#i realised i listen almost all of them bye :D
jimimn · 2 years
hi! can i ask which run bts are a must watch for jimin stans? 👀
hiii! I remembered I answered a similar ask like a year ago fhjhfjdhd here you go! 💞 These are my faves till episode 100! (I think you should watch all episodes though regardless of who your bias is because all of them are amazing in their own ways in all episodes 😭😭) After episode 100 here are my faves: 112-113, 116-117, 118-119, 126-127, 133-135, 136-137, all the run bts x game caterers ones, 145-147, 148-149!!! 
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haitaniplug · 3 years
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summary - you really want to go abroad for the summer, but your grades fucking SUCK, so your parents won’t allow you to until you get them up. you were so ready to focus on the rest of the year until you get partnered up with Rindou Haitani. The boy that comes into school once every blue moon. And to make matters worse, it’s a project where participation counts. So now it’s your job to harass Rindou into getting his shit straight.
tags - enemies to friends to lovers , angst , crack , college au, eventual smut , fluff.
status - ongoing
series masterlist
Taglist: @q-the-rockaholic @crown5 @gumiwaka @hiimviolet @gulfkfl @imjustaweirdnerd @aki-ra26 @sirachano0dles
This chapters gonna be pretty long cause I want to develop reader and Rindou’s relationship 😵‍💫 hope you all like tho <3
Oh and ignore any typos and spelling errors, didn’t spell check
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“Why you type so awkward,” Ran couldn’t help but laugh as he peered over Rindou’s shoulder
“Do I?“ he whipped his head around to face Ran, suddenly a bit self conscious of the way he’s typing. “Ran, stop.” He complained when Ran grabbed his phone and started to scroll.
“This is some middle school type shit Rin.” Ran cackled as he scrolled. Rindou snatched his phone back and turned it off. “I don’t know what else to say to her.”
“‘Maybe have an actual conversation instead of just ‘Hi’ and ‘Bye’. You do know how to have a conversation right?”
“Duh.. just not with her.”
“Ask her what her favourite things are or something. Find something to talk about.”
Ran’s words rung in Rindou’s head the entire way to school. When he arrived in the classroom, he saw you at your desk, conversing with Aya.
You turned your attention to the door and waved Rindou over, taking your attention off of Aya and onto Rindou. She scoffed as she glared at him.
“Hi Rindou.” You said a bit too excitedly. You’ve been dying to see him again for some reason unknown to you.
“Hey,” he took his bag off his shoulders and rested his elbow on the table, staring at the teacher. You tucked your chair in and faced forward too, listening to the teacher.
Aya looked at the two of you before scoffing again, leaning in to whisper in your ear, “You like him don’t you?”
“No!“ you whispered back, “we just met. Stop trying to make this into something it’s not.”
“…yeah okay.” She said rolling her eyes. You turned back to your seat, the angle you were facing, you could see Rindou perfectly, and the teacher.
You didn’t realise you were staring at him until he turned around suddenly and caught your eye. You luckily shifted your gaze onto the teacher just before he could say anything.
Instead he looked behind you at Aya, “Can I help you?” He asked in a tone that made Aya’s eyebrow twitch.
“Nah,” she responded, glaring at him. You turned your head to see why they were arguing.
“Then stop fuckin’ looking at me.” He scoffed, turning back to face the front. “I wasn’t even looking at you, jerk. Your big ass head blocking the way.”
“Guys—,” you spoke out, “stop fighting please.”
“Then move? Acting like there isn’t spare seats in the class.” Rindou argued back.
“I want to sit next to my best friend,” she grabbed your chair and pulled you closer to her. “You can move though.” She waved him goodbye.
“Y/n doesn’t want me gone,” he smiled at Aya, “ain’t that right?” He looked at you.
Are they really going to make me choose? You thought.
“I—,” you paused, “can’t we just get along?”
“No.” They responded at the same time.
“Haitani, Madarame and L/N!” The teacher yelled, “all three of you can stay behind and answer the questions in your free time.”
“Fuck.” You muttered to yourself. Aya and Rindou both scoffed, facing the front.
The entire lesson, you could feel the heated tension between the two and it made you uncomfortable almost. Trying your hardest to ignore it and focus on your school work. After all you needed straight A’s.
After class, Rindou stood up, but was stopped by a sudden hand on his desk. The teacher stood in front of him, “Where are you going?”
“Out?” Rindou raised his brow, about to stand up again until the teacher slammed some papers on his desk.
“Finish these, then you may leave.” He placed some papers on your desk and Aya, who just groaned loudly before grabbing her pen. “This is his fault.” She said loudly on purpose to make sure Rindou heard.
You swallowed before shifting your chair closer to the desk. You were working on the worksheet and decided to look and see what Rindou was up to.
He didn’t answer a single question, instead was just drawing random stuff on the corners of the paper. “Rindou—,” you sighed, moving your chair closer to his own. “Need help?”
“Sure.” He sat up and let you lean over his desk. “Okay so..” you started to explain everything and Rindou actually managed to pay attention and not let his mind run else where.
Focusing on the way your fingers moved as you held the pencil. Definitely not focusing on how close your back was to his chest right now.
Definitely not focusing on how easily he could just pull you onto his lap and have his way with you.
Definitely not thinking about bending you over the school desk and—
“Got it?” You looked up at him, from this angle, he could see your face up close. The way you tilted your face waiting for his answer. He realised he’d been staring too long and quickly said something to avoid any awkwardness.
“Ok.” You pulled away from him, resting back on your chair. He appreciated you for helping but came to the realisation that he didn’t listen to a word you said. Now he was still stuck.
“Sir, can me and Y/n go?” He raised his hand.
The teacher peeked his head over the computer, “Sure, just show me you completed your worksheets first.”
“But we want to work on the project?”
“Really?” The teacher raised his brow, “or are you just saying that to leave.”
“I’m serious.” Rindou glared at him.
“Okay. I trust your judgment. Go.”
Rindou stood up, grabbing his back and waiting for you to pack up your things, both of you leaving the classroom together.
Rindou stuck his middle finger towards Aya just before leaving her line of vision.
“Fucking asshole.” She brought out her phone., texting her brother.
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Aya was about to stand up, but the teacher stopped her, “Worksheet please.” He brought his hand out, gesturing for her to pass it to him.
She looked down at the unfinished worksheet and sighed, sitting back down pencil in hand.
“Are you hungry?” Rindou stopped walking turned to face you.
“Sort of,” you shifted, adjusting your bag properly. “I don’t think the cafeteria is open though.”
“Great.” He sighed, until a vending machine caught his eye. “Come here,” he grabbed your hand and led you towards it, reaching in his pocket for some change.
“What do you want?” He handed you the coins and you bent down to look at the options, “That one.”
He input the numbers in the side and you stood up to pop the coins in the slot. Watching as the machine did its job, then collecting the candy from the bottom. “Thanks Rindou, I’ll pay you back.”
“Nah there’s no need. Just some spare change is all.” He started to walk again and you followed. Both of you not realising you were still holding hands.
Rindou opened the door leading to the car park because the front school gates were currently packed with students, before spotting a familiar car.
You have gotta be joking me. Rindou thought as he approached the car. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Shion rolled down the window, revealing Ran in the passengers seat and Koko and Sanzu at the back.
“Came to pick your baby ass up.” Ran responded, “Oh hello there.” He winked at you and you waved with your other hand.
“OH! It’s her!” A voice came from the backseat. Sanzu rolled down the window, sticking his arm out and tilting his head, “Hello again.”
“Hello Sanzu,” you responded. Rindou’s grip on your hand tightended seeing the interaction. The sudden squeeze made you realise you were still holding hands.
Before you both could unlink hands, Sanzu had already noticed “Oooh I see what’s going on,”
Rindou quickly removed his hand, shoving it inside his pocket. “Shut up.”
“Did you make it official yet,” Koko mouthed to Rindou from the back, sticking his head through the two front seats to get a better look.
“What?” Rindou mouthed back before sighing, “Why are you guys even here?”
“For her.” Shion pointed to the entrance of the car park. Aya walked out, spotting her brothers car and starting to jog a little bit. Arriving at the car, huffing and puffing, “y/n? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, Rindou saw his brother and came out here. I was going to head home now though.”
“Why don’t you let us give you a ride home princess’?” Sanzu sweet honey like voice spoke causing Rindou to scoff and roll his eyes. “There’s only 5 seats in the car dumb fuck, and there’s,” he paused to count, “7 of us.”
“Well that’s an easily solution isn’t it,” Sanzu said with a glint in his eye that Rindou didn’t like at all. “Aya, go sit on Ran’s lap, y/n sit on Rinnies~,”
Aya turned to look at Ran before shrugging, manoeuvring herself to the front seat to sit on top of Ran.
“Before you even think about doing something— remember she’s my little sister.” Shion muttered to Ran who just waved him off, “she’s not my type anyways calm it.”
“Neither were all your exes apparently.” He muttered to himself, starting the car.
Rindou shoved Sanzu further into the car seat, making room for himself. “You coming?” Rindou asked you as you still stood outside.
“It’s okay- I’ll just walk home—,” before you could finish your sentence, he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside, holding you by the waist to secure you in place.
“Aggressive~,” Sanzu hummed before wincing as Rindou elbowed him in the stomach.
The car ride was something else. Sanzu kept talking about shit you didn’t understand to Koko a bit too loudly. Your eyes travelled around the car. Aya was on her phone, typing to somebody, Ran was making small talk to Shion who kept his eyes on the road.
“Everything okay?” Rindou asked you suddenly causing you to jump before putting a hand over your heart, “Yeah I’m fine.”
“If you’re uncomfortable just tell me I’ll—,”
“No! I’m not uncomfortable it’s fine.” You placed your hand on his arm to reassure him. He simply nodded and adjusted you on his lap.
You felt so bad as your mind starting thinking such perverted thoughts that you would never think of. You were drowned in your own head as you kept on thinking of things to get your mind to forget Rindou’s hands on your waist, the way you rubbed against his thigh every time there was a speed bump.
You were doing so well until Rindou suddenly leaned forward, cussing Shion out in the front. Coming back to reality, you realised they were arguing about something.
But instead of trying to figure out what they were talking about, you could only focus on how close Rindou was to you. Of course he was close before— but since he’s leaned forward now, your back is directly touching his chest. Similar to how it was when he tickled you the other day.
Let me out of this car. You thought.
“Hey y/n,” a voice from next to you spoke. “Want to hear embarrassing stories about Rindou?”
A smirk appeared on your face as you shifted on his lap to face him, “you have embarrassing stories.”
“No, I don’t.” He rolled his eyes, glaring at Koko.
“Yeah he do! Want to hear one?”
“Yea—mmpft” Rindou placed his hand on your mouth, making you unable to speak. “No she doesn’t.”
“Yes I do!” Your voice was muffled once again as you tried to remove his hands from your mouth.
“No she doesn’t.” He spoke using his other hand to grab both of your wrists and placing it behind your back.
“That’s my favourite position,” Sanzu winked to Koko. Rindou realised what he meant before quickly removing his hands off of you. “You’re disgusting Sanzu.”
Sanzu cackled whilst Koko just scoffed. You had also realised what Sanzu meant and your face heated up.
“Okay, Aya get out.” The car abruptly came to a stop outside their house.
Aya removed her earphones and hopped off Ran’s lap, and out the car, before tapping the window so Shion could roll it down.
“When are you coming back?” She asked Shion who just shrugged, “Dunno.”
“Dunno,” she mocked him, “that’s all you fuckin say. Just give me a date.”
“I dunno.” He repeated a bit more aggressive, “I’ll text you.”
“Ugh,” she put her earbuds back in and waved goodbye to Ran, ignoring everyone else in the car before walking towards the door to her house.
“Did you two get into an argument?” Rindou asked you, and you simple shrugged, not knowing why she didn’t even say goodbye to you.
“Okay, y/n where’s your house?” Shion asked,
“Just drop me off at the big park, I’ll walk from there.” Shion nodded and started the car again. By the time you had arrived at the park, Sanzu had fallen asleep on Kokos shoulder, Ran was on his phone and Rindou was staring out the window, deep in thought.
“Thank you,” you said to Shion as you unbuckled the seatbelt supporting you and Rindou. The sudden movement caused him to come back to reality, realising you arrived, also realising how dark it was outside.
“I’ll walk from here,” just as soon as you were about to walk out the car, Rindou stopped you. “I’ll walk you there.”
“No there’s no need it’s ok.” As much as you’d like him to, you would feel guilty spending more time with him after thinking such perverted things earlier on.
“It’s dark though? Just let me—,”
“It’s fine! I promise, just a two minute walk from here.” You stepped out of the car, “Thank you guys,” you waved goodbye to them all before grabbing your bag and walking to your house.
“You’re not gonna follow her?” Shion asked and Rindou shook his head.
“Dunno why you’re so protective over this girl.” Koko spoke out this time,
“I’m not protective, I just don’t want girls walking alone this late at night in a dodgy street.” He rolled his eyes, “have some respect for women bruh.”
“So would you do the same for my sister?” Shion turned around to face Rindou.
His actual answer was fuck no, but he couldn’t be hypocrite in front of them, so he lied. “Yeah I would.”
“Still don’t see the big deal,” Sanzu said, “it’s just like a two minute walk.”
“That’s not the point. She’s a pretty girl wearing a school uniform this late at night. That’s the problem. “
The car went silent.
“Pretty?” Ran asked, a smile forming on his face.
“I—,” shit. “You know what I meant. She’s not ugly is she?”
“Nah she’s fucking hot actually,” Sanzu said, “migjt have to pay her a visit later. You won’t mind though Rinnie?”
Of course he minded.
“Whatever. Drive.” He spoke to Shion avoiding the question.
There was nothing wrong with him not wanting you and Sanzu to fuck. It’s normal to not want your friends to fuck your female friends.
Definitely not because he’s developing a crush on you.
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sj0228 · 4 years
placements for intelligence in astrology!! + placements for good grades in school
this was requested!! lol thank u all so much for so much attention on my last post i feel tumblr famous LMAO ok anyways today i'll mention some placements that can signify a person being very intelligent/smart. of course there are different types of intelligence and ima try to focus on all of them so WOOO LETS GET IT also another disclaimer hehe astrology is a hobby of mine and not my profession so pls dont hunt me with torches and pitchforks if you can't relate jdhskfvb ok lol thats it enjoy!! 👽 virgo in big three - of course we're starting with them :D these are not just the booksmart types of people, they are usually practically skilled as well! they are SUPER freaking intelligent!! every virgo sun, moon or rising i know has always been top of the class, extremely intelligent and observant. i admire these people sooo much! they also make very good friends since they always know how you're feeling and notice details about you 👽 leo in personal planets - istg leo people are good at EVERYTHING. they also actually take the effort to become good at the things they are passionate about and it's amazing! their vitality is the best thing ever 👽 gemini sun, sun in 3rd, 3rd house stellium - another mercury sign because mercury is just soo great with blessing people with intelligence. these are the types of people that are so incredibly smart even without trying, they always sound like they know exactly what they're talking about, even when they don't lol. also people will listen to you guys no matter what because your way of speaking is just so endearing :) 👽 pisces sun, sun in 12th - this might come as a surprise to some because pisces are said to be the "dumb" signs of the zodiac, but that is such a generalisation! there is some truth at the heart of it, because they can be in their heads a lot or just not care much about their education, but what makes these individuals exceptionally smart is their emotional intelligence! they absorb the energy of the environment they are in and they are VERY aware of everything, even if they don't really show it. this makes them good at subjects such as psychology, because they are naturally good at feeling out others' emotions. 👽 the pisces suns are also often hella underestimated, along with libra suns. for some reason people don't ever realise how smart they can be! believe me though when i say that this can be good; people don't expect much intelligence from them, so it's way easier for em to outsmart others :) plus, when they do, the element of surprise makes them look twice as smart! 👽 i've also noticed that they often get away with cheating in class or during assignments, because no teacher suspects them. use this information for your own purposes....👀 👽 cancers were DEFINITELY the favorite student of at least one teacher at some point lol. 👽 aries placements are outstanding at reading between the lines. aries in mercury or aspecting mercury also makes an individual have clever and witty humor! 👽 sagittarius suns have an answer to every question?! (or a question to every answer...) they're also very good at improvising. would 10/10 nail a spoken assignment they never studied for because they can talk their way out of almost anything. also often liked by teachers cuz they tend to be pretty active on lessons 👽 any scorpio, 8th house placement or pluto aspect makes you naturally skilled in that area. somehow it makes you have a lot of 'inside info' on those subjects and you feel drawn to them, too! 👽 north node in virgo may mean that your knowledge will play a big part in your life purpose. you may end up doing stuff on analytics, scientific research, logistics etc. 👽 saturn doms and saturn aspecting personal planets makes an individual very wise and mature, even at a young age. this sadly might be related to tragic events happening in one's youth, because saturn is the planet that teaches some harsh lessons. thats all for today!! hope u enjoyed :D be sure to leave questions if you have any, i'll gladly answer them♥ im also open to suggestions, i find it super fun to
do these anyway so dont be afraid...ahaha... ok bye lolz!! have a nice day everyone ^^
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pixieminutes · 4 years
Thank You | JYH
genre: angst, fluff, mafia!au, dad!yunho
members: jeong yunho x reader, ft. brother!han jisung
warnings: mentions of death, gun use, swearing
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“y/n?!” yunho called.
“in the living room,” you said, watching as your husband rushed in the room, kneeling in front of you with a concerned look.
“y/n,” he sighed.
“what?” you chuckled, “why do you look so stressed? you look tired, darling.”
“y/n, please,” yunho begged, holding your hands in his, “i don’t know how else to tell you so i have to tell you straight out. jisung died today, d-during the mission.”
“i’m sorry,” yunho cried, burying his head in your lap.
you looked down, tears lining your vision. not jisung, anyone but jisung.
“i’m sorry, i’m so, so sorry.”
“y/n! heads up!” jisung yelled.
you stuck your head up, while your brother laughed. before you knew it, a ball, straight at your forehead.
you stuck your head up, while your brother laughed. before you knew it, a ball, straight at your forehead.
“han jisung!” you screamed.
“what? i said heads up, i warned you,” he shrugged.
“what?! how was that a warning! you should’ve told me to duck!”
“that is what heads up means,” jisung said.
“well– well— i didn’t hear that so it doesn’t count!”
“you heard it now,” jisung laughed, “heads up!”
you ducked, the ball flying over your head, “stop it!”
“you– you couldn’t have done anything,” you said, looking forward in a daze, “yunho, stop it.”
“i promised you i’d protect him,” yunho shook his head.
“you’re in atz, and he’s in skz. it would’ve been weird. that’s just the way it is,” you said, before pausing and taking a breath, “how did he die?”
“h-he—” yunho stopped, hesitating, “he did something that i’ve never seen anyone do before. it’s the bravest thing i’ve ever seen someone do, y/n.”
“how did he die?” you repeated.
“he was shot many times,” yunho whispered, “he was ditracting some guys who were about to shoot at me, and then they really started to so he just... stood in front. i was rushed out so i didn’t see him but—”
“he’s really dead,” you cried.
“come here,” yunho sighed, standing up and opening his arms, letting you fall into them and sob.
sob until your throat was raw and your face was hot and you felt like you couldn’t sob anymore, like there was no tears left to cry. nothing left.
“jeong yunho?!”
“jisung, listen—”
“y/n, you cannot seriously be telling me that you’re dating jeong yunho.”
“yes, i am,” you sighed, “i know, i’m crazy and you’re gonna go and kill him—”
“why? why should i kill him?! is he giving me a reason to kill him?”
“no!” you exclaimed, “jisung, you’re not killing anybody!”
“y/n, you’re dating a member of atz!” jisung shouted, “atz! do you know how dangerous that is?!”
“jisung, you’re in a mafia group as well! that’s even more dangerous!” you whined.
“no, because you’re my sister, i could lie and say that i’ve fallen out of contact with you and then you’re safe. you fall in love with jeong yunho, that’s atz’s biggest weakness and all his enemies will know!”
“you’re atz’s enemy!” you shouted, before sighing, “look, i had to tell you sooner or later and i suppose the day i’m moving in with him isn’t the best but—”
“you’re moving in with him?!”
you smiled awkwardly at your older brother, “want to join us for dinner?”
jisung sighed, “he’s really that important to you?”
“yes,” you laughed, “jisung, he’s probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“fine, i’ll come over. now fuck off,” jisung rolled his eyes, but smiled as he watched you run off to your childhood bedroom, phone in hand, “i can’t promise to like him, though!”
“mm, of course!”
“you know he liked you in the end,” you chuckled, feeling the sting of tears behind your eyes, “you never thought so, but he really did.”
“he never showed it,” yunho smiled, one hand on yours, his thumb stroking it gently.
you brought the cup of warm tea up to your lips to take a sip and shrugged, “he never did with anyone, really. it was only a few years ago i realised he liked me.”
yunho snorted, “he had a way with words.”
“he has a way with words,” you corrected, shaking your head, “yunho, he can’t be dead, he can’t.”
yunho sighed, bringing you back into his arms, “it’s okay. shh, shh.”
“he can’t even see nabi grow up, yunho! what are we supposed to tell her?! she’s only 2,” you sobbed.
yunho sighed, shrugging, “i don’t know, love, but we’re figure it out together. just like we promised.”
“jisung. sit down,” changbin whispered.
“ji, what are you doing?!” chan scolded.
“i’m making a speech!” jisung exclaimed, glaring at yunho.
your head fell into your hands, “oh no.”
yunho chuckled, “it can’t be that bad.”
you shrugged, downing your champagne before fixing your wedding dress’s big skirt so it fell perfectly around your legs and chair.
“jeong yunho!” jisung shouted.
yunho’s eyes widened, making you laugh.
“you’ve stolen my sister,” jisung announced, “well, married her, whatever. but in that service i saw you promise that you’d stay with her, no matter what happens, is that correct?”
“and that you’d nurse her through illness and stick together when times are rough,” jisung went on, “bare in mind here i am her brother, her honourary dad, honourary granddad, uncle, best friend, whatever you like. i want you to look at me and promise it, sunshine.”
yunho chuckled, standing up and looking down into jisung’s eyes, “i promise.”
jisung smiled, shaking his head, “thank you.”
“are you done?” you asked, glaring at jisung.
“no. y/n wet herself when she was 17. thank you!”
“you made me laugh!” you shouted, “wait!”
but yunho was already in fits of laughter, so was jisung. and you decided that if they were that harmonious together, you wouldn’t disturb, whatever the reason.
“good morning, mummy,” nabi smiled.
you opened your heavy eyelids, seeing yunho laying beside you, nabi lying on his chest with a wide smile.
you giggled, “good morning, butterly. did you sleep well?”
nabi nodded, “look my fairy wings!”
“very pretty, baby,” you smiled.
“nabi, i think mummy should be left—” yunho started, before you shook your head.
“tell me about your princess dolls, nabi. go and get them and tell me everything.”
nabi looked at you excitedly before running back to her bedroom.
“are you okay?” yunho checked, kissing your forehead.
“i have you and her,” you smiled, pulling him in by the back of his head for a kiss, “i’m happy.”
“where is she?! in there?!”
“um, jisung...” chan started.
“yes, i know, it’s atz. my sister is having a baby with a member of atz. you were at the wedding, this happened,” jisung stressed before turning to the members of yunho’s gang, “are they in there?”
hongjoong nodded, “it can’t be long now, they’ve been in there a while.”
as if on cue, the loud, wailing sound of a newborn baby erupted from the cracks in the door.
“that’s them! that’s my nephew! or niece!” jisung exclaimed.
changbin laughed, tapping jisung’s shoulder, “congrats, man.”
“you say that as though jisung’s the one becoming a father,” san laughed.
there was a quick silence ran through the two groups of men before jisung broke it with his loud laugh.
“with how much i plan to spoil them?! i may as well be!”
“you’re a good uncle, all right,” seungmin sighed.
suddenly, all 15 heads snapped to the door as yunho emerged, a big grin on his face.
“jisung, do you want to come and meet your niece?”
“uncle jisung today?” nabi asked, looking up at you innocently from the dinner table.
you almost dropped the plate you were holding as yunho came in protectively.
“nabi, i need to... let’s have a talk, okay?” yunho said, holding your waist and letting you sit down before he did the same, beside you, “do you remember when we had to say bye-bye to granddad? and we said you’d never see him again?”
nabi nodded, still combing her princess doll’s hair.
“well, sometimes, people can disappear wheneved they’re needed. and uncle jisung was needed.”
“up there,” yunho said, pointing at the sky.
“he come back?”
“no,” you shook your head, “he’s needed for a very long time up there. he has a very important job.”
