#i really do have kinnie vibes though
niphredil-14 · 2 months
Hihi Renza! :D
I was wondering if I could maybe request some tmnt if that's ok! I was wondering if maybe you'd be comfortable writing a headcanon for the 2012 turtles finding out reader's secret of having an otome game obsession (me) ><
I was just kinda wondering what thier reactions would be to like...the honest to goodness library of otome routes both of us have read at some point in time! ><
Hope that's ok! No pressure to write at all! This is only if you're comfortable with it!
Hope you're having the loveliest day, and getting plenty of rest, and receiving some warm happy hugs!!!
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Girl I am so sorry that this has taken me so long to get to!
Leonardo has definitely dabbled in otome games, although I don't see him as having played a whole lot of them. I could see him being a huge fan of Ikemen Sengoku, though. His favorite IkeSen suitor would probably either be Hideyoshi or Sasuke, no you cannot convince me otherwise. I think he would have a loose-liking of Nobunaga but mostly just because he kinda gives Karai vibes (i do not ship Leo/Karai). I can kinda see him kinning Hideyoshi and admiring Sasuke, being more attracted to Nobu. Leo may be taken sightly aback if he realizes just how many otome games you've played. I don't think he would judge you, though. In fact, he might find it fun to play some of the routes with you and share thoughts, almost like an otome version of a book club. I giggle at the though of playing IkeVamp Leo's route and talking to TMNT Leo about IkeVamp Leo (his almost-namesake) and just how they're so different lmao. I NEED TO HEAR HIM VOICE AN OTOME MAN, HAVE YOU HEARD HIM SPEAK??? HE'S GOT THE PERF VOICE
As much as I hc Raph to be such a (secret) sucker for romance media, I feel like he wouldn't really understand or be interested in otome games. He wouldn't seriously judge, but he would tease you for playing so many. He'd joke, saying that you probably like your anime boyfriends more than him, but I think deep down that he would really want the reassurance. If he was gonna like any otome game, it would have to be one here the MC falls in love with a "monster," be that a literal one, in the sense of them just not being human (Like IkeVamp) or in the sense of the LI just having irredeemable qualities/being aggressive/being evil, I think that's the only kind he could really get behind. Any kind of Beauty and the Beast type of story he looovesssss. Because of that I could see him enjoying Ikemen Prince (very lightly, he just likes the comparison to beauty and the beast), but if he were going to get attached to any otome game, it would be Ikemen Vampire. I think Theo would be his kin, and his crush.
No matter how many otome games you've played, I guarantee that this man has played more. And not just otome games, but really any dating sim. The FNaF Dating Sim will always (ironically, mostly because of nostalgia) have a place in his heart, but honestly, I kind of see him being a big fan of MLQC (Lucien is his favorite 100% sweetheart, but also evil scientist? What do you mean it's not Don?) No matter what game he plays, he always either falls for his kinnie, or a woman way out of his league lmao. Without fail. I think he would also be a fan of the Your Boyfriend Dating Sim. It scratches the immoral, fucked up, obsessive part of his brain (my boy just wants someone to love him as much as he loves them :c)
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰crossteaming !꒱
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genshin characters as your streamer bf/gf !
character x gn!reader
includes albedo, childe, kaeya, xiao, and hu tao!
warnings : none.
a/n : these ended up being longer than i expected, so im splitting up the post a bit <3 hope you enjoy :D
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albedo gives me wilbur soot vibes, minus the height.
if anyone in genshin were to join a minecraft smp just to reenact hamilton and be a jason dean kinnie, itd be albedo and im absolutely right about this.
teaches klee how to play too, his most popular stream was when they beat the ender dragon together :)
he also seems like the type to strictly use minecraft education edition, which is also totally valid because some of the recipes in there are literally so cool ???
pulls a dantdm and has his own minecraft lab and everything, doing all his silly little experiments!
“surcose, we need to sell drugs out of a van RIGHT NOW.”
when chat found out you and albedo were dating, there were two reactions.
one side was really happy for you both, the other was albedos parasocial fangirls who immediately put you on a hitlist.
seriously, if you had a dollar for everytime you were @ed in tweets about writing your name in a death note, youd have enough money to pay for every single persons therapy appointments.
youre always there to cheer him on when hes in mcc, his own little personal cheerleader :)
you show up at his office and just.. stand in front of the door, staring at him through the window. it sounds weird yes, but the shocked expression on his face is worth the wait for him to notice.
“no chat i have not gone red. im just startled, thats all.”
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childe is the type of fella to participate in the most wacky roleplays on gta online, and i am sticking by this headcannon.
hes done everything from a drug empire to owning his own country, nothing is off limits.
surprisingly hes a really good actor? when youre watching his streams you dont get the cringey second hand embarrassment, its just fun entertainment :D
it took his chat wayyy to long to realize how fine he is, although to be fair he did have mostly men watching him. (not like thats an excuse or anything.)
i feel hes definitely been nominated for a streamy before! whether or not you think he deserves to win is up to you though LMAO
“only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed-”
childe leaked your relationship by accident once by having a tab open of your instagram while he was streaming.
when chat confronted him, he kind of just… ended stream. (real smooth.)
fans went to your instagram afterwards and saw pictures of you two together and started posting them to twitter, and childe ended up on trending because of it.
you felt indifferent to the whole thing, but childe was panicking. he didnt want to let his viewers into that part of his life just yet, but he was, scientifically speaking, caught lacking.
you dont appear on streams much, and childe still avoids allegations about your relationship entirely. its not that he doesnt want to show you off, he does! he just doesnt like having less differentiation between his online persona and his private life.
“whos instagram are you stalking…? thats gonna be all from me chat goodnight!”
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kaeya doesnt play valorant because hes good at it, but because its fun to mess with the fanbase.
you know THOSE vtubers who are.. weirdly sexual? kaeya is like that but he does it in a satirical way. 
likes messing with the homophobes too, but everyone still debates on what his sexuality is (kind of like jschlatt.)
definitely is problematic on twitter on purpose just to get people to talk about him, hes a little bit of an attention whore but we love him anyways <3
has never apologized for anything hes said or done EVER, and doesnt plan on it either.
“what do you mean i got canceled on twitter AGAIN? its only been 3 days!”
chat didnt believe him when he said he was in a relationship. so be dragged your ass into his room to show them.
it didnt work though, they thought you were a paid actor for the next 2 months LMAO
it got to a point where kaeya was doing literally anything on stream to convince chat, and finally you had enough.
you told him to take a break from streaming, he was way too obsessed with trying to prove something that doest matter to anybody but the two of you.
something finally clicked in his head, and after that you dont appear on camera as much anymore. for the most part people believe that you two are together, but hell still get donations joking around that they dont think youre a couple, simply because its funny.
“thank you for 200 bits! ….i am retracting my thank you.”
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i dont have any reason for this connection, other than it feels right.
if xiao werent a league player i would suggest smite, he just seems like hed be more into team games like that rather than overwatch or valorant.
just because hes my favorite doesnt mean im letting him off easily, league players get no rights <3 and xiao is no exception.
unironically listens to k/da as well, knows all the choreography but will literally never admit to it.
everyone in his chat has channel points stacked up to tell him to hydrate, he tends to forget when he gets really into the match.
“stream more by k/da for clear skin. no i will NOT be giving you a demo, i dont want a dmca.”
youre xiaos number one bully, and chat is always there to back you up.
when i played lol i was an ahri main, so stick with me here, its about to get real self indulgent.
youre a cosplayer, and one of your favorite ways to mess with your boyfriend is to dress up as his favorite characters. (peak s/o behavior right there.)
chat teased him heavily for his reaction, you could hear my chemical romance being blasted from the bedroom that night.
something about the cosplayer x gamer trope is just sooo <3
“you have no respect for league of legends players.” (duh - an ex league player)
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when hu tao first heard about dbd i imagine she thought it would be an easy way to gain new clients, now she sticks around because its fun to terrorize people as killer, and be an absolute menace as survivor.
i think shed be a nurse main, but one of those that are insanely good at playing nurse. she wins the game in no time because her teleports are perfect. 
i can only imagine how many people have rage quit because of her.
along with dead by daylight, i see her just overall being a horror game player. lots of five nights at freddys, resident evil, etc.
shes never gotten scared on camera before, chat has tried but shes always one step ahead.
