts of it still felt flat. This version has been tightened up (can you guess where? lmao) and reads a bit smoother but MAAAN let me tell you that I like receiving oral sex more than I like writing about it at this point.
this work is part of the SNAFU series, Masterlist is pinned to my blog
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You can tell John is feeling better when he badgers you about your chopping technique from the corner of the sectional couch. You’ve taken it upon yourself to cook dinner tonight and have relegated him to the living room, but that hasn’t stopped him from chiming in. He’s installed himself where he can see you work, dressed for comfort after a shower in faded grey sweatpants and a pub t-shirt that pulls tight at his biceps. You’re only a little more put together in your bootcut jeans and ratty t-shirt, neither of you dressed to be anywhere other than home.
Despite his interference, (or perhaps because of it, not that you’ll admit it) you’re able to pull off a simple dinner of marinated pork chops and steamed broccoli with roasted potatoes. Over the course of tucking in to the food John floats the idea of going to dinner with his friend and her wife in the next few days. The offer gets your full attention once you realize it’s not someone you already know. You’ve never been invited to meet anyone from John’s work before with the exception of the man who stopped by the night of the break-in, and that was pure coincidence. This would be a first for you, being properly introduced to someone from his world, and curiosity takes hold.
You give your blessing for John to make plans for dinner while you clean up, half your attention on the rise and fall of his voice down the hall. He’s got a self-satisfied look on his face when he returns, catching you finishing up with the pot in the sink.
“We’ve got a reservation for the night before New Year’s Eve at that Chop House that opened recently. Kate and her wife will meet us there.”
“You’ve been talking about that place for weeks. It has the cigar lounge downstairs?”
“Yeah, same one.”
“Fancy, John. We’ll get to dress up.”
You dry your hands and turn to look at the handsome man taking up space at your elbow. He looks like he wants to say something else but hesitates, his lips pressing together as your eyes meet.
You prod him, it being out of character for him not to speak his mind. He studies you for a moment before seemingly making a decision and pressing ahead.
“About that- “
“About what?”
“Do you still have the dress you wore to my birthday dinner a few years ago?”
Your eyebrows climb your forehead as John speaks. You would have bet money on John not really paying attention to what you wear, never mind recalling an outfit from years ago.
“What did it look like? Was it velvet?”
You ask for confirmation and John’s eyes light up in recognition, telling you all you need to know. You remember the dress, and you’re pretty sure you still have it in the recesses of the wardrobe. It’s an off the shoulder, dark green floor length velvet dress, with one full length sleeve that ends at your wrist. The cut of the dress is tight, leaving one arm and shoulder exposed, the soft velvet accentuating your curves.
“Yeah, still have it?”
John’s interest in the dress shouldn’t surprise you, it is a slinky number, but for some reason it takes you off guard. You were firm friends when you wore it last, and his birthday dinner had been with a group of people at an upscale restaurant – not an intimate affair.
“Yeah, you remember that?”
“Course I remember that night.”
John sounds affronted at your disbelief, as if you’re calling him old. His brow furrows and his head tilts, his blue eyes clear and keen once again, pinning you in place.
“No, I mean, what I was wearing that night – that was years ago John.”
His face shifts and his eyes heat as he reaches out, wrapping a hand around your wrist to reel you into him.
“You wore the hell out of that dress, darling. It left an impression. I’d love to see it again.”
You let yourself be bundled up in his arms and directed down the hallway, John’s lips running over the base of your neck lightly, his wiry facial hair teasing you. Shivers sweep you from head to toe, your fingernails biting into his forearms as he steers you forward. The male groan of satisfaction when he discovers your nipples have tightened against your shirt sends a flash of desire through you.
“I want you, love.”
John’s deep voice is earnest in your ear, travelling down your spine directly to your core, a low throb rolling through you in response to his admission. You can feel his growing interest pressing against your ass as he directs you into the bedroom, his tongue swirling over your pulse point before the light drag of his teeth make you gasp.
“You’ve been looking after me all day, my turn, yeah?”
The low reverberations of John’s voice in your ear turn your insides molten and you sag against him, pressing yourself back against the hard planes of his chest, letting him take some of your weight. His mouth traces the curve of your neck as his hands find your hips, his body crowding you and pushing you forward. He stops before you topple into the bed and spins you around to face him, the black of his pupils eating up the dark blue of his iris.
“This isn’t going to set back your recovery, is it?”
You ask, clearly more concerned about his wellbeing than he is at the moment.
“Darling, I could be half dead and still want you.”
He works his hands under your t-shirt, tugging it over your head before you can respond, a master of the well-timed distraction. The sweep of air over your exposed skin makes your nipples tighten and you can feel John groan, his warm breath washing over the base of your neck. Your hands rise to press against his chest, using his solid form to steady yourself as he crowds you again, fingertips sweeping up your sides to cup your breasts. Your palms slide up the muscle of his chest, tilting your head to find his lips and kiss him deeply.
The pass of his tongue over yours raises goosebumps on your arms, subconsciously pressing yourself closer to the heat of his body. John corrals you against him, strong hands landing on your ass, urging your hips against his while he takes charge of the kiss. The delicious rasp of his tongue against yours completely distracts you from his hands tracing your waist and undoing the button of your jeans. The brush of his fingers over your lower abdomen as he works your fly down has your stomach swooping with desire. You break away to suck in a shaky breath and John takes the opportunity to back you the last few steps into the bed, sending you tumbling backwards with a surprised yelp.
The jeans hanging off your hips don’t take more than a few tugs from John to disappear, his focus locked on your sprawled body. John’s intense when something has his attention, and unfailingly when he turns that intensity in your direction it stirs you, a prickle of awareness running through you as you look up at his big frame. You reach for him but he catches your wrists and holds your hands down against the bed, his mouth finding yours for another searing kiss, leaving you panting when he pulls away.
A low moan tumbles out of your throat as he presses kisses down your body, raking his teeth over the satin of your bra, catching your nipple in a gentle pinch. The heat of his mouth closing over your nipple through the material sooths the flare of pain and makes your breath catch in your throat. Your hands twitch in his grasp, eager to feel him but his fingers tighten, the unspoken message clear – don’t touch. You’re on the verge of whining at him when he releases you to tug your underwear down your legs and settle himself on his knees at the edge of the bed. Fistfuls of the duvet fill your hands instead of grabbing at him, suddenly not as willing to divert his attention by disobeying. His big hands skim up your hamstrings, encouraging you to drape your legs over his shoulders while he presses kisses over the delicate skin of your inner thighs. The confident swipe of his tongue over your silken folds pulls a groan from your lungs, arching your back off the bed.
The duvet strains against your grip, your heel pressing into the wide muscle of John’s back as the heated drag of his tongue on your clit makes your hips follow mindlessly. His warm palm settles low on your belly, thumb brushing over your pubic hair, holding you down against the mattress as his tongue teases you, alternating between toying with your clit and your increasingly slick entrance. You try to grind your hips against his face, making a sound of frustration when he withholds the pressure you’re growing increasingly desperate for. Your voice wavers when you say his name again, the ‘n’ getting drawn out as his tongue swirls over you tightly. He lifts off you enough to speak, his lips ghosting over your skin, sending bolts of lightning shooting up your spine.
“Tell me what you want, love. Let me hear you.”
He doesn’t wait for your reply, diving right back in, his mouth closing over your swollen clit while his finger sinks into you up to his knuckle, ripping a gasp from your lungs.
“Shit, god, make me cum – I want your mouth on me, yes, like that-"
John finally settles in to a steady rhythm, running the tip of his tongue up one side of your clit and down the other, sending your hips chasing the sensation thoughtlessly as much as his hold will allow. He deftly adds another finger, sliding home in your slick heat with a groan against your plush flesh. Each rocking thrust of his fingers is paired with his wicked tongue swirling and sucking your aching clit until your writhing against his face, panting desperately against the bedding. The wet heat of your pussy is clenching around his fingers, trying to draw him deeper, making him moan. Vibrations roll through you, your back arching and your toes curling tightly, your breath catching in your throat as you start to babble, begging for your release.
“Don’t stop, fuck that feels so good, John don’t stop- “
The bedding is tangled in your grip as your entire body throbs, teetering on the edge of an orgasm. Your wanton moan bouncing off the walls is nearly as loud as the thundering of your heart, your body humming with delicious tension. John rides the roll of your hips, an expert in reading you, and crooks his fingers to brush against the sensitive bundle of flesh deep inside as he fucks you with his hand. A broken cry wrenches out of your chest as the combination of John’s beckoning fingers and his relentless tongue shoves you over the edge, your body bucking mindlessly against him as you cum. A matching growl rumbles out of John as an extra wash of your arousal leaks from your spasming walls around his fingers, dripping from his knuckles. Your thighs clamp down on his shoulders, your grinding hips riding out your orgasm as his tongue laps greedily at your tender flesh. John only eases off when your legs sprawl open again, sucking his fingers into his mouth as you pant like you’ve just sprinted a hundred-yard dash. His beard shines wetly in the lights of the room when he leans over your prone body, your hands instinctively raising to tug at his shirt. He kisses you deeply, palms landing on either side of your head, the earthy salty taste of you on his tongue making your pussy throb all over again.
He breaks away to tug his shirt off, your hands dropping to cup the curve of his erection, currently tenting the front of his sweatpants. When John had initiated the shift in your relationship it had taken you a little while to get used to the new level of intimacy, but now you're unable to imagine not having him like this; flushed, hard and wanting. He pauses in taking the rest of his clothing off, his eyes locked on you, your fingers searching out the shape of him through his sweats, forcing a grunt out of his lungs.
“What is it?”
You ask, releasing him to hook your fingers in the band of his sweats, trying to tug them down from your reclined position. He catches your hands, stilling them against the wiry hair of his stomach for a moment.
“I have something for you.”
“Is it a condom?”
“That too.”
His voice is dark, a low gravelly purr, full of promise that makes the base of your spine tingle in anticipation.
Next Chapter
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phoniexrose02 · 8 months
Double shift.
Robby Keene x Black! Reader
Dom! Reader ⚠️ Pegging
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Smutt~ 🍃🍆
Robby Groans as he Entered his Apartment, the 12 hour Shift He'd Just Worked Finally Taking a Toll on his Body. He Eased a Bit Smelling Whatever you Were Cooking in the Kitchen, He Walked inside With a Smile as he Found you over the stove. You Wore a Sports Bra an a Pair of His Boxers with your Hair Wrapped in a Scarf, He Slowly Approached taking Note of you Blasting Headphones and tapped at your shoulder.
You Yelped Before Swinging Back at him, Robby Grabbing your Thrown Punch."Shit Robby! I thought I was Alone!" You Pulled the Buds From your Ears as Robby Greeted you with a Kiss on the Cheek." I'm just glad your Using what I Taught you" he Said With a Giggle Before Averting his Eyes to the Stove." I'm Making Smothered pork chops, thought you'd be Hungry after Your Double"
"How was it? Long??" He Grumbled Wrapping his Arms around her waist While She continued to Cook."Very...very Long..." He Laid his Head on your Shoulders as he Watched you."Sounds Tense. Watch the Stove for me?" You Dropped to your Knees Completely Confusing your Boyfriend."Uh...wha? what as you Doing??"
"Releasing tension~" his Face became Red as you Pulled his Pants letting his Dick Spring Free, His Red Leaking Tip standing at Attention."Damn Pretty Boy, You been Bricked all Shift?" You started to Stroke at his Dick that was Hot to the Touch, It Made you Hot to see him Excited. He Whimpered as you Gave his Red Tip a Small Kitten Lick, your Tongue Piercing Making Him Shiver as you Did So.
Cum Here.