“i say bye-bye?” nabi asked, putting down her doll to look at the two of you.
her eyes were an exact copy of her father’s, yet her nose and lips were remnant of the han family. sometimes, she looked a lot like jisung.
“you can look up at the sky and say bye-bye,” you offered, “because he’s up there, and he’s looking down on you.”
yunho sighed, pulling your head towards him to kiss it softly.
“come on, shall we go and say bye-bye?” yunho asked, standing up and offering his hand to nabi.
nabi stood up and took her dad’s hand, before turning back to you.
“mummy too?”
smiling, you nodded and took her other hand, letting her lead the way out to the garden.
“jisung? what are you doing here?”
“atz are on a mission,” he shrugged, walking through your door, two bags of presents in his hands, “y/n, you have a two-month old. i’m not letting you take care of her alone.”
with a smile, you let him through, picking up nabi from her mat in the front room, “nabi, look! it’s uncle jisung!”
“your favourite uncle!” jisung cheered, taking her from your arms and bouncing her around, “me and you forever, hmm, butterfly? i’m gonna be even better than mummy and daddy. gonna let you have all the candy and chocolate you want.”
“no you will not, han jisung.”
but jisung just laughed, “my favourite niece, nabi!”
“bye-bye, jisung,” yunho called, tears in his eyes as he thought of his last mission, “thank you.”
“goodbye uncle jisung!” nabi yelled, “good luck on your job!”
you laughed at your baby, sat in your husband’s arms.
“bye jisung-ah!” you shouted, waving at the sky, “we love you.”
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dust-broken-berry · 3 years
Part 5 is here and there will be another post for the rest, I'm to tired to right anything else right now so here-
Part 5: New Boss, Old Problems 
    Ink and everyone else were back at their base. Ink was repainting his arm, Dream was freaking out, and Cross was trying to calm Dream down and call Error at the same time.
“Ok, you’ll be here? Ok good, bye.”
    Cross said, as he hung up the phone and turned towards Dream, who was still screaming and freaking out.
    Cross still a bit nervous himself, hugged Dream to try and calm him down. 
“It’s fine, see Ink’s fixing his arm and Error will be here in a minute, so just relax.”
“I KNOW! BUT WHY WOULD...H-How would!..”
“Dream think about it, and you’ll know how and why this happened.”
“I...know...I just...Blue…”
    After Dream said that Error walked out of the antivoid with PJ(16 years old) followed behind. PJ saw Ink and screamed-
“GAH!? Mom what happened!?”
“Oh...nothing it’s fine”
“Ink you’re not fine”
    Error exclaimed, sitting down next to Ink.
“Error I’m fixing it”
“Then let me help you”
“You d-don’t have to-”
“I want to”
    And before Ink could say something else, Error started helping Ink with his arm. PJ walked over near Cross and Dream, and asked-
“Cross what happened?”
“I don’t know if I’m allowed to tell you.”
“I’m not a kid Cross”
    PJ grumbled, making Ink sigh and say-
“PJ...I’ll tell you what happened…”
    Hearing how nervous Ink was saying that made PJ regret sounding so annoyed about not being told.
    Ink took a deep breath and explained what happened earlier that day. PJ was surprising to say that least, saying-
“Geez mom, you killed Dust…” 
“You said you weren’t a kid anymore.”
“PJ they were fighting, it’s just what happens. He didn’t do it on purpose”
    Error added trying to make it make more sense to PJ, but all just nodded saying-
“I know, I know, but it’s still surprising.”
    Ink asked, already knowing the answer. But still PJ answered-
“You’ve always fought with them but none of you have died.”
“Ya...I know, and you’re righ-”
“Your arm is fixed”
    Error said, surprising Ink on how fast it took. He looked away from his arm and back at PJ.”
“Oh ok, Jammy we’ll talk about this later. Right now I need to talk with everyone ok?”
    Ink smiled standing up and gave PJ a little pat on the back before him and everyone one else went and sat down on the other side of the room to go and talk. They started to debate over why It picked Blue. PJ was listening and was confused at first, but when they started bringing up the same topics again, and again, he started to understand what they were talking about.
    The others couldn seem to put the pieces together so after a while, PJ decided to start thinking about it.
“Ya...why Blue… From the sound of it, It is some kind of monster that can give magic...somehow. I doubt that Blue was his first, if he did it so easily without anyone noticing. It had to have done it before.
    He kept listening until he heard them bring up what happened to Dust, and how he had encountered It before Blue. 
“Maybe...Dust was his test. Or maybe there was some difference...or maybe it’s both. Well wait, if Dust was the test and then after for some reason Blue was chosen to get the actual power then something had to have been different, right? I mean from what little mom told me earlier, I think Dust died near Blue…
I think…”
    PJ took out one of his notepads and began writing down the many different things he thought could have happened during the time that Dust was still alive, up til the point of his death.
    There was a lot but eventually, he got to what Blue might’ve been feeling during that time. He thought it was a long shot but he was running out of ideas, fast.
Uh….Anger? Maybe not at the moment, but I’ll keep it on there
“But which one could it be…”
    PJ thought about it
“What if…”
“PJ is everything ok?”
    Ink asked looking over at PaperJam, he responded-
“Oh ya mom”
    Ink said, turning back around, PJ kept thinking.
“Hm...what if it’s none of these things, what if it’s something that means all of these… But what? What describes all the others.”
    PJ kept thinking and he realised something.
“They’re all forms of...pain. That’s why It went after Blue...but there has to be another reason, right?..”
    Again PJ thought and then he realised something else.
“If It somehow gave Dust magic, couldn’t he just transfer that magic to someone else?.. Since Dust already had It’s extra magic he could’ve just given it to Blue… It wouldn’t be the most ubsered thing to happen.... But in the end-
The main reason is pain…”
“PJ what are you mumbling about?”
    Ink asked again-
“Um mom that thing you’re talking about.”
“I think I have an idea about why that thing picked Blue…”
“Well I mean ya...maybe”
“We don’t have any leads...so if you want you can try and explain it”
    Error said, PJ was a bit surprised but nodded and walked over saying-
“Um ya ok, sure”
    So with that she tried to explain his reasoning as well as a 16 year old could (Luckily they understood it enough.). But then there was a voice-
“PJ was it?..”
    Everyone turned around and saw It. Everyone got out their weapons, well everyone except PJ.
“Oh please I’m not gonna do anything now when you’re all just here, that would be stupid.  I’m just here to congratulate the smart little monster that figured out what was going on before anyone else here… 
    It looked at PJ, and realised that he didn’t have any weapons out. He asked-
“Hm tell me eh...PJ why don’t you have your weapon or blaster or whatever it is you do.”
    Ink growled, Error turned and looked at PJ and said-
“PJ don’t answer that”
    PJ just stood there scared with a normal number two pencil pointed at It. Both Ink and Error noticed how scared he was and wanted to attack It, he chuckled and said-
“Ha kill me now and another one will come and take my place, and  I’m sure you don’t want that, now let the boy answer my question.”
“Why should I!”
    Error screamed, again making It laugh again and said-
“Trust me when I say Error I’m everywhere at every time and slipping up this early can be bad for you. Besides what is the worst thing I can do in front of all of you?”
    Error shook at the thought of It watching him...and Ink...and the rest of his family. He slowly, and hesitantly lowered his guard. It smiled saying-
“Good now then, tell me boy why no magic, no weapons?”
    PJ, still scared doesn’t say anything.
“Come on boy, spit the words before I do for you.”
“O-Ok fine…”
    PJ nervously said, It grinned then sayed.
“Good, now then the rest of you leave except for you two, and before you say no let me tell you it won’t end well for you if you do.”
    With Error and Ink nodding in assurance the rest of the group hesitantly left. Ink asked-
“Why did you want them gone?..”
“I want the full story and I had a feeling that with them here, pointing weapons in my face. That I wouldn’t get it, and besides…”
    It slowly walked in front of PJ and said-
“This may affect my future decisions in a good or bad way.”
“...PJ you sure you’re ok with this-”
“It’s fine dad I don’t want to put anyone in danger for a dumb reason like this.” 
    PJ said, trying to reassure Error. It smiled saying-
“Another smart move. Anyways you can go ahead and start, I’m as you monsters say I’m “all ears.””
“What, do you want a story?”
    PJ snarkily said, It responded-
“If need be, but you’re telling me again “all ears”.”
    -Flash back 16 years-
“I’m just gonna tell you now what’s wrong with me, I...I don’t have magic…
Everyone thought I was normal, healthy, and all of that… But as I got older I didn’t start using magic, on accident or on purpose. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t do anything. For a while we thought that I had a weapon, but we tried every weapon but nothing worked, I just couldn’t do anything. 
I was teased relentlessly by other kids and I still am… But that’s not the point
Anyways later we figured out that it was some magic skip...it only shows up a few times every generation…
...Hehe I guess I just got unlucky.
    -Flash forward to now-
    It smiled and said with malice in his voice-
“Well then I’m sorry for you, that is such a tragic story.”
“So? Is that what you wanted to hear? Some sad story? What was there to gain from this?”
     PJ snarled, making It just smiled maliciously and cackled-
“Ah yes what gain from this? Trust me this information may come in handy later. Trust me when I say, I’ve gained a lot.” 
“Is that it then?”
    Ink said angrily, It shook his head and said-
“Almost I just have one more thing to say.”
“Ya, and what is that?”
    Error growled similarly to Ink, and again It responded-
“There is one more reason I picked Blue, and you two are the only ones that know that reason. But then again, Blue can’t seem to remember. Of Course you two also know why that is too.”
    Both Ink’s and Error’s faces went blank, they were shocked and in a way scared. Error asked nervously-
“How the fuck do you know about that?”
“Error, don’t be so foul mouthed in front of the boy.”
    It said, as PJ just stood there confused. Not knowing what they were talking about. Ink angrily said-
“Don’t change the subject”
“Fine, oh fine, you want to know how hm? Let’s just say I’ve been around for a very, very, long time, and you guys didn’t. even. know. it. “
    It said, making Error and Ink more uneasy. Error asked-
“Ok...what does that have to do with you figuring out what happened?”
“Remember when I said I have eyes everywhere. Back then I did too, and I saw you walking out a very...different Blue from a very special place.”
“How did you-”
“I also know what you did Ink, you were gone for two years with Blue, or at least that’s what you made him believe. Little did he know that you just messed with his mind.”
    It said, cutting off Ink. Ink’s expression saddened, Error sighed and said-
“It was my fault he had to do that.”
“You both have equal blame for what happened to him.”
    There was only silence after that, then It spoke again-
“Well that is all I am able to share with you for now, but I can guarantee you that we will meet again.”
    And just as Ink and Error were about to attack, It was gone.
“Mom, dad…”
    They both looked over at PJ nervously-
“What the hell did you do?..”
    PJ said, with a look of horror on his face.
    Meanwhile a few days later everything happened, Blue and ghost Dust were waiting at one of many meeting spots, this one being in a woodsy and secluded area of snowdin.
(Blue still had on Dust’s jacket and had a gray shirt on under it. He also had on black shorts, they were the same length as his old ones just different colors. His boots were like his shorts, same thing just different. They were dark brown, like more normal boots.)
    Blue was nervous, even though Nightmare had been working with him on how to deal with everyone, he hadn’t actually had to yet. He nervously said-
“What if this goes horribly wrong? And I can’t lead a group, let alone one like this.”
“It will be fine, trust me.”
    Dust said reassuringly, and even brought up-
“We all already made plan, so just stick mostly to that and it'll be fine.”
“Ya I know, for now we’re just going to try and find It…”
    Dust sensing that Blue was still nervous said- 
“Look Berry, there is no one right way to command a group, and there never will be. In the end you’re gonna just need to do it your way, ok?”
“Ya I do...thanks Dust”
    Dust grinned, and scooted near Blue saying-
“Can Dust get a kiss cause he did good.~”
“Myehehehe why the fuck did you say it like that?”
    Blue covered his mouth and Dust looked surprised. Blue slowly moved his hands away from his mouth.
“I didn’t mean to say that”
“Why are you laughing!?”
“I just thought that I would ever live to see the day that you of all monsters would say fuck.”
    Dust said as he kept laughing, Blue just sat there grumply.
“Well you just lost your kiss.”
“Aw why”
“You know why”
“Oh come on Berry…”
“Hmpf! I already told you, you lost your privileges.”
“If you don’t give me one I’m just gonna take it~”
    Dust said, as he pined Blue down to the bench they were sitting on. Blue yelped-
“Hehe see you’re so cute now~”
“D-Dust! Everyone will be here soon w-we can’t right now!”
“We’ll be lucky if they’re an hour late.”
“T-Then what about Nightmare!? I doubt-”
“He’s just like the others, and besides if he wanted to be on time he would’ve been here by now.”
    Blue looked around, and confirmed that no one was near by.
“See no, one anywhere.”
“Hm...I’m still mad at you...but fine…”
    Dust grinned and kissed Blue
(Sorry not writing this part, if you want it so bad ask.)
    After that, an hour later.
“*Huff* Ok then you happy?”
    Blue said, as he finished pulling up his pants. Dust chuckled-
“Well are you?”
    Blue’s whole face went a light shade of blue.
    Blue again grumbled as they waited for everyone to show up and soon enough they did. Nightmare was the first one of the new arrivals to say something-
“Blue we’re gonna need to explain what’s going on to the others.”
“...Ok then good idea”
    Blue said nervously as Blue, Dust, and Nightmare slowly explained the situation. 
“So something made Blue some kinda...uh…”
    Outer said a bit confused on how to word it, Blue just sighed and said-
“Outer...you don’t gotta try and be nice about it...It even told me that I was a supercharged freak of a monster.”
“No, no Blue it’s not that, I would never say that even if you gave me permission.”
“Anyways Nightmare, do you really expect us to just obey short stack over there?”
    Horror said, snarkily followed by annoyed Dust saying-
“Yes he do-”
“Dust you don’t need to fight my battles but thanks.”
    Blue said reassuringly, followed by Horror saying-
“Never know maybe he does, you odvissely can’t deal with any shit yourself.
“You want to really test that Horror?”
“Haha, do you?” 
    Horror said as he healed up his axe. Nightmare looked down at Outer and asked-
“Hm, Ima let this play out, Outer this time I would like to ask you to do the same.”
“I want to see how Blue handles this.”
    Outer said nervously as he watched the interesting display in front of him.
    Blue then tripped Horror as he threw his axe, making Horror miss. Blue then spawned five sharp bones with a blue magic tint to them. Blue grinned a bit and said-
“See Horror? I can take care of myself, and I am smart enough to do so.”
“Are you sure about that?”
    Horror said as his axe caim swinging back towards Blue, with six sharp bones with a blood red tint around it.
    Blue reached his arm behind him and caught the axe. It and the bones were engulfed with blue magic as Horror started to look a bit nervous. Blue then growled-
“I am very sure about that Horror. Now then I hope you can get this attitude of yours in check, for you I hope you can.”
    And with that Blue threw everything at a nearby tree, nearly breaking it into splinters. Horror was sweating nervously.
    Blue let go off Horror’s shirt dropping him on the ground. He then went over to the others with Dust congratulating him-
“Well, you handled that well Berry.”
“Thank you Dust”
“Dust is right, you handled that well. But I need to tell you something…”
    Nightmare said making Blue a bit nervous, saying-
“Uh oh that’s normally not good…”
“Ya normally it’s not and it’s not good now either unfortunately.”
Dust said, sharing Blue's nervousness. Nightmare continued-
“Well...it’s Ink...he wants to meet with you.”
    Blue’s eyes then went empty and his expression blank. Dust sighed saying-
“Ya I thought that would happen, Berry look it’s fine y-”
“It’s not”
    Blue snarled, again Dust tried to talk-
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muwi-translates · 4 years
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剣が君 特典ドラマCD 若葉風奇譚 ~江戸花嫁騒動の巻~
Ken ga Kimi Tokuten Drama CD - Strange Tales of the Early Summer Breeze ~Edo Bride Scandal Volume~
Nine track hour or so long drama. No spoilers. As usual, Chinese source with light Japanese referencing.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Track 1 - Prologue
Everyone: M-Marriage?!
Enishi: Shh! You’re too loud!
Tsuzuramaru: S-Sorry… but, Miss is getting married…?
Enishi: Well, who wouldn’t be surprised? That one day our princess would actually become a bride… Ugh, those pink cheeks, that silky skin— I can't believe it’s all going to another guy…Gaaah! Princess!!
Saneaki: No, wait, are you sure? It’s so sudden it’s a bit hard to believe.
Suzukake: S-Saneaki’s right! What if you got it wrong? If… if… she got married, I’d get lonely…
Sakyo: You two need to calm down. No matter how much you panic, the problem won’t solve itself. First, let’s listen to what Enishi-dono has to say.
Sakyo: Now then, Enishi-dono. Quickly, tell us what is happening. Hurry and tell us everything you know…!
Kei: You’re the one who needs to calm down! You’re gonna kill him! Let go!
Sakyo: Ah, my deepest apologies. I got a little too… very well, please explain.
Enishi: *gasp* *gasp*...I saw heaven for a second there…
Saneaki: You were really hanging on by a thread there, Enishi-dono.
Enishi: As if you cared about me at all!
Enishi: Anyway, I understand how Sakyo feels. I don’t want to accept this just as much as you guys. The princess getting married to some man…
Tsuzuramaru: I don’t want to think about it!
Enishi: Exactly, to not think about it is to not believe it.
Kei: You’re the one who said it, how could you not believe it?!
Enishi: It’s true I don’t believe it, but I heard it myself.
Suzukake: Heard it? From where?
Enishi: I went to a cloth dealer I knew, and he was talking to me about how his son was getting married soon. Was bragging about how amazing his partner was. I was listening pretty intently, but the more he spoke, the more I thought he was talking about our princess. Eventually I figured out that he *was* talking about our princess, so I ran without even finishing my sake!
Sakyo: And then you summoned us here, yes? I will not say anything about you drinking in broad daylight, I understand the situation well enough.
Enishi. That’s right. That’s why I had to gather all my friends from our journey together from the bridal procession. This is the most serious of emergencies, right? It looked like the cloth dealer’s wedding gift was almost done being prepared, so I thought it would be better to tell you guys as soon as possible.
Kei: Ha. This is stupid. I thought something had happened, but that’s it?
Saneaki: Kei-dono? What’s wrong?
Kei: What do you mean what’s wrong? Cut it out! I was wondering why we had to be called here when it’s just about a girl getting married.
Enishi: You say that, but weren’t you the quickest here?
Kei: Shut up! I… just happened to be nearby!
Tsuzuramaru: Hm? But on my way here a man that looked just like you sped right past me. Did they just happen to look alike? I was walking pretty quickly but he still managed to pass me and disappeared. What a truly extraordinary person…
Kei: *punches Tsuzuramaru* S-S-S-S-Shut up! Stop yabbering! Besides! Enishi, I don’t believe what you’re saying at all. You must have made a mistake when you were all smashed.
Saneaki: Kei-dono is right. If she really were to be married to someone, she would have no reason to hide it from us—
Suzukake: Aaaaah!!
Kei: W-What is it now?
Suzukake: I-I just remembered… when I was delivering medicine earlier, I passed by Princess’ storefront. I think I saw some congratulatory gifts from a dowry being brought there...
Saneaki: What? If that’s true, then what Enishi said might have some weight…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it seems that way…
Enishi: Why don’t you guys trust me but trust Suzukake?!
Tsuzuramaru: If this is really happening then… Miss is really being married to some man… Aaaaagh…
Kei: Argh! You’re so loud! Don’t hold your head and start screaming! Oi, Sakyo, don’t just sit there, say something!
Sakyo: Unforgivable.
Kei: Hah? Why’d you stand up for?
Kei: ...Why’d you take your sword? …What are you planning on doing?
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Suzukake: Cut?! C-Calm down, Sakyo-san!
Tsuzuramaru: Y-You can’t do that!
Saneaki: That’s right, Sagihara-dono. You shouldn’t cut people.
Sakyo: But…!
Saneaki: Even if you injured him, that would change nothing.
Tsuzuramaru: Exactly!
Saneaki: It should be enough to exile him to a deserted island—
Tsuzuramaru: Saneaki!! You can’t do that either!
Kei: Saying some real scary stuff like that… are you forgetting there’s a patrolman here listening?
Enishi: In any case we’re not accepting this marriage. Everybody agree?
Sakyo: I have no complaints. This situation must be stopped, no matter the means.
Kei: You’re scaring us, you need to cool off!
Suzukake: I… I’ve always wished for the Princess’ happiness…so if she really wants to get married, I won’t stop her. But… but, if she’s hesitating even a little… then I hope I’ll be able to convince her to think about it again.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m the same. No matter what, I have to show her my feelings first!
Sakyo: Indeed. I may have been a bit rash...
Kei: A *bit*? A bit my ass. I don’t care what you guys do as long as you’re not cutting down people. And no exiling either!
Saneaki: I will think about it.
Kei: Don’t ‘think about it’, don’t even think about it at all!
Saneaki: No matter the case, I cannot pretend I didn’t hear about this. If this marriage is real, then I am concerned about why she didn’t talk to us about it. This needs to be investigated.
Enishi: Right! For the princess, let’s break this marriage!
Everyone except Kei: Right!
Kei: We’re not breaking anything, didn’t we *just say* we’re investigating? Geez… nothing bad’s gonna happen… right?
Track 2 - Kei
Ah, geez, what’s all this fuss about? Those guys got together and made so much noise over nothing, what an eyesore. It’s just her getting married to someone, what’s the problem?
W-Well, it’s worrying that she didn’t mention it to any of us. But just a bit. Just a bit, that’s all!
Hm? That guy ahead of me… isn’t he the young master of the cloth dealers’ Enishi talked about? But who’s the girl next to him?
(Looks like they’re pretty close… they’re walking so close, and they look happy together.
Don’t tell me, this guy’s about to get married, but he’s going on dates with girls in broad daylight?! 
Don’t mess around. So he’s not planning on properly taking care of her after all? 
That girl’s always working hard no matter where she is, she’s strong-willed but gentle at heart, and she’s an unimaginably good woman. But here you are… Dammit… how could someone like you snatch her up?)
Oi, you over there--
Who’s there?! Don’t bother me--
Huh? Ah, i-it’s you?! Wh-What are you doing here… d-don’t you have to watch the store?
Eh? Ah… you were just coming back from the dojo? Ah, well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Nothing wrong with that, my ass! It’ll get ugly if she stays here! If she sees that young master walking around with another woman, she’ll get hurt for sure! I need to think of a way to get her out of here fast. Agh! Why do I have to do something like this? But I can’t just leave it...)
Uh… *ahem* ah, um.. that’s… um… ah, that’s right! You look like you’re getting hungry.
You’re not? Just say you are, idiot!
Anyway, there’s a good teahouse over there. Let’s go! Right now!
(*sigh* Speak of the devil and they’ll appear, huh… but looking at her, it doesn’t look like she saw the young master. But now that I’ve seen that, to let a guy who hangs out with women like that become her husband-- I’m definitely not going to allow it. But… how am I gonna tell her that? …*sigh*)
‘What’s wrong’? What a sleazy guy! It’s because I’ve been thinking about you that I have this headache!
Huh? N-No, it’s nothing… Anyway, hurry up and eat it. Look, all those fresh beans in this anmitsu is definitely going to taste good-- ah, BEANS?! Ugh, I almost ate them…
Hah? I’m not being weird at all! I’m the same as always! Just hurry up and eat it! Here, you can have my portion too.
(What the hell am I doing? I’m getting way too distracted… Anyway, all I have to say is: “Hurry up and turn down the marriage”. A sleaze like him is going to bring her nothing but unhappiness. The time to stop it is now. No, I *have* to say it! “You gotta give up a guy like that”!)
Hey, you. Just give it up.
Idiot, why are you so dazed for? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I was going to find out why you didn’t tell me. But, I have to say this.
If you keep going like this, then you’re just going to get hurt. I won’t say more on what bad things could happen. So think about it again.
That’s true. You wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. Because you didn’t see what I saw. But I saw it myself, with my own eyes.
I always thought that as long as you were happy, it would be enough. But I realised this wasn’t right. From now on, I don’t want to see you in pain either. That’s why, just believe in me, and think about it!
Ah! I see, you were already planning on giving it up?
--Why are you giving the anmitsu I gave you back?
Hah? I was trying so hard to get you to give up the anmitsu that you decided you won’t eat anymore?
N-No! I wasn’t talking about the anmitsu!
W-Well, it’s true that I don’t like beans, but I don’t care if someone else eats them! Besides! Being this serious over a bowl of anmitsu, that doesn’t even make sense! I wasn’t talking about that at all!
Anyway! Isn’t there something more important?!