“i lied, i dont actually like sex. put your clothes back on i need to explain to you the entirety of the five nights at freddys timeline.”
hu taos favorite pastime is scaring you, she stays on top of the newest horror content specifically because of that. (oh, and its also kind of her brand. but she puts you first <3)
shed sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if youre playing dead by daylight together. she always says if at least you survive its good enough of a victory for her too.
she also has gone on record to say yall are playing the security breach dlc the day it drops. run while you still have the chance.
youve tried to convince her to tweet at shayne and ryan about being on an episode of ghost files but everytime she just suggests to play phasmophobia instead. like cmon girl those are two different things.
even thought shes trying to scare you on purpose, you know shes always got your back if something happens.
“ha look at your face! …okay okay im sorry! come here, youre fine, ive got you.”
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
you know me {Wilbur Soot} // 1
sigh no more
Summary: As much as you love your university dormmates, you wished they wouldn't try and wingman you every time you all went out together. The only thing that gets them and their good intentions off your back is telling them you're already seeing someone. What happens after that is at least partially their fault for misinterpreting your friendship with Wilbur... But it's also his for agreeing to go along with it when you ask, and it's definitely yours for not being more worried when he gleefully threatened to be the most embarrassing fake boyfriend the world has ever known. Need to Know: They/Them. Set late 2020ish?? University Student!Reader. childhood best friends with Wilbur.
{ masterlist }
A/N: 2452 words. so ive been struggling to exist lately which is why i haven't posted this earlier despite how much i love it. im not sure when the next parts will be though i have made a solid start for now, but i really do hope you enjoy this! solid feedback is also a fantastic motivator, so if you have any thoughts, feelings, or suggestions at all about what you might like to see in this story going futher, please let me know!! i hope you enjoy it <3 also im just gonna go ahead and say here that one of my favourite forms of intimacy is giving ur friends silly nicknames on messenger.
Warnings: References to drinking.
Taglist: @extremeloserr @ahsteriawrites @mishthemess @spencer-not-reid1 @esylwen @lovejoyenjoyer @harbingerofheartbreak @lavcha @axeofwars @hiredars0nist @boiled-onionrings @river-exe @artsycanongoer @ghostyv @mitbin24 @generalnav @raes-gay @btwimskyvv @midnightsky1213 @lastwandastan @alive-woman-sitting @musiclovebot
Taglist is always open! Feel free to message or comment if you’d like to be added! xx
Your class is running far later than you'd expected on a Friday afternoon when your phone starts blowing up with messages. You had only been at university for a few weeks but finally had managed to schedule time to hang out with Wilbur, and had wanted to show him around your new dorm, so messages from him were to be expected. As you check your phone, however, you realise you forgot to tell the rest of the people who lived in your dorm that he would be meeting you there.
[Y/N literally is this your man? Come collect him from the sofa if u know him or let me know if I should call campus security] Your Residential Advisor sends to your dorm's group chat along with one of the awkwardest photos of Wilbur you've ever seen in your life. In class you choke on a laugh before seeing a series of messages from Wilbur as he'd been navigating around the campus until finally -
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): like ted bundy]
Your whole face scrunches up with fond but well worn exasperation as your lecture across campus finally comes to an end. You respond first to the dorm group chat, assuring them that he was indeed your friend, and that you'd left your room unlocked if someone could show him there so he wouldn't have to awkwardly wait in the living area, before finally turning your attention back to Wilbur's messages.
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: nobody thinks you're Ted Bundy can you please just be normal while interacting with my dormmates]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: my RA let you in she's gonna show you to my room you can wait there]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): I'm so normal right now I asked about the Weather! Small Talk! ]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): seriously tho this is so awkward she definitely thinks I'm a creep]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): which I AM but that's usually part of the long con, not a vibe I like to give off at the start]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): thats a joke]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): obviously]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): but actually please get here soon she definitely wants to call security on me I'm pretty sure]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): please tell her I'm not a murderer]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: alfkalflakfls]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: no someone just told her you're an internet celebrity lol you're fine]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate):😐]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: not me lol]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: I didn't even remember to tell them you were coming to the dorm today why would I mention something like that]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: you passed the vibe check tho]
And you send a screenshot of the group chat where someone had mentioned that he was the awkwardest man they'd ever seen, but a few others had chimed in that he had a 'cute, shiny face' that made sense for an internet celebrity. Someone had screenshotted and close cropped his name from Twitter already and just commented 'FROM CHARLOTTE'S WEB?????' which had the latest response of '😳🕸️SOME PIG🕸️😳' which had the most positive reactions of any message in the chat.
You assure Wilbur you've told them not to be weird, which does little to alleviate his concern, but thankfully you're climbing the stairs to your dorm and are only moments away. Your RA gives you a look which you shrug helplessly at, but thank her nonetheless as you abscond to your room to put Wilbur out of his misery.
"It's different to how I imagined it," is the first thing Wilbur says to you. The door isn't even properly closed, and you're setting your bag down by your desk before you give him a wry smile.
"Better or worse?" The door closes with a click and you cock your head to the side, watching him while he gazes around at the way you've decorated the little dorm room from where he's perched on the edge of your bed.
"That's entrapment," his face lights up with an amused grin, still looking around, "I'm used to your old room," and when you sit beside him and flop back to look at the ceiling, he follows suit, "it's nice here, well decorated." And there's something about his strangely reserved tone that has you sighing.
"They're not gonna be weird about it," you assure him softly; unfortunately you were able to intuit what was worrying him fairly well. This isn't the first time you've had a conversation like this.
"You know I don't think it's your fault," he tells you matter-of-factly, turning to look at you, "but people -"
"- are weird," you finished with the faintest disappointment, knowing all too well that he was right. Still, you're glad he's here, and you tell him as much. He smiles at that, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"We could go," you suggested, "I could plan better for next time and give you the full tour in the middle of the day when everyone's in class," the earnest offer makes his smile widen to something fond, "come on, we can get dinner and eat at your place, get on the piss at a pub across town; barely anyone goes past walking distance here." His whole face scrunches up with something all kinds of bashful and fond as he hides the expression against your shoulder, smacking you with his forehead hard as you speak, "I'm only here for a year, dude, you've seen it, that's all I require, I'm content, you never have to come back, which does mean there's a good chance I'll be living at your place on weekends but -"
"- and you'll spend your weekdays wasting away here in your well decorated Fortress of Solitude -" he snorts, shifting back to lay beside you properly, but at least now he's grinning.
"- I have friends outside of you," you remark flatly, smirking.
"I never agreed to that," Wilbur plays at being offended, and you sit up if only to shove him in the side.
"If you're really so jealous I can move in with you -"
"Into what? My linen cupboard?" He sits up too, giving you a right shove back, which has you skittering to your feet, crossing the small space to lean against your desk once more, looking at him with a sharp grin.
"You already having a housemate is not my problem," you stick your nose in the air and try not to laugh at the whole charade. As the bit slowly dies but the good mood remains, you ask if he wants to leave now, or later.
"I quite like it here," he says instead of answering properly, looking around again with a newfound fondness, "I might live here; gonna give up my place and move in. You're okay to sleep on the floor and be the only one paying rent, right?" After a moment, you school your expression into something neutral as he plays up his innocence.
"Wil, did you ever hear that Flight of the Conchords song Petrov, Yelyena, and Me?" You ask with a blithe smile. You can see the moment he remembers the song and it's premise, the way amusement lights up in his eyes as he keeps his expression otherwise controlled.
"The one where they eat their unwitting roommate in his sleep?"
"Yeah, that one."