He Bit his Lips as he Read the Small Words on the Piercing, as you Slowly started to Suck Down his Dick. He Shivered Setting a Hand on the Counter To keep himself Up, You Rested Behind his Thighs as he Finally Fit the Back of your throat."Oh Fuck~" You Hummed Happily As you started Sucking Him Off, Every Twitch, Every Jerk of his Dick In your Mouth Made you Purr While you watched his Face Twist in Pleasure. He Gripped the Counter as his Legs started to Shake, He Nearly Fell Over as you used your Piercing to Lick at his balls."Oh Fuck! Fuck! I Can't!~" You Hummed in Disapproval as he Grabbed your Chin Pulling yo u Off With a Wet Pop, He Shivered As you Stood Up His Hands still Holding your Face as you Continued to stroke his Dick, you kissed Him Driving another Soft Moan from his Lips.
"I think I gotta Relax for a Sec..I think that Extra Shift Did a Number on me, and I don't want your Food To Burn because of me..."
You Giggled as he Struggled to get the Words out. Turning the Stove off an turned your Attention Back to Him."It's Been Done Since I started, Just Wanted to Blow you~" he Leaned himself against the Counter as you Let him Go and Headed to the Bed Room." Let's Head to Our Bed Than I Re-Uped, Thought you'd wanna Relax After 12 Looong Hours~"
You Could Tell His Body was Tired Working, So Why Not Relax in Your a nice Comfy Bed.
"Wait, What about Dinner??" He Started to Strip himself Of his Clothes, Caring Little about leaving them In the Middle Kitchen Floor. " It'll Taste Better After some Grass!" You Yelled from the Bedroom, As he Entered He found you Digging around your Nightstand For Equipment.
"Take a Lay Pretty Boy~ Let me take Care Of you" As he Laid on the Bed you made your Way to the Closet pulling a Green Strap-on from it as Robby Pulled the a Clear Bag Full of the luscious Greens Nugs from Their nightstand, you Strapped the Toy to your Waist as Robby Rolled a Blunt in the Meantime.
"Damn you Look hot~"
You Chuckled as he Gave your Ass a Slap Holding the Finished Blunt in his Mouth, As he Lit it You Slipped Back Between His Thighs an Gently started Stroking his Dick Again."I Hope you don't have Work Tomorrow~" He Took a Long Drag Before Leaning in for a Passionate Smokey Kiss."Mm Off Till Monday Baby~" You smiled as you started to Kiss down his Neck, Jerking his Dick Painfully Slow.
You started Kissing Lower an Lower Watching Puff away as the MaryJ, He Shivered as you Finally Made it to his Red Tip an Gave it a Gentle Kiss. You Pulled your Boyfriends Legs over your Shoulders as you let your Tongue Lick down his Dick and Balls."No Teasing,Please Baby~" You Hummed at his Quiet Begging Before Finally Letting yourself Rim the Young Man, He let out Satisfied Moan an Laid Back as you Continued your Double Trouble on Him, your Tongue on his Ass while you Jerked at his Dick.
After Awhile you'd shoved your Finger in Him Stretching Him Open an Relocated your Mouth Back to his Dick, One hand Massaging his Balls While another Stretched him Open While you Basically Deep throated his Cock.
He Was a Moaning Mess.
"Oh God! FuckFuckFuck!!~" He Set The Roach into the Ashtray and Let his Hands Rest on the Back of your Neck, the Silver on his Rings Cool to your Skin. He Was shaking and Close to Release so You Decided to Give him what He wanted an Let him Control you, He was Soon Cumming down your Throat With a strained Groan. He pulled you off an Opened your Mouth for Rough Kiss and He Hummed Tasting himself.
"What do we Say SweetBoy?~"
"Thank you My Queen~"
You Reached Over to your Stand Grabbing the Lube that you'd Pulled out Earlier, You Lubed the Toy First Before Applying the Cool Gel to his Ass."You Ready SweetBoy?~" He Nodded as you pulled his Legs Over your Thighs and Position the Toy at his Tip, His Dick was Already Hard again an his Head Fuzzy from the Weed. You slowly Eased the Toy into him Watching For any Signs of Pain, he Gripped the Sheets, his Face showed at bit of Discomfort It Swiftly Changed to Pleasure as you Seated the Rest Deep Inside."Mm~" he Huffed at you Rested your Warm hands against his chest, Making his Look Directly at you."Please Fuck me Angel~"
With His Confirmation you Began you Gentle Thrust, Moving your Hands Back to his Legs that had Wrapped Tightly Around your Waist. His Mewls an Filled your Ears, But not Quite. He Roughly Gripped your Shoulders as He Laid Helpless To the Fat Strap."Harder Please~" he Quietly Asked and Began your Harsh Rutting. He Nearly Screamed as you Hit his Special Point Digging his Nails into you as you Fucked him Hard, His Moans Louder and Full of Bliss as you Continued to Hit the Spot.
That's More like it~
You started Jerking at his Dick trying to Match your Hips, an he Pulled himself Closer Your Warm Titts Now Smashed into his Chest , He Rested his Head in the crook of neck Moaning in your Ear as you Continued your Brutal Fucking."Oh Fuck! I'm Gonna Cum Angel!~ Please Make me Cum~" Your Speed up your Thrust an Robby Responded to Each Pounding with a Whimper, as you started to Jerk Him Faster He Shivered and Jerked against you Before Finally Spilling his Load. His Cum Painted Both your Stomachs and Even the Strap a Lot as you Slowly pulled it From his Hole. He collapsed Into the Pillows Panting an Red in the Face.
"Your Godsent My Queen~"
You Unbuckled the Toy From your Waist Before Hoping off the Bed." I'm gonna Clean this an Clean you Up too, You alright?" He Silently Nodded and Closed his Eyes still Coming down him his High. You Kissed at his Cheek Before Retreating to Bathroom to Clean yourself and the Toy, you Came Back with a Rag Only to Find your Handsome Boy Lightly Snoring. You Cleaned Him up and Careful Slipping him into a Pair of Boxers, as you Pulled the Covers over his Sleeping Figure you let you Hands Roam to his Pretty Sleeping Face Planning a Kiss to his Forehead.
"Sleep Tight SweetBoy.."
More Cobra Kai
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By His Command 3
Summary: the commander arrives. (Handmaid AU)
Warning: this series will contain violence, dystopian aspects, rape and noncon, blood, coercion, possible pregnancy and other dark elements. Please read these warnings and beware.
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Note: Thank you for reading! Also feedback and comments if you dont mind. Maybe a reblog. 💕💕💕💕
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The martha comes to fetch you as the sky dims outside the iron bars. You follow her to the kitchen where she has a sparse array of produce. A few potatoes, some leeks, and a clove of garlic. 
“You will help,” she says bluntly.
“Praise be,” you reply but receive only a sharp look.
“Peel,” she takes out a peeler and puts it before you. “We’ve had no handmaid, so a guardian delivers the produce. It is never enough.”
You nod and go to work. You drag the blade along the skin, stripping it away, and let it drop to the counter. You pick out an eye from the potato and set down the naked spud, grabbing the next. That martha chops with heavy, short thunks against the cutting board.
When you’re done, you gather up the skins. She points you to the bin and you dump them there. You rinse your hands and face her. She puts a pot on the stove, ignoring your expectant gaze. You don’t dare ask what to do next as you only feel in the way.
“We’ll do a stew, bake some fresh bread,” she instructs, “tomorrow, you will go to Loaves and Fishes so we can fill the pantry.”
“Praise be,” you agree. She sighs.
She dumps the ingredients all together in the pot, adding some pork bones for flavour in the broth and some rise to round it out. It’s better than what you got at the center but you won’t presume that you’ll share the same stock.
“Martha,” the wife enter’s in her blue dress. Long straight sleeves and cinched waist. You bow your head so your bonnet hides your face. She sidesteps you, shouldering you away without acknowledgement.
“Mrs. Hansen,” the martha falters, her previous derision gone.
“Toss the stew, we’ve received a duck from Commander Bodecker. You know he loves to hunt.”
She puts a crate on the counter. The martha reaches to slide it towards her and pulls back the cloth to peer inside. You look at your feet, wiggling your toes in your red socks.
“The Commander has returned,” the wife continues, “the table must be set.”
“I will have the handmaid do it,” the martha confirms.
“Pray that she can handle such a task,” the wife rebukes and sweeps around, strutting out without even a glance in your direction.
The martha reaches into the crate and pulls out the dead mallard. You wrinkle your nose at the mussed green feathers. You look away.
“Well, would you rather lay some spoons out or undress this?” She asks brusquely.
You go to the cupboards and pull a door open. You only find plain metal canisters. She comes over and shuts the door, opening the next to reveal the plates. You bring one down, then a second. She slides a drawer out.
“Take one for yourself. Three,” she instructs.
You wince and pull out another plate.
“When you dine with the Commander and his wife, you say nothing, you look at nothing but your plate, you eat only what they allow you,” she hisses.
“I understand.”
“If only you could.”
She counts out the cutlery and puts it atop the stack of plates.
“Napkins beside the stove. Wrap the silverware.”
You go to the drawer nearest the stove and find the pale white napkins trimmed with blue flowers. You add them to your lot and the martha points you through the archway that looks into the dining room. You hear her mutter as she turns back to the duck.
You roll up the cutlery tightly in the fabric. Like swaddling a baby. You go around, chair by chair, plate and cutlery. 
As you arrange the last, only thinking then of the glassware, a soft noise brings your head up. A man in navy blue leans in the doorway. You did not hear him or sense him. You cannot guess for how long he’s been there but you can guess at his identity.
You dip your head down and step away from the table, “Commander.”
He breaks the threshold and strides around the other side of the table. You keep your chin down, jaw locked, as you listen, don’t look. The glimpse of his face floats in your vision. Tidy combed hair and shaved sides, a trim of hair across his lip, and handsomely forged features. 
He stops behind a chair and you feel his gaze on you.
“Blessed be the fruit, Ofloyd,” he rolls the name on his tongue.
“May the Lord open,” you eke out.
He chuckles. You bite your lip. The only people who laughed were the aunts, and it often meant trouble. He grips the back of the chair.
“I am the lord’s agent but it will not be him who does the… opening,” he intones, his tone dripping salaciously. “So, Ofloyd, will you open yourself to me?”
You don’t know how to answer. This is not how the aunts speak; or the guardians; or the handmaids.
“Praise be,” you gulp.
He snickers and twists his grip on the back of the chair.
“You have no idea,” he slips a hand down, brushing along the front of his trousers, “praise, there will be.”
He growls and leans back on his heel. There is no time to respond. He is already on his way. As quickly as he appeared, he is gone again, leaving only dread and the scent of cedarwood.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
being gorgeous
HAHA SORRY I'M A LITTLE LATE TO THE 2.0 REVEAL THIRST PARTY i passed out while writing this yesterday and it shows. and then i've done nothing else today except for write, eat a donut, write, reheat some pork chops, write, join an online meeting, and write. it's 8:23 am. bonus points if you can pinpoint the exact moment i dropped my phone and fell asleep last night. and also the point where it turned morning here and i started getting goofy. literally no matter what happens all roads lead to Oh My God Why Is Shu So Beautiful
funny story while i was writing this: i wrote p much all of this on my pc and i have all of the noctyx puppets around my desk area but taichou is the only one that's actually on the desk and when i was starting out for the day i couldn't concentrate because he was just staring at me like ._. so i turned him around to face the wall and somehow that was what kicked off 3631 words???
shoutout to 🍰 anon for making soooo many of my neurons activate. we have a mutualistic symbiotic relationship and i think i'm going to go insane. i've spent the better part of the last 24 hours just writing this and nothing else i think i've actually lost it.
tags: established relationship, suggestive content, making out, 2.0 outfit, praise kink, humiliation kink, hurt/comfort, self-image positivity ig?, soft dom reader, gender neutral reader, sex references under the read more but there's no actual sex lol
⚠ suggestive/sexual content, praise kink, and humiliation kink under read more. content under read more is not intended for minors
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
All that muscle, and still Shu finds himself between a wall and a hard place. He wanted to try on something new, and naturally you were the first to check him out.