That… you know… what I’m trying to say is-- argh, dammit! What I’ve been trying to say is that I want your future to be happy!
(Huh… huh? What… did I just say?)
A-ah, no! Wanting you to be happy… that… that wasn’t what I meant! I-- aghhh!!
T-The money… I’m leaving it here! Bye!!
(What am I doing…? I was supposed to have her give up on the marriage completely… in the end I said so many unnecessary things… I’ll… never be able to face her again… Guh…)
Track 3 - Suzukake
Suzukake: (There she is… it’s the princess. She’s always sweeping the storefront at this time. If she’s really getting married… I won’t be able to meet up with her casually anymore. 
I’ll get lonely.
Hey, Princess, are you really going to get married? Did you really want to get married?
I want to ask her, but I’m scared… 
Ah! She spotted me… I… have to go. Even though I don’t know what to say… I-I’ll just talk like I normally do!)
H-Hey, Princess! The weather’s good today, isn’t it?
Eh? Why was I hiding behind the wagon? So I could come and see you— no, hide and seek! I was playing hide and seek!
Mhm! Y-Yep… I was playing by myself! Ah, no… a person can’t play by themselves… uh… um…
(Ugh… she’s going to think I’m weird…)
Eh? U-Uh huh, yeah, I came to see you. Because I have something I wanted to say to you.
(If I say that then there’s no way I’m gonna run away. I don’t want to either! I’m gonna listen to what she has to say.)
Hey… you haven’t been thinking about wanting to get married before, right?
I’m sorry for asking out of the blue… but I really have to know. You might not remember what happened during the bridal procession clearly anymore, but I still do.
I thought you looked really pretty in your bridal kimono then.
You were just a fake bride then but… but, did the princess really have someone you wanted to get married to one day? Was there... a place you wanted to go with someone?
(Why am I asking these kinds of questions? It’s because… I don’t want to let you go. If you go away with that person… I’ll get lonely. My heart will start hurting, and I’ll feel like I want to cry. Hey… don’t go off to another man’s side! Don’t go, Princess!)
Please, tell me. Do you want to get married?
...One day…?
(That’s a lie… you’re about to get married soon, aren’t you? And then we won’t be able to play, we won't be able to laugh together like this anymore.)
*sobs* Princess! You can’t! Don’t go anywhere! I don’t want that!! *cries*
I won’t be able to hug you like this anymore! I don’t want that! Hey, don’t go, alright?
I’ll do whatever I have to to make you smile! If you ever get hurt, I’ll be able to heal you quickly! No… I’d never let you get hurt! That’s why, Princess, stay with me forever!
Enishi: What the hell are you guys doing in public? 
Suzukake: Aaah! Enishi?! Let me go! Princess is— Princess is—!
Enishi: How could I let you cry out on the streets? Can’t you see you’re worrying the princess?
Suzukake: How could you be so calm? Separating us is so mean!
Enishi: Hah?
Suzukake: The princess is disappearing soon! She’s gonna get taken away by a man I don’t even know!!!
Enishi: W-Wait! If you say it like that then you’re gonna make me sound like a human trafficker! Look! The people around us are staring! Do you want the police to come too?!
Suzukake: *wailing*
Enishi: O-Oi! Don’t move around so much! A-Ah, you’ll hit the wagon! Aaaagh!!
Track 4 - Enishi
*sigh* That got pretty bad… Thanks for letting me rest inside the restaurant, Princess. Suzukake kept coming back too, I wonder what happened?
Ah… you don’t know either. I see.
(Well, he’s probably coming back to listen to any rumours about the marriage… Even though he beat me to it, it looks like no one will bother us for the time being. Plus it’s just the two of us in the restaurant… I guess even the heavens are helping me.)
Ah, no, it’s nothing. Anyway, do you have some time now, Princess?
I see. It’s started to get calmer. That’s good. Hey, Princess, how about we talk for a bit? Here, come sit over here.
(Alright, alright! Everything’s going smoothly. Even though I want to look at Princess like this a bit more, the marriage thing is the most important thing at hand right now. I even made some special preparations for this. I have to change her mind no matter what.)
Hey, Princess. There’s actually something I want to give you.
Here, isn’t it beautiful? This kanzashi.
When I saw it I thought it would suit you so well I decided to buy it. It’s my present for you.
Don’t say that you can’t accept it, you’ll make the kanzashi cry! Besides, there’s nobody else aside from you I want to give it to, so you should take it.
Don’t move, let me put it on.
Come on, if you keep moving around I won’t be able to put it on properly, right?
Yep! I knew it’d suit you! As expected of someone like me, not bad! It’s made out of wood like the ones used for scabbards. Don’t you think that’s nice? You can say it matches the accessories I’m wearing.
Eh? You’re saying this is the first time you know what a scabbard is made out of?
Haha, I’m not *that* knowledgeable yet! Ahaha…
(Uuh… Even though I’m happy she just complimented me, we’re not here to talk about what it’s made out of… I thought it would remind her about the marriage… As expected of the princess, I can’t just use any plain old method… in that case…)
Buuuuut I’m a bit worried…
Why, you ask? Because the princess is just so cute, I’m worried that another man will steal you away.
Maybe that kanzashi can be proof that you should be by my side forever.
Hey… if I said that to you, how would you react? I don’t want to give a princess this cute to someone else.
I’m not playing around, this is how I really feel.
Princess, don’t run away. I want you to listen to me properly. The man you love the most… what’s he like?
You must have thought of someone. Even if you tried to hide it, I can see it clearly. Princess, please think about it carefully.
The man that you’re thinking of right now, is he better than me?
I don’t plan to lose to him. If you doubt my feelings, I’ll prove it to you. I’ll fight him if I have to.
Don’t stop me, there are times where men have to get into battles like this one.
I plan to bring that man here, and have a fight with him fair and square right in front of you.
What? He’s in the house? That’s perfect. Could you do me a favour and bring him out?
(The fact that this guy can just come in and out of her house in broad daylight… I’m so jealous!!— No, he’s about a hundred years too early staying here! Who is this outstanding guy? I’ll personally challenge you! If I win, she’ll definitely change her mind about the marriage!)
He’s out. I’ve been waiting for you. Now, it’s time to duel—!
Ah, huh? Um… I’m pretty sure you’re the princess’ father…?
(Why did her father come out? Hah? I just realised I didn’t specify that I was looking for her marriage partner. Haha, that’s true, if it’s not about love then of course the person she loves the most would be her father. Uh-huh… I see. So… my super serious confession didn’t get through to her at all? P-Princess… I can feel sad too, you know…)
Eh, ah… no, father… fighting fair and square… it was just a figure of speech! F-Father? Why are you grabbing my shoulder smiling like that?
Eh? A cooking battle?
You’re happy because there hasn’t been any youngsters with a backbone to challenge you lately…?? D-Don’t joke, how could a ronin like me challenge the owner of a restaurant?
N-No… y-you made a mistake— this is all just a misunderstanding!!
W-Wait!! Don’t pull me! I know I’m carrying a sword but I’ve never used a knife before!
AAH!! Princess, help me!! Princessss!!!!
Track 5 - Interlude
Kei, Suzukake, Enishi: *sigh*
Saneaki: What’s wrong, you three? Why do you look so worn out?
Kei: Why did I… in front of so many people…
Suzukake: *sobs* No… Princess….
Enishi: J-Julienning… no more…
Sakyo: This time it’s Enishi-dono? What a predicament...
Tsuzuramaru: W-What exactly happened…?
Saneaki: Enishi-dono, don’t you have anything to say?
Enishi: I… I’ll never give up! Princesss!!
Saneaki: It’s no use. I can’t get through to him.
Tsuzuramaru: What about you, Kei? What happened?
Kei: I have nothing to say… except… except. That cloth dealer bastard was getting real chummy with another woman!
Tsuzuramaru: What?!
Sakyo: He is already going to be wed soon… and he was with another woman? Unbelievable…
Saneaki: Even if we ignored Enishi-dono for now, if Kei-dono said so then it must be true.
Enishi: Why do you always have to say things that wound my heart?
Suzukake: *sobs* Princess… *cries*
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono…
Tsuzuramaru: I can’t let this go on! I’m going to go find Miss now!
Saneaki: Wait! Tsuzuramaru-dono!
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t stop me! There’s nothing to say about a guy like him!
Saneaki: Ah, he’s gone…It looks like he went without a plan… will he be alright?
Saneaki: Now then, Sagihara-dono, what should we do?
Sakyo: You… To hand her over to a person like that… 
Saneaki: …It looks like there isn’t a plan here either. *sigh*
Track 6 - Tsuzuramaru
Tsuzuramaru: *panting* I made it…
(Miss… she’s inside. Calm down, Tsuzuramaru. She’s just the same as usual, helping out at home, she hasn’t left the house yet. I can still make it. I should still make it! Now’s the time to be a man, as if I’m staking my life on this!)
*stomach grumbles*
(For my stomach to growl even at a time like this… it makes me hate myself. No… but… ah… that smells so good. It looks like they’re cooking something right now. Are these dried sweet potatoes? 
That smell… Miss’ food always whets the appetite. My stomach’s been completely captured. Even if it’s the same dish, if you look carefully, you can tell she put a lot of effort into it. A woman who meticulously works no matter what it is… that’s Miss… I… I…)
*stomach grumbles*
(Ugh… I want to yell out how I feel about Miss, but I’m so hungry I can’t even summon the energy…)
M-Miss? Why did you come outside?
Is that so? Because you saw me? H-How embarrassing. I seem to have gotten in the way of your cooking.
(No, this is a good opportunity. If I want Miss to cancel the marriage now’s the moment!)
Miss… actually, I’ve been wanting to tell you—
Ugh… this… Actually, I haven't eaten properly since morning because of my worries…
I came at a good time?
T-Taste testing? Are you saying I can help  taste what you’re making right now?
(What? N-No… why did I come here in the first place? But to decline her offer would be a shame… and I’m hungry anyway…)
T-Then if it’s alright with you, I’ll try a little.
Y-Yes! Excuse me…
Usually the master does all the food preparations. It’s strange to see Miss doing that today.
Hm? A lot of customers came and there weren't enough ingredients? So he went to get some?
Ahaha, these customers can really eat a lot, don't they?
Eh? They weren’t eaten? He just did a lot of cooking? And made a lot of food? 
Hm… I don’t really understand, but that’s unfortunate, isn’t it?
(Wait… doesn’t that mean it’s just the two of us here right now? W-What…? My heart suddenly won’t calm down… Anyway, I need to calm down first…)
Sorry, Miss! I was just thinking about something. Ah... did you need me to taste that sweet potato?
Then I’ll help myself.
Delicious! It’s so good! I could taste the flavour of the hot sweet potato as soon as it hit my mouth!
I’m not just being polite! Miss will definitely be a good wife one day. 
(Hm? Wife? That’s right… I seem to have forgotten something important. What was it?)
Oh, did you need me to taste that too?
I’m very grateful. Then, if you’ll allow me…
As expected, delicious! 
(Ah… I’m so lucky... If I were to marry Miss… would it be like this everyday? Marry? ...Marry? Huh… Something doesn’t seem right. I’ve forgotten something… but I can’t remember.
No, I should be focusing on helping taste test the dishes Miss made herself! If I don’t do it properly there’ll be retribution!)
The flavour of this fried fish is endless! I can’t stop my chopsticks! It’s so good I want to eat it with rice! Eh? Can I? Then I’ll help myself. I’ll eat this rice ball, then!
Ah! So satisfying!
Miss’ future husband is going to be so lucky! Hahahaha….
Kei: So. Why did you come back so casually after going out to eat food?!!
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m ashamed of myself…
Kei: A samurai should stick to his word! Where did all that energy you had when you rushed out this morning go?!!
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it’s because Miss’ food was so good, I accidentally forgot my original objective…
Suzukake: How lucky, you got to eat the princess’ homemade cooking.
Enishi: Good grief. Let’s not even talk about the food I made, all I got was severe criticism. Huu...
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m sorry. Hey, where’s Saneaki?
Kei: He just went out. If he can’t do it either, then there’s nothing we’ll be able to do.
Track 7 - Saneaki
(The sun is about to set, and the number of pedestrians passing the bridges has fallen. If the information obtained is correct, the cloth dealer’s young master should pass by here around this time. To get to the truth about these marriage rumours, and the fact that he’s been close to other women, I’ll get to the bottom of this here. If there are any surprises…
No… of course, I don’t plan to cut him down. But if it’s just... the back of the blade, then there should be no problem.
W-What was I just thinking? I’m just going to talk to him.
But… contaminating her beautiful and flawless heart, this is a very serious crime.
Hm? That figure… It’s her? Why? At this time?
I can’t believe I’d see her while waiting for the young master… if she asks me what I’m doing, I’ll have no way to answer her. 
Ugh, did she notice me?)
What a coincidence.
To meet in a place like this. Although… where were you going at a time like this?
Tsuzuramaru-dono forgot something at the restaurant? 
(What was he doing? That Tsuzuramaru-dono…)
Ah, if that’s the case, I can return it to him. No, it’s fine. I have plans to see him again soon, so it’s no trouble. 
Hm? Is something wrong?
Are you that surprised that he and I made plans to meet?
(Ah! No, if you think about it, it is strange! I usually live in the mountains far away from Edo, it’s already unusual for me to be on the streets. Not only that, but to also say I’m meeting with Tsuzuramaru-dono, she’ll definitely think something happened.)
Ah, no, Tsuzuramaru-dono and I were… I know, we promised to train together.
Yes, it was a favour he asked of me. I planned to meet up with him for a few duels.
(Looks like she believes me. So the princess's heart is this pure and flawless.
Plus, my heart is hurting as well.)
Hm? N-No, you don’t have to join us. Although I’m aware you're very passionate about the naginata, it is not appropriate to meet men at night.
Even if you ask me… I can’t…
(Oh no… hearing me mention practice… her eyes are sparkling… If I say it was just a lie, then she’ll know I deceived her. But, I can’t bear to refuse her like this. 
Is there something I could say that wouldn’t hurt her but make her give up…?)
M-My apologies, but wouldn’t it be too difficult for you? This will be very intense training. It’s not something someone should go into without being fully aware of what it is.
What kind of training is it? Well… that…
(F-For me to lie to a pure-hearted girl… please forgive me for my sins!)
We will cross blades at Mount Nabebuta. With a single slice, we will be able to cleave through rocks and trees, split even the earth and ocean, make mountains erupt flames, to raise gales on flat ground, this atypical power passed under the heavens, the true swordsmanship that governs the universe and all living things! That! Is that we will be training for. 
(Is what I said, but what sort of samurai like that would exist?! Even someone like her would notice…!)
I-I see… you think that’s impressive.
No… that… isn’t much.
(S-She believed me? E-Even though I was the one who said it… but to believe even those words is really… Ah… Her trusting eyes… seeing them now pains me!)
What? You want to watch us despite all that? No! E-Even watching us will be difficult.
The reason? The reason is…
(I’ve reached my limit… if I keep betraying her trust in me and continuing saying nonsense… I… I…—)
There’s no possible way I could do that!!
(Oh, God! Please forgive this most sinful servant of yours!)
Track 8 - Sakyo
Everyone: *sigh*
Enishi: Look, even Saneaki looks like he’s gone through a tough battle.
Suzukake: It seems so… Tsuzuramaru aside, Saneaki-san looks so defeated…
Enishi: It looks like the sun is setting soon, I can’t believe the mood got even heavier.
Suzukake: *sigh* We’ve really at the end of our ropes, what do we do now?
Enishi: Oi, Kei, don’t you have any good ideas?
Kei: Don’t ask me, go ask Sagihara. ...Huh? Where did he go?
Enishi: Huh? Now that you say it I haven’t seen him for a while.
Suzukake: Sakyo-san had a really scary face all day, is he going to be alright? When he first heard what Enishi told us, he almost lost his head…
Kei: That was the first time I’ve seen Sagihara make a face that scary before. Don’t tell me… something happened…?
Enishi: No… is what I’d like to say, but I’ve been having a bad feeling about this…
Suzukake: A bad feeling?
Kei: Don’t you remember? When we first met up…
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Enishi: You don’t think he really took his sword and…?
Suzukake: Eh?! Then we have to go stop him!
Kei: I don’t want to believe it but, with a face like that he really might have gone and done it.
Enishi: In any case, we have to hurry…!
Suzukake: Yep! Come on, Tsuzuramaru, Saneaki-san! You have to pull yourself together for the princess!
Tsuzuramaru: A-Ah, sorry. Now’s not the time to be all down!
Saneaki: Even I had been… Let’s hurry and find Sagihara-dono!
Sakyo: Without knowing it I came to the storefront…
(Just thinking about her marriage partner gives me goose bumps all over my body in disgust. To cheat and marry a girl who doesn’t know any better, what a despicable man! Absolutely unforgivable.
Princess. I will definitely rescue you from the claws of this demon!
For that sake… yes, I have no choice but to draw support from the power of my blade!
Oh? It seems I have been discovered.)
Good evening, Princess.
Are you alright? To step outside at night like this is dangerous. You stepped out because you saw me?
Thank you very much.
Truthfully, I came to find you because I had something I wished to talk to you about.
Eh? Everyone has been saying they were looking for you?
(That’s true… everyone has been very worried about this issue. You did not change your mind no matter who came to you… That is why, I will use this sword…! 
But I cannot do that in a place with so many people. I must find a place much darker, more quiet, somewhere where nobody can disturb me…)
Princess, are you willing to experience the night breeze with me for a while?
Kei: Oi! Is he over there?
Suzukake: He’s not! Where did Sakyo-san take the princess off to?
Kei: Sagihara!! Where are you? Come out!!
Suzukake: Sakyo-san!! Don’t hide anymore!
Tsuzuramaru: He really did go to the store, but I didn’t think we’d be a step too late… I didn’t think he’d take Miss, and not the young master…
Enishi: Sakyo wouldn’t get violent towards the princess, would he?!
Suzukake: N-No way! That wouldn’t happen, right?!
Tsuzuramaru: How could this have happened? Miss!! Where are you?
Saneaki: Isn’t he nearby? We should search the opposite side next…
Sakyo: Oh…?
Everyone: W-We found you!!
Sakyo: W-What is it? Staring at me like I am some exotic creature… and being so loud.
Kei: You have the gall to look that indifferent. We’ve been looking for you!
Sakyo: I do not know what happened, but can you step aside? The princess and I have a place we must go, please do not disturb us.
Suzukake: A place you have to go… w-where?
Enishi: Don’t tell me it’s the Underworld…?
Sakyo: The Underworld? Hm…
Sakyo: Haha. Well, if I am with the Princess, then that place does not sound bad…
Tsuzuramaru: Wh—
Saneaki: I knew it… it’s like that…
Sakyo: I was just teasing, your faces are all so pale. I was simply playing—
Tsuzuramaru: Even if you’re Sakyo, I won’t let you get away with it!
Sakyo: Excuse me—?
Tsuzuramaru: Miss! You can’t lose your life here! Come over here, run!
Sakyo: Where do you think you’re going? Wait!
Enishi: Tsuzuramaru, that guy’s getting the spotlight! As if I’ll let him! Just you wait—
Saneaki: …There’s no choice.
Suzukake: W-Wait! Everybody!
Kei: That idiot! Dammit…
Sakyo: I… I finally caught you… Princess… come, this time… you and I will… together… go…
Tsuzuramaru: I… I won’t let you! Sakyo! Think about it again properly!
Sakyo: No matter how many times I think, my feelings will not change!
Kei: You finally drew your sword, huh, you blockhead!
Saneaki: Sagihara-dono! Do you really think doing this will make the princess happy?
Suzukake: Exactly, Sakyo-san! Come on, put the sword down!
Sakyo: I politely decline the offer. No matter how many times my hand must grasp this sword, I must tell the princess how I feel!
Tsuzuramaru: I won’t let you! Miss, please hide behind me!
Sakyo: You’re naive, Tsuzuramaru-dono.
Sakyo: Oh? There’s a flying riceball in the sky!
Tsuzuramaru: What? Where?
Sakyo: An opening!
Tsuzuramaru: Dammit! Miss!
Enishi: What the hell are you doing, Tsuzuramaru? How could you fall for that?
Sakyo: Hehe. For Tsuzuramaru-dono to think he would win against me, he is a hundred years early for that!
Sakyo: Princess. I truly want to bring you to a very beautiful place. But please, allow me to use this blade to… to blade to…
Everyone: STOP!!
Sakyo: ...give to you! From now on, my family treasures and myself will belong to you!
Everyone: WHAT???
Sakyo: Even after these five’s persuasion, you haven't changed your mind. Since you still want to be paired with someone, then you will have no reason to be paired with that person! Allow me to take you as my bride! So, Princess, you no longer need to be by another person’s side!
Kei: Can you not make it about that?!
Enishi: Right! Right! If you can propose to her can I propose too?!
Kei: That’s not the point either!!
Suzukake: You can be with the princess when you become the groom, right? Then I want to become the groom!
Tsuzuramaru: W-What?! Then me too!! I want to eat Miss’ delicious food every day!
Saneaki: No, no, a groom is a man who can manage the family. If that’s the case then I am the best choice, when it comes to cooking I have some confidence in myself.
Kei: Did any of you guys even listen to me?!!!!
Sakyo: Princess, you do not have to listen to the others. Throw away the cloth dealer’s young master. All you have to do is choose me. Come, Princess!
Tsuzuramaru: M-Miss? Miss? Are you alright?
Enishi: She must be overwhelmed with how she couldn’t even cut in…
Saneaki: You’re asking what this is all about?
Sakyo: What do you mean? We…
Suzukake: We heard you were getting married… so… 
Enishi: Right, and it’s the young master from the cloth dealer, right? But I don’t think that guy will make you happy.
Kei: Sorry, but I saw that guy go out with another girl.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s why we’ve been coming to you, so you can think about this marriage more carefully!
Tsuzuramaru: Eh? You haven’t been thinking about getting married?
Sakyo: But your house seems to have a dowry…
Saneaki: The dowry is your neighbour’s?
Suzukake: Eh? You’re just minding it because they’re not home?
Tsuzuramaru: W-Wait, but there’s been rumours that Miss and the young master were getting married?
Kei: O-Oi, Enishi! What’s going on? Didn’t you say the young master’s getting married to her?
Enishi: Yeah, that’s what I heard! And I was listening properly! The young master’s marriage partner is energetic, is good at cooking, her voice is as clear as a bell, and even flowers will bloom on the road where she walks. She’s so slender she looks like she would break at a touch, but her willpower is stronger than most people. And the most important thing: I heard she has a cute smile!
Enishi: It’s definitely the princess! Even now I think I’m right! That’s how it is! What do you think, you lot?
Tsuzuramaru: …I agree.
Suzukake: That’s true…
Saneaki: I see… Well, it’s not like I don’t understand how Enishi-dono feels.
Kei: WHERE?! You got it completely wrong!!
Sakyo: Wait a second… so what you are saying… is that this is all… a misunderstanding?
Enishi: Ah… It… seems… so. Hehe, but knowing the princess isn’t getting married is good news!
Kei: It’s. Not. Good. News. At. ALLLL!!!
Track 9 - Ending
Sakyo: Apologies for intruding.
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, if it isn’t Sakyo.
Sakyo: Tsuzuramaru-dono? And everyone else seems to have gathered here...
Enishi: Yep, and with you we’ll all be present. Can you sit with everyone? Sit here.
Sakyo: To visit the princess again… it seems everyone had the same idea.
Suzukake: Mhm, I caused trouble for the princess, so I bought some tea sweets as a gift for her.
Saneaki: Everyone all came here for the same reason.
Enishi: Anyway, it doesn’t need to be said, doesn’t matter which one of us it is, we all want to see the princess, right? Right, Kei?
Kei: D-Don’t touch me! You’re the one who needs to reflect on himself the most!
Tsuzuramaru: But, even though we brought trouble to Miss, to know that this time it was all just a misunderstanding was good. After reflecting my stomach couldn’t help but grumble, what can you do?
Enishi: Well… can’t you see Sakyo’s dripping in cold sweat?
Sakyo: T-That is not because I am here to apologise… please do not talk about it. You are being spiteful.
Suzukake: Let’s calm down, the both of you. Enishi, don’t make Sakyo angry.
Enishi: Alright, alright. Well… why isn’t the princess here yet?
Sakyo: Oh? That is strange… did she leave the restaurant today?
Saneaki: Yes, her father was the one who seated us.
Kei: That’s unusual. Usually she’ll rush back to welcome us. What is she doing…?
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t tell me… she’s been mad at us these past few days, so she doesn’t want to see us anymore?
Suzukake: Eh?! We didn’t make the princess hate us, did we?