"Never heard of it," he refuses to break eye contact, "haven't the foggiest," he sits back a little, "on an unrelated note, how about snacks, and something on Netflix, and I don't move into your dorm?" Giving a toothy grin, you finally break and laugh, agreeing easily.
You pass him your laptop from your bag and tell him where the charger is while you head out to the shared kitchen to get snacks for you both.
"You guys joining us tonight?" There's more than just your RA in the common room now; a few of your dormmates are sitting around the kitchen island preparing for predrinks. They'd already invited you earlier in the week, but you'd declined in favour of hanging out with Wilbur.
"What?" Now in the presence of other people who definitely knew who your best friend actually was, you could feel yourself growing tenser.
"You and Wilbur, you know you're always welcome to pregame with us, he is too," your RA smiled so kindly, as if trying to reassure you.
"We won't be weird about it," one of your dormmates assured earnestly, "it's cool that he's your friend." The girl next to her elbows her pointedly and averts her gaze, trying to hide her smile.
"He is," you blurt out, "my friend that is. He's my best friend, and he has been for ages, so just... don't be weird -"
"Come on, we're not being weird!" The first girl tries again, before giving a long sigh, "we'll try not to be weird," she concedes.
"You can't blame us for being a little curious about him," your RA says carefully, "he's a pseudo-celebrity on the internet, he -"
"Yeah but he's not a spectacle," you countered sharply, brow furrowing. You open the fridge into silence, "he's my best mate, he was before any of the internet stuff, and he's a person before any any of it; can you guys just treat him like that?" And you grab a bottle of soft drink from the fridge, closing it again, leaning your forehead against the cool metal with your eyes closed, "sorry, I shouldn't have snapped."
"No, we get it," one of the girls says sincerely.
"Do you and your friend Will wanna do pres with us?" The other offered kindly, and you take a deep breath, grateful for their understanding.
"I'll ask," you tell them, and all three give a little cheer at that, "no promises," you warned with a half-smile, and they all nodded quickly, thankfully all wearing grins.
The minute you step back into your room, however, you're startled by Wilbur standing only a foot from the door. His arms are crossed awkwardly over his chest, hands tucked into his armpits, cheeks puffed out and eyes wide as he rocks back on his heels with the movement of the door. He looks... kind of guilty. Also like he's trying desperately not to look guilty.
"I wanted to ask about the bathroom," all came out in a rush, and you, door still open, sighed, "you took longer than expected," he added; you hung your head. He'd heard your outburst at the very least, that much was clear. Stepping aside you tell him the bathroom is across the hall, hoping to use the brief moment to come up with some sort of an apology.
Instead, as he leaves, he heads to the common room first, and you can see from your door as he raps his knuckles on the empty doorframe, garnering the attention from the three girls in the room.
"Hello, hi, I'm Wilbur, Y/N's friend Will," its an akward if amicable start, jerking his thumb over his shoulder to your bedroom door where you stood still watching.
"Y/N's friend Will!" All three in the kitchen practically chorus, like they were somehow aware that he knew about the conversation that had just occurred and it was all an inside joke. Well, it does get Will to chuckle.
"I was told there was an invite to drinks, is that still on the table?"
"Uh, yeah of course," you can hear your RA answer, though she manages to regain her composure, "it'll be us and the guys from over there," you don't see her gesture but knew she'd be pointing to the block across your joined balcony, "we start drinking pretty much any time after sundown, but will be heading to the club around ten."
"It's a theme night - neon," one of the girls added, "not that you have to dress up or anything, but I'm about to make a run to the costume shop for any face paint if either of your guys want some, that's pretty much all I plan to do for pres," she laughs brightly as the others groan about how it's going to end up a mess, and Wilbur looks over his shoulder; he knew you'd be there, but gives a grin nonetheless.
He raises his eyebrows in silent question, and you, so endeared having watch him mend bridges that weren't even his problem, smile and shrug; sure, why not.
"We'll be there," he tells them, which elicits another round of cheering from the three prepping in the kitchen, "lovely to meet you ladies," a sentiment which is echoed back at him, and from there he finally actually heads to the bathroom.
The interaction you'd witnessed has you feeling all sentimental, and as you close your door and head back to your bed where Netflix is waiting, you can't wipe the goofy grin from your face.
"I guess you can move in here if you want," you tell him with this silly, saccharine tone, and Wilbur laughs before he even closes the door, "I'll sleep on the floor, you win."
"Nah," he shrugs, kicking off his shoes finally.
"Lost interest?" You raised your eyebrows at him and he gives a dubious glance over your bed. Then, almost as if he feels guilty about admitting as much, he sits beside you, back against the wall that served as your headboard.
"I literally don't fit, Y/N," he pointed out, kicking at your wall to draw attention to how dangerously close his feet are to the end of the bed already. You allow your tone to get teasingly sappy as you tell him he fits in your heart, and all he can do is rolls his eyes with a half smile, the sacchrine silence lasting right up until you pull your laptop onto your lap an a notification from your dorm's group chat flashes up in the bottom corner of the screen.
[🕸️SOME PIG🕸️ confirmed for pres!!]
It was one of the girls who had been in the kitchen, but Wilbur's expression seemed to flash through all five stages of grief upon seeing it, despite the growing number of heart emojis for the message.
"Oh god, is that really what they're calling me?"
Pulling out your phone you text the group to remind him that his name is Wilbur. Immediately, however, you get the response that 'that's too obvious'. Beside you, Wilbur snorts a laugh.
"What? Like I'm a secret agent?" Which you then send word for word in the group chat, attributing it to Wilbur himself as he buries his face in his hands and you quietly cackle. They were trying, in their own way, to accommodate your request to 'not be weird about it', which you were grateful for, so at least this you were happy to laugh about.
So they end up deciding to call him Charlie; it's short for Charlotte's Web.
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raysletters · 6 months
2023 Character Wrapped
Rules: share your top 9 characters of 2023
tagged by the lovely @suseagull04 (like, so long ago, but i had forgotten to do it so here i am)
1. Alex Claremont-Díaz (RWRB)
i wish i could explain to you the deep connection i have to this fictional man. he is me and i am him. he probably has been my favorite character since i first found him on 2021 (which is the longest hyperfixation ive ever had, funnily enough) and has actually shaped me to be more confident in myself and all that mushy stuff, so yeah, im just missing a henry kinnie that wants to put up with this mess.
2. Percy Jackson (Riordanverse)
i binge read pjo and hoo these last months, and the way ive become attached to this kid is something else. i want to protect him from anything.
3. Nico di Angelo (Riordanverse)
like with percy, i became attached to him from the moment he showed up, and i would protect him with my life even from rick riordan. he cant do no wrong ever.
4. Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor (RWRB)
henry has specially gained a piece in my heart lately, but i have to be honest, when i first read about him, i thought nothing of him more than the perfect companion and love interest in alex's story. i have to say that getting a glance to his mind through both the bonus chapter and really fucking good fics gave me the insight i needed to comprehend him: his actions, his motivations, and everything in between that made him who he is and made me realize how many things we have in common and how many things i could learn from him, which is always a beautiful experience
5. June Claremont-Díaz (RWRB)
theres nothing i wouldnt do for her. even though i absolutely HATE how i wrote the fic that has june's pov, im still in the process of learning about her and comprehending her more. still, she reminds me so much of my own sister, even though i should kin her more than alex because of the whole sapphic latina journalist who loves her sibling very much, even when they annoy the shit out of you, but alas, im a younger sister and june has so much vibes of my own sister except with my tastes, so yeah, nothing i wouldnt do for her
6. Iris West-Allen (The Flash TV)
in case you didnt know this about me, i had a not-so-recent hyperfixation on the flash (and it can absolutely be seen in my sky high au), and she was half the reason of it. i wish i could put into words how much i fucking love her in every sense of the word. like, i'm in love with her but i also want her to be happy and protected at all costs and i would do anything for her to actually get those things. she can also step on me and i would thank her, but that is unrelated
7. Annabeth Chase (Riordanverse)
what you dont get is that for her i would become like a rabid feral gremlin or maybe that dog that takes a sword in its mouth and starts swinging carelessly. thats how ready i am to protect her from absolutely everything, even spiders, no matter how fucking scared i am of them
8. Imogen Heaney (Heartstopper TV)
yes, i am absolutely biased because the actress also has t1d and my hc is that now imogen also has t1d, but also because i, too, affirmed with my whole chest how i was an ally and totally straight and then slowly realized i was sapphic bc of one cute girl in my friend group that called me out on my bs 💀
9. Barry Allen (The Flash TV)
yes, we dont acknowledge that other version by that other actor. yes, he's last because i had a love-hate relationship with the way he was written. but season 8!barry became one of my favorite versions of him, and i absolutely thank grant (the actor) for the way he made me love the character once again
i missed so many characters that i love but just not like i love these ones. the only one who could easily take barry's place on the list would be nick nelson my absolute beloved, but since flash tv ended this year, it had me in my feelings and i couldn't not put him there, so yeah
DISCLAIMER: i am at the moment reading trials of apollo (im just like 1/4 of the first book) and if somebody spoils me anything i WILL become a rabid feral gremlin, this is your only warning, thank you very much.