And, God, you checked him out. He wore a loose black robe covered in the skeletons and bones you were so used to seeing on a daily basis. The robe nearly grazed the floor of the changing room, and as he shuffled his feet, the fabric wrapped around the outline of Shu’s strong calves before returning to rest. A plume of fur adorned one shoulder while the other bore a moon pauldron that only drew your eye to the broad shoulders underneath. He tied his long hair up into a ponytail, the dark interrupted by streaks of pink and blond by his bangs, and purple hair fell down his back and caught the gleam of his bright eyes.
Though those bright eyes were cloudier with the shyness of being the center of your attention. He resolved himself to confront it. He cleared his throat and met your gaze, and asked, “Do you like it?”
“Shu, look at yourself.” You grasped him by the shoulders and turned him around to face the mirror. “Of course I do. You’re beautiful.”
He tried to keep a straight face, but there was no way he’d be able to hide his red ears with his hair tied up. “How do you just say things like that so easily?”
“Because it’s true,” you said. You rested your chin on his shoulder, right next to the armor, and watched the mirror as his face turned to roses the same shade as the marking on his forehead.
You get comfortable. “You’ve always been so handsome no matter what you do.” Your hands hold him by his waist, but it doesn’t take you long before one roams upwards. His waistline slopes out to his chest, and you feel Shu’s body shift as your hand slides under the fabric and cups one side of his chest. The mirror serves as a reminder that you were practically on top of him. “But honestly, Shu, you look so hot I can’t believe it.”
“I- I do?”
You mutter in agreement before you kiss his neck, languid and low where it meets his collarbone.
Shu gasps in surprise as it turns passionate, traces of your teeth along skin usually hidden by his hair. He softens into you as you fondle him, and when you circle his nipple he knows he’s doomed.
Teeth sink into his skin, and his breath hitches at the sudden pain. It quiets as your tongue soothes the mark, and goes blinding as you flick his nipple in time with a long lick. Shu can’t help but moan at that. His shoulder rises as nervous energy drips down his body from where your lips cling to his neck, and he knows you can feel him tremble as you toy with his nipple.
The kisses rise higher on his neck, a line of desperation even though you know you have all the time in the world. It’s more like you need to make him know he’s cherished. You weren’t kidding when you complimented him earlier; he’s always been good-looking, and you’ve never been shy about that. But trying a different look made him just as tense as he was excited, so you’re here to shoo all those insecurities away. After all, you’d be lying if you said his new look didn’t turn you on.
You take a glance at the mirror's reflection. Shu's eyes are shut. His long lashes flutter between his makeup, and his lips are parted as he takes all the sensations in. Meanwhile, you look sly and calculated as you cast a sideways glance to your reflection. A bit of your tongue pokes out of your mouth and along your latest attack.
Using the mirror, you take Shu's head in your hands as your lips run over his ear. His eyes snap open into lovely crystal, stunned and sparkling.
“I don’t think I can resist you,” you whisper. "Look at yourself."
He averts his eyes. "I mean, I'm not all that."
"Oh, you are." You turn him to the mirror as your fingers glaze along his chin. Your nails lightly scratch at his jawline, and he can't help but stare at the movement in the mirror.
Out of the corner of his vision, he catches his expression and nearly kicks himself. Was he really that out of control? His horrors are realized when he notices the bead of saliva at the corner of his mouth. He swats the back of his gloved hand over it.
But you catch Shu's hand before he can even wipe it away. "Don't."
"Stay still."
Following your command wasn't so hard. He was frozen in place anyways.
It takes everything he has to not react as you drag your tongue up his jawline between the fingernail scrapes. His heart hammers as your lick curls perfectly around his lip to catch the saliva before sliding it back into place inside his mouth.
He follows what feels natural, and when his tongue meets yours, fire runs in your blood. Outside it, too. Sorcerous flames kick alive around his head, then fade just as quickly as they appeared. He's a light show even in his invisible unconscious, and sparks course in your open-mouthed kiss in jolts of hot heaviness.
The hand that caught his earlier leads him as he takes a step back, then another, and his third ends flush against the wall. Shu's ponytail swirls around from the movement, and brushes along your body as you pin him to the wall of the changing room.
There's a loud smack as you end the kiss, breathless and heated. Shu's lashes blur over his enchanted purple eyes, and a few strands of black and gold-blond hair get in the way of his face.
"So handsome," you say, and move his head back to the mirror. "You can still see yourself?"
He barely rustles out a yes, but you feel his head nod slowly between the nails on his jaw and tangled in his hair.
"Good. I'm glad you get to see how handsome you really are." Your grasp crawls up to his cheek. "Watch yourself, and don't dare to look away. I want you to see yourself become a beautiful mess. Can you do that for me?"
Another nod, slower this time.
"Say it."
Shu swallows, and struggles to put the words together. He didn't think he was ugly per se, but he always thought of himself as just plain average. One of the many so-so faces out there in the world. All your praise breaks through those thoughts like an arrow smack-dab in the center of a target, however, and he's abashed at how easily you can say something he's never considered himself as.
It's unfamiliar. A new feeling, really, and likely the one he was dreading when he decided to wear something new for a change. Shu doesn't consider himself a head-turner—that's usually reserved for one of his friends, and he's used to watching them in the limelight from his own comfortable corner of darkness—so now that he's the one against the wall with eyes on him and nowhere to run, hot shame tempers his blush. The mirror only intensifies the feeling.
He looks back at himself. His hair's already messed up from the hand against his scalp, and one side of his neck peppered with the indentation of fangs along the soft skin. Not to mention his decidedly uncute face, with hands far prettier than his own around his jawline, murky eyes crinkled from his perverted pleasure, and yet another string of saliva down from his swollen-red lips. It was probably left over from the kiss. He thinks he should call it disgusting.
Your face rests along his in the mirror, and he can feel your breath on his cheek as you massage his flustered face. You're way more attractive than he is, and he has to wonder: does such an average-looking guy like him really deserve to have such a beautiful person dote over him like this?
"It's okay to indulge yourself, you know," you suggest. Your voice is golden caramel and rich chocolate. "You really are gorgeous. Even if you don't believe it."
Gorgeous. The word bounces around his head. He's never been called gorgeous before, and he nearly turns away on instinct.
The new feeling, he decides, is being gorgeous.
You smooth over one of the long locks of hair along his chest, where you teased him earlier. It feels like silk through your fingers, and as you reach higher Shu's eyes widen just a little more. Then you see the glassiness between the color, and you realize there's more going on in his head than you thought.
"I'll take care of you, if you want me to." You put your agenda on hold just to make sure you aren't about to overwhelm Shu. "Do you want me to?"
"Reader, do you really think..." Shu lowers his head as he fights to form the sentence. "You really think I'm... that?"
"I do."
"And you're not just saying that?"
"You are, I swear. Here, let's take a break real fast." You step away and give Shu some space, but he keeps his back against the wall. He exhales, and the color drains from his face. “Stop me if you need me to. But when we met, I thought you were really pretty. I really liked your sense of style, and the colors in your hair, and I liked to sneak looks at your biceps." You laugh a little at that. "I love your eyes a lot. They're really bright, and whenever you smile, they always squint a little.
"That's one of the other things I really love about you, whenever you smile. You like to laugh. So you smile often, and it's always because they're something to be happy about, and that makes me happy too. Sometimes because it affects me too, and sometimes, just because I love whenever my partner gets to enjoy himself."
You scratch the back of your head. "And, um, I came off a little strong when I saw you, so I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to do that at all. It's just that I got used to seeing your usual outfit, so now that you're trying something new..." You laugh again, but this time it's a gentle giggle, and without lust fueling you, you feel a bit embarrassed. "I mean, I really did think you were beautiful before, especially once we got closer, and I got to explore you more. But this is a whole other level. You've really outdone yourself. Like, I couldn't even hold back when I saw you, I was just so attracted to you that I didn’t even think. I really should have, though. I didn’t mean to cross a boundary.”
Shu’s eyebrows raise. “What? You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just that…”
He trails off. He slumps over and slides down the wall with a sigh as he sits. His ponytail rests along the floor and along one of his sleeves. "I know you compliment me often, but I never thought you seriously meant it. No one's ever said things like that to me before."
"Really?" You sit next to him. "Should I stop?"
"No! No, you're fine. I mean. I think... It's not like I didn't like it." Shu buries his face into his hands and groans. "I really liked it, actually. I think it was just too new, and it's second nature for me to deny how good it feels, and—" He cuts himself off to muster up his courage. He lowers his hands just enough to peek out, but his fingers thread through each other and hide his face. "I've never been called gorgeous before."
"Was that okay?"
"It was perfect," he admits. His eyebrows relax, and his eyes squint. You don't need to see the rest of his face to know his lips curved up. But he dilutes his swoon with another sigh, and you can tell he's disappointed in himself as he drops his hands to his side. "I wish I wasn't in my head when you said it. Sorry for ruining a good moment."
"You didn't ruin anything, Shu, what are you talking about?" You reach to hold his hand, but hesitate, unsure if he wants to be touched. But he turns his palm over to met yours, and you connect. "I'm glad we're talking about it, and I'm hoping that it's helping you work through it, too. I'd hate to do or say anything to you that you couldn't handle."
"Thank you. That's really sweet of you." You take in how he wraps his fingers around yours and squeezes. "I'm going to calm down for a moment."
You sit together for a moment. His face is a slideshow between thoughts, and you rub circles along his hand with your thumb as he recomposes himself. You trust him.
You send comfort through your fingertips on the changing room floor, and his deep breathing turns to silence as a minute passes by. Then Shu turns to you, and lifts your hand in his. "Do you want to try again?"
"You're up for it?"
He nods, and this time it's with all his energy. "I was really looking forward to it. Can we?"
"Of course, Shu, anything for you." Already you're starting to feel warm. You get up to your feet, and bring Shu with you.
You're not so sure if Shu is aware of this, but even in his weakest moments, he moves elegantly. Not so much that it looks practiced, but he rises nimble like the shadows he channels his sorcery through. His long hair rests on his sleeves, then slips behind his back airily as the leathery wing along his torso flares with the motion.
He doesn't let go of your hand, even as he steps back and rests against the wall.
"You're okay with this?" You ask.
"It felt nice."
Your hand lets go of his, but it doesn't break away from his glassy-clear skin, and instead takes in the shape of his arm. His inner wrist is so soft, but the skin gets pleasantly rougher as you continue upwards into the plush of his forearm, and by the time you reach the peak of his biggest muscles, the plush turns firm.
The other holds him by his hips right under the sash of his robes. You can wrap yourself so easily around his waistline, and the urge to snatch him up is stifling.
But you're on a mission, and Shu's straight nose is dusted with pink, and when your hands both squeeze his body, a short gleam of fire spirals out behind him, and yet, his vivid, royal eyes are what captivate you the most.
You're so lost in his long lashes and the flecks of galaxy that you feel helpless, even with him pinned underneath you. "Shu, can I kiss—"
You get your answer before you even finish the question.
It's like you never paused in the first place. He enters your mouth first, and you match his movements, crossing along his tongue as if it was your lifeblood. It probably is. Shu has a tendency to unlock hunger like you've never known it before.
His arms unconsciously flex at the contact. Aroused, you drive forward and force him further against the wall, and when you hear the rumble of a moan between your connected lips, your fingers clutch harder at his waist.
Your bodies are flush against one another, and as you lean forward, you feel the telltale silkiness of his hair. You don't dare to open your eyes as you fumble around for a tuft to tangle your hands in. Shu pulses in your mouth as you take hold, and parts just enough to aim for your bottom lip as he returns the favor and bites. You hear a lewd, liquidy smack as he hurriedly glosses over the nip, then back to your parted lips. Every time there's even the slightest tension between his hair and your fingers, you notice, he rushes to kiss you harder.
So when he goes in for another round, you move your mouth away. His eyes flutter open in confusion, then shocks into surprise as you drag him in front of you. The mirror reflects his surprise right back at him.
Your head perches on Shu's shoulder. "You up for this, baby? You want to see?"
The heat returns. His reflection is another reminder of how he's totally at your mercy, and all the shame that comes with being so whipped that he already looks this ruined.