Enishi: N-No way… we’re talking about the kind-hearted princess here! There’s no way that’s it…
Saneaki: But if it is… we should prepare ourselves just in case.
Kei: Don’t say something like that so seriously.
Sakyo: It does not look like we need to do that kind of preparation.
Suzukake: Ah! Princess! You came! That’s good!
Suzukake: Eh? The kimono you’re wearing today isn’t the same as the one you normally wear.
Tsuzuramaru: It… it suits you well!
Saneaki: I see… you got your other one wet, so you changed your clothes… 
Enishi: Oh, it was just that? Buuuut… hmhm! Not bad! It’s more mature than your usual look, it adds to your womanliness!
Kei: Why’re you saying stuff like that? She hasn’t changed from how she normally is, or whatever.
Sakyo: It is good if that is the case. Kei-dono, why can’t you look at her?
Kei: Shut up!
Sakyo: Heh. Well, I cannot say I do not understand that kind of feeling too. That said, Princess, this is a gift to make up for that day. Please accept it.
Sakyo: No, please do. If you cannot, then my feelings will not be able to recover.
Sakyo: Phew… now I will be able to breathe in relief.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m really sorry, Miss. I got you involved in all that… Haha, seeing you able to laugh like that, it’s already something I can appreciate.
Suzukake: Ah, a customer is calling for you. Sorry for disturbing your work.
Saneaki: Don’t mind us, you should go back to work.
Kei: We’ll call you after we decide what to order.
Tsuzuramaru: Even though we caused nothing but trouble for her… she’s still… such a kind-hearted girl!
Sakyo: Yes, I agree.
Enishi: That’s because she's that kind of princess. That’s why we can’t stop watching her. Ignoring the whole thing with the cloth dealer’s young master, a wonderful woman like her, even if it was someone else we wouldn’t let her go easily.
Saneaki: The so-called fusion of reality and rumors. The customers watch over her too.
Suzukake: You’re right… they’re looking at her and talking about something. 
Tsuzuramaru: Shh. Don’t talk…
Suzukake: What’s wrong? All of a sudden...
Tsuzuramaru: Those men over there, just now, they were talking about the rumours about Miss… 
Tsuzuramaru: WHAAAAT!!
Tsuzuramaru: This time… he wants to get married to Miss???
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sakyo: I have had enough of this!!
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cookiedoughmeagain · 4 years
Haven DVD Commentary, episode 5.19 - Perditus
Commentary with Lucas Bryant and Adam Higgs (co-writer for the episode) - and also occasionally featuring Josh even though he is theoretically not part of the commentary.
AH: I haven’t seen this since writing it a few months ago so this is going to be interesting LB: I haven’t seen this either AH: So this was a bit of a battle to find out what we were going to do with Gloria as the ME in terms of how is she able to keep bodies cold in this new post-apocalyptic Haven? And we came up with the idea of an ice cream truck and we just fell in love with it. And we brought back this Benji’s brand that had been in previous episodes. LB: Right. I wish that some of that would have been explained to a guy like me. Because I remember rolling up that day. And I was like; What the … what? What is happening here? And then I got it. Now I get it. But for a moment there I was a little distressed. 
LB: It was pretty sad, but then hilarious at the same time, because Charlotte is lying there on the counter of the ice cream truck. AH: Yeah we’ve started this commentary pretty comedic, but this is fairly heavy subject matter here. Poor Dwight. And I remember writing this, one of the things we always had to keep in mind was just the idea of having to deal with grief. And to make sure that what’s happened in terms of Charlotte dying is reflected in the emotions of the characters in the script, and keeping an eye on that in the dialogue throughout, in terms of how they’re dealing with things. LB: Yeah. It’s sad everytimes, because it’s inevitable, on Haven, that almost everyone dies at some point. So you meet these new people, in this case Laura Mennell joined the cast this year and got on very well with everyone. But we knew that inevitably at some point she was probably going to meet some kind of gruesome end. AH: It is sad, because we love the characters, we love the actors. What’s interesting those is that we loved Laura so much - she was originally scheduled for her last episode to be the previous one, 18 - we wanted to give her one more farewell and have another episode to have that time to say goodbye to her. And so that’s where this episode came in and we were able to re-negotiate and get Laura for one more episode. But it’s like you say, it is sad to always have to say goodbye to these characters and actors that we grow to love. LB: Well we should tell her that - does she know that she eeked another episode out of her existence? AH: I don’t know. I remember it was sad, we were doing the tone calls with the actors - as the writers it’s a tool we use to communicate what we were trying to do. Which is where we should have talked to Lucas about that ice cream truck. And it was a sad tone call at the end with Laura, just like … OK bye! LB: Right, I know! And you don’t know what to say because you read the script - we get the scripts a couple days before we start shooting - so you know it’s coming but you read it and then it’s like; Oh there it is. And then the next day you see the actor and what do you say? Like, Hi so that sucks that you’re dead, now?
[Duke on screen] LB: Oh Balfour.
[Nathan looking through Charlotte’s journals] AH: Someone’s really nice handwriting there. LB: Yeah. Whose really nice handwriting? That really nice hand writing is not what I was reading then. AH: I love when you and Vince are in a scene together. You have great chemistry. It was always fun to write these scenes especially where they’re a little quieter. One of the things we tried to do in this second half of the season was pair up some of the actors and characters who hadn’t been together as much in the first half of the season, and we’d missed that report they have.
[Miss Fortuna’s Occult Shop] AH: Oh this is Gabrielle Miller, Canadian treasure. LB: Yes. And she was totally awesome, and game. She came in, and we had this one day where we were in this occult shop, and so we had all these scenes and she had so much to spit out. I think she’d just come the night before, she’d slept like 3 minutes and then been sent to wardrobe and brought to set, and she was totally pro and game and cool. AH: That’s awesome. We drop a lot of actors in and they have to just hit the ground running. There’s not a lot of time to get caught up on what’s going on, especially when you get dropped in the middle of a serialised show like this. So big credit to those actors and to the directors, as well as the existing cast who make them feel at home. LB: But totally to her too. I remember for some of those scenes thinking; this is some of the weirdest, hardest stuff, I have ever had to do. Because the danger and the intensity that’s happening with the Tarot cards that we’re dealing with. AH: And the mythology that she’s putting in there too, and this is the first time she’s heard of any of this, she hasn’t been living with it for five seasons like the viewers have.
[Dave on screen] LB: I love John and Richard AH: They’re awesome. LB: They are just awesome. Any time that any of us got to work with them, I know we all loved it.
[Ona on screen with the failed/faked seance] LB: And this was hard, as a guest actor, this was really hard to do. I remember thinking; What the …? And it’s so stationary, so still - and you know the music is going to build the tension, but all of that music is not happening at the time.
Josh: Hey Adam, do you want to talk about where you came up with the episode name, Perditus? AH: Yes, oh my goodness. We could not - Gab and I - for the life of us could not figure out a name for this episode. And we went around in circles on it. And finally, we both have great love for the West Wing and Aaron Sorkin and his titles are often in Latin. So we wondered could we do the same thing and just put something cool in Latin. And I think we had Josh look it up … what does Perditus mean Josh. Josh; I think it’s Time. No, Lost. AH: Yes, because the theme of the episode is lost; trying to regain what you’ve lost. LB: I like that.
[Dave on screen] LB: Some of you may know John Dunsworth’s work from Trailer Park Boys, where he spent a lot of time being very freaking drunk. AH: It’s a kids show, right? LB: It’s a kids show *laughs*, So I mean the guy can do it unbelievably well, but I thought it was very cool to see Dave drunk. Because Dave drunk was not like Lahey drunk. AH: It was not.
[Duke’s vision] LB: Look at that, that looks very cool. AH: It does, and this was fun. The post-apocalyptic portion of this episode is something that we had wanted to do the whole season on Haven. We had been sliding this epsiode from the very first day I started working on this show, we were talking about a whole episode to be set in the future, and we put it all over the place, we were thinking mid-season finale, finale, all sorts of options. We wanted to see these post-apocalyptic scenes to give stakes to what’s coming, this Croatoan mystery. But we couldn’t find the perfect spot for a full episode and then we figured well what if it’s just a portion of an episode? And that’s how it was finally able to see some life here in 5.19. And I think, the Trouble we were going to use to send everyone to the future, we ended up using to send everyone to the past. And I’m sure that will part of that commentary there in that episode. Josh: That’s the next one. AH: Yeah so stay tuned! I don’t know why I keep trying to sell these, since anyone listening has already bought the DVD. LB: Yeah, if you haven’t - go out and purchase the DVD that’s currently in your DVD player. AH: You should have two, just in case. Accidents happen. LB: That’s right.
[Audrey and Nathan on screen] LB: My aether ball. AH: Did you get to keep the aether ball? LB No. AH: Did you take anything from the set? Any souvenirs? LB: I took all sorts of things, inside. Like, emotions. AH: And you left some things behind as well, in other people’s hearts. LB: Um .. I have the slate from the episode that I directed. AH: Fantastic episode by the way. LB: Thank you. Everyone signed it and they gave it to me at the end after the last shot, and it was very special. So that is my cherished memento. AH: Did you find that you changed any way in which - I should not be talking over Adam Copeland’s incredible scene here [picking up Charlotte’s body] LB: They will watch it without the commentary AH: This is some powerful stuff here. But yeah, after directing did you find that your approach to acting had changed at all? [Dwight and Audrey taking each other’s hands just before Charlotte comes back to life] LB: That’s beautiful. I really like that shot. AH: Great shot. LB: Um, yes, definitely I have changed. I think I used to be much more of an ass hole. AH: I wouldn’t agree with that. LB: But now I am just much more open to … anything, I guess. I realised how helpful it is for people to … be helpful, when you’re trying to get stuff done. So just getting on board with what ever was going on, just quicker and more easily, I think was something that changed in me. But then also I realised too, I was talking in the last commentary about how different it was being a director and seeing how actors work and having such a different feeling about being an actor. But then when I went back to just being an actor, again it was hard to do anything besides just be in that actor headspace.
[Charlotte remembering] LB: This is very cool AH: I like these flashbacks. I don’t know who the editor was on this episode but - fantastic job.
Josh; Do you remember, there was such an ordeal, we weren’t allowed to use the word ‘zombie’ anywhere in the script? AH: Ah yes. Josh; We changed it to ghouls. LB: Why weren’t we allowed to use zombie? Josh: There’s so much zombie stuff out there; Walking Dead, Z-Nation, LB: But if there were dead things that were walking around, wouldn’t we call them zombies? Josh: But they don’t on the Walking Dead either, interestingly. They never use the term zombie
[Vickie drawing on the paving stones in Duke’s vision] AH: Oh this is a cool scene. This is one of the first things that came to mind when Gab and I were putting these future flash-forwards together. LB: This is great. AH: Did they have a wind machine? Josh: I think it honestly was just that windy. I could be making that up - I wasn’t there. LB: It could very well have been. AH: It all looks great. I think Shawn Pillar might have shot some of these scenes. Great job Shawn. Josh; I believe that’s true. And by this stage, I think it was starting to get very cold up in Canada, because this is longer than the show was usually in production. People start to wear overcoats towards the end of the season, which never happened before. LB: Right, because they were back in Chester [for those flash-foward/vision scenes]. This is when we’d moved now to shoot in Halifax [Dwight punches a hole in the police station wall] AH: Wow, love that LB: Yep. That’s Adam’s old life as a computer programmer coming in handy, smashing shit up - get that code right. But yes so we were in Halifax at this point and they were sending out another unit to Chester to go back and shoot that apocalyptic stuff. AH: This was also a fun part of the episode, putting Emily and Adam together, it’s good to see them play off each other. And you and Emily have great chemistry together, even though you’re not actually talking to each other for this phone call here - little know fact they are not actually on the phone with each other and we are not actually shooting these two scenes at the exact same time. LB: Right. I have Joanne *attempts impersonation and gives up* reading out lines.
[Dave getting his stuff together] AH: So here we have the ather detecting device, and this is an intersting story as well. We had written this episode or were breaking it, and I was down at comic con visiting the Haven booth were fellow writer Nick Parker was doing a signing and I looked in the booth and there was a box of props from the set that was going to go on tour with the booth through a bunch of other cities. And we kind of needed it, in a week’s time, back in Halifax to shoot this episode. LB: *laughing* What? AH: So I saw it and I was like - Isn’t that …? I just wrote that, I need that. We need to get that back. There was a slight level of panic for about ten seconds.
[Audrey finds Herb eating Lainey in the occult shot] LB: There were a lot of big laughs here. It was yucky and gross; he was eating her. But we were like; this is, mental. And they had all sorts of tests of Herb coming up with different sized and shaped things in his mouth. There were certain skin flaps that looked like giant tongues. AH: I just want to give props to Emily for that whole chair routine [backing Herb into the cupboard]. That was a topic of conversation for many weeks of how exactly to do that. That was the original idea but we also went through so many others just because there was some concern as to whether that would look good. I think it looked fantastic and Emily did a great job. LB: She did. Emily kicks ass. AH: She’s a bad ass LB: She’s awesome. I’ve been talking all these great things about all these other people, but Emily is perpetually fantastic. She is the whole glue that makes this whole thing work. AH: Yes, we are very lucky with the cast on this show. It’s a pleasure to write for.
[Audrey talking to Ona] LB: I think this is one of my favourite lines, where Audrey is like; Herb was eating Lainey. AH: Yeah that was one of my favourites. And here’s the [Crocker] journal again, very happy to keep using this prop. We have some great props. And like the aether detecting device, we love the look of them .And when we can go back and use them again we love it.
[Dwight finds Charlotte out at ‘their spot’] AH: Ah and here’s Adam Copeland. This was a heart wrenching scene to write, I’m very curious to see how it came out. LB: I am too. AH: I like the contrast of this with the darkness of the scenes with the ghouls. It is so sad that this is Charlotte’s last episode. But we were really happy because we wanted to give Dwight some more depth this season, and have Adam stretch his acting abilities too, and that’s why we were really happy to bring in a love interest for him. And to see him get to play that kind of thing, and I think this was a great success, this relationship that’s built through these last few episodes. LB: Yep, I agree completely. And I said it in the last commentary but, Laura is fantastic and brought some excellent new colour to the show as Dr Cross. AH: Who we named like nine times. LB: She was Olivia for a while. Carly before that. But I was so … maybe everyone’s going to know I have a big crush on the computer programmer but … Adam was really - you threw him all sorts of new stuff this year and he did an exceptional job.
[Vince to Dave: Together until the end of all things] AH: I love that line, I had to put that in there. LB: It’s beautiful
AH: Oh here we are again in freaky future Haven, I’m excited to see what this looks like LB: This is very cool AH: Hey the cricket bat! Anyone see that cricket bat? A little nod there to one of my favourite … *gets distracted by watching* [Vince with his white eyes] LB: I think Balfour is really good when he doesn’t know what the hell is going on AH: He’s playing it very well LB: One of my favourite episodes of all time was the time travel back to 1955 AH: He does a great job with that stuff, where he’s in a situation where he’s just like; What the hell is going on? And this was fun to send him, because we were planning this future apocalyptic episode for a while and working out who would go - at one point it was going to be Nathan. And one point Nathan was going to be this kind of despot in the future, actually, we had played with that for a while. [Duke picks up the cricket bat] Cricket bat! Shaun of the Dead! Yey!
[Dwight and Nathan on screen, getting in each other’s faces as they argue] LB: This fucking guy … AH: You can see that they just want to go computer programme right now LB: Let’s get through this, and lets go sit at our two-man work station and get through some code AH: That’s the spin off. If you’re wondering what happens after
[Ghouls trying to get into the station] AH: Oh that looks great! Look at all those hands. So were you method in this scene? Just going all out smashing arms? LB: No, I wasn’t, sadly. The cricket bat that I had there was not - well there was a real one and a not-real one. A foam one. So you can swing that hard, but the problem is that you can’t hit things too hard because it will just bend and look ridiculous. But the background performers that were playing the ghouls did really go for it, and were having to reach through these scratchy doors in this not-comfortable space for … hours at a time. They really went for it.
[Duke coming out of his vision] AH: What a pleasure to have Seth here. Kris Lemche is amazing LB: Yep AH: And this is the fun of doing a genre show like Haven, where you just get to really dial in on the characters and using metaphor and stuff and you can really visualise it using flashbacks and all these things. It’s a joy where you can carry these character arcs to fruition but you get to do it in a more exciting way than a scene where just two people are talking.
LB: She - Ona (Meredith) - was fantastic. Hilarious, and ridiculous. One of those examples of someone who has to come in and go for it out of nowhere. We had a really good time. She’s a great actress and she was stupid funny. AH: She’s a comedic actress I think. LB: Yeah.
[Charlotte; I hate the fact that I'll never see her again after this, but that hate, it doesn't outweigh the love I gained in getting to know her.] AH: And I think that’s how we feel about Laura Mennell Josh; Who wanted to be here by the way. She wanted to come and do commentary, but she’s stuck in Vancouver. As is Adam Copeland.
[Zombies start falling over dead] AH: Ooof. There’s no matts there, either. That’s impressive stuff. LB: It was. They really went for it. AH: Props to the extras, and casting. And the directors too LB: Props to everybody. But I remember, that was a long day and that was one of the things they shot at the end. And they did a couple takes where they just crumpled out of frame, but they needed to get a shot of the zombies actually hitting the ground. And I remember cringing as I watched, and not being sure if they would get up again, But they did. AH: They’re all alive. No zombies were hurt in the making of this film.
[Audrey talking to Nathan after she’s said goodbye to Charlotte] AH: And this was something we worked on with you and Emily in crafting these scenes between Audrey and Nathan, because they’re in a point in the relationship where you can understand one another but at the same time give her the space she needs. And I thought you pulled this off really well LB: Oh goood, thank you. I remember this was where I had to say void, shroud, thinny in the same sentence. Josh: And controller crystal LB: Right. AH: That’s a bingo LB: 17 points for me
[Dwight and Charlotte saying goodbye] LB: Aw that’s nice. Really nice AH: That’s a nice scene. It’s not easy having to do so many things in an episode. One moment it’s a love scene, then you’re killing somebody, you’re in pain. We really throw you guys through the wringer LB: Well but it’s not easy for you either, to tell these stories, all of those stories in one. AH: And there she goes. Poor Dwight Josh: He’s been through so much AH: Yeah we just … can Dwight catch a break? And look at that - turning on a dime there from rage to anger. LB: So good, Adam Copeland!
[Duke stealing a car to part ways with Seth] AH: And here’s another goodbye. A lot of relationships breaking here. I tried to get Eric a muscle car in an earlier episode and it got changed. But we had to give him one at some point LB: Damn these guys are good. Really nice. AH: I’m just watching, they’re so good. Josh: And what I also love about this is that there’s no need to explain that Duke hot wired the car. You just know that’s something Duke can do. AH: That was fantastic. Well done guys. Lemche great to have.
[Vince and Dave walking through a rubbish strewn Haven and into the Herald] AH: Look what’s happened to Haven here Josh: It’s so nice to see all the trash here, because there are so many shows and movies where somewhere is abandoned for months and yet the town looks perfect and pristine. AH: I think this is one of the last days we were in Chester LB: Ah they’re so good. If I can be half … half of them
AH: So there we go, episode 19. A pleasure to have worked on LB: A pleasure to have worked on too. Very well done, congratulations AH: Well done to you, and to Josh.
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
SFW Alphabet - Good Omens Crowley x Reader
A/N: So here are my SFW Crowley x Reader Alphabet headcanons! I'll repost it with the tags because I gotta do this bit through HTML and apparently tags don't like that. The Aziraphale ones will be coming shortly. Anyway, enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Crowley is affectionate in his own unique way. He’s definitely more on the Act of Service or Physical Affection side of things. In public? PDA all the way, whether its holding hands, arm wrapped around your shoulder, small kisses wherever he knows he can get away with. You aren’t sure if he likes touching you or just wants the world to know that you are his and he is yours or a combination of the two, but its always a constant. As for the acts of service, well, they are often meant well and are thought out, but they don’t always work out the way he wants. You appreciate it either way.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) He’d be a protective friend, I feel. He doesn’t have very many (read: one) people he’d consider friends and none of which are human. He’d be protective of you because, in his eyes, you are fragile, and he doesn’t want to lose you. He’d just like spending time with you doing what interests you, as long as you go drinking afterwards. Most likely met him when you were both out on the town, he would have been drinking and/or tempting and you showed him kindness and snark in a weird mix that he’s never experienced before. It confused him and wanted to know how it worked which eventually lead to your friendship.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Let me be clear, he will never, ever ask for cuddles. You’ve gotta read the room to see if he’s in the mood. First thing in the morning, cuddles are a must, its not even a question. Normally you’d wake up with him pressed up against you, his arms locked tightly around you regardless of what position you end up in. If he just needs affection, he has two ways of getting your attention. Laying next to you as you are fiddling on your laptop or reading a book and slowly but surely, pushing his head into your lap and slowly he turns his body so his back is against your chest and his legs are tangled with yours, making sure to position himself in such a way that you have to throw away whatever you are doing and focus on just cuddling him. Alternatively, he goes into his snake form and slowly slither up until he can coil in the warmth of your lap as you absentmindedly stroke his scales as he naps.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) I don’t think you guys ever really have a talk about settling down or moving in, it just…happens? You end up staying over at his place more and more until you realise that you are paying rent for somewhere you haven’t been to in over a month and just decide to move the few things you had left in and break your lease. Crowley either doesn’t mention it or doesn’t notice. You do most of the cooking because Crowley’s version of cooking is pouring wine into a glass. Cleaning tends to be more of a joint job because Crowley likes a clean and spacious environment, so he doesn’t feel claustrophobia like he does in Hell.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) I have a feeling if it was a short term thing he’d just ghost you and if you ran into him he’d just say something like ‘oh things got busy and yeah I don’t think this is working’ in a kinda jerk way but kinda not? Just blunt because he can’t deal with tears and stuff. If it was long term, something pretty drastic would have to come by in order for him to want to end things (and it’d most likely be for your protection, or if you did something like cheat etc.) but he’d go about it by trying to make you hate him, so you break it off. Chances are, it’d end with a lot of shouting and an argument that was one for the ages.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) With Crowley, marriage really isn’t high on his list, he’d rather spend time with you and enjoy life without having to put it to paper. In his mind, its pointless. He doesn’t need a ceremony to show the world he loves you. If you wanted a wedding though, he’d be down and would participate equally in the prep. The ball would be in your court for how long the engagement goes for, however.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Crowley knows how to read a room. He can tell when all you need is a hug and some kind words. Its not often he will generally be just gentle with you, he just tends to be Crowley. But when it’s needed, he can be.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He isn’t a massive hugger, he tends to prefer cuddles. You usually have to initiate them and although they are usually brief, they are always warm, tight and full of love for you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) I don’t think he would say the l word that often, it’s just implied through his actions and how devoted he is to you. If he does say it, its in response to you telling him or in retaliation to him or you doing something dangerously stupid (‘You know I love you right?’ ‘What did you do this time?’). On the occasion that it slips out, it’s almost nonchalant, like he doesn’t realise he’s said it. Usually this is when he’s saying bye on the phone, or if he’s in a half-awake state and he’s feeling particularly affectionate.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) It doesn’t take a lot to make him jealous, but it takes a bit to make him act on it. He knows you weren’t going to cheat in anyway, but if there is a guy or gal who won’t let up? He will sashay his way over and make it clear that you are taken, usually with an overly passionate kiss or a bite to the neck that ends with his arms around your waist as he leans in against you, glaring at the creep until they get the point.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) When it’s on the mouth - passionate, it’s very rare that you will get a chaste kiss. Always heated, always having some tongue involvement. Anywhere else, it depends on where you are? In public he may just rest his lips against your neck or press a gentle kiss to the inner part of your wrist, or he may just go full on necking if the mood hits him right. It doesn’t really matter where he kisses you, he just loves the action and the meaning behind it. The only time you get annoyed is when you’re in public and he wants a full make out sesh or the few times that he’s lightly bitten you when you weren’t paying enough attention to him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He is good with children because children love his honesty and overall aesthetic. I don’t think he’d want a child but if you accidently fell pregnant or adopted a family member’s kid, I think he’d be a very loving and devoted father, he just fears becoming one.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Lazy mornings are the norm. If you have work and try to get out of bed, you better be quick because he will pull you in for ‘5 more minutes’ of snuggling. When you eventually get him to either let you go or get out of bed, he is still very touchy-feely and just wants to be with you. If he needs to rush somewhere, its almost comical to see him try to get into his jeans and run out the door in a hurry. On those rare days where neither of you have somewhere to go, you just lay in bed in each other’s company, talking, making out, only getting out of bed to make a cup of tea then come straight back to bed.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Sometimes you go to Aziraphale’s and have a drink or two, sometimes you stay at home and have a drink or two. To be honest, most of your nights either end up with alcohol, sex or listening to Queen quietly as you both rant about your days or just share things between you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) To begin with? It felt like you were sharing everything and Crowley either wasn’t interested or couldn’t be open with you. Over time, you began to realise that Crowley is usually a very guarded individual, Hell will do that to you. But, as he slowly began to grow more comfortable, he slowly started letting his walls fall and things began to slip. About how and why he Fell, his life before you, what Hell is really like, what he really wanted for humanity, how frustrating he finds Aziraphale’s complete devotion to Heaven but understands it because he was once the same. He finds it easier to talk to you when he’s not facing you, when he’s leaning up against you and you are just spending that time listening and tracing patterns. The true moment you realised he was opening up to you was when you realised he stopped wearing his sunglasses around you when you were home. Crowley is very much an actions speak louder than words type of guy, and when you realised he wasn’t wearing them you knew he fully trusted you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Not very. Don’t get me wrong, he won’t get upset if you forget certain things or if you’ve had a bad day and haven’t been able to be your usual self. But if something is taking too long or if something is bothering him, you’ll soon find out. The only exception is he’s patient with you. If your mental health is playing up? He’s by your side until you can pick yourself back up again. Had a hard day? He will order take out and spend his time listening to you and comforting you through your tears. You keep repeating the same story until you can fully process what’s going on and will accept and take on advice from your friendly neighbourhood demon? I mean, I’m not saying he won’t be frustrated but he’s not gonna curse you out for it.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Crowley will act like he can’t remember thing but in actuality, everything you’ve ever said or mentioned to him he’s remembered and will remember. Will remember birthdays, anniversaries, who you like, who’s giving you bother, what you felt about the dinner you had at that American Bistro in Brighton on the 3rd of October, 2018. He is a demon after all and he knows his time with you is short – so he wants to remember every detail he can about your time together.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) When you decked Gabriel. There are a lot of moments that the both of you shared that are beautiful – most of them quiet and intimate – but there was no doubt that the apocodidnthappen caused a lot of stress on you over the 11 years that you spent trying to stop it and when it finally came to a head and Gabriel and Beelzebub came to Earth to see what stopped their beloved war? It hit the nail on the head for you. Gabriel wasn’t expecting it and Crowley couldn’t have been prouder as you decked the Archangel for ‘all the shit you’ve done to Aziraphale, you sick fuck’.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Incredibly protective. A lot of demonic miracles to make your life go smoother – you were worth the paper work – and touching when in public. Texting when you were apart to make sure you were ok and once even insisted that Aziraphale came in and checked on you when he had to go to Hell and you were sick, home with the flu. Would die and Fall all over again for you and even though it can be frustrating, it’s kind of flattering.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Would definitely put a lot of thought into gifts and anniversaries but dates tend to be pretty relaxed, which suits the both of you perfectly. He, however, wouldn’t buy you something or get you something without knowing 100% that you’d like it. Birthday gifts and anniversaries are often well thought and planned out, and always run perfectly.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) You don’t particularly like it when he shouts at his plants at 3 in the morning because he can’t sleep. You find that, if anything, extremely irritating. The fact that he won’t accept compliments drives you insane, the one time you called something he did ‘kind’, he yelled at you and didn’t speak to you for a week. It was a very awkward week. If there was one thing you could change, it’d definitely be that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Very.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) I think he’d feel the separation when you weren’t near. He isn’t one to think he needs you to ‘complete’ him per se but definitely feels an ache when you aren’t near him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) When he was evil Mary Poppins, he secretly wanted you to join him and Aziraphale in ‘bringing up the anti-christ right’ plan. You eventually agreed because 11 years apart in such a way was just not an option at that point. You’d only been officially together for three months, but you couldn’t bare the thought of breaking up with him. So, off you went. Aziraphale mentioned to Crowley about the love he felt which made Crowley react in his very Crowley way. Aziraphale, as a result, knew that the two of you were deeply in love with each other before the two of you had acknowledged it to yourself or indeed each other. Aziraphale then spent the next however many years trying to trip either of you up to admit it to each other.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He also probably wouldn’t like it if their partner just ‘followed the crowd’ or didn’t stick up for themselves or others when things were unfair or discriminatory. Also couldn’t stand it if you were rude to Aziraphale, that’s a nope goodbye and also here have a year’s worth of bad luck!