anyway, you can consider this an open tag and do this and tag me in it bc i always love to read about yalls favorite stuff. still, no pressure, but im still tagging beautiful ppl so i can read about your favorite characters @anincompletelist @inexplicablymine @read-and-write- @sherryvalli @14carrotghoul @formorewishes
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your match-up game looks like so much funnn so i'm gonna submit one for myself 💖
dragula by rob zombie …. i only rly discovered it like two weeks ago but it’s one i play a lot while working bc for some reason it helps me focus lol
just took a test and got nine, the peacemaker. idk much abt enneagrams 🫣
hmm yes but only when i’m feeling spicy. and they’re almost always about video games in some regard, like analyses or creepypasta deep dives yk?
i don’t think i ever had a REAL imaginary friend. i remember trying for a little while because i thought it’s what all kids were supposed to do, but i never like. Believed in it
sleep aid audios! lately it’s been redacted (i have a whole folder of faves on my phone lol) but before that it was asmrtists like gibi. sometimes i take melatonin too ‘cause it takes me ages to fall asleep 😪
i changed my name around late 2019 to angel when i was just coming into my nonbinary-ness; i took it from the video game borderlands 2! i went back to my given name in 2021/2022 but being angel was fun for a while <3
milo’s panic attack audio i think. i was just getting into redacted and starting from the top and it just made me feel so cozy and locked him in as a fave :’) OOH also the pack smash tournament!! i love multi-speaker videos and that one was so much fun
vincent ……. i’m so sorry i’ve tried three times to listen to his playlist but he bores me 😭 the farthest i’ve gotten is past adam, though i listened to his involvement in inversion and picked up with him after the summit
do video games count bc if so i can quote resident evil 4 2005 ALLLL DAY LONG it’s my favorite game ever. if not i’m gonna say lilo and stitch ‘cause that’s my biggest comfort movie
 HUXLEY. like dgmw i love his non-canon audios & he’d be just the sweetest boyfriend but i want to be his friend so baadlyyy i just need one good huxley hug and i think it would cure me
nooo when i’m sleepy i just get quiet 🫠 i’m not a big talker in general i think
blue raspberry slushie + honey bun OR dr pepper + chili cheese fritos. depends on my mood
recently ummm it’s been a playlist i made called violent devotion, which is basically just yandere-type songs hehe
aw man ok. so i was a big homestuck fan in my teens and i rly loved broadway karkat, & last week i discovered all my faves are on spotify :’) so i made a playlist of them and spent all weekend revisiting my past
HMM okay here’s some rapid fire facts: i’m the eldest of three, i’m a dog person, i’m an introvert,  i can be very stubborn (taurus 👋🏻), i tend to prefer video games over tv/movies, and overall personality-wise i relate the most to honey out of all the listeners!
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So I consider a lot of factors when I do these, I swear I do. That said- you’re a Honey-kinnie but also a dog person? Who else can I pair you with but Asher?
Your personality types, in addition to your being an eldest child, hint to me that you’re a steadfast, reliable person and therefore an excellent foil to Asher who could use someone like that in his life to ground him. In contrast, I think his extroverted, bubbly nature would bring you out of your shell, endear you to the rest of the pack as the beta’s mate. Also, I think your love of video games and homestuck would really bring y’all together. (Out of all the boys, he’s deffo the most likely to be a homestuck.)
You’d have such a fun, chill life together, because Asher keeps it fun and chill, you know? I think Asher spends a lot of time wolfed out and with his big, dog head on your lap while you play video games. He jumps during the scary games and shifts back during co-ops so he can play with you. He comes home from a gig with either a honey bun or Fritos, because he wasn’t sure what the vibe was today, so he’ll eat whichever one you don’t want. You do 7/11 snack runs and compete to see who has the bluest tongue. It’s a great life.
Ooh, I'm in love/ It's a mystery/ When I see you out at night/ I start to get dizzy/ Before I see you I pick out some things to say/ Don't want to sound foolish and waste my chance away/ Oh, I'm not gonna make the same mistakes/ I'm not gonna run/ Just pick the boy you like
This song is peak Asher-vibes; do you know what I mean? Like, I think this is the kind of music he’d like, this sort of alternative indie pop rock sound. (Side note, the guitarist’s name is literally Darlin, so that’s a sign right there.) This song in particular is so fun and catchy; I can see Asher singing this at you incessantly no matter how long he’s already been your boyfriend.
Milo is a runner-up because you’re a dog person /hj It’s also because I would kill to watch him watch you play RE4 or any other horror game- that would be hilarious. Guy is another runner-up because, behind Asher, he’s the second most likely to have had a homestuck phase.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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shredsandpatches · 7 months
Congrats on watching the 2004 Faust! Bryn Terfel's Mephisto has to be one of the best acting efforts in any opera recording ever, to me. Mildly unusual take on the character, but just honestly 100% perfect in every scene. He's so ugly! And he's so disappointed! And he's evil! Performance of all time. And I agree the serenade/duel scene is fantastic.
Oh their Marguerite also has the rare combo of being super beautiful and sounding super good. I love her. Alagna Faust also not bad, I like how he's so small. And the cartwheel of course.
And the ballet dancers 😭😭😭 And how the devils come out to cheer / mock the patriotism during the soldiers' chorus. That's like borderline poignant.
Well this was really more of a comment than a question but I just love that recording.
(I like Keenlyside and I like Valentin but Keenlyside Valentin is meh to me) (Degout Valentin is where it's at)
Okay I gotta admit: I actually thought Bryn Terfel's Mephistopheles was really hot. In a creepy and sweaty way, certainly, but also, really hot. Maybe I'm weird? (Or a Marthe kinnie.) He absolutely rocked that ballgown. And we are, at any rate, in complete agreement that he was AWESOME. THAT SOUL-PIERCING STARE. I honestly saw a lot of Marlowe's Mephistopheles in his take on the role--that very grim quality he brings to it, and the touches of melancholy at the beginning and end. Maybe the Marlowe vibes are a British thing? Really interesting contrast with Erwin Schrott's Mephistopheles, who brings a lot more of the traditional sass (and who also absolutely rocks the ballgown, of course). Terfel's version would never do the dork dance that Schrott does at the end of "Le veau d'or" (NB. I love the dork dance.) I also thought the 2004 had more homoeroticism than the 2019 and of course I'm always gonna be on board for that.
Angela Gheorghiu is pretty much always great, I agree. She was still married to Roberto Alagna when they did this and real-life couples don't always have chemistry in performance but they did here--obviously they are playing a disaster couple but you still need to have chemistry. I'm not a huge fan of Alagna's singing generally (too reedy and scoopy for me) but his acting and especially his physical acting was really good. (Another interesting contrast: Michael Fabiano in 2019 reads a lot younger than Alagna does in 2004 even though the relative ages at the time of the performances are not that far apart: 35 vs. 41. They were both younger than I am now! I guess Fabiano is just more baby-faced but their duets with their respective Marguerites read pretty differently.)