But you called him beautiful earlier. Gorgeous.
He kind of likes the shame.
"Yeah," Shu says, breathless. "Y-yeah, I do."
"Good boy," you coo, and that washes a whole new set of feelings over him that he files away for later. He tucks his chin away, embarrassed at the name, but he's still focused on the reflection as your reach to the top of his head and the beginnings of his ponytail.
Shu grew his hair out long, and you comb through the ponytail as it loosens down his back. "Pretty boy," you say. Your voice is tempting so close to his ear, especially as you gather his hair together. "Pretty boy with pretty hair. You take good care of it."
He lets out a hum deep in his throat as you smooth through it, only for it to turn into a startled choke as you grab at the base of his head. He chides himself for not seeing through your plan, but not enough to stifle how the choke turns into a moan as you pull. His neck jerks back. Then your lips make contact with his nape like a vampire to prey, and the moan turns into an even more humiliating yelp. The mirror proudly displays his neediness, but the high pitch is yours alone to keep.
"Didn't mark this side earlier." You mutter as you blow cool air over your latest kiss, and bask in how he shivers storms. "You like that?"
"Mmm, feels good," he says, voice wavering.
"Sounded like it, too. I liked hearing it. Gives me a chance to keep playing around with you."
His common sense tells him to protest, but he's too enthralled by the rough kisses and pulls. You tug on his hair to move him instead of asking him, and the way that you can command him without even using words both impresses and mortifies him.
It's the bites that send him over the edge, though. His nape is your territory. The first hickeys have already darkened on the other side, and when he sees you ravenous over his elongated neck, it's dirty and starved and lovely.
You press a kiss under Shu's ear and he jolts at the pleasure. When you suck, he inhales shakily, and lolls his head to the side. He had no idea that he just put himself in the perfect position. "Just like that, stay still. That's perfect." You weave your fingers through an open seam in his outfit, and when you leave your next mark, it's with your hands over his chest underneath the fabric. You grope his cleavage. "Perfect, perfect, perfect."
"H-how did you even— nngh, ah!"
His nipples were already hard enough, but then you just had to go and twist the damn thing like it wouldn't send him so far down to hell that he'd come back up in heaven.
"Just like that, Shu, baby, you're doing so well!" A flick on the bud here, a pull on his ponytail there, your words barely able to ring out as you frenzy between the kisses and the licks.
Whatever noise hangs in the air, it's downright pornographic, and it's only when Shu sees his open mouth in the mirror that he realizes that's his voice. It wobbles between a cry and a huff. Pink and purple dances around his hazy reflection, but as aroused as he is, he recognizes them as his harmless fire. He didn't even know he did that.
The fire trails behind his head as everything goes hot. He can barely think straight, but the only thing coursing through his mind is that he's never been able to feel delight like this before.
Where you stand behind him, Shu rolls his hips, his neck still held back against your body. You've been doing such a good job of keeping yourself together, but the slow coursing is a death sentence. You welcome it wholeheartedly.
"Mm, Shu...!" That elegance is seriously biting you in the ass right now. Even when he's horny, he's graceful, but you ache for more.
And even when he's submissive, he's strong. You tend to forget that those biceps aren't just for show.
Shu practically plucks you out of the embrace and to his side. His voice is husky but whiny. "Mirror or not, I'm not about to go down on you standing up."
"Let's get you a bed," you negotiate. The sooner you can get all you love out of your system, the better. "Lead the way, gorgeous."
He doesn't waste any time at all. He holds his arm out along the small of your back and rests his hand against where your hips connect with your thighs, and as you shuffle out of the changing room he keeps you close to his, brushing up against you all the while. You'd almost think he was preening.
"Gorgeous," you utter. Hopefully he learns how one day.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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uncleskyrule · 9 months
thanks for the tag, @chatwiththeclouds! posting on my LoZ/Sky: CotL blog bc why not ^^
(i added a couple more entries that i thought would be fun)
favorite color: wait i answered this question ages ago in a kind of poem. ok here it is. short answer, dark blue
last song: "Bewitched" by Laufey
last series: the last one i finished was Spy x Family
last time outside: yesterday evening rip
last meal: homemade barbecued pork chops with rice and salad
sweet, savory, or spicy? SOUR!!! but if i can't have that then savory ig
currently working on: my Linktober fics! idk if i'll get to them all (still haven't finished last year's) but i have some really fun ones planned
currently playing: Sky: Children of the Light and Tears of the Kingdom
currently wearing: black sneakers, oversized gym shorts i got from my quarantine in Korea (long story), Korean language program shirt, circle glasses, and my wrist braces bc these ligaments are WEAK
currently reading: LoZ fanfic, The Two Towers, my printed version of The Grueling Task of Becoming Right-Handed (BotW Link fic), the Gospel of Luke, AND something i forgot in my last tag game post--an ASL dictionary lmao
no pressure tags: @hallofharmony , @tigers-eyes-26, @adrift-in-thyme , @awkwardpossum0, @skyloftian-nutcase, @charbies, @telemna-hyelle, @fatefulfaerie, @whyoneartheven, @cervideity, @blossomingwaters
plus whoever wants to join!
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
i think i need to shoot you
pairing: jeonghan x reader wordcount: 6.2k summary: so you’ve figured out how to get along with jeonghan. so what?! everyone at the office doesn’t need to know. it only gets in the way of life occasionally and it’s not that bad, right? genre/themes: fluff, smut, secret relationship at work, rivals to lovers (kinda), maybe some angst? basically i love jeonghan & yn and just want them to be kinda bickering but happy.
a/n: this is the pt2 to we get along infamously. i found it a little challenging to keep their tension, so i hope it was worth the wait and that y’all love it too :)
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    You chewed on the inside of your lip as you stared what you hoped looked like daggers at Jeonghan. He was wearing the black button down that you had gifted him last week and you were imagining how efficiently you could take it off of him, but you were also at the office so that was a nonstarter. Grumbling, you turned reluctantly to your monitor and tapped angrily at the keys.
“You okay?” your coworker, Vernon, looked at you with slight concern.
“I’m great,” you smiled at him with just your teeth and he shook his head at you, amused.
“I actually thought you and Jeonghan were getting along better lately, but I guess I was wrong,” Vernon mused.
“Vernon…I need you to know that I would never,” you placed your hand on your chest, acting aghast. “To my last breath I will curse his name.” You wondered if you were overdoing it, but Vernon didn’t seem the type to notice.
    Jeonghan looked down to hide his smile as he listened to you pretend to dislike him. It should probably bother him more, but you were going about it in such an obtuse way that he found it terribly endearing. He’d never let you know, though. No, it was much more fun to tease you about it later.
[redacted]: ‘are you hungry? should i grab you lunch while i’m out for my client meeting?’
[yn]: ‘plz & ty!! where are you going?’
[redacted]: ‘i’ll send you a link to the menu, just lmk’
    You did a little happy dance in your chair as you peered at the menu on your phone screen and made your choice. You eyed Jeonghan surreptitiously as he left for his meeting, you really had done a good job with the shirt.
“Should we grab lunch? I don’t have another call for an hour,” Vernon turned to you.
“Oh, I-, uh,” your brain stalled as you tried to think of a reasonable response. “I’m not hungry. My mom’s bringing me lunch,” you malfunctioned slightly. “I mean my stomach hurts so my mom is bringing me soup.”
“Oh…that’s nice of her,” he replied, but you could clearly tell he found your response odd. He didn’t press, though, and simply left to find some lunch for himself. Once he was out of sight, you rushed to text Jeonghan again.
[yn]: ‘nevermind, please bring me some soup instead’
“Clam chowder?” Vernon did a double take when he saw the soup container on your desk. “Is that helpful for your stomach?”
“Mhm,” you had to answer simply to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing. At this rate, Vernon was going to report you to HR for being unwell.
“How did your client meeting go?” you asked Jeonghan as you chopped up onions.
“Good! They said they’re happy with the progress and are considering bringing a second project to us too,” he smiled, pulling pork out of the fridge. He set it down for you and moved to boil noodles for the night’s jjajangmyeon.
“That’s so good, Hannie!” you beamed at him.
“Hn,” he nodded. “Did you enjoy your soup?”
“No,” you groaned, “I panicked when Vernon asked about lunch so I told him my mom was bringing me soup,” you laughed, still embarrassed at your inability to think on your feet.
Jeonghan burst out laughing as he finally made sense of your weird lunch order. “I see,” he nodded slowly, “I guess that’s the downside of people at work not knowing, huh?”
“Yeah,” you pursed your lips as you fried the black bean sauce in oil.
  Jeonghan watched as you thought, trying to read your expression. He was ready, at any time, to go to Minghao and find out what paperwork he needed to file. You weren’t quite there, but that was okay. He could be patient. You were worth the wait.
“Mm, I overheard something interesting today,” Jeonghan remarked as he helped carry dishes to the sink.
“What’s that?”
“This developer was telling Vernon how she would curse my name until her last breath or something like that?” he raised one eyebrow at you as he caged you in against the countertop with his arms.
“Oh th-that’s crazy,” you stuttered, flushing at his hungry gaze.
“Especially because I really haven’t given you anything to curse about,” he leaned forward, breath tickling your ear, “Not yet at least.”
“Oh?” you squeaked, “Please elaborate,” you tugged at his shirt eagerly.
“With pleasure,” he laughed, grasping you just under the jaw to pull you into a kiss before popping you up onto the kitchen countertop. “Just so you know, you’re in for a long night.”
“Well fuck,” you weren’t able to stop yourself from cursing.
  Jeonghan ran his fingers up your inner thigh, the material of your leggings dragging just slightly at his touch. He pressed two fingers against your clit as his other hand held you open to his firm and direct pressure.
“Jeonghan!” you gasped, head falling back, hair spreading across the kitchen countertop.
“That’s good, I want you to be loud tonight. If you’re going to curse my name, I want you to mean it,” his lips curled up as he worked his fingertips, pressing circles into you at a medium pace. He could feel you soaking through the fabric of your leggings, which always spurred him on.
“Hannie,” you squirmed against the countertop, simultaneously overwhelmed and wanting more. You clutched at his wrist, but he didn’t relent until you were frustratingly close.
“Stay put,” Jeonghan ordered before wandering off. You wondered what fresh hell this would be as you waited. “Is this okay?” he asked when he popped back in, a blindfold dangling off of his index finger.
“...yes,” you nodded after blinking a few times. Jeonghan asked you to get undressed before sliding the blindfold over your eyes gently.
“Okay?” his gentle voice asked, to which you nodded. “Good.”
    He guided you into the bedroom, laying you back gently on the bed. The cool air pebbled your nipples and the deprivation of sight made your pulse race. Jeonghan watched intently as your fingers spread across the covers, orienting yourself. He stepped out of the bedroom again as inspiration struck and you laid on the bed, listening to him shuffle around. He returned shortly and trailed the fingertips of his left hand across your skin. The pressure was quite light, almost ticklish, and made you squirm under him. If you could’ve seen him, you would’ve seen a look of pure adoration as he watched the way your muscles jumped and twitched at his touch. He almost felt bad when he lowered the ice cube against your nipple. Almost.
“Hannie!” you jolted, almost sitting upright as you registered the freezing sensation. “Fuck!” your whole body clenched, hands gripping the comforter. Jeonghan grinned, holding the ice against you for just a few more seconds before pulling back.
“Mm, you seem to like that,” Jeonghan’s brows raised, seeing the way you were glistening.
    You nodded, ears tuned in, trying to follow his movements around the room. Somehow knowing what he had at his disposal made the anticipation even more blissfully agonizing. You gulped audibly when you heard a now familiar buzzing kick on.
“Hannie, I’m sorry I said what I said!” you groaned, cursing your past self, knowing his penchant for torture.
“Are you tapping out?” Jeonghan asked, unable to read you properly with the blindfold on.
“...no,” you whispered sheepishly. It was a fine line between pain and pleasure and Jeonghan had such a skill at walking it.