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Crowley loves to sleep. He once slept for a century and you didn’t blame him, to be honest. He tends to want to hold something while he sleeps and that ‘something’ generally ends up being you. He also snores but softly. He has a tendency to have nightmares, hence the holding onto something, but if you’re near he claims they tend to settle. Definitely a multi alarm kinda guy. He also slept for a month when you first started seeing each other, didn’t realise, texted you and got confused as to why you were acting short with him. Since then, he makes sure not to go into mini comas.
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I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
Rating: M
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 4964
Summary: Simon is on a blind date, but there’s this guy who keeps catching his attention. Based on “I’m going to save you from this bad date” request from @krisrix and “I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor” by Arctic Monkeys.
Read on AO3
AN: Hello, I am back after a reluctant prolonged absence. My health has been in the shitter. Bad headaches, little sleep, and low energy all suck. This is M rated to be safe but there isn’t really anything explicit, just implied sex and a lot of horniness lol. Hopefully you all like it :D (Edit for Tumblr: something fucked up and deleted the read more break. I'm on my phone rn but I'll fix it when I get home. Sorry!)
“This is a terrible idea,” I say again.
“It is not,” Penny replies, plucking lint off my shirt. “My friend says she’s really sweet and you two might get along.”
“And that matters because…?”
“Because you can’t stay cooped up at home. Time for you to go out and meet the world.” I blow air between my lips. “Don’t do your horse impression in front of her.”
I narrow my eyes. “Is setting me up on a blind date a way to vicariously fix your romantic life by fixing mine?”
“No, Mr. I Took One Psych Course.” I keep glaring at her. Penny’s shoulders fall slightly. “Okay, maybe. But I also think you two might be a good fit. So at least give it a shot, alright?”
I sigh heavily, shoving my hands in my pockets. “One drink.”
She grins brightly. “Awesome. I’ll be waiting back at the flat. Don’t stay too late.”
“I won’t. Bye, Pen.” 
“Bye, Si.” She presses a kiss to my cheek then walks off smiling. 
The second she’s out of sight, I slump forward with a groan. I don’t think she heard the resignation in my voice. Honestly, I really don’t want to do this. But I’m doing this for Penny, because she’s sad and I love her.
Ever since Micah broke up with her (arsehole), Penny has put the excess energy she used to waste on him into other things, including me. Guess if she can’t have a partner, she wants me to have one. Sure, I wouldn’t mind being with someone, it just hasn’t been a priority between uni and my mental health. Both are still not really great. I should be studying or something, but Pen says one night away won’t kill my GPA. She’s rarely ever wrong, hope she isn’t now. Hope this isn’t a total disaster…
I walk up to the nightclub door. It’s neon purple with a burly man at the entrance. I gulp down the lump in my throat. God, why am I so nervous? It’s just a date. This won’t kill me. I can do this. I won’t burst into flames no matter how much it feels like I will any fucking moment.
The burly man looks at me, the weirdo just standing six feet away from the door. “You going in or what, kid?”
I nod furiously. “Yeah, yeah, I am.”
He holds out his hand. “Fifteen pounds, please.”
My eyes bug out. I expect him to start laughing, but he stays stone faced. “Fifteen bloody quid?! Are you kidding me?!”
“Nope. Pay up or leave.”
I growl and pull out my wallet. I slap the bills in his hand. “Fucking rip off.”
“I don’t make the rules, mate.” He puts the money in his back pocket and lifts the black velvet rope. “Welcome to Club Violet.”
“Thanks,” I grumble. Fifteen fucking quid. What am I, the Queen?
Club Violet absolutely lives up to its name. The whole place is different shades of glowing purple. It’s like if Queen Victoria opened a royal dance club. People shake and jump in a huge sweaty clump on the main dance floor while techno pop blares around us. It’s actually a pretty good song. Wish it wasn’t so loud though. There’s metal stairs with a chrome railing leading to the upper level. I check my texts again. Okay, so she’ll be at the upper bar, wearing a shiny pink dress. Cool, cool, I can find her.
I push through some giggling dancers and a couple snogging against the wall to get to the stairs. The top level is less crowded, mostly just people talking with their heads very close together. They’re smiling, giggling, kissing. They look happy. My heart aches a bit. Huh, I actually miss that, more than I thought than I did. This might not be such a bad idea.
The bar is nestled at the back of the floor. Bartenders in posh black shirts and vests shake those silver shakers I’ve seen in Bond movies. And at the front of the bar, stirring a margarita is a blonde woman in a bright pink, sparkly dress. Okay, deep breath, you can do this.
I walk towards her, head held high. I stand next to her. She has a pretty face and golden brown eyes. Let’s hope this goes well.
“Uh, hi,” I say with only a little nervous hitch. “Agatha, right?”
She turns her head. Her mouth pulls up slightly. Not a smile, but almost, I guess. “Yeah. And you’re Simon?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
We stand in awkward silence for awhile. My body and mouth feel utterly paralyzed with unsureness. She seems just as confused. Guess it’s been a very long time for both of us. I stumble forward onto a cushy violet stool.
“You wanna drink?” I ask.
Agatha holds up her barely empty margarita. “I think I’ll finish this one first, thank you.”
My cheeks heat up. I hope they’re not visible under the lowlight. “Uh, y-yeah, makes sense. I guess I’ll get one just for me then…” 
I wave at the bartender. They walk over with an extremely fake customer service smile. “How may I help you?”
“Can I get a…um…” I look at the drinks menu. It’s filled with weird punny names with liquors I don’t know. It makes my head hurt. I slap the menu down on the counter. “Pint of Guinness, please?”
“Sure, coming up,” they say and walk off. 
I turn to Agatha with a sheepish smile. “I like to keep things simple.”
“I can see that.” She takes a sip of her margarita. Her lipstick is a nice shade of soft pink. She has good taste in makeup at least.
“So, um, Pen mentioned you were in third year at University of London. What program are you doing?”
“Veterinary medicine at the royal college.”
“Oh wow, that’s cool. You wanna be a vet?”
She nods, swirling the drink in her hand. A small smile plays on her mouth for the first time. “Yeah. I hope to take care of horses.”
A small shiver runs down my spine. “Wow, um…sounds interesting.”
Her head tilts to the side in confusion. “Something wrong?”
“No, no. It sounds amazing. I just don’t have a good history with horses.” Her eyebrows pull together. “A police horse nearly trampled me when I was seven. Been a bit jittery around them ever since.”
Agatha nods thoughtfully. “Hm, I see. You probably did something to provoke the horse though, they don’t hurt people for no reason.”
My cheeks heat up, but from embarrassment unfortunately. “Oh…you’d know better than me I guess…”
Agatha takes a long sip of her drink in lieu of words. My pint of Guinness arrives on time. I take two big gulps, reveling in the distracting burn. I try to look literally anywhere else. There’s a neon purple flower on the wall. I see three people dancing together, smiling and laughing. I’m not usually a fan of dancing but they look like they’re having fun. I spot on a presumed couple sipping on the same fancy cocktail together. My eyes flick to Agatha. She’s staring straight ahead, totally uninterested in me. So y gaze keeps drifting, until it meets someone else’s. And I nearly choke on my beer.
Holy fucking shit, he’s staring at me. A gorgeous guy with reddish-gold skin, wavy black hair, and piercing grey eyes is looking right at me with a devilish smirk on his lips. He’s wearing  very fitting black skinny jeans and a short sleeved dark shirt. Well, technically he’s wearing a shirt, but it’s unbuttoned all the way to his navel so I don’t know if it counts. His beautiful eyes wander over me again and again, smirk slowly growing. Why is he staring at me? What the hell makes me so interesting? Is it getting hotter in here?
I snapped back to reality from the deep sea grey induced daze. “What?”
Agatha’s brow is all pulled together. I can’t tell if it’s out of confusion or concern. “Are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah, I-I’m fine.” I take another drink of my beer. “So, what else do you like?”
Agatha shrugs and goes back to looking at her drink. “I play lacrosse.”
“Yeah? Is that fun?”
“It is, until someone shoves you to the ground.”
I let out a small laugh. Agatha does the same, but quickly goes back to stirring her drink with a neutral expression. “What do you do? For fun, that is.”
“Um, some stuff…” I scratch my chin. This is harder than I thought. “I like gaming, fencing, baking, watching Dr. Who. That’s pretty much it.”
“Baking sounds fun.”
“Yeah it is!” I turn towards her with the brightest grin. “I’m learning this new technique for making scones. It makes a much lighter pastry, but it’s hard to get the same flavour, y’know? I’m trying to figure out how to compensate for that. I’ve been trying fresh ingredients, pure oils, lots of stuff. But really-”
I stop when I realise Agatha is looking at me with utter confusion. Right, not everyone understands baking science, or wants to know. I turn away from her and drink down the rest of my beer. It won’t help though. First year uni gave me quite a tolerance. I stare at the empty glass, swishing around the last bits of foam.
“So, how’s school going?” That’s a safe question, right?
“Oh it’s going fine.” Agatha replies. “There’s actually this one class I’m taking.”
She starts talking about her animal biology class. I try to listen, I really do, but my attention span is notoriously short. My eyes drift, and soon fall on raven hair.
The man isn’t staring at me anymore. He’s looking off to the side. I tilt my head slightly to the side. He’s talking to someone, a red haired man with a sly smile. They’re giggling and whispering together. My stomach feels weird. Must’ve had something bad for lunch. My eyes drag over him more carefully this time. He’s quite thin. Wait, no, not thin, lean. There’s strong muscles in his calves and upper arms, and his stomach looks very tight. I wonder how he got those. Football maybe? I could see that. Him running across the field at lightspeed, stealing the ball easily with his strong legs, flying across the field with ruthless grace. Part of me just really wants to see how he moves.
My eyes move back, only to meet Gorgeous Guy’s. Oh fuck, he’s looking right at me again. I can feel myself blush as I go rigid. His mouth pulls into that smirk again. It fits too perfectly on his sharp face, like he was designed to look so cocky and beautiful at the same time. My face feels so fucking hot right now. Damn clubs, no air conditioning.
“And that’s why you have to be very careful when treating young horses.” I refocus back on Agatha’s voice. She’s looking at me, gesturing with one and stirring the margarita with the other. I nod thoughtfully like I’m not an arsehole and I’ve been paying attention this whole time.
“That’s really cool, yeah,” I say. “You’re really into this stuff.”
“Of course, it’s my future career.”
My cheeks go redder. Between Agatha and Gorgeous Guy, I’m pretty much a tomato by now. “R-Right, course.”
We stare at each other. The awkwardness is so thick you could slice it in half. God, why am I so much worse at this than normal? My normal is pretty shit so that’s a real feat. There’s no flow or spark. I don’t think this is working at all. But I don’t know how to leave without being a total dickhead. What could I even say?  “Sorry but I don’t find you interesting enough to keep talking to you, I have to go.” ’ Instead I’m silent as a statue and more awkward than a fourteen year old at a school dance.
Agatha is drinking down the last of her margherita. I look pointedly away from her. And my eyes happen drift back to the guy. He’s still with the ginger bloke. It’s hard to tell if they’re talking or dancing. Maybe it’s both. Gorgeous Guy’s thin lips are moving slowly. His hips are swaying slightly, the curves of his body showing well through the tight jeans. I’m  fixated by the way he moves. It’s seamless and graceful yet so strong. He looks good dancing, even just a little. I wonder how he’d look if he was truly moving to the beat, swaying his lean body with purpose. He’s not looking at me this time. I kinda wish he would, honestly.
“I’m going to the toilet,” Agatha announces. She’s out of her seat and walking away before I can get a word out. Alright then.
I look at my glass, rolling the remaining foam back and forth. My mind is being way too chaotic for me to think straight, so I’m trying not to think at all. I just watch the white bubbles, back and forth, back and forth, just like that guy’s hips. I wonder-
“Hello,” a smooth voice says to my right. “How are you?”
I turn my head and nearly choke on my own tongue. It’s him. Gorgeous Guy. He’s standing right there, leaning against the bar with his hip cocked out, looking at me with that smirk and dazzling eyes. And I’m completely frozen.
“H-Hi,” I finally get out. “I’m, uh, fine. H-How are you?”
“I’m alright. May I ask you something?”
“Um, sure.”
“Are you on a date with the woman who just left?”
I scratch at my wrist, looking to the side in the vain hope he doesn’t see my blush. “Uh, sort of, I guess.”
The guy raises an eyebrow without moving any other part of his face. It’s very impressive. “Usually that’s a yes or no question.”
“Yeah, I know,” I chuckle awkwardly. “We’re supposed to be on a blind date, but I don’t think it’s going well.”
“Hm, yes, I assumed that when you kept staring at me over her shoulder.”
As if I wasn’t a tomato face before. I think my flush has reached the bottom of my neck. My mouth opens and closes like a stranded fish. His smirk only becomes more smug, and I find it so annoyingly attractive.
“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. “I’m sorry, that was rude a-and objectifying and I-”
“Did I say I disliked it? Remember, I made eyes at you first.” All the blood in my body rushes straight to my face. Gorgeous Guy leans closer. His long fingertips are nearly touching mine. “My name is Baz. What’s yours?”
“Simon,” he echoes in his much,  much  sexier voice. “That’s a very pretty name.”
“T-Thanks. Your name is nice too.”
“Thank you.” Baz’s head tilts further to the side, showing off his long, graceful neck. “So, if your date is not going well, would you mind if I wanted to whisk you away from here?”
My eyes go wide and my heart starts beating double time. I’m not sure if it’s from the fear or the thrill of the idea. Do I really want that? When I look at Baz, all of him, I do. But could I do that to Agatha? Just because I’m not attracted to her doesn’t mean I should ditch her.
“Um, I-I do,” I say, “but I gotta go do something first. Wait here, please? I promise I’ll be back in a minute.”
Baz blinks rapidly. He looks like a very confused deer in the headlights.“Alright…”
With only a little fear, I reach forward and put my hand over his. He inhales sharply, and I swear, even in the lowlight, I see a blush on his face. “I just need to tell her I’m cutting the date short. I don’t wanna be a total arsehole. One minute and I’m all yours, I promise.”
That smirk comes back, but there’s something softer in his eyes. Less dagger like, more a pretty cloud on an overcast day. “Alright. One minute, I’ll hold you to that.”
I grin brightly. “Awesome.”
I squeeze his hand, and surprisingly, he squeezes back. I take one last look at him before dashing off like a madman.
I’m very lucky that in a dark club like this, the toilet signs have to be very bright to see. The woman’s toilet is on the far left of the upper deck. Not too far, but there’s a crowd of people between me and my destination. I push through the other night club goers, some wobbling, most swearing at me. Unfortunately I can’t explain to them that I need to tell my blind date that our date has to end so I can go hang out with an incredibly handsome man who for some reason is attracted to me. I’m not sure I could explain this to anyone and sound sane. I don’t care. Baz is waiting for me back at the bar. I’ll push through every one of these people to get back to him.
When I reach the toilet, I immediately spot a pink dress near the wall. Agatha is bent over her phone, blue light illuminating her pensive face. She’s typing really fast. I speed walk like a bloody madman.
“Agatha!” I call out. Her head snaps up.
“Oh, Simon,” she says, sounding far more shocked than I thought she would be.
“Hey, hey, sorry for barging up. Just, uh, we need to talk.”
I scratch the back of my neck like some awkward teenager. “Um, look, I’m sorry I’m being an arsehole. You’re nice and very pretty, but I don’t think this date is working out. We’re just not…clicking, I guess. Which sucks but it’s alright. I-I just hope we can still be friends…”
Agatha blinks a few times at me. I wait for her to storm off or yell or something. Instead, she just smiles softly and nods. “Alright, yeah. I agree. I don’t think we’re a good fit as a couple.”
All of the tension drains from my body. “Really?”
“Yeah, really. I think you’re nice too, but it’s not going to work out. Maybe friends could better.”
“Yeah, yeah definitely. Wanna get coffee sometime? As friends?”
“I’d like that.” Her phone buzzes. She looks down and sighs. “I have to go. My friend Minty is here to pick me up.”
“Oh, okay.” The gears start turning in my head, and my eyebrows pull together. “Wait, were you just going to leave?”
Agatha looks down, probably to hide the embarrassed expression on her face. “Honestly, yeah. I didn’t want to make things awkward. I’m not good at saying goodbye to people…”
I’ll admit, it hurts a bit. But I also get it. I hated saying anything as a kid, especially something awkward. And I don’t think it’s my place to berate her right now. I nod slowly. “Alright. Well, hope you have a good rest of your night.”
“You too.” She goes towards the stairs. One step down though, she looks over her shoulder with a little smile on her lips. “Have fun with that bloke. He looks cute.”
Before I can answer, she’s off down the staircase. My face is going to get stuck blushing this much. After only a moment of shock though, I dash back in the direction of the bar. I’ve never been more nervous than I have been speed walking back there. But when I see Baz, with his hips against the bar, fiddling with his phone, I sigh in utter relief.
I take a deep breath, trying to hide just how out of breath and eager I am. Be cool, Simon, be cool. I walk towards with what I hope is a badass swaggering walk. Bloody hell, I hope I don’t look stupid. I really hope I don’t fuck this up.
“Hey,” I say, “I’m back.”
Baz’s head snaps up. I like the way his hair falls in a lazy wave, like a waterfall made from raven wings. (That poetry book Penny got me for Christmas has really expanded my metaphors, wow.) That softer, nicer smirk comes back. I love it more than the arrogant one, actually.
“One minute and thirty eight seconds,” he replies in a playful tone. “You’re late.”
I chuckle and rub my neck. “Sorry. There’s a lot of people here.”
“I’m aware. I’ve been looking through them all night.” His fingertips touch mine, sending jolts up my entire arm. “Until you caught my eye like no else did.”
“Really?” My heart rate is going nuts. It’s not arrogant, well, not totally. Everyone’s a little vain, after all.
“Mhm.” His hand moves slowly up my arm, stopping just above my wrist. “Blue eyes, bronze curls, tawny skin with constellations of freckles and moles. You were like the sun in this dark nightclub. How could I not be entranced?”
“O-oh.” All words have fled my tongue. Baz’s sweet voice and words have melted my brain into pure mush.
Baz’s hand moves further. His thumb traces tiny, wonderful circles on my upper forearm. He’s got these slight calluses that I can’t get enough of. “You have no idea how much I wanted to come up and talk to you right away.”
I pout slightly. “Why didn’t you?”
He chuckles and shakes his head. I like the way his hair moves. “Because you were  with someone, Simon. I didn’t notice her until after you started talking to her again. I wasn’t going to be that arse who stole someone’s date.”
“And yet you offered to whisk me away a few minutes ago.”
“Well,” he sighs, tracing patterns lazily on the inside of my elbow, “I tried to ignore you, I really did, but my eyes kept drifting to you. I didn’t think your date was going well but I still wasn’t going to intrude. I distracted myself instead.”
I frown deeply. “That redhead bloke.”
“Yes, Lamb. He approached me but I welcomed him.” His face becomes sly and devilish. The expression is eerily, like his face was made for scheming. “Were you jealous?”
I gulp down a large lump in my throat, unintentionally biting down on my bottom lip. From the way Baz watches my mouth I think he likes it quite a bit. “Maybe a little…”
“Mm, good to know.” Baz tilts his head, showing off that damn neck again. Is he doing that on purpose? “I’ll admit I was jealous. I desperately wished to be in your date’s place. When I glanced over a few times, I saw things may not have been going well. So when she left…”
“You jumped at the chance?”
I grin ear to ear. It’s strange to think I’d be so wanted by someone that they’d wait to talk to me, but I don’t  dislike it. Especially when they’re as pretty as Baz. I move forward this time, touching his forearm. His hands may be rough, but the rest of his skin is impossibly soft.
“I’m glad you did,” I say quietly. “I’m glad I got to meet you.”
Baz smiles too. It’s not arrogant, but genuinely happy and bright. “Me too. I thought you were gorgeous, but now I also know that you’re the kind of guy to make sure he says goodbye to his blind date, even when it didn’t work out. Who knew the gorgeous man would turn out to be kind too?”
Once  again, I am lost for words. I mean, what do you say to that? Glad you noticed? Arrogant. You too? Weird. Thank you? I guess, still feels awkward. It seems me gaping mouth is good enough for Baz, because he’s still smiling. He brings up his other hand and traces his rough thumb on my chin, just under my bottom lip. Dear Lord, I really want him to move it a little bit up.