Also agreed about the soldiers' chorus--given the setting in Belle Epoque (and the fact that I wrote a giant term paper about it in high school) it gives the impression that the war they're coming back from is the Franco-Prussian (even though the localization is not that literal/specific) in which case, of course, they'd be coming back from getting pasted.
ANYWAY. YES. Love this production a lot, both versions. Oh, I also thought that although the DVD quality wasn't as clear (it predates HD I think, or at least HD being common), some of the scenes were filmed in a way that makes the narrative a little clearer -- the Walpurgisnacht ballet in particular. I thought the actual dancing was stronger in 2019 but the 2004 filming put you closer to it. (Also you got a better sense of Faust's reactions; in the 2019 you could hardly see him.)
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tsundere-selfship · 2 months
🔎, 🩵, and 🎧 for the S/I & F/O emoji ask game! ^ ^
I'm not familiar with the source, so you can take your pick on who. I'm curious!
Hello Haven and thank you! Answers below:
🔎 - something f/o-related in my room - Bruce Yamada
Okay so. It is so so sooo hard to find TBP merch in general, but it’s even harder to find stuff relating to the basement boys. Most merch I see is related to Albert lmfao- But I do have this! When I first got into the fandom I saw that someone was selling little necklaces inspired by the characters. I got the ones for Bruce and for Robin, though I should really get the whole set eventually. Bruce’s is green and has a baseball bat! It’s so perfect and I giggle with tiny joy every time I see a picture of myself wearing it.
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🩵 - a fact about s/i - Vance Hopper
So pretty much every TBP s/i I write is just some AU version of Vance or something clearly inspired by Vance (kinnie moment). Anyway my favorite little detail about Vance’s design in the film are those extremely fingerprint-shaped bruises you see on his upper arms. They give us so much information about what happened to him in like,,, a way that is so easy to overlook. I think out of all the injuries we see the basement boys have, Vance’s gives us the clearest picture as to what went down.
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🎧 - a song that reminds me of us - Bruce Yamada (again)
Y’all are going to fucking laugh at me for this but this song is on my Bruce playlist and I have been LOOPING it like there is no tomorrow. It’s so good okay and it gives me that 70s summer vibe, sue me 🙄
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the-happy-hotel · 1 year
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I'm an adult and a trans lesbian (she/her) and I will not be sharing my name here, if we are friends feel free to refer to me by it in DMs though!
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Humor tag: #laughter is the best medicine
Queue tag: #queue can do it I believe in you
Ask tag: #ask the rainbow demon princess
Special Interests:
Mermaids (#mermaid)
Gorgons (#gorgon)
Shows: Hazbin Hotel, The Owl House, The Amazing Digital Circus, Adventure Time, Wander over Yonder, Scott Pilgrim
Games: TF2, League of Legends, Dwarf Fortress, Undertale, Scott Pilgrim (Yes I REALLY like Scott Pilgrim), Deltarune, Furi, Dredge
Books: The Locked Tomb, The Magic Misfits
My Art Sideblog: @fueled-by-soda
My Gaming Sideblog: @kass-the-mercenary
My Fanfiction Sideblog: @velvette-written-works
Hiya! I'm a friendly Amity and Charlie kinnie! Please feel free to stay and enjoy my blog! I post about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss quite a bit
I'm just vibing here so good vibes only please and no harassing anyone
I'm not here for discourse I just want to have fun
All that being said, remember the golden wisdom of Bill & Ted:
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hi mikey! do you have any new art out recently? how are you doing? hows the family?
i have ADHD too btw :)
ive been feeling a bit bummed out recently lately, mental health wise, so my first thought was coming and talking to you! you dont have to worry about typing out a whole entire response, but your energy just brightens up my day instantly!
ive been struggling a lot with making friends recently. i just started my sophomore year of high school and im at a new school (same students though) and its just been really scary. i have two really good friends that ive been friends with for four years now, but i really want more friends too, y'know? im really awkward and shy and its really really hard for me to talk to people i want to be friends with. i do know other people i get along with, but they arent the kinda people i would actually hang out with, more just talk to sometimes if that makes sense?? its getting to a point where im overly concerned about people liking me. theres this group of people at my school i REALLY want to be friends with, cause theyre the kinda gay emo group that i would fit perfectly in as a gay emo... but that just makes it THIS MUCH MORE intimidating!! theyre so cool and i want them to see that! i just dont know how to talk to them without irritating them.
im just kinda clueless at this point, mike! i know that im a good and cool person once you get to know me but im so awkward around new people that it completely changes the way i act. i kinda stiffen up and talk weirdly formally and quietly and my usual confidence goes WAY down. im normally very outwardly confident (Leo kinnie heree✌) but i become just a bit less so around new people.
well i think im gonna wrap up my little ramble now, lmao. i wasnt planning on writing all this i was just thinking of a short paragraph😭
well again, have a great day mikey! you deserve it!!
I haven't done ANY art besides just chaotic painting on canvas & spraying with @emerson-the-psycho , BUT I have done some nice cooking, which counts as art?
We're doing nicely, I mean, we're still very chaotic & there's trouble here & there... But it's been fun so far!
Also, yaaaay ADHD buddies!!! 🥳
I'm glad I am able to brighten your day 🥰🧡(maaan I need to spread more positivity - I see so many sweet posts & then I'm like 'oh yeah, I should reblog this' & then I don't do it because I thought I already did but I haven't & then the post is gone because I had moved on & the opportunity is gone then too -)
You are great as you are.
If you see people & think 'WOW, they match my energy', go to them. The right people will definitely match your vibe too & you'll click.
And it's super great if you voice your fears. 'Hey, you seem nice, I want to talk to you, but I'm a biiiit anxious, hehe, but you seem so cool & we might share the same interests-'. They WILL see that you truly mean it. And it will brighten their day, believe me. And if YOU are open with your fears, it'll be easier to let your true self show. 😌
I know that society wants people to 'show off', but I think for getting in touch with possible friends it's best to be completely honest. That's what people like. Or should like at least.
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I'm rooooooting for yaaaaa!
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yourlocalnetizen · 2 years
Ranking the families of Arda
Disclaimer: Since there is so much overlap between many of these prominent families I will try to go by the paternal lines, as that usually determines who your counted among with a notable exception being the descendants of Luthien. Second disclaimer: I won't be including the House of Finwe but rather count his sons's families separately because it makes it easier and because I don't like him.
1. House of Feanor
Take one scroll through my page and you'll immediately know I'm a Feanorian kinnie.
Maglor, Maedhros, and Caranthir are my favorites but I love all these horrible men and will wholeheartedly defend them but C&C might be exceptions.
Still love Celegorm as a character though given how interesting he is. He has the background of a Disney princess since he can talk to animals and had somewhat of fairy godfather yet his fall from grace is down a deeper darker hole than all his brothers and maybe even his father.
2. Mirkwood Royals
Starting off, Oropher himself is rather interesting. Little of his life as a noble in Doriath but after it's fall is where his story truly seems to start.
Now, I have to admit that as someone who descends from colonized people, I do not support colonization in the slightest but Oropher lands on the better end of colonizers. He and his Sindarin people seem to have assimilated into Silvan culture instead of forcing his own upon them. Also, he seems to have been a decent king given he did his best to avoid Sauron but eventually died fighting with the last alliance.
Where to begin with Thranduil. Let me just say he is an iconic character filled with so much charisma and personality. I adore him.
And Legolas, he has a special place in my heart. I loved his vibe from the moment we met him in LoTR. Legolas also proved to me that you don't need to have a tragic backstory(Shut up hobbit movies, his mom could be alive!) or be morally gray to be an enjoyable character.