“That’s my girl,” he patted your cheek condescendingly before he placed the vibrator just off-center, lengthwise against you. Your strangled cries and the way your hips hitched stroked his ego like nothing else he could even imagine. He continued, alternating between ice cube and vibrator, until you were begging desperately.
“Hannie, please,” you cried.
“Jeonghan, please!” you repeated yourself, eyes squeezed shut behind the blindfold.
“Go ahead,” he nodded, bringing the toy to sit squarely against your now swollen clit. You let out a loud sob as your body shuddered and an orgasm rolled through you. “Another,” he insisted, keeping the toy planted as you continued to squirm. “Han, Han, Hannie!” you gasped, clutching his forearm desperately as another and another rolled over you mercilessly.
“Louder. I don’t think we’re done until you run out of breath,” Jeonghan snickered at you. 
“Hannie, I can’t, no more!!” you eventually squealed, tapping insistently at his forearm with two fingers. Jeonghan nodded, recognizing your signal for release, and pulled away. He pulled off the blindfold and gathered you into his arms, spooning you from behind, and stroking your hair reassuringly.
“So good, so good. Thank you for indulging me,” he murmured appreciatively against the top of your head. You relaxed, melting into him and beaming under his praise. You adored the way he took such care of you.
“What about you?” you asked, turning your face towards him and rolling your hips gently against him.
“Are you sure you’re up for it?” he asked, knowing he had already asked for a lot.
“Mhm!” you nodded, “But maybe instead of fucking the living shit out of me, you could be a little gentler?”
“Of course. I’m multi talented after all,” he laughed. You rolled your eyes at him as he ground himself against you. He finished undressing and pulled your back against his chest before sliding into you.
“I don’t think anything beats having you inside of me,” you sighed dreamily, twining your fingers with his as you pushed back against him.
“You’re such an angel at times,” Jeonghan remarked at the way you were able to work him up so easily. With one arm wrapped around your waist, he stroked into you, deep but at a leisurely pace. The way you wrapped around him made his brain feel like a melted slushee in the best way. “Fucking christ,” he cursed, arm tightening around you.
“So good, so good,” you moaned appreciatively, “Will you cum in me?”
“I can indulge you in that,” Jeonghan chuckled, trying to stay composed, but his voice cracked slightly which ruined the effect just a bit.
“Fill me up,” you begged, “Deep inside of me,” you babbled, not really caring what kind of embarrassing shit came out of your mouth as long as you got what you wanted.
“You-, you’re-, fuck,” Jeonghan tried and failed to reprimand you before his hips bucked, shooting his load deep inside of you. You giggled, always proud when you were able to make him the one at a loss for words. He clicked his tongue at you weakly, more than spent.
    You blinked slowly, trying to mentally orient yourself as you woke up. That’s right, you had stayed the night with Jeonghan, which was why everything seemed out of place. Turning, you couldn’t help but grin as you saw him, still asleep to your side. He was drooling slightly, his hair was defying the laws of gravity, and you weren’t sure if he’d ever looked cuter than this. Glancing at the clock, you let him continue to sleep for as long as time would allow.
    The pair of you moved through the morning with ease. Brushing your teeth side by side in the mirror, making coffee, and helping him pick out a shirt. It was a good thing you liked him so much, otherwise it would’ve been sickening.
“You’re really not going to eat?” Jeonghan looked at you, almost horrified.
“I don’t usually get hungry until later!” you waved at him, sipping your coffee.
“You should eat,” he grumbled, but dropped the subject for now. Grabbing his plate, he sat down next to you, tugging your chair towards him. Grinning, you hooked your right leg over his left, enjoying the closeness. The morning had passed quickly, but you had to admit it was nice to start the day with Jeonghan.
“Do you want to go to happy hour?” Jeonghan asked you as you walked towards the office building together.
“I was planning to, unless you had other thoughts?” you nodded.
“No, just curious,” he shook his head, “Do you want me to fall back a bit so we can walk in separately?” he offered, eyes scanning the area for coworkers.
“That’s okay,” you shook your head , “We can say we ran into each other on the sidewalk.”
“Okay,” he smiled at you, maintaining a professional distance as you swiped in.
“Morning, dearly beloved!” Minghao greeted you happily when his eyes landed on you. His eyes flitted to Jeonghan before his brows lifted just slightly.
“Morning Hao,” Jeonghan waved to him before everyone piled into the elevator.
“Everyone coming to happy hour today?” Minghao asked, observing the two of you out of the side of his eye. You tolerated an atypically small distance between yourself and Jeonghan and hadn’t actively picked a fight yet. Interesting.
“Yes, you know Seungkwan will beat our asses if we don’t,” you laughed genuinely.
“This is true,” Hao nodded, “Ride over together?” he asked you as he stepped out of the elevator.
“Of course!” you nodded. You could feel Jeonghan’s eyes on you, but you resisted the instinct to turn to him as there were still others in the elevator and walked to your cubes in silence.
    A few hours into the day when you returned from a bathroom break, you spotted an out of place object on your desk. Cocking your head to the side, you realized it was an egg kimbap with a sticky note placed on it instructing you to ‘eat’.
“I’m-, are we late?” you turned to Hao with a confused expression as you walked in on an already drunk Seungkwan singing incredibly loudly.
“I-,” Hao stopped in his tracks, slightly surprised, “It’s only six thirty.”
“How long have you been here?” you turned to Hyemi.
“Since five thirty,” she flushed, “It’s been a lot.”
    Your eyes flitted to Jeonghan, who shrugged defeatedly. He sat on the couch nursing a beer while Jae and the interns talked at him about something or the other. You could tell he needed extraditing, but weren’t sure how to manage it. To top it all off, Seungkwan’s voice permeated your brain and made it even harder than normal to think through it.
“Narcissistic, my god I love it!~”
“Let’s get a drink and then figure out how to wrangle these cats,” you laughed with Minghao before searching out some soju.
“Did something happen? Or is he stressed? He is way more drunk than usual,” you whispered at Hyemi as she poured shots for you and Minghao.
“I think he’s fighting with Seyoon?” she guessed, already flushed high in her cheeks.
“Ah,” you nodded. That made a lot more sense. Sipping quietly, you took inventory of the room. Seungkwan had momentarily surrendered the mic to someone else, Jae still clung to Jeonghan like a moss to a tree, and Hyemi was…making eyes at Changkyun? From finance? “Um,” you turned to Minghao, jerking your head subtly at the pair.
“Interesting,” his eyes lit up, “Very interesting.”
    Jeonghan watched you watch the others. A big part of him wanted nothing more than to go home and take you with him, but he could already tell that you were committed to a night of being the mom friend. When your eyes finally met his briefly, his brows quirked up just slightly before anyone could notice and he delighted in the smile that lit up your face.
“Okay, everyone know how they’re getting home?” Minghao helped to herd the small crowd out of the establishment. A chorus of yeses rang out and he nodded, somewhat satisfied.
“Okay, subway gang follow me,” you announced and the interns fell in line behind you and Jeonghan like a group of ducklings. In lieu of holding hands, you hooked your pinky into his until he reached his stop.
“Yoon Jeonghan,” you held your left hand up in front of you, eyes wide and voice calm, as if you were negotiating a hostage situation. “Jeonghan, please,” you implored.
“I’m so sorry, but I think I have to shoot you,” Jeonghan grinned mischievously, his paintball gun trained carefully on you.
“I’ll make it worth your while if you don’t,” you stepped forward, tongue tracing your lips in a way that you knew your boyfriend found incredibly distracting. He didn’t shoot, so you took another step and grabbed him by the tactical vest, pulling him in. He couldn’t help it. Confused that you were doing this during work hours, his grip on his paintball gun slackened and his arm dropped, making him the perfect target for Hyemi to shoot in the back.
“You!” he pulled back, eyes narrowed accusingly at you as he touched the neon green paint dripping down his back, “Oh you’re done!” he pointed at you with a threatening chuckle before walking towards the bleachers where the other out players were.
    You laughed it off, running towards Hyemi for a victorious high-five before setting off to find your next target. You scanned the bleachers and noticed that Changkyun and Mingyu were still at large. Noted.
“How did you do that?!” Hyemi asked, high on the rush of taking down the Yoon Jeonghan. “I thought he would’ve shot you right away!”
“I have my ways,” you laughed, turning to her. “Shall we go get your man? I know you guys just recently started dating, so I don’t know if you have the stomach to betray him just yet.”
“Apparently my cat, Natto, prefers him to me, so Changkyun is dead to me as of now,” Hyemi turned to you. A laugh burst through your lips when you saw her deadly serious expression and you nodded firmly before setting off to find him.
“Okay, let’s go!” you pumped your fist, breaking into a jog through the obstacle course.
    Jeonghan fumed on the bleachers as you and Hyemi carried out your mission. He wasn’t actually mad, of course, but his competitive nature got the best of him at times. Even more than that, however, he was surprised at how attractive it was to find out that you could be just as ruthless as him when it came to games.
“Ya, Mingyu!” he gestured to one of the junior developers when he spotted him.
“Yeah?” the large man loped over.
“YN and Hyemi are going for Changkyun, so tail them. You should be able to take one or even both of them out while they’re focused on him.”
“I feel like I’m not allowed to take your tip since you’re out,” Mingyu hesitated.
“Don’t care. Do as I say,” Jeonghan waived off his concerns and pushed him towards the field.
    Mingyu shrugged and crept through the course, keeping an eye out for you and Hyemi. He ducked behind some netting when he spotted you cornering Changkyun, as Jeonghan had described. Taking aim, he fired off a shot, taking you out of the game. You shook your finger at your boyfriend as you approached him on the bleachers.
“Why do I feel like you had something to do with this?” you rounded upon him, suspicious.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, a picture of innocence, which more or less confirmed your original thought. You reached around him to grab a bottle of water. “I’m not gonna lie, that was kind of attractive,” he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“You’re terrible,” you flushed, stepping away from him bashfully.
“Not yet, but I will be later,” he whispered under his breath, eyes full of dirty promises.
    Reminding yourself that you were at a work event, you turned away from him for fear of overheating.
“We were right not to let YN and Jeonghan be on the same team,” Vernon laughed as he grabbed a fresh water bottle. “Just separately, they’re both menaces. Can you imagine their combined powers unleashed upon us?”
“I actually think I rank YN higher on the menace list than Jeonghan right now,” another one of your teammates, Miseon responded proudly to Vernon. “She did manage to coordinate Jeonghan’s takedown, after all.”
“Yeah, how did you manage that, actually?” Vernon wondered aloud, fixing you with a confused stare. Jeonghan had been extremely well positioned before Hyemi had managed to hit him. It didn’t make a lot of sense.
“Keep underestimating me, Vern,” you crossed your arms as you looked on at the remaining players with interest, “That’s how I like it.”
“Hannie?” you called, realizing it had been a moment since you’d last had eyes on your boyfriend. Poking your head into a few rooms, you jumped slightly when Jeonghan appeared next to you, a finger gun pointed at you. You were a little confused, but played along.
“C’mere you traitor,” he ordered with a straight face.
“Traitor? We weren’t on the same team!”
“Traitor of my heart,” he pulled you against his chest, acting wounded.
“Tch,” you rolled your eyes, but allowed yourself to be folded into him.
“I didn’t realize you were so competitive,” he looked down at you, his expression surprisingly soft and full of admiration.
“You didn’t?” you narrowed your eyes at him in confusion, “A year and a half of working together hasn’t made you realize that I’m competitive as hell?”
“I meant more like in games,” he clarified.
“If I’m being honest,” you cocked your head to the side to try and organize your thoughts, “It’s really just something about you that brings it out of me. I’m generally quite easygoing.”
“Hn,” Jeonghan blinked. He supposed it made sense, he did seem privy to a much more difficult side of you than most others were. “I have an idea,” his eyes lit up.
    Your eyes widened at him, a bit surprised at how excited he seemed.
“What do you think about cockwarming me?”
“Oh?” you blinked rapidly as you considered it. One the one hand, yes. But on the other hand, no.