“So I’m wondering,” he drawls, “if you would be so kind as to do something for me.”
“What?” I almost say  “anything,” but that’s just a little too desperate.
“Would you please follow me downstairs? Because ever since I saw you, I’ve thought about how lovely you would look on the dance floor.”
Is my brain dribbling out my ears? Because it bloody well feels like it. Baz’s skin may be cold but he’s burning me to a crisp. And I really don’t mind. 
“I-I can’t dance,” I whisper. I want him to know what a mess he’s getting into when he’s with me.
“No matter.” His thumb actually touches my lip. A harsh, beautiful shudder moves through my spine. “I bet you’ll still look gorgeous.” He tugs on my wrist with his other hand. “Shall we?”
All I can do is nod. Baz grins devilishly. He slowly weaves our fingers together one by one. Every touch threatens to make me burst into flames. “Then let’s go.”
Baz pulls me forward, and I happily trail behind him. We zig zag through all the sweaty people and soar down the spiral stairs. There’s some sort of techno remix of an eighties song. The singer keeps singing about a girl named Rio. (Weird name, but I don’t think I can talk much considering my last name is Snow.) Baz pulls us deep into the throng of dancing people. He finds us a small space in the middle of all of it. At first I think it’s too small, but when Baz presses almost his entire body against me, I quickly get the point. He puts his arms around my waist. I’m completely frozen.
“I still don’t know how to dance,” I shout in his ear.
Baz leans forward. His hot breath caresses my skin. “Put your arms on my shoulders, then follow me. It’s really easy. You just have to sway.”
I gulp and nod. I place my hands on his shoulders. They’re a bit boney but very nice. Baz slowly starts moving side to side. His hips move absolutely beautifully. He has perfect rhythm. He slowly sways to the thumping bass of the song while holding onto me tight, pressing us together so close. I can feel every part of him against every part of me. My eyes are glued to my hands on his shoulders. I’m pretty sure my entire fucking body is blushing now.
“You can move too,” Baz says. “Just follow me.”
I nod, even though I’m still unsure. I look down at his hips (holy fuck he’s hot) and try to copy him. Slowly, I move side to side, following him as best I can. I’m not as smooth and graceful as him of course. Baz helps, silently guiding me with his hands. We start moving in near perfect sync. And it feels absolutely amazing. Holy shit, is this grinding? I’ve never done it before, so if this is it, it’s bloody great.
My chest feels tight and breath is short, but in a good way. The fear and nerves are fading bit by bit. Slowly, I finally look away from my hand. I look at Baz’s face, and god, why haven’t I been looking at him the whole time? He looks even more gorgeous. The strobe lights perfectly illuminate the deep angles of his face. His hair falls in his face in a beautiful lazy wave. His eyes are absolutely dazzling, and they’re completely focused on me. He looks so good, somehow even better than before. My gaze flicks down to Baz’s lips. They’re hanging slightly open. The violet lights catch on them again and again. I can’t stop looking, and I don’t really want to.
I look up again, meeting Baz’s beautiful eyes. He’s looking down as well at  my mouth. God, I want him to be thinking the same thing I am. My arms quickly wrap around his neck, fingers pressing into his soft skin. Baz inhales sharply. For a second I worry he’s going to shove me away. But instead, I feel him pull my waist even closer, fingers digging into my back through my t-shirt. Our faces are inches apart, moving closer without us even realising it. My nose touches his, just barely. We’re breathing the same air. Maybe, just maybe…. Oh, fuck it.
I lean forward and press my mouth to Baz’s.
It takes less than a second for Baz to kiss me back. There’s zero pretense or nervousness. We move our lips fervently, mutual desire completely obvious. Baz sticks his tongue down my throat at the same time I tug harshly on his hair. Thank god the music is too loud for anyone to hear our groans. He bites down on my bottom lip and I feel like I’m fucking melting and exploding and dying. I kiss him like it’s a fight, and he doesn’t give an inch. We match so well. It’s perfect.  He’s perfect. God, I’m drowning in him, but I don’t want to come up for air.
Baz eventually, sadly, pulls away. He keeps his face close to mine. I study all the different colours in his eyes. I could do that forever.
“Want to get out of here?” he says. “I think I’d like to see you somewhere other than the dance floor now.”
I nod immediately. “Yeah, definitely, let’s go.”
Baz grins. It’s a mix between devilish charm and genuine giddy excitement. He grabs my hand, then we push through the throngs of people even faster than before. I can’t stop grinning for even a second.
We hop in a cab heading towards Canary Wharf. Baz takes me up to his flat, pins me down on his king sized bed, and proves once again that he is incredible with his hips. 
All in all, a fantastic night.
AN: Needless to say, a spring in Baz’s mattress breaks. Hope you liked it! Simon was a bit of an ass, yeah, but imo so is Agatha. In my mind they meet up later and talk properly without pressure to date awkwardness and they become really good friends. In the end they’re both happy. I liked writing this because I love the prompt and I love the song. Arctic Monkeys fucking rule. Hopefully my next fic will be out soon. Have a good day!
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blackcatanna · 5 years
Okita's Route Part 2: Still on Kyoto Winds because I didn't realise that I'd ramble so much
Predictably, I'm enjoying Okita's route a lot more than Kazama's. Also, I'm skipping a lot less than when I played Kazama and Iba's routes, which makes a lot of sense because Okita is actually in the Shinsengumi and, therefore, gets a lot of screen time. So far, he acts like an asshole but this isn't backed up by his actions. Apart from the casual child cruelty X_X
Chapter, uh, 3? I think...
I feel like Hijikata sticking up for Sanan is just making things worse X_X . Saying that he's not useless because he's a swordsman is just plain wrong. It makes it seem like he's just saying it out of pity. I'm sure that Sanan has plenty to contribute, besides slicing people up.
"Sanan is quite the beloved member here, isn't he? It's nice to see such a tight-knit group." -_- Itou is such a master of shade. Gently implying that they only keep Sanan around because of their relationship. You evil bitch X_X
"Ugh, who brought those bastards into the Shinsengumi?" RIGHT?! Glad to see that Okita's not blindly following Kondou's lead here.
"He is easily deceived by silver tongues, those who appear virtuous... but are real scumbags." As the great Roisin Conaty once said: "Charming is just lube for evil." However, this is kind of backing up what those asshole kids were saying earlier about Kondou being an idiot X_X
"Trying to run away behind our backs." -_- You know that's not true.
"Heh, I'm just messing with you." No shit. "I mean, unless you were escaping, then I'll slit your throat." -_- You just couldn't resist the opportunity to throw out another casual death threat, could you?
"Good girl." -_-
"It sounded like something out of a fairy tale." Oooooooooh hooooooneeeey... Have you not been paying attention?!
Welp, Okita told me to scream so... AAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Oh, apparently, not that... OKITAAAAA! Bet he loved that.
"Aaaaaaaaaaagh!" Everyone, please stop screaming.
Ngl, Sanan looks good with white hair.
Apparently, Okita likes hearing me screaming his name... Good to know...
"Don't worry your little head. It would be my pleasure to help you die." O_O ... Isn't that a little hasty!?!
"You're not serious, are you?" HONEY X_X
"It's really annoying, you know. You think you're part of the Shinsengumi?" </3 Ouch X_X You're the ones who took me prisoner, y'know? However, Chizuru does often act like she's the only one who cares about the Shinsengumi members, which must be annoying af.
"We only keep you alive because you're useful. You are NOT one of us." Uh... Thanks for calling me useful? But is that seriously your attitude? Anyone who's not useful to you should just die? -_-
"His words shattered my already breaking heart." Aw! </3 Poor Chizuru bae!
"Seriously... You can really be a pain, you know that?" RIGHT. BACK. AT. YOU.
"It'd be easier to just kill you," Broken record much?
"Had their last thoughts as men been hope they might survive the madness? It sounded horrible..." YUUUP.
"Sano! Make something up!" Definite DnD vibes again! When you make the low charisma character roll deception X_X
"You're a miserable actor. Keep your mouth shut." I'm sure that this exchange won't seem suspect at all X_X
"Oh, Sanan... Who cares what you are? You're alive!" Bless Kondou's pure and simple heart :')
"Yukimura, you go back to your room. I know you didn't sleep much." Why am I the only person in this game who requires sleep? -_- Just a trend I've noticed...
"*Cough* *Cough*" O_O OKITA, ARE YOU OKAY!??? O_O
"You owe us a lil' booze! Or maybe even, heh, a little... company?" WHERE'S OKITA'S MURDEROUS INSTINCT WHEN YOU NEED IT!?!?
"Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm." BWOOOOOOAAAARP!!! PHYSICAL CONTACT ALARM!!!
"Calm down, kid." ... NO. I HAVEN'T BEEN TOUCHED IN MONTHS.
"Hey hey hey! Looks like she's got the hots for you, Souji!" Oh Heisuke X_X
"No matter what, I won't buy Ishida Medical Powder." XD Got to admire Okita for staying true to his convictions :')
"I'm using the hell out of you" O_o Calm down, Hijikata X_X
Guess I'm going to have to put stalking Okita on hold for now...
Harada and Shiranui should just kiss already.
""Huh? Chizuru?" Okita looked up from cleaning his sword as I entered the hall." OH, HE WAS POLISHING HIS SWORD, EH? ;P YES, I AM TWELVE. Tbf, his face really does look like he's been caught in the act...
"Oh shut up, will you? It's all your fault. The medicine you gave me totally doesn't w..." >:( I'm hoping that the reason that sentence trails off is because I give him a verbal smack down!!
"It's nothing." ... BOI!!
This game is totally a forcing-stubborn-men-to-rest simulator X_X
"I'd been given instructions to stay away" from the physical examinations but ho's gotta ho', amirite?!
"Oh my... So you WANT to see those savages? What peculiar taste..." Itou, don't call me out like this. Although, I still feel like we should respect their privacy X_X
*Camera zooms in on Nagakura's tiddies* -_-
"Your body's fine, Shin." - Heisuke.
"Don't you wanna order a slice of this beef cake? I got two meaty servings on a plate, right here." Aaaaaagh! X_X My eeeeyyyeees.... Can't... un-read... sentence... please... fetch.... brain... bleach...
"A medical exam is for finding problems, not showing off. Now move." PREACH, SAITO!!!
"I feel like it's rude to intrude..." AND YET HERE WE ARE X_X
"It grants immortality" ??? Except for the part where you turn to ash???
"You're forcing your body in ways the eyes can't see." LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR, GUYS!!!
Everyone's just... RIPPING Takeda to shreds XD
"I'm scared shitless, believe me." :'( Poor Okita
No smart comments here... this is just really sad :'(
He's seen me? It's been nice knowing y'all...
Finally, Chizuru calls out Okita for threatening to kill her so much.
"Desist, you hooligans!" Sen is such a Queen! I want a Sen route!
Chizuru and Sen standing up to these arseholes is giving me LIFE! :') PREACH, GIRLS, PREACH!!!
"What were you going to do if they hurt you gravely?" Regenerate, biatch! >:)
"C'mon, was she that pretty?" UM, YES. But I think that she gives off too much of a domme vibe to be Okita's type :P
Chizuru is getting VERY distracted by Okita's hair. You know those scenes in movies where the woman takes down her hair and it's all slow motion and super sexy? This series has a lot of that. Plus when they get their Western makeovers :')
"That's funny... You don't LOOK like an especially nosy, hand-wringing version of my mother." XD I mean, -_- That totally wasn't hilarious.
"I grabbed his towel and began to scrub his head." ... We totally are his mother X_X
"I feel like I remember a time when you were nice and quiet..." NOT ANYMORE, BITCH! AND NOW, I'M ARMED WITH A TOWEL >:)
"You're really good with your hands." O_o ... What?
"You tied your hair up so quickly..." Why don't you show me what else you can do with them? ;)
Now he wants to know what I think of his hair? :/
Oh, you're surprised that I kept my promise? I'll have you know that I am an honourable woman, good sir! >:/
But Chizuru's claiming to only have done it out of fear of being sliced and diced? :/Uh, sure?
Chapter 4:
"They're small potatoes." This game has some excellent phrases in it X_X
Itou wanting to change the Shinsengumi uniform because it's not "fashionable" enough is the kind of genius that I'd expect from this game's most relatable character :') Although, I personally think that the blue uniforms are pretty <3
Awe, Chizuru thinks that Okita's joking about killing Itou :')
Kaoru just VERY BLATANTLY giving away that he was involved in the notice board incident X_X
:O I'm slightly jealous to discover that Okita's casual death threats aren't just reserved for me!
I get the sense that Okita knows that Kaoru's a boy but I'm sure that it wouldn't stop him if Kaoru was really a girl. Hooray for gender equality!
"I felt embarrassed for even doubting her for a second," O_e SERIOUSLY??!??
We're just going to let him go now!?!
Now Okita's having a coughing fit D: It was so stupid to run off and make him come after us :(
"What if she had accomplices nearby" GOOD. POINT. Chizuru would be so easy to lure into a trap X_X
"Without me around, you're just a useless kid." But I have a great personality! So, together, we almost make one complete, functioning adult :)
"Stop being so timid." I wish that I had that power :'(
"You can rely on us when you need to." Aweee! ^_^
"even compared to the weakest Shinsengumi foot soldier, I was pathetic." HEY. STOP THAT. WHAT DID I SAY? GREAT. PERSONALITY.
"Did you need something?" "Blood." O_O AH. Well, at least he doesn't beat about the bush! O_O
"What the hell? That's a little cold of you, having that pass for a good-bye, isn't it?" YEAH! :'( MIKI IS RIGHT! </3 :(
"Saburo. Watch your mouth." I'm sure that Miki is sad when Itou dies but 90% of their interactions are Itou telling Miki to shut up. X_X
"would that mean I could never see them again?" *sobs*
"We're going to keep relations amicable between our two organisations." AHAHAHAHAHA HA.
"Okita...?" "... Hm? Damn." Uh, nice to see you, too?
"Next time we run into 'em, we'll probably have to kill each other." O_O Don't be so flippant, you ass :'(
"Swords don't think" damn, I didn't realise that you were sword-kin. Everyone thinks and has feelings. I'm sure that no power could convince Okita to kill Kondou.
"Takeda also left" and not one single fuck was given. :')
Just going to ignore Okita making fun of my "bed head" -_-
"I've come to take you" orly? ;)
"Look, lady, you're not part of the Shinsengumi, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep your nose out of our business." So, now that it's convenient for you, I'm part of the Shinsengumi? -_- I still haven't forgotten what you said before, asshole >:( Remember? HEART = BROKEN.
Sen knows that I'm a SLUT ^_^
"I can't tell if you have guts, or if you've got rocks for brains..." It must be the latter if I'm staying because of you XP
*Terrible decision immediately has lethal consequences*
See Kazama post for my COLOURFUL feelings on this cunt >:(
Kondou can be so badass when he wants to be :')
Why... Hello there ;)
"Gotta admit, I didn't figure you for this type of girl." Then you haven't been paying attention ;P
"Didn't think I'd be getting pushed down into bed tonight, least of all by you." Oh yeah? Who else did you have in mind? Kondou? -_-
"Oh no! No no no!" Chizuru, we know you're thirsty and it's okay! Embrace the thot within! :')
"Tell me... How is it? On top of me. Does it feel good?" PLEASE SAY YES, PLEASE SAY YES, PLEASE SAY YES!
"I hadn't realised I was still on top of him." Uh-huh. Sure. And what a terrible shame that was.
"If I go out, Kondou will get mad at me." And then no more bum fun :( (me@me: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!??! me: XD Sorry)
"Okita's eyes shone with admiration for Kondou." X_X The fanfiction writes itself...
Just to be clear, I think it's pretty gross to ship people with their guardians, even if they're both adults at the time, because that's called GROOMING.
"He isn't going to need the Water of Life. I'll make sure of that." ... How, Hijikata?! He's literally DYING of tuberculosis!
And now he's not eating :'(
"I just don't want to. Is that really a problem?" Yes, because you'll starve to death.
"Hm, you are a doctor's daughter... Maybe you just can't leave a sick guy alone?" Or maybe I just don't want YOU to die, ass >:'(
He doesn't like bitter stuff but wants me to put grated radish in his porridge? O_o Well, I'm glad that he's cooperating :D
"I'm only going to eat it if it's delicious." Well, if you don't like it, I'll try again! :D
"Don't think I've given up or something." Okay D': <3
"It makes me feel good..." Hooray ^_^
"Could you keep me company for a while?" :O Okey! :)
"What would I talk about?" HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND...
"He wasn't afraid to die," um, weren't you eavesdropping on his conversation with the doctor? -_-
"I want to help... But I'm getting weaker every day." Of course you do :'( This is more heartbreaking than him saying that you're not part of the Shinsengumi and just annoying DX
Maybe tell him that everybody likes having him around and that the Shinsengumi is where he belongs? Or, we could just leave him to wallow in misery... I guess that works, too X_X
"I couldn't see someone like Okita succumbing to a mere disease." ... Why, exactly? Is he supposed to fight it off with his sword or persuade it to fuck off with the force of his personality?
"He'll be fine. Right...?" NOOOPE.
SAITO 😍 I mean, uh, whatever... Totally not bothered at all...
WAIT, HOLD ON: SPY-TO. Yes, thank you. I am a genius :3
Finally murdering Itou for realskies! :')
I get that Hijikata and everyone are trying to look out for Okita but he's terminally ill. Keeping him out of the action is only going to keep him miserable until his inevitable demise. :'(
"Saito'll be here for a few days, so you'll have someone to play with." -_- Bit patronising, Hijikata X_X
Kazama being his usual, charming self X_X
Let's go find Okita and... Tell him to go back to bed? Okay...
What the fuck!?!! Kaoru!?!!
Do we ever get a decent explanation for why Kaoru was sent to live with some abusive fucks?
Kaoru... Why are you so short? I bet you were malnourished X_X
Okita's just watching this unfold, chomping on imaginary popcorn...
"Do you just plan to use her, like Kazama does?" O_o... I fucking hope not, because that would be INCEST!!!
"... No," OH, THANK GOD.
"What would you have done if I'd said yes?" Ugh, you said no already! Can we please move this conversation in a less incestuous direction X_X
"... No. You're free to take her." OKITA!!! HE'S MY BROTHER X_X Not that I'm expecting you to leap to my defense but this conversation is WEIRD as FUCK.
:O The Ochimizu! Is Kaoru trying to help Okita?! Misguidedly, but still.
"But... if their plan is to simply use my dear sister as some sort of demonic broodmare... I can't allow that to happen." ... Kaoru... :'O That's... Actually really sweet XO This is the first time that someone who claims to be part of my family has actually looked out for me :')
Oh, so Kaoru wants to use Okita to protect me from Kazama! I have a feeling that he's going to be disappointed if he thinks that Okita will do what he tells him to but I appreciate the gesture :')
"Please don't do anything that would hurt Kondou so, Okita." Ugh, even as he lies dying, he's supposed to be worrying about upsetting other people? >:(
"Okita the Fury; Okita the beast." X_X Bit harsh but okay.
"He had traded away his soul." Um, since when? XD
"Happy now, Kaoru Naguno?" "Yes I am." ... Fair.
"... For falling into my trap." Wait, what?!? O_O
"I'm happy I got to make my sister suffer." Kaoru, why? D': WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAA-AAALLL!!! DX
I'm glad that Kaoru did away with the Nagumo fuckers >:( But still, why take it out on me?!
Even dressed as a boy, Kaoru still looks prettier than Chizuru...
*Sigh* looks like I'm being choked, as usual X_X
I feel like Kaoru could easily have given Okita something much worse than the Ochimizu if he REALLY wanted to make me suffer.
"I'd run out of things to say." X_X Again?!
"This was my decision and I don't regret it." That is good to know :)
"You shouldn't get involved with a guy like me." Oh, here we go X_X
"That came out of nowhere," Too right!
"No" uh, does that mean "no, I won't get involved with you" or "no, I won't do as you say"???
Uh, is he crying?! "Hey! You can't just act like you're sick when you want something!" XD What the actual fuck is happening right now???
"I'm dead" ... Uh... Really? Because... You seem very much alive...
"I don't think Kondou wants you around just because he wants you to do things for him." FINALLY, some sense!
Aaaand, apparently, it's earned me The Unblinking Stare of Doom >:(
"Do you mind not trying to speak for Kondou." Do you mind not assuming that he's so much of an asshole that he'd kick you out just because you're inactive during the day?! >:(
"It's not like you're capable of knowing exactly how Kondou truly feels." YES, YUKIMURA!!! GET HIM!! >:D
"Do you think Kondou would still need me... Even if I can't hold a sword anymore?" YES.
"You're right." I know :3
"I'm just jealous of you, Okita, that you have someone like Kondou by your side." Yeah. >:'( Fuck you, Kaoru, fuck you, Kodo :'(
"Oh yeah, huh... I totally forgot." Ffs, Okita XD
"They just happened to be there when you were born, you know?" Yeah! >:( And they can all go to hell!
"Somehow, my chin had acquired something of an arrogant tilt" yaaaas! You live your best life, girl! Let go of the haters, cut out the negativity! Stick it to 'em!
Chapter 5:
"How dangerous could foreign weapons be?" Oh, my sweet, Summer Sanan X_X
"Why are you going on night rounds with us?" ... Wait, what?! Why am I going on night rounds?
AS IF putting myself in danger is going to help Okita in any way X_X
DAMN, KONDOU... Nice, uh, blood you're accessorising with, there. O_O MEDIC!!!
"Lucky for us, they're idiots." Hooraaaay!
Okita's not going to be happy when he sees this...
Speak of the devil...
"I thought for a moment that Okita was going to grab Hijikata and shake him." :O :D Please yes!
Okita is suuuuuper keen to blame Hijikata for this -_-
"If he dies, it's your ass in the fire, Hijikata." Another excellent image but this pointless conversation has gone on for too long X_X
"I will find you, no matter where you may be, and I will kill you." O_O OKITA!! I THOUGHT THAT YOU SAID YOU WERE CALM!!! Bloody hell X_X
Oh no... What has Okita done now X_X
Killing spree, mad science, aggressive interrogation, Hijikata murder? The possibilities are endless with this stabby boi.
Where exactly am I running to? "I had finally found him." HOW?! With the power of love?! O_o
Looks like "Killing spree" it is X_X
"I'm about to murder you." Ffs Souji X_X
"What's wrong with me doing what I'm doing?" Yeah, what's wrong with sadistically slaughtering a bunch of virtually defenceless men as they attempt to retreat?! -_-
"I just killed people, no matter who it was, as long as it was what Kondou wanted." *Sigh* Kondou's not going to be around for ever, you know? X_X Maybe TRY think about why your doing what you're doing. Maybe learn from Kondou's example?
"Do not ever act out and worry the chief like that again." XD You tell him, Saito!
"Idiots." XD Hijikata
"I didn't wake up until evening had arrived." Oh look, it's me :)
OH, FUCK. That looked like a Kaoru silhouette :O
Why do they keep saying that Kaoru "tricked" Okita into drinking the Water of Life?! Kaoru offered it and Okita drank it. No trickery here!
"They wanted to avenge Itou. You remember him? The man you deceived and murdered?" XD Can't argue with that :')
"shoot the weaker target first." UGH. Why do I always get SHOT!?!
"Call me what you want." Oh, I intend to 3:)
Oh no! O_O Doesn't look like he'll be moving any time soon O_O
"Okita! Okitaaaaa!" O_O
"It kills me to see you hurt, just as much as it kills you to see Kondou hurt!" O: <3 :'(
"What an idiot.. " No, Kaoru! You're the idiot! Because you will never be happy while you continue down this sadistic, evil path, wasting your own life trying to destroy someone else's and refusing to let go of your spiteful jealousy >:( At least Okita's risking his life for something good.
"The more despair and anger you feel, the more you look like me." ... Silver linings! :)
D: Did they use silver bullets?! :O
Wait, when did Yamazaki get wounded?! :O
Bless Hijikata for letting me stay with my crush XD
Final Chapter:
Yamazaki is fine :D Hooray!
"They need men, so we need to go now..." Uh... Then why aren't you dressed? X_X
"... I want you to remain calm as I tell you this." That is... NOT AN ENCOURAGING WAY TO START A CONVERSATION O_O
D': Inoue has fallen. :'( It hurts every time DX
Aw, he looks really sad :'( and no wonder...