3. Baggins Family
I love Bilbo. I love Frodo.
I have nothing more to say.
4. House of Finarfin
Finarfin himself, I first underestimated as a character. In comparison to his influential and powerful elder brothers, he seemed so dull. However, the more I read into him, the more appreciation I gained for his character. I also respect that Finarfin seemed to assimilate into his wife's culture and it wasn't only the other way around.
Now, his and Earwen's descendants. I love them all.
5. House of Elros
I suppose all of them are technically members of the House of Fingolfin but since they're humans, I will count them separately.
This family has so many members and not all of them were written about but the ones that were fleshed out were super cool. Elros himself is super interesting given he chose mortality despite everyone he knew and loved at that point was immortal. Vardamir, Elros's son and successor was a cool scholarly dude, Aldarion was literally human Earendil and knew all the cool elf dudes and knew about the threat of Sauron, his daughter Ancalime was an influential badass queen, and finally, Pharazon was a pretty good villain as far as villains go.
5.5. Feanturi + Nienna
I don't know if they should be allowed on this list but I love everything about these three Valar siblings.
6. House of Beor
I care about three characters from the House of Beor and their names are Andreth, Morwen, and Erendis.
I guess I really love long suffering women huh. In all seriousness, I actually think these characters are super interesting and in some cases relatable.
I don't care for the guys though. Before you attack me, let me say I don't hate Beren and think he's a pretty good dude but I just never really connected to his character.
7. House of Fingolfin
Fingon and Aredhel own my heart, I think they're amazing characters. Also, they're both fashion icons.
I love Earendil and his twin boys.
Turgon is an interesting character although he's not one of my faves. Idril's cool I guess.
Maeglin sucks.
8. House of Haleth
I love Haleth and Hurin, and I think Turin is an interesting character.
Everyone else, I don't have an opinion on.
9. Telerin Royal Family
I wholeheartedly love two, maybe four characters from this family. Cirdan, Elwing, Elrond, and Elros.
The twins are already spoken for so let me discuss their mom. Despite being a Feanorian sympathizer, I cannot help but love Elwing. She's an incredibly complex character and I love that about her. I know the fandom characterizes Elwing and Earendil as codependant and while that's probably true to some degree, it doesn't give Elwing enough credit. She didn't sacrifice a possibility of eternal happiness with her elven family for Earendil and she ruled over the Havens of Sirion quite possibly alone while Earendil was off doing hero business.
Cirdan is another awesome underrated character imo. His selflessness is inspiring.
I also want to say I like Celeborn and for some reason I have a soft spot for Olwe but I don't care that much about them, sorry.
Characters from this family I truly don't like Thingol and Dior, and everyone else isn't fleshed out enough for me to have an opinion on.
10. House of Durin
And I finally get to talk about some Dwarves!
I liked Thorin. He made the Hobbit fun and interesting.
I loved Gimli! He's a boss and totally deserved to go to Valinor with his bff.
11. Stewards of Gondor
Boromir and Faramir are awesome.
12. House of Eorl
I love Eowyn with my entire heart. Eomer pretty cool too.
13. Vanyarin Royal Family
Ingwe is low key boring, I'm sorry.
Ingwion is there I guess and close to Finarfin presumably given he fought in the war of wrath.
I like Indis but I don't love her. If her descendants were included this fam would be a lot higher.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 10 months
𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟸 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
What's the point of this post exactly? Well, I forgot to put the chosen lyrics of the Milgram songs in the prisoners' wikipedia pages to explain why that specific song suits them, so here we are. I decided to do it for the DECO*27 and other producers' songs as well.
I also noticed that the undercover lyrics for the canon prisoners have been changed to incorporate the titles of their trial 1 songs, so I'm doing that for my prisoners as well. :D
_𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜
𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘: “UNDER” An outsider in my own home, things just don't work out the way I want them to.
𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚗𝚎: “UNDER” I'm sick of people who blind themselves to the truth, will anyone bother to open their eyes?
𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎: “UNDER” Always chasing after the artificial happiness high, it seems nothing will ever fill the hole within.
𝚂𝚞𝚣𝚞𝚖𝚎: “UNDER” Holding onto a false red string of love, there's nothing like a love worth killing for.
𝙷𝚊𝚔𝚞: “UNDER” Keeping this mark on, a social performance. I will not forgive, there is someone I must protect.
𝚈𝚞𝚒: “UNDER” Dancing for the enjoyment of others, I've worked so hard. Shouldn't I be rewarded by now?
𝚁𝚒𝚗: “UNDER” Cherry blossoms fall in the spring. Time passes on selfishly but promises are absolute, that's right.
𝙽𝚘𝚊: “UNDER” I'm drowning in melancholy. It hurts so much and it's all my fault, why am I like this?
𝙺𝚒𝚢𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒: “UNDER” My true colours cannot be shown. I'm running frantically, just a little longer...
𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚞𝚖𝚒: “UNDER” Like a macrophage, wiping out the threats to society. I simply did everyone a favor, I did nothing wrong.
_𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜
Milgram: All-knowing and all-agony (Mommy, look, I’ve done great. “There there, my good boy!”) The entire song could apply to him actually, but this line...
DECO*27: Re:[repaint] (They told me the end is not to be found anywhere. They told me the beginning is not to be found anywhere, either.) He's had many existential crises like that, but nobody really bothered to comfort him properly.
Non-DECO*27: Hitorinbo envy (To you, and even you. To be blunt, I'm not really needed in this world, right?) Ichiro did try to get closer to the "stranger" in his house actually.
Milgram: Bring it on (You apologize if you do something wrong, you learn that even before words, don’t you? All evil hypocrites should disappear.) She's been let down by a lot of people.
DECO*27: Streaming heart (Though I say many things, please try and seek out the real me.) Even a tsundere like her wants to be understood.
Non-DECO*27: Idola circus (We know, we know your true nature. Again putting on a fake face, you’re just like a pierrot.) I think she'd like most of Neru songs.
Milgram: Tear drop (Feeling magnanimous? INNOCENT? I’m so not that. Just shut it, will you? You know it all.) Yuno kinnie let's gooooo!!
DECO*27: Salamander (I surrender, I’m already hooked. I can’t function without you anymore.) I genuinely think that if he wasn't such a simp for his friend, you guys would take him more seriously.
Non-DECO*27: Casino (Stalked by memories that haunt. Hear them laughing, hear them taunt. Play the victim, run away from the words you shot.) This song is really catchy, it suits his cool vibe well.
Milgram: Umbilical (Just the two of us I finally found it. The lies are endless. Just me alone, it really is lonely.) Ah, unhealthy relationships. We love to see it.
DECO*27: Psychogram (You’re too wonderful, I don’t want to let anyone else have you. Hey, if not me, who would you choose?) Ahem. This clue is obvious enough, right?
Non-DECO*27: Feast (Art should be full of cryptography and misleading. Is the answer you found out really an "ANSWER?") Oh, this line~!!! Here's one for the audience for a change.
Milgram: Triage (The correct answer, I don’t yet know, but there are lives that need safeguarding.) The lyrics are a bit dramatic when taking Haku's situation as context, but it works well enough.
DECO*27: Nocturnal kids (You can sleep now. I’ll protect you diligently, after all.) This ties in with the scene in his music video.
Non-DECO*27: Blind egoist (In a dream I can’t wake up from, I feverishly want my feelings to reach you. I look at my body spilling over and offer up my meager ‘love.') What can I say? He misses his brother.
Milgram: After pain (But I guess some of it is my fault. Maybe it’s ok as it is. I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?) Her first Milgram cover was INMF. How the tables have turned.
DECO*27: Reversible campaign (Depending on this self that can't be saved, I cheerfully decorate myself with a fake smile. How are the tears of a damaged girl?) Ah, these lines sure suit her well. Especially after her guilty verdict.
Non-DECO*27: Schema (I am a hazardous person, a hazardous person, a hazardous person. I’m beyond saving. This dance beat vanished in sorrow.) Her self-esteem issues have been hinted at a few times now. The 'dance beat' part can also be a reference to her first song title!