“I’m just curious which of us will cave first,” Jeonghan explained, knowing it would egg you on.
“Well it won’t be me,” you bluffed, “So sure!”
“You’re sure?” he smirked at you amusedly.
“More than,” you rolled your eyes at him. Jeonghan scoffed. His toxic trait was that he actually liked it when you acted like this.
    Moving to the bedroom, you and Jeonghan decided on a TV show before climbing into bed. It took a few tries, but ultimately you decided that spooning on your side was most conducive to the task at hand. Jeonghan pulled himself flush against you, sliding between your thighs and tugging the sheet up.
“Not fair!” you protested as he rolled his hips and his shaft grazed you, coating himself in your wetness.
“Sorry, you’re right,” he patted your head before sliding into you, bottoming out easily. You exhaled sharply as he filled you up. Maybe your confidence had been undeserved. “You haven’t watched any more of this without me, right?” he asked as he pressed ‘play’.
“No?” you tried to clear your head. You felt so full.
    Jeonghan’s arm was looped around your waist and fingers laced between yours. You were surprised at how still he was able to be as you watched most of an episode. Towards the end, you started to get a little bored. Ever so slightly, you started flexing around Jeonghan. You hoped to be almost imperceptible and you thought you were achieving that until the episode ended and he put it on pause.
“You’re misbehaving,” his voice was gravelly as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Am I?” you wondered aloud. “Were there rules?”
“No, I guess not,” he shrugged, realizing you were right, and pulled you down against his hips, hard.
“Han!” you scowled at him.
“Hm?” he hummed lightly as he continued to drive into you without ever pulling out.
“Not fair,” you bemoaned as you realized your inner thighs were completely slick.
“I don’t really feel like playing fair,” he tsked at you, hand moving to tease the underside of your breasts. Your nipples puckered at his touch and your mouth hung open in disbelief. You’d fucked up, truly.
  You folded at the waist, as if it would provide you some relief, but it didn’t help even a little. Jeonghan continued to grind into you, stroking you deeply as little whimpers and cries escaped your lips.
“You could end this,” he goaded you, laughing cruelly, “Just be a good girl and cum for me.”
“No,” you frowned, even though you wanted nothing more than that. You were still holding onto your stubborn pride, but your grip on it was slipping.
“I can hear how wet you are. I can feel how close you are, baby,” Jeonghan continued to needle at you with his words. “Just cum.”
    Your eyes squeezed shut as the orgasm ripped through you. A mangled cry managed to escape your throat as you clenched hard, triggering his own orgasm. If you’d had the presence of mind, you would have heard him cry your name out, but you weren’t exactly all there.
“I really do hate you,” you grumbled, after pulling yourselves together.
“You’re just mad you lost,” he fixed you with a shit eating grin. It was big talk for a man whose bones felt like jelly.
“Hao, I genuinely need to file a formal complaint about all of these workplace bonding activities,” you griped to your favorite HR manager. Today was community service day, so a group of you were headed to a local food pantry in embarrassing, matching t-shirts.
“I am once again asking you to remember that that is above my pay grade.”
“What’s the point of being your friend if I can’t use it to get the things I want?” you leaned against him affectionately.
“Yeah, the ROI is dismal, isn’t it?” Minghao laughed.
“Oh! Actually that reminds me. I have something to ask you later, in private.”
    Minghao’s brows disappeared into his hairline, but he nodded. His curiosity burned, but the volunteer coordinator arrived to walk the group through the tasks for the day. It was a pretty straightforward boxing of groceries to be distributed later. You settled in between Seungkwan and Hao and were responsible for adding carrots. Jeonghan worked at the end of the line, next to Vernon, on the opposite side of the table.
“Hey y’all!” a new voice arrived in the room, “I’m Kim Yejun, the executive director here, and I wanted to stop in and thank you all for your time today! We really appreciate the extra help.”
    The group went through introductions around the table. You thought you were imagining it, but it seemed like Yejun’s eyes lingered on you just slightly longer than needed. You realized Seungkwan had picked up on it too when his head turned towards you, eyes like saucers.
“May I join you?” Yejun approached your table during the lunch break.
“Yes of course!” Seungkwan nodded furiously, pushing things away dramatically to make room for the executive director.
“Thanks,” Yejun laughed, taking a seat almost across from you. “How are you finding things today? Any questions about our organization?”
“It’s been great,” you nodded at him.
“I do have a question,” Seungkwan raised his hand, “How did you come to be in this line of work?”
“Me? Ah, well, actually when I was young, my family was not always food secure. We relied on food pantries, like this, and when I got older, I wanted to make sure I could give that positive experience to others as well.
“That’s so admirable!” Seungkwan fawned. “And do your family and children ever come to help out as well?”
“Ch-children? I’m not married, I don’t have any children,” Yejun blinked.
“Ah, I see,” Seungkwan nodded, clearly scheming.
“How about you all? Do you have families?” Yejun asked, eyes meeting yours with interest.
“Ah, well,” you stammered, not sure how to answer. You weren’t single or interested in this man, but no one at the table knew that and it wasn’t really the time for a big reveal.
“She’s single,” Seungkwan filled in the gap seamlessly.
“Ah,” Yejun nodded, not really listening as the others shared their marital statuses with him as well.
    Jeonghan eavesdropped on your table’s conversation, chewing angrily. He trusted you, but that didn’t make him wish that he could vaporize Kim Yejun any less.
“You okay, man?” Jae noticed Jeonghan’s sour mood.
“Yeah, just ready to be done with this,” Jeonghan grumbled.
“Same, this is so lame. We should go out afterwards and pick up chicks! I’m a great wingman,” Jae boasted, wanting to stay in Jeonghan’s good graces.
Jeonghan wanted to bang his head against the table. There was almost nothing he wanted less than that.
[yn]: ‘should I still come over?’
[🥰]: ‘please’
    You smiled, tucking the paperwork that you had gotten from Minghao into your bag. You were glad Jeonghan still wanted to see you, as he had seemed a little moody earlier. You couldn’t blame him though, Seungkwan really had been pushing the YN & Yejun agenda today.
    Jeonghan stewed as he waited for you to arrive. The day hadn’t been completely horrible, but it had certainly snapped things into perspective for him. He had genuinely been okay waiting for you to be ready to go public, but today had dislodged an ugly, jealous piece of him that he did not like at all. He wanted desperately to bring the topic up with you, but was also worried about pushing you too too far and too fast. What a dilemma.
“Hannie!” he heard you calling as you opened the door. For a split second, he forgot everything that had been bothering him as you ran over to him excitedly. “I brought you snacks!”
“Ooh!” his eyes creased into a smile as you climbed onto his lap , kissing his nose sweetly. His hands naturally found their way to your hips as you tossed off your bag and settled in.
“Sorry about today,” your lips drew into a straight line as you played with his hair.
“Sorry?” he cocked his head to the side at you.
“Seungkwan was on another level today. I don’t imagine it was fun for you to see him try to set me up with Director Kim?”
“No,” he shook his head, but the knot in his chest loosened and was replaced by relief.
“Actually, that’s why I was a little later than you today,” you held up a finger before reaching for your bag to rifle through it. You retrieved the handful of papers and started reading from them, “There shall be no policy prohibiting peer coworkers from dating, although HR must be notified via form 0526-15,” which you presented to Jeonghan with a flourish. “What do you think? I know we’ll have to give up our tough, intimidating personas, but-”
    Jeonghan cut you off with a kiss, before beaming at you. “You have no idea how ready I am to file that damn form,” he enthused, almost exhilarated.
“Oh!?” your eyes popped open, “Really?”
“Yes, you dunce,” he tapped you on the forehead impatiently, “You’re mine, I want people to know.”
“Oh,” you flushed. It wasn’t like it was a total surprise, but to hear him say it so simply made your heart swell.
“I also want Seungkwan to repent. He’s already a little scared of me.”
“You’re a big softy though,” you giggled, kissing across his jaw contentedly. You felt Jeonghan swallow as his hands tightened around your waist. 
“Oh yeah?” he queried, and you could already feel him hardening against you. You grimaced at his bad joke, but couldn’t help the way your body reacted so readily to him.
“I retract-, redact,” you tried to say, but his hands were guiding you along his length and you lost the ability to form thought. “Help,” you whimpered, clutching the front of his shirt as your clit throbbed.
    Jeonghan smiled. You were so responsive to him, it was one of the many things that he had come to adore about you over the past months.
“Princess can’t think straight anymore?” he teased, pulling your chin down to meet your eyes as he let you work your hips by yourself.
  You pouted, pupils dilating as your mouth fell open with little gasps and whimpers.
“My princess,” he corrected himself, grinning up at you. You were so pretty when you were speechless for him.
“Yours,” you nodded, loving this soft, possessive side of him.
“Take this off for me,” he tugged at your shirt lightly. You were more than happy to comply. “Mine, mine,” he repeated as he kissed each of your palms before threading his fingers into yours. His lips sought out the sensitive skin of your breasts and nipped gently, continuing this ‘mine’ mantra as your hands clutched his for support.
“My turn,” you decided, standing up and pulling him into the bedroom. You pushed him onto the bed and helped him undress. Settling between his legs, trailed gentle kisses from his knees to his upper thighs. You could see the sinews of his muscles tense as you moved close and closer to his cock. “Mine,” winked at him before closing your lips around the head, lapping your tongue against the underside.
“OooOoh,” Jeonghan’s voice wavered as you massaged him. You giggled around him as you manipulated your lips up and down leisurely. You watched intently as he gripped the sheets, a sure sign that he was unraveling quickly.
“You’re so cute, all worked up like that,” you pulled back, teasing him slightly.
“Shut up,” he glared at you weakly.
“Will you cum in my mouth?” you asked politely, hand stroking him as you waited for his answer.
“This time, yes,” he nodded.
  Your eyes creased into happy half-moons as you worked your mouth back around him, swallowing deep. You applied a gentle pressure as you milked him, knowing it wouldn’t be long.
“YN,” he warned, hand hitting the mattress as he tensed and unloaded. You showed him your tongue proudly before swallowing.
“You truly are filthy,” he shook his head appreciatively as he pulled you against his side. There was no use denying it, it was very true.
“You like it.”
“I love it,” he corrected you without thinking.
    You froze for a split second, surprised to hear him use that word. Did he? Did you? You weren’t sure, but the way it made you smile like a fool to hear that probably meant something, right?
“When do you want to file that paperwork?” Jeonghan asked, cutting off your mental spiral.
“Oh! Um, maybe tomorrow?”
    He smiled the brightest smile you thought you had ever seen on him. “I can’t wait until everyone knows that you’re mine.”
    Damn, if that didn’t make your heart swell and your pussy throb.
“Say more stuff like that,” you insisted, clambering on top of him. Jeonghan had to laugh, that might’ve been one of your most reasonable requests.
“Oh?” he drawled, “I can’t wait to show up to happy hour with you, hold your hand in front of everyone,” he nuzzled you as you played with his hair.
“Hold my hand? You’re gonna get us fired,” you teased him playfully. It really tickled you to hear that such seemingly small things were what he looked forward to most.
“I have lots of ideas that would actually result in that,” Jeonghan grinned impishly up at you, his erection pressing against your inner thigh.
“Of course you do,” you chuckled as you lowered yourself on him. You rode him lovingly, from hilt to tip, and observed him.
He looked up at you, adoringly, hands resting loosely at your hips allowing you to set the pace. 
“You feel so good and you look so pretty,” he pulled your forehead down to his and whispered. He looked directly into your eyes and his blown out pupils made your breath catch. You really did like him.
“Hannie,” you whined, hand tightening at the back of his neck.
“All yours, princess. Cum on my cock for me,” he whispered encouragement at you as his balls tightened.
“Cum with me?” you asked, doing your best to hold off.
    Jeonghan nodded, bucking his hips up into you just slightly as he complied, emptying himself into you as you came around him. You cupped his jaw and kissed him deeply before slumping over him, pulling him into an embrace.