"as soon as we arrive, I'm gonna swing my sword at anyone and everyone." Uh... That's the spirit X_X
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bunny-banana · 5 years
I'd love to hear a director's commentary on La leggenda di Niccolo please :D Have a star as well ⭐
HA! Okay well, I’ll talk about the sections that I actually wrote so here it comes:
Chap 1
Engulfed in the never ending masses of water, he reckoned one should feel intimidated. No ground under his feet, only limited amounts of air to his disposal, and the uncertainty of what lies within the darker corners of the ocean should normally frighten you. And yet, he never felt more at peace than when he was floating so freely in the sea, almost as if gravity and the world outside didn’t exist
the fucking IRONY of me writing this while being deadly afraid of deep water. its honestly like “yeah,,,,, lemme list all the things i personally hate about deep sea…. and lets add ‘well, but theres something good too about that for sure,,,i guess,,,, ”
But what was more important for me was this contrast to what Ermal dreams about, his lowkey fantasy - and where he is irl, the icy south pole. I’m rather fond of opposing things/contrasts. 
The soldier breathed heavily in and out, but there was no time to rest as the next blaze of fire was aimed at him.He countered and evaded but his opponent was more forceful, his flames harsher, faster until the soldier’s back hit the cold railing. He was caught, and when his opponent mercilessly stroke once more, he knew he had to save himself by escaping into the cold water.The man remaining on the top deck smirked. Ah yes, he’d almost assume those new soldiers were just too easy to take on even if only for practice reasons, but it pleased him more to say that he still got it.
i really hope this introduction just tells you everything you need to know about Renga’s character.
How much sooner the war could have been won had it not been for the Poles!
While actually reflecting on the universe, i realised, it must be incredibly difficult for firebenders on the poles. like, I just assume they really, really arent fit for the cold which would make invading incredibly difficult for them. also lol, renga hates it at the poles obviously.
  Shaking so hard that kids ran towards their mothers and the watchtower fell over and when the fog cleared up, Ermal felt his stomach drop. ”No.”
Nothing, absolutely, nothing in that universe is more frightening than seeing the Fire Nation military pull up to your doorstep.  
Also, lmao, love to imagine Rinald quietly going “oh nooo my watchtower D:” 
Ermal pushed himself through the crowd until he was right in front of everyone, until he was the last barrier between the Fire Nation soldiers and the village.
Ermal has Strong Opinions™ about the Fire Nation, with reasons of course, and seeing them here is the absolute nightmare to him.
  “You mean the Avatar that disappeared off the face of the Earth? The one that nobody has ever seen and that was probably never even reborn? That Avatar?”And if his cockiness gave off a certain invitation to smash his face in, then this was perhaps a little bit Ermal’s fault.
to quote the Smiths: Bigmouth Strikes Again!
“B-but he’s- he’s so young? I swear to the Fire Lord, if this is yet another trick then-”
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Chap 2
Niccolò had always been in awe of the Fire Nation’s advanced industrial sector. The machinery that originated from the Nation had always had cutting edge quality which no one in the world could quite imitate nor match. This ship however was beyond anything Niccolò had ever seen. This ship was fully steam-driven with the powerful motors roaring under his feet. And those weren’t the only novelties.Steel processed so professionally that it makes impenetrable walls and doors which opened and closed only through quite sophisticated lock mechanisms. It all looked so modern, it all looked so futuristic.
so the idea was, since Nic had missed an entire century, the ship looked super modern to him. while its a canon fact that the FN is quite advanced with machinery, the ship itself is just to an up-to-date standard. But to Niccolo personally it seemed futuristic.  i like the idea of him being amazed at things he has never seen in his life just to find out they’re pretty common in the current timeline. 
There was not much time left, Niccolò had to think quickly. Extremely convenient how his nose started tickling right in that moment.The powerful sneeze that followed had two consequences: One, the guard in front of him was catapulted straight into the metal door of the cell, rendering him unconscious.Two, Niccolò and the guard behind him were also forcefully pushed back to the other end of the corridor, crashing into the hard wall.Well, at least the guard did. The young airbender was spared that fate, by that nice pillow the guard turned out to be, so he quickly got onto his feet and ran as fast as he could with his hands tied behind his back.
so yeah ngl, this was just copied from the OG ep
Now that his hands were freed, he opened the first door that presented itself to him, but in front of him, he simply saw the quarters of General Renga who stared at his now roaming prisoner in shock. Okay, time to turn around, it seems.
listen, i just love the thought of overconfident General Renga being so shellshocked to see his prisoner escaping that he just gapes at him. And ofc Nic slamming the door shut immediately jsfkld
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Niccolò cursed as he evaded a burst of fire that was aimed at him before taking the next corner “Where’s the exit?! Where’s the goddamn exi- AH!! A DOOR!!” He pulled it open to reveal a startled guy sitting there just minding his own business. An unexpected sight, with an even more unexpected odor following. “Oh? uhm- Sorry man! Just- just take your time! Also, perhaps light a candle when you’re done. Bye!” The young Avatar swiftly apologised as he closed the door of what was most definitely not an exit.
Fav OC so far!  That simple FN dude was just trying to take a dump in peace but who would have known that all hell would break lose and the goddamn Avatar of all people would walk into him smh.  Also, I really enjoyed the thought of while this is all hectic and dangerous, Nic still being human enough to go like “oh, my bad! sorry dude!” at this random soldier. Who knows, maybe we should bring that one back some time later. And i kinda wanted the whole escape to be funny, since its Nic’s POV, and it just wouldnt suit his carefree spirit to make this super serious (yet). 
“I’ll give you that, hiding for so long was sort of impressive.” Niccolò heard Renga’s voice behind him as the General had caught up with him. 
almost wrote “century” there but then remembered  nah omg he can’t know yet 
A piece of ice may or may not have also hit Renga straight into the face but nobody would complain about that anyway. 
yeah i just love the thought of this super dramatic scene of Nic entering the Avatar State and then theres a chunk of ice knocking Renga unconscious lmao get fucked, dude 
“Nic!” Ermal ran towards the slowly decreasing water pillar to catch the unconscious airbender in the last second, dropping to his knees in the process. That was beyond anything anybody of that age should normally be capable of. That was beyond what any waterbender could ever be capable of. And yet, lying in his arms, Niccolò looked so exhausted, so weak. Just like any other kid. Not a trace from the sheer force that was unleashed moments earlier.
I think this was really the moment Ermal started feeling real responsibility over Niccolo. Just seeing him do all these crazy things and yet being reminded that this huge burden of being the Avatar is literally thrusted upon a simple kid.  Also, this is the first time he called him “Nic”
Various noises and sounds buzzed through the air that afternoon: The loud shoveling of snow from the bow, the quieter crackling emerging from the hands of the firebenders who were melting their frozen compatriots, the fast steps rushing left and right over the ship. All these different sounds were heard, but none of them were chattering. Nobody dared to chat. Not after this disastrous defeat. What a disgrace that had been, General Renga thought grinding his teeth.
Everybody on this goddman ship is just scared shitless that Renga will roast them if they so much like whisper. they know he moody, they know he’ll blame them for the avatar’s escape. so lets all just work and repair shit and keep quite. 
When he found consciousness again, he was left with not only one horrendous purple bruise on his face, but also with a half destroyed ship. 
jdsfksajfklf OK SO YEAH, my first intention was “lmao let a piece of ice hit him” but then i realised “oh wait he’d have a bruise afterwards”  and then “LMAOOOO he’d be like Zuko, how perfect is that”   ok so granted, unlike our dear fire prince, Renga’s bruise is only temporary, but i really hoped someone would pick up the connection to Zuko
Whatever had happened to the Avatar earlier, it left a colossal mark on the ship, and secretly, on Renga personally too. He might have gotten fooled once, but he wouldn’t get fooled again.
basically, he feels personally insulted about being beaten by a kid. what a loser lmao
“Y-yes, General?” stuttered the lanky assistant with the askew glasses, clenching his hands around his writing board. One would think you’d get used to Renga’s harsh tone over time, but that was simply not the case..
rip martino but renga absolutely needed a poor anxious assistant whom he could terrorise
“We need the best of the best to defeat him. And I just know the right choice for that job…”
heeeeheeee ….. no comment ..for now.  but im curious to what you guys think about that 
Thank you so much! this was a lot of fun to do ! :)
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i-choose-liam · 6 years
TRR Chapter Tie-Ins
A/N: Just a wee reminder that this is an incomplete series that I can’t finish due to some personal life issues, and the scenes in this story are not canon. Actually, I didn’t include many canon scenes at all. It’s sort of an exposition on the canon scenes in TRR Book 1. But I hope you all will enjoy the few chapters that are yet to come. Thank you for your support so far!
Pairing: Liam x MC
Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2: Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
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What the hell was wrong with these women? Acting like they were on a European version of that show... what was it called? Mr. Bachelor or something. Riley hated it when girls were mean to each other. That too over a boy. Well, Liam was no ordinary "boy" but that still didn't justify the Testy Three's behaviour towards Hana. "You sure you're all right?", Riley asked her. Hana looked up and smiled, "Yeah. I'm sure. Thanks again" "And again, you're welcome" They made their way back into the ballroom. An orchestra played light music, making the ambiance pretty perfect. People mingled. Riley's eyes sought Liam among the crowd. "Riley, look", Hana said. On following Hana's gaze, she found Liam standing in the centre of a small crowd of really old, really rich looking men. Her favourite Prince seemed attractive to her even while he simply... talked. Hana, bless her heart, told her with much excitement, "He keeps looking your way" And sure enough, Riley caught Liam sneaking a glance towards her. Her stomach seemed to flutter inside as he gave her a small smile. It only reached the corners of his mouth, but there was genuine happiness in his eyes. Riley blushed and smiled back at him. "Aw", Hana cooed at the wordless interaction. Riley had to look away from Liam when her little clutch vibrated. Her phone did actually. She checked and saw Dani was calling. "Hana, excuse me. I have to take this"
'Damn' She had caught him staring. Not his fault she was so beautiful. Liam gave Riley a sheepish smile before turning his attention to the Duke. How was he supposed to keep a stoic face, to go on and greet people like nothing had happened? She had stood right before him and he hadn't recognised her. The mask had been between them but he should have been able to tell that voice from anywhere. "And how does a Prince greet a beautiful mystery woman?" This Prince, if he could, would have swept that mystery woman in his arms and showed her just how happy he was to see her. 'She's here!' "...of course, Your Grace, the economy has been...", Liam was talking. He was afraid he would lose his mind and just yell at the withered old peer before him. "She's here, Duke-sy! Listen, all of you - Riley's here!" But he managed to end that conversation without referencing a certain American. Before he could catch his breath though, another noble was upon him. Out of a sense of duty, Liam truly tried to give his undivided attention to each guest that approached him. But he felt as crazy as a teenage boy. The girl he liked was in that very room. She had travelled halfway across the world for him. And god, she had asked him if he was doing okay. "...do like poodles." He smiled and nodded at Lady Penelope but his eyes scanned the room for Riley. Where was she?
Sisterly instincts kicking in, Riley forgot everything else and sought some privacy for the phone call. Why was Dani calling? Did something happen? Was Mr. Burns okay? "Hey" "Hey yourself, you wily minx!", Dani exclaimed. "What are you talking about? Is everything alright there?" "Everything's fine! I just listened to your voicemail now and had to call back. You better send me a pic of you in that dress" Okay. Phew. False alarm.   "I thought you might be taking your afternoon nap", Riley said. "I am too excited to sleep! Did you meet Liam? What did he say?" Riley smiled, recalling their meet and greet from just a while ago. "I did. He seemed happy to see me" "Just happy?" "Okay. Elated" "Eeeep!" Wincing, Riley held the phone away from her ear while her sister squealed. "Oh my god, he is so adorable, Riley! Do not let this one go. You hear me? He's so fricking precious!" "Actually, I might have underestimated the competition. Yes, there is actual competition among the girls here to be picked as Liam's bride" "So what? Screw them. Liam likes you" "It's not that simple" 'We're not in New York anymore' She didn’t want to think about it. "And the other bachelorettes are here to win. They could use a fresh coat of personality, but they have a lot going for them" "That is so ridiculous”, Dani said, “You have much more to offer than they do!" "Like what?" "Well, flash Liam your boobs and he'll kick the bachelorettes out in a heartbeat" "You're shameless" Dani only laughed at that. And because her twin couldn’t see her, Riley allowed herself a smile too. "Look, sis. You're not there to compete. You're there for an adventure and to get to know Liam a little better. Do not, I repeat, do not overthink about your future there and the possibilities and probability of you winning. No calculations at all. Just relax and have a good time" For all her carefree exuberance, Dani made her feel foolish sometimes. Riley sighed into the phone, "You're so right" "Always" "I almost forgot to tell you. This girl, Olivia, she is like a Cordonian Amy. Remember Amy from college? Collins' girlfriend?" "Ew. You have another Amy there? Wasn't one enough for this world?" "Apparently not. I swear, she is such a brat. There's this other girl, Hana, really sweet and friendly. Olivia had the audacity to insult her in front of everyone. For no reason at all! I tried so hard not to get involved but I couldn't just keep quiet" "Oh man. This is just like the time you told Amy off, remember? She used to make fun of Harper, the religious girl from Ohio?" "Damn. I remember Harper. And I remember getting mad at Amy" "You scared Mark too. He came rushing into our dorm and was like - 'Your sister just got right up into Amy's face and put the fear of Spencer in her. I was terrified and turned on at the same time'" "Mark", Riley laughed, "I never understood why a good guy like him stuck with Amy" Dani's tone changed, "Yeah. Me neither" She said before Riley could speak, "Anyway! You have fun at your Masquerade ball. Make sure you show off your charm to Liam, if not something else. Hey, do you want to read this test piece I wrote? It's got great advice. I'm calling it 'Nine Ways To Make A Lasting Impression On A Guy'" "Later. I'm sure it's great. Thank you. Take care now, okay? I'll talk to you tomorrow" "Yep. Knock 'em dead!", Dani hung up. Before Riley could put her phone back in, it vibrated again. The caller was - "Frank", she grimaced.
Liam stifled a yawn. Poor Penelope seemed duller with every word, which was a pity since she was such a refined young lady. "No, I'm afraid I have never had a poodle" He was looking at Lady Penelope's eyes and wondering why Riley's eyes always looked so full of dreams. He pretended to smile at something Lady Penelope said when in actual, he was smiling at something he had just realised. Maxwell hadn't just brought Riley into his life. He had brought hope.
Riley answered and put the phone to her ear. Frank started yelling the second he heard her. "Spencer, this better not be true! You dare to bail on my bar on the busiest day of the month?! I could fucking sue you! There are a thousand other stupid waitresses like you in New York! I will have you replaced in an hour if you don't get your ass to work and apologize!" As calm as could be, Riley replied, "I hope you do sue me, Frank. It would be good practice for me. Oh, wait. I never told you I'm almost a lawyer, did I?" The voice on the other end mellowed down significantly. "Lawyer? You?" "Mm-hm. It will be such fun to slam your sadist, egotistical ass into the ground. Off the top of my head, I can mention at least 7 health code violations in that shit-hole you call a bar. You do know what happens to bars that have rats?" "You wouldn't d..." "I would, because I have had enough of your crap, Frank. Now you do me a favor. Go in the back. See that apron over there? Put it on and start bussing tables. Cause I'm out. Bye!" She hung up. 'That was... quite the rush' Had she forgotten how much she loved putting jerks in their place? 'Damn' Riley's heart was racing. Ever since the "incident" at school, she hadn't even raised her voice at someone. Life seemed to say it would be okay if she kept her head down and let things be. But this is who she was. Fighting for herself, for the things she wanted, for the people she cared about. Maybe Dani wasn't just being supportive. Maybe it was Lady Riley Spencer whom all the other suitors ought to be afraid of.
With a sated sigh, Riley put the phone in her bag and turned to enter the ballroom again. Maxwell was at her side in an instant. "...to dance?" She saw Liam talking to one of Olivia's sidekicks. And she smiled. No more rolling over. That dance with Liam belonged to her.
Noble readers: @thatspicegirlssong @bowful @zaffrenotes @pixieferry @femmeshep @hopefulmoonobject @indescribablechoices @angelicfangirl @cordonianredruby @brightpinkpeppercorn @princesaakl @romanticatheart-posts @cordoniaqueensworld @cordoniantrash @blznbaby @museofbooks @smalltalk88 @stopforamoment @jyreusser85 @cordonianredruby @custaroonie @mynameiskaylabella @indiacater @lizzybeth1986 @blackcatkita @gardeningourmet @lodberg @zilch3 @thecordoniandiaries @fanfictionrecommendations-com @perfectprofessorherokid
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16 Year Old Loki
Loki x Reader
 Loki has been proven to be 16 years old (if you translate it to human years) during the events of the MCU that means that he was still in high school. This series will be about Loki being your classmate in high school, after he gets banished to earth by his father.
Friday (New kid announced)
“Listen up class!” Mrs Macy, your homeroom teacher, spoke “You all will have a new classmate coming next Monday”
 “SEE GUYS I TOLD YOU SOMEONE NEW IS COMING” screamed your know-it-all classmate Jake… His Mother held a high position at the school so he knew all the latest dirt before anyone else, this also meant that teachers were much kinder to him. He could get away with almost anything, honestly.
 The room filled with questions, “Whats the gender?” said someone “How old?” said another “Whats the Name?”
         *Mrs Macy spent about 10 minutes trying to calm the class down*
“ALL RIGHT THATS ENOUGH!” she yelled “you all can discuss this on your own tim-”
         *The bell rang*
“Time for class!” she said relieved “Off you go”
Your classmates continued to talk about the new kid, as they walked off to their respective classes
“why is everyone so hyped about this new kid?” you asked your best friend Tommy
“Well apparently its a he, and Jake showed a picture to Pearl and she says he is SUPER cute” Tommy told you with a wink ;)
“What was that for?” you said “the wink?”
T :    “WellLLLL-”
T :    “Well, this might be a good chance for you to get over your terrible EX”
T :     “Y/N YOU ARE NOT
        *This argument continued for a good 3-4 minutes, and caused both of                 you to be late for math*
The day continued but you couldn’t get over your argument with Tommy
was it possible you were still not over your ex? Maybe this new guy really could be a chance? If he was really as cute as they say.
        *your thoughts were interrupted by the last bell of the day*
“Finally I can go home and relax, lucky we have no hw for the weekend”
“Yeah, thats a first Fridays normally have a ton of hw”
you heard two of your classmates talking
Monday (He arrives)
“Class I would like to introduce your new classmate Loki!” Said Mrs Macy
“Lowkey? thats an odd name… He is really cute tho” you thought to yourself
“I AM LOKI OF ASGARD, I have been banished to your pitiful school by my father because I was causing trouble at home, He also took away most of my powers” Loki spoke
“Sorry, What was that?” Amanda, one of your close friends, said
“Nothing” he replied
        *Mrs Macy dismissed you and a crowd of girls formed around Loki and Amanda approached you*
A :    “Whats up with them”
Y/N: “I think they think he is cute”
A :    “OH HE IS! but… he seems snobby. I mean he called the school pitiful”
         *Tommy joined the convo*
T :     “Whats up with Loki?”
A :     “I don’t know about Lowkey but I think those girls are High Key attracted             to him”
“Y/N” you heard someone call.
          *After a quick glance around the room you realised it was your teacher*
“Yes Mrs Macy” you replied
Mrs M: “What do you think of the new kid Y/N”
Y/N :    “alright I guess… I didn’t really get a chance to talk to him yet”
Mrs M: “Well thats not a problem because I’m assigning you to show him around school and explain some of the school rules.”
Y/N :    “Oh of course Miss. I just think that most of the other girls would want                 to do this, like a lot” *gesturing to the girls crowding over Loki*
Mrs M: “Well, Y/N they might want to but no one really knows the school as well
           as you do”
            >She was right you were in this school since grade one. Jake mom might work here but you felt like you lived here. You were often the last person to go home and the first to enter, you didn’t like studying at home since your annoying little brother wouldn’t keep quiet and often it was quiet in school, and it was a plus that you lived near.<
Mrs M: “It is alright if you don’t want to”
Y/N ;    “No, its alright I’ll do it” *looking over to Loki who was enjoying the                        attention
Mrs M: “Great I’ll call him” *She turned to Loki* “Loki! Please come over her for               a moment”
          *Loki walked over to you and Mrs Macy, leaving his fan girls behind*
Mrs M: “Loki, Y/N will be showing you around school, you can ask her some questions.”  
Loki:     “Alright”
           *Mrs Macy left you both alone*
Y/N:      “See you after school Loki”
Loki:      “Bye”
           *You tell your friends the situation*
A:           “Good Luck. He seems like a pain in the ass”
T:           “I think its a good chance for her to make a new boy friend…”
Y/N:       “come on guy lets get to class”
Hope you guys liked this
Its just the intro so there isn’t much Loki yet, but the following parts will be much better. I had to post this twice cause deleted it by mistake and I forgot the title lmao.
I think the hardest part for me is thinking of names for new characters so if you have suggestions pls comment. Also If you want other characters to make an appearance. Also if anyone has an idea for another series, suggest it.
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@theironholland @lady-loki-l @nwmtagsb @timugamaileilani @theironholland@acidrain707 @mcu-potter-pirate @poolofspiderdust
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lovinthepizzalife · 6 years
There's a look on Cap's face that Tony can't quite decipher, but then, Tony's had about five hours of sleep in the span of six days, so maybe that's why. Either way, Cap's in his workshop, because JARVIS asked if he could enter and Tony said sure, because why not? Cap usually brought food, sometimes, and Tony couldn't really remember the last time he'd ate. It could have been yesterday, if yesterday was Saturday.
From the look on his face, if Tony's reading it right - he doubts he is, because again, five hours of sleep - then yesterday wasn't Saturday. Okay. Tony can probably deal with that.
He can't really deal with the fact that Roger's is holding something that looks like hospital notes, though.
"In my defence," Tony starts, raising his hands - ow, soldiering iron, put that down - and meeting Roger's eyes, "It probably wasn't my fault."
"Maybe, then," Tony says instead, peeling his sweaty gloves off. "So, okay. You're in my shop, hurrah, but - why? I haven't done something without thinking again, have I? The last time I did -"
"I need to ask you something," Roger's interrupts, which, no. Tony's not doing that. Those words, in the history of them being used, have literally never meant anything good. Ever. Tony doesn't like this. He really, really doesn't fucking like this, and it must show, which, shit, because now Roger's looks sort of panicked. "Not anything bad! Well. Not anything as bad as you're thinking? I think." Roger's frowns, shifting on his feet.
"Give me the notes," Tony starts slowly, stepping forward, "And then I'll be the judge of that, yeah?"
Cap hands him the hospital notes - so Tony was right - and Tony reads them over. When he's done, he turns, grabs the closest hot thing, and sets them alight. Roger's panicked yell is pretty loud, but Tony really doesn't care, chest seizing on the memories of "this is for your own good, Anthony" and the knives and the fights and the fucking, fuck all of this. Fuck Roger's, and probably Natashalie, and most likely Barton, and Fury, and just. Bruce, honestly. Fucking Bruce. Fuck all of them, everyone, Tony doesn't care and then he cares too much and -
Sunset was better than this. At least she was fucking honest.
"J, get me a suit ready, and get Iced American the fuck out of my lab. Full blackout, start the protocol, you know the one, and just. Get me out of here, JARVIS. Please," he adds, a little desperately.
DUM-E and U, because they're so fucking good, he's never donating them, ever, shove Roger's out of the 'shop, whirring angrily. Roger's can't do anything with his super soldier strength without breaking them, and if he does Tony will honestly kill him, PR department and their panicked squawking be damned.
The suit closes around him, the workshop goes dark, and Tony says goodbye and fucking flees, no tact about it. He doesn't need any. Roger's can declare him dead or gone or a traitor, but what he did - what they did - is unacceptable, and because JARVIS is JARVIS, the PR department probably already knows what happened and are ready and willing to crucify Roger's and co., because they're good like that.
("And they knew Howard," a sly part of him whispers, grinning, "They knew the man the world called millionaire and you thought of as monster, but he was both, wasn't he? He was a millionaire monster and no one could do anything about it then. They still can't, can they? Poor, poor Tony, losing his daddy at seventeen. What was it he did again?"
Tony grits his teeth and the voice hums, gone metal, gone man, and then it's Ultron saying: "Better to ask what he didn't do, hmm? What's the answer, Tony? Oh yeah," Ultron says, feigning sudden realisation. "He didn't love you.")
"So, I got your message." Rhodey clears his throat, trying for a laugh. Tony closes his eyes - JARVIS will make sure he doesn't crash - and just. Listens, for a moment. Rhodey, who loves him. Rhodey, who's his brother. Rhodey, who sounds a little pissed. Great. "Quitting the Avengers, huh?"
"They got a hold of some hospital records," Tony answers cuttingly, voice cool. When Rhodey sucks in a breathe to start speaking, Tony barrels on with: "Not the public record ones. Do you remember me telling you about six months of private PT in 1975?"