Milgram: I love you (My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care! Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?) Mahiru kinnie fr. His guilty verdict is starting to get to him, but not quite enough yet.
DECO*27: Candy Pattern (Trying to say “sorry”, but more than wanting to have you forgive me, I just want to be forgiven. I've turned into a spoiled child after all…) Some self-awareness from his guilty verdict?
Non-DECO*27: One of Repetition (I really did believe you, I didn't want to doubt you. I felt like we were drifting apart, but it was all a lie to begin with, we were never even close.) More insight into his relationship with Renho. :0
Milgram: Weakness (I was in denial, I was in denial. I just had to make sure. I’ve become a victim, I’ve become a victim. My loneliness was desired.) This song fits her really well. Now she and Ichiro share a cover. :D
DECO*27: Coward mont blanc (These are all the feelings I have, I’ll only say them in this many words. I loved you, but it was a heavy burden.) Its not as bad as it looks, I promise.
Non-DECO*27: Nomad (If I'm stuck struggling here, at the bottom of my dreams, I'd rather consume this night whole for all I'm worth. Just stay by my side until I disgust you.) Her feelings towards her husband...are sadly complicated.
Milgram: Cat (The beating of this heart... see... it’s no longer about good and bad... it isn’t. I realize the futility, but I still can’t help but dream.) Yes, Cat really fits Daisuke, but a big part of it suits Kiyoshi too. Mainly the lying and ignoring his feelings part. Also, old men. :D
DECO*27: Two breaths walking (The words I just learned become a knife that pierces through you, tearing your life to pieces.) Tbh I chose this song just to match his non-breath oblige cover.
Non-DECO*27: Non-breath oblige (I'll raise the white flag to the tyranny of the majority, suppress my ill feelings and say cheese.) He's such a people pleaser.
Milgram: Purge march (I will deny you, a distorted vision needs to be purged.) Yeah, the song isn't out yet, but I think it'd suit her well anyway. She and Amane share a lot in common despite their differences. :D
DECO*27: Poison apple (Pretending you’ve changed, negotiating, you never learn, do you? You’re see-through, your loneliness is so obvious, kinda pathetic.) For someone who she never interacted with when conscious, she likes to think she understood her victim well.
Non-DECO*27: The world's filth (Is this what you call happiness? Let's laugh and scorn at this rotten world.) She isn't coping well with her guilty verdict.
𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚞𝚜: 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚘
I've finally got his backstory in the works, so he'll have more of a personality from now on. But I don't have many chances to reveal his personality, so I decided to add him to this post. :D
Trial 1: 404: False Image (Sheesh, what stupid lies you choose! Are you trying to make sure of your existence? Just… Try your best to look for it. I wonder if someone will figure out what the true lie is someday.) The prisoners do love lying to him. And the mystery of Milgram hasn't been uncovered yet.
Trial 2: Matryoshka (Ah, I'm about to crack and burst, so I throw away all of my memories. Ah, I want to know, all the way to the bottom.) This song is so chaotic and catchy, perfect for him.
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thenewfuture · 11 months
You've said in previous posts that you're open to hearing criticisms about how you write the characters. Well, that earlier flashback post today is kind of the point where I have to put my foot down. For two reasons.
First of all…I just don't buy it. I don't buy either character's actions in the scene. Hiyoko is a little brat, but she is not so stupid that she would stand around spouting insults at someone who clearly intends to commit murder. She would try to make a run for it. Mikan in turn wouldn't freeze up for more than a moment. In her Despair state she'd spring to silence her witness immediately. She wouldn't stop to go on a rant about Hiyoko's bullying. Not only because it would risk others catching her in the act. But also because I don't think she'd really give a damn anymore. If she had, then Despair Hiyoko would have been murdered long before the Future Foundation ever caught the Remnants.
And secondly, I really think your distaste for Hiyoko as a character is negatively impacting the writing. Look I get it. She is one of the least likable characters in the game, and her kinnies have been pretty shitty of late (you have my sympathies for that incident the other day). However, the way you've written her death scene gives off huge "bitch had it coming" vibes. Mahiru and the other characters might say she didn't deserve that. But it doesn't come across that way at all. Hiyoko the victim is presented as unsympathetically as she possibly can be. While Mikan her murderer is presented as the complete opposite. Again, revenge for past bullying shouldn't factor into her decision making by that point. Mikan in Chapter 3 was motivated by pure and utter malice for the entire group.
You are fair and every right to your opinions on the matter. I'll be addressing some points I want to explain myself in some regard.
Hiyoko spouting insults and Mikan standing there. I can understand that in some capacity, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I was trying to go for the fact that because it was Mikan that was the killer, Hiyoko didn't suspect that she would do anything because Mikan is so weak and frail. Had it been anyone, I'd imagine she'd run 10/10. And for Mikan, she has to keep up the facade as much as possible. She even did so throughout the investigation and the trial. Though I guess it is a 50/50 in that regard, do you hide your malicious persona or just straight up double down? But I have seen murder mysteries where some characters will just straight be there with the killer instead of just.....getting help. Even Mahiru kind of agitated Fuyuhiko in Chapter 2 before Peko could kill her.
My dislike of Hiyoko. Hey, I will admit it. I do not like Hiyoko. I do not hide this. All the way at the bottom of this cast in my personal ranking. And if we include all the games and anime collectively, she'd still be low. But I gotta say, I don't think I intended to write it where Hiyoko was an "unsympathetic victim". She's the exact opposite, with other characters having a quick and painless death, Hiyoko was just there and trapped while Mikan prolonged the inevitable. You can even argue because Mikan has the Despair Disease, works out perfectly to give Hiyoko a sense of dread and despair until she dies. It was never a she had it coming moment. More of......karma moment, I guess? No seriously, take out the Despair Disease and it's quite clear why someone like Mikan would want to kill Hiyoko. And even regarding that, if you're telling me that no Despair Disease or not that Mikan did not make it at least a little personal to Hiyoko, I would not buy that.
A question. This is just for one thing I have regarding your post. Being, I don't understand what you mean by Despair Hiyoko not being there. Do you mean because Mikan doesn't like Hiyoko that she would kill her at any chance she could? Because no one of the cast likes Nagito, and he's around. I'm kind of lost here...
Bottom line is, I do appreciate the criticism here. It really helps and I thank you for being so professional about it. But what I wrote made sense to me in the long run, especially considering this is my story and I want to do it my way. And I know a lot of people are looking forward to when Mikan gets up where the two of them will go from there(especially Mod Poi). But, I'm not here to change your mind. You didn't like how I handled this? Well darn. All I can offer is my apologies, an attempt to do better moving forward, and a sincere hope that you will enjoy the rest of the story wherever it takes us.
Thank you again for the critique and your way of handling it!
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Hey! Wanted to say that the whole Sonic character inspired outfits thing is really cool and I love looking at all the fits. Speaking of the fits though, did you take pictures from certain websites or did you just search up a certain category of clothing? Just curious since I really liked a lot of the clothes and was wondering if there were website links :)
I'm actually really happy to hear it! Seeing people be interested - whether they just wanna give off fav character vibes, or they're kinnies, or the fanartists wanting inspo - it's awesome that these posts have been able to be enjoyed by a lot of ya'll <3 Thank you! I mostly got my images off of Pinterest because these days trying to download web images forces you to save it as god damn "WEBP" files jgiugubgufg - and Pinterest is like the HUB for aesthetics anyway so - it's a treasure trove, it's a library. When I could identify links and prices - I tried to keep them you know - at least under a £100 but suffice to say - if you wanna buy exactly those items - a lot of them are pricey. Some, I noticed, are from SHEIN. If you don't know about SHEIN - they're an absolute dogshit, piss stain of a company that overwork their employees tremendously. We're talking Amazon levels - possibily worse. But the thing is - they have some genuinely lovely pieces for so many different aesthetics - and they are SO affordable. Like ridiculously so. Which is why I can't fault people too harshly if they shop with SHEIN. Because clothes, in this economy, are absolutely miserably expensive if you want to look decent. But I do recommend limiting your purchases from them. Or avoiding them altogether.