“Minghao?” you knocked on the wall of his cube as Jeonghan stood behind you.
“Yes?” he turned, a little surprised to see the two of you there together.
“We have our form 0526-15.”
“Oh. Oh!” He did a double take. “I hate to have to tell you this, but we also need to follow policy. Seungkwan would be the person to process that. I can pass this along,” he offered.
    You and Jeonghan looked at each other for a moment before shrugging. You were ready.
    As you walked back towards the main staircase, you heard Seungkwan let out a strangled yelp after reading the paperwork.
part 3 is here, if you’re so inclined!
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camels-pen · 6 months
warning: eating disorders/food issues
"Something wrong with it?"
Usopp startled and snapped his head to the side. His nose jabbed Sanji's eye and they both hissed. Usopp jerked away to rub the tip of his nose.
"Fuck, I forgot about that," Sanji grumbled. There was a contrasting, fond smile on his face as rubbed his eye. "Anyway, the food?"
"What about it?"
"What's wrong with it?"
Usopp turned his gaze back to his plate. Plenty of pork chops piled high- at Luffy's request for a meat-filled dinner- and mashed potatoes with green beans on the side. His mouth salivated again just staring at it.
"Nothing," he said. "Just taking my time."
He could feel Sanji's unimpressed stare. "You've been 'taking your time' through the whole dinner. Everyone's already finished and left. The moss ball even finished the dishes, and we both know how he likes to dawdle."
Despite himself, Usopp giggled quietly. When it was his turn to do dishes, Zoro always took his time, waiting for Sanji to get frustrated with his speed and leave him to finish it alone. It was the perfect strategy to steal booze when Sanji wasn't looking, but it seemed Usopp had unknowingly thwarted his first sake stealing attempt after their reunion.
As if reading his mind, Sanji said, "I let him steal that alcohol, you know. I'm not that stupid." He huffed, voice sounding like he was pouting as he added, "It's the only damn way I can keep an eye on his shitty drinking habits. He'd constantly drink us dry otherwise, that damn mossheaded bastard."
Usopp giggled again and made the mistake of glancing up at him. Sanji was staring across the room at the kitchen, probably the place he'd put all the good booze. He'd confided in Usopp, once, that he had two hiding places for drinking alcohol: one, more obvious place, by the fridge for the cheap stuff, and another, hidden somewhere he wouldn't say, for all the more expensive and high quality stuff. He'd confidently crowed, on more than one occasion, that despite the cheap stuff always going missing, he'd never lost a drop of anything else. He always looked so smug saying that, and well, Usopp now knew why.
But then his eye- the left one now, and despite looking right at it, the change had still caught him off guard more than once- turned to Usopp and Usopp clammed up. Sanji stared at him, his eyebrow- this one curled on the opposite side, closer to his nose bridge than his ear- raised high on his forehead. "If you're well enough to laugh at Zoro, it can't be that bad."
Usopp gulped. Looked away. "I'm not sick," he said quietly. "The food looks great, Sanji, really. Eating is just..." He trailed off. Neither of them spoke for a long moment, only the sounds of their distant crewmates enjoying the sight of their descent to the ocean's floor filling the galley.
Sanji's arm slowly, hesitantly, laid on the back of his chair- Sanji didn't used to hesitate, but, he supposed, things had changed. He settled himself in the chair next to Usopp, rather than continue to lean over him, and said softly, "Eating is just...?"
Usopp stared at the grain on the table, studying the lines and deviations with an intense and sudden fascination.
"It's hard," he mumbled.
Another silence, this one less expecting and more confused. Awkward.
"You ate fine at breakfast...?" Sanji said, voice lilting up at the end, almost in question.
Usopp snorted. 'Ate fine' was a kinder way of putting it. Usopp had demolished breakfast, nearly rivaling Luffy with how much and how quickly he ate. The usual sense of desperation had dimmed slightly, now that he was with his crew, but it was still there, dictating his eating habits. He would've felt more ashamed if he hadn't seen Luffy, Franky, and Brook eating in the exact same disgusting manner. Instead, he felt right at home.
He had wondered, privately, if something similar had happened to them. Had tossed around the idea of asking them about it. Then he would think back to how they used to eat, before. How it was exactly the same. How they had all basically cried that they'd so dearly missed Sanji's cooking. He couldn't blame them, he nearly sobbed over Sanji's pancakes- and then did sob over his hashbrowns.
"The island got hungry at dawn," he started. Stopped. Stared at the little vase of daisies at the centre of the table that Robin had gathered from her garden- now shared with Usopp. "It would close up. Then open. After, everything was... safe. For a little while."
He gulped again, cringing at his dry throat. He stared at the glass of water, a little wet stain under it. Luffy had bumped his glass earlier when he stole a few chops off of Usopp's pile.
Usopp didn't reach for it.
"You know, I was expecting grand stories of your heroics when you finally talked about where you were." Usopp shrunk in his seat. "No- no, come on I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to make a joke."
"You should leave the jokes to the experts." Usopp's lip quirked. "Even Brook's better than you."
Out of the corner of his eye, Sanji scowled. "Brook wouldn't know a good joke if it kicked him upside the head."
Usopp giggled again, relaxing. "Admit it, you missed his skull jokes."
Sanji huffed. "...Maybe a little."
In the background, they could hear Zoro talking about taking a swim followed by a familiar thud and Nami yelling at him. They both giggled this time, leaning into each other.
"God, I missed everyone. I missed-" Sanji cut himself off and Usopp turned to look at him. There was a wobble to his lips and his visible eye stared intently at him. Usopp would almost say Sanji looked longing- yearning, even- if he didn't know better.
"I know," he said. "I missed everyone too." Sanji's eyes pinched a little at the corners, but Usopp didn't know why. He didn't linger on it long though, what with Sanji's smile as he pressed his temple to Usopp's for a moment. Usopp's heart would've beat wildly two years ago, but now all he felt was warm and content.
Sanji hummed in agreement and pulled away. Patting his pockets, likely for a cigarette. Usopp pulled the one tucked behind his ear, admiring the feel of soft blond hair a moment too long before handing it to him. Sanji chuckled and accepted it with a quiet thanks.
He lit it and sat back in his chair, relaxing with the first inhale. "Back to the important stuff." Usopp would argue all of that was important stuff. "You only felt safe to eat breakfast?"
Usopp shook his head. Then tilted it side to side. "No- well, sort of. It was never really safe, but..." He rolled the words around his mouth, feeling out the right ones while discarding others. "It was... easier. To eat a lot in the morning. Gather food later in the day. Then sleep when I got hungry closer to sunset."
Sanji blew out a puff of smoke. "You didn't have anyone to watch your back while you were eating?"
"I did." Usopp nodded, a sense of pride filling him as he puffed out his chest. "Heracles'n was a great friend and teacher! We took turns watching out for each other and, well, he's the reason I survived that island in the first place." He flexed one of his biceps. "He also helped me get a whole lot stronger!"
Sanji pursed his lips around his cigarette. "But you didn't eat dinner. Or lunch." Today nor in nearly two years, though Sanji likely meant the latter.
Usopp deflated, arm settling back down in his lap. "We couldn't stop moving until sunset. By then it was better to sleep and eat heap loads in the morning rather than risk dinner and not getting enough rest." He sighed. "Heracles'n was always telling me to eat more berries and fruit throughout the day, but..."
Sanji stared at him. "You had this-island-is-too-scary-so-I-can't-eat-anything-itis?"
Usopp scowled. "I'd like to see you keep up an appetite when you're constantly running and hiding from giant-"
Sanji used his arm to tug Usopp closer, so their sides were pressed together. He pressed his nose to Usopp's hair. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
"What for?" Usopp whispered back.
Sanji didn't answer, his breaths warming Usopp's head. The galley had grown silent when he finally spoke, the others having found quieter activities or retired to their rooms.
"If I was stronger then- or quicker-"
"Sanji," Usopp said. "There's no way you would've been able to beat Kuma, back then."
Sanji shook his head. "I know, but maybe we could've been sent somewhere together."
There was a bittersweet, choking feeling in the back of Usopp's throat. A burning in his eyes. "You wouldn't have liked it there," he said, laying his head on Sanji's shoulder. "You would've hated it, actually."
"But I would've been with you."
Usopp laughed, the sound wet and brittle. "I wouldn't wish that island on anyone, Sanji, but least of all you. I'm not worth-"
A hand cupped his face, cutting him off as he was turned to face Sanji. His nose was bent, pressing against Sanji's cheek. "You worth a lot, Usopp. You're worth it to-" Sanji's cheeks dusted pink all of a sudden and he looked away. "You're worth a lot. And it would've been nice if I could have watched your back. Made sure you were eating well."
At a loss for words, Usopp turned back to the table, staring at his plate. The mashed potatoes were surely cold and hard by now and he was fairly certain a thick pork chop wouldn't stay down.
The green beans, maybe. Those could work.
He picked one up. His stomach rumbled. He lifted it to his mouth.
His hands shook.
He gulped again. Stared at his hand intensely.
Sanji's hand covered his own. A sudden, terrible spike of anxiety overwhelmed him and he held his breath, hoping Sanji wasn't going to just force him to eat it. He hated wasting food after all and it was already in Usopp's hand and Usopp himself just needed to quit cowering and just eat it already-
Sanji pulled his hand away from his mouth. The tension left Usopp in a rush. Shame took up where anxiety had left, but he forced himself to meet Sanji's eye. He knew what came next.
Before Sanji could say anything, Usopp blurted, "There was food. On the island. Not just fruits and berries and whatever game we could hunt. Pre-cooked food, I mean." Sanji's brow furrowed, but Usopp continued on. "There were these plants- and rivers- that had cake and burgers and ramen and- well, you get the idea. And the closer you got to the centre of the island, the more tasty the food got." He gulped. Coughed a little. Sanji reached for his glass, but Usopp grabbed his wrist in a tight hold. If he didn't get it all out now, he never would.
"I didn't meet Heracles'n immediately. I was on my own at first and- and I didn't completely trust him at first either." He laughed, the sound as self-deprecating as it felt. "The centre of the island, that's where its mouth is."
Sanji's eyebrow furrowed further. "So when you said the island 'got hungry'..."
Usopp nodded. "It was a trap to lure in prey." Quietly, he added, "Like me."
Sanji gasped, his eyes darting down, and wow, Usopp really should've re-thought the whole 'show off his new muscles by going shirtless' plan. He pulled away from Sanji, and pulled up the waist of his pants. "Staring at my stretch marks isn't going to change anything, y'know."
Sheepishly, Sanji said, "Sorry- sorry, I should know better." He held out his arms, with a sad little pout. "Come back?"
Usopp held out for a few moments, glaring at him, but he sighed and eventually gave in. "I hate you," he mumbled into Sanji's shoulder. Sanji patted his back in response.
The two of them sat there in silence once more. Usopp savoured the contact between them, like he had always dreamed of on Boin.
"You had to train yourself to avoid delicious looking foods, then," Sanji said quietly. Usopp nodded. "That makes sense. But then, breakfast?"
A new wave of shame, far heavier than the last. He dug his forehead into Sanji's shoulder. "I don't want to talk about it."
He didn't know how to explain how he had become some kind of wild animal during meals and he didn't want to explain. Heracles'n was already one person too many and earlier, the entire crew had seen him. His heart beat hard and fast in his chest at the reminder, a belated rush of fear to make up for his single minded focus at breakfast.
"Then I won't ask," Sanji said. "You should tell Chopper though-"
Usopp grimaced. "Eventually, but..."
Sanji sighed, pressing his cheek to Usopp's hair. "Okay, but can I make you something? Just a snack or tea or...?"
Usopp huffed. "Sanji-"
"I know, I know! But letting you go to bed hungry is..."
"Hard," Usopp finished for him, pulling away. "I know."
He wasn't going anywhere before Sanji fed him, of that he was sure, but it made Usopp's stomach queasy just thinking about all the snacks Sanji used to make before they were separated.