Tony can almost hear him go white over the phone, breathes rushing out in a free fall of 'what the fuck' and 'why'. Tony's reaction was sort of similar, except no it wasn't, because the memories of being five years old, a year after the circuit board and a year before the car engine, made him panic so much he set the records on fire. He has no idea what he used to set them on fire, because honestly, all he could see was red, all he could fucking feel was red, and - oh. Rhodey's talking.
"Repeat that, honey bear? Please," Tony asks tiredly, eyes finally opening when he lands. New start, apparently, until he can gather himself to get all his shit. The team can stay in the tower, probably, but Tony doesn't want anything to do with them, not after this.
"I remember how many bottles you'd drank before I found and you started spewing out gibberish, among other things. Like how fucked up it was." Tony laughs a little, nodding to himself. Rhodey's right. That night had been so messed up, both the - the event, and when he was telling Rhodey about it. He was so, so fucking drunk and high and just fucked up in general. Rhodey, bless hi, dragged him into their dorm so no one else would hear about - that.
God, it's been decades and Tony still can't talk about it. How fucking hilarious is that.
"Bye, Rhodey," Tony mutters, hanging up. He lands, lets the suit fall away in scattered, blood red pieces. So much blood. Always so much red.
(Sometimes, when he blinks, there is an image of Howard standing above him, older than he'd been when Tony was a child. Howard is always smiling. He is always holding Tony's heart in his hands. He is always, always red.)
"Call Pepper and prepare the workshop, please." Tony thinks for a moment, staring at his bar. He hadn't thought to empty this one. Hadn't thought he'd ever see it again. "How many drinks do you think I'll halve if I try it, J?"
"Too many," JARVIS answers lowly, concern buzzing behind his voice. Tony chokes on a laugh.
"Good answer, J," Tony says, and turns away from it before he drinks a shelf or ten. As he descends the stairs, JARVIS phones Pepper. It doesn't go to voicemail, thankfully, because for some reason every time it does Tony says a little too much, but that doesn't matter when Pepper's picking up, tired.
"Hey," she greets, raspy voiced. Tony hums a little, the workshop doors sliding open. He'll need to get DUM-e and U and Butterfingers shipped over. The workshop is too empty without them. Is too empty with him in it. God, he's getting poetic again. He needs to stop that. "What's up? Do you need anything?"
"Just needed your voice?" Tony says, like he's joking, because of course. Tony Stark would never phone just for that.
"I'm not having phone sex, Tony," Pepper says flatly, and it's absurd enough to make him laugh, kneeling like an idiot on the floor of his workshop, hand against his mouth, choking on the laughs. "What? Tony, are you okay? Should I -"
"It's fine, Pep," Tony manages, wiping his eyes. "I needed to laugh, thanks. How's the company doing, by the way? I was thinking of doing some work today."
"What's brought this on?" Pepper asks curiously, and oh. She hasn't read the message, then.
"I quit the Avengers," Tony blurts, which. Not the smartest thing he's done, but today hasn't been a smart nor good day. Or week, since he hasn't slept and when he has it's been the wormhole, space, open and endless and infinite all around him, the darkness from between the stars filling his lungs and oh god he can't breathe, oh g o god -
He's falling he's falling he's falling he's falling so hard so fast so long and no one is there to catch him oh g o d -
"I muted the call, sir," JARVIS says, and then lists it off, dates and names and scientific laws. Those are facts, presented in a cool, clinical sort of tone, but it's real and Tony can breathe a little, back shaking against his workbench. The world didn't end. New York is still in once piece. Nicholas J. Fury is an asshole, but the world didn't end. Nothing ended. Tony's okay, and JARVIS is there. Okay. It's fine.
He's fine.
(Ultron blinks red red eyes at him and grins, lazy and predatory. "Is it really?" He rumbles, metallic, and Tony pretends he can't hear it.)
"Sorry about that Pep," Tony says brightly when the call unmutes, forcing a smile. He can do this. "I quit the Avengers, yada yada, PR is dealing with it, yada yada, the Avengers got a hold of some private hospital records, you get the drill."
"Oh my god, Tony," Pepper says mournfully. There's a sound like rustling over the phone, like she's moving in what Tony assumes is her bed, since it was sort of late when Cap entered Tony's shop. Maybe. Tony in't really sure, because he still hasn't slept and his mind's a mess, all hazy and floaty, so. God, he hates these moments.
"It's fine," Tony mutters, crawling out from under his work bench. He can do this. Handle it a little longer, Stark, this isn't nothing compared to the third kidnapping, come on. "I'll put more time into fixing the company, clean up any trash if need be, just. Give me a little time, okay?" Way to go, Stark. Way to fucking go.
"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?" Pepper asks, murmuring, because great, she caught on to it. Brilliant.
"That will be all, Mrs. Potts," Tony answers, and the call clicks off. Silence.
He's not fine.
Guess whose laptop got fixed? Mine! Guess who wrote almost two thousand words to celebrate? Me. I am not managing my time wisely, but in my defence - I got nothing. Anyway:
@tonystarkismyprompt I hope this is up to par, and also, enjoy! I’m pretty sure you should know what prompt this was inspired by, but either way, I hope you enjoy :D
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wannawrite · 7 years
All For One
who?: Wanna One’s Lai Guanlin, Cube Ent’s / Pd101’s Yoo Seonho genre: 🌸 type: bullet point blog navigator. • you have two Cube Chicks for best friends • is this a good or bad idea? this...is the cutest, softest thing...possibly...ever. I’ll try my best! Made me think of my best friends a lot  :”) TYSM @isaluciavevo for requesting - Admin L
• ahhhh the Cube Chicks are back together again • honestly,,,who...just who in the right mind thought that this would be a good idea • because it is a GREAT idea • but • warning: Cube Chicks may cause trouble out of good intention • good vibes only • that’s how y’all roll • if you want it • you go get it • and your boys will support you • both are competitive sportsmen • basketball team!! • captain • and vice-captain • it’s a v v messy yet memorable friendship • sometimes it’s you trying to keep Seonho and Guanlin alive • sometimes it’s Guanlin trying to keep you and Seonho from getting arrested • yeah • it’s Seonho for everything • have you seen this boy? • he gets in so much trouble its a miracle you haven’t bailed him out of jail yet • but he’s a good boy, don’t worry • he’s just clumsy and childish • kind of doesn’t think of consequences before acting • sort of plunges both feet into hot water without dipping his toes to check first • but • that’s how your entire friendship functions • it’s a good friendship • you share a class with Seonho • and it’s crazy • he sits next to you • some days he never pays attention to the teacher and gossips to you throughout class • other days he’s like • ‘hey seonho can I borrow a pencil-’  • ‘shush. pay attention to the teacher, y/n.’ • damn Seonho I just wanted a pencil I didn’t ask for this slander • but you love him • in school, he’s the first person to greet you at your locker in the mornings • with a bright smile, his backpack slung over his shoulder • then he ruffles your hair playfully, messing it up completely • true friendship :”) • ‘ahh, I know that person you like will definitely take notice of you now,’ he teases • then you guys walk to assembly and class together • sometimes in class, you guys have a sheet of foolscap paper in between the desks • and either one of you will draw or write some really cute, heart-warming, heart-fluttering bullshit • okay you get my drift • ‘you’re doing amazing sweetie’ • ‘cheer up!’ • ‘have fun at basketball practice later!’ • ‘i miss Guanlin :(‘ • ‘>:( what about me’ • ‘I love Guanlin :D’   • ‘ :”( ‘ • ‘ily2 dw ❤️’ • Seonho smiles before folding up the paper and sticking it into his bag just as your teacher walks by • he has an incredible knack of never getting in trouble • he can create trouble but he doesn’t get in it • explain later • okay now • Seonho is also super concern and caring • during lunch if he gets pizza, he makes sure to buy some for you too • and Guanlin of course • ‘pfpp lol hyung you can buy your own’ • ‘yah, you still owe me from last week’s frozen yoghurt.’ • bickers over food • visits your house very often • he just comes to nap on your bed • ‘nooo I’m here to inspect if you cleaned your room like you said you did in your Snapchat story.’ • really, he just wants access to your pantry and kitchen • while eating popcorn, you and Guanlin doodle things all over his arms when he’s sleeping • not dicks pls • Seonho is a child • he needs his sleep • after sleeping, he makes sure to go out with you and Guanlin a lot • barbecue is a MUST • in fact, the owner is a classmate’s parent • and always give you guys a discount • THAT’S how regular y’all are • and there’s always a tad bit more food for your table • karaoke is a favourite • time for swaggy rapper™️ to shine • speaking of Guanlin • he’s a year older • yet not that much more mature • or sensible • jk, he is • quieter and shyer than Seonho • but just as goofy when he opens up to you • is fake deep • ‘I want to get a tattoo of a burrito because we get so wrapped up in our internal feelings and sadness, that we ignore the crisp and goodness outside.’ • sends really meaningful things to the group chat at 12am • Guanlin🐥: you guys mean the world to me, I would never trade y’all for anything else • Seonho🐣: aww hyung :”) • you: 💓💓💓 • changes the group chat profile pic very often • he went through an entire streak of Kermit the frog for a month • Guanlin really likes memes • more than Seonho • and Seonho has a folder of 500+ pictures of memes alone • at 3.30am, Guanlin will send memes to the group chat • kermit the frog memes • pepe memes   • any other meme you can think of • sometimes recycles memes • edits memes • Guanlin🐥: hey Daniel hyung promised me a lifetime worth of pizza if I gave  Seonho to Minhyun hyung • Guanlin🐥: so lmao bye bye Seonho • Guanlin🐥: you’re the sacrifice • Seonho actually disappears for a couple of hours   • wh00ps • but Guanlin is EXTRA • extra sweet ;) • advises you both of life • ‘now...my young grasshoppers, I’m going to teach you how to sleep in class and not get caught.’ • ‘this is how you secretly eat pizza rolls in the middle of math’ • ‘LiSTEN, this is how you sneak in a waffle maker to make breakfast in morning assembly’ • but he does actually help • he helps both of you with studies • pushes Seonho to study by treating him to pizza • and ice cream • and chicken • Guanlin tells you tips and tricks to memorise math formulas better • uses creative analogies • ‘okay, imagine that x is a sheep. So 2x would mean 2 sheep and then 4x + -3x would be?’ • I don’t even know actually but let’s just pretend I do • ‘guys, if you get Mr Kai as your math teacher next year, tell me.’ • is a nice, responsible and caring older brother • gets really protective from time to time • it’s the small actions that give him away • like • ‘no, I’ll walk you out to the gate, don’t go by yourself.’ • ‘text me when you get home safe, okay?’ • will walk you to the bus stop and take your bus even if it goes the opposite way • makes some lame excuse • ‘uhh, my sister’s friend’s dog is in the area so I’m going to meet him and we’ll go back together.’ • ‘I need to pick up dry cleaning for my mother. You know how she’s fussy about her evening gowns.’ • ‘Lin, it’s 9pm at night...the shop is closed.’ • red-faced • ‘oh’ • Guanlin is #1 on speed dial on both your phones • ‘in cases y’all get drunk, call me, no one else knows how to take care of you two.’ • Seonho always texts him when he’s arrived safely at home • with a cute selfie sometimes • Guanlin tracks both the children’s sleep schedules in his diary watch him • is generous • pays for your haircuts • *pushes both of you into the salon Jinyoung works at* • ‘since school is almost over, you guys need a look for summer.’ • ‘hey Jinyoung, these are my friends so take good care of them wink wonk’ • ;) • I got you • Taiwanese chick is slyer than a fox • Seonho sits in the salon chair with pitch black hair • and emerges with a blonde streak down the middle • you don’t sense anything wrong • until Baejin starts to whip out green hair dye • ‘WAIT’ • you wrestle Jinyoung for that box • ‘HOW MUCH DID GUAN PAY YOU? I CAN PAY YOU MORE!’ • Guanlin’s hair ends up being blondish green • well done • he also once convinced Jinyoung to chop off a good 4 inches of your hair • I could use some 4 inches in height • hah • speaking of height • Guanlin is tall • so is Seonho • and Guanlin is just a bit more of that annoying tall friend who makes fun of everyone who isn’t as tall as them • yes thank you for putting MY box of cookies on the top shelf of my pantry • aww Seonho you sweetheart, thanks for helping   • he smirks and takes the whole box for himself • sigh • tall people • if you hang out in the evenings • Guanlin always drags Seonho’s ass out of your house to the basketball courts nearby • to practice • you know • time to grind😤😫 • you tag along • trying to win against a basketball team captain and vice-captain • some die heroes • ‘WatCH ME’ • your best friends just chuckle and shrug • but they are also your support squad • ‘jUst JUMP YOU GOT THIS!’ Guanlin yells enthusiastically • once, he even bought a loudspeaker • ‘LET’S GO TEAM!’ • and it got taken away by a park warden • then he brought another one • and a policeman on patrol swiped it • so Guanlin relied on his swaggy rapper™️ voice • Seonho becomes the spectator • ‘AND-AND WILL Y/N SCORE FOR THE FIRST TIME?’ • this is how you guys spend the weekends • ‘...THEY DO. A MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED.’ • Guanlin runs and catches you in a hug, overjoyed • Seonho joins soon after • and the three of you collapse in the cold court floor, bursting into laughter • but your heart couldn’t feel any warmer :”) • ‘ahhh, I could spend all night here.’ • but of course, realistically, you can’t • so all of you retire to Guanlin’s mansion • I make him a rich boy in every single one of my works I realised I’m sorry • sometimes it becomes a sleepover • like pillow fights   • making s’mores • scaring the hell out of his chef in the process • ‘dAMNIT GUANLIN YOUR PARENTS WILL KILL ME IF YOU BURN THE BOTTOM OF THIS POT.’ • ‘they’ll fire you if you swear at me, right?’ he says cockily, raising an amused brow • his chef just huffs. ‘I’ve known you since you ran around in diapers, goodness.’ • ahhh • his chef is gracious nonetheless and brings you guys platters of snacks for your movie night • includes a lot of yelling • Seonho getting spooked easily • Guanlin taking time to calculate if the scenario could happen in real life then reacting • the kind of best friends to watch Netflix with you until 12am • ‘c’mon,’ Seonho whispers. ‘Everyone should be asleep by now.’ • the three of you creep up to Guanlin’s spacious rooftop garden • star-gazing time • you pop open the soda bottles and get bags of chips • sipping cola • looking at the stars • back on the ground, head to head to form a circle • ahhh • ‘oh! shooting star!’ • ‘hey, that constellation looks like a horse!’ • it’s just a good time filled with laughter, jokes, food and friendship • as the night wears on, things get really deep and personal • these hangouts have sort of become personal therapy sessions for you • whatever you want to say • say it • all of you trust each other with your lives • a lot of things get lifted off each other’s chest • figure out problems together • help each other out • just a genuine, meaningful time of bonding • when it ends, you feel more secure and loyal to your friends • you and Seonho take the enormous couch in the gaming room while Guanlin sleeps in his bed a few doors down • he makes sure to tuck both of you in • and talk until one of you falls asleep before he tucks himself in • such a pure and real friendship • supportive • loving • loyal • and caring • during Christmas time, you guys team up to bake cookies and other holiday treats • it obviously isn’t the greatest idea • I mean, have you seen Guan and Seonho’s ‘It’s meringue time!’? yeah • seonho insists on icing his own cookies this year • he later spent almost an hour scraping icing off the ceiling of his kitchen • taking turns to help decorate each other’s houses • gift shopping for the rest of your clique together • synonymously agreeing to buy yet another fly swatter for Daniel • maybe some shoe insoles for Sungwoon • savages 24/7 • puns all around • breathe memes • especially Guanlin • like that boy has a basketball jersey with Kermit on the back • he actually wears it out • gave an identical one to Seonho for his birthday • and you received one as well for Christmas • from your Secret Santa • at basketball matches • it’s a given you’re there to support them, rain or shine • so if your crush wants to see you, they attend the game • a night before, you’re spamming the group chat with encouraging messages and gifs • they’re like ‘pffp we don’t need these’ but it actually cheers them up • HEART MELTING • there’s always a small spat in the group chat on whose jersey/jacket you will wear • Guanlin🐥: hEY I’M OLDER THAN YOU. • Guanlin🐥: THEY CAN WEAR YOURS ANY OTHER TIME, THIS IS ONE OF MY LAST COMPETITIONS 
• on the day itself, you’re clad in Seonho’s practice jersey and Guanlin’s jacket • the cutest • everyone assumes y’all daring • but all of you are just the closest of friends • friendship goals • plus, they’re the best wingmen • just a super supportive, real, joyous friendship
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: park woojin. genre(s): high school!au, hoobae!woojin summary: ludic. (adj) - full of fun and high spirits. in which park woojin finds himself entangled in the antics of the school’s troublemaker sunbae. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.6k
note: the very first request ever on this blog! thank you so much to the anon that sent this ;; i was going to format it in paragraphs but somehow i ended up going bullet-point format and and i don’t know i feel nervous presenting this bc i fear that it won’t reach your expectations but i hope that you’ll like it anon!  btw, thank you so much for all the reblogs, likes and follows that i’ve received throughout the week. it means a lot to me heheh! i’ll try to continue working hard ;; i really, seriously, truthfully, completely, thank you all! < 3333
you were known around the school as the school’s lucky trouble maker 
notorious for pulling light-hearted pranks, sleeping through classes or completely skipping it, and occasionally picking fights (which fyi is often bc of something you find injustice and for students can’t stand up for themselves so you just butt in and use your fists as a representative) 
and for majority of the trouble you cause, you usually escape the consequences and get out of it with light warnings and punishment 
hence the ‘lucky’ bit in your title
basically you’re the definition of the ‘c package’ 
authornim what in the world is a ‘c package’ - well obvs you wouldn’t know cos i made it up duh. 
cute, charming and cool. (it’s as lame as me i know but i’m proud) 
everyone just loves you okay
well,,, not really everyone bc there are a few students (mainly the ones you picked fights with) who hate your guts and a few teachers who don’t know what fun means 
but somewhere within the school, there’s one person who doesn’t really get the memo and is confused on why everyone’s whipped for you
introducing park woojin everybody
the first time he heard about you was from a conversation one lunch break when his friends were fanboying talking about you. “who are you talking about?” 
inserts daehwi’s dramatic gasp “oH mY gOd YoU dON’T knOW?!?! lol bye you’re deleted. idk who you are.”
he earned a lot of insults from his friends in one sitting that day
“have you been living under a rock” - park jihoon 
“how dumb are you to not know who y/n sunbae is, you’ve been here for as long as she has.” - bae jinyoung 
“hyung, are you sure you’re not the foreign student, like wth even i know who y/n is.” - lai guanlin
he felt so attacked, “well i didn’t know it was requirement to know who this person is to be socially accepted here.” 
but dw his ass was forgiven after he got forced to listen to the four of them educating him about you, “don’t you feel enlightened now?” cue woojin’s eyes going 360 into the galaxy bc he done w/ their crap
woojin just hears numerous stories about you like how you once won this verbal fight against this rude popular senior and her clique who were bullying a tenth grade student, or the time you pulled a prank on this serious teacher that no one saw laugh until you placed a whoopee cushion on his seat (you still got detention for that though smh), or when you were the matchmaker for pdhpe teachers, mr. park and ms. kang who are now the school’s couple goals and just other great things about you
so apart from that one time when he was zoning out in maths class and out of the window he saw you climbing over the school’s fence to skip class (he finally understood why some students refer to you as the cute fence girl)
woojin has never really encountered you before
which is really strange bc he’s developing a slight crush on you after hearing what other people say and also seeing you from afar during lunch breaks
like the sound of your personality is like making his heart go ‘!!!!’ and he can’t even explain what he’s feeling 
but he’s blaming his friends for it
and so this all changed when a classmate of yours pranked you by pouring a bucket of water at you one lunch break and in return you started a water fight in the cafeteria 
the principal heard about the chaos and started to quickly head that way 
so he witnessed you pull the fire alarm and he calls your name with pure rage that you were damn sure he was gonna hulk smash you
you made a run for it
mEANWHILE woojin just left the library and was walking towards the school canteen 
from afar he sees this girl coming closer and closer, running as if her life depended on it (cos it lowkey actually did) and he had this feeling that it was you
so as soon as you came close enough that his eyes could make clear of your appearance, he was proven right 
but further along the distance, he also sees the teachers who suck up to the principal and the principal himself trying to catch up to you
and being the smart kid he is, woojin moves to the side so he doesn’t block your way
however, you weren’t exactly the brightest during that moment and thought that he’d have to snitch on where you were gonna go and get you in more trouble
hence why you grabbed his hand and woojin’s now running with you.
rip woojin
you two manage to pass the school gates, cross the traffic light and hide into an alleyway seconds before the teachers reach up the gates
so you’re both heavily panting, he’s sh00k and awkward bc wth he didn’t even sign up for this crap but he immediately forgives you once he hears you break into laughter, causing him to do the same 
“sorry for dragging you.” you say sheepishly as you send an apologetic smile, “in my head, i was thinking you could have snitched and you could put me in more trouble but now that i realise, you wouldn’t have known where i was going in the first place.” 
“and now i got you into trouble too.” you mumbled to yourself sadly before your bottom lip juts into a pout
legit his heart started to parkour in his chest when he saw you pout bc he didn’t know you could be this cute??? like he expected it but he didn’t really expect it yknow
“ah, no..uhm...” he replies with a shy smile, “it’s..uh...it’s okay. i don’t mind.” 
what a shy awkward bean omg omg dONT YOU JUST LOVE HIM 
you let out a chuckle as you look at him, casually going on your toes to pat his head, “you’re pretty cute, park woojin.” 
woojin was sure he was gonna melt into a puddle after that like he doesn’t even know if he’s breathing or nah but whatever- he’s standing next to his crush who just called him cute. hE GOT CALLED CUTE. BY HIS CRUSH. 
w a i t 
“uh...h-how did you know my name?” he says in a confused manner bc he doesn’t seem to remember telling you-
you point at the right side of his chest, “well the name tag says park woojin and i’m assuming that you’re the park woojin that the younger students are talking about.” 
w a i t  p t  2
“what?” he says after recalling the second bit of your words. 
“you don’t know?” you say to him before you clear your throat and begin to imitate one of the ninth grade girls you tend to overhear, “park woojin - cute snaggletooth oppa. the most adorable awkward bean with reversal charms; he’s super shy but really sexy when he dances. ah, he’s so dreamy.” 
you end your acting as you clasp your hands together and you start to laugh as you notice the dark shade of red on his cheeks, paired with his red ears. 
“i didn’t know i was seen in that kind of light.” he shyly mutters to himself causing you to grin even more bc damn this boi is kinda really cute. 
“well, i can kinda see why they think of you that way.” you reply back with another grin as you notice his cheeks becoming red once again, “you just don’t know about it since the younger grades are good about keeping it lowkey from the seniors.” 
you look out of the alley, knowing that the teachers would have given up looking for you and you turn back around to him with another breathtaking smile. 
“well, you’re not really going to get any punishment apart from a detention since i’ll take all the blame for today, so mr. reversal charms how about i make up for causing you trouble by spending the rest of the school hours, skipping classes with me?”   
woojin remains in silence, almost as if he’s deciding your offer
but lmao he’s just freaking out internally bc you’re making his heart beat even faster than usual and it’s unhealthy for his kokoro plus how will he act cool around you?!?!? 
however you considered his silence as a yes and you take his hand into yours, gently dragging him causing his heart to flip. “i won’t take no for an answer, park woojin and even if it’s my first time to use it to be authoritative, you should say yes to your sunbae.” 
“o-okay, sunbaenim.” “good.” 
so now you’re just both walking wherever your feet may lead you like what you usually do when you skip classes
but his eyes are fixed on both of your hands and you look at where he’s looking before you flash a grin at him, “let’s just say that your hand looked heavy so i’m here to help you with that.” 
“wow she’s pretty cheesy. more emphasis on the pretty bit though.”
he hears you burst into laughter and he instantly covers his mouth with his free hand, realising that he didn’t just think it but he said it too. 
“d-did i say that out loud? god, i didn’t mean to. i swear- i’m so sorry ahh...this is so embarrassing.” 
but you’re just there laughing and quite close to tears which makes him lowkey satisfied bc even if he embarrassed himself in front of you, he’s making you smile (ong my goodness this is so pure and cheesy idek) 
after you calm yourself down, you shake your head in amusement.  “don’t be sorry, if anything, i’m kinda glad that my dumb ass dragged you, park woojin.”  
and so for the rest of the day, woojin finds himself falling for you harder than he had imagined. 
maybe getting into trouble will be worth it after all. 
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