My advice is to look outside of the online sphere and go to thrift stores (charity shops my fellow UK bretherin) - they legit have SO MANY OPTIONS. So many colours! So many styles! It's an absolute amazing place to go and you'll be surprised what you can get and for so little. Keep those images I posted on hand and look for pieces that fit the colours and vibes. Pick up each piece and envision the outfit (or several outfits) you can make with it. Like seriously - I had a girl in my college class who wore only thrifted clothes - she was stunning, every day slaying - and she had something very similar to Omega grunge aesthetic.
And bigger clothing stores aren't off the table either - wanna splurge? Why not! Look out for sales in stores near you - they're more common than you think! This applies both online and offline. At least in my area - I've unfortunatelly seen the closure of a lot of the big clothing stores but with that? Comes clothing down sales baby. Just keep an eye out! But the core of the message is - I can't tell you to go to the grunge store, or the light academia store - you've just gotta do a little bit of hunting <3 Thank you for the question!!
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linalilia · 1 year
Haku is so GOOFY is his own straightforward little way 😭😭💀 He's adorable like that, huh? It's only possible because he doesn't feel bad about his murder at all
Yes, you have my full permission to call Daisuke a Yuno kinnie! <3 Tbh, the more I explore his character, the more he seems like a weird fusion of Yuno and Kazui. He's such a poor little meow meow.
...Aha. Mayumi had her reasons. You'll understand soon.
Rin? A yandere? Whatever gave you that idea? 😊
Pls pls pls tell me your guesses. 👀 I'll guess for your undercover mv post if you tell me. /lh
Ye, ye, I can totally see what you mean! I guess you could say my prisoners' crimes do seem more "heartbreaking" compared to what your prisoners did (that doesn't necessarily make them more forgivable tho 👀). Maybe I just gravitate towards tragic murders?
yeah, i had a feeling that haku doesn't regret his crime at all djsdjkksdksd which is why i planned to vote him guilty at first
oh, i see, i see! :O daisuke really does have yuno and kazui vibes. and yes, i did vote him innocent because of his poor little meow meow energy 😭 LISTEN MY MORALS ARE WEIRD OKAY (i thought of making a post about, like, which canon prisoners my ocs are most similar to and. boy maybe i should've just let all of them cover it's not my fault because ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE SIMILAR TO MUU IN SOME WAY)
and about your prisoners' voicelines.. okay, here it goes jkskslsl
"It's not fair! She broke her promise! She deserved it!!!"
.. rin, if you're trying to seem more sympathetic, you're not doing a good job 😭
"Love will always pull through, huh?"
suzume! i actually was very close to voting her guilty just bc i wanted to see what would happen and just like with mayumi i had a bad feeling
"That's right. This is the only acceptable verdict for me."
umm maybe haku?? i'm not sure about this one..
"Why? Even though I asked for the death penalty..."
probably noa? i don't remember any other prisoners asking for something like that..
"...I guess I really don't deserve to be loved."
UHHHHH maybe ichiro??
"So you do understand."
i think it's kiyoshi?
"For real? Your moral compass must be a roulette wheel."
this felt like a call-out from daisuke and if it's his voiceline. um. SIR I CAN EXPLAIN- i can't actually i just do whatever i think is right
"At least vote consistently."
OKAY THIS ONE IS HARD i feel like it's either yui or mayumi?
"Yeah. That guy deserved what he got."
akane, maybe?
"*Heavy breathing* GAHHHHHHHH! How dare you???!!!!"
okay, if that one voiceline is mayumi's, then this must be yui's. i have no idea which character would react to their verdict like that jdksksklsk. ig maybe it also could be ichiro not being happy with getting a guilty verdict? (or maybe akane didn't want to get voted innocent?)
i'd love to see what you think about my prisoners' reactions to their verdicts! as i said in that post, i feel like some of them are very obvious, meanwhile some of them can only be understood after reading everyone's voice dramas. and considering that i have only akio's and aimi's voice dramas right now.. yeah, a lot of these prisoners haven't showed what they're really like yet.
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hopping straight into this hehe
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
feel this way by mega mango ("i saw you, i sought you/and you saw me too")
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
i <3 horror analysis video essays
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
hold something warm (cat, blanket, person, etc)
What is your favorite of Redacted’s videos, and why?
antons tinkering vid calms my mind and neutralizes my temper. he is so kind
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
david does not appeal to me lol
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
jurassic park
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
the whole DAMN crew but lasko is my best friend. in my mind i drive him to his grindr hookups
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
this novel ive read 3 times (its longer than the bible)
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
7-eleven slurpee or XL coffee depending on the time of year
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
guy enchants me. he is so fucking annoying and i want to smother him
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
i love japanese stage productions (the culture is extremely in depth and niche and cool)
im slowly writing a novel and write horror short stories in my free time
Tumblr media
Oh, we stan a creative writing duo, so it’s gotta be Guy.
One, do you know that you are giving off 100% Honey vibes? USDA Organic, single origin, California Honey and I love it it’s precious /gen
Two, we adore a couple that writes together! I imagine parallel work, just sitting in the same room and space and typing at your respective laptops, would be such a lovely activity for y’all. Would it be necessarily productive? Maybe!
I can very much see Guy being a bundle of energy, unable to sit still, and you putting your legs on top of his till he gets at least another page of his draft done. Either that or writing is one of the rare times Guy focuses of his own volition, and that ends up being a really quiet, intimate moment for you both, the two of you writing together.
I also don’t know what Guy writes, I’m sure Erik is leaving that ambiguous so we can play around with that, but that bubbly dude paired with a horror writer just tickles me pink, I love it. It’s giving golden retriever black cat, beast boy and raven (gn).
I've heard about him before/ I wanted to know some more/ And now I know what they mean, he's a love machine/ Oh, he makes me dizzy
I continue and persist with the Honey-kinnie allegations. Guy is most definitely a musical theater kid, and this is the cheesy, glorious shit he’d sing at the top of his lungs, following you around and lovingly harassing you for affection.
I kind of like Regulus for you- a horror for a horror fan. Milo would also be a cute match given he’s a heckin scaredy cat. It’s the horror video essays though. Regulus would have no interest, would turn them off if he thought they were taking your attention from him. Milo would watch them, but he’d get spooked. Guy picks the next one off the suggested videos column, and then you’re both down a twelve-hour knowledge rabbit hole.
Note: I worded the playlist question weirdly; you’re not the only one who sent me a Redacted playlist, so you’re totally fine, dear 💜 also I’m so curious as to what this novel you’re talking about is
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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rainagaintomorrow · 1 year
5, 9, and 22 for the winter redacted asks 💖
5. Who makes the best gingerbread houses? Do they have a theme?
Ok, hear me out. I think Caelum loves to make them but they aren't very good. But it's fun! (I feel like Gavin is really good at it for Caelum though, it's the big brother vibes.)
But the best is probably either Damien (perfectionist) and it's very meticulously rainbow themed OR it's Milo, who I think just has the patience to do something kind of cute like that and make a classic house.
9. Who makes the best hot chocolate? How fancy do they get with it?
Best hot chocolate award goes to David and I've just decided it's because his dad would make him and his mom hot chocolate while she was sick and it continued even after she passed and it's just. It's something really important to him. He has PERFECTED the hot chocolate recipe and ratio of marshmallows, spices, and whipped cream. It's delicious and everyone wants one at the solstice party, or if they're having a bad day!
22. Who struggles the most with seasonal depression? Who counts down the day until summer?
you bitch. you chose this for me specifically. i hate you. i love you.
I want to say Damien, but that's my Damien kinnie and my projection coming through. But like.... he is sun-bound! It almost makes sense.... right? is it just me projecting fuck
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