Some of it must have shown on his face too, since Sanji was already holding up his hands and starting to look even more concerned. "It doesn't have to be anything special. I could just peel a tangerine for you or slice up some apples or juice some pears- I mean oranges! Why would anyone juice pears- oh, hm, I should check that sometime; remind me to write it down. Oh and maybe I could steep a really bitter tea, so you don't have to worry about drinking too much because I know you hate bitter things-"
And Usopp couldn't help himself. He laughed.
Sanji deflated, his brow furrowed in confusion, or maybe it was concern. Usopp didn't know, he was too busy laughing at the absurdity of Sanji being so anxious and speaking every rambling thought. It was adorable and Usopp couldn't help but reach up and squish Sanji's cheeks.
"I lo-" Sanji's eye widened and suddenly, Usopp didn't feel brave enough. "Lost my notebook. We'll have to use one of yours."
"O-Oh, yeah, sure." Sanji nodded, voice slightly muffled by his squished cheeks. He stared at Usopp, his eye asking another question.
Usopp looked away, his eyes landing on the fruit bowl on the bar counter. There were apples, bananas, and pears. He pulled his hands away. "...Nami will be mad at you." he said quietly, weakly.
Sanji sighed, a shaky, relieved little thing. He wrapped his arms around Usopp's middle, crushing him to his chest. "I think she'll forgive me," he said.
Boldly, Usopp added, "What if you made coffee?" The only coffee in the pantry was a fancy jar brought along from a Revolutionary base near a village that prided themselves on their harvest.
Sanji chuckled. "Robin would forgive me too."
Usopp hummed. "You seem awfully confident."
"I am," he said, pulling away completely, his chair squeaking against the floorboards as he stood. Sanji held out a hand, a smile on his lips. "If you don't believe me, let me show you."
And right here, Usopp could've chosen to laugh it off. Said something about not wanting to face Nami's wrath, much less Robin's. Fled the galley completely with an excuse or three and sleep in his workshop while ignoring any and all feelings of guilt. It would've been easy.
But he'd already accepted it. Acknowledged the inevitable consequences instead of turning down those anxious suggestions. How could he do anything else, in the face of such genuine care and concern? To leave now would just hurt them both and the last thing Usopp wanted to do was hurt Sanji.
And, well, he trusted Sanji, to do what he couldn't. Planned to trust him with his heart, at some point.
Trusting him with his stomach, in comparison, was as easy as breathing.
So, Usopp placed a steady hand in Sanji's own, a small, teasing smile on his face, and said, "Lead the way."
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lynetianya · 9 months
Feast of Love [ Karina X Reader ]
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Y/N had a plan to surprise Karina and the other members by preparing their favorite dishes at the AESPA dorm.
👨‍🍳 Warning! Maybe you will be hungry after reading this story. 👩‍🍳
[ I like cooking, so I made this story after finding out what the aespa members' favorite foods are ]
GENRE : Fluff
TYPE : One Shot
Karina, the leader of the famous girl group AESPA under SM Entertainment, had a secret. She had a loving relationship with Y/N, who was not an idol but her biggest supporter. Only the members of AESPA and a few trusted people at SM Entertainment knew about their relationship. Today was a rare day off for the group, and Y/N had a plan to surprise Karina and the other members by preparing their favorite dishes at the AESPA dorm.
Before heading to the dorm, Y/N had cooked some of the dishes at home to save time and ensure the surprise remained intact. First on the menu was lasagna, Winter's all-time favorite. Y/N gathered all the necessary ingredients: lasagna noodles, tomato sauce with minced meat, ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and Parmesan cheese.
Y/N started by sautéing onions and garlic in a large pan, filling the kitchen with a delightful aroma. Next, Y/N added the minced meat and cooked it until it changed color. Then came the tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and her favorite spices, all going into the pot. Y/N let the sauce simmer while tasting it to ensure it had the perfect flavor.
While the tomato sauce was simmering, Y/N boiled the lasagna noodles and allowed them to cool. Then began assembling the lasagna. Y/N started by spreading a little tomato sauce on the bottom of a baking dish, followed by a layer of lasagna noodles. Then layered it with the smooth ricotta cheese mixture and a generous sprinkle of mozzarella cheese.
Y/N repeated this process several times until the dish was filled with tempting layers of lasagna, covered it with aluminum foil and placed it in the preheated oven. After 30-40 minutes, the mouthwatering aroma of lasagna filled the entire house.
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The final process of lasagna will be carried out in the AESPA dorm.
Next on the list were salad and seaweed soup for Giselle. Y/N carefully washed fresh vegetables, including lettuce, spinach, and carrots. Then chopped the vegetables into small pieces and placed them in a large bowl. Y/N also prepared some cherry tomatoes, washed and halved them.
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Y/N checked the dried seaweed Y/N had purchased earlier and soaked it in warm water for a few minutes until it became soft and expanded. Afterward, Y/N drained the seaweed and cut it into small, bite-sized pieces for the soup.
To start making the seaweed soup, Y/N brought vegetable broth into a large pot and heated it. Once the broth began to boil, y/n added the chopped seaweed and let it simmer for a few more minutes. Y/N also added finely chopped garlic, green onions, and a few drops of soy sauce to give the soup a savory flavor. The final touch is to add the baby clams to the soup After simmering for a while, the seaweed soup was ready to be served.
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While the seaweed soup continued to simmer, Y/N returned to the salad. Added the chopped vegetables to the large bowl, then continued by adding the fresh cherry tomato halves. Y/N also added the prepared seaweed pieces to the salad, providing a unique texture and a fresh, oceanic taste.
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For the dressing, Y/N created a simple mixture by combining olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar in a small bowl. Mixed the ingredients until they were well combined and then poured the dressing over the salad. Y/N gently tossed the salad in the dressing, ensuring that every vegetable was coated with the refreshing flavors.
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The next dish on Y/N's menu was Gamjatang, Ningning's absolute favorite. Y/N had purchased high-quality pork ribs and a variety of colorful vegetables, including potatoes, scallions, and kimchi. All the ingredients were fresh and vibrant on her kitchen table.
Y/N began by filling a pot with water and placing it on the stove. Once the water was boiling, she added the pork ribs, briefly blanching them to remove any unwanted blood and odor. Afterward, Y/N changed the water and added the sliced potatoes, scallions, and kimchi to the pot.
While everything simmered to perfection in the pot, Y/N prepared the Gamjatang seasoning. Y/N mixed gochugaru (Korean red pepper powder), soy sauce, finely minced garlic, ginger, and other spices in a small bowl. This mixture would give the Gamjatang its signature spicy and savory flavor.
When the ingredients in the pot had softened and released their fragrant aroma, Y/N added the prepared seasoning. carefully stirred everything, ensuring the seasoning was evenly distributed among the ingredients. After a few moments, the Gamjatang was ready to be served.
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The final dish Y/N prepared was Karina's all-time favorite, Tonkatsu. Y/N visited local Asian store and bought thin slices of quality pork cutlets. Y/N also gathered breadcrumbs, eggs, and a few pieces of cabbage to accompany the Tonkatsu. All the ingredients were fresh and of high quality.
Back at home, Y/N began by soaking the pork cutlets in salted water for a few minutes to remove some of the odor and enhance their texture. While waiting, Y/N sliced the cabbage into thin layers and set up a bowl with breadcrumbs on one side and a bowl of beaten eggs on the other.
After patting the pork cutlets dry carefully, Y/N coated them in breadcrumbs, making sure every side was evenly covered, then dipped them into the beaten eggs before giving them a second coating of breadcrumbs. The Tonkatsu was now ready for frying. Y/N planned to fry the Tonkatsu in the AESPA dorm so that Karina could enjoy it while it was still hot and crispy.
With all the dishes prepared, Y/N placed them in food containers and loaded them into her car. Y/N was ready to head to the AESPA dorm.
Upon arriving at the dorm, Y/N quietly slipped inside with the dishes to avoid waking the members. Y/N had previously informed the AESPA manager and obtained permission and a key to the dorm.
Y/N placed all the dishes in the kitchen and prepared to reheat the food and fry the Tonkatsu, luckily, AESPA dorm had a spacious kitchen for her to work in. Y/N retrieved the lasagna, removed the aluminum foil, and let it bake for another 10-15 minutes in the oven.
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Next, Y/N reheated the Gamjatang and seaweed soup that had prepared earlier.
While waiting for everything to be ready, Y/N readied herself to fry the Tonkatsu. Y/N heated the oil in a pan to the perfect temperature and carefully added the pieces of Tonkatsu. They sizzled as they met the hot oil. Y/N cooked them until they turned a beautiful golden color, ensuring the pork was cooked to perfection inside.
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Once the Tonkatsu was done, Y/N lifted them from the pan and placed them on paper towels to remove excess oil. At the same time, Y/N thinly sliced the cabbage, which would accompany the dish.
Y/N finally arranged the cooked Tonkatsu on a plate, placing the cabbage slices around them as a garnish. Y/N also provided a delicious Tonkatsu sauce for dipping. The Tonkatsu looked perfect, with a crispy outer layer and tender pork inside.
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The increasingly irresistible aroma wafted through the house and began to reach the bedrooms of the members. It was then that Karina woke up from her morning slumber.
Karina rubbed her sleepy eyes, but then her senses were suddenly overwhelmed by the enticing smell of food. She sat up in bed, her eyes widening, and her drowsy expression turning into one of excitement.
With swift steps, Karina rushed to the kitchen, where Y/N was busy preparing the feast. "Y/N, what are you cooking?" Karina asked in amazement, her face lighting up with a wide smile. She embraced Y/N's broad shoulders and planted affectionate kisses on Y/N's cheeks and lips. Karina was taken aback by Y/N's surprise visit.
Y/N smiled and replied, "I'm making your favorite dishes."
Karina could only shake her head in disbelief, asking, "You made all of this? Doesn't this take a long time? Aren't you tired?" Karina couldn't believe her eyes. There was so much food prepared by Y/N, and it must have taken a considerable amount of time and effort.
"Not at all, it's your day off, so I decided to surprise you all with my cooking," Y/N said affectionately.
Karina, hearing Y/N's words, was overjoyed and touched by Y/N's love for them. She kissed Y/N once more, deeply appreciating Y/N.
Y/N then instructed Karina to wake up the other members. Karina, with a smile on her face, kissed Y/N again and hurriedly went to wake the other members.
Y/N efficiently arranged all the dishes on the dining table. Y/N took the lasagna out of the oven, allowing it to rest for a moment before cutting it into slices and placing them on the table.
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The same went for the Gamjatang, salad, and seaweed soup. Everything was neatly laid out.
All the members who had awakened were in for a surprise when they saw the spread. Winter, with joy, started to jump around as she spotted her favorite lasagna ready on the table. Giselle's eyes widened in astonishment as she saw the seaweed soup, and Ningning let out a joyful cheer at the sight of Gamjatang.
"Winter, this is your favorite lasagna," Y/N said with a warm smile.
Winter's face lit up, and she couldn't contain her excitement. "Y/N, you made lasagna for me? I love you!" Winter exclaimed, hugging Y/N tightly.
Giselle, with a gleam of appreciation in her eyes, looked at Y/N and said, "Wow, seaweed soup! You remembered! Thank you, Y/N!"
Ningning was practically dancing with joy as she stared at the Gamjatang. "I can't believe it! Gamjatang! You're amazing, Y/N!" she exclaimed.
Karina returned with the other members in tow, and they were equally surprised by the feast that awaited them. They all gathered around the table, and Y/N couldn't help but smile as watched their expressions of delight and gratitude.
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With laughter and chatter filling the room, they all dug into the delicious meal Y/N had prepared. Each dish had been made with love, and it showed in the taste. They couldn't stop praising Y/N for Y/N culinary skills, and they knew that this morning's breakfast would be one of the most special meals they'd ever shared together.
As they ate, they shared stories, laughter, and tender moments. Karina couldn't have been happier to have Y/N as partner, someone who cared so deeply for her and her fellow members.
🤭Are you hungry yet?🤭
My Masterlist